#the bad batch echo fan fiction
skellymom · 17 days
A Bad Batch One Shot Fan Fic
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
Word Count: 2.6K
Background: The boys mistakenly eat "candy". Medicinal Candy. They are so silly and dumb! I plagiarized a line or two from Alice in Wonderlands Caterpillar (for the Star Wars version: Star Dragon).
Warning: Swearing, nudity, drug references.
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“What ARE you making?” Crosshair, sitting in the corner polishing his rifle curious of Tech’s new “project”. 
“I am infusing Meiloorun juice into a gelatinous confection containing Star Sedge for Echo.  It should help him with his prosthetic limb pain.”  Tech, crouched over a folding table littered with equipment, dropping gel candies from his gloved hand into a clear cellophane bag. 
Tech worked meticulously...handling the chemical properties with PRECISE care...like you do with these types of things: 
“Why not a tincture?” 
“It is less stable without the binders to hold it.  In addition, this particular state makes it more...palatable.”   
“Doesn’t Star Sedge make a person...high?” 
“It is no secret within the galaxy of the euphoric properties of this plant.  It also provides pain and stress relief, dispels anxiety, is used recreationally, and even utilized for spiritual purposes.”  Tech picked up another pre-cut Meiloorun slice to use for flavoring.  After squeezing into a receptacle, he set the spent fruit aside in his “eat” pile.  The fruit was rare to find in this part of the galaxy, and Tech wasn’t about to let it go to waste...even devoid of its sweet juice. 
Crosshair watched Tech silently while polishing away. 
Tech quietly picked up a piece of spent Meleroon, popping it into his mouth, absently chewing away. 
He dipped another gel candy in the juice, then dropped it into the bag. 
Picked up another Meiloorun piece and popped it into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. 
Dip, soak, retrieve, drop it into the bag.  Pop Meiloorun into mouth, chew, swallow. 
Dip, soak, retrieve, drop it into the bag.  Pop Meiloorun into mouth, chew, swallow. 
Dip, soak, retrieve, drop it into the bag.  Pop Meiloorun into mouth, chew... 
...a WET explosion inside Tech’s mouth!  Warm liquid running down his throat!  And to his surprise, Tech inhaled involuntarily...gasping, coughing, choking!!! 
He had accidentally picked up a gel candy and put it in his mouth! 
Tech jumped up and ran to the refresher.  He spit into the sink, repeatedly rinsing out his mouth.  Unfortunately, he had swallowed most of the gel candy contents. 
Oh no!  Tech gazed back at himself in the refresher mirror... 
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(Pinterest Credit: Your Stuck With Me, Skyguy)
Crosshair sat on his bunk smiling like a Tooka cat.  The idea of Tech inadvertently imbibing in a hallucinogen gave him joy.  It was going to be a fun afternoon... 
...then it got better. 
Wrecker walked past, stopped, and sniffed at the bag. 
“HEY...what’s THIS?” 
“Oh, just a little something Tech whipped up for Echo.” 
“Smells REALLY GOOD!”  Wrecker picked up the cellophane bag containing approximately twenty gel candies, staring intently into it. 
Crosshair watched with interest. 
Wrecker turned to Cross for permission “You think I could try just ONE?” 
“Oh, I don’t know Wrecker...Tech did make it for ECHO.” 
“Well, I’M gonna ask if he can share!” 
“You go ahead and do that.” Crosshair smirked as Wrecker walked to the front of the Marauder. 
“Yeah?” Echo, seated in the pilot’s chair swiveled around to see Wrecker approaching with a clear bag full of jelly candies. 
“Can I have one of your candies?” 
“MY candies???” 
“Tech made them for you!” 
“Oh?”  Echo grabbed one out of the bag, held it to his nose, sniffing.  “Of course! Tech knows Meiloorun is my favorite flavor.”   
Echo popped one into his mouth.  His eyes lit up.  “Go ahead Wrecker.” 
Wrecker followed suit, crunching down.  Some of the fluid squirted down his lips.  “Ummm...sweet and messy!” 
Echo’s reaction changed “Yeah...kinda warm and has a...PURPLE undertone...” 
“IT’S GOOD!”  Wrecker greedily eyed the bag. 
Crosshair strode up to the cockpit and addressed Echo.  “How’s your MEDICINAL taste?” 
“WHAT?!”  Echo stopped dead.  Then he felt the first faint warm wave rush over him... 
“The gels Tech made...for your limb pain...” Crosshair grinned. 
“WAIT?  THIS ISN’T JUST CANDY???”  Wrecker thundered. 
Cross pulled out a gel from the bag.  “No. It’s Meiloorun flavored Star Sedge gels.  Takes care of pain...with an added kick.” 
With a smart assed smile, Crosshair tossed the gel into his mouth and chewed it heartily...then swallowed. 
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(Pininterest credit: Nico)
“What the actual fuck Cross???”  Echo’s anger was blunted by the second warm wave washing over him... 
“Uh..you ok, Echo?”  Wrecker seemed concerned. 
“Just feeling...altered...” 
“I don’t feel nothin” 
“You won’t Wrecker.” Cross remarked.  “You’re so large...”  The first wave hit Cross harder due to his low body weight “...it’s like a raindrop in the ocean...” 
“Ole Crosshair...sounding like a poet.” Echo’s eyes glazed over. 
“You guys are acting WEIRD.”  Wrecker eyed both his brothers with suspicion. 
Echo sat in the pilot’s seat pondering, then perked up suddenly paranoid “Ohhh...Hunter’s gonna be PISSED!” 
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(Pinterest Credit: Mr Echo)
“WHY am I going to be pissed?” 
Wrecker and Echo jumped at Hunter’s voice entering the Marauder.  He had just returned from a walk in the forest. 
Crosshair cracked the biggest, dopiest smile ever. 
Wrecker quickly reached into the bag, grabbed the rest of the candies, and crammed them into his mouth.  His attempt to hide the evidence wasn’t successful.  Wrecker’s strong grip popped one of the gels, coating his hand, and left residue on his mouth.  He then crumpled up the bag noisily in his huge sticky fist. 
Hunter had clocked the sticky sweet odor even before entering the ship.  Had Echo not made the remark he had; Hunter would have just figured it was Wrecker eating snacks...again. 
“NOTHING!”  Wrecker shouted. 
Crosshair rolled his eyes. 
Echo stared at Wrecker in a half-baked manner, then slowly shook his head in disbelief. 
“What’s going on here?”  Hunter grabbed Wrecker’s hand, pulling the sticky crumpled bag free...with his BARE hands. 
The bag stuck to Hunter’s hands.  He stared at it incredulously.  “Someone want to explain THIS?” 
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(Pinterest credit: Maulia)
Before ANYONE could answer, the refresher door slowly opened.  Tech gingerly emerged, clearly wanting to explain... 
“It seems EVERYONE with the exception of YOU is under the influence of the medicinal gel candies I have concocted.”  
Hunter spun around to see Tech looking bug eyed, yet glazed, swaying unsteadily...a slight smile on his lips.  He seemed rather pleased with himself. 
“Where in the hell have YOU been???”  Echo slurred. 
“I... have been staring at myself in the refresher mirror for...” Tech stared at his wrist chronometer.  He seemed to be trying to work SOMETHING out, but just stood there looking terminally at his wrist.  “...I am unsure...but QUITE some time now...or so it seems.” 
Crosshair abruptly broke out in full maniacal laughter.  He sounded like a strangled goose. 
“My pain is gone!”  Echo interjected suddenly in a high-pitched voice.  “My brain cells went with it TOO!” 
Hunter sighed “I can’t leave you all alone, can I???”  He turned to Wrecker, who had gone suddenly quiet. 
Wrecker stared out through the Marauder windscreen.  His lips still full of sticky goo.  He seemed entranced by something out there.  Hunter followed Wrecker’s gaze.  Just clouds above the treetops with the sun now setting.  But Wrecker’s gaze seemed to suggest he was seeing MORE, something waaaay beyond the clouds. 
“Wrecker?”  Hunter inquired. 
A few seconds later Wrecker answered without breaking eye contact with the sky “Yeah...Sarge...” in barely a whisper. 
“What do you see?”   
“I see...Lula’s” In the same whisper, his mouth stayed open.  Slack jawed. 
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(Pininterest Credit: Bad Batch)
Somewhere a goose was honking like mad inside the Marauder... 
Hunter shook his head, then turned to throw the cellophane bag into the trash incinerator.  It stuck to his hand fast.  He pulled it free with the other hand to have it stick to that hand.  Hunter struggled with the bag.  Finally, he was able to throw it into the incinerator and slam the panel shut with his foot. 
Both hands were now coated with the sticky goo.  Hunter was BEYOND frustrated. 
“FUCK!”  He made a beeline for the refresher to wash his hands... 
...walking suddenly seemed VERY difficult.  I need to sit down.  Hunter slid into the first seat he could find to take a load off.  He HATED the sensory feel of the sticky substance on both hands.  It had to be cleaned off RIGHT NOW!  Hunter spit into both hands, rubbed them together, then rubbed both hands on his pants. 
“Hunter...” Tech’s comically high voice interjected.  “This might be bad timing on my part...however...saliva activates the absorptive properties of the active ingredient.” 
“Didn’t put hands in my mouth Tech” Hunter clapped back. 
“Transdermal absorption will occur with external keratinized skin...or internal squamous stratified epithelial tissue...” 
“Break it down for me, Tech... head feels like a Meiloorun on a toothpick...” 
Tech stopped...in deep thought...processing his answer in a manner Hunter could understand.   
“You’re fucked either way.  Enjoy the trip.” 
“Roger that...Tech” Hunter sat back, feeling the planet slowly rotate...as he lost himself in his own inner experience. 
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Sometime later...shortly after...but it seemed like an ETERNITY...like it does with these types of things: 
Tech decided to mathematically plot out the existence of all matter in the universe. 
Wrecker had long protracted and silly conversations with his many multicolored Lula’s. 
Echo couldn’t be arsed to get up from where he was sitting...so he scomped into the ship’s computer and mind melded with it. 
Crosshair laughed like a silly goose...then turned on the holonet tunes and danced like he was back at 79’s Rave Night. 
Hunter...he watched Tech’s calculations morph into the third dimension, witnessed Wrecker’s multicolored Lula’s, heard the whispers of machinery through Echo’s ears, and adored the rarest of smiles from Crosshair... 
...until Crosshair BLASTED the music to an unbearable volume.  Hunter shot up and lurched out of the Marauder to escape the cacophony.  He stumbled down the gangplank and wandered away...following the song of the full moon.  His mistress serenading her Hunter as he toddled into the dark woods... 
Gonky sat and watched the WHOLE THING with astonished interest.   
His conclusion: Humans are weird! 
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Sunrise over the Marauder.  Rex hailed The Batch bright and early with intel. 
Echo immediately snapped up in his seat and gasped.  He rubbed his eyes and engaged the holo communication. 
Rex’s holo illuminated in bright blue.  “Morning, Echo.”  Rex glanced past Echo’s shoulder to address the rest of the crew... 
“WHAT THE KRIFF???”  Eyes wide, astonished. 
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Echo slowly turned around.  
The crew was passed out. 
The whole interior of the Marauder was covered in black mathematical scrawl.  Tech was covered as well...all over his semi-naked body.  Drool slicked his chin. 
Snack wrappers and fizzy drink cans littered the ship sticking to Wrecker...who was also semi-dressed.  Snack crumbs stuck to his lips giving the impression of bright and obscenely applied lipstick. 
Crosshair hung front half upside down from the open ceiling compartment wearing something hot pink...and dubious.  Where he obtained it from would stay a mystery for years...even to Crosshair. 
Hunter was missing. 
“Uhhh...” Echo was at a loss. 
“Seems you all had...an interesting night?”  Rex stammered. 
Rex gave Echo an out “Let’s...uh...reconvene in one standard hour?  Sound good?” 
