#i hope I got those ship names right lol
rainylana · 1 year
“See you in home room.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: an interesting interaction between you and your bully on the bus.
warnings: bully!eddie, he’s a meanie, language, smut, public fingering, spanking in a smut flashback, enemies to lovers trope, dirty talk.
a/n: i’ve been obsessed with bully eddie i hope you’re living for these posts as much as i have been lmfao. also really happy with how this turned out i’m in love lol.
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Your relationship with Eddie was special. Well, not special, and it wasn’t a relationship. More of a…situation-ship. You hated each other’s guts. You despised him and he despised you. He was cruel to you, picked on you and called you horrible names. You took it, turned the other cheek and buried all your horrible thoughts about him deep down, clutching your cross necklace every time you did so.
You hated it, but your feelings for Eddie had slowly developed over time. He touched you in ways that no man had ever before, said things to you that made your skin shiver. Eddie just knew how to do it right. He was a cocky bastard about it, too. He knew he was good. Your situation had started when you moved. Two years ago, from california to hawkins, indiana.
Today was not a good day, one where for the first time in forever, you didn’t want Eddie’s attention, nor did you want anyones. You had so much homework, finals to study for, chores to attempt at when you got home. It was just one of those days where you felt overstimulated and stressed. Normally, Eddie knew how to take care of you.
You couldn’t really remember the first time you had slept with him. After a heated brawl led a steaming make out, turning into a quickie that had rocked your world. And that was that. But Eddie made one thing clear to you everytime he was done fucking you. He always said he hated you. Sometimes he’d spit in your mouth when he’d say it, smack your ass or yank your hair.
Today however, you didn’t want any of that. You wanted to be left alone.
You were seated on the backseat of the school bus, rocking back and forth as you and everyone else bounced from the roughness of the gravel road. You stared out the window, sad and depressed, mind unfocused and stressed. Eddie made the mistake of plopping down beside you.
“Do you have it?” He smacked his gum.
You didn’t look at him as you unzipped your backpack and pulled out the biology homework, giving it to him to copy on his own worksheet.
“Sweet.” He nodded to himself, taking it from your hands as he pulled out a pencil from his pocket.
You turned back to look out the window, ignoring his presence. You’d learned long ago not to interfere with him copying your work. He’d make you pay if you did. Besides, you typically adored the attention he gave you for it, even if he was a mean son of a bitch.
“Why so quiet?” He continued to copy down answers, tongue sticking out.
“Huh?” Your eyes squinted from the sun.
“You’re quiet.” He retorted. “Not that I’m complaining. It’s actually quite nice, but it’s odd since you don’t ever stop yapping. So what is it?” He still didn’t look at you, his thick, veiny arm brushing against yours.
You didn’t roll your eyes like you normally did. “Oh.” You blinked. “Sorry.”
“You on your period?” He gave you a quick glance through his lashes.
Your eyes widened slightly. “Oh my, god, just- just hurry up.”
He snickered and nodded. “So that’s a yes.”
“No,” You huffed. “I’m tired. Not that it’s any of your business.”
His pencil tapped against the paper before he put it back in his pocket. When he finally looked at you, his face was solemn as he handed you back the paper. “You’re awful mouthy today.”
You couldn’t help but glance at his lips. He didn’t miss it, either.
“Do you need anything else?” You raised your chin daringly. “Because I sure don’t feel like dealing with your shit today.”
“My, my,” He raised a brow. “She’s awful brave today.” His words made your thighs warm. It was hard to stay in a bad mood when he looked at you like that.
“I’m just trying to make it through the day, Munson.” You rolled your eyes, looking forward.
“Well,” He licked his lips. “I don’t think I need to remind you what happened the last time you smarted off to me, so I’d tread lightly, sweetheart.” He hooked a finger under your chin and turned your face back to him.
Your cheeks burned at the memory.
“I said count them or I’m starting over.” Eddie warned, hand squeezing the flesh of your ass as he smacked it hard. You squealed, crying out against his lap that you were bent over. He’d been at it repeatedly, bringing his thick hands down over and over, all because you’d directed one little curse word at him.
“I can’t,” You blubbered, snot and tears dripping down into your lips and onto the floor of the abandoned drama room. “Please, Eddie- touch me,”
“No,” He said sternly, continuing your punishment with a heavy hand. “You haven’t earned it, but you have earned this.”
He watched the memory replay in your eyes and he smirked. “That’s what I thought.”
Your breathing was heavy and your heart raced, you looked down to his lips again, moving in slightly.
“Ah, ah,” He pushed you back gently. “You know the rules.”
You did. He made them loud and clear every chance he got. No one was to know of your business with him. He didn’t like people knowing what he did with you. You wondered maybe if it was because he cared about you. He loved the admirational look you got in your eyes when you looked at him, like you’d be willing to do anything for him. Even take a life. It made him unbelievably hard.
His hand went to your thigh, dangerously close to your pussy. “But since my good girl is having a hard day, maybe I can bend the rules for once, huh?”
Your stomach ached at his words as you nodded. You leaned back in for a kiss.
“No,” He rolled his eyes, making you frown. “Keep your eyes to the front. Make sure no one sees.”
You were confused with his instructions, but you listened and looked to the front with a beat red face. There wasn’t very many kids left on the bus, only the byers and your neighbors.
You gasped when his fingers went up your skirt, and he pinched your skin as a warning. “Keep it down,” He said sternly. “Gonna be a good girl?”
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, keeping your eyes trained forward, hands gripping the seat as his fingers grazed the fabric of your underwear.
“What happens when you’re not a good girl?” His padded thumb swiped over your clit, his index finger moving aside your panties to dip into your warm cunt.
“I get punished.” Your lips parted into in o shape.
“You like when I punish you?” He asked, curiosity peaked in the back of his throat.
Your belly twisted as he entered a finger inside of you, his thumb working quickly on your clit.
“Hurry,” You blinked, whining as your house got closer and closer.
“Quit your whining or I’ll stop.” He growled. “Be a good girl.” He did as you asked, however, devoted to you in his own sick ways as he fingered you sloppily and quickly.
You leaned back into your seat, hands on your knees to spread your legs apart. Your slick cunt was easy for him to enter his other digits inside of you at a quick pace, and he kept his eyes on you the entire time, making sure you kept yours at the front of the bus. He thrusted them in and out, the loud squelch of your arousal only heard by the his ears.
His thumb pressed against your clit like a button, pressing and pushing, making you pulse and shake. He let you look away when your orgasm came, and you shriveled up into a ball, bending your body over against the seat.
He pulled his fingers out and wiped the shiny wetness off on your skirt. “See you in home room.” He smirked before standing, leaving you a hot, sweaty mess as your house finally came into view.
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starvine · 2 years
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☾ ⋆* kiss it better
pairing: neteyam sully x fem!omaticaya reader
genre: fluff, angst
synopsis: all you wanted to do was serve your people. however, when you get injured, your mission is cut short. neteyam insists upon patching you up and decides to explain his concerns for your well-being and future together.
warnings: battle stuff, guns, blood, battle injuries, medical jargon, stitches, minor swearing (?), allusions to mating/sex ig, aged-up neteyam
word count: 7.9k
notes: IT’S HERE! i’m very excited to have started writing again, and although i’m very casual about when i write, i hope to be somewhat consistent lol. enjoy this for now, i have more planned for the future! i hope you all enjoy, pls reblog/comment/etc if you feel so inclined <33
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The air was tense today, thick with disciplined focus as you keep your ears alert for any incoming airships. Reeking of smoke and burning metal, a scent that is foreign and unpleasant to your nose, you remain aware of everything and anything. Gray clouds billowing and a pungent smell that cling to the back of your throat like a hand with a vice grip—nothing was natural. 
Tilting your forehead forward, you hope your visor, decorated with teeth and interwoven pieces, will shield your eyes from the wind. You hold your bow tightly, the wood smooth against your fingers as you use your other hand to guide your ikran swiftly through the air. 
“Calm, calm,” you soothe her, tapping your fingers along her strong neck. 
You’re anxious today. Not because of the imminent arrival of the Sky People, their ships ready to fire metal bullets at you at any second; you’ve dealt with that many times before. No, the reason you’re nervous is because of Neteyam. 
Today is Neteyam’s first day participating in the raid—well, his first raid on the ground with his father’s permission—rather than being a part of the aerial surveillance team. You tried to insist that you should accompany him, but, due to his wishes, you remained in the air beside his mother. 
 “Do you see anything yet?” Neytiri’s voice asks over the intercom. 
Bringing your fingers to your throat to press the responding button, you reply, “Nothing yet.” 
“I’m going to fly down to help gather some of the gear. You stay here,” she orders, raising her bow to signal that she and her ikran were descending. 
“Let us know if you spot any bogeys. We’ve got some heavy-duty gear and need as much time as possible,” Jake informs you over the intercom. 
“Roger that, sir,” you say, steering your ikran closer to where the enemy would most likely be approaching. 
Ears twitching back and forth, you attempt to pick up the whir of an aircraft amongst the orders commanded, the creaks and minor explosions occurring from the Meg-Lev train your people have intercepted, and the wind blowing past you. You hope that maybe you could track a scent, sniffing the air a couple of times to no avail. It’s all smoke and metal. The skies were calm, except for your ikran’s screeching, however, they couldn’t be for long. There was no way those demons would allow your people to escape that easily. 
“Hey,” Neteyam breathes over the intercom, a slight huff of your name. You could hear the smile on his face. “How’re things looking up there?” 
“What happened to using my code name?” you question, peering over your ikran in an attempt to find him along the ground. “I’ll tell you if I see anything. I know how to do my job, you know.” 
“Just double checking,” 
You scoff, guiding your ikran to the right. “Maybe you should focus on gathering all of the gear instead,” 
“Oh, really? Maybe you should-”
Suddenly, your ears flex forward, focused on the faint whirring of something mechanical and man-made; something that was not naturally occurring within your world. 
“Airships spotted! Everyone, move!” you shout over the intercom. You yelp out into the open air, pumping your bow in tandem with the three shouts you release to alert your fellow brothers and sisters in battle. 
Just as people begin clambering for their ikrans and direhorses, the two Scorpions start firing. The relentless pop of military guns fills your ears, causing your tail to swish frantically and your ears to perk forward. 
Using a high pitch, you signal for your ikran to dive, swooping up and under the two fighter pilots. 
“Do not engage! I repeat, do not engage! I want minimal casualties today,” Jake commands over the intercom, the background full of shouts and grunts. 
“Jake, I’ve got to take out these two airships. They’re already taking down ikrans,” you spoke, peering up at the airships as you stealthily soar below. 
Just then, Neteyam responds. 
“No! Listen to my father, do not engage. I can lead the people to safety,” 
“There won’t be any people to lead if I don’t take these airships down.” 
Neteyam groans your name in warning, the sound of shouts heard from all around. “Would you listen for once?” 
Jake barks your name, frustrated and frantic. “Get out of there! Get back to the High Camp!” he orders. You begin mapping out the plan of your attack. “That is a direct order!”
“I’m sorry, Jake,” you respond, ignoring all that comes after. 
Your ikran shoots straight up into the air, coming close to the tail-end of the Scorpion gunship. You arch over the top of the gunship, upside down and looping over to the front side. The sun high in the sky and its beams creating a glare on the glass makes it difficult for you to spot the pilot. Upon finding his location, you draw the string of your bow taught, ready to fire. 
“Incoming! Enemy on-”
You shriek upon release. The arrow flies straight through the glass, nailing your target right in the chest. 
The gunship begins to tilt forward, preparing for its decline. As a hunter and warrior, it was your duty to pay respects to the creatures you killed in order to sustain the way of life. Kneeling over them, declaring your thanks, and wishing for their safe return to rest amongst the Great Mother was a sacred practice. However, as the gunship crashed and blew up in flames, hot and angry, you felt no thanks or remorse. They did not deserve to rest peacefully, and they didn’t even deserve to die on the Great Mother’s sacred soil. Their spirits deserved to walk alone, isolated and cold from the warm glow of the afterlife. 
“You skxawng! What the hell are you doing?” Neteyam screams. 
Looking around, you see the green back of his ikran, its rider perched on top with no visible concerns except for the fury etched on his face. 
“I got this! It’s just one more,” you insist, positioning an arrow on your bow, eyeing the last gunship. 
“May the Great Mother help you when I knock-” and with that, he’s easily ignored. 
The wind whips past you, high and soft, almost like a whisper from Eywa that she too felt the tensions of battle. You would do anything to soothe her pain. She could not endure the suffering of this war much longer. 
Tightening your grip on your ikran, her blues providing a stark contrast to the grayness of the military equipment, you attack from the rear yet again. Guns firing, you duck, placing yourself as flat as you can get against her back. However, once you approach the opening of the ship, where all of the massive guns were placed, you sit up, firing quickly. 
The scream and weak grunt you heard confirms that it was a successful hit. Loading your bow with another arrow, you soar underneath the aircraft, looping around until you have the high ground. Securing your aim, your fingers release the string until the arrow flies straight into one of the Scorpion's propellers. A small explosion soon turned into a large one, the ship dipping to its left and falling from its dominant space in the sky to the dirt. 
However, so were you.
You must’ve underestimated how close you were to the ship, your eagerness to protect your people and the Great Mother clouded your judgment. 
The sound and burst of light, as well as the force, must’ve spooked your companion as she, too, seemed to have lost her place in the sky. She tumbles towards the ground, shrieks and roars released into the open air. Jaw clenched, you tried to convince her to gain control to no avail. 
“Come on!” you shout, knuckles turning a pale blue with the tight grip you had. 
As you neared the ground, panic began to set in. Your ears lay flat against your head in an attempt to not become overwhelmed by the wind, you tried to think quickly. 
You could stay with your ikran, but you would both get injured; you could also disconnect from her and leap from the group, in hopes of only injuring yourself. 
Deciding on the latter, you had one plea for the Great Mother: 
“Please don’t let Neteyam kill me.” 
Disconnecting your kuru, you leap the rest of the way to the ground, the shock of the force of your fall causing you to fall instead of landing perfectly on your feet. The ship crashes a couple of yards in front of you, the force of the blast propelling you forward. 
Rolling and skidding along the dirt, pieces of gravel and discarded glass and metal tear at your skin. Red begins to bubble up along the surface, the violent opposite of your blue skin. 
Tumbling down a hill, you lose your grip on your bow, the wood being left behind in your trail. The burning sensation of your flesh being scraped away keeps you alert, blindly clutching at anything to break your fall. 
Eventually, you slow to a stop, landing on your stomach with a mouthful of dirt. Spitting and coughing up the soil, you take a minute to catch your breath. With a slight raise of your head, you look at the ship as the flames crackle and cause a film of sweat to break out on your skin. That hunk of metal was truly ugly against the backdrop of the forest. 
You begin to slowly sit up, a sharp pain coming from your side. A cut, not deep enough to need stitches, slowly oozes blood down your left rib, crimson staining the skin. It looks swollen, screaming to be disinfected immediately. Reaching behind you to check for any more severe wounds, you arch away from your nimble fingers just upon a light graze. The heat from the explosion must’ve irritated the skin, causing soreness and slight bubbling in some places. 
Minor scrapes along your knees and elbows from what you could see and feel, makes you thank Eywa for her protection and the benign wounds. Stumbling onto your feet, you catch sight of something unnatural. 
A small piece of metal protrudes from the side of your thigh, embedded into the flesh. Staring at the shrapnel, you’re reminded that your world doesn’t just belong to you anymore. Even if the Sky People were to disappear and return back to their planet, the scientists would remain here. Their clunky gear and massive structures would continue to reside amongst the nature of Pandora. 
Something about that notion makes your heart sink. 
You lightly touch the silvery metal, trying to gauge how deep the foreign object must be. It felt stiff and unwilling to relent to your touch, confirming that it was not something you could brush off. Taking a step forward, a broad, aching pain festers throughout your leg. It hurt less if you put less pressure on the limb, however, that would be hard to do on your journey back to the High Camp. 
Picking up your bow from the ground, arrows broken and scattered around, you slowly mount your ikran, muttering expletives to yourself at the pain that dwelled throughout your entire body. 
Neteyam was surely going to kill you. 
Upon your arrival, after an arduous flight back home, you slowly slid off your companion onto the uneven rock. Blood oozed out from around the metal, the object having dug deeper into the surface the more you moved. With one hand clutching your rib and another trying to steady the object, you hoped to stumble into a healing area before you were noticed by a Sully. 
Turns out, you’re not as stealthy as you thought. 
“She’s back! She’s back!” a high-pitched cheer sounded, a small girl bouncing towards you. Tuk’s big grin slowly faded into a look of concern and worry as she sized up your injuries. “Mom! Kiri! She’s hurt!” 
The younger girl prances over to you, lifting your arms and examining your body from front to back. You feel the small girl brush against your tail, which was agitatedly flicking back and forth. 
With a sigh of your name, you see Tuk’s mother and elder sister approach you, war paint still decorating Neytiri’s face in vibrant greens and yellows. She gasps upon spotting the dirt, blood, and bruising that has blossomed across your skin, tucking a stray hair behind your ear as her eyes fill with worry. 
