#i have other ocs and islanders as part of the team
justtuesdays · 2 years
it’s the little things: meet the vipers
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5’7” | Los Ángeles, California
She’s tattooed herself once or twice.
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5’7” | New York, New York
The only one successfully triple majoring at Camden.
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5’9” | Brooklyn, New York
Loves Starbucks, hates coffee.
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5’8” | Cambridge, England
Still doesn’t have her driver’s license.
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5’8” | London, England
She’s made every dress she owns.
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5’10” | New York, New York
They speak five languages. No they won’t say which.
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5’5” | Bridgehampton, Long Island
Starts her mornings with a 5-mile run.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Shoulder II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: They're all hoverers
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Sometimes, you think that your family can do no wrong.
Your mothers are loving. Your girlfriend adores you. Everyone gets on with each other, even though Magda and Talia pretend they don't.
Other times, you just want to live alone somewhere on an island with no other people around to fuss over you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to adjust your sling?" Talia asks, lips pursed in thought," I saw you wincing a second ago."
"I was wincing because my painkillers are wearing off."
After your win with Lyon, you had decided to travel back to Sweden with your mothers to finish off your recovery there. You'd told Talia to just return to Spain, to make the most of her days off from football before joining up with the Spanish team.
She'd refused and insisted on coming with you to make sure you're okay.
Nearly a week in now and all three of them were driving you up the wall.
"Should I get you more?" Her girlfriend asks and you roll your eyes, leaning forward to peck her cheek.
"You're sweet, Talia," You say," But I can't take anymore for at least another hour."
She pouts. "Is there nothing I can do to help? Do you want some food or something?"
"No food!" You hear Pernille shout from the kitchen," This is almost done!"
You rolls your eyes.
She's been slaving away on the stove since you woke up.
She'd already had breakfast prepared and lunch already prepped and ready to be cooked. She's making it now but she's also been making it for the past hour now.
You're pretty sure she's cooking dinner simultaneously but you're not too sure. That's the only reason it could be taking this long.
"Are you sure?" You ask," Not even a little snack?"
"No," Pernille says," Just a few more minutes."
You're a little worried, truthfully.
As a child, Magda had always been the one cooking the big meals and Pernille helped by doing little things like putting broccoli in the oven or taking the meat out when asked.
So, you're a little apprehensive at what Pernille's cooking now.
You hope someone gave her a recipe to follow rather than letting her make something that appeared in her head.
"Here," Magda says, appearing at your other side," To tide you over."
A handful of magic stars are placed in your hands.
You used to love these as a kid but they were only ever really bought when you went to the cinema because you never liked popcorn.
You don't know where Magda bought them in Sweden but you're grateful as you throw them into your mouth.
You think Pernille thinks you're going to ruin your lunch, like you're a little kid again that has eyes bigger than her stomach.
It's sweet, you think but a little annoying.
"Have some more," Magda says, shaking more from the bag straight into your hands," You need to keep your strength up."
"I hurt my arm-"
"Dislocated it," Talia corrects.
"-I'm not sick."
"Having chocolate doesn't have anything to do with sickness," Magda says," It's just making sure you have energy."
"You're hovering," You tease and Magda makes an offended noise.
"If I'm hovering then what's Talia doing?!"
"Hovering," You deadpan," You're both hovering."
"We're making sure you're okay," Talia says," You'd fault us for that?"
"No," You say," I fault you for being so overbearing about it. If I feel bad or if I ache or if I need some comfort, I can tell you. Don't you trust me?"
Talia's expression softens a little and she smiles.
"Yeah. I trust you."
"And Morsa?" You say, turning to Magda," Do you trust me too?"
Magda purses her lips, not responding for a few seconds. "I..." She sighs. "Yeah but you have to tell us, alright? No trying to deal with it on your own."
You roll your eyes. "Fine."
"Good girl," Magda says, a sot kiss pressed to your temple.
"Alright." Pernille appears out of nowhere. "Lunch is served!"
It smells alright, the soup that has taken her an hour to make.
You force down a spoonful.
It's horrifically salty.
"How is it?" Pernille asks.
You force a smile onto your face.
"It's amazing."
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part II
·        DESTINY IS A FUNNY THING by Megara Pike | Published: 2020-08-21 | 198K Words | 45 Chapters
ATLA Season 3 rewrite, fills in a lot of blanks between canon scenes. From the Southern Raiders to Sozin's Comet through coronation and aftermath. Growing friendships, bonding, being there for each other, a carnival & a cave, epic spirits' appearance on the Ember island, sparring, nightmares, assassination attempts, political ruses, and covert operations. Lovely, sweet. Exciting plot.
 ·        ATLA Book 4: Ashes by elayne_cypher | Published: 2018-10-27 | 306K words | 34 Chapters
This action-packed story picks up right after Ember Island Players and continues well after the war. Zuko is facing many challenges as a new Fire Lord. Romance, tough decisions, rebels, traitors, out-of-body experiences, secret headquarters, angst, teamwork, fire jets. The story has a bunch of OCs.
 ·        Refraction by caroes3725  | Published: 2020-09-09 | 215K Words | 37 Chapters
After breaking up with Aang, Katara needs to figure out her place and role in the patriarchal world. As determined Katara stubbornly bulldozes her way through Fire Nation political scene, her feelings for Zuko grow. Diplomatic visits, Gaang reunion, bonding with Kanna, insights into the life of Caldera city, stuffy politicians, cute correspondence, tropical storm, women supporting women, assassination attempts, personal boundaries. A sweet well-written coming-of-age story with a healthy measure of slow-burn and mutual pining. Katara and Zuko are both POVs, but the story mostly follows Katara. Bonus: Mai is NOT a clingy resentful idiot, but a smart person and a good friend. Some explicit language here and there, a bit of mild smut.
 ·        I Asked You First by halfhoursonearth | Published: 2020-10-03 | 142K words | 22/? Chapters
Ongoing, incomplete. Post Southern Raiders ATLAS3 rewrite. Mostly canon-compliant with blanks filled in between familiar scenes. Zuko and Katara develop a close friendship built on trust and sharing each other’s fears and hopes. Includes mentions of implied child abuse, Lu Ten’s diaries, exploring Avatar Roku’s legacy, sharing a balcony, heart-to-hearts, a hot spring under the stars, an actual date, and artbending. It’s incomplete, but what we have is bliss. Slowburn, mutual pining. Zutara-centric, but also explores the personalities of Team Avatar and their relationships.
 ·        Katara Alone by cablesscutie | Published: 2020-05-31 | 21K words
Katara is not an “unnecessary accessory to a more powerful man”. After the war, she is willing to forge her own path as she turns to people who need her the most on her journey of self-discovery. Features character exploration, correspondence, exploring outback villages of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, sweet reunions, and new firebending skills.
 ·        THE PHOENIX AND THE DRAGON - THE COMPLETE SERIES by JasmineTeaLatte | Published: 2021-06-11 | 100K words | 31 Chapters
This story picks up after The Ember Island Players. Zuko and Katara get to know each other during a late-night conversation by the campfire. In this story, you will find healthy boundaries, protective Sokka, a dash of Taang, sparring, funny banter & lots of flirting.
·        HESITATE by tiffaniesblews | Published: 2020-07-11 | 22K Words | 12 Chapters
This story picks up right after Zuko's coronation and spans two years afterwards. Zuko & Katara talk, share a few beautiful moments, write to each other, and reunite for the 2nd anniversary of the war ending. Very sweet, fluffy story about two sweethearts figuring out their feelings for each other.
·        LIKE WE'RE MADE OF STARLIGHT by Naladot | Published: 2021-11-28 | 5K Words
Katara leaves her post as the ambassador to the Fire Nation to take up a new one as the ambassador to the Northern Water Tribe. Her absence makes Zuko realize that he's got an unfortunate crush, which he is determined to keep secret. Unfortunately for him, subtly has never been one of his strengths—especially when he arrives in the Northern Water Tribe and she keeps taking him on what seem to be dates.
·        FIGURE IT OUT by clearascountryair | Published: 2021-12-20 | 35K words | 13 Chapters
After choosing not to kill Yon Rha, Katara rethinks her sense of self and others' perceptions of her. Or,    In which Katara learns that there’s a really big difference between being kissed when you don’t want to be and being kissed when you do. Aged-up 3B/Ember Island AU.
-  I FOUND YOU by that_turtleduck | Published: 2020-11-01 Completed: 2024-02-24 Words: 157,541 Chapters: 28/28
After divorcing Aang, Katara uproots her family and travels to Caldera. There she finds comfort, kindness and support from an old friend. Katara tries to find her footing as an independent political figure. Great story & relationship dynamic of Momtara & Dadko in their early 30s (Ember island, diplomatic meeting, dancing, turtleduck pond, letters). Delicious slow burn with rewarding spicy resolution in the end (explicit open door). Titters on the side of Anti-Aang.
Here’s a link to Part I of my personal favorites.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
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occasionallycoinpin · 1 month
i need to know what that storyline for oc 110 was
i’ll be honest, i started writing it down, got distracted by other things, and then completely forgot about it until now
so i guess i’ll dump what i have right now, and finish it up later
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occasionally coinpin 155
(collapsed for length)
(this is an m&l dream team riff so there’s a good amount of similarities bit whatev)
Many years after the competitions end, a miraculous discovery! Leafy, while going through old messages to delete to save memory, finds an odd, unopened email from January 1st, 2012. As it turns out, Dream Island wasn’t destroyed all those years ago! It was simply relocated to a new part of the ocean, the robotic staff waiting ever so patiently for their new owner to claim her island. Leafy, ever the kind soul, invites everyone to Dream Island for a wonderful vacation!
As the BFDI crew will soon come to find out, there is a very literal reason the island is named DREAM Island.
The Arrival:
The charter ship arrives at the island rather precariously, so much so that Pin, observing the docking with her friends, falls off the ship and has her point stuck in the ground. While the robotic servants assist her, Coiny and the others must head along for the introduction tour.
Rather predictably, Coiny and Firey start feuding about something or other, which begins the first boss fight: Metal Firey (they had him eat a yoyleberry earlier to not burn down the ship).
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- A tutorial fight for the basic mechanics, very simple as the only move Coiny has available is Jump.
- Done in a few hits + counterattacks.
The delay caused by the fight allows Pin to catch up with everyone else, and the welcoming festivities continue.
After a bit of exploring the Dreamscape Hotel, Coiny and Pin stumble upon a door which a robotic servant says simply leads to the basement. And indeed it does! Though the servant neglected to mention that there weren’t actually any stairs down, and the door simply led to an open chasm that the duo fall into. Time to find a way out.
The Discovery:
The basement is filled with crud you’d expect to see in a basement, as well as some basic enemies. The duo find the Hammers down here, an essential tool. As they descend further the basement starts looking less basement-like and starts looking more temple-like: the Dreamscape Hotel was built on top of the ruins of an ancient temple.
Deep in the temple, they find a wall mural of an ancient civilization seeking salvation in a figure that bears an awfully unsettling resemblance to Pin. But before the duo can dwell on this any longer, two Stone Pin statues come to life and attack!
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- An exam fight for both using two characters at once as well as using the Hammers.
- The Stone Pins can only be Hammered at first, but if properly countered they will fall on their backs, allowing Jumps that deal critical hits.
After the fight, who else shows up but Golf Ball, immediately berating the duo for destroying such priceless archeological artifacts. She’s down here as she’s set up a Lab in the basement (because of course she did) and wanted to see what all the noise was about. The duo follow her back to the Lab.
The Dream World:
A small crowd has gathered in the Lab, curious as to what the ruckus was about. GB takes this opportunity to go into a lecture about a new phenomenon she’s discovered on the island: certain spots emanate a strange energy, one that she is currently researching located right in the middle of the Lab. Pin, not really paying attention, investigates the spot and nearly immediately passes out. GB, taking this as an insult to her lecture, goes on another rant, completely distracting her from the fact a portal has opened over the sleeping Pin.
Everyone in the crowd is surprised by this development, except for Pillow, who was seemingly expecting it. She hurriedly grabs Needle and jumps into the portal. Coiny, not one to stand by while his friend gets kidnapped, hurries in after them.
Coiny finds himself in Dreamy Dreamscape Hotel and soon meets up with Dreamy Pin, the embodiment of Pin’s mental self image. In battle, Dreamy Pin will augment Coiny, boosting his stats and enhancing his Jump and Hammer. After some exploration, the duo find Pillow and the now unconscious Needle, and a boss fight against Pillow begins.
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- Pillow starts the fight by summoning a legion of False Dreamy Pins to surround her, which can both attack independently and assist Pillow with her own attacks.
- Partway through the fight, Pillow steals Coiny’s Hammer and disguises herself and the False Dreamy Pins as False Dreamy Coinys. She then proceeds to shuffle herself into the crowd, and the player must keep track of which one is Pillow. Jumping on the right one removes the disguises and returns the Hammer, while Jumping on a wrong one reveals it as a False Dreamy Pin and deals damage.
- After taking enough damage, Pillow flees the fight.
The Disaster:
Despite the fight, Pillow has enough energy left to enact her plan: she stabs Needle into the ground, creating a crack that spews a strange energy. Outside, in the Real World, the portal begins emitting this energy. Strange, dark crystals begin growing on some of the robotic servants, as well as a good amount of the BFDI crew, all throughout the island.
After the energy clears, Pillow takes Needle down into the hole she created, which closes up after them. Coiny and Dreamy Pin are dumbfounded, and, after breaking some of the dark crystal blocking the way, have no choice but to return to the Real World to reassess.
When Coiny returns out of the portal, and Pin awakens, GB can’t help but start asking a million questions about what had just happened. After one of the strange crystals formed in the Lab, GB attempted to harvest it to no avail before it mysteriously evaporated. After the duo fill her in, she deduces that the crystals must exist in the Real and Dream Worlds simultaneously, and while it is indestructible in the Real World, it is possible to break while in the Dream World. GB dubs this material Crystalized Somnolescent Energy, whereas Coiny purports the much more popular name Nightmarium.
Various objects start rushing into the Hotel, saying that more crystals are around and that anyone afflicted by them has fallen into a coma. By now, the duo’s mission is two-fold: find out where Pillow disappeared to, and destroy all of the Nightmarium that has grown across the island. While GB needs to stay in her Lab to perform more research, she produces the GB-Drone: a miniature drone that allows GB to communicate with the duo while they’re out and about. The duo set out to the closest location to the Hotel: the Fantasy Fairgrounds.
and that’s all i’ve got for now. if people seem to like this i’ll present more of the story in this fashion, and if not i’ll just dump the rest when it’s completely finished
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kunshokunsho · 11 months
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ninjago OC !
been seeing a lot of dad! jay so i wanted to share my take on it :) lore is under the cut !!
TW abuse ! ALSO i am no means a writer and i’m definitely illiterate and this is my first time ever writing my ocs lore down (usually i keep it in my brain) so i hope it’s easy to understand 🥲 anywho
Ino is from the kingdom of wildness and is an oni. in oni cultural the runt of the litter is used to do all their dirty work, Ino being the weakest and youngest of his ‘family’ is abused, and treated like a slave.
when jay finds him he is malnourished and neglected, his hair is long and tangled, he has bruises and cuts on his face and old unclean bandages wrapped around his body. The oni have no use for ino, despite him doing all the chores around his house so jay buys him off of them.
it basically goes like this lol
jay- how much for the kid.
oni - ?????? bruh idk like 3 bucks
jay- k. *takes ino and leaves*
after the merge,Jay had taken refuge on a small inhabited island with a few other people from ninjago, they create a village, and are living quite nicely despite them living in a new world. Jay takes Ino to his home and get him cleaned up, but not a single time had ino said a word to jay, did they speak the same language? had he been so scared that he wouldn’t say anything? well it was both. Ino is in-fact, scared and can only speak the old tongue of the oni. Never in his life had he meet a human before, well besides that one fiery girl with red hair, who’s dragon attempted to eat him. but he didn’t count her, she was…. interesting. He did not speak their human language and he looked so different from him so why did the man in blue take him in? but that didn’t matter anymore, Jay had washed him up, gave him fresh clothing, cut his overgrown hair and nails as well as give him a name, a home, and most importantly, a family.
time skip a few years (it can vary depending on how long you think the merge timeskip was)
as time goes by jay teaches ino how to fight and how to maintain his oni powers, along the line he learns spinjitzu. a few years later when jay is corrupted by the kingdom of madness, he loses his memories and joins the administration, unknowingly jay passes his elemental power down to ino as way of saying goodbye.
and that’s kinda what i have lolz, somewhere along the line sora and arin see him doing spinjitzu and are like WOAHHH join our ninja team!!! but he doesn’t cause he’s awkward and wants to keep the jay situation a secret.
some facts! ~~
- ino is quite smart and it did not take him long to learn the ninjago language
- Despite being oni he mostly stays in his human form for fear of being judge
- i draw him with horns, but he canonically doesn’t have them unless his emotions get the best of him and struggles to keep his human appearance
- when he was younger jay had told him many stories about lloyd and wu as his way of saying “well not all oni are bad”, he even mentions mystake but leaves the part of him being drugged by her(season 8)
- jay had given him the name Ino, he saw somewhere that it meant storm and was like COOL but he wasnt aware that it also meant bad
- when ino talks about jay he refers to him as his father or dad, but never actually calls him that (jay has no problem referring to ino as his son)
- before the merge, when ino was younger, he used to play with wildfyre and even prank the lava-tides together, but their friendship didn’t last very long due to the onis and dragons hating eachother ( heatwave wouldn’t let wildfyre play)
- ino meets arin sora and wildfyre in a random village, they get to know each other but later that night the village is attacked by a strange monster. ino loses control of himself when he sees his new friends get hurt and loses control of his oni self.