“See you then, Rex.” 
The holo transmission cut off and Rex disappeared. 
Echo surveyed his crewmates.  He had only been with the batch for a short period of time after leaving Rex.  They certainly ACT defective... 
...he had a HORRIBLE case of dehydrated cotton mouth. Echo slowly and unsteadily got up from the pilot’s seat.  
“WAKE UP!” He barked. 
Crosshair jerked awake, falling from the ceiling. Good thing Wrecker broke his fall. 
“Urm...whaa..?” Wrecker sleepily sat up, absentmindedly pushing Cross off him onto the floor. 
Tech was still out cold...drooling. 
“We NEED to find Hunter! He’s missing!!!” Echo scowled. “Intel with Rex in one standard hour SHARP!” 
“OH for FUCK SAKE!” Crosshair growled grouchy as all hell. He peeled off a full uneaten cookie from Wrecker’s chest and whipped it across the room.  
It bounced off with a hard THWACK! against Tech’s forehead. Tech startled violently out of a deep sleep with WIDE eyes. “HAAA..!” Rubbed his forehead, smearing the inked algorithm scrawled across it. He gazed at his hand, his body, then slowly scanned the interior of the Marauder. 
“GET UP!” Cross hissed. “We need to find Hunter!” 
Tech immediately scrabbled up and sat in the co-pilot's chair. 
“Shouldn’t we get dressed and go on foot?” Wrecker groggily asked. 
“It will be much simpler to follow the trail of shed armor Hunter left behind. Especially over rough forest terrain.” Tech pointed to Hunter’s pauldron’s lying on the ground covered in wet morning dew. 
“Besides...don’t see YOU getting THAT off easily anytime soon.”  
Echo pointed at Crosshair...who looked down at himself...finally realizing he was wearing something made up entirely of hot pink straps, buckles, and intricately tied ropes. 
“HA! You aint’ fitting ANY armor OVER THAT!!! Wrecker snickered. 
Crosshair crossed his arms and sulked. 
They engaged the Marauder to take off and scan the forest for Hunter. Following the bits of armor he took off and discarded along the way...and eventually his clothing. The Marauder flew low deeper and deeper into the dark canopy of impossibly tall ancient trees. 
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Hunter slowly opened his eyes. The dark canopy of trees above provided shelter. He felt warm and snug. The smell of earth, plants, water, and the soothing sounds of birdsong echoing through the forest greeted him. Hunter felt at peace. 
He hadn’t slept this soundly in quite a while. 
Something around him stirred quietly. It was purple and segmented with many legs. Long sharp claws at the end of each... 
Hunter was enveloped by a Duinuogwuin! 
Somehow...he wasn’t the least bit concerned. The beast regarded him with its glowing yellow eyes. It took a long, protracted drag off a glass hookah pipe and smiled. 
You are a good height, indeed. Then exhaled smoke of lovely plumes down upon Hunter. Pale colored tendrils rolled across his naked body. 
STRANGE thing for a creature to say!  
In a minute or two the Star Dragon took the hookah out of its mouth and yawned once or twice and shook itself. Then it got down off the mushroom, and crawled away in the grass, merely remarking as it went,  
One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter. 
“What???” Hunter finally spoke out loud. OUTSIDE his head. 
Hunter rolled off the HUGE mushroom they had been laying on and stood up upon the grass. His ears caught the distant engines of the Marauder approaching. 
The Duinuogwuin exhaled a huge lungful of multicolored smoke again. It wafted towards Hunter, enveloping him with whispers of ancient secrets. 
He inhaled deeply... 
The Marauder burst through the canopy, blowing away the smoke with its engines while bathing him in its landing lights. The ship slowly descended, with Wrecker and Crosshair stepping off the gangplank... 
Wrecker in his underwear and Crosshair wearing a hot pink atrocity. 
Hunter grinned and pointed. “Look at you TWO!” 
“Look at yourself, Hunter.” Cross snapped crankily. 
Hunter glanced down. Naked and covered in dried mud. Leaves, moss, and small plants stuck to various parts of him...including some small mushrooms. 
“You look like part of the forest!” Wrecker giggled. 
“Coming from someone who looks like a holomovie house floor.” Cross, miserably dehydrated, and his head pounded. 
“Ladies...we DON’T HAVE TIME TO COMPARE OUTFITS! Intel briefing with Rex in 40 standard minutes! LOOK SHARP!” Echo grumpily shouted from the ship. 
“WAIT!” Hunter interjected “My friend over here...” He spun around to empty, dark forest. Purple leaves of a huge Star Sedge bush danced in the breeze of the Marauder’s engines. 
Hunter stood stunned. Had he imagined the Space Dragon??? 
“HUNTER!!!” Echo shouted. 
Hunter dashed to the ship and scrambled aboard. He peered out just as the gangplank closed.  
He SWORE his vision detected a shadow just beyond the Sedge bush with two yellow eyes... 
but it COULD have been an ILLUSION...like it is with these types of things... 
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I like the original song, and the P!nk cover. But this particular version is killer with the base turned way up while "chasing the white rabbit." Enjoy!
PLEASE like, comment, and/or REBLOG!
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! Masterlist
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Season one Bad Batch AU fic; our favorite squadron of rouge Clones escapes the Empire (some more reluctantly than others) post Order 66 and do their best to make their way in a turbulent galaxy. When a medical emergency puts one of their own at risk, they're forced to seek out medical help, and end up forging a friendship in the woman who kindly helps them.
She may be a simple medic, but she's no stranger to the sick and injured of the galaxy, even when things get grisly once more for the Bad Batch...
Please mind the warnings for each chapter as there are things like vague medical terminology, near death(s), mild injury description + care, blood, drugs (both medical and **recreational references), use of restraints, needles (autoinjectors), nausea and non-descriptive mentions of vomit, language and minor adult themes throughout the series.
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*RATING: 16+ | STATUS: Complete | POV: 3rd Person | Fem Reader
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🩺Chapter 1
🩺Chapter 2
🩺Chapter 3
🩺Chapter 4
🩺Chapter 5
🩺Chapter 6
🩺Chapter 7
🩺Chapter 7.5
🩺Chapter 8
🩺Chapter 9
🩺Chapter 10
🩺Chapter 11
🩺Chapter 12
Started: 5/1/2023 | Finished: 7/24/2023 | Total word count: 82,209
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*I am aware chapters will say "Intended audience is 13+"; these were written some time ago and new edits will not always "take" when I have tried to save them.
**This is a one-time occurrence.
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gospelofme · 29 days
Okay bitches, who wants to be tagged in
The Darkness Within
show of hands
Rough premise: Jedi needs to be relocated due to purge troopers being on her tail, Clone Force 99 is asked to come out of semi-retirement to complete the task
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sashketter · 21 days
The Captain and the Senator
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Summary: Captain Rex and Senator Riyo Chuchi undertake the difficult task of building and running the Clone Underground and, in the process, begin a close relationship.
Warnings: Chapters labeled 🌶️ contain explicit sexual content.
Notes: This takes place during the events of The Bad Batch, in and around the episodes featuring Riyo Chuchi. As of now, it’s a work in progress, and I will update this list as each chapter is posted. The titles and amount of chapters are subject to change.
Truth and Consequences Revisited
Coruscant Covers 🌶️
Tipping Point to Pantora
Project Spycraft
Infiltration on Orto Plutonia 🌶️
Offerings to the Moon Goddess 🌶️
The Cavalry Deferred
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techhasmjolnir · 4 months
Writings Master List
This will be the place where you can easily find all of my writings. Stories will be listed in the chronological order they were written.
If you like my content, please feel free to drop me some love, and reblog!
**If you would like to be tagged for future writings, please don't hesitate to ask!
The Bad Batch - Trivial Pursuit (Tech x F Reader)
The Bad Batch - Rites of the Covenant (Hunter x F Reader)
The Bad Batch - Dealer's Choice (The Boys x F Reader)
The Bad Batch - Give Me Three, the Gift of One (Crosshair & Tech x F Reader) (WIP)
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techs-goggles9902 · 27 days
TBB Modern AU
Part I
Learning about the batch. Gonky is discovered 🙏🏻 Fives is visited.
Part II
Part III
(Ongoing so idk how many parts there will be)
My AU backstory I made in August of 2023
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523rdrebel · 5 months
Welcome to CF99
The Bad Batch Coffee/Caf Shop AU
Hunter x Reader
Hunter and his siblings own a Caf Shop called, CF99. Reader and Hunter are tasked with creating something new and use that time to grow closer together.
Overall Vibes: Cute, Fluff, Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop
Warnings: One Instance of Customer being a "Karen," Fluff, Cuteness, and Lots of Caf/Coffee References
Rating: SFW
Written as a Lifeday gift for @multi-fan-dom-madness <3 <3 <3
Hunter Divider: @snotbuggle
Coffee Divider: @firefly-graphics
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���Small Oatmilk Latte on Bar!” You shout over the loud ambient sounds of coffee being made, milk being steamed and frothed, and voices speaking in a dull hum.
“I asked  for whole milk!” The customer scowled at you across the bar, nearly spitting at you in their ire.
“No. You didn’t.” A voice growled intensely from behind you.
“It’s okay Crosshair–”
“No. I took their order, they asked for Oatmilk.” He pushed you aside and leaned over the bar, smiling that toothy smile at the problem customer. His voice rumbled, “You can take the latte or you can leave.” The large form of Wrecker appears behind you, casting a shadow over the customer, “Your choice.”
“Th–the latte’s fine!” The customer all but screams, takes the latte and runs away, doorbell ringing as they exit.
Crosshair laughs, deeply amused.
“Cross– we can’t just keep intimidating the customers!” you chide, despite feeling a deep sense of relief that you avoided being shouted at by another unruly customer.
“That wasn’t a customer, that was a wailing banshee…”
Wrecker nudged your shoulder, though gently, it still nearly knocked you off your feet, “They’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Figure what out? That if they come to CF99 they get yelled at and threatened?”
“That they can’t bully us. Or you.”
Crosshair’s face was smug, something unidentifiable sparkling in his eyes, “Pretty sure Hunter would rip a face off if he caught someone bullying you.”
“I do not believe, even with Hunter’s capabilities, that he could ‘Rip a face off’.” Tech’s voice broke in now, his face popping up from around the corner at the drive thru.
“It’s an expression, Tech.” Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“Is it an expression for ‘I need therapy?’” He quipped back instantly.
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At the morning staff meeting, Echo presented a new challenge to the CF99 team, “Overall customer feedback shows that they want something new.”
“New…The pastries from Daisy’s Bakery wasn’t enough?” You asked. Pastries had just been added a few months ago, thanks to Wrecker’s love of the bakery (and the Baker) down the street.
He sighed, “That definitely boosted our sales, but no. They want a new drink.”
“It’s coffee, not an experiment. It doesn’t need all the frills.”
“Not everyone likes plain espresso, Crosshair.”
“Pansies.” He mumbled under his breath, crossed his arms over his chest and glowered.
“Anyway, I need a couple of you to take point on that new drink. Any volunteers?” Tech instantly raised his hand, always excited for a new challenge. “Not you Tech…”
“Yeah, the drink has to actually be palatable…” Wrecker elbowed Tech and laughed heartily.
He adjusted his glasses then held up one finger, “According to my research, the flavor notes hit all the flavor receptors at once. It should have been entirely palatable.”
Echo just rolled his eyes and continued, “I need you on Drive Thru, anyway. No Cross– you just want to avoid the customers.” Crosshair’s sighed deeply, but didn’t deny. “Wrecker’s the best with the Customers so we need him on register…” Echo looked pointedly at you then Hunter, “You and Hunter willing to give it a shot? It doesn’t have to be too fancy, just good coffee and something that we haven’t served before.”
“Okay.” You shrugged, feigning nonchalance, despite the excitement bubbling inside your chest.
