#i haven't dyed by hair in 3 years a bit more
reconciliatio · 1 year
dyed my hair a shade lighter and the change is subtle but effective.
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Bad Pick up Lines
I'm facing writer's block in this Bowser x reader so for now we are getting this T.T but I wanted to pull something after leaving it with a cliffhanger. I really love my Bowser x reader series hopefully I'll get to continue it some day.
`Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff @harpy-space (Please tell me if I'm forgetting someone, unfortunately I'm very dumb and forgetful)
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Your head hurt, just like a nasty New Years Eve hangover. What happened?? The last things you remembered was a blast, a lot of fire and smoke and then...
Oh no.
You immediately opened your eyes. You were inside a darker and grittier castle, certainly not the Disney Princess vibe Peach had going on. What the fuck.
This couldn't be happening. You were dreaming. You had inhaled too much smoke and were in a coma at the ER. There was no way this was Bowser's castle.
He seemed to like the Middle Ages dark castle style, whelp at least the bed was cofortable. Still, you didn't want to stay longer than you needed to. If everything that had been told about your ex cutie patootie was true, which you were sure it was. What awaited you inside this walls was something worse than death.
Fuck, you had treated him like a pet, you had babie talked him, dressed him up, fed him apple slices and combed his luxurious red mane!! You would do all of that again given the chance tbh. It was worth it.
Escaping seemed impossible, the room you were in was too high; and the doors, though more obvious, were too heavy for you to move, whoever put you in there (Bowser) wanted to make sure you didn't get out.
You felt sick, even if you haven't had anything to eat since that morning. Was this how it ended?? With you dying because once you called the turtle equivalent of Genghis Khan 'chimken nugget'.
You heard thundering steps approaching your room. Big man was coming. There was no place for you to hide. Better face death with dignity.
The door opened and the King of Koopas himself came in. Woah. He was even bigger than you remembered, las time it was too smokey for you to see clearly, but boy did you see know his might and glory. I you put it him in your lap now the weight of his head alone could easily break your legs.
Your eyes quickly diverted towards his face, and noted that he looked anything but murderous. He had this weirdly dilated puppy eyes like the Puss in Boots in Shrek 2, his hair had been sliced back, and he was wearing a purple bowtie. Given his actual size, it wasn't as cute as he thought he would look. Still, you swallowed down the urge to laugh at the randomness of it all.
"Did you sleep well?" Wow, his voice was even more thunderous than last time, and now that it wasn't high pitched, it actually sounded kinda nice and fitting, but you couldn't let your guard down.
"Yeah?" You weren't sure where he was going with this. Bowser raised one eyebrow in confusion "Are you asking me?" "No?" God this was going to be a bloody mess.
Bowser, for a behemoth of his size and mass, looked kinda sheepish. It would be endearing if he didn't tower over you and could't crush you with a single hand.
"You-you know, it was quite helpful my bed was there..." He looked at something scribbled in his hand, squinting his eyes. "... for when you hell-fell! from Heaven..."
You snorted a bit, you couldn't help it, that was the worst pick up line you had ever heard. The tension dissipated from your body, only to return with full force when you realised that he may take offense in you laughing. You quickly clasped your hands over your mouth a blush colouring your cheeks.
Apparently he took it as you blushing with delight, because he shyly scratched the back of his head. It was cuteness oversized. For a second you saw your little buddy again, enjoying your pets, gradually warming up to you, and quietly listening when you rambled about everything that crossed your mind.
"Ha... that was a good one..." You managed to say. "I actually have like, so many more." He seemed happy that you had liked it. Oh you actually wanted to hear them all.
They did not disappoint, each one of them was as good (or bad) as the first one he had told. So cheesy. You felt more eased in his presence the more pick up lines he told, at certain point you felt like back at Peach's castle, but the sizes had been reversed. If you made a huge effort to look past the numerous atrocities he certainly had comitted, you could see that he was just lonely.
"Hey, wanna hear my pick up line?" For a second, he looked shocked. Nobody had ever told him a pick up line before. You cleared your throat, hoping it was as fun as it was to you. "So... Are you into the bad types? Because I am bad at everything."
His eyes shone with mirth, glad your audience loved your terrible sense of humour. You smiled at him and he smiled back. Peach had warned you due to previous experiences that once Bowser got a hold of someone he very rarely let them escape their grasp.
It seemed that Bowser had now moved his fixation towards you. Maybe you were not ready to jump into marriage immediately, and maybe you needed to return home to your job and duties. However, you wouldn't mind exchanging phone numbers... That could be a good start.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
heavy is the crown
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jacaerys velaryon x reader
summary: the king loves his wife very much
warnings: aged-up jace, nsfw, mentions of smut, deaths, grieving.
a/n; something short but I haven't written for my mans for so long, I apologize jace stans<3
The castle was a cold place for him since he was crowned king of the seven kingdoms.
Jacaerys only manages to find specks of warmth in his own bedchambers, often drowning himself in the furs and fireplace, alongside dying memories of long gone loved ones.
But moping around too much, unfortunately, was unacceptable for the king. And so he lets the bitter cold spread through every corner of the halls and rooms, until it fills up his once tender soft heart, caging it in stone.
Some would say he had become like that since his brother Lucerys' passing. But really, it was his mother's, that became the last straw for him.
After her passing, his only priority was his brothers Aegon and Viserys, safely raised in the castle walls after the assassination of Aegon the second had occured and He was crowned king.
He had thought, for quite a few years, that that's all that would be if importance to him, his surviving brothers and his people.
But then, he hadn't met you.
You who had proposed yourself as a wife for him, taking the lonely ruler by suprise. You who had publicly declared the king a royal bore for not wanting a name day celebration for himself. You who would lift up his hand in yours before kissing his knuckles trying to warm it's frozen touch.
And by the gods you made him love again like he used too. His smile, his touch and his gentle heart returned because of you and only for you.
And those are the only reasons he needs to make you his queen.
The king awoke with a jolt, loudly gasping for air as if he was ever not breathing.
His arms instinctively reached out for you, sleeping next to him. And knowingly, your eyes open tiredly before letting your fingers wrap around his.
You push yourself a bit upwards, lazily craning your head up towards the sitting man. Squeezing his hand comfortingly, you nudge your head into his neck. " 'was dreaming of you, twas' a nightmare." He mumbled, arms wrapping around you.
You let out a choked laugh, unable to help yourself. "Such a nightmare am I?" You jest. He lets a small smile slips out as his body relaxes into your touch, the tremors of his dreams slowly leaving him. "Very." He concluded.
When the giggliness subsided, you move a hand to caress the side of his face. "I am alright, Jacaerys. And I'm not going anywhere." You feel his hit breath on your head as he brushes up kisses on your hair, humming as a response to you.
Lifting up your face by your chin to look at him, he takes in your beautiful dazed state, sleepy and tired from the night before's sinful activities, the marks you wear on your neck and chest bearing as proof.
"What?." You ask. "Need me to help you back to sleep?" Smiling at the teasing tone you, had, he leans his face onto yours, letting your noses touch, basking in the moment.
"That's my line, you know." You scrunch up your nose at him and shook your head. "Not anymore."
His fears are long gone at this point.
He could take you just like this, lay you down as he buries his head in between your legs, tongue fucking you until you pass out.
But seeing your droopy eyes staring up at him, he's sure your more than close to the latter.
Jace presses a hard, long kiss on your forehead before closing your lips with his.
Letting you fall back into the mattress, he whispers for you to go back to sleep, arms still caging you in them.
Keeping his heart warm with the fire you started in him.
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itsaspectrumcomic · 6 days
On anon bc identifiable info - advice/thoughts? - This is really long, I'm sorry D: I'm a rambler and all the info is important (to me)
I've always had problems with stuff (according to my mom, "things have always been harder for [me] than everyone else") like I'm always the last one out the door, I lose things a lot (like hats and pencils and water bottles) because I set them down and don't realize, I have a lot of trouble doing textbook homework/notes bc I have trouble focusing
And I have a lot of trouble with social stuff, I never have a lot of friends, I can't keep friends for more than like four years, I feel really disconnected with people and people generally initially like me but like me significantly less after interacting with me a bit
I read a lot, and when I was a kid I would lose all sense of reality outside the book until someone touched me or I finished the book, but I've had a harder and harder time reading anything but fanfic as I've gotten older, and I have a lot of trouble reading very technical/instructions/nonfiction stuff
I have pretty bad insomnia, and spent ~2 years when I was 10-13 ish sleeping ~3-4 hrs/night weekdays and ~12 hrs/night weekends, I have a really hard time getting to sleep specifically - and (tmi maybe tw eating) I've had chronic minor eating issues and constipation (chronic minor dehydration, losing ~ 10 lbs over summers from not eating, etc. like I'm not dying or anything but this will probably eventually cause wear damage)
But I'm also a very good student, very smart, generally very good at what I choose to do, I just became a National Merit semifinalist, like, I'm doing "fine". I'm not dying, I'm not failing classes or anything, I've struggled since second semester year before last with getting things done, but I have like a 3.7 gpa rn (I could have a 4 if I tried harder (while I am capable of trying harder, it would destroy me))
I was in Gifted + Talented in elementary school, I'm an honors/ap student (my G+T teacher told my mom that the "gifted" basically means "neurodivergent")
I didn't get help for anything until last year, when I kinda fell off (as much as you can fall off while getting a 3.7 gpa ig) and got assessed for insomnia, which I got help with pretty easily (apart for waiting times) which was amazing. Almost went too well iykwim
And I was looking into why I was having such a hard time with everything (social, focus, sleep, schoolwork,etc) and I resonated a lot with autism and some of the feeling very disconnected from society/ other people but I was like eeeh, I'm a teen and idk I'm not, like, having it that bad, so I was looking into more quantitative solid stuff and I took the AQ + CAT-Q + stuff which still have very subjective questions but I tried to be honest and I got 32 (AQ) and 139 (CAT-Q) and 157 (RAADS-R) but like idk I could be biased or misunderstanding or idk
I mentioned feeling like I had more, underlying issues to the doctor I'm seeing for the insomnia and she was basically like "I work with autistic kids - you're not autistic" which like on one hand, you're the expert and I've only really interacted with the internet so idk but on the other, you've spent all of two hours with me, mostly asking me direct questions about my sleep or talking to my mother, like, ofc you haven't seen anything of me. Did I make too much fake eye contact with you?? (BTW if you dislike eye contact for any reason, which I always have, look at noses (my mother taught me this one) or hair (my personal fav) bc it looks like you're looking at the face, but you aren't!!)
this is getting very long winded, I'm sorry if you choose to read all this but thank you it means a lot to me to get someone who knows something's thoughts on this
So I was like "I am having other problems" and she was like "I suspect you may have inattentive type adhd" and I was initially like what?? but I'm not hyperactive. Can't have adhd. What. But I've been kinda thinking about it and lurking at the edge of adhd communities and googling stuff (google is not helpful) and maybe? idk
SO to get to my point/question
I'm very smart. (not tryna be conceited it's just I am) I'm not currently *dying* struggling, though I am having trouble staying on top of classwork
I'm a girl
I live in the USA
I'm pretty good at acting normal, I have a couple friends (one has diagnosed adhd, one has diagnosed autism, one I'm not sure, one I think? could be neurotypical? but she's also like really not idk) (I (only?) have four friends (which is a lot, for me))
I don't know if I'm "adhd enough" (or "autistic enough" if I was right initially) ((or both idk)) to get a diagnosis. I have hypermobility that causes issues with my joints and has led to me not exercising enough and having to quit violin but I'm not hypermobile "enough" to get a diagnosis or help for it (which sucks because it's literally affecting my quality of life, like, I could be an amazing musician if I didn't have this. D: )
If I try, will I get a diagnosis, or will I be "adhd, but not enough"? Should I continue to spend (my parent's insurance) money on this if it probably won't go anywhere? I'm currently 17, starting my senior year of high school. Will things get disrupted in transition to college? If I go abroad for college?
Also, will I crash and burn in college without my mother's considerable support? (tw eating again) I have always had a really hard time getting and preparing and eating food, and without her/structure idk how much I will eat. I loose weight over the summer bc we don't eat as a family much. when I'm on my own, will I struggle even more? Especially trying to juggle food and school and living independently? What about after college? My uncle was fine until he graduated college and now he's alone and a misogynist and mormon and lives with my grandma and seems kinda really miserable except way more hate-filled - am I doomed to the same path?
anyways this is really dark I'm sorry
specific questions for you are:
should I pursue ADHD diagnosis? Autism?
is there anything specific I should mention/not mention/think about?
is there anything you think I (+ people in similar situations) should research, any specific sites/books/communities you think would be valuable?
would therapy help with anything? social, focus, etc. (I have not had a chance, and I have been noncommittal at mentions bc. i strongly dislike people, and talking to people, and emotions ): )
are things in general going to get better, or worse? please be honest, not reassuring
If you decide to answer this, partially or completely, thank you, it means a lot to me to get someone else's thoughts on this, if not, I completely understand, either way, I hope you have a good day :)
Hello! A lot of what you wrote feels very familiar to my own experience - I was also considered a good student but found things increasingly difficult to cope with, struggled socially, lost and forgot stuff, couldn't focus etc. You're definitely not alone in feeling this way!