“We must get her to grandmother,” Kiri announces to her mother, clutching your upper arm as softly as she could without hurting you. 
“There’s no need. I can do it myself,” you try to assure her, taking a fumbling limp forward. 
“There is a piece of metal sticking out of your leg.” 
You glance down, almost as if you hadn’t noticed it at all before. It was a futile attempt, especially as you used your fingers to brace the object, preventing it from moving too much. “There is?” 
“Damn, bro!” Lo’ak exclaims, waltzing up beside you and trying his best to not laugh at your given failure. “Looks like someone got their ass handed to them by some Sky People,” 
Hissing at him, you weakly push at his chest to show him that you weren’t interested in his jokes right now. 
“Lo’ak!” his mother scolds, hitting him upside the head. 
“What?! What I’d do?!” 
Then, the two people you desperately wanted to avoid came into view: Neteyam and his father. Jake had a stern, militant look on his face—a facade that seemed to follow him everywhere he went. Neteyam’s face was set into a deep frown, a look that was a delicate cross between his mother’s and father’s disappointed faces. 
“Well, would you look at the time? Looks like I better start tending to-” you attempt to walk away, only to be kept in place by Neytiri’s firm hand on your shoulder. It’s not like you’d be able to escape them as quickly or swiftly as you would typically be able to. You–apparently–had a piece of metal sticking out of your leg. 
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Jake scolds still dressed head to toe in his fusion of Omaticaya and Sky military gear. “Disobeying direct orders? That isn’t something I expected from you.” 
Casting your eyes downwards, you hope your flat ears and limp tail would get you out of this scolding quicker than it would’ve if he was scolding Neteyam or Lo’ak. Typically, avoiding his gaze would show that you felt regret—which, in this case, you didn’t really—and he’d let you move on. However, it’s hard to keep your eyes fixed on the ground when someone gets into your line of view. 
Neteyam crouches down, face coming into view as if he’s trying to catch your fake performance. Instead, he places two hands, worn and calloused from all of the years of fighting and defending his people, onto your cheeks. He tilts your face upwards so he can view you from his natural height, allowing him to view each scrape and bruise in proper lighting. His lips twitch into a grimace, thumbs grazing over a small cut that must be on your cheek because, although there’s a faint sting, there’s no leaking blood. 
Now, everyone knew about you and Neteyam. It’s not like it was kept a secret. Wherever you went, he followed; whatever he was doing, you were right there beside him. In the years to come, you would become his mate and that was an unspoken decision between you and him. Well, there was also an unspoken rule between Neteyam and the rest of the boys his age to not even glance at you, or else he’d have their tails. However, no matter how much people smiled softly whenever you’d exchange fond glances or spare looks when you two ran off alone, it wasn’t like you publicly displayed much physical affection. Nonetheless in front of his parents. 
He unloops your visor from behind your ears, handing it to his brother without his gaze leaving your face. As soon as his hands leave you, they return just as quickly. His fingers smooth over your face, confirming that you’re breathing and here in front of him—something he’s very grateful for. Your stupidity—not so much. 
“You’re such a skxawng,” he chides, tilting your face towards his. 
“Yeah, yeah whatever. It’s not like I’m the one who took down—not one—but two whole- ow!” you yelp, stumbling forward towards the young man. 
Tuk looks at you guiltily, one finger outstretched as if she was prodding at something. 
Kiri steps forward, pushing Tuktirey out of the way in order to re-examine your back. 
“We should take her to grandmother,” she insists, “now.” 
You roll your eyes, trying to continue with your act of not being nearly as injured as you appear, but the longer you stand, the more it becomes not true. As the adrenaline wears off, the soreness and incessant throbbing grow throughout your muscles and bones. Your rib and leg are still oozing blood, warm and tacky against your skin. Neteyam loops an arm around you, careful to avoid the blisters and welts that decorate various places on your back. 
His free hand reaches for the hand that hangs limply over his shoulder, intertwining your fingers and giving them a light squeeze. “It’ll all be okay,” 
“Yeah, I know. Just ‘cause I’m walking a bit funny doesn’t mean I’m dying,” 
You could say that then, but you sure as hell can’t say that now. 
If there was one thing about Mo’at, it was that she couldn’t care less if her remedies stung like a bitch as long as they cured you thoroughly. So now, as she smears a paste along your back—the sensation as bitter and frigid as the Northernmost part of any mountain—that bites at your skin, you kind of wish you were dead. Or at least knocked out. 
This isn’t even the worst of it. 
Once the stinging fades more into a relaxing cool, Mo’at instructs you to lean backward so she can assess your torso. The older woman crouches next to you, hands hovering over the wound as if Eywa was sending her a direct message on the best way to heal you. Neteyam sits on the other side of you, clutching your hand with a grip that seems more like it’s to reassure him than you, his other hand brushing your hair away from your face. 
Neytiri stays close to her mother, observing or advising what she believes to be the next course of action—just as a tsakarem should do. Kiri stays by your feet, grinding and mashing up various plants and syrups that could be used to aid with disinfecting your wounds. Lo’ak and his father stay near the door, ready to leave if someone else should need assistance with anything to do with the war effort. However, as everyone stays well within their place, performing their necessary task, Tuk couldn’t seem to sit still. 
“Is she going to need stitches?” Tuk asks, peering over her eldest brother. 
Neteyam removes his hand from your hair, slightly readjusting the younger’s weight so she doesn’t put too much pressure on him, in turn, putting pressure on you. 
The Tsahìk doesn’t look up from your wound, eyes brightening as if Eywa had finally delivered her guidance to the woman. “No, she will just need to rest. I would advise very minimal movement for at least seven days,” the woman says, being handed a bowl of yellowish sap. 
“Seven days? But I need to be out there, it’s my duty to fight,” you plead, growing restless and inching upwards. 
Neteyam pushes you back down, delicate but firm fingers pressing against your sternum. “Down,” he murmurs. 
“It is not my fault you did not listen to orders,” the older woman retorts, using a brush-like leaf to observe the consistency of the paste before lowering it toward your injury. 
“Yeah, well it’s not my fault that I just happened to save- oh, Great Mother! Holy sh-” you yelp upon Mo’at contact. 
Neteyam presses a hand over your mouth, sending you a stern glare. “Not in front of the Tsahìk,” he hushes, palm warm against your lips. 
You groan against his hand, face twisting and back arching in pain. Unlike the gel thinly spread across your back, there was no relief from this paste. Mo’at continued to slather it all across your skin, insisting that the more you move, the more it will hurt. You squeeze Neteyam’s hand, feeling the bones shift with how strong your grip is. If you’re hurting him, you can’t tell. The look of pain on his face seems to be linked to his feelings about your injuries, your pain. Always the doting lover. 
Once Mo’at wraps the injury, using both Na’vi and human medical wraps, she places a palm over the injury, thanking the Great Mother. Then, she looks at your leg. 
Your leg was held down by Kiri throughout the excursion, as she didn’t want the shrapnel to lodge itself deeper into the skin and muscle. At the base of your leg, a piece of twine is firmly wrapped around the skin to lightly restrict blood flow. The skin was not pinched, nor did you lose feeling in your leg as you would’ve if the twine was used as a makeshift tourniquet, however, your thigh still resisted against the band. 
You haven’t cried yet, however, just with her eyes boring into your leg you feel as if you’re about to sob. 
“Please don’t take it out. I don’t- I don’t want to have to do this anymore,” you begin to blubber, looking at Neteyam as you try to sit up. 
“Shh, shh,” he placates, stroking your cheek. “It’s okay. I’m here, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.” 
“I’ve been hurting this whole time,” you groan, “what the hell have you been-”
Then, the last two people you want to see walk into the room: Norm and Max. 
“I grabbed them as soon as I heard,” says Spider, following close behind. 
“No. No, no, no. Get the hell away from me,” you say, instantly shooting up and trying your best to scoot away, even as Kiri still holds down your leg. 
Neteyam says your name so sweetly, so full of fondness that a chill is sent up your spine—a chill that isn’t caused by the cooling medicine or a shock of pain. “He’s here to help.”
“I don’t want him here,” you spit, speaking Na’vi to the boy sitting beside you. 
“We have no choice,” he reasons, his voice dropping an octave. “They will be much quicker with their equipment than with ours. I promise that my grandmother will heal and treat you, but we need their help to make sure that there’s no extra damage that is beyond what the eye can see.” 
You shake your head, refusing to listen to him and averting your gaze. 
His lithe fingers reach for your chin, turning you back towards him. There he goes again; always making you feel like the blushing fool, especially in front of his family. 
“I will not let them hurt you.” 
What a fucking liar. 
Taking a team of three women plus Norm to hold your leg down, Max begins to lower his tweezers toward the piece of metal. With the first tug, you begin screaming. The pressure and the resistance between Max’s tweezers and the artificial shard against your tender skin and muscle caused your free leg to kick, hands tightening at your sides and clinging onto Neteyam. The fact that your whole body was tense, each muscle spasming, probably didn’t help what was already a difficult procedure. 
“Damn, she’s strong,” Norm comments, adding more pressure in an attempt to hold your leg down. “Spider, help us out.” 
You continue to sob, reaching for Neteyam to claw at his shoulder. If you’re hurting him or breaking skin, he doesn’t tell you. Instead, he cradles you as you cry against his leg. Ripping your hand from his, you squeeze his leg, nose pressed against his thigh to hide your face. There’s no guarantee that half of the clan hasn’t heard you by now, nor that a few people have poked their heads in to see who the hell was screaming so damn loud. You were well known. There’s no way anybody wouldn’t recognize that it was you who was being surgically tortured. However, if you could save some dignity by hiding yourself against Neteyam, you would do just that. 
“I’m never letting them near my body again,” you weep, gripping tight to the blue skin beneath you. 
Neteyam rakes his fingers through your hair, hands petting any inch of skin that has brought you comfort over the years. He knows you like the back of his hands. Playing with your hair puts you to sleep, rubbing his thumb across your cheek makes you keen, following the slope of your nose makes you smile, and touching your ear makes you quiet. Using this knowledge, Neteyam’s hands roam to any expanse of skin that he can reach. He must look mad, with busy fingers and frantic eyes, but he can’t help himself. His chest hurts when he sees you like this, and if he needs to kill someone to make you feel better, he’d gladly do that. 
“It’s almost out. We’re almost done,” he assures you in a soft tone, getting close to your ear. 
Your ears, which have been laying flat and folding over periodically finally perk up and away from your skull—a sense of relief. It’s quick-lived before they fall back against your hair, but he sees it as a small win. 
“Can you dress it for me?” you plea, voice breaking painfully. 
Who is he to deny you? 
“All done!” Max cheers, placing the flat piece of shrapnel into an emesis basin.
The clang of the metal against metal causes you to abruptly sit up. Neteyam’s hand is on your shoulder, but for the first time, it’s not to push you back down. He lets you take your time viewing the sizable gash in your leg, an injury that without a doubt needs extra aid. You whimper at the sight, not necessarily at the pain, but because you knew what this means: you would be under strict supervision at the battle scene. You couldn’t be trusted to be alone, especially as you were a great friend of the Sully’s and Neteyam’s prospective mate. 
Falling back into Neteyam, the cries you let out are softer but still cause your body to shake. Neteyam rubs his cheek against yours when you hide your face in his neck, tears causing the blue skin to become slick and tacky. He readjusts your top which has moved around during all of your painful squirming, protecting your modesty. The beads land softly against your shoulder, arms holding you snuggly against him. He tucks your hair behind your ear, giving him a view of the ear that is decorated with various pieces of Omaticaya jewelry. An orange bead, delicately dangling from your lobe, was a gift from him. 
“It makes me feel wiser during battle,” you told him once before sending an arrow straight through the eye of a fish that swam around in the pond. 
He touches it lightly, reminding you that everything is alright. 
“No! She’s going to need stitches!” Tuk whimpers, a frown deeply set on her face. Even through your crying, Neteyam catches the faintest hint of a smile. 
Mo’at begins to drip water over the wound, clearing away any blood that may have leaked down your leg despite the twine restricting your blood flow. 
It’s silent besides Max, Norm, and Jake’s mumbling outside of the tent as Mo’at preps a needle and thread. Kiri, Neytiri, and Spider have since released your leg, observing you and the Tsahìk. Just as Mo’at blesses the needle and thread, Neteyam speaks up. 
“I’ll do it.” 
Mo’at looks at her grandson, her gaze strong but understanding. The white bone needle stays pinched between her two fingers, amber eyes unwavering. 
“Neteyam, let your grandmother-“ 
“I said I’ll do it.” he hushes, lip curling in order to hide a scowl. 
His mother looks at her own, a non-verbal communication occurring between their stares. Eventually, Neytiri acquiesces, standing up and taking a step away from you. 
Mo’at hands him the needle, placing a worn but beautiful hand on your leg. 
“Return here tomorrow so I can check on the wound,” she orders. You nod, eyes still teary before the older woman stands with her daughter, ready to move on to the other warriors who need their assistance. 
Once his mother and grandmother leave, Neteyam grows restless. 
“Everyone out, please.” 
Kiri scoffs at him, still seated by your feet. “You can‘t be serious,” 
“Out! Get out!” he hisses, fangs bared at his sister and the human boy beside her. “You have done nothing!” 
“I wouldn’t call holding down her leg for nothing. I’ll have bruises for the next week,” Spider dismisses, standing up with Lo’ak, who is already headed towards the exit. 
“Out!” he shouts one final time, his siblings leaving as his tail flicks back and forth with irritation. 
It isn’t until they’re gone, that Neteyam leaves your right side, scrambling and pouncing over you in order to come in contact with your left leg. 
The tent is silent as he begins his work. The process doesn’t hurt much, a gentle prick or pinch here and there; you’re not sure whether it’s because your nerves are shot and can’t detect pain anymore or because Neteyam is good at his work. It could be both. Before you know it, the wound is closed and a row of sutures stares back at you in a familiar Na’vi sewing pattern. The skin is even, nothing too uncomfortable, and although there’s bruising, it appears to be that everything will be okay. 
You reach out to touch the stitches with a shaky hand, only to be slapped away. “Uh uh, don’t touch,” he tuts, eyes focused and mouth slightly ajar in concentration. 
He grabs under your knee, bending it at the joint in order to prop it up so he can place a bandage over the sutures. 
“To protect them,” he informs you, wrapping the gauze around your thigh.
He’s very quiet throughout, a reaction you were not expecting. Neteyam has always been logical, methodical; he never steps out of line or does something rash unless it’s for the means of protecting those he loves. Always quick to action, he’s usually the first to help and the first to reprimand someone (usually Lo’ak) for their stupidity. That would be the typical reaction. However, now he looked almost forlorn. 
Once he’s done, he fully stands for the first time since you entered the tent. He begins to rummage through his grandmother’s remedies that sit in wooden jars and crystal vials, concoctions she’s mastered after years and years of being the Tsahìk. After selecting a small wooden bowl filled with clear oil, he grabs another bowl of water and a rag and sits down in front of you. Dabbing the rag in the bowl of water, he lifts the dripping cloth toward your face. 
“What are you doing?” 
He looks at you, eyes narrowing briefly before they return to their normal, large position. 
“Your face is filthy.” 
He gently holds your chin, tilting it up towards him so he can begin wiping your face. His hold is steady but his eyes look nerved, almost as if he has too much on his mind to bear. His breathing matches yours, and he dodges your gaze although his entire being crowds your line of sight. There’s no way for him to avoid you, really. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask as he dips the rag and wrings out all of the water, approaching your face yet again. 
“Nothing is wrong,” he replies curtly, his ears twitching quickly before returning to their previous state—a telltale sign that he’s lying. 
“Oh, so you’re just going to pretend like I know nothing about you now?” you try to joke, smile falling when you notice how he doesn’t reciprocate your humor. “Talk to me,” you urge, grabbing his wrist so he can’t try to distract you or himself by caring for your wounds. 
He sighs, looking away before he slowly looks back at you. Holding your gaze, eyes squinting and lips pursing slightly. Neteyam looks at you like you’re supposed to understand him–and you do–but it’s as if he’s expecting you to know what’s bothering him. However, the problem is that you don’t. Once he comes to that realization, he sighs, still looking into your eyes. 
“I’m upset with you.” 
And there it is. Your tail swishes uneasily, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Neteyam, but he can’t bring himself to quell his emotions for your sake. He almost lost you. 
“Why are you upset with me?” 
He shrugs, almost as if he’s embarrassed or too shy to explain his feelings. Being the eldest son and the next heir, Neteyam often felt as if he had to hide his own inhibitions or concerns in order to be a good son, a good brother, a good leader. When it was just the two of you, you would often have to do a little extra prying in order to get him to reveal what was truly occupying that pretty little head of his. Even once he admitted it, it was even harder to get him to elaborate. 
“Just drop it. You should be healing,” he dismisses, trying to distract himself by wiping your face again. 
Pushing his wrist away with your fingers, you take the cloth and throw it into the bowl of water. Holding his hands on your lap, his tail swishing timidly behind him, you make him look at you by following his gaze. “I can talk and heal. The two aren’t mutually exclusive,” 
“I wish they were,” he mutters, a braid swinging in front of his face. 