“Uh–” Hunter glanced sidelong at you, mouth open to speak.
Echo cut in, standing up to signal the end of the meeting, “Great! Now let’s try not to scare away any more customers…”
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You and Hunter are left alone to plan in the break room, where Echo and Tech had set up a temporary Barista station with selections of Caf beans from Endor to Mutunda with a variety of roasting styles and flavor notes. There were caf creamers and alternatives and a multitude of flavorings and additions to make nearly any combination of a special brew.
Hunter was nothing if not efficient, so he set himself to grinding and brewing samples of each caf for the both of you to taste as you made your selections.
“So… What’s the plan here?”
“Taste the caf. Choose additional flavor items. Make the drink. Save the world. Mission accomplished.”
“Oh, sounds very important. How can I help, Commander?” You snap off a sloppy salute.
“At ease, soldier.” He chuckles, eyes sparkling with humor, “Why don’t you try to narrow down the additions… make some flavor groups?”
“On it–sir.” You wink at him, then quickly turn away, your ears burning.
You both work quietly for a while, selecting different combinations of flavor additions while he narrows down caf beans by preference. He is a nice, calming presence, and you, not for the first time, glance appreciatively at his handsome, prominent profile. He’s focused, his brow furrowed in that soft intensity you’d noticed while he works. He exhales at the strand of hair that came loose of his red bandana, now partially obstructing his view. You can’t help but smile at him, but you shake your head and return your focus back to the flavor profiles you were creating. Now isn’t the time to swoon, you decide.
Hunter shifts periodically, each time getting closer and closer to you, causing you to hold your breath involuntarily and sigh heavily when you release the breath. You swore you heard Hunter chuckle quietly upon the third instance, but decidedly ignored that as wishful thinking.
By the time you both had finished with your tasks, Hunter’s arm was softly brushing against your own as he moved the caf closer together, “These ones are the best…”
You know your cheeks are likely flushed with how hot your face feels right then and you nod, gathering your preferred flavor palettes and placing them next to the remaining cafs.
Hunter’s pics for the caf blends are one dark roast with notes of cherry, dark chocolate, and amaretto, one medium roast with notes of cinnamon, star anise, and meloorun, and one light roast with candied jogan fruit, salted caramel, and brown sugar.
“Oh! These are my favorites!”
“Are they?” Hunter’s eyes flashed with amusement and something else you couldn’t identify, “Uh- what do you have?”
“Spiced plum, Blood Orange, and Cinnamon for syrups. Sweet Cream Cheese or Whip for an optional topping, and we could try this mulled wine flavored drizzle for some extra interest.”
You both spend time mixing flavor combinations until you find one that is just right.
“It works well hot or iced, too!”
“Hmm, maybe we do make a good team–soldier.”
“Well, you make it easy, Commander.”
Crosshair leaned against the door to the breakroom, arms crossed and light smirk on his face, “You two done flirting? Or should I come back with a holo recorder?”
“A holorecorder!?” Your eyes widen in panicked shock. 
“For blackmail. That was embarrassing.”
Hunter sighs, “Just– go get Echo. We finished the drink.”
Crosshair instead took three long steps forward, eyes squinting at the drink you’d both created, “Ugh– looks like a dessert. You sure that’s coffee?”
He rolls his eyes so far back into his head they could’ve gotten lost back there, turns on his heel and leaves.
“So… were you flirting or…?”
He chuckles and whispers your name softly, reverently, “I’ve been flirting with you for a long while now, actually.”
“Really? I thought—”
“You think we have time for me to kiss you before they get back here?”
“God–I hope so!”
He needs no further encouragement, one hand pulls you flush against him, the other cradles your head and his fingers tangle in your hair. His mouth captures yours, pressing softly at first, the more insistently in response to your willingness. Your hands clutch at his shirt and you wish with all your might that you weren’t at work right now…
You hear a deep, from the depths of his being, sigh and Echo groans, “Can’t you two do that off the clock?”
“How about tonight, then?” Hunter asks, pulling away reluctantly, trailing his fingers slowly across your back as he releases you.
“Tonight. Yes.” Your response is stilted, biting your lip in expectation.
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@anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @secondaryrealm @arctrooper69 @sev-on-kamino @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @dystopicjumpsuit @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @followthepurrgil @yubnubhub @nahoney22 @jediknightjana @dangraccoon @wizardofrozz @freesia-writes @mythical-illustrator @echoxbuggs @trixie2023 @ezras-left-thumb
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Open and Waiting (Chapter 2)
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Gif from this post by @ashr-jedi
Summary: Hunter makes an appearance. You continue to warm Tech’s cock with your mouth and ruminate on previous experiences with Crosshair, Wrecker and Echo.  
Relationships: Tech x f!reader, a little bit of Hunter x f!reader, mentions of Crosshair x f!reader, Echo x f!reader and Wrecker x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, cock warming, voyeurism, domination, submission, Dominant Tech, submissive reader, poor self worth, feelings, smut with feelings, sexual inexperience, inexperienced reader, polyamory, gag reflex, pretend sci-fi technology/science, pretend Star Wars planets and locations, not beta read. Mentions of: Deep throating, face fucking, fingering, thigh fucking, tit fucking, bukkake, cum as lube, finger fucking, grinding, toys, butt plug.
Word Count: 2085 (Chapter 2)
Authors Notes: Please read the warnings! And please let me know if you enjoyed it. The filth continues. Interspersed with … feelings? In my smut? It’s more likely than you think. 
I realised I forgot to give any context for where this story sits timeline wise and who the character of the reader is! Timeline wise, this happens at some nebulous point after Echo joins The Bad Batch and before Order 66. The reader is part of the Batch but beyond that you can interpret them however you wish. The most common example I've seen is a medic but a jedi, mechanic, intelligence officer or some other random reason for the reader being in the squad could all work as well. Whatever works for you. The main thing is that the reader is a submissive that the Batch share between themselves and are the reader's dominants. The Batch are all Dom’s in the AU of this fic, but they all have different ways of approaching it, which you’ll hopefully get a little inkling of in this chapter.
Chapters: One, Three, Four, Five, Six | Ao3
Open and Waiting (Chapter 2) 
I don’t know how much time passes but eventually I hear the faint hiss of the cockpit door opening and a soft, smooth stride moves out into the main area of the ship.
Our sergeant can be completely silent when he wants to be, so he’s deliberately making sure his approach can be heard. An existence created purely for tracking means that he’s basically permanently stealthy. It can be decidedly startling when he just appears next to you out of nowhere. We really need to put a bell on him or something. Though he’d probably figure out how to move so that it didn’t make a sound. Sneaky bastard.
A gruff voice at the end of the workbench announces his arrival.
“That’s in more bits than when I saw it last.”
“Yes.” Tech replies. “I hypothesised that the size of the casing could be reduced by 2.56% if I reconfigured the internal power connectors into a series of bi-linear couplings. I am currently applying this theory to the prototype you see before you, hence the 'bits' on the workbench.”
“That’s a lot of parts to shove into a small box.” responds Hunter.
“They will fit.” Tech testily replies.
“I don’t doubt that.” Hunter answers.   
There’s a brief pause while Tech zaps something and Hunter shifts slightly to the side.
I think I’m being inspected.
Hunter definitely can’t have missed that I’m currently naked, kneeling between Tech’s thighs with my eyes closed, hands restrained behind my back and Tech’s cock stuffed in my mouth.
“You went with the leather cuffs then.” Hunter states.
I am definitely being inspected.
“They are more suited to the purposes of this exercise.” Tech explains. “The focus is on sensation and submission and as an introduction to this practice, I thought it pertinent to ease into the experience gently. The leather cuffs provide an acceptable level of restraint and serve as a reminder of their position, both physically and mentally.”
“Plus you made them.” Hunter adds.
“Correct. Both the wrist cuffs and collar are of my own design and creation.” Tech replies.
They’re talking about me like I’m not even here. Like I’m not currently desperately drooling around Tech’s cock, unable to move or escape their gaze. The thought makes my pussy throb.
“Oh, she’s enjoying this.” Hunter laughs.
“I trust you can smell her arousal.” Tech asks, though it’s not framed as a question.
“Yup.” Hunter answers. “I could smell her in the cockpit like she was in there. It’s stronger than usual.”
“I have observed a number of indicators of her heightened state of arousal myself.” Tech adds.
“Is this what she’s been worrying about?” asks Hunter.
“If by ‘this’, you mean the practice of cock warming that the two of us are currently engaging in, then yes.” Tech replies.
“You’ve just got your dick in her mouth.” Hunter observes bluntly.
“Yes.” replies Tech. “That is the point.”
There’s a rather telling pause and I can just picture the looks that are being exchanged. An arched, tattooed eyebrow is probably being met with a decidedly unimpressed flat stare emanating from behind yellow lenses. Another slip of drool spills from the corner of my stretched mouth and runs down my chin to join the rest of the mess that is covering my face.
Tech shifts and launches into a lecture. There’s probably a finger being raised.
“Cock warming is the practice of placing one's cock in an orifice of one's partner. This can be done via the mouth, rear or vagina, if the penetratee possesses that particular genitalia. The cock is then left inside the partner's orifice where they are to keep it warm. The name speaks for itself. Outside of the basic principle of the act, the parties involved can agree on various additional stipulations, such as how long the penetratee must keep their partner's cock inside them or if they are allowed to move or make noise. I have read numerous accounts where both partners extol the virtues of this practice, describing it as surprisingly peaceful and an excellent way of entering subspace.”
“I’m sure it’s enjoyable, I’ve just never heard of it, that’s all.” Hunter supplies.
“I must admit that I was not overly familiar with the practice myself but it has proved to be a most enjoyable addition to our play thus far.” Tech provides.
I could already tell he was enjoying it, given the harness of his erection currently occupying my mouth. Hearing the verbal confirmation just adds to the feeling of deep satisfaction and submission warming in my chest. Another shiver runs through my body and I can feel more of my saliva pool in my mouth.
“Was there a reason for your interruption of my work?” Tech directs at Hunter in a slightly curt manner.
“That’s not the only thing I’m interrupting” Hunter snarks back.
“Quite.” Tech leaves the implication implicit.
Hunter sighs briefly before adding “Yeah we got a comm from the 369th.”
“Ah. Are they still experiencing difficulty with the Separatist base built into the side of the Markontia Gorge on Bezril IX?” Tech asks, fully aware of the answer already.
“Yeah, they might need our help with their current campaign but nothing’s confirmed yet so we’re on standby for now. If they need us to blast a hole into the Seppie base then we should hear back by the next rotation.” Hunter adds.
“Wrecker will be pleased.” Tech comments.
“I can think of something else that would please Wrecker.” Hunter slyly hints at.
“Wrecker may make use of our shared submissive when it is his turn.” Tech replies swiftly, irascible intent laced through the words, making it crystal clear that I am his right now.
“Additionally, he has made it quite clear that he does not wish to test the limits of her capacity for oral penetration until her gag reflex has improved.” Tech adds.
A slice of shame and disappointment cuts through me. I’ve always had problems with my gag reflex. Lack of experience will do that to you, I guess. I’ve been slowly working on improving it and they’ve all been so gentle and careful and patient with me. I desperately want to be able to deep throat each of them or be face fucked into a wall one day. At the moment though, the best I can manage is the tip of one of their cocks at the back of my mouth and even that still sets the damn thing off sometimes.
