#i haven't played danganronpa myself
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Sam tries to finish Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc...part 100. I've spent 63.7 hours on this fucking game. That's fucking EMBARRASSING 😭
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vcaart · 3 months
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ive been thinking about him soooo
I've never liked the idea of him being a yandere or whatever, but i do like the idea that he's not any of those things he's just trying to be cool 😭😭
Especially based of the audition tape, I used to say stuff like that to seem cool but I was NOT lol
I made him a college students because if they had to audition for Danganronpa, there is NO WAY in HELL they'd let people under 18 audition. There may be a few exceptions, if they had parental consent, but I don't think most parents would allow their kids to do that. They think they're high schoolers in the simulation though.
I also headcanon that the whole killing game was a simulation, similar to the Neo World in Chapter 4. But they are pulled from the simulation before they die so their body doesn't die of shock. Most of the other killings games had paid actors, and because of the 53rd anniversary they decided to allow audience participation in another way, rather than through Kiibo. The chance to audition and be able to be *in* the show.
[REDACTED], on the other hand, did not actually read through everything. He was like "Oh! It's a simulation, I'll be fine!" and out of excitement auditioned as soon as possible, unaware of what would actually go down until later.
(Triggering topics for this next part, it's safe after the ~~~~)
Said events in highschool I haven't really fleshed out, but I have the general idea. He used to have lots of online friends, but he was one of those people that'd make everything about them, always played the victim, would make his friends do things they didn't want to (like roleplaying stuff they didn't want to or doing art "collabs" they didn't want to), and would guilt them into doing it or complain about that they don't care about him. And the "If you leave me I'll hurt/kill myself!" or use his issues to make them stay friends and do things for him. He didn't really realize how bad this was until his junior year of highschool, but the damage had been done. After he graduated he really started trying to improve, and feels immense guilt, regret, and shame over his behavior. (Of course, that doesn't make it okay. But people can change, even if they cant change their past actions.)
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funishment-time · 3 months
🔵 Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Misc DR & Multiple Characters
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading too much misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
First of all, the questions answered here are not official. Everything that is official is what is said within the work. In contrast, this is simply what Kodaka, the creator, thinks, and it is not the correct answer. Use this as a starting point to enjoy the depth of each character, or to say, "That's not right!" and enjoy it with your own interpretation. I think of this as a way of communicating with the characters who live in fiction. This is important, so please spread the word.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: Out of all the characters that have appeared so far, who is your favorite visually?
A: As a fan, Haruko from FLCL. Among my own creations...hmmm, Monokubs lol and Enoshima.
Q: Sorry if this has already been said! I saw a tweet saying that Fukawa Toko's novel "Before the Scent of the Sea Disappears" was made into a short film by Kodaka Kazutaka! Is there anywhere I can see it?
A: I don't have it..! I have the data on my PC, but…lol
Q: Are you interested in making games in the world of Ultimate Talent Development Plan? I would like to see all the characters together. (Sorry my Japanese is not very good. I am using a translator.)
A: It's too early to tell. I'll continue to make more and more characters.
Q: I love Ultra Despair Girls, but it's sad that so few people are playing it 😢 Are there plans for a port or remake for the Switch?
A: It's an absolute masterpiece! I'm proud to say that it has the heaviest storyline I've ever written, and the friendship at the end will have you in tears. And it's also pretty fun to take down all the Monokumas in one fell swoop. The controls are a bit rough in some areas, so I'd like to tweak them and re-release it. But maybe that last possibility is impossible in today's world...
Q: What is your favorite chapter in the Danganronpa series?
A: Hmm, Chapters 1 and 6 of 1, and Chapters 5 and 6 of 2. Maybe Chapters 1, 5 and 6 of 3.
Q: I love Danganronpa Zero, and I'd like to ask if there were any particular things that you were thinking about when you were writing it.
A: At the time, it was my first novel in about five years, and although I said "I'll do it" lightly, I wasn't good at writing the narrative, and after pushing myself into scrapping it many times, I finally managed to get it done by writing the narrative from the protagonist's point of view.
Q: I got hooked on the Danganronpa series when I was in elementary school and am now a working adult!! Danganronpa is my favorite work of all time! Of course I played Rain Code too!! I love how Shinigami-chan grows and becomes more human as the story progresses! I wonder if a sequel to Danganronpa is really possible...? I'm also waiting for a sequel to Rain Code I'll keep waiting until I die! I love you!
A: From elementary school to working adult…! Thanks to Danganronpa, you've become a fine adult! Neither sequel is impossible. I'd like to expand more, get results from other new works, and make myself more valuable, and do it when it's best for me.
Q: Are there any characters that have a secret backstory in any of the Danganronpa works?
A: For the most part, there are still stories that we haven't talked about.
Q: This may be a question that can't be answered (it may have been asked already), but in the bad ending of Danganronpa, Togami holds a portrait of Fukawa, and there is a child of Togami? Will the truth about that ever come to light?!
A: With the loss of Kirigiri, and the decision to live together within the school, everyone had a change of heart and decided to join hands. Fukawa stopped belittling herself, and Togami stopped being arrogant, and the two started dating, but the next day Fukawa died in an accident. She died after choking on a dumpling, and Togami was confused, believing it was a curse from Celes. As Asahina comforted the depressed boy, things just sort of happened and Togami's child was born. Asahina loves children, and decided that this was her mission and she would give birth to everyone's children. And since that was all there was to do in the boring school life, everyone did it a lot. After that, she gave birth to more than 10 children, and the school flourished.
NOTE: This is the worst thing I have ever read.
Q: I can't help but wonder about the night that Asahina, Hagakure, Togami, and Fukawa spent in the gym in Chapter 5 of Danganronpa. What were they doing that night?
A: I think they were standing in the dark gymnasium, each at one of the four corners, going around tapping the shoulder of the next person in the corner...
Q: The "motivation video" that appeared in V3 featured someone important to each character, but it wasn't revealed who was in the motivation video for the characters in the main story. Did you have a set idea in mind of "this character is this person", Mr. Kodaka? Some characters talk about family or special people in Free Time scenarios, but there are also some characters who don't talk about such things, so I'm curious.
A: I had it set at the time, but I've forgotten about it...
NOTE: ugh
Q: What's your favorite romantic pairing in danganronpa?
A: Monomi and Monokuma.
Q: I love the scene in Chapter 6 of the original Danganronpa where the mastermind and the scissors girl (I will not reveal her name for now) meet and politely greet each other. Mr. Kodaka, are there any funny or gag scenes from the Danganronpa series or Rain Code that you like?
