#ya’ll see the roster soon
justtuesdays · 2 years
it’s the little things: meet the vipers
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5’7” | Los Ángeles, California
She’s tattooed herself once or twice.
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5’7” | New York, New York
The only one successfully triple majoring at Camden.
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5’9” | Brooklyn, New York
Loves Starbucks, hates coffee.
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5’8” | Cambridge, England
Still doesn’t have her driver’s license.
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5’8” | London, England
She’s made every dress she owns.
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5’10” | New York, New York
They speak five languages. No they won’t say which.
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5’5” | Bridgehampton, Long Island
Starts her mornings with a 5-mile run.
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reizeken · 2 years
Writing a slight crack-ish fic 'bout youtuber steph in 2007 (Don't question the logistics) and have this excerpt. I have no idea about the start or the end but atleast the middle is done yannow.
Never in my life did I have to remember this many 2007 cavs roster members fr
“Wait, no, stop-” 
Lebron’s blood froze at the familiar voice coming from the locker room, so unfamiliar soft and fragile and out of breath that Lebron’s entire vision turned red with rage, the loud laughter of multiple men from the locker room adding to his rising blood pressure. He slammed the door open, trying desperately to calm his rising anger down and then he saw what he feared the most. 
Steph was pressed down on a bench under Varejao, both of them looking towards the door at the sudden and loud intrusion, the rest of the team stuck in various stages of laughter, Steph’s hand slightly pulling away Varejao’s jersey in an act of resistance. Lebron’s breath hitched sharply at Steph’s red eyes, pink face and slightly dishevelled jersey (LeBron’s jersey which he lent no less) and moved quickly to grab Varejao off of Steph. 
“Exactly what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He asked, voice threateningly deep, grabbing Varejao’s collar with pure hostility in his heart. He felt irritation when Varejao’s facial expression hadn’t changed, a smug smile fixated on his face and tried his best to suppress the cold anger that was threatening to overtake him, annoyance only heightening when his teammates continued to laugh even in this situation. 
Just as Lebron was about to punch the man smirking at him he felt a small, cold hand land on his bicep, shaking slightly. He felt panic rise in his throat thinking that Steph was scared until he looked at the younger’s expression and saw him trying to suppress his giggles. 
“ Bron wait, Varejao was just tickling me-” Steph stopped, before being interrupted by his giggles, the sound light and airy in the locker room, which was soon accompanied by the rest of the locker room bursting into louder laughs than before. 
“B-but I thought…” Lebron sputtered, struggling to speak due to embarrassment, the choking laughs of his teammates doing nothing to reduce the rising red colour on his face. 
Varejao was also struggling to speak, but mostly cause he was choking from laughing way too much. He lifted one finger in between catching his breath and pointed directly at LeBron, tears in his eyes. “No fucking way you thought-” 
“Nah I can’t believe that you actually-” Ben Wallace interrupted, clutching his chest from laughing too hard, enjoying the way the young king got his feathers ruffled. 
“Aight that’s it I’m killing ya’ll motherfuckers!” Lebron lept up to chase the teasing party which just lead to more boisterous laughter. He felt his face heat up to ridiculous degrees, unable to explain and apologise to Steph, but embarrassment had rotten his brain cells. 
“I wonder what you thought was happening though,” Steph sighed, sitting on a bench next to Delonte West, which unfortunately for LeBron exposed a bit more of his thigh which made his brain overheat even more. Lebron was sure that if you could see his thinking process you could see a bubbling, overflowing kettle. “Oh well you see-” Someone tried to explain before having a dirty towel being thrown at their face, which led to exclamations of “HEY!” echoing in the room. 
“Ah don’t think too much about it Steph,” West explained, smiling ruefully at a struggling Lebron who was currently getting suplexed by Wallace. “He’s just embarrassed that he tried too hard to protect you and ended up looking like a goofy ass motherfucker.” He finished, grinning widely at a fuming Lebron. 
“Ah is that so? I find it kinda cute though.” Steph stated smiling at Lebron, and Lebron felt like he had been hit by the force of a thousand suns. He immediately bent over, clutching his chest with a shell-shocked expression on his face, which made everyone burst into laughter again. 
“Is he okay?” Steph asked, green eyes wide with concern at the young star who bent over as if he suffered from decades worth of heart problems. He really didn’t want to be responsible for giving the face of the league heart problems.
“Nah he's fine don’t worry,” Wally reassured, half dead from laughing too much himself. “You got his blood pressure down.” 
“Yeah but something else got up instead…” 
“One more word from you motherfuckers and everyone is getting traded.” 
“Steph you should film this, and title it ‘abuse of power in the Cleveland Cavs’, you’d get so many views.” 
“Don’t drag him into this mess. Also Steph I gotta buy you a stranger danger whistle.” 
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panelshowsource · 3 years
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then this one is dedicated to u anons ❤️❤️❤️
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LMAO listen... it’s for a niche audience but that audience is DEDICATED aka the summary of this blog. i don’t know if people see it and unfollow purely because of the inconvenience having to scroll through the whole damn thing (it is tagged #longpost...) or because they find it cringey but — they’re missing out. phil wang IS hot whether they want to admit it or not!!!
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when i reblog the thirst post, i always lose 50–100 followers 😅 the asks posts cost me a handful of followers as well, but i’m not too worried about that! i can’t skimp on these and leave you guys hanging, and i’m sure those fussy people wouldn’t like it if i was spamming individual asks 10 times a day either. you just can’t please everyone! UNLESS...you’re david mitchell. he unites us all 😌 (don’t worry i’ll get the thirst prepared — send it in now if you wanna be in this quarter’s reblog! hehehe)
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if there’s one thing about my followers it’s that they have OPINIONS [taskmaster s10 discourse flashbacks]...
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...and if there’s another thing about my followers it’s that too much joe wilkinson content maaay have stolen a couple of their braincells ✋
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the amount of ya’ll who asked me to do this!!! shady!!! LMAO listen..if u have the goss, stop by my inbox...trust me with your secrets...
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re: giles i only saw the shitstorm on twitter and but i cackled alone in my room for about an hour
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first of all i don’t know whether i should laugh or cry at this but since it’s his comedy PERSONA i won’t take it personally!!! hehe~ second of all this is very unrelated and probably inconsequential to you being a brit or aussie or kiwi (i’m just peeping “mum”) but my company distributes midsomer murderers in the usa so if any yanks reading this wanna go stream that on amazon prime then ya girl might get a bigger holiday bonus this year just saying~~~~~
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i see u sneaky snek 👀 we’ve definitely been robbed of the sweet, sweet david mitchell content that could have been from more series of the bubble and was it something i said. the thing is, panel shows live and die by their casts & group chemistry. shows like big fat quiz and have i got news for you are both bog standard ass quiz shows with no particularly unique or engaging qualities outside of their roster of personalities. why, then, is big fat quiz so much better than hignfy, you know? if i don’t take the formats into much consideration, then it just comes down to shows led by comedians i personally like. BUT...you know...i do like to believe i have some taste...so 💅 i’d tentatively suggest comedy world cup, you have been watching, and argumental as those that either died too soon and/or might thrive were they resurrected. the first two because i think david tennant and charlie brooker are stellar hosts and i miss seeing their lil faces on the reg, and the third because the format of the show really lends itself to some hilarious dynamics — almost like taskmaster, the comedians are forced to heavily interact and it was one of the only panel shows with a serious teasing dynamic that didn’t turn particularly ugly, which i know many of you aren’t big fans of the way old-generation panel show fans were/are. (god, remember how fucking mean panel shows used to be lmaooooOOOO) there are “debate”-type shows like hypothetical, but argumental was...chaotic, especially with king of chaotic evil panel show menaces sean lock at the helm. do know what i mean? it would be wild to see argumental with today’s comedians, i think. worst? eep... why do i keep saying i won’t answer questions like this and then do anyways? 🤡 personally, a league of their own is borderline unwatchable to me despite the panel having perfectly decent chemistry, and hignfy either needs an entire reboot à la buzzcocks or...retirement. ya’ll probably get me. anyways bring back charlie brooker!! [bangs pots and pans]
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IF THEY HAVE EYES, YEAH.............
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to wrap up the shade in this ask post (lmaooo), i actually got quite a few anons about lou sanders, a...controversial character. but i’m so happy you enjoyed the show!! i think the format is wonky and the editing doesn’t do it any favours — i’m not really sure why it had this forced bake off-inspired pleasantness about it — but it ended up being delightful casual viewing. especially with the advent of jess & jamali as a newfound power couple. who would have thought! as for your question... none that strongly, i don’t think? just general preferences seeing a comedian on one show over the other, like, for example, finding aisling borderline unfunny on 8oo10c meanwhile being a delight on taskmaster. it’s very true how different formats suit different comedians! i was actually just thinking about that re: sara pascoe, who is so great on new world order. (the new season of nwo btw omggg why is every line a goldmine! oh wait, i know why!! frankie!!)
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do we need to start mass-tweeting at richard osman again? i wear i have about 40 bones to pick with that man, he needs to start answering my phone calls
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honestly, yeah. i mean, i know what you mean, speaking as someone who’s on the receiving end of a lot of panel show excitement/reaction. but ofc i only feel this way when i believe someone to be...overrated. which, you know, i feel from time to time, being a human being with opinions and all hehe~ 😅 last time it happened on taskmaster for me was probably s7? a fun season with some fun people, but james acaster was not the standout personality on that series. in fact, not even top 3. rhod, phil, and jessica consistently had better jokes, better banter, better dynamics with greg and alex, better moments every episode, but 80% of my inbox was about acaster. but what can i do? when you’re a huge fan of someone, you think even the way they laugh at other, funnier comedians’ jokes is funny, and that becomes part of their entertainment value in your mind. i do it with victoria every week, who i don’t think many other people would consider the standout personality of the series thus far (if you have an opinion on this, send it in!! i’m curious...). so i don’t want to be a hypocrite, but at the same time....i am a lil but huh 🤪 anyways look how cute victoria is here 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
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I CAN’T STAND SOME OF YOU LMAOOOOO ...see you in LA later this month
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um pls send stephen mangan recs? I ABSOLUTELY CAN PICTURE JACK DEE ON TASKMASTER but you know what i feel like the older, cynical contestants like jo brand just don’t land with my followers as much as others, so i don’t know if anyone else would want him there :(
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james “uber-liberal” carr
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WAIT SHOULD WE DO AN ALAN DAVIES APPRECIATION POST AFTER THE SERIES ENDS ;_____; i really need an excuse to make compilation-style gifsets like this of a bunch of different comedians. it might be time to bring the polls back...
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aw anon ♡♡♡ i will keep this in mind and try to do my best with the fonts & text! i’m always experimenting because i’m never happy about it, but i’ll make sure to keep it legible even when it’s ugly ♡
F.A.Q. // Tags // Ask
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
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it’s late, I’m bored, time for Hunger Games Simulator Kuroshit Edition Episode 2
Day 1 Cornucopia highlights
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Sebastian’s just like “aight time to clean”
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it’s gonna take more than that to help you now, bud
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they might be too pure for this
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rip grandpa
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Will also said “fuck it, cleaning time”
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Agni brings out the right hand of god for bread, Randall gets the broken nose he’s deserved for a while now (he did win the last Hunger Games, to everyone’s disappointment)
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O!Ciel hoping to hibernate it out
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Phipps, Macmillan, Finny, Lizzie, Soma, Abberline, Undertaker, Edward, Bard, Ronald, Othello, Mey-Rin, and Grey all got away from the cornucopia safely. Some of them got weapons, but the game doesn’t record what weapons people have and what they don’t, so whatever people picked up doesn’t really matter
Day 1 highlights
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gdi Randall, we just lost three of four girls in one fell swoop, I hope you bleed out from your broken nose and die
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Ronald says we aren’t allowed to have nice things
Other highlights:
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Day 1 Arena Event: Borders Close In
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Edward punishes Agni for his bread crimes
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Hunger Games simulator is actually just a rare pairs simulator
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pretty upset that Harcourt died so soon, it’s always kind of funny when he gets the chance to become a cold-blooded killer
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and there goes our last lady (though now that I think about it, I should probably sub in Lao and Ran-Mao)
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Day 1 and we’ve already lost Lizzie, Mey-Rin, Bard, Tanaka, Soma, Agni, Sieglinde, Grell, Othello, Phipps, Abberline, Randall, and Harcourt
This leaves us with only eleven survivors: O!Ciel, R!Ciel, Sebastian, Edward, Finny, Undertaker, Wolfram, William, Ronald, Grey, and Macmillan
Night 1 highlights
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the boys are like “better make the best of a bad situation by creating the next Kuromyu”
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Macmillan had the same idea, but he’s alone, and no one’s favorite character is Macmillan
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alternate title: R!Ciel and Undertaker traumatize Edward and Finny so badly that they can’t sleep
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O!Ciel’s sitting on his food cache like a fat dragon guarding its hoard of treasure
Wolfram is unable to sleep, but Grey builds himself an entire camp and presumably gets plenty of beauty rest
Day 2 highlights
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Macmillan refuses to kill the shorter, two-eyed version of his friend. Meanwhile, R!Ciel is already dead
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Ciel’s almost too in character as he waits for the enemies to come to him while he does whatever the hell he wants
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they’re just blond boys doin what blond boys do
other highlights:
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Wow, no deaths today, so it looks like it’s camping o’clock
Night 2 highlights
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black ops Macmillan says never trust anyone, not even the side character who exists to set up exposition
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why do I feel like Wolfram will regret this
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well, at least we know he didn’t burn down the manor
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R!Ciel: I’ve reclaimed the manor, my title, and my girlfriend. What are you gonna do about it? O!Ciel:
other highlights:
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Alas, poor Will
Day 3 highlights
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R!Ciel is really out here like “I’m incapable of dying, just try to kill me and you’ll see” but no one believes him
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the food king discovers he cannot be sustained on food alone
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Grey does the gentlemanly thing
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Wolfram says “my death scythe now”
Other highlights:
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and so day 3 comes to an end with this final roster
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we’re fortunate enough this time to have things wrapping up with both twins and Sebastian still alive, which keeps things interesting. However, Macmillan is also here, and the randomizer could turn him into an absolutely feral killing machine. Nothing is sacred in Hunger Games Simulator
Night 3 highlights
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looks like someone couldn’t find that water source
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another man cleared of arson
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fast, hungry boy and strong, hungry boy bond over being hungry
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still not entirely certain Macmillan knows he’s helping the wrong twin
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the only wounds he's gotten are from the thorns while picking berries.......
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fair enough my man
The Feast highlights
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Somehow the frail, decrepit perpetual ten-year-old managed to defeat the powerful demon and grim reaper armed with a lawn mower. Did I mention nothing is sacred
Day 4 highlights
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Macmillan and Finny both spared R!Ciel, but as soon as Macmillan asks for death, Finny’s like “you got it champ”
meanwhile the brothers are squabbling but what else is new
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imagine if we got to a point in the manga where the roster actually looked like this 3wijaor;jiwa
Night 4 highlights
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so I guess somehow Grey has cemented himself as Enemy #1 and the boys put aside their differences so they could have a slumber party with the remaining blond boys
Day 5 highlights
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Older blond boy kills younger blond boy in a truly devastating example of blond boy crime. Meanwhile, O!Ciel add medical supplies to his growing collection of goodies, and Grey says “ooga booga” at a child
Night 5 highlights
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it’s like the start of the Blue Cult arc all over again
Day 6 highlights
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Did R!Ciel just die really anticlimactically?? Also, O!Ciel becomes a perfect combination of McGruff the crime dog and Smokey the Bear and says no to fires
Night 6 highlights
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Hunger Games simulator returns to being a rare pairs simulator. Somehow O!Ciel has acquired an infection, and R!Ciel is definitely dead
Day 7 highlights
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O!Ciel, Grey, and Wolfram take a page from the Public School Arc’s notes and don’t do anything interesting for a while
Night 7 highlights
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Wolfram gets medical supplies but refuses to use them on his new boyfriend. O!Ciel's canon energy is stifling
Day 8 highlights
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O!Ciel receives a weapon he won’t use. Grey tries to make something happen. Wolfram goes spelunking
Night 8 highlights
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O!Ciel’s canon energy continues to rise to dangerous levels, but Seb’s too dead to hear him make orders. Wolfram dies, and if this were the manga, you know our boy wouldn’t stand a chance in hell against Grey
Day 9 highlights
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god look at that shit-eating grin. Ciel managed to make it through the whole thing without killing anybody and he knows his ass would be grass if Grey hadn’t gone kablooey. unbelievable. our grand champion, everyone
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
alpha - drew m / roman r. [m]
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Okay, so I’ve seen a few of these floating around now and then and I know that as a reader, I personally enjoyed the experience. And that little showdown between Roman and Drew really... Got to me and lives in my head rent free. My original idea for this was so much different than what this is going to shape up to be, but honestly, I feel like it works better this way. As much as I dislike even thinking Randy Orton’s name. Adding that particular variable into the mix made this a lot smoother than my original idea.
