#i hope his silly little dorky face is something to smile over
a-snowpoff · 2 years
Hi...it have been a particularly stressful day today and....I just need some Papyrus content in this moment?
Can I have an hug?
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
Levi's horrible flirting skills part 6.
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Masterlist link to all the previous parts.
“I simply do not understand… we were talking so well and all of a sudden—!”
“You called her stupid.”
“And naive,” Hange added after Erwin, almost tired, while taking a messy sip from his tea, not bothering to raise his head properly.
Levi clicked his tongue, running a hand through his hair and almost tugging at it out of frustration. “I was just trying to tell her I was worried about her!”
“You’ve a very peculiar way of expressing your concerns,” Erwin remarked, raising one thick eyebrow at his friend's illogical actions. Unlike Hange, he raised his cup to his lips with elegant, measured movements.
“UGH!” Levi bent over the table where they should have been having a tactical meeting, but instead were having a catch-up moment as friends. His forehead hit the polished wood covered with glass, and he scoffed against the surface in frustration, fogging it up.
“You should have known,” Erwin said softly, shaking his head with closed eyes as if the outcome was easily predicted, like a palm reader foretelling your life. “When a woman asks you to repeat something, it’s not because she hasn’t heard you. It’s because she wants to see if you have the guts to say it to her face. That’s the precise moment you should buckle up, fold the imaginary paper where you wrote your speech, smile, and say, ‘nothing, honey.’”
Hange frowned deeply, even curling her lip in disdain. “Since when are you such an expert on how to keep a woman?”
The blond put down his tea and looked at the squad leader, almost offended. “Excuse me, I had a very long relationship with Marie before we broke up. I learned a trick or two.”
“Whatever, I fucked up and it’s all wasted now,” Levi said woebegone, his cheek resting on the surface and his eyes looking to the side, completely bereaved. He couldn’t complete a single sentence without clicking his tongue or sighing in resignation.
“Oi! Come on, shorty! You just have to go and apologise. Don’t be such a coward,” Hange tried to raise her friend’s spirits.
“Yeah… but give her a couple of days. Let her cool down a little bit,” Erwin added, fearing that Hange’s enthusiasm might cause Levi to make another mistake.
But perhaps waiting a couple of days became weeks. Between work and each time he tried to lock eyes with her, she either completely ignored his presence or didn’t seem particularly happy.
While it was still freezing cold, certain trees began to bud, and the sun warmed more than usual on some days. Early one morning, he saw her again, walking on the front sidewalk with five friends, each holding something from a nearby pastry shop. Her face had the softness and lethargic appearance of someone who had just woken up.
Clenching his teeth and with hopeful eyes, his body naturally straightened from his slouched position against a wall. He thought of taking one hand out of his pocket and waving at her casually, worried, and timid as he was that time on the boat.
“Good morning, Captain,” three youthful cadets passed by and bumped into him with suspicious dorkiness. Their rosy cheeks and shining eyes made Levi slightly uncomfortable.
He hadn’t even noticed them, and the loss of focus on his main objective made him turn back frantically to where he was looking. She was already gone.
“Morning,” he replied disinterestedly to the girls who still wore their training ground jackets with swords on their backs. Levi returned to his slouched position, head down. He quickly heard the little girls giggle enthusiastically, muttering among themselves as they hurried away, thinking they were far enough for him not to notice.
“Did you see how he looked at me?” one whispered. Levi grimaced uneasily; he knew better than anyone that at their age, having silly little crushes on higher-ups was normal. ‘What are you, 13? You should be worried if I looked at you like that.’
He sighed loudly. ‘What would it take for you to look at me like that?’
Not that he daydreamed of her being like them, but he wished for the enthusiasm. Sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, nervous chuckles, and rushed steps to tell a friend.
‘I can’t just keep spying on you from afar like a creep. I’ve run out of innocent excuses to pass by your workplace.’
“Well, it’s decided. On the 2nd of March, we leave again,” Erwin announced as he exited the building with signed papers.
‘I don’t want to die without having at least something with you.’
Such a simple thought. For a split second, which lasted days, he wondered if it was a sort of fetish he hadn’t added to his list. But as another nurse, with the same uniform and the same soft touch, stitched up a cut he got when he came back and looked up at him from his left side, he felt nothing.
It reminded him so much of when she had tricked him into getting a vaccine, but it had no power over him. With her, it was like he couldn’t get her face closer without fighting the overwhelming need to grab it and kiss her.
‘Once again, do I really need to tell you that I’m dying to have a single silly chance with you?’
Something that feels utterly humiliating, like apologizing or confessing, really fades into oblivion when you’re visiting cadets half your age who are either dying or won’t be able to live a standard life after walking beside you to near-certain death. Levi looked at his soldiers in immaculate rooms and whitish beds, their bodies and faces blending into the sheets as they were covered in bandages the same shade as the rest of the room.
“Did I do good, Captain?”
Levi’s eyes opened slightly wider as he came back from his mental storm. “Yes, you did great, soldier. Your sacrifice won’t be in vain.”
He wondered, only sometimes, if his words really held any real power. But they always muffled cries of relief and pain.
‘I’m being a fucking coward, that’s what I am.’
As the family members arrived in the room or fell asleep, Levi left. ‘Even a kick in the ass pushes you forward.’
He took secure steps down the halls. It was very late, and there was no security that she might be in the staff area. Or perhaps there was; he had learned which days she was on duty. Was it a bit on the stalker side? Perhaps. But Levi took pride in knowing her and wished to know much more.
It was stupid, but he held on to that information. Sometimes he was miles away in his office doing paperwork late at night, looked up at the clock on the wall, noticed the time, and something clicked in his mind. He would check the calendar and worry. The huge hospital, empty corridors, or long hours of staying up helping women in labor or taking care of the ill. Perhaps returning home when the sun hadn’t completely risen yet. He was miles away, but he worried.
‘I just need to know… I need to know if she’s alright, if she’s safe.’
That had been the reason for this whole issue, but this time he was confident in solving it or at least trying to.
He pushed open the door to the staff area. The room was freezing, either because it was in the basement or because the heating budget was spent on the patients. He froze momentarily when her pitched scream and little jump echoed in the room.
“DEAR Shenna! You scared me!” she exclaimed, raising one hand to her chest to calm her heart and sighing loudly. She had a cardigan over her uniform and rubbed her arms to keep warm.
Her body was next to the stove where she was warming up a kettle, her frown haunting him across the room. She said nothing, only scoffed and kept silent.
‘This seemed ten times easier in my mind five seconds ago.’
He pushed the door closed with his body, giving serious thought to the words he was going to use.
“Look, I didn’t mean to insult you. That was just me bitching,” Levi said, raising a white flag in the mental no man’s land they held. It earned him a sidelong glance, but her body language showed she hadn’t completely given in. “Tch, what I am trying to say,” he scratched the back of his head, feeling the sensation of his undercut beneath his fingertips, “You’re not stupid, but you’re too nice, and assholes like him abuse that.”
This time she turned to him slightly, still folding her arms to hold in the warmth, looking tired. “I’m not naive. I know my boss can’t keep his hands to himself,” her voice was hushed, either because it was late or because she seemed exhausted. “But not all of us are Humanity’s strongest, held in such high esteem by the military. I could lose my job. He could make my life a living nightmare. Plus, I prefer he bothers me rather than the new girls who are too young and too impressionable. No, Captain, I’m not stupid.”
Levi wondered if his admiration was as palpable in his features as he felt it. ‘I’m not stupid,’ his mind repeated. ‘Yeah, you’re right. The stupid one is me.’
A young woman who held her own, whom he met having fun with her friends at a party, all of them keeping each other safe, who lived on her own. She wouldn’t have survived the Capital if she was stupid. Levi knew firsthand how those environments shaped you: either you blend with them or you break.
She sighed once again, “The last thing I need this week is to argue with you.”
It made him want to ask what else had happened, but he didn’t want to push his luck. Instead, he rose from his slouched position against the door, walked to the countertops next to her, and rested there.
“It’s fucking freezing here,” he said, hoping the little shaky fire from the stove would warm the air more.
“Yeah… I can’t feel my feet,” she replied. “You look good, though.” This time, she managed a side smile, perhaps too tired to smile fully.
Levi quickly assumed she was referring to his recent return. “Yeah, it was a shitty mess of an expedition, though.”
She hummed. “I heard. A lot of rain, I’m sorry.”
Levi shook his head, dismissing her apology as she held no responsibility. “Tch… about your boss, someone should put him in his place.”
Her eyes rolled as she chuckled. “Who is going to do it? The MPs who go to men-only parties with him?” she joked, though her words carried no humour.
Levi, unable to stop looking at her face, said, “I could cut his balls off for a modest price.”
She giggled, tilting her head to the side and biting her bottom lip to suppress her chuckles. But he felt his chest warm up. ‘Holy shit,’ he thought, feeling pride at making her laugh genuinely for the first time. ‘I wish I knew another fucking joke to pull off.’
“You’ll go to jail if you do that,” she replied, entertained. As the conversation flowed easily, her sleepiness slipped away. “You’ll go to jail, and Erwin will kill me for losing his best soldier.”
“No, I’m the stupid military board’s favourite, didn’t you say that? They’re too scared because I’m the only one who could kill the titans if they break another wall. I’ll just pull off a shitty excuse,” he replied, bending slightly forward and closing the space between them.
“And your excuse, Captain?”
The way his title rolled off her tongue, it was just not holy what it created in his system.
“He’s fucking tall… maybe I confused him with a weird titan who has balls… or should I say had?”
This time she laughed, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she showed her teeth. She tried to cover it with her left hand, and Levi was tempted to hold it down so he could still see her laugh.
The little slap of her hand against his arm caught him off guard. It didn’t hurt, but the proximity surprised him. “Stop it, you’re going to get me punished. This is a hospital; we should keep quiet,” she whispered.
She was so close, both bending forward. ‘Maybe I should just fucking go for it. Go big or go home,’ he thought. But she straightened up, pushing the sleeve of her cardigan further into her hand to use it to grab the kettle that was already whistling.
Back to being slouched against the countertop, he lost his chance. Hands in pockets, he couldn’t help but watch her as she walked to the cup with the tea ready for her to pour the water.
“You want one?” she asked, and Levi tried to hide the fact that he was mesmerised by the way her hips moved in the skirt. He just nodded. “So, what’s your modest price, Captain?”
“Huh?” The question confused him, as his mind couldn’t think of two things at once. He tried to remember his own words while thinking that she had the best ass inside the walls. Men’s brains have limitations.
“You said,” she began, pulling another cup out of the cupboard and filling it with water, “that you would do it for a modest price. What’s your modest price?”
His brain was still recovering from seeing her laugh next to him about a joke he made, the cute little swing of her uniform as she walked, her cheeky smile as she looked at him. It was hard to come back from that and reply as he usually would. No actual thoughts, no consequences.
“You going out on a date with me.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @searriously @blackdxggr @storiesofsung @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime @hagridshaircare Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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Let me just say, I absolutely adore your writing so much!! Your More Than Anything series with Vox is honestly one of, if not my favorite Vox series!!!❤💙 I was wondering if you could do a kind of silly, fluffy imagine with Vox where they're in their early stages of flirting/crushing and the reader avoids the topic of kissing... because they think Vox isn't able to kiss with his screen? Literally before episode 8, the question in my mind was "Can the dorky TV man kiss?" And then we got confirmation he most DEFINITELY could 🤣 I just think it'd be so cute and funny for that to be something the reader was wondering as well but wasn't sure how to ask him about it without being weird lol
Oh my goodness, such high praise aaaa! I actually have a scene in my Ao3 fic based on the same concept! I'd be happy to write some awkward smoochums! This guy is such a fucking dork and I love him.
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Assumptions [Vox x Reader Fluff]
You and Vox had been dating for a month and the overlord was on the verge of insanity. He knew that Valentino had much more intense needs when it came to physical affection than most, but he wasn't expecting such a drastic shift in needs when it came to you.
He knew that being in a real relationship was very different from what he'd experienced before with his fellow overlord. But he thought the two of you would have done something by now. Not even necessarily sex. (Although he'd definitely been fantasizing about that more than he cared to admit.)
The two of you had cuddled, slept in the same bed, and even h*ld h*nds, but you hadn't kissed yet and it wasn't for his lack of trying. He'd invited you on romantic dates and set up several perfect opportunities. But whenever he'd try to go for it, you'd always pull away before he had the chance.
He didn't understand. The two of you had been doing so well. You always seemed to be swept up in the little heated moments just as much as he was, so why?!
Vox had been completely distracted during his entire news segment and groaned as slipped into his secluded dressing room. If it wasn't for the fact that he caught sight of you in his mirror, he probably would have flipped out when he felt your arms slip around him from behind.
"What are you doing here?" he chuckled as he lifted a hand to rest on one of your arms.
"I missed you," you smile, squeezing him gently before letting go. "And I saw that..." you cringe. "Performance. You seemed off. Is something on your mind?"
Vox's eyes widened and he cursed himself mentally for putting on a subpar show in front of the camera. If you noticed, then the audience probably did as well. No one really gave half a fuck about the news, but ratings were ratings.
"It's nothing," Vox muttered. "It's just..."
He looks up at you with an unreadable expression and you gasp as he reaches up and gently takes hold of your chin. His brow furrows as he tucks your hair behind your ear and your heart races a million miles per second as he searches your blushing face for something. His eyes flick down to your lips and he slowly starts to lean, only for you to suddenly push him away.
"A-Anyways I just wanted to check in on you and see if we were still on for a movie tonight," you stammered.
Vox froze, not listening to your ramblings as he processed your deflection. He felt a sharp, cold sting of rejection in his chest and wondered if maybe you weren't as interested in the relationship as he hoped. His heart started to break, but then he noticed the way you were blushing.
"Why?" He asked quietly.
"Well, I just thought maybe you wanted to-"
"No," Vox grit his teeth as he grabbed you by the shoulders. "Why the fuck won't you kiss me? Every time I try, you pull away. We're dating, so why?"
You blinked up at him owlishly, your jaw hanging open before you grabbed his arms and breathed, "You can kiss?!"
Vox's brow furrowed as he looked you over, "Wh- The fuck are you on about? Yes, I can fucking kiss! I've been trying to kiss you for the past three goddamn weeks!"
