#i hope i didnt get too. sad? in the tags i try to leave all of that for irl
cantarella-s · 1 year
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n0thingbutlov3 · 3 months
need you now
in which a impulsive voicemail leads to some secrets being spilled.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader. warnings/tags: angst (sorry i’m incapable of being nice lol) hurt/comfort tho!! lil bit of fluff too because i AM capable of being nice, alcohol consumption as a coping mechanism (i’m literally just a girl…) spencer and reader are broken up :( but they’re still sooo in love and it’s soo obvious so it’s fine!! (also it kind of gets fixed at the end-ish. you’ll see *evil smirk*) reader cries a lot (real) spencer is a cutie (as always) spencer and reader sleep together…no like literally, not in a funny business way, some swearing, no use of y/n!!! wc: 3k a/n: hihihi!! so this is my first fan fiction i’ve wrote and completed ever (gulp) it’s also my first time publishing one (gulp) my writing could definitely be better and so could my grammar tbh but i HOPE if you choose to read you’ll enjoy…feedback is always appreciated (plsplspls) also like requests?? if anyone’s into that—id love to write more but inspo is difficult sometimes. if there’s any spelling mistakes im sorry, eye am very tired!! it’s 5am *eye twitching* okay i’m going to sleep, gootbye IF U SAW ME EDITING THIS 5 TIMES NO U DIDNT (i’m bad at tumblr ok..)
“Hi. This is Doctor Spencer Reid. I’m not available right now, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can…”
His tinny voice cut off to make way for the signature beep of the beginning of a voicemail recording.
You could hang up now—you should hang up now, save yourself some dignity and go drown your sorrows in alcohol like a normal person instead of calling your ex-boyfriend.
You should, but your mouth was opening before your finger could reach the hang-up button, and…and it was a losing battle from the moment you clicked on Spencer’s icon.
“Uh—hi, it’s…it’s me.” You huffed out a sad laugh.
“So, um, I…I tried calling, but you didn’t answer so…” The static buzz of silence hummed through your ear, just inches from where you held your phone with a shaky grip. “maybe you’re on a case or out with friends, or someone else—“ You let the implication hang in the air—the thought of Spencer potentially being in a relationship bringing a lump to your throat.
You swallowed it down.
“I just…I just had an unbelievably shitty day, Spence.” You sniffed, wiping the moisture that had escaped from your eye with your sweater sleeve. “I know you’ve never read A Series of Unfortunate Events but I think I’d give those kids a run for their money.” You tried to laugh but it came out as more of a sob.
You inhaled shakily, trying to collect yourself and remember why on earth you thought it would be a good idea to call Spencer when you’d been broken up for months. Hell, you hadn’t heard from him at all since you had parted ways—except from the odd text about returning each others’ things. It was obvious he had moved on, and here you were, filling up his voicemail with blubbering messages and making references to adolescent books.
“God, sorry about this.” You breathed out a watery chuckle. “I just…didn’t want to be alone, I guess. But that’s-um-not your problem anymore, so I’m—I’m sorry. Have a nice night.” Your voice cracked and you hung up before you could start weeping down the line. You didn’t need to look even more pathetic.
You pulled your phone away from your ear, looking down at his contact photo through blurred vision. He was smiling—not the tight, closed lip smile he gave other people, but a full, bright smile that had his dimples showing. One of your hands was wrapped loosely around his neck and the other was holding your phone just far enough away to capture both of your smiles. Your head was rested on top of his shoulder, tilted just slightly to the left so your temple was brushing against his.
It felt like looking at a vintage photograph—you knew those people and their happiness existed at some point in time, but it wasn’t tangible; you couldn’t verify it was real.
When you were with Spencer, you never doubted how real it was. All you had to was look at him across the room and he’d flash you a smile identical to the one in that photo and you’d just…know.
It felt like forever ago now that you’d been on the receiving end of that grin and it killed you. So much so that before you could consider the repercussions, you were trudging through to your kitchen and grabbing the bottle of whiskey that sat unopened in your cabinet. It had been a present—from Rossi, actually. When Spencer had first introduced you to the team, the older man had given it to you as something of a welcome gift. Of course, he couldn’t have known you weren’t much of a drinker, and since you wanted to make a good impression (and because you were sure it had cost more than all the alcohol you had consumed in your life combined) you accepted it—deciding to save it for a rainy day.
You think this qualified.
You grabbed the bottle, a glass, and padded back through to your living room, slumping onto your couch. You filled your glass up a little less than halfway before gulping it down, enjoying the burn in your throat—it was better than the constant thickness.
You poured yourself another glass before turning on the TV. You weren’t sure what was playing—it didn’t really matter anyway, your vision was already being obscured by tears again.
You thought the pounding was in your head at first—serves you right for drinking half a bottle of whiskey. Only, it wasn’t, because moments later the pounding subsided and instead, your apartment door was opening, casting your pitch-black living room in a yellow glow which temporarily blinded you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, your mind hazy—again, serves you right for drinking half a bottle of whiskey. Someone was calling your name, but there was too much sensory input for you to make out who.
You certainly hoped it wasn’t a paramedic—maybe your neighbour had heard you sobbing for the last four hours and decided you needed a wellness check. Then there were hands on your face, and that had you flicking your eyes open, because you recognised those hands—impossibly soft, with a callus on his trigger finger being the only thing to mar them. Spencer.
“Spencer?” You slurred.
He sighed in exasperation (or relief) and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“Are you alright? You weren’t answering your phone, I thought…” He trailed off, worry evident in his voice.
You sat up then, trying to compose yourself even though the room was spinning. Fucking whiskey. You rubbed your eyes haphazardly, blinking until you could finally see.
You should’ve stayed bleary-eyed. Because nothing could prepare you for the way your breath hitched when you finally saw him. After months of not seeing each other, Spencer was here, sitting on your couch, and he was looking at you like you were something fragile, and—God, you needed another drink. You turned away from him, reaching for the neck of the bottle as you spoke.
“I’m fine.”
Before you could lift it up, Spencer gently pried your hand away from the bottle with his own, and then slid it across the coffee table with his other.
“You’re drunk. No more of that, please.” His tone wasn’t unkind, but he left no room to argue. You probably would’ve objected anyway, if it weren’t for the way he kept his hand clasped around yours, rubbing soothing circles into your pulse point almost absentmindedly.
You glanced up to him—to stop yourself from staring at your hand in his and how natural it felt, more than anything—but that proved to be a mistake too, because he looked just as beautiful as thirty seconds prior and it felt just as natural for him to be sitting next to you on your sofa, but it wasn’t natural anymore.
“How did you get in?”
“My key.”
Right. The key that he still had because you refused to meet up with him to let him return it. He tried for weeks to contact you, but you ignored him, because getting the key back meant things were finally over. You supposed he could return it now—maybe that’s why he came in the first place.
“Why did you come?” You asked, your voice impossibly small.
“You called.” He replied—as though he was talking about something as simple as the weather. You call and I come.
You searched in his eyes for any sign of a lie, but of course, there was none. He was being completely genuine—as always. You were the awful ex-girlfriend who left concerning voicemails on his phone and had him travelling to your apartment in the middle of the night only for him to look completely okay with the situation—like there was nothing he’d rather be doing than making sure you were safe.
You couldn’t help the way tears sprung to your eyes or your lip began to tremble as you lolled your head back onto the couch, pulling your gaze away from his.
“Angel, what’s wrong?”
You liked to consider yourself to be a strong person. You had been through things in your life that were objectively worse than your breakup with Spencer, but something about the gentleness of his tone and the way he had let one of his many (past) petnames for you slip had your throat tightening and you ducked your head into your one hand—the other still seized by Spencer’s—to try and muffle a sob.
“Hey,” He trailed his hand that was wrapped around yours up your arm, all the way to your shoulder blade before lightly guiding you towards him. You don’t have enough energy in you to fight his magnetic pull, so you shuffle over until you can bury your head into his shirt. You inhale his scent; vanilla, neroli, and so him it makes you ache.
Stopping your tears is futile—you’d know, they’d barely ceased all night—so you just let them fall, seeping into Spencer’s tie as he rubs one hand softly up and down your back, the other cradling the crown of your head.
His breathing is quiet and slow—the exact opposite of yours—and you try to imitate it—forcing air into your lungs. When your sobbing has turned to shaky breathing and the occasional sniffle, he speaks up.
“Do you want to talk?”
Talk about what? About what had happened today—what had led you to calling him? Talk about how for the last few months, he had been the only person you had wanted to call?
“No.” You hated how pitiful you sounded.
Spencer didn’t say anything else for a minute—your synchronised breathing being the only thing to stop the room from falling into dead silence.
“You need to rehydrate.” He murmured, smoothing down your hair.
You hummed into him, in no hurry to unwrap yourself from his body. You probably wouldn’t get to be this close to him again, after all.
He moved both of his hands to your biceps, pulling you back slightly so you could look at him. He knitted his brows together in a silent plea which had you rolling your eyes petulantly, your lashes still damp from tears.
“Fine.” You peeled yourself off of him, pushing yourself into a standing position. Horrible mistake. You were still incredibly drunk, turns out, and everything was spinning a little bit and come to think of it, you were also nauseous and—
“Careful, lovely.” Spencer placed his hand firmly on the small of your back, keeping you upright.
and—actually, you were fine now.
He stood too, moving his hand just slightly over to your waist so he could guide you to the kitchen. When he knew you could stand upright—even if you were relying mostly on the counter behind you—he grabbed a glass from your cabinet, moving around effortlessly to pour you some water. The sight was so domestic you almost wanted to cry again. Maybe in some alternate timeline, where you and him could’ve worked, this would be an every day thing—minus the drunk sobbing part, of course.
He handed you the glass of water, watching as you took a few sips. He raised an eyebrow, nodding his head slowly.
“Whole thing, please.”
You let out an exasperated (affectionate) sigh and gulped the rest of it down, setting it on the counter behind you.
You smirked, trailing your gaze down his body. He was still in his work clothes which, at the very least, meant he wasn’t on a date before he came here. He always changed before dates—well, for you, anyway. You wondered if he had been on any dates since the breakup—you certainly hadn’t. It had been long enough now that it wouldn’t be weird for you to start seeing other people—but you didn’t want to. You weren’t sure you’d ever want to, to be completely honest.
The more you thought about it, the more the whole thing seemed stupid. You didn’t want anyone else, you wanted Spencer. You had tried to get over him but if tonight was any indication—it clearly wasn’t working. You can’t even remember why you broke up in the first place—it all seemed so insignificant now. No amount of pain you had ever experienced in your relationship had come close to that of living without him.
You met his eyes once more and it was like he could see the question brewing. He tried to stop you, calling your name in a quiet warning, but you ignored him.
“Why did we break up?”
He frowned, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth with his tongue in that maddening way he did.
“I—you know why—“
“No, but I don’t! I know things were difficult sometimes but that doesn’t mean it didn’t work. It worked—we worked.” Your eyes were stinging again.
Spencer pressed his index and middle finger into his eye, furrowing his brows.
“I know, I know we worked, angel—but you were sad all the time, remember? I was gone so often and it wasn’t good for you.” His true emotions were indecipherable but his tone was soft, and you wished you could be as calm about this as him. Did he just not care as much as you did?
“But It’s—It’s worse now—“ You choked out, tears falling freely now. “I was sad when you were gone, but you always came back—you don’t come back anymore.”
Spencer removed his hand from his face, flexing it at his side like he was uncertain what to do with himself before taking a stride towards you. He brought a hand to your face, wiping the tears from under your eyes delicately—like you were made of porcelain.
“Listen, sweetheart—alcohol affects your ability to regulate your emotions and I know right now it might feel worse but that doesn’t mean it always—“
“Spencer, stop! It’s not the fucking alcohol, I miss you! I miss you all of the time! Even—even when I’m having a good day—I still want you—and especially when I—when I have a bad day—“ You choked out through heaving breaths.
“Breathe.” He urges, cupping your cheek. And you’re so, so angry, and sad, and tired that you have no choice but to shut up and listen to him. When you’ve adequately calmed down, he moves his hand to your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him.
“I don’t think we should talk about this tonight but I—“ You open your mouth to protest.
“I promise we can talk about it tomorrow when you’re sober—if you still want to.”
Your lip trembles of its own volition and you frown.
“Of course I want to.”
He gives your eyes a final wipe before he’s—rather unexpectedly—pulling you into a hug. You all but melt into him, your head finding its home in his sternum and your arms wrapping around his middle. He tilts his head down, kissing the top of your head—and you’re certain you can’t let this go again. You will chain him down before Spencer leaves this apartment again.
Everything is wordless from there—mostly because you’re so, so exhausted that even talking seems like too difficult a task. Spencer helps you find something more comfortable to change into and you pull out an old t-shirt of his and a pair of plaid pyjama pants you had kept here for him. I guess your keeping them ‘just in case you needed them in the future’ had come in handy, after all.
As you washed your face, Spencer snuck through to the kitchen, refilling your water and grabbing two aspirin in a not-so-subtle attempt to help the inevitable hangover you were going to have in the morning.
You caught him placing them on your bedside table and mock gasped.
“Trying to drug me in my sleep so you can make a run for it in the night?”
