#i honestly wasn't sure if I should say this part...but...okay you know the shorts or shadows debate?
blubun0309 · 1 year
(TW: disscusion of tc*st/s*x implied in tags I'm literally so sorry 😭)
I used to think the internet was safe. I had heard stories, but nothing had happened to me and I thought I was safe...
So I just ran into 2 Leo and Donnie ship accounts on X previously Twitter and I want to die 😭😭😭
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: You and Javi just brought your daughter Lucy home from the hospital. While the two of you couldn't be more in love and excited at the addition of your newest family member, it doesn't mean that you both aren't feeling some of the nerves of being first time parents.
Word Count: 2.4K (She's reasonable, your honor)
Pairing: Dad!Javier Peña x Wife!Reader (no use of y/n, reader's nickname is Osita)
Warnings: This is honestly just pure, sweet, sickening, fluff, mentions of body insecurity postpartum, worry/anxiety about being a first time parent, Javi snuggling a newborn baby skin on skin (it needs a warning fr), Javi being the cutest dad ever to exist, Javi is in full on dad mode, ladies and gents (gn) 🫡
A/N: This was inspired after reading @kteague adorable post about Frankie carrying his daughter in a baby sling, and I couldn't help but picture sweet Javi as a first time dad cuddling with his baby girl 😭🥺 and to @endlessthxxghts for being a bad influence 💀Y ou know for a fact that Lucy's got Javi wrapped around her finger from the moment she's born, and picturing the adorable bond these two have makes me want to melt into a puddle 🫠 also I have a raging case of baby fever, but let's pretend that wasn't entirely the motive to write this or that I'm not projecting at all WHOOPS
Part of the Forever and Always Series!!
From the moment you had found out you were pregnant, you had no doubt that Javi was going to be nothing short of the best dad you could have ever hoped for. Before your daughter was even born, Javi had completely flipped the switch into full Dad Mode, spending the past 9 months coming with you to every single doctor’s appointment, baby proofing every square inch of your home, and checking out (and re-checking out) every parenting book he could get his hands on at the library. 
So it was safe to say, that once you brought Lucy home from the hospital to start your life together as a family of 3, if Javi hadn’t already been full force into Dad Mode, he sure as hell was now, and was going to do anything and everything he could to make sure that the two most important girls in his life were showered with every ounce of love and affection he had. 
It was also safe to say that even though he wouldn’t admit it, Javi was also an absolute nervous wreck at the reality that he was now actually a dad to a tiny newborn daughter that had been brought into the world. 
“You think that her diaper is snug enough? Should I get a bottle ready just in case she gets hungry? Different pajamas to sleep in before we put her down?” Javi asked, carefully cradling Lucy against his chest as you passed her off to him, planting a soft kiss on her head, gently bouncing her up and down. 
“Javi,” You laughed leaning in to give your sleepy daughter a kiss on the messy tufts of hair ruffled on her head before looking back up at your husband, “I’m going to take a shower, not leaving for war. I’ll be quick, so that way if she needs me then I’ll-” 
“Hermosa,” he paused, raising an eyebrow at you as he smiled, “take as long as you need, okay? I’m just asking to make sure so I don’t have to bother you. Take an hour, hell, take 3 hours for all I care, you deserve it, Momma. I can’t imagine how exhausted you are. Me and Lucy Goosey will be just fine, won’t we, mi amor (my love)?” 
The two of you smiled as Lucy quietly cooed, your grin spreading even wider watching Javi’s face light up with joy as he looked down at his daughter, your heart practically bursting at the seams with how in love he was with her. But even through the pure bliss in Javi’s eyes, you couldn’t help but sense a nervous twinge in his voice, knowing that in the short day and a half that you’d been home from the hospital, even though you were only a room away, this was the first time that Javi was in charge of Lucy all by himself. And because you knew your husband better than you knew yourself, you knew that despite the fact Javi was probably better prepared for parenting than you were, he was secretly terrified he was going to do something that would hurt his precious baby girl, and the thought of that? That scared the shit out of him. 
“Javi?” You said again, gently rubbing your hand against his arm, forcing his gaze to shift on to you and your tired smile. “Honey, you know you’re an amazing dad right? But, I can guarantee that even though we would do anything and everything for this stinker, we’re gonna mess up at some point. You love her so much, and that’s all that matters, okay? I love you, Jav.” 
You could feel some of the tension begin to ease from Javi’s body, looking back down at Lucy before back to you, taking in a deep breath, and softly nodding his head to himself. 
“I know, it’s just- She’s so perfect. I wanna give her everything. I just, I just wanna be a good dad. I just want her to know that I love her so much.” 
As if you weren’t already an emotional mess, watching the tears well in Javi’s eyes as he gazed down at Lucy, looking at her like she was the only thing the world that existed, had your hormonal heart bursting into a million pieces, now trying to wipe your own wetness streaming down your cheeks. 
“Javi, I don’t think it’s possible for you to love that little girl anymore than you already do.” You sighed, stepping in to press a kiss onto Javi’s lips before another onto Lucy’s head. “Okay, I’m gonna go shower before I become even more of a hot mess than I already am. You sure you’re gonna be okay?” 
“Thanks, Osita. We’ll be just fine. I love you.” 
“I love you too, Jav.” 
“And hey, you’re not a hot mess, just hot.” Javi smirked, making you roll your eyes as you gestured to yourself and the undeniably disheveled state you were in. 
“Javi, I look like I just rolled out of a dumpster. I am literally wearing an adult sized diaper.” 
“And no one’s ever made an adult sized diaper look hotter, Hermosa.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a snort, shaking your head at your husband as you finally turned to head out of the nursery, giving Javi and Lucy one last wave before disappearing out of the door frame and into the bathroom for a much needed shower. 
“Alright, it’s just you and me, pollita (little chicken).” Javi smiled, rocking Lucy against your chest, taking a deep breath of reassuring confidence, feeling more self-assured about his time alone. “Let’s get you into some pajamas, huh?” With another kiss on Lucy’s head, Javi carefully laid her down on her changing table, reaching into one of the drawers to pull out a tiny onesie covered in pink flowers and strawberries. 
He couldn’t help but laugh to himself at how absolutely tiny the pair of pajamas felt in his hands, shaking his head in disbelief at the fact that all of this was real- for so long, Javi had been convinced a family of his own would never be in the cards for him, and for as much as it hurt, he’d come to accept it. But when you had come into his life and given him the second chance that he had so desperately longed for, he still couldn’t quite believe how he had deserved to find himself here with a beautiful family, a wife and daughter he loved more than life itself, and how he couldn’t have been happier to be dressing his newborn baby girl into a pair of tiny pink pajamas. 
Checking Lucy’s diaper and tossing her clothes into the hamper, Javi zipped her up into her pajamas, noticing that she was starting to get squirmy and fussy, he quickly picked her back up, pressed against his chest as he made his way over to the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery. 
Despite the steady movement back and forth and the gentle rocking, Lucy’s cries only started to become louder, Javi trying his best to keep calm despite the fact his heart was racing, thinking he had already done something wrong to upset his daughter in the few short minutes they had been together. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shhhhhhh, it’s okay bebita, it’s okay.” Javi cooed, gently patting Lucy’s back to try and soothe her. “What’s wrong, huh? It’s not your diaper, Momma fed you before she got in the shower, I wonder if it’s-” 
Before Javi could finish the rest of his mental checklist outloud, he was looking down at his shoulder to see the little dribbles of spit-up drooling from Lucy’s mouth onto his shirt, quietly laughing to himself at the mystery that had seemed to solve itself. 
“Alright, well that was easy. Let’s get you cleaned up, messy miss.” 
Standing up to bring Lucy back to the changing table, he laid her down to reach into another drawer to grab one of the many burp cloths that had been stored away to wipe up Lucy’s little face before he was back to the pajama drawer, pulling out another pair to change her into. But as he tossed Lucy’s second outfit in 10 minutes into the laundry, he couldn’t help but notice the giant spit stain drenching his own shoulder. Not wanting to have to lay Lucy back into his damp shirt, he stared down at his daughter in nothing but her diaper, thinking back to the advice from the plethora of parenting books he had consumed and a few days ago after Lucy’s birth, where the nurses had been adamant about making sure both you and Javi spent plenty of skin on skin time with the baby. 
Trying to fight off any self-doubt or need for reassurance, Javi took a deep breath as he stared down at Lucy, still restless and crying on her changing table before stripping his own shirt and tossing it in with the other tiny items of laundry that had quickly accumulated throughout the day. 
“Okay, c’mere mi amorcita (my little love), it’s okay, I’ve got you. Shhhhhh, I’ve got you, baby girl.” Javi cooed, carefully cradling his daughter to his bare chest, feeling the heat of her tiny body pressed against his as he sat back down in the rocking chair, resting her head on his shoulder. “Don’t cry, pollita, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
After a few seconds of whispered reassurances and gentle rocks back and forth, Javi let out a quiet sigh of relief as Lucy’s cries began to lessen, slowly fading from wails to muffled tears against Javi’s chest. 
“That’s it, see, it’s okay, baby girl.” Javi softly smiled, pressing a tender kiss into Lucy’s soft hair before reaching over to the small bookshelf next to the rocking chair, pulling a well loved copy of “Goodnight Moon” into his lap, trying his best to maneuver it open to the first page with his one free hand. “You never got to meet your Grandma Lucia, but that’s who you’re named after. A long time ago, this was Daddy’s favorite book to listen to her read. This is his book when he was a little boy, and now I’m so happy it gets to be yours.” Almost as if little Lucy knew, her crying began to calm even more to listen to her dad as he began to read. 
“In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon and a picture of…” 
As Javi began to read each page, Lucy became quieter and quieter, and by the time they had said goodnight to kittens and mittens, and clocks and socks, Little Lucy was sound asleep on Javi’s chest, her soft snores rumbling on his skin. 
“Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere. And goodnight my sweet Lucy Goosey. Daddy loves you so much.” Javi cooed, gently rubbing his thumb in circles along Lucy’s back as he tilted his head against the back of the rocking chair, the back and forth and weight of his sleeping daughter on his chest slowly just enough to the weight of his eyelids droop to a close right along side Lucy’s. 
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After a long, hot, and much needed shower, you had changed into some new pajamas, throwing your still damp hair into a towel as you headed down the hallway towards the nursery, surprised and slightly concerned by the lack of noise coming from the room. 
“Hey baby, I’m all done with the shower if you want me too- Oh my god.” Before you could even make it all the way through the door, you were stopped in your tracks, covering your mouth with your hand to try and cope with the cuteness overload that was in front of you. 
There, in the corner of the room sat Javi and Lucy in the rocking chair, the pair sound asleep and snoring as Lucy lay against his bare chest, “Goodnight Moon”  half open and slipping out of Javi’s lap from what you assumed had to have been the book he was reading to her before they clonked out. 
Your footsteps down the hallway must have been enough to wake Javi to the point that his eyes began to blink open, scrunching his face in a half awake yawn as he recognized your frame in the doorway, quickly shaking his head to bring himself back to full consciousness, immediately looking down at his chest to make sure Lucy was still there before looking back at you and the lovestruck grin spread between your cheeks. 
“You two having a good nap?” You giggled quietly, making your way over to stand next to the rocking chair, gently running your hand through the dark curls of Javi’s messy, sleep ridden hair, kissing his forehead, admiring your tiny daughter perched on your husband’s chest. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, hermosa. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.” Javi whispered, steadying his grip around Lucy as he sat up straighter. 
“Javi, don’t apologize, baby. I’m glad that you were able to get her to sleep for you. Did you read her “Goodnight Moon”? Glad to know it still works like a charm. I think she must already have it memorized at this point.” You smiled, picking the book up off of Javi’s lap, turning through the well worn pages, knowing how excited Javi had been to finally read it to her as he held her, despite all of the times he had read it to your belly while you were pregnant when it was the only ways to bring you some relief from the constant kicking in your last trimester. 
“Yeah we did, didn’t we, sleepy girl? Although I didn’t realize that “Goodnight Dad” was the last page of the book I must have been missing all this time.” Javi laughed, readjusting Lucy as she let out a tiny yawn, stretching her little body against Javi’s. 