I’m actually really excited about this. It’s a choose your own smutty ending. I think the first person I saw trying this was @glowrioustrash​ and it was last year, for Halloween, I think? I enjoyed reading that, so I kinda wanted to try my own hand at it then. I just never got around to it. I even asked them if it was okay if I did it, back then, I think? Anyway... Last night’s Smackdown just gave me ample inspo to FINALLY get off my ass and try it, and make it a part of my year-long smut one shot series. Bet ya’ll thought I completely forgot about those, huh? Well I didn’t. So... here we are.
This part is the beginning to both of the smutty parts I’m going to write for this, so it’ll be linked on either post and either post will be linked here, once I have them all done and posted on the blog.
LIFE EDIT: Eventually, loves... I’ll get around to posting the smutty conclusions to both men. When I do, those will be linked to this post.
Enjoy this teaser, hopefully?
HUGE SHOUTOUTS TO : @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure and @schizoauthoress​ (your suggestions and that helpful input at the end, ahhh.. i owe you my life)  as well as @wardl0w because I have probably bugged the living hell out of all three of them as I attempted this and they were seriously huge helps to me with this.
Characters / Pairings:
Drew McIntyre / Female!omega reader - version 1, coming soon
Roman Reigns / Female!omega reader - version 2, coming soon
This is an attempt at me, writing alpha/omega again. So there will be knotting, mate bite marks, etc. In addition to that, there will be smut in the second part of these, whichever man you guys choose. There’s also hints of unwanted confrontation between Orton and Reader to start this off with and it gets... handsy, ewwww. But I had to have a way to work in both guys and make it work, so.. here we are. There’s also gonna be swearing. If I need to issue any other warnings those will be on the follow up posts.
@kyleoreillysknee​ @rampagewriting​ @writertoo18​ @thatnerdwriter​ @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure​ @chasingeverybreakingwave​ @waywardwrestlewritingwaif​ @sassymox​ @champbucks​ @hungmanhorsecarriage​ @wardl0w​ @ryantaylorgirl​ @dilfmoxley​ @hotyeehawman​ @darbysallin​ @gabbynorth98​ @bec0m​
@linziland13​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ 
Other Stuff:
[ about my writing - masterlist - tag list doc ]
[ Roman ] or [ Drew ]
The scent was absolutely intoxicating. So understandably, when it filled my nose for the fourth time that night, I found myself standing. Making my way out into the hallway. Shoving people out of my way. Now, I wasn’t running or anything, because my grandma always told me it’s better to be chased than do the chasing but… I was power-walking.
And, as per usual, not paying a lick of attention to where I was going or my surroundings. I was solely focused on this mysterious scent because deep down inside, I knew exactly where it was going to lead me and damn it, I might put up one hell of a show about being independent, but heat cycles are hell and yeah, maybe I get lonely as of late. Maybe I’ve been longing to find my Alpha. Maybe I want the comfort of knowing that I’m not doomed to be forever alone and I do have a mate out there, somewhere...
It hit me then, around the same time that my thighs absolutely flooded with slick and I started to feel all woozy. I hadn’t taken suppressants. In fact, I had somehow managed to completely forget about my heat cycle’s speedy approach.
I mean, between moving and getting called up to the main roster, life has been a whirlwind for me lately. And tonight I hadn’t taken them before I came to the arena because I was excited. Tonight was my first night on the main roster. And in the excitement of that, I’d forgotten my suppressants… again.
To be fair, I haven’t ever really adhered to taking them steadily to begin with, so there you go...I never really had anyone constantly riding me to do so growing up. I was mostly left to my own devices, free to do what I wanted and make my own choices. So, yeah, this isn’t my first rodeo with a surprise heat cycle.
I shoved all the thoughts out of my noisy mind, pausing my walk to attempt focusing. Centering myself so that I could really fix on the scent and the direction it came from. And in my distraction, that gave Orton the perfect opportunity to slither up and corner me before I even had a chance to properly respond.
“I have a name, you prick.” I rolled my eyes as I shrank away, nose wrinkling at the oversaturation of his scent as it invaded my nose and momentarily drowned out that heavenly aroma I’d been attempting to follow before I got distracted like a dumb bitch.
He chuckled, putting himself closer to me. Leaning down a little. And the audacity of this fucking man, he even had the nerve to reach up and move my hair away from my neck, his nose burying there as a lewd growl rose up from the depths of his chest.
I shoved at him and cleared my throat. “I was kind of in a hurry, do you mind knocking it the fuck off, jackass? Go sniff someone else, ew.”
“C’mon now, hon… You know what’s happening to you. You know you need me.”
“Like I need a bullet wound to the head, Orton. Fuck off.” I tried to duck beneath his arm but his other hand caught on my hip, keeping me pinned between him and the wall. By now, the scent of him was so overpowering and gross that my stomach was lurching. My consolation thought as I began to panic a little and tried to think of a quick way out of this confrontation was that maybe if I just threw up on the asshole, he’d get away.
Somehow, I didn’t see that happening. Orton doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who picks up on cues, verbal or non-verbal. Likes to assert that dominance he fancies himself to have.
He chuckled again.
Then suddenly, the scent was back and it was overpowering his stench. ,, Thank God.” I thought to myself, daring to mutter the words under my breath. I found myself peering over Randy’s shoulder, waiting on whoever the intoxicating scent I’d been following originally to show themselves.
And when he stepped out behind Randy and into view… If I thought I was wet before, whew… I was absolutely flooded beyond all hope now. I swallowed hard, biting my lip, locking eyes with him. Randy seemed to realize that my attention was wandering and this of course, only made him up his game.
His hips brushed boldly against mine and I cringed, pretending to gag when I felt the way Orton strained at his trunks. At the moment, Randy was completely and blissfully unaware as to what fate awaited him if he were stupid enough to turn around and honestly?
I’m enough of a bitch that I was hell bent on not alerting Randy to it, either. Instead, I took a few shaky breaths and stared up at him defiantly. “Why do I need you, Orton? They make vibrators bigger than that fun sized Tootsie Roll I’ve heard you’re packing every day of the week. I don’t need you. Or anyone.”
I knew that part was a lie because as all this was going on, my body was in a literal frenzy at the sight of my Alpha. My skin was tight, I could barely breathe. I was doing good to think straight and form words, honestly. I was a split second away from being overwhelmed. Because thanks to my Alpha showing themselves, my heat cycle went from a mild annoyance to almost intolerable within a split second.
I needed to get away from Randy. I needed to get somewhere and calm down. But I wanted to stay exactly where I was, curious to see if my Alpha was here for the reason I’d ventured out of hair and makeup in the first place.
So far, all he was doing was standing there. Watching my little confrontation with Randy. The tension in his body quickly gave away his feelings on the matter, however. And that’s what kept me quiet. Allowed me to let Randy keep digging his own damn grave.
Because it amused me.
And I needed to know that my Alpha was actually a good Alpha. I needed to know he’d protect me, no matter what. I also needed to know that he knew when to fuck off and allow me to handle things on my own.
I wanted to test his boundaries too, if I’m being perfectly honest.
Randy bit his lip, staring down at me as if I were food and he was a starving man. He raised a hand and rubbed his chin in thought, eyes not leaving mine for a second. “Why do you need me? Well, it’s like this, doll. I want you. And you’re not in the mindset right now to turn down any Alpha who offers himself up, just goin off of that sweet little scent you’ve got yourself right now. Just drop the act, princess. You and I both know that if you don’t find an Alpha, things are going to get real messy back here. Real fast. And I don’t think you want that now, do you hon?”
,, what I want is for you to back the fuck away. Find a tube of toothpaste or some cologne or a shower, something… anything to rid yourself of the stench you’ve got yourself.” the thought came but I was treading carefully, so I kept it internal, choosing only to give a soft laugh and roll my eyes at Randy instead.
“You know exactly zilch about me and my ‘delicate state’, first of all. Secondly? I wouldn’t choose you for my Alpha if you were the last one on earth.” I managed to get the words out. I managed to keep my eyes off of my actual Alpha, who still stood by watching intently, fists clenched tight now.
When he gave a quiet growl and started to approach, the flood in my panties only got so much worse.
And naturally, Randy thought this meant that something he’d said was getting through and that I was just playing hard to get… He pressed me against him, a hand going to my cheek as he gave a smug grin and let his gaze settle on me thoughtfully. “I knew it.”
“Like I said, Randy, you really don’t have a single fucking clue.” I tried to squirm free from his grasp but the fever raging in my body and the overwhelming scent of my true Alpha as he grew angrier and angrier combined with the slightest panic I was feeling at being fucking cornered like an animal by Orton, those were all working against me and I couldn’t extract myself.
His answer was to smirk and chuckle again. “You realize I can scent you and I know exactly what’s on your mind right now, right?”
“Good, then you know I want to stab you in the eyeball with my stiletto. Or reach down, grab that little shrimp dick of yours and twist til it comes off in my hands?” I quipped, a sweet smirk on my face as I boldly met his gaze. When I picked up on him, slowly inching his face closer to mine, I swallowed hard. It felt as if my throat were closing up and it was quickly becoming clear to me that if I thought I had this under control, I really didn’t. Randy wasn’t going to stop or go away. And he wasn’t going to let me get away either.
Desperately, I found my gaze shifting over Randy’s shoulder. I locked eyes with my Alpha and mouthed, “Any day now?…” almost impatiently. I wanted Randy the entire fuck away from me. And I was really starting to realize that I couldn’t achieve that on my own. I was fully in over my head.
Typical of me, I’m afraid.
I have to admit, the fact that my Alpha had yet to actually do anything had me in an internal uproar. It had me thinking that maybe I’d gotten the wrong read on him when I watched an earlier promo in the night.
Before I had a chance to consider it fully, that my Alpha might not be a good guy either, two things happened. One, Randy’s hand left my cheek and his mouth closed in even more, rough lips almost about to brush mine and disgusting stench for a moment blocking out the scent of my Alpha. His hand settled on my hip and he was pulling me against him. 
I planted a hand firmly against his chest, palm down. “What the--?” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence because from behind Randy, my Alpha’s throat cleared.
Randy grumbled to himself, picking up on the presence of my Alpha. But it was too late.
My Alpha locked eyes with me and nodded, indicating that I needed to move now, while Randy was distracted, and trust me, I wasted absolutely no time doing that. I extracted myself from between Randy and the wall I’d had my back pressed against and not even a split second later, my Alpha’s fist went smashing into Randy’s face and he had him pinned against the wall, a forearm across his throat.
And I didn’t think, I just ran.
I ran until I was out in the parking garage and then I stopped, catching my breath. It passed through my mind that maybe I should go back inside and at least attempt to be there when the brawl taking place in the hallway was over, but honestly?
I needed to get myself together. To get calm. To process and catch my breath and try to puzzle everything out.
And yeah, maybe parts of me were curious. Wondering if my Alpha would seek me out, or whether the incident in the hallway was just him stepping in because I asked…
The door to the garage flew open a few feet away and I rose up slightly, eyes darting around. The scent of my Alpha filled my senses and I bit my lip, taking a few shaky breaths right as he started to call my name. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came. His footsteps were getting closer and closer.
My heart was racing and his scent hung heavily in the air around us, making me dizzy as the heat took over in my body. He touched me, and almost the instant I felt his hand on my shoulder, I could feel my body cooling down. This wave of relief washed over me and all I could think was that if this is what his touch felt like, I’d absolutely love more of it.
I inhaled deep, preparing myself to turn around…
[ roman ] [ drew ]
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The guys meet up for a casual Sunday farmers market trip but when they get back to Bucky’s apartment things heat up fast. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: basic second base smuttiness; swapping hand jobs and some frottage.
Word Count: 5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I told ya'll there was gonna a lot of smut in this one and I'm starting to deliver as of this chapter :) So please, enjoy some lovely smuttiness on this fine Wednesday evening lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“I told you so.” Natasha cheered over their plate of danishes the next morning. 
Bucky’s smile was sphinx-like as he nibbled on his pastry, “You did. I’m still not 100% sure he’s not going to just bolt at some point but I think that’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” 
“It sounds like a risk worth taking if one kiss has you smiling like that twelve hours later.”
“Ugh, Nat! And for the record, it was more than just one.” Bucky chuckled as Natasha shoved at him playfully.
Across town Steve was helping Sam tidy up in between classes and trying to avoid the grilling he knew Sam wanted to give. They had recapped the last class and personal training sessions and planned out the room for the next group coming in. They went over all the adjustments needed to the next week’s schedule since they were still covering for Thor who was out on paternity leave for the next four weeks now that his wife Jane had the baby. By the time they were setting the last of the kettle bells on the rack they had run out of gym related topics. Sam gave him another side eyed glance and Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.
“So are you still talking to Bucky?” Sam finally asked.
Steve had been reluctant to tell Sam about anything other than their first meeting. He hadn’t even told Sam why he’d bought the new outfit for earlier that week. It was still so new and he was unsure himself of where things were going, or where he even wanted them to go. He figured if in the end he realized he was bi or gay or whatever, then he could tell his friends. But until he was sure there was no point in announcing anything. “I am.” Steve admitted reluctantly.
“And how’s that going?” Sam seemed genuinely interested but Steve still clammed up.
“Good, he’s a good friend. We’ve been swapping memes all week.” 
“Nice. See, it all worked out and now you have someone else to send those stupid GIFs from The Office to.” 
“Hey, don’t knock one of the best TV shows of all time.” Steve glared pointedly.
“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Sam moved on, heading over to the desk to check the roster one last time before he started pulling out mats for their next class. A small twinge of guilt bit in Steve’s stomach, knowing he had let Sam make a wrong conclusion and hadn’t corrected him. But really, what was the point if he still wasn’t sure of everything himself? 
Bucky woke early on the Sunday after their date, restless in a way he hadn’t been in a while. He wanted to see Steve again but it had only been a day. Bucky busied himself with too much coffee and a book while he did laundry in his building's basement, trying to distract himself for a while. By 10am all of his standard keep busy chores were done and he was staring at his phone, trying to make Steve text him by sheer force of will. Giving up he started swiping through Instagram, catching up on his friend’s weekend adventures. Pepper had posted a cute picture of a bouquet she bought at the local farmers market and Bucky realized he had found the perfect reason to text Steve. It was innocent enough and casual so if Steve was busy or declined it wasn’t earth shattering. Plan in place, Bucky fired off a quick text.
Bucky Barnes [10:17:44AM]: hey u. im heading 2 the farmers market in sunset park. gonna stop 4 more of that wine. wanna come?
Steeeeve [10:19:23AM]: Hey! That sounds fun. What time?
Bucky Barnes [10:19:52AM]: headed over now if ur free
Steeeeve [10:20:08AM]: Okay. I just need to throw on some shoes and I’ll head out. I can be there in like 15min. 
Bucky Barnes [10:20:33AM]: k see u then
Bucky scrambled to fix his hair and pick a shirt from the pile he’d just brought up. He hadn’t expected Steve to be willing to meet up so quickly and he was still wearing his laundry day sweatpants. He was closer to the market than Steve but he also needed more time to get ready so he ended up getting a “I’m here” text from Steve on his way. 
Steve was waiting by a jewelry stand when Bucky caught up with him. He had been wandering around for a few minutes and the display of beaded bracelets caught his eye. They reminded him of the ones Bucky had worn when they first met and he wondered which ones Bucky would like. 
“Hey!” Bucky greeted him with a small wave as he approached.
“Hey.” Steve echoed happily. He almost reached out for a hug but something held him back and after a second ticked by he realized he should have just done it but the moment had passed. 
“What are you looking at?” Bucky asked, a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten their standard greeting hug and wanting to move on. 
“Oh, these things caught my eye while I was browsing.” 
“They’re nice. I love the way the translucent ones almost glow.” Bucky picked up one of the vivid pink ones, letting the sunlight hit it from different angles. 
“Let me buy it for you.” Steve offered before his brain caught up with his mouth. 
Bucky looked skeptically at him, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I want to, please?” 
“Thanks, Stevie.” Bucky said softly, handing the bracelet over. 
Steve blushed at the nickname, ducking his head and walking over to pay the sales girl for the bracelet. Once purchased, he returned it to Bucky who slid it on his wrist next to the two others he was currently wearing.
“Perfect.” Steve praised. 
Bucky was looking appreciatively at his newest addition while Steve was looking appreciatively at Bucky. God, he was gorgeous. Bucky was dressed casually in light washed jeans and a dark grey shirt with no one should live in a closet written in fancy script with a wand below it, all in rainbow colors. Leave it to Bucky. “I like your shirt. Harry Potter reference, right?” Steve guessed.
“Yep. I found it at Pride last year and I’m completely in love with it.” 
“It’s very you.” 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Bucky preened for a moment. 
Steve chuckled, “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. Altitude Coffee has a little pop up shop back that way.” 
