#i have so many ideas rn that its hard for me to focus on them
Me: I'm fine about my autism now btw, like I've come to terms with my fixated interests, limited tolerances and social inabilities. The alienation it brings is not ideal but it's just a reality I've gotta deal with now that I know it's just a part of who I am. I mean, it's not like an awkward conversation is gonna ruin anyone's life, is it? We'll both move on from it eventually. This is fine!
Also me: physically unable to watch beyond the first word of the first question of The Assembly because oh my god what if someone says something awkward or controversial or someone can't make themselves understood people are gonna get mad and scream about it online and I will freeze up and be stuck in the backlash forever I don't know how to handle conflict AT ALL let's just hide in the corner behind the sofa instead wait what if I became a hermit actually yeah yeah yeah that sounds good let's do that
#unresolved trauma? never even heard of her haha 😅#maddie debrief#that 2-minute intro/taster did nothing to calm me down either btw#I'm never comfortable around the types of shows where 'difference' becomes the core conceit of the premise#oh. so you've created a format dependent on making a socially alienated group face the social rules that made them alien in the first place#and then deriving your conflict from the 'natural contradiction' between the two?#sounds like the exact kind of conflict-seeking environment where I can let my normal guard down enough to meaningfully challenge#my deeply rooted feeling that people generally find me cumbersome to be around and mostly just tolerate my presence out of necessity#lovely that#(like i say I haven't seen the show#so idk if it is actually like that or if it's just the promo material stirring shit up as per usual#but as of rn I do not feel welcome in this room)#why does the 'we're not so different after all' always have to come at the climax and never the midpoint of the story?#why can we never find more than personal gratification in that realisation?#why do we always focus on the difficulty of coming to the realisation rather than the conflict of putting the realisation into *practice*?#I know why#it is because the human imagination is far more limited than we like to believe#and we find it hard to even *imagine* a world that we haven't seen functioning for ourselves yet#let alone find a purpose in *acting* on the idea#(especially if we ourselves currently feel dependent on the status quo for our personal welfare#which is why shows made to depend on 'difference = conflict' make my blood run cold)#so if we have to see to believe - how many cases of real world functioning equity does the average person understand?#very few. so let's instead lazily invert the state of power in an existing dynamic that people are familiar with#thereby reaffirming its false dichotomy through perpetuating what is essentially the same old conflict#while claiming to subvert it when in fact all we have done is reverse the dominance while keeping everyone locked in their roles#can someone just put some thought into how we might create a format that aims to loosen up the underlying skewed power dyanmic#so that everyone has to work together to prevent the elevation of a single way of being over all others#because that just becomes suffocating to *everyone* in the end#and that can still *acknowledge difference* but not as a source of conflict - rather as a source of collective strength?#but the story of changing one perspective will always be easier to both tell and enjoy than the one about building something new
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jordanraye47 · 5 months
Headcanons about my favourite characters (yk who my fav is but whatever stfu /respectfully) [some ANSGT for y’all depressed people] ITS SO MUCH IZZY OMFG
Izzy is Scarlett’s younger sister. Idc if the order of seasons don’t let it make sense. Scarlett has older sister energy so I decide that they are sisters.
Noah has dyslexia. He loves to read and won’t let dyslexia stop him‼️Like his sisters see him with the same book for 3 months bc it takes AGES to read one
did I forget to mention that? He’s the youngest of ALOT of sisters (inspo from @deadmxnsparty on TT from the fic Stakes)
I have SO MUCH on izzy I need one list js for her so I’ll try and put a few on this one.
Her hair gets really really messy and often covers her face. So she ends up having to manually hold up her bangs if she has to look someone in the eyes or smth cause her hair covers up her eyes.
She canonically has psychosis, and being a pretty expressive and hyper person, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with emotions. So regardless of how many psychotic attacks or breakdowns she has, she never gets a full grip on how to handle them. So it ends with her running away from whatever situation she’s in so nobody sees her, and so she doesn’t hurt anyone.
Just like Duncan, I think Izzy has some family that’s in the police or involved in it. So she’s definitely familiar with law and punishments. But she’s also really good at getting away with it.
Imagne if like Scott Izzy and Scarlett were siblings 😔 izzy would be a farmer lmao
she wears crocs, attack me
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. During cooking challenges on TD, she’s either js put to the fucking sidelines or someone it put on duty just to make sure she doesn’t fuck up.
got recruited by the FBI and/or army. She’s smart and strong like ??????
omfg I’m so bloated rn fuck my uterus
COURTZZY HCS (my pookies)
its js criminal x lawyer so she KNOWS the law, she just dgaf
regardless, she tries to help Courtney w work whenever she needs it. She probably has no idea what she’s doing but she tries helping at least, and she’s js happy when Courtney is. So like if Courtney passes an important test or smth, she js goes along w the excitement, even though she has no idea what’s happening.
and speaking of school n shit; Izzy dosent prioritise school, nor focus much on it. Especially compared to Courtney. But shes smart, enough to understand that Courtney is passionate about it. And as much as she likes bothering Courtney and hanging with her, Izzy’s quiet when she thinks Courtney needs silence to study, or just alone time in general.
IOTSSSS😈😈 (the angst is going hard rn. REREADING THIS IT SOUNDS SO DEEP AND LOWJRY POETIC IM PROUD) I wanna make this into a fic😔
Man the survivors guilt is CRAZY‼️🙏
Like she has Eva but the feeling that she had the opportunity to change the outcome still lingers. Like why didn’t she argue with Duncan enough to not let Noah stay
It’s not that she thought Noah wasn’t able to protect himself, but he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know how to fight, and he couldn’t sass his way out of death.
Duncan had to practically force Izzy along when they walked back. The danger of the island hadn’t properly gotten to her then, but if it had, she wouldn’t have let any of her friends out of her sight for a second.
She wasn’t strong enough to protect everyone, but she’s convinced she could’ve done better. And maybe Noah, Courtney, Owen, Lindsay and everyone else could’ve made it.
Like I said, the survivors guilt is pretty rough after a fucking massacre ykwim?
And she was 16 when this happened. And so was everyone else. And regardless of age, nobody should’ve gone though that, alive or not.
Her relationship to things associated with the death of her friends are definitely weird. Like when things like showering and drinking water felt like tasks. Like watching the water from the tap run for 10 minutes cause the image of Noah’s dead body in the water, surrounded by his own blood, wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt disgusted by herself when she avoided water like the plague. She refused to leave the house, even to just go out with the trash or pick up the mail.
The neighbours across her father’s apartment used to come to her door and ask for her parents. They complained about how loud she was when she was outside by the playground when she was 10. Their jaws would probably drop if they saw how she’d changed.
She found herself on multiple occasions, talking to herself. Just to make sure she still had a voice. She hadn’t talked in ages. And even if she did, it was only to her siblings maybe once a week, and maybe a word or two to her parents if they were lucky.
Even after turning 17, the mentality and maturity stayed the same. The memories of that island never faded. But the others did. She had a few videos and pictures on a digital camera, and that was the best preserved memories of her friends. She was afraid that if she lost these, she’d forget their voice and face.
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
you get enough asks of people with similar questions and i told myself i wouldn’t add to the list, but i’m rly struggling rn.
i’ve been an active hellenistic polytheist for 3 years now, and an apollo worshiper for around 2.
yet, i haven’t really felt a connection to apollo for a year now. anytime i pray to him, it feels hollow.
i know that the advice people typically give is to move on, but i feel like then it’d be a waste. its quite terrible of me to say, but ive spent so much money and time setting up such a dedicated altar just for it to collect dust.
any ideas or advice? no worries if not. have a lovely day my friend :]
Hey, Max, thank you for the ask! I apologize for the delay.
So, I originally wrote a whole ass post that had paragraphs of information, suggestions, and advice, but Tumblr hates me and decided to just crash and not save literally any of it. 🙃 I'm hoping I can give you good information regardless of this setback. Also, please don't feel bad about asking questions; I honestly enjoy it, especially since some information can be hard to come by. All my information is merely advice and suggestions based on my own experience, but I hope it's helpful to you - and maybe even others - regardless.