You gasped before burying your face in your hands and groaning. "Oh my god, I thought... There were a couple times that I wondered, but this whole time I didn't think you could and I didn't want to be weird and..."
Vox stood taller as he processed your words. You didn't hate him. You weren't repulsed by him. You were just...
He burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as he absolutely lost it. "O-Oh my god! You're such a fucking idiot!"
Your face was burning with embarrassment. You knew he wasn't being malicious, but you were still mortified at the misunderstanding. "Oh shut up! It's not my fault you're a flat-faced fucker!"
You were about to go bury your shame into the couch, fully expecting him to hold this against you for the rest of the day, but you were barely able to take two steps before Vox intervened.
You let out a startled yelp as you felt his claws wrap around your arm and yank you back. In the split second it took you to blink, he'd trapped you against a wall. You flinched as his hands slammed against either side of your head, trapping you as he grinned down at you.
"You are so fucking stupid," he snickered.
Your face only grew warmer as your heart pounded with mixed anger, embarrassment, and something else entirely due to the position he had you in. His hand traces lightly over your cheek before cupping the side of your face as he looks at you with the softest expression you'd ever seen from him.
You gasp as he leans down and presses his lips against yours. Your entire body feels like tiny fireworks are dancing lightly over your skin. You shiver as your hands instinctively reach up to grasp at his vest when he pulls you close.
You're both breathing much harder than is necessary when he pulls away. For a moment you just look at each other with half-lidded gazes as you process the sparks that just metaphorically and literally flew. You were pretty sure a bulb went out due to the little bits of blue energy that sparked off of your boyfriend during the kiss.
Speaking of your dork, Vox breathlessly grinned as he squeezed your arms. He let out a small laugh before stepping away from you and turning as more little sparks flew.
"Fucking finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Vox yelled as he pumped his arms in the air and kicked his legs like a giddy child.
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
Hi lovey! I would never pass up an opportunity to request something from you, you are litro my fav writer on here ^_^ Obsessed with the way you perfectly capture the love in your polyam stuff, can we get Style x fem reader with some fluffy and soft lovemaking👀 Aaaa I’d just die for that!
Lots of love from a loyal reader, take care of yourself 💘✨
Me? Me am favorite? Why?! You bless me with the sweet words. I hope I continue to serve.
Also happy Kyle Week guys! We stan a silly man in love! I had a blast writing this one!
Warning: NSFW, Strong Language, F/M/M, Threesome, Pillow violence.
Pairings: Stan x Fem!Reader x Kyle
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It's the pressure on his chest that stirs him. At first it was gentle, almost comforting in a way, but now it's too much. Every time he takes a breath it's strained. Kyle doesn't need to open his eyes to know what the source of his discomfort is, he already knows.
Stanley Marsh was a cuddler. It wasn't a secret the man was the most touch starved human being in South Park, but some imaginary pride kept him from acting on it in public. Behind closed doors the man had to be touching Kyle constantly, especially if it was bedtime.
"Dude you can't break the nighttime routine. Hurry up and get your ass in this bed. I'm tired!"
"Then go to bed Stan! Just because you don't care about your skin's health doesn't mean I have to neglect mine!"
It would be one thing if it was just Stan, unfortunately he wasn't alone. You were just as bad, if not worse. Kyle couldn't recall any moment in his shared relationship with you and Stan if you were ever warm. Not a day went by that you didn't complain about being cold.
"Kyle, sweetheart, love of my life, sun in my sky, light of my-"
"Yes, you can use my hoodie and my sweatpants."
A part of him feels bad; because as he cracks open his eyes, letting that early morning light hit the greens of his eyes, you both look so peaceful on his chest. Nothing in this world ever makes him feel so at peace than when he catches his lovers cuddles up against him. Stan tucked into his side; face nuzzled into the crook of neck with a heavy arm wrapped around his chest. You under that arm, slotted between his legs with your head resting just below his heart.
No, he can't think of anything more perfect. One of the many perks of being an early riser. He'd never tell either of you how he lies here for the first ten minutes of his day just admiring your sleeping forms. The way your hair clung to your face or how you would mumble under your breath, letting him know what kind of dreams you were having. Or how Stan's lips would curl up into a smile when he placed a kiss on his forehead. It was adorable that he could give him a dorky smile in his sleep, even with that trail of drool rolling down the side of his chin.
Kyle could deal with the sore arm and crushed lungs, not even the sweat bothered him. But the one thing Kyle couldn't stand being was being late, he couldn't stand it when his schedule was thrown off. If the shrill screaming alarm went off, it meant it was time to get up. Time to start his day and get work done so he can come home to the both of you as quickly as possible. Do the work, get the reward. That anxiety of keeping anyone waiting for him or being late for something was too strong to ignore.
So, what was he to do when his alarm went off and his two partners wouldn't move. Normally the alarm at least stirred you off him, made Stan roll over and give him room to get up. Something about this chilly Thursday morning kept you both glued to your spots. If anything, Kyle thinks he felt Stan's muscles twitch and his arm slide down towards his waist, tightening his hold on him. Your smaller frame moving closer to the source of warmth, sliding your cold little hands under his shirt. He couldn't tell if you were secretly awake and punishing him for even thinking about moving, or if you were just innocently still asleep. Either way that damn alarm wouldn't stop screaming.
With a huff, he moves his free arm across your body and makes a grab for the phone. Stan's eye, the one not buried in the crook of his neck, cracks open and he swats Kyle's hand. Sleep still trapped in his eyes, Stan fumbles with the device making it stop its cry for attention. He misses the glare Kyle shoots his way.
"Stop movin'." Stan's grumbled words make it sound like he's not asking, but Kyle wasn't having it.
"You know I need to get up. Now come on, let me get up." Kyle goes to move you off his chest and into Stan's arms. He figures you both can keep each other warm and comfortable so he can get up to start his day.
"Stop moving..." You whine in response to him trying to get up. He lets out the softest grunt when you push on his chest.
His brows furrow when he's pushed back down onto the bed. Kyle's back hits the plush of the bed making the headboard knock against the wall. If this kind of behavior was done on the weekend, he would have found it kind of adorable that you're both being so whiney. It did make Kyle feel loved that he was wanted, but being loved doesn't pay the bills or excuse irresponsibility.
So, he tries again, moves his arm out from under Stan and wraps it around you. In your sleepy haze you think he's going to give you a hug and give into the snuggling. You should have known better, should have remembered that Kyle was a stubborn man. Kyle twists his body in Stan's hold and uses you as a shield. Moving you into the arms of the raven-haired man, which Stan almost falls for. It's instinct at this point for Stan to hold you.
As much as he clings to Kyle, Stan clings to you. He loves picking you up and taking you away from whatever you're working on for cuddles. You don't fight him nearly as much as Kyle does and you get his warmth, it's a win-win. You huff in response, how dare that man use you and Stan's weakness against you.
"Kyle...noooo! Come back to bed." Your hands fly out to grab at his pajama shirt, tugging on the material.
"Don't give me that. I already told Stan I need to get up, you heard my alarm I know you did." The scolding in Kyle's tone dies when he sees how sweet you look. Even Stan looks adorable with his messy hair and baby blue eyes.
How dare you use his weakness for puppy dog eyes against him. The only defense he can think of is to turn his head and twist his body away from cute kryptonite. Turning his back on you proved to be his downfall. As soon as he did Stan's arm was around his waist, pulling him back against him again. You slipped around his body as if this was a coordinated attack. You moved your hands up his chest and locked them lazily around his neck.
"You're both horrible! God damn it Stan let me go! And you-" Kyle's protests come with a healthy scowl, one he's sure you're not taking seriously. "-you stop helping him!"
"Just five more minutes, please!" You whisper pleading, almost begging.
He knows better. Kyle knows better than to say yes because it won't be five minutes. It'll turn into ten, and that ten will turn to twenty. He'll be trapped here until Stan's alarm goes off, where he'll lay there watching him hit snooze three times. By then he'll have hit the fourth and Kyle will be late for work.
"No. I warned you both last night not to stay up and watch Castlevania." Despite his complaints, Kyle finds his body starting to melt back into the bed. His muscles don't tense as they should. His hands don't pry you away from him and instead find home on your hips. He even lets Stan intertwine his legs with his.
"Hmm, you're just grumpy Stan and I watched it without you." You hum in response, pressing a soft kiss on one of the stray freckles on his neck.
"Hm." Stan doesn't seem to register the conversation you're having, just grunting to tell you he's still awake. And that he really doesn't want to be.
"I'm not upset that you- wait you watched it all?"
".... No?" You muffle your lie in his skin, trying to hide the growing smile creeping across your face.
"You little shit!" He goes to bite down on your neck, squirming out of Stan's hold just enough to pin your wrists back by your head.
Squeals and kicks aren't enough to get him to stop. He rolls you over until you’re flat on your back, being late for work is a distant thought. Not when you just ratted yourself and Stan out. A betrayal like this can't go unpunished. Try as you might, you can't fight back Kyle's light-hearted wrath. His hands are up and under your shirt before you can blink, squeezing and tickling the sides of your stomach.
"Stan! Stan, help meeee! He did it too! Get him!" One minute you're begging to be saved, the next you're trying to drag him down with you. Gasping loudly as you try to catch your breath in between giggles.
Stan grumbles something now more awake since all that kicking, you're doing landed his way. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before registering what you just said. A little smirk playing on his lips and instead of coming to your aid, he props himself up on his elbow.
"He'll get his! Don't you worry!" Stan's smirk drops. Kyle cuts him off like he knows Stan was about to protest. "Stanley Marsh don't you even try and get out of this!"
Luckily for you Kyle's assault stops long enough for you to scramble away and catch your breath. Your heels dig into the bed, hands fumbling the pillow beside you. Anything to keep distance between Kyle and your sore sides. You watch as Stan sits up, giving Kyle a loving look. Slowly a hand cups Kyle's hips, soft digits rubbing circles in a way that allows him to dip them past the band of Kyle's sweatpants. The Marsh Charm™ is in full effect.
"Kyle...dude look we can watch it again. And we'll get all the satisfaction of watching your cute face react to the stuff we already know." Stan lets his voice dip low, sweet whispers against the shell of his ear.
"Yeah? To the stuff you already know?" Kyle leans into his touch, lips getting closer towards Stan's. He's close enough that Stan's eyelids lower down, breath ghosting across his partner's lips.
The poor fool. You almost feel bad for Stan. The Marsh Charm™ is but a candle to the roaring fire that is the Broflovski Wrath™. As soon as Kyle brushes his lips across Stan's lips, and the man's shoulders drop, a pillow is swung hard against the side of his head. Out of left field a flash of blue and white stripes slam into the side of Stan's head. Hovering over him in triumph, Kyle continues his attack. Stan's arms come up to defend his face from the memory foam, each wack making a thump against his head.
"I.don't.want.your.shitty.excuses!" Each word comes with a healthy swing. Kyle was on a warpath now. Denied the right to get up and get his morning coffee. Denied the right to a warm shower to wash the sleep out of his eyes. Denied the right to whatever else his morning routine demanded. And now he was denied any happiness that would have come with watching a silly Netflix animated series with the loves of his life.
Once he's decided Stan's had enough, he falls back onto the bed and sighs. He didn't need to look at his phone, there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to be late. So, he tosses the pillow onto Stan's face, who had just let his guard down again, and curls up next to you. Right back in the middle where you both had him moments ago.
"Fine. You win. The both of you are terrible, awful influences and when I get fired, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves." You and Stan both know that would never happen. The company Kyle worked for needed him badly, and he almost never called out of work.
When he closes his eyes, he expects the both of you to return to your spots. Reaping the sweet reward of a few more minutes of shut eye, basking in the warmth of his body like you always do. And in a way, you do. You and Stan take your positions against him, with you pressed up against his chest and Stan against his back.
Only you don't rest your head on his chest, instead he feels your hands playing with the metal snap buttons on his shirt. He feels Stan's hands playing with the hem of his pants again, hooking a thumb in the band of the sweats. Stan tugs him back against him just as your fingers pop a button open. The little snap makes his eyes shoot open.
"Someone's grumpy~"
"Are you mad at us baby?"
That purr in your voice and that little laugh that comes from Stan tells him that neither of you had any plans of going back to sleep. Kyle feels Stan's nails dig into his hips and can't help but groan a little at the pain. Those pretty sounds from his lips make Stan's cock jump up at attention, the borrowed basketball shorts do little to hide his growing arousal. Chapped lips trail down Kyle's neck, brushing up against the pulse point on his throat. Kyle's head lulls back expecting Stan to bite down, but all it does is open him up for Stan's lips to continue exploring.
He's so wrapped up in the way Stan makes him feel that he barely registers it when you push his shirt down. The shirt folds and slides down towards his elbows where you leave it. Your lips almost meet Stan's at the same point on his body, right on his shoulder where more freckles cover his skin. When your lips brush against Stan's you let out the sweetest laugh, one Kyle can feel make his heart speed up.
"Was here first~" Stan smirks down at you, nipping at your bottom lip. "I left his neck for you."
You giggle again and push your lips up against his as if to silence him with a kiss. You weave a response in between kisses. "You're the biter Stan, you take his neck."
"Don't talk like I'm- ah!" Kyle yelps when your teeth sink into his chest, right below his collarbone. It cuts his complaints short and turns it into a loud moan.
It's Stan's turn to laugh, a hint of pride in that deep sound. His thumb brushes over the bright red mark left behind, admiring it with a grin. He presses his lips back onto Kyle's skin right at the junction of his neck and shoulder.
"F..Fucking Christ you two. What happened to five more minutes?" Kyle gasps at the warmth left behind Stan's tongue.
"Stan and I had other ideas! You seemed so upset that we did something without you." As sweet as you sounded, the way your nails scraped down his chest and stomach made Kyle groan. "Now we're doing something with you. Isn't this better Ky?"
He wants to respond with a snarky comment, to gain some sense of control over the situation, but his head is spinning. He should be used to this by now, how you and Stan make him feel. But every kiss and hot breath that ghosts his skin makes his heart flutter, it makes him fall that much deeper in love. Especially when he hears praise after praise falls from your lips.
"So pretty."
Was he really? Kyle looked at himself in the mirror that was connected to your dresser. His face was flushed, and his hair was a mess.
"Love those sounds Ky."
His moans? Or the whimpers? Both? He couldn't stop them if he tried.
"Keep you rockin' your hips like that fuck you feel so good."
