#i have to walk around with a bottle of fabreeze
i got my period and now the whole world smells sooo fucking bad
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worlds-forgotten · 3 years
Gut Feeling
summary: Nikki and Wrench’s story, as told by them. They form an unlikely duo, leading to an adventure involving plotting to avenge their near deaths, plus perhaps beginning to enjoy each other’s company. If only it could go on like that forever.  
pairing: Nikki Swango x Wes Wrench
warnings: Swearing, canon typical violence/gore 
word count: 3.0k
rating: Mature
posted: 19/03/12
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Nikki was eight when she first realized she had a superpower. Well, at least, that’s what she used to enjoy referring to it as. The school day would drag on forever, the long hours ticking away on a clock that sat above the doorway to her classroom. With nothing better to do, she observed. The fellow students’ habits and mannerisms, how quickly she was able to catch on the the math equations that were written in the chalkboard. It became quickly evident to Nikki that she had keen eyes for figuring things out. Noticing. Somehow, she was always the first to solve the day’s lessons. She noticed when her fifth grade teacher stopped wearing his wedding ring and began to drink more coffee, she noticed when Tilly Jackson began wearing turtle necks and scarves in grade eight after getting her first boyfriend, and most importantly, she learned how to play bridge watching the men on the TV. The way they moved their cards and watched each other’s faces was so fascinating, and Nikki knew this was the perfect thing to place her superpower in.
It quickly became less and less of a superpower and more of a need, just like food or water. Without her quick learning skills and observational watching, she wouldn’t have been able to plan her way out of any of the situations that led to the one she was in now. Hobbling towards the car in the parking lot of an alleyway with her arm wrapped around the shoulder of a deaf stranger. She pushed herself forward with each step, willing her legs to carry her just a bit further. The keys in her hand felt cold and slick, and it still seemed unreal that they were just handed to her freely. The warmth of the kitten was nothing but a phantom feeling now, but she was sure she hadn’t imagined it. The man at the counter. Surely she wasn’t hallucinating from blood loss. With a glance back at the bowling alley, Nikki prayed silently that she hadn’t actually stolen the car in some crazed attempt to help herself and her stranger. Reaching for the driver’s side, the man grabbed her arm to stop her. She gave him a puzzled look and he signed something slowly, either out of exhaustion or in hopes she would somehow understand what he was saying. “I don’t get what you’re trying to say. It’s fine, I’ll drive,” she attempted to open the door again, and this time the stranger pulled her away from the door. He pointed at her leg and mimicked her crashing the car. “I’m fine, it’s-“ Sighing, Nikki realized there was so point in arguing. If anything, she could manage a bit of rest if she let him drive. “Fine, you drive.” She slapped the keys into his hand and propped herself against the hood as she limped to the passengers seat. While climbing in Nikki released a cry of pain, her stomach and ribs throbbed and her leg numb with lack of circulation. She quickly covered her mouth, embarrassed, then glanced at the man beside her, who was unaware as he buckled in that she had made any noise at all. That made her feel a little better while the engine came to life as the keys were placed in the ignition. “Wait,” she called out, grabbing the stranger’s coat. He looked at her with a furrowed brow. She dug into her pocket and produced a small notepad she had taken from the alley, then checked the glove box for a pen. She found a pencil and scrawled a message, then handed it to him.
Name’s Nikki. I figured we need a way to talk.
He looked back up at her, staring as if to decide if the name suited her. She wondered for a moment if he even knew what her name sounded like, but felt it was rude to ask. He grabbed the pencil from her and wrote a reply.
Wrench. Can read lips.
She thought for a moment maybe she had misread it. That had to be a last name. “You can really see what I’m saying?” She asked, and he raised a brow. “What’s your real name? I gave you mine.” He scribbled out another message and placed it between them before putting the car into drive and beginning their road trip to who knows where. Nikki picked up the pad with slight offence at his abrupt end to their conversation.
You talk too fast.
Nikki was woken with a sudden jerk of the car stopping. She quickly sat up, completely unaware she had fallen asleep. Black, crusted blood stained the car floor and her pant leg. She turned her head to see Wrench rubbing his hands through his curls. His eyes were on top of dark circles from what was presumably hours of driving, based on the rising sun that now lit the sky with pinks and oranges. She looked and saw they were at a motel, with a broken light up sign and no cars in the parking lot. The kind of motel people get murdered at. “Where are we?” She asked with a yawn. When she got no answer, she nudged Wrench’s arm so he would look at her. “Where are we? What kind of motel is this?” He began to sign, then stopped, and scooped up the pencil and notepad.
The kind that doesn’t ask questions.
