#i hope everyone sees her genius
Dramas on Prime Video in the US I've watched multiple times:
Marriage Not Dating
Hogu's Love
Oh My Ghost
Flower Boy Next Door
A Witch's Love
I was actually looking for something else and saw these there. What? I didn't realize prime had picked up the license for them. These are the new classics. My comfort dramas.
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lady-dulcinea · 2 months
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Jessica De Gouw as Mina Murray from the 2013 NBC series Dracula
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benevolentbones · 11 days
newcomer | spencer reid x fem!reader
part 2
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warnings: derek being derek.
word count: 0.5k ish
summary: you come to the bau to drop off some things
pls pls pls send any requests you have, im itching to write more but need plot suggestions!!
“who’s that?” quizzed elle.
all eyes were on the new face that stood at the door by the bullpen. you stood there, a binder wrapped tightly in one arm, and a brown paper bag clutched in the other. a black pencil skirt adorned your form complemented with a white button up. you stood there with you hair pushed neatly away from your face, your eyes scanning the room for something.
“i’ve never seen her before- is she new?” jj tilted her head slightly.
“i don’t know but she looks good.” morgan chuckled to himself earning a dig from elle.
“leave her alone she looks like a baby.” elle frowned.
spencer who had his head in a book until now, scanned the room, his hazel gaze fixing on you. there was something familiar about you that he couldn’t quite put a finger on.
“she looks around my age.” reid muttered, joining the rest of the team in studying the newcomer.
“exactly. a baby.” elle smirked at spencer’s defeated expression.
spencer shook his head, earning a pat on the shoulder from derek.
you scanned the room once more, suddenly growing nervous when you spot several sets of eyes on you. you inhaled sharply, shuffling over to the group of profilers in hopes they would direct you to where you needed to go.
“she’s coming-act natural.” morgan practically smacked spencer, quickly sitting up straight from his previous slumped position next to the young genius.
“excuse me- would any of you know where jason gideon’s office is?” you smiled politely, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
your eyes met spencer’s and a light blush dusted over your cheeks.
“just up- up those stairs and to the right.” spencer internally cursed as he stuttered out directions.
“thank you so much.” you gave him another shy smile, nodding to the others before you turned, sauntering away to gideon’s office.
“real smooth, pretty boy.” derek shot spencer a shit eating grin, the older man slinging an arm around the blushing mess that was dr. spencer reid.
a few minutes later, everyone had gotten back to their respective reports, spencer was scribbling away at lightning speed, his interaction with you playing in the back of his mind.
over the low mumbling throughout the bullpen, the door to gideon’s office could be heard shutting. the special agent walking down the steps with you in tow. you were making quiet conversation, the binder and paper bag once in your grasp was gone.
derek leaned over spencer’s desk, all eyes were yet again on you.
you and gideon came to an abrupt stop right by where everyone was congregating.
“thanks again for dropping my lunch, sweetie.” gideon gave you a warm smile before giving you a quick hug which you returned gratefully.
“sweetie?” jj blinked.
“well if i’m too old for her then he certainly is-“ derek was cut off by a stack of case files being dropped onto his desk by none other than aaron hotchner.
“no problem, i’ll see you at home.” you gave gideon another smile before walking away, your eyes meeting spencer’s once more before you left causing his cheeks to burn up.
“that’s his daughter.” hotch scoffed, shaking his head as he walked off.
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starkwlkr · 3 months
silver springs | mark webber
thanks to everyone who voted! like my seb fic, this will only have three parts
part 2 part 3
warning: cheating
requests are closed
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liked by sebastianvettel, landonorris and 563,377 others
yourusername congratulations oscarpiastri on your incredible sprint race win! first win in f1, but it won’t be the last!
oscarpiastri ❤️
papayafans481 DESERVED
teampiastri did anyone see the interview with david coulthard and mark webber?😭
leclerctears what happened??
teampiastri david kept bringing up y/n and mark couldn’t even say her name 🥲 he said mclaren team principal when referring to her
lewis8wdc what the fuck happened between them?🤨 i know they dated I’m guessing they ended on bad terms
op81xx girl they were gonna get married 😭 mark had the ring and even asked y/n’s family for their blessing there’s a thread on twitter about them
aussiegrit ❤️
multi21bitch you ain’t slick old man 🤨
view all 34,366 comments
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Lando had scored a podium finish while Oscar had unfortunately suffered a DNF. After the podium ceremony, you were on your way back to the Mclaren garage when you heard a familiar voice. Mark was speaking with Fernando when you had walked by them. It had been years since you were that close to Mark. Of course he was in the Mclaren garage since he was Oscar’s manager, but you were a pro at avoiding Mark Webber.
You kept walking and finally made it to the garage where you congratulated the team for their effort.
“When was the last time she spoke to you?” Fernando questioned the Aussie. He was great friends with both you and Mark. He was one of many that thought you two would end up getting married. He was utterly shocked when Mark had told him that you were no longer together.
“March twenty fifth twenty thirteen. She blocked my number, she told me I couldn’t contact any of her family members either.” He explained. “I fucked up my life, Fernando.”
No one apart from Mark and you knew the reason for the break up.
“What did you do?”
“I hurt her. After Malaysia happened, y/n tried to comfort me, but I pushed her away. I stayed in the paddock late while y/n was already in our hotel room waiting for me, i told her to just go to sleep but she never listens. I was on my way back and I decided to go to a bar and I met a woman there. . . ”
It didn’t take a genius to know what would happen next.
“Shit, Mark.” Fernando mumbled.
“That’s not even the worst part, mate. I came back to our hotel room in the morning and she had her suitcase packed. She was going back home. The woman I was with had texted her from my phone and told her everything.” Mark remembered that night all too well. “She told me she never wanted to see me again . . .”
“Funny how that turned out.”
“But she also told me something else. Her doctor had called her a few days ago and told her she was pregnant. I fucked up my life all because I got mad at the result of a stupid race!”
Like everything else in the paddock, Mark’s words didn’t stay a secret for long. A rumor confirmed true traveled fast.
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liked by susie_wolff, clairewilliams_official and 143 others
yourprivate happy birthday, my darling 🎀✨ i look forward to your sidewalk chalk artwork everyday ❤️
susie_wolff she’s getting so big! happy birthday!
yourprivate i’m not ready for her to grow anymore🥹
clairewilliams_official what an artist!❤️
yourprivate my own little picasso ❤️
zbrownceo happy birthday 🎂 i hope she enjoyed all the gifts the team and i sent
yourprivate she loved every single one, thank you!
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incognit0slut · 4 days
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Much Ado About Nothing (Act II, Scene I: The Suspicious Scheme)
The three times you sensed something strange when everyone paired you with Spencer, and the one time you understood why.
Part warning: Definitely inaccuracy in autopsy procedures and Spencer’s educational background, it’s hard writing a genius Words: 5.6k (not proofread, I’ll do it when I have the time so please excuse me if you see any mistakes) A/n: I tried to make this part shorter but I gave up. I hope you don’t mind reading more😌
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I. The Forced Partner
There was usually a system when Hotch paired the team up, a method to his leadership that balanced skills and personalities to get the job done efficiently. But as Spencer and you were directed to the autopsy room together, you couldn’t help but wonder if Hotch was pushing his luck—or preferably yours.
It was weird. Two weeks had gone by since the last case where he had to witness you both sparring, and you would’ve thought he’d keep you apart. Yet here you were, together again, stepping into the cold, sterile room. 
The faint smell of antiseptic filled the air as you pulled on your gloves, the latex snapping against your wrists. A woman in blue scrubs, her hair pulled back into a tight bun, turned to greet you and Spencer. She extended a hand. 
“I’m Dr. Nina Patel, I’ll be overseeing the autopsy today. You must be from the BAU.”
You nodded, shaking her hand firmly. 
“Agent Y/N Y/L/N, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid,” you introduced, gesturing towards Spencer, who offered a brief nod and a tight lip smile in greeting. Dr. Patel returned the gesture and motioned for you both to approach the table. 
“Our Jane Doe was found early this morning in an alleyway downtown," she explained, pulling back the sheet to reveal a woman appearing in her late thirties. "There are no apparent injuries, and no ID was found with her.”
Spencer stepped closer. "Any indication of the time of death?" 
"Preliminary estimates put the time of death at approximately eight hours before she was found."
You watched as she started pointing to various parts of the body. 
"She was also found with her clothes in perfect condition. It’s possible she was placed there post-mortem."
Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Could suggest transportation from another location.”
You moved to the head of the table, examining Jane Doe's hands and nails. "No defensive wounds," you added. "She didn't fight back, or more likely, wasn't conscious during her final moments."
Dr. Patel nodded as she considered your observations. “It’s plausible that a strong sedative was used, which would leave minimal to no struggle marks. We’re running some tests as we speak.”
Spencer chimed in quickly after that. “The Unsub might have used succinylcholine, or even benzodiazepines,” he suggested. Then, turning toward you with a condescending tone as if simplifying it for your benefit, he added, “They’d metabolize quickly and would require a toxicology screen to detect definitively.”
You rolled your eyes.
“That’s impressive, Dr. Reid,” Dr. Patel remarked, her eyes lingering on him a moment longer than seemed strictly professional. You narrowed your eyes at her. “Did you study pharmacology formally, or is this a passion of yours?”
“I actually did a bit of formal study during my Ph.D. programs.”
“Oh, really? What did you study?”
“Chemistry and Engineering. Pharmacology intersects quite a bit with those fields, especially when looking at biochemical reactions.”
Dr. Patel seemed genuinely impressed. “That’s quite a formidable educational background. No wonder you’re so thorough with your analyses.”
You could feel a knot tightening in your stomach. Her admiration was professional, sure, but the way her eyes softened when she looked at him, the way her voice dipped just so—it was a tone you recognized all too well.
She was flirting with him.
You watched them, your gaze sharp and assessing. Although it wasn’t like Spencer to notice her advances; he was smart, yes, but his brilliance often left him oblivious to the layers of personal interaction that didn’t involve textbooks or theories. And Dr. Patel, with her easy smile and obvious interest, seemed to have her focus on him rather than the body lying between you.
You cleared your throat, louder than necessary.
“Can we continue?” 
Dr. Patel seemed to catch your eye, her expression shifting back to professional as she nodded. “Of course.”
She resumed her explanation, detailing the various findings and pointing out subtle indicators on the body that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Spencer listened intently, his gaze shifting between Dr. Patel and you, noticing the subtle tension in the room, but didn’t comment.
It wasn’t until you had all the information you needed—and after you caught one last flirtatious look from Dr. Patel directed at him—that Spencer finally spoke up.
“She seems nice,” he remarked as you both stepped outside the building, heading toward the parking lot.
You shrugged. “Sure, if you say so.”
Spencer glanced at you, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. “Am I missing something?” 
You looked over at him, debating whether to explain, before you finally sighed. 
“It’s just... she seemed a bit more interested in you than the case,” you said, trying to keep your tone light but failing to hide your slight irritation.
And then he noticed it. The subtle tension in your voice, the way you avoided his gaze, the underlying frustration—it clicked. “Wait, are you... jealous?”
“No, I’m not!” You replied quickly, then softer, “I’m not.”
“You sound like it.”
You scoffed. “No, I sound like a friend trying to remind you that we have a case to focus on.”
“Oh, so now we’re friends?”
“I meant that in the broadest, most professional sense of the word.”
“Right,” Spencer replied sarcastically. “I didn’t realize jealousy was part of professional behavior.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you snapped. “Stop making it into something it’s not.”
“Y/L/N,” he shot back in the same flat tone.
Dear God, why was he so infuriating? How he had this ability, this perfectly annoying talent to get under your skin without seeming to try was beyond you. You both stared at each other for a while, until finally, you broke the silence with an exasperated sigh.
“Let’s just go,” you muttered, brushing past him.
You walked a few steps ahead, trying to shake off his words. It was absurd. The very idea was ridiculous when you were focused on the case, on solving the mystery—nothing more.
You were not jealous.
II. The Unavoidable Flight
“I’m telling you, she was definitely flirting with him,” you said, your voice a mix of disbelief and annoyance as you and Penelope made your way toward the plane. “It was so obvious, the way she kept looking at him, the tone of her voice. I mean, does professional decorum mean nothing anymore?”
“Why are you acting so surprised? Wonder Boy is actually quite the catch,” Penelope responded. “He’s not my type, but he clearly has admirers.”
Your eyes involuntarily drifted toward the man in question, who was walking a few paces behind, engaged in conversation with JJ. He was casually gripping the strap of his satchel bag, laughing at something JJ had just said. You narrowed your eyes.
“Well, I don’t understand what they see in him.”
“It might be that genius brain of his—totally irresistible to some.”
“It’s annoying, is what it is,” you grumbled, quickening your pace as the plane came into view.
Penelope responded with a sly grin. “You know what you sound like?”
“Like someone who’s maybe a little jealous.”
You frowned, hating how she was the second person to conclude your irritation with something else. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh, come on. You seem unusually focused on how others interact with him.”
“I’m focused on maintaining a professional work environment,” you defended, trying to keep your voice even as you approached the steps of the plane. “Not about… whatever you’re implying.”
“Fine. If Dr. Patel makes her move and actually calls him, what would you do?”
Your eyes widened. “What? Who did you hear that from? Did he tell you? When did she call him?”
“Hypothetically, oh my god,” Penelope laughed, stepping onto the plane as you followed, slightly flustered. “I’m just saying, hypothetically, if it happened, what would you do? How would you react?”
You paused at the entrance, processing her question. “I’d do nothing.”
“Nothing? Really?”
“Yes, I’d do nothing because I’m not jealous.”
“That’s what any jealous person would say.”
You narrowed your eyes at her as you walked past the entrance, and when you caught her making herself comfortable on the long couch by the front, you quickly made your way to the back of the plane.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“To find a spot where my supposed jealousy isn’t your inflight entertainment,” you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I knew you were jealous!”
“Supposed jealousy!”
Her laughter trailed after you, ringing down the narrow aisle as you navigated through the plane, bypassing Rossi, who was typing away on his phone, and Hotch, who sat across from him with his eyes closed, leaning back against his seat. You walked further down the aisle until you spotted an empty spot at the very back of the plane, looking very isolated and inviting.
It was perfect.
“Garcia! That’s my usual spot,” Spencer’s unmistakable voice echoed through the plane as you made yourself comfortable in your chair.
From the corner of your eye, you could see him standing over Penelope, a hand gesturing toward the seat while his other hand clutched his bag.
“But it’s so comfortable,” Penelope responded, settling deeper into the plush seat. “Come on, Reid, I don’t travel as much as you do. Let me have it.”
Spencer paused, his initial protest fading as he took in Penelope’s exaggerated comfort. “Where would I sit?”
“You can sit…”
You quickly closed your eyes. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t–
“Over there! There’s an empty spot in front of Y/N.”
You were going to kill her.
You sank deeper into your chair, hoping to avoid any forced small talk or, worse, awkward silence with him. Maybe if you were lucky enough, he’d pick another chair—perhaps next to Hotch, or Rossi, or—
A cough interrupted your thoughts.
“I know you’re pretending to sleep.”
Reluctantly, you opened one eye, peeking at him.
"Mind if I sit here?"
For a moment, you considered ignoring him, but the look on his face told you he wasn’t going to let it go. You rolled your shoulders, giving up the pretense, and sat up straighter.
“Actually, yes, I do mind.”
He raised an eyebrow but lowered himself onto the seat anyway, clearly unfazed by your objection.
"Reid,” you warned him. “I’m serious.”
"I know you are.” His eyes briefly swept around the cabin as he settled into the seat across from you, placing his satchel bag on his lap. "But every other seat is taken. Unless you want me to stand in the aisle for the next few hours?"
You rolled your eyes, letting out a resigned sigh as you crossed your arms. "Fine, but I'm reserving the right to nap, and you're reserving the right to not disturb that nap."
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
He leaned forward in his seat. “Do you know that you snore when you sleep?”
You gasped. “I do not!”
“You do. You sound like a little chainsaw.”
You gaped at him. The idea of a rough, grating noise being associated with you was almost laughable, and yet here he was, completely serious. You were unsure whether to be amused or offended.
“A chainsaw? That’s what you’re going with?”
“Well, considering the average chainsaw operates at around 90 decibels, I'd say it's an appropriate comparison."
“Don’t make me throw you off the plane.”
He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. “Just so you know, certain sleep positions can actually help reduce snoring. Maybe you should try—ouch!”
You nudged him with your foot, not hard enough to hurt but enough to make your point clear. He rubbed his leg and glanced up at you with a wry expression.
“Consider that your first and only warning,” you stated firmly before closing your eyes, signaling the end of the conversation.
“See, your position is all wrong, if you slightly elevate your—”
“Good night, Reid.”
There was suddenly a moment of silence, the kind that feels almost tangible, stretching out in the small space between you. Then, you heard it—a slight, barely audible chuckle.
You wondered if your mind was playing tricks on you, the sound so faint that it seemed it could easily be a figment of your imagination. But no, there it was again, a soft, amused sound that had you frowning even with your eyes closed.
“Good night, Y/N.”
Maybe you were already dreaming.
III. The Lock-in Incident
“Y/N,” JJ’s voice chimed from behind you while you were gathering a stack of folders on your desk. “Can you take these down to the filing room? Spencer’s already down there reorganizing some of the older case files.”
You eyed the thick folder in JJ’s hands. When there wasn’t an active case, the team often spent time organizing and maintaining the archives. As tedious as it was, it was a necessary task, and normally, you wouldn’t mind lending a hand.
But the sound of his name made you pause because working with him in a confined space seemed very much unappealing.
“Why are you asking me?”
“Aren’t you going there?” She asked, her gaze shifting to the folders in your hands.
Internally, you groaned. Yes, you were headed there, that had been the plan. But now that you knew Spencer was there, every step towards that cramped, paper-stuffed room felt like walking into a minefield.
“Maybe you should go down there instead.”
“I can’t,” she responded, already adding her folders to your pile. “I’ve got to finish my other reports before the end of the day.”
Your eyes glanced over to Derek’s desk across from you. “Morgan?”
He turned over a page in the file he was reading, not even looking up. “Sorry, Pretty Girl, I got my hands full with this case report.”
“Oh, come on.” You stormed over to him, desperation edging into your voice. “I’ll do you a favor—anything you want.”
Derek glanced up, finally giving you his attention, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
“Anything I want?”
“Within reason.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, but I really can’t. This report’s due in an hour.”
Frustrated, you glanced over towards Emily’s desk, hoping for a backup, but groaned when you saw it was empty.
You finally sighed, feeling the weight of your options—or lack thereof—settle on your shoulders. You gathered the heavy folders in your arms, the paper edges digging slightly into your skin. It was just a few hours, you reasoned; you could manage Spencer. He could be insufferable, but you had your own ways of being equally annoying.
With a deep breath, you headed toward the filing room, mentally preparing yourself. He was already busy sorting through a pile of disorganized paperwork when you got there, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“I have more work for you,” you announced in a sing-song voice.
Spencer looked up, his eyes scanning the sight of the hefty folders in your arms. “Nope. They’re yours, not mine.”
You paused, leaning on the table filled with sorted files. “Are you sure you want me to do this by myself? Because, you know, I might just rearrange what you’ve already organized here. It would be a shame if all your hard work got… scrambled.”
“Don’t even think about it,” he quickly warned. “Hand them over. I’ll do it myself.”
You moved closer and placed the folders next to his neatly arranged stacks, deliberately nudging them just enough to seem accidental.
“Really?” he said, a hint of exasperation in his tone as he carefully realigned the folders you had nudged. “You know, we could actually get this done much faster if you’re not acting like a child.”
“Oh, please. Like you’re the mature one.”
“At least I’m trying to get the job done, not make it harder.”
“Maybe if you weren’t so uptight about every little detail, it wouldn’t be so hard,” you shot back, grabbing another stack of files to sort.
“I’m not uptight. I’m precise. There’s a difference.”
“Sure there is.”
Spencer opened his mouth to retort, but before he could get the words out, the sudden sound of the door clicking shut echoed through the cramped room. Both of you turned around simultaneously.
“Did that just…?” He began, stepping towards the door and trying the handle. It didn’t budge. He jiggled it again, more forcefully this time. “Great, it’s locked.”
“What?” You walked over, a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Who the hell locked it?”
“I don’t think anyone did. These old doors… they stick. It’s probably just jammed,” Spencer explained, though his voice carried a hint of doubt.
Yeah, right, you thought, your skepticism growing. Despite his logical explanation, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just a coincidence. The timing was just too perfect, and you had a sneaking suspicion that someone might have been behind this.
But then the reality of the situation sank in. Your immediate concern shifted to the fact that you were trapped here, with him, until someone realized you were missing. The prospect was both frustrating and daunting.
