#i heard that in the other translations he's not as harsh though so like.......
paimonial-rage · 1 year
i've never used ff.net before, but i get that feeling of people interacting with your fic from ages ago. i used to write on wattpad and i occasionally get emails of activity. boggles my mind.
i love Sharing A Drink They Call Loneliness. the title itself is already chef's kiss. i mentioned in my tags that reader is a great foil for zhongli. teaching him that a life forgotten is not a life wasted is so interesting, especially for someone who lived for thousands of years and has mentioned concerns of stories being lost to time. there is an ounce of truth in it for a human: just because they are forgotten it didn't mean they didn't live their life wastefully.
kind of jealous at people who can just "hear" characters in their head. i have a lot of difficulty with that but maybe i haven't put enough effort? i can vouch that your dialogue is entertaining, kekek. is there a specific reason why you can't write kaeya?
you're right about vilifying people who have hurt you. life is never that simple as much as we want it to be. not that oversimplification is bad, but oversimplification without acknowledgment of complexities is just wishful thinking--to me. i think that's also the area of mental illness people can't romanticise, so it's rarely talked about even though such mental states and its effects are very real.
you briefly mentioned writing a thoma x reader exploring this theme and i am so down bad for it. i AGREE. i've shared this with my friends but thoma is very lucky he found himself in a loving family. his sense of loyalty can go so wrong in bad hands, and i don't think the kamisatos are that innocent either. i mean, hyv probably want to portray them as such, but fanfiction is transformative work for a reason, haha.
omg 4 goals... i wish you all the best with yae's fic. it's definitely a double-edge sword not having a clear picture of what you're going to write. may 2023 be a year we finish a portion of our wips, haha. -- @milkstore
It just boggles me. Why are people reading fics from so long ago? Are they that deprived of cringe content??? I don’t have any works on Wattpad though… which probably is a good thing. There’s a lesser chance of them being found on a dying site… :’)
And despite whatever I say, Sharing a Drink They Call Loneliness is actually my favorite fic. I love having convos like that with my friends. You’re completely right about reader being a foil. Whenever I see Zhongli, I always felt that like… he needs a friend, one that only knows him as Zhongli, and one that can give a different frank point of view. I’m excited to write the companion piece to that one, But It’s Better Than Drinking Alone. But I’m still trying to work out everything in my head. It takes place after his second character quest.
While I can hear character’s voices in my head, I’m definitely not the best at figuring out how they’ll even respond in the first place. If I know how they’ll respond, I can figure out how they’ll word their response. For Kaeya, I NEVER know how he’ll respond to things. So reading your Kaeya fics, it’s just so fascinating. You write him in a way that has me like, “I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!!” It’s so in character. I love it!
And you’re completely right about the oversimplifying without addressing the complexities. With mental illness too, it’s easy for people to whine about how much it affects them, but it’s rare people look at the effect their mental illness(es) have on others. Or at look at it objectively and not in the eyes of “oh I hate myself so much I’m a burden :’((((((“
For that Thoma story I want to write, you’re completely right. I don’t think the Kamisatos are as innocent as they make them out to be. I feel Ayaka is aware of everything, but Ayato… Have you ever read his line about preferring dogs? I’m sure all of his servants and the Shuumatsuban are extremely loyal, but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be raised like that. Children naturally want praise and they’ll try their best to achieve it. So to devote their life so loyally only to be treated as nothing better than a dog in the end. And then on top of that for such a favored position of housekeeper and close confidant to be given to a foreigner? I imagine it’d break a person.
And thank you for the best wishes!!! Not having a clear view is killing me. I may write it and then put in a deleted scene…… Idk…. orz DO YOUR BEST TOO.
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Answering two asks in this haha
I know right??? People that can write a full story with only a few words… It’s a power that I do not possess. Especially one that has a very satisfying ending and achieves the right level of emotional impact. Even though you deleted your Kaveh fic, I really loved the way you illustrated the reader’s mental state. You didn’t state it clearly, but painted the scene clearly of anxiety-induced stagnancy and how it gets worse the more you stay stagnant.
I really need to do research on romance tho haha. Like… When I first started writing that Zhongli fic, people sent messages wanting there to be romance and I remember sitting there like… “I didn’t write this with romance in mind….” Honestly I have a hard time seeing him pursue a romance with a mortal, let alone any romance in the first place. As of right now, I still am not sure how I want it to end or if I’m capable of having it have a more intimate end. I’ll have to just see where it takes me. orz
And thank you for the offer for beta reading! I actually will take you up on that. I just need to find the time to message you. I swear I have a discord but I always forget to hop on it. I know I said I’d message you a while back, but I still plan on doing it!!!! I just have to get over the fear of sending a message and being like, “Hello, sorry my wips are a tangled mess…. :’))))” I’m just shy lol orz
You mentioned love triangles in your reply to my ask and like… Harems and love triangles are on the same level for me. I will respect your right to torture yourself with harems. LOL I’ve actually lowkey seen a harem irl for myself and like… In love triangles and harems, the person everyone falls in love with are always clueless, but like… THAT JUST AIN’T REALISTIC IRL. Those people know exactly what they’re doing. They just like the attention too much to give it up.
That being said… That being said……….. When I see those things happening irl, I don’t really care. I can interact with all of those people just fine. They’re all usually very fun people. But somehow when it is in written format, my brain just explodes and I just, “AAUUUGHGHGHGHGH”
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neteyamssyulang · 5 months
❅ Passion’s Price ❅
❅ 400 Follower Special ❅
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❅ Pairing: So’lek x Fem omaticaya reader x Neteyam aged up ❅
❅ Summary: All you had to do was listen, but you didn’t. Now you suffer the punishment.
❅ Warnings: Dom So’lek, Dom Neteyam, Sub Reader, P in V, Oral (N receiving).
❅ Word count: 452 ❅
❅ Translation(s): Paskalin -> Honey, Syulang -> Flower, yawntusyíp -> Darling, Yawne -> Beloved.
❅ A/N: The smut might be shit so I apologize
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When it came to sharing, your men were pretty good at it, they never fought over you or anything. For the past couple days though, you've been on punishment since you couldn't follow one simple order.
Don't touch yourself.
So when your mates came back home early from hunting you knew you were fucked.
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Everything's trashed in the kelku from you trying to get away from your mates, Neteyam lunges at you while So'lek tries to corner you.
"Come on paskalin" So'lek taunted "You know you can't get away forever." Neteyam only chuckled adding  "He is right princess, sooner or later we will claim our prize."
Deciding to make a break for it you run towards the flap of the kelku almsot reaching it before being pulled back into a hard chest.
Neteyam held you close to him, his face burried into the side of your neck inhaling your sweet scent. "You know darling, we were going to go easy on you this time, but since you want to act like a brat I do not think you deserve it."
So'lek now stood infront of you "I think we should teach our little syulang a lesson, what do you think Teyam?" He purred looking behind you at the other male.
A dark chuckle rumbled through Neteyam's chest "I think we shall" with that So'lek grabbed you from Neteyam placing you down onto the cot. "Strip, then present for us yawntusyíp" So'lek commanded.
Not wanting to get into more trouble you obeyed, stripping from your clothes then moving onto your stomach with your ass in the air and back arched just the way they like it.
Both men groaned at the sight of your already drenched pussy, slick leaking down your thighs.
You heard them shuffling behind you as they frantically took off their tewngs, So’lek moved behind you while Neteyam got on his knees infront of you.
“Open” Neteyam spoke while tapping his cockhead against your lips, you shook your head no while narrowing your eyes up at him “It was one time ma’teyam, it will never happen again.”
Sighing he shared a glance with the male behind you, your hairless brows furrowed in confusion before a scream left your lips.
Taking the chance, Neteyam slid his cock into your mouth “Do not bite me” he warned, his left hand held your cheek while his right went to your hair making a makeshift ponytail.
So’lek grunted as he began moving, his harsh thrusts pushing you deeper onto Neteyam’s cock causing you to gag on it.
"Now that's a good girl" So'lek praised, Neteyam groaned moving his hips forward now matching So’lek’s thrusts "Our good little yawne."
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buttered-my-biscuits · 6 months
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Fever Kisses
(A/N); First, I’d like to apologize to everyone for falling off the face of the earth this last YEAR. I’ve been diagnosed as Immunocompromised, so it’s been a fun ride catching every single cold known to man :’) Currently getting over a 3-week long cold, and I’m Miserable, so I need a healthy dose of our favorite dwarven brothers. — This is also my 1st Fic/Drabble ever, so here goes nothing!
Summary: A wet rainy night proves no challenge for dwarves or hobbits. The same, however, cannot be said for humans.
Pairings; Kili x Reader, Fili x Reader
Warnings; Fevers/Sickness, Very soft and fluffy fluff, with a bit of angst and drama.
Ibrizinlêkh: Sunshine
Bunnel: Treasure of All Treasures
The rain poured harder than ever before, showing no mercy to the trees, the bees, and certainly no dwarves.
The dark and stormy clouds blanketed the skies, casting shadows amongst the rolling hills. Soaked to the bone, through cloaks and tunics, still the company of Thorin Oakenshield trudged on.
Dwarrow are hardy folk; cold and damp environments bothering them none. Humans on the other hand, however, do not share the same trait.
(Y/N) found herself at the back of the line, trudging her way through ankle-deep mud, her arms wrapped around herself in hopes of holding onto whatever warmth was left. Kili stayed close, whereas Fili opted to lead the pack side-by-side with Thorin.
Quiet conversation could be heard from certain members of the company, including the one beside you. Kili regaled you with his adventures with the Blue Mountains and how Fili had scored a 5-point Buck with a single throw of a dagger, enhancing his story with wild gesturing hand movements.
“— And man, you should have seen Amad’s face when we got back with the buck! I daresay she had never looked more proud!” Kili boasted properly. “…(Y/N)?”
You looked up, meeting his soft honey eyes, not realizing you had stopped in movement. “(Y/N), are you alright? Are you tired?” Kili took a step towards you, concern etching its way onto his face. You stared at him, a strange, skin-crawling feeling rolling up your spine, a harsh shiver wracking your frame.
Kili closed the short distance between you, his hand gently landing on your arm before repeating his question. Only, this time, as the sound hit your ears, it sounded as though he were not speaking Common Speech at all. Your face scrunched in confusion, before it hit you. You felt a gasp rip through you as you quickly grabbed hold of Kili’s tunic, your legs feeling as though they were to give out. Your vision swirled as though you were one with a tornado, nausea quickly settling in.
Beyond the ringing of your ears, you could hear Kili yelling something, before the shadows of the others came into your peripherals. You tried to breathe, feeling the weight of a thousand bricks upon your chest — you felt as though you were suffocating; your vision began to darken with infectious black spots. Increasing your hold on Kili’s tunic as one last whimper escaped, you felt yourself fall.
“…(Y/N?)” Kili called back to you, having paused in his story at your stillness. He closed the distance between you two, lying his hand on your arm. He called to you once more, only to be met with confusion. He found himself mirroring your expression, if but only for a moment, before that expression quickly turned to terror as your body seized.
One arm shot out to hold up your weakening frame, the other gripping your arm tightly. “Uncle!” Kili shouted, his panicked tone ringing through the air. One look back from both Fili and Thorin had them sprinting to the back of the line.
“What happened to her?” Fili inquired while quickly reaching out with the goal of steadying you. His fear quickly grew as your weak frame shuddered one last time, before alast going limp. Barely catching you in time, he quickly hauled you upwards into his arms, your head lolling heavily against his chest.
Thorin laid his hand upon your too-warm forehead, quietly cursing in Khuzdul. “We need to find shelter. Now!” Thorin barked at the others, watching as they quickly scrambled towards the rocky cliff side.
Safely inside the dry remains of the cavern, a fire was hastily made while Fili and Kili worked to lay out a bedroll for you. Oin frantically dug through his pack, looking for his medicines and ailments as Thorin dug through his own looking for anything dry.
“We need to get her into dry clothes. This will do for now.” Thorin held out an oversized, but dry Tunic.
Fili and Kili shared a look, waiting for their Uncles’ instructions. Surely he didn’t expect them to undress her? Sensing his nephews hesitance, Thorin grumbled under his breath. “All of you. Turn away, now!” Thorin barked once more, before shedding your jacket. Together with his nephews, they worked to undress you, much to said nephews embarrassment.
Moments later, you lay peacefully upon a bedroll, clothed by nothing more than Thorin’s tunic, and a blanket modestly wrapped around your lower half.
Oin knelt beside you, lifting your head gently as he pressed a small glass vial to your lips. “Come on lass, swallow it down.” Oin quietly prayed, pouring the liquid onto your tongue, before sighing with relief at the sight of your body naturally swallowing the rather horrible tasting liquid.
“And now we wait.”
You were floating through the air — clouds more specifically. You were sure of it. You breathed in deeply through your nose, smelling the distinct smell of… a campfire? Surely not in the clouds…
You forced your heavily eyelids to open, finding yourself looking up at a pair of dwarves, whom were sitting side-by-side, heads leaning against one another as they both slept peacefully.
You attempted to recall how you got in said dwarves’ lap, but your brain felt far too mushy and not up to the task. You brought your hand up to Fili’s arm, with the intention of pulling yourself up. However upon doing so, you found yourself with not even enough strength to close your fist around said arm. Grumbling slightly, you tried again.
“Would you like some help?” A tired voice whispered beside you, causing you to jump. You looked up to see ice blue eyes peering back at you, a soft smile creeping their way into them.