A: There are heaps of gag scenes and funny scenes, but when I first saw Monokuma and Monomi's comedy routine in 2 with their lines incorporated, I felt something otherworldly that I'd never heard before. We record out of order, so after incorporating it with the game, I was surprised at how otherworldly it was.
Q: I would like you to publish profiles of Danganronpa Zero characters! Please do so!
A: Let's ask Spikechun! Spikechun reserves all rights! Let's all protest and demand that these profiles be made public!
Q: In the summary of the materials for Danganronpa 1, there was a detailed description of the non-killers' punishments, but I wonder if those will ever be made into a movie...? I've been dying to see it 🥲
A: It's not exactly a good idea to capture people dying on film…
Q: Who is the most popular character in Danganronpa? I would be happy if you could tell me one male and one female!
A: My personal opinion is... For guys, it's Shinguji. There are girls who are attracted to weird guys like that. For girls, it's Iruma. There are boys who are attracted to weird girls like that.
NOTE: I believe this is IRL, not in-universe, as Kodaka later answers who has the most friends in-universe, and it's not Miu or Kork.
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! Who is the strongest drinker among Munakata, Yukizome, and Sakakura? 🥹
A: It's probably Yukizome.
Q: Among the BGM used in the original, 2, and V3, is there any that you particularly like, Mr. Kodaka? I absolutely love New World Order from the original, DANGANRONPA SUPER MIX from 2, and V3 Discussion - SCRUM - from V3!
A: The punishment music was created first, and it created a Danganronpa atmosphere, or rather a playful yet serious atmosphere, so it has a deeply cryptic vibe.
Q: I bought Danganronpa again on Steam and had my ex-girlfriend play the whole series, and she got hooked. This may be mentioned in other media, but are there any characters who weren't meant to die but ended up dying?
A: While I was writing, some roles were switched, but I don't think there were many changes to the plot. I think it was Nidai and Kuzuryu who switched roles...
NOTE: His memory is correct. Beta designs show a Fuyuhiko-like character who was meant to the the team manager, and a mafia guy who was a big Nekomaru-ish dude.
Q: In the Danganronpa series, you get underwear when your bond with a character reaches its maximum, but whose underwear do you like the most, Kodaka?
A: Personally, I'm not interested in underwear. They're dirty.
Q: I know you didn't write or supervise Danganronpa S at all, Kodaka, but have you played it since its release? And if you did, were there any event conversations that you particularly liked?
A: [This is one where we're unsure what Kodaka's saying, but we're pretty sure he means he hasn't played it at all. Take that with a grain of salt, though.]
Q: [A longer question, found here, that comes down to: "i'm curious how your writing with your world evolved in ways you may not have had planed..."]
A: The scenario changes a lot when I write it. It is live. Try writing it, move the characters around, and it keeps changing. Because the characters are alive.
Q: Yamada and Celes seem to have been quite close during their school days, but how did they end up like that?
A: "I've gotten better at making royal milk tea."
NOTE: This is probably Hifumi talking.
🥬 APRIL 2024:
Q: Will you ever make a V3 animation? That could be so cool I’d love to see it so much.
A: That is a matter for Spike Chunsoft to decide.
Q: Who is the character with the most friends in each of the Danganronpa games: the original, 2, and V3?
A: I guess Yamada, Koizumi, and Angie. I'm not sure if I can call Angie a friend, though.
Q: Chabashira Tenko and I have the same birthday and blood type, so I'd like to know how a character's birthday and blood type are decided. I'm currently studying Japanese.
A: It's decided by fate.
Q: Tired of answering questions about Danganronpa?
A: I'm not bored. I love Danganronpa. However, I may forget some things, so I don't want to answer carelessly.
🌺 MAY 2024:
Q: I think Harukawa-chan had romantic feelings for Momota-kun, but did Momota-kun see Harukawa-chan as a romantic interest? Or did he just see her as one of his "students," like Saihara-kun?
A: "I didn't realize it at the time, so I wasn't even conscious of it. If I had realized it sooner, things might have been different..."
NOTE: This is probably Kaito talking.
☀️ JUNE 2024:
Q: I feel like there weren't any characters in the original Danganronpa who were definitely able to cook, so who was cooking at breakfast and the like? I'd also like to know if there were any characters who could cook in the original!
A: I think they basically just used pre-cooked food, but I think Fujisaki and Yamada seem like they can cook.
Q: How did you decide the seating order for the class trial?
A: Intentionally in random order so as not to create any patterns.
Q: Are there any characters in 1, 2, and V3 who are not virgins? Sorry for the really vulgar question.
A: A rough estimate is a quarter.
Q: Is it decided how old the characters in works such as Danganronpa and Raincode are? If so, how old are they?
A: Of course, Danganronpa is mostly in their teens. Raincode has a wide range, but even Yakou is in his 30s.
NOTE: This is kind-of hilarious, because I'm pretty sure it's canonically stated Yakou is actually in his late 20s...in something that Kodaka himself wrote. I'll have to go find evidence.
Q: I'd like to know the recommended menu items at Hanamura Diner!
A: Fresh tonkatsu.
NOTE: Tonkatsu is a fried pork cutlet.
Q: Were the Love Hotel scenes also supervised by Kodaka-san? When Ouma says that he doesn't care what Saihara does to him, is that what he says to make it possible for him to have anyone in that space under his control?
A: I did supervise it. But I left that to people who are good at that sort of thing and refrained from interfering too much, and I still refrain from doing so now.
Q: Is there any trick to Tanaka Gundham's chuunibyou dialogue? I'm curious to know how you think of the unique expressions used by Saionji Hiyoko and Iruma Miu.
A: The insults come out super easily, but Tanaka's lines were thought out thoroughly, based on the light novels I've read, so it's exhausting.
NOTE: A "chuunibyou" is a kid, generally 12-13, who believes they have secret powers or a grand backstory. Gundham's a bit old to be a chuuni by Kodaka's own admission in the DR2 artbook, but that was apparently part of the charm (and why it was so difficult to write him). It's spiritual Naruto running.
🎇 JULY 2024:
Q: I'd like to know what underwear your favorite Danganronpa character wears, Kodaka-san.
A: Monomi's panties. Diapers.
NOTE: This is how rumors get started, Kaz...
Q: Do Rain Code and Danganronpa take place in the same world? Do any of your games and works have a shared universe with another? Or are they all separate? 🤔 💭 I'm asking because I just had a dream about Rain Code today!
A: I won't make a clear statement. I am not sure what will happen in the future. Anyway, please spread the Rain Code around the world.