“Look, let’s just keep working,” he suggested. “The sooner we finish, the sooner we can figure out how to get out of here.”
You nodded, though a part of you wanted to argue. “Fine. But if we’re still stuck here by the time we’re done, you’re explaining this to Hotch.”
“We’ll get out, don’t worry.”
“Let’s hope you’re right.” You picked up a folder from the pile, flipping it open to look over its contents. “How do I do this?”
“Sort them by case type first, then by date within each type.”
“So, this one would go under…?”
“Unsolved homicides,” Spencer replied, taking a quick peek at the document you held open. “And make sure it’s in chronological order with the others.”
You moved to the designated shelf, sliding the folder into its appropriate spot before returning to grab another. “Wait,” you opened the file, your eyes scanning the page. “I think this was my first case.”
You read through the document and nodded.
“Yes, look, it’s the one where the Unsub was targeting families with children,” you reminisced, your mind going back to the time when you were still new to the job. “That was such a hard case. Remember how I couldn’t stop crying? And how Hotch had to debrief me because I was still shaking even after we made the arrest?”
When you were met with silence, you looked up to see his back facing you, seeming too busy as he organized his files. You closed the document in your hands and walked back toward the shelf.
“Of course, you don’t remember,” you muttered under your breath. “Why would you even remember?”
A twinge of disappointment settled in your chest, even though you hated to admit it. It was stupid, really, to expect him to recall every little detail from the past, especially when it had to do with you. But just as you turned to grab another file, Spencer’s voice stopped you.
“October 19, 2011.”
You paused, turning slowly to face him, your brows furrowing in confusion. “What?”
“The date you started working here,” Spencer said, still focused on his task. “You wore a black blouse and the brightest shade of red on your lips.”
You blinked, trying to understand what he was getting at.
“The case was in St. Louis,” Spencer continued, now looking up to meet your gaze directly. “Your first field assignment. You told Hotch you were ready, but the case really got to your head.”
You found yourself at a loss for words, realizing what he was trying to do.
“You cried when you came back from talking with the victim’s family. You cried when the second victim was found. You cried when we finally caught the Unsub.”
You continued to stare at him, not knowing how to process his words.
“You also cried when I sat beside you on the plane.”
He remembered.
The realization struck you hard, almost like a physical blow. A part of you had convinced yourself that he barely noticed you, that any memory involving you was erased from his mind. But here he was, recalling not just any memory, but your first week when you joined the team, right down to the color of your lips.
“You…” The frown on your face deepened. “You remembered.”
There was a pause as he looked at you, his eyes carefully assessing your reaction. “It’s hard not to."
You held his gaze. Sometimes you wonder what would happen if you were still on good terms. Would you smile at him now? Would you tell him that, yes, you also remembered how he allowed you to lean on his shoulder during that flight back home, despite the awkwardness of your first meeting when it seemed he’d rather keep his distance?
You shook your head, looking away from him. It was wishful thinking. Letting yourself dwell on what could have been would only lead to another heartbreak. You had learned to protect yourself, to keep your distance, because hoping for a return to those days would only make the present hurt more.
“Right,” you said, trying to keep your composure as you gripped the folder in your hand. “I forgot you have an eidetic memory.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, but you could feel his eyes on you, a quiet, lingering gaze that you felt more than saw. The room suddenly felt incredibly small, the walls seeming to close in around you as your fingers fumbled slightly with the papers, grabbing another file.
You needed to get out of here. You needed to regain control. The faster you finish your work, the sooner you can escape him.
IV. The Table For Two
“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” You pressed, arms linked with JJ as you both walked down the sidewalk, your stride matching the quick tempo of your rising irritation. The accusation in your voice was clear, but JJ just offered a casual shrug, avoiding direct eye contact.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You expect me to believe it was an accident?” Your skepticism was palpable, and you watched as a small smirk played at the corner of her lips. “That the door coincidentally locked itself when we were both inside?”
“The doors are old,” she said, keeping her gaze forward, her steps even and unhurried. “You know how it is, sometimes if you even just shut them too hard, they jam. Could happen to anyone.”
Her tone was too nonchalant, too practiced, and you tugged on her arm, pulling her to a stop. “Right, and I suppose it was also just chance that the door closed by itself?”
JJ paused, finally facing you with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t do it.”
“Then somebody did.”
“Y/N,” she replied, her smile broadening in a way that only heightened your irritation. “Nobody did.”
You groaned, resuming your walk as you pulled her along. “You guys are so annoying.”
JJ laughed. “How did you get out of there anyway?”
You sighed, the memory of the escape bringing a frown to your face. The entire time you were locked in that room, you had done everything possible to avoid talking to him, focusing on shuffling through files and pretending to be absorbed in the work.
After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence and strained small talk, you both gave up trying to ignore the situation and started moving around the cramped space, phones held high, desperately trying to find a signal. When you finally managed to get a single bar, you quickly dialed Penelope, who answered with her usual upbeat tone, clearly amused by your predicament.
"We had to call Garcia to let us out,” you said, your tone dry. “She found the whole thing hilarious."
JJ's laughter grew as she imagined the scene. "She would have loved that. Probably made her day to rescue the two of you."
“She’s already teasing us about it.”
Her laughter slowly died down as she gave your arm a light tug. “Did anything happen while you two were in there?”
You hesitated, recalling the awkward silence, the shuffling of papers, and that brief, tensed exchange. “Not really,” you admitted. “We just tried to organize the files without screaming at each other.”
“But did you talk at all? I mean, really talk?”
“Jennifer,” you warned, the tone of your voice hinting that she was treading on uncomfortable territory. The thought of delving deeper into what had—or hadn’t—happened in that room was not something you were eager to talk about.
“I know, I know, it’s complicated,” she conceded. “Just thought it seemed like a good opportunity to maybe clear the air between you two.”
“Well, you thought wrong. There’s nothing to talk about.”
JJ looked at you skeptically, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she could see right through your defenses. She seemed on the verge of pushing further, but then her phone rang, interrupting the moment. She glanced at the screen and sighed, giving you an apologetic look. "Hold on, I need to take this. It's Will."
You nodded and watched as she stepped a few feet away to answer the call. You waited and tried to give her privacy, but it was hard when her words were clear as you listened to her talk, and the more she spoke, the more you narrowed your eyes at her.
“…right now… sure… no, it’s fine… I can be there in ten… of course, honey...”
You crossed your arms when JJ finally ended the call and turned back towards you.
"I need to head home,” she said, a bit too casually. “Will got called into work unexpectedly.”
Suspicion started to creep in as you processed her words. The timing was impeccable—a little too perfect. You both were supposed to meet up with Penelope and Derek for dinner, and it was almost guaranteed that Spencer would be there too, considering Derek had taken it upon himself to drag him along at any given chance under the pretense that ‘the kid needs to go out more’.
But the thought of JJ bailing on you on such short notice seemed out of pocket, even for her.
"Really, right now?" you asked, narrowing your eyes slightly. She shifted on her feet, her smile a bit forced. “Is everything okay?”
JJ nodded, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes—something that looked more like amusement than guilt. "Yeah, I just need to get home to the kids. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
The more she spoke, the more your suspicion grew. Her demeanor seemed too casual, almost rehearsed, as if she was trying to assure you while simultaneously eager to leave. It felt like she was in on some inside joke that you weren't aware of.
“Well, if you really have to go…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” JJ flashed a quick, almost relieved smile and gave you a hurried kiss on the cheek. “Have a good time tonight, and fill me in on all the details later.”
“Details? What details?” You called after her but she was already walking away. “JJ! Why do I have to fill you in the details?”
She simply waved a hand without turning back, leaving you standing there with a growing sense of unease. You slowly resumed your walk, taking out your phone to call Penelope but stopped in your tracks when you saw a message from her, sent five minutes ago.
Hey, Sweetie, so sorry I can’t make it to dinner tonight! Something urgent came up. Have fun without me :)
Your stomach dropped as you read the message. First JJ, and now Garcia? It was starting to feel like you were being abandoned, or worse, you were being set up. You glanced around, half expecting to see Derek lurking in the shadows with a mischievous grin, orchestrating this whole fiasco.
It wasn’t until you arrived at the restaurant and spotted Spencer alone at the entrance, trying to avoid any immediate contact with the other patrons, that you realized your suspicion was confirmed. The pieces clicked together almost too neatly, and the man seemed as surprised to see you as you were to see him.
His discomfort was evident as he adjusted his stance, gripping the strap of his bag, eyes darting to you as you approached him.
“Morgan’s late,” he announced as a greeting.
“He’s not coming,” you said, unable to keep the annoyance from creeping into your voice. “And neither is JJ or Penny.”
“He told you that?”
“No,” you replied with a sigh. “But it’s pretty obvious now, isn’t it?”
"What is?"
“That we’ve been set up,” you shot back, crossing your arms. “They’re not coming, and I’m willing to bet they never planned to.”
He frowned, his brows knitting together. “You think they did this on purpose? Why would they—”
“Come on, Reid,” you interrupted. “They’ve been nudging us to talk for weeks. What better way than to leave us no choice?”
Spencer’s gaze hardened slightly. “I don’t need to be manipulated into having a conversation,” he said sharply.
“And you think I do?” You retorted. “I’m not exactly thrilled about being tricked into a dinner date either, if that’s what this is supposed to be.”
“It’s not a date,” Spencer replied quickly, almost defensively.
“Well, that’s one thing we agree on,” you snapped, then sighed, trying to rein in your temper. “Look, I don’t want to argue. Let’s just forget this ever happened and go home.”
There was a pause as Spencer looked around, his eyes settling back on you. “You want to go home?”
“You don’t?”
He hesitated, then shrugged. “I mean, we’re already here. Might as well stay and eat. It’s not like I have any better plans.”
You blinked, taken aback by his response. A part of you had expected him to jump at the chance to escape, but here he was, suggesting you to stay.
It seemed like a bad idea. The tension, the potential for awkward silences, the possibility of yet another argument—it all pointed to leaving being the better option. But against our better judgment, you found yourself considering his suggestion more than you wanted to admit.
Maybe it was the hunger gnawing at your stomach, or perhaps it was the realization that leaving now would only make things more awkward the next time you saw each other. Dinner with Spencer was the last option you’d choose, but it was better than coming home to an empty fridge.
“Fine,” you finally said, brushing past him. “But you’re paying.”
Spencer looked momentarily surprised but then nodded. “Fine.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked into the restaurant, but immediately stopped in your tracks when you took in the setting. This wasn’t just a restaurant, it was a place designed for dates. The realization made you pause as you looked around the room in horror.
The dim lighting cast a soft glow on polished wood and fine china, while a gentle melody played subtly in the background, setting an unmistakable romantic mood. Just as you were taking in the scene, a hostess approached with a warm, inviting smile. 
"A table for two?" 
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks as you realized how the evening was poised to look. Turning slightly to gauge Spencer's reaction, you found him even more flustered, his face turning a shade redder as he stammered a response. "Uh, yes, that's—um, that will be fine."
The hostess nodded and led you to a small, intimate table near the window. Spencer fidgeted with the strap of his bag as you both sat down, his eyes darting around the room before finally settling on you. "This is... not exactly what I expected.”
You took the menu from the hostess before she left you both alone. “I’m going to kill them,” you muttered, shaking your head.
He raised an eyebrow. “That’s a bit extreme.”
You sighed, flipping through the menu without really seeing it. “They’re always meddling. They don’t know when to stop. I'm also convinced that being locked earlier was also part of their plan. And this—this is just so...” 
“Annoying?” He offered.
“Infuriating,” you emphasized, throwing your hands up. “It’s infuriating. And embarrassing. And—”
“And yet, here we are,” he cut in, feeling the same way. Spencer paused for a moment, then leaned in slightly, sending you a pointed look. “You know, maybe we should just give them what they want.”
You blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s a fact that humans are generally satisfied when they get what they want. And since what our friends want is for the two of us to get along, maybe we should just... pretend that we do.”
“Reid,” you pressed, mirroring his posture as you leaned forward. “They don’t want us to just get along. Look around us. They want us to really get along.” 
Spencer paused, considering your words, his gaze lingering on the candlelit table and the other couples around, deep in conversation. He seemed to realize the full extent of the setup, the romantic undertone that wasn't simply incidental but intentional.
“You’re right,” he finally responded, leaning back in his seat. “Forget what I said. It was stupid.”
You studied him as he opened the menu, the candlelight casting a soft glow on his face. He was right. Not only was it stupid, it was crazy. Pretending to be civil with him was one thing, pretending that you shared some kind of unspoken, lingering feelings was another thing. The mere thought of it made your heart race, but you couldn’t tell if it was from anxiety or nervousness.
You quickly shook your head. It was ridiculous. How could you even begin to pretend to have feelings for someone with whom you shared such a complicated past? How could you act like there was something more between you when the reality was so different?
The whole idea was far-fetched, almost laughable. You couldn’t imagine yourself romantically involved with him, even if it was just for pretend.
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inkdrinkerworld · 19 days
i love your writing so much, thank you for everything <3 (especially for post!prison spencer and sunshine!reader!!!) i was thinking about spencer and r are hanging out. still, no one from the team knows yet. she saved his contact as “cutie pie” or some other pet name (and maybe even he doesn't know it yet), and he calls, but someone from the team picks up her cell phone before she does and answers like “uuuuh who are you, 'cutie pie?'” and the spencer was "what???? who's cutie pie???"
Spencer’s at home sick. He’d come over before his fever set in and he’d been delirious by the time he crawled into your bed. 
You wanted to stay home too, to take care of him and make him chicken noodle soup that would’ve been too spicy or make him take his medicine- he can be a bit of a baby about the liquid stuff. 
Instead, you had to come to work. 
You left medicine on your bedside, a large glass of water and a couple sleeves of saltines for Spencer. 
At work you’d been texting back and forth when he woke up, giggling and smiling much to Luke and Matt’s confusion. 
“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Luke asks and you lock your phone, holding it against your chest. 
“Just someone I’m talking to.” 
It’s the wrong thing to say because just as the words leave you Penelope is in the bullpen and you look up at her like you’ve been caught red handed. 
It’s not that you and Spencer are trying to keep your relationship a secret. It’s that you’ve only just started dating- maybe a month. You know Penelope will feel betrayed for a few minutes before asking for updates. 
“Who is this someone?” She asks and you shrug, not wanting to say too much. 
Your phone pings again and Matt raises his eyebrow- he’s come to be like a protective brother to you. 
“Is it serious?” He asks, watching you bite your lip to hide your smile. 
“Yeah, I’d say so.” 
Penelope squeals, your phone rings. You freeze for a moment when your phone announces, “Baby.” 
She lunges before you do, snatching your phone from your hands and then answering. 
“Who are you, ‘baby’?” Penelope says and you bite your lip, hoping Spencer is at least a bit coherent. 
“Put it on speaker, Garcia.” Luke says and you shriek, apologies already circling your head for Spencer. 
Penelope does as asked, and repeats her question. “Well mystery Baby, who are you?”
Spencer’s voice is hoarse and confused as he repeats, “Who’s baby? Penelope is that you? Where’s Y/n?” 
The entire bullpen goes quiet, a crippling sort of silence that is longing to be shattered. It goes unshattered and stretches till the tension makes the room taut. 
“I’m here, I’ll call you back Spence.” You say quickly, body hot as you rush to hang up. 
“So, the boy genius huh?” Penelope says, a chuckle breaking through your group. 
“I knew it!” Matt said, opening his hand as Luke fishes out his wallet. 
“What did you know, Simmons?” You ask, watching Luke place what looks to be a couple hundred dollars in Matt’s hand. 
“That you and the good doctor were seeing each other.” He says like it’s no big deal. “I knew it from the second day when you guys started doing your crosswords together.” 
You blow a raspberry, not even you knew you were going to end up with Spencer. 
“Rossi’s going to love this gos!” Penelope says, rushing out with a wave of her arm. 
“We are happy for you, you’re cute together.” Luke compliments, laughing when you hide behind your hands. 
When the drama dies down you text Spencer, I think everyone is now aware that we’re together. Oops 
Spencer texts back, more coherent than you’d thought he’d be given the temperature of his fever: That’s not so bad. At least now I can kiss you between the crosswords. 
You roll your eyes, You already do that, genius. 
Spencer’s response has you a mess of emotions. So, baby huh? I didn’t think you’d be fond of that one. 
Go take your medicine and get some rest, Spencer.
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saintslewis · 1 month
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pairing: tattoo artist!lewis hamilton x black fem!reader
summary: in which reader needs a good tattoo artist to help her vision come to life and lewis, a mutual friend, is recommended and is more than happy to help you out.
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, mentions of tattoo needles, mentions of w33d, smut (18+ mdni), pet names, just read 🫵🏽 (buckle in, frens) sorry for typos!
saint’s team radio 🎀: heyyyy! this spawned in my mind in the middle of the night and my super talented fren @mauvecherie-writes came up with this masterpiece. hope you all enjoy 🤭. (anon i hope this does your request justice!)
tags: @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @httpsserene @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @perfecttrashface @non-stop-imagines @peyiswriting @purplelewlew @alika-4466 @arshiyuh @yeea-nah @louvrepool @motheroffae @lorarri
pls like, reblog and comment! 🫶🏽
pls note, the lady in the header does not represent the reader! 🫶🏽
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“You’ve been sitting there thinking so hard, I could see steam comin’ out your head.” Marie laughed as she walked close to you with two mimosas in her hand, handing one to you. The get-together she occasionally hosts with all of your mutual friends was in full swing, everyone in different corners of the huge house.
Giving her an eye roll, you sipped on the drink before answering. “Girl, fuck you.” You cussed, hearing her laugh. Following close behind her was another one of your friends, Lani. Her kitten heels clacked against the tiled floor as she sat next to you on the light blue couch.
“What’s going on, what’s the tea?” She sipped on her drink and held onto it and she looked at you. “Well my lovely friends, I’ve been thinking about getting a back tattoo for a good minute now.” You replied, leaning back into your seat as your friends gasped with excitement.
Marie held your manicured hand in excitement, “Girl oh my god, it’s going to look so good on you!”. Lani then put her drink down then sat up to look at you properly. “What you gonna get? How big?” She asked.
“A red dragon maybe. Covering the whole thing, It’s been on my mind.” You answered, looking between your excited friends. “Anddd you’re wearing a backless dress right now! Y/n, you better get this damn tattoo.” Marie said, still very much holding onto your hand.
“Anddd it’s going to look great during backshots.” Lani smiled and that earned her a smack on her arm from you.
“Stop thinkin nasty. I just want it because I think it’ll look good with all those backless clothes I got.” You admitted although the thought of it made your skin a little warm. “So what’s stopping you from getting it, bae? ‘Cause I’m excited like I’m getting it.” Marie gushed. “Can’t find a good artist around here who caters red ink for black people.” You shrugged.
It was tough trying to find tattoo artists in your city, much less those who work well with red ink. Most were extremely pricey, others worked with complicated pieces and only wanted pieces like portraits or lions or they just left you on read after attempting to make an appointment.
A moment passed by and Lani smacked your leg repeatedly as she came to a realisation. The look of unspoken excitement travelled between your friends and soon enough, you knew they were plotting something.
“Y/n, oh my goodness you genius!” Marie exclaimed and that made your eyebrows furrow even more with confusion.
“Okay, I am very confused by what is happening so I’m just going to grab another snack.” You voiced out and you couldn’t even move because both women held you down as they smiled like maniacs.
Lani nodded first then turned her head to look at you. “Okay okay. Y/n, we’ve got the perfect artist for you. D’you remember Lewis?” She grinned and you tried to think about it fully.
Lewis, Lewis…oh god, that Lewis. The incredibly beautiful man you met through your clearly unhinged friends at a housewarming party two years ago. He was that type of distant crush that would never go away even if you tried and it didn’t help that he was the quiet type who would hang out with your large friend group every now and then.
“…uh huh. What about him?” You replied, hoping that no one heard your voice almost falter at the mention of him. “He’s a tattoo artist! I don’t know how I forgot but that man just keeps to himself for real.” Lani chuckled before continuing. “But yeah anyways, he could do it for you!”
Never in a million years would you think that he would be a tattoo artist and funnily enough, his arm is filled with them. You actually had no clue what he did, always curious whenever you saw the G Wagon that he would hop into after any get-together was over.
“I don’t know, you guys. I’d have to talk to him first about everything and that seems like a lot. I don’t wanna bother the guy to squeeze in someone who has no clue what they’re doing-” You stopped your ramble once you realised that your friends were just staring at you.
“Girl, you never ramble like that unless you find a dude cute.” Marie teased as she watched you avoid eye contact with her. Smacking your lips, you shook your head and tried to appear like this news didn’t phase you.
