#i hope i tried to explain myself as clearly as possible
starkwlkr · 6 months
it’s nothing new | sebastian vettel
part 1 part 3
update: i decided to make this into a series, thanks for reading! you can read it here!
“mark, hi.”
“y/n? it’s been a while. how are you?” the aussie asked. it had been years since you spoke to mark, but he always kept you updated. he sent messages about how everyone in the paddock was doing, which you appreciated him for.
“i . . i’m okay. is this a bad time to talk to you?” you asked. you suddenly remembered about time zones.
“it’s alright, i always have time for you. what’s going on?” he questioned.
“so i am at my sister’s house and i didn’t want to sleep the whole flight so i decided to read your book.” you replied. “it’s a beautiful book, mark.”
“thanks.” he knew there was more you wanted to say. “are you mad?”
“mad about what?” you asked. “what you wrote about sebastian and i? is that what you’re talking about?”
“well yeah. i tried to contact you several times. you wouldn’t answer my messages so i assumed you changed numbers. seb told me he didn’t care if i wrote it in—”
“mark, i’m not mad. i’m far from it. i just want to know if it’s true. did he tell you everything? the night he won the title, i mean.” you asked. you remembered that night clearly. you didn’t finish the race, but that didn’t stop you from celebrating with sebastian.
“he would never lie about you, love. i told him to tell you, just to get it off his chest but he wouldn’t. you were with someone else, it was wrong.” mark explained. “you know the day you announced your engagement, he hated himself for not telling you sooner. maybe things would’ve ended differently if he had.”
maybe . .
“does he hate me?”
there was always that possibility. but when it came to sebastian, he would rather die than say he hates you.
“he could never hate you even if you did throw a show at him and call him a cunt.” mark chuckled. “he still loves you, you know, he asks about you all the time and i have no idea what to tell him.”
“well maybe i could tell him myself . . do you have his phone number?”
after you were given seb’s number, you noticed he never changed it. you weren’t sure why, but you decided to text him instead of calling.
hi seb, it’s y/n. i know it’s been so long and i’m sorry for how things ended. i hope you’re doing great. i’m not doing too good right now. my marriage is ending so i have that going for me. i’m staying with my sister and her family. anyways, i hope you don’t mind me messaging you. mark gave me your number but turns out i still have it saved. speaking of mark, i read his book on the flight, it’s very interesting. i’ll leave you alone now, thanks for caring about me all these years.
after you sent the message, you didn’t expect a reply. it was as if he was waiting for a message this whole time.
hi y/n. i hope you know i never forgot about you after all this time. i’m sorry about your marriage, i really am. i don’t mind at all that you message me, i never changed my number in hopes that one day you would. as for mark’s book, i hope you’re not mad, but if you need to know, it’s all true and i wouldn’t change anything. being with you made me happy and everytime i hear your name, i’m reminded of the joyful memories we shared. i have something to tell you, only a few people know. i plan to retire at the end of the 2022 season. it would be nice if you would come to abu dhabi for my last race. i understand if you can’t make it. take care and i love you always. (it’s nothing new at this point)
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@hc-dutch @lightdragonrayne @multiplefandomwritings @woozarts @jggykhug09090 @neivivenaj @kissesandmartinis @barnestatic @avythef1addict
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ymechi · 10 months
Who is the real Creator?
I had to edit and remove some parts for this to make sense, I hope it is coherent if not please tell me so I can fix it and explain everything better. I did not expect people to be interested in this au so I was surprised! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
-TW: cult au, yandere, impostor au, mentions of being hunted down, mentions of trauma, mentions of character injuring themselves (nothing major)
-Gn reader and darling (please tell me if I mess this up message me and I will fix it)
Part 1, This is part 2, part 3, part 4
Reader ushered Darling inside giving them the blanket which they used to dry their wet self. They sort of reminded Reader of what a wet sad cat one of their neighbors used to own looked like after a rainy day. Darling sat on the kitchen table as Reader once again prepared some tea. Reader really should get a nice tea set soon, they mentally put that on their shopping list the next time they are going to the market.
Darling sat quietly at the table sniffing and not saying much, Reader had no idea what to say before it would have been so easy they knew each other in and out. Yet now. . . it was as if a hundred years had passed, a million things had happened. Reader was now not sure what to say.
They weren't sure if they even wanted to comfort Darling. Shouldn't Darling be comforting Reader? All they got was that half-assed hospital meeting.
If Darling is upset wasn't there a league of followers, acolytes, servants heck even Archons who would comfort them why come to them now out of all times and alone? Clearly something serious happened that they had to runaway alone to them out of all people.
Reader inwardly sighed.
They bought out a pan. One thing they knew how to lighten the mood up was pancakes, it was easy and they knew how to do that . In fact, they might get a master's degree in making pancakes, Reader should ask Nahida if that is possible.
(They tried not to think that it was Darling's favourite meal to eat after being sad.)
"So. . . What happened?" Reader tried to start.
Darling did not respond for a while just quietly staring at them. Their eyes were a bit dull and exhaustion was evident on their face. They seemed to contemplate what to say before they started.
"I. . . I asked to wield a sword, at first they were against it but I wanted to try y'know?"
There was no question who they were, the crazy cultist acolytes. Reader shuddered at some of their past interactions with them, they were good weapon wielders reader would give them that. . . Reader had first-hand experience after all.
Yet Darling was alone with the trigger-happy acolytes all this time.
Although Darling was the supposed Creator, they should have been fine, Reader looked over at them and they lacked any surface wounds.
They should have been fine right?
"It was fine at first they taught me proper stances but then I got a bit touchy with the sword, you know me how I get with stuff like that and then I," she sighed, "I cut myself like an idiot."
Reader rubbed their head and thought about it, they would not be here for a cut something else went on and they waited for Darling to finish.
"Then I bled," Darling was quiet for a moment, "it was red."
Hey, it rhymed Reader wanted to say to break the tension but Reader refrained. They did not get it at all. What was so wrong with red blood? Wasn't blood supposed to be red.
Darling must have caught on and they looked like they finally understood something. It was they who wanted to understand what was going on!
"Uhm yeah you maybe don't know but the Creator is supposed to bleed gold."
That is all they could say really. They felt dumb for a second there they had been actively avoiding taking any religious classes or any mention of religion for their own mental health's sake. Perhaps if they did not avoid it as much they would have understood what was going on much easier but for now the single religious book they owned remained hidden and untouched in their drawer.
Now that they finally understood the problem it was quite the conundrum. Darling was supposed to be the Creator yet now they were not because of some gold blood requirement. What would happen to Darling? Would they accuse them of harming the "real Creator"? Hunt them down like they did to Reader? Would they come and hunt down Reader again?
Although they doubted they would be hunted down again as the "blessings of the Creator" thing, whatever that meant, Nahida told everyone else seemed to work and placate them.
"Now what?" A reader asked tiredly.
"I don't know I managed to sneak out while they were distracted but I guess they will find out soon to come and get me."
Reader grimaced and turned around to prepare to finally whisk the ingredients they were too distracted to do while they listened to Darling.
"So like did they hurt you after they found out or something?" Reader cringed at their wording. They could have said that better considering it was a serious topic.
"No they didn't they just healed me and left me in my room," Darling paused, "You should have seen some of the looks on their faces, like I killed their puppy or something. . ."
Reader tried to imagine what it was like worshipping someone only for that person not to be the god they worshiped. It must have gone bad for both parties involved. Darling was told she was a god only to be looked at in disappointment. The followers who eagerly awaited for their beloved Creator only for it to be an illusion.
"Yikes, I can't imagine it was pleasant."
"It wasn't."
They went quiet after that soon the pancakes were ready and Reader went out to serve them along with the tea. Reader had to admit they could make some good mean pancakes because Darling looked a bit better with some of the color returning to their face.
There was another knock at the door.
Another visitor? Who would come- They looked at Darling, oh right.
Darling once again looked pale and the grip on their utensils was trembling. What had they done to shake them up this much? Reader wasn't doing better either their heartbeat going frantic as unpleasant memories resurfaced. Damnit they thought they had gotten better.
"Reader it is me Nahida we need to talk, I am sorry but it is urgent."
Reader inhaled, thank the stars it was only Nahida.
They relaxed their shoulders and opened the door. Despite the rain, the Archon looked dry and Reader wondered what sort of magic they used and if they could learn it as well.
"I am sorry to interfere," she looked behind Reader, "but it seems you have the person we have been searching for," Nahida said while looking genuinely sorry.
Right, the only person Darling knew besides the acolytes in this world was the Reader. No wonder they were found out so quickly.
"Uhm- uh- How about some pancakes first?"
Nahida looked the the back of Darling who was hunched over and relented. She must have seen something as she agreed rather quickly. Reader closed the door as the Archon entered their home. Nahida approached Darling they did an elegant bow and Reader was suddenly hit that Darling was or now was the creator. Darling got someone as well respected as Nahida to bow.
Reader had seen the way people behaved in respect and reverence at Nahida and how the scholars, the Emirates, and merchants would listen and take in her input. So someone like Nahida bowing. . .
Reader never fully understood the weight and status of that position the so-called "Creator" held even after being hunted down over it.
Yet now it seemed very heavy.
How did Darling live with that?
Darling face grimaced as she saw the bow. Nahida looked worried.
"Is there something going on your grace?"
This was going to be an awkward conversation. How to explain to someone you were not the god you thought they were?
Darling looked at Reader before looking back at their untouched pancakes.
"I am not your grace Nahida I bleed red like the rest."
A tense silence followed.
Nahida to her credit seemed calm with the revelation. She had her point finger touching her mouth in a contemplative gesture.
"I see and that is why you are here."
The room was quiet for a while. Reader awkwardly wrung her hands and it was surprisingly Darling, the least stable person who spoke up again.
"Did you know?" Darling said in an accusing tone their eyebrows narrowed. Reader thought they almost looked angry. Where did that come from? How could Nahida have known if no one else including them knew?
"To be honest your-," she paused," I had my suspicions.
Wait what- That was the first Reader heard about this.
"And you did not bother to tell me! To tell anyone?!" Darling jumped up from the chair.
"Was it funny watching me being led on, all those expectations, all those promises my whole world getting fucked up - fuck can I even go back home to my family?!"
Reader jumped between them hiding Nahida behind them trying to calm Darling down who looked to be on the verge of crying or a breakdown.
"Look Darling I know you are upset, it's messed up but she didn't have anything to do with it okay? I am sure she had her reasons."
Darling took one glance at Reader's eyes and fell down on the chair, they hid their face in their arms.
"I am. . . Sorry. . . Shit."
That de-escalated quickly just as it erupted. They worry about Darling's mental health at this point.
"It is fine, I suppose this is a very difficult situation for everyone involved," said Nahida.
Reader wrung their hands together.
"Hey I know it's not the time but I did make extra pancakes let's eat first?" They tried not to sound pathetic.
The silence was their reply.
"You and your damn pancakes," Darling said and snorted.
"Hey! I only do it because I know it cheers you up!" they said and huffed.
Nahida who looked at them laughed, the previous suffocating tension was gone and Reader went up to get a plate for Nahida as well. Finally both Reader and the Archon sat down on their seat they all ate in relative silence but it wasn't as awkward as it could have been.
Once finished Reader poured some hot tea.
"Thank you Reader the pancakes were delicious I will have to ask you to let me eat them again sometime."
Reader smiled at the Archon.
"Of course, you are welcome any time."
Darling who watched them snorted. Reader looked at them with questioning eyes.
"What are you laughing at," Reader said in an accusing tone. Was Darling mocking them again?
"You speak like them now," Darling said with an amused glint in their eyes as they looked at Reader.
"Ohh, I guess I kind of do. . ."
Nahida once again took a look at them and laughed. Both snapped out of their bubble and looked at the Archon sheepishly.
"I am glad to see you two are getting along well, I hope both of you don't mind the topic changing to a more serious one," she looked at both of them and both nodded,"Before we start, I have a question for you Darling."
Darling looked apprehensive but nodded.
"Do the others know about you not being the creator?"
". . .Yeah they do," Darling said and looked at their empty plate.
"I see that does make things easier it is better it is out now that later knowing how overzealous some acolytes and followers can get."
Reader grimaced and Darling looked a bit defeated at the statement.
"How much do you both know about the creator?"
Reader and Darling looked at each other and it was Reader who started to speak.
"Honestly not much I avoid religious talk at all cost."
Nahida looked at Reader with sympathy.
"I guess I am the opposite I got to learn a lot, basically in each new era the creator descends into a new incarnation, and their vessel is not always the same," she paused thinking about what to say next, "They like to live peacefully with their people because of that they don't always have their powers with them but they can gain them over time, something like that"
"Yes that is most of it, it is presumed in this era the creator chose to be a normal human which we thought was you Darling. We also thought that the Creator's presence and powers were weak due to being a normal human in this incarnation. Despite you not being the Creator some part of what I said is true.
"Which part?" Darling asked.
"The part where the creator chose to be an ordinary human, despite having such a faint presence me being so attuned to Irminsul could still feel it, yet it was weak. That is why I was confused. Rather than being the Creator you Darling had gotten a blessing from the Creator."
"But how I have never met them" Darling interjected.
Nahida stared at Reader and once again Reader was reminded of those intense stares directed at them as if trying to solve a puzzle piece.
"No, the creator was - is still quite close to you."
"Wait really?" Darling looked at Nahida in confusion inching closer towards the Archon as if they went closer physically they would solve the mystery.
"Yes we are sitting beside them after all."
There was no question about who Nahida meant both she and Darling were staring at Reader.
That is what Reader replied with.
Nahida shook her head.
"I am afraid it is true.
No way.
Taglist: @resident-cryptid @probablynoposts @esthelily @mitsukashi @charming-mage @chaoticfivesworld @irisxiel @dulcedelechenginamo
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chloeangelic · 8 months
addressing the drama (with receipts)
I wanted to have my ducks in a row before speaking out instead of just responding; I’m not doing this to change anyone’s opinions - it’s really not possible change someone’s perception of me even if it’s based on falsehoods - but I need to do this so I know I’ve said and shown what needs to be shown, and people can do with it what they please. 
To the readers and writers who have blocked me, unfollowed me, and mutuals who have stopped talking to me over this - I’m really, really sad you didn’t come to me first and give me the opportunity to explain what was going on. I understand if you wanted to distance yourself from drama but I also need you to understand that this was not discourse-drama I willingly got myself into. This was a month of frequent harassment and slander that eventually turned into bullying by a group of people using false info, hiding behind side blogs and anons, and I hoped it would blow over but it never seemed to stop. With anons turned off for most of the last two months, people have gone to my friends’ inboxes instead to harass them about me (and insult them in the process), and I can’t do this anymore.
I feel so alienated and disliked in this community that I can’t go on the dash without feeling like I shouldn’t interact with anyone out of fear that they’ll get uncomfortable seeing me in their notifs. People keep saying they want the community to get better and then they jump on the bandwagon of vague posting and RBing without taking a second to verify the claims, clearly not realizing how much hurt it causes to perpetuate it. If you’re reading this, I  hope your name isn't the next one they pull out of the hat when they want someone new to push off the platform. 
Explanations, timelines and receipts below. 
For anyone waiting for an explanation regarding the posts and anons about me that have circulated for weeks, or waiting for receipts proving or disproving that I’m a mean girl who spends my time talking shit, here you go. I am so beyond hurt, I don’t even know what to say. I’m floored, I’m so disappointed in this community and I’m so sad. In the last two weeks, I stayed up until 4am one night receiving screenshots of posts and anons about me, I cried, I tried to understand why this has happened to me, and I have sat here day after day with no answers. 
If you think I’m being melodramatic, try losing a quarter of your mutuals and having a bunch of people block you when you’ve had either no interaction with them or they’ve all been positive, and see how that feels, on top of constant rumors about you being a terrible person when you know you’ve barely had any negative interactions with anyone on the platform. I can’t be on tumblr any longer without exonerating myself and putting it out there that all of this has been one gigantic mess based on lies about me, seemingly compounded by grievances people have against Gracie (some one whose personal conversations have nothing to do with me). Either I do this, or I log out forever and only post on ao3, cause I feel like the fucking grim reaper here. Posts about me being an awful person are still circulating, despite the original post being deleted and the follow up stating that the OP has talked to me and they have apologized.
I’m not naming names in this. I will be using person A/B/C/D to make it less confusing. I’ve removed identifying information from the screenshots because even though I’m hurt by these people, I know that they will get dogpiled and harassed if I identify them, and I want it all to stop. Several have apologized to me and I have accepted. 
Sometime in December, rumors started circulating that there was a “big/elite writers discord” where they talked shit about small writers (I’m not in any discords specifically for writers and I have never heard of such a server). At about the same time, person A - someone who was very active in my own, now-deleted discord server, started frequently vagueposting about me, calling me a mean girl and, intentionally or not, made it seem like I was part of this “elite group of writers”. This is someone who I have never had a negative interaction with and who seemingly out of nowhere decided that I call myself elite and I’m a terrible person. 
Person B had some grievances with myself, Iris, and Gracie it seemed, so they went to person C and accused us of talking shit in our voice chats. I assume person A and B have talked about me at some point and validated each other’s claims, but I can't know that for sure. Person B messaged me from a burner account and apologized, then seemingly deleted the account after I responded.
Gracie frequently posted about us three chatting, and although I understand this might have felt alienating to some, many writers are open about having group chats with each other. All we did was write, edit, and Gracie sometimes made memes. We talked about non-fic stuff often, and when Gracie had an issue with other writers and she was upset, we talked about it. That’s what friends do. She knows that I believe those situations were handled poorly. One of those situations came to light recently - I had a very pleasant conversation with the writer involved, and we are still in touch.
I have spoken to person C, who posted the most “popular” smear post about me and some of my friends. They retracted their statements and profusely apologized to us, admitting it was based on stuff they heard from person B, showing me screenshots of the conversation. However, their original posts are still circulating through reblogs despite being deleted from their account. 
