#i have so much video footage to upload
radio-4-is-static · 1 year
Build It Up – Franz Ferdinand @ The Andrew J Brady Music Center
#build it up#franz ferdinand#音楽#probably not bye#SO#they did not play knock knock but this instead!!!#i remember when they played it on tour in 2019#some kind fans uploaded the live footage to youtube#but i don't think ff played the entire song in those videos??#maybe they did and i missed it but OOOHHHHHHHH#i'm really digging the direction their sound is going in lately#and i wonder if black tuesday will make a reappearance....#but yeah!!#they played stand on the horizon AND outsiders !!!!!!!#everybody in the band seemed to be having such a good time !!#so many smiles from bob :')#the spotlight on julian (whereupon the crowd went NUTS)#and it truly was incredible how they charged through each song back to back to back with so much energy#like their set time was almost exactly one hour but they really made the most of those minutes & fit so many songs in there#goddd it was so good#we were fortunate enough to get barricade & when they were done i overheard the couple next to me go 'wow their frontman is amazing!'#something something 'pixies is headlining but i see so many people here for franz ferdinand & so many were singing along'#meanwhile i was turned the other way like 😏😏😏#pixies were really good too!#we didn't stay through their whole set bc i wanted to make sure i could hand off the hob nobs to ff#but i saw them perform monkey gone to heaven !!!#one of my absolute favs !!!#and they opened with cecilia ann 🤌#such a fun night :)))#afterwards i had a nice chat with bob & dino & i briefly said hi to julian -- genuinely some of the kindest people 🥺
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Fanfic Thieves on Youtube
A collection of youtube channels have been uploading preexisting fanfictions in videos with little to no credit to the original authors. These are not podfics, these channels copy-paste the fics into text-to-speech readers then upload the unaltered audio over static or unrelated backgrounds, either art that is also stolen or mobile game footage. In addition to not naming the authors, they alter the title to make it that much harder for readers to recognize or find the original uploads. Some go so far as to pretend they themselves are creating the fics in question. Many claim that their stealing actually helps give fics "exposure" despite the intentional steps they take to conceal the origins of the fics they profit off of. However, this practice has lead many authors to discontinue fics after the frustration of having their hard work stolen. Many of these channels claim they will remove videos upon request, but will either argue with the author in order to keep it up, or simply unlist the video for a time until they think the author isn't paying attention anymore. And their solution to receiving strikes against their channels in the past has been to further obfuscate the origins of their content instead of even considering asking first.
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”I got caught stealing, so instead of not stealing anymore, I’m doubling down on stealing even more so it’s harder for people to find out and prove I’m stealing. Stealing doesn't count if the specific person I stole from didn't call me out. I am the real victim.”
That, plus the incessant tag scumming in all the videos (spamming unrelated tags in order to appear in more search results) proves to me that these are lazy attention seekers who don't want to put in creative effort when they could just leech off of the passion of others.
In order to report them, go to their channel's "About" page and click the flag icon. Said icon might be behind the three dots in the top bar on mobile. Go to "Report User" at the bottom and tick the "spam and scams" button. This will allow you to list multiple videos as offenders instead of reporting them individually. Youtube's policy states that video spam constitutes:
Massively uploading content that you scraped from other creators.
Auto-generated content that computers post without regard for quality or viewer experience.
If you recognize one of your fics among the stolen, say so in the additional comments box, and perhaps call out the channel directly in the video's comments. If you recognize someone else's fic, please let the original author know so they can report the channel as well. Many have been confronted for stealing previously and refuse to admit wrongdoing.
Most of what I've found has been My Hero Academia fics since that's my fandom and those are the ones I can recognize as stolen, but there are many other channels that steal from other fandoms, so I invite anyone and everyone to reblog this with their own findings.
The reality is that this extremely low-effort content and new youtube channels are both very easy to make, so most likely they'll start new channels once the ones on this list are run through. But hopefully, if we all work together and keep whacking these moles, perhaps we can instill that same defeatism they caused so many creators who didn't deserve it, and eventually they'll give up.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who helped bring additional channels to my attention. A special thanks to ao3 user InArduisFidelis who brought the initial attention to the issue, and @owlf45 whose work was stolen.
Links under the cut.
YurikoFanfics - Not only stole content, but acted in comments as though they were the one writing these stories.
What-IF-Anime - Has the exact same "disclaimer" about not being the original author as the one above. Either they're the same person or the thieves are stealing from each other.
quirkywhatif7 - Either an alt of the above, or all these people are talking to one another because this one made a community post identical to a comment the one above made in response to being called out (the above screenshots).
DekuFanfic - It's the same fucking guy again.
InfiniteParadoxfanfics - Nothing notable, same deal as the others.
WhatIfAnimeChannel - Admits in their community posts that other people write the fics they post but still doesn't give credit. Migrated to a new channel after issues with youtube, likely being flagged previously.
WhatIfAnimeAll - Alt of above.
FWNWorld - Makes sure to tell you that the videogame footage is theirs, but can't bother to credit anyone else.
WTFW - Claims to have "[A] team of talented writers, voice actors, and artists work together to create immersive fan fiction stories that are sure to captivate your imagination." Just the same test-to-speech stolen content over videogames. So straight up lying claiming that everything is theirs (and that anything they make is quality).
MHA2.0Fanfics - Lots of crossover theft.
Collerwhatiif - Pretty sure this one is the same guy as the previous 2, also has one for another fandom.
ko_sensei - Another that claims to have a "team" that makes the stories they steal: " passionate about creating compelling and engaging fanfiction that explores the various "what ifs" in the anime universe."
FantasticWhatIf - Multifandom stealing, uses the exact same bs disclaimer as many others.
LettuceHeadFanfics - No credit, no acknowledgement of anything. Next one is an alt.
brocollifanfics - Alt of above, once again admits to stealing with a declaration of "☆If you want to takedown any videos. You can mail us or leave a comment below the video☆"
whatifofficial786 - Focuses on MHA/Naruto crossovers. Identical format.
NotWhatIf - I've lost track of who's an alt of who but yet another identical format, descriptions, and bullshit claims of "enhancing the viewer experience" by putting a robot voice over bootleg fortnite footage.
weebxds - Same again.
ItachiFanfics - Naruto channel, we can at least confirm that this one is run by a human given the rare different descriptions and a real voice at the beginning of videos before the robot comes back.
WhatIfDN - As if mockingly, a bunch of videos have a "credit" section in their descriptions that is of course blank.
SpiceandBooks and spiceandfiction - Apparently Youtube itself has started picking up on the bullshit, because this multifandom channel is being dinged as ai spam so they started a new one.
theoriginalastra - Doesn't even bother with disclaimers, the following are multiple alts/potential alts for different fandoms.
SillySenpai12 - Highschool DXD alt.
RosieRealms - Naruto alt.
DekuWhatIfs - Potentially another astra alt but not sure, doesn't matter because all these channels do the same thing anyway.
AnimeStark688 - No credits or disclaimers.
Please take the time to report these channels, spread this post around, and reblog with any additional offending channels you find.