Just a little friction, something to help relieve his throbbing cock. Something to help Stan's that pushed him forward, forcing his cock to grind against the thin material of your underwear.
"Let’s get this off you."
The desperate whine that escapes his lips turns into a gasp when Stan pushes his sweats down. Your hands follow close behind pushing down his boxers leaving him in nothing but that sleep shirt still draped on his arms. Stan moves his hands off his hips for a moment, he feels the man shift behind him and soon the rustling of clothes close behind. But a second later he feels Stan's arousal against his.
His cock slides up between his legs pressing up against his. Kyle bites his bottom lip as he reaches down to grasp both members in his hand. Deft fingers wrap around them and begin pumping slowly, creating delicious friction. When Stan moans lowly and jerks his hips, it encourages him to go faster. Pre-cum being smeared in-between his hand and their shafts. It was messy but it made him feel so good, so good he didn't want to stop. He could feel that pressure building, pleasure rocking in his stomach in time with Stan's clumsy thrusts. He tightens his hand, squeezing the tips just as his hand comes back up.
It wasn't until he felt Stan's desperate hands grab at his wrist that he realized just how close he was. The hot pleasure that he was building up simmered down to a low heat. Tiny beads of sweat already forming on his chest and down his arms. When he looked down at you, you seemed to be enjoying the show.
Your fingers were dancing up and down his stomach, causing the skin to flex in response. He watched as they traced up towards Stan's arms and up back behind Kyle's head.
"We have all morning now Ky. Relax~ let's take it slow." Stan purred in his ear, low and soft. He felt his face burry into the crook of his neck again.
Kyle closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. Still, that didn't stop him from seeking out something to help his aching cock. He pulls you closer towards his frame, feeling your thighs instinctively spreading enough to where he can slot himself between. A moan escapes you as he slips his fingers down the hem of your underwear. He slips his fingers past the band, immediately seeking out your wetness. Kyle coats his fingers before placing them straight along your clit.
Your hips start to move in sync with his fingers. Grinding against the calloused fingertips, trying to create more friction. The angel of his hand and the fact that you were the only one still dressed made that difficult.
"Help me take this off."
You sound so desperate, how could he not? Hurriedly he removes his fingers from your cunt to assist you in removing what clothes you still had on. As soon as they were thrown off to the side, creating some pile in the corner of your shared bedroom, his fingers were back on you.
The only time his fingers stop their assault is when he feels your body tense. They sneak down, drenching in slick, he pushes them inside of you. Pulling his fingers out of you just enough to where he can slide them back inside. He creates a repetitive motion, curling his fingers against the sweet spot of your walls.
Stan watches from behind him with a humming approval. His own hand reaches out and grips your chin, bringing you closer. Your lips lock together for a brief moment. Gentle soft kisses that come with a warm smile. Your bodies pressed firmly against Kyle.
Stan gives you one last lazy peck on the lips before he moves his hand back down to Kyle's thigh. He nudges his legs open just enough to slip his hard cock up against his backside. There's a moment where he pulls away but it's only a breath. He twists his body back with a small blue bottle of clear gel.
Seconds later he repositions himself behind Kyle. It's like every moan you let out only encourages him. After putting a healthy amount of lube on his cock, Stan aligns himself back up against him. He takes the time to lather the cold gel onto his hole before gently pushing himself in. Kyle slightly winces in response, his body tensing but as he focuses on fingers on you, he relaxes.
"That's it Ky. Relax. I'm gonna make you feel so good." His sweet words coax him. Kyle can only bite his lip and nod.
At the same time, you pull his hand out of your soaked cunt. His fingers coated in your arousal. You smile up at him when his eyes fly down to you. He's worried for a moment, but that look of love and admiration in your eyes makes him relax.
Not wanting you to go far from him, Kyle wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back against him. He copies Stan's movements and lifts your thigh, tossing your leg over his hip where Stan takes your ankle.
His hand going down to spread your lips where he eagerly guides his tip inside, you both sigh a relieving sigh at the feeling of it. A deep groan sounded from him and Stan both, once he's fully sheathed inside you. Stan rocks his hips forward, pushing in and out carefully. He tries to keep things slow, concentrating on pleasuring you just as much as Stan's giving him.
But the minute he rocks into you, being carried by Stan's momentum, he's commenting on his own desire. "More. Please, hurry up."
You roll your hips in response, hands flying out to be tangled up in his hair. There's that silent conversation that goes on between you and Stan again, one that he can't follow because of how much of a daze he's in. Stan presses a kiss on his cheek, you press one on his chest.
"Anything for you baby." It's the way your voice dips into a sultry purr and the way Stan's hands grab hips. "Like when you beg."
Kyle's seeing stars.
The delicious sounds and desperate use of his name almost sends him overboard. Stan's grip tightens and he picks up his movements, fucking him at a steady pace. Every time Stan drives his cock into him, it pushes his own further into you. Tight walls wrapped around his dick perfectly, like it was made for him.
Your walls stretch and pull him. Accommodating for the thick size, each thrust reaching further inside. Kyle nudges every sweet spot he can to pull more moans from you. The sound of wet skin on skin filled the room. A perfect rhythm and dance created.
It isn't until his name comes out in a choked cry that he knows how close you are. He hits a particular spot that had your vision turning white. That feeling of hot pressure shoots up through your body and down to your feet, you arch your back determined to have him repeat the action. "Th-there! Right there again! Please!"
Drawn-out moans escape his throat encouraging Stan to go faster and him to thrust harder. Your arms wrap around his neck bringing him down for another kiss. Stan's gaze makes it all the hotter, as he patiently waits for his turn. Once you break for air, Kyle doesn't get that luxury because Stan's mouth his on his before he can breathe. Each kiss makes him feel more and more loved.
Kyle has to break the kiss to breathe. To catch his breath and stop the room from spinning. The lack of air leads to the growing pressure building up in his stomach again. He's so close, he can feel his stomach tighten. That familiar warmth pooling at his stomach. He knew Stan was close from the way his hips were beginning to lose their steady rhythm. He wants to hold out. Find a way to cum together, he's not sure why he wants that so badly, but he does.
In seconds of wishful thinking, he feels your body start to tense. Your orgasm building higher and higher, walls constricting around his cock. Kyle watches your eyes flutter shut as a high-pitched whine escapes your lips.
"Close- 'm so close! Gonna cum!"
Then like a band stretched too far. He snaps. Kyle lets his climax take over, spilling his load inside of you. The sight alone makes Stan follow shortly after. With a final thrust he buries himself deep inside of him, tightening his arms as he does. Between his blunt nails digging into your thighs and the lazy thrusts, you follow shortly after.
Kyle's heart was racing so loudly it was all he could hear past the soft panting. The out of breath chest heaving up and down in time with one another. He's never felt more connected to anyone before. Through his glossy vision he watches as you're the first to move, slipping off his softening cock. Stan follows behind pulling out of him slowly. Why was his body so spent? He felt so exhausted at that moment.
Your gentle hands move to help clean him, and Stan lifts him up enough to where he's back on his pillows. They've never felt so soft in that moment. He lets his eyes close, and he feels the weight of it all.
"Mm... give… give me a minute and I'll get up." Kyle mumbles in the fluff of the pillows.
"Okay baby. Stan and I are gonna make breakfast. That sound good?"
He doesn't respond. Even his mouth feels too heavy to talk. He just nods and decides to give himself five more minutes. Then he'll get up, grab a cup of coffee, and start his day.
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hyukalyptus · 8 months
guys remember when i freaked out about professor!yeonjun lmaooooooooo we back
cw. professor!yeonjun x adult!student!reader, pining, fluff!!! no smut. but still minors don’t talk to me or interact sorrryyy <3
professor!yeonjun who’s so hot but so dorky. teaches something rly mundane like…i dunno…chemistry or something lmao. he’s extended his office hours for you bc you’re particularly interested in the topic. and he just gets so excited talking about it. smiling at you while he pushes his glasses up >< and then yall suddenly find yourself in this tense eye contact. he clears his throat and “well, i think, uh…it’s getting late, we should probably go.” and you leave flustered, not even able to remember why you went to his office hours in the first place.
professor!yeonjun who noticed that you didn’t attend class the next day. you were too nervous. so he sends you a message (like he does with all his students!) asking if you’re okay. reminding you of his office hours the next day in case you needed to pick up some notes.
professor!yeonjun who’s eyes brighten when you knock on the door, standing to greet you, almost stumbling over something bc he’s so flustered. “hi!” “hi professor choi…sorry i missed class—“ and he just makes sure everything’s ok and you’re getting overwhelmed with the coursework. “nono- i’m okay. i, uh, it was just a headache.” “i’m glad you’re feeling better.” and it’s that intense eye contact again. “…you’re probably here for notes, hm?” “oh! yeah yeah. that’d be great.”
professor!yeonjun whose ears turn red. every. time. you make eye contact with him. and you definitely pick up on it. but having a crush on a professor is silly, no? he’s never been creepy or pushy in any way. you can just tell he has a lil teeny crush on you too. so you start getting a little brave. leaving smiley faces next to your name at the top of your scantrons. it takes him a while, but he eventually reciprocates. drawing a smiley face next to your score with his red pen.
professor!yeonjun who’s bummed during finals. will he ever see you again? he’s gonna miss you popping into his office to ask questions so you can watch him rant about his favorite topic. he’s gonna miss your lil giggles at his dumb jokes in class. no one else laughs at them. but when you go to turn in your final scantron, he’s so happy to see a post it stuck to it, looking up at you with bright eyes. but oh no, there’s another student. he better hide it real quick even though he hasn’t had the chance to read it yet. and you scurry off quickly, smirking to yourself.
professor!yeonjun who’s grading them back in his office, already forgotten about the post it. so when he sees it again, his heart races. since youre not my professor anymore :) 555-345-6789. and he’s so so flustered. but doesn’t rush into it. waits until grades are posted. you’ve almost lost hope. but then one day-
hi! this is yeonjun (professor choi lol). was wondering if you wanted to get coffee or something?
and he hits send, throws his phone, and runs away ehehehe.
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
This is a weird ask maybe? But like, I have a really shitty relationship with my family, they make me seem like my emotions are overreactions. Soooo I was wondering if you could possibly do a lil hurt/comfort blurb where reader has a tough time showing emotions because of that, and Eddie insists that she can and won’t be judge n all that stuff? 💖
Have a lovely day, I love your writing!
nooo not weird at all + you are so valid ❤️
thank you so much!! i hope you have a lovely day too!!!
“c’mooon, crabbypants. out with it. what’s goin’ on?”
usually his goading and teasing gets you to grin, elicits a snort and makes you playfully shove his shoulder. usually.
he sits beside you only rotated — while you were sat normally at the picnic table, he sat on the table itself with his feet planted on the bench beside you, facing the opposite direction, elbows on his knees and leaning toward you with a wide smirk, aiming a waggling finger in your direction that threatens to come closer and tickle your ear or pick your nose. eddie was unpredictable like that.
“knock it off, eddie,” you state flatly, deftly swatting his hand away with a huff.
again, usually he would double down, but eddie knows you well enough by now that he’s been able to pick up on your quirks. he can tell the silly ‘knock it off’s’ from the serious ones, and that one was serious enough to make his smile falter a bit, shadowed by concern.
when he sees you like this it just makes him want to help you. it just makes him sad that you’re sad. far be it from him to allow this dark cloud to continue shadowing you.
you’re hunched over an open notebook, doodling in the margins of some notes. from the corner of your eye you see eddie crane down, leaning to the side trying to get a look at you, before he leans back up and simply drops down a level and onto the bench with you, grunting with the force. he watches for your reaction. you continue to hunch.
the quiet continues between you two, eddie just sits facing the opposite way while you continue to write. he props an elbow on the table and slides it down till he’s leaning way over, slouched towards you, craning his head to find your eyes. when they flit up to meet his, his brow raises slightly and he smiles that cheesy, dorky smile. a face that says, very simply, ‘talk to meee~!’
you sigh heavily and flip your notebook closed, eddie swings a leg over so he’s straddling the bench, facing you, resting an arm on the table waiting for you to say something. but you still don’t say anything, instead picking at the warped wood beneath your palms.
after another beat of silence, eddie raises his own palms to his mouth, and blows a startlingly loud raspberry into them, making you jump in your seat and whip your head around to look at him; and when you do he’s grinning at you and wheezing quiet laughter. you can’t help the upwards quirk in the corner of your mouth, not when he’s looking at you like that with that big toothy smile, your cheeks warming.
“there you are!” he beams, excited that he’s gotten a positive reaction, and scoots closer. you sigh softly and the smile grows a little, mimicking him and lifting a leg over the bench to straddle it and face eddie. a little more serious, softer, he says, “c’mon, y/n, you know you can talk to me. spill.”
“…you’ll think it sounds so stupid, i-“
“noo nononono, hey. look at me,” he speaks so gently but it’s insistent, and so you do. his brown eyes are warm and soothing and hold your gaze with a tender concern. “don’t say that shit. please? literally nothing you say is stupid. nothing.”
your heart beats heavy and you start to look down, but eddie catches your chin with a loose fist and holds it up for you, meets your eye again,
“hey hey hey, listen! what’re you scared of, huh?” he’s smiling, encouraging, and gently stroking your chin with his thumb, “you’re talkin’ to eddie ‘the freak’ munson. the guys in hellfire, you think i judge them? think i like hangin’ around you so i can pick you apart?” with his free hand he playfully pinches your arm and you squeak, finally expelling a giggle, and eddie lights up and finds you can hold yourself up now as he puts his hands on your knees. you look at him without trouble now, smiling at each other.
“you— you can tell me anything, and i’m always gonna listen. i’m always here, and i’m never gonna judge you, i just…” he squeezes your knees. “i wanna help. okay? i-i want… i want you to feel like you can talk to me. like i’m… safe. y’know?”
you nod softly and marvel at the boy before you.
“so,” eddie says, and takes one of your hands into his own. “let’s hear it. what’s goin’ on?”
and you tell him. and he holds your hand all the while.
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
Plush and Vulnerable
Eddie x GN! Reader Blurb
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Content: You collect plushies and are nervous about Eddie's first reaction to them. Short blurb. Pure fluff. Lots of Pet names.
You stand nervously in the kitchen, grabbing Eddie a glass of water and hoping he doesn’t notice the slight tremble in your hands when you hand it to him. It’s his first time visiting your place and you can’t help but fear the looming dread over the idea of showing him your room. 