Person D also posted about me and my friends, however their post was sort of ridiculous, accusing me of spending more time replying to anons than writing. I found this funny, but the way they slut shamed my friend was absolutely not humorous, and dragging a random writer in to criticize them was a strange attempt at adding fuel to the fire. 
And for the receipts, 
I blocked person A after seeing a handful of vague posts clearly about me, and after they interacted with every single rude anon posted about me that I saw. I think that’s reasonable, no? I’m not gonna post screenshots of their posts cause I honestly just don’t want to look at them again, they make me feel kind of sick if I'm honest, but if anyone doesn’t believe me, they are welcome to DM me and I will send. 
Person B messaged me, admitted to partaking in this mess, and apologized. This is part of a LONG message:
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Person C apologized over message and called me on discord. We had a conversation clearing things up, they deleted their posts and wrote a public apology. 
If you need any proof that person B’s claims were, in fact, baseless, look at this exchange between person B and person C after person C had cleared things up with me.
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Person D honestly just creeps me out, cause what the fuck is this? Fine if you don’t like me based on my writing or my persona on here but… Why the witch hunt? 
ETA: Person C asked person D to take down their post and they never responded. This was sent prior to that, I know the full context, I just thought this specific part was worth sharing to show how vile some people allow themselves to be behind burner accounts.
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What kind of behavior is this? This was from a sideblog, and I don't know what their main account is. It creeps me the fuck out knowing this person is lurking somewhere in the community.
I have hated every moment of this. None of this has been fun for me. This has completely fucked up my motivation to write and my enjoyment of it, it has made me anxious, it has messed with my self esteem, and it has made me want to log out of Tumblr and not come back. 
Please, I beg, if you have an issue with me, just come to me and I promise I will have a conversation with you. You can’t tell people’s tone over anon and I don’t think that’s a good way to have a conversation, especially one about something that should be solved in private, so they remain off, but my DM’s are open. 
I'm so sick of seeing vagueposts and trying to decipher if they're about me. Having to do that a bunch of times messes with your head.
I'm not sure what to do moving forward, but I needed to say my piece. I don't want to talk about this again, I want to put this behind me. I seriously hope this doesn't wreck my last remaining want to share my writing on here.
Thanks again to everywhere who has supported me in my DMs and comments, you mean the world to me 🤍🤍🤍 And if you found yourself duped by all this but change your opinion on me now or eventually, I won't hold a grudge, and I'm happy to speak again and pick up where we left off.
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goomyloid · 1 month
What was your process for making the Noelle amv, if you don't mind sharing?
hii! im not sure how eloquently or clearly ill be able to explain it but i definitely have some pictures you can look at!
(the video)
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i actually got the idea while i was away on a trip with very limited wifi -- it wasn't Trust Me that i got an AMV idea for first, but instead it was one of 4syu's other songs, There's Nobody. for such a happy sounding song it really made me so sad, to the point where if i tried to sing it to myself id get choked up by the chorus LMAO. it was baddd
but basically i was rapidly trying to find both songs on spotify so i could listen to them offline, and it only took me a few loops of Trust Me and thinking about the original MV to make me go "ohhhh. how can i make this about noelle." And so i did .
i was thinking about doing a storyboard, but in the past, i've found that doing storyboards for animations/AMVs lowkey... kills my motivation altogether... SAD... but i saw the whole video so clearly in my head, and i didnt want to make the same mistake i made before... so i went right to doing quick sketches (while still on my trip...) just so i could get the ideas out of my head
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i was torn on what to do with my style at the time, whether i wanted to make it more similar to the original video, or to her canon appearance, or to MY style and how i draw her. i think it kind of ended up as an amalgamation of all three...? at the very least, her light world color palette definitely was more bland and desaturated, like i purposefully wasn't trying to do anything special with her colors.
after that point, and getting maybe a few of the actual drawings done, my motivation crashed again, and i left it all to marinate for nearly a week. it was baking, guys, it wasn't abandoned, listen to me, why are you throwing tomatoes at me,
i had up to about the "I dreamed about that again" animation done and stopped, and it wasn't until i decided to sit down and start editing it anyway that i really got in my groove again. i got all my little assets into a workable state so i could really try to sit down and make the video come to life and all
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the really fun part was honestly working on the desktop backgrounds. i really wanted to limit colorpicking from the original video as much as possible, but i decided that making look as similar as possible to the original could help with the contrast i wanted to add later.
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i drew these two backgrounds first. i was hoping i could somehow fit the bunker into the second one, but decided to do something different anyway. the second one's ui didn't actually change until later in the editing process.
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drawing THESE were fun especially, and im happy with how they came out. i think the dark world icons are really cute still. one thing i really did know i wanted to do from the beginning was to turn the soul/undertale icon into the deltarune one.
i was worried if the shift from the Windows Field Background to the dark world would be too sudden, like you would just blink and suddenly it was all different, but i think it ended up all right...?
the not so fun part was drawing all the different boxes, lmao. it go really tedious by the end, so i tried to reuse as many of the same ones as i could.
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a lot of copy-pasting and tracing rectangles for sure.
i also had to make sure the animations didnt Suck. i brute forced those things and used every last braincell i had in order to make those pictures move bros
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fun fact. ive never animated hair like this before. or in any complex manner really. i had to use sooo much brain here... heres how it started vs. how it ended up
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had my animator gf hype me up thru the whole thing... i was having a great time based on the filenames alone
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aaaand then ummmm i edited it. i learned after effects like 1 month ago. never touched it before. i learned it for internship purposes and then used my newfound powers for evil it seems
i split the whole thing up into multiple compositions of course, but i probably could have split things up more... im sorry for having 84 layers on comp 3 its not my fault
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editing a video in 12 fps was a fun change though -- very easy for my brain to go frame-by-frame, and yet still some of the timing ended up being off... tis the goomy way
like i said before, i started editing when i barely had half the drawings done, but seeing it all start to be in motion really pushed me to finish it up. and i mean Really. like i finished the whole thing maybe 48 hours after i first started editing.
and...i think that's it? i do a lot of discord art streaming to friends lately but i kinda kept this one more under wraps compared to usual, i think i just wanted to surprise everyone... look guys i remembered how to make a video! and it's three minutes! waow
sorry if this is way more than you asked for LMAO
also, the AMV hit 5k views on youtube today! ive never had a video do well like that so quickly! thank you!!
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anisespice · 9 days
can i request hanma w reader who has abandonment issues? if you don’t write for that kind of topic it’s fine!!(:
take care!!<33
of course! thank u for the request anon, sorry for the delay <3 had to do some more research into the topic, and brush up on my hanma lol hope you enjoy :)) !!
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pairing: hanma x gn!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI, crude jokes, violence, cringy/cornball behavior lol and hanma gets his own warning, not proof read, sorry for any errors!! and i think that’s it :)
notes: SO SORRY FOR TAKING LITERALLY A WHOLE YEAR TO MAKE THIS ANON, i wanted to do a little bit of research on the topic (ended up learning a little about myself LMAO) but it’s finally done! i’m happy with how it turned out, and i figured this format would work perfectly, so i hope you enjoy!! <333
tagged: @fantasycantasy , @illegalspacecow, @captaincyberqueen
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I struggled with the idea of how Hanma would be like with someone with abandonment issues/anxious attachment. At first, I figured he’d be the absolute worst in terms of handling someone with such an intense need for validation and reassurance, but after some further contemplation I realized how he’d be the absolute best—To the most unhealthily healthy degree, if that makes sense. Let me explain:
“yo, who’s blowing up your phone?”
“jeez, your s/o again? talk about excessive”
“couldn’t be me, bro. if i was you, i’d set a boundary-”
hanma wouldn’t miss a beat by giving them a dangerous grin and say, “i’ll a set a boundary for your fucking teeth if you say another word about my s/o.”
then, in the same beat, he’ll answer your call with a whole different energy, like, “hey doll, my love, my sweet, my sexy” something corny like that
you’d express that he said he’d be back around 9, and it was pushing 9:30…
he’d chuckle fondly, “aw, you miss me that bad? you’re obsessed, doll, it’s adorable.~”
the guys with him would watch in shock as the usually violent, and quick to annoyance, shuji hanma was…understanding? patient??
i hc hanma to be so so so patient with you whenever you get that intense clingy feeling, or talk yourself into thinking he’s sick of you and your neediness
homie WANTS you to want him
even to an unhealthy attached degree, sign him up, yes ma’am, yes ham, yes turkey
if you do get into those moods of feeling like he’ll leave you, TRUST that he’s gonna feed into it just a little bit (he’s a bit of a sadistic bastard) only to shower you with every possible reassurance until you are drowning in him him HIM
“why you cryin’, hm? i said i’ll be back, what, you think i’ll just up and leave? never come back?”
“hm, maybe i should do that, make you miss me a little more, yeah?”
but, once he sees you’re really torn up about the thought, he’d gather you in his arms with a small, teasing grin, kissing your tears away and telling you how silly you’re being
“baby, i’d rather get shot in both of my legs than ever think of leaving you”
“you couldn’t get rid of me even if you begged”
“no more cryin’, kay? i hate seeing you cry…unless it’s for different reasons” he’d suggest, earning a weak hit to his arm for being a pervert
he’d snigger, holding you up until your legs wrapped around his waist, “how bout you just come with me then, hm?”
he’s not perfect, far from it, but he tries
he’ll tease, and poke, and push but he always has his moments where he takes your situation deathly serious
let someone talk shit about you in anyway, whether it’s about how you need to touch him a lot, or constantly text/call just to hear his voice, or accuse him of this that and the third, just let someone TRY it and he finds out about it
“man, i don’t know how he puts up with them”
“yeah, his s/o clearly has some issues..”
“god forbid he’s gone for more than ten minutes, it’s like they’re some kind of parasite-“
the air in the room shifts DRASTICALLY when they eventually notice hanma standing there, with you at his side looking more than upset
how long he’d been there didn’t matter…the damage was done as soon as those idiots spoke your name
if looks could kill, they’d be playing uno w the devil right about now and losing
hanma looked rather calm. but his eyes told a different story as the gold shined bright with malicious intent
he slowly grinned, tilting his head “oh? don’t stop on our account. keep talkin’. i wanna know what else you think.”
none dared to even blink
you sniffled, embarrassed, ready to bolt out of there, but hanma’s grip on your hand doesn’t falter, merely pulling you closer as he rested his chin on your head
you wiggled for a moment, but hanma wasn’t letting you go anywhere
he called out your name, making you stop as he turned you in his hold to have you look him in the eye
“stay right here. i want you to see just how much i love you. my little parasite.~”
hanma had you stand there and witness what happens whenever someone dares to speak on you and your relationship, solidifying his devotion and loyalty to you and you only
as those guys laid in a pool of their own blood, hanma still took the time to shower you in love and his undivided attention
he’d wipe your tears with bloodstained hands and kiss you hard on the mouth
“you’ll never be too much for me, [_____].”
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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zeondraws · 29 days
Ok, Fellas, so today was wild
I'm at Gamescom atm and a week before this I tried to make a small plan for myself. Mostly because I had gotten such a big interest for the game, I wanted to see if I can meet anyone at the event.
After having had a big hurdle while trying to reenter the business area, I was able to go back and meet someone from the Chinese Room (I met two today). Which was wild for me, didn't think with this sudden interest in the game that I was able to meet someone from the team who worked on the game so soon.
I told them how I struggle to find interests in most games since those usually don't speak to me, but Still Wakes The Deep suddenly caught my attention. Where I ended up researching a bunch to find hidden details or eastereggs, looking through the game files and replaying the game to further understand the story.
I only had a small window to ask a bunch of questions, I sadly couldn't ask silly questions like "Does Muir look like a Bagpipe?" or ask some Questions about Caz.
Before the meeting I asked people on the discord server if they wanted to know anything. So I tried to take the questions I had for the moment and get through them XD
I did tell them how there is a small community on tumblr/discord where we gather. And that I asked some folk for questions I should ask.
Ok these are big spoilers, at least some suprised me, quite a bunch if them are of course about Muir and Innes.
I hope I remember everything properly that he told me, I immediately wrote everything down on discord for the others to read, but figured making a tumblr post will be good as well.
Quite a lot of people asked about the VA of Innes, apparently they forgot to include him in the credits which made them feel extremely bad, even apologising to them. I can definitely understand how that must feel, I think I'd melt away. They'd fix it in the next patch, I can't check if it's already fixed atm.
At the very end of our chat, while shaking hands, I asked if Innes is bald. And the answer was "*laughs* yes".
Now I clearly asked this one as a joke, because I found it funny to tell the others on discord, however I very much support luscious hair Innes that many are drawing.
I explained to them how I've been researching some stuff in the game. And figured out, that Muir must've died around the time when Caz flooded the Forward Pontoon in Marine Control. So I asked if that's possible to be the time when it actually happend- and they did confirm this! I was surprised that I got that on point.
But I got some further details about this, apparently they wanted to showcase how Muir would've died there.
Basically, once Caz flooded the Forward Pontoon, you would've seen Muir outside loosing his grip out in the deck and getting crushed under debris.
Which was so painful for me to imagine, to see Muir outside, walking on his tendrils and suddenly not being able to keep his balance.
I tried illustrating how I roughly imagine this scene, it ain't perfect, but maybe it helps everyone to visualise it.
The Flooding shifted the entire rig and debris fell onto him.
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To have some sense where everything is, Accommodation Roof (where you find Roy) is on the left side, if you look at the rig from the Derrick entrance. And Marine Control should be on the right side.
The thing is Marine Control is facing the ocean (if I remember correctly, I hope I do, I'm currently not home to check), so you couldn't take a look at the derick while Caz does the thing. Which basically made them remove this and hid Muir nearby the Derrick for players to find. And I told him how I replayed the game and saw Muir lay there with Innes, it was 6AM and I just sat there like O-O
Muir & Innes:
A burning question for many was, what their relationship is. And they told me it's more like a father son relationship, saying how Innes is very strict to Muir.
Muir is the younger one of the two and also likes to tease Innes a bunch (so the pipe thing is one of his many shenanigans he'd do)
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Here we see a wild Muir in his natural habitat about to prank his friend (caught in 4k) (I almost died) (look at him plotting).
Now, I could not forget to mention that the fandom decided to ship Muir and Innes and wanted to see their reaction. They took it with a smile and just talked about their complex relationship again. Which I found cool to hear.
I sadly don't remember every small detail of the convo, since I wanted to make sure that I was able to ask all the questions people wrote on discord.
Brodie & Raffs:
This was a surprise to hear, which also made me very sad. Brodie was also like a father for Raffs, he knew his mother too.
And apparently Brodie was supposed to tell Raffs mother incase anything happened to him. So that she can feel better knowing Raffs died quickly and without much pain. Which is just... I'm in shambles. sobbing
Some folk wanted to know if he had an actual model, to which the person answered with yes. They planned to show him at some point, but decided that the player should see Trots firstly.
I also randomly asked if the Gibbo model ingame was a part of Addairs model (judging by the game files), if I remember correctly he nodded.
I hope we get to see it in the artbook, I preordered it but forgor to tell him that. But it's okay.
I sadly don't remember everything here, I had to check discord for the questions (I hope I don't say anything wrong), but with Gibbo they focused more on the sound design and the mystery. And I think in the end it worked out perfectly.
They implanted a bunch of eastern eggs into the game, the art director even said he's still finding new ones to this day.
He mentioned the pictures shown in various areas and mentioned that he inserted pictures of his family and cousins etc.
Also the Kid inside the TV in the Crew Lounge? That's the Art Director as a kid! Whaaaaaaaa- Didn't know this one for sure.
And another random thing, I showed him the meme that @cazrig made. Because I inserted it inside my piece of fanart. I sadly couldn't show him more memes of the community because I forgor/no time. The memes Robin made are also comedy gold.
It was this one (I keep dying of laughter)
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He found it very funny, so did the other person I showed it to.
But he also talked about how worried he was how the game would be perceived in the end. Since it came out extremely close to the release date of the new Elden Ring DLC. And having worked on it for so long they didn't know how the reactions would be.
But were positively surprised how well it was perceived, people playing the game, tears being shed and so on.
Okay that took me ages to write, I just wanted to have it all inside a tumblr post. Otherwise I may forget stuff if it's scattered on discord.
The event day turned out well for me today. I was so worried, that my tiny plan wouldn't work yesterday. But somehow I had some luck on my side.
After I got home I added his signature to my physical copy. I also made myself a small card with my artwork for it. I also gave them a small card and a big printed version of the fanart as well.
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Thank you John!
I go sleep now, tomorrow is another gamescom day
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Ex-Husband Negan Part 4
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Warnings: Negan is a total asshole, possibly even a cheater.
When I woke up, it was still quite dim in the bedroom. My first glance went to the clock on my bedside table. It was only shortly after 5 am. Yawning, I turned to the other side and noticed that the spot next to me was empty. It was only then that I heard quite distressed voices. It seemed to be coming from the garden. Quickly, I gathered my sleep-drunk thoughts, got up, and hurriedly gathered my things together, after all, I was still completely naked. So, I got dressed. Then I rushed down the stairs to get to the situation that was unfolding on my property.
From a distance, I saw David, the poor guy, desperately clinging to the plant trellis on the exterior wall and looking up at Negan, while our older daughter, from the open window of her room, looked down at us.
"What's going on here?" I burst into the situation.
"Oh, nothing, I'm just eagerly waiting for my buddy David here. I would be delighted if he would finally come down and we could have a chat, man to man... about manners and morals!" Negan replied amusedly.
"Dad, just leave David alone...." pleaded my daughter as she leaned out of the window.
"Sweetheart, he should have just left you alone, then he wouldn't be in this situation now..." Negan said with a grin on his face.
This idiot really seemed to enjoy intimidating our daughter's friend.
Gracie looked desperately at me, "Mom, what's all this about? What is Dad even still doing here?"
"Darling, your father just had a bit too much wine last night to..." I tried to explain, but immediately my ex-husband butted into the conversation again.
