#i have plaNS
byelacey · 1 year
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vaporwave + vampires
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whereifindsanity · 6 months
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phantomskeep · 4 months
I just went on a three hour research binge for my fic. Was the binge about Danny Phantom or the DCU? Y'know, the two fandoms in the fic???
Apparently no one can agree on the symbolism of a cat skull, so we make up our own in this household :')
Cute lil final design for my Thief!Danny outfit for my fic. I ended up adding in lil glowing eyes buuuuttt.... I'm dumb and forgot to save after that LOL
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I'll be doing more art for his design soon! I'm not the best with human anatomy (hi yes I'm a warrior cat kid) soooooo please be gentle <3
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fishtackle1 · 4 months
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cole's ref, I SPENT TOO LONG WORKING ON THIS ONLY FOR IT TO COME OUT BAD idc though i got my general idea for him out i hope u guys like it 💥💥💥
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loveryss · 3 months
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the girls are ready for Tartosa 👀🌴
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alonetogether · 6 months
its 5am i am feeling so so much i wish i could say how i feel i definitely have to do some art to commemorate all of this so drop a reply or hell just like if you want a little cameo in it somehow i wanna make it special for foblr <3
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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alternative reasons to avoid bringing your brother in law into a conspiracy or a conversation between caesar and cassius
this scene is set sometime after Brutus and Cassius have switched over to Caesar's side during the Pompey-Caesar conflict.
in a different comic, I wrote about about how cassius isn't a dog that needs to be tamed, but that depends on which side of the playing field you're on. if you're Caesar, Cassius is someone you need to leash down immediately, and the complicated social web of debt is one way to do it!
Cassius is inescapably tied to Brutus: the sandbox bond of childhood best friends, brothers-in-law with Servilia bringing Cassius into the family, and a third time with Brutus asking for Cassius' life. if you're going to bring a man who clawed his way out of a horrific defeat that killed your patron and later joined up with your rival in a civil war (twice aligned with the other two heads of the three headed monster you were a part of!) under your heel, reminding him of the only bond that could hope to rival with his family ancestry is one way to do it!
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Cic. Phil. 2.26
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Brutus, Plutarch (trans. Scott-Kilvert)
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The Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae and the Invasion of the East, Gareth C. Sampson
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Civil Wars, Caesar, III. 101 (trans. A. G. Peskett)
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Servilia and Her Family, Susan Treggiari
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Caesar and the Dangers of Forgiveness, Barry Strauss
tbh, there's probably an additional subtext (there is, I was thinking about it) on how Crassus used 'softer' means than force to bind people to him (again, the politics of debt and patronage) and how Caesar takes after him in some ways here. it didn't last, tho. in 45 BCE Cassius voted against giving Caesar honors. (Cass. Dio 44.8.1)
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broken-egg-yolk-blog · 6 months
part one part two
Nico truly hoped Will was right. He kept claiming that as soon as the summer campers left everything would all settle down. Nico felt as if he needed that more than ever. Despite the last week of summer being significantly less eventful as most weeks, it did not stop it from being chaotic. Some campers chose to spend their last few days of camp relaxing and hanging about with their friends they wouldn’t see until next year. Others spent their time pulling last minute pranks, or using every given opportunity to exploit their demi-godly privileges until their last chance.
Friday is seemingly when reality hit. On Sunday most of the campers would pack up their belongings and head home for the school year, leaving behind their second home and their friends. This year Nico was staying for good. A mixture of emotions swelled within him. Anxiety, what if people still held grudges against him? What if they didn’t actually want him to stay at all? Sadness, his closest friends were leaving to go back to school. Sure he had some people, including Will-obviously, but the idea of losing the people he had just gained opened a wound in his heart he wasn’t prepared for. Much to his confusion, Nico also felt excited. He finally had a home. A solid, reliable home, complete with people he cared about and got to spend time with.
Will hiked up the hill to meet him. He sat down in the grass next to Nico with a slight sigh. Whenever Will sat down next to him Nico couldn’t help but notice that he sat fairly close. Close enough that their knees, or elbows, or sometimes even their hands, would bump into and brush against one another. Nico, not so secretly, enjoyed it. It was nice having someone that wasn’t afraid to be near him, someone that didn’t see him as inherently dangerous or evil. 
