#i have to use it to do graphic design stuff for his job so that he can write it off as a business expense but? holy shit?
c0rpsedemon · 1 year
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mgc02 · 3 months
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Fix it
Platonic Alastor x tech savy/graphic designer reader
He didn't quite understand you
In fact people never expected you to be friends, and it certainly didn't start put that way
You started out working at Voxtech, you spent hours designing advertisements and editing commercials but when Vox told you to start working for Valentino and editing his porn videos you refused. Vox gave you an ultimatum: work for Valentino or be fired. So with no job you decided to try your hand at redemption
You didn't count on Vox's greatest enemy being the facility manager
At first Alastor threatened you. Suspecting you might be a spy since you were associated with Vox but Charlie convinced him to give you a chance
So he mostly ignored you. Keeping conversations short. Especially since it seemed you guys had absolutely nothing in common
Charlie wanted to find away to put your skills to use for the good of the hotel. You suggested creating a website
Charlie loved that idea so you got to it. You designed and developed it. You made it simple but eye catchy. And you decided to regularly upload edited videos of the shenanigans going on the hotel to attract new patrons (and to give yourself some fun).
Charlie being the person that she is wanted Alastor and you to get along better so she came up with the brilliant idea for you to interview him and create a page on the website for first hand accounts
Alastor agreed and as long as it was not a filmed interview
You had prepared a list of questions
Q. Why did you decide to join the hotel?
A. I decided to help the pathetic princess in her silly little dream to watch others fail miserably in attempt to change their already determined fates as entertainment for myself
Q. What has been your favorite moment here at the hotel?
A. Possibly when Niffty released an entire colony of roaches into Angel's bed. That was quite hilarious!
Q. What progress do you think you or someone else has made thus far that's worth mentioning?
A. I finally managed to get my new radio tower to look exactly like the old one. It was nice gesture really. But I do have preferred place for everything
After that you didn't know if Charlie was still going to be for this idea
You really didn't think you and Alastor would ever see eye to eye until one night you woke up to a knock on your door
You jumped out of bed still in your pajamas and opened the door to see Alastor standing there
You were... quite surprised. He told you he needed your help and it couldn't wait till morning
You followed him to his radio tower to see his system short circuiting. He warned you not to get to close or you'd get a nasty shock
"You're the one who deals with this technology stuff, fix it!" You thought to point out the two issues here
1. You don't fix technology, you utilize it to make things
2. This radio recording system is really old and you only knew what you were doing with MODERN technology
But you could tell he was very agitated. You wondered how it even got broke in the first place
You decided to do the only thing you could think and you Voxtubed it
You found some weird guy with obsession for fixing ham radios and old vintage tvs and watched a few of his videos. After assessing the broken system there were a lot of similarities. And after one boring audio book and online purchase of some parts you fixed it
Alastor was impressed. He tried very hard not show it but he couldn’t help it.
Before he could get back to it. You decided to listen to last chapter of the audio book one last time to make sure it was up to code. Unfortunately you forgot to connect your Bluetooth
Alastor standing in the tower with impatiently tapping his foot waiting for you to give the ok so he can give his listeners a much delayed broadcast stiffened at the sound coming from your phone and static buzzed loudly in the air
"Lovely I imagine the imagery to this is just flashy and distracting as it always is" he says rather annoyed
"Actually" you replied "it's an audio book. There is no visuals. It's just sound. Someone reads aloud a book and records it for people to listen to" you pointed out
It was not that much different from radio
You apologized and told him you would connect back to your headphones so he didn't have to hear it
"You may leave it on" he said surprisingly. So you did
Finally when you were done you went about your business. Everything went back to normal. Except... Alastor kept calling upon you before every broadcast demanding you play your audio book again to look over his system to make sure it won't crash on him mid broadcast
And each time he told you there was no need for your headphones
You finally decided to grow a pair and challenge him
"Once again I'd like you to check it over and make sure it's up to code. Play your dumb sound book again and get to it" he spoke as if the audio book did not matter at all but you knew better
"Oh I have it memerized by now. No need to play it again" you responded mischievously
His eyes narrowed and you could hear the sound of a record scratch. "Now, now. I won't allow for any mistakes that would not end well for you. Now play it again" he demanded
"You know if you liked the audio book you could just say so. Also you don't have to listen to the same end chapter over and over again. I have other probably more exciting books" you proposed
He acted offended. "How dare you insinuate that I would enjoy something as pointless and boring as that." Of course he didn't want to admit that anything that came from technology could possibly be good in any way and he could never ACTUALLY like it. No way
"You know its not a lot different from radio. Telling stories with just your voice. Like any kind of art this is just another medium. Another way of expressing oneself. You don't have to suddenly be Mr. Technology guy to like audio books" you said
Alastor seemed to pause in thought. "Hmmm... fine. I guess... it wasn't too horrible to listen to literature being read aloud in a soothing voice. Maybe I'll give some other pieces a try"
And after that you were at the radio tower all the time. Playing audio books for him. You eventually showed him your art skills and showed off the new website. He taught you a lot about his Era and about radio. You guys even redid the interview live on his radio show. Though the results were still quite similar
Though Alastor still hated technology he respected that it was something you enjoyed. And he did listen to the occasional audio book, although it was more like he made you play it for him
An unlikely friendship had formed. And nobody saw it coming. But you wouldn't trade it for the world
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telephoney · 1 month
um hi here is my slash 😁 and some more images of my slash & bash and info dump below
warnings for like violence and injury and trauma and all that stuff but nothing described in graphic detail
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ummm these r a little older but the top image is the most recent design yay
clothing is inspired by south asian & nepali fashion not anything super accurate or traditional but just things i liked!
dad was a hunter and mom would decorate animal skulls to sell (they wear some of their mother's clothes but the big pants are a men's dhoti)
their name "soumy" means soft natured i think which is Not what their dad wanted them to be and their last name "mahat" originates from a line of warriors i thinkkkk
their mask is a skull that wasnt going to be sold because it was shot in the skull and ruined so they decided to decorate it themself (in secret cause their dad didn't like them doing that ouuuuu)
face is disfigured for. some reason i still haven't figured that out yet but i think they've had a disfigured face since childhood and got a lot of slack for it by their parents
lived in some isolated house in the middle of nowhere didn't go to school but has survival skills and basic education👍
they/them but they're like that one tweet that goes like "im probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn" and get called he or she so they dont really bother lol like they're a serial killer cmon
their knife is the kukri knife! its used in the military but also as a hunting knife and just regular tool it's super versatile i really like that knife super cool
my bash has a deformed head so they kind of bond over Missing Parts but i wanna redesign my bash because he looks kind of too much like frankensteins monster lol
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i gave bash a tactical type mask i like the ex-military themes though idk if it'd make sense if he was lol
i headcanon that the bash in his head is what killed him . i drew some neck marks???? i think i wanted him to have like a failed hanging or something but idk where i was going with that lol ideas just that they really tried their best to kill him and the bash is what finally did it
uhhh that's it just some loose ideas yay
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
So we’ve seen a lot of Mafia AU stuff, but may I add my Mob Collections Department Hob to the mix?
Morpheus’ heart flutters a little in his chest when he opens the door one day to a stranger, a gentle professor-looking guy with a messenger bag slung across his chest. But then the man slips his hand into the bag and pulls out a crowbar. His deep chocolate eyes go hard as he steps over the threshold, and Morpheus instinctively retreats.
He knows exactly who this must be. This is the guy who breaks your fucking kneecaps or legs or fingers or whatever when you can’t pay back what you’ve borrowed.
Morpheus knew he shouldn’t’ve gone to a Mob loan shark to pay for Art School, but his family wouldn’t help him get a “useless” degree, wouldn’t cosign the loans, and he won’t be 24 till the end of this year, so he can’t even be considered independent! What the fuck else was he supposed to do?!
The stupid thing is, his heart is still fluttering.
Actually, it’s fluttering harder. There's a distinct possibility that Morpheus’ circulatory system is deeply confused and currently mistaking terror for arousal.
“I… I’m an artist,” Morpheus stammers. Maybe he can live without functional kneecaps, but if this guy smashes his fingers, he’ll be destroyed.
Hob nods, casually resting the crowbar against the back of his own neck as he looks around. He’s in no rush. His target is a skinny pale thing that Hob is pretty sure he could break across his knee if he had to. He hopes he doesn’t have to. Sometimes just walking in the front door is enough to get people scrambling for the cash they “forgot” to pay. Though… this poor guy might not be so lucky. The man Hob’s been sent after today — what was his fancy name? Morpheus?  — lives in a nearly empty studio apartment, entirely furnished with vivid canvases and one fold-out mattress on the floor. Hob reaches back to lock the door while he takes in the expansive scenes of… some fantasy world? It’s like nothing he’s ever seen. A dreamy mix of magical creatures, starry galaxies, keen eyed ravens, and glittering abstractions. 
Well, maybe if he’d gone into graphic design — made some boring logos or something — he’d’ve been able to pay his bills.
Morpheus is madly tallying his resources in his brain.
He’s got about 18$ coming in from Patreon. If he does a sale on prints, he might be able to move a few extra, but the profit would be less… He’s already skipped anything fresh at the grocery store this week, subsisting on spaghetti, diced tomatoes, and baked beans — the only things the calories-per-dollar calculation would allow. 