“Well, if every time you read “Goodnight Moon” to this little cutie, you end up shirtless with Lucy asleep on your chest, I don’t think that I’ll have anything to ever complain about again, except for the fact I’m gonna die of cuteness. God, you two are so adorable. You have a good time with your Daddy, baby girl? I hope you know that you’ve got him wrapped around your little tiny finger, Little Miss. He loves you so much.” 
“God, you’ve got that right. Have you ever seen anything so perfect? She’s perfect, Osita. I love her more than anything. I love our family so much. Thank you.” Javi whispered, trying to fight back the tears welling in his eyes. 
“Thank me for what, Javi?” 
“For giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
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Logan x Reader pt.9
Hope it's alright
I know it's not particularly long, but this heat is killing ya girl
Also I tried to do something I can't really do as a people pleaser which is write a convincing argument, lemme know if it feels organic?
<< Part 8 Part 10 >> Masterlist
Waking up was simple. As easy as opening your eyes.
The room was white, strikingly white, and clean. It was the cleanest room you'd ever been in. There was a window on the far right wall which sunrays spilled through. A series of consoles were against the back wall, some were vaguely recognisable as medical supplies. Wires, tubes, tools, scanning equipment, etc. There were two chairs, an empty one by the window and another to your left. Occupying it was Logan.
He was asleep, hunched over, his chin touching his chest, arms folded.
What had happened?
The night replayed in your mind, you'd all enjoyed Gambit's food, watched a movie, wound down with Logan and then slept with Laura because she had nightmar- and it hit you. Like metal claws to the abdomen.
Laura had reacted to the stimuli. She had been scared and you touched her.
She stabbed you.
Her wet, terrified, face flashed behind your eyes.
Where was she?
You needed to make sure she was okay.
“L-” You coughed. “Logan.”
His brow twitched.
“Logan.” You spoke firmer.
Hazel eyes snapped open and he immediately grabbed your hand in his. “Y/N.”
Not knowing what else to say, you said “Hi.”
He tackled you in a bear hug, breathing shakily in your ear. “Fucking hell.” His fingers grabbed at your hair and spine, not landing on one area for too long. Far too frantic to stay still.
“I'm alright.” You promised, rubbing his back. “It's okay.”
Logan sniffed once, pulling you in tighter before letting you go. You were only barely at an arm's length. “You were so clos-”
“Hey.” You tapped his arm to accentuate the point. “I'm fine. I'm actually feeling remarkably well.”
“That's the cradle.” He explained. “It's a new form of medical tech. Too experimental to put into hospitals but can be used on mutants and other super beings. It regrows organs, regrows tissue, bones, plasma, the lot.”
You took the information in. “So… I feel good as new because I am?”
“Yeah.” His thumb stroked your palm.
“Okay... well, where's Laura? How is she?” Your eyes scanned the door. “Can I see her?”
Logan's hopeful face morphed into disdain. He huffed, sitting back - away from you - in the chair. “She's at the apartment.”
“But she's okay?” You tried.
“I don't know.”
You frowned. “What do you mean you don't know?”
“Been here the whole time.” He spoke honestly.
That was sweet however what had happened to your baby? “How long have you been here?”
“You've been asleep for two days.”
“Where's my phone? I need to call her.” You tried to shuffle up.
“No.” He ceased your movements. “Don't. She could've fucking killed you.”
“She didn't mean to.” You defended.
“Doesn't matter.”
“Y/N.” He was getting angry.
“You can't seriously expect me to shut her out because she was scared and an accident happened.”
“I do.” He declared. “I do expect that! You should be wary, be cautious. She could have killed you!”
“She didn't!”
“She did! You were- she did.” Logan sighed, looking up to the ceiling and then back down at you, his jaw twitching. “She did kill you. You died and I-” He chuckled darkly. “You fucking died.”
That was something.
You died.
You felt amazing for a dead woman.
“No.” He stopped you. “I only get another fifty or sixty years. I'm allowed to be pissed. I will outlive you tenfold. She almost cut that short. She took that away from me. She took you away from me."
You didn't know what to say. There wasn't anything really. He was right. “I-I know it's easy. Logan," You started, not knowing where it would end. "I know your world was bad, I know you weren't treated right. But please. Please. Don't be angry at her. Don't stay mad. I know it's been what's fueled you throughout the tough times but please.” You sighed. “I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess, don't be what your world wants. Don't be what they made you. Choose forgiveness. I have. I'd never stay mad at either of you.”
“I wouldn't do that.”
Now's a better time than any. “You did.”
His brows met. “What?”
“My back wasn't some two-bit Wolverine.” You shrugged. “My Logan- he… he didn't mean to.”
Logan sat, staring deep into your soul, before he nodded once.
“So.” Wade sauntered into the ‘ward’. “If you wanted to not come to the party you could've just said.” He dragged the second chair over, making a horrid scraping noise, and plonked down.
You scoffed. “Oh yeah, blame me, you could have one anytime.”
“If you're not there the Wolverines won't be as nice. They're dicks without you.”
“Wade, I'm fine. They've made me stay extra to check my vitals but I will be good for Sat.” You flashed the ‘okay’ symbol.
“Hmm.” Wade made a face. “How are you okay? Weren't you shished?”
Logan growled.
“Lo said they used a cradle thing to heal me.”
“Oh, from Avengers Age of Ultron? Is Doctor Cho here, too? Is Maya that lazy?”
“I haven't seen a Doctor Cho.” You scanned through the doctors. There was a Marcus and a Connors but no Cho. “Have you seen one?”
Logan shook his head but otherwise stayed silent. He had been silent the whole time, it was eerie. Just watching over you, making sure you were fine - fluffing pillows and pouring water - but being angrily quiet as he did.
“How's things been?” You were eager to hear any updates. Any gossip.
“Well, it's a little tense.” Wade took a sip from your water. “God, that's as old as Al.”
“How's Laura?” Getting back on track.
“She's… she's keeping to herself. El tries to help. El is actually here, Blade and Gambit are watching babyrine.”
“Oh.” That was good news. You could get El to spill. She wasn't one to beat around the bush. Well, you hadn't thought Wade would've but here he was...
“Only one visitor, bar this sexy hunk, at a time.” He shuffled, cheekily. “I called first watch.”
“You just wanted to moan about your party.”
“Yeah. But also.” He pointed at you. “This is Deadpool and Wolverine fanfiction. I need to make an appearance. To come on 'screen'. Ha I said cum."
You just laughed at him.
Wade spent a while talking before he took a very not-a-hint-but-actually-an-order from Logan and left, allowing El to enter.
“Y/N.” She grinned in relief. “Thank heavens!”
“El.” You straightened your spine. “How's Laura?”
She sat before she answered, brows upturned, “Not good.”
“I don't blame her.” You shook your head.
“I know, love.” She rubbed her thighs, a nervous tick. “She's nonverbal again. Ran away twice, Blade tracked her down. She's upset. Terrified.”
Your heart broke. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes, she shouldn't feel like that! She should be able to live happily. You fucking hated the TVA, hated the world she grew up in, hated the circumstances that caused her to lash out. “It took so long after Anna Marie for her to start talking again.”
“She feels bad but I think seeing you okay would be good for everyone.”
“I'll be out of here soon.”
Logan grunted. “I don't trust her.”
El gave him a dirty look. “It could happen to anyone.”
He huffed.
“I've tried.” You waved him off. “He won't listen.”
Your next visitor was absolutely a surprise. Logan had tensed before you'd even realised there was one! Ready to take on any threat that would come. 
“L/N.” Tony Stark entered the room, unbuttoning his jacket pocket so he could quickly swivel into the seat. He had a weird gracefulness to him, as if the world worked around Tony. 
“Stark.” You followed suit on the last name calling. 
“You have had a doozy of a time here in our universe.” 
“I don't think I've done badly enough to concern your lot.” 
“Oh my lot are fine.” He dismissed. “I came for you.” 
“Why?” Logan grunted. 
“Calm down, lover boy, I wanted to see how she was.”
“The cradle’s yours.” You assumed. 
“Mine, Banners, Richards. I think Strange tweaked it with his wizard mumbo jumbo.” 
“I feel fine.” You were growing tired of telling people. “Completely normal.”
“You should feel a little better than normal.” He produced a pair of glasses from his breast pocket, wiping and then placing them on his face. “We hijacked you.” 
Logan stood, the chair skidding to the floor. 
“Calm down.” Tony rolled his eyes but Logan didn't listen, stomping over and clutching the billionaire's shirt. 
Tony was unbothered. He looked as bored as he would in a board meeting. “Call it a safety precaution.” 
“A safety precaution?” You repeat. 
“Yeah.” He shrugged against Logan's grip. “So this guy doesn't go animalistic again.” 
Logan demanded, “what did you do?” 
“We injected you with a… well let's just call it a pathogen. It's various stem cells, blood samples and good ol' fashion genetic engineering mixed together. The pathogen infects the body. The antibodies come and save the day. The cells remember and can recreate.” 
“I did go to school.” You needed him to elaborate. Tony bent his neck to look at you past Logan, who was still towering over him. 
“Your cells now have the capability to regenerate.” You thought ‘fuck off’ as Logan simultaneously dropped the shirt. “It's not immortality but a stab wound won't be as bad now. Won't be cause to phone me at 4am demanding shit.” Surely, that couldn't be the only reason. He'd read the files, he knew what had happened last time. He wanted to prevent that. 
“Bu-but how can you just do that? How can you alter my genes?” You scanned the men. Logan had a scared to be hopeful expression and Tony was adjusting his clothing. 
“Mutant genes are very malleable. I suppose that's one of the reasons you guys were hunted in your world. Perfect lab rats to make the perfect weapons and all that shit.” 
Logan huffed. “As I recall you made a fortune selling weapons.”
“And now I've saved your girlfriend.” Tony stood. “You guys are free to go. We've got all we need, you're perfectly stable. Maybe eat some more you're a little underweight but I imagine your whole posse-” he gestured in a circle “-is due to the Void ‘n all.” 
Going home had never felt like this. 
You were happy. 
They'd helped you. 
They'd been able to alter you. Make you better. 
But you were a little annoyed. 
They could've asked you first. 
Yeah, you could now possibly live a little longer, be with your Wolverines that bit extra. 
But they ALTERED your body?! 
You needed to think of something else. Anything else. 
“When'd ya get the car?” 
Logan was driving the two of you back to the apartment. It was a massive, black Jeep.
“Second, third, day I got here.” 
“But we-” You were confused. “We walk everywhere.” 
“You said you liked the strolls.” He shrugged, coming to a stop at the red light. “I dunno, thought you'd like the fresh air.”
“Huh.” You said because it was too quiet. 
Why was he so quiet? 
Why was he STILL being so quiet?
“What button is the radio?” 
Logan pushed it without a word. 
You heard the string strumming of a guitar and the deep voice of Eddie Vedder. Logan had introduced you to Pearl Jam in your universe but you hadn't heard this song. 
I took a drive today
Time to emancipate
I guess it was the beatings 
Made me wise 
“What's this called?” 
“Rearviewmirror.” He pressed the gas and the car was moving again. 
The journey was excruciating. 
Yeah, the music was good but he was so infuriating. Barely making any sound but the squeeze of his palm against the steering wheel, the annoyed grunts, his foot on the pedals.
“Are you gonna talk to me?” 
“I am.” 
That was it. “Pull over.”
He made a noise. 
“Pull. Over.” 
Logan made no move to, so you undid your belt and went to open the door. Lightning quick, he locked you both in the car. “Stop.” 
“Fuck off.” You shoved him, causing the car to swerve. “Let me out!” 
“I'm not letting you out.” He yelled, using one hand to stop you and the other to drive. 
“You've been an asshole!” You shouted back. “Let me the fuck out!” 
Logan growled and harshly pulled over. The hand he had protecting himself served as your seatbelt. 
“This what you want?” Logan demanded, turning fully to face you. 
“Yes! Fuck yes! Talk to me!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “Tell me what your feeling! I know you're pissed and you know I am and now they've changed my DNA to suit you! And you won't even look at me!” 
“I'd never ask them to do that, you know that.” He spat through his teeth. “But it's a miracle they did considering you're so quick to forgive her.” 
“Logan! It was an accident!” You shoved at him again but the man caught your hand breathing heavy. 
You huffed staring into his dark eyes. 
Fuck him
You-oh no
You wanted to fuck him. 
Why was he so attractive?