He grinned lazily—exhaustion creeping up on him as well.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
You smiled, flopping yourself onto your bed rather ungraciously. Spencer looked at you like you were something fascinating before biting his lip, clearly deep in thought.
“What?” You let out a self-effacing little chuckle.
“I was just…wondering…if you’d like me to sleep on the couch?”
You probably should’ve been more careful in your facial expressions considering you were still broken up but your thoughts about that offer were obvious.
“No, stay.” Stay in your bed, in your apartment—stay anywhere that was close to you.
Maybe you were coming on a little too strong.
“Unless you want to, I mean—“
“No, no—I’ll stay.” Forever, preferably.
He walked around to the other side of your bed—as he had done so many times before—and sat down, pulling the covers over his legs. You mirrored his movements before flicking your bedside lamp out, turning to face him.
You were a little thankful you were so out of it, because this had the potential to be very awkward otherwise. Spencer shuffled down so that he was at eye level with you, turning to face you as well.
You just stared for a moment, committing him to memory. The moonlight had a way of highlighting all the high points of his face, and the twinkle in his eyes, and—God, you were so glad the moon existed and that Spencer was in your bed that you couldn’t help but giggle.
“What?” Spencer laughed along with you, even though he had no idea what was so funny.
“Nothing. You’re pretty.”
“You’re drunk. Go to sleep.”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Scared you’ll be gone when I wake up—like I made it all up.”
Spencer’s smile faded then, and he looked at you with something that seemed so much like the one thing you had been willing yourself to stop doing the whole time that you’d been broken up, that it almost took your breath away.
“I won’t. I promised, didn’t I?”
You nodded.
“So there’s nothing to worry about. Now get some sleep, lovely.”
You smiled, feeling Spencer’s hand inching towards yours. He intertwined them and gave yours a squeeze.
“Just in case you make a run for it in the night.”
You chuckled, your eyelids fluttering shut. Yeah, you could make it work.
part two!
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keisgirl · 7 days
hii! can I please request a fic? before that are you okay writing a poly one I'm supposed to request a ot7 enha in a angsty soulmate au where y/n and enha are childhood friends back then they didn't know they were soulmates but one day a girl befriend them and they start to get really close to her eventually making them distance with y/n that's when she know her soulmate are her friends, prompt #21 . but if your not comfortable writing them then maybe heeseung instead in prompt #12 thank you very much in advance ❤
OML HELLO ANON! im of course comfortable with writing a poly angst soulmate fic ft. enha but its going to take me some time sorry... i can tag you on the fic when its out! heres the heeseung angst you requested~ hope you liked it!
halfway heart; enhypen heeseung
prompt; #12 "you didnt sound this distant when you promised i was the only one you needed."
pairing; idol!heeseung x reader
wc; 0.8k
pls reblog and like if you liked the drabble!
looking for moots <3
cheers,, hannah
kpop drabble masterlist | prompt list #1
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it starts with the silences.
those quiet spaces between texts that grow longer. where you used to get a reply within minutes, now it’s hours. sometimes, it’s a day. your phone screen stays cold in your hand, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s even seen your message at all, or if he’s too busy—too distracted—to care.
you tell yourself he’s working, that things must be hectic. you know his schedule is packed, filled with rehearsals, meetings, performances. but that excuse starts to wear thin when you see the updates, the new posts, the smiles that don’t quite reach his eyes.
you keep scrolling past the photos, forcing yourself not to overthink the likes, the comments from strangers calling him theirs. you know better than to assume. you know he chose you. but that doesn’t stop the bubbling ache in your chest from growing every time you see a post from him with someone else, laughing, looking effortlessly close.
the next time you finally talk, it’s over the phone. it’s been weeks since you’ve seen him, and the distance is something you can no longer ignore.
“hee..i miss you,” you say quietly, the words hanging in the air.
there’s a pause. too long. too much space between what you say and what you need to hear.
“i miss you too,” he replies, but the words are hollow, like he’s saying them because he has to, not because he feels them.
and that’s what breaks you.
“you didn’t sound this distant when you promised i was the only one you needed,” you murmur, the frustration and sadness bubbling to the surface, breaking through the cracks that have been forming for too long.
there’s another pause, and you know he’s searching for the right words. something to reassure you. but this time, you’re not sure if he can fix it.
“i’m still here,” he says, but even as he speaks, you can feel him slipping away. “it’s just… it’s hard right now. there’s so much going on, and i don’t know how to balance everything.”
“so where does that leave me?” you ask, voice trembling.
he doesn’t answer right away. the silence that follows is heavy, suffocating. the kind that leaves no room for hope, only a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“i’m trying,” he says eventually. “but maybe… maybe that’s not enough.”
those words sting more than anything else he’s said.
you don’t respond right away. the weight of everything you’ve been holding in presses down, making it hard to breathe. you thought love would be enough. that no matter what obstacles came your way, you’d face them together. but now, standing on opposite sides of this growing distance, you’re not sure if you can hold on any longer.
“do you still want this?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. “do you still want us?”
he hesitates, and that hesitation says more than any answer he could’ve given.
your heart sinks, a painful realization settling in. it’s not that he doesn’t love you—it’s that he’s choosing other things over you. his dreams, his career, the expectations placed on his shoulders. maybe he didn’t mean to hurt you, but in the end, his choices speak louder than his words.
“i don’t know,” he finally admits, and it’s like the ground falls out from under you.
“i see,” you say, voice shaky, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill. you don’t want him to hear how broken you feel, how much this is tearing you apart.
“i never wanted to hurt you,” he says, voice softer now, filled with guilt. “i just—i didn’t know it would be this hard.”
you swallow the lump in your throat. “i know,” you reply, and it’s the truth. you knew this wouldn’t be easy. you knew the risks, the challenges of being with someone whose life was constantly in the spotlight, who had to balance so much more than just you.
but that doesn’t make it any less painful.
“i think…” you start, taking a shaky breath. “i think maybe we need some space.”
the words taste bitter on your tongue, but you know it’s the only way to protect yourself. if you keep holding on, if you keep waiting for him to come back, you’ll only end up hurting more.
there’s a long silence on the other end of the line.
“yeah,” he finally says, voice barely audible. “maybe we do.”
you bite your lip, trying to keep it together. “take care of yourself, okay?”
“you too.”
and with that, the call ends. you stare at your phone for a long moment, the weight of everything crashing down on you all at once.
it’s over, you realize. not in an explosive, dramatic way. but in the quiet fading of what once was, leaving behind nothing but the ache of what could have been.
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just message me if you want to be on the taglist for the enha fic!
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37 notes · View notes
wifey-ohara · 1 year
Blood and fire, they burn the same way
Angsty miguel &teen spider!reader
Notes: mentioned characters death, nothing major, sad, mentiones of threats of violence, this one is just dull really, i should really add to it ,hobie is here!,not proof read
tag list:@mvlanchqly
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4:00 am
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and well rested, it's been years since you had that kind of good sleep, is this what revenge feels like? Now you understand why villains hold grudges so bad
With a small smirk, you got up and got ready for your day, you didn't have anything to do today, so a day in the lab it is then, your mood got better at the decision you made.
Then it fell back down
There he was, right where you left him, leaning on the wall eyes so puffy you doubted he could open them
With a small huff you entered the kitchen making yourself a drink, hoping that your day wouldn't be ruined
You were almost done when you heared him a take a sharp breath,
It took a moment for him to move, standing up and walking towards you, blocking your exit,, too much for hoping you think
"Good morning " his voice was hourse, raw, painful, how much did he cry
"morning" you replied standing in front of him drink in your hand, waiting for him to move
"..H-how did you sleep?" he asked, almost shy
"good, thanks for asking" you answered
With a slight flinch he backed up, giving you room to move and go to your lab
Miguel wantched you leave and then with a click, you were gone
He wondered how hard is it gonna be, if it isn't impossible
So now, sitting in the couch his brain trying to process what happened to him in those last few days
He killed his wife and daughter because he was selfish, destroying a universe in the process
He missed his actual wife's death when she waiting for him to return, he didn't get to say goodbye, he doesn't know if he deserve to do so
And you, with you cold eyes and colder replies, pouring acid into his wounds, he deserves it, he knows he does, but he wants to do right by you, try and fix whatever shattered glass left between you two, and it seems that it'll cut him every step of the way, and he doesn't mind one bit, as long as you don't wish him dead, that's all he wants, not forgiveness, not a relationship, not love, only a middle ground, to live with you without feeling the heavy air around
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the lab door open
"thanks Ben, I'll read it and take care of it" you said getting out, a screen showing that you're on a call with ben, another saving a report
"thanks dude! I'm sorry i didnt do it last night, i was so tired i fell asleep so quick!" the voice from the screen said
"don't worry about it I'll see you next time" you said hanging up..
Then a normal door opening and closing again,, the one to your room this time
He sighed, leaning back on the couch, staring at the ceiling above him
What wouldn't he give for forgiveness?
And then the door knocked...
He stood up to open it, and was shocked to find..
In all his punky glory, with his wide and wild hair, shiny piercings, hobart brown was at his door step
He was smirking a cocky smile, one that fell the moment he laid eyes on the taller man, soon turning into a frown as he looked miguel up and down
Miguel was still confused..
Hobie recovered quick though, pushing past him and into the house, yelling "Ayo, smartass, where you at? You're never late!" into the house, it didn't surprise miguel that much, what did surprise him was you, coming out of your room, a playful frown on your face "I can get too occupied in a project from time to time" fixing you outfit
He stood there in the middle of the living room watching you walking around, collecting your, phone, wallet and anything else someone would need for an outing, hobie behind you talking about something or the other, he didn't really care
He knows he shouldn't ask, that he has no right to do so, but the words leave his mouth, forced.
"where are you going?"
You paused midway through your quick search for your stuff, looking at him, hobie also quieted down behind you, you know it a big deal when that happens
Hobie Brown was your closest friend,(he might say that someone earns such label when you have a bunch of friends, and then choose who you let in or not, which you don't, but you'll roll your eyes every time at it anyway) knows about your fathers, rather nostalgic trip he had for 12 years, only he and lyla do, he found out when came to loot in on your snacks and found you crying, rare, yes, but possible, he asked you what was wrong and you told him, what was a talk about your mother turned into your life story, he listened the whole time, only commenting after, he had alot of choice words, still does but you convinced him out of going to the universe your father was in and beating the crap out of him both for cheating and abandoning you
So now, the fact that he didn't have a "talk" with him is impressive, what's more so, is that he didn't answer miguel at the moment
Is he being funny?
No way he thinks that i must answer
Did he hit his head, is he insane?
Taking a breath, you look in his eyes, red irises, red and puffy "out." you said, continuing your tour around your house, then heading to the door where miguel stood, going past him and leaving, you could swear if you had a knife you could cut the tension he caused, as if he ever caused anything else to you
"be safe" he said
"as if they needed to hear that from you" hobie scoffed, slowly reaching his limits
"Come on we're gonna be late" you said, already out the door
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sorry for not posting, just can't seem to write lately,but i promise to get them doe eventually!
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idk if i interpret your posts right but it seems like you do matchups for twisted wonderland? May I get one?
Im female and go by she/her. Im an ENTP, my zodiac is gemini and I’m about 165cm tall. I’m pretty energetic and always smile since hard feelings like grief, anger or sadness are really overwhelming for me since I am pretty „sensitive“ meaning I take most things to heart easily. I always give advice and help to others and I try to be the best version of myself to make them feel comfortable. I make lots of bad jokes while knowing they are bad. I get lots of compliments for my Singing voice and writing. I also love love love to Infodump like i can talk for hours about something or someone I like. I love wearing pink things with ruffles or lace and I’d say I’m pretty girly over all. I try to act tough and always give everything to make others happy. Im a Great cook and a hopeless romantic. I also have a 8 step skincare routine… I see beauty and worth in everything and love to help people build confidence and self-love. My favorite artist is currently Mitski, since I really relate to her music. I have some father problems going on which make me want to be cared for, but at the same time I have mother problems since my mother was emotionally absent after my dad left, which makes me want to care for people. 🫂
Hope our have a good day or night and Drink enough!<3
Hi! Thank you for being so conscious of me and im so flattered you liked my last matchup enough to ask for one yourself but i love people telling me about themselves so your ask was a happy suprise and really made my day! I didnt expect to get that much attention but hey! If anyone else wants a matchup from me youre more than welcome to send info in! The more the better! Extra little jazz: if you want to send up info the way you would for a matchup and get hcs for a specific char youve got it! Also, if you want your info priv you can lemme know in your ask and ill tag you or you can go by an anon title(ex: leaf anon/ 🍃 anon)and ill mention ur title in the post, if you do this I wont post ur anonymous ask Like last time we have options in order from less to most compatible imo🔥
4. Jack Howl
Upon first meeting you, jack would claim to not care for you
But the thing is, deep down he doesn’t want your feelings getting hurt at nrc, the boys there can be real mean for no reason
He’s also worried about people taking advantage of your kindness
His words and actions conflict as he insists on walking with you everywhere “to be a man” or so he claims
He’d probably scold you about how you’re never putting yourself first leading to you telling him about your want to help others be their best selves
This would get him thinking, he thought you were weak for “letting people walk all over you” but really it’s just selflessness
He’s into the idea of self betterment so he gives you an enthusiastic speech about how you’re doing good work
After that day he sees you in a new light, the definitions of resilience and strength to him have taken on new meaning
He’s always looking to improve, he’d take your advice to heart and trusts you most with his emotional problems
Hes gotta open up to somebody, the tough guy act can’t be a forever thing, you’re clearly the best person for the job
Hes pretty mature so he won’t say anything mean to you even as a joke
He wont let others do that to you either, you wont have to tell him if something bothers you, hes protective so more times than not he’ll defend you
Hes still too macho to let you know just how much he cares but it slips out in his actions
When he can see your upset(Ace was probably mean to you) he’ll insist on walking you back to your dorm after in other words, telling ace to shut up
Hell softly squeeze your hand on the way back and make a comment about what happened earlier off handedly
Say ace was bein birtchy ab the way you dress, before leaving you to enter ramshackle he’d say “I think pink is nice for you” while awkwardly looking away
Jack wouldn’t know how to respond in the moment of receiving affections while you’re taking care of him but his tail will wag so you’ll know he’s enjoying it and he definitely wont protest.