“Hi,” Nico says.
Will glances over at him, that soft permanent smile making Nico feel compelled to return it, “Hey, death boy.”
Nico rolled his eyes lightly, he’d long since grown used to the nickname but he couldn’t help but find it mildly ridiculous every time.
“How is the infirmary?”
“Forecast says it probably won’t burn down,” Will jokes, “assuming the Stoll brothers keep it together for another forty-eight hours.”
“That is a lot to ask of them you know,” Nico met his eyes, he had been practicing eye contact with Jason earlier that day. Despite his attempts to prove Will wrong, Nico felt the strong urge to pull his focus away. Will’s eyes were way different than Jasons. There was so much more to looking at him, it made Nico’s body burn beneath his skin.
“Yeah, well, they owe me a few favors,” Will replied, his gaze tracing Nico’s face in a way that made him want to turn away and hide forever, yet simultaneously never look away. 
Nico smiled at Will, the eye contact burning a hole between them. Will was the first to look away, Nico would be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved, something about it held an intensity Nico hadn’t been ready for, but the absence of it left him craving more. A comfortable silence settled between the two of them as they took turns looking out over the scene of camp below them and stealing gazes of the other when they were not looking. 
Nico thought that Will had an unfair advantage when it came to looks. He felt as if he was nothing truly special, he definitely wasn’t the worst looking but when compared to Will, let’s just say he didn’t think they even belonged on the same measuring scale. Especially now, in the afternoon light, finally relaxing after a day of work, Will looked incredible. His messy blonde hair clumped into curls falling just below his law line, summer tanned skin radiating warmth, his skin decorated with an excess of freckles from a well spent summer.
“Yeah?” Nico could see him gaze over from the corner of his eye but he kept his gaze locked on the horizon.
“You’re from Texas, right?”
“Indeed,” Will smiled, sounding slightly confused. Nico just hummed in response. A beat of silence held between them. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, I just-” Nico bit his lip, realizing now how stupid it sounded, “was curious?”
“About something you already knew?”
“Yes.” That, somehow, made Will laugh, which caused a flood of warmth to spread through Nico’s body as their legs bumped together.
“Do you want to know more about it?” 
More about you, Nico thought, “Yes.”
“Okay what do you want to know?”  Will asked, sounding incredibly amused. He shifted his body so that he was facing Nico more, their legs partially intertwined, crossed at the ankles. Will didn’t seem to notice, or at least he didn’t seem to mind.
Fuck, Nico chided to himself. He hadn’t thought this far in advance. He racked his brain for questions about Texas. He only ever knew one other person from Texas, Leo Valdez. The name brought a wave of sadness through Nico but he pushed it away, refusing to dwell on it right now. Leo was definitely not the prime example of a proper Texan, but it was all Nico had to work with. 
“Do you have one of those hats?” Nico blurted out, it was a stupid question. The first thing that had come to his mind was a memory of a running joke between Jason, Piper and Leo about him needing some type of hat to actually count as an Texan. Will would absolutely think he was stupid.
Instead of berating him, Will laughed again. “You mean a cowboy hat?”
“Yes, one of those.”
“You tell me you want to learn more about Texas, then your first question is ‘do you have a cowboy hat?’” 
“Obviously.” Nico layered his voice with as much confidence as he could.
“What type of question is that?”
“Well I heard that you're not a real Texan if you don't own one.”
“Where did you even hear that?” Will grinned, his face shining with exasperation.
“That’s not important.” Nico was gaining more reassurance, as he often did when conversations like this took off between the two of them.
“I think it might be, someone here is clearly spreading false information.”
“So then you don’t have one?”
“That is not what I said.” Will shot him a look, one that said ‘be careful here or you might just get tackled’. Nico was willing to push his luck.
“Sure sounds like it, sunshine.” That luck Nico was just thinking about? Pushed.
Will scoffed, both surprised and amused. “Fine. I do.”
“You do what?” Nico blinked at him.
“Oh don’t play stupid,” 
“I simply do not know what you are talking about, Solace.”
Will grit his teeth, eyes sparkling. “I own a cowboy hat.”