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tasteracha · 8 months
kinktober - day thirteen
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kink: camcorder with minho ft. chan
warnings: smut - MINORS DNI. threesome (kind of), chan is a perv, afab!reader, teensy bit of manipulation
chan didn’t think this would happen when he asked minho to borrow his camcorder a couple days ago - all he wanted was to record some practice videos to upload to youtube. he didn’t think before he took it, didn’t think before he looked through minho’s old footage of his dancing that he keeps for memories, didn’t think before watching what he watched. 
it was a video of you. and minho. 
in his defense, the storage on the memory card was almost full and chan was just looking for something that could be deleted to free up space - and wouldn’t minho check the storage to see if there was anything he didn’t want chan seeing first? if anything, this is minho’s fault. 
sure, it’s minho’s fault that chan is one second away from jerking off to the sight of you getting fucked into oblivion by his best friend, the grainy pixels leaving little to nothing to his imagination. your moans sound tinny from the low quality speakers, minho’s grunts accenting the sounds coming from your mouth as he fucks you up against the studio mirrors. your breath is fogging up from where your face is pressed against the glass, sweaty handprints from the both of you staining the surface. minho better have cleaned those mirrors after that, chan’s delirious mind supplies as he continues watching the footage he should have turned off minutes ago. 
the video is from the same angle as their dance practices, the same walls on display and oh fuck chan doesn’t think he’s been this hard in his entire life. that’s the room that he dances in, he’s leaned up against that exact mirror, panting and overexerted, he’s been yelled at by minho for messing up the choreography in that exact place. 
he tries. he tries so hard to forget what he saw, to get the image of you shaking apart when you came out of his head. to stop thinking about the way your skin went white from where minho was gripping it. to restrain from gripping his cock in his hand under his blanket with his eyes screwed shut and the symphony of your combined noises playing in his head like a song he couldn’t get off of repeat. 
but how could he when he had to go back into that rehearsal room just a few days later to practice? what excuse could he possibly give his members about why he wanted to switch rooms from this one? the room that’s full of their most precious memories, full of laughter and tears and piles of sweaty cuddles on the floor? no, he couldn’t. what he could do was avoid that spot like it was poisonous, standing on the farthest edge of the room after practice was over, chugging water and thinking about how you both have probably fucked on the floor there, or those couches, or by the closet door. 
he doesn’t notice you at first, sliding into the room to hand minho a cold water bottle and press a kiss to his cheek. the other members were slowly trickling out, passing tired greetings to you as they shuffled past, eager to go home and shower. when only minho and him were left, you went to approach him only to find his eyes already on you, glazed over at you but not really seeing. 
he looks at you and all he can see is the way you were pressed up against the glass, your tits squished but somehow still bouncing, the screwed up features of your face when you were overwhelmed in pleasure. all he can hear are those metallic sounding moans, all he can feel is the urge to fall at your feet-
“bang chan,” minho snaps, jerking chan out of his fantasy. “where is my camera? you’ve had it for a while, i wanted to record the new choreography.”
“oh!” chan is starting to panic, he didn’t think that minho would ask after the camcorder so soon. he didn’t have time to prepare, didn’t have the energy to create an excuse. “there was too much storage on it, so i didn’t get to record what i wanted and i forgot to ask you about it.”
he’s biting his tongue now, cursing himself for saying too much. couldn’t he just have said he would give it back tomorrow?
“i didn’t think about the storage,” minho starts, not sounding like he had anything to hide. did he truly not know about what he had left on that camera for chan to find? “did you see anything interesting?”
he knows. he knows. chan is beginning to sweat, he can feel it in his hair and under his arms and he wants to bury a hole by his feet so he can jump into it and never climb out. 
“haha, no,” he says, packing up the rest of his bag so that he didn’t have to look at minho. or you, who’s been silent since you walked in, watching him carefully. for all he wasn’t scared of minho and his adorably empty threats, he was terrified of you. “i didn’t even look. just saw that the storage was full, you know?”
he sounds awkward. he is awkward, right now. 
“chan,” you trail a finger down his arm, speaking for the first time since you arrived and he’s gone, your touch leaving raised hairs in your wake. you should be angry, you should be livid, why are you touching him like that- “come over tonight to mine would you? we wanted to have you over for a while, minho wanted to cook for you. and you can give him the camera back then.”
“oh,” chan is sure that his face is flushed completely red by now, but he nods anyways. “sure! i’m free tonight. i’ll be there at seven? or whenever is good for you, i’m free. wait, i said that already-”
“perfect,” minho purrs, taking one of your hands in his and laying the other on chan’s shoulder. “seven is perfect. see you then, chan.”
he gets to your place early and sits in his car for 30 minutes, chewing at his fingernails and tapping his leg at an alarming pace. the more he thinks about it the more he overthinks - did they just want to yell at you in private instead of at the company building? did they really not know? what if he confessed and they didn’t know? what if they never speak to you again?
he has to take several deep breaths before leaving his car, and again before he knocks on your door. he’s ushered in by you, bright smiles on yours and minho’s faces as you take the camera out of his hands, and by the time he has a glass of wine in his hand and he’s sitting on the couch while minho puts the finishing touches on dinner he’s almost fully relaxed. he’s been here so many times, your apartment being a refuge to all the boys when they wanted to get away from the dorms for a bit. this is normal. 
“let me put something on for us to watch,” you say at the same time minho asks chan if he wanted more wine, and you sneak the camcorder towards the tv while chan was distracted, sniping at minho that no he doesn’t want a second glass he’s not even halfway through the first one. you plug it in, smiling when it connected to the right input immediately. you scroll through the files, fingers calm on the remote even though you were shaking in anticipation inside. when you get to the right file you click on it, turning up the volume. 
the image of you and minho takes over the tv, sounds coming out of the tv in a much better quality than what chan had been used to. his head whips towards the tv, wine forgotten and eyes wide as he takes in the video that you put on.
“what?” he asks, almost in a gasp as his eyes flicker back and forth between the tv, you, and minho, who had finally exited the kitchen and joined you in the living room.
“we thought since you loved it so much, we would watch it together,” minho explains, much more casually than one should be when playing a video of them fucking their girlfriend in front of their best friend. “why, is something wrong?” 
“i-”, chan cuts himself off, panic choking his voice. “i’m so sorry-”
“hey,” you move towards him, sitting against his side and taking one of his hands in both of yours. “that isn’t what this is about. we don’t mind, okay?” 
“we couldn’t let him sputter on for a bit more?” minho pouts, crossing his arms at you. “it was funny.”
“min, be nice,” you scold, smiling at chan. 
“channie, i would have beat you up when i found out if i wanted to,” minho relents, siting on chan’s other side, sandwiching him between you both. “she likes that you watched it. i like it. okay? just relax and be good for us.”
minho’s words wash over chan, leaving him in a sort of daze. be good for us, minho had said. he could do that, chan was so good at being good. he melts against the couch, the heat from both of your bodies enveloping him as he takes in the video he’s seen over and over already. 
“you planned this?” he asks, breathless and mesmerized. 
“of course i did,” minho scoffs, squeezing one of chan’s thighs in his warm hand. “you think i would just let you watch that without planning it? i’m not that stupid.”
you’re not, but maybe i am, chan thinks, and he only realizes that he said it out loud when you start giggling and lean your head into his shoulder to hide your laughter. 
he wants to retort, to somehow defend himself, but then video-minho changes his angle and starts fucking video-you even harder than before and whatever words were in his throat stayed behind the lump there.
“do you want to do that to her?” minho asks, hand trailing up chan’s thigh, leaving behind phantom pinpricks of sensation. he lets his blunt nails rake over chan’s leg, the delicate material of his workout pants providing no protection. 
“can i?” chan breathes out, looking at you like he’s never seen anything more beautiful. 
“please,” you wiggle your legs open a bit, a clear invitation. his hand comes to rest on your thigh and it’s so big, so much bigger than minho’s. he slides it up, to the hem of your oversized shorts, dipping his fingers closer to your panties and -
he stops. 
“but, i also want…” he ducks his head down, trying to hide his flush before glancing at minho through his lashes. minho’s brow furrows, confusion clear on his face before he puts it together. 
“oh, my channie,” he coos, running a hand through chan’s hair. “we can do that too, i promise. but my girl has been waiting so long for you, you don’t want to make her wait even longer, do you?”
chan shakes his head, entire body swaying with the force of it, reenergized by minho’s promise of more. he turns towards you and you feel your breath leave your body as you turn weighless for a moment, landing back on earth to find yourself straddling chan’s lap. 