The first thing I'll do is share some links that could be helpful for you. This one talks a bit about Deity Disconnect™ - something that I feel I can safely say has happened to every pagan and polytheist. Sometimes faith and spirituality come in waves, ebbing in and out as naturally as the ocean, but it doesn't always mean that a deity has left us. If you'd like to try reconnecting with Apollo through bonding activities and the like, this link and that link both lead to posts that mention some ways you can bond with a deity. Although I'm not sure if any of these will be helpful to you, I hope that they are. 🧡
I feel it's also important to mention that many devotees of Apollo find it difficult to connect with him during the winter. For me, I feel the feeling of disconnect begin as early as the middle of Fall and stay as late as the very beginning of Spring. Many attribute this to the myth of Apollo leaving for Hyperborea and leaving his seat in Delphi for Dionysus to temporarily take over. If you've been trying to reconnect during Winter, or even potentially Fall, the disconnect from Apollo may feel even stronger than usual because of this. I would wait to readdress this issue with him until Spring rolls around, personally, just in case this disconnect could be contributing to your problem at all.
Along with all that, I'm inclined to ask whether you've addressed this topic with him directly. Have you been able to communicate with Apollo directly about this and get his thoughts? In my experience, deities will typically let you know if they're stepping away, rather than yoinking away super suddenly and without a given cause (or at the very least, they are more than willing to provide a reason if you ask them); this tends to be especially true when it comes to deities you've been very close with in the past. If you haven't already, I'd highly encourage you to speak with Apollo in a format that allows him to provide a response to your questions, such as divination or meditation.
I do also have to say that sometimes deities leave but return later. It's entirely possible he is simply taking a break or stepping away temporarily. Maybe he feels you need to focus on other deities more at this time or he has simply taught all he can (or all that's relevant) at the moment. He could return full force later on in your life, be it a few days from now or a few years. This is something I'd ask him about specifically in order to clarify his intentions.
Ok, but what if he really is leaving and doing so in a more permanent fashion? Well, in that case, I encourage you to do whatever feels right for you. Take down his altar, or leave it up; it's entirely your choice. Even when deities leave our lives, they never truly leave, and most of the time, if we need a deity's help, we are still welcome to call upon their aid, even if they've "left". It's also possible that he is still ok with you worshipping or venerating him, even if he does choose to step away. There are some deities that I mostly just venerate but don't do much else past that, and that's perfectly ok. Sometimes it just feels nice to acknowledge a deity and show them appreciation, even if you're not particularly close to them. These are all things you need to have a direct conversation with Apollo about, however, as I cannot speak for him or what he is comfortable with.
Although it can feel like a waste of time, energy, and hell even money, please do remember that it is never truly a waste if your relationship to Apollo meant something - and still means something - to you. You put genuine time, love, and care into the altar you created, and regardless of what happens going forward, I'm sure he still appreciates that. It's important to know that when a deity feels the need to step away, it's not because they stop caring for you or the time you've spent together; they simply feel it's in your best interest for them to be more distant for the time being, but regardless, they are still there. They are still present in the world and life around you. Apollo can still be felt in the warmth of the sun on your skin and the rush of excitement you feel when the beat of music reverberates in your chest. He is still near, even if he feels far. He is still there, even if he feels absent. These are not things you're required to focus on or even acknowledge, however, if it makes you uncomfortable or you'd rather terminate your relationship with Apollo. I just figure it may be comforting to hear.
If the following doesn't apply to you at all or you simply disagree with my perspective, please feel free to completely disregard all this; it's heavily based on my own personal experience and beliefs. Do you work with Apollo or worship him? I know it sounds rather silly and somewhat ridiculous to ask, but I have personally noticed a significant change in my deity relationships when I focused more on worship than work. I have noticed that, a lot of times, deity work can end in that deity eventually departing because the things you're working on can eventually be resolved or improved enough that you no longer need them. To me, personally, deity worship often has a more permanent meaning, although that obviously doesn't ring true for everyone. If you were doing deity work with Apollo, it's entirely possible that he feels he's helped you the best he can with whatever you originally reached out about and has decided that you no longer need his assistance or guidance. If that's the case (which it obviously could not be), then you can absolutely ask him if he's comfortable switching your relationship to something that is more long-term worship based rather than short-term "please assist me with this specific thing" based. And since I'm sure someone will mention it, I do want to acknowledge that there is nuance in every type of deity relationship, and you can absolutely have a long-term "deity work" based relationship and a short-term "deity worship" based relationship. There are exceptions to everything, and everything contains nuance and complexity. I don't want to discount either of those things; this is just me sharing something based on my personal understanding, and no one has to take me at face-value.
Anyway, I hope I was able to answer your question and give you some suggestions or advice that helps. Regardless, I hope you're able to figure this situation out and that Apollo can address you more directly about it. I wish you the best on your spiritual journey. Take care, and have a good day/night. 🧡
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revenantghost · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
Tagged by @faindri and @pancake-breakfast!
How many works do you have on AO3?
18! Most are poetry collections, so a lot of smaller stories in one anthology.
What is your AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Trigun is my main squeeze atm (and biggest in general, I have four projects for it which is double anything else--and the highest wordcount, too), but I've written for KinnPorsche, Sabikui Bisco, Danny Phantom, Vampire In The Garden, Sasaki to Miyano, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Goncharov (yeah... yeah), The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Signalis, Omori, Lycoris Recoil, and The Executioner and Her Way of Life
What are your top five fics by kudos?
No idea and I ain't looking! Trad publishing has me extremely scarred from some nasty comparison wars, so I have kudo and view counts blocked on ALL fics, including mine. From my kudos emails, though, Hallowboned has to be my top fic for sure. Last time I was paying attention most of my other fics didn't pass into triple digits by a long shot
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!!! I adore comments, and I love chatting with folks, it really keeps me motivated and chugging along. I am... very behind on replying to the comments on my last chapter rn because I feel so awful and guilty about having to quit writing
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... I don't write a ton of narrative fics, and I do love me some tragic poetry, but I guess the angstiest collection might be my Signalis one, Observable System Transcendence? But my Omori poem and the Trined Soul collection might be contenders, too
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, Trembling Hands is a Trimax fix-it fic, so? Though the Sasaki and Miyano collection, Effortless Dreams, is definitely the most tooth-rotting fluff I've ever slapped onto the page
Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah, I've had my poetry called pretentious and also not good enough to be poetry lol. It's been a hot minute since that's happened, people are just jerks sometimes
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to! Porn with plot, my beloved. It would be interesting to explore in poetry format, but we'll see if I have the time who wants to commission some poetry porn from me lmao
Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not my cuppa
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, many moons ago
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that is one of the coolest things fandom does. Loving a thing so much you spend the time to painstakingly transform that art into something you can read and share in another language, bro??? Translators are amazing
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've worked pretty closely with artists a loooong time ago, but I've only written fics where I'm the sole writer. I have used other writers' ideas and outlines (with their permission, of course), but that's the closest
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I DON'T KNOW?!?! Shipping has never really been my main focus of media typically, but when one digs its teeth into me I go rabid in a completely feral but different way each time.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
))): All of them
Life feels kinda... really dire atm, it's hard to see ever writing again. However! God I want to finish Hallowboned SO BADLY!!! I have so many chapters written for it that I haven't even posted!!!!! Y'all haven't met Livio yet!!!!!! GAH 3:
What are your writing strengths?
Uh... ??? I'll be real, I've got no idea. I feel like I write so weirdly atm, it's hard for me to analyze in that kinda way
What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get really excited/into things and flit around and forget to explain or describe things sometimes. Thank god for having been well-trained to edit my own work. Not that I catch it all, but I try!!!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it'd really cool, but I'd need a native speaker on hand to make sure I don't fuck it up in my own fic
First fandom you wrote for?
I think my first piece of written fanwork was a Danny Phantom Quizilla thing lmao, I'm old. I don't remember what it was about, just that it was ANGSTY
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ah?!?! Honestly, each project is so different and written from such a different place, I've got no idea. I'm proudest of Observable System Transcendence being my longest, most consistent project (outside of my Smaugust collection, which isn't a fan project), Hallowboned being the first thing that really inspired me in ages--and the most indulgent one lol. But each collection and fic and poem comes from such a different place, and it's hard to pull them apart and pick???