No matter how he does the math, it comes up short. 
When the man takes a silent step toward him, Morpheus panics. His mind goes utterly blank. His heart is still doing it’s fucking stupid thing. 
He kisses the man.
Hob’s used to this. Plenty of people try to pay their debts with their carnal talents. He’s not usually interested. The problem is this: Morpheus is hot. The kiss is deep and warm and… feels oddly real? Like genuinely passionate? Morpheus’ long fingers send tantalizing chills through Hob’s skin. Now, the broke artist is sliding to his knees, and when he looks up, his pupils are so thick with arousal that his blue eyes are almost black.
Fine. He can suck Hob’s cock this one time, and Hob will take care of this payment out of his own pocket. He gets paid well and is good at his job — people like him, he's not your typical goon, he's pleasant until he needs to be otherwise, and gives them every chance to search the couch cushions, so to speak. So the cash isn’t much to him. But in this business, paying other people’s debts is a bad habit to get into. Anyone would go broke doing that. 
But Morpheus’s lips feel so good, and Morpheus is, like, into it. Like laving Hob’s balls and working his fingers into his cleft and over his asshole. He opens his throat so Hob can really ram himself down there. And by the time Hob comes (gritting his teeth & trying/failing to tell himself it’s not that good), he actually feels kinda bad that he’s gotten such a good deal on a quality blow job.
Two weeks later, Hob is resolved to be the consummate professional — strictly cracking bones or collecting cash, whichever’s appropriate, but definitely not getting off on the clock.
But Morpheus opens the door without hesitation, and he’s wearing black joggers, slung low on his jutting hips, and… a lacy body suit that plunges almost to his naval, is so high cut it frames said hips, and is sheer enough in the right places that his pale rose nipples poke through deliciously.
Fucking fine. 
Hob can bend Morpheus over the counter and fuck him hard this one time. But he makes sure to get in a few good hard spanks on that creamy ass. Hob’s not completely derelict in his duties, and this is an enforcement job.
(This is not even remotely the deterrent he hopes it is. For the next two weeks, every time Morpheus squirms as he sits on his bare hard floor as he paints, he will think of Hob’s sharp hands. Even when the pain fades, he will recall it acutely in his imagination as he strokes himself.)
And Hob pays Morpheus’s second installment.
It might surprise you to learn that the interest on a Mob loan shark’s loan is… not exactly competitive. By the third time Hob visits, the amount owed has barely gone down, thanks to sky-high rates that would put the payday lenders to shame. The third payment would be massive for anyone, but for a starving artist it’s catastrophic. 
But Morpheus is creative and determined to give Hob the full value. 
This time, Hob spends the entire night on Morpheus’s folding mattress on the floor discovering new ways to come undone in the artist’s clever hands and pulling Morpheus apart in turn. (Figuratively.) Morpheus begs to take his punishment from the sharp sting of Hob’s hands again, and Hob turns his backside beet red as every moan and cry from Morpheus’ lips goes right to his dick until he’s jerking himself off and coming on Morpheus’s back, marking him like he’s Hob’s own. Like neither of them belong to some cranky old Mob boss, but it’s just them, signing their names into each other’s skin.
By morning, they’re lying in each other’s arms and just talking. 
Morpheus tells Hob about going to Art School even after his parents tried to force him into something useful. He confesses the difficulties of making a living as an artist and on the internet especially. It’s not as easy as people think. He would do something else, but the pictures in his head just need to come out. Exhausted and trembling, he speaks of the way they grow in his unconscious, expanding to take up everything else, bringing chaos and cracks in his foundations if he doesn’t give them form and allow them an orderly outlet on the canvas.
Hob holds Morpheus tight to his chest as if that could ease the pain there, and he opens up, too. Hob didn’t used to be this. He was a History professor! He has no right forcing other people to make money! But then his wife had gotten ill. And this doctor — an arrogant prick who’d never taken anyone’s concerns seriously, who had years of secret complaints against him but was too much of a “star” to get fired — botched the surgery. And Eleanor and their unborn babe had died on the table. Hob had gotten a — frankly insulting — settlement from the hospital. Then he’d hunted down the doctor (who’d had connections in some shadowy parts of town — he hadn’t become a star by being good at medicine), and taken his revenge. The underworld had taken notice. 
And this paid a lot better than adjunct work.
Plus, unlike at the university, Hob’s skills are appreciated. Most humans of the twenty-first century are a lot easier to find and pick apart than the evidence on post-plague upheavals in labor relations in the fourteenth century, and Hob spent seven years doing that for his PhD. He’s persistent and meticulous. Not sloppy like some enforcers. Hob knows how to cause damage that hurts like hell but heals well. He’s done his research. (Something he’s finally getting paid for after over a decade in academia!)
Hob doesn’t even like debt collecting! It’s not his calling. When he’d been slogging through History essays, he’d fantasized about opening a pub. Sometimes he still does — his skills could come in useful breaking up bar fights, throwing out the jerks, keeping things peaceful. 
As the sun comes up, he kisses Morpheus softly on his lips. 
He pays the massive third installment.
On the fourth visit, Hob slips his hand into the messenger bag again and Morpheus’ heart thuds in something like fear. But instead of the crowbar, he pulls out a thick, wooden paddle. When his eyes rise to meet Morpheus’, there’s only a little of that old hardness left but mostly a question. Morpheus moans at the sight, the blood already shooting to his cock.
He really should borrow money from the Mob more often. 
He lets Hob bend him over the counter and ply the paddle all over his ass till he’s crying and begging for release. And then Hob is fucking him and biting into the meat of his shoulder and stroking him hard and fast as he thrusts against Morpheus’ bruised ass. They wind up tangled in the sheets long past morning. (The fourth payment is even bigger than the third.)
At some point, as Morpheus is boiling spaghetti for two, Hob decides fuck this job. 
Of course, it’s the Mob, so he can’t just put in his two week’s notice & shit on the boss’s desk like decent people do. So later, Hob — whose a genuinely nice guy when he isn’t cracking your skeleton & has built up his own little following within the business — pulls a Red Wedding and eliminates the entire current leadership. Fuck those guys. They were assholes anyway. People are happier now. (Anyone who wouldn’t be happy was invited to the wedding.)
Hob doesn’t actually want to take on the responsibility of a large crime syndicate, so he hands the reins over to a trusted buddy. Then he and Morpheus get the fuck outta there and start new lives in the big city where Morpheus can do real art shows and Hob can run his pub and feed Morpheus only the freshest food and lots of it, and every beating is strictly desired and thoroughly appreciated and never involves a crowbar.
BESTIE THIS IS SO GOOD!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW GOOD THIS IS. This is the most amazing mini fic.
Ngl I wish Hob would come around here with his "crowbar"
Honestly I love this concept of Mob Hob so much. I feel like it works so well with his canon storyline. It's not hard to imagine him reluctantly (but very effectively) smashing in kneecaps. And yeah he feels bad about it, but hey. Hob has had his own struggles and he wants to keep a roof over his head.
But he's not immune to a pretty little Dream, huh? He's not a nice guy, he just wants to get his dick wet. He's not in love or anything. I mean, he's not gonna shake up his entire life and risk everything by going up against the gang he's supposed to be working for.
.......right? 👀❤
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turtle-bun · 1 year
“This iteration of the Turtles and this iteration of the Turtles wouldn’t get along cuz of this!” “These two iterations wouldn’t get along because of that!”
(Please note I wrote this BEFORE watching Mutant Mayhem which is why they aren’t in it. I just forgot to post it lol 😅)
Rise!Leo: You all are so stern and serious. I feel like I should start being more stern and serious. Should I?
BatmanVs!Leo: Please don’t, it’ll be hell on your already waning mental health. /hj
Bayverse!Leo: I feel we need at least one funny Leo to break up the collective seriousness of the rest of us.
87 Leo: I thought me and my brothers counted as the “funny” version of all of us?
12 Leo: You guys are more of a “silly” version of us…sillier? Like the concept of turtles being ninjas is already silly as it is. Which there is nothing wrong with that, just that your cartoon logic is just very hard to keep up with sometimes.
87 Leo: That’s understandable.
Mirage Leo: I’m just jealous that you all get to be in color. Black and white gets so boring once you learn there’s color!
07 Leo: But your universe does have this cool graphic design to it that I’M very jealous of.
03 Leo: Of course, you fucking would be you dramatic edgelord. /j
07 Leo: I know the fucking EMO of the group did not just call me an edgelord! /j
Rise!Leo: Omg we love an E-girl!
12 Leo: *wheeze of laughter*
87 Raph: I just don’t think it’s fair that you guys get to be tall, is all! It’s discrimination! /hj
12 Raph: Practically working against your own kind! /j
Rise!Raph: *snorts* I don’t think that’s a bodily function we can control you guys!
Bayverse!Raph: It was a conscious decision on my end.
Rise!Raph: *chokes with laughter*
87 Raph: You goddamn bastard! /j
Bayverse!Raph: Cope and seeth my dude.