Jack would care for you too in the more traditional masculine way of walking you to class and escorting you here and there
He’d show you the affection you desire but be verbally round aboit with it.
Holding out his jacket to you, he’d insist you take it, not in a very romantic way.. but still, he’s so easy to read you can tell how shy he was
3.Trey Clover
Trey would love your look!!
You would remind him of a cake
In fact, hed make a cake to match you as a suprise
Most likely as a gift for helping out ace and deuce despots what a pain they can be
He really appreciates how kind you can be and your willingness to help others
It really takes a load off his shoulders with the first years coming to you every now and then, he knows how much work they can be so a cake is the least he can do
Knowing your living situation in ramshackle and with Crowley’s LIMITED allowance hed take care of you subtly
Inviting you to join heartslabyul for tea and having you over to help with schoolwork
Hes be more forthright from time to time making you lunch and bringing you food
During tea times and unbirthday parties hed always invite you to sit next to him
He’d use that time to talk to you about how you’re doing, he notices how you’re always caring for others he needs to make sure you’re being looked after as well
During this time you might get into infodumping
He finds the way you get cute and would ask questions just to see you passionate
If you cook for him he’d love it! In fact, upon telling him that you cook he’d start inviting you over to help him out or offer to come help you out(he knows you’ve got enough in your plate) as an excuse to have some alone time together
Hes Great at comforting people so if something someone says hurts you you’ll have him to lean on
That being said he’s also an upperclassman and well respected
If he catches you hurt by what someone says he’ll wrap his arm around your waist to reassure you and ask the person what’s wrong and how he can resolve the issue
Trey gives dad jokes vibes he’d find your jokes endearing
From time to time hed I’m sure he’d even genuinely find them funny
Trey isnt used to being cared for the way you take care of him
Hes usually on the giving end but hardly ever the receiving, its special to him and he remembers each moment and is truly great full for it
Hed return the favor and care for you more, hes a good boyfriend so he’s always making sure to give what he gets
He loves when you help him take a break, the way you encourage him to take care of himself as well as remind him of how he matters reminds him of how lucky he was to have landed someone so caring
2. Rook Hunt
He finds you so cute! Your beauty is so different from Vil’s or Neige’s
You’re like a lone tulip adorned with dew in the morning shining brighter than the rest of the dull leaves
Hes Tell you that in more words and write you poems, be ready to receive many odes to your beauty
He’d love to hear you sing you have his full attention
In fact hed write poems and sonnets for you to read too
Your singing is so lovely, you must have a beautiful voice! He’d listen to you talk for HOURS just listening to your voice and taking in how beautiful you are while you speak
He loves the your stop and smell the roses attitude, he finds that it adds to your beauty
Your beautiful way of thinking adds to the depth of your beauty
Hell have fun looking within your kind spirit and discovering new beautiful things about you
He loves your ability to cook, he’d love to have you pack him something while he goes out hunting
Rook is a very passionate man and very knowledgable, you’d both end up info dumping on each other too, you’d say a lot of random stuff to each other that and neither of you would even be phased
The hopeless romantic part of you will definitely love being with rook
He’s writing you love letters, giving you flowers. His confession was likely intimate and private but also grand, a beauty for your eyes only
Rook also has a keen eye for beauty. He’d take you to see his favorite sights and sing to you of the beauty before him
He’d also take you hunting!
He understands if you’re not too keen on the actual hunting part. You can both hunt beauty with your eyes
Rook is good natured at heart though it’s hard to see with what he says
When he speaks it may come off as an insult but truly he just sees the beauty in your flaws and can’t help but comment on it
I Hope his positive tone comes through but hell definitely notice if it hurts you
“Mon amour! I meant it in the highest complements! You’re beauty but transgresses perfection and seeps into the cracks filling your beautiful form! Mais je suis désolé ma chérie.. I will refrain if it is what will make you smile most.”
Room would love to help you with your skin care routine! I know that sounds weird.. kinda because it is?
If you’d let him.. he’d wash your face for you, apply serum essence, your entire routine
He’s beaming the whole time like a giddy child but he’s also treating you delicately like he’s washing a porcelain doll.
He’s very Open to receiving affection and having you care for him. You wouldn’t have to question whether or not he appreciates it, it’s written all over him! .. and he’ll tell you how thankful he is
Room would follow you around like he worships the ground you walk on. You just keep on surprising him with the depth of your beauty, he can’t get enough!
1. Jade Leech
Princess and her capable butler vibes❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Jade would keep an eye on you out of pure curiosity at first.
You’d seldom find someone so willing to help others out of the goodness of their hearts like you would, especially at NRC
He follows you around finding your “obliviousness” entertaining. The way you cant See the danger you’re clearly putting yourself in
With all the aggressive students things can get ugly but before any of that would have happened, Jade would be stepping in to make sure things didn’t escalate (after he’s had his fill on entertainment)
You would thank him for his help and he’d inquire about your helping and positive attitude
“You do know that they’d just trying to take advantage of you right? Dont you? Why do you insist on helping them?”
After telling him about trying to bring out the best in others and only wanting to help them love themselves, Jade is even more dumbfounded
He finds it cute, from your character to your cute clothes, you truly are unique…
With Jade around people would know better than to hurt your feelings and if they were dumb enough to try to intentionally… well, you wouldn’t see it but Jade would handle it
Jade would love your singing and would love for you to sing for him on your dates
Are you an outdoorsy person? Because for dates he’d bring you out on hikes to show you all the beauty, from the scenery and landscape to the smallest dainty flowers
You wouldn’t have to worry about packing or holding your own bag Jade would hold it for you. Worried you might fall? Hell catch you don’t even worry there’s no way you’d even get a scratch when you’re with him.
While on your hike you might point out some things you like, flowers, trees anything really.
Hed make mental note of it and make a terrarium for you with what you found beautiful together
Hed decorate the outside too to make sure it was up to your standards. Pearls, lace, pink bows, it so cute!
Jade would dote on you too, not too much in gifts, you get them here and there but Jade is definitely a quality time/acts of service guy.
He’d sit down and just listen to you talk, talk about whatever! Info dumping, your day, especially your day, he wants to know where you are
You do so much for people, helping them build their self love but who’s doing that for you? Jade will.
He’d constantly tell you about how nice you look and what a nice thing you did, making sure to never overlook your achievements and congratulate you on each one.
He’d make you tea or some water to make sure you’re hydrated and something to eat while you talk to make sure you have enough energy
Then it’ll just be the two of you, talking and showing how much you love each other as well as making sure you both love yourselves
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ ✉️ ᴬ ᴳᵁᴵᴰᴱ ᵀᴼ ᴮᴱᶜᴼᴹᴵᴺᴳ ᴺᴼᵀᴵᶜᴱᴬᴮᴸᴱ🖋️. . .
• ☆ ➛ chap 3 (last part) ╰━ warnings / notes :: possible ooc, swearing. Trying a new layout, how are we liking it? im genuinely thinking of stopping this series, its getting kind of more like a chore rather than something i enjoy writing, but i'll start a new series.
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The first four periods of the day went just as expected- that is extremely boring. The only lesson which you sound to be remotely tolerable was biology but that was only because BUTTERS was there, all the other lessons you were alone, well in terms of being with friends.
In biology, you couldnt even sit near the poor boy as you wanted to sit near the back, where you'd be safe from the judgement of others behind you and while you did manage to steal a seat for yourself and butters the boy was forced to sit in the front due to his poor eyesight, his left eye was duller and grayer than his right due to the nearly completely faded scar that started from right above his eyebrow and down to right below his bottom eyelid. It was said that the reason Leopold had that scar was because back in the fourth grade, one of the school's popular boys: KENNY MCCORMICK threw a japanese weapon at him, slicing his eye. You hated the perverted blonde for that, and all his friends too.
Now though, it was lunch and you were at your and your friend's respective table and you were alone. You hated being alone, it just made you acknowledge all the sad facts about yourself and others but thankfully before your mind forced you to do so two people sat down. Looking up you met the faces of butters and SCOTT , the duo smiled at you, though both of them looked nervous. " Whats going on with you two? " you asked, raising a brow at them making butters laugh sheepishly before answering " Well , we just had a run in with eric and his friends " at that you narrowed your eyes the words 'what did he do now?' never managed to leave your mouth as now scott piped up " They didnt do anything us, they just glared at us and told us to ' piss off ' " even though you were relived that they didnt get hurt the scowl on your face never left " Why dont they ever 'piss off' " you quoted " I dont know, they think they're the shit when they're not " Scott mumbled, hoping that the people he was shit talking didnt hear him and then beat the living shit out of him.
You were about to speak up again, agreeing with your friend when you heard a tray fall onto the table, all three of you looked over to see DOVAHKIIN " Hey Dovah " you gave him a smile, along side Scott and butters. Dovahkiin nodded and sat down, pushing the tray in-between you and him, signaling that he wanted you to eat and you obliged. Ever since you two became friends the kid always shared his food with you, you didnt know why and when you refused at first he got all pissy and practically shoved the food down your throat, so you've learnt to accept his offer of food. " Anyway- scott, why the hell werent you with us this morning? " scott grimaced, a red hue resting on his face clearly embarrassed " ah . . . no-no reason "
" Uh huh " you rolled your eyes, thinking that scott got into trouble with the headteacher again, he had a tendency to do so. The rest of lunch went by quickly, with you and your friends not being bothered by the rest of the school. For once you actually enjoyed school.
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Im sorry but i just cant write this series anymore, its getting a little tedious and like i said its becoming more like a chore so i'll be stopping it here, i know i've done that before i cant help it. Again im really sorry but im starting a new story called '' Яₑdₑₘₚₜᵢₒₙ "
Im so so sorry :(
i've made the ''redemption'' master list ; here
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TAG LIST :: @mishstuff @just-a-gay-loser42020 @buttonboo @yanderesimp69711 @chaosblob
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nerdwithaknife · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by no one. I saw @icescrabblerjerky do it and i want to talk about myself
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 but one of them is pictures
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
47,602 I am real small fish
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on Ao3 I have Good Omens, RQG and The Old Guard. back on ff.net I had some Sherlock BBC and The Arrow CW, I also have bits and scraps of ATLA and many thoughts about 9 1 1 and Assassin's Creed (Ezio Era) but none of that has seen the light of day (yet)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Let it Snow Good Omens Kudos: 652
Outcasts always Mourn RQG Kudos: 184
Too Important a Thing RQG Kudos: 154
Blow out a Candle, light a Flame RQG Kudos: 153
Aftertaste RQG Kudos: 133
Let it Snow is in some kind of collection i get kudos for it basicalyl every day still especially since GO2 came out.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Only if there's a question or I want to clarify something. I think it bloats the comment count and i want to see how many comments i actually have.
I eat every single one though. Comments are EVERYTHING to me
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Most of Wilde Week 2020 was pretty angsty. I'd say Colours fade, Clothes rip (RQG) probably. maybe Bad Ideas (Good Omens) too but a different angst
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Let it Snow is pure fluff with a little angst in the middle.
All is Well IS pure fluff ok yea that one I think.
most of my fics, as angsty as they get, end well.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
closest thing I got was someone correcting me on a GO that Crowley does eat sometimes I knew that if read the book. Which I did and decided for that fic it was cuter if he didnt.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
there's an attempt deep deep in my markdown files of me trying to write some wholesome smut. It did not work out. I'll stick to fading to black and leave the porn to people more skilled than me.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't really do crossovers. I don't read them except very specific circumstances either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of. I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet. I have translated one though. Privately for a friend.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope. I am a dictator on my ship I'm a lone wolf I don't play well with others etc etc edgy shit (I've talked to people about their fics being a Rubber Duck and I yelled AU ideas back and forth on discord servers but no "actual writing" yet)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Give me Pining, give me seemingly unrequited but it isn't, give me fake arrogance and pretending to be someone you're not as a shield and someone else looking right through it and I'm happy. Zoscar my beloved, Aziraphale and Crowley my beloved.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Aftertaste. one day I swear. but it's been so long it's like gnawing at a brick wall. it's only the finale that will make it all ok too.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Angst. I love wringing characters out and dig my salty fingers into their wounds and make them sad and hurt them where it hruts most.