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Living Up To The Legacy ✈️ | Top Gun: Maverick P.1
Contains spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick
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Series Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: LT. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Lt. Barbara ‘Legacy’ Mitchell (past romance/eventual romance), Cpt. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (platonic), Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin (platonic), Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace (platonic), pretty much every other character is a platonic pairing
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, slight age-gap (Rooster was born in 1984, Barbara in 1989), mentions of death, spoilers for TGM | Female OC (she/her) | Wc: 10k
Premise: Nearly grounded once and for all after disobeying orders, Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell is sent to North Island, California on a new assignment. The goal: teach a group of TOPGUN graduates how to work as a team and successfully destroy a uranium plant before it is fully operation. The problem, two of the candidates have a personal connection to Maverick and each other, but all are estranged. Maverick comes face to face with a new mission on his plate, one that looks nearly impossible compared to the difficult task he is to perform.
Note: So for this story, I looked it up and it says on the wiki that Rooster was born in 1984 and for this I’m making Barbara born in 1989 so they have roughly a five-ish year age-gap between them. Also considering this movie was supposed to be released in 2020, the plot I think take place in 2019 so that’s gonna be the year it is set in. Hope that makes sense and sorry for any confusion. If I made any inconsistencies, I’ll go back and fix them later on.
“Maverick. Thirty plus years of service. Combat medals. Citations. Only man to shoot down three enemy plans in the last forty years. Distinguished. Distinguished. Distinguished,” Admiral Cain’s low voice reads off the paper. In front of him, Maverick stares ahead at attention. Once again the infamous naval pilot is faced with the consequences of his actions. This time it was going against orders to go through with testing the “Darkstar” scramjet at Mach 10.
An action which led to him pushing it, in Maverick fashion, and ultimately destroying it.
“Yet you can’t get a promotion. You won’t retire. And despite your best efforts you refuse to die. You should at least be a two star Admiral by now, if not a senator,” Cain points out. “Yet here you are. Captain. Why is that?”
There was no time to joke around, but Mav couldn’t help it. “It’s one of life’s mysteries, sir.”
“This isn’t a joke. I asked you a question,” Cain snaps with no humor in his tone.
“I’m where I belong, sir.”
“Well, the navy doesn’t see it that way,” Cain shakes his head. “Not anymore.” The sound of a jet passes by as Cain leans back in his chair. “These planes you’ve been testing, Captain, one day, sooner or later, they won’t need pilots at all. Pilots that need to sleep, eat, take a piss.” He looks back to Maverick, a slight glare in his expression. “Pilots that disobey orders. Which I hear has become a habit of yet another pilot who has taken it upon herself to live up to the Mitchell name.”
A silence passes as Maverick takes in his words. He doesn’t want to react at the mention of his daughter. The one he hadn’t seen in years. Part of him feels a sense of pride. That she is as rebellious as he was in his youth, pissing off superiors left and right. But on another note it worries him. The last thing he’d want for her is to lose her career over mistakes and disobeying.
Cain then points out the obvious, “All you did was buy some time for those men out there. The future is coming, and you’re not in it.” This has Mav looking away, not wanting to accept what the Admiral was telling him.
“Escort this man off the base,” Cain leans forward. “Take him to his quarters. Wait with him while he packs his gear. I want him on the road to North Island within the hour.”
“North Island, sir?” Mav asks with confusion. Of course he knew what lay in North Island. So why the hell was he going there?
“Call came in with impeccable timing—right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all,” the tone in Cain’s voice read that he was not at all happy to deliver the news—if it was up to him, Maverick would be out of the Navy for good. “It galls me to say it, but….for reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel, you’ve been called back to TOPGUN.”
The look on Mavericks face was only that of shock—and probably fear. Back to Top Gun?? After thirty years?? It couldn’t be real. “Sir?”
Cain cuts him off, “You are dismissed, Captain.”
Picking his head up, blinking rapidly as he did, Maverick slowly turns on his heel. As he heads out, Cain calls to him one last time. “The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.”
Stopping shortly in front of the door, Mav glances to the floor before facing his now former superior. In his gaze is determination, as though it would not be the last Cain saw of him. “Maybe so sir. But not today.”
The ride to North Island was quick. Mostly because Mav was speeding if he was being honest. There was nothing like the sight of an F-18 taxiing down the runway before taking off into the horizon. It brought a smile to the pilots face, cruising down the road next to the airstrip and pumping the gas to try and beat the jet before it went airborne.
When he arrived at Fightertown located in San Diego, the first thing Maverick did was head to the building where he was to meet with his new superiors. Walking in, Mav’s eyes caught sight of a familiar picture hanging on the wall to his left. It was a black and white photograph of a young Maverick shaking hands with a man he once rivaled, after successfully shooting down enemy planes.
Where a forever friendship was formed. Where Maverick found his wingman.
Behind him, was another photo. This one showed the same man Maverick was shaking hands with, but much older with an array of ribbons signifying his accomplishments. Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, Commander of the U.S Pacific Fleet, Mav’s wingman and literal guardian angel for when he fucks up.
Smiling at the photo, Mav continues down the hallway to the meeting room he’s expected at.
“Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. Your reputation precedes you,” were the words he was greeted with from the three-star admiral seated at the head of the table. Beside him was a two-star admiral.
“Thank you, sir.”
The admiral tilts his head, almost humored. “Wasn’t a compliment. I’m Admiral Beau Simpson. I’m the air boss. I believe you know Admiral Bates.”
Mav nods to the man in greeting, “Warlock, sir. Must admit, I wasn’t expecting an invitation back.”
“They’re called orders, Maverick,” Warlock corrects, albeit a small smirk on his lips. Mav sheepishly smiles, glancing to the ground. “You two have something in common,” Warlock gestures to the man beside him, “Cyclone here was first in his class back in ‘88.”
“Actually, sir, I finished second,” Mav points out. “Just want to manage expectations.” He ends with a full grin, as if he found the jab at himself funny.
Cyclone didn’t look impressed.
“The target….” Warlock leans in to redirect the subject before pressing something on the device in front of him. The screen behind Mav depicts blueprints, the Captain turning to see. “—is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region. The Pentagon has tasked us with assembling a strike team and taking it out before it becomes fully operational.”
The screen switches to a geographic model showcasing a mountain. “The plant sits in an underground bunker at the end of this valley. Said valley is GPS jammed and defended by an extensive surface-to-air missile array,” red dots light up around the mountain. They symbolize missiles protecting the bunker. “—serving a limited number of fifth generation fighters, which in turn are backed up by a plentiful reserve of surplus aircraft. Even a few old F-14s.”
“Seems like we’re not the only ones holding on to old relics,” Cyclone comments, noticing the look on Mav’s face at the sight of the old jets they used to fly back in the day.
“What’s your read, Captain?” Warlock asks, causing Mav to look intensely at the screen.
What he saw was something almost impossible. Looking at it from any angle indicated this to the esteemed pilot. It made Mav fear for the others who would be involved.
He cleared his throat before speaking. “Well, sir, normally this would be a cakewalk for the F-35’s stealth, but the GPS-jamming negates that. And a surface-to-air threat necessitates a low-level laser-guided strike tailor made for the F-18. I figure,” he pauses to think. “Two precision bombs, minimum. Makes it four aircraft flying in pairs.” Cyclone and Warlock share a look, while Mav points a finger at the mountain. “That is one hell of a steep climb out of there, exposing you to all the surface-to-air missiles. You survive that, it’s a dogfight all the way home.”
“All requirements for which you have real-world experience,” Warlock says, causing Mav to glance at him.
“Not the same mission, sir.” He turns back to the screen, deep in thought. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, the odds were not in their favor for this type of mission. “No, someone’s not coming back from this.”
“Can it be done or not?” Cyclone questions, wanting to hurry up and finish the meeting. Time was at the essence and they needed to get started.
“How soon before the plant becomes operational?”
“Three weeks,” Warlock answers. “Maybe less.”
Bidding one last look to the screen, Maverick turns to face the Admirals. Oblivious to what they really wanted him there for. In his mind, he was the man tasked with leading the mission. “Well, it’s been a while since I’ve flown an F-18, and…I’m not sure who I’d trust to fly the other three.” He continues talking, not noticing the look Cyclone gives Warlock which has the latter interrupting him. “But I'll find a way to make it work—.”
“I think you misunderstand, Captain.”
This has Mav confused, “Sir?”
“We don’t want you to fly it,” Cyclone tells him. “We want you to teach it.”
Now that was the last thing the man expected. “Teach, sir?” Teaching and Maverick were not something to be used in the same sentence. He learned that quickly in his two months as instructor….thirty years prior.
His superiors both give a sigh, before Cyclone switches the screen on the projector. “We’ve recalled twelve Top Gun graduates from their squadrons.” Two rows of photos appeared showing the selected graduates in their flight jumpsuits. Each had their name along with their call sign located at the bottom. “We want you to narrow that pool down to six.”
Maverick let his eyes scan the photos, reading over the names after getting a look at each face they belonged to. BOB, OMAHA, HALO, YALE, HARVARD, FANBOY, PAYBACK, COYOTE, HANGMAN, PHOENIX. And then his attention was brought to the last two on the far right, making his heart sink as he read ROOSTER and LEGACY.
It was like the universe was out to get him. Digging up bones that could never be buried no matter how much he tried to fix the past. The boy with the golden hair and mustache, making him look like a carbon copy of his dad, Goose. Mavericks lost wingman who he still blames himself for his death. And the girl he failed as a father, a spitting image of his own self with matching blue-green eyes and black hair.
He hadn’t seen either in years. And if what Ice told him was true about what happened to their relationship, then Mav was at a loss to even attempt to approach the subject with his daughter. She never called. Never sent a text. Or even an email. But Maverick couldn’t blame her.
“They’ll fly the mission.” Cyclone’s voice brought him out of his inner battle with his thoughts. The admiral notices the clench of his jaw, and distant look in his eye as he turns away from the screen. “Is there a problem, Captain?”
The condescending tone nearly had Maverick walking out of the room. “You know there is, sir.”
“Yeah,” he replies nonchalantly, tapping the tablet with his finger. The screen pulls up the image of Rooster and all his information. “Bradley Bradshaw, aka ‘Rooster.’ I understand you used to fly with his old man. What was his call sign?” Of course the admiral knew, but he wanted Maverick to tell him anyway.
The pain in the Captain's heart was clear as he said aloud, “‘Goose’, sir.”
“Tragic what happened.”
“Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing,” Warlock interjects, feeling sympathy for the pilot. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose one’s wingman. “Goose’s death was an accident.”
“Is that how you see it, Captain,” Cyclone asks before gesturing to the screen. It was clear he was getting under Mavericks skin. And it was working. “Is that how Goose’s son sees it?” Before the pilot could answer, Cyclone changed the screen to the next image.
The woman staring back at them had dark black hair cut in a sleek bob that fell just above her chin. She had strong cheekbones and jawline, dark brows framing what Maverick knew were bright blue-green eyes—which were grey in contrast to the colorless photo—and plump lips like her mother. She wasn’t smiling in her photo. When thinking about it, Mav couldn’t remember the last time he saw his daughter smile.
Once again Cyclone’s voice caught his attention. “Lieutenant Barbara Mitchell. Better known as ‘Legacy,’ which is something she certainly lives up to. Your daughter's reputation nearly rivals that of your own, Captain.”
Mavericks lips curl up, “so I’ve heard.”
Cyclone grimaces while Warlock smirks. It was already a handful having one Mitchell at Top Gun. Add a second and there surely would be chaos of some sort. But, they were the best of the best. Literally. Barbara Mitchell lived up to the legacy of her family in every aspect there was.
There was also another subject to note in regards to the three—Maverick, Rooster, and Legacy—being called back to Top Gun. “It’s my understanding Rooster and Legacy are—I’m sorry, were spouses. Or has the divorce not been finalized?”
Maverick grimaced, glancing away with his jaw clenched. So what Ice told him was true. It pained the aviator to know the two didn’t last. It was never easy being a couple where both were in the military, let alone fighter pilots and on top of that Maverick felt an underlying reason for their relationship ended was in regards to him.
It had been nearly two years since Ice told him Barb had filed for separation. Knowing his daughter, Mav knew she’d want to cut the ribbon loose instead of drawing it out and going to court so he expected the divorce was quick. Cyclone was just trying to piss him off. Mav wouldn’t put it past him to know they were in fact divorced.
Instead of answering the Admiral, he changed the topic to a more important matter. “With all due respect, sir, I’m not a teacher.” It didn’t work the last time, he doubted it would again.
“You were a Top Gun instructor before.”
“That was almost thirty years ago. I lasted two months,” He replied, trying to show it was a bad idea to give him the job. “It’s not where I belong.”
“Then let me be perfectly blunt,” Cyclone started, not showing really any sympathy. “You were not my first choice. In fact, you weren’t even on the list. You are here at the request of Admiral Kazansky.” Ah, Ice saves the day once again. “Now, Iceman happens to be a man I deeply admire, and he seems to think that you have something left to offer the Navy,” he pauses to shake his head.
“What that is, I can’t imagine. You don’t have to take this job. But let me be clear: this will be your last post, Captain. You fly for Top Gun, or you don’t fly for the Navy ever again.”
And just like that, Maverick was back at Top Gun. Whether he liked it or not.
Later that night Maverick ended up sitting at the bar at the local tavern ‘The Hard Deck.’ Two Lieutenants he recognized as the recruits Hangman and Coyote were tossing darts. Mav watched them for a while until he passed a few texts between him and Ice. Then to his surprise, the lady behind the bar was none other than his former flame, Penny.
He thought the conversation was going well….until she rang the bell. “Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cell phone on my bar,” Mav recited as he lifted his phone off the bar.
“And you buy a round,” Penny finished for him, a mischievous smile coating her lips.
With a hesitant look, Mav glanced around, “For everyone?” He questioned.
“I’m afraid rules are rules. You’re lucky it’s early.” Mav watched her walk away, smiling with a light blush to his cheeks. Every time he saw Penny, something in him stirred like he was a giddy teenager again.
“What do we have here?” The sound of Hangman’s voice called his attention. He followed the blonde’s gaze to a trio of officers entering the bar. A female lieutenant walked ahead of the two guys behind her. Mav recognized them as Phoenix, Fanboy, and Payback.
“If it ain’t Phoenix!” Hangman lifted the cue up and walked beside the table to greet them. “And here I thought we were special, Coyote. Turns out the invite went to anyone.”
Lt. Trace, aka Phoenix just smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. “Fellas, this here’s Bagman.”
“Hangman,” he corrected.
“Whatever,” her tone indicated she didn’t care. “You’re looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill.”
Hangman smiled, obviously feeling the inflation to his ego. “Stop.” He really didn’t want her to.
The tables then turned. “Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War,” Phoenix points out, playing down on his accomplishment.
“Cold War,” Coyote jumps in.
“Different wars, same century,” Lt. Fitch counters.
“Not this one,” says Lt. Garcia.
Coyote gestures to the two with a pool cue in his hand. “Who are your friends?”
“Payback,” Fitch tells him and Garcia follows with, “Fanboy.”
“Hey, Coyote,” Phoenix greets.
“Hey,” he replies with a smirk. The woman nudges her head to the right, “who’s he?”
“Who’s who?” All eyes draw to the Lieutenant brushing something off some peanut shells off his uniform seated by the pool table. When he notices them looking at him he freezes. Coyote is the first to speak, “When did you get in?”
The blonde man with glasses smiles sheepishly, “Oh, I've been here the whole time.” At no point did the group notice the man, who was munching on some peanuts and watching the interaction play out.
“The man’s a stealth pilot,” Hangman comments and Coyote agrees, “Literally.”
“Weapons systems officer, actually,” he politely corrects. It causes Hangman to nod his head, “With no sense of humor,” and hand off the pool cue to Phoenix.
“What do they call you,” She asks. There’s an immediate blush to his cheeks when he answers, “Bob.”
“No, your call sign,” Payback rephrases. Again, the blonde man appears embarrassed, “Uhh….Bob.”
The name rings a bell for the female aviator, “Bob Floyd. You’re my new backseater? From Lemoore.” Beside her, Fanboy was lightly laughing.
Bob smiles at her, “Looks like it. Yeah.” She looks him over, as if to read him and gives a nod before handing him the cue, “nine-ball, Bob. Rack ‘em.” He stared at the cue, not really expecting to be included in the game. “Okay,” he eventually says while getting up from the chair.
Over at the bar, Hangman goes to cash in on the round bought by Maverick. “Penny, my dear.”
“Yeah,” she says, going up to him.
“I’ll have four more on the old-timer,” his eyes meet Maverick as he orders. The older man shakes his head when Penny gives him a look while going to grab the beers. A few moments later his attention is again drawn to the entrance of the bar when Phoenix loudly calls out to a patron.
A patron Maverick had yet to reunite with.
“Bradshaw!” She yells, capturing the young Lieutenant’s eyes. “Is that you?” At the bar, Maverick turns his back away, preventing Rooster from seeing him when he walks to the group. The woman gives an offended look when he approaches, “This is how I find out you’re stateside?”
The aviator sunglasses are removed and tucked into his shirt. “Yeah, I just thought I’d surprise you.” He comes up behind Phoenix as she lines up the shot.
“Hmm.” Bending down, Phoenix draws the cue back and makes direct contact with Rooster’s gut. He grunts, the woman pushing the cue forward to hit the ball and letting it shoot across the table. Rooster bends, clutching his stomach with a pained expression. “I guess I surprised you back.”
Squinting, Rooster lifts his gaze to her and smiles as best as he can, “It’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you too,” she replies, her smile then falling. “Do you know if—.” The shake of his head cuts Phoenix off from finishing the sentence.
“We’ll find out sooner or later,” he stands straight, glancing at the other pilots around them. “I wouldn’t be surprised with this many of us called back, she would be too.”