Q: If Hope's Peak Academy had regular exams, who would have the best overall grades?
A: It would have to be Togami. Kirigiri has clear strengths and weaknesses and doesn't seem like she'd be good at things like art. However, when it comes to multiple choice questions, Komaeda who relies on luck is the strongest, Ouma steals the answers in advance, and Ki-Bo tries hard and is average, but is bad at calculations.
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andthisisdia · 7 months
Name: call me Dia💎
Age: I was born in 2002 and I'm too lazy to update my age every year💅
Nationality: Italian (English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors)
🏳️‍🌈: I'm a bisexual and demisexual/demiromantic girl (I use she/her pronouns)
MBTI: ENTJ (Don't stereotype me. I'm just really into doing things right and I like to have a plan for everything. I always try to find a solution to people's problems)
Something about me: I'm autistic 🪐 and I'm very extroverted, I like to socialize and meet new people. So if we have any interests in common, feel free to write to me🌌 (Read the continuation to find out more about me and what I post, it's important. Thank you)
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(I made this edit using picsart stickers that represent my interests and something about me)
🎮Favorite video games:
•League of Legends (I play on the European server)
•Valorant (I don't play it that much because I'm not very good)
•Team Fortress 2 (my hyper fixation, I need to talk to other tf2 fans. I'm going crazy, I don't know who to talk to about it, I'm afraid of appearing boring to my friends who aren't fans😭😭😭)
•Life is strange (this game made me realize I'm not straight)
•Detroit Become Human
•Danganronpa (I discovered this thanks to tik tok during the pandemic. It was very trendy at the time)
•The last of us
•The Sims 3/4 (I never had the chance to play the previous ones)
🍿My favorite TV series are:
•Love, Death & Robots
•Bojack Horseman
•She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
•Ever After High
🎼Singers I like:
•Madison Beer
•Ariana Grande
•Kali Uchis
•Girl in Red
•Marina and the diamonds
•KDA ("Akali that girl, 'kali go grr 'Kali don't stop, 'kali don't skrt 'Kali got a job, 'kali go to work 뜨거워 언제나 don't get burnt" 🗣🗣🗣)
•Molchat Doma
•Arctic Monkeys
•Mother Mother
•Jack Stauber
•TV girl
•Bo Burnham
I actually listen to a lot of artists but I don't remember them all c:
🫧Things I like:
•Lost media
•Liminal space
•History of cinema (especially animated films)
•Psychology (and all other branches of this science. I also love anthropology and sociology)
•Travel and discover new places
•Everything that has to do with creativity (Drawing, writing stories and fanfiction, creating things like accessories for your clothes and such very cute things. I really admire people who can repaint dolls)
•Having fun (going out with my friends, watching films - if they're trashy films it's even better -, sending each other memes and tik tok videos and things like that)
•Cosplay (Especially cosplaying my comfort characters)
•Drawing (I haven't drawn seriously since 2020. I'm waiting for inspiration)
•Collecting dolls (I love Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High and L.O.L O.M.G. I also collect Funko pops and figures from other brands. I also have many books and comics -which I have to finish reading because there are too many-)🧸
•Roleplay (Doing roleplay with me means that I have already organized the whole plot. But I also listen to the other person's ideas)
•Find out about the topics that interest me (Most of the time they have to do with culture. I'm a very curious person and I love to inform myself)
💿What I post on Tumblr:
•Things about my fandoms (Mostly I repost cute icons, headcanons and wallpapers) I post things related to my fandoms. I like making wallpapers, icons and moodboards (Maybe start writing some headcanons)
•Positivity (Especially mental health or pride posts about being a member of the LGBT community. Be yourself🌈Be unique)
•Aesthetics (If I see some nice photo of a sunset or the sky, I immediately repost it because I feel like it. I also post a lot of things related to nostalgia because as I said before I like the "nostalgiacore" aesthetic. And I'm very nostalgic, they were beautiful times when the only worry was "which Monster High character am I?")
•My posts are tagged "Dia's post"
🦦Other random things:
•My favorite musicals are Heathers and Ride The Cyclone (the name of my blog is a mix between two of these songs)
•I'm terrible with numbers and sometimes I read the wrong words (I have a learning disability -be patient-)
•In my blog there are posts about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss BUT IT'S NOT A SPECIAL INTEREST OF MINE. I recognize that they are two series with a lot of plot holes and nonsense. But it still reminds me of time spent with my friends. I actually like hearing people analyze and criticize it. I'm fond of the character of Vaggie and I like the ship between Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb but as I wrote before: it's no longer a special interest of mine. I am neutral towards them
•I'm an atheist
•I am very interested in the meaning (and world) of dreams
‼️ Sometimes I also reposted something related to when I feel down. Unfortunately I have a lot of trauma but I'm trying to move forward and get better‼️
🔞I'm a girl from 2002 so I have young adult maturity‼️ For adults (because I know we are not all the same and not everyone likes some things) I would like to point out some things that I could reblog: I might reblog paintings or sculptures with naked people BUT also drawings with people semi-naked or shown in a sexy way. The artists I refer to are: Fumetti Brutti by Josephine Yole Signorelli and EvviArt. They are the only ones I follow but it is to make you understand what type of art I like. I could reblog posts where sexual topics are written: from the classic "use protection when having s3x" or raise awareness about some topics related to this theme. I want people to be informed about some aspects of this topic (I'm not talking about p0rnographic things ) such as the importance of using protection and above all how important consent is. I don't reblog kink-related stuff or explicit porn because it's not a topic of interest to me. And I don't even have kink because s3x isn't a topic that interests me. It doesn't shock me to hear about NSFW things (it disgusts me if disturbing topics are included in this topic). Many of my interests (TV series or video games and things like that) involve adult themes. I prefer to specify that I could publish things like this because I know that many people don't want to see these things. And in any case I want to talk to people my own age. If you like some wallpaper made by me, there are no problems because a wallpaper is a normal thing and everyone can use them. But if you don't like adult things then don't interact (especially if you're a minor) In summary: you can like icons or wallpapers or memes (these are innocent things and everyone likes them. Everyone uses icons and wallpapers) but interact with me if you are adults🔞
🧜‍♀️Comfort characters:
•Jinx (League of legends/Arcane. She is my main and for certain things I see myself in her)
•Seraphine (League of Legends. didn't like her at first but I love her gameplay. And I think she has the best skins -along with Jinx, of course-)
•Evelynn (League of Legends. She's a Goddess)
•Chloe Price (Life is strange. She made me understand that I like women too. I love this punk)
•Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls. She is one of the few ENTJs to be a positive character. I really like how her character has evolved)
•Reagan Ridley (Inside Job. We are very similar in certain things)
•Entrapta (She ra. I love this chaotic neutral autistic scientist princess. Again, I see myself in her)
•Kotori Minami (Love Live! When I was in middle school this was my favorite anime)
•Dia Kurosawa (Love Live! Sunshine. Love Live is an anime that accompanied me as I grew up. I'm very fond of it)
❕️I'm looking for young adult people like me (young adult means being over 18 and under 30). I have no problem with NSFW (I prefer artistic nudity) and I have no problem with swearing. I have a certain maturity so I want to interact with people like that.❕️
‼️ This is my safe space🗣 SO DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU ARE: racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic and against the LGBT community, do not interact if you are a pedophile and if you harm animals.Don't fetishize queer people. We are people, not nsfw categories. And don't romanticize the Mafia. Be kind and open-minded. Don't interact if you are against feminism (which I remind you, means gender equality), don't interact if you are people with ideas of hatred and discrimination. No ignorant people about mental health or what is happening in the world, because we are in 2024 and we need to have a minimum of culture. If you think abortion is murder, I would say you can also go elsewhere because I support women's rights and human rights in general. In general, don't interact if you are a person with bad ideas (that kind of bad ideas. Go away)‼️
🌟Talk to me if you are a normal person (and if you're nice and send funny memes. Or if you want to talk about some fandom in common or something. We can also play some video games together or talk about philosophical things like "what's the point of life?" or things like "do aliens exist?")🌟
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
I don’t know if I’m too late or not but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!