You are not doomed and you are not your uncle. Things can always get better, even when you're at your lowest. You never know what will happen next - you could make a friend, you could discover a new passion, you could be offered a cool opportunity, you could get the chance to pet a really friendly dog. Life isn't a straight line - you might be struggling for a bit, and then some nice stuff will happen, and then you might go through a rough patch again, but then things will improve again and you might feel better than you did before.
For eating when you go to college - identify the foods you generally find easy to make and eat and make sure you have a supply avaliable for when you're struggling. For me, that's pasta (you can get dry pasta which lasts ages in the cupboard, but you could also try fresh ravioli which has stuff inside like spinach or tomato or cheese so it's a bit more varied), crackers, bananas, and breakfast bars. That way if you can't make a proper meal, you at least eat something. Also try to carry a water bottle with you everywhere (if you struggle to drink water you could try flavoured water or juice.) If you forget about needing to eat you could set alarms to remind yourself.
Side note: did you know that hypermobility and autism very often occur together?
Onto your questions:
should I pursue ADHD diagnosis? Autism?
It's definitely worth looking into - I can't guarantee you'll get a diagnosis because it really depends on the person/people assessing you and some are more biased than others (if you're able to choose, look for people who say they specialise in diagnosing women and girls or have positive reviews from people in that demographic). Personally I found it helped a lot with getting accommodations, people understanding me, and understanding myself (even before the diagnosis was official). I will say it's usually quite a long process so be prepared for that.
Btw, you can definitely have ADHD without being hyperactive - that's the inattentive type which is more about trouble focusing.
is there anything specific I should mention/not mention/think about?
Honestly a lot of what you've written will probably come up in an assessment! I had to fill out a form with info about my experiences as a child and the traits I have now, as did my mum. If you're high masking (basically when you try to act 'normal' and hide your neurodivergent traits) do your best not to mask so the assessor gets to see you as you really are.
is there anything you think I (+ people in similar situations) should research, any specific sites/books/communities you think would be valuable?
Untypical by Pete Wharmby is an excellent book if you want to learn more about autistic experiences. The author is autistic himself and has an engaging writing style.
How to ADHD is a YouTube channel that focuses on coping techiques for ADHD and is informative as well.
I've found the autism communities on Reddit to be welcoming and supportive - you might like r/AutismInWomen which is inclusive and accepting of self diagnosis and those who are questioning.
You could also follow some of these people on instagram:
morgaanfoley - posts about her experiences as an autistic person
_ellawillis - posts about autism and ADHD and their daily life
candy.courn - posts about autism and disability as well as how that intersects with their experience as an asian person. Also has the most beautifully pink house
colourblind_zebra - makes cute and colourful art about chronic illness and neurodiversity
elliemidds - posts about autism and adhd and runs a community called We are Unmasked (weareumasked on insta)
itsemilykaty - posts about autism, mental health, and her book Girl Unmasked (which I haven't read yet but is supposed to be very good!)
Side note: I also have an instagram if you'd like to follow :) I'm itsaspectrumcomic there as well!
would therapy help with anything? social, focus, etc. (I have not had a chance, and I have been noncommittal at mentions bc. i strongly dislike people, and talking to people, and emotions ): )
Therapy can help a lot - with the right therapist! Look for people who specialise in neurodivergence, particularly in girls. The best ones are on the spectrum themselves :) It's OK if you don't click with the first one you try. You can 'shop around' until you find someone you're comfortable with (which I know can be exhausting but it's worth it when you find the right one).
are things in general going to get better, or worse? please be honest, not reassuring
Like I said before, things will get better, and then you might struggle for a while, and then things get better again. It comes in waves, at least for me. I know when you're having a hard time it can feel like it's going to last forever, but I promise it won't. There are always bright spots.
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cyandreamz · 2 months
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✿ Iris and friends ✿
A few days ago I decided to do a one panel comic based off a head canon of mine, that being that Iris has naturally red hair but, after her sister goes to jail, she felt the need to distance herself from her sister even more and, began to dye her hair black. I mostly came up with this hc because as someone with dark brown hair (that's sometimes mistaken for black :/) I know how much work it is to bleach and maintain a light hair colour and, given she "dated" Phoenix for 8 months, that's going to damage her hair real bad if she's naturally got black hair and, dyed it red regularly in that time frame. Only other option would be that she didn't dye her hair and it's naturally black but Phoenix isn't an idiot, he'd notice if his gf was swapping between red and black hair (at least I think so, he can be oblivious sure but, he can also be hyper perceptive at times so I think it's likely he'd question it eventually in the 8 months time frame), so I decided to hc her as a red head, plus she looks identical to her sister aside from the black hair colour so, them being identical twins makes sense to me.
Also don't worry, Phoenix doesn't hold anything against Iris for being a red head after this scene I drew. I like to think he comforts her after her apology so she knows she hasn't done anything wrong (because having the same colour hair as your twin isn't something you can control!). He's just surprised because she's so good at makeup (another hc of mine) that her brows looked naturally black and, he somehow didn't register that her hair was naturally red in college when he first met her again or something like that :P. I also hc that Phoenix visits Iris every few months, as while I personally don't ship feeniris, I definitely can see them being good friends after case 3-5 as they probably have quite a bit in common, given they both seemed to like each other in college.
Than I felt like drawing more Iris art but with Lana Skye because I hc them as friends! Which might seem strange, given these two do not interact in the game but, not only do they end up in prison around same time (only a few years apart), they also have had to deal with being pawns for other's and probably were able to relate in some ways to each other as a result. Plus I like to hc that Phoenix and Ema talk about their respective prison friend/sibling to each other and, are both glad to hear their friend/sibling has a best friend, neither realising that the best friend is the other prisoner involved in the conversation until both girls are released from jail. cuz I of course hc they get released from prison some time after SOJ (or before, or during, still haven't finished SOJ) and at same time because, the chief prosecutor figured out they were friends and, was able to convince the right people to change one of the girls release date to match the other girl's so they can enjoy the release day together!
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richeeduvie · 3 months
Wait what? baby Jr married?!? I can’t even imagine Roman when she starts dating let alone getting married and having 3 whole children that’s so funny to imagine Roman wants to die the moment she’s like 16 and tells her parents she’s going out on a date. At 22 when she brings home her first “serious” bf and Roman picks out his eyebrows and god only knows how he didn’t jump off a window when she announced she was pregnant.
He gets in a mood for about a day when she goes out on a date at like...17. I think it would be cute if Baby Jr's malewife nervous partner was her highschool sweetheart! I've always said she has like three friends and then her parents. A Roy through and through. But really, he just gets whiny.
He's not exactly disappointed in his daughter or scared. He's just sad. This is his baby, even when she's 80. She's like...theirs. She's Mommy and Daddy's and she doesn't need anyone else? He doesn't need anyone else but Baby Jr and her mother.
It's weird. It's sad, but it's his version of being a parent.
"Roman, please - make some small talk with him."
"I fucking hate his chin. He's going to knock her up and their babies will have his chin. He's going to take her away for chinny babies."
"Don't think that far ahead. Also, that's weird to think about. It's just one date."
Roman turns over on the bed, pillow in his arms.
"Have you fucking seen him? He wants to eat her."
"I think all fathers think every man is not good enough for their daughter."
He shifts a bit. Sits up. "No, I mean-he's fucking obsessed with her. He's probably a stalker. We should call security, hire Collin. Steal him away from Kendall. It's been years past the need for glorified suicide watch."
Baby raises a brow. "You haven't even given him more than ten words."
"You're a baby. Actual child. I don't have to. I know. He wants her badly and it's fucking disgusting. Have you seen the way he looks at her? He's going to babytrap her. That was my plan b if you weren't going to USC-I don't know what I'm saying. What the fuck?"
Baby sighs.
It's so funny. Come time, it's known the pregnancy was planned. Life was stable. She's a grown adult.
"Why did you do this to her?"
He's staring daggers into the malewife.
He pulls at his hair. "I was fucking-it's a joke. No, not really. I want to kill myself. My baby is pregnant. Can you just have a girl please? Please please? And name it Ramona? Romana. Thank you."
He sighs, hugging Baby Jr. She's accepted her Dad enough to know this is him supportive, that he will adore this child.
"I am happy. I'm older! Signs of life means I'm dying and getting older and I'll be a fucking grandpa. I'll only actually like...try so I can beat out Frank in that department."
Baby smiles and kisses his cheek.
"Good boy."
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theflowerrooms · 1 year
Dad!Eddie Munson headcanons?
(if you haven't already)
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single dad! Eddie series someday?
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Your pregnancy was easy but it was anything but stress-free.
When you told Eddie you were pregnant, he stared at you for a moment before he said “are you keeping it?” With the most monotone voice you’d heard. His reaction to learning that you were carrying his child.
It took him a week before it processed for him, that you were going to be having his baby, your baby together.
He came home one night later than usual and bolted to you with a small gift bag, blue with white tissue paper.
You opened it slowly, loving the big cheesy grin on his face more than whatever could b possibly be in the gift.
A small hellfire onesie, 3-6 months. You cried and he cried.
Eddie was so worried during the pregnancy. He hadn’t gotten lucky with his parents, his mom dying when he was so young and his father being- his father.
He was so sure that he wouldn’t even know how to be a parent.
All of his worries were washed away when a doctor put your little baby girl in his arms.
Big round eyes and a full head of dark hair. She was a month premature, and while completely healthy, she looked impossibly tiny in Eddie’s arms.
Delilah Juliet Munson
Eddie cried when you held her for the first time, and he cried when he handed her to Dustin for the first time. He sobbed when he watched Wayne hold her carefully in hands aged by years of working in factories and raising a troubled boy.
Eddie sang to Delilah every night since you brought her home. A lot of them he’d written for you, a lot he’d written for her.
She’d sit in his lap between him and his guitar, playing with her dad’s soft dark curls that she’d inherit.
There was no trouble telling that she’s Eddie’s, she looked nothing like you. Dad’s girl through and through.
As she got older, she didn’t seem to act much like Eddie. She was more timid and quiet, didn’t get mad quick.
From any child you’d expect tantrums, especially a Munson child, even Eddie threw tantrums from time to time.
Not Delilah. She’d cry when she was sad, express that she was mad when she was, but she was incredibly emotionally intelligent, tantrums were never a thing you had to deal with from her.
She didn’t share many mannerisms with Eddie, only a few. When she’d colour she’d stick the tip of her tongue out past her lips in concentration, when she was scared or nervous her hands would shake, and she’d always talk with her hands. Even if she was talking about something boring.
She loved to talk- she got that from Eddie. It would take some time to get her to open up, but she’d talk your ear off when she gets comfortable.
Delilah and Dustin have an incredible bond. Uncle Dusty. She draws pictures for him all the time, includes him on family portraits, picks him flowers.
“Daddy can you put this in your pocket?” Is for Uncle Dusty.” She’d grin, adorable tooth gap on show with a cool looking pebble in her palm. And Eddie would put it in his pocket, and Dustin would keep it forever.
When Delilah was old enough for preschool, she’d started to cling to you a bit more. She always wanted you and always loved you, but she was dad’s girl. And overnight she’d decided that you gave the best hugs, that you told the best stories, and that you gave the best piggyback rides, which Eddie swore was false because he was both stronger and taller.
But she still loved her dad, told him all his secrets and asked him all her questions.
One day you went into her room to the both of them looking sheepish, she handed you Eddie’s D20
“If you roll a number bigger than ten, you and daddy get to have another baby!”
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sammysprivatecorner · 2 months
List of Fictional men I have a crush on because yes <3
#1 MEDIC - TEAM FORTRESS 2 (Lasted ever since I've known tf2 so give or take 3 years and going)
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He's German
He's insane
Villain characteristics
Tall (6'1)
He's a DOCTOR that has a morbid fascination with ANATOMY
Needs sleep
Probably a coffee Addict
AGE = EXPERIENCE Not exactly on character but I really love it when ppl draw Medic with a bit of chub, for example @/sNeighbrhood on Twitter has this Medic OC Emil, and he has chub and it's just cuddly idk bible accurate Medic has a bit of stuffing
#2 SAMMY LAWERNCE - BATIM (Has last since chapter 2 came out so around 8 years and still going!)
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(Go check out my Sammy blog @asksamuellawrence) Reasons:
Male wife material
He a strong boi
Musical man
@inkdemonapologist Human design for Sammy. (P.S. Go check out their work they do amazing stuff :0)
He's Insane <3
Tall HC (6'2)
Needs sleep
Grumpy ass man
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Masked figure
His hair is so goofy
A doctor that is probably insane
ManlyBadassHero's interp. of Dr. Smiley's voice (Idk it just gives me life)
Probably tall lmao
#4 SILCO - ARCANE (Lasted 3 years aka since the show came out and is still going quite strong)
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Visual appeal
His animation (I walked like Silco for a very long fucking time without even realizing it after first watching the show)
#5 VIKTOR - ARCANE (Lasted since I got back into the show so about 1 year)
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(I can make that exact face) Reasons:
Russian/Slavic in origin (AKA his voice)
Skinny ass dying man
Visual appeal
In need of a Divorce Arc
Will hopefully have a Villain Arc in Season 2
#6 RUVYZVAT/RUV - FNF MIDFIGHT MASSES (2ish years by now)
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Russian man
Tall as shit (8'11 and I think 9" standing fully)
Comfy ass looking clothing
A quiet boi
A total loner and Introvert
Protective of Sarv <3
#7 ADAM - HAZBIN HOTEL (Since the final episode of S1 came out so 5 or 4 months)
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Visually to me he is appealing under the mask
Alex Brightman
I wanna steal his clothes
I wanna nom his wings
His hair looks like ears in the photo and I wanna ruffle them
That thing on his chin Idk the technical term for it
Alex Brightman
Rock 'n' Roller (Introduced me to School Of Rock and Stick It To The Man)
Da Villain
#8 ORIN SCRIVELLO D.D.S - LSOH (2 years and going!)