“you’re strong,” you praise, feeling up his biceps as you get comfy in his lap, ignoring minho’s indignant yelp next to you. chan beams up at you, both of his hands cupping your ass and using it as leverage to pull you closer into him. his dick is hard in his pants, poking against your crotch, and you both let out lewd moans when you grind into him a bit. he glances at minho, a little insecure and still kind of uncomfortable, but minho just pulls him in and kisses him deeply. it’s a sight to see, like a movie playing out right in front of your eyes, the love of your life and his best friend making out right in front of you. chan tenses a bit but melts into the couch even faster, letting minho lead him into blissful submission as he cups his face and moves it right how he wants it. 
when they part, chan’s lips are cherry red and so wet, glistening in the light from the lamps decorating the room. you can’t help but kiss him too, licking minho’s essence off of him and reveling in the way he bucks up into you like he can’t help it. 
chan slides his lips to the right, peppering kisses to the corner of your lips, across your jaw and down your neck. he sucks at the spot right under your ear that makes you see stars, heat bursting in your lower belly. he was utterly intoxicated by your scent, your clean, floral body wash taking over his senses until he was all but panting into your neck. 
it almost hurts to pull back from him, it’s like a stab right to your heart when he makes a wounded noise at the loss of contact, but you need more from him. any thoughts that you might have had of seducing him, of wining and dining him and showing him how much you really wanted him, died out once you felt his hands on you. you’ve been crushing on this man for almost as long as you’ve been crushing on minho, and you weren’t going to give this opportunity any time to ruin itself; you knew chan, knew how his self-consciousness and second-guessing worked, and if you wanted him you needed to take him now before he changed his mind. 
you reach for the drawstring on his pants, pulling it open and sticking your hand in, rubbing him through his boxers. next time you’d have more decorum, you’d suck him off until he was right on the edge and make him sob when you refuse to let him come, you’d let him fuck you into the mattress and let him pin you down, but not right now. 
“on the couch?” chan asks, eyes wide as they flicker back and forth between you and minho. 
“you know we’ve done it in worse places,” minho says, humor lining his words as the lust takes over his eyes at the thought of what was about to happen. a burst of affection takes over you as you look at him, your perfect soulmate who understood you and your desires and shared them with you like you shared everything else. 
“never knew you were such an exhibitionist,” chan snipes back at him, gasping when you tug him out of his pants and boxers, the stretch of his waistband making it easy. you only have to stroke him a few times until he’s fully hard, his cock red and leaking where it curves into his lower belly. 
“minho, help me,” you ask, blinking at minho through your eyelashes, and he knows what you want immediately; he hooks his fingers through your shorts and panties at once, pulling them down to your knees, just far down enough for you to be able to rub your bare pussy against chan’s cock.
“god, you’re so wet,” he curses, throwing his head back and sighing in time with the movement of your hips.
“for you, channie,” your voice cracks when his cock catches on your clit, and both of them are smart enough not to say anything about it. minho moves though, ever impatient, and lines chan’s cock up against your hole with practiced ease. 
“thought about this a lot, did you?” you tease, knowing very well that both of you thought about this a little too much, sharing fantasies in hushes whispers when you were supposed to be asleep. . 
minho clicks his tongue and presses himself up behind you, still fully clothed even though his dick was rock hard in his jeans. he places his hands on your hips and pushes you into chan, driving his cock deep into you. you collapse against chan’s chest, a surprised yelp leaving you at the unexpected fullness. chan echoes you, burying his face into your neck with a shudder. 
“tease me again and see what i’ll do,” he says darkly, hands still in a death grip on your waist. you take his threat for what it is, knowing that he would follow through with his words, and you start grinding into chan in slow circles. his hands circle your waist, fingers tangled with minho as they let you set the pace. 
“please,” chan whimpers, his breath tickling your neck. you want to tease him so badly, but how could you when he asked so politely? you shift your knees further onto the couch, gaining leverage so you could lift your hips higher up. you drop back down onto him and you both moan in unison. 
you lift back up and drop down, again and again and again, finding a rhythm that fits both of you perfectly. it’s like a dance, moves that feel practiced and eased, spurred on by minho’s soft whispered praises towards the both of you. the video playing on the tv had reached its end, and every sound coming from you was heightened. 
“what a pretty show, all for me,” minho moves away and finally takes his cock out of his jeans, fisting it and immediately starting to stroke himself off at a fast pace. you can’t see him, you miss the warmth of him against your back, but chan can’t take his eyes off of him, transfixed by the sight of his best friend jerking himself off to him and you as you’re bouncing on top of him. 
you’re shaking apart on top of chan before you realize it, orgasm taking over you as you continue to ride him. you clench around him hard, and he’s spilling into you a second later, jerky little thrusts shaking your body on top of his. minho curses as he comes a moment later, too keyed up to extend his pleasure for long. this wasn’t about him anyways; at least, not this time. 
you lift off of chan with a hiss, sending him a look of sympathy when he shivers in overstimulation. you don’t make it far, pulling him down to lay against you, your back pressed up against his front. both of your pants are still halfway off, but you can’t be bothered to care right now - you’re utterly exhausted, even from just one orgasm. 
the both of you barely register minho draping a blanket over you before settling on the floor in front of you, leaning his head on the couch right by where chan’s hands were around your stomach. it’s so domestic, the three of you drifting towards one another so naturally that it just feels right. later, you’d get up and eat the now-cold dinner minho had painstakingly prepared, but for now you were content to lay in comfortable quiet.
“wait,” chan breaks the silence, and you have to resist the urge to groan at him. “how did you know that i watched it? what if the storage really was just full?”
“please, you’re too obvious,” minho teases, voice soft and drowsy, and you can hear the smile in it. “plus, you were watching it in the dorms, idiot. you’re lucky it wasn’t jeongin that caught you.”
kinktober masterlist
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muffinrecord · 13 days
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 6 months
Hello TBSkyen, I have a question for you. I myself am a person who's interested in making videos about art and posting them on youtube but have heard pretty much every youtuber I watch complain about youtube's unfair copyright system. So I would like to ask, how do you typically deal with that? What do I need to do to decrease the chance of a video getting claimed/struck? I know you don't have all the answers but I would like to hear the opinion of someone who has had to deal with this.
*deep breath born from long history of frustration*
Okay, so number one, you can't protect yourself fully from that. Anyone can file a copyright claim on anything you upload for any reason, they don't have to have evidence that they own the work being claimed, and all of the onus is on you to prove you didn't commit infringement by disputing the claims being made.
Which sucks.
It's a very frustrating thing to deal with, and it can make it nearly impossible to discuss certain properties or media because the owners (or a bunch of shitty grifters abusing the copyright system) will strike and claim anything and everything they can possibly identify.
Having said that, there are some tips and tricks. First, understand the principle of Fair Use (which is American law, and which is usually what you have to deal with on YouTube, but not always), which Casey Fiesler has a good video primer about here:
The broad strokes are that you can use as much as is needed to make a transformative point and then no more than that. The spirit of the law is that you can't use Fair Use to simply repost and profit off of other people's work, and the reality of how it's enforced is that bots scan YouTube for instances of videos using Too Much of the media they're protecting, and claim it as infringement.
So. If you're discussing any kind of video media - film, TV, animation, etc. - use clips of no more than 5-8 seconds of continuous footage, and do not use the original audio of the show unless it is necessary. You can sometimes get away with longer stretches of footage, but anything over 10 seconds is just begging for an automated copyright claim.
Shrink the footage down on screen and put a frame around it so it doesn't take up the entire screen, edit something on top of the footage like animations and other edits that transform the footage, maybe slow the footage down to a lower speed so that your video can't be construed as a meaningful replacement for watching the original media.
