#i just also wish i could be fully chill about this stuff
babsaros · 2 years
finally home! [takes off my boots and completely deflates as all my bones crumble to dust]
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An Animalistic Disaster
CH-25: Alastor's in a..what?
Melody finds out the truth and you all react to episode five as some crazy new things are revealed.
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A.n: I'm sorry for the disappearence guys!!! A lot of stuff happened and I hit a writers block 🥲
Tw: mentions of domestic violence.
You felt a chill go through your spine at her voice. You didn't even realise when she came here. Vaggie flew out the window from your head noticing her.
" Oh, I was just talking to myself. Don't worry. Shouldn't you be in the bed? "
You laughed nervously, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. You hoped she didn't think of you as a madwoman who talks by herself when she's alone. You wouldn't hear the end of it.
" Yeah I was about to..but you were taking too long and I heard talking, so I wanted to check it out."
She walked over and stood beside you, looking away into the wild from the window. " Was that one of your 'friends'?" She whispered chuckling a bit as you bonked her head narrowing your eyes " That guy is a bad influence on you."
A few moments went by in quietness as you both stayed silent. Crickets started to chirp as moonlight shone inside the kitchen, illuminating both of your faces.
" You know.... getting inspiration wasn't the only reason I decided to visit you.." Melody's somber voice suddenly broke through the silence. You stayed quiet, letting her continue.
" I needed a small break from my parents and my brother..."
You looked over at the dainty and frail girl. You looked at how loosely her nightwear hung from her body, almost giving her a ghostly appearance in the moonlight. Your eyes trailed from her tired eyes to her shoulders where there were some bruises...wait bruises?
You slowly lifted up your hand to trace your finger over it as she winced a bit. How didn't you notice it sooner?? " Melody....who did this? " She smiled sadly looking down. "You know who..."
You felt like your heart was being crushed in two. Were they also deliberately not feeding her enough or something? You fisted your palm tightly, feeling angry at them and yourself. Oh how you wished you could beat that shitty excuse of her parents up.
" You have it easy...you don't have your parents nagging after you all the time.. criticizing every little thing you do..you don't have a brother who's out to get you in trouble every living second..." Her voice broke a little. " You don't have parents who would hit you if you did something they didn't like..."
She was fully breaking into small sobs now. You didn't say anything and just pulled her closer to your body. Resting your chin above her head as you let her rant.
" You can live far away from your parents...alone and peacefully... you're free to do whatever you want..while I have to fight every day to pursue my dream... I'm jealous.... I'm jealous of you.."
You kissed top of her head as she sniffled. It almost felt like you two were kids again. And she was hiding from her parents by coming into your room as you comforted her. She's going through a lot as well. In some sense her words were true a little. You truly were living in luxury compared to her.
" You know, I always said you can come live with me.." you whispered softly as she looked up at you crying. "Y-you... know I can't do that...." She whispered in a broken voice. Even though you wanted to deny it, you knew it was the truth. No doubt if she came to live with you now, nasty rumours would be spread by her parents. And it'll be like she gave up on her dream, knowing how stubborn she could be, you knew she wouldn't listen either. But you still offered anyway.
You held her for a little longer as her sobs soon died down between your chest. You soon felt her getting limp between your arms. You had no idea how she was able to fall asleep so quickly. You assumed talking about all these made her tire out.
You picked her up and laid her down on the bed. She weighted like a kid. You looked down at her sadness evident in your eyes. You'll make sure she gains some weight by the time she leaves and make sure she at least has enough fun to forget about her situation. You laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling.
Everyone has so many problems in their life. You think your life is hard but then you look around a bit and see people suffering more. Like the Hazbins for example....
You sighed, there's no use thinking depressed thoughts at this time of hour. You can't change people's past, but you wish you could at least help make it better for the future. That should be enough.
Your thoughts soon dragged you off to sleep.
You woke up to the smell of something burning in the kitchen as you sat up. " What's going on?!" You yelled as you started to get off from the bed. You quickly noticed Melody was missing.
You spotted her holding a burnt pancake in front of your stove with a sad expression. You sighed in relief seeing at least nothing caught on fire as you slowly walked over to her scratching your neck. "Come on now Mel... what're you doing..." She looked up at you sniffing. "I just wanted to do something for you...I guess I'm only good at sewing and nothing else.." you smiled softly at her and patted her head roughly, messing up her hair.
" Don't worry about that kiddo, go focus on your works instead. That's what you're here for right? I'll handle the breakfast." You practically pushed her to the separate room with her things.
"Hey I'm only a year younger than you!"
You clapped you hand after sending her away. " Now then, let's begin shall we?" You made use of the rest of the batter that was left to cook more pancakes. Melody was laying down on the lounge, scribbling away in her sketchpad to come up with ideas.
After a while you called her as you set the breakfast on the table. You served her with honey on top of the fluffy pancakes and laughed seeing her drool over them. While eating you told her about how you planned to take her out to town. She looked like she might burst from happiness.
You found the car outside just as you instructed. You left one of the windows open so Cherri could come in and let the others in through the door. Currently the whole crew was chilling inside, some resting on the bed or lounge and some finally cooking warm food.
" How long do you think we'll have to stay hidden...this sucks!"
Angel groaned from one of the chairs. " I don't know, get used it" Husk replied as a cat on top of the table. This form took less space to move around. " This girl can sketch beautifully!" Niffty was flipping through Melody's sketchbook. " Is she going to make all these dresses?"
" Um, guysss... shouldn't we make sure to..not touch or move anything?" Pentious rubbed his hands together looking around. " Or they might you know..get suspicious?"
" Quit being such a wuss." Cherri rolled her eyes bringing her head out from the fridge grabbing a box of juice and drinking it straight and dropping it. Before it could touch the ground Niffty came right in to catch it and throw it in the trash.
" Everything's gonna be fineee"
A distinct sound of something falling came from your room. Pentious blinked at Cherri with doubt and worry.
" What happened here?!"
Melody's voice rang out as soon as she stepped inside. You sighed, they had the common sense to lock the door at least.
" The floor is squeaky clean but most of  the foods are gone!" She yelled opening the fridge. Thankfully, you bought foods in this trip too expecting that much. She quickly went around to see if anything was stolen. You slowly started to unpack the groceries without caring much as Melody went around the house. You know nothing was, so you didn't have anything to worry.
" This is strange.... someone came in and just chilled here and ate our food..?" She deduced that from how the things on the bed and lounge seemed to have moved. She had a keen eye for noticing details. " Yeah... about that. " You mentally cursed yourself for the untidness of them. " Maybe it was the animals? Maybe they got in?"
" You're telling me an animal went through our fridge??" She opened the door to your fridge, pointing inside.
You didn't know what to say to that. You pulled her close and ruffled her blond hair. " C'mon, nothing happened right? Don't worry about it. I'll get to cooking okay?" You finger gunned at her while sorting through your cabinets and sweatdropping.
You could feel Melody digging a hole into the back of your head with her intense staring. It was clear she didn't believe your obvious lie but decided not to push it. Instead she went into the room beside yours and you sighed in relief.
"Dodged a bullet there...."
Another day went by like this. You were close to getting caught quite a few times. Like when Niffty came to you asking for more cleaning supplies and while you were about to hand her those, Melody came and saw you two. Melody walked outside to find you handing a scrubber and disinfectants to a small puppy.
Another time she actually caught you with Pentious cause he missed you too much and couldn't stay away, resulting in her screaming in fear. You tried to tell her he wouldn't hurt anyone but Melody wasn't having it. Pentious hung his head low as he slithered away as Melody came to check if you were truly alright.
Night soon fell as you two fell asleep.
Soon the was the day of the next two episodes which was about to be aired. Episode 5 and 6.
" Is there no way we can watch it together? " Charlie looked at you sadly. They were anxiously waiting for a long time for the next episodes to see their future. But it seemed like it might not be possible this time around. Melody was brainstorming in the other room and told you not to disturb. Her vacation was coming to a close and yet she still couldn't come up with an inspiration for a new dress. She almost looked mad scratching her hair with a pencil trying to come up with a design. You gave her hot chocolate earlier as she thanked you in a grim tome before going back to sketching. There were crumbled up papers all over the room as you carefully skipped over them.
" I don't think she is going to go out anytime soon. But she's currently cooped up in her room. Hm..."
You scratched your chin trying to come up with a plan.
" What if you all just watched it in your animal forms. I'll just tell Melody I'm watching a new show with my animal friends. She might be weirded out but she shouldn't suspect anything. I mean she haven't found out yet!"
" Found out what exactly? "
Her voice rang out behind you in a calm tone. Despite that you yelped. Panic and adrenaline rushed through your veins in the fear of being caught. Charlie screamed too holding her face as she turned into her ewe form with a puff of smoke. Vaggie quickly crouched down to pick her up. Alastor eyes just widened with his ears pulled back as her smile tightened locking eyes with Melody as he let out a few coughs.
" I guess the cat's out of the bag huh?"