"What do you think your position is? Your mother and I are adults, where and how we spend the night is none of your damn business, young lady...."
As soon as he finished the sentence, David couldn't hold on any longer and slid down the last few meters of the wall. He seemed to have survived the fall uninjured, now I could only hope that he would fare the same in the confrontation with Negan. After all, the father of my children was certainly not gentle in such matters.
18 years ago
I sat on the couch with a tub of ice cream, stroking my already quite noticeable bump. Negan had reentered my life about a year ago, and since then, my world had been turned upside down.
I had rushed back to my hometown for him, we had married shortly thereafter, and for the past 5 months, we had known that we were expecting a child.
Everything had happened so quickly that I could barely believe it myself sometimes.
While I watched a cheesy romance movie, Negan had been holed up in the garage for hours, tinkering with his motorcycle.
'I didn't imagine our evenings together like this,' I whispered to my bump and grinned when I felt a gentle movement inside me in agreement.
At that moment, my husband came into the house and was about to pass me unnoticed, but I called him back. "Our little one is very active right now...."
He immediately stopped and turned to me, excited. "I'll just go wash my hands...."
All his fingers were still covered in motor oil, but I was so full of happiness hormones that I didn't care.
"No, you have to hurry...."
So he came quickly towards me. I took his hand and placed it where I had just felt our daughter. Expectantly, he looked at me, and we dared to barely breathe. When he really felt a little pressure against his palm, he beamed so much that I fell even more in love with this man at that moment. I grinned from ear to ear, and so did he.
Tentatively, he tried to follow her movements, and he managed to feel them a few more times. It was the first time he had felt her so clearly, and this moment was just perfect. In that moment, I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful than having a child with this man.
"Do you notice, our daughter wants your attention, just like her mother...." I said somewhat defiantly.
Negan first gave me a gentle, brief kiss on my bump and then on my lips.
"Tomorrow we'll do something nice together. I promise! But you know, today Simon is celebrating his birthday with the guys at the pub!" he said, looking at his golden wristwatch.
"Um, no, I didn't know that...." I said, confused.
I was more than sure that he hadn't mentioned it at all. Like so many things! And the fact that he wouldn't be with me again tonight not only made me sad but also slowly made me quite angry.
He resignedly leaned against the back of the couch. "But I told you, my favorite. All those pregnancy hormones are making you quite forgetful...." He provocatively booped my nose.
Annoyed that he was now claiming something so ridiculous, I looked at him irritated. But Negan didn't seem to be bothered by it at all; instead, he just gave me a kiss on the forehead and disappeared towards the bathroom to get ready for the evening.
At some point, I must have fallen asleep in front of the TV, and I woke up when the phone rang. I struggled to get up. If it was this difficult now, how would it be in a few weeks?
A glance at the clock told me it was 7 am. Surprised by who would be calling at such an hour, I picked up the receiver, "Hello?"
"Hey, my beautiful, did I wake you up? ... Listen, don't get mad, but you have to pick me up from the police station..." Negan spoke somewhat slurred on the other end.
I was instantly wide awake. Did he really just say that?
"What? Where?" I asked, shocked.
"It's all just a big misunderstanding. I'll explain it to you calmly when we get home," he tried to reassure me.
"Negan, this can't be serious..." I said more to myself than to him.
As soon as I hung up the phone, I grabbed my bag and quickly combed my hair before leaving.
That jerk, what had he gotten himself into now?
When I arrived at the station, I was about to approach the lady at the front desk when my husband, accompanied by an officer, was escorted outside at the same moment.
When he saw me, he looked at me with his drunken, glassy-eyed look and had a gash above his eye.
He came straight to me, and I turned to the side as he tried to kiss me, so he only caught my cheek.
"Can we go?" I asked as neutrally as possible, and Negan nodded apologetically. So I quickly made my way to the car, and he followed behind me.
As soon as we sat in the car, it immediately smelled like a pub. The stench of smoke and stale beer was almost unbearable for my currently very sensitive stomach. But there was another smell mixed in, one that worried me much more. Since I was pregnant, my sense of smell had become very sensitive, and I immediately noticed the cheap women's perfume clinging to Negan's skin.
"Can you explain to me what the hell happened?" I tried to ask as calmly as possible, starting the engine.
"Oh, you know, it was just a simple altercation between two guys. I couldn't have known that the guy who provoked me was a notorious pimp, and the cops think I'm involved in his shady dealings. You have to have some bad luck for that, right? Luckily, I was able to clear up the whole thing..." he laughed as if he was telling a joke and then, as if it was the most natural thing, placed his hand on my thigh.
I wordlessly pushed it away. "And this simple altercation didn't happen to involve a hooker by any chance?" I asked directly.
We stopped at a red light, and I looked into his eyes, so trusting and green-brown.
"Baby, sorry for my language, but why on earth would you think something so stupid? Do I look like a man who has anything to do with hookers? Come on..." he said, without batting an eyelid.
I briefly considered whether I should address the perfume smell, but I didn't have the strength for it. Not the strength for another lie from his mouth. All I wanted was for things to work between us. Somehow. For the baby. For me. And also, to prove to all the others who didn't believe in us.
When we got home, I went silently to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Negan undressed next to me as if it were the most natural thing and wanted to lie down next to me.
"At least go shower, damn it!" I said, annoyed.
When he disappeared into the bathroom, I let myself fall back and stared at the ceiling. I stroked my bump and felt the tears welling up. When I heard Negan turn off the shower, I quickly wiped them away. He shouldn't see that I had been crying. I felt him come back into the bedroom, but I didn't have the strength to look at him. The mattress moved as he sat down. When I felt his hand on my bump, I involuntarily flinched.
"Hey, my little one, your daddy isn't as big of an ass as your mom might have told you! Okay, maybe he's not perfect, but he loves you two more than anything in the world...." he whispered softly.
As soon as he spoke those words, our daughter became active in my belly again and started kicking. I couldn't help but smile and reached for Negan's hand, placing it directly on the spot.
He then said, "Do you feel that, our daughter wants your attention, just like her mother..."
I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to bond with our unborn child. Despite everything, there was a sense of warmth and tenderness in his words that I found endearing.
As the evening progressed, Negan's absence due to Simon's birthday celebration became more apparent. I found myself feeling lonely and isolated, wondering where our relationship was headed.
When Negan finally returned home, there was tension between us. His actions and explanations didn't sit right with me, and I struggled to trust him fully.
As we lay in bed, the weight of the day's events settled on me. I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease and uncertainty about our future.
Negan's attempt to reach out and connect with our daughter felt bittersweet. It was a reminder of the complexities of our relationship and the challenges we faced as a couple.
Despite the love I still held for him, doubts lingered in my mind. The events of that day had cast a shadow over our fragile bond, leaving me questioning whether we could overcome the obstacles ahead.
As we lay there in the dim light of the bedroom, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us. The road ahead seemed uncertain, filled with twists and turns that would test us in ways we had never imagined.
But in that moment, as our daughter kicked and squirmed in my belly, I found a glimmer of hope. A spark of resilience that whispered of the possibility of a brighter tomorrow, where love would prevail and our family would find its way back to each other.
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madi-writes-things · 5 months
Nobody Pt. 4
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,332
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), fluff, PDA, fake dating chaos, mention of cramps and throwing up because of the pain, bad sex joke, use of emojis (I have no clue how else to explain the exact reactions other than the emojis), drinking/being drunk (I’ve never been drunk, so forgive me if my portrayal is off), Not Edited
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve literally been locked in my room for two weeks with no motivation. I really hope that y’all like this chapter. I’m also hoping to work on some other stuff coming up soon. 😁
-Madi <3
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Nick and Matt stood at the island as me and Chris walked into the kitchen. I caught Nick’s eye as I set down enough food to feed a small militia. He just stares.
Matt hits him in the shoulder, prompting him to give him a dirty look before speaking. “I’m sorry…” He looked like he wasn’t sure what all he needed to apologize for. “I’m sorry that I punched you” he nodded toward Chris. “I’m sorry that I made you cry, I feel really bad about that.” He averts his eyes, and I think I see a small glint of shame.
I physically can’t stay mad at him, and I make it very obvious when I envelop him into a rib crushing hug. He whispers a small thank you in my ear before I walk back to the other side of the island to unpack the food. As I start unpacking breakfast I feel arms wrap around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder.
I freeze up, and Chris mumbles a quick “is this okay?” Into my hair. I look around realizing that Matt and Nick don’t even notice, much too invested in their food to care. I nod my head, trying to will the rosy shade to leave my face.
I’m failing miserably.
after breakfast me and Chris went upstairs to watch a movie in his room. Matt was quick to respond in the worst way possible.
“Sock that wang before you bang… and please be quiet, I don’t want to hear my brother doin it”
Y/N: 😨
Chris: 😮
Nick: 😟
Matt: 😁
needless to say, me and Chris practically teleported upstairs and away from that mortifying experience. We enter his room in a fit of laughter, practically collapsing onto the bed.
After a second I noticed that Chris had stopped laughing… his laughter is addictive, and I already missed it. I turned to see him staring at me with a look in his blue eyes that I couldn’t quite grasp. He looked happy and sad and something else all at once.
“What?” I giggled as I said it, still thinking about what Matt said only a few minutes earlier.
“are you doing okay?” This question again… I never know what to say when people ask me that. Right now I’m doing great… but in 30 minutes, or a week, or even a month I might break down again.
that’s never the answer that people want. They want something simple, yes or no. He stares at me patiently waiting for my response, it makes me feel bad for not having one.
“I’m okay right now…” he gives me a quick nod before speaking again.
“Okay, will you tell me when you aren’t doing good?” Why is he offering this, he doesn’t want to deal with me. “You need a safe space, and you clearly aren’t going to tell Nick. Let me be your safe space.”
With that we got comfy on his bed and found a movie.
things carried on like this for months.
doing good.
going down.
running to Chris.
he was always so sweet and caring. He would hold me while I cried Myself to sleep, he would walk me home early from an event if I wanted to leave, he would hold my hair back and get me a heating pad when my cramps got bad… no matter what, he was there. He had also started being more touchy in public, leaning into the fake relationship for those around us. It made me feel things that I tried to avoid for years.
I think I hate him… how DARE he make me fall in love with him, knowing that none of this is real. How dare he kiss me at parties, and hold me during movie nights, and make me feel safe when none of it is real for him.
“you okay baby?” He snaps me out of my thoughts with the use of his new favorite nickname for me. I melt when he calls me his baby, unfortunately a small part of me also dies inside every time I hear it.
“yeah, just a little tired.” We’ve been at this party for like three hours, and I haven’t even touched my drink. When Chris is tipsy he get more brave with his PDA, I don’t want to risk forgetting a single moment where he is touching me.
“do you want to walk home?” He doesn’t want to leave, he shouldn’t have to leave because I’m sad that he doesn’t love me.
“no. we should stay, you’re having fun. I’m actually going to go get a drink, maybe it will make me feel better.” He looks at me for a second before letting go of my hip, allowing me to grab a drink.
How did I get here?
It’s like one second I was listening to Chris tell a story, and now I’m dancing to some annoying pop song. I need to find Chris, I definitely had a few too many drinks.
I stumbled around for a minute, everything is spinning and making me want to throw up. I don’t know if I can walk all the way home, but I don’t want to make all of them leave early. I grab my phone in an attempt to call Chris, but by the time he picks up I’ve forgotten what I was doing.
Chris’s POV
I look down at my phone to see that Y/N is calling me, and it makes me a little worried. I pick the phone up to my ear, trying to head over the sounds of music and talking. I don’t hear her, only making me more worried.
She almost never drinks, because she has a very low tolerance. Last time I saw her, she was already three drinks in and proclaiming her love for the song that was on.
That was an hour ago.
I quickly scour the crowd in an attempt to find her face. And when I do my heart drops.
There she is in her skin tight jeans and corset top, looking lost with tears in her eyes. I rush to her side, immediately pulling the drink from her hand. She looks like she’s about to start crying.
“hey baby, can you look at me please?” When I say that she starts crying and she doesn’t seem like she’s stopping any time soon. “Hey, it’s okay. Do you want to find somewhere quiet so that you can sit down for a minute?” She nods her head aggressively before stumbling towards the bedroom of whoever is hosting.
The Golden Trio
From: Chris
can y’all meet me in the master bedroom, Y/N is really drunk and needs to go home.
From: Nicky Bo Bicky
for sure, I’ll bring some water for her.
I turned to Y/N, she looked out of it. Then all of a sudden life came back to her eyes in the worst way possible. She almost fell down in her attempt to get to the bathroom.
“it’s okay baby” I whispered sweet nothings to her as I held her hair and rubbed her back. Nick and Matt showed up shortly after she finished dry heaving, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drink anything as fast as she drank that water.
If I thought it was a hassle trying to get her in the car, I had no clue how hard it would be to get her up a flight of stairs. She giggled as I picked her up bridal style… it made me so happy to hear her laughing.
once she got into more comfortable clothes, she fell asleep in no time.
as she held onto me and nuzzled into my side, my heart shattered. All I want is for her to be happy, but I know that I can’t fix everything. I kiss her on the forehead before rolling over and going to sleep.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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bridgetotheskyyy · 1 year
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summary: Deidara meets a superfan
warnings: Smut, 18+, rough sex, choking, pool sex, reader has a bit of a description, reader is complex, mentions of killing
word count: 6.9k
a/n: I had this idea shortly after conceptualizing Apprentice and while I was, like 70 or 80% done with that fic. And now we have this fucking 7k monster. I consider this to be a spiritual successor to Apprentice, maybe a oppositional series of events even? Idk, you decide lol. There are even some similar words and wordy allusions that you may catch haha. Hope you enjoy!
read on ao3 here. (recommended for extra notes)
Kisame’s wicked cackles reverberated across the cavern walls, summoned from the pit of his stomach; Deidara was sure he would pass out sooner rather than later. 
“It seems,” Pain began, eyeing the sculpture in the center of the room, “you have an admirer, Deidara.” 
Deidara’s brow twitched as a blush snuck across his face. His eyes roved over the sculpture ― the naked sculpture.
Tobi threw up his hands in laudation. “It’s so pretty! ”
Kisame laughed harder ― if it was possible. 
“I have taken it upon myself to apologize to (Y/n),” Pain continued over the cackling. “She’s one of our main contributors, after all; we would be amiss to upset her.” 
“When …” Deidara’s brow held a life of its own, “... did she send this?”
“No clue; I had Kisame retrieve it,” Pain explained. “Apparently, we sent the wrong member to entertain her.”
Kisame’s hand hugged the wall. “You’re damn right! ” 
It was as subtle a joke as could be achieved by Pain and it still wasn’t funny. Deidara’s eyes had not once left the sculpture since Pain had signaled for his attendance, saying it was of the utmost importance he appeared. One arm yawned out to the sky while the other snaked around and brushed against the meat of the breasts ― your breasts. One leg stuck out before the other, the fat of the thigh attached concealing the womanhood. 
Your womanhood. 
Both futile attempts to afford the piece some decency. Futile, Deidara guessed, was the point. It was coquetry. A shameless attempt at flirtation on your part. 
And just in case Deidara was too dense to get the message, you’d taken it upon yourself to leave him one, attached to the foot of the sculpture’s dais:
Hello! Please deliver to Deidara. Thank you.  
It even had a smiley face after the period.
Deidara balled his fist. 
What. The. Fuck.
“(Y/n) must be an incredibly beautiful woman!” Tobi admired the piece with fascination, a sparkling heart encasing his eyehole. “Look at the face, and the hips, and the feet ― ”
“Tobi!” Deidara was beet red. “Shut the hell up!” 
“Deidara,” Pain spoke again, unfazed by the cacophony. “I’m sure you’ll be undertaking a journey west? Since (Y/n) has clearly requested you specifically.”
Deidara’s eyes yo-yoed between their leader and the monstrosity of the naked sculpture. He debated it. Of course, all while fantasizing about shoving explosives down the laughing fishman’s throat and turning him into a pile of sardines. 
Tobi can taste one himself, while I’m at it.  
“What?” Irritation bit Deidara’s tone. “We’re fucking prostitutes now?” 
Pain raised holographic brows. “If it ensures peace, then yes.”
Deidara’s mouth dropped. The audacity of it all. How much was he expected to take? 
“We’re waiting, Deidara.”
A pause. He was no fool. This wasn’t a request, it was an expectation. 
“Fine,” Deidara sighed irritably. “I’ll go, all right?”
“You better,” Kisame said, at last recovering from his fit. “Better get those high heels out and start walking the streets, too!”
Deidara was ready to draw blood ― 
“No need to be crude, Kisame,” Pain’s backdropped against another fit of raucous laughter. 
Says the man who puts a naked STATUE in the room.
“ Honestly, ” Kakuzu spat. “Do the rest of us have to be here for this?” 
“I second that!” Hidan said with relief, “Finally, something we can agree on. ”
“Of course,” Pain said. “You were here in the event Deidara tried to refuse.”
Deidara ignored them all. He gave the sculpture one more scan before swallowing dry and awaiting the end of the call. He could not believe your gall. You were so … brazen . A simple love letter couldn’t have sufficed? No? A naked ― What the fuck was the matter with you?
Still, he was … intrigued. Curiosity was a hooking finger, beckoning him forth. Was that really … your body? Your lips? Your thighs? Your …
Deidara swallowed dry again, his tongue sticking to the top of his palate.
He’d go to the village and put an end to your games. 
And maybe …
He wouldn’t let himself go there ― even if his treacherous mind was wandering already.
You sat in your museum of sculptures, head tilted up against the gods you had crafted.
The door creaked open.
“I just received Pain’s crow,” your assistant’s voice rang. “Deidara should arrive in another day or so.” 
Stars were in your eyes but you kept your back to her. “Great!”
Your grand plan relied on whether or not Pain, mysterious leader of the Akatsuki, was morally bankrupt enough to hoe out his members. At any point you could’ve been rejected with your sculpture returned swiftly to you. But it worked. You were thrilled. The first part of the plan had succeeded. 