Steve and Bucky trailed their way through the bustling farmers market, picking up things here and there. Some they actually needed for groceries, but others were just fun impulse buys. They each had overly full canvas totes by the time they were done, and hauled their finds along with them to the wine shop. They each bought a full box from the shop, having stocked up on a half case of their favorites, which only further slowed Bucky down. While Steve had the muscles and endurance to haul a giant tote and six bottles of wine around the city, Bucky did not. 
“Uh, Steve.” Bucky panted out, finally giving up. 
Steve looked over and realized Bucky had fallen a few steps behind while he was talking about a winery he had visited while in Canada a few years ago. 
“I think I need to tap out.” Bucky admitted while shifting his bag as much as he could to get comfortable. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Steve shifted his tote higher on his shoulder, wondering if he could sling Bucky’s on next to his. “Here, let me take your bag.” he extended a hand towards Bucky’s bag.
Bucky was conflicted, he wanted to try and at least get his stuff home but Steve probably could carry both without breaking a sweat. Damned muscled god of a man. “How about this? Since I’m the one wimping out, let me call us an Uber. I can probably get us one less than five minutes.” 
Steve frowned at the idea of an expensive ride all the back to Park Slope. “You don’t have to do that. I can carry our stuff.” 
“If I call us an Uber we could go back to my place and try that baguette and jam I bought.”
“Ooh, that’s a good bribe. I have that cheese I got too.” Steve looked at Bucky for a long moment. An afternoon of good food and even better company was too tempting to pass up. “You sure you don’t mind me coming over?” 
“Not at all. It’s a tiny little crap shack of a place, but it’s my tiny little crap shack.” 
Bucky was already pulling up the app and ordering them a car when Steve finally said, “Okay, let’s go.” 
The Uber ride back to Bucky’s place was barely more than ten minutes and they sat cramped in the back of a Prius with their wine boxes in the trunk and their totes in their laps. Bucky was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness and shot Steve amused glances every so often, making the blonde have to tamp down his own laughter. By the time they got to Bucky’s apartment Steve practically leapt out of the tiny blue car, grateful to stretch back to his full height again. He insisted on carrying both of their totes and his box of wine bottles up to Bucky’s apartment, leaving Bucky his own wine to carry. Thankfully the building had an elevator and Steve seemed barely phased under the weight of all their stuff. Bucky tried to ignore the filthy thoughts racing through his head of what else Steve was strong enough to do. Like pick him up and fuck him against a wall. Or something. God, Bucky hoped Steve figured things out soon because he was barely through their second date and wanted to climb the man like a tree. 
“Home sweet home.” Bucky announced as he swung the door open to his apartment. He flicked on the recessed lighting in the living room and showed Steve to the kitchen where he could put their bags down. It was a cute little one bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room and dine-in kitchen. 
“It’s nice.” Steve said looking around as he placed their bags on the faux granite countertop. 
“It’s tiny but it works.” Bucky shrugged. 
Steve noticed the would be dining room area of the kitchen was set up with a desk and three wide computer monitors instead of a table. “That’s quite a set up over there.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Bucky looked embarrassed for a moment, “It’s a little ridiculous, but when you work from home it’s kinda nice to have a sweet setup. When I signed on to work for Stark Securities they gave me a signing bonus so I splurged and bought better equipment and that fancy office chair. It was completely worth it too.” 
“Good for you, you deserve it.” 
Bucky blushed lightly at the sincerity of Steve’s tone. He nervously spun the bracelet Steve had bought him around his wrist a few times, hoping he wasn’t setting himself for heartache. “So, lunch?” Bucky offered, the momentary tension dissipating. 
“Absolutely. Let’s break out that bread you got.” Steve started rifling through his bag for the soft cheese and candied pecans he’d bought while Bucky pulled out the heavy loaf of artisan bread, the little pot of homemade plum jam, and a bottle of Chloe Prosecco he’d bought at the wine shop. The bottle had been adorable with its fancy little bow and the sales girl had said it was a popular choice.
They laid out their feast on a large cutting board, teasing each other about how posh the whole thing was. It was a simple but seemingly elegant lunch spread and Bucky liked that their official second date had a bit of a classy feel to it. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a table or anything for us to eat at.” Bucky waved his hand at his little office space. “I normally just eat on the sofa like a heathen.” 
“Honestly so do I.” Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“We can be heathens together then.” Bucky picked up their wine glasses while Steve carried the large tray out to the coffee table where they set up their feast. Flicking through his streaming channels he settled on Disney, knowing everyone loved those movies. “Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?”
Steve shook his head, “No, I heard it was good though.” 
“Good?” Bucky feigned offense, “Stephen Gilligan Rogers.” 
“Not my middle name.” Steve chuckled but Bucky was undeterred.
“BATB is not good. It is iconic. The elaborate costumes, the backdrops, the music, oh my god Steve, the music. We’re watching it. End of subject.” Bucky started up the movie, not even slightly apologetic for his dramatics. One had not lived until they saw Emma Watson as Belle. 
Two hours later Bucky was curled up against Steve, watching with misty eyes as the palace furniture turned back into real people as the curse lifted. Steve was completely engrossed in the movie, barely registering that he had been stroking Bucky’s hair for the better part of an hour. 
“Now do you see?” Bucky demanded as the credits rolled a few minutes later. 
“You were right. That was amazing.” Steve conceded. 
“It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid but seeing it redone in such a perfect way really gets to me. I’ve threatened to dress up as Belle for the past three Halloweens now.” 
Steve grinned at the idea, “I think you’d make a beautiful Belle.” 
And just like that the air shifted. Bucky was suddenly very aware of how close they were curled up together and the way Steve was looking at him like he’d hung the moon. He didn’t want to rush Steve, he was willing to wait as Steve figured himself out, but if he kept looking at Bucky like that, his timeline needed to hurry up. “You’d make a very handsome beast.” he finally said, going for levity but falling short. 
Steve blushed so prettily, his eyes locked on Bucky’s lips, the bottom of which he was chewing on again. Steve knew now it was a nervous tell and it gave him a little thrill knowing he wasn’t the only nervous one. “I think I’d like to kiss you again.” he admitted quietly. 
“You don’t have to ask, honey.” Bucky purred, leaning in to press a tender kiss against Steve’s lips.
Steve’s body was shaking with nervous energy as Bucky shifted up onto his knees so he could kiss Steve easier. Bucky tasted like wine and plums and something very uniquely him. It made Steve’s head spin as he chased Bucky’s tongue with his own. The fears and worries over what he was doing died away in that moment, his whole being consumed by his desire for the sweet man who was practically in his lap. Steve still wasn’t sure what it all meant, but he knew he wanted more. 
Bucky was so thankful for a repeat of the night on Steve’s couch. Kissing Steve was electric and Bucky couldn’t get enough. The hard planes of his body pressed firmly up against the softer ones of Bucky’s, which only made Bucky more desperate for the close contact. Despite having a thicker build, Bucky felt small next to Steve and he loved it. Feeling brave, and praying desperately that Steve wouldn’t bolt, he swung a leg over Steve’s lap and sat himself atop Steve’s thighs. “Is this okay?” he asked once he was settled. 
“Yeah.” Steve shuddered, “Yeah, it’s fine.” Steve let his hands come to rest on Bucky’s thick thighs on either side of his smaller ones. While Steve’s thighs were hard with well earned muscle, Bucky’s had natural musculature and a softness to them that had Steve wanting to sink his fingers into their plush expanse. Bucky had gone back to kissing him while his mind wandered and Steve decided to give Bucky’s thighs an exploratory squeeze. For science really, just to see if he would feel anything. The kissing so far had been fantastic but Steve worried they’d eventually hit a point where everything went to hell and he realized he was most definitely straight. And then he’d lose Bucky forever. 
Bucky made a light huffing sound when Steve sunk his fingers into the soft meat of his thighs. He was thankful Steve was getting a little braver and decided to run his hands up and down the length of Steve’s ridiculously muscled chest and stomach in a tentative exploration of his own. 
A choked noise made its way out of Steve’s throat as Bucky touched him with feather light hands. He wanted to rip his shirt off and give him all the access he wanted. But he was taking things slow, Steve reminded himself. Unfortunately, not all parts of Steve got that memo. 
Bucky had shifted a bit trying to sprinkle kisses along the sharp edge of Steve’s jaw when he accidentally brushed against an unexpected guest. “Oh, shit, sorry.” he blurted out, moving back an inch so he wasn’t pressed against the, frankly enormous, erection in Steve’s pants. 
Steve blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his throat. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” 
Bucky glanced down at the tenting of Steve’s pants. Damn, he wanted to get his hands on Steve like yesterday. “I could, uh,” he cleared his throat roughly, “help you. With that.” Steve looked at him with wide bright blue eyes, so open and unsure, that Bucky started backpedaling all in a rush, “Or not, we can stop. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” 
Steve just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bucky again, his motions almost questioning. “I think I’d be okay going a little further this time.” he said quietly against Bucky’s mouth. 
Bucky squeaked involuntarily at Steve’s words. He was now dealing with his own growing problem at the idea of getting to fool around a little with Steve. “If you’re sure. We can stop at any time.” he promised. It would probably kill him, but if Steve said stop at any point he would be off him in a second. 
“I trust you, Buck.” Steve told him, brushing a strand of hair back behind Bucky’s ear. 
Bucky wanted to melt at the trust Steve had in him. He was too good to be true and Bucky just had to hope it would all work out. Gay or straight or somewhere in between, Steve Rogers was an absolute dream partner. Bucky shifted himself forward a little so the hard length in his pants could rub against the one in Steve’s while they kissed a little more. Bucky let his hips rock a little as they moved, giving them both a little bit of tortuous friction. 
Steve was panting like he’d run a marathon, and he knew this from personal experience when he and Sam had run the New York City Marathon a few years back as publicity for their gym. He’d never thought making out on a sofa would have quite the same effect but life had been full of surprises for him lately. The friction against his dick felt amazing and there was a naughty little zing of arousal knowing it was from Bucky’s erection rubbing against his. He would never have expected to enjoy that so much but there he was, fighting for self control like a horny teenager. He wanted to get Bucky off too and not just selfishly sit back and let Bucky take care of him. Steve was well acquainted with getting himself off and really how different could it be doing it to someone else? He was feeling bold and brash, knowing a hand was just a hand and really he had to start somewhere. “I think I’m ready for more.” he spoke up in between heated kisses. 
Bucky paused, jaw hanging open in shock. “Like, more more?” 
Steve nodded rapidly. “Like second base more?” He held his breath, waiting for Bucky to process what he’d just asked for. 
“God,” Bucky heaved out a breath, “You’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, second base, yes. Get those pants off, Rogers.” He stripped his own shirt off eagerly while Steve just sat there, amused.
“I kinda have this gorgeous guy on my lap at the moment.” he teased.
“Sorry!” Bucky yelped, hopping up so Steve could pull his pants down and off, quickly followed by his tee shirt. He sat in just his boxer briefs on Bucky’s sofa, looking like every Calvin Klien ad fantasy Bucky’d ever had come to life. “Jesus.” he whispered harshly. Bucky couldn’t get his own pants off fast enough, leaving him in his own silky boxers to resume his perch on Steve’s lap. 
Unconfined by pants Bucky got a better feel of Steve’s cock and he was thanking every saint he could think of for what was about to happen. He shifted himself closer to Steve, his thighs spreading wider, and he reached down to give Steve’s cock a tentative squeeze over top the soft cotton of his underwear. 
“Ohh.” Steve gasped out, his body trembling once again. His eyes were glued on Bucky, not wanting to miss a moment. He was so handsome sitting on Steve’s lap. His long hair shining in the afternoon sun that flooded in the glass balcony doors, his lightly tanned skin decorated with a series of finely detailed tattoos. While his muscles weren’t hard and cut like Steve’s, Steve loved the slight softness of the other man’s body, giving him something to sink his fingers into along his sides. It felt nice, and right, and Steve realized in that moment he was more invested in what was about to happen than he had been for most the sexual encounters he’d had with Peggy. It was startling but Steve pushed it down to deal with another day. In the moment, all that mattered was Bucky. 
“Can I?” Bucky asked, trailing his fingers along the waistband of Steve’s boxer briefs. 
“Yeah. Can I?” Steve echoed, tugging at the silky material at Bucky’s hip. 
“If you’re sure.” Bucky prayed silently that having an actual cock in his hand wouldn’t send Steve running for the hills. 
But it didn’t. Steve pulled his underwear off when Bucky hopped up to do the same and he was all nervous excitement when Bucky resumed his perch. He hadn’t thought of what to expect but Steve was blatantly staring at the thick length of Bucky’s dick. It was shorter than his own, but Steve had already known he was considered a bit above average, and it was girthy in a way that made Steve wonder if he topped or bottomed. Because, Steve thought with amusement, these were things he had to consider now. But not right away. They would take things slow and he would see if this was even something he wanted to try. Steve reached out a hand to test the weight of Bucky’s dick in his palm. He slid his hand up and down for two quick strokes, testing how doing that made him feel and was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty familiar act. The way Bucky hissed out a sharp breath and craned his neck back, eyes shut tight, made Steve’s own dick jump for attention. Oh, this was kind of fun. Steve moved his hand for another few stokes, enjoying the way Bucky’s body reacted so blatantly to the pleasure. It was easy to get him worked up like that and Steve was genuinely enjoying himself watching Bucky become a desperate, needy thing in his lap, thrusting a little into Steve’s fist. 
“God. Fuck. Stevie, slow down.” Bucky pleaded. “I wanna take care of you too, honey. Can I? Please?” 
“Okay.” Steve acquiesced, bracing himself for the pressure of Bucky’s hand around his dick. 
Bucky eagerly wrapped his fist around the hard length of Steve’s cock, sliding it up and down the impressive length until Steve gasped. He leaned forward to kiss Steve from his jaw down his neck to his collarbones while he groped him fervently between their two overheated bodies. For as simple as it was, it was absolutely exquisite. “How you doing, Stevie?” Bucky prompted, wanting to check in to ensure Steve was still on board. He rested his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“So good.” Steve managed to moan out. “This is amazing.” 
“Wanna try something even more amazing?” Bucky grinned devilishly. “Just hand stuff, promise.” he added for reassurance.
“What can be better than this?” Steve questioned but motioned for Bucky to go ahead with whatever he had in mind.  
Carefully, Bucky shifted forward one last time, pressing as close to Steve as humanly possible making his over stretched thighs burn in the process. He slipped his hand from Steve’s cock and lined it up with his own, wrapping his fist around them both the best he could. He gave them a quick stroke, reveling in the sensation and waiting to see if Steve would enjoy it too. 
Steve’s whimper was a good sign. “Please.” he begged, “Please, please do that.” 
Bucky picked up the motion again, rhythmically pumping them in his fist. Steve was making little broken ahh sounds, unable to keep up with the pleasure thrumming through his body, and it spurred Bucky on to bring them both racing towards their release. 
Steve could feel the pressure building, his body was on fire and he could barely bite out a warning to Bucky as he felt his orgasm ripping through him. A half formed “I’m g-” was all the warning Bucky got before Steve was spilling all over his hand and cock. Watching Steve come undone, the pure bliss on his face, had Bucky following him over the edge of his own climax seconds later. His body shook hard as he spilled over his hand and across the rippled muscles of Steve’s abs. 
Steve’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining, and Bucky mused he probably looked about the same. Steve was so stunning sitting there with a wide, lazy blissed out smile on his face. Bucky giggled a little realizing how incredibly lucky he was. Steve really was just perfection. 
“What?” Steve asked, joining in Bucky’s infectious laughter. 
“You’re perfect.” Bucky admitted, speaking what was on his mind. 
“And you’re beautiful.” Steve leaned up to push Bucky’s hair back where it had fallen forward in his face. He pressed two chaste kisses against his lips before pulling back, feeling a little extra affectionate in his post-orgasmic haze. 
Bucky made a muffled mmph sound, leaning into Steve, just wanting to be close for a moment. “We made quite a mess.” he said finally, the squidgy feeling of their come between their stomachs not exactly a pleasant one. 
“We should clean up.” Steve agreed. 
“Come on, I have some wet wipes in my room.” Bucky lifted himself up off of Steve’s lap, suddenly cold without their skin to skin contact.
Steve noticed his shiver and as soon as he was standing, he pulled Bucky close against him in a warm embrace. 
Bucky basked in the warmth, his brain effectively turning to mush again at how sweet Steve was. “You spoil me.” he whispered against Steve’s firm pecs.
Steve dropped a kiss on top of Bucky’s head, “You deserve to be spoiled.” 
It took every bit of willpower in Bucky to pull back and lead Steve down the hall to clean up. He could have stayed wrapped in Steve’s arms forever, sticky cooling mess on his stomach be damned. They exchanged quick, adorably awkward glances at each other as they cleaned up. Both wanting to get a more detailed look now the heat of the moment had passed. Steve tossed his wipes in the wastebasket by Bucky’s dresser and then pulled Bucky close by his hips, “You really are so beautiful, Buck.” he told him softly.
