#i just found this youtuber and honestly I think I'm going on a makeup watching binge afterschool
pisspurveyor · 25 days
Ok so here's a horrifying tale of when I discovered the existence of the movie The Crow 30 years too fucking late this Friday, and somehow never even knew a remake came out for it on the exact. same. day. Bear with me.
Ok so I was on spotify listening to this song (song in question was L.I.S.Å by Taythedxn, please dont look at me) that for some reason had footage of this random ass guy in clown makeup playing in the Now Playing/More Info preview. And I was like - huh! That guy kinda reminds me of my BG3 Tav!!! Nice!!! Naturally I'm pretty interested to find out what the hell is going on with that. So, thinking it's just the music video for that song, I look it up. To my surprise, that was not the music video at all!
At this point I'm massively curious. I am sitting there absolutely dumbfounded and stubborn as shit; I had to find this gorgeous clown man, even if it was 1 am at the time. I was on a MISSION! Finally I managed to muster enough braincells up to reverse image search the guy, and lo and behold, The Crow (1994) pops up. Bingo! There's the gorgeous clown guy!
At first I'm just showing pictures of the main character to my partner like Look!!! Look!!! He looks like my Tav in clown makeup!!!! Woah!!! And then I mention the movie to him, and well- (gonna cut the post in half for you, don't worry 'just browsing' crowd)
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My partner being the resident Nine Inch Nails listener pointed this out to me. SO IT HAD THE MARK OF NINE INCH NAILS? I was stoked - Trent Reznor being involved in any soundtrack has always been a great indicator in my eyes. Because of that, I just had to check out the rest of the soundtrack, and I was in AWE.
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At this point I was sold, I was GOING to watch this movie. I was deadset on it. And, to my luck, I found it free to watch on youtube... somehow. Still surprised about that. No I'm not linking it, I'm not a snitch, but I assure you it's very accessible. Anyways, I sit down, get comfortable, and get my shit ABSOLUTELY ROCKED. Aesthetically, this movie is everything I love - I had a lot of fun watching it (big fan of the lightbulb scene btw).
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Anyways I had the time of my life watching it, really soaking the music and outfits in, absolutely hollering at every indulgently gothy scene. Honestly, what a fucking experience - Eric was a sight to bloody behold. God, I was googoogaga for Myca too!!! The fashion was immaculate, a lot of the costumes are things I try to replicate and wear myself nowadays, so I was beyond stoked to see that right in front of me. I may or may not have a new style guide now!
I finished the movie in a good mood, and ultimately wondered: Why had I never heard of this before? Naturally I check wikipedia, see what production was like and what it was based off of - really neat to see it was based off of a comic, but then as I read on and found out the whole story behind Brandon Lee's death on set, I was very quickly silenced. Suddenly it was way more grave than I anticipated.
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Honestly it's a bit weird to mourn a dude 30 years later, but this may be one of the sadder celebrity deaths I've ever heard of. And knowing the effect it had on the original comic artist, who had been through enough shit in his life as is, was absolutely heartbreaking.
So now I sit here, unable to stop thinking about this movie, the comic it came from, and how I managed to stumble across it without even once encountering any advertisements or trailers for the remake that had released on the exact day I had found the original. Don't get me wrong, if anyone discovers the original because of the remake, I think that'd be fucking amazing, because the original deserves lots of love on top of the love it already has - but now knowing the remake was a piece of rubbish, I'm worried people might not look into it.
This may well have been the worst time to discover The Crow (1994) but holy shit, it is forever on my mind from here on out. I wish I had known it sooner, truly. As someone who considers themselves a goth, I did myself a serious disservice by not watching this sooner, I swear.
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Oogie Boogie's Song
It's time, y'all.
Oogie Boogie's Song was released on the 19th of October, 2019, and it currently stands at 12.4 million views on Youtube. While that's only roughly a quarter of the views of VP's Moana Medley, it's still very impressive, and it's their second-most-popular video on their channel (since the Moana Medley at least) (it also appears to be their most popular song on Spotify, with over 8 million streams/listens.
If you weren't introduced to Voiceplay from their Moana Medley or some of the more recently popular stuff like Nothing Else Matters and Valhalla Calling, then chances are that this was the way you stumbled across them (it was probably also your first introduction to subharmonics, as was the case for many reactors who watched this video). I found the video roughly a week after its release, and posted on my Discord about it, saying "Do you wanna hear some of the lowest goddamn notes you've ever heard? Well then, watch this." It did not take long at all for me to fall in love with Geoff, lemme tell you.
But anyway, enough backstory and whatnot, time for the actual video!
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I quietly wonder if the original intention was to have the die stay in his beard after it's thrown at him, and if so, how long did it take to get right?
"Sandy Claws" btw is played by "Pasquale Palazzolo", Geoff's brother-in-law I believe? (I think I heard somewhere that Eli does the voice for him though)
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What an entrance honestly
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Layne is Zero, who in the movie is Jack's pet ghost-dog, but here he's decided to hang out with Oogie Boogie apparently!
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Right, so I'm guessing that Eli is Lock, based on the red outfit, J is Barrel (based on the skeleton shirt), leaving Earl as Shock (and he's got kinda similar blue eye-makeup). Eli and J reprise their roles in Voiceplay's cover of Kidnap The Sandy Claws the following year
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Brilliant acting job by Mr Palazzolo, 10/10, no notes 👍
Cool glowy mouth/lips thing!
