#I want that ginger fuck obliterated
shhh-secret-time · 4 months
Hi lovey! I would never pass up an opportunity to request something from you, you are litro my fav writer on here ^_^ Obsessed with the way you perfectly capture the love in your polyam stuff, can we get Style x fem reader with some fluffy and soft lovemaking👀 Aaaa I’d just die for that!
Lots of love from a loyal reader, take care of yourself 💘✨
Me? Me am favorite? Why?! You bless me with the sweet words. I hope I continue to serve.
Also happy Kyle Week guys! We stan a silly man in love! I had a blast writing this one!
Warning: NSFW, Strong Language, F/M/M, Threesome, Pillow violence.
Pairings: Stan x Fem!Reader x Kyle
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It's the pressure on his chest that stirs him. At first it was gentle, almost comforting in a way, but now it's too much. Every time he takes a breath it's strained. Kyle doesn't need to open his eyes to know what the source of his discomfort is, he already knows.
Stanley Marsh was a cuddler. It wasn't a secret the man was the most touch starved human being in South Park, but some imaginary pride kept him from acting on it in public. Behind closed doors the man had to be touching Kyle constantly, especially if it was bedtime.
"Dude you can't break the nighttime routine. Hurry up and get your ass in this bed. I'm tired!"
"Then go to bed Stan! Just because you don't care about your skin's health doesn't mean I have to neglect mine!"
It would be one thing if it was just Stan, unfortunately he wasn't alone. You were just as bad, if not worse. Kyle couldn't recall any moment in his shared relationship with you and Stan if you were ever warm. Not a day went by that you didn't complain about being cold.
"Kyle, sweetheart, love of my life, sun in my sky, light of my-"
"Yes, you can use my hoodie and my sweatpants."
A part of him feels bad; because as he cracks open his eyes, letting that early morning light hit the greens of his eyes, you both look so peaceful on his chest. Nothing in this world ever makes him feel so at peace than when he catches his lovers cuddles up against him. Stan tucked into his side; face nuzzled into the crook of neck with a heavy arm wrapped around his chest. You under that arm, slotted between his legs with your head resting just below his heart.
No, he can't think of anything more perfect. One of the many perks of being an early riser. He'd never tell either of you how he lies here for the first ten minutes of his day just admiring your sleeping forms. The way your hair clung to your face or how you would mumble under your breath, letting him know what kind of dreams you were having. Or how Stan's lips would curl up into a smile when he placed a kiss on his forehead. It was adorable that he could give him a dorky smile in his sleep, even with that trail of drool rolling down the side of his chin.
Kyle could deal with the sore arm and crushed lungs, not even the sweat bothered him. But the one thing Kyle couldn't stand being was being late, he couldn't stand it when his schedule was thrown off. If the shrill screaming alarm went off, it meant it was time to get up. Time to start his day and get work done so he can come home to the both of you as quickly as possible. Do the work, get the reward. That anxiety of keeping anyone waiting for him or being late for something was too strong to ignore.
So, what was he to do when his alarm went off and his two partners wouldn't move. Normally the alarm at least stirred you off him, made Stan roll over and give him room to get up. Something about this chilly Thursday morning kept you both glued to your spots. If anything, Kyle thinks he felt Stan's muscles twitch and his arm slide down towards his waist, tightening his hold on him. Your smaller frame moving closer to the source of warmth, sliding your cold little hands under his shirt. He couldn't tell if you were secretly awake and punishing him for even thinking about moving, or if you were just innocently still asleep. Either way that damn alarm wouldn't stop screaming.
With a huff, he moves his free arm across your body and makes a grab for the phone. Stan's eye, the one not buried in the crook of his neck, cracks open and he swats Kyle's hand. Sleep still trapped in his eyes, Stan fumbles with the device making it stop its cry for attention. He misses the glare Kyle shoots his way.
"Stop movin'." Stan's grumbled words make it sound like he's not asking, but Kyle wasn't having it.
"You know I need to get up. Now come on, let me get up." Kyle goes to move you off his chest and into Stan's arms. He figures you both can keep each other warm and comfortable so he can get up to start his day.
"Stop moving..." You whine in response to him trying to get up. He lets out the softest grunt when you push on his chest.
His brows furrow when he's pushed back down onto the bed. Kyle's back hits the plush of the bed making the headboard knock against the wall. If this kind of behavior was done on the weekend, he would have found it kind of adorable that you're both being so whiney. It did make Kyle feel loved that he was wanted, but being loved doesn't pay the bills or excuse irresponsibility.
So, he tries again, moves his arm out from under Stan and wraps it around you. In your sleepy haze you think he's going to give you a hug and give into the snuggling. You should have known better, should have remembered that Kyle was a stubborn man. Kyle twists his body in Stan's hold and uses you as a shield. Moving you into the arms of the raven-haired man, which Stan almost falls for. It's instinct at this point for Stan to hold you.
As much as he clings to Kyle, Stan clings to you. He loves picking you up and taking you away from whatever you're working on for cuddles. You don't fight him nearly as much as Kyle does and you get his warmth, it's a win-win. You huff in response, how dare that man use you and Stan's weakness against you.
"Kyle...noooo! Come back to bed." Your hands fly out to grab at his pajama shirt, tugging on the material.
"Don't give me that. I already told Stan I need to get up, you heard my alarm I know you did." The scolding in Kyle's tone dies when he sees how sweet you look. Even Stan looks adorable with his messy hair and baby blue eyes.
How dare you use his weakness for puppy dog eyes against him. The only defense he can think of is to turn his head and twist his body away from cute kryptonite. Turning his back on you proved to be his downfall. As soon as he did Stan's arm was around his waist, pulling him back against him again. You slipped around his body as if this was a coordinated attack. You moved your hands up his chest and locked them lazily around his neck.
"You're both horrible! God damn it Stan let me go! And you-" Kyle's protests come with a healthy scowl, one he's sure you're not taking seriously. "-you stop helping him!"
"Just five more minutes, please!" You whisper pleading, almost begging.
He knows better. Kyle knows better than to say yes because it won't be five minutes. It'll turn into ten, and that ten will turn to twenty. He'll be trapped here until Stan's alarm goes off, where he'll lay there watching him hit snooze three times. By then he'll have hit the fourth and Kyle will be late for work.
"No. I warned you both last night not to stay up and watch Castlevania." Despite his complaints, Kyle finds his body starting to melt back into the bed. His muscles don't tense as they should. His hands don't pry you away from him and instead find home on your hips. He even lets Stan intertwine his legs with his.
"Hmm, you're just grumpy Stan and I watched it without you." You hum in response, pressing a soft kiss on one of the stray freckles on his neck.
"Hm." Stan doesn't seem to register the conversation you're having, just grunting to tell you he's still awake. And that he really doesn't want to be.
"I'm not upset that you- wait you watched it all?"
".... No?" You muffle your lie in his skin, trying to hide the growing smile creeping across your face.
"You little shit!" He goes to bite down on your neck, squirming out of Stan's hold just enough to pin your wrists back by your head.
Squeals and kicks aren't enough to get him to stop. He rolls you over until you’re flat on your back, being late for work is a distant thought. Not when you just ratted yourself and Stan out. A betrayal like this can't go unpunished. Try as you might, you can't fight back Kyle's light-hearted wrath. His hands are up and under your shirt before you can blink, squeezing and tickling the sides of your stomach.
"Stan! Stan, help meeee! He did it too! Get him!" One minute you're begging to be saved, the next you're trying to drag him down with you. Gasping loudly as you try to catch your breath in between giggles.
Stan grumbles something now more awake since all that kicking, you're doing landed his way. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before registering what you just said. A little smirk playing on his lips and instead of coming to your aid, he props himself up on his elbow.
"He'll get his! Don't you worry!" Stan's smirk drops. Kyle cuts him off like he knows Stan was about to protest. "Stanley Marsh don't you even try and get out of this!"
Luckily for you Kyle's assault stops long enough for you to scramble away and catch your breath. Your heels dig into the bed, hands fumbling the pillow beside you. Anything to keep distance between Kyle and your sore sides. You watch as Stan sits up, giving Kyle a loving look. Slowly a hand cups Kyle's hips, soft digits rubbing circles in a way that allows him to dip them past the band of Kyle's sweatpants. The Marsh Charm™ is in full effect.
"Kyle...dude look we can watch it again. And we'll get all the satisfaction of watching your cute face react to the stuff we already know." Stan lets his voice dip low, sweet whispers against the shell of his ear.
"Yeah? To the stuff you already know?" Kyle leans into his touch, lips getting closer towards Stan's. He's close enough that Stan's eyelids lower down, breath ghosting across his partner's lips.
The poor fool. You almost feel bad for Stan. The Marsh Charm™ is but a candle to the roaring fire that is the Broflovski Wrath™. As soon as Kyle brushes his lips across Stan's lips, and the man's shoulders drop, a pillow is swung hard against the side of his head. Out of left field a flash of blue and white stripes slam into the side of Stan's head. Hovering over him in triumph, Kyle continues his attack. Stan's arms come up to defend his face from the memory foam, each wack making a thump against his head.
"I.don't.want.your.shitty.excuses!" Each word comes with a healthy swing. Kyle was on a warpath now. Denied the right to get up and get his morning coffee. Denied the right to a warm shower to wash the sleep out of his eyes. Denied the right to whatever else his morning routine demanded. And now he was denied any happiness that would have come with watching a silly Netflix animated series with the loves of his life.
Once he's decided Stan's had enough, he falls back onto the bed and sighs. He didn't need to look at his phone, there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to be late. So, he tosses the pillow onto Stan's face, who had just let his guard down again, and curls up next to you. Right back in the middle where you both had him moments ago.
"Fine. You win. The both of you are terrible, awful influences and when I get fired, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves." You and Stan both know that would never happen. The company Kyle worked for needed him badly, and he almost never called out of work.
When he closes his eyes, he expects the both of you to return to your spots. Reaping the sweet reward of a few more minutes of shut eye, basking in the warmth of his body like you always do. And in a way, you do. You and Stan take your positions against him, with you pressed up against his chest and Stan against his back.
Only you don't rest your head on his chest, instead he feels your hands playing with the metal snap buttons on his shirt. He feels Stan's hands playing with the hem of his pants again, hooking a thumb in the band of the sweats. Stan tugs him back against him just as your fingers pop a button open. The little snap makes his eyes shoot open.
"Someone's grumpy~"
"Are you mad at us baby?"
That purr in your voice and that little laugh that comes from Stan tells him that neither of you had any plans of going back to sleep. Kyle feels Stan's nails dig into his hips and can't help but groan a little at the pain. Those pretty sounds from his lips make Stan's cock jump up at attention, the borrowed basketball shorts do little to hide his growing arousal. Chapped lips trail down Kyle's neck, brushing up against the pulse point on his throat. Kyle's head lulls back expecting Stan to bite down, but all it does is open him up for Stan's lips to continue exploring.
He's so wrapped up in the way Stan makes him feel that he barely registers it when you push his shirt down. The shirt folds and slides down towards his elbows where you leave it. Your lips almost meet Stan's at the same point on his body, right on his shoulder where more freckles cover his skin. When your lips brush against Stan's you let out the sweetest laugh, one Kyle can feel make his heart speed up.
"Was here first~" Stan smirks down at you, nipping at your bottom lip. "I left his neck for you."
You giggle again and push your lips up against his as if to silence him with a kiss. You weave a response in between kisses. "You're the biter Stan, you take his neck."
"Don't talk like I'm- ah!" Kyle yelps when your teeth sink into his chest, right below his collarbone. It cuts his complaints short and turns it into a loud moan.
It's Stan's turn to laugh, a hint of pride in that deep sound. His thumb brushes over the bright red mark left behind, admiring it with a grin. He presses his lips back onto Kyle's skin right at the junction of his neck and shoulder.
"F..Fucking Christ you two. What happened to five more minutes?" Kyle gasps at the warmth left behind Stan's tongue.
"Stan and I had other ideas! You seemed so upset that we did something without you." As sweet as you sounded, the way your nails scraped down his chest and stomach made Kyle groan. "Now we're doing something with you. Isn't this better Ky?"
He wants to respond with a snarky comment, to gain some sense of control over the situation, but his head is spinning. He should be used to this by now, how you and Stan make him feel. But every kiss and hot breath that ghosts his skin makes his heart flutter, it makes him fall that much deeper in love. Especially when he hears praise after praise falls from your lips.
"So pretty."
Was he really? Kyle looked at himself in the mirror that was connected to your dresser. His face was flushed, and his hair was a mess.
"Love those sounds Ky."
His moans? Or the whimpers? Both? He couldn't stop them if he tried.
"Keep you rockin' your hips like that fuck you feel so good."
Just a little friction, something to help relieve his throbbing cock. Something to help Stan's that pushed him forward, forcing his cock to grind against the thin material of your underwear.
"Let’s get this off you."
The desperate whine that escapes his lips turns into a gasp when Stan pushes his sweats down. Your hands follow close behind pushing down his boxers leaving him in nothing but that sleep shirt still draped on his arms. Stan moves his hands off his hips for a moment, he feels the man shift behind him and soon the rustling of clothes close behind. But a second later he feels Stan's arousal against his.
His cock slides up between his legs pressing up against his. Kyle bites his bottom lip as he reaches down to grasp both members in his hand. Deft fingers wrap around them and begin pumping slowly, creating delicious friction. When Stan moans lowly and jerks his hips, it encourages him to go faster. Pre-cum being smeared in-between his hand and their shafts. It was messy but it made him feel so good, so good he didn't want to stop. He could feel that pressure building, pleasure rocking in his stomach in time with Stan's clumsy thrusts. He tightens his hand, squeezing the tips just as his hand comes back up.
It wasn't until he felt Stan's desperate hands grab at his wrist that he realized just how close he was. The hot pleasure that he was building up simmered down to a low heat. Tiny beads of sweat already forming on his chest and down his arms. When he looked down at you, you seemed to be enjoying the show.
Your fingers were dancing up and down his stomach, causing the skin to flex in response. He watched as they traced up towards Stan's arms and up back behind Kyle's head.
"We have all morning now Ky. Relax~ let's take it slow." Stan purred in his ear, low and soft. He felt his face burry into the crook of his neck again.
Kyle closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. Still, that didn't stop him from seeking out something to help his aching cock. He pulls you closer towards his frame, feeling your thighs instinctively spreading enough to where he can slot himself between. A moan escapes you as he slips his fingers down the hem of your underwear. He slips his fingers past the band, immediately seeking out your wetness. Kyle coats his fingers before placing them straight along your clit.
Your hips start to move in sync with his fingers. Grinding against the calloused fingertips, trying to create more friction. The angel of his hand and the fact that you were the only one still dressed made that difficult.
"Help me take this off."
You sound so desperate, how could he not? Hurriedly he removes his fingers from your cunt to assist you in removing what clothes you still had on. As soon as they were thrown off to the side, creating some pile in the corner of your shared bedroom, his fingers were back on you.
The only time his fingers stop their assault is when he feels your body tense. They sneak down, drenching in slick, he pushes them inside of you. Pulling his fingers out of you just enough to where he can slide them back inside. He creates a repetitive motion, curling his fingers against the sweet spot of your walls.
Stan watches from behind him with a humming approval. His own hand reaches out and grips your chin, bringing you closer. Your lips lock together for a brief moment. Gentle soft kisses that come with a warm smile. Your bodies pressed firmly against Kyle.
Stan gives you one last lazy peck on the lips before he moves his hand back down to Kyle's thigh. He nudges his legs open just enough to slip his hard cock up against his backside. There's a moment where he pulls away but it's only a breath. He twists his body back with a small blue bottle of clear gel.
Seconds later he repositions himself behind Kyle. It's like every moan you let out only encourages him. After putting a healthy amount of lube on his cock, Stan aligns himself back up against him. He takes the time to lather the cold gel onto his hole before gently pushing himself in. Kyle slightly winces in response, his body tensing but as he focuses on fingers on you, he relaxes.
"That's it Ky. Relax. I'm gonna make you feel so good." His sweet words coax him. Kyle can only bite his lip and nod.
At the same time, you pull his hand out of your soaked cunt. His fingers coated in your arousal. You smile up at him when his eyes fly down to you. He's worried for a moment, but that look of love and admiration in your eyes makes him relax.
Not wanting you to go far from him, Kyle wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back against him. He copies Stan's movements and lifts your thigh, tossing your leg over his hip where Stan takes your ankle.
His hand going down to spread your lips where he eagerly guides his tip inside, you both sigh a relieving sigh at the feeling of it. A deep groan sounded from him and Stan both, once he's fully sheathed inside you. Stan rocks his hips forward, pushing in and out carefully. He tries to keep things slow, concentrating on pleasuring you just as much as Stan's giving him.
But the minute he rocks into you, being carried by Stan's momentum, he's commenting on his own desire. "More. Please, hurry up."
You roll your hips in response, hands flying out to be tangled up in his hair. There's that silent conversation that goes on between you and Stan again, one that he can't follow because of how much of a daze he's in. Stan presses a kiss on his cheek, you press one on his chest.
"Anything for you baby." It's the way your voice dips into a sultry purr and the way Stan's hands grab hips. "Like when you beg."
Kyle's seeing stars.
The delicious sounds and desperate use of his name almost sends him overboard. Stan's grip tightens and he picks up his movements, fucking him at a steady pace. Every time Stan drives his cock into him, it pushes his own further into you. Tight walls wrapped around his dick perfectly, like it was made for him.
Your walls stretch and pull him. Accommodating for the thick size, each thrust reaching further inside. Kyle nudges every sweet spot he can to pull more moans from you. The sound of wet skin on skin filled the room. A perfect rhythm and dance created.
It isn't until his name comes out in a choked cry that he knows how close you are. He hits a particular spot that had your vision turning white. That feeling of hot pressure shoots up through your body and down to your feet, you arch your back determined to have him repeat the action. "Th-there! Right there again! Please!"
Drawn-out moans escape his throat encouraging Stan to go faster and him to thrust harder. Your arms wrap around his neck bringing him down for another kiss. Stan's gaze makes it all the hotter, as he patiently waits for his turn. Once you break for air, Kyle doesn't get that luxury because Stan's mouth his on his before he can breathe. Each kiss makes him feel more and more loved.
Kyle has to break the kiss to breathe. To catch his breath and stop the room from spinning. The lack of air leads to the growing pressure building up in his stomach again. He's so close, he can feel his stomach tighten. That familiar warmth pooling at his stomach. He knew Stan was close from the way his hips were beginning to lose their steady rhythm. He wants to hold out. Find a way to cum together, he's not sure why he wants that so badly, but he does.
In seconds of wishful thinking, he feels your body start to tense. Your orgasm building higher and higher, walls constricting around his cock. Kyle watches your eyes flutter shut as a high-pitched whine escapes your lips.
"Close- 'm so close! Gonna cum!"
Then like a band stretched too far. He snaps. Kyle lets his climax take over, spilling his load inside of you. The sight alone makes Stan follow shortly after. With a final thrust he buries himself deep inside of him, tightening his arms as he does. Between his blunt nails digging into your thighs and the lazy thrusts, you follow shortly after.
Kyle's heart was racing so loudly it was all he could hear past the soft panting. The out of breath chest heaving up and down in time with one another. He's never felt more connected to anyone before. Through his glossy vision he watches as you're the first to move, slipping off his softening cock. Stan follows behind pulling out of him slowly. Why was his body so spent? He felt so exhausted at that moment.
Your gentle hands move to help clean him, and Stan lifts him up enough to where he's back on his pillows. They've never felt so soft in that moment. He lets his eyes close, and he feels the weight of it all.
"Mm... give… give me a minute and I'll get up." Kyle mumbles in the fluff of the pillows.
"Okay baby. Stan and I are gonna make breakfast. That sound good?"
He doesn't respond. Even his mouth feels too heavy to talk. He just nods and decides to give himself five more minutes. Then he'll get up, grab a cup of coffee, and start his day.
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lostbookmark · 1 month
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MDNI 18+
Summary: After four years your sister's ex-boyfriend comes back into your life. Can you keep your entanglement a secret? Will the guilt eat you alive? 
Pairing:  Sisters ex Yoongi x Insecure F. Reader. 
Genre: SMUT, angst, hurt - comfort, romance. 
Warning: Explicit sex, fingering, Possessive Yoongi, swearing, reader is insecure, jealousy, punishment, unprotected sex, drinking, dirty talk, praising, degradation, spanking, spanking as punishment, teasing, hair pulling, arguments. Overuse of the name, baby.
A/N: Updating a day early. I almost have the story completed.
One more week before another smutty chapter. This is just pure plot again. 
Is ginger haired Yoongi his own warning?
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He lied. He promised that he would call you every day and he lied. You spent the two days leading up to him leaving, together.  You found out just how good of a cook he was and how bad you were compared to him. He tried explaining the art of producing and writing a song. You'll admit that one went over your head, but he seemed excited to talk to you about it. You jokingly asked him to write a song for you. He smirked, and with a kiss, he said he would. The first day he was gone, he did call like he said he would. The second day was a couple of texts. Third day, he left you on read, then the fourth…delivered. It's been two weeks now. Not one week but two. Fourteen days, a fortnight. 
“Jimin says that when they work, sometimes they stay up for days at a time. He probably crashed at the hotel to catch up on sleep,” Lisa tried to reason. 
“You really think he would ignore you?” Jisoo asks you as she pays for her coffee. You don't know how to answer that.  You wanted to be able to say, of course, he wouldn't, but you can't. You honestly can't. 
“You know he wouldn….” Lisa trails off as you three leave the coffee shop. You follow her line of sight to see who she is staring at. You squint your eyes a little harder. “Is that him?” She asks, pointing her finger at a couple on the sidewalk.
“Is his hair…red?” Jisoo questioned. “Orange?” 
The three of you move a bit closer but stay hidden behind some cars to get a closer look.  It was, she was right. Yoongi was here and he was right across the street. He was home and he didn't tell you. You watch him across the street talking to someone. A woman, a pretty blonde woman with long hair. She was taller than you, about his height. He wouldn't need to bend as much to her like he does with you. You can't hear them but whatever she said has him laughing. His gummy smile is on display, full and bright. She reaches up and gently rubs his arm over his green jacket and he doesn't push her away, he is familiar with her. He looks at her fondly as he nods his head at whatever she's saying. Is that how he looked at you? You watch as he opens a door to the building they stood in front of and they walk inside together. You can feel your heart shatter as if someone stabbed it with a sharp knife. You can actually feel it crack into a million pieces and fall to your stomach. Sharp pieces like glass shards, obliterating your insides. Your eyes don't leave the door they went through.  You can't see through the intricate stained glass windows no matter how much you tried.
“I'm sure it's not what it seems,” Jisoo tells you. 
“Bull fucking shit,” Lisa exclaims. “I'm going to beat his ass.”
“Lisa,” Jisoo hisses.
“What?” Lisa exclaims. “He left her hanging for over a week, and he's literally right there. She should have been his first stop.” 
“No,” you hiccup. Dammit you're crying. You wipe your eyes on your sweater. The fabric is itchy and makes the wet skin of your cheeks feel irritated. Your eyes still don't stray from the door. You hope and pray with everything you have that he walks back out. Please walk back out, you beg. You hold your breath…please?  He doesn't.  “I'm just going to go.” 
“Let us come with you,” Jisoo suggests. You just shake your head. She sighs and opens her arms for you.“I'll keep her in line,” she whispered as she pulled you into a hug.
You ran to your car, slamming the door as you got in. You had let the tears flow freely then. You try to hide your face from the people that pass by as you rest your head on the steering wheel. How dare he. After everything he put you through with Kai. Kai didn't even touch you. You were barely a participant in the conversion. You shouldn't have gone home with him that night. You should have kept it as a one-time thing. Let it be a lapse in judgment, a meaningless fling. You could have blamed the drinking. No one would have to know you were stone cold sober. Yoongi made your expectations high. He made you feel warm and see colors for the first time in a long time outside of your friends.  He broke you. 
When you got home, you threw on an oversized shirt and got into bed. Cocooning yourself in your plush blankets, you try to seek comfort and warmth. It wasn't helping.  It was only 5 pm, and you had nothing to do and no one to distract you. Time on your hands leads to overthinking. Overthinking can lead you to bad decisions.  You don't want to think right now.You looked at the messages you had sent him. Delivered. He never opened them. You sent them days ago, but he still hasn't opened them. You were so stupid. He fooled you. Were you a pawn in a game for him to get back at your sister?  Your phone chimed, and your heart stopped. Please, please , you whisper into the still, quiet room. It's not him. It's Lisa. 
“Did you make it home? I didn't do anything, I swear. I won't tell Jimin . Promise.”
“I made it, thank you.” 
Your chest hurts. A heavy weight just sitting there where your heart used to be. It's suffocating, holding you down. It's wanting to drown you, and you can't make it back to the surface. You place your hands where the weight is. Thump, thump thump, it's still beating….your heart. It's still there, and it's pumping. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes. You concentrate on the rhythmic beating. Maybe your sister was right. Maybe Yoongi was a loser. He promised you…promised! He said he would take care of everything, and now he just broke it all apart. He ripped it all up into tiny red shreds and dropped them off the highest cliff he could find. He was probably laughing as he did it. Your tears start leaking out of your eyes again. Focus, focus on the rhythm. You close your eyes. Thump, thump, thump.  Your phone chimes again. 
Jimin said that the guys got in last night. I swear I brought it up casually. I didn't mention what we saw. Lisa tells you, and you choke on sob. This makes you feel worse. That means he had all day that he could have talked to you.  
Thanks. Let Jisoo know I'm turning my phone off for a while.
I will. I love you, sweets.
Me, too, you reply and power down your phone. 
He didn't want to see you. He has made that clear. All you needed was one call, one message. You just needed him to tell you that he had arrived. If he needed time alone, that was fine. He should have just told you. He's such a hypocrite. Telling you how you needed to talk to him and he's straight up ignores you too.  The thing is, you never lied. Yes, you may run and shut down, but you never lied. Screw this, you think, and you turn your phone back on after a few minutes. You immediately open your messages. 
“I know your home. I hope you're having fun with her.” 
You let out a loud breath. You delete the message and get out of bed. Padding to the living room, you try to lie down there.  The weight is still in your chest. It's so quiet, and the thoughts are so loud in your head. You want him here eating your favorite chicken, and you'll make sure there's extra rolls. You'll even let him pick a movie to watch even if you don't like it.  You stare up at your clock. The second hand seems to be moving extra slow today. It hardly makes any noise, though. A small, quiet ticking noise reminiscent of his metronome.  You don't want to hear it. Your memories make the agony hurt more. 
“Did you stay the night with her?” You stare at it for a minute. “Did she go on your trip with you?”  Delete. “Are you sleeping with her? That's fine, I'm with Kai right now.”  You press delete. “I miss you.” Delete. 
You should eat. Your stomach growls, angry with hunger. Your kitchen seems so far away, and you know there’s not much in there. You don't want to eat anyway. Getting up from the couch, you make your way back to your bedroom. Turning on your TV, you leave it on the first thing that comes on. You don't know what it is, but it makes the deafening silence better. You close your eyes, and you're still drowning. Waves of sadness and hurt lapping against your soul.  Your body starts to relax. You give in and let the waves take you away. 
Your eyes pop open. Immediately, they land on your alarm clock. The red glare is blurry, and you can't quite make out the numbers. Blinking away your sleep, you see it reads 8:30 pm. You had been out for about three hours. Your head swivels to your hallway when you hear a sound. There's a knocking at your door. Who the hell would come to your place this late? Picking your phone up, you see 6 missed texts and 4 calls from Yoongi. You refuse to open them. Absolutely not. You will not give him the satisfaction. Your phone chimes. You look down at your lock screen. Are you....was the only thing you could read from the push notification. Am I what? You ask yourself. Angry? Yes. Sad? Yes. Scared? Yes. The knocking seems to have stopped. You know it was him, but yet you didn't win anything for making him reach out to you first. Your phone chimes. I'm sorry. You laugh to yourself….sure. 