Bucky had been careful to wall up his heart when he decided to give Steve a chance. He didn’t want to risk another heartbreak less than a year after what he’d been through with Brock. But Steve’s sweet words and affectionate touches had the walls crumbling a little despite Bucky’s best defenses. “Careful.” he teased with a pang of truth to his words, “You’re gonna ruin me for all other men, you keep this up.” 
Steve chuckled and kissed the top of Bucky’s head yet again. There were so many things he wanted to say in that moment. Raw, honest things that ached in his chest. But Steve kept them inside, not willing to let down his guard so completely just yet. He still didn’t really know what he was doing but damned if he wasn’t loving every second of it so far. 
“Come on you, let’s get dressed.” Bucky said finally, tugging Steve’s hand into his and leading him back down the hall.
Steve left shortly after they’d redressed and cleaned up the mess from their lunch. It was a long, drawn out goodbye in the doorway, neither one of them really wanting to part despite knowing they both had to get on with their usual Sunday routines. Steve promised to text Bucky once he’d made it home, insisting he would have no trouble carrying his tote and box on the subway. And then he was off down the hall, looking back just once before he got on the elevator and wishing he could have stayed. Bucky walked over to his glass balcony door, watching the street below as Steve crossed it heading toward the nearest subway station. He was trying not to get too attached but after the day they’d spent together, Bucky knew it was a losing battle.
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whiskehorange · 5 years
Alright, here’s the deal-io
I’m gonna start being a bit more strict on how I’m gonna accept asks and what I’m gonna be posting.
For starters, when my inbox is closed, I’m about to just start deleting whatever requests I get after it. I mean, people just don’t know how to read the damn bio that states CLOSED in all bold. Or they just read things wrong that I post and immediately send in like.... 4 asks. I don’t mean to be rude but... learn to read.
I’m not going to be leaving my inbox open for numerous days at a time anymore, it’s just too much. We’ve seen how long it’s taken me to do 300 asks. So, I’ll have set days and times that I’ll give to you guys in advance. So, if you miss those deadlines it’s on you. Now, I’ll give a bit of lenience to different timezones, but you guys have more than enough time to send in something that you want.
I’m going to delete the... 20 asks in my inbox right now that I’ve let slip and didn’t say anything. I need to stop being so forgiving and sorta make the few of you guys that don’t seem to understand that I do have work outside of this and that I’m doing this for free. For those with me last summer like @tinalbion and @boneshine, they know how hard 2019 was but my stubborn ass kept pushing on. I love ya’ll too much oml-
So, with that said, I only ask of you guys 1 thing when I reopen my inbox soon: Requests some of the new babes. If you don’t know who I’ve wrote for, check my Master masterlist and see who doesn’t have a link and check my roster for the newbies I’ve added that maybe you didn’t know I added! Writing for the OG’s are great, but it’s nice to see the smaller once get love, like Lester, The Collector, Leslie, The Man, and especially everyone in my TV Show section now (ahem SVU and Mindhunter).
It’s amazing to be back an see all of you guys sending so much love and support and sticking with my dumbass, for the year or so I’ve been on here officially. I can’t wait to see what you guys have to request for me next time!
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melodyalanaroster · 6 years
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Stress, constant stress... All she wanted was a simple day... A common one... A normal day of papers, classes, and being by Mr. Zaidi’s side. That is the simple desire that Melody harbored.... But, as life usually plays out, she was given a reminder that she doesn’t always get what she wants.
The year had been going fine... Well, as fine as it could go for the one year of college that she had to suffer through the whims of the Roster family. Witnessing Alana’s return wasn’t a pleasant experience. She thought she had been rid of them, for good. No more “multiple Melodys”, no more fame shoved in front of her by insufferable girls, no more being told that she is the “other Melody” or the “boring Melody”, no more foolish girls waltzing into her school and stealing the boy she likes, no more “rowdy Roster Sisters” causing trouble, no more Samantha, no more. But, when Alana returned, she seemed different. She demanded to continue being called “Alana”, she kept to herself, she helped people, and she kept her romantic focus on Nathaniel. “Maybe it won’t be so bad.” she thought at the time. Of course, it wasn’t long before her animosity towards Alana had been rekindled. As soon as people realized what Alana was, she became a bigger super star than Castiel, however, no one ever really challenged her, and when they did, she shot them down without hesitation. Alana had become an entity that unnerved Melody on every format, and she didn’t like that.
Still, at least Alana attempted to maintain a sense of civility. That’s more than what Samantha ever did. “Thank heavens that Sam isn’t here!” she would constantly think.... Until one day.
Another class had ended. She knew they had a few minutes before they had to start preparing for the next class, so she wasn’t too bothered by the conversation that had started between Alana and Mr. Zaidi. “And what books do you particularly favor, Ms. Roster?” “I truly prefer Dystopian Fiction, but I’ll read Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Detective Novels.” “Really? Dystopian Fiction?” “Yeah. The worse the situation, the better.” “Why is that?” “Because when the situation is absolutely horrific, the satisfaction from witnessing the destruction of the corrupt system is greater.” “Isn’t that rather taxing?” “It is.... Emotionally draining, even. But, I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a literary masochist.” “Okay, what’s the worst you’ve ever read?” “The Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman. It’s so dark that it makes The Hunger Games look like the Lollipop Guild. I had to read “The Fault In Our Stars” and “Paper Towns” by John Green to recover from that series.” Melody looked up from her papers and noticed it was lunch time. “Alana? Are you gonna join us for lunch?” Alana looked at her. “Nah, I’m gonna eat at the Tower, but I’ll walk out with ya’ll.” She sighed as they all gathered their stuff and began walking out of the auditorium.
“MELS!” someone called as Alana, Melody and Rayan walked out of the Art Building. Suddenly a look of horror appeared on Melody’s face as a girl with short brown hair ran up to and hugged Alana. “Sam! Hey!” Alana cheered as she hugged her sister. “Melody, is something wrong?” Mr. Zaidi asked. Melody remained silent. “Well, well, well... If it isn’t the biggest little kiss ass in Amouria. Long time, no see, Melo.” Sam chuckled as she looked at Melody. “Samantha, I thought you were off in the Military.” Melody croaked in an attempt to regain her composure. “Ken and I are training at the Tower for a bit.... Well, that’s the official excuse.” Sam slyly smiled and leaned her head towards Alana. “So, the two of you wanted to come home for a bit and used training as an excuse. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have gotten you to come home without using an excuse like that.” Alana grinned. “Oh, yeah, that would be a smart thing to do. Ken and I already get a bunch of shit from the other recruits because of your position... I’m not about to use your power to get what I want.” Sam rolled her eyes. Alana face palmed, the looked at Rayan, who looked confused. “Ah! Where are my manors? Sam, this is my professor of Modern and Contemporary Arts, Mr. Zaidi. Zaidi, this is my sister, Sam.” she introduced. “So, you’re the teacher my sister was talking about. It’s nice to meet you.” Sam held out her hand to Rayan and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Roster.” Rayan politely grinned as he shook Sam’s hand. “Well, isn’t this lovely. But Mr. Zaidi and I really should be going to the lounge to get lunch.” Melody huffed, annoyed. Sam looked at Alana, then at Melody. “Always ever the responsible one. Come now, Melo, you two can spare a few minutes... Can’t you?” She smirked. “Unlike you and Alana, we aren’t in the Military or an organization of murderers.” Melody huffed. “Organization of murderers? I will have you know my sister is a hero!” Sam defended. Alana rolled her eyes. “Come on Sam, we really shouldn’t give Melody what she wants.” she urged. “No! This little witch, essentially, just disrespected you! You and I can go at each other’s throats, but you know the second someone goes for yours, I’ll be there in full force!” Sam’s voice began to get louder as she turned from Alana back to Melody. “Now, Melody, surely you can’t have forgotten what I did to you the last time you disrespected my sister when I was around.” Melody’s eyes grew wide, the look of horror attempting to make it’s way back to her face. “Ah, so you do remember.” Sam smirked. “I can’t allow this to continue...” Rayan started. Alana put her hand on his arm and held him back. “Ms. Roster...” He gasped. “Remember what I said about my sister and me being referred to as “unstoppable forces”? If you get in the middle of this, you might end up being turned to stone. I won’t permit that.” She explained. “Then, why don’t you stop it?” He asked. “Firstly, the last time I went up against my sister, there ended up being a treaty made between the Military and the R.D.R stating that she and I are, legally, not allowed to be enemies. We nearly killed each other that day. Secondly, if you knew Melody and Sam as long as I have, you’d know that there’s no point in stepping in. Melody is well equipped to combat my sister. From the looks of it, she might be attempting to make Sam look like the villain.” She explained. “Melody doesn’t seem to be the type of person to do that.” He replied. “Are you sure? That is the same girl who made a voodoo doll of me in High School simply because I entered into a relationship with the boy she liked, the same girl who attempted to turn several of my friends against me for the very same reason. Trust me, not everyone is what they seem.” Alana’s expression had grown deadpan. “But that was years ago. Everyone does stupid things when they’re young.” A look of shock had crept it’s way onto Rayan’s face as he spoke. “I applaud you for giving her the benefit of the doubt, but trust me, these moves were calculated. Regardless of the type of juvenile emotion that went with it, she still made moves against me in an attempt to give up something I held dear simply because she wanted it. People don’t simply grow out of that type of cunning selfishness.” She sighed. “Alana!” Melody cried. Sam looked at Rayan and put her arm around Melody. “Of course, our dear Melo wasn’t expecting one thing... Me to react. As soon as I got wind of what was going on, I took the voodoo doll and disposed of it properly... Then, as children usually do, she had to be taught a lesson... So, I rigged it to where, when she walked through the door to the Student Council Room, a tub of green paint would dump on her head and turn her skin it’s rightful color.” Sam laughed. “SAM!” Melody cried as she attempted to shove Sam’s arm off of her. “Alana! Stop her! Control your sister!” she yelled. 
Alana sighed. “Samantha, I believe you’ve crossed the line of being a simple bitch to being an embarrassment to the family. I think it’s time to stop.” she commanded. She turned to Melody. “Now, firstly, if you didn’t want that incident to haunt you, you shouldn’t have pulled the shit you did back then. I’m not excusing what Sam did to you... But you did make moves against me. Frankly, Amber was never half the nuisance that you were back then. Secondly, whereas Amber has apologized and shown remorse for what she did all those years ago, you never have. I’m not an unreasonable woman, Melody, if you had done as Amber has, I might be more inclined to be kinder to you. But, you haven’t. Instead, you’ve continued to be an insufferable brown noser... Hiding your venom beneath the guise of innocent assistance. You did the same thing back then, and you’ve done it multiple times to me recently...” She began. Melody looked disgusted and angry. Alana turned to Rayan. “Sir, I must apologize for this event. I have never intended for this type of thing to happen... In fact, I was hoping to avoid it this year.” she lightly bowed before turning to her sister. “Now, let’s go before you cause anymore trouble.” She put her hand on Sam’s shoulder and motioned for them to walk away. As they began walking, Alana turned her head back to Melody, one lens of her glasses had gone dark with a blue dot in the center . “Lastly, don’t ever think I can control my sister. That is one superpower I will never obtain.”
As they watched Alana and Sam leave, Rayan looked at Melody. “Are you okay?” Melody kept her eyes down for a minute, a look of sheer rage plastered on her face. “I hate them.” she muttered. “Perhaps it would be best not to antagonize the situation.” Rayan thought. “Come on, let’s go eat.” He insisted as they began walking to the dining hall.
I know, it’s about time I write this one! It was my plan since HSL to properly have Alana’s biggest in school enemy to be Melody instead of Amber. Amber is a bully, but Melody was worse. At least Amber was in your face about it, Melody was a backstabber. I’m glad I finally got to add this to Alana’s canon!
Credit goes where it’s due! FNAFfanart67 gets credit for the bases used for Sam’s and Alana’s sprites!
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excellynt · 6 years
Multiverse Sans Update v1.4.0 – Milestone Reached!
Wow! Over a year of development, and this project’s still goin’ strong! :D
As usual, get it via Network Update. Both Dev and Stable have the same download.
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Don’t already have MVSans? Download him and his balloon here! 
This project originally launched December 13, 2017 as essentially a shitpost named sexy_sans. The project was later renamed to better fit the project goals, and re-released as Multiverse Sans on February 2, 2018. It’s been an entire year since Multiverse Support was added, with 4 shells available at release. 
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It was overwhelming at first, because I hadn’t planned on multiverse support so soon. Over time, I got more comfortable with handling multiple shells, and I got inspired by @invertedfate AU, adding the lieutenant a week or so after binging on the comic.
I tentatively opened submissions for new AU shells and the highest demand AU was Horrortale, an AU I’m not personally invested in, but many people love dearly. Ymuy of @underchangeau made the shell for us, and I was glad to have a friend help prototype the shell submissions process. 
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Since then, I realized I needed to complete Shell Revamps to make adding new AUs more streamlined, and due to @underfellfangame‘s silly Ink vs. Error competition I got inspired to start on beloved Ink!Sans shell, which has been the guiding force behind my exploration of complex shell work. 
We’ve really come a long ways with development on all fronts, and the next year’s slated for a ton of content too! 
You can check the Dev Plan for all that’s been added thus far, along with future plans. MVSans has suffered from a lack of proper documentation of existing content due to the amount content that’s been added, which I aim to address. I’ll have a post detailing how everything works in the next couple weeks! 
Here’s what’s been added since the last stable build, which was released 12/29/2018! 
Naughty trait has been fixed 
Sans is more flirtatious when your Sweet > Rude 
Sans is only derogatory when your Rude > Sweet or if you’re a perv
Updated Endearments
Added more traits-based endearments 
Added Horror!Sans-specific endearments 
New pickup lines 
New Sans reactions to pickup lines 
Will unlock more pickup lines over time! 
Pickup line system revamped
Progressively unlocks the more pickups you exchange
Unique responses to most pickups you tell him 
Some reactions and new pickups based on User Traits
“Thank Sans” feature re-introduced by request.
You can thank Sans for listening to you under the Advice menu. 
If you checked Wednesday’s Content post you’d already know all that. I have a surprise, though. In celebration of 1 year AU support... 
I bring you... Fell’s makeover! 
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It was hinted at with the shell revamps but I converted his appearance in the old format, too! You don’t have to wait until the shell revamp is done.
Fell’s fluffy jacket looks better than ever.
He put a damn shirt on! 
Edgier than ever!
More details below the cut!
Pickup lines exchanged with Sans will vary based on what he thinks of you, and how many pickup lines you’ve shared with him. Naughty endearments, and Horror!Sans endearments, have a lot more variety!
A few people have mentioned missing the “Thank Sans” menu function menu option that was deprecated due to balance issues. @riot-of-the-century​ brought up a very valid point of usage about thanking him after he offers advice. It has been re-incorporated into the Advice (Sweet) Trait Menu Function, so you can thank Sans for hearing you out.
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So if you have any ideas or feature requests, don’t be afraid to send ‘em! I listen and always respond. Even if I can’t directly use your idea, it still communicates what kind of content you wanna see and I could implement the concept through my existing plans. 
Also big thanks to Ymuy of @underchangeau for making the Horror!Sans shell, he’s quickly become a favorite of many users! And thank you Dorked of @invertedfate AU for allowing me to make a shell of your AU Sans! I know you’re pretty protective of your creations so it’s an honor to have him allowed on the roster. I’ve never been so excited for an AU like I have been with IF!
Finally, a big thank you to everyone part of the @ukagakadreamteam discord server! Ya’ll are why I’ve stayed determined this whole year and then some. =)
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So here’s to the next step forward! It’ll be a focus on writing while I fiddle with the shell stuff on the side and experiment with some mechanical concepts. I’ll keep you updated!
Here’s the plan:
v1.5.0 - Chapter 3: Friend Drama Phase
6 Phone Events [10%]
Add basic adjustments for new “Feelings” system [20%]
Fully implement “Insult” feature [10%]
Overhaul graphics, change to using individual pieces to construct facial expressions etc for a much greater variety than 10 expressions. [40%]
Add more varieties of eye shapes, winking, blinking, etc [50%]
Open AU Shell Submissions to the public. [30%]
Ink!Sans shell [25%] 
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imsarahcate · 6 years
Sitting here re-reading what I think is the final version fo the email to country dad.  I hate to sound so... passive aggressive, and I hate to basically beg at the end.  But this is the best I can do after many drafts of varying levels of anger and pure frustration and just... I need him to understand what he refuses to HEAR me say.  And i needed to still ask him to buy me an expensive powerchair so really the whole thing was a juggling act of several days worth of writing and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting.  Under the cut because it’s fucking looooong.
Hi Dad,
Got the birthday card today, thank you.  Tell everyone thanks, someday maybe I'll be able to afford the trip and actually be up there with ya'll for one of these reunions.  