Whoever wants to hop in! :3
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youremyheaven · 10 months
I don't have much to say except that I agree for the most part. Dating culture these days is toxic af and promotes hypersexual behaviour. You can either be a virgin or be in endless situationships bc most guys in their 20s rn think "relationships" are pointless. It's so shocking to me how men just expect to be served sex on a platter??? Like okay we'll have sex, do everything normal couples do but we won't call it a relationship and we won't commit to each other. There's a real erosion of values & principles. But on the other hand, I feel like another section of society is ultra conservative and committed to living the trad life. I don't think it's a good idea to put sex, intimacy and relationships on a pedestal. This is not to say it's not sacred. It is. But what makes something special is how we treat it. We must not elevate every experience to the godly realm because human beings are fallible and not gods and we'll only be disappointed in the shortcomings and lackings of our interaction when we expect godliness from them. People are flawed. We must love and accept each other as we are.
I'm of the opinion of that sex has become so easily available that most people don't bother forming a meaningful connection; this will lead to a sense of alienation and I'm sure 3-4 yrs from now we'll talk about how it's fcked society up. I'm actually pretty certain that there will be a time when dating apps are phased out as well. On the other hand, I don't want to think of love & romance as this once in a lifetime lottery akin to a religious experience. I believe you can love many people; people you truly profoundly connect to are probably going to be only a handful tho. Love is just love. It's like anything else. It doesn't matter if you had your first kiss at 15 or if you have it at 35. You don't have to look down upon others for indulging in things you're abstaining from.
I've been studying Tao Tantra and I realised that originally when these sexual practices were developed centuries ago, sex was understood as something that human beings needed to indulge in and good sex was considered an art in itself (hello Kamasutra), you had sex frequently and passionately but over the course of centuries, it's adopted a very puritan outlook where the focus is on preserving sexual energy (Tao originated no fap) which is such bs. Sexual energy is not some finite source that you can run out of. Granted that wanking off every day is kinda loser ish but suppressing your natural human nature is unhealthy af.
I digress. Sex & love are not non renewable sources. You don't run out of it. Ever. We are wired to love & make love. That's what I believe. You can have as many or as few partners as you'd like (my issue lies only with the quality of interactions you'd have with a partner since in our world most men are trash).
You can save yourself for later. You can do it rn. Its all up to you. I know it's hard being single when you're surrounded by couples but trust me there's enough love to go around.
Edit: I feel like I just emptied my brain out without really addressing or answering anything you asked me lmao I'm sorry 😐
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straycalamities · 1 year
Do you have any suggestions for someone new who wants to join camp weehawken or truffula flu? I wanted to create some Onceler to join the rps, but every idea I have has been done already
you don’t have to create a onceler to join either of those! there’s plenty of ocs (deloraxed or not) that are in both of them :3
but if you rly wanna do a onceler, i think it’s okay if your gimmick matches an existing onceler, especially if the blog is no longer active. like how many oncelers themed around being monsters or curses do u think exist?? so many. countless, but they're all kewl bc what matters is how you approach the character and give it your own twist! unless it’s something super specific, i don’t think anyone would mind if another idk retail onceler existed for example (thinking of retail bc i’m at work rn abloo bloo)
if this is your first time joining, i'd definitely try to pick something you're passionate about as a theme or set of personality traits! it'll keep you going and strong at the start of it all before the ball officially gets rolling.
also idk if you plan to do art or not but dont be discouraged if you dont! or if you dont think your art "is good enough"!!! some of the biggest oncelers in the fandom (swag and gent are the immediate first to come to mind) had mods who didnt draw for their posts and they still were well received! what matters is how much the concept means to YOU and how much passion you put into it. and ultimately: what matters most is if you have fun with it! :3
so like if something isnt' fun anymore. change it! or dump it and start over! it's okay!
and if you do draw, just..draw...like idk maybe its just a me thing, but i sabotage myself hard if i focus too much on my askblog/rp art being like...good lmao. i just get it out there. what matters is im enhancing the scene/perspective/emotions of what im doing and adding to it so it can be as quick as a doodle, or something fully rendered that took me hours, what matters is that i dont get too hung up on how "good" it is and if it IS something that takes longer, that it's not making me miserable to work on it. if it is? fuck it, we doodle.
also, put yourself out there! approach people with ideas or whathaveyou. test the waters to see where the chemistry lies and if those characters' mods would wanna plot w you! or even just do one-shots to see have some fun/see where things go. the worst favor u can do urself is to sit there and like...stew in fomo and let shyness/fear/whatever hold you back. and if you dont have ideas or dont get any hits back, focus on your own plot for awhile, let ppl see your character in action, it might spur some inspo
idk if that stuff was what u were looking for but its stuff i generally recommend to anyone wanting to start rping and/or askblogging in the fandom (and everyone reading this totally should if u dont already)
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What theories do you got for the end of season 2?
hii 🫶🏾
sorry i’m so late with this. i haven't been online too much lately. So theories??? man i’m not really engaging with much speculation as far as S2 goes. mainly bc i don’t think i have the ideas that will happen how my mind is formulating them. also bc they would be based off of nothing but what ive seen said about the books and vibes i got from S1 lmao. i’m so sorry if i disappoint you my ideas. here’s what i hope…
S2 will focus on loumand in the past and in the present maybe Armand might get to contribute to the telling of things. I’m very fucking excited for loumand. Idk how to not lose my mind about this! it’ll be interesting to me if there’s points of contention between how louis remembers something and how he does. what happened to Claudia and how coming out in this contention would be really fun to watch. “the love of my life” seems to be something that’s gonna come undone next season. seeing how they came together. seeing what makes their relationship tick. seeing the cracks in what their dynamic is now. seeing how Daniel’s tendency to be provocative and rude when he feels endangered will impact things or how it will shift now that he knows Rashid is actually Armand—now that he realizes he’s been talking to an even stronger vampire crazy out the side of his neck. and he’s greatly out numbered rn. i want to see if Daniel tries to run and leave and how they might convince him to stay or if he decides to stay what lends to that decision. the book? answers that he wants? im sure it’ll be many things.
I wonder if they will put off the hows of how Lestat finds his way to Paris since no one but him would really have all that information. I think with seeing Sam and Assad hanging out off set there will be some Armand/Lestat scene to look forward too. they’re gonna fight and its gonna be nasty and full of tension and armand longing for lestat while lestat longs for louis and he’s [lestat] gonna get that look in his eye were he agrees to something he know damn well he shouldnt in the name of saving louis. its gonna be delicious. Im excited to see that.
I hope we only really get hints of the devil’s minion stuff and i hope a good chunk of most of it happens in the modern day so they can have lots to fill coming seasons with. i want S2 to be more about loumand anyways. THO i do want them to put the fear of the devil into that man. I want him to really come to terms with what the fuck situation he’s in and I want Louis and Armand to make him feel it for real. I want the cracks in his dynamic with them and his supposed superior morality to start to show.
I think the situation with Louis might make Claudia desperate for another connection by the time it’s clear Louis is stuck in the past and longing for Lestat. Her hatred for him i think is soemthing we’ll see develop in it’s fullness. i hope she’s just as petty as she’s been. there wa a post about her playing piano and playing bach even tho she knows it torment him. i love that post. i wish i had it in me to find it. that post is genius. but yeah so i think she’d even accept the mother like way Madeleine treats her even tho she’s been looking to be treated like an equal bc anything is better than where they find themselves in terms of being stuck together after all thats happened and the spector of him choking her and lestat being spared because of him always looming over them. i think that adds to the sheer sadness of her situation. the living truth that yeah lestat is alive and louis would have him even now. and then the realization that he would also have armand who wants her dead clearly. i think someone who seems to “see her” would be preferable. but bc i know this is the painshow i cant say that they’re dynamic won’t be hard to watch. i think it will. I think madeleine will be working out her own trauma in losing her family on Claudia and it’ll be really clear that Claudia will always be choosing the lesser of an evil. i think they’ll play with our minds and hearts about what they could be, but ultimately they’re doomed and she’ll still wind up dead. and apparently so does madeleine even after being turned soo.. yeah i’m about to be heart shattered behind claudia.
sorry if these are disappointing. but yeah that’s as far as i’ve got. tho i’m sure i’ll think of something else and make a post about it. but i havent really wanted to speculate too much on S2 beyond being horny about loumand. maybe we’ll see their dungeon!
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bluehwale-main · 1 year
✨ poof ✨
a letter has arrived for you, full of my love and book recommendations (that’s actually the same thing recommending books is my love language).
