#i just adore fluff so much
drivelikeiido · 2 years
why is it so hard to finish a fic !! i need to stop starting so many at once
i still need do finish my mohawk matty fic but now i wanna write matty fluff (who’s surprised at that one)
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paperultra · 1 year
back of house.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1,113 words Warnings: Mild swearing
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If it weren’t for his principles regarding women, you’re fairly certain Sanji would’ve throttled and strung you up to dry by now.
“I … I’m impressed, sweetheart,” he says with a bright smile, though under the swinging lights of the kitchen it seems more out of pain than pleasure. “You managed to burn water.”
Your cheeks flame as you peer into the blackened pot with him, all traces of the water you’d been tasked with boiling completely gone. Vanished. You have no idea how or why.
“I’m sorry, Sanji.”
“No need to apologize. Everybody makes mistakes –”
“Sanji!” you hear Zeff before you see him round the corner. “Why the hell do I smell something burning in my kitchen?”
“None of your business, old man,” Sanji snaps immediately, murmuring a quiet excuse me, dear to you before taking the pot by the handle and heading to the sink. He twists the faucet open and running water roars like thunder in your ears as he thrusts the pot underneath. “I have it under control.”
“Under control, eh?" Zeff says. He suddenly turns his squinted gaze upon you, and you shrivel. “This your doing, missy?”
“I –”
“Leave her alone,” Sanji interrupts. “I didn’t give clear enough instructions. It was my fault.”
“Oh, there’s no doubt about that.” Eyeing your guilty and defeated figure next to the stove, Zeff shakes his head with a sigh and points you to the door. “[Y/n], go out and wait tables for the rest of your shift.”
Immediately, you make a move to remove your apron. “Oka –”
Sanji makes a noise of dissent and turns the faucet off. “Wait tables? She can still chop the vegetables and help me plate.”
“You’ll do that yourself. Front of house needs the extra person, anyway.”
“I’m her mentor.”
“And I’m the damn boss.”
The rest of the staff roll their eyes and carry on while the two men argue in the middle of the kitchen. You swallow and take your apron off, balling it up in your hands. This isn’t the first time they’ve butted heads over your incompetence, and watching them now cuts at your last shred of dignity.
Clearing your throat, you grimace when Sanji’s head whips around to look at you.
“Zeff’s right,” you tell him. “Dinner rush is coming up soon and I’ll just be in the way, anyway.”
Zeff grunts with satisfaction.
The expression on Sanji’s face reminds you of a kicked puppy. “But …” he begins to protest.
“Oi, you heard what she said. Get back to work! We have customers waiting!”
Sanji blusters about before heading back to his station, casting you one final, forlorn look as he does so. You imagine that your own face looks just the same when you turn to leave.
You take orders and serve customers for the remainder of the day, as promised, and help with cleanup after closing time. And then, long after the sun’s dipped below the horizon, Sanji joins you on the upper deck with a steaming bowl of seafood fried rice.
“For the madam,” he says with a smile, offering you the bowl.
You accept it silently and take a bite as he sits down next to you. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach. You’ve never known a home quite like Sanji’s cooking.
His eyes remain fixed on you as you eat all of the rice, scraping the bowl for every last grain and setting it down beside you once you’re finished.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. I figured it would cheer you up.”
“It did.”
It did, and yet, your lips tremble and your throat closes up. You clench your hands into fists in your lap.
Sanji’s hand immediately presses your shoulder as you sniffle. “Are you alright?” he questions worriedly.
(His attentiveness strikes you like a hot iron sometimes, even now.)
“Why haven’t you given up on me yet?” you whisper.
His brow furrows. As if it’s obvious, he answers, “You want to be a cook. A lady’s wish is my command.” Sanji pauses. “And I can’t call myself the greatest cook in the East Blue if I can’t teach others to be great cooks as well.”
“I think you’d be the greatest regardless.”
You glance at him through watery eyes in time to see his face flush a deep red. He looks away hastily, chuckling with feigned modesty. “I’m flattered that you think so highly of me.”
Your shoulders lift in a shrug as you look back down at your hands. You reach up to blot away your tears.
How could you not think the world of Sanji? Or the world of anyone at the Baratie, for that matter? When you were kicked off the merchant ship you’d stowed away on two years ago, you had been sure that you’d be banned from setting foot in such a fine-looking restaurant. Years of scorn and slammed doors had not given you the chance to think otherwise.
But Sanji spotted you on the docks, called you madam like you really were one, cooked you a meal in the kitchen and talked to you. Zeff gave you a job and a bed of your own. The staff gave you a family.
“We’ll try again tomorrow. I’ll figure out something that’ll make everything click for you, and you’ll be a proper cook in no time.” Sanji leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and winks up at you. “I promise.”
As always, your heart skips a beat.
Maybe, you realize suddenly, you don’t necessarily want to be a cook so much as you want to love the way Sanji does.
“That’s my girl.” Standing up, Sanji takes your empty bowl in one hand and offers the other for you to take. “Now, shall I walk the madam to her room, or does she wish to stay out on the deck for a while?”
You allow yourself to grin, considering. “The madam wishes to stay out here and …” you hesitate but then decide to soldier on, “and possibly chat with a dear friend for a few more minutes?”
Your pulse pounds in your ears.
Sanji’s eyes widen a bit. Then he blinks, and then he smiles, drawing his hand back and quickly sitting down next to you once more.
“A lady’s wish is my command,” he says.
He takes out a cigarette, making a quip about Patty while he lights it, and your combined laughter rings out across the Baratie. It’s perfect like it always is – savory and warm on your tongue, happy and gentle in your stomach.
Indeed, this is home.