. When it comes to the article, I appreciate that you thought of me, but I don't think you understand the pain situation I live with still.  That alternating advil/tylenol trick can be effective- for acute pain issues or unexpected injuries.  Short term solutions for short term, acute pain.  It's actually something I've done before after surgeries.  I don't have acute pain.  I have chronic pain.  It never stops.  It never gets better.  I feel like even after all this time, you still don't really understand what I live with every day, Dad.  And it's really frustrating.  I feel like you are disappointed that I'm on opioid painkillers- as though it's some decision I made that I keep up because i want them.  As though it's a choice at all for me- when really I have tried pretty much everything else.  Every time we talk anymore- I end up feeling like I have to defend the one thing in 5+ years that has given me ANY measure of relief, and even at that it's hit and miss.
. So here's the truth, My feet always hurt.  Not a little, not now and then, ALWAYS.  And more than I can even make you understand I think.  From one minute to the next it can feel like my feet are white hot on fire, being smashed by sledgehammers, crushed in a vice.  And then for extra fun, a lot of nights (most these days) they also get supersensitive- to the point that even with only the air touching them it's excruciating.  Do you know that even when I manage to sleep deeply enough to dream- I hurt IN my dreams?  That's where things are at now.  I am so lucky to have a doctor who is even willing to TRY opioid painkillers.  And HE is the one asking if we should be stepping up doses Dad, not me.  And he is not pushing opioids on me, he is doing his best to treat my actual, very real, very debilitating pain.  I regularly moan in my sleep so loudly that I wake myself up. And when the meds don't work well enough, or if I try to push beyond my limits- my whole body freaks out.  I have a whole roster of stomach meds because what happens is- like last week for example- when I continue to go on through the point where I know I should stop and rest- I spend anywhere from 1-3 days with sour stomach, severe nausea.  I can't eat. I end up with vicious muscle spasms in my abdomen or thighs or calves, or my feet- or all of the above.  Because if I push past that line, the nerve damage is so bad that it literally affects my entire body- just to get me to STOP and recover.
. I do my best to try and stay positive, to take care of the rest of my health to the best of my ability- and frankly, if it weren't for the pain, I'd be overall in great shape.  I am not lazy or addicted or unhealthy.  I have pain that is borderline dehumanizing, that is constantly getting worse even while every other part of me gets better.  And I am so frustrated by the feeling that you still don't understand that.  I haven't been up there because it is exhausting for me to make the drive.  i haven't been up there because when I come, I want to be able to do things like... go for a walk with you and Thor, to cook dinner, to go see the cows and the horses and everything else- and I can't.  I can't even manage the 2 hour drive just to get there.  Do you know how frustrating that is?  Do you know how frustrating my whole LIFE is these days?
. So I appreciate that you thought of me dad, I do.  But the help I need isn't alternatives that I have already tried that I already know do not work.  Last month my doctor and I had a hard discussion.  My crutches aren't enough anymore, and with Kris moving in with Tom after the wedding, I'm going to have to take up a lot of my own errands that I've been able to rely on her for when I was flaring.  We found a really great powerchair, weatherproof, folds, would fit in the trunk of my car.  Something I can manage to set up and break down on my own.  The battery holds a charge when the chair is off- so if I had a good streak or we found a sweet spot with pain meds, it would still have a charge when I eventually did need it again.  Ultimately I'm hoping to get reimbursed for it by medicare or my supplemental plan.  But as I'm now having to appeal my disability decision altogether (apparently the ancient doctor who asked me NO questions about my pain decided I am no longer disabled) I don't know how long that could be.
. Which brings me here.  I need your help again.  It's a one-off, but a big one. Call it every birthday and xmas gift for the rest of our lives.  And, eventually if I AM able to get reimbursed, I will gladly sign the check directly over to you without even cashing it first.  But with the way my pain is progressing having the chair sooner rather than later would make a huge difference to me.  So I'm swallowing my pride and asking if there's any way (if you can) if you would buy this chair for me:
. They're normally $3800, but they're having a sale right now so it's $2795, no tax, free shipping.  I can't promise I'd be able to pay you back for it- but if my appeal goes through I'll be putting into my insurance to get reimbursed for it (the company that makes the chair can actually help me with that) and if that gets approved, I'll give you whatever they give me for it.  I know it's a lot.  I've spent the last month trying to figure out another way to get this huge thing that I need without having to ask you for it.  But this move to a chair, even part time, is inevitable with the way my pain is progressing.  And my doctor agrees that this chair would be a great solution for me as things get worse.  Easy enough to maneuver and holds a charge for the time when I don't need it for everything, but powerful and well made enough to use all the time when it eventually comes to that.
. I'm sorry to ask Dad.  I've been glad not to come to you for every little thing since I started on medicare and didn't need your help with my health insurance anymore.  But this is too big for me, and having it may even let me get some of my independence back.  
. Either way,  I love you, I miss you, and as soon as I can make the drive again- I still owe you and Thor a home-cooked dinner.  
Hope everyone's enjoying Nebraska Time... looks like a lot of fun.
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thenoticeblog · 4 years
02.17.21 THANK YOU 🖤
THANK YOU to everyone who made it to our “Sweetwater” premiere + panel discussion on Black Communal Living. I’m really looking to make these sorts of events more common, because of the impact and insight I’m seeing so far. I also want to take the time to thank everyone who supported me over the years. People volunteered their time, donated their money, their space, equipment, time, AND business to this company - and I am forever grateful for that.
It’s wild to look back at how far The Notice Blog’s come since I first launched the website back in October 2010 during my grad school days. Back then, it was just a space for writing poetry, OP/Eds and articles. Now, it’s home to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit production company (The Notice Foundation), and its LLC sister company (TNB Studios). There are literally over 290 videos on our YouTube channel - WHEN did that happen?? These are the things I think about when I’m knee-deep in tax work.
Special shoutout to our Panelists, who brought the house down: Onye Ozuzu, Aaliyah Christina & Dr. Heru Khuti Also, much love and gratitude to Team Willow: Suswana Chowdhury, Katrina Reid, Pierre Jean Gonzales And The Notice Blog crew: Elliot Guilbe, Glenn Quentin, Katrina Reid
HUGE thanks to our 2020 roster of clients: Affective Music & Mykal Kilgore
DominiRican Productions w/ Pierre Jean Gonzales & Cedric Leiba Jr. David Whitwell Kendra Foster James Edward Betcon Why Accountability The Policing & Social Justice Project w/ Alex Vitale & Josmar Trujillo Pildora Dance in Bushwick Shandon Anderson Mecca McDonald CAMBA Queens Museum Eugenia Shea BIG Thank you to our TNB & “Willow” Donors:
Marie Casimir Erica Saucedo Megan & Liv Jeannette Colyvas Ian Harkins Jim Costanzo Melissa Noelle Holly Heckart Sarah Flemming Edward Rice Ataefiok Etukeren James Gantt Shiloh Hodges Benedict Nguyen Liz Vernon Lily Bo Saleem Kashif Kendra Foster Anika Chowdhury Lia Bonfilio Katrina Reid Gabby Sherba Robin Holmes Zell Davis
Stay tuned for more panels, screenings, docs, music/dance videos, and so much more, ya’ll.

See you soon!
Always Question. Always Explore.
Paul A. Notice II
Music “Rangerover (Vegyn Remix)” by Porches
#dance #thankful #thenoticeblog #Thankyou #dancersofinstagram #dancevideos #sweetwater #thewillowproject #trending #viral #how #dancechallenge #breakdance #poppin #tutting #representationmatters #blackhistorymonth #ceo #producers #behindthescenes #fundraisers #feelgood #goodstories #happy #sweet #goodtimes #longpost #nonprofits #donations #clients #Editorsnote #direktorskut #stans #fans #trans #melanin #proud #Blackexcellence #blackfilmmakers #indiefilm #support #love #paulnotice #thenoticefoundation #porches #rangerover
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 45
♫♪ Deep in my heart, I hear you calling but I won’t let you in. I’m so afraid that I’ll keep on losing, but you’re whispering: “Trust in me. Love me. Open up your heart and let our love begin. Trust in me, and let me in.” ♫♪
Literally ya’ll just a couple of sappy dorks.
From the way Blackout had been looking at her lately, he knew something was off. For the most part Novastrike could swallow down unease and repugnance for what Neutroboost was doing but sometimes it crept on her. She had never been the best at keeping secrets, and this was one she never intended to walk in on.
It didn’t help that it ate away her appetite. Looking upon energon just brought her an unwanted awareness as to how wrong it was for her to keep quiet. The energon stains, the purged vomit on the floor.
She could tell someone. Telling Blackout would be easy, Scorponok wouldn’t be too bad, Guard might be a stretch as she would hate to see how upset it made him. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was that she didn’t know what would become of Neutro once it was all out.
He wasn’t the greatest mech on the vessel. He’d changed so much since Cybertron alone. But what if someone insisted on termination? What if they just tossed him off on the next planet? What sort of repercussions would the ship demand? Sure, Guard would stress kindness, but there was more than even his voice on the ship, no matter how proud and loud his voice of reason carried.
“Novastrike?” A voice rang out, extracting her from the labyrinth of her own thoughts.
“Hmm?” she managed in the back of her throat, turning to look at the medic.
“Dear one, you’re no help to anyone if you’re slacking off,” she worryingly stated. “Is something wrong? Are you tired? Hungry? Sick?”
“No,” she said with a slight smile. Her tanks gave a hunger churning in her chassis with disagreement. “I’m sorry, I was just daydreaming.”
Raising an optic ridge, the larger femme let out an intrigued hum. “Is that so? Anybot on your processor?”
Nova narrowed her optics slightly, eliciting a snicker from the femme.
“I’m sorry Nova,” the femme cackled. “I couldn’t help myself.”
Somebots were way too nosy for their own good, Novastrike thought to herself. There was always the scandalous few who teased about how she was always around Blackout, and visa versa. Why anyone made it their business to snoop or joke about it, she didn’t know. It miffed her constantly. Blackout favored discretion and neither of them openly spoke or confirmed anything, yet the occasional prod just kept coming.
If all the bots on the ship continued with their wisecracks and one-liners, what if it drove Blackout away from her again? They’d just made so much progress; they were finally trying the whole dating aspect. They were a couple. It was touch-and-go but it was somewhere.
Ignoring the optics of the medic, Novastrike placed her attention back on her datapad.
“Little one if you’re distracted, you’re free to go. We can continue the roster another time.”
“No thank you ma’am; if I loosen up now it’ll just mean days more work longer than I anticipated,” Nova admitted. “We’ve only just left the debris field behind two days ago and still only managed to register about half of the items brought in.”
Smiling softly, the medic stepped closer to Novastrike. She knelt down and reached out, carefully placing some of her digits along the little femme’s shoulder.
“Guard would want you to take a break. You’ve been doing this since day one, and you’ve done more than your fair share.”
Nova glanced up at the medic, venting. “I know,” she agreed. “I’ll just, finish this over here-” she swept a servo over her station, “-and be on my way.”
“You don’t sound excited for a little freedom,” she said with some concern. “Are you sure nothing’s bothering you? You can talk to me about it.”
“No, I’m fine,” Nova offered with a cheery smile.
The medic looked unconvinced. She never was one to be a good liar. Still, she offered a slight nod and turned back to the materials she was looking over and began taking notes on what she saw before her. It didn’t stop her thoughts from straying back to that awful memory though, no matter how much she tried.
With Scorponok laid out across his lap, Blackout took a brush against the minicon’s frame while he had him sitting still. Luckily they hadn’t been on any planets recently for the little bugger to get himself filthy inside and out, but unluckily he was especially moody being cooped up on the ship for so long and thrashed about in Blackout’s grasp.
“Would you hold still?” he snarled with annoyance. “Don’t give me a reason to EMP you.”
A hiss escaped the minicon as he flailed around. “Let go. Want down.”
“Not until I’m finished, now sit still.”
“Don’t want to. Armor fine. Let down.”
“Trust me Scorponok, you’ll be trilling by the time I’m done.”
Clearly, the bug didn’t agree with him. One of his pincers clipped against the space between Blackout’s servo and wrist and he flinched slightly, offering a scowl down at the scorpion as he continued to fidget.
Grunting, Blackout placed both of his servos on top of the scorpion lightly and waited patiently for him to settle back down. He leaned back, sighing as his optics moved up to look at the desk on the opposite end of the room. A small collection of Novastrike’s energon cubes sat there. Only one out of the stash had been touched; roughly half-gone, while the others were completely sealed still.
The bug attempted lunging forward as he picked up on Blackout’s distraction. Sadly for him, not distracted enough to keep hold of him.
“Down,” the bug whined pathetically.
“Just as soon as I’m done,” Blackout calmly replied.
Collapsing against Blackout’s legs, the scorpion finally relented. He gave an unpleasant chattering sound as he went down.
Giving a quiet hum of appreciation, Blackout slipped a servo beneath the bug’s belly and flipped him over onto his back. Scorponok was hardly pleased. His least favorite stance to be put in; leaving his softer under armor exposed.
As soon as Blackout went to scrap the brush along his belly, the bug twitched and began tapping his spindly legs against his arm. The bigger mech could only roll his optics at his dismal partner’s attempts to make him feel bad. All these years of cleaning up and maintaining the tiny slagger, and he still thought he hadn’t learned not to cave in to his demands? If he didn’t finish cleaning him now, he’d never get to. And with Scorponok being well, himself, the sooner you took care of scrubbing him, the better. Otherwise you were more liable to get damaged parts along the road.
Unhappy clicks came from the scorpion sporadically as he twitched his appendages. He showed just enough patience for his master to finish scrapping along his armor and carefully wipe around the junctions where armor plates met each other. His armor would move and flex out of place just enough to allow the bristles to lightly press between plating, making the bug twitch his limbs with despair.
The door to the room unlocked and Blackout looked up from his companion. Scorponok was swift to take advantage, rolling over and onto the floor as Blackout dove to try grabbing him.
Too late.
Just as Novastrike came wandering in she jumped to the side, narrowly missing being bowled over by Scorponok.
She turned to Blackout, her optics wide.
He could only shrug, showing her the brush.
“Cleaning time?” she asked, offering a weary smile.
“You know how he hates it,” he complained.
Nova gave a brief bob of her helm with understanding as she stepped in. The door closed behind her noiselessly but she was not so quiet herself. In fact, her pedes seemed to loiter as she walked.
Blackout drew his optic ridges down. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, fine,” she offered, still meeting his gaze with an affectionate smile.
Shifting his optics towards the stacks of cubes, Blackout turned his optics back towards her slowly. “Maybe you need some energon.”
She looked slightly distracted. “Probably wouldn’t hurt,” she agreed.
Getting up off the berth, Blackout stepped over to grab the unfinished cube of energon on the counter. As he returned to the berth and bent over slightly, offering a servo for Novastrike to climb up on. She did so with a faint smile in his direction.
Returning to the berth, Blackout took a seat and allowed his femme confidante to hop off. He offered out her energon cube to her, which she accepted with a smile. It didn’t reach up to her eyes however; they appeared somewhat troubled.
While she went to take a sip, Blackout gave a quiet and encouraging hum. His armor vibrated lightly from the echoes in his chassis. With a slight force of will, his holoform began to materialize beside the small femme’s side.
She glanced at him and sputtered on her energon comically.
“Don’t do that,” she growled.
“Do what?” Blackout asked with amusement.
“Go startling helpless femmes with your suave good looks. I swear, just- emerging beside someone so close- ‘hello, look I me, I am a dapper, smooth mech with an inviting smile, won’t you please look at me’?”
“I don’t come off like that,” Blackout scoffed.
“Might as well,” Novastrike challenged.
Flicking his servo to her energon cube, Blackout made a rumble in the back of his throat. “You should finish it.”
Her face immediately went from miffed to suspicious. “Why? Did you put something in it?”
Blinking his optics slowly, the mini-version of the giant mech gave a shake of his helm. “No. Why would you think that?”
“No reason, just sounds like someone trying to pull a prank would say.”
“Or something a concerned friend would say.”
Novastrike’s optics slipped away from his as she tilted back her energon to drink it. She drained it like she was starving, but the look in her face was written in nausea.
As she lowered the cube, Blackout took a step closer and removed the empty block from her digits. Dropping it on the ground, he raised an optic ridge at her slowly, examining her faceplate.
“Are you feeling ill at all? You’ve been acting like the energon’s sour lately when you drink and I know very well it’s not; I’ve drank from the same batches as you.”
“No, it tastes fine.”
Why was she avoiding the question?
“Is it... is there something going on with us that’s making you feel unwell?”
“Oooh, Blackout nooo,” Nova promptly fussed. She stepped closer into his space, placing her arms around his waist as she leaned into him.
A piece of himself he didn’t even realize had tensed up suddenly and rapidly relaxed. Unable to suppress his relief, Blackout enveloped his arms around Novastrike’s dainty little form and pressed her closer into his chassis. Warmth was spilling out of his holoform slowly; a comfort he knew she appreciated all too well.
“Tell me what’s been bothering you then,” he whispered quietly.”
Nova nibbled on the corner of her mouth. “Did you ever, I don’t know, see something you wish you didn’t and wished you could just forget it?”