“Hey,” you tuck the strand behind his ear. He leans towards your touch, almost as if he craves it, no matter how much he wishes he didn’t. “This isn’t how this works. You need to talk to me.” 
“You’ve already been in enough pain today. I don’t want to cause anymore,” 
“Quit the bullshit. I’m better now. I’ll feel worse if you don’t tell me.” 
“That’s not the way it works.” 
“Um, yes, it is.” 
“It’s not.” 
“How would you know? I can already feel my leg hurting ten times more now that you won’t communicate with me.” 
“You’re not in any more pain because of me,” he scoffs, trying to escape your grasp. 
“Ow, my leg! My leg!” you feign a whimper. He cracks a small smile, your cheeks spreading as smoothly as the war paint that still dons his face. 
Neteyam looks so beautiful when he smiles. It’s a special smile, reserved only for you; it drips of sticky honey, so sugary that sometimes you feel as if you could fall ill from its adoration. He’s soft as he looks at you, coy and all things delightful. The hands that once tried to flee your own, now reach for your wrists, petting the skin in a pattern that speaks a million languages at once. And yet, somehow, not one of those languages can truly resemble how much he loves you. He loves you a lot. 
“Please,” you whisper, “tell me what’s wrong?” 
He sighs, assenting to your pleas. With one final sweep over your face, he finally indulges you. 
“I’m not happy that you took down those ships.” 
“Well, duh,” you scoff, rolling your eyes playfully. “I know that, but I want to know why.” 
“You weren’t careful.” 
This causes a richer scoff to form at the back of your throat, a sound that makes his ears press against his braids. “I thought we agreed to take down the enemy at any and all costs?” 
“I know, and we did—we did make that agreement. I just,” he groans, trying to find the right words. Neteyam never had the right words when it came to expressing himself. “I was scared.” 
“Okay,” you reply softly, shuffling closer to him. “Why were you scared?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be scared?” he answers, tone mimicking the same quiet tone you used. “You’re mine—my girl, and- and they almost took what’s mine away from me.” 
“God, I just got so scared that something bad would happen to you. And when I saw you hurt, how badly you were in pain, and I couldn’t do anything about it I just…” his eyes are frantic, searching all across the hut for something—anything—to provide him an answer. His hands start to tremor in your hold. “I felt helpless and so stupid. I should’ve been tougher on you, or—I don’t know—had Lo’ak or even Kiri stay with you so you didn’t have to be alone. And it’s not that I don’t think you’re incapable or anything—” he excuses, causing you to smile lightly, “—but I don’t trust them. I don‘t trust them with you.” 
Smile turning watery, you reach for his shoulder, soon deciding to hold his face instead. He leans into your palm yet again, seeking the warmth that can only emanate from your hands alone. It’s the only warmth that can rid him of any chill. 
Neteyam kisses your palm, soon rolling your hand over in his, placing his lips on each knuckle as if it provides him comfort. And it does. It provides him more comfort than he could care to admit. Placing your head in the crook where his neck and shoulder meet, you place a kiss on his collarbone, lowering your lips to place another on his pec, right above his heart. The young man draws in a deep breath, holding you close to him, savoring each second, each touch. Skin against skin; heart against heart. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” you apologize, your soft lips grazing his blue skin. He loves the feeling. “I just wanted to protect our people.” 
“I know, I know,” he murmurs against your forehead, a light kiss placed there. “I’m sorry for yelling.” 
“It’s okay. You didn’t even yell,” you forgive, cheeks pillowing against his chest. When you lift yourself away from him, he tilts his head in confusion at your smirk. “Also, we both know Kiri would be awful on the battlefield.” 
He chuckles, brushing his nose against yours. “True. She can’t even shoot an arrow in a straight line.” 
“Exactly! I don’t know what you were thinking when you said that. Lo’ak? Sure, whatever. But Kiri?” 
“I know, I know,” he agrees, voice growing softer as if his quietness will preserve this moment between you. 
His eyes become velvet—smooth and warm—the longer he looks at you and it instantly makes you melt. His lips look saccharine, a buttery spread of a light smile decorating his face which is just the absolute cherry on top. If Eywa hadn’t taken you during battle, she sure as hell was going to take you now with how crazy Neteyam makes your heartbeat. 
He tucks your hair behind your ear, his smile growing more and more with each expanse of skin he navigates. Dancing his fingertips over your jaw and across your cheekbones, he eventually cups your cheek and you just watch. If you breathe too hard, if you shift your weight, this moment could crumble. He’s looked at you like this many times before but it’s usually in the dark, under the bioluminescent blue and purple lights of the forest, where all you can see are the shadows of his face and the warmth of his tongue and the breeze of his breath. Now, you can see everything in pure, golden hues. The way his mouth relaxes, the way his eyes absorb all they can with each quick glance, the way the corner of his mouth tugs upwards unconsciously. You love it. 
“May I kiss you?” he asks quietly, thumb swiping along a stripe on your cheek. 
“Why do you ask now? You’ve done it many times before,” you wonder, eyes transfixed on the way his own mouth moves with each word he’s about to form. 
He chuckles, a sweet, melodic sound, “Just wanted to make sure you’re still down even when the sun is out.” 
This earns a loud laugh from you, a laugh that makes Neteyam’s heart squeeze and his lower stomach burn. He loves you. One day, he’ll say it. 
Once your giggles have fizzled into a content sigh, you bite your lip lightly before you release it and it returns to its normal place. Neteyam follows the movement. 
“I’m always down if it’s you.” 
“Yeah?” he smiles, breathy and lips plush.  
With that, he seals the deal. His kiss is soft, and you don’t miss the way his eyes dip to your mouth right before the initial contact. It makes you feel hot all over. He’s gentle—he always is at first—and he’s so, so kind. He pulls away briefly, returning not long after as if he needs to be connected to you or else he would suffer. In a way, he would. 
Neteyam is sweet. He still tastes like the fruit you shared before the raid and also a little bit like blood—whether it’s from him or you, you don’t care; you’ll devour it desperately just like you want him to devour you. He traces that stripe on your cheek again, his new best friend, and follows it down the nape of your neck. His other hand trails up from the small of your back to the divot in between your shoulder blades. He uses his hand to pull you closer, seeking any contact from you that he can get. 
Your hands are a barrier, shielding your chest from his, and in a way, it upsets you but also pleases you. Nobody knows what would happen if you could feel his chest pressed against yours at this moment—not even you know. Your hands glide across his chest, lighting scraping and molding against the fine muscle that hides under his smooth skin. When a lithe finger accidentally catches against a nipple, his mouth drops open pliantly, his tongue searching for yours. 
“‘S scared they took my girl away from me,” he murmurs against your lips, his own following after yours after each word. 
“Never,” you promise, kissing him firmly, one hand gripping his shoulder to ground yourself. All of this kissing was beginning to make you feel as if you could float away. “I’m yours. They could never take me or have me. You know that,” 
“Mhm,” he hums, voice lilting towards the end as he presses his mouth to yours. It makes your back arch forward, seeking more of his skin, his touch. 
His hands are growing desperate now. Neteyam knows he has to be gentle, avoiding the damaged skin on your back and remaining weary of the injuries on your rib and leg, but he so badly just wants to pull you close to him and never let go. He wants to hold you, to feel you, to be with you in every single way he can imagine so passionately. But he can’t. He will have to wait for another time. 
You, on the other hand, may roam freely. Your hands travel down his chest, exploring the taught skin of his stomach. It seems he subconsciously flexes underneath your touch, something that is rather enticing. Reaching the plusher skin of his lower stomach, although there still isn’t much give, you trace the muscle gingerly, bordering right above the hem of his loincloth. The delicate touch of your fingers causes him to lightly moan into your mouth, a sound you gladly drink down just to feel its warmth in your stomach. 
Neteyam pulls away suddenly, a loss you’re greatly upset about until he relocates his lips under your ear, traveling down your neck. He hums against the skin, tongue swiping against it as if he’s trying to taste as much of you as he can, as much as he’s allowed. 
“You can’t touch me like that,” he says, using a hand to bring both of yours back toward his chest. You cradle his head instead, tracing a finger along his ear. It twitches. 
“Why not?” you question, voice airy. Neteyam nearly preens at the sound, tail wild. “You seem to like it.” 
“I do like it,” he insists, “I love it, even.” 
“Then why can’t I touch you there?” 
He places a wet, fervent kiss against the crook of your neck. Your breath hitches in your throat, a moan threatening to escape past your lips. 
“Because,” another kiss, “You are not promised to me yet.” 
“I just told you that I’m yours,” you reminded him. 
“Yes,” he nods, trailing his kisses back toward your jaw. “However, you’re still not mine.” 
“I could be yours. All you have to do is ask,” you say as if it’s not something he already knows. You hold his head in place, halting his journey upwards so you can whisper in his ear: “Ask me, Neteyam.” 
His tail swishes excitedly, something that makes you smile. Great Mother, you could eat him up. 
“No,” he responds, pulling away and facing you head-on. He has a lovesick smile on his face, a grin that nobody could wipe off as long as you’re around. “I want to do it right.” 
“Yeah?” you counter. “How would you do it?”
“Well,” he hums, kissing your lips. “First, I’d get all of your favorite foods. All of those fruits you like, season everything all nice,” he begins to slowly kiss your cheeks, “and get it all ready just for you to eat.” 
“What else?” 
“Then,” his kisses travel towards your ear, “Once you’re full and comfortable, we’ll go for a walk.” He bites your ear lobe and you press yourself against him. “We’ll go to our favorite spots: we’ll look at those flowers you like, go to the river, maybe swim a little. I like the way your hair looks while wet, you look so pretty,” he sighs. “You listening?” 
“Yes,” you nod. “Go on.” 
“Then I’d bring you to our sacred tree, just so Eywa can see us and I can see you under her light. I want to see you when I ask you. I want to see you if you smile or cry or decide that I’m not the one, I don’t care, I just want to see you,” he smiles, no longer kissing you but nudging your nose with his. 
“And if you say yes—Great Mother, I hope you say yes—I promise, I’ll treat you so well. I’ll hold you the way you ask to be held, kiss you in all of the places I already know you love to be kissed, and learn all of the new places I can’t reach yet too. I want to feel you, and see the way you react. I want you to feel me, too. I want you to see me, and I want to see you,” he whispers, voicing each wish. 
You nod, slowly and then desperately. “I want to see you, too,” you promise. He smiles that big, toothy smile. “Tell me when you’ll ask me? I can’t wait for much longer. I need you.” 
His eyelids grow heavy, skin heating underneath your palm. “I need you, too,” he gasps, leaning forward to kiss you again. “It’ll be soon, just want you to heal for now.” 
“Yeah?” you smile. “Soon?” 
“Yeah,” he smiles. “Soon.” 
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ⓒ starvine 2023
2K notes · View notes
junhui-png · 8 months
puppy love ⌦ .。.:*♡
mingyu x reader x scoups? (Still figuring it out LOL)
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summary: first year of college, you literally knew no one and you planned for it to stay that way but damn were you wrong
notes: uhmmm hiii idk what this is I got rlly bored so yeah LOLL if you read this I hope you enjoy and I’ll try and update like every other day hopefully 😽
‼️disclaimer: this is not proof read so I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes ‼️
genre: seventeen college au, love triangle between scoups and Mingyu, Mingyu being on a football team, financial major scoups, angst??, fluff, cute friend ships, Hoshi, Joshua, Seungkwan, Minghao, and Wonwoo r your besties, Also besties with Yunjin (Le Sserafim) and Minnie (G-IDLE), other seventeen members are mentioned?? Childhood friends, cursing, drinking
you were always quiet, even when you were a kid. Because of this, you had very few friends and very much struggled to make new ones. Throughout Middle and Highschool the only thing you could do was to stuff you face into books to pass time. Eventually, you being a loner helped you to getting into your dream college. You thought you would be fine all by yourself at your new university, getting a degree in Creative writing, but hell you were so far from the truth. You thought you could just ignore everyone around you and just keep your head low but god was that somehow ten times harder now that you had entered college. Soon enough you had been paired with a man in your Journalism class names “Jeon Wonwoo” You didn’t know anything about him, you didn’t know anything about anyone there actually. He has Black somewhat messy hair and a pair of black glasses to compliment his hair. Both of you were introverts so the first week of the project was painfully awkward but as the next few weeks flew by, you had successfully made you first ever friend in maybe 10 years? You weren’t even sure. Once you had finished the project (and of course gotten an A) you and Wonwoo stayed in touch and talked frequently inside and outside of class. Till he offered to invite you to meet his study group. You were of course hesitant but you ended up going and just like that you had made another 5 friends and then because of those new friends you met new people and became their friends. Before the semester even ended, you new basically everybody on campus.
——present timez————
“you finished the essay Mr.Marten assigned” Minghao askes you, slightly shifting in his seat to get a better look at your computer screen “yeah basically” you simply reply “well then…” You noticed Minghao had been really fidgety ever since you both had entered the library, which isn’t how he normally is, meaning something’s up. “You ok? Something’s bothering you, right? You turn your body to face him and his body seems to relax just a bit “ok so… I kinda..maybe, possibly told soonyoung that you would come to the party he’s hosting tonight” Minghao keeps his head slightly down “Minghao..” you sigh, slumping back in your seat. You rarely ever went out, only when it was some sort of special occasion but besides that you basically just stay in your dorm or at a library or cafe. “I know I know” he says apologetically “You never go out and I swear your gonna go insane if you don’t go out once in a while” you chuckle a little at his stupid reasoning “still I should have told you I just wasn’t thinking and now Soonyoung is all excited about you coming and I just felt bad telling him, you know?” You nod, “I guess I’ll go” you let out another tired sigh as you pack your things “really? Damn ok I didn’t see that coming” Minghao laughs, getting up from his seat “I’ll see you later than” He smiles and you smile back at him before he walks out of the cafeteria and you finish packing your things.
It’s about 7:30 when you leave your dorm and get an Uber over to Soonyoung’s house. You were dressed up for once in a while, wearing a grey denim tube top with matching jeans paried with black boots and a black bag. “It’s my first and probably last time going out for this month, might as well just go all out” is what you thought to yourself while getting ready, but now in front of Soonyoung’s house you gravely regretted your stupid decision “Y/NNNNNNN!” Seungkwan yells your name from the entrance of Soonyoung’s house “hi Seungkwanie” you giggle patting him on the back “I didn’t think you would come!” He says all giddy “A promise is a promise” you give Minghao a dirty glance, which he catches and throws you an apologetic look before rushing of to get another drink. Seungkwan leads you to the couch and plops down next to you “do you want anything to drink?” He asks and you take a moment to think about it before just saying “fuck it” and asking him to bring you whatever he’s getting and he nods, leaving you on the couch with some other girls. Your not left alone for long until you hear someone call for you “Yoo! Your Soonyoung’s friend right?” A tall man with black hair and a stunning face. “uhm yes” you responded nonchalant “You don’t know me but I’m Kim Mingyu, Graphic design major” Mingyu sticks his hand out for a handshake “I’m y/n, Creative writing major” you shake his hand, giving him a slight smile and he returns it. “Anyways imma get straight to the point. I’m interested in you. You caught my eye earlier and asked around about you and they said you were close to Soonyoung, and im also his friend and I’ve never seen you before, so I wanna be friends” The man says bluntly. Mingyu’s sudden “confession” Has your head spinning, searching for some sort of response “uhm ok..?” Is all you manage out but he seems satisfied with your answer “Alright, then go out with me this week” again this man and his blunt statements have you so lost and you can’t even bring yourself to say anything before he says “of course with Soonyoung, and Minghao and everyone” Your face gets a little hot realizing he wasn’t asking you out but in fact his grammar just sucked and you misunderstood him and he definitely got what you were thinking “You thought I was asking you out, didn’t you?” He says with a sly smile “whatever” you roll your eyes, hearing the man’s giddy laughter “IM BACK SORRY” Seungkwan squeezes through the crowd, two bottles of beer in his hand “some guys back there were CRAZY drunk” he sighs, slumping down next to you and placing the drinks In front of you. “Drink up!” Seungkwan lifts his cup up for a cheer.
“Damn girl you didn’t even drink that much” One of you girl friends, Yunjin says, trying her best to keep you up. It was well known in your friend group that your alcohol tolerance was basically 0 and that’s also another reason you didn’t go out much “CAN SOMEONE TAKE HER HOME!” Yunjin shouts over the crowd but to be met with no answer “I can!” Mingyu’s booming voice is easily heard over the loud music “Omg great thank you so much, I’ll text you her address” Yunjin pats Mingyu on the back before rushing back to the lively party, leaving you with him “let’s go then” he puts his arm over you as he helps you out of Soonyoung’s house and into his car. “You know, I think I should go out more” you proudly announce “Then take my over and have dinner with me and the rest of the group” Mingyu chuckles, starting the car “Ok!” Is all you chirp before you completely knock out.