At your silence, Fili brought his hand to your forehead once more, clicking his tongue at his findings. “You still have a fever. You need to rest more.” Fili pawed at your blanket, bringing it farther up your body, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Here, Fee. Get her to drink some water.” Kili, awakened at the commotion, handed Fili an opened canteen. Slowly, Fili helped you sit up with a hand at your back, the other bringing the canteen to your lips. You sighed at the feeling of the cold liquid sliding down your throat; Refreshing. A few sips and Fili lowered it, much to your dismay. “Not too much at once, Ibrizinlêkh.” He chuckled, handing it back to Kili.
Swiping your tongue over your now moist lips, you sighed contentedly and closed your eyes, before shimmying back down to rest your head upon Fili’s chest once more.
Eventually, quiet conversation broke out between the two brothers, offering you distraction while you rested your heavily eyelids. Before long though, you found yourself peering back up at them, breaking said conversation as they both returned your gaze, a sight of content and fondness donning their faces.
Without thinking, you found yourself gripping Fili’s outer coat, raising yourself up to his chin. Using your other hand, you placed it on the back of his neck, gently guiding his nose to rest alongside your own. Instinctively Fili closed his eyes upon the close proximity; you gently lifted your head slightly, to rub your nose along his. Up, down. Up, down. And a third time, before resting your forehead against his. “Thank you…” You whispered quietly, before pulling back to reveal a stunned look upon his face. Had your brain not been mush, you surely would have laughed.
Looking to his right, you found Kili staring, dumbfounded at your stunt. Chuckling, you reached for his cheek. Despite his confusion, Kili leaned forward until his nose lay along side yours. Up, down. Up, down. A third time. Slowly, intimately.
Pulling back, you found yourself wearing a content smile, theirs quickly mirroring your own. “Goodnight” you offered softly, before settling back down into Fili’s arms.
“Goodnight… Ibrizinlêkh.”
“Goodnight, Bunnel.”
As the sun climbed over the horizon, you stretched comfortably, before opening your eyes. Once again, you found yourself peering upwards at a pair of blue eyes, alongside a pair of honey-brown.
“Good morning you two!” You yawned.
“Good morning (Y/N)” Kili returned,
“Good morning.” Fili whispered softly.
The company worked to pack up camp after each companion ensuring your health, before Thorin set them off once more.
Beginning your steps, you were stopped by a couple of hands — one upon your wrist, and the other on your arm. “(Y/N), can we ask you something?” Turning to meet both Fili and Kili’s eyes, yours in question. “Last night… you had… uhm.” Kili started, looking to his brother for assistance.
Fili touched his own nose, before continuing: “you had rubbed your nose with ours… what does that mean?”
You quickly found yourself stifling a laugh behind your hand, furthering their confused expressions. “Did I offer you both one? I’m sorry! My fever must have did away with my manners… it’s called an Eskimo Kiss. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday, both of you.” You grabbed each of their hands, offering a quick squeeze before turning back and following the others.
Fili and Kili found themselves standing there, baffled, before your words soaked in. The next sight, was picture worthy… Their faces quickly resembled that of a strawberry.
“An Eskimo Kiss?!” They squealed, quickly chasing after you.
I wrote this on the fly, on my phone at 3AM, as I personally have my own fever, so if this is horrendous to read, I blame my fever.
I do not have a Beta, nor did I honestly proof this before posting… but regardless, I hope y’all enjoy! This wasn’t supposed to be this long, but, that’s how fics/drabbles are supposed to go, right?
Goodnight and to the doctors I go!
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violettelueur · 2 years
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SUMMARY. being alhaitham does make locals of sumeru question your sanity but the second you feel his touch, you no longer worry about anything but him.
CHARACTER(S). alhaitham
PRONOUNS. she/her (does say 'lady')
TW/CONTEXT. use of pet names (dear, princess), small bit of sensual activities
AUTHOR NOTE. so a lot of things have happened, the new chainsaw man trailer is out and aki looks handsome as always. the genshin livestream, where so much more lore was gifted and i am excited for alhaitham and cyno's fight and the jujutsu kaisen season two visual where the SSS trio look amazing as well (suguru the love of my life looks handsome as always). also i know the ending is bad so please don’t comment on that…ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ
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If you were to ask someone about Alhaitham, they would look at you perplexed before giving you a harsh critique of the man.
“Alhaitham is a genius, don’t get me wrong, but he’s too robotics…”
“Be careful of Alhaitham, he is a very rational person. However, he’s not a good person to be friends with!”
“Alhaitham…I hate people who think they are better than others, just because they are part of the Akademiya.”
However, if you were to ask the residents of Sumeru about the lady who seemed to be alway by his side (more like he was by hers), there would be a sudden turn of opinions.
“Miss Y/N is a wonderful person, even though she is so busy being the manager at Puspa Cafe, she still helps alot of the students with their work!”
“The manager is a one of a kind, so patient with the elderly and quite welcoming with travelers, definitely has the hearts of the Sumeru people.”
“Y/N is a very smart person, so I don’t know why she disappeared from the Akademiya, but the fact that she is with Alhaitham is…weird…”
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“I don’t think working at the cafe is efficient for you, dear.”
Looking up from his papers, Alhiatham’s eyes steadily met yours before he tiredly leaned back on the wooden chair while letting out a prolonged sigh, as if he was holding in his breath for quite some time. From what you could recall, your acting manager was quite desperate to call you for help due to the sudden high workload leading you to ask one of the students to relay a message to Alhaitham that you weren’t able to see him today…only to suddenly find him seated in the corner of the cafe once the busy hours had come to a slowdown.
“It’s fine, I was…worried when I heard you couldn’t come,” Alhaitham confessed before you pull a chair to sit next to him.
Softly smiling, you could help but coo over your lover’s worries over you before looking down at the papers that were displayed in a disordered fashion. Writings upon writings on linguistics and translations of different pieces of literature brought some memories of the time when you were at the Akademiya...but that was a story for another time. “Do you want some coffee, it seems you have been here for a while,” you asked before raising your hand to gently caress his cheek with the back of your fingers - letting a pinkish hue rise upon his cheeks if you looked closely enough.
Physical affection with Alhaitham was something that was somewhat evident in your relationship, the people of Sumeru can confirm that due to the amount of time they have seen you both out together. Yet if you had a proper conversation with your lover about this topic, you both would agree that you both weren’t the affectionate type.
Taking your hand in his, Alhaitham lightly placed a kiss on your inner palm before lingering a bit longer than needed - maybe it was because of the longer time you both were separated today, you weren’t so sure?
“I’m fine, it seems like you were quite busy…I don’t want you to tire yourself out,” Alhaitham answered before going back to his papers to continue with his project. Nevertheless, when you cast your gaze down, you noticed how his and your hand was still intertwined on the table.
“Well, I’m going to make you one anyways and I might as well bring some baklava for the both of us,” you suggested before getting up from your seat while noticing how Alhaitham’s grip tightened. Even though he didn’t say anything, you had the knowledge that he didn’t want you to go, but he needed to be taken care of after waiting for you for a few hours.
“I’ll be back in 10 minutes max, I promise I won’t be long,” you reassured the scribe before beginning to depart to prepare the snack you had planned...Yet even when you were walking away, you still couldn’t help but want to relish on his touch just a little longer. Even as you were going away, your intertwined hands were still gently held on to each other, telling each other that it wasn't time to let go yet...maybe just a little longer. However, distance had to become your enemy as it was too great for your arms to reach, leaving your hands to gradually disconnect from one another, leaving you both to miss the affection already.
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The Akademiya. If you could avoid it, you simply would. However, with your history with the prestigious institute, there was simply no way you could steer clear of it anytime soon - especially when you were friends with the famous Lisa Minci, who also graduated with you in advanced studies.
Still, when Alhaitham invited you to keep him company or to help him with something…you never refused. Even if it meant you both were going to sit in silence while he worked and you read, you still accepted his offer to go to the Akademiya to keep him company.
Students will confess to you that they were surprised to see you at the institution, but they would be more confused about how Alhaitham would be there with you since they're used to seeing him work alone. Although, within the same conversation, the female students in the cafe would gush how adorable you both were (a rare compliment for the Akademiya lunatic) since they would always notice how you both hold hands on the table, making them wish they had a school romance - something you actually never really realised.
At this moment in time, you were seated opposite to your lover while looking over the books and files he had laid out for you both to study since he was having “difficulty” understanding something and needed you to guide him to the conclusion. What a liar.
Yet without hesitation, you began to notice how Alhaitham’s arm was suddenly stretched out on the table, relaxing next to yours before his index finger steadily began to ghostly trace the shape of your fingers as if he was teasing or conveying a message that only you would understand. Deciding to ignore this, you continued to scan through the papers only to pause again, once you felt something tenderly taking a hold of your fingers, only to peer up again to find the ‘lunatic’ scribe acting like he wasn’t doing something that would make you embarrassingly tremble at if you weren't seated.
“Are you testing me?” he questioned with a raised eyebrow while putting away the book he was analysing to obtain another one.
“I don’t think I could call this testing…more of…making you want more?” you replied in a questionable tone, before grabbing another sheet of paper to study.
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“Thank you for the flowers, you really didn’t need to,” you smiled at the handsome scribe before holding the bouquet of Sumeru roses closer to your chest, as if you were embracing the joy and fondness you were feeling from Alhaitham’s gift. Even though, Alhaitham didn’t know why you were so cheerful by the gift he had presented, he couldn’t help but get you one every time he had a stop at Port Ormos leaving the vendor to be confused since they never really understood why the rational man would spend so much on different flowers every week. One week would be the commonly known Sumeru roses and the next it would be Liyue’s speciality of Qingxins - never caring about the price.
People at Port Omros were suddenly starting to notice the admirable interaction, as they were also bewildered by how the robotic man of the Akademiya was affectionately smiling down at the charming Puspa Cafe manager. Those your relationship was well known across Sumeru, it was still a surprise to see the couple in reality making you and Alhaitham become aware of the gazes and stares that were directed toward you both.
“Let’s go,” Alhaitham stated before placing his hand upon your lower back to guide you somewhere more private, where you would be more comfortable.
However, the eyes that were upon you didn't seem to matter anymore. The feeling of sudden warmth that Alhaitham's hand brought made you forget the displeasure that you were feeling just a few seconds ago. Yet, even when you knew this was something natural he was going...there was a small part of you that thought he knew the effect of his touch had on you.
“Are you teasing me?” you asked curiously causing the scribe to pause his stride before turning his head to look at you.
“Really? Is that what you think I’m doing after giving you flowers?” Alhaitham responded before his hand began to slowly travel upwards on your back, gently tracing the shape of your spine causing a spark of electo to ignite within you as you tense at his sudden action.
“In fact...yes I do,” you answer timidly as you began to pay attention to how his hand was now sensually travelling to the back of your neck, aware of how his thumb was now caressing the side of it, near behind your ear almost making you notice how Alhaitham was now steadily and masterfully making you weak within his arms.
Lowering his head down to your level, Alhaitham couldn’t help but place a lingering kiss upon the apple of your cheek before slowly moving towards the shell of your ear to place another, leaving you to slightly feel his breath. Smirking, Alhaitham noticed how your eyes were now closed, knowing that you were feeling lightheaded from the small pleasure he was gifting you with pride swelling up in his chest.
“If I was really teasing you, wouldn’t I be doing this instead?” he whispered, while pushing your hair aside to place another kiss upon your neck causing you to moan softly as you grabbed hold of the fabric of his shirt for support.
“Don’t drop the flowers princess…”
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© violettelueur 2022 - all rights are reserved to violettelueur. Do not repost, copy, change/modify, plagiarise, translate or screenshot my work : this will also include other social media/writing platforms like AO3, Wattpad, TikTok and many more.