All hot and sweaty and angry.
Your mouth parted to speak, Logan's eyes flicked to your lips and back to your eyes, stopping the words from forming. 
His lips crashed against yours, teeth and tongues meeting harshly. Your hands tugged his hair and you growled into the kiss. 
“We’re.” Kiss. “Still.” Kiss. “Fighting.” 
Logan chuckled. “I know.” He bit your bottom lip. 
You pulled Logan down but were obstructed by the fucking seatbelt. 
“Off.” The order passed your lips before you realised. 
He was quick to oblige, unbuckling himself and hoisting you over to him. Your legs straddling his, back against the steering wheel; causing the horn to beep, making the two of you jump. 
Logan flipped the lever under the seat and pushed himself back, giving you both room. 
He took your shirt off - from a bag El had brought, Wade clearly tampered with - and frowned. 
“What the fuck is that?” 
You glanced down to the trashy red and black themed bra. “There was only one bra in that bag, Deadpool theme is better than nothing.”
“No it isn't.” He argued, “take it off.” 
You smirked. “No, you're gonna fuck me with this on.” 
His jaw twitched but there was a glint in his eyes. He liked it. 
You leaned your body on your right knee and yanked your left shoe and pant leg off. 
Logan gasped. 
The bottom half of the underwear set was skimpy as fuck. It was actually less than a thong. There were frilly bits on your hips but where your pussy was were two tiny strings that did nothing to cover the way it dripped. These were designed for fucking. For being worn whilst being fucked. 
He hated that Wade brought your lingerie before he had but the guy had good taste. 
“Other shoe and leg off.” He nodded at you, you didn't want to let him win but you did follow the instruction. 
“Your turn, dickhead.” 
“You'll get this dick’s head.” He muttered unbuckling his belt. 
His belts were so over the top. You knew he wore them to be ogled at. 
He was quick to unzip his jeans and pumped his dick a few times. 
Your giggling cut him off. 
“What'ya laughing at?” He grumbled. 
You licked your palm and replaced his hand. “Nails.” 
His dick was thick, you knew it was but right here, right now, with it in your hand made it all the more obvious. 
He groaned as you ran a thumb over his head, swirling the bead of precome. He was gorgeous like this. Subservience suited him. 
You kept pumping him, biting down on the bit of flesh that connected his shoulder and neck. You sucked the healing flesh and kissed it. Logan huffed in relief until you bit as hard as you could on the skin. Logan moaned, twitching like mad, his head falling onto your shoulder in an effort to maintain composure. 
He yanked your hand off of himself pushing you against the wheel as he quickly entered you, using only the two filed fingers. 
“Gotta get you ready, baby.” 
You pulled him from you. “Who said you could touch me?” His hand, still in yours, was brought up to your mouth and you put on a display. Licking his fingers clean. 
“I am going to fuck you into next week,” He warned. “Let me make sure you enjoy it.” 
You hummed but rose from the position he had you in, sinking down on his dick. 
It was tight, it always was, but it was tight. 
You let out a breathy high pitched moan as you hit home. Panting sensually to drive him mad. 
Logan's ironclad grip was hot on your hips, easing you to a slow rhythm as you adjusted. 
You kept the movements he had set but increased the pace. 
His eyes kept bouncing between your blissed out expression and your tits. 
You were gorgeous. 
He was so angry earlier. 
Why was he so mad? 
This has almost been taken away from him. 
He couldn't imagine not being with you again. Not kissing you again. Not loving you again. Not fucking you again. 
Even with these stupid fucking nails on. 
He had considered ripping them off but you loved them so much he couldn't bring himself to do it. 
One hand of yours snaked its way to his chest and you swivelled your hips, trying to hit that spot. You needed to hit it. Why couldn't you hit it?
Logan knew you, knew what you liked. So he thrusted a little into the fucking and you cried out. 
He bit his lip trying to be careful, he didn't know how much power you'd allow him. Didn't know if you'd tell him off. 
“Logan.” You spoke without realising. “Choke me.” 
Usually, he would've been quick to respond but after the last few days it felt wrong. 
“Logan, either you f-fuck me right or we skip ahead to-ah-to continuing the fight.” 
“I don't want to hurt you by accident.” You had slowed the pace but he kept thrusting into you, kept hitting that sweet, sweet area. 
You couldn't even argue because the fucker had found your clit. 
It didn't take long for you to cum after that. 
You were putty in his arms. 
Logan kissed you whilst he came, your walls pulsing around his dick, before your head fell to the crook of his neck.
As his breath evened out he spoke, “I almost lost you.”
You hoisted yourself upright from his shoulder and saw the glossy eyes. 
“You didn't and now you won't.”
Part 10
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae
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gentlyweeps-world · 7 months
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regular occurrence
summary: It was fun being a Sky Sports Interviewer, until you started “seeing” one of the drivers, but it wasn’t going to be a fairytale ending.
pairing: pierre gasly x fem! reader, charles leclerc x fem! reader
warnings: mentions of cheating
requested: yes
notes: it’s a bit short but I hope it was good!!
prev part
“Why the fuck would you agree to that?” Pierre hisses out through the other side of the phone. You roll your eyes at his stupid question.
“There's not much I could have said- and hey maybe It’s a good idea I actually go out with someone who isnt in a relationship!”
There was silence from the other line, you could only hear Pierres breathing, then a sigh. “Fine whatever, he’s not as good as me..” He grumbles out, jealousy and anger slowly crawling through him.
“Well first off he’s single, secondly we aren't dating, this was purely supposed to be a hookup, and maybe he’ll actually consider my feelings!” You say with a huff hanging up on Pierre without a final word.
So maybe things with Pierre weren’t going smoothly, that was expected. You liked Pierre, that was the issue.
After almost being caught by Kika you slowly stopped sneaking with Pierre and texting him, but he would always find a way back somehow. He would show up randomly with flowers and your favorite things, promising he would say something to Kika, that he would make it so that you didn't have to be hidden.
Now obviously that wasn't true, you knew that. At some point between heated conversations and sex, he let it slip that he loved you.
It didn’t go very well after he said that because not even ten minutes later you had to rush out of his apartment since Kika would be getting back to his apartment soon. Then twenty minutes later Pierre called you, furious that you agreed to go on a double date with him, Kika and Charles.
So that leaves you here, annoyed and pissed off at Pierre for something, honestly, out of your control. If he wanted you to be his and be fully committed to him, he needed to grow the balls and do it himself, but that didn't seem like something happening anytime soon.
Your phone buzzes to life with a text from Kika with a message for a reservation at 7pm at a very fancy restaurant she's been dying to go to. Guilt washes through you as you send a text back, saying that you’ll be there.
You get another text- this time from Charles, now that piqued your interest, maybe you did need to move on from his French best-friend.
“Hey Y/n, is it alright if I pick you up at 6:30?”
“Sure that sounds perfect Charles!” You text back with a smile.
“Okay great, see you then”
It was awkward, at least awkward for you and Pierre. You two had to act normal in front of Kika and Charles.
Now it wasn’t too difficult for you, since you actually were interested in Charles, getting to know him.
Pierre wasn’t a fan of that- he had spent the past twenty minutes or so glaring at you and Charles, his jaw clenched as Kika rambled off about something random to him.
Your gaze snapped to Charles as he spoke. You had been so absorbed in this awkward double date you almost forgot just how absolutely gorgeous your date was.
“I’m sorry Charles..could you repeat yourself I dozed off for a moment..” You say with a sheepish smile, turning to face him a bit better as he talks and to clear your line of sight from Pierre.
"I said, I'm glad you said yes to this. I mean, you should know by now how much I was looking forward to this." Charles chuckled softly and glanced with a brief look at Pierre before returning his eyes back to you, a soft gaze full of admiration and affection.
“Really? I mean I’ve obviously noticed you when I would have to interview, I just wouldn’t have expected you to be interested…” You say with a soft smile, momentarily forgetting about Pierre who was fuming.
"Why wouldn't I?" Charles' face brightened at your question as he laughed softly. He tilted his head to one side with a cheeky grin, looking up and down at your face.
"Well, I'm certainly interested now and I can't wait to learn more about you."
“I feel the same..” You say with a smile. Soon you and Charles are both in another conversation, getting to know each other better.
Pierre suddenly gets up from the table without saying a thing and storms off. You glance at Charles, then Kika. “Is everything alright?” You ask her, even though you knew what was wrong.
Kika's brows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side with concern. "Something definitely isn't right." She looked at you and Charles, then down at her empty plate. She turned back to Pierre's empty seat, as if trying to process what just happened.
"He’s been acting weird lately..I’ll go talk to him..” She says, getting up from her seat and following after Pierre.
Your eyes follow Kika as she walks off to go find Pierre. “Uhm- I’m going to go make sure nothing happens..” You mumble out quickly, ignoring whatever Charles had said.
You quickly get up from your seat and follow in Kikas footsteps, the entire time thoughts were running through your head, was he going to confess? Was he finally going to stop casting you aside?
Rounding one more corner in the restaurant you stop dead in your tracks, your heart drops, eyes widening as you spot right in front of you- Kika and Pierre kissing.
You knew that she’s his girlfriend- you knew that, you’ve seen them kiss before, but this time it felt different.
You actually had hope, that maybe he’d tell her, that maybe he’d change his ways.
But of course he didn’t.
Lost in your thoughts you let out a gasp as an arm wraps around your waist, “Let’s go back to the table cheri..” Charles whispers out to you, gently guiding you away from Pierre and Kika.
You glance over at him, which he returns with a knowing look. At least he knew.
And maybe it was time for you to look for someone else, to stop those regular occurrences with Pierre.
radio 🪩: wow wow wow I know this has been long awaited!! hope it was good!! sorry it took me so long to do! leave any requests and comments!!💙
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187 @hannahwsworld @sltwins @peachbly @minkyungseokie @minseok-smaus @zahhh709 @redcloudedelk
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masonmount-vii · 13 days
It'll Make Sense Some Day
Part Three
april twenty-second
"Wait. Back the fuck up. You're going out with Mason tomorrow, and you're just now telling me?" Millie asks the day before you and Mason are going to meet for a coffee.
"We're not going out, Mills, we're just getting a coffee, there's a difference!"
"That's what they all say," your sister mumbles, but you ignore her.
"It's really not a big deal-"
"They all say that, too."
"Because we were friends for a long time, and well... We're both older now. We can handle this like adults, believe it or not."
"I never said you can't handle this like an adult, Y/N," Millie explains, "I just can't believe you just decided to meet up with him without consulting Mum or I, like you usually do."
"I don't always do that!" You protest, crossing your legs underneath you as you sit on the couch, some random show on the TV playing in front of you.
"Okay, maybe not. But the point is, you've not been talking about Mason for 9 and bit years, it isn't likely for you that this just changes overnight. What happened?"
"I need a date to Rachel's wedding, so i decided to make a Tinder for that, and the next thing i know, I matched with Mase."
Millie laughs. "Oh, my god. You know there are plenty of guys at my work that i could set you up with? This one guy, Eric, comes into work everyday and just rants about how he doesn't have a girlfriend. I don't think you'd like him, though. He's a bit self cantered."
"Then why bring him up?" you mumble, as Millie keeps talking.
"Anyway, how did you match with Mason and not even know? Were you swiping through so fast that you didn't know?"
"I honestly don't even know how it happened. I guess i just wasn't paying attention, and the next thing i knew, i was matched with him."
"That's hilarious. No offence, sis."
"None taken, except it wasn't particularly funny in the moment. Actually, it was terrifying. I called him after, though, and we cleared everything up."
"Good. Just remember, i'm going to tell this story at yours and Mason's wedding."
"Millie! I'm not even in love with him anymore, and he sure as hell probably isn't with me. We're just going to be friends and see where it goes."
"Come on, you can't be immune to the fact that your life is like something out of a rom-com. Which isn't a bad thing, in fact, can you send some of that my way?"
"Why? Aren't you still with Leo? Millie, you guys have been together forever."
"Your sister sighs. "i am, yes, but i just feel like our relationship has lost some of the spark it had when we first met, Do you know what i mean?"
"Not personally, no but for the sake of this conversation, yes. What exactly do you mean by 'spark?' Like, sex?"
"That's part of it, but Leo and I never do fun couples' things anymore. He doesn't buy me flowers spontaneously or take me on romantic trips."