All the hazbins sat or stood up around you in the kitchen after being called. Melody took all of them in looking wide eyed. You began telling your tale even though it sounded strange and weird. Melody didn't want to believe you at first, but after seeing Niffty transform again in front of her, she had to believe it.
" So, you guys were supposed to be... characters from this show..." Melody looked at her phone at the Hazbin hotel poster on Google. " And you guys came to life?"
" I'd say we were already alive dear. We just transferred from one reality to other." Alastor said attempting to correct her.
" Riiiight. (Y/n) ! You should have told me about these sooner! Is that why you asked for money back then?"
" Yeah..you can see how many people are there...and I certainly don't earn enough.." You said sheepishly scratching your neck, feeling guilty a bit.
Suddenly Niffty popped out from behind Melody suddenly and pulled her down to be face to face with her while smiling with glee." I saw your designs! They're really pretty but I think they'll look more dazzling if you added something to them. Can I try??"
She was practically buzzing with excitement as Melody handed the puppy girl that she has come to know as Niffty her notebook. " Be gentle with it alright?" Niffty practically grabbed it from her hands and produced a pencil out of nowhere as she startd scribbling down fast as a lighting. " And I'm done!" She yelled holding the book in front of her.
You and Melody peeked at the book behind Niffty back. Melody gasped in surprise as she took the book back looking at it with stars in her eyes. " This...this is it! It's perfect! I'll get to work right now!"
She practically stormed off to the other room holding Niffty's hand and slammed the door shut. She thought she could use her helping the making as well.
" Well...that went better then I expected"
You said crossing your arms. You honestly expected a lot more freaking out over all these.
" Shit we're going to be late! Alastor come on!" Charlie quickly tugged on his arm to get him moving. " I guess we'll can see the show later together then. " Vaggie yelled while following them and closing the door behind her. Now you looked at Angel and the others.
You sighed feeling relieved as you looked at the other people in the room. " I guess make yourself comfortable then. I'll start making today's lunch."
Later in that day, you all settled in front of your laptop again. Melody finished watching the previous episodes earlier so she was all caught up as well. With everything ready, you started episode 5 of the Hazbin hotel.
The episode started with Vaggie waking up on her and Charlie's bed. Then it shows that Charlie was going crazy about the hotel.
' We only have a couple months left before the angels come. Hahaha'
That manic laughter of Charlie was.... disturbing to say the least. The whole damn ground of the hotel shook.
' Maybe it's time.. '
' No. '
' -to ask.. '
' Don't say it. '
' your dad '
Lucifer!! She was going to call Lucifer! You sat up straight in your seat. Ohhhh, you've been waiting for this for so long. Finally you can see what the big boss of hell is like! Charlie didn't seem too excited about that. You didn't notice how Alastor's smile twitched a little at the mention of him. Niffty seemed a lot excited on the other hand.
' He let the extermination happen to begin with. '
So Lucifer's behind all this? Damn, he must be a cold fellow. Maybe a ruthless merciless ruler.
' After he and mom spilt, he never really wanted to see me. He calls... sometimes, but only if he's bored or like, needs me to do something. '
' Daddy issues '
Wait wait what? Lilith and Lucifer spilt up?? They're divorced? And he doesn't even look after her daughter?? Good god..you felt sorry for Charlie. Guess you both have shitty dad's now. Also Husk's mug was something, 'fuck Mondays '. Yeah, honestly, fuck that day.
Then the scene switched to Lucifer's room showing pictures of the Morningstar family. Hold on..was that..you paused to see better.
" Charlie you had an emo phrase???" You said struggling to hold your laughter.
" Heeeey, don't look at it!! It was a long time ago!"
Charlie felt herself flush as she quickly resumed the video as the whole crew laughed. You were also excited as fuck to see her dad. Finally after all this time...
' Now presenting...the magic-tastical backflipping rubber duck! '
Wait what?
The man's room was filled to the brim with rubber ducks. You don't know what you expected but it wasn't this. But you still couldn't stop a small smile from creeping onto your lips. He's going to be an quirky and interesting character for sure.
Lucifer acted like he was being applauded in front of a crowd before throwing a duck on their family portrait. His face saddened for bit looking at the picture as he looked away and Charlie's phone came through. He panicked for a bit.
' Hello, Charlie. H-hey, heyyy, CharChar..No! No, that's not good. '
Poor boy was trying hard to pick what to say. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit as Charlie looked at bit bewildered.
' Oh, this is the first time she's called you in years. This has to be perfect. '
That's it papa. Go for it!
' Heeeey, bitch! '
Lucifer what the fuck was that?? Everyone's eye widened hearing what he just said. He pretended he was busy with important things so he forgot what she was busy with. Kinda reminded you for your dad and how he doesn't really call you much either and when he does, it was with the same awkwardness but more shitty.
' Yeah, of course. Anything in my power is yours for asking. You just name it. '
He keeps her spoilt too. But Charlie's too kind hearted to use such powers you're sure.
' But this is really important to me. '
Aww, you didn't miss the way Angel and Pentious melted when Charlie said how important it was. Poor babies. Angel, Pentious and others also felt their heart leap. Charlie was really a kind hearted soul.
' My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression! '
You burst out laughing at this line. Poor guy is so excited to see her daughter. You were wrong about Lucifer after all. He's a softie and still cares about Charlie and Lilith.
" Man, I think I already love him.." you whispered softly forgetting for a moment that you were watching this with the damn cast with Charlie sitting next to you. You quickly whipped you head around. " I-i meant as a character! As a character I think he's cool!"
" Sure ya do Hun " Angel wriggled his eyebrows at you making you shirnk in embarrassment. " Don't worry, I wanna tap that too" he whispered in your ear making you squeak.
" That's Lucifer? The Lucifer?" Cherri looked at the paused screen crossing her arms. " I thought he'd be more flashy or cooler. This is lame."
" Yeah...I thought he'd be a real bad boy...hmph!" Niffty pouted as well.
Guess there were people who liked this Lucifer and those who didn't. Next everyone began to clean the hotel for Lucifer's arrival. Lucifer literally squeezed Charlie upon arrival as Alastor glared at him. What was his problem?
' You taking care of my little girl? You better be..'
Woah, that was chilling. So you guess he can get scary as well. He looked..kinda unimpressed by the hotel but was trying not to hurt her feelings.
' And you are? '
' Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure. '
He shook his hand with his cane and shakes his hand of on his suit like there were germs on it. You sideeyed at him and saw how his lips bent upwards in a smirk.
' You are much shorter in real life. '
" Why are you picking a fight with him?? You guys just met?? " You looked at Alastor's with eyebrows raised. " Nothing personal dear, I just don't like the fellow. Do carry on with the show" you didn't believe him for one bit but resumed it.
' Ha ha ha! It was actually my idea."
What's with the hip sway he did here?? Is he trying to be Shakira?
' Ha ha, fuck you. '
You gasped audibllly. " Alastor you swear???" You looked at him agape. You thought him to be well above swearing and to call these types of words vile or unprofessional or something.
" Yes dear. I do swear. Although I'm not particularly fond of it. Why is it such a suprise?"
You didn't have a good answer to that. It was just headcannoned in your head that way. You saw how Alastor was praising Charlie and pulling her closer just to piss Lucifer off. And it was working very well. God if he looked at you that way you would melt.
Unknown to you, he already does when you're not looking.
Charlie then introduced Vaggie to Lucifer.
' Looks like you could use some help
From the big boss of hell himself '
Ahhh, he was singing!! You loved it!! He was trying hard to impress Charlie.
' Who needs a busboy now that you've got the chef '
Was that.. alastor in a busboy outfit?? You loved everybit of it. Poor deer was flipped on a frying pan. You paused just to take a quick look at him.
' Who's been faithful as a nun? '
Nun Alastor awoke something in you. You can't say what but it did. You sneaked a look at him while blushing. You focused on the song again before your thoughts spiraled farther.
' I was stuck, thank you, sir! '
Why was Niffty stuck in a toilet in the first place...
' You're like the child that I wish that I had '
' uh,what? '
" Wait what??" You and Lucifer had the same expression. He sees her as his daughter? He can't be serious. Other people still had the same shocked expression. But judging by how the song is going, you were 99% sure he said that just to piss Lucifer off. The way he was patting Charlie's head was cute though.
' It's a little funny, you could almost call me Dad '
" Alastor, you can't be serious." You finally looked at him. He just chuckled and shrugged. " Isss it true you wish to be a father then?" Pentious asked with a finger on his chin.
" Goodness no. It isn't like that. "
" Then you said it just to piss Lucifer off didn't you? "
His smile only broadened at your question.
" Yeah, yeah you did. Now that that's out of the way-"
" Does that mean you didn't believe in all the things you said about me? Like how you believed in me?" Charlie looked a bit sad. She thought she found someone else who believes in her except Vaggie. Alastor chuckled a bit patting her head. He truly didn't believe in the redemption nonsense. He was just here for the entertainment! But he can't say that in front of all these people, that'd be quite rude of him. And his mom raised a gentleman.
" I'm sure you'll do just fine. Now let's get on with the show."