07 Raph: Now look, 87 I know it’s very difficult, especially for you, but we gotta be the bigger person here.
87 Raph: I will kick your goddamn ass, kid!
03 Raph: Well, good for you in being the bigger person. I will continue to be small and petty my entire life!
*Collective snorting laughter from all Raphs*
87 Raph: No, no, wait! You are not allowed to be funnier than me!
03 Raph: Tough break, shorty, I have to have SOMETHING other than punching shit.
87 Raph: Take up knitting! I don’t care! Just keep away from my bit! That’s like my entire personality! /hj
03 Raph: See you joke about that but I am fucking GREAT at knitting!
Bayverse!Raph: Amen to that! I ain’t spend half my damn life in the Hashi and NOT be able to knit a fucking epic scarf!
07 Donnie: Are you saying I worked a 9 to 5 job FOR NOTHING!
BatmanVs!Donnie: I honestly did not think that embezzling funds from rich corporate assholes plus the Shredder and his Foot Clan was an actual option we had!
12 Donnie: I am actually so mad that I did not think of that!
Rise!Donnie: Honestly, I didn’t think of it until like a few years back because our dad is still, somehow, getting royalties from his Lou Jitsu movie days. But I also have expensive taste in equipment and needed a little pocket change.
03 Donnie: I could have actually bought a Play Station when it came out instead of having to fix up the broken one Mikey found in the dump!
87 Donnie: I’m just now realizing how much stuff we had to make from scratch just because we couldn’t afford it.
Rise!Donnie: That’s true. But like also you guys still made a bunch of cool stuff with JUST junk you found! That’s amazing!
Bayverse!Donnie: Thanks but we could have made even cooler stuff if we had your type of funding. I mean, look at this shit! *excitingly pointing at Rise!Donnie’s battle shell*
Rise!Donnie: Please understand that YOU have made holo-screen, intercom, wrist watches, that connect to your motherboard home computer. All of which you MADE WITH JUNK! How is that not amazing?!
07 Donnie: Amazing for you probably. But if I were to do that shit myself I wouldn’t sleep for a week!
BatmanVs!Donnie: I second that! One sugar daddy please!
Rise!Donnie: *wheeze of laughter*
03 Mikey: I still can't believe you met freaking BATMAN! Like holy shit dude!
12 Mikey: *sobbing* I’m so jealous! I’m forever jealous!
BatmanVs!Mikey: Yeah, it was pretty cool. But YOU (03 Mikey) met the entire Justice Force! And became a member! Your legacy was so awesome Silver Sentry’s grandson took up your name!
03 Mikey: Yeah but you road in the BATMOBILE and got to press all the buttons!
Bayverse!Mikey: *sulking on the floor* LIFE ISN’T FAIR AND I HATE IT HERE!
Rise!Mikey: *pouting* I never get to meet my heroes! And when I do they turn out to be insane!
12 Mikey: Bro same! Chris Brandford was just a giant jerk!
87 Mikey: Bugman was pretty cool, though maybe a little weird. Still, he was no Justice Force or Batman!
07 Mikey: *whining* I just want the life you have! Why does god ALWAYS have favorites?!
Ronin!Mikey: *dramatic sigh of jealousy* He truly does.
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laf-outloud · 8 months
the hypocritical nature of this is actually so hilarious when this behaviour accurately describes the way y’all are being towards Misha. Yet you feel justified in that because of your dislike… literally two sides of the same coin.
First of all - No. Just no. You are wrong anon.
In this poll situation, Misha IS the worst actor. He just is. Ask any professional. Hell, J2 and others who worked on spn have openly talked about making fun of him for being so over the top at some points and also have made fun of his "accents" and have told him to pull back.
Another reason you are wrong anon - we don't go around hunting down polls with Misha to downvote him. We also don't actively try to get his stuff canceled. Do we make fun of it HERE on our own blogs with proper anti tags and where we don't tag him or any of the rest of the cast, crew, etc? Absolutely. That is VERY different than actually making full blown campaigns with graphics and posters someone designed, etc. just to try and get Jared's shows canceled. All while tagging him and anyone related to the show including Jared himself, Gen, other actors, writers, etc.
Making fun of Misha on tumblr dot com without tagging literally anyone and not even putting it in his tumblr tag is worlds away from actively trying to get shows canceled and trying to do things like get charities to give back money simply because it was from the Pads. Like actually contacting the charity to do this. And if you can't see the difference anon? You need to step away from the internet and probably get some therapy.
Very well put, anon! It's always funny when they try and claim us dissing on Misha (rarely now since he's even more irrelevant than he's ever been) is "two sides of the same coin" to the hatred and downright death threats Jared receives even to this day.
And yes, out of the options presented in the poll, Misha is the worst actor. I mean, you just have to look at their post-SPN careers to see that. If he were that much better than Jared and Jensen, don't you think he'd have a job?
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skellymom · 2 months
"Vagabonds" Chapter 14 "In Confidence"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 13:
Word Count: 958
Background: Mad is awake, but harbors another secret. Sil befriends Echo and reveals his own dark past.
Been trying to get these chapters out quickly, but having the Writer's Block in the middle portion of this fan fic.
This was a VERY HEAVY chapter to write. It is brief in it's depiction of what happened to Sil. But, I wanted to have him and Echo discuss their shared trauma, but in a way that was not too heavy, but somewhat realistic without being graphic.
Warning: Discussion in hinted terms regarding sexual abuse. Nothing specific is mentioned.
*Since the Nomaadi are from all over the galaxy (and possibly beyond) their language is a patchwork of words from many different planets and systems. I have used two words from different Earth cultures as their language (some Nomadic people on Earth do this too) and created a pidgin language. Hopefully I have not offended anyone. Please personal message me if you want to discuss this. Thanks.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
“Hunter, Echo and I can do some digging on our comm channels. However, before we do, I should remove both of your catheter’s.” Tech pointed toward Mad. 
“Everyone out.” Mad motioned with her hand.  
“WHAAT? Thought you were ok about ‘Body Stuff’” Wrecker sassed Mad. 
Echo shook his head, ushering Omega, Sil, and Love out of the room. 
“You REALLY wanna see Tech pull a urinary catheter out of my bladder, big boy?” Mad sassed back. 
Wrecker visibly shuddered. She got him. “Oof...no.” He left the room. 
Hunter grabbed Mad’s hand and squeezed.  
Would he and his siblings have been happier on Ord Mantell still running jobs for Cid?  
No. THIS is where WE need to be right now! 
It was an uncertain journey so far, but Hunter was willing to see it through. 
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"In Confidence"
“There, all done.” Tech picked up his med kit, attempting to exit. 
“Tech?” Mad called out. 
Tech turned to face her.  She had noticed his bruised nose and eyes... 
“I'm so sorry for hurting you.” 
“Please do not fret.  I will heal quickly, as always.  Besides, I am grateful to have witnessed your Force bond with Tiggy.” 
Mad was mildly shocked.  “The Pot Roast?  The thing bred for consumption instead of intelligence???” 
“Tiggy is QUITE intelligent...in her own way.  Not EVERY life form is lucky enough to be specifically designed as genetically superior.”   
Mad noticed Tech’s slightly smug expression, then changed the subject.  “When you and Hunter are...free, I would like to go over the list of repairs to the Beldame with you.  Some upgrades, and I have ideas for...extra modifications as well.” 
“What IS the status of my ship?” 
“We were able to get life support online.  But no propulsion, shield, gunnery, sensors, communications...basically the Beldame is a livable space only, not specifically an operational starship.  Currently, the Marauder is perched atop the ‘Dame and we are hiding out in a seldom used hyperspace lane until we can get your ship back online.” 
“WE owe you and your brothers a huge debt of gratitude...and quite a few credits.”  Mad smiled.  “Chi-Miigwetch, Pal.”
(“BIG Thank you” Anishinaabe, “Friend” Romani). 
Tech silently nodded and left the aft section of the Marauder. 
Mad sighed “The explosion REALLY did a number on the ‘Dame.  Not that I’m ungrateful...but Love’s Force powers have gotten crazy strong...” 
“REALLY helpful in the moment, though” Hunter added. 
“THIS time.  Hunter, Love can barely control their abilities.  I’m concerned when the time comes, and they can’t.  Who's going to get hurt?  How long before someone figures out, we basically have a teenage Force weapon?” 
Hunter chuckled “Good luck to the Empire trying to catch your kiddo!” 
Mad silently gave Hunter a haunted look.  He picked up something deeper in her expression.  Some unspoken fear he couldn’t guess at and opened his mouth to ask... 
Mad’s belly growled LOUDLY!  “Oof” She rubbed her abdomen, changing the subject.  “Real strong hunger pains there.” 
“Been a few days since you had solid food.”  Hunter handed Mad a fresh change of clothes to dress. 
"Hungry enough to eat a Bantha!” 
Hunter didn’t push for more information.  Mad had been through enough already.  He felt assured when she was comfortable, Mad would confide her fears in him. 
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Sil sipped from the handmade mug full of caf listening quietly to Echo speak.  
“Not been easy, but every day is a new opportunity for healing.  A little bit at a time.”  Echo finished his statement while putting his prosthetic leg back on. 