The next morning was quiet, and you were tired.  Lisa didn't come to work today. She had texted that Jimin had surprised her with a day trip. A couples spa thing. You were happy that she finally found someone who liked the same things she did and actually took care of her.  She called in with the flu, and after that, you decided to turn your phone off. You look at Seungkwan, and he looks happy that he gets to work in peace for once. Everynow and then you can hear him sing to himself. It makes you smile. He has a nice voice.  You actually managed to get a lot of work done, and Seungkwan seemed more than happy to help you when you needed it. You were wrong about him. He always seemed intimidating, but he's sweet. Admittedly,  you knew that Lisa being gone helped. She didn't distract you with office gossip or the retelling of her dates. You didn't have to talk about Yoongi. You feel bad, but you almost want to say you like it this way.  
5 o'clock on the dot you clock out. You wrap your sweater around you tight and throw your bag over your shoulder. It's colder and the daylight shorter. You can almost smell winter coming in the air. The crisp, clean smell of cold air and snow isn't too far now.  It will probably come early. You should probably grab a warmer jacket tomorrow. Stepping out of the building you stop dead in your tracks. Yoongi is standing there, waiting for you. The new orange…ginger hair on display. He's wearing the same green jacket from yesterday, you bet it smells like her.  He smiles when you see him. A true honest,  smile lights up his face. You…you  just stare. A blank stare that held no emotion. His smile drops a little before he quickly recovers and approaches you. 
“I went over to your place last night,” he said. So, it was him. “Were you asleep? You didn't answer my messages. I was getting worried.”  You visibly scoffed at that and your eyes flicker back to his hair.  “Yeah,” he said, reaching up and running his hand through it.  “Joon, he talked me into it. Do you like it?” 
“You ignored my messages,” you said quietly, not answering  his question. He sighs and tries to take your hand, but you pull away and shake your head. You don't want him to touch you, not after her.  Did she make him happy? Did he come over to your place right after leaving hers? “Two weeks?” You question.
“Baby, can we talk about this privately. Let's go to my place,” he suggests, but you shake your head no.   You'll give in there, you know it. “Can we at least sit in my car? Baby, you’re shivering.” You nod in agreement after a moment of hesitation and walk to his car. You rub your hands together as the wind bites at them. Yoongi tries to reach for you to warm them up for you. You don't let him. Instead, you jam them into your thin sweater, although it didn't do any good.  Getting in the car, he turns the heat up and points all the vents to you. “I know I said a week when I left, but the group we had a meeting with. They needed an album quickly. There were lawsuits involved and everything. I didn't even have time to eat or sleep. Namjoon took my phone away at one point. I couldn't make him mad.”
You don't know what to say to that. You feel him stare at you and he's fidgeting in his seat. His hands keep checking the air blowing out of the vents. Making sure it's warm enough for you. He's probably just nervous and needs something to do. 
“Did Namjoon sign them?” you asked. 
“Yeah, he did,” Yoongi confirms and you nod your head silently. “There's a lot of lawyers and paperwork involved but yeah, he did.” 
You look out the windshield. The trees that lined the street have long lost their green leaves. The leaves now have fallen to the ground as they turn into their beautiful fall hues of yellow and orange, crunching when people walk on them through town holding their warm coffees and other pumpkin spiced drinks. You watch as they swirl off the ground as the breeze picks them up, and they dance along the road as they pass by. You sigh. The sun is already starting to set. 
“Baby?” he asks, trying to get you to look at him. “Y/N?”
“I saw you.” you tell him. You surprise yourself with the lack of emotion in your voice.
“Where? What are you talking about?” he inquires. 
“Yesterday,” you answer, as a singular leaf twirls across the window. “We were getting coffee. We saw you with some woman. She was pretty. You looked happy.  Lisa told me you guys landed the day before that.” 
“That was…” he started but you didn't let him finish. 
“No, you waited…what 24 hours after being home to get a hold of me?” you asked. “Seeing those messages not even opened. Then seeing you with her,” you shook your head. You are tired, so very tired. “I get it.” 
“Will you let me explain?” he begs. You want to, you really do, but you're still too hurt. The wound is still raw and gaping.  You're still trying to make it to the surface.  Did he cheat on your sister, too? 
“My bus will be here soon. I need to go,” you tell him and you put your hand on the door handle. He throws himself over you to stop you from opening the door. “Yoongi!” 
“Let me take you home. I won't say anything. I won't try to come in. Baby, please just let me take you home?” you see something in his eyes that you can't decipher.  Is he scared? Is he scared like you were? Good. You nod your head silently. 
You lay awake in your bed. You couldn't sleep and you have been trying for hours. Tossing and turning, you kept getting tangled up in your blankets. Yoongi stuck to his word and just dropped you off. He didn't say anything on the drive home. He just kept stealing glances at you and you…you kept your eyes as straight as possible. It looked like he wanted to say something to you but you bolted from the car before he could put it fully into park. You regret it now. You wish you would have let him explain who she was. It's messing with your mind. All the scenarios you can think of that could have happened are driving you crazy. You look at the clock. 11:30pm. You're going to take a chance. You need to have a clear mind. You pick up your phone and call Yoongi. Thankfully, he picks up.
“Baby, is something wrong? Are you okay?” he asked. His voice is worried. Perfect. 
“Can you come over?” you ask. 
“On my way,” he says and hangs up.
Getting out of bed, your hair is a mess. You try to finger comb it, but you have to give up as the knotting gets worse and throw it up on the top of your head. Little pieces are standing up everywhere…oh well. You think about changing your clothes as you look through your closet  but honestly, you think that would seem desperate. You are, though …desperate. Wanting his answers, hugs, kisses. You wanted him to hold you so you could sleep. Hell, he didn't even need to hold you. He just needed to be next to you. You go to sit down on your couch to wait for him. No sooner did your butt meet the cushion. There was a knock at the door.  Taking a deep breath, you get up and walk to the door. Opening the door, Yoongi smiles at you, an unsure, nervous smile. You move to the side without a word to let him pass through the doorway. It's then you notice that he has two large bags with him.   
“I'm happy you called,” he said softly. You gesture him into the living room, and you sit across from each other. You on the old pea colored couch with frayed threads, him on the oversized chair. He looks so small sitting there alone. You studied him sitting there. Really studied him. Yoongi looked just as tired as you felt.  
“I…I'm ready for you to explain,” you tell him. You rub the palms of your hands on your knees nervously. You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the worse.  
“She's an old friend from college. She dated my friend Jooheon,” he explains. “She’s an art dealer that travels all over the place. I texted her about art supplies. If she knew what the best ones were. She said she did and she could probably get anything I wanted. I was supposed to meet her Saturday but after I showered and changed…I fell asleep so we met on Sunday instead. I tried calling you but you didn’t answer. So, I ended up coming over….I,” he sighed and looked at his hands. “I just wanted to surprise you.”
He wasn't a liar or a cheat. You study his face, and he looks defeated, like his world is about to crumble. You know how that feels. Your hands cover your face as you break out in sobs. You were a fool for believing the worst in him. The couch dips, and Yoongi takes you in his arms. His movement seems cautious.  He pulls you as close as he can get you. It only makes you cry harder. That feeling of drowning, the weight in your chest, it was because of you and not him. It was because you couldn't trust him enough. You feel like an awful person, sister, and partner.
“I'm sorry,” you cry. Yoongi grabs your face and makes you look at him. His hands were warm, and it was a welcoming feeling on your skin. “I'm so sorry, Yoongi.” Tears were streaming down your face.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You had every right to think what you did.” he tells you, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “I should have told you when I was coming home. I’m so sorry for not calling you. I fucking missed you,”  he says then captures your lips in a kiss. He has a sturdy hold on the back of your head. He doesn't want you to pull away and you don't. You're done fighting him. Yoongi pulls away and gives you a real smile. Letting you go, he gets up and grabs the bags he brought. He placess them by your feet and motions to them with his hands,“Go ahead.” 
You open the bag, and you want to cry again. He was telling you the truth. He got you art supplies and not the generic, big box store brands either. Graphite pencils of different grades, pastels, erasers, blending sticks, blow-bulbs, a portfolio, rulers, paper, and even a finishing spray. You can't even begin to think how much he spent on this. You run your hands over the black portfolio you sat on your lap. You never had access to these items before. You were lucky you had lined paper and a number 2 pencil back in the day. It's perfect, more than perfect. 
“Drawing used to make you so happy,” he says quietly. “Just how music makes me happy. I want you to have that back.” 
“Thank you,” you say as you throw yourself into his lap, hugging him. He holds you to him, both of you silent, relieved, tired.  Pulling back, you run a hand through his hair.  “I really like your hair.” Yoongi laughs heartily. 
“Good,” he responds, pulling you down for another kiss.
That night, as you laid in your bedroom, it wasn't filled with deafening silence like the night before. It wasn't filled with the sounds of passionate sex. It was filled with his quiet snores and both your heartbeats. 
✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦
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rollingsins · 1 year
Okay, ngl I am nervous for this chapter. If Tara doesn't get her shit together, then I'm done with her.
Lol R is the crazy one??? Really Mindy?? Jesus, this plan was made to fail.
GINGER SPICE?? SERIOUSLY NOW? Damn, Mindy really has no rizz at all. It's almost sad
Lol that's right!! Drag Tara to hell, but not back...
No no. I will snap YOU in half if this goes south, Tara
LOL QUINN GO GET IT GIRL!!! I genuinely love Quinn now. So much. Sam deserves to be happy and sexed out.
... I'd love to see something of their action
Okay, I absolutely love Sam. So much. More than Tara at this point. I'd even put up with her healthy eating habits but lentil spaghetti?? Kill me now please
Oh no. Here I am, at 7.30 am, nearly publicly crying in the bus because Sam has nothing. THAT'S SO SAD. That's it. Tara, you are DONE. Get your tiny ass here right now. I will obliterate you. You're an ungrateful and mean little shit. Your Pookie privileges are hereby revoked. I never thought I'd go from being a Pookie stan to hating her this much. Sam deserves so much better, Quinn is her safe haven. All she wants is to be loved by her sister. FUCK YOU TARA CARPENTER
Honestly I'm so mad at Tara. She's such a bitch, it's unbelievable. I will NOT forgive her for this. This little grump can leave. SAM SUPREMACY ✊🏻
Hey babe!
Mindy, girl you need to take some advice from your twin.
Let pookie redeem herself, she has issues 😭
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adevilsfolly · 1 year
"Hie thee home" Chapter II
“It feels as if my insides are melting; what manner of madness is this?” “It is the burden of love; the retribution of sinful pleasures of the flesh.” “O’ Father, is there a way I may revoke such emotions? Can I forswear such a painful union?” “Such an accursed bond may never be broken. Your fates are now interwoven; for better or for worse.”
~Thursday the 1st, June, 2023     4:42 AM~ ====================================================
     “Come on, V,” Uriel sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I won't tell anyone, just let me do it."
     The lithe man’s brow furrowed harshly, “I am alright.”
     “No-” Uriel’s arms crossed as he glared at V, “No, you’re not. You’re just getting slower--- just let me carry you.”
     “I am fine.”
     The ginger-haired man gave a large over-exaggerated groan before moving forwards again. With each step, V began to lag further and further behind. Another half hour or so passed and Uriel turned to talk to V but found he wasn’t beside him. A heavy sigh left his nose as he turned around to see V lagging behind by nearly 20 feet (6 meters). 
     “Alright, Duke of Limbs,” Uriel growled loudly and tromped over to the poet, “let’s fuckin’ go!” He seized V and yanked him up--supporting the skinny man's weight completely with his right arm.
     “What do you think you’re doing-!” V struggled a bit but was unable to break free from the devil.
     Uriel growled, “Quit struggling or you’ll be over my shoulder next, princess.” The devil continued forwards, his pace unchanging from earlier, “Now, where are we supposed to be going?”
     V grumbled a bit in anger before letting out a faint sigh, “Continue till you re-enter Red Grave then listen for music,” he begrudgingly rested the side of his head against Uriel’s shoulder, “I’m sure with your ears you’ll hear it just fine.”
     “Alright, then what?” 
     Uriel awaited a response but got nothing. When he looked down at the frail man, he saw that V was already fast asleep. He smiled as he whispered, an underlying feeling of melancholy tugged at his words as he somberly, “Stubborn as always,” a heavy blanket of wistful nostalgia coated his mind as he continued onwards, his grip tightening on the small man, and a small faint purring coming from deep within the devil’s chest.
     It didn’t take long for Uriel to reach the city ruins. As he looked around, he shook his head at the absolutely obliterated cityscape, "This place has definitely seen better days."
     He playfully kicked a rock and felt an instant wave of regret as he watched the baseball-sized pebble hit a nearby car and set off its alarm, “For fucks sake…”
     It didn’t take long for Uriel to start hearing movement around him. Admittedly, if he hadn’t been encumbered with a certain someone, he would’ve made the first move instead of waiting. However, he didn’t have much choice and, quite frankly, didn’t want to wake up V; enjoying the peaceful silence between them. The sounds came from several directions, a method demons use when hunting to distract their prey before a second one springs up from behind. Something Uriel was all too familiar with doing himself. 
     Casually, the ginger side-stepped and allowed a lunging Chaos demon to go past him. With as little as a forward motion of his wrist, Uriel snagged the demon’s tail and slammed it down into the ground, killing it. He then pivoted around on his heels and turned to face the small group of lesser demons. 
     With a sigh and annoyed roll of his eyes, the devil counted the demons; two more Chaos and two Baphomets.
     “Since I’m in a good mood,” he raised a brow as he drew his knife, extending both sides, “I’ll give you a chance to leave,” but he got no response, “Of course, why would you listen to me.”
     The two Chaos demons darted at Uriel. Quickly, he ducked underneath the first and, like a hot sharp knife through butter, he sliced the underbelly of the creature wide open. 
     Uriel stood up and shook off the gore, “In all my years, I’ve never lost to you lowly vermin,” he carefully removed a chunk of flesh from V’s hair, “and I don’t plan on it now.” 
     A wide wicked smile spread across his face. There was a short pause as the demons stared at Uriel, seemingly confused at the devil’s boastful nature. A shard of ice flew past the left side of Uriel’s face, slicing it. 
     He blinked slowly, dumbfounded at him not dodging the attack, and sighed with a small shake of his head, “That’s what I get for boasting.” 
     Uriel sprinted toward the two icy demons. All the while, he did his best to not wake the fragile man in his grasp. His speed was unexpected and caught the two demons off guard allowing him to slice the first Baphomet’s throat, quickly incinerating the icy flesh. Blood sprayed across Uriel’s, who gladly lapped up it off his face using his elongated tongue. Then turned his focus to V and began to wipe the blood from his face. 
     The second Baphomet attempted to use Uriel’s focus on V as an opening to shoot up another set of ice crystals from the ground. However, the ginger quickly jumped off to the side and the ice missed him; only to impale the final Chaos demon that had been attempting to sneak up behind Uriel. He ran at the demon as he moved his blade to his mouth, holding it by the handle using his teeth. Using his free hand, the sickly pale devil grabbed the final Baphomet’s neck, his nails digging deep into the soft flesh of the ice demon, and then slammed it into the concrete several times in pure frustration. Only stopping once it was nothing but a clump of sticky red mush. 
     The ginger’s breath was ragged as he closed his eyes, doing his best to keep himself in check; not wanting to cause any more damage to the city than what has already occurred. With a small huff, Uriel grabbed the knife out of his mouth and licked the blood from his hand. A small hum came from him as he ran the asymmetrical grind of each blade against his tongue, cleaning them, and then closed the knife. 
     Leisurely he tucked it into the edge of his unscathed sweatpants, “Pretty anti-climatic…” He sighed and continued onwards. 
     V was still asleep in the devil’s arms and, despite him being covered in demon's blood, V was no worse for wear. Uriel very gently used his sleeve to clean off V’s face further and found himself wanting to coddle the delicate man. Mindlessly, he placed a soft kiss on V’s forehead and began to purr softly at the oddly comforting feeling of having someone so close; especially someone of V's (or, rather, Vergil’s) caliber. 
     A small dreary smile tugged at Uriel’s features as he traversed the city, following the faint sound of music as instructed. It had only been a few years since he’d been in Red Grave but it feels like a lifetime ago. He remembers how lively the city was, the children running along the sidewalk, the street-side sellers trying to sell whatever they could, and the smell of the nearby bars’ grills that were always packed every Friday and Saturday. Red Grave felt like home to him for those few years and it had been the only place on Earth that he’d ever wanted to stay in. 
     Now? It reminded him of all those centuries ago when the armies of the Underworld were on the verge of conquering the human race; a war that Uriel refused to take part in. 
     “Damn,” he thought to himself, stopping in front of a decimated corner store, “They used to have really good chocolates. I hope that young woman…” he pursed his lips and furrowed his brow in thought, trying to remember her name, “Sasha? Sarah? Sammy..? Whatever-- I hope she made it out alright.”
     “Were you close?” A soft sultry voice rang through his ear.
     “Huh?” Uriel stared at V with parted lips, “I- uh, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.”
     “It is alright,” V sleepily rubbed his head against Uriel, “So, who was she?”
     “Ah,” Uriel continued moving forwards, “No one important.”
     “Are you sure? It won’t upset me if you’d found companion--”
     “What?! No! We weren’t-- Gross,” Uriel laughed softly, “She and I were friends; although Dante was adamant that she,” he moved his jaw in thought, “wanted me.”
     V’s eyes focused on the necklace around Uriel’s neck, “I see… May I ask why you said gross?”
     “Verg--” Uriel clicked his tongue, “Sorry, V, I don’t find humans attractive.” The devil stopped and looked up the side of a tall building, “In fact,” instantly, the pair were atop the structure via teleportation, “I find humans repulsive.”
     Slowly, the ginger began to survey the city and hoped to find the source of the noise or, at least, gain some sort of idea of where to go.
     The lithe man laughed with a shake of his head, “You know that Vergil is half-human and that I am completely human, right?”
     Sad glazed-over mauve eyes met with V’s, “I know,” his voice was deflated once again.
     The poet pursed his lips, taking a short pause; unsure as to what was exactly going through the devil’s mind, “Then do you hate--”
     “You are different; your entire bloodline is different to me,” Uriel’s head snapped up, figuring out where the sound was coming from, “I had respect for Sparda, even if we didn’t see eye-to-eye.”
     V raised a brow and tighten his grasp on the devil, knowing that he was in for a bumpy ride, “You knew him?”
     The ghostly pale devil walked over to the side opposite where he was headed and laughed softly at V’s words. His grip tightened on his leather-clad passenger and he sprinted off to the other ledge, jumping off it. Unintentionally, he landed on top of a chained Behemoth’s back and killed it on impact. 
     As the devil ran through the city streets, avoiding all manner of demons, he answered V’s question, “Yes, I knew Sparda,” a small pained bittersweet smile pulled at his lips, “He was quite the spunky devil, even as a whelp.”
     A curious tilt adorned V’s brow as he spoke in disbelief, “As a whelp..? You knew him when he was younger?”
     Uriel laughed with a wide smile, “Of course I did. You didn’t know that?”
     The raven-haired man’s face was contorted into a confused glare.
     “V,” Uriel’s eyes met with his, “I am much older than your father; by at least a few thousand years.”
     The ginger’s pace slowed to a jog, nearing the destination, “Really?” he laughed, “You didn’t figure that out?”
     “No, I didn’t.” 
     Uriel’s smile dropped upon noticing V’s frown, “Oh come on, V, don’t be so angry. If you consider how I was made, I have no age,” he shrugged, “I'm not even alive if we want to be all technical.”
     “I suppose you are right,” V sighed and gave Uriel a soft smile, “Guess that makes me a reverse cougar of sorts?”
     “I could be a gigolo-- or just a creeper; which do you prefer?”
     They shared a laugh as Uriel’s speed dropped to a walk, meandering up to the loud white van with the words “Devil May Cry” plastered on the side with an LED sign.
     “This what we’re lookin’ for?”
     V turned his head outwards, “Yes,” he sat upwards, Uriel slowly dipping his legs down and offering support to the unsteady man, “Thank you and, please, do not mention anything about Vergil. I--”
     “You don’t have to explain,” Uriel stuck his hands in his pockets, leaning back casually, “I get it.”
     “Thank you, Uriel.” V turned away from the ginger, “Give me a moment, I will retrieve the others.”
     With that, V shuffled off and into the van’s door, leaving Uriel alone.
     In his boredom, the pale devil took out his knife and flicked the blades out, fiddling with it mindlessly. An odd heavy feeling pricked at his mind as he thought about what lies ahead or, rather, what reaction he will have to Vergil’s demon half. Would Uriel even be able to fight him? Or would it be too much for him to stomach? Would Vergil’s demon side, Urizen, recognize him? What will this “Urizen” even look like? 
     A wave of sullen mourning encompassed his mind. His brow furrowed harshly. Uriel had never properly acknowledged what happened that fated morning over two decades ago. The loss of a friend he’d long since yearned to have. How the eldest son of Sparda simply just up and left, never to return; abandoning a confused and distraught Uriel completely alone. As his mind divulged further into the sickening spiral, he’d begun to move the blade faster around in his fingers. 
     Perhaps Vergil had taken his fill of Uriel and squeezed enough knowledge from the accident devil that the eldest twin no longer needed him. Maybe Vergil had been playing him the whole time, that their entire companionship and bond was nothing more than just a tool. But then why wouldn’t Vergil take Uriel with him to use as a weapon as so many other of Uriel’s “masters” have? Why leave Uriel at the house, alone and without warning? Why sever the bond of the knife before leaving if he had planned on attacking Mundus? Vergil obviously didn’t care enough about Uriel that it was out of kindness. What was Vergil trying to gain out of toying with this lonely devil? 
     The devil’s brow twitched as he noticed how his hand felt weirdly hot and a dripping sensation made him stop his thoughts for a moment. When he looked down, he saw a large cut that ran up from his wrist all the way through his palm, and through his left hand’s ring finger--ending at the tip. He side-eyed his knife that was in the other hand and noticed that he had indeed cut himself on the lead-colored metal. A small huff of irritation came from him as he watched his skin pull itself back together and the irritation dissipate. 
     Then a loud click followed by a squeak caught his attention and he turned to look at the now-open van door. Quickly, he closed the blade and placed it back in its resting spot on his left side. Out of the doorway strode (a freshly cleaned off) V followed by two others; a young woman with brunette hair and an unarmed young man with platinum-silver hair.
     The lithe man leaned hard on his cane and gestured at Uriel with his free hand, “You'll have to forgive the extended departure; he was rather hard to find.”
     “Well now,” Uriel smirked and folded his arms, staring at the young man, “What do we have here?”
     Nero’s stare thinned as he removed his jacket, tossing it to the ground. 
     “V,” Uriel’s eyes were still trained on Nero as the ginger pulled the blade from his waistline, “Hold this for a minute.” He tossed his knife to V.
     V and Nico’s eyes widened in confusion as they stared at the two. Uriel and Nero were damn near butting foreheads--or rather, butting forehead to chest, due to Uriel’s short height--and were locked in an intense menacing stare. 
     Uriel’s lip twitched as he let out a low sustained growl and Nero did the same, as if to size one another up. In an instant, Nero backhanded Uriel, using his human arm, and sent the devil flying off into the distance. A sudden panic came over V and he went to move to mediate the hostile situation but was stopped by Shadow; who had not only summoned themselves but was wrapped around V’s legs, keeping the poet still. Nico noticed the cat’s sudden appearance and shrugged, lighting a cigarette; figuring that the cat had the right idea.
     A quick flash of auburn flew across the trio’s point of view and shoulder drove into Nero, sending the young man flying just as far--if not further--than he’d just done to said auburn flash. With a wide devilish grin, Uriel quickly hopped around, using the various debris as his landing points, and found the crater that Nero was laying face up in. 
     He squatted down, resting his forearms on his knees, “Huh, must’ve been the long hair that gave you power; since you’re already--!”
     Nero pushed up and tackled Uriel at the hips, wrestling with him for a moment before pinning the ginger, “Guess you’re gettin’ dumber in your old age.”
     Uriel smiled with a small ‘hmph’ and forced Nero over, now pinning the young man, “Sorry but it’s gonna take a lot more than that to make me submit.”
     “Oh yeah?”
     The two began to struggle again, however, Nero was unable to reverse the pin. Uriel had a smug look on his face despite the small worry in his mind that this was the first time he’d actually had to try and keep Nero down. After a moment, the two shared a soft laugh and let go of each other. Both of them sat down and were breathing heavily, a smile tugging at their lips. 
     “So,” Nero looked over at Uriel, “Since when are you that fast, huh?”
     “Eh?” Uriel tilted his head.
     “And since when do you have eyes like that? Or ears--- Why do you look so--”
     Nero nodded.
     “Well,” Uriel’s eyes broke from his, “How shall I put it…” he pursed his lips in thought, “The person you knew before… Remind me; Xane, was the alias--correct?”
     He nodded once more.
     “Think of Xane as something akin to Trish’s “Gloria”; a ruse used to keep a lower profile. Mine was especially created because of Dante.”
     Nero frowned, “So then who are you?”
     Uriel smiled as he stood up and offered a hand to help Nero up, “Name’s Uriel.”
     With a grunt, Nero grabbed the devil’s hand and returned to his feet, “You aren’t human, are you?”
     “Damn, what gave it away?” There was a playful sarcasm in his voice.
     The silver-haired hunter punched Uriel’s shoulder, “What are you then? You don’t look like Dante or Trish…”
     “Actually,” the devil placed a hand on Nero’s shoulder, “I am exactly like Trish,” he moved his head to the side in thought, “Well, I mean, kind of..?”
     “What’s that supposed---”
     “Hey!” A loud southern voice cut Nero off. The two of them turned to see Nico and V walking toward them, “What the hell was that about, huh?”
     Uriel slowly panned to Nero, “Finally find a girlfriend?”
     Nero punched Uriel’s shoulder again, however, he hit much harder and even moved Uriel from the force, “Fuck off.” Nero smiled, “She’s Kyrie’s.”
     “Really? Huh, I didn’t think she swung that way,” Uriel shrugged, “Good for her-- So what that’s your sister-in-law then, right?”
  ��  Nero gave a breathy laugh, “If they got married, yeah.”
     Uriel smiled, however, it seemed disingenuous. Before Nero could ask what was wrong, Nico spoke again.
     “You two tryin’ to get the attention of e’ery demon in town?”
     Nero laughed, “Sorry, just got carried away in the moment.”
     “Carried away in killin’ V’s lil’ pet project?”
     Uriel raised a brow, “V’s “pet project”?”
     Nero and Nico ignored Uriel’s comment as Nero answered her, “Hey, be nice. He’s more than V’s pet project, he’s also Dante’s pet.”
     “Now how the hell’s that make any sense if Dante don’t even know ‘em?”
     “Who said Dante doesn’t know him?”
     V finally spoke up, “Dante knows Uriel?”
     Nero nodded, surprised at V’s unawareness, “Yeah, Xa-- Uriel, worked as a hunter for a while.”
     Uriel folded his arms, “A while? Alright, hold on- First off, I am no one's pet or project; if you call me that one more time, I ain’t fuckin’ helping. Second off, I have been working at the Devil May Cry about as long as you’ve been alive, altar boy.”
     V shook his head, “You have?”
     Uriel smiled softly, “Yeah, I needed a place to go after I lost my house back in ‘99 and I’ve always had a knack for demon hunting.”
     Nico used her thumb and forefinger to squeeze out the cherry of her smoke, stepping on it to put it out, “So you’re a demon hunter then?”
     Uriel nodded, “Yes I am, Ms..?”
     She stuck out a hand, “Goldstein but you can call me Nico.”
     Uriel smiled, “That means you’re a gunsmith, right?”