It’s silly to think you’d be nervous about showing your sweet metalhead boyfriend something like your bedroom, especially because it’s not for the reason anyone would think. You weren’t nervous about ‘getting frisky’ as Eddie so dorkily put it, because you’d already crossed that line. And you weren’t nervous about your room being a mess, Eddie wouldn’t mind either way. 
You were nervous about showing him your room for the first time and getting looks of judgment or full on laughter to your face about the pile of stuffed animals accumulating on your bed. Sure, Eddie had gotten you a cute tiny teddy bear at a fair once, but he didn’t know exactly how many plushies you owned. They took up practically all the space on your bed, lined up like little soldiers protecting your pillows. 
You were well aware that most people at your age didn’t own that many plushies, nor did they sleep with them all huddled up around them like a fortress of stuffing and fabric. Hell, your last relationship consisted of your ex laughing at the mere amount of children’s toys in your room, claiming you were ‘dorky’ or ‘immature’. So you couldn’t help but feel nervous. 
You hand Eddie the glass of water, sitting next to him on the couch in front of the TV. He mumbles a thank you, gulping down the glass quickly before standing up, beaming at you. 
“So, when do I get the grand tour, sweetie?” 
You feel your face heat at the pet name and your insides twist. There’s no avoiding this. You try to paste on a smile, knowing it probably looks awkward and fake to Eddie. 
“Well you’ve seen the kitchen and living room…”
He grins still, winking at you playfully. “I know, sugar, but I wanna see where the magic happens.”
You twist your hands nervously and try to keep your smile from falling, ignoring your brain spurting out the 1,001 bad scenarios that could occur if you show him your bedroom. You turn away from Eddie and try to keep up the theatrics, your voice shaky. 
“Right this way, Mr. Munson.”
Eddie follows you as you walk towards your bedroom door, hands shaking and palms sweaty. You open the door slowly, breathing out a sigh to try and calm your jittery nerves. You then step inside, back against the door as you try to appear chipper. 
“Welcome to my humble abode,” You joke, shaky hands against your thighs. 
Eddie seems distracted, eyes twinkling with a sense of wonder and delight, his eyes exploring every expanse of your room from your walls to the floor as he grins. 
“It’s nice to get a peek into your mind, baby. It’s like I can see all the pieces that make you you here, ya know?” 
You nod and edge closer to him, scared that he’ll finally look at the pile of plushies stacked high on your bed. 
He walks over to the bed, picking up a cute stuffed rabbit and grinning, turning to you. His eyes sparkle with that boyish charm you know and love.
“Do they have names? Cause they definitely all need names.” 
You practically freeze on the spot, shocked by his nonchalant mention of the plethora of toys on your bed. He picks up another, this time a cute frog with fabric patches stitched onto it, cooing at the animal. 
“This one is adorable. I think we should go with Stitches… or Patchy? Maybe there’s a more frog like-” 
He’s cut off by your sniffling, tears racing down your cheeks as you try to regulate your breathing, shocked by your own crying. 
He looks to you, worry crossing over his face as he sets down the toys and comes to pull you into his arms, holding you. 
“Baby, baby…What’s wrong? Is it something I said?,” He asks gently, stroking your back softly as you hide in his chest, sniffling. 
You shake your head, sniffling and trying to answer through the tears, your voice coming out a little choked up. “I thought you were gonna laugh at me,” You mumble, tears still rolling down your cheeks. 
Eddie scoffs and kisses the top of your head, rubbing your back gently still. “And why would I laugh at you, sugar?,” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper but slowing your tears with its gentility. 
“I dunno…Because I have toys and I’m not a baby. I have all these plushies and I’m an adult. Some people think it’s dorky,” You mumble; your stomach twisting as your face heats up. 
Eddie laughs and you can feel his chest rumble, his tone light and amused. “Baby…I play D&D. I paint tiny models. Those are basically more DIY action figures. Liking things that are considered ‘childish’ isn’t dorky or weird. Besides, I think they’re cute,” He finishes off, smiling down at you, tilting your head up by your chin. 
Your heart flutters in your chest as you smile up at him, the anxiety and embarrassment gone. “Really?,” You ask sheepishly, still scared you may drive Eddie away. 
He nods, a blinding smile still on his face as he lets go of your chin, grabbing for your hand and squeezing it instead. “Really.” 
He lets go of your hand, clapping his own together and rubbing the palms together as if he’s trying to warm up. “Alrighty, now what are we going to name these little guys? I think that one should be Merlin because it’s a dragon and wizards have magic too, but maybe something like Flamebringer is more metal…” 
You giggle softly, your heart warming at the sight of your very tall and tough metalhead boyfriend trying to give all your plushies names that came off as ‘badass’. Now how you were going to tell him they already had names, you’d have to figure out next…
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maplebean2003 · 20 days
Master millers daughter headcanon
Now imagine the anxiety he had probably when his wife was giving birth
Him pacing silently irritable waiting but cause he's anxious only to immediately be brought to mush the moment he saw his new family
Being terrified he'd be a bad luck charm or fuck this up somehow
Now imagine him hearing her first word be maxi buns and him laughing with his wife immediately picking their daughter up in his arms and cooing at her
Protective dad whenever someone gets too close
Him making baby formula while holding her and also on the phone
Him gently feeling her face to make it out since he can't see and just chuckling when he realizes she has his own eye shape or something cute idk
Him putting his glasses on her and snickering at how badass she looks
Him cursing only to immediately panic for her not to repeat it
her playing with her dad's long hair tugging on it even which hurts
Her puking on him the first time and him being sooo grossed out 'this is why I hate kids' he'd think only to see her face and immediately retract his thoughts with 'except her...she's the only acception.'
Him struggling so hard to properly get a diaper on her so his wife has to show miller how to fuckin do it and then he becomes an expert
Miller vanishing one day knowing he'd wind up dead at some point so to protect them he vanishes letting them think he was a deadbeat but nah he just couldn't handle the thought of his daughter or divorced ex wife finding him dead
Hence why no one knew for three days or showed up
Him actually having a tear slip down his cheeks as he dies knowing he never will get to see his daughter grow up
But smiling in relief that he got at least one good thing out of his lives entirety for once
Her finding old photos one day of her dad looking like a stud in the 70's and realizing she has his exact old watch on her wrist having never realized it was his and just kinda grabbed it cause it looked neat
Or her having very similar glasses or hair aw
seeing big boss in the photo and raising an eyebrow when she turns it over only to see hearts skribbled on it finding out her dad would've been okay with her being LGBTQ+ as well
Chuckling lightly in amusement 'what a loser' she'd think not aware of how much he actually loved her
Wedding pictures dusty and not looked at for years
He'd look so happy and dorky in those pictures with his ex wife for once looking hopeful and even dapper even with his silly mullet
When his ex would tell him the news about her being pregnant miller would be flabbergasted and choke on the curry he was eating almost dying then and there in shock
He would panic thinking he would never make a good father but yet he'd make himself become one while he was alive
He'd shake and tremble when he'd feel the first kick in his wife's stomach and tear up emotionally but when asked if he was he'd lie and say no he wasn't
But a small smile always gave it away, he'd scold liquid and solid for cursing around his kid she's too little
Holding her he'd be shocked how fragile a child really was and he'd remember his own mother wondering if this is how she felt as well before she died
He wished she were still there to be a grandmother of this cool kid but he felt content believing that she was watching above
Just like he would for his own child once he'd be killed
Happiness For just a few brief months
It was the best few months of his life probably
He'd forever be glad he got to meet his daughter even if she wouldn't remember him and how he'd protect her with his life
So bittersweet
Sorry,I'm at work and just like
Realllllly love the dynamic and my mind is brainstorming so hard rn ;∆; I'm now sad
Had he gotten to live he would've been the dad that lets his daughter play makeup on him or like tea party time
Or maybe she'd prefer more war themed toys much to millers dismay and he'd scoff but have fun in the imaginary field more then the real field because at least when he Lost the imaginary field she'd jump on him and squeal and laugh triumphantly because she'd won the play time and he'd pretend to fall over Everytime surrendering
The only time he'd ever surrender would be to her and only her :'))
Now imagine them fighting each other for realow
planning to give his glasses to her when she's older to keep but never being able to because liquid wanted that inheritance first (aka millers death in a nutshell lmfao)
That's all MGS1 is is liquid being overly jealous that his siblings were liked better then him
The theme now in my head is bigger than the whole sky from Taylor Swift but it's Kaz to her :'))) FUCKING OW OW OW OW OW
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opossumloverr · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if I could request the ROTTMNT boys be with a Luz Noceda reader
They can do magic and are such a dork that after they share a kiss they say something dumb afterwards
The turtle bros dating a reader with Luz Noceda's personality
No warnings, this is gonna be really silly
Guys I am so happy I JUST started posting not even 3 days ago and I'm already getting recognized, just remember that I can do other fandoms as well, not that I don't love ROTTMNT, BTW Luz Noceda is the main character of the cartoon called the owl house, just for the people who don’t know..(gender-neutral reader)
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He's amazed that you can do magic
Sometimes he sits down and ask you to do some tricks with your glyphs (assuming that you use glyphs)
Admiring both the tricks and you
Wants you to teach him
Fails miserably..
You giggled while watching Raph try to make a perfect circle "Raph *giggle* are you sure you don't want help?" He grunted,
"No No No No, I can do it!" He says as he snapped the pencil.
He finds your dorkish ways adorable
Every time you give him a kiss even if it's just on the cheek, you always have something silly to say
Like “I didn’t know you’re made out of sugar Raph!”
Most of the time he’s just fawning over you thinking
“How did i get such a good partner?” 
He’s also amazed on how good you got on using your glyphs, lets say you guys are fighting together, when he’s struggling to get the enemy down on the ground, you come out of no where slapping the enemy’s forehead with a plant glyph, trapping their face in vines making a perfect opportunity for Raph to power punch them to the ground.
You guys make a great team and a great couple  
Loves your dorky attitude
Now he has someone to be a dork with
You guys makes puns together
Yall even had a contest in who could make the funniest one (it was a tie)
You can do magic? TEACH HIM.
but just like raph, he fails miserably..
You enter Leo’s room but instead of your lovely boyfriend you see thousands of piles of unfinished or messed up glyphs, you jump at the sight, you make your way through the dozens pieces of paper, and then seeing Leo on the floor hunched over like a maniac, “C’mon.. c’mon.. C’MON!” He shouted,
“Uh Leo.. you okay..?” You muttered, putting a hand on his shoulder, He flinched at the feeling.
You tell him that its okay and that he doesn't have to learn about glyphs, and that it took you weeks and months to perfect them
He huffs but says okay (You sometimes catch him trying to make another glyph)
On the other hand you guys love each other and get along very well
He's confused on your way of doing 'magic' but still likes watching you practice new glyphs 
(Still believes science is superior but for your sake he keeps those rouge thoughts inside his head)
Your personality makes him smile
He likes how persistent you are and that you never give up on your friends 
You remind him of Leo (Take that however you want yall)
You can visibly see the change when you guys started dating, he’s smiles more, and he’s a little bit more affectionate 
speaking about affection!
You are VERY affectionate, you hug and kiss him almost every day
But of course if he’s uncomfortable you’ll back off
During battles is where His science and your magic comes in handy 
Donnie pins the enemy down with his staff, “[Name]! now!” He yells, you jump up on the enemy.
“ Hope you like the taste of flowers!” You say as you smack two plant glyphs on both of the enemy’s cheek, watching as flowers and vines wrap their mouth and body, Donnie gives you a quick pat on the back,
He matches your energy so well
a match made in heaven for real
You can do magic? He’s sitting down with a bowl of popcorn in hand, show him some cool moves!
his favorite glyph is the light glyph
just imagine...
It’s a friday night, you went to the lair for a sleep over with your adorable boyfriend, you guys had a blast, video games, skateboarding, and eating pizza, but now, it was time to rest, as Mikey got comfortable in his hammock, he opens his eyes slightly and sees you doodling on the ground.
“Hm? Whatcha doing?” He asks
“This” you say softly, you slap the glyphs one by one, Mikey watching the light orbs floating up into the air until they hit the ceiling, his eyes widen.
“Oh mi gosh!” He exclaims sitting up, you walk over to him, placing your arm over his shoulder admiring the light show with him.
He definitely draws with you
you guys make little portraits of each other all the time and love seeing each others reaction to it
yall are the definition of couple goals
Thank you for requesting! sorry it took a while i kinda forgot, ANYWAYZZ guys i might forget to do requests so sorry if i forget to do your request for a week.. anyways enjoy! and remember that i love you guys! and drink some water cuz some of yall forget, i said forget a lot wow.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
So, I just saw that requests are open so here I am. Can you write something for akitoya (pjsk)? lee toya & ler akito. have a good day/night~
Tickletober day 17: Games/Drawn on
I can and will always write for AkiToya
We love AkiToya in this household 💖
Hope you enjoy and have a good day!
Tumblr media
Akito x Toya (romantic)
Lee: Toya
Ler: Akito
Warnings: Tickles!
The boys were currently hanging out at the Shinonome household, completely bored out of their minds. Luckily for them, Akito thought of a silly little game for them to play. Although Toya was oblivious of his true intentions. The bicolored haired male was found seated at the foot of the bed, with Akito right behind him.
"Alright, now you gotta guess what I'm gonna draw on your back. You ready?".
Toya nodded his head. With a mischevious smirk, Akito started to lightly drag his index finger along his boyfriend's back.
"Ah-!" a soft gasp escaped Toya as he lightly arched his back away from that evil finger, he didn't think that it would tickle this badly.
"Something wrong, Toya~?" Akito playfully whispered into his ear, making Toya turtle in as a few soft giggles made their way out of him.
"I-Ihit tickles..!" Oh Toya, always too honest and pure for his own good.
Akito couldn't help but chuckle at that "Well you still gotta guess what I'm drawing, so I'll go again~". This time the redhead swiped a nail down his partner's spine, making him shriek at the sudden tickly feeling. "So, any ideas~?".
"I don't knohow...!" Toya whined out, causing Akito's heart to explode right there and then from how cute his partner was. But that didn't stop him from messing with him.
"Oh c'mon, it's easy!" as a matter of fact, it was not easy to figure out considering that Akito was now just drawing random shapes and patterns all over Toya's back, making him fall into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.