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mcdynamite · 1 year
Eddie always tries to be as quiet as he can when he gets home from late shifts at the bar – holding his keys tightly so they don’t jangle too much and avoiding turning on lights if he can help it. Steve is usually asleep by the time he makes it home smelling of greasy bar food and whatever beer blew its keg that evening all over his uniform tee, and Eddie hates waking him. His boyfriend doesn’t get much sleep as it is. The last thing he needs is for Eddie to come tumbling through the door and interrupting the precious few hours he gets every night.
So every time Eddie gets home from work in the earliest hours of the new day, he tries to be as quiet as possible.
And every time, Steve wakes up anyways.
Contrary to what most people might assume, it’s actually not Eddie’s fault that Steve can never sleep through his homecomings. (Years of living in a thin-walled trailer with a man who worked nights and slept during the days made him a master of moving stealthily through his home, after all.) It’s just that Steve Harrington is the lightest sleeper who’s ever lived.
According to Steve, he wasn’t always this way – he used to sleep through alarm clocks and his mother banging on his bedroom door to get him up for school, when he was younger. No, the light sleeper thing didn’t start until after Steve learned that monsters were real, and it only got worse after Upside Down Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, when suddenly he had a whole troupe of children to worry about all night. Every little creak of the floorboards could be a demogorgon, or a preteen in need of help fighting off a pack of demodogs. Faint police sirens in the distance could be headed to Steve’s house, where some uniformed cop would come knock on the door and tell him that something had happened to one of the kids.
It sounds like a nightmare, in Eddie’s opinion – not being able to sleep more than a handful of hours a night – but Steve always shrugs it off, like he’s already gotten so used to it that he hardly notices it anymore, and Eddie thinks that might be the case. It makes him feel horribly guilty (and maybe a little sad) whenever Eddie is the cause of Steve’s late-night wakefulness, but despite his desire for his boyfriend to get the sleep he needs, Eddie can never quite force himself to be too upset whenever Steve stirs as Eddie tiptoes into their shared bedroom.
Because sleepy Steve Harrington is, frankly, infuriatingly adorable, and tonight is no exception.
He hears, rather than sees, Steve wake up in the darkness of their room. It starts with a little snuffle, then a rustling of bedsheets, and finally – like always – a gravelly, endearingly hopeful, “Eds?”
Eddie’s heart warms in his chest, melting away the ice left there by a long shift dealing with drunk idiots and coworkers who would rather bitch about their jobs than actually do them. His job is exhausting at the best of times, and downright soul-sucking at the worst, but it’s okay, because at least at the end of the day, he gets to come home to this.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he sighs tiredly, ignoring the part of him that balks at being foiled again in his quest to let Steve get some sleep. Carefully, he toes off his shoes and makes his way to the edge of the bed so he can brush a few messy strands of hair from Steve’s forehead.
Steve instantly tilts his head to press into the touch, and Eddie can’t help but smile. “Wha’time s’it?” Steve slurs.
Eddie glances at the clock on their bedside table and nearly winces when he sees just how late it is. “Almost two,” he murmurs guiltily. He can see Steve’s mouth turn down into a frown now that his eyes have adjusted to the lack of light.
“S’late,” Steve mumbles. He rolls onto his side and reaches blindly for Eddie, hand eventually wrapping around Eddie’s bony wrist and squeezing gently in a mostly subconscious show of sympathy. His eyes blink open – bleary and unfocused – and scan over Eddie’s face. “Everything ‘kay?” Even half-asleep, he’s a worrier. Eddie finds it both endearing and a little heartbreaking.
He smiles, despite himself, and begins to card his fingers through Steve’s sleep-mussed hair, an unbearably fond feeling settling in his belly when Steve lets his eyes flutter shut again. “Yeah, sweetheart, everything’s fine,” he assures his tired boyfriend. “Just a long night. Pacers game a few blocks down, y’know? Spent a whole extra hour after close catching up on bar dishes.”
Steve furrows his brow and makes a discontented noise. “Gross,” he mutters, and Eddie huffs out a laugh. God, he is so stupidly in love with this beautiful, bitchy man.
“Very,” he hums in agreement.
“Y’should come to bed,” Steve says, and his voice is almost whiny, just like it always is when he tries to coax Eddie into their bed without a proper shower. He does it almost every night, and it almost never works. It’s certainly not going to work tonight, with Eddie smelling of shitty beer and grease.
“In a bit,” Eddie sighs, bending to press a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Gotta shower first.”
Steve properly whines at that, petulantly mumbling something incoherent.
“Baby, I’m covered in Miller and fryer grease. Do you really want me getting that shit all over our pillowcases?” Eddie says fondly.
“I want you to come cuddle with me,” Steve grumbles.
It takes more effort than is probably reasonable for Eddie to stifle the cackle threatening to burst from his chest. “In a few minutes, ‘kay? Just gonna go wash off real quick, and then I’ll come cuddle, you needy little bastard.”
“You’d better,” Steve says not at all threateningly. Eddie just laughs and kisses his forehead again before dragging himself away and into their little apartment bathroom for a quick shower. There’s a ninety percent chance Steve will be asleep again by the time Eddie makes it into bed, in ten minutes, so he can’t really bring himself to feel too guilty.
Still, true to his word, he showers quickly – rinsing all of the greasy smell out of his hair and scrubbing the spilled beer from his skin. He uses the bergamot soap Steve got him for Christmas, because he knows Steve likes it, and Eddie likes when Steve likes things. (And he’ll never admit this, but he doesn’t hate the smell of bergamot, either.)