If you're discussing static art - comics, paintings, etc. - make sure to double check the copyright status on them, and keep in mind the principle of using what is needed to make a point and no more than that. If you discuss a manga or comic, be careful about simply showing whole pages unaltered on screen if it's not necessary. Show the panels or dialogue as you discuss it, but don't put whole pages or issues or chapters up on screen in sequence.
There are other tips and tricks and guidelines and hacks also, but if you're discussing any popular form of media you do have to be ready to have to fight a ton of spurious copyright claims on anything you do, especially if it gets views and becomes popular. It's a long process of filing disputes and waiting 30 days for them to get dropped before you can publish your video, it sucks.
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detailtilted · 16 days
NEW Enhanced Edition - CHICON 2008 - Jensen's Solo Panel
Direct link to video. Link to YouTube channel. (9 videos available.)
My last video from CHICON 2008, Jensen's solo panel, is now up. As before, I cut between different footage to try to provide the best view available. Almost 60% came from the video AgtSpooky kindly sent me which, to the best of my knowledge, is not on YouTube and was captured from a different angle that newer fans may not have seen before. My full list of sources is on my video description.
A huge thanks to @spntrunk for helping me with some words I was having trouble subtitling in one section of the video! If anyone catches anything I missed or got wrong, in this video or any others, please do let me know. Subtitles are the one thing I can still update without hurting anything after the video is already published.
My next set of videos will be from Vancouver 2009. I'm temporarily skipping over some conventions as per my excessively long post in hope of being able to get some original video files that will upscale better. I intend to go back and fill them in eventually, one way or another.
(I don't know why the text in the above thumbnail looks weird. It looks fine in the video. The original image file I uploaded, which is just an exported frame from the video, also looks fine. 🤷‍♀️ I wanted to mention it because I was afraid people would see the above thumbnail and think the extra content in the video itself would be that difficult to read! It isn't.)
Before/after comparison photos...
Click to enlarge and get the full impact of the improvement.
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A recap for anyone not familiar with this project…
In December 2023, I started this project to enhance old convention videos. I'm upscaling the videos and making other visual improvements, adding extra content to clarify various references, and adding good color-coded subtitles so you can better understand the sometimes-chaotic audio.
My goal is to publish the best, most complete, and most watchable versions of these older convention panels yet seen, but this is only possible thanks to the fans who captured the footage in the first place and were generous enough to share it with other fans. My video descriptions on YouTube will always credit my sources.
If you have any old convention videos you'd be willing to contribute to this project, please message me! I can also be reached at [email protected]. Even if your videos are on YouTube, the original files, if you still have them, may upscale much better. If I can get them to upscale, I'd happily send the upscaled files back to you for your own collection whether I use them or not.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 7 months
i sent the request about that tiktok trend thing! so, it starts with someone (MC) in front of the camera putting on lipstick and then purposely putting the lipstick out of their lips (like spreading/smudging it) or something. then their partner's thumb will touch the smudged lisptick, which makes the camera turn to their partner who's covered in lipstick on their face like they've just been kissed.
i forgot how i requested this, but just in case i wasn't specific enough, i was requesting if you could write about how the brothers would react or something if MC asked to do this with them!
hi! I'm so glad you saw that one post I made where I was saying I couldn't open the link omg, thank you so much for providing me with this information! I hope I did your idea justice
the brothers when mc asks them to do the lipstick trend together
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
a/n: I feel like the obey me version/name of tiktok is fabsnap so I'll be using that name to refer to the platform
content warnings: none
at first it's a hard pass because mr pride demon thinks it's silly
like he barely touches his fabsnap account after his brothers made it for him too
but if you ask nice enough and lucifer is too soft for you, he'll agree
but nobody can see your video, especially not his brothers or diavolo
they would joke about it literally every day
mammon is active on social media, so when you ask him to do the trend with him he's like sure why not
but then he's kind of shy about filming such a video with you
when you're done filming and you're watching the footage together, mammon is kind of proud of how the video turned out
now mammon will be asking you to do every funny fabsnap trend together
he has no idea what you're talking about because his whole fabsnap page is just hana ruri and tsl content or something so you're gonna have to show him an example video
levi kind of doesn't believe you want to do that with him, at first he says 'no way I can do that' but then he's willing to give it a try
it takes a couple of attempts but you finally got it
levi would prefer it to be a private video only for the two of you, so no posting it publicly
his whole fabsnap page is just cat videos so he too doesn't know about this trend
when you show him an example he suddenly remembers because asmo sent him a couple of fabsnap videos like that
satan is willing to do it with you though, it might take a couple of tries to get it perfect but when it's done he's proud of the result
when he makes a video it's usually something poorly filmed so he's impressed a video can be that well made
of course he'll do it with you
asmo keeps sending you videos of fabsnap trends and asks you to do them together too it's basically a fun activity you do together now
he actually wants to shoot two videos so you two can swap roles, and each of you can upload a different one to your accounts
asmo gets his literal professional ready so you can start, the videos turn out really nice too
he barely touches fabsnap so he doesn't know about the trend either
but he's totally willing to film a video like that with you, it could be fun and it makes you happy
with beel it takes a couple of tries too because he might accidentally knock down the camera a few times but it's okay because the final video turned out great
beel watches it every day because he's so proud of what you made
he knows it exist, and he's willing to do the trend with you as long as the video is just for you and him
belphie didn't know he'd enjoy filming a fabsnap video so much too, when you're done with this one he might want to make another one
when he's less tired though
eventually you and belphie end up with a whole collection of cute little short videos you made together
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kat-sribbles · 8 months
October 9th, 2001: The Beginning of Something
Ever since Quarantine of 2020, I’ve always wondered where fall out boy first ever performance was. I’ve been a fan of FOB for about 9 years now and never fully went into their history of how they started, so quarantine gave me time to do research. I came across a video of a Black Sabbath cover band and in the description of the video said that this was fall out boy first ever show they did, they played alongside two cover bands that were Chicago hardcore locals. After looking at this video for awhile, it had a date and location. October 9th, 2001 at DePaul University at Cortelyou Commons. There was my answer to the question…but it didn’t feel satisfied enough, I need to know more about this show and if there is footage of this show. This is where my search starts going into more depth.
Fast-forward to this summer of 2023, with the help of two friends, I started to do more digging on the first show. I went back to the video and saw that the channel had uploaded another video from that same night. When I looked the description of that video, it had said “This was Fall Out Boy's first show. No, we do not have any video of them. They were awful.”
(Which I do not mind that they were terrible, even the guys said it was a terrible show). I then started to search this channel name on instagram, I found that this guy who uploaded thee videos was the bassist of Stillwell (the band that is shown in the video) and is the founder of the independent record label, Forge Again Records. My friend reached out via the instagram that I found and we asked a few questions. (See picture below) he was very kind to answer some of our questions that we had about that night ( we asked about how they were booked for that show and if there was any flyers promoting this show at all).
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What he told us:
He got a call from Ben Rose (the drummer at the time) and asked to be put onto the lineup last minute (this is why there most likely wasn’t a flyer with their name on it)
They opened the show that night since he needed someone to open.
He then guided us into looking at the Oral History of TTTYG from AP Magazine (issue 303). I have a copy of the mega collection of all the issues that FOB was in from AP and quickly found some key notes. (Show pictures below) not only did our search gave us some clues but also made us open to other lost media that might be out there as well!
Joe was given a link from Patrick (Patrick’s mp3 page) after meeting Joe at a borders bookstore in Wilmette
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The first implication of FOB being mention was in a GuestBook post that Patrick made (picture below) on May 31st, 2001
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At the show, they did not have a name yet, they were only referred to as “Pete’s New Band”
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Their second show, they opened for The Killing Tree at an unknown southern Illinois college auditorium, and this is the show where they got their name from.