Wrecker has been so sweet about it. There is no denying that he is exceptionally well endowed and that his cock is, well, enormous, to put it bluntly. The poor man is well aware of it too. There is nothing I’d love more than to be absolutely impaled on his thick cock, but the first time I saw it I did worry that I’d never be able to fit it in me. I still do but we’re slowly getting there. He’s been so wonderful and understanding of my current abilities and their limits. Wrecker is such a beautiful human to experience pleasure with. He’s so full of joy about the entire thing. I didn’t have a great deal of experience before somehow ending up with all of them and I’d never had a joyful sexual encounter before Wrecker. I didn’t even know it was possible and had burst into tears afterwards. He’d been so alarmed and concerned that he’d inadvertently hurt me but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Thankfully, he’s the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them and we’d had a wide-ranging, open and reassuring conversation about sexual experience and intimacy as I lay curled against his chest. I still struggle with tensing up sometimes and Wrecker has been a great boon in getting me more accustomed to preparation. He’s a big proponent of lube and has a whole assortment of different types that we’re slowly working our way through. One or two of his fingers are more than enough to open me up and I could have those big, thick, slicked up digits sliding in and out of me for hours.
And there is nothing quite so wondrous as lying there laughing and kissing and giggling as he fucks my thighs. Wrecker has been very keen to emphasise that there’s more to sex than just penetration and we’ve been exploring some intriguingly varied ways to experience pleasure together. The first time he’d fucked my tits was something else. His oleaginous, lubed cock sliding between my breasts, cupped in his massive hands as his fingers and thumb played with my nipples. When he’d finally exploded all over my chest, neck and face, I don’t think I’d ever been covered in quite so much cum.
Well, at least not until we had that bukkake session. Trying to get cum out of your hair in a sonic is difficult to say the least and Hunter ended up hand washing it out for me. It had been worth it though for the way they had all looked down at me while they pumped their cocks and came all over my obedient, kneeled form, mouth hanging open and tongue out to catch as much as I could.
I’d knelt there afterwards like a statue. Covered in their cum, stained and claimed in their release. Rivets of translucent white slowly running down my skin. I could feel it pool in the hollow of my neck and drip off my nipples. It sounds ridiculous but in that moment I just wished I could exist like that forever, eternally marked as theirs. Just like I wish I could openly and proudly display the marks they leave on my skin, claims bruised into my neck for all to see. They are all such wonderful dominants, each unique in their own approach. I’m eternally thankful that they all chose me to be their submissive. I would happily serve at their feet and allow them to use me as they pleased for the rest of my existence if this damn war wasn’t going on.
I do need to work on having a bit more self preservation though. One of them is bad enough but whenever they end up scheming together, they start coming up with Plans and Ideas. That’s how I then found myself wiping their cum off me with my hands before eating it in front of them like some lewd and licentious spectacle. Being made to finger yourself using the cum of your dominants as lube while they watch is also a whole new level of depravity. I’d had to beg each of them for permission to cum before I’d finally been allowed to finger fuck myself into oblivion.  
Wrecker isn’t the only one that is explicitly clear that their boundaries for playing with me are guided by my current abilities. Crosshair steadfastly refuses to even entertain my suggestion of face fucking until I can, in his words, “keep my balls against your chin, doll”. Echo had gone all serious when I had timidly requested to go down on him for the first time. There had been some stern yet heart-felt words about the importance of pacing and not rushing into things or pressuring yourself to try something you’re not ready for. We’d ended up grinding against each other instead, which was just as enjoyable. It meant I got to watch him come undone as I thrust my hips into his groin and then he’d made me straddle his leg and grind myself to completion on his thigh. There is something about the sensation of smooth durasteel gliding under your wet, sensitive pussy and pressing against your clit that is otherworldly. I’ll have to ask Tech if he’s able to shape some kind of toy out of the metal. A durasteel butt plug sounds like an excellent idea.
I still wish I could do more for them and wasn’t trapped in my own body and mind. The discontent and shame at my perceived failures is still there, despite how well I might be managing to warm Tech’s cock with my mouth at the moment. My lips are wrapped around a decent amount of his length and the tip of his cock is fairly close to the back of my mouth but I could always do more and try to get him a little deeper. I take a steadying breath through my nose, will my throat to relax and move to take more of him in.
Author’s Note: Tiny bit of a cliffhanger! This is mainly because I wrote this all in a giant keyboard mashing haze with absolutely no thoughts of structure. Going back while editing and trying to figure out where to shove in chapters to break it up has been a bit tricky, so if they’re a tad clunky that’s why.
You’ll see how Tech reacts in Chapter 3, along with some musings on previous sessions with Hunter and Crosshair. 
Taglist: @queenariesofnarnia @skywlker-sluvtt @techs-assistant
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dangraccoon · 1 year
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Oyuba'din - Chapter 4: Attentive
Original Character & The Bad Batch
Summary: Hunter is stubborn, but Crosshair is crafty. Jaine amazes all of them.
Warnings: discussion of injuries, migraines, teensy bit of lunatic behavior (if you squint), unorthodox healing methods
Author's Note: Oh my stars y'all are still reading this??? Well, prepare for some mystery! The Batch certainly wasn't!
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“So how was it?” Crosshair smirked. 
“What?” Hunter said. 
“You had a private audience with the medic,” he snickered. 
Hunter rolled his eyes, but said nothing. 
“How’d she smell, vod?”
“Stow it, Cross,” he warned. 
Crosshair snickered, but ultimately stopped his line of questioning. The short walk back to the barracks was quiet from then on.
Upon the door shutting, Hunter felt himself release a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. 
“Are you alright?” Tech asked.
“Fine,” Hunter mumbled.
“You are currently displaying five out of eight of your usual signs of having a migraine. That is three more than this morning in the mess.”
“Tech,” he groaned. 
“Perhaps I should call for Lieutenant Vale, she may have something to ease your pain.”
“You know as well as I do that none of the medicine helps.”
“I have read that her methods are frequently unorthodox, much like us. She may be able to help in some way.”
“Enough, Tech,” he snapped. “I’ll be fine.”
Tech scowled, but said nothing. 
“I’m going to lie down. Do not comm her.”
Hunter turned from his brother, and skulked over to his bunk, pulling down the makeshift curtain to enclose the bunk in darkness. He opted not to shed his armor, feeling a little lazy, and he was out like a light the moment his head hit the pillow. 
Tech continued to scowl at his brother’s bunk. He knew he was one to talk, but Hunter was so hardheaded. Tech knew Hunter thought his migraines were a sign of weakness, and knew they embarrassed him. Perhaps the leader did not want to appear weak in front of the new medic, which was silly. 
“I think you should, by the way,” Crosshair muttered. 
“Hunter explicitly stated that I should not contact Lieutenant Vale.”
Crosshair hummed, seeming to consider this. “Maybe if you had to comm her for some other reason, not Hunter.”
“I suppose, but no one else is in need of a medic. If Echo is experiencing phantom pains again, he has his medication for that, Wrecker’s eye hasn’t bothered him for years, and you and I are in good condition.”
“For now,” Crosshair snickered, stalking away from Tech and over to Wrecker. 
Tech watched as Crosshair whispered something to their larger brother, whose face split in a wide grin. Tech could help the bad feeling that was gathering in the pit of his stomach. 
Before Tech could step in, Wrecker lifted Crosshair above his head with ease, tossing him back to the floor like a rag doll. The breath left Crosshair’s lungs as he watched the hulking Clone jump on top of him. 
Echo watched on in confusion before meeting Tech’s eye, questioningly. 
Tech let out a sigh in response, picking up his comm device as he watched Wrecker dislocate Crosshair’s shoulder. 
The door slid open to reveal a peeved medic. 
Tech huffed out a frustrated breath. “Lieutenant, I assure you there is a perfectly reasonable ex-”
“It’s Jaine,” she said, already moving towards Crosshair to assess the damage.
“Right, Jaine,” Tech mumbled.
“And I don’t really care for explanations. I can’t leave you boys alone for five minutes, can I?”
“We are somewhat ungovernable at times,” Tech conceded. 
Jaine worked silently, assessing Crosshair’s shoulder. 
“Not bad,” she hummed, taking control of Crosshair’s arm. “Relax.”
Before Crosshair had a moment to even think about relaxing, she swiftly moved his arm, the joint clicking loudly as it found its proper place. 
She released his arm as he hissed in pain, and grabbed a bottle of tablets out of her bag. She passed him two, saying “take these. No rough-housing for at least three days.”
She moved on to her next patient, Wrecker, whose cheek was beginning to show some bruising. She pushed him down to sit on the bench so she could get a proper look at him. After a minute, she scoffed lightly, before removing a small canister from her bag. She twisted it open, revealing a dark colored salve. Tech, fascinated, hovered slightly behind her. 
As she applied the salve to Wrecker’s cheek she spoke softly to Tech. “It’s synthesized with vitamins and enzymes from a few different plants; pineapple, arnica, and ginger root mostly. The color comes from activated charcoal. That’s mostly for binding, but it helps as a disinfectant as well. It’s my own blend. Bruises typically heal on their own, but this should speed up the process.”
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tech furiously typing on this data pad, hoping to study the ingredients in the near future.
Once she finished applying the salve, she wiped her hand on her pants. She then leaned forward and gently blew across the area on Wrecker’s cheek and Tech watched fascinated as the dark salve seemed to disappear into Wrecker’s skin. Wrecker reached up and gently prodded where the bruise had been forming. 
“Doesn’t hurt,” he whispered. 
“That’s good,” she smiled. 
“Jaine, I would be most interested if you were to teach me about this salve of yours. I am quite fascinated with its properties and I am curious to know how it was absorbed so quickly,” Tech prattled on. 
“I’d love to teach you sometime, Tech, but why am I really here?” she inquired. 
“Apologies, Jaine, I told Crosshair this deception would be ridiculous,” he muttered with an exaggerated eye roll. Lowering his voice to nearly a whisper he added “Hunter gets migraines and after he had spoken to other doctors and medics, no medicine they have given him helps. The headaches are a side effect of his enhancements.”
“Let me guess, he’ll be stubborn as a bantha about letting me try to help?”
“That would be correct. He specifically told me not to contact you, but then when Crosshair was hurt in his sparring with Wrecker, it was inevitable that I must contact you.”
“I’m glad you did,” she smiled. Tech straightened a little, the hint of a grin on his lips. “Where is he?”
“His bunk, I am unsure if he is awake at the moment,” Tech informed her, pointing to Hunter’s enclosed bunk on the opposite side of the room. She nodded, picking up her bag, and moving to the sleeping sergeant’s bunk. 
“Hunter?” She said quietly. “Are you awake?”
“Wish I wasn’t,” he groaned. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Your brothers are worried about you,” she explained. 
He pulled the makeshift curtain ever so slightly to the side. Squinting as the harsh light hit his eyes. 
“Tech, the lights?” She called, and Tech quickly turned the lights off. 
“So what ridiculous stunt did they pull to get you here?” he grumbled. 
“Crosshair had Wrecker dislocate his arm. Nothing serious,” she said, taking his pulse at his wrist, and watching her chronometer. After a few moments she added “little on the high side for resting. Everything okay?”
Hunter scowled, unsure of what to say. His brothers had gotten into nonsense while he slept with the express purpose of doing what he asked them not to, his brain felt like it was going to melt out of his ears, and a snarky, beautiful, and wonderful smelling woman was touching his wrist. He was not okay. 
“I’m fine,” he lied. 
“Typically, when Hunter says that he is fine, it means the opposite,” Tech called from across the room. 
“That so?” Jaine said, smirking. Hunter groaned, basically confirming Tech’s statement. “I suppose we’ve got that in common, then.”
She reached into her bag, pulling a canteen of water out. She passed it to Hunter, simply saying “drink.”
He reluctantly did as he was told, taking the canteen and slowly sipping from it. 
Meanwhile, Jaine sat on the edge of his bunk, going over a symptom checklist. 
“‘Sensitivity to light and sound’, well I’d say that’s fairly obvious. Any nausea or dizziness?”
“No,” he replied simply. 
“Vision off? Seeing any flashes of light?”
“I think we can check ‘irritability’ off as well. Nasal congestion? Scalp tenderness?”
“What kind of pain?”
Hunter scowled a little. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I need to know what you’re feeling so I know how to treat you. Keep drinking the water.”