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A greaser
Has a fucking cool ass Motorcycle
I want to steal his Gender
I want to BE him/hj
An Antagonisttt
Sick ass song (DENTIST!)
Goofy ahhh talk
Introduced me to Greasers and got me fixated on those for a while month
Silly ass death scene that made me so upset the first time I saw it
DR. MASACRIK - PSYCHO CUTIES (I do NOT support the artist but I do like the show!!!)
Anyway Yah that's it, there's more but I literally haven't slept at all. Good night!! <3
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goose-duck · 2 months
♡Our World♡ (pt. 3)
Killer x Reader
In this part reader takes Killer shopping :D
Killer from One Piece but he's in our world and meets u
Pt 2 Pt 4
I woke up still in Killer’s strong arms. It's now late morning, around 11:30. I look up at him and stufy his face…it's beautiful. He has a sharper facial structure but his sleeping face looks so soft. I raise my hand up to his face, gently brushing some of his hair out of his face and smiling at him. He's real…he's really here…and in my bed…wow…how did I even manage this? I guess the universe said I deserve something good for once. How kind, thanks universe.
He starts to stir awake after feeling me move his hair. I smile up at him as he opens his eyes, “good morning…” he's a little groggy and confused but smiles at me too, “good morning.” He shifts a bit, letting me go and sitting up in the bed. “How'd you sleep?” I ask while following him in sitting up and stretching. I feel his eyes on me as my shirt lifts a bit when I stretch. He then pokes my stomach and I let out a small shocked noise and give him a playful glare. “I slept well.” He says, giggling under his breath at the sound I'd made when he poked me. I reach over to poke him back but instead of the reaction I wanted he just smiled softly at me. I groaned and gave him an annoyed look before getting out of bed. He soon follows, getting out of the bed and following me out to the kitchen.
In the kitchen he gives me an awkward look, remembering my severe lack of food. I look back at him, realizing he probably doesn't want to eat the crap I've grown to get used to. I give him an award smile before speaking, “uh…I don't really have food…I'm sure you remember…I uh…hm…uhhhh…you're already dressed. Give me a few minutes, I'll go get dressed and we can go buy food….and buy you some more clothes since I don't think you want to wear those the whole time you're here. He nods, “okay, I'll wait here then.” He leans against a wall in the kitchen and watches as I leave to my room to get changed. 
I decide not to bother with trying to look good, it doesn't really matter, just a quick shopping trip. I throw on some decent clothes and stare at myself in the mirror for a few seconds, I can only sigh when I see my hair, not willing to even brush it right now…maybe later…I should shower later…that's always so much work…I sigh again at the realization it's been even longer than usual since I've properly taken care of myself. My joy for life has slowly been dying, I haven't really talked with anyone in a long time, I've just been alone…suppose it takes the fun out of being alone when it's not a choice. 
I leave my room, putting a smile on my face which becomes more genuine when I see Killer still leaning against the kitchen wall. “hey..” I say a little sadly due to my earlier thoughts. He seems to notice this but choses not to comment on it, just nodding at me instead. I notice he has his helmet on and give him an awkward look, “uh…I don't think you can wear that to the store…” I understand it makes him more comfortable, however society won't be too comfortable seeing a big buff guy in a helmet. He rocks his head to the side a bit confused but takes it off anyway, trusting me. I still have some masks from the mask mandate a few years ago so I go grab one and hand it to him, “wear this instead. You'll scare less people…not that I think you're scary…but…I think you understand.c” he nods, “yeah, I get what you're saying.” he puts the mask on, it covers the lower half of his face while his bangs cover the upper half.
I start walking towards the door and he follows behind me. I slip my shoes on, I'd intentionally tied them loosely when I first wore them so I could do this…sure they fall off sometimes but at least putting them on takes a few seconds less. Killer puts his shoes on and gives me a nod, silently telling me he's ready to go. 
I push open the door and step out onto the front steps and feel extremely dizzy…I stop suddenly and hold my head. Killer gives me a worried look from behind his shaggy blonde hair and reaches a hand out for me. Before he can touch me I move away a bit and plop down on the ground a bit roughly. He pulls his hand back and knees down, “what's wrong..?” He asks, confused and concerned. I can only groan in response. This seems to worry him a bit more, prompting him to check if I'm sick but putting the back of his hand on my forehead. I gently grab his hand in both of mine and hold it in my lap, trying to collect myself, closing my eyes and breathing, using his hand to keep me connected to the world while I can't. He sits on the ground with me, allowing me to do what I need to as he quickly understands this isn't the first time I've dealt with this.
After a few minutes I sigh and open my eyes. Looking down at his hand I rub it with one of my thumbs before letting go and standing up. “Sorry about that…” I awkwardly apologize even though I know I shouldn't, it wasn't my fault. “Don't apologize. Are you okay?” He kindly asks, still giving me that worried look and resting his hand against my lower back. “Yeah, I'm fine.” I give him a soft smile, “let's go?” I ask, just wanting to go get food and clothes for him and forget this happened. He nods at me, noticing immediately that I didn't want to talk about my health at this time.
I walk over to my car and unlock it, getting in the driver's seat and waiting for Killer. He soon gets in the passenger seat and puts his seatbelt on, remembering what I'd taught him yesterday. He nods at me once the seatbelt is secure and I start driving. On the way to the store I asks me about a few things, such as street lights, things about my car and other cars and a few other bits of information one might want to have while in an alternate universe.
Eventually we get to the store. I wanted to park close to the entrance but there were no spots so we ended up parked pretty far away. I'm annoyed by this and it shows. After I park I sit in the car for a second before unbuckling my seatbelt, Killer doing the same soon after. Before I can get out he puts a hand on my shoulder, “Are you sure you're okay?” He asks me, not wanting to make me do something I don't want to just for his comfort. I nod at him, putting my hand over his, “yeah, just…having a bad day…it's not your fault…just…health stuff…” he nods at me in an understanding way. I don't know if he has personal experience, either with himself or someone else but he seems to get what I'm talking about without further explanation.He takes his hand off my shoulder and I get out of the car and start walking over to the store, him following close behind like a body guard. 
Once in the store I go straight for the food, picking up some breakfast foods and some other things likes fruits and vegetables. I skip getting drinks because most of what I actually already own is drinks so I don't need more. I also buy some sweets, just some cookies and a cake mix to make with Killer later if he's interested…or if I even remember I bought it. Killer follows me around holding the basket for me. I'd handed it to him right after I picked it up and he didn't question it, how convenient for me. 
I then walk over to wear the clothes are. “Grab whatever you want, okay?” I tell him and he nods in response, handing me the basket of food items. The basket is heavier than he makes it look and I struggle to hold it, opting to set it on the floor and just keep a close eye on it. Killing gives me a confused look when he sees I'm not strong enough to hold the basket of foods, there's an undertone of concern but after seeing my earlier health struggles he decides it's probably related to that and just heads for the clothes. 
While standing around intensly watching my floor food a man comes up to me and strikes up a painfully awkward conversation as I shoot down everything he says. He starts to get too close for my liking so I push my basket away with my foot and glare at him. He doesn't seem to get the message so I directly tell him I'm not interested in talking to him. This seems to piss him off. It gives me a weird thrill to know I've upset him, I still however feel this deep-rooted worry that he'll hurt me in some way. He starts making a ruckus that gets Killer’s attention but seeing the look on my face, one of mischief he decides not intervene yet, instead just watching closely. The man sees the look on my face and goes to slap me, luckily for me he's rather scrawny so I just grab his wrist. It's a little scary but I like the adrenaline flowing through my veins, I don't have energy often but adrenaline gives me some for a while and I take full advantage of it, even if it does nothing but get me in trouble.
The man pulls his arm away from me and I give him a conniving little grin, “didn't like that? Don't try to hit me then.” I smirk at him, knowing i’ll be fine as I'd noticed Killer watching us. I trust Killer will step in if I need him to and he trusts me to handle this situation. I like feeling trusted, even if all he's trusting is me to not let my joy of causing trouble get out of hand. It's clear Killer is keeping a close eye on the man’s actions, he has no trust this guy won't do something, but he trusts me to handle it. I like someone who doesn't just take me for my health problems but can see I find joy in things like this. This behaviour shouldn't be encouraged, however if it's going to be there it should be put to good use. It seems Killer understands this, probably from having to deal with Kid in his world.
The man tries to attack me again so I use my palm and push up against the bottom of his nose, making it bleed and making him stumble back confused. Killer decides now is the time to stop this, walking over with an armful of clothes. He looks at me, “lets go.” he then picks up the basket and begins to walk away, not waiting for me to follow but expecting me to do it, hoping I'm mature enough to know when I should stop. I take one look back at the guy with blood now dripping from his nose then speed walk after Killer, not wanting to lose him in the large store. Once I ketch up to him he gives a look, the same one I'd imagine he’s given Kid many times when he's caused trouble. His look then morphs into relief when he sees I followed him as he'd hoped.
Killer slows down a bit to allow me to take the lead. I walk over to the cashier and start putting things on their convairbelt thingy. Killer just watches me to this before putting his clothes down too. I take the now empty basket and put it on the stack nearby. I then come back and pull my card out of my back pocket. I didn't bring my whole wallet, just the card, it's much easier…mostly because I need to clean out my wallet, it's full of receipts. The price of everything is about $350 and I look stunned for a second before inserting my card and putting in my pin. My pool digital wallet…it's so dead…I'm not in dept yet but I have a solid $12 left. Child me would be excited, but now I'm just sad.
The cashier had bagged our things so we can just pick them up. I take the lighter bags while Killer takes the heavier ones, he gives me a soft look as he watches me try to carry everything. He takes the bags from me and snickers at me as I give him an offended look. “let me hold those for you.” he says, causing me to give him a slightly more dramatic offended face, “let me carry one?” I ask, wanting to feel helpful. He laughs under his breath, “alright.” he hands me the lightest bag. I side eye him but take it anyway, beginning the trick back to my car parked so far away. Killer doesn't seem to mind the walk but I suppose he's used to having to walk everywhere while I sit at a desk watching cameras all day.
I pop the trunk and put my one bag in and tell killer to put his bags in too. He puts everything in the trunk then backs away from the car a bit, looking at the popped trunk. “what?” I give him a look, not understanding why he's so interested in it. He just shakes his head, “need any help?” I shake my head, “nah, I've got this.” I grab the edge of the trunk and slam it shut. “see, I'm so strong!” I giggle at my own shenanigans. He smiles at me under his mask and pats me on the head, “very strong, Y/N.” he then gets in the car and waits for me to join him. I quickly get in, a bit more pep in my step, ready to get home and spend more time with the masked man…well, I suppose he's not masked when we're at home…or uh…my home.
Once we get back to my house Killer doesn't let me take any of the bags, not believing I can walk up stairs and hold anything. I call him rude but don't fight him on it, instead giggling. Once in the door killer seems hesitant to walk on my hardwood floors with his shoes on. I give him a confused look not understanding at first before I pick up on his thoughts, “it's okay, you can just take your shoes off after you set everything down…uhhh…put the food on the dining room table for now and put your clothes in your room. He does exactly that, putting the food on the table and taking his clothes my room.. my room? Isn't he supposed to be in the guest room? Is it that ugly? Eh…I don't really care, sleeping with him last night was nice, he's warm…I am not warm. 
He comes back and takes his shoes off, watching as I kick my shoes off yet again. I walk into the dining room kitchen combo and start putting the food where it's supposed to go. Killer takes off the mask I gave him and leaves it on the counter by the back door. He doesn't help me put the food away, but I didn't ask and I didn't want help anyway. We just chat while I do this. 
About half way through I get dizzy from walking back and fourth and just stop in the middle of the kitchen holding a peach. I squeeze the peach a bit, trying to get a grip on myself as my vision blurs. Killer stops me, quickly taking the peach from me and setting it down on the counter. He then takes my hand and gives me a worries look. I squeeze his hand and start breathing a little heavier before leaning against him. He puts a hand on my back to further support me as I start to sink down a bit, trying to safely get myself to teh floor. He helps me get down and sits on the floor with me. I lean against him completely, almost in his lap, prompting him to actually put me in his lap, making me easier to hold onto. I lean against him, I'm in pain, my head has this intense ache, it's unbreable, it's not pain but it's so sickening I can't handle it. Killer rubs my back and continues to let me squeeze his hand as hard as I want.
After a few minutes my body untenses and I relax againt him, causing him to look down at me. The smile etched in his face shakes a bit, he's worried, his mouth refuses to show it but his eyes clearly show his concern. I try to look up at him but I start to get dizzy again when I move my head so I stop and drop my head back to where it was. I feel something against the top of my head, it's him, his mouth, his lips, he's trying to comfort me, giving me a soft kiss on the top of my head. I wonder if his lipstick is in my hair now or if it'd all rubbed off last night. I let out a soft hum, telling him quietly that I'm okay. He hums back, a silent acknowledgment that I'm still there with him and conscious.