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bbyquokka · 1 year
Skz members and thigh fcking? It can be dom or sub skz. I just feel like certain members would absolutely love the feel of fucking your squishy thighs :3
skz and thigh fucking!
warnings: gn reader, thigh fucking, dom/sub dynamics, public settings, established relationship, sadism (seungmin), degrading names, pet names, some possessiveness (minho), idol au, orgasm denial, semi proof-read. IF I MISSED ANY, LMK!! words: 1.7k ~ (1,767)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
the type to roll you on your side, regardless of where you are. sofa, bed, floor, he doesn't care, as long as he gets to feel your soft thighs caressing his cock. as long as he gets to feel your warmth and hear your soft whimpers and moans. he's also the type to do it whenever he feels like it. taking full satisfaction in using you for his own selfish reasons. he'd ignore your begs and soft pleas of wanting him to touch you, claiming he will only touch you when he has orgasmed. this only fuels you into working harder, moaning just that extra bit more, wiggling your hips against his, clenching your thighs and occasionally rub his tip. when he cums, it would typically coat your thighs and whatever surface you're both on, but it's not enough for him so he'd roll you onto your back and drive every single moan, whimper and beg out off your body until you're both exhausted (or until sunrise)
minho would spend his time in caressing your skin. he'd start by kissing and massaging your soft thighs, fingers digging into the soft flesh. he's so gentle and delicate to you, making your body tingle and belly feel excited from anticipation. don't get him wrong though, he is a possessive man who likes to mark what is his (even if the marks are hidden) teeth sinks into the flesh, harsh suckles as your skin turns purple and feels wet with saliva. minho would look up at you, a devilish smirk on his lips before ordering you to get on all fours. you do but instead of penetrating you like you'd expect him to, he would push your legs together, hold your hips and slowly push his cock between your thighs. the long moan that would emit from his lips is a new, foreign sound that you've never heard before. you dare look back and when you do, you see your usual, composed man slowly crumbling with each thrust and rub of his cock between your delicious thighs. his penis twitching, pre-cum leaking. lips parted as breathy moans and grunts escaped his throat. he'd hold himself, wanting to continue on and feel more and more of you. he'll never feel satisfied when it comes to you, his hunger only heightening until it become dangerous. 
much like chan, he doesn't care where or when. he wants you and he will have you. his favourite place to fuck your thighs, is in a changing room or public bathroom. he'd bend you over, your hands planted on the mirror or cold tiles. his pants and underwear below his knees, yours around your ankles. the reason he likes doing it in public so much, is because he likes watching you struggle to not make a sound. he loves how you desperately bite down on your lip too hard to the point where you'd draw blood. how even a slight moan or whimper could echo or cause the people around you to stop what they're doing and question “what was that sound?” if you're really struggling, he would cover your mouth and muffle your moans. most of the time though, he just likes watching you suffer. whilst fucking your thighs, he would play and do other things to highten your pleasure. fingers wrapped around your neck, playing with your nipples or sucking on his long fingers. sometimes it's too much for you both and you'd cum together, sometimes you cum without him even touching you and vise versa.
changbin is the type to be a switch. he loves every part of you and loves to dominate you. he loves grabbing your thighs and pulling you close to him, one hand in your hair, one hand on your hips as he sloppily thrusts between your thighs, but he likes it when you take control halfway through. when you demand him to slow down. when you call him degrading names like “slut” and “whore.” when you demand him to hold, denying him of his orgasm that's fast approaching with each degrading name you call him. your baby girl would feel so ashamed, so embarrassed when he would cum without your permission. he'd apologize profusely, begging for no punishment (even though he wants to be punished) you'd deny him of touch, your thighs are off limits, much to his dismay. he cannot touch you or himself until you say so and all poor binnie can do, is nod his head and agree with tearful eyes.
★﹐jisung .﹗﹑
he wants the thighs and he would do anything for the thighs. your thighs are his favourite part of your body. he loves seeing the elastic of your thigh highs dig into your skin creating a skindentation. he loves watching your thighs every time you wear a skirt or shorts. your thighs in jeans or sweatpants? he is a weak weak man. you know he likes your thighs and is weak to them, so you like to tease him. you  purposefully wear tight clothing that grip onto your thick thighs, watching jisung practically salivate. sometimes it gets too much for him to bear. his cock so hard, it hurts and strains against his clothing. he'd have to drag you somewhere and pull down your clothing whilst saying sorry over and over again. his hands shaky with need, his penis red and angry. you'd pretend to be mad at him but secretly, you love watching jisung crumble and succumb to his own need and lust. once his penis is between your plush thighs, he feels relief but it only takes a few thrusts before he is a crumbling, sobbing mess as his cum shoots out and soils your clothing.
you'd notice he is a little stressed. his dancing seemed off. he was making mistakes that he wouldn't normally make and would get annoyed very quickly. he's sexually frustrated due to being busy with the upcoming comeback. having you watch his every move and being dressed so beautifully is not helping the man to keep his composure. after the nth mistake, he'd mumble a “i can't fucking do this.” in an impatient tone as he'd grab your wrist and pull you up on your feet. he'd spin you around, hastily pull down your clothing. you'd try to protest but as soon as you see his lustful eyes staring at you via the dance room mirror, do you understand. soft kisses on your neck along with nibbles and sucks. his hands roaming along your thighs before gently parting them enough for him to slide his penis between them. he'd start off slow and steady, increasing his tempo as he feels the relief of pleasure wash over him in waves. hands playing with your nipples, teeth sinking into the back of your neck, he listens to your gentle moans. “we don't have much time. help me.” he'd beg. you'd nod and reach down, thumb rubbing his soaked head fast and rough. long, deep moans in your ears, his hips bucking and movements uncoordinated. you'd know he's close so you would place your hand in from of his cock and feel his cum shoot out on the palm of your hands. unfortunately, it would spill onto the floor and somehow land on the mirror causing you both to clean it up or get scolded by chan.
much like hyunjin, seungmin likes it more when he is aware there's people around. your hands would be clutching the cold metal of the bathroom sink, the door left unlocked on purpose by seungmin. he wants someone to walk in, he wants someone to see how you're not so innocent. he'd do anything and everything to make you moan louder and louder, his cock rubbing between your thighs. he'd pull your hair, bite on your earlobe, praise you and gently choke you. he'd do everything to drive out every single moan and whimper and make you be heard by the members. tear stained cheeks, clothing above the chest and below the knees, you'd beg for more but seungmin is a menace and would refuse. the painful ache growing and growing with each thrust to the point you're on the verge of tears. after hearing you beg and cry for more, he would pull his cock out from your thighs which would leave you all confused. you'd question him and when he'd say “i'll fuck you later.” do you cry. seungmin loves it when you cry, he loves making you crumble to this state. it's sadistic, he knows but he can't help looking at your crying face and see you beg and plead. tears rolling down your hot cheeks, broken sobs as you beg and beg and beg. his penis would twitch and leak before he himself, can't take no more. he'd pick you up by your ass, pin you to the bathroom door and penetrate you, fucking you against the bathroom door. if the members couldn't hear you both before, then can hear you both now.
he's experimenting. he wants to find out what he likes and doesn't like. he knows he loves your body and thighs but he wants to know what it feels like to have his penis between the soft flesh. he'd bring it up to you and you would happily agree, much to his relief. foreplay would be standard. kissing until you both struggle to breathe, nipples being played with until they are tender and swollen. hair being pulled and ruffled with love bites decorating each others skin. when the time would come, Jeongin would grab your legs by the ankles and hold them together and up. he'd slowly insert his penis between your thighs, letting your legs rest on his shoulder so he could look at you. it's not something he would expect. the sudden warmth he is welcomed by, the softness of your plush thighs that caress him so deliciously. you'd watch his every move, watch him go through every emotion. it'd make you feel giddy, watching Jeongin kiss your ankles and legs as he constantly thanks you for letting him do this whilst tightly holding onto your legs. the feeling is so new but good to him that he wouldn't last long. cum would shoot out onto your stomach and chest, catching you both by surprise. he'd fluster a deep shade of embarrassing red, letting go of your legs and grabbing some wipes to wipe away the cum. you'd say it's ok but he can't help but feel bad so he would pleasure and treasure you all night.
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note: it sort of rushed so i apologise for that :( but i hope it's enjoyable nonetheless! ‹3 remember, requests are closed but thoughts are open! pls leave feedback, reblog & enjoy ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng
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➜ Simon Riley x gn!reader
➜ 990 words, breakup angst
➜ finished an old piece real quick, it is very unedited but lets not talk abt that! Also unrelated but does anyone else feel like music videos have died...idek if that makes sense.
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You wanted to erase him from your mind. Make it as if he’d never existed and spare yourself the heart renching pain that burned your chest as you stared up at the ceiling blankly. The little memory’s of the two of you seemed to project themselves onto the dimly lit white plaster. Each one flashed in your mind like a slideshow. It felt as if someone was reaching into your chest and crushing your heart in their hand with each scene.  
This feeling of heartbreak was foreign to you, you’d never been so devastated over a breakup. So what made him so different?  
You didn’t know how to deal with this nauseating, gut renching pain that seemed to explode from every inch of your body. Your face was swollen from crying, eyes blood shot as they stung with fresh tears. Your body trembled in exhaustion, heavy sobs turning into pathetic whimpers.  
Your hands came up to cover your face as the tremors in your body amplified as another wave of grief hit you. 
He was only one person who could quell the pain you felt, but he was also the cause of it. All you needed was to hear his voice. That alone would be enough to soothe your broken heart. You were sure it wasn’t appropriate to call him. You knew very well it wasn’t. No one calls their ex. 
But your hand seemed to have a mind of its own though, leaving your face to rummage around your nightstand table. You barely heard the loud clatter through your cries as you pushed various items off your nightstand in a desperate search for your phone. Your fingers grazed over it shortly after pushing one of your perfume bottles over, and you greedily grabbed at it, renching it off the charging cord to unlock it.  
You have to squint against the harsh glare of the blue light, your tears obscuring the images displayed as you swiped onto his contact. You’d never hit call so fast in your life, clutching your phone like a life line as your mind begged him to pick up. You knew he wasn’t asleep, he rarely slept much to start with, and when he did he’d doze of around two or three am, never earlier. It was still only twelve.  
Time seemed to stretch on excruciatingly slowly with every ring, your whimpers becoming desperate and the tears flowing faster.  
Finally, after what felt like an eternity the ringing stopped abruptly and your phone beeped to signal he’d picked up. Your raw sob was ripped from you as you heard his gruff voice filter through the speaker.  
“Hello?” He sounded groggy; voice laced in exhaustion, but you couldn’t care.  
“Simon,” you choked out, your chest heaved, relief washing over you at the sound of his voice. 
From the other side of the phone his eyes widened, all hints of exhaustion leaving him in an instant. He sat up, fully alert now.   
“Y/n?” He asked incredulously. You replied with another sob, this one much louder than the last. He was frozen, unsure of what to do as you cried, it hurt him to know he was the cause of your pain but the rational part of him knew you were better off without him. The sounds of your cries tore him apart, and your next words hurt even more.  
“It hurts so much Simon,” You cried, “and it’s all your fault. I hate you so much.”  
“I know love...” he whispered, speaking more to himself than you as hiccups began to break your pained wails. “It’s for the better though.”  
There's a pause of wordless silence, only filled with the sound of your tears. His heart thumps in pain, spreading the poison of guilt through his body, pumping it into his veins. It’s as if you’re trying to make him feel worse about this than he already does as you try to gather enough strength to speak through your sobs and translate the garbled screams of thought going off in your head.  
“No-” hiccup. “No Simon, you don’t get to say that-” hiccup. “Because there is nothing better about this,” you don’t have to specify what ‘this’ is. He knows exactly what you mean because he feels it to. He hears it with every sob, and cry, he feels it with every pang of his heart and word spoken to you under such circumstance. Circumstances he caused.  
You continue, “and you can sit there, in your stupid plain apartment, and go out with your stupid friends and you can pretend that the last year meant absolutely nothing to you but I know that at the end of the day, when your lying in bed waiting to fall asleep in a cold, empty bed, it hurts you just as much is it hurts me.”  
Simon doesn’t cry, you’d never seen a single tear even build in his eyes. You’d even used to joke about how there was no heart under all that military gear, but at this moment he feel his eyes sting with the foreign feeling of tears, and his throat tightens. He swallows heavily at your words, blinking rapidly.  
“Why’d you call me sweetheart?” You’d say the nickname makes you sob even harder, but you're not sure that’s possible. You’re too hurt to lie to him.  
“B-because I needed you Simon,” you want to scream at yourself.  
“Even though I’m the one who hurt you?” he questions idly, throwing the covers off himself and rushing to grab his car keys. A half laugh leaves you and it almost brings him to smile, but its quickly followed by another sob.  
“Even though you’re the one who hurt me,” you repeat back to him in confirmation, and for some odd reason he feels his heart swell with love. He slips on his shoes quickly, and opens the door, you can hear it creek on the other side of the line.  
“I’m on my way sweetheart.” 
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kimbap-r0ll · 9 months
Can I request some head-cannons for the Bucci Gang (jjba) with a female reader who’s like Kanao from Kny? Where she can’t make choices for herself and represses her emotions as a old defense mechanism due to past trauma/abuse she endured?
Sorry that this sounds weird 😭
Ah, my first jjba ask (I was rewatching part 3 recently haha), thank you! It doesn't sound weird at all, no worries ^^.
Bucci Gang x kanao!reader
If you're part of the team, you two probably joined at around the same time. Probably the easiest person to befriend outside of Bruno, Giorno's definitely more of one the chill side of the group
He won't push you to show emotions and while he may not fully understand your childhood trauma, he's had his own bad experiences that might help him see where you're coming from
When he starts realizing he likes you, he probably won't say it upfront and instead opt to show them in small gestures like giving you flowers from time to time. It's really wholesome haha
It'll be like baby-steps for the two of you. Like mentioned before, he won't push you to show emotions but he will definitely encourage you to make decisions by yourself. You two might start out with small decisions like what gelato to get without using your usual coin toss. It might take some time, but he'd rather let you get comfortable with expressing yourself than forcing you to
I think outside of those things though, Giorno would admire you for your resolve. Thinking about Kanao's personality, I feel like you would have a lot of resilience especially in combat. Overall though, he's extremely patient with your tendency to not show emotions, and he hopes that you'll find yourself breaking free from your past by being with your newfound family
Very similar to Giorno except he's a bit more outgoing. Probably the one that you get close to first along with Giorno, and he's also the one that you might go to when you ever feel like you need some comfort
Also someone who won't push you to show emotions. He's good at reading people, so he didn't ask a lot about your tendency to not speak up or make decisions by yourself. He's happy to help you decide, but he also tries to get you to make decisions yourself through slow steps.
Definitely a little protective of you, though only Abbacchio will likely notice this haha. He's sort of like the mom of the group and so while he understands you have the full potential to protect yourself in a fight he also just doesn't like seeing you get hurt.