"Do you want him to do things like that?" You ask.
Millie has never been a spontaneous person, when she was ten, she showed our parents her entire life plan, and has stuck to it so far to a T.
"I think, I don't know."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
It takes your sister a second for her to answer. "No."
"Well, there you go. Just talk to him, ask if you guys can have a night where you go out for dinner one night, instead of staying at home. Make small changes to your relationship that make you happy, before you expect giant romantic gestures."
"Wow, I should ask you for advice more often," Millie laughs.
"I give good advice sometimes, you know."
"Yeah. Well I should get going, but tell me how your date goes tomorrow!"
"It's not a date!" You yell, but Millie hangs up the phone, cutting you off.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry it’s a really short one 💓
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atsumwah · 1 year
lucky encounters
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featuring : bokuto koutarou
includes : fluff ! this started off as a vent bcs i had no one to tell tbh so if the part w the manager seemes a bit personal, it was. anwuas stan bokuto foreva and allways <33
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working in a convenience store isn't the best job to have. your manager nags you a lot for the pettiest things ever, you always always get the day shift so opening up at the crack of dawn all alone is exhausting oh and favouritism is a thing among you and your coworkers seeing as how differently your manager treats them and you (you're pretty sure she's just jealous you naturally attract people anyway.)
but you still get paid at the end of the day and job hunting is a pain in the ass so you're stuck with this for a while.
okay, it wasn't so bad. most of the time when the manager leaves for the day, you get to relax and blast out songs in the middle of the store. you get to have small talks with the vendors that come and go everyday so that cures your boredom.
the sound of the bell ringing caught your attention and immediately went into your customer service mode, yelling out a chirpy "welcome!" with your ever so easy fake smile. you never really expect a reply so when the customer yells a very energetic "good morning!", you couldn't help but look up. 
and boy did you not regret it.
this guy, man honestly, is just— well you had eyes and there's no sugarcoating it.  he's hot. like, extremely ridiculously hot. you can't help but let your eyes trail his well built physique and to his multi coloured hair that you're sure no one can pull off except for him. white with black streaks? if it were anyone else you're pretty sure they'd look like an old man— but he looked far from it.
you had to stop checking him out when he finally made his way towards the counter.
"hi," you croaked, cursing for it slightly, "is this all?"
"yep!" he says with a cheery smile, almost too cherry for a dull sunday morning.
good god even his smile is contagious. 
you ring him up as you usually would for any customer and if your cheeks were red then you could blame the humid weather. "thanks, have a nice day."
"you too!" he says, giving you a small wave before exiting the store. 
suddenly, you don't hate morning shifts.
your days definitely gets better when he comes in.
you don't know his name (and you don't want to come off as a creep to find out) but he's becoming a regular at the store since last week. he has white blackish hair and always wears a fitted t-shirt that hung in all the right places and a pair of shorts. you assume he jogs in the morning judging how he always comes in a bit sweaty and always always buys at least two bottles of water. 
not that you keep track of what he buys or anything. it's just, he's nice eye candy to have around, alright?
and he's so friendly. over the time he's come in, he's always the kind of customer that initiates small talk. most of the time you hate it seeing as you like to keep to yourself but his aura is so inviting you can't help but talk to him when you get the chance too.
but it's not like you like him or anything. not like you haven't a crush on a customer that treats you like any guy who was raised right should. 
but then again was it so bad if you did? 
ugh. yes. yes it was.
this guy could have a girlfriend for all you know and you're here ogling him like a snack. (which he is— no— stop looking at him!)
his voice caught your attention and you realized he had just come through the entrance, precisely at 8:30 am like usual. 
"good morning." you gave a smile, a real genuine one than your default customer service smile. 
you kept yourself busy by arranging the pens in the holder even though it'll just spiral into a circle in the end. 
you saw him grab what he needed and walk towards the counter, mimicking his movements from behind it so you'd both get there at the same time.
"ooo what's this?" he said, pointing to the display of chocolates right on the counter.
"ah, it's a buy 1 get one free deal. since, you know, it's valentine's day and all that."
"oh, that's right." you saw his eyes widen slightly. 
is this your chance to finally know if he's going to buy something for he's maybe significant other?
"there's also a lot of selections behind you, special price just for today," you continued, pointing at the rack behind him. he followed your gesture and began looking through it. 
so he did have someone. right? why else would he get chocolates if it weren't for someone he liked?
"which one would you get?" 
"well a lot of people have been buying the one with nuts or fruits so—" you started but 
"do you like it too?"
"me? not really. I'd rather get the plain ones for myself." you answered. 
"plain, huh?"
"yeah, a boring choice but i like it simple." you defended.
"nah, i don't think that's boring at all." he says, almost enthusiastically. he grabs two plain chocolate bars and sets it up on the counter.
you ring him up as usual, and as he grabs the bag you packed his stuff in— he takes out one of the chocolate bars and hands it to you.
"happy valentines day." he says with a beaming smile, before waving you goodbye and exiting the store.
you don't see him after that. 
he doesn't come in when he usually does and your morning shifts honestly got a little boring. 
it doesn't seem as lively as it was and you curse yourself that every time the front entrance rings out, you're kind of hoping it was him.
and besides you didn't get to thank him for the chocolate properly! granted you did splutter out a thank you after composing yourself from blushing too much a little, but by then he was already out the door and out of earshot.
sighing, you chose to distract yourself from feeling too bummed mr hottie didn't visit yet again today and drag the box filled with— snacks ? candies? honestly you didn't give a damn— and settled yourself in front of one of the empty shelves.
you sat cross legged on the floor and tried your best to restock the shelves before you. and maybe tried to reorganise things that didn't even need to be organised, it was a long shift, sue you for wanting something to do. your manager was at the front so you didn't have to worry about paying attention to the cashier so much.
you were in the middle of organising, moving things to your entertainment when you felt a pair of eyes looking at you from the left. you turned your head and— oh. it was him.
he was peeking, rather cutely, from the aisle and looking at you as if he wanted to say something. 
"hi," he settled for instead.
"hi there, " you say, a little dumbstruck. "um, are you looking for something?" 
"no, not really. I just, I didn't see you up there." he says in an as a matter of fact kind of tone. 
damn it, why did he have to say it like that?
"oh." because that's all that was going through your brain now. cmon, say something else! 
"chocolate! thank you…for the chocolate the other day. I didn't get to tell you that." 
" 's'not a problem!" he says in his cheery nature. "I actually never had those so really I should thank you for letting me give it a try too!"
so it wasn't for someone else then?
but then again maybe he's just being nice. yeah, nice. he's just a really nice guy.
"of course. you didn't have to. i mean i could just get those for myself anyways. "
"i know but iwanted to. i hoped you didn't mind.” he said, then raised his eyebrows at you. “i hoped no one else minded too?"
you're lucky your brain caught onto his double meaning. 
“oh no, i didn't mind it at all. I think it was sweet.”
the smile he gave you was so bright you're sure it could cure anything. 
“great! I mean, uh, that's great.”
before you could continue—  someone clearing their throat broke your little trance and you could almost see the disapproving glare your manager was throwing at you. 
"ah,i have to get back to work."
"no worries. I'll catch you later?"
"sure thing." you said automatically, feeling the excitement of seeing him again rise inside of you.
the weather was hot when you exited the store and normally you'd retreat back inside the air conditioned space, but that didn't affect you today when you saw him again at the end of your shift. you heard him call out for you so now he was running and you slowed down for him on purpose.
"if i didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me." you teased.
he immediately panicked. "I'm not, I swear! I was picking up my mail when I saw you so I wanted to catch up with you." he said sheepishly, walking in step with you now. "I just moved to that apartment and well, you're in my morning jog route now."
ah, that explains it.
"I'm glad I caught you actually. I wanted to see you before I go." 
"oh, you're going somewhere?" 
"oh, uh, it's game season now so i have a few joint practices away from home." 
"oh, you're an athlete?" that makes a lot of sense. if he wasn't you'd just assume he was another gym guy because good god look at his body.
"yep! i play volleyball for the jackals." 
"wait, you mean MSBY Jackals? that jackals?"
"yeah, that's the one!" he says proudly.
now that you think about it, you've heard about his team once or twice on the TV playing in the background of your workplace. can't believe one of them actually lives so near you.
"i have some time left before i have to go and i was wondering if you're free after this," he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, "would you maybe want to grab a cup of coffee with me?"
he might be a big shot in the sports world but standing beside you now, he looks nothing more than a guy in high-school asking the girl he likes out. you can't help the teasing smile that makes it's way to your face. "i will if you actually tell me your name."
"I never told you?" he says, mostly to himself than to you. "my name's bokuto koutarou!
"so can i call you kotarou?"
"you can call me anytime, honestly— I mean— ANYTHING—um—i'm good with anything." 
you couldn't help but giggle. he's so cute. 
"It's a date then."
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wheelie-sick · 7 months
Hi! I have a genuine question about Deaf people and sign names.
I tried to do some research on it but lots of the answers/resources I'm finding seem to be opinion-based or not exactly relevant to my situation.
I teach moderately-to-severely disabled students in a self-contained classroom at the elementary level. Most of my students have cognitive disabilities (among other diagnoses) and are nonverbal. Some of them are using or learning to use ASL. None of them are deaf/hard-of-hearing.
Would it be appropriate for them to use or create "sign names" for their classmates, themselves, or other staff members? Many are unable to finger spell and tend to indicate people via pointing. One of my students has created a sign language gesture reminiscent of a sign name when referring to a staff member and I wasn't sure if that was something I should accept/encourage or try to find alternatives for.
The two points of view I have come across are that sign names are exclusive to Deaf/HoH people at that sign names are exclusive to those who use ASL as their primary language. I was curious to know if you had any thoughts on the subject.
If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. If not, that's okay, too. I saw your post about your hearing "friend" making up sign names (which I am totally against/understand the culture behind that) and it kind of sparked the question.
Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day/night!
oh man this is complicated
and a quick disclaimer that I am not the spokesperson for the Deaf community, other Deaf people I'm sure have other opinions
I'm personally of the opinion that only Deaf* (*and cultural Deafness includes people traditionally considered HOH) people who are fluent in ASL should create sign names with some exceptions. I don't think it's as broad as everyone who uses ASL as a primary language can create sign names because I'm quite honestly uncomfortable with hearing CODAs creating sign names even if ASL is their primary language.
the short answer is I think your students' situation is an exception
while ASL is and always will be first and foremost the cultural language of Deaf people it is also a language used by non/semi speaking people who are often just as involved in the Deaf world as Deaf people are. we share the struggle of oralism and we share the struggle of communicating (to whatever extent) in a sign language. we have and should continue to have a lot of solidarity. we also share a community. I know there are non/semispeaking people who exist in the Deaf world because we share a communication method and in the process they adopt Deaf cultural norms. while they are not Deaf they are undeniably hearing members of the community.
though of course not every non/semispeaking person chooses to exist in the Deaf world there is a large overlap
and this on its own would not be enough for me to say "yep! they can create sign names!" because hearing CODAs also exist in the Deaf world and still shouldn't be creating sign names
I think for me the biggest point is that communication is a right and names are part of communication. not being able to use someone's name limits communication and I don't think it's fair to limit your students' communication like that. your students aren't choosing not to fingerspell names they are incapable of it and that is entirely a different situation. this is also not a situation of "hearing person thinks sign names are just So Cool" those sign names naturally came into existence in the same way Deaf sign names did. this isn't a hearing person appropriating a part of Deaf culture because they think it's "neat" this is natural evolution of language among people who use the language as a primary form of communication. (from the sound of it these students didn't even know about the existence of sign names?)
and my personal opinion is that you should encourage it. because it's communication and communication is a right
other Deaf people are welcome to add on with their opinions
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Theo one-shot
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Word count::1,025
Warnings::mentions of abusive relatioship, mental and physical abuse
Pairing::Theo x fem!reader
A/N: I had another part to this that was basically pure smut but I felt it ruined the cute boyfriend vibes so I cut it out lol (if you want it just comment and I'll post it)
The sound of light scribbles and tiktok audios filled the hotel room you and Theo were currently staying in. Taeyang is on break right now and as a little get away you and him booked a hotel in his hometown. Today he showed you around the city and showed you where he went to school, parks he played at and at the end you got ice cream together. It was honestly a blast but tomorrow was the day you'd meet his parents for the first time. Theo is only your second boyfriend but still you know that meeting the parents never goes well.