So focused on the subject at hand, you didn’t notice that Lani was gone. Finally hearing the familiar clack of her heels, you looked up and your breath hitched. You had just denied even thinking about him but there stood Lewis, quietly chewing on his gum with a glint in his eyes as he looked at you.
With your hand still in Marie’s hold, she squeezed it as she stood up and moved to stand next to Lani. “Lewis, you remember Y/n, right? An absolute beaut.” Lani started. “Anywho, my good sis wants a tattoo and obviously, you came to my mind. Aight, see y’all later.” She continued and just like that, her and Marie disappeared.
“I’m sorry for them, they can get a lil crazy.” You spoke, offering your hand to him and he gently shook your hand with both of his large ones. “They’ve also had some green gummies so I get it.” He smiled and that alone, just sent you to another dimension.
He’s British. You made sure to make little notes along the way.
And he dressed incredibly well. Sleeveless white shirt, white cargos, air force ones and his huge tattooed arms on display. The jewellery making the outfit look all the more good.
It also didn’t help that your dress was the same shade of white as his entire outfit.
“Although we’ve briefly met before, I’m Lewis. Nice seeing you again.” He introduced himself, not breaking any eye contact with you and he could tell you weren’t expecting to see him. “Y/n. I’m sure those two already told you why they dragged you here,” You nervously smiled. “Didn’t wanna waste your time with my questions.”
“You’re good, love. Wanna sit down and talk about it?” Lewis asked, pointing to the couch you were just sitting on. This area of the house wasn’t crowded so you could hear each other clearly.
The nickname he called you by threw you into a loop, nodding at him as a response because you couldn’t come up with one on the spot.
The two of you went on to speak on everything revolving around the tattoo. Your experiences trying to find a good enough artist that you wanted to feel comfortable with, the placement of it and the design. There were all types of jokes thrown into the conversation, making you feel comfortable. He also listened, nodding and replying after you spoke.
“So I’ve got two options if I decide to chicken out of the dragon one.” You said, twiddling your fingers as you still avoided eye contact with Lewis. “Alright even though my favourite would have to be the dragon.” He winked, chewing his gum.
You flushed hearing him say that. You couldn’t imagine being naked in front of him, letting your body be a canvas he gets to work on. Of course you would like to be naked in another way but that couldn’t happen. He definitely has to have someone in his life. Would he though if he just winked at you? Or was he just playing with you because he can sense you’re shy-
“Y/n, love, you still with me?” Lewis worried a tad bit as he watched you zone out on him. Shaking yourself out of it, you were grounded by his eyes boring into yours. Clearing your throat slightly, you asked a different question. “Uh if I do go ahead with it, where will we be?”
“Right now, my studio is under renovations so I’ve got my home studio. Hope that’s okay with you, anything to help you be comfortable.” He reassured, sitting back and the sight of him just sitting so confidently had you squirming in your seat, having to cross your legs.
“That’s fine,” your voice reaching an octave higher than normal. “What was the other design, sweetie? Haven’t done a tattoo on a client in a while so I’m grateful that I’ll be the one who gets to work on this.” Lewis mentioned, watching you lose your train of thought everytime you two locked eyes and he found it quite endearing.
“…A lower back tattoo, preferably a word or a heart.” You muttered, Lani’s words running through your mind. Stop, you can’t think about that right now. “That’s a nice one.” He commented, tilting his head and admired your shyness.
Ever since he laid his eyes on you, Lewis had made it his mission to find a way to get with you. He was in awe everytime you would show at one of the many games nights or celebrations, looking effortlessly beautiful yet timid as well. He hadn’t known if you were single until a mutual friend mentioned you and blind dates in the same sentence.
Lewis thanked the universe for giving him the chance to do his favourite thing with the woman he had fancied.
After a bit more conversation, you had managed to get his number and bid goodbye to him, a very warm hug from him to you, and you hurried to your car to take several deep breaths afterwards. After not being intimate with anyone for a long while, you were embarrassed that a single conversation left you in a puddle with an all too familiar feeling in your stomach.
Consoling yourself whilst driving, you grew excited for the week ahead for the tattoo, of course.
Darting your eyes between your phone and the house you were currently parked outside of, you felt confused although your gps led you to the correct address.
“Sis c’mon, he wore a cartier bracelet like it was nothing.” You joked to yourself, trying to keep yourself at ease with the fact that your entire back will be filled with ink very soon.
Clearly the camera right by the gate was able to see you and the gate opened up for you. Finally parking next to the car you were familiar with, you fixed up your outfit. You tried walking to the front door with an excruciatingly slow pace to try and calm your nerves but as soon as Lewis opened the door, that all went out the window. His gaze was piercing as he leaned on the door frame, watching you twiddle with your nails and walk over to him with the same shy energy you held the other day.
“You can’t be lookin at people like that, Lewis.” You spoke with a slight smile, being welcomed into his large home. “Like how, Y/n?” He smiled as he closed the front door behind him, admiring every inch of your body.
“Like you wanna eat me alive.” You chuckled, choosing to not feel his glare on you after you said that. He chuckled as well, deciding to not comment and wanting you to be comfortable first.
“Anything you need before we start, love? You seem nervous.” Lewis asked, placing his hand on your back and lead you towards his home tattoo studio. An incredibly large room with decor that screamed Architectural Digest, the tattoo chair stitched with his initials ‘LH’ and a candle was lit, a ocean-like scent wafting through the air. You had told him that you liked that candle scent all those days ago and the fact that he remembered made you blush.
Low rnb music was playing and a calm atmosphere washed over you as soon as you entered the room.
“It’s my first big tattoo, of course i’m nervous about it.” You replied with a sigh, plopping down on the soft couch and placed your phone on the record player stand.
Playing with the band of your shorts, you knew he was looking at you from the doorway. “Also it’s a lil silly but I don’t even know if this shit will look good on me, y’know? I wanted this but i guess it’s just the nerves.” You continued.
Not even hearing him move from his spot, you lifted your head to see him crouched down in front of you. His tattooed hands landed on your thighs without breaking eye contact with you. “Can I tell you what I think?” He asked. All you could do was nod. He hadn’t touched you in the way you wanted but in an instant, you could feel a puddle forming.
“On you, it will be the best piece I’ve done because it was made to sit on your body. A canvas that people will get to admire, a canvas that you’ve given me the honour to work on.” He continued, hands barely moving from your legs.
Taking a breath, you finally got the strength to respond to what he said. “Are you always this poetic to your clients?” You tried to joke but his eyes were glued to yours, the same way he looked at you at the housewarming.
“It took me a while to garner the confidence to talk to you, to just be in your presence. Every time I had the luck to see you, I would cherish it because we wouldn’t be in the same room all the time. I want the time we have here to be meaningful. And before you make that adorable timid face, yes, I have always found you attractive.” He spoke and you were just speechless.
“Are you serious?” You managed to speak, your voice becoming softer the more you accepted everything he was saying.
“Would you like me to show you how serious I am about you?” Lewis shifted his legs so that he could kneel in front of you. You could see the truth in his eyes as he spoke, darting between your eyes and lips.
You whimpered and you couldn’t control it, his hold on you was so strong.
“I need your words, princess.”
“Please. Please show me, Lewis.” You whined out.
That was all it took for him to begin to reach for the band of your shorts but you put your hands on his to stop. His eyebrows furrowed and before he spoke, you went for it. “Kiss me.” You breathed out. Lewis stood to his full height then sat on the couch next to you, pulling you onto his lap.
You made the first move and leaned in, your lips moving together in sync as he kissed you passionately. His hand held the back of your neck, bringing even closer while his other hand trailed down your arched back.
Your whimpers echoed throughout his home studio as he pulled away from the kiss, watching you try and grind to get some sort of pleasure in. Gently putting his hands on your waist, he guided you and you gasped as you felt his length, long and hard. Just waiting for you.
It felt unbearable, a knot in your stomach needed to be released and you threw you head back, just wanting to wash over the arousal. Lewis watched how you pleasured yourself on him, your denim clothes restricting the both of you from connecting skin to skin. “You enjoying yourself, darling?” He licked his lips, looking up at you with dark eyes clouded with lust.
You wanted to respond, desperately, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. The warmth from the two of you became stronger, him leaning up to begin peppering kisses on your necks and not wanting to create any marks just yet. “..Yes.” You managed to breathe out and you loved the feeling of his large hands roaming around your body, not able to get enough of you.
Lewis held your hips firmly, halting your movement and that made you want to cry out of not getting a release. “Lewis, please.” You whined and he chuckled against your neck. “Take your clothes off and lie down, princess.” He said, looking at your cute angry face with a slight pout evident.
Instead of doing what he said, you just looked at him in the eyes clearly wanting to start a challenge. However, he knew his gaze made you weak. It was one of his many charms. All he had to do was slightly tilt his head and it had you standing up and slowly taking your clothes off, him following suit. You oggled at him, his tattoos gracefully placed on his skin making your mouth water.
With you laid down on the couch, he crawled up your body and crashed his lips into yours. He held your neck so gently as he kissed your jawline then your neck all the way down to where you needed him the most. Lewis laid between your legs to admire your clothed core, giving praise to your thighs and ass as he planted a kiss on your inner thighs.
“Oh shit…” you gasped as he started licking all around your clit until he planted his mouth on it, your moans bouncing off the walls as Lewis devoured you like you were his dinner. Sticking his tongue in and fucking you with it was really the cherry on top, your hand flying to his head to keep it in place and you ground into his face.
Screaming as he entered two fingers in your pussy, you felt a tear slide down at the immense pleasure he was giving you. It had been a very long time since someone had gone down on you but never had you orgasmed from head before. Until now.
Lewis licked you clean as he climbed up and kissed you so that you could taste yourself. You could tell he wanted to say something but you reached your hand to palm him through his pants, watching the different expressions on his face. Slapping the side of your thigh, he held your face.
“Bend over for me, princess.” With a smile on his face and you knew you were going to be here a while.
The buzzing of the tattoo gun sounded out through the room, Lewis wiped the dripping ink from his canvas. He was doing the last bit of work to fully complete his piece on you, the ink contrasting beautifully with your skin.
Finally switching it off and clearing his station to prepare for the clean up and to place the plastic cover on, he lightly smacked your ass to wake you up. “Darling, we’re finally done.” Lewis softly said, already focused on the clean up.
You hummed, “That’s amazing, baby. Thank you.” You spoke all drowsy from the nap you took earlier and the buzzing feeling of your body even after the tattooing gun isn’t touching your skin. Not to mention the sativa joint you smoked together before the final session.
You and Lewis kept this arrangement going, him saying that once he finished his artwork on your back, he’d take you on a date to wherever you want to go and you agreed. The mutual crush you had on each other transcended to a different level, becoming almost domestic every moment you spent together.
“Can I see it?” You asked, rising up from the chair and you looked at him while batting your eyelashes. “Of course you can, princess.” Lewis leaned down to peck your lips then led you to the mirror. You gasped when you saw your dream tattoo, sitting perfectly on your back and your mind was running wild with thoughts already.
“The backshots with this tattoo are going to be amazing.” You giggled and he just rolled his eyes. “Okay that’s enough weed for you, baby.” Lewis chuckled then lightly tapped your ass.
“You were thinking it though!”
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saint’s notes 🪩: mind you this has been sitting here since feb 🧍🏽‍♀️. this is dedicated to @mauvecherie-writes , thank you for your patience fren 🤭 and yes the monaco fit made me go feral.
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hadesoftheladies · 7 months
im genuinely fatigued by male heroism in literature. no i do not want a "girl-coded" villain with floppy dark hair, i want an interesting FEMALE CHARACTER GOODDDAAMMNITTTT.
I want to see an eldest daughter fighting for her family's honor. I want to see a girl facing a moral dilemma prematurely, abandoned and decieved by everyone she trusted. I want to see her revolt at the betrayal of her superiors. I want a mother to see what a monster her child has become. becoming a fugitive from her own spawn. I want to see an old woman watch those she loves die because they did not heed her warnings. I want to see old prophetesses outsmart authorities and fight to stop the inevitable. i want a bunch of sisters braving the wild because they are the only hope of a small town. a pathetic heroine who only survives because of luck and charm. young girls with strong limbs because they're used to working in factories and farms, who can run far and leap over fallen trees. who can bat a ball and scale a wall. i want girl gangs, where teenage girls get up to no good until the consequences catch up to them, or not. i want socially awkward queens who lean on the advice of aunty-like advisors, be they witches or muggle. i want to see an older sister be betrayed by the brother she raised and it climaxes in a duel. i want to see the reverse, where the brother she raised becomes her second-in-command, strong and wise because of her and wouldn't betray her for the world. i want genius little girls that are kept in secret towers because of their prophetic dreams. who terrify kings because of their intellect. i want female spies and soldiers who are stupid and devoted. i want an arrogant heroine who gets caught up in a plot bigger than she can handle. a kind girl who inevitably breaks the world and destroys everything. i want her to be destined for doom and glory. I WANT HER TO SELF-DESTRUCT IN THE FACE OF HER OWN POWER. I WANT HER DREAMS AND HOPES FOR THE FUTURE TO INSPIRE A NATION TO CHANGE, ONLY FOR HER TO LEARN THE HARD TRUTH OF THE COST OF TRANSFORMATION. I WANT HER TO WRESTLE WITH THE ISOLATION THAT COMES FROM GREATNESS. TO DESIRE LOVE AND BE TOO SHREWD TO FALL FOR IT.
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Pairing: Lando Norris x Assistant!Reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut, sub!Lando, praise, p in v, oral (m receiving), riding, wrap it before you tap it, Lando feels like he isn’t good enough, Spanish GP (yeah it needs its own warning for us Mclaren/Lando fans) etc.
Requested: Yes/No
Words: 5.9K
Part of: 2K Followers Celebration
Part 1: Whipped
A/N: Man I love this, but couldn’t figure out how to end this beast. Also I tagged everyone who asked for a Pt.2 when they read Whipped. Hope you all enjoy!!
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Holy fuck, what did you do? Walking out of Lando's apartment, you take multiple deep breaths to calm your racing heart. Was he fucking with you? Are you screwing with him? You weren't sure, head spinning too damn fast to even think.
Shakey hands, you grab your phone and dial the first number you can think of. "Can I come over?"
"Come in." You take your first breath, hearing that Spanish accent as Carlos tugs you into his apartment. The smell of spices and herbs greets you, steam rolling out the kitchen door.
"Something is burning." Turning, Carlos sees the steam and curses rushing to the kitchen to stop whatever is burning. "Damn! I was cooking chorizo al vino when you called. Why did you call?" Carlos yells; you follow his voice and walk into the kitchen, smiling at the warmth and homey feeling it gives you.
"Lando. He told me..." Carlos holds up his hand, stopping you. "I think we might need wine for this? Yes?" He asks, making you laugh. "The biggest glass you've got." He pulls a stool next to the stove and pats it wanting you to sit next to him as he pours two large glasses of red wine.
Carlos hands you the red wine, and without thinking, you take a huge gulp of the wine, feeling that buzz hit you immediately. "So...what did he do now? Make you lie for him again? Hookup with twins?" Giggling, you shake your head no.
"Says he's in love with me." Carlos freezes, staring at you in utter shock, but a flash of fire and sizzling brings him out quickly, stopping the chorizo from burning as he adds thyme and half of the red wine you both are drinking to the pan and start to swirl it so it dissolves.
"Did he now?" You watch the food, feeling your stomach tighten with hunger, pulling out a rumble and making Carlos chuckle. "You knew?" Carlos shakes his head, turning off the burner and letting the sauce cool a little before pouring it over the chorizo. "I suspected. Different than knowing. I'm sure Max is the one who knew. Oh, we should call him." Carlos grabs his phone and sends Max a text telling him to get here. "Why didn't you tell me? We're best-" Carlos makes a sound causing you to hold your hands up. "Okay, okay, we're "siblings," but damn, Carlos, some loyalty would be nice." Grumbling into your wine glass and finishing it off, Carlos refills it without question.
"Yo! I was on a date with Kelly? What's with the 911?" You turn to see Max enter wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt raising your eyebrow. "Date my ass, you were streaming. Lando told Y/n he loves her." Carlos scolds Max, who shrugs and looks at you, not at all shocked.
"Yeah, I know. He texted me, telling me everything. You really told him to earn you? Fucking genius." Cringing, feeling Carlos's stare, you look at the 2 drivers. "He surprised me. I was compromised. Didn't even think everything over." Groaning, Carlos plates the chorizo and the sauce into 3 bowls and walks to the living room, you and Max following like children. "What are you going to do?" Carlos asks, watching Max try to eat the chorizo with a fork. Smacking his hand, he returns to the kitchen with fresh sliced bread. "Animal. You eat it with dipping bread." Max grabs the bread and moans when he bites it and turns to you.
"Do you even like Lando?" Mouth full, you watch Carlos glare at the lack of manners. "I don't know." Voice a whisper, the boys share a look, and Max swallows. "Yes, you do. You know, you're scared to tell us what you're feeling because we're both close to Lando." You bite into the chorizo hoping your mouth full will stop them from asking further questions.
"Y/n. Lando and I are brothers. He is a part of my family now, but you. You are as well. In this moment and his rap sheet, I don't blame you. But, if there is one thing I know about Lando is this; when he loves someone, he doesn't stay. He's with you. But he's a fucker right now, and we hate him, yes?" Carlos asks, making you giggle.
"Carlos, we don't hate Lando. Just unsure of his motives." Moaning at the explosion of flavors between the wine and food. "I'm pretty sure his motives are to fuck you-" "MAX!" Carlos snaps, causing the 3 of you to bust out laughing.
"On a serious note. How do you feel about Lando?" Carlos asks, remembering you avoided the question when Max asked. "I think I like him, but like you said. After everything he has done, I don't know if he is worth me going through this." The confession has Max moving closer to you, removing the wine glass from your hold, and pulling you into a hug.
"Lando is a muppet right now. If you want our help, we're here for you, Y/n. Hell, we'll even help you make Lando jealous. He's not the biggest fan of yours and Carlos's friendship anyways." Max mumbles into your hair, holding you tight. "He really is a muppet, isn't he?" You ask, feeling the wine make you emotional. "Yep. Now, can we finish eating? It's not supposed to be cold." Carlos whines, pulling you two apart.
You weren't sure how you felt about Lando, but you knew Max and Carlos would always help you.
It's awkward, so damn uncomfortable. How are you supposed to do your job when your boss tells you he is practically in love with you and is now ignoring you? You can't.
Lando said good morning to you, and that was it. Here he was, talking to the team before the Monaco GP. You stood off to the side, trying to not show your emotions.
Clapping snaps you out of your thoughts, Lando walking right past you, causing you to groan and follow the bright orange driver through the crowds. "Lando! Wait!" He was moving fast, weaving in and out of the crowd, almost like he's running away from you.
"LANDO NORRIS! YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!" Screaming, the people around you freeze, even Lando, as they stare at you. "Is your name Lando? No? Then move the fuck on!" You scream, everyone moving again, leaving Lando frozen, his back still to you. "You asshole, come here." You growl, walking up to him and yanking him between garages forcing him to look at you.
"You don't get to treat me like this! You're the one who confessed to liking me, and I'll be damned if you get to act like the hurt one. You've dug this grave, so you fucking lay in it. Now," You take a breath calming down as he stares at you with this kicked puppy look. "Why are you ignoring me? I didn't shoot you down, Lando. You just..... Ugh!" Pulling your hair, not sure how to voice your thoughts.
"It hurts." You turn, looking at Lando, who shrugs, knowing that was a stupid excuse. "What? Lando? I didn't say no, but you aren't ready for me, okay? You want a relationship but haven't proved you are prepared for this. Lando, up until 2 days ago, you were fucking random girls left and right, and over one night, you think you're in love with me. Take this slow and get yourself straight before you jump into this." You whisper. Lando hangs his head, staring at his shoes.
"Anytime I was with a girl, I kept thinking of you." Biting your tongue, wanting to cuss him for saying that. "Everyone, do you know how disgusting that makes me feel. That I was using girls to forget you, but anytime I was with them, I could only hear, smell, and see you? It repulsed me. But I couldn't stop. I'd rather feel disgusted with myself than my feelings for you. Because every time I thought of my feelings for you, it was like someone ripping my heart out. I'm sorry." You stare at Lando, unable to help yourself. You hug him.
His muscles tighten but then relax as his arms slowly wrap around you, afraid you'd pull away the moment he touched you. With each heartbeat, his arms tighten around you, not wanting to let you go, but he drops and gently pulls you from him. "Thanks, but I will get hard if you keep hugging me." He yelps when you smack him hard on his head, ruining a genuine moment between you two. "Ass." You growl, making him smile, but he grabs your hand, lacing them with his fingers. "Small, right?" He asks, giving you that heart-stopping smile, causing you to blush.