I don’t really have much and I didn’t have too much time, so here are some small drawings I did for brainstorming ideas for an English assignment alongside a photo I took of Hajime and Nagito in tomadachi life?
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I also have a Small Ramble about Hajime Hinata for you!
Hajime is my one of favorite characters because he's the perfect balance for a protagonist. The story uses the fact he's "basic," and gives it life. His story is of someone who is so insecure, depressed, and feels so inferior about being talentless that he gives up his own life just to be something he can be proud of. Just so he can be something worth remembering. He finds his own strength, not only that but he decides he won't live in the past but rather the future and present. That he'll decide his own future, no matter what happens. In contrast to class 78th they're basically the school dropouts after all, they don't know how life will go, but they'll figure it out. They'll make their own future, together! Out of all of the protagonists and messages the Danganronpa franchise has, Danganronpa 2 resonates with me most. Hajime has a wonderful story, a fun personality, a cute appearance, and is a beautifully compelling and charming character. He’s honestly adorable, he’s such an introverted realist a lot of the time haha!
Hope my Ask is enough to make you smile for your birthday, Sorry if I’m late!!!
sorry I don’t have that much to say about Makoto… I LIKE HIM TOO THOUGH!!!
Ohhhh my gosh your drawings are SO CUTE!!😍😍 Thanks for showing me this, Zen! I knew you had good drawing skills (I must have seen your drawing of Nagito in your YouTube video) but I didn't know you drew such lovely and funny things, so this is a pleasant surprise! 😆💕 hehe, it seems like Hajime is yelling something at Nagito every 5 seconds or so. I’m happy to see these silly boys!
I also didn’t know you have been playing Tomodachi Life! I have never played this game myself, but I love looking at the screenshots of this game. Did they become good friends with each other in that world? It's so nice to see them together on the beach under the stars! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)✧.。.:*
And thank you for telling me the reason why you like Hajime!💖 I totally agree with you that he has a wonderful story! I didn't notice it the first time I played the game, but when I replayed it and followed the story from the beginning, I found that his sense of inferiority is described well before he knows he's a reserve course student. I haven't checked how it's expressed in the English translation yet, but he tends to use the phrase "俺なんか" a lot more than other protagonists. “なんか” is an ambiguous word, similar to "some" in English, but it is an expression of self-deprecation to use it after the first person (俺). He has a subconscious tendency to be self-deprecating even though he has lost his memory, but I think that is why he easily falls for people who are kind to him. In fact, he was very shocked when he realized that Nagito might be the culprit in the first class trial, saying, "You were so kind”. It's very cute how he felt that way about Nagito even though they only met for the first time two days ago. ( *´艸`)💖 (He is rather cautious and suspicious of things, but I feel that in relationships he easily falls for others!)
As you say, the process of how he, who originally felt inferior and introverted, becomes determined to make his own future is very touching, and his personality itself is what makes him so cute and appealing. Honestly, when I first saw Hajime, I wasn't attracted to his looks at all, but now I think he's the cutest guy ever. I feel happy whenever I see his cute smile!😊💓
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and taking the time out of your busy schedule! Your message definitely made me smile! I was actually in the process of preparing a post that would sort of summarize the birthday gifts I received, but your message came just in time for me to post it. So my birthday has passed, but in that sense you made it! 🥳
I'm happy and grateful every time I get a message from you. Hope you have a great day! 🫶✨ And I hope to hear more about your thoughts on Makoto sometime! 😆
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yakool-foolio · 6 months
just inspired by the last ask and since he's my favorite character of all time, what would you say are the traits to keep in mind for preventing mischaracterization of Nagito Komaeda?
Might as well preface again that these are just personal things I look out for in my writing. Not a critique of anyone else's interpretations, just tips for myself and whoever else wants 'em. I haven't really written much for Nagito, since the writing bug didn't bite me until Rain Code, so I was still struggling with writer's block n creative burnout at the time I played the Danganronpa series. However, I'll still treat answering this as if I plan to write for him.
It's crucial to understand how Nagito's luck functions! His luck functions in a way whereas more unlucky/bad things happen, something lucky/good eventually arrives afterwards, impact depending on how much bad luck has built up before the release of good luck. For example, in the fourth FTE, he says a plane he and his family were on got hijacked (bad luck), then a small meteorite fell and killed the hijacker (good luck), but his parents were also hit and died as well (bad luck), so he inherited all of their fortune (good luck). And most importantly, all of his good luck is focused on him, while all of his bad luck happens to others around him. It is essentially a curse in the bluntest of definitions.
Despite his abundant praise for his classmates, Nagito suffers from a serious case of self-loathing. He never compliments himself on anything, rather feeling he will always be inferior to others, especially the Ultimates he's accompanied by. He also has good intentions overall, always rooting for hope, but definitely has unconventional and risky ways of going about bolstering that hope he sees within his classmates. He's also not afraid to side with the 'enemy' to see which side will prevail at the end.