I also think I'm ok at getting their voices right
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
the actual writing. i just... dont write. finishing writing. aftertaste one day I'll come for you etc.
for real though Pacing is hard. when do I show and when do I tell also, how much movement do i need around a dialogue?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
be careful you know what you're doing. I'd feel confident having someone speak german (since i am german) and I know who to ask for a couple of other languages, but treat it like britpicking treat it like culture picking. make sure it's actually what you want to say and what someone who speaks that language would say.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
BBC Sherlock. I was a Sherlolly bitch. don't @ me. I have paid for my sins.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Outcasts always Mourn is definitely one of my favourites. I love diving deep into a character and peeling them like an onion and making things worse.
Blow out a Candle, light a Flame is another one. jsut because I loved the stupid never have I ever bit. and I still want that candle tattoo.
I'm tagging anyone who has ever written anything no matter if it's published. talk about yourself!
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rrazor · 3 years
hq boys post wisdom teeth extraction
tags: fluff, soft boyfies lol
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kuroo tetsurou wakes up and immediately the first thing he tells the professionals around him is that he wants to see his girlfriend because he knows you’re waiting for him and “i love her so much 🥺🥰" he says it a few more times and everyone laughs at how doped up he is both from the drugs and you. when you walk in to take notes on how to take care of him afterwards, he just stares at you as he holds you hand with the SOFTEST LOOK on his face like 🥺😍☺️❤️💕💖💝🥺🥰💖💝☺️
tetsu cannot stop looking at you and u almost have to plead with him to watch where’s he walking like tetsu pls we don’t wanna have to come back to get your front teeth done sweetie 🅱️lease!!!!!! other than that he is pretty easy to reason with it as long as you promise to kiss every part of his face once in a particular order and if u mess up, unfortunately, you’ll just have to start over again sigh it makes his heart go 💥💥💥
bokuto kuroo offers to drive him back home and brings you along to support and comfort him. he helps kou get into the back with you but he refuses and goes “kuroooooo, she’s too pretty, I dun wanna sit next to her ☹️” LMFAO kuroo rolls his eyes and just sits him down and buckles him in despite his protests HA
kou is super nervous and keeps looking over you when he thinks you aren’t looking like 🥺😊 and you decide to play along and ask him how he’s feeling and if he’s in pain and he shakes his head and goes “‘m okay, you’re really pretty though 🥺😍” kuroo snorts in the front seat and you’re trying rlly hard to not laugh at how cute he is so you take his hand and kou lit rally thinks he’s gonna pass out when you call him handsome and ask him out before kissing his cheek. he starts crying as he says things like “kuroo!!!! the pretty girl is my girlfriend now!! 🥺❤️😭💖💕😭😭🥳”
akaashi you’re already by his side by the time he wakes up but he doesn’t remember jack so he goes “hello, have u seen my girlfriend? she looks just like you. can u tell me if u see her? I would like to see her—she’s my everything 😊🥰” UGGHH KISS HIIMMM
he doesn’t remember who you are until the medication wears off but you manage to convince him that you’re gonna take him to his girlfriend so you can take him home 💀 and he spends the whole car ride really pretty quiet until you ask him why he’s so fidgety and then he softly tells you “i… can’t wait to see my girlfriend 🥺🥰💕 she said we’d go on an ice-cream date after🍦i hope she’s not mad that it’s been so long 🥺❤️💗” AHDHJANAA like a little happy babyyyy 🥺😭
oikawa tooru’s procedure finishes earlier than expected and has a dental hygienist watching over him as they wait for you and for some reason he starts to sing, but it’s really out of tune because of all the cotton in his mouth and the dental hygienist is just standing there, taking it. you can hear him down the hall as you walk into his room and he’s so excited to see you!!! “did you hear me sing for you, babe? i didn’t want you to get lost in this maze 🥺🥰” “yes, i did, tooru, tysm you don’t have to sing anymore 😊😇💕”
tries to pull you into his lap as the dentist goes through the aftercare procedures and whines “pleasssseeeee, it huuurrrrrttttts i just want cuddddlllleesssss 😭☹️🥺💕” you opt to sit on the edge of the chair as he buries his head in your back 🥰
iwaizumi YOU try to flirt with hajime because he doesn’t remember that you’re his girlfriend and he’s all like stop!!! i have a girlfriend! 😡 AHAHA so you decide to ask him about his lovely girlfriend and he gets the softest smile on his face omggg and he starts going on about how hardworking you are ❤️, determined 💘, beautiful 💖, how nice you smell 😳
when you tell him its you he doesn’t believe you!!! like stop u r trying too hard, stranger!!! 😠 It’s not until you bring up a photo of yourselves and stick it next to your face does he go all soft again like babe i missed you 🥺 there was this weirdo trying to flirt with me, i’m so glad you’re here 🥰 and you tell him that the weirdo was you and he’s like “no, you’re better than that” LMFAAOO THANKS HAJIME 😭
matsukawa his mom is there to pick the two of you up and he’s holding your hand as he turns to you, super concerned and goes “babe, we forgot my teeth 😞” HWJJCKWJSJEF 💀 he’s all pouty and its sooooooo cute LMFAO WHAT DID HE THINK A REMOVAL WAS??? but you play it cool and squeeze his hand and say “i didnt forget you though 😊” he nods like a little kid and says “yeah” and tries to pull you into his lap so that you can cuddle but his mom is right there and you’re tryna be a good passenger and stop him from unbuckling your seatbelt: issei, we can cuddle when we get home!!!!
this giant dude just looks at you all 🥺 and BEGS like “babe please, just a little, i just want to hold you 🥺💕” he tries to guilt trip you like “c’mon, babe, you forgot my teeth” 😭😭😭 STFU u somehow make it back to his place and he tackles you into the couch and promptly falls asleep in 2 minutes flat 😴 his mom thinks its hilarious and thanks u for taking care of him ☺️❤️
hanamaki straight up asks you if you have a boyfriend. you say yes and he gets REALLY SAD OH MY GOD and is all “oh ☹️🥺” but then you cup his cheek and hold one of his hands and start telling him what your boyfriend looks like and how he has cute strawberry hair and pretty eyes and how handsome he is and talking about his cute little eyebrows and how good he is at volleyball and takahiro is like…. 🧐🤨 is that…… me??? but then he’s like wait it couldn’t be and gets all sad again 😭
you can’t take how sad he is and tell him it’s him!!!!! you give him some kisses as an apology 😭🥺💖❤️ and he’s all really?!!? 🥰💖💕💝🥳💕as he pulls you close to rest his head on your chest. he asks you to talk about how much you love him again 😭🥰🥺 refuses to remove himself from you
kyoutani he’s got this super angry expression on his face and everyone stays a good ways away from him 😬 when you come in, you get the same 😡 but then he chills because you’re wearing that one dress he went out of his way to buy for you when you were window shopping together that one time and he’s like …..suspicious why is she wearing her dress 😒 HAJFKAKSW KENTAROU
but THEN he sees the bracelet he got you for your one year anniversary and takes a whiff of you (um 😷) and NOW he’s all WAIT…… connections r being made—he gets super handsy 😳💕 really likes it when you kiss his forehead 🥺 and glares daggers at the dentist with his head on your chest, arms around your waist as you stand next to him and listen to what the aftercare instructions are because he’s all like grrr my girlfriend!! no touch!!! 😡🤬
daichi omg daichi is SO SHY and BASHFUL like he looks at you all 🥺🥰 and when you look towards him he immediately looks away but it’s so obvious because his ears are red and you can see his blush high on his cheekbones 😭🥺💕 you ask him what’s wrong and he’s stuttering trying to ask if you have a boyfriend and you’re like yes 💔
his face FALLS and it hurts but then you show him your matching engagement rings 💍 like “we’re fiancés, dai 🥰❤️” and he almost cries as hard as when he heard you say yes 😭💖💕 he’s so EMBARRASSED when you show the video back to him 😭 suga and asahi clown him 🤧
sugawara fella wakes up, looks you in the eye and is like “they’ve rebuilt me, babe✨” what? “the technology!!!” ??? “they made me better than i was before: better, stronger, faster 🤖💪🧠" LMFAO thinks he underwent some experiment like no we just fixed your teeth 😌
when you tell him so he gets a little dejected and asks you if you’d still love him without any upgrades with his lips pursed and his cheeks pink as he plays with your hands 🥺💗 like OFC KOUSHI!!! 🥰🥺❤️ really sweet and giggly on the bus ride home—holds you close and draws circles on your skin as he talks about the strangest things 🙈💖
kageyama no inhibitions so tobio is very attached to you!!! when he wakes up to see you next to him, he grabs you in his half-asleep state to leave slobbery kisses all over you like some dog before he falls back asleep again 💀 he wakes up twenty minutes later to see that you’re gone (had to wash off his spit 😬) and he panics when he doesn’t see you 😭🥺
he gets up to try to look for you and the second you come back, he hugs you and is all ☹️ telling you “don’t go too far, i wanna always be able to find you 😠🥺” you rub his back and pinky promise to stay close by and he’s so relieved he falls asleep standing 😴💕 like …..thanks 🤧 asks if he can play volleyball and pouts rlly hard when the dentist says no 😭💔
atsumu atsumu is loopy af and he wanted to go to the washroom so the poor staff had to hull around this 6’2”, 80kg man around but then you walk in just as they’re about to turn the corner and the moment he sees you, he’s goes “BABIEEEEE, I loOoove yoU! 😍” in this super adorable, high pitched sing-songy voice and makes OBNOXIOUS kissy faces at you but it looks so funny because his mouth is full of cotton 😭😭🤧🥴 the nurses tell you he’s a keeper but then he promptly slips and nearly falls on his face trying to walk over to you unassisted 🙄
the walk to the car is SO HARD because he clings to you like a baby koala and whines when you try to get him to loosen up so that you can get better leverage to support his weight like atsumu pls we’re almost there, just let go for a bit and he’s all puppy eyed like “don’t 🥺 ya 🥺 love 🥺 me 🥺 baby???????? i jus’ wanna be close to ya 💔💔💔” JAJCJJWNCMS he denies all of it when he sobers up
osamu all this fool remembers is that he has a girlfriend and that she looks EXACTLY like you but his brain synapses aren’t working like they used to 😔 so he doesn’t remember that YOU are literally his girlfriend so he just sits there and goes all “you look so much like her….. i miss her sm 😢🤕😞” with this faraway look in his eyes AS IF YOU WERE DEAD 💀 THE DISRESPECT
he rlly wants to hold your hand and touch you but like u aren’t his girlfriend right??? but you tell him u are after rolling ur eyes and show him some photos of the two of you as proof and he’s all “oh!” 😳 and he smiles so broad you can see his little dimple on his left cheek 😭💖 because he can FINALLY hold your hand 🥰 no filter so he whisper-begs for kisses throughout the entire time the dentist talks you through his surgery and how to care for him and you’re so embarrassed JAJCJKAKDSS “pls, pls can i have a kiss” you give him one “can i have one here now” “what about here” “pls another one pls” 🥺🥺🥺 at least he’s polite JAJCNKAFB
suna rin remembers you and right when he wakes up to see you next to him he says, “hello, wife 💖" and waits for your response but like wtf do u SAY like you’ve only ever heard him tell you he loves you that ONE time he thought u were ASLEEP!!! and you haven’t even talked about anything beyond dating yet!!! is it the anaesthetic that’s making him say this or is he just fooling you??? 💀😵 a few minutes later, he sighs and goes “you’re supposed to say ‘hello, husband ❤️’….” 🙄🥱
show him the video after the anaesthetic wears off and he’ll sit there looking at you like “….well? i’m still waiting? 😐” ugH modern romance am i right HAHDJKAKSKAA
ushijima wakatoshi thinks you’re another nurse even though you’re dressed nothing like them and he asks you when his girlfriend is coming and if she knows he’s done with the procedure and also “have you met my girlfriend? she is very beautiful and very kind. you must meet her ☺️” he asks the same questions to the dentist who comes in to talk to you afterwards and they’re looking at him like ?????? “isn’t this your girlfriend, ushijima-san?”