Sorry it took me this long but I take book recommendations very seriously and had to think very hard about what I wanted to recommend. Even after so much thinking I wasn’t sure, so I just decided to recommend you many and hope that one of them will peak your interest and that hopefully you will fall in love with them the same way I did. Also I don’t like to spoil the plot and so I focus on how that book made me feel but please feel free to check the plot beforehand if you want to.
Okay enough of this pointless chitchat.. let’s focus on books now.
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Such a quiet book, begging to be read. I don’t want to spoil too much, but it was an excellent read.
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This is a horror book. Warning you beforehand, because my stupid self didn’t check and ended up being quite surprised at the turn of events. However scary, it was done in nonviolent way. Sort of. At least there was no screaming or jumpscares or any of that kind.
My other warning. Do not read this book if you are anywhere near the sea. I repeat. Do not read this if you are anywhere near the sea.
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Love story that broke me, shattered my heart into million pieces, but healed me with the tender love story hidden within the pages. Such a story… only life can write. Also the writing was so extraordinarily beautiful I fell in love with it with each word.
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It’s difficult to describe how I fee about this book. I wasn’t feeling excited while reading it. It didn’t make me grip the book tightly never wanting to let go anxiously awaiting whats going to happen next.
This book made me fall in love with it slowly. Deliberately. Every single character is so complex and so human. This book made me think. It asked me questions that will haunt me (in the best way possible) for a very long time.
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And the last one because i certainly must be boring you by now…
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Listen, I love fantasy and I read a lot of it growing up. This series is one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read. The books are very short and it’s a quick read but the stories are so intricate and delightful and the whole world is so interesting with it’s history and stories of its people… I loved all three of them and can’t wait to read more.
Okay… That’s it for now, I hope if you ever read them, you’ll like at least one. Hope you have a lovely day, take care.
Sissi 🤍
PS: sending you one big kiss from San because… why not?
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im okay im definitely not crying mhm yeah im totally fine im not lying on the ground rn EVERYONE LOOK AWAY !!
on a serious note; truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much for taking some time out of your day to send in this ask ㅠㅠ this makes me so happy u have no idea <33 and pls don’t apologize!! it means so much that u did this for me and i’m so thankful for you 🥺🫶
honestly i’ve followed a lot of readers in instagram to get recommendations but they always recommend the same books over and over again and it’s mostly books that i’ve already read :-/ but ur list include books that i’ve actually never heard about before SO IM SUPER EXCITED AAAAA <33 im most definitely very interested in philippe besson’s lie to me because the way u beautifully describe how u feel about it sold me!! also, i have hession’s panenka in my tbr list and now that u recommended it to me, i’m so much more excited to start reading it <3 i trust ur judgement 100% U HAVE AMAZING TASTE 🫡
i can’t wait to fall in love with these amazing books, sissi <3 again, thank you so much for this beautiful list, my heart is so so warm rn ☹️🫶 I LOVE YOUUUUU AND I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL have a great day and take care 🤍🫂
(p.s.: you could never bore me <3)
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cupofstarss · 2 years
hi i saw your young lemon and tagerine hcs post. i have soso much to say about them i want to talk about them !!!!!!!!!
its my favorite thing to think about when it comes to lemon and tangerine because it could be so many different things. obviously they had a rough childhood so like,, what happened??
i have like a whole essay i wrote as a reblog to the post abt my hc of them as teens/young adults but now i feel like its too long and im too scared to post it tbh
but heres some shorter hcs i have for them !!!
Lemon is the voice of reason between them. Emotionally, he's more mature and he is very calming, helping Tangerine keep control of his emotions and temper. On the other hand, Tangerine is physically fiercely protective of his brother.
I think Lemon had a phase where he tried to drop all his 'childish' interests, like Thomas. The one who brought him back to himself was Tangerine. He was expecting to enjoy his brother not always talking about and watching kids' shows, but Lemon got super serious and tried to focus on their job---and it was like most of his brother died. He was so serious and always trying to get things done, he was like Tangerine, and to his own surprise, Tangerine couldn't stand that because that wasn't his brother. Tangerine forced him to start watching Thomas again
Tangerine has a problem with getting paranoid at night. It was worse when they were young adults just starting to live on their own, and so he would only fall asleep if he was right next to Lemon on the sofa when his brother was watching Thomas on the TV. The familiar background noise and the feeling of his brother being right beside him was the only thing that could calm his mind enough to sleep. As long as he was on the sofa with Lemon, he would be fine, but more often than not he just slept on his shoulder. Lemon was just happy to help his brother, and also happy that helping his brother involved watching Thomas
I have more, I've got like 30 fanfic wips of them in that era so I have a lot of ideas, but these are the ones I could think of atm !! i hope you're ok with me sending an ask like this if not I'm sorry
FIRST OF ALL, thank you anon for this message and I would loooove to read all your wips and hcs and everything, so please do it and tag me if you post them, I need some serotonin so just know you're in charge of my happiness rn. I'd love to read more about all that happened in their upbringing because they're fun and wild and crazy sometimes but im sure there was a lot of suffering and angst and I love angst SO.
I absolutely agree that Lemon is the voice of reason between them while Tangerine is more impulsive and physical??? idk if it makes sense. but Lemon counts to 10 or maybe 6 before acting on something. Tangerine tries Very Hard.
and yes on the surface it looks like Tangerine mocks Lemon for Thomas the tank engine but deep down it soothes him too and gives him a sense of security. knowing that Thomas is there and therefore Lemon is there, just being Lemon and being his brother. as always. they're each other's lighthouse/anchor/person
ALSO WHAT ABOUT MOMO??? i completely forgot!!!! I think they meet/start to be in contact right in these initial years..
i honestly just love these two and i like to pretend theyre just fine and alive and thriving!!
please send more if you want I would absolutely adore reading them also because im not very good at writing/thinking myself so I love to read creators' work!!! and thank you I'm honored that you sent me these 🥺💞💞
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
and thus, my endless fascination with conspiracy theories and the truth among the lies //again dont read if u have anxiety abt these sort of things
bc i have a legitemately psychotic father whose fallen down the rabbit hole hard, who thinks chemtrails are a thing and the new world baby eating satanic kabal is on the rise (and frankly most likely blames their demons for what he did to me), and who thinks having identification cards is the devils work bc if u flip them idk what way they say 666. hes been on national tv saying this shit 🤦‍♀️ and i have met many actual full fledged conspiracy theorists, mostly the alien sort, and spend time with them, so i know what theyre like
the issue w conspiracy theorists isnt that theyre 2000% pulling shit out of their ass. because theyre not... the issue is that they are rightfully skeptical of the government and world, they read things which are crazy but true, but then they... arent rightfully skeptical abt the shit they read on weird websites or facebook, and just become indoctrinated into something else
so, lets see here, the truth in the lies
government officials are sex trafficking children - 100% true, actually yes many of them are and its an issue, this is no conspiracy theory we literally have proof of this lmao. this happened in rømania, in europe, in plenty of other places, epsteins black book is a thing. do i even think some of them are into legitemately insane torture and sacrifice too? yes, i do, because that exists even outside of rich ppl... do i think some of them are actual self proclaimed satanists - oh im sure theres some, theres plenty of crazy shit out there.... is it the 12 bloodlines and (insert anti-semetic world conspiracy)? no, its not. is there a global satanic conspiracy? i really doubt it, i think most of these fucks arent either into the occult or theology enough for that. is it the hillary clinton pizzagate in a pizzaria that doesnt even have a basement? nope, nope - and the conspiracies draw away from the actual issue of child sex trafficking
one/new world order/shadow governments - is it true that the rich and powerful of most governments have more in common with each other than common people? yes, absolutely. is it true they all for the most part want docile populations? yea. do they make shady af deals with each other? yuppp. are there people controlling things behind the scenes who are very powerful and we dont know of? yes, absolutely. is the idea of a new world order letting corporations rule everything that ridiculous considering... corporations do rule more and more...? hmm. is it however (insert anti-semetic conspiracy theory here) no. is it reptilians, no. is it aliens, uh i mean, 1% chance im not betting on it. is there a master plan we should focus on to combat this supoosed 12 bloodlines takeover?...... we should probably focus on more practical things