“I swear to god y/n you better get up right now” you best friends voice echo through your foggy mind “what..” you mumble, the warm sun hitting you through the windows. You were now in your dorm room completely changed. “What happened..?” You scratch your head, still trying to process your surroundings “You tell me!” You roommate, Minnie exclaims “you tell me why, when I was getting ready to go to sleep, looking the WORST I could ever have looked someone knocked at our door and it was the most ANGELIC BEAUTIFUL SUN KIST Man I have ever seen, holding you bridal style!” Minnie exclaims once again “I WAS WEARING A FUCKING HELLO KITTY SHEET MASK” Minnie cringes at the memories of last night “damn..” you mumble, giving her a somewhat apoplectic look “ugh it’s whatever, he said you were drunk and he was just dropping you off and he brought you some medicine as well so take that before you leave” Minnie sighs, leaving you alone in your room “what the fuck is happening”.
You change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a beige like hoodie with your hair up in a ponytail “Sorry for all the trouble last night” you said, even thought you couldn’t recall anything after you had entered Mingyu’s car you knew you had probably brought hell down on Minnie night care routine “it’s fine, just take your medicine before you leave” She places the medicine on the counter before heading back to her room. You take the medicine with some water before putting on your shoes and grabbing your bag “OK BYEE LOVE YOUU” you shout before leaving the house. You rush down to campus and into your next class just a minute early “You feeling ok?” Wonwoo asks you “I feel horrible” you sit down next to him, placing your stuff down next to your seat. The entire class was just a bunch of yapping you couldn’t pay attention to because, one you were too tired and two, you were still trying to remember literally anything from last night. “You have the address right?” Wonwoo’s sudden question pulls you out of your trance “Huh??” You mumble with a confused look and Wonwoo face also molds into a confused one “For dinner..?” He tries clarifying but you still don’t seem to get it “the dinner plans??? Me, you, mingyu, Soonyoung, Joshua, Seungkwan and some other guy?” Wonwoo tries again and it finally clicks, but why was he asking you “I know what your talking about but I’m not going?” You say “really? You said you were going?” Wonwoo says and that’s when you finally remember some of last night “OH SHOT! Mingyu told you that right?” You ask and he simply nods “So you are going” he asks again and you let out a sigh “yeah..yeah I’m going” you’re tired of going back and fourth so you just let it go “ok cool! I’ll text you the address!”
The rest of the day was boring, nothing special just the usual classes than group studying, solo studying and some “HI’s” and “How are you’s” here and there. Once you had finally finished your classes for the day, you return home to get ready for the dinner. You wear a simple black short-ish dress with a black leather jacket and the converse (didn’t feel like wearing the boots) “You’re going out?” Minnie peaks through your door and examines your outfit “you look nice” she smiles “thank you” you smile back “I’ll be back at maybe 9?? 10? Not sure but I’ll text you ok?” You tell Minnie and she nods “I’m probably gonna go out later, anyways have fun!” She calls out as you shut the door. The restaurant was only a 5 minute Uber drive and you also weren’t the only person arriving at that time “Hey” Mingyu says, almost creeping up behind you. You hadn’t talked to him since Soonyoung’s party and all though nothing happened you felt awkward, like you were meeting him for the first time all over again. “Hi” you reply “And uhm sorry for the trouble I caused the day before yesterday” you and Mingyu both walk into the restaurant and spot Joshua, Soonyoung, and Seungkwan at a table “don’t sweat it, it’s what friends are for” he chuckles, leaving you behind and rushing over to the table we’re your friends had been seated. Friends is what he called you. Could you two really be friends if you had just met the other day? “Y/N sit over here!” Joshua’s calming voice calls out to you “mhm!” You responding rushing over to the table and taking a seat next to Joshua. You guys talk a bit while waiting for appetizers when Mingyu says something that catches your attention “coups said he’s outside right now” “finally god damn” Soonyoung chuckles and the rest laugh “who’s “coups”?” You ask “one of my friends, I invited him today” Mingyu says and you nod. “Sorry I’m late guys!” A voice from the entrance calls out. Everyone turns around, including you to see a familiar face “COUPS! What’s up man!” Choi Seungcheol “omg..” at first you weren’t sure but now you were a hundred precent sure that was Choi Seungcheol “Seungcheol?” You mumble, in case you were wrong. The man’s eyes shot up to you and they almost immediately soften “Y/N??” He voice changed immediately after calling your name “you two know each other???” Wonwoo asks and you slowly nod, still in awe “it’s been awhile?” He chuckles.
previous / next
part 2 coming out 01/31/24 or 02/01/24 😽
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emomeishibot · 5 months
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First of all, I’m a proshipper; secondly, this post has no ships in it.
I drew kuro characters as a 2000s Chinese drama costume sitcom 武林外传 My Own Swordsman (no idea why is it translate to this name, the direct translation should be Wulin Anecdotes) Why I did this crossover: it’s just hilarious for me!! To help you understand my casting read further. I was like I want to send these sketches for tumblr but you can’t get this crossover so I might as well introduce it to you. I mean you might be intrigued by the referenced show, who knows? 🤭
Let me give you an analogy if you are not familiar with Chinese Kong fu themes novels: this show is a comedy kong fu drama, and a western narrative analogy for it could be if you have a team of DND characters but they never leave the tavern but instead they are the staff trying to make the tavern successful and solve all the crazy problems in this chaotic world and become family members(I hope this works)
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The male lead character is a former Robin-hood-like legend burglar but now settled down working as the waiter; the female lead is an unmarried widow who came all the way to her fiancé only to find him dead and left her his mischievous little sister to look after, so she wiped off her tears and decided to buy the inn and start her business as the landlady right there and then. As for the little niece, rumors are that she’d grow up to be a murderous fiend…! But they don’t know yet…
So I drew Sebastian, Madame Red and Ciel as these roles🤲
y’all couldn’t have known how adorable it is for me without growing up with the show… btw the show goes for a relationship for the waiter and landlady eventually in the show but I drew them as work partners and friends^^Regarding how Madame Red teased Sebastian canonically makes me laugh remembering those early kuro shenanigans 😂I always hoped Madame stayed longer with us in canon, she so lovely. Imagine her running a tavern is such fun, the vibe of this show is crazy… just look at them
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There’s a reckless, chivalrous former swordswoman as waitress, another former constable girl who is amiable but has no dating luck as waitress as well. I casted Jane and Mey-Rin (I really want to see Jane join the Phantomhive manor(if possible after the Breton arc)??she slays and I want to see her working with Sebastian! Also Mey-Rin is both clumsier and deadlier than her character)
And more: a fusty, nerdy moderate scholar who sold the family inn to the now landlady and now working for her as an accountant, for which I casted Grelle (her butler persona when she’s undercover is really close to how this character usually is lol but she would definitely hate how nerdy this character is, as she is working for Madame Red again in this crossover)
For the hot-headed, ambitious yet bad cook who was a constable, I cast Bard (I might redo him because I wanted to fit Finny in but I run out of the inn staff; Bard and him could be the constable master and apprentice duo from the show; Diedrich could step up as chef)
The setting is a fictional ancient China so the kong fu element is very overdramatic; also, there's a lot of modern references to the 2000s. If you watch the show's op you'll get it) And it’s a nationally beloved show of my generation^^ I hope my explanation got you interested instead of confused😳but I love this crossover and hope my kuro ppl on tumblr enjoy it😌Such long explanations for them little sketches; Thank you for coming to my ted talk???
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imaginedisish · 2 years
Graceland Too (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
A/N: Hi everyone!!! Wowowow am I active this week LOL (fyi this is a re-upload. Decided to proofread one more time bc I uploaded at like 2AM last night). Here is a little sick fic I wrote for my friend who isn’t feeling too great (hope you’re feeling okay <3). The fic is heavily based around “Graceland Too” by Phoebe Bridgers but it is also inspired by “oh baby” by LCD Soundsystem. Highly suggest giving those a listen. Anyway, requests are open. Enjoy!
Summary: You’re terribly sick, but one night and one fever dream might just change everything for you and Din. 
Warnings: SMUT! 18+, Praise kink (imo at least), oral (f!receiving), fingering, reader is sick, Jedi!Reader (it’s like I only know how to write Din x Jedi!readers I stg), idiots/friends to lovers, pining, mentions of death/major violence (canon typical I'd say), cursing, probably some grammar stuff....that’s it I think. 
Word Count: 3,018
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The wind is cold as it slices you in half, but you feel overwhelmingly hot, clammy even. Sweat dribbles down your forehead as you tread across the rocks beneath your feet. Blaster shots ring out in the distance.
You struggle to pick up your pace, your boots sticking to the ground as you try to put one foot in front of the other.
“Mando!” You call out, remembering not to use his real name.  Fog covers the ground, filling the air at an excruciatingly quick rate. You’d never be able to find him in this. You call out to him again, but there’s no answer. You’d take a grunt or even a groan at this point.
Then there’s a disembodied, brittle voice coming from behind you.
“Looking for him?” It’s grating, nasally. You’d recognize it anywhere.
You turn around frantically, practically giving yourself whiplash.
“Bo Katan.” Your voice is low, hushed. Din’s body is limp on the ground, being held up on his knees by the woman in front of you. There’s a smirk on her face. She has the darksaber in her hand…
And it’s at Din’s throat.
“Let him go,” You plead. You go to grab your lightsaber, a blaster, something, anything at your utility belt, but there’s nothing there. You have no defense, just your words. “You got what you came for, you have the darksaber.”
She scoffs, shaking her head, her smirk widening. “I haven’t finished the job yet. I still have to kill you and your Mandalorian.”
Your eyes widen with fear, blurring with tears. “No please, please don’t hurt him.” Your voice croaks as you choke back sobs.
“Too late.” She moves the darksaber from his throat, plunging it into his chest with one fatal swoop.
“DIN!” You scream, crashing down to your knees next to him.
“I’m here mesh’la…” He whispers, but it doesn’t sound like he’s next to you, he’s somewhere off in the distance. His husky voice calls out your name.
“I’m right here.” He repeats himself. Your eyes force themselves open as you shove your palms into the bed to push yourself up. You almost hit your head on the top of the bunk in the process, but Din stops you before you can, his cold, gloved hands coming up to your shoulders. “It was just a nightmare.” His voice is honeyed, gentle.
You look to your left to see him standing at your side, armor off, helmet on.
“M’sorry,” You mutter, rubbing your eyes. You feel like absolute shit, worse than yesterday. Your skin is so hot that it threatens to burn a hole in Din’s gloves. You choke down a cough, the sensation vibrating painfully against your already pounding head. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
You had been sick for a few days now, and Din was doing everything by himself: the ship’s maintenance, the flying, the hunting, taking care of Grogu, and taking care of you. Now, to make matters worse, you had woken him up. You know he doesn’t get enough rest to begin with. You feel like a burden – and not just in this moment, always. You were a danger to yourself, to Din, to Grogu; a force wielding ex-Jedi, ex-Empire captive wanted by anyone and everyone. And yet, he had let you into his little clan of two with open arms. Now he was here, caring for you. You could’ve gone home, made a place for yourself in the New Republic, continued your Jedi training, but you didn’t.
You met Din. And you felt so, so guilty for the repercussions of your meeting.  
You part your lips, ready to usher him back to bed, to apologize again. But Din doesn’t leave room for you to protest. “Don’t apologize, please.” He shushes you, taking off a glove and pressing the back of his hand against your forehead. You hum lightly under his touch. He feels like ice against your blazingly hot skin.
“Your hand…” You trail off, struggling to speak, “feels good.”
Your hoarse voice sounds like nothing more than a set of incoherent mumblings, but Din seems to understand every syllable. He chuckles shortly and softly, as if the laugh was only meant to be heard by you. “That’s ‘cause you’re warmer now than you were yesterday.” He flips his hand over so that his palm rests against your skin. His forefingers and thumb rub gently at your temples, working tirelessly at your raging headache.
With his free hand, he reaches down for something you can’t quite see. Seconds later he’s holding two pills in front of your face. You immediately take them from him, no questions asked. Whatever it was, you’d take it. This was absolutely unbearable, and the constant fever dreams certainly didn’t help. You swallow the pills with no hesitation, and Din brings a metal cup to your lips.
“Drink,” is all he says, and you do.  You take the cup from his hands, the cold water rushing down your throat, temporarily easing the pain you feel there. Din apprehensively settles his arm on your waist. “This okay?” He asks, a slight shake in his voice. You nod in response, smiling appreciatively.
“Thank you,” You whisper, tilting your head to the side with affection. You swallow harshly, clearing your throat. “You can go back to sleep now if you want. I’ll be okay.”
But Din doesn’t flinch, he doesn’t move at all. He ignores your permission to leave completely. “What dream did you have this time?”
You shudder, remembering what you had seen just moments ago. Din instantly takes account of the look on your face, his grip on your waist tightening, stabilizing you, keeping you tethered to reality – to him.
You draw in a deep breath, practically coughing up your lungs in the process. “Bo Katan, s-she,” You stutter, your eyes shutting tightly in between words. You could still see it. It was ingrained in your brain, burnt into the grooves, sowed in between every empty space. You can still feel her. It was so real. “She had the darksaber and she…” But you can’t finish. Your vision is blurry, your surroundings morphing into an amalgamation of streaks of light and grey metallic colors. You blink and a few cool tears drip down your searing cheeks.
“Hey,” Din coos, his helmet inching closer towards your face, his hands still glued around your waist and atop your forehead. “I’ve got you now. It was just a nightmare. Nothing’s gonna hurt you, mesh’la, nothing.”
You cough out a laugh. “Nothing except a red-haired Mandalorian and whatever this fever is.”
But Din shakes his head. “Not if I can help it.” It isn’t until those words fall from his lips that you realize how close he is to you, how intimate this moment is. His armor is long gone, and you can see the outline of his muscles in his shoulders and arms, his deltoids, his triceps, underneath his flight suit.
“I would…” He trails off, a tremble obviously present in his voice. His confidence has completely disappeared. The vulnerability of the moment makes your head spin faster than it already is. You watch his chest rise and fall, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. You hear him suck in a sharp breath through his vocoder. “I would do anything for you.”
Anything. He would do anything? For you?
Your heart beats rapidly, threatening to combust against your ribs as Din’s hand on your forehead slides down to your cheek. You’ve forgotten your fever at this point, forgotten your headache, your sore throat. All you feel now is Din, his thumb grazing against your cheek, his fingers ghosting along the exposed slit of skin between the hemline of your shirt and the waistline of your shorts.
You want to keep him here, to ask him to hang on to you all night long, but you don’t know if you have the courage to ask. You close your eyes, inhaling through your nose, gathering your words before they spill from your lips. “Would you…” Your voice fades out, evaporating into silence, unable to finish your sentence.
“Anything,” Din’s modulated voice echoes against the walls of the bunk. “Say the word and it’s yours. Whatever you want, cyare.”
Fuck. He really means anything. Whatever you want.
“Would you stay…with me?” It’s a garbled, incomprehensible mess of a question, but as always, Din knows what’s on your mind better than you do.
Din nods immediately. “Of course.” It’s short, but certainly not curt. Those two words say far more than what they mean. “I have to let go of you for just a second, but I’ll be right back, I promise.” Ever the caretaker, Din Djarin. Eternally putting others before himself. It makes your heart pang in your chest, your breath catching in your throat.
He hesitates a moment before finally letting go of you, his hands brushing over your skin for a few extra seconds, stealing time that had already been borrowed. He slips deeper into the hull. You hear him press a few buttons in the distance, and then with a sudden flick, the lights of the hull go out. Darkness fills the room, and you can hear Din shuffling back towards the bunk.
There’s a click and a hiss, and then the sound of metal falling onto metal. Din had taken his helmet off. It wasn’t the first time he had done this. You occasionally found yourself in his bunk, clinging to him for warmth when you were on a particularly cold planet or when the Crest’s heating system had broken down, but it was rare.
“Should you keep it on?” You ask as Din pushes the covers of the bed down. You feel the mattress dip as he slides into the bunk. “I’m still sick, you know.” The last thing you wanted was to make Din feel the way you feel right now. You didn’t want him to get hurt. You had to protect him, too.
You don’t realize how close he is to you until you feel his breath fan across your lips. “No.” It’s a whisper, barely audible. “Wanna make you feel safe.”
He cuts you off. “It’s worth the risk.”
You were worth the risk.
The darkness isn’t so scary when he’s next to you. You close your eyes, listening closely to his unmodulated breaths. His arm snakes up your body, coming to rest around your waist, in the exact spot he was in before.
“Din?” You call out in the darkness. You inch forward a bit, unexpectedly bumping your nose into his. The sudden touch, the proximity, it’s all becoming too much for you to bear.
“Yes, cyare?” His voice is husky, low, rough.
You can’t even remember what it was you were going to ask him. All you can think about is how close he is, how his fingers graze over your stomach, how his breath ghosts over your cheeks, how much you want him to kiss you.
Maker, you want him to kiss you. Would he if you asked him to? Was that under the category of, anything?
“Cyare?” He’s concerned. You can hear it in the way the pet name plays on his lips, hanging around in the air longer than normal.
“I-I,” You stutter. Was now really the time to do this, to confess your feelings to Din? “I don’t know what to say.” It was true, maybe a little too true. “I just, I like you Din.”
He chuckles. Maker, it sounds so much better without his helmet. “I like you too, cyar’ika.” He’s unserious, carefree.