Since the Marauder had embarked with the Beldame, Echo and Sil had become fast friends.  Sil felt drawn to this “Machine more than man.”  Tech had introduced Echo as such, but Sil reacted by exclaiming Echo was not a droid, but in fact a heavily augmented human...it seemed that way to him.  Why couldn’t physically wounded humans receive assistance from machinery to function satisfactorily and keep their humanity?   
Sil was a psychologically wounded human and could still retain his humanity.  Although...his slavery also included being physically wounded, but not to the extent that Echo had endured.  But it was painful just the same... 
They worked side by side repairing what they could on the Beldame. Striking up random conversations, making jokes, discussing ship regs and the like.   
Tonight, Echo and Sil took time out after a day of repairs to sit and converse over cups of caf.  Hunter was with Mad.  Omega and Tech were playing the card game Balaans while Love hovered nearby watching, with Tiggy asleep in their lap. 
Eventually Sil shyly asked about Echo’s prosthetics and how he acquired them.  Echo smiled and quietly recounted his accident on Lola Sayu, then being woken up by Rex on Skako Minor. 
Sil was mortified at what was done to Echo.  How could ANYONE survive such a thing??? 
Silence between them as Sil processed everything Echo had told him. 
It was Echo’s turn.  “Care to talk about it?” Echo asked tentatively nodding to the slave collar scar burned into Sil’s neck. 
“I was kidnapped off the streets as a young boy by Zygerrian Slavers.  Then sold to man who owned an exotic meat market in The Bottoms of Coruscant.  He was evil...  Would shock me for just about anything.  Even if I was compliant.  Liked to watch me suffer while working...under him...” 
Sil took a very deep breath.  Echo could tell Sil was trying to maintain control and hold back tears. 
“Oh...kiddo...I...”  Echo struggled.  “Don’t need to know the rest if you...” 
“NO.  I NEED to get this out.”  Sil struggled.  “I don’t want my auntie to know the horrible things I had done to me.  It would break her heart.  I can talk to you...understand?” 
“Ok...” Echo waited patiently. 
“He...” One tear trailed down his cheek.  “He did THINGS to me.  Rented me out to people who would do those things too...”   
Sil put his hands up to his face in shame.   Echo could barely make out the next muffled statement from Sil. 
“I’m happy that man is dead.” 
Wrecker, who had been sitting nearby playing on a datapad, and unable to NOT hear what was being said turned to Echo with an extremely horrified expression. 
Echo met Wrecker’s expression with a mournful one. 
Sil broke into loud sobs and let the tears overtake him. 
“Does he need a hug?”  Wrecker whispered. 
Echo shook his head.  “I don't’ think he wants ANYONE to touch him right now.” 
Wrecker nodded.  “I’ll...uh...go make a fresh pot of caf.  Ok?” 
“Good idea.”  Echo replied.  “Going to be a very long night.” 
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To read Chapter 15 "Get In Losers"
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insecateur · 3 months
do you have any tips on where and/or how to make blinkies? i want to learn how to make them but don't know how. have a good day btw :3
hiiii i will do my best to give tips!! o7
first of all if you want to get a feel for blinkie making without diving in directly i recommend using a site like blinkies.cafe which lets you just add text to premade blinkie templates! i think it's a good way to get an eye for the blinkies "aesthetic" especially regarding the actual blinking part, the borders, all of that. and ofc the size (which for the record is traditionally 150x20px!)
if you want to actually get into Real Custom-Made Blinkies, studying ones you like up close is a great idea because it'll help you see what works and what doesn't. obviously everyone will have different design sensibilities, but that's why it's always good to take inspiration from things that you personally like!
here are things that i like, as an example:
dotted/dashed borders that blink between two colors
pixel art
keep in mind that blinking can be upsetting to the eyes for some people! i always try to not overdo it, but at the same time, they are blinkies, so it seems kind of like a waste when they don't blink at all...
traditionally, blinkies include two things: a picture, and text. they don't always! sometimes there's only a picture, and sometimes there's only text. for example, this blinkie i made of lysandre only has his card art and little hearts. this is once again going to depend on your preferences. but for the sake of explaining, let's say you want one or two simple pictures, and some text.
i find pokémon to be a pretty easy thing to make blinkies for, because you have a large panel of pixel art to choose from! for example, i made this blinkie for my blog using one of the mini scyther sprites. a lot of them are animated, too, which is fun. i can't really advise you on what program to use for animated stuff because i use really old ones LMAO but i've always had a good time using ezgif! you can just feed it your frames and use the website to put them together into an animation.
the text imo is the trickiest part. the blinkies you find on blinkies.cafe use pixelated fonts, but i've had a really hard time using them outside of that context. it's hard to get them to look good imo, especially at the small scale that blinkies end up at... so what i've been doing is making my own little pixel art alphabet. it's very fun for me and i don't think it's as difficult as it sounds, so i definitely recommend it because it gives you a lot more flexibility imo. i handdrew the text for all of my PSS blinkies, as well as the aforementioned scyther one, and this trans rights one. i actually have the trans rights and PSS alphabets completed and saved in a file for later use in case i need them, lmao:
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you can see what the process is like: i make a rectangle, draw one letter, and then copy the rectangle to draw the other ones at the same size and in the same style. it's very, um, vibe-based, i guess? you just have to figure out what looks good for your Vision. but i find it super fun... so it's easy for me to do, i guess...
if you want to see the scyther blinkies text closer up, here it is at 500% size:
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uncapitalized letters are more difficult than capitalized letters imo, but i think i did an ok job! maybe i'll make a full alphabet for that one too at some point, lmao. for the "tumblr" text i just copied the style of the logo (hopefully that comes through...)
i'm not sure what else to say, so feel free to ask more specific questions if you'd like! i think a lot of the other stuff is more general art/graphics advice, like color theory and the likes, which i'm not sure is worth going over LOL. but as a parting note, i'd definitely suggest not going overboard on the color palette. blinkies are pretty small at their default size, and too many colors will make them really hard to look at, let alone understand. in general, keep in mind the final size when working on something like blinkies, and make sure to zoom out periodically to double check you've got something readable!
and don't forget to have fun 👍👍👍
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harrypotterprops · 1 month
Is anybody here?
It's been years since I used tumblr for the last time and I noticed my blog was and still being so popular here. I started this as a secondary blog for compiling and sharing images that I found useful for doing props. I'm not a graphic designer although I have basic notions.
I leaved that for many reasons:
- First of all, discovering Wizardry Workshop on YouTube (then known as Muggle Magic). I saw the amazing job Danny did with the Chocolate Card printables. His channel and works grew in popularity and quality and, as a fan, he does everything I need for doing crafts. Continuing compiling pngs and jpgs and doing very basic edits became nonsense while having his amazing work avaliable.
- I compiled a lot of stuff and finding new ones began to be harder.
- I was really disgusted by Tumblr's the new politics and UX: censorship, ads, payment functions...
- There was less content related to the Fantastic Beasts franchise and, sadly it was not the same and I didn't like it as much as the main saga. On the other hand, Wizardry Workshop has amazing material and tutorials.
- College, adulthood and health in general.
My love with HP graphic design started in the middle 2000s when I was little and making little crafts with designs made by people on deviantart or myself in paint was a way for feeling this amazing world more real and feeling part of it.
I saw some messages and comments asking for some content and also selling props. I'm sorry for never answering the requests and I'm so thankful for the positive feedback. Although it was never the purpose of this blog selling anything and it's illegal as I'm not the original designer nor related to Minalima or WB. By the contrary, if I ever had an intention, it was promoting the DIY culture by making it easier to have accurate resources as it was so hard to find screen accurate content.
I'll try to share new things I'll find here but:
If you're really interested on DIY, replicas, HP's graphic design be sure you check first:
1. Wizardry Workshop (YT, his own website, etc.)
2. Magyar_wizard_workshop for inspiration and reference. They do the replicas I've never done.
2. magicalpropreference (Instagram)
3. Nurmengart (Instagram)
4. Alarmeighteen and Mondomago for fully readable premium book replicas
Have a nice day!
PS: Sorry for the grammar but I'm Spanish and I'm too lazy for checking or using google translator.
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mythicamagic · 2 months
have you played Love and Deepspace and what is your review on it??
Hello! Yes I have. It's sitting in my homescreen right now on my phone.
I think my opinions on it might be quite mixed or controversial? So just bare that in mind before reading.
I've played a looot of otomes. I think I started playing them in 2009. I can very much say that LADS is a unique experience. It's not like anything I've ever played before in terms of graphics, cinematography and interaction with your fictional boyfriends.
The Great:
I think the interface and design is really nice in certain aspects (the combat is a bit iffy). This is a very pretty game imo. Also can I just say, having a customisable MC is really great! I like that you can change not just her skintone but her voice settings as well. I also just- LOVE the 4 and 5 star cards content. They hold some examples of lovely scenarios written with care, and some good ole fanservice to boot as a treat. Whoever does the lighting for the 5* cards does a marvellous job, as the animations really feel 'alive' sometimes. Great direction with using the MC as the POV so the 'camera' swings or moves closer according to how she's reacting. Love that.