Back at the bar, Penny handed Hangman four beers, courtesy of Mav’s round. “Here you go,” she says as he takes the bottles. The Lieutenant thanks her before turning to Mav to say, “Much appreciated, Pops.” He ends with a wink and turns back to return to the group.
Mav nods briefly, letting his gaze go past the blonde to focus on the man in the Hawaiian shirt behind him. Rooster’s back was to him, and wanting to get out of there before the young man noticed, Mav pulled out his card for Penny. “How about ringing me up before the evening rush?”
With a smirk, Penny goes to the register, leaving the pilot to himself once again. A few times he checks the entrance to see if Barbara had arrived. So far half of the recruits had shown up, Mav was prepared to get a glimpse of his daughter before heading out.
Changing the song on the jukebox and handing the beers over to Coyote, Hangman lands his sight on Rooster. “Bradshaw,” he draws out, snatching the cue from Bob before the Lieutenant could take the shot. “As I live and breathe.”
“Hangman,” Rooster returns, looking him over. “You look…good.” Nudging Bob aside, Hangman lines up his cue with the ball, “Well, I am good, Rooster.” The two connect eyes just as he draws the cue back and hits the ball, “I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.”
The arrogance from the man has Phoenix and Payback shaking their heads, both turning to Rooster. “So,” Payback starts to say, “Anybody know what this special detachment is all about?”
“No, mission’s a mission,” Hangman replies, not taking his gaze off the pool table. “They don’t confront me. What I want to know: who’s gonna be team leader?” The balls clatter when he takes another shot after successfully pocketing the last ball. “And which one of y’all has what it takes to follow me?”
The look Rooster gives is one that reads, ‘you can’t be serious right now.’ “Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.” Though the music is playing it feels like one could hear a pin drop.
“Whoo!” Fanboy whistles, not even trying to hide the giggles falling from his lips. Phoenix was clutching the pool cue, staring at Rooster as if she could not believe he really said that. If Hangman was bothered, the man was doing a good job of not showing it. He simply grinned, walking up to Rooster and stopping so close they were practically toe to toe with one another.
“Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel. But that’s just you, ain’t it, Rooster? You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment…” Hangman steps closer, putting the cue in between them before finishing, “That never comes.” The next words to come from his mouth were cold and calculated, but what was that to stop him. Jake looks down to see Rooster’s left hand, where it was now vacant of a gold ring. “It’s a shame about you and the Missus—or should I say, former missus.”
That same hand then clutched into a fist, but that’s all it did. Behind Jake, Phoenix was glaring daggers into his back, checking on Rooster for his reaction while the others looked confused. It took a moment to realize what the blonde was implying. Hangman ramped up the tension when he added, “Say, you know I always wondered why her call sign was ‘Legacy.’ Interesting name. She wouldn’t tell me but said it had to do with her maiden name,” Hangman bites his lip while grinning, “Now that she’s not lady Bradshaw anymore, I’m looking forward to finding out the reason.”
“Watch it, Seresin,” Phoenix warned, but he ignored her. Rooster was her friend, and so was Barbara despite knowing Rooster longer. She didn’t appreciate the man making snide comments about their failed relationship.
When it appeared Rooster was not going to say anything back, Hangman smirked in a slight victory. “I love this song.” ‘Slow ride. Take it easy.’ As he walked away, Phoenix approached Rooster, both of them watching him as he went.
“Well, he hasn’t changed,” she says with no surprise.
“Nope,” he agrees, jaw still clenched from the last jab Hangman threw at him. “Sure hasn’t.” Getting an idea, Rooster walks away, leaving Phoenix by the table. She wanted to ask if he was alright, but decided against it.
Fanboy comes up to her, confusion coating his expression. “What the hell was that all about?” He gestures to Rooster and Hangman. Fanboy didn’t know either of them, but his curiosity peaked at the mention of someone called ‘Legacy’. “Who’s Legacy?”
Phoenix let out a sigh, setting the pool cue aside. “Rooster’s ex-wife, Barbara. She’s a naval pilot too—graduated from Top Gun three years ago right after their divorce.” Fanboy whistled lowly, not expecting that information.
“Damn. How long were they together?”
“Over seven years—married for five. They tied the knot after her commission, Rooster was already done with flight school by then. I think they dated for about two years before he proposed. Not really sure on the exact dates.”
Fanboy frowns, “What happened?” Phoenix glances over to Rooster who was walking in the direction of the jukebox. She gives a shrug and says, “He won’t say. Doesn’t really like to talk about it.” Fanboy nods, feeling sympathy for his fellow aviator.
“Why ‘Legacy’? That’s an usual call sign.” When he thought of the word, what came to mind was sorority girls or frat brothers who had parents in Greek life.
“Something about her family,” Phoenix answers. So he was right, it did have to deal with a parent. “She never talked much about her parents, but she told me once her mother was a civilian contractor for Top Gun and her dad was a pilot. Also her grandpa served, as did her Godfather. I guess in flight school that information spread, someone called her legacy and it stuck.”
Fanboy took in the information. He could understand how something like that would bestow that kind of call sign. It honestly intrigued him. Before he could ask another question, something else caught his eye. Gesturing to the entrance he said, “Check it out. More patches.”
Payback stands from the chair, coming up behind the two to see some fellow aviators, “That’s Harvard, Yale, Omaha.”
“What the hell kind of mission is this?” Fanboy questions, curious to know what he got himself into when he agreed to come back to North Island. Never had there been so many Top Gun graduates called back. The mission had to be a serious one.
“That’s not the question we should be asking,” Phoenix says to her fellow pilot. “Everyone here is the best there is. Who the hell are they gonna get to teach us?”
The card slaps down in front of Maverick, “It’s been declined,” Penny tells him. He gives a look of bewilderment, “You’re kidding.” There was no way it was empty. Had he not transferred over funds? Or did his last paycheck not go through?
Groans sounded around when the music was abruptly cut off. The culprit, none other than Rooster himself. Sunglasses on, despite being indoors, the aviator takes a seat in front of the piano, fingers go over the keys to play a light jazz. Phoenix hears the tone, smiling lightly as she calls out, “hey, guys. Come on.” Together they join Rooster, tossing the cue onto the table causing Hangman to throw his hands out as if to say, ‘Really?’
Meanwhile at the bar, Maverick is in a pickle. Not only was his card declined, but he was short on cash. Fishing out some 1s, and 5s, Penny just shakes her head at him, handing over the bill, “That won’t cover it.”
Taking the bill, his eyes go wide at the number listed at the bottom. Even before the evening rush there was a good amount of people in attendance. All who ordered a round on his tab. Trying to coax his way to a deal, Mav gives Penny a puppy-like look, “Uh, I’ll come by tomorrow and bring you the cash.”
A finger lifts to him, the woman moving over to the bell, “I’m afraid rules are rules, Pete.” Before he can plead with her, Penny swings the rope and lets the bell ring, resulting in the entire bar erupting in cheers. They begin to chant ‘overboard’ as Maverick lets his head drop in defeat, although he’s smiling throughout the entire exchange. “Really?”
Hangman, Payback, and Coyote pull up behind him, all three waiting for Penny’s signal. With a simple nod to the entrance, Maverick is hauled up with Payback and Hangman on each arm while Coyote takes his legs. All around are cheers and claps, “Overboard! Overboard!”
“Great to see you, Pete!” Penny shouts, grinning from ear to ear as he disappears from her sights. His back meets the harsh sand, a grunt escaping him while everyone cheers. Hangman salutes him, unaware that in less than 24 hours the man he just threw out would be his superior. “Thanks for the beers! Come back anytime!” The door shuts behind them, muffling the cheers as they continue in the now crowded tavern. All Mav could do was chuckle, brushing the sand off him when he rises from the ground.
He starts walking in the direction of his bike, but comes to a sudden halt when a familiar song reaches his ears.
“You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain.
Too much love. Drives a man insane.
You Broke my will. But what a thrill.
Goodness gracious! Great balls of fire!”
Mav walks up to the window, peeking in to find Rooster seated at the piano while his fellow recruits dance and belt along the lyrics beside him. Goose’s favorite song. The one they sang together at the bar the time Carole and Bradley visited during their programme.
“I laughed at love. ‘Cause I thought it was funny.
But you came along. And you moved me, honey.
I changed my mind. This love is fine.
Goodness gracious! Great balls of fire!”
For a moment, it was no longer 2019. It was 1986 and a two year old Bradley Bradshaw was seated on top of the piano with a cowboy hat perched on his tiny head while his father, Nick, played the instrument below. In Nick’s lap was his beloved wife and Bradley’s mother, Carole, and beside them belting along the lyrics of ‘Great Balls Of Fire,’ was Pete and Charlie.
A happy memory, plagued with the tragic moment that occurred days later. Goose and Mav ejecting from the jet, but the canopy failing to open properly causing Goose to smash his head against the glass. The impact alone was enough to kill him. The man laid in Maverick’s arms as they floated in the water waiting to be rescued. He knew Goose was gone.
“God, he loved flying with you, Maverick,” he could still hear Carole’s pained voice as he watched her son. The happiness radiating from him was a spitting image of his father. The pilot had to look away, for there were tears welting in his eyes. Unbeknownst to him, Penny saw him from inside the bar, her gaze flicking from Maverick to Goose, realizing who the young man was to the aviator.
Feeling his knees start to buckle, Maverick pushed away from the window, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Reaching up, he wiped away any residue that leaked out before walking away. The sun was setting, casting a dark blue across the horizon as nightfall began to emerge. The Captain made his leave. As he approached the parking lot where his bike was, he stopped short when he noticed the bike parked next to him.
It was the Ducati he gifted Barbara when she got her motorcycle license at eighteen.
“I should’ve known it’d be you,” her voice came from the side, sending a wave of anxiety through Maverick as he stiffened. It had been so long since he heard it, and when he slowly turned to find her seated at the picnic table, Mav felt his shoulders drop.
Recently promoted Lieutenant Barbara ‘Legacy’ Mitchell stared back at him with an unreadable expression. A cigarette in hand and aviators perched on her head, the black haired beauty adorned a leather jacket similar to Mav’s with several patches lining its sides. A patch with her call sign was nested on her left breast reading, ‘Legacy’.
“Barb,” he whispered, watching her take a puff of the cigarette and holding her breath before slowly letting the smoke out. He hated the fact she smoked, and part of him believed she did it to spite him.
The woman didn’t greet her father. Instead she pointed her gaze at the beach in front of her, “When Ice told me I was being called back here, and what all to expect, I should’ve known he’d have you as the instructor. What I didn’t expect,” more smoke left her mouth, eyes going back to the man, ''was you to actually agree.”
Unsure of what to say, seeing it was going on four years since he’d seen his daughter, Mav cleared his throat, “Didn’t really have a choice in the matter.”
“Let me guess,” she raised her brow, but there was not a flicker of surprise as she added, “You went against orders, pissed off an Admiral, was probably gonna get sacked once and for all, and being here is what lets you stay in the air. Am I on the right track?”
Mav bit back a smirk. Barb knew him too well—well, at least knew his routine. Instead he gave a curt nod, glancing at the ocean briefly, “Can’t really say you’re not. You know me too well.”
“I don’t know you at all,” she snaps, causing the smile to drop from his face. Barb extinguishes the bud on the table and flicks it into the trash beside the table. “I know Captain Mitchell. The Navy’s infamous pilot with a record that’s distinguished despite his tendencies to act unorthodox. That’s all I’ve ever known from you.”
As much as he hated to admit it, it was the truth. The relationship between Charlie and Maverick fell through shortly after Barabara’s birth in 1989. Due to his status as a fighter pilot and rarely being stateside, Barbara was raised in D.C with her mother, Charlie. It was rare for Maverick to get time off and visit his daughter. Mostly in the summertime or around the holidays did he manage to get a few days of leave, but on average it was twice a year that Barabar spent time with her father. And when she did, all Mav did was take Barbara flying and teach her all there was about the Navy and their family.
It was how she fell in love with aviation. It made her feel a connection to her father, something she longed for as a child. Her mother taught her a lot about astrophysics and engineering, but Barbara loved to take to the skies. From a young age she knew she wanted to follow her father’s footsteps and continue his legacy. She thought it was what he wanted. Why he spent so much time teaching her the basics on how to fly and expressing his love for the Navy.
But that wasn’t the case. He didn’t want her flying. The same way he didn’t want Bradly flying either.
And that started the first wave of strain between father and daughter. The second wave came when Barb joined the Naval ROTC program at Vanderbilt university. Had she applied for the Naval Academy her father would’ve known. So, she applied to schools with NROTC and kept it from him until the letter came from Vanderbilt with a full ride to their program. Barbara would’ve kept her entire college career a secret, but her father managed to find out from her mother. That put a second dent in their relationship.
Shortly after Barbara reconnected with Bradley when the Naval Academy played Vanderbilt in football. It had been years since they saw each other, the last being around the time he had graduated high school and first applied to the Naval Academy. She never heard what had happened, so it surprised her to see him there as an undergraduate when she had expected him to already be a commissioned officer. He was a senior already in his mid twenties while Barb was a sophomore having just turned twenty.
Their reunion was anything but a happy one which had Barb confused. Bradley was displeased to see her and pretty much ignored her when she tried to talk to him. Eventually he got his head out of his ass when she went off on him by saying, “I don’t know what the fuck your problem is Bradshaw, but if has anything to do with my dad—which wouldn’t surprise me— then it’s unfair to treat me like this since I don’t know what the fuck he did to make you this angry.” Believing her words, Bradley invited her to lunch to explain what happened. It angered Barbara, for who was her father to have the right to do such a thing to Bradley.
Although they two didn’t see each other much after that weekend, the two kept in touch through email and phone calls. They would update each other on school and their programs, Bradley’s upcoming graduation, and their excitement to go to flight school and start their careers. Barbara wasn’t sure when her feelings for Bradley started. He was older, roughly by six or seven years and she only ever saw him once in a blue moon growing up whenever she’d fly to visit her dad when he’d try to spend time with both Bradley and her. As a young girl she found Bradley cute, but he of course paid no mind to her except when she’d join in on little adventures with him and Maverick. All she knew was she’d get butterflies in her stomach whenever he laughed at something she said or recounted a small detail she told him weeks prior. Then when he sent an invite to his graduation, Barbara swore her heart skipped a beat and she was doing the most in order to look her best the day of.
For Bradley, he realized his feelings for Barbara about eight months after their first meeting. He suddenly found himself looking forward to their phone calls, reading her emails, and felt a longing to see her again. It’s why he invited her to his graduation. And then again to his commissioning ceremony. Seeing her there, looking absolutely ethereal, sealed the deal for Bradley. At his commission he formally asked her out and thus started their relationship that lasted almost eight years.
Bradley went straight to flight school, and Barb followed two years later after her graduation and commissioned—which Bradley got time off to attend. At some point—probably when the two were drunk and in a festive mood, Bradley proposed. It was a spur of the moment decision, but he loved Barbara with his whole heart. And she loved him too. Once Barb said yes, the two went on a whim and drove up to the courthouse with Charlie and Natasha as their witnesses.
Maverick had no idea. It wasn’t until he popped in to visit Barbara out of the blue at her first duty station, hoping to make amends for the way he behaved four years earlier, and found Rooster there….and rings on their fingers. One photo of them at the courthouse combined with Barbara’s embarrassed expression was enough to put the pieces together. Rooster took it upon himself to leave saying he’d be back later that afternoon, but not before kissing her right there in front of Mav.
And so a third and permanent dent was put between the two. One that was not so easily forgiven. “Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me? Did you not want me there?” “It’s not like you would have come, Pete.” “You don’t know that!” “Fine, here’s the truth: Rooster didn’t want you there and honestly neither did I. We’re happy, and I don’t need your seal of approval on what I do. You were rarely there for me and when you were all it was ‘planes this, planes that’ and ‘Navy this, Navy that.’ You didn’t bother actually being a father, Pete.” Yeah, it was true when they said words hurt.
It only brought more strain. Soon it would impact her own relationship. Barbara completed flight school and unfortunately like most military marriages where both parties are active duty, the two were separated on different assignments. They made it work for the most part. Everyday they texted or emailed and when they got time to call or Skype they would. By that time Barbara had garnered her own reputation in the Navy, not just because of who her father was, but because she herself tended to act unorthodox. It was no wonder why her fellow aviators in flight school dubbed her ‘Legacy’. She didn’t know how they found out about her parentage, at the time she went by Barbara Bradshaw, but it didn’t matter. They’d find out sooner or later.
But the topic of Maverick would come up and each time it never ended well. Rooster still held resentment for him pulling his application. For Barbara, as much as she was angry at her father for various reasons, she still loved him. There was still a longing to have that father-daughter relationship she desired as a kid. When talking to her mother about it, Charlie offered the advice of, ‘It won’t be fixed if you do nothing about it. Talk to him, hear him out, and also take responsibility for your actions.” That night Barbara called Maverick, without telling her husband, and had a two hour conversation with her apologizing for not telling him about Rooster and Mav for his reaction to her career plans.
Barbara eventually told Rooster about her conversation with her father that weekend over Skype. She was hesitant, and judging by the look on his face when she told him she was correct to assume he would not be happy. All he said was, “You know how I feel about him. I’m not gonna stop you from talking to your dad, Barb, that’s on you. But I just ask that you don’t expect me to forgive him anytime soon.”
Years passed and things had slowly become complicated. Rooster went off to Top Gun, Barb was promoted to LTJG, and their jobs became more demanding. Although they finally got a duty station together, they hardly spent time together. At one point the topic of kids came up after a colleague had mentioned it at a dinner party. It resulted in it never being brought up again. If they wanted kids, well, one person would have to either leave the Navy or change their job because having both parents as fighter pilots while raising kids was impossible. And neither of them were ready to give that up just yet. In the last year of their marriage, they would go days without talking to each other, even if they were both home.
The year 2016 proved to be the one that would ultimately end the relationship once and for all. And it was because Barb had finally had enough with the deal between Maverick and Rooster and took it upon herself to confront her father. A decision she would regret.
