#i hope we get a continuation of the blue door posse
me-sploh-rada-imas · 10 months
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something about time passing but everything staying the same
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epiclamer · 2 years
Imagine hero and villain at school in the same class. lots of teasing during class but after it’s a bit intense like pinning??
This is the one the prophecy for told.
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Janitors Closet
English; Hero’s first language and worst nightmare. The one class they dreaded day and night. Monday first period, Wednesday third period and Friday last period. Same thing, every week.
It wouldn’t have been so intolerable if there wasn’t a special someone who never ceased to present. If there was one thing you could count on Villain for, it was that they would be at every english class without fail.
In the dead of winter, during flu season or even when they were still healing from a previous fight. They were always there and it was starting to drive the hero mad.
Another pencil hit Hero’s back, that would be the fourth one so far, and they were starting to wonder just how many pencils the villain possessed because it was getting ridiculous at this point.
There was a gentle tap on their shoulder and besides their better judgement, Hero turned around. Coming face to face with the wooden hilt of yet another 2B.
Hero tried their very best to conceal their raging annoyance, opening their eyes to greet and all-too-cheerful villain and their gang of giggling dimwits. Waggling their fresh tray of high grade pencils in the air, the promise of a continual bother along with.
They turned back around, fisting their papers to keep their shallow mask on as best as they could. Five more minutes. They just had to keep telling themselves that.
Five. Another hit. More. A new one at the back of the head this time. Minutes. One last lead end landing right between their shoulder blades.
“You’re normally a way better dodge~”
The hero practically hit the ceiling when they jumped, feeling the villain’s lips right next to the shell of their ear. It was unsettling how smooth they were getting, always sneaking up out of the blue…
They glared at the other, hoping none of their interactions were seeming off kilter lately, the last thing they needed was an identity reveal. Villain—by the looks of it—didn’t seem to care.
“Oops… Sorry, are those instincts reserved for the battlefield only, love?” Their grin was much too sharp, “I won’t bring it up again, don’t worry. Nobody needs to know what we do when we’re alone…”
Villains tone was godforsakenly suggestive, the way their hands slowly creeped in on the hero’s back and gently dragged their way down to their waist. It had Hero’s stomach churning and not in the way they would’ve preferred it.
And as quickly as they were there, they were gone. Returned to their posse with a new pencil poised in hand.
Hero’s eyes drifted hopefully towards the clock at the center of the dully coloured room, the school bell ringing the second their eyes landed on the ticking hands. Saved by the bell, and quite literally at that. Anymore of that torture and Hero would’ve lost their mind.
Their hands moved wildly, shoving supplies into their bag without a thought for care of placement so unlike their usual tidy self. But for now they just needed to get out of there, to escape the villain before they had to face them that very night.
Faster than the crime-stopper’s hands could close their backpack, they were heading for the door. Speeding past their snoring instructor and bursting through the door ahead of everyone else. Their next class was just down the hall and if they could make it there soon enough—
Two strong hands grabbed the hero and pulled them off-course, swinging them into the broom closet along the empty hall and shutting the door before the sea of students emerged. Their struggle was cut short, there were only one pair of hands that felt like this and Hero would recognize them anywhere.
Through the clouded darkness Hero reached for the light-switch in the corner, managing to pull themselves enough away from the criminal to hit it. This was nothing like what they had hoped their day would come to and it was most definitely nothing like where they had hoped to wind up with their nemesis.
Maybe out in the streets of the bed-ridden city they could handle the villain, but in a janitors closet? They couldn’t fight them here.
They wouldn’t. Hero wouldn’t endanger these kids.
“Relax, I don’t want a fight, sweetheart.”
Hero held their ground, back pressed against the wall furthest from their enemy. “Sorry if I don’t believe you, but you’ve certainly made your interests clear with me.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, squaring up the hero. “And what would those be?”
The crime-stopper dropped into a more defensive stance, they didn’t have their cuffs with them, or anything else that could help in the villain’s wake. They swallowed, “you want me.” Their eyes scanned the shelves for anything useful.
“You want me for yourself. You’re greedy.”
A much hungrier smile took the place of the villain’s previous grin. “Not in the way you’d imagine, darling.” The villain’s presence was suffocating, it filtered its way through the hero’s skull and intoxicated their brain. Their scent, their speech, their intensity… It was so overwhelming and the villain used it to their advantage.
Clearing it safe to step forwards, they did. Boxing the hero in between the wall and their body, they’d have to get through the villain to get out now.
They were almost touching, bodies only inches apart, yet the heat radiated all the same, producing enough between the two of them to make the hero sweat and pant. Villain bit their lip at the sight, as if they had to contain themselves for both of their own goods.
“Not in the way you’d imagine…”
The second bell rung, announcing the beginning of a new class and a new stage of the day. Snapping both of them back to reality and out of the fog that clouded both their judgements for the better or for the worse, that was yet to be discovered.
Villain huffed out a short laugh as they took a step back to clear a path for the hero. “Saved by the bell~”
“Quite literally…” Hero mumbled through their bated breath and flushed cheeks, scurrying through the exit as they rushed back down the hall to their now late position in class.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Safety Within the Sanders' Pizzeria
Virgil's inner anxiety and interactions with some of the animatronics, causes Virgil to have a panic attack during work. Thankfully, Logan and Patton are there to calm him down and be playful with him.
The ending includes slightly dirty statements, because...Remus. But that's about it!
And this prompt was suggested by good ol' Pumpkin Paw! I hope you like it! And for the rest of you: JURY DUTY, JURY DUTY, JURY DUTY, BLACK MAIL-
Just kidding! I hope you enjoy!
Virgil was growing terrified of the robots. They all seemed to have a sinister side that tripled when they were kept in darkness and not surrounded by children. Though a couple of the robots were better-suited for children, there were robots he was much more terrified of…
Examples? Remus and Janus.
Janus was an unpredictable robot that managed to glitch himself into an impulsive liar. He’s encouraged kids to set things on fire, let kids play with sharpened swords, showed kids how to make chloroform, and taught kids all kinds of dangerous things. There was a reason Janus was kept in a locked room to only be used for spare parts. He was also scared that Janus was gonna pull some manipulative tricks on him or scare him. His worst nightmare was the thought of Janus sneaking up on him with a box of matches and saying “Humans are very flame resistant! Let me show you:” and setting him on fire. OH PLEASE NO.
Remus was even worse! He caused violence way too much, and looked like a creepy, insane robotic homeless guy that could kill hundreds if he was allowed to go free. He even smelled like a mix of mold, metal and dead mice. Worst of all? He had a mace. A FREAKING MACE! WHO THE HELL GAVE THE ROBOT A MACE?! And since his robot body made him so strong, Virgil’s head could easily be crushed by a single swing of the mace alone! All he could do was pray that Remus never got any ideas to try it out.
“Ooooh Viiirgiiil~” someone called.
Virgil jumped and moved his flashlight around to find the source of the sound. “You-You’d better leave me alone! I-” Virgil grabbed a lamp. “I have a...A lamp! And I’m not afraid to use it!” Virgil warned.
The voice let out a manic laugh that helped him identify the voice. It was Remus. “That’s a good one! The poor security guard’s all alone with only his lamp to hold onto! Such a shame it won’t save you.” Remus teased.
“Oh yeah? How do you know?” Virgil asked, plugging it in.
“The lamp’s hardly a weapon up against my pointy mace! All it’ll take is a big, fat, SPLAT! AHAHAHAHAHAAA! THEN IT’LL JUST BE BROKEN GLASS AND METAL!” Remus declared.
Virgil growled and held up the lamp in one hand, and the switch in the other. “Alright coward, COME ON OUT.”
Remus kicked the door down. “THE FUCK DID YOU JUST- AAAAAAH!” Remus interrupted himself and covered up his eyes with his hands. “FAAACK!”
Virgil smiled a little as he shined the light right into Remus’s eyes. “Not so tough now with burned robot eyes, huh?” Virgil spat.
Remus growled and started swinging his mace around blindly. Virgil’s confident smirk quickly turned to fear as he tried to get out of the way of the flying mace. “WHOA- Oh geez- REMUS!” Virgil shouted.
It didn’t take long for the lamp to end up destroyed into pieces by the mace. Remus let out some proud, chaotic laughter as his eyes very slowly adjusted. “Just like a piñata! A few more hits should do it!” Remus declared as he readied his mace like a baseball bat.
Virgil quickly dropped the lamp and sprinted away as quickly as he could. He sprinted out of the office and darted his way down the hall. But his sprinting was quickly brought to a halt by another robot who was blocking his path.
“Oooooh! Looking confident today, Security guard.” The robot teased as he tipped his hat. Oh no...It was Janus…
Virgil sprinted behind Janus and hid. “Please hide me! Remus is trying to kill me!” Virgil begged.
Janus turned his head a full 180 degrees to look right at Virgil. “My, what a brave soul.” Janus reacted out loud.
Virgil shrieked at Janus’s over contorted head and backed up from him. “That’snotright! that’snotRIGHT!” Virgil muttered.
Janus’s eyes moved to the right...they moved to the left...then they looked back at Virgil. “What do you mean? This is normal.” Janus told him. To top it all off, Janus had shrugged his shoulders like a human usually would. But Janus’s shoulder blades were literally just below Janus’s chin and were facing the terrified security guard. That was NOT normal.
In fact, that was enough to make Virgil scream and sprint off again. He sprinted his way further down the hall, and was soon skidded to a stop by one more animatronic:
“OOOH! A worthy opponent!” The animatronic declared, pointing his sharpened knife to Virgil. Virgil shrieked and put his hands up in surrender. “That’s right, you have no weapon! So that means you’re my prisoner!” Roman declared, grabbing his hand and leading him away. “I hope you can appreciate a quick death. Let’s say...Beheading! With my sword, of course!” Roman declared.
Virgil took one look at the sword and yelped: The sword was AN INCH AWAY FROM HIS EYE.
Roman giggled at his scared face. “Hehehe! Poke poke~”
Virgil screeched like a terrified hawk and pulled his arm out of Roman’s grip. The moment he was free, Virgil screamed again and took off sprinting.
“Wait! Wait, Virgil! I was joking! Come on!” Roman yelled to him.
Virgil sprinted all the way to the other side of the pizzeria. The animatronics were everywhere. He couldn’t get away! They wouldn’t stop grabbing him! Threatening his life! SCARING HIM TO DEATH!
OH NO! NOT ANOTHER ONE! Virgil tried to get up and take off running again. But this animatronic had him good. So Virgil started to kick, scream, and punch. Anything to get out of the animatronic’s strong grip.
“Virgil! Virgil Sanders! Can you hear me?” The animatronic asked.
Virgil’s fighting slowed a bit as he heard his actual name. “Wh- *huff, huff, huff* What-”
“Virgil Sanders. Is that right?” The animatronic asked. Virgil nodded his head. “Okay. I only know your name because I read your name tag.” The animatronic told him.
Okay...Okay. That makes sense. But this is an animatronic! Why are they being nice? The only animatronic he knew that was nice, was Patton! And even HE was a little sinister! “Pat- Patisthatyou?” Virgil asked.
“This is Logan. I need you to sit down and try to cooperate with me.” Logan explained. Virgil looked up and managed to catch the general outline of glasses...and a dark blue shirt. “Don’t worry. You’re safe. I’ve closed the doors and ordered all the animatronics but Patton, to leave you alone.” Logan explained.
Virgil started to relax his muscles bit by bit. “O...Okay...Okay.”
Something slid into his hand. “Can you feel my hand?” Logan asked. Virgil nodded. “Okay good. Can you feel my face?” Logan asked as he placed Virgil’s hand onto his cold, hard cheek.
Virgil nodded and looked up at him. “Cold...It’s cold.” Virgil added.
“Okay.” Logan replied.
“Good job Kiddo!” Another animatronic cheered. Virgil smiled a little at that.
“Now:” Logan placed Patton’s hand onto Virgil’s arm. “Can you feel the hand on your arm?” Logan asked. Virgil nodded. Logan continued. “That is Patton’s hand.” Logan told him.
Virgil nodded. “Okay.”
Patton, feeling a little playful, placed his hand on Virgil’s belly. “Do you feel this?” Patton asked as he started gently scratching it.
Virgil smiled and laughed a little. “Yeheheah, Ihihi doho.”
“Patton, I don’t think childish behaviours like tickling are recommended when a person is recovering from a panic atta-”
“It’s working!” Patton added his other hand to Virgil’s belly and started skittering all over. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
Virgil giggled and fell gently onto his back while he rolled around and pushed at Patton’s hands. “Hehehehehe! Hahahahahaha! Ihihi’m ohokahahahay.” Virgil let him know.
“Alright.” Patton stopped tickling him. “Did that help?”
Virgil smiled. “Yes. A lot, actually.”
Logan raised his eyebrows. “Fascinating...Virgil must be a rare human to appreciate tickling after a panic attack.” Logan reacted calmly.
Patton chuckled and shook his head. “Or tickling really does help for panic attacks and you just don’t believe me yet!” Patton picked up Virgil, held him in his arms like a toddler, and started skittering his fingers on Virgil’s sides. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!”
Virgil squealed and started to wiggle again. “HAhahahaha! Hehehehe Pahahahat! Thahahat ticklehehes!” Virgil giggled.
“Ihi can tell! If it wasn’t ticklish to you, then I’d still be looking for new ticklish spots.” Patton replied.
Patton lifted up Virgil’s Security Guard shirt a bit and found the guy’s belly button. “Oooh! Giggle button!” Patton reacted as he poked it a few times. Virgil guffawed! His back arched like a freaking rainbow, and Virgil just about kicked Patton in the face! But thankfully, Patton caught the foot right before it hit him. “That was close…” Patton said calmly.
Virgil was covering his belly. “Sohorry. My belly button is REEEALLY bad.” Virgil admitted.
Patton dropped Virgil’s foot. “It IS?!” Patton pretty much dove towards Virgil and started scratching Virgil’s belly again. “Does this tickle?” Patton asked.
Virgil squeaked and squealed while rolling around and kicking his feet. “AAAHAHAHAHAHA! YEHEHEHEHEHESS!” Virgil yelled back.
Patton grabbed both of Virgil’s sides and started squeezing. “Does this tickle more? Or less?” Patton asked.
Virgil’s laughter fell to giggles while Patton tickled up and down the one side of his ribs. “Yeheheheheheah. Ihihihit tihihihihicklehehes lehehehess.” Virgil replied.
Patton hummed. “I can tell! Your laughter went from super strong, to little giggles!” Patton reacted.
Virgil nodded. “It did, yeah.”
Patton gasped and lifted Virgil’s shirt again. “I wanna hear your laughter again!” Patton declared before poking and swirling his finger in his belly button.
“Patton...Maybe we should tone it down-”
“BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAITNOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” Virgil rolled onto his belly as soon as he possibly could, and then continued to giggle into the floor as he recovered. “Lohohoho...Loho hahahas ahaha pohohohoint.” Virgil told him.
Patton frowned a little and crossed his arms. “Fiiine. I guess I’ll give you a break.” Patton decided.
Virgil let out a breath of relief and turned onto his back again. “Thank you.”
Logan was staring at Virgil with his eyes slightly narrow and a hand on his chin. It looked like he was in a hyper focused thinking mode. Logan just kept on staring at him, and looking him up and down. It was growing a little creepy for his liking. But...Logan probably didn’t really realize it.
“Um...L-Logan?” Virgil asked.
Logan moved his hand off his own chin and brought his index finger closer to Virgil. “Virgil…” He said, pointing to the nametag. “A male name meaning ‘Staff bearer’ in Latin.” Logan explained.
Virgil bit his lip and nodded. “Yes...That’s right. It’s also the name of a Roman poet.” Virgil admitted.
“Yes: Publius Vergilius Maro. He became influential in The Golden Age. Also known as The Augustan Age.” Logan added.
Virgil smiled. “Isn’t Augustus the Emperor that was related to Julius Caesar?” Virgil asked.
“Yes! Caesar was Augustus’s great-uncle.” Logan replied.
“Okay.” Virgil decided. “So...What about it?”
Logan smiled. “The name is very uncommon in this century.” Logan told him.
Virgil smiled. “I guess I’m special.” He teased.
Logan shrugged his shoulders. “Perhaps.”
Logan leaned in and brought his hands towards Virgil’s ribs. “Is your ribcage ticklish by chance?” Logan asked him.
Virgil widened his eyes and scooted closer to the wall with a wobbly smile on his face. “Nohoho, no, no it’s not. Totally not.” Virgil lied desperately.
“Hmm...I see...And,” Logan touched down and started skittering, “-does proving my point help the factual robot to see that you’re lying?” Logan asked with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. “Yes! Yes it does.”
Virgil bursted out into fits of giggles and laughter mixed into one reaction. “Aahahahahahaha! Ohohokahahahay, okay yohohohou’re rihihihight! Ihihi lihihihied! Ihihi’m sohohohorryhyhyhy!” Virgil admitted.
“I appreciate you apologizing. However, I’m afraid it’s a little too late for mercy to be bestowed upon you.” Logan told him as he started to move up the ribs.
Virgil’s laughter grew higher in octave, and a little louder. “WahahaHAHAHAIT- WHAHAHAHAT?! IHIHIHI THOHOHOHOHOUGHT-”
“You thought you were getting a break?” Logan finished for him. “Nah. I just wanted to have my turn to be the infamous ‘tickle monster’. Coochy coochy coochy coochy coo Virgil~” Logan teased.
Virgil threw his head back and started cackling. “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE! PLEHEHEASE! EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” Virgil begged, trapping Logan’s hands in his upper arms.
“Oh dear...Patton, did you trick me into entering a trap?” Logan asked.
Patton giggled and shook his head. “Nohoho, why?”
Logan huffed dramatically and pulled. “Because I appear to be stuck. And Virgil is a lot stronger than I envisioned.” Logan explained.
Patton laughed even harder. “YOHOHOU’RE A ROBOT! You’re made of METAL! All it takes is a tug, Logan!” Patton reminded him.
Logan paused his tickling as he looked down at his arms and started pulling. But the pulling was made to be super weak and...quite pathetic for a robot.
“Ohohokahahay, nohohow you’re just beheheheing rihihidicuhulohohous.” Virgil told him.
Logan looked at Virgil with a frown and a smirk. “Excuse me?” Logan reacted. “Pathetic?”
Virgil’s giggles skyrocketed from Logan’s reaction. “Yeheheheahahahah!” Virgil further provoked.
Logan smirked even wider and fixed his glasses. “Excuse me while I do this:” Logan picked up Virgil like a toddler, brought him into his arms and covered every part of Virgil’s middle with tickles. Ribs, belly, sides, belly button, hips, they were all tickled.
Virgil absolutely LOST IT! He was a mess of cackles, snorts, hiccups, and even squeaks mixed together into one big ball! Virgil looked like a snorter, so the snort didn’t really catch Logan off guard.
However, Patton was ecstatic. “Logan! Did you hear that?! He snorted! He has a snort laugh! Hahahahaha! I love it! I wanna hear it again! Can you make him snort again?” Patton asked amidst his rambling.
Logan giggled at this and nodded. “Sure thing Pat in the Hat.” Logan replied. To make Virgil snort again, Logan specifically targeted his upper ribs and his belly all at once. This made Virgil cackle, squeal, and as Patton wanted: snort.
“Uh oh...I do believe his oxygen level is dropping a bit too low. I will need to stop and let him breathe again.” Logan told Patton as he stopped tickling.
Virgil went limp in Logan’s arms almost immediately. He was breathing heavily as well, which further proved Logan’s observation.
“Hohohow…” Virgil was stopped by Logan’s index finger on his lips.
“Hush Virgil. Just breathe for a bit. Then you may ask your question.” Logan advised.
Virgil rolled his eyes and listened to him. But Virgil did feel a little annoyed by Logan’s advice. How did Logan know what’s best for him? He’s not a human. He hasn’t experienced being human since he was made. Heck, even his human-mimicking socializing was quite off. No one quite talked like Logan. Well, except for the super introverted nerds in the world.
BUt Virgil still listened to him. When he felt recovered enough, Virgil tried again. “How do you know my oxygen level?” Virgil asked.
Logan looked down at him. “I have been fitted with a pulse Oximeter at my fingertips.” Logan explained briefly. He brought his fingers to Virgil’s. “I can squeeze gently on your finger, and a number will show up. If it’s normal, then I don’t have any reason to act concerned. If it’s low however, I may advise breathing more heavily or going outside for some fresh air or a short walk. That usually helps raise a human’s blood oxygen level.” Logan explained.
“Hm...I see. Can you do anything else?” Virgil asked.
“Indeed I can.” Logan replied. “Not many people know this, but I have been fitted with a Glucometer for checking the blood sugar of any suspected or confirmed diabetic of any age.” Logan told him. “I also have a way to check your general body temperature.” Logan added. “You’re fairly warm still. However, exerting activities such as tickling can make you increasingly warm.” Logan explained.
Virgil smiled. “That’s really cool.”
Logan smiled. “I can also confirm that you are, in fact, a male. If you were a trans male, I would know. But I would still be ordered to call you by your preferred pronouns due to backlash if I failed to do so.” Logan explained.
“Kinky!” Someone added randomly.
Patton jumped at the new voice, and frowned at the word he used. “Remus, no!” Patton warned.
Logan sighed and fixed his glasses. “Remus, it is NOT kinky! It is basic knowledge!” Logan argued.
“Sounds pretty kinky to me! Right Security Guard?” Remus teased.
Virgil looked away, growing a little more uncomfortable than he expected. “A...A little…”
Logan looked at Virgil. “I don’t quite understand…” Logan admitted. “Did I do something wrong?”
Virgil shook his head. “No! No you didn’t. Just for the future...Maybe keep the ‘gender’ identifying technology a secret. For...social purposes.” Virgil advised.
Logan nodded. “Noted.” Then, Logan smiled. “However, we are gonna take advantage of your more regular oxygen levels and resume tickling you.”
Wait a minute, WHAT?!
Patton gasped and clapped his hands. “YES! MORE SNORTS!”
And more snorts Patton got. Dozens, to be specific.
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oddaodd · 4 years
hello! merry christmas! >3
could you maybe write something about tommy and reader spending christmas with their newborn for the first time? thanks!!
· Winter Son ·
Author’s note: Merry Christmas to you too! I hope you enjoy this fluffy fic, which I had a lot of fun writing, and have a lovely day! ❤️
Warnings: none. 
As the first yellow gleams of winter sunlight began tinging the horizon on Christmas morning, baby cries echoed through the biggest room in Arrow house.
Y/n began stirring into consciousness groggily attempting to get up before Tommy stopped her by gently placing his hand on her waist
“ I’ll get it” he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Y/n hummed in thankfulness  and sank back into the comfort of the warm bed as Tommy got up and walked towards the crib where their three month old son cried. Ever since little James had been born Y/n ran on practically no sleep, she had no idea what she was doing most of the time and she was consumed pretty much all the time, but when she looked into her baby’s eyes she could see plain as day all the exhaustion he inspired completely justified.
Trying to rub sleep off her eyes she admired her husband as he picked up James whose cries subdued as he began rocking him in his arms carefully as if he was made of china. In the comfort of their bedroom, Thomas Shelby was a complete softie.
“Lets let mummy sleep for a while, eh?” He cooed to the baby as he made his way to the door. He knew how exhausted Y/n was and he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty that pretty much all the weight of their baby had befallen on her.
She smiled tiredly at the scene unfolding before her and with a happy sigh she let sleep posses her again. She woke up hours later, the winter sun shining fully behind the curtains. Feeling particularly well rested she got up and refreshed herself before tying a robe around her frame and settling off to find her boys. She had a feeling they would be in the parlor. For some reason James had taken a liking to the baubles and Christmas decorations, he always blabbered excitedly when in their presence. When she walked past Charlie’s bedroom she noticed his bed was empty and immediately assumed he wold be downstairs too, opening presents.
Her suspicions were the moment she entered the parlor. Tommy was sitting on a sofa with James in his arms looking over Charlie who was playing with some toy cars. At the creaking of the door Charlie’s eyes shot in Y/n’s direction, an exited smile decorating his face.
“Y/N look what Father Christmas got me!” He exclaimed in excitement holding up his toy cars for Y/n to see.
Y/n smiled tousling his hair “They are divine, Charlie!”
“I think this blue one is my favorite” he commented merrily. “I want to have a real car just like this one someday”
“Well, if you continue being a good boy Father Christmas may get you one when you’re older” promised Y/n looking over at Tommy who shot her an amused smile.  
“Good morning, love” She kissed Tommy who murmured a good morning against her lips as she sat next to him on the couch.
“And good morning to you too” she cooed at James who giggled to the sound of her voice.
“How are you enjoying your first Christmas?” She lovingly asked James as Tommy handed him to her.  
“I think he likes it a lot, he never cries when he’s near the tree” came Charlie’s voice as he sat next to her looking at James. “I can’t wait for him to grow so I can have someone to play cars with!”
Yn laughed feeling thankful that Charlie loved James so. It had been one of her concerns when she first found out about her pregnancy, but Charlie quashed that worry with a smile when she gave him the news.
“Will he still be my brother even if you’re not my mum?” Had asked a curious Charlie placing a tiny hand over y/n’s still inexistent baby bump.
“Of course he will be” reassured y/n with a smile.