The LIs:
I think having a varied cast is important in otomes but a common vibe or theme can often be shared between their contrasting personalities. For Piofiore its mafia/crime lords and domestic life, for Cafe Enchante cosy coffeeshop vibes. With Love and Deepspace I'd say its cosy vibes mixed with action, mixed with angst. The cast supports this, with all of them having serious or sweet sides. I am definitely not drawn to some of them, but that's okay! I think anyone going in new should know they won't like everyone and that's common for otome. What I find uninteresting might be wonderful to someone else and vice versa. I will say Sylus took the spot as my favourite and he has a very different vibe to the others even when he's doing cosy domestic stuff. I very much enjoy his scenes and how dynamic they feel (also its really nice the whole cast is in their twenties)
The Bad:
The worst casualty in Love and Deepspace is...the main story. I can't overstate how much of a confusing, poorly written and badly executed mess the main story is. In terms of setup, establishing lore, world building and stakes, it somewhat limps from one chapter to another. Scenes can begin and end abruptly with plot threads seemingly dropped. Secrets can often be intriguing, yes- but by continually withholding answers the game can get a bit frustrating. As a new player with no knowledge of the game, I didn't understand why Rafayel kept referring to himself as a fish during the crane game and kitty card mini games. It was like they were referencing something that hadn't happened yet in game, so I was like - okay, I'll wait. I'm sure it'll be explained (spoilers: it was not explained).
Essentially if you want backstory and context to the boys you NEED their cards to unlock their content, and I'm not a huge fan of that. I think the main story should still at least give you a bit more to work with about the boys. (This is especially bad when the lore is locked behind gacha luck). And I get that the whole story is space/time themed but sincerely I did not know the world of Love and Deepspace was capable of casual space travel until I read Sylus' anecdote story. This is not good worldbuilding. Sure it throws loads of terminology at you but you'll have to read the notes yourself to understand what they are. It's a lot of telling and not showing. For an example of how this could've been done: Cowboy Bebop is about bounty hunters in space. It has scenes of them...in space. You're telling me someone as rich as Sylus, who offers MC to go on his motorbike, yacht, and private jet, wouldn't offer her a circle around the planet in his spaceship? Idk it feels like a lot of worldbuilding details have been overlooked.
There is also the issue of voice acting. This can again come down to personal preference but in general I always give English Dubs a fair chance, and enjoy many of them. Voice acting has come a long way since the wooden performances of older animes and games. That said, many of the boys, especially in the earlier chapters and content sound extremely flat. This goes double for the NPCs (who can be laughably bad). It's not even a matter of 'oh this person is just reading lines with no emotion' no the inflections in their voice are off- the context of what they're supposed to be emoting to can feel a million miles off base. I barely felt like they were in the scene with me. That said - this was likely a voice direction issue, because more recent content allows the boys to sound more relaxed and involved in the scene. Sylus' English VA knocks it out of the park in his performance though and I really appreciate how much he embraced that role. A lot of people could get embarrassed having to voice ASMR type content but he got fully immersed so 10/10 for that. I haven't tried any other languages apart from Japanese but c'mon, we know the Japanese VAs are like celebrities over there and will crush any role so no notes there except they're all great.
With all that said I do not hate the game, I really enjoy it! (I wouldn't have ranted so much here if I didn't care) I just wish certain aspects were tightened up more for storytelling purposes. It feels a bit jarring when some aspects of the game are SUPER polished but then easy mistakes are made. So I'd say if you're interested in playing - to just embrace the fluff and spicy fanservice. Treat it as your main meal as I do. If you end up enjoying the main story and combat then that's a bonus! I really hope this game continues to be successful because their recent content and chapter has been super intriguing - and in general its just nice to have an otome reach the spot of 3rd highest grossing mobile game during some months (below the giants like Genshin and HSR)
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izicodes · 1 year
Hi Loa! You said you started off with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and you post a lot about your website projects. So I wanted to ask if you have any advice for the process of designing a website and making various graphics. I enjoy coding a whole lot, but I've avoided front-end stuff until now because looking into design and tools for it made me feel a little overwhelmed. What would you do if you were to start learning anew web design for your coding job and hobby projects? Thank you a lot :)
Hiya! 💗
I'd be happy to share some advice on designing a website and creating graphics. It's great that you enjoy coding and want to explore front-end development and design, and don't worry, though I love frontend stuff a lot, I still find some things overwhelming e.g. I'm currently learning Django which I have put off from learning because it looked "hard" but now I love learning it. Just give yourself a little push and you'll enjoy it! 😉🙌🏾
Web Design Inspiration
Two key places I get inspiration for my website designs are Pinterest and Behance!
For instance, when I was, and still am, researching Old Web GUI designs, I made a Pinterest board of images relating to what I wanted to design and I used that as a reference when building the design in HTML and CSS. So, I would look at the picture and think "Okay in terms of HTML elements and CSS styling, how can I replicate this? 😉👍🏾". You can check out these boards: board 1 | board 2
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Pinterest is the main inspiration place, and Behance is for more in-depth web design components. What I mean is if I need inspiration for a navbar design or a certain card design, I would use Behance.
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Now I don't particularly do this, which is bad, but I do recommend making a wireframe for your web designs. I talked about wireframes in a previous post, but to sum it up; wireframes are good because they allow you to stick to your design plans and not go off on a tangent. These are especially good when working in a team at work, for example.
The reason why I don't particularly do them as often as I should is because I see things in my head vividly enough that I won't forget where everything should be - no super power but that's the main reason I don't make wireframes. As well, I change ideas halfway through so there's no real need for me to keep making wireframes if I will change the design 2 minutes later! 😭💔
But that's just me, but you should totally start designing wireframes. Practising drawing up some wireframes will definitely help with being creative in your designs. Take everything around you as an inspiration. The way I think of it is to think like an artist who is capable of painting anything - all you have to do is look around and paint. You can do the same with web development - everything is an inspiration. I saw a person make a whole webpage with amazing graphics... just about water. You can do the same.
If you need help on that part, definitely look into graphic design. I took extra classes in Graphics (which was just graphic design) when in school which involved looking at graphic artists and studying their work, then replicating something with our own twist. You can do the same with web design - study websites online, some you like or random ones. Look at a piece of the website and try and replicate it. That's why I like projects which are like "make a Google clone" or "make a Netflix clone" because it gives you the chance to study other people's codes and you can keep that knowledge for any future projects!
And lastly, study web design principles. There are some principles that good websites all put into their design that make the user's experience good. Read this article about it and this should even give hints to how you could design your next website! Learn about fundamental design principles such as colour theory, typography, layout, and composition. Understanding these principles will help you create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly designs.
Web Design Tools I Use
Now, what do I use every time I start a new "project", what online tools do I use? I literally have these on my browser's bookmarks, ready to go!
Pinterest (inspiration) - LINK
Behance (inspiration) - LINK
Coolors (colour palette generator) - LINK
CSS Gradient Generator (because I'm lazy) - LINK
Google Fonts (main source for fonts) - LINK
Font Palace (fonts I want but not on Google Fonts) - LINK
Font Awesome (for the little icons) - LINK
Image Colour Picker (if I have an image and I want to pick the colour from it) - LINK
Optional tools:
Bootstrap 4/5 (sometimes I use this for personal projects, definitely use it at work) - LINK
Pattern.css (creates a patterned background for you, again I'm lazy) - LINK
Storyset on Freepik (people graphic images) - LINK
Pexels (stock background and even fake product images) - LINK
Unsplash (same as Pexel) - LINK
LottieFiles (set animations) - LINK
TinyPNG (makes image sizes smaller so less space) - LINK
CSSmatic (4 cool CSS generators) - LINK
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That's all I have to say, if I didn't help with your question, message me to help you further but I do hope this helps you!! Good luck! 🥰🙌🏾💗
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th3houseofleaves · 3 months
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call me god, call me frankenstein, call me sculptor, call me creator because i am taking what i am owed i am shaping creating making myself over in the image of adam, i will rid myself of this extra rib called longing and i will be bloody and pure and new as i am born again in the body i forged for myself.