When he’s finished, he quickly towels himself off and slips on the pair of plaid boxers Steve left out on the bathroom counter for him earlier (just one of those little, caring things that Steve does every day that make Eddie love him all the more). He plaits his wet curls so he doesn’t wake up with hair worse than Doc from Back to the Future, then he finally, finally, makes his way to bed.
Steve’s breathing is a slow, steady rhythm, but the way he instantly shifts closer to Eddie the moment he climbs into bed is a clear indicator that he hasn’t quite managed to fall back to sleep yet. Eddie has hardly had a chance to pull the covers up before Steve is pushing back into him, silently demanding the safety of his arms.
Eddie is all too happy to oblige.
It’s automatic and achingly familiar when Eddie rolls onto his side and wraps his arms around Steve, pulling his boyfriend close so Steve’s back is pressed to his front. Even then, it doesn’t seem to be close enough for Steve, who wiggles back even further until it nearly becomes impossible to tell where he ends and Eddie begins. It’s so disgustingly sweet that Eddie sort of wants to cry. Instead, he buries his nose in the crook of Steve’s neck and leaves a soft kiss just behind his ear.
“Hi, baby,” Eddie breathes as Steve rests one of his hands atop the one Eddie has tucked under his side and laces their fingers together. He leans forward slightly to kiss Steve’s cheek, just because he can, and before he can pull away to settle against the pillow, Steve turns his head to capture Eddie’s lips in a soft, barely-there kiss. The kind of kiss that instantly settles even the most frantic parts of Eddie’s soul.
“Hey,” Steve murmurs, lips still brushing together, and Eddie can both hear and feel the way his mouth has curved upwards into a smile. Eddie gives him one more peck on the lips before they both fall into their pillows again. “Missed you,” Steve whispers. It makes Eddie smile and shake his head with tired amusement.
“Missed you, too,” he whispers, even though it’s only been ten or so hours since they last saw each other. Christ, when did he become such a goddamn sap?
(He knows the answer to that question, obviously. Eddie “The Freak” became Eddie “The Sap” the first time Steve Harrington looked at him with that secret little smile on his face – the one he reserves for Eddie and Eddie alone, these days. The one that silently says, I love you.)
Steve hums contentedly and snuggles deeper into Eddie. God, he’s so fucking sweet like this. Eddie loves him so fucking much.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart,” Eddie says softly, moving his free hand to run his fingers through Steve’s hair, because he knows it helps his baby sleep.
Steve’s voice is already sleepy again when he murmurs, “’kay,” and then, even softer: “Love you.”
Eddie smiles. Holds Steve just a little bit tighter. Gives Steve’s hand an extra little squeeze and marvels at the fact that after everything – after murder accusations and monsters and government payouts and three fucking years as a senior at Hawkins High – he gets to have this. And sure, maybe he’s feeling a little extra sappy because of the simple ring he’s got buried in his guitar case – the one Robin helped him pick out just a few days ago, even though they can’t technically get married in the state of Indiana. Maybe that’s why he smiles a bit wider tonight with Steve in his arms…why his heart thumps a bit harder at every sleepy snuffle his boyfriend makes…
But the sappiness stopped bothering him a long time ago, when his sharpest edges were sanded out by the presence of the little family he found in the aftermath of the Upside Down, so Eddie doesn’t mind. Soon, he’ll be able to fall asleep next to his fiancé, instead of his boyfriend. They’ll get to call all of their adoptive rugrats and tell them the news, and Steve will be beaming so brightly it might just blind him. And it’ll be perfect.
For now, Eddie just lets himself sink into the warmth of having Steve Harrington in his arms.
And he sleeps.
This is for @steddie-week Day 5: Established Relationship. Just a little ficlet that popped into my head at literally 2 in the morning. I hope y'all enjoy!
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calethescammer · 1 year
Tcf brain rot time :)
Ok so Cale as Krs never had any parental figures, and neither did Og Cale. So what if, some random day, Cale and his family go for an outing, just a small walk around the shops.
And somewhere in between, Cale stops in his tracks. His gaze lingers on the mother-son duo walking alongside a sweet shop, smiling and giggling all the while. His family watches Cale's blank gaze, with a hint of longing and sadness in it.
Cale continues walking like nothing happened. Ron thinks of the young child who had faced grief at an age of laughter and happiness, and Choi Han thought of Rok Soo's past, with just his abusive uncle as his guardian.
Raon, On and Hong shifted closer to the redhead, trying to comfort him even if they didn't know what was wrong.
And now just imagine the angst. Like maybe Alberu or Eruhaben notice it too, how he sometimes smiles sadly seeing kids run around with their parents, or how his gaze turns empty as he tries to numb down his emotions.
And so, to comfort the redhead as far as they can, they decide to shower him with love. While Deruth increased the number of head pats, Violan frequently had tea with Cale, asking about his interests, hobbies and giving him small unnoticeable compliments in between, which Cale very well noticed.
Ron served him sweet tea more often, Eruhaben and Rosalyn helped him talk out his concerns, majorly of ongoing wars and safety reasons, and Choi Han was the best suited to talk about his previous life, which Cale was very reluctant to share.
Alberu, being the Alberu he was, did what he felt would be best for Cale:
Cale and Alberu stared at each other, the latter smiling more brightly than ever.
"Your Highness."
"Yes, hyung-nim. Can you tell me what this is?"
Cale pointed towards the table.
Alberu smiled more brightly and Cale almost heard him giggle softly, before covering it up with a cough.
"This, my dear dongsaeng, is a golden plaque."
Cale stared at him with the most deadpan expression.
"What do you want me to do now?"
Alberu just sat speechless, his face crumbling and smiling all together.