Nagito's more of a support character than a rival in DR2, at least until chapter 4 comes around and he reads the report about Hajime's status in the Octagon. The classmate felt like he was on the same level with is actually some corrupt god-like person who has all talents, and meanwhile he's still 'scum' by being a mere servant to a bunch of kids. The punch in the gut he must've felt was immense. No wonder that after Nagito learned this information, he began taunting Hajime about being a reserve course student; it's the only way he could feel like they're still on the same level when he's in the presence of a godly despair, something he's deeply despised and yet managed to feel love towards when he was turned away from the truth. This is some top tier angst for writing anything about Nagito post-Octagon.
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anonzentimes · 4 months
when i played danganronpa i got so fucking fixated on it that i was spending entire nights awake playing the game cause i just couldn't stay away from it which resulted in being too tired to understand what was going on sometimes and people like you who are insane about the franchise are the reason i can make sense of a lot of stuff that i wasnt able to get due to playing at 7 in the fucking morning after going to bed the night pror at 5am (i plan on re playing the games at a normal persons pace sometime later lmao)
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! KIND OF SAME? Okay. well not exactly the same. For Danganronpa 1 I watched GameGrumps play when the episodes were coming out so it was a good pace. Skip to Danganronpa 2? I watched it all in 5 days with barely any breaks. I genuinely had a headache when Chapter 6 happened and it took a really long time to process everything that happened in the chapter. Honestly same thing with v3 I also got a headache playing that game haha! But most prominently I barely understood the entire Izuru concept for a while LOLL!!! 3 years later I'm a lot better at articulation, understand it all perfectly, and am able to combine those to make mini essays as an outlet for my passion about the franchise. I totally relate and honestly I can't even remember how I got to the point of knowing everything so perfectly anymore, I just love it so much and am just here. Like people talk about the comical fact of once you enter you can never leave, but people don't mention when it's so bad you can't remember how you truly got to this point 😭!!!
And the funniest thing is I haven't actually fully rewatched Danganronpa 2 or Danganronpa 1 before. I've always seen little scenes again and analyzed things to death but i haven't fully seen them again. Danganronpa 1 I think my memory is slightly fading so I should rewatch/replay it but I remember all major events and characters, Danganronpa 2 I want to play myself and mostly remember everything because well duh, and Danganronpa v3 I actually got to play and replayed half of it when I was sick at some point because I just felt like it Lol. I've wanted to actually play Danganronpa 2 myself for like 3 years but haven't gotten around to getting it BUT A MUTUAL GIFTED IT TO ME ON STEAM FOR MY BIRTHDAY JUST A FEW DAYS AGO????????????? SO I'M GOING TO GET TO PLAY IT MYSELF AFTER SO LONG??????? (I'm trying to get my Splatoon 3 catalog finished before I start playing though haha) I am genuinely so excited about it you have NO CLUE AGHRHRHDHSJ
Anyways, personal rambles and relating aside I'm really happy I can help you understand things about the franchise! I know I certainly wished and sometimes even now wish people could just articulate things for me when I'm struggling so I can understand things better about media I like Lol. It's an honor to assist people understanding one of my main special interests :)
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aparticularbandit · 11 months
Oh man I saw your ryoko post on the tag I loved it and as I Junko analizes myself I just wanted to say if you need help just ask I'd love to trade thoughts with yah
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Thanks! I'd be cool with talking thoughts, but probably in the future would be better? I only just started getting into Danganronpa, so I'm still in DR2 (just finished Case 2 when I last played!), haven't seen DR3, and haven't played DRV3 or Despair Girls. (Or the Summer? Game? I basically bought Decadence, which doesn't have Despair Girls, so idk when I'll get to that one.)
I'm trying to go through things mostly in order - I started with the anime then went DR1 (yes, I know, they're roughly the same) and then read DR0 while I was playing through DR1 and starting out DR2, so my thoughts are...in process as I continue to go through the things, and I'm trying to avoid getting any more spoilers than I've already gotten!
But yeah - I'm still collecting thoughts as I go through, so I'm not really on super analysis yet! Just. thoughts! ^^;;
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starleska · 1 year
I have a feeling you would have a thing for twogami from sdr2
are you using my thing for large, fancy dudes against me, anon? not gonna lie, you're onto something 😳💖
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i haven't played much of the Danganronpa series...but have played enough to be intrigued by the existence of 'Twogami' 🙈 there's some identity fraud going on here, no? don't want to go and spoil myself, but your recommendation is being taken to heart - i look forward to finding out more 👀
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tiredsugarcube · 3 months
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"ornamental details are important to me, yet I give credence to solace being paramount"
Short Introduction! (I haven't done this before so please bear with me)
Call me what you want, as long as it sounds cool
I mostly like dark content toned down a bit , but I don't mind writing other themes
I'm in multiple fandoms namely:
Boku No Hero Academia
Black Clover
Genshin Impact
Honkai Starrail
Reverse 1999
Food wars
and more to come depending on the content I consume daily...
I'm bored, so please add me in Genshin and we can play sometime! I'm in Asia server (Wanderer Main)
I read many things, but dark romances get me in a frit, and fluff puts me in the feels, that's all I know about myself for now unfortunately..
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Danganronpa 3: Future arc, episode 2
Soo after that fun episode, we are back to the killing game.
I called it!
I knew Munakata was gonna Makoto for all of this. Even though it is not his fault.
Though he's definitely gonna blame himself now.
I mean I get it.
Munakata is grieving and of course you're gonna lash out at Makoto.
Because from his and everyone else's perspective he's the likely culprit.
He's already betrayed you once, Monokuma called him by name and this all happens when Makoto is being arrested.
But than, if Makoto is the mastermind why would he put himself and his friends in this?
To kill you guys? But than why not just kill you with the gas earlier and escape.
... Wasn't expecting him to tell Makoto to straight up kill himself.
Greif or not, what the fuck Munakata.
... Also how the fuck would that accomplish anything?
If you truly believe Makoto is on their side, if he kills himself especially on the basis that you were the one to make him do it... You're just gonna enrage them.
It's fucked and it's stupid.
Though now I'm sure he's gonna be like fine, I'll kill you myself.
... Yeah Chisa I don't think we can give him a chance, sorry.
Also Makoto in black and Munakata in white, we love to see it, visual oppositions.
The bracelets are dangerous.
I thought maybe they would be explosives but apparently they just inject you with death.
So that's fun.
And one person "the attacker" will be fine and can kill one person.
That person's a traitor... And Makoto is the traitor so more reasons against him.
"Why don't you gang up on someone you don't like and pray their the attacker."
Insert all the sprites surrounding and killing Makoto
.. What is this, the 5th trial?