"Gyahahaha! I-I feHEhel like you're meheHEssing with mehehe!".
Akito mocked gasped, trying to look offended by the accussation. But his faccade quickly faded away as a dorky smile took over his face "So what if I am? What're you gonna do about it, huh~?" he taunted as he playfully wiggled his fingers along his partner's sides.
"Gah!! Ahahahaha! A-Akitohoho!" Toya fell into a fit of laughter, leaning against Akito's shoulder as he laughed all freely, not doing anything to stop him. Akito only smiled at him in endearment as he kept tickling him. Enjoying the cute expression he wore. Such a precious boyfriend he had, and silly Akito always messing with him. Oh well, not like Toya minds~.
Idk what to do for the end, but I hope you still like it :]
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invisibleraven · 1 year
'' i'm extremely okay with this. " for Rulie?
"Julie the cast list is out!" Flynn yelled as she bounced down the hall towards her. Julie sucked in a breath, holding hope in her heart. She had tried out for Romeo & Juliet on a whim, thinking it would be fun, plus the credit would look good on her college applications. But now...
What if she got a part? What if she didn't?
With bated breath she stalked down the hall to where the cast list was hanging on the drama club room door. She saw Carrie walk away looking a little miffed, so her hopes sank. If Carrie, the star of the school didn't get the role she wanted, what hope was there for Julie?
Only when she looked through the minor parts and didn't see her name, Julie still felt disappointment. Not even the role of Nurse? But then she decided to see who would be playing the titular roles, and spied something she never thought would happen.
Julie Molina-Juliet
And right below that, even more damning was the thing that made Julie stifle her screams:
Reggie Peters-Romeo
"Aren't you excited Jules?" Flynn asked from her side. "You get to play the most famous couple in history with your crush!"
"Whooo," Julie said weakly. What was she going to do?
The thing was that she and Reggie were actually pretty good friends after he tutored her in math and she helped him pass Spanish 1. It was during those study sessions that Julie fell for Reggie, getting to know the dorky personality behind the leather jacket and ripped jeans.
Turned out that falling in love was way easier than algebra.
But she had kept her feelings to herself, not wanting to lose her friend, her only chance of passing math for the sake of a silly crush she had hoped would pass. Only now she was still in love with Reggie for over a year, and was going to have to kiss him in front of a crowd of strangers!
"Hey Jules," the man himself said as he leaned against her locker later that day. "You ready to be my Julie-t?"
"S-sure," Julie stuttured.
"Hey, it's only a play right? We can have fun with it.!" Reggie exclaimed. "Besides I am positive you'll get a kick out of me in tights right?"
In the end it turned out okay because Reggie made running their lines fun, goofing around and then doing an about face to the brooding Romeo in seconds flat. Julie had to stifle many a giggle as he made faces at her from the sidelines during her scenes. It didn't erase the tension of the whole romance aspect, but it relaxed her.
She was playing a role, she could do this.
Only she forgot that they had yet to do the whole kiss scene. And the day was finally here.
"Don't worry Julie, I had a pile of fish and garlic and onions for lunch!" Reggie joked. But she couldn't find it in herself to laugh. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Just... nervous I guess?" she lied. "Not used to an audience for my kisses."
"You wanna practice it just us first?" Reggie asked.
Julie bit her lip and nodded. At least then her humiliation would be private. Hopefully Reggie wouldn't pick up on her feelings, and like drop out of the show. She let him take her to an empty classroom, the two of them sitting on the floor.
"I know we're supposed to be dancing and the like, but I figured a dry read would be okay," Reggie said shyly, his cheeks a sweet pink colour. Maybe he was just as nervous as Julie was?
"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;/They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair," Reggie started, holding their palms together, a cheeky grin on his face.
Julie bit back a smile, trying to take on the air of the prim Capulet heiress and said her next line; "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."
Reggie cupped her cheek, and looked her right in the eye. "Are you okay with this?"
"I am extremely okay with this," Julie whispered back. "Now say the line."
Reggie blushed even deeper and grinned, leaning in further, their lips almost brushing as he recited. "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take."
Then he kissed her.
It was a sweet press of lips, but it sent a shock of sparks up Julie's spine at the feeling of giddiness it evoked in her. The press and pull of their mouths was supposed to be an innocent thing, but to Julie it felt downright sinful. So much so that she threaded her fingers through Reggie's hair, prolonging the kiss for a beat longer. Finally they pulled back, blinking at one another, eyes wide, lungs racing to catch their breath amidst their hearts raging rhythm.
"Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged," Reggie said, looking still dazed and shell shocked.
Julie giggled a little, blushing to the roots of her hair. "Then have my lips the sin that they have took."
"Give me my sin again," Reggie said, reeling her in for another kiss. And well, Julie didn't have the heart to tell him that he'd gotten the line wrong. Not when he was kissing her like that any ways.
So maybe they'd have to tone it down for the stage, but Julie was fairly certain that this was just the start of her love story-and hopefully they would have a much happier ending.
She was right, but she did have to laugh at every review of the play mentioning her chemistry with Reggie. He just smiled and held her hand as they walked through the halls, happily granting her one more sinful kiss before her class.
Even if it was math, she was pretty sure she had a lock on her tutor for the remainder of the year-and many more years beyond that.
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
i love the idea of bakugo corrupting kirishima so much like just encourage him about his yandere tendencies and surely with the two being so close of course some of Bakugo's traits rub off on him.
Bakugo telling Kirishima how it's ok that they're fucking kidnapping you while you're crying so much, begging them to stop like "She'll get use to it" or "We'll just fucking knock her up n she'll be good"
Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki
AN: It's strange, but I always picture it the other way around? Hope you enjoy my take on the dynamic.
TW: nsfw, dubcon/noncon, stalking, misogyny
fem reader
It's not much of a secret that Bakugou doesn't quite enjoy being robbed of his self-restraint each time his focus is pulled from what's important and his eyes forced to look at little ditzy you.
But somehow that busy-bee swing you have in your hip when you bob down the corridor, and the way you clutch your textbooks so tight to your chest and squish your tits, has his eyes zeroing in on you no matter how hard he tries resisting it.
He knows well he's by no means any saint, but he wants to be able to say that he at least tries meeting the standards of being a somewhat decent guy.
But for fuck's sake-
That dorky wave you pull where you wiggle your small fingers all delicately in the air like a complete flirty tease doesn't help. Nor does the way you cheer all your words in that terribly nerdy sweetly girly tone of yours.
And though it should, that entirely innocent smile you give him makes it no easier to think straight either.
He hates the dirty thoughts that bubble up.
He hates wanting to sniff you each time you pass by him.
He hates thinking of how much he wants to squish your adorable baby-face in his hand.
He hates how much he wants to make you cry.
He hates thinking about taking your little plush body against the nearest wall. Of lifting your short school skirt over the dome of your little round ass and pinch the fat there until you whine. Of tearing your pink panties down to your knees. Of ripping them off and sticking them inside his pocket.
He hates how fucking aroused the thought of making you walk around the school panty-less makes him. Imagining how cute you'd bat your lashes at him all bashful and doe-eyed, pushing your knees together and biting down on your plump bottom lip as you desperately try pulling your skirt further down as far as you can.
Perhaps he just doesn't like getting snagged on Kirishima's pointy smirk each time the boy catches him redhanded in his daily perverted daydreams...
Still, he tries his best at abstaining from looking at you when you're in compromising positions.
But, it's hard with Kirishima acting like the devil perched on his shoulder.
Always alerting him of how cute your butt is each time you bend over to pick up that pencil you clumsily dropped on the ground. Jabbing his side with his elbow when you stand on your tippy-toes reaching for that book on the top shelves. Stretching so that your shirt slips from out your skirt and rides up to give a tempting show of your no-doubt soft skin.
He'll fight so hard to keep his depraved perverted thoughts to himself, to push them down, suppress them in the deepest darkest pits of his desires, flush them from his mind to focus on something less criminal, something that won't have him choke on his spit and blush bright red when you turn your ditzy little clueless head to look at him in the exact moment he's imagining something filthy starring you.
He doesn't even dare talk to you. Even when you do your little wave and give your bright greeting.
He just scowls at you.
Still, clueless you, oblivious to how the ash-blonde dreams of spitting in your mouth while you moan and take his cock, think him and his redheaded counterpart make for the cutest couple on campus.
The bright one always roaring with laughter and poking fun at the other one's tight frown, pulling him along instead of leaving him to grumpily brood in solitude.
Silly you thinks they're adorable.
You think it's romantic how such stark opposites attract.
Like something straight out of a movie.
And it's true.
Kirishima isn't anything like Bakugou at all.
Goofy and kind with just the right amount of playfully charming to make your cheeks heat up.
He always gives you a great big toothy grin in return and a dumb boyish wave that has his entire body swaying to follow the exaggerated movement of his arm as he hollers at you.
He walks up behind you and grabs that book you were trying to reach for you. Handing it you with a lop-sided grin that's perfectly disarming as well as handsome. Sparkling white, making your stomach do little flips as you take the book out of his much larger hands.
Bakugou just hates how you splutter out your words when you thank the redhead all so nervously. He hates how you bow your head and grind the tip-off your shoe into the floor when Kirishima gives you his deceptively good-natured words of welcome in return.
He hates how the whole show turns him on like nothing else.
But more than anything, he hates the shitty look on Kirishima's face once he turns his head quite subtly to the side to look to him with an expression so smug he's unsure whether he wants to knock his stupid croc-teeth right out or kiss him until breathing becomes hard.
But that would be giving him what he wants.
The innocent act doesn't fool him.
He knows full-well what the scheming two-faced little shit is up to.
He can see it plain as day in that alarmingly dangerous twinkle in his matching red eyes as he flirts with little flustered you.
He makes the blonde even rowdier than before, nearly uncontainable were he sits and stares at the two of you giggling with each other.
"Would you fuck-off with that shit already?" He barks once the red-head finally makes it back to their study-date, done taking a break to play with little adorable clueless you.
"What?" He simply smirked, laughing mockingly at the visibly angry blonde sitting with folded arms in front of spread textbooks and busy notes. "You're the one who's dirty sock has her pretty name on it, creep."
Bakugou's jaw clenched as he suppressed what curse words he urged to fling at the infuriating imp sitting apposed from him.
He sighed and threw his head back to let it hang off the chair's back. Looking to the stale grey ceiling of the library. Counting the tiles before closing his eyes and sighing out again.
"You've made your point." He stated, now calmly.
Bakugou, in all his narcissistic rights, believing he knew why the sturdy male was acting the way he was.
"I've been distracted, I'm sorry." The blond apologised.
But the sincere apology was only met with Eijirou's laughs.
"You're so cute-" He smiled, earning him the look of a frustrated and confused boyfriend. "But not everything is about you, King Explosion Murder God Dynamight."
Kirishima stopped laughing, though his smile still present and looking every bit as ready to tear through skin like a chainsaw.
"I think she's cute too." He said, voice having shed its friendly tone.
And Katsuki's skin spiked with a million goosebumps at the haunting of what impure ulterior motives he was hinting at.
"But you know what?" The shark-toothed male simpered.
Turning to face you again. The blonde followed the redhead's gaze to where you sat undisturbed knowing and wishing no ill-will at the other library study table some meters away from the pair. The tip of your pencil caught between your lips as you tilted your head at the fat book plopped down in front of you.
"She'd look even cuter sandwiched between us." He mused darkly.
Two pairs of stark red-eyes never once leaving you, as though you were a peaceful rabbit in a flower field and they were foxes on the hunt hiding in the grass.
"Don't you think?"
Bakugou looked away from you with a snap of his head, slight hint of rose dusting his cheeks with bright pink, sensing his battle for morality was already forfeit.
Where, as much as Bakugou would like to boast and say that he was immune to the redhead's persuasion...
In spite of spotting how Kiri's smile curves sinisterly in those moments when no-one but him is looking...
He, quite like everyone else, falls right into the honey-trap time and time again.
Where despite all his practice of self-restraint and in waste of all those times he'd talked himself out of fucking his fist when thinking of you. Those enticingly tempting words dripping from Kirishima’s tongue so brazenly acted like a sanction to the fire-type, who simply couldn’t resist the image of your tiny plush body and terribly adorable face squeaking out precious moans and whimpers while the two of them breed you full like what a sweet cute ditz like you deserves.
And it doesn't help that you're too sweet to even consider saying no when Kirishima approaches you.
Gullible people-pleasing you nearly jump with enthusiasm when the redhead asks you for tutoring help. Nodding your head like such a well-manored goody-two-shoes when he invites you to his dorm-room. Gushing with gratitude when he offers to carry your bag for you. Snorting on your laughs when he cracks joke after joke as though he's got an endless supply to charm you with.
Ditzy dork completely distracted from seeing him secretly text Bakugou.
Phone held at his side real smooth and out of sight, while the two of you walk side by side as he guides unsuspecting sweet you right into his trap where another tall strong male is waiting with sweaty palms and and an almost violent urge to play with you outweighing his burdening morals.
Kirishima isn't struggling whatsoever though.
Like a true sociopath, he's playing the perfect gentleman with the perfect smile and the perfect amount of pressure in his hand laid on the small of your back as he guides you forward. Opening the door for you. Welcoming you inside. Taking your jacket and feigning nervousness as he scratches the back of his neck and tells you that he's sorry that his room's such a mess.
And sweet little unknowing you obviously just giggle. Completely unaware that it was the signal Bakugou was waiting for to come out of hiding.
No... Kirishima doesn't struggle at all...
He has no problems holding you down. No guilt burdening him when bending your helplessly weak arms behind your back and pulling you against his chest in his lap as he lays down with you on the bed.
He shushes you smoothly, with that same suave voice he's been buttering you up with the entire week, giving you chills as to how completely calm he can be when doing something as disturbing as violating his peer.
And poor little you is so terribly confused at first.
You almost don't believe it because you don't want to believe it.
You're almost convinced it must be some cruel prank he's pulling, like the ones you see in movies, where the handsome popular hero student picks on the nerdy nobody from general studies.
But this is so much worse than a movie.
Because the bud of the joke doesn't come and soon he's got his hands on places that's barely been touched by anyone but yourself.
And that's when the fear finally comes. Settling like snow on your skin, until it goes seeping into your bones like the cold in late autumn.
Biting like winter once you recognise the spike-y ash-blonde hair of Bakugou round the corner.