I feel like his love language is quality time and he likes to listen to others. When you feel comfortable talking to him more often, he'll definitely listen to you with undivided attention. He's just super caring 1000/10 like even if you don't think you need something if he sees you eyeing it the item will appear at your door the next day haha
Overall he'll make you feel at home. He doesn't want to ask about your past in the case that it makes you uncomfortable, but he wants to help you overcome your tendency to suppress emotions and not make decisions by yourself. Though it may take time, he's patient.
I feel like he would be annoyed with you at first but at the same time not, like he thinks to himself "at least you won't be as loud as Narancia and Mista are." He won't put you through a "test" when you first join like he did to Giorno, but he won't give you a nice introduction either. He'll just stare at you for a bit before going back to his own business
Super emotionally constipated but will be nice to you. He'll be in denial that he likes you for a long time before suddenly it clicks one day. He won't have the courage to tell you upfront, but he'll definitely try to drop hints (it doesn't translate very well though so you might've heard he likes you from another teammate haha)
When he finds out about you inability to decide, he'll be a little more blunt about asking why that's the case and might be a little harsh with how you need to start making decisions yourself. He's patient and won't push you to talk about your past, but he also wants to help you out. Might ask Bruno for help. The same thing goes with your inability to express emotions. While he doesn't mind overall, he also wants you to feel free to express yourself. How he goes about helping you might start out with you two talking, and while he doesn't like to talk that much, if it helps you ease up a little he'll have no problem
I feel like he would be super protective of you too, though it's not as subtle as he wants it to be. He says he doesn't like pda and then when he thinks strangers are staring at you he'll put an arm around your shoulders for example.
I think he understands how painful it is to think about the past that he really doesn't want you to think too much about those experiences. Outside of that however, I feel like he would enjoy doing quieter activities with you like listening to music together. It's also a way for him to see if you express any emotions depending on the songs you two listen, you might catch him staring at you haha
He wouldn’t have been super annoyed at you first because of how he likes quiet from time to time, but he did find your indecisiveness a little tiring. That doesn’t mean he dislikes you
Tries to help you but similar to Abbacchio he won’t be super friendly about it. He’s more like a kind teacher, strict and not cutting corners but at the same time giving a helping hand. He knows how much childhood trauma can hurt and how it can be hard to move from. You two might end up having to help each other
He doesn’t mind you not showing emotions but he’s also emotionally constipated. He wants to tell you he likes you without ruining your friendship, which means he ends up staring at you for a long time, maybe he’s trying to tell you through telepathy who knows. He also shows his affection by giving you random bits of knowledge when you two are together
When you start to warm up to him he’ll be happy. He’s surprisingly gentle with you too, which might surprise Narancia and Mista who are used to his more cold and prone to outbursts. Speaking of which, he tries his best to keep his cool around you in the case that loud noises is something triggering.
Though he can be a bit pushy when trying to help you overcome your tendency to be emotionless or indecisive, he ultimately is a great friend and bf. Might be a little protective too, which might get him some teasing from his other two dance buddies
He honestly thought that it was a little weird how quiet and emotionless you were but at the same time really didn’t mind. He’s seen all sorts of people and he’s close to Giorno who’s pretty quiet himself.
Super talkative, which means you end up listening to him more than the other way around. He’s also got a sense of humor, which might’ve led you to laugh from time to time. By the way he really likes it when you smile, thinks it’s super cute and will let you know when he sees it for the first time (he’s not scared of anything)
He’s patient at well when it comes to your tendency to not decide for yourself. Similar to some of the others, he’ll help you slowly build confidence by starting with smaller decisions like what cold cut meat to give to his stand.
Speaking of which, Sex Pistols is surprisingly clingy to you too, might be a way you found out Mista likes you if he didn’t tell you himself haha. They might help you show some emotions or make decisions too, they’ll also talk to you a lot
He doesn’t want to push you too much in case it becomes stressful so he doesn’t ask much about your past or make big strides to help you overcome trauma. However he’s definitely a bright character to be around, helping you loosen up a little bit
He’s really similar to Mista. Narancia didn’t think it was really weird that you were emotionless or indecisive but he might’ve pointed it out at the start. He thinks it’s a bit odd that you don’t react that much in the beginning to any of the team’s antics but gets over it pretty quickly
Narancia’s a kind person, but he might ask questions sometimes too much. He might catch himself causing you to remember some really bad things which he immediately apologizes for, it’s a learning process for him but nonetheless it’s clear to you he’s interested in getting to know you better
Has a hard time hiding his crush that he gets teased on by Fugo and Mista. He might’ve gotten you a bunch of snacks after you mentioned to him how you liked a certain brand, or he is constantly clinging on you. Overall it’ll be easy to tell
Doesn’t have the greatest patience but he is caring. He doesn’t want to stress you out but wants to encourage you to make your own decisions. Will ask a lot of questions to help him choose things. He also tends to be talkative, which might help you bring out your emotions more too
I feel like he’ll be a little protective as well. He’s sort of hot-headed, so if he sees someone looking at you the wrong way he has no trouble going up to them and throwing insults (or fists). He wants you to feel safe in the gang like he did when he first joined, which will mean you’ll have someone behind your back.
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httpskuzuu · 1 year
Feel better
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Yandere!Fyodor x Male!Reader
I am spanish and I have no idea of english, possibly there are mistakes in the translation, google's fault :p
oc Fyodor¿ maybee
tw: kidnapping, yandere, explicit self-harm, blood, panic attack, stockholm syndrome, fyodor is a general tw
He huddled inside the empty tub and bit his lip nervously. He had made a complete mess, his arms and thighs were full of fresh cuts, blood trickling down them until it stained the white floor of the tub and his shirt. His hand shook with anticipation and he made another cut, and another, and another, and another, until there was no more room to cut, and still he kept cutting, cuts on top of cuts, those hurt a lot more, and he enjoyed it.
"What are you doing?"
He almost felt like he was running out of oxygen when he heard Fyodor's voice. He stopped his movements immediately, but didn't dare look at the man, didn't dare move anymore.
Instantly he regretted cutting himself when he knew Fyodor was in the house. He was so focused on the pain that he didn't even pay attention to the sound the Russian's footsteps made.
Fyodor kept a serene expression on his face, he didn't seem surprised by the scene, far from it. He walked over to the bathtub where the bleeding boy lay and took a good look at him. "You're self-injuring yourself." The Russian pointed out as he brought his fingers to his mouth. He seemed to be thinking. "Why?"
"I'm sorry." Whispered the young man. That was all he had been saying these days, sorry and please had become more than common words to him by now. He felt those words made him look small and vulnerable, which was just what he supposed Fyodor wanted from him.
"Answer me correctly." He stared at the boy in the tub, studying his demeanor.
Soon Fyodor sits on the edge of the tub, and I bring his hand to the boy's cold cheek. That makes the boy's whole body shudder violently and his breaths begin to come faster and faster. Fyodor's touch hurt, even though it wasn't even hurting him.
"I won't do it again, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
The boy almost immersed himself completely in his world, concentrating solely on the pain and avoiding the terrorist's threatening presence. His mind stayed inside the tub, curled up and deafening the outside, to the point where his own voice sounded distant, or at least he tried to, but Fyodor's touch kept him in the real world more than he would wish.
"Блин" Fyodor muttered under his own breath, but that was enough to make the boy in the tub shiver endlessly. "What's the matter, моя любовь?"
"I don't know…" He knew, he knew perfectly, to the point that every night he memorized a speech talking about everything that drove him to self-harm, but for some reason now those prepared words didn't want to come out, getting stuck in the back of his throat.
Helpless sobs escaped the boy's lips, burying his head between his shoulders. He didn't know how it was he felt now, embarrassed perhaps, dramatic no doubt.
"Look at me."
He didn't know if it was because the situation was getting the better of him or because of the stern tone implanted in Fyodor's voice, but his breaths started to become shallow, not really getting almost any air into his lungs. His head wasn't working well either, with too many thoughts at once and unable to be expressed. The boy shook his head quickly. "Please, please no, I can't."
Fyodor was quiet for a few moments, watching the young man's behavior carefully. Normally, he would have no problem with this situation, he would get the boy to talk in any way possible, but something didn't feel right.
"You don't look well, how can I help you?" The words sounded almost unearthly in the boy's ear, slow, careful and soft, it didn't sound like Fyodor did.
"Don't touch me." The boy's stomach did a complete flip, he was beginning to regret his chosen tone and words, too harsh and firm. Fyodor withdrew his hand, keeping it in his lap next to his other hand.
"… Tell me what to do."
"I don't know." Panic settled uncomfortably in his lungs, making it difficult for him to breathe and speak. The pain mixed with the panic made her head seem about to explode at any moment. "I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Breathe, милый." Her gaze is riveted on the trembling young man. He was seeing how, for the first time, things were getting out of hand. He wasn't used to this, to taking care of someone, it felt really strange to him. "Talk to me." Fyodor's voice felt human, enough to convince the boy to listen to him.
"I'm scared, I'm really scared." The boy started to babble. He could try to make Fyodor understand, he could try, but because of his panicked state it was really difficult. "I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm sorry."
The boy finally moves minimally, raising his wounded arms to try to wipe away his tears, staining his cheeks a bit in the process.
"I won't do it again, please, I don't want you to hurt me."
He begins to feel a little more relief, a little more control in his breathing, no longer choking back tears as soon as he notices Fyodor's gaze, a pitying and dare I even say concerned one for him.
"Sorry for the mess." Fyodor laughs, a quiet, low chuckle, soft enough to try and relax the boy.
"It's all right. Come here." Fyodor offered his hand toward the young man. "Trust me for now, okay?"
The boy hesitated for a few moments until he accepted the Russian's hand. With Fyodor's help, he managed to get up without falling, his legs trembling and his cuts burning at his movements.
Fyodor directed him to his own room and made him sit on the bed. The boy sat down as comfortably as possible, but trying not to stain the sheets with his blood.
Fyodor disappeared for a few moments from the room, leaving the boy to think about what had happened. His body felt exhausted, but much more relaxed than before, he also felt ridiculous, without a compelling reason to have hurt himself, and on top of that ending up in panic in front of Fyodor, he felt foolish.
The terrorist returned with a first aid kit. The boy was in the same position Fyodor left him in, not having dared to move a muscle in his absence.
"This is going to hurt, but it needed you to hold still, understood?" The boy nodded his head.
Fyodor positioned himself in front of him and brought his gloved hands to his legs, spread them a little apart and lifted one of them slightly to begin healing it. The boy bit his lip and kept as still as possible so as not to disturb Fyodor. And so it went on for a while until he had all his cuts disinfected and carefully bandaged.
"Thank you, and I'm sorry, I've been very dramatic…"
"It's okay, малышка. You weren't dramatic." His voice is calm and gentle, and the bandaged boy feels loved. That Fyodor was suddenly treating him so well was not something he was used to.
Fyodor turned away from the boy and walked to the bedroom closet, from there he pulled out a black t-shirt and offered it to the young man. "Thank you." Mumbled the boy as he got rid of his blood stained shirt. He really didn't mind changing in front of Fyodor, he had done it a few more times. The shirt was slightly bigger than the boy, fitting him somewhat loosely.
"Why do you self-injure?" Fyodor's question was direct and came suddenly, his voice again more serious than before, and that inevitably startled the boy. The question just didn't feel right to him, something wasn't right there.
"I don't know, I-" His nails dug into his thigh, feeling pain made him keep his feet on the ground. He knew the reason, or at least he thought he did, but he couldn't get it out, being deeply stuck in his throat.
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, малышка." Fyodor's hand went straight to the boy's, causing him to flinch noticeably and stop hurting himself. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
The young man thought about it for a few seconds, a fuzzy idea in his mind. "Lie down with me… Please." He didn't mean that, he really didn't mean that, but it came out almost automatically.
Fyodor looked somewhat surprised by the request, but nodded his head. Carefully he lay down on the bed, next to the boy who mimicked his steps and took the opportunity to snuggle against Fyodor.
"Thank you, thank you" He dropped his head against Fyodor's chest, he almost felt no fear, almost. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and ran a hand down the boy's back. "Will you be here when I wake up?"
"Of course, darling."
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bestedoesmeow · 1 year
Hi!! I found Charles Leclerc fic on my notes app so why not share it with you!
CHARLES L. X reader
Plot is, you were Max’s ex gf who was working as a health staff at Haas F1 team but he broke up with you suddenly, without saying anything. After a while Charles and your friendship grew strong and turned into a relationship and he proposed. Story tells a day from your life after the engagement.
There are french words I used. I translated them from translator so if there is any fault forgive me lmao
Hope you enjoy it waiting for your comments!
TW: kissing, mentions of s3x
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* Under The Influence
You encountered Max as you were making your way back to your paddock not long after word of your engagement had spread. And it had only been two months since that devastating scene in his car that you could still clearly recall how your heart ached when you heard his words coming at you out of the darkness and how he made you hate yourself for once again trusting him. You didn't deserve any of those things, words, or revolting conduct. He was strolling you by quickly, his ocean blue eyes glistening with rage. You wanted to smack him in the face, kick him in the balls, and shout at him how much you detested him. Rather, you changed your direction and took a big breath in order to get lunch and visit Charles. It was never an easy thing to digest for you but Charles had always been by your side. All of the harsh media comments and paddock conversations. You thought you were no longer able to bear the weight on your shoulders, so you gnawed on your lips and fingernails all night long. Then, though, you realized that you were actually mistaken. Despite the fact that everything was Max's fault, you were confident he hadn't even sued himself for what happened.
You saw how kind and respectful someone's heart can be while being dedicated to his work as the days went on, and your love and respect for Charles grew day by day.