So Makoto's fucked until they can prove who the real one is.
And omtop of that there's a "forbidden action" Something you can't do at all.
Or you die.
Man theres a lot to this one.
Given Makoto's luck, he's gonna get something bad isn't he?
Asahina, girl I love you but why are you acting like you haven't done this before.
And it's being televised...
Fuck I hope Komaru doesn't have to watch this... Again.
... And Usami is already here?
And apparently the avatar of Miaya, the ultimate therapist.
Who was apparently is one of the top developers for the neo world program.
Aka the simulator the Remnants went into.
Though we all know this isn't gonna work, Usami can't beat Monokuma that's a fact.
Aaand Monomi is back.
Makoto: We need to work together.
Munakata: I couldn't agree more.
...You mean work together to kill Makoto don't u?
Because I don't believe you'd wanna work together with him.
I get why everyone's like find the traitor and kill them.
But Makoto being against that is gonna cause a rift, especially because their already is one and it makes him more suspicious.
... Also, who was the traitor in the first game?
And what happened to her because of all the infighting?
I doubt Makoto or Asahina especially want another Sakura situation happening.
"We can restrain them."
"Yeah, with your Super High School Level Luck, big shot .
Juzo...that's not how insults work.
"I'm not as easy to manipulate as Junko Enoshima."
WHAT?! 🤣Im sorry what???
There are many, MANY words to describe the chaotic mess of a human being that was Junko fucking Enoshima.
Easy to manipulate, are not those words.
I'm sorry... have you met, Junko?
In what world, is she easy to manipulate!??
Did you even watch the first game?
And he just hit Ryota... Fuck this guy man.
Talking about being in a war zone when he's acting like the big shot high-school bully.
I get your friend is dead and that's upsetting but let's be real my dude you'd be the asshole here either way.
There's no need for any of this.
This is what Monkuma wants and your playing into his hands.
There's always a big tough guy who has to be the asshole, to show he's strong when he's just as scared as everyone else.
Picking on people weaker than you doesn't make you tough, it makes you pathetic.
.... And because of your actions you've killed Ruruka because his forbidden action was "witnessing violence by participants."
Way to go, tough guy.
No one wants to share their forbidden action.
It's the "embarrassing memories" and the motive videos all over again.
And we all know how those ended.
Oh.. we're gonna just vote the person out straight away? With no evidence or anything?
Sure because that's a good idea? Munakata you are supposed to be smarter than this.
And it's not anonymous either... You're just creating tension.
I'll say it, the high schoolers handed this better than you guys.
He's totally gonna vote Makoto isn't he?
... Yup.
I can't imagine having such a disregard for human life that you're mentality is to kill everyone till you find the culprit.
Funnily enough, mass murder is not the answer.
Munakata saying Makoto understands that that the Remnants nerd to be eliminated at any cost.
... Like he didn't just go against that entirely.
Chisa, I know you're dead but you deserved better friends.
Gozu is officially my favourite member.
Dude shattered Juzo's knife with his bare hands.
Giving Sakura and Nekomaru vibes, the badass with a heart of gold.
And gas in the room, go go gooo.
... And Makoto is forbidden to run... Fucking hell.
Asahina got them muscles because she just piggybacks him away.
Concerned that Kyoko stayed behind.
The director of Hope's Peak telling someone violence isn't the answer.
Now I've heard it all.
Also he might not be Kirigiri but he giving them vibes.
Gozu continues to be the best person ever. Fighting Munakata one on one in the hallway.
Man we've got the ultimate wrestler vs the ultimate student council member.
I tell ya, fight of the century.
I'm sorry I can't take Munakata's talent seriously he sounds like the less cool version of Ishimaru.
Also Munakata your spitting bullshit.
How does killing, especially a person others care about stop despair?
That's like the textbook guide to causinh despair.
That's why the killing game happened and is happening now...Tf you on my dude?
Most unrealistic part of this is the future foundation lasting this long.
Annnd the floors caved in.
Makoto shutting the door the moment before Munakata threw his his knife.
And having Gozu in his side and carrying him.
Nice to see Makoto having some good luck here.
Even if... Yeah.
Times running on the bracelets.
I love the conversation between Asahina and Makoto. Telling her she's not alone, he and Kyoko are here.
They didn't know each other last time.
Now, they are a team.
And that, that's hope.
Plain and simple, it's knowing in your darkest hours you have something to hold onto to keep you going.
They might be in the worse situation on earth, again but they aren't alone this time.
They didn't have that before, not with each other.
It's something that the previous survivors are all banding together.
And the Future foundation members who have, because of the memory wipe, know each other longer.
And they have turned on each other.
Their split up, divided.
For an organisation built on the future, on hope.
They have none.
Not in each other, nor themselves.
I love Gozu adding into the conversation, remarking that Makoto was exactly the person he saw on the screen.
Because unlike Juzo's stupid ass, Gozu saw the killing game.
He saw that Makoto never gave up. Despite everything, he clung to that hope and inspired others.
It meant something to people, it changed lives.
Also him telling Makoto not to modest over his contribution, love this guy.
I love seeing the people who genuinely believe in Hope, who genuinely care for each other.
And than you have people like Munakata and Juzo who are just out for revenge and kill whoever disagrees with them.
I know Juzo says he's doing it for revenge but I don't believe him.
I believe Chisa's murder hurts him, but even if she hadn't died.
I can't see him being in this situation and not acting the way he is now.
Feels like an excuse, a justification to bring about his own perverse justice on whoever he wants.
And either way Chisa wouldn't be happy with either of them.
Makoto I love you but you're luck is more unhinged and complex than Nagito's.
It's not the best thing to rely on.
Times up.
I love how this just became the most dangerous game of Mafia.
.... NO
And the bloods literally on Makoto's hand so he looks the most sus.
What is this the first trial?
His face, oh Makoto... God this is Sayaka in the shower all over again.
They were just talking.
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Okay people. Whooooo boy. Uh. I'm. I'm gonna. Take. A day off...? From. Things. Tomorrow.
I'm gonna take a day off tomorrow.
Just. I haven't been feeling good at all today, lol. Even while playing Danganronpa, my thoughts kept going into my mind and plaguing it. I just. Don't feel great. I actually haven't been feeling great for a little while. Like. Four or three days while, lol.
So, I think right now, I should give myself a break from posting and texting others. Just take time to myself. (I'll probably only interact with my friend as she kinda makes me feel a bit better usually.) But yeah.
That is all.
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funishment-time · 3 months
🔵 Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Game Development & Sequels
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading too much misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: How is the progress of the new work?