He opened the car door, and she mirrored his actions, slowly rising with a wince. She noticed he was now carrying a briefcase and a duffel bag, which he hadn’t had before. Was it from the car? Maybe the man at the bowling alley left some supplies and money for them in the trunk? She shook the ridiculous thought from her head. As it was, she wasn’t even sure she had actually spoken to anyone. Wrench offered his hand to her for support, and she grasped it, hopping along on her good leg into the reception room. Nikki grabbed the counter as a crutch, and rang the bell that sat there. The ring echoed through the empty motel, and silence followed. Looking around, she saw a dusty couch and an old bookshelf that had clearly gone untouched for awhile. It smelled like cigarettes and Fabreeze inside, and really needed an open window. “‘Morning,” a voice said, and Nikki glanced back and saw a elderly man in a robe. “My apologies, not much requirement to be up before six these days.” “That’s fine, Mister. We’ll be needing a room.” “And a bath, I’ll say. Quite a bit of blood on you, young man.” He replied with a chuckle as he pointed at Wrench, who simply frowned in return. Nikki cut in. “Not much of a talker, my friend here. Sorry. We’re alright, just a car accident.” “No need to explain, it’s okay. That’ll be thirty for one bed-“ “Two beds, please.” Nikki corrected. “Forty five then.” Wrench tapped her on the shoulder and handed her a wad of cash. She glanced down and shook her head. “No, it’s only forty five, that’s too much.” She whispered slowly. He signed something, then shoved the money at her once more. “I don’t- fine. Okay, fine.” She snatched it and placed it on the counter. “We’ll pay in advance for a few more nights, just in case.” “Sounds like a plan to me, Miss.” the man handed her a key. “It’s upstairs.” Nikki thanked him, then turned and opened the door to make her way to the stairs. Wrench walked ahead of her, and she watched his back as he ascended the steps. He moved so smoothly despite the huge tear in his jacket that was crusted with dry blood. He took the key from Nikki’s hand and stopped at the door, then opened the it slowly, as if expecting someone to be waiting for them inside. There would’ve been no way anyone could have anticipated them being there together, but there was still the feeling of raised hair, both of them ready to defend themselves again. Though frankly, after already decapitating one guy, and fighting off the other freak with the wolf’s head, she was done for now. Closing the door behind her, the first thing Nikki did was crawl into one of the beds and sigh loudly. Her body ached and cramped, and she was ready to sleep for another twelve hours. Her eyes closed for a moment before the felt a finger tapping her arm. She cracked open one eyelid and stared back at Wrench. He signed something, then gestured at her leg. She lifted it a little and groaned. “Yeah, I guess sooner or later, right?” She sat up with a helping hand from Wrench, and he lifted her arm and wrapped it around his shoulder and practically carried her to the bathroom. She placed herself on the toilet seat in the tiny powder room, suddenly having the urge to laugh at how much larger Wrench seemed now, with his head almost touching the low ceiling. He removed his jacket with a little struggle, then squatted beside Nikki and met her gaze. “You got any booze?” She half joked. He frowned, then held up a first aid kit, but not the kind that you get at a drug store. Nikki pictured he had bought it from the Special Forces. “Was that from your special duffel bag?” She asked as he pulled out a pair of scissors and cut up her pant leg. “Hey,” she flicked his head, causing him to snap his face up. “I’m talking to you. Where did you get the bags? Your suitcase?” He went back to her leg, ignoring her inquires. The bottle of liquid he opened smelled strongly of alcohol, suddenly Nikki really did crave a shot. “Fine. Don’t answer me. I don’t need to know. I don’t need to know!” She yelled at his head, which was looking down, focusing on pouring the liquid into some cloths. He placed it against her open wound and she let out a small screech and pushed his hand away. “Goddamn! Is that straight acid? Jiminy cricket, gimmie a second.” She inhaled sharply and braced herself on the sink. Wrench placed his hand on her knee to steady her and began to clean her blood stained skin, and she felt the tears that tried to fall. Sure, Nikki was strong. Weakness was a threat to everything she had worked so hard towards. She always thought her way out of any plan gone wrong, but there was no denying she was at her lowest in this moment as she watched Wrench pull out stitching string and a needle. She braced herself and bit her sleeve.
“Do you need help with yours?” Nikki spoke slowly, trying to emphasis her words as she touched her new bandaging. Wrench shook his head, then pointed at the shower. “That’s probably a good idea. You go first, I’ll take one after.” She stood up with a small wobble, then turned and left the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it, leaving Nikki alone in the room. She looked down at her dirty clothing, bloody and covered in mud. There were two white robes that sat on the dresser, and confident Wrench was going to be awhile, she stripped and wrapped the robe around herself. She just tried not to imagine how many times it had been worn without wash. Sitting on one of the beds, she listened to the sounds of the shower running and the gentle humming of the ice machine outside. Otherwise it was completely silent, the morning birds virtually quiet and no cars passing in the freeway. It was peaceful, despite the slight creepiness of the empty motel, save the elderly man at reception. She wondered why they were all alone there, considering the fairly cheap rooms. Wrench had implied that it was a shady place, where many people like him went (whatever he was), so perhaps only people in real trouble arrived there, asking for a sanctuary. It reminded Nikki of the convenient bowling alley that frankly, saved their lives. The man at the bar had asked no questions and gave them free drinks, while the man who had Ray had given them his car. Why had there been an alley in the middle of the woods? So far out beside the highway? Nikki couldn’t picture gathering up a family for a day of fun and driving out an hour to a neon lit building at the edge of a quite possibly haunted forest. The all too close memory of the forest sent a shiver down her spine. Between Wrench’s howls of pain and the shear terror as arrows whizzed at them too quickly to avoid (hence her now torn apart calf), it was the most certain she had ever been that she was going to die; in that moment, chained to a stranger and being attacked by crazed mobster assholes. With a sigh, Nikki rolled her head to crack her neck, and spied the duffel bag and case sitting on the floor near the door. She stared at them for a moment, tempted to peek. No, it wasn’t hers, that wasn’t okay. But then again, did she even give a fuck what was okay anymore? She needed to feel safe with this guy, and somehow knowing what was inside would make her feel better. She listened to make sure the shower was still going, and she quickly ran over to the bag first. Unzipping the top, her hands made quick work to discover clothing, toothbrushes, bags of snacks, like the kind you buy for a road trip, and other toiletries. The feeling of nosiness dwindled and she almost felt bad for snooping. She then closed the bag and sat on the carpet. He had just been looking out for them, though had she expected anything else? She then moved to the briefcase, which was mildly heavy. Placing it on the bed, she unhooked the straps and pulled open the top. Inside were passports, credit cards, badges, IDs, and a few wads of cash in both American and Canadian money. She picked up a passport and saw Wrench’s picture but a different name- Jerome Hilton. Then another with the name Stephen Mills. She wondered if his name really was Wrench, or if that’s just another fake persona. She then picked up an ID and saw a different man on it, one that wasn’t Wrench. He had dark hair and a beard. “Grady Numbers,” she said aloud, curious to who he was. There are more forms of the man’s identification with other names. “Who are you?” She asked to no one in particular, but then there was silence, and the shower wasn’t running any longer. Quickly shoving the case back where it was, Nikki rushed back to her spot on the bed. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and her bus seat partner stepped out, wearing sweatpants and a pullover. His hair was still damp, but he was clean, though wore heavy bags under his eyes. He strode past her and picked the duffel off the floor. When he opened it, he waved her over, then pointed at the clothes inside. “Oh, thanks,” She mustered up a small smile as she grabbed a pair of pants and a tee shirt. She tried to grab a pair of socks and accidentally pulled up a long, blue scarf. She inspected it for a moment before Wrench pulled it out of her hand and signed something. She didn’t understand, but based on his serious expression, she guessed the scarf was off limits. “‘Kay,” she turned around and walked towards to bathroom. “Weirdo.”