'' Bienvenue mon amour, I missed you, haven't seen you around the paddock all day.''
Charles said as he drank from his water bottle while wearing a fireproof suit. After being placed under his shoulder, you quickly reached out to kiss him on the cheek. However, he quickly put his hands at the sides of your neck and pulled you into a passionate kiss that could cause you to melt on the ground. That man definitely knew what he was doing. Your lips attracted to each other first like you two were seeking it. His hands were gently massaging your neck while they were moving in time with one other. You let your hands gently flutter through his hair and let him put his tongue inside your mouth. You didn't care at all if anyone was watching as you stood in the middle of the field. You couldn't move because you were so startled. His tongue was gliding slowly on yours as you drifted away to take a breath .
''I'll stop by your hotel tonight before leaving.''
'' Okay.'' You replied as he kissed the top of your head. After that intense moment, you grabbed lunch at Carlos and Charles' trailer while watching the two teammates' favorite television show Money Heist. You could have thought about that hateful look in Verstappen's eyes and how it made you feel just an hour ago, but instead you just enjoyed the company of your two favorite people and their little fights, as well as Charles' joyful chuckles.
'' Je serai la à 8 heures' Vous avez une urgence ?''( I'll be there at 8 pm is there an emergency?) Charles arrived at your hotel an hour after you left the racetrack, as you were packing your luggage in your hotel room and he was on the phone in his sweatpants. You had left the paddock about six in the morning. When he hung up the phone, you sat down next to him on the bed and began playing with his hair. You were leaving for Abu Dhabi the following day, and he had thought it would be nice to spend the night out in Mexico. However, after that phone call, it seemed nearly impossible for you two to do that. In addition, you were concerned that something was wrong with his family.
'' Is there something wrong Charles?'' You said trying to figure things out from his facial expressions. He turned his face to you half way and grabbed your hand, playing with his hair and gave it a kiss before starting to speak.
'' It's on Ferrari, nothing to worry about cheri, I am sorry that I have to go. I promised you the night but-''
'' Oh, cut the bullshit Leclerc, its okay I am glad there is nothing wrong, you go to the meeting I'll wait for you to finish with it even if it'd be too late we just do Netflix and chill huh?''
'' I can't wait to come back to hotel and spend the night, bébé, Je vous aime.''
You loved to hear his French accent while talking English but while talking his own language it was almost a lullaby to your ears. You looked at his half open eyes before kissing him on his lips. 
 '' Also can't wait for to kiss you without having anyone around, slowly, peacefully.''
You smiled at his words before touching his nape. '' You are gonna be late, C'mon.''
He let a little chuckle and took his wallet, car keys with his phone before heading to the door. 
'' See you, then.''
'' See you, yes.''
When you finished eating dinner and taking a shower, it was about ten o'clock. While using your Mac to watch The Office, you were dressed in a team sweater with pajama bottoms. You believed it was probably Charles when you heard a nearly silent knock on your door. Even though you didn't want to admit it, you really missed Charles. His demanding schedule and your busy schedule prevented you from spending time with him in the paddock, and you were equally as eager for the coming winter break. You practically sprinted to open the door.
'' I am sorry for being late. I suppose we can still watch Netflix and relax?
''I prefer to spend the night with you alone tho, I was not really in the mood to go out. Charles hugged you tightly before putting his nose to your hair and inhaling deeply of your shampoo.
'' You smell délicieuse, you took a shower?''
As you see him took off his sweater and staying in his white t-shirt, you nod in agreement.
''You're hungry? Room service is available.''
He pulled you from your hand onto the bed and remarked, "No, no, I had dinner honey, what are we watching?" Before pulling you onto his top, he laid on the bed.
''On the drive here, I waited for that exact moment.''
You made yourself comfortable on top of him before letting him kiss you as he wished. In any case, he was the greatest, and you loved to feel the warmth of his hands, body, and tongue. You were playing with his cotton-soft hair while his hands made steady, slow, tease-inducing movements on your back. You adored how he felt beneath your fingertips. He quickly moved over to you and smirked at you. He touched you under your hoodie and asked,
"You are in charge."
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antiwhores · 2 years
Jealousy is Ugly - Bakugou x reader
Bakugou has a new partnership and the leader of the agency has a thing for him even though he’s been dating reader, his secretary, for several years. Will this secretary ever give up?!
⚠️ Not proof read, fighting, jealousy, blah blah blah
Hi bitches, I see your requests and just know I’m working on it but Im like hella depressed rn LOLL. Also I got lots of work and shit. Bare with me here. I am working on it.
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She makes you so fucking mad. The way she walks, the way she talks, the way she breaths, the way she flirts with your man. The way shes better at flirting with your man than you.
She was apart of another agency, almost 3 years older than you and Bakugou. Your agencies merged the heros for a promotion or reason on something you couldnt remember through your seething anger.
You were at first optimistic when she was chosen as a partner with you and Katsuki. As his assistant, you thought I’d be a good opportunity since shes supposidly very good at what she does. Too bad shes not good at taking a fucking hint.
Katsuki and you had been secretly dating for almost a year. You had liked each other long before but with the both of you being dense when it came to feelings, it took yall a while to figure it out.
Her shiny, bright hair falls into her palm as she gave your boyfriend puppydog eyes. Not a hair out of place on her head, fucking bitch.
She hummed methodically, rudely interrupted the meeting at hand. “Hmmm, you’re pretty impressive for someone so new. You have your own agency and your climbing the ranks so fast! I wasn’t good like that at your age at all.” Fucking cougar bitch, find some desperate guys your age to harrass.
Bakugou clicked his tongue at the comment, sending her a harsh glare. He ignored her though, he’s heard that compliment so many times but out of her mouth it sounded digusting.
She laughed, sickeningly sweet. Your eyes trailed her hand as it went up to caress his bicept. You wanted to tear every single one of those decorated, clean nails off her fingers. Bakugou quickly pushed her away, “Can you fuck off-“ You called your hands together, “Okay! Can we focus please?”
The evil, perfect bitch turns your way as if you were nothing but dirt to her. She looks you up and down slowly, mean girl attitude dripping off her like snake venom.
You return the look right back with a slight rise of your lip. It was a silent challenge, an invitation to take this outside if she wanted to. She giggled with such a condescending tone you almost gagged before sitting down in her chair once more with her arms crossed. Mhm, thats what I thought.
When you finally broke eye contact with her you were sucked into Bakugou’s eyes. He was staring at you with a questioning look. A ‘whats going on?’ translated easily through his eyes to you. You couldnt help yourseld from side eyeing him too. It probably wasn’t fair to be angry at him too but you couldn’t help but be mad. Maybe if he wasnt so used to getting hit on he’d actually be more firm instead of brushing them off.
He looked back at you with his eyebrows furrowed. ‘What?!?’ was an easy translation from his face.
You continued anyway, lightly tapping on your clipboard. “Well, the companies partnership has gained popularity online. It has also promoted more partnerships and brand beals within the community.”
The guy from the other agency, whom you forgot was here, revealed the line graph of benefits. He pushed up his glasses, “Yes, and whilst it brings in more money, it has lessoned crime in our selected area by 2%. Doesnt sound like a lot but for that much to go down in day in our city is certainly an achievement.”
You think the other guy told you to call him Yol. He was rather handsome and well spoken. You almost giggled, does everyone in their agency have to be pretty? This girl was crazy.
After he was done with his statistics and shit, it was your turn to go on about whats next for the program.
“As for the next step, we’ll temporarily paid heros in Mr. Dynamite’s agency and Ms. Mowqua’s agency. We’ll pair based on quirk compatibility, not on how well you know each other. Yet, we will except complaints and make changes if you do not feel comfortable with your partner in able to promote a safe enviornment.”
Everyone in the meeting nodded to themselves to take in the information. There were some heros but most of them were higher up staff. “Any questions?” You asked. A couple hands went up but they were all interrupted by the improper edicate of not waiting your goddamn turn.
Mowqua’s lips twisted into a seductive smirk. She hummed, “I have one!” You put on the most professional style you could muster as she spoke. “Can I be with Dynamite since we’re both the owners of the agencies?” Your boyfriend scoffed, “I don’t need a fucking partner and I don’t want one.” You wanted to tear your fucking hair out. He was your boyfriend and even you didn’t dick ride like this.
Your temporary partner, Yol, looked at you to discuss. “That would be ideal, the two owners of agencies working together as partners would bring in a lot of talk.” You shook your head at him lightly, “Wouldn’t work out.”
Just as you were about to elaborate Ms. Bitch clicked her tongue at you. “Why not?” She whined. “I’d love to work with such a strong and handsome hero!” You’re gonna be working with a bloody lip if you don’t shut the fuck- “Your quirks are not compatible enough to be put together. You have a quirk that installs moisture and water into the air, Mr. Dynamite perfers not to be around anyone that could slow down his heating process for explosions. Water could affect how he acts in the battle field.”
You had to hold back a satisfied smirk when she glared at you. “Well, I can put out any fires he causes with his explosions.” “Well then I’ll just assign you to be a firefighter instead if thats what you wanna do Ms. Mowqua. Would you like that?” The tone of just sarcasm and mockery that came out of you was surely unprofessional but entirely worth it.
Seeing Bakugou smirk at that made your heart jump. He rolled his eyes in a playful way. You send him a quick smile before turning around to answer the many questions around the room with Yol.
As you wrapped up your presentation you could feel two eyes burning into you with a glare that just seemed too ugly for her.
You ate lunch with Katsuki in the cafeteria on the 6th floor. It was almost always unoccupied so it where the both of you chilled out and discussed either work or just normal things at home.
You took a bite of the bento he had made you. “I had to stay up late to make those pairings. I paired you with some guy with a teleportation quirk.” He scoffed, “I don’t need a partner, ill be better without one.” You rolled your eyes, he was so stubborn. “Yeah, I believe you. But we need to to diverse our audience.”
You pull your bento away from him when he tries to grab half of it away with his chopsticks. “Ill give it to you for 1500 yen.” He gives you a fake offended look, “I made it! And its worth way more than that.”
“Heeeeeeeey!” The sickly sweet voice made you want to vomit all the food onto the floor. “Dynamite! What a coincidence. I was actually just looking for Ms. Y/n!-“ “L/n.” No way was she gonna call you by your first name like you were her friend. She bit back a glare, “Ah yes, sorry!”
She sat down across from you and Bakugou with her arm holding her chin. “I actually wanted to talk about my partner.” Oh my fucking god. “I just really want it to be Dynamite!” Bakugou and you share a side eye that almost makes you laugh.
“Everything’s already finalized-“ “I knoooow but can you just make an acception?” “No-“ “I wouldn’t wanna have to make a report about your behavier.”
You were taken aback for a moment, is she being forreal? “The fuck? Report her for what? Showing you that the world doesn’t revolve around you?” She must’ve thought he was joking cause she did her flirty laugh. Bakugou slid a hand on your thigh, you weren’t sure if it was to ground you or him.
“Make the complaint.” You challenged. “Do it.” A dramatic sigh rangs through her mouth. You steal some of Katsuki’s food while it happens. “Well, its your job not mine boo.” You laugh, “Okaaaay..?”
You decide to just ignore her at this point. Girls like her hate when someones unbothered by their actions. It seems that Katsuki had zoned out after the last thing he said too. You quietly offer Bakugou a napkin to which he uses to wipe off his face.
The tapping of her nails against the wood gets progressively louder the more the both of you brush her off.
“So are you free this weekend Dynamite?” “No.” “Well what’re you doing?” “Im gonna be with y/n.” “Youre gonna be working?” “Do you every shut the fuck up?”
“Hey l/n~!” “Mhm?” “Do you think I’d be a good marketing plan if me and Dynamite publicly dated?” “Nope, dont think so. The people like the mystery of it most the time.” “Ew, gross. I’d rather die.” “Youre so funny Bakugou!”
“Dont you think that lunch has too many carbs and fats l/n?” “Maybe.” “Are you not worried?” “Nope.” “But you’ll gain even more weight! You’ll look almost as hideous as that lunch.” “On god? Thats craaazy?” “I made that lunch.” “Oh.”
“Is that outfit really appropriate for work?” “Only for me.” “You should go shopping, you can’t go out in public like that while we’re working together.” “Shes not working with you, shes working with your assistant. She does not give a single shit about you. Shut the fuck up.” “Hehe you know I’m just kidding!”
“So do you have a boyfriend l/n.” “Yeah.” “Reeeaaally? Thats suprising, you aren’t lying to me are you?” “Nope.” “Cause you don’t seem like the type to be… loved.” “And you dont seem like the type to go farther than friends with benefits. We’re such twins.” “Heh.”
After the constant shut downs she starts to get frustrated. You can tell by the way her smooth forehead scrunches and her lips twist. You make it your mission to ignore her and it seems Bakugou’s already on the same page.
“So~” Mowqua twists her hair, “Dynamite, do-“ “Let me have some of that.” He points at your food as Mowqua’s mouth hangs open from the shock of being completely ignored.
“No. Its mine and you have your own.” “Well I want yours.” “No.” “I made it.” “Okay?-“ You flinched at the sound of fists meeting the table. You both looked up at her, you in astonishment and him in annoyance.
“What the hell?!” She yelled. Her perfect face was now scrunched up into an ugly look of jealousy. “Ive been trying to flirt with you for so long but you keep IGNORING me!” Her hair fell unkept as she stomped over to you. “And YOU!” She grabbed you by the collar and dragged you up to her face. “You are such a weird bitch for trying to get in the way of us! You’d never even have a fucking chance! You’re probably just a slut trying to sleep with him to get a raise!”