Y/n had sometimes caught Charlie stashing away some of his candies into a box and when she asked him about it he said “they’re for James, they are delicious and I want him to try them too”.
What if he doesn’t like to play cars?”” Tested Tommy with a knowing smile on his face.
“Well I suppose we could play horses” reasoned Charlie, focus evident in his face  “or checkers or hide and seek, but I think he’ll like cars” he concluded tickling James’s tiny foot.
Tommy’s family visited them some hours later. They spent the rest of the day laughing, drinking and eating. A peaceful aura settled around the house as Y/n stared out the parlor’s  window with James in her arms watching the last rays of winter sun disappearing into darkness. Tommy came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist resting his face on her shoulder. A smile graced y/n features at his touch and leaned back onto him with a happy sigh.
“Do you think he enjoyed his first Christmas?” Wondered Tommy.
“I doubt he’ll remember it” murmured y/n with a laugh “but I guess he did”
“Well” began Tommy  “I hope he doesn’t remember uncle Arthur’s Christmas speech” he concluded pressing a kiss to Y/n’s uncovered shoulder.
“What about me Christmas speech!?” Chimed in Arthur drunkenly.
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skelanonymous · 4 years
Song Prompt 4 -  You Don’t Know Me
I’m trying my hand at some bad guy poly, and if I get to my Little Night AU, this may become a prequel of sorts.
Song: You Don’t Know Me by Elizabeth Gillies
Skeleton: Nightmare
Words: 3.2k
“Boss, you can’t be serious right now.” Killer’s mouth hung open. Dust sighed off to his left, rubbing his face hard enough to shake dust from his hood. Horror wouldn’t meet his eyes, Cross also nervously avoiding them, leaving Error the only one still looking, albeit with some exasperation.
“I’m very serious.” Night responded to Killer without bending. “This is not something I’d like to be a part of.”
“If that’s the reason, cuz you don’t wanna, then that’s fine. But that sounds like a crock and I ain’t one for bullshit.” Killer grabbed the end of the table with whitened knuckles. Nightmare could taste the frustration off all of them, but his icy resolution could outlast their mounting agitation. “So just be honest. We can handle whatever you got to say.”
Nightmare looked at his phalanges, faking disdain with ease, unaffected stone face a talent he’d picked up before leaving the tree’s shade.
“I have no reason to lie. I am not willing to join your polyamorous posse.” They’d all been having “sleepovers” for months now, and he’d caught on long before he walked into a dream he wished he could erase. It would’ve been fine had it been Horror or Killer, but Dust was always vigilant and had remembered Nightmare’s brief intrusion the next morning. “I admit, it’s impressive you’ve managed to keep this working between so many of you, and I don’t care what you spend your free time doing, but my time will be spent on other ventures.”
“But in the dream-”
“I’m not a nun, but walking into a dream orgy when you expect something a little more tame and having a reaction isn’t that ridiculous.” Dust’s gaze bore into his skull. He couldn’t crack, not if he was trying to pass off this lie. Keeping calm was critical.
“So that’s it then. No?” Killer just shook his head. Good, please, give up. Nightmare’s feigned nonchalance had held through much worse, but the backlash afterwards would be worse if he broke beneath it.
“It’s a no.” Night stood from the little table he’d been called to like an intervention. “Now I’m returning to my study. Come find me if anything happens to the castle.”
He did NOT run, but he portaled the instant he turned a corner. It dropped him into a forest patch on the edges of this world just before he lost his composure.
“Son of a fucking BITCH!” His tentacles lashed out, splitting apart all the trees in the area with a giant swing. The corruption roared out of his mouth, furious and wild, screaming his voice hoarse. He didn’t give a damn about any of it, just seeing red from the blackened aura that got denser and denser around his body as he raged in nature, a force all on his own.
Of course he wanted to say yes! Envy scorched through his hands, clawing ahead for what it could not reach. Rage he reserved for himself, though saved some for his damned fate, at being too fucked to just be with a person. Even now, not within their embrace, the greed seduced his pitch black soul to have so many loves with which to indulge, having them all pay attention to him, their king, their saviour, they OWED this to him!
“God damn it, NO! Fuck you!” He continued ruining the countryside, rampant as the growth surrounding him.
He couldn’t love them. Not like they wanted, not the way they did each other, forever an outsider to the perfect temptation. He’d tip the balance and break the scales. He would destroy this for them. Slowly, he felt the brain fog raise, the tinges of red outlining everything finally fading away with his energy.
When the colors of the ruined forest fully returned, he directly portaled to his study. Dust was waiting patiently on the desk’s edge.
“The castle couldn’t have had a disaster that quickly.” Nightmare sat at his desk without acknowledging he’d been caught moping outside. Damn his perceptiveness when not distracted.
“I mean, it did.” Dust stated in a matter of fact tone. “They’re unhappy with the answer.”
“And what? You’re here to force me to change it?” Lashing out was what he excelled at. He wasn’t meant for soft cuddle puddles and doting, his body literal poison to those around him, his aura a drain. Dust didn’t bite.
“No. It wouldn’t be honest if it was forced.” He spoke airily, as if admitting the blatant truth could be anything but bitter disaster.
“Then why have you come to my study?” Nightmare hoped he’d rise to the bait that time, more direct in his aggression, and Dust would meet and rise to it most days, but besides twitching a few times, he holds his sanity at the low blow.
“To remind you. I know what I saw, and you know what I saw.” Dust didn’t leave room for argument and Nightmare didn’t lie about it out of respect. “Just know that the door is open should you change your mind.”
“Thank you, but my answer remains the same.” Damn him. Each denial took away more of his resistance. Perhaps he knew that, persistence hunting him with a strong will borne of the endless loops that forged most of his loyal following, waiting until one day he asked over something inconsequential like breakfast for the yes to slip out without Nightmare even on guard enough to catch it.
“Whatever you say Boss.” Dust nodded, but those eyes haunted him. He hadn’t heard the last of this, but the tide would ebb for now.
Nightmare fell back into the plush chair tiredly, already awaiting the next wave.
He knew what he wanted, but he could not obtain it. If he acted on his wishes, he’d destroy what he sought. And if he denied it, he’d be acting against his natural state while forcing himself to be miserable. There wasn’t a way to win that he could conceive of so he settled with ignoring the feeling entirely.
Despite his refusal, they didn’t change their interactions with him in the slightest after that first day.
Meal times remained largely unchanged except for the stolen glances at him if he betrayed any affection or laughed (which wasn’t often, but they were his crew and knew his weaknesses). Missions and responses to commands had also remained the same, though that was expected. They still offered him the opportunity to join in on movie nights. He had refused all of those since the rejection.
Maybe it was the way Horror had frowned when he’d said no for the fifth time in a row that changed his mind. Ignoring feelings didn’t make them disappear and he’d always been a little softer for Horror’s requests. He only asked for what he considered essential.
“Let me finish this. I’ll be down in five minutes.” Tidying up his papers took seconds, but he needed the minutes for composure.
When he made it down, Horror had curled up into Error’s lap with a gigantic grin, Error softly praising him with small head pets. The others waved at him.
“Hey Boss! Sorry, we let Cross pick this time.” The ‘we didn’t think you’d say yes’ was implied. Nightmare nodded at Killer while moving to sit on the couch against the wall.
“I can live with choosing next time.” The little bursts of joy hit him like a face full of air freshener, his sludge rippling but otherwise unaffected. They’d popped in the DVD and set up before flicking off the lights.
Nightmare watched intently for the first fifteen minutes, he’d never seen it before, then looked around.
The group had paired off into cuddly duos, Killer and Cross, Horror and Error, leaving a lonely Dust seated by Nightmare. From here, he could feel Dust’s cold longing, wanting to join in like the others but knowing his only possible partner would refuse him. The movie was loud, the others absorbed in it or each other and not even able to see them from where they sat. Nightmare laid a tentative tentacle over Dust’s shoulder. He refused to speak a word, merely moving his arm for Dust to accept or not.
His dual colored eyes dilated before quietly shuffling over. Leaning in, he pressed himself along Night’s side with a little wiggle to get cozy.
From this angle, Dust’s ears within an inch of his mouth, he spoke softly.
“Is this okay?” He didn’t know what he felt like to others. Dust hummed so low that Night could only feel it.
“Yeah.” His right eye twitched, Papyrus must’ve said something. “What are those weird swords called?” Night’s eyes flicked up to the screen.
“A flamberge sword. It’s mostly used to counter others by-” Nightmare went into its varied history, a few famous wielders, its construction. They kept their eyes on the film, and Nightmare whispered it to Dust, like a secret history lesson while some cheesy dramatic scene full of loud music drowned out the rest. By the time he’d stopped, Dust comfortably leaned fully against him. His head had come into contact with the corner of Night’s mouth without ceremony, suddenly making Night aware of his proximity.
“You’ve read a lot.” Dust turned his head, now his teeth only a breath away. Nightmare couldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“Books were all I possessed before…” His eye roamed over the group before returning to the gentle intensity building in the centimeter between their teeth. “Dust…”
“You can have this Boss.” Dust’s soul pulsed with determination, Night washed over in its warm waters. “I know how much you wanted it.” His red and blue eyes dropped to Night’s teeth, hovering with hot breath, half-lidded in need. “Just take it Nightmare.”
The touch of their mouths made Night’s own soul explode in the rush of desire that blazed into an inferno at the smallest sprig of kindling.  His tongue begged for entrance before he could think the action through, Dust letting it in without hesitation, shaky hands dug into Night’s sweater. The loud movie covered the quiet wet sounds, Night’s tentacles shifting silently to cradle Dust as he devoured all he was offered.
His soul lurched when he pulled back; he wanted to consume Dust but the rational part of his brain managed to catch him before he dove back.
“Hah. Nightmare, come back.” Dust’s hands had fisted in Night’s sweater tight enough to tear. Nightmare ignored it to squeeze his eye shut, trying to breathe through the mounting urge to take Dust apart, piece by piece, in view of the others, damn their relationship, he’d take ANY of them whenever HE wanted.
“Stop.” He said it at normal volume, shouting compared to the hushed exchange before. It drew the attention of the others. “I can’t.”
“Why?” Nightmare hadn’t opened his eye to see, but he could hear how hurt Dust sounded, hands trembling where they still balled in each other’s clothes. His normally distracted voice spoke firmly. “Tell me why.”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You just won’t. Tell me why.” Dust shook his head to dislodge Papyrus, ringing in crystal clear. It struck his soul, shattering the thin barrier holding back his honesty, unable to hold onto thoughts while containing the rot of his corruption from spilling over and swallowing them whole.
“I will devour you. All of you.” His tentacles sought them out, tentative. His vocal cords ached with an involuntary voice drop. “I will fucking ruin this. Your love cannot overcome my nature.” Each appendage curled around their throats, besides Dust, laying in his arms. The eye of the storm, Dust laid there calmly, like Nightmare’s tentacles weren’t threatening to strangle all of his loves in one fell swoop. Nightmare’s sludge dripped off of him, onto the couch, sizzling where it’d dropped onto Dust’s shins. He didn’t flinch.
“You wouldn’t know, you won’t let us try.”
He could feel the others struggling against him, hands sliding on the slick material while his tentacles grew tighter.
“I’LL KILL YOU!” Night growled, his own fingers clamping down on Dust’s neck, pressing down on the bone hard enough to creak underneath them. “I’ll take what I want and dust the rest!”
“Then do it.” Dust met his eyes unafraid. He relaxed into the hold, even as Night’s hands got ever tighter.
The corruption buffeted the inside of his skull, whirlwind of thoughts and crazed emotion, fed by the slow building terror of the others, their struggles more and more frantic the longer his tentacles gripped them. The only exception was Dust. His eyes had slid shut, limp and relaxed in his hands. Nightmare didn’t realize how out of control it’d gotten until he heard the crack.
Nightmare released Dust instantly, hands struggling with the healing magic Nightmare was trying to force through the agitated sludge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Night didn’t stop trembling until he felt Dust touch his wrists. The splashes of cyan across Dust’s calm smile startled him out of everything, tentacles dropping the others to curl in on himself. With a deep breath, the magic flowed more evenly, in control of this at the very least. The crack slowly wove together until only a scar remained. Nightmare avoided the gazes of the others he could feel staring him down, caught unaware by Dust pulling on his wrists, falling directly onto Dust’s chest, face onto his shoulder, forced to stare at his own mistake.
“Just relax…” Dust’s head rested atop his own. He felt the skilled hands slide into the crevices between his tentacles, pressing and rubbing away the tight balls of tension until he finally let them all go.
“How did he do that?” Cross whispered from the side.
“Hell if I know.” Killer sounded close as well, shuffling from just beyond his vision.
“Patience.” Dust’s fingers pressed down to unwind the stress of his back, though not the sins crawling there. Nightmare shifted to lay in a way that he could see off the couch. The others watched them from the floor with wide eyes. He sighed, tracing Dust’s sternum during inhales.
“I could have killed you.”
“You wouldn’t have.” Dust’s faith never wavered, the others radiated guilt. Nightmare averted his gaze.
“I’m still sorry.”
“Then make it up to me.” Nightmare sat up, resting his hands on Dust’s chest for leverage, ending up sitting on his lap before taking the hands that had fallen off his back. He pulled Dust up to match him.
“How?” Night blushed under Dust’s intense observing, relaxing at the gentle clank he got in exchange. It sent a tremor through his spine.
“Answer us honestly.” Dust’s skull twitched against him, tranquil determination a temporary state at best. He kissed Night softly over and over again, plying at his defenses with the promise of what this could be, curiosity over how they worked together. Dust wasn’t alone in this after all. “Do you want us?” The shuffling of knees hit his ears; the others had moved closer to hear him, their hearts glowing with so much hope and positivity it almost hurt to bear. Night’s voice broke under its weight.
“...yes…” The next kiss was triumphant, his face cradled close while he submitted to Dust’s tongue. Dust broke them apart, Night too dazed to see, his hands reaching out to pull his partner back.
The taste changed, the tonguework different, enthusiastic all the same. The hand on his cheek this time larger, he felt a thumb stroke across the line beneath his ruined eye. The name was out before he saw them.
“Cross.” Behind, someone had made a home amongst his tentacles, a back against his. “That’s unusually bold of you.” His eye trailed over the purple flush with an amused grin. He didn’t let the building anxiety pool in the poor guardsman, grabbing the collar of his jacket to kiss him again while his tentacles wound around his other ‘attacker.’ Killer’s groans drifted to his ears.
“Fuck Nightmare, didn’t think you’d get so handsy so fast.” The back of his skull tapped Night’s. Tentacles had wound up Killer’s legs to hold them still, a third binding around his chest to keep him pinned. The fourth explored his upper femurs, pressing over his shorts to his pelvis, Killer’s gasps music to his ears. He pulled back from Cross with a smirk.
“You seemed like you’d be into it.” Killer nodded against his back, but Cross also nodded in front of him, eyelights blown wide with Night’s taste in his mouth and his hands on his chin, wiping away the line of purple saliva from that last messy kiss.
Horror leaned against his leg from the floor. Night dropped a hand to rub against his skull, avoiding the large crack without seeing, knowing the location by memory alone.
“Thanks.” Horror purred from the ground, head falling more heavily in his lap.
Sitting on Dust, Killer against his back, Horror in his lap, and Cross leaning over to kiss him and Dust equally brought his soul peace. Error hadn’t joined, but Nightmare would’ve been more surprised if he had.
“I-I’m sure y-you know my stance on t-t-touching by now.” Error had his arms crossed, body still pixelated near his neck from the impromptu strangling earlier.
“Except Horror. He deals with Horror’s touches the best out of all of us.” Cross removed himself from the pile to offer his hand. Error glared at the TV, but took it anyway. “Most of us have gotten to hand holding though!” Cross’s enthusiasm turned Error blue.
“S-shut up…” He offered his other hand for Cross to take as well, even Error unable to contain his smile at Cross’s joy and attention.
It was laughably easy, Nightmare slotted into the dynamic with ease, an extension of their regular back and forths but sweeter, tinged with something warm. The loud voice in his mind still craved more but he could fight it off for now. Nightmare took a deep breath.
“I’m...still concerned, about everything, but I…” They waited for him to collect his thoughts. “If you’ll have me anyway, then I’ll give it all I have.”
“That’s all we can ask.” Dust smiled while Horror hummed his agreement.
“Hell, that’s what we’re doing too. You, aaaah, ain’t special.” Killer’s body writhed against him. His tentacles hadn’t been distracted by the moment, steadily edging Killer into whining pants, shorts wet against his appendage and thrusting back against it. Night raised him up to hold him solidly between himself and Dust.
“You know, this does offer many new opportunities to shut you up.” His black bones traced the rim of Killer’s pelvis peeking out over the waistband. Killer cursed when Dust leaned forward against Killer’s back, circling to the front to tease his lower sternum, finger peeking inside of his rib cage.
“None of them work. Trust me, we’ve tried.” Dust hid his smirk against Killer’s back, playfully nipping through the hoodie, shaking against the charged bones.
“Fuck you guys.” Night met Dust’s dual-tone gaze one more time. Hesitant to accept and run forward with them still. But Dust took his hand to bring it with him into Killer’s body, wrapping them both around his spine to a moan. They’d help and guide him, he need only ask for it, and with that, he laughed.
“Maybe we will.”
I’m very happy to have this out of my WIP folder.
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amessywritersmind · 4 years
Sunrise, Blue Eyes - Frodo Baggins
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Summary: A spur of the moment decision to see the sunrise turns out better than Frodo could have ever hoped for.
Word Count: 1636
Note: Hello everyone! I’ve already gotten some requests, which I’m super excited about!! Before I start working on those though, I wanted to start finishing up stories that have spent months in my drafts! Most of them are almost done, just needing a few paragraphs to close them out, so I will be finishing those up and then getting to work on those requests asap!! Anyways, enjoy! 
Blonde hair billowed out behind her as she ran, Frodo hot on her tail. How Laurelia had this much energy this early in the morning, Frodo would never know. Why he even agreed to be out here at such a time, an hour before sunrise, when he could be curled up in his warm bed in Bag End was beyond him. Really though, he knew the answer to that question without even having to try.
She had asked him to come with her to a great hill overlooking Hobbiton, hours before the sun was in the sky, and without asking why, Frodo had agreed right away. It was something he often found himself doing, agreeing to her impulsive and sometimes outrageous ideas without knowing fully what he was getting himself into, though he didn't see that changing anytime soon. He didn't know why, but it was like he just couldn't help himself.
Shaking these thoughts out of his head, Frodo focused his attention back towards the bubbling girl in front of him, winding through the tall grass of a field, glowing with excitement at whatever she was dragging him to.
"Hurry! We can't be late!" she exclaimed breathlessly.
"Well, Lia, not all of us wake up with the energy of the sun itself inside us!" Frodo grumbled out in fake annoyance, though the smile in his voice was not lost on her.
At his comment, Laurelia turned back slightly, her face radiant with mirth, and grabbed Frodo's hand with a laugh, tugging him faster up the hill in front of them.
"Only a little further, my sleepy head, and then we'll be there and you can rest to your heart's content." she promised sweetly.
"and i'm using you as a pillow!" he shot back, a smirk now prominent on his face. He couldn't stay mad at her for long, not even fake-mad.
Finally, they reached the peak of the hill, sitting down in the cool, green grass. Once Frodo had caught his breath again, he took in the sight in front of him. From this view point, he felt like he could see all of The Shire. Little smials, lit up with front porch lamps, scattered the rolling hills, a few stars still twinkled above him, and he was sat in the middle of it all, right next to his bestfriend, and long time love (though nothing was official just yet). It took his breath away.
"Woah..." he whispered, almost to himself.
"It's beautiful isn't it? Just wait, when the sun comes over that horizon line. The whole valley glows. The way the sun reflects off the dew drops on the grass, the roosters crow to announce the start of the day, the birdsong to welcome you as the sun rays say 'good morning'...it's all so...magical." Laurelia spoke aloud as the first rays of sun split over the horizon.
A light breeze fluttered past the pair, rustling the branches and leaves of nearby foliage. Frodo felt himself shiver, the movement catching Lia's attention. Without saying a word, she tucked one arm under Frodo's nearest to her, looping it through in order to hug herself to him. She placed her head gently on Frodo's shoulder, taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes, his chocolate curls tickling her forehead lightly. He was instantly warmer.
He rested his head on top of her own as a bird, the first sign of life aside from the two of them, flys past, landing on a little bush near the edge of the hilltop. Frodo watches as it plucks the leaves and little berries from the bush, not seeming to mind the world going on around it. 
“I’m glad I decided to come” he found himself stating quietly. 
“I am too” Laurelia all but whispered. 
After a few more minutes of silence, the sun now half way above the horizon, Lia spoke again. 
“Do you remember when we met?” she wondered aloud. Frodo chuckled at the memory. 
“Yes. I had just moved in with Uncle Bilbo that day. Infact, I had barely finished getting settled before you were banging away on the front door, demanding Bilbo introduce us.” He laughed, nudging her lightly with the shoulder she was resting upon. She tapped his arm lightly at that. 
“Aren’t you glad I did? I, my friend, have saved you from a lifetime of boredom, which you inevitable would’ve had, had it not been for me” Laurelia continued joking. Frodo laughed in agreement. 
“You were so cute back then, what with your curly hair and your wide, curious blue eyes...” she trailed off, suddenly feeling extremely nostalgic. “that’s what first drew me to you y’know, aside from the fact that you were new in town.” she finished, squeezing his arm once more. 
“What? My blue eyes?” He asked, genuinely curious now. 
“No, silly! Well, ok yes, but not just the color. It was something more. I’ll never forget how I felt when I saw those eyes of yours for the first time...” She began, looking up at him briefly. He gazed back at her with the same intensity she had felt on that very first day. She cleared her throat and looked back out at the sunrise, the glow of the sun illuminating the rosy tint that had appeared across her cheeks. 
“Something in them spoke to me that day. For one reason or the other, I looked into them and it was like they were the only thing I could focus on. They told me of a kindness, a special kind that only the purest of souls can posses. They made me feel safe, and welcomed. I knew instantly that I could trust you in that moment. They told me of a love, a love that you give so selflessly and freely, a love that I’ve been lucky enough to receive ever since.” Laurelia spoke her mind freely, not stopping once to think about how this all must sound, spilling out of her mouth in the early hours of the morning. A secret meant only for her ears, and his. 
“And what do you see now? When you look into my eyes...”Frodo whispered almost dreamily. 
Laurelia pulled away from him slightly, enough to look him in the eye, but not enough to sever their connected limbs completely. She took her time getting lost in those eyes, ones she’s become so familiar with over the years. She tried to find a string of words that would describe what she saw, no, more like what she felt when she looked into his eyes but it was as if all speech had evaded her. Finally, a single word came to mind. The clarity of it hit her like a wave.
“Home.” she stated simply, there was no other way to describe it. 
Frodo couldn’t help the ragged breath that fell from his lips at that answer. 
“Home.” he stated again, tasting the word on his tongue. He came to the conclusion long ago that by her side was the place for him, and he stuck by that thoroughly, but to hear her say this gave him hope. Hope that maybe, she felt for him like he did her. There was only one way to find out. 
Frodo hadn’t noticed how close they were to each other, but the longer she looked him in the eye with so much intensity and admiration as she was now, the more he felt physically pulled to her. And her to him. Before either them knew what was happening, their lips had touched. 
Warmth flooded the both of them, the tenderness of the moment and the glow of the valley below, illuminated by the rising sun, was enough to make Frodo feel as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Not with the sadness Frodo felt when remembering his parents, nor with the anxiety he sometimes got when the town began stirring up new rumors about he and his uncle. No, this feeling was different, more pleasant. It was love.
As the two pulled away, the sun had finished its rise over the hilltop, its rays reaching the blushing couple. 
“I love you” Frodo found himself whispering, a rooster sounding far off in the distance. 
“And I, you. Always have.” Laurelia admitted gently, facing forward again and returning her arms, and head, to their previous positions. 
Down below, Hobbiton stirred to life. Farmers got to work in their fields, merchants began setting up their stalls in the town square, the morning air was full of peace and happiness, and most importantly, Frodo had his home resting her head on his shoulder. 
“I really am glad I came.” he found himself saying after a few moments of silence. 
“I knew you would be! And look, you didn’t even fall asleep once!” she exclaimed quietly, giggling lightly. 
“Now, we best get back before your uncle notices I’ve stolen you away again!” Laurelia began, getting up. Frodo stood as well, stretching his limbs slightly to regain feeling in them. While he was doing so he could help but see Lia staring at him with eyes full of love and a hint of something else. 
“What?” Frodo laughed out. The only reply he got was Lia stepping closer, wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms moved without thought, snaking themselves around her waist. Before Frodo could question any further, Lia leaned in close, right past his lips and to his ear.
“Race ya” She whispered with a smirk before planting a kiss on his cheek and taking off down the hill. Frodo was stunned momentarily before finally regaining his senses. Shaking his head, a smile unable to leave his lips, he raced down the hill after her, following after those billowing blonde curls once again. 
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Chapter One: The Social Season Begins
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
A/N: This is my first multiple chapter fic! I was heavily inspired by Netflix’s Bridgerton, but I do not intend to stick to its script. The show and the fic are meant to be seat during the early 19th century (1810 -1830) so a lot of things like technology will not be present. Also, this is a quirkless au so no one is going to posses any powers. I plan for this fic to be between 8 and 12 chapters, but we’ll see as we go along. I hope you all enjoy <3!