     She nodded, confused at the ginger’s sudden excitement.
     “So then you do gun repairs-?”
     Uriel pursed his lips, “Do you have experience with Devil Arms? Like Artemis or Pandora?”
     Nico raised a brow, her gaze flicking between people, “Stop beatin’ ‘round the bush; what’s the question, shorty?”
     “Sorry,” he cleared his throat, “I have a gun that is a Devil Arm which needs repairs, physical ones; something that I do not have the knowledge to do. Once this whole ordeal is over, I would love to either learn how to fix it or pay you to repair it.”
     “Sure thing; I can repair it now if you want,” she pulled out her pack of smokes, placing an unlit one in her mouth, “Not like I’m gonna join ya on the field…” She fumbled around for her lighter before flicking the silver zippo open.
     “You aren’t?” Uriel raised a brow, watching her struggle to get a spark. 
     “Nope, I ain’t a hunter,” her brow furrowed in irritation at her unworking lighter.
      She watched as the sickly-looking man snap his fingers and a small flame adorning the tip of his thumb, then he offered to light her smoke by pointing his thumb at her, “I would but I don’t have the energy to retrieve it at the moment, I am still rather exhausted.”
     “Ah sure thing,” she nodded and took him up on the offer, lighting her smoke, “Thanks,” she looked at him, unsure how to feel about working with this devil. 
     An awkward silence fell over the group and, after a few moments, V cleared his throat, “We should get moving while the day is young,” he began to meander back to the van.
     Nero nodded and laughed, slapping Uriel’s shoulder, “Race ya’!”
     “Oh, you’re so on!”
     As the two raced off, Nico caught up to V, “Hey, uh can I ask ya somethin’?”
     V nodded, “Sure.”
     “If he’s really one of them demons,” she removed the smoke from her mouth and shook her head, “Why’d he help hunt them?”
     With a small smirk, V let out a half-laugh huff, “I have never managed to get a clear answer as to why; however…”
     After a small pause, Nico raised a brow, “However, what?” She put the cigarette back in her mouth.
     The lithe man smiled, although an oddly pained feeling filled his voice, “Uriel used to read with me and when I’d ask his motives he’d always point to the same start of a poem; ‘Can I see anothers woe,/And not be in sorrow too?/Can I see anothers grief,/And not seek for kind relief. Can I see a falling tear./And not feel my sorrows share,/Can a father see his child,/Weep, nor be with sorrow fill'd.’.”
     “What’s that suppose’ to mean? He’s got a soft spot for humans?”
     “Perhaps. He has never stated much beyond having a strong distaste for humanity as a whole.”
     She pursed her lips, “Great that’s reassurin’.”
     “He means well,” he softly sighed, “His experiences with people have been far from amicable.”
     “ ‘least Nero seems to like ‘em.”
     “It would seem so, yes.”
Other parts on Tumblr: CHAPTER I
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
 the john oliver country song about rich men north of richmond was shilled in an absurdly obvious way, ive only heard a few seconds of it by accident and im not saying it sounds bad but the push was fucking absurdly transparent, multiple threads on 4chan at the same time practically choked the boards out, its the most obvious shilling campaign i have ever seen, but why? read the lyrics, thats how jews want right wing people to think, its the dang RICHIES! its the POLITICIANS! its those damn DEMONCRATS! its the jews. they ruined this fucking country in ways that have never been done before in world history excepting for wiemar germany maybe but i think the misery is far worse now. not only have you never experienced life in a functional country but your parents havent either and depending on how old you are neither did your grandparents, whats normal for us would have been literally horrifying to most people who ever existed, but again to us its normal, so you dont even understand what they took from you, they have destroyed love, again, first they nailed it to a cross but it came back, and it will come back again. love is the only thing that makes this existence worth living, and in fact it did more than that, it made life good, its gone, obliterated. i experienced a taste of it, and then i experienced a lot of what you probably call love as well, i cant blame you for being fooled because on the outset its like love in all ways, you do the same things, say the same things, but its hollow, its alcohol free beer, real love changes the universe, it changes your entire world. they killed it, made it all but impossible, imagine you love someone with all your heart and soul, just looking at them makes you happy, you act on your love and it feels fucking amazing, and from that a new human is made and its the cutest damn thing and you love it as well and it loves the both of you and you help it grow into a man or woman and then it falls in love and from its love a new person is made thats still part of you and the woman or man you love. it didnt have to be this way, but it was. once you truly understand that in a random universe without god or destiny it didnt have to be that way, we could have reproduced asexually or not at all, infinite possibilities, that it was that way is more beautiful than anything i could imagine. for a hundred years they were like worms gnawing the roots of a great redwood tree, for one hundred years they set out purposefully to destroy the foundations of love and families for no other reason than it is their nature, they follow the lusts of their father and are contrary to all men.  andrew tate, nick fuentez, just pearly things, nor oliver ginger beard will ever meaningfully address this and therefore everything they say is meaningless, they are intellectual traps to catch “subversive” thinkers before they can become worth a shit
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Streamer Childe
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Childe X GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
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Childe, “Tartaglia,” one of the most popular gamer Twitch streamers out there, has over 6.4 million followers.
He doesn’t really go by Tartaglia unless he’s being consumed by his ego, Childe is the name he mainly goes by.
Of course, it’s a running joke in the community that he’s called Childe because he acts like one - and lets be honest he does act like a bit of a child lol.
His real name is Ajax, but he’s pretty determined to keep his private life private. He’ll only let people know what he wants them to know.
Since he’s the most popular streamer out of the friend group (Xiao, Scaramouche, Aether, Venti, Zhongli, Albedo, and Kazuha), he’s more liable to hacker attacks.. what people don’t know is that he’s a hacker himself.
Like an actual hacker.
He doesn’t use this to hack games, no, he’s got a sense of reason, he uses it to annoy the shit out of people and protect himself and friends.
His background is.. not entirely known, but here he is now! A streamer who’s been at it for close to seven years now.
He gained popularity quickly from his looks alone, but his chaotic persona certainly attracts another demographic as well.
He’s insanely good at games, preferring to play multi-player just so he can obliterate his opponents and tea bag them. He’s the king of games like Valorant, Apex, and League of Legends, streams where he’s playing those games are LOUD. He’s constantly seething and screaming.
It’s literally so funny. He’s not toxic, just an idiot.
Talks mad shit, but he can back it up.
Adores destroying Scaramouche in games especially, but they’re one hell of a team if they team up.
He also likes to play silly little fantasy games like Wizard101 (nostalgia) and Genshin Impact. It makes for great chill content on days where he’s a bit more tired than he lets on.
Is definitely not free to play, btw. If he wants a certain character or item he will get it.
Because he’s so popular, he doesn’t have the luxury of having an all too interactive Discord. ):
(That’s why he likes hiding out in his other friends discords under a different account)
In the beginning it was fine, people could talk in multiple chat rooms, but as he grew in popularity.. weirder and weirder people joined. It got to a point where he had to just.. get rid of everything. The only people who can talk on the server now are those who are subscribed to his Twitch for four or more months.
Even then, if they break a strict rule there will be no mercy.
It’s not something he’s happy about, but he cares more about others comfort and safety than overall happiness.
Childe is nice, don’t make him angry.
Of course, he goofs off in the server with his buddies, which is entertaining enough.
He’s pretty much a variety streamer, playing all sorts of games. Was definitely on that Among Us craze. Anything that can be fun he’s going to try.
Doesn’t like horror games all too much but MAN he still plays them if they interest him.
If they’re multiplayer, he’ll always collab with Xiao. Their screaming matches are top tier comedy.
When he rage quits he switches off the game and turns off the lights- “Deep breath in, deep breath out guys. It’s just a game~” 
Literally looks like the most level headed person but he’s grasping onto the last strings of his sanity so he doesnt go berserk on stream like that one time when Scaramouche one-shotted him and he got so pissed he accidentally broke his finger from wildly swinging his arms around.
That video still circulates the internet LOL.
He never lets his popularity get to him, he just wants to have fun and that’ll never change. If people want him to be their sponsor, he does an extensive background check and makes sure the thing is 100% good for him and his followers.
Yeah he doesn’t have many because of this, but he makes more than enough money to not care about it.
He’s the king of Instagram, always going out and taking hot photo’s.. narcissist but its ok.
You’re his cute photographer (:
He’s pretty addicted to waterparks so he tries going at least thrice a year! He doesn’t live far away from some amazing attractions!
And you!! He drags you along with him!!
Unlike with Xiao who tried to hide it, people know Tartaglia has a s/o.
He’s ALWAYS bragging about you to his watchers, you literally slip into conversation at least twice per stream.
“You know I was going to eat leftovers for dinner but when I got to the fridge I discovered the demon living in my house who I love very much ATE IT. So they’re ordering food right now. They’re literally the best.”
“My s/o put their cold gremlin feet on my legs last night and I think I saw God for a second there. Let’s take a moment out of our day to pray to our lord and savior- Zhongli. He owes me money btw.”
There’s never a dull moment living with him, he’s eccentric and can make you giggle so easily it’s not even fair.
Cleanest guy you’ll ever meet. Enjoys cleaning for some reason, relaxes him. He just likes living in pristine clean conditions.
He has his dark days, where things become so overwheming.. it feels like there are eyes everywhere watching him and he wants to hide under the covers.. Everyone has a breaking point, and this man has seem some seriously fucked up shit and been through even more fucked up shit because of him being a streamer. He can handle it, but the thought of you getting caught up in it makes him feel sick.
He.. has severe anxiety, and sometimes might even pause the stream because an anxiety attack takes his breath away.
He just really needs you near him most of the time.. Just chilling in a beanbag chair not far away from his computer desk is very cool. He’s clingy but not in a suffocating way. More like in a way where you keep him grounded.
You presence is beyond calming. Knowing he has you means everything.
He needs you more than he ever really let on.
He’s pretty good at hiding his emotions on stream though, he wants people to feel happy and have fun when watching him.
Has so many voice redeems (they cost a LOT of points and are for subscribers only but damn.) Once a bunch of people redeemed voice redeems all at the same time mid-game and he lost it. Crying while trying to not lose LOL.
“Wake up, mommy, I threw up”
“Gawd Dayum”
Various random noises.
Took ten minutes to calm down.
His streams are chaotic, not relaxing most of the time.
If you wanna laugh your heart out, he’s the guy!
Also! While he does bring you up often, he keeps you private as well. Doesn’t give key details away, he’s just open about the fact that he has someone that kisses him goodnight.
If anyone (usually weird fangirls) tries to shit on you, he’s calling them out immeidetly.
Only on stream, though, and without mentioning their user.
He’s aware communities can be toxic, and he doesn’t want to give anyone the oppurtunity to doxx someone.
He doesn’t reply to hate comments on Twitter because of this, he’s seen what has happened when other streamers do.
No one, not even his haters, deserve to be doxxed for something harmless.
Actually, he’s caught someone trying to hack him a few times. Cue the sinister grin as he out-hacks the noobs.
Literally no idea what his past was, he won’t say anything to you about it.
About once every two months, he has a 36 hour stream, all proceeds go to a charity. If a major event happens in the world, he’ll try to do a 12-24 hour stream and donate revenue to the organization thats helping.
Kinda like what Pewdiepie does??
He’s very rich btw. Buys designer shit because he likes feeling fancy.
Makeup KING. Has an extensive bathroom routine. You’ll never see him with dry skin or baggy eyes (unless its a long stream).
He likes helping small streams! Every month he compiles a list of recommended small streamers, even has an “End Of The Month Recommendation Stream” where he and his followers watch a small part of the streamers past stream as to advertise it.
Genuinely a good guy. Has so many giveaways.. on Twitter to make it easier. Don’t need to follow, just like and retweet. (:
He’s giving.. Gah! So hard not to love him!
Until you play games with him and he has no mercy and will destroy your team to win.
He lets people know that the person is his s/o, but what they don’t know is that you are also impossible to hack thanks to his security meassures.
He’s so thorough it’s insane. A perfectionist.
His PC set up is pretty cute, got an obsession with the ocean and whales so.. beach themed game room~
Not uncommon to see him drinking from a coconut.
There’s so much fanart of him it’s insane, even animations from collabs!
Adores his community.. but is aware of some bad apples.
Makes it VERY clear he doesn’t support harassment or doxxing, and that if any of his followers do that sort of shit they’re dead to him.
It’s hard work being popular, so many bodyguards at meet and greets.
Dude is so bad with money it’s not even funny, had to hire a personal assistant to keep him in check.. but but.. if he sees something he knows you’ll like..... MUST BUY.
Has a Youtube channel too, he puts up tutorials on there. Please sit on his lap while he edits videos, he craves attention constantly. Kissies your cheek while mindlessly editing.
He streams 4 days a week, sometimes 5 if he feels like it, so he needs his cuddles.
Streams last on average 3 hours, crazy 3 hours.
If you don’t give him a kiss before he streams he will be a very upset man on that stream. 
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merakiaes · 4 years
Hate You, Hate You Not - Armitage Hux
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Pairing: General Armitage Hux x reader
Requested: By anon. 
Prompts: #1 & #58 from the fluff-list. 
Warnings/notes: (SHOULD I MAKE A PART 2 WITH MORE ROMANCE IN IT?) This ended up being much longer than I planned so it's most likely very boring and dull😭 Might be a bit, if not a lot, out of character since this is kinda my test-run for Hux and Star Wars in general. Getting the characters mannerisms in might take some practice. Not proofread so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. This is the first time ever that I write for Star Wars and the first time in like 5-6 months that I’m writing in general so I’m a bit rusty. Please reblog and leave comments to keep my motivation going and let me know if you’d like to be added to a Star Wars taglist <3 
Wordcount: 5632
Summary: One of Kylo Ren’s many tantrums results in your room being inhabitable for a night, which in turn results in you having to share a room - and bed - with the person you hate the most. 
Everyone who had ever, at some point in their lives, worked alongside Kylo Ren in his quest to bring the Order to power, knew how much of a hassle and inconvenience his temper, or lack thereof, could be.
Not much was needed for him to lose his cool and it happened on a much too frequent basis than what was considered normal for a man in his early 30s, at least according to you.
Of course, however, you couldn’t actually tell him that, nor could you think it, with the risk of him probing your mind.
So every time he came back from a failed mission and completely obliterated your hard work, you could do nothing but bite your tongue, clear your head and repair the damages like you’d done oh, so many times before.
That’s what you got for being one of the highest-ranked engineers of the Order, you supposed.
But on this day you would’ve, for the first time in your life, very much preferred to repair the damages left behind by your tantrum-prone leader like you always did. Because if that punishment had to be compared to the one you were now facing, you would’ve chosen the former without even a shadow of a doubt.
But, unfortunately, that was not an option this time around, as the room that had fallen victim to the sizzling beam of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber was your bedroom.
Well, not originally, of course, but sparks had flown from the totaled control panels and a piece of supposedly fireproof metal scrap had caught on fire before you and the other engineers reached the room for a damage-control, starting of as a small flame and then proceeding to spread like wildfire as fire did, in ways completely unbeknownst to you as, like already mentioned, the place was supposed to be safe from fires.  
The licking flames had managed to melt through several walls before you got to the scene, and one of those walls was the wall to your bedroom.
It was late when it happened, only fifteen minutes before you were supposed to end your shift, and as you were on the verge of having a mental fucking breakdown, you personally requested an audience with Kylo and were granted permission by him after a very carefully-worded explanation to start early in the morning.
But that only took care of one of your problems, and only temporarily at that. Now you were left with the issue of finding other sleeping accommodations since your room was currently not habitable. You had no choice but to ask for another room and, of course, Hux thought that to be the perfect time to crack a sarcastic joke about throwing you into one of the prisoner cells.
You had never, in all your years of being alive, glared so fiercely at another human being as you did then. And in your moment of anger, you accidentally let your walls down and let your thoughts run freely through your head – your annoyance directed at the General, but also at Kylo Ren, being exposed.
You felt it before you saw it – that little prickle in your head, that little sting of your mind being probed – and only a second later, Kylo Ren turned his masked head in your direction, walked up to you with patronizingly slow steps and spoke:
“I think you’ll find that General Hux’s quarters will suffice for the night, until repairs can be done to your own. He has more than enough space for both of you.”
He turned his head to look at the baffled man standing behind him, all of the attitude he had previously been harboring against you now completely melted away.
“Isn’t that right, General?” Kylo continued asking, giving him the time he needed to regain his composure.
The general in question had never been very good at holding his tongue, not even when receiving orders from superiors, and was quick to protest.
As anyone would’ve been able to guess, that didn’t go very well, and you weren't even gonna try hiding the satisfaction you got from seeing Hux be force-choked against a wall for speaking out of turn.
No matter how good both of you were at hiding your spiteful thoughts toward him, Kylo knew how much the two of you hated him. And more than anything, he knew how much you hated each other.
Kylo had become very predictable to you during the time you had been there and you knew his ways good enough to know that he wouldn’t have wasted petty energy in putting the two most hateful people he knew in the same room if he hadn’t been pushed to do so.
You knew that you weren’t the reason in this scenario, despite the fact that he had probably felt your spite directed towards him, which only left one option; and that option was the bitter, infuriatingly stubborn ginger currently walking by your side.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and glared, clenching and unclenching your fists at your sides in the same manner you had been doing ever since Kylo had ruled his decision final and dismissed you for the night.
His eyes remained trained on the metallic corridor that seemed to be stretched out for miles in front of you and your blood boiled at the sight.
You would’ve lost your shit if he’d had the nerve to even consider looking at you after putting you in this situation, but at the same time, you were also on the verge of losing your shit about him having the audacity to ignore you.
You wanted to scream at him like you’d never screamed at anyone before, but you knew that doing that would only fuel the petty grudge Kylo had against the two of you and give him more ways to cause you torment. The only thing you and the general would ever have in common was not wanting that.
But still, what harm could a tiny bit of friendly banter do?
“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, Armitage?” The question you’d been sucking on for the past few minutes finally slipped out into the air, making your anger known.
“Don’t call me that.”
“My apologies.” You sarcastically shot back with a dry laugh. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, general?”
“No, it was awfully tempting.” Was all that he replied, his eyes not once flickering and neither his stone-cold scowl nor fast-paced stride faltering.
Well, you might have absolutely despised each other but in the very least, you never bothered lying to each other. That had to count for something, right? Not that either of you cared.
No more words were exchanged, and that was probably for the best. Engineers and stormtroopers all moved out of your way as the two of you marched through the corridors, side by side, knowing better at this point than to get on your bad sides when you were together and this obviously angry both with each other and in general.
Soon enough, you finally reached the corridor in which Hux’s sleeping quarters were located and once the mechanic doors slid open, you pushed yourself past him into the room before he even got the chance to react.
He fumed behind you as he watched you make yourself at home, dropping your dirty jacket on his perfectly made bed.
“You’ll take the floor, then?” You asked as you turned around, crossing your arms over your chest and shooting him a forced smile.
“Hardly.” He spat, eyes narrowing, and you scoffed, rolling your eyes in return.
“You must be a real hit with the ladies with those manners.”
At that, he stepped further into his room, allowing the sensory-triggered door to shut behind him, successfully shutting the two of you in together.
“I don’t have time for fooling around with women.” He spat out the last word with such malice that you automatically raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that explains it.” You mused, the corner of your lip tugging upwards ever so slightly.
“Explains what, exactly?” His eyes narrowed further, and this time it was his turn to cross his arms.
“That stick you have up your ass.” You wasted no time in shooting back, and before he got a chance to reply, you continued. “I know this might be news to you seeing as you’re, well, you, but gentlemen are supposed to sacrifice their comfort and offer themselves to take the floor when a lady, due to unfortunate circumstances, is forced to stay in their room.”
You sarcastically smiled at him and sank down his bed, something that he, judging by the snarl overtaking his face, didn’t appreciate.
“You, a lady? That will be the day.” He scoffed. “Even calling you a woman is a stretch with your mannerisms.”
You could only roll your eyes.
“Well, I’m not sharing a bed with you.” The glare that had temporarily been exchanged for a teasing smirk returned to your face. “I’d rather share a bed with Millicent.”
As you said that, you picked up a single strand of cat hair from his bed, held it up for further inspection and raised your lip in disgust.
He stared at you dead serious, hands clasped behind his back and eyes burning holes into the side of your face.
“You’re allergic to cats.” He pointed out, making your head whip back around to face him with a glare equally as fierce as the one you were met with.
“Yes, that’s my point.” You deadpanned. “But it would seem that said point just went right over your thick-skulled head.”
“Do you think I am any happier about this than you are?” He scowled, and you stood up, slowly approaching him and coming to a stop right in front of him.
He took a small step back, a move that made your lip tug upward ever so slightly. The fact that he was so obviously not as tough as he wanted people to believe gave you a special kind of satisfaction and he knew it, judging by the way he only turned stiffer after that.
“You should be.” You smiled sweetly at him, keeping your eyes connected to his. “Because you’re sure as hell lucky I haven’t choked the life out of you yet for getting us into this situation in the first place.”
He glared and you glared right back, challenging, no, daring him to fight back. You knew that he wanted to, you could see that he wanted to, but in the end, not even he was that stupid.
So he said nothing, and once you realized you had finally managed to successfully back him into a corner, you backed away from him again and plastered on another forced, overly sweet smile.
“Now, I need to take a shower. I reek of burnt plastic.” You stated flatly and pushed past him, making a beeline for the one extra door in the room that you could only assume was his bathroom.  
You heard the squeak of his shoes rubbing against the floor as he quickly turned around behind you, and then came the determined steps and the proximity of his body closing in on you. However, before he got the chance to object or reach you, you entered his bathroom and slammed the door shut in his face, smiling contently to yourself as you listened to the muffled string of curses that followed.
You didn’t spend any more time thinking about it, though, not wasting any time before doing what you came in there to do.
You got out of your horrid-smelling clothes, released your equally as nasty-smelling hait from its ponytail and stepped into the shower.
If there was one thing you appreciated a little extra about living at the Starkiller Base, it was that everyone used the same scented soap. Because that meant that you wouldn’t have to go around smelling specifically like Hux, but rather just like you always smelled.
Once you finished washing your hair and body, you had to stop and think for a bit.
Your clothes obviously still reeked and needed a proper wash before they could be worn again, and you obviously couldn’t go naked.
After much thought back and forth, you finally settled with your own leggings as they were the one piece of clothing from your previous attire that smelled the least of smoke, and a plain black, long-sleeved undershirt that you found in a pile of Hux’s clean laundry.
Once you vad gotten dressed, braided your hair and re-entered the bedroom accompanied by a stream of steam, you found it to be empty, Hux nowhere in sight.
You couldn’t deny that you wondered where he’d gone off to, but you shook your head free of his face pretty quickly, settling with believing that he just went to take his frustration out on some poor stormtrooper or low-rank intern like he so often did when things didn’t go his way, much like Kylo Ren beat the shit out of any control panel he could get his hands on.
While you awaited his return, you occupied yourself with going around the room and lighting the small night-lamps like you normally did in your own room before going to bed.
That obviously didn’t take long, however, so you were soon enough once again left alone with your boredom and started walking around the room, inspecting all of Hux’s belongings.
You realized pretty quickly that he was not a person to whom inanimate things had much sentimental value, as he definitely didn’t have much to his name aside from the basic interior that all of the sleeping quarters on the base had.
He had a ring on his drawer, a few books in one of his two bookshelves while the other stood empty, a small bed in a corner for his cat, clothes in his wardrobe, and that was pretty much it. He had no pictures of family, no real personal belongings that could signify any kind of emotional value.
But then again, who did in these parts?
“Is that my shirt?”
You jumped when you heard the sudden voice behind you, quickly turning around where you stood twirling the ring you had found in the light of the lamp standing beside you.
Your eyes found his form immediately, shocked meeting stern.
“Why are you wearing my shirt?” He almost instantly repeated himself when not getting a reply the first time, slowly beginning to walk in your direction with his hands clasped behind his back.
You quickly put the ring back down on the dresser and turned towards him, regaining your composure.
“Well, if you hadn’t noticed, my room and everything in it was burnt to a crisp. The smokey smell on my clothes was giving me a headache and kind of would have ruined the purpose of taking a shower so when I just so conveniently noticed a pile of clean clothes, I helped myself.” You shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, and to you, it wasn’t.
Hux, however, didn’t seem amused in the slightest.
“Yes, you seem to have a habit of thinking you’re entitled to everything you want.” He spat back at you, coming to a stop while there was still a good amount of distance between the two of you.
Any chill you had previously had melted right off and your annoyance quickly returned at the sound of his words.
“Oh, do excuse me. I just thought one headache would be enough.” You retorted and rolled your eyes, before sighing and crossing your arms over your chest. “So, how are we doing this? It’s late and I need to be up early to see to the repairs.”
“I thought that I made myself clear.” Hux was quick to scoff, his glare not faltering for as much as a second. “I’m not giving you my bed.”
Once again, all you could do was roll your eyes. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to suck it up then.” You stated flatly and sat down on the bed, wasting no time in starting to divide the pillows into two piles rather than one.
You took a few seconds to adjust the pillows to suit your needs before looking back up, eyebrow raised at the fact that he had yet to say or do anything.
Your eyes once again met his and you almost laughed out loud at the sight you were faced with, but thankfully managed to control yourself and avoid making the situation even harder than it already was.  
Long story short, Hux had never looked more horrified than he did in that moment.
He basically looked at you like you had killed his cat, and that was putting it lightly.
You took a few seconds to just enjoy watching him squirm and silently scramble to make sense of the situation, but even you knew when enough was enough and raised a questioning eyebrow at him in an attempt to get him moving.
“Well? What’s it going to be?” You asked. “It’s either this or the floor, just like it was for me.”
Hux opened his mouth, hesitated, and then closed it again. He obviously hadn’t been expecting you to actually agree on sharing his bed with him and now that you had, he was left at loss for words as he clearly hadn’t been preparing for anything other than you sleeping on the floor.
But after a good moment of just standing there and looking like an idiot, he finally picked himself back up, squared his shoulders and walked around the bed to the other side with frustrated strides and a snarling lip.
The feigned confidence melted right off, however, when he reached his destination and awkwardly shuffled into bed while simultaneously avoiding your amused and mocking stare, silently grabbing the extra blanket that was folded upon his bedside table.  
Both of you laid down on your backs and a heavy silence fell like a thick blanket over the room. The only sound you could hear for a few moments were each other’s breaths and your own heartbeats. For a moment, only for a microscopical moment, you were actually on your way to admit to yourself that it was kind of nice.
But that thought went flying out the window just as quickly as it had knocked on the door of your mind when Hux broke the silence by beginning to adjust himself to get ready to sleep, and in the process of doing so made the active choice to tug the pillows from right under your head.
The back of your head hit the mattress with a soft thump and you closed your eyes, your lips pulling into a straight, tight line and one, sharp breath being released through your nose as you attempted to keep your cool.
You took a moment to calm down, before you turned your head to his side of the bed where he now laid with his back to you and tugged the pillows back – maybe with a little too much force than necessary.
Hux had quickly rolled over to his other side to take them back and in anger and an eagerness to get to sleep, you exclaimed: “Stop stealing the pillows!”
He met you with a stare cold enough to have anyone else shaking in their boots and spat back. “They’re my pillows.”
You grumbled under your breath and let go of one of the two pillows, letting him pull it back to his side while you held on to the last one.
You stared at each other for a moment, both of you eventually coming to a silent, mutual agreement that you were too tired to fight and therefore he'd let you keep the pillow you were holding on to as if your life depended on it.
He, once again, laid down and turned his back to you, his hands holding on to the pillows under his head while you struggled to get comfortable again, this time with only one pillow.
“Why is your bed so damn hard?” You muttered under your breath as you angrily shoved your elbow into the mattress in an attempt to make it more comfortable – as if that was ever going to help.
“Stop complaining.” He only snapped back.