You were going to see him again.
Your assistant’s footsteps tapped repeatedly over the polish floors upon which you now sat. 
“Hmm.” Doubt deflated some of your enthusiasm. “Do you think it was effective enough? You know, for him?”
Your assistant huffed incredulously. “What? Just because Deidara’s a shinobi means he’s immune to pussy? C’mon. You’re not one of those types that thinks all shinobi are noble and stone-faced, are you, (Y/n)-sama?”
  As if. You guffawed. Nobility wasn’t the issue; hundreds of people scoured the red light districts for carnal game. You told your assistant as such. 
“At least seventy percent are shinobi searching for quick thrills,” You joked. “If my math’s correct, anyway. It could be higher. And I know any one of them would be more than happy if a girl simply threw herself at them without need for reimbursement. But still …” You trailed, gaze tailing down the hardened clay of a kimono-garbed sculpture. “I only wondered. It’s been a long time since … I don’t know how dedicated he is to his little terrorist group, is all. He might not be as amused.”
“You answered your own question, ma’am,” your assistant said. “And even if he wasn’t a shinobi, he’s a man. It’ll go down without a hitch! You worry too much.”
You nodded. She was right: despite the years, you wanted to speak to Deidara in his language. Art. How could he resist such an enticement? How could any man, but especially Deidara, due to the manner in which you had sent your little gift. “Okay. Part one of the plan: Complete!”
“What’s the rest of the plan exactly?” You heard the pat, pat, pat and knew from your many years with your assistant that she was thumping her clipboard against her head. “Dinner? Walk on the beach? Or just … Fucking?”
Your smile was evil. “Yes.” 
You held Deidara in your mind’s palm. Blonde hair, gorgeous face .. . One of the most admired artists in Iwakagure ― no, the most. For  could rival Deidara? Even your knees wobbled in the face of his raw talent, even years later. He was still revered in the art community. Of course, his name grew to possess more notoriety than reverence when he started blowing up things ― and people. But, hey everyone was flawed. 
It was only when he went rogue and abandoned the village did you start your own search for him. Years passed and then … reports of a long-haired, blonde shinobi with profound arsonry acuity. Rogue. Affinity for birds.
Your giggle was shamelessly girlish. “I’d love to woo him.”
Your assistant chuckled. “Aaand you’re not the slightest bit afraid of him? I mean, with all respect, (Y/n)-sama, he’s a criminal. He’s an arsonist. ” 
You licked your lips. “Love me a bad boy.”
“Right,” she said with a chuckle. “Forget I said anything.” 
“I will. Now, let’s get ready.”
“We’re going to see the girl with the pretty feet, aren’t we, Senpai?” 
“I told you to shut your mouth, Tobi.” 
Deidara’s taller partner buoyed from foot to foot as he tailed behind. Deidara didn’t want to think about your body ― your incredibly artful body, artful in more ways than one … 
The sun crept from the sky as it vivified the color of peachskin. Deidara’s eyes darted hither-thither, collecting information. It was all he could do to not summon one of his explosive birds and fly over this entire, forgotten village. The urge to set it ablaze and go home was immense. A part of him had wanted to make such an entrance, but prudency would never allow it. 
Nor would Leader.
Deidara turned back to Tobi just in time to see him pose, a hand visoring his visible eye while the other landed on his hip. 
“Leader said the pretty naked lady would have someone waiting for us,” Tobi said. 
“Hm,” Deidara said. It was true; they would wait for someone to escort them to you. Until then, they remained lost in one of the village’s districts. The streets were alive with noise and peopled with busy folk. Deidara could tell the amount of businesses actually open were sparse.  Pain had called you one of their main contributors … She must be a big wig to have people doing her dirty work for her. Just who were you? And how were you so familiar with him to send such a thing to the Akatsuki headquarters? 
And if you were so rich, why did you squalor in the dirt with the likes of those in this village?
Thoughts bubbled in the back of Deidara’s mind― 
“Hey …!” 
Outside of a food stall a woman eyed them, holding a curtain back with manicured nails.
Bingo . 
“Tobi,” Deidara gestured. “C’mon.” 
“Okay, senpai!” 
Deidara neared the food stall.
The woman ticked her head to the side with a smile. “Enjoy your gift?”
Pink colored Deidara’s cheeks.
“So, you’re escorting us, right?”
The woman backed away to admit them into the food stall, where the people inside, dining on bowls of ramen and mackerel were too engrossed in their meals to notice the cloaked men enter. 
“You got me,” she winked. “C’mon.”
The woman led them behind the bar, where they slinked through the backdoor into the alley. 
“Don’t need anyone asking questions about the cloaks,” she reasoned. “Surprised you didn’t think of that, Oh Great Deidara of Iwakagure.”
“Of course I did!” Deidara said. “I look stupid to you?”
“No,” the woman’s eyes roamed on Deidara now. “You look cute . My mistress really didn’t lie …” 
Deidara averted his gaze as the woman snickered. Tobi gawked. 
“Does lady think Tobi’s cute, too?” 
“Uh,” she blinked. “Sure.” 
Tobi twirled with a squeal. Deidara rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever,” Deidara said. “Just take us to meet her, all right?”
“Sure …” the woman said. 
They traveled through as street lights blared to life, the sky a bruising purple as evening descended.
“I only wanted us in there to help us blend in a bit,” she guided them through the streets. “I hope it wasn’t too troublesome getting here.” 
“We can care for ourselves,” Deidara said, prickly. 
“You don’t have to be so defensive,” the woman said. “I’m just making conversation.”
“I said don’t worry about it,” Deidara snapped. “So … who is this woman? This mistress of yours?” 
“I’m one of her many assistants, yeah,” the woman said, leading them down a dark street, made darker by the light of day dying faster. “I started working for her years ago. I was so amazed by her art and so intimidated by her talent, I didn’t think she’d accept me. But, surprise surprise.”
“Yeah? So how she so rich? She sell her art?”
“Exactly! People come from all over the world to see her exhibits. She brings so much tourism to this ragtag village. She doesn’t even keep her wealth to herself; she donates so much. She should be much richer than she is! She’s a saint, really.”
So she donates to the Akatsuki, the deadpan of the thought laid flat in his mind. Deidara was silent, tailing shortly behind her. Some saint.
“You called me Deidara of Iwakagure.”
“ … Yes, I suppose I did.”
“So … Your mistress … she knows where I’m from.”
The woman was silent now as she led Deidara and Tobi down street steps to a quieter street, nearly bereft of people beside the occasional deadbeat smoker. 
“She from there, too?” 
Deidara went unanswered. 
Hm, so I’m on to something, Deidara noticed the buildings growing taller, treeing up as the raucous of the village slipped away. They traveled further south. Maybe Pain’s got this wrong; maybe this girl’s a fucking black widow and wants revenge on me for something. Figures, he’s sure he’s broken a few hearts in the past he’d long since forgotten about. But then … Why would she donate so much money to our organization? She clearly believes in it.
“We’re here,” the woman-assistant said.
Deidara raised his head ― and kept raising it. 
Shit . 
The mansion was immaculate, easily the tallest of all of its sisters. Its main building was flanked by towers with onioned tips and was encased in a giant garden, all of it shielded by a surrounding wall. 
Deidara stared, bug-eyed.
The doors to the gate’s entrance burst open and a gaggle of girls filed through. 
“They’re here ―!” 
“Ooh~! there’s two of ‘em!” 
“Mistress will be so pleased!” 
Girls stood star-eyed at Deidara while more hugged themselves to Tobi’s arms. 
“Tobi likes pretty girls!”
“We’ll entertain the other one,” the woman-assistant said with a wink. “You just follow us.”
The woman-assistant led them in where the cult of girls drove Tobi away laughing and giggling. 
“This way,” the woman said. 
Deidara followed her, looking around. From the inside, the mansion opened up like some grand palace from myth, folkloric and mysterious. Columns shouldered the brunt of a ceiling that raised into the darkness. The floors were illustrated scenes from what Deidara recognized as actual myths. Valiant samurais rescued princesses with flaring kimonos, dragons ribboned down hallways. The scenes on the walls diverged from the ones of nobility beneath them, were lavish with depictions of wild courtesans and … 
Deidara blushed. 
Begrudgingly, he had to admit you did have taste; the art was a lot, but wove together into one cohesive masterpiece. The hallways the assistant led him down were flanked by vases winking with sheen and overflowed with bell flowers, roses, sunflowers. The hallway widened into a foyer. Something winked in Deidara’s peripheral and when he looked upward saw that the ceiling domed into a orb of glass, giving way to the first few blink of stars. 
He had entered the lion’s den for sure.
“ Deidara … ” 
The sirenic voice compelled his head to a foyer alcove where a figure shrouded the threshold. 
His eyes widened. 
(E/c) eyes glittered at him. Long legs supported swaying hips. Elegant cleavage sinking into a familiar mound of breasts. Delicate hands, hickey-worthy neck … 
And lovely ― and lovely … 
Inwardly, he sighed, defeated.
The naked sculpture colored Deidara’s memory. 
“Deidara!” You parroted in awe. Your expression shifted as you came to smolder at him. “In the flesh. And just in time for dinner.”
Your kimono waterfalled as you left the alcove. Deidara gulped, speechless as you sauntered to him.
“It ―” Deidara’s cheeks grew hot. “It really is you …” 
“It really is me …” 
Your woman-assistant's eyes tennis-balled between you and Deidara before bowing respectfully. “I’ll give you two some privacy.” 
She hurried away down a different alcove. 
Deidara shook his head in a desperate attempt to reclaim his senses. Fucking hell, Dei, get a grip.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “I ―”
“I still can’t believe you’re actually here,” You began to turn, “Let me show you ―”
“Wait, I think we should discuss monetary terms first,” Deidara said in a futile attempt to hold some ground over the woman. 
“Hm?” You blinked. “Didn’t your leader explain things to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“The money comes after the evening,” you winked at him. “Of course.” 
Pain, you fucking ― 
“Deidara …” You revered, pulling the sleeve of your kimono back over your shoulder. “Before dinner, I would love for you to see the rest of my work.” 
“Your,” Deidara deadpanned, blinking, “work?”
“Yes,” You smirked at him. “You enjoyed the piece I already had you review, I presume?” 
Deidara fought to keep things on the issue at hand, but his eyes grew preoccupied with the twinkle in yours. The sky above the two of you had plunged into a chief darkness. Candles flared to life to douse the hall in tangerine light. 
Deidara turned a blind eye to it. “Your assistant called me Deidara of Iwakagure.” 
You eyed him. “Did she …?” you said coyly. “I’m glad she didn’t try and call you anything else; she’s got a mouth on her.”
“How do you know me?” 
You shied away. Your head dipped. Deidara tried to ignore the cuteness of it all. 
Focus, damnit.
“I’m guessing you’re from Iwagakure, too?” Deidara pressed. “What are you playing at?” 
You took your time. “Yeah, Deidara, we have a village in common.” You began to walk, crossing the columns to circle him. “Do you remember the underground competitions that used to be held there?” 
“Hm,” Deidara recalled and relished in the ego trip it afforded him. Dark rooms. Rowdy spectators circled around art pieces under makeshift stage lights like cavemen around fire. It was before he left the Iwagakure, when he was still itching to engage in the village’s indie art scene before growing bored of the whole thing. “I won most of them.” 
“I used to show up early and wait for you to showcase your things,” You glazed with memory. “You were always my favorite.” 
Deidara smirked. “Hm, naturally. So you’re, what, some kind of superfan Not like I’m surprised, but …”
You thread past a column to scoop up a candle holder. 
“You could say that,” you said. I have something to show you, if you follow me.”
He obliged, curiosity hooking him with a second finger. Candle flame lit like thin clovers to ward off the darkness. The flames illuminated the sway of your hips as he trailed. The sleeve of your kimono slipped past your shoulder again, revealing the skin of your neck and shoulder pad to him …
Why am I even noticing? 
You brought him to a room hidden behind a set of rectangular doors.
“This is where I keep them.” 
You pushed the doors open with a strength Deidara wouldn’t have expected. 
Deidara entered ― and stopped.
It was a museum of art; animal pieces blazed his vision; exotic birds in flight, elegant cranes, all shaded and hued with masterful care and, if Deidara hadn’t been who he was, he wouldn’t have been able to recognize them as pieces done with clay. There were apricot-colored foxes, a dragon head amongst a dragon bust. Deidara recognized a few self sculptures in the forest of pieces. Obscure structures too abstract to be assigned to names dotted space, esoteric symbols eluding even him …
“You inspired me to create my own art,” You explained as he gawked. You inched to him and brazenly took his hand in yours.
Deidara jumped from the sudden contact and found your pretty face in the dim light. Stop … stop. A part of him wanted to summon a tongue to taste the salt on your palm. 
“It’s how I’ve made my money,” you continued as you tugged him along the aisles of work like an excited child.
“So you’re that kind of fan,” Deidara said as he recovered. And, what do you want from me?” he chuckled in disbelief, “My critique?”
“Of course.” 
He wasn’t expecting an honest answer forthright. Sincerely, he roved eyes over your work. 
“Hm, well …” he approached one, taking inventory of it head to foot. “Give me the candle.”
You obeyed.
“You’ve got a great understanding of color, I’ll give you that,” Deidara examined. “Painting can be messy, especially on clay ― and honestly so many artists use colors so … bluntly; it makes the whole thing come off as garish.”
“I’ve noticed.”
He laughed at that. “Hm! … You’ve got a great eye. And I don’t hand out compliments easily.” He raised the candle to illuminate another sculpture. “How long did this one take you?” 
“Five weeks,” You answered before chuckling somewhere behind him. “It’s funny, I sketched and re-sketched this one so many times, it was technically seven weeks.”
“A perfectionist. I like that.” 
Deidara found himself smiling. Rarely did he get to talk to someone about art or its many processes. Deidara thought of Sasori and was touched with a tinge of respect for his fallen partner. But, of course, they’re philosophies so often chafed against one another. But you … An image of him helping you craft one of your pieces came to his mind: his hands guiding yours over unsophisticated clay, paint dashing your collarbone, maybe on your lips … 
“Deidara …?”
Your voice brought him out of his thoughts, only for him to realize you were now in front of him. 
“We could talk about this more over dinner.” 
Your hands grazed his forearms and for some reason he didn’t pull away. The alluring scent of your perfume flirted up his nose. 
Deidara’s cock twitched; he kicked himself inwardly. What was he? A fucking teenage boy? He had half of a mind to shove you away, end this … whatever this was.
But none of that happened. Instead, he agreed. And, taking his hand again with fingers threaded through his, you led him out of your museum. 
You let him to the roof of one of your buildings, where moonlight bestowed diamonds over the still waters of your pool and the dinner table waited, illuminated by more candles. 
“You’re a real hot shot now, aren’t you?” Deidara said.
You blushed as he surveyed dinner. “Is it too much?” 
“Nah, if anything it’s just the artist in you dying to come out,” he shrugged. “I respect that.”
You moved to take a seat, Deidara following you. He stopped you, pulling out the chair for you. 
You sank to your chair with a mixture of surprise and thrill. “What a gentleman. ”
“Just showing my respect, is all.” 
You snapped your fingers and two waiters appeared to kneel before you, plates of food in hand. 
Deidara did a double-take. “Wow.”
The waiters displayed the food and took their leave. His favorite: bakudan.
“You think of everything, don’t you?” Deidara said.
“Hm …” he could not pretend as though he was not impressed, but he could try as he took his seat.
He remembered the art shows in Iwagakure. You were always there? Did he ever see you? Even if he had, you would’ve been little more than a nobody to him, another sycophant he rightfully deserved amongst a herd of fawns and nothing more. You’re telling me all that time … I had a groupie groupie?
“Hey,” he said. “Remember when you said you used to attend my showcases.”
You lowered your fork to raise your brows. “I remember ten minutes ago, yeah.”
Deidara’s own brow twitched. Cheeky cunt . Then kicked himself; he didn’t want to think about your cunt. He watched your tongue swipe your plump lower lip ― then kicked himself again. 
“Why didn’t you ever try to talk to me?” Deidara asked. “I mean,” he leaned back in his chair, dangling his fork, “not like I needed any encouragement, even back then, but what gives? If you were such a fan ―”
“I was shy, back then …” You said. You toyed with your food. You had turned bashful, like a schoolgirl. “Still am, to be honest.”
He scoffed. “Hm! Says the woman who sends naked sculptures of herself to people.” 
You waved your fork. “What can I say? You bring out the wild girl in me,” The glint in your eye turned seductive. “Always have …”
Deidara gulped. What did that mean? You play with yourself with me in mind? Is that it?
Thinking that was another mistake;  images of you sieved into his mind. Sweet, feminine hands sinking in between the softness of your thighs, fingers grazing your wet lips to ... 
What did you smell like? Did you smell as good there as you did everywhere else? 
He shook his head. Fuck . 
“So you’re telling me,” Deidara said just to say something, “you have absolutely no issue with what I do.” 
“I don’t know,” You coquetted. “What do you do?”
“Don’t play coy . You contacted Akatsuki. You know damn well what I mean.” 
You were silent. 
“Killing people,” Deidara said. “Blowing them to smithereens. Kidnapping. The gods know what else. You’re cool with all that?”
Your manicured hand wrapped around your wine glass. You raised it, but before bringing it to your lips: 
“Birds of a feather.” 
You drank. 
“Come again?” 
You smacked your lips. “You’re not the only one who’s killed a few.” 
A pause. You set aside your drink before challenging his gaze. 
“Care to elaborate?” he asked. 
“I had an assistant once,” you began. “She told me she was desperate for a job, but you wouldn’t know by the run of her mouth. She complained, took off without warning. But then it turned out she had sticky fingers; she tried to steal one of my pieces. I’d had enough.” You leaned over the table as though you feared Deidara wouldn’t hear. “So I killed her. Used her for my piece after the last.”