The white sleeves of his shirt rolled up to just above his elbows, buttons undone halfway down, flexing scarred brawn you cannot ever hope to fight against.
He crawls over you with heavy hands and knees sinking into the mattress. Trapping you even further where you lie tight against Kirishima's chest.
The two of them manuevering as though it was only natural, as though it'd been carefully thought through a million times before.
And you can tell the blond has been waiting once you feel the hard tent kept constrained rubbing against your thigh, making your stomach fold in every haunting way.
You're on your back like a flipped ladybug struggling to get up. Hands trapped beneath you with your tits face-up and jutting forward for the face that ducks to rub between them. Beard-stubble harsh on you sensitive skin.
His hands move impatiently. Tampering with the buttons as though it's his first time and Kirishima chuckles at him like it's all some cute gesture even though he's clumsily struggling at stripping you off your clothes in order to violate you.
You try screaming rather than begging once Kirishima's large paw grabs a handful of your tit, but his other hand had already taken repercussions. Forming a tight lock over your mouth, making any and every noise you try squeaking out sound like lewd whines and moans instead of pitiful pleas of mercy.
You choke on your heart once your eyes meet Bakugou's bleeding red gaze, where he looks at you like a dog drooling for steak.
Your arms savagely bent behind your back, tucked away from intervening while making you chest strut forward where he'd buttoned up your shirt for the sake of seeing your sweet tits squeezed together within your pretty bra.
Your waist still gripped by your short black school skirt, doing little to protect you from him where the pleated edges ride up your thighs, giving for a show of your chaste cotton underwear beneath it.
Your thigh-highs squeezing into the soft cake of your flesh. Teasing him. Making him want to squeeze you even tighter. Grab and hug and bite you.
The tears spring free once Bakugou's clammy hands start groping at your ass. His fingers curling around the band of your panites and pulling down your thighs and knees and legs before ripping it off at your thrashing feet, leaving you shaking in just your cute bra, skirt and socks.
Your knees quaking as they huddle together, pointlessly trying to protect what tenderness found between your thighs from the beast on top.
But Bakugou pays your meagre efforts no mind.
He just reaches forward and grabs your legs, prying them apart. Having falling much too deep into his desperate need of fuck you dumb than to care of the resistance you might put up beforehand.
Especially when most of your struggle was kept contained by redhead beneath, where all your other pathetic thrashing only resulted in the blond's raging temper, where with much unneeded brute strength he roughly grabbed you by the calf before you managed breaking his nose with your clumsy panicked kicking.
You cry out under the assault. Bawling into Kirishima's hand and try pulling your bruised legs back to yourself. Whimpering all cutely for the strong men you're caught between.
But the redhead only tuts at you, his other hand keeping a tight grip around your waist, keeping you close. His cheek squished against your cheek, rubbing against your hot tears while his lips kiss at the space right next to the hand kept like a muzzle over your mouth.
"Don't struggle, baby girl." He whispers, his breath warm and ticklish against the peach-fuzz on your cheek. "You wouldn't guess it, but Pop-rocks here's extremely sensitive you see." He chuckled. "Fight too much and he'll start feeling insecure. And trust me, you don't wanna be hurting his flimsy feelings-"
"Shut up, Shitty-hair." Bakugou interrupted in a growl and you felt the sharp teeth of Kirishima's smirk graze your cheek, making you still. "And make her stop squirming."
“You hear that, sweetheart? Already on his last straw..." The redhead threatened playfully.
And all you could do was whimper pitifully in return.
"You'll be a good girl for us, won't you?" He asked, kissing your cheek tenderly, making you whine whilst Bakugou's coarse fingers greedily carded into the plush fat of your thighs. "We don't wanna hurt yah, toots, but one way or the other, today and tomorrow, we're gonna figure out how many times we can make you cum before you pass out."
His words had you shudder while bleating. Big pleading eyes looking to the blonde on top of you, silently begging him to stop.
But Bakugou paid little attention to what transpired from Kirishima's pointed teeth and your reaction to his cruel words.
He was much too busy doing what he'd imagined so many times before when stalking you to have the focus to amuse his boyfriend's petty intimidation games.
There were more important things waiting for him after all.
His strength barely needed as he grabbed you beneath the knees and pushed your thighs to each their side.
Already salivating at the mouth. His dick drummed at the thought of fucking you into a wet little cross-eyes mess.
Thoughts drifting to what a good little bookworm you were. Always chewing your pencil with your eyes flitting over textbook pages. Your knees tapping against one another, giving him a slight peek at your panties each time your thighs softly clap together beneath the table.
And Kirishima got hard with you twisting against his chest as he watched the blond's eyes go opium-black with soaking dark desire. His spiky ash-blond locks ducking down as he pulled you forward with his meaty arms looped and locked around your thighs.
Hot eager tongue meeting your exposed cunt hungrily. Making you squeak and Kirishima chuckle wickedly whilst holding you still.
Bakugou's red eyes couldn't leave you. Looking up between the the valley of your tits squished in your white floral-lace bra, at your pretty teary eyes and that sweet crinkle between your brows, and your tiny face caught inside Kirishima's large scarred paw.
He grabbed you harder with a rowdy growl, spiked by the cute lewd sight of you, sucking harder at your clit. Some part of him getting immensely off on how fucked up what he was doing was, and how he was doing it to sweetest kindest you.
Angelic you, who reacted with a whine as he curved his tongue inside you. Kicking the balls of your feet into his back, digging them into his muscles, gripping his shirt with curled toes, trying any desperate attempt to pull him off.
But Bakugou didn't mind your pathetic aims.
In fact, it all just made him seem all the more keen.
Further abusing how lapping at your poor little bundle of nerves had your back arching from Kiri's chest and your doughy thighs quaking in his arms.
"You should feel lucky." Kirishima broke your struggle, licking your cheek with words. "He doesn't eat me like that."
Bakugou grunted. "'Cause you drink too much soda-" He mumbled, his angry eyes dragging from intently watching your face twist along the sharp movements he made with his lips and tongue, to glaring at the redhead by your side. "Tastes like acid- not sweet like this."
"Ouch, Bakuboo." Kirishima feigned hurt. "I thought you'd be sweeter once I gave you this little gift." He teased as his rough hand spidered up your back while still keeping you down with the other. Tampering with the clasp to your bra. Pinching the mechanism and releasing your breasts.
"Tch-" Bakugou scoffed, scooching further up the bed again. "Don't think I owe you anything. We both know this's as much for me as it is for you."
His thighs touched yours as he circled your clit with the rough base of his thumb. Rubbing patterns on top of it. Making you whimper and writhe as his lips once again came to kiss your chest, now with your nipples free for him to suck on.
"Yeah, but if it'd been up to you we'd be stuck daydreaming about this cutie forever. Wouldn't we, Scaredy-Kat?" Kirishima further poked whilst Bakugou tried comforting himself from the snide comments in the pillow of your chest. Rather fixating on how wet with you his hand was, how silken and velvety and soft your cunt now was after he'd sucked and tasted you.
Your breathing stilled as you felt him tease your opening for a second. Crying more as he pushed his crooked fingers inside your drooling cunt. Starting to pump and work your tightness. Briefly preparing you whilst his cock strained close to painfully inside his pants.
"Shut up, Shitty-hair..." He grumbled, rising from your chest.
Fingers wet as they fiddled with the belt to his pants. Ripping it loose from it's loops and throwing it to clatter on the floors.
"Heh, I'm just teasing yah..." Kirishima crooned, large red eyes glued to watch the man in front buttoning up his slacks.
Watching intently as he reached a large hand within his trousers. Freeing the thick meat kept bulging within the confines of his boxers.
Standing proudly, purple veins strumming up the shaft on both sides, pumping blood to the head that seemed angry by the long wait it had endured.
The redhead felt your whimpers vibrate against his palm, where you as well were no doubt watching the same intimidating sight as him.
"You know I like watching you have fun." He whispered, though it wasn't meant for you.
Tone playful and wanton and sadistically gleeful as he continued watching the blond play with your cute dripping cunt with one hand and himself with the other.
Strong fingers rubbing up and down his own size. Thick where they spread you open and rubbed cruel friction upon your buzzing clit.
And you could only watch as he shuffled forward some more. Pushing his plush bulged and weeping cock-head against your slit, where leaking from his slit dribbled hot pre-cum he painted your folds with, mixing it up and down your own wetness, as you desperately sobbed to let them free you.
But Kirishima held you tightly. One arm locked over your waist, keeping your arms to your sides, whilst the other still kept your pleas muffled.
And your scream once Bakugo pushed forward and filled your tightness up snug with one swift roll of his hips.
Barreling forward with a deep groan. He squeezed your thighs tight in a bruising grip and hissed at the tightness. Sure to leave spotted marks on your skin where his fingers dup inches into your flesh.
His head dipped down to your shoulder, continuing to push deeper inside even though he was already at your cervix. His scruff brushing against your cheek as he placed sluggish kisses alongside your jaw.
Your body tense between them. Tense with pain and fear of tearing in two once the blond started moving. Dragging his thick length out where your taunt walls clung to him. Slowly at first, but soon with such a force you were rocked like a boat in a storm. Your tits doing jumps and your legs springing where they where held in the air. Feeling someway weightless and lightheaded being stuffed full in one second and robbed in the other.
Kirishima removed his hand and you were just a second to late to beg them to stop before Bakugou had your mouth stuffed with the frill of your pink lace panties.
You sobbed again, but sucked on the cloth for comfort as you thighs ached from the constant pain of having the strong hero-student's fingers bury themselves greedily into the flesh there. Having you spread wide as he rolled his thickness inside your weeping wet cunt, milking him uncontrollably as the other brute's hand clasped atop you belly, with abusive fingers as coarse as rock flicking mercilessly on your poor budding clit, making you clench so tightly on the member taking up space inside he couldn't last longer even if he'd wanted to.
You were sure his nails tore your flesh. His mouth leaving your neck wet with drool as he groaned into you on last time.
You could feel it filling you with warmth. Dripping from you hole where he was still pumping it into you in slow and deep bumps against your womb.
Disgust drained your veins of their blood, making you feel sick.
Overwhelmed with dejection, where still a mixture of disbelief of what had just happened still lingered in those places you still felt warm and safe deep within.
Your flesh crawled, where in the cold sweat layered like dew on your skin you felt used. And in the harsh pressure beneath the four handprints that pawed at you, you felt fear.
But somehow, in the way warm cum seemed to cool as it dripped from your cunt where the male was done pumping it into you, you felt relieved that it was all finally over.
You closed your eyes and cringed as Bakugou's softening dick slinked out of you.
Breathing better once Kirishima did you the justice of pulling your panties out of your mouth.
He happily watched you pant before looking to Bakugou who'd collapsed on top of you. Ruffling his ash-blonde head.
"Mmh..." He hummed, shifting beneath you. "My turn, buttercup."
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aruuq · 3 years
Sakura blossom – Arataki Itto fluff
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characters: itto x gn!reader
genre & style: very fluffy fluff, only sugar, drabble
word count: 1k
notes: i know for a fact that itto is our first full-fledged himbo. i just know it. silly, dorky and indisputably lovingly boi. 
warnings: he can be ooc here, i think it’s a bit cliche
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Spring was his favourite season; the days getting longer with each passing one, time becoming more enjoyable with the fresh wind blowing hair and clothes, weather not too warm, not too cold either, just ideal for spending time outside. Bees were buzzing, fulfilling their bee duties, conveying the pollen from one to another plant and little animals were introducing their offsprings to this pretty world. The smell of fresh grass mixed with tons of flowers he couldn’t even name was hovering in the air. Itto definitely loved spring.
And he wanted to share this feeling with you, showing this in his own, a bit unusual way. This desire has taken root in his heart a long time ago. Exactly a year ago Itto had first seen you, relaxing under a big sakura tree with closed eyelids while napping peacefully on the pink blossom carpet. Your soft features were illuminated by the light penetrating here and there between the thick branches, lashes trembling as the playful wind made your skin shiver. The entirety of this picture made you look divine. It was the moment your person struck him through the heart so hard that he immediately fell for you.
Itto was sitting under the same tree, his hands nervously playing with the strap of the bag he specially took with himself, carrying something for you. He was a nervous wreck, blood rushing in his veins, the heart racing with only a thought of you standing right in front of him.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you… No, no, no, no, no, it’s a bad start… Y/N. Listen. I- It’s even worse…” His shaky voice practicing the way he should greet you. It is a big deal after all. The good start heralds the good outcome, as one of his friends always says. “Maybe I should start with a hello or good morning… But it’s already evening… Good evening then,” the man kept mumbling to himself, his pupils focused on the rough fingers writing in the air his plan. “So once again… Good evening, Y/N. There’s something important on my mind that you should know.”
“I already guessed it after you invited me over here yesterday. You seemed to be in such a rush I was a bit worried that something bad happened, y’know?” Your joyful voice reaches his ears.
Itto yanks his head up just to look at you, his cheeks already painted in embarrassing pink. You stand right above him, a wide smile beaming on your face. With one of your palms rested on your hip, you reach the other one towards him. “Hi, Itto,” you speak in your normal tone, but for him it sounds like a blessing straight from heaven. Oh, the way you affect this poor boy.
“H-hi.” He stutters as your fragile fingers grab his harsh ones to help him get up.
“You already greeted me, silly,” you laugh, and it’s another sound that makes Itto’s heart skip a beat.
He towers over you, much taller and incomparably more muscular than you, the Oni blood in his veins showing. But he doesn’t feel like it. Everytime he is with you, he feels as if he is way smaller than you, the aura around you making him shrink. You are the exact opposite of the man; while he resembles everything that’s scary, menacing and dangerous, you seem to be the archetype of the quiet, gorgeous valley where everything is just beautiful.
“Sooo…” You drag out, bouncing on your feet, both hands hidden behind your back, the smile never leaving your pretty face. “What is it that you wanted to tell me, Itto?”
“Oh. Uh. Um. Yes.” His eyes widen when he realizes that he doesn’t remember the speech he shed his whole heart into yesterday morning. “I- I need a minute, wait a second!”
And with this statement, he turns away and starts rapidly groping all his pockets with a hope of finding the sheet he made sure to take with himself. But all of them seemed to be only filled with useless (only at that moment of course, they could be helpful at any other time) things as a handful of candies, hair ribbons, stained handkerchief and beetles. No letter. When the thought that maybe he threw it into the bag came to his mind, you spoke again.