“No way! Are you from Texas?” Nico gasped.
“Oh you are such an asshole,” 
“You deserve it.”
“Trust me I have gotten enough shit over that hat, my mom made me take it to camp with me.” Will sighed dramatically, “She said ‘no good country artist mother would leave her baby to fend for himself without the proper attire,’. Lee and Micheal used to bully the living daylight out of me over it.”
Nico found himself laughing at the story. He imagined a young Will, showing up to Camp Half-Blood cowboy hat sat upon his head. It was a glorious image. 
“Do you still have it?” Nico asked, still grinning at the mental image.
“Yeah, tucked under my bunk.” Will shook his head, not trying to hide the smile on his own face.
A thought popped into Nico’s head, “Oh please tell me you have those boots too!”
“Gods no!” Will cried out, the two boys nearly fell over each other laughing. “I am not that southern.”
“Maybe when you’re tired, or mad.”
“Your accent, it’s more noticeable when you’re tired or mad.” Immediately after saying this Nico worried if he crossed the line from friend, into weird stalker.
“I do not. Have an accent.” Will’s voice was more dramatically shocked than stern. Nico relaxed a little bit. 
“Oh you so do.”
“Fine, but so do you.”
“What?!” That earned a grin from the other boy.
“Only on certain words, usually the really italian ones, you can’t help but pronounce them correctly.” Will looked smug, his eyes narrow and smirk wide. Nico couldn’t help but blush. Will had a point.
“Fine then,” He decided, “We’re even.”
“Hmph.” Will thinks for a moment, “My turn-”
“Your turn?” Nico blurts out, cutting him off.
“Yes, you asked me a question. Now I get to ask you a question.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works-”
“It is now, I make the rules.” Will cut Nico off this time, “Your clothes, the whole edgy ‘too emo for school’ vibe, is that a cabin requirement? Or personal preference?”
Nico rolled his eyes. Piper and Percy had explained to him what emo meant a few weeks before, the first time Will had called him that. 
“It’s personal preference, I think. It just matches how I feel I guess. I think I would feel like a complete loser and a total fraud in khaki shorts and an orange shirt.” Nico tried to hide his smirk on the last line.
“Yeah okay, that makes-” Will realized Nico’s attack, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing, you flip flop wearing fool”
“They’re so much more comfortable, my feet overheat too much otherwise.”
“I am so sure they do.” Nico had to admit, Will’s tone did sound pretty convincing. 
“Whatever, so you just like the dark edgy clothes?”
“Interesting,” Will paused for a moment before matter-of-factly stating: “I like them too.”
Nico’s face burnt red. “What?” He sputtered out.
“I said I like them too, they look good on you.” Will looked over Nico, as if studying his composure of dark wash jeans and black shirt. “It suits you.”
Nico forced himself to regain his composure, he needed to make some type of step forwards. He couldn’t keep letting Will fluster him and then run away.
“Well, I think you’d look really good in that hat of yours.” The words slipped from his mouth and nearly took the contents of his stomach with them. 
“Really?” Will asked, obviously caught off guard. 
“Oh yeah, I can see it now. It’d be great.”
Will blushed, a sight that invoked feelings within Nico that he wanted to chase for the rest of his life. Nico knew there was no turning back now. He was absolutely in over his head for this boy.
“My turn,” Nico said, not giving Will a chance to respond. “Apollo’s thing is music, right? Do you play an instrument?”
“Technically?” Will replied, still apparently recovering, “I mean I know quite a few, I’d say I’m the best at guitar out of all of them but music hasn’t ever really been my thing.”
“I’m not bad at it by any means but I am nowhere near as good as Austin, I guess we all have our field that we really excel in.” 
“Naturally,” Nico nodded.
“You always ask follow-up questions to my questions.” Nico stated, watching Will carefully.
“Does it annoy you?” Will asked.
“A little bit.” Nico was not telling the truth, Will didn’t need to know that.
“Good.” He grinned.
“Okay well, you never really lead many of the campfire songs like your siblings do, I was curious again I guess.” Nico watched the other boy's face as he spoke, seeing him think through his response, watching the words formulate in his head.