After a few minutes I start to move a bit, the dizziness subsiding enough I can look up at him. As he feels me move he removes his head from on top of mine, he looks down at me and I look up at him, his smile softens a little and my flat expression lights up a bit at the sight of his face. He gently squeezes my hand, “gonna be okay?” he asks softly as if his voice would hurt me if it were any louder than a whisper. I nod at him, laying my head against his chest a again for just a moment, giving the middle of his chest a quick kiss of appreciation before sighing and pulling away. “I'm okay, Killer…” I say, giving him a slightly tired look. He responds with a small nod and a soft, “okay.” he begins to rub the palm of my hand like he had last night and I look down at his hand holding mine, I smile a bit more. “thank you.” I say softly. He lets out a huff but nods.
A few minutes of sitting in comfortable silence later and my energy is back for now. I get up from his lap and with some help from him I'm standing again. This time he doesn't wait for me to ask, he just starts helping me move groceries, “tell me where things go and I'll put them there, you should sit and relax.” I do as he tells me to and sit down at the dining room table and start directing him on where the food goes, asking him to keep the box of waffles out so we can have breakfast after. He does exactly as I tell him and soon enough all the food save for the waffles is put away.
I stand up to make the waffles and he gently pushes me back down, “I'll do it, don't worry.” he tells me. I give a questioning look, wondering if he’ll know what to do with the frozen waffles. He looks back at me after opening the box of waffles realizing he's never seen premade waffles before, “uh…these are waffles..?” “yeah?” “how do I..?” “you see that thing?” I point at the toaster and he nods at me, “yeah?” “put one in each slit and push down on the bit in the front.” he nods and does as I say and gives me a look like that's the weirdest thing he's ever done in his life. I just give him a smile in response to his confusion. 
He jumps a bit when the waffles pop up. He goes to grab them and I throw a nearby napkin at him. He quickly stops and looks at me like I'm crazy. “unplug it first.” “what?” i point at the wire and he looks at it, “pull it.” he unplugs the toaster successfully, I clap, it comes off a little sarcastic but I'm trying to be nice. He realizes something else, “where are the plates?” I make a dumb face, “oh.” “well?” “the cabinet above you.” he opens the cupboard and grabs two plates. He puts two waffles on each plate. He remembers where he put the syrup so he goes and grabs it, putting some on his and setting his plate on the table. He then puts my plate in front of me and hands me the syrup so I can put as much as I want on. I decide to drown my waffles…as per my usual. He looks at me like I've just murdered his captain, I look back at him like a little dastard knowing that bothered him. He sighs and gives a soft look, “waffle murderer.” he jokes. I start laughing as he hands me a knife and fork and sits down in front of his waffles.
We both eat silently, I figure he's usually quiet when he eats but I'm just being sure I don't choke…I'm really good at getting hurt I've noticed, choking included. After we both finish our waffles he takes our dishes over to the sink and sets the in the sink, giving my dish pile a glare, “do you ever wash your dishes?” I look away from him and pretend I didn't hear him. He sighs and starts doing the dishes. I suddenly turn around looking a bit shocked he's doing my dishes for me, “what are you doing?” “the dishes you won't do.” I give an awkward laugh, “oh, right…sorry..” he gives me a bit of a sad look, “you don't need to apologize for everything, it's okay…this stuff wouldn't be effecting anyone other than yourself if I weren't here…” he softly says. I think about that for a bit, “I think I'm apologizing to myself..? Like, I feel like I've done something wrong even when I haven't exactly…does that make sense?” I question to both myself and him. He nods, “yeah, it does..” he looks a bit sadly at the dishes before snapping out of it and continuing with his washing.
As he does this I go on my phone and play some games. He soon finishes up the dishes and looks over at me, “what's that?” “a phone.” “what's it do?” “more than I can be bothered to list off.” “I get the feeling you couldn't be bothered to read off a list of two things.” “you're right, however this thing actually does too much for me to say it all.” I giggle a bit and he does too. He comes over and sits beside me at the table once again, “how about you show me then?” I nod, “alright..” I start telling him about different things my phone does and I show him some games, even teaching him how to play Minecraft a little bit. He seems to be intrigued by this, enjoying learning about my phone.
Eventually I ask him if he wants to take a picture together and he gets really excited, only rich people get to take pictures in his universe, he finds it extremely cool that anyone can just do that whenever here. He's excited to have his first picture taken. I pull him in and snap a selfie with him. I quickly bring up the photos app and show him the picture, he seems very happy with it, asking if there's a way he can have one to keep. I nod and print off the picture for him and hand it to him. He smiles softly at it and puts a hand on my head, rubbing it at bit, “it's beautiful…” “hm?” “this picture…I won't ever lose it…” “I can print some smaller versions and put them in lockets so we both have ones if you'd like?” “yeah, that'd be nice…” he continues to softly smile at the photo while I print off some smaller versions and put them in two heart lockets. I hand him the sliver one and put the gold one on myself. He gently holds the small locket, smiling at it, “thank you…” “of course” I smile back at him and put a hand over the one holding his locket. He looks at my hand, letting go of the locket and taking my hand into his own, bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles.
“you're very sweet…I'm happy you're the person I met when I came to this world…”
“I'm happy I met you too…it's only been two days, but I feel so much more alive than before…”
“like I'm your reason to live or something?”
“yeah…maybe…some sort of hope…that I can be alive…and that all the work i put into living, it's not all for nothing…”
“it's for you..”
“it's for you.”
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sarilolla · 7 months
So ghost anon got me thinking…
What would happen if Floyd was the only one who couldn’t get to branch in time? I mean he was the only brother to say goodbye and promise to return, but ironically he is also the only one to not meet branch before he passes. I have a feeling that the guilt of never being able to fulfil his promise would tear him apart :3
Hopefully I won’t regret giving u a weapon to rip my heart out (who am I kidding, do as u please with this)
OW? OUCH? I got this ask while I was writing the fight and just oof, it hurt- Thank you for giving me this weapon >:)
Going to turn this into a ficlet, haven't done one of those in a while
Branch knew it was unlikely that all four of his brothers would get there on time. The world was big and who knew where four small Trolls could have ended up after twenty years. Laying in bed, he blinked in and out of consciousness, his chest heavy and barely any air managed to get to his lungs. Poppy was by his side, holding his paw tightly, not wanting to let go.
To his surprise, John Dory was the first to arrive. The oldest almost looked grey as he looked at his baby brother, who was resting on death's doorstep. With a push from Delta, he walked into the room, sitting down on a chair on his side. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, not until Barb had pulled Poppy out of the room. The two brothers needed a moment.
"I'm so sorry, Bittie, I… I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, but I wasn't, and…"
Branch took his paw, the younger being so weak, but he needed JD to listen.
"Love you."
His voice was broken and small, but to his surprise, JD started tearing up.
"I love you too. So much. You're my baby brother, and I'm sorry…"
This went on for a while, as Branch's lungs cleared just a bit, and he asked if JD could tell him about the Neverglades, which he did, drying his tears. He hadn't felt this vulnerable in a long time, but for Branch? He would probably beg the Muses themselves for his life to be spared.
Then came Clay. He came inside on his own, Synth and Dante pointing him to the right room. He was shocked, to say the least, that JD was there, and for a moment, all he felt was anger and grief. After a small spat, he calmed down as Branch's tail brushed his own. Right, Branch. They were there for Branch. Their little brother, who was dying.
After a few exchanged words filled with love, both the Iris and Dahlia were cleared from his system, and he breathed just a tiny bit easier, enough that if he had just a bit more energy, he would have been able to hold a conversation. But he didn't, so the two older held it for him, despite their awkwardness and grievances, they were there and they were talking.
Finally, Spruce came. Except it was now Bruce, and he had changed a lot, but he was their brother nevertheless, and while Branch could tell the tension swung a bit in the room, happiness, anger, and grief hanging heavy in the air, he was happy to see another of his loved ones. Just a few hours ago he had almost accepted death, not believing they would come on time, but here three of them were.
JD gave up his spot for Bruce, letting him take Branch's paw, the purple-haired Troll speaking so softly with the youngest, who hummed an "I love you too" in reply. The Zinnia lost its grip, and now… they only had the Queen Anne's Lace left.
But would Floyd get there on time?
Floyd had already left Mount Rageous days before, having heard the news on his small traveling radio, and narrowly avoiding being kidnapped, he set out to find his baby brother.
He had made a promise. It was maybe twenty years too late, but Floyd was not one to break a promise. Not now, not ever.
Then he learned that the promise had been put on a timer. Friends of Branch, bounty hunters, had found him, telling him what was going on.
Branch was dying. Branch could be dead already.
They didn't need to tell him twice that he was needed. He just sat silently in the back of their critter bus, eyes distant as memories played on a loop.
Seeing that little bluebell egg hatching. Holding that little baby boy that had been filled with so much joy, love, and music.
Branch was singing before he was talking, he danced before he could walk. He was the sunshine breaking through the grey clouds of grief and horror in that period of their lives.
And he had left him behind. He had given the toddler his vest. The vest had belonged to all their brothers once, and if there was someone who deserved the comfort that the vest provided, it was Branch.
When he came to Pop Village, the place was… sad. Too sad to be filled with Pop Trolls. He saw a grey Troll with a crown on her head sit amongst a group of other dully colored Trolls, her grief so strong it nearly drowned everyone seeing her.
No one noticed him as he walked through the village, and when he asked someone where Branch was, they just shook their head, a sad look in their eyes. Another Troll pointed him to the outskirts of the village.
Floyd had heard from the youngest friends that he had built a bunker, and with a small spark of hope, he looked in the direction they pointed, hoping to see that large rock, but no… There was a field of flowers there.
A Pop Troll graveyard.
And by the freshest mound, holding onto each other, sat three Trolls who were painfully familiar. His brothers. Just not all four of them. Only the three oldest.
A pained scream filled the air.
Floyd's scream.
He had broken his promise.
Yeah, ow, this hurt- Hope everyone enjoys the misery as always :,D
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witchern · 2 years
i was going to put this story in the tags of another post but fuck it, this decade-old memory hit me like a TRUCK thanks to @gerardwayoftheday and it's incredibly special to me.
so, about this photo:
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is now the time when i tell y'all i was in the crowd for this performance and specifically picked to stand up front at the barricade for the cameras???
freshman year of college i'd dyed my hair bright red, like gerard's is during this era. not on purpose but it ended up being eerily similar in shade and vibrancy.
ANYWAY. this performance was prerecorded in november. it was fucking cold. two of my new friends had seen an open invite from live nation for fans to line up for free and score a chance to join in the crowd and be part of the recording. they invited me along because they knew i was a fan and by the time we all got there, the line had already wrapped around the block. we waited so long that i had to sneak into a nearby restaurant to use their bathroom.
i don't remember how much time passed, but eventually a live nation crew member walked by our group and did a double take when he spotted us. ME specifically, because of the hair. and i knew it was because of me because he immediately comes up to me and asks if i'm here with anyone. i'm confused as hell by the question, but i point to my friends. he counts that there's 3 of us total and says something into his walkie talkie before he asks us to follow him and skip the line. there's no explanation WHY. we're still confused and we don't wanna leave the line we've been standing in for god knows how long.....but he's already walking away and our curiosity is too strong. so fuck it, we follow the guy down the block and skip the whole line.
he leads us to a much smaller group of fans that have been 'set aside' and asks us to wait with them instead. STILL no explanation. at this point i'm thinking we've been picked for the noisemakers and glasses and shit that they're gonna hand out for the recording.
turns out: nope!! we've been picked because – not to toot my own dumbass college horn – we all looked cool for the camera, so they wanted to put us up front. they hand us numbered index cards indicating our spots up front. i'm given spot #9. i am – to put it lightly – losing my ever-loving fucking mind at this point. but i'm playing it like i'm totally chill. so calm. so relaxed. not at all about to have the excited version of a panic attack. not one bit.
i know "sing" was the song they aired on TV, but they actually played 4 songs to make it a worthwhile evening for us, which was fucking amazing. they played "na na na" and "i'm not okay" and i thiiiiiiink the last song was "famous last words" but i was literally blacking out with joy for most of the night so don't quote me on that. they did dedicate "i'm not okay" to all of us though and you can't prove that i cried, so shut the fuck up.
funnily enough, even with the fire engine red hair, i didn't wind up on camera in a close up shot or anything. my buddy ryan did though!! probably because he's like 50 feet tall:
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the most view of myself i was ever able to find was here at the bottom right – next to ryan, who's towering over me. i think he's literally looking down in this moment to make sure i haven't been crushed.
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shout out to the other girl toward the center of the screenshot with the matching hair. twinsies <333
but as if all of THAT wasn't enough, as if being up front during a taped MCR new year's eve performance at rockefeller plaza wasn't enough – frank tossed me one of his guitar picks at the end of the night.
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it's gonna sound sappy but it's true: at a time when i was on my own for the first time, trying to make new friends in a new city, i've never felt more like i was on the right track in my life than that night. it was fucking magical, no other way to describe it.
SO. that's the story of how i dyed my hair red in a fit of college rebellion and wound up getting picked from a lineup of hundreds of folks to stand up front at a mini MCR show that was pre-taped for new year's eve with carson daly. what a time to be alive in-fucking-deed.