“How could I when I’m stuck in a bed with you?”
“You could’ve asked for other accommodations when you had the chance.”
“And what, be the next victim of Ren’s lightsaber?” You scoffed. “I’m the one in charge of the repairs that are needed every time he throws a wobbly. I’ve seen the kind of damage that thing can do and I’m not in any hurry to find myself at the receiving end of it.”
You muttered the last part under your breath as you finally managed to get relatively comfortable, plopping back down on your back and folding your hands over your stomach.
“How did you know I’m allergic to cats, anyway?” The question spilled out before you could stop yourself, and before you could even register that it was on the way.
Where did that even come from? Cats weren’t even close to being the subject at hand.
Hux didn’t seem to care much about the random change of subject, however, simply muttering back a reply. “You start sniffling and scratching your arms every time you’re in the same room as me for more than five minutes.”
He was clearly tired. Tired in general or just tired of you, you didn’t really know, but you guessed that it was a mixture of both since that was the case for you.
“Maybe I’m just allergic to you.” You muttered back with a shrug, even though he couldn’t see you, and he scoffed at that.
“Had that been the case I’m fairly certain it would go both ways and, unlike you, I don’t go around oozing snot everywhere I go.”
“I don’t go oozing snot everywhere.” You calmly protested, throwing the back of his head a disapproving glare before turning to lay on your side so that your back was now turned to his.
He didn’t say anything else and neither did you, sleep coming in and catching you completely by surprise and having you knocked out within the next two minutes.
When you woke up early that next morning, Hux was unsurprisingly already gone, Millicent instead laying in his place and looking right at you.
With a disgusted snarl and hesitant movements, you reached over to the other side of the bed and awkwardly patted her head twice, probably very much in the incorrect manner as you had no experience whatsoever with animals.
You got out of bed after that, put on your jacket and shoes, and wasted no time in getting to work once you’d gotten some food into your system, your team joining you in the damage-inflicted area to start on repairs like you’d done so many times before.
Everything was going fine and dandy, just a light-reckon day that started off like any other – if you didn’t count waking up in Hux’s bed with his cat – but a few hours into your workday, the unmistakable sound of Kylo Ren’s heavy steps could be heard echoing through the entire corridor you found yourself working in.
A big share of the Order’s pilots had been either killed or badly hurt a few days prior in an ambush. No one had expected any pilots to be needed for at least a few days but Kylo had gotten a sudden lead on the map that would take him to Luke Skywalker and was now walking around the base recruiting anyone capable of helping him get what he wanted.
Unfortunately for you, you were not only a highly-ranked engineer, but also a pretty decent pilot, and couldn’t say anything in protest when you were whisked away to a ship.
As anyone who wasn’t driven by an unhealthy obsession would have been able to guess, the lead was just too good to be true with a way too simple access.
Just like the last lead, this one fell through when it was revealed to be another ambush. You weren’t completely sure what happened, but over the comms, you had heard something about Leia Organa and some scavenger. 
You didn’t have time to think about retired war heroes though, no matter how much you’d love to pry and the get in on the gossip, as you had to shoot yourself through a big fleet of Resistance starfighter corps, barely getting through with your ship intact.
Your fellow pilots were shot down one by one, only a small amount of you managing to get out of there. And even then, you were met by more starfighter corps just as quickly as you’d gotten away from the last line.
Everything was just a mess after that. You weren’t able to get through to anyone over the comms, only barely being able to make out a “pull back!” before your comm system was blown to pieces along with one of your main engines.
Along with several other ships, you were forced to crash-land on a small planet filled with thick woods and when your ship collided with the ground, your head slammed into the controls, rendering you unconscious for who knows how long.
By the time you came back to it, you were hanging upside down, the only thing preventing you from falling down being the seatbelt keeping you strapped in.
You struggled to get out of there but you managed, and had to take a moment to get your surroundings to stop spinning before moving forward to look for survivors as well as a ship that wasn’t completely beyond salvation.  
You weren’t sure who you’d find, but the person you’d shared a bed with the previous night was definitely the last person you’d expect to have crashed in the same place as you. 
And still, you recognized his ship immediately. After all, you were the one who had personalized it to fit his liking.
Lucky for you, his ship seemed to have gotten a pretty soft landing. As you circled around it, you were able to determine that no major engines had been blown out. Damaged? Definitely. But they looked intact enough to at least be able to put some more distance between you and the Resistance pilots and get you to a safer place. Hopefully, the inside would be as untouched as the outside.
The ramp was lowered to the ground but didn’t look broken, so you wasted no time in jogging inside.
The lights were out completely in the entrance area, and just flickering in the ceiling when you came further in.
The first thing you noticed when you entered the piloting pit was that the pilot was not breathing. How could you tell from that far a distance? Well, let’s just say that something that was not supposed to be stuck in his eye, was stuck in his eye.
Upon further inspection, you noticed another body on the floor. However, this one was very much alive.
You would’ve expected to be met by a desperate “help me”, maybe even some begging and pleading or in the very least a “please”, but instead, even when in the process of bleeding out on the floor, Hux narrowed his eyes at you as you approached him and asked you with ragged breaths:
“Is that my shirt?”
You panted as you dropped to your knees at his side, still pretty shaken up from your own crash. “What? No.” You replied in a breath, and you wasted no time in starting to inspect his injuries.
“Yes, it is.”
“Why would I be wearing your shirt?” You asked simply, struggling to see in the dark as the flickering lights weren’t providing much assistance by means of light.
“That’s my shirt.” He kept insisting, and flinched when your hand made contact with his lower abdomen.
Only then did your eyes register the glimmering piece of metal through your blurred and disoriented vision, sticking out of his side.
You flinched at the sight, not needing any more light than you had to know that it was really bad. 
Your heart suddenly picked up in speed in your chest, and your hands began shaking as they became covered in his blood.
You had never been in the middle of the action before now, you’d always just been surrounded by metal and electricity. The most exciting thing you’d ever experienced was when a new engineer circuited a control panel the wrong way, resulting in it blowing up right by your workplace.
But it wasn’t the action in itself that had your heart about ready to burst through your chest, nor was it the blood in general, but rather the fact that it was his blood covering your hands.
His life was completely dependent on you at this moment and you had absolutely no idea how to behave accordingly.
But if there was something you knew, it was that the last thing you were supposed to do was to show a dying man your panic, so you took a deep breath and tried your hardest to steady your racing heart, going back to the conversation at hand.
“How could you tell the difference, really?” You asked. “All of our shirts look the same. All black, all equally as sufficient when used to stop blood flows.”
As you said that last part, you released another breath and ripped off a big chunk of the lower part of the shirt you were wearing.
A shirt that was, in fact, Hux's.
The man in question let his head fall back against the wall that he was propped against and his eyes squeezed shut when feeling your hands return to his side.
“Do you always wear shirts several sizes too big?” He managed to get out through clenched teeth and you replied without missing a beat.
“There was a mix-up in the laundry room.”
“So it isn’t your shirt?” He continued to be persistent and despite the seriousness of the situation, you couldn’t help but to let a small smile slip.
“Do you want to keep fighting about whether or not this shirt is mine or would you rather maybe, oh, I don’t know, focus on getting the hell out of here?” You asked him lightly and at that, he raised his head to meet your eyes with a distrusting glare.
“Why are you helping me?”
You raised your eyebrow at him, sparing just a second to meet his eyes. “You have a piece of metal stuck in your side, why the hell would I not help you?” You asked and as quickly as you had looked up, you looked back down at your hands to see what you were doing.
“You hate me, and I hate you.” He deadpanned, and you couldn’t deny you felt your heart tug in your chest.
“Who told you I hated you?” You asked, and listened as he let out a dry, struggling laugh.
“You did. On countless occasions.”
He hissed when you accidentally bumped your hand against the piece of metal. You quietly apologized but didn’t stop, knowing you didn’t have much time before the enemy would catch up with you.
“Thinking that I’m entitled to everything I want isn’t the only bad habit I have. I also have a tendency to overexaggerate.” You joked with a smile. “I do find you insufferably infuriating, though.”                                              
Another chuckle left his lips. “Likewise.” He said and dropped his head back against the wall.
You said nothing more, ripping another two pieces off of the shirt, tying them together and wrapping it around his waist like you had the first piece. You tightened this knot significantly more than the first one, though, right above the piece of metal, and just as quickly as he had relaxed, he jerked back forward with a yell.
“I need to stop the bleeding, you need to keep still.” You hurriedly scolded and sternly pushed him back down by his chest.
He muttered bitterly in return, but didn’t protest.
“I bet you’re enjoying this.” He seethed, and you raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on your lips.
“Whenever I’m feeling down, I just think back to the multiple times I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing you being force-thrown across a room by Ren. Puts a smile on my face every time. But that doesn’t automatically mean I want you to die. So stop wallowing in your internalized self-hatred and put your hand over mine.” You told him, trying your hardest to keep a lighthearted attitude, more so for your own sake than his at this point as you were literally about to pass out.
But he did as told, contributing with the strength he had left when you got to your feet and started pulling him up and into one of the seats that were still intact.
He put a trembling hand over yours and in turn, you put your other one over his and pushed down. He hissed and you gave him a moment to adjust, and when you were sure he was pressing hard enough with his own hand, you slowly removed both of yours and fastened his seatbelt.
“Keep pressure and hold on tight. This is most likely going to be a rough ride.” You warned him, and he slowly looked up at you through a mess of ginger hair.
“It can’t be any worse than the ride here.” He retorted and you nodded, taking that as a “go ahead”.
You wasted no time in getting into the pilot’s seat after pulling the previous pilot out, as well as the thick tree branch on which his head had been impaled, and started up the controls. It took a few tries to get out of the hole the ship hade gotten stuck in when crashing, but soon enough you were up in the sky.
With a bit of dumb luck, you eventually reached your destination and got brought back in to the base by your team of fellow engineers, all ready to repair the wrecked ship.
Hux was immediately taken to the medical bay while you stayed behind to help with the ships, and from two ends of the base, the two of you silently and separately came to realize that maybe, just maybe, you didn’t hate each other as much as you thought, after all.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
Fake It | Weasley Twins | CH8
one // two // three // four // five // six // seven
Warnings | 2.3k // 18+ SMUT (in other chapters), mature themes, fake relationships, secret relationships, love, sex, drama, angst, fluff, character death, murder???, unforgivable curses. Happy? ending
Summary // Fred Weasley has been set up to publicly date Y/N, London’s best Quidditch Seeker in order to drum up some publicity. Y/N however has a different ginger man on her mind; George Weasley.
A/N // well well well, we have come to a close. Writing this has been the best release for all of my feelings!! this really has been amazing and the support I've had has been unreal! a massive thank you goes out to every reader who made it possible and motivated me to get out! my special thanks goes out to the rose of my life @starlightweasley​ - possibly fake it’s biggest fan and the girl who has supported all of my breakdowns through this fic! This however isn’t a goodbye, just a see you later because I have a big announcement coming alongside the epilogue <33
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‘I saw you and Fred just now.’
The words echoed through your head, trying to gauge what George could have possibly meant by his words. Fred must know, he must have some inclination as to what had set George over the edge so quickly. You were confused, George had refused to tell you what he saw. You knew that you hadn’t slept with Fred, hell you’d hardly spoken more than a few words to each other in at least a week. But now, you were walking up the concrete steps to the first floor flat, tapping softly on the pale yellow door. It swung open slowly, the whine of the hinges echoing through the stone stairwell, you were greeted by the tall, dishevelled man, he didn’t speak, choosing only to stare back at you blankly. 
“Look Fred I don’t know what the fuck is going on with George, he says he saw us together but I was at practice and-” He still stared back at you with absolutely nothing behind his eyes. Normally Fred would’ve at least looked away or cracked a smile or something, but a deadpan look washed over his face, his eyes burning into the back of yours with a stare so intense you felt like he was medusa and you were turning to stone. 
It was only then that you noticed a perfectly manicured hand snake over Fred’s shoulder to his chest, the nails were a long, glossy red to match the name of the person whose hand it was. Cherry’s face came into view as her chin rested on the opposite shoulder of the man in front of her. Red lip gloss leaves its mark on Fred’s skin as she presses a sensual kiss to his ear as her sinister breath fans over his neck. “Come, Freddie, let her in so that the girls can talk, hm?”
Fred simply nods, moving to the side to allow you in, shutting the door behind you before walking over to the corner and just standing there. Your eyes following him as his expression still runs blank, like he was a shell of a human. “What have you done to him, Cherry.”
She laughs, smirk hanging off her lips, every word breath and sound that breached her mouth was dripping with malice and hatred. "Don't you worry your pretty head about that, he wanted this just as much as I do."
You cocked your head to the side, watching as Cherry pulls out her wand, you go to do the same but she quickly disarms you, leaving you helpless, vulnerable and open. Confusion washed over you more than anything. What could possibly be going so wrong that she needed to take it out on you, on Fred even. "You know, Y/N, Polyjuice potion is a fantastic thing, I just wish i could've seen George's face as he caught his twin brother fucking his girl right in front of him."
You finally understood. It wasn't you George had seen earlier tonight, It was Cherry. You finally got why George called you all of those horrible words, why he kicked you out, why he was so furious. Because you felt exactly the same, anger bubbling over like hot iron, the blood and rage reaching your eyes as you lurched forward. "You fucking bitch, I can't believe you'd do tha-" 
Your airways closed, you couldn't talk, nor breathe as you clutched at your neck, dropping to your knees as you felt what air you had in your lungs leave. Cherry released the magical grasp she had on you, causing you to exhale a deep breath, trying desperately to fill your lungs again, completely doubled over as the terrible pain crippled your lungs. Cherry's hand grasped roughly onto your hair, forcing you to look up at her, as she squatted down in front of you. "Cat got your tongue?" 
"Why…" you pleaded, looking up at her desperately as she pointed her wand at your throat, you wished Fred would intervene, stop her from what she was doing or at the very least speak up. "Why me? What do you hate so much about George and I being together?" 
"It's not about your stupid fucking boyfriend," the wood pressed against your throat a ittle harder as she got angrier, taking a deep breath. "You're a Murderer."
With the same breath you were protesting the ghastly accusation. You wouldn't hurt a fly, your anger reserved only for the quidditch pitch and when George had been particularly frustrating, but never in your life would you have thought about killing someone. "What are you talking about I haven't killed anyo-"
She cut you off with a sharp slap across the face. Sneering at you as she spat back her response, you looked deep into her eyes, clouded with anger and fury. "You are a cold blooded killer, the moment I found out it was YOU who killed my sister, I knew I was going to ruin your life."
"Your sister? I didn't even know you had a sister, please this must be some sort of mistake." You were begging her as you stared at her with pleading eyes before hanging your head in sorrow, causing her to scoff and pull away from you. “You don’t even realise the damage you did to my family when you killed The Bishop.”
Your mind flashed back to the war, a green storm swirling in your head as you’re brought back, watching from the side-lines, a ghost of the future as you watch your body contort in hideous ways and finally hear the spine-stiffening screams for yourself. You replayed the image of Maria Bishop’s body flying through the air and collapsing on the floor in a loud thump over and over again. Shock hitting you again as you realise that you’d taken a life, a life that wasn’t yours to take.
In Cherry’s mind she is taken back to the moment she found her sister’s cold body, splayed out across a pile of broken bricks and rubble, still wearing the expression she had been caught in; mouth open and eyebrows furrowed. Aveline Bishop was the youngest of her bloodline, with a surname destined to die, her mother never able to bear a son to her husband - that destiny loomed over the family of pureblood death eaters, making The Bishop, her sister, all the more of an inspiration to her. So now as the young girl was staring into her sister’s lifeless eyes, no longer shining a bright blue, but instead a cold grey, Aveline knew that she would avenge her sister’s death, no matter the cost. Aveline’s fingertips ghosted gently over her sister’s eyelids to shut them, embodying the new person she set out to become - Cheryl Jackson.
“And now, your family will know the pain that you put mine through.” Cherry had her wand out, the cruciatus curse falling from her lips with such ease and you felt that same surge of pain again. Like a thousand knives against your skin, twisting and turning. Her laugh rang the same as her sister’s, enjoying the look of pure torture etched upon your face. With every tear that spilled from your cheeks the pain grew harsher, you found yourself calling out for someone, anyone to help, realising that your pleading turned to Fred’s name, as it was grated through screams.
“He won’t help you. He’s going to watch the girl he loves die in front of him.” Fred heard it all, every blood curdling scream and every sob. He was internally yelling as he tried to force his legs to move, to help you, to be there for you and stop the tears from falling. Every minute that passed by you grew weaker, the screams turning to low sobs as you felt yourself fall in and out of consciousness. You thought that maybe death would come as the sweet release from your pain. “Freddie, if you can hear me in there, You tell George forever, you tell him I love him with all my heart, I’m sorry I brought you both into this.” 
Fred slowly felt his fingertips start to move, from him willing them to be moved. His love for you was breaking him free of the curse veiled over him. His fingertips were finally able to reach for his wand, using every ounce of strength within him to push himself to save you. He couldn’t just stand by and watch you die, not without giving it every fibre of strength he had inside him. It was like eerie silence to Fred’s ears as he blanked out the words he didn’t want to use but words he would use to protect anyone he loved. A brilliant flash of green left his wand as he aimed it right at Cherry’s back, the power of his spell obliterated the woman he once knew into dust, leaving you to collapse to the floor. 
In that moment, all panic washed over Fred, he was too late, too late to save you. He was scooping your body into his arms, as tears pricked the back of his eyes, threatening to spill from his eyes. He didn’t check to see your small shallow breaths, taking your lifeless body as the only sign, a sign that he hadn’t done enough. He took you to the only place he could think of, apperating in with a pop, before yelling through choked back sobs. “GEORGE!”
George runs In to see you being carried by Fred, your body limp and your arm hanging down. Thinking the worst already, he scoops you into his arms, but as he moves you he notices the soft rise and fall of your chest and realises that you are alive - you may be weak, unconscious and in pain, but you’re alive.
Fred had sunk down to curl his legs up to his chest, making himself as small as possible as he realised that what he had done was utterly unforgivable. George looks at him and sees the same shell of who you had been after the war attempting to piece together what had happened. George no longer cared about his feelings or what he had seen earlier that day. He saw the unconscious body of the girl he loved and his twin sat on the floor shaking. He walked over to sit next to his brother, back pressed against the wall. “Freddie what happened?”
Fred looked up, seeing the pleading eyes of his brother. He took a moment to compose himself, using what small voice he could to try and choke out his words. “Cherry- I she used Polyjuice to pretend to be Y/N and when she showed up at my house, she brought her in, she… was torturing Y/N and she had me under imperious… I tried to save her, Georgie, I really did.” George’s eyebrow’s furrowed, as his brother took another deep breath. “I killed Cherry, trying to save Y/N, and I was too late.” 
George pulled Fred into a hug. It was something that they hadn’t done, not in years, not like this. Not a hug that really mattered, that comforted each other. Fred immediately burst into tears again, the salty, wet tears soaking through George’s shirt, feeling vulnerable and numb in that moment. “She’s okay, Freddie, You did save her.”
You take a sharp breath as you wake up, finding it hard to breathe, like you’d been hit with a bludger to the chest. The sound causes the boys to snap their heads to the direction of the sofa. Your weak voice calls out for George and he is immediately by your side, pressing a gentle kiss and soothing your hand as he takes it into his. Whispering a thousand apologies to you as he presses kisses to your palm and back of your hand.
He sees that same fear behind your eyes that he had helped you heal once before and by the grace of god, he wouldn’t dare leave your side until he had seen you heal again. Watching as the fragile heart of the girl he loved whispered softly, pressing your fingers against his cheek “‘I love you, Forever, Georgie.”
“I’ll never let you down again. I promised to protect you and I couldn't even do that.” he hung his head in shame, you tilted his chin up to look into his eyes, while you shook your head at him. The small smile that clung to your lips through the pain and the fear was for him, to show him that it didn’t matter. George being with you in that moment was enough for you, because there was nothing to hide anymore. 
“Your love is enough for me, George.”  his heart leapt at those words, watching as you pushed yourself up tentatively before slipping down onto the floor, your arms wrapped around him, begging to be held. The desire to be near him in that moment was satisfied when his hand stroked up and down your back, rubbing small circles. You pushed yourself up so that his lips could press softly against his, the kiss was like magic, with the ability to take you away from the pain, take you from the moment of sadness. He was your forever, for everyone to see. You no longer had to fake it. 
taglist //  @starlightweasley​ @slytherinsunrise​ @gcdric​ @theweasleysredhair​ @whiz-bangs78​ @weasleysflowr​ @vogueweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @vivianweasley​ @feetoffthetablee​ @thisismynerdyself​ @rip-us​ @witch-and-a-half​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @pandaxnienke​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​ @pigwidgexn​ @mackaywhore​ @softlyqoos​ @colorfulprofessornickelangel​ @fandomscombine​ @satellitespidey​ @txtdreamss​ @aaannabbanana​​  @starkidpotty​ @mollydarling-hphm​ @amwithers2001​ @mrmoonyy​​ @asthmax​
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vecnawrites · 4 years
Two Flavors Of Delicious Chocolate
Jaune Arc was a normal guy, if one asked him. He was moderately strong, reasonably intelligent at most things, skilled at a few. If one had asked him if he would have two girls fighting for his attention, he would have laughed. However, the fact of the matter was, he DID have two women wanting him. And they would do what it took to get that fact into his head...
(Hooooolllllyyyyy Fuuuuucccckkkkk...this one got away from me! This is my second commission, from The-Wayward-Arc. I loved the idea, and it became this! An art piece is connected to my AO3 page for this one, and more should be coming when I can commission the artists!)
Jaune Arc liked to think that he was a reasonably intelligent individual. After all, he always scored at least middling in both Grimm Studies and History, and the highest in Tactics and Situational Defense and Assault. Even Weiss was admittedly (and more than a little begrudgingly) impressed by that.
...so how in the name of any God or Gods listening did he not notice this!? He looked back and forth between the two, admittedly extremely beautiful women glaring at one another before him.
One was Emerald Sustrai, a chocolate skinned, carmine eyed, mint haired beauty, with thick curves that drew the eye of every male, and even some of the females, as she walked (even him. What? He treated women well, like he had been taught. He wasn’t fucking blind), her hips swaying back and forth and bringing attention to that absolute shelf of a rear end she had. That wasn’t to say her chest had nothing to offer, as her breasts looked perfectly sized for his hands, perky and firm.
Her personality was confident, and a bit sarcastic and snarky, although that usually came out only when faced with people she wasn’t too fond of, like Cardin or her own teammate, Mercury...although in the latter, he was pretty sure it was part of how they acted with one another. Like how Yang teased Weiss.
The other was May Zedong, another incredibly beautiful classmate of his, with muted maroon colored hair styled in a way that covered her left eye, leaving only the right gray-blue orb visible, and a black beanie keeping her hair in place. She had that wallflower air about her, generally going around unnoticed by most unless a teacher asked a question, even by her own teammates (something that made him seethe), but he had always noticed her and sought to talk, even if it was only some minor casual conversation over class notes. He wasn’t going to let her feel as alone as he did before coming to Beacon.
One would think that the girl was nearly flat, maybe a double-a cup (like Weiss supposedly was, don’t ask how he knew), but that was a lie. The girl was more stacked than Yang and even Professor Goodwitch were! Her breasts had to be as large as her own head! Again, it wasn’t like he was a pervert, but having seven sisters made him able to tell when a woman was binding or stuffing her bra to either remove attention or gain it.
And he could understand why, honestly. May was almost cripplingly shy, more nervous than Ruby or Velvet when called upon by staff or someone else. She seemed to revel in being invisible and unnoticed.
But now they were both before him, glaring at one another; Emerald looked like she wanted to, as his elder sister Saphron liked to say, “Slap A Bitch”, and even the shy and bashful May looked ready to try and claw out Emerald’s eyes with her fingernails.
“If you think your shy ass can make him happy, you’ve got another thing coming! What are you two going to do, hold hands while hiding in the shadows?” Emerald snorted, popping her hip and placing her hand on it, smirking darkly at the beanie-wearing sniper.
May glared, only one being visible doing nothing to hide the intensity. “At least I didn’t have to flaunt myself like a whore to get Jaune’s attention! He always noticed me, even without knowing about my tits!”
He could see them about to fight, and his body moved before his brain did, placing himself between them and giving them both a stern look (something perfected by dealing with mischievous younger twin sisters), silently telling them both to stop.
Both huffed, curling into his sides and glaring at one another, static seeming to form between their gazes.
He tugged the two girls who had captured his heart over the semester close to him and closed his eyes, recalling exactly how this started…
Start Of The Week
Emerald Sustrai had known little in the way of happiness or of comfort for most of her life. Growing up an orphan in Vacuao, she had lived on the streets and been forced to scrounge and steal in order to survive. She had been tempered and hardened by such a thing, her heart steeled to do what was necessary, even if it wasn’t right.
She had managed to steal, scrimp, and save enough to catch a flight to Vale, and apply to Beacon. She hated Vacuao, and wouldn’t set foot in Shade for a second if she could help it. She knew that they held a ‘survival of the fittest’ ideal, and after living it for most of her life, she wasn’t going to be going through it at school, where she was supposed to be able to trust the people who she teamed up with to watch her back!
Getting to school and getting through initiation, she had been partnered with Cinder Fall, an enigmatic, but intelligent and resourceful woman who used a bow and arrows and Fire Dust. Her other partners were Mercury Black, a silver haired smart ass with prosthetic combat legs, and Neopolitan, a mute midget with a weird ass reinforced parasol for combat of all things. But even Emerald couldn’t deny that they were skilled and effective at killing the Grimm in the forest.
But she was still missing something...or rather, someone. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew that she was more likely to die before retiring, so she wanted to find someone...maybe they would last, maybe they wouldn’t. But before the year’s end, she would be free of this pesky virginity!
But...surveying the available males made her wince. Mercury? No, it was a bad idea to have sex with a teammate. She had enough to worry about, she wasn’t going to have to worry about her own teammate as well.
Brawnz Ni? Arrogant, and full of himself. She wasn’t going to give him a bigger ego. Roy Stallion? He was okay, but not her type. Nolan Porfirio? Too passive.
Lie Ren? Nice, but taken, going by the ginger with the hammer constantly hanging off of him. She would not ruin a relationship, thanks...or risk having her kneecaps obliterated by a combination War Hammer/Grenade Launcher.
Team CRDL?...Pfft, she’d sooner stick a slim teasing vibe in her pussy and seal it up to be tormented for the rest of her life before letting one of those slimeballs touch her.
But Jaune Arc...he was interesting. Kind, but not to the point of being walked over, as evidenced as he corralled his (possibly certifiably crazy) teammate, Nora Valkyrie. Not the strongest, but not the weakest, reasonably intelligent, although his strongest points were tactics and applied strategy, being the only student to be actually acing the class. He...he would work. He was handsome, in that goofy, awkward way, messy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, awkward, charming smile...and always doing small acts of kindness, even if he never got thanks for it.
The one problem? His partner, the Invincible Girl. She couldn’t tell if they were together, hell, she couldn’t tell if the redhead even liked him in that way! She looked at him softly, but it wasn’t seemingly the way that a lover looked at another lover.
An elbow nudged her, and she looked to see a head of multicolored hair, heterochromic eyes and a cocky smirk. She deadpanned at Neo. “What is it?” she asked, scowling as the shorter girl wagged her eyebrows as she glanced over at Jaune, making her scowl deepen.
“Don’t even, Neo…besides, aren’t you a card carrying member of the ‘Lady Lover’ society?” she asked, knowing that Neo much preferred females, having seen her eyes roaming over the stacked blonde on Team RWBY, Yang Xiao Long. She couldn’t see it, but she wouldn’t mock the pink, white, and brown haired girl for her interest.