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With all of this information, we come to a halt. We are still trying to find anyone who would possibly have this footage, there’s possibly might be someone but not 100% sure yet (I wanna note that I did look on DePaul’s archives online and couldn’t do much without going in-person to look at their archives since I do not live in Chicago, I went as far as contacting the head digital archivist at DePaul and they do not have any footage, they would only have the footage if it was donated to them). We still need help finding some Information and anything pre-tttyg.
If you know anything please contact/email us at [email protected]
(Wanna mention that I did make a similar post, you can check that out as well)
Happy 22 years of being a band & best friends @falloutboy
(And we love you back!)
(Disclaimer: please do not message the guy we contacted, he was already contacted by us and answered our questions on what we needed)
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afloweroutofstone · 11 months
Thoughts on Marble Hornets?
I love it, it's a huge part of the reason that I got into found footage horror when it first came out. It was so simple yet so effective. It filled a niche in amateur filmmaking that seems so glaringly obvious now yet which no one had ever thought to try: what if something like the Blair Witch Project was uploaded on Youtube with a straight face? And they did it so well that it basically summoned Slenderman into the public consciousness, they turned it from a creepypasta forum post into an entire mythos with a budget of $4 and some pocket lint
In retrospect, the episodes at the start of the series, back when everyone still thought it might be real, are some of weakest and least credible. But some of them still hold up really well. I've always loved how they have entries where The Operator is visible way off in the back of a shot for an extended period of time but they just never point it out or acknowledge it, half of the time I only noticed it on a rewatch.
Regardless of how much some parts might age, I think there's parts that will always remain scary in a very primal way. The idea that you've stumbled into something way bigger than you, you're being watched and you don't know why, and the only way out of it is to go deeper into it. Plus the way that the Totheark videos are edited is fucking terrifying, even as their own thing, separate from the rest of the series and ARG, they're just so menacing
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crescentfool · 3 months
so you want to use OBS
hello! i’ve decided to compile information on my OBS setup and some resources that have helped me along the way.  this is mostly for personal reference, but maybe others can make use of this information!
some notes before i get into it:
i use OBS for both offline recording and (twitch) streaming. any footage i record is edited using DaVinci Resolve 18, which is free.
most of my OBS captures are of video games (through a USB capture card, specifically elgato), and the occasional screen/application capture (like clip studio paint, and sometimes PC games).
as such, the information here is reflective of these experiences. this post is not comprehensive to all of OBS’s features- this is just an overview of the settings and configurations that are most relevant to me.
with that out of the way, all the information will be under the cut!
Basic Setup
file format:
how to change: settings -> output -> recording -> recording format -> press “apply” once finished!
I save most of my recordings as .mkv files- it supports multi-track audio! i prefer .mkv over .mp4 because if your power goes out, you still have a recording to work with. 
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.mkv files can be read by DaVinci Resolve without an issue- but for Adobe software, they'll need to be remuxed to .mp4 within OBS! (file -> remux recordings -> press the … to select a file -> press the “remux” button)
video resolution and framerate:
how to change: settings -> video -> output (scaled) resolution
my obs canvas is @ 1920 x 1080p (16:9)
i switch between 720p and 1080p as needed! if you're concerned about space, you can probably just go for 720p. i also record at 30 fps, simply because that’s what my capture card supports.
video bitrate:
how to change: settings -> output -> encoder settings (located in both the streaming and recording tab) -> press “apply” once finished!
bitrate is a bit of a doozy to explain, but the most important thing to know is that bitrate affects your video’s quality. lower numbers = lower quality, while higher numbers = higher quality. 
generally speaking, you'll want higher bitrate when you're recording things with high depth of information (e.g. you’d want a higher bitrate for something fast-paced like splatoon, compared to a slower-paced game like animal crossing).
my video bitrate is either set to 3000 or 4000 kbps! and here's some of my other (related) settings while i'm at it:
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you can put your bitrate at much higher values than me if you're a stickler for quality- but keep in mind that a higher bitrate means:
bigger file size
more information to upload (when streaming)
your computer will need to encode more
i’d recommend reading twitch’s guidelines on encoding, bitrate, resolution, and framerate to get an idea of what values to pick. for people who are doing offline recording or streaming on a different platform, i suggest googling the appropriate resources!
multi-track audio:
this is mostly applicable to anyone looking to do video editing!
multi-track audio basically allows you to separate your audio sources (e.g. discord, game audio, and your own microphone) into different tracks. 
this is an immensely helpful tool because it lets you adjust audio levels in post-production (editing). some examples of how this can be used:
increasing someones microphone volume if they speak too softly
increasing/decreasing game audio
muting swear words/sensitive information
completely muting voice call + microphone if you want to upload a no commentary video
and more!
to set this up, take a look at your audio mixer panel, and press the ⚙ icon. this will bring up advanced audio properties.
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by checkmarking a track box, it puts the audio on that track. to make the above screenshot easier to digest:
track 1 consists of ALL three audio sources- desktop, elgato, and microphone.
track 2 only has the microphone audio.
track 3 only has desktop audio (i use this for voice calls)
track 4 only has the elgato capture card audio (game audio). the volume has also been lowered so that any speaking voices can be heard clearly.
tracks 5 and 6 are unused.
you might be wondering, “why do all three of these have 1 checked off?” this is what i call the universal audio track. i recommend having a universal audio track for a few reasons:
when you stream from OBS onto twitch/youtube- you have to select ONE audio track.
it’s also a nice backup in case you didn’t separate your audio correctly.
if for whatever reason you need to move around your individual audio tracks in editing, the universal track acts as a nice reference point.
mark off your audio tracks for each audio source as you see fit! once you’re finished with the advanced audio properties, go to settings > output.
for the streaming tab, you’ll want to have the number of your universal audio track selected. in my case, that will be audio track 1.
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for the recording tab, checkmark all the audio tracks that are applicable to you (in my case, audio tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4). by default, only audio track 1 is selected.
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if you don’t check off the additional audio tracks in the output > recordings section, you will not have access to those audio tracks in editing, and you won’t be able to edit your audio tracks independently of each other. so don’t forget to do this! 👍
custom browser docks
custom browser docks are a great tool for when you’re streaming and want to have access to your twitch chat and/or activity feed! (or if you wanted to have some other web browser on OBS).
to create one, go to docks -> custom browser docks.
you’ll be given a table interface that asks you to put the dock name and URL. for streamers who want to have chat and alerts available, do the following:
on twitch’s homepage, go to the upper right and click your icon
then, click creator dashboard
once you’re on your dashboard, go to stream manager
click the vertical “...” on my chat OR activity feed.
press “pop-out chat” OR “pop-out activity feed”
copy and paste the link into the table back into OBS
press apply once you’re done
click and drag the docks around at your leisure to put them where you like!
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if you ever decide you don’t want to have something on your OBS dock (or want to bring something back), go to the toolbar, click “docks,” and click the appropriate dock!
third party things
a section of optional things that you may enjoy having.
streamlabs alerts
this is basically for anyone who streams and wants to have their chat and/or follower notifications visualized on screen!
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streamlab alerts can be added to OBS by adding a browser source into your scene, and the specifics can be customized on streamlabs itself. it’s pretty self-explanatory, so i’ll just leave a link to streamlabs website, where you can log in using the streaming platform of your choice: https://streamlabs.com/
discord overlay
this is a browser source that can be set up to show people who are in a server's voice chat and who speaks. i recommend this to people who make multiplayer content- it can help viewers distinguish who is who but also it can be helpful in editing.