“In all honesty,” Will said, that resting smile occupying his face, “It’s because they don’t like the music that I listen to as much.”
“Is it country music?” Nico had asked this seriously, but Will must have taken it as a joke because he rolled his eyes with a smile.
“Not entirely,” He shook his head lightly, his golden hair fanning out and settling back down again, “I like a lot of midwest emo,”
Nico must have looked really lost, and honestly he was. He knew what the word ‘emo’ meant but midwest emo? Those words didn’t even have meaning. 
“I’ll explain it to you some other time” Will promised.
“You’ll just have to show me.” Nico shrugged, his false confidence from earlier still sitting in his gut.
“What now you want me to serenade you too?” Will looked at Nico, moving ever so slightly closer as he asked, his tone had a hint of challenge to it. 
“Yes.” Nico replied bluntly. “Preferably with the cowboy hat on.”
“You ask too much of me.” Will barely shook his head, eyes still locked on the boy in front of him.
“Always. But you know,” He let his eyes slip from Will’s piercing gaze down to his lips, then immediately back up to his eyes, “It would do wonders for that charm of yours.”
With that, Nico stood up. He let whatever stupid confidence was flowing within him carry him away, back down the hill, feeling as if he was floating. Leaving the son of Apollo still dumbstruck in the grass, and very slight, incredibly, impressed.
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dashing-through-ecto · 8 months
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I continue to be normal about one (1) blood thirsty cult leader.
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gimmby · 8 months
I have Plans
Take my doodle story board
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lezarus · 2 months
when my new laptop arrives im opening imovie and none of u will see me for 3-6 working days
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sketch-twentytwo · 11 months
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This is Melvin Sneedly, Harold Hutchins, and George Beard. Melvin is the kid on the left with goggles and freckles. Harold is the one in the middle with the T-shirt and bad hair cut. George is the one on the, right with the tie and flat top. Remember that now.
That’s the boys!
Aside from Melvin’s loss of bowtie, I don’t see them changing their attire too much in this AU. Also I changed my mind, George and Melvin would be rivals but both boys would still be independent pains in Krupp’s side.
George’s resistance to authority is because the school system hinders creativity and student imagination. Melvin’s defiance to authority is because he thinks he knows better than the administration and believes they hinder him, specifically. Harold agrees with both sides to an extent, resulting in him being totally on board with both parties' elaborate plans, at least unless they quarrel.
I see Harold being the unifying front for each faction: Melvin would be his best friend from kindergarten and George would be an ally he spends time with whenever he gets detention (either that or George bumps into Harold and recruits him in secret to join his student cause against Krupp).
I think the Authority-Event Horizon for Melvin occurs after he makes friends with Harold. He’d bear witness to the harassment Harold suffers at the hands of the school as well as the administration’s lack of handling it. It’d break his belief that the faculty (and adults for that matter) know best, and feed into his desire to make things better with his intellect.
RR!Melvin mostly follows the rules, mostly because it's convenient, and he rarely results to tattling, as he doesn't see it as useful anymore. Admin doesn't help the students, therefore they cannot exhibit proper justice.
When Melvin and George butt heads it's because they view each other as wasted potential. George thinks Melvin could use his inventions to help students in a more useful manner, such as overthrowing the principle or whatever. Melvin thinks George's antics are stupid and a waste of time. Harold really wants his two friends to get along, but he's a bit to timid to pull anything like that off.
Don't you worry, though, I have plans for these three in this AU....
Coming soon!
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arkhammaid · 1 month
Anne, I know you already said you might write Logan's champion time travel fic but I need you to make James Vowles be sorry he was even born to begin with
jv will eat his own words and lose logan after the first season because he is so done with williams and does not feel safe at all (the next option is not that much better, logan will go through it BUT it will get better because his next tp will not worry about car damage instead of his life)
he's letting out his inner american RAAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
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kirb2k starts december 10th
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millidew · 5 months
*slides u 15 cookies* pls pls pls will you be continuing mithrun’s noodle shop saga? 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
you honestly couldn’t stop me if you tried
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
..I hear insects like beetles hate the smell of peppermint 👀
I dunno about you but..
I think a certain someone’s not gonna have fun this holiday season
writing furiously for a holiday special chapter
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