*sidenote to this, i actually find it interesting that conspiracy theorists are afraid the higher classes "kabal" is selectively raising and breeding perfect children while thinking the rest of the population shouldn't have children because were overpopulated...... it is literally happening rn as we speak that some rich ppl are selectively having fetuses and genetically engeneering for "higher IQ" "higher pay bracket" "no depression no health issues no imperfection".... this is real.. and these same rich ppl are part of weird groups which hold only they should have children and raise them in weird special ways (look into elon musks natalist ideas :) )... again...is it 12 satanist bloodlines... uhhhhhno. but yea, it is some sort of issue
chem trails - this one is fun bc yes the chem trail stuff gets taken out of hand. theyre trying to make us all stupid with them or gay or etc etc etc. But the Fun Thing is!!! there Are actually companies which are using chemtrails (releasing chemicals from airplanes) to try to combat climate change witnout telling anyone or civilian approval..... and in at least in one case an american company did this in a northern euro country without approval and definetely not population approval.... fun, right? so, as far as we know to a degree chemtrails are real, just very likely not the way people think
the water turning the frogs gay - this is hysterically enough based on something true. a farmland fertilizer company was having runoffs into a river, where the frogs started displaying high rates of intersex conditions and homosexual behavior, causing the population to decline. when scientists rung the alarm, the company used its money to shut them all down. watch a video on the youtubers Okis Stories on this, its a brilliant documentary he made.... is the government putting stuff in the water to use a "gay bomb" and make ppl gay? lol no. but was there a case of fertilizer chemicals being used turning frogs gay? yes, kinda
mind control, sound wave mind control, and implants for mind control - yuppp. these are real too. obviously MKULTRA as well as several other programs were real (and as far as im concerned are still happening). there is indeed real scientific proof that frequencies, sound waves, brain implants, etc can control very complex mammals such as apes to a terrifying degree (force an ape mother to ignore her crying baby, spark agression, force a bull to stop charging)..... and yes, the human brain itself has its own series of frequencies and energies which can be manipulated. sorry to say, the idea of government mind control and being afraid of frequencies is actually not complete bogus......... idk how much walking around with tinfoil on your heads is gonna do much, and blaming every little thing on this is uhh... paranoia. but i truly do understand why ppl who look into this a long time fall into paranoia, bc it makes me paranoid too. because there is indeed truth to it, and we have no way of knowing how good government tech is
the gov is involced w the occult - not 100% of the time but the CIA's and Soviet governments extensive research into astral projection, telepathy, etc, and the CIA literally writing about meeting higher interdimensional beings should uhhh. make it clear at one point they were and likely still are..... again tho... are they all satanist baby eaters... doubt it
alien abductions - just gave my thoughts on this
project blue beam - the idea as a whole is absolutely hysterical but hologram technology has indeed become insane, look it up. but nah that aint happening. also, yes, the government is likely using the ufo stuff as a distraction and way to increse military spending and to take eyes off of military tech.... staged ufo invasion and rupture tho? doubt it
cryptids are genetially engenered abominations/the gov is doing genetic engeenering/we should be scared of it - you know, i did biotechnology for four years and promised to never touch it again. if i had the money i would bet thousands of dollars that there are both government and private companies doing Insanely unethical and fucked up shit...... we have made goats which produce silk out of their uteruses..... there is donkey dna in your strawberries..... human ears are grown on lab rats...... i have no idea what theyre doing. and i can't say if theyve made human-animal hybrids.... but i will place all my money on very messed up shit happening 100%
modern food and water is bad for you/ chemical fertilizers are bad/ gmos might also be bad - this aint even a fucking conspiracy. they just are. rates of cancer are through the roof. the shit were using today is insane. and on gmos.... idk what to say abt them being dangerous, even after years of biotech, i rly dont. but they taste like shit and i dont... morally like the idea of fish dna in my fruits. call me old fashioned or puritanical, i know theres good sides to it. we learned plenty in biotech of the bad sides tho
the government will use any excuse (covid, crime rates, whatever) to increse its surveillance and control on the population - this one is also true and we saw it all over the world (china, per example). yes covid was absolutely real and dangerous..... yes the government used it to gain more control... both of these things are true
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mdhwrites · 2 years
You mentioned knight Boscha once and it got me into shipping mood for real, I thought a fic idea in milliseconds. Royal Amity having Boscha as knight who's trying to get her attention so hard, add childhood friends to that and it gets even better! And Luz getting into the picture later on, making Boscha jealous for drama points ☕
Luz could be a merchant? Or from a different kingdom.
Also I'm so into the trope of Boscha having a secret crush on Amity even if it's just fanon sadly. Me being a BoschaxAmity shipper just getting excited for little content that I can find with them that's not toxic bs or another mock at Boscha for being a mEan bUlly for the hundredth time 🙄
Seriously people can't see more into a character beyond canon establishment and it's gets boring and lazy, and Boscha has all that potential still intact somehow sitting there not taken advantage of by the fandom. In a perfect world I can imagine L/mity not being rushed and have my bochamity moments beforehand so I can get good fanship content at least. (I don't really ship l/mity, not as much anymore, sucks that Amity doesn't get content beyond that tho)
Well I just felt like rambling about ships 😅 I got no asks about the show rn
As I posted last night, this was the post that for whatever reason made my brain buzz and make a brief AU one off about a Blighted princess, Bosched Knight and Luckless Luzer. If you think this is all the Amischa content I have... Well, I focus a lot on Rich Witch and Power of Love for what I promote here because they're the easiest and tie directly back into themes of TOH because they are the ones that took TOH's ideas and ran with them the furthest. The ones started when TOH was full of possibility and such an open space that I feel it COULD inspire a billion stories, while honestly I feel like each special actually shrinks the potential of it and S2 had already done plenty of damage to the world and characters. Got a bit sidetracked but the point is that I do have a LOT more out there (I have literally 43 different TOH stories and 18 of them feature Amity and Boscha in them) so I thought I'd use this post to share some positivity towards Amischa because I think the ship is great. I think the two's relationship in general is fascinating. Though I actually want to say first that I don't think it was ever something the show really should have explored. Not once the first season came out. Hell, I commonly argued between S1 and S2 that the show had so many other things going on, and Winging it Like Witches felt like such a good climax to Hexide elements, that if we never saw Boscha again I wouldn't be surprised. The show was simply past dealing with bullies at that point as it turned its attention towards bigger threats so now that Amity was a friend... Why not move on? BOY WAS I PROVEN WRONG! *eye twitches at the first half of S2 which just kicks its feet as it focuses on not moving the plot at all* Anyways, let's ignore all that and let me flood your timeline with story pitches, hmm? Oh, I will be linking the Lumischa stuff too because I've also done lots of that because... I mean, when I write Lumity, I'm effectively writing S1 Lumity rather than S2 and I still love those two together. They fundamentally changed what I wrote going forward. Boscha just later kicked down the door, took a seat and demanded she was staying. XD Joro Rigged Pets: The barely fanfiction Lumischa story I really need to keep working on since I actually have the cover already commissioned for when I convert it to original fiction. This one features a non-binary Luz who inherits a pair of spiders who aren't spiders but actually the Jorogumo Boscha and the spider she has been incubating for a thousand years, Amity. And that time of transformation is quite close at hand and with it will come complications, love, fears and hungers the sort that no human can understand. Also has LOTS of identity themes in general.
The Crow House: I won't do a hard sell on this one because it died far earlier than I wish it had. A Swap AU is going to feel more like a fix it fic if you're not happy with the source material and that's not what I want to write. As for who was swapped? So many people. Amity and Luz, Lilith and Eda, Kiki and King, etc. Boscha's swap was with Willow where she actually had so much corrupted physical strength as to not be able to safely TOUCH PEOPLE. She literally couldn't control it so a light tap might accidentally come out as a hard jab. She literally shatters multiple of Hunter's bones in her first appearance while trying to apply only a little pressure back. Not that Amity gives a damn. She'll still grab the demon because while Boscha won't touch her, Amity can still touch her hero, regardless of Boscha's protests. A Player, A Scout and a Lich Walk Into An Evil Resident: Technically a future AU with adult Amity and Boscha already in a relationship doing a mission for the Emperor's Coven that ends up not going the way either expected. Fraught With Emotions: Not an AU! Finally. This one has me having Amity, Boscha and Luz go to the Emotionarium, a place where you can have your emotions soothed, twisted, enhanced or even removed. Now why might two old friends want to be in a place like that?
Amity? is Your Baby Tonight: Inspired by a very good Whitney Houston song in my opinion, it's time for Amity, while still having green hair, to serenade and seduce the girl she loves. Where did she get such confidence though?