INTRODUCING christopher "kit" warren an original character based in the dc comics universe. he is portrayed by jordan gonzalez.
christopher "kit" warren is the civilian identity of the vigilante known as PORTAL, a twenty-six year old meta-human with the ability to warp or teleport short distances (safely). outside of hero work, he's an independent video game developer and graphic designer, though the latter job is more for bringing in a semi steady flow of income rather than a job he does for pleasure. ideally, he'd love to have more time to work on games but he knows that that's not feasible at this point; both for the lack of income and because of his commitment to protect his community. being a hero comes first to him.
kit is originally from star city but moved away in his early twenties. his birth parents died when he was just a baby, his godfather, cole carpenter, took him in and raised him. his home life was fairly chill, he was well taken care of and never went without necessities but it was incredibly clear that cole wasn't prepared to raise a child. he still had growing up to do when he took kit in, since he was only in his early twenties and still hadn't even decided what he wanted to do in life. and while cole did his best, he was more of an older brother figure rather than the parental figure that kit needed.
that being said kit wouldn't change a single thing. he loves cole so much. that's his only real family. plus, there were perks to growing up with a young parent — rules tended to be lax, he had an easier time getting his way if he needed, and, once he was older, he could have fun spending time with his godfather doing things that they'd both enjoy. (one thing they would do together regularly was training at the gym where cole works. it started off as easy stuff, where kit was trying to mirror what cole was doing and gradually became more serious and branched off into kit begging cole to let him seriously train to become a fighter like he was. cole caved fairly fast.)
growing up he, like so many other children, loved superheroes. he'd play pretend with the other kids in his neighborhood and they'd all have their own hero identity (no one ever volunteered to be the villain, it was always more fun to be the good guys because they got all the perks). if anyone asked him during that time, he would've proudly told them that he wanted to be a hero when he grew up, he wanted to save people just like the heroes on the news. it wouldn't be until he was a little older that he'd realise his childish daydream could be reality. (his meta abilities would first manifest when he was around nine or ten, thus paving the way for his eventual decision to become a hero.)
being a meta was only a shock to kit himself, his godfather knew there was a chance he'd be one since both his parents were. the only thing he wouldn't have been able to predict was kit's abilities, which were nothing like his parents'. having a superpower was cool as hell to kit but it was terrible for cole; he now had to wrangle a superpowered child, who wasn't easily convinced that he shouldn't show off his power, and who was capable of evading him without putting much effort into it.
shortly after his abilities first manifested, kit came out to his godfather which caused cole to become more protective of him. he enrolled kit into self defense classes, alongside the training he was already doing with kit, to make sure that kit was able to defend himself when he was on his own. he wasn't about to lose his kid because some asshole didn't approve of his identity.
cole had no way of knowing that kit was going to use those skills when he would sneak out at night, taking his first steps as a hero in his neighborhood. he should've expected it, he really should've, given how serious kit was about becoming a hero but it still nearly gave him a heart attack when he found out. not even because kit told him, no he saw something, when he was reading the news, about a new meta hero that popped up in star city... who appeared to be pretty young (there was questions about how safe it is for a kid to be fighting crime)... and who could seemingly teleport.... and he didn't have to be a genius to figure out that that was HIS idiot teenage wannabe hero. needless to say kit was grounded for a couple weeks after cole found out and they had to have a long discussion about safety and why he shouldn't keep going out, even though cole knew that it wouldn't stop kit from going out. unfortunately.
as he got older he got cockier. he'd investigate riskier cases, he'd patrol outside of his neighborhood, and he stopped trying to stay under the radar of other heroes and vigilantes that happened to be in star city.
at twenty-six years old he's a fairly well established vigilante (& if the whole no metas in gotham fanon rule thing exists, than he's pretty regularly breaking that rule because? he doesn't give a shit about what batman says. he can't stop him.)
additional link: pinterest.
(edit insp.)
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pointless-soap · 9 months
Review - Public Goods
While visiting my family for the holidays, my dad told me that he had gotten me an Airbnb nearby his apartment. That way, my girlfriend and I wouldn't be sharing the couch with two rambunctious dogs. My girlfriend and I are very grateful for this, as we appreciate having our own space like this.
When we arrived yesterday, I took a look in the bathroom and noticed that the hand soap, the shampoo, the conditioner, and the body wash are all the same brand: Public Goods.
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(I'm only including the one picture, because it's all you really need. All the other bottles are basically the same, but instead of saying Hand Soap, they say Shampoo, Conditioner, or Body Wash.)
First things first, I have to admit that the graphic design of the bottle does nothing to endear me to the soap. I'm not a huge fan of minimalist design. I think it's boring. I like clutter. I like when there's a bunch of little stuff on bottles. I think bottle's should have word searches and crosswords goddammit. This bottle has the brand, the type of soap, the volume, the slogan "It's all good", and nothing else. Where's the pizazz? Where's the fun? It's gone.
Hand Soap
Anyway, onto the soap itself. Despite the first impression, the hand soap is actually pretty solid. I don't mean in terms of matter. It is a liquid, don't worry. I mean that it does the job well. It doesn't really lather well, which is disappointing, but it doesn't clump up at all, it spreads easily, and it wipes away grime. It works! A good sign for soap. Not much to say for the smell though. It's pretty inoffensive, subtle, standard soap stuff.
Not gonna lie. It was pretty disappointing. Felt like I was just using the hand soap on my hair. It didn't lather, which is like the one thing I expect shampoo to do? There's gotta be suds in there, otherwise it's no fun. I even went and grabbed an extra squirt to see if maybe I could rub more in, and all I got was disappointment. Anyway, it's fine otherwise. Smells pretty nice, but again not like anything in particular. That's it. Also it pretty effectively killed my curls, but that's normal for shampoo. It's why I only really shampoo once or twice a week.
I didn't use the conditioner. I have curly hair and use a specific conditioner for it, recommended to me by my sister who went to beauty school and knows these things. I didn't want to completely kill my curls, so I just used that.
Body Wash
At first, I was optimistic. It came out of the bottle thick, which is great for a body wash. Smelled nice. Was a different texture than the shampoo and hand soap. Fantastic. Pretty quickly though, I became disappointed. I don't know if it's the brand or if whoever owns the Airbnb did this, but it honest to god seemed whatever down. Just fell right off like sauce off of penne lisce, the worst pasta noodle. I guess I'm clean, so that worked, but it was genuinely disappointing.
4/10 (Again, it might've been the owners who watered down the soap though, so if Public Goods wants to send me fresh bottle, they can DM me and I'll update the review.)
Public Goods seems to me to be a decent company. They talk a lot about environmentalism and sustainable practices, which I hold to be a very important topic. I hope what they say is true. But what it says on the soap bottles does not seem to be.
"It's all good" the soap bottles say, right near the bottom, in tiny print. I would say it's more like "it's fine" or "it works" because those are technically true.
But the hand soap was pretty good.
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greenlantern94to04 · 5 months
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Green Lantern #51 (May 1994)
At last, after months of hype, we've finally reached the official debut of DC's sensational character find of 1994: Ohm! You know, Ohm? The guy who fights (and almost beats) Kyle Rayner in this issue?
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Oh yeah, and as of this issue, Kyle Rayner is officially named "Kyle Rayner" and not "the rando who got Hal Jordan's ring."
But, before getting his ass kicked by Ohm, the first thing Kyle does with the ring he got in Green Lantern #50 is visit his ex-girlfriend, Alex, who at first assumes this is some practical joke. I guess she's used to Kyle showing up at her door in the middle of the night wearing tight-fitting costumes? Kyle insists that this is real and explains that he got the power ring from a blue little person in a red dress who materialized in an alley, only he doesn't say "little person."
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Apparently, Kyle is a bit immature and irresponsible (hence the "ex-" in "ex-girlfriend"), and his job as a freelance artist doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but he thinks the ring represents a chance to get his shit together and make something of himself. He tells Alex he could become a big shot superhero in New York (they're currently in a small town called "Los Angeles," by the way) while she, a photojournalist, could take photos of him and sell them to the newspapers for big bucks. The ol' Peter Parker gamble.
Alex is eventually persuaded by the idea, though I get the impression she's just humoring him because she wants to go back sleep (without him; he's on the couch). The next morning, Alex wakes Kyle up because some nutjob stole one of those experimental armors S.T.A.R. Labs likes to leave laying around and is trying to use it to siphon all the electrical power in LA. Alex tells Kyle to stay in the car while she takes photos and he assures her he won't do anything stupid like, say, try to fight a supervillain with a power ring he's only used to change his clothes and levitate slightly. We already know how that went. Guess we can add "impulsive" to "immature and irresponsible."
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That takes us back to the start of the comic, with the ALL-NEW Green Lantern getting pummeled by the mighty Ohm -- that is, until Alex reminds Kyle that he can create stuff with the ring, like a shield to protect himself from Ohm's attacks or a big... stick thing to knock him down. Thirty years later, I still have no idea what this is:
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So, Kyle successfully avoids being murdered on his first mission and saves the day as the crowd cheers for "Green Lantern," with only one guy commenting that his hair looks different now. Perhaps inspired by that, Alex later tells Kyle he should put that Graphic Design degree to use and make himself a new costume that will give him his own identity, resulting in the iconic new look that we'd already seen in the cover, and in the ads for this issue, and at the end of GLCQ #8.
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(Note that they're at the beach, which means it's possible Kyle couldn't think of anything for the new mask, looked down, saw a crab in the sand, and said "I've got it!")
Meanwhile, at a maximum security supervillain prison known as "the Slab," some poor guards try and fail to contain the breakout of one of the inmates, who turns out to be... our pal Mongul! As in, the one who broke Hal Jordan's arm (GL #46) and helped break his brain by destroying Coast City. And he wants a rematch with "Green Lantern."
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Whelp, hope he's better at remembering hair color than the average LA pedestrian...
According to the DC wiki, this is Ohm's one and only appearance, which I find really surprising. I'm shocked (pun intended) that he survived that period in the mid-'00s when Geoff Johns and James Robinson were going around murdering obscure DC characters for shock (pun intended again) value.
On the other hand, New Jersey's very own Slabside Penitentiary, which also debuted in this issue, went on to become a recurrent location in various DC stories, most notably the Joker: Last Laugh crossover and the Arrow TV show.