A: The game is progressing at a rapid pace with the death march. But it is a death march.
NOTE: From the date of posting, we can assume the above refers to The Hundred Line, which was not fully announced until June 2024. However, that's just an assumption.
Q: How do the death games you have released so far get through the ratings system?
A: I try to recognize and avoid expressions that are not appropriate to use.
Q: i have a question! will there be more raincode games?
A: I would like to.
Q: What is the likelihood that you will really create an online killer training game that both adults and children will enjoy?
A: 0% which is as close to 100% as possible.
NOTE: Likely the above refers to a game idea Kodaka had where you train someone into becoming a serial killer.
Q: Are there plans to make a sequel to Rain Code?
A: I'd love to do that...! Please support me...!
Q: Are there plans for a new Danganronpa release? I've loved it for a long time❗️♡
A: Thank you very much! Plans…? Thank you very much!
NOTE: Please take this with a grain of salt, but Kodaka's use of 予定, yotei, for "plans," is interesting here. My manager tells me that if someone says yotei they intend to do something and/or are actively working on pulling it together. If our understanding is correct, this could mean...well, a lot of different things, but does tell us at the very least he wants to do more Danganronpa.
Q: It would be interesting to see a battle game using characters from Danganronpa or Rain Code, but will there be any games in the future that use characters from Danganronpa or Rain Code in genres other than mystery games?
A: I'd like to try it, but there doesn't seem to be a demand for it...
Q: If it's OK to ask a second question, I'd like to hear about the stories behind the casting of each cast member in Danganronpa and Rain Code.
A: Generally, we choose from the sound company's selection or candidates, but on rare occasions we specify the cast. For almost all roles in Rain Code, we held auditions and selected the cast.
Q: When playing the Danganronpa series and Rain Code, I feel like there is a lot of impressive music, but what kind of image did you have in mind when ordering the music? Also, do the impressions of the finished music ever have an influence on the game's production? I'd love to know if you don't mind!
A: I just roughly present the direction and leave it up to Takada. I've liked Takada ever since he was making songs with Grasshopper, so I don't reject any of his songs. Although I might use them in a different way.
NOTE: Masafumi Takada's behind all the bomb-ass music in DR and Rain Code.
Q: Is there a possibility of a sequel to Akudama Drive?
A: I think there is! If you haven't already watched it, please do!
Q: Is there a follow-up story to Danganronpa v3? Also, is v3 the end of the Danganronpa series?
A: I'll do a crowdfunding campaign to motivate myself…Just to motivate. The reward is to make a sequel. lol
Q: May I please ask again? 🙏 Are you working on any unannounced projects? Or what project or projects should your fans be most excited for? I am a big fan of yours, and I want to thank you on behalf of all your fans for all the creative works you and your friends have brought into the world! 🌎 🗺
A: We are working on all kinds of works at the same time. First of all, a collaborative work by kodaka and Uchikoshi will be unveiled soon.
NOTE: Again, from the date of posting and the reference to Uchikoshi, we can assume the above refers to The Hundred Line, which was not fully announced until June 2024.
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: What are your plans for the future of Danganronpa? Something I’ve been wanting to ask in particular is if there were any ideas for possibly rantaros game or maybe a v3 animation? :3
A: I don't know what will happen to Danganronpa since Spike Chunsoft has the rights to it. But personally, I would like to make it someday.
Q: Would you like to see your games in more languages? Along with English, Rain Code was released in French, Italian, German and Spanish. I'm Brazilian and I'd really like to see your games in Portuguese! Maybe even with voices in Portuguese, too...
A: I want to translate as many languages as possible in the game. And I want to visit many countries.
🥬 APRIL 2024:
🌺 MAY 2024:
☀️ JUNE 2024:
Q: Did you have any difficulties with CERO while creating Dangaronpa and Raincode?
A: V3 was canceled in South Korea right before its release, and when we tried to do a parody of Jibanyan with Jibakuma, the company stopped us.
NOTE: Jibanyan is a character from Yo-Kai Watch. CERO is the organization that applies age ratings to games etc in Japan.
🎇 JULY 2024:
Q: will a character introduction trailer be released soon for last defence academy? Also, can you tell a little about Suminos personality (not spoilers ofc)? 🙈
A: Wait a little longer! They are all wonderful characters!
Q: Mr. Kodaka, do you have a policy when deciding on character names? What I think is amazing about Danganronpa is that you take impossible surnames in real life, like Fukawa and Pekoyama, and mix them with common words like river and mountain to make them less incongruous, so I'd like to know if you have any other policies when deciding on names.
A: We put a lot of importance on the sound and the appearance of the names. But we changed them a few times along the way. We can't know the balance between normal-sounding names and strange names until all the names are finalized.
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augustmourn · 1 year
getting to know others better meme
tagged by @hearthouses <3 <3
last song: howlin' for you by the black keys, but a more accurate answer would be that i've been listening to infinity on high on repeat for a few weeks now and have been forcing myself to listen to other spotify playlists so it's not *just* fall out boy in my brain
currently watching: watching Euphoria season 2 with @hearthouses and @ladyculebras, but otherwise not really watching anything. oh, i guess yellowjackets, but i haven't watched an episode in a couple of months...
currently reading: scholomance series by naomi novik! i'm tearing through the last book currently, and i absolutely love the worldbuilding in this series. i can't even really pin down why; i just really love it, and it's breaking through how diffcult i find reading right now, so that's really nice. i'm also reading american gods and [historical/nonfiction book relating to a topic i'm only interested in because it's my job and if i didn't have some kind of fascination with it i would be completely miserable]
current obsession: danganronpa. scholomance is pushing it out of my brain right now, but i'm still obsessed and working up the nerve to play the third game despite the dire warnings LMAO
tagging @witchoil @el-michoacano @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l @jaimehwatson (no pressure!!) and anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
Hello again! I'm the person who asked about that line form Island Mode said by Kazuichi. So i guess the translation was right after all! Your explanation makes sense, I've read somewhere that in japanese he uses a particular way of speaking that's typical of 'cool teenage boys', and that it's one of those nuances that's a bit hard to translate to other languages. Apparently, it's the same for a lot of other Danganronpa characters way of speaking as well.