The mirror was foggy with condensation, and Nikki used her forearm to rub it away enough to look at herself. Her dark hair dripped water onto her bare shoulders, and she watched the little droplets roll down her skin. Her eyelids sagged with sleepiness and she was pale as a ghost. She decided she could look worse, considering the night she had. The fan whirred loudly above her, blowing hot hair around the room. Using one towel, she wrapped her hair up, then dried her body before pulling on the much too large sweat pants and tee shirt. With a curious nose, she smelled the shirt, which had the faint scent of deodorant. She wondered if it belonged to Wrench. Pulling the drawstring on the pants as tight as she could, she then stepped out of the bathroom. The first thing she did was throw her old track suit in the garbage, but placed her faux fur coat on the desk chair, not being able to part with it. Nikki glanced up at the figure on the bed, finding Wrench leaning against the headboard with his hands resting clasped on his stomach, and his eyes closed. He didn’t move, unaware of her presence in the room. His breath was deep, implying his slumber. The digital clock on the nightstand between the beds blinked 7:05 AM. Quietly (still not used to Wrench’s obliviousness to noise), she flicked off the lights and climbed into the queen opposite the other. She spent a moment staring at the large man before climbing back out and pulling his covers over his thick legs. He twitched a little and she moved back, scared of a violent reaction, but his eyes remained closed and began to snore quietly. Nikki laid in her bed for what felt like a century, hyper aware of the silence of the motel once again. She focused on Wrench’s breathing from across the room, and stared at the sun through the closed, thin curtains that blocked the outside from viewing the room. As soon as Wrench woke up, they needed to plan ahead for what was going to occur in their future. The unlikely pair. They were really in it now, running from the law and from these men. That was going to have to stop. Nikki already knew how she could make it go away, but it would take precise plotting, because it was two against what felt like a whole army. Wrench seemed to be on her side, though there would only be certainty once they had discussed it together. A major scheme. She knew deep down it would be difficult, especially with the language barrier, but she was willing to do all it took to make sure they were an unbeatable team. Bar none.
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1-800-hellraiser · 4 years
Teeth (Yandere!Eyeless Jack x Reader) 
Requested by: no one
Pages: 5.1
Words: 1,821
Genre: Angst kinda (I promise this is gonna be the last angsty fic for a while-)
Associated song: Teeth - 5SOS
!Tw! Swearing, gore, yandere themes, almost puking, and mentions of murder.
"Blood on my shirt, rose in my hands, you're looking at me like you don't know who I am. Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand, still beating."
        Eyeless Jack has, for lack of a better term, an infatuation with you. Ever since he met you, he couldn't get you off his mind, you're the eternal flame he's been looking for to light up his life. He would do anything for you, and when I say anything, I mean anything. This mans would sacrifice himself for you, and pray for any poor soul that tries to flirt with you around Jack. Ej will absolutely smite them, not around you of course. He wants you to see the clam, collected, stoic side of him, not the monster side. He will never forgive himself if you saw him like that.
        You met Jack about six months ago at a house party, you were supposed to be his target along with a few others. But, the way you fought against him, he knew you weren't going down without a fight. Jack was captivated by how you fight, you managed to stab him in the ribs with a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle. He had to give himself stitches when he returned to the mansion that night. You're a real life final girl, you somehow managed to defy death and instead get brought back to a creepy mansion in the woods full of serial killers. It's not the best outcome, but hey! At least you're not dead! 
        Now you're training to become a pasta, and you're still Ej's roomie. You enjoy sharing a room with Ej, he keeps his room pristine and orderly, unlike some other pastas *cough cough* Jeff *cough cough*. You'd think Jack's room would smell like rot and death, but he is actually provided a lab to work in. Now that, that room smells like death. No matter how many candles you light, no matter how much Fabreeze you spray, that room will always smell like rot. It's a good thing that everyone has gone nose-blind to the smell though. Anyway, being roommates with a cannibal has it's perks, such as Jack keeping a mini fridge in his room for his "food". He lets you keep food in it too, because he knows how much you hate it when someone eats your leftovers. Jack is also a very comforting person, he's helped you out with your nightmares before. His presence is also just comforting in general.