“No,” You mumble. You feel like a child, a padawan once again, not knowing how to communicate or to feel. “Not like that. M-more than that.” You wish you could see the look on his face, to gauge what he was feeling.
Silence takes hold of the bunk. Shit. Too much. Too much too soon. I shouldn’t have-
And then, like always, Din reads your mind. His lips come crashing down onto yours. The kiss is reckless, frenzied, deep. He molds against you, as if he was always meant to fit here. You almost regret not doing something sooner. You think, maybe you’ve wasted valuable time that you could’ve already spent with this side of him. But you know you’ve lived through everything you’ve been through, just to get to this very moment, to feel his lips taking yours, his tongue sliding along your lower lip, seeking permission to explore more of you. You part your mouth, gladly accepting his invitation.
His hand at your waist travels lower, resting along the inside of your thigh. You moan against his lips at the touch. You can feel your wetness growing between your legs, the pulsing of your core. You instinctively try to press your thighs together, searching for some sort of friction, but Din stops you, using his hand to keep your legs spread wide for him.
His fingers tread achingly slow up your inner thigh, teasing you, his nails softly scratching against your exposed skin. Din’s hand finally lands on top of your clothed cunt, his thumb tracing circles into the overly sensitive spot. You’re trembling under his touch as he presses harder into where you need him most.
“S-shit,” You mutter. “Feels s-so good.”
Din swallows harshly. “Wanna taste you, mesh’la. Bet you taste so good.” Desire coats his voice. His hand slips away from your heat and you groan at the loss of contact. He finds the waistline of your shorts, tugging a bit, searching for permission.
“Please, wanna feel you,” You whimper. And that’s all he needs. Din drags your shorts and panties down your legs. You’re not sure where they end up, but you can’t be bothered to care.
Din presses light kisses against your inner thigh, his stubble scratching lightly against your skin, until he finally reaches your core. His tongue begins to explore your folds, pushing through before finally settling on your clit.
“D-Din!” You cry out as he takes the sensitive bud into his mouth, sucking roughly. “Fuck, feels s’good.” Your words slur and your eyes blur as he laps at you.
“Tastes so good, so fucking sweet.” The vibrations of Din’s voice against your clit pushes you closer to the edge. You were already practically there.
He brings a finger to your folds, spreading your slick before sinking deep inside of you. The sensation coaxes a moan from your lips, and Din takes this as a sign to add another finger. He gives you a moment to adjust to him before pulling out and crashing back into you. He’s pushing further inside you as he takes you on his tongue. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will ever be the same.  
“Doing so good for me, sweet girl,” He soothes, his tongue swirling around your clit as his fingers thrust in and out of your entrance. “You sound so pretty when you say my name.”
“Din.” It’s a whisper, a plea. More, please, more. “Don’t stop. Fuck.” His free hand glides under your shirt, pushing your bra up and out of the way. He takes a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching lightly, rolling the nub around before switching to the other. He squeezes softly, luring you closer to your breaking point.
“Taking me so good, being such a good girl,” Din groans. You throw your head back against the pillow. His words alone were enough to drive you mad. “Gonna make you come, gonna give you whatever you want, mesh’la.”
His name rolls off your tongue. You’re unsure of where it starts and where it ends, whispering it over and over again like you’re trying to commit this moment to some eternal memory.
His tongue presses harder into your clit, his fingers pumping faster, deeper inside of you. You couldn’t hold back anymore. You were right there, your walls tightening around Din’s fingers.
“Din I’m gonna-,” But it’s impossible to get the words out. You’re a bleating mess underneath him.
“That’s it, come for me, pretty girl. Wanted this for so long,” His praises, his confessions, send you over the edge, searing heat spreading across every inch of your body. “You’re so beautiful, so perfect for me.” You can feel yourself shattering under his touch, your walls fluttering around him.
“F-fuck Din,” You whimper, riding out your high. Din slowly laps at your swollen clit, his fingers gently pumping in and out of you a few more times before pulling out. You feel empty without them. “N-need more. Need to feel you.” You can’t help but beg. It wasn’t enough. You wanted all of him, needed all of him.  
“Not tonight, cyar’ika,” Din breathes as he finds his way back next to you. “Don’t wanna push you too far. You’re sick, don’t forget. I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, remember?” There’s a faint laugh in his voice, a certain genuine happiness that you can’t wait to hear more of.
“Tomorrow?” You ask, shifting so that your head rests against his chest.
“As long as you’re feeling better…” He trails off for a second, mulling his words over in his head before continuing, “I’ll do anything you want me to.” You know there’s a smile tugging at his lips, you can hear it. It makes your heart flutter in your chest. “Get some rest, okay?”
You nod your head, nestling even further into him. You wrap a leg around his waist, and he follows suit by wrapping his arms around you.
“Goodnight, Din.”
“Goodnight, mesh’la.”
No longer a danger to herself or others
She made up her mind and laced up her shoes…
Said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment
Ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor, and I knew then
I would do anything you want me to
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, I would do anything
Whatever you want me to do, I will do
I will do anything (whatever you want)
Whatever she wants (whatever you want)
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
Girlllllllll I just love yooouuuu
Can we get a Yoongi smut where he is older than the reader and that makes him protective, possessive yet obsessed boyfriend.
i cant get enough of this man 🥵🥵🥵
Yes, ma'am!
Title: Bored.
Warning(s): Age-Gap Relationship, Dom!Yoongi, Sugar Zaddy!Suga (lol), Daddy K!nk, Age-P!ay (Nothing too weird lol)
Author's Note: Age gap is gonna be 10 years, and this is a ;Non-Idol!AU', But it IS a 'Rich!bfYoongi' fic. So enjoy!
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Knock Knock
Yoongi sighs deeply as he looks up from the huge amount of paperwork that he needed to go through before Monday's big meeting. "Yeah?" He calls out and the door opens slowly to reveal his beautiful girlfriend of about a year and a half now. He pauses and leans back in his chair as he eyes his college-aged sweetheart. "Y/N Y/L/N. To what do I owe this visit?" He teases a bit and Y/N smiles shyly.
"Hi, baby!" Y/N sings as she bounces into the room wearing the blue, thinned-strapped, sundress Yoongi had gotten shipped out from Italy for their one-month anniversary. Yoongi lets his eyes wonder her outfit and hair that clearly had just gotten done up.
Looking at Yoongi and Y/N, you'd think this was a simple "sugar baby" situation, but the two were actually extremely content in their relationship. And they had met in probably one of the most random ways ever.
They had the same coffee order.
Yoongi loved to go back on the memory because it was just so random, yet Y/N swore it was something you only read about in a fucking Nicolas Sparks' book.
Story was simple: Yoongi had recently gotten in touch with a client who wanted to meet at the new Starbucks that had opened up a few blocks from some random college campus, the same campus Y/N was attending. Yoongi, being head of the company, knew that they couldn't lose this deal, so he went early to snatch a table and order the coffees for him and the man he was meeting with. The girl in front of him in the line smelled of vanilla, and she was wearing the sexiest outfit Yoongi had ever seen. She caught his eye the second he walked in.
Now, pause.
Because Y/N always laughs when Yoongi makes that part of the story known when telling it to strangers that ask. Mostly because the "sexy" outfit Yoongi spoke so highly of was just a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue tank top. She'd rolled out of bed and dragged her half-asleep self down to the coffee shop for a wakeup call in a cup. But according to Yoongi, Y/N just wore those sweats and that tank top in such a... "Confident way".
So anyway.
As Yoongi was on the phone with the client he'd be meeting with, he hears the name of the coffee he'd ordered. Only, both he and Y/N walked over to grab the drink at the same time. That is when they actually noticed each other.
Y/N had giggled bashfully and put her hand down, giving Yoongi a shy apology since she hadn't checked the name before going for the cup, but Yoongi only smiled at the girl standing in front of him, assuring her that the coffee was all hers. He knew right then and there; he loved the back and front of this girl. Which doesn't usually happen...
Yoongi introduced himself, and Y/N did the same before walking off to a corner of the coffee shop after assuring again that she could wait for her order. The fact that she'd seen the Rolex, seen the suit, seen the all black American Express card he'd pulled out to offer to pay for a bakery item for her, and she still politely declined and walked away? That held Yoongi's attention more than any girl had in years. After a while of waiting at the counter, a worker put down another cup of coffee and Yoongi noticed the name on it.
This was her order...
That's when he got the idea...
After making sure no one was watching, he grabbed a pen from his suit pocket, and wrote down a small message along with his number before putting it back on the countertop casually. Just as he'd hoped, another worker came by, saw the cup and called out the name of the person to come and take their coffee. He saw Y/N walk over and grab her cup as his client walked in, walking over to greet him.
He noticed from over the man's shoulder how Y/N moved the cup around to look at all of the Christmas designs on it before choking on her sip. She looked around the coffee shop and Yoongi tried to stiffen his laughter as her eyes went to each and every person in the room before they locked with his.
'You?' He remembers Y/N mouthing to him, and Yoongi gave a smirk before turning all attention back to his meeting. The two talked through phone calls and text messages after that, and when Y/N was on Christmas break from college, Yoongi surprised her with tickets to Paris. While out there for those two weeks, Y/N and Yoongi made love every night. When they weren't doing that, he was taking Y/N shopping, always loving her in clothes he'd bought her. Made him feel better about ripping them off later.
"I missed you today..." Y/N says shyly and Yoongi smirks knowingly.
At the beginning of their time together, Yoongi had learned something about Y/N that really turned him on. Y/N was into something that not a lot of people would understand, but Yoongi definitely tried to. See, Y/N was into a sort of age play kink. It didn't go too far, but basically, she loved to be taken care of. She even called Yoongi 'Daddy' out of the bedroom at times because to her, Yoongi was the dominate one in their relationship. And Yoongi wouldn't have it any other way...
Yoongi had done research and realized that people like Y/N actually existed. Now, as stated before, Y/N wasn't too hardcore with the kink. She didn't wear adult diapers or crawl around on the floor, or wear onesie pajamas. She did, however, own a one-piece pajama with Yoongi, but that was a different story. Y/N just seemed to submit very easily to Yoongi though.
"Did you really miss me, baby?" Yoongi asks softly as he watches his girlfriend change her balance from one foot to the other.
"Are you busy?" Y/N asks gently, not really answering Yoongi's question. He takes note of that...
"Depends. What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he takes off his reading glasses and rubs his eyes before putting them back on. A blush forms on Y/N's cheeks from the nickname.
"I finished classes earlier today because of some weather alert. I'm all bored..." Y/N says with a sigh as she sits down on the chair that was set on the other side of Yoongi's desk in his home office. Yoongi looks out the floor-to-ceiling window and pauses when he's met with the sight of a grey sky and heavy rain. How long had he been on autopilot?
"Huh. Will you look at that..." He mutters to himself, and Y/N rolls her eyes at his dad behavior. "Well, did you do all of your assignments?" Yoongi asks as he picks up a piece of paper to start reading from again. Y/N eyes her "old man" for a boyfriend with humor in her eyes.
"Yes, daddy." Y/N mutters but pauses when Yoongi doesn't look up at the nickname. It makes her feel slightly sad that he wasn't giving her attention.
"Well, then, make yourself at home, baby. Go watch some TV." Yoongi suggests and Y/N stiffens a groan.
"I don't think there's anything on right now, daddy." Y/N states certainly, causing Yoongi to finally look up at her from the piece of paper in his hands. He sighs and puts the paper down on the desk along with his reading glasses.
"So, you're bored..." Yoongi begins, as if trying to help Y/N out with her problem. Y/N nods her head quickly. "And what do you want me to do about that, baby?" Yoongi asks as he leans back in his chair again.
"Mm..." Y/N hums as she thinks about it. "Let's go on an adventure!" She finally says, tone full of excitement.
Yoongi chuckles at his little fireball, always wanting to travel to different places, see different things. "I can't right now. We're going somewhere Monday baby, after my meeting, remember?" He asks casually.
"Yeah..." Y/N sighs in disappointment. "But... Can't we just go today?" She asks, hope laced in her voice.
Yoongi had promised Y/N a trip to Brazil for her spring break, but then he had to call an important meeting for Monday to discuss some "important business thing", Y/N wasn't really listening when Yoongi was telling her about it...
"No, Y/N. I have to attend this meeting. I don't want to hear any more about it, or we won't go, ok?" Yoongi warns, already stressed with trying to figure out this month's company budget.
"But daddy, I-" Yoongi cuts Y/N off.
"What did I just say?" He asks in a stronger tone, getting annoyed that Y/N wanted to bother him about some trip, but even more annoyed about all of this paperwork showing up on his desk first thing this morning because of his idiot of a secretary who forgot to give it to him last week. Yoongi was just stressed out, and Y/N was not helping.
Y/N sets her jaw tight, knowing not to argue back, but Yoongi was acting so dismissive, and she'd been dealing with a lot too. Finals, big projects, constant studying and she was beginning to feel burned out. "Whatever. Maybe Adam isn't as busy..." Y/N finally mutters as she stands up. This catches Yoongi's attention.
"Who?" He asks. It's not that he had misheard her, he was just giving her a chance to get out of what she just said. Adam was Y/N's ex-boyfriend, but still a 'good friend' of hers, according to what she'd told Yoongi. They'd still hang out whenever Yoongi was too busy for Y/N, much to his dismay.
"I said... Maybe Adam isn't busy. Since it's clear you want me to leave you alone." Y/N says with a bit of an attitude, her eyes looking Yoongi up and down.
"Y/N." Yoongi warns, unamused by her bratty behavior. "You can stay right here." He says.
"Oh? And watch you stare at a piece of paper? I wanna go out!" Y/N huffs as she stomps her foot instinctively.
Yoongi stares at the 22-year-old girl in front of him, stomping her foot due to not getting what she wants. "Are... You have to be fucking with me. You are acting like the most spoiled brat I have ever met!" He growls.
"Please. Like it isn't your fault." Y/N mutters, arms crossed.
"What was that?" Yoongi asks. In a way, Y/N wasn't lying. Yoongi spent their whole first few months together spoiling Y/N. Taking her to different places, buying her only the best, introducing her to different important people. And Y/N would, obviously, throw a fit whenever he'd do these grand gestures for her, or her friends, or even her family a few times, but Yoongi always ignored her rants on how she didn't need that new diamond necklace, or that nice looking car, or that custom made gown for a high-end dinner date.
"I said... It's your fault." Y/N repeats, staring at Yoongi in a challenging way, making him sit back in his chair, eyeing her in the same manner.
"Listen to me, Y/N. And listen closely. You are going to sit your ass down in that seat, and if I hear one more word out of you..." Yoongi trails off in a threatening tone, making Y/N roll her eyes and sit back in her seat with a soft huff.
And it's finally silent.
Y/N stares at her hands in her lap as she replays Yoongi's words over and over again in her head. And who the hell was he to challenge her!? It was her mouth! Her voice! She didn't need to listen to that grouchy old man. A sly smirk comes on to her face at that thought. Yeah. He was a cranky, old, boring man. What would he do? Excitement rushed through Y/N's body at the thought.
"One. More. Word." Y/N finally says slowly, and Yoongi is quick to throw the packet that was in his hand down on to the desk with a glare.
"You think you're so funny, don't you." Yoongi says as he pushes his chair back from the desk. "Over my knee now." He orders, and Y/N smiles brightly.
"Finally! Something to do!" She taunts as she makes her way over to Yoongi, who looks about ready to lose it at this point.
"Something to do, huh?" Yoongi mutters as he reaches out when Y/N is close enough and grabs her arm, yanking her to bend over his lap. Y/N takes note of the nice-looking black slacks Yoongi was wearing with a red wine-colored polo shirt tucked in. His black hair was slicked back, and he just smelled of power and success. Actually, that was Boy Chanel, but still...
"You think getting me all worked up like this is 'something to do'?" Yoongi growls before flipping up her dress and firmly rubbing her ass, feeling the flimsy lace under his palm. Y/N pants softly at the feeling, bracing herself when his hand slips away only to come right back down, slapping just under Y/N's left butt cheek, making her whimper softly. Yoongi rubs that spot he just slapped before doing it again on the other ass cheek, harder this time.
"Oh! D-Daddy..." Y/N whimpers a bit louder, as if trying to draw out some pity from her boyfriend.
"Oh no you don't..." Yoongi smirks. "Don't try and act all innocent now." He says tauntingly, and Y/N can feel herself soaking through her pair of red lacy boy shorts at the tone of voice her daddy was using with her.
Yoongi smacks Y/N's thighs a few more times before hitching the sundress up a little more to look at her ass, groaning at the sight of her underwear snuggled between her plump ass. "Fuck, I'm gonna make your ass the same color as those pretty little undies, baby girl..." Yoongi whispers as he lifts his hand again, but this time, he waits for a response from Y/N.
"Daddy... Daddy... Please." Y/N whins as a response, and that does it for Yoongi. Y/N yelps, and her body basically jerks from how hard the smack to her ass is.
"Beg for more." Yoongi orders, and Y/N moans more at the thought of begging for pain.