Next Chapter ~ Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
Word Count: 1.9K
When social season rolled around, all bets were off. The most vicious of claws and fangs were disguised by beautiful dresses and headpieces, followed by the batting of eyelashes and the oh so precarious movements of feathered fans. It happened every year - hundreds of Musutafu’s young ladies braved the social scene in the pursuit of a husband either of their own status or higher. This year was no exception, in fact, it was shaping up to be one of the most influential seasons to date. Several of the most eligible and prestigious lords, viscounts, and barons would be attending the numerous balls that were in the works. While it was expected of the young women to pair up and find a love-match, such relationships always proved to be half-successful. Of course they would be married and well taken care of, but too often did you hear of wives maintaining an empty manor whilst their husbands were off gallivanting at their clubs, or more likely, at brothels. This proved to be your biggest fear - you wanted the beautiful relationship your parents had. The one where your father doted on your mother, bringing her flowers on random days because he happened to see them and think of her. One where he dutifully raised their children together, never once undermining her abilities due to her gender. And one where, right up until her very last breath, he held her hand and whispered sweet nothings to her. It was a sorrowful day when your mother died, but your father carried on in her place, raising you and your elder brother in the most proper and loving way he could. This encouraged you to go forth with your head held high. You would find the one you were meant to be with and not just be a part of a silly little love-match.
“Oh Lady Yagi, you look absolutely wonderful.” With a deep breath you met your eyes in the mirror in front of you and let out a little gasp. The dress you were wearing was utterly gorgeous. It was a very pale blue, even lighter than the powder blue that covered your bedroom walls, and had the most beautiful little detailed flowers scattered across it. There weren’t enough to mistake you with a garden, but there were plenty there to compare you to the most gorgeous dogwood. The necklace that lay across your neck was much daintier than what others tended to wear but you adored it - after all, it was your mother’s. And resting softly on your head was a matching tiara with both diamonds and light blue sapphires.
“My, Mei, you have simply outdone yourself.” You whisper. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of your reflection, the twinkles and glimmers of the jewels doing wonders to accentuate your features.
“Lady Yagi, how you make me swoon,” Mei exclaims, feigning a faint. You giggle at her and swat her gently with your fan. The two of you make small talk as she adds finishing details to your look; smoothing out hairs here and there, clipping in your diamond earrings, and slipping your silk gloves onto your hands.
“Y/N, my sister, we must be heading off!” A call echoed from just outside your room, coming from the main hall downstairs.
“And not a moment too soon, my nerves have been getting the best of me.” You say, a wide smile covering your face. You descended upon the grand staircase to see both your father and your elder brother waiting for you.
“My word! Y/N, my darling, you look divine!” Your father exclaimed, walking forward to place a ghost kiss to your cheek, not daring to mess up Mei’s handiwork. You smiled at your father and looked at your brother.
“Izuku, you look quite dashing.” You tell him, earning a grin from his freckled face. “Hoping to see Lady Uraraka this evening?” A blush quickly covered his face.
“Well, yes, she had told me she would be attending earlier when we took a promenade around- hold on, this is your special evening we need to be discussing.” Izuku says, switching the topic onto you. Rolling your eyes playfully, you took his arm as the three of you made your way into the horse-drawn carriage waiting for you in front of your house. The three of you entered, your father and brother careful of your long dress, and then you were off.
“So my dear, are you excited? Nervous?” Your father asks. You smile and inspect your gloved hands.
“Both. I just wish…” you trail off. Your father leans down to meet your gaze with slight concern in his eyes.
“Wish what?” He says, urging you to continue. A small sigh escapes your mouth as you look back up.
“Father, you have done wonderfully to raise both Izuku and I without Mother here. I think both of us agree on that fact.” You begin. Izuku nods and offers the both of you a grin. “I just wish that she was here. To tell me of what she was feeling when she debuted, how she calmed the churning in her stomach.” You confess, your hands now clenched. You were met with a sad smile from your father.
“How I wish for that as well, my dear. She would always tell me how excited she was for you to embark on your own marital journey. And, while I in no means shared the same experience as she did, I can tell you of what I was feeling.” He says. You look up, curiosity flashing in your eyes.
“Please,” you say, prompting him to tell you. He laughs and leans back on the leather seated cushion.
“Well I, like your brother, had an easy time finding the women we would want to spend the rest of our lives with.” Your father’s sentence earned a blush from Izuku, but no words of contention. I suppose we will be welcoming Lady Uraraka to our family soon, you thought smiling to yourself. “I was a nervous wreck, though, when my eyes found your mother. She was absolutely divine - like the gods had graced the earth specifically with her. She was quick to forgive my nerves and the slight stutter in my voice as I introduced myself to her, and things just seemed to run its own course from there.” You could see the wistful gaze in your father’s eyes as he thought of your mother. “Inko was a most gracious woman, both in mind and beauty. And those qualities, my dear, were passed on to you.” His hand came to cradle your cheek, brushing away the tears that started to well in your eyes. “But this is no time to be in despair, no, it is time to be quite the opposite than that. It’s time for you to find love.”
The carriage stopped rather abruptly, but you didn’t care. You gathered the train of your dress in your hand and were practically buzzing by the time the footmen opened the door. Your father stepped out first followed by Izuku, the latter of which offered a hand to you as you stepped out. The venue was absolutely gorgeous, and it was no surprise considering the man hosting it. Lord Takami was a rather benevolent and expressive man and those traits bled right into his events. With lanterns dotted all over the front steps and the ballroom, candles that seemed to float in midair, and the most magnificent smelling floral arrangements you had ever seen, you understood perfectly - this was what it must’ve felt like for your mother. Out of the corner of your eye, a pretty brunette started to drift towards you and your family, a bashful smile set across her face. Before you had a chance to speak, Izuku stepped in front of you and your father.
“Lady Uraraka, what a pleasure to see you here.” Your brother says, his hand extending to her gloved one.
“It’s truly all mine, My Lord.” She responds as a shy smile flickers across her face. Izuku spares you and your father a nod and a grin before he leads Lady Uraraka towards the middle of the floor, the two melting into the dance being performed seamlessly.
“Those two make such a divine and true love-match, don’t you agree Father?” You gush. Just seeing your brother so hopelessly in love was enough to make your heart flutter.
“I do, my dear,” he chuckles upon seeing your expression, “but we are not here to solely admire them. There will be plenty of time to do that at their wedding,” your father quips, earning a laugh from you. “Let’s get you introduced and dancing, hmm?” Your evening was full of re-introducing yourself to mutual acquaintances and establishing new ones in other young men. You made sure to only dance with those you felt could be a possible match for you, but as time went on you started to lose hope. It’s not that the men were horrid by any means - well, with the exception of one Lord Mineta - but nothing about them seemed to stir your heart. You currently found yourself in a most dull conversation with Baron Ojirou.
“Forgive me, Lord Ojirou, I must get some air. All of this dancing has made me quite light-headed,” you say, excusing yourself.
“Oh! Would you like me to accompany you, Lady Yagi?” He asks nicely. You raise your hand in denial but give him a light smile.
“There is no need. I wouldn’t want to impose on your evening, I will just be a few moments.” You say, slipping away to the outdoor gardens. It was dark, but the luminescence coming from inside Lord Takami’s manor provided enough light so that you could see. You made your way over to the stone railings that bordered the rose garden and held onto it with both of your gloved hands, heaving a sigh. “My goodness…” you whisper, heaving a sigh. The night air nipped a bit at your skin but you paid no mind to it. What does catch your attention, though, was the light footsteps that were approaching you from behind. “Lord Ojirou, as I said before, there is no need-” You begin, but stop immediately when you are met with someone else. He was much different than the man you had just been recently talking to - physically more reserved, taller, and much much handsomer. Even with the scar covering the left side of his face, his presence was enough to make a woman swoon. “Forgive me.” you manage, curtsying a bit.
“Oh, no, it is I who should be apologizing. Pardon my interruption on your… outing.” He says awkwardly. This earns a slight giggle from you. 
“This was merely a simple break from the clamor inside.” you say, relaxing a bit more. Before the man could say another word, you see Izuku catch your eye from the steps.
“Y/N! There you are, Father and I have been looking everywhere- Shouto?” Your brother says shocked, his eyes meeting the man across from you.
“Izuku?” He responds, bewilderment flickering across his face.
“My word, it’s been a while! How as your father, the Duke of Endeavor, faring these days?”
“D-Duke?” You stutter out, in awe of the man’s title. Izuku catches your confusion and gives you a smile. 
“Forgive me for not introducing you! Todoroki, this is me dear sister, Y/N.” The man, now known to you as Shouto Todoroki, gave you a quick nod. “Y/N, this is Shouto Todoroki. The son of the Duke.”
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lomlmarvel · 4 years
It’ll Always Be You II
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Randall Carpio x fem!Reader Series
Part Two [Part One]
For the past few hours, you had been catching up on some reading. There wasn't much to do since classes hadn't begun yet. Hamish was getting ready for his first day of class by looking over his scheduling log and re-reading the material he was going to cover the first day. You felt like you didn't even need to attend his first class since you had heard him repeat his speech a dozen times in the past hour.
Lilith had gone to the store to buy groceries and toiletries. She returned and left again to go on a run. The den was quiet, other than Hamish's muttering in the corner of the room as he rehearsed his speech again. He had been making drinks in between and offering them to you while he practiced his speech. You had taken a few, but you could feel the alcohol start to intoxicate your body, and you didn't want to get drunk the day before classes began.
You didn't want to be drunk if Randall came back to the den and wanted to talk to you about what had happened earlier. Honestly, you hadn't stopped thinking about it since it had happened. Why did he keep leaning in if he was going to back out last second? Did he even mean to lean in, or did he even realize it? Did he have feelings for you? Did he know about your feelings towards him?
Your mind was buzzed with all the possibilities as to why Randall leaned in and why he pulled away quickly. Part of you had hoped that it was a mistake and that it meant the two of you would remain friends forever. But the other part hoped that he was as infatuated with you as you were with him. 
You took another large gulp of the alcoholic beverage that Hamish had prepared for you. It had been placed in your hand for the last 10 minutes, but your thoughts had been so busy with Randall that you had forgotten it was there. It was the afternoon, Randall should've been done with doing the last tour and checking in with everyone. He should've been at the den by now. That's if he decided to sleep in his room at the den. Maybe he decided to stay at his dorm to help the freshmen settle in their first night.
 It sucked, knowing this would be the busiest time of year for Randall. It meant you would have to deal with all the Order newbies with Hamish and Lilith, not that they weren't good company, but you preferred to be with Randall.
"What's wrong?" Hamish called out to you. He had been watching you for the past few minutes, seeing as you harbored the alcoholic beverage in your hand. You would usually take it all in one sip, but this time was different. He knew something was up when you showed up at the den by yourself and without Randall. The two of you were always together, even when Randall had to be working. 
"Nothing. Just tired of reading 'Hamlet' again. I finished 'Ready Player One' a couple of days ago, so this is the only book I have left," You replied, lifting the old cover of 'Hamlet' that was in your hands.
"You can get started on the philosophy readings you have to do--" Hamish started, but you cut him off.
"No, thanks. I have one day of summer left, and I do not want to spend it doing homework," You stated. Hamish smiled at you, placing his lesson plan on the table and walking over to you on the couch. 
"First off, Professor Krowchuk is thinking of adding three more books to the lesson plan, so you might want to rethink starting your reading now. Secondly, I know something happened with Randall," Hamish commented. You sat up from laying down and faced Hamish's concerned expression.
"C'mon, you can tell me," He softly said. He placed his hand over yours, and you smiled at him sweetly. 
"It's just--We were out by the tree earlier, and we were talking. I mentioned how I got into Krowchuk's class and when I turned to look at him, I didn't realize how close we actually were. I guess he didn't realize it either, but he wasn't pulling away. I figured I was finally going to shoot my shot and kiss Randall," You told Hamish, explaining what had been on your mind for the past few hours. Hamish stared wide-eyed at you, waiting for you to continue telling the story.
"And, I started to lean in, because I thought he wanted to kiss me too, but then last second he pulled away. Pulled away, as in, he literally jumped two feet away from me to put distance between us. He got all weird, started packing up, and made some lame excuse about going back to the dorms. So I came here," You said, shrugging your shoulders at the memory. 
"Maybe he was just scared?" Hamish asked. You sent him a glare.
"It's Randall. He's not scared of shit."
"Look, maybe he just got nervous. Don't give up on him or yourself. Shoot your shot if he won't do it first," Hamish advised. You nodded and set your book down. 
"Thanks, Hamish." You pulled him in for a hug. When you pulled away, your phone vibrated in your pocket and saw a text from Jack.
Meet me at the Blade and Chalice for a drink? It's on me :) 
Oh, by the way, Randall's coming too
You showed Hamish the screen, and he shrugged. 
"Shoot your shot," He replied. You stood up and grabbed your sweater as you made your way to the door. 
When you arrived at the B&C, the two guys were sitting at a table with two beers in front of them. Randall immediately made eye contact with you the second you stepped into the room, but quickly avoided your gaze until you stood two feet from them.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Jack greeted you. You smiled and took the seat in the middle.
“How was orientation?” You asked. Grabbing what you assumed to be Randall’s beer and took a sip out of it. He stared at you for a moment before looking down at his hands.
“Let me get you a drink. I promised I would,” Jack said, watching you set the bottle back down in front of Randall.
“No, it’s fine. Randall doesn’t mind, we share beers all the time,” You responded. Jack turned to look at Randall, who nodded in return. He gave you a look before answering your question.
“It was fine. Didn’t really need to have a tour. You know Pete would talk about it all the time, I have like a mental snapshot of the map”
“He was rejected by his tour guide,” Randall cut in after Jack. You stared back at Jack, who rolled his eyes.
“I’m not interested in her,” Jack replied. His attention fell to the corner of the room where a posse of freshmen was seated.
“You into him or her? Or the other him?” Randall asked Jack, bumping his shoulders. You leaned over the table and punched Randall in the arm.
“Ouch!” Before you could respond to Randall, Jack cleared his throat to get your attention.
“What do you know about the Hermetic Order of The Blue Rose?” He asked. You looked at Randall, smirked, and turned back to Jack.
“It’s a crock of shit,” You stated. Randall agreed and discreetly pulled your chair closer to his. You turned your head to catch Randall leaning next to you, with his stare already on you. You sent him a small smile, which he returned.
“I think they may have been recruited, and I’m trying to figure out what they have in common.”
“Besides being...” Randall asked.
“Elitist assholes?,” You replied to Randall, causing him to chuckle.
“Hey, a lot of good people are members. Michelle Obama, Warren Buffett, Oprah,” Jack defended himself. You gave him a serious look and heard Randall shuffle next to you. You turned around, and he was starting to talk.  Did he move his chair so the two of you would be touching legs?
“You know who’s also supposed to be members? Bad people, like Benito Mussolini, George W. Bush. Oprah,” Randall said. He glanced at you and noticed you staring at him.
“For people that don’t believe, you two sure know a lot about them,” Jack observed. You turned away from Randall’s stare.
“Randall’s Wikipedia smart, and I’m just the unfortunate one who listens to him talk all day,” you started. Randall softly kicked your foot with his. “Look, even if they do exist... I wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
Jack gave you a glare and took a sip of his beer. “Why is that,” he asked, a hint of hurt in his tone.
“They want sheep, and from what I remember, you’ve got a mind of your own,” you replied. Jack nodded and raised his bottle to you.
“Well, who wouldn’t want unlimited power?” Jack commented. The three of you looked at each other and nodded.
“I have to do something, so I’ll catch up with you later, alright?” Jack said as he looked at you. You nodded and pulled him in for a hug.
“I’ll see you later. Thanks for the beer, Randall,” Jack said, turning to the dark-haired male next to you.
“See you around,” Randall replied. The two of you watched as Jack walked out of the bar. An awkward silence settled as you turned to look at each other. You weren’t sure whether to bring up what had happened a few hours ago or pretend that it never happened.
“So, Jack seems real--”
“Hey, sorry about earlier-”
You and Randall stared at each other, cutting each other off. Neither of you said a word, you kept looking into each other’s eyes. 
“About earlier, I just wanna say I’m sorry,” Randall was the first to talk. “I’ve been thrown off this entire week for some reason, and I don’t know what I was thinking. You’re my best friend, and I guess I just got caught up in the moment,” Randall stated. You felt your heart fall, and your throat tighten. You wanted to cry, but you kept in your tears. It was just like how you had thought, he never had feelings for you. 
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. It’s the beginning of the school year, we’ve got a lot of pressure. I don’t blame you,” You lied, placing your hand on his arm. He looked down at your hand and smiled. 
“C’mon, let’s go back to the den. I have a feeling these assholes are gonna start using bad magic soon,” you said. Randall nodded and laid a $20 bill on the table. The two of you got up and made your way out. 
The next two weeks were stressful for everyone.  Jack had managed to get involved with the Order, but you only found out because Randall had told you. Randall and Lilith had been hunting down this thing that was killing pledges. Hamish had been busy with his class, and you had been busy helping Lilith and Randall figure out what the creature was. You had found some books in the basement, but Randall said it would be quicker to just search on Google. Being how you were so in love with him (and majorly because you didn’t want to read all those old books), you followed his direction.
With Randall, the two of you had gotten back into your regular routine. It was as if nothing had happened. You never revealed that you did, in fact, have feelings for him, but since he clearly didn’t have any for you, you decided to not say anything. You treasured your friendship too much to risk losing it.
However, things got interesting one day. You had gotten back from your last class of the day and started prepping snacks for the movie night you and the Knights would be having. Yet, when you arrived, the front door was swung open. You entered the living room and began scanning the rooms. But a particular smell led you to the basement. There, you found ripped up clothes. You searched for a wallet and saw that it belonged to the one and only Jack Morton. You immediately called everyone else and went out to search for the newly-turned werewolf.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Crush (Nick x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so it was brought to my attention and I also kinda noticed that my writing looks clustered as hell on tumblr cause I’m just not used to writing on it. So I’m gonna start typing my stories on Wattpad and transferring them onto tumblr cause it’s just easier for me since I’ve been writing on Wattpad for years. Let me know if it’s easier to read and if you guys would prefer it if I changed the rest of my previous imagines to this layout!
Requested by: Fallonburns (Wattpad)
Warnings: None I think. A kiss? I don’t know if you need to be warned about that. Okay bye!
As a member of the school dance committee it was part my job to push ideas and work out any kinks before a dance could happen. That included booking food, decorations, and of course entertainment.
"Come on y/n! Julie and her hologram band could totally blow the roof off this place and you know it" Flynn spoke as I walked down the hall towards my locker.
"Of course I know it Flynn and I know Julie would kill it but it's not my decision. Plus the dance is tomorrow. Who knows if Dinas gonna wanna add another entertainer for the night besides you?" I spoke to one of my longest friends.
"Well will you at least put in a good word?"
"I'll see what I can do" I said putting in my locker combination.
"Yes! Thank you"
Seconds later I groaned feeling my body particularly my head collide with the small metal door in a split second.
"Y/n!" I heard Flynn shout helping me regain my balance.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry" I heard a familiar voice making my heart rate pick up.
"Nick" I panted attempting to recover the air that was just knocked out of me.
"Y/n I didn't mean to really. Ethan threw the ball and I tried to catch it I-I'm sorry"
"It's cool. I'm totally fine" I attempted to play it off as I grabbed my binder from my locker.
"If totally fine means you've got a concussion then yeah you seem great" Flynn said making me scowl at her.
"Do you need to go to the nurse? I can walk you if you want" He said putting a hand on my head exactly where it had made contact with my locker door.
"Nick I'm fine really" I smiled removing his hand. I finally made eye contact with the boy who stood there smiling back at me. His beautiful blue eyes taking my breath away once more. Knocking out of the trance I glanced back at Flynn to see her eyeing me suspiciously.
“Are you sure?”
"Positive. I've gotta get to class. I'll see you later" I said pulling Flynn away from the scene in a hurry.
"Yeah, later" Nick called out to us as we continued down the hall.
"Seriously? Nick? What is it with that boy? I mean first Julie now you"
"Now me what? I don't like Nick. Julie likes Nick"
"Yeah if Nicks name started with L and rhymed with Duke" I looked at the girl in confusion.
"Nothing. Julie doesn't like Nick anymore but it seems you do and as one of your oldest friends I think it's my job to tell you to go for it"
"Last time you told me to go for something I ended up on the school dance committee. I have 500 balloons to blow up by tomorrow" I said walking towards Carrie and Kayla. Kayla sent me a smile earning a pointed look from Carrie.
"Kayla. Carrie. I hope to see you guys at the dance this Thursday" I spoke smiling at the two girls.
"Sounds interesting. But I'm busy with Nick. You know MY boyfriend" She said putting emphasis on the word my.
"Plus if Flynn's gonna DJ I just don't know if I'd make it through the night"
I put an arm in front of Flynn to hold her back before turning back to the two girls.
"Well take a flyer anyways just in case" I grinned taking one from the stack in my binder.
"Thanks" Kayla said taking the flyer out of my hands.
"I hope to see you there" I sent the two another fake smile before walking away with Flynn to our next class.
"How do you talk to her without going off on her?"
"Well for starters it takes a lot of patience. They don't say fake it til you make it for nothing" I giggled along with Flynn as she looped her arm around my own.
I strutted down the hall walking towards music room where I knew Flynn and Julie would be at this time excited to give them the news.
Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and spin me around to face them.
“Oh Nick" I said looking up at the boy in front of me. A blush creeping onto my face as I noticed the intense look he was sending me.
"What's up?" I questioned cautiously.
"We're friends right?"
"Yeah of course why?"
"I need a favor"
"A favor? A favor like what?" I asked watching his gaze flicker to our right. I turned to see Carrie and the rest of dirty candy walking towards us.
Before I could process what came next my body collided with the cold metal lockers behind me as Nick pushed his lips onto mine.
I slowly melted into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. But he didn't seem to mind.
"Nick" Carries voice interrupted what had soon become a make out session. The boy in front of me pulled away first keeping his hands firmly on my waist.
"Oh Carrie. What do you want?"
"We need to talk"
"I'm a little busy here" He said tilting his head towards me.
"Well become unbusy"
"I would but we have nothing to talk about. I told you yesterday we're over and that's it"
"We're not over until I say we're over"
"I'd say your pretty over"
"Oh shut it y/n. I know this is fake because Nick would never like a girl like you. I mean look at yourself. Pathetic" She talked with anger evident in her voice.
"Don't talk to her like that" Nick spoke turning to stand in front of me.
“Nick it's fine. She's right"
"No she's not. I'd rather be with someone who's kind, gentle, and doesn't have the personality of a mountain lion" Nick said glaring at Carrie who stood there with a smirk.
"You'll be back Nicky. See you Friday at the dance" She said walking away her posse hot on her tail.
"Thanks for sticking up for me Nick. You didn't have to. And sorry if I wasn't believable enough"
"You were great. Amazing! And I'll always stick up for you. You know that" He said smiling down at me.
"I know. I'd just prefer it if every time we met you didn't push me against the lockers. They’re cold and made out of metal you know?" I joked making him chuckle.
"Yeah sorry about that. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this. It's just Carrie won't leave me alone"
"I kinda figured when you shoved your tongue down my throat" I giggled watching a cute grin form on his face.
"Yeah yeah. I didn't hear you complaining"
"Well I mean you're not the worst kisser" I said biting my lip watching him get flustered.
"I can do better than that. I was just under pressure"
"Then I guess you'll have to prove it to me later" I spoke confidently before turning around walking in the direction I was heading.
"Hey! Wait!" He called out after me. "Yeah?" I questioned turning around.
"Are you going to the dance?" He asked shoving his hands in his pocket
"Yeah I have to. I kinda helped planned it" I called back smiling at him.
"So I'll see you there"
"See you there" I spoke turning back around reaching the end of the hall.
I pushed open the doors to the band room open only to hear a loud thud.
"Flynn?" I questioned seeing the girl on the ground.
"Are you okay?" I asked helping her up
"She's fine" Someone else in the room spoke.
"Oh hey Julie" I grinned at the girl who sat at the piano.
"Hey y/n"
"So are you gonna explain to me why you were on the floor?"
"Sure just as soon as you explain to me why Nick had you pushed up against the lockers" My face fell in embarrassment as I looked at Julie in panic.
"Julie it's not-"
"It's okay y/n. I'm over him. I kinda moved onto someone else"
"Really. You have my blessing" She confirmed with a grin.
"Thanks. Now that that's over. You were spying on me weren't you?" I questioned turning to Flynn.
"Whaaat no. I would never"
"She was spying" Julie confirmed for me once more.
"Thought so. I'll explain everything later I came to find you guys cause I have great news" I grinned pulling out a flyer from my backpack.
"Performing at Thursday nights dance is Julie and her hologram band" I smiled showing Flynn the paper.
"Wait what?" Julie asked with a surprised look on her face.
"I haven't told her"
"You haven't told her?" I asked with an exasperated look knowing this was gonna be a long evening.
It was Thursday night and I was running around making sure everything was going according to plan.