"Come on, you've got a race." Breaking from his grasp, you walk forward, heading to the Mclaren garage to watch the race. Almost late, Lando ran to the track when he suddenly appeared on the screen for the National Anthem of Monaco.
9th place! He was fantastic, even proving to everyone overtaking Monaco was possible. Even better, it was in the fucking rain. You held your breath when the rain hit, scared even when Lando went for the overtake, suddenly looking at his races in a new light.
"That was amazing! Oh my god Lando, you got points!" You usually didn't make a big deal out of points, they used to be expected of him, but this season proved how hard it's been on him. "Thanks." He smiles, wanting to hug you, but he remembers your words. Starting small. "Hey, there's this party tonight. Want to join?" He asks, hoping you'll say yes but shake your head no.
"We didn't finish our marathon. I was hoping we could do that instead." Wanting this to go back to normal, but not entirely back to normal. "Yes, fuck yes." Lando getting new energy. Looking forward to tonight more than ever. "But, this time, no sharing deep feelings, okay?" Not wanting to ruin the night again. "Totally. I'll keep those to myself unless you start it." Smiling, you nod and part ways, both getting ready for the night.
"There you are. I'm hurt you weren't at the podiums." Max's voice shocks you as he suddenly appears next to you. "Fuck! Where did you come from?" Holding your chest from being scared. "Ha, guess that's how everyone on the track feels, huh?" He tickles himself, laughing at his joke.
"Max, you'll have more races than just Monaco. I can afford to skip this one. Besides, talking to Lando." You rush out, wanting to avoid that conversation. "Talking to Lando? What about?" Max adjusts the trophy and champagne bottle in his hands and steps before you.
Contrary to popular belief, crinkling your nose at the smell of champagne and sweat mixed together was not a good look on the divers sometimes. "Lando and I are going to start small and work our way up, but you must know we're finishing our movie marathon since we weren't able to last night." Max watches you, waiting for some sign you were crossed about this, but he smiles, not seeing any reason to be on guard about this. "That'll be good for you two, starting small." Max smiles. Glad you and Lando are slowly fixing things. "Yeah, I've got to go. Congrats Max." Leaning up, you kiss his cheek and walk off, looking forward to the movie marathon, round two.
"Okay, Fast Five is the best one. You can't argue that!" Defending your favorite one from the franchise. "Oh please, 2 Fast 2 Furious is the best one. It's still got the old school feels than the crazy ass shit they do now." Lando scuffs, cleaning up the popcorn and candy off the couch.
"Nope, sorry. Fast Five is the best, with the action, cars, and everyone coming together. Perfect." You laugh from the kitchen rinsing out the popcorn bowl. "Wrong." Jumping slightly from Lando suddenly behind you, turning to face him, you smile before returning to washing the bowl.
"Next race is Spain," Lando whispers, moving closer to you but still a distance between you. "I know. Want me to schedule time for you and Carlos to golf?" Turning the water off and drying your hands, you face Lando, who stares at you, face unreadable. "Yeah, if you can. Also, please schedule some time that Friday from 7-9 pm." Lando smiles, reaching out for your hand and linking your pinkies together.
"Why? What's going on?" Feeling warmth spread through your hand to your body. "I have a date." You pull your hand away, which has Lando giggle, and grab your hand, pulling you into him. You balance yourself with your hands resting on his chest. "Seriously, Lando? You're asking me to plan a date for you when you told me yesterday you loved me? I knew it. I knew it. I should've never believed you." Trying to pull away, Lando laughs and tightens his grip on you.
"Y/n, baby. Ask me who the date is with." You growl, wanting to smack the smirk off his face. "Fine asshat, who's the date with?" Lando leans in and kisses your cheek, and lets you go. "With you." Freezing, you try to control the blush, but it's useless when Lando's smirk grows seeing your blush.
"Smooth, hm?" He asks, biting his tongue and quirking up an eyebrow. "That was stupid; I was ready to kick your ass." Smacking his chest, you both stare at each other, unsure of what to say now.
"Normally, I'd ask if you want to stay the night and pull a move, but-" "Yeah, I should go home." You interrupt him; if you stay longer, you'll want to break the starting small thing and even potentially ruin this. "Come on." Walking to the door, Lando grabs your purse and jacket, handing them to you. "Thank you for tonight." Opening the door, you shrug your coat on. "Y/n. I want you to know something." Lando steps forward. His boyish attitude was gone. Now something else washes over him. "I don't care how long you make me wait or work for this. You are all I want. I'll fucking crawl if I need to, Y/n. Just know you've got it if you ask for the whole world. Goodnight, baby." Pressing a kiss to your forehead, and nudges you out of the door and closes it.
"Fuck, that even made me tingly." Max giggles, lying on Carlos's floor while the Spaniard makes a plate of crackers and crazy cheese. He should take my nickname and be called smooth operator instead. Cause that was smooth." Sitting the plate down, you giggle at Carlos sitting across from you.
"We have a date next Friday. Should I do it?" Twirling the stem of your wine glass, resting your head on your knee. "Yeah, what's the harm. A date will be good. See if you two have real chemistry." Carlos stuffs his face with the crazy cheese hanging some to Max, who sits up munching on a cracker. "mhhjfsdf." Max grumbles. "Dammit, Max, what did I say about talking with your mouth full." Carlos chides
"I said," Swallowing, he coughs and clears his throat. "I said; Lando and you have been googly eyeing each other for years at different times. It's not so bad to go on a date. Besides, Lando is no slacker when it comes to dates." You narrow your eyes and chuckle darkly. "I planned those dates." Both boys fall silent. "Soooo, you and Isa break up?" Max asks, changing the topic.
"Fuck off. I don't want to talk about it." Carlos growls being defensive quick. "Okay, but you know you can talk to us." You whisper, knowing it is a sensitive topic, especially with all the rumors about what caused them to break up. "We're here to talk about your love life, not mine. So, are you going to fuck him?" Max laughs loudly at your beet-red face.
"No, not on the first date. I'm not one of his girls." You giggle, watching Carlos relax at the attention off him. "When was the last time you got laid anyways?" Carlos asks, pouring more wine into all 3 glasses. "Silverstone." You grumble, both pair of eyes widening at it almost being a year. "With who?" Max was curious. You rarely showed interest in anyone, much else enough to sleep with them. "Some guy. Lando was being......attentive to me, and I got sucked in. Had the rug pulled out from under me when he walked away with some model. I was hurt and angry, so I went clubbing, drank, and met some guy. That was it." You still remember that day.
Lando was different. He was acting like he was now. Soft, kind, worrying about your opinion, he decided to lead you on and sleep with some girl. Now that you know the truth, you regret sleeping with that guy. Both you and Lando were hurting and found comfort in other people.
"He regrets everything." Carlos mummers, and you all sit there thinking over your life choices. "He told me. But, is that enough to let him in again?" You ask, trying not to cry as everything crashes down on you. "Of course not. He does deserve a second chance. He fucks up. We'll kill him." Max comforts you, seeing your distressed state.
"Alright, enough feelings. We have good wine and cheese. How about we watch DTS and make fun of the drama." Carlos suggests turning on the TV, the 3 of you settling in for the night.
"Interviews are at 2pm. You're with Lance, Carlos, Logan, and Nyck. Please be on your best behavior, or I won't go on the date with you." You threaten. Lando smiles and nods, marking a reminder in his phone. "You'll still go on a date with me, even if I'm a bad boy." Sticking his tongue out, you get an idea and decide to fuck with him.
"Lando, baby." Grabbing his attention, you move from your spot and stand before him, fixing his sweatshirt. "Be a good boy for me, yeah?" You ask, looking up at him. His eyes widen at your words, neck growing red as it travels up to his face. "I..um....I..." He mutters, trying to find words but can't as you pull away laughing.
"Good know that." Winking at him, you return to normal. Grabbing your bag, you give an innocent smile. "I've got work to do, so I'll meet up with you after the interviews, yeah?" You ask, walking past him as Lando nods, still at a loss for words.
2pm came and went as Lando walked out talking to Carlos, trying to figure out what to do for the date. "Stop asking me. I'm not helping you." Carlos groans, tired of hearing Lando whine at Y/n. "Why? Because you're on her side?" Lando asks, not meaning to sound bitter. "Yes! I am on her side. Fuck, Lando. She comes to me every time you two finish with whatever and talks to Max and me because she still needs to decide if she should trust you. You want Y/n, fucking work for her. You don't deserve her. She's fucking amazing. I want you two together, but I'm not helping you with this." Carlos finally putting his foot down.
Lando stands there and shuffles his feet. He knows what Carlos says is true but doesn't want to ruin this. If he lost you, his heart would be ripped out of his chest. "I'm scared," Lando admits, finally owning up to it. "Lando, I know you are brother. Being scared is a good thing. It means you actually care." Carlos whispers, pulling Lando into a hug. Having always been protective of the young driver. Lando and Carlos are brothers. Nothing would change that.
"Go with your gut. You know what she likes. Nothing crazy. Go with calm and personal." Carlos suggests trying to help Lando. "I know what to do." Lando pulls away with a giant smile as he rushes off, leaving Carlos there, proud of him.
"Hey, Land-" "Not now, Y/n, wait, y/n." He halts to a stop before you. "I'm going to have to cancel tonight. I've got to plan our date, okay baby?" He kisses your cheek and rushes off again, leaving you there confused. "Okay, bye." You say to no one, shaking your head.
"Where are we going?" Lando leads you through the city blindfolded. "Do you trust me?" He asks, voice right next to your ear, making you shiver. "Somewhat." You joke, feeling the vibration of his laughter on your back. "We're safe, I promise," Lando reassures you as he pulls you down wooden stairs. Getting to the bottom, you step off, feeling something coarse on your feet.
It's warm, oddly soft, yet rough at the same time. Sand, it's sand. "Lando? Seriously, where are we?" Getting anxious until the blindfold is ripped off. Greeting you is Lando in a white dress shirt, the first 3 buttons undone, hair curly, and wearing khaki shorts. "Hey, we're here." He turns to the side and shows off what he brought you to. Behind him are candles, fake ones in a circle with two blankets and pillows laid down.
"Lando...is this-" He smiles, pulling you toward the blankets. "I remember watching cheap romance movies when we first had our movie night. I asked you what your ideal date was. You said," "A midnight picnic under the stars on a beach with someone who truly loved me." You whisper the last part.
"Come on, I've got sandwiches and chips. Nothing fancy since we're at the beach." Lando shrugs, hoping it is okay, but judging by your smile, you're more than okay with it. Settling down, Lando has you sitting between his legs, wanting you close, which you're more than okay with.
"Today was hard, wasn't it?" You ask softly, having finished off your food, now just relaxing into each other. "It's the new normal," Lando admits, pressing his cheek to the top of your head, arms sliding around your waist. "Tomorrow is a new day, Lando. You'll do great." He knew he had gotten P1s and P2s today in practice despite his 14th and 11th-placed finishes.
"Can't come soon enough." He whispers, both of you falling into a peaceful quiet. "Lando?" You ask, pulling a hum out of him, adjusting you in his arms, pulling you closer. "Yeah, baby?" You smile, tracing patterns on his hands, the chill of the night not bothering you, the warmth of his body keeping you happy.
"I trust you. Just don't hurt me again." Lando's arms tighten even more, hearing your words. "Never. I'll never hurt you again." You turn your head, arm breaking free, grabbing his chin, and turning his face down. You lean up and kiss his lips softly before settling back.
You smile, your ear pressed to his chest, feeling his heartbeat thump fast against his chest. "We need to leave in an hour. It's getting late." Is all he says, helping you calm your own nerves. "Okay."
"OH MY GOD!" You couldn't help the screaming and jumping you did. Lando had gotten P3; he will start 3rd on the grid after a fantastic qualifying. "Wait? I got P3?" Lando's broken voice hits your ears, hearing his radio loud and clear. "P3 Lando." Someone replies. You try to calm yourself, wanting to run out there and congratulate him, but it will have to wait.
You finally got your chance after the interview with the top 3. Giving congrats to Max and Carlos. They expect you to talk to them longer, but when Lando steps off the small stage, your launching yourself into his arms. "You did it. Oh my god, Lando!" You cry as you both hold each other, forgetting the other people around you.
"Things seem to be going good," Max whispers to Carlos, who watches the two of you closely. "Yeah, I'm happy for them. After everything they've done to each other, even without the other knowing, they deserve each other." Carlos whispers back.
Max notices the look in Carlos's eyes and pats his back. "Listen....I'm here if you want to talk, okay?" Max asks, trying to figure out what is going on with Carlos. "Thanks, man." Carlos nods, walking off as you and Lando walk away.
"Lando, I'm so proud of you! You did great." You praise Lando, turning red as he tugs you deeper into his side. "Fuck, I can't wait for this race. I know I was downplaying everything to the media, but I feel good about this." His body was vibrating with adrenaline and excitement.
"Lando, Lando, calm down." You ground him. His smile is contagious as you mirror his smile. "You can do this. I know the car isn't the best. That doesn't matter." Lando scuffs. "Yes, it does." "Lando, please. You're talented and one hell of a driver. You can do this." You whisper, smoothing his hair, Lando leaning into your touch. "I can do this." He repeats, calming down finally.
"I got P3." He whispers; you laugh at him but soon shriek when he picks you up and twirls you before setting you down. He rests his forehead against yours, both of you smiling like idiots.
"No." Covering your mouth, you watch Lando hit Lewis, breaking his front wing. "Lando." You whisper, watching him enter the pits; it worsens from there. The rest of the race you watch between your hands, Lando will be heartbroken.
He finishes P17, and you watch the screen seeing Lando, not seeing Lando crawl out of the car. "Come on, Lando." You plead, almost like he hears you. He climbs out, movements sluggish. "Take him to the media pen. I'll meet him in his driver's room." You whisper to his media person, who nods and goes to meet Lando.
Sadly, you get caught by Zak wanting to talk about Lando's upcoming SIMs on what they can do better in Canada. You try to find ways to get free, wanting to be there to comfort Lando.
"Zak, can we talk about this later? I've got work, thanks." You rush off, heading towards his room, only to be stopped by the head media person. "Might not want to go in there. He's trashing the room." "Everyone out, now!" You yell, the staff leaving quickly, the wing empty except for you.
Opening the door, you flinch when his helmet flies into the wall.
"Lando." Heavy breathing fills the room. Stepping in deeper, you close the door, making Lando face you. "Am I not good enough?" You're taken aback. Lando's eyes are red, tears clouding them as well. A mixture of heartbreak and anger controls his face.
"What? Of course, you are." He chuckles, running his hands into his hair, and tugs. "Really? Because I'm not good enough to go into one fucking turn. Not good enough to stay in the top 10. Not good enough to HAVE YOU! I'M JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" He roars, voice breaking as he sits on the couch, sobbing into his hands.
"You are good enough. Lando, you're good enough for me." Sitting beside him, you pull his hands away and replace them with your own. He faces you as he breaks again, crying even more when he looks into your eyes. "So good, you're more than enough for me." Leaning in, you kiss his cheeks, wiping away his tears. "Good enough." You mummer into his cheek, helping Lando calm down.
His breaths slow down, and you whisper words of encouragement. Not knowing why you climb into his lap, straddling him as you put all your weight on him. He holds you close, sobs turning into sniffles as you face each other. "Kiss me?" He asks. It was soft, innocent in a way.
Nodding, you kiss him, soft, feeling him relax as he leans into the kiss, letting you have control. Pulling away, you take a breath, making eye contact with Lando. Something snaps. You kiss him again, this time with more force, drawing a breathy whimper from Lando as his fingers dig into your skin.
"Wait...wait." He breaks the kiss breathing hard. "You said small." He whispers. You move around and press yourself on him. You bite your lip, feeling between your legs, "Screw small. Lando, you are worthy of me. I should have never made this a game. You earned me. Now claim me." You whisper, grinding down. Lando moans, hiding his face in your chest.
"Y/n, can you....can..." Lando blushes, unsure how to ask this. "Lando? Is this about what I teased you for earlier?" You ask, watching Lando squirm. "Sweet boy, need me to take care of you?" Kissing his neck, Lando whimpers, his hands moving to your ass, squeezing it. "Please." He begs bucking up his hips to meet yours, needing some contact.
"Easy, baby." You move your hands holding down his hips, pulling yourself off him. "Y/n, please." He whines, watching you walk to the door, thinking you will leave. Instead, you lock the door and come back. "Let me show you how good enough you are." Lando watches you lower yourself to your knees and about comes immediately.
He's had many fantasies about you, and the biggest one was about to come true. "Help me get this off, please?" Lando asks, struggling to get out of his suit. You shush him and replace his hands, pulling them down to his ankles and leaving him in his fireproof top and black briefs.
They hugged his thighs perfectly, shaping the muscles godly, but your eyes pull away and eye the bludge in his briefs. Your nails scratch his legs traveling up to his hips, palming the bludge. Giggling at his reaction, he whimpers and throws his head back, biting his lip. "Don't tease." He moans, covering your hand with his own, pressing your hand down to add pressure.
"You teased me for years. I think you can handle this." You push his legs open more and lean in, pulling his briefs down and watching his cock slap his hip. "Pretty." You praise. Lando covers his face with his arm and turns his hand trying to control himself.
Lando wasn't big or anything crazy. He was average and shaved. Oddly enough, he does have a pretty cock. It was smooth with a lovely pink tip that was leaking pre-cum. Sticking your tongue out, you lick it up. Lando flinches, biting his fist. You can't help but giggle.
"Someone's having some trouble, aren't you, baby boy? Did you fantasize about me sucking your dick? Getting on my knees for you? Praising you for being a good boy, hm?" You ask, tracing the veins on his cock with your tongue, finding a sensitive area.
"Yes. Fuck, can't stop thinking about you. Please, Y/n. I can't." He babbles. You give in and suck his head into your mouth, getting met with a slight salty taste from the pre-cum as you slowly bob your head. "Oh god." Lando moans arching up, but your hands move to his hips and hold him down as you relax your jaw and throat, taking him deeper.
Refusing to rush, you move slowly, drawing this out, making it feel good as Lando falls apart. "So good, god Y/n." He whimpers as you pull off, placing a kiss on his tip. "Want to come in my mouth, baby? Hm?" You replace your mouth with your hand jerking him off with slow, even strokes.
"No, no. Ride me? Let me come in you? Please, I swear I'll be good." He whimpers, watching you smile at his begging. "Okay, I'll ride you." Standing up, you undue your shorts and, with one movement, tug your shorts and panties off, throwing them somewhere in the room.
"God, you're gorgeous," Lando whispers, staring at you as you move to straddle him again; Lando paws at your shirt. You help him remove it as he stares at your chest and unclips your bra, watching it fall.
"Ready?" You ask, reaching between your legs and grabbing him, holding him up to make it easy for you to slide down on him. "Fuck yes. Been waiting for years. I'm clean, by the way, but if you want a condom. I'll throw one on." He admits before you two go any farther.
"Wear one next time." Lando smiles, nodding, but soon moans loudly when you slide down. You curse at the slight stretch, both breathing heavily, adjusting to the feeling. "Fuck, god damn. So tight and warm." He whimpers, burying his face in your chest while your fingers are buried in his hair, scratching his scalp, helping you both relax.
"Can I move?' You ask, wanting Lando to calm down before you even begin. "Yeah, if you don't move now, I'll want to stay like this forever." He moans. You giggle and move up before dropping back down. You start an easy rhythm bouncing gently as you whimper and hold each other.
No need to hurry, Lando moans loudly, making you groan at the sounds. Nothing was sexier than a man being reduced to a whimpering, moaning mess. You stop bouncing and start to rock your hips back and forth. Reaching down, grab Lando's hands from your ass and move them to your tits. Feeling the soft flesh in his hands, he looks up at you, pokes his tongue out, and circles your tit with his tongue.
"Y/n.....so good." He whimpers, covering them up as he sucks on your tit, pinching, and twisting the others, which draws out throaty moans, your hips moving faster. "Here, Lando. Touch me here." You grab one of his hands and move it to your clit as he pulls away from your breast and moves, kissing and nibbling on your lips.
"Right there, fuck right there." You gasp, his finger gently rubbing your clit back and forth, then side to side, letting you move at your pace. "I'm going to come, fuck, a little harder." You instruct, moving faster. Lando moans as he leans up, kissing you deeply, swallowing your groan as you are still, twitching as you come. Lando rubs your clit throughout your orgasm as his own hit him.
You shiver at the odd feeling of his cum inside you, relaxing before you decide to move. You pull him out of you slowly as Lando takes deep breaths. "Y/n?" He asks, looking up at you as you move to grab a warm wash cloth and clean both yourselves up.