Amity's Many Misspellings: First just Amischa story with a coffee shop AU! And Amity of all people for some reason being unable to ever get Boscha's name right. Amity's Private Penstagram: Luz and Amity go on a trip down memory lane to pictures Amity had never shared with anyone else before. Especially the one who's picture she took most. Boscha's Best Bedside Manner: A bad night gets worse? when Boscha shows up out of the blue. How could someone as rough and blunt as Boscha ever help with a problem after all? Let alone one that seemed so entirely insurmountable to Amity? (This might easily be the best one off I have for showing why I think Boscha helps complete Lumity as a note). Under a Tree of Love: Two links on this one. This first one features a very short story about Amity growing up under a suspiciously alive tree while finding love with her best friend Boscha under its same branches. If you like it though, I actually expanded it into a full length novella, with a similar but more thorough structure, called Under the Boughs of Love that you can check out through the link on this paragraph. Chapters Left Behind: Amity and Luz sure did abandon their club stand in Sport in a Storm, didn't they? What happened to those books that were left behind? Discarded like Amity had once thrown away a large chapter of her life before? And was there still room for both in her life? I left out a couple AUs that hadn't ever gotten very far and two stories stories that I wrote for a friend that are more sad than anything else rather than hopeful like all of these. I do hope this shows JUST how much I've done with these characters though, especially when I remind you that The Power of Love is still over 300k words, The Eyes Beneath the Water (which has barely had the Amity and Boscha inspired characters even talk to each other, hence why it wasn't linked) is over 80k minimum (haven't done a word count check in a while for it) and Rich Witch is also over 80k words. And most of that writing was done back in 2021 when something about TOH and its community opened up my brain and just let me type. Type so much that in the span of 8 months, I wrote over five hundred THOUSAND words. And boy would I love to return to even a fraction of that strength again. *sigh*
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escalierssansfin · 1 year
Here are the MANY reasons why you should recover from your ed (please read until the end!! Thank you!❤️)
- you will be happier with how you look: sounds weird, i know, but healing from your ed is also learning how to love your body no matter what it looks like. So you can eat AND love yourself!!
- you won't lack energy anymore!! And your brain will be all nourished : no more foggy ideas and weak legs. You'll be powerful and productive!!
- you will have more room in your head for new projects : less room for negative thoughts and low self estime.
- you will see yourself as what you really are : a warrior who overcame a lot. You will look back at your old life and tell yourself : "never again". (It happened to me!)
- you will stop worrying the people you love. If you starve yourself for the attention, it's the wrong solution : people will never worry as much as you want them to. They will only talk abt it less and less. You don't want to help someone who won't help themselves. It's YOUR choice to go down that path. ON THE OTHER HAND THO, if you choose to recover, people will be there to support you and give you love and attention! That's the way to go!!
- people don't see yourself as you do. They don't focus on your weight. THEY DON'T CARE!! If someone thinks your pretty, 10 more lbs on you won't make them think otherwise!! And if it is the case, RUN! they don't want you for the good reasons!!
- if you don't recover NOW, it will only be harder in the future. No more "i can stop whenever i want". You know that its not true. I once told that to myself, and it only made things harder. Having an ed isn't cool, aesthetic, or an edgy phase. Its a life threatening disease. It looks fun on the outside, but once you get it, your life changes forever. You never recover fully. But if you start to recover RN, it will be easier than later! Give yourself that amazing chance, you deserve it so much!!
- there are many aspects of your life that you put aside because of your ed. Don't lie to me, i know its true!! If you recover, you will be able to focus on all of those things that you miss!
- you will be happier in general. EDs are mental illnesses. They decrease your quality of life. Recovery = happiness!!! And YES, you are worth it!! You deserve to be happy!!!❤️
I know that recovery is scary. You don't want to feel or to look like someone who gave up, like a quitter. But by starving yourself, you ARE giving up on yourself. Recovery is hard, it's a real battle against your own brain. But recovery is also a beautiful, amazing way to fight.
You are loved and you are strong, never forget it! ❤️‍🩹💕
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vexx-the-egg · 2 years
*puts on shades* Hello there favorite meme blog. I am here once again to ask about stuff that are not memes because it makes sense I swear. How do you cope with the feeling of losing a best friend? For context of the question, nothing has happened between you two, its just the love has seemed to have left.
I'm a bit high rn anon so I apologize if this is a bit messy. But this is a very good question ! And I'd be happy to answer.
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Their are many many ways to coep with losing a freind. Weather it's flooding yourslef with distractions. Reaching out to other freinds for suport. Or suddenly obtaining full enlightenment and letting go of all earthly desires. All of which are good and dandy but don't really ....dooooo anything. And I think that's Wack as hell. So my dear anon here is some extra advice. When it comes to matters of a cold sardonic chill in the place of your warm relationship. All you really need is time. Relationships of every kind, but MOST of all friendships: is that of a turning wheel. Even your most hated freinds enemy can become a close ally. And visa versa. Hard times were bound to happen eventually. No relationship is perfect or without change. It is very likely that your freind may just be contemplating personal change, as a person. And because of that they maybe either dealing with personal feelings or looking for new things to focus on that may be different from what your used to. If it's the second one, all you need to do is re-establish common ground. Try out new things that you may be able to share in common. If it's the first. Then you really really should talk to them. Be honest and tell them that you may be afraid of losing them. If they ask why. Don't be afraid to be honest and tell them about how much they matter to you. Most knee jerk reactions would tell you that this is "cringy" or "controlling" but in order to connect again. Both of you must be deeply honest. Or you risk losing somone you love, without ever even saying the truth. Without knowing if things could have been saved. Theirs bravery and strength sometimes in being honest and you never know when you may be doing the other person a favor. Sometimes it takes some honesty from you for another person to show how they really feel. At the end of the day I can't promis it will work our. But I can promis that no relationship is fully one sided. And its very likely that if you care for this person they probably care for you as well. Who knows they may bee feeling very simulare. Be honest. Be open and be brave anon. No matter their answer things will be alright and good things will cycle back.◇
Non high Vexx will review this later and post notes below:
Sober vexx here! If you made it this far thank you for listening to me ramble incoherintly. Here's an actual clear minded response: Losing freinds can be scary and confusing. But it is something that everyone goes through in their life. Like any broken heart, the key to getting through it is emersing yourself with new experiences and letting yourself feel what you feel. It can be hard, to struggle with the idea of change, but know that like all things this to will pass. If your friend is drifting away then it is important to give them space and consider their feelings as well. As high vexx said you could tell them if you get an opportunity but that doesn't mean things will automatically swing your way. And they shouldn't to be fair, friendships should always have freedom of choice. Just as somone chooses to spend time with you you must respect when they choose not to. Know that this does not mean you a bad person. As people can have a mirad of reasons to want space that don't personaly involve you. If it does happen to involve you, then take it as a learning opportunity. Not a death sentence. Focus not on the bitter end of this relationship but the gratitude you feel, for all the happy times you had with them. Over time new people will cycle into your life once again. Sometimes that can be strangers who make your life better then you could have imagined, sometimes it can be an old freind under a new light. Give it time anon. And things we'll get better
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Good luck anon!
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goldenlie · 2 years
glad we share an opinion queen!! also getting annoyed because of 4 year old acting like a 4 year old is incredibly valid to me tbh definitely had my own share of yup definitely no chlidren for me ever moments. I feel like later on it gets a little better because now we are focusing more on Kazuki and Rei's past and issues each of them brings to the table lmao I usually have issue only when people claim Miri isn't at all acting like an actual 4 year old and compare her to... Anya... a child who can literally read minds 😐 and will change her behaviour accordingly to what she hears as we have seen her do many times before and I didn't even watch all of spy x family like sir surely you are joking right now?? anyways I hope you are doing well, it's been a while ^_^ what are you up to these days? hope uni isn't giving you too much of a hard time!
(formerly) QQQQQNFFFFFF ENJOYYEEEERRR!!!! AGNESSS!!! It's so good to hear form you <3
If there's one thing I'm reliant at its being a bit of a hater to kids antics, I simply lack the gift of patience. I am right there with you in those moments I'm ngl. Okay the focus on more of their past dynamic and potentially how they got to be in the profession they're in sounds pretty interesting. The potential for angst skyrockets with each word I hear about this show and I am loving it.