Neo shrugged, almost saying “I can appreciate looks, can’t I?” before nodding over to the corner. Following, she felt her heckles rise almost instinctively, lip curling up in anger as she saw what Neo was referring to.
In the corner was the quiet May Zedong. Now, Emerald had nothing against the quiet girl who hid herself in the corners and hardly ever spoke up unless she was directly spoken to. One would think herself a complete and utter wallflower, non-threatening. But, May Zedong was a sniper. She preferred to wait and strike when it was best for her. And right now, her lovesick blue-gray eye was locked right on her future man. This would not stand. “I’ll be back to the dorm later, Neo...I have to...talk...with someone.”
Neo tapped a finger against her lips as she watched her teammate stalk off, an intense look in her crimson eyes, before shrugging and heading back to the dorms. On one hand, she hoped her teammate knew what she was doing...on the other, she would take her amusement where she could get it.
May Zedong was used to going unnoticed among a crowd. She knew she wasn’t the beauty that most huntresses-in-training were, feeling as though she had really plain features. Slightly narrow face, only one eye (a grimm attack when she was young taking the other one), she felt even her hair was limp and unappealing, even if it was a unique maroon color. Even her own teammates paid her no second glance, instead preferring to fawn over the likes of Yang Xiao Long, Cinder Fall, and Pyrrha Nikos.
A small, extremely bitter part of her knew that she could get any boy’s attention if they knew what she hid under her hoodie or uniform top. She had been extremely ‘blessed in the chest’ as it were, going from almost flat bee stings to Double-G cups in the span of her teenage years, and was only able to hide the damned things by an expensive, dust enhanced binder that made her look like she was barely a B-cup.
But while she could easily get any guy, she didn’t want to rely on her tits to do so. She’d only attract creeps to her, who only wanted her for her breasts. She’d never let that happen. She wanted to be liked for who she was, not her chest.
She had come to Beacon with her clothes, some personal items and her Sniper Rifle/Climbing Axe, Opening Gambit, hoping that she could find some happiness with a boyfriend while at Beacon, the risks of her survival until she was thirty drilled into her head by her mother.
So far, she had dealt with nothing but disappointment. Her own teammates glossed over her as a woman without so much as a second glance, even her own partner, Nolan. Hell, Brawnz had thought she was a boy until she had said otherwise. CRDL were assholes. Mercury Black gave her the creeps. He just...stared at people sometimes. Without blinking. Lie Ren was cute, but he was claimed, even if he didn’t know it yet. Nora Valkyrie clung to him like a baby koala did to its mother.
But Jaune...he...he was nice. He was kind. He noticed her, always went out of his way to talk to her, even if it was a simple ‘hello’ in the halls! Her heart beat faster and she could feel her cheeks heat up as she thought of being held in his arms, just being accepted for who she was-
“Zedong.” May was cruelly ripped from her fantasy by the curt voice of Emerald Sustrai, a dark skinned beauty that turned more than a fair few eyes with her teasing smile and swaying hips. But currently, there was no smile on her face, instead there was a severe look that made her heart race, this time not from a happy fantasy with a potential boyfriend, but from adrenaline flushing through her body as her fight or flight instincts went wild. She swallowed.
“Y-Yes, Emerald?” she asked, cursing internally as she stuttered, despising the weakness. She flinched as a cocoa skinned hand slapped right on the wall next to her.
She leaned close, allowing her to smell her scent (cherry blossoms, very pleasant), and carmine eyes narrowed. She leaned even more forwards, until May could feel the verdette’s nose poking her own. “What are you getting at, staring at my future boyfriend like that?” she growled.
May blinked, before the words registered in her brain. She scowled back, her body making more adrenaline and scowling at the surprised looking Sustrai. “You. Don’t. Own. Him.” she growled angrily. “I know he’s not dating anyone right now.” despite her anger, she felt worry when she saw a glint appear in Emerald’s eyes, her lips turning up in a smirk.
“Really…?” Emerald murmured to herself, tilting her head, “I figured, but its nice to have confirmation...that will make it much easier...especially since I don’t have to worry about potentially ruining a relationship…” she licked her lips. “Thanks for the information, wallflower. Do yourself a favor: stay away while I go for him. I’m not cruel, but you’re honestly bound only for disappointment if you go up against me.” she smirked. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to go claim.”
Pulling away from the beanie-wearing girl, Emerald turned and walked away, making sure to sway her hips and let the girl know what she was dealing with.
May breathed harshly as the adrenaline slump kicked in, not unlike when she was out of combat. She flushed, not only from shame that an altercation from a fellow student made her feel like she was going against a Grimm, but from anger. To be told, ordered, not to pursue the one boy that gave her the time of day, that held her interest...that wouldn’t fly. She obviously couldn’t use her tried and true method of waiting for the right moment to strike. She would have to go out of her comfort zone and attempt a strike normally…she glared at the retreating Emerald, her blue-gray eye narrowing. It was on. Tomorrow, the battle would begin!
Emerald smirked as she looked herself over in the mirror. She had ‘borrowed’ a few skirts from both Cinder and Neo, who were both smaller in the hips than she was, and loved the effect it had when placed on her thicker frame.
The material of the skirt clung to her ass nicely, even coming up a bit and showing off just a bit of her plump cheeks. A quick sway of her hips made her chuckle, as it showed off more of her ass, just enough that it could confuse...and arouse...those who saw her. Especially since she had forgone normal panties, instead wearing one of her thongs, the string being swallowed up by the split between her cheeks.
Sure, she had only one person in mind, but teasing others was good fun too. She knew enough that Jaune didn’t have the best self-image, either, so when they got together, it would do his ego a bit of good that he had a girl on his arm that everyone else lusted after.
“So this is what you wanted to borrow our skirts for…” a dash of red dusted Emerald’s cheeks as she looked up to see her partner, Cinder, leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest, watching her.
Emerald cleared her throat and forced the redness away from her cheeks. She knew that she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Cinder wasn’t loose, but she had shared her bed with a few boys before, generally civilians from Vale on the weekends. That way, she didn’t have to worry about them ‘getting attached’.
“So, who’s the lucky boy that managed to catch your attention, my dear Emerald?” the inflection of Cinder’s tone was more that of ‘leader’ than ‘friend’, meaning that Cinder wanted to know to make sure it didn’t affect the team. They may not be number one team of the year (that belonged to JNPR), but they weren’t far behind it.
“Jaune Arc.” she replied, her tone soft, watching her dark haired team leader close her eyes and nod, lips tilting upwards a bit. “Hmm, not a bad choice...you could certainly do worse…” opening her golden eyes, she smirked. “Best of luck. I know many others have been eyeing him, not just the girl you spoke to yesterday. If rumors are right, even a second year is interested in him...that rabbit faunus, Velvet something.” she hummed, her smirk growing a bit even as Emerald stiffened. “Go get him, girl.”
May Zedong stood in Team BRNZ’s locked bathroom, gathering her courage. She knew that this was going to be risky, but the potential payoff was worth the potential discomfort.
She stood naked in front of the mirror, looking over her body critically. Her large breasts, larger than her own head, jutting form her chest proudly. Most girls would consider it a point of pride, she however, considered them a point of shame and embarrassment, to be hidden away.
Carefully, she gently cupped the heavy swells, hefting them and contemplating them. The skin was smooth, not a single flaw to it, not a blemish nor a beauty mark. Her nipples were large and puffy, a horizontal slit showing that they were inverted, another oddity of her body that she disliked, along with how brutally sensitive her chest was. She always got wet simply by rubbing them, and playing with them intently could make her cum.
Letting her breasts go, she slid her hands along her sides, trailing them along her flat, toned belly and to her hips, twisting her upper body this way and that, glancing at her breasts from profile, a weak smile forming on her face as she saw the jiggle.
Glancing between her legs, she looked at her freshly waxed core. She had never liked more body hair than necessary, something she knew was shared by almost all Huntresses-in-training. Turning around fully she looked over her shoulder and pushed her butt outwards, taking a look at her rear. She knew it had nothing on Emerald’s, or even several other girls, like Velvet Scarlatina’s from second year, but it was a nice shape and firmness, something that maybe Jaune would like to grab? Spank it as he played with her sensitive tits and fucked her soaking pussy, turning her into a gooey puddle of lust in his skilled hands?
She shook herself out of her fantasy and straightened up, grabbing her panties and slipping them up her legs and covering herself, then her uniform skirt. Turning back around, May gnawed at her lower lip as she looked at her binder. She glanced at it, then down at her chest, before sighing and grabbing it, beginning the process of flattening herself down to look ‘normal’.
But as she did, a naughty thought, a wicked thought, filled her head. She would gradually start loosening her binder, until she could proudly go without the damned thing...or at least have it loosened enough that people-that Jaune-saw her as the young woman she was.
Strapping it on, she tightened it until she reached her normal almost flat state, before loosening it a bit, her breasts pushing the material a bit more outwards. Grabbing her uniform blouse and tie, she put them on, looking at herself in the mirror.
A hint of redness formed on her cheeks. She looked...she looked feminine. Her shirt bulged a bit, going from nearly flat to respectable. Was...was this what she could look like? She smiled softly as she brushed her hair, making sure her bad eye was covered before putting on her beanie to keep her hair down.
“You can do this, Zedong.” she whispered to herself, steeling herself for the day, and the battle, to come. “It’s no different than combat...time to hunt.”
Jaune Arc woke up feeling odd that day. Not like he had forgotten to study for one of Oobleck’s tests (thankfully, Pyrrha and Ren helped remind him and Nora of those), but more that something...interesting...was going to happen to him. He wanted to hide in his bed and just believe the world outside the dorm room didn’t exist, but knew that he couldn’t do that.
“Jaune?” he glanced to see Pyrrha, his partner in arms, and closest friend at Beacon, looking at him worriedly. He gave her a weak smile. Both he and Pyrrha knew each other’s darkest secrets. For him, it was his falsifying his transcripts and sneaking into the school untrained.
For Pyrrha...it was a more touchy subject. She had been forced to be this perfect girl, someone untouchable, indomitable...she hated it. She also feared how people would react when they learned that she had never felt any type of romantic feelings nor had ever felt sexual desire. Never even found joy in masturbation, even. They had both been blushing hard as she admitted that.
The reveal to one another had only brought the two closer as both friends and partners, and they both felt comfortable telling one another everything. So, he decided to tell her the truth. “Just have this weird feeling that today is going to be interesting…”
Pyrrha hummed. “Interesting? Or...interesting?” she asked, sending a look over at Nora, who was happily chatting with Ren. Jaune shuddered. “It feels between that, but I hope to god its not the latter…” he said softly, making Pyrrha nod. They both loved Nora dearly, but she was a handful, and they didn’t need more than one of her.
Shaking their heads, both redhead and blonde gathered their things, preparing for the day.
Jaune sighed as he made his way to Study Hall. Once again, Oobleck had managed to speak so fast during his class that he was going to have to do extra studies for it. As he was about to enter, he stumbled a bit, his arm lashing out to catch whoever knocked against him, although his breath still left him when he hit the wall, and (the bigger reason) something soft pressing against his groin. Opening his eyes he glanced down to see one of his year mates, Emerald Sustrai, pressed against him, her...ample...rear settling between his thighs perfectly, pressing against where his cock was sure to bulge if she kept moving like that, wiggling that ass of hers! He watched as her eyes opened (a beautiful red shade, he thought), and she looked back at him, a small gentle smile forming on her face.
Emerald smirked to herself. Step One was complete, ‘accidentally’ stumbling into Jaune and making it so her best ‘asset’ was pressed against him. Now for Step Two, Teasing.
Putting a small smile on her face, Emerald made sure to subtly shift her backside against him, wanting to see what he was packing. She knew he wasn’t small, god knows that she heard Winchester bitching about how that size ‘couldn’t be possible without drugs’.
“Thank you for grabbing me...your name’s Jaune, right? I’m Emerald...sorry for being so clumsy!” she chuckled awkwardly, inwardly loving the red hue to his cheeks...and the pressure she could feel start being placed on her ass. She was surprised. From what she could tell, he wasn’t even truly hard yet, but she could feel him pressing quite firmly between her ass cheeks! Redness seeped into her own cheeks, this...this was something special.
Before she could say anything more, her world spun as she was picked up and gently placed onto the floor again, hearing Jaune frantically apologize before taking off in almost a sprint, leaving her there, shocked and soaking her thong.
A smirk formed on her lips. “Stage one and two, complete...now for stage three later on…” she hummed happily, knowing that she could have great fun with that. She knew what fun she wanted to do next...and her semblance could surely help with it…turning, she walked away with a skip in her step, already plotting how the second phase of her plan was going to unfold…
Jaune darted into the Library, holding his books in front of him to hide his straining erection, face flushed as he made his way to the back of it, to his preferred table for studying. That had been mortifying. He desperately hoped that he wouldn’t be getting looks later due to his ‘perversion’. It would be his luck.
Setting his books on the table, he took a seat and sighed, willing his erection away so he could focus on his studies. Jaune cracked open his history text, knowing that the dry words within would slaughter any arousal ruthlessly.
“...Jaune?” he lifted his head, hearing the voice of May Zedong, a girl that he was reasonably well acquainted with. Her voice was soft, and he didn’t know if it was because they were in the library, or because of her natural shyness. But he smiled softly.
“Hey May, how are you…?” he blinked as he noticed that she had loosened her binder (he knew she wore one, but he hadn’t known it was that tight), her chest protruding more outwards, giving her a generous looking C-Cup. He gave it the barest glance (he wasn’t going to apologize for being a guy. He knew girls looked too) before locking eyes with her. He could tell she was embarrassed, but her smile was genuine.
May’s heart was beating faster than it had ever had. She felt all the eyes on her as she moved around her day, and she had only loosened her binder a bit! She could only imagine how people, how Jaune, would react when they saw her true size. She felt her heart skip a beat as he glanced at her chest, but her feels swelled even more as his eyes were only there for a second before locking on her face. “Do...do you mind if I sit here?” she asked, nervously fumbling with her own book for Tactics class. It was Brawnz’s, but she had ‘borrowed’ it so she could actually have something to talk with her crush about.
Her heart warmed as her crush nodded with an affirmative, now, it was time to make her initial chink in his armor. “W-would you mind helping me with Tactics? I could help with History in exchange?” she offered. Fortunately, she was a fair hand in History, being in the top five of the class.
Jaune swallowed. “S-Sure!” he stuttered a bit, his nerves jumping a bit at being alone with a pretty girl. Hopefully this would go better than just before he entered the library?
Jaune was wrong. It was worse. May had always felt comfortable around him, and it showed; she sat next to him, scooting her chair as close as she could get it, practically leaning against him, squishing her chest against his arm. This had the additional effect of getting him to notice that her blouse wasn’t buttoned all the way, giving him a tantalizing view into her cleavage, something he knew no other man saw.
He hated himself. He knew that May was afraid of being objectified, just like Pyrrha, but here he was, having the urge to stare at her. Every glance he made not only made his cock twitch, but his embarrassment and shame grow.
May was pleased, very pleased. She could see the subtle shifts in Jaune’s body, his cheeks flushing like her own were. She wasn’t going to make her final strike now, that would come later. She pressed herself more firmly against him. “...thank you for helping me, Jaune. It helped and I really enjoyed spending time with you.” she said honestly. “...can we study together again?” she asked hopefully, looking into those startling blue eyes.
She smiled as he nodded. “Thank you!” she grabbed him in a hug, although she failed to immediately notice that she pulled his head down to her chest, pressing his face against the exposed tops of her breasts. But even when she did, she only hugged him tighter, despite the redness on her cheeks.
Jaune stiffened, in more ways than one. For not the first time, he bemoaned being so large. Why couldn’t he have been more normal sized like Ren was? Her scent invaded his nose, vanilla and cinnamon, and his cheeks burned, even as his cock swelled and began making a distinct shape down the inner thigh of his uniform slacks. He had to act fast, before she thought him nothing more than a complete pervert!
May squeaked as Jaune quickly slipped out of his arms (unknowingly putting a delicious pressure on her sensitive nipples, making her panties soak. In a flurry of activity, Jaune collected his books and notes, rapidly saying, “It’s been great, May! We should study together again sometime! Sorry, I just remembered I had something important to do! Talk to you later!” he blurted out, before dashing off, leaving an aroused May sitting at the table.
She licked her lips, having seen the distinct ‘manprint’ that her crush had running down his inner thigh. She rubbed her thighs together. She knew that he was big, but not that big…
She swallowed and grabbed her things, standing and deciding to head back to the dorm. Walking away on slightly shaky legs, she knew she would be taking a long personal shower when she got to the dorm room.
Reaching the dorm, Jaune threw himself face first on the bed, face red and eyes wide. Had...had that really just happened? Did two beautiful girls just...what had happened?! Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he forced his aching cock to calm. One good thing about being surrounded by so many beautiful girls all his life, he gained an almost semblance-like ability to force his cock down.
He sighed as it thankfully shrank down and calmed, even though his balls still felt the effects of the arousal that had flooded through him not too long ago. He closed his eyes and sighed. Hopefully, this would just be a one off thing...something that he could laugh about year later on.
Poor Jaune. He had no idea what he was in for.
Two days had passed since the initial incidents, and Jaune had attempted to put them form his mind. Granted, it was impossible really when the two subjects of his thoughts were constantly there, smiling, waving, greeting him.
Considering neither of them were screaming ‘pervert’ or spreading rumors about him, he guessed things were good between them, leading him to wave back and smile awkwardly. Of course, Yang had to make jokes about it, acting as though him getting female attention was something noteworthy…
...and he supposed it was, considering his luck with Weiss. That didn’t mean he needed to hear the jokes about how he was finally getting attention from the ladies.
Rolling his eyes, he sighed and stood. “Very funny, Yang...now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to head off and go anywhere but here.” he said, standing and heading off, distantly hearing Ren, Nora,  Pyrrha, and even Ruby going off on her sister. Bless them.
As he left, he failed to notice carmine eyes watching him, following his every move. And both failed to see the calculating blue-gray eye.
Jaune sighed as he placed the barbell back down on the rack, wiping sweat off of his face and neck with his workout shirt. His muscles burned nicely, and he felt pleased with himself. He had come a long way from the unmuscled noodle that had sneaked into Beacon.
Now, while he wasn’t the best warrior, he could certainly hold his own, no thanks in part to his wonderful Partner and teammates. He knew that he would have been dead by now without them.
“Oh, hi Jaune! You decided to get a workout in too?” his eyes widened as he turned and saw Emerald walking up to him. His mouth went dry and he bit his tongue to try and stave of the twitch in his shorts as he saw what she was wearing.
A tight sports top held her sizable breasts snugly in almost a shelf, while she wore sinfully tight black shorts that looked almost painted on. And he was only seeing her from the front. He both desired, and dreaded, seeing what they looked like from behind. ‘Danger, Danger, Jaune Arc! Abandon The Area!’ his mind screamed as the beautiful young woman walked forwards, her hips swinging.
“H-Hi, Emerald…” he mumbled, eyes darting everywhere for help, but heart sinking when he realized they were alone in the gym. He quickly scrambled for an excuse. “Sorry, but I have to go…”
Emerald pouted. “Are you sure? I need to do some squats, and it would really help if someone spotted me...would you, please? I don’t want to overdo it…” she bat her eyes a few times, not overdoing it, but still pulling the ‘sweet demure girl’ act.
She barely resisted the urge to smirk when Jaune nodded, instead cheerfully going, “Great, thanks! Only going to do a few sets today, since I know classes aren’t far away, but there’s enough time to get a quick workout in, along with a nice hot shower! That’s always nice after a workout to ensure you don’t cramp, right? Feeling the hot water running over your body...there’s nothing like it!”
Jaune bit the inside of his cheek as the beautiful girl put the image of her standing under the shower head, the steaming water running over her trim, curvy body...he could feel himself getting hard in his shorts.
Emerald smiled as she slowly turned around, making sure to highlight her ass in these sinfully tight shorts of hers. She had honestly outgrown them, but had kept them around for reasons even she didn’t know...until now, at least.
Bending down and grabbing the barbells, making sure to push her ass out, she smirked when she heard a stilted intake of air. “Ready?” she asked, raising herself up, not waiting for an answer before dropping herself, pushing her ass out hard, quickly falling into a rhythm of rising and falling, making sure to showcase her ass and thighs.
Jaune was hard, unable to stop his cock from getting fully hard and stretching out his shorts lewdly. As embarrassing as that was, he preferred that to it sliding down his leg and peeking out to say hello to the world. He was just very grateful she was facing away from him, otherwise he knew this would end badly.
Emerald smirked widely as she performed her squats. Jaune had apparently not noticed the mirror across from them, and she had a perfect view of how hard he was staring at her ass...and how hard he was in response. She licked her lips and her core tingled, warmth bubbling up in her belly as she imagined being speared by that cock.
Despite loving the fact that Jaune was captivated by her ass, she knew she had to finish up sadly. But she wasn’t going to let that end her fun, there would be plenty of chances to tease him later. So, as she went down for her final squat, she rocked backwards, letting out a squeak as both she and Jaune hit the mat, her ass squashing against his cock.
Jaune groaned piteously as his cock was pressed down by those soft cheeks, just like two days ago, as Emerald rubbed her head and-oh god-squirmed on top of him, his balls going haywire. He bit his tongue to avoid making any sound that could tell Emerald exactly what was happening underneath her.
Forcing his eyes open, he saw her rubbing the back of her head, before glancing back, although not down, much to his relief. He twitched as she shifted more, her ass rubbing against his cock. ‘Oh, fuck, she needs to stop!’ he thought, panicked.
Emerald had to hit Jaune with her semblance, she couldn’t keep the smirk off her face anymore as she subtly wiggled her plump ass on the thick meat stick underneath her. “Ow…” she whined piteously, rubbing the back of her head, “Are you okay, Jaune? I hope I didn’t hurt you!” she asked, forcing the weight of her ass on his cock more, loving the panicked look on his face. She was glad that they were alone and that her ass was facing him; she was soaked.
The groan that hit her ears made her smirk, more teasing to be had then. “Did I hurt you?! Hang on, let me see where I landed!” she slowly dragged her ass down Jaune’s cock and placed herself on the mat, turning around-
-only to see Jaune up already and rushing to the showers, hunched over. She blinked, before she smirked, standing up and slowly following, intending to find him and watch what she knew he was doing. Maybe even ‘help’.
She herself failed to notice her follower, the blue-gray orb narrowed in anger.
Jaune groaned as he stood naked under the shower spray, one hand on the wall and the other performing what was known as a ‘tactical jerk’, rapidly tugging at his cock, trying to bring himself to orgasm before anyone else arrived.
“Fuck...why...how did she not notice?” he groaned, his cock and balls aching terribly as he pumped hard on his cock. “She can’t have not felt it…” even now, he could feel the warm squeeze of her ass on him, almost a phantom sensation that drove him wild.
He moved his hand for a moment, only for his eyes to snap open as a warm squeeze seemingly did envelop his cock, a tight warmth that made pre spurt from his tip. Looking before him, he saw nothing, but sniffing, he smelled the scent of cherry blossoms, just like the girl who he had been spotting. The sensation began to move, confusing him utterly, but the pleasure made him quickly forget thinking about it too hard.
Emerald smirked at a job well done. Jaune was wrapped in the throes of her semblance and she had stripped and slipped in front of him, capturing that massive cock in her ass. She hummed to herself as she began to rub that hot hard flesh, her ass moving along it, her own honey leaking down her inner thighs. She knew they would have to be swift, after all, people could come into the gym or its showers anytime. But she knew enough that Jaune had to be close. She just needed to...make...him...cum!
Jaune released a broken sound as his balls finally began to release, his cock spitting his copious seed all over the wall in front of him, much to his shame, his cock throbbing and balls pumping out a massive amount of cum, utterly painting it white.
Shame filled him, and after a quick rinse, he swiftly dried off, dressed and made his way out.
Under the spray of the water, Emerald hummed to herself as she rinsed herself clean. While she couldn’t see how much cum was on her backside, she could definitely feel the warmth that coated her. She chuckled. “Step three, complete…” she murmured. She would hunt him down again and next time, she would ask him out. She was sure he’d be all for it.
Hidden in the shadows of the corner, a tear-filled blue-gray eye stared at Emerald in rage. May knew about Emerald’s semblance, and she knew that Jaune didn’t see what had really happened. Slipping away, she wasn’t going to give in. No, she was going to fight for Jaune!
Creeping back, she May skulked out of the showers, already preparing for her next move. She needed to do something special.
Jaune sat in Survival Class, an elective course, but one he found damn useful. Even as he looked over the diagrams that they were working on today, he knew his mind wasn’t in it, it going back to the scene in the Gym earlier with Emerald. Glancing around, he supposed it was okay, though...after all, there seemed to be low turnout for the class today. As an elective, you came when the class had something you wanted to learn in it.
He sighed as he felt his cock, still semi hard, twitch in his slacks. He still felt phantom feelings of her rear on his lap, like when he was in the shower…
“Hi, Jaune! Can I sit with you?” he looked to the side, hearing May’s voice, only to choke as he turned. May’s chest had grown again, and now matched Yang’s size. He quickly shook himself though, knowing that she would hate gawking. “S-Sure, May.” he stuttered, watching as she happily took the seat next to him, her breasts bouncing slightly as she settled. Glancing around, Jaune noticed that they were the only two in the classroom, which filled him with a bit of trepidation, but he trusted May. He knew she wouldn’t do anything to embarrass him.
He heard the door opened and a flush filled his cheeks as he saw Emerald enter in her uniform, looking up and waving at him, although her smile seemed...dimmed. He didn’t know what caused that and would have thought more on it, but he was distracted-incredibly distracted-by May leaning into his arm again as she pointed out something in the book. If anyone asked, he wouldn’t be able to tell them, since his entire focus was on the softness pressing against his arm.
While Jaune was...preoccupied, both Emerald and May were having a stare down, giving one another very ugly looks, unimpressed with the fact of what the other was doing or did. Their eyes were cold, and if one looked closely, it would seem like lightning was crackling between the two beauties. May was happy that she had arrived first and foremost and was able to sit next to Jaune, while Emerald was incised for the same reasoning.
After a moment, Emerald smirked, immediately making May stiffen, wondering what the devious verdette had in mind.
Heading over to the table that held the books they used for the class, Emerald wasn’t going to let Zedong get in the way of her snagging her future boyfriend. She’d just get the sight that Jaune was going to be able to enjoy whenever he wanted, too! She laughed to herself as she stretched straight out over the table, feeling her skirt rise and rise, cool air brushing over the skin of her ass...the dual gasps made her smirk and glance over her shoulder, using her semblance to hide the blatant action, her cheeks red, even though she thought this was so hot…
Both Jaune and May stared in shock as Emerald’s skirt moved up more and more, until the entirety of her ass was completely exposed, the smooth chocolate skin taut and unblemished. More to the point, she was lacking underwear, letting them see everything.
May was horrified. She had no idea that Emerald was going to be that blatant with her wants! She knew that it wasn’t an accident, either! She could see her shifting her stance (subtly, of course) to arch her rear up and make it spread a bit! Glancing at Jaune, she was disheartened to see him staring with a dark blush on his cheeks, although she could understand it. Acting quickly, she did the first thing that came to mind to get his attention back.
Jaune’s mouth went dry as he saw her cheeks spread, allowing him to glimpse the darker circle of skin between the half moons, and the plump, pouty lips just beneath. He lost his battle keeping his cock soft, the shaft swelling with blood and pitching a massive tent in his slacks. He didn’t know how long he stared at the enticing image before he heard a squeak, and the wind was knocked out of him as he fell out of his chair and onto the floor, something warm landing on his crotch, making him freeze in horror.
Glancing down, he saw May, planted face down on his crotch, her cheek rubbing up against his hard shaft, her warm hand on his thigh, her breath seeping through his clothes and brushing over his balls; his cock ached.