Eventually, he managed to convince Cale, telling him that a King needed to be benevolent, and that Cale had done more than enough to be rewarded a golden plaque. Not that Cale believed any of that bullshit, but well, free money should not be refused.
Aside from that, the kids brought him various flowers and Rosalyn helped in decorating Cale's hair with them.
'Why is everyone acting so weird?'
Cale thought, trying to ignore the warm feeling in his chest and his slight smile at the flower crown the kids had made.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
"that's not how you do it." steve said, his tone a little bitchy as he looked at the curly haired boy sitting on the floor in the doctors waiting room across from him.
"what do you mean that's not how you do it?" the boy said with a shriek, holding the ken and gi joe dolls in his hands out aggressively, "they're dolls! they have no rules, idiot."
"don't call me that, i'm not an idiot. i'll tell my mum on you." steve poked his tongue out.
"dibber dobber." the boy poked his tongue right back out, "plus, i don't think you know much about playing with toys because you're stacking jenga wrong."
"i'm building a house with it." steve said simply, stacking another block onto it.
"it's a shit house." the boy said, going back to his dolls.
steve gasped, "you can't say that!"
"my dad says it all the time." he shrugged, "you know, if you can build a really bad jenga house, then i think i can play with the dolls however i want."
"no." steve said, "plus, it's not a bad house!"
"it has no structural inter-egg-raty."
steve scrunched up his nose, "i don't think that's how you say that word."
"i don't care." the boy said, swinging his ken doll out to knock over steves house.
"hey!" steve gasped, and then covered his mouth to cough, "that was so mean."
"just wanted to prove my point." the boy said, "plus, if you think i'm playing dolls so wrong, then you should teach me how to do them right."
steve rolled his eyes and huffed, "fine." he crawled over to the curly haired boy, who was grinning very widely.
"so, are you joe or ken?" the boy said, holding up the dolls.
"neither." steve scoffed, "if you want to make your dolls kiss, it has to be a boy and a girl."
"nuh ahhhh." the boy shook his head out.
"yes." steve huffed, and grabbed a mangled barbie doll out of the toy box to play with, "look... barbie and ken go together. ken and gi joe aren't even close!"
"they're secret boyfriends." the boy shrugged.
"two boys can't kiss." steve glared at him, like he was dumb, and he was.
"yes they can." the boy shrugged.
"no." steve shook his head, "my dad says it's super bad and evil and will make you really sick... is that why you're here?"
the boy laughed brightly, "oh my goodness..." he wiped a tear from his eye, "are you joking me?"
steve shook his head, "no. of course not, stupid."
the boy calmed his laugh a little and smiled, "boys totally can kiss! it isn't bad or evil and it won't make you sick, i promise!" he held out the ken doll to steve, "i haven't kissed anyone... i'm only nine, you know? and i'm here because my mum is sick. why are you here?"
"i haven't kissed anyone either. i'm eight! and... i have a cough." steve shrugged, and then coughed, "mum said it has to go away before my dads work function tomorrow night, because i have to meet his work friends."
"boring." the boy blew a raspberry.
"i really don't think boys can kiss."
"boy's can kiss, just... stupid people just think its bad for some dumb reason."
"hmm." steve shrugged and held the ken doll up, "it looks stupid."
"all kissing looks stupid." the silly boy said, deadpan, "just... i think adults like it because it... is like a super hug or something."
"oh." steve shrugged, "a super hug?"
"yeah..." he said, "it's like... you kiss your family on the cheeks because it's super hugs because you love them."
"right." steve nodded.
"and then... when you think someone is pretty, you kiss them on the mouth because... they're pretty."
"so, why would ken want to kiss gi joe?" steve asked, fiddling with the dolls, "i get why joe wants to kiss ken... but..."
"don't be fooled by his buzzcut." the boy grinned and pulled up the doll's shirt to reveal plastic abs, "i think ken likes muscly men."
"okay." steve shrugged and held up his doll to play, "so... how do we make boys kiss?"
"the same as we make girls kiss." the boy shrugged and cleared his throat, putting on a manly voice as he pretended to be the doll, "oh, hello ken... you look very pretty today. blue is really your colour!"
steve shrugged and put on a ken voice, "thanks gi joe. you look super muscly! can i kiss you?"
"of course, handsome!" the boy giggled and moved his doll in to kiss steves, they made them make out for a while, with lots of kissing noises, "oh, this is the best kiss i've ever had!"
"can two boys be in love too?" steve asked, and the boy nodded with a bright smile, then steve turned the voice on again, "i think i love you joe!"
"oh my goodness!" the boy grinned, "i think i love you too! you are the prettiest boy i've ever seen."
steve giggled and made his doll kiss attack the boys, and then they were both giggling and smushing their dolls together.
once the laughter died down, they just kind of looked at each other for a moment, and steve decided to speak first, "i didn't know boys could kiss."
the boy shrugged, "don't tell your dad about it. he'll probably get mad... it can be our secret."
"okay." steve smiled, a slight blush in his cheeks, "i'm steve, by the way."
"oh... i'm eddie." eddie smiled brightly and held out his hand for steve to shake.
"you have really crazy hair, eddie." steve said.
"i know." he said with a frown, "dad says i have to cut it."
"don't... it's so cool!" steve promised.
eddie seemed to blush at that, "thanks..." he shrugged, "i think you're the prettiest boy i've ever seen, you know?"
steve blushed a lot at that, "do you think?"
eddie nodded, "yeah."
"oh." steve swallowed, he thought this boy was very pretty too, and even though he knocked over steves jenga house, he really liked him, "would you like to kiss me?"
eddie blushed even brighter, "i think so..."
steve swallowed, "i have a cough."
eddie frowned, "i don't mind... if you would like to."
steve smiled, because he would like to, "are you sure?"
eddie nodded.