"M-More... Please, daddy. More! Give me more! I-I swear I'll be your good girl again..." Y/N pleads, moaning when another slap is delivered to her plump ass cheek. "Oh god, daddy..." Y/N gasps.
"What do you want, baby girl?" Yoongi whispers, wanting to hear his slut of a girlfriend say the words.
"Daddy..." She tries, shyly, but Yoongi knows it's all a show. When Y/N is horny, there's no room for shyness. "Oh, daddy. P-Please make me feel good. It aches." She pouts, and Yoongi smirks.
"Stand up, baby. Bend over my desk." Yoongi says, and Y/N is quick to follow orders. "Now." Yoongi begins when Y/N is bent over his desk, shaking eagerly. He stands up and moves behind her to grip her hips hard. "What do you say to daddy for acting like a brat?" He whispers as he presses against her crutch.
She moans at the pressure on her clit, knowing better than to move her hips though. "I-I'm sorry, daddy..." Y/N pants, the side of her face pressed against the cold wooden desk.
"Sorry for what, baby girl?" Yoongi asks as he lets his hands run up and down the sides of Y/N's body. Staying still against her, and it was torture for him too. Mostly because he could feel her juices leaking through her thin underwear and wetting his pants too.
"I-I'm sorry for being such a bad girl, daddy." Y/N whispers as she moves ever so slightly so the apparent bulge is harder against her clit, making Yoongi smack her ass again. The sting felt so good...
"Keep going." Yoongi orders as he pulls back to really spread her legs and see how wet she really was.
"Daddy..." Y/N says, as if embarrassed. Yoongi swats at her clit through her underwear and it makes her bundle of nerves throb harder. "Oh god! Daddy! I-I'm sorry! I-I'm... I acted like a... A spoiled brat." She whines.
"Mm... That's more like it. There's daddy's little girl." Yoongi teases before reaching a hand down to his secret drawer where he usually kept a few toys just in case he and Y/N ended up having a little bit of fun in his home office. He pulls out some black underwear and then tosses them in front of Y/N, on the desk.
"Take off those boy shorts, and sit on my desk, legs spread." Yoongi instructs, and Y/N was quick to follow orders. With her legs spread, and pussy on full display as she leans back on his desk, Y/N waits for Yoongi to do... Something. Anything. Feeling her desperation, Yoongi moves Y/N's legs, so her feet are planted on the desk, her knees bent, and legs spread wider.
"Mm..." Yoongi smirks, stepping back to admire his girl fully. "See what happens when you shut the hell up? You make daddy happy." Yoongi taunts as he reaches out and lazily rubs Y/N's throbbing clit with two fingers. "Always so wet for me." He mumbles to himself, making Y/N shiver softly. He then leans down, softly licking at her clit, tonguing it like a cat drinks milk.
"Mm... God... Daddy!" Y/N moans, trying to keep her hips down since Yoongi trained her better than that. She wanted to make him proud. Yoongi slowly slides his tongue into Y/N's pussy, loving the way her hole clenched around it as if trying to make it stay. He begins moving his tongue in and out slowly.
"Daddy, please!" Y/N whines and Yoongi can only smirk. What happened to his little brat? Melted away he actually showed her attention. She was just too adorable to ever stay mad at...
Moving his tongue faster, Yoongi also adds two of his fingers to rub at Y/N's clit. Y/N throws her head back as moans spill from her lips effortlessly, uncontrollably. She never had to fake it with this man. He knew her body like it was his. It was his. Yoongi can't help but chuckle at the desperate moans of his lover, and the vibrations of said chuckle shoot through Y/N like a firework.
"Fuck! Daddy! Oh, daddy! Please... Please! I'm so... So close, daddy!" Y/N pleads, and when he feels her body begin to tremble, Yoongi pulls away, making the girl sprawled out on the desk gasp. "Daddy!" Y/N shouts in anger. Yoongi growls slightly, grabbing Y/N by the back of her head and yanking her hair so she was forced to look up at the ceiling.
"Wanna try that again?" Yoongi whispers against Y/N's neck, and Y/N moans before shaking her head as much as she can with him still gripping her hair.
"I... I'm... S-Sorry, daddy." Y/N stumbles over her words as she speaks, and Yoongi wants to laugh at how easily she submits.
"Here." He says, handing the pair of underwear to Y/N who bites back a whine of frustration. She gets off the desk to put on the new underwear. "Now, sit." Yoongi continues, motioning to the chair on the other side of the desk where she'd once sat. Y/N huffs under her breath and walks over to the chair. As soon as she sits down, Yoongi grabs the remote that went with the underwear and presses the green button.
Y/N gasps and shoots up from the seat as her underwear begins to vibrate. "Oh no you don't. You will sit there, and every time you're close to cumming, you will tell me." Yoongi orders. As Y/N trembles where she stands. Her clit was already sensitive, and having a vibrator pressed against it wasn't helping much. Well, actually, it was dulling the ache a bit.
"A-And... I-If I don't?" Y/N asks breathlessly as she slowly sits back down.
"If I see you cum, your punishment will be more than just a few smacks. Do I make myself clear?" Yoongi asks, and Y/N quickly nods. "Good girl." He says as he fixes his hair and wipes the sides of his mouth before sitting back down at his desk, putting his glasses back on as well.
"For... H-How long?" Y/N whimpers out as she begins to move her hips with the vibration before catching herself. With a deep gulp she gives in to making her daddy proud. "D-Daddy... I-I'm close..." She shivers. Yoongi presses the red button on the remote and calmly takes this time to answer Y/N's question.
"For however long it'll take me to read all this goddamn paperwork." He states. "You may moan..." He says, making Y/N blush at him giving her permission to do a basic reaction. "It'll help make this whole thing more... Interesting for me. But you may not cum... That's for later." He continues before pressing the green button to turn it back on, making Y/N melt back in her seat.
"There are different levels on this thing. I think I should start you off on a... 5. What do you think?" Yoongi teases, and Y/N gasps, grabbing onto the arms of the chair as stronger vibrations rage against her throbbing clit.
"Oh! And tell me something baby girl..." Yoongi begins as he grabs the packet he'd been trying to read earlier.
"Mm..." Is all Y/N can master in reponse.
"Are you still bored?" Yoongi asks as Y/N throws her head back, a loud moan leaving her parted lips, making Yoongi lean back in his chair. "Guess not..." He chuckles to himself before going right back to reading.
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
if you still do avengers reqs, what would the avengers and y/n talk about in the avengers resident groupchat? y/n!stark x peter 🙏🙏
The Avengers Groupchat Would Include . . . 
Let’s start off with who’s in this groupchat: you (obviously), Peter, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Thor, Scott, Vision & Carol (Rocket was in the chat but he got kicked out, Ayo’s in there but she doesn’t chat much, Nebula would be there but she doesn’t get how to use a phone, Rhodey has better things to do than be in there)
Let’s be honest, Carol did not see the sense in her being there because there’s not gonna be WiFi throughout the galaxy.
“LTE, Carol!” — You, probably
Thor also didn’t really get it because there’s not WiFi on Asgard, but he’s too kind to say no
Naming the groupchat was hell. Every second, someone would change it (usually either you, Peter, or Sam) until Tony put his foot down and programmed FRIDAY to make it so no one could change it from “Avengers”
Natasha’s usually the one who sends reminders about training
Steve will send reminders about meetings 
Lots of pictures of each other are sent, mostly when they don’t know photos are being taken of them
The conversations range from someone asking what people want from the grocery store (Scott goes on grocery runs) to fierce debates over who’s the better fighter (It’s Nat, no one can beat her in sparring)
Tony will ask you and Peter if your homework is done (which you both annoyed, then Natasha yells at you)
It’s best to silence the notifications because they’re too, too much
Regular FaceTimes are a thing even though you’re usually all in the same tower
“Thor, your video cuts out when you go over Heimdall’s bridge.”
Wanda and Vision usually ask if they can double date with anyone (ends up being Scott and Hope or you and Peter)
Peter will send cute pictures of you that the Avengers ADORE. He’s tickling you? He’s recording a video. You fell asleep? He’s taking a picture.
“Peter, you’re not tickling her right. You have to get her knees.” — Tony
Clint’s kids love to take his phone to chat with the Avengers
And they LOVE chatting with them
“Auntie Nat, when are you visiting!” “Soon!!”
Sam and Peter both send lots of memes
“I don’t get it.” — Steve
Bruce doesn’t talk much but you know who’s a great texter? THE HULK
Hulk is the king of keyboard smashes
“Someone get Nat to do the lullaby.”
Hulk has smashed Bruce’s phone on multiple occasions tho
“Should I invent armor for Bruce’s phone?” — Tony
Yelena will steal Nat’s phone to troll the chat
Clint sends updates on his farm
Pepper will confiscate Tony’s phone when he needs to work so she’ll end up chatting
Everyone loves chatting to Pepper
Tony managed to get wifi on Carol’s ship so she’ll send updates from space
Thor tries to text, it doesn’t go great
When badgered by Natasha, Ayo will text
Nebula has occasionally hopped onto the group chat when Peter Q helps her
The group chat was SO ACTIVE when you and Peter went to prom
They were spamming the entire time, asking for pictures and updates and telling ya’ll not to drink
If anyone’s sitting out of a mission (usually you and Peter), they’ll text in the group chat to annoy those who are on the mission
Getting Nat to swear in the group chat isn’t rare but it is dangerous
Vision, Ayo, and Steve text with perfect grammar, short and to the point (Steve has a tendency to go on tangents, though).
Tony’s style switches constantly depending on his mood
Natasha, Sam, Wanda, you, and Peter text with abbreviations and lowercase sometimes
Carol usually sends photos, not many texts. She’ll occasionally send an lol or lmao.
Scott is always cheerful. He uses lots of smiley faces.
Tony will put an ironic amount of obnoxious emojis.
Clint’s tired and his texting reflects that. As short as possible usually.
There’s always something chaotic going on
But there’s also some of the funniest moments
So will Natasha
The Avengers are a family and they love each other so much, it’s definitely represented in the groupchat
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spooky-circuits · 7 months
Well the snack attack poll isn’t over yet but it looks like the funk twins reunion is the majority so far and I’ll go in order from there once the poll ends probably. This is a longer one lol.
Prince D has a good life with the Funk trolls. His family is very supportive if over protective of him due to his twins egg getting taken by a bird 14 years ago. His family still searches but he’s never been off the ship in fear of losing him too. Darnell feels like he should be doing more to find his brother his twin shouldn’t be out in the world by himself! He starts thinking maybe someone just needs to be looking closer to the ground. He had been practicing at his hoverboard long enough that he could probably navigate the forest with it. So he leaves a note for his parents to keep them from panicking (it doesn’t work) and sets off hoping that a more thorough search is what they needed to find his brother.
Prince D is in the forest for 3 weeks when he suddenly wipes out on his board after not eating for 2 days he’s passing out when he can faintly hear “Cooper? Where did you fall from?!” And “I thought you were back at camp!” From a different voice. When two pop trolls run up to him but he fades out before he sees their faces.
Branch and Creek were out getting firewood when the new troll comes crashing out of the tree tops. Creek looks at Branch and goes “So he definitely looks like Cooper yeah?” Branch looks at him with a face that conveys exactly how dumb of a question he thinks that is. “Oh calm down mate I’m just making sure we’re on the same page before we start dragging him back to camp.” Branch rolls his eyes at that and says “Yeah I guess we have to don’t we.” Creek looks at him “Well I don’t think Cooper and the rest would appreciate us leaving him here considering how long we’ve been on this bloody trip. Now grab his back legs.”
Prince D wakes up next to a fire being stared at by a group of strange trolls feeling unsettled by how intensely everyone is looking at him when he locks eyes with Cooper and everything else becomes quiet as he realizes he just found the brother they’ve been searching for for 14 years. When Cooper runs up to him suddenly and grabs his hand “Wow you’re right Branch he does look just like me! Hi I’m Cooper whats your name?” Shaking his hand so hard Darnell is physically being pulled along with it. Once things calm down Prince D explains the whole situation.
Once things have settled Guy Diamond says “You know I kind of wish we got Branch those autographs before finding Cooper’s family. No offence Branch but it’s going to be pretty lacklustre in comparison.” Branch rolls his eyes but Creek speaks up “I don’t know about that maybe Branch had a juicy secret of his own.” Branch glares at him but says nothing.
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saiyanwitcher · 1 month
Holy crap, Prince of Death is such a tour de force! The attention to detail, the world-building, the intense drama, the raw emotions - it's all just stunning. 
Admittedly, I know almost nothing about DBZ, and you've done a fantastic job weaving just enough background into the narrative for the uninitiated while making it your own for this universe at the same time. The blend of fantasy and sci-fi on display is so yummy and rich to devour.
And Max just needs the biggest hug, ugh. At least he's together with Charles... (for now?!) - tho, I can already picture the angst and drama ahead when Max wakes up - poor thing bears the weight of duty so heavily and personally (and honorably).
And Alonso - omg!! Love how he calls Max out for his shit, protects him, teaches him, just - everything about him in his role in this AU is gold.
Hopefully Carlos stops being a little punk - maybe once he realizes that Alonso has also sent his prince to the same destination that he set for Charles (which I'm dying to see where that it is, btw - with pop culture in my head, I can see anything from Dagobah to Hoth to Vormir to... even Mars lol - whatever you choose, I know it will be great), or once Carlos has an inevitable reconciliation and he sees just compatible Max & Charles truly are... such potential! ✨
I did have higher hopes for George, ugh. He should know better than to follow in his master's vile footsteps, but otherwise, he makes for a rich villain. And that's to say nothing of Jos - you've done an excellent job making him truly repulsive with his physical & emotional abuse in the name of controlling Max. And I absolutely cannot wait for him to get his just deserts - to be on the receiving end of Max letting the full force of his power loose, hair & eyes flaming as he unleashes raw fury - oh, please, please, let it be so! (Tho, no matter how Jos goes down, it will still be infinitely rewarding).
... okay, this got way longer than I thought, so my apologies 🤭 But in short, this fic is just outta-this-world stellar. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading more ❤🚀
Hello there!
I've really tried my hardest to explain things thoroughly and adapt the universe to make it my own, so I'm glad people aren't like . . . wtf are you talking about? 😅
Alonso is so amazing and fit this roll perfectly in my head, I'm glad it's translating on paper. While he's not Max's or Charles' real dad, he's the father they both deserve.
Carlos is in for some major transformation of character in part 2 as well as George. Those two need some growth and perspective, and they will be getting both (for better or worse) as the story goes on.
I'm so glad you mentioned the little sneak peak I gave for Max's potential in ch 12! I didn't get a lot of comments on it, but in his rage and grief, trying to protect himself, he tapped into something that he will need to find again later. Now, did he find it because it was about Charles? Or has he always had it and just couldn't break through 👀 Regardless, there will be more exploration in part 2.
Max is having the hardest time the poor baby! But you are right . . . when he wakes up 👀 He is so confused lol. In fact, enjoy a little piece:
A soft surface beneath him felt strangely comforting against his back, but the sight of the stars whizzing by outside the familiar red-tinted glass disoriented him. 
The robotic feminine voice of the scouting pod continued to drone on in the background, its words barely registering as Max struggled to make sense of the situation. 
“. . . initiating vapor bath reversal protocol. You are now one parsec away from your destination. . . ”
Limbs moving slowly, body trying to regain control, Max felt the seat surface behind him gently rise, before lowering again. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he was in the scouting pod meant for Charles to flee Jos’ base ship.
Stunned, Max whipped around to discover that the soft surface his back had been resting against was Charles’ chest, still moving gently with each slow breath. 
Relief flooded through him when he spotted the Eldri resting behind him, still unconscious, but seemingly unharmed.
His relief was short-lived, when the memories of the launch deck came rushing back.