“And,” Deidara swallowed, “your current girl …”
“You’ve already met her,” you said. “She’s mouthy, too ― but not to me.” 
You had killed, not only that ― encased a girl inside your work. She had wanted your art, and she had gotten her wish. 
“That’s …” Deidara trailed. “... Amazing.”
You smiled. “So, you see, I have no problem with what you do. Who am I to judge, am I right?” 
“Do the villagers judge you?”
“This village has seen enough strife for a lifetime,” You said. “I don’t think they’d mind learning about indiscretion ― especially if they knew why I killed her.”
Deidara raised an eyebrow. “So you donate bundles of cash to clear your conscience?”
“My conscience is clear,” You said. “People shouldn’t have to suffer any more than they already do. I want this village to prospect. I donate because I want to.” You popped a piece of food into your mouth. “You never answered me, by the way.”
“About what?” 
“The sculpture,” Your eyes narrowed with coquetry again, a glint especially bright and beautiful in your eye with aid from the moonlight. “Did you like it?” 
Deidara’s heart beat especially loud in his ears ― and this time he didn’t kick himself for it. 
“... Yeah,” he relented. “Yeah, I liked it.” 
“And it’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of your work, Deidara,” You raised to leave your seat. “Why don’t you show me something?” 
Deidara’s eyes widened. Far was he ever from an opportunity to flex his brilliance, especially on someone so appreciative ― so 
Enthusiasm straightened your shoulders. “Really? I mean, If you need ―”
“I don’t need anything,” he said, waving you away. “Just stand back!” 
You obeyed, eyes bright from the contagion of his excitement. So aptly memorized did he have the hand signs, Deidara didn’t care to glance at them. Instead, he watched you try to futilely follow his movements. 
Clay spilled like milk from mouths on Deidara’s hands to form into creatures before your eyes ― you blinked furiously and each time you did another creature was born; small dragons, spherical creatures with eyes, birds, and one, growing piece of clay, raising meters above the ground. It looked like a snowman to you but, knowing Deidara, it was leagues more dangerous. 
You stepped back, overwhelmed by the breadth of Deidara’s creation, Deidara’s artistry . 
One of Deidara’s clay birds flapped its wings, swerved in the air and landed gracefully on the cliff of your shoulder. 
“So,” Deidara’s smirk brightened his face and sent a throb to your nether regions, “what do you think?” 
What do I think? You pet the bird’s clay-made wing. What do I think?  
You took a step. The roof crowded with his creatures to dab white ivory among the encroaching night. 
Surely, it helped being a ninja; Deidara possessed powers you could only dream of understanding. Still. Your mouth hung agape at the amount of things he could spring alive from the literal palms of his hand. Your eyes followed up at his bigger piece, more of a monument to you than a mound of clay. 
He’s a god. A god among men. A god of art.
You startled. Some of the pieces began disappearing. They left the roof choking with smoke until only his large, snowman-like piece remained. 
“I see you’ve been stunned into silence by my art,” Deidara said. 
You didn’t reply, only began to step forward. 
“Hm!” Deidara looked away, crossed his arms. “It’s only natural, after all, to have your breath taken away by my artiste.” 
Another step. Another. 
“I’m sure our leader didn’t even tell you what I’m capable of.”
“It’s a good thing, too ―” 
You were running now. 
“It would’ve spoiled the surprise ―” 
You pounced on Deidara. He cried out but you barely heard it as the force propelled you both backward, falling hard and fast into the swimming pool. 
Bubbles spilled from Deidara’s mouth. He could feel your hands on him, somewhere, everywhere ― 
He looked to the surface of the water and swam toward it. He could not feel your hands anymore.
He came up for air, looking around for you. 
Then you emerged ― but he had no time to register it as your arms came around him. You pulled him down toward you, your lips crashing into his in a wet kiss. 
“Mm …!” 
Your tongue ran over the hard shell of his palate. Your hands held his cheeks. Your legs hooked around his waist to trap him between your thighs.
“That was ― mm ― the most ― mm ― amazing thing I’ve ever ― mm! ― seen!”
Deidara’s hands found you ― and immediately met skin; your kimono, having not been able to withstand the pull of the water, slid dangerously past your shoulders, the folds opened wide so he could feel the full cushion of your breasts against him. 
Oh, fuck.
Just as he began to play with your tongue, you broke away.
You faced him with heavy-lidded eyes, drops of water falling from your abused lips. 
“Let me make good on my promises to Pain,” Your hands hooked behind his neck. 
“Wha ― what?”
“Fuck me, Deidara,” Your voice was thick with lust. “I told him the quantity of my donation was completely dependent on how hard you fucked me. It would be an honor to be fucked by such an amazing artist!” 
That sent something to his dick. 
The surprise dissipated. He smirked. “Really …? Is that so …” 
He gripped your throat and hoisted you above him. He heard you gasp and tightened his grip, feeling the twitch of his cock in response to the  victimized sound. 
“Beg for it,” he ordered.
“ Oh … ” You whimpered. Your head fell back as Deidara’s hand served as a brace. 
He reached downward and tugged at the wet bow of your kimono. He yanked it and reveled in it coming apart to reveal the rest of you.
“ Beg. For me .”
Everything you did and had done was a plea for him, he admitted, but the idea of you begging vocally made him painfully hard. His eyes drank in your naked form still half submerged in the water. Wet tits in his face. A droplet of water fell away from a nipple. 
“Please …” came your breathless voice. “Please, fuck me ― oh … ” 
He thumbed at the tempting nipple, pert and so responsive to his touch. 
“ Nothing underneath, ” he feigned chastisement, pinching the nipple between his fingers. “Fucking slut .” 
He tightened his grip twofold and was pleasantly surprised with the moan you rewarded him with. The strict fit of his pants was becoming too much to bear. You jerked in his hold, tits jiggling in his face. 
“ Please, fuck me, Deidara!” 
Satisfied, He set you down and watched you bounce in the water before yanking you forward. He pressed his mouth against yours once again. You reached for him to no avail; he spun you, your back now pressed hard against the side of the pool. He released your mouth to dabble kisses at your neck, biting at pieces of skin. 
“ Fuck …!” You arched and Deidara fell into the dip of your curve.
You gripped his hand to bring it to your face. He stopped kissing you to look at what you had in mind, his tongue still present at his palm. 
Your lips traced his palm and began to kiss the tongue there. 
“Mmm …”
Deidara laughed as you tongue-kissed his hand. “You really are a fucking weirdo, aren’t you?”
The tongue slithered over your own. You released a moan and closed your mouth over the tongue, a flushed red tainting your cheeks. Your hand pressed behind the back of his hand, forcing it to deepen the kiss, to nibble at his tongue. Deidara hitched a breath. You sucked it further into your mouth. 
“ Ah ― y … you wanna suck on something so badly …” Deidara murmured. “MaybeI should give you something more legit, hm …”
You mewled in approval. His tongue retreated from your mouth and he felt a twinge of triumph when you gasped for air. He approached you. A hand ghosted over your neck before ramming you hard against the wall of the pool, the force with which he’d done it so hard he was sure its cement edge imprinted on your upper back. With his other hand he tugged his trousers down. 
You met his eyes.
“Take a deep breath.” 
And he plunged you into the water.
He looked down, watched the water dance as your squiggly reflection gripped his cock and fit it into your mouth. 
Deidara groaned. His head fell back as you hollowed your cheeks and took him in. The water did nothing to stall your mouth; you bobbed your head, stroking what couldn’t fit into your mouth. 
Deidara steadied himself with a hand at the pool’s edge, entranced by how your tongue rolled back to lick his head each time you pulled away, only to take him deep into the back of your throat when pulling in ― 
“ Nargh …! ” 
A hand palmed at his balls while another tightened around his cock. Deidara reached for your head in the water to thread fingers into your head and force you harder onto his cock. 
“ Aah … shit! ” He wanted you to choke on it. He wanted to own your mouth. 
And apparently you wanted that, too; you popped him from your mouth a few times. You hadn’t come up for air once since he’d submerged you, his cock now your only business. He yanked your head up. He forced a kiss, the taste of himself in your mouth driving him mad.
“Enjoying dinner, I see, hm, hah …” he quipped, eyes heavy on your hand still stroking his cock. “What a pro. ” 
“Only for you, Deidara-senpai. ”
You hand abandoned his cock and you licked him off your palm. Without his help you went under, fitting his cock in your mouth a second time. Deidara kept your hair from your mouth as you sucked him. His cockhead hit the back of your throat and, oh , you didn’t choke, only took more, more. Greedy cunt. 
He imagined you practicing this for him, only for him, your senpai. Your mouth hungering for what wasn’t truly there. Deidara squeezed eyes shut; close, close. You were sucking his cock as though his was the only one in the world, worshiping with your mouth and tongue. He imagined your lungs desperate for air, screaming for them, yet your mouth too transfixed to care. 
A fucking servant for him, obedient to his cock. 
Deidara’s cock twitched. His groan was low and rumbling as he spilled his seed into your willing mouth. You sucked hard, jerked him into your mouth. Your mouth slicked with his cum and grew impossibly warm. Saliva and his own seed coated his cock. 
“Aaah-ha- ahh …! ” 
He scalped you as he emptied into your mouth, cum guzzling down your throat.
At last, you popped him from your mouth and emerged before him, mouth and lips thoroughly abused.
Deidara’s gaze cast down on you. He caught his breath in the seconds absent of words. 
“I could use a girl like you,” Deidara exhaled. 
You popped your lips, eyes dreamy and narrow. “I think you just did,”
“Hm! An apprenticeship, then?”
You recovered immediately. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” 
He smirked at his own prospect and pulled you to him. “C’mere.”
He emerged from the pool before helping you follow suit. He removed his black fishnet shirt and flung it away. He drank you in. Naked, in the flesh ― and wet, right when he thought you couldn’t be improved upon.
You settled atop the dinner table and waited for him. Deidara came to you.
“Spread those legs.” 
 You acquiesced. He licked his lips at the sight of your puffy, glistening cunt.
“You wouldn’t be my first,” You said, “but you’ll be my last.”
He slotted into the space you afforded him. He caressed your vulva before giving it a firm slap. You yelped and his lip upturned at the sound. He slid a finger between your folds, encouraged by your appreciative mewls. 
He gripped the fat of your cheeks and forced you to look at him and not his adventurous fingers. 
“Your best. ” 
You hooked your legs behind him as he geared his cock grazed your folds ― 
And thought he might cum just from the sound of your drawn out moan when he slid inside you. 
He bucked from instinct, the firm grip of your twat clouding his senses. Again he went for your throat, the appendage becoming its permanent resting place. 
“This is what you wanted, right?” Deidara breathed out, thrusting hard. “Leader’s gonna get his fucking money’s worth …” 
Hands gripped his wrists tight as he began to fuck you, the table wobbling slightly underneath your mewling body. 
“Yes …! Ye―Yes, oh!” You clung to him, Deidara’s hands upholding you. “ Fuc ― oh, Yes! I owe Pain my life ― oh! ” 
He released your throat just to bite at it. He sunk his teeth into your skin while his hands committed to making scarlet red prints against your ass.
“ Fuck, you’re ―” Deidara stammered. The feel of your cunt swallowing him was too much. He recalled Kisame’s threat to fuck you himself. Not on your life, sharkman . And he felt himself thrust hard just to affirm you were his. He’d set the entire world ablaze before anyone else could experience the wonderful grip of your cunt. “You’re mine. ”
You tugged him to your lips again and kissed him. A moan from you vibrated against his lips. He reached downward to tease your clit and your legs trembled at his sides.
“ Fuck, Deida ―” You flung your head back. “ I’m ― ”
He knocked you onto the table and lifted your legs over his shoulders. He began to pound you, relishing in the bounce of your tits. Plates fell to the floor and shattered as he wrecked your cunt. 
He choked you again, sure there would be a greater hand-shaped bruise once he was through. He flicked your clit, thumbed it. Your scream rumbled under his grip as his balls slapped your ass. 
Your moans grew shrill, and you clenched ―
“ Fuck …! ” Deidara lost himself in your tight cunt. He slapped your clit, grip dangerously tight at your neck―
“Yes, please!” You called out as you came, “Dei― Deidara!”
Spurts of cum left his cock and sucked into your cunt. You convulsed and convulsed. You showed him the whites of your eyes as you came. Deidara held you to him by your thighs. A few more weak thrusts and he gave out on top of you, his chin hiding in the crook of your shoulder.
A few moments passed. Deidara raised his head, caught you over the corner of his eye. “So … everything you wanted?”
“And more, ” You sang.
He maneuvered to place a kiss at the heart of your collarbone, still so fascinated with it. He removed himself from you before assisting you as best as he could. 
“Did you mean it?” You inquired after a few moments more.
“About me being your apprentice?” 
“... Hm,” Deidara shrugged. “Well, I’ll have to check my schedule. But, if it all adds up, I wouldn’t mind having you by my side.” 
You squealed, engulfed him in a hug. 
“Ah, ah!” Deidara fought you off. “Okay, okay, whatever!”
“Oh, I’m so excited! ” You bounced. “So, so ― wait!” 
You pulled back, smirked up at him.
“I almost forgot,” You said. “Your payment … ”
“Two million yen,” Pain said. “All in a single donation ― our highest to date. I assume it went well?” 
“Hm!” Deidara said. “Very!”
“And Miss (Y/n) tells me she’ll be requesting you monthly from now on,” Pain continued. “Each time with the same donation or higher.” 
“Are you telling me Deidara’s dick is going to fund all our expeditions from now on?” Kisame mocked. 
“And the rest of our lives,” Kakuzu’s voice tipped in interest, “if this goes on …”
“Don’t get any ideas, Kakuzu!” Hidan barked. “We’re not whoring ourselves out.”
“Shut up,” Kakuzu bit back. “I’ve never even thought about it. Unless …”
“What girl would wanna fuck you? ” 
“A satisfied and wealthy client means less worry over how we secure our money,” Pain said, ignoring the bickering, “so, in a manner of speaking, yes. Deidara will aid in contributions― as we all should.” 
“Well, then, we’re all set!” Deidara said. 
“There’s just one thing that irks me about this whole endeavor,” Pain said. “... Where is Tobi?” 
“... He didn’t come back with you, did he?” 
“... No.”
Pain sighed.
“... Go back and get him, Deidara.”
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klbwriting · 8 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 9: This Feeling
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Plans are being plotted to save Y/N from execution
Notes: comment/critique appreciated! song is 'This Feeling' by the Chainsmokers and Kelsea Ballerini
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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Orm met Arthur at the lighthouse, holding out the letter for him. When Arthur went to grab it, Orm pulled it back and his brother gave raised an eyebrow.
“We’re not kids, little late to be playing keepsies,” Arthur said.
“I…I can’t do anything else to help her without risking my life and your reign as king,” Orm said, voice low. “You must promise me you will save her, promise me or I will go right to Atlantis and offer myself up. Do you understand?”
“I won’t let your girlfriend die Orm, we will save her,” he promised. Orm handed over the letter and Arthur left to confront Hendrix.
Hendrix was waiting in Arthur’s office when he got back, looking at some of the parchment on his desk. Arthur entered and the other man stepped back, pretending to have been admiring the view. He wasn’t subtle, thought he was smarter than everyone else. And he was, Hendrix was the person who should be running this kingdom, not some half breed. He wanted to find and destroy any evidence that Arthur had found but he must be keeping it on the surface, probably at his worthless father’s home. Once Hendrix had a chance he would toss that place, maybe kill the father and the heir to the throne. Make it look like Orm had done it.
“Hey, anyone home?” Arthur said. Hendrix snapped back to reality, taking the offered seat.
“Have you found more evidence against the terrorist?” he asked. Arthur sat down behind his desk, glancing at what Hendrix had been looking at before producing 3 items.
“I have found some interesting evidence indeed, however, some of it is incriminating to you,” Arthur said. “I would hate to think a trusted member of my council was responsible for any harm coming to the royal family.”
“What possible evidence could be found against me? I mean, I know that I was part of that group, but only to gather information for my king and the council,” Hendrix crooned. Arthur smiled and nodded.
“I know, it's why I want to get this out of the way. You’ve been a good advisor, many ideas from that the council has implemented have come from your arguments. I’m hoping that you would allow me to have some of your recent correspondence so that I can dismiss these,” Arthur held up the two letters he had gotten from Orm, “as fraudulent. And possibly explain the footage from that day.”
“I have seen the footage and told the investigators about it at the time the crime occurred,” Hendrix said, eyes shifting around the room as he tried to plan on faking some documents to give the king. Arthur waited. “O yes, yes of course, I will provide some recent letters to you tomorrow morning.” Arthur held up a bundle of documents.
“No worries, friend, I already had investigators gather some for me from your home, I knew you would be ok with it. You’re an upstanding member of the nobility, I have no concerns that your personal letters will clear your name.” Hendrix paled staring at the letters.
“Those…those are old, and people’s writing changes as they age…”
“Now the footage from that day, I know that you spoke then about it, but in light of finding the accused we have cleaned up the video and we noticed that she seems to actually be saving Orm. Maybe she got cold feet, doesn’t mean she wasn’t involved in the conspiracy still, but we are interested in the person actually holding the pulsar,” he said, bringing up the holodisk video and showing Hendrix, who stopped breathing.
“You can’t see who shot it…” his voice strained. Arthur nodded.
“We also can’t see you in the group. You said you were there, where are you?” he asked. The video showed the entire group clearly, they were separated from the rest of the crowd. Hendrix could see what was happening, they were going to push this onto him. He scowled.
“I had left already to try and find the authorities,” he said, teeth gritted together. Arthur smiled and nodded.
“Alright, well we have a list of who was there that day we’ll talk to them, I’m sure they will confirm your whereabouts,” the king said. “Now, you can leave, but just know that some of the council have suggested that you are not safe, that your involvement in the group Atlantis for All has made some members of nobility angry so I’m going to put a guard on you, wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” Hendrix felt Arthur’s hand on his shoulder as he escorted him from the office. As soon as he was out, he brushed his shoulder in disgust and headed to his home. He would bide his time, wait for an opportunity, then he was going to destroy the king.