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fallintosanity · 4 months
Glen lives au pls
Hehehe :3 I wrote this scene a while ago but I'm almost positive I haven't posted it yet...
Three days after Felix Hugo Fraldarius arrived at the Garreg Mach Officers’ Academy, he saw a ghost in the market. 
He was supposed to be helping some girl from the Black Eagle house do the week’s shopping, supposedly as some kind of getting-to-know-your-classmates exercise. Instead, he’d told his partner that he didn’t care what she bought; as long as she handled the actual shopping, he’d haul it all up the hill to the kitchens. She’d agreed, and Felix had abandoned her to it and gone to see if the blacksmith had anything interesting. 
Absorbed in examining the weapons on display, he almost didn’t notice the ghost. Or rather, the man who should have been a ghost. His clothes were ragged and ill-fitting, dirty in the way of someone who normally kept himself clean but hadn’t had access to real soap for a long time. What at first glance looked like a tight-fitting cap on his head was actually the shorn remnants of black hair, poorly cropped to his skull and only just beginning to grow back. His face was badly scarred, half a dozen thin marks on the right side and a large, jagged, poorly-healed mark on the left. It twisted the skin of his face, starting just beneath his cheekbone, up and across his eye, and into his hairline. 
He could have been any hard-luck mercenary, except that at his hip fluttered a torn and stained bit of fabric dyed Fraldarius blue. 
It was that flash of blue that caught Felix’s eye: the rare, difficult-to-achieve shade was made with a plant which grew exclusively in one remote corner of the Fraldarius Dukedom. The second queen of Faerghus had, as thanks for House Fraldarius’s support, granted them exclusive rights to the dye. Only Fraldarius nobility had access to it — a hard-luck mercenary this far south had no business wearing it. 
Then the man moved, lifting his arm and turning to hand money to the shopkeeper whose stall he stood at, and the blue cloth moved with him — revealing within its folds an embroidered Crest of Fraldarius. Felix’s eyes snapped up to the man’s face, really looking this time instead of his first, cursory glance— 
—and the world fell apart beneath his feet. 
Under the dirt and the scars was a face he knew better than his own, a face he hadn’t seen in four years, a face he should have never seen again. 
Felix didn’t realize he was moving until he was right next to the man — the ghost — Glenn. Everything except his brother had crashed to the back of his awareness. His chest ached as though a thunderstorm raged within his ribs. His eyes burned, his nails bit into his palms, his throat so choked he couldn’t breathe. 
Ghost. Imposter. Fake. 
How dare he. 
The only things Felix were aware of were his sword, in his hand without conscious thought; and the bastard wearing his dead brother’s face. Felix lunged, sword stabbing toward the imposter’s unguarded back— 
Except it wasn’t unguarded. Quick as lightning, the imposter spun, a battered dagger in his hand. He deflected Felix’s strike, but stepped sideways out of the merchant’s stall instead of going on the offensive. Whatever, Felix wasn’t about to waste the opening. He struck again, a quick high feint to draw the imposter’s blade upward, then an equally quick reversal toward the man’s leg. But the imposter seemed to know Felix’s moves; he barely responded to the feint, dagger curving down to meet Felix’s sword more than a handspan from his thigh. Snarling, Felix disengaged before their blades locked, and made as though to retreat for a split second. The imposter followed; as Felix expected, the man needed to stay close for his little dagger to stand a chance against Felix’s sword. 
But Felix wasn’t actually retreating. He darted forward, in too close, his free hand driving a punch into the man’s gut. A move Glenn had developed years ago, in response to his own relatively short stature compared to the knights he trained with. Felix had only recently taught himself to pull it off consistently; no small accomplishment considering the complex foot- and muscle control it required. And, of course, no one but Glenn knew how to counter it. 
Felix’s punch landed. but not where he’d meant: the imposter had twisted so the blow glanced off the meant of his side. Startled — there was no way the man could have known that was coming — Felix tried to recover, swinging his sword for the man’s hamstrings. But a hand closed like steel around his wrist, then the world spun and Felix crashed onto his back in the dirt. He didn’t have time for fear or even surprise before the man slammed down on top of him, a knee on Felix’s free arm, his left hand pinning Felix’s sword arm above his head — and his right hand holding his dagger to Felix’s throat. 
They stayed like that for several too-fast heartbeats, staring at each other. This close, Felix could see the man’s sharp cheekbones, the upturned corners of his eyes, the flecks of blue in his irises that made their color — otherwise the same amber as Felix’s own — a muddy hazel at a distance. 
Impossible. This was impossible, Glenn was dead, Felix had grieved him for so long he had nothing left but bitterness, and yet… and yet… 
“Felix?!” the imposter — the ghost — Glenn demanded. He scrambled backward off Felix, holding out a hand to help him up. Felix took it without thinking, the gesture so automatic after a lifetime of wrestling with his brother that he didn’t realize what he’d done until Glenn hefted him to his feet with enough strength that Felix’s heels left the ground for an instant. 
When he’d been younger and smaller, he’d loved that extra lift, enough back then to pull him wholly into the air for a moment. Sometimes he’d even pretend to fall after landing, just so Glenn would pull him airborne again. He’d stopped the pretending once he got too big for Glenn to send him entirely into the air, but he’d still secretly delighted in the sensation of his heels leaving the ground. 
Goddess. This was impossible.
He hadn’t meant to speak at all, much less fuel whatever delusion he’d fallen into, but the ghost — the man — his brother was staring at him with those familiar hazel eyes, huge with the same surprise and shock ringing through Felix like the clash of blades. He didn’t realize he was backing away until Glenn took a step forward to follow him, didn’t realize he was violently shaking his head until the motion dislodged a lock of hair from his bun to fall into his eyes. “This is impossible,” he whispered. “You’re dead.” 
Glenn’s eyebrows lifted. “Guess I can’t blame you for thinking that,” he said wryly. “It’s been a while.” His voice was the low rich baritone Felix remembered, except roughened as though his throat had been rasped with sandpaper. His gaze flicked up and down Felix’s body, his expression shifting to unease. “You, uh. Got really tall.” 
The storm of emotion in Felix’s chest flared hot, and he surged forward, aiming a wild punch at his brother’s chest. “Four years,” he roared. Glenn didn’t try to dodge this time, and Felix crashed into him, slamming his fist against his shoulder. “Four fucking years, you bastard…!” 
Leaning against him, Felix felt Glenn’s jolt of surprise. “Four years?!” he demanded, even as he wrapped his arms around Felix. The embrace was so familiar it hurt, even though the last time Glenn had hugged him, the morning he’d left the Fraldarius estate to travel to Fhirdiad for the trip to Duscur, Felix had still been small enough for Glenn to rest his chin on his head. Now, Felix buried his face against Glenn’s neck and drew in a deep, shuddering breath. He was not going to cry in the middle of the village market. 
It helped that Glenn smelled as terrible and filthy as he looked, and Felix shoved him away with a scowl. “You stink.” 
Glenn scoffed. “Of course I stink. The last time I had a real bath was at the palace before we left. What the fuck do you mean, four years?” 
“What do you think I mean, you ass?” Felix glared at him. “You’ve been alive this whole time—”
He broke off as Glenn abruptly grabbed him by the shoulders. “Hold it. We shouldn’t…” Glenn glanced around uneasily; for the first time Felix realized people were staring at them. Not many — their brief scuffle had carried them far enough between two merchants’ stalls that they were hidden from the majority of passers-by — but Felix counted at least four before the rest scattered from being caught watching. 
“Not here,” Glenn continued, his voice lowering for Felix’s ears alone. “Let’s find somewhere private.” 
“My room,” Felix suggested, with a nod toward the monastery towering on the hill above the village.
Glenn stared at him for a moment, then shook his head. “Right,” he muttered. “I guess that would make you old enough for the Officers’ Academy.” 
Felix grunted agreement. The storm of emotion in his chest was unraveling, unable to withstand the aching familiarity of Glenn’s presence, and he suddenly felt lightheaded. “Come on,” he muttered, and stalked off.
WIP ask meme!
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
One More Free Character Ramble Ask here for you! Free for you to spend whenever you feel like it hehe
much love !
Well hello hello darling, i'll use my special card to make a new design analysis for one of my OL oc :
Darcie Second 🍁
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Starting off with basic needed infos : Darcie was build around Valentin as a sort of opposite yet similar character. Their duality is shown in their personality, color palette and evolution. Therefore if you haven't read my Valentin design explanation i advise you to read it first here before continuing with this one.
Darcie’s name was chosen for it’s meaning « dark haired » « from the dark ». Darcie is someone who lives in the shadow of other people, rarely looked upon you can almost forget she's here. Her name is also a reference to Mr. Darcy from pride and pejudice, who despise seeming rude is actually a shy character of heart who find it hard to converse with others.
Cerise is summer, Valentin is winter but Darcie is... The changing of seasons. Starting with winter palette, turning into fall and then spring ( their step 4 will surely be themed around summer but i can't confirm it surely until the game is out )
Another commom but slightly changed theme is fruits : Darcie is a vegetable, more precisely Onions ( sweet onions and red onions ), she has a lot of layers.
Darcie is Valentin's twin but is identifiable by some specific details: her tooth gap and multiple moles that she has way more than her sibling. Those are details that make her special but that she feels self-conscious about. Do you find it cute? She'll think you're making fun of her because in her eyes it's not.
Another subtle facial difference is her blue eyes. Where Valentin stands out with their heterochromia, Darcie's eyes look quite simple, another negative detail that goes on the list that differentiates the twins.
Step 1
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At some point in childhood, the twins decide to have a very distinct way to tell them apart and it’s by a haircut. Darcie chose to have her hair short because her sibling convinced her she would look really cool like that.
She’s from a snowy region, her palette is cold but tinted with some warm because of the color purple. Purple is Darcie’s favorite color, wearing it and having a trinket of that color makes her a bit happy. The color is also similar to the blue pastel of Valentin, making them different yet very close. Their outfit composition I also very similar with the big sweater and white bottom
Passionate about scientific books and animals, the young girl owns a cat-shaped hat to keep her head warm since her hair is short, and also a little bag, to put trinkets in it.
Step 2
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Darcie is not a confident person so she tries to look like people who are, for example, her sibling. Her step 2 design is close to Valentin’s step 1 design, mainly the pigtails and new piercings. Sadly you can catch her lack of confidence with that choice: Valentin wears high pigtails that stand out, and Darcie’s pigtails are downs.
Her color palette warms up drastically, and she has taken her marks in Golden Grove. She kept some touch of purple but overall she bland perfectly in the warm trees of the town, she’s practically invisible. The only trace of winter color is her blue shorts, but even those are almost unnoticeable when you look at them.
Her cat hat got swapped for a necklace because it was judged too childish, and her old blue bag got traded for a new brown one, surely broken with time.
Step 2 Darcie is content with being part of the decor, but deep down she wants to be her own person and be more like what her siblings used to be.
Step 3
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Step 3 is the more confident Darcie has ever been about herself. Angsty teen years pass and she grew to love herself with the support of her family and friend which resulted in a newfound physical appearance.
She dyed her hair lighter, putting a definitive separation between her and her sibling and marking her individuality. The warm color approaches the purple she likes so much and she wears more girly, pretty, and croquettes clothes borrowed from her sibling.
She got a new set of piercing and bought little cat shaped one because simply, she liked them.
Darcie has a more bright palette to contrast with her sibling and both of them form a sort of duo of little swans ( black and white ) or ugly ducklings who grew to love themselves before all.
I don't know yet how I will approach her story, this will depend on the main storyline of will approach, but I am really happy to develop her more! Thanks you for readings love!
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danjaley · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Style
Thanks for the tag @nocturnalazure
Tagging whoever would like to do this - I'm just home from work on a Sunday, so only light tasks for my brain please.
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I've never been the type who enjoyed killing off their Sims, so I haven't been very interested in the various death-types. Years ago I've seen someone reply to this question "the mummy curse, because of the darkening vision effect and the sandy death-animation and ghost". This inspired a generation of my gameplay legacy, but I manipulated it so the Sim turned into a mummy instead of dying.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Maxis match, especially for clothing. I like the clear silhouettes of MaxisMatch clothing and I think they work best with most animations.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
In gameplay I prefer to achieve weight-changes the natural way. In storytelling of course I make the characters the way I need them.
Do you move objects?
In storytelling always, in gameplay sometimes to decorate.
Favorite Mod?
The technically obvious answer is NRaas because the game is literally unplayble without them. I love how many gameplay mods are being released these days.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
For every Sims game I was a bit late to the party and waited until it came with a pets expansion. This and Seasons. The world is not complete without animals and seasons.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
As @nocturnalazure said, I understand it as "we're live now". It's called "Live-Modus" in German and in a German word that's the only way "live" is pronounced.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I still think the cast of Of Chevalry are the best Sims I've ever made. I don't see characters' faces very clearly in my head, but these really turned out the way I hazily imagined them.
Have you made a simself?
It's my icon.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Is this a question for the Sims 2 or 4 players?
Favorite EA hair?
I like the braided updo from the basegame. I use a lot of EA hair actually, especially for male Sims.
Favorite life stage?
Depends. For babies, toddlers, and to some extend children, I wish there were more content and gameplay in the actual game. On the other hand, this makes it fun to make mods for them. Teens and elders I wish were more different from adults, and I wish the developers had gone the extra step and made all clothing available teen-to-elder, like in Sims 4. In my stories I try to show my characters' development in whatever age they currently are.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm not a very good builder. My best own buildings are square and simple.