May had attempted to put her hand over Jaune’s eyes, but slipped and slammed into him, taking them both to the ground. As the dizziness faded, she felt something hard poking her cheek and noticed that she was taking in a wonderful, musky scent. One that made her pussy clench in her panties. Opening her eye, her face burned as she realized somehow she had ended up face first in Jaune’s lap. Her eyesight grew hazy and stung as tears of humiliation filled them. She hadn’t meant for this!
She threw herself up and back, looking down at the ground and tried to take in a breath to calm herself, but all that came out was a loud ‘Hic!’ as burning hot tears began to stream down her face, falling onto her skirt. She couldn’t bring herself to look up at her crush, knowing that she would see the most disgusted look on it-she froze as strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to his chest. “It’s okay, May...its okay...it was an accident…”
May buried her face into her crushes chest, taking deep breaths of his scent, her emotions settling and her love for Jaune growing as he comforted her after that humiliating experience. She snuggled against him, letting herself relax to the powerful thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat.
Neither noticed Emerald stomping out with a scowl.
Another two days had passed, and while things had been slightly awkward between him and May, it wasn’t bad enough that they couldn’t interact with one another. However, today was an off day for classes (something about a staff wide meeting? He didn’t really care enough to confirm it), so he was planning on heading to one of the indoor pools. Oddly enough this meeting coincided nicely, since the team had reserved it today anyway. Now, instead of a few hours after classes, they had the entire day to laze away in it if they wanted. Which they were going to.
Nora laughed as she changed into her swimsuit in the middle of the room, uncaring if her teammates saw her naked. None of them batted an eye, used to Nora’s wild side by now. “This is going to be great! How often do we say that we get to just sit by and swim in a pool all day?” she asked.
“We don’t, since the pools are always filled up on the weekends, and we don’t want Pyrrha in a swimsuit appearing in the tabloids. Its bad enough people are taking photos of her in classes, for God’s sake.” Jaune sighed, shaking his head as his closest friend and partner blushed.
“I’m sorry!”
“No, Pyrrha, don’t be sorry that other people don’t know boundaries.” Jaune said, patting her on the shoulder. His partner looked very attractive in her modest two piece bikini, but he knew that people would only be able to admire from a distance. After all, most of them never had the nerve to speak to her, and even if they did, Pyrrha, being on the Aromantic Asexual side of the spectrum, wasn’t cruel enough to lead them on.
A knock on the door drew their attention, and glancing to make sure his teammates were decent, Jaune moved over to the door, opening it to see…“May? Hey, what’s up?” he smiled as he saw his shy friend in front of their dorm room.
May blushed brightly as she saw the boy she loved without a shirt and wearing only swimming trunks, her mouth going dry as her eye roamed over her muscled form. Feeling warmth bubble up in her belly, she cleared her throat and spoke, hoping her voice didn’t crack. “I...I came to see if you wanted to hang out...but I can come back later?” she asked hopefully, hoping that she got some time with her crush today...without her trying to muscle in.
Pyrrha blinked. While she may not feel it herself, she could see that May was attracted to Jaune. Hell, she likely would be attracted to Jaune if she was capable of feeling those types of emotions. He was a great man. She smiled and moved forwards. “We’re going to the pool, May. Would you like to join us? The more the merrier?” seeing the beanie-wearing girl’s surprised look, she winked from behind Jaune’s shoulder.
May had to bite the inside of her cheek to avoid the face-splitting smile she wanted to reveal, instead managing to say, “A-are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother...or get in the way of team time.” she nearly winced, since most of the time she was left out of ‘Team Bonding’ stuff in BRNZ, since she was the only girl.
She didn’t see Jaune’s eyes soften, but she did hear him. “It’s not bother to spend time with a friend, May. You’re welcome to come. We’d be glad to have you.” she couldn’t keep the joy off her face this time as she smiled wide. “Thanks! I’ll go get my suit! Which pool are you heading to?” she asked. This could be her chance! And it looked like Jaune’s own partner, Pyrrha freaking Nikos, approved of her going for him!
“The smaller one on the West side of the dorms. More private.” left unsaid was they chose that one to make sure Pyrrha had peace, since it was one of the few of them that didn’t have windows to the outside, meaning no loiterers attempting to hide with cameras. It may have been against the rules and punished harshly, but that didn’t stop perverts in their attempt to get pictures of swimsuit malfunctions.
“Thanks! I’ll go grab my suit!” in a burst of emotion, she hugged him, before darting off back to her own dorm to get her suit. She had thankfully bought one in case she ever had the courage to do something like this.
Granted, it wasn’t ideal, since preferably, it would just be her and Jaune, but at this point, with what Emerald had been pulling, she couldn’t afford to stay her usual self anymore...besides, worst came to worst, she had her semblance to fall back on.
Entering her empty dorm, she dug her bikini out of the bottom of her dresser, blushing at the thought of Jaune seeing her in it, wondering what he would saw when he saw how large her breasts were, before shaking her head. Now wasn’t the time for talk, it was time for action. She wouldn’t allow anything to stop her.
May was pouting. Honest to god pouting. Why? Apparently, Team RWBY had overheard Pyrrha and Jaune inviting her to the pool, so they invited themselves! And what’s worse, Emerald had found them and gotten an invite too! But she wasn’t going to let an extra five people stop her! She was going to get Juane’s attention!...right after her knees stopped trembling.
She stood before a mirror in one of the small changing rooms, wearing her bikini. The bottoms were a pretty lavender color, and a modest side-tie in style. The top, however...well, it was a bikini...in theory. The two tiny triangles covered her puffy, inverted nipples for sure, but a good portion of her pink areola was still visible.
Her blush was dark, almost taking over her face, but she wasn’t going to be deterred! She was going to go and show her crush what she had to offer!
Knock! Knock! May looked at the door, seeing the outline of someone’s shadow underneath it. Part of her hoped it was Jaune, but she knew he was too much of a gentleman to do such a thing unless someone else was there. “Hello?” she was proud her voice didn’t crack.
“May? Are you okay?” her shoulders relaxed when she realized it was Pyrrha and not Emerald here to taunt her. She had seen the smug look that the verdette had on her face as she went into one of the changing stalls herself.
“Yes, thanks! On my way out!” she called, gathering her clothes and putting them into her bag, making sure that they wouldn’t go ‘missing’ mysteriously. Standing and moving to the door, she opened it to see the redhead standing outside.
Despite the embarrassment, she couldn’t help but feel amused when Pyrrha’s eyes went wide, the normally reserved girl blatantly staring at her chest. She chuckled, making her breasts bounce. “Take a picture, maybe?” she teased, getting the redhead to rapidly shake her head and back up, looking incredibly flustered.
“I’m sorry!” Pyrrha yelped, before calming and taking a deep breath, looking May in the eye. “May, are you sure you feel comfortable wearing that? I mean, there’s more than just Juane out there…” May felt her eyes widen. “I can tell you like him, and honestly, on some level, I think he likes you too, but Juane...he’s not unintelligent, but he has a very low sense of self-worth.”
May nodded. Anyone could honestly see it. The blonde seemed to hold himself to an impossible standard. “But, I think you’re good for him, so let’s go and you can make his eyes pop out.” Pyrrha chuckled, and May nodded, her heart rising as she realized she had a great ally in Pyrrha.
As they headed back to the pool area, they could hear voices, Yang talking predominantly. “Damn, Em. How do you hide that? It’s bigger than Blake’s?” May’s expression soured, knowing exactly what Yang was talking about.
Emerald had happily shown off her thong bikini to May, revealing the same amount of ass that she had shown off in Survival Class the other day. She knew that Jaune was likely just as embarrassed as he was then...but he was likely to be more when he saw her.
“Oh, its a bit difficult, but a good skirt or pants does wonders!” Emerald’s voice was cheerful, but she could hear the hidden dislike within it; then again, May knew that Emerald had no real respect for those who flaunted themselves. Hell, she could honestly say that she had never seen Emerald act like this before until she decided she wanted Jaune.
As Pyrrha reached for the door, May took a deep, calming breath and nodded. Showtime.
Emerald smiled to herself. It was so easy to tease Jaune like this! And with the little wallflower out of the way, she had full access to him! Just a little longer and she was sure he’d be interested in spending some time alone with her on their free day…
The door opened and her jaw, and she was sure everyone else’s jaws dropped. Where had the shy little wallflower gotten the courage to wear something like that? Off to the side she heard huffing and jealous murmurs from Schnee, which at any other point would make her laugh, if she wasn’t so shocked.
Instead of being downright flat, like she had thought, the mousy girl had tits bigger than Xiao Long! When the hell did that happen?
May ignored everyone’s expression, from Yang’s shock, to Weiss’s not so little amount of jealousy, to even Nora grabbing Ren by the head and shoving his face into her own sizable chest; her attention was solely on Jaune, who was staring at her with awe. Filling her with strength.
Walking up to him, she sat down next to him. “H-How...how do I look?” she didn’t care what the others thought of her, Jaune’s opinion was the only one that mattered. If he didn’t like it, she had wasted her time!
She watched his throat bob as he looked over her body, making the warmth bubbling in her lower belly grow, wetness beginning to form in the bottom of her swim bottoms. “Y-You look wonderful.” she smiled as his voice cracked a bit.
“Thank you.” she said, relieved. She was happy that he wasn’t disgusted by how lewdly...large...her breasts were.
Time passed, the group having fun, or as much as they could have while stewing in jealousy over Emerald’s and May’s attributes.
Both Jaune and May were swimming together, making Emerald frown. There were too many people to use her semblance effectively, but maybe she could make it so they were misdirected...a smirk appeared on her face as she moved slowly through the water, weaving her semblance.
May was enjoying herself greatly, she and Jaune had stopped for a few moments and relaxed, Jaune sitting on the edge of the pool, and May floating before him in the water. She smiled at him, happy that this was going well. But now, she needed to talk to Jaune. “Jaune...I need to tell you something.”
Jaune looked down at May with a smile. “Yeah? What is it, May?” he asked. This...this was very comfortable. He truly enjoyed spending time with her, and even Emerald; she had sat with her and May and they had just talked. And despite the embarrassment of all this week, he found himself attracted to Emerald, just as he was May. It had been a very pleasant day.
May looked up at Jaune. This was it, she was going to do it! “I wanted to tell you-” her eyes widened as she felt her top slipping. Cheeks turning dark she saw Jaune’s eyes widening so she knew he noticed it to.
Before panic set in, she activated her sembalnce and pushed herself closer to Jaune as her top slipped off and began to float away, pressing her breasts onto his lap. She took several deep breaths as her heart rate calmed down. Looking up, she blushed more as Jaune was definitely noticing her now, especially if the poke on the underside of her breasts told her anything.
Jaune glanced around rapidly, waiting for the laughs, the shrieks, the mocking, the perverted jokes, but nothing came. In fact, none of them were even looking their way. Looking back at May (doing everything he could to not stare at those magnificent breasts, massive with puffy, inverted nipples, the flush from her face extending down to the top of them), he gave her a confused look. “H-How?”
Emerald agreed with Jaune. ‘Yes, how?!’ pulling off her top was supposed to embarrass her! Not basically make her set her tits on their crush’s lap!
May blushed. “I...it’s my semblance. When activated, anything surrounding me is...normal, for lack of a better word. It helps during combat, or in embarrassing situations like this, but I really don’t like using it much...but I left you and Emerald out of it...because…” she swallowed. “We both like you, and Emerald used her semblance on you in the gym showers!”
Jaune’s head spun. “I...what? You...you like me?” he asked, stunned. A nod from May. “Emerald does too?” another nod. “Sh-she used her semblance on me in the gym showers? How?” he asked. He was fairly certain he would have would noticed her doing something to him…
May blushed. “Her...her semblance is Hallucinations...she made it so you didn’t notice her in the shower with you…” his cheeks burned as he remembered the incredible heat and tightness that wrapped around his cock, bringing him to a swift orgasm. “Th-that was her?” he asked, mortified.
May bit her lip. “She does like you, just like I do...she just doesn’t...well, neither of us have ever...tried to get a boy, you know?” she glanced to her side, seeing a shocked Emerald looking at her, holding her top in her hand. Looking back up at Jaune, she smiled weakly. “Can we talk? We...we can go to one of the empty study dorms?”
Looking between the two beauties, Jaune swallowed and nodded. “Y-Yeah...I...I think that would be a good idea.” he said, quickly reaching over and plucking May’s top from an unresisting Emerald’s hand and handing it to the maroon-haired girl to put back on.
After May’s breasts were covered up (a part of Jaune mourning the loss of the beautiful sight), the trio gathered their things and left the room, uncaring that the moment that the door closed and May dropped her semblance around them, the room descended into confusion over where the three went.
Now, here the three of them were, in a student study dorm, the girls having swiftly gotten into another argument when they settled in here before he stopped them. He wasn’t going to let this ‘competition’ for him go on any longer. He wouldn’t deny that the two girls were beautiful, and he felt for both of them...his eyes hardened. It was time to take charge. Clearing his throat, he looked between the two of them.
“Now, both of you have been enjoying teasing and tormenting me this past week...that means, both of you are going to be fixing this.” he gestured to his tented pants, his hard cock jutting outwards. “Are we understood?” Jaune growled. “Now, don’t waste my time...clothes off.”
Neither Emerald nor May would admit it out loud, but they were soaked. Jaune taking charge and demanding that they finish what they had started by teasing him so was...hot. Instantly, they began tugging at their own clothes, shirts being tossed to the side, bra and binder falling to the ground, skirts, thong and hip hugger panties following, leaving both naked and dripping before their lover’s, hopefully boyfriend’s, eyes.
Jaune licked his lips, his cock straining in his pants as he looked over their bodies. They really were beautiful, and some part of him still couldn’t believe that they were truly interested in him...but the eager looks on their faces...those weren’t fake. They were real.
He walked around them, close but not so close her touched them, reaching out and just brushing his fingers along her backsides, watching with lust as goosebumps rose up from their skin. Jaune’s nostrils flared as he smelled a sweet fragrance wafting up from below, making his cock throb.
While Emerald’s ass was larger and more soft, his fingertips sinking into the fat cheeks, one couldn’t that deny the firm heart shape of May’s rear end was delightful as well.
Moving around to their front, he hummed, placing a hand on each girl’s hip, slowly and teasingly drawing his callused hands upwards. He chuckled at their their trembling, smirking at their needy whines. “Really?” he chuckled, “You two are begging for it already? I mean, you both tormented me all week...maybe I should leave you both on the brink for an entire week before finally taking you?”
Jaune didn’t know where all this confidence was coming from, but he did know that he felt empowered by the looks of panic and fear the two girls had, followed by immediate pleading to not do something so cruel to them, that they couldn’t take a whole week of being on edge-
“Like you had no problems letting me?” he asked. “You have a weeks worth of teasing and blue balls to make up for. I’m not cruel, so...if you promise not to tease and then refuse to follow through anymore after tonight, I can forgive you.”
Both May and Emerald breathed a heavy sigh of relief as they realized they weren’t about to be as teased and tormented as Jaune had been. It would have been hell! They were both already dripping down their inner thighs with need! Both shivered, releasing keens as Jaune’s hands moved down again, cupping their soaking cores. He did nothing, just cupped their slits. It didn’t take either of them long before they were grinding themselves shamelessly against his palms, shuddering and moaning as the callouses on his fingers and palm rubbed over their slick, sensitive skin.
It didn’t take long for them to break, both keening and trembling as they came hard, squirting along his palms, faces flushed darkly as they both realized they had cum in less than three minutes, but Jaune looked...he looked amazed, not amused.
Both slowly came down from their intense orgasms, watching with flushed faces as their lover contemplated their juices on his fingers, before tasting them, licking them clean and making their pussies clench.
The girls looked at another, and nodded. For now, they were on the same page. They had drove the man they both wanted to fits, and it was up to them to make it up to him.
Jaune blinked as he saw Emerald whisper rapidly to May, who blushed fiercely, but nodded. Before he could ask, both acted, moving him and having him sit on the bed. Glancing between them, the both looked at him softly. “We did you wrong, Jaune...we treated you as though you were a prize to be won, although among all the men here, you are one…” May began, looking ashamed, her blue-gray eye looking down, before it snapped back up as she realized what she was staring at.
Despite the situation, both Jaune and Emerald chuckled, before Emerald sobered and continued. “We’re going to make it up to you...be the best girlfriends we can be. We promise.” seeing Jaune’s shocked look, she smirked. “You heard right...you hit the jackpot, tiger!”
Glancing at May, Emerald nodded again, and May slipped down onto her front, her upper body held up by her elbows, while the verdette girl turned around, setting her plump rear on his thigh. “We couldn’t decide who would get to please you first, and well, our assets are quite opposite to one another, so I thought, “Why shouldn’t our forgiving boyfriend get the luxury of a titjob and an assjob at the same time?”...oh! I can tell some part of you likes that thought!”
Both May and Emerald giggled from how hard Jaune’s cock was twitching, obviously imagining what they were about to do. Locking eyes with their new boyfriend, both moved, sandwiching and engulfing Jaune’s large shaft between their impressive endowments.
Jaune groaned darkly, his cock feeling as though it was being utterly smothered by four large, warm pillows. Opening his eyes, he saw both Emerald and May looking at him with equal amounts of lust, and glancing down...he barely saw his tip emerging through the twin cleavages. He huffed, his fingers digging into the sheets by his body. He could feel his balls churning already, but knew that he was nowhere close to cumming.
He took deep breaths, as they started to move in tandem, in such a way that he was wondering if they hadn’t practiced this beforehand. “Fuck...you two…” his voice was almost a growl, something that disturbed him, but he could see the effect that it had on his two new girlfriends. Both were looking at him with lust in their eyes, their movements getting even more frantic, his cock slipping in their cleavages, his tip popping up and out between them as they fell, Emerald’s rear and May’s breasts squishing against his thighs.
“Like it, lover?” Emerald asked, eyes hooded halfway. “I...I won’t lie...I’m getting wet just feeling this thing between my cheeks...how about you Zee?” she asked.
May blinked at the nickname, but smiled softly. “Y-Yeah...this...this is really turning me on…” she was mortified at saying that out loud, but she wasn’t going to lie about the fact that her juices were streaming down her inner thighs. It didn’t help that her sensitive nipples were dragging along the soft skin of Emerald’s rear end.
Jaune groaned as both of them worked harder and faster, getting him closer to his end, growling as both stopped their movements, leaving him on the brink again. He scowled lightly as both moved off of him, although it lessened a fair bit as they leaned over and kissed him. “Don’t worry, baby…” Emerald smirked, “We’re going to get you off, we just don’t want to waste all that’s in here,” Jaune hissed as two different hands cupped his large balls, rubbing the swollen and packed spheres gently. “by letting it spit out onto our tits or ass, that’s all. We want it in us…”
May hummed softly, kissing Jaune again and getting lost in the addictive feel of his lips. Pulling away from his lips, she rubbed her nose against the blonde’s, pressing her tits against him. “We want you to fill us up...I tasted it before, I want it in me. No condoms, I’m on the shot...I...I want to feel it raw…” her cheeks burned, but Jaune only smiled softly, reaching down and cupping her cheek.
“If you’re sure...is it alright that she goes first, Em?” Juane asked, giving the cocoa-skinned verdette a glance, knowing that May had far more self-image issues than she did. The carmine-eyed girl pouted, but nodded. It would give her a chance to contemplate her own problem.
Emerald hadn’t hadn’t renewed her birth control. She hadn’t bothered resuming the shot; after all, why get something that you weren’t going to use at all? Now she was kicking herself. She’d figure out something. There was no way that May was going to be the only one fucked tonight!
Jaune kissed May again, which the buxom beauty accepted eagerly, moaning softly as Jaune’s tongue prodded at her lips. Clutching at him, May slid her body over his, enjoying the feel of his body pressing against her own. A small whimper escaped her lips as her sensitive nipples rubbed against his chest. Her pussy clenched around nothing as she pulled back from the kiss, a thin line of saliva stretching between their lips several inches before breaking. “Make...make love to me, Jaune...please don’t make me wait…”
Jaune kissed her again swiftly, rolling them over so May was on her back and he was looming above her.
May blushed, completely exposed before Jaune’s gaze. Her GG-Cups were on full display, her areola puffy and engorged, although her nipples were still tucked away in their little slits. Her trim legs were spread wide, exposing her soaked core. Even her milky, scarred eye (a testament to a Grimm attack when she was young) was uncovered from its hidden shield of her hair. She should have felt mortified. But with Jaune’s hungry gaze on her...she only felt...desired. Like a woman. She released a keen as Jaune leaned down and pressed kisses along her neck and collarbone, his fingers roaming her sides.
A squeal erupted from her mouth as Jaune’s firm hands grasped and toyed with her breasts, the callused digits almost sinking into the soft flesh. She squirmed and shook beneath him as his fingers rubbed over her sensitive areola, teasing the sensitive nubs.
Pulling back, Jaune stared into her visible eye as her face scrunched up, feeling her hips arching and rubbing up against him. He chuckled. “Sensitive there, are we?” he asked letting his index fingers and thumbs trace around the protruding flesh, his hard cock throbbing hard as he watched the busty girl squirm and writhe. This was breathtaking.
May was mortified! She couldn’t cum from just having her nipples teased! She wouldn’t, she wouldn’t, she wouldnnnnnn’t-a shameful keen escaped her mouth as Jaune’s fingers pinched, her nipples popping out of the small slits they hid in; her core clenched, her pussy squirting her fluids onto her thighs and on the sheets. With a whimper, she covered her face with her hands, not wanting to see the laughing expressions that she was sure both had.
Jaune was the furthest he had been from laughing in a while. He had never remembered be so hard in his life. Sharing a glance with Emerald, who looked just as shocked, Jaune grinned and slipped his hands down to May’s toned thighs, gripping them and spreading them a bit wider, slipping between them, the tip of his cock a hair’s breadth away from her soaked core.
Emerald, sick of being left out, leaned down and gently pulled May’s hands away from her face, looking into her embarrassed...sister-girlfriend?...she looked into May’s eye. “Come on, Zee...Jaune’s about to make you his...don’t hide behind your hands for this…” she smiled as she watched May’s eye immediately shoot down to see Jaune’s cock moments away from breaching her core.
Jaune smiled softly as he moved just a bit, allowing his head to touch her sticky lips. “Are you ready? I want confirmation…” he looked May directly in the eye, refusing to move further without her okay. He watched May nod, staring directly down at their potential joining.
That wouldn’t do. “I need you to tell me with words, May…” he said softly, rubbing his cock along her soaking lips gently. “I want to hear your beautiful voice telling me you want me to fuck you…” he hummed, turning his head and planting kisses on her toned calf muscle, running his nose along the smooth skin as May released small squeaks of sound, but nothing resembling words. He was patient. He had waited this long, he could wait until she found her ability to talk.
Fortunately, Jaune didn’t have to wait long. Emerald hummed and gently cupped one of May’s tits. “If you don’t tell him, he won’t fuck you. If he won’t fuck you, there’s no need for him to be where he is. It will be my turn. He’ll be fucking me. You wouldn’t want me to go first, now would you?” she asked, seeing May’s eye widen in panic.
“NO! Fuck me, Jaune! Don’t fuck her first! Please, I want it! I need it! Fill me with your cum!” May cried out, bucking her hips upwards, trying to take Jaune’s cock into her core. There was a beat of silence before her her lightly tanned face turned dark red, her cheeks resembling dark cherries.
“Heh, such a naughty girl, and a screamer to boot!” Emerald chuckled, gently fondling May’s breast, feeling heat flow off of her. “Don’t worry about it sweetie, its just us. But you heard her, stud; fuck her and fill her up!”
Jaune took a deep breath. While both had used their semblances to please him before; Emerald giving him that assjob in the gym showers while hidden from him and May had used her own to rest her breasts on his lap in front of everyone at the pool, he had never done this. He wanted it to go well.
“Looking at May, he smiled as he slowly began to push his way into her core. Huntress-in-training she may be, but she was a virgin and he wasn’t small. So he was slow to enter her and spread her open. He watched her face as she mewled and squirmed underneath him, digging her fingers into the sheets, gasping for air and whining for more.
Finally, Jaune bottomed out, his hips pressing against May’s, his own face tense as her walls were rippling and flexing tightly around his cock. She was hot, scorching even. Combined with her internal movements, it felt like she was constantly cumming around his cock. The look on her face only made him think more that she was cumming.
Slowly he pulled back, watching May’s face pinch and hearing the weak mewl coming from May’s mouth, feeling her thighs trembling in his hands. He watched her arch as he thrust back in, pleasure hitting him hard as well.
Seeing May starting to relax, Jaune knew it was time. Shifting his grip in her thighs, Jaune began to move faster, making May’s visible eye widen as he suddenly began to pound into her, loud smacks and claps filling the room as flesh smacked against flesh, pale hips colliding against tanned ones, Jaune’s swollen balls smacking into May’s toned ass.
Emerald stared jealously at May’s ecstatic face, before deciding that May shouldn’t be the only one having any fun. Sitting up, she carefully shifted so she was kneeling over her face. “It’s only fair I get off too, you know…” she teased, before plopping down and placing her pussy on May’s mouth, her ass covering the rest of the girl’s head. She moaned as May immediately started lapping away at her core, her tongue surprisingly skilled for a girl who had never eaten pussy before. She smirked as she saw Jaune’s eyes fill with lust, but she had to readjust herself as she nearly rocked off of May’s face as Jaune began fucking her even harder, his grip on the maroon-haired girl’s legs shifting a bit more.
Her eyes widened as Jaune lurched forwards, almost bending May in half, locking her legs down, putting her into a mating press and slamming into her. She threw her head back, a choked cry escaping her mouth as May screamed into her pussy, sending vibrations along with the sensations of that surprisingly wicked tongue. She released a choked cry as she came hard, squirting over May’s face.
May could see and hear nothing, could only smell Emerald’s intense scent of cherry blossoms and natural musk, could only taste her sweetly tangy arousal, and feel...oh Gods above, could she feel Jaune fucking her, bending her in half, making her his breeding bitch-her slick pussy clenched around him in sudden orgasm, a wail of pleasure leaving her mouth, being muffled by the slick flesh that hadn’t moved from her oral cavity. She thrashed underneath her two lovers, bucking upwards and trying to get more and more pleasure, to receive Jaune’s cum and become his woman.
Jaune growled as May clenched and flexed and squirmed around him, her juices leaking around him and dribbling down onto his pulsing balls. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back too much longer. This was, these two were too erotic to maintain calm. “C-Cumming!” he groaned, hearing May squeal eagerly as his balls rose and fell, his sack squeezing as his thick cum spurted out of his tip, forcefully filling up the maroon-haired girl’s core.
May cried out into the soaked flesh above her, heart singing as Jaune filled her up, claiming her body as his, and his alone. No other man would stretch her out, would fill her up...no other man’s seed would ever take root within her.
Feeling Emerald slip off of her face, she inhaled deeply the sweet air and stared at her lover. Feebly, she raised her arms, wordlessly asking for a hug. She moaned as she found herself scooped up into strong arms and smelling Jaune’s musky scent, her core flexing and rippling around his still twitching cock. “...Love you…” she moaned, nuzzling against him. “Love you too, May…” he hummed.
Jaune slowly, very slowly slid his still hard cock from May’s body, both staring at the veritable waterfall of semen that spilled from her pussy and onto the sheets. May managed a giggle. “You really did fill me up…” she whispered in an awed voice. Looking up at Juane, she kissed him. “You’re going to be doing that again soon...”
Emerald let the two have their moment, before she pouted, reaching down and gently squeezing Jaune’s balls, quickly gaining his attention. “I...I haven’t renewed my birth control yet, but I want it raw too…” she pouted. She cursed herself at the fact that she hadn’t thought of something as simple as birth control. Her eyes brightened. “You can fuck my ass.”