Before you could even think about it your palm connected to her face. The loud crack of your hand to her cheek bounced off the walls. And the next thing you knew her hair was balled up in your hand as she scratched at your abdomen.
Right as you landed another hit to her face you were pulled off of her by strong hands. Bakugou pulled you behind him with a hand securing your wrist to make sure you wouldn’t jump back out.
“You bitch!” She laughed, “You’re that jealous that you would fight me? Try not being so ugly and maybe you’ll have a chance with him!” You grabbed Bakugou’s hand and yanked it off of you. He grabbed you just as you were about to jump back at her.
“Im his girlfriend you dumbass bitch!” You yelled. She giggled through her gritted teeth, “Delusional whore!” Bakugou clicked his tongue, “Get the fuck out of my building. Our collab is done and if I see you here again I will put you behind fucking bars.” She winced at his harsh tone, “W-what?” “You fucking heard me! Take your shit and leave!”
She looked confused and betrayed for some unknown reason. “All for your secretary?!” “Thats my fucking girlfriend you dipshit! And if shes prettier than your ass will ever fucking be, you walking jump-scare!”
She stutters on her words for a little bit with a deep blush. You were finally satisfied when you took a good look at her. Her cheek was swollen red, the other flushed with embarrassment. Her perfect hair was now disheveled and matted from how you pulled her. Her usual calm expression was replaced by devastation. The only ugly one here was her.
Tears built up in her eyes as she turned around and ran out of the room.
After, Bakugou made you get checked out, even though you insisted that you were okay. Bakugou was true to his word and every single tie to her agency was cut. He reported her to the police and she was put on public news for attacking civilians.
You didn’t care too much about all this, you were too engrossed in Bakugou. You knew you had nothing to worry about anymore when it came to jealousy. He would always love you more than the next. And you the same.
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mognamon · 1 year
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Tsunami didn't get her mcfries
Au things below
Nami is such a fun character
Righteously angry and impulsive to the point of aggression. Potently exuding and reflecting my impulsive desires, I relate to her a lot. She's quick to bite and too stubborn to regret.
Exploring how that personality would translate to a very different Tsunami, someone who had a traitor for a father and a list of detentions ripe to bite her in the back. This Tsunami is a penal soldier, someone who spent time in the electric eel prison (depicted in the image) and found freedom in war. She's still impulsive and raging but it's more prickly and rather passionate.
Here's a compilation of ideas:
She's loyal and believes fully in the propaganda. Prideful and will do anything to prove it. Maybe it's stubbornness or some hopeful part of her thinks being a perfect soldier will give her a lighter sentence.
Tsunami before getting detained lived life quite normally as normal as you can get in war. She wasn't allowed to be a soldier due to her father so she took to craftsmanship, repairing dented armor and such to support the war effort.
She's imprisoned for no particular reason or mb the queen felt like putting the traitor's kid in jail finally.
Still friends with Riptide but ykno he has a personality (he's a lil secretive guy with a liking for radical thoughts)
Her hatred for fate is still a thing as well, she wants to avoid going back to her fate, to prison where she belongs bc her father's crimes and his fate became hers. She hates destiny bc its thrust upon someone who never asked for it, she didn't ask to have to live a harsh horrible but that's what she got for being born to the wrong father.
Nami's too far down the class to ever have met or seen the royals up close so all her thoughts and opinions on them are rather influenced by what she's read or heard. Coming from the eel eating masses so her education of things that happen above is scarce at best, Riptide is her source of info since he got into the army.
The idea that the Queens and royals are so alienated from the common dragons that not even our pov characters would meet them or only see them from afar would be funny (sorry i fucking hate how like nearly every mc is related to royalty in the pyrrhian books like plssss plsss can we not).
Nami's arc of thinking before acting and being more calm is pretty alright, it's one of the most simplistic character arcs in this series. Her guilt though is the most interesting thing about her. Since she's a soldier rather than tackling the guilt of killing her father it's killing other soldiers and kind of moral quandary of war. Nami never really let herself think about her actions, always ends justify the means even if she has to throw away her morality for a chance at freedom its selfish but understandable. She has to fight to survive bc what else is there, if she stops being a soldier she'll just get killed or thrown in jail, at least if she keeps fighting for another day she'll still be alive. The overwhelming guilt of it all would probably mess her up really bad in the angry self hatred way turned intense gung ho redemption mayhaps
lots of unconnected thoughts this time around
Thanks for readin my ramble!
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vynegar · 9 months
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ummm LUKE??
This is... such a harsh perspective to take, especially since the kinder, more common response was commented right there by Marius.* I wanted to dig a bit deeper to try to figure out why Luke might have this viewpoint.
For more context, let's review Brad's own words on how he viewed his actions. Here's Brad's final voice memo from the USB drive. I'd actually translate the first line like this:
I have decided that I want to become a hero. No, that's not right. It's not that I want to…
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Luke has definitely heard and remembers this memo. Aside from it being a crucial piece of evidence for an NXX-related case that he'd want to investigate, he was the one who analyzed the USB drive to restore the video file at the end of the chapter so he must have checked its contents. Crucially, and not apparent in the English translation, Luke's comment uses the exact descriptor that Brad uses: "被逼无奈的", which I've bolded in the chn/eng versions below.
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仲向盛:[...]被逼无奈的人不只有我一个,[...] Brad Gries: [...] I'm not the only one who has been forced to act.
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渡鸦:被逼无奈的牺牲,真正需要的并不是称颂。 Raven: A sacrifice out of helpless doesn't deserve praise.
So if Luke is echoing some of Brad's exact phrasing, I think it's safe to say that Luke has this specific monologue in mind when he makes his comment.
My first thought was that this was a clash of ideology over what a "hero" is. Luke is someone who is often put into and puts himself into the role of the hero, especially knight-like roles of wholehearted devotion to their purpose. This isn't just a recurring aesthetic in cards, either; Luke explicitly talks about his mindset in his Blossom Chapter 3-11:
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Luke has always seen being a hero as something positive and aspirational; and even if heroes don't always look the coolest, that part doesn't change. Brad defining a hero by negative space, a path taken because there is none other available, goes completely against Luke's viewpoint.
My second thought about an explanation for Luke's comment was that it reminded me of his strong reaction to Skye Harper's confession about using the unknown drug to kill Gerard's mother (Main Story 9-20). Back then, the possible connection to the incident at First People's Hospital and a reminder of his survivor's guilt over it triggered his anger when questioning her. So maybe Luke's reaction to Brad is also because it reminds him of his own condition?
Luke is one of those people Brad mentioned in his monologue, someone who may die young, forced by events that happen. Unlike Brad, though, Luke has been constantly investigating and doing whatever he can to find the source of the contaminated drugs and bring them to justice. Brad initially tried to be a whistleblower, but stopped and only took action again when he felt he was forced to. One could argue that if he had continued his efforts, he could have prevented people from having a similar fate.
It could be one or both or neither of those explanations, I don't have any conclusion that I feel confident on -- I just wanted to talk a bit about something that stood out to me. Either way, I think it's interesting how the recent main story chapters have been portraying the worsening of Luke's condition: not only do we see more of the physical impact of him having bursts of pain and weakness, but we also see how it's tied in with his reactions to things and his worldview. Examples are his reactions to Skye and Brad as discussed above, as well as his comments on ghosts and spirits.
*Regarding the stark contrast between Luke's comment and Marius's: I know I presented Marius's comment as the "normal" reaction, which is still generally true, but I also do think that part of the difference is also fueled by Marius's own Issues. While Luke is a hero/knight who is proud of the undertaking the duties that entails, up to and including self-sacrifice, it doesn't go beyond that; self-sacrifice may be necessary, but it's only one option out of others. Marius often specifically aims for self-sacrifice as the solution, some significant examples being him preparing to give up his identity as Z in his Blossom Chapters and trying to take himself out of the running for Pax heir. In his comment, you can sense Marius's admiration for Brad making sure he would fully follow through on his plan, as Marius is also someone who has had plans for (metaphorical) self-sacrifice.
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Earth 42 Miles Struggles (Angst + Au!)
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A/N - From a tiktok, Earth 42 Miles is apparently more skinnier than Earth 1610 Miles so... ANGST IDEAS, this is just a fic to show Prowler Miles struggles. To add on my fic, I headcanon that Prowler works with kingpin. I am not sharing the video cause tiktok plays unfair with me and leaks my tiktok account. Alsoo... I'm using a translator so sorry for the bad spanish. Side note, Is it safe to assume Miles is still 16 in this?
Credits go to!
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Would like to say thank you for giving me permission to base this off the fic I'm making, that's all ^^!
Miles stood behind Kingpin, his mask over his braided hair as he listened to his conversation with Dr. Olivia. Today was like no other, Kingpin plotting for the collider and Dr. Olivia telling him recent results.
He was not interested, to say the least. All he was worried about was his mom getting enough to eat and finishing his assignments before dawn.
He was getting slimmer and lankier by the second. But he didn't mind. Every time he lifted his shirt, he saw the faint outline of his ribs poking out his skin.
Not to mention his sunken eyes for staying up late to do his assignments and the missions Kingpin makes him go through. With every mission or assassination he has to go through, it's either a new bruise or a scratch or worse, a stitch.
He only sighed at the thought as Dr. Olivia nodded goodbye and Kingpin turned to look at him.
His shoulder couldn't help but tense as Kingpin slowly walked towards him.
"Go along now, I know you still have your homework or something," Kingpin said in his low voice and Miles nodded, his mask disassembling as he sauntered on outside but was suddenly stopped by Kingpin.
"Hey, Miles."
He slowly turned around but unexpectedly his cheeks were suddenly grabbed by Kingpin, dragging him back and pulling him close, Mile's head, cramped in Kingpin's palms.
He winces a little as his clawed gloves grasp onto Kingpin's arms as he's lifted up, one eye closed as he struggles against the grip.
"I heard what happened in the last mission. Don't mess up, alright?" He asks in a harsh whisper, if Kingpin closed his palms out of fury, Miles's head would be squashed.
Nothing much happened during the mission he went on but, if anything did happen, it would be bad for him and Kingpin.
Though killing the last scientist Kingpin assigned him to, the family walked in. It was horrifying for the family and Miles, Kingpin must've heard the news but no worries, he would deal with it.
"Yes, Boss.." He manages to muster. Kingpin shifts his gaze and his glare is bitter.
He clicks his tongue and he throws Miles back down on the ground, harsh and rough, making Miles groan. Miles blinks away stray tears and he gets up, pain shooting up his sides.
He limped on his way out, hissing in pain with each step he took. He rounded a corner and saw Dr. Olivia, already waiting for him with guilt shining in her eyes as she saw Miles holding his sides in pain.
She was different from Kingpin, she did care. She gave him food from time to time but not money. Miles didn't know why she did but he let it happen nonetheless.
He looked up at her and she held a plastic container. "Here, I had some leftovers." She whispered, extending her arm.
Miles used his free hand to take the food and limped past her, Olivia eyeing him as he left Alchemax, his breath shuddering from the pain.
On the way home, he changed out of his Prowler suit and reached home and already saw his mother waiting for him by the table and was expecting what she was gonna say.
"Miles, I can't cook today. Lo siento, cariño." She apologized, rising from her seat and cupping Miles's cheek as he smiled softly, just knowing his mother was safe,
"Te encuentras bien? Estás cojeando.." She muttered as she tucked a braid behind his ear, her eyebrows knitting together, noticing the way he held his side.
"Mom, it's fine. Traje comida." He assured her, holding up the plastic container, her eyes widened as she hesitantly took the food and set it on the table.
"Qué hay de ti?" She asked as Miles moved away from her hands, making his way to his room.
"I won't eat anytime soon... No comeré pronto… Tengo que hacer tareas y la comida se echará a perder porque para entonces ya la habré olvidado." He explained and he glanced over his shoulder.
"Just eat." He said softly and his mother sighed, guilty, her eyes begging him not to shut her out again. He didn't want his mother to be guilty about eating the food all by herself but he wanted his mother to be healthy and well even if he wasn't.
He walked into his room and he sunk in his chair, sighing and staring at the paper laid out before him. His shoulders were aching and his sides were still hurting, had Kingpin thrown him down too rough?
He walked over to the mirror and lifted his shirt, at first, he saw the vague outlines of his ribs on his skin but then, he saw the bruise, placed arrogantly on his sides.
He clicked his tongue and stared at the other scars on his body placed around him. None stuck out, he traced the stitch on his sides and he dropped the shirt, letting it cover him again.
These scars were painful, mentally and physically but he had to ignore those feelings, for his parents. He did this for a reason and complaining was not an option and he had already etched himself too deep in it to stand back.
He went back to the desk and sighed, rubbing his eyes and at that moment, he felt like his eyebags had deepened.
He picked up his pencil and his pen and started working on his assignments, and he wasn't stopping until morning.
A/N - Hello!! Author again, hope you enjoyed that and please, tell me if you want more ^^! Possibly an X reader? Anyways, I'm sorry if it isn't to your liking :( It's okay though, people have different preferences, also credits to gab1sbestie and this hasn't been edited yet so there's gonna be mistakes, I assume. Thank you and that is all, have a great day!