        Anyway, enough of me simping for Jack, we have to get on with the story at hand. You just got out of your morning shower. You've already brushed your teeth, dried and styled your hair, and put on deodorant. You step out of the misty bathroom and pad into Jacks room. Your e/c eyes catch a small, yellow square off paper stuck onto the top of Jack's desk. You peel the Paper off of the polished wooden surface and read the note. 'Dear Y/n, I have to go on a quick mission, I don't know when I'll be back, but I already made coffee for you, Enjoy! - Ej.' You smile, blood rushing to your cheeks. You realize you're blushing and rub at you're cheeks, you shouldn't be feeling like this about your cannibalistic demon roommate. Part of you says no, but the other screams yes. You're torn.
        You decide to push your thoughts out and drink your coffee. You take a mug off of the handle screwed into the wall. Yes, Jack has not only a coffee machine in his room, but also mugs. Anyway, you take the pot and pour the steaming, bitter liquid into your mug. You like your coffee how Jack likes his, black and very bitter. The only difference between your coffee and his, is that Jack puts certain types of blood in his coffee. Certain types of blood have certain effects on him, which is cool, but also terrifying. Taking a sip of your coffee, you shudder at the taste.
        "Oh yeah, that's good shit," you mutter to yourself. You happily plop yourself on your bed and take another long sip of your bitter beverage. Since you and Jack share a room, you both decided to split the room down the middle. For example, Jack's side of the room is painted royal blue, he has a bunch of shelves for his medical equipment and a filing cabinet full of every resident's medical records. He also has a desktop and a coffee machine next to it, on the desk a bunch of unwashed, empty coffee cups and paperwork.
        Your side however, is almost completely different. Your walls are painted a dark f/c and have posters everywhere of your favorite bands and singers. You also have a shelf that holds cute figurines and a place to charge your phone and laptop. You have put up LED lights around the shelf and fairy lights around the top. You also have hooks on the wall next to your bed holding your hoodies and other things. It's funny, because when a creep walks into your/Jack's room, they see one side that's organized and professional looking, Then, they see your side. You know you're messy and quiet proud of it. Anyways, you open your laptop and scroll through Youtube, trying to find something to watch. You found something, but your stomach growled. You realize you haven't ate anything yet, reluctantly you stand up and amble out to the kitchen.
        Once you make it into the kitchen, you open the fridge to try and find something to eat. You rummage around and find f/s (favorite snack), jackpot. You smile and walk happily back to your/Ej's room. You get back into your shared room, you begin to watch Youtube.
        Almost halfway though bingeing Markiplier's Fnaf series, you get a message from Clockwork. Your e/c eyes quickly read over the text.
Clocky :)
Hey Y/n! Do you wanna walk around the woods with me?
Sure! Just give me a few minutes
Clocky :)
Ok! I'll be waiting outside
        You hide your snack and grab your shoes, you slip on your shoes and a jacket, since it's pretty cold out today. Exiting the room, you manage to navigate through the long and twisting hallways. You finally reach the front doors and step out of the house. "Took you long enough," Clockwork huffs jokingly, you playfully jab her with your elbow and laugh. "So, how are you?" "I'm doing good, waiting for Ej to get back from his mission," you explain, Clockwork gives you a strange look. "Slender didn't give him a mission today," Clockwork says, you give her a weird look back. "Really? He wrote me a note, saying he had to go on a mission today and he'll be back."
        Clockwork thinks for a minute, then it clicks. "Ooooooh~ somebody might have an admirer~" Clockwork gushes at you, poking your cheek. Your cheeks immediately heat up. "Oh my god shut uppppppp," Clockwork giggles at your flustered-ness. "Jack and Y/n, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g-" you put a hand over her mouth, "cease" you grumble, now flustered to hell and back. You hear clockworks muffled chuckle under your hand.
        Once you get back to the mansion, you say your goodbye to Clockwork and trudge back to your room to think. You flop face down on your bed and groan into your pillow. You turn over to face the ceiling, you hate to admit it, but, you think you're starting to crush on Ej a bit. Don't get it twisted, Ej is fucking smoking hot. Even though, you've only seen him without his mask on twice, mans could commit arson with just his face he's THAT hot. But on the other hand, he's a cannibalistic demon serial killer. You feel like you have morals, but you shouldn't because you have to kill for a living too. You're no better than him in all honesty. You sigh and flip over to your side, now facing Jack's bed. 
        Come to think of it, you feel like he's way out of your league. Jack's not only stunning, but he's very smart, he was a health major for god's sake. Your heart cracks a bit, realizing you're not good enough for him in your mind. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, you squeeze your eyes shut and silently cry to yourself. But before you could get any tears out, you hear the bedroom door squeak open. "Y/n? Are you awake?" You immediately sit up in your bed, "Hey Jack, how was the mission," you ask as jack closes the door and flicks on the lights. Jack is covered in blood, with a beautiful red rose in one hand, and a human heart in the other. This doesn't freak you out, considering he's a cannibal, Jack hands the rose to you. "I saw this and though you'd like it." Jack mumbled sheepishly.