wakatoshi just goes 😯, looks at you and says your name so softly and in the sweetest way possible and tells you he missed you and he loves you and he wants to go get curry from that one restaurant later and the dentist tells you they’ll be back later as you sob 😭😭❤️💕❤️😭💖
semi eita thinks you’re one of the office receptionists when you walk in and asks you if you, his girlfriend 💕, had been notified that the procedure was done and you’re all uh yes she does, she’s coming soon!! he nods very cutely and thanks you, handsome smile on his face at the thought of seeing you 🥰 he turns around to look at the window and you just stand there all 😶 he HUMS softly as he waits and it’s that one song he played for you on his guitar HAJXNJSW 😭🥺💘❤️
he turns back around thirty seconds later like “babe?? is that you?? you got here so fast 😍🥺💖😚” as if it wasn’t you THE WHOLE TIME 💀 melts when you kiss his cheeks tenderly 🥰 plays with your fingers as he softly looks into your eyes!! 😍
tendou really wants to get his wisdom teeth back like just because you pulled them out doesn’t make them yours, sensei 🙄 LMFAO the dentist gives him his teeth afterwards and he holds them out for you and you’re like “tysm for your bloody, gross teeth, satori 🥰😬” “AWWW you’re welcome 😊 aren’t they cute? ya think our kids will be this cute? 💖”
many thoughts: 1) oh god oh GOD he wants to have KIDS WITH YOU!! MARRIAGE??!? 😵❤️ 2) y does he think his molars r cute and y does he hope your kids will look like nasty teeth 😭💀 he’s rlly adamant about you lazing around with him. keeps showing u his teeth for some reason but gives the cutest smiles and hums when you feed him his fav chocolate ice cream 💗💗💗
goshiki he tries to flirt with you but its so funny and endearingly awkward because he’s got all the gauze in his mouth and he isn’t that good at it and he’s on the verge of tears half the time and you dont know why??? you ask him and his brows are all furrowed, pout on his lips and says “just wanna be your boyfriend pls 🥺💕” “yeah?” “yeah,” he nods. “i promise to do my best 🥺”
when you tell him you’re already dating, he starts to cry and is all like i have to tell all my friends 😭 tsutomu cries to the dentist like “sensei, y’know, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend 😭❤️” he quiets down when you brush through his hair with your hands ☺️
terushima you walk into his room after he’s done and ask the dental hygienists how he’s doing and he looks at you all confused like 🤨 and asks the hygienists who you are. they think you’re married for some reason and say “that’s your wife!” and you’re so EMBARRASSED but also super happy on the inside HAHA he straight up goes “DAAAMMNNN, I did alright, huh?! when we bustin’ outta here?!” 🤪😜🥴😘 as if he could actually differentiate between left and right, up and down 😔
just in case, he asks you if you’re his wife at the same time the dentist asks if the two of you will be okay from here on out and you nod to the dentist’s question but yuuji thinks it’s for him so he lays back down with this satisfied look on his face like HELL YEAH alright, alright, alright 😌🥰🥴 and does those little nods SIDJAJJDJSJFJR HAHAHAHA
sakusa omi lets you play with his bangs and hands as you wait for the dentist and he LOVES IT softest smile on his face!! RIDICULOUSLY CLINGY!!!! he does NOT want you to leave him at all, will not let you go to the bathroom even though you’re like “omi, please, the dentist is busy with another patient right now, i’ll be back soon before we go through the aftercare stuff” “no” “omi, i have to pee” “do it here” and now it’s you who’s all 🤢
gets really defensive and protective when the dentist comes in and just shoves his head in your chest because he doesn’t want to look at them LMFAO death grip around your waist 🤧 when you show him what he said about you going to the bathroom he demands you delete it “omi, i didn’t know u loved me that much 🥰🥺💕” “…………..🤐”
hoshiumi kourai insisted he was fine on his own “nothing is impossible for hoshiumi kourai, national athlete 😤” when the dentist asked if he needed someone to watch over him and the dentist is 🤨 ok sir and leaves after he falls asleep. when he wakes up, no one’s in his room and he has to use the washroom and he’s like i’ll do just it myself 🙄 he tries to stand and promptly collapses to the floor. he CRAWLS around on his stomach and makes it out of his room just as you walk in and you’re like KOU whY are you on the FLOOR like a ROACH 😭😭😭
it’s like you’re reenacting some dramatic romance movie as kou groans around the gauze and makes poor attempts to stand up, holding onto you LAKDSHLASKAHD 💀💀💀 asks you to get on the floor with him because he honest to god can’t get UP so that he can cuddle with you as the dentist and his assistants stand two feet away 🥰💕 tries to fight the staff when they get too close to you trying to help him get back to his bed HAJJFKAKDMAD
extra: kita shinsuke (lol) when kita finishes his wisdom tooth extraction, he looks at you like this and doesnt remember who you are; he thinks you’re here for another patient and doesn’t say a word to you because his grandma taught him not to talk to strangers.
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cosmicallyavg · 3 years
okay okay i didnt want to fully hijack someone else’s post but i saw this ask 
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and these tags in a reblog of the ask from @inlovewithanathemadevice 
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and imagined up something really heartbreaking so im gonna write it for you all to see 🥲
so all i can think is how it can be like a direct parallel to when ten carried donna to her doorstep and just the sad "help me" when wilf opened the door?? okay hear me out  
like the doctor gets hurt somehow and knows shes dying so she tells yaz to get away so she can find somewhere safe since theyre away from the tardis.
(maybe dan is there as well? but i kinda imagine this whole scenario to be with no dan?? idk he can be there too if he wants its not that big of a deal i just dont want to have to juggle more characters if i dont have to) (like idk if he’d really do much other than support yaz through the aftermath but i digress)
yaz absolutely will not leave the doctor and will not have any of her nonsense and drags her back to her family's flat because they're close by despite the doctor’s protests - she hopes no one is home because how would she explain what's going on, she hardly even knows what's going on
she's fumbling with the key trying to get the door open but najia hears the commotion and opens the door to yaz sobbing and the doctor looking in a bad way. theres a beat where she just stands in silence, unsure what to do.
yaz is confused, upset, panicking. she’s maybe a bit more harsh with her mum than she normally would be
“either help me or get out of the way, mum”
obviously najia lets them in but she hasn't seen yaz in a year or so and wants to demand explanation but also her daughter’s weird friend probably needs medical attention. yaz insists she not call an ambulance and that everything will be okay but clearly not because the woman looks like she's dying
they guide the doctor to the sofa, neither of them know what to do. but the doctor is trying to explain everything, how she is actively dying and is going to change. how it’s very dangerous and destructive and she shouldnt be in their flat, but more importantly that neither of them should be this close when the regeneration actually happens.
yaz’s mum doesn’t even know the doctor is an alien, all of this information just sounds like a bunch of nonsense, but yaz insists she will explain when everything is over, but right now isn’t a good time obviously
the doctor gives her best attempt at a speech, thanking yaz for everything she's done and how she's helped her grow etc etc. she tells najia she raised a wonderful woman who is smart and brave etc etc. in which she still doesn't get any explanation on who the doctor is/what she is/how yaz knows her/what their relationship is like. 
the doctor knows its coming, she tells everyone to back away and yaz of course refuses, but i think a callback to arachnids where yaz tells her mum that she "owes the doctor her life a few times over" would be super heartbreaking so im going to include it
"yaz you don't owe me your life, you don't owe me anything but please don't make me push you away again. please just get away."
people want their first and only kiss to be during the doctors regeneration so that would fit here!!! obv i would love for them to kiss before this but either way you could fit a kiss in here okay.... like the doctor has admitted her admiration for yaz and its a heat of the moment thing where yaz is going to lose her so she just goes in for it??? its short and desperate and everything is bathed in a golden light (it could have similar visuals to nine’s regen 👀) and its beautiful and sad and painful. yaz has to force herself to back away just in time for the regeneration to happen
also if they kiss like right in front of najia it would be fun bc she clocked them back in series 11 and yaz denied it so hard. jfhsjfh esp if dan is there because he would literally cheer them on fsjdfjjkj
okay okay so the regeneration has happened... 
yaz didnt know what to expect but there’s literally a different person sitting in the spot the doctor was just in. she can put two and two together but that doesnt make her any less confused. new doctor says funny introduction line like always. yaz and her mum share a confused look. end of episode.
next episode we start back on the sofa, maybe some of the flat is a little destroyed but its fine, everythings fine. new doctor is high on regeneration energy, yaz and mum still super confused. new doctor starts walking around, being clumsy, etc. we get the usual hijinks where the doctor doesnt know who they are, doesnt know who their companion is, and just needs to sleep. 
yaz of course i think would react similarly to rose where she kinda doesnt believe its the doctor, but more than anything is like.. hurt and confused that this doctor is not the same as her doctor. her mum has SO MANY questions, naturally. her first of course being “did you just kiss the doctor? so i was right you ARE seeing each other.”
while the doctor sleeps somewhere, yaz and najia sit down and have a long conversation about the doctor and who she was/who they are now, why they changed, where yaz has been this whole time, etc., if we imagine dan in this scenario she would DEFINITELY ask about him.. like last time you brought your friends around there was a different old man what is this about.
like her mum deserves an explanation after so long without yaz around and why she ruined her prospects with the police for some alien who just died on their couch????? 
i really dont know how to end this but thats really only as far as im planning this in my head bc otherwise ill write a whole episode
idk just..... i am so vividly imagining this and i needed everyone to hear my thoughts. i just know the regeneration is going to be super painful regardless so i might as well make my own sad rendition. 
okay thank you for listening bye
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dvlboy · 3 years
himbo top s/o x mondo
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I do plan on posting a thingy where anons can ask questions about me just so that we get to know eachother a bit more hehe
tw: NSFW corruption, size kink, dumbification, degrading later in chapter
you first met mondo through The Crazy Diamonds
your brother joined the gang, and you being the nosey little shit you were decided to follow him and see where your big brother went, so you tagged along a few blocks behind after seeing him sneak out after dark
OH BOY you were never caught so fast and scared so shittily in your life lmao
scary men on bikes = danger
Thats when you met mondo, who was thrown with you seeing that the two of you were the same age
It was kind of awkward in the beginning, the two of you had nothing in common but when you clicked YOU CLICKED
you were young n clueless so you kind of just followed your brother and him around, happy and not a thought in your mind
one day you didn’t show up, and stopped showing up after that
turns out your parents heard you leave and thought they were getting robbed, when they found out they panicked and forbid you from coming
your brother went anyways lol, he kept the gang updated on their little brother :’)
mondo was quite sad because he missed you and could only hear you from another person :(
the next time that you two met was in Hope’s Peak. When you walked through that door mondo was shocked
you looked like God took some clay and slapped you with it. how one person could get beefier and taller then he was, was above his head
you looked really excited to meet everyone, but mondo could tell from the way you looked at him showed that you didnt recognize him :(
you kind of flocked between people before locking eyes with him
you thought you knew him but you didnt?? what?? before you could say anything the teacher came in and started :(
but after class, the first thing you did was flock over to him and poke him. 
He was kind of annoyed but his soul almost flew out of his body to see someone giant staring down at him
The two of you had to have a few conversations before it finally clicked that you DID know him. man did you stick to him like glue after that.
mondo sometimes gets a bit insecure because you cant catch a hint at all, and he wonders why you choose to stick to him when your entire class loves you
it does make him smug that no one unwanted interrupts him because his status as a gang leader scares everyone off
doesnt work on his close friends they watched him fall down stairs
anyways you really enjoy bein with other people
carrying chihiro on your back? chucking baseballs as hard as you can to leon and watching him gulp in fear? yes
but in all honesty, you like (most) of your class, and it shows because you would be the person to help them with anything
youre the person that waits for them to finish tying their shoelaces before walking with them so theyre obviously VERY protective
you make the first move and show up to his dorm with flowers and blankets n movies
mans is sputtering and is flustered all over but he does enjoy getting coddled
he enjoys having someone else take care of him but sometimes you need to get a hint
youre a dumbass and it really shows
when you tell the class they were very sweet but did let mondo know that if he hurts you his pompadour will just be pom.
despite being a sweetie, when people first meet you they are very scared
so when you get with a gang leader on the same level of beefyness and scariness its terrifying
when he gets into fights he will 100% say “oh yea? here comes my boyfriend, the one that can easily rip out your spine >:)”
sometimes fails as you come walking in with a tiny cactus in a pot, with a massive grin on your face
he really enjoys when you lean your head on his lap
he really is whipped for you and would  really do anything
which leads to really fun dates because you two are just “head empty, fun with lover”
and do stupidly cute shit
you two would go on a date day and just run through all he things you both wanna do
cat cafe, arcade, beach, checking up on the gang in like 6 hours its like a speedrun like me trying to post this before it gathers too much attention cause its unfinished and i messed up
he stumbled in on you trying to convince terteru to help you learn to make one of mondos favourite desserts 
it was so funny because youre all pouty and begging to get help from a gross slime child whos like up to your kneecaps LOL
he managed to hear the explanation as to why you were begging and he had to walk away or else his blush wouldn’t go down
loves pda
sits on your lap, pushes you against the wall and kisses you, holds hands with you, and sometimes gives you a little love bite on the neck during lunch 
really likes cuddling between your chest but not in school 
Also really loves when you brush his wet hair and play with it
its a very fun relationship to witness, with two himbos in love 
mondo is a power bottom. I will not be taking any feedback no sir 
despite you being physically much larger in all aspects, youre his little toy to play with
you knew very little about sex with a male before you met him. he is smug that hes the one to take you.
it may be your very large cock going up his ass, but hes the one in charge.