Speaking of the Slab, there are a few villain cameos in that scene: a devil guy I don't recognize (is that Nightcrawler's dad?), Shrapnel from Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad comics, and Captain Atom nemesis Major Force. As a fan of the Captain Atom run where MF was introduced, I was thrilled to see him here and wished DC put him to use more often. (Somewhere, a monkey's paw curled.)
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I will echo Neil's comment on the post for GL #48 that the timeline for Kyle and Alex's breakup doesn't make sense. In this issue, Alex says they broke up "last week" and doesn't even wanna let him in, yet they seemed pretty chummy in #48, which seemed to take place only a few hours ago. The only way I can make sense of it is that it took longer than implied for Ganthet to crawl out of that pile of bodies and travel to Earth. Future issues do reveal that he made some other stops before settling for Kyle, so it's possible he spent several days offering the ring to random people in alleys before someone finally said yes.
I like that not only does the crowd mistake Kyle for Hal, but Kyle himself doesn't even remember the Green Lanterns were a thing until Alex reminds him, and he was already wearing the costume. This acknowledges Green Lantern's status for casual comics fans as a guy you kinda sorta know but don't really care enough to fully remember. That was definitely the case for me, until this run changed it.
No Guy-Watch this time... because he's getting his very own post! Coming soon.
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Hey everyone! Feel Less will be going on a short hiatus... but we're not going anywhere!
Allow me to explain~
So, I gave a similar explanation last time, but because I'll be introducing some new characters, I need some time to finish all the art. I thought I could do it last week, but the extra week I took only allowed me enough time to finish Anna's sprites and cutscene graphics from the latest update, which I hope you enjoyed~ but I have to be honest with myself, and admit that in order to finish everything I want I need to take way longer than just 1 extra week.
You see, things in Feel Less are about to get fuuuuuuuuuucked up real interesting! [REDACTED] isn't the only character that's getting introduced you know~ The Some Things Are Better Left Unknown story route includes at least 3 other characters that could potentially join the party! And they're not gonna draw themselves lmao. Besides the new characters, there's also some very important story beats that are coming, which will also require original art. I could of course do everything with the sprites and backgrounds, but that'd be sacrificing some of the quality of the comic, and I don't want the story to suffer just to get it out on a self-imposed deadline, you know? This is not to mention the backgrounds needed for the new locations so... yikes! This is definitely gonna take longer than a week! Especially because I have a job besides posting comics online (sadly, I wish I could just do this full time aslkdmakldmml 😭)
Another important thing to note is that we'll be disabling player interaction for a bit, at least until all the important story points have been covered, which I think should be the next 3 updates.
Now, what do I mean by "we're not going anywhere"? Well, because this blog won't be going radio silent until everything's done, like I used to do in the past! I'll be streaming most of my art process on my twitch channel! I usually play games on there, but I'm going on an Art Stream Marathon until all the art for Feel Less has been completed! (I really, really want to prioritize this. Neon White can wait.) For those of you who don't know, I stream every Thursday and Saturday from 2:30 pm EST, to around 5:30pm. I'll be posting links to the streams on this blog every day I do them, so come say hi! 💖 There will be slight spoilers for character designs, but not plot points, so dw~
I want to close by saying that, to be completely honest, I never enjoy putting my works on hiatus. Keeping momentum going on a webcomic is difficult, but I have to make sure Feel Less is 100% something I can be proud of and not a rushed product. There's some cool stuff coming, and I want it to have the impact it deserves.
As always, thank you all so much for your support! The fact that you guys take the time to read my webcomic makes me so happy~~ 🥰 Also, important to mention that while the story's on hiatus the inbox will be wide open! So feel free to send questions and stuff, I'll still be here~ See you all soon!!!
-Yui Wrong 💖
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Undercover ~ Chapter Twelve ~ Her Royal Highness
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Pairings: Jake Jensen and OFC Samantha Matthews
The Losers have made it back to their families and are out. Well, almost. A threat against the British crown needs to be handled and the CIA has tapped the Losers for one final mission. And they are sending in Jensen.
Jake Jensen hasn't been a civilian in years but now he's undercover to find out why his target is where he is and who he's after.
Enter Sam, someone who Jake doesn't expect and well, he didn't know he was looking for.
Can Jake handle his mission and falling in love? Especially when the truth leads to a bigger mission than expected?
*~* A Jake Jensen Story *~*
Author's note: this story continues after the events of the Losers. I may weave other characters into it but they are all minor. THE TAGLIST IS OPEN.
The playlist is available on Spotify.
cover photo by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: angst, death, smut, and a bunch of stuff a can’t say because it gives away the plot!
Previous: Chapter Eleven ~ Separation Anxiety
Story Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Sam doesn’t usually wallow. Her life had been pretty good up until right now. Her parents loved her, she had good friends, a man who loved her, a steady job and a home all of her own.  The last two weeks had proven that complacency was dangerous.  As her father’s car pulled up to Kensington, Sam sighed, wiping a tear away at the thoughts of Jake not being with her.  When she stopped, her father exited and offered his hand to her. She accepted, as any princess would, and he led her into their family home.  
“Samantha, I’ve set up your room. It's Apartment 10, your own space as you are an adult now. We need to go over the plan for you and introduce you to your security. I’ve also taken the liberty of gathering some CVs for a secretary for you. And we need to go over the presentation to Parliament.”  
“Great,” Sam deadpanned.  
Her father sighed. “You could be more grateful.”  
“Grateful for what papa? For you taking me away from my home, away from the only place I really knew.  From the man I love?” Sam kept her composure.  “I was safe with Jake.”  
“You were shot at with him!” 
“And he took that bullet for me! Does that not make him worthy of me Father?” 
At the use of the formal title, Harold stiffened. Sam was rarely upset with him, even with how absent he was with her. His focus had been getting his son to take the throne and with that, his daughter had to be on her own. “Samantha...” 
“I’m Sam. That’s how I want to be addressed.  I will only be here long enough for the heir to the throne be born before I am no longer necessary.”  
“Samantha...Sam please, don’t be like this.  You know your brother had no choice.”  
“My brother hates me.  He blames me for his mother dying.  I wasn’t even in the picture and yet its all my fault. I am here because YOU want me here, not Tony. I will do my duty to you and then I am gone.  I have no desire to be a part of his court nor his family.”  Sam turned around and stomped away, aware of her petulance.  Once a steward took her to her apartment, she opened the door and took a look around.  Like everything else in Kensington, the designs were dated and royal. Too much gold inlay for her liking. Her bag had been brought up and she moved to unpack it.  
On top were three photos, one of her mother, one of Bowie and one of Jake and herself during Christmas.  She clutched the photo and laid in bed, sobbing for her lost love.  
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Jake watched from the two way mirror. John Fitzgerald. He looked beat down and ragged from his run-in with the Embassy guards. He sat there with a smug look however, and it made Jake crazy.  This bastard started a turn of events that caused the love of his life to be taken from him.  He needed to get answers so he could fight for her.  Clay entered the room.  
“Fitz, long time.”  
“Not long enough,” Fitzgerald replied. “Would have though you would have retired after Colombia.”  
“Which Colombia, the first, second or third time?”  Clay took a seat across from the man.  “Either way, I still got out and you are still captured.”  
John snarled at him. “I would have taken what I needed if it hadn’t been for your boy.”  
“Right, Samantha.” Clay opened the file he had brought in with him.  “Otherwise known as Her Royal Highness, the Dutchess of Manchester.  Funny, you would think that they wouldn’t have titled her if she was a secret, but the best kept secrets are the ones right in front of you.”  
John swallowed. “I knew she was special,” he replied, without the cockiness he had prior.  
“You knew she was special,” Clay repeated. He studied John for a moment.  “You knew she was special, but you did not know she was titled, did you?” 
“Of course, I did.”  
“No, I don’t think so.  See, you searched for the Duchy of Manchester on a tip from someone who knew that she was it but didn’t tell you why. My bet is on the fact that the money led you there.  The Duchy was paying someone but the transactions when to an unnamed account and that’s where you got lost.”  
John fidgeted in his seat. “No.”  
“Liar. You don’t have to answer but I have a feeling you’ll give yourself away Fitzy.  Someone in the royal family or in the opposition is bankrolling you.” No answer. “And it’s someone who either wants the crown or wants the line to die and start a revolution.”  
“You’ll never know Clay.  Maybe I just wanted that sweet piece of ass to be mine. Maybe I just wanted to bend her over my desk and fuck the shit out of her because she looks just that good...”  
The door flew open and Jake came in the room and hit John in the jaw, toppling him from his seat. “Don’t say another word about her like that, you fucker.”  
The guards helped John back into his seat, his bloody smile looking back at Jake and Clay. “Nice shot. Doesn’t help your cause though. I mean the princess is just one piece of the puzzle. My homeland has always needed better leadership and they gave birth to it 50 years ago. We’re just strong enough to take it now.”  
“What did you just say?” Jake looked at him. “Birthed new leadership?” Jake ran through all of his research. “Son of a bitch. I know who his backer is.”  He turned to Clay, “do we have his computer?”  
“Yeah, everything from his house and … where are you going?” He chased Jake out of the room with Fitzgerald spitting and swearing at his idiocy.  