“Hey how’s she doing?” I asked Flynn nervously biting my lip.
“Not good. Her band she can’t get a hold of them......literally” Flynn explained making me nod my head.
“It’s just it’s 11:20 already”
“I know but this means a lot to her”
“I understand. Just keep stalling with your amazing dj skills” I smiled giving the girl a thumbs up.
“Thanks y/n. You’ve been running around all night why don’t you take a break?”
“I can’t even if I wanted to”
“Come on! Look Nicks been staring at you all night. If you pull him on the dance floor I’ll play something smooth. Something slow” She smirked at me bumping my shoulder.
“No you will not” I warned the girl. Looking over to the blonde boy who was evidently looking our way. Looking at me. He sent me a smile to which I smiled back at.
“Try me” She said making me playfully roll my eyes.
“I’ve gotta go” I spoke watching Daisy at the punch table wave me over.
“Duty calls” Flynn said before I walked away.
“What’s wrong?” I asked the brunette reaching the table on the far end of the gym.
“I’ve gotta go to the bathroom can you serve punch for like 5 minutes”
“Sure” I smiled moving behind the table taking the apron out of her hands. I threw it over my neck attempting to tie it from the back.
“I’ve got it” Someone spoke from behind me taking the strings away and tying them in a perfect knot.
“Nick. Thank you” I simpered at the boy who moved around the table to stand in front of me.
“No problem. I’m glad I finally got you alone. You look great by the way”
“I know this apron is pretty great huh?” I toyed with the boy.
“You can make anything look good”
“I try. Punch?” I asked holding up a plastic cup.
“Please” I quickly served him a cup handing it over to him.
“Thanks. You did amazing with this whole dance”
“Yeah well Dina wanted it to be perfect since it’s our first dance of the year”
“Dina did not disappoint. Neither did you of course. Promise you’ll save me a dance” He asked my cheeks heating up.
Abruptly I felt a tap on my shoulder to see Daisy was back. I handed her back the apron before moving around the table where Nick was.
“Or we could dance now?” I suggested watching him put his cup down.
“Sounds good m’lady” He spoke sticking his hand out for me. I giggled taking it and letting him sweep me towards the dance floor.
I laughed along with him as he began to dance goofily to the music purposely.
“You have an amazing laugh”
“Nick if you don’t stop complimenting me it’s gonna look like I put on 10 pounds of blush by the end of the night”
“Well you don’t need makeup you know”
“That’s what all guys say until they see what you really look like”
“Well you’ve always been naturally beautiful. Even in 8th grade when you wore no makeup at all”
“Don’t remind me I looked terrible”
“Not to me you didn’t” He said looking into my eyes. For a split moment the world around us stopped moving and it felt like we were the only ones in the room.
At least until I felt someone bump into me pushing me forward into the boy.
“I’m so sorry” I said realizing his hands had caught my body.
“It’s cool are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah y/n are you okay?” A familiar voice asked from behind me.
I turned around to come face to face with Carrie who stood there with a devilish look in her eye.
“I’m fine”
“Oh how unfortunate. You know I didn’t see you as the dancing type. You’ve always had two left feet”
“Leave her alone Carrie” Nick spoke attempting to move forward. I put my arm up to hold him back.
“No Nick it’s ok she’s not worth my time or yours”
“Whatever. This dance is lame anyways”
“Then maybe go home”
“I will. Nick care to join me?” She smirked dangling her plastic cup in her hands.
“No I’m having a good time here” Nick spoke intertwining his hand with mine. I looked down slightly smiling at the gesture.
“Wow. Fine have fun.......with her” Carrie said moving to pass by me.
I suddenly gasped feeling a cold sensation hit my body.
“Oops sorry” The witch spoke before walking away.
“What’s her problem?” I asked ready to go after her only to be held back.
“Hey, you said it yourself. She’s not worth our time” Nick whispered holding me by my shoulders.
“Your right. I don’t even think it’s worth trying to clean this up” I said pointing out the red stain on the side of my dress.
“Here. It isn’t exactly cute but it’ll help cover up the stain” He said putting his jean jacket over my shoulders.
“It’s perfect. Thanks Nick. For everything”
“This is one of the last few songs of the night. Dedicated to a very special friend of mine so grab your partners close and tell HIM or her how you feel” Flynn’s voice rang through the gym speakers.
A slow song beginning to play throughout the gym. Couples beginning to form on the dance floor.
I looked up at the girl on the stage to see her send me a quick wink. Playfully rolling my eyes I looked back at the boy in front of me, his hand lingering in the air.
“Can I have this dance?”
“Of course” I grinned taking it. Allowing him to pull me close.
We swayed side to side along to music with smiles plastered on our faces.
“You know I never thought I’d finally get here”
“Finally?” I asked pulling away looking up at him.
“Guess it’s now or never huh? Okay. Y/n I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time. So long Carrie started to notice. After she found out I rammed you into the lockers the other day she went crazy”
“Really? She was that jealous”
“Insanely. But after I talked to you that day I realized this crush wasn’t going anywhere”
“You know I’m really glad to hear you say that Nick cause I feel the same way”
“That’s good. Because I can finally prove you so wrong” He smirked leaning down and pulling me into a passionate kiss. The first (technically second) one of the many that were yet to come.
Up next: Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader (Smut)
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
104 notes · View notes
bxcketbarnes · 4 years
Make You Mine (High School AU)
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Pairing: Ashton Irwin/Reader
Words: 6000+
Author's Note: It's finally finished! After quite a while. I hope you like this as much as I do. 🥺
The bell rings, and everyone in the classroom begins to gather their things, the sounds of chairs dragging across the floor hurts your ears a bit. You shove your books into your bag before standing up, making your way out into the hallway.
You glance around, seeing everyone meeting up with their friends, and you frown a bit. You wish you had friends that wanted to be seen with you in public. Shit went down when you first moved here that practically made you a loner and sometimes you wish you could just start over again.
"Hey, loser, get out of the way," the popular girl, Rosie, yells before shoving you into the lockers.
You wince as you slam into the metal lockers, your head bouncing off of it slightly. You swallow thickly, not saying anything as you continue your way towards the exit.
Ashton watches from afar, his lips parting in surprise as no one stepped in to help you… or defend you. His eyes follow you as you walk past him, keeping your head down as you cling your bag to your chest.
"Ash?" Jasmine calls out, and the brunette snaps his head towards his black-haired friend who rocked purple tips. "You coming?"
He nods his head, turning his head back towards you once more before following his friends.
You make it outside and take a deep breath in, always love the smell of fresh air. "God, I hate it here," you mumble to yourself and head towards the table you regularly sit at.
Ashton, Calum, Michael, Jasmine, and Luke walk outside with their lunches, and they all sit at one of the ten tables that's out there. "So… did no one see what Rosie did to Y/N?" Ashton brings up, Jaz's head snapping towards him.
"What?! What'd she do?" She asks immediately as her brown eyes glare towards the strawberry blonde.
"She roughly pushed her into the lockers, claiming she was in the way," he explains as his hazel eyes find your figure sitting at the farthest table.
Jaz scoffs and pushes some of her hair out of her face. "Of course she did. She's never liked her," she sighs, and Calum speaks up.
"Who cares? She keeps to herself. She kind of asked for being a target." The black-haired girl glares at her friend before punching his arm, really hard, and the brunette lets out a groan. "Fuck, Jaz! What the hell?!"
"Don't be a fucking dick! Who cares if she keeps to herself. That doesn't mean she should get bullied," she explains with an eye roll before getting up from the table.
Ashton's eyes widen a bit as Jaz starts to walk over to you. "Jaz, what are you doing?" He calls out and glances towards his other friends.
She looks over her shoulder with a smirk on her lips. "I'm gonna bring her over here, duh," she says before she becomes out of earshot.
You're finishing the math homework that's due tomorrow when a shadow blocks the sun. You lift your head to see Jasmine standing in front of you, hands clasped together.
"Hey," she smiles, and you return it, looking at her curiously.
"Hi…? What's going on?" You ask quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Jaz grabs your bag, and you quickly reach out to stop her. "Come on," she states and motions her head towards the crowd of students. "I want you to sit with my friends and me. I've got one that really wants to meet you."
Your face heats up in embarrassment and you start to shake your head. "Jaz… I-I appreciate the offer, but I'm fine right here," you tell her and the girl lets out a sigh.
"Please? Just for today?" She slightly begs and doesn't let go of your bag. Your stomach churns with nerves, your eyes dancing between her and the sea of students.
"You guys don't want to be seen with me," you try to tell her and Jaz shakes her head. You swallow thickly as she doesn't let up, and you sigh hesitantly. "F-Fine, but just for today."
She grins, letting go of your bag and you pack your things away before standing up. You grip the straps tightly, feeling your hands becoming sweaty as the two of you get closer to her table.
You can feel other students stares while you walk past each table, keeping your gaze on the ground, so you don't make eye contact with anyone. You run into Jaz, not realizing that she has stopped walking and you quietly apologize.
"Y/N, these are my friends," she starts and points to Calum first. "This is Calum. You might know him from the soccer team."
You shake your head, not having a clue that he was on the soccer team and Jaz moves onto the next person.
"This is Luke," she points to the blonde and he gives you a wave and a smile. "He's in the choir."
You return his gesture with a small smile and wave as your eyes move onto the boy with lilac-colored hair.
"This is Michael. He and I created the video game club and are currently still mad that I'm president," Jaz introduces with a giggle and Michael scoffs, moving some of his hair from his face.
"Of course, you're the president. You're a pretty girl in a club with a bunch of gamers," he replies in a sarcastic tone and Jaz gives him a look, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Mhm, sure," she starts and looks down at the man, "keep telling yourself that. It's really because I'm a better gamer than you."
You watch the interaction between the two, really feeling the chemistry that's radiating off of them. You smile softly before moving your attention to the last man. Your breath hitches in your throat as his hazel eyes are already looking at you, and a smile comes to his lips.
"And finally, we have, Ashton!" She grins before leaning into you, whispering into your ear, "he's the one that really wanted to meet you." Your cheeks heat up at her words, feeling yourself becoming more nervous.
Jaz motions for you to sit down while she sits across from Michael and you hesitantly take a seat, still feeling Ashton's eyes on you. You glance up through your lashes while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You go to lean your head on the palm of your hand when you wince, forgetting that a bruise is forming where your head slammed against the locker.
"How's your head?" Ash asks and you swallow thickly and shrug your shoulders.
"I-It's alright. I'm pretty sure I'll have a bruise, but I'm okay," you whisper while your gaze darts everywhere, avoiding making eye contact with him.
Ashton frowns as you don't seem affected by what happened. He runs a hand through his hair and glances towards his friends, seeing them all too deep in a conversation to know what's going on. "I… Is it okay to ask why Rosie does this to you?"
You fiddle with your fingers and let out a sigh. "Look, Ashton, I appreciate the concern or whatever, but I-," you start but get cut off by someone running into you.
"Oops," Rosie's voice calls out and you glance up, seeing her standing beside you with her little posse. "Making new friends I see?"
You shake your head, clearing your throat while scrambling to get up from the table. "N-No… I was just leaving," you stutter and begin to walk away when Rosie trips you, making your fall flat on your face.
Everyone around you starts to laugh as you can feel tears come to your eyes. You push yourself up and dust yourself off as Jaz stands up from the table.
"Hey, Rosie, how about you fuck off?" She growls, glaring at the popular girl and the strawberry blonde snickers.
"Nice to see you sticking with the loser still, Jaz. Be careful. She might steal your man," she states while her eyes glance towards Michael. The girl looks back towards you, giving you a disgusted look before walking away.
Jaz lets out a huff of breath, crossing her arms over her chest. "God, I fucking hate her," she states and Michael just looks confused as to what just happened. "C'mon, Y/N, sit back down."
You shake your head at her offer, seeing the pity look in her friends eyes as you begin to back away. "I told you, you guys wouldn't want to be seen with me," you mumble before walking away. You can hear Jaz calling out your name but you ignore it as you go and find the nearest bathroom to cry in.
Ever since the incident at the lunch table you've kept your distance from Jaz and her friends. You low-key wish you could be friends with them but you didn't want what happened to you, happen to them.
You fiddle with the hair tie on your wrist as the memories from when you first moved here floods into your mind.
You were kind of excited to attend a new school, hoping to finally make some friends who aren't fake bitches. You hike your bag over your shoulder as you exit your mother's SUV.
"I'll pick you up at 3, okay?" She says and you nod your head. You smile at her while waving as she drives away.
You take a deep breath and make your way towards the school doors, looking around to see everyone conversing. Some people glance your way, obviously wondering who you are since they've never seen you before. 
A gasp leaves your lips as you bump into someone, your hands reaching forward to stop yourself. The tall man turns around and you take a step back, beginning to mumble an apology to him.
"It's alright. Guess I shouldn't stand in the middle of the hallway," the blue-eyed man states with a chuckle.
"Yeah," you mumble quietly and look around to try and find a way to the office. "Hey, do you know where the main office is?"
The man twirls the football in his hands around while tilting his head to the side. "Uh, yeah. You're new here?" You nod your head in response and a smirk comes to his lips. "Ah, I knew it! Never seen a pretty girl like you around these parts before."
You furrow your eyebrows at his comment before clearing your throat, beginning to get uncomfortable. "Uh, thanks? I think. Can you just-"
"Grant!" A voice calls out and the football guy's eyes look at someone behind you. "Who the fuck is this?"
You glance over your shoulder to see a girl your height walking up to you, her strawberry blonde hair swaying with each step.
"She's new. I was gonna show her where the principal's office is," he states and drapes an arm over your shoulder.
Your fingers grip the straps of your bag, trying to move away from him as the girl in front of you scoffs. "Oh, really?! Like she doesn't know where the main office is," she snaps and you open your mouth to defend yourself when she cuts you off. "It's just a ploy to take you from me! Every girl does it."
"I-" you start but once again gets cut off by her slapping you. A gasp leaves your lips and Grant removes his arm from you.
"Rosie! Fucking hell. You can't go around and slap every girl I talk to," he rolls his eyes and walks away from the two of you.
You swallow thickly, your cheek stinging as Rosie steps closer to you. "Stay the fuck away from him," she seethes and you nod your head rapidly. The blonde looks you up and down one more time and mutters pathetic to herself before walking away.
"What the fuck just happened?" You ask yourself while continuing down the hall. "Guess I'll fucking find the office myself."
It wasn't long after that interaction when Rosie found you and Grant near the locker rooms. He was trying for weeks to try and get into your pants, and you weren't budging. You tried to defend yourself to her, telling her that he was the one that was trying shit but she wouldn't listen.
She's the reason you have no friends. No one wants to be friends with a girl who'll steal their boyfriend's… even though he was the one trying to get with you. The only girl who would talk to you is Jasmine.
Jaz's really cool. Quirky, funny, sarcastic. You enjoyed her company, but at the same time you don't want people to stop being friends with her just because she's seen with you. So you try to stay away as much as possible.
You walk into the library and make your way towards the tables in the back. You hear whispers amongst people as you walk by their tables, keeping your head down. You sit at the table in the back corner and let out a sigh.
A part of you wants to leave again, but your mom likes her new job and you can't take that away from her. She doesn't even know what happens at school. That you're a loner. Have no friends whatsoever.
You bite the inside of your cheek, keeping the tears in before getting out your schoolwork. You start with your math homework, wanting to get that done as quickly as possible so you didn't have to worry about it this weekend.
You're a quarter into the homework when someone sits down in front of you. Your heart beats quickly in your chest as you slowly look up, seeing Ashton sitting across from you. He smiles softly at you before getting out his work.
"W-What are you doing?" You ask him, glancing around the library to see a few groups of people looking at the two of you.
He cinches his eyebrows together, motioning towards his homework. "Doing homework? What else do you do in a library?" Ashton asks and you blink in surprise.
"I-I mean… why are you sitting with me?" You question quietly while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Because you intrigue me, and I want to be friends," he answers and doesn't look up from his notebook. Your cheeks heat up at his words, covering one of your cheeks with your hand.
"O-Oh," you mutter quietly and your heart flutters in your chest. Your stomach drops as reality kicks in, knowing that Rosie will get to him if he's friends with you. "A-Ashton, I really appreciate you wanting to know me and all but…"
"I don't care what Rosie says," he mentions and you press your lips together. "I don't believe what she claims you to be."
You look at him with wide eyes as he smiles at you again, reaching out to rest his hand upon yours. Your breath hitches in your throat as your cheeks turn pink. "O-Okay," you whisper, a smile coming to your lips.
Ashton's cheeks also turn a bit pink and he pulls his hand away from yours. He goes back to doing his homework, your eyes never leaving him as you can't believe what just happened.
Ashton's eyes are staring in your direction as you sit under the big tree. A smile comes to his lips as he watches you. You're currently trying to keep all your papers from flying away in the wind, your hair hitting you in the face and you sigh in frustration.
He twirls a pen in his hand, his fingers tapping against the love letter he's currently writing. Jaz and the rest of his friends begin to sit down at the table, diverting Ashton's gaze towards them for a few seconds before looking back towards you.
"What are you staring at?" Michael asks while taking a bite of the pizza on his plate. The lilac-colored boy follows his gaze which lands on you. "You're staring at her again?"
Ashton snaps his head towards his friend, a blush on his cheeks. "What do you mean again?!" He asks and Michael gives him a look before glancing towards Jaz.
"What he means is that you stare at her a lot, which is okay! You like her, it's cute. But, it'd be more effective if you actually talked to her," she elaborates and Ash scoffs softly.
"I talk to her. We're friends," he states and Jaz raises an eyebrow. She taps her finger against the letter that sits on the picnic table.
"If you're just friends… what's this?" Jaz asks and Ashton blushes.
He picks up the paper as the rest of the boys glance at him. "It's nothing," Ashton mumbles and folds up the letter before stuffing it into his bag. "I've got a concert tomorrow night, so I'm gonna go practice."
The brunette picks up his stuff before heading back towards the school. You look up from your work at the same time Ash decides to glance at you and the two of your eyes meet. You blush a bit, smiling at him and he does the same. He gives you a small wave before walking into the school.
You still have a hard time believing that the two of you are labeled as friends. It's been about a month and a half since Ashton sat with you in the library.
"You think he'll have the balls to ask her out?" Michael asks Jaz and she glances towards the lilac-haired man.
"I wouldn't talk, Mike," Luke mentions and the gamer boy slaps the blonde's arm, giving him a look.
Jaz furrows her eyebrows together at the two boys before glancing back towards you. She frowns at the empty spot under the tree and she looks around to try and find you, but you're nowhere to be seen.
You're walking through the halls, heading towards your locker when a loud crash startles you. You jump, gripping your bag's straps while glancing down the hallway where the noise came from.
"Son of a bitch," a voice echoes off the walls afterward and you begin to make your way towards the room.
You peek around the doorway, seeing Ashton putting a drum set together. "Everything okay?" You ask in a whisper, wondering if you spoke loud enough for him to actually hear.
The brunette jumps and turns his head towards you, a look of relief on his face. "Fuck, Y/N, it's just you," he breathes and lets out a chuckle. "Yeah, everything's good. I guess people don't know how to put a drum set together."
You give him a small smile and walk into the room, taking a seat beside him. "You play the drums?" You ask him, your eyes meeting his.
Ashton's heart flutters as your eyes meet, a smile coming to his lips and he nods his head. "Y-Yeah, yeah. It's fun. A good stress reliever too," he tells you and you nod your head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"That's cool. Drums are cool," you mumble with a smile. You and Ashton sit in silence for a few moments before he grabs his bag.
You watch him as he opens it, rummaging through it before pulling out a folded piece of paper. "Here," Ash mentions with a blush on his cheeks. You blink at him a few times before grabbing the note. You furrow your eyebrows as you inspect it, twirling it in your fingers and begin to open it. "Wait, wait. Not here."
"Why?" You ask and Ashton scratches the back of his neck.
"I-I… just for the sake of my embarrassment," he awkwardly laughs and you let out a giggle of your own.
"Alright. I'll open it when I get home," you smile and Ashton nods his head. "I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing."
You stand up from the chair, gripping the note in your hand before placing it into your front pocket. "I'll see you later," the brunette grins and butterflies soar in your stomach. You give him a wave and leave the classroom, taking a deep breath when you're out of sight.
The final bell rings and you gather your stuff together before heading towards your locker. A few people bump into you on your way there and you quietly apologize to each person even though it's their fault.
You open your locker quickly, trading out books you'll need for the homework and stuff them into your bag. You grab the note Ashton gave you, fiddling with it in your hands when someone roughly bumps into you. A gasp leaves your lips and you fall into your locker a bit, holding your hand out to steady yourself.
"Oops," Rosie's sarcastic voice calls out and you huff, getting a bit annoyed by her antics. The note Ashton gave you falls from your hands and you quickly go to grab it when the strawberry blonde reaches it first. "Oh, what's this?!"
"Give it back," you demand and the girl raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, since when did you get a voice?" She asks and you reach for the folded piece of paper. Rosie moves her body away from yours, tsking. "Nuh-uh."
You try to stop her from opening it but her little goons stop you from getting close to her. "This isn't funny. Give it back to me," you state once more with narrow eyes.
Rosie opens the note and begins reading it to herself, a pity laugh coming from her lips. "O-Oh my fucking god this is gold!" Her blue eyes move to yours, a smirk on her lips. "Who knew Ashton had a thing for losers."
Your heart skips a beat at her words, your breath hitching in your throat. Ashton likes me? You think to yourself and your cheeks blush.
The popular girl notices your blush and lets out a devilish laugh. "Oh, don't tell me you like him too?" She teases and pouts her lips. "You really going to believe that he likes you? Please. Grant told him to do that."
"W-What?" You stutter, your heart dropping as she crumples up the note before tossing it at you. You swallow thickly as Rosie and her little group laughs, walking away from you.
You uncrumple the note, your eyes scanning over the words but not really taking it in. Tears come to your eyes as you fold it gently and place it into your bag.
"Y/N!" Jaz's voice calls out and you turn your head to see her and the rest of the group walking towards you.
Your chest clenches at the sight of Ash and you quickly look away before shutting your locker. You don't acknowledge them and you make your way towards the front of the school, needing to get away from everyone.
"Hey, hey, wait!" Jaz calls out once more and jogs up to you. She steps in front of you to stop you, but you just walk around her. "Y/N!?"
"Can you just stop?!" You ask, your chest heaving rapidly as you look her dead in the eye.
"What's going on?" Ashton asks while walking up to the two of you. You glance towards him, not being able to look at him for long before scoffing.
"You know… I thought you were different," you tell him and he looks down at you with a confused look on his face. "I really, really thought you'd be different."
You shake your head and start walking away again when it was Ashton's turn to stop you. "Wait, what do you mean? I… what did I do?" He asks you and you swallow the lump in your throat before pulling out his note.
"This stupid fucking note," you answer him and his hazel eyes glance towards the crumpled up paper, his heart pounding in his chest. "Rosie told me everything."
"This fuckin' bitch," Jaz mumbles and Michael rests a hand on her shoulder. "What'd she-"
"Jaz," Ashton cuts her off and glances towards the girl, giving her a look to let him handle this.
You anxiously tap your foot on the tile flooring as your eyes stay focused on Ashton. The brunette glances back towards you, his hands up slightly as he tries to think of the best way to handle this.
"What'd she tell you?"
You lick your lips, your fingers fiddling with the hair tie on your wrist. "She told me that Grant put you up to writing the note. That you don't actually like me," you tell him and bite the inside of your cheek, trying to keep it together.
Ashton shakes his head and sighs. "That's not true. She's just saying that to get in your head, Y/N," he explains and you cross your arms over your chest. "Plus, I don't even talk to Grant. Like, at all. Not once."
"Plus, we saw him writing it during lunch before he left," Luke chimed in and your eyes dart towards the blonde.
"Did you read it?" Ash asks and you clear your throat and shake your head.
"Not thoroughly," you mumble and the brunette reaches for your hand. A blush covers your cheeks as his long fingers lace with yours.
Your eyes flutter shut as the butterflies in your stomach are going crazy. Ashton squeezes your hand, the other one stroking your cheek. "I like you. I really, really like you. You intrigue me. You're funny, sweet, adorable, shy. Your personality is truly amazing. I… I want to be with you," he confesses and your breath hitches in your throat once more.
"R-Really?" You ask in a whisper and Ashton giggles softly, nodding his head in answer.
"Yeah, absolutely," he smiles and grabs a hold of your other hand. "If you want I-I could take you out for dinner tomorrow night?"
You take a step closer to him, removing your hands from his before wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'd like that," you whisper into his ear as Ashton holds you tightly. Awe's can be heard from behind you and the two of you chuckle softly before Jaz speaks up.
"Alright. Now that you're seeing each other I'm gonna fuck Rosie up," she states and marches towards the front doors. Michael curses softly and follows after her, not wanting her to get into any sort of trouble.
The rest of you follow suit, Ashton's hand intertwined with yours as you all made it outside. Rosie, Grant, and a few of their friends stand towards the other end of the school when Jaz yells to her.
"Ayo, bitch!"
The strawberry blonde glances in your direction and you can see her rolling her eyes. Jaz walks right up to her before clocking her in the face. Gasps leave some of the girls lips as Grant's eyes become wide.