“Tell me,” she demanded as they sat in a booth at a bar close to the base. Maverick had gotten leave and decided to drop by, so Barb used what little time she had as the opportunity to get the truth. “Tell me why you pulled his application, dad. Why would you stop him from flying when you knew that’s all he ever wanted to do?”
She watched him bring a hand up to rub his face. “You don’t want to know, Barb.” His words only angered her more, the woman scoffing as she narrowed her eyes.
“The hell I don’t! Bradley trusted you—he looked at you like a father, and you betrayed him like that?” She refused to accept that Maverick would hurt the man he saw as a son without good reason. If there was a good reason for it.
“He wasn’t ready,” Mav gave the excuse, though it had some truth to it.
“That wasn’t for you to decide,” she snapped, leaning forward against the table slightly. “And even if it was, that still isn’t a good excuse to pull his papers. You’re hiding something else.” Barb could see it in the way he kept turning from her, clenching his jaw, and attempting to change the subject. There was another reason behind why he did it.
“Look,” Mav sighed, giving his daughter a stern warning. “If you knew the real reason why I did what I did, you wouldn’t want him knowing either. So by telling you, you’re putting yourself in a position where you can either break his heart with the truth,” he paused, hating how there was now an ultimatum on the table. “Or, you spare him the pain by taking it to the grave.”
Barbara should have let it go after Mav dropped that on her. But, like the stubborn pilot, the young Mitchell was relentless and believed it was up to her then to decide for herself. Initially, she was going to tell Rooster the truth because she believed he deserved to know. But then the words came out, and Barb felt her heart and stomach sink as it went down the drain. There was no way she could tell Rooster now, and judging by Mavericks' expression the older man immediately regretted confessing. And she didn’t blame him because now she felt the burden of the secret.
For months Barbara kept it hidden. Rooster was overseas on an assignment and would not be back for some time. When they would call, Barb played it off like normal. Although they ended up doing voice calls rather than Skype, her excuse being the internet service was acting up. Barb felt it in herself that she’d break if she looked into those hazel eyes of his. She proved herself correct when he returned at the end of the summer and immediately Rooster could tell something was up. Her body language was off, the tone in her voice sounded unsure.
“What is it?” He asked a few days later, catching her off guard. In the five years they’d been married and almost seven as a couple, Bradley was pretty much a pro at picking up on signals from his wife. Barbara was stubborn and good at masking her emotions, but the man could see past it. “You’ve been acting weird since I got here.”
“It’s nothing, Bradley,” Barb assured, but her voice betrayed her. Quickly she gave the excuse, “I’ve had a long week. The test run I mentioned last week didn’t go as planned. That’s it.” She felt his eyes in the back of her head as she washed the dishes in the sink.
“Whenever something is bothering you and you don’t want to tell me, you always turn your back to me so I can’t see your face.” The patter of feet against the wooden floors indicated he was walking up to her. “You can’t fool me, Barbara.” What followed involved a screaming match, accusations, and finally, Bradley packing a bag before slamming the front door behind him.
There was no formal separation between the two. Hell it wasn’t even a verbal agreement of divorce. For weeks Bradley ignored her calls, her emails, he had his friends give excuses when Barb reached out to them to get him to talk to her. Then one day she decided to go to his work, fed up with him ignoring her and witnessed him getting a little close with a female colleague. All Barb could see was Bradley leaning against the wall while a pretty blonde stood next to him, laughing at something he said before lightly tapping him against the chest. The gesture looked anything but friendly. And judging by the smirk on her husband's face, he enjoyed it.
It sent daggers into Barbara’s heart, turning on her heel to escape before he saw her. She cried the entire drive home, but took a break to put on a serious face when she stopped at the legal office before making a call to her Godfather, Iceman. The next day, to Bradley’s surprise and the shock of his coworkers, he was served divorce papers. When he arrived at the house that afternoon to confront her, another shock came at the sight of boxes and suitcases where Barbara informed him she was being transferred to the Pacific Fleet.
That was the last night Barbara and Bradley saw each other. Harsh words were thrown at each other—the woman literally threw a water bottle at Rooster during the heat of the argument when he insulted her. He easily avoided it, but the act itself increased his anger. Once again Bradley was the first to leave, but not before he signed the papers and spat, “Have a nice life, Mitchell.”
Talk about adding salt to the wound. It didn’t help that Barbara hadn’t spoken to her father in months. Months that would soon turn to years.
Now here the two were. Finally face to face after so long with little to no explanation why Barbara suddenly stopped talking to Maverick after the day she squeezed the truth out of him. The music from inside continued. Even outside, Barbara could make out the voice of her ex-husband. He always stood out when he sang that song.
“Brings back memories, doesn’t it?” She says, reaching into her pocket to pull out another cigarette. Using her jacket to block out the wind, she ignites it before pocketing the lighter. “I saw you at the window.”
Mav felt a lump in his throat, looking down at his feet. Goose entered his mind and the wave of emotion hit him like a brick. He changed the subject, which probably was a bad idea but he had to take the chance while he had it. “What happened, Barbara?”
She doesn’t look at him when she answers, jaw tight and attention on the empty beer bottle in front of her. “Exactly what you said,” the chuckle she gave was anything but humorous. “I did it to myself. You were right—I should’ve never asked you why you did it.”
Maverick sighed, feeling his heart break at her confession. “I’m so sorry, honey. Does he—.”
“No,” she cut him off swiftly. “I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. That's why he walked out.” Biting her lip and looking away from her father, she adds, “And I let him. Because I knew deep down he would never forgive me—for not telling him after I went behind his back and confronted you. It brought on another dose of betrayal.” Barbara finishes her second cigarette with a long drag before extinguishing it.
“It wasn’t going to work anyway,” Barbara stands from the picnic table, moving to stand in front of Maverick. She was wearing heeled boots that made her taller than her natural five foot two and a half inch stature. She was small for the average pilot, but made the height requirements by half an inch. “You know how it is—husband and wife, both active duty in demanding fields with little to no time spent together. The topic of kids being a sore subject, plus a father-in-law that the husband can’t stand? I’m surprised we lasted as long as we did.”
“Don’t think of it like that, Barbara,” Maverick scolded, upset with her view of the marriage. Frowning, he stepped closer to the woman, but she shook her head.
“How else am I supposed to think of it?” She questioned rhetorically. “It didn’t work for you and mom, it wasn’t going to work for me and him.”
“What happened between your mom and I was complicated,” Mav told her. “We tried our best that year after you were born, and most of it was on me as you know.” He really did try. He loved and cared for Charlie, but marriage was not in the cards for Mav at the time. It was still young in his career and although the birth of Barbara was a surprise, he still was over the moon and tried to make the relationship work for the sake of their daughter. In the end, he and Charlie wanted different things and had to go their separate ways. “But I never stopped caring for Charlie—and I’ll always have a part of me that loves her. And just because it didn’t work out for us, doesn’t mean it will always be like that for you, Barbara.”
She was silent for a moment. Maverick stood still, unsure of what she was thinking. He wanted to hug her. It was tempting to just pull her into his arms and hold her like he did when she was a child. It had been so long since they did that he feared how she’d react. Pushing the thought away, Mav heard her exhale and say, “It doesn’t matter anymore. There’s other things to worry about than my tragic love life. I’ll see you tomorrow, Captain.”
It felt like a knife was thrown to his chest. It was always like that when Barbara referred to him as his rank or name instead of ‘dad’. It was like she no longer saw him as such. “Barbara!” He shouted as she mounted her bike and kicked the stand up. Glancing up to him, her face remained stoic. With a slight cough to clear his throat, Mav tried to smile but it didn’t work. Instead his face almost looked like he was pleading with her to not push him away again. “It’s good to see you.”
The light breeze swept through her hair, and Barbara gave a short nod. “It’s good to see you too.” The roar of the engine came to life and Mav watched her pull away from the lot before speeding down the road and disappearing around the corner. The sun had finally set, stars twinkling in the sky and the only light was from the moon shining down on the sea and the bar behind him.
With a heavy sigh, the pilot adjusted his jacket and mounted his own bike. He gave one last look to the bar before starting the engine and taking off on the same road Barbara had traveled.
What a day it had been for the veteran aviator. It started with him getting transfered, returning to Top Gun for the first time in 30 years, reuniting with his ex, and finally seeing Rooster and Barbara again. Now with one reunion down, he had one to go.
The next morning, Barbara Mitchell dressed in her flight suit to start her day by attending the first briefing and training. She didn’t know what to expect. After the previous night's conversation with her father and knowing he was to be the instructor for the next three weeks, Barbara realized she was going to have to push her limits like she’s never done before if she wanted to prove she was worthy of the mission.
Growing up, Maverick taught her the basics and how to perfect them so that by the time she went to flight school she was already more advanced than her classmates. The young Mitchell took it upon herself to learn aerial combat—when she was not supposed to—and managed to fly her way to the top of her class at Top Gun years later. With years of experience and having Iceman as her superior for the past few years, Barbara proved herself again and again to those who underestimated that she was the best there was.
It was Iceman who told her Rooster would be one of the candidates for the mission. He warned her the same time he informed that she was also selected. It sparked a sense of dread in the aviator. It was one thing to have to reunite with her ex-husband for the first time in three years, it was another to have to compete against him for a spot on the six-man team. With her father as the instructor, it was going to be an interesting three weeks.
Having opted out of going inside The Hard Deck last night, arriving at the hangar was the first time she became acquainted with her fellow candidates. “Well, well well,” Hangman’s voice was the first to reach her ears, “Just who I was hoping to see on this fine Wednesday morning.” While they waited for the instructors, the officers took seats at the tables provided in the middle of the hangar. Barbara was the last to arrive.
It brought a cheeky grin to Hangman’s face, giving a brief glance to Rooster, who had his head turned to the side. The lieutenant stood from his chair, meeting Barbara halfway up the aisle of tables. The first thing he did was look at her name patch, where the name ‘Mitchell’ was embroidered. Jake smirked, towering over the small brunette, “Lieutenant Barbara Mitchell.”
The woman narrowed her eyes, but greeted the man nonetheless, “Seresin.” Turning her head to the left, she makes eye contact with Natasha, “Hey, Phee.”
Nat gives a small smile with a nod, “Hey, C.” Barb tilts her head to the man with glasses behind the woman, “Who’s your friend.”
“That’s Bob, WSO.” The man in question lightly lifts a hand in a small wave, offering a smile to Barb. She smiles back, throwing a wink which has him blushing. “Those two hunks are Payback and Fanboy—I don’t think you’ve met them yet.”
“I have not,” she looks past Hangman to see the two men. They both give a gesture in greeting. “Nice to meet ya, fellas.”
“Same to you,” Payback replies and Fanboy nods in agreement. Barbara pays no mind to the man seated on her right, instead going to the open chair in the front next to Hangman’s. She ignores the looks they give Rooster, throwing down her wallet and keys on the table and plopping down on the chair.
Hangman sits beside her, leaning close and aware of the daggers being sent to his back from Rooster. “So, Mitchell—gosh that’s gonna take some getting used to,” It took everything in Barb to stop herself from throwing a punch to his jaw. They were in uniform and on the job. Now was not the time to get a demerit. “This is probably not the time to ask—.”
“Then don’t ask, Seresin,” she hissed in warning, assuming the question involved Rooster. He raised his hands in defense as he chuckled, “Hey, hey, now I’m not trying to dig up an old can of worms, but I’m just curious you know.” He gestured to her patch, “Can’t you let a fella in on what the secret is behind your call sign? I’ve only ever known you as Mrs. Bradshaw—but that couldn’t have been it.” He leans back to wink at an infuriated Rooster.
Barbara tsks, staring ahead at the large American flag draped in front of her. “Nice to see you haven’t changed at being a pain in the ass. You’re lucky we’re in uniform, Hangman, otherwise I would wipe that damn smirk off your face. Didn’t your momma ever tell you to mind your business once in a while?” she said in a low tone, but the whole company heard. In the back Coyote let out a whistle while Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob held back laughter. Rooster even had to stop himself from smirking.
Before Hangman could respond, the whole hangar was brought to attention at the shout of, “Attention on deck!!” The Admirals march in, Warlock taking to the podium while Cyclone comes to a halt beside Hondo.
“Morning,” Warlock greets the officers. “Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated.” Chairs squeak as the group falls back to a sitting position, posture straight and attention on the admiral. “I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You’re all TOPGUN graduates. The elite. The best of the best,” many grin at his praises, but they soon frown when he then says, “That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.” Still grinning, Hangman bids a look to Legacy before doing the same to Phoenix.
“Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a TOPGUN graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master,” Barbara tenses, clutching the pen in her hand when she hears the soft sound of footsteps approaching. Warlock continues, “His exploits are legendary. And he’s considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced.”
In the corner of her eye Barbara sees Hangman turn in his chair, at first excited to see the instructor. But then the second he realizes who the man walking up the aisle was, the blonde brings a hand to his face and turns away in embarrassment. Having witnessed him, Coyote, and Payback throw her father out of the bar the previous night, it took every inch of her soul to not react at their shame. They were about to find out who he was to her, and she knew it was going to have everyone looking at her differently.
“What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell,” the second the last name leaves Warlock's mouth, Handman’s head is snapping towards her. He’s not the only one. Phoenix’s expression is one of shock, as is Fanboy’s. Payback whistles under his breath, and Bob just looks confused—not really putting two and two together just yet. But Barbara remains stoic, unreactive. “Call sign: ‘Maverick’.”
Maverick replaces Warlock at the podium, “Good morning,” he smiles at the group, particularly at the three who threw him out of the hard deck the night before. They all smile back, embarrassment and awkwardness in the gesture. Hangman gives another glance to Barbara when he catches Maverick nodding to her. Then the man looks at Rooster, who turns away from his gaze with an unreadable expression.
With a thick book in his hand, Maverick draws everyone's attention to it as he lifts it level with his head, “The F-18 NATOPS.” He pats the top before placing it onto the podium. “It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I’m assuming you know the book inside and out.”
“Damn right!” Payback shouts with pride. Others follow in suit with “Damn straight.” “You got it!”
Maverick nods, smiling before surprising them all—minus Barbara—by dropping the book into the trash can beside him. Barbara shakes her head, expecting it from her father. Cyclone and Warlock share a look. “So does your enemy.”
“And we’re off,” Hondo sighs from the side. Like the Captain’s daughter, Hondo had worked with Maverick long enough to know how he played.
“But what the enemy doesn’t know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, push beyond.” Feeling the pressure rise, some candidates straighten their posture. Mav looks at each of them as he lists off the day's plans, but his eyes linger on both Rooster and Barbara, “Today we’ll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you’re made of.”
When they are dismissed and Mav takes the chance to leave the podium, the sound of Hangman’s light laughter captures everyone’s attention. “Something funny, Lieutenant?”
Still seated, Hangman licks his lip before saying, “Oh nothing, Captain Mitchell. I think I just got my answer to why our Legacy here,” he turns his head to Barbara, whose jaw was tight and looking anywhere but him. “Got her name in the first place.”
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childofsardior · 10 days
Child of Sardior's General SM AU infos
- General Informations about my personal HC/AU -
So, since my HC/AU is quite big, I felt like a post in which I could summarize all the general info would probably help! So, here we are!
(This is a WIP. I’ll update this post with any relevant info that will came to my mind. I might change, remove, or add details at any time.)
About my Headcanon/AU VS the Canon of the games
The general setting takes place in the “Super Mario world.” Not all events from the games have actually happened in my AU. I tend to include in “my canon” the games and events that I liked the most and that make the most sense for the stories I want to tell. However, all events are reimagined in a more “headcanon” style, sometimes staying very similar to the original games and sometimes being heavily modified for narrative purposes (and based on my personal tastes).
Some of the stories we saw in the various Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, etc.) have happened in my AU (there is no distinction between various “parallel universes” like the paper world or the three-dimensional world; here there is just one "Super Mario" who went on many adventures and has many friends all over the world and dimensions). Currently, I am sure that the following RPG games' storylines are canon in my AU as past events: Paper Mario RPG, Paper Mario: TTYD, Super Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (including Bowser’s Minions), Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (including Bowser Jr’s Journey), Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. (I’m playing "Super Mario RPG Remake" right now, so I might add it to the list once I finish it!)
Other games' events are also canon (and reimagined), such as most of the Super Mario Bros. events, the main 3D games (from 64 to Odyssey) and Yoshi's Island backstories.
I do not consider games that I am unfamiliar with or that clash with my vision of my AU world as canon here, but some parts of them may be included in other contexts! For example, some dialogues of the Koopalings in Paper Jam or the battles with the Koopalings in Color Splash have probably happened in my AU, but in different contexts compared to the storyline of the games (maybe Bowser didn't make all that chaos for the painting stars, but surely Mario and Larry fought on that train once.)
Additionally, there are many original events that I have introduced, including OCs. Some of these influenced some "canon games events" in a heavy way in my AU.
Timeline(s) covered
The exact timeline of my personal setting/AU is heavily WIP, but I'm quite sure it spans from the time Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach and co. were just kids to a distant future in which Bowser Jr. will become the new Koopa King and his siblings will rule over their own castles along with their new families and all.
I will probably focus a bit more on the current times - the one my main HC/AU character posts refers about - but you will likely see flashbacks of the various characters or sneak peak of the next generation from time to time! ;v;
What my AU will focus on
My AU covers the entire Mario world from my personal perspective (a gigantic headcanon that I started working on when I was a small kid! It’s filled with self-indulgent stuff and OCs ^v^).
However, primarily (and currently), my main focus will be on the Royal Family of the Dark Lands: Bowser and his children. A large space will also be dedicated to some of my OCs, often related to the Royal Family.
A lot of things will also happen from Bowser & co. perspective, too!