That is,,,, a real unique comparison people have made. As someone who has suffered through two seasons of spyxfamily I can definitely vouch that Anya and Miri are not similar characters at all (To clarify spy family was good up until every progression the characters had was wrote away for a cheap punchline or coincidental memory loss, literally happened every second episode after s1 ep9). The only similarity between the two shows point blank is the premise. I would assume people are trying to draw nonexistent parallels purely based off of that, I have no idea as to why though. From what I saw (so, so little) Miri was undoubtedly acting like a four year old, when she spilt that drink in episode 2 it was very on brand kid looking for attention, I thought it showed her age pretty well. Anya as an older character, literally six years old, but she had a lot more motives at play. Obviously she's still young and immature but a lot more mature than Miri nonetheless. Anya could play strategy and was attempting to aid Loid with his spy missions, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Miri is not going to locate a bomb or something in the remaining 10 eps I have to watch. Miri seems to be a much more honest and open character whereas Anya can be more scheming and conniving (I say with love, I did like Anya's character up until everyone minus Yor became very dislikable very fast), for her own self preservation. The two of them are pretty incomparable, I can see where your disbelief is coming from.
Uni is making me spin in a circle five times and then jump through a hoop 2 meters off the ground. The biggest thing rn is finding time to carry out experiments for my thesis which I will hopefully finish up with this week! It's actually such coincidental timing but this week I have to give a presentation on the most impactful book I've ever read (purely to build confidence in public speaking, damn though, thought I was in science so I didn't have to talk personally) which was extremely difficult considering all impactful "books" I've read in the past four years have been on ao3. So I ended up scavenging through our old messages trying to locate some book recs you had! I actually ended up with another recommendation from the bts boy though, who was reading Almond, this one is called "The Midnight Library" and sounded pretty intriguing! I'll be reading it tonight and tomorrow so if it's worth it I'll update you. What about you queen, are you still working in the job you started last year? I hope it's been going well if so! I know you're into buddy dads these days but anything else been keeping you occupied? Anime wise myself I'm actually about halfway through hunter x hunter?? I started the end of December and it intrigued me ngl. I'm not sure if you've seen but it's very easy to like the main character and his three main besties so I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress further. I also watched the entirety of Voltron out of pure curiosity for how bad the ending was? And I was surprised to see it was actually as shit as they say. However comma the show did lose its appeal much much earlier, have you ever watched? I actually finished up a kdrama series recently as well I believe you recommended me last year called Beyond Evil and holy fucking shit was it good. Usually I fear for around the halfway mark of kdramas that they lose their purpose but I swear they had only warmed up the engine by ep 8. It was addictive to watch and I was so immersed, my love dong sik and his relationship with inspector Han growing and changing throughout the series was extremely interesting to watch unfold. They were a powerful duo when they worked together and I will miss the thrill of each ep.
I hope you've been having a good time in general queen and things have been going well for you :D
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Things I currently have on the back burner:
All of the requests in my inbox
The next chapter of It's Just a Movie
A smut fic involving Dwayne and a dare
A smut fic where Paul meets a goth girl and does a Mary Shelley
For my ao3, I'm thinking about specifically writing:
Ricky Coogin fanfics
Ace Merrill fanfics
Johnny Silverhand fanfics
Bill and Ted fanfics
Finishing my wips
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enamouredfae · 3 years
♡ Pick a Card ♡
Advice from your Spirit Guides!
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This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
This is a timeless reading for the collective, therefore it is likely that some messages will not resonate with you. Please only take the messages that do! The messages that do not, are meant for somebody else. Remember that the future is never set in stone and that you possess free will! Love you! ♡
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Pile 1
Charm: Shell
You may see shells as signs from the universe. You may have Venusian placements. You have a tough exterior, but once you finally open up to people you are a hidden gem! You are a person that values privacy.
Flower: Carnation
The meaning of carnation changes depending on its colour, since this one is a stripped purple carnation, it symbolizes rejection/refusal and capriciousness. It being a dry bud, for me at least, symbolizes that this is a small issue that isn't likely to grow! You might've been refused a caprice recently, or you may have too high expectations that are likely not going to be fulfilled.
Significator: Page of Cups
Self-sufficient is the word I thought of when I saw this card. I think that at the moment you are really starting to work through your emotions, you might be finally doing some introspection, journaling, talking to people, seeing a therapist, etc. You are beginning a journey of emotional growth. You might also be receiving a message soon, be aware of any symbols that matter to you or ask the universe for certain symbols for guidance.
Astro: Virgo and Capricorn
There is a high chance that you have Virgo or Capricorn placements. You may be earth dominant. You may be Mercury/Saturn dominant/ruled. This could also apply to the person you need advice on if that is the case.
I thought of soil when I saw these cards, not a plant, but very well-nourished soil. It seems like you are making a foundation for yourself that is not rooted in anyone else, it simply comes from you. You are the soil, the water, the nutrients, and your future self is the plant. Flower crowns may be significant to you as well, or you may find great healing by connecting with nature and connecting to nature's cycles.
What you need advice on:
VI of Wands and X of Pentacles (reversed)
There are a few possibilities I see here. You may be having a hard time getting your accomplishments noticed by others, you might not receive the praise you desire or feel you deserve. Another possibility is that you may have a hard time feeling successful due to your financial situation. You may have received a large sum of money that should make you happy, but it doesn't. You may be very well off financially, but it is causing some hardships, and others might not understand these hardships because they think that they'd be very happy in your position.
King of Pentacles and XVIII. The Moon
I feel like at least one of you should monetize your intuition. Some of you have or will meet a person (very likely an earth placement), that is either a business partner or a lover/friend, that will somehow help you with your financial issue. They might recommend you to someone for example. Perhaps if you confide in the King of Pentacles, they'll help you immensely, they're someone you can rely on, if not financially, emotionally. Others should embody the King of Pentacles, be determined, stick to a routine. For others, someone could be hiding smth from you that would help you immensely with this issue. Listen to your intuition! Do not forget that your anxieties and fears are valid, and it is normal to be feeling like this! Your worth is not defined by your financial success!
38. Willow and 5. Cerato and Honeysuckle
Willow talks about self-responsibility: make a plan, stick to it and, most importantly, try to stop complaining. You have the strength to get through this, complaining just engrains it in your head that you have a problem making it harder to get out of that mindset, instead try working on the solution. Cerato talks about the fact that no matter how many people you ask, no matter how many books you read, your gut knows best! Trust yourself and your intuition. Whatever feels right, is! Just know that domestic happiness is very important right now, cherish whoever that may be (King of Pentacles perhaps), be it your cat or even yourself if you live alone, give and accept affection! This could be a message for a specific person but I feel called to note that as I was shuffling the oracles I started singing "Runaway" by Aurora. Perhaps the lyrics are meaningful to one of you, or it can reassure you that this pile is meant for you if this is your favorite song.
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Pile 2
Charm: Cactus
You may see cacti as signs from the universe or have a very strong emotional attachment to them due to a certain memory. I feel like a lot of people are attracted to you, but they feel that you will reject or hurt them if they get too close. Or you consciously or subconsciously hurt people when they get too close. You might think you don't deserve love, which is NOT TRUE. Love isn't something that has to be deserved! But if it were, you most certainly deserve it!
Flower: Freesia
Yellow freesias symbolize joy, renewal, and friendship. It is the go-to flower to convey to someone that you trust them. You are incredibly trustworthy, someone to whom your loved ones come for advice. You are a great listener, are very delicate and tactful in your interactions with others.
Significator: IX. The Hermit
You are doing a lot of self-reflection right now, sometimes the pondering even turns into daydreams. You may also be connecting with and thinking about your spiritual/religious beliefs. You are looking to understand the light that illuminates your path. You may have started meditating, or you should start! Spiritual awakening is happening or coming soon! You could be isolating yourself at the moment as well.
Astro: Jupiter and Libra
There is a high chance that you have Libra or Sagittarius placements. You may be air dominant. You may be Jupiter/Venus dominant/ruled. This could also apply to the person you need advice on if that is the case.
The words that I kept thinking about at this point in the reading were "letting karma do its job" and "visions of the future". You may be clairvoyant! But most of you act a lot like the Justice tarot card, you like balance and fairness, and have a life philosophy based on these ideas. Your higher education might've played a big role in this.