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dreamgothgirl · 2 years
Tensions: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley X Fem! POC Reader Part 1
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AN: Holy shit I really didn’t expect my first Ghost fic to blow up 🥹 thank y’all so much!! 🙏 Reader isn’t a specific race, but I wanted to make this fic POC friendly since I dont see them very much and don’t want anyone to feel left out! this is part one to a two part fic, this is more for story building and sexual tension that translates to both Ghost and the reader to be a mix of aggressive and awkwardly nice to each other lmao. I hope you like it! The next to be published will be a smut fic so do not worry!! Adios, cochinos y cochinas -w- 💕
Warnings: harsh language, sexual tension, and Soap being that friend that teases you for having a crush
Not edited
Simon watched the sun brighten up your irises, allowing him to fully take in its color. The golden hour sunlight that illuminated your face was enough to take knock the wind out of his chest for a moment. The briefest moment. Like taking a glance at a genuine Van Gogh; he wanted to stare longer, but he wasn’t going to let any of the team have any fuel to fire him up with later on.
You, on the other hand, were staring at the vast, dry land surrounding you as the sun began to set. You raised your brow a bit as you heard Soap chuckle, “A journalist, aye?”
You gave a small smile, turning your attention to the Scott sitting across from you right next to his large, stoic partner, “Yes. But with my mother being a veteran and my father being overprotective, I’ve got decent enough skills to defend myself. With and without fists.”
Soap smirked, “Your folks were right to prepare you with such skills, lass. If I ever had a daughter as beautiful as yourself, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same.”
Ghost took note of the small muscle twitch in your face. Flattery. He wasn’t the best with compliments, especially towards a woman, so he chose another route. “I’m guessing that’s why Price trusts you with that then,” he asked while nodding at the large AR strapped to your back.
Your eyes widened a bit at his question. Not because it was a dumb question, far from it, but because you hadn’t heard his voice so clear the entire mission. Today was spent with Price and Alejandro as they watched your back while you gathered info from Hassan’s men at a brief luncheon put together purely for public appearances. The only time you ever heard Ghost’s gravely voice was through your ear piece which, for you, was only able to communicate with your team and not Ghost himself.
You pushed the little flutter in your stomach to the back of your mind as you smiled more and nodded, “Yes, sir.”
‘He talked to me?!’
Soap chuckled, “You seem a bit too sweet for an environment like this one, aye lass? You’re writing an article on us or something?”
Before you could even open your mouth, Price quickly cut in from the drivers seat, “Ah ah, don’t answer that, Y/N. Sorry, boys, that’s confidential information. All I can tell you is that their material has no connections to Graves, and Y/N was approved by Laswell herself. All you need to know is to protect and treat her like you would any other soldier….maybe be a bit more emphasis on protective though.”
Almost everyone on the truck let out groans and scoffs of protest and annoyance at not being allowed to know anything, earning a chuckle from you, “I’ll answer your first question if you want. You might be right about being too sweet, but I promise I know there’s a time and a place. I’ll take down whoever I need to just like the rest of you. If it means doing what’s right then I will gladly do so by any means. That’s why I’m a journalist with the military.”
Under the mask, Ghost gave a small smirk; amused at the class used to shut down Soap’s comment. Sure, he liked looking at pretty people, but when they were smart like you? It made him feel something a little more than a simple physical appeal. Now, he definitely wanted to know more. Even if it was just your favorite color.
Alejandro laughed next to you and nudged your arm, “She’s got bigger balls than you, hermano! You should’ve seen how she took down a guard that was following her. Pendejo got exactly what he deserved after messing with La Demonia.”
Ghost let out a huff through his nose, “Demon? I’ll believe it when I see it.”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him and smirked, “And I’ll believe you deserve the title Lieutenant when I see you in action.”
A mix of laughter and oohs filled the truck as it approached closer to the safe house. Ghost glared a bit, “Real mature. We’ll see who’s top cock soon enough, book worm.”
Soap snickered, “Cock..”
You rolled your eyes while Ghost gave another quick glare, “That’ll do, Sargent.”
“Yes, sir.”
8:20 PM
Gentle hums came to a close as you yawned and stretched out as much as you could at your desk. You bit the tip of your thumb as you read over the information that’d just been freshly edited before crossing your arms and nodding, “Nice. They can just add whatever else they need if they want.” Satisfied, you walked over to the shower, allowing your muscles to relax under the luke warm water while you thought of that brooding shadow in the corner of that truck from today.
Your brow furrowed, ‘Tch. Bookworm? And he’s mocking my maturity? Fuck off.’
The suds of your shampoo ran over your eyelids as you gave a close eyed glare to the ceiling. You’d just met him but you already had such mixed feelings. Did you really hurt his ego over something he started? Is he that fragile? Or was what you said truly hurtful? You washed your face like you wish you could wash that whole experience out of your memory.
‘Great….ugh I totally fucked up my chances to be on his good side or anything else with him.’
A hot stinging sensation ran through your body as you tried to scrub away the embarrassment and ‘shame’.
‘No, whatever. I don’t need him. It’s better we have that distance. That way when he finally kicks the bucket I can get more shit done. At least I get to go home alive.’
You stopped and winced at your feet in disgust. Your stomach twisted at the feel of your heart dropping a bit, “That was low, Y/N….god, what the fuck is wrong with me.”
The intensity of adrenaline fueled frustration and ego deflation on your part made you lower than you assumed him to have been. Your unnecessary harshness had gotten the better of you and you were glad that you didn’t utter a word of your empty insult. However, it simply irked you even more than you had no clue why you were so frustrated.
Being a journalist meant you had to have thick skin. Being apart of the military made that an even harsher fact; maybe even more so when it came to emotions. You’d never had this problem before. After all the racial slurs and issues, religious righteousness protests and massacres, misogynistic, and god only knows anything else under the sun that you’ve heard and written about….this bothered you to this extent? There was no way.
Running one last rinse over your face, you deeply inhaled and sighed, ‘Don’t jump so fast to conclusions…it was just some friendly competition. You’re overthinking it….I hope. I hope he’ll still let me interview him….HEY!”
8:20 PM
Ghost stood tall and alert on the second floor’s living room balcony. His rifle rested on his shoulder, at his side while he replayed the interaction between the two of you with his arms crossed. Being the Lieutenant, of course he already knew what you were here for. You were here to document the betrayal of Graves and the partnership between Graves and Sin Nombre and formally report the progress of the teams missions after separating from Graves.
Price was going to tell the team your purpose until Laswell preferred to render the team innocent of their knowledge of you. “Who knows what they’ve already said about us to the other ranks,” she said. Ghost agreed with her idea by saying he’d rather be the one to go down if he was ever interrogated before anyone else, as did Price. That’s how they were going to keep it until Laswell said otherwise. So here he was, right above your room keeping an eye on the area in the shadows while Soap guarded the other side of the building.
“Lt. how copy.”
Ghost shifted his weight as he responded, “Copy. What is it Johnny? See something?”
“We’re all clear on the East and South side. I doubt we’ll see anyone for a while.”
“I wouldn’t count on it.”
“Right…Look, I’m not asking to know more, but-“
“You heard Price. Anything about that woman’s line of work is confidential, Johnny.”
Soap chuckled a little, “I know, but I was going to ask if you know what she’s here for.”
“I don’t know why. An article maybe.”
“Looked like you had cute enough banter.”
Ghost glared ahead, “Easy, Sargent.
“Not interested in her like that, I see? She’s cute enough, yeah?”
The Lieutenant stayed silent as he remembered the way your lips rubbed your lip balm on themselves before slightly parting and shining in that golden orange light. If you had an actual rank, a relationship might get the two of you in trouble. But in this circumstance, although not out of the question, he wasn’t going to let himself get so close to someone he’d barely known. He’d never admit it, but it he did have an interest in you. Even if it came off weird or aggressive.
“…Keep an eye on the perimeter, Mactavish. One more hour till the switch.”
Soap chuckled, “Yes, sir.”
As Ghost released his response button, he heard your voice below the balcony floor, “Hey, Lieutenant Ghost! Can I meet you up there? I have a quick question!”
‘Bloody fuckin hell, what does she want. Hm. Take it easy, maybe.’
Before he could even give you a response, he hear your feet quickly running out and up the stairs. As you approached him from the bedroom door behind him, he didn’t bother to spare you a second glance, “Keep your voice down. Is Captain Price not around to answer your question?”
You noted the hint of annoyance in his voice and tried your best not to bark back and shook your head with a smile, “I was wondering if I could get a few words from you? I want to get some scrap material in case I ever get permission to go public with this. Obviously it’s not up to me, but you know what I mean.”
Ghost stared ahead with dull, deadened eyes,“No. I don’t.”
An irritated, slow sigh left your nose. His large body in the balcony doorway, made the moonlight split. He looked like a phantom king with a cape made of souls he’d taken in his life; casting your body in shadow. It swallowed you whole just like the intimidatingly prideful aura he oozed when you first met him. It made you feel small and stupid. Almost like he was making fun of you. Is that what he wanted?
You bit the inside of your lip and tried, “Can I ask you some questions?”
Ghost noticed how tense he was and just how shallow he was breathing once you spoke again. He turned around, his voice harsh and hard as stone, “No.”
Though it wasn’t an unusual response, you still felt like you’d been punched in the gut. Attempting to remain as composed as possible, you nodded and made your way to the door, “I understand. I apologize for distracting you. See you in the morning.”
Before you were completely out, he turned and quickly spoke, “Oi.”
The embarrassment burned your face at the speed of which you turned back around, “Yeah?”
The world was swallowing you whole once again as Ghost walked over to you and checked his watch before nodding, “We’ll talk in 55. Think you’ll still be up by then?”
‘I hate you, Simon Riley.’
You were trying so fucking hard not to grin and giggle like a lovesick teen at his approval, “Definitely. I’ll try to interview whoever’s available while I wait for you.”
Ghost nodded, “Alright then;” in an attempt to ease the tension equal to waiting for a bomb to set off…he harshly patted your back the way you would a dog. Unfortunately, it was too hard as you involuntarily grunted and stumbled forward a bit.
Unsure of what else to do, the man stared at you before slowly going back to the balcony, “…See you later, Ghost.”
‘I hate you Y/N L/N.’
While the two of you separately calmed down from the suffocating claustrophobia of being around each other, you glared at your feet from the warmth between your legs, ‘Fucker. You’re gonna drive me crazy.’
Ghost looked around, quickly trying to divert his attention away from the unfamiliar feelings in his chest and the tightness in his pants back to being on guard. ‘Damn, bookworm. Having you on this team was a bloody fucking mistake.’
The Lieutenant stared in the distance as he radioed, “Johnny, how copy.”
A coyote howled in the distance.
“Ghost, how copy. Movement detected?”
“No. All clear. But I made a mistake.”
“Er…come again? You made a mistake?”
“Yeah. I talked to Y/N.”
Soap let out a heavy sigh and Ghost could mentally see the way his comrade was rubbing the space between his brows, “Christ…and? Does she hate you now?”
Ghost leaned against the wall with his free arm resting on his gun, “Can’t say…but I liked talking to her.”
Soap’s eyes widened and he began to beam for his stoic friend, “Alright, Lt! I guess you do have a way with words.”
The large masked man dryly scoffed, “Not in the slightest. That’s my only skill I’m lacking in. But that’s the problem. She’s too charming. We should keep a close eye on her.”
Soap chuckled, “Sounds like your overreacting, Lt. The lass is soft as a wee feather.”
“Hm. More incentive to watch our backs, wouldn’t you think? Look at who just betrayed us, after all.”
A bit defeated, Soap hummed, “Good point. I won’t worry too much quite yet, but I got your back, Lt.”
Ghost’s ears perked up when he heard your voice through the radio, “Good evening, Sargent Mactavish! Do you have a moment?”
“Have a fun interview.”
Soap chuckled, “It’ll be better than yours, that’s for sure. Soap out.”
Your voice rang in Ghost’s ears. The absence of warmth in his arms and loss of your scent aggravated him out of confusion and frustration. You were a distraction. One he didn’t mind having around. But you made him feel things he’s never felt before. Being a man of tactic and strategy, he was used to knowing his opponents moves before they even executed them. And then you spoke to him. He knew you meant no harm, he knew it. But what the hell were these feelings? Anxiety? Fear? Annoyance? Was it hatred or something else? If it was then why was his body having these reactions?
He didn’t know. And if there’s one thing Ghost hates more than anything, it’s not knowing how to approach a target.
That never lasted long though.
‘You’ll be the last mistake I ever make.’
Deep in his mind, something lurked. Made his heart ache and race all at once.
‘If you even are one…’
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hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 8 months
Germany italy and japan have a close friend and crush who's another country, this country likes their accent and language and go as far as to ask them to teach them the language. How do they deal with that?