"What the fuck!" Rosie screams and tries to attack Jaz. The black-haired girl swiftly moves out of the way before landing another hit on her.
"You think it's okay to just pick on everyone here, huh?! Does it fuel your fucking ego?! How's it feel to be belittled?!" Your friend screams while taking a chunk of Rosie's hair in her hands, pushing her back.
Michael runs up to the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her back. "Jaz, stop," he mumbles as she writhes in his arms.
"No, lemme at her! She deserves it. He does too!" She snarls and manages to get out of Mikey's hold. The feisty girl throws a punch at Grant, hitting him directly in the eye and he groans, bending over slightly.
"You bitch," he growls and takes a step towards her when Michael steps in front.
The lilac-haired boy pushes the jock, his green eyes glaring at him. "Yo, were you about to hit a girl?!"
The rest of you step forward and you lay a hand on Jaz's shoulder, pleading with her to stop. "C'mon, let's just get out of here," Ashton states and urges Michael to step away.
"Please," you add on and the two of them let out huffs of breath.
"I don't want you coming near us ever again," Jaz threatens Rosie and she scoffs. Your friend takes a step towards her, causing her to flinch back. "You hear me?!"
She rolls her eyes and nods her head. "Fine, yes. Jesus, just get the fuck away from us," Rosie states and the six of you walk away from the group.
Yours and Ash's hand brushes against each other's as you all walk towards their vehicles. A blush covers your cheeks as Ashton's pinky links with yours before lacing the rest of your fingers. You glance up at him to see him already smiling down at you, a blush tinting his cheeks. "You need a ride home?" He asks quietly and you hike your bag higher on your shoulder with your free hand.
"That'd be nice," you tell him and he nods his head, his hazel eyes glancing towards your intertwined hands.
"You should still read the note when you get home," he informs you and you giggle, nodding your head while resting your head against his shoulder. 
"So, how are things going with Ash?!" Jaz asks as the two of you walk down the hall. 
You couldn't help but blush while hugging your books closer to your chest. "It's going good. We hung out for most of spring break," you tell her with a smile and she squeals a bit.
"That's awesome, Y/N. You two are fucking adorable," she grins and you thank her quietly. "Have you guys kissed yet?"
"N-No," you stutter, looking towards her with wide eyes. Jaz gives you a baffled look and blinks a couple of times. "What?! I mean… should we have? We've only been together for a few weeks."
The black-haired girl runs a hand through her hair and lets out a huff of breath. "Well, I just assumed that he's kissed you goodbye after a date or greeted you with a kiss," she mentions and you gulp a bit, shaking your head. "It's probably nothing. He most likely wants it to be special or both of you are just too nervous to make a move."
The two of you split up as you head towards your math class, thinking about what she just said. Does he wanna kiss me? Your eyebrows are furrowed together when you bump into someone. A gasp leaves your lips and you glance up, getting ready to apologize when you notice Ashton standing in front of you.
"Ash, hey," you chuckle softly as his hands rest on your arms. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"It's okay. You looked deep in thought, pretty girl. What's going on up here?" He asks and taps your forehead softly.
Your heart flutters at his touch. You stay silent for a minute, internally figuring out how to answer his question. Ashton glides his fingertips down your face, a smile gracing his pink lips. "Just… just something Jaz said," you say vaguely and the boy raises an eyebrow in question.
"That's it? That's all I'm gonna get?" He asks and you laugh, shrugging your shoulders. "Does she talk about Mike all the time?"
"Eh, I would say fifty percent of the time," you answer and Ashton hums, nodding his head.
"Cause Mike talks about her all the fucking time. Like, we're happy that they're finally together but chill," he laughs and you join in.
"Let them be," you playfully smack his chest and Ashton grabs your hand, pulling you into him.
Your eyes widen a bit and your breath hitches in your throat as his forehead rests against yours. "You're coming to my concert tonight, right?" He asks and you nod your head, your fingers grabbing a hold of his.
"Wouldn't miss it," you inform him with a smile.
Ashton pulls away a bit and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good. I can't wait for you to see my skills," he wiggles his eyebrows and you roll your eyes playfully.
"You've been bragging about these skills a lot, Ash," you giggle and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Well, you'll finally get to see them tonight. Shit, I gotta get to class. I'll see you later, babe," he rushes and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth before running off.
You watch after him, still feeling his lips on your face. You smile softly and lift your hand up, your fingers grazing over the corner of your mouth. A blush covers your cheek as you realize he called you babe.
You squeeze the books in your hands, grinning ear to ear while letting out a deep breath before heading to your class. He's so amazing…
You fiddle with your fingers as you, Jaz, Mike, Cal, and Luke walk towards the school for Ashton's concert. You also decided that tonight's the night you're going to kiss him for the first time.
The hallway is crowded with people as they chat with their friends/child/etc. You look around, trying to find your curly brunette boyfriend. "Can you see him?" You ask Jaz, glancing towards the girl as she shakes her head. "You guys go ahead. I'm gonna check the band room."
They nod their heads and walk towards the auditorium while you make your way down to the band room. You take deep breaths as you get closer, hyping yourself up. The door opens up and Ashton walks through, your eyes widening at how good he looks.
"Hey! There you are," Ashton smiles and wraps his arms around you. You hug him back, a smile coming to your lips as you inhale his scent. Vanilla. "I'm glad you came to find me."
"I-I wanted to wish you luck before your concert," you tell him with a smile, glancing up at him. Now or never. You place your hands on his face before leaning on your toes, pressing your lips to his.
Ashton's eyes grow wide at the sudden action before they flutter close. His fingers glide through your hair, pulling your body closer to his as he kisses you back. You smile into the kiss, running your fingers through his hair.
He pulls away after a minute, resting his forehead against yours as your heart beats a mile a minute. "I-Wow," Ash whispers and nudges your nose with his. "What was that for?"
"I… remember when you asked me earlier what I was thinking about?" You ask and the brunette nods his head. "Well, Jaz asked me if we kissed yet and I said no, cause we haven't, and she was confused about why we haven't. So… I wanted to."
Ashton rubs his hands on your hips, a deep breath coming through his nose. "I know you're really shy and reserved so I didn't want to try and be rejected," he confesses and you frown a bit. "I was waiting until you were ready."
"God, you're so sweet," you chuckle softly and shake your head. Ashton tilts his head and presses your lips together once again, a hum coming from your lips.
"But now that you've done it, I'm not going to be able to stop," he mumbles against your lips and you shudder.
"Good. Don't," you whisper before placing a peck to his lips. "You should get going. The concert starts any minute."
Ashton nods his head, his hand coming up to your face and strokes your cheek. "I… I think I'm in love with you," he tells you, and your breath hitches in your throat.
You blush heavily, glancing towards the floor as a large smile graces your lips. "I think I'm in love with you too, Ash. Now, go kill it out there."
Ashton giggles and steals one last kiss from you. He gives you a cheeky wink before walking back through the band room's door. You giggle and bite your lip, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before making your way back towards the auditorium to join your friends.
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @myloverboyash​ @sexgodashton​ @h0tsos​ @gigglyirwin​ @thebookamongmen​ @philthepegacorn​ @frontmanash​ @tea4sykes​ @itsasadfishworld​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @talkfastromance4​ @maluminspace​ @creator-appreciator​ @g-l-pierce​ @abb-lan-5sos​ @hemmingslftv​ @notinthesameway​ @another-lonely-heart​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @suchalonelysunflower​
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 19
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: Frigga <3 Some angsting and feels and pining. A/N: So apparently visits by relatives to patients are going to be unrestricted from now on (government’s decision) which means one of the most important ways to control the risk of Corona within the health care system is gonna be flushed down the drain. If a second wave is gonna hit in my country, it’ll start now...and I’m still wiped out after the last 6 months of strain/stress/etc.
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19. Strange Same Dogma
...  Loki   ...
He’s at [Y/N]’s side when she approaches the gates to Valhalla the next day. Disguised as her servant, Loki’s role is mute whenever others are nearby (unless addressed directly) though he is prepared to whisper advice discreetly if the guards prove difficult.
Two golden-armoured einherjar are in their usual spots, blocking the way, but neither are given a chance to speak before the Midgardian embraces her role. “My name is [Y/N] and I have come to seek audience with queen Frigga. I know you must confer with her majesty, however my travels have led me far since I left Alfheim and the gracious hospitality of the High Priestess.” With the Älfir garb and the impeccable posture, she looks the part. “I presume temporary accommodations can be arranged.”
The last bit carries the tiniest hint of a question’s intonation, precisely enough to prevent coming over as either rude or begging, and as one einherjar ensures the message of the visitor is relayed the other calls for a servant to arrange (and escort the duo to) a waiting chamber.
It takes a moment before Loki is alone with the mortal again and he knows the peace will be short lived.
“I’m impressed, my pet.” He adores the way [Y/N] beams with pride. “Anyone would assume you are of royal heritage.”
Any other words dry up in his throat and the former prince allows himself to fall silent, eyes seemingly studying the familiar stones beneath his feet while in reality gazing unseeingly.
He’s home. Frigga’s lullabies ghost these halls at the edge of hearing, calling for the lost child to retrace the paths from years ago even now as time and fate have warped him into the grown man he is today. How long has it been? Surely, not long enough that he cannot find the way around the palace blindfolded if need be. And, oh, to revisits the favourite nooks and best reading spots or to climb the spires only to greet the first stars even before they have dared look above the horizon. Loki’s heart clenches at the madman’s hope of strolling through his mother’s garden which smells of herbs and safety.
...  Reader  ...
The place is much grander than your wildest imaginations had prepared you for. Gold, rich stones and woods, precious stones, all coming together in sharp lines reaching high above you. The place does not hold the natural flow of Alfheim’s temple – there, Art Nouveau from Earth had been the closest resemblance – rather favouring something akin to Art Deco. Still, neither style truly encompasses what you see or have seen and if given the freedom, you’d easily spend hours studying the palace.
But, sitting in silence, all the decadence of the room loses the welcoming glamour as a chill saturates the air. You instinctively move to sit next to Loki on the pillow-covered bench. He doesn’t blink. Doesn’t seem to notice your closeness. Leaning in slightly, you don’t see tears in those emerald eyes of his but are met with a pained emptiness. It’s haunting.
What can I do? Nervous of potential violent reactions, you don’t exactly feel like shaking him out of the stupor – whatever you decide to do must be subtle. Your gaze falls to where he has drawn his lips into a thin line and of course you wonder how it would feel if to have his mouth respond if you were to kiss him. Don’t be an idiot! No, the man might have taken a liking to teasing you but while it’d doesn’t make sense why, you know it can’t be from wanting you.
So, you do the only thing you can think of and slip your fingers in between his, squeezing the cool hand gently in the same rhythm of your breathing.
Time pass. The wintry bite in the air softens. Loki’s breathing slowly adapts to match the speed indicated with each careful nudge of your fingers. Eventually, his hand curls to return the gesture, and now the lack of words is peaceful, a sacred promise of a haven for all that remains unspoken.
One final squeeze, then Loki disentangles from the hold to shrug. “We must uphold the charade of Lady and servant, my dear.”
You know he’s right...but it your heart still objects to the distance when you return to the previous seat. You’re glad when, just as expected, it doesn’t take long before a guard arrives with an update.
“Queen Frigga has accepted the request for an audience.” Both of you get up. “Only you, lady [Y/N].”
This isn’t part of the plan and you can’t help glancing to Loki who nods imperceptibly as he sits back down. There’s a calm in his eyes that soothes you. The man might have gotten you wrapped up in his messy life, but you have no doubt anymore: he’ll see you through it too.
Turning to face the guard, you straighten up. “Of course.”
The queen of Asgard is not alone when you’re shown into the grand room. A host of other women, presumably a mix of servants and nobles, are gathered around her like a space posse with snacks, drinks, and gossip which continues uninterrupted as you enter. Stopping just past the door, forlorn at the sight of the gorgeousness of it all, the guard pushes you gently towards a woman at the centre.
Frigga is sitting on a couch, deeply engrossed in conversation with a couple of the other ladies. Her blond hair is done up elaborately with the exception of a few long ringlets and the dress is the most heavenly sky-blue, flowy thing – the kind you’ve only seen in fantasy books or medieval images.
“Your highness,” your escort announces, “lady [Y/N] of...” his voice trails off, unsure how to finish as you never told him where you’re from.
Managing an awkward bow, nothing has prepared you for Loki’s mother swooping over to grasp both your hands.
“Lady [Y/N]! I’m delighted to meet you!” The wholehearted smile dazzles you as some of her son is evident in the gleam of her eye. “Rumour of your prowess precedes you. Come, sit with me.”
Frigga doesn’t have to say anything for the two conversational ex-partners to get up with delicate nods. Even with the purple, Älfir dress you’re wearing, you feel out of place – a commoner pretending to be royal. That’s exactly what I’m doing. And you’re glad to have your hands back as your palms start to get sweaty.
“Forgive the informal welcome, we were not aware of your arrival.”
Frowning slightly, you can’t detect the sarcasm Loki has introduced to your daily life. “My travels have held several surprises even for me.” Please don’t dig in it.
The smirk familiar despite the shimmer of something unidentifiable. “I know the Älfir were saddened when you took your leave. How did you find your stay there?”
“Oh, the planet is breathtaking and they are very kind and generous!” At least this isn’t a lie.
“The first is indisputable, though I dare say not many will agree on the latter...however,” the queen reconsiders, “I suppose you are special to them as you have saved their High Priestess.”
They’re not friendly normally? “I...I guess...” A nagging in the back of your mind has been activated and you know it won’t stop until you’ve asked Loki about a couple of things.
“No need for modesty, lady [Y/N].” Again, Frigga looks genuinely delighted. “A mortal, but with the magic of old Alfheim running through the veins...it is no wonder they welcomed you as they did.” Oh? “Please indulge me: how has this come to be? Who has trained you in the arts of magic?”
And there it is: the gaping hole surrounding the ability you’ve grown up with.
For years, you felt like a freak. No one were like you or could tell you why songs with strange words would well out of your mouth. It had isolated you more often than not, forcing you to start over when people who didn’t understand started to fear you instead. I did no harm. But that had never mattered. It was enough to simply be different.
Pushing the memories aside, you look down at your hands that are wringing the sleeves. “I don’t know.” Ugh, don’t sound so pathetic! “It has always just been me, trying to figure out these things on my own, your highness.”
“Hm.” Frigga’s palms are soft when she plies your fingers from the stretched hem. “I see why he brought you here, then.”
“Who?” With all that has happened, you should be used to fear clawing inside your chest like now.
Rather than answer you, the queen merely announces the room at large, “Leave us. All of you.” The last bit is addressed to the guard that you only now notice has stayed by the door. “And see to it that the chambers have been prepared.”
They must know the drill, these fancy women, because no one complains or looks surprised as they file out. Even if you had felt out of place with all of them around, the sense of foreboding and displacement doesn’t lessen, and you try to avoid meeting the piercing gaze of the queen in the hopes of keeping up the charade – a near impossible endeavour as she studies you in silence until the door clicks shut.
“Let us abandon pretense, me dear,” Frigga sighs before urgency takes over. “How is my son? How is Loki?”
Fuck. She can’t...can she? Like mother like son? Oh, crap. “I don’t know wha-”
“Tish-tosh. It is hard for me – and Heimdal – to track him. My boy has always been intelligent and...well, sneaky. But a mother knows her child, and when we learned someone with such a gift had been abducted from Midgard? Well, I had my suspicions as to his plans.” It’s impossible to tell if the proud smirk is due to her own success in figuring out what was going on or Loki’s accomplishments. “He learned nigh everything he knows from me, and despite the turmoil in his heart there is reason behind his madness.”
“Don’t call him mad!” It pops out of your mouth before you can think and your heart almost follows, getting stuck in the throat on the way and blocking any intake of air.
Frigga’s hands are warm, unlike the man in question’s. Tenderly, they cup your cheeks, rubbing circles on the skin until the rhythm echoes in your body and breathing becomes possible once more.
“Do not fret,” the queen and mother instructs. “I shall not ask where he is or if they two of you are colluding. All I wish is that he is...is...” Wetness wells in her eyes, briefly but long enough for you to recognize it. “He has been struggling and so I hope he has found a gentler path to tread on the way to redemption. Any proper mother would feel assured knowing that their son does not walk alone.”
This is his home. Sure, Asgard itself has been where Loki grew up, the place he still belongs to despite what he has said about Jotunheim and Odin’s rejection. But you begin to suspect that the real reason for the strong attachment is sitting right before you. So much of Frigga’s small mannerisms have been passed on to her adoptive son though her pride has been tempered by a wisdom your companion hasn’t gained yet.
“Worry not, dear,” the queen interrupts you thought, “all will fall into place in time and until then, I may be able to teach you more about your gift and how to hone it. You shall be my guest in Valhalla. Welcome to Asgard.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Ms. California - Chapter One (Crygi/Jankie) - Mik
AN: Hey guys! This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction (or fiction in general). I absolutely love the idea of these two together, so hopefully you all enjoy it! If you guys like it, I’m definitely hoping to write at least six more chapters.
Summary: Crystal moves to Los Angeles from Missouri and meets GiGi Goode, captain of the varsity cheer squad. Queue the 1990s lesbian high school AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
The first time Crystal sees GiGi is on her first day of senior year at Fairfax High School. She’s just moved from a small town in Missouri to Los Angeles with her family and starting over is daunting. 
The second she enters the campus, she feels intimidated - it’s at least three times the size of her high school back home. She knows nobody; she is completely and utterly alone amongst her peers, who seem to be mostly chatting amongst themselves in groups. It’s Crystal’s senior year and she knows she should be looking forward to all of the so-called “high school experiences” that are surely to come this year, but all she can think of is how much she wishes it were all over. 
Crystal looks down at the somewhat crumpled piece of paper in her hands, examining her schedule. It’s going to be a pretty simple year, she decides, after realizing she only has five classes, one of which is advanced drawing and painting. Crystal is an art kid through and through. She looks the part - always wearing quirky combinations of bright colors and unconventional, wacky patterns - acts the part, and has the talent to match her aesthetic. 
Crystal begins looking for her first period classroom - art, thankfully. An easy way to start the day, she thinks to herself. Although she can see her class is supposedly held in room A12, she can’t find the building for the life of her on the huge campus. She’s sure that she looks impossibly lost and frazzled, and she starts to panic as she notices that the hands on her watch are slowly ticking closer to eight.
Apparently, someone else notices her alarmed expression too. “Are you lost?” a voice calls out from behind Crystal. 
“Um… yeah, I think I am,” Crystal replies, turning around. When she sees the person the voice belongs to, her nerves override her brain. The girl has shoulder length blonde hair and the most strikingly blue eyes she’s seen. She’s dressed like someone out of the magazines Crystal used to read; a short red dress clings to her long legs and Crystal can’t help but notice the pair of blush pink heels she’s chosen to accessorize the outfit with. Crystal thinks that she belongs on a runway or a movie set or at a photoshoot, not on a high school campus. She’s tall, she’s thin, she has full, pillowy lips, and a cute button nose; a girl that looked like that wouldn’t have made a point of reaching out to a stranger at her old high school. 
“What classroom are you looking for?” the girl asks, approaching Crystal. 
“A12,” Crystal chirps, sure she’s sounding as nervous as she looks. 
“Oh, you’re an art kid. Well, it’s right up that flight of stars,” the blonde motions to her right. “Are you new?” “Is it that obvious?” Crystal jokes, trying to hide how flustered she is. “Just a bit,” the other girl cracks a smile. “I’m GiGi.”
“Crystal.” “Well, maybe I’ll see you around, Crystal.”
GiGi walks off, leaving a stunned Crystal in her wake. As soon as she can calm her thoughts, she walks towards the flight of stairs.
She makes it to her first period class with five minutes to spare, and upon realizing she’s the first student to enter the spacious classroom, she makes her way to the front. Crystal elects to sit front and center, deciding that if nothing else, it will make her noticeable to other students and hopefully help her make some friends.
Students start trickling in one by one and filling out the classroom. Most choose to sit as far back as they can, probably to avoid being called on or so they can text without being noticed. Crystal silently prays for someone to sit next to her so she doesn’t look like the loner new kid. 
Her wish is granted when a girl with long, black hair wearing a pair of glasses with thick frames elects to sit next to her. 
Crystal, being somewhat extroverted - and desperate to make friends at her new school - introduces herself. 
“Hey, I’m Crystal!”
“Jackie,” the girl smiles. “Nice to meet you,” she says, extending a hand. 
Crystal suppresses a smirk at the formality of the gesture; it’s endearing. 
“Nice to meet you, too! How long have you been taking art?” Crystal asks,
Their conversation is interrupted by their teacher - who introduces herself as Ms. Velour - beginning the class. Crystal and Jackie both listen attentively to the bald woman with bold make-up as she reviews the course syllabus. 
Ms. Velour suddenly stops her lecturing and Crystal hears the door to the classroom open and close in succession. She twists around, partially out of curiosity to see who’s coming in so late, and partially because every other student is too. 
It’s GiGi. 
She makes a beeline for the only open desk in the back right corner. 
“Ms. Goode, thank you for joining us,” Ms. Velour says in a somewhat annoyed tone. 
GiGi doesn’t answer, and when Crystal tries making eye contact, GiGi ignores her. 
First period flies by, and even though Crystal would have loved to catch up to GiGi after class, GiGi seems to have sped out of the classroom. Crystal finds out she and Jackie both have second period - AP English - together anyways, so the two make their way to the classroom across campus. 
“So, that GiGi girl…” Crystal asks her potential new friend in a somewhat questioning tone. 
“GiGi? Well, there’s a lot I could say but I guess I’ll just stick with the super simplified version of it. She’s a junior and the head of the varsity cheer squad, she’s the resident “cool girl”, if you know what I mean. I’ve had art with her every year, and she likes to pretend she’s above it all.”
“Above it all?” Crystal questions - that definitely wasn’t the feeling she got from GiGi earlier. 
“Oh yeah, definitely. I mean, she probably thinks of all of the art kids as weird losers. But she’s one of us - she just won’t acknowledge it or you you, unless she’s hurling insults at you with her posse of cheer girls.” 
Crystal refrains from commenting about her interaction with GiGi before the class. “Well, that sounds like something out of a bad 1980s high school movie,” Crystal laughs. 
“It kind of is - welcome to LA, Crystal,” Jackie jokes as the two walk into their second class. 
Crystal’s first day goes well, overall. She and Jackie are on the route to becoming fast friends, and the dark haired girl even offers to give her a ride home after class, which Crystal appreciates.
The next morning, Jackie picks Crystal up and introduces her to her friend, Jan. The two seem a bit touchy; there are many fleeting glances and subtle touches between them.
The trio arrive to school ten minutes early, after picking up coffee. Jan is bright and bubbly and kind and Crystal immediately adores her; much like herself and Jackie, they hit it off instantaneously. 
Jan hugs Jackie goodbye, and plants a kiss on her cheek, eliciting Jackie to turn a shade of light pink. 
Crystal doesn’t question it. 
“Jan’s really cool,” Crystal says to Jackie as they make their way to first period together. 
“Yeah, isn’t she?” Jackie grins. “We’ve known each other since middle school.”
“Those kinds of friendships are always the best, I had a few friends like that back home in Missouri,” Crystal recalls. 
“Oh, well… I wouldn’t say we’re friends,” Jackie stutters. 
“You seemed pretty close,” Crystal says, perplexed. 
“Uh, yeah, we are,” Jackie says expectantly. 
The pair are silent for thirty seconds as Crystal tries to understand what Jackie is insinuating. 
“Okay, I don’t get it,” Crystal admits. 
“We’re like, girlfriends,” Jackie half-whispers. “But you can’t say anything. Please do not say anything.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess I should’ve picked up on that,” Crystal sighs internally at her own obliviousness. “And I won’t - your secret’s safe with me.”
“Thank you. I mean, it’s just a bit weird because Jan is on the cheer squad and if anyone finds out, she’ll basically become a pariah - both for being bisexual and for dating someone like me.”
“It’s Los Angeles and it’s 1994 - do people still really care about that here? And what do you mean, ‘someone like you’” Crystal asks, somewhat shocked. If there was one thing she was expecting to be different in Los Angeles, it was the sociocultural climate.
“Most of the kids at this school come from money - rich, white families. Republican families,” Jackie exhales. “Which also means they’re not too fond of me - an out-and-proud Persian lesbian.”
“That’s stupid,” Crystal states. 
“We can agree on that,” Jackie sighs. 
The pair sit down together, in the front of the classroom again, and talk about their art - what they like painting, their favorite painting music, their current works in progress.
Class starts and to Crystal’s dismay, she doesn’t see GiGi - until she hears the door quickly open and close fifteen minutes later.
GiGi arrives late again. This time there are no seats left in the back, and she’s forced to make her way to the front of the room. Crystal barely notices that someone is sitting beside her until the scent of Chanel perfume floods Crystal’s senses. 
Crystal is greeted with the same bright blue eyes she was previously entranced by. 
Disregarding a suspicious look from Jackie, Crystal smiles at GiGi.
“Hey! Thanks again for helping me get here the other day.”
GiGi, unlike the day before, gives her a tight-lipped smile. “No problem.”
“Your make-up looks really nice today!” Crystal continues on, admiring GiGi’s dark lips, sparkling magenta eyeshadow, and long eyelashes..