General Information about the Royal Family (Bowser and co.) in my HC/AU
In my HC/AU, Bowser has adopted the seven Koopalings when they were kids and has one biological son, Bowser Junior.
Bowser Junior and the Koopalings are step-siblings. They share the same mother (one of my main OCs). Bowser Junior is the Official Heir and is considered a notch above the Koopalings, but they are still considered Princes.
Bowser, as in the games, is infatuated with Princess Peach and has been trying to convince her to marry him for years, unsuccessfully. However, he might have (or might have had) other love affairs in the future (or in the past)... (you’ll find out ;3)
Kamek has raised Bowser since he hatched from his egg, under the orders of his parents, the Koopa Emperor and the Queen Consort.
Bowser has yet to meet his biological parents, but they are both alive and live in a volcanic region far from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Dark Lands.
From Bowser's perspective, being the "bad guy" is the right thing to do for a strong ruler. It will also apply to the Koopalings, their PoV being influenced a lot by the way they were rised. But in my setting the Koopa Family is not inherently evil. Some of them are extremely arrogant (Ludwig, Roy, even Junior... I'm talking to you) or just extremely childish (Lemmy, Larry... Junior again?) or... well, let's say they never learned to behave or don't care (right, Iggy?), but they all have hearts and sentiments and their whole complex characters and stuff and will probably be and do "less evil" than in the games here.
General Information about the Heroes (Mario, Luigi, Peach…) in my HC/AU:
Peach and Daisy are cousins in this setting. Their respective fathers were brothers. They are very close, even though Daisy lives in the Sarasaland Empire and cannot visit her cousin very often.
Peach became an orphan at a young age. In compensation, she had an adopted sister, one of my most important OCs: the future mother of the Koopalings and Bowser Jr.
Mario and Luigi were raised by the Yoshis in their early years. Because of this, they speak the Yoshi language fluently. At some point, the Yoshis of the village managed to find the brothers’ parents and “return” them after the Stork from the Adoption Center had lost their address.
All of Mario’s friends (partners) from the RPG games are canon in my AU (especially friends from Paper Mario).
Toads are a much more varied Species than in recent games. They have various names, slightly different shapes and appearances, and are often named after mushrooms. There is a Toad named “Toad” who is a friend of Mario, but only he is called like that (similar to the first name “Guy” IRL). Mario also knows a Koopa named Koopa the Quick. Mario knows a lot of people with generic names for some reason.
General Information about Geography:
For the overall geography of the world, I will use the continent layout from Mario Odyssey. However, for the Mushroom Kingdom and nearby kingdoms, I will mainly use the Kingdoms shown in New Super Mario Bros Wii. Some names will reference worlds from Super Mario Bros Wii U.
(NOTE: One day, if possible, I’ll make a sketch of the Mushroom Kingdom and the 8 Main Kingdoms).
The Dark Lands are relatively close to the Mushroom Kingdom and are among the 8 Main Kingdoms in the area.
In general, the kingdoms present in other “Super Mario” games probably exist in the world but are not among the 8 principal kingdoms near the Mushroom one. For example, the "Pipe World" is considered a maze of pipes and sewers in the Mushroom Kingdom. Giant World exists somewhere, probably as an exotic island.
Places mentioned or seen in the 90’s Super Mario Super Show series might appear. In that case, they will be heavily reimagined in a "Headcanon" style.
Finally, some locations will be invented by me.
IMPORTANT: I will update this post when needed. I could edit it all or change it completely if I feel like it, so feel free to check it from time to time!
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go-river-flows · 1 year
Sweet Visions of a flower
Summary: Syulang (OC), an orphaned girl after the destruction of Hometree. She is constanly reminded of this by her amputated left leg and constantly dreams of her deep trauma. Even when she gets adopted by Toruk Makto and his wife, who she resented for over six years before forgiving him.
A/N: We are almost at the end now (I hope). And I'll post a one-shot before uploading The Humans of Awa'atlu or another series that just starting. Also just a heads up; I'll be taking a break from the 4th to the 11th of May, I will continue to upload even when I'm not writing using the automatic uploads system, hopefully, it works because I'm not using the internet for a whole week. Finger's cross until then. But for now, here's part 8!
Part 8 of 10
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  Neytiri put her hand on her oldest daughter's shoulder and arm, trying her hardest to calm her. In her attempt Neytiri started singing, her voice slightly quivered as she raised her voice over her daughters crying, she leant closer to her ear singing to distract Syulang. She brushed the hair of her daughter away from her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, Syulang calmed down enough that Neytiri softened her voice down, repeating the lyrics to the song.
Jake entered with his children in tow. Arriving next to Syulang, hushing her down and rubbing her left leg to try to ease the pain. When Mo’at finally entered the tent a while later, she found the whole family there next to Syulang. Jake quietly left Syulang’s side to talk to Mo’at.
“It was like I entered her dream,” he was still in disbelief of what happened, “I saw Eytukan, and Tsu’tey. They said that they feared her soul would not reach Eywa if or when she dies.”
“This is truly concerning. We'll have to go to the Tree of Souls, I’ll be able to enter her dream there. I believe I could help her,” Mo’at rubbed her chin as she thought, “This is decided, I will enter her dream tonight. But in the meantime, I suggest you go on about your duties as Olo’eyktan.” 
“Yes, Tsahik. And thank you,” Jake took one last look at Syulang. Taking off to deal with Quaritch and his group of Dreamwalkers.
Taking arms again, he called for a few of his warriors and Tarsem, his Olo’eyktan in training. Taking flight on their ikrans, they flew to another smaller floating island, hoping the RDA hadn't found them yet. 
Landing in the trees. Jake and the group jumped down onto the floating rock. The recombiants all bound to different trees. Jake made his way to Quaritch, squatting down to look into his eyes. 
“So you finally decided to show up,” Quaritch sneered.
“Your lucky I didn't leave you here to just starve,” Jake stoically said.
“Why wouldn't you? You already betrayed your own race, I bet you’d do it again,” the colonel's southern twang drawled. Jake scoffed at that. “Now why don't you answer my question? How did’ya know we were gonna be here?” Quaritch repeated, for the fourteenth time.
“Let's just say Eywa gave me a sign,” Jake shrugged, “Now tell me, who sent you here?” Quaritch snickered.
“Remember Ardmore?”
“Heard of her, never met her.”
“Oh yeah, she’s back. Wants you dead, same as me. Same as everyone here,” Quaritch leant a little bit to look at his team, who were staring daggers at Jake.
“Is that why you're here…in this body? To kill me?”
“Oh…It's not just you Jake. You're mate too…Let's just say, we wanna end your bloodline, that means your kids too.” Quaritch sneered, Jake stiffened. His eyes burning with a rage he had never felt before.
“Well, thanks for the heads up,” Jake nodded to Tarsem and the other warriors who drew their knives at the recoms, poking the tip of it at the recoms neck.
“You dare–” Quaritch began to say.
“Or what? No one is coming for you. Where’s Ardmore huh? She’s not here, and I'll more than happily send you and your soldiers back in body bags. Especially after you threatened me!” Jake yelled at Quaritch to which he snarled, “So do you all want a quick or slow death? Take your pick.” Jake pointed his assault rifle at Quaritch’s head, ready to pop some bullets into his head.
Everyone was bug-eyed and silent, Quaritch knew he was fucked. He had no more options, only death. But there was a third option that the adults didn't see, they were too bloodthirsty. That third option came in the form of Syulang flying onto the island.
“Father!” Syulang shouted, sliding off her ikran running into the fray, “Stop! It doesn't have to end this way! Please, listen to me before you make a mistake.”
“Syulang! You should not be here!” Jake stood, yelled at his daughter.
“Please, just listen to me. There's another way, please,” Syulang stepped between Jake and Quaritch.
“No! There isn't! This guy! This guy…!” Jake pointed at Quaritch, “He wants us dead, he wants your mother, your siblings dead!”
“Please, There’s another way,” She begged, “There is another way. Another way that doesn't end with death,” she said in English this time. Jake panted, his heavy breath fogged a little from the altitude. He sighed deeply, exhaling through his nose. 
  A small movement from above caught his eye, looking up he saw an atokirina’. A seed of the great tree floating down onto Quaritch’s head. Syulang gasped with wide eyes a little, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief, catching Jake’s attention, he turned to see the same scene happening to the other recoms. An atokirina’ gently landing on their heads, his warriors’, Tarsem looking around to all the recoms with the seed of the great tree upon their heads. Finally they floated off at the same time. Tarsem and the warriors removed their knives from the recom’s neck, taking a step back awaiting further instructions.
“Eywa has spoken,” Syulang turned to Quaritch, “If you want to live. You must turn your back on those who control you. You are no longer human, you have been given a second chance at life. And in order to do that, you must become Na’vi.”
“You’re asking me to betray humanity?” Quaritch looked up at the girl, his eyebrow raised in questioning.
“You are no longer Human. We Na’vi have a saying; ‘Fwäkì ke fwefwi’. It means: Mantis doesn’t whistle; don’t expect someone to do something that isn’t in their inherent nature…Or something like that,” Syulang explained.
“The hell does that mean?”
“You are Na’vi, it is your nature. Everything you knew no longer matters. The blood that runs in your veins is Na’vi. Your body, Na’vi,” Syulang crouched to Quaritch’s form, “But, your heart,” she pointed to his chest, “Your mind,” she pointed to his head, “Your memories remain human. Everything that happened in the past, is the past.” She looked down to her amputated leg before continuing, “You can choose to let your past consume you, or give you a reason to change your heart.” She turned to look at Jake. Her father. “That day when Hometree fell, you took more than just my leg. You killed my family. And I blamed Jake, I blamed you. But in time I forgave him, he gave me a reason to keep living. Even every day when I'm in pain, I still…keep…going.”
The look in Quaritch’s eyes changed, almost sympathetic. So did Jake’s. 
“It was Eywa’s plan. It has always been her plan,” Syulang finished, standing up from her crouched position. Jake moved closer to Syulang wrapping his arm around her shoulders, giving a comforting rub. A silence fell upon the crowd. Quaritch was thinking, weighing his options. He fucking hates Ardmore, has had enough of taking orders. Heck, he just wants a simple life, he wants to stop fighting too. He was just following orders, and now he’s been given that exact opportunity that he so desperately craved. He knows the recoms would follow him, they trust him after all but he’ll still ask them.
“I'm done fighting. What do you guys think?” Quaritch asked out loud, enough for the other recoms to hear. They didn't say anything at first, probably considering following Quaritch. 
“Me too,” it was Lyle, “I didn't want to be reborn like this, following orders again when I should've stayed dead.” A few chorused his statement, agreeing with him.
A flurry of “I'm done fighting too” and “me too” responses or something to the same tune from the other recoms. Falling silent again. Jake was speechless, and Syulang smiled. 
“The RDA will come back. They'll come looking,” Jake reminded them, “There’ll be more bloodshed.”
“I know. Like I've never seen it before,” Quaritch scoffed. He sighed, taking a moment before saying words Jake would've never heard in a billion years come from Quaritch, “I'm sorry. You’re right. I'm sorry for threatening you too…and your family.”
“I still don't trust you though,” Jake stated. 
“Yeah, I know.” Then came something from Jake that Quaritch never expected, “Cut them loose. Cut their restraints. You'll stay here. We’ll bring you food, water and new clothes, but no weapons…not yet, anyways. Until we figure out what to do with the RDA, we’ll come to you with our plans.”
Returning to High Camp, Jake couldn't help but look at his oldest daughter. He thought he could see Tommy in her, though she wasn't related by blood, but it was as if she had Tommy’s spirit. He also saw himself in her, her words still resounding in his brain. ‘You can choose to let your past consume you or give you a reason to change your heart.’ Even her physicality, it reminded him of his human form. How fragile it was, how he destroyed himself further by using alcohol to deal with his problems, but also how he was given a second chance to live through Tommy’s avatar.
Neytiri was waiting at the entrance of High Camp, full of nervous energy and agitation. Syulang took off when no one was watching and Neytiri and the rest of the children searched the whole of High Camp looking for her, climbing all the high spots to get a better view of the whole camp. So to see her return on her ikran with Jake and the warriors Neytiri was overjoyed that she was safe. Enveloping her in a crushing embrace.
“Urgh, Mom! You’re crushing me,” Syulang croaked out, Neytiri fussed whilst looking over every inch of her oldest daughter making sure there was not a single scratch. It looked like Neytiri was about to explode when Jake pried his wife off Syulang.
“Ma Neytiri, she’s fine,” Jake hushed his wife, taking a step away before looking at Syulang, “How did you know where to find us? We never told anyone.”
Syulang averted her eyes, “I…Uh. I had another vision?”
“Damn. You're gonna become the next Tsahik at this rate,” Jake chuckled, though he was still a bit angry that she left the healing tent and High Camp. “How did ya know what to say to Quaritch? Was that also in the vision?”
Syulang just nodded, looking down at her feet. A smirk grew on Jake's face.
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@sleepilysworld @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @wolfmoon8269 @howlerwolfmax @lovekeeho @ducks118 @dyingofcookies @secretflowerobservation
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Wanted to get a bit further on in the story in this chapter, but it was already over 4k words and I hit a decent stopping point.
So here we are.
Chapter six, my people.
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OPLA!Mihawk x OC
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Chapter 1 Link
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Chapter 6: Secrets and Lies
Word Count: 4.4k
Tags: Slow-burn, Enemies to Lovers, eventually NSFW, uh, if I think of more I'll add them or something
After having her sloop sunk by the Buggy Pirates and losing most of her worldly possessions in the process, the normally solitary mercenary Karimi Lionne finds herself teaming up with the rag-tag little crew that is the Strawhat Pirates to defeat them. She bonds with them far more quickly than she bargained for, and that quickly turns into a problem for the Kiku Kiku no Mi devil fruit user when she learns of Nami's plans to leave them high and dry, and Zoro issues a challenge at Baratie that he very likely won't live long enough to regret.
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Karimi had hardly expected to find herself back in Syrup Village so soon. With everything that had happened over the past forty-eight hours it honestly seemed like it had been longer, like it hadn’t been only a day prior that she had set out aboard the Going Merry with the others for the first time. It was more than a little overwhelming.
Mihawk of course commanded her to get his boat docked, while he paid the docking fee and spoke with the highly intimidated harbormaster about the local businesses—mainly, of course, where he might find an inn or a tavern on the sleepy little island. It was more than clear that even in this relatively calm part of the East Blue, his reputation preceded him. Karimi took a moment to scan the wall of bounty posters near the docks. She always checked, in any new town, any new port.
Tilting the brim of her tricorne down to shield her eyes from the midday sun, she caught sight of the one she was looking for, quite high on the wall, a face that always seemed so strange to look at—lightly freckled, framed with dark blonde hair easily as thick and unruly as her own, a short dark goatee covering the man’s chin.
It was a face she might not even know if not for his picture on the poster. It had been two decades since she had last seen him. Years had passed since anyone had heard hide or hair of him, and his bounty was still active. Active, unchanged, still sitting at two billion, two hundred and forty-two thousand berries.
She breathed a slow sigh as she squinted up at the poster. Had he ever been captured by the Marines, his poster would have been taken down—and considering how high his bounty was, it would have been all over the newspapers, likely on the front page. No one, neither outlaw nor government, knew what had happened to him.
“Looking for someone in particular?”
Mihawk watched how she jumped when he spoke up from behind her, crossing his arms over his chest as she glanced back over her shoulder at him.
“No,” she said shortly. Clearly a lie—her gaze had been focused intently upon the posters high on the wall, no doubt on a specific one. He glanced up in that direction himself, where some of the highest bounties were listed—Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate, Marco, Red-haired Shanks, Dragon, “Quickshot” Janx, Hercinia “Firebird” Wren. Her eyes had been fixed somewhere amid that group of posters.
“Are we set?”
He trained his gaze back down to her as she adjusted her satchel on her shoulder.
“Yes,” he said after a moment. Uncertain whether he was more irritated or intrigued by the girl’s persistent penchant for secrecy, he turned away from her and started in the direction the harbormaster had advised him to head. “We should find an inn near the shipyard that will be suitable. I was told to head in the direction of the mansion.”
“Could just stay in the mansion.” He rolled his eyes over to her, and she shrugged, giving a little smirk. “I’m friends with the owner.”
“Are you capable of being anything but facetious?”
“Who said I was being facetious?” she said, lifting her eyebrows. “I could walk up to the front gates and be provided my own entire wing right this moment. Bet.”
It was impossible to tell whether she was being serious or not; Mihawk wasn’t certain of precisely how long she and the Strawhat’s crew had been in Syrup Village before leaving, and it had been difficult to tell just how much of her drunken friend’s rambling at Baratie had been truth and how much had been storytelling. The boy had mentioned Syrup Village as his home no more than in passing, had claimed to be the son of a famous pirate, and had referred to himself as the captain in the same breath he had called Monkey D. Luffy his “actual captain.”
The warlord bit the bullet after a moment and asked her outright, “And precisely how do you know the owner of this mansion?”
“Helped save her life. She had this butler who—”
“Karimi? Is that you?”
Karimi stopped mid-sentence at the sound of a feminine voice addressing her from behind them, turning around on her heel, her smirk only growing. She leaned to the side a bit as Mihawk stopped and looked over his own shoulder, and muttered, “Told you so.”
And then, leaving the warlord a bit baffled, Karimi hurried the short distance toward the young lady that had addressed her—a girl with pale blonde hair and a white dress, around her own age or a bit younger,  rather frail in stature and pale in complexion. “Kaya! I was just talking about you, how are you doing?”
“Oh—heavens, I—” The girl laughed, wrapping her in a tight hug, which Karimi returned briefly with one arm before stepping back. “I’m still well, I—you’re back so soon, are the others—is Usopp—?”