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A few days later, Sam was being fitted with her gown for her presentation.  She stood still as the royal seamstresses flited around her, pinning the royal blue material in place.  As she sighed for the hundredth time, her father and brother walked in. “Can I help you?” 
“Sam, enough,” her father said.  “Ladies, will you help her Royal Highness out of the gown?  We need to speak to her in private.”  All of the ladies bowed and took Sam behind a screen and out of the dress. She popped back in her jeans and the Petunias shirt she had stolen from Jake.  
“Could you look any more American?” her brother scoffed.  
“Could you be any more of a pompous prick?” Sam countered, sitting on the armchair farthest from him.  
“Alright, that is enough,” her father said, stopping the insults before they became worse.  “Princess, we need to talk about the future. Your role within the Monarchy, your security and future plans.”  
Sam looked alarmed. “Plans? Like what?” 
“Like getting you to meet people,” Anthony said. “With the right company escorting you, of course.”  
“Right company?” 
Her father looked uncomfortable for the first time in her life.  “I’ve arranged for you to be escorted by the Earl of Stratham.”  
“Earl of Stratham? Peter Cambridge?” Sam had remembered the boy from her visits when she was younger. Ten years her senior, she was surprise to hear that he was still single. And then it dawned on her. “No.”  
“No, I refuse. I am a woman in love. I will find my way back to him Father.”  
“Samantha be realistic,” Anthony said with an eye roll.  “You are the Princess of England not some American tartlet having an affair with a GI Joe. He is not of your station.”  
“So what? He is a good man who took care of me.  Who loves me. I would rather be locked up in a tower than give him up.”  
Anthony stands. “I am ordering you to present yourself to Parliament when it is time.  The Earl of Stratham will be by your side. We will announce your engagement to him in a few months after you have acclimated back to being a good Englishwoman and Princess of this royal house.”  
Sam’s face shatters as she runs from the room. Harold turned to his son. “Did you really feel that is necessary? She hasn’t been brought to be royal. And once you and Marie have children...” 
“I can’t wait to have a successor in place. You know Edward would jump on the chance to become King or have one of his children take over. We can’t allow that to happen.”  
Harold looked to where he could hear his daughter’s cries. “I know. But to take away her first love like this is cruel.”  
“He’s American, Papa.  She needs to get over it. She almost died with him and his team.  This is the best solution. Jacob Jensen is not good enough for our Princess.”  Anthony started to walk out the door. “She is our best hope to preserve our line until I produce my own heir.”  
“I hope you realize that by doing this, you are essentially cutting off any chance of getting to know and love your sister. It is not her fault that your mother left.”  
“She may not be the reason, but she had the chance at the normal life that I was never given. I’m sorry she is hurting but as head of this house, my decision is final.” He walked out without a backwards glance.  
Harold headed in to see his daughter. He found her in bed, chest heaving as she cried. “Oh, princess.”  
“I hate you,” she replied.  “I hate both of you.” Sam looked at her father squared. “I will not marry that man. I will not give up Jake. I’d rather abdicate and be a poor woman in love than a rich woman without. Get out of my room.”  
“I said get out! You know no love for your daughter when you allow your son to do this to me.”  Sam moved into her bathroom and locked the door.  She sank to the floor and cried.  “Jake, please, come get me.”  
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Jake had been working on the computers for the better part of a week.  The encryption was something to be admired and, in another lifetime, Jake would have appreciated it.  But now, it was nothing more than the bain of his existence.  He needed the information on it. Proof of his theory of who was after his Princess.  
“How’s it going Jake?” Aisha asked gently, setting a cup of coffee next to him.  
“Thanks,” he took a sip. “I’m almost there. I’d be impressed by this if it wasn’t pissing me off.”  
“Have you taken a break?” She looked at him with concern when he shook his head no. “Jake, you are going to burn yourself out and be no good to Sam when she needs you.”  
“I need to find this. I need her to feel free and not trapped.”  
“Jake! Man, have you seen this?” Pooch ran in, holding a tablet.  
“I haven’t looked at anything but this and my photo of Sam. What is it?” He took the table from his hand.  
“Shit.” Jake reads the article. “The session is being called tomorrow.”  
“They are going to present her, aren’t they?” Aisha asks.  
“Yeah, I think they are. Fuck, I need to crack this shit.” Jake sat back down at the computer as Pooch kept reading.  
“Says here that the Earl of Strat... Strut... Stat... shit what is this word?” He showed Aisha.  
“Statham.” She took the tablet. “Says that he has begun courting and that its serious, but they don’t name the woman. Just that she is close to the crown...” she trails off.  
Jake stops typing, holding still.  He slowly looks at Aisha and Pooch. “You don’t think...” 
“It could be anyone Jake.”  
“She wouldn’t do this to me, would she?” 
“No, of course no. Jake,” Pooch grabs his shoulders, “Jake, look at me. She loves you. She was devastated at having to be pulled from you. This has to be her family not her.”  
“She’s mine,” he whispers.  “I have to fix this.”  He taps on the keyboard again before grabbing his mug of coffee and launching it at the wall. “Fuck! I just want to talk to her. To let her know I’m still here.”  He dropped his head into his hands.  
“You can,” Pooch says.  
“What?” Jake looked at him. “She lost her phone. I don’t...” 
“I slipped one into her bag.” Pooch shrugged. “To track her just in case.” Jake jumped up and hugged Pooch hard. “Get off me man.  
“Can’t do that Poochy. Gimme.”  
Pooch laughed and handed him the phone.  “Its encrypted and hopefully still charged.”  
Jake selected the contact and let it ring.  
Sam heard the ringing, but she couldn’t figure out where it came from. Her phone had been lost in the race to safety and she didn’t want to use the in house phone in case anyone was listening.  She went to the closet and the ringing got louder.  She searched the bag she had brought from home and found a phone.  She answered the unknown number. “Hello?” 
“Jake? JJ? Is that you?” 
“Sam, oh god its you.”  
“Jakey,” she cried. “I miss you so much”.  
“I miss you too Princess.  How are you?” 
“Tired and scared. Frustrated with my family. Jake, when are you coming?” 
“As soon as I can, love. We almost have it.”  Jake swallowed. “I heard you’re being presented tomorrow.”  
“Yeah,” she said softly. “I hate it. The dress is itchy and my crown is heavy. Would rather stay in your Petunias shirt.”  
“Hey, you have my shirt,” Jake said, making Sam giggle.  “That’s my favorite sound baby. We got a couple of articles about life in England.”  
“I bet.”  
“Are they making you date someone else?” Jake listened as Sam sniffled on the phone.  “Oh.”  
“I don’t want to Jake, I promise. I told them I am in love with you, and I would rather be locked up than let you go.  I promise JJ, I only want you.”  
“I thought that’s what you would say Sam. Fuck, I miss you in my arms.”  
“I want to be there with you.”  
“I’ll find a way Sam I promise. Your knight.”  
“I love you Jakey.”  
“I love you Sammy. I’ll call again tomorrow, ok?” 
“Ok. Bye.” 
Jake hung up, feeling better about the situation.  As he took a moment, the computer binged.  He looked down.  “Son of a bitch, I knew it.”  He took the computer to Clay. “We need to get to Fowler and Hart.”  
Clay read over the details.  “Hot damm Jensen, good work.  Let’s go rescue your girl.” 
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Sam was primed and primped to within an inch of her life.  Her royal blue gown was heavy and uncomfortable.  The pins holding her hair were stabbing her skull.  But she waited in the receiving room until her brother called her forward.  She sat, wishing she was in Jake’s lap, cuddling with him.  
“Well, I see our prodigal princess has returned.”  Sam looked up to see her Uncle Edward.  
“Uncle, how nice to see you.”  
“You look well my dear.” Edward appraised her. “For being raised as an American.”  
“It is always a pleasure to see you Uncle. Excuse me.” Sam walked away with a shudder.  She really hated that man.  As she walked, she bumped into another body. “I’m so sorry.”  
“The error is mine, Your Royal Highness.” Sam looked up to see a handsome man with dark brown hair and blue eyes.  
“No, I wasn’t looking where I was going.  Sorry. I’m Sam.”  
The man chuckled.  “Yes, I know. Peter. Peter Cambridge.” He offered his hand and Sam took it. He raised her hand to place a kiss on the knuckles. “It's nice to see you again.” 
“Thank you, Your Grace.” Sam blushed. Her secretary interrupted.  
“Your Royal Highness, Your Grace, it is time for the presentation.”  
“Shall we?” Peter offered his arm and Sam placed her hand. There was nothing she could do to stop this now, so she conformed until the time was right.  
Peter escorted her down the aisle to the front of Parliament. Her father and brother stood on either side. Once they reached the end, Anthony took her hand and walked her to the center.  
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to present my sister, Samantha Marie Elizabeth Matthews – Davenport, the Duchess of Manchester and heir to the throne of England.”  
There was silence in the room before the clapping started.  As cameras flashes in their face, Sam noticed an odd look in her uncle’s face.  She went to point it out when the room when black, screams heard, and chaos ensued. Once the light returned and the smoke from the flash bangs dissipated, Harold checked on his children.  “Anthony are you ok?” 
“I’m ok,” he said coughing.  
“Sam?” Nothing but silence. “Samantha?” 
Her Royal Highness was gone. 
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