"okay." steve shuffled a little closer to eddie on his knees, and the curly haired boy turned completely red, "i don't know how to kiss someone."
"me either." eddie said, "i think we just... put our mouths together."
"that sounds right." steve shrugged and started to move forward.
"steven!" his mothers voice rang from the waiting room, "steven, where are you? the doctor is ready to see you."
steve looked around the toy corner to see his mother walking into the doorway, and steve huffed, "i have to go."
"oh... okay." eddie swallowed.
steve smiled, "can i play with you at school?"
eddie frowned, "i don't go to school here. me and mum are just visiting my uncle."
"oh." steve sighed, "will you ever be back?"
"probably." eddie shrugged.
steve smiled, "okay."
"come on, steven. you don't want to keep him waiting." his mother tapped her foot.
"coming." steve said, looking back at her with a smile.
she turned and grabbed her things.
"well..." steve shrugged, "if i see you ever again, then i owe you your first kiss."
"okay." eddie squeaked, still red as a tomato as steve hopped up and ran for his mother, "bye, steve!"
"bye, eddie!" steve shouted, "hope to see you soon!"
★ ☆ ★
Part 2 hereee
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hyunverse · 2 years
mornings like this ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ lee know
lee know && reader. genre — fluff, drabble. note — might write another version for i.n ^_^
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the smell of scrambled eggs and the sound of sizzling explains the emptiness of your shared bed.
you lazily walk into the kitchen — the thought of whining about him leaving you in bed disappearing at what you discover. the sight of it all is so . . . domestic. your husband's back is facing against you, focused on the sizzling pan. he's shaking the pan to flip what you assume are pancakes. a bowl of scrambled eggs is placed on the kitchen counter — the sight of it making you drool already. minho is still clad in last night's clothes. briefs and a loose grey shirt with his hair disheveled. it's cute, you could tell he didn't even bother to comb his bed hair before strolling into the kitchen. by the looks of it, he truly rushed to cook — he's not even wearing an apron. you pray to god he at least cared to wash his hands.
“g'morning,” you greet, gently pressing a hand into his waist and your chin onto his shoulder.
minho hums in acknowledgement, eyes still focused on the pancakes. seeing the pancakes up-close, you're a little astonished — they're somehow perfectly round and golden.
“how the hell do you make pancakes this perfect, babe?”
the man chuckles at your remark before playfully bumping his head against yours.
“go sit down, doll. breakfast should be ready in five minutes,” minho mutters, lifting up the pancakes with a spatula.
you frown, “not even going to give me a quick good morning kiss?”
“what? kiss you on your unbrushed, unwashed morning breathed mouth? no.”
you gasp, “foul! first, you leave me in bed alone, and now you're going to insult my mouth? you're sleeping on the couch tonight, minho.”
it's minho's turn to dramatically gasp, “me? sleep on the couch? i woke up from the bed to make you breakfast!”
“the food could've waited! morning cuddles before food, minho. you know that!”
“your stomach was literally growling in your sleep.”
his reply has your mouth fallen completely slack. you clasp a hand against your mouth.
“wait. did i really?”
minho laughs, “yeah, really. it growled twice,” he presses a kiss at the top of your head, “now go brush your teeth and eat breakfast. i'll do whatever you want us to do after.”
“you're still sleeping on the couch for insulting me though.”
“yeah? as if you could sleep without me.”
“i hate you, minho.”
“yeah, sure, that's why you married me.”
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3416 · 10 months
thinking about how mitch and auston both have tattoos on their upper right arms to symbolize their family and the family crests.................
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totally feeling normal every time i remember that
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Bunk Wars (Fire Force)
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Heyo! It's my birthday (Nov.13)! *celebratory dance* I have a little tradition I do (mostly) every year here where I write something completely self indulgent to celebrate. This year...hasn't been fun, but today's gonna be a good day regardless! I hope y'all are having a good day today as well!
This year I bring you Fire Force! I've been rewatching it lately and just- I miss my blonde Knight King lols. Shinra and Arthur are a hoot, so I wanted to write for them again! I hope you like it :3
Summary: Shinra and Arthur fight over the top bunk every night cause OF COURSE they do.
Ever since Arthur came to Company 8; bedtime is no longer just that.
“I call top bunk!”
It’s war.
“The hell you are!” Shinra picked up his pace as he ran towards their room, neck and neck with the supposed knight king. If he were to be honest with himself; it really didn’t matter who got the top. Shinra slept in both; he didn’t have much of a preference.
But Arthur? Arthur always called top bunk- saying “A knight king needs a throne to look upon his people.” Shinra could have been nice and just let him have it, but that was too easy.
He liked to make Arthur work for it.
“GAH! Move over!” Shinra yelped when he was squished into the doorframe, Arthur trying to shoulder his way past. They were cheek to cheek, arm to arm, two thrashing bodies writhing to push through like two fish going upstream. “I got here first!”
“Says the devil himself! I got here first!” Arthur growled back, a centimeter closer. Shinra pushed forward and-
“Whoa!” Both boys yelped when they squeezed in, falling on their faces in the most unceremonious fashion. Shinra rubbed his face with a low groan as Arthur puffed his bangs up and away. “You good, knight king? No broken bones?”
“A devil worried for his opponent? A rare one you are.” Arthur sat up, rolling his neck. “I am unhurt- yourself?”
“I’ve been worse.” Shinra nodded. They sat like that for a second.
Then- “The top bunk is mine!” Arthur darted for the ladder, Shinra right beside him. “Back devil! I touched it first!”