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to set this up, go to https://streamkit.discord.com/overlay, click “install for OBS,” and after logging in with discord, go to “voice widget” and click the server and voice channel you want.
you are able to apply CSS if you'd like more control over the visuals, but the standard layout tends to work fine for me! a search of “discord overlay css” on youtube can help you get more information.
veadotube mini
this is a pngtuber software that a friend recommended to me! no webcam is required- mouth opening and closing is based on your microphone input!
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you can download it here (it’s pay what you want!): https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini
for a proper tutorial on how to use it, i recommend checking out the app's documentation, which you can read here: https://veado.tube/help/
source record
have you ever wanted to stream something with a chat overlay/layout, but wanted your recording to ONLY be the gameplay? or maybe you wanted to record BOTH your gameplay AND your webcam so that you can have a crisp zoom-in on your webcam!
source record is a third party plugin that can help you with that!
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the general gist of source record involves applying the “source record” filter on either a scene or source, and customizing the encoding settings accordingly. the exact details of how to set it up is beyond the scope of this post, so I'll just direct people to this video instead (it was very helpful to me):
⚠ a quick note about source record: this plugin can be intense for your computer. be sure to do test recordings and the like to see what your computer can handle (and see if the recordings come out the way you like). it took me a few tests before i settled onto something i liked!
you can download and install source record here: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/source-record.1285/
have you ever wanted to do a collaborative video or stream where you feature someone else’s video on your stream? or maybe you’re doing a multi-person streaming event! vdo.ninja is the perfect tool for you!
vdo.ninja turns your OBS virtual camera into a browser source link- which your collaborator can add on their stream! this is a new tool that i’ve added to my arsenal recently- since my friend and i are planning to stream a side order challenge together! i’ve still got to iron it out a bit more, but i like what i’ve used of it so far.
try it out for yourself at their website here (with documentation and demos available on the homepage!): https://vdo.ninja/ (no downloads required!)
ok! i’m set up! what now?
and with that, that’s all of the settings and tools that i thought would be worth mentioning! while most of my setup was written with video games in mind, some of these plugins and setups may be applicable to other types of videos (e.g. tabletop gaming with a physical camera)!
now that i’ve outlined all these settings, i have one more thing i have to say: regardless of what you're using OBS for, do a test recording before doing anything “official” with it. this recording can be as short as 30 seconds. it’s a good habit to develop that can make sure your streams/recordings turn out the way you want them to!
here are the kinds of things i like to check! it’s not an exhaustive list, but this can be a starting point:
does my video look the way i want it to (and can my computer handle that)?
can my computer handle the load of encoding? - OBS will note in the bottom if the encoding is overloaded. if it can’t handle it, turn down your bitrate or adjust other encoding settings (e.g. i had to toggle psycho visual tuning OFF because it was causing lag)
this is especially the case if you're recording PC games- you don’t want to have slowdown on either your game or the recording!
are my audio sources (e.g. desktop audio and microphone) correct? - if you plug/unplug devices a lot, be sure to check this (settings -> audio).
are any of my audio sources muted? - make sure you don’t have anything on 🔇 if you don’t want it to be muted! otherwise the audio will be lost forever… (i lost my friend’s VC audio once… it was sad)
are my audio tracks separated properly? - requires you to boot up your editing software, but it's worth doing! for the test recording, just have something from all your sources playing at once, and see if your editor has things separated into tracks.
can i hear the voices clearly? or does the music and/or game overpower them?
if for whatever reason your OBS crashes, or you want more information on anything “critical” or “warning” worthy in your set-up, you can go to help > log files > upload current log file > analyze. crash logs currently can’t be analyzed by the log analyzer- but they’re a valuable tool when asking for help on the OBS forums!
and that’s all! for real, this time. i hope that some of these tools and settings can help anyone wanting to get more out of OBS. there’s definitely other things i didn’t touch upon (e.g. audio filters for noise compression, suppression, etc.), so i suggest doing your own research and trying things out!
happy recording/streaming, and thanks for reading! ✨
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
See the thing is with streaming its going to die regardless, yes companies handing out less contracts is killing it further but its already dying at a fast rate? I'm not a stream hater either btw I really enjoy them but like. For example. 2020, 2021? When school was remote and I only ever worked mornings because of covid hours? I was clocked into that Philza 8hr stream DAILY. I was scheduling my classes around those streams so I could do homework while listening/watching. Went as far as to use my monthly speaking privilge to ask Phil what date British Daylight Savings began so I could keep my schedule clear. The second everything was no longer remote, and store hours went back to normal, I maybe caught 2, 3, maybe 4 streams in that year before I decided enough was enough about QSMP and I LOVE hardcore content.
From a company standpoint I can see why YT may not be interested in handing out streamer contracts anymore. Like Dreamie and a few others they're recognizing the Covid Number Boom is over- but unlike Dreamie, because theyre a corporation, they can't just "stick it out" and "recelebrate milestones". They have a "bottom line" to protect and they're not getting that same sweet sweet ad revenue from streams because of decreased viewer counts. Esp bc people don't just go back and watch vods unless there's a REAAAALLY good reason to. So no ad viewership there either. They're going to go back to relying on videos (and unfortunately probably shorts as well, I hate the tiktok-ification of every socmed site) to keep their ad revenue up, especially with the battle of ad blockers. I see more ad and monitization deals being handed out.
With streams (bc vod watching is lowkey practically nonexistant) not being in high demand bc of time constraints (happening while busy, timezones issues) the demands for videos will be higher as videos are ALWAYS readily available. Someone uploads at midnight your timezone? I mean it'll be there when you wake up, you won't have "missed" anything like you would have a livestream. Get a video schedule set out and you're GOLDEN- the first thing I do when I get home from work is check if a handful of youtubers have uploaded to put on to watch. If not, I rewatch some of my fav vids.
Also psychologically I actually think this is for the better of all CCs as a whole. Streaming, esp for some of the hourly requirements some of these ppl either HAVE to hit to get paid or WILLINGLY put themselves through (Tubbo) you have to wear your persona the ENTIRE time. You have to make sure you don't slip up that ENTIRE time. You have to be entertaining the ENTIRE time. You have to filter yourself because it's all live. To me this just sounds like what I do on a daily basis masking my audHD and that shit is so tiring and it's why I could NEVER be a streamer. If you're recording videos you can control what goes out. You don't have to wear whatever persona you decide to put on for 8hrs for a stream, you can record 3 hours of footage and then be done for the day, and that can either be one video or multiple depending on a lot of factors. Accidentally say your mom's name? Cut the clip. Bit isn't funny? Cut the clip. They will still have to actively filter themselves yes but for a much less amount of time. In the end CCs will have a lot more mind power that they're not using up to take care of themselves. I genuinely think it's psychologically better for them all.
It's unfortunate that the streaming industry is going to collapse this way. But also seeing how the communities heavily affected by streaming are more drama filled than communities w/o streaming, I'm lowkey hoping it's for the best. Pulling the plug like this imo is a mercy kill.
And now I'm gonna wash my mouth out for all that corporate speak I just used. Sorry for the manifesto. And if someone wants to put this manifesto on reddit idc just crop/block any usernames IG
I appreciate the essay-andy-ing these are interesting thoughts! I don't think the streaming scene will collapse entirely but I do think that it will become more advantageous to be a youtuber because people have found that to be the most consistent for many years as a CC rather than streams which require a lot of additional things (like you mentioned)
And I feel like we are seeing quite a few people say they're going to prioritize youtube more in the future which seems to be the beginning of that transition
I am curious if twitch will ever try to keep certain big-viewer streamers on the platform with 'kick-style' ($$$$) contracts.