“Are you looking for this?” You query him, the curiosity in your voice, as you are scanning with your irises the ugly scribbled text.
The man spins around and his heart stops. Itto’s too scared to do anything, no muscles in his body corresponding to his will so he quickly tries to adapt and accept this fate, praying in his mind that you won’t be able to read his jot. His lower lip trembles. He’s one step away from his whole world collapsing right here and right now.
“Itto…” You start slowly, scanning his face. The Oni looks as if he was about to cry. Literally. Tiny tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he, without blinking, looked at you. “Is this what you wanted to tell me?”
So after all you were able to read it, huh? The man was sure that he could hear the clank of the opening coffin, ready for his body after the soul finally leaves his body. His voice stuck in his throat, the fear completely befuddled him. Without any better idea, Itto nodded.
“Could you bend down a little, pretty please?” You ask, and who he is to refuse you.
Squeezing his eyes shut, the boy bows, his jaw clenched tight, fingernails digging in the flash of his palms. What if you want to slap him because he disgusts you? Or worse, you want to scream at him, while looking right into his eyes, filling him with shame, breaking his fragile heart into billions of pieces. No, no, no, no, no. It couldn’t be it, could it? Unpleasant thoughts filling his aching head stopped immediately as he felt a peck directly on his cheek.
“I like you too,” you giggle, gently caressing his cheekbone with your thumb.
Ah, Itto really loved spring and he was more than happy to share most of this love with you.
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comfortscripts · 3 years
I don't want to snog him {Fred W.}
Plot - George has enlisted you to help him win over Angelina but unknown to you, his plan also might have something to do with getting Fred to admit his feelings for you.
Requested? Yes/No
Warnings - Jealousy (Not sure if that’s a warning though), a quick kiss and not fully proofread so I am sorry in advance
Word Count - 1.3k
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"Y/N, just the person I was looking for" George Weasley announced as he waltzed into the common room, spotting you bundled up in the window seat with some muggle book Hermione lent you.
"Oh no, what have you gone and done now?" You say.
George only asks for your help for 2 reasons; Firstly, when he has forgotten to do his Transfiguration homework or secondly, when him and Fred have a prank they need help executing.
He smiles whilst squeezing his tall-self next to you in the window, before looking up with the widest smile you've seen.
"Well my dear Y/N, I have a proposition for you" He says throwing an arm over your shoulder before continuing. "As you know, the Hogsmeade trip is coming up and I am in need of your assistance with getting a certain witch to go with me"
You see, Hogwarts is normally a place of studies and magic but due to the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, all that matters to the Hogwarts witches and wizards is who is going with who.
Two of those swooning fools go by the names of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson. Both of them want to go with each other but are too nervous to ask.
Y/N couldn't say they didn't care about going to Hogsmeade but they weren't going half as crazy as everyone else. Elaborate schemes, sneaky way of finding out who likes who just left broken heart filled halls. Why would Y/N submit themselves to any of that? But that didn't mean you couldn't help you best friends get together.
"Aww Little Georgie has a crush" You say squishing his cheeks between your fingers. "Of course I'll help and if it is any consolation, Angie has a thing for you as well"
George blushes when he realised you knew exactly who he was talking about but quickly played it off with a grin.
'If only you knew that this plan involved your love life as well' He thought before starting to explain the plan.
The plan was simple, you talk George up to Angelina whilst also feeding George information about her likes, her schedule and her current feelings towards him.
The part of the plan George failed to mention was the part where his less attractive twin brother gets incredibly jealous over how close you and George are. One thing to know about the Weasley siblings is that they all get very jealous, due to always having to share everything with their siblings. Fred and Ron were definitely the worst at coping with their jealous side which was exactly what George was counting on.
And with dear Freddie secretly harbouring the largest crush on a certain Y/N, seeing them get friendlier with George will certainly get Freddie to react and expose his feelings.
As it got closer to the Hogsmeade trip, the plan was fully in action. Y/N was constantly nudging Angelina in the direction of George, slowly pushing her to truly accept her feelings for him. But whilst that plan was working oh so amazingly, George's operation 'Get Freddie to stop being a wuss about his feelings' was going even better.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Freddie had been hearing all of the compliments and praising of his twin. Each word was like an extra ounce of jealousy on his shoulders. In Fred's mind, Y/N was just fawning over George in the way he wished Y/N would fawn over him.
The final straw came the Thursday before the trip. Y/N was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Angelina, Katie, George and Fred, all talking about the upcoming trip.
"So George, who are you going to Hogsmeade with?" Y/N asks with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, obviously a hint to ask Angie.
"It's funny you ask actually because I was hoping to ask someone special today" George responded with his eyes practically making heart-shapes towards the seat next to you which was occupied by your best friend, Angelina.
Unfortunately, Fred miscalculated where his brother was looking and read it as George making heart eyes towards Y/N. With a quick mutter of goodbye, Fred stood up from the table and stomped away like a toddler having a tantrum.
Y/N watched Fred walk away and wondered what the hell just happened. From the corner of their eye, they saw George looking like he was about to go after his brother. Y/N couldn't let that happen for two reasons, firstly George would miss his chance to ask Angie and secondly, Y/N wanted to be able to comfort the boy she had been infatuated with since third year.
"I'm going to go and make sure he is alright" You say standing up from the table and heading off in the same direction the older Weasley twin did. You knew exactly where he would be.
Approaching the black lake, you saw a certain lanky ginger pacing by the lake. He was clearly angry, you could tell by the way he was cracking his fingers on his right hand over and over again. That was his tell.
"Freddie?" You called out softly, snapping the Weasley out of his jealous trance and stopping him in his tracks.
"What do you want? Came to tell me that you will be off snogging my brother this weekend?" He sneered.
His response caused a sea of emotion to rise within you. Anger, hurt, confusion just to name a few. Why did he think that? Why is he being so rude? Why would he even care?
"Excuse me? I am not planning on doing anything of the sort with your brother but even if I was, it is none of your business" You retorted in a slightly harsher tone than you wanted.
Fred turned to you and just stared before something seemed to snap.
"Except for the fact that it is my business if the person I have been in love with since I was 14 decides to go off and do who knows what with my twin brother?" He marches slowly towards you whilst he goes on his little rant. "So yeah, I am pissed off and it's not like you or him even cared that you have been stabbing my heart all week. You and your stupid compliments towards him or silly hints about going to Hogsmeade but what is worse is that he knows how I felt and he just let you"
Fred stops in front of you and takes a breath, almost to refill his ammo before finishing his speech. "So I guess that you two deserve each other."
Fred looks into your eyes one last time before turning away to head back towards Hogwarts.
Y/N stands in shock. The boy they have been dreaming about since they were a dorky tween had confessed his love. But like an idiot, Y/N just stood there without professing their love. Y/N had always been shy but this is a matter of losing Freddie, their Freddie. Quickly they turned towards the fleeting image of the Weasley boy and shouted.
"I love you Fred Weasley"
Fred halts at the confession and turns to see if it was just a figment of his imagination but he saw them making their way towards where he stood.
"Fred, I have been helping George ask Angelina out, not fawning over him. He is a friend and Godric knows I don't want to snog him. You are the person I want to be complimenting and giggling with. You are the person I want to go on Hogsmeade trips with where we drink so much butterbeer, we feel sick." Finally reaching the shocked boy, you look up at him.
"You are the one I want to love and be loved by, if you'll let me?"
Instead of a response to your question, you feel a pair of warm lips meet yours, a taste of cinnamon and cherry tarts invades your senses. You know what magic feels like but this, this was the stuff that muggles write about and now you finally understood why.
Eventually Fred pulled away, much to your dismay, and as a small smirk graced his pale face he asked "So fancy going to Hogsmeade together, my love?
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troubatrain · 3 years
twisted in bedsheets - m. tkachuk
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a/n: this is straight up smut.... like minimal plot mostly filth. but i hope you guys like it, i may give it a part two if anyone wants to see it but i don't know yet. big shoutout to my resident whores @hookingminor & @tkafuckit ily both sm
taglist : @barzysreputation
warnings: it's smush time (smut)
You almost wanted to make fun of him.
A part of you wondered, what did a single, twenty three year old, professional athlete who lived in a different country most of year need a house this big for? That wasn’t your business, and really neither was showing up two days after Matthew moved in with a bottle of wine and silly housewarming gift to make yourself feel better about where his little brother, also known as your best friend, was. You knocked loudly, hoping the car in the driveway meant Matthew was home and you weren’t wasting your time.
Matthew was inside, finally getting some peace and quiet after spending the day listening to his mother and the interior designer he hired argue about throw pillows. He jumped at the knock of his door, not used to the way it echoed through the house he bought on a whim. You were standing on the other side, bouncing on your heels with a bag in your hand and Matthew couldn’t help but smile.
Matthew always had a soft spot for you, Brady was your best friend and just like Matthew found himself watching out for Brady, he did the same for you. It was easy to keep it like that for years, Brady being far more possessive because you were his friend and not Matthew’s and not everything needs to be about you Matt, but it’d gotten harder lately. It was sudden, one summer Matthew came home and you were lounging by the pool and he swore his dick twitched in his pants, and it just wasn’t getting easier. It wasn’t easier when he tried to convince himself that there was an age gap between the both of you, even though it was barely two years and no one would blink an eye. It wasn’t easier when he beat the Senators and you quietly told him he had a good game because if Brady caught wind of it he’d lose his mind. And it sure as hell wasn’t easier when Brady mentioned your boyfriend constantly.
Your boyfriend who was having a party that Matthew knew for a fact Brady was at, but why weren’t you? Matthew couldn’t possibly get his hopes up, knowing if you were single he’d find some way to break your heart and you didn’t deserve that. That was the thing, Matthew ruined people and you were a far better person than he was to begin with. Matthew opens the door regardless, a smile on his face when he meets your eyes.
“Hi,” You beam, trying to play off like you were happy when you were just looking for a distraction that didn’t involve driving around and crying to Taylor Swift, “I, uh, congrats?”
Matthew chuckles, cocking his head to the side and opening his door a little further for you to come in, “Thank you, you really didn’t have to bring a gift.”
“It’s rude not too,” You scold, tapping Matthew in the arm and forgetting for a second you weren’t talking to Brady.
You pretended like you couldn’t feel it, the way his arms felt like a solid fucking rock and it was getting harder and harder to shove down that silly crush you’ve had since high school. You remember it so clearly, the moment Matthew went from Brady’s brother to just Matthew. You were a freshman, a dorky quiet kid who everyone knew not to mess with exclusively because Brady would kick the shit out of them, and you overheard a few girls in Matthew’s gossiping about how cute he was. Then it hit you, just as Matthew was leaning against his car to drive you home - he was cute. Cute turned into hot quickly, and you spent summer after summer wondering if you’d be bold enough to make a move.
You watched as Matthew pulled out the picture you’d framed for him, one his mother had taken of the three of you as kids. You were at the same ice cream shop you went to after every Blue’s game, chocolate ice cream smiles on your faces.
“You dropped your ice cream right after my mom took this,” Matthew hums, smiling at the memory himself.
“And you gave me yours because you felt bad for me,” You finish, hence the reason you chose that photo in the first place.
“You were crying,” Matthew nods, remembering the way his heart broke when he saw tears well up in your eyes. Even then, Matthew was a protector, constantly defending the people he held close to his heart, “Brady wouldn’t even share his… speaking of, isn’t there a huge rager you could be at right now?”
“Something about a party at my ex boyfriend’s doesn’t sound fun to me at all,” You sigh, hoping you wouldn’t have to explain it any further.
You didn’t have a boyfriend anymore.
It was all Matthew could process, his brain malfunctioning because he couldn’t believe it. Matthew gave you a sympathetic smile, “Let’s crack that bottle open then?”
You agreed, following Matthew into his yard to sit out by his fire pit, an early summer breeze making St. Louis unseasonably cold. He came back with two glasses, and you tried simply to ignore that his hands were big enough to hold both glasses in one, “So, Brady’s at a party at your ex-boyfriend’s place and you’re not mad at him at all?”
“I can’t be mad at Brady,” You explain, pouring yourself a glass of wine that was just a bit too big, “He doesn’t know what happened.”
“I thought you had no secrets,” Matthew questions, knowing that Brady knew everything about you and you were the same way. You turned your attention to the glass, swirling it in your hand while you seemed to shut down under Matthew’s gaze, “Y/N… it’s me, you know you can tell me.”
“It’s really embarrassing,” You whisper, “He cheated on me…”
“That’s not your fault,” Matthew scoffs, throwing an arm around your shoulders, “Why didn’t you tell-”
“He told me it was because the girl he was hooking up with was better in bed than me,” You whisper, Matthew closing his mouth immediately. He took a deep breath, his fingers scratching against your scalp while he looked straight ahead, “Please don’t tell Brady.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Matthew nods, his bottom lip between his teeth, “You’re perfect, and if he doesn’t see that he can go fuck himself.”
“What if he’s right?” You ask, taking a gulp of your drink. Matthew knew what road you were headed towards, one that was going to leave you insecure about this for the rest of your life if Matthew didn’t choose his next words carefully.
“He’s not,” Matthew shakes his head, hopping off the outdoor sofa you were on and kneeling down in front of you, “And you don’t need some douchebags opinion to make yourself feel good.”
“Would you sleep with me?” You ask, Matthew’s hand that had been rubbing your thighs gently stopped. You craved the validation, and a part of you always wondered if you had a shot with Matthew. If you were both able to drown out the noise from your friends and family, would he want you? Matthew’s hand crept up to your cheek, his thumb tracing your lip. You looked at him like this was the most important question he’d ever have to answer, and like if he said yes your lips would be on his, “And tell me I’m good.”
Matthew shut his eyes, running every possible scenerio knowing all of them include him fucking this up and hurting your feelings, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying. His lips ghosted over yours, stubble rough against your skin, “You’re sure about this?”
“Please,” You pout, not even bothering to give Matthew your best sexy face. You’d faked it enough, a year of trying to be something you weren’t to please some asshole who left for someone else anyways. Matthew’s hands slid on either side of you, his lips against yours and your hands on the back of his neck.