“You son of a- that’s not how this works!” Shinra pulled at his shirt as Arthur tried to climb, keeping him within reach. “What kind of knight would you be if you didn’t duel for it properly?”
“Knight king! And….I suppose you’re right.” Arthur paused to consider. Shinra took his chance.
“Tricked ya!” Shinra pulled again, hoping the force of his yank would send Arthur flying off. But no- this son of a biscuit gripped tighter in preparation!
“Good try, Devil; but once a Knight King such as myself sees your tricks, he prepares!” Smug as ever, Arthur tsked as he reached for the next leg up the ladder, preparing to climb. “Good effort though.”
“Oh, so you think you seen all my tricks, huh?” Shinra kept one hand on his shirt while the other wormed towards his exposed ribs. “Did you forget about this one?”
“Please- what are you-EHEHE!” Arthur all but squeaked, ten fingers pressing into both sides of his ribcage at the same time. “Aehahhahahaha! No! Nohohoho faiahhahair! Dehehhevil!”
“That’s right- I AM a devil! And I’m gonna use all the dirty tricks in the book to reclaim MY throne!” Shinra snickered behind him as he carried on scribbling into his ribs, watching Athur crumble before him. “Come on, be a good knight and hand it over.”
“Knihihihihihight Kihihiihihing! Gehehehhet it rigihihih-Ehehehhahahhaha Shihihiihnra!” Those dastardly hands moved up to his upper ribs! One move more and he’d be getting the armpit ticking of a lifetime! “Stahhahap thahahaht! Doohohohohn’t tihiihhickle mehehehhehe!”
“Give me the top bunk then!” Shinra demanded. Arthur tried swatting him away with one hand, the other hanging on to the ladder. With another tug, he had the blonde on his feet once more. A second tug took him to the floor, Shinra straddling his waist as he carried on tickling that awful spot. “Make this easy for yourself, Arthur.”
“Nehehehehhehver! Aheahhahahhaha! This is nohoohohohohothing!” The blonde declared, shooting his hands out and grabbing Shinra’s sides. “Tahhahahke that!” He cried as Shinra spasmed and hooted.
“Oooohhoh no! You’re not doing tha-ahehahahhat! Stahahp NO!” Shinra tried to keep tickling, but Arthur was determined! With what little strength he had left, he pushed Shinra off of him with tickling fingers, pinching along his waist and lower ribs the way he knew would kill the other boy. “Ahahhhahahahrthuhuhuhuhur!”
“Oh, what’s wrong? What happened to your chanting, Devil? Don’t you WANT the top bunk?” Arthur teased, changing up his tickle style as he began kneading small circles into Shinra’s hips, making him kick and squeal. “Do you submit?”
“NEheehehehhehehhever! Aheahhhahahha I stihihihiihll gohohohot my oohohohohohoohown trihihihiihhicks!” Shinra reached out, going for the kill.
“EHEHE!” Arthur all but shrieked when his belly was jabbed, sending him falling back. Shinra quickly pounced, shoving Arthur’s shirt up with one hand. “NO! No don’t you dare, Devil! Don’t you dare-”
“I’m a devil-hero, thank you!” Shinra smirked before diving down, blowing a massive raspberry into Arthur’s belly. The blonde shrieked, arching beneath him before bursting into loud cackly laughter. “Do YOU submit, Knight king?”
“AHEHAHAHAHHAHA! NOHOHOHOOHO NOT THAHAHAHAHHT! AHEHHEHEHE DON’T BITE!” Arthur howled when Shinra mock-bit him, using the points of his teeth for maximum tickles. “AHEHAHAHHA OKAHAHAHKY OHHAHAKY TAKE THE BUNK! THAHHAKE THE BUNK!”
“Hm? You mean it?” Shinra smirked as he resurfaced, prodding along Arthur’s sides to keep him giggling. “Are you gonna give me the top bunk?”
“Yehahhahhahs! Yes, tahahhahake it! Ahehahahhahaa!” Arthur nodded frantically, easing as the tickles finally came to an end. “Yohohohou suck!”
“Not very chivalrous of you.” Shinra teased, laughing even harder when Arthur flicked him a rude gesture. “Man- I���m so glad we’re roommates!”
“You are?” Arthur seemed surprised by that, sitting up as Shinra got cozy in his reclaimed nest. “I thought you hated me?”
“When did I say I hated you?” Shinra blinked, equally surprised. “Sure, you can be a real pain in the ass, but that doesn’t mean I hate you. I’m glad we’re bunk mates.”
Arthur sat there, really taking it in. Then he hid in his bangs, smile wobbly.
“Of course- it’s annoying how loud you snore.” Shinra added, earning a shocked laugh from the other. “And let’s not even get started on how bad you smell when you fa-”
“SHUT UP!” Arthur threw his pillow at him, smacking Shinra dead in the face. Their original battle carried on- pillows flying and laughs bouncing off walls until Hinawa yelled “SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP” from down the hall.
Later that night, Shinra dared a peek over the edge of the bed, finding Arthur awake and staring up at the bed above him. “Hey…do you want the top bunk? I don’t mind trading.”
“Hm…nah. I like it down here.” Arthur snuggled further in his sheets, comfy. “We’ll see about tomorrow though.”
“Yeah. Definitely.” Shinra nodded, disappearing in his bed once more- a smile in his voice. “Goodnight, Knight King.”
“Goodnight, Devil hero.”
Thanks for reading!