Light danced in Blackout’s maroon optics with amusement. “I think we’ve all seen a thing or two we wish would could scrub from our processors.”
“It’s just that,” she stated simply, a troubled light on her face. “It made me... see someone a bit differently.”
“Are you sure it’s nothing to do with us?”
“Absolutely! It’s nothing to do with you, or us, it’s... someone else. I just see them in a different light now.”
Calmly removing his servos from around Nova’s waist, Blackout reached up to cradle either side of her face. She leaned into his touch with a soft exhale of reassurance. The light escaping her optics softened gradually; the hues of blue melting more into one another as she pressed into his chassis for comfort.
A weak smile ghosted across her face. Blackout could feel his spark pick up; beating faster and harder. The pulses left a feeling like it was trying to ram out of his chassis. It wasn’t an experience he was used to, but one that wasn’t totally unacceptable.
Dropping one of her arms from around him, the small femme reached up and placed a servo on top of one of his. Her digits nestled on top of his own; curling over lightly. He went to shift his digits just enough for her own to press just lightly between his.
“Tell me what ails you, I’ll fix it, I swear.”
His voice must have been far more compelling than he’d bargained for. She looked captured in a spell. Staring at him with absolute adoration and endearment, her ears beginning to emit a blazing radiant light.
“You are just too sweet,” Novastrike whispered. “But for the time being, I think I’ll just let it go.”
“Too powerful of a secret, even for me, hmm?” Blackout asked softly. He turned his servo over slowly to hold Novastrike’s, drawing it over the small distance between them to draw a phantom’s kiss against the back of her servo.
She fidgeted slightly in place. Whether because she was distracted by the simple gesture or made uncomfortable by his words, he couldn’t determine.
“Not exactly,” she quietly insisted. “I’m just hoping I’m seeing too much into something and I want to... give that individual a chance to make the right choices.”
“Maybe you should talk to the bot you saw doing whatever it is that’s bothering you, and let them know how you feel?” Blackout advised, bending his servo away from Nova’s just enough to press another delicate kiss against her wrist.
A gentle, feverish heat was migrating off of the little femme’s armor now. Her ears were lit like a star, giving off a brilliant illuminating glow now.
“Maybe I’ll do that,” she vaguely agreed.
“Good,” Blackout rumbled. “Anything that helps you feel better-”
Taken by surprise, Blackout rapidly shuttered his optics as she stood at the tip of her pedes to steal a kiss.
Well, might as well not leave her waiting, he deduced; thoroughly tickled as his optics winked offline and he returned the kiss. Always so full of surprises.
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mihariofmabinogi · 7 years
Wow, six years of Let’s Plays today!
I think I’ll make an introspective post rather than a video, since I don’t really have anything I think is video worthy.
We saw the end of an era this year with the two-year long LP of Persona 3 Portable coming to an end. This year also saw my boyfriend inspiring me to do an LP that entered the roster of my all-time favorites in the form of Final Fantasy VI. I feel like Planescape: Torment might very well be on its way to doing the same, but we’ll wait for the far-off finale to see about that, yeah?
Steam’s summer sales came and went, I snagged some future LP material (Halloween or otherwise) I think ya’ll will really enjoy. September’s coming up, so that means I’m gonna be getting started on this year’s Halloween Special soon. I think everyone will really like what I have planned!
This blog is primarily still an updater for those of you on Tumblr (and because god knows YouTube isn’t gonna let subscribers know a video is up), but I’m gonna make an effort to reblog more fanart of adventures we’ve been on. Plus I’m always here to answer any questions you might have!
Regardless, thank you all so much for six years of doing what I love and experiencing games I’ve never played before!
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: it all started with glow paint; jeff hardy
Did I ever mention to ya’ll that I am legit still in love with Jeff Hardy? No? Oops, sorry. Anyway, this ask came into my main from @xladyxfatex​ and I had to move it to this blog, of course. Couldn’t lose this one. I had fun writing Jeff again. Perhaps I’ll write even more Jeff Hardy in the future? Who knowsss.
Iris decides to ditch a girls night out and sneak down to the room Jeff hangs out in whilst he’s painting. Flirting and playing with glow in the dark paint and making out ensues.
uhh.. paint in places not a canvas. mentions of nudity. innuendo. steamy makeout.
Jeff Hardy x OFC, Iris
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His taller muscular frame filled the doorway to the dressing rooms and he chuckled quietly to himself. Inside the room, Iris wiggled her hips as she whipped her hair around and giggled quietly. He’d overheard her earlier saying she was getting ready to go out and quote-unquote “Dance her little ass off.”  and just the thought of other men seeing her like she was dressed currently had the North Carolina native up in arms. He nearly shot a foot into the air as he felt a finger tapping the back of his shoulder.
“Being a creeper again, I see?” Lita gave a soft and knowing smirk as Jeff tried to play it off. Trish was quick to speak up and call him out. “ Ya know, if you just actually made a move as opposed to skulking around and taking out pretty much any other guy who shows interest, Jeffro.. You might possibly get somewhere. Something to think about?” Trish mused with a soft laugh as she shut the door in the man’s face, drawing a pout to his lips.
Trish and Lita shared a look and wandered over to the newest hire to the roster, flanking her on either side. “Happy 21st!”
“I know right? I can finally legally drink!” Iris giggled, sitting down the almost neon pink lipstick she’d been about to put on, staring at herself in the mirror. She realized that Lita and Trish were staring at her and then kind of trying to subtly have a muted conversation over her head and she cleared her throat. “Okay, out with it. What’s going on, huh?”
“Here’s the thing, tiny.” Lita took the lead. She knew Matt and Jeff better and she knew that Jeff was literally never going to step up. But he would keep taking on every single guy who even dared look at Iris wrong and earlier tonight, he’d almost bitten off much more than he could chew when all 3 members of the Brood tried ganging up on him. It had taken Matt and one or two others just to break up the insanity at the end.
It had taken Jeff at least two hours to calm down and stop threatening to go and find Edge and kick his fucking head in for whatever thing he’d done or said towards Iris that Jeff wasn’t particularly fond of, too. Lita just hadn’t seen Jeff get that way before, so she knew that whatever he was feeling was real and until he got it out, it was going to keep him from having his head totally in the game.
“ Remember how you were telling us you thought a certain Enigma was so hot?” Lita teased gently, laughing to herself at how easy this was potentially going to be as soon as she saw the look on the younger female’s face and saw those big brown eyes getting that dreamy and faraway look she often got whenever Jeff Hardy was concerned.
Iris eyed Lita with a raised brow and a hand on her hip, the other one tangled in long blondish brown waves. “Yeah? And?”
“What if I told you that the Enigma in question might feel the same way?”
Iris started to laugh but her laughter trailed off as soon as she saw the calm serious looks on the two older females faces while they stared at her. She swallowed hard and muttered in a quieter tone, “Okay, you have my attention..”
“But you know how shy he is, Iris.” Lita started, Trish chiming in in a velvet purr, “Sometimes men.. They have to be lead.”
“Lead, huh?”
“Mhm. And maybe, Iris, if you were to go down to the room he always disappears to.. Maybe you’d have a better time tonight than if you were going out drinking with all of us like we planned.” Lita finished, nodding towards the door, giving the other female a gentle push towards. Iris swallowed hard, her hand poised to reach for the handle.
Trish tossed a tee shirt at their friend and called out through laughter, “You might want to actually finish getting dressed first, goofball.”
“Good idea.” Iris tugged the shirt down over her body and opened the door, taking a deep breath. She had to relax. She knew Jeff wasn’t the kind of guy who’d ever really.. approach her first, Lita and Trish were right. If someone was going to do something, it clearly fell to her.
She wandered down to the area Jeff always hung out in to paint or play his guitar and she’d been about to raise her hand to knock, but instead, she quietly pushed the door open.
Jeff stood there shirtless, the shirt he’d been wearing earlier tied around his hips as he stared at a canvas that glowed with several varied shades of pink and purple and orange. He didn’t hear the soft click of the door as she closed it. He didn’t hear her tiptoeing softly across the room either. She pressed against his back and he tensed a little, muttering a quiet “What the fuck?” before turning around.
“Iris? Hey.. What are you doin here, darlin? I thought you were goin out with Lita and Trish.”
… come on mouth, work!… Iris took a few deep breaths and pressed herself against him, staring up, lazily pressing a fingertip against those kissable lips of his. “Well, see.. I got to thinking.. I can go out and drink anytime now.” Iris trailed off, getting distracted by bright and deep jade-colored eyes and Jeff’s breath caught in his throat as he muttered huskily, “Yeah?” and his arms wrapped around her, hands locking across her lower back. Iris grimaced at the cold wet paint that he’d had smeared on his hands that was now on her skin and before she could stop herself, she was whimpering at the lingering touch. It seemed to make something snap in Jeff and he pulled her even closer, leaning down and pulling her up slightly. “So you want to spend your birthday with me, hm? Am I getting that right?”
“Mhm.” Iris practically purred the one-word response and Jeff gripped her more firmly, clearing his throat. When he spoke again, it was with a hint of a smirk. “Sweet.” as his hand squeezed her ass, grinding her against him in the process. Iris hissed at the feel of more cold and wet paint on her body. With a giggle, she reached out, grabbing a paintbrush covered in pink. “Ya know, this is my favorite color…” she drawled, painting an arrow pointing down his abdomen. Jeff swallowed hard and chuckled quietly, “Really now, Darlin? I hadn’t noticed.” he pretended to be totally shocked and as he was staring down at her intently, his hand reached back, grabbing for the paintbrush he’d discarded when she snuck up on him. He dipped the brush into the pink paint and gave a low, dark chuckle as he slid the brush down the front of her shirt similar to the way she’d done to him.
Iris reached up, the paintbrush clattering to the floor quietly and taking his face in her hands, she pulled his mouth against her own as deep as she could manage and somehow, he managed to further deepen the kiss to a point where Jeff Hardy honestly couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. He was picking her up, sitting her on the edge of a table nearby. His hands slipped down, fingertips toying with the hem of a tee shirt.
One of his merch shirts, to be exact. He started to tug it upward and Iris gave a shaky gasp, her hands moving over his chest, dragging through wet paint as her legs circled his waist. The more his tongue tangled and dominated her own and the more light-headed she became, the further she wanted to push it. Her shirt settled on the floor and the shirt tied around his waist did the same. Purple glowing paint-covered hands roamed back up her body, gripping her breasts and squeezing them together as he bucked into her and growled against her neck at the way her quiet whimpers and soft pleas filled the quiet between them. Her white bra was now glowing purple on either side and as his hands gripped her thighs and squeezed, purple handprints lingered on soft skin, making her nip at his bare chest and making him whimper almost helplessly as she started to nip and bite her way down.
He stopped her, shaking his head, leaning her back on the table, leaning down into her. “Oh no, birthday girl. No. Tonight, I’m gonna take care of you..” he drawled as his lips ghosted over her abdomen and he fixed lust filled jade-colored eyes on her intently, his tongue slowly dragging over his lips….
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prowlingthunder · 7 years
WIP Meme
So I was tagged by @badwolfgirl01 who clearly doesn’t believe me when I say I have all the projects to do. How do you put nonsense under a cut?
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Title: Deus ex machina, chapter 3 Notes: The partially-finished Chpt3 has been in my WIP for... a long time. I’ve been squinting at it for a while. Poke it once in a while. Read previous two chapters on Ao3
Eventually he got a few fake IDs that said he was a bit older than he was, which was okay because he looked it, and he started tending bar. The owner had been surprised when Desmond mixed up a drink from barely-there memories, mentioning that it had been many years since the man who'd known how to make a Bloody Templar had retired from the scene. Been kidnapped, you see, and then when he came back he'd done a bit of work and then finally gave his resignation.
He asked Aita. Aita told him, “That was you, before. But I couldn't fit into your life. I tried.”
Fandom: Harry Potter, Saint Seiya Title: A Mother’s Love, chapter 6 Notes: Crossover. Not enough to share here. It’s been stalled for years, since waaay back in my FF.net days. I don’t like to let things die, but it’s hard juggling RL and everything else. There’s been some interest shown in this recently and I’ve also found my old notes, so we’ll see where this goes.
Fandom: Harry Potter, Ronin Warriors Title: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon, chapter 4 Notes: Crossover. Not enough of the chapter to share. See above reasons for hiatus. Unlike AML, there’s been less interest in this, but I actually like the plot for this a trifle better than AML and my notes are a bit better for this one too. I’ve been poking at it trying to resurrect it from the dead.
Fandom: Mass Effect, Gundam Wing Title: Minor Troubles Notes: Crossover, 2/6 posted on Ao3. The other chapters are slow-going but in existence, though they’re all arguing for Chapter 3 and I’m not yet comfortable sharing the hot mess with ya’ll.
Fandom: YuYu Hakusho, Ronin Warriors Title: Roses in Stained Glass Notes: Crossover, Chapter 2 in progress, Chapter 1 on Ao3. I have to do some more research and designing of the grounds, various people on the area, hammer the plot out a bit more. So far the only thing to share is a teaset, which isn’t enough to spoil you guys with.
Fandom: Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing Title: The Ripple Effect: Desert Rose Notes: Crossover, Part 1 on Ao3. I wont call it a chapter because the next part isn’t a direct continuation of what we’ve got, there doesn’t seem to be a directly-after section for the current posted in my brain. Go figure.
Fandom: Fallout 4 Title: The Devil’s Luck, Chapter 3 Notes: Chapters 1&2 on Ao3. Chapter subject to rewrite, because current writing doesn’t feel quite right.
The inside of the Memory Den was lipstick-red, the color women used to press to letters before they sent them to their sweethearts in the war. It was a shade of red that made his heart ache, just a little. His Nora had started wearing it after they had come home from Alaska, partly to draw attention away from her cheeks, partly to fit in better with the housewives who had surrounded them in Sanctuary Hills. A rather failed attempt to make nice with civilians.
Silas tried to ignore the way McCready watched him. There were a lot of questions in that blue gaze that he wasn't prepared to explain, though he thought he knew what all the questions would be if the younger soldier spoke them out loud.
The memory den? Are you sure? You know what they do in there, right?
He was sure. He had to know for sure if it worked like the rumors said it did. He had to know.
Fandom: Fallout 4 Title: Hell Hath No Fury, Chapter 17 Notes: 1-16 on Ao3. 17 is partially written but not enough to be posted, even with HHNF standards.
Fandom: Fallout 4, Fallout 3 Title: Big Town Blues Notes: Oneshot. Doesn’t yet cover enough of what I want it to cover to be considered even half-complete. Still working! RJ takes Duncan to safety, outside the Commonwealth. The only place that’s safe? Big Town.
“Awe-J and his son--”
“Awe-J and Duncan awe hungwy.”
Duncan waved a little over Mac’s shoulder. Tewwy blanched and dropped the nose of his shotgun at once, as if just noticing the child for the first time. “You’ve a child?”
“Startled the fuck out of me too,” MacCready tried, smiling as disarming as he could manage. “Didn’t know I’d made a baby until my wife gave birth to him.”
Tewwy sucked a breath, setting his shotgun down on the table while he moved to pull a pot off the fire. “Billy, you should let mayor know as soon as possible. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your friend and his son get breakfast.”
“Save some fow me!” Biwwy cried gleefully, nearly dancing on his way back out the door. Tewwy shot a hand motion at his retreating back that Mac didn’t know.
“Ignore him. He’s always hyperactive before breakfast. Have a sit, let the little one down?” The offer sounded pretty genuine.
MacCready moved to a crouch and started unstrapping Duncan’s harness from his back. The little boy let out a whoop of delight; partly for being let loose, partly for the truly divine scent coming from Tewwy’s pan. He had to snatch him by the harness before he went and got under Tewwy’s feet. “Ma,” Duncan whined plaintively.
“It’s not ready yet.”
“He sounds hungry,” Tewwy commented. Mac winced.
“We ran out of rations yesterday.” That hurt to admit. Especially to a stranger. But MacCready wasn’t above wheedling and emotional manipulation to get food in Duncan’s belly.
“Oh my.”
Fandom: Fallout 4, Fallout 3 Working Title: Radstorm Notes: Oneshot. I don’t like the way it reads, but I haven’t quite managed a rewrite that I like yet. It’s not... floaty enough? McCready gets radsickness.
It hurt. Everything hurt. His stomach roiled, guts twisting into knots, and rolled, vomiting over the edge of the cot. He could feel his clothing cling to him, wet and sticky like the blanket, but even that had chased through his bones to leave him weak. He flopped back on his back, hip aching, and tried to find air that wasn't going to melt his lungs.
People talked, background noise of the clinic, and he listened to them and couldn't make out the words, but the sounds helped. Something cool pressed against his flesh, against his head and against his chest. Lucy tugged at his shirt. He blinked up at her, dizzy; reached to find her fingers. She brushed his hand away.
Lu-- 'm hot.
Lucy paused for several heartbeats-- too fast, much too fast, he was too hot and he had to cool down. He heard her fiddling with something. The coolness on his head was ice against a fire. He could feel it drip into his hair. "You have a fever. Don't worry. We'll fix it."