"You seem upset," Theo said, worried looking up at you. He set his phone down and held your hand gently. "Are you stressing about tomorrow?" He said with his hair down in his eyes.
"Kinda…" you said, avoiding eye contact and looking at your little sketch.
"It'll be fine, I'm sure they'll love you," he smiled warmly at you as he rubbed his warm hand against yours. 
"That's what they always say," you laughed.
"Either way, I don't care, I love you too much to care what my parents say," he smiled up at you and returned his gift. He kissed your hand and went back to his phone. "Remember if you need anything you can always talk to me," 
You nodded your head and went back to drawing as your other hand held Theo's. The room was so cozy, the dim lights, the rain outside, being with your boyfriend, it was perfect and the butterflies in your stomach went wild over Theos outfit. A short sleeved black hoodie and some baggy white pants. For some reason you loved it perhaps a little too much. You caught yourself staring at him when he looked up at you. You blushed and went back to drawing. Theo laughed.
"What's up with you? You acting so weird," he said as he set his phone down again. 
"I dunno, I guess I'm just tired," you said leaning back in your chair. 
"Okay let's go snuggle in bed then," he said immediately standing up. You were kind of surprised at how quickly he adjusted to your mood. He went over to the bed and you followed. You both crawled into bed facing each other. The warm blankets wrapped around both of you as Theo gently played with your hair as his eyes looked at you with pure love and adoration. "Did you ever meet your ex's parents…" he said randomly as he wrapped his arms around you.
"What? I mean yeah I did but why are you asking?" You said as you snuggled into his shoulder. He pouted before saying
"I want to be better than him,"
You laughed at him. "It's not funny!" He yelled.
"You're better than him in every way possible, you should know this," you said as you patted his head. He let go of the hug to look at you again.
"How can I know I'm better when you never tell me anything about him, I don't even know his name!" He pouted. Oh he can be such a baby sometimes. 
"Fine his name was yoojun, and he hurt me," you frowned at him when his face contorted. 
"He did what?" Theo looked at you sternly.
"He was just mentally abusive…mainly," you said awkwardly before showing him how upset you really were. He held you in his arms again.
"What would he do to you?" He said with a shaking voice. 
"He tried to keep me away from my friends a lot, and it was like only his life mattered. If I ever complained about anything he would go on a rant about how difficult his life is," you sighed as Theo rubbed your back to comfort you. "And I mean sometimes he'd hit me. One time he thought-" you paused because tears started poking at your eyes. You took a deep breath and swallowed your tears. "He thought I was cheating on him and he had valid points but I wasn't! I didn't know how to back myself up so he slapped me…" 
Theo's jaw dropped as his wide eyes stared at you. 
"What!? Why didn't you tell me this before," he said, clearly upset.
"I dunno," you stuttered. 
"What else did that bastard do!?" He said furiously.
"Whoa whoa relax baby it's okay, he's gone now," you put your hands on his chest. "But he did do some questionable things to me in bed," you said looking up at the ceiling. 
"Like what!" Theo said, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you. You laughed at him while he sternly looked at you. 
"I don't know, make me wear weird costumes and make rude comments about my body…" you softly spoke while Theo looked at you madly. 
"Do you still think his insults are true?" He calmed down a bit but he was still mad. 
"Kinda…" you said, biting your lip lightly. 
"Oh I'm gonna prove that bastard so wrong," he said clenching his fist. 
"W-what do you mean?" You said nervously watching him shift around in the bed. 
"I'm going to prove to you how amazing you are!" 
"But you don't even know what he said!" You said waving your hands around like a maniac.
"Alright tell me everything he said," Theo looked down at you while hanging over you. His face, inches away from your eyes, his body hovering over yours. You got flustered. 
"Are you sure you wanna do this n-now?" You blushed and put your arms around his neck casually.
"Yes. Now stop avoiding my question," he growled.
"Okay fine! He said I taste bad…" you blushed and looked out the window covered in rain. 
"Like your skin?" Theo said, confused.
"No," you blushed and let your arms fall above your head and rest on the pillow. 
"Your mouth?" Asked leaning down closer to you.
"Nope.." you said, playing with your own hair. That's when it clicked in his brain. His finger traced your lips as his eyes darkened. 
"I see now. I haven't gotten to taste that yet, would you mind lending me a bite?" He said with a bite of his lip. You blushed and looked up at him. 
"As long as you want to," you said, putting your hands in his hair.
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havendoesthings · 8 months
He's no longer an Autobot [Short]
Context: Action takes place in my Transformers Animated AU, where Bumblebee lived on Cybertron long before Ratchet was even born. In this one-shot he's a part of the then Cybertronian Bot Academy where with his own eyes he can see that some of the bots start to pick sides [Said sides being Autobots and Decepticons] where one of this bots is someone close to him, his friend – Shockwave. WARNING! The writing below is unfinished and not actual! Something similar will happen' in the fic I have in plans to write for this AU, just not how it's written as below. Hope you'll still like what I wrote tho! If you have any questions about the AU feel more than welcome to ask about it! >ww<
,,There, in front of him, not so far away was Shockwave. 
But rather than the usual blue optics, his eyes were now red. And that meant one thing,
Shockwave joined the Decepticons.
He couldn't lie, his vents upon finally capturing the full picture of his — To this moment… To this moment? — best friend caught him off guard. 
Joining Decepticons ranks wasn't something that was unusual. At the same time though, it also wasn't anything usual. It was… Just there. Somewhere, looking at him and other bots from a far distance, reminding them from time to time of the political fractions their people started to form. 
As it turns out, they're not as far away from them as he thought. 
"You're," He started slowly, the feeling of his glossa being unmoisturized making him uncomfortable. Together with his throat, it was slowly becoming dry. "You've… You've joined Decepticons," He wanted to continue but didn't know what to say. 
And there was silence. Completely nothing could be heard, and nothing indeed intruded on it. 
It was just like no one besides them was on this one certain corridor. 
And to be honest, if someone would say that to Bumblebee earlier, — After all, their Cybertronians boot camp was not called one of the noisiest places without a reason — he wouldn't believe them. 
But now, right before his eyes, his small world collided with reality. It almost felt like his world and everything he knew about Shockwave suddenly made a lot more sense. Every time he couldn't agree with some of the methods their higher-ups used, some evident repulsion aimed at some of the Primes’ words. It all… It all suddenly started to fall into one, big piece. 
But there wasn't 'almost' there just for show. 
So Bumblebee held onto that 'almost' in hope. For what? Only time will tell. 
He gulped, trying to make his shoulder pads be seen as more relaxed, but did it work? After the unchanged expression Shockwave was sending his way, he guessed that it did little to humor and help his case. Still, it was worth a try. 
"I indeed did." 
"Ah," He could feel his spark beating its usual rhythm. 
He licked his dermas, feeling a little lost over what he was supposed to say next. They didn't exactly give out instructions about what you should do when your friend suddenly got involved in the world of some adult bots, did they now? — It was a joke, okay? He has to cope and face, in these few seconds, that he has to answer with something- — Either way, 
"Are you… Sure about that…?" 
"Definitely." Yikes, he didn't even hesitate. Was something that crossed his mind. But as quick as the thought was present, as soon it was gone. 
"Mhm." He made a face. He couldn't prevent himself from doing so and probably with that he made his friend's trust drift more and more away from him, but what exactly was he supposed to say? "It's cool, it's cool." Which honestly? Was a brilliant answer, shut up. 
It was the only thing his panicked brain could think of and Shockwave didn't bother to react in any way to it. Which was nice because it was still better than him simply walking away from him."
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play-on-skinners-box · 11 months
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I wanted to do more Raincode furries cause they're honestly so fun and are really good practice because I'm kinda rusty in general. I only did Yuma and Makoto this time just cause it's a more manageable workload and they are some of the last ones I'm especially passionate about.
OKAY SO, at some point scrolling on tumblr I saw this post by Nadox showcasing a piece of Yuma's concept art, and in the art he was depicted with long hair. They theorized that this was what Number One originally looked like and he sheared his hair into that wimpy fresh almost bowl cut so he could pass as a trainee, AND I L O V E THAT. I herby declare it as correct on the grounds of I said so.
Going along with this idea, Yuma is a young wolf that has a lame haircut so everyone THINKS he's just a dog. I know a wolf in real life would be a lot harder to reasonably pass as a dog, so this requires a bit of anime logic tomfuckery, but I'm fine with that because Raincode already deals in its fair share of logic jank. I am simply being true to game in that regard! The way I drew him already isn't super wolf-like cause I made him all squishy looking like human Yuma, and made the veerrryyyy tips of the ears flop over because the pointy ones just didn't feel quite right. I know real wolf ears are only ever depicted as pointy but it was for the VIBE. Yeaahhh in hindsight I might have taken a few too many liberties. I suppose to make it a little more sensible you could say he's a wolfdog and not full wolf or something. Other than the logic I really like this choice because everyone would naturally assume Yuma's just a pathetic little puppy dog when his real identity is hiding in plain sight!
I went back and forth on alot of the fur aspects. How smooth is too smooth? How much of it should just look like blunt cuts? Should I even give him his human hair? Usually I don't like giving my furries human hair in general because I want them looking a lot more like animals rather than people, but for Yuma his hair is such an important part of his design that I ultimately decided to keep it on both him and Makoto.
MAKOTO IS A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND THAT IS SO FUN, SO SILLY, SO GOOFY, HOOOORAY(Specifically a dall sheep cause they have those big curly horns). In theory, the hardest part of choosing an animal for Yuma is that whatever his animal is needs to tie into Makoto, and also be able to be implemented in a way where their connection isn't obvious. Makoto having a mask helps of course, but if you pick a really distinctive animal for Yuma you'll have to come up with better ways to hide it. Others have gotten a lot more creative with how Makoto hides his species, but I didn't do that and went in the full direction of just giving him a disguise. Its a littlllleeeeee lazy but I'm too smitten with the idea to care. I was a little confused on what to do with the tail. I considered just chopping off the majority of it to make it look like a short little sheep tail and put the justification for it in his suuuuppper tragic past(Though I honestly don't know if homunculi can regenerate like lizards). Luckily, the pose makes it so you can't see it anyway so I don't have to grapple with the responsibly of weather or not I need to brutally amputate one of Makoto's body parts. I consider this a win.
Disregarding his actual animal, I think the sheep is also weirdly fitting because of some of their associations. When I met Makoto I wasn't sure what to make of him besides being cautiously optimistic about him not letting Yuma die(What a fool I was), and sheep/lambs/rams and animals in that ballpark can vary wildly in their depictions from literaly the devil to good little fluffy guys!
For his actual look I wanted the sheep parts to look costumey sort of. I was going for a similar effect as the blood in chapter 0, where it's very noticeable but you write off the weird things about it because it's not immediately relevant. So, the mask has fake horns attached. The hand hooves are just little caps over the paw fingers, and there are two gold and silver caps to mimic his rings and point to their artificiality. The feet are also fake and are suppose to look a little clunky like Makoto's actual shoes. His hair is also much more full looking, a little less limp; because his actual ears need some place to get tucked away. I think the main problem with this design is it'd make for a really awkward reveal, cause when he dramatically gets the mask taken off then he'd just be a canine with hooves.
For both of them I think wolf works very well in terms of their characters and their shared forte. Yuma spends most of the game struggling with needing to rely on others, and Makoto has been carrying the weight of Kanai Wards secret on his shoulders alone for like three years. They also both have the Coalescence forte, which by it's very nature requires the help of other people, and at the end of the day being with others and working together is what brings them farther then they could do alone(even if some of the themes get muddled at the end and arn't really as clear as I'd personally like I find that Kodaka's games can have some not so rock solid theming with shakey conclusions but this is what I chose to take away from it)
These aspects of their characters fit perfectly with the stereotypical idea of a strong and stoic lone wolf in contrast to real wolves being pack animals that work together to survive!
I thought I'd like Yuma's design more by a landside cause I've grown really fond of his human design, but I actually really love this version of Makoto. I guess any designs with horns or hooves just appeals to me in a way that paws don't. Still really happy with these two. They could most certainly be worse! I think they're both cute little guys though and I learned a lot about how to like, render from this so that's a bonus!