Crystal notices a difference in the GiGi she met and this GiGi - she knew it didn’t mean much because she’d barely interacted with the girl, but she feels strangely compelled to get to know her. There was something about her that was intoxicating. 
Before Crystal could continue talking, the teacher shoots her a look, effectively silencing her. 
Crystal is on her own after class; Jackie is meeting Jan to do god knows what. She decides to use Jackie’s lack of presence as an excuse to talk to GiGi again. 
Class ends and Crystal trails behind GiGi, who once again darts out of the door. 
“Hey, wait, GiGi!” Crystal yells, partially expecting the tall girl to continue walking quickly down the hill. 
She doesn’t. She spins around, and crosses her arms. “Yes?” “I need help finding my English classroom. Jackie showed me where it was yesterday, and I forgot.”
GiGi rolls her eyes; Crystal figures her feigned ignorance is fairly easy to see through. 
“You do? Again?” GiGi says in a monotone voice. 
“Okay, I’ll admit that was pretty lame,” Crystal tries to lighten the mood. “I don’t know, you seem really cool, and I guess I was wondering if you’d want to grab lunch today? I’m new, I don’t really have friends here yet.”
GiGi’s expression turns from annoyed to something resembling concern. Her eyes dart around before motioning for Crystal to follow her back up the hill, towards the secluded side of the art building. 
“I don’t know what Jackie told you about me, but I can’t be like that. Especially not with you.” 
Crystal arches an eyebrow. “I don’t get it.”
“Come on. Jan tells Jackie everything, don’t play dumb, please. Class starts in…” GiGi checks her pearl-colored watch, “five minutes and I don’t have time to spell it out for you, new girl.”
“I’m not,” Crystal shrugs. 
GiGi lets out a muffled groan. “Sure you’re not. Okay, well, why don’t you just ask Jackie about me, then?”
Crystal doesn’t want to admit that she already has. 
“Um… okay. So that’s a no for lunch then, I’m guessing?” Crystal asks. 
GiGi’s facial expression indicates that she, under her rock-hard exterior, genuinely does feel bad. She opens her mouth and pauses, as if she’s trying to figure out the right thing to say. 
“Not lunch… and not at school. What are you doing on Friday night?”
“Um, nothing probably. New kid syndrome,” Crystal jokes, trying to break the tension. 
“Ask Jackie for my number. If she doesn’t have it, Jan does.” 
GiGi is gone as soon as she finishes her sentence, and Crystal is confused. GiGi seems to have some connection to Jackie - Jackie hadn’t mentioned that in the slightest. Second, she seems to think that Crystal has some hidden motive, one completely unbeknownst to her. Crystal can’t even begin to fathom what’s going on in the blonde’s head. She just wants friends and GiGi seems nice - and she’s stunning. But that’s aside from the point. Crystal snaps out of her thoughts, realizing she needs to make it to AP English in less than three minutes.  
She lets it go, and sets off to her next class, intending to tell Jackie everything. GiGi perplexes her.
“She wants to what?!” Jackie exclaims once class is over. “She wants to hang out, outside of school, with you?!”
“Yeah, I mean, I think so. It seemed like she wanted to spend time with me,” Crystal says. “She also kind of made a comment about you and Jan - she knows you’re close with her. Does she know about you two?”
“Yeah, well, it’s not like I’m all for outing people, but I guess if she’s going to be so bold - GiGi and I had a thing during her freshman year - my sophomore year. She’s the only one who knows about Jan - they keep each other’s secret.”
“Wow,” Crystal mused. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“It’s all very dramatic,” Jackie sighs. “I don’t like GiGi very much - not anymore at least. She’s changed a lot. I mean, she won’t be seen with me because I’m out, even though I’m dating her best friend, and she was clearly ignoring you in front of everyone because you’re gay,” Jackie rambles.
“Oh, I’m not - I mean, I’m supportive of all of that but I’m like, I’m not gay,” Crystal says, turning bright red. 
“Oh,” Jackie looks confused. “But you’re going on Friday?”
“Yeah?” Crystal says inquisitively. 
“I mean, I don’t want to speak for GiGi, but if you asked her to get lunch, she probably thought you were trying to flirt. And I think suggesting Friday was her way of showing she is interested,” Jackie explains. 
Crystal realizes she’s a little bit oblivious; she’s embarrassed. Growing up in a small town in Missouri rendered her unable to read the situation; it’s not like gay people ever tried to secretly date there. She didn’t even know if gay people lived in Missouri.  
“Well, shit,” Crystal inhales deeply. 
“Are you gonna go?”
“Yeah, I mean… Maybe we can be friends, or something,” Crystal hopes aloud. “Oh, and on that note, I need GiGi’s number - she told me to ask you for it.”
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nightspeckle · 4 years
High School Au {Part 4}
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
I started this weeks ago but I kinda lost my motivation to write, so sorry it took such a long time! I hope that you enjoy this monstrosity that I have created hehe
I watch from the garage door as Cardan backs up and pulls out of the driveway. Oak has retreated back into the house to watch tv. Unfortunately the leach that followed him outside is still behind me.
I wait until Cardan’s car is nothing but a speck in the distance before I turn to face her. 
The face looking back at me is identical to mine. That is except for the dubious and accusatory eyebrow raise that is being directed at me. 
“What! Jude really?” Taryns eyes shine in the afternoon sunlight as she crosses her arms turning herself from human to statue. I shrug closing the door and heading into the kitchen. 
“If you are talking about my display by the car lets both keep in mind I have seen you do much worse. I mean muchhhhhh worse.”
“You promised not to speak about that!” Taryns voice climbs as she pushes herself up onto the counter. I shrug again while maneuvering around to search for my barbeque chips.
“But really, Jude?” 
I stand from the pot cabinet I had been rifling through to look Taryn in the eyes.
“I truly am not comprehending what you are trying to say here, Taryn”.
She looks at me with a sad smile playing over her face as she shakes her head.
“Cardan Greenbriar? I just-” Taryn takes a moment for the breathy sigh that escapes her “It’s Cardan Greenbriar.”
“I have acknowledged that,” I mutter. 
Well maybe not truly, but she doesn’t need to know that. 
“I’m just a little confused, and a tad bit concerned.” Taryns eyes are puppy dog wide.
“I really don’t see how you’re in a place to judge.” My voice is firm as I cut her a glance. I mean really, who the hell is she to judge?
“I was just wondering.” Her voice now is as identically firm as mine.
“Great! Well please go wonder somewhere else.” I look up at Taryn to see her roll her eyes while I continue on to the next cabinet. 
“Oriana put them over here,”
Taryn hops off the counter and reaches into the spice cabinet before pulling out a glorious bag of barbeque chips.
“Sneaky bitch.”
“She’s just trying to help your addiction,”
“Or she’s saving them for herself.”
“Whatever you say Jude,” Taryn says before sauntering out of the room pony tail swishing behind her. “Whatever you say,”.
After polishing off my chips I decide to compile a list of reasons why I want to kill Taryn. It goes a little something like this:
She interrupted my steamy ass kiss
She attacked me before I had time to think about how I fell about said kiss
She made me feel shitty for having said kiss
& most importantly she RAIDED my chocolate stash
I am also compiling a list of reasons to grovel at her feet:
She interrupted my encounter with the devil incarnate
She reminded me that Greenbriars so shitty even backstabbing Taryn is concerned
She felt bad about the chocolate and replaced it 
Usually the list making makes me feel better. However, I still feel like my head is spinning around and around and around. 
I keep going back to what happened.
 He kissed me. 
I kissed him back and I liked it. 
I liked it. 
As much as I can’t stop thinking about the kiss my brain has also adhered to what he said to me. Cardan Greenbriar thinks I’m hot. Cardan Greenbriar likes me. Cardan Greenbriar despise’s me.
Unbelievable. My life is a complete and utter joke. 
I can’t help but sigh and fall back onto my bed in utter disbelief that this has become an aspect of my existence. 
I decide for my sanity that this is too much for a Monday and decide to postpone until tomorrow. 
The next thing I decide is that homework is also an unessential aspect of a Monday and crash into a delightful sleep.
“I mean honestly what did she expect from me?”
“You really didn’t have to say that,”
“She ratted me out in chem,”
“You exploded the lab on purpose!”
“Minor details,”
“Jude can you please reinforce to Liliver how crazy she sounds,”
My eyes snap to Fand’s face mere inches from mine. I had been scanning the cafeteria looking for a familiar form. To my dismay the cafeteria is absent of a lanky boy in head to toe black.
“What are you talking about?” I ask as Fand rolls her eyes. 
“What Liliver said to Nicasia,” Fand supplies before texting someone back on her phone. 
“I wrecked her,” Liliver says with a shrug.
“If by wrecked you mean was blatantly rude to someone I am family friends with then yes that is true,” Fand corrects leveling a glare at Lil.
I look too Liliver who has a smirk spread across herself and can’t help but high five her. Nicasia is an arrogant bitch. To not congratulate Liliver on this would be an absolute travesty. 
Fand rolls her eyes again questioning why she’s friends with us. Something I also question on a daily basis.
“Are you going to tell us why you were hawk eyeing the cafeteria?” Lil asks glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the rest of the student body.
“Van and Garrett went off campus for lunch,” Fand states with an amused glint in her eyes.
“That was not who I was looking for,”.
“Then who were you looking for?” Liliver asks fully intrigued now.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say firmly before taking a sip of the iced coffee I had been nursing all morning. 
“I personally adore a defensive Jude,” Fand says cheerily to Lil. 
“I hate that you just said that,” I mumble as the bell rings.
I sling my backpack on my shoulder and take off with my coffee in hand leaving behind the shared look of confusion coming from Liliver and Fand.
I don’t waste anytime getting to anatomy. Anatomy is the one class Cardan and I share together. I hadn’t seen him in the halls at all this morning and by lunch time I was antsy. 
When I had woken up this morning it had finally sunk in. I had kissed Cardan Greenbriar, my childhood tormentor. The worst part is that I wanted to do it again. Like really wanted to do it again.
However, just because I wanted to spend hours in a dark room with him didn’t mean I wasn’t annoyed. I mean who the hell just kisses someone they have hated for years out of the blue. 
I was especially annoyed with his declarations. The fact that he liked me was the craziest thing I had ever heard and yet I was accepting it. 
But being told you are despised before being kissed just didn’t set well with me. He had no right to despise me. Me of all people! Out of the two of us I am the only one with the right to despise. What a little bitch.
I mean truly who the hell does he think he is?
But that didn’t do anything to deter me from craving to see him again.
So now sitting in my anatomy class I couldn’t help but wait to talk to him. Of course I wanted to give him my peace of mind but mainly because I couldn’t help of think of what he would look like in the absence of his ever present black clothing.
Van slides into the seat next to me mumbling something about how torturous this class is while I keep my eyes pinned on the door.
When Cardan finally comes in I feel my thoughts freeze. His black shirt is tight and daunting. His backpack is thrown over one shoulder and his walk is lazy and smooth.
I’m cursing myself for wanting his attention. But I mean when he looks like that, who wouldn’t?
I can’t help but twist my hair around my finger. A nervous tic. One that Van knows well, and he cuts me a knowing look.
But Cardan doesn’t look at me he passes by with out a glance and drops down into the seat behind me.
I look over my shoulder to see the dead look he posses so well.
“What?” It’s cold.
“Uh-” I freeze, everything I had been planning to say completely lost. What an idiot I am. 
Cardan’s face is blank as my thoughts try to reform. I hadn’t expected him to be so harsh.
Of course with my luck Nicasia would have to show up now.
“Drooling Jude?” She says as she slides into the empty seat at Cardan’s lab table. “I didn't realize you actually liked other human beings, I pegged you as a pig type of girl, you know?”
“I was not talking to you,” I say with a roll of my eyes. She truly is a complete and utter bitch. 
“Doesn’t seem like you were talking to anyone,” She says with a smirk.
Unfortunately she does have a point. Van is cutting me an amused look and Cardan’s face is empty of life. 
I look at Cardan only for our gazes to lock. He quirks his head a bit and his eyes flicker with a bit of a shine. 
But he says nothing  and I turn around trying to save myself from making this anymore embarrassing for me. 
I look over to Van who is smirking “You know now that she says it I could see you living happily ever after with a pig.”
“Oh shut up, you roach!” I can’t help but punch him in the arm as we laugh. Class starts a few minutes later saving me from the never ending discussion of gambling Van has started up on again.
When the bell rings I can’t help but race out of class. My next class is a study and I have to pick up some flyers for the Sadie Hawkins dance the school is throwing. Being the vice president is never ending. 
Plus my plan to talk to Cardan went absolutely no where so I might as well move past the delusion that was yesterday. 
Now that I think about I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on some phsycadelic drug that randomly makes people go around confessing false feelings.
That would make a lot more sense and it would relive me of having to try to figure out how we even got there. 
But as I’m weaving through the hallways a hand yanks me back. 
The next thing I know I’m in an empty stairwell. I turn to look at my assailant ready to swing a very effective jab to the throat. 
That is until I see it’s cardan. He has a smirk on his face as he tilts his head towards the stairs. I don’t protest as he grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs until we are partially hidden.
“Hi,” His voice is soft. 
“Hi,” I repeat quietly.
“I...sorry about,” He gestures his head up the stairs in the direction of anatomy. “My friends...”
“I get it, they’re complete assholes!” I cant help but grin as he laughs.
I just made Cardan Greenbriar laugh. 24 hours really can make a difference. Who knew Cardan had such a nice laugh.
“Do you think Taryn will tell Locke?” He looks sheepish.
“I can ask her not too,” I whisper. Saying anything louder feels wrong here.
“That might be best for now,” His hand is still holding mine and I can’t help but look down.
It feels nice. Good even. 
I understand what he is saying about his friends. If my friends heard I kissed Cardan I would never hear the end of it. I mean never.
I feel kind of giddy when I look up to his face and nod.
“We never got to talk,” I say leaning back into the wall. 
“You didn’t seem like you wanted to talk,” Cardan says with a smirk.
“Oh shut up,” I say. “I mean about how you told me you despise me,”
He shrugs “Well I do.” I consider following through with that throat punch until I see his smirk. 
“I don’t think you’re aloud to despise me,” I say.
“And why is that?” He asks with a teasing tone.
“Well because between the two of us you are always the mean one to me. Plus it doesn’t really make sense that you can despise someone that you like.”
“You are extremely annoying, rude, and a complete and utter brat,” Cardan says with a bored tone.  “Seems like a good reason to despise you.”
I can’t help but sigh. Of course the one guy to ever tells me he likes me thinks I’m an annoying brat. I’m about to comment on how he has my beat in the terrible traits by a long shot when another thought crosses me mind.
“So you don’t like me?” I can’t help but mumble. 
He laughs “I do like you Jude. It’s like how you think I’m cold, arrogant, and a dick and you like me anyways,”
I can’t help but stutter. “I- I do not,” 
I mean do I? 
Cardan’s face is open and I can’t deny the fact that he’s been pretty much all I’ve thought about all day.
“Lie,” He says with a playful shoulder nudge. I can’t help but roll my eyes.
I  gulp as he takes a step closer to me. 
Cardan tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear as our breaths mingle. 
He smells fresh, like the way the world smells on a spring day.
I don’t stop him as he brings his head down to mine. Cardan’s lips are soft and warm. The move is tentative, slow. He’s asking a question and I answer with the press of my lips to his.
The kiss is gentle, warm. It’s full of soft touches down my back. It’s occupied of the feel of Cardan’s smooth hair dancing in my fingers. It’s slow and sweet. My heart feels like it’s dancing, bouncing in happiness. 
I think I could stay here for hours in the feeling that is his gentle lips. In the way his warm hands feel on me. In the way he feels like sunshine in a cold winter.
When Cardan pulls back I can’t help but smile. One of his hands is still resting on my face and his fingers move to trace the smile that has crept onto my face. 
When he steps back he does it with an amused look. 
“I’ll see you later, Jude,” His voice is warm and kind and then he’s bounding up the stairs.
I can’t help but lean back resting my head on the wall.
I am in some serious shit here.
My heart still feels giddy and there is no denying it now. Cardan Greenbriar really does like me. Me of all people, and that alone makes me feel ecstatic.
What am I doing? 
I can’t believe that I spent all day wanting to talk to Cardan. I used to spend my days avoiding him and his cronies and now I’m standing in an empty staircase memorizing the feeling of his body nest to mine. 
I stand there for a minute trying to compose my thoughts. To figure out what this means for me. If maybe he was right when he said I was lying.
That is until I look at my watch to see I’ve been in here for 7 minutes. I am so late to pic up the posters. I was supposed to meet Sophie our president 3 minutes ago. She’s totally going to rip me a new one. 
 But I can’t help but smile as I make my way out of the staircase. 
Cardan kissed me, and that is totally worth a Sophie scream.
Tags <3 :
@deargreenbriar @dontfwithlibrarians @judexcardanxgreenbriar @sensitivehighlord @afexiss @mi-mavencalories @pilesofriles
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roseblack2222 · 3 years
I work At The Only Pizza Place In Town (Part 2)
This is the second part of my first series on r/NoSleep. I hope you enjoy it. If you do you can find me on Twitter and Patreon
Hey, it's the Pizzaman again. Hope you all saw the last post, that Nick made. Since the incident in the forest, I have been released from the hospital. Thankfully, the creature didn't cause any permanent damage. It just took some bandages to heal the wound. And my leg was put in a cast. Although, getting used to these crutches has been a pain the ass. Nick's had to help me up several times when I've lost my balance and fallen on my face. Speaking of Nick, he's actually moved in with me. We got to talking some more since the last post and as it turns out he had actually been kicked out by his parents. The reasoning for it was because he got kicked out of his college. It was because some other students who he had problems with, claimed he was harassing them.
Those students had been going to that college for years. And were well-liked by everyone. So, everyone believed them over Nick. He got a call from his dad, who berated him over what happened. Apparently, his dad and mom believed the school and other students over their own son. Great parents, right? Nick was told by his dad not to bother coming home for a place to stay. Then shortly after, Nick found out his number had been blocked by them. He did see them again at the funeral. But, he didn't bother talking with them. And they didn't bother speaking with him. Since Nick had been banned from his home, he had been drifting from place to place. He would stay at the cheapest motels he could find, sometimes he would even sleep in his car. Truth be told, he was just about out of money when he returned to my town.
I normally wouldn't share information so personal. But I figured you'd all be wondering why Nick decided to move here of all places. I asked him if it was okay to tell you all this. And he said that it was. I managed to get him an interview at Formaggio's. According to Nick, it went something like this,
" Have you had any experience in this kind of restaurant?" Mr. Formaggio asked Nick.
" I've worked at Domino's for a couple of years."
" Good enough. You're hired."
So now, he and I are working together. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. I have been back to work since the last post. Mostly, to show Nick the ropes. Because of my injury, there are a few conditions in regards to me going to work. For one, I can only head out to work, when it is day out. And I have to be off before dark. If I'm working alone. If I'm closing with someone, I can stay to help them close. And lastly, if there is any heavy fog or thunderstorms out, I get the day off. But, I want to talk about something that happened on Thursday. Because, what occurred, I have never seen, Nor heard about. Nick and I were at Formaggio's. It was later in the day. And most of the customers were heading home. The only customers we had left were Chuck and Sam, who were getting ready for their nightly patrol.
" Should I ask them to leave, since we're closing?" Nick asked me.
" Nah. They're cool."
" Hey, Pete. I don't think we've been introduced to your friend here. I think I overheard your name is..Nick, right?" Chuck asked him.
" Yeah. Nice to meet you, Chuck," Nick said, reading his badge. They shook hands. Then Nick did the same thing with Sam. They all chatted for a little bit before I told Nick we had to get busy closing. After telling us bye, Chuck and Sam left. Then Nick and I got to closing.
Fortunately, there are plenty of counters and such for me to use in order to get around. So, I didn't have too much trouble. Nick learned pretty quickly. I showed him how to shut off and clean the ovens and dishes. And where to store food in the walk-in fridge. He had taken out the trash and I was counting to see how many of which ingredients we had left. And which ones we needed to buy. I was halfway done, counting when Nick called me from the dine-in room.
" Hey, Pete. Can you tell me what the hell this is?"
" It's probably just some-" I was about to say. Until I saw what Nick was looking at.
Up in the sky far ahead of us, was swirling rainbow-colored mass. Which was hovering above the forest in the distance?
" Ever see anything like this before?"
" No. I've never heard about anything like this. I haven't even seen it in my book."
" Think it's dangerous?"
" Don't know. Wait, I think that thing is hovering over Carl's house! Take a picture or something of that thing. I'm going to call Carl's shop."
" What happens if something comes out of that thing and attacks us?"
" We make a break for it."
I called Carl, he picked up on the first couple of rings.
" Pete, what's up?"
" Carl, where are you at right now?"
" Just in the back of my store. About to close up. Why? Need something?"
" Look outside, towards your property."
He did as I asked.
" What in the fuck? How long has that thing been there?"
" Not sure. Nick and I just noticed it. We didn't see it before. So I'm guessing it just appeared tonight."
" Hm. Chuck and the others have probably noticed it already. But I think I'll call them anyway. Have you seen any creatures yet?"
" Actually, we haven't come to think of it. And they usually start coming out at this time. Do you think that thing in the sky has something to do with it?"
Before he could answer, the thing in the sky slammed into the ground. The impact could be heard all across town.
" The fuck?! You see what that thing just did?!"
" Yeah! I..oh shit."
Something came slithering towards the restaurant. Said thing was a giant worm creature. Its mouth was circular with sharp teeth. Its face had multiple eyes, matching the rainbow color of the thing that was in the sky.
" Please tell me the restaurant has the runes to keep that thing back."
" Pete? Everything alright?" Carl asked.
" We're going to need some help here," I said, seeing multiple returned and other creatures also come towards the restaurant.
" Don't worry. I'll be there as soon as poss-" Carl said, before a loud, I heard a loud crash from his end and the call went dead.
" Carl? Carl!" I yelled.
" Oh shit. Something happened to him didn't it?"
" Looks like it."
" Does that mean he's..?"
" I don't know. I hope not. Carl's tough. We have to believe he'll pull through."
" Where does that leave us then? That worm thing could come here at any moment!"
" Call the department. Once they hear about what happened, they'll come here."
Nick called and told them about the situation. They told him that they were on the way. But, it may be a while since there were a lot of creatures.
" They said it's going to take like ten minutes!"
" We'll just have to hope we can survive until then. Look under the counter. You'll find some weapons."
" Jesus Christ! Look at all these guns!"
" Yeah. Toss me a shotgun and a box of shells! Quickly! Now!" I said as the worm was now quickly slithering over to us.
I quickly loaded and cocked the gun as it started to rear its head back. As it started to strike, I through the door open and gave it a shot to the face. It was knocked back. And a returned tried taking the opportunity to rush me. I knocked it back with the butt of the gun. Then quickly closed the door.
" You almost let one of them in!"
" I didn't have a choice. If that thing breaks the glass, they'll all be able to get in!"
" I thought the runes are supposed to keep them back?!"
" They do. But, opening the door creates a sort of opening in the barrier! Obviously, we can't exactly draw runes in midair! Now do me a favor before that worm thing recovers. You ever shoot a gun?"
" A few times."
" Grab a gun and ammo. Then head up to the roof and start firing at these things. I'll meet you up there in just a second."
" We don't get paid enough for this," He said, climbing up the ladder to the roof hatch.
I had to shoot at the worm again and several returned before Nick started firing. When he did, I leaped over to the ladder. Then made my way up. I saw several winged creatures descending towards Nick. And shot them all back.
"Wow! I didn't even notice them! Thanks, Pete!"
" Don't mention it. Just keep shooting! I got the other side of the building covered!"
The worm and other creatures continued attacking for the next five minutes. We heard other gunshots coming from different parts of town. One of the flying creatures managed to get past me. Then sink its teeth into Nick's ribs.
" Ow! Mother fucker! You, piece of shit!" He said, pulling out a knife. Then stabbing out both of its eyes. He aimed his shotgun at it. Then blew its head off.
" Sorry, Nick! I was reloading! Oh, Shit!" I said. I looked up to see another winged creature descending towards me.
I was able to block its attack. But it started to lift me by the gun I held. I thought quickly, pulling out a knife and stabbing it in the neck. Seeing as how the creatures that attacked us were dead, save for the worm, we decided to train our guns on it. Unfortunately, we were met with the sound of clicks when we pulled the triggers.
" Is there any more ammo down below?" I asked.
" No. I grabbed all the ammo we had when I came up here. Should I grab the handguns?"
" They won't do any good against this thing!"
" Then what are we going to do?! It's getting ready to attack again!"
The worm got ready to attack again when it was knocked back once more. We looked over to see Carl with his gun pointed at the beast. He ran over to it and tossed something in its mouth. Then he ran away from it as fast as he can. What happened next, was the worm's head blowing up. Bits of blue blood rained down from the sky.
" Ew! Some of it got in my mouth!" Nick said, spitting.
" Nevermind that. We have bigger problems! Look!"
The explosion had attracted another horde of creatures, who swarmed towards Carl. He was able to hold them off for a little while. But eventually, it looked as if he would be overpowered. Thankfully, Chuck and Sam arrived just in time. Then took out the other creatures.