he loves giving oral, and likes the feeling of his throat bulging to make room for your large size
has a thing for facials, and likes the feeling of your warm cum on him
his favourite positions are ones where he has control
cowboy, reverse cow boy, along those lines yeah
for part of his birthday gift you agreed to let him use your body and to try out bondage
you got handcuffed to your bed as he milked you dry with his mouth and ass
he is a very handsy person, and an incredibly loud moaner
you actually enjoy when he rides you because sometimes you get scared that you’re hurting him so you want him to be comfortable
his favourite thing to do is to bury his face inbetween the crevice of your neck, and hearing your deep grunts in his ear
his hands either wrap around your neck, or he uses them to fondle and play with your pecs
mondo can go 2/3 rounds, and each time he tries something different
when he gets horny he gets what he wants, you guys have messed around in parks, behind food stands and in school
he will whisper in your ear about 
he likes to put his hands over his stomach and feel the flesh make way for your girth, and he finds it incredibly hot to find a bulge the shape of your cock
he can’t help how sensitive he is, and after the first round he finds it hard to communicate, with him just becoming a babbling mess that sloppily rides up and down your body.
once pleasure rots both of your minds and you can’t think properly, if you lovingly call him your dirty little slut, or your cum whore and tell him to let you take control, he will whine and slop over, giving you access to him.
you dont want to hurt him, but sometimes your mind gets a bit too hazy, and the next thing you know hes pressed against a wall, and you’re grabbing his hair or neck as you plow him, his moans echoing 
you find it cute when you whisper about how he corrupted you, how he’s the reason why you’re acting like an animal, or how he’s the reason why you’re always horny because you can’t get enough and he needs to take responsibility especially because his grunts and moans get louder and he clenches around you
when he cums, he cums alot. most of the time its over your chest or on the wall
either way, he loves the duality between the man in the streets and the beast in the sheets, sometimes he wonders how you can be the same person
just dont forget to give him aftercare, lotion his body and cuddle him after
tag list: @kenniethedumbass
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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jungwonsie · 4 years
not a request
warnings: maybe some cursive words or some words that are not written goof
note:hello people!!!i hope you liked my first post^^i am sorry i couldnt post for awhile but i will be more active from now on!also if you have any requests i uploaded my tellonym so yeah thanks again and enjoy<3 also i didnt look at this two times because i was in hurry but i will soon
members here <3
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you and jake have been friends since the begin and you were always there for eachother 
heeseung is always scared because you two seem to like eachother a lot but he knows that you love him and him only 
he trusts you but he cant help but feel anxious 
this night oh my-
you were hanging out with him and his members
you guys decided to watch a movie but they didnt have any snacks at home
so you decided to go and buy some
you asked heeseung to come with you but he was so tired :(
but you didnt want to go alone so you asked the others who wanted to tag along jake was the one who answered
you can see how mad heeseung is hwegfiu2eh 
he would litteraly glare at boyh of you <3
“its okay i will go with my bae you stay here”
he might or might not pushed him a lil away
cute lil baby he gets jealous so easy<3
at the end he will be mad at you but when you kissed his cheek and told him that you didnt mean anything only that you wanted him to rest i swear he blushed so much and kissed your forehead <3
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i swear i love jealous jay
you and heeseung were just friend i swear but oh my god our dear jay gets so jealous when he sees you two laughing or being a lil touchy with eachother 
but this time oh my-
you come over and hang out with them
you guys gathered and order food (pizza?or whatever you like0
as the food arrived there was some drinks that came with the food so heeseung as the oldest one there made the drinks (not alchohol)
he accidently poured some of the drink on your t-shirt
jay quickly got up and went to his closet to give you one of his hoodie/tshirt
but as he came back and saw that heeseung took of his hoodie (he was wearing a shirt underneath dw)
jealous jay mode turned on <3
he walked no he runned there and took you by your hand and hugged you tighly  “mine go away grrr” (barking<3) jkjk
he would probably whine so much so you ran to him and wore his hoodie (he felt better after that)
cuddles the entire time and many many kisses too 
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Okay so you and jay were very close with eachother 
but jake didnt mind it at all (cute baby <3)
but i swear when you decided to go shopping with jay and jake he would pout so much :(
like jau tries SO much to find the perfect clothes for you 
but jake wanted to do that :(
i believe that if he wanted he could knockout jay if he wanted to 
when he saw jay hugging you because he was so happy that he bought you clothes you could see jake he was so close to kick him <3
you said your thanks you to jay but he had to leave now (finally-jake)
you have to buy him food and he will feel better 
buys you more clothes even if you say no (rich rich bf <3)
you also drag him to a dog coffee and then you two had the time of yout life :(
after that he hugs you tighly and tells you that he was jealous (like we didnt know hihihihi)
you called him over your house and cuddle and kissed the whole night because he deserved it :(
he loved you so much please take care of him
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okay this lil ice prince 
you and sunoo were always close to eachother from the strat 
you and him will always look for make up and face masks products to use for you and sunghoon :(
you would always him if he wante to have face masks together or try putting him make up but his answer would always be no or maybe 
you would get upset but ofc sunoo is always there to save you <3 
the sunshine arrived <3
when he saw you and sunoo laughing together hebwas like
okay.its fine i am fine.=THAT SHOULD BE ME
next time you ask him he would be like “nonono i am sure sunoo will want it more than me” ofc he didnt mean that but ofc you left to go with sunoo
he would be SHOOKED his jaw was wide open hihihi
as youbwere waiting for sunoo to come with you sunghoon came before him and back hugged you 
“i wannadothisbutjustusplz” mumbles
he is so cute but he doesnt want to admit that he is jealous
he just want to be the only one you make face masks for and make up 
even though he doesnt like make up that much he wouldnt mind you do his make up :(
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you and nike were at the dance studio 
you two were very skilled dancers so you two decided to do some dances together 
maybe,maybe you and niki were a little touchy with eachother (not “dirty”)
but he might touched your waist a lot and yk having many physical touches 
and cute little baby would start pouting and corring his arms
after you are done from dancing you hugged niki and want to your lovely boyfriend that was watching you two dancing 
and he hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek so many times (he made sure that niki saw at least one)
“oh my y/n is really pretty and very talanted i have the best PARTENER”
yeah he made sure everyone in the building that you are his 
he would be mad at you when you two went at the dorms so made sure that you let him do your hair or do some face masks together 
if he isnt yet satisfied made sure to be preapared for many games or maybe watch his favorite drama together and cuddles all the time 
he might fall asleep with you in his arms so dont plan on leaving <3
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Okay so he might be the leader and he have to be mature 
but when he find out that myabe sunghoon have taken a liking in you he felt frustrating
one day when you came over to the dorms the boys wanted to play gamess
 so when you and the boys decided to play arm wrestling he hoped he would be at the same team with you 
luckily he got in the same time with you and was really excited <3
your team was jungwon ,you,heeseung and sunoo anf the others were jake ,niki,jay and sunghoon 
for you guys to find out who will play with who you played rock papres scissors shoot
you got partener with sunghoon 
he started feeling unwell 
as sunghoon hold yout hand to start the arm wrstili g he bite the inside of his cheek trying to control any emotion he had
sunghoon might went overboard with his strengh because you were really strong too and henwon but he made you hurt your hand in the table and it hurt  A LOT ouch<3
sunghoon and jungwom ran to get you some ice but sunghoon was a little bit faster and arrived faster than jungwon and gave you the ice 
jungwon mad asf and his jealous level on the MAX
he took the ice that jungjoon gave you and put the ice that he took 
he would stick his toungue out to sunghoon
make sure to give his huggies and all of your attention after that <3
he loves you a lot and he doesnt want to share you or anything :(
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niki knows how much you love hanging out with the members and he is happy that his partener is going good with his friends 
but when he saw that you and jungwon got closer he felt kinda sad :(
poor baby he dont want to share you with anyone :(
when you came over and decided to watch i-land with the others you sat in between niki and jungwon
you felt kinda cold so you snuggled close to jungwom 
nikis level of jealous 100%
it went worse when you started giving compliments to the others membe especially jungwon 
he pouted and hold your arm pulling you in his arms
“gimme compliments too plz”pouts
y/n is in love part 190298337646567478382903747578878378476645
you HAVE to pet his hair and give him forehead kisses and many compliments and he told you no more yang jungwon no more
ofc it was a joke but whenever you and jungwon went he would always tag along and always hug you infornt of him and gives you so many kisses <3
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: cafeworker!ni-ki x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: the cashier at the new coffee shop was so adorable you just couldn’t resist visiting just for him
**did not proofread
contrary to popular belief, you were NOT a social person
whenever you were around friends and family, you were always the loudest person there
like SHUT UP Y/N!!!!!!
anyways although you were loud, people still enjoyed being around you because you had such a sweet soul and interesting humor
everyone close to you knew that you hated talking to people you didnt know
but to all the strangers? no
they would think you were an outgoing ready-to-meet-new-people extrovert
which was so, so wrong
but ALAS, you had to talk strangers almost everyday living in 2020
(well lets pretend we arent in the middle of a pandemic right now)
moving on......
so you were in high school at the downfall of your existence
you used to have so many friends when you were younger ..now you only have like 3
and those three were always busy (busy making up excuses thats for sure) so you never really hung out with them outside of school
and on one fine evening after school you decided to visit the new cafe 5 minutes from your house
u were really excited because all the cafes were 15 minutes from your house so now u could just walk to this one if u wanted to !!!
but yeah it was in the middle of a small plaza that had cute buildings
you pulled up to the parking lot and was just about to get out the car when u remembered..
u have to talk to the cashier :/
who’s a stranger! even more ://
it was always so weird to you.. whenever you went out you always had someone else order for you because you just hated talking to strangers
you just felt uncomfortable and you couldnt help it
its not like you have never ordered for yourself but you would always prefer not to
and now that you think about it
this is the first time you have gone out by yourself
you did text one of your friends beforehand but they said they “had homework to do”
but you really wanted to try the coffee so you just ran with it
time to face your fears!
you opened the glass door to reveal a cute looking cafe, like the ones you’d see in movies
you loved it already
glancing to the cashier you’d have to be talking to—
hold on
you had to do a double take because WOAH.....
the cashier...
you have never seen a boy like that in your life
you stood there for like 3 seconds before coming to your senses and standing infront of the menu
that was infrONT OF HIM
“hi, what can i get for you?”
“oh um.. can i get a second to .. look..?”
“yeah of course,” he gestured to the menu on the wall above him
hes so nice u almost cried
your eyes shakily traveled up to the chalkboard menu and u began to ‘read’ the options
its like u could feel his eyes on u WTF!!!!
um um um *internally keyboard smashes*
you couldnt even think
the words on the menu were like gibberish
the ONE time u go out by yourself
this had to happen.. of course! someone had it out for you, you were sure of it >:(
picking a random drink you gave him your order
“uh can i have an iced caramel macchiato?”
u cant help but think hes judging you
he looks like that while u are standing there in old sweatpants your dads tshirt
“sure, what size?” he looks into your eyes after putting your order into the machine
god you felt your heart stop
his Eyes..... theyre so beautiful
“oh um regular” you attempted to give a small smile
hopefully it looked like one
“okay that’ll be $5.12.”
you dug out some cash from your bag and handed it to him
he gave u your change and gave u a small smile
“your drink will be out in a minute”
he went :)
he is so CUTE.....?!?!
he looked around your age too
sigh... you knew he was way out of your league though
you were gushing over him but he probably thought you were just another boring customer
while waiting u sat at one of the 2 person tables on your phone
and u IMMEDIATELY went to text your groupchat
you tried to quickly put your phone down without looking suspicious when you saw him walking towards you with a drink in his hand
“here you go, enjoy” he said before swiftly making his way back to the counter and talking to the other worker there
wow... hes so mesmerizing
you’d steal glances at him every now and then while taking sips of your drink
you were sitting there for like 20 minutes before you noticed you finished your drink
you totally forgot you came here to see how good their coffee was
it was good by the way
sadly it was your time to leave
taking one last glance at him, you threw away your empty cup and walked out the door
u cant believe you got to witness the most beautiful human being ever
in your small town?? crazy
you were sitting in your car just thinking
you mentally punched yourself but then you started laughing
what does knowing his name even matter, its not like u were ever going to talk to him anyway
*sad emoji*
but the coffee was good so you definitely planned to go back
and not just because of the cute boy
*time skip*
the next day you went there was a week later at the same time in hopes that he was working the same shift
score! 1 for y/n, 0 for umm... any other person who had a crush on him too i guess
the cafe didnt have too many people since it was fairly new and also in a small part of the city
so when you went in, you were the only one there along with the two workers
“welcome, what would you like to order?”
he looked even cuter today
his messy blond hair almost covered his eyes
you shouldve forced your friend to come with you this time
you ordered the same thing as last time but this time he asked for your name
“um y/n” you answered
your heart was always beating 2 times as fast whenever you had to talk to him
he wrote it down on the cup and after you paid, you went to sit down at the same spot as last time
looking at him is literally the highlight of your day
the same thing happened as last time, he came over and gave you your drink without giving u a second glance
boooo look at me cute boy
nonetheless u continued going to the cafe at the same time as much as u could which was like three times a week
literally over a month later and u dont think anythings going to happen
u punch yourself for thinking the boy would somehow find interest in you
hes still indifferent to you which isn’t surprising since you’ve never made any kind of move
he should know u by now
*time skip again*
it was a saturday
at this point you’ve basically given up on having a crush on him and now since its become a routine u just say you go for the coffee
not really paying attention to your surroundings you dont notice that the boy at the cash register isnt the normal one you see almost everyday
“hey, what would you like to order?”