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50calmadeuce · 9 months
Ch. 3: Til the Cows Come Home
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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You woke up the next morning at three thirty, got dressed and walked into the kitchen where James was already drinking a cup of coffee. You headed straight to the coffee pot.
"I'm not sure if I should say good morning or tell you you look like shit," he says.
You flip him the middle finger as you filled a travel mug full of coffee and he laughs.
You turned to face him, your hair neatly braided in a French braid. You were dressed in jeans under a pair of chaps, with a light blue tank top peeking out from under a matching plaid shirt. The colors accentuated the crystal blue of your eyes. Taking a sip of your coffee, you let out a contented sigh. "That hit the spot."
James laughed. "Let's go saddle the horses."
You followed him out to the barn.
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You were checking the straps on your horse when you heard the sound of a horse galloping up the driveway and you turned to look.
James looked to. "I wonder who that is?"
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As the rider drew nearer, you recognized the figure on the horse to be your ex, Jake Seresin. He spotted you, redirected his horse in your direction, and came to a halt when he reached you. "Y/N."
"Jake," you responded and shot James a glare.
James cleared his throat. "I have to go check on the rest of the guys," he stated, then turned and walked away with his horse.
As James moved between you and Jake, Jake dismounted from his horse and walked towards you.
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"It's nice to see you. You look good," Jake remarked.
"You too," you replied honestly. It was hard not to notice his muscular arms and body even under his jeans and red plaid short-sleeved shirt. That wasn't the Jake you remembered from ten years ago.
"When did you get here?"
"The other night. I stayed in a hotel and then got here yesterday."
"Oh," Jake said, looking a bit puzzled. "I stopped by yesterday, but James didn't mention you were here."
"I'm sure he didn't, just like he didn't tell me you stopped by."
There was a brief pause, a palpable tension between the two of you. Then, Jake spoke up again. "Look, Y/N, I know things didn't end well between us. But I wanted to offer my condolences. Losing your mom... that's never easy."
"Thanks." Just then, your cell phone rang in your back pocket. You retrieved it, glanced at the caller ID, and then turned to Jake. "I have to take this. Excuse me." You headed towards the entrance of the barn, ensuring Jake couldn't overhear your conversation. "Hey," you answered the phone.
"Hey, babe. How are you doing?" a male voice said.
"I'm doing good."
"How's your brother?"
"He's doing good too."
"It's quiet around here without you."
"I bet."
"When you coming home?"
"I don't know. It's the end of summer and we have to get the cattle in. The funeral is this weekend and I'm sure the reading of the Will, so maybe Wednesday? It all depends."
"Well, I just called to check on you."
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
"Everyone gather round!" James yelled.
"Look, Sean. I have to go. I'll call you later."
"Okay. Love you."
"Yeah," you replied, ending the call. You walked back over to your horse while Jake observed you intently.
"Everything okay?" Jake asks, concerned.
"Yeah. I'm fine."
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You rode in line behind the other cowboys as you made your way to where the cattle were located. Suddenly, Jake rode up alongside you.
"Y/N. Can we talk?"
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You glanced at him. Realizing the boyish features you had once fallen for years ago had matured into the countenance of a man. Before you stood the person you had once loved with a profound intensity.
"What's on your mind?"
"I think we need to talk about that night."
You let out a sigh. "Jake, that was ten years ago."
"And not a day has passed where I haven't thought about it... about you."
You locked eyes with him, those familiar green orbs that had a way of melting your heart. They were filled with mischief and love, just like they used to be. Your heart ached.
"I'm sure you felt the same way," he added.
Of course you did. You were on your second engagement since Jake.
You nodded, feeling the weight of his words. "I did."
Jake continued, his gaze unwavering. "Y/N, I know we've both moved on, but I never got the chance to properly apologize. For everything."
Have you? You swallowed, the past suddenly rushing back. "Jake, we were both young... We both made mistakes."
"That doesn't mean I shouldn't have done things differently. I should have fought for you. I should have been there for you."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of emotions swirling within you. It was a lot to process.
"And if you did, you wouldn't be doing what you're doing now."
"Do you even know what I do?"
"Honestly, no. I mean, James mentioned you're some kind of pilot."
He smiled. "I'm a naval aviator in the Navy."
You thought about it a second. "Wait a minute, you're...?"
"I'm a fighter pilot. I've got two confirmed kills under my belt."
You looked at him, shocked. "Wow."
"What about you? What are you doing?"
"I do search and rescue in Alaska."
"You moved to Alaska?"
"I did."
"Wow. How you liking it?"
"I like it there. Quiet and rustic. I've learned a lot."
"I bet."
You noticed James waving to you. "James is trying to get my attention. It was good catching up with you," you said, before turning your horse and riding towards James.
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You rode up to James. "What's up?"
"I see you and Jake are talking like old friends."
You glare at him. "Why didn't you tell me he stopped by yesterday?"
He looked at you. "I didn't think you would care."
You didn't answer.
"He's changed, Y/N."
"Yeah, well, so have I."
"I didn't say you didn't." There was a brief pause. "You can tell he still cares about you."
You looked at James, frustration and confusion swirling within you. "What are you trying to say, James?"
"I'm saying that maybe it's not too late for you two. People change, Y/N. And sometimes, second chances can be worth it."
You glanced back at Jake, who was sharing a laugh with one of the cowboys. He must have sensed your gaze because he turned in your direction, giving a nod and a warm smile. Your heart ached at the thought of revisiting old wounds, but a part of you couldn't help but wonder… maybe James was right.
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Your group located the head of cattle that needed to be brought back to the ranch and skillfully herded them along. Every now and then, you noticed Jake stealing glances in your direction. The one time your eyes met, he offered a smile and a nod, acknowledging your presence. It made you feel like you did when you were dating years ago.
It was well into the evening by the time you returned to the ranch, and Jake rode up alongside you.
"Thanks for letting me tag along," he said.
You turned to him. "Why don't you stay for dinner? It's getting late, and I can drive you back after we eat. You can board your horse here."
"I wouldn't want to impose."
"You wouldn't be, and you never have before," you assured him. "Besides, when was the last time you had a dinner cooked by Griff?"
He grinned. "You make a good point."
You dismounted from your horse, Jake followed suit and the two of you walked towards the barn.
"It seems like you haven't forgotten how to ride, " Jake states.
"Nope. We use horses in Alaska."
"Oh, really?" he asks as the two of you walk into the barn with your horses.
"Yeah. Depending on the situation."
"Sounds like you like the job."
"I do," you affirmed. You secured your horse outside its stall, and Jake mirrored your actions with his own, placing his horse in a stall across from yours. It was a routine the two of you had performed many times in years past. "What about you?"
Jake smiled. "I love it. Being so high in the air and the G forces. It's great."
You unsaddled your horse and Jake did the same. Then the two of you started rubbing your horses down. When you got done, you placed your horses in their respective stalls, gave them some oats and feed, secured the stall door and you met Jake in the middle of the walkway.
Just then you heard some music.
"I'm going to clean up. I'll meet you by the barbeque."
Jake smiled. "Sounds good."
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
Fight for the Throne: Battle
Part 5.4 of Heirs Apparent | AO3
CW: violence, blood, childhood trauma
Danny's current fear was that his sudden absence was going to rattle the Ghost Zone and the Observants would appear out of nowhere to escort him back to work. He'd soon rather reveal his ghostly side to the three Parisians than have the eyeballs show up in the base. CW should be keeping them from doing that at least, he thought, if he knows what's going to happen.
He looks back at the group, rubbing his middle where he was previously shot. "Please don't fault Marinette for lying to you," he finally said to them. "And don't think that everything you know her as is a lie. She's a good person—just raised around the wrong people. I get that you have doubts but I'm sure she'll come clean after all of this."
He focused on the blonde boy, Adrien, in particular. If this incident is going to lead to their break-up, ancients, his sister was going to burn the League down.
The three didn't say a word, maybe still in the middle of processing everything they had heard so far. Danny stretched his arms and legs. "Okaaay, since we're all familiar with each other now, I think Adrien's due for a shovel talk."
"Seriously?" Chloe sputtered. "Aren't you like, even bothered about being trapped in here?"
Danny raised an eyebrow. As if you weren't just complaining about your hair earlier. He mustered his most innocent smile, folding his arms at the back of his head. "Well, no, 'cause it's useless to have negative vibes around here and we have nothing better to do anyway than talk."
The short girl, Alix, let out a light chuckle.
"So . . ." Danny pinned his gaze on Adrien again and saw him visibly gulp. "That shovel talk?"
"Right, uhh." Adrien smiled nervously. "I—I love Mari . . ."
"Mmm hmm."
"And I'd like to hear her side and . . . and honestly I just want to see her safe right now." The boy raked a hand through his hair. "I'd never do anything to hurt her and I've committed myself to protecting her during err, the attacks."
Danny nodded his head, humming. "I know amira wouldn't settle for anything less anyway."
"What does that mean? 'Amira'?" Alix asked. "Sounds like Arabic."
"It is Arabic. Means 'princess'," Danny answered, "She was the princess of the League."
Adrien's lips parted in recognition, forming an 'o'. Danny briefly recalled Marinette mentioning how one of his nicknames for her was 'princess'.
"I think you're pretty cool, Adrien. When it comes to the shovel talk, it's our brother you want to watch out for actually." A mischievous glint sparkled in Danny's eye. He knew just then that his eyes had momentarily turned toxic green. "He'll bring his katanas when he talks to you."
"Damian Wayne?"
"Yup, that one."
Static fizzled in the air, making Danny stiffen up. A cold gasp was threatening to escape his lips but it wasn't quite there. A portal's about to open up. He moved towards the corner of the cell where the view of any watchers would be blocked. He summoned a tiny portal to intercept the incoming one and used his other voice in a low tone.
"S̴̥̤̪̙̰̦͌̎̌̆͂̃̈́ͅẗ̸̢̫̥̒a̷̦̠̲̓̒̽̉̇̊̕͝ỳ̶̩͈̰̗͍͑͐̌̆̓͜ ̴͎͙̣͊ả̴̛͓͚͈̈́̏̽̂w̶̳̹̤̿̔̈́̔͐̏̃͘ͅǎ̴̻̪̐͊͆̓̇ȳ̸̰͔͓́͜͜ͅ ̶̢̙̊f̸̡͋̎̇͘r̸̡͔̖̱̗̤͒͆ơ̵̙͉̘̰̙̼̈́͂͛͋̌̎ͅṃ̴̧̛̻̳͉͑̈́̊͝ ̴̛̞̼͍̮͋̋͌̑m̴̛̺̫̜̲͍̦̣͐ỷ̸̢̱̻̙̯̫ ̸̬̙̬͊̈́̎̿͠l̴̘̳̭̈́̌̍͐̿̀́ơ̸̡̧̢͉̗͓̖͋̾̃̿c̷̙̻̖̣̥̄á̴̯͓̓̅͂͆ṫ̸̠͖̘̠̯̯̈í̶̡̀̂̊͌ȍ̵̻͚͆̎͛͝n̶̲̗̂̉͋̾," he threatened, "Ḏ̸̡̢̨̧̧̻̈͋͒̀̃͜͝͠ơ̴̝͚͈̩͚̤̪̍͆͑̂̕ ̷̞͙̳͙̗̤͍̔̔ͅn̶̲̥̘̻̹̒͜o̵̡̡͇̩̓̒̑͝͝t̷̯̝̜̬͙͉̍͊̃̂͋͌̚ ̷̱̪̙̣͎̈͂̍͂́͜c̵̩̍o̷̜̳͚̘̭͗̋m̴͔̓͛̐͂͊͠͝e̸͔͙̟̞̼̟̍̊̈́̀̋͌̏͘ ̵̯͍̞͎̜́͜u̸̖͖͍̳͇͛́̄͜n̴̛̙͚̺̈́́͛͆̾t̶̘̗̞̼͛ì̵̧̨̥͎̏͌́͘ḻ̴̃̍̋̅ ̷̨̢̫̓́ͅĮ̷̯̟͉͓̦̳̎ ̷̡̠͈͕̬̺̞̑̃̽͒͝ą̷̽̄̿s̷̛̰̺̭̫͈̀͆̅̔ͅk̸̨̩͓̜̯̲̬̒̿͝ ̶̧̢͇̞̖̀̏̏̇̚͜f̷͖͉͉̌͐̅͌͆̏o̴̡̞̼͓͈̳͗́̈̂͝͝r̶̞̦̲̋̿͆ ̷̻͖͗̌̈̕̚͝y̵̼͌̽̍o̴̗̒̍̏́͆̕͠ű̴̫̯͍͔͕̀͐̈̎̕͘."