" Thank fucking Christ!" Nick said.
" You said it. Let's head back down."
Shortly later, the five of us were sitting at one of the tables. I asked Carl what happened. And he said that a creature that he hadn't seen before, smashed through his store window and grabbed him. But he was able to break free and kill it. Chuck apologized for taking so long. And said that they've been dealing with calls all night. Then told me and Nick to stay safe before he and Sam left.
When he did, I asked Carl," By the way, how did you make that thing's head explode?"
" Grenade."
" What?! How did you get a..?"
" Don't worry about it. It got the job done, right?"
" True." " Need a lift home?"
I looked at Nick.
" Uh, no thanks. My car luckily didn't get damaged."
" Alright then. Can't believe I have to get my store's windows replaced! And redraw them runes on it! What a pain in the ass! Anyway, take care, you two."
" Take care. And thanks, Carl," I said.
" Don't mention it! Oh, and Nick?" Carl asked as he was almost out the door.
" What is it?"
Carl pointed at me. Then said," Make sure you have his back."
Nick smiled and said," Heh. You got it."
We locked up and went home after Carl left. On the way, we saw twice as many police cars than usual out. And more creatures we haven't seen before. Nick and I are lucky to have survived our encounter. And he was fortunate enough to only need some rubbing alcohol and a few bandages on the spot where the creature bit him. I don't why that thing in the sky appeared, or how these new creatures are presumably connected to it. But we are going to get to the bottom of this. Knowing Carl, he'll probably try to investigate whatever it was that landed near his property. I'll call him tomorrow to see what he's found. Then Nick and I will go to his house later this week. I just hope he doesn't get himself killed. And I hope that I don't run into one of those tall cunts again.
See you all again, soon.
This is Pizza Pete, signing out.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
When Disaster Strikes
Part 1 : Before Disaster Strikes
Link: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/617890070494642176/before-disaster-strikes
Situated between Sonic IDW Issue #11 & 12
Synopsis: After the Battle with Metal Sonic, Shadow went back home just to find out that his Chaos Emerald was stolen. This gets Amy's interest and she decides to help the black hedgehog. Will Amy and Shadow's friendship develop?
ShadAmy (Platonic, but can be romantic if you want lol)
When Disaster Strikes
The Restoration Headquarters was everything but a quiet place. Members of the organization went in and out of the building sometimes running and others screaming. It was a place were world heroes came to meet whenever the world was in danger. The rookies always hoped to see a sneak peek of their idols, maybe Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles. Although it was still unbelievable to them that Amy Rose was with them most of the time.
After Metal Sonic was defeated, Amy didn't doubt on going back to work.  
It was a bit stressful but the need to help others was greater than the need to rest.
The day was lively just like any other summer day and the members were running around doing errands, carrying papers and boxes. Some of them even had to do solo missions and help a village in need. Amy was up and down giving, planning, and executing orders.
Our pink hedgehog was looking down at a map, trying to plant out their next move. The Restoration wanted to provide food supplies to a nearby village but it was getting complicated due that this village was remotely placed on a mountain. Thus, making it complicated to transport supplies.
"Ms.Rose, you have a call coming from Floral Forest Village,"
Suddenly, Lanolin stood in front of Amy holding a phone on her right hand as her left hand covered the speaker. Amy's mind immediately went to Cream and Vanilla as she knew that they lived there. She didn't even think about it for a second, she extended her hand as Lanolin handed her the phone. Praying to Chaos that it wasn't bad news, the pink hedgehog answered the call.
Floral Forest Village was known for its beautiful and extensive categories of flowers and wild animals. Scientists from all over Mobius came to this village to experience the natural scenery of the place. With only 1500 Mobians living in the village, it was a perfect place to live for someone who wanted a quiet life.
Until now.
Amy rarely went outside the Restoration because she always thought she was needed there to keep order. However, she allowed herself to go out once in a while on a special occasion. Today, it was one of those occasions because Shadow the Hedgehog decided to keep everyone locked in the village's town hall.
The pink one wanted to give the black one the benefit of the doubt. Last time she saw Shadow they ended in good terms. He even said that he would visit her at the Restoration but he never did. It must have been because he was busy doing his own thing, besides she saw him when she called everyone due to Metal Sonic's attack. She was busy and couldn't say her greetings, Amy wanted to talk to him after the battle with Metal Sonic but to her no-surprise, he left without saying goodbyes.
It was strange now, she didn't know in what terms they were but the only thing she was sure about is that she needed to talk to Shadow before jumping to any conclusions.
When she arrived she wasn't surprised to see no one in Floral Forest Village. She ran as fast as she could to the town-hall. The biggest building in the village.
It was a three-story building, navy blue painted on the outside walls and windows decorated the outside. Amy tried to open the double door entrance but it was locked. Not like it surprised her and it wasn't like this was a difficulty. She snapped her fingers and her hammer appeared in her hands, it took only one hit for the doors to smack open.
Finally, she was in. Her eyes landed on the scared villagers who were all quietly sitting down on the floor, in rows. They were terrified but hope-filled their eyes as soon as she walked in. It didn't take long for the guy who was behind this to appear. Using Chaos Control, Shadow appeared at the back of Amy. She had to admit that she would be just as scared as the villagers if it wasn't because she actually knew Shadow ... to an extent.
"In the name of Chaos, what do you think you are doing?"
Her eyes encountered vermillion ones, the ones she liked deeply and even admired. She wasn't backing down, opposite from it actually. The pink one got closer to Shadow, her chest almost touching his but the black one didn't even flinch at the act.
"I need to keep these people here,"
After a few seconds of intense stares, Shadow decided to speak in the most serious tone she has ever heard so far. "Someone in here stole the Chaos Emerald I was hiding and no one is getting out until they return it."
There were a lot of questions that popped in Amy's head. However, logic was triumphant on her mind. Amy backed away slowly and looked at the villagers who were intensely looking at their brawl.
"You can't keep them here, whatever the reason is ..." Amy looked back at Shadow who stood quiet. She knew that his stubbornness was one of his main traits and it was going to be hard to go against that. "The only thing you are accomplishing is to scare them ... They won't tell you anything unless they trust you."
"I need that Chaos Emerald, it can be dangerous if it falls in the wrong hands," Shadow replied.
"I understand that, but you are not thinking logically ... Do you really think you can keep 1500 people in here? What if they start to get hungry? How are you going to feed them all?"
If Shadow was being honest, he didn't think about that. Since eating wasn't a necessity for him. He had forgotten that food was a necessary element for the survival of the regular Mobian. Shadow let out a sigh as he placed a hand to his forehead, showing his frustration. After a few seconds passed without a word being shared, Amy spoke once again.
"I'll help you find the person who stole your Chaos Emerald ... I promise, just let them out of here, please."
As if Amy had done a spell on him. Shadow only nodded and Amy gave him a reassuring smile.
"Alright, everyone out!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, the Villagers stood up from the floor and began to exist the town-hall. There was not a single one who didn't thank Amy on their way out. As well that every single one of them gave Shadow either a judging or scared look. He felt the stares of them pierce through him. Even when he tried to not think about it, a part of him did.
Amy just couldn't stop the feeling in her heart that told her that she needed to protect the black hedgehog. There was just something about him ... his eyes, his stance ... He just looks as lost as the moment she first met him.
"Miss Amy!"
A young voice, which the pink one recognized, happily made her way through to meet her pink friend. It was Cream and Vanilla, her mother, follow closely.
"Thank you for coming, Miss Amy!" without thinking the soft orange rabbit hugged her and although the action took Amy by surprise, it didn't take her long to return the gesture.
"It's nothing, taking you for calling me," Amy said as she bent down to look at Cream at an eye level.
"Now, that you are here, would you like to stay for dinner?" Cream asked as she twirled around happy to see her friend. She got closer to Amy and in her ear, she whispered, "You can even bring Mr. Shadow."
Amy let out a giggle as she nodded and patted her head. The pink one stood up and looked at Cream's beautiful mother. "I hope I am not intruding."
"Of course not, we love to have you over," Vanilla said.
"I'll be there, I just need to finish somethings first with Shads right here,"
At the mention of his nickname, Shadow felt a shiver run down his spine. He had been watching the pink one interact with the rabbit from afar. Shadow did not take any interest until Amy mentioned him.
"We will wait for you then,"
With that said, Vanilla and Cream exit the building. Happy that their day could continue without any more interruptions.
"Thank you for letting us out Mr. Shadow!"
The black hedgehog snapped his head at the orange rabbit. He watched her smile and wave her small hand at him. No show of remorse nor hatred on her face. Shadow looked away immediately, not knowing how to react as Cream and Vanilla disappeared out of sight.
Teasingly, Amy approached him, a smile decorated her face. There were many sides of Shadow that Amy found amusing. He was a bit awkward and didn't know how to properly communicate with others. Sometimes his actions may be seen as aggressions, but in all honesty, it was just his way to show that he cared.
"I am surprised you managed to get every single villager in here," Amy said. "Even the mayor and village officials."
"It was easy, they just look at me and they run away," Shadow said. He rolled his eyes still a bit annoyed that he let Amy get through him. "It would have been easier if I had questioned everyone ... Someone must know what happened to my Chaos Emerald."
"No, you were going to scare them and they wouldn't tell you anything."
The red stripped hedgehog rolled his eyes. Mentally, he knew that she was right but was he ever going to admit that out loud? No.
A few seconds passed where there was just silence. An awkward atmosphere overtook the place and it was something that Amy couldn't stand.
"Why are you here?" Shadow asked.
"Cream called me-"
"I mean, why didn't you send Rouge, Omega, or someone else? Why did you personally come?"
Amy wasn't expecting that question. How was she possed to respond? A part of her was telling her that Shadow was expecting a good answer. Like a deep, emotional answer.
"I didn't think it was necessary."
Damn it, Amy, that's not a good answer.
"I mean, they were busy ... Everyone is and I just didn't want to bother them ... So, that's why I came."
Mentally cursing, Amy found herself to be struggling to find the correct words. There was something about Shadow that just made her nervous. Maybe it was his vermillion eyes that pierced to every part of her soul. Amy should have been used to Shadow's intense stare by now but for some reason, the rosette one felt that she was trapped.
"Then leave now, I'll find the Chaos Emerald by myself-"
"Yeah, that's not going to happen, I'll help you."
Finally, Amy felt herself go back to normal. Her preppy and happy go lucky personality shone the moment she felt Shadow's eyes soften on her. She began to walk towards the exit, ready to start an adventure with the black hedgehog.
Shadow sighed in annoyance, it wasn't like he didn't appreciate the help of the pink one. However, he always worked better alone ... or so he thought. "No, you will just make it worse, I don't need your help."
"Are you sure about that?"
Amy looked back at the black hedgehog and it was this time that Shadow was lost at words. The sunlight coming from the outside and inside the door landed on Amy. Her entire body was outlined with a golden aura, a few string of her quills were placed all over her head creating a small halo above her. A little bit of the sunlight entered on her pupils, making her green eyes twinkle and Shadow's heart skipped a beat. He realized that the green Chaos Emerald that was stolen from him would never compare to Amy's eyes.
Shadow looked away, trying to forget the unusual, strange thoughts on his mind. He had never seen Amy in that light, nor any other female. The feeling was strange to him and he definitely didn't like it. He tried to erase Amy's picture on his mind and he did, finally getting back to his senses. Mustering the strength to look at the pink hedgehog again, the black one just knew that there was no way to escape from Amy Rose. Just like she convinced him to stay for dinner that day at the village. Even made him eat that soup she made and talk on the rooftop of the village's town-hall ... He just couldn't say no to her.
"Just don't get in my way."
A small wooden cabin was placed in the middle of the forest where only if you look hard enough, you could find it.
It didn't take long for the pink one to realize that the cabin must be Shadow's home. After all, someone like Shadow would like to live in a place like this. It was quiet, beautiful, and very peaceful. It had a certain level of convenience as well because a few meters away, Floral Forest Village was at his disposition. For someone like Amy, it would have hard to find his place but she was sure that for someone like Shadow it was a piece of cake not getting lost in the vast forest.
"After the battle with Metal Sonic, I came back here," Shadow said. The rosette hedgehog was surprised that Shadow was even starting a conversation. She had thought that she was going to have to squeeze the answers out of him.
"The Chaos Emerald was hidden on a cube locker that only I can open ... It wasn't there when I checked."
"Any clues?" Amy asked as she looked at the wooden cabin in front of her. She had many questions going around her head. The first one was whether Shadow built the cabin himself or not. It looked very cozy and a part of her smile internally when an image of Shadow drinking hot cholate during a cold day popped in her mind. This was his home and she felt honored to an extent to be in such an intimate place fo him.
"Only one thing ... A small pair of glasses" said Shadow. "Everything else is clean ... There was no sign of struggle to get in nor to get out."
"Like teleportation."
"Exactly, so this person can either use a Chaos Emerald's power or something of those likes."
Shadow watched the pink one inspect his house, she walked around it. Her eyes never leaving the structure of it. A certain amusement was placed on her face and to an extent he understood her. After all, it wasn't every day he brought people over to see his house ... Not even Rouge nor Omega had come in.
"I know what to do ..." Amy said, she turned around and gave him one of her classic smiles. "We are going to camp tonight!"
There were many things about Amy Rose that intrigued Shadow the Hedgehog. However, it wasn't just her ... It was him as well. He reacted differently to her. At first, he thought that it was the fact that she was a female that he had a soft side for that. Nevertheless, he never treated Rouge like this. It may be the fact that Rouge was like an authority figure and the urge to defy her was strong. He still listed to her and admired her, but that sense of not listening to his 'elder sister' was there.
So, what was about Amy Rose that made Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form, bend the knee in such ways?
He didn't know what it was ... but he couldn't do anything about it at this point.
"Tell me why are we doing this again?"
It was dark already and the only thing illuminating the place was a bonfire that they had done earlier. From time to time the sound of crickets and nocturnal birds could be heard but both hedgehogs were comfortable about it.
"Whoever stole the Chaos Emerald was very careful about everything. No clues, no signs of struggle, not a single mistake was made ... but the small round glasses they forgot," Amy was sitting next to Shadow, not too close nor too far. They were nearby Shadow's house. The two hedgehogs were careful about not making too much noise nor the flame of the bonfire too big. The vast density of the trees around them made them almost invisible to the normal eye. Not only that but thanks to Shadow's good hearing abilities, he was able to tell if anyone approached his house.
"This person is very meticulous, obsessive even ... They will come back for the glasses and we will be here when they do."
Maybe this was why Shadow couldn't say no to the rosette hedgehog. She wasn't only taking time out of her busy schedule to help him but she genuinely seemed intrigued and concerned about the matter at hand. It was on Amy's nature to help anyone in need, out of the kindness of her heart. Maybe that was why Shadow is so attracted to her and complied with her requests and accepted her ideas even when they seemed a bit radical.
And she was trying her best to help him out.
"And that's why you should help them out! Helping them is a good thing!"
A strong pain came revolting through Shadow's head. Again, it was that sweet voice he wanted to remember but it pained him whenever he tried. He placed both of his hands on his forehead as if that would help with the immense pain he was feeling at the moment. Different images began to cross his mind ... The ARK, Sonic, Eggman, Rouge-
"Shadow are you alright?"
Shadow's head stopped hurting the moment his vermillion eyes met Amy's emerald ones. There was such concern on her face that Shadow even thought about apologizing for making her feel like that. However, the thought went away as soon as he realized that Amy was too close to him for his comfort. He looked away trying to hide the mixed feelings he was having. Shadow couldn't describe the feeling but he didn't like it ... but he didn't hate it either.
A few more seconds passed where Shadow mustered the strength to ask the question that has been floating around in his head.
"Rose ... Were you at the ARK?"
It was Amy's moment to be confused. More than that, Amy was panicking because she had sworn she had never talked to Shadow about it. About her making Shadow remember his promise to Maria. About her being the one to witness him cry and being vulnerable. About how she was one of the reasons he saved the world that day.
It was a secret she never wanted to share and she had her reasons.
"Why do you ask?" the pink one mentally thanked Chaos for not stumbling on her words. She didn't know that even if she were to stutter, Shadow wouldn't even notice. He was too concentrated at her being so close, her shoulder almost touching his.
"I just remembered ... I think I saw you that day at the ARK," Shadow said, getting the strength to look at her in the eyes. "Were you there?"
"I ... No, I-"
"Please ... Don't lie to me."
Amy gulped a little but still, her mouth felt dry. Shadow's red eyes shone even more brightly as the flames of the bonfire reflected light upon them. Almost too mesmerizing to get lost in them forever. However, a certain sadness was predominant in them. Regret, pain, betrayal ... Lies ... Amy could tell that Shadow was tired of all of that.
"Yes, I was there," Amy said.
"Did we ever ... talk?"
She just couldn't do it. Amy had only interacted with Shadow a few times but she could already tell so much about him.
If Shadow knows that she was the one that made him remember his promise and because of that he saved the world ... Would he feel less? As far as Amy knows, Shadow believes that he saved the world out of the kindness of his heart. Because he wanted, not because of a promise he remembered.
Shadow wasn't one to give himself enough credit. Yes, he would say he was The Ultimate Lifeform whenever he could but that was just a facade. Shadow felt the judging stares of others on him, the hate glances, the scared looks.
The black hedgehog never did anything to clean up his name because even after saving the world multiple times ... He still believes he is the monster people make him to be.
"No, we didn't talk," the rosette replied. She just couldn't take away one of Shadow's greatest relief. If Shadow ever finds out that Amy made him remember Maria's promise, then he would credit her. Amy didn't want that, she wanted all credit to go to Shadow. The world was saved because of his sacrifice and only that and Amy was going to make sure he believes that till the end.
"I went there to follow Sonic, you must have seen me with him."
As soon as the words left her mouth, Shadow was faced with another question.
"You always follow him don't you?"
A few seconds passed in which the cracking of the wood of the bonfire could only be heard. Shadow mentally cursed as he didn't plan to ask that question out loud.
"Well, I used to. Not so much now ... But, I still love him a lot!.."
To his surprise, Amy wasn't angry. All the contrary, there was a certain sparkle in her eyes indicating that she was happy.
"Sonic is free to do whatever he wants and so do I ... He values his freedom and I appreciate that."
"Doesn't that make you sad?"
Shadow didn't have the slightest idea as to why he was asking her these questions or why he was concerned about her love life. Maybe it wasn't her love life at all, but her feelings that intrigued him.
"No, I love everything about Sonic," Amy said as a warm smile decorated her eyes. "I love the way he is free as the wind, his confidence, his flaws, his quirks. I even love the way he runs away from me from time to time ... I love him regardless of everything. Even if he ever loves another, it doesn't matter. I love him unconditionally."
There was something about Amy that Shadow just couldn't get enough of. The way her eyes sparkle, the way her face shone and the soft blush that landed on her face. He was never one to care about love, he didn't think about it either ... until now.
Maybe this was the thing that attracted him to her. Amy knew something and did something he never could. To love.
Shadow didn't believe he is capable of loving someone as Amy does. The subject was a mystery to him, an unknown topic ... It did intrigue him.
And Amy was the one who knew about it all.
"I wonder what that it's like ... to love and be loved unconditionally." One again, Shadow said that without thinking. Nonetheless, he felt safe with Amy. He knew that no matter how stupid the question is, or how pathetic he looks, Amy won't judge him. She won't tease him either. Amy made him feel like he could be vulnerable in front of her once in a while.
"I love you unconditionally too Shadow!"
Her words came to Shadow like lighting. What surprised him the most was Amy's confident face. Not even for a second, she doubted herself.
Without having anything to say and watching that Shadow was at a loss of words, Amy proceeded.
"There are different types of love not only romantic and all of them are equally important," she said. "You can be rude at times, arrogant, and insecure ... But you are also loyal, determined, selfless, you put others before you and I love all of that about you. You are my friend even if you don't consider me as one ... I'll keep loving you regardless and I'll do anything for you. My love for you it's unconditional too!"
There were no words to describe what Shadow was feeling at the moment. He hasn't felt like this in a very ... A very long time. His heartbeat raised, adrenaline going through his veins and his fur shriveled. Was this happiness? A part of his heart shrieked when he remembered past thoughts. The thoughts that told him that Amy was annoying and childish. He regretted ever thinking like that about such a kind-hearted girl. Shadow knew he didn't deserve her in his life but from now on he would do anything to keep her by his side.
A peaceful moment was shared between the two where they didn't say anything but only stared at each other with fondness.
Amy smiled at her companion, once again breaking the sweet silence between the two.
"Maybe, one day you will love me unconditionally too."
There was no question about it. Nor it was hard to understand for the black hedgehog. If he could choose who to love then it would be Amy. Maybe, if his heart ever desired he could love Amy the way she loves Sonic. There won't be any protest, no contradiction, he will follow his heart and let the rosette hedgehog take over it.
But it wasn't that type of love now. At this moment, he only wanted to appreciate her person, her being. To enjoy the unconditional friendship she was offering and accept it.
And that type of love, he could give back.
"Yes ... I would like that very much."
It has been a while since Shadow got a night of proper sleep. After all, he didn't need it to survive, the black hedgehog could go for three weeks without sleep and then we would start to feel the after-effects. The scenario was strange for him as well because he just doesn't remember when he fell asleep.
And he definitely didn't remember Amy falling asleep on his shoulder. Heck, he doesn't even remember until what time they stopped talking nor when they stopped caring about the issue at hand.
The bonfire they had started last night was reduced to ashes, the black hedgehog felt Amy trembling from time to time once again a feeling of guilt overtook him. He had forgotten that Amy was a normal Mobian and like such, it was easy for her to get cold. A thought of wrapping his arm around her and bring her closer to him crossed Shadow's mind. However, the thought quickly went away. It would be better for her health to wake up and get her body moving.
Shadow tapped on her shoulder delicately and it didn't take long for Amy's green eyes to outshine the morning's sun. Vermillion and emerald eyes stared at each other, lost in each other's colorful pools. Nonetheless, it took a few seconds for Amy to realized what happened.
"Shadow ... we fell asleep!"
"Yeah, no joke."
Amy stood up from the cold grass, patting the dust away from her red dress. She regrets wearing this dress in such cold weather but to be honest she didn't have any idea she was going to stay. "We didn't even check if the guy who stole the Chaos Emerald came back!"
Another thought crossed Amy's mind. She had been so engrossed in helping Shadow that she had forgotten that yesterday she was going to go to Cream's house for dinner.
"Chaos, I forgot yesterday I was going to have dinner at Cream's house! You must be worried about me." The rosette hedgehog walked around in circles to keep her warm and to release a bit of anxiety due to the situation at hand.
"I am going to go to Cream's home and then I'll come back! I promise we will find that Chaos Emerald! Have you checked if the person picked up the glasses we left at your house-"
Shadow sighed at Amy's reaction. She was getting very worked up and it was comical even to see her determination in helping him. He stopped her midtrack as he placed his right hand on her shoulder, even the gesture was surprising to him. The black hedgehog was being very delicate with the pink one.
"It doesn't matter,"
Amy saw a change in Shadow's voice. It was soft and fragile as if he wanted to reassure her. She listened carefully not wanting to forget his words.
"Yesterday, you taught me there are more important things than a Chaos Emerald."
It was an extremely busy day at the Restoration HQ. With the recent outbreak of the Zombot Virus, many cities were on the verge of collapsing if they weren't already. It was even worse because the hero of Mobius, Sonic the Hedgehog was also infected with the virus.
Amy noticed that her blue love was indeed tired and she was scared that he might make a mistake that can cost him his life.
The pink hedgehog turned around to face the red striped one. They were currently at the Restoration's Main Room, planing on the rescue of Sunset City.
Shadow walked towards Amy. He was concerned about her lack of self-care. He had noticed that Amy was getting tired and even looked sick. She wasn't eating, nor sleeping, always working. Of course, he knew that this wasn't healthy for the regular Mobian.
"Do you need my help?"
Amy and Shadow had grown closer after that night at Floral Forest Village. They were good friends and Shadow wasn't shy to visit her at the Restoration HQ. It warmed the pink one's heart to see that her friend was trying his best to keep a relationship with her.
"Yes ..." Amy made a pause. "Sunset City has been attacked by the Zombot virus ... Sonic is there helping uninfected civilians get out of the city safely ... Will you and Team Dark help him?"
If there was one thing Shadow couldn't do was to say no to his pink friend. He still wanted to help regardless but what he didn't want was to encounter the blue blur. It was because of Sonic that Amy was looking like this ... Like she was ready to faint at any second now. Maybe he could take this opportunity to punch him or make him apologize to her and to everyone but knowing the blue one, that was far from happening.
"I am sorry,"
The words caught Amy by surprise. She was expecting anything but that. Speechless, Shadow continued.
"If I hadn't let Sonic convince me to let the Doctor live ... We wouldn't be in this situation ... You wouldn't be so tired," Shadow looked down to the floor.
The dark hedgehog knew that part of the current situation was his fault as well. He felt that his hands were equally tainted as Sonic's. Although anger was the only way he could show that he felt guilty at the moment, Shadow was unable to show that side to Amy.
"It's not your fault, nor Sonic's,"
Amy placed a hand on Shadow's chin and picked up his head, making him look up to her eyes. "This is just a bad dream ... I know you and Sonic won't let us down and you will resolve everything ... Just like you always do."