Queen Atlanna moved through the cells with the guard until they arrived at the door to Y/N’s. She heard something and stopped the guard for a moment, listening. Orm said the girl liked to sing, not that she was really good at it, but she liked it. Atlanna listened, not knowing the song but feeling what it meant through Y/N’s voice.
They tell me to think with my head, not that thing in my chest They got their hands at my neck this time But you're the one that I want, if that's really so wrong Then they don't know what this feeling is like
The door to the cell opened and Y/N stood, shifting from foot to foot. Atlanna entered and smiled at the girl sadly. Y/N bowed her head to the queen.
“No need to worry, I am perfectly safe,” Atlanna said to the guard, who closed the door behind her. “Please sit Y/N. You are safe to speak in here, Arthur has turned off the recording, our conversation is private.”
“Did you tell Orm what I said?” Y/N asked, sitting on her cot while the queen sat in the other chair in the room. Atlanna shook her head. “Why?”
“Because you have nothing to be sorry about. You were in hiding, he should understand that more than most,” she said.
“You know that I didn’t try to kill him? I would never hurt him, not then and…not now,” she said. Atlanna reached out and took the girl’s hands, gently holding them.
“I know, and he knows that too. He is devastated that you were taken and, with help from your friend Aria we have found proof that Hendrix planned the attacks on his own. We are just waiting for the evidence to be verified. However, for now it looks like you were involved still, which is still treason, and if Hendrix is able to prove that your forged evidence against him. I’m afraid we need more,” she said, looking helpless.
“What can I do? I’ll do anything, if it helps me get to Orm. I need to see him, I need him to know…” she looked down, biting her lip. It was strange to not be able to cry again. The feelings were there, but she couldn’t let them out like she could on the surface. It just welled inside her.
“You love him?” Atlanna finished for her. She nodded. “He knows, and he loves you too. He wants you back with him. Is there anything you know about Hendrix that might convince him to confess?”
Y/N threw herself back to that time. Back into those meetings. She could see them gathered as Hendrix, always competing with Aria to be in charge of the group. He couldn’t stand a woman being more important than him. He couldn’t stand that Aria was stronger than him, smarter than him, and her confidence drove him mad. Sometimes he would slip up, make comments that were dismissed at the time of just an asshole, he was an asset at the time, but he was an asshole more than anything. Then she remembered something a particular conversation.
“Hendrix you know we are not going to riot, and that is final,” Aria had said before the parade. She had been arguing with him all morning against violence and she had finally stopped being patronizing. She had riled him up, trying to get him thrown out of the group, and then shut him down, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
“When I am king you low born scum will regret this…” he had started. He hadn’t gotten any further in his tirade because Aria held up a hand.
“If…If we can create change and I am king…”
The memory faded and she looked at Atlanna.
“He hates when women are more powerful than him. He hates the people from the lower city. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else, thinks he should be king. Let me talk to him, I’ll get him to confess,” she said. “He won’t be able to help himself, make sure I’m scheduled to be executed, I will make him the person I speak to last, record the conversation on a holodisk.”
“He cannot be stupid enough to think we wouldn’t try that exact plan,” the queen argued.
“He isn’t. I’ll get him riled up, let him find one recorder on me, we make sure another is hidden in the room, focusing on his face. He will think he has thwarted me; I promise his ego will be so big he will admit to anything thinking he is invincible,” Y/N said. Atlanna smiled.
“Do you want me to send Orm another message? Tell him you love him?” she asked. Y/N shook her head.
“I don’t want him to hear that from anyone else. Please, just let him know I will see him again, and it won’t be on Halloween.”
Atlanna left the cell confused, but happy that her son had finally found someone who saw him the way she did.
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sammysmaddy · 9 months
Last Resort (Demon!Dean x Reader)
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Summary: Sam's long-term girlfriend makes a deal with Dean.
Pairing(s): Demon!Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (mentioned)
Warning(s): dubcon, semi-cheating (sort of), manipulation, blackmail, talks of torture, p in v, creampie, slight praise kink
W/C: 4.5k+
A/N: For once, a fanfiction actually turned out as I intended it to! Most of the time I lose myself halfway and start going in the opposite direction 😅
"Dean," Y/N's eyes are wide when Dean finally opens the door. 
"Y/N," Dean seems presently surprised. "Something real bad must be happening for you to be standing there."
"Yeah," Y/N sighs. "It's Sam. I think he's in trouble. He hasn't been home in a few days and I know he was on a witch hunt. I don't know who else to turn to."
"And you expect me to help you find him?" Dean raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. 
"Yeah, actually I do. Mostly I was expecting you to want to find your brother but... I know the circumstances have changed." Y/N frowns. 
"What circumstances?" Dean teases, his eyes flashing black. 
Ever since Dean has been a demon, Y/N has avoided the older Winchester at all costs. This is the first Dean has heard from her in months. 
"Exactly," Y/N huffs, also crossing her arms. "Look. You don't have to care about finding him or keeping him safe, but I do and I need your help."
"What's in it for me?" Dean scoffs, causing Y/N to roll her eyes in return. 
"I don't know, Dean," Y/N glares back. "What could you possibly want?"
"I can think of a few things," Dean smirks, looking the woman up and down. 
"You're disgusting. I hope you know that." Y/N rejects Dean's advances, growing more impatient by the second. 
"You're not helping your case," Dean tuts, clicking his tongue. 
"What'd you expect, Dean? It's like I don't even know you anymore." She retorts. "Sam is in trouble. I guess I thought it'd bring the humanity out of you."
"What humanity?" Dean counteracts. "Unless there's something in it for me, I'm not doing shit."
"Seriously, what could you possibly want that you don't already have?" Y/N seems to be getting antsier as she stands in front of Dean. "Please, Dean. You know I wouldn't be here unless it was necessary." 
"Hm," Dean considers for a moment, squinting his eyes as he stares whilst pursing his lips. "Why don't you come in and tell me what happened."
"Thank you," Y/N sighs in relief as Dean moves his body so that she is able to walk in. 
It's clear to Dean that Y/N is a complete wreck. The kitchen table is littered with dirty, tear-stained tissues. But Dean is doing his best to mitigate her emotions and remind her that Sam is probably just fine. He is trying even harder not to be annoyed by her incessant tears. 
The only reason Y/N isn't crying over Sam right now is because she had fallen asleep at the table. Dean, on his laptop researching the witch, looks over at Y/N and sighs. 
"Y/N," Dean nudges the sleeping girl's shoulder, causing her to stir awake. "Go get some rest. There's a couch and some blankets over there."
"Have you found anything?" Y/N asks groggily, rubbing her eyes. 
"I have an idea of where he could be but nothing concrete yet," Dean reveals and Y/N's eyes widen. 
"Then, let's go," Y/N sits up straight, stretching her arms. 
"Oh, no," Dean chuckles at Y/N's readiness to leave. "We'll go in the morning after you've properly rested."
"What? Why?" Y/N furrows her brows, frowning. 
"Because you're clearly exhausted," Dean scoffs, thinking it was unnecessary to explain. 
"Yeah, but you're not," Y/N tries to reason. "You could drive. It's not like you need to sleep or anything."
"I was going to drive regardless, sweetheart. I just don't feel like going right now," Dean shrugs, making Y/N's jaw clench. 
"Fine," Y/N announces, standing up from the table in a swift motion. "I'll go by myself. Where is he?"
"Why should I tell you?" Dean grins, closing his laptop. 
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Y/N seems confused, crossing her arms as she stands opposite of Dean. 
"Because there's nothing in it for me," Dean explains with a smirk. "I told you, I'm not doing shit until I get a proper bargain."
Y/N sighs. She stares at Dean, arms crossed and foot tapping. Dean continues to smirk, watching the way Y/N tries to calculate what Dean might find valuable. 
"I promise, whatever you think of won't be enough," Dean stops her from thinking too much about it. He knows that there's only one thing that could possibly convince him. 
"Help me out, Dean. Why'd you let me in if you didn't plan on helping?" Y/N is growing visibly frustrated with the older Winchester. 
"I already told you what I want," Dean sits back, watching for her reaction. 
At first, Y/N doesn't seem to realize what Dean is suggesting. Dean watches as Y/N's eyebrows furrow and her chest rises and flattens. It's evident to Dean when Y/N figures out, but she tries her best to play it off. 
"What was it?" Y/N does her best to keep her eyes from widening, but Dean can see right through her. 
"Don't play dumb, sweetheart," Dean smirks and Y/N bites her lip before looking away. 
"I can't believe you," Y/N says in a whisper as she stares into the living room. "I knew I shouldn't have come here."
Y/N quickly pivots on her heel. She hurries across the room and into the living room, grabbing her bag as she makes her way toward the exit. 
Dean, being much faster, manages to get in front of her. He places both hands on either of Y/N's arms to stop her from moving any further. 
"Don't you want my help?" Dean looks down at her, cocking his head to the side as he fake-pouts a lip. 
"Let go of me," Y/N spits as she clenches her jaw, her angry eyes staring up at Dean. Dean lets go of her arms, resting his own at his side. "I'll find him myself."
"How?" Dean questions, knowing that Y/N won't get very far without him. "Thought I was last resort?"
"I'll figure it out," Y/N huffs as she tries to get around Dean. He blocks her from progressing. "Move."
"No, I don't think I will," Dean continues to block her advances. "I'm not sending you on a death mission. You don't know the first thing about the witches Sam got himself involved with."
"Witches?" Y/N asks softly, looking as though she has received the worst news of her life. 
"Yeah. Witches, plural. You're going to get yourself killed if you go alone." Dean informs her. He can see how the hope leaves Y/N's eyes with each passing second. "I can help you. For a price."
"Unless the price is my gratitude, I think I'll skip," Y/N rolls her eyes before sighing and looking up at Dean. "Sammy needs our help, Dean. Can't you see that? He's going to die if we don't save him and I'm not sure how much time we have left."
Suddenly, Y/N's phone rings and she is quick to pull it out of her pocket. She looks down at the bright screen. 
"It's an unknown number." Y/N lets out before accepting the call. "Sammy? Is that you? Are you okay?"
Dean can't help but let out a small laugh when he hears Sam grunt over the phone. Y/N's eyes are wide and tear-filled as they both listen to the sounds of Sam in pain. 
"Sammy, please say something!" Y/N begs, tears falling at a rapid pace down her cheeks. 
"He can't hear you, love," A woman's voice can be heard on the other line. "Raya, do it again."
Y/N shrieks as Sam screams out in pain, her hands trembling as she grips the phone tighter. 
"Stop!" Y/N yells into the phone. "What do you want with him?! Who are you?!"
"To make him suffer. He's trying to ruin my life. Didn't get very far though." The woman chuckles. "You know, when I dug into that little mind of Sam's earlier, I only found thoughts of you, Y/N."
"That's sweet," Dean chuckles, causing Y/N to glare at him through her tears. 
"Is that the other Winchester I hear?" The witch, presumably, asks. 
"No!" Sam's voice can be heard as a reaction to the witch's statement. 
"That was the one thing our sweet Sam was afraid of. He didn't want his little girlfriend to be involved with anything demon-related, especially not his big brother." She lets out a deep, sinister laugh. "Put me on the phone with Dean."
Y/N grunts in frustration, quickly handing the phone to Dean. Dean brings the device up to his ear, a wide smile spread across his face. 
"If it isn't my favorite sisters," Dean looks at Y/N, gauging her reaction. "How the hell are you, Rhi?"
"You know her? Why didn't you tell me?!" Y/N whisper-shouts at Dean who brings a finger up, signaling her to be quiet. 
"Your brother has caused quite the scene. Almost got us figured out by our townfolk. You know I'd do anything to keep this 'witch' thing a secret." Rhi speaks to Dean before sighing. "But. I still owe you for that time in New York. Only reason I haven't killed him yet."
"Oh, I don't care if you kill him," Dean scoffs. Y/N begins to reach for her phone only to be pushed back by Dean. 
"Is that so?" Rhi asks and Dean hums his approval.
"Dean, please!" Y/N cries out in frustration before giving up on getting her phone back. 
"But," Dean starts. "If he's been too much trouble for you, I can take him off your hands. I'm sure Y/N would appreciate that."
"Thank you," Y/N mouths, her body relaxing a bit. 
"By all means. We'll try not to have too much fun with him before you guys get here." Rhi laughs cockily before hanging the phone up. 
Dean hands the phone back to Y/N. Y/N runs a hand through her hair, letting out a sigh of relief. 
"Alright, let's go," Y/N begins to try to move past Dean. 
"That's now how this works, sweetheart," Dean chuckles, grabbing her arms and pushing her back. "You get something and I get something in return. It's a fair exchange."
"Seriously, Dean?!" Y/N utters out, attempting to move past the demon again. "I don't have time for this. We need to help Sam."
"Sam is fine... for now," Dean, still holding onto her arms, continues to hold her in place. "But he won't be unless I get what I want."
"Let go of me," Y/N grits through her teeth. "Dean, I'm serious. Let's go!"
"Fulfill your end of the bargain and we'll be on the road. I've got the rest of eternity, but I know how impatient you can be."
"Dean," Y/N stops moving, glaring up into Dean's eyes. "What exactly are you asking me to do right now?"
"Well, for a woman like you, I would have liked to take you to dinner first. However, with Sam being in trouble and all, we can just skip to the good part if you want." Dean smirks, listening to the way Y/N's heart rate keeps climbing. 
"No way. I'm not doing that," Y/N shakes her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. "You are so fucking sick."
"I'd be a lot nicer to me if I were you," Dean grips Y/N's arms tighter as a warning. Y/N winces, trying to escape his hold. "At the end of the day, I'm not asking for a lot. It is preferable if you at least pretend to enjoy it. I don't mind forcing it out of you, but that's ultimately your choice."
"Sam's going to kill you," Y/N mutters under her breath. 
"And I'll kill you if he tries anything. Funny how that works, isn't it?" Dean raises an eyebrow with a small grin. "It really is up to you. I don't care if Sam lives or dies, I just want the prize."
"And if I do this?" Y/N thinks aloud, her body extremely tense in Dean's grip. "You'll save Sam? And you swear it on your life?"
"Of course. I'm a man of my word, always have been," Dean nods his agreement, rubbing Y/N's arms with his thumbs. "Plus, I want to see Sammy's reaction when he finds out I've taken advantage of his most prized possession."
"Why are you doing this?" Y/N asks quietly, tears filling her eyes once again. 
"The human part of me would never admit it, but I've always been a bit jealous that Sam got to you first. I didn't think I would care after I turned but... here we are. Guess you found the humanity in me after all." Dean chuckles as Y/N looks away, reaching up to wipe her tears.
"I can't believe you," Y/N sniffles, looking back up at Dean. "It would kill Sam."
"And I don't really care," Dean shrugs. "At least this way he won't be killed by witches. Instead, he'll be killed by the betrayal of the two people he loves most."
"Sam will never forgive you," Y/N threatens and Dean shakes his head in return, laughing at her warning. 
"No, Sam will never forgive you, princess," Dean finally lets his hold on Y/N go, decently certain that she won't try to escape again. "Or maybe he will. Maybe he'll forgive both of us. We are saving his life after all."
"He'll know that it didn't have to be this way," Y/N's jaw clenches as she reaches up to rub where Dean's hands once were. 
"I feel like you're stalling. I can sense that you're going to give in eventually. Why do you keep putting it off?" Dean takes a step towards Y/N and is surprised when she stands in place. "It'll feel good if you let it."
Y/N stays silent as Dean reaches up to brush her hair behind her ear. She shivers at his touch, screwing her eyes shut as Dean takes another step closer, their bodies now nearly touching. 
"Wait," Y/N opens her eyes again, gently pushing Dean's hand away. "If I... enjoy this..."
"Hm?" Dean questions, curious as to where she's going with it. 
"Will it be over faster?" Y/N finally gets out, crossing her arms with determination as she stares into Dean's eyes. 
"Depends. I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself," Dean smirks, giving Y/N all the confirmation she needed. 
To Dean's surprise, Y/N reaches up and grabs Dean by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a deep and passionate kiss. Dean's eyes widen at her boldness, smirking into the kiss before shutting his eyes. 
Dean's hands snake their way around Y/N's tense waist, pulling her into his body. One of Y/N's hands stays on the back of Dean's neck whilst the other rests in his hair, making it so that their faces are pressed tightly against one another.
Dean can feel the excitement growing in his boxers as he pushes his hips into her body. He lets out a groan as some of the pressure from her stomach pressed against his groin is relieved. 
Y/N still seems incredibly determined as she attacks his lips with hers, biting lightly into Dean's bottom lip every few seconds. Dean's lips chase hers as she pulls back. 
"Where do you want it?" Y/N asks through pants as she tries to catch her breath. "We can do it right here. I don't care."
"So eager," Dean hums with a smile as he looks down at Y/N, continuing to pull her against his body to create some friction. "Ladies choice."
"Let's go to your room," Y/N nods without wasting time, grabbing Dean's hand. Dean lets Y/N drag him up the stairs, admiring her determination. 
Y/N, still holding onto Dean's hand as they enter the bedroom, heads straight toward the bed. When she turns around to face Dean, he reaches down to kiss her. 
Dean places his hands comfortably on Y/N's hips and begins to attack her lips once again. There is no trace of hesitance as Y/N begins kissing back, and Dean feels chills run down his spine as she places her hands on his sides. 
Dean surprised yet again, is turned around by Y/N and pushed until his back lands against the soft mattress. Y/N takes no time climbing on top of Dean, kissing him feverishly as her committed hands begin to undo the buttons on his flannel. 
As Y/N begins to grind her hips atop Dean's, he reaches his hands around to grab her ass, pushing her core harder into his. Y/N groans into the kiss with the new pressure, taking a brief pause from working on Dean's buttons. 