He closed the portal instantly, mumbling, "Creepy fucking eyeballs."
And when he looked back, the Parisians were staring at him in different versions of horror. "Okay, come on, there's probably an akuma that's weirder than that." He crossed his arms pouting. "And . . . no, as much as I would like to, I'm not telling my whole life-death story as long as we're in here. You guys can just pretend you didn't witness that."
The sun dimmed and the sky soon faded into black as the day passed. They were brought just enough food to ration, but other than that, the League had kept them inside their cells. Soon, against her wishes, Marinette began to doze off.
"You shouldn't have done that."
That was what Damian had told her right after her first kill. Her hand shook around the knife as she walked behind her brothers.
'You shouldn't have done that'? She had worked with her blood and sweat in training and that was all he could say to her? She grit her teeth, breathing heavily.
Looking at her brothers' backs enraged her more. She was now one of them, but they didn't want her. Screaming, she lunged for Damian, tackling him to the ground and raining blows that he attempted to dodge. "What was I supposed to do?!" She yelled, hot tears at the corner of her eyes. "What was I supposed to do?!"
Damian was stunned into speechlessness as her tears dropped onto his own cheeks. Danyal only stood nearby, head held down. They probably thought they failed to save her from the worst kind of life. But their responses were hell for Marinette.
The scene melted into something that else—Marinette was Ladybug, all grown now, and was facing the ruins of Paris. Instead of burning chaos like she always pictured, the devastated city was a shell of itself, desolate like the places she'd gone to for a mission. She was the last soldier standing, and the akumas that had caused all of it . . .
A tightness erupted in her chest. Sobs wracked her whole body, followed by an unnerving numbness beneath her skin. From far away, she could hear a voice but couldn't make out what it was saying.
She curled in on herself, screaming, letting out what the city's terrorist had denied her for years. Somehow, she wasn't enough, she wasn't the heroine of Paris like she was supposed to be, she was the one who failed to save her people.
She jumped back into half-consciousness and found herself still shaking. Jason came into view, who was holding her while she fell apart. But instead of pushing him away, she clutched his shirt more tightly and let herself cry out loud and drain her tears.
She didn't care how pathetic she seemed, how pitiful it was despite putting up an act the previous day. Tim and Dick's expressions were unreadable: maybe it was grief, or guilt, or confusion, or sympathy, or panic. Marinette figured that they saw the ugly trauma crawl out of her, a kind of mirror to their own experiences.
Though their reactions told her that hers was much, much worse.
"Are you okay?" Jason asked in a hushed tone, pulling away the sweaty strands of hair from her face.
Marinette nodded mutely and pulled away. Jason returned to his brothers. No one uttered a word but they were still staring at her.
She pulled her lips into a fine line. "What, never seen a traumatized kid before?"
The boys could only radiate with concern—it seemed like they wouldn't say anything.
Marinette wrapped her arms around her knees. "Do me a favor: when you finally get around to researching about me, make sure you have the right information." She blinked and gazed emptily at the wall. "Then maybe you'll understand."
Damian noted the worry in Jazz's eyes when he pushed his portion of food towards her. "You should eat," he told her, "You don't know when the next is going to be."
"What about you?"
"I've suffered worse."
Her face twisted in a way that looked like she was imagining what that 'worse' looked like. But despite her efforts, he refused to take his food back and only opted for the cup of water. He knew she was starving as well, but didn't want to show it too much.
"So, we're here because this 'League of Assassins' wants one of you to take over, right?" Jazz pushed back her hair as she ate.
"Yes, I believe so."
She frowned. "Does it really have to be one of you? Why not choose someone else?"
Damian clicked his tongue. "I do wonder that myself. The problem is that they only consider us worthy because we've been trained by Ra's. I think they're missing something here if they didn't stop to consider that we actually don't share his ideals."
"Also . . . if you're here with me, who do you think Danny's with?"
"If the situation is a switch-around, then Danyal must be with our sister's Parisian friends, and Marinette is with my brothers." Now that he considered it, Marinette with Dick, Jason, and Tim was a recipe for disaster. Secrets were going to be exposed left and right: his brothers would be prying into Marinette's issues and it was only a matter of time before Danny's presence as a king would be needed.
The morning passed more quickly than the previous day. Assassins came to their cell for the second time, not to hand them food but to escort them out. He and Jazz were being taken to opposite directions, and he couldn't bring himself to strike just yet because they had her.
So he moved along the path, pulled along by two assassins, and plunged into the darkness.
What Damian noticed while going through the halls was how much of a maze the place was. It didn't help that he hadn't stepped foot in the base either—it would be tricky to navigate the escape.
He was led down a staircase and into another room where the escorts left him. The room was a tad bit larger than the cell, filled with weapons of every kind including his own. At the opposite side there's an opening barred by metal bars that could be unlocked by a lever. Peeking out, Damian saw that it led to the arena he spotted from the window of the cell.
He walked towards the wooden table that held his katanas. So this is it. The fight.
He picked up the twin weapons and stuffed other smaller ones in his possession: knives, a small handgun, shurikens. After packing up, he looked towards the gate.
See you soon, akhi. Amira.
The day was officially coming to be one of the worst days Jason Todd ever had. When they were finally getting out of the cell, they were taken into a series of winding passages and into what looked like a viewing deck for the arena. Other assassins had taken Marinette away—she left them with a stern warning not to do anything rash.
We have our hands tied. Great.
The other hostages were in viewing decks, too, close enough for Jason to make out their faces but too far to communicate with them. They were located higher up so it was difficult to drop down to the bottom without a grapple. In a higher viewing deck, there was a group of cloaked figures, maybe the elders who will be spectating the battle.
He stood near the ledge, looking over the dusty fighting arena. A part of him worried about Marinette especially after that breakdown she had. Something told him her triggers originated not only from her childhood.
The metal gates opened not long after. The three League heirs slipped out, each carrying different weapons. Damian had his usual katanas, and their other brother (Danyal, if he remembered the name Marinette mentioned) had a crossbow and a sword. Meanwhile Marinette . . .
"Is that a rifle?" Tim rubbed his eyes in disbelief. True enough, Marinette had a gun hoisted over her shoulder.
"Won't that, I don't know, be bad for mobility?" Added Dick.
He wasn't wrong. It was a large empty arena with no obstacles or structures to climb over. If there was a fight going on, they'd have to constantly move around often to attack and dodge. Jason only hoped Marinette knew what she was doing.
The triplets moved to the center to talk but their conversation couldn't be heard from their spot. The gates opened again, this time welcoming hordes of assassins. The three wasted no time positioning themselves back-to-back in defensive stances.
"It's a test," Jason mumbled.
"Like if their assassins skills are rusty?" Tim asked. Jason only shrugged in response.
The fight began with the sound of a horn.
Jason focused on Marinette first, curious about her next moves. She had strapped the rifle to her back and opted for a closer range combat, armed with blades. Right off the bat, he could see that her fighting style was deadly. Sharp. Jason could almost liken it to Cass' movements. But if Cass' fighting was like an art form, a dance with her opponents, Marinette's was extremely flawless—she never made a wrong move, no unnecessary actions. By League standards, she was a perfect soldier.
Next, his gaze wandered off to the other boy, Danyal, who looked like a near copy of Damian. His fighting was more fluid, as swiftly moved around their attackers to deliver his own blows. When Damian was in combat, he was more aggressive, like a blazing fire. Danyal on the other hand was a shadow, a trick of the eye.
What Jason found strange was the uncanny calmness that washed over him whenever he watched Danyal.
The battle was in the triplets' favor so far. Jason shuddered at how well the three worked together, aside from their individual prowess. Where one sibling had an opening, the other covered and when one attacked, another supported from behind. They were like clockwork turning in sync, as if they had each other's moves memorized and predicted.
No wonder they were separated, Jason thought.
Another thing he noticed was that they never seemed to have the intent to kill. Bodies were being knocked out left and right but they were only immobilized with injury or unconscious at most. Soon, all their opponents were down, leaving the three catching their breaths and wiping blood off their skin.
The horn sounded again, but this time no more assassins were released into the arena. The triplets looked towards the upper deck, where the League members were staying.
"Are they . . . supposed to fight each other now?" said Tim.
Jason inhaled sharply. The League would keep them there forever until only one heir remained. Maybe they would kill the hostages one by one as a threat. He clenched his jaw. "We have to get out of here."
Dick headed straight for the door behind them, but it was locked and bolted shut. Tim was looking around for another way to escape.
But Jason watched.
Damian, Danyal, and Marinette had faced each other, each drawing their weapons.
Then they attacked. 
Zalgo Text: "Stay away from my location." "Do not come until I ask for you."
Hey, if you like my works, you can support me on Ko-fi :3
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despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
The Imposter's Descent Into Despair
[Part 1]
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Well... I think it's best we start at the beginning...
Date: December 29th, 2011
*As everyone in Class 77-B was surrounding 1 person - their teacher, who was tied up to a chair which Mikan got up*
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Pl-Please... let me go...!
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O-Okay everyone, it's tied up and we are all set!
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Good, seems we got it all set up...
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Now Mahiru, is the camera all set - are we ready to record?
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Just about...
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Yep, all set! Now we are recording and thanks to you and Kazuichi's tech work; we can finally show all the parents of how much of a shitty teacher she is!
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Ar-Are you seriously going to do this?! I worked hard on getting your talents to be symbols of hope!
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!!! *gets slapped*
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One more word out of you and I'm gonna punch you!
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Now now everyone, let's calm down and go one at a time; you all are going to get your chance to vent out your anger and frustrations at her but let's keep this in order...
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Now then, who wants to go first...?
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Gee... going in order eh, I guess we gotta make sure we all don't start yelling at her at once, well... anyone want to go first?
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...I will.
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Whoa - you got something to say; ham hands? I'm rather surprise you do.
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Weeell she did push you to be our teacher and pretend to be here so yeah, I think you got a ton of reasons so I think it make sense.
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Thank you, I think if anything I have quite a bit to say to this women...
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Now... where to begin with you, witch; maybe how you kept pushing your job onto me and pretending to be you or how you didn't let me work on my own identity at all...
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U-Um, w-well... you see, Ultimate Imposter... I was just... I was helping you improve your talent in impersonating and-!
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No, if anything you were being nothing but a lazy, incompetent, moron that just her work onto someone that should have to keep this class in line; in fact I had follow everything to the letter and yet it still wasn't good enough for you!
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I told you so many damn times, I want to quit impersonating others, to form my own identity and future and yet you never even let me have that! I was stripe away from it because your too lazy to do anything on your own! I even question why you became a teacher if you won't do your job!
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Honestly, I am planning to leave this damn place and frankly, the only good thing that came out of this was meeting Daiki but now that he's gone, I can't even get that! So I'm done, I hope you rot in hell you condescending witch which frankly you shouldn't have done this!
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But you decided to enroll here, you should of expected this...!
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That is the only thing I'll admit was a mistake but at least I know that dropping out is for the best and that I will accept that, but everything else is your fault, I'll just let everyone else say their piece as I rather not let this go on...
*As everyone began to say their piece, Nagi walks over as she unties the bandage rope*
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YAHOO, AWESOME! Guys we told that bitch off and it was thanks to Nagi!
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Wait... your thanking me...? I'm not sure what I did but at least that lady will leave us alone now, thankfully...
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Well I mean, you did convince us to fight back and take a stand, still I think you are selling yourself too short Nagi.
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... (She doesn't seem too confident but I suppose she isn't use to it.)
'At first this was the start of a revolution, it's what began it all...'