You liked seeing Lucifer's angelic wings, they were really pretty. The rest of the song went like that but in the end a girl butted in. It was mimzy wasn't it? You saw pictures of her before. She started throwing confetti on the sinners.
' Why is everybody gawking? Is it cuz I'm adorable? '
Yeah she's adorable but why was she here??
' Mimzy! '
The look of pure happiness on his face as he hugged the girl was unreal. You always throught he hated physical touch like that. But you guess he had exceptions. These two were apparently old friends who knew each other on earth. That was interesting.
' Oh, oh my stars '
Same Mimzy. Same. You would have had the same reaction to him. Charlie was beautiful. Lucifer was handsome and cute. Lilith was drop dead gorgeous. You were simping for the whole Morningstar family. Mimzy sat at the bar while Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie went to show Lucifer around.
Angel asked Mimzy about Al and she started to talk about how he came to power. That guy used to broadcast other overlords screams in his radio broadcast. Damn...
' But underneath it all. He's a total sweetie. Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye, and he becomes a kitten. '
You must have awwed out loud alongside Charlie cause you felt dead glares coming from Alastor's side. Oh he and Mimzy was going to have a talk later if he gets back. Vaggie was finding it hard to hold in a chuckle.
Husk went to talk with Alastor. That guy's face did a whole 180° before his body turned. What was he? An owl?
Husk tried to warn Alastor about how Mimzy didn't come here with good intention but Alastor paid him no mind.
' You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet! '
' Hmhm! But you are! Haha! '
Alastor sees him as a pet...no wonder Husk dislikes the word pet so much.
" Big talk for someone who's also on a leash. "
'Ex-fucking-cuse me??? He's in a what?!?' The way you all collectively gasped except Alastor, husk and Niffty sent echoes throughout the room. Alastor felt his head spinning. Why, why, why??? Why this out of everything? Why did they had to reveal this about him?
Shadows danced in the walls behind him as he slowly turned towards Husk. This was all this damn cats fault. Because this stupid shitty cat doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. He doesn't need any disobedient pets!
He didn't even notice when he reached out to Husk while extending his arm . He had to teach him a lesson. He had to. He didn't have to look around at others know what you all might have been thinking of him. The mighty radio demon on a leash? He'd be a laughingstock to all of them now.
You all leapt around in action quickly and started to pull him back as Husk backed away. Charlie stood in front of Husk in a protective manner as you, Pentious and Angel were trying to hold him off.
" Alastor, please wait!" You shouted out behind him. This whole thing was a disaster. The fact that someone like him was under a contract was baffling. Who even was it? When did that happen? Does it have anything to do with the time he was absent? There were a lot of questions and a lot less answers.
Both Alastor ears and tail was perked up as he snarled at Husk. After what felt like an eternity he finally stopped trying to break free. You released your grasp on him as he sank to his knees. His eyes wide blown wide open as he ran his fingers through his hair. His ears were tilted back as you saw him take a deep breath in.
Angel stood beside Husk protectively as Vaggie stood beside Charlie. You made sure Melody was well protected behind you as Alastor slowly stood up with his head down. Pentious was hiding behind Cherri as Niffty just started at him with big blinking eyes.
" Ah..I suppose I lost a bit of control there. My apologies. "
Alastor's slinky smooth voice ran throughout the room. He was again smiling just like before like nothing just happened.
" Listen here Pedazo de mierda sonriente( smiling piece of shit), I don't give a rat's ass about your soul is binded or not. But if you hurt any of our guests here, I'm going to make sure you regret ever being born. Don't forget you're just a human here!" Vaggie glared at him while producing a knife out of no where. You half wondered if she just kept it with herself always.
"  Not a another word about my soul if you value your life. " Alastor's sharp voice rang out looking down at her. He didn't want to be reminded of it every second. " I may be a human now, but I'm still powerful enough to overpower you easily."
Charlie quickly stepped in between things could go any farther and convinced Vaggie to put down the knife away before anyone got hurt. The situation became rather tense quickly. Alastor hated it. Alastor hated the looks they were giving him. It was like he could almost taste the thoughts. With shaky hands you resumed the episode.
Alastor linked a green chain around husk throat and threw him on the ground.
' If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wrech who dares to question me '
' Lovely '
God this scene hurt to watch. Husk around you pulled his ears back grumbling as his tail came to wrap around himself. Charlie looked at scene horrified. Almost all of the people here including you forgot Alastor was an overlord. He is actually a cruel piece of shit. He's not just an old timey funny jokestar. He's a bad person and he enjoys torturing others.
Your heart almost broke seeing Husker shiver on the ground. Although another part of you was a little turned on when he was wrapping the chain around his hand. You already really well people on the internet was going to lose their mind over this.
It cut to Charlie talking with Lucifer now over a balcony.
' These are our people Dad, I...I have to try. '
' Our 'people', Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! '
Lucifer really doesn't like the sinners huh. You mean..you couldn't blame him. You wouldn't have put much high thoughts about them either.
Suddenly some sinners who were after Mimzy started attacking the hotel. Lucifer was teasing Charlie about how it was all pointless and in the end they'll always just disappoint and let her down. ' Lucifer...I get it but couldn't you be a bit nicer for your daughter..' you thought with a tight lipped expression.
" A reminder to all, not to mess with the Radio demon. "
Alastor sprouted his tentacles now tearing into those sinners. He turned huge now stomping and making a mess of those unfortunate souls. Lucifer pointed at Alastor to tell her how bad sinners could be but Charlie refuted that.
Alastor just chomped on a sinners body and looked at Charlie.
' It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped. But he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me, but my own father can't? '
' Ooh, drama. '
Ouch, that one hurt. That one hit too close to home for you. You vaguely remembered a memory close to it. And not Angel and Husk just having fun of this.
' Heheheh, sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the lil' bug will take care of it for ya. '
What do you mean you're sorry woman? You brought those sinners to the hotel and endangered everyone there. You were starting to get pissed off at the girl. She didn't even sound a least bit guilty.
' I think you should go Mimzy. Now. '
Thank you Alastor. At least he didn't stand up for this bullshit.
' Have fun with ya lil' princess and ya lil' hotel. See if I care.'
Did she think Alastor was interested in Charlie and that's why he was defending the hotel? Who knows. But you were glad to see her gone. Then the scene switched to Lucifer and Charlie talking. Charlie was trying to convince Lucifer but he saw no point in it. He looked almost broken while talking about heaven.
' You didn't know that when
I tried this all before '
Right, he is the first fallen angel. He's been through betrayal before because his dreams were too big.
' Now you're the only thing worth fighting for
More than anything
More than anything
I'll shelter and adore you more than anything '
Your heart squeezed within you. With tears threatening to burst out. God, Lucifer just wanted best for his daughter. He's just protective of her. Every line was shooting an arrow through your chest.
The scene switched to tiny Charlie. You and others awwed at this. Tiny Charlie was adorable. Vaggie wanted to pick her up.
' More than anything
More than anything
I need to save my people more than anything '
Everyone and including Alastor was looking at Charlie softly as she sang. Pentious had the same expression as the show beside you with teary eyes. He loved this wholesome scene so much.
' Looks like the apple doesn't fall far'
' Took you a while '
' I've missed that smile '
You were fully crying now. Did anyone mention how you were crying now? God you were so happy for her. But your heart also panged inside a bit. You also wanted to hear these things badly from your dad....you wished your dad was like him...you sniffed a bit at the bittersweet feeling that ran across your heart.
' Cause in the end
You're part of who I am'
'I'll support your dream
Whatever lies in store'
' And who could ask for more? '
You were torn between seeing Lucifer as a dad and a daddy figure. His wings were so beautiful too. Both you and Charlie were fully crying by the time the song ended as you were both hugging each other.
" I miss my father..." Charlie sniffed burying her face in your hair.
' Aww, that was sweet '
Just like Pentious in the show said, it was indeed sweet. Real Pentious was nodding too.
Lucifer said that he'll get Charlie a meeting in heaven and disappeared in magic.
' You ready? '
' I'm ready.  'cause you'll be with me. '
' In spirit, right? '
' In heaven. '
' Yay..!'
And with that the episode ended. Vaggie did not look excited to go there. She looked like she dreaded.
Vaggie gulped on her spot next to you. It was her turn now huh. They revealed secret stuff about Angel, Husk and even Alastor. Is the thing for her was going to be how she...was an Angel? They won't right...fuck but how the show was progressing, that seemed to be the only way it's headed. What would Charlie think. What would others think? Would they really be so forgiving in her case?
Thousands of worried thoughts were running through her head. But she hardly had any time to think as the small break between the episodes were over and everyone sat down for the next episode.
A.n :
Also finally we got the introduction for Lucifer!! Alright, question time , do y'all want Lucifer as a love interest or side character?
Don't worry, and no, just because Charlie is here to doesn't mean there's going to be any sort of incest involved. None of that shit.