Instantly, Shadow grabbed Amy's hand. Softly holding it with both of his. Although the action caught the pink hedgehog by surprise, she didn't pull away. Shadow was more and more open to her now and she appreciated it.
"I only have a favor to ask in return," Shadow said. "When I come back ... You have to tell me everything that happened in the ARK."
"But, I already told you everything-"
"No, I know you haven't told me everything ... You are a horrible liar."
Amy was caught red-handed but the pink one now knew that there was no way to escape. Although she had tried to keep what happened between them at the ARK a secret as long as she could, she should have known that Shadow was very perceptive.
As well as that the black hedgehog had learned Amy's small little details. Her ears would lower and she would look around the room nervously whenever she lied.
There was no way to escape Shadow and if he was the one who wanted the truth, who was Amy to prevent him from getting it?
But it wasn't only the truth. It was the unintended promise that was made between the two without realizing it.
"I promise to tell you everything when you come back," Amy said.
Shadow smirked, letting go of the rosette's hand already missing her touch. "I'll be on my way then, I'll tell Rouge and Omega."
Amy nodded, a sort of reminiscent feeling overtook her. As she felt that she had live through this already, she almost did not want to let him go. The pink hedgehog watched Shadow walk away and almost like an instinct, she raised her voice.
"Don't you dare do something reckless and get infected," Amy's voice almost cracked at the thought of her new and dear friend being at the mercy of the virus. "Sonic got infected ... If you were to get infected too ... I don't think I will be able to handle it."
"I am the Ultimate Life Form, I won't get infected," Shadow said. His voice was monotone but in all honesty, everything he wanted to do was to reassure her.
"This could be different ... Sonic runs to keep the virus from fully infecting him, do that in case you get infected." Amy said. "Be careful, if things get difficult, run."
"In case the situation becomes difficult, I should prioritize the civilians over me and you should know that." Shadow turned around, appreciating Amy's green eyes. Something inside of him was telling him to take his time in appreciating her features, everything. Because it would be a long time for him to see her again.
Amy let out a defeated sigh and then she smiled again at her friend.
"You know what is one of the things I like about you?"
Shadow shook his head, curiosity getting the best of him.
"That even when things get hard, you don't run away from your problems."  
They just didn't want to let go of each other. They had been friends for a short amount of time, but their bond was special and they just didn't want the moment to end just yet. Their heartbeats at the same rhythm and looking at Amy's face, Shadow doubted himself for the first time. There were many things he was insecure about but for Amy, he was willing to put that aside.
Appreciating her face one last time, Shadow smiled at her. He mentally promised to do the thing Amy liked about him.
"You know I don't run."
A/N: Finally, the second part of this short story. This wasn't meant to be romantic ShadAmy but just them trying to figure out each other and how they start to become friends and such. However, if you want to see it as romantic, feel free to do so. Until next time!
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v0n-butch · 5 years
thick as thieves
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“I am going to give you angst because... let’s face it, we love it. two and five.” requested by @fortheloveofhargrove​
#2: “Close the door.”
#5: “Why are you helping me?” from dialogue prompts
warning(s): swearing
a/n: takes place in California, starting as Billy being a dickish 15 y/o. it goes on from there, you’ll know when there’s a little time skip. enjoy:)
“Jesus, what’s it gonna take to get you to stop squirming?”
“You are about to stick a needle in my ear, I think I’m allowed to be a little nervous. Won’tchu just cut me some slack, alright?” Billy snaps back at you, no doubt getting wound up because of the risk he’s taking doing this.
Billy has his arms tightly grasped around a throw pillow he stole from the couch, bracing himself for the upcoming pain of doom. His eyes have been squeezed shut as you take the melting ice cube between your fingers and delicately hold it up behind his earlobe. You’ve yet to even puncture him with the needle and he’s already sweating buckets. The teenage boy had asked you to hurry up and get it over with three times already, not even helping you out the slightest bit by staying still while bossing you around either. Typically, your role being the ‘smart one’ in your long lasting friendship would assign you the task of talking him out of wanting to do a foolish thing like this. On one hand, he had plenty of safer alternatives as opposed to going to you, an amateur, for getting the accessory punched in to his ear.
This ever changing dynamic of your platonic relationship had been set aside by the boy since you two started high school this year. He stopped taking the bus with you to and from school since his temperamental father started giving him lessons on how to drive. Another petty example of pretending he didn’t even know you was saying nothing when he passed by you in the halls, or stopped ringing you late at night when he needed help studying or just to talk. Other small things had added up to you barely hearing from him unless he wanted something from you; in this case, a free piercing job. It was hard to deny, but you’d refused to confess how your heart jumped at the opportunity of spending an evening with him again just like old times.
Unsurprisingly, the teenage boy didn’t bother making small talk about his day or giving you virtually any clue about the trouble he had been up to during these recent weeks ghosting you. Of course Billy didn’t care much for what you had to say either, he only wanted one thing and one thing only.
“Stop being a brat for five seconds, then I’ll cut you some slack,” you bite back. He’d rolled his eyes then gasped harshly at the sight of you picking up the freshly cleaned and heated needle from the coffee table. “Want me to count to three or surprise you?”
“Uh, surprise me.”
“Kay. What is this even for, anyway? Last I checked this one’s the gay ear,” you snort, watching him freeze up and widen his anxious blue eyes.
“Wait, WHAT!” he howled in a panic, giving you the perfect opportunity to stick the sharp end right through the lobe, watching him cringe and practically catch flies with his wide open mouth. “Ow, fuck!”
“You told me you wanted it to be a surprise,” you smugly point out, wiping your hands on a napkin after finishing the favor. He sends you a glare at your trickery before getting up and going to the mirror that hangs in your living room.
“Hell yeah. Not too shabby, Y/N. Thanks,” he smirks at his reflection, scoping out the brand new element to his ‘cool guy’ image. Not taking his eyes off his appearance, the boy continues fiddling with his hair and turning his head at different angles to inspect the fresh hole in his lobe. You’ve sat back and crossed your arms, rolling your eyes so far back at his disgusting vanity. He might as well be humping and kissing the mirror right in your own damn house. After getting noticed by all of the popular pretty girls and patted on the back by all the designated cool guys, he thinks his dick grew over ten feet in size or something, and you’ve been downgraded on his list of priorities.
Being the best of buds since elementary school, Billy’s had your back along every step of the way growing up. You’d write all the answers to tests on his forearm for him, he’d keep all the bullies away from you. Each of you would take turns sharing lunch every week. His favorite thing to gobble up at any given chance was your squeezable applesauce, and your favorite snack coming from his lunchbox was always string cheese. There was barely ever a moment you’d be seen without each other.
Middle school went by in a flash of painful and awkward moments, but despite all the friends he made in Little League Baseball, he for some reason still stuck around with you. Maybe you couldn’t do the same sleepovers like you used to as pre-pubescent children, but he’d still give you your favorite string cheese and hugged you tight whenever you wore a frown.
Now, both in your freshman year of high school, things weren’t as easily labeled as black or white. There were cliques and expectations that Billy abided by, and you just didn’t fit in with any of that. Instead of letting you down easy, it was more of a hurtful shock the day he decided to ditch you at lunch for the girls that had been eyeballing him during gym class. Now, not only did he try his best to bury your friendship somewhere deep and never touch it again, you’d went great lengths to avoid any confrontation with him or his posse.
That all just went to shit for the first time today, when he approached you about said earring. You didn’t know how to say no, and you weren’t sure you could if you tried.
“Okay, Kiefer Sutherland, you got what you asked. Why the hell would you want some douchey hanging earring anyway? That a new trend or somethin’ I don’t know about?” you ask, not hiding your judgement the slightest bit. He throws his denim jacket over his bare shoulder exposed from the muscle tee he’d been wearing, then gives you a cheeky grin before answering.
“Sammy Anderson from bio said it’d look good on me. You know her, brunette with the legs. She thinks it’s pretty gnarly,” he nods his head back and forth, sucking his bottom lip with his teeth before not long after snapping out of whatever daze he had been in.
“Since when did you even give a shit what people thought looked good on you?”
“Since they started actually telling me,” he shrugs, not caring how pathetic it may be that he went through all this trouble just for one off-hand comment some girl from class made. You hide your scoff with a forced laugh, walking passed him and bumping shoulders on your way to the kitchen. Billy furrows his brows at your attitude and the diss, following you to where you’ve been preparing a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios for yourself.
“‘S the matter with you, huh? I thought you wanted to hang out again,” he asks, confused by the conflicting mixed signals you’d been sending. You chomp on your Cheerios and take your time swallowing the satisfying bite before looking up at him.
“I never said that.”
“Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but who called whose house every night then turned into a jealous bummer as soon as one of them started making better friends?” he asks rhetorically, petting his chin and pretending like it’s some thought provoking question. You can’t believe the audacity he had calling you a jealous bummer when he left you for good without batting an eye at the loss of friendship. Your chair screeched as it dragged on the floor when you stood up out of it, keeping your bowl in your arms before showing him the door. You nod your head towards the exit wordlessly as Billy stubbornly stays put, not through with his point yet.
“Well, Kiefer, this bummer is asking you to leave. I got you your stupid fucking earring like I promised, and let’s hope you know how to keep it from getting infected, otherwise I’m done listening to you and your new inflated ego.” you finished, ending your speech with a slurp of the milk from your cereal bowl, waiting for him to take himself out. Billy calls it a day, shaking his head and saying more pussy accusations under his breath before making it to the door, stopping to invade your space.
“This better not be in the fuckin’ gay ear, or you’ll be hearing from me again, just so you know—“
And with that, you slammed the door in his face and locked it before sauntering back to the kitchen, carefree as you pour yourself another bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Your freshman year went by without anything to really mark it as a special year. Maybe you met a few new faces, people a year above your grade that were kind enough to show you around and give you a better outlook on what high school could be. Billy only gained more and more followers, becoming the alpha dog at only fifteen years old with eighteen-year-old’s wanting to have him or be him.
With the new earring you’d pierced for him, Sammy Anderson was always seen pawing at him like an annoying house cat, and he’d put on a show most likely just for your eyes in particular. To make you envy the brunette, Billy would strut around the halls he knew you walked through like a catwalk, hoping you’d see and think he was all that. Sammy, for some reason, couldn’t pass any ninth grade classes although she was a junior, she still shared a few periods with a freshman Billy. She was shameless about riding the fifteen-year-old’s dick, and had been made aware of you being the prime target for where and when they show their public displays of affection.
You really could give a shit about the drama he put you through anymore. Yeah, it really hurt having someone you stood by a good chunk of your life leave, but there was nothing you could do about it. Other than just find your place and where you belong on the food chain of high school, which wasn’t much to brag about. You had your humble few friends that were loyal and been told about your past with Billy Hargrove. They couldn’t believe with your personality and his transformation that you’d ever been affiliated with him in the first place, and honestly you couldn’t believe it either.
Sophomore year was starting now, and it was getting to be the season for those annoying high school dances that every movie or book goes on and on about. Less than thrilled but obligated to attend, the dance was in full swing when you’d arrived in your outfit of choice. Dressing up wasn’t ideal, but you’d made somewhat of an effort trying to be presentable for the expectations that these gatherings hold. After finding your group and huddling close together, you’d excused yourself for a bathroom break and walked down the empty and eerily quiet hall to the restrooms. You had no idea what you were in for when you stepped on someone’s foot that was completely covered by the dark.
“Christ! The fuck is your problem, huh?” the all too familiar voice had shouted in anger before the sound of runny sniffling followed. He pulled the foot you had stepped on further away so that you couldn’t do it again and cursed again under his breath. Of course, it was none other than your long lost bestest friend Billy.
“Jeez, sorry. Not my fault you’re sitting in the fuckin’ darkness,” you defend yourself, still terrified by the disadvantage you have being unable to see a goddamn thing. As if God himself had been listening to your thoughts, a dim light turned on and illuminated parts of the hallway, as well as a disheveled and evidently heartbroken Billy curled up on the floor, holding onto his knees. The tux he wore had been loosened, and his hair looked like he’d ran his fingers through it one too many times out of stress. He looked like a fucked up mess.
Just as you were staring him up and down, a stuttered exhale had fallen from the boy’s lungs as his hands desperately scrubbed at his watery eyes. It didn’t take a degree in psychology or whatever the fuck else to gather what’s going on here.
You approached him cautiously, as gentle as approaching a frightened deer, knowing how deeply sensitive and guarded Billy is at all times. The walls he’d built while playing the role of California’s resident fuckboy. You’d seen him cry only a handful of times, and that was mostly when you were kids and had excuses to cry about everything. Kid cut him in line, or made fun of the design on his lunchbox. Basic things that children often cry at, but you’d remembered the one night you saw him fall apart right in front of you the night his mom had fled without a trace. All the questions Billy and even you had about her whereabouts were still unanswered, but that never got brought up again after the breakdown he’d suffered through while huddled up in your arms. The poor thing was was so confused, not even knowing if his mom had kicked the bucket or just wanted the fuck away from her husband, even if that meant leaving her son.
Point is, it was always a rollercoaster when Billy got emotional, and you just so happened to walk right into him while he was in the middle of one of his fits.
“Oh. It’s you,” the teen grumbled, obviously disappointed at you being the one to catch him having an episode in the dark hallway outside the school’s dance.
“Hey, uh... What’s going on here?”
“I’m a fucking idiot who should know better is what’s going on. That’s exactly what you wanna hear though, isn’t it?” he hisses, dark and twisted as he fails to hide the runny nose and tears spurting down his cheeks. Immedietely forgetting all the shit you both went through freshman year, you bowed down to his level and sat by where he layed dejected and despondent on the ground.
“Not exactly what I wanna hear,” you murmur, looking at him before touching his arm with apprehension. When he didn’t shoo away from your grasp, you thanked God that Billy didn’t snap at you and tell you to piss off. You’d been pleasantly surprised at that moment when instead he leaned further into your touch, covering his face with his palm as he sniffles in misery.
“I see you put a new earring in, pretty kickass. Bet the ladies love it,” you admire the cheesy new gothic pendant that dangles from his ears. Anything to get his mind off of what’s troubling him will count as a win in your book.
“What ladies, you mean Sammy Anderson? She just dumped my ass in there and started dancing with some other white trash asshole. Figures,” he takes a red and white box out of the pocket of his suit and you notice that it’s Marlboro Red cigarettes. You weren’t in the loop of what he’d been up to since starting high school, but smoking seemed to be new. He lights it up and puffs on it like a natural, like he’d been doing that his entire life, and it’s a sad picture for you to see. The snot bleeding from his nostrils hasn’t quit, and you snatch a back up tissue from your bag and hand it over without thinking twice. The broken boy looks from the tissue then back to you a couple times before taking it and blowing his nose. When he dunks it in the trash can and makes it in, you cheer him on and give a lighthearted high five. After the brief moment of silliness is over, Billy looks over to you with bewilderment in his eyes.
“Why are you helping me?”
“People grow apart all the time, Billy. It’s the most natural thing in the world. That doesn’t mean I can’t care for your well being,” you reason, biting your tongue to keep from saying anything more that you may regret in the long run.
“Uh, yeah. Guess you’re right. I care about your like... well being and stuff too,” he mumbles, taking another drag of nicotine before offering you a hit.
You shake your head and hold up your hand.
“No thanks. I came here to use the restroom is all,” you move to get up from the floor before Billy is quick to join you.
“Yeah, go ahead. Just one thing real quick, I wanted to say sorry. All the shit I pulled last year wasn’t cool at all. But I’m always here for you too, yeah?” he confirms, gazing into your eyes making you freeze on the spot.
“It’s alright. I’m about to piss myself right now though, so I’m gonna go,” you chuckle, pointing towards the ladies restroom. The boy is quick to laugh with you, urging you to do your business.
“Wait, Y/N,” he calls out, standing at the end of the hall by the entrance to where the dance is still being held.
“Yeah?” you shout back, bladder close to giving out as you stand by to watch Billy fumble from the end of the hall before hushing:
“You look really beautiful tonight. Whoever you’re with is lucky as hell.”
Junior year comes, and you and Billy haven’t properly spoken since the dance when you’d caught him crying in the dark and accidently stepped on his foot.
He hadn’t calmed down on his ruthless antics, but they’re not directed towards antagonizing you, so that’s a plus. You had accepted that he just wasn’t apart of the path you’d been on and you weren’t apart of his. How the circle of life goes, or whatever.
Billy had found himself yet another new beau, Ashley something, her last name had escaped your mind. He’d still been just as obnoxious with his frequent PDA tendencies at school and elsewhere. You had shared a class with her last year, so you know at least this time she’s his age, but you don’t know anything deeper than that. He wouldn’t ignore you when you passed by each other in the halls, giving you a pointed look and a little wave, which you returned every time. Unbeknownst to you, his group that ruled the whole school always wondered how the hell he even knew you and why he’d never forgot to acknowledge you if he saw you anywhere. The blomde would just tell them to keep their fucking noses from his business and never mess with you or any of your friends.
On this night, for the first time in three years, Billy had invited you to come over, insisting actually. Over the phone he made it clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He chewed on his fingernails while anxiously chainsmoking, his leg tapping up and down so fast it might as well fall off. He’d been waiting for your arrival the last fifteen minutes, counting the minutes and even the seconds until you finally show up. It was a hasty knock on his bedroom door that made the boy throw himself out of the chair he’d been seated in and take a deep breath. Temporarily setting his smoke down on the window sill, he raised his voice when telling you to come in.
You’d opened the door and walked in like you’d never been here before. It was difficult for Billy to see, remembering all the days you used to come in and make yourself at home in his room. All the toy cars and dinosaurs he’d collected had disappeared, now replaced with various colognes and mountains of hair gel, as well as more jewelry strung around every surface. You were astonished seeing a set up of heavy weights in the corner too, but you’d neglected to notice him grow bigger and bulkier as he matured.
“Close the door,” he whispers, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans as your eyes got bigger at the serious tone the boy had used. You softly shut it all the way, unsure about what it is Billy wanted from you this time.
“So uh, you want me to pierce anything else? A nipple maybe?” you joke, trying to ease the unbearable tension that’s making the bedroom seem claustrophobic and stuffy. Billy doesn’t laugh, feeding more into the uneasy feeling stirring in your gut and instead sits on the edge of his bed and pats right next to him, signaling for you to take a seat. You swallow audibly before doing as you were told, crossing your arms and legs on the firm mattress, thinking it’ll somehow soothe how frightened you are of whatever he’s about to tell you.
“You want one?” he offers you another one of his Marlboro’s, this time a blue pack as opposed to the red’s he smoked at the school dance.
“No. I told you I didn’t smoke,” you remind him, which he nods in understanding.
“You don’t mind if I smoke in here though, do you?“
“Fucking A, just tell me what this is all about, Billy! You invite me over for the first time in years and you’re acting real fucking weird, so if you would just... just spit it out already—“
“I’m moving outta California.”
You pause, needing to get a better grip on your rapid beating heart that’s going as fast a drum solo from some rock band tune. Billy stares at you intently, waiting to see what your reaction will be like. When he receives nothing but a gawking expression still smothered on your face, he goes on to give you more details of his departure from California.
“I’m uh, I’m leaving. Overheard my old man talking on the phone, we’ll all be outta here by the end of the month. He wasn’t even planning on telling me until the day of,” Billy explains, his lip trembling up and down at the thought of leaving everything, his home, and especially you behind.
“W-Where?” you choke out, not knowing what the fuck to even say besides spouting the endless questions swarming your mind. Billy looks at you and copies what you did the night of the school dance when he was the one in pain, touching your arm and wrapping it with his palm. He rubs his thumb in circles there for a bit.
“Some shithole town in Indiana,” he answers before going on to the reason why he had invited you here other than just giving you the news. “I um, I wanna ask you to do something,” he stutters, one dramatic tear dropping down a cheek from his right eye as he holds your arm tight as if you’ll flee away if he ever let go.
“Sure, Bill. I’ll do anything,” your hand reaches to cup his cheek to comfort him, learning that touching him when he’s in distress always helps more than it hurts.
“Come with me, please,” he invokes, leaning further into your touch as the bridge he’s spent years building keeping everybody out shatters, leaving him wipe open and terrified of being left alone. Starting all over again his senior year in some dried up small town, without his childhood best friend roaming the same halls as he will. “I’m serious. You’ll... we can do it together. Just like old times, right?” he asks, pulling what looks to be your infamous favorite snack, a cheese stick from his back pocket and handing it over to you, hope in his eyes.
“Are you fucking insane?” you withdrawal from him, not taking the stick of cheese and waiting for the punchline of some sick joke he’s pulling. Billy cannot possibly be serious, his only bribe for you to come with him being some snack he used to give you as a kid. He had the balls to think he could perfectly replace your family and your friends just for his own selfish needs and a stick of cheese.
“No. Right now I’m sure as shit making way more sense that I ever have in the past three goddamn years, Y/N. I fucking love you, and the thought of being away from you is making me fucking sick,” the boy grimaces, wishing he could pull you close to him again but the chance of getting your permission isn’t likely.
“You.... what?”
“I know. But you love me too, I can see that you do.”
“Dude, your shroom dealer is amazing. Wanna hook me up sometime, or—“
“Stop fucking around and be straight with me, okay! There’s no way in hell any of this was friendly from the start, you don’t cheer up your cryin’ ex-best friend on the floor just because you’re some goddamn saint. You did it because that’s love, alright?” he stands up, pointing his finger at you as tears stream freely out of his broken blue eyes.
“This is a joke, right? I gotta be dreaming or something,” you squeeze your eyes shut and try pinching your arm in an attempt to wake up from alternate reality you’re helplessly trapped in. Billy gets down on his knees and grasps both your wrists in his heads, staring at you dead in the eye.
“Sammy Anderson didn’t mean fucking jack to me, okay. Same goes with Ashley, too. You’re it for me. Don’t you understand?”
“No, I don’t. You aren’t supposed to ditch who you love just to chase some tail! You left me, only coming to me if you needed something from me; now you want me to take some big leap of faith for you? After all you’ve done?”
Billy hangs his head in his hands in agony before pacing around the perimeter or his room back and forth. He doesn’t know what else to say, so logic has officially left the building. Now he’s receded to throwing up all his deep secrets hoping it’ll have some affect on you or make you do something, anything.
“Y’know, when I lost my virginity to Sammy in the chick’s bathroom at school... I thought of you the entire time. She didn’t even fuckin’ blink twice after I said your name instead a’ hers, she just kept going—“
You plug your ears, desperate to tune out the boy’s filthy story telling, throwing his own pillow at him to get him to knock it off. He catches it with a stealthy hand, keeping his grip on it as he listens to you whine and moan.
“Aw, c’mon man! we could’ve easily kept discussing this without any of your dirty—“
“Stop it. Stop stalling and give me an answer right here, right now. Tell me if you love me too.”
You scrape your scalp, dreading having this painful conversation, dreading giving him the ugly truth. Once upon a time if he would’ve done this sooner, your answer would’ve been different.
“I... I just can’t keep this up, Billy. I can’t do it anymore. I gave so many parts of myself up for you, but it’s too late now. I won’t throw everything I have here away just so you can use me when I’m convenient, alright? Fucking...” you look up, watching as your childhood best friend crumbles to the floor and hugs the pillow to his chest, eerily similar to the time you pierced his ear for him in the ninth grade. You swiftly sit up off of the bed, going down to his level again, just like the night of the school dance. Getting ready to give him more soothing, encouraging words, something like ‘it’ll be alright’ or a promise of visiting him in the near future, all of that gets ripped away from you when he makes his next move.
Without any warning whatsoever, Billy takes your jaw and smashes his lips to yours, forcefully pressing you further into him. The pillow he’d been clutching had fallen to the ground between the two of you.
This was the last fucking straw, and you’re exhausted to shit now.
You shove him off of you with a hundred percent of your power, wiping his saliva from your mouth with disgust and backing up to the other end of the bedroom, as far away as possible from the weeping boy.
“Stay the fuck off me. And have fun in Indiana, I’m sure you’ll be missed by all your fans at school.”
Billy is equally as antsy as he is pissed off when the Hargrove family makes their way to the airport, the boy staring out the window with a permanent worried look in his eye at how he left things with Y/N.
As he boards the plane, giving his younger step sibling Maxine a death glare for the window seat, he holds his gaze out the little window at the clouds surrounding the wing of the plane. When they land in Hawkins, Indiana, he’s still filled to the brim with regret at everything he’d done. He thinks of all the what if’s, like what if he hadn’t cared so much about his reputation, what if he’d kissed you sooner, what if, what if, what fucking if. The list goes on.
“People grow apart all the time, Billy. It’s the most natural thing in the world. That doesn’t mean I can’t care for your well being.”
He’ll hate himself for along time after using you, ignoring you, and ultimately abandoning you at the beginning of the hell that is high school. But that’s just the way it goes for guys like Billy. It could’ve gone the other way, too, such as following him to Indiana and loving him back after all. But that version’s just a figment of his imagination.
and then they all lived happily ever after and stuff. what I was trying to pull off was showing a meaningful friendship that started dying out and Billy’s transformation to douchebag was the perfect pitch for it. then for the tables to turn on who wants to be with who in the end was also what I wanted. I’m still working on more prompts and requests and stuff as usual ! thank you for everything:)
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