“Dunno how to describe it.”
“Let’s start with where it is, then?”
Hunter indicated his right eye, tracing up to his temples, and ending back by his ears. 
“Okay, it is a lot of pain or a little,” she asked, but judging by the look on his face, she answered herself. “A lot. Got it. Does it feel sharp? Like you’re being stabbed or poked with something pointy?”
“No,” he said. 
“Does it feel like someone’s pressing really hard?”
“Yeah. Like my brain’s pushing its way out of my head.”
“Right, sounds like a pretty classic migraine,” she hummed, pulling herself from his bunk and to the table in the middle of the room. “How’s your taste and smell doing? Sensitive?”
Hunter, having flopped back onto his bunk, considered this for a moment. “Could be worse,” he replied with a shrug. 
“Good,” she called back to Hunter before glancing up at Tech with a wink. “Makes it easier.”
Tech watched in fascination as she pulled a few containers from her bag, but quirked an eyebrow up when he realized he couldn’t read the labels on them. 
“What are the ingredients you are using?” He inquired. 
“Bantha tranquilizers and strychnine, of course,” she deadpanned.
Tech blinked at her a few times and she laughed. “If I told you everything I was doing, what use would you have for me then?”
“I suppose that is fair, but I would still like to learn this particular remedy. If it works and you are unavailable, I’d like to be able to replicate it,” he explained. 
“Alright, genius, I get it. Don’t think you’re going to like my process, though,” she smirked. 
“Do not be ridiculous. I’m sure I will find it fascinating.”
“Suit yourself,” she purred. 
Tech watched as she went to work, humming as she did. It was a tune he didn’t recognize, but that didn’t surprise him. He had never really been one for music. 
She added her ingredients to the mortar she had brought out from her bag. He recognized most of them; peppermint, pumpkin seeds, and ginger root. There were some he was not familiar with, however, like the dark red flakes she sprinkled in and a brown powder that looked suspiciously like instant caf. 
She was right when she had predicted that he would not enjoy the process; it would be irreplicable. She hummed gently, grinding the ingredients together with the mortar and pestle, pausing to smell the mixture, before picking up the container that held an ingredient she thought was lacking. 
Once she was finally happy with the mixture, she set about the next step in the process; liquid. She took an empty canteen from her bag, walking over to fill it in the refresher. She then took a funnel and emptied the contents of the mortar to it. Once all of the ground ingredients were inside the canteen, she replaced the lid. 
Her humming paused as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying not to think about the funny frustration of Tech’s expression. 
She shook up her concoction, returning to her humming, eyes closed and only vaguely aware of the 5 sets of eyes on her. 
Once she finished, she gently opened her eyes. “This is typically a private practice, you know,” she chuckled at the men. “Consider yourselves lucky to witness it.”
She unscrewed the lid of the canteen, blowing over it as she passed it to Hunter. 
He eyed the drink and her suspiciously, but took a drink anyway, cringing a little at the taste, and scowling up at her. 
“It’s medicine, not dessert,” Jaine shrugged. “Drink all of it.”
A few minutes passed as Hunter did as she said. By the time he drained the last of the odd beverage and handed it back to Jaine, she had already packed up the rest of her equipment. She gave the boys a wink, and was out of the door before anyone could say anything. 
Hunter sat on his bunk, eyes squinted at the floor. 
“Well?” Crosshair said, eyeing his brother. 
Hunter opened his mouth as though to reply, but quickly shut it again. He did this a few more times before looking up at his squad, the surprise evident on his face. 
“It worked.”
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Okay! so I found two amazing fics recently that I wanted to give a shoutout to!
My Sunshine is Sleeping by @arctrooper69 made me cry in the middle of the night but it was so amazing and I love Kix so much so I couldn't resist the angst
and Filed Under: Payroll Complaints by @ghostofskywalker made me laugh like an idiot when I read it today because it was so funny and original.
I have read the entire catalogues of both of these authors and every fic is amazing, but I think these two are my favorite even if I'm too shy to really talk to authors I admire, so I'm thankful for Fandom Friday so I can still let them know I love them
Ooooooof that first one is an ABSOLUTE GUT PUNCH! I just want to hug Kix very hard and tell him it’s alright! And the second is SO MUCH FUN. I love the idea that Hondo got that number and is harassing people about what Kenobi owes him. These are both wonderful recommendations! Thank you so much for sending them in anon!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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skellymom · 2 months
Check out these talented fan ficer's!
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Sorry, Wrong Comms! : Hunter x Medic!Reader [Chapter 2]
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Warnings and Information: Intended audience 13+ (18 if you squint) Oops, you fell asleep on the couch together and got spotted by the sister! Omega wonders what that means… Brotherly antics: don’t tease me or else, Crosshair! and Omega don’t repeat that word (even though we all swear)! Medic!Reader is invited to have breakfast with the Batch. Mild awkwardness if you really squint. Dialogue heavy. This whole series is absolutely RIFE with my personal headcanons. Sweet sibling interactions. Brief talks/mentions of war and vague recaps of past injuries the Batch has acquired and Medic!Reader has treated. Hunter, it's not polite to stare (and someone's bound to notice); one line is a little suggestive.
Word-count: 6,062
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Omega shuffled into the common room, bleary-eyed and yawning in the youthful hours of sunlight. Aiming to get some breakfast, she was about to turn off into the kitchen before spotting the back of Hunter's head, briefly believing he was already awake, simply sitting in silence on the couch. "Mornin', Hunter." When he didn't answer, she didn't immediately think anything of it. He very well could have been in his own little world in this window of time while the travel-hub was relatively dormant and his siblings were asleep when his senses were not overwhelmed (and edging a “meltdown” on the rare occasion). But hearing a deep, level breathing pattern, she realized her brother was asleep. 
"Oh, sorry!" Omega apologized reflexively, ready to slip away or maybe grab a blanket for him before noticing something else. He wasn't alone. Their medic friend [____] was sleeping on the couch with him. She was sleeping on him actually, curled up on her side, head on his thigh, and one of his arms was carefully draped over her the same way he would shelter Omega when they were out on a mission to secure credits. 
When had [____] come over; was she still awake and no one told her their friend was coming by last night after all? Omega loved the doctor who looked the same age as her brothers, the woman who had saved her brothers. First Crosshair's parasite extraction despite the dangerously short temper and lashing out ("It's a biochemical response from the parasite. It provokes a lot of aggression. This is not your… vod's…? fault. Here, hand me that dropper for the subconjunctival bleeding in his left eye."). Then Tech's shrapnel in a very perilous area - too close to his heart - after an explosive caused a high-speed wreckage ("You're a smart girl like your brother: what subject keeps him calm? What'll keep him talking to distract himself at least?") on a mission to help some farmers stop dangerous intergalactic poachers. The time Omega had to all but use Echo's scomp link as a handle to steer him in the direction of [____]'s clinic, fighting her tears as she got them there just past the usual hours of business, to fight the dangerous beginnings of hypothermic shock when the Marauder had scarcely landed ("I'm sorry but I'm clo- Omega? Sweetheart what's the matte- ECHO!!") and her brother was paler than ever, wearing at least six blankets like a cape around his shoulders.
And once her, when Omega had eaten something she hadn't admittedly properly checked and believed was fairly innocuous. The way she'd been so sick. The way Hunter broke into the clinic in the middle of the night while someone fetched the doctor from her home, almost feral in his fretting that his little sister was burning with fever and keeping nothing down. The way she hadn't even changed out of her bed clothes to come and uphold a medic's oath to save, to heal, to nurture. The way she cradled Omega's sickly, hot and sweat-coated body to her own chest and rocked with her back and forth as she and Tech counted down the minutes past the administration of a little child's medical melt-away (multiplied out to an age-appropriate dosage) under Omega's tongue. 
Wrecker was probably seen by [____] the most because he'd get so many scrapes, surface burns and blows to the head as the squad's strongman and demolitions expert. Hunter… never. He'd never been seen by the woman of wellness and health; he almost went out of his way and to great lengths not to trouble her at times without coming along as a reluctant secondary patient to one of CF99's scans. He was probably the most distant with her, and now she's got her head in his lap on the couch of the common room.
It was like the romantic holofilm she'd watched with Echo and Wrecker very recently when all three had enough downtime to bond over something together (while Tech, Hunter and Crosshair were taking on an easy three-person job for credits). Where two people secretly liked each other and then had a big realization together that I like you too that had made Wrecker chortle because he thought it was corny. Echo had looked equal parts wistful and teary-eyed because he thought it was touching that this "will-they-won't-they" storyline had a happy ending after all. She really liked the holofilm because it had allowed her brothers to take their mind off of the war, even for a little while; allowed her to spend time with them and then in good fun speculate what each brother in love might do. When the other three had returned and asked just what the animated discussion was about that had everyone laughing and giggling so much, Tech merely shrugged and admitted he didn't really consider the topic much, Crosshair and Wrecker started playfully insulting one another (as usual), and Hunter had been quiet.
He was likely and simply just overstimulated and eager to decompress soon that night, so that likely explained his behavior as he refrained from joining the friendly banter and speculations but curtly mentioned he was glad Omega and the two brothers enjoyed the romance film before striding from the room with an awkward nod and stiff smile when Omega tried asking what about you just as Wrecker and Crosshair started the "Oh yeah, well I-!" rounds. 
Thinking about it again, now, wasn't that the same thing the male lead in the holofilm had done when his friends asked if he ever thought of someone special?
Omega had lingered long enough that Hunter had now subconsciously sensed a second party in his proximity, waking with a mild start. "Hm! Omega-? What have I told you about lingering like that?" The jolt had woken [____] as well, slowly sitting up with a sense of befuddlement in her voice seeing Omega just stationed in the mouth of the short hallway. "Hey there; what's wrong, kiddo? You not feeling well?" 
Omega felt tense with her confusion and budding anxieties and questions. She was feeling fine, but she felt… maybe a little upset that no one told her that [____] was here, and unsure why she had changed previous plans. Hunter could sense that Omega was fighting with being mad and being confused, seeing the flashing micro-expressions for what they were rather than looking like simply being fidgety. 
"I, uh, hailed [____]'s comms by mistake last night shortly after she got back home and woke her when she'd barely gotten to sleep. You were already sleeping when I invited her to come here so I could help her with her injuries as a way of apologizing. I didn't want to wake you in case it was just a quick thing." 
"It was not." A half-awake sniper lazily purred from over Omega's shoulder. "It took an hour."
Hunter bristled at the lilt of his brother's voice and Omega was hardly startled because she could hear Crosshair up and about, but he'd frightened their friend who had no warning. "Kriff, Cross… don't scare me like that. Do you not have footsteps?!" [____] hissed, looking startled. Crosshair chuckled dryly, mouth in the ghost of a smile as he moved past his sister into the kitchenette. "I think you need to get your ears checked, doctor." One smoky voice called after the other mostly in bastardized-Mando'a, the only word anyone unfamiliar with the language could be sure of was the Huttese "kark". Maybe, just maybe, don't do it in front of your little sister next time. 
"What's kark, Hunter?" 
"Don't say that!" Hunter demanded urgently, fruitlessly forbidding the young girl a little more of a colorful vocabulary out of a sense of instinctual responsibility. They all had an unfortunate habit of swearing, not like he was any better. There were simply times he felt it needed to be toned down or certain words and phrases be used more sparingly. A Sith’s left tit, he’d forgotten Omega was standing right there when Crosshair had suggested that it sounded like Hunter and the female medic had themselves a very nice night and the words simply just slipped when he told Cross to stow it or the oil in the weapons kit he was partial to would be replaced with spoiled cooking grease. Like the old times in the GAR.
Omega blinked, shoulders and eyebrows floating higher. "Why not? Is it worse than what some of the Regs used to say on Kamino?" 