The blunt manner of speech made both May and Jaune gape at her, although Jaune’s sticky, twitching cock told Emerald that he really liked the idea. She slowly spun around on the bed, pushing her ass out and giving it a wiggle. “I know you want to~” she teased. “I don’t mind...after all, it is my best feature~”
Reaching back, she grabbed her cheeks and spread them, revealing her winking little pucker to her audience of two. Glancing over her shoulder she smirked, seeing both her boyfriend and fellow girlfriend staring. “You’re nice and lubed up due to Zee, so c’mon, lover...claim what every boy’s thought about!”
She watched with amusement as Jaune reached out for her almost zombie-like, his hands grabbing her ass and squeezing tightly, making her moan as his strong fingers sank into her flesh. “Yeeeasssss…don’t be afraid to get rough with it…” she groaned, getting wetter and wetter from Jaune’s rough handling.
A guttural moan spilled from her lips as Jaune’s strong hand slammed against her bubbly backside, making the cocoa-colored flesh ripple and sending a pleasant sting through her body. SMACK! Another one on her opposite cheek made her juices start sliding down her inner thighs.
Repeated spanks covered her ass, falling in a random pattern, sometimes going from cheek to cheek, other times he spanked a single cheek several times, the sting building until it became almost painful, the fire between her thighs growing and growing and growing until-
Jaune stopped.
A piteous whine escaped her lips, looking over her shoulder desperately at him, seeing him smirking. “You’re not going to get to cum that easy, Emerald…” she felt a slick feeling, and knew that it was Jaune’s cock. It slid between her cheeks, the cum slicking up her crease and covering her tight little pucker. A bit of adjustment and she felt his tip poking the small circle. Her pussy quivered. “Please…” she keened.
Jaune thrust.
Emerald’s eyes widened as Jaune bottomed out in one go, hips slapping her stinging rear as all ten inches of cock spread her wide. “Fuck!” she groaned, gripping the sheets as Jaune drew back until just his tip was still inside her, then plunging back in again. Smack!
Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Jaune’s thrusts were rhythmic, and every time he bottomed out her ass cheeks were spanked hard by his hips. Broken moans spilled from her lips even as her own juices dripped down from her pussy and onto the bed, dark spots forming and growing in size.
Seeing May looking at Emerald hungrily, Jaune smirked and spun them around, much to the dark-skinned girl’s shock. Her carmine eyes widened as May spread her legs, revealing her cum stuffed pussy. “Eat me, Emerald...you made me do it to you, so its only fair...and hey, you get to taste Jaune! Won’t that be great?” she teased.
Emerald could smell it, the tangy, slightly bitter scent of their mixed arousal, her mouth watering as she found herself leaning forward…
...only for May’s legs to wrap around her head and drag her in, smushing her face against the maroon-haired girl’s cream-filled core. “MMMMMPPPHHH!” she whined, only making the one-eyed girl moan and Jaune rail her ass even harder.
May watched as her boyfriend railed her sister-girlfriend, and said sister-girlfriend sucked and licked and slurped away at her soaking pussy, sending pleasure through her body.
Jaune slammed into Emerald’s ass, enjoying watching the ripple of her flesh jiggle as his hips slammed into her, watching May moan and clutch at the Verdette’s hair as she was eaten out. He fucked her hard and powerfully, giving her all of the aggression that he hadn’t given May. He could tell she loved it, just like he did. She was already cumming, her anal walls squeezing bearing down on his cock, her juices spilling down her thighs.
He knew that he was close too, but he wanted to wait, hold out for May to cum again...lurching forwards, he began to slam himself against her, his balls slapping against her pussy, sending droplets of her cum flying as he slammed his lips against May’s.
“MMMMMMHHHHPPPPPHHH!!!” the trio moaned in unison, their screams of passion drowned out by their flesh.
May squirted hard, covering and almost drowning Emerald in a mix of her cum and Jaune’s, while Emerald sprayed the sheets with her clear cum as they came in unison.
Jaune, however, growled as his balls snapped taut and he began to pump his cum deep into Emerald’s backside as he devoured May’s lips, their tongues tangling against one another.
Slowly breaking the kiss and moving away, all three panted for air. “F-Fuck…” Emerald gasped, her head slumped on May’s inner thigh, licking her lips of May’s and Jaune’s cum. May was speechless, her massive chest heaving as she fought to get back her breath.
Jaune rolled his hips slowly, letting the last drops of his cum side from his cock as he slowly pulled back, watching in awe as Emerald’s ass gaped, his cum spurting out as the formally tight little hole struggled to close.
Grabbing his lovers and shifting them, Jaune slumped in the bed, followed by two female bodies, May and Emerald each grabbing an arm and pulling it close, his limbs being swallowed up by May’s massive cleavage and Emerald’s more modest one. Their legs entwined with his as they relaxed, their heartbeats finally calming down and breathing returning to normal.
“Ah, hah...that was...that was…” Emerald slumped against Jaune, trailing off, unable to come up with the words necessary for what she honestly was feeling. May hummed, nuzzling against Jaune’s shoulder. “...Perfect…” was the only word she said, and despite the fact that she had been Emerald’s worst enemy not two hours ago, the mint haired girl found herself agreeing.
“Yeah...perfect…” she hummed, closing her eyes and resting against her new boyfriend as fatigue finally hit her. She knew that she wasn’t done, not by a long shot. She may have agreed to work together with May tonight to make sure they both got what they wanted, but that didn’t mean that she was going to be passive all the time...the next morning, she was going to wake her boyfriend up with her mouth.
...little did she know, May had the same idea, dreaming of driving Jaune wild with her own talented tongue.
A Week Later
“Jaune? Are you okay?” Pyrrha asked, looking at her closest friend in concern as they studied in one of the study dorms. His face was flushed and a fine sheen of sweat was on his forehead. He looked at her and smiled, although it seemed strained. “I’m just fine, Pyr. T-Thanks for asking!” he said, although his voice was tense. Tilting her head, Pyrrha nodded and going back to her work.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, despite the immense pleasure that flooded through him. Looking down, he narrowed his eyes at a naked May beneath the table as she swallowed the head of his cock in her mouth, while her breasts swallowed the shaft, eyes bright as she looked up at him happily.
That wasn’t the only thing happening. Before Jaune in the middle of the study dorm, on top of the table he and Pyrrha were sitting at, was a naked Emerald. She had changed positions several times already, from doing exercises in booty short that showcased her magnificent ass, like Yoga and squats (reminiscent of the teasing she did to him in the gym), to belly dancing, to stripping herself of her bottoms and twerking, clapping those fat cheeks together, to the position she was in now, sitting on the table before him, legs spread lewdly and cupping one of her breasts as she openly fingered herself in front of him.
Jaune wondered how he had gotten so lucky. He had two beautiful girlfriends, both of them surprisingly adventurous...to the point of Emerald using her semblance to keep his partner from noticing anything odd as they both played with him...and each other.
Jaune bit his lower lip to contain the groan as he came hard, coating May’s face and tits in a thick, gooey mask of his cum. Eyes brightening, Emerald turned and hopped off the table (making sure to wiggle her ass in his face as she did so), crawling underneath it and immediately attacking May, kissing her deeply as they both began to scoop up his cum, moaning happily as they devoured his seed.
His cock, having lost none of its rigidity even with the massive cumshot he had painted May with, twitched. As he watched, both his girlfriends leaned forwards, pressing their lips to the head of his cock. Right next to his partner. Who remained oblivious due to Emerald semblance.
God...he loved his life right now.
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crystalgirl259 · 4 years
How to Train Your Dragonblood 3: The Dragonblood Alpha Ch2
An indisputable shriek filled the air of the boundless sky over the calm ocean that was empty of boats as a bright red Fire Dragonblood soared across the water, causing waves, and rocketed across the horizon. The image of unbridled freedom. Tucked into his riding position, Jay appeared to be part of Kai. They dipped, rolled, and dived over a sea teeming with whales, dolphins, and a few Water Dragonbloods. They pulled off daring maneuvers with honed refinement, making them seem effortless.
"Yeah!" Jay yelled in adrenaline. They heading skyward, rolled, and tumbled through the ethereal cloud-scapes and joining high-flying Speed Dragonbloods as they soar in a formation. Jay was bound head-to-toe in a snug, dark blue, aerodynamic flight suit. An asymmetrical, functional design of leather and articulated plates. "So what do you think, baby? Wanna give this another shot?" He asked his dragonblood boyfriend.
"You've gotta be kidding!" Kai grumbled in protest.
"Come on Kai! It'll be fine." He reassured and with a click of a lever, he locked the pedals in the flared tailfin position so Kai could fly stably. Jay then unhooked himself from the saddle. "Ready?"
"Fine." Kai snorted unenthusiastically. Suddenly, Jay slid off his back, peeling away from him like a skydiver from a plane, yelling as he plummeted. Kai dove after him. They spiraled through the air, face-to-face. Kai was having fun, despite himself. When he saw the ocean, Jay slipped his forearms through a pair of tucked leather flaps and pulled, unfurling sheets of leather as he extended his arms. They caught the wind, snapping like wings, and sent him gliding.
Kai unfolded his wings, too, catching up with his human boyfriend.
The freedom was palpable. Jay and Kai were, for the moment, the same. Feeling the same rush of adrenaline. Independently together. They plunged past cloud formations, splitting apart then crossing paths again.
"This is amazing!" Jay shouted, overjoyed at these feelings. All of a sudden, a cloud layer washed past, exposing a towering rock formation dead ahead. "No longer amazing! KAI!" He screamed as he tried to steer himself away, to no avail. Kai poured on the speed, trying to catch Jay as he hurtled toward the collision. His locked tail made maneuvering difficult. He was unable to pull up at a steep enough angle. At the last second, Kai blasted the jagged rocks just ahead of them, then wrapped Jay in his wings as they flew through it.
The obliterated peak rained down around them.
Kai emerged through the cloud of debris and hurtled into the trees of a neighboring peak. They tumbled down the uneven terrain, coming to rest on a small plateau. Jay emerged from the cocoon of Kai's wings. He switched his prosthetic riding foot to his walking foot and stowed his leather wings. As Kai transformed into his human form, the sea stack cracked and fell.
"That really came out of nowhere." The brunette grumbled as he rubbed his sore muscles.
"We gotta work on your solo flying there, baby; that locked-up tail makes for some pretty sloppy rescue maneuvers, eh?" Jay chuckled as removed his helmet. He walked to the edge of the cliff, taking in the new land. "Looks like we found another one." He beamed and an annoyed Kai threw a small pebble at Jay's head. Jay looked at him, but Kai frowned and avoided his gaze.
"Oh, what? Do you want an apology? Is that why you're pouting, big baby boo? Well, try this on!" He teased as he hugged him and tried to wrestle with him. Kai's frowns melted to a smile at his boyfriend's attempt to overpower him. Despite growing in muscles and confidence to the last five years, they both knew Jay could never face Kai in hand-to-hand combat, with or without fire powers. All of a sudden, the brunette grabbed Jay's wrists, pinned him to the floor, and started kissing his face and neck.
"What's that you were saying?" Kai smirked.
"You're right! You're right! You win! You win!" Jay shrieked in roars of laughter. Satisfied, Kai got off him and let him get up. After catching his breath and with a big smile on his face, Jay got to his feet and looked around at the new island, and pulled out his map. "Whaddya reckon, baby? Think we might find a few Gravity Dragonbloods in those woods? The odd Light Dragonblood or two in the rocks? Who knows... maybe we'll finally track down another Fire Dragonblood; wouldn't that be something?" He sighed sadly as he stopped drawing on the map and looked out at the new horizon. "So, whaddya say baby? Should we just keep going?"
"When did you get so soppy?" Kai teased at his boyfriend's serious face. Jay rolled his eyes and lightly elbowed the dragonblood.
"Gotta make up for what you lack." He smirked back.
"Hey, I don't lack in anything! Especially where it counts, as you know." He purred seductively as he wrapped his arms around the ginger-haired man's neck before he burst out laughing at Jay's scarlet face. A dragonblood screech caught their attention. They turned just as they saw Cole and Rocky landed on the island. Kai gave Jay a quick kiss on the cheek he ran over excitedly to greet Rocky as Cole went to talk to the other rider.
"'Sup Rock?" The brunette smirked as the Earth Dragonblood sneaked him a cigarette while pulling out his own and he used his fire powers to light them. He had promised Jay he would cut down on his smoking, but it was hard to kick a habit like this.
"Not much, Grant almost set the town on fire with a lava ball... again, and Tes and Bolt are trying to tear each other to shreds." He sighed. He loved Adam and the triplets, but sometimes the kids, who were five now, drove them both mad.
"The offsprings of a Lightning and Earth Dragonblood couple are bound to cause chaos." Kai shrugged with a smirk.
"True, but I better the kids of a human and a Fire Dragonblood would be worse." He counted and Kai almost choked on his cigarette.
"What the fuck dude!"
"Oh come on hothead! Everyone's wondering when you two are gonna tie the knot and then have a little junior running around town." Rocky grinned at the bright crimson blush on Kai's tanned cheeks. Kai felt his temper flare up at this statement. They had talked about having children a few weeks ago, but both decided that they weren't ready for that yet, despite dating for five years now. Sadly, this hadn't sat well with Cliff. As soon as he caught wind of his son and Kai talking about having their own children, he began dropping hints about grandchildren or children, in general, every chance he got.
It didn't matter where or when.
Every morning, noon and night, no matter what activities Cliff caught them doing, like fishing or cooking, he would say how he used to do that with Jay, how he did it with his dad, and how great it would be for Jay to do it with his own child. Eventually, the couple had to sit Cliff down and explain to him that they weren't having children anytime soon. They thought that was the end of it. That is until Cliff decided to drop a bombshell on them this morning.
Without warning, Kai suddenly tackled Rocky to the ground and the dragonbloods started wrestling and chasing each other through the trees.
Their human riders glanced at the two dragonbloods, but shrugged it off and returned to their own conversation.
"Hey Cole, where have you been?" Jay asked as he returned to his map.
"Well, winning races, but what else?" He shrugged. "The real question is where have YOU been?"
"Avoiding my dad."
"Oh, no, what happened now?" He smirked.
"Oh, you're gonna love this." He groaned as he handed the pen to Cole. "I wake up, the sun's shining, crows are singing on the rooftop, I saunter down to breakfast with Kai, thinking all is right with the world and I get: Son, we need to talk." He said, imitating Cliff.
"Not now, Dad, Kai, and I have a whole day of goofing off to get started," Cole replied, imitating Jay, which the ginger didn't look impressed with.
"Okay, first of all, I don't sound like that! What is this character?!" He cried, but the light giggles showed Cole that he wasn't actually offended.
"A truly flattering impersonation." He said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyway he goes: you're the pride of Ninjago, and I couldn't be more proud of you; you're all grown up, and since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided-"
"To make you chief! Oh, my Gods!" Cole suddenly gasped as he stood up, doing a complete turnaround in the mood. It was clear, however, that Jay didn't share his eagerness though. "Jay, that's amazing!" He exclaimed and to settle his joy he punched him in the stomach. Jay cried out in surprise and stepped back, holding the injured side as the dorsal fin sprung up.
"You-You're gonna wear out the spring coil, the calibration is very sensitive." He scolded and Cole chuckled as he adjusted his armor. Suddenly they both are thrown down by the still fighting dragonbloods when they pass by them. Cole stood up with a huff from where he landed, kneeling over Jay.
"Yeah... so..." Jay sighed as he accepted the offered hand and pulled himself up as well. "This is what I'm dealing with."
"What did you tell him?"
"I- I didn't, by the time he turned around we were gone." He replied as Cole bent down to pick up the map.
"Well, that's a lot of responsibility, for sure; the map will have to wait for sure and I'll need to fly Kai since you'll be too busy, but I'm sure he understands." The noirette hummed as he walked away, pressing the map in Jay's chest. When he turned around, Jay looked at him so miserably.
"It's not me, Cole." He admitted. "All those speeches and planning and running the village, that's his thing."
"I think you're missing the point." He replied. "I mean... Chief! What an honor, I'd be pretty excited!"
"I... I'm not like you; you know exactly who you are, you've always had, but... I'm still looking." He sighed sadly as he stepped away from the noirette and towards the edge dejected while further behind Rocky and Kai started fighting over a fallen tree trunk. "I know that I'm not my father, and I've never met my mother so… what does that make me?"
"I get where you're coming from," Cole replied. "I might not have been as young as you when I lost my Mom, but when she died Dad and I kinda drifted apart, and as I grew older I felt like I didn't know who I was; my Dad barely talked to me and I felt like my Mom was a stranger to me because we never talked about her." He explained. "But after you and Kai changed everything, Rocky helped me reconnect with Dad and I finally realized who I was.
"It's not the same Cole." He muttered as he flopped down on the ground. Cole came from behind and sat next to him.
"What I'm saying is that what you're searching for isn't out there, Jay." He smiled as he placed his hand on Jay's chest. "It's in here, and maybe you just don't see it yet." He added but Jay ignored him and focused on the sky.
"Maybe... But you know... there is something out there." He muttered as he got up on his knees and watched attentively something off-screen.
"Ugh! Jay..." He groaned as he shook his head. Jay reached blindly with his hand and grasped his chin, turning his face to what he saw and Cole gasped. In the distance, over the cliffs, there was a trail of smoke climbing up into the morning sky...
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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mitsususu · 4 years
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Bucky’s hair is gettin' kind of long. Steve’s more than happy to help wash and style it. Below are my Top 5 Favorite Stories: 
“Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin’s Guide to Supersoldier Seduction” (E, 93k) by galwednesday, silentwalrus, and skellerbvvt
Captain America wakes up from the ice in 2013. The Winter Soldier wakes up in 2009, or rather defects from HYDRA, for a value of defect that’s closer to decimate. He ends up working for SHIELD. In April 2014, he’s assigned to Captain America’s mission as a sniper. Steve’s just trying to get some kind of life together. Bucky is too, or at least he was until tall, blond and Captain shows up and starts just - being there, all the time. It’s terrible. It’s the worst. He has to do something about it.
+ Shrunkyclunks. A/B/O-adjacent (the clownfish AU). Steve and Bucky go a little nuts buying hair products
“tag ur porn” (G, 1k) by lazulisong
The screen blipped and the person reappeared, now clutching a large Ragdoll cat who was purring even as the human muffled another scream in it's fur. "Omigod. Omigod. I'm calm. I'm calm. GUYS. So you remember how I said I hoped you'd send in reaction vids to the hairstyle tutorials? I think Captain America just sent me one, oh my fucking God." They squeezed the cat tightly enough that it let out a mildly protesting squeak. "OH GOD, Roadkill, I'm so sorry, Mommy's so excited right now." They let go of the cat and it sort of flowed into a puddle between them and the camera. "Okay. Okay. Roll video."
Sam paused the video long enough to break out the ginger ale and vodka.
+ Post WS. Steve learns how to braid hair, and posts a response video on youtube ft. Bucky. If you like Sam, this story is Part 1 of 16 Sam-POV fics
“close your eyes (this shampoo burns like a motherfucker)” (E, 1k) by shmabs
Bucky likes showers, he really does, he just kinda forgets sometimes that he’s supposed to take them so often. As the Winter Soldier, he wasn’t expected (programmed, he reminds himself, he wasn’t in control) to bathe since his handlers did that for him. He’s really just not used to being in charge of his own hygiene, but thankfully Steve is totally willing to step up and help him out.
+ Post WS. Bucky gives a blowjob and gets his hair washed at the same time. 
“Universal Constants” (T, 3k) by AidaRonan
“They took me back in,” Bucky says. “I got lucky.”
“This is lucky?” Steve stares at an obvious stab wound on his lower torso, letting off a steady stream of nebulous red clouds that wisp and dissipate like smoke.
“There’s words in my head, shit they can say that would take away everything I got back when you-” Bucky finally moves, lazily trailing one hand back and forth through the stained water next to his thigh, closing his eyes as though the sound soothes him. “They didn’t know the words.”
“You and me got our own words though, huh?” Steve asks.
+ Post WS. Steve finds a wounded Bucky in his tub. Bucky remembers and still loves him
“Effects of Obliteration” (E, 25k) by geneticallydead
“I watched a documentary on the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima a while ago. In the blast radius, sometimes a… a person blocked the bleaching effect of the radiation. So the person was vaporized, but a shadow was left behind, on a bridge or a wall – their shape, their outline, when they were completely gone," Steve said. "It’s called a nuclear shadow.”
“If you’re implying the Soldier is like a nuclear shadow, then that is seriously fucking dark, man,” Sam said dryly.
Before the fall of the Soviet Union, the Winter Soldier was sent to the American arm of Hydra - only there was a malfunction in the cryo-unit that meant it couldn't be opened, and it was left, powered but abandoned, in an underground base.
25 years later, the Avengers find it.
+ Post Avengers. Steve washes Bucky’s hair and they both like it so much it becomes a habit. Bucky also discovers tumblr and wants to see the Stucky porn
-☆- And a freebie! -☆-
“Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail” (M, 264k) by owlet
Oh sure, reunion results in happiness, kittens, and rainbows, because that's definitely how life goes when you've just spent 70 years as a tool of villainy. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
+ Post WS. Reposted from the Starter Pack list. Part 3 is Bucky and other long-haired Tower residents forming a Hair Club
*More hair washing fics in the Cabin list
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
there’s a part in the book 👉🏻👈🏻 about how stan wears bell bottoms👉🏻👈🏻 i was just wondering if you 👉🏻👈🏻 mayhaps had any👉🏻👈🏻 opinions && i love u the most💘
Yeah, Stan is sexy as hell in his bell bottoms, didn’t you know? He’s also a sexual dynamo who makes Patty come every night. A king really. The true king of the book. His crackling sexual energy would have obliterated Pennywise in an instant, so I’m not sure what he was so worried about. The holy trinity of his bell bottoms, ginger pubes and exclamation point cock would have annihilated him and the book would have been 200 pages long (still 200 because SK needed an editor real bad) and him and the Losers could have partied hard again at the Jade of the Orient while Richie talks some more about fucking twinks raw, Eddie decides to finally lose his virginity, and Stan tells Ben and Bill that, no, the female orgasm isn’t a myth, and this is how you please a woman in bed (Mike already knows how to make a woman come because all the single women in Derry have wanted a piece of that hunky librarian over the years).
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solohux · 5 years
Hux unknowingly gets infected with a parasite while planetside that gives him force abilities. He is ecstatic when he discovers his new powers. With this power and Ren at his side they can take down Snoke. Ren feels that something is off with Hux's new force abilities, but he can't put his finger on it. The power comes with a price however, the more Hux uses the force the weaker he becomes. The parasite is killing him but Hux is too stubborn to admit it. Can Ren save him before its too late?
Anon, I need a 100k fic on this 😭 This is a fucking incredible idea.
I can totally see that Hux refuses to give up his power. For the first time in his life, his competence is backed up by these intimidating powers that make him more than a military strategist. With his mind and magic, he's become some sort of God, so he thinks.
Kylo can only watch in fear as the man he adores succumbs to the parasite and becomes something he isn't. Hux's skin goes paler, he's thinner, his ginger hair bleaches of colour and turns blonde, his eyes lose their green/blue shine. He's a complete shadow of his former self but he won't see it like that. The parasite is killing him but the weaker his body becomes, the stronger his Force-powers become. Kylo has to stop it. He has to fight for Hux because Hux isn't going to fight for himself.
I can imagine that it gets to the point where the parasite takes over Hux's mind and controls his thoughts and voice but Hux stills thinks that it's him. He not only kills Snoke on his own but completely obliterates his soul so he doesn't even become one with the Force after death because there's nothing left of him. Hux has destroyed everything there was; mind, body and soul. Kylo is terrified of Hux, afraid that he's lost his darling Armitage to this parasite that has clearly preyed on Hux's desire for power.
I want Kylo to save Hux so much. Kylo is strong with the Force too so maybe he manages to drive out the parasite from Hux's mind but it weakens him too and he gets a white streak in his hair as a result. They both collapse but Kylo wakes up first in medbay, his bed beside Hux's. Hux is on all sorts of machines and he looks so frail and deathly in the bed but Kylo sits with him for days and days and days until Hux finally wakes up and barely remembers a thing.
But he does like Kylo's white streak. Kylo does not like Hux's blond hair. He hopes that, as Hux regains his strength, that his appearance will return to normal, even if that means Kylo giving a little bit of his strength to Hux to help him.
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niksixx · 5 years
One Chance
Requested: Yes, by an Anon!! (Anon, if you requested Vince falling for a girl and her not realizing it, this one is for you!)
Pairing: The Dirt!Vince Neil x Reader
Warning: Cursing, alcohol
P.S. I am actually in LOVE with the way this came out. So happy this is my first Vince fic. I hope you enjoy! 
P.S.S. Tagging @fandomshit6000 only because they requested to be tagged. (I do not have a tag list, nor will I make one. It requires effort, and ain’t nobody got time for that.)
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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The sound of Y/N’s laughter was like music to Vince’s ears. He only wished he was the reason for that beautiful sound. With a tightlipped smile, Vince watched from the small couch in the tour bus as Y/N threw her playing cards at Mick and Nikki. 
“You’re the biggest cheater, Nikki,” you grinned, smacking his arm playfully. “You too, Mick. At least you’re subtle about it.”
Sighing, Vince grabbed his acoustic guitar, softly strumming a few chords while glancing at Y/N every now and again. Vince knew in his heart that his feelings for you had grown tremendously over the last month, and he tried everything he could possibly think of to show you. He’d flirted constantly, one of Vince’s many talents, and every time you brushed off his comments. He’d taken you to lunch more times than he could count, always bought your drinks at the bar, and took care of you when you were hungover the next day. And still it seemed as if you were totally oblivious. But Vince wasn’t one to give up easily, especially on someone he cared about. And the fact that you were Mick’s younger cousin definitely wasn’t going to stop him either.
Vince had just finished putting on his stage makeup when you let yourself into his dressing room backstage. He smiled when he saw you, but his grin widened when he took notice of the whiskey bottle in your hand. 
“Brought you something, rockstar,” you said, placing the Jack Daniel’s bottle on the vanity and hugging him around the neck. Vince thought you hugged him a bit longer than usually, but when you pulled away, he decided it was wishful thinking.
“Thanks, darlin’,” Vince replied, flicking the cap off the bottle before taking a swig. The whiskey burned his throat deliciously and he handed the bottle over to you, offering you the liquid. You also took a swig, not handling the whiskey as well as Vince could. You preferred vodka, just like your older cousin.
“So, how we feeling tonight?” You asked after passing off the bottle of Jack. Before the shows, you always made sure to go through your routine with each Crüe member. You bonded with each man differently.
You would visit Mick first. He’d offer you his bottle of Tito’s vodka which you gladly accepted. Mick would remind you to watch the show from the side of the stage because the front row of fans were always rowdy and he didn’t want anything happening to you while he was performing. You’d laugh and hug your cousin, promising that he’d be able to keep an eye on you. Besides, you preferred watching the boys perform from the side of the stage anyway, up close and personal. 
After Mick, you’d skip down the hall and bang on Tommy’s door, ignoring the groupies that shot you dirty looks as they walked past, undeniably cheerful because they had most likely come from Nikki’s room. You never brought any alcohol to Tommy’s room before the show because he insisted he never needed it. Of course, when he and Nikki would chug a whole bottle of Jack on stage before a song, you’d just shrug and laugh. With Tommy, he’d show you how to twirl his drumsticks. 
Next you’d visit Nikki, and your nose would shrivel up as he grabbed you in a bone crushing hug. “Okay first, you’re sweaty,” you’d laugh, wiping your arms, “And second, it literally reeks of sex in this damn room. You can’t keep it in your pants for twenty minutes before the show?” Nikki was known for being promiscuous, and he even tried hitting on you a few times when he was obliterated, but as much as you loved him, Nikki wasn’t your type. “You want me,” he’d say,  sitting on the small sofa and crossing his arms behind his head. “Only in your dreams,” you grin, plopping down on the sofa beside him. “Now come here and don’t move, your makeup is smudged.” 