“All fine,” Karimi assured her—not entirely true considering the state in which Mihawk had left Zoro, but Karimi lied with all the flair of a seasoned politician. Mihawk took immediate note of that. “We found this restaurant after we left, Baratie? It’s aboard a ship just docked in the middle of the ocean, it’s brilliant. I got an offer for a new contract while we were there. Couldn’t turn it down.”
“O—oh, of course,” said Kaya, smiling. “You did mention you weren’t planning on staying with them permanently. It just seems so…” She glanced briefly at Mihawk as he leaned to the side against the wooden wall of a storefront on the street, arms crossed, waiting for the reunion to conclude. “Er…so…who’s your friend?” she asked with a small, nervous chuckle.
Karimi forced a wry smile. “Not a friend,” she said curtly. “New contract, like I said.” And that wry smile turned into a smirk, as she added, giving Kaya a wink and a light nudge with her elbow, “He needed a body guard.”
As the girls both laughed at the joke, Karimi glancing back at him as if daring him to do something about it in so public a setting, Mihawk was beginning to wonder if the girl did have a legitimate death wish. He remained silent, glaring in return as she turned her attention back to Kaya.
“No,” Karimi said as their laughter subsided into a few chuckles, “in all seriousness—just, ah, had some business with the Marines anchored near town. We still need to draw up an official contract, and it seemed it would be easier and more comfortable to do so in port than at sea. Inn or a private tavern parlor.”
“There’s no need for that,” said Kaya. “You’re more than welcome to stay the night at the mansion, you know that.”
“Well, I didn’t really want to impose or—”
“Stop that,” said Kaya, shoving at her arm a little and chuckling. “After what you all did for me—I told you you’re welcome any time, and I meant it. Please,” she added, smiling warmly. “I insist.”
Karimi sighed a little, but smiled herself. “Well, if you insist,” she said. She turned to the side, glancing toward Mihawk. “I suppose introductions are in order, then.” She gestured a hand toward Kaya. “Kaya, local heiress, owner of the shipyard just down the way, aspiring doctor—”
“Oh, would you stop,” said Kaya, shoving at her arm and laughing, “I haven’t even begun studying yet.”
“You’ll do fine,” said Karimi dismissively. Then she turned to Kaya, and gestured toward Mihawk. “And, er. Dracule Mihawk. Warlord.”
The laughter faded from the young woman’s face immediately, her eyes growing wide as saucers as she glanced at him and looked back at Karimi.
Then she took a quick step forward after a moment, cupping her hands around Karimi’s ear and whispering something, glancing at him again before training her gaze back onto Karimi’s. The green-haired girl just gave a sort of noncommittal shrug. Then Kaya was whispering again, and Karimi gave a short laugh. She leaned closer herself and muttered under her breath—though just loud enough for Mihawk to hear—“Yeah, maybe if he wasn’t such an asshole—ow,” she added, when Kaya hit her across the arm.
As Karimi rubbed at her arm, Kaya turned to face the warlord directly, drawing in a deep breath, and with it perhaps every bit of resolve she could fit within her small frame, and offered a pleasant smile. “I do apologize for my friend’s rudeness, sir. I’m sure she just thinks she’s being funny. I would be more than honored to have you both as guests at my estate. I’m sure you would find it far more accommodating to your needs than the inn.”
It came as a bit of a shock that Karimi hadn’t simply been blowing smoke—the formal air about the frail girl was clear indication that she had been raised into money and powerful influence, even if said influence only extended across the small village where they presently found themselves. He glanced at Karimi, rolled his eyes at her grin, and turned his attention back to Kaya.
A mansion did sound far more comfortable an option.
“I appreciate your offer, Miss Kaya,” he said after a moment, curtly. “And I accept it. We will be departing tomorrow morning, no later than first light.”
“Well, you are both welcome to stay as long as you need,” she said pleasantly, bowing her head politely.
Mihawk lingered behind the girls as Kaya led the way to the mansion, listening to their conversation while they passed by the vast shipyard.
“Are you still planning on selling?” asked Karimi. “I was hoping I might be able to buy my next sloop from you.”
“Well…it does provide a good source of income at the present,” said Kaya, glancing across at the shipyard. “I do intend to sell eventually, but likely not until after I’ve finished my studies. I’m sure you’ll have saved more than enough before then. And I have no intention of charging you full price.”
“Ah, no handouts. I pay in full or I don’t buy one at all.” Kaya pursed her lips, rolling her eyes at her. “I can and will take my business elsewhere.”
“You’re more stubborn than a bull.” Karimi shrugged a shoulder and nodded in general agreement, and Kaya laughed at that. “Fine. Full price. But I’m sure you’ll have no trouble coming up with the berries.”
She just shrugged again—Karimi had no intention of telling Kaya the nature of her present contract, that she would be working an entire year without pay for the sole sake of ensuring that one of their mutual acquaintances was allowed to continue breathing. Perhaps it was better to steer the conversation in a different direction.
“So.” Karimi smiled as she rolled her eyes over to Kaya. “How have you been faring since the, ah, firing of your most esteemed butler?”
Kaya rolled her eyes at the question, but she chuckled a little. “It’s only been a day,” she reminded Karmi—and the reminder nearly blindsided her again. It still felt like far longer than a single day. “Some of the workers from the shipyard have been kind enough to help around the mansion. I do intend to become more self-sufficient, so I’m helping as much as I can.”
“You should be taking it easy,” said Karimi, frowning. “The bastard was poisoning you for years, you need time to recover.”
“I am taking it easy,” said Kaya lightly, folding her hands together in front of her. “But I also spent far too long confined to constant bed rest, and I would much rather take an active role in my own life now.”
“Fair enough, then.” Karimi smiled at that—a genuine smile, one that she couldn’t hold back. “And more power to you.”
Kaya was another example of Luffy’s influence. For all the years the girl had spent suppressed, that she had spent both literally and figuratively poisoned by the will of another, she was following her dreams now. One brief day of knowing Luffy, and her life was that much better for it. Her life was her own now, freed from suppression, free to follow whatever path she wanted.
There was no question in Karimi’s mind—that kid was going places.
“Your butler was poising you?” Both the girls gave a slight jolt at the question, as if they had forgotten entirely about the warlord following after them, listening to their conversation as they made their way toward the mansion. Karimi glanced back at him, and rolled her eyes at his brief, snide smirk, the same sort of smirk she had directed toward him several times over.
Kaya glanced at her, and then back toward him. “It’s…honestly quite a long story,” she said offhandedly.
“I think we all have time for it.”
She glanced at Karimi, who just shrugged a shoulder. Kaya gave a slow sigh, and slowed her pace for a moment until she was walking level with him. “My parents took in a man and a couple of his friends who claimed to have been marooned here. Hired them onto our staff and…they both passed just over a year later in an accident.” She drew in a slow, deep breath before going on. “My father trusted him implicitly enough to employ him as our butler, and…his trust turned out to be ill-placed. As I discovered only two nights ago.” She lowered her gaze to her feet as they walked. “He was pirate. Or he had been a pirate, and didn’t want to be anymore. He and a couple of his crewmates spent three years poisoning me. Keeping me weak so that no one would suspect anything when I died shortly after my eighteenth birthday and allowed him to inherit my family’s fortune for his own. I would be out of the picture, and he would be looked upon with both pity and admiration for having spent so long caring for me.”
“That…is certainly quite the plan,” said Mihawk quietly—it was difficult not to be impressed by it.
“They didn’t call him Kuro of A Thousand Plans for no reason,” said Karimi, turning around to walk backwards ahead of them as Mihawk’s brow furrowed. He had heard of Kuro—heard that the captain of the Black Cat pirates had been captured years ago. “Seems he somehow managed to fake his death. Made it look like Captain Axe-Hand Morgan took him in. Gave him the freedom to fly under the radar.”
“And I suppose he’s truly dead now?”
“Hard to say.” Karimi gave a shrug. “Luffy gum-gum-belled him through a window on the top floor before anyone could check for a pulse.”
“He…” For a moment, the warlord could do nothing but stare at the girl as if she were speaking in tongues—and she may as well have been. “He did what, exactly?”
“Oh,” she said, grinning, laughing a little, “he stretched his neck out around ten, fifteen feet behind him and then just slammed his head into Kuro’s. Sent him flying through the window. Probably halfway across the East Blue, from the force of it.”
“It was quite the spectacle,” said Kaya, chuckling a little herself.
“It was amazing is what it was. How he didn’t have a headache after that…” Karimi seemed to notice how Mihawk glanced between the two girls, discussing this apparent spectacle as if it were perfectly normal. It could mean only one thing—and Karimi confirmed it only a moment later as her grin widened. “Oh—did your Vice Admiral not mention that? Luffy’s a devil fruit user. Ate one when he was a kid. Made him stretchy.”
And more than a bit infuriating. Not only had Garp sent him to retrieve his grandson, a boy whose career as a pirate had barely even begun; but the old bastard had also neglected to mention the fact that said boy was a devil fruit user, a fact that would have been valuable to know had Mihawk actually decided to bring him in.
“Er…a Vice Admiral?” Karimi looked over at Kaya when she spoke up uncertainly. “Is…the marine ship anchored off the shore, were they…going after you all?”
“Y…yes,” she admitted, and shrugged a shoulder. “Luffy, more specifically. Evidently Garp has some personal issues with his grandson being a pirate.” Kaya’s eyes widened, a hand flying to her mouth. “But everyone’s fine. Luffy turned himself into a balloon and deflected the cannonball he threw at the ship. That’s why they’re still moored there, I would have to guess. Did a fair bit of damage. We escaped into a fogbank, ended up finding Baratie a few hours later. No harm done.”
Karimi had no intention at all of mentioning that one of their number was on the edge of death when she left them. Kaya was a sweet girl, and she had endured enough trauma of her own over the past few days without having anything else to worry herself over. So for the remainder of their stroll to the mansion, she drew Kaya’s attention away from the troubling news that the small crew was being pursued by a well-known Marine Vice Admiral by telling her about their time at Baratie—the flirty waiter that had shot his shot with both herself and Nami; Luffy ordering one of everything from the menu and then attempting to “put it on his treasure tab,” thus getting roped into washing dishes as compensation instead; Usopp drinking far too much over far too short a period of time and entertaining his fellow bar patrons with his ridiculous stories.
Leaving out the fact that Nami was planning on leaving, and that Karimi herself was now essentially a servant to Zoro’s would-be murderer.
“So…he seems happy, then?” she asked with a smile, walking level with Karimi as they reached the open gates of the mansion. “Usopp. He doesn’t regret leaving?”
“Oh, he’s having the time of his life,” Karimi assured her. “Honestly. It’s going to be a lot harder to tell which of his stories are just tall tales the next time you see him.”
She chuckled at that. “I’m glad to hear it. You’ve all only been away a day and you’ve already done so much, I’m sure he’ll have more stories than he knows what to do with before long.”
“Without a doubt. And it definitely doesn’t take long. I’ve been sailing eight years, but I probably could have written a book within the first two.”
Eight years. That caught Mihawk’s attention as they were greeted at the door by some of the help. Barely an hour ago had the girl claimed to have been working as a mercenary for six years. Either she had just been caught in a lie, or she had been doing something else for two years prior. There would be plenty of time to question her later, of course—and there would be plenty of questions.
But there was one more pressing matter that needed to be addressed first. He already knew Karimi would be of some degree of use to the end of reconnaissance, given her powers; but if she would be taking on contracts given to him by the World Government, he had to be sure that her six years of experience included some degree of aptitude in combat. Anyone could carry around an ornate pair of daggers and strap a belt of throwing knives to their calf.
Using them effectively was another story.
On inquiry about where they might be able to spar—which visibly piqued Karimi’s interest, her eyes widening and brow shooting up toward her dark green fringe—Kaya informed him that they were more than welcome to use the western courtyard. It was large enough, fairly empty of obstacles, and they would have more light as the sun sank down further in the sky.
As promised, the sprawling courtyard was more than large enough. There was a large marble fountain at its center, a few flowerbeds and benches around the perimeter, but otherwise clear enough. Stopping just short of the fountain, around ten feet from the warlord, Karimi set to stretching her arms back behind her and over her head. She paused when he pulled the cross from around his neck and unsheathed his knife, tucking the small scabbard and cord into a pocket in his coat. She tilted her head for a moment, lifting an eyebrow.
“Cute paring knife,” she commented, resuming stretching. “Are we sparring or peeling potatoes?”
Of course she had something smart to say—it seemed she always did. “This,” said Mihawk, extending the small blade out at arm’s length, “will be more than sufficient to assess your ability in combat.” Then, as she drew her daggers and spun them around, assuming a posture that favored offense over defense, “Or lack thereof.”
She rolled her eyes at that. “Just sparring or fighting to maim?”
She smirked at his curt reply. “Excellent.”
He held up a hand the second she started to move, and she paused on one foot, lifting her eyebrows. “Your Armament Haki. How proficient are you?”
“At the present I can really only use it to keep my Devil Fruit abilities in check,” she said, shifting back into a fighting stance again.
“Then you will be training to gain better control over it,” he said, “but that will come later. Right now, you will attempt to break through my defense, using any skill at your disposal. Understood?”
“Understood,” she said, waiting, her gaze shifting from his eyes and down to his knife.
“Then you will begin on three.”
Karimi knew she stood absolutely no chance of defeating him. The times she had sparred with Shanks while on his crew, even with him going relatively easy on her, she had never once beaten him—and Mihawk was renowned as an even greater swordsman. His physical strength exceeded hers by miles. Even if he only responded to her attacks defensively, even if he wouldn’t be using Haki himself, even if she lowered hers and let her Devil Fruit abilities help guide her actions, she stood no chance. He only wanted to see how long she could endure, how much damage she could inflict, if any.
And she went on two.
She was sure she saw the swordsman smirk for just a moment as he countered her right blade—and her left just as quickly when she swung it around toward his ribcage, stepping to the side effortlessly when she lowered down and swung a kick toward his ankles.
“I see you don’t fight fair,” he commented, a hint of amusement in the accusation.
“Everything’s fair in a fight.”
So many times had Karimi heard that exact sentiment amid her training with her grandmother, usually before she inevitably ended up flat on her back in their backyard. It had been imbued into her—the likelihood of her enemies fighting fair was slim to none, so it made no sense for her to extend them the courtesy. It didn’t matter either way, where Mihawk was concerned; his defense was ironclad, and just as it had been with her grandmother, her Devil Fruit was essentially useless combating someone with as much experience and skill as the warlord. His counters and movements came with little to no thought at all, finessed to the point that he barely needed to think at all, acting on pure reflex.
Karimi normally prided herself in her agility, but her limits were only human. His seemed to far exceed that.
To him, she was barely more than an annoying fly that he need only swat away once he grew tired of her persistence.
And thus he did after a few minutes, countering one of her daggers with enough force to send her skidding back across the grass. Before she even stopped or straightened her posture, she drew one of her throwing knives and aimed it low toward his legs.
And he caught it by its hilt in midair, flipping it back over his shoulder, where it landed several feet behind him and embedded into the grass and dirt.
Once more, he extended his arm, pointing the knife out toward her, his other arm remaining at his side.
And again, and again, and again. Karimi at least had her patience on her side—growing frustrated would do nothing but make her clumsy, make her attacks less precise and her movements less finessed. Still, physical exhaustion would inevitably have the same effect, and it came far sooner than it usually did. She hadn’t eaten since the previous evening and had spent the vast majority of the night consuming enough alcohol to stock a small pub, after all; she was likely bordering on dehydration.
A poorly timed block on her own part left her with a cut across her left cheek, left her pinned to the wall of the mansion with one of his arms across her collarbone. The point of his small blade was poised the center of her throat, her chest rising and falling heavily and her heart pounding, the cut across her cheek stinging as sweat dripped down from her temple and into the open wound.
By the position of the sun in the sky, no more than an hour had passed. She swore under her breath at that, sitting down heavily against the wall when he took a step back.
“Oh, goddammit.” She laughed breathlessly, shaking her head as she tilted it back against the wall. “I’m just about spent.”
“I will decide when we’re finished.”
Of course he would. Karimi grimaced as she pulled herself to her feet, as he crossed the yard and pulled her throwing knife out of the ground, tossing over so it landed at her feet.
“Now, then…”
And once more, he extended his knife, waiting for her to collect herself, his sharp yellow eyes glued to her.
Next chapter link again, for your convenience
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garnettfox · 5 months
Miracubots au: Akumas
Been a few days but I'm back!
Upfront, we don't have Akuma forms settled for everyone. SOME BITCHES *Stares at Chief, Dani and Kade* ARE SHOCKINGLY HARD TO DESIGN FOR.
So this isn't a complete list, hell if this ever became an actual fic some of them might end up changing.
Without further Adu, a very incomplete list of Akumas:
Ticket Master: Might as well get the Mr Pidgon equivilant out of the way, Don and his speeding tickets make him a weekly Akuma giving everyone in Griffin Rock headaches, especally the Heros. Everyone keeps begging Chief to just impound his car already but Don always pays off his fines so his hands are kinda tied.
Crawdaddy: So you know how there's occasionally a Dude who just has a Flobbster on a Leash? Ya, Ya he get's Akumatized over worrying about his pet's health. Don't worry the Flobster turns out ok.
Demolicious: Expect the spelling of this one to change a half dozen times because I hate myself and thought a portmantu of Demolition and Malicious was a great idea. Graham's Akuma form surprisingly enough formed when Graham just comepletly lost his temper after a stressful week and having to deal with a Karen of a tourest who decided to let her kids play in a derelict building he and Boulder where trying to safely demolish, and blamed him for the kids getting hurt.
Evilistratior: Alright this one was briefly mentioned and is something I kinda put in just for me. Being a very old OC of mine Dusk who I love very much. Think Bendy and the Ink machine meets Samarah from the ring and you kinda get the vibe of our Evilistratior, though instead of objects he creates ink creatures by drawing in his sketch pad as Dusk's an artist. As part of the self indulgent nonsence he becomes Graham's boyfriend. They even end up getting reakumatized into Demo and Evie together and are just an annoyingly sweet couple even when Evie's setting ink demons on everyone and Demo's trying to blow up the fucking island.