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nalpurex · 6 months
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
which ocs in the fandom do you find the most interesting? also, which ocs do you think have the most aesthetically pleasing designs? finally, which ocs have you only heard of but would like to know more about?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo ha haaa noooo i can't possibly answer this because it would be soooo unfair to have favourites wouldn't it's comet knight by @kittenvirus
#sorry it's the colour scheme and the glitter and the fluff. i'm unfortunately so so weak to all these things 😭#even a little bit of pastel rainbow star theming specifically... comet really has everything i'm sorry to say#i think starstruck would faint immediately if she saw him. could they be friends?? i'm not sure i think she'd just be like this: 👁️👁️#he is also one of (if not the very) first designs i saw when i started picking around the kirby community#so i'll always have a soft spot for him no matter who else i discover.#there are also a dozen other OCs that i love and adore but the more that i list the more folks will feel that i didn't list *them*#and i really really don't want to do that! my mutuals have some absolutely banging designs as do some folks who i don't follow!#there are also a lot of REALLY cool designs that are 'semi' oc but are more like redesigns? from folks AUs or comics or so on#many great morpho-esque redesigns out there too i'm always a fan of those!!!#please understand i'm listing only ONE design that hits all these prompts (bc i also don't know the creator well hence 'only heard of')#and one that always stands out to me personally because of the sentimentality i mentioned above#but i love MANY many many. if i started listing them i would never stop!! if you have an oc or a design i probably love them!!#i realise that is a bit of a dodge of the breadth of this question but i just... yknow? haha#i'd be happy to learn more about any ocs really!! i would actually love for starstruck to start having some relationships with others too?#if folks are interested in that!! she has relationships with the dream land four but not so much with ocs; and that might be fun too!!#others ocs#asks
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Hiiii how are you?? Id like to request farah finds out reader is ticklish and uses it agenist them when reader is in a bad mood and being rude to everyone
(Sorry if this is really silly btw🫶🏻🫶🏻)
Hey! I'm doing well! Got a surge of motivation to write before therapy! This ask was just the right amount of silly actually! It was very fun to write!
Cheer Up Tickles with Farah
She’d likely find out when she wraps an arm around your waist and her fingers twitch a bit for a moment, making you react a little bit. Unfortunately, she’d pick up on that immediately, raise her eyebrow and give you a knowing smile. It’s a slightly cocky one as well, because she knows your weakness now, so if she ever felt like it, she could destroy you. Farah might poke you from time to time, but it usually won’t go farther than that. However, if you’re being especially grumpy for no reason whatsoever and you’re being rude to everyone, that might change.
At first she’d just poke your side, gauge your reaction. You can cuss her out all you want, she’s not going to let up just yet. It’s then that you can either cheer up and apologize to her, or feel her wrath and tickles. However, given your ask, you don’t cheer up, instead noticing, with horror in your eyes, that you messed up. Farah would wiggle her fingers at you before pouncing like a tiger that got its first prey in three days. Although she may go easy on you at first, letting you struggle so you feel as though you have a chance of getting away, there’s no way she’d just let you go like that. You can squirm all you want, you’re trapped underneath her since she’s a very strong fighter. You’re not going to escape her grasp, you’re going to get tickled and teased to oblivion and back. Once you’re calm, she’d start teasing you a bit before going in for the kill.
Farah wouldn’t even hesitate to be gentle in the beginning, she’s gonna get you good from the get go, straddling you and squeezing your sides. Try to throw her off all you want, you can’t. It’s fun to her if you struggle a bit as well, it makes it all the more challenging for her. While she may not know just yet where your weak spots are, she’ll find them quickly enough, staying in one spot for a few moments before switching to your armpits, for example. If you trap her fingers there she’s gonna have a field trip. No matter how much you’re laughing at that point, she’ll tease you about being less grumpy already and how you’re smiling like a goof. How adorable you are and how she should just tickle you more often when she has the time to do so.
Naturally, she’s a leader, so she needs to make sure all her loved ones are doing well, therefore she needs to check up on your ribs as well. Counts them, prods at them, vibrates her fingers between them to make sure you haven’t sustained any injuries. If you’re completely healthy, then she’ll say so, but she also needs to make sure your tummy is in good condition. Lifts up your shirt and starts scribbling away to make sure everything is in order. However, as time goes on, she’d grow a bit hungry and nibble at your sides and your ribs as well. Besides, while she may need to be sated, she also wants to share something delicious with you as well. So naturally, kind as she is, she gives you some raspberries.
However, once she notices your laughter having gone silent, or when there are a lot of tears streaming down your face, that’s when she’ll slow down a bit, before stopping entirely. Your dazed, cute face is just too adorable, though, so she’ll lean over to give you a kiss on your forehead and wipe away your tears with her thumb. Once she sees that you’ve been cheered up, she’ll get off of you, put your shirt over your tummy again and laugh a bit about how tired you seem all of a sudden. You weren’t this tired yet when you were cussing her out still. Pats your tummy one last time and helps you up, even if you don’t need her help. You seem out of it a bit, but not unhappy.
Farah doesn’t mind having tickle fights with you every once in a while. However, be warned, if you ever decide to tickle her first, then I can assure you that she’s going to get her revenge. Besides, she can hold her reactions in quite well. Much to your dismay, she’s also rather observant, so she’s going to figure out which spots make you scream fairly quickly. She’s always so serious anyway, so sometimes you just need to let loose and be a little goofy. Loves getting to be silly with you from time to time, even if it’s just through play fighting and tickling one another.
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
volume one 🎉 (go read it!!!!!!!!!)
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popcorn-plots · 3 months
Stephen hated fireworks.
They were loud, they were dangerous, they were set off all night long during New Years and the Fourth, and they sounded a little too much like the popping of tires when his car crashed. They were bright, and firework shows meant people. Lots of people. As a doctor, Stephen loved being in the throng of crowds, loved being a part of something big, somewhere were there was a chance he could be recognized. As a sorcerer, Stephen was nearly the opposite.