woah WHAT
you look up from your bag to notice a boy that was definitely not the one that normally stood infront of it at this time
and you also noticed something on this new cashier
a name tag
how come your old little crush didnt have one????
this new boys name was ‘jay’ and he was fairly cute too
looking around the corner at the other worker u noticed he has a name tag too
you recognized him because he was always working when the cute boy was at the cash register
his name was ‘heeseung’
after taking in these new additions you answered to jay
“oh um.. can i ge-,”
“she gets an iced caramel macchiato. her name is y/n”
you whipped your head around so fast to see who said that behind you
was it who you thought it was ??!??!
you widened your eyes at the boy who wasnt wearing his normal black and white uniform
instead he was wearing black ripped jeans and a gray hoodie
wow....... and u thought he couldnt look any better
“oh wow ni-ki, you know her?” the boy named jay asked him
“uh yeah.. shes a regular” he said before walking to stand next to you
u thought his name fit him perfectly its so CUTE
“are you gonna get something too?”
this whole time you were silent because.. what is going on
your heart was being SO fast you thought that everyone could hear it
“yup, can i get the same thing? also im paying for both of us”
ur eyes widened even more it looked like they were gonna pop out of its sockets
u unconsciously leaned towards the boy next you and kind of put your hands up
“w-what?? oh um no, you dont have to do that” you nervously said to him as he looked down at you
he kind of had a smile on his face
“i want to.”
there is no way this is happening
“oiiii ni-ki” jay chuckled while punching in numbers on the cash register
“ill have both of your drinks out soon, you two kids have fun!” jay said before turning around to face heeseung
your jaw almost dropped from shock
millions of thoughts ran through your brain and you couldnt even process anything
u cant believe this was happening
it was like a wattpad story or something.. is this how u meet ur soulmate
your thoughts were interrupted by a hand on your back momentarily and u look to see ni-ki shyly grinning and gesturing u towards a table
no way...
you awkwardly follow him to a 2 person table next to wall and sit down
you literally could not hear anything except for the pounding of your heart
“uh sorry about that...” he rubbed his neck and sheepishly smiled
“im ni-ki by the way”
“y/n...” u felt so awkward u wanted to cry
“agh, im really sorry if that was weird.. i just didnt know how to ask you out.....” he trailed off
*passes out*
Ok but u felt ur heart stop bc NO WAY
“wait what??” u ask, ur eyes bigger than the moon
“um yeah... haha i took the day off today to try to talk to you.. sorry if that was weird..”
“no its okay!! im glad actually...”
“really? so is it okay if we hang out?” he asked excitedly
u did not think u could handle HOW CUTE THIS BOY WAS O M G...
“of course! sorry if im kind of awkward though” you gave a small smile
“its okay, i think i am too”
you two began talking about the cafe and where you went to school
turns out even though you two lived in the same town (literally 5 minutes away from eachother) u went to different schools for some reason
u talked for like 2 minutes before jay walked up with your drinks
“hows it going guys?”
“its doing good bro, now go away..” ni-ki lightly shoved jay and laughed
you giggled at the sight
jay looked offended and came right back
“that is not how you talk to your elders ni-ki! y/n do you see this?!” he scoffed
ni-ki just rolled his eyes and turned back to you
“do not ignore me young man!” jay joked
“oh y/n, ive heard all about you from ni-ki over here by the way.”
ni-ki’s eyes got so big you almost got worried
he turned around so fast and gave jay one of those ‘i swear if you say anything ur dead meat’ looks
jay obviously did not care
“hes always like ‘y/n this y/n that’ blah blah im glad he finally got the balls to ask you out because im honestly sick of hearing it!” jay laughed
u were blushing so hard
this felt like a dream
ni-ki pushed jay away so hard and turned back with red cheeks
but yeah that was the beginning of the cutest relationship ever
u and ni-ki were so cute together <333
you’d always visit him during ur free time
it took like 2 months before u two made it official tho
and he was the sweetest boyfriend ever
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angywritesstuff · 4 years
Then I Met you- Part 3
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader / Matt Casey & Reader (siblings)
Warnings: angsts, age difference
Note: In this fic Matt and Kelly are 38, so Matt was 21 became a firefighter (2003). Matt and reader are 11 years apart, so the reader is 27. So be aware of the age difference, if it bothers you don’t read it 😊
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You were sitting on the bathroom floor trying to regain your breath. When you had decided to talk to Brett, you didn’t think you would end up having to explain yourself to everyone. But the deed was done and you didn’t have any other choice... this didn’t mean you weren’t going to postpone it as long as you could though.
You were so deep in thoughts you almost didn’t hear someone entering the bathroom. So when you heard someone clearing their throat, you jumped a little. Two feet were near you and, when you looked up, you saw Severide.
He was leaning against the bathroom wall and he was looking at you like you look at a scared animal.
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“Hey”- he said softly - “are you ok?” - he continued when you didn’t say anything
“Sure, I just know everyone is out there hating me because I lied to them and I, honestly, don’t know how to explain everything... it’s just, my life has always been complicated... let’s leave it at that. And now that I finally feel like things are changing for the best... ehmmm”- you groaned
“No one hates you and you don’t own anyone anything”
“Why, when you need a call, there isn’t one?”- you rhetorically asked
“Hey don’t jinx it. Beside are you seriously hoping for someone to get hurt”- he was smirking
“Thank you, now I’m feeling even worse. Beside I was hoping on a little scratch; you know people call for anything”
“Listen”- he said squatting down in order to be at your eyes level - “You have to deal with the guys out there sooner or later, you have just to go out there and if you don’t want to explain the situation you don’t have to. Matt has already pointed that out. It’s up to you”
You looked at him, his eyes were even more beautiful this close. You felt suddenly calm while looking at him and it kinda felt weird, because it usually happened with Matt.
Matt had always been able to calm you down with a simple look and you didn’t know how to feel knowing there was someone else who suddenly could do the same.
“Yeah it’s time”- all at once speaking with the other was easier than being alone with Kelly. You barely knew him and you refused to let this feeling overwhelmed you. Beside you had promised yourself you were done with man since apparently you weren’t good at choosing them.
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You and Kelly went to the common area and everyone looked at you in silence.
“You ok?”- Matt asked you once he came closer
“Yeah. It was bound to happen, right?”- you whispered while he hugged you. He squeezed you as tight as he could without taking your breath away, knowing it would calm you down.
“Ok... well, as you guys heard I’m Matt’s sister”- you said while looking at the 51.
Sylvie was looking at you apologetically and you smiled at her to let her know you weren’t mad. It wasn’t her fault, it was yours firstly for keeping it a secret and secondly because it was you that had started the conversation where anyone could hear you.
“How come we never met you before”- asked Herman
“And why didn’t you tell us when you started working here”- asked Ritter. He was the one you had bonded the most beside Sylvie
“As I was telling them, you dont have to feel obligated to answer their questions”- Matt said
“I know, but I think they deserve to know the truth. Ok well I should probably start with saying that Matt is my half brother, not that change anything for me, but yeah... we have the same father but different mothers. We didn’t know about each other for years, when my mom had me, his parents were still together so I grew up mostly with my mom and I have her surname. When I was 10 my mom died so I was put in the system and my social worker searched for relatives that could take me in. That’s when I found out about Matt and Christie, we had a couple of meetings but Matt had just finished the academy so he hadn’t a stable income and home and in the end I was put in a foster home”
“Why didn’t you go with Christie, she was older and had a home and worked already, right?”- Herman asked
“Christie and I... we don’t really get along. It’s a complicated situation, let’s say we had different relationships with our father. She has always put him on a pedestal and my presence was unsettling for her. The social worker asked her but she didn’t feel like taking me in would be the best thing for the both of us”- you shrugged a little.
You were uncomfortable with talking about Christie, saying that you two didn’t get along was an euphemism. She basically preferred to behave like you didn’t exist. You knew that finding out about you had been difficult for her, she had only known a version of her father, one that was very different from the version you and Matt had known. But even though you understood how difficult it had been for her, you still felt deeply hurt about her behavior; you had been 10, you had just lost the only person that had ever loved you in your life, so it hadn’t been easy to feel rejected by her. You had felt so alone back then.
You took a deep breath and stopped thinking about Christie.
“Matt and I kept in touch while I was with my foster family but when I was 12 a family out of state decided to adopt me, so we kinda lost truck of each other for some time”- you said
“When did you guys get in touch again”- Sylvie asked
“I was 19 and I came looking for him. I was trouble as a kid, I’m not gonna lie. So when I said to my adoptive family I wanted to leave they weren’t so sad about it”- you laughed bitterly
“But how come we didnt know about you before? I mean it’s been seven or eight years since you connected again right?”- Cruz asked
“It’s more complicated than that... I haven’t always been with Matt since I was 19, I stayed for a while and then I... I left again... listen I’m sorry... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s just I’m not that proud of my past and I just wanted to start fresh, but I knew that telling you guys I was Matt’s sister would bring a lot of questions. And Matt is a saint so he went along with it; so I’m sorry but I’m not ready to tell you the rest, I hope it’s ok”
“Of course it’s ok kiddo, just know we are a family and whenever you are ready, if you’ll ever be, we’ll be here”- Herman said before coming to hug you
“Thank you”
“But... for the love of God, stop avoiding the Molly’s”- he added and you laugh
“I promise”
You looked at Matt and he was smiling proudly at you.
You knew you had still a long way to go, there were still a lot of things about your past you were too ashamed to talk about, but it was a start.
Ambulance 61 man down
“You asked for it”- said Severide and you smiled at him before following Brett
“Listen I’m sorry I got you in this situation. I didn’t know everyone was there”- Sylvie said once in the ambo
“It’s not your fault. We’re good right?”- you asked
“We’ve always been ok”- she said
“Yeah sure... beside when you taught I was sleeping with Matt and wanted to kill me”- you laughed
“Oh shut up!”- she said blushing
You smiled looking out of the window ready for the call.
Ok... sorry if something doesn’t add up with the timeline of the show but it’s not that easy 😂
Forgive me if there are mistakes but English is not my first language
Taglist: @bestillmystuckyheart @slytherinambitious @graniairish @nocturnalherb16
Permanent taglist: @jwspiter
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. If I forgot to tagged you please forgive me.
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Alright let's try this Soulmate body switch AU I'm also attempting this whole "make a tag" thing... bare with me, ive only actually used this app for like 4 days now im gonna go with "RayMakesSoulmates" for now... uhm, idk what else to go with uhhhhh yeah, names Ray btw...
Okay here we go. The idea of switching bodies is something a bit strange to me so let me make this work for me.
Basically it happens once a year after you either turn 17 or meet your soulmate. If its the latter then there has to be alot of turmoil and confusion on one side to trigger the first switch because it does not happen at the first encounter. However after the first encounter you'll sometimes have little blurry dreams that are in fact core memories of your soulmate. But theyre always too blurry to point out who's involved and sounds are too muffled to pin point any specific noises words or what have you.
Now, the dreams don't happen every night but they happen often enough that you are made aware that you have met your soulmate at some point recently.
So after Zuko visits the south and they begin their cat and mouse game around the world Zuko often has blurry dreams of white with black falling what he thinks is people screaming and what he knows is muffled crying. While Sokka has random dreams of what he thinks is someone moving away into the darkness and someone screaming out to them but he can't figure out what they're saying. Another dream he has is a blurry glow of bright blue and crying. There's also one that shows up more often than the other two, its when he sees what he believes is someone moving towards him saying something, but its muffled, then a bright light and muffled screaming and crying.
However after Ba Sing Se Sokka has a dream that's clear and vivid, not muffled and not blurry. After he takes a moment from shooting up to a sitting position he realizes that this is not a dream, he's switched bodies. Standing up and moving the blankets off of him he looks around and sees the there are fire nation items everywhere, it looks like he's in a royal bedroom. He elects to keep calm as he moves towards where he thinks is a bathroom, he is correct and when he looks into the mirror he freezes. His heart drops into his stomach. Sokka can hardly believe what he's looking at. Staring back at him is not his face, but Zuko's. He reaches up to touch the scar on Zuko's face. While yes he has control over his body and he doesn't exactly know how to act 'firenation' let alone 'fire nation royalty' he stands straight. "This won't last longer than 3 hours." He reminds himself
"What won't last longer than three hours?" Azula's voice breaks through
Instantly on edge and irritated Sokka- ahem Zuko turns to Azula "what do you want Azula?" He says in a voice thats much less irritated, theyre siblings right? So they have to be chummy right
"Oo! You sound so much less angry!" She muses "disgusting, anyways, Mai wanted me to let you know she's leaving today"
Why would he care about that? Oh they must be friends? Maybe they're dating? Okay, don't screw this up "uh, okay"
"Aw don't be so sad Zuzu~ you two would have never worked out anyways, her and Ty Lee switched bodies just three days ago. It was honestly was kind of amusing watching her string you along" This is not how siblings normally talk to eachother. He just glared at Azula "alright alright sheesh, ill leave you alone" he found something to write on and quickly jotted down the conversation because if he was given that information Zuko would need it.