        You break out into a genuine smile. "Thank you, Jack, it's beautiful," you say, lightly grazing the soft petals with your fingertips. Then, Jack hands you the heart, you instantly pale. You look up at Jack, "T-this is for me?" You ask, Jack nods, you take the squishy organ in your hand. You almost vomit when the bloody organ contacts your hand. "where did you get this from?" "The guy who sold me the rose." Jack explains. You stare at him in shock, you ask him simply why, and Jack says "Because he knew you, He was going to steal you from me. And we can't have that." Jack says, stroking your cheek. "What was his name," your heart drops, you hope you weren't close with this person. "His name was...Jay, I believe?" Jack answers, and you burst into tears.
        Jay was your best friend since fifth grade, he's helped you through so much. You just got told that your crush murdered your best friend, and now you're holding his heart. Jack tries to put a hand on your shoulder and you scoot as far back on your bed as you could go. You look Jack in the eyes and tell him to leave you alone, he tries to reason with you again and you just tell him to leave again. You don't think you can ever forgive Jack for what he's done.
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hydethestash · 5 years
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night fever
hyde x reader
drug tw (weed)
[been playing around with this for a while, let me know what you guys think and what should happen in the next part! (i meant to post this last night but got baked and forgot lol i’m sorry)]
point place, wisconsin
february 17th, 1977
9:03 p.m.
eric forman’s basement
you laughed as you passed steven the bowl, your whole body shaking. he grabbed the yellow glass piece, grinning as he shook his head at your uncontrollable laughter. he can’t remember exactly why you all were laughing, but at the hurt look on kelso’s face and the smug look on donna’s he could take a guess. you were sitting on his lap and hanging with the others out in forman’s basement, doing what you guys always did on nights like this.
“i feel so bubbly!” you exclaimed as you leaned off steven’s lap to take a sip from your soda, the glass bottle clicking against your rings. you stared at the dainty gold pieces on your hand- studying the way they shined in the dim light before the flavor of the orange soda caught your attention, the taste unbelievable as you felt the fizz in your mouth, almost downing the whole bottle. you probably would have if steven hadn’t nudged your back.
you grinned as you set the bottle down on the basements makeshift table, looking behind you towards steven before looking around the circle.
steven and you were sat in his usual lawn chair sprawled out, each other’s legs tangled with one another. nobody was sat in front of the tv this time as the weather hummed in the background. kelso was in the corner giggling his ass off at god knows what, about to fall off his seat while eric was sat with donna, the two pressed against each other on the couch. eric seemed to be singing along to floyd in the background while donna lit the bowl for him. your smile stayed on your face as you listened to the music, day dreaming for only a moment-
you almost jumped out of your skin when steven squeezed your hip, nodding his head towards eric who was attempting to pass the piece to you.
you grabbed the bowl and lighter from him in a rush, accidentally dropping the lighter on the floor. as you reached to grab it you slipped, almost sliding off of stevens lap. your eyes widened as you went to protect the glass piece, hoping you wouldn’t spill ashes and glass everywhere on kitty’s clean floor. you doubt she would notice if you cleaned it, but you’d still feel bad mussing it up.
steven grabbed you before you could fall, pulling you closer up against his chest while trying to steady you. “easy” he murmured in your ear, your face turning red.
“i’m sorry- i’m like really high right now and super clumsy” you stuttered in his lap, suddenly embarrassed. you almost always dropped or spilled something when you were high, your limbs just got too heavy to manage. same with your voice—it felt like your tongue would get in the way when you spoke, syllables becoming one as letters were dropped or mangled.
he shook his head with a smirk and got the lighter off the floor while plucking the bowl out of your hands and holding it, motioning for you to move your head down.
“i’ll light it for you” he explained, flicking the lighter. you leaned down slightly and looked at him through your lashes, inhaling when you heard the tell-tale flick. you winced at the bright light of the flame burned your eyes before they adjusted, the smell of butane covering your senses. your eyes closed as you felt the hot smoke curl around your throat, pulling away when steven uncovered the carb.
you exhaled away from stevens face, watching him as he lit the bowl for himself. you swayed slightly to the guitar solo in the background, the music seeming to be wrapping around you as you enjoyed your high.
steven joined you, shifting closer to you before he inhaled, now making eye contact with you. his eyes twinkled in the dim light you noticed, brighter than any of the stones on your rings had. just the fact that you could even see him without the classic tinted shades was a treat.
you carded your fingers through his hair as he pulled away, inhaling any smoke that tried to escape from his lips.
he paused before grabbing for your face softly, his lips tight against yours for a second before he opened his mouth. you got the hint and did the same, inhaling the smoke that was in his mouth.
you blew the smoke out as you pulled away, he was already passing it back unto kelso.
kelso waved the bowl away laughing.
“i’m good, i’m about to leave and don’t want red or someone to smell me.” he laughed, passing it to donna who shrugged and took it. kelso fidgeted in his chair before you turned to him, confused.
“where are you going?” you asked slowly, more focused on the records playing in the background than the conversation. the smile on kelso’s face only grew as he looked around the room.
“your mom’s room!” he yelled, pointing at eric before yelling his signature “burn!”
donna smacked him since eric was busy with the pipe, you and hyde both threw matches and cards at him.
he gasped before ducking behind his chair. “truce! that was my eye!” he whined as steven managed to get a bottle cap past his barricade.
steven threw a final card before he motioned you to get up, wiping his hands on his pants.