Are you a CC creator?
I dare say.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I feel really old when I think of all my mutuals who are no longer active. Around 2015 there were so many historical and storytelling Sims 3 simmers! Sometimes I think of their stories and how they might have continued...
Do you have any sims merch?
Until last year there was a cardboard plumbob hanging next to our family-computer. But we finally realized every family member has their own computer now, so we removed that office corner.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I do, but it only has a handful of three-second screen-captures from my game. At one point tumblr's video upload didn't work, so I linked them from youtube.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It changed a lot. I always played a historic game, but I was much more eclecticist in the beginning. Of course also new cc came out, and I started using lighting mods and later poses. And I switched from gameplay to storytelling.
What’s your origin id?
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are many, but the first Sims creator and blogger I discovered was @aroundthesims . Sandy inspired me to start my own Simblr, and what would I do without her custom content?
How long have you had simblr?
Nine years this March.
How do you edit your pictures?
In Photoshop CS2. It used to be Elements but that is no longer working.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
See above.
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🎃  Close Your Eyes, Dying flower🎃 
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🎃 this is a Halloween story (18+)🎃 
🎃 dark!Eddie Munson x F!Reader🎃
🎃 A/N: This is my first story in years, it's a long read and feels a bit rushed but I'm pretty proud of it. I spend months working on this story I hope you all like it. Was Supposed to be a one-part story but part 2 coming soon
Summary: You and Eddie have been friends since childhood, but ends when he shuts you out and starts dating Chrissy cunningham. you believe there's a deeper meaning.
word count: 8k
TW: 18+ Angst dark theme, Language, blood, fluff (at the end), someone being attacked, flashbacks, toxic father. the theme gets darker as it goes on. mention of deaths of un-named characters (Let me know if I missed anything) a little unedited
First, it started off with the small things “sorry y/n I can’t hang out tonight Chrissy and I have plans.” you Breathe deeply this was the 2nd time this week that Eddie canceled on you. “Oh okay, I guess I’ll catch you tomorrow?” you asked with hope.
“Yeah we can do that.” a small smile formed on your face there was still hope. “okay” there was an awkward pause. “Um, I'll see you then.” Eddie said nothing else just a simple “bye.” 
“By-“ the line went dead before the words came out, you cleared your throat trying to rid the knot that was in it. Moments went by sitting on the couch watching the news about another missing person, and you realized you didn't ask what time.
When Saturday rolled around you made your way to his trailer knowing it was okay to show up unannounced. friends since 8 his home was your 2nd and the same with yours
he spends more time at your home than his own not wanting to be alone because his uncle worked late sometimes. You too unseparated conjoined at the hip as your mom would say 
 At this point, you were able to read each other's minds so you thought. 
you give a light knock hearing chatter, giggling and thuds coming from the inside, you stood there for 5 minutes before knocking again this time harder. you instantly hear silence the thudding come closer to the door as you watch the nob jiggle a few times before it swings open, you couldn't help it to jump back scared a bit only calming down when you see the shaggy hair man opening the door. he was out of breath sweaty and shirtless. “hey, w-” he cut himself off trying to catch his breath, swallowing hard before finishing “what are you doing here?” he asked looking confused. 
You were a bit hurt at the fact that he forgot about today's plans with you but quickly pushed it to the side. “Oh I just came to pick up the book I left here a few weeks ago” you lied through your teeth, Eddie looked perplexed not remembering seeing any school books laying around but his own.
“oh, ill look.” he closed the door back hearing bits of talking coming from the open window on the side where his room was. you only realized later that someone was in there. you waited patiently wishing he would let you in like he always does, it made you feel like a stranger.  He came back with a shirt on this time “emptying handed “ sorry, Y/n/n, don't see it “ “wha-” you cut him off. “that's fine” you backed away trying to find a fast exit “I probably have it home and just misplaced it.” That didn't make sense but you jumped on your bike anyway speeding down the road. Eddie closed the door only to realize that he made plans with you today. he swung open the door to call after you but you were nowhere in sight. 
Then it all hit at once, he stop talking to you and stopped answering you all together “Hey, Eddie.” you said cheerfully with a small wave as he walk past hand and hand with Chrissy, But he didn’t see you at least that’s what you hoped. You haven't seen spoke or him in 3 weeks since that day at the trailer park, you started eating alone at lunch, there was never any room at your usual seat since Eddie introduced Chrissy to everyone from hellfire club. 
Your mom started to ask where Eddie was. “Oh, he got a job so he's been busy.” You lied for some reason, you told her.
 she didn't have to make extra food for dinner. after a while she stopped asking, making it all too real for you.
The day he told you he asked Chrissy out you were confused, he never expressed he was into the girl before. He always thought the popular kids were all self-centered assholes and you couldn’t agree more, so what changed?
“Since when you're into Chrissy Cummings?” He looked at you for a minute, which made you feel bad for even asking, it wasn’t really your business. “The same reason you were into Eric Scott,” He said, stuffing more food into his mouth. You didn’t know where that came from but you made it into a joke “ Okay you got me there.” You laughed but he didn’t join in. He got up to put his dishes into the sink.
You didn’t know why he was being so secretive about his relationship with Chrissy he wasn’t with his short-term ones, he told you everything from the sex to the non-stop fighting, every little detail he told you. 
You didn't find out about Chrissy until about a month into the relationship. 
When DnD night rolled around  Dustin took the courtesy to inform you “Hey, y/n you're coming tonight right?” He asked you you frowned. “coming. to. what. tonight?” inch out each word hoping he would fill in the blank, You smiled but still frowned “To play DnD… duh” he cut his eye at Mike. “Since you missed the last few games.’’ 
 “What?” You looked between the two boys confused “Yeah, it’s tonight” Dustin didn’t catch the hurt and confusion in your voice, racing thoughts going across your mind and face “the last few games Chrissy has taken your place.” Panic ran to your core making you feel sick when you heard that. Did he replace you? That can't be true not your best friend he wouldn’t do that.
You didn't hear a word Dustin said only catching the end “ She's not a bad player, she’s pretty fun.” He smiled thinking about the soft blond. “Dude.” Mike finally intervenes.
“I’ll catch you guys tonight.” You quickly said speed walking away from the pair. 
He wouldn’t do that right? you're his best friend, conjoint at the hip your mom would always say since forever you thought. Maybe he thought you were busy? no, you thought he was cutting you off does he realize his doing it? You had this battle with yourself for weeks now unable to have a real clear thought without Eddie clouding it. he was eating at your brain nonstop and he doesn't even know it, the love of your life lives carefree fuck free without the thought of you in his mind while he plagued yours.
you hesitated to open the door hearing shouts coming from the other end, you had this battle all day and it all added up to this moment you couldn't help this feeling of not being wanted there was a few time you felt like this when your dad left, 
You couldn't help to think about those things when Eric Scott lost a bet and had to ask you out and humiliated you when going for the first kiss on a date “Ew, I can't keep this up” he push himself back rolling away from you. “what?” You were confused “did you really fucking think I was into you?” Dread washed over you, you knew it was all too good to be true. stupid stupid stupid you repeated to yourself. Snickering made you come back to reality, people were watching you. You turn to leave the ring but bummed into something hard, looking up it was Eddie “Are you okay?” he asked, holding both sides of your face blocking you from the world, you allowed yourself to break, tears quickly growing in your eyes almost falling to your knees. Eddie grabbed you, helping you sit down. “I wanna go home, I wanna go home.” you repeated people walked by haggling you, making kiss faces you cried harder “fuck off!” Eddie shouted.
he looked up watching Eric laughing with his friend's hand and hand with his girlfriend before walking away. “FUCK THIS” Eddie grunted through his teeth jumping up and making his way to the unaware boy his feet hit the floor hard enough to sound like bass of the music itself. you cleaned your eyes barely calming down, glimpsing around for your best friend into you heard a shout “GET OFF OF HIM.” GET OFF OF HIM YOU FUCKING PSYCOPATH.” You looked up seeing people were no longer Snickering and pointing at you but looking behind you, you whipped your head to the sound. You searched into your eyes and landed on Eddie punching Eric. 
His head flew back hitting it the floor below him. he tried to push him off, putting his hand in Eddie’s face. But regretted it when he bit him, Eric hollered in pain. Eric's girlfriend screamed hitting Eddie on the back. You kick the skates off and started running into the forming crowd pushing past people trying to get to your best friend. 
You looked back seeing Justin and the rest of Eric's friends re-entering the building. 
Panicked rushed over you, and started moving faster to get to him. You drop to the floor crawling finding gaps to get to Eddie faster making some people fall along the way “Sorry.” not sure if it rushed any ears finally getting to reaching him.
You grabbed him trying to pull him off the boy but failing and falling on your ass, you hear shouting coming from the other side of the crowd knowing Justin and the others are getting closer and are coming to not fight fair. You jumped on Eddie’s back “Eddie.” You whined out, tears slowly speeding back up, you wouldn’t know what to do if he got hurt defending you.“We have to go.” You cried out but still went unnoticed Eddies face was red and hot when you touched it. “Eddie, please stop.” You sobbed lips hitting the shell of his ear, you watched the boy below him bloody. That’s when Eddie stopped mid-punch. You wrapped your arms around his torso, finally feeling him breathe for the first time. “We have to go,” you said again pulling him by his vast but that barely did anything. Eddie stood full height slowly backing away with your pulls watching Eric cough up blood. Justin made it to his friend, his eyes widened at the harm, and his wilded eyes met Eddies.  “COME ON.” You pulled, Eddie saluted Justin and smiled he stumbled a bit from your pulling. 
“Your fucking dead Munson!” Justin was hot on his tail but got closed off by the people to see the damage and to see what was going on. You and Eddie slipped past with ease running to the van and jumping in. speeding off hearing shouting and glass hitting and breaking against the van.
Neither of you said anything you relaxed a bit but the fear soon rolled in when you got back to eddies place.
When you both made it to the safety of Eddie’s home it all sits and you begin to freak out 
You started to breathe heavily, tears blurred your vision. You were so focused on trying to hide your fear you didn’t know Eddie noticed.
 “Hey,” Eddie said softly, coming near you and resting his hands on your shoulders bending a bit. looking into your eyes “no one is coming to hurt me or lock me up, okay?” he already knows what was running through your mind.  “but you don't know that.” you cried out, finally letting your tears fall. 
“They, won't I promise,” he said sitting next to you pulling you into his side. You cried silently to yourself, Eddie rested his head on yours bringing a hand up to rest on your head playing with a few stands, “are you okay?” you asked barely in a whisper. Eddie chuckled a bit. “I should be asking you that.” he put his hand on your forehead. You hmmed a bit but didn't answer him at first “I'm okay” you finally said he signed  “ I know your not, tell me babe” He whispered. You didn't miss the way your heart jumped at the pet name. “I don't know, it's stupid I should have known better. You played with your fingers. “It's not stupid, what he did was wrong.” he swallowed hard feeling the anger coming back and putting his head back. 
You lay back as well resting your head on Eddie’s lap looking at the demi light hitting the ceiling.  “But I should have known better.” That Eddie could agree with, you should have known better not because he’s a popular guy but because he is the popular guy that makes fun of people like you and him endless teasing. And the way that eric treats other women he didn't want that for you, especially the ones that he sees below him.
You laughed a little, making Eddie look down at you. “Why would anyone like me?” you asked yourself, not knowing you said it out loud. Into Eddie spoke up “I like you.” he smiled to himself. “Not like that Eddie.” You whispered sadly, “No one is going to like the town freak, I'm not a cheerleader, I’m, not Chrissy Cunningham,” you said in a humorless laugh. “She has it all” you finished “I wonder what her dad is like.” you thought out loud again. “Is he a bastard like mine or does he love her.” this was the first time you said anything about your dad in years he was surprised.
“The imagination really, sets you up for failure.” your breath was shaky “ God I can't believe I thought he was different.” How so? Eddie asked already knowing the answer.
  “I don't know.” you didn't want to talk about it anymore, unable to find the words to explain the feeling of being loved to only learn it wasn't real you knew that all too well. Because right now all you were feeling was false hope “I just thought everything would be perfect. Like what the fast kiss would feel like” you said so low Eddie barely heard it.  He knew what you were getting at.
Eddie watched the tears build with the reflection of the light, hating the fact that someone has called you so much hurt he felt that when you cried for days about your dad. He knew it himself about his own parents…. rejected.
 “Don’t let him make you feel that way.” He said feeling his cold rings rest on the side of your face and turning your head to meet his big doe eyes. He lightly stroked your cheek. Tear finally falling from your eyes, he whipped them. “So what you've never been asked out or never been kissed.” he said studying your face, he opened and closed his mouth as if he was going to say something but stopped. 
“That's why you don’t go out with people that have two first names.” he joked earring a genuine laugh from you and wiping your tears. “There she is” He smiled leaning down and kissing your forehead.
You and Eddie fail a sleep like that.
Days went on you waited anxiously for the cops to come for Eddie but no one came. 
turns out that Eric had bought drugs from Eddie and didn't want to ruin his ‘good boy’ image if Eddie got locked up and the truth somehow came out, “see I told you.” Eddie gives you a shit-eating grin. You chewed Eddie out after you learn what he was doing in the woods after school.