Dean kneads and squeezes Y/N's ass as she pulls herself from the kiss. Y/N shifts her weight so that it is solely on Dean's groin before reaching down to pull her shirt off. It isn't very much longer until Y/N's bra is tossed on the floor. Dean watches intently as Y/N's perfect breasts are revealed to him. 
Y/N doesn't look Dean in the eyes as she looks down, pushing her hands into his flannel so that it comes off easier. Dean sits up slightly, allowing Y/N to continue to undress him, and reaches up to play with her breasts. 
Dean groans, throwing his head back as Y/N begins to work on getting his jeans' button undone. Though when he was a human he tried to repress fantasies of Y/N, he never expected her to be like this in bed. 
Sure, Y/N was headstrong and determined when she wanted to be, but at the end of the day, she was the sweetest thing Dean had ever met. He kind of figured that she'd be sweet in bed too. Not that he was complaining about Y/N taking charge. 
Once Y/N unzips Dean's jeans, she continues to waste no time. She climbs off of Dean, standing before him as she undoes her own jeans' button. Dean sits up to watch Y/N undress herself.
Y/N hooks her thumbs into both layers of clothing, pushing her underwear down her legs along with her jeans. Hastily, she steps out of the blue pile and Dean nearly salivates at the sight of her fully naked form. 
Y/N climbs back onto Dean, straddling him once again before dipping her head down to lock lips. Dean reaches around, grabbing her ass again as he dips into her core with a finger. He lets out a guttural groan into her mouth when he makes contact with a very warm and wet center. 
Dean squeezes her tighter, moaning as he starts to feel impossibly confined in his clothing. Y/N seems to get the hint as she reaches between their bodies, dipping her hand into his boxers. Dean smirks when Y/N lets out a gasp as she grabs onto his member. 
"Think you can handle it?" Dean smirks in between kisses. 
"I don't have a choice," Y/N grits out, glaring as she pulls back. 
Y/N works Dean in her hand, alternating between pumping and squeezing for a few moments. When Y/N removes her hand momentarily, Dean takes his opportunity to reverse the roles. 
Y/N lets out a small shriek when she lands on her back and Dean quickly rids himself from any clothes. She turns her head away when Dean climbs back on top of her. 
Dean doesn't mind as he reaches down to kiss her neck. Y/N moans as Dean leaves his mark, sucking and then biting at the thin skin. Though he is unable to tell if Y/N is moaning out of discomfort or pleasure, it only makes Dean's cock throb. 
Dean's member brushes past Y/N's warm, welcoming center, causing Dean to groan into her neck. He paws at her breasts, resting his weight on his elbows as he brings his face down. Y/N squirms as Dean places his wet lips onto one of her nipples.
While he pays attention to one breast at a time, relishing in the way Y/N's body is moving involuntarily, he reaches down and grabs himself in his hand. He pulls his face away from her breasts and straightens his other arm so that he can see where he's going. 
"Gonna need you to look at me for this one, sweetheart," Dean reaches down briefly to whisper in Y/N's ear. 
Y/N lets out a sigh as she continues to stare off into the distance. Dean waits for her to follow his demands by running his thick tip through her slippery slit. 
"I can wait," Dean looks back up to see Y/N still looking to the side. "I can keep myself hard for however long it takes you to finally look, so don't try to wait me out, sweetheart."
Y/N, hesitant for the first time, turns her head so that she is looking up into Dean's eyes. Dean can see the tears building and admires how gorgeous she looks underneath him and completely vulnerable to his use. 
"Missionary gets a bad rap, you know?" Dean chuckles, looking down at her miserable face. "Nothing hotter than watching your face twist when I finally push into you."
Dean watches the way Y/N's eyes widen at his statement before rapidly pushing into her. Though Dean experiences a great amount of pleasure being constricted by her tight walls, he keeps his eyes open to watch Y/N's face. 
Dean stays still after he pushes himself impossibly deeper, sitting back to watch the way that Y/N holds her breath. Eventually, she gasps for air and pushes her head back into the mattress. Her breasts raise closer toward Dean as her back arches. Dean can only assume she's still getting used to his size. 
"Doin' alright?" Dean smirks, waiting for her eyes to open again. 
"Just move," Y/N mumbles through shortened breaths. Dean remains still until she looks up at him. "Please, Dean!" 
"That's more like it," Dean grunts whilst granting her wish.
Dean begins to move his hips slowly in and out of Y/N, finally shutting his eyes and allowing himself to feel her for all her glory. He can tell that she's trying her best to stay quiet and he opens his eyes again to gauge how she's feeling. 
Y/N is biting her lip, her breasts bouncing with each thrust of Dean's hip. Her eyes are once again shut and her eyebrows are furrowed. Small gasps and moans escape past Y/N's lips as Dean begins to snap his hips faster. 
As Dean continues to increase his speed, Y/N eventually stops fighting the moans wanting to escape her throat. Dean takes note of what makes her most vocal, copying those movements over and over to maximize her pleasure. 
Dean switches back and forth from watching himself slam into her and looking up to watch her face contort. He no longer minds that her eyes are sealed shut, he can tell that she's enjoying him inside of her even if she doesn't want to admit it. 
Y/N squeezes around Dean's cock, spasming every few seconds when Dean bottoms inside of her. At this point, Dean is a lot closer to climax than he normally is. The stamina of being a demon has been a blessing and a curse, but Y/N seems to be doing the trick better than anyone Dean's been with since turning. 
Dean stretches to reach above Y/N's head and in the process finds himself deeper inside of Y/N than he could have ever imagined. Y/N's body reacts to being completely filled by Dean by her legs shaking with a mind of their own. 
Once Dean grabs the pillow from above Y/N, he reaches down to place it underneath the arch in her back. Dean lets out a guttural moan, shutting his eyes as the angles change. Y/N only grows louder when Dean begins to thrust in and out of her again. 
Holding onto her hips for support, Dean snaps faster. He can't help the groans that escape from his mouth and starts to feel that familiar tension building rapidly. 
"Fuck!" Y/N yells out in pleasure, grabbing onto Dean's forearms and looking up at him. 
"That's it," Dean chuckles in between panting as he looks down at her. "Such a good girl taking my cock like that."
Y/N whines as she throws her head back, digging her nails into the skin of Dean's forearms. As tightly as she's holding onto him, Dean manages to get one of his arms free and brings his thumb down onto her sweet spot. 
As he begins to rub circles against her clit, Dean watches Y/N bite down on her lip. Y/N continues to push her head back as her eyebrows furrow and lets go of Dean's forearms. She brings her hands up to hold onto her breasts, making Dean's cock throb inside of her. 
"Feel good, sweetheart?" Dean smirks in accomplishment, pressing into her clit harder with his thumb. 
"Shut up," Y/N mutters out, pinching onto her own nipples as her face continues to contort. 
"That's not how you get what you want," Dean scolds, going slower with his thrusts as he dials back the pressure from his thumb. 
Y/N's eyes open and her head returns to its natural position. She lets go of her breasts before sitting up. Dean isn't sure why Y/N is moving so suddenly until she pulls him into her chest so that all of his weight is on top of her. 
Y/N wraps her arms around the back of Dean's neck, pulling him closer as she locks her legs behind Dean's back. Dean takes the hint and begins to thrust his hips faster than before. 
With the new position, Dean feels himself getting closer to climax. To add to his imminent release, Y/N's breath is hot against Dean's ear and her whimpers are traveling directly to his brain. 
"Oh my god, Dean!" Y/N trembles underneath Dean and grabs his head with her hands. 
Y/N begins to clench around Dean harder than ever before as she smashes her lips into his. Dean kisses her back with desperation, both moaning into each other's mouths. As Y/N continues to ride out her orgasm, Dean's begins to erupt. 
Dean feels his legs shake as he cums, deep and hot inside her tight cavity. He breaks the kiss as he snaps his hips as fast and hard as he can without being too overstimulated, spilling whatever he had left inside of him into Y/N. 
Y/N tries to catch her breath as Dean slows down, still sporadically releasing inside of her every few seconds. His eyes are screwed shut and his entire body trembles when he feels Y/N's hands on the back of his neck again. 
Dean is pleasantly surprised when Y/N brings him down for a kiss. This time, she is more tender, overlapping her lips with his at a much slower, more passionate pace. Dean isn't usually the type to continue on after he's climaxed, but with Y/N, he is finding it to be a very pleasurable ending.
With Y/N's legs still wrapped around Dean's body and her walls still periodically contracting, Dean's cock twitches inside of her as his climax finally comes to an end. 
"That was," Dean begins as he pulls back, still catching his breath. "That was the best sex I've had in a very long time."
Y/N's body relaxes into the bed as her hands unwrap themselves from Dean's neck, her legs following suit. 
"Good," Y/N showcases a post-orgasm smile for a fraction of a second, and then her face straightens out completely. "Let's go find Sam now, yeah?"
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@hobby27 @writethelifeyouwant @deeranger
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virgobingo · 8 months
Hi! I have a question, I hope I can explain myself: how would you describe Gojo on a moral level? I see the majority of the fandom (jjk in general, not just the shipping ones) considers him a good person, but I'd argue he's more on the grey side...and not a light grey. See, I can't really wrap my head around the way he blatantly ignores the fact the Suguru was completely fucked up, to the point that in chap 236 he wishes Suguru was with him before fighting Sukuna and imagining him (adult Suguro, the fucked up one) together with the same students he tried to kill in jjk0. How on earth? If I'm not mistaken Gojo never really says "yeah, Suguru was my friend but he used to be completely different, this is not the Suguru I used to be friends with". He never says Suguru was wrong. He just misses him, even though he was surrounded by people who liked him. At least Shoko clearly doesn't feel any affection towards Suguru. And let's not talk about the way he doesn't really seem concerned about the future of his students in chap 236. What do you think? Just to clarify: I do like Gojo. But I don't share the sentiment of the rest of the fandom: he's not a good person. I guess Nanami was right
i sort of explained how i think gojo sees the matter of suguru before but it's buried in my blog since i don't tag properly so to any one else reading this i might be repeating myself.
to gojo the "suguru he knew in hs" and the "suguru he killed" are one and the same. i don't believe gojo is the type to draw hard lines like the average person since he is "enlightened"— as his name (satoru) suggests. "past" suguru is at his core the same as "future" suguru. to him the person suguru becomes doesn't exist in a vacuum (his path is ultimately a product of their society). in other words, to gojo the distinction lies not in what suguru did, but who suguru is (gojo doesn't conflate actions with the "self"). i think this is how gege, who seems to be an overthinker, looks at the whole thing anyways. the matter doesn't boil down to "good" or "bad".
and the thing is gojo loves suguru at his core (or i choose to interpret it that way anyways). gege frames him as gojo's "one and only friend" for a reason. i think he's the only person who ever really made gojo feel that he was "just like everyone else."
being "liked" by others (and even reciprocating those feelings) doesn't help fill the gap gojo felt from losing suguru. gojo's simply been growing around the loss. i think this diagram explains gojo's sentiments best:
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i also don't think that gojo's unconcerned for his students so much as choosing to be an optimist (once more, which aligns with his progressive ideals too),
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honestly, there's not much left for gojo to do beyond the grave either.+he really went all out. he didn't exactly roll over and die haha there was a possibility his own hollow purple might kill him but that was a sacrifice he was willing to take to beat sukuna, for his students sake... but also because he was feeling experimental
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in any case, if you look at his desires, sukuna wasn't even his priority,
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in conclusion: i don't think gojo's a bad person or that nanami even implies that in ch 236 haha i think he's shown to be human (he loves to fight despite everything and he fails to connect with others).
sukuna even calls gojo greedy two chapters later. that's a very human trait. the thing is sukuna is technically right too because despite all gojo's power, wealth, success, and the people who like him— there's only one thing he wanted (geto by his side),
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tldr: it's complicated. gojo's doing his best lol hope that makes sense?
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lestappenforever · 1 year
Hiiii *shy waving” are you still doing those prompts?? I’d like a lestappen with number 18 and 21, I guess it’s the perfect plot 🥹 see you soon dearest
Evie, my lovely! I know I said I'd get to this at some point today, but I got excited and couldn't help myself.
Here you go. I love you. ❤️
18. "I'm embarrassed." "Don't be." and 21. "Let me love you."
The sound of piano music is not an uncommon occurrence in the home of Charles Leclerc. What is an uncommon occurence, however, is the sound of piano music in the home of Charles Leclerc when Charles Leclerc himself is only just walking through the front door.
Logically, Charles knows there is only one person who could possibly have let themselves into his apartment on a Wednesday night in the middle of the season. But, the prospect of that person being responsible for the piano music is so unbelievable that Charles is starting to wonder if there might actually be a stranger in his home.
The soft, simple melody comes to a sudden stop as the person playing clearly pushes the wrong key, followed by a muttered curse.
In Dutch.
Yeah, definitely not a stranger, Charles thinks to himself as he makes his way through the apartment.
He stops a couple of feet behind Max, reveling in the sight of him sitting at Charles' piano, with his phone propped up where Charles' usually keeps his sheet music, having paused some sort of piano tutorial video. His fingers are resting on the keys.
The fact that he somehow manages to make the position of his fingers look angry is impressive.
"Hey," Charles eventually says, announcing his presence.
Max nearly falls off the bench in his urgency to turn around to stare at Charles in horror.
Charles has to bite back the chuckle threatening to escape.
"I thought you wouldn't be back for another hour," Max tells him, tone slightly accusing. As if this isn't Charles' home.
"The meeting finished early," Charles explains, stepping closer to Max and the piano. "What are you doing?"
The Dutchman's cheeks are a bright shade of red, and Charles can't help how he wants to feel that blush against his lips.
"Nothing," Max huffs, turning back to the piano and locking his phone screen, making it go black.
The Monégasque cocks an eyebrow, unconvinced.
"Doesn't look like nothing," he points out, and Max has the audacity to glare at him.
"Any chance you're willing to drop it and pretend this never happened?" Max counters, and the hopefulness in his voice is so endearing that Charles almost feels bad for crushing it.
"Not in this lifetime."
Max sighs and runs a hand through his hair, looking away from Charles.
"I —," Max starts, but he doesn't seem to know how to continue that sentence.
He pauses, closes his mouth, and thinks. Tries again.
"I've been trying to learn how to play piano because > know how much it means to you. And I wanted it to be something we could share, but as it turns out, I'm even worse at anything even remotely related to music than I originally thought."
Max says it so quickly that Charles almost doesn't hear all of it. Except he does.
And his heart fucking soars in his chest, because that's just the sweetest fucking thing anyone's ever done for him.
"It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed," Max continues.
"Don't be," Charles responds instantly, and he's in front of Max before his next words come out. "Hey, don't you dare be embarrassed about this."
Max isn't looking at him, instead fixating on a spot on the floor by Charles' feet. Charles lifts a hand, pushing a finger under Max's chin and tilting his head up. Those cheeks are still bright red and his eyes look almost haunted.
"Max, that is the single most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. And I love it," Charles tells him seriously, neither his tone nor his eyes leaving Max any room to doubt his words.
Something in Max's expression softens at that, and he looks a little relieved, but he still tries to avert his gaze.
It's adorable, sure, but Charles isn't having it. He wants to look into those stunning blue eyes, thank you very much.
"Stop looking away," he insists, using his hold on Max's chin to turn his head again.
The Dutchman tries to resist, but Charles isn't budging, and Max eventually has no choice but to give in. Their eyes meet, and Charles is smiling so wide it feels like his face might actually split in half.
"Come on," he goes on, releasing Max's chin in favor of bending down to grab one of his hands and tugging.
Max rises to his feet without complaint.
"Where are we going?" He asks as Charles begins to lead him down the hallway, towards the bedroom.
"Just shut up and let me love you."
It's a simple request — one Max would be a damned fool to deny.
And Max Verstappen may be a lot of things, but a damned fool sure as hell isn't one of them.
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bi-bard · 10 months
Some Part of Me Came Must Have Died the Final Time You Called Me, "Baby" - Joel Miller Imagine [The Last of Us (HBO)]
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Title: Some Part of Me Came Must Have Died the Final Time You Called Me, "Baby"
Pairing: Joel Miller X Reader
Based On: First Time
Word Count: 3,231
Warning(s): main character death, violence, injury
Summary: Joel is offered a rare glimpse of hope after the apocalypse had started. However, the universe can pull away signs of hope just as fast it can offer them.
Author's Note: I've changed this song's story about three times... oops.
The first time that I met Joel it was because he was being dragged in very suddenly by Tess.
I had just sat down at my dining room table and placed my head and my hands. I was so tired. But then again, so was everyone else. At some point, everyone being tired just means that no one is and this state of being is just considered normal.
Doesn't mean that I had to like it.
I felt like I had done nothing but panic all day. People needed my help. They always did. The problem was that those in charge didn't like that I was trying to help people without taking part in whatever strange structure they had been developing. So, it all had to be done very quietly.
Which was hard to do when people were busting down my door... like Tess did.
She hadn't even tried to knock. She knew that she was less of a guest and more of a regular patient at this point. Instead of knocking, she shoved the door open, allowing it to bang against the wall it was next to.
"Hey, hey, what the hell," I asked. "What'd my wall do?"
"Sorry, not the wall's fault," she replied as she closed the door again. "Just tired of dealing with this hardass."
The man with her grumbled and rolled his eyes.
"Dumbass got his hand cut open," she explained. "Fix him. Please."
"I'm fine," the man muttered.
"The hall you are," she snapped at him.
"Let me look," I said, holding my hands up. I stood up and held out my hand. He glared at it for a few moments before finally letting out a huff and letting me grab his hand. "Oh, that is nasty. Come on. Sit down. I'll stitch it up for you."
He seemed like a toddler as I got him to sit down at my dining room table.
I was cleaning the cut to the best of my ability considering the whole apocalypse thing. I had to fight the urge to chuckle at his quiet grumbling and huffing at the stinging.
"So, Tess, who's hand am I working on," I asked.
"Could ask me," the man replied. "Joel."