The 'Dating Sim' modes have a lot of silly stuff ^^ Like, for example, both Leon and Mondo complain that they don't know how you're suppossed to eat a hamburguer without making a mess, I've seen some funny fanart of that xD (if you're curious there are some compilation videos on youtube, so you don't have to play the whole game, and the wikis as well)
Hajime doesn't exactly say 'let's burn the books', that's true ^^;; (I probably should have just copy pasted the real dialog form the wiki), but you can make him and the other protags say some WEIRD things, I like to imagine that after saying things that are out of character like that they just stand there blinking for a couple of seconds and then go 'huhhhh???? why did I say that????' and the other character just says 'you're asking ME???' xD
Thank you for such a long and detailed answer, your english is really good! I want to learn japanese myself but it's quite difficult ^^;; , but seeing people like you who speak japanese and english inspires me and makes me want to keep trying ^^ that's why I enjoy reading your posts =)
Exactly, including Kazuichi, many of the characters in Danganronpa speak in a way that is typical of teenagers or in a more unique way, so I think it's quite difficult to translate them! X(
OMG, I didn't know Leon and Mondo had such silly stories, how cute and typical of a teenager! ehehe XD Actually, I love the Dating Sim mode and have seen all the endings in Island Mode in DR2 and Dangan Salmon Team in DRV3. Since there is no completion list for Island Mode, I don't have any records of completing it, but everyone has reached level 9 in Gathering and Cleaning to get more than half of the levels to 9.
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As for Dangan Salmon Team:
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But I have not played School Mode yet! 😭 The reason is that I played DR:THH on the original PSP version, and School Mode didn't exist at that time. Now I have the Nintendo Switch and iPad versions of DR:THH, which have School Mode, but I thought that if I were to replay it, I would like to play the English and Japanese versions at the same time, but I haven't had time to do that yet. So you told me how to see the dialog online, but I'll save it for when I actually get around to playing it. But now that you've told me about Leon and Mondo, I'm really looking forward to playing it, so I think I'll finally do it next month! ✨
RIGHT, making the protagonists say weird things is one of the great joys of the Dating Sim modes! 😆😆 It's pretty crazy that when Hajime goes to the beach, he can suggest "Let's take our clothes off" to anyone. hehe And it's so funny and cute how the protagonists have regrets after saying those things to someone. 😄
I'm very happy to hear that my posts have motivated you to learn Japanese! Actually, my English skills are not very good, using some AI grammar checkers is essential, and my listening and speaking skills are low. (I'm not being modest. I have taken some online English lessons, but even then my evaluation was at the lower end of intermediate level). Still, I enjoy communicating in English, so even if people don't have wonderful Japanese skills and have to rely on machine translation, I hope they feel free to try using Japanese. It's still a fun experience to try using a language other than your native language and communicate with someone far away. Language is a great reflection of culture, so it's also interesting to learn about the cultural background. Annnd it's even more interesting when it's related to the background of your favorite characters! XD So if you learn something about Japanese, you can try sending it to me 😉 (This is not just for the anon who sent this question, but for everyone!) Thank you so much for always reading my posts! (*,,˃ ᵕ ˂ )・.。*
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bobombun · 8 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
I got tagged by @skuitti like two months ago, and kept forgetting, but here I am! So, ten characters I enjoy, in no particular order
Alphinaud Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV. He is my brother, he is my son, and I love him to death. Ride or die. The assistance to his artisticness. In ARR he starts off overly sure of himself, and I have a weakness for characters like that, and then he grows from uh, that little experience in post-ARR and keeps learning about the world and how to live in it. A bleeding heart, though I'm sure he'd put it in different terms. He's way too smart for his own good, buddy needs to stop getting involved in every project in existence, but then he wouldn't be Alphinaud, I suppose.
Seere from Drakengard 1. He's kind in a world that offers little solace to those whose strength comes from kindness and compassion, and despite going through all that happens in DoD1, he doesn't lose that compassionate heart in DoD2.
Masumi Usui from A3! (the game, I never watched the anime). I have a fondness for character types like him, who love someone with their whole being and then some. Though he also tries to understand why the one he loves thinks it's unhealthy, and reflects on it, which I appreciate, since it's a bit less common to see in media with characters like him.
Byleth Eisner from Fire Emblem Three Houses (disclaimer: I only finished the Golden Deer ending). I actually love silent protagonists, and I thought it was fun how the game gave us a reason the MC didn't emote much. Yet the game allowed Byleth to mourn properly instead of glossing over that whole thing, which I also really appreciated. A low-emotion character was allowed to show their emotions, and not thought of as weird for it. I also thought it was sweet how throughout the game Byleth learns to show their emotions more, and seems to become happier than before. I also see myself in them somewhat, so there is that.
Atton Rand from Knights of the Old Republic II. He's fun, he's sassy, and he's always got the one-liner for the job. Despite that, he struggles with his past, and is hard to dig out the truth from, which I thought was a nice contrast. Every time I play KOTOR2 I have him in my team.
Gundham Tanaka from Super Danganronpa 2. He's such a fun character to play around with and ponder about. He's eccentric, and not afraid to show that. Unapologetic about being who he is, and yet he clearly has some issues I'd love to explore. I so badly want to learn how the world he's constructed in his head works, I want a guided tour and a pamphlet.
Infinite the Jackal from Sonic Forces. Now listen. He's cool, he's edgy, and over-the-top. What more could you want in a villain? If I had the money and the know-how, I'd love to make a proper cosplay of him.
Piers from Pokémon Sword and Shield (I've only played the game, I haven't seen the anime). He looks like a depressed raccoon, and moves in such slouchy arcs I can't help but relate. I respect and admire his attitude, in how he's ready to give hell to anyone who's trying to force him to conform, and how he goes his own way as much as he can without outright breaking the rules.
Albedo from Genshin Impact. I enjoy and relate to his calm but teasing personality, as well as how curious he is about everything. I find his lore interesting, and would love to hear more about it all. Besides that, I also really like the Dragonspine mountain, so that might've made me like him more. If I ever get back into Genshin, I'll try to pull for his constellations, he's like the most built character I have.
Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter (I stopped reading at around when the gang heard about the Dark Continent). I don't really have an explanation as to why I like him, I just remember him being instantly my favourite out of the main team. I did find it somewhat funny though how when he's traveling with Gon & Co. he's really enjoying himself, but when he's out and about by himself, he is absolutely miserable, and wallowing in rage. Poor guy needs a break. I actually almost made my first ever cosplay him, but ended up not doing that. Maybe if I ever pick up HxH again, I'll get inspired to do that. His robe looks so comfortable, and I'd love to wear the chain "glove" he has. Man, now that I've said that, I feel like going back to reading HxH (maybe re-read it?) just for him. Maybe this time I'll get past where I left off, which I've done twice now.
All in all, to become a character I like, you have to either be difficult to parse/be mysterious, be low-emotion, be fun, or be goth.
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