"Yeah, baby?" You ask, wiping him clean as he watches you with a lazy smile euphoric beyond his mind. "I top next time." You laugh and lean over him, kissing his cheek. "You can try." You tease, which has Lando pulling you down, rearranging you to lay down, limbs tangled.
"Be my girlfriend?" He asks, trailing his fingers over your body, memorizing it. "Yes, of course, Lando." You kiss his chin and giggle, a thought coming to your mind. "What's funny?" Lando asks.
"You're such a simp." Causing both of you to burst into new rounds of laughter. "Yeah, but I'm chained to your ass now. Good luck getting rid of me." You smile, sitting up. "I'll never get rid of you." Kissing him slowly.
Taglist: @avenger122 @mehrmonga @writting-stuff-sometimes @dangeroustacoalienbiscuit @zealouspandawombat @soleilgrec @melinewton54 @readinsilenceplease @ashleemm @stopandgopenalty
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astroph1les · 9 months
more than study buddies | h.c
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summary: you’ve had a crush on hazel for yearsnow. after you get partnered with her in mr.g’s class, she asks you to come over to study for the final exam. tired of not being able to act on this crush, you turn to isabel for some help in seduction. you attempt a few of her tactics but it seems that hazel doesn’t really seem to be that interested. or so, you think until you’re straight it forward with how you feel.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language, mature content, smut including — oral (fem receiving), fingering (fem receiving), hazel being an absolute teasing dom bc i said so, mrs.callahan almost catches reader and hazel but is saved by a locked door, reader does not know how to flirt to save their lives, isabel & josie being cuties and supportive of hazel and reader, no y/n!!!
a/n: i hope everyone enjoys. this is my first time ever writing about a sapphic character so i hope it meets expectations. thank you! :))
word count: 7K (i got extremely carried away)
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You and Hazel shared Mr.G’s class. It didn’t take a genius to notice that Hazel was insanely attractive with her mullet rocker hair, insanely sharp cheekbones, and big blue eyes that had you blushing at just the thought. After being assigned partners for the ‘Death of Women in History’ section for Mr.G’s class, you two had got to talking more and more about each other.
First, that Mr.G’s class really made no sense a majority of the time and that you had no idea how he even got hired. Hazel agreed but pointed out that at least it was an easy class. Along with looking cool, Hazel just was so fucking cool. She knew taekwondo, how to build a bomb (you didn’t question why or how she knew how to do that) and how she blew up that douchebag Jeff’s car after cheating on Isabel, who had also become close friends throughout the year, with Hazel’s mom.
You were pretty sure that was extremely illegal but didn’t even have to comment on it to tell that it pissed and disgusted Hazel off beyond belief.
You were surprised to find out that she didn’t have a girlfriend nor had she ever had a girlfriend. This made you more hopeful for a chance with her. You gushed to Isabel as you had been doing all semester about Hazel once class ended.
“Oh my god, you are obsessed with her,” Isabel teased you as you walked down the halls. “You know, if you want, I could for sure give you some tips on how to hint to her that you wanna be more than just friends.”
This made your eyebrows raise in interest. You weren’t really the flirty type in any way. You were the type to repress your crush on someone for as long as you could until it eventually went away. Rejection clouded your confidence as soon as you even considered confessing to your past crushes.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you awkwardly chuckled, shrugging your shoulders. “I think we’re good now a-as friends.”
“Is that what you tell yourself when you're jerking off to the thought of her?” Isabel deadpanned causing you to blush.
You whip your head around the halls to see if Hazel or if anyone associated with her was around. You would rather die than have her hear that.
“I told you that happened one time!” You sneered through a whisper at the freckled girl.
Isabel continued to just stare at you unamused at your lies. The two of you approached your locker and there across the way was Hazel wearing a cozy brown sweater and green pants with her low Doc Martens. She was talking to Josie about something you couldn’t quite make out from a distance. Just seeing her made those memories of the many nights you’ve happened to use her as some inspiration to get off.
Many, many nights.
“Okay, a lot more than once but shut up. She is right there.” You sneered at your friend, glancing at Hazel once more before opening your locker to place your textbooks for the day.
As you do, you notice Isabel raise her hands up in defense before ogling at her Josie.
“Now go and talk to your girlfriend. I can see you eye-fucking her from here.” You poke at her gorgeous head of hair with a gag as she hugs you quickly, reminding you to FaceTime her tonight so that you can work out exactly how you could seduce Hazel.
Isabel happily walks over and throws her arms around Josie’s neck to kiss her softly. Hazel visibly grimaced at how heavily the kiss progressed in such a short amount of time before removing herself from their space.
“Hazel, hey,” you call out with a grin, hoping you didn’t scare her.
Hazel sighed out of relief at the sight of you which, of course, made your smitten heart thump.
“Shit, I’m glad I caught you actually. Mr.G’s test is coming up in about a week and I was wondering if you wanted to start coming over to study for it,” Hazel proposed and you felt your throat close up.
“Like a…. study-date?” You question carefully.
Hazel shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “Sure, yeah. So tomorrow after school? We can walk to my house.”
You blinked once, trying to process what you already agreed to. You nod with a deep inhale, a nervous smile that you hoped looked normal to your crush for years now.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she reached forward to place a hand on your shoulder before walking away.
Your eyes followed her figure as you waited until she completely disappeared in the crowd of students leaving for activities and to go home. You inched forward to Josie and Isabel, lightly tapping on Isabel’s shoulder in a panic. Isabel audibly groaned and detached herself from Josie to look at whoever was tapping her but when she saw you, her face softened.
“Hazel just invited me over tomorrow to study for Mr.G’s test. I don’t know what to do. What the fuck do I wear?” You express in a panic, messing with your middle finger ring as a sort of comfort.
Josie raised a finger up and shrugged. “Maybe study? I don't know…” Her voice faded out as her girlfriend then stared at her warningly.
“No, I am coming over tonight,” Isabel removed herself from Josie who just gaped at you and the honey haired woman. “FaceTime is not enough. Bring your best outfit ideas and I’ll help with seduction techniques because, no offense, but you really need it.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait,” Josie interrupted with a grin already forming, “you like Hazel?”
You raised a fist to punch her shoulder and point at her. “Shut up, Josie.”
“Oh my god, babe, you seriously haven’t noticed? She’s jaw dropped and drools every time she’s around.”
“Okay, whatever, jesus. Yes, I do and I’m freaking out right now because I really like her and she’s so fucking hot and not only that, she’s actually a really nice person. God, I want her so bad.” You stress yourself out as you think about how tomorrow evening was going to go.
Isabel glanced at you with a grimace as she understood your struggle. She reached forward to pat your shoulder, not knowing how else to comfort you.
That same night, Isabel made her way over to your place to help you pick out an outfit. The two of you went through every single item in your closet. Isabel gave you one single tip on the clothing options for seduction; cleavage. It should’ve been a given in your eyes but being told it would for sure.
So, deep within the old, thrifted clothes, Isabel found something you completely forgot you had bought on a whim. She pulled out a soft pink cotton dress that was practically lingerie as the boob area was lined with lace.
“Isn’t that too dressy for a study date?” You proposed to Isabel.
“Definitely but it’ll make your tits look amazing.” Isabel emphasized, motioning to your chest.
Did your tits not look amazing on every other day?
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So, the next afternoon after the last bell rang, you rushed to the bathroom to change into that said dress, quickly smoothing down the front to lessen the wrinkles from how you shoved it into your backpack. You glanced at your cleavage and Isabel was right about how great your tits looked.
They were a pretty average size but the lace and slight lift on the top area made your confidence rise a bit. Walking out of the bathroom, you spot Hazel leaning on your locker. A black and white zig-zag button up, a black opened vest on top with a medium wash of blue jean and a pair of creme white Converse.
Her chains shine very faintly against her neck which shouldn’t have driven you insane as it did.
You move yourself into her eye-line with a friendly, innocent grin. Hazel’s brows raised in your direction then furrowing at your obvious change in attire.
“Hey, you ready to go?” She asked with slight confusion in her tone.
“Yeah, sounds good,” you nod.
“Oh! I was able to get my mom’s car today so we don't have to walk for, like, half a fucking hour.”
The news caused you to internally sigh in relief. You were wearing Converse which weren’t exactly the most comfortable for walking miles. Plus, you didn’t want to try and seduce your way into Hazel’s heart.
The whole drive was quiet as you, in all honesty, completely forgot about every single thing that Isabel had told you to do. It’s not your fault that Hazel looked ridiculously attractive behind the wheel, driving with one hand gripping the wheel with the windows down.
It looked straight out of a fucking rom-com. You couldn’t help but gawk at the way the wind blew her rocker hair wildly, exposing her sharp cheekbones. The soft melody of a random radio station playing in the background really just made it full circle.
Maybe you could start here and compliment her.
“You look really nice driving,” you blurted out, wanting to vomit already at how fast and loud the words left your mouth.
Hazel’s face twitched in confusion for a moment, glancing over at you with a slight grin.
“Nice?” Her tone was teasing. “Thank you, I think?”
“Yeah, of course,” you nod, embarrassment flooding through your veins.
Yeah, you didn’t say anything else the rest of the drive to her house. Pulling up, you tug the ends of the skirt of your dress down so you don’t flash her. You peaked over at her as she put the car in park, checking her out as discreetly as you could.
Hazel walked around the front of the car to open the door for you as you reached for the handle, catching you off guard. You froze for a still second before flashing her a flirty smile.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that,” you inform Hazel who had an arm raised and rested on the opened door.
“You’re the guest.” Hazel shrugged with a small grin before adding on, “also, it’s jammed on the child’s lock for some reason so I have to open it from the outside.”
This made your expression falter but you attempted to hide it. You threw your backpack over your shoulder as you stepped out of the car. Hazel moves out of your way to motion towards the front door. Or doors, in Hazel's case.
The walk to Hazel’s room made your heart sink. The confidence that had been waving in and out of your system had fully disappeared into thin air. Hazel strides in front of you, turning a corner to the egg-white wooden door to her room. She opens the door and moves out of the way, again, to let you in first.
“Just make yourself comfortable.”
You haven’t been comfortable since you walked into the house. Hazel sets her backpack down on the ground next to her desks' swivel chair. As she turned around, you tugged the front of the dress down to reveal your cleavage more for her to notice.
This is where it had to begin.
Setting your bag down in the same area, you brushed your hair out of your way and leaned on the desk with one hand. You made sure to make your arm press into the side of her boob to accentuate the front of the dress. Hazel turned to find you there right behind her, eyes widening and blinking once out of surprise of how close in prolixity you had become.
Then, Isabel’s advice came echoing in your mind.
“Compliment the smell of her or her room. Or even both. I know I love when people let me know how good I smell.”
“Hey, you know your room smells really good. It smells like you,” you smile, looking her up and down and leaning in closer. “What is it?”
Her room did, in fact, smell like some sort of fragrance mixture of woody, mahogany, and sage with a hint of lavender. Hazel glanced around the room before her eyes landed right where you had been wanting her to look; right at your tits.
“Uh, thank you. I have no idea. Probably ‘mahogany teakwood’ or some shit like that.”
You nod, mentally noting that. Hazel, then, got out all of the material needed for Mr.G’s class. Shit, you haven't even packed a notebook. Isabel gave you the confidence to assure you that something was going to happen.
Hazel was already getting out different colored pens and pencils, laying them out on her desk. You pretend to look through your bag, faking a sigh and groan as you continue your act.
“Damn it,” you muttered.
Hazel was quick to notice your frantic rummaging before asking, “what’s wrong?”
“I completely forgot to get my notebook so I can’t really study. I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re fine,” Hazel reassured, a kind smile on her face. You hated how much it made your head spin. “Here— shit,” she dropped her notebook while handing it to you. The clumsiness made you smile; not making fun but in admiration of how cute she was.
Isabel was painfully right. You were obsessed with everything about her, it was concerning sometimes.
“I got it. Thank you,” you tell her as you bend forward to pick up the notebook from the ground, looking up at her from the ground.
Hazel’s eyes find themselves locked on your cleavage again. She nodded, clearing her throat and twiddling a pencil around her fingers skillfully.
“Yeah, of course.” Hazel smacks her tongue against her teeth. “We should probably… get to it though.”
You nod to yourself, clutching the notebook in a way that has the metal spiral digging into your palm. How were you going to seduce her when she actually wants to study?
“Right, yeah,” you respond, glancing over at her made bed. A thought filled your brain as you pointed to the bed. “Hey, is it okay if we get on the bed? It’ll probably be more comfortable that way.”
Hazel glanced at her bed then at you before nodding without hesitation. “Sure, yeah.”
The tension in the air was indescribable. When you were studying by yourself in your own room, you were usually blasting music on your speaker or in your headphones to the point of everything else around you becoming insignificant. There was complete silence in the room which made you even more nervous to be with Hazel in her room.
The two of you then sit on the bed; Hazel prying off her shoes to sit criss-cross on the bed and you lie down in front of her, one arm holding up your head and the other writing down mindlessly. Hazel actually seemed to be writing and studying while you were just scribbling your name down in different fonts. She had no idea how much you had been zoned out and bored.
That is until after half an hour of ‘studying’, Hazel asked you a question about a topic she was writing about.
“Oh, uh,” you look down at the paper and then back at her.
She was staring at you, waiting patiently for some sort of answer but she glanced at your graphite covered paper to see what you had been doing this entire time you had been here. Embarrassment begins to flood your system as you meet her gaze.
“Have you been writing your name over and over again?”
“Yeah…” You trailed off, having no defense whatsoever. You were bored, on the verge of giving up seducing Hazel. Might as well just tell her the truth. “I’m sorry, Hazel. I… never wanted to really study.”
Hazel chuckled and nodded her head towards the scribbled piece of paper. “Yeah, I noticed but why’d you say yes then? Did you wanna just… hangout or something?”
As you were about to open your mouth to ramble out some stupid love confession, Isabel’s voice echoed in your head.
“If you can’t do the subtle, seductive route, be honest about what you want. Some people hate it when they dance around what they really want to say or do. Be direct.”
You sucked in a deep breath, sitting up so that you were sitting across from Hazel with one leg hanging off of the bed. Your socked foot accidentally nudged her pant leg as you straightened out your back, making sure to keep eye contact with her.
“I want you, Hazel.” You kept your voice clear and lowered a bit to let her know that it was in fact in a sexual manner.
Hazel’s face dropped and you were already conjuring up an ‘it was a joke’ or ‘I’m just messing with you’ until she tilted her head with a smile.
“In a sexual and romantic way,” you emphasized with a grin.
“Is that why you changed into a dress after class?” Her tone was in its usual teasing way.
“What do you mean? I was wearing this all day.” You lied straight through your teeth but your grin gave away that you were being sarcastic.
Hazel just shook her head at you, muttering something under the lines of ‘such a tease’ as she leaned forward to press her lips onto yours. You blushed at both her words and how quick she was to kiss you. Her lips felt gentle and smooth against your own.
You inhaled and picked up a rhythm as she cradled the back of your neck with her hands. You were a bit intimidated by how experienced she was with her movements even though she had told you that she had none. Not that you were calling her a liar but she felt so fucking good.
Your hands awkwardly sat on your lap, not knowing where else to place them. This position made your lower back ache and not in a good way. You pull away from her slick lips, sucking in a deep breath.
“Can I,” you begin but hesitate for a moment. “Can we change positions? I’m sorry. My back is aching.”
You both softly chuckle at your question but it didn’t feel awkward. No, it felt more comfortable than anything. In fact, she shoved all of her school notebooks and pens on the ground with a cheeky grin.
“You can sit on my lap, c’mere.” Hazel scooched up further on the bed so that she was resting with her back against the bed frame, her legs straight out.
You blushed at the sight of her slightly slick and red lips and flushed cheeks. You forced yourself to follow forward and straddle Hazel’s legs. Her hands immediately found your waist, thumbs rubbing at the skin through the fabric.
“I’m not too heavy, right? Like it doesn’t hurt your legs?” You ask softly, placing your hands on Hazel’s shoulders.
“No, no. Trust me, this feels really good.” Hazel makes her point by running her palms up and down your sides than to squeeze at your thighs.
Your skin heats up as you feel her rings indenting into it with her soft grip. To hide your blush, you pull her into another passionate kiss. Your hands find her neck while she holds your waist, slightly rocking them forward. You let out a noise of pleasure as you feel her tongue swipe past your bottom lip.
Hazel began to smile against your lips after the noise left your mouth and she pulled away to then kiss at the skin underneath your jaw. You hum at the feeling of her lips sucking and biting at the skin. The room’s atmosphere was filled with the two of you letting out the gentlest of sensual sounds to egg each other on.
“Hazel,” you whine, rolling your hips into hers desperately.
Hazel detached herself from your neck to glance down at the way you were moving against her. She pecked at your cheek, placing her hands on your hips encouragingly. You noticed this glint in her eye and it was clear to you that she was turned on by how you were trying to get off on her.
“There you go. Just like that. That feels good, yeah?” Her tone raising a little with that stupid fucking smirk on her face.
“Please touch me.” You begged, a wave of desperation falling over you.
Hazel shook her head, obviously taunting your aroused state. “I think you’re doing good right now, pretty girl. Look at you, fuck.”
“Please,” you whispered, leaning forward to capture her lips onto hers.
Hazel pulled away to instead kiss right above your left boob, looking at you through her eyes to make sure you were okay with what she was doing. A slight nod was all Hazel needed to continue her journey down. She uses one hand to move the straps of the delicate dress off your shoulders.
You watch her tug down the top area of the dress to expose your bare chest. You try not to make it known how nervous you were for this. No one has ever seen this part of you and Hazel meant a lot to you in so many ways already. She gently takes them into her palms, a shiver running down your spine at the contact of her cool rings.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” Hazel hummed, now looking into your eyes.
It sounded so sincere and kind, you could shed a tear.
“Perfect?” You tilt your head to the side, no humor behind it. There was genuine curiosity if she meant it.
“Yeah, you are,” she pecks your lips once before placing another peck to the top of your tits. “I’m not just saying that because your boobs are in my face, by the way.”
This causes a soft laugh to erupt from your chest, leaning forward to rest your forehead on her shoulder. Her hands rub up and down your back soothingly as she chuckles along with you.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You remove yourself from the comfort of her neck, pushing your hair out of your face.
“It’s okay. I just wanted to let you know that. Make you comfortable.” Hazel held your waist, looking between both of your eyes then your lips.
“I am. I just am really turned on right now.” You take your lip in between your teeth, adjusting yourself to grind once again on her lap.
Hazel took the hint and took one of your nipples in between her lips, sucking and licking on the bud. You gasp softly at the feeling, pushing your chest forward into the warmth of her mouth. You took one hand to brush her hair out of her face, moaning softly.
You were panting at the overwhelming feeling of her lips sucking and kissing at both of your tits and her hands gripping hungrily at your waist. It felt like so much but not enough all at once. You just wanted to be engulfed by this feeling; of Hazel.
“Can I go down on you?” Hazel asks softly, pulling away from your sensitive bud.
Your eyes widened at her words and tried to get out of your lustful haze. Your head felt clouded and not able to focus on anything other than this erotic feeling.
“I—Yeah. You really wanna?” You reply, a wave of both excitement and nerves flooding through your body.
“I really want to. If you’re not comfortable, though, that’s completely okay.” Hazel reassured you, kissing you gently on the lips. “We can keep doing this because trust me, this is really good too.”
You can’t help the smitten smile that spreads onto your lips. You hated how much you loved the bare minimum treatment she was giving you.
“No, I want to. I just— how do you want me?” You stare at her, waiting patiently.
Hazel bit her lip as she thought for a mere second before glancing to the empty space next to her. Hazel cupped your face once again to place a soft kiss to your lips. When she pulled away, you were quick to chase after the addicting taste of her. She pulled back with a teasing grin, moving her hands down to squeeze at your ass once.
“I’m gonna go and lock the door. Lay down for me, okay?”
For me. Fuck, she wanted to send you into cardiac arrest.
You nod and remove yourself from Hazel’s lap to sit down on the mattress. You could feel the wet patch on your underwear now that you were distracted by how your crush for years was sucking on your tits. Hazel rushed to lock the door, pushing her hair out of her face.
When Hazel locked her eyes on your figure on the bed, she sucked in a deep breath as if she was trying to keep her composure. She removed her open vest and her button up so that she was left in her white wife-pleaser and a black sports bra.
You could feel yourself getting wetter by the second in anticipation.
“You are so gorgeous,” Hazel tells you as she approaches the bed once again.
She crawls in between your open legs so that you are face-to-face. You answer by pressing your lips to hers. You crossed your arms around her neck to tug her more onto your body. Hazel moved her lips against yours, moving a hand from your neck to the skirt portion of the dress. She lifted it up so that it was resting around your stomach area to expose your black lace underwear you had worn for this.