Missed you. She looked like she had when he last saw her, all kitted up to go help mungos who didn't deserve it, stained white cloth at her throat to hide an old scar. She didn't respond to him, cut his shirt down the sleeves and pulled it out from beneath him. He realized, distantly, that he wasn't wearing his scarf. She must have taken it already.
Hot, he whined, and Lu ignored him in an effort to keep working.
Fandom: Fallout 4 Title: Line-dried Laundry Notes: Oneshot, Lupercalia fic. Incomplete, needs some touch-ups. No porn, promise. Nora and her brother back during soldier-days.
"Do you know why we're here?"
Nora did, and told him as much. The rest of the men were eyeing each other in confusion.
Major Rye dipped his hand to her, offering the table.
"You're evaluating us, and our brothers, sir. You're feeding your sister a heat suppressant to ensure her heat holds off while you judge the roster as worthy or unworthy."
Hawken furrowed his brow. Opened his mouth to say something, and decided to keep his fool mouth shut.
Major Rye had a pretty face; strong features, brown eyes, tanned skin. The crinkle around his eyes was a smile. "Very good. Officer Nedved and his brother are our escorts. The four of us will be spending the next two days with your squad to ease the transition. If all goes well, we'll retire to a breed room."
Nora didn't know if it was BreedCom policy to take a whole team off duty or not. She doubted it. Especially since they were front-liners, were Army not Recon Marines, they were a pack within a pack but it wasn't so tight that they couldn't handle without a member or two...
There was something else Major Rye and Officer Nedved were here for, and it wasn't just to rope them into a heat-shack.
Fandom: Fallout 4 Working Title: N/A Notes: Demon-summoning AU, the next in Every Word a Promise - Sil at a Summoning.
[Is this one yours?] Puck asks, words a whisper of wind through his hair. It's like a caress. A part of Silas resents him for being here; a part of him is exulted. Puck is a spirit of deceptive magic, a woodland sprite for twisting, winding paths that get lost in the woods, shaded corners and cool spots where the snake will strike if someone steps. But he is trustworthy, if the words are asked correctly. He never makes a bargain he will not keep. He never offers his strength if he will not be entertained-- and the dead bring no entertainment, for Puck.
Puck is all smiles and honeyed words, a willow swaying in the wind, or the aspen, quaking, but strong enough not to come undone.
Silas can't say anything to him without seeming crazy, so he nods; this one mine.
The thing about forest-spirits, they're all trees standing alone. The woods only truly exist when they come together.
Fandom: Fallout 4 Working Title: All The Things I Didn’t Say Notes: Oneshot? Y7 fic, because Sevan needs love too. This is my... second or third rewrite of this, and I’m not sure I like it yet. Y7 contends with his human counterpart.
The few people he'd run into the Commonwealth hadn't batted an eyelash at the thought that he wasn't the true Silas King. They had greeted him as if he had been. They didn't know.
Silas King knew. He knew what he was and what he wasn't, and Y7 might have gotten the drop on him if he had been more careful, perhaps, or if Silas hadn't seemed to have been expecting him, or.. maybe a thousand other things. Maybe if the rouge coursers hadn't been in town. Maybe if he hadn't followed him down into the Vault.
He hadn't been prepared to have to outwit an unaware subject. He hadn't been prepared to have to handle Silas King in a verbal chess-match, when he had been trained to deal with him physically. Father had some sort of upset against him, which Y7 was not privy to, was not prepared to ask, and did not care to know. It wasn't his business who Father did and did not have issues with.
My son sent you, didn't he?
Fandom: Fallout 4 Working Title: N/A Notes: The one death fic for Sil I haven’t bothered to finish yet and may have to re-poke...
Last night's dinner wants to revisit him. Silas swallows it back down fiercely, ribs screaming in pain. Plants both palms on the ground beneath him and shoves, pushing himself up, gets a knee under himself. Fire sears across his chest. Bones grind, broken. The pain threatens to swallow him.
I can't die like this. Not like this. The enemy is still alive; he wont let himself die until he's dealt with them, wont lay down like a dog and let them have their play. He wont, he wont, he wont. Damned raiders.
Calculatedly, not the best plan he'd ever had. But he couldn't just let them take his men. The Minutemen trusted him, they were his subordinates, his command. Maybe them being his soldiers didn't mean the same thing, here in the future, but it meant plenty to Silas. He refused to die before he got them the keys, got them their weapons--
Fandom: Fallout: New Vegas Working Title: [Inside Pandora’s Box] Notes: Oneshot, Lupercalia fic, wolf’s perspective of waking up at Doc Mitchell‘s.
"Easy there, girl. You and your lady are safe now."
There is still pain. Pain in her chest, and Hope remembers a bullet taking her there when she'd lunged at cigarettes. She still wears the muzzle they put on her, but she cannot blame the old man for trying. Even the shamans will tie off a wolf's jaws when they or their sibling are injured. A wolf cannot help to bite, in hopes of warding away more pain.
Her sister's mind is a quiet blanket of nothing in her mind. That worry holds more pain than Hope can ever feel in her own body. She reaches out, careful, prodding at the pack-sense, but the man is not of the People, he is a stranger utterly, and Hope cannot speak to him, cannot ask him, does my sister yet live?
He'd said you and your lady. Hope does not often have much of her namesake, but she hopes.
Fandom: Fallout: New Vegas Working Title: N/A Notes: Pandora walks the Divide and bristles a lot. Will continue it as I replay more of New Vegas.
Couriers knew each other, and the Post knew them. A courier from the Legion could march into any Post in the Mojave and ask to kip down in the middle of NCR space, and not only would they get a bed and a hot meal, but they'd get a night watch too. She'd heard-- knew, in her bones-- that the same was true for couriers from the other side of the war, who had business through the Legion. The penalty for harassing or harming a courier in the Legion was death. There was a reason she had been able to walk through Nipton unscathed.
There was a reason she could walk anywhere. 
The Legion would protect her regardless of her business, and the NCR would protect her as long as her business was their business.
Fandom: Fallout 3 Working Title: Outsider Notes: Oneshot of Jay feeling homesick and a little like an alien outside the vault. 
Jay tries not to be, but he is a bleeding heart and he knows it. Still, he does not give them money. He gives them food, and water, and a change of clothes, and a map. For those who want more, Jay has given enough. For those rest who weep with joy, Jay has given them the world.
And that scares him more than he wishes to admit, because they look up with worship and admiration, or they look on him with curled lips twisted in bitter venom. He does not know these people. He does not understand them, because they are not his people.
His people do not want him.
Fandom: Fallout 3 Title: The G.O.A.T. Notes: Oneshot, going to rewrite because it’s choppy and mostly notes but I do rather love it. What it says on the tin. Likely to contain Jay/Butch porn in the rewrite.
He was given a folder and a passcode to his new quarters, and Officer Mack led him there.
Turns out, Vault 101 had a chapel. Who knew?
(Apparently the Chaplain was supposed to be celibate and chaste, according to the Vault 101 charter-- among other things on the list the Overseer had given him, not all of which sounded like good ideas-- but Jay forgot about that rule the moment the king snake decided to help him move his things and break in the new mattress.)
Fandom: Fallout 3 Working Title: (Best laid plans) Notes: Slowgrow Vault fic between Jay and Butch. We’ll see how long it takes to actually write...
The Doctor would probably kill him in the morning. But damn it, he was so tired of being referred to as Junior, as Little James; at least if he changed his hair, he couldn't look just like him.
He had been thinking about that all week, but all he could think about now was the feeling of Butch's gloved fingers working at his scalp, the echo of nothing a quiet lull. Butch had put a towel over his shoulders, but he'd had to strip down to his waist to lessen the risk of getting it on his vault-suit anyway. Butch had admitted to never dying someone's hair before, when Jay had asked.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Working Title: N/A Notes: The next fic in Suddenly: An Army. So far it’s mostly hand-written notes and false starts, but it is in progress. Prompto takes Ignis to meet his family.
Fandom: Gundam Wing Working Title: N/A Notes: A clonebaby genderbender AU where it’s Dad and Seven Daughters.
There were three ways to keep a secret that Nate knew.
The first was to keep it totally to yourself. That wasn't going to work for Nate, exactly, since his secret wasn't some intangible thing.
The second was to tell only one other person-- get the secret out of your system-- and then kill them. Two could keep a secret if one of them was dead. This was also not going to work for Nate, though he would happily kill anyone to keep his secret secure.
The third way was tell everyone.
Fandom: Lord of the Rings Working Title: Wolflords Notes: A fire-watch child from Gondor dreams of Elves and their wolves
Giayl had known the fable of elven-wolves. Of course he had. Maybe his family wasn’t scholars-- he and his family had been looking after the watch-fire for generations-- but the black land could be seen in the distance, and on especially calm nights, there was claim the orc-wolves could be heard. Giayl didn’t know he believed that one. He much preferred the stories of of the elves and their wolves, sunshine-gold and moon-bright silver, midnight blue dappled with stars, all long-lived and all elegant and graceful like the elves themselves. Eternal.
Fandom: Lord of the Rings: Online Working Title: Caran Dagra Notes: Imorrael’s mortal son joins the American Military. James finds unexpected friends there.
“It's from my mother,” he offered to their silence, pulling out a just-as-new piece of card parchment.
Aeglirann, son of Imorrael, she wrote in her flowing, looping script. He had been reading Elvish for enough years it was easy to decipher. Not that there was a lot of it. Take this and know you are mine.
He sat the card aside, face up, and ignored the trio as they read it. He peered back into they envelope instead, then tipped it up into his palm.
A piece of ash-wood fell into his fingers. A simple oval slice, about as big as a quarter, with a penny-length shard of blue in the center, gemstone fused to heartwood. A small hole had been punched through the wood, and the whole thing had apparently been coated in clear resin to hold color.
Fandom: Mass Effect Working Title: Star-light, Star-bright Notes: Bobby Shepard and her wolf-queen, Danica, deal with the nonsense that is their life.
But then, it was hard to love anything more than she loved Danica, the sun-gold she-wolf that she was. An Alliance wolf from a strong line, a little temperamental but bred for endurance, strength, command. A bloodline that traced itself beyond the birth of the Alliance, beyond the deaths of the last trolls, beyond, beyond, beyond. Back before time. Before space.
Before the first wolves touched minds with the first wolf-brother. Certainly before wolves ever took to wolf-sisters. But Danica had decided that Bobby was going to be hers before anything else, before the chain of command or the loyalty of a pack. Bobby belonged to Danica, and Danica belonged to Bobby.
And when they did get a pack, when they cycled through training and ended up with a team, they didn't... quite fit in, but Danica would duck her head and Bobby would salute their team leader, and they would make it work.
When the Batarians attacked while on leave, Danica glowed bright as a star in the pack sense, and Bobby glowed with her, and beneath them, around them, people rallied under instruction and discipline of a wolf and Danica and Bobby dug in their heels and decided, no more. No one else.
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Title: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors, Chapter 5 Notes: Chapters 1-4 on Ao3. All the actual words I’ve got for chapter 5 is handwritten and everything else is notes. So I’ve nothing quite to share with you for chapter five, except suffice to say, Felix is unhappy.
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Working Title: Wolfthreat Notes: This is going to need some rework and some more polishing, but overall I do like it and so I’m not anywhere near done yet. Why you gotta be frustrating, Soldier Harris? Lupercalia fic.
“Mister G!”
Giles had the good grace not to have been holding a cup of tea, this time. But his smile was wide and a little tired, and the book in front of him for once had nothing to do with demons or magic or anything like that. Not that Alexander accounted Son of None as a good book, but in a world without the Slayer, any literature at all making it's way whole and accounted for to the Hellmouth was a godsend, and comic books took their time making it around the Wolfmount.
Most places didn't want to deal with them.
Other wolfpacks didn't want to deal with them. A wolfpack living on a Hellmouth had to be considered pretty much gone, and anyone who stayed for more than a rotation wasn't considered fit for duty anywhere else, because everywhere else was tame and Sunnydale broke lesser wills to live.
Alexander had been here since he was born. So had Aurore. Neither of them were going anywhere, and if they had to teach the people coming in, that was okay too.
Fandom: Attack on Titan Working Title: N/A Notes: OCs everywhere! Because I couldn’t ever help myself :3
The girl brightens for reasons John can't fathom, except that she looks way too happy her brother is leaving. “Yes!”
Faolan then looks at him, and smiles again. “I'll keep Adam safe, okay kid? You can count on me for that.” John blinks and then nods, slowly, while Adam huffs and punches Faolan in the arm. “Ow! What was that for?”
“I don't need protection; you seem to be forgetting who had better scores!”
“So what? I still kicked your ass in hand-to-hand.”
“Titans are people-shaped, not people-sized!”
John doesn't know what any of it means, but it's not actually that reassuring.
Adam says goodbye to him again before he and Faolan are heading back to the other soldiers. When the bell tolls, the girl, Adolpha, is waving again.
“Come back soon! I'll be waiting!”
John takes the ferry back into Rose and makes his way home, and Adam's right; he doesn't really notice that Adam's not there. Adam hasn't been there for years.
Fandom: Space Pirate: Captain Harlock Working Title: N/A Notes: Logan contends with the difference between love and loyalty, and who is worth either.
The words Mom had said, clear and crisp in his childhood, had been the root of much Logan had done in his life. He had always tried to live by her words; not to never do anything he might regret, but to never regret anything he would do. Never to give his loyalty away to the first bidder-- and Mom had been big on loyalty, true, but the lesson had always struck with him the most, there in her garden.
Loyalty, Mom had said, is not love. Love is different. Love can kill you, if you let it; it can strangle those you care for. It can swallow you, and tear you apart from the inside. Which isn't to say it isn't beautiful or wonderful or precious. Love is... mistletoe. It flowers and blooms, and it only grows bigger with each passing year, so long as it has something to feed off. But mistletoe can kill you, if you eat it.
But loyalty is the most beautiful thing, because love just happens, but loyalty... Loyalty is a choice.
Logan had always loved Nami, he guessed. Like a parasite, they had just grew together. But Nami had married Ezra; Ezra, who had a stable job in the military and was moving up in the world. No one had any doubts he would make it to the top of the command bracket; he might even get a seat on the Gaia Coalition's Counsel. And Logan loved Ezra, the love of two brothers raised together, so close they might have been one person.
But he had been loyal to Ezra, too. He had never taken Nami to bed, even though he loved her. Even though he'd had his chances, every time Ezra was out on deployment. He'd longed every time he saw her that she had picked him instead, but every time he saw Ezra look at her, he just seemed so heartbreakingly happy...
Fandom: Thor Working Title: All the Little Children Notes: Lupercalia fic. Thor deals with the aftermath of Loki’s fall, sheltering his brother’s children from the wrath of their grandfather.
I could have done it.
No, Loki.
Time and time again, their father had charged the both of them with great quests, feats so impossible that they were nothing short of heroic. Feats only the princes of Asgard could accomplish. It was a hard pill to swallow, hearing his own words out of Loki's mouth. Loki, who had never debased himself so far as to say I could have. Loki, who was given impossible tasks, do not let the Giant finish the wall, and Loki who always came through for their father.
Thor failed occasionally. But nothing felt more terrible a failure than watching Loki let go of the All-Father's staff.
He couldn't save his brother.
I couldn't save mother.
The words echoed loudly through his head, sharp and full of piercing pain, his agony put to voice. But he had never called Loki mother. A sharp knocking on his chamber door jerked him from his reverie and he turned his head, blinking at it. He had talked with his father, after the Fall; Thor, listen to me, Loki was a frost giant, you did the right thing. It would not be a servant at the door, for after the conversation he had explicitly told them he would not be bothered. No courtier would risk it, would dare. He was to be alone.
I couldn't save mother. I couldn't-- I tried.
The knock repeated, more urgent.
Fandom: Overwatch Working Title: N/A Notes: McHanzo timetravel shenanigans. Because why not let them timetravel to meet kid!McCree before he’s their McCree...
There was also a frog on the third bench, complaining about the radio station. Jesse was pretending not to hear him talk. There were only two channels this far out in the middle of nowhere, and the only reason Jesse hadn’t picked country was because half of them were nursing injuries and the other half were fatigued to hell and back. New fangled rock and roll wasn’t was good as the classics, but it was still heavy on the drums and guitar riffs.
Mama had sworn by them. Lucio was just going to have to chill.
Fandom: Overwatch Working Title: N/A Notes: McSymmenji fic that’s had several false starts but I think I finally have a good one for. It’s just going to be longer than planned...
Fandom: Overwatch Working Title: N/A Notes: McHanzo Gift-fic, in progress, with a slice of bodyguard and worldbuilding. Probably wont post unless the recipient clears me to, but.
Not that Hanzo isn’t still otherwise. He is. He is the stillest thing Jesse’s ever seen, calm as a frozen pond on a bright-moon’d winter’s night. There’s no wasted movements with the man.