"No-no…" Cross started, golden-amber eyes sparking with mischief over one of his two hot cups of caf in his hands from the kitchenette, pretending not to notice that hardening glare and grinding jaw Hunter directed at him, "It's perfectly fine. Hunter's just being soft and paternal." A few more words were added with a dark chuckle, once again, not in Basic. 
He wants to put on a good show for his little crush.
Hunter went red at the additional words from his brother, who was looking mighty, mighty pleased with himself for provoking such a reaction compared to the usual façade [____] knew him for. His eyes flared. Brows pinched.
"No! Stop! Don't listen to Crosshair!" Hunter warned him and Omega, flipping from looking stern and annoyed with each respective sibling. Cross heaved a mirthless laugh, then stepped towards [____] still seated on the couch with the other cup of caf outstretched. "Here. You'll be wanting this, doc." 
She thanked him in a confused stammer, taking the caf, which she noticed looked made in her preferred fashion. How did he know? The continuation of this mischievous expression was not entirely comforting, but [____] gave it a cautious sip after blowing on it to cool it down a touch before putting such sensitive surfaces that would hurt to burn to the lip of the ceramic mug. It definitely was made the way she liked. "It's a little hotter than I usually have it, but it's good. Thanks, Cross." 
"You can't start breakfast without a little caf on a good day." It was a very pointed statement, he meant her, her habits. How the kriff did he know? How kriffing much did he know? Has he been in my living space?! (Well yes, she’d later remember he'd been the one who went with Tech to fetch her when Omega was very ill. Lanky little bastard with his spindly limbs had gotten impatient (or desperate) and broke her window mechanism to shimmy inside when Tech was fooling around with the door code.) "It's not going to bite you, [____]." He was urging her to have another sip in the weirdest manner. 
"Did you do something to my caf?" came the confused, impulsive accusation, something that made the marksman look at her with a hurt, but confused expression. 
Cross was quick to shoot back his own question for the medic, standing a little straighter and a little stiffer than before. "I made it…?" 
"Crosshair, this is the first time you've made some caf for her," Omega reminded him, speaking up after a long silence, "she doesn't know this is something you do for the people you care about. Of course she's confused, after just waking up recently…" The Loth-cat was out of the bag. Several Loth-cats, maybe. 
[____] stammered wordlessly for a moment, processing the information she'd been given. Finding her voice, she meekly thanked him once again for the caf before Crosshair had decided to either duck from the room or deny everything Omega said in a moment of panicked impulse. Two bad habits of his. "Oh… I see. Well, thank you, Crosshair. It was awfully kind of you to make some for me before, uh...” the word breakfast hung on the edge of her tongue. Breakfast. Right… What day was it first and foremost? She hadn't planned on falling asleep at their housing when she came over last night at Hunter's invitation, thinking she'd be patched up and on her way back home. Sleeping somewhere other than the familiar comforts of her own bed had proven disorienting and she was struggling to feel mentally sharp. "Wh-what time is it?" Hunter mumbled some answer as he twitched his head in the direction of the hallway, distracted.
Crosshair seemed to know, too. "Echo's awake." 
"How can you tell?" Hunter didn't answer, just skirted around the furniture and down the hall before tugging open the appropriate door, bare feet plodding across the tile quickly but quietly. "I-Is everything- What's going on?" 
"This happens sometimes, doc. Hunter has it under control." 
She couldn't help it, feeling like she wanted to make sure everything was okay. Her job. "What is "it", Cross? Should- Does he need help-"
"Doc: you're not on the job. Sit down, take a deep breath." Crosshair reminded her, using a brief, stern look to silence the reply she had when her jaw dropped open. She sat back down on the couch as told, and Omega took advantage of the opportunity to steal a hug and a spot on the sofa for herself. "Sometimes Echo's cybernetics make getting ready for the day… a little difficult," Omega offered a quiet explanation, frowning sympathetically, "I think Tech called it Phantom Limb Syndrome. Experiencing some sensation or degree of pain in… u-um…" Omega stopped, remembering that [____] was the type of healthcare worker who got nicknamed, for better or for worse, a term for someone who had learned a lot of health skills but mastered none during the war and she didn't need to explain what she'd learned from her brother. She couldn't even remember what the term was. 
"It's okay. 'A limb no longer there by purposeful or accidental amputation'." [____] finished softly for her, showing Omega a nonverbal sign along with her words that it was okay, she could have explained it if she wanted to before taking a small swallow of caf. For a moment, there was a distant look in her eyes, clouded by sleep recently broken and the many memories she shouldered with her profession. 
Just before Hunter helped Echo from his bedroom, one of his legs stiffer than the other and forcing him to hobble, Wrecker had emerged from his and Tech's room, from sleepy to bright-eyed in seconds in delighted confusion. "[____]'s here? U-uh, mornin'! Guess Hunter must've invited you to breakfast since you were off-planet around dinner!" 
"Oh, I was getting around to it… Just trying to help Echo with a stubborn bolt in his left knee plate first and we couldn't find the tool in his room…" Hunter sighed, carefully timing his steps with Echo's as he supported his brother to a chair in the tight dining room that branched off from the common area of the house. "Think that tool's at the table. You want to stick around for breakfast, friend? Might be a while before it's all finished, but you're always welcome to join." It was the same invitation Hunter gave to join them for any meal, no matter how many times she'd joined them before. 
"Pleeease?" Omega added sweetly, stitching her arms tighter around [____]. 
"Haha, okay, okay! I'd be happy to join. Anything I can do to help?" Hunter was about to protest, some remark about being a guest and taking it easy on her dominant arm while it was healing before Crosshair's eyes darted over to the kitchen in a follow me fashion. "It's a real blue milk run of a meal, but we can do it from scratch if you're up for it, doc." 
She followed after him into the kitchenette, carrying the gunmetal gray mug carefully. With a sharp swip! at least two knives were plucked from the cutting block by the master marksman as he regarded her with a little quirk of a neatly kept brow. "I'm only asking because I'll never hear the end of it from Tech if I don't," Crosshair started, now carelessly selecting a too-small cutting board at first before realizing his error, "but you know your knife safety, right?" He began looking through the stack of visually identical but differently sized boards stacked on the other counter to find the appropriate one. Next, Cross plunged his hands into the depths of a thick paper bag and felt around for something for just a heart's beat before he got what he was looking for. The criminally overpriced fruits (his own words) that he was very particular to, admittedly, that his siblings had taken a liking to as well. They went well with breakfast, and they were having a friend over; make it special, make it a proper occasion. Kriff, it could even be considered part of the apology for Hunter waking the good doctor up if he wanted to spin it that way for all Cross cared. 
"Yeah, I'm familiar with a scalpel, if you'll recall." 
Cross just chuckled softly, then nearly swore with a startled snarl as he bumped into Omega stepping back towards the first counter to give [____] the fruit with instructions it first needed to be skinned of the thick, fleshy outer layer and then diced. "You really are a JOAT-med; thank goodness for that. SHI- Omega, if you're going to be in the kitchen, don't stand right behind someone!" 
Wrecker laughed and said something about a close one through a yawn from outside the kitchen. Omega's chin dipped into her collarbone with shame, glancing at him under her bangs as they fell into her face. "Sorry… I just wanted to see what you were making." Sighing, Crosshair set the second knife down on the cutting board and took a knee to better meet with Omega's eye level, a deliberate act of refusing to tower over her. "I'm sorry too, for snapping. You just need to be careful here, Omega. Look at me," There was a slender finger curled under her chin before he lazily flicked his thumb along her jaw to steady her head and encourage her to make eye contact once more before he took it as permission to speak again. "I'm not mad. You simply startled me. Let's just be extra cautious when everyone's still waking up. C'mere." He got on his feet again and scooped Omega up by the armpits to perch her on an empty counter on the other side from where Crosshair and [____] would be working on breakfast. "You can watch from there for right now. Okay?" 
Crosshair had been the last of the brothers to connect with Omega due to many reasons beyond what they called "inhibitor chips", and she'd tried, Maker, how she'd tried, to treat him no differently than the others when his chip was slowly rearing an ugly head. Promising him she knew he was behaving like that because of these chips. Promising him she knew he couldn't help it. Promising again and again you're my brother too. With the removal, it hadn't immediately "fixed" Crosshair; it just made him less "dangerous". All of the men are less "dangerous" with these "chips" removed. It had taken time and patience, and a little of [____]'s help, for them to come together the same way she'd enmeshed herself in the hearts of her other vode.
He paused before he nursed his caf once more after setting a mixing bowl down. "Yes?"
"What's a JOAT-med?" 
"Jack Of All Trades Medic. Means the medic knows, or really seems to, a little bit of everything." Echo called into the kitchen on his way past, now walking a few test laps around the place to make sure things were properly adjusted. Looked like he and Hunter had gotten the problem bolt mostly figured out without needing to drag Tech into it. Wherever Tech was. He hadn't yet emerged from his and Wrecker's bedroom but it sounded like he was stirring, at least.
Omega seemed satisfied with the answer, grinning brightly and bouncing her head once, sharply. "Oh. Yeah: that's definitely [____]."  
"Ah, is that what that means," came the semi-skeptical musing with deliberate and steady downstrokes of the knife through the sweet local fruit they were using for the first meal of the day, the controlled rhythm holding Omega's attention, rapt. "Been wondering about that. That amount of fruit look good for seven, Cross?" Crosshair glanced over his shoulder lazily as he was rummaging in an overhead cabinet for pastry flour and a few different seasonings. After a moment of thought, his hand darted back up into the back of the cabinetry to nab some kind of spice for those who wanted something with a bit of a bite. "That'll be enough." 
"You can always ask about the jargon." Echo put out the offer on another pass by the kitchen. This lap was smoother, and the hobble was now gone. "Aw yeah, that's done it, thanks for the help, sarge. We'd be happy to answer." 
"Seven? Seven what?" Tech stumbled into the common room now joining the rest of the waking world, dark circles under his eyes that made Echo pause just before sitting down to make one final adjustment with Hunter's help. "Sith's left tit, you okay, brother? Were you up late on your datapad again?" 
Tech either ignored or hadn't heard the last, pointed question. (Echo was not a big fan of how much of the day Tech spent with his nose in his datapad with or without blue light filtration settings in the goggles.) "No, I… seem to have fallen asleep at my desk rather unexpectedly last night while trying to fix a setting in my helmet. I will be fine. Good morning, [____]."
"Mornin', Tech. You having trouble sleeping again, friend?" Phrasing the question like that would disarm Crosshair from reminding her a second time she wasn't on the job, that she was just asking as a friend first. A reminder that, like them, she was more than her job. "Erm, no, as I said, I will be fine. I'm not having trouble sleeping." She laughed softly, disarming one brother didn't always disarm another in the same way she'd realized too late. She needs to be more explicit with Tech. "I'm not asking as a medic," [____] gestured to the shoulder of her top bare of any medical insignia, "I'm asking as a friend, hun." 
Tech's chin dropped just slightly with a silent oh at the clarification. "I see. Well… not to beat a dead bantha, but…" 
The medic just laughed lightly with a warm smile to stop Tech from worrying his bottom lip while searching for an explanation to give her, "You will be fine. I know. Doesn't mean I won't worry about you, all of you, on occasion. Even when I know you're all plenty capable and tougher than you look." She met the eye of each Batcher meaningfully, that warm smile never budging for a second. She had to set everything in her hands down so Omega could safely dismount the counter and wallop her with another heartfelt hug. The last one to meet her eyes was Hunter; each of the men had looked a little parts flustered but no less touched in their own ways that she'd made the efforts to point out in a silent indication of yes, you too, mister/missy, but Hunter looked particularly flustered, even shyly ducking his head after a moment. 
Tech was the first to thank the medic, because for once it was Wrecker who was distracted by Hunter's behavior. "That is very kind of you to be concerned for our well-being even though, as you said, you understand we are plenty capable. Thank you, [____]."  