What you need advice on:
II of Cups (reversed) and Queen of Swords
Someone may be rationalizing or overthinking a perceived imbalance in a relationship. Of course, the Queen of Swords, likely an air placement, is intelligent, they may be right in their thinking but because of the advice received, I believe their judgment is clouded by insecurity. They may feel unworthy of what they receive, seeing that you chose the cactus charm and have libra as an astro card, it is very likely that this is you but this may be your person as well, both options are possible.
King of Cups and IV of Swords (reversed)
See, the King of Cups is upright, this person, very likely a water placement, is very emotionally mature, compassionate, and understanding. Whereas the swords person is exhausted and stagnant due to the deep contemplation happening. I feel they may also be insecure, causing the overthinking. If this is you, trust me, you deserve the King of Cups! If this is your person, make them realize that they deserve you! They need a lot of reassurance.
1. Agrimony and 7. Chestnut Bud and Morning Glory
Love, whether romantic or platonic, requires hard work, determination, and affection. Agrimony talks about a person that needs balance, both inside and outside. You may find it by showing more of yourself, especially by starting with your loved ones. Because you might not be used to it, start little by little, and observe how accepting those you love can be. Chestnut Bud talks about focus and learning from experience. For me, it's another confirmation that someone is overthinking, see the girl looking very melancholic, whereas their counterpart is goofing around. Don't take life too seriously! Have fun with your loved one!
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Pile 3
Charm: Leaf
You might see certain trees or leaves as signs from the universe. When I picked up this charm I immediately thought "Leave!" So if you were thinking about a voyage, there's your sign, just be mindful of covid regulations, please. The idea of falling also popped up, so you might be falling for someone rn or feeling like you're in a perpetual fall emotionally.
Flower: Orchid
I would just like to point out that, although this orchid dried white, it was actually a baby purple orchid when alive. I will therefore explain both colors: purple orchids represent royalty, admiration, and respect, whereas white ones symbolize purity and innocence. But they are, no matter what color, always a symbol of luxury, delicate beauty, and virility.
Significator: 0. The Fool
You may be starting smth new with confidence, smth you haven't done before, making you a bit inexperienced, but still willing to take the leap of faith. OR you may be acting foolishly by looking back or the opposite way of the thing you'd do with confidence. Let me explain, as you can see the Astro cards are both looking in one direction, with determination, and confidence. Whereas The Fool is looking the opposite way. Your significator may be saying that you're being foolish to look the other way, wondering what-ifs.
Astro: Sagittarius and Mars
There is a high chance that you have Sagittarius, Aries, or Scorpio placements. You may be fire dominant. You may be Jupiter/Mars dominant/ruled. This could also apply to the person you need advice on if that is the case.
You have a clear goal that you can easily reach through your actions. Look at Mars' demeanor, he knows Sagittarius is hitting the target. Do not doubt yourself, there's nothing to worry about. Stay focused!
What you need advice on:
XI. Justice (reversed) and Queen of Cups
Clearly, there is a decision to be made here, and you really want to listen to your heart. And you're questioning whether you should? I just want to reassure you, the Queen of Cups is highly in tune with their intuition and their emotions, you should trust yourself.
X of Swords (reversed) and II of Pentacles
You are clearly in pain, whether or not it is talking about this decision that is eating you up. Healing and recovery are important right now! It's time to stop resisting an inevitable end, and start recovering. Look, the reversal allows for the swords to just fall out of your back, just look inwards! Don't forget to balance work with fun, you deserve to relax! Another way to see this is that you are restricting yourself by seeing this as a choice, why not do both? Although, if we are talking about people here, there better be a mutual agreement on polygamy! I will not invite you to cheat! If we are talking about activities, you are capable of doing both if it's too hard to choose, you just need to figure out how to balance them. A specific message is that some of you want to go back to doing smth you've dreamt of doing as a child, if that is the case, pls do it, at least as a hobby!
13. Gorse and 32. Vine and Trumpet Gentian
There is a need to heal some inner wounds. I immediately thought of inner child work when I saw the Trumpet Gentian in combination with the Vine. Vine talks about acts of service and leadership skills, try parenting yourself/your inner child, give yourself the love that you may have lacked as a kid. You are worthy of it! Gorse is all about perspective and imagination. Do a brainstorming of possible outcomes depending on the decision you take, you can do this alone, but the input of loved ones that can be honest with you would do wonders. Don't forget your future can go in many different ways, and whichever decision you take is the right one!
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Pile 4
Charm: Angel
You may see angels or angel numbers as signs from the universe. You are a person that is divinely guided and divinely protected. It seems to me like you have a very strong intuition or are very aware of your divine gifts.
Flower: Rose
Of course, roses are always symbolic of love. Therefore I believe it is more note-worthy here to talk about the size. This is a tiny rose. Just like the carnation bud, it did not have time to grow and is now immortalized in its youth stage. You may be inexperienced in love, or hold naive beliefs about it. You might be experiencing youthful romance right now.
Significator: XV. The Devil
What I find interesting here is that you got the angel charm with the devil significator. This is very conflicting energy. The sentence that I kept thinking throughout the reading is "wolf in sheep clothing" or "sheep in wolf's clothing", I kept mixing up the words, just very contradictory energy. The way you present yourself to the world is very different from how you truly are. You might also be a person prone to obsessing over people, things, interests, etc. I also would like to note here that this pile was the hardest to get the cards, the amount of shuffling I did here until the cards flew made me sweat hahaha. It's also a very confusing reading. Therefore, I believe you carry a lot of confusion yourself, although your intuition is incredibly powerful, you might suffer from being very paranoid, and sometimes being unable to differentiate your intuition from your delusions. I also think you're very secretive, you do not want people to know or understand you.
Astro: Neptune and Moon
There is a high chance that you have Pisces or Cancer placements. You may be water dominant. You may be Neptune/Moon dominant/ruled. You could have a Neptune/Moon aspect. This could also apply to the person you need advice on if that is the case.
"This is a time of great psychic sensitivity for you. Trust your intuition and follow its guidance." You should try to differentiate emotions from intuition, I know it's hard, but they are different things, and it's very important to tell them apart! Your dreams may hold messages, try having a dream journal and interpreting them if you don't do that already.
What you need advice on:
IX of Wands (reversed) and V of Swords (reversed)
As you can see ALL of the tarot cards I've received in this reading are reversed, implying inner conflicts that require inner change/work. You might've said/done smth you now regret, and you hate yourself for it, you may also be incredibly paranoid that others will find out. You want the paranoia to end. You want to make amends, to reconciliate/atone, but are unsure on whether you should do it. Perhaps you don't feel emotionally prepared to reopen that wound.
V. The Hierophant (reversed) and VII of Wands (reversed)
What I noticed here is that The Hierophant mirrors The Devil, not as perfectly as The Lovers, but it is incredibly similar. Once again that energy of opposition, contradiction, and confusion appears, "the wolf in sheep's clothing". For some, my fixation on this phrase could be a warning. For others an invitation to look in the mirror... Try looking at the situation from the other person's point of view! I'm not saying you are a "wolf in sheep's clothing", but that might be how you're being perceived. You are exhausted, remorse is eating up all of your energy. The Hierophant is saying that you should stay true to your personal beliefs, so if you believe apologizing is necessary to move on, do it!
This could be unrelated and for a specific person, but don't be afraid of challenging the status quo! If it hurts none, do as you will, embody your true self! I just want to remind you that going against your loved one's idea of "normalcy" is not hurting them, it's loving yourself. But remember that you also don't owe anyone a "coming out", you are valid whether or not you tell people! Do whatever your heart tells you and please be safe!
!!! : Of course, this doesn't count if what's challenging the status quo doesn't respect others' identity/ sexuality/ ethnicity/ religion/ etc. If challenging the status quo comes from a place of hate please block me. Nobody is using this reading as a sign to do some fucked up shit.
3. Beech and 2. Aspen and Lily
When I saw Beech I immediately thought "talk to someone, or you could spiral." Beech talks about self-acceptance and self-compassion. You must first accept yourself as you are, an imperfect human being, like all humans, before starting to work on embodying your highest self. Stay open-minded! Aspen, on the other hand, invites you to connect with others, not only for advice or consoling but for quality time! I have a feeling that you have very high morals, but having them isn't enough, you must act accordingly!
Thank you for reading! Love you all.♡
You can buy me a coffee if you feel called to do so! This is never necessary, but always appreciated! ♡
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