“i’m gonna hit the bathroom and then we should get something to eat, i’m starving” he announced, directing the statement at the group but only looking at you. you were terrible at paying attention when you were baked, steven learned the hard way after you not listening one too many times.
you nodded as you plopped down on the chair where he was before, finishing off the bowl.
eric and donna whispered to each other before agreeing to going too, kelso just wanted to go for the ride.
“then it’s settled” he yawned before patting your head, trekking up the basement stairs.
“i’m gonna follow him—i’ll tell my mom we’re leaving” eric yawned, leaving donna on the couch while kelso played with the tv knobs.
donna and you both caught each other’s eyes as he stomped up the stairs; donna got up and started to clean up, dumping the ashes and spraying fabreeze while you lit some incense.
you stretched as you got off the lawn chair, groaning as your muscles tensed. you snagged a water off the table, chugging it as quickly as you could (you had some major cotton mouth). you shook your head as you got your bearings, time seeming to be moving slower every second. you shivered and looked around before going to stevens room and snatching his jacket off his cot bed.
his room is one of your favorite places, besides your bed and the hub. his room was small and always messy—almost the exact opposite of your room. he tried to fit everything he found into the closet sized area, and it showed. just on his bed alone besides his signature jacket lie a video camera, a couple rolls of film, two vinyl records and one of your shirts you left on his floor from the last time you came over. it was endearing, but annoying when you were looking for something specific.
you zipped up the familiar smell around you of cheap cologne, weed, and mint before grabbing your wallet off his dresser and heading back into the main room, steven and eric already back from the bathroom.
“where we going and who’s driving?” you asked, leaning on steven. everybody seemed to speak at once, ideas coming from every direction.
“we could go to the hub?” donna suggested, but hyde shook his head.
“too far away”
eric looked up, tilting his head “what about that new chicken place?”
“i don’t have that type of money” you snorted, looking up at hyde.
“i really want some ice cream” kelso sighed, messing with some random crap that was on the table.
“i could go for a burger” you responded, snapping your fingers. “what about fatso burger?”
“that could work, it’s like 2 miles away and closes at 11” donna provided, looking at kelso while he pouted “and they have milk shakes”
you thought he murmured a complaint and was proven right when donna smacked him upside his head. he gasped, clutching his head before backing away.
everyone shuffled around the room, getting their coats and shoes on as eric looked for his keys. after none of you could find the keys after looking for ten minutes, you guys decided that nobody should be driving, so you all slipped out the basement door as eric locked it behind himself.
the night was cool as the five of you walked down the street, singing along to the songs you guys had heard on the radio earlier. you bobbed your head as eric played the air guitar and kelso attempted to dance. steven ended up lighting a joint he found in his pocket on the way, passing it back and forth with donna as they walked behind the rest of you.
while you and steven have been going steady for a couple months now, her and eric were just now getting into their relationship, god knows where jackie and kelso are in theirs. you could hear their conversation, hyde giving donna advice for eric, their voices a low hum in the back of your thoughts.
you looked at the night sky, the chilly winter air whipping your hair in your face. thank god it wasn’t snowing this week, you needed a break from the cold. you didn’t get to spend as much time as usual when the winter storm would hit and honestly- it sucked. you hardly got the chance anymore to look at the night sky like you used to, talking to the moon as you counted the stars in the sky. you didn’t get too far along before a lit joint obstructed your view, hyde silently asking if you wanted to hit it.
you stared at the view for a moment, entranced by the red glow of the cherry and the white glow of the moon. you plucked the joint out of his hand, taking a deep drag. you loved and lived joints, it was your favorite way to smoke. you knew hyde was thinking this as you slowly inhaled, your eyes slightly lowering as your cheeks hollowed.
you blew a smoke ring into the still night air before blowing the rest in his face, smirking.
hyde began to open his mouth to respond before he got cut off by kelso, who yelled loud enough to let everybody in point place know they finally made it to fatso burger.
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spidergoo · 5 years
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I Think I Left My Consciousness on Your Front Door;
— eeeh i’m scared to share this but it’s a sfw heat?? but this was for my friend hehe so enjoy soft omega peter. reader is he/him but i don’t think i really mention pronouns only like once. xoxo enjoy (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Peter was doing fine, on the battlefield doing his thing. He ignored the feelings of day before, the warning signs of the heat. Peter never tracked his heats which always ruined him somehow but he had never learned his lesson. The days where he wakes up to a math test or a speech he has to do in English.
Of course he was too embarrassed to tell Aunt May anything on those days. He’ll say he’s sick while Aunt May always tried to give him that “Omega Talk”. The one he dreads and whines over her trying to talk to him. Yeah Peter was an omega but he didn’t find it horrible just the heats were always on the worst timing.
“You okay kid?” Stark asks Peter having an overwhelming sensation of the heat that overcame his body. Suddenly the suit was suffocating, his body heat making it impossible to stay in.
“Yeah of course! Just under the weather a little.” Peter says zippling along the field. The battle was obvious that the avengers could take care of it if Peter needed to go home. He was growing up and the heat and his omega self was being more aggressive, making themselves well known.
“Are you sure?” Stark asks once more pushing the question to Peter, but once he said that Peter couldn’t handle the heat. He took off his mask mid battle sepeerating himself from the war. Breathing deeply his knees starting to get weak. Not now not now not now.
Peter soon couldn’t even stand at this point and he was drenched of his own scent, the sweat producing and he hasn’t even touched the battle. Mr. Stark flew over clicking on his suit to take off his mask.