And what do you guys think Lucifer is going to be if he's a love interest. Guess in the comments. Here's a hint, he and Vaggie will have something in common ~
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Okay, admittedly I would love to see the fandom play more with the idea of Teacher!Hob where he's in charge of younger students. Like he works in a secondary education school and clearly has a lot of beef with 15-17 year olds bc the comedy potential is there!
He comes home after a hard day and ofc Dream is there to comfort him and listen, but he doesn't have a traditional day job like Hob does and has to imagine what a teenager could possibly do or say that sets his love off like that. Even if it's just a teenager calling him "my guy" or "bruh". He also has to keep his mouth shut when Hob starts complaining about how bratty the younger generations are when Hob clearly is the brat in the relationship.
He also needs to get used to having date nights postponed or canceled bc he needs to grade these projects, and the worksheets he gave out to bolster their grades which just ended up being double the amount of work lol. Dream ends up spending a lot of evening just kinda having to seethe from the couch as he watches Hon grade work that was clearly half assed when they were supposed to be having a romantic night out.
The piece de resistance is Dream coming around during Family Night or some other open school event that Hob has to chaperone bc some other teacher bailed on them and he'd rather have Dream there to keep him company as he runs around trying to keep students from setting the place on fire. But there he can see how much the students respect him for being kind and calm during moments where they definitely aren't and fully trying to help every kid succeed. They joke around and make fun of him because they're comfortable being themselves and look up to him. Though he wishes they would stop making fun of him and stick to Hob, bc teenagers are mean.
- 🤜 Anon
I also really jam with Hob as a secondary school teacher!! I think he’d HATE the curriculum. But I’ve looked closely at the papers he’s marking in episode 6, and they look a lot like high school tests to me. So there’s a solid basis to headcanon him teaching younger kids.
I love this because Hob absolutely would have beef. On the one hand he’s a cool teacher, he’s chill about music in class and letting the kids sit with their friends IF they behave themselves. On the other hand he can get pretty scary if he’s riled up. The general consensus is that Mr Gadling is cool, but don’t piss him off.
Dream secretly enjoys Hob’s stories from work. He tries not to go on too much because he doesn’t want Dream to think he’s boring, but sometimes he goes on a rant, or tells a long winded story and Dream gets this super soft look in his eyes. Hob also does stuff like supervising the debate club, and he definitely isn’t afraid to debate with some of the more confident kids. Or the teachers. Because he DEFINITELY has beef with some of the people in the staff room…
Honestly once Dream meets the kids, he doesn’t know how Hob handles being around teenagers all day. They’re mean!! And Hob just laughs and seems kind of proud that he’s being teased, like it’s a badge of honour? Truthfully Hob deserves a raise for all he tries to make life a little better and easier for his students. Dream decides he’s gonna do his bit towards supporting teachers, and give Mr Gadling a blowjob when they get home <3
(At school after family night, Hob gets so much shit about his “pretty boyfriend”. The kids generally agree that “he’s way out of your league, sir”.
And honestly, Hob agrees. He’s still glowing from last night <3)
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CW: discussion of trauma (the trauma was a bad car accident)
I was able to pay for my dog's vet appointment and her medicine thanks to the person who paypal'd me ❤️❤️❤️ She isn't happy about having to take medicine again but hopefully this will be the last round, it's pretty much just probiotics and something to settle her stomach because the antibiotics really did a number on her tummy.
My hands ache from the crash but it's no worse than the soreness after crocheting for several hours. I can do some crocheting but I find thicker yarn much easier and less painful to work with right now. That said, I got a bunch of chenille yarn a while back and I have some larger plush versions of my Ralsei amogus dolls in the works. The first one is almost done, I just have to assemble and attach the hat. Will post a pic when he's done. I want to have at least 2 each with and without squeakers made and then I might reopen my Etsy shop and list them. They will cost more due to the cost of materials, but I'll probably mostly have dolls made of the chenille yarn for a while, at least until I can work with normal yarn without pain within minutes again. I'm hoping to sell a couple by Tuesday because I have another chiropractic appointment that day I'll need to pay for and my husband doesn't get paid again until Friday.
I'm still trying to process what happened. I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow and I will be discussing it with her. This therapist is new to me, my previous one that I had for a few years left the place I'm with and is now working elsewhere. We've only had like 2 sessions but she seems nice. It's just a little frustrating having to break in a new therapist all over again but not really a problem so I'm not worried.
I drove today, to take my dog to the vet. It was scary. I didn't realize how paranoid I would be of other drivers, fully expecting anyone and everyone to whip out in front of me when they're waiting to exit a parking lot to the road or suddenly veer into my lane when they're right beside me and I panicked every time I saw them. It took a lot of self control to not slam on the brakes and to remind myself that other people are not going to do things like that. I have to remember I know how to drive safely and most people are not going to be so reckless as to do the dangerous things my brain is expecting them to do. My anxiety around driving is almost back to where it was while I was still very new at it, terrified to be on the road with other people and having no trust in them and even less trust in myself. I have to build up my confidence again and I have no idea how long it will take.
I have to say, getting hit by one huge trauma all at once sure feels different from the trauma I'm used to, which is the kind that builds up over many years in a toxic and dysfunctional family. It's kind of surreal, I find myself wondering if it was all a dream but then I see the bruises on my legs and feel the ache in my palms and how stiff and sore my body still is even after a chiropractic appointment and see the empty space where I would have parked my vehicle and I have to remember it really happened. I get this weird chill that seeps up the back of my head like cold water in my hair when I remember it. And yeah, I'm grateful I walked away with nothing worse than bruises and stuff my chiropractor fixes literally all the time anyway, but I wish it didn't happen.
It's all such a mess. Right now I'm just trying to focus on keeping myself fed with good food and busy with things that can make some money. I'm making chili tomorrow because it's one of the less expensive things I can make, and also I could use some comfort food after the week I've had. And maybe the familiar routine of cooking the beans will help soothe my brain. I only use dry beans as I can't stand the texture of canned beans. Cooking them isn't difficult or complicated, just time consuming and I think the 2 or 3 hours it'll take to cook them will do me some good.
It's after midnight and I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Goodnight, and stay determined.
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lovelywingsart · 2 months
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Did I make my own Shepard to throw at Saren despite not having played the game yet? Yes.
Did I make it so he was also revived by Cerberus to let them have some more common ground? Also yes.
Did I end up reading the comics for Mass Effect Evolution and the story I had for them for fun suddenly made a genuinely horrifying amount of sense? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Anyway, this is Cam. uwu I don't have a colored ref atm, mostly because of Art fight and I haven't had much time otherwise. They're transmasc and they're in a trio with Garrus and Saren. It's like an 'Enemies to lovers' thing with them and Saren but also like... also kinda a 'I hate everyone but you' thing as well...?? They bonded over the whole Cerberus thing as well as the Paragon end of ME1.
Anyway I already have alot for them, but have a bit of general stuff-
> Cambrey 'Cam' Shepard
> They/Them (eventually he/they)
> 5'5" (165.1cm)
> Earthborn War Hero; Soldier
> Transmasc, but doesn't figure it out fully until after their revival in ME2; doesn't change name, feels like it's unisex enough and goes by 'Cam' anyway- suffers through the whole she/her thing for a while because it's easier
> Tali, James, Liara and Legion are their best friends, Garrus and Saren are their partners
> Found Saren during ME2, the last 'team' member found- He was also revived by Cerberus, and despite better judgement everyone elses concerns, decided to let him join them instead of killing him again. He ends up being a valuable asset against Cerberus.
> Fuck canon (until we see what ME5 has to say), they were found and hospitalized/put in a medically induced coma after the events of 3 before being reunited with their Turians some time later- Garrus found out first but waited to tell Saren until Cam was conscious and well enough to stand as to not distress the guy more than he already was over the whole thing
> Struggled and was genuinely torn between Garrus or Saren- absolutely adores and loves Garrus given everything they've been through and is extremely comfortable with him, but also has a somewhat unsaid 'bond' with Saren due to their connection with Cerberus and eventually being comfortable enough to relax around him and vice versa; ends up talking to Garrus and spilling everything, and chooses both. Garrus wasn't too happy about sharing but came around to the idea once he realized he didn't actually have to interact with Saren much at all (still has a small grudge but is able to work with him)
> Garrus and Saren were the first to find out about the Trans thing, Garrus having caught them attempting to bind (and then helping; he was confused but supportive) and Saren after a usual round of banter that ended with a full freakout towards him and him being genuinely concerned (As well as discovering he wasn't a fan of them being that upset; he also doesn't fully understand but respects it enough and will get aggressive with anyone else who comments on it). Thane and Samara were also able to figure it out pretty easily, and everyone else was told slowly but surely.
> Relationship with the boys <
- Definitely went hella hard with Garrus for obvious reasons, but later kicked themself and probably screamed into a pillow over it because Shep what the fuck
- Had a small draw towards Saren once they were up close the chokehold didn't help, though definitely doesn't regret punching him in the face. In fact, they wish they could have done it at least 5 more times- or so they say.