Most events with fireworks involved had him retreating to his room or Kamar-Taj, where he'd read a book or watch a shitty medical drama until he fell asleep. There, the fireworks never bothered him.
Wong told him one year that he watched the fireworks on the roof of the Sanctum. This year, the fireworks were just under 3 miles away from the Sanctum, lit from barges on the Hudson River.
Stephen had planned to stay inside, again, and try and force away memories of firework shows as a kid and his crash with a movie. He was thinking about a documentary on Alan Turing or My Beautiful Broken Brain. Then, Wong asked him if he wanted to watch the fireworks with him.
Stephen froze. Wong had never asked him before. He swallowed. "Why?"
"You're always busy. Tonight you're not. Come watch the fireworks with me."
Stephen really didn't want to. He really didn't, but somehow, he found himself saying yes. His heart even did a traitorous leap at the way Wong flashed Stephen a rare smile and walked away.
He pushed the feeling down. Forced his heart to slow down, forced the blood from his face. He had been developing a slight crush on the librarian, but fireworks meant nothing. Right? Besides, Wong could never like him back.
Four hours later, Wong approached him again with a cheeseburger of all things. Stephen raised an eyebrow and Wong sighed. "Daniel was insistent on celebrating the fourth of July, even at Kamar-Taj. He liked to drag me all across the United States to watch various firework shows every year. The only American tradition I uphold is the fourth, and even then, I simply make hamburgers -- your fast food is extrodinarily unhealthy, not to mention covered in grease and made of nothing but fat -- and watch the fireworks. I made one for you."
"..thank you." Stephen hesitantly took the burger and bit into it when his grip was secure. Stephen nearly moaned, it was the best hamburger he had ever tasted in his life. "Oh, my god. What's your secret?"
"No grease." Wong deadpanned. "Fireworks start in an hour."
Stephen nodded and took another bite.
50 minutes later, Stephen opened the door to the Sanctum roof. It was dark -- or at least as dark as the city that never sleeps can be-- and.... quiet. Nearly dead silent, aside from the regular, somehow calming sounds of the city, muffled from the roof of the building.
Wong was standing near the rooftop garden. "The view is better on top of the door."
Stephen looked up and the Cloak lifted him up to that part of the roof where a platform and two chairs had been set up. Stephen thanked the Cloak and sat down, watching Wong jump up effortlessly. When Wong sat down, the Cloak unfurled itself from Stephen's shoulders and settled itself over both of them like a blanket. Stephen laughed.
"It is a bit cold, isn't it?"
Wong shrugged. "My robes are very warm. Enchanted for the Himalayan climate, remember?"
Stephen huffed a laugh. "Yes, yes. My sweater is comfier, though."
"Still cold." The Cloak defiantly left Wong's lap and instead wrapped itself fully around Stephen who was, admittedly, cold in his worn jeans and old Columbia sweatshirt. Wong snorted and summoned a tray with their beloved teapot and two mugs. He poured the water and handed Stephen a mug -- only filled two thirds of the way. It was Stephen's favorite blend and, upon taking a sip, brewed to perfection.
A moment later, the fireworks started. Stephen almost dropped his mug when there was no sound at all. Not even a muffled bang, not even an echo. Nothing. Just light. Another firework -- a spray of sparks and nothing but color.
Stephen stared at the fireworks. They were gorgeous and there were no people. No emergency surgery, no danger, no flashbacks, and no sound.
Along side a gold coconut firework, the horizon lit up with the gold of Wong's magic. Stephen blinked and realized it was a dome over the Sanctum, bathing the roof in a warm glow.
Stephen tore his gaze away from the intricate lines and looked at Wong. The dome faded into the background, invisible once more. Wong nodded at the fireworks. "I get overwhelmed, too."
Stephen laughed in disbelief turning back to the fireworks. Another bloomed, then shattered. One after the other in a stunning show. There was no sound at all. It was magical.
For a moment, Stephen thought that Wong liked him back.
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lowcallyfruity · 8 months
TREY LOVES BOTH OF HIS BOYFRIENDS EQUALLY!!! TREY LOVES BOTH OF HIS BOYFRIENDS EQUALLY…. TRey ClOver LoVes BoTH of HiS bOyFriEnDS EQuALlY…. Trey clover loves both of his boyfriends equally….
I say. Rocking back and forth. Sobbing uncontrollably.
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minoment · 2 years
WHAT IF,, domestic kolivan and reader 😭
I'm convinced he can cook so damn well.
Imagine him doing the dishes with an apron on. He would be so precious! Even if you insisted on helping, he would refuse and do it for you. I swear he would treat you like royalty.
He would teach you how to fight, gently guiding you through complicated defense moves. He would definitely give you his blades.
Imagine him before bed too... letting you unbraid and brush his hair while he drinks some sort of Galra version of chamomile tea. He would be the biggest cuddle-bug too. He's just so big and warm, like a teddy bear. Although he doesn't mind being the little spoon, especially when you play with his hair.
I would sleep so soundly bro...
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stew4 · 7 days
what is one fic idea that you’ve had for a while but haven’t gotten around to writing?
Out of the dozens I have every week, I come back to a post-wat rlainarin idea a lot. Assuming for a moment that everything is wonderful and resolved and nobody dies, I think Rlain would want to move back for a while to be with the listeners.
so the idea of them getting together at the end of wat, maybe spend a few weeks/months doing clean up after the contest, then Rlain goes home for a while and they do long distance.
I think Rlain learning how to write so they can spanreed each other is really cute, and obviously there’s a lot of angst potential.
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