Hazel hooked one finger underneath the waistband of the panties to snap it against your soft hips. You gasped at the feeling, in both pleasure and shock. Hazel pushes up on her arms to move down your body. She presses wet and attentive kisses down your chest and makes her way down to the plush of your stomach.
You sucked in out of habit so that you hoped you would appear thinner. You didn’t even realize earlier how exposed you were going to be. Hazel did take notice of the sudden tense feeling on your stomach as she kissed right above the waistband of your underwear.
“Hey, you gotta relax for me, okay?” Hazel mutters to you, hands kneeling into your soft thighs.
You sit up on your forearms to look Hazel in the eyes. “Sorry. I’ve never had anyone down there. I’m sorry if I look bloated or smell down there or—”
“Hey, it's okay. It’s okay. You look beautiful, okay? And as for the smell, its not supposed to smell like fucking vanilla or flowers. Men made that shit a standard because they’re fucking idiots.” Hazel’s words really set in your head as you tried to push away all the negative and harmful words that were telling you weren’t skinny or pretty enough to be doing this with her. “If I didn’t want to do this, I wouldn’t be.”
You nod slowly, watching as Hazel places feather-soft kisses onto your inner thighs. She was so attentive to every single sensitive part of your lower region. She kisses right over that wet spot on your underwear before taking the waistband of your underwear and tugging them down. She flings them somewhere in the corner of her room.
You want to close your legs out of instinct but you hold them open. Hazel leans down onto your pussy, placing a soft kiss onto your clit. Your hips shift at the feeling but you try to keep your composure. She looks up at you as she licks one stripe through your folds.
“Oh, fuck,” you moan softly, chasing her tongue for more.
Hazel continued to move her tongue through your slick folds, her hands gripping onto your thighs to hold you there. Your breathing was heavy and a slight layer of sweat began to form on your hairline and your lower back. The obscene sounds coming from your pussy only encouraged Hazel to pick up her movements.
You ran a hand through her hair as you felt it tickle at your inner thigh. Her eyes locked with yours as she sucked at your clit, waiting for pretty sounds to leave your lips. You whine and rock your hips against her mouth.
“You taste so good, baby,” she breathes against your slick folds. “So fucking good.”
The praise went straight to your core, your naked chest rising and falling as you were overwhelmed by her grip on you and her tongue hungrily moving through your folds. You tried to squirm away as you felt that familiar feeling in your lower abdomen.
Hazel wasn’t letting that happen, though. She slipped her pointer finger into your entrance slowly, lifting her head up to watch your reaction to this new feeling. You nodded at the feeling of something inside of you, jaw dropped as you didn’t realize she had kept her rings on. Feeling incredibly pathetic and needy as you clenched around her finger, you rocked your hips down as if that would make the pleasure increase.
“That feel good, pretty girl?” Hazel’s voice breathy in arousal, pumping her finger with one hand and keeping a tight grip onto your thigh to hold you open.
“More, please. Haze, I need to cum, please,” you begged, not even responding to her question.
Your mind was too clouded with the endorphins releasing from how good she was making you feel. Your hips kept grinding against her, feeling so out of your normal state of mind. Your lips were kiss-swollen and hair was beginning to frizz from the beads of sweat that were forming at your hairline.
“You look beautiful like this. All fucked out for me, honey.” Hazel did as you had begged for, her pointer and middle fingers were now pumping inside of you.
Her hair, too, was frizzing up beautifully from the humid air that had been filling the room. Her chest and cheeks had a gorgeous pink hue to the pale skin from the lust. Her lips and chin were coated with your arousal. How could she be complimenting you when she looked like she came straight out of porno magazine?
“Really? I’m the beautiful one when you look how,” you pant in disbelief, “you do? Fuck, Haze.”
In response to this flirtation, Hazel adjusted so that she was face-to face with you once again and pressed her lips to yours. You moan softly against her at the taste of your own slick on her swollen lips. Hazel’s fingers curled into you to hear those moans that she could have on repeat if it was possible. You pulled away to keep your lips ghosting over one another to breathe heavy moans into your mouths.
“How do I look, hmm?” She taunted, her eyes flickering all around the features of your face.
You whine, trying to kiss Hazel again to avoid answering. She just pulled back, curling her fingers against your g-spot teasingly to purposely drive you insane. You were so fucking close and she’s asking you this now?
And as if things couldn’t go more awry, you hear a rather loud knock on the door.
“Hazel! Is everything alright in there?”
Hazel’s movements freeze for a moment as the realization sets in that her mom is just on the other side of the door. You glance at the door than at Hazel who was heavily breathing along with you.
“Yeah, mom, why? I’m just doing…” Hazel glances at you and smirks for a moment. You roll your eyes as you know she wanted to say your name as a joke. “Homework. Just studying right now.”
Waiting for a response from her mother, Hazel resumed the thrusts of her fingers. She even picked up the pace of her thrusts and you knew it was because of this thrill of almost getting caught. Fuck, and it really wasn’t helping your attraction to her.
You scrunched up your brows at the pressure building in your abdomen as you force the moans itching at your throat back. Hazel had this lustful glint in her eye as she watched your hips sputter as she knew you were so close to cumming. She could feel how much you were clenching and hear the soft ‘please’ and her name falling from your lips.
“Okay, well, I swore I heard someone else in there. Is there someone else in there?”
You almost felt bad for Mrs. Callahan as you were getting finger-fucked by her daughter while she was just on the other side of the door. Almost.
Okay, you didn’t give a fuck.
“Yeah, a friend. She’s helping me study for Mr.G’s final exam.” Hazel borderline shouts back before leaning down to kiss at the underside of your jaw.
“You’re doing so good for me. You’re gonna cum, pretty girl?” You nod, eyes watering from how good she felt and not trusting yourself to speak at the moment. You were whispering and begging for her to make you cum, the build-up becoming overwhelming.
“Did you guys want anything to eat? I can go and get some pizza?”
“Yeah, mom. Sounds good. Pepperoni is great. Okay, love you. Bye.” Hazel rushes out her words.
You reach your hand down to rub at your sensitive clit as Hazel pumps her fingers harder. Hazel moves your hand away to replace your hand with her own, wanting to make you cum on her own. You let out a shaky moan, a string of ‘please’ leaving your lips.
Your hand reaches down in between your legs to grip onto her wrists, trying to push her hands away from the overstimulation. Your back arches and chases the feeling over how hard you were cumming. Your thighs tried to clamp her hands still but she didn’t stop whatsoever, wanting your cum to lather her fingers.
“Haze, please, please. Fuck, right there.” You beg through dry sobs, cumming quicker than you could comprehend.
Your head went numb and your body went weak as shivers ran down your spine. Hazel watched as your hips eagerly chased the high, stuttering as you were slowly coming down from the orgasm.
“There you go, baby. Just breathe. You did so good. So, so good, yeah.” Hazel leaned down to kiss your soft lower stomach, slowly removing her fingers from your cunt.
Hazel refrained from groaning at the sight of your climax dripping out and lathering her fingers and rings. Her main focus was taking care of you right now.
“I need a nap,” you huffed as you raised an arm to cover your forehead.
Hazel chuckled softly, leaning down to place sweet and gentle kisses to your cheeks and then lips. “How about you pee for now and then we could take a nap? I don’t want you to get a UTI or something.”
You nod, agreeing with her. You take a deep breath in and out as you sit up slowly. Hazel watched you carefully as she continued to caress your sides and thighs.
“You have a private bathroom right?” You wonder as you stare at the door you entered from.
If Hazel’s mom was still home, you couldn’t fathom having to interact with her after what had just happened in this room.
“Yeah, it's right next to the closet over there.” Hazel jerked her head to a door that looked identical to the entrance to her room.
You nod as you should’ve seen that earlier. A sudden silence fell over the two of you; almost tense. Do you kiss her? Do you hug her? Do you ‘thank her’? No, thanking her would be so fucking weird.
Just get up and pee, you freak, jesus.
Hazel watched you move your straps back onto your shoulders and covered your tits that she wished she had spent more time on. You get up from the bed, turning your head to flash her a gentle smile, muttering that you would be right back.
“I’ll be here.” Hazel grins, pointing to her bed.
You open the bathroom door with a soft blush, shutting the door behind you. You locked eyes with your reflection and raised a hand to cover your mouth in shock. Your mascara was smudged under your eyes and your lips were a bit puffy and red. And god, your hair was a mess.
You looked fucked out.
You were fucked out.
A part of you wanted to take a photo and send it to Isabel to show her it worked a lot better than you thought it would go. You shook your head and quickly used the bathroom, washing your hands. You dry them off on a towel, trying to keep your composure from flashes of what had just happened.
You adjust the skirt and top to your dress, wiping underneath your eyes to smoothen out the black mascara. You swing open the door to see Hazel sitting on her bed on her phone. She looked up as she noticed the bathroom light turn off and how you were standing silently to yourself.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” She turned her phone off and tossed it to the side, her eyes trailing up and down your body.
“Mhmm. Yeah, just tired, honestly,” you reassure her as you sit down next to her on the mattress.
“Do you want to take that nap now?” Hazel smiled kindly, turning her head to look at the head pillows.
You couldn’t help but smile at her too. Why did she have to be so attentive? Not that you were complaining but god, you couldn’t believe she was even real.
“Maybe not nap but I wanna lay with you, if that’s okay?” Your tone was hesitant as you didn’t know what you guys were going to be after this.
“Like cuddle?” Hazel’s tone was hopeful and kind.
You nod and the next thing you know, Hazel is holding you close with your legs intertwined. One of your hands was on her chest, twiddling with her necklaces while Hazel’s hands were rubbing up and down your back. In the midst of the domestic silence, you pressed gentle kisses onto her neck and she reciprocated the pecks onto your temple.
You could stay here forever.
“Hey Haze?” You murmur onto her skin, watching goosebumps rise to her skin.
Hazel hummed in response.
“Are we, like, dating now?” You avoid looking her in the eye, anxiety clouding your thoughts.
“I have to take you on an actual date but yeah, I want to be.” Hazel shrugged her shoulders, acting cool about it but you could pick up by her tone that she was being genuine.
You purse your lips to hold back the giddy smile, snuggling further into her chest. Hazel cupped the side of your face, pressing her thumb underneath your jaw to tilt your head up and capture your lips into a gentle kiss.
After inhaling the pizza that Mrs. Callahan had bought for you guys, you impulsively decided to spend the night. You and Hazel lazily made out and whispered in the late of the night tangled in her sheets.
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The next morning at school, you and Hazel walked in side by side. Your pinkies were just barely brushing against each other and you were wearing one of Hazel’s sweaters with your jeans from before you changed into your seduction dress.
Isabel was waiting by your locker to hear all the details as you refused to text her last night after what had happened. She was talking to Josie, smiling as she listened attentively to whatever her girlfriend was telling her about.
You look at Hazel with a soft smile as you approach Isabel and Josie.
“Ignore how they will act when she sees us together,” you warn Hazel quietly.
Hazel nods, making eye contact with Josie who was already sporting a knowing grin. You deeply inhale as you stop in front of the couple.
“Morning guys.” You politely say, sending Isabel a warning glare.
Her eyes were locked on Hazel behind you, a smile forming on her freckled face. Josie and Isabel both mutter ‘mornings’ back, eyes never leaving Hazel who just stared back with a tight-lipped grin.
“So, you two are coming to school together? How exciting.” Josie bit her lip cheekily as she rocked side to side, the smile never leaving her face.
“Well, you know, I hate polluting the air so saving the environment by just riding together,” you turn around to face Josie, tilting your head with a smile.
Isabel nodded. “Right, so how was that study session guys?”
You and Hazel locked eyes with flushed cheeks as you could still feel her lips on your body. She left a permanent mark on your psyche. Hazel looked down with a smirk, shrugging her shoulders to play it off as if it was a minor occurrence.
“Actually, it was very informative. Exploring lots of new things about women,” Hazel glanced over at you then at Josie and Isabel with a confident grin.
Your eyes widened for a moment, nodding along to her words. You glance at Hazel, wanting to kick her in the shin but you just continue to add on the conversation.
“Yup. Ladies learning about ladies. I love feminism.” You give them a thumbs up.
Isabel’s eyes squinted as she glanced between you and Hazel. Before she could add on another comment that would make you feel even more tense, the bell rang for your first period.
“Shit, I gotta go. I forgot my first period is on the other side of the school.” Hazel rushed out, tightening and adjusting her grip on her bag.
“Oh, I’ll see you later, okay?” You turn to her with a small smile.
You tried not to sound too clingy as you were already missing her presence. Hazel reciprocated the smile before leaning in to connect your lips into a soft kiss. You close your eyes and almost forget where you guys were until you heard a soft ‘oh my god’ that came from Josie.
“Try not to miss me too much, baby,” she mutters against your lips.
You nod, feeling like your brain was short-circuiting. When Hazel pulled away, she turned to the other pair, raising a hand to wave them bye.
“I’ll see you guys.” Hazel walks away with a confident pep in her step as she rounds the corner of the hallway.
Yeah, you were done for. Thank God for Mr.G’s class.
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taglist: @ptolemaeacles <33 for you
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gh0stsp1d3r · 6 months
I’ve just seen Wonka AND IT WAS GREAT HONESTLY and if you’re taking requests I have an idea
So in the 2005 version, Wonka’s father is a dentist, right? Well, what if, in the 2023 version, he starts to crush on y/n, who is the daughter of a dentist? He tries to get her attention with chocolate flowers and such, but she doesn’t eat candy so none of his tricks work on her. He’s kinda obsessive but in a cute way, like he won’t give up until she notices him.
𝒩ℴ𝓉 𝒶 𝒻𝒶𝓃
A/N- , this is genius kinda changed it up a lil hope you don’t mind );
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The second you saw the man at the gallery while strolling outside, you stopped with a quirked eyebrow.
This was the chocolate a lot of your patients had started eating, causing a ton of cavities. Maybe you’ll just stop by and see what everyone’s talking about.
You walked into the gallery, and towards the colorful exterior. You entered with a heavy sigh, okay, it looked better than you expected.
“Hello, Ma’am. Welcome to Wonkas, Would you like to try our new-“
“No thanks.” You looked at the man talking, he was dressed in a top hat with little curls peaking underneath, an interesting coat, and a cane.
“Alright. Let me know if there’s anything you need.” He said with a wide smile. And Willy didn’t show it, but the second you stepped in he was in awe.
You were beautiful. And in his opinion, the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. He was attractive in your eyes, but you pushed those thoughts down.
“Actually, do you happen to know where the owner is..?”
“You’re looking at him.”
“Oh..! I just wanted to.. ask some questions, if that’s alright.” You started.
“Ask away!" he said excitedly.
"May I ask what you put in your chocolates...? I'm a dentist, and I was just curious as to what everyone is getting cavities over."
He nodded, "Well, depends on what we're talking about. I got giraffes milk in all of them, then cocoa beans. Then my hover-chocs have hoverfly eggs." he rambled on.
You looked at the man, confused and interested.
"That's interesting... You're a strange man, Mr. Wonka." You said with a small laugh.
"I'm sorry?"
"Sorry, Willys my first name." He laughed, not being used to being called his last name.
"Right, of course. I'm Y/N."
"Pleased to meet you. Do you work at the office down the road?"
You nodded and smiled, and by the time you bid your farewell, he was already head over heels.
He had ran into you the next day as well, he called it an odd coincidence. He suddenly pulled a chocolate flower out from his hat, you smiled as he tried to hand it to you.
"Sorry, Willy. I don't eat chocolate." you shrugged. His eyes widened, and he tucked it away.
"Don't like chocolate?" He said, feigning offense as he held a hand on his heart.
“Just not a fan.”
He sighed. He'll steal your heart one way or another.
A couple days later, the receptionist calls you on your break. You head up to see a basket, a small teddy bear and chocolates stuffed in them.
You had a good idea of who it came from.
You smiled slightly at it, the receptionist began to tease but you rolled your eyes and laughed, taking it back to the break room.
You opened up the letter he left, a smile on your face as you read.
"Y/n, I know you're not a fan of chocolate or sweets or whatever, but I am hoping these will change your mind. These are zero-sugar, dark chocolate bars I made just for you, I tried to make them taste better than some other healthy ones. Let me know how they are." he had written down, with a small smiley face after that.
You smiled at the thoughtfulness of it, taking it out the wrapper and eating it. It was delicious, you'll give him that.
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hi love!!!! your work is so amazing i love how you write
i was wondering if you could do a corionlanus x fem reader where she’s his tribute and is about to be killed in the game but it’s kind of like that scene in you where she says “no don’t kill me im pregnant” and it’s his reaction and everyone watching trying to get them to end the games? i’d love to see what you could do w that feel free to change anything u want!
Songbird's Plan | Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x fem!tribute!reader
Summary: The presence of a song bird can change everything for one who appreciates them or "if it weren't for the baby" TBOSAS edition.
Warning/s: a bit of angst, Coriolanus Snow being in love, nickname (songbird), mentions of death, mentions of pregnancy, short fic, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: It's finally here. Hope you enjoy.
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The moment Coriolanus Snow met you he knew that he would do everything in his power to protect you from harm no matter what.
Of course he knew that that was going to be a difficult challenge because you were his tribute.
You were supposed to be in the games, you were supposed to literally fight for your life. There was always the chance that you would die, but Coriolanus didn't allow himself to think too long of this outcome. He knew that it would simply drive him to compete and utter madness.
So once the rebels bombed the arena, once he was out of the hospital and once he made sure that his tribute was okay, he sneaked into the arena the night before the games.
He spend more than half of the night searching for the places for his little songbird to hide. He did everything he could, he truly did, and he truly did though that he would be prepared for everything.
Yet as he found himself leaning towards the screen in front of him that displayed the scene of you being attacked by Coral he felt himself automatically freeze. He felt helpless.
He felt like he let you down and that ate him inside out.
Coriolanus felt like his heart was going to simply burst out of his chest as he watched, his throat tightening.
He watched Coral getting closer to you. He felt useless.
But there was something that both of you underestimated. There was a certain connection between you two. Both Coriolanus and you were smart, willing to do anything to survive.
Once Coriolanus remembered that, he forced himself to move. He could probably wipe out Coral with those badly made drones, but he needed some distraction because if Coral sees them, it's over. He could hit you.
"Please, don't!" Your voice broke out of the screen, Coriolanus felt himself flinch at the desperation behind it.
He watched your helpless form glazing away from Coral like you were on thin ice.
Coriolanus felt like he would scream put as Coral raised her weapon against you. But that's when you yelled out something that made his heart completely stop.
"No!" Your forceful voice shouted. "Don't kill me, I'm pregnant!"
Coral stopped for a moment. Coriolanus stopped for a moment. In fact, it seemed like the entire world stopped for a moment.
Coriolanus couldn't move, his mouth slightly agape as he watched you breathe heavily as you waited for Coral to move.
"Stop the games!" Tigris shouted in despair.
Coriolanus felt himself turn around quickly as he watched the mob of students standing up, waving his hands in air as they shouted to stop the games.
Coriolanus quickly turned to the screen and watched Coral still trying to gain her composure. He moved quickly, his body quicker than his mind.
If he doesn't do anything now, it would be over for you.
So as he send at least ten drones into the arena, successfully killing Coral, and as he watched your face twist in relief, and as he heard the cheers behind him he realized that maybe the hope wasn't lost after all.
His little songbird was truly a genius.
@hellonheels-x @especiallythewomenandthechildren @prettyinsatiable @caroline-books @runningfrom2am @10ava01 @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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opalici0us · 3 months
Coming Down | | Suguru Geto
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pairings- Geto x fem!reader
synopsis- Geto just wants to make it up to you
content- 18+ MNDI, smut, fwb trope, toxic(Geto comes off as manipulative), Geto has comitment issues, he’s just a red flag, neck kissing/sucking, fingering, oral(f!receiving), praise, p in v sex, missionary, spit(Geto spits in readers mouth), breeding, pet names(baby, princess), Gojo makes a cameo!!
inspo: Coming Down by The Weeknd
wc- 3.2k
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It was two in the morning. Geto was all alone; you weren’t picking up any of his calls. 
“Pick up the phone, dammit Y/N.”
Geto barely remembered tonight or that's what he was telling himself. 
Everything started fine, you two were lounging around on his couch, waiting for your friends to come over. His mind was blank until you asked the three-word question he’d hoped wouldn’t ever come up. “Suguru, what are we?” Your words hung heavy in the air as Geto felt his throat close up.
“Aren’t we just friends..?”
He knew by the look on your face how big of an impact his words had on you. As if a switch went off in your brain, you yelled at him. A full serge of emotions, Geto could only silently watch you obliterate every part of him with his jaw wide open. You gathered all your things, adding one final “fuck you!” before slamming his door shut.