- Loves Garrus to bits, but there's a love/hate thing with Saren- thinks he's a jackass, completely and totally, and is the biggest brat with him, whereas they're more likely to be chill and calm with Garrus while also playfully challenging him just a little
- Will straight up be a dick to Saren when he starts his shite, and will absolutely call him an asshole to his face; Garrus doesn't exactly encourage it but he will sit and listen. Probably with popcorn.
- The whole thing with Saren honestly probably started a bit before Garrus, given they were similar in the fact that Cerberus brought them both back- him more immediately than them- and they helped get him tf out, but Garrus is the one who they eased up with quicker.
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goodboyaudios · 5 months
i’m evil like that muahaha~ also!!!!! congratulations on 40k!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m sure you’ll be getting way more recognition in the future:D
since you gave permission:
you said you’re finishing off uni, did you always know what you wanted to study? i’m at the (depressing) stage in life where i’m fully realizing how many curve balls life throws at you:) the path to success usually isn’t linear, so i’m curious about your journey!
it seems like you’re always asking for feedback or addressing issues, etc. do you have any feedback for us (as in, the community)? most people i’ve interacted with are pretty chill, but idk maybe there’s we could improve on?
this one might be a bit personal, so feel free to ignore! do your friends or family know about your channel/work? i’d imagine it’d be nice to have someone you could bounce ideas off of before publishing stuff! if not, how do you manage to hide all that stuff hahah~. you’ve built an entirely different universe, so i refuse to believe a sane man can keep all of that in his head and live a normal life simultaneously:p
if you could befriend any oc of yours, who would it be and why?
i’m not sure how to word this question properly, but are there any endings/plot points that you had initially envisioned differently? like, did you think a story was going one way and changed your mind half ways through?
you don’t have to answer all of these! you did ask for it, but i hope i’m not overwhelming you haha~
Absolutely not. School didn't do anything to prepare me for the world. My college has done less than nothing in preparing me to get a job in my field, YOUTUBE HAS DONE MORE FOR ME THAN COLLEGE AT THIS POINT and if I'm completely honest with you? That's fuckin sad. No, I had no idea what I wanted to do and I wish I was that kind of person who knew right out the gate. (lucky bastards) Okay, I'm done with my rant lol
I didn't know what field I wanted to study in, so I took a chance and jumped into something I knew I had some knowledge in and hoped for the best. Really that's all you can do. I have learned that, when you get out of highschool and you don't know what to do, do everything until something sticks. Trial and error. It's not the most efficient, but it works!
Any feedback to GIVE to the community? Let me think. Honestly, the community has been very wonderful to me. Occasionally something pops up, but it's usually squashed. The discord server is full of wonderful and creative and talented people who have always had my back and support the work I do. I hear all the time about drama in fellow creator servers and toxic behavior in the communities, etc...but my end of things has always been super nice! (that might have something to do with my lack of NSFW content) But yeah! No notes really! Everything good in our little neighborhood!
My family is aware AND so is my extended family lol! They are supportive, but they don't really give me ideas to bounce off. I have other fellow writers and creatives or that! And I do write everything down and go back to it in case I forget something. But typically speaking its all in my head, yep! I just...don't know how to do other things! Like...dress fashionably or...function in a normal society...you know useless stuff like that!
Zed. He needs a friend lol
Only with Bastard Warrior actually! Every story, I envision how I want it to end first, but with Bastard Warrior, I had thoughts of changing it because it was supposed to be enemies to lovers, yet the canon ending isn't Albus getting with Faith. So, I made 3 endings to appease everyone lol
Hope I got all of the them lol!
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Because I am feral for pre-game durge x Gortash cause villains in love that I don't actually have to roleplay is very fun for me to write about!
here are my headcanons for each of my Durges and their relationship with Gortash was.
Spoilers for the entirety of dark urge
Lilith x Gortash
Lilith has very low self esteem which stays a constant even when the game starts, yes this is because she sees herself as nothing but a monster. But oh boy Gortash came into the picture he started to compliment her and most likely told her "You know you aren't a monster they think you are" and she was so desperate to hear that from ANYONE that she ate it up
Like the whole plan to take over the sword coast and such was given to her by bhaal and she just figured "Okay I'll do it if it gets you off my back" and then Gortash most likely pitied her cause she didn't have anyone to talk to about stuff and just ended up opening up to Gortash and he probably felt bad that she was just kind of doing this so she could maybe have a normal life.
Lilith fully would sometimes use the excuse of "Gortash told me not to kill that person" so bhaal wouldn't punish her. It's not like bhaal is going to ruin the whole plan just cause Lilith is lying so she doesn't have to kill someone like that would be stupid.
After sometime of spending time together and just spending late nights talking and getting to know each other and several glasses of wine most likely or whatever other drinks. the two of them fuck and then Lilith confesses she feels quite deeply for the man, prompting Gortash to of course brush it off at first cause they're drunk.
After a while, though the two can no longer deny their feelings and start up a relationship they keep on the down low for the most part. Also keeping it on the down low in case things fall horribly apart either because of bhaal or some other reason they are both aware that this could go horribly wrong but it's something they both enjoy and don't want to let go of quite yet.
Of course it does go horribly wrong in a way neither could predict, and what makes it worse is Lilith was going to forsake the entire plan and just ask Gortash to marry her and run away. Now I like to imagine Orin hualed Lilith's body all the way to Gortash's office and then threw the corpse at him and Gortash heartbroken didn't know what to do so he tried his best to make it better and basically her corpse sent off to the colony in hopes that maybe one of the necromancers would raise her from the dead and well his wishes came true.
During this time that Lilith goes full feral he comes to visit her under the guise of just making sure things are going smoothly all the while just taking his time to mourn the loss of his lover. Now during this time I fully believe that Lilith had a note with a ring ready to give Gortash and he actually found it on Lilith's body and has kept it ever since.
Now onto the other pairing who is way more chill then Lilith is
Siliin(she/they) x Gortash
Siliin does have self-esteem issues but this is mainly whenever they get into the main game. Otherwise they just cant be bothered to look down on herself.
She concocted the plan by herself and started to put the plan into motion before realizing they needed help and then finding Gortash. Realizing the two of them work together well fully welcomed him into the fray soon after.
Siliin is more of a freak in actual weird fucked up ways then Lilith is and Siliin really isn't as disgusted by their urges as Lilith is. Like Siliin likes to indulge sometimes while Lilith will indulge but more out of habit then actually want to. Meanwhile Siliin they enjoy the fucked up shit, yeah you wanna eat this flesh off a corpse hell yeah brother they're all for it you go!
Now Siliin is not evil by any means, yeah she's fucked up in the brain but like she's not really going to go out of her way to be a bad person cause it just isn't what she feels like doing. Like besies the urges she has no real drive to do evil things.
Now Siliin also doesn't have a drive to really do good things either and therefore that's kind of why they work as a the dark urge cause they just do whatever is easiest and submitting to the urges is easier then fighting of course once they get into the game they actually do put in a little more effort.
Most of their lack comes from the fact they are constantly depressed about their life, but Gortash comes into the fray and suddenly they actually feel like they have a reason to keep on going. Like they don't know what it is about this guy that gives them the energy to keep going but she really likes it.
Like Siliin enjoys their late night talks and meetings and wine nights together. Eventually Siliin realizes that she has fallen for the guy, they don't really mind of course they just keep it to themselves for a while.
Until one day they are talking to someone and she gets asked what she thinks of Gortash and Siliin just gets really excited actually about getting to gush over her favorite person. Gortash overhears and realizes that Siliin might like him a little to much.
They two have a talk and Siliin admits to feelings right off the bat and Gortash accepts these feelings admitting he's been feeling the same and the two agree to start a courtship of sorts or as much of one as they can have.
They are having little dates and late-night walks together and sharing chaste kisses fairly wholesome stuff and then they go back to his home and they have some baller sex. Like full of passion and kisses and just all-around pretty good.
Then fast forward Siliin starts to just not care about the plan anymore and just wants to leave it all behind and run away with Gortash, now this time Siliin does end up telling Gortash the plan and he cant agree to it. They are to far in the plan for this to happen and this sends Siliin into a deeper depression than they already were making them an easy target for Orin.
Now Gortash doesn't visit Siliin like he did Lilith cause he cant bare to face her, cause he fully blames himself for the state Siliin has gotten in.
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cars-and-planes-dork · 9 months
So I randomly felt like quickly sharing my thoughts on all three Cars movies and both Planes movies. Quick disclaimer, no matter how I feel about certain things it's totally cool if you feel different and I respect that.
I love Cars. This was my childhood movie that I watched over and over and over again since I was a young child. I love the characters, the plot, and I think the animation holds up really well. I also am glad to see it with adult eyes cause there's a lot of nuance and stuff that I of course didn't get as a child. Recently on a whim I needed to unwind from stress and I put on Cars (just like my parents used to do for me as a kid, lol), and it genuinely did make me feel better and woke up a part of me that had laid dormant for years. Cars is a film that almost makes me wanna take a long drive on Route 66...until I remember I'm not any good at road tripping, lol.