“Inside,” Matthew mutters against your lips, knowing if he didn’t stop himself now his new neighbors would get a show they didn’t ask for. You deserved better than that anyways. You snuck inside, your lips pressing kisses to Matthew’s neck while his arm stayed around your waist until you ended up in his bedroom. The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, Matthew crawling on top of you, “I cannot believe that asshole let you slip through his fingers like that.”
“Make me forget about him then,” You let out a breath, Matthew smirking against your skin when you lit up that competitive fire he’d always had. You tugged at the bottom of his shirt, Matthew taking the hint and grabbing it from the back of his neck to toss off. Matthew’s hands slid under your shirt, unhooking your bra and swirling his finger around your nipples, pulling a moan from you.
“You even moan pretty,” Matthew could believe it, knowing just how many dreams like this, but really hearing it was something else entirely. Matthew shed your clothes quickly, leaving you just in your panties while he pressed kisses against your skin, murmurs of praise left in their wake.
“Matty,” You whimper, tilting Matthew’s chin up from where it was nestling between your thighs, “No one’s ever made me cum like this before.”
Matthew swore he was going to blow right there. The way your eyes looked into his, a trust that you were giving him that it was becoming clear you’d never given anyone. If it was anyone else, Matthew’s cocky nature would have broken through, a challenge accepted attitude that he couldn’t have with you.
You weren’t nervous but it wasn’t some secret that Matthew got around, and admitting something that seemed as trivial as what you’d told him was a big deal to you. Matthew’s blue eyes were soft, a small smile on his face, “We’ll go slow baby.”
And slow it was, Matthew was patient, trying to figure out what was going to get you off. His tongue was lapping at your core slowly, smirking at the way you squirmed whenever he got close to your clit. Your hands were in his hair, curling his overgrown hair around your fingers. Matthew’s tongue flicked your clit, your soft grip on his curls tighter, “Fuck, sorry-”
“Keep tugging on them,” Matthew groans against you, the vibrations sending a chill up your spine. His fingers were digging into your thighs, undoubtedly leaving a mark to worry about later, but you didn’t care. Matthew was eating your pussy like it was his last fucking meal, growing harder from the way you were moaning his name. You were close, your hips lifting off the bed and Matthew’s hands against your stomach to keep you right where you were. The only sounds echoing through that house were the ones from your orgasm, washing over you while Matthew finally pulled away. His finger swiped your core, sucking your cum off his finger, “Fucking delicious…”
You could feel the heat on your cheeks, holding your arm over your face from Matthew’s praise. He let out a light laugh, pulling your arm down and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t be insecure, when you’re with me you don’t have to be.”
You didn’t have a second to process his words, the way say with me like this was something meant to last more than a night, because Matthew’s lips were back on yours. Your hand snuck between you, palming him through his sweats and swallowing the groan with your lips, “I want to try something.”
Matthew’s brows raised, letting you push him onto his back without a fight. You’d never been the most confident in the bedroom, and you really never tried anything that wasn’t missionary, but something about Matthew’s praise had your head held high. You grind your hips against him, a smug smile on Matthew’s face, “You’ve never been on top before?”
You shook your head no, biting your lip and waiting for why have you had the most boring sex life imaginable laugh that should have followed. It never came, instead Matthew’s hands gripped your hips and lifted you up so he could kick off his sweats and boxers. His hand fell, searching through his bedside table for a condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it onto his cock. He tapped your clit with the head, his thumb that was still gripping you was rubbing softly against your skin, “Whenever you’re ready babe.”
Matthew watched you sink yourself onto him slowly, biting his lip to stop himself from cumming too soon because this was hotter than anything he could have imagined. All of those fantasies included finding out you were secretly dirty as hell, but finding out you weren’t and the trust you seemed to give Matthew because he’d never done you wrong was even sexier. Matthew’s hands guided your hips slowly, his head thrown back from the pleasure, “Am I doing good?”
“You’re doing fucking wonderful baby,” Matthew groans, grabbing a fistful of your ass. You moan, falling forward and kissing Matthew’s jaw lightly. He threw his arm around your back, fucking up into you at faster pace, “I want you cum again, c’mon.”
“Matty, I-” You whimper, a protest that you didn’t think you had another one in you until your pussy clenched around him. Your legs were shaking, Matthew stopping himself before he got too rough with you. You caught your breath for a second, Matthew pushing your hair away from your face so he could kiss you. His kisses were gentle, a stark contrast from the fact that his cock was still buried inside of you. You tried to move, grind your hips against his to get him off like he’d just done to you, but your hips bucked from the sensitivity.
“Slow down babe,” Matthew hums, his large hand rubbing your back gently, “We’ll get there.”
Getting there wasn’t hard at all. Not after Matthew had you on your back so he could keep fucking you. You looked beautiful, moaning his own name below him like you’d never said anyone’s name like that. Matthew’s head was tucked into your neck, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours filling the room until he finally came with a loud groan.
When you finally came down from the after sex high, a realization washed over you. You’d had sex with your best friend’s brother. The same brother you’d spend years of your life with. Matthew walked into his bathroom, grabbing you a warm washcloth and a clean shirt from his closet. He got back into his room, glancing at the way you were looking around his room with his sheets over your chest unsure of whether or not you should leave. Matthew leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, “I want you to stay.”
“You don’t have to let me-” You start to protest, a weird feeling in your chest you couldn’t quite describe. You were a relationship type, hook ups weren’t your playing field and you knew Matthew lived by them. You never forgot it either, the way he slugged back a beer and looked Brady and yourself dead in the eyes and told you he swore he wasn’t built to last more than a night. Matthew chuckles, cleaning you up and throwing his shirt over your frame. He laid down next to you, pulling you against his chest and kissing your shoulder.
“I want you to stay here,” Matthew assures you, smiling wide when you tucked yourself into his side.
Hey Matty?
Don’t tell Brady about this.
Secret’s safe with me Y/N.
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disdaidal · 3 years
*pops in for a hug* Billy gets drunk on Long Island iced tea (literally 4-6 different types of alcohol with multiple shots of each but it doesn’t even taste like it) and Steve has a super clingy drunk boyfriend.
Heyyy *hugs back*. ♥ You sent this to me a while ago, but I have been busy with other stuff aaaaand my attention span is super short as usual, sooo~ I hope you like this! 🍹
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Billy Hargrove isn't usually the cocktail kind of guy.
Give him beer, whiskey - something manly.
Anything with a kick.
Cause cocktails are lame and only meant for chicks, right?
But over the course of few months that he and Steve have been going out, somehow the rich boy had slowly succeeded in corrupting Billy. As in making him acquire a taste for sweet drinks, too.
Perhaps once or twice, Billy has admitted aloud that sweet drinks aren't so bad after all. And that beer tastes like piss sometimes. Or that whiskey makes him gag just a little bit. That maybe he used to drink those things because all the cool guys did.
But tonight, he wants to try something completely different new and picks Long Island Iced Tea from the list.
It's a mixed alcoholic drink that even Steve hasn't tried before. Curiously the brunet takes a sip from Billy's drink, then proceeds to give a small nod and an appreciative hum, followed by a sweet smile. Then goes back to sipping his Blue Lagoon.
It's been a while since they'd last went to a bar like this (or well, any bar for that matter) and so it doesn't take long for Billy to decide what his new favorite alcoholic drink is. He gulps it down greedily while Steve's still halfway through finishing his own, and then orders another. And another.
After some time Steve's caring, nurturing nature takes place and he tells Billy to slow down. "Slow down, tiger. We've got all night." Albeit he's not very good at it because a) Billy's not known to listen let alone slow down and b) Steve's having a hard time to keep himself from grinning at his dorky, drunken boyfriend and his silly antics.
Even more when Billy suddenly sits on his lap while he's singing karaoke slightly out of tune. Or when he plasters himself hotly against Steve's back and hugs him from behind, like a human furnace, slurring sweet nothings in his ear.
And while Steve knows better than anyone that they should act more careful around here - it's a small town, people are gonna talk yadda yadda -, he can't help but keep smiling and grinning at Billy anyway.
He's having fun and Billy's having fun. Why should fun not be allowed?
Especially Billy who's usually ranting about keeping up the appearances; always going on about how they need to watch themselves and under no circumstances hold hands in public places or any of that queer shit.
And now Billy's the one breaking his number one (1) rule and doesn't even seem the least bit bothered by it.
Steve might've snorted just a little bit when Billy had flipped the bird at this older guy who kept staring at them with a disgusted look. Or when this one nice-looking blonde with a generous cleavage suddenly approaches Billy - which, Steve isn't going to lie, annoyed him. And then all Billy does is compliment her tits in her face and casually flings his arm around Steve's shoulders, planting a big wet one on his cheek. Then looks at the girl with an arched eyebrow, like he's asking 'well?', making the girl just grimace and mutter something under her breath as she leaves their table.
But then finally comes the time when Billy's becoming a bit too drunk and a bit too clingy for his own good (not that Steve really minds it, oh no), but for the curious eyes around them who are already eyeing at them suspiciously. It's like they're staring and asking 'they fags or what'.
So Steve clears his throat and pushes his empty glass forwards, getting up. He drapes his arm around his drunk boyfriend's shoulders and pulls him close, tells him they're leaving. The blonde whines in protest but is unable to resist a warm body pressed up against him - especially when it's Steve's body pressed up against him - so Billy finally nods and slides his arm around Steve's waist, leaning heavily against him as they walk. Whilst talking and slurring silly nonsense close to the other man's ear.
It makes Steve chuckle and he gives the bartender a slight wave of goodbye before they step outside and start walking towards his car. Billy is heavy and not very cooperative as Steve helps him in his car and buckles his seatbelt for him. Once he's inside and behind the wheel, he makes sure to lock the doors too, in case Billy gets any stupid ideas (he gets them often). Poor guy is so out of it, keeps moaning and whining that he doesn't want to go home yet, he's fine.
"Ssseriously Harrington... I'm... I'm not even drrrrunk..."
"Sure." Steve shakes his head and opens the glove compartment, fishing out the cassette that Billy always wants to listen to while they're driving. Trying to keep his dear drunken boyfriend distracted, who soon starts banging his head to the music and playing the air drummer. Or something like that.
Ten minutes later they have arrived at their destination, and Billy doesn't feel so good. The blond man half-runs into the nearest bushes and throws up. Once he's finished, he wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his jacket and can barely keep upright, so Steve catches him and helps him upstairs in his room.
He sits Billy on the bed and crouches in front of him, trying to strip him from those ridiculously tight jeans of his (again, Steve doesn't really mind cause Billy has a great ass).
"Awww H-Harrington... shoulda told me you wanted me n-naked... all you had to was just... ask.. let me-- lemme..."
And Billy really tries to shift and help Steve get those jeans off but ends up almost kicking Steve in the face. His tight bright tank top flies across the room while Steve folds Billy's jeans on the nearest chair. A minute or so later, Steve's also undressed and follows Billy into bed.
He's barely managed to shift into a comfortable position when Billy's strong toned arm is already hauling him closer, pulling him tight against the body that Steve loves to call furnace. And right now, the heat of their bodies combined is almost suffocating him but one of Billy's thick thighs is wrapping around his hips too, keeping him in place.
The drunken blonde instantly buries his face in the crook of Steve's neck, mumbling something incoherent against the soft sensitive skin. Something that Steve cannot quite catch but he doesn't think it's important either.
His long fingers find Billy's hair, buried deep in his curls and carefully massaging his scalp - something that always seems to calm Billy down. His lips pressed against Billy's forehead, closing his eyes.
"I love you."
It isn't the first time Steve's heard it coming from Billy's mouth.
Although he doesn't hear it often because Billy doesn't want to wear it out or it loses its meaning, or something like that.
And he only might say it right now because he's drunk off his ass, but.
Steve can't help it. That he feels his heart swell just a little bit. His chest constricting with deep emotions. There might be tears prickling in the corners of his eyes, too. Tears of joy, because he's happy.
It's been an eventful night. Lots of fun. With Billy being more affectionate and careless than usual.
Even though it's risky - here, in Hawkins.
Steve doesn't even mind right now that Billy hurled in the bushes not too long ago. That he smells like alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. That he's drunk like a skunk, like he's showered in a barrel of alcohol.
He just wants - needs - to hear it.
Wants to feel his touch, his closeness, the heat of his body.
Even if he already feels hot and almost uncomfortable there.
But Billy's there. He's real. And this is happening right now.
Steve bites back his tears and forces a small smile instead. Because his tears are from joy - not sadness -, and he gently rubs his fingertips against Billy's scalp. Pressing another loving kiss on his forehead.
"I love you too, dork. Get some sleep now."
Billy lets out the cutest, softest huff against Steve's neck before he slowly drifts into sleep. He isn't a snorer, thankfully, because Steve is a light sleeper. He slips his hand down from Billy's hair and wraps it loosely around his back, until he falls asleep too.
Next day Billy is a little bit pale in the face, with a messy hair and a blanket wrapped around his body to keep himself warm. But against Steve's expectations, Billy isn't staying in his bed all day, feeling sick and acting like a stung little bitch.
Billy actually takes a seat next to him on the couch and casually just drapes himself over Steve's crossed legs. Resting his messy head of hair on his lap.
They watch whatever dumb sitcom is coming on TV, and Steve's fingers are finding and petting Billy's hair again. He's not really paying attention to the show on TV; his mind too occupied and obsessed with Billy's presence.
That Billy still hasn't left and they're actually cuddling on his couch.
They might have been a thing for months now, but Billy usually really isn't this cuddly, carebear type of guy (or so he pretends), especially not after a night of drinking. Which is understandable.
But he usually isn't this cuddly even after a night of fucking, so.
Steve doesn't know what to think of it. Doesn't know if there's anything to think about. That maybe he should just focus on the moment and not worry too much because this probably just happened in the heat of the moment - because Billy's like that - and it's likely it won't happen again anytime soon. So he should just, relish in it or something. As long as he can.
Then Billy's breaking the silence. "Steve?"
Steve hums as response, distracted from his trance and looks down. He finds Billy's eyes are looking back up at him - curiously, searching. He's so beautiful. His eyes look tired and a little red, but so beautiful. Framed by long dark lashes. Freckles on his cheeks. Pink lips that look so kissable. And he looks so calm and content right there, resting on his lap. Steve's heart starts pounding a little bit faster again, his chest once again constricting with deep emotions.
He's hopelessly in love. And so screwed, he could cry.
Billy then takes a deep breath and wets his lips.
"Can I stay here for another night?"
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