Times are different now you thought now it felt like you didn't know him anymore and he never knew you, you kind of wish it was true it would save you from this feeling. 
you heard loud shouts coming from the inside that made you decide altogether. unlocked your bike getting ready to jump on and ride away 
“Y/N, hey. You turn to see Lucas and Max approaching you “Hey,” you smiled warmly “You finally made it.” pain pinged in your chest everyone thought you just didn't want to come anymore. “Wait are you leaving?” Max asked looking at the bike in your hand. You followed her eye to the bike “No.” you lied, cursing yourself. “My.” you stop to get your story straight  “The bike lock isn't working and I was trying to figure out what was wrong with it.” 
“Aw, don’t worry about it just bring it in,” Lucas suggested max agreed you nodded giving a tight smile. 
They both walk to the door opening it for you “Hey, Look who we found outside” Max yelled in everyone looked at you walking in “oh my god, you came.” Jeff yelled jumping up and meeting you halfway, you couldn't help to smile and laugh as he pick you up making you drop your bike and spinning you around. “ I missed you too.” You giggled he put you down picking up your bike “where have you been?” Gareth asked 
You were about to answer when you locked eyes with Eddie's in that moment it felt like you were the only two in the room. He smiled a little and it felt like your heart bloomed making you feel alive again all your pain, hurt and anger seem to disappear you felt relief for the first time in weeks it felt like hope, and you smiled back.
He broke contact when the blonde grabbed his arm and wrapped herself around him. He smiled big at her as if she was the only thing in the world to him, with that the feeling in your chest disappeared you looked away taking your stuff off and talking to the others 
Once everyone settled you had nowhere to sit your spot was next to Eddie in past games but was occupied by Chrissy. “Any more chairs?” you asked looking around 
Eddie frowned “your staying?” he asked you stopped in your track “Yeah.” you laughed out 
“Were too far in Vecna’s cures to introduce new characters,” Eddie said, his face was unreadable. “that's fine I can play my usual role.” you want back looking for a chair behind the pile. “No,” he said with demand “What?” you were confused at his coldness to you “ I gave Chrissy your role.” everyone's heads shot to Eddie. “You what?” You asked feeling your body warm with heat
“You didn't show up for the past few games.” He said with a blank stare, Who was this you were talking to this wasn't your best friend you were looking at  “ that's because you didn't tell me about those games.” you stood your ground
“I shouldn't have to tell you about schedules .” he leaned on the table he wasn't making any sense but was trying to make a point
“Which You didn't bother to give me.” You talked over him. “Y/n,” He sighed. “Eddie,” you said folding your arms.
The other watched as if you and Eddie were in a heated tennis match
He stood back to his full height chuckling to himself he knew you weren't giving up that easy. “like I said we are too far into the storyline to add a new character,” 
“What is your problem?” you ask finally at your breaking point with him. “Nothing.” He said with a blank stare.
“Did I do something to you?” You tried to hide the hurt in your voice. You know you didn't do anything to Eddie you just want to see if that would push him over the edge, and he’ll tell you the truth you continue before he can answer “ first it the barely answering my calls, to not don't hanging out, to ignoring me completely in public, now this.” your breath was shaky
Your word vomiting was getting to him his face turned red and started to breath heavy “maybe it's because I can’t stand fucking being around you.” he said with anger and hate. That shut you up, that feeling again, that feeling you felt so many times before but this one was worse. Tears blurred your vision. You waited for him to take it back but he never did. It felt like you were stabbed in the heart, and heat rose to your ears. “Oh wow.” You couldn't hide your shaky voice as tears rolled down your face, he really meant that you thought. 
The room was quiet, everyone was shocked at his Outburst. in all your years of knowing Eddie he has never gotten angry to the point of yelling at you. You may fight and debate but never to the point of never hurting each other's feelings. 
You were blinded by emotions not thinking straight, you want to grab your stuff making your way to your bike, and out the door, “You’re an ass you know that.” Erica said once you made your way outside Before you heard the others shouting from the other side.
You stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. You felt lost just as you did when your father left, but this felt different this was pain.
The feeling of rain brought you back to Reality. You put your stuff on trying your best to not end up sick. Tears blind your vision, clumsy wrapping the scarf around your neck. 
The light rain fell a bit heavier when you made your way down the road, leaving Eddie once again this time it felt like for good. 
Once you made it home, you were freezing but too far away to care you wet the floors as you made your way to your bedroom. Luckily your mom wasn't home to scold you about it and about being out late with a possible killer being on the loses, But only wishing she was. hoping it will be dry when she got home. 
 you got straight into bed wanting the day to end, passing out soaking the sheet as you fall harder. Lightly hearing the phone ring in the distance, too exhausted to answer it you let go letting another tear roll down your cheek before shutting the world out the ring finally stopped.
The sun peck through the curtains waking you, still in the same position as the night before. You lay there pleased with the peace of first waking up, into last night's events filled your mind again. Your vision blurred your heart sank further. This feeling you dread, you fight back tears but the pain only grows worse A knock snapped you back to reality “hey, kid.” Your mom enter, and you dragged your face across the bed wiping the unfalling tears from your eyes. “You're going to be late for school” She reminded you. You only nodded, she turned to leave closing the door behind her. But to only re-enter “Did you fall asleep with your clothes on?” She asked. “Yeah I was tired after I got in late from hanging out with Eddie last night.” you half lied, setting up. you wouldn't necessarily call it hanging out. You didnt know what hell to call it, you didnt know a lot these days you thought. 
“M'kay, but try not to do that it'll probably be a while before I can get you some more.” She reminded you. “Sorry, mom I forgot.” She gives you a reassuring smile before walking out. Your biggest supporter, only wanting the best for you sacrificing so much for you. Held you when you cried over your father, she held it together. But yet you shut her out, lying to her for weeks about what's going on between you and Eddie. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her the truth, feeling if you do it be true no longer in your head. The guilt set in, and your tears rolled down your cheeks. Too much was hitting you at once. You finally made your way into the bathroom ready to get this day over with. 
When you made it to school you made sure to avoid everyone as best you could skipping lunch, and trading sits so you could sit at the back of the class so you wouldn’t sit in the middle of Gareth and Jeff. 
Weeks want by you come home later and later not wanting to be alone with your thoughts. Taking on Small tutoring jobs to keep your mind off things when you weren’t doing your own studies, spending hours on them it semi kept you grounded 
Packing your things up and ready to head home, you looked around one last time making sure your mess is clean so Mr. Quinn won't have more work to do. “You heading out?” “This early” you turned When you heard Mr. Quinn. You looked at your watch striking “10:49 this was early for these days “Yeah, I have an exam in the morning” you smiled, putting your backpack on. “all right.” “be safe out there kid, I’ll see you tomorrow” “see you tomorrow” You walked backward before turning around heading out. The cold air hit you as it did every night making sure you buddle up well so you won't get sick again. 
You hopped on your bike like you did every day and made your way down the road. Light rain softly hit you “Fuck.” You swear. Nowhere near home, you knew you were going to get sick again. You push harder to try to make it home faster speeding down the road something knocks the wind out of you calling you to fall to the ground hard. You were dazed blinking a few times from the ground meeting your head, slowly getting up stumbling a bit to grab your bike from the other side of the road. Your body burned with body aches as you bind down.
Stopping in your tracks when you heard noise from the woods balls ring in your head that something knocked you off and not you just falling. Not wanting to stay around you tried to jump back on your bike to only see big long deep cuts on your leg, blood poured out making you feel faint. The same sounds made you look back into the woods this time growling. You tried to get back on your bike wincing in pain and falling off again. You looked towards the woods, seeing glowing eyes in the leaves. Your heart race getting up a final time looking back at the woods hopping on the bike shakenly making your way down the road, looking back you see a dark mask making its way to you. You screamed as you were knocked back off feeling cold but hot on your arm looking down and seeing more long deep cuts in it. 
The rain fell harder as your world went dark.
Bright lights blind you through your lids. you heard voices all around but couldn’t make them out “I’m sorry, we don't know what's going you with your daughter” you heard. A loud sob broke out, who is that you thought? “What attacked her?” “what kind of animal could do this?” they asked again. You recognize the voice it was your mom, you tried to call out to her but nothing come out your throat was dried and hurting. “We don't know.” was all the man could say “So what now,” She asked through her tears “Just spend the little time she has left with her.” She cried harder tears ran down your face why is she crying? You tried to speak again but you were stopped again in pain. “Oh, baby.” You felt soft hands grab yours. She kissed them. Her voice sound faded you blinked out. You don't know how long but when you come back she was still talking.
“Who did this to you?” “What happened?” I don't know mom you thought you could feel your throat getting tight preparing to cry. Into last night events ran through your mind again making you panic and making you jerk hard, you felt a pain on your side. “Dr. Drew!” your mom got up yelling.
 You couldn't stop your body from moving  You heard footsteps enter the room “WHAT'S HAPPING.” your mom screamed, “WHY IS SHE BLEEDING FROM THE EYES.” Your mom shrieked. “ GET HER THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” The doctor said You felt small, far away, everyone sound like they were at a distance. You could hear your mother crying, you tried to talk again but still nothing, making you panic even more. You scream but nothing, you could feel yourself fade in and out. Am I dying you thought, is this what you heard? They were talking about you. You could hear your hollow breath, heartbeat reaching your ears. You faded out one last time. 
Feeling coldness on your face, you could hear a voice getting closer. “I’m so sorry.” someone whispered “I don't know if you can hear me.” you heard a sniff. “But I want you to know.” the words were breaking up as the tears grow thicker. “I. Love. you.” They broke down. Feeling dried lips on the side of your face, Eddie? you thought. He rubbed your face kissing you again. Eddie, I’m here. I can hear you, I love you too you cried out. You tried to move but nothing you felt trapped. 
He looked over your sickly body, he watch as your veins swell and pulsate unnaturally under your skin your eyes looked sunken. he watches sweat and black blood pour off your body tubes down your throat, you breathe fast as if you were panting.
You don't know how long you were like that, but you listen. He talked from your childhood to know. “God.” He sighs. He stopped for a bit.“ This all my fault.” He broke the silence. This is not your fault you said to him, this is no one's fault.
 He continued, but he started to sound far away. Not again, he fades in and out. You started to panic, pain rose up in your body and you jerked again. Making him stop, he got up. 
The monitors want off, your mom ran back into the room. “SHE’S HAVING ANOTHER ATTACK” she yelled back in the hall the nurses ran in the doctors close behind. “What's going on?” Eddie asked in a panic. Your mom pulled him to the side and explain to him in tears about the violent attacks that's been happening every few hours, and whatever attacked you poison you and its been slowly killing you. He drown out whatever else your mom said, his heart raced his blood ran cold. You were dying, he slowly back out of the room running down the hall, hearing your mom call after him, he knew what was going on.
Later that night he made his way back to the hospital, leaving in a hurry he couldn't control himself this time, holding so much in he didnt want to hurt anyone. He lightly touches your mom's arm, making her look up. She smiled a little. happy to see him back, she looks back at you. “I've been so scared to leave her.” She whispered, catching a tear and wiping it away.  Eddie didnt want her to leave the room but she had to it was the only way for him to save you. He took the spot next to your mom, he didn't know how long he sat like that. 
just watching you. 
He knew he fucked up, and if this work you’ll probably wake up hating him for how he treated you. A sound coming from your mother's stomach dragged him from his thoughts. He chuckled looking her way she did the same. “You should probably get some food.” He told her. She shooked her head.” I can’t leave her.” she shifted back, resting her head on her hand. “It will probably do you some good to get out of the room for a bit.” He suggested, she smiled not letting it reach her eyes. “It's okay, I'll be with her,” he added. “You're not going to let up are you?” She asked He shook his head, she sighed letting her legs fall to the floor. “Okay.” She got up hooking her purse over her shoulder. Looking over her at you before walking out.  Eddie watches as she went down the hall disappearing. He got up closed the blinds and shut the door.
 As another attack was coming.
He walked to the side of your bed, taking the heart monitor off your finger and putting it on his own. resting his hand on your cheek has you jerked. “Hey can you hear me?” he asked in another low whisper feeling like he was redoing from hours before, he rubbed your face. Wiping the blood coming from your eyes. “It's okay, I'm here, calm down.” he kissed your cheek  “I'm going to fix this.” “I promise.” he finished. 
There was a pause, there was nothing. Only end when you felt pain ring through your body again but this was different. Your world slowed down, it felt like you were floating, and you couldn't help but laugh.  '' What's so funny?”  Eddie asked, smiling, taking the blunt from you. “Nothing.” you giggled “God your high as a kite.” he laughed, “Told you it wasn’t so bad.” he continued. “And here you were losing your shit about me smoking. Now look at you.” he pats your arm. “Hey, I wasn’t talking about you smoking it I was talking about you selling it.” You closed your eyes lying back. “At least you can get weed for free now.” He laughed. “Tell me how dilated are my pupils?” you asked scooting closer to him. He laughed harder this time. “What?” you asked “I can't  see them if you don't open your eyes dummy.” He said trying to catch his breath. “Stop” You whine, smacking his leg. “Okay, okay.” he giggled. “Open them.” He leaned in.
When you did there was nothing you were met with darkness. You started to panic  “Eddie!” you screamed out. “Where are you!” He sound far away, you looked around. Water at your feet. You started running, You could hear him but he was still far away. You kept going it felt like hours but you can hear he was getting closer. “I’m here.” it sounds like you were right on him when pain took over and you fell to the hollow wet floor. “It will be over soon,” He said. You cried and screamed this was worst then before you closed your eyes. 