Cars 2:
I have a distinct memory in my mind of being a child in the theater watching Cars 2, turning to my dad and saying 'can we go now?'. I didn't watch it all the way through until recently and I can thoroughly say that I don't despise it, but I'm also not its biggest fan. It's actually something of a guilty pleasure for me now. Sometimes I'll just put it on in the background while I do things. It also makes me contemplate the inner workings of this world more than the writers themselves probably thought about, like how the heck do different makes and models come about, what is the impact of climate change on a world of vehicles, but that's probably its own post. But yeah, I accept it for what it is and even enjoy some parts of it.
Cars 3:
So confession, it took me over 6 years to work up the courage to watch this one. I don't know why I was so worried, but I finally did it. And I loved it. I really think they ended on a good note. I'll admit the first part was probably the weakest in my eyes, but I really enjoyed the tribute to Doc Hudson and I actually teared up and I was happy to learn more about his past. I liked the torch passing narrative as well. I think my biggest complaint is that I wish we could've seen more of Lightning and his friends. (I may be biased because somehow Cal Weathers worked his way into my heart).
Planes took longer to stick in my brain than Cars did. I remember going to see it actually, the local air and space museum did a showing of it and I went to watch it with my family. My parents didn't like it much but I remember being happy with it. Upon rewatching, there's things I like, but there's a part of me wishing it was something more. I can't fully explain it. Also I find Dusty's attitude off-putting to me personally (particularly his feeling of being entitled to being trained by Skipper and essentially demanding that Skipper tell him about his clearly traumatic past strikes me as kinda callous). But I still enjoy putting it on in the background and enjoy thinking about the world itself, much like Cars 2. Also fun fact, Skipper is one of my favorite kinds of planes.
Planes Fire & Rescue:
I'm sorry but I have much less patience for this film, but like I said above, I respect those who do. I will say, I appreciate them highlighting some of the realities of firefighting (like how the general public doesn't hear about a lot of fires that are dealt with). But other than that, I don't have much positive to say about it. The characters for the most part feel underdeveloped and I can't say I'm particularly endeared to a majority of them (Blade is the exception for me, tbh). And Dipper in particular needs to chill the hell out, her behavior is pretty inappropriate and creepy while being played off as jokes. Beyond that, my aforementioned issues with Dusty remain in this movie. Honestly, he doesn't strike me as capable of doing this job and he actively creates a situation that nearly gets Blade killed. I could spend awhile talking about it, but I'd honestly rather not. To end on a positive note, I think the married RV couple are adorable and I like them.
So that's all my thoughts. I enjoy both franchises and tend to overthink the hell out of them (if I overthink something it's usually cause I enjoy it). Hopefully I didn't piss too many people in the fandom off, lol.
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So the gallery opening last night? It went so well omggg!!
There was such a good turn out! So many people showed up! I even saw people taking photos of my piece! And got complimented on my outfit lol (brown crop sweater, low cut beige long sleeve crop shirt, black jeans, grommet belt, celestial earrings to match my tattoo, and hair down, felt very cute so glad I got noticed lol). My friend seemed to have fun, he asked me some art questions and was talking about different things he liked/didn't like in some pieces. He even stopped at one point when I was talking about a painting I liked there and said that I looked really happy. Flustered me a bit lol, but I genuinely was really happy. Finally being able to attend a gallery opening that I'm a part of, seeing the great turn out, seeing all the work in the show, seeing people appreciate my work, being with someone I care about and feeling comfortable being open and myself with them. Like it honestly surpassed everything I wanted ... like I was just genuinely so so happy.
After the reception ended, the night turned really dreamy lol. We started to explore the rest of the building looking at what else was there. There was a lot of other smaller art shows going on that we talked about, and then we started talking about personal stuff and bonded more through that, and THEN ... we found an auditorium where some kind of show was going on. We snuck in and caught a piano performance of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue - one of my favorite jazz pieces!! It was honestly really magical. It's one of my absolute favorites and I've never seen it performed live! And we almost missed it! Only found it from sneaking around!
After the pianist finished, all the other performers came on stage during the applause and a kid dressed up as a king with a crown, cape, and scepter and said "I have something to say. I knight this night to be a good night". Then the lights came on and everyone in the audience started to leave. It was so cute!
Then we left the building and started to walk around outside just chatting. Got to show him this adorable mural I found when dropping the work off. Also found an adorable public art piece sculpture of a hare using an old timey film camera. Gave him the madelines after we found it and he ate them while we kept walking around. He said they were really good and agreed the earl grey was very subtle lol.
We eventually ubered back to his place a few hours after the show ended and kept chatting and just hanging out. He made us some virgin cocktails and then we went to his room and watched part of a gaming livestream and listened to music. It was really strange, honestly, and I even said that to him. It's so similar to how my problem friend and I would chill after a night out - make drinks, chat, listen to music, watch dumb videos - but it felt really nice. It was a bit strange to be doing that with someone else, but in a good way. If I'm being fully honest, even before all the problems started with my problem friend, I would only be able to really put up with doing that for a few hours before I'd start wishing she would stop playing stuff and just start to get ready for bed. Always assumed it was just from being drunk tired. But doing essentially the same thing last night with someone new fully sober, both of us, after a night where I genuinely felt safe and comfortable and like I could be open about things I find interesting and care about - art - and have that be appreciated rather than shut down because the person I'm with doesn't give a shit ... like I don't even know what to say. That's what I mean by the night turned dreamy, like I was so genuinely happy.
He had plans in the morning, so I left his place around 12:30am. He said he loved me as a friend in person when I was leaving and I said the same thing back, which is a bit scary because I've only ever said that to 2 people before: my puppy and my problem friend. And now I've said it to someone new after a night very similar but like ... not (?) to how my time would be spent with my problem friend. Said it without thinking, too, so that's been interesting to process today lol.
Then I went back to the house and made some tea and ate spoonfuls of peanut butter after fasting 18 hours lol. Didn't track the cals and honestly don't feel upset about it. I wish I stayed with him longer but I didn't want to overstay my welcome and ruin things, and I could tell he was tired.
Like it was honestly kind of a perfect day.
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surrexi · 10 months
okay so i watched the giggle and on the one hand i am fucking delighted and i loved it and rusty davies made these specials just for me and everyone else who has been mad at him for 15 years over ten's ending/donna's ending/etc.
on the other hand i do have a few relatively minor quibbles but on the whole i really did love the episode so i'm making a lil meta/comment post of my own about it so i don't word vomit about it in anyone else's notifications via tag rants lol.
quibble #1: look i too am delighted that tennant and tate could now come back for random episodes without timeline shenanigans but also the conceit of the "bigeneration" is a BIT SILLY and very contrived just to accomplish this and also...
quibble #2: it feels like a cop-out narratively as well because, like, rusty apparently could only think of two ways to write tennant's exit - with tantrums and destruction or just, like, not really doing it. which leaves me concerned that RTD hasn't actually fully internalized the lesson those of us who have been mad at him for a decade and a half would have liked.
quibble #3: after wild blue yonder i noted that i wished doctor who showrunners would accept that they can have mental health downtime happen off-screen, they can have visits to prior companions happen off-screen, etc., to help with the problem of the doctor never processing their trauma and also the problem of every companion's departure being traumatic. the bi-generation also sort of feels like a way to avoid that as well. fourteen chills with donna and her family for the rest of his life and meanwhile fifteen is simultaneously reaping the benefits of said mental health break, so it's fine, but now he's gonna experience his share of hard stuff and he's gonna have companions come and go and is he gonna deal with it or is he gonna depend on another mythical bigeneration happening down the line? JUST WRITE IN REFERENCES TO OFF-SCREEN HOME VISITS AND RESTFUL FUN TRIPS!
also the bravery of ncuti gatwa to be like 'okay so i spend the entirety of my first appearance on the show with no trousers, wearing boxer briefs. sure!' a goddamn fucking STAR.
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uxop · 3 months
My personal thoughts!!!
I just want to say that after completing the route any other routes will make me feel incomplete. Again, because I originally just wanted to play for Rei I didn’t expect for the game to tie all the routes plot lines in a nice complete bow. And because of that this route was the most captivating to watch. The mystery, flashbacks, Towa’s nightmare truly captured audience attention and kept them glued to the screen, atleast it did for me (I straight up binged played this one fully sooo). Towa truly shines in this, because — duhh— he is the primary focus. Now after knowing the whole past, you can kind of reflect and see the way all of his actions in the present formulate as a way of coping mechanism. These self destructive tendencies, also the sexual drive (might also reflected as a way of reacting to the trauma), and the gravitation towards violence kind of reflected heavily in the route. Also I kind of wanna say the change in mechanics in the “interrogations” were aaaa they gave me chills the whole Towa manipulation for Sakaki in the last showdown really gave me goosebumps. That reminds me when Towa’s memories of his mom are revealed and we finally see the whole thing with glitching screen in red, that was insanely well made, like the related word over and over again and the way goosebumps prickled my skin after she spoke was so intense. Again I wanna say that this route was truly the most well thought and kept me on my toes :)
Now to Fujieda himself, I just wanna say I love him. The only thing that I didn’t like and probably everyone also hates that about him (or I guess the authors for doing that) is well that rape scene. The scene came out of nowhere, I even made side notes when I reacted to it (the progression in my disbelief of this scene). I have no idea even why Nitro+Chiral added it because after knowing Fujieda past itself it doesn’t really makes sense for his character. At least, in the Madarame’s route it is pretty in character because just based on his character of course he would do fucked up shit, you know. But for Fujieda it doesn’t even makes sense like it just happened and it has not affected Towa (as Towa himself said it), didn’t do anything it was just there. I wish they could just delete the scene would have been so much better.