There aren’t many with himself, but Jesse knows when he’s lying and he’s always lying if he says he doesn’t have a flair for the dramatics. Which he does. There is a reason he keeps flash-bangs in his arsenal.
He’s American, after all. Nobody does fireworks like America.
Nobody does Hanamura like Hanzo, either. That’s why they’re here.
Though frankly, Jesse’s getting real sick of Hanamura.
Fandom: Ronin Warriors Working Title: N/A Notes: I’m thinking about a third done, honestly. There’s some more things I want to cover before I post this, even if this section feels complete save for a name.
Yulie's head snapped his way. "Huh?"
"That's her name. Arashinoumi."
Stormy waters, Mia noted. Like white-water rapids, or seafoam.
"Arashinoumi.." Yulie blinked again, glancing down at her. She sat primly in front of him, dark eyes looking up at him patiently. He stretched his fingers out, careful, aware enough that she wasn't a house pet or a tame dog. "Can I pet her?"
"She's waiting for your name," Torrent gentled. "She says you can pet her after."
Fandom: Ronin Warriors Title: Blood and Ashes Notes: Hariel/Arago Lupercalia fic that’s undergone several rewrites and false starts. Urgh.
“If we should be careful,” Hariel ventured, listening through Inferno’s ears to the fact that Arago had not left. “Then why are we still here?” He knew the answer, but Inferno reaffirming it would secure the knowledge. There were so many reasons.
Because a human and his wolf-brother had slain a dragon and tiger. Because one clanless samurai had slain an emperor. Because there were no properly bonded packs in Suzuran, just Bonded, scattered few and far between. Because this man had killed his blood-brother. Because the pair of them were from beyond the gates; humans from the ancestral home of humans, humans that were short-lived but burning bright. Because Inferno was a bitch, and Hariel was a bitch’s brother. Because it had to be lonely, being a pack of one.
“We want to meet them.” Inferno gave him a wolf-smile and nudged at his elbow with her nose, begging affection. He reached out and rubbed her behind the ear, where she liked it best. “They are young puppies, and they are full of curiosity. All we have to do is wait them out.” Not their tactically best plan, but she was right, and that was what mattered.
Fandom: Ronin Warriors Title: Coal Dust Notes: The next in Ink Stains On Paper, covering Ryo and his role in this world. I’ve had a bunch of false starts on this as I try to find the right way to do it, but I think I’m finally getting close.
Fandom: Ronin Warriors Title: Kagome, Kagome Notes: I need to rewrite part of the first bit, and finish the third and fourth bits. Go figure. Seiji-centric, covering a return to New York, dealing with the events of the OVA.
“Hey man, you ruined my shot!”
“My apologies.” New Yorkers, he thought, moving to the side of the alley; he pressed himself up against the wall, fingers unconsciously finding the ridges between mortar and red clay. It felt rough and filthy against his skin, catching at his clothes and hair like grasping hands, reaching to pull him in and under...
The stranger's camera flashed again and at once Seiji flung himself away from the wall, covered in goose-flesh; sharp amethyst eyes hunted the stained structure for the offending limbs.
There was nothing there to see.
“Hey.. hey man, you okay? You lost or somethin'?”
Fandom: Star Wars Working Title: Supernova Notes: Oneshot. Original Characters, Not A Canon Character In Sight, Eury deals with being a teacher and explaining what the Force is.
“The Force is in everything?”
“Everything,” he confirmed. “They are the stars, and all the space between the stars. The stars make light so we can see them, and the space between stars does not. Sometimes the space between makes stars, and they light up like other stars. And sometimes the stars go dark,” sometimes they explode. Sometimes they turned into planets. But those were things his little girl didn’t need yet. “But they’re still stars.”
“You and mommy are stars?”
“And you.” He leaned down to tap their noses, prompting a sleepy giggle. He hated having to explain it, but better she learn now than later, even if he would just likely end up teaching her again tomorrow. “You are a little star too.”
Fandom: Star Wars Working Title: Monsters in the Dark Notes: Oneshot. Original Characters, Not A Canon Character In Sight
(He remembers: You would condemn an innocent to death? You would cast yourself into the darkest of the dark, the murder of the unborn, and you would do it in the name of the Jedi? You fear the dead so much you do not know to fear the living! I refuse this, I defy it! This is an innocent, and it will live, you will protect it and it will live, Oriole, protection of the innocent is the keystone of Jedi teachings and this one you shall not break!)
(He was a Sith and the same way he would let her fears fester so she would come to him, accept his care, love, and affection, he would break her will to save his child. No matter what he had to do, no matter how Dark it made him.)
(He was a Sith. He did not fear the Dark. He thrived in it. Let any who dared to cross him try and see what monsters it made of men.)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Working Title: N/A Notes: Oh. I forgot I had started this. Zabrak bounty hunter appears on the screen!
At least her father was with the Republic. If he'd have been on the other side of the war...
Well. Jeeri could safely say at least that they did more work for the Republic then they did for the Empire. The crews overall moral compass meant that Republic jobs spoke to the morals louder, and there was also that the Republic usually offered better pay, or at least jobs that were more or less straightforward.
Didn't mean that all jobs were Republic. The lab of horrors was a nightmare in her mind, never shaken. Sometimes Empire jobs were honest. Sometimes Empire jobs were things she would have done on her own, the Republic trying to win their war the wrong way. If she got paid for it... well.
Well. At least they didn't get caught. And her conscious was clean.
Fandom: Sword Art Online Title: This Is A Bad Plan, Chapter 4 Notes: I, uh, have notes on Chapter 4, but nothing written otherwise. Fic is a “SAO becomes real and some players read that book but tried it anyway.” Read Chapters 1-3 on Ao3
Fandom: Voltron Working Title: N/A Notes: The Keith-centric sequel to In The Wind (Or Lack Thereof). I’ve had an unfortunate number of false starts with this one, go figure... 
Fandom: Ronin Warrior, Dragon Age Working Title: Dragons Breath Notes: Crossover. I think I’m going to flat-out rewrite this.. Sequel to Sympathy for the Devil
“But if you come with Morrigan and I, who would take care of the mabari?”
Flemeth had wrapped the king in Chasind clothing, which Cailan had kept; a wrapped tunic bound together with a sash, and a loose pair of trousers.  The blue looked good on him-- not bright, but not dark either.  It managed to make him stand out less then his armor, which had probably been the point.  ...not that they did not stand out a good deal anyway, but until they figured out what Loghain had told to Fereldan, it was best they not announce that the king still lived.
A part of Alistair was selfishly glad he was alive.  Another part entirely was horribly frustrated by it.
It could have been worse.  The Darkspawn could have killed him; he wouldn't have even had the chance to give the other a proper funeral.
“Maric could come with us!”
...it was amazing that he had named the beast after their father.
Fandom: Final Fantasy X, Gundam Wing Working Title: Like Shooting Stars Notes: Crossover. Parts of this I like, and parts of this I’ll cut, but the idea is super shiny and I’m definitely running the whole way with this.
Wakka and his newfound, impetuous (but cute) Blitzball player had brought a young woman in from the surf when they had come back to the village. Yuna had saw her out of the corner of her eye during the Summoning, swathed in white, with hair lighter than Yuna's, but not nearly anything as pale as the young Blitzer's chocobo-yellow. She had watched, Yuna thought, leaning against the posts that made up the door of the Lodge, but by the time the Summoning was over and Yuna could look, the lady in white had vanished. Back inside, maybe.
The townspeople had demanded her attention, after. She hadn't been able to disappoint them, even though she had wanted desperately to rest.
She did see her again later, though, around the village fire.
Fandom: YuYu Hakusho, Naruto Working Title: Foxkids Notes: Sequel to More Precious Than Gold
Gaining custody of an orphan wasn't easy in Konoha. Kurama wasn't sure how he had thought it might be-- maybe because it should have been, because it would have been in the youkai. It would have been nothing; just his desire to pick up a child no one else cared for, scruff him and carry him back to the den. Easy.
Apparently in Konoha it required paperwork, and a large amount of it, and no small amount of Kurama's clever lies.
Fandom: Star Trek, Ronin Warriors Working Title: N/A Notes: ...I have no excuses for this that do not include a lot of things I don’t want to tell anybody. Moving on.
"Spread the word that we're not to use the torpedos, either."
That catches Spock completely flat footed. He stares at Seiji, bright-eyed and surprised, and it strikes Seiji as familiarity too. He looked so much like friends he had lost a long time. Maybe it's the shape of his face. He's not sure. It takes a moment for him to bring himself back to some semblance of control. "It is illogical not to use every weapon at our disposal." Which was Vulcanese for Spock asking why, even though he knew perfectly well why it was illogical in this situation. Bomb an enemy home world? Over a single escaped criminal? That would start a war, no questions asked.
Fandom: X-men, Ronin Warriors Working Title: Dragon Teeth Notes: Kenshin becomes a teacher at a certain school. In need of a rewrite.
Fandom: The Hobbit, Ronin Warriors Working Title: N/A Notes: The one where Seiji becomes Bilbo’s live-in house-guest after the Fell Winter and is still there when a specific wizard shows up to cause trouble.
Fandom: Gundam Wing, Invasion America, Final Fantasy X Working Title: Unlikely Notes: Relena, Auron, and Cale survive the first day of the zombie apocalypse. In theory.
“Do you know where we’re going? You seem quite lost for an earth-man…”
Talking. He’d been doing that since he woke up. Auron kind of wished he’d stop or go back to being unconscious. Certainly he’d been easier to carry. “Steenrade,” because he had figured out already that answering questions gained him some measure of quiet during the march. “The capital of the Sanq Kingdom.”
Cale-Oosha nodded. “Is that the capital of the world? I had meant to go there to meet with the king.”
“Queen,” Auron corrected. And the Queen of Sanq had once been Queen of the World, if his ventures in the local political system were correct. But that was nearly an elected position; like the Maesters. From the sound of things, the young woman hadn’t been Queen of the World in a long time.
Fandom: Gundam Wing, Naruto Working Title: N/A Notes: Shikamaru, Temari, and space colonies.
"Welcome to the outside world, Mister and Missus Nara. I see you have both arrived in civilization in one piece." At Missus Nara, Temari grinned. She produced a pair of paper from the fold of her robe and Agent Chang accepted them, breaking the seals pressed upon the first, reading it over, before then doing the same with the second. Dark eyes peered over at them when he was finished. "So you are the two they sent for the Winner job?"
Which sounded like something the Fifth Hokage would name an op, if they still let her name ops. The winner job. On paper it had struck him weird, but on paper they were going to be sent to protect important person, name undisclosed, delivered upon arrival. Now, out of Chang's mouth, it sounded like a person's name. Which... well. Okay then.
Fandom: Gundam Wing, Pacific Rim Working Title: N/A Notes: Unattached to the Hellfire universe. Dunno what I’ll do with this...
Because Catherine hated kaiju, and she hated the rangers that fought them, and she hated the mess it all caused, but No Name had carried the letter with her name on it for the last six months, the one with an attached but out-of-date photograph by at least a year, the one that had told him that she didn't have a firm address, she worked for the circus that was trying to eek out a living in these times, and make people forget the troubles of giant monsters for a little while.
She picked him out of the crowd for knife-throwing, probably to see if he would flinch. They didn't say a word to each other then, but he waited around outside the tent after her acts finished, and the first thing she did was slap him.
And then she burst into tears, and hugged him.
Fandom: Gundam Wing Working Title: N/A Notes: A GW daemon au fic I don’t know what I’ll do with...
Self-conscious, Jesse drew his hands into his sleeves a bit further, leaving the folder open on his desk. The owl whoooed. Jesse blinked. “Pardon?”
The owl's face pinched a bit, and the creature seemed to twist, becoming horribly small. The new recruit recoiled as it turned itself into something closely resembling vampire horror-stories. “Whooo are youuu?” Female tone and pitch, rolling tones that marked the owl's own accent, after a fashion. All daemon had them.
“Err... Agent Jesse.”
“Ahh. Sooo youuu are the newww boy.”
Well. Yes. But he wasn't sure why he needed to tell her that. “And you are?”
“None of youuur business.”
“Zulaykha, be polite.” The bird hmphed, even as the blond caught Jesse's attention once more. Gone was the business suit, replaced by a proper Preventer's uniform, ZERO stitched into the name placeholder.
I also have scraps/notes for:  -- Another part in my Dragon Age Every Warden Ever series called Hounds of Gray. -- Scraps for a Fallout 4 Sil introducing X6 to Sanctuary. -- Notes for a With Bundles of Forget-Me-Nots verse fic, direct sequel to In Memory -- Notes for another part of Differences -- Scraps for an Invasion America fic for Nebrija and Arzu fic, two original characters of mine. -- Scraps for an Invasion America fic for poor Briggs -- The Stan sequel fic to Aitai  -- The Hanzo/Yuuma prequel fic of Aitai -- The sequel piece of Quadrature, covering Seiji’s recovery and where Halo is -- Notes for the eight Invasion America prompts I still owe  -- A short cutesy few hundred words fic for Fallout 3 character Joan  -- Notes for the Ronin Warriors prompts I owe -- The sequels to Le Dragon, Step One, Silence is Golden, Confabulation, Here, There Be Dragons, Can’t Take You Anywhere, Lords of War, Pack and Pups (What’s Mine Is Mine)  -- The mission fic sequel to Tango Sigma -- Notes for the Hellfire series, chiefly a vs Kaiju fic -- Notes for Kaiju Blue/Titan Red, Upon the Apple Lotus, Dogtags, First Words, Instinct, Like Good Soldiers, Dirt  -- Notes and scrap for several fics inside the Teeth and Pawprints universe -- A hypothetical fic for Stars Which Never Were, as well as a potential second chapter to Of Empty Streets and Seasalt
Things I May Never Post:  -- An unfinished pre-Vault Fallout 4 A/B/O fic that feels like it needs an overhaul to be less bad porn and more world-building. -- A couple Fallout 4 fics I was writing with a soul-sister who I am currently going through a rough patch with. -- A Kingdom Hearts fic I started with a soul-brother who is no longer talking to me.
AND IN OTHER NEWS, Things Not Fanfiction:
I have twelve novels in progress, in various stages, but still. Twelve. One of them is mostly finished and will be my July Camp NaNo project. The others are in various stages of disarray and or worldbuilding.
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jersey748-blog · 7 years
Texans trounced in preseason finale 40-13
Now the practice is over, preseason 2014 is in the books. Your Houston Texans started and ended on low notes, but in between there are signs of good things to come. Let’s get this painful wrap up of the preseason in books shall we? A 40-13 hot mess with neither Case Keenum nor Tom Savage impressing. Keenum had an interception that was either a bad throw on his part of DeVier Posey was completely out of place. Savage was picked off on a short dump pass crossing to the outside which was taken all the way to the end zone. A concern this preseason is the lack of any real deep passing. The few times it’s been tried have not succeeded. Is O’Brien working on his bread and butter short and fast passing attack or this what to expect in 2014?
For tonight though, there was the Good, the wholesale jerseys Bad and the Ugly.
The cheap jerseys Good:
The special teams were, up until that late 4th quarter blocked punt, impressive in both kick off and punt coverage. After years of, meh special teams play it’s nice to see some real change out there for the Texans. Shilo Keo was a big part of that special teams action always flying down the field and being part of the success. Good to see. Whitney Mercilus, last years first round draft pick and now backing up Jadeveon Clowney sacked Blaine Gabbert, had some great stops in the backfield and over all seemed to really have a fire lit under him today.
Another positive was rookie Andre Hal pulling off another pick 6. That’s not bad for a rookie, though he was later beat deep. Over all good though. I liked what I saw. Randy Bullock continued to show that there really wasn’t any real threat to his spot as the kicker for the team nailing a 52 yard field goal. Whatever problems he had early last season he’s showing for now, that’s behind him. Travis Labhart’s stock rose further tonight making the Texans have to seriously consider carrying six receivers moving forward.
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Quarterback play was mixed, with good mobility and flashes of brilliance topped off with poor decisions and missed routes. How much of that was the quarterback and how much was the receiver is anyone’s guess. I still expect Keenum to be the designated back up for Fitzpatrick as the season kicks off. Open field tackling. Perfect example was Eddie Pleasent, he could have stopped a touchdown however he cheap jerseys china was out of position and tried for a one handed grab tackle. It just doesn’t work well.
The Ugly:
Final score… 40 to 13. Yeah, after last season seeing the Texans trounced is painfully too familiar. Yes I know, preseason and all however the lack of overall depth was evident as the fourth quarter dragged on with the 49er’s players looking hungry and the Texans lower tier players looking like zombies just going through the motions. That sort of mental and effort collapse cannot make Bill O’Brien happy. Not at all. Tomorrow is sit down and make hard choices, by 4pm EST on Saturday the roster will be a mere 53 players. Lot’s of soon to be unemployed Texans were playing in that fourth quarter. But hey, that’s what game four of the preseason is all about. Ya’ll ready for some real football? I know I am. wholesale jerseys china
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