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one-upgirl · 3 months
How many of y’all know about the lost phantom blood movie because it’s genuinely fascinating. Like it was made by the same people who made the stardust crusaders ova to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Araki writing jojo that three year to make. Just vanished it was only in theaters when it released in 2007 and then nothing. There no home release so it was left to rot. The only footage that we have is from a dedicated group of jojos fans that are devoted to finding it you can see said trailers on YouTube and the first 16 minutes of the movie which was uploaded by a student who was given the footage with only the music for a class. The footage only has music and sound effects added by the student for the project added by the student meaning that there is no dialogue. Also there was a theme song that was made for the move called voodoo kingdom by SOUL’d OUT. The song is really good and is supposedly written with the perspective of dio in mind. Also there is a bunch of cut content from the manga. For a tragic example the character of Robert E.O. Speedwagon was cut. The charaters of straizo, dire, and poco were cut. They were ultimately replaced in regard to their role were replaced by Will Zeppeli who was given a much more important role in the movie. Also from what we know about the movie it was much more focused on Jonathan and dio’s relationship. Sketches, frames, and concept art for the movie have also been found.If I had in any way got you interested in the phantom blood movie I strongly suggest you to check the trailers for it. Also there are YouTube videos that go into much more detail than I possibly can in one tumblr post.
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Suit Vlogger: Comeback
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Channel Name: Swapsider99
Subscriber Count: 60,999 (+1498 within the last hour)
Aiden: Hello, guys! Welcome back to my channel, where I will showcase the freshest and coolest bodysuits in the market. I’m Swapsider99, and I am here with a new vlog after buying my latest bodysuit. 
Aiden: If you are wondering why my last video disappeared, it’s because it got taken down. I may have overlooked a visible pack of meat during the editing process. I guess it was so huge that it set off NewTube’s alarms. Don’t worry. I will upload it back with a copious amount of blurring. There is also my ‘OnlyBods’ link below, where you can watch the unedited footage, as well as, the behind-the-scenes footage and a few NSFW shots. 
Aiden: It’s fun wearing this suit while it lasts. As I said in the last video, this suit is on the cheaper end of the spectrum. While it looks heavenly, it did come with its array of problems. One, I don’t look the same way as before. They warned me about how rapidly my suit would age after use. It’s something about the faulty enzymes that preserve the bodysuit from decomposition. I still look like one hell of a stud, though. 
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Aiden: Too bad, cumming on this suit takes a lot of me compared to before. I’ll terribly miss this suit. 
[Aiden opens the seam on his back and removes the bodysuit. He is naked, but his crotch is out of the video’s frame. Sweat covers his body entirely.]
Aiden: After the first one, I reminded myself not to wear the suit with clothes on. This may look like sweat, but it’s not. It’s the enzymes that connect you better with your bodysuit. It evaporates when exposed to light, but it does leave a stink on your body. If anyone’s wondering, it smells like my old college shower rooms. That place brings horrible yet arousing memories. 
Aiden: Lucky for me, my subscriber count exploded after the first video. I can’t believe it myself. Just a few days ago, I only had my best friend as my subscriber. And now? There are sixty thousand of you watching, and it’s just getting higher. With that many subscribers, I got enough funds to buy another bodysuit before the first video got taken down. I’m excited to show you the MARTIN-20X model.
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[Aiden pulls the bodysuit from the bag.]
Aiden:  Ooh! This one is hairier than the last one. The MARTIN-20X model is still a bit low-end for the latest bodysuits in the market, but the salesman assured me that it’s better than this old skin.
[Aiden raises the old bodysuit to the camera]
Aiden: It has twice as many neuropathic junctions, and that means I get to feel the outside world twice as much. I thought the old bodysuit’s tactile sensations were already enough. I didn’t know it could get better. I also window-shopped in the better bodysuits, and those have more junctions than this one. Still, I got to be happy with this one.
Aiden: To describe the bodysuit, it’s as real as human skin. The hairs are soft to the touch, and it kind of tickles. Unlike the prior suit, I feel something warm from the skin's surface. They said it’s another function to preserve the suit from decomposition. There’s no power connected to the suit, though. I wonder where it’s getting the energy for the warmth. Hell! I could even use this suit as a blanket during the winter if it’s going to be this comfortable and warm. 
Aiden: But I’m not reviewing a blanket, are we? [Aiden Laughs]. We’re reviewing a bodysuit, and they are supposed to be worn. I’m so excited to wear this skin.
[While Aiden is wearing the suit, his eyes dart to the camera as he talks.]
Aiden: According to the bodysuit’s manual, this bodysuit was based on several phenotypes of famous men. They didn’t say where, but I supposed some came from the porn industry. [Aiden’s eyes dart towards his blurred crotch]. If you know what I mean. 
Aiden: For me, it reminds me of my neighbor when I was a horny college student. He stood as tall as his apartment door frame and built like a bull underneath the baggy sweat jacket he tends to wear. I could always recognize his distinct heavy footsteps whenever he came either from work or from the club with accompanying men and women wrapped in his arms. To my next-door neighbor, Mr. Derek, please know that the walls of our apartment are thin. To hear your moans and grunts every night was both heaven and hell. I spent so many sleepless nights wondering how pleased you are with the men and women you bring every night. Even now, I wish to hear those again. I guess I can when I moan with this bodysuit on. 
[Aiden wore the bodysuit. He would occasionally stop and moan seductively as he touched his body.]
Aiden: It’s true. You don’t notice the difference in the tactile feedback unless you wore a better suit. I was numb and cold compared to before. But this? I’m on fire, baby! Fuck! I could feel the gasp of my breath. And look at these goosebumps! [Aiden lifts his arm to the camera] See? It’s as if I’m not wearing a bodysuit at all! And these muscles, jeez. They may not look defined, but the strength, it’s something you feel rather than see. Is this how you feel every day, Mr. Derek? I used to question where you’re getting the confidence to find someone to fuck with every day. I could see it clearly now. 
[Aiden pulls the bodysuit’s mask over his head. He made sure to fit his ears in their proper holes and to align his eyes over the sockets. It was loose at the start, but it soon tightened around his head. He would have felt groggy but has already gotten used to it.]
Aiden: Test. Test one two. Since the last bodysuit was modeled after me, the voice wasn’t changed. It is different for this one. It’s a whole lot deeper – maybe, in the mid-baritone range. I’m not consciously doing it, but there’s a bit of a Southern drawl in my accent. It’s a surprise because the salesperson who sold me this suit didn’t say anything about an accent. Hell! I’m not complaining. My voice feels and sounds like dark butter running down my throat. I might have seduced a couple of watchers already.
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[The scene cuts to Aiden walking around the house naked. This time, he made sure to blur every time his crotch got into the camera. Although, it was different for his OnlyBods webpage where his subscribers could see the full glory of his cock.]
Aiden: Not only am I strong, but I’m also quite tall too! Getting used to this height would take a while. As you can see, I’m bumping into stuff. I got the hang of walking after getting a close-up meeting with the floor several times. My hairy buttcheeks are still cherry red. Anyway, getting used to this body will take a few more hours. That is it for today’s vlog. If you reached the end of this video and still haven’t subscribed, please click the subscribe button, if you want to see more bodysuits. It’s me, Swapsider99! Signing out.
[Read the NSFW continuation at my Patreon]
[Read Part 1 here]
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love-toxin · 1 year
They are so fucking nasty in this and I love it. Holy shit. You think they're pervy enough to set up cameras, maybe they know and watched you get yourself off to that group chat for hours?