Brightness took over and you reopen them you blinked a few times trying to adjust to the bright light. The room was white, you closed them again. “ Hey, don’t close them on me, dummy.” You heard someone say. You looked to your right seeing Eddie looking right at you. He smiled “There go those big eyes.” He breathed out in relief. You tried to speck but was stopped only realizing that there was a tube in your throat. You reach up weakly trying to pull it out but Eddie stopped you, calming you before slipping the monitor back onto your finger. Your mom walked back in the room specking “hey did Dr. Drew come bac-” She stopped dropping her food   “Oh My God” “Oh My God” she repeated “ Shes awake” she yelled out of the room before rushing to your side. 
Nurses rushed into the room shocked at the fact you were a wake Dr.Drew not too long after “Holy shit” he breathe out. Just as shocked, just hours before you were at death's door. He rushed to your side as well. In all the chaos you couldn't take your eyes off of Eddie, confused you didnt know why he was here.  As a matter of fact, you couldn’t remember anything 
You spend days trying to piece together what happened, you remembered leaving the library but that’s it. You even asked your mom but she was just as confused, only saying that could have been the next victim to the killer that’s been hunting Hawkins for months now but no one was sure since no one was found dead or alive.
Given your wounds and odd sickness the doctor thinks you were actually attacked by a sick wolf, but for some reason that didn’t sit right with you. 
You asked Eddie, but he brushed it off not knowing himself, and was just as lost. You couldn’t help the fact that Eddied's behavior was unreadable. He seemed like his normal self but something was off like he knew more than what he was leading on, but you chalked it up to the fight that you two had and he just didn't know how to talk about it with you. You couldn’t blame him you felt the same way, (it was your first ever real fight), or was it something else…. 
Eddie knew more than what he was saying, He saw what attacked you he knew all too well. he saw it when your blood hit his tongue that night you woke up, it rush through him like wind it almost knocked him off his feet. It’s what he craved for every given day it's all he thought about the taste of you on his tongue. He couldn’t tell you that he couldn’t show you his true self he couldn’t hurt you… right? 
He prayed that you won't remember, you didn’t need to. You needed a normal life he struggle with the thought for days. But it needed to be without him.
He watched your smile slowly disappear. “ What’s wrong?”  You asked watching him closely, he could see fear and panic take over, he looked away he hates seeing you like this he had seen it come and go many times before and too many times these past few months. “I-” He stopped himself, and he breathe. He looked nervous, you smiled a little, this was the Eddie you knew. Open willing to tell you everything, but you were still in the dark about his acts. It's still like you know a stranger. For the first few days, it was strange waking up to him by your side. You couldn't stop looking at him, a feared he’ll disappear. You watched him carefully afraid if you made the wrong move he’ll run away. It's only been a few hours since you been back home and he barely said anything to you, you felt guilty that he was stuck watching you while your mom ran errands. 
He could be with her.  
“Do you remember anything from that night?” He asked looking back at you from the tv that showed more people have been going missing. 
For the umpteen time “No.” You mumbled, feeling your blood boil, Annoyed with yourself for not remembering. “Why do you keep asking me that?” You frowned trying to hide being upset. “No reason at all.” He rubbed his hands together giving a quick fake smile looking around the room not looking at you. You knew he was lying. “ What, are you a cop or something?” You joked he smiled looking back at the tv leaning on his hand. You both set like that for a while, he couldn’t find the words to tell you how much he felt. “ Do you remember anything from the Hospital Before waking up?” He broke the silence 
You thought for a bit “I remember.” You stopped, thinking again “I remember some things, I know everything sounded far away,” You said in a small voice trying not to cry you didn’t wait the trapped feeling to come back, you thought you were going to be trapped there forever.
He got up from his spot sitting next to you pulling you into a gentle hug “There was so much pain.” You sobbed. “And I heard you and my, my mom’ and I was screaming out for you both but I couldn’t.” This was the first time in years he has seen you cry, he wish he never asked he didnt want to make you upset but that's all he was doing these days making you upset. Eddie held you tightly kissing your head “I’m sorry.” He said in between each kiss, he wish he could take your pain away. You didn’t ask why was he saying sorry, you didn’t want to. You didn’t want this to end “You know I love you right?” He sniffed “Yah,” you gave a weak smile “You're my best friend.” Just in the blank of an eye, you forgot the last few months right there looking into Eddie’s eyes. 
He sighed. you shift uncomfortably in your sit. not because of pain but because you didnt want to read the room wrong and make him uncomfortable and run off again ” Not like that.” You didnt know what he was on about. He pulled away looking at you. You watched him anxious fearing that you messed up. You hesitantly wiped his tears, he did the same to you. You couldn’t help to smile. he slowly dragged his thumb down your cheek, looking at every line ever mark on your face he didn’t want to forget them. He had to tell you how he felt he couldn't drag this out anymore he was running out of time.
He slowly leaned in. he could feel you tensing up, his lips hovered over yours before connecting. his lips were soft on yours, Eddie could do this forever, this is where he belonged.  
It hit you, you pulled away you avoided his reaction not wanting to see him hurt. “What is this?” you didn’t know what you were asking. “What are we doing?” You mat his eyes   “I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to protect you.” He let out. “ Protected me?” You ask bewildered at his words “Protected me from what Eddie?” You asked worried now, you searched in his eyes for answers. “I.” He stopped himself “I can't tell you” He sound defected. He reached for your face before you could say anything, You pulled away.
“Please.” tears filled your eyes. “ Just tell me what's going on.” you asked again “you’ve Been acting weird for months now.” you finished. Again Eddie didn't say anything, he didn’t want your last time together to end like this “Please, I just Want you to know I love you.” He whispered more to himself. He stretched for your face again but you pulled away. His hand closes into a fist, knuckles turning white. “Don't.” He breathes out, “Don’t what Eddie?” You were pissed now. “Don’t you have a girlfriend,” you asked coldly, you didn't know where this was coming from but your heart was crying out. “Don't.” He said repeated “Don't bring up the fact you have a girlfriend? Or at the fact that  it had to take me to almost die for you to talk to me.” You tried to calm yourself, the anger was making you vibrate calling you pain. 
“But your barley doing that are you?” You tried to catch the sob that come out. You tired to move away from him but hurting your leg in the process. “She's not my girlfriend.” He boomed making you jump calling you to hurt your whole body you winced. 
Eddied jumped to your side again looking you over making sure you didnt make any wounds open up. “What do you mean she, 's not your girlfriend?” You tired to easy the pain running though your body, attempting to look into his eyes. He looked away he couldn’t lie to you looking into your eyes. He can feel himself drifting away he was losing control. He stood up, he didnt what it to end like this. He couldn't let it, but he was running out of time. He thought about all the things he wasn’t able to find words for. 
He quickly kneed down taking in your lips again putting his all in, he wasn't able to find the words but he could show you, right? You melted far this time, this kiss was different than the last one. Eddie longed for this kiss for years and he never notice it but this was what he wanted if only he could turn back time and do things differently.
This is what you wanted for the longest, you and Eddie. You wanted to be the one by his side, not the one watching. You want him to be your everything. “Just tell me what your thinking.” You said lowly against his lips. He landed another light kiss and started to back away, his mind was feeling clouded this was wrong he shouldn't be doing this to you. His leading you on, hes leaving you forever so why was he doing this? He needed to end this right here right now so you could move on, so why wasn't he doing it? his mind was saying another but his body was doing another. He wishes he could take back the kiss but he was being greedy and it will only end up hurting you more. He's famous for only thinking about himself not caring for you, taking your first kiss, and running away after. He spends so much time running lovers off from you, what gives him the right to move on and not you? End this now he was screaming at himself, he was so deep in thought that he didnt know you were talking to him.
“It was a good bye kiss.” He said looking down, why was he saying this? This is not what he wanted to say. “What?” You were confused by all of this. “I'm sorry,” he said, running his hands through his hair and face, getting impatient with himself. “This will be the last time you'll see me.” He got up from his spot on the floor, you tried to do the same from the couch but failed and fell back down. “Eddie what's happing to you?” you askerd looking him over, you didnt know this person in front of you. This wasn't your Eddie, he wasn't making any sense, and he was aware of that. This time getting up grabbing a better hold of the walker. “Where are you going?” you questioned. He didnt say anything “God Eddie why are you being like this?” you cried out. He still wasn't saying, it was like he was in a trance. “Eddie?” You called out, you called out once again “just know, everything I have done was to protect you.” He whispered. 
“From what?” you cried out harder, he looked at you, and you gazed harder into his eye seeing something strange in them, you moved to look closer  but he moved away fast, reaching for his things “Don't run away from me.” You begged “you've been doing this for months ever since you got with her, it's like I don't know you anymore.” your voice cracked, and he stopped in his place he knows this, and that hurts him but he has his reasons. Pain ran through his body, he needed to go he had to get his thoughts together, he wasn't thinking straight. If he stays longer it might end bad, he can not live with himself if something happens to you or if he calls it himself.  
You waited for him to say something before you continued “Every since you started dating Chrissy Cunningham you've been acting beyond weird. you went over this so many time in your head but still couldn't pieces together what was going on. Before he could stop himself he was on you kissing you again, making you fall back on the couch. She winced in pain but it was long forgotten. Eddie didnt know what to do, what was he doing? He was leaving so how did he end up back attached to you, He tried to pull away but the more he tried the more he hugged you. It's like he was stuck to you. He was gentle and slow like he was saving every moment, he touched you softly as if you would break. His hands gradually move along your body, his every move had you in a trance. 
Eddie started to move faster and became rough in a blink of an eye. It was like a switch turned off, he grabbed at you hard you could feel your stitches pulling and wound pull apart you cried out, but that didnt stop him “Your. hurting. me” You tried to breathe through the pain.  “Stop” you pushed at him, an unhuman growl rattled you. You panicked pushing him harder with the little strength you had. He was grabbing a bitting at your skin. “Stop!”  you shrieked. He jumped back looking around confused and crazed look on his face out of breath. “What's wrong with you?” you asked. He was still baffled “Eddie?” he looked back at you, eyes slowly looking down seeing your top slowly turn red. “Please talk to me.” you haven't noticed it yourself only foucseing on him. 
He jump up from his spot whispering to himself, you were lost in his actions you didn’t say a word you just watch him scared. 
This wasn't the Eddie you knew. 
You slowly got up making your way attending to do so, moving slowly to him lightly touching him. “Eddied .” you called out as if he was a scared bird, Eddie you called out one last time before he whipped around at you “ DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!” he screamed at you. once again sounding inhuman like a beast, proving that it wasn't in your head earlier. His face was veiny his eyes were hollow black. you jumped back almost falling,  he quickly moved from you before making a b-line to the door opening it taking off his favorite ring putting it down. Looking over his shoulder. “ Goodbye. y/n” his face slowly turned back to normal before walking out.
You were hot on his heels not caring about the pain that run through your body, limping out into the darkness the moonlight pouring down on you. you winced in pain. “Eddie,” you called, 
You watch him make his way to his van, trying to move faster but only falling. “Eddie, please don't leave me.” you cried, he stopped at the door before looking back he looked as if he wanted to say something but he never did with that he jumped in the van leaving you there crying. “Eddie! please!” you drugged yourself across the grass.
“Eddie!” you watch him go further into the distance. “Eddie, please don't leave me.” You sobbed out.
 just like that, he was gone. 
rain began to pour. 
You let out another blood-curdling scream in pain before everything went black. 
You were alone again. 
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twothpaste · 10 months
three questions- 1, how do you headcanon Ness chose his name? 2. what other names was he considering before he settled on Ness, if he was considering other names? and 3. if the other intermission characters could dye their hair, what would they dye it? (for Kuma feel free to answer with other colors she’s dyed/considered dying her hair before)
i actually don't have much of an origin story for ness' name, aside from knowing was a longtime childhood nickname before he knew what it meant to be "trans," and before he settled on it as a replacement for his deadname (whatever that might be, none of my business). he might've straight up nicknamed himself after his favorite video game console, giving his name the same origin it has in reality - i think that'd be funny. his dad's got a big nintendo collection, and they used to play video games together a lot - his dad could've even been the one who first started calling him that 🥲. a little kid insisting upon being called by a gender-neutral nickname, which emerged from a "tomboyish" hobby, from like age six onward?? i feel like that tracks.
i haven't drawn her in color yet, but my take on tracy has black hair that she bleaches blonde. as a teen she starts selectively bleaching streaks/portions of it, instead of doin' it all the way, 'cause she thinks it looks cool. poo wishes he could dye his hair literally any color at all, but if he does his family will have his head. he fantasizes about going off on months-long international archaeological surveys once he's graduated, with a glorious mane of green hair, just to live a little. one time lucas agreed to let kuma dye a little (small) (tiny) cyan streak into his hair. he thought it was sort of fun, but perhaps a bit intense for his tastes. people noticed him, he got a lot of compliments, aw jeez, that's super overwhelming for a big pile of oatmeal like lucas, y'know 😞. i think the older duster gets, the more eccentric he becomes - dude's probably only a few years away from turning his graying balding locks bright firetruck red while he's still got the chance. imagining his little goat scruff beard in all the colors of the rainbow 🌈
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