About an hour after you left your friends came over. Gojo tried to ask what happened only to get met with a shrug from Geto. Around 10:30 pm, Geto was high out of his mind ranting to just as faded Gojo about what happened while the rest of the group was distracted.
“Like I just don’t understand, is she unhappy with how it is now? I just...I give her so much of me and I don’t know man.” Geto rambled mindlessly while Gojo pretended to understand but was too gone to process anything. “Maybe just uh...uh talk to her somethin’.” Gojo shrugged, still trying to piece everything.
“Satoru…you’re a fuckin’ genius. I’m gonna talk to her, tell her how I feel!” Geto slapped Gojo on the back, before pulling his phone out to text you. This was a horrible idea. He was too angry even to be civil with you. 
When you saw the texts coming in one after another, you actually felt bad for a second for asking him “such a stressful question.” until you gained some consciousness, seeing how he completely dismissed your feelings and was pulling the victim card. You clapped back, each text sent back and forth getting more and more vicious. His messages stung, claiming “I don’t need you at all.” or “I’ll just find someone else to fuck.” 
This lasted for around 15 minutes until Gojo finally processed what happened between you two. He yanked the phone out of Getos' hands, knowing he’d regret everything but the damage was already done.
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Everyone had left a while ago. Geto was now all alone with his thoughts as the high wore off.
Voice mail after voice mail, he was getting damn tired of hearing it. He knew this was all his fault, that he should have just talked to you the first time around. It’s not like he didn’t like you, he thought about you more than he’d ever like to admit. Geto absolutely adored you. 
He told himself this would be his last attempt at reaching you. He tapped your contact, prepping himself for the worst. He was so lost in thought he didn’t even hear you pick up until your voice popped out at him. “What?” Your voice was snappy, but he knew he deserved this for being such a dick. 
Geto wasn’t expecting you to pick up, not after you ignored all 16  previous calls. “Hey…we should talk.” 
“Yeah? ‘S that right?” Geto could hear the bitterness in your tone. “What is there to talk about? So you can belittle me again? Tell me how much you don’t need me? How much stress and anxiety I caused you?” Your words were nothing but the brutal truth. He could only cringe, remembering how much a jack-ass he was to you.
“Please, just listen to me I–”
“No! You’re such a– I just can’t right now. I don’t have anything else left to say to you,” Your voice quivered through the phone, he could hear every sharp breath you took. “Is it so bad that maybe I wanna be more than whatever this is with you? I don’t get you! You’re sweet to me and then the next you’re a dick and–” 
“I’m scared, okay?! Now, listen to me…please,” He took your silence on the other line as a signal to go forth. “I know, I’m a mess. I shouldn’t have said the things I said. I wasn’t sober and I know that isn’t an excuse. I really wanna see you. I don’t want to have this conversation over the phone, so please come over. I need you, despite what I said, I really really fucking need you, this isn’t a booty call. Please…Y/N.” The desperation in his voice was evident. 
Your side of the line went silent for what felt like an eternity. “Fine…I’ll be over in 10.” 
“See you soon.”
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Geto sat on his couch, anxiously waiting for your arrival. He was dizzy from still coming down from the high but also from the intense pressure he felt in his stomach from the thought of seeing you. What was he even going to say to you? He knew an “I’m sorry.” wouldn’t cut it. Pulling himself out of his mind he heard three knocks on his door. With shaky steps, he opened the door to see your face. He felt a pang of guilt in his heart, it was obvious to anyone that you had been crying due to the red veins prominent in your eyes.
“Wow…you look uh…rough,” Ouch…Your words were like a slap to the face. “You sure you only smoked?” You shook your head, his hair was slightly messy, and his eyes were blood, paired with eyebags and chapped lips.
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Geto retorted. Did he really look that bad?
“Hey! I have every right, especially after you were such a dick to me,” You gave him a look of disgust, shoving lightly on his shoulder. Geto couldn’t argue with that. “So…are gonna invite me in or punish me some more by making me stand out here..?” 
Geto held himself back from rolling his eyes, repeating to himself over and over again that he deserved this treatment. He held the door wide open, motioning with his hand for you to enter.
You both sat down awkwardly sat down on the couch beside one another. Both of your bodies were painfully stiff as the silence ate the room up.
“So–” You both said at the same time, an awkward laugh resonating in your ears.
“Go ahead.”
Geto took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and find the right words. He was still a bit dazed. “For starters, I’m sorry. I said some pretty shitty things, things I don’t mean. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I was faded and I was upset about how you left and…I guess I forgot what you mean to me.”
You sat there, staring into his brown eyes. Your mind was going over his words. You wanted to believe him…so badly. There was still one part that wanted to slap him across the face and tell him to never call you again and another part of you that just wanted to pepper him in kisses, tell him you forgive him. As you were about to speak, Geto spoke again.
“I know it’s not an excuse. I’m a dick to you, I know that. I’m scared and I can’t give you what you want but the idea of losing you drives me insane and I’m willing to try. I’m crazy about you, Y/N. I like you. I know I said I didn’t need you and that I can just find someone else to fuck but... I can’t, I only think about you. I only want you.” 
You felt your mouth go dry at his sudden confession. You could hear the sincerity in his voice, the way his voice quivered when he spoke, how his eyes softened. You watched his hand reach over to hold your hand. His hands were cold and clammy, you could tell how anxious he was at this moment. You had to say something…anything.
“Suguru…” You paused and brought his hand up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “I know you’re sorry but you said some fucked up things. I wanna forgive you but I also…don’t want to at the same time.” You saw the way his face dropped at your words, his grip on your hand tightened. You hesitantly pulled him down to rest his head in the crook of your neck.
Chills went up and down your spine feeling his hot breath against your neck. You could smell the remnants of weed on him mixed in with his cologne. He felt so warm against you. You were so torn.
“How…how can I make it up to you?” Geto asked softly, as his arms snaked themselves around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You shivered at the contact. Your heartbeat picked up rapidly as you melted into his arms, running your fingers through his long raven hair. Your body always reacted this way to his touch. Geto was truly your weakness. Your breath hitched feeling his lips slowly start to lightly kiss the side of your neck. 
“Suguru.” You gasped his name soothingly. He didn’t say anything, as he started to get more aggressive with his kisses. You could feel his tongue trace up your neck just under your jawline as he sucked on the skin, adding his mark. 
“I wanna make you feel good, worship every part of your body.” He mumbled against your skin as his lips made their way up your own. His words sent a wave of arousal between your legs.
You hummed feeling his lips press against your own. His fingers dug into your waist, pulling you closer once again. Geto swiped his tongue along your bottom lip teasingly before venturing into your mouth. His tongue danced with yours, tasting you. One hand moved off your last to trail up for thigh, massaging it gently. You parted your legs for him, silently giving him consent. 
Geto moved his hand further and further up your inner thigh. He could feel the heat from your core without even touching it. His fingers taunting grazed your clothed cunt that was aching for his touch. “Can I?” He asked against your lips. You nodded your head, moving your hips forward trying to get more friction from his fingers. Geto slipped his hand into your pajama shorts and panties, his fingers immediately finding your clit rubbing little circles on it. 
He broke away from the kiss so he could watch your face contort into pleasure. “You’re so wet for me.” He moved his fingers away from your clit down to your entrance. Pushing two fingers in slowly, watching how your eyebrows furrowed together. 
“Shiiit, oh–Suguru.” You moaned out softly. You wrapped your hand around his wrist, grinding against his hand to stimulate your clit as the pad of his fingers found and massaged your sensitive spot. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your jaw went slack. Geto leaned down to your neck to kiss and suck on the sensitive skin once again.
He groaned feeling your sticky walls slowly start to pulse around his fingers, he could tell you were so close to cumming. “You close? I can feel her squeezin’ my fingers so tight.” He got rougher with his movements. 
“Oh my godd, fuck fuck, m’gonna cum Sugu.” You cried out, throwing your head back as you your thighs clamped together as he brought you to your orgasm. Your cum dripping into his palm.
“Fuckkk, you did so good, so good, princess. Such a good girl.” He pulled his hand out of your shorts, bringing his fingers to his mouth to suck them clean, making sure to maintain eye contact. His member throbbed just from tasting your sweet cum. “Mmm, you’re so sweet. I need more, wanna feel you cum on my tongue. Please.” 
“B-but what about you?” You gasped feeling him scoop you up into his arms, carrying you away to his bedroom.
“Baby, I told you I wanted to worship you, make you feel good. So let me, yeah?” He gently placed you down on the edge of the bed. His fingers tugged on your bottoms, taking them off along with your panties.
 He got down onto his knees, placing both of your legs on his shoulders. He teasingly kissed each side of your inner thighs, inching his face closer to your dripping cunt. He licked your folds, making you hiss and arch your back off the bed. He finally stuck his tongue into you, feeling the wetness coat his tongue. He swiped the tip of his tongue on your swollen bud a few times before sucking it into his mouth. “Hmmmm.” He groaned, shaking his head back and forth adding to the stimulation.
You propped yourself up onto your elbows to look down at him. His eyes were closed as he sucked harder on your clit. “Oh fuck! Don’t stop.” You squirmed as his tongue worked you, he moved his hand on your thigh to place his on your pelvis. Moving his tongue away he used his thumb to rub your clit so he could fuck you with his tongue. “Sugu! Ahhh oh my–fuckk.” Your arms gave out on you, feeling his tongue venture inside you. 
With all this pleasure your orgasm crashed over you, and your fingers dug into the sheets. “I’m cumming, cummin’!” Your hips bucked up, and Geto pressed you firmly down on you to keep you still. He opened his eyes to watch your shake above his. His eyes widened feeling your walls clamp down around his tongue, your sweet cum flooding into his mouth. He pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“You’re so sweet, I could eat you out for hours,” He crawled up to you, pushing his groin against your pelvis. You could feel how hard he was. “But I really need to fuck you.” He whispered in your ear, as his hand went under your shirt. Massaging your breast through your bra. “Tell me you want me to.”
“Sugu, need you bad. Wan’ you to fuck me.” You tugged on the hem of his shirt, wanting it off of him. He moved up a bit allowing you to strip him free from his shirt, he did the the same to you. He put his arm behind your back to free your breasts.
“Fuuuck, these are so pretty too.” Getos mouth fell open admiring your hard nipples. “Gotta give these pretty girls some attention too.” He took both of your boobs into his hands massaging them, his mouth moving to the right one to suck on the nipple, swirling his tongue around it. While his finger paid attention to the other, pinching your nipple between his pointer and thumb finger, rolling it between his fingers.
“Sugu, please, just fuck me.” You whined and tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging on it lightly. “I need to feel you inside me, baby.” 
Geto felt his pre-cum leak from his tip at your words, he pulled off your tit with a wet pop. “I love it when you talk dirty to me. Makes me so fucking hard.” Geto growled and stood up, swiftly taking his jeans off along with his boxers. His tip was an angry red from being neglected this whole time. “M’gonna fuck you sooo good, baby.”
He positioned himself on the bed between your legs, parting them wide enough for him to fit. He teasingly rubbed his tip against your overstimulated clit. “J-just put in Suguru.” You wiggled your hips enticingly. 
“So desperate for me, god, you're so cute.” Geto smiled and shook his head. He finally brought his fat tip down to your entrance, slowly pressing himself inside you with little to no resistance due to you cumming two times already. But you were still just as tight. “Oh shiiit, mmmhm,” He pushed in inch by inch, finally filling you to the hilt. “M’gonna move now, okay?” He threw your legs onto his shoulders, sinking in even deeper as he pressed your knees to your chest.
“Mmmph, yes please move.” You nibbled onto your bottom lip, watching his cock start to thrust in and out of your, the way your skin rippled when he’d give a harder stroke. You felt butterflies in your stomach watching him. 
“Look at me, wanna see that pretty face when I fuck your brains out.” Geto puts his hand on your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “Yeahh, just like that. You’re so f-full of me.” He groaned and gave you much deeper strokes, his jaw falling open into an ‘o’ as he felt your cunt squeeze around him even tighters.
“Mmmm, yeahhh, fuck you’re gonna make me cum.” He could feel your juices drip down him as thrusted in and out. His cock-head hitting your soft spot over and over again, making your toes curl. You moved your arms to wrap around his neck. Your mouth feel open, Geto took the opportunity to lean down closer to you, spitting into your mouth. His cock twitched inside you, watching as you greedily swallowed it up.
“M-more.” You begged him and held your mouth open with your tongue out.
“You’re so nasty, I love it.” He leaned down, letting his saliva trickle down to your tongue, swallowing it up again. Watching you be like this pushed him even closer to the edge. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. “Oh fuck, m’gonna cum. Gonna fill you up? You want that? T-to be full of me? Full of my cum?”
“Yesyesyes, please. I’m gonna cum too, cum with me.” You whimpered out, feeling a knot form in your stomach as your thighs began to shake. Geto messily thrusted into you, groaning loudly as he felt your walls flutter around him, forcing him to his own orgasm as white ropes of his cum filled you to the brim. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re milking me dry.” He gave you a few more deep thrusts, pressing his forehead against yours. “You did such a good job, you’re so beautiful.” He gently kissed you while relishing in your tightness for a few more seconds. He reluctantly pulled out and laid beside you in the bed.
You lay there beside him, looking sweetly at him, while he pushed a sweaty strand of hair away from your face. Despite him saying it wasn’t a “booty call.” it ended like one. Pulling yourself back to reality and reminding yourself why you came here in the first place. You reluctantly sat up. “I’m gonna head home.” You cleared your throat and were about to stand up when Geto held tightly onto your arm.
“Please stay, spend the night.” Geto has never let you spend the night before, he usually leaves or tells you you should head home. 
“Y-you sure?” You look back at him, trying to search for any uncertainty on his face but there wasn’t any. If anything he looked desperate.
“Please, I’m trying this with you, so please give me a chance to prove that I’m serious about this, serious about you.” You couldn’t help but smile at his words. 
“Alright, I’ll stay.”
You two lay in each other's embrace. Geto wasn’t sure how this would go but he was willing to try this for you. 
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© opalici0us | All writings belong to me, do not copy, translate, or modify my works
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peterman-spideyparker · 4 months
Drunk on You (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Court, aka @chvoswxtch, is a talented genius amazing superstar talent whose fic "ours." has consumed my mind all week and has inspired me. I hope I've done you proud, and I hope you like it! :)
Summary: Yours and Matt's relationship is still relatively new, but it's different in every conceivable way, and it's amazing. His plans for a nice romantic night in, however, get thrown for a loop before you arrive, and all he can think of is you.
Warnings: Fluff, Foggy and Karen being Foggy and Karen, shameless smut (talk of birth control and side effects, f!receiving oral, fingering, m!receiving oral, protected p in v sex, failed attempt at bondage, dirty talk, praise), swearing, these guys are basically soulmates, okay, they're in love and have thought about a future together and there's a whole detailed world for them in my head
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page
Word Count: 3,586
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Matt’s hands slide over his watch face for the time. “Do you guys think you can handle things here for the rest of the day?” he asks his friends.
“I think we can handle it,” Foggy hums, taking in the quiet office space around them. “You have a date with that girl, don’t you? Or is it a different one?”
“Nope, it should be the same girl,” Karen says. “It’s still within the time frame.”
Matt furrows his brows as he turns toward his friends. “Time frame?”
“Do we really need to go over this again, Mr. Serial Dater?” Foggy sighs. “How many girls did you see last year alone?”
“I don’t—.”
“Ten,” Karen supplements. “I mean, technically, it was nine because you dated the same girl twice, but they all fizzled out just as soon as they started. None of them lasted over two months.”
“And that’s not counting hookups we don’t know about. If my math is right, we’re almost at the two month mark in—.” Foggy turns to look at the calendar hanging on the wall to confirm. “—about a half of a week.”
“Thank you for the countdown, Father Time, but I don’t see that happening with her. She’s different.”
“Do we at least get her name? Since she’s so different than the others, that is,” Karen tries hopefully, and Matt can tell she’s eagerly biting her lip.
“(Y/N),” he concedes. “Her name is (Y/N). (Y/N/N).”
“Ooh, full name and a nickname. Are you treating (Y/N) to a fancy night out?” Foggy asks.
“Nope,” Matt grins, sliding on his jacket.
“Oh?” Karen hums. “Finally going to bring her to Josie’s?”
“So you guys can just happen to stroll in? No,” Matt continues to smile. “Not that it’s any of your business, but that’s where we met.”
“So, no fancy restaurant, no Josie’s . . .”
“I’m cooking for her at my place tonight. Happy now?”
Foggy and Karen ooh at him like a bunch of fifth graders.
“Well, here’s hoping she’s a heavy sleeper in case you hear a bank robbery across town and need to suit up.”
“Well, she knows.”
He can tell the way that they look at him, absolutely stunned. “Knows?” Karen repeats.
Matt puts his fingers up by his head to mimic his devil horns.
“EXCUSE ME?” Foggy shouts.
“It’s a long story, guys, and I have a dinner to prepare.”
“Let us know when the wedding is!” Foggy shouts as Matt leaves the office. “Knows . . . She knows! . . .”
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Matt finishes plating the food before lighting the candles on the table, blowing out the match as he freezes in his tracks. His senses are good—he can always tell when you’re near, even though you haven’t been seeing one another long. But this time, even though you’re about a block away, it feels like you’re so much closer. Your scent is much stronger than usual. It’s not perfume, shampoo, or detergent clinging to your dress—it’s you. Matt can practically taste you on his tongue when he lets out a deep breath through his mouth, and it drives him wild. His thoughts are fuzzy, and all he can think of is how he wants his hands on you, dragging over every dip and curve of your body right until he’s between—.
Matt practically jumps out of his skin when you rap at his door. With one more deep breath and a quick adjustment to his pants, he makes his way to the door, swinging it open and greeting you with a warm smile. As soon as the door is even open a crack, you drown his senses. He feels almost drunk, and he just wants you.
“Hi,” he smiles, leaning in for a kiss. You meet him halfway, pressing your front flush against his, resting a gentle hand on his waist. He pulls you in even further, desperately trying to deepen the kiss. You smile and giggle into the embrace before you lean back and look up at him.
“Hello to you, too,” you smile. “It smells really good in here, and you look like quite the chef with your sleeves all rolled up and a towel over your shoulder.”
“You like the look, hm?” he teases, closing the door close and kissing your neck some more as he walks you into the loft.
“I do. I like it so much, I almost dropped the bottle of wine I brought, especially if you keep kissing that spot.”
He pulls back and kisses the top of your head. “Well, I’m glad you’ve both survived this far.” Matt, on the other hand, is barely holding on. Every second that you’ve been here—the whole 90 of them—he’s had to restrain himself from jumping on you the way he so desperately wants.
“How about we sit first?” Matt hums, giving your arm a squeeze.
“You’ve plated everything. I’d hate for the food to get cold. This looks lovely.” You lean over, kissing his cheek. As your lips leave his skin, he turns into you, kissing you deeply before dragging his embraces down your neck and up to the sweet spot behind your ear, humming in delight as he takes you in and kisses your skin. You let out a soft moan, your knees buckling slightly as you lean into him and hold onto his body.
“‘m pretty sure that this is supposed to happen after dinner,” you swallow, your fingers desperately holding onto his arms.
“Dinner can wait. You smell too good,” he murmurs into your skin, taking the wine from your hand and putting it on the island.
You suck in a breath in surprise when his hands travel low and squeeze at your hips.
“You smell good,” he repeats, his voice dipping low. “Better than dinner—better than it tastes.”
Your hands have a mind of their own, moving up his arms, letting your fingers rake through his hair.
“Matt . . .” you breathe. He can sense how your heart races as you hold him close. 
“I can stop if you want to,” he hums, dragging his kisses down along your collarbone. “But I really don’t want to angel.”
You let out a sigh that goes straight to his cock. “I-I don’t have anything,” you tremble, and Matt notices a slight edge of something else in your voice. You sound a little nervous, but it’s not like the two of you haven’t had sex before. There’s been a few times where you’ve done just this—throw your date plans out the window to just spend the night exploring one another’s bodies over and over until you’re both so worn you turn into a tangled mess of limbs in bedsheets. And then it clicks for him. Your smell being extra strong, your elevated temperature, your racing heart, and now the slight nervous tremble in your voice. You’ve been together for two months, and he’s been with you around the time of your period, and even during your period, but as he wracks his brain to work on timelines, he’s positive there’s only one solution.
You’re ovulating.
And you know it.
Matt pulls back slowly, his hands still on your hips as you face him. He desperately works to find your eyes, even though he knows he’ll never be able to, not in the way he wants. 
“And you’re . . . you’re not on . . .?” He doesn’t want to finish the sentence—it makes him feel slimy asking that, but he wants to hear you say it rather than conclude based on assumption, even if that assumption is rooted in everything your body is telling him.