"What the genius said." 
"Ah, don't mind him. Thanks, [____]." 
"You're a good friend." Omega offered sweetly, her voice muffled by the material of the medic's top. 
Wrecker disagrees with a boisterous laugh, which serves to make his sister laugh. "Nuh-uh! Better than good! A great friend!!" 
Hunter, once again, was last to comment on the sentiment, shifting his weight from left to right foot and the un-inked side of his face looks… flushed as he mutters something. The usual warm, golden caramel skin looks like he's been out under the sun for too long, or he's feeling overheated. But the house feels comfortable, a little cold even, in the early morning. (She knows most of the men run a little hot, save for Echo, and for a fleeting moment of thought, she worries for the ARC trooper's comfort. But if he's cold, she knew from past experience Hunter would have adjusted the settings on the domicile's heating and cooling system.)
"I don't believe [____], or any of us, heard you, Hunter." 
"Sorry... Guess I'm just not used to others outside of this…" Hunter paused, swallowing some thought while glancing at Omega and the way she was glued to the grown woman's side, contemplating what the right words were to explain himself, "... family caring about all of us like this, still. Even if it has been nearly a year. E-excuse me…" 
He was their brother who had served as little else than their leader for so long he was still learning how to let go of or adapt certain habits, mindsets, he'd had with the GAR. [____] didn't, couldn't, fault him for these rare moments where he had to duck from the room and sort out the thoughts inside his head. "No, let him be," she encouraged each brother who was ready to follow after Hunter right away, "give him a few minutes before you go chasing after him. Remember?"
"'Let your vod take some time to have his feelings before you go see him.' I remember." Omega recalled perfectly, finally unlocking her arms from the medic's waist and hopping back up onto the counter where Crosshair had originally put her. How could she not remember that advice?
It was the advice [____] had given her, and the other brothers, after Omega had upset Cross by accident not long after he'd been treated for the parasite and no one had seen him all night when he stormed out in a huff. No one aside from the medic; it'd been her who found their brother in the waiting room of her practice and been asked to talk to her, asked her not to contact his brothers because he needed to talk in confidence. Her talk-therapy was dusty, but it'd helped him, helped everyone, when he was ready to go back to the barren housing by the first whispers of light breaking over the horizon. That awkward but tight hug that said I was worried about you! and the silent where in the stars were you, brother? and a relieved you're home safe! when Hunter scrambled to launch himself off the shallow steps of their stoop and drew his arms so firmly around Crosshair it felt more like he was being restrained and prepped for arrest than the first heartfelt hug since Kaller.
The first hug before many from each of his sleepless squ- family members who were all relieved to see him home safe with the medic watching quietly from the shadows because Crosshair was not scared but not eager to return to everyone on his own.
It was the first time Crosshair called her Omega. Not the kid. Or simply just kid. But Omega. Of course she remembered the advice that had started with "in the future" and ended with the first of many awkward hugs she'd received from her brother with shock-silver hair. 
How in the galaxy could she forget? How in the galaxy could he? 
He took care and caution every time he called her kid, even now. "You want your fruit pastry with or without the spice-dough, kid?" 
"Without, please Crosshair."
"Sure. What about you, doc? Ever tried the spice-dough variety from ready-mades the shops around here carry?"
"Woof, that looks like a lot more seasoning than they put in the prepackaged stuff I've gotten once or twice. How much of a bite does it have? Is it pretty strong?" 
"Eh," Cross chuckled softly, toeing the line on mischief, spooning a small dollop of the dough into the frying oil he'd set on the hotplate, "you're asking someone who likes a good bite to their spice. My tame will be different than your's." 
"I'll get some milk out from the cold unit…" Tech sighed delicately, finished deciding quietly with Echo that the resourceful ARC would go check on Hunter now that some time has passed. "Just in case." 
"Heh-heh. Crosshair likes it spicy enough to rip your tonsils out, if you'll let him!" Wrecker snickers, watching carefully with those in the snug kitchenette as [____] took the fried sample of spice-dough once it was ready and took a careful bite to test. 
"Wo-woah! Think that's a b-bit much for my liking." She spluttered, taking a healthy swig of milk once Tech gave her the glass to quell the fire on her taste buds. "That certainly is a kick, Cross. Not sure I like it quite so strong like you." 
"Hunter and I usually take about half that heat level, if you're interested." Echo offered kindly, returning with the aforementioned brother. Hunter looked resettled, refreshed with a change of clothes over Echo's shoulder with a thin bundle of clothing tucked in a drybag hanging on one arm. 
"Oh, really kind of you, but I think I'll pass this time. Whatcha got there, Hunter?" 
Hunter tossed the bundle of clothing in the medic's direction once she set everything aside, Crosshair saying he could take it from here and he'd get the breakfast pastries made up real soon, thanking her for her help with one of his rare, warm smiles. "Clothes for you. Your clothes, actually. You left these behind from the time you helped us hose down the Marauder in the shipyards about a month ago after the foreman complained about how much of an eyesore all that mud was." 
[____] laughed brightly, fondly recalling that afternoon. She'd gone down to the shipyards to restock the Batch's medkit for them they had in the ship during her lunch break as a favor, and ended up getting sprayed with the large hose when Wrecker became distracted by Tech excitedly calling out a bird native to the planet that was rarely seen in the more suburban environments was perched on the very top fin of the ship. Instead of being angry that her nice, new top in her favorite color had been soaked through, she happily repaid Wrecker with a splash of water from the second hose Crosshair had been using at his offering, which was originally intended to allow her to get payback, but she was giggling with mischief instead. No one was safe from the hoses by the end of the afternoon, everyone's civvies sodden to the stars and back; she'd gone home in a borrowed pair of blacks after joining them all for dinner, sides aching with all the laughter of the day. "I was wondering what happened to those clothes! Thought that my laundry machines ate them. Thanks for holding onto 'em for me." 
"You can borrow my room to change, [____]!" Omega clambered down from the counter a second time and took their friend by the hand, leading her along excitedly. "Tech helped me make a scale model bed for my Trooper doll! And I put up some more of my drawings too!"
"Oh yeah? Why don't you show me your favorite one first for now, just so we're not keeping your brothers waiting on us girls for breakfast?" The five brothers could practically hear the wink in the medic's voice as she followed after Omega, each smiling warmly to themselves or whoever met their eye. 
Little moments like these meant so much to Omega. And to each of them too.
When all had crowded around the small table, some of the brothers had noticed that Hunter was having a hard time keeping his eyes to himself when [____] sat beside Omega in the new change of clothes. It was a very nice shirt on the medic, the marksman had to admit the woman had style, but that gaze Hunter had was lingering a little lower on the neckline once or twice. Hunter was over-chewing his food in his distraction, and it definitely wasn't the same kind of distraction their friend was engaged with as Tech was rattling off some interesting factoids he thought might be of interest to [____]. (Neat, guess an intergalactic band she liked was passing through the system, soon.) He had to rescue Hunter from himself before he was noticed. Crosshair plucked one of the colorful "this is spicy spicy" toothpicks from the breakfast pastry, and it was flicked at Hunter, one end landing in the center of where his heart would be like a spear to get his attention.
It worked, the half-skull face snapped in his direction immediately. "Oh what?" Hunter gave Crosshair a look that clearly expressed he believed it was too early for this sort of nonsense, cut it out. 
It was returned with a why don't you make me smile, but the words out of Cross's mouth were calm, almost bored. "Pass the milk, please. Just in case Wrecker can't tough out his fruit and spice pastry." 
"Oh please," Wrecker laughed from Crosshair's left, playfully slugging his shoulder, "I can totally tough it out. I'll be fine!" He took the milk anyway because he was thirsty, definitely not anything else, vod. Crosshair was not wholly convinced of that, but he'd let it go before he'd get another too early look from their brother. Their friend was no stranger to the roughhousing, the jestful jeering or the tomfoolery around the table, but on occasion lately, Hunter had been giving his brothers looks. Tone it down, quit throwing food, stop, behave. He'd never done it quite as much on Kamino. This was definitely new behavior.
Oh yeah, Cross mused to himself, easily passing off the bubbling chuckle as a response to something Tech said and showed [____] off his datapad, Hunter definitely wants to put on a good show for his little crush.
Wrecker elbowed Crosshair gingerly to get his attention, and once he was sure he had it he began clumsily gesticulating with his left hand. Hand signals? Wrecker hated the hand signals and it was the opinion of the whole squad he was rather terrible at them. But okay, he'd bite back the annoyance and humor the big guy. (Crosshair, not Tech (who had memorized them forwards and literally backwards), had the most luck with accurately interpreting the Wrecker version of the family's established hand signals, in a twist of irony.)
Leader. Ahead. Look.  
Crosshair looked at Hunter, who'd gone back to staring at [____] still so engrossed in this "conversation" Tech was carrying on with the medic, then back to Wrecker with a bounce of his head that said so? to show he understood. Another attempt, the third word taking the longest time to form.
Leader. Look. Grenade. 
Wrecker frowned at the small head wagging and chuckling from the marksman, who had done his best not to sigh. The properly articulated 'Grenade' was signed back to him, to tease him, before Crosshair showed him the correct sign sequence. Slowly, taking care to draw out the movements of each hand signal with a unique kind of fluidity as brother guided brother to understanding. 
Leader. Look. Medic. 
Wrecker nodded gratefully in thanks, happy Crosshair was being patient with him. Next, the boyish giant pointed to his own heart with a double jab before jerking his thumb over to Hunter, and lastly swinging it out to [____] at the other end of the table with a large brow bucking towards the ceiling. 
Does he like her?
In response to the pantomime, Crosshair bounced a single shoulder with a devil-may-care smile. Last time he could remember Cross doing that had been the last we'll see/sure looks like it gesture before Clone Force 99 got themselves banned from 79's for a standard year after pissing off a bunch of Regs from different units and squadrons and battalions that they were one color short of the rainbow. (Echo had talked the blue of the 501st into leaving before the fight that earned CF99 their ban.) Wrecker would take it to mean the second thing.
Sure looks like it.
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97 notes · View notes
gospelofme · 30 days
Am I musing a fic series with a former Jedi and Clone Force 99?
Post-series finale?
Fuck. Yes I am. Dammit.
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26 notes · View notes
sashketter · 21 days
The Captain and the Senator
Chapter 1 - Truth and Consequences Revisited
Summary: After the Bad Batch leave Coruscant, Rex, Echo, and Riyo Chuchi decide on next steps, including plans for the body of the clone assassin and the senator’s safe return to her living quarters. In the process, Rex and Riyo vie for control.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Death mentions
Notes: LET’S TRY THIS AGAIN LOLOL This takes place immediately after season 2 episode 8 of The Bad Batch, “Truth and Consequences.” It grew out of an idle thought about Rex providing Echo with civilian clothes so he can blend in on Coruscant. It’s heavy on talk and setup, but it’s necessary for the rest of the series.
Table of Contents - Chapter 2
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“Let’s go inside.” Rex’s hand lands heavy on Echo’s shoulder. “You stand out in your armor.”
Echo watches the Marauder ascend out of sight. He blinks back tears and turns to face his old friend. In the far reaches of his mind, he’s back on Anaxes, leaving one set of brothers to join another. And now as then, Rex is his fulcrum.
“Will you two be alright?” Riyo Chuchi’s voice floats soft and light over the hum of starships and speeders. The clones turn around, and she takes a step towards them, wishing to provide comfort. She recognizes the moment for what it is: a necessary departure and a bittersweet reunion.
“Yes, senator, thank you,” Rex answers. He motions for Echo to follow and extends an arm out to Riyo in the direction of the garage. “You should go,” he commands rather than suggests. “I still think you’re in danger, and—”
“I appreciate your concern, captain,” she interrupts, falling into step with the men, “but so are you. Here, on Coruscant.” She leans in and whispers, “It’s not safe for either of you here.” Her face contorts in fear.