“Kid, what’s going on?” Peter knew he couldn’t lie. As much as he would like to, this wasn’t just a cold it was much worse and Stark knew.
“H-Heat. In heat.” Peter pants sitting down no longer able to stand up. Mr. Stark grabbing him in his arms flying towards the nearest safest location which was the Stark building. While flying he couldn’t help but hear Peter telling him “he’s fine”.
Setting him down he grabbed his phone, your emergency number was down. You agreed to Peter’s hero lifestyle as long as you were told when he needed you or if something happened. If Mr. Stark said a word about Peter needing you, you were for sure on your way there.
“Don’t call him!” Peter yells from the couch, loosening the suit to make air breeze through is body but he was under a blanket. The blanket was definitely not helping but he does not want to be almost naked with Mr. Stark in the room.
“I’m calling him!” Stark yells from the other room, contacting you. You answered the phone obviously in the middle of driving. Answering the phone you questioned what was going on.
“You need to pick him up, like right now would be great.” Tony says while you suddenly changed your directions to Stark building. Giving him the “Im coming”
“What happened?” You asked while turning the street. Hearing Peter whine in the background you assumed the worst. Did he get stabbed? Was he in the hospital? Is he traumatized? “Is he okay?” You asked once again not controlling the nerves jumbling inside your body.
“Parker is fine. He’s in heat can barely stand up.” Tony says on the phone, you getting out of the car. Seeing the large building in front of you.
“Mr. Stark I said I’m fine! I can be in battle!” Peter gets himself up from the couch holding onto it because he doesn’t trust his body currently. Tony walking over setting him back down on the couch.
“You are not fine. Don’t worry Y/N is coming anytime soon.” Tony lays him down waiting for you to walk in the doors so you could take him off his hands. He didn’t know how to deal with this.
“I swear I am fine! If you let me-” Peter stops mid sentence when your scent filled his nose. The whiff he smelled when you opened the doors basically running inside. The room was filled with your scent and that make his knees basically weak. Peter was well losing his mind over well you smelled. “Maybe I should go home with him.” Peter laughs a little trying to hide the fact he said he could fight two seconds ago.
“Hey are you okay?” You walk near him sitting down. The silk you see producing through his pants luckily you always have spare clothes in the back of your car because this has happened more times then one.
“Fi-Fine you? You! smell really nice.” Peter leans on you sniffing you while you mouth a “thank you” to Tony seeing him fly back to the battle orginally they were suppose to be at.
“Here Pete we gotta go to the car.” You gran him he hooks onto you like a monkey. Going down the lobby grateful that there wasn’t anyone working the front desk currently knowing Peter would never come back from it.
Peter changed into your clothes. And if now your scent wasn’t intoxicating it sure damn was now. Your nice scent with a slight touch of the washing detergent. Perfect combination of his entire life.
You dropped him off at your house since it was closer then his and he didn’t want to worry Aunt May more then he already does he settled for it. Peter clinging onto you while you took the elevator upstairs to your apartment. Your parents thankfully not home to witness Peter in his crisis.
“You need to take a bath.” Flicking his forehead you see he’s gotten you clothes soaked in slick. You felt that this was going to be a normal thing this heat.
“What’s the point if I’m just going to get more slick on your clothes?” Peter sits on the toilet seat, waiting for you to come back with a fresh new set of clothes. You warmed up the bath, helping Peter get into it.
“I’ll put some layers on my bed, you want to just sleep naked?” You put some bubbles seeing Peter pout. “What? You don’t like “Eucalyptus Spearment” bubble bath?” You asked showing the bottle seeing Peter tilt his head because he’s never heard of that scent in his life.
“My friend gave it to me, one christmas have not used it once but! My boyfriend that is in need of a bubble bath will use it for me.” Pouring the substance seeing bubbles start to form. Peter laying down in the bath seeing that he didn’t quite fit. You grabbed the shampoo from your side of the shower pouring some on your hand.
“Thank you.” Peter says under his breath while you rub the shampoo through his hair. The scent of the bubble bath finally hitting his nose. Smiling while you poured warm water over his head washing the dirt and dust out of his hair.
You let Peter do his thing in the bath while you made your bed, making sure you put some blankets under where he would lay down. Espically since he might be overtaken from the scent of you, you aired out some windows grabbing the handy dandy fabreeze. Spraying some here and there making sure not to overload it. You heard Peter call out to you from the bathroom seeing him only in boxers waving at you to pick him up.
“My night and shining.” Peter chuckles in your chest while you laid him in the bed. You placing a light blanket on him. You laid next to him your scent filling up his nose feeling slick run down his thighs.
“This is embarrassing.” Peter says looking up at your ceiling. You got up from laying down seeing him press his legs together trying to stop the slick.
“What is embarrassing?” You ask, honestly he could spill as much slick and you wouldn’t be mad at him. His doey brown dreamy eyes looked at you the blush rising in his cheeks.
“That i’m in heat in your bed.”
“And...” You raise your eyebrow clicking your phone to play a couple songs that you knew he enjoyed to calm him down.
“And? I’m soaking your sheets in my own slick. My dignity? Lost.” Peter gestures with his hands till the end where he slams them on the bed giggling at his little rant.
“You will be fine buttercup. I love you regardless of the slick on my sheets.” Kissing his lips, embracing him separating yourself from him seeing him whine.
“Not. Helping.” He said feeling more slick run down his thighs. You laid back down holding his hand, fit perfectly with yours. His small touches of his made your heart beat faster.
“Are you hungry?”