I've crawled out from the crypt, I hope this is acceptable lol
Germany • Ludwig Beilschmidt
German is a very harsh and rough sounding language and accent, he's heard plenty of jokes from other countries about it, so he'd never expect that you'd find it endearing in any way
When you asked him to teach you the language, he was slightly flustered, giving you an affirming nod
Hopefully you didn't plan on using this as a chance to flirt with him, because he takes the teaching aspect very seriously, showing up with language textbooks, a notebook, and extra pencils
You really have to buckle down during each session, especially since he's a real stickler for pronunciation
He doesn't mean to be overbearing, but he believes that everyone should put their best effort into everything they do
Plus he likes the idea of you two conversing together in his mother tongue, maybe while grabbing a coffee
That being said, there are mandatory breaks in between lessons, it's important to refresh your brain to help productivity
Also, you may start to notice him dropping German in his sentences far more often than he used to, he claims it's to help, but it's really because he knows you like it
Japan • Kiku Honda
Kiku wasn't too surprised when you told him that you were interested in learning his language, his culture (or a severely watered-down version of it) has been very popular in the recent years through media, so another country wanting to learn the language wasn't all too notable
Considering it was you though, he was delighted
He loves spending time with you, so the idea of spending a few hours a week with you, teaching you about his language and script, sounds more than nice
He focuses on Kanji first, insisting that it will make speaking vocabulary a lot easier down the line
The sessions are calm and relaxing, and he's a very patient teacher, making sure to go to a pace you're comfortable with
He enjoys starting off sessions by trying to converse a bit in Japanese
He finds himself thinking that the words sound gorgeous coming from you
North Italy • Feliciano Vargas
As soon as he found out you were partial to his language, he began to slip more Italian in his sentences than he ever did previously, and his accent became ever so slightly more pronounced
He used the guise of "helping you learn", but he only changed his speech because you like it, and he's not subtle about it at all
While he's excited when you ask him to teach you Italian, the sessions are unstructured and often derail into other topics quickly
Because of this, he opts to drop the books and drag you to his country instead, getting you to order your own food in restaurants and converse with the locals in Italian, insisting that the best way to learn is through the people
In his country, he'll also drag you to mostly empty cinemas, where a movie will be playing in Italian and he'll translate any words or sentences in whispers
He's not too serious on pronunciation and honestly thinks it's endearing when your natural accent, regardless of what it is, shines through the words in Italian
He loves flirting with you in Italian now
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Title: The Viking
Pairing: Male OC x reader
TW: Violence, murder, generally bad things, implied non/con, no explicit smut but heavy Non/con groping!!, discussion of sexual slavery, mention of cannibalism, Christian elements but it is because I am and I am less afraid of stuffing up Christian stuff than other religions. If you are uncomfortable with any of that move on This man is not nice. Pet names: little mutt, little one and little lamb. Let me know if I missed anything let me know
Also, I tried to do Gn but as I am a woman, I automatically write with a female reader in mind. But!!!!! I have tried my very best to not mention gender. If something doesn't work please tell me. Reader discretion is advised! Also, I hope I don't need to say this but I will just in case, I do not condone these sorts of actions!!! Or any actions in any of my work. This is pure fiction. Also, all my OCs and the reader are over the age of 18+. and I'm not gonna add google translate because that takes forever and you guys won't even be able to read it so he conveniently speaks the same language as the reader.
Notes: Aaaaa! I have 21 followers! You guys are absolutely amazing! I never thought anyone would want to read my stuff let alone like and reblog. This doesn't take place in any place in particular, if anything I heavily rely on the climate of my home. I was though heavily influenced by Vikings and their nordic culture of that time, however, I had originally planned to make the oc a barbarian of sorts and not a Viking. But my inspiration dive into Pinterest left me with Vikings so here we are. I might write a nomadic barbarian fic later on cause I do see them as quite different in my mind but it depends where this goes, I usually write the notes and triggers before I start writing as a way of planning my thoughts so it might change halfway through.
Also the climatic event in the beginning, in my mind, is the cause of a volcanic eruption somewhere on earth, there was a year of just constant winter due to a massive eruption a few centuries ago and I wanted to include that and showcase how superstitious the people of this time were, seeing the winter as a foreshadowing of terror. And hell they were right.
Lots of love Mae xx
It was far too early in the season for the cold winds to be here. Your father pretended to not be frightened but you could see it in his eyes. There was a fear lingering. You could hear your parents whispering in worry when they thought you were asleep. You could hear your mother sob as they discussed what it could mean. Your homeland was one of sun and thunder, but never frost, never snow. Yet, a chill had descended onto your lands. A frost had spread across the summer grass. Your bare feet crunched upon what should have been dried pasture, instead, they were chilled by a wicked frost. The sun that you would curse for its harsh warmth was now hidden behind constant grey clouds and you begged for it to return. The floods and storms you ragged against never came. No seasonal thunderstorms after the humidity of the day. There was just darkness. Travellers and merchants from far-off lands, journeying to the capital came through your village, speaking of the darkness that had spread. It seemed like no kingdom or empire was safe. The frost and darkness had come for all.
The first omen of their arrival was the frost itself. It seeped into everything and made the ground as solid as rock, the summer pastures shrivelled up and left nothing but dirt behind.
The second omen was the famine. The harvest failed and the livestock starved. Your father was forced to sell the heifers and cows and slaughter all calves and steers to provide for your family. Still, it wasn't enough. You heard gruesome tales of far-off villages butchering each other for scraps of meat from their bones. Your village was lucky, the sea still provided as much as it could.
The third omen was the dragons. Firey images in the night sky, leaving streaks of light hanging in the air. As soon as they appeared men cried out and women fell to their knees. It was a sign of a terror to come.
The final omen was a raven.
The skies had begun to clear and the winter rains had soothed the harsh scars left behind. Crops had been sown and the frost retreated in the face of the reappeared sun. You had all thought that the struggles of the last few months were over. Your father had been able to buy a cow with calf last week with money you made weaving baskets. She was a skinny thing even with the calf in her belly, but with the winter rain healing the land, you could see her regaining strength.
You had thought it was a crow when you first saw it. It did seem to be a bit bigger than the crows that waited patiently for your fish scraps by the pier. But you had never seen a raven before, so why think anything of it. It had flown in from the sea, flew over the village before fixing its gaze on your mother's garden. Your mother prized her garden, especially her roses, and had cried bitter tears when the frost killed the flowers, leaving thorny masses behind, but they had begun to regrow, leaving your families house surrounded by a beautiful arrangement of daisies and violas, butterfly pea flowers and lilacs. You had your favourites of course. In fact, you were picking them right now, happy to make a bouquet for your ancestors' burial place. As you were sitting and deciding which flowers to choose, the raven landed beside you, you watch in amazement as it plucked a flower from your hand and rose into the air and back towards the sea. Standing up with a giggle you chased after it in play until you reached your property's fence. You watched until it was nothing but a black dot in a sky of blue. If you had known what it had foreshadowed you would have wrung its neck.
They themselves came in the night.
They landed on the beaches and in silence drifted into town. Axes drawn and blood-hungry. The first death was the blacksmith. He was stumbling from the inn, stomach filled with ale. He saw them first, and let out a cry of warning, but it did not save him from a dagger sliding across his throat. The killer let out a howl. His comrades followed. The screams began.
You had lost sight of your mother in the smoke of the burning village. Fire ragged towards the heavens. The smell of charcoal and blood ravaged your senses. The yelling and screaming were just a constant now. Like how a bird song drifts into the background. You stood immobile calling for your mother, begging her to reveal herself. Out of habit, you called for your father, but you were harshly reminded that dead men can't answer. You watched as the savages ripped men to the ground and let blood flow. They hadn't noticed you yet it seemed. A lone wraith shaking in the centre of town. In the centre of all the murder and mayhem. For a moment you thought you were dead. That the arrow your father had taken for you had indeed struck you and now you were wandering the mortal realm alone and afraid until St Peter called for you.
Your eyes reached towards the heavens and you began to beg for the angels to pluck you from this horror. Your arms wrapped around yourself as tears flowed down your soot-covered cheeks. You were broken from your prayers when you heard your name being called, your mother perhaps? Your eyes rushed to find her. No, you can't see her. But it was enough to have you moving towards the darkness and away from the light of the fire. With your arms still holding you tight, you began to stumble towards the outskirts of town. Once in the fields outside town, you could hide. Wait till they grew bored of your village and left in their ships to torment another village. You were reminded of a time when you were fearful of the dark. But now it was your salvation. Tripping over your feet you struggled to remain standing, leaning on the walls of yet-to-be-destroyed houses and holding onto the rungs of fences. You kept rushing forward, eyes onto the safety of darkness. You were close, only a few more steps.
A beast emerged from the darkness. His face burned with the light of the fire, and his axe shined with delight. His furs were matted with blood and encompassed his shoulder. His arms were bare save for strips of leather circling them. There was blood on his arms and hands as well, dripping onto the handle of his axe and onto the dirt below. You stood still, hoping perhaps you were dead. That he would just pass by and you could remain nothing more but a spirit. If death was without pain you would prefer it to the horrors the beast in front of you was capable of. His face was marked with blood, lines travelling over his forehead and down through his eyes. His eyes flickered with hunger and his mouth was turned up into a grin. He stood feet wide as if he was ready to battle, but his hand was loose on the axe, allowing it to dangle from his palm. He saw no threat in you.
A strange mix of sounds came from his mouth, while his voice was rough and stern, his words were lyrical and filled with rounded sounds and quick sharp notes. It left you confused and almost enchanted, like a deer in the gaze of a hunter.
His voice stopped and his eyes drifted down and then up. He gave a deep laugh at the site of your cowering.
"Come little mutt, stand tall" he chuckled with amusement. You whimpered at the sight of him, a beast of a man denying your freedom. He began to march towards you his axe swinging in his hold. You try to take steps back but he is quicker. You yelp as he pushes you towards a wall, his thick forearm resting against your neck as he peers down at you. You could see the scars littering his face and could smell the stench of blood dominating his body. You could feel the warmth of the blood from his arm smearing all over your neck and chest. You hated to think whose blood it once was.
"Little mutt has no teeth huh? What about claws? hm?" he questioned, joy in your torment in his eyes.
"If I was to fuck you now would you fight me? Would you claw at me or bite at my fingers?" he laughed at your obvious fear. He brought his head down to your neck and sniffed loudly. You cringed as his nose met your skin.
"You smell sweet little mutt. I wonder if you taste just as good"
you struggled as his tongue run up your neck, tears tumbling down your cheeks.
"As sweet as honey!" he cheered. His forearm dug into your neck further as you struggled to escape. He began to shush you, giving out soothing sounds like you would a crying baby as his body stepped forward to meet yours.
" Please don't kill me" you choked, eyes red with fear.
"Never little one!" he bellowed, his face of mock hurt. "Why would I kill you? hm?" he comforted, releasing his arm if only by a fraction. "You will fetch me a high price at the slave markets, little lamb. Men will go mad trying to buy you for their beds" he grinned, showing off his sharp canine teeth. You struggled once more, this time clawing at his arm and chest.
"So the little mutt has claws! Maybe I will keep you for myself. Use you to warm my cock. Would you like that little one?" he teased, he moved his face closer, his tongue darting out to catch the tears on your cheek.
" Get off me" you grunted, desperately trying to remove his arm. he teased you by feigning pity.
"Poor little lamb, you must be so scared. Trapped by a beast like me" he cooed, pushing his arm further into your skin. You watched as his eyes drifted to your chest below his arm. He dropped the axe in his other hand to the ground, it falling flat with a light thud. He looked you in the eyes once more. You could see mischief in them.
"I am torn between keeping you for my bed slave and making a small fortune on another man's desires. Let me see your wares and then I shall decide" he sang, his grin reaching higher and higher with each word. You could only watch in horror as his hands reached for the front of your night smock and ripped it. You tried to grab his wrists but he was too strong. In a mere moment, your smock lay tattered on the ground and you stood bare in the night air. His eyes drank you in, and his hands drifted over your body. He gripped tightly in some places and softly in others. Blood from his hands was left smeared all over you, like rivers on a map. His eyes found yours once more and glee was evident on his face.
"I have decided little mutt. You shall warm my bed and most importantly me" he proclaimed, laughing at the end. "I am to be your master and you the little mutt at my heels. But first, let me dull those claws, hm?"
You stood arms covering yourself confused at his words. You had no claws to dull.
You gave a shriek as he began to drag you into the darkness. His hand was tight against your wrists. You tried to use your body weight to stop him, but it only ended with you falling to the ground and him dragging you through the dirt. You screamed and kicked, shouted and cried. He just laughed.
The dirt turned to soft grass as released you from his grip. You shot up to your bare feet, only to be thrown to the ground and a foot thrown on your stomach.
"I admire your fight little mutt, but as your master, I cannot in good conscious allow you to disrespect me. it would not be natural." he cooed at you, his hair falling into his eyes. You choked out a sob at the thought of what he planned to do. You were both far enough from the town your screams would not be heard and you were both hidden by lush pasture. You began to pray, your words drowning in sobs.
"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kin-"
"Enough!" shouted, falling onto his knees above you, a dagger glinting in his hand.
"Keep your God, fine, but do not expect kindness from me when you beg for his mercy" he sneered. You watched in terror as the dagger raced towards your head, only for it to land safely in the soil next to you.
"Now little lamb moan sweetly for me, will you?" he smiled, his grin one of filth. You lay there looking up at him in fear. "I said moan" he barked, his hand reaching for your throat. You gave him what he wanted, although it was tarnished by your terror.
"Like the music of the gods" he praised. He removed his hand from your throat and brought both to your knees, lifting them up and slotting himself in between them.
"Look at you little mutt, shaking and cowering in fear and yet I haven't even fucked you yet. You Christians are strange folk. If you knew of pleasure you would be moaning on my cock by now. You yourself would have begged for it. Begged for me to fuck your tight little hole on the ashes of your ho-" you slapped him with a furry. A rage releases from you, with you reaching for the dagger beside your head. His hand reached for yours first and punished it with his strength. He gave off a terrifying laugh as you were forced to drop the knife and he quickly threw it behind him.
"Maybe you aren't a little mutt but a little wolf instead. That fire in you will warm my cock and balls for years to come. But first, let me break you in"
You really did wish that arrow had found its mark in you.
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