Last, you’d finish at Vince’s room, and here is where you spent most of your time. You’d bring him a brand new bottle of whiskey, and together you’d share half of the liquid. Normally, Vince would be dancing and jumping in his room, reciting lyrics to a new song they’d be performing. 
But tonight was different. He sat calmly in the vanity chair, sipping from the Jack Daniel’s, and you had noticed he’d barely made eye contact with you that night. 
“What’s up with you?” You asked quietly, your hand resting on his wrist. “This isn’t like you.” 
To your utmost surprise, Vince’s fingers laced with yours. He brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly before his eyes turned a darker shade of blue. “Was just thinking about how sexy you looked in that black dress last night.” 
Your cheeks heated but you thought nothing of the comment. You’d been around Vince long enough to know his flirtatious comments were just his way of being nice. 
“I’m serious,” he whispered, a hint of lust in his voice, “I had a hard time taking my eyes off you.” 
“You’re a flirt, you know that?” Laughing, you stood up and lightly smacked his arm. “How many other girls did you say that to last night?” 
“None,” Vince shook his head. “My eyes were on you.” 
“Vince! Showtime, let’s do it.”
“That’s my cue,” you said, heading for the door. “Well, your cue. Rock the stage out there, you hear me?” 
“Wait,” Vince said quickly, causing you to turn around halfway, your hand on the doorknob. “Would you…wanna get dinner tomorrow?” His voice was timid. 
Shrugging, you shook your head. “Sure, remind me tomorrow and I’ll let the other boys know. We’ll drive together.” 
“Wait, no that’s not what I—.”
But you had already closed the door before Vince could get out the last of his sentence. 
With a half empty whiskey bottle in one hand and the other filled with yellow lilies freshly picked from a flowerbed, Vince stumbled down the hotel hallway, squinting his eyes, looking for your room number. Not only had he finished the entire bottle of Jack you’d given him before the show, but he was on the road to completely draining a second bottle. Drunk out of his mind, he’d practically threatened the bartender at Louie’s to give him an entire bottle. He then drank half the bottle and walked out of the bar by himself. On the walk back to the hotel, Vince rehearsed in his head the soliloquy he prepared for when he confronted you, but his thoughts were cut short when he saw a few lilies in a garden, most likely belonging to an older woman. He drunkenly trudged over to the garden, yanked the flowers from the flower bed, and shot his middle finger up at the house. “Thanks for the flowers,” he yelled before continuing on his journey to the hotel. 
You opted not to join the boys at the bar that night. Just the thought of rum and ginger ale was enough to make your stomach queasy, so you changed into your pajamas, snuggled into your queen size hotel bed, and pulled out your computer, googling restaurants for you and the boys to try while on tour. You were just about to click on the online menu for an Italian restaurant when three loud knocks on the door sounded. Hopping out of bed, you slinked over and opened the door, quickly catching a very drunk Vince who was moments away from falling. 
“Um, what in the—.” 
“I got these for you,” Vince slurred, sticking the handful of flowers in your face. His shirt was soaked in sweat and alcohol and his fist was covered in dirt from the flowers, but his smile was so wide you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“They’re pretty,” you replied, gingerly taking the flowers. “Come in, Vince, you’re a mess.” 
“Not as pretty as you,” he answered, sliding his finger down your cheek. “Your hair is pretty and your eyes are pretty and your ass is—.” 
“Vince!” You squealed, yanking him inside before closing the door. The blonde singer was in a full fit of giggles as he flopped face down on your bed, smearing his stage makeup on the bright white sheets. “How much did you drink tonight?” You asked, sitting down beside him.
“Not enough,” Vince muttered into the sheets. Pulling him to his side, you grabbed the bottle and helped him prop up into your pillows. You chuckled the whole time, wondering why Vince had decided to drink so much that night. After grabbing Vince a glass of water and doing your best to scrub the makeup from the sheets, you climbed in bed next to him. 
“You got lipstick all over your face,” Giggling, you licked your thumb and ran it under Vince’s bottom lip. “Is this yours or someone else’s?” You teased, “Do I even want to know?” 
Suddenly, Vince’s hand wrapped around your wrist. It was as if he went from totally drunk to sober within a second. “What am I doing wrong?” He asked, defeat evident in his voice. “Why don’t you realize that you’re the only girl I’m interested in? What more do I have to do to prove that?” 
Pulling your wrist out of Vince’s grasp, you swiveled around and sat cross legged, eyeing him suspiciously. “Look, I don’t know what’s going through your head right now, but you’re drunk and I think you need to sleep it off and talk to me tomorrow when you’re sober.” 
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m going to talk now. Maybe I am a little drunk…okay, yes I’m drunk as fuck, but my feelings for you are the same. When I asked you about dinner tonight, I meant just me and you.” He said through a few hiccups. “You’ve been the only girl on my mind and I’ve tried everything to get you to notice.” 
“Vince,” You weren’t even sure where to start. “I thought you were just being nice,” you said truthfully. “You act the same around every girl.” 
“That,” he said, pointing a finger in your face. “Is so not true. I don’t take girls to lunch, I definitely don’t buy them drinks, and I know for sure I never stay with another girl when she’s hungover. You’re the only one I’ve done that shit for, Y/N.” 
Biting your lip, you cradled your hands in your lap. Never did you think you’d be sitting with Vince in your bed drunk off his ass, listening to him spill his feelings for you at midnight. How long did he feel this way? Oh fuck, did Mick know?
“I don’t want to rush things, Y/N,” Vince spoke quietly. “I want to get to know you. I don’t give a fuck if Mick is your cousin or not. He’ll get over it.” 
Grinning, you knew it’d take a while for that to happen, but not wanting to break Vince’s ego, you kept your mouth shut. 
“Let’s go out tomorrow, just me and you,” This time you let Vince hold your hand, the feel of his palm comforting. “Gimme one chance, one date, and if you want to run afterward, I’ll let you.” 
Squeezing his hand, you nodded and lay your head on his shoulder, genuine happiness flooding your body. “I have a feeling I won’t run away at all.”
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wroteclassicaly · 6 years
Because I want to, Michael, I want you
Pairing : Michael Langdon x female reader
Summary : You’ll do whatever it takes to protect Michael, though he is unsure why. But he finds that he needs you, more than he’s ever needed anything in his life. 
A/N : Something I came up with after that bullshit finale, so it takes place during and after 8x10, with of course my twist on events. It’s not my favorite thing I’ve written, but I think it might’ve turned out okay. I hope y’all like it!? Please let me know! And check out my masterlist for fics, other stuff, current fics, and updates! 
Note : Flashback of what occurred during the coven battle is in italics.
Warnings : Blood, gore, coven death, reader kills a witch, Michael kills the rest, breathplay, explicit language, explicit smut, blowjob, handjob, blood kink, soft daddy Michael. I think that about covers it. 
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You can barely stand upright, burnt heels singed to the gaping leather, stockings ripped, dress trashed to purple scraps around your ankles. The knife is clasped tightly in your white knuckle grasp, her warm blood seeping around the edges of the gaps in your fingers. The outpost is quiet, remains of fires crackling, burning deaths wafting into every wall, each surface it can reach. You stand at the opposite end of the hallway, red headed witch bleeding out near your feet, her blond sister witch beside her. All this is like some fucked up painting in a museum, hung for this new world to gasp and wonder over whatever is left.
~*~ You're surprised you are, a mere human doing what she did after not knowing a man for that long, a man who isn't a man, but who had simply intimidated, mocked her in a half-assed interview for some rumored sanctuary. And is in fact the Anti-Christ, a war having broke out moments ago with witches. You? You survived the poison apples by not indulging in them. You hid out in your room, afraid of Mead and Venable, that they were hunting you for execution.
You had planned to seek Langdon out for help, that is until you heard him over talking with Mead, a dead Venable feet from them. Things became clear you were probably going to befall a fate worse than some tainted fruit. Then the women came, leaving you to choose a side, one which should have been so obvious. But as you removed yourself from the corner you had been cowering behind, you found yourself decided. The women below, they had thought you under power, afraid, manipulated into staying by Langdon on the staircase landing.
He too, wasn't trusting you. It all went so fast that you couldn't comprehend your own emotions, Dinah being slaughtered, warnings of you to come down the stairs and to safety, protection, before the robotic leader you had known for years exploded in front of your very eyes, sending you and Langdon to the ground below. You couldn't recover as he. You laid in your own blood, howling in pain, not able to get up before he was gunned down and stunned. By the time you gathered yourself to peel off the floor, the witch that shot Langdon, was obliterated, her head in pieces.
You felt immense relief that he was alive.
Still, it wasn't near enough for him to catch your honesty, appreciating it. But he had a mission, a vengeance, things you could see in his eyes. He bypassed you and took the flights to get upstairs. You limped your way around the bodies, heart pumping so fast you felt your ribs beginning a steady shred, pressure squeezing you vice, leaving you whimpering for breath. Around the corner you went, following the corridor, stopping short behind Coco, who stood motionless.
There in front, Langdon stood in his torn glory, heavily breathing, knife plunged deep into his back, the witch who killed Dinah behind, her heart in his copper coated hand. You couldn't feel anything, anything you should've felt right then. It was all muddled in your head, basing down to carnal need. A throb settled inside you as he closed his lips around the organ, juice of her blood soaking his mouth. He's fucked out when he turns back to Coco, licking his lips, eyes darting to you in almost an amused challenge.
Coco was out of your sights with a literal crack, her neck snapped, body thudding on the floor. Your jaw dropped, posture erect. You couldn't move, couldn't think. You didn't break Langdon's dark gaze, shrouded by rushing anger, thick power. Even lust.
Every fucking sin you were taught would send you straight to hell. But he is hell's guardian. This will be his kingdom. And you, why weren't you afraid? Then? Now?
You would have died by his hand, no fight, no regrets. If he could not see you wanted to stay with him, maybe he wasn't what that group of witches had said. He surprised you, lifting a bloody finger to his lips to signal your silence. You were left alone after that. Meant to hide, something, you assumed.
That gnawing feeling inside your stomach didn't even dare let you entertain his wishes. You were holding your skirts up and running, faster, quicker, hearing voices grow louder. You knew which corridors went where, how to get places. There had been more gray in you than purple. The smeared trail of blood had to be where the other witches vanished to with what they were going to do.
Your chest had threatened you, blood churning so fast you felt that desperate ache to survive, work your damaged and bruised legs harder, get them to stop something you felt coming like a second instinct you never knew you possessed. Each turn you made, corners recognized, open and unknown if you can't make it. The witches seemed so far away, that is.... You heard the defeated cries of the blonde and her heels clicking on the floor. Langdon's deep voice is battled wits with hers, a change in the air.
The knife came straight for you, the woman gaining possession of it, as you came in behind her, her hand holding it above her heart, speech intensifying. You lost all rationality, catching a gaping gaze of Langdon's when you launched your body into the witch, wrapping your arms around her waist and managing to maneuver your hand first onto the dagger's handle, knocking hers out of the way. You didn't know what was happening, just that you couldn't let her hurt Langdon, you couldn't bear what would happen if she succeeded. Screams haunted your ear drums to the point they wanted to bust, that red headed witch snapping her fingers and sending the bottom of your gown a blaze. The lights began to flicker, hallway darkening, glowing, something you can't ever forget.
You threw your weight into the wall, not ceasing your hold on the bitch, hoping she'd go up with you. You were going to die for Langdon and you were fucking ready. You didn't need to know why you felt this strongly, how you knew what you did. Your muscles lashed at you, fire licking your flesh hot, burning, causing your eyes to water. Spinning. It all had spun, dizzying you till it seemed like time stopped.
A loud scream pierced the air and then the witch was off you, in the arms of Langdon, her eyes wide as he raised the knife, strong hand smashed across her jaw, at his mercy. The redhead moved beside you, your attention gone, fire burnt out on your blackened dress end. Your breath stuttered past your lips, head snapping to the left to see Mallory, floating in a tub of water, blood pouring from her mouth. You weren't sure what to do, turning back to freeze, watching Langdon snarl into the witch's face, plunging the silver into her jugular with a delicious grin. Your audible scream combined with Mallory's.
Langdon's eyes turned hollow, confused and it dawned on you that it wasn't over yet. Langdon is holding out his hand to you, starting to move in synch, the red head raising her hand to end you, those flames kissed your legs in pinches so sharp you couldn't say anything, only do, you hurtled yourself into the tub and grabbed Mallory's arm, dragging her out before she can go under, both of you colliding and sliding across the floor in a violent slam. She's hitting you, her nails biting into your shoulder blades, your bodies rolling, broken, fighting for your leading sides, your hearts. All these things you never had thought about, knowledge, movements, you're owning them and overpowering her, your thumb pressing into her bloody wound, forgetting you knew her, your mission to keep Langdon here with you, safe, okay, all that matters. Her choices are trying to quake yours down.
You won't let it happen. You had raised backwards, ready to finish and go down fighting for him, but it isn't so. You're gripped by your hair and drug backwards, a force slammed you into the wall, the red witch shook with her vile tongue. Her threats of your imminent, brutal death a promised stamp. It doesn't matter. You smirk in her face, Michael having gotten to Mallory in your distraction, her body destroyed and dropped like a rag doll run over.
He pockets the wet hair from her dead fingers, aiming to accomplish her, but she's drawn quick. He's down the hall and on his back, held. The old woman turned back to you, backhanding you across the face, her gloved hand curling around your neck. She won't have long, Langdon's fuel charging from her pathetic tricks. "I will see to it that you burn with him, you little bitch."
Your oxygen is was fading, the room swirling around in bits. You wanted to make it, be there to help him, be with him. The ginger can cause trouble. She hurt him. Her people.
He's your people, whether he wants it or not. This notion stunned you into full blown leadership, your fist freed, doubling into her stomach to get her back, scrambling upright for the knife, nearly about to vomit as you hit the floor-knees first. Your charred dress is smoking once more, essence of time running thin. Your head pounded, heart stopped, you spun around and thrust your hands up, catching her under her breast, knife sliding right in her, her blood pouring out around your fingers when you twist, yanking it back out. You can't breathe, adrenaline smothering you, eyes glazed over watching the red witch fall down into a pool of blood next to her sister.
It saddened you, but you sigh out, smoke scraping scratching at your throat. He's going to be okay. Whatever happens to you, it won't matter.
Your pulse is jammed into your throat, your sweaty palms pressed behind you into the wall. You just helped Langdon and killed someone. Three people, in addition to everyone dead from the apples, that you knew, have been slain. And you want one thing and one thing only. Starting to level up from your bent position is when you see him standing on the other side of the dead leaders, ruined clothing, covered in injury and blood.
His blue eyes are black lakes now, snapping bands around their natural color. You lick your lips, his feet carrying him in a swift swipe to you that you don't have another second to blink before he's got his gut covered hand around your throat, making his own set of marks, rings pressing painfully into your windpipe. He's not glaring through you but at you, seeing you. It steals your nerves, an emotion knocking you on your already bruised ass. Michael's eyes widen, that blue being let back in like the sunrise over the pale blue clouds.
His mouth trembles, caked blood out of place. The way he crumbles in front of you, exhaustion seeping into his every pore is so damned painful that your eyes glisten with tears. Bolder, you reach out, consequences can get fucked. He's spitting out his words without pause, stepping far out of your reach, his authoritatively-deep voice, jagged, cracked, broken. He just won and yet, he's defeated.
"Why would you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you!? They almost killed you! You don't count in this, you were supposed to die like the rest!"
He's unraveling and leaving you, taking the stairs in long leaps that knot you full of tension keeping up. Your arrival finds him cradling the head of Mead, rocking back and forth. He was worth saving, every bit. That clasps onto you and holds tight, giving you strength to descend to him, your hand reaching out to lay on his shoulder, no hesitation. He snatches your wrist, turning to you with a face full of tears.
He can barely see through them, his hand trying to keep from trembling, the other still holding her. How can anyone think someone in this much pain is some kind of monster? There's more man in him in this moment for you than you've seen in the entirety of humanity. You don't feel any more wasted sadness on the massacred battle that occurred moments beforehand. Langdon is your priority.
Despite his eerily present danger, you lower yourself onto the step above him, resting your arms atop his shoulders, your voice quiet, watery to match his pain. His hurt is tearing you up. There's more connection here than you've accounted for.
"Maybe we can fix her?" You try.
There's a raised brow, a spark of hope that follows a cruel sneer, Michael removing himself from you so fast you have to grip the rails beside you to keep from tumbling down the rest of the stairs. Michael is pacing, hauntingly quiet, like a beast building to pounce. His chest exhales roughly when he turns, stroking the cheeks of Mead's face with his thumbs.
"How dare you think you can touch me, can even talk about her! You're just some pathetic human that entered a battle she knew nothing of. You think I want to walk this world with just you? If I wish it I can have you at my feet, begging for your worthless, useless life."
It isn't surprising to you, not even remotely hurtful. There's a brief sting that you combat, but you shake your head, raising onto your tired heels, kicking them off, sidestepping the destruction to move a little closer to him.
"I think you would have already, but you didn't. You were surprised someone actually risked themselves for you, knowing nothing about you, just some half-assed witches words about how you're evil." Your boldness, strong holding words has Michael's mouth parting, stunned for a searching line of words. "What I see," You continue. "is someone that lost who he planned to walk this new world with, now he's alone and needs someone. Just like me."
Your are confident, aired of your confession and need for him. It wasn't just a carnal have to have. There's more. It's almost as if the ground below this bunker roars to life at your recognition of that. It's still waiting, however, on Langdon.
The man who is staring straight at you, water deep eyes struggling to take in your features. He's like a spooked animal. You can't imagine what he's been through in what life he must've had before. So you follow your heart, hand squirming to go on the railing. You move, inch more and more to him.
He doesn't stop you, unlocking your unsteady heartbeat. More, another foot. One step. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.
You're directly in front of him, that radiating darkness, sense of loss. It's smashing head on into you, beckoning you into giving yourself over to what you have needed your whole life. With a battered, blood dried hand, you reach to cup Michael's cheek, your thumb wiping away some of the stain there.
"Things aren't hopeless. And they aren't over." You take a much needed deep breath, dragging your hands to your sides,  your body getting you perfectly still on your knees in front of him. You don't look away. "I'll be glad to sit at your table and serve you."
New age time seems non-existent. You await him to process, that heartfelt look that crosses him making a smile paint your lips. Your jumping pulse side by sides your eardrums, nothing else there. He makes dramatic steps to situate Mead's head somewhere away, your pose remaining. When his designer boots stop in front of you, his tone is raw, yet commanding, achingly pleading all in one.
"Get on your feet, you don't belong down there, Y/N." A change, use of your first name.
You rise to him, taking his offered hands that slide up your arms, gripping at your shoulders, squeezing your neck, settling on holding onto your face, leaning in to rest his forehead close to yours. You're both crying again, this sheer simple contact enough to set things off. You fingers reach for the ends of his hair, twirling the silky strands. There's a dash of madness, primal possessiveness you see in the blue of his eyes, curling around his dilated pupils. It's in the air on target, your grip pulling on his locks.
"Whatever you need, my King," You whisper, touches teasing one another, exploring, breaths mingling, jumbled.
"Michael, please. That's all I need you to call me. Please, Y/N." He repeats himself in a whine, one you abide.
You're nodding against his red mouth, his gentle grip no longer around, caving in, denying only to reward. He wraps his hand around your throat and drags you past strewn bodies and blood, both of you falling together beside the crimson firelight, covered in death and desire. He's mumbling in a foreign tongue, language you're translating through the throb between your legs, the having to be taken. Michael spins your body around it's slammed into the wall beside the staircase, his hand bringing down your dress's top to bear the corset bra you wear. His fingers slither into it, drawing your back to him, his nose inhaling a path down between your shoulder blades, tongue following.
He makes quick work of getting the thing unlaced with expertise, your breasts heaving on the uptake, free. You turn on your own accord, gripping him by the back of his neck and lowering his mouth over one stiffening peak, fisting his hair, your dress around your waist. The dynamic shift is shared, welcomed to Michael Langdon's wet appetite. His pain fades to you, that compassion bubbling inside him, opening things he long thought he no longer could feel. Here, in all this blood red, the dead, Michael lays you down in the floor, watching you in wonder as you roll, running a hand through your hair, heading down his body like a Queen devil.
You lift your hands to open his belt, undoing his pants, unzipping him ever so slowly. He's swollen beneath the tight black briefs, your palm edging the outline of him. He should be worshipped, taken care of. You reach into his underwear and take him out, admiring the thick length, smooth and hot in your hand. His stomach is trembling in harsh flexes of air, observing you, waiting.
You stand up, shimmying your burnt stockings down, kicking them near the headless witch, your dress next, leaving you in your white silk panties, which have very clearly soaked through. You can't help it, you run your fingers up the slit, pushing them in, circling, blood that was on your hand, some piecing off onto the fabric. Michael wets his lips, toe of his boot sliding up and down your ankle, making your legs spread. You tease him some more, then let him in on your plans.
"I want you to come inside my mouth, let me give you this, Michael, please."
You are grounding yourself, breasts smashed into the dirty floor, easing your hands into his pants to tug them past his knees, his cock freed entirely for you. Rutting back up his body, chest to chest, you your nipples elated at the stimulation of his velvet jacket. Your mouth whimpers to me, pleas. "Let me, Michael. Please, please." You arch back into a sharp breath. "Please."
The showman persona cannot cooperate. Michael is a man, you are a woman. Good and evil, right or wrong, it all falls away. He's nodding, tears prickling the edge of his lids, falling out onto his cheeks. You kiss each one softly, then you're letting him rest a hand in your hair, making your way in appreciative kisses across his body, nuzzling his shirt above his navel a little, your tongue licking his salty skin, making his cock twitch.
"That's it, let it all fall away," You say, tongue drenching your hand.
You stroke him, give him a few minutes of light pleasure to get used to. Watching him relax into the floor, body tense in a way that isn't running, fear. He's driven, here. That's your next moment. Grinning softly, your hazy drop between his legs is your home.
Your tongue is licking at thin air, hungry for him, mouth watering, saliva pooling. He runs his hands through your hair, both there now. And that is when you let your tongue lick the underside of his cock, following, finalizing your lips to closing around the head, greedily lapping at the creamy white pre-cum. A sight forever branded into your brain is Michael's head tossing back, eyes closing, brows pinching together as if he were in pain, his plump lips open. You work your way to the other side, leaving a sticky trail in your wake, taking a deep breath and sliding him into your mouth, slowly beginning to bob your head in a soaking wet rhythm.
He lets out a perfect cry, moaning into the explosive air, grab tightening in your hair. His eyes are fluttering, fighting with watching, feeling. Your wet mouth is lewd, noisily getting inches more of him each time you come back. He's deep in the back of your throat on this upstroke, his hips starting to thrust off the cool flooring, turning to the shape of your hot mouth, cock dragging along the walls of your cheeks. Spit is splashing out around your mouth, squishing rudely with each suck.
You love this. Your eyes are overflowing with tears but you push past it, your hands sliding up and under Michael's layers to run your nails across his nipples, flicking, testing. His cock swells in your throat and your cunt pulsates, making you grind over the floor, raising yourself to watch Michael. His eyelids open, eyes darting all over the room, breaths popping out in trembles, mouth huffing, his tongue licking at nothing, seeking. He's coming. You brace yourself and try to relax your muscles, opening up to let him slide down until your nose is nearing the small base of curls around him.
Michael lets one hand slap into the floor with a smacking boom, the other jerking on your hair in a twisting wrap, then he's bowing up, hips stilling, moaning like he's humming, the warmth spurting from his cock and across your tongue, into your throat. You keep licking at him, sucking, going for it with all you've got in you to ride him out. He's quiet again, trying to find his bearings and you pop off him, mouth red and swollen, spit shining. You settle back on your haunches, genuinely soft in your smile at him. Michael sits to face you, knees to yours, bewildered by your bravery. 
He doesn't understand why you care so much about him beyond sucking him off. You nearly died by the fucking filthy coven, for him. You know what he is, some of what he is supposed to be, but as he looks at you, he feels like he's just Michael again. And the carnal pleasures make so much more sense to him. He wants your cunt around him, milking him.
He wants /you/.
Michael is lightening, hands shocking your system when they massage your breasts, pushing them together till it hurt.
"Do you need me to fuck you, Y/N?" His ringed finger dances along your naked knee, up your thigh.
"I need you to do everything to me, Michael." Is your immediate answer.
Settled. Sealed. Promised. Grateful.
The fire crackles to combine with Michael wrapping an arm around your back, fingertips strumming goosebumps across your flushed skin. You lower to the mess below, legs widening, swaying, the temperature blowing across your covered pussy. Michael tickles a digit across the sopping front, licking his teeth.
"A cunt bathed in cream, all because it craves me." His skin has a shine to it when he removes his finger from your fabric, pressing it around his lips as if your arousal is chapstick.
You shift, skin painted with wounds, blood of others, and red in pleasure. You can picture Michael's marks decorating you, canvas complete. He rids himself of his tarnished jacket and shirts, leaving his firm chest in your sights. It's healed over the bullets that shed themselves, the stab wound closed, smooth, golden cream beneath. You want to feel more of him on you.
He's draping himself over you like your angel, hair curtaining your face, silk against your neck. His hands prop him up, giving you leverage to help him get his boots off and then his pants and the briefs. He's beautiful, crafted by no human but some other realm. You can't hold back, you kiss his mouth, biting, tasting blood not your own, but his, the witch's. Michael has your panties off in your distraction, speaking hotly into your mouth.
"Once I shove this," He grips himself, power dripping. "inside your body," he topples to press his chest to your breasts, crushing them deliciously. "you're mine. do you understand that?"
"I've been yours since you set foot in front of me." You dig your hands into his ass cheeks, ushering him forward.
There's nothing on this polluted earth between you two anymore. Michael dips his hips, cock dragging through your wetness, pressing sharply at your opening, one ring clad hand holding your knee back, rings glinting from the firelight. He angles, then snaps himself forward and fills you full, your back dragging across the floor, mouth letting out a scream, all the while you both keep looking at one another. You hold to him, marking him yourself, a prisoner to his chains, riding, feeling, his thrusts so deep inside you that it hurts. You're so fucking wet that it's dribbling from you like honey, hot and sticky, filtering out around Michael's cock each time he moves.
"Fucking drenched, so delicious." He's muttering, lost.
You wrap your other leg around his waist, his deep set pace getting that spongey texture caught each slick rub his cock makes passing it, pressing into it, the pre-cum meshing from his cock, messy all over your walls. You're about to come and you might black out. Tensing automatically, Michael feels this, reaching to grip your neck, requesting, already closing. You give him that same desperate need he gave you and that is all it takes. Michael closes his fingers around your throat, rings pressing in.
He gives harshly, fucking into you until you're winded, reaching to claw at his wrist, licking your lips for a kiss of want. His cock swells inside your cunt, his hand letting air flow back into your lungs, that he steals off your lips, sealing his mouth to yours. It's brief, passionate, then over as you're begging, revealing.
"I'm coming, please, oh please, Michael, come with me?"
"You want my seed buried in your womb, all over your fucking cunt?" His voice is raspy, fucked to the cliff's edge.
You get a few pathetic mhm-hmm's and then your clit earns a press from his thumb, causing you to sheathe him in your cum, all over his cock as you cry out, reaching your orgasm. Your eyes blur with tears, you cling to Michael, his own release exploding inside you, warm and welcomed. You keep him close, his tears finally overpowering him. The situation, the need, being the only two left here, all that he's been through.
"T-thank you." He quivers, burying his face into your neck.
You comb back his sweaty hair, kissing his temple. "I'm with you now, okay?"
He moves back a little, still close, eyes shining. He looks so innocent, unsure. "Why?"
"Because I want to, Michael, I want you."
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