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starboysbrainrot · 3 months
got a few asks in the last days asking me what ships I liked in atla, and so let’s do a quick recap here of what ship I like and why. (no proshit stuff on my blog dw) reminder that I am a multishipper so yes you should see fan arts of all these knuckleheads at least 1 time on my blog if atla keeps inspiring me to draw.
let’s start with the canon ones !
kataang : when platonic very sweet, i just think that their development in season 3 is a bit wacky, but i enjoy them nevertheless, ESPECIALLY in fanfics (i spend my summer in 2022 reading kataang fics, that was my personal therapy for a bit lol). my only problem is that i have a lot of issues with some kataang fans, and that made me loose interest in the ship in 2020-2021. (before getting back on board) + I’m a platonic kataang stan
sukka : an all time favorite of mine ! absolutely love their development in the series. I hope to see more of them in the movies (if we get to see Suki !)
jetara : ooooh my, as a kid i hated that ship but in late teen years i started really liking the conflicting feelings such a ship holds. the few fics I’ve read about them made me sob like a baby lol
jinko : one word : adorable
non-canon ones :
zutara : that ship has been a fundamental part of my teenage years and even now it holds a special place in my heart. I read many good fics about them, and the special bond they share in the series still makes me emotional after all those years. I personally enjoy the ship platonically but also romantically. I just have a lot of issues with some zutarians.
zukka : a ship that I personally had never considered (and seriously idk why cuz they’re such a fun ship) before gaining back my atla hyperfixation in 2023. lots of very sweet fan arts and the fics !! absolutely adore them
jetko : another personal favourite of mine. I just adore the dynamic, the angst, and the gut wrenching thought that the canon gave us a doomed relationship between them from the beginning. the potential such a ship holds is what made me liked them in the first place.
taang : ooooh the sillies !!! I love them so much. they’re I think my favourite platonic ship. I usually read about them when I feel down. I just like how they’re complete each others and the special bond they share in canon.
sutara : probably my fav wlw ship in atla after mailee. they have so much potential, and the “badass duo” dynamic has always been a favorite of mine haha.
azulee : toxic doomed Yuri, but if we’re speaking seriously, I really think that their dynamic is very interesting. not my fav ship for ty Lee but it’s still a very cool ship if you ask me.
mailee : these two <3 idk i just love the grumpy x sunshine when it’s done right and for me they are the only ship in atla that can do that dynamic correctly.
azutara : another ship I discovered recently but damn is it interesting. the possibilities !! there is so much to explore here and i absolutely love that
zuki : as much as i despise the comics… that’s one good thing that came out of it !! they have a very interesting relationship and there’s something especially sweet with these two that i really like.
harutara : a ship i don’t see very often in the fandom but they’re cute !! like that’s legit why i like them. no drama, no hard feelings, just fluff
jetkotara : is it possible to have a more angst-concentrated ship ? I don’t think so. on a more lighthearted note, the idea of zuatara sharing the same ex makes me wheeze. also it’s might just be my fav polyship in atla
suki/sokka/zuko : do they have a ship name ?? idk but I love that dynamic. again it’s a rare treat in that fandom but I love it nonetheless.
I think that’s all. the only ship that I don’t really like is maiko, but that’s purely personal. I thought that their relationship was rocky at best and toxic at worst in the series. but absolutely no hate to the maiko shippers ! y’all have are some really skilled artists and I’m always in awe of your fan arts.
so anyways. if you have others ships that you like, feel free to share it here under that post. my blog will always be a safe space for shipping.
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aqg-arts · 3 months
Anyone wanna my 2 cents on Jade Shadows?
Spoilers bellow frens ;3
So, right off the bat (before I put my personal personal thoughts out there), we need to acknowledge the criticism and outright discomfort this quest had.
Some of the criticism this quest got is something I can agree with. Specifically; Jade Shadow's needed more time. 100%. Let them cook, or more importantly, let the story cook and maybe even burn a bit to give us some crispy, smokin hot parts.
The little footnote at the end of the quest saying we have 'more questions than answers'? We get it, you're self-conscious, but that doesn't give you an excuse for not giving me Stalker. PERIOD, BITCH.
Jest aside, srsly, we needed to know more about Jade, Stalker, what happened to them, baby Orion (Halo possessed me in that moment, iykyk), etc. People needed to get invested in the characters, especially because this is a quest so close to being like Sacrifice on its level of storytelling...
Had it been able to have just 30+ minutes longer.
Onto the 2nd part of the criticism, birthing sim:
I'll be honest, as someone who was thinking of even going into being a midwifery/allied health, it didn't freak me out as much as it did others. But that's just one side of it. The other is how people say Jade's agency was ignored.
I'll be honest, this is just wrong. It's not media illiteracy by any means, but rather pure ignorance. Why?
Because her agency is declared.
"... you're going to be a father." OH, and the fact she literally wanted the baby. There are plenty of people who can explain it better than that, and whilst I acknowledge people may feel this way, this was, in fact, not what happened.
Also, this quest is not pro-life, nor is it anything related to that. If it was, I assure you, you would have a majority of the fan base up and walk. Take a chill pill. If you want to attack something for being pro-life, go help out at an abortion clinic with crowd control or smth. Because once you see that, you'll understand just how wrong you are.
It's not subtle.
It's not in between the lines.
It doesn't exist.
The end. Period. Fullstop.
The criticism is fair, but going so far as to say those are the undertones is just not on. Not only are you lying about something, but you are also disrespecting the very real women whom have had their agency denied in one way or another.
Now, that's not the only criticism about it, but those are just a few things you may see floating on tumblr. Again, both are ok and fair. But when you start to spread lies or ignore what actually happened, you're part of the problem, not the solution.
Now, onto the fun stuff!
Imo, aside from what was stated before, the quest was actually pretty fun and interesting. The pair make an interesting concept, especially now with the lil fugly bean, which has stolen a place in my cold, brainrotted heart. I think I like the Corpus Cap the most- pls marry me, pls. Oh, an Hunhow? Let me hug him. Let me give him a home on my ships. Let me tell him he can be my bestie!!!
Back to Stalker, though, I really hope we see more of him, especially now he's git a VA.
Speaking of, homie didn't get to speak often, but God did it hit home when he did. You can feel how desperate he is, then when he gets his answers, how lost he is. Finally, resolution and love ehen he names his lil kid at the end.
Music was on point, too. I can't listen to it tho bc Ik ima be sobbing lol. It was so beautiful!!!!!!!
Lorewise, however, I have so many fucking questions, but in the funny haha/good way.
Was jade pregnant b4 being a wf? If not, Stalker...
Why was their relationship shamed upon? Was Jade a Dax and him, well, him? Or was it because they weren't married? What was it that made the Orokin make em into Warframes? Also, Ballas, man, we know your hypocritical ass is in this shit too.
Also, Umbra and Helminth are confirmed to roam around the Orbiter, and vc Umbra is my main, this is a personal achievement. Now let us see it happen, and I'll be DE's 4 life.
But seriously, TL;DR:
Jade Shadow's was a good quest, it just needed to cook slightly longer. And, until we get more Umbra x Stalker from DE (bros b4 all), I'll be on AO3 in 3 (maybe 4) tags.
See in the next Stalker stan post :)
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zoiched · 4 days
some words on my Pathologic/Amnesia crossover
Those who follow me or have seen my art in Amnesia hashtag may have seen me mentioning that I’m writing an Amnesia and Pathologic crossover fanfic, buuuut a) now it’s on hiatus cuz I’m kinda confused with my own ✨philosophical and psychological✨ thoughts that i want to fit in the narrative; b) I’m Russian, and, therefore, I’m writing in Russian so English-speaking community most likely will have no chance to read this fic even I’ll finish it someday (unless Google translate will happen lol). So I want to share some thoughts on the stuff I created in my head and in my Google docs just in case cuz I find them kinda interesting and am sorta proud with myself. So here we go
• There are Daniel, Weyer and Agrippa’s homeworld, Zerzura (Alexander’s homeworld) and also world where Pathologic events take place. Not only that, there’s a countless amount of parallel worlds (I stole borrowed this concept from His Dark Materials book triology by Philip Pullman). And yes, Zerzurians abducted humans for vitae from many, many different worlds but the world of Amnesia
• Weyer and Alexander’s love have a bromance, but she ended up dying in fire of apocalypse on Zerzura nonetheless
• Weyer was escaping apocalypse on Zerzura and opened the portal aiming to his and Agrippa’s homeworld, but due to the portal malfunction he ended up landing in Town-on-Gorkhon, meet Simon and other Kains, told them about Spheres and all that. Kains know everything but keep it totally top secret cuz, well, god knows what gonna happen if regular people will know. Weyer didn’t stay in ToG for long and moved to the capital (aka St. Petersburg) and started a medic career
• Weyer is one of the people who are responsible for Thanatica’s shutdown because he a) is sorta afraid that Dankovsky will reinvent Vitae; b) has been in Zerzura for a long time and knows perfectly how obtining an immortality can spoil the society to the point of no return leading to the apocalypse
• My fic which starts right after the Agrippa ending. Him and Weyer take Daniel to ToG to teach him the arts of owning the Sphere where no prying eyes of the ordinary world (and also of the Powers that Be). Kains are willing to help with the process. Yes, Daniel is obligated to learn Russian
• Sphere gives Daniel some kind of clairvoyance ability, and, as we know from TDD, he knows how to cut the lines™, which makes him kinda close to menkhu (but not the actual menkhu, because he is, well, not from the Kin)
• A lot of jokes about Daniel and Daniil basically sharing the same name
• Alexander will be resurrected - not by Thanatica but by Daniel taking his body and consciousness from the trap of The Shadow that has a smol dimension that is very much like hell for those who used Sphere for Bad Things
• Daniel takes a test in the Abattoir jumping to this huge pit only to meet Elise Zimmerman’s ghost and to ask for her forgiveness
• Oh and there’s also my OC Ariadne, a Zerzurian who got away from the apocalypse with Weyer. I ship her with Daniel and they have from enemies to friends to lovers dynamic
I hope you’ll find this stuff interesting
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sattorntempura · 5 months
:) i would really appreciate it if you gave my oc a chance. If not, it's okay. *cries*
Hey, peeps. Lately, I've been going through this uuuuugly artblock for my main project. (This is my first post, scary, lol.. really nervous)
So, a few months back, I drew a Devil May Cry OC. The images are under the 'more' tab, but i would really appreciate it if you read this first. With this art block going on and the urge to draw something other than my main/serious project, I decided to make a small comic of my OC's childhood and how he ended up meeting the main/canon characters/crew.
And if you're new to the DMC world, hello, welcome! I hope this little comic will encourage you to check out the official games, it's pretty fun!
Try to guess who I ship him with... Hey, don't look at my pfp! That's cheating!
So yeah, there's going to be some sketches/panels of this ship. Dw, nothing too explicit/graphic. It's fluff, lol. I think that's what they call it? There's going to be more information regarding the dmc - oc comic in a future post.
I know there's a lot of different opinions when shipping an oc with a canon character, so that's why I added this little 'more' tab/bar below so in case you're not interested, you can scroll away :) for those who choose to stay and continue on, thank you.
My oc's name is Ezra. He was created when a cool friend of mine invited me to RP the DMC5 storyline with them. I was kinda nervous at first since it was my first time to ever RP with someone. I got the hang of it, though! And it was fun! (The next/future post will provide more information of that if anybody is interested. Since it's kinda the reason why Ezra exists in the first place.) I am not sure if I will include the RP events in this comic, since like I've mentioned, it took place in the DMC5 storyline, and its quite a lottt. Just like the canon game. So I might draw the day (i mean the in-game time) after the Qliphoth was taken down. Or summarize the DMC5 storyline. There's still a lot of time to think about it since I'm going to start off with the background of this character, then when he becomes an adult, and then when he meets the crew.
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☝️ This is how the cover of my oc's DMC comic will look like. The title is blurred out because I am still debating whether I should change it or not. Lol, it's kinda edgy, I might keep it that way.
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☝️These right here are adult/present Ezra and a few panels of Vergil. I am still experimenting with the way I draw Vergil since I want to have him look a little closer to the game than the way he looks in manga. (Which is hard since I prefer drawing the exact style of any series official art... Because if I do it in my own version, it never looks like the character. So yes, this is a challenge.)
The drawing with Ezra's full body is supposed to be Ezra holding his scythe over his shoulder, but I gave up on finishing it since I didn't like the way his coat looked. You can even tell from the different coats he has in the other panels/images...
The image with Ezra getting food poisoning was from eating Dante's food. This idea stems from all those memes with Dante creating unidentified matter, whereas other characters like Vergil make decent food.
The first image and 3rd image are actually linked together, hehe. I wonder if any of you know the tilted towers reference? Lol
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☝️Another Vergil sketch. He is laid next to Ezra in bed. (You can see the pillow that Ezra is cuddling with peeking in that image, lol). This moment is related to Vergil's nightmares.
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☝️ The first image out of the two is one out of the 2 closest friends BEFORE the DMC5 events. I think you will really like them. They've put a huge impact on Ezra's life and are the very reason for the way/who he is today. I still don't have a design for the other friend, that's why it's not provided here.
The second image is just baby Ezra, not having a clue what the adults are talking about. The adults definitely didn't call him that...
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☝️Lastly, this is my reaction once I created this DMC OC and decided to ship him with Vergil. I have no clue why Samsung does this to my images once edited, lol.
The same friend mentioned before also had me create an OC for a game that they play, and I failed to not grow attached to this character. (What!? I created them. They're like my own children now!) I might show u guys how he looks like when I finish his design.
If you guys have any questions, feel free to hit that, uh, *checks profile*, Ask me anything button, I will try my best to respond. If I don't respond, it's because I am still a boomer to this app and don't know how to operate it. Another reason is because the answer to your question may be a spoiler.
Like I've mentioned before, information about the comic itself will be explained in the next post. I don't spam post, so don't worry about getting lost in my profile trying to look for more information. I will try to have a pinned(?) post, if this app allows me, where I can add links like the way I've seen other users on here do it.
Haha, I add lazy watermarks (even though my art ain't that worthy) because I've seen small artist get their art clapped by a-hole users without permission. This has also happened to me, but it was yeeeaaarrrsss ago. This is why I don't post much of my art nowadays. Especially with the "art" bot-stealing going around. I need to find a better way to not let it happen to my art ever again.
Thank you for taking the time to view this, I really appreciate it! If you are interested in my OC's journey in the DMC world, feel free to follow me. You might even see my art growth/process between the very start of the comic to the very end of it! I hope it gets better... lol, watch it get worse- they slowly transform into stickmen HAHA
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tae-rambles · 3 months
My reaction as I read:
looked up the meaning of Emeth:
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^ interesting... i'm guessing it has something to do with the Iron Giant?
there's also a character from the Chronicles of Narnia named Emeth that serves to promote Christian Inclusivism - basically "as long as you have good intention the Christian god will accept you no matter your religious affiliation" but i don't think that's what Oda is referencing here...
Yamato :( ... but the kids' anger is understandable, he shouldn't have to pay for his father's sins but those are just kids... maybe this cover story will be about Yamato proving himself to the ppl of Wano and becoming accepted? that would be nice
Kaku c'mon! don't be like this! you liked ships when you were a child! and you were a great shipwright in W7! i can see you hurting too! why do you wanna stay w the WG? is it for Lucci? bcs you know he wouldn't leave?
now Stussy hurry!
Luffy and Bonney are so cute together in their Nika forms
just learned a new word: facsimile
Luffy taking the hit to protect those behind him
Bonney worried about Luffy
lmao giants
damn Luffy looks scary there lol
lmaoooo they're using haki that's brutal i'm dying
(also those who said Bonney can't use haki bcs that would make her too strong as a response to ch 1118 - how you feelin?)
Franky! Sanji! that's your captain! they have no mercy fr lmao
is that a drom of nervous sweat i see on Mars? hahaa! >:)
damn how far did he bounce him lmao (serves him right)
no! Atlas! don't go! i have a bad feeling about this...
hello Katakuri :D
yes, the Will of D, unfortunately, your broadcast has been interrupted so what you wanted them to hear didn't get out... but why is Gaimon and his gf shown at that exact moment? is Gaimon somehow connected to the Will of D? or maybe it's about the island of rare animals? there's that theory about the six treasure chests... hmmm... or is it there just to show that not everyone was able to hear the message...
dammit, the marines got the seraphim
also, Peter swallowed the kairoseki bubbles w no problem... do the gorosei really not have devil fruits?
good punch! :D
HOLY SHIT so much happening on the last double page :D
Warcury fearlessly jumping off the shore... are they really not just mythical zoan devil fruit users?
i was hoping for more double Nika combo attacks but we also already knew Bonney wouldn't be able to hold that for for long so it can't be helped (hopefully the anime will provide us w some more shots of Nika!Bonney)
i wonder if Luffy heard the Iron Giant calling out to Joyboy or if he just sensed him w his observation haki
a magnificent left hook! strong enough to break Warcury's tusk! amazing panel
Emeth... the name really suits him :D
Joyboy speaks for the first time! :D well not really since it's just a memory but y'kno... we're gonna hear Joyboy's voice when the anime gets here! :DD i'm so hyped
doesn't Emeth look kinda sad? i feel so sorry for him. he's probably so confused about what's going on since he's been asleep for so long. he keeps calling out to Joyboy but Luffy isn't the Joyboy he's thinking of :(
and a break next week - as expected after three chapters in a row
Great chapter! Loved it! :D
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otomiyaa · 11 months
Profile Tag Game 💕
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Hello - Lol hi I'm Ginny and this is a fun something I was about to do on my previous blog, and I remembered it! So I decided to still do it here. It's a random self introduction based on genshin impact character profiles! Maybe even a better fit for me to do it on this new account.
Chat: Tickling - I may have said this before, but I am a very bad tickler. In fact, I can barely remember tickling anyone properly so far in my life. I've done some quick pokes and scribbles, but I just can't go much further than that. Everything I wrote in my fics and hcs is just pure creativity and imagination. Not experience.
When It Rains - I get all cozy when I'm indoors and it's raining, like right now! But when I have to go out, it can make me frown and whine a lot.
When It Snows - I hope I don't fall down... I've got quite a number of experiences already, of slipping and falling in the snow.
Good Night - It's almost 1 AM. I should probably go to sleep. Ah, I'm too wide awake at night these days. And too tired during mornings hahaha.
About Me: Language - I speak Dutch, English, and Japanese and in all languages I sometimes struggle with formality levels at work. Especially when Japanese people call me by my first name without 'san', I am like..!!!! It's always a challenge to find the perfect balance of not being too impolite, and not being too formal and distant. I get the feeling I worry more about language and formality aspects than others.