“Hungry for you.” Peter realizes what he said when he hears you burst into laughter. “Sorry omega thing kinda kick into hyperdrive.” You couldn’t stop laughing.
“God that was incredibly cheesy.” Still chuckling wrapping your hands around him even if he didn’t want to be touched at first, till he basically turned into goo enjoying your touch.
“Why aren’t you getting your ruts? This isn’t fair.” Peter says seeing you burry your head into his neck leaving little pecks.
“We haven’t been together long enough for our heats and ruts to be synced.” Placing your leg over his body even if the small complains of his slick getting on you.
“Also never spray freebreeze in here.” Peter mumbles kissing your knuckles of your hands.
“Because I love smelling your scent.” Peter smiles turning to you. The love eyes he gives you made you coo at him.
“My baby! My sweetiepie! My angel! My honey! My boo bear!” You yelled out basically trying your hardest to not pounce on him with kisses. The sweetest things made you want to protect him from all the dangers in his world.
The night came you two just staying in bed, the small stars you could see from the window. The lights of New York and the cars speeding by the city. You saw Peter falling asleep on you. Peter turning towards you meowing a little.
“Do you need a change of boxers?” You asked moving his curls out of his face. Peter softly nodding half asleep but understanding what you’re saying.
You got an extra pair giving it to Peter while he changed you replacing the extra blanket with a new one. The ironically the spider-man he bought you one christmas. Peter laying on top feeling the fresh clean feeling against his skin.
“How long do you think this heat will be?” You ask turning on a little night light you had that shined on the ceiling. It was more for the looks of the stars that you got it for.
“This is my 3rd one? So maybe it will end by tomorrow.” Peter says letting his head rest on your chest. You ran your hand through his hair enjoying the time with him.
“You aren’t annoyed right?” Peter asks looking up at the artificial stars in your bedroom. Going in a swirly motion.
“No of course not.”
“Good because I was just worried. I can be a lot to take care.” The slow music while the stars allowed the moment to be peaceful. You kissing his hand giving him the affection he well deserves.
“Don’t worry, you will be out back in battle in a matter of time.” You tell him, his spider suit still on your bedroom floor. Not worried that your parents would walk in to see it on the ground.
“You know I enjoy this. Maybe when I’m not producing gallons of slick we could do this again.” Peter yawns seems like he’s trying to talk but his body is shutting down on him.
“I would love to. You can rest baby.”
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alivesoul · 7 years
As I have gotten older, one of the hardest things for me to get over is the complete lack of consideration people have for each other. I am not talking about squeezing on to a crowded train, I’m talking about squeezing your very large ass into a slither of a seat between two people on the train. I often wonder why people exhibit such a lack of consideration for people in public. Do we not care about the general comfort or welfare of each other? Are we selfish? Or are we just oblivious to those around us? If I had the answer to these questions, I would not be writing this post, I’d be talking to an editor. However, I think about how many tweets I have sent that began with “There is a special place in hell for people who…..”. Most of those tweets involve people who open the New York Times during rush hour, drive their cars fast through puddles of water soaking people on sidewalk corners, shoulder tackle people in passing, or move into a Black neighborhood, complain about the Black people in the neighborhood, and then price said Black people out of the neighborhood.
I used to think this lack of consideration for others was unique to New York City but then I went to a Walmart. Many people (and by many I mean all) who shop in such stores fully believe they are the only people in the entire store. They have no concept of space, pain, or the presence of small children. All they know is the General Electric 5000 BTU Window Air Conditioner is on sale for $119.00 and they will cut a bitch to get it. What also hinders consideration an impossibility at Walmart is that the customers are walking around with Buick Verano sized shopping carts. You would think they would realize that their cart takes up the entire width of an aisle and that by leaving it in such a position they have effectively created an impassable aisle block all because they want a larger bottle of Fabreeze. May the good Lord be with you if you move the cart to get by, the look you get is worse than any your mama has ever given you.
I don’t drive in New York City, not anymore. New Yorkers drive like they do everything else, on top of each other. No, I will not allow you to pass me, even if you are in the passing lane. I will continue to speed up because dammit, thou shalt not pass me. No, I will not stop for the school bus with flashing red lights and has a big red octagon shaped sign protruding from the side of it that reads STOP. Yes, I see you pedestrian walking across Queens Boulevard but in this game I play called Boulevard of Death you are worth 100 points. I should mention that I do plan to get a car before the beginning of Summer, but that’s so I can get away from this city of inconsiderate cretins.
It is my belief that consideration levels are at all-time low. It’s why we get so happy when someone does even the simplest considerate thing, like knock on your door and give you the package you ordered from Amazon. Have you any idea how many people I tell whenever that happens? I mean I call distant relatives to tell when that happens. It never occurs to me that that maybe that person just realized that mail theft is a felony or maybe they were just doing what they were supposed to do. This one Pregnant woman here in New York kept a trophy (Yes, a trophy!) in her backpack to give to the first man to get up and give her seat. It’s a damn shame that such a trophy even exists. What’s worse is that it took her two pregnancies to give it away come on fellas we’re better than that clap it up, clap it up. My hope and prayer is that consideration levels will rise in the near future. I hope that people will once again knock on the doors of their elderly neighbors to let them know they’re going to Walmart and ask if they need anything. I hope people on the Subway will let each other sit in comfort and drivers will yield to pedestrians, even if they are idiotically crossing the street while looking at the new Travis Scott video. We are, after all, all we got.
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