“Actually,” Rex starts as they cross into the stale air of the shop, “according to Imperial records, we were both killed in action.” He punches a panel on the wall and closes the hangar doors. “They won’t be looking for us.”
Surprise registers wide on Riyo’s face. “I see.” She considers the information for a moment before trying again, letting her worry weigh her voice. “All the same, I can’t imagine the security breach on Rampart’s Venator will go unanswered.”
“She’s right, Rex.” Echo joins in and points a stern look at the captain. “Probe droids will be swarming the lower levels soon.”
Rex wasn’t willing to give up Trace’s shop. He still believed it was a reliable hideout and the closest he would get to the barracks where both his brothers and actionable intel were housed. He shakes his head. “Then we’ll wait them out.” He turns away towards the inside of the shop, ending the discussion.
Two rows of fluorescent lights illuminate the space from high above, leaving the shop’s edges in darkness. Unmarked crates, some stacked three high on top of each other, take up the floorspace between rows of shelves and worktables lining the walls. The three weave through the maze in the direction of the body of the clone assassin, in silent understanding of unfinished business.
“What will you do with him,” Riyo asks gently as they approach the body bag. She’s never heard of funerals for individual clones, but now, at least to her, it seems like the right thing to do. She didn’t believe that the attempt on her life changed his rights as a living being.
“Will the Empire come looking for him,” concern colors Echo’s voice, “when he doesn’t report in?”
Rex rubs his chin. “Maybe. Whatever happened to him happened without Senate approval.” He looks at Riyo whose eyes go wide before nodding in acknowledgement. “He’s evidence the Empire won’t want lying around.”
“Can we use him—” Echo cuts himself off. His unsaid intention lingers in the air. Both clones recoil and seem to turn in on themselves, shame and regret blossoming between them and the body.
Riyo catches on. “I’ll keep him safe,” she soothes, “until the time is right.” Rex and Echo share a shocked glance. “For now, support for the emperor’s stormtrooper program is too strong. No one in the Senate will be able to stand openly against him.”
Rex nods in agreement, but Echo has misgivings. “We appreciate your support, senator,” determination hardening his features, “but this is something us clones need to handle ourselves. We can’t ask you to harbor this,” he motions towards the body and finds the usual “trooper” and “brother” inadequate, “asset. The consequences of getting caught are too dangerous.” He looks to Rex for backup, but the captain’s face, sullen and pensive, betrays his thoughts.
“Where will you keep him,” Rex asks Riyo. Both his voice and gaze have softened, knowing that neither he nor Echo could safely care for their fallen brother at this time.
“I’ll bring him to Pantora,” she offers. “My guards will make sure he’s not disturbed.”
“The Empire’s presence is growing on Pantora,” Echo warns. He wonders briefly about the droids he left at the merchant’s stall.
Silence overtakes them until Rex snaps out of thought. “What about Orto Plutonia?” Excitement smolders in his voice. “There’s an abandoned Republic base there, and the snow would provide great cover.”
Riyo nods. “I will speak with Thi-Sen. He may not agree to your terms,” she levels a look of resolve at Rex who mirrors her gaze, “but I will try my best.” Echo observes the exchange and senses the captain and the senator tune into a shared frequency.
With one matter settled, Riyo looks around the garage. Rex had said its owners would be gone for awhile, so he and Echo are on their own. She fails to find beds or food or even a fresher. “In the meantime,” she puts a hand on Rex’s arm, “perhaps I can make arrangements for you two.”
“No, thank you, senator.” Irritation starts to creep towards anger in Rex’s voice. He’s quickly tiring of thanking her, not because he finds her a nuisance, but because he would rather she were gone, away from the danger he and Echo invite, so they could strategize without implicating her. “We’ll get by.”
“You said something about Echo and his armor,” Riyo continues undaunted. “Perhaps I can find more suitable attire. There are clothing shops two levels down.”
“I have some already.” Rex gestures to a neat pile of folded fabric on a nearby crate. He looks at Echo who starts detaching his spaulders. “Might need to take them in, though,” he jokes, his eyes wrinkling.
“I-I’m fine, you two,” Echo grumbles. “I can dress myself without supervision.”
Rex raises an eyebrow and stifles his laugh with a grunt. Riyo covers her smile lightly with her hand. Her chest feels lighter now, knowing these two can still find a little levity with the weight on their shoulders.
Echo clears his throat. “Uh, mind giving a trooper some privacy?” He’s halfway down to his blacks.
Rex crosses his arms and huffs, “Never stopped you before.”
Riyo blushes and looks down, hums to cover a giggle, but can’t hide her happiness at watching the men reconnect. She takes Echo’s cue and grabs Rex’s attention. “Captain, a word?”
Rex nods towards the back door. Riyo turns around and falls into step with him. The sound of Echo’s armor being piled into one of the crates fades as they walk into the darkness at the shop’s edges.
“I meant what I said, Rex.” Riyo turns towards him as they walk. There’s enough ambient light to outline their faces. “You and the clones deserve to live like any other galactic citizen, and I intend to fight for them, in and out of the Senate.” She jabs a finger in Rex’s direction to punctuate her emphasis, but her face is less stern than her words. “Please keep me apprised of your progress. I would very much like to help as much as I can. And please,” she stops walking, forcing Rex to face her directly, “do not mistake my lack of combat training for a lack of ability.”
Rex looks at Riyo for what feels like the first time. It wasn’t long after the start of the Clone Wars, before scratches marred the blue paint on the captain’s armor and scars bloomed across the body underneath, that this same senator had been bullied by her moon’s militant chairman into nearly starting another war. She was, at the time, timid and more inexperienced than some of the shinies under his command. Now she was speaking on his behalf, on behalf of the millions of his brothers scattered throughout the galaxy. She had found her voice and was unwilling to yield its power to anyone less than the emperor himself. He admires her spark of tenacity.
They continue the remaining distance to the back door. Shaking his head out of thought, Rex looks down and heaves a heavy sigh deep from his core. He already knows what strategy to use, the best path forward, but can’t bring himself to take it. He knows he needs influential allies to reach more clones. He knows that a senator on the inside could facilitate things faster than a soldier on the outside. And he knows that even if she can’t outmaneuver the emperor, Riyo could at least prove to be a valuable resource, with connections to other powerful people and safe planets where bases could be built and equipment scavenged. But he couldn’t bear the thought of putting her in more danger.
“We need her, Rex.” Echo steps next to the space between them. He’s wearing clothes similar to Rex’s, his right sleeve folded above his scomp arm. “We need all the help we can get.”
Rex smiles. Even now, after everything both clones have been through, their thoughts are still one and the same. He looks from Echo to Riyo, each determined to wear him down. “All right, senator,” he sighs. “What did you have in mind?”
Riyo readies herself for an arduous argument. Rex seemed intent on hunkering down in the garage, safe in the assumption of his and Echo’s deaths, but she wasn’t convinced. Watching Slip and her guards perish so violently had shaken her more than she would admit, and she feared the consequences for the clones would be similarly severe if they were caught. And as Echo had pointed out, the search for the trespassers of Rampart’s Venator would most likely reach the lower levels sooner rather later.
“You can’t stay here,” Riyo pleads. “Even if the Empire isn’t looking for you two specifically, you still can’t be found.” She looks back at the garage, cold and dark and inhospitable. “Are you sure this location is secure?”
“I scanned the place myself,” Rex says sternly, crossing his arms. “And I trust my friends.” His simmering irritation starts to bloom into full-blown anger. Echo senses it and steps in to temper the tension.
“Senator, how many guards do you have with you?” Ever the ARC trooper, he changes to a tack he knows Rex won’t be able to resist.
“Just the two,” Riyo gestures towards the door where her guards are stationed, “whenever I’m on Coruscant. But after the,” she flinches at the memory, “loss of my last two guards, the Pantoran Assembly agreed to send a squad’s worth as a precaution. They arrive tomorrow.”
“Have they secured your living quarters?” Echo’s concern, ever genuine, always registers as gruff.
Riyo looks down sheepishly. “I’m not sure.” For most of her tenure, her guards had acted more like aides, carrying files and messages between fellow senators and chasing off nothing more dangerous than disgruntled citizens. They had always provided her with enough security. Until now.
The clones register her hesitation. Rex opens the back door and motions for the men flanking it to follow him. He grills them immediately. “When was the last time you secured the senator’s living quarters?”
The men look at each other, then Riyo. One answers, “Before the Senate vote. But that was last night. It’s been more than half a rotation since.”
Echo steps in. “It’s not secure anymore.”
“It was safe when we left.” The other guard starts to defend their work. “We’ll secure the area again once when we get there. Standard procedure when there’s only two of us.”
Rex and Echo shake their heads simultaneously. The captain steps closer to the guards. “That’s not good enough. Not after today.” He points a finger in their faces. “She’ll be a target from now on. You’ll need to be more thorough and cautious.” The clones turn to each other and nod, appearing to communicate a slew of orders wordlessly in an instant.
Riyo blinks in surprise. “A target? Captain, after Rampart’s arrest, I don’t—”
“We’ll split up,” Rex continues. “Echo will go ahead with one of you,” he nods to a guard who nods back, “and scan the senator’s apartment. When it’s clear, we’ll follow.”
“Is this necessary?” Riyo tries to gain some control. “What danger could there be in my personal quarters? It was provided by the Pantoran Assembly. Surely, it’s safe.”
Rex looks in the direction of the body bag. “We can’t take anything for granted, senator. Not after your show of support for the clones, and not with the emperor tying up his loose ends.”
“Then perhaps it is safer here,” Riyo says defiantly, crossing her arms and steeling her gaze. Rex was doing exactly what she’d asked him not to do, and she resented it, however well-intentioned his motivations.
“No, senator.” Rex puts a gentle hand on her shoulder and softens his voice. His anger had burned out as quickly as it flamed, and he had no desire for its embers to spread. “You need to return to your quarters. You’ll raise suspicions if you don’t follow your normal routine. If there are,” he searches for a delicate term, “complications, we know how to handle them.” He looks to Echo who nods.
“What about the body,” Riyo says flatly. Now she wants nothing more than to derail the good captain’s plans.
Rex removes his hand and squares his shoulders. He bristles at the senator’s stubbornness. “We’ll take him with us after Echo comms with the all-clear. When your squad of guards arrive, they can escort you and the body back to Pantora.”
“My guards will escort you, Echo, and the body to Pantora.” Riyo takes a step closer to Rex. “I will return to the Senate where I still have my duties, captain.”
Tension hangs heavy in the air. Neither the captain nor the senator appear close to backing down. They meet each other’s gaze with equal chill and determination.
“Are you two done?” Echo’s irritation cuts through. Rex and Riyo turn to see him gesturing to the back door between the Pantoran guards. “We still need to get the senator topside.”
Riyo sighs, deflated by the need to remove all of them from the lower levels immediately and knowing the clones ultimately have her best interests in mind. “Fine. We’ll do things your way, Rex. But I insist you and Echo stay with me until my guards arrive.” She starts towards the door. “If you are intent on keeping me safe, then I suggest you see your actions through.”
Rex didn’t like the idea of spending the night with the senator. Hiding in the shadows of the lower levels was easier than in the glittering towers of the surface above. And if he and Echo were in as much danger as Riyo believed, then he didn’t want to compound the trouble she was facing with theirs. But making the trip from the garage to her quarters twice was impractical and unwise, especially in the daylight. And more than the thought of leaving the garage, Rex hated the idea of leaving the senator unprepared and unprotected for the dangers ahead.
Rex concedes and accepts his fate. “Just say the word, senator.” He knew he had unceremoniously taken control out of her hands and now wished nothing more than to yield to her command.
Riyo appreciates the gesture, but saves her gratitude for later. She nods at Echo and her guard. “Be careful.”
(Footnotes here.)
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