Glory Hog: Heatwaves Akuma caused by lingering stress over the entire Swallowtail situation and Kade falling back into his own glory hog ways. Glory Hog has the ability to 'Take away all attention and direct it to his self' Basically if you get hit by his beam, you kinda seace to exist for other people. They don't see you or acknowlage your there, your basically a ghost walking through your own life which is kinda horrorfying.
Emperata: Chase's Akuma formed after their reveal, Chase struggling with the sudden change in dynamic when he's become so acustomed to just the Burns family knowing. Coupled with the towns people not knowing how to treat him and just falling back on treating him like a robot when the more socal members of the team get readily accepted. Causes him to become Emperata, appearing as if Chase really had the horrorfic surgery done to him, and able to inflict the same on his brainwashed minions.
Halloweenie: More of a joke Akuma TBH, Blades after getting scared during Earlyween and getting upset at some teens tormenting some frightened younger kids, becomes the pumpkin fairy themed Halloweenie....Who makes everything cute. That's it. Cody and Frankie actually let him run around unchallenged for a bit because he is literally hurting no one, even if someone's wearing a scary costume and get zapped they can just, take the costume off no problem. And there have been a few occasions where letting the Akuma get it out of their system has calmed them down to be beatten without much of a fight.
Razorback. Boulders Akuma and it's a *bad* one. The idea I came up with was uhh....Graham and Dusk on a date off island when they run into uhhh....Anti-Anti-Fascsits if you catch my meaning. Resulting in Graham getting hurt enough to need the hospital and Dusk in jail needing bailing out for defending the pair of them. Boulder having never known about this side of humanity is just so blindsided and *angry* he's more or less a ball of walking distruction before he's calmed and deakumatised.
Defensor:....You saw it coming, don't pretend. Ya in this universe the episode where Cheif get's hurt and goes the hospital goes a little worse, not too much so, but the bots getting a nasty reminder of not only how fragile humans are but how short lived they are...What's more, their humans are emergancy responders, a profession that famously *shortens* those already brief lifespans....Ya, their pain and grief causes them to be fused into the group Akuma Defensor, who desides to take over the security systems Vigil was meant to once operate, they'll keep their family safe....no matter what....
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 month
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Pierro :} the name based of Pierrot as they are an extension of me so you know Jester - Pierrot.
info under cut etc
A mechanic that works for the restoration, they want to find a way to make badniks essentially on the restorations side.
The white parts on the gloves are sensors. They are able to use them to diagnose the weakness or the troubles in machines, they are of there own making.
They also act as a tablet by bringing up a hologram that enables them to read the diagnoses of machines they work on, call team members of the restoration, take down notes as well as pull up recordings that a small camera on there glasses records or snaps images off.
The boots are steel toed capped due to many accidents working with robots
the spikes on the boots are hard and sharp and make use for a good hard kick.
They are rather agile being able to leap up to large heights from even a stand still. Has an orange wisp as a partner that does help them get even higher for a boost if need be.
They often ask to be taken to scrapnik island and have some weird realtionship going on with mecha sonic. They often hang around the island weeks at a time in attempts to study the others as well as find ways to stop badniks being under eggman's control.
has an obssession with the designs of the metal sonics and constantly has attempted to coax metal sonic into taking them as hostage.
Metal sonic seems to be aware to avoid this freak as they have some understand those gloves of theres could pick out weak spots, dosn't mean he won't attack them he just avoids there touch.
Base ref used from a sonic oc creator on picrew but it didnt have a lot of options so I added on to it
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
In Fathoms Below - Ch. 9
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Ch. 9 - The Journey
Characters: Gale, Karlach, Wyll, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Gortash + other OCs; pairing is Gale x fem!Tav Plot: The island city of Nautera disappeared over 4500 years ago, if it ever existed at all. Now not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more. A/N: Who doesn't love a MONTAGE? This may be one of my favorite chapters to write, honestly, because I just love picturing various spaces in the Underdark and imagining glimpses of the travels and battles these poor expeditioners have gotten themselves into. A bit of a shorter chapter today (chapters 9 and 10 were going to be one chapter, but collectively it got too long so you're welcome, I split them up), but I'm sure you'll find something to interest you in this montage of Underdark scenes <3 Also please enjoy a bit of montage music!
Previous Chapter | Nextt Chapter | BG3 Masterlist | Read on AO3
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After saving Nevrin from two more cloakers (or, according to Nevrin, “assisting him with the dispatch” of two cloakers), Astarion joined the expedition with relatively little drama, aside from a few snide comments from Minthara and an amused dismissive shrug from Gortash. They reported their suggestions for the best way forward and soon, with the help of a few magic spells and a careful crossing of the platforms and mushrooms, the expedition was back to making forward progress.
And so they went, journeying deeper into the Underdark. Time soon became meaningless as they lost track of the days, even with the Gondians’ time-pieces keeping up with the hours. They instead fell into a pattern of traveling, resting, or making camp at semi-regular intervals, though some “days” were more exciting and longer than others.
Gale had never ventured far into the Underdark prior to this expedition, having spent most of his time in Waterdeep or Candlekeep, deeply entrenched in his studies and his pursuits of…well, trying to please and impress Mystra. She had been his life for so long. His every action, thought, and word was carefully chosen to reflect her values or try to earn her favor. But between slowly translating the Seldruin portions of the Nauterran Account, using the Loross part to plan their journey, and witnessing the surprising variability of the Underdark—not to mention a few battles and skirmishes here and there with the Underdark’s many deadly denizens—his mind strayed often, not to Mystra, but to the world around him and the possibility of what lay ahead. Though she was never completely gone from his thoughts, she had begun to fade as he soaked in the sights and focused on translating the old elven language.
The Underdark was more than rocks and tunnels. They passed through caverns large enough to hold whole towns and entire cities, their ceilings often disappearing into darkness. Though there were no humanoid settlements down here, no duergar or drow fighting over territory, the Underdark was by no means devoid of light, life, or color. Between rocky columns, crags, cliffs, and chasms, the Underdark was alive and vibrant with bioluminescent fungi, glowing crystals, distant lava flows, and strange plants and beasts not even their drow allies could recognize or identify.
Mushrooms and lichens grew in glowing clusters all over the place, from the tiniest sprouts like blades of grass to wide, flat toadstools strong enough to walk on. Twice on their journey, distant clouds of glowing spores amidst gardens of brilliant fungi suggested the presence of myconid colonies, though they never ventured near enough to confirm for themselves. They did occasionally see the odd myconid at a distance, their strange colors standing out starkly in the darkness of the rocks, but the myconids kept their distance, watching them placidly from afar.
Elsewhere, ancient sussur trees grew with their strong roots curling outward across chasms and around columns of rock. Left undisturbed for centuries, their twisted white trunks were as wide as two expedition carts end-to-end and their branches fanned out far enough to slowly shower white-blue leaves over their entire convoy. They tried to keep a wide berth around these trees, since a single sussur flower had the power to dampen Gale’s magical abilities and completely power down the crystals in the rothé constructs, but they were forced to journey along the roots and limbs of one ancient sussur tree to cross a wide chasm where the tree’s growth had destroyed the roads. 
At the time, Gale could feel the magic suppressing him, like a thick, heavy blanket, almost suffocating in its power. Yet even he couldn’t help but feel a little in awe of the tree as they worked together to lift and pull the carts and constructs along the roots. There was something mesmerizing about the white and blue leaves, illuminated with light, and the blue flowers with their bioluminescent specks along their petals. Even so, he was grateful to reach the other side, out of reach of the flowers’ anti-magical influence. He felt as though he could breathe properly again, once he was away from them. Sussur trees, he decided, were best admired from a distance.
As were many other things in the Underdark, they were later to find out.
Still, other surprises awaited them as they journeyed on. Whole caves and caverns were filled with crystals, some as tall as houses and glowing with brilliant light, some half-hidden in the rocks. There were gems and precious stones down here just waiting to be mined, veins of silver and copper, iron and gold that lay practically unnoticed among the stone as they passed. Minthara’s scouts and other keen-eyed crew members even spotted rare mithral veins, some just a few yards off their path, others in out-of-the-way corners and deep down dark chasms. Gale could see Gortash noting a few of these places on the maps he and Minthara were making as they went, and he wondered if Gortash really thought it worth the effort to disrupt an entire Underdark ecosystem simply for a few veins of gold, mithral, or precious stones.
He supposed he ought not to be surprised. But at least for now, Gortash was content to leave everything well enough alone.
The creatures of this part of the Underdark were no less interesting than the plants and minerals, from the tiniest salamanders with their color-changing spots to the prismatic ropers clinging to the distant ceilings, their many-branching opalescent limbs and tentacles swaying gently beneath them like complex root systems. Wyll had taken to keeping a journal of all the creatures and beasts they encountered, whether they fought them or not, with detailed notes and a few rough sketches, a habit Gale suspected he had started as the Blade of Frontiers. Halsin had likewise begun noting new flora in his own notes, specifically interested in their medicinal properties or dangers. The others seemed only to care whether or not said flora and fauna could be eaten. They were all desperate for some variety in their next meals.
Gale had resisted taking over the cooking duties for the expedition, but only barely. The supplies they had brought with them amounted to little more than whole shares of hardtack, salted and dried meat, rice, dried peas, seeds, and beans, and hard cheeses that were quickly running low. The two or three cooks that regularly handled evening meals tried to augment their dishes with Underdark mushrooms, roasted lizards, or cave fish, if any could be found in nearby pools and lakes, but even these plentiful additions made for poor dishes. In truth, Gale found himself sneaking a prestidigitation spell into most of the cookpots in an attempt to mask otherwise bland or bitter flavors. Just because a thing could be killed didn’t mean it made for good eating, after all.
And not everything that could be killed was killed easily. Cloakers had only been the start of their worries. Strange, jabbering nothics swarmed their camp one night, attempting to steal supplies, while another night they accidentally awakened a small colony of frog-like blindheims when trying to make camp, causing the blindheims to open their eyes all at the same time. The bright beams from their eyes illuminated the small cavern nearly as bright as day and all was chaos until the blindheims had made their escape. They’d since become much more cautious about where they stopped to camp.
They’d also taken to sending forward parties ahead to clear the paths after hook horrors nearly dragged their entire convey down into a chasm as they were traveling. Lae’zel, Karlach, and Shadowheart were frequent captains of these forward parties at Minthara’s request, with Wyll, Astarion, Halsin, and Gale frequent companions alongside at least one drow scout and a few other of Grotash’s soldiers. Together they faced large, insectoid creatures like armored umber hulks and creatures that disguised themselves as stalactites and stalagmites, like darkmantles and ropers, which detached from the ceiling to try and capture them or lashed out with whip-like tentacles to wrap around their ankles and drag them closer to be devoured. Halsin and Shadowheart’s healing capabilities were often put to the test keeping various people alive, though unfortunately in three separate cases a soldier or ally was lost in the midst of an attack. It was little comfort to know that they didn’t need to worry about duergar or drow attacks, but even without them, trying to survive in the more hostile areas of the Underdark was an adventure all on its own.
What was surprising were not the creatures that attacked on sight, but the ones that didn’t. It was clear that everything here had never seen a humanoid creature. Humans, elves, dwarves, tieflings, and gnomes were strange to them, and even though there were many aggressive creatures that preferred to attack on sight, many more seemed simply disinterested. Gale swore he saw a basilisk lounging near a lava flow at one point. They were thankfully well outside the range of its petrifying gaze, but even so, the hulking eight-legged lizard seemed unfazed by them as they passed by. Other reptile creatures looked no less deadly, and yet seemed no more interested in them than the basilisk.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Wyll said at one point, jotting down notes for a prehistoric-looking creature with wide, flat ridges along its spine that was slowly chomping its way through a series of mushrooms. “There are beasts down here I don’t even know the names of. The closest I can think of is a dilophosaurus and it’s not even close.”
“No doubt many of these creatures are considered extinct on the surface,” Gale said, watching the creature eat. “The Society of Brilliance would have a field day if they caught so much as a whiff of all we’ve seen down here.”
“Are you going to tell them about it when you return?”
Gale smiled, though it was mostly without humor. “No. Not unless it was a scholar I absolutely trusted, in any case. I’ve read enough of their works to know how the Society handles new discoveries.”
Which was about as delicately as Karlach and Gortash handled obstacles in their way. When yet another chasm proved challenging to cross, they had elected to place several barrels of smokepowder around the base of a towering column of stone carved with the primitive yet intricate markings of some kind of long-dead race of creatures. Gale had remarked idly that the column must have been the creatures’ masterwork, the magnum opus of years of work. One spark of flame and a few seconds later, the column’s millennia-old history was lying horizontally across the chasm.
“Look,” Karlach had said, grinning. “I made a bridge! Took me, what, ten seconds? Eleven, tops. Call that innovation.”
If this part of the Underdark was the final frontier, the final safe haven for creatures like the docile mushroom-eating dinosaurs or other beasts, Gale didn’t want to be the one to destroy that for them by inviting in a legion of hapless scientists and greedy mages. It was bad enough they were stumbling clumsily through it all.
And, if he were being a little selfish and honest with himself, he enjoyed being one of a rare, select few who knew such wonders even existed. For now.
Between the wonders and dangers of the Underdark, it would have been easy to miss the traces of civilization that had made a mark down in these colorful, treacherous depths. But as much as Gale wanted to stop and memorize his surroundings, to try to store each new mesmerizing sight deep in his mind so that he could recall it later in dreams and illusions, his focus had to be on those signs of civilization, the marks and carvings and clues that the previous explorers had left behind to guide them onward. It was his job to guide them. And the farther ahead they moved, the more he felt the mounting pressure to succeed, to prove that all of this travel and fighting and dying was worth something.
He tried not to worry about it, but it gnawed at him some days. There were no guarantees down here. Not even the location of the final resting place of Nautera was assured. But they had to keep going.
Thankfully, the Nauterran Account had brought them faithfully through enormous stretches of the Underdark. So long as they followed the signs, carvings, and roads left behind by the author of the Account, they were on track to find the ruins of Nautera sooner or later. And where the Account failed, which was rarely, the githyanki explorers who had attempted this same journey had found workarounds and noted them in their tir’su slates. It was just a matter of paying attention, adapting to their surroundings, and getting creative when the situation called for it.
They would find the ruins of Nautera…eventually. He tried to remind himself of that whenever it seemed as though the journey would never end. They would find Nautera eventually. It was just a matter of time.
He just hoped there would be time left afterward to decide what to do about the orb in his chest. More than that, he hoped that Nautera might have something to help fix the orb problem once and for all. Though the chances of that were slim to none, there was still a shred of hope left within him that kept him going.
And if the ruins didn’t hold his salvation, maybe something in the Account itself would.
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marislittleworld · 4 months
I NEED more fics with dad!chris redfield :3
YES! THANK YOU ANONYMOUS 😗 *muah!*, here is more of dad!Chris with mom!Jill. Also I'm gonna do more content like this, so you can ask for more if you want :3
WARNINGS: Daughter!OC included (Ana Valentine Redfield), it'll pass on the events of Resident Evil: Death Island, Piers Nivans is mentioned.
“Guess the aiming training was worth it!”
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Ana started her rifle training when she met Piers Nivans, he was going to visit her father because of work, and then he met a 9-year-old Ana. It didn't take long until the two of them became friends.
Chris noticed that Piers was great with kids so he trusted him to train Ana in some aiming skills. Piers was a very good sniper of the BSAA team, he trained Ana with the use of the rifle.
The saddest part is when Piers was considered dead, he dies to save Ana’s father on a final mission, but she didn't stop training her aiming skills, she asked kindly to her mother to train her to how to use a handgun just in case of very risky situations. Surprisingly, Jill accepted.
The year now is 2015, Ana got a visit from auntie Claire and she couldn't not notice her parents putting on their casual clothing like they are going on vacation.
"wait-- where are you two going?" Ana asks "you look like you're on a vacation"
Jill looked at Chris and he nods as in the form of confirmation.
"we are going on a mission" Jill answered
"but without your gear?" Ana asked more confused
Jill and Chris showed their handguns which were below their jackets. Ana glared at them like 'are you going to have fun without me?'. Chris scoffed and smirked.
"We are going to Alcatraz to investigate the reason of people getting infected" Chris said
The teen gasps, "noooo way! I've always wanted to visit that prison. Can I go with you? Please please pleaseee? I know how to take care of myself" Ana pleads
The couple gasps and their eyes widen
"No Ana! It's too dangerous for you, we don't even know how those people are getting infected." Jill answered worriedly
"she is right, Ana. You're still not ready" Chris approaches and pats Ana's shoulder. "We love you, Ana. We just don't want to lose you"
The three of them hugged each other and the couple said goodbye to their daughter. She stayed there for 5 minutes and thought.
"Ah no way I'm letting them have fun without me" Ana diabolically played with her hands and decided to get dressed.
TIMESKIP (RE: Death Island spoilers ahead)
After the zombies attack, the revelation of Dylan Blake and Rebecca curing Leon, Chris e Claire, all of them got reunited with Jill to defeat the now transformed villain. They started to use their weapons, but it was no use.
The five of them dodged the monster's claw, but he knocked down Rebecca and Claire. And suddenly a shot could be heard and then a crane hook hit right on Dylan's head, deep inside. The couple and Leon, Claire e Rebecca looked up and saw Ana holding a rifle, the smoke getting out of the cane because of the shot.
Claire and Rebecca smiled while Jill and Chris are surprised and confused to see their daughter at Alcatraz.
"Jill, please tell me that I'm still infected at the point of seeing our daughter here" Chris asked trying not to be angry and yell
"nope, she's here" Jill answered also feeling angry, "ANA!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE? WE TOLD YOU TO STAY AT HOME!"