“I-I’m not,” you confirm. “The side effects and stories I’ve heard from friends . . .” You shrug. “It didn’t seem worth it. As contraception or a way to help with periods.” He senses another shift in you, but this one is different. You’re embarrassed, ashamed even. 
“Hey,” Matt says softly, kissing you tenderly. “It’s your body. You need to do what’s best for it.”
You nuzzle into his touch, and he lets out a little hum. “I just hate to have killed the mood. Especially since I smell so irresistible, apparently. And those kisses were pretty damn nice.”
Matt can hear how you smile while you speak when an idea comes to his mind.
“What’s that face?” you smirk, holding onto him adoringly.
“We can still keep the mood going. I mean, I have condoms, but, if you don’t want to use them, I have another idea. All you have to do is sit down and look pretty for me.”
You eagerly bite your lip, making Matt chuckle. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your lips before leading you to his bedroom.
“Sit down for me, angel,” he hums. “And spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
With a smile, you do as he asks as he softly kisses up your thighs, moving back and forth between each leg until he’s the apex, pressing a large open-mouthed kiss to your covered core. You take in a sharp breath as he slowly kisses and licks at you. For just how badly Matt wants you, he’s surprised and impressed with the restraint he’s showing. You whimper and moan as he begins to set his pace, one of your hands moving to his head and tugging on his hair, urging him to get closer. Between your arousal and his mouth, your panties are absolutely soaked within minutes. 
“Hey,” you whine as he removes his mouth from you. “I was enjoying that.”
“I know,” he grins, sliding his hands up your legs until his thumbs hook around your panties and slide them down your legs before tossing them up behind you on the bed. “Those are mine, now.”
You chuckle, your laughs turning into a moan when he reattaches his lips to your dripping core. Your sounds are louder, more unrestrained now that his lips are on your dripping ones. The way you squirm against Matt’s face only eggs him on, the rotations of your hips are only helping drive your scent further into his nose, injecting pure you into his body. Wet sounds fill the room, even with his face as buried deep as it is, and he can sense the way you lean back more and more until you’re flat on your back on the mattress, still managing to pull at his hair while he eats you out. You’re done for as soon as he slips two fingers in you. You tremble with an intense orgasm as you cry out so hard, Matt can tell it hurts your lungs a little. You squeeze his head with your thighs, and Matt uses his free hand to grip onto your hip and hold you closer, bringing him on the verge of suffocation by pussy—which wouldn’t be the worst way to go, if he’s being honest.
Matt continues to lick and slurp up your juices, pushing you into overstimulation territory, your mews still music to his ears but with a tinge of discomfort, but not before you cum again and coat his face with your delicious release. Moving his lips off of your clit, he gently licks up your mess, pressing kisses all over your pelvis before lifting his head up above the skirt of your dress.
“Better than anything I could’ve cooked,” he grins as he proudly wears your slick on his face. “So good, I want to go back for seconds.”
“You gotta give me a second, tiger,” you breathily laugh, caressing the side of his face, and he desperately turns his head to kiss your palm. “Maybe while I recoop, you can get some condoms? Or at least put the dinner in the fridge so we don’t get poisoned when we get around to actually eating it.”
Matt smiles and pounces on you, caging your body beneath his before holding your face in his hands as he kisses you. You giggle and chase his lips happily, and Matt slips his tongue into your mouth to let you taste yourself even better. You squeal in delight as he presses you into the mattress, and he feels like a giddy teenager in love.
Shit. He loves you. 
He was pretty sure he did—from the moment he met you, he didn’t want to even think about dating anyone else. And call it the pheromones he’s undoubtedly drunk on right now, but he doesn’t see himself being with anyone but you for the rest of his life. 
“What’s on your mind, pretty boy?” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair, and he can tell you’re looking at him as if he’s all the stars in the sky.
Yeah, he loves you.
“You,” he hums. “I got lucky, getting you in my life.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.” This time, it’s your turn to pull him down for a sweet kiss, and Matt feels as if his heart might explode.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmurs against your lips. “Stay just like this.”
“Kay,” you hum.
Matt presses one more kiss to your lips before he scurries out of his room, blowing out the candles, putting the plates in the fridge, and grabbing a box of condoms from his bathroom. When he comes back into his room, he finds you in the same spot he let you, pure relaxation covering you from your head to your toes. 
“You’ve got the stuff,” you smirk, and Matt can’t help but do the same. 
“I do,” he hums as he walks back to you, sitting on the mattress, leaning you up to snuggle into his side. “Are you sure you want to do this tonight? Because trust me, as much as I want to do this with you right now, I can wait until a better time. I don’t mind sticking my head back down between your legs and spending the rest of the night there. I’ll be just as happy there.”
Your eyes flutter shut, leaning into his body and kissing him. “I’m sure. And trust me, if that’s what you eat pussy like when I’m ovulating, I can’t wait to feel how you fuck me. No way I’m waiting to experience that.”
The last part seems to slip out past your lips before you can realize it, and you both know what it implies. A small smile pulls at the corners of Matt’s lips, and he leans forward to kiss you again before you have a chance to feel embarrassed, resting his forehead on yours. That’s not a conversation for tonight, but he’s touched that you’ve even considered it. “Alright, if you’re sure,” he whispers. “But you need to open the package.”
“I will, but first . . .” You straddle his lap and push him down on the mattress. “I think I need to take care of that painful looking bulge in your pants.”
Matt licks his lips in anticipation, listening to how you work yourself over him. You lean over, kissing and sucking a little mark into his neck before you unknot his tie and unbutton his shirt. 
“Do you trust me, Matt?” you ask.
“Completely,” he smiles. 
Taking his tie, you gently move his hands up above his head and begin to knot his fabric around his wrists. 
“Is it too tight?” you ask, brushing hair out of his face as if you’re clearing his line of sight. 
“‘s perfect,” he assures. “So are you.”
He can sense how you blush before you lean down and kiss him, softly dragging embraces down his exposed skin until you get to his pants, undoing his belt and sliding it off, and taking care of his pants, sliding it off his hips, leaving him exposed. He’s painfully hard—he’s surprised he didn’t cum in his pants while he was up to his eyeballs in (Y/N). He sucks in a breath between his teeth when your hand wraps around him, giving him some gentle pumps before you lean down and start to use your mouth. You press feather-light kisses on the underside of his shaft, licking his frenulum and gently caressing his balls. You get the tip of him in your mouth, so warm and wet, he swallows hard. 
“Wait,” he begs. “‘m not gonna last if you keep going like that.”
You smirk as you bring your mouth down toward his base before you let your hot breath spread over him.
“We both know that this isn’t the first time you’ll be cumming tonight, Matty,” you hum. 
You lick along the vein in his shaft until you’re back at the tip, opening your mouth and going down on him. Matt cries out at the top of his lungs, his hips bucking up as he lets out his release. He breaks out of the satin restraint, his hands moving to the sides of your face, not to force you down, but just to have his hands on you. When you finish sucking him dry, you pull off, licking your lips before you swallow.
“I’m offended. You broke out of my knot,” you chuckle. 
“Sorry,” he says with a blissed, dopey smirk. 
“No, don’t apologize. It was hot. Like, really hot. Like, we’re going to have to do something like that in the future hot.”
“Are we now?”
“Mmm. Now, where’d you put that box of condoms?”
Leaning over, you grab the box and pull out the foil package, tearing it open while he gets up and takes off the rest of his clothes before you carefully slide on the latex.
“Sweetheart, I think you’re a little overdressed,” he hums as his hands slide up under your dress. 
“What’re you gonna do about it?” you grin. 
His hands grip the zipper, pulling it down the track before sliding it off of your body, his hands then deftly moving to remove your bra. 
“There we go,” he smiles before leaning in and taking one of your breasts into his mouth, letting himself get lost in the soft, supple flesh. You both roll around in the bed until you’re under him, Matt sliding into you.
“Aah!” you cry out, your fingers grabbing a bruising grip onto his shoulders. It gets stronger the further that he pushes into you. Even with two orgasms and plenty of your arousal dripping from between your legs, you’re still so tight.
“That’s it,” he hums. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well, sweetheart.”
“Fuck!” you cry out, throwing your head back as you scratch angry red lines down his back.
“A little more, angel, you can do it. You can do it . . . Good girl, just like that.”
You both let out a grunt when he bottoms out in you, taking a moment to adjust.
“Just say the word for me, and I’ll start moving.”
“I-I need you,” you say almost immediately. “Matt, please, start moving. D-Don’t hold back.”
He takes your face in his hands, kissing you deeply before he starts thrusting. He does as you ask, not starting slow like he has in your past sexual encounters. Your moans and cries are music to his ears, spurring him on to go even faster, making you cry out louder. 
“Matt!” you cry with a guttural moan. “Yes! You’re so deep!”
“Made f’me,” Matt growls as he throws your legs up over his shoulders and folding you in half. “Mine.”
“Yours! I’m yours!”
Matt slithers a hand up your body, mapping out your soft skin with his touch until his hand is around your neck, holding your jaw, fingers spread before giving it a light squeeze. He listens to how your body reacts immediately, your warm, wet, tight cunt squeezing his cock as a response as you moan and bite your lip.
Matt’s going to have fun with that fact.
“Are you ready to cum, sweetheart?” he coos as he slams into you so hard, he’s pretty sure that your cunt might be permanently stretched and remolded to match the shape of his cock. “Can you cum around my cock for me?”
“Yes,” you whimper, one of your hands dropping to his forearm, giving it a squeeze. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop! Make me cum—make me cum hard! Just don’t stop!”
Matt lowers himself to kiss you deeply, your bodies a tangled, squished mess as he keeps pounding into you. You hold onto his face desperately, deepening the connection and the kiss until you open your mouth to let out an unbridled cry of pleasure. It hurts his ears, but what a sound to go deaf to. His hand slides from your neck, moving to higher up on your waist as he kisses you through your high, his sweaty forehead eventually falling to the crook of your neck as he experiences his own release.
The two of you are a panting, sweaty mess, tangled together and coming back to your senses while he softens inside of you. A few minutes pass, and he finally musters the energy to pull out of you, tying off the condom and throwing it in the trash by his bed.
“If you’re gonna fuck me like that every time I ovulate,” you pant, kissing his cheek before resting your forehead on his temple. “I’m in for a real treat.”
Matt chuckles, enjoying the taste of your skin and how it mixes with your sweat. In that moment, everything is calm, quiet . . . everything makes sense. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he hums, his hands roaming your body. “We’re not done yet.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​ @blackhawkfanatic
Matt Murdock Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters @loves0phelia
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jakesangel · 16 days
how it would be like to date w high school jake ꣑୧ - requested
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overall jake was/is nerdy n popular, his good grades in physics n his perfect scores in football made him known as the sim jaeyun who wanted to do music / somehow ?ᩚ / because of that i think he had lots of friends n was also popular w girls.
football player
- he would often ask you to come to his games or even to his practice, wanting to show you off his skills but also showing YOU off to his friends
- would be the type to kiss you during practices, everyone cheering him up
- would even fake injuries so you could take care of him n makes u kiss him
please, come see me at my game, you're my lucky charm bb, he would say the day before the tournament final, a small smirk on his face. if you'd say no or pretending that you won't, he'd take your hips in his hands, forcefully pully you closer, i like to see you in my jersey, i need to see you in it to win. please bby, as his voice goes lower, almost coming out like a murmur. as you finally asgreed, he'd smile would come back, giving you a quick peck before running towards the fields.
physic genius jake
- lots of study dates ᵎᵎ jake doesn't like to study but is naturally good w number so if you struggle w them he is more than willing to study to help you. either at his place or yours in his favorite because it can also means having fun later whereas in the library he has to stay focus
- would be so so proud of you when you get good grades thanks you his teaching n your hard work
- he would do project w you only, leaving his also-not-good-at-science friends calling him a simp
violin player jake
- he would ask you to come over during the weekends to see him practice his violin.
- he would learn your favorites songs n surprise you during those practice.
- he would even play it for you during anniversaries knowing it made you happy.
outside of school jake
- he is busy but will spend them as lunch time w you as possible meaning he will prioritize you over his friends n will make sacrifices towards his football duties for you.
- lots of dates during school break n love going to the beach w you, his friends, n your or dates w layla as well ᵎᵎ
- he would introduce you to his family n you basically be apart of them w the number of time you'll come over so that means lots of sleepovers or even so inviting you for xmas n such ᵎᵎ he would also expect you to do the same for him, as family is very important to him.
want to come to dinner with my family baby ? my mom misses you n layla too, he would often ask you, only meaning that he misses you, studies n football practice tqking too munch of his time. as you read thru him, n accepting, he would be happy the rest of day, completely forgetting the english test he has later that day. but yk my mom really does loves you, he'd add w a pout, i think she love should more than me. she always wants me to give your her cookies and omg layla can't get calm down sometimes. he would keep on nagging until he can't pretend anymore, and you know i miss you too, my princess. i can't catch a break lately n i might pass out lacking of vitamin U.
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notes : haii anon i hope you enjoyed it ᵎᵎ i tbh felt a bit uncomfortable talking about minor jake, i hope it's still good nonetheless <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Summary: You get sick at training and no one can get a hold of Leah
Warnings: Sick, angst??, IDK
A/N: decided to give you all another fic. I hope you like this one, I don't know how good it is.... also please do send requests in, I want to make sure I'm writing things people will enjoy.
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Training today just felt harder than usual, yes you had off days, but something was different, it wasn’t just that you weren’t playing as well, you were hotter, you were running out of breath quicker than usual, you head hurt slightly. Everyone around you noticed but didn’t want to say anything, your teenage hormones were at their peak currently, as Leah put it and you were quick to snap at anyone for no real reason. You stayed quite about it though and just tried to push through, that was until you felt like you were going to pass out and you decided you should probably sit down. So, you went up to Jonas.
“Y/N, how can I help you?”
“Umm, I’m just feeling a little hot, was just wondering if I could sit down for a bit,” “yeah sure why don’t you go inside to the dining room and sit down there, it will be cooler in there than out here, lunch is only 25 or so away anyway,” “Thanks Jonas,” you said, and you turned around, probably a little too fast as everything spun, you stumbled a little and shut your eyes, hoping that no one noticed you continued to make your way into the dining room and sat on one of the chairs, everything was still slightly spinning but it wasn’t too bad. Just as you were about to rest your head on the table you heard footsteps which grew louder, until they stopped, and Katie was standing next to you.
“Hey,” you mumbled.
“Hey, Jonas sent me in here to check on you. You okay?”
“No, I feel like crap” you replied. It was the truth. In an effort to feel better, you shut your eyes and rested your head on the table, it was cool to touch, Katie put her hand on the back of your neck, and she winced at the heat that was radiating off you.
“I think you need to go see a medic.”
“No, I’m fine.” you snapped.
“Okay, well I’ll leave you to it then,” she stood up starting to walk out.
“Katie,” you softly cried out, she looked back at you “can you stay?”
“Only if you let me get a medic to look at you,” she tried compromising.
“Fine.” You sighed. Katie messaged someone on her phone and a few minutes later one of the medics came in. “38.7, not too bad, get her to take two of these and try and see if you can get her sister to take her home, if she is still here in about 45 minutes, we will come check on her again. Also get her to drink the rest of that and another one at least” The medic said to Katie pointing at your water bottle, Katie nodded. “Oh, and have one of these,” Katie screwed her face up at the sight of the emesis bag she really couldn’t handle that type of sick, “look she shouldn’t need it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Katie nodded agreeing with that statement. She got you to take two Panadol and to drink some water before you fell asleep. She did wake you every ten minutes to drink some more water however you didn’t really remember that.
“Hey, can you sit up for just a sec,” you look up to see the medic, she takes your temperature and checks your breathing. “39.1” the medic and Katie look at each other you place your head back on the table, and whimper slightly at the movement of your head, however the table felt nice on your head as it was cool.
“Where the fuck is Leah! Why isn’t she answering her phone,” Katie yelled becoming more furious with Leah by the second.
“Why don’t you just take her home?” Kim asked.
“Because Leah is a genius. Who doesn’t give their 16-year-old sister a key? and she refuses to let me take her to mine.” Katie replies
“You could call Sarina,” you decided to chime in.
“What’s her number though?” “Give it here,” you put Sarina’s number into Katies phone, Katie quickly pressed the call button and to her amusement Sarina picked up.
“Hi Sarina, its Katie McCabe, I am really sorry to be calling but we have Y/F/N here and she isn’t feeling well at all, and we have been trying to get a hold of Leah for 45 minutes but she won’t answer, and we understand she is doing important media duties however Y/N does have a temperature of 39.1C, and we think it would be best if she went home.” There was a pause, Sarina must’ve been talking “Okay, thank you so much, so sorry again. Bye”
“She’s coming,” everyone let out a sigh of relief, they hated seeing you so sick and helpless knowing that Leah was the one thing that might make you feel better.
“Leah?” you questioned, starting to cry.
“Yeah, she’s coming, like 10 minutes,” Katie said as she started to rub your back, you placed your head back on the table and continued to cry, you just felt so sick and wanted your sister.
“Hey, I’m here.” Leah said as she rounded the corner, her heart melting at the scene in front of her. You were still crying head on the table, Katie was still rubbing your back looking like she might cry at any moment, she just wanted to help, and she couldn’t.
“Oh, bug.” Leah cooed at the sight, and she continued towards you, you lifted you head up tears still falling. She kneeled down beside you and put her hand on your forehead, she winced and looked at Katie, “39.1 last we checked.”
“Bug, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner.” She said, ready to cry herself.
“Can we go home?” you whimpered, as she pulled you in for a hug, she noticed the slight dampness of your skin.
“Let me go talk to the medic first,” she said as she stood up.
“I’ll go get her stuff for you,” Lia said as she went to the locker room. The girls remaining all looked at each other, you couldn’t resist a smirk.
“Why do you have two bags Lia?” your sister questioned.
“Le, don’t do this, I’ve spoken to Jonas, and he agrees that you’re going to need help, come on I’ll drive you home.” She replied.
“Carry me?” you whined looking at your sister who sighed before picking you up and taking you home, the girls all made eyes at each other as the three of you walked out.
“Le, I’m back” Lia said as she walked through the door. “We’re still in here.” Leah replied, she was sitting up against the head board of her bed, you had your head in her lap and your body laid parallel to the headboard, your training top was on the end of the bed and you were just in your crop top and training shorts, Leah had taken your shirt off in hopes of cooling you down, your sweaty body was making the sheets slightly damp, as she rain her fingers through your hair.
“Hey” Lia said softly as she walked into the room, carrying the bag of items she bought to help you. “What you got in there” Leah asked looking at the quite full bag.
“Just the essentials,” Lia pulled out some medicine first, then some hydrolyte, followed by a thermometer “I guessed you didn’t have one of these,” she pulled some more items out “Oh and I got some of these,” Leah’s brow furrowed at the sight of the emesis bags, “they might come in handy one day” Lia said as she shrugged.
“Thank you, Lia for everything not just for today” your sister replied.
“It’s no problem, how is she?”
“I don’t really know, she never gets sick it’s been years, I’m just really worried. Should we check her temperature again?” with of nod of Lia’s head they pulled the thermometer out of its packing and checked your temperature. “Shit,” Lia’s brow furrowed “39.5, what do we do Li, do we take her to the hospital, the doctor?” Leah said heartbroken a tear rolling down her check.
“She hasn’t had any medicine yet has she?” Lia questioned.
“I think they gave her some Panadol at the colony but other than that no”
“Okay well we’ll give her some ibuprofen, and help her take a lukewarm bath, and if her temperature hasn’t gone down or if it goes up after 30 minutes, we can take her to the hospital, how does that sound?” Leah just nodded agreeing with Lia, she just wanted to help you but in this moment she felt helpless. “You give her the medicine and I’ll start the bath”.
“Bug, can you wake up for me?” Leah said softly shaking you. You sat up, leaning against the headboard, resting you head on the wall.
“Here can you take this, it will help you feel better,” Leah said handing you two tablets and your water bottle, you took them and then went to lay back down on Leah, but she stopped you, as the bath was now ready.
“Bug we’re going to put you in the bath for a little while,” you groan at Leah’s words, she helps you up and places you in the bath still clothed. She let you sit there while she went to get the pair of you new clothes, nothing fancy of course, just some PJs. After your bath Leah helped you get changed before carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Oh, you didn’t have to Lia,” she said noticing Lia was just finishing off changing the sheets on the bed.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s all good, here have this” she said as she placed a pillow down for you and Leah. You laid between the two girls with your head resting on Leah’s arm, they rechecked your temperature and it was now back to 39.1, they weren’t super happy with it but happy enough not to take you to the hospital, you spent the next four days in bed sick, Leah and Lia both trying to help you get better.
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