Something to Share: Subscriptions - I've actually got way too many subscriptions running - Cinema, Spotify, Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Nintendo Switch Online, and Just Dance+. I kinda pay too much for things I don't always need, but I do need them a little and can't get myself to cancel any, even when they shamelessly increase their prices. Does it make me a money disaster? Hm.
My Hobbies: Journaling - My friends and I all have bullet journals and working on those while chatting and listening to some music is one of the most calming and satisfying things in life for me.
My Troubles - Needing a new laptop so I can play games like The Sims and Honkai Star Rail, but my current laptop isn't so old yet. Also, the Taylor Swift store doesn't ship to the Netherlands, I cry.
Favorite Food - Sushi, bibimbab, spaghetti with meatballs.
Least Favorite Food - Cheese.
About @ticklygiggles - On June 16, 2016, Mia sent me a message on Tumblr, starting a conversation. I messaged her back, and from that moment on we just... talked daily, grew closer and closer, watched anime together, wrote fics together, called and sent voice messages, and last month for the first time we FINALLY were able to play genshin together (Mia made a new acc because we weren't on the same server, huhu dedication girl). We did the Heart Island thing in Mia's world.
About @ragewerthers - We talked about it recently but our friendship started so smoothly and sudden. I was reminded it was because of Ragewerthers getting randomly shadowbanned on Tumblr, as well as our mutual interest in the soccer anime Days, Final Fantasy XV and Minecraft.
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Tagging some fellow genshin fans @ticklygiggles @wertzunge @lovelynim @shy-lee-chu @eliankrios @xsezzie @kusuguricafe @fuckparty and ofc anyone else who would like to do it:) Feel free to add more / use other lines or do literal voice-overs! I'll stick to just text hehe.
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Azure Gleam Ch 14
I feel sad knowing this route is almost over :(
As much as Claude is annoying me right now, it's cool to see Faerghus, the Alliance, and the church all team up.
So it looks like we're fighting Caspar and Bergliez again. It's so much easier on me to kill the Empire characters lol.
It's so funny that all the Empire characters know something is weird with Edelgard, but are like "I'm still fighting anyways."
Is there any explanation of what happened to her? Or is this just a cope out so the war keeps going without making her into a flat-out evil.
Bergliez tells Caspar to run away. He's not though. And honestly, I don't want him. Not Hopes!Caspar at least. Brgliez keeps trying though, which guess he gets some dad points? Maybe? I like him more than Holst.
He compares what they're doing to captains that go down with their ship. So needless death. Ship captains have no choice, but they do and they keep fighting. Poor taste.
They're heading for the monastery. Shocking. I know. /s
I love how in the other routes, I protect Aegir. In this one, I'm sure I'll get to kill him. Feels good.
They talk strategy.
I honestly appreciate that this games goes a bit more into strategy. It's not super detailed, but more than Fire Emblem usually does lol.
Arval is like, ok, it's my turn. The suggestion is to just strike everyone all at once.
She's like, we've got the stronger army, let's act like it. I like that kind of thinking.
Felix calls Shez a boar lol. Says we have too boars in this army.
Shez tried to sympathize with Linhardt about possibly fighting Caspar and he's like "it doesn't really bother me" lol.
Felix admires Berlgeiz however the fuck you spell his name because he finds the sense of duty to the Empire despite it being a giant fuck up right now admirable. Coming from Felix, that's hysterical. I wish Shez had the option to tease Felix about it lol.
A scholar just said Dimitri appreciates their input (calculating how much food and raw materials is needed etc) unlike many other leaders. Happy to see more Dimitri praise in this game.
Petra once knocked Duke Aegir on his ass for insulting her father. I wonder if you get to learn this amazing piece of Petra lore in other routes or if this is an AG exclusive badassery.
Ok, so some random church NPC talked about how killing Edelgard would end the Emperor bloodline because there's rumors all her siblings are dead. Her backstory is really so weird. How would people not know about a bunch of dead princes and princesses?
Yuri is religious? He says he has a habit of praying before a big event, something he does because his mother did. I like it when characters add something unexpected to them that the usual stereotype of that character doesn't usually have.
If Hubert came up with "those who slither in the dark" as a nickname, how come everyone uses it? Even people who wouldn't know Hubert at all like Flayn?
Lorenz was just talking up how smart Claude is and all I can think is that GW!Claude isn't smart enough to find his way out of a wet paper bag.
I just got all of Shez's Blue Lions supports unlocked. Now I need to still get Flayn, Seteth, Catherine, Jeralt, and Byleth. I'm not sure I have enough time. But I'm going to try.
Duke Aegir is Thales' puppet. So TWSITD is ruling the Empire.
Edelgard just mindlessly listens to Aegir and Thales.
This lady turned on the Empire big time. Dimitri says he's still throwing her into a cell, lol.
Dimitri believes what she said though. He brings up the evidence he discovered while investigating in White Clouds. And also uses the Tomas situation as more evidence.
Dimitri now knows that his father, the knights, and the citizens of Duscur would all be alive without those mages.
He says they have the right to seek justice in the way they see fit. I love it. Not apologizing for defending themselves, but owning taking the initiative against TWSITD.
And there's a lot of people in the Blue Lions who has a personal beef with TWSITD.
I can finally give Dimitri the merc whistle! He also had a second set of dialogue on the map this chapter. It was about some Empire general we captured.
This one starts on a battlefield instead of training. Still very Felix.
And they're complimenting each other. Felix is complimenting someone. But it's their swordfighting so . . .
Shez is beginning to understanding Felix, saying he assigns a role to himself and carries it out. Which, she's not wrong.
Felix credits Rodrigue for his skill, lol. He also just complimented Rodrigue. Good for Felix.
His style is passed down in Fraldarius for generations. Because they're so tight. Man, the Dimitri/Felix yaoi writes itself.
Shez calls him indispensable to Dimitri and everyone. Felix is the lance and shield. Shez is the projectile like an arrow or stone.
She tells him to be more direct with compliments, Felix gets annoyed, but then says Shez is important to the army too.
Felix says Shez can't stay focused in battle - like she has someone talking to her in her head. More proof on how perceptive Felix is.
Also kudos to Byleth for Felix never noticing the same, which, imo, is perfectly in character for Byleth and Shez.
Shez is actually happy to know that Felix knows her so well that she spotted it. Since she gets sappy, Felix goes tsundere is like "I'm never complimenting you again!" Congrats, Shez, it means you're one of his people now if he's that emotionally fickle with you lamo.
This support was mostly just Shez and Felix gushing over how good the other is at fighting and how important they are to the group as a whole. I loved it. AG!Shez must be so much happier and more grounded than poor SB!Shez.
Dimitri is on break, but also depressed. Shez is concerned. Of course, it's because Dimitri can't relax. Other people are working, so he feels bad that he's not.
Shez asks why Dimitri is so insistent on it. Dimitri says it's the only way he knows how to be. That his life has never belonged to him because of his birthright.
Aaaaand of course the tragedy comes up, saying that makes him feel responsible too. So it's rooted partly in trauma :(
I can disagree or sympathize with him. Not sure which. I think I'm going to disagree, that it's not all his responsibility.
Ohh, Shez says he needs to trust people who wants to help.
Dimitri wants to ease the pain of the dead and living. That he'll have to make sacrifices to reach that goal, but doesn't want anyone else to suffer because of his goals. So he must carry the burden alone.
Shez is like, what about you're suffering and pain. That he can't care for others if he doesn't care for himself first.
Dimitri's like, I don't know how to respond to that - but like earnestly doesn't know. He doesn't know how to take care of his own pain nor what happiness would look like for him.
(God, this support is just making me love AM even more in retrospect, knowing that Dimitri gets to learn all of this, an my God wouldn't it be awesome if there was some kind of AG/AM blend that included this support somewhere in the middle)
Shez is like, how can you not know that? Asks what makes him smile? Like defeating a rival or a banquet.
Dimitri doesn't think he has the right to such happiness.
Good, God, Dimitri. He says he can only think of his death and leaving happy citizens and a peaceful kingdom behind.
Lord, nobody knows how much I love this. Like, not for Dimitri, boy needs therapy asap, and I want him to just be happy.
But, as a avid anime/manga and fantasy fan, do you know how many snot-nosed spoiled chosen ones and royalty and nobles I've come across who bitch and moan endlessly about their privileges lives because it comes with responsibilities and how they want to be a commoner with NO FUCKING IDEA what it's like to work day in and day out for someone who doesn't really care about you and will just replace you if convenient but your entire livelihood is dependent on spending most of your able-bodies life slaving away for them? Not to mention - back then - it would likely be some backbreaking work with shitty working conditions and no modern medicine or workers rights? It's so infuriating. Sometime they have a point, like pressure or whatever, but the older I get, the less I sympathize with their whining.
But Dimitri is like the exact opposite. He can't even be an individual away from his role at a leader because he's thrown too much of himself into it with no complaining at all. It's just so refreshing to see something the exact opposite of how this usually plays out, and is so much more interesting to explore than the same old for the xnth time.
Shez is like, you're dismal sometimes, she's not wrong. And is like why is death what makes me happy. Dimitri sounds like he doesn't even get that it sounded dismal while saying it.
She's like, what about partying with friends! Dimitri's like, wasted on me. But he says seeing his friends smile does make him happy.
Shez is annoyed with him lol. And is like, k, I'll just have to work twice as hard.
"You're going to take a break. And by the goddess, you're going to like it." I actually laughed. God, I love Shez.
She's like, you need to leave the office, bud. Dimitri says no words can express his gratitude.
I love their friendship so much. Like, I honestly don't think I ship it? I think they're just really tight friends, which Dimitri is such a shipping magnet, it's nice to see something as just pure friendship.
This is by far my favorite lord/Shez dynamic. Though, I think I ship Shez most with Byleth and I haven't even seen their supports yet.
Raphael is eating a lot. Shocking.
Raphael opened an inn??? And he's the cook. But he never gets compliments on his cooking, which makes him think his food tastes bad. He confesses that he doesn't know how to cook.
Ashe volunteers to teach Raphael how to cook.
Ashe thinks one of the best feelings in the world is when someone likes the food you cook.
Ashe test tries Raphael's food, which is just a pile of meat lol. Raphael doesn't understand why people would want anything else.
He describes Raphael's food like bacon wrapped around a salt lick lamo.
Unlike the Empire which won't eat their veggies like a bunch of spoiled brats, Ashe is promoting healthy veggie eating and understands food is best when you match complimentary flavors, including veggies, those Empire heathens.
Poor Raphael gets confused. Ashe talks about seasoning, and Raphael thinks like spring, summer, etc . . . and not like garlic.
Ashe is determined to help though.
Fairly wholesome support.
They only got 1 support :(
Ingrid's troubled. Ashe notices. But she denies it.
Ashe encourages Ingrid to talk to him.
Ingrid's amazed by how fertile the lands are. And it's Faerghus lands. It's because of lack of snow and lots of fields.
Both Ashe and Ingrid notice things like the wheat fields.
Ingrid basically lives on rocks. So, hard to grow food.
Ashe thinks the effort will pay off later, even if Ingrid doesn't live long enough to see the results.
Ashe was quoting King Loog. Ingrid notices, lol. They start geeking out a bit. I love Ashe and Ingrid geeking out.
Dagda apparently also has soil issues. They have a crop they can grow despite that, but can't remember the name, but thinks Shamir might know. So Ingrid has hope she can learn it.
Ashe says he's just helping her as a friend, not a knight.
He can relate to being hungry because he grew up poor.
Annette is trying to convince herself to grab something and run. Ingrid accidentally scares her. It's dark outside, so Annette's likely afraid of ghosts or something lol.
Of course, Annette wants a book she left in the mess hall. A woman after my own heart, braving fear because of love of a book.
Ingrid was heading there too. Annette's like this is destiny.
It's so dark even Ingrid gets spooked, but not as much as Annette. Who runs into a pile of crates lol.
Ingrid asks Annette if she's afraid of the dark. And poor Annette is, but really wishes she wasn't.
Ingrid, though, isn't afraid of the dark or ghosts. Annette is fascinated how Ingrid isn't afraid of ghosts.
Ingrid's brothers used to tell her those stories, but Ingrid thinks it's proof ghosts isn't real because you'd run into them more.
Ingrid actually wishes ghosts were real, because then she'd be able to talk to the dead still. But accepts that the dead are dead.
Annette circles that back to living while you're still alive.
Annette decides to walk back by herself to conquer her fears.
Ingrid is impressed with Annette's attitude.
This is a support I'm very curious about. It's their only one, but it's A. Plus, this game has handled Ingrid and Duscur much better.
Dedue has "brought substance" - it's just a cream puff lol.
Ingrid is happy with the timing. She's writing reports on their last fight in the Duscur region. And thinks it'll be a while until things stabilize.
Both Ingrid and Dedue agree that the Kingdom and Duscur have good and bad people. Ingrid gets upset over the innocent people getting lumped into the bad ones.
Dedue says he used to hate Faerghus, but meeting the nice people like Dimitri and others has made him expand his views.
People used to throw stones at Dedue - and Dimitri too :(
Ingrid says she would've remained gnorant about Duscur if she'd never meant Dedue.
Dedue says he finds Ingrid's willingness to change admirable. Ingrid admits she has a long way to go still.
She invites Dedue to go get a snack together and suggests an inn that Dimitri suggested with good food, owned by someone from Duscur. Pretty sure that was mentioned in her support with him.
Dedue is just pissed that Dimitri went wandering around town with only just Ingrid, seeing it as reckless, lamo.
I love all the Blue Lions, man.
Yuri fell for a trap. Because it was his "second worst" brush with death, Seteth is curious about the first. It was the plague that wrecked Faerghus (and killed Dimitri's mother). Yuri survived without a doctor's help.
An old man saved him. They found some old man on the road, took him in, and then later he saved Yuri. But is dead by now.
Seteth seems to know who it is.
There's a legend that one of the Ten Elites got sick and got healthy after getting a crest from a Saint.
So Seteth thinks Yuri got his rare crest from the actual saint? Or close descendant of.
So that explains why Yuri's hinted at living longer than average, and has a super rare crest.
Seteth is happy to learn one of his old friends may have found peace in his final moments because he got to save a child's life.
I don't know if his House's supports tells you about this lore, but it's cool to learn it here.
It's also nice to see Yuri talk to someone without picking a fight. He was so chill, almost friendly to Seteth rather than sounding a bit like a fanfic edgelord initially (like, I like Yuri, but some of him reeks of baby's first fanfic OC).
Flayn's upset with Seteth, who told her no about something.
Man, Seteth and Flayn's relationship would be creepy as fuck if they were really siblings. Like, Seteth is extremely controlling of Flayn, and often it looks like the typical icky "my woman must remain pure!!!" Like, not only do they treat the women in their family like possessions, not people, but seem especially interested in owning their genitals and sexuality. It's so extremely weird and gross, and why I pretty much can't stand Holst anymore (he seemed alright at first, but some supports are so ick).
But learning that their father-daughter helps (it's still gross, but less weird because at least he's a legit authority figure in her life and not her . . . brother), but knowing it's actually because TWSITD want to torture Flayn to death, that his people got genocided and turned into super weapons, and that she healed so many people she nearly died too (which would leave him with no family) makes it not offputting. It's actually a pretty smart way of using tropes that seems set up to make us dislike him (over controlling father) and then a big "ohhhhh" once you learn the WHY isn't the typical creepy "my girl is not a whore!" obsession wayyyyy too many men have.
OK, back to the support now.
Seteth is trying to block Flayn from going out entirely. Poor Flayn. But with TWSITD on the move, it does make sense.
Shez is very concerned with Flayn. I love how empathetic Shez is while still being realistically distant enough to be a merc and pretty straight forward. I actually REALLY like Shez. Esp F!Shez.
Flayn is going to listen to Seteth because she doesn't want to make it hard on him.
After the war, they plan on going out together again.
Flayn is grateful it's F!Shez and not M!Shez bc a woman is less sus to Seteth than a man. I wonder how the M!Shez one goes.
Haha, Shez can offer to help Flayn sneak out, or talk her out of it. I totally offered to help her sneak out lol.
Do we ever learn what happened to Edelgard? Or did she get yeeted from the plot?
She's missing this battle. Aegir lost her. What an idiot. He looks so funny in that armor. I'm glad in this route at least, I get to kick his ass, not save his ass (unlike the other 2 routes).
I do not understand the hype around Caspar's dad. He folds like a twig when I fight him.
Killed Aegis. Such a tragedy. /s
OMG. I beat that chapter in like 4 minutes. Dimitri is so overleveled and stupidly strong. He just kills so fast. It's hilarious and fun. But I also miss S rank because I didn't kill enough. He kills too fast.
They still can't find Edelgard.
It'll be weird if we don't get a monastery chapter.
Byleth insists on looking for Edelgard more because he feels she's nearby.
Byleth and Shez look for Edelgard together. Which makes me hope we get dialogue between them.
Unless this is the start of the special chapter? Ok switching to the next post now.
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