Towa even voiced my thoughts about it
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Yeah, but not looking at that scene I wanna say that this character as how the chapter says is an equal to Towa, from their respective scars and childhood abuse, and the way Fujieda carried himself, showcased him as dependable and a very suitable fit for Towa. He didn’t save Towa. As he said it himself they were a support for one another, a push in helping each to do better and be strong. Equals in every aspect of that way, the whole conversation during Towa attempted suicide really showcased how Fujieda sees through him (that whole scene was really a rollercoaster of emotions 😭)
Especially this line really struck a course for me
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Yeah, overall those meaningful conversations with Fujieda really made me love his route a lot.
The last scenes with the diary fucking made me sob 😭, the beach scene really made me smile (the way Towa was finally somewhat at peace and can now learn to do stuff he has missed in his childhood), and the painting really put changes in how Towa perceived things. That was really beautiful, I am really satisfied with the ending and happy for Towa, of course.
Oh well I could talk a lot about it and probably point out more things that I enjoyed but it would be too long of a rant.
With it I am done.
I will probably finish Fujieda’s bad route and look at other cg’s, but as of now I am done.
I will soooo miss knowing this for the first time.I am so glad I didn’t spoiler myself majorly for any route as this experience would probably not be the same if I did.
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ya-mi-la · 11 months
hiiiii!!! i haven’t interacted with you much but i was wondering! if you perhaps had any personal hcs/lore for nnt!! i’m writing a melban fic and currently begging for lore so!!!!!! hi! hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!
Hmmmmmm I think the main hcs that I have for the characters are influenced by other people's AUs/hcs so...
For Mel, it's mainly just the demon form cat stuff. I think at some point I read about someone saying that maybe demons get to pick the shape of their wings when they get them? I also like thinking of Meliodas having double horns (a pair coming out of his forehead and a pair on either side of the top of his head) that have grown in with time (maybe takes 100-200 years to grow fully?) And he has the typical demon tail and bla bla bla. Mostly physical appearances. There's fangs in his mouth, not like.. Vampire fangs, but fangs that can tear through meat easily (I haven't drawn him like that yet I think). Also - extreme flexibility, but that could somewhat be established in the show.
For Ban, I don't have too much? Maybe he has a super soft spot for Meli or smth. He likes cuddles about as much as he likes sparing, he looks kind of intimidating but he's super chill. He gets freaked out when Meliodas does contortionist type shit. He also teaches (or at least tries to teach) Meliodas how to cook properly by making the food the right way, but Meliodas very rarely listens completely because he has the attention span of less than 10 seconds OR he fucks it up to mess with Ban.
Anyways Ban is malewife and Meliodas is his pet cat. I think that's all for what I think about those two?
In terms of lore (like, story wise), I think that Meliodas didn't know how to write or read in English or whatever language they use in Britannia (which I assume is, like, anglo saxon or smth), and when he did learn, he developed an Irish accent because I am a strong believer in him being Irish (cuz, y know, Britannia). Demons and Goddesses speak semitic languages because of me thinking about religion and stuff and how Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc originated in the Middle East, Fairies are Eastern European to me idk why, Giants are..???? Whatever you wish, and humans are everywhere as expected. Vampires are also Eastern European because I searched it up and liked it. They have traditional dances and such - demons and giants have their dances connected to their fighting (giants dancing makes them stronger, demon dancing is just fusion dance w martial arts, like capoeira.), fairies create more lively atmospheres with dancing, I guess, and goddesses, since they're more "elegant", would have smth real classical. Fairies didn't really involve themselves in war too often, giants and demons involved themselves the most, and goddesses did it because of their VERY strained relationship with demons. Ehmmm, what else..... Meliodas never opened up to ANYONE. Like ever. Until he fully gained their trust (which could've taken months, years, decades even.) Ban's on the same boat. Anyways, after the sealing of the demons and the destruction of the goddess race (I may be incorrect, it's been a while since i watched the anime or read the manga), and since the humans are selfish and also gullible, they made history all about how bad demons were. They didn't see demons as actual people, whatever whatever, bla bla bla, you know the rest. Led to incorrect depictions of both races in history and what not.
That's just me, though. You can write whatever you want.
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kurjakani · 7 months
4,8,12 for courtiers? hehe.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Gonna answer this one overall - again, I WISH I COULD STEALL THEMM BROOOO
But also. My interest w Arcana cross imtwracted w my interest in Baldurs Gate 3 time wise p strongly, so I would love. That au???? Idk what that would entail. I may have to think abt it. What dnd races & classes would the courtiers even be idk enough abt rhis stuff
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I'm actually generally pretty chill when it comes to... literally any and all fandom content, i rly don't care abt what other ppl do with characters :0
W two exeptions.
Not enough love for Vlastomil out there !!!! He's so nastygross and delightful, slithery hot fuck, dilf... ough.
Anddd Vulgoras modern design for that dorian story thingy the arcana instagram account was promoting a bit back. TAKE THAT SHIT BACK. TAKE IT BACK. THEY DO NOT FUCKING LOOK LIKE THAT. (Well rly its just the hair & style that bugs me)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Valdemar: i think this is. Affected by the fact that they're just so gangly, but I feel like they would just... have a very thin PRESENCE. At least most of the time. I think it has to do with skin. I feel like their more humanoid form would psychologically feel like standing next to a cartboard cutout, or a paper shell. And that people are shaken and surprised when they touch you - their physical body actually feeling solid would be odd and uncanny. You know how chickens legs look delicate and gentle but they grip you oddly strong? I think it would feel similiar. And just as cold !!!
Volta: I often think about what kind of assistants she would have... its such an addicting thought idk why 😭 she seems so scattered, it's hard to imagine her as Vesuvias procurator... of course it's canonical fact that she wasn't very good at it. But. She can't run... i assume some kind of warehouses?? Food collection??? No idea how it would work. But she cant run it all by herself. Needs people to do things for her. I love to imagine he's the most PLEASANT but like. Annoyingly distracted boss to ever exist..
Vulgora: i am SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO upset we didn't get to go to Vulgoras estate in Nadias route 😭😭😭 i havent finished the route fully yet (i do need to. I love it)but i don't think we do..? Anyways I imagine it's WILD. All red everywhere, and pretty... wild. Idk how to explain this but I feel like it would be a fully red, slightly lesser version of Howls room but more focused on weaponry etc. Idk for some reason I imagine velvet sofas with really asymmetrical, wild flowing embroidery work, maybe covering scratches recieved during some brawling...? Tinted glass windows in some rooms fully casting them in red light. Obviously a training yard... and WILD parties. Bacchanalian celebratios that feel great in the moment but leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
Vlastomil: the freakiness does not end at worms. A lot of rep for him has him completely focused on his worms- which is reasonable, that's the canonical version, but idk I do like the idea... maybe im mirroring. But that he is capable of obsessing over other things and just becoming this tooth clenching mess over them. He has side interests. Often relating to worms: dirt quality, nature preservation, and he has a mild interest in decomposition.
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 2 years
Honestly I feel like Circe is underapriciated. Like I saw few times already people saying she had no personality and was just a bad love interest to Rex, and meanwhile I also think her love plot wasn't really that good (I have things that I really like about it that I'll talk about later), I honestly think that's like the least interesting thing about Circe to me??
Honestly to me Circe is an interesting image of how evo youth might end up in this world. Especially since she's litearlly so human passing, yet still the world treated her like shit. We don't know what exacly happened, but that doesn't even matter, we know she was a teen girl in a shitty place. That's how she ends up in The Pack, wich is obviously q toxic enviroment. And like she's treated badly there from the start let's face it. Yet she always was like "well it could be worse, at least I'm not alone anymore 👍". And like, that rings home you know? I mean the situation was exaggerated compared to the expirences of most teens, but it's similiar enough. The expirence I'm talking about it obviously getting a friend or a whole friend circle that's toxic and treats you bad, yet you stay with them due to fear of being alone and you excuse them time and time again. That's how I mostly look at Circe's relationship with the pack.