"I thought you guys could use one more help, so I came by my own" Ana answers while holds the rifle
"ohh you two have a daughter? Very cool..." Leon interrupts the family moment
The monster growled stealing the attention of the adults and the teenager, he pulled the hook, making part of the crane fall and almost hit on her parents, scaring Ana.
"MOM! DAD! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Ana yelled worriedly
"we are fine, sweetie! Find a place and hide!!" Jill commands in her motherly way and ran to get the machine gun
"AND YOU'RE GROUNDED!!" Chris yelled angrily at Ana, making her jaw drop for some seconds, but she went back to normal
Ana saw her family trying to use their rocket launchers on the monster, but it was no use too. She decided to get the grenade on the floor, take off it's ring and throw at the monster, she used her rifle to shoot on the grenade, and it exploded on the monster's face and yet... it was no use, the creature got blinded by the smoke of the explosion that he used on of his paws to hit blindly.
He hit on the metal bridge where Ana was standing, the teen tried to scape but she fell of the bridge, falling on the hard floor. Jill, Chris and Claire ran towards Ana.
"ANA!!" Claire yelled her niece's name
Chris grabbed Ana's shoulders "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"damn it-- I thought it would work" Ana said with pain
"but you did good, daughter. You bought us more time" Chris said to Ana
Ana chuckles, "well, guess the aiming training was worth it!”
"stay with your aunt and Rebecca, me and your father will handle this creature" Jill helped Ana to get up, and Ana nods.
After the battle, the group walked outside of the prison waiting for the helicopters to arrive, meanwhile, Jill crossed her arms and looked at Ana, who just avoided her gaze.
"okay, young lady. We've got a doggone question for you" Jill says in a very motherly tone "How did you get here?"
"well uhm-- let's say that I took a bus to get to the boat checkpoint. I used the same boat as you when you were coming here. And I stayed hidden until the battle"
Leon and Claire chuckles and he messed Ana's hair.
"you're still grounded" Chris said
"I know" Ana responds while fixing her hair
The group smiled until they saw the helicopters arriving to the island. The family Redfield always stick together even in the most dangerous moments.
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lostloveletters · 11 months
Bruised Fruit Chapter 6 (Michael Corleone x OC)
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Summary: In the deep, dark night, Michael fails to find sleep and instead wrestles with doubt.
Note: This chapter is from Michael's perspective, and that's why it took me over a month to write it. I'm so sorry about the delay! Also, CYO stands for Catholic Youth Organization. It was founded during the Great Depression as a (surprisingly progressive for the time) socio-religious organization. Many parishes have one, and they usually have sports teams that play against other parishes.
Warnings: Angst, negative opinions on abortion.
Chapter 5 | AO3 link | Masterlist
Do not interact if you're under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content. I will block you.
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Michael stared at the wall in his office, illuminated in soft yellow light by the singular lamp he’d turned on when he stumbled inside, dealing with one of his regular bouts of insomnia after tossing and turning for the better part of an hour. He knew better than to hope to find sleep, but couldn’t bring himself to focus on anything in his restlessness.
Everything had gone well when he and Gloria brought Anthony and Mary to her parents’ house. Better than either of them expected, sharing glances of disbelief throughout the evening at how much her parents’ attitudes changed with the kids around. Before they had even gotten home, Anthony and Mary were asking when they could go over again. 
Naturally, they’d been closer with his mother than Kay’s parents, but losing their grandparents, whether through death or cut off from communication was hard on them. Even though they called Gloria’s parents Mr. Jack and Ms. Julia, his kids had bonded quickly with them. It almost bothered him, how they took to Anthony and Mary with open arms, leaving him alone on his island of disdain. As much as he hated to acknowledge it, he hadn’t seen Anthony so happy in a long time.
He’d come in from playing baseball with Jack in the backyard, dirt on his cheek and a wide smile on his face. 
“Kid’s a natural slugger! Nearly took my head off!” Jack exclaimed, giving Anthony a proud pat on the back. “Gotta get him into the CYO league.”
“Can I dad?”
Michael nodded, his smile reflecting his son’s. “I don’t see why not.”
Anthony turned to the old man. “Sorry again about your fence, Mr. Jack.”
“What? Don’t worry about it, Tony,” Jack said.
Michael had gone outside to look at it later on. One of the wooden fence posts broke, splintered in half. It was old and weathered anyway, but Jack brushed it off so nonchalantly. Even later, when Michael privately apologized and offered to pay to have it fixed, Jack looked at him like he was crazy. 
On the car ride home, Michael had tried calling Anthony ‘Tony���, only to be met with an odd expression from his son. There was a disconnect, he just wasn’t sure where. Kay’s accusations of him not even knowing his own son that well echoed in his mind. His fists clenched. As if she knew any better.
“Here you are,” Gloria said softly, pulling him from his thoughts. “I woke up to use the bathroom and you weren’t there.”
His smile didn’t quite reach his bleary eyes. “Don’t stay up on account of me. It’s always one of us.”
“Let me at least keep you company. You don’t have to say anything.”
Wordlessly, he nodded, unable to find the words for the relief he felt at not having to brave the rest of the night alone. He watched as she walked over to the bookcase, a hulking, dark hardwood monstrosity that he’d paid moving companies to carefully bring to Nevada and back. But it had been his father’s, and he hoped, perhaps foolishly, its presence would impart some of his wisdom from beyond. 
Gloria devouring newspapers rather than books left her better equipped for discussions of the present rather than the past, but as much as he tried to resist it, the reality that time was a circle, that the past was doomed to repeat itself over and over was becoming more prevalent with each passing day, so he supposed it didn’t make a difference. 
She considered the books that were neatly stored on the shelves–mostly his, a handful of her own, and a few Kay had left behind. He kept Kay out of his mind as much as he could. Little things like that made it difficult. Within days, most traces of her ever living in the same house as him were gone, as if she were a disgraced member of the Politburo. As much as he wracked his brain for where things had gone so wrong, what exactly he hadn’t noticed before, none of it justified her killing their son. Mercy, she called it, while looking him in the eye and calling him a murderer.
Any attempt to hold onto love was like trying to grab a handful of water, slipping through his fingers and leaving traces behind on his skin like a curse. But water could be manipulated, controlled if the will to do so were strong enough—dams constructed against rushing waterfalls and rivers, canals carved out through harsh deserts and dense jungles. 
His father had the love and respect of a sea of people, never wanting for it. Michael struggled to achieve that balance despite what he believed were his best efforts. Something had gone terribly wrong over the previous years, but he didn’t understand what made him so different from his father that he didn’t inspire that same level of loyalty from his own family. 
Connie had come back, a welcome return despite all the trouble she caused in the meantime, but Fredo…He shook his head at the thought. Betrayed by so many he trusted–Fredo, Kay, even Pentangeli. They all jumped at the opportunity to get one over on him, to each grab their own knife and pierce him as deeply as they could. Poor judgment on his part, perhaps, but his father was never betrayed by anyone he trusted. Even Tessio, all those years ago, had betrayed him when his father was barely in the ground.
Tom was loyal, indispensable, his only living brother, but Michael could see the exhaustion setting in behind his eyes back in Nevada. If Tom was out, he couldn’t think of who would be his new consigliere. Al was his oldest capo, with Rocco being killed during Roth’s assassination, but he wasn’t a level-headed advisor like Tom was. As soon as he received word Tom was feeling out opportunities elsewhere in Nevada, he nipped it in the bud. 
He couldn’t afford to have anyone else in the family leave. It’d look like his control was weakening over what he’d so carefully built from his father’s legacy. Since the move back to New York, he was able to bring most of Pentangeli’s and Roth’s dealings into Corleone interests, but there’d always be rumblings, people discontent with the way things were, seeking a suicidal opportunity to take power from him. If it seemed like he couldn’t control those most loyal to him, it’d only embolden them.
Of course, the part that he tried time and time again to smother, that made him weak enough to get the wool pulled over his eyes to be betrayed by not only his own brother but also his wife, took these instances far more personally, crying out beneath his facade of cold anger. He hated it. Hated how it made him agonize over why it was so difficult for him to inspire loyalty and devotion, why he struggled to gain love and keep it. 
He glanced at his fiance, who’d dismissed the books on the shelf for the radio, playing around with it as she tuned in and out of different stations. He had asked her father for his blessing to marry Gloria as a formality, an offering of respect. Jack scoffed, shaking his head in silent rebuke of Michael for even bothering. A good Italian girl would never marry a man without her father’s approval, not unless her love for her beau surpassed her respect for her father. His fiance was far from a good Italian girl, but perhaps she did love him. 
“This was your father’s office, right?” she asked abruptly, sitting next to him when she settled on a station.
“It was. But it used to be darker, like my office back at the Lake Tahoe house. The people who lived here before us brightened it up.”
“Are you gonna keep it, or change it back?”
He shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”
“I like it. Makes the room feel more open and approachable, not like you’re hiding away.”
“Do I seem like I’m hiding?”
“More often than usual, yes.”
“How can you tell?”
“I’m the one you did your hiding with, remember?” she said, smiling the slightest bit.
He snickered. “Guess it does take one to know one.” 
There was nowhere for them to hide anymore, though. A respectable couple, living together, soon under the blessing of the Catholic Church in holy matrimony. No more clandestine meetings in hotel rooms or lingering glances in public. She’d take his last name, bear him a son, makeup for all that had been lost. His hand settled over her stomach, unsure if the bump he felt was from pregnancy or her simply eating better because the women in his family could actually cook and she was useless in the kitchen. Either was welcome, but he found himself restless to know for certain. 
For weeks, he had Tom draft up quite possibly one of the longest, most detailed prenuptial agreements that the State of New York would ever receive, but he would leave no possibility to chance. Not after Kay ran off, got an abortion, and still tried to get custody of his children. He sure as hell never considered that to be remotely possible, yet she had, all simply to spite him. Then there was Apollonia, whose memory he guarded so closely that sometimes even he forgot she existed. He had failed her, completely and utterly, and as he looked at Gloria, he was determined not to let the same happen to her. 
She was more restless than Kay, though. They hadn’t even been in New York a week before she was talking about going to Tupperware parties and meeting neighbors. He could only keep her on such a short leash before she’d pull too much, either breaking the lead or choking on it. He wouldn’t put it past her father to encourage any animosity she’d develop toward him. 
“Have you checked your blood sugar since you’ve been up?” she asked, stifling a yawn.
“Maybe you should, just in case.”
“Alright, darling. I’ll check. You get some sleep.”
She nodded, eyes beginning to flutter shut. “If it’s too low, Sandra brought over lasagna the other day. There should still be some in the fridge.”
Gloria lay across the couch when he got up, and he adjusted one of the throw pillows so she wouldn’t wake up with a crick in her neck in the morning.
“You’re practically building her a legal cage here, Mikey,” Tom had half-joked the last time they looked over the prenup.
“I can’t lose her.”
Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “Is this really about her?”
“Of course it is. She’s going to be my wife.”
“Mike, I’m just saying that when she sees this thing, she’s gonna run screaming.”
“She’ll sign it, Tom. She’ll do it for our son.”
He didn’t miss the skeptical look Tom gave him, the only person who pushed back anymore. Even he knew how to pick his battles, though, and being the ever perceptive consigliere that he was, decided there’d be more important things to challenge Michael on than his third marriage. Besides that, Gloria wasn’t family, not quite yet, and so sticking his neck out for her would do no good. Not when Michael had made his mind up.
He looked at Gloria again, sound asleep on the couch. She wouldn’t have stayed this long if she didn’t want this too, he reminded himself silently. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, he made his way into the kitchen.
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thesmallmeggles · 6 months
Happy April!
As someone who plays both Hi-Fi Rush and Cassette Beasts, and inspired by @psychangels AU, I'm ready to share the beast teams I've assembled for my main HFR OCs.
🟣Violet/Bacon🟣: Palangolin, Ratcousel, and an Undyin (Poison bootleg?) she swears isn't part of her team
Palangolin's knight theme ties to a pair of characters Violet connects with in RP (neither one is a Zanzo) and Sir Bromelain's Travels, a fictional play I made up for her to obsess over so I don't break immersion 😄. This beast also uses a polearm type weapon. Ratcousel is both for humor and to connect with her toy collecting. Undyin is related to the scary ghost lady Violet sees in her dreams. No significant lore relevance with that other than I had a creepy dream and wanted to incorporate it into RP.
Fun Fact: My Cassette Beasts character is currently a version of Violet. I plan on redressing her as the Moonstone Island Alchemist once the crossover update releases
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//Image Description: A photograph of Cassette Beast's character creation screen depicting "Bacon", a woman with short, side swept blue hair, light skin, and glasses. She's wearing a purple poncho, yellow pants, and black shoes.//
💓Shiruko💓: Mascotorn, Kirikuri, and Fountess (Glitter bootleg? So her entire team can be pink ❤️)
Mascotorn because Shiruko likes cute things, wants to wear a mascot suit someday, and would kin this mon. Kirikuri is for vibes, though part of its description fits it like a glove. Fountess was also chosen based on its description. It's a bootleg since Shiruko actively avoids water
🧜‍♀️Mel🧜‍♀️: Miasmodeus, Mardiusa (Water bootleg), and last is either Spitzfyre, Southpaw, or Scarleteeth (maybe bootleg?)
In RP, Zim's nickname for Mel is "Sea Witch", since she loves mermaids and is also... Not a pleasant person to be around generally. Miasmodeus is the "witch" part and bootleg Mardiusa is the "sea" part. Mel also likes dogs so she would have one of the canine monsters.
🦇Worcestershire💀: Kingrave for sure. Second is either Folklord or Apocrowlypse, and third is either Hedgehern or Draculeaf
Goth druid, goth druid! Whatever his final team is, it's dripping with style.
🎭Forte🎭: Flapwoods, Sharktanker, and his piece de resistance GLAISTAIN
Flapwoods is a funny guy that wears a tie, so Forte respects it on principle. Sharktanker is a funny reference to the Production level shark that Forte plans to use for transportation. Glaistain is the closest equivalent to a Spamton Neo like form in this game and it goes FAST
🐢Allegro🐢: Lobstacle, Fungogh (might be a Plastic or Metal bootleg), and Lapacitor
Fungogh references the creative inclinations O5-KAR units have in canon. Lapacitor fits since Allegro struggles with battery charge retention + tortoise and hare. Lobstacle... Is another vibe based choice, I guess.
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kyeterna · 1 year
OC-tober day 6 prompt: symbol
Featuring Rena Star Team (again) (I do not have a bias wdym) in a short animatic ("I am not an animator", I tell myself. "I hate animating" I scream into the void. Yet all my half assed animated projects look at me disapprovingly) showcasing the stuff I associate her with.
Of legacies, sins, desires and herecies. Time can only move forward. The young girl knew that better than anyone. But a Chronidi can only strive to make the impossible, possible. Stubborness runs in the family.
All thr Star Team characters have a lot of care put into their symbolisms. And of course Rena is no exception. For this animatic I have chosen 5 symbols, which can all capture a different period in her life.
First: The Chronidi family insignia
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The ruling families in Onero island all have an insignia representing them. Chronidi, being one of the founding families, used to be one. Well most of them are still, however that is no longer the case for the branch Rena comes from. Her grandmother, choosing to marry a commoner, was effectively disowned, yet she still brandished the family insignia. Was it a form of protest? Out of spite? Nobility or not, the expectations for all memberts of the "disgraced" branch were high. Throughout her life, especially in early childhood, Rena had been living in the shadow of the high expectations of her family. In the shadow of the beloved matriarch. The insignia serving as both a sign of pride and a curse.
Second: Roses
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Rena loves roses. Everyone knows what a rose is. Everyone likes roses. But roses are no one's favourite flower. If they say it is, it's because they don't know the names of other much prettier flowers. People also tend to forget that roses are not just the blossom, but the bush and the thorns as well. No one likes roses in their totality, just the pretty part. But thorns are as much part of the rose as the blossom is.
Rena understands why roses have thorns. She finds comfort in their sting.
In her pre-teen and early teen years, Rena was able to escape briefly her family's critical gaze through school. "Surrounded by mediocrity even the mediocre can shine as exceptional". "Family's disappointment" when surrounded by talented people "Exceptional talent" when surrounded by mediocrity. Everyone likes roses, but there's nothing special about them. Liked but not genuinely loved. Those who attempt to get stung by thorns. Rena finds comfort in it, but Nora did not.
Third: Deer
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There is not much "depth" in this one. I just associate every star team character with an animal. Nora's is a bunny, Maya's is a cat. Rena's is a deer.
Rena's young adulthood was the most stable her life had ever felt. Which says a lot as those 4 years in Toxi were hectic to say the least. Always running, but never truly free. Always pursued by her past.
Fourth: The Sun
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The Saint of Fools
The sun rests as a halo behind the Chosen One's head.
"She is like the sun. Brilliant, warm and nurturing, yet also capable of hurt. Sometimes looking at her burnt my eyes"
"But there's nothing significant about the sun compared to the rest of the stars. The only reason it drowns out their light during the morning is its proximity to the earth. There are stars out there that shine brighter than the sun ever will. Much more brilliant. So much more potential. I envy them"
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Nora, Rena's first and only friend, is the stars
Fifth: grandfather clock
A presence throughout her life, the physical object existed during her stay at school. A clock without hands, yet its ticking echoing forever. No matter how much she tried slowing it down, it can never be reversed. Time can only move forward. The young girl knew that better than anyone. But a Chronidi can only strive to make the impossible, possible. Stubborness runs in the family.
From bweirdart's OC-tober prompt:
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While I am doing this challenge mostly to keep an archive of my characters on tumblr (and to incentivise myself to draw them), if you, person stumbling upon this post, are curious and wanna learn more, my askbox is open >:3c
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