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(cws: perv!roommates!fruity four, modern au, noncon filming, masturbation)
I don't think they'd notice at first, until you start going back to the house laptop more and more. Eddie starts noticing it's missing every so often when he knows for a fact that the others aren't using it, and he's probably the one who goes into the group chat settings and finds timestamps of a guest profile lurking in the background. bingo. he puts the pieces together right away and confirms it for sure when he catches you putting the laptop away in the living room, and then he decides to install some software he got off a usb from a "friend"--one that starts running a camera app discreetly whenever the laptop is opened, and records everything it catches and uploads it directly to his phone for easy access.
and yeah, he makes himself busy with that footage for awhile. you usually set the computer down on your bed so he can see exactly what you're doing to yourself, and sometimes he gets lucky and you set it on your desk so he can clearly see your reactions when you scroll through their chat and get yourself off. he literally goes full degenerate and stays up all night just to jerk himself off to the hours of video he has of you, including the clips he inadvertently gets of his other partners using the computer--they don't even have to be doing anything sexy to turn him on, just watching Steve or Nancy's concentrated faces as they type something out or send a work email has him hard all over again. the next morning he's stumbling out of his room at 8 AM with shaggy curls and eyebags, sweaty and half-dressed as he zips to the kitchen for water and whatever food he can scrounge up to get his energy back. only after that does he end up sharing what he's done with the others, and now that they know that you know, they start filling their groupchat with much more direct messages. they want you to feel like they're talking to you instead of about you, sending nudes and detailed wet dreams they have and talking about how they each want to spend their lives with you.
it's only a matter of time until one of them gets that notification on their phones that the video feed is active, and they make an excuse to walk in on you while you're right at the climax of your orgasm. cause maybe then, if you're just about to cum and you need that last push, you'll be the one to beg for their help and they'll get to have this fantasy turn into reality. instead of making do with touching themselves as they watch you and pretending they're having phone sex over a skype call <3
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theoryandahalf · 1 month
as much as I love ash gtlive will not work if it’s not at least 2 ppl on it as the conversational and theorizing craziness is what makes it gtlive. so if matpat leaves i wonder if the theorists will take turns on gtlive? or even just space out uploads? ppl talk about forgotten middle child film theory but gtlive is just the skeleton on the bottom of the ocean flor lmao
OMG. Do I get to talk about my Theorist conspiracy theories now?! YESS!! STRAP IN FRIENDS.
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So I agree with you anon, I think its very tricky to replace Matt on GT Live, that's why they didn't transition him off at the same time as the other channels. Personally, I think Matt's still on GT Live for three main reasons.
1.Failsafe. If they misjudged the transition and watch time dropped off dramatically, they had Matt still existing in the Theorist ecosystem and could use GT Live footage more frequently (see Tom's Kintopet episode for an example). I don't think they'd ever bring him back as host, but they're not stupid and they probably wanted to keep him around just in case.
2. Nostalgia. GT Live is special for Matt as its really the livestream that catapulted him into his big Youtuber status. I think Youtuber Kamermoon says it really nicely in their video "How Game Theory Survived the Hate"; the live channel was Matt's way of rehabilitating his reputation (and the reputation of gamers in the wake of Gamergate) by showing everyone he's a normal-ish likable dude. So he might be loathed to leave it because it has a lot of his emotions tied to it, and because it also requires slightly less work from him (by slightly i mean its still a huge commitment, Matthew please take a nap).
3. Profitability. I think a lot of older brands or brands that are frequent on the channel are reassured by Matt being the one to represent their products. I did wonder going in if the ad reads would be changed with the new hosts and overall there hasn't been as much #spon on the other channels. But you know which channel has had the uptick in sponsors? GT Live. So far we got at least three recently sponsored episodes on a channel that used to rarely get them. I think its because its Matt and the advertisers want him. He's well known in the industry, popular and safe. They don't know the new hosts. Thus I think Matt's kinda stuck on GT Live for a little while just until the advertisers adjust to the new normal and they have proof that the channels aren't tanking with Matt's departure.
So what does that mean going forward? Food Theory and Style Theory have lower views with Santi and Amy right now, and I think that's understandable. Those are the channels where Matt did the most live action so its the most jarring to have him missing.
(Sidenote thats also probably why there's more ads on gt live, sorry guys we have to live with them for a while)
What I think is going to happen is that over the summer you're going to see Santi and Amy on the couch with Matt much more frequently. Lee as well, but mostly because he lives down the street and he's an easy pull. I think they're going to try to slowly transition the audience to them so that they will share the live channel (Amy mentioned Theorist is looking to buy a studio space and I think that will allow Santi and Amy to film "Live" content from the west coast). I think its going to be much slower than the fast(ish) transition we had before for the above three reasons. But I'm fairly positive Matt will leave at the end of the summer (its rare that this man does not do what he says he will) and we will have a steady rotation of the various channels doing livestreams or lets plays, with Ash either running or organizing their schedules (basically serving as a mini Jason).
I also think there was always a plan for Tom to move to North Carolina because he has hinted many, many times that he wants to move to the United States and likes NC. It makes logical sense to move to where Matt lives since he's running the flagship channel and has to take over his boss' many industry contacts. The only thing that would stop him is that immigration is a bit of a mess right now in the US. I guess they stopped issuing as many work visas during the Trump administration and they haven't really recovered? Honestly I'm not 100% sure the exact story there, I just know its hard to move out here so they might have to wait a while before Tom could take over for Matt. If he eventually makes it stateside, then he can film live content with Lee as the "east coast" branch of Theorist, probably in Matt and Steph's house, until they truly give up and kick everyone out.
TL;DR...I agree that Ash will not be the solo host for GT Live for fiscal reasons (I'm also not 100% sure they want the role? Hard to say) and it might take a while for Theorist to get everyone in place for Matt's last departure. It will happen, just not right now.
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kat-sribbles · 10 months
FOB lost media help
Hey guys, so I need some help with finding a few lost things that is FOB related. Ever since covid, I have been trying to find the FIRST fob show and its been a struggle ever since then. Me and two other mutuals had made a Master document of all fob related stuff, including lost media stuff. And we need some help finding a few videos and MP3 files.
First video were looking for:
The very first FOB show was held at Cortelyou Commons at DePaul University on October 9th, 2001. We know this because of two video on youtube that were uploaded onto a channel called ForgeAgain. I did some digging and found out that the guy who posted those videos is the owner of Forge Again records and is the bass player for Stillwell (they were one of the other bands that played that night as well)
we got into contact with the guy via instagram, he told us that the guy who played drums at the time, Ben Rose, called him and ask to put them on last minute onto the lineup, a week before the show (this is why there are no promotional flyers because of that). They were the first to play the show, sadly the guy who filmed the other bands that night didn’t film them bc they were bad (which I don’t mind, this is lost fob history were talking about here). He then tells us that in the Oral History of TTTYG by AP magazine, and to look in there, and this is what i found:
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Second video:
The second video is actually their second show, and this show is important since this is the show where they got their name from. They opened for The Killing Tree at a small southern illinois college, they didn’t know what to call themselves yet until the end of the show. This was also mentioned in the oral history too:
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Third video(s):
These videos i’m gonna mention are kinda lost (?) since there is footage slightly in The Story video on youtube. Fob play three shows at Fireside Bowl.
-March 5th, 2002
-April 24th, 2002
-July 3rd, 2002
We know these shows happened since theres some clips of it in The Story and its documented on an archived website for shows at Fireside Bowl. Were looking for any fireside bowl footage from any of these dates.
Fourth thing:
This last one is kinda insane and might be near impossible to find. while i was reading the AP article, patrick mentions how he gave demos to joe by giving him a link to his MP3.com page. Joe says that it was just patrick singing and just playing acoustic, thats it.
We have tried looking on a site that someone archived for all MP3.com files before the site went completely defunct. The problem is that we have no clue what username patrick used on the site. We’ve looked and used every possible name we could to find these mp3 files, but nothing.
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There is also a missing mp3 page that fob had, we know this bc on the back of the Project Rocket split CD, they put a link to their mp3 page and it was called mp3.com/fall_out_boy
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This all the types of fob lost media that were in the search for!
if you know ANYTHING at all or have information about any of these, Please DM me!
Thanks so much!!
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