There's also the fact that Van Kleiss straight up usses vounarable people to his advantage wich is really fucked up. Like we obviously see that with Breach, but Circe is a really good example as well. Like she litearlly belived all his words and refused to leave him AND FOR WHAT?? Honestly that whole thing kinda reminds me of a cult leaders idk it's interesting
I honesly don't really like the way Circe left The Pack, like the shift in her views seemed a bit sudden, even tho the episode definetely gave her reasons to do that, tho I kinda wish her reality check was a bit more,, brutal and personal you know? Like VK being a bitch to her, and being ready to break all of Rex's bones made sense tho to how devoted she was to VK I just wish it was something more centric on her. But how it is, I CAN ACCEPT THAT ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT LEADS TO MY FAV MOMENT IN HER CHARACTER.
Wich is obviously her joining The Hong Kong Gang. Like in that episode she seems just so much,,, healthier and way more chill??? Like she finally found people in her life that she's fully happy with and they treat her right. I don't know It's so nice to see her actually healing and far from that bullshit she was subjected to for so long. Like I mean in that episode shit goes down anyway, but we see she was happy before and in the end after they solve the problem she seems happy again. I especially like that she didn't join providance beacuse oh my god that would suck. But nope, she's far away from that shit, and she seems so much better.
Then season 3 comes and not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings about her in that season. It's a shame her situation sucks again and she got separated from her friends and got tied up in the Abysus bullshit. But also the episode is really dramatic and fun so- And overall I like to think after the end of the series, she still lives with the Hong Kong Gang and stuff Idk I love them togheather. Also give her her purple hair dye back cmon.
Now we come to the elephant in the room- Her relationship with Rex. Most of the critism of her character usually revolves around that so um yeah. I actually don't think it's awful?? Not great eighter but it's fine and I've seen worse. There's a few aspects of their relationship wich I really adore. It's that "what the fuck you're just like me" connection thingy. I don't know, I like the idea of them being able to relate to eachother. I also really like some of their moments, especially them having fun togheather in episode 2, or that moment when they hold hands wihout even realising it, and then Bobo comes, they realise that and they just quickly pull their hands away. I don't care that was adorable. I also like their overall vibe of the protagonist x the edgy one thing. Other than that the way their relationship was handled in canon could be worse but I kinda wish that after Circe joins the Hong Kong Gang, they stop being eachothers love interests and just become friends you know?? Like I don't know their relationship seems really rocky to me. In Asault on the Abysus especially LIKE I GET THAT CIRCE IS IN SO MUCH STRESS BUT CMON THAT ROMANCR THING IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING FOR YOU. Overall I think their ship and love plot is not bad, and it has elements I like a lot, but as a whole I don't think it's the best thing ever and I wish they stayed friends
I have no idea if any of the things I described here were on purpose, for sure at least some of the things were not, but that doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of interesting thins to think about Circe to talk about and overall she has so much potential, and her character could be explored so much WIHOUT IT EVEN INVOLVING HER RELATIONSHIP WITH REX. Overall all that I said aren't objective facts, just my thoughts on her character and how I interpret her. I don't know I like edgy teen girls that definetley need some therapy trope. Anyway bye I'm going to go watch a fnaf interview now.
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
good morning baby~ 🥺🩵 it's finally friday!! we made it to the end of the week!
this week has felt so long and exhausting yet somehow the time i spend with you everyday feels like it zooms by ;; i wish there were 100 hours in a day so i could spend them all with you 🥺🥺 talking to you everyday isn't enough i need to sleep on your ceiling or live in your walls or something shdjhsg i'm always so thankful for the time we spend together everyday, i love my cherry time so much but lately it feels like i miss you even more than usual >< i didn't even think that was possible!!
speaking of cherry time, while i'm happy i got this new job i'm so scared it's gonna cut into my time with you :( obviously i will always make time for you no matter what bc i love you and while i doubt the tasks i'll be given will be too difficult or time consuming, i always prefer having time with you with little to no interruptions >< i just have to remember that i'm doing this so i can have some quality time with my hot choco fairy in the early winter 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵 i want to be with you and hold your hand so badly my love ;3; 🩵🩵🩵
since i'm back on my #employedgirl shit, i went to the grocery store and bought stuff for food prep :> i'm gonna start making salads everyday like i used to but i also bought sushi bc i can't resist a good shrimp tempura roll 😩😩😩
i didn't get to do my miniatures today since the day kinda got away from me (i took the world's sweatiest nap i swear dhjshg but the dream i had... 😳😳🤭🤭 i'll have to tell you all about it~) but i'll probably work on it some more this weekend~ every time i look at all the little furniture i have to put together i think about you and how tiny you are 🥺🥺🩵🩵 my sweet baby is so little~
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i was thinking about how much you like pretty pink makeup (which is so cuute it's so you~ 🥺🥺🥺) and i saw this 4ce stuff on pinterest at the perfect time <3 pretty pink makeup + pretty pink princess taehyun = ultimate cherrycore 🥺🥺🩷🩷🩷
i'm missing you so much rn my baby love 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵 i hope you slept well and i hope your shoulder is finally feeling better! i think i'm feeling good to get back into stretching but i have a tendency to push things so i think i'll give myself another day to chill just in case ><
i love you so much my sweet~ i'll always be here for you no matter what! like i always say, as your number one fan i'm rooting for you!! 🥺🥺🩵🩵🩵
i’m so excited for the weekend to be here finally mommy!! 😭😭 just had my gf toast (hehehe 👉👈🩷)
the week felt super long and busy indeed :’) i can’t wait to be done cause i needed a break… i also felt this way, it feels like i miss you even more than usual 🥺🥺 you’re the one i think all the time when i go to sleep 👉👈🩷 if you were on my ceiling or in my walls though i’d want you to come right into my bed instead 🥹🩷
i get that ;; i guess you never know what you have until it’s gone hence why i always made sure to live it to the fullest 🥺🥺🩷 since you were employed when we met i’m sure we will be okay though~ i just hope my mommy is fully well rested for her first day at her new work 🥺🩷 i love you mommy i’m so proud of you 😚
SUSHIIIIII YAYYY 🥹🩷 i get the need to meal prep hehe :3 salads are really nice to make >3< 🩷🩷 i hope you like whatever you make to eat, my mommy’s such a nice cook so i don’t doubt it 🥺🩷
ooooh a dream… 😳🤭🩷🩷 i can’t wait to know what it is about >\\< i’m excited to see a new progress pic cause it already looks so cute >3< i wish i could fit in there so i could be in your hand 🥺🥺🩷
THE MOODBOARD AAAAAH ITS SO PRETTY (but you’re even prettier and more beautiful 😚🩷) i love pink makeup indeed hehe tho i haven’t put on makeup in a while :’3 i really like it 🥺🩷
i missed you so much mommy!! i kept waking up at 3 then 5am i had to force myself to get back to sleep not to feel dizzy during the day but i wanted to talk to you each time i woke up ;; my shoulder is doing fine i think there’s still a sore point… i’ll see if i don’t opt for longer but softer stretches >< if you tend to push a little it’s better to take it easy and get one more day of break mommy 🥺🥺 i don’t want my mommy to get hurt 🥺🩷🩷
>\\\\< thank you mommy i’m always here for you, i love you i’m your number one fan as well 🥺🩷
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crookshanks23 · 1 year
Season 1, Episode 6: Support Your Local Library
Favorite quote: Ron: "That's such a coincidence, we just came from a city *laughter* We just came from a city where a pyramid killed hundreds and hundreds of people."
Favorite moment: Ron. Everything with Ron this episode is great.
General thoughts:
The intro for this episode is fun, with Ron writing in his journal. I wonder if Beth named the frogs Richard and Maggie after Richard Harris and Maggie Smith. I know she has made some Harry Potter references in the past, and this was the first thing I thought of. But who knows, she could have just picked the names at random.
I love the whole level up conversation. And I'm glad they did it at level 3, because lots of cool things start to happen with character classes. I wish that they would have this conversation more often. As a person who plays D&D, leveling up is a lot of fun, and it's really interesting to me to hear about how classes that I don't play experience leveling up.
The entire Birkenstock conversation is also very funny. Lots of fun stuff right at the beginning of this episode.
This episode is really interesting because it's the first one where not a whole lot happens, but a lot of interesting things get set up. I think it is really important when the characters stop for a moment and process things that happen in earlier scenes and episodes. Also, we get the birth of Odyssey-san and the introduction of the Library (and subsequently Scam Likely), which is really fun. I think the idea of a character who carries around tons of books is a great way of getting exposition out and helping out the players in a diagetic way, while still giving them agency in the types of books they choose. (And it's great that there are some moments where they get books and then don't read them - like I don't think they ever read the monster book about "dick magic".) We also fully get Cern in the party and the introduction of Lizardboy Scales McStuffins.
(Side note: Some of the sentences that I type about this show are utterly ridiculous.)
The entire interaction with the purple robed figure is interesting, because I don't think there was enough characterization for any of the granddads for this to feel like a particular person. They don't seem chill enough to be either Barry or Bill, and doesn't seem mean enough to be Willy either. It's okay that Anthony hadn't quite figured it out yet, but it is interesting going back and listening to this old stuff again when stuff hadn't quite been figured out.
Even though there's not a ton of action in this one, I think it gives us some great character moments, and helps flesh out the world. The "five- footers" are some of my favorites.
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