Meanwhile Zuko shot awake and found himself lying next to appa Katara and Aang, so he is alive huh? Confused he figured he must be dreaming until he realized his vision was clear and nothing was muffled. He was below deck on a fire nation ship. He paused a moment before he stood and noticed Sokka's boomerang beside him. He lifed it and saw Sokka in the reflection. His reaction seemed to mirror(haha get it) Sokka's when he saw Zuko in the mirror. But he dropped the boomerang and it made a loud bang which woke the other two up "Sokka what are you doing, the sun is barely up"
He paused and cleared his throat. Okay, sure he's been chasing them he needs to not blow this "uh, sorry, nightmare"
Katara shifted and turned to him, a genuine look of worry in her eyes "do you want to talk about it?" She asked in a tone that reminded him of his mother. Genuine love.
He forced himself not to tear up at the memory and just shook his head "no, I honestly can't remember it. Just scared me is all" the hesitation in Katara's expression before she responded was strange to him
"Alright, if you say so, do you mind going and asking dad to change the course? We need to stop and get supplies"
His hesitation and expression probably made her realize what happened "okay, youre not Sokka right now are you?" He froze and nodded slowly "alright, you dont have to tell me who you are, but I'll help you through the motions, Aang and I switched back in Ba Sing Se, that was the day when you questioned why I said I'd fly around, er- or that was when Sokka questioned me" okay she was a little more accepting of this than he thought.
"Uhm, okay, yeah, right, uhm, I don't want to blow this so can you just uh show me around? I'm sure Sokka knows all the people he's- oh agni he's gonna meet my dad" zuko internally cringed.
In that moment it seemed to click with Katara "alright, so you're telling me your Zuko"
Zuko flinched and backed up against the wall "look I dont know what you want me to do about this, but I promise you that I'm not going to ruin anything, I know I messed up, hell Sokka's probably noticing that my family doesn't work like yours does. I've been so confused my whole life okay, I'm sorry I betrayed you in Ba Sing Se, my sister has a way of manipulating me. I just hope he doesn't get hurt, he probably doesn't know he needs to keep his mouth shut in my family." Zuko was panicking when Katara reached out
"Zuko, zuko what do you mean?" Her voice shaky
"Look I cant tell you everything, I cant tell you my life story not right now, I need to get through with this. If we meet again, which I hope we do, ill tell you then. But right now, please just show me what Sokka goes through day to day. I know he's not gonna like what happens on the other end, I just hope it doesn't go too bad."
Katara nodded "alright well. Let me walk you around and let you learn the peoples names, ill just say hi to them and say their names." She paused "but first, tell me about your mother, i dont know if I believe it anymore"
He sighed before telling her the entire story.
Meanwhile at the palace Sokka was sitting in a war meeting knowing to keep his mouth shut unless spoken to. He didnt want to set people off or let them know he wasn't actually Zuko. The topic of the earth kingdome came up and Ozai turned to him "Zuko, you've spent time among the Earth kingdom citizens. What information do you have?"
"Uh, the Earth kingdoms citizens are strong willed and hopeful, as long as they have hope they will not yeild"
"Hmmm, I see, we need to crush their hope"
"Well, thats not what I-"
"I think we should take their precious hope and burn it to the ground!" Azula cuts in
"Yes, yes good idea Azula" Oh no
About an hour after the meeting the switch flipped, Sokka made notes about everything that he found important in time before the switch was over.
After they switched back Sokka found his sister and grabbed her shoulders "Katara, I have to tell you something, I just got back from a body swit-"
"And your soulmate is Zuko? I know, he cried when I was nice to him, what happened on your end?"
"Well, his whole family is mean to him"
"I was in a war meeting and found out their plan for the comet"
After relaying the information he found they discussed it with Aang.
Let's skip ahead to after the failed invasion and to the air temple when Zuko shows up.
"Hello, Zuko here"
No fighting it in this one
"Get your jerk bender butt over here" Katara and Sokka said practically in unison.
>im gonna wrap it up here. And yes Katara would notice its not Sokka and would totally pick up on Zuko, she's observant
>and no Azula wouldn't notice at all because she's used to Zuko being stand offish with her. Plus Sokka is so much better at impersonations than Zuko
@chaoticidiott @roman-does-nothing @bisexuallsokka @transzukostanblog
I dont know if I did this AU justice, I tried.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
how to save a life bucky barnes x reader
Good old whump 😌 this is so fucking long (wc: 2113)
also i know some people are weird about dogs so just know reader has a very large typically seen as aggressive kind of dog (but hes not, just a little slobbery and awkward lol)
Song: say something by danny worsnop and matty mullins 
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"I can't take your shit anymore. If you won't do anything about it then I will! I quit!"
I yelled, untying my apron and tossing it at my manager. One of the cooks had been harassing me for the last couple weeks and he refused to say or do anything. But I had reached my breaking point.
"Come on y/n, we need you! You can't leave me short staffed like that."
He whined and I shook my head, making my way to the back door.
"No, fuck you Rodney, you can find someone else to deal with it."
I said annoyed, clocking out, grabbing my stuff and storming out the back. I gave him the finger as the door slammed behind me, sighing angrily at myself for not finding a new job sooner.
I yelled, kicking the brick wall before leaning into it, shoving my head in my hands. Then I heard a harsh cough. My attention snapped towards the man limping through the alley way, seemingly clutching at his side.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I asked, reaching into my bag and gripping my pepper spray tightly.
I asked again, moving closer to him in the darkness. When he looked up at me I realized who it was. I had seen pictures of him before. What was his name? James? Yeah captain Americas bear friend. From the museum.
He managed before falling face first into the dirt. I gasped as I watched his body go limp. In that moment I wasn't quite sure what to do. I couldn't call someone cause I didn't know who to call, and God it was gonna take everything in me to get him back to my apartment. But I couldn't just leave him here. Shit. I sighed before kneeling down and rolling him over. His face was bruised and bloodied, the same as the knuckles on his hand. He must have really gotten into it with someone. I bit my lip before sitting him up with a groan.
"Okay james, work with me here."
I sighed out, going around him and picking him up. He made a soft noise and I looked at him, his eyelids bobbing open for a second.
"Two blocks, that's all it is."
I told myself more than anything, slinging his arm over my shoulder and walking with him dragging his feet. The whole walk was labored breathing and groaning. He was heavier than he looked but then again he was pretty much solid muscle. And though he wasn't much help I could tell he was trying. That endurance was paying off a little bit. But as soon as we were to my apartment he was out, practically falling through the door after I opened it. I only just caught him, laying him on the floor gently and dragging him to the couch. As I tried to put him on it I could hear my dog whining and tapping his toes in his crate.
"Give me a minute Wolf."
I said half annoyed as I got James flat on his back. When I was content with him laying there I let my massive akita-rottweiler mix out of his crate. He immediately went to James and started sniffing him excitedly until I snapped my fingers at him.
"Hey, leave the nice man alone. Let's go potty."
I said, him barking and running towards the door. I quickly got his leash on and took him down to the streets of new York. We walked a good block before finally heading back to my apartment. After I took Wolfs leash off he was right back in James' face.
"Hey, what did I say? Go lay down."
I instructed, him making a sad sound before pouting his way to his large bed in front of the window. I sighed, looking over James with my hands on my hips. Then I noticed a darkened spot just under his jacket and immediately began to worry.
"Shit. Is that blood?"
I said, stepping closer. I watched his face as I knelt down, pushing the coffee table further away from the couch.
"James I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna undo your jacket."
I said in a clear voice, watching to see if he moved but he didn't, prompting me to go on anyway. When the front of it was undone I gasped. He was indeed bleeding. It took me a minute to get it fully off, his shirt following right after. To my surprise his whole torso was covered in scrapes and bruises, along with what seemed to be a gunshot wound. Luckily it was only a graze. That I could treat.
"What the hell were you doing?"
I asked out loud even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I shook my head before going to get the first aid kit from under my bed, wolf following me around my apartment. I guess lucky for him I went to medical school, I mean I flunked out my last semester, but still. That's only three months I'd have to finish before I'm a licensed nurse. I had this. Right?
"God I hope I don't have to sew this man shut."
The next few hours I just sat at my breakfast bar staring at him in the living room, sipping coffee and trying not to wake Wolf who was now fast asleep at my feet. I was waiting patiently for him to wake up, to make noise, to move even an inch. but it never happened. He was however still breathing, the portable heart monitor I had attached to his finger beeping softly.
When the sun started peering through my curtains though I figured it was best to check on him again. After all, I would need to change his bandages soon so whatever it was that hit him didn't get infected. Wolf for one was very excited again for me to be working on the stranger, running to him and getting in his face again.
I scolded, James jolting upright as I pulled the collar back on his large black neck.
I said through a nervous laugh. He looked around for a moment before looking down and wincing in pain as he touched his abdomen.
"Go lay down."
I said harshly, wolf not quite budging at first. But going when I nudged him with my knee.
"Um, I hope you don't mind that. I did as best I could but it's been a while. I was gonna come change them."
He stared at me, looking to wolf in his bed when he sighed.
"Thank you."
He said softly and I nodded.
"Do you mind laying back down? It's a little easier."
I said and he did, slowly, watching my every move as I knelt beside him. I dug into my kit to get new dressing, peeling the old off and shaking my head. It was still bleeding but there wasn't much I could do about it.
"Do you remember much about last night James?"
I asked and he shook his head no, the dog tags around his neck shifting. I focused intently on what I was doing, hearing wolf sigh again. I rolled my eyes, sending him a playful look.
"You aren't afraid of dogs are you James?"
I asked and he shook his head again.
"Okay wolf, come here."
He stood quickly, panting as he came over and stood beside me, looking like he had a wide smile on his face as he sat down. James looked up at him and smiled back, bringing his right hand to scratch at wolf's head. It was a good distraction as I fixed his wounds for a second time. As I put the stuff away I was forced to remember he was still shirtless.
"Oh uh, I washed your shirt too, it was pretty soaked through."
He nodded, making a pained face as he moved to sit up, letting me help as he did. Wolf took that as an invitation to get on the couch, his large dog body taking up a good portion of it as he laid across James' lap. I looked to the ceiling as he laughed, petting him some more.
"I'm so sorry. If you want him off all you have to do is tell him to get down."
I said standing up, going to the kitchen to wash my hands.
"I don't mind it, he reminds me of an old friend."
He lamented as I came back, wiping my hands on a towel.
"They must've been one hell of a friend."
He nodded slowly.
"Hey uh, you can call me Bucky. if you want."
I reached for his hand and shook it.
"Thanks for this y/n."
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I'm not gonna lie James, uh Bucky, I was a little shook up last night. I had just quit my job when you came stumbling down the alley I almost wasn't sure what to do with you. And I know as a citizen I probably should have called an ambulance but as an ally..."
I paused. he looked a little more into what i had to say now.
"I've, well, I've been around the block with a string of heroes before and none of them could ever actually get help from paramedics. So I did what I could."
He nodded.
"I really appreciate it y/n, I must've been desperate after all, to go to a complete stranger."
He laughed.
"I'm just glad you found me and not someone else. Or who knows what could have happened."
"those were my thoughts exactly."
there was a long pause, me standing awkwardly and both of us staring at the floor. then Wolf barked, taking both of our attention as i jumped at the sudden sound.
"guess he agrees."
i said and he laughed again.
"ya know i really appreciate this. is there a way i could repay you? some how?"
he asked and i shook my head.
"no, i couldn't let you do that. really."
i said quickly, holding my hand out, watching as he struggled to stand.
"i want to."
he insisted, stumbling forward and i caught him. he panted out a pained noise.
"knowing you're safe is enough. come over here, lets get you something to eat."
i said, walking him slowly to the bar i was just sat at and feeling his back muscles strain against my palm as i held him upright.
"careful, you keep taking care of me i might never leave."
he said through a wince as i placed him in the chair.
i laughed and he sent me a soft look before smiling. i could feel the blush run across my face as i moved to the fridge, making a face like i was an idiot for saying that.
"uh i went to school to be a nurse after taking care of my last boyfriend. he was terminally ill but didnt want to stay at a care facility. i guess ive kind of been missing it since he passed last year."
"im sorry."
he said quietly as i pulled things out of the fridge for breakfast.
"its alright. ive been getting by. plus i have wolfie over there to keep me busy."
i said with a smile, the large dog wagging his tail as he sat at the edge of the kitchen.
"im sure he appreciated all you did for him."
bucky said and i nodded once, moving to the stove.
"uh, how do you like your eggs?"
he turned in the chair to look at me.
"what's your specialty?"
i laughed.
"anything but poached."
he smiled widely at me.
"over easy please."
"great. that i can do."
there was another long silence as i began frying the eggs. then he cleared his throat.
"would it be a little Stockholm syndrome-y to ask you out after saving my life?"
i let out a short, loud, laugh before looking at him.
"oh you're serious?"
i asked and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"unless youre not looking but the least i could do is take you to dinner."
i nodded slowly, plating the food and setting the plates on the counter.
"im not but i wouldnt say no to dinner. and who knows, maybe id be open to seeing you after. maybe with a shirt and not bleeding on my couch."
he picked up the fork and raised it in cheers to me.
"ill take it. and its the least i could do. as a thank you."
"its a date then."
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