"Well, Joel, you didn't seem like the talking kind," I shrugged.
"(Y/n) was a doctor before this whole shitshow," Tess added.
"Almost," I corrected. "Had a couple months left. Probably why I was left alone and not made to find a cure or kill those that were infected."
"And now you just... help people out of kindness?" Joel's tone was gruff. He didn't believe that it was possible for anyone to be kind for the sake of being kind. I didn't blame him. It was hard to believe.
"Believe it or not, darling, not everybody resorts to being awful when the world goes to shit."
I heard a quiet, amused huff escape Tess.
I went back to my work in silence after that.
At some point, Tess said that she had to leave. I was focused, tongue poking out a bit between my teeth. I could feel how closely Joel was watching me, but I did all that I could to ignore it.
Joel was just as I expected: not a conversationalist. He was gruff. His shoulders were tense. His hands were calloused, but most people's hands were these days. His face was hard-set in a scowl. He was clearly a man that had grown skeptical of everyone around him. Probably why it took Tess physically shoving him through the door for him to actually get his hand taken care of.
"Come back in... a week," I instructed. "We'll check out the cut and see what's next."
He nodded, muttering a thank you. It was an awkward thank you. It was as if he had forgotten how to say it. I had to keep myself from chuckling. Something told me that he wouldn't appreciate that.
I never thought that I would see him again.
I was wrong.
It was a few days later that I heard a knock on my door. I furrowed my eyebrows. It had been late. Most people didn't bother coming to me late at night because it was simply too much of a risk. The only people who got themselves hurt that late were the ones who went looking for trouble that late.
Joel was standing on the other side. He looked almost as awkward and tense as he did when he thanked me.
"Joel," I said in greeting. "It hasn't been a week yet, don't tell me that you've already hurt yourself again."
"Uh, no, no," he shook his head. I watched as he went to reach into the bag that he had been carrying on his back. "I was finishing up a job and found some medical stuff. Thought you'd get some use of it."
He held the bag out to me, letting me look down at the stuff that he had.
"Oh, thank you," I replied. "Here, come in."
I stepped to the side. He nodded as he moved around me.
We found ourselves standing at what little counter space I had. I was digging through the bag, pulling out supply after supply. Bandages and medication. Some supplies for cleaning wounds and stitching up cuts. It was a miracle.
I looked down at the collection of stuff I had.
"Listen. I won't ask where you got this stuff," I explained. "But I will say that, darling, you are a miracle."
"I hope that calling me 'darling' isn't gonna stick," Joel muttered.
"Keep bringing me shit like this and I'll call you anything you want."
I heard him scoff, which made me look over at him.
"Thank you, seriously."
He just shrugged me off, ignoring my gratitude. "I'll bring you more when I get my hands on it."
That was the beginning of a great arrangement between the two of us. He would go on his jobs and bring me back medical supplies. I would take care of whatever wounds he and Tess earned while doing so.
I got used to Joel being around. It felt like I was constantly finding him on my doorstep.
As time passed, I found something between us shifting.
It was something in the way we talked. It was like some kind of wall had started to crumble. We were becoming more and more vulnerable. Each revealed secret was a brick being pushed from the wall, leaving each of us with a far clearer image of each other. I liked it.
I found myself being more nervous. My heart beating faster, my thoughts moving even faster, and my face warming whenever I said something that wasn't strictly professional or friendly.
I was constantly convincing myself that I was conflating things. Any lingering looks or touches were simply my imagination running rampant. Any act of kindness was nothing more than Joel finding a way to ensure that something that benefited him was functioning properly.
What else could it have possibly been?
Why would I believe that it was anything else?
Those were two questions that I would constantly ask myself. It was some way of ensuring that whatever feelings I had stayed in control. That my thoughts didn't run wild.
I held onto those two questions until I was forced to let them go.
I was sitting across from Joel at my table yet again. There had apparently been a fight somewhere outside. Joel had won but had gotten a rough hit to the side of the head.
"I'm shocked that you came to me when there wasn't any visible blood," I said quietly as I leaned back in my seat. He seemed fine, thankfully.
"I knew that you'd never let me hear the end of it until you checked it," he muttered.
"Aw, you learn fast, darling."
"I thought you were gonna stop calling me that if I kept bringing you supplies."
"I don't see any supplies," I commented.
He nodded toward his bag, which was sitting on the table.
"Joel...," I mumbled, almost sounding like a disappointed parent. Or like an owner that just watched their cat drag in a dead bird. I opened the bag and found supplies tucked away in the bottom. "The fight... it wasn't over these, was it?"
"Asshole was trying to take the meds-"
"I didn't have a choice!"
"You could've just given him the drugs instead of getting yourself hurt," I lowered my voice and leaned in a bit closer, trying to not alert anyone around us.
Joel mimicked my movements, "You were almost out-"
"That is my problem to solve."
"Not anymore."
"Why not?"
It was a question that hung in the air between us. It weighed it down, making it tense. Heavy. There was an answer there. Sitting in that space.
Joel went to lean back, clearly going to shrug off the whole event.
I didn't let him. Instead, I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his in the most awkward kiss I had experienced since I was in high school. Regardless of how awkward it was, it felt right. Almost comforting. In a world where proper connection felt impossible, this moment made it seem like the easiest thing in the world.
It was a short-lived moment. A matter of seconds before Joel pulled back. I leaned back too. Any comfort I had found faded away in seconds, now replaced by a kind of fear that I hadn't felt in far too long.
"I'm sorry," I muttered to him. "I shouldn't have done that. I-I'm sorry-"
Joel cut me off by leaning forward and kissing me again. It was as if he had been waiting for me to say that it was alright and after I kissed him, he knew that it was. My hand came up to touch his cheek, thumb dragging along the scruff on his face.
He leaned back. I smiled at him, hand still on his face. I saw the grin forming on his lips.
"I should... I should go," he mumbled.
"You could," I nodded.
"Or... I could stay here a bit longer."
"I like that idea a lot more."
He chuckled at me. "I thought you would."
It felt as if everything changed after that.
Objectively, not much had. Joel was still bringing me medical supplies. He was still having me look over injuries.
But something had still shifted.
It was nice. And weird.
I had gone through so much time on my own. I had shoved myself away from everyone. I had been someone hidden in the background. There when needed, blending in when I wasn't. Joel had largely done the same, hiding from any kind of connection for his own sake. Neither one of us truly knew what to do now that there was all this attention on us.
But we learned. Slowly.
I liked it.
Despite all of the fear, despite all of the life we had both lived through already, there was this kind of innocence that came with whatever we had. It was strange to have to relearn myself. But it was worth it. The highs and the lows of it all.
I think that being with him forced me to let my guard down.
I expected to hate the idea. To always feel that pit in my stomach that came with the fear of never being prepared enough, of nothing being scared enough. But it didn't seem too bad. It was nice, actually.
Every time that I felt the word "darling" pass my lips, the more at peace I felt with myself. With the world around me. Something that I never thought I would experience... or want to experience for that matter.
Maybe that made me a fool. Maybe that made everything that happened that night my fault.
I had no reason to believe that that day was going to be any different from any other before it.
I had woken up next to Joel, which had been happening more and more. I could remember smiling to myself when I did. I had been more comfortable with him than I had throughout most of my past.
We both had gotten up and gone to our respective jobs like it was any other day. He told me that he was going to come back to my place when he was done. I had joked about him making it home before me at sitting at my doorstep like a lost puppy. He chuckled and muttered that he would see me later.
I watched him walk to the door before I stopped him. "Darling..."
He stopped with his hand on the doorknob and looked back at me. "Yeah?"
I paused for a moment before walking over to him. I kissed him gently. "I... I love you."
It had taken me months to get the words out. I had been thinking about it for ages at that point and something about the moment felt right. Nothing in the day had gone wrong yet. There hadn't been any bad news that morning. Everything had simply been quiet and calm. I felt as if I needed to say it then and there.
There was a long pause where Joel just stared at me.
I wanted to apologize. Take it all back and let our day go on as planned.
I didn't get a chance. Before a word could escape me, he replied, "I love you too."
I froze for a moment before a smile formed on my face. I leaned in and kissed him again. When I pulled back, I tugged the door open, causing his hand to fall from the doorknob.
"See you later," I said as I walked out.
"Yeah, see you."
I spent the whole day with a dumb grin on my face. Comforted and safe. It was strange to feel like that while working. It had been one of the only times that my guard had truly come back up all the way now. But I couldn't help it. I had gotten so comfortable with Joel that it made me comfortable with the rest of the world.
It wasn't until I made my way home that anything seemed wrong.
I was walking down the hallway back to my place. As I did, I saw that my door was cracked open. I furrowed my eyebrows, immediately slowing my steps.
I tried to make sure that I hadn't stepped on any squeaky floorboards.
As I got closer, I heard two voices muttering back and forth to each other and the distinct sound of someone rummaging through my stuff.
I should have turned around then. I should've gone to get somebody. I should've done anything other than open the door. But I didn't listen to that intuition. Instead, I slowly opened the door, hoping that it wouldn't creak on its hinges.
I saw two boys rummaging through my stuff. One of them in the kitchen. The other in my dresser.
"What the hell are you doing," I asked.
They both turned around to face me.
"Go ahead, answer me," I pushed, trying to be braver than I was. I was already certain that they were there for the meds that Joel had gotten me, but I wanted them to admit it.
"Grab 'em," the guy at my dresser said.
I took off as the boy at my kitchen cabinets ran toward me. There wasn't much room to move. I was hoping that I could get around and back to the door before he caught up to me.
I wasn't so lucky.
I had made it around to the kitchen counter. However, when I tried to run around again and back to the door, the guy managed to get in front of me. He grabbed me.
I struggled. I did all that I could to get away from him.
I think that scared him. The next thing I knew, there was a knife sinking into my stomach. I gasped.
I had never thought about what something like that would feel like. It was strange. It was sharp. A shooting pain that burned through my body. But some part of me almost felt... numb? As if as soon as the pain started, it stopped.
The boy looked just as shocked as I did. As if he truly didn't believe that he had the ability to hurt someone. I wonder what went through his mind. If it was some promise that he made not to hurt someone or some promise to get better or if he was realizing that all of this pain and suffering was going too far.
His panic caused him to jerk the knife to the side, cutting even further along my stomach before abruptly pulling the blade out.
He stumbled backward as I fell to the floor. I clasped my arms over my stomach, hoping to stop some of what was coming out. I heard his friend yelling at him to go after slamming the dresser shut. I heard something like a stunned 'oh shit' before insisting that they still go.
It was like poetic justice.
Joel walked into the doorway just as the boys shoved their way out. I met his eyes from my place on the floor.
I felt my vision tunneling as Joel's voice echoed in my ears. He was yelling at the boys who were running out.
My voice came out weak. Weaker than I wanted it to.
It seemed to get his attention though. He would have all the time in the world to track those boys down. I wasn't going to be so fortunate.
He ran over, kneeling next to me. He grabbed the sides of my face, moving my head so I'd look him in the eyes. I tried to lean into his hand, searching for some kind of comfort.
"There you are... look at me," he muttered. "I've got you."
He pulled away from me. He was frantically looking around my now-messy place, looking for where my supplies had been thrown.
When he ran back over, he was holding my box of stuff for stitches. I almost wanted to chuckle. I knew that stitches were not going to work. The cut was too big, too deep. It had simply been too long for them to solve anything.
I found myself just wanting him to look at me again.
I reached up and touched his cheek. "Darling..."
He shushed me quietly. "I... I'm gonna... I'm gonna fix this. You're gonna be just fine, alright? Just fine."
I didn't respond. I simply dragged my thumb along his cheek before I pulled my hand away again.
I found my vision growing even darker than it had before. I let my eyes flutter closed. It was strange, being so aware of my death. I always thought that I'd be overcome by shock. Or that I'd go in my sleep. Anything that didn't force me to face the presence of death directly.
And in the end, I never found myself minding how death loomed over my shoulder the entire time. I was focused on Joel. Having him there, getting to touch him... getting to call him "darling" one last time.
If I could find one thing about death to remember in whatever afterlife I found myself in, I would like it to be that I was loved.
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akariarda · 5 months
Will you ever stop breaking my heart ,all over and over again...
Ep7 Emperor Garmadon came up with a plan to defeat Lyoda. The spirit, who is Sensei Garmadon, explains everything to Misako. They hope to disrupt emperor Garmadon's plan.
"Really?" Garmadon sweetly smiled.
"Start preparing. I want this madness to end as soon as possible."
"Do you want to know everything, my emperor?" Harumi asked.
"Of course," Garmadon muttered. "I'm listening."
"We captured the she-robot, and installed devices on her."
"Very good." Garmadon smiled.
Harumi waited for a sign.
"Go on." "With her technology, we managed to briefly make contact with the resistance."
"And?" Garmadon was tense. "How will I find Lloyd?"
"You won't," Harumi said.
"What!?" Garmadon was angry and confused.
"He will find you. He and she, Skylor, right? Anyway, the master of amber, they are coming to steal your power and try to control the Colossus."
"Then prepare." Garmadon sweetly smiled.
"Pretend you know nothing and let them come to me. I will finish them off."
"Garmadon, is that really you?"
"Not yet," Sensei Garmadon shook his head. "You have to help me regain control of myself."
"But it's you!" Misako joyfully exclaimed and hugged him.
He hugged her back and they stood like that for a while.
"I thought your good side was gone forever..." Misako stretched as Sensei Garmadon suddenly moved away from her.
"What?" He asked.
"I thought your good side no longer existed," Misako said as she still held his shoulders.
"I have a lot to tell you, and little time." Sensei Garmadon said, holding her hands.
"Go on." Misako said nervously.
"When Harumi brought back my evil side," Sensei Garmadon started.
"With it also came my good side. But it was no longer a part of me. I wandered around for a long time, faceless and trying to act on my own. It was difficult for me."
Sensei Garmadon choked with emotion.
"I watched everything, my dear Misako. I watched as I repeatedly hurt Lloyd, you, Wu..."
As he spoke, he lightly ran his hand over a bruise on her forearm, which had appeared in one of the many times he had thrown her to the ground in recent days.
"I'm sorry." He said and hung his head.
"It's okay." Misako gently said and lifted his head.
"You said it yourself, you couldn't control it. I know it wasn't you. You would never hurt any of us."
Misako said as she gently ran her hand over his face.
"Anyway," Sensei Garmadon sighed deeply and continued his story.
"But somehow I managed to take control of myself. You helped me a lot with that. But as much as I tried, my evil side was stronger.
I did everything I could to separate myself even for a short time."
Sensei Garmadon told her.
"You left your pure evil side alone?" Misako asked fearfully.
"Wait." Garmadon said and closed his eyes.
"No." He said with fear when he opened his eyes.
Misako could clearly see the terror on his face.
"Lloyd is coming," Sensei Garmadon said. "He and Skylor, to take control of the Colossus.
Harumi captured Pixal and with her help somehow found them. She'll let them in and then capture them."
"What do we do now?" Misako asked, astonished.
"I don't know." Garmadon firmly stated. "And to answer your previous question, yes, I left my evil side alone."
"Bad." Misako muttered.
She didn't know who she was more worried about dying for.
"What now?" She asked.
"I had a plan." Garmadon muttered angrily.
"What plan?" Misako asked.
"It doesn't matter anymore." Garmadon said bitterly.
"We have to get out of here." Misako came and put her hand on his shoulder.
"It's too dangerous, I'm afraid I'll hurt you." Garmadon gently ran his hand through her face.
"We have no choice." Misako insisted. "I have a plan, we're the only ones inside right now. We're one step ahead, Harumi and your evil self. Trust me."
"How could I not trust you." Sensei Garmadon smiled and grabbed her hand.
"I know how we're going to get out of here."
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kexing · 1 year
so i started watching enchante for the first time because i enjoy the forcebook chemistry very much in only friends and im very much enjoying myself, it's such a feel good show and it's so pretty and also akk. as i'm watching i'm going through old posts and i came across one about a lot of hate that either forcebook or enchante seemed to have gotten? and im so confused bc it just seems like a normal gmmtv show? would you mind explaining what happened there?
hi there! glad you’re enjoying yourself! as i’ve always said, enchanté is warm and the world is cold, so i hope it keeps you warm as well!
dearest, i wish i could explain it to you but there’s no actual solid explanation for this issue that plagues our every move to this day.
like. one could argue enchanté has a really flawed ending, which is true, but the show got SEVERE hate throughout its entire run.
people mocked book’s french accent from the start, absurd shit tbh. and then proceeded to pick the show apart for no fucking reason.
i understand if enchanté isn’t your type of show, whatever. if you have issues with it, whatever. nobody’s obligated to like it. but the amount of hate it got? unjustified. especially when they never tried to make it a revolutionary show, like you said, it’s a FEEL GOOD SHOW but like seven people got the fucking message.
and that has TRAGICALLY affected forcebook’s reputation back then and now. people hate on them all the time for no fucking reason.
“they have no chemistry!” “they’re bad actors!” “they don’t know how to kiss!” and even more offensive takes from mfs who clearly didn’t watch enchanté at all.
2022 was a really difficult year for them. they barely got work after enchanté because of all the nonsensical backlash.
it hurt my heart to see everyone saying they were sure forcebook were done for, that they were never getting another show. like. i’ve always respected everyone’s faves?? but god forbid people respecting mine 🫠🫠🫠
admittedly, 2023 has brought forcebook a lot of good things and new fans but the stupid hate continues and it insists on tarnishing everything.
it’s like no matter what force and book do, they’re never good enough to just be allowed to exist in peace. and it gets tiring, you know?
i mean, forcebook are graceful beings. they’ve always been the kindest throughout this entire mess. they get all that hate and give it all back in love and hard work. i truly admire their strength! but i’m honestly beyond tired of reading the worst possible takes about them all the time.
my point is: no, enchanté isn’t the worst bl out there and no, forcebook haven’t killed anyone that i’m aware of. but everyone will keep on acting like they did.
have a lovely weekend! 🩷
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