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ivysangel · 8 months
drop the mean girls review! my friend wants to go see it and i need to know how much to mentally prepare myself
sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
Okay, so I need to preface this by saying I'm a huge Mean Girls fan. I've seen the movie dozens of times. I've seen the show on Broadway once and left the theater begging my mom to take me again, and then I cried when the show closed before I could see it again. I've also seen the Mean Girls sequel on multiple occasions (unfortunately). I'm also a fashion lover, music lover, and the enjoyer of some tasteful political incorrectness in a movie like...Mean Girls (2004). I'm not a movie buff or an expert critic, but I am a girl who has spent hours putting Rachel McAdams’ Regina George on mood boards and listening to Taylor Louderman's performance of 'Someone Gets Hurt' from the Mean Girls Original Broadway Cast Recording. With all of that being said, here's my review.
(proceed with caution: spoilers and supreme level hating, cw: mentions of weight)
First of all, the pacing just felt kind of off? I think it's because there were so few scenes set outside of the high school, and I think that has something to do with them cutting 9 songs from the original soundtrack and even the ones they kept; some were still cut short. Which took away some of the best parts of the movie. For instance, Gretchen's part in 'Meet the Plastics' was one of the most memorable parts of the soundtrack, and it was cut down to the one introductory line that wasn't even delivered by her, Karen's part, too. How are you going to call the song 'Meet the Plastics' and only have Regina sing it? I'd also like to mention that in the original song, there's a line that Regina sings, she says, "I never weigh more than 115," and they change it to "that filter you use looks just like me." now, there are two explanations for this, first, they wanted to keep it going with the social media theme which runs rampant throughout the entire movie or they wanted to be mindful of what they put in the movie considering the audience consists heavily of women and young girls. However, there is so so so much emphasis on Regina's weight during the entire rest of the movie (like, I honestly feel more than normal, but I'm not sure) that if it is the latter, it just completely defeats the purpose of removing that line, so I'm really hoping it's the former.
Cady can't sing, or at least I just found her voice, so...not good? Something about it just wasn't giving nuh uh. She also wasn't a convincing mean girl, a convincing socially awkward, not-aware teen girl who had been homeschooled her whole life? Yeah, she nailed that, but a MEAN girl, nope, not convincing at all. This is also where the pacing was off to me. I felt like she was a mean girl for 0.5 minutes, and that, paired with the fact that she just wasn't convincingly mean? Didn't really do it for me.
They also made most of the insults more palatable? Which was fine at times. Like yeah, you should probably refrain from saying slurs in the big year of 2024, but trading social suicide for "socially ruinous," What the hell? How old are we? I just think it's a little funny bc the word suicide isn't okay (apparently), but Kevin G performing a song where he talks about how he basically uses geometry to be good at sex is more appropriate? Like, I don't know what the thought process was, how they decided on what was getting put on the chopping block and what wasn't.
Also, Gretchen gets a solo, and ik it's in the musical, but it feels so incredibly out of place in the movie, like SO out of place. Also, Gretchen is Latina, apparently? Which isn't a problem in the slightest, but it's just mentioned once and never referenced again ever...like at all...not even in passing. They threw in the "this was a gift from my abuelito" for brownie points and called it a day.
Cristopher Briney is one of the most unattractive men I've seen in a while, which is why it's so hard to see so many close-up shots of his face since he's supposed to be the super heart throbby Aaron Samuels that these girls are fighting over. "Cady, tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back." he has a prematurely receding hairline; let's keep the hair down while he still has it. Also, he has no singing lines in the movie, which is so...bc he has them in the original musical. The ending of the original version of 'Someone Gets Hurt' is sung by both him and Regina. Like you hired an ugly man who can't sing to play the sexy heartthrob in a musical? Oh ok.
The fashion was so genuinely terrible. I was mortified. MORTIFIED, I TELL YOU. Regina making fun of other people while she was walking around in #those outfits. I can't even begin to describe what she was wearing half the time, but it was so bad. Ironically, the outfit she wore when she was shunned was like??? one of the more palatable ones, along with her prom dress and the outfit she wore during the burn book scene, which was a nod to Rachel McAdams' Regina George (that was cute). But the outfit she was first shown in...those ugly fucking shoes???? The furry black sweater and highlighter green pants???? What the fuck is going on!!! Everyone was dressed head to toe in shein and cider, and it was obvious. I think the problem with a lot of remakes these days is they develop costumes using trends from a specific era of social media, but those trends so quickly go out of style. Micro trends are the reason why shows and movies set in high school almost never hit the nail on the head, that and the fact that they use influencers as guidelines for how teenagers act when most of us are normalish? idk that's a whole different convo.
i kinda tuned in and out after the gym scene, like idk man i was just mad at that point. I guess I should list some redeeming qualities now?
Tim Meadows reprising his role as Principal Duvall was amazing ofc; his comedic timing is great, and kudos to him for acting through one classic, one flop, and one box office banger that should've been kept in the drafts. Avantika is beautiful, stunning, amazing!! There was nothing about her acting as Karen that really did it for me, but I love her so bad I can't hate on her. Reneé Papp is a fantastic singer like who's surprised? No one? Exactly. They also got Megan Thee Stallion and Chris Olsen to make cameos in tiktoks during the movie, which was funny. It had its good moments, but I really just think for me personally, as an enjoyer of both the original movie and the original musical adaptation, this fell so so so flat. Of course, my opinion doesn't reflect the opinions of everyone, and you may very well love it!! I do definitely urge you to listen to the original versions of 'Meet the Plastics' and 'Someone Gets Hurt' because those are so very good; also, Auli'i Cravalho's rendition of 'Revenge Party' was very good, and I really like Jaquel Spivey as Damian.
Anyway, that's it!
update: forgot to mention the extremely obvious product placement and the way they changed one of the lines in revenge party from “what’s regina doing, what’s regina wearing, is she dating aaron” to “what’s regina doing, what’s regina wearing, is she texting aaron” which is totally harmless but it irked me so bad bc they’re trying sooooo hard to be with the times or whatever and it just ??? like !!! they’re trying TOO hard bc dating was perfectly fine in the context of the plot that’s why it was put there in the first place!!!!
another update: more pros, principal duvall still has a hand injury (funny i like it) AND TINA FEY REPRISING HER ROLE!!! BIG PRO!!! also there’s literally a whole song in the og musical dedicated to the plastics realizing they’re sentient beings that don’t have to rely on regina…and they just cut that out lol? also listen to the og revenge party bc there’s a whole bit where regina cheats on aaron and it’s wildly different in that version (it was better and funnier too) but like i said…they made the movie more palatable.
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1d1195 · 7 months
hi sam,
I need big sister advice...how do yoy stop yourself from liking something...and not just a person, just anything...celebrities, a fandom, a show, how do you stop the obsession before you go down the rabit hole
First and foremost 😭 big sister advice I'm 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay, second, I am happy to give you my advice but I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask given my personal history with Twilight/1D/Harry.
HOWEVER. A little tangent: I am obsessed with iced coffee as well. Not sure I have mentioned that on here (you can probs tell from my stories, but anyway). I am constantly in a battle between "I should just make coffee at home" and "it's only $4" literally every day. I constantly here about how my $4 a day routine is attributing to my lack of a house in today's market. Not to toot my own horn but I do a lot for my family, my students, my friends, my boyfriend--pretty much anyone that enters my life, you get a piece of me that's yours to have. I don't do a whole lot for myself--self-care or otherwise. So I think life is short and I try to remind myself that $4 a day is not the worst thing in the world. (probably a bad mindset but if I don't do something for my mental well-being I think I'm going to explode).
The reason I say this is because I DO think life is short and you should allow yourself some indulgences. Otherwise, what's this all for? I'm not saying you should spend thousands on an obsession (see also: my Harry collection 🙃) but if you enjoy something, there's no reason you shouldn't as long as it's not causing you physical, mental, or financial harm (in my opinion).
For me? I have to limit myself. I used to watch EVERY interview, read EVERY article, watched EVERY Instagram story the entire 1D fandom had to offer and it became so overwhelming, so EXHAUSTING I had to stop. Like in my crazy teenage mind I thought that if I didn't watch EVERY piece of 1D things people would call me out for not being a real fan or that Harry/Niall would one day find out I didn't see their interview on Oct 12, 2013 and they would kick me out of the club.
It's part of why I had such a big hiatus on here. I am a huge planner so setting time for myself to do what I want to look at, watch, think about (albeit, it's very little time these days) is really important to me. Also, I have to decide if it's healthy or not for me to do so. I was staying up all hours a night to write stories and post and interact here on tumblr. It wasn't good for me.
I think just reframing the context is important too. I would like to believe I'm not really obsessed anymore. I have a great appreciation for shows and celebrities. I like to believe I know a LOT about Harry (but obviously I don't--para-social stuff ya know?). I know a great deal about How I Met Your Mother and The Princess Bride. I love potatoes, babies, math, reading, etc. I don't think these are obsessions they're just things I love.
Obsession often has a negative connotation and while I do like to tell people I have an obsession with Harry Styles for exaggeration/honestly what else am I supposed to call it? I don't think it's the right thing. Tbh, corny as it sounds I have the utmost respect for Harry. I think he's wonderful of course, and I wouldn't have known that without being so crazy for 1D for so many years.
So, I doubt any of this was helpful so I'll try to summarize:
I would really think if it's obsession or just something you really enjoy. I think there's a pretty significant difference. I also think it's okay to indulge in the things you love. Life is too short to not enjoy anything--especially something you're feeling passionate about. Moderation is important for this though. Your well-being is more important than knowing every detail about the thing you love. Not everything has to be an obsession.
If this wasn't helpful, let me know I'll try again 💕 Thank you for asking me for advice! This is like the sweetest, nicest thing 😭
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fearxtoxfreedom · 8 months
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This hadn't been how she'd anticipated her week starting. After a long flight home on the FBI's private jet, BODY CRAMPED UP in one of the seats for five hours straight, (okay, so that part was nothing new. she'd been doing this regularly for the past ten years), she must have been visibly wincing & craning her neck & shoulders, because Liz had offered to GIVE HER A MASSAGE. Which, wasn't abnormal, in and of itself. In fact it was a fairly common occurrence. (even more so, ever since the incident) Elizabeth Forbes was a godsend of a woman. She spent every hour of every day just trying to ease Elle's pains & give her the best life possible. & Yes, sometimes that involved deep tissue massages, that admittedly usually turned into FULL BODY MASSAGES. What made today so strange was that this had happened while the two of them were sitting on the couch in the living room, while Caroline was present. & Instead of keeping it PG, instinct had Elle leaning back into her girlfriend's chest, resting head on the shorter woman's shoulder, KISSING AT NECK. She hadn't done so with any mal-intent. She could honestly say it was just habit. When Caroline kicked up a fuss, she'd expected Liz to tell her to 'keep it in her pants', in a much more MOM APPROPRIATE WAY. Instead, she'd rushed her daughter out of the house, telling her she needed her to go & pick up some groceries. Earning the teeniest little smirk from the FBI agent. Once Caroline had stormed off, she focused her attention on that perfect throat. KISSING. NIPPING. SUCKING.
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ONE THING LED TO ANOTHER, & within minutes, Elle was curling digits in her t-shirt & yanking it over her head. Short hair flying wildly. MESSY & UNTAMED. Deep scar across her once perfect abs where she'd been shot. Next to go was her bra, swift movement had it unclasped, slipping over shoulders, exposing her perky tits to the room. Nipples instantly hardened as the cool, air-conditioned room temperature rushed across skin. "How long do you think we got?" PLAYFUL TWIRL of the bra around her index-finger, she straddled Liz's waist, grinding hips down, pelvis crashing against pelvis. Tossing bra, she busied her skilled digits, swiftly unbuttoning the blonde's sheriff uniform, casting it to the side, followed by her sports bra. GREEDY HANDS PALMED at those breasts, groping roughly as she went back to town on her girlfriend's neck. Making sure to LEAVE HER MARK. That was when her phone buzzed in the pocket of her jeans. (which were unfortunately still on) She'd planned to ignore it, but Liz looked worried. What if it was her team, or an emergency, or something to do with the Mystic Falls Homicide case. She had THAT LOOK in those blue eyes, so Elle rolled her own & dug the phone out, biting her bottom lip & teasingly gyrating hips against Liz's while she opened her phone, "It's your daughter. She so knows what we're doing. What should I say?" She was half tempted to respond with, 'I will be once you stop cockblocking me,' but there was NO SHOT Liz was gonna let her type that. & She shouldn't. Not knowing about Caroline's little crush on her...& Not when she's SUPPOSED to be one of the mature adult figures in her life.
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