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Did "Shock" just crack/break "Barrel's" neck? 😅
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"What are you going to do?" "I'm gonna do the best I can! Hit it!"
But seriously, 10/10 costuming (also shoutout to Voiceplay for getting it right and not making Oogie Boogie's actual regular appearance be green (as he is so often depicted - it's just due to the lighting in some scenes! He's not actually green!). And I'm not sure whether it's the makeup or his acting or both, but it's almost in a way sort of hard for me to recognize Geoff here? That's not the right phrasing - obviously I know it's him, but he just feels/looks so different to how he usually does. Heck, even in the Little Mermaid Medley it feels more like him. That's not a criticism either way though! He did such a good job here, as did everyone involved in making this video!
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Those were definitely not rolled naturally. If anything, they were spun on their axis into frame, very lightly 😝
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I haven't said a lot about them but Eli, Earl, and J all also did a brilliant job of going full-character with their portrayals of Lock, Shock, and Barrel!
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lol mood
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(I swear there's no section of any song that I have internally memorised more than the last ~15 seconds of this song)
Not here to focus on the song itself, but if you were watching this for the first time and weren't quite sure where that insanely-low rumbling was coming from at the end, Geoff's body language almost definitely answers that question for you.
Seriously the way he physically seems to emit that E1 subharmonic really adds to the seemingly inhumanness of it, and I love it. What a performance!
(Also I cannot for the life of me tell whether Geoff added some stuff to his hair like hair chalk for this video to make it lighter or whether the lighting is just making it seem that way itself)
Final note: Did they have some sort of mechanism or a string or something like that to ensure Pasquale/"Sandy" didn't fall over in that chair? Because it tips backwards twice, deliberately, but not all the way either time.
So that's Oogie Boogie's Song: the tip of the freaking iceberg when it comes to the productions of "the theatre kids of acapella", and I am so glad I became a fan of Voiceplay thanks to this video.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
hi hellooo pleasure to be here again!! i have come to rant
so last night i went a bit through your blog because i vaguely remembered that at some point there was a conversation about "stage presence" and how only kpoppies give a shit about it. and i found some asks from last year about this youtuber who made like a whole classification on stage presence with all this masculine overt dominant whatever categories. and i was mindblown because just yesterday i got recommended one of their videos and i was watching that stuff like wtf. that took me back to my early kpop days (which is like 2018 lol) when i also discovered the term stage presence and i thought i did something. anyway
i actually came here to talk about shinee's recent comeback!! from the little i've seen, there's some beef among shawols regarding wether shinee is really "shinee" anymore and i've seen some people saying they've unstanned bc of hard. like you do you ig
i've been thinking that i genuinely like the song, but indeed it doesn't have that classic shinee vibe. (also satellite best bside???) to me it's just like taemin key onew and minho got together to sing a song, but it's not "shinee" per se. and that's okay.
regarding performances i only watched the studio choom dance version and tbh for the first time in my limited shinee eras knowledge i thought that minho takes the cake for this one. idk if it's the fact that he's more stereotipically masculine (or at least coming across that way) or what, but honestly his part in the second chorus is my favorite. key is second favorite and again his part in the last chorus suits him a lot imo especially with the different choreo for it. as for taemin i'm glad he's bringing his poppiest pops forward because i swear i feels like that man's bones are snapping inside his body but other than that honestly i don't think he's enjoying this era too much fdjdvscg
hi hello again!!!
alksdjflksdafj not that youtuber again....they're a fucking plague i need them to read a fucking book for the love of god. just so profoundly uninformed, its mind boggling.
i've seen variations of this take since before the song even came out and honestly? i don't agree. you can not like the song for any number of reasons but the fact of the matter is that it IS a shinee song. what makes a shinee song is that it's their voices. that's all that makes a shinee song. for a group that has an extended history of genre experimentation, for fans to get mad or say it's "not them" when they DO do something experimental is cowardly and embarrassing. just admit that you don't like the song and move on. there will be a time when EVERY artist you love makes something that you don't. that's fine and normal. don't hide behind incorrect assertions like "it's an nct reject" or that it doesn't sound like them. they're artists that still want to explore and grow and they have agency to do that. it's not a failing to admit that you don't like something that your faves made, and i also think it's rude and denies them identity and agency to say that 'it doesn't sound like them', especially with this particular group.
personally what i think people are subconsciously getting at when they say a song doesnt sound like shinee is that it sounds incomplete because it's missing a voice. the same discourse circled around with dcm came out and people are not acknowledging that shinee is never going to sound the same as they did pre 2017 (2018 technically bc jonghyun's voice is still on tsol). they just aren't. the chemical makeup of the melodies is going to be different forever and people need to acknowledge and accept that. the four of them are doing their best to fill in that hole and theyre doing a great job, but there is still a hole.
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wat-the-cur · 2 years
I'm just starting to get into Cats! I've been watching the '98 version on youtube, it took me awhile to start enjoying it to be honest, at first i was like 'this is too weird' but then I started really liking it. Now I want to go get the original book by TS Elliot and want to go watch it live. How did you get into it?
Oh, that’s awesome, buddy! I’m so glad you’ve discovered and enjoyed it! I understand what you mean about finding it odd, at first. Personally, I loved it right away, but I can definitely see why it might not suit everyone. It’s an acquired taste, I would say. I, myself, have a bit of trouble getting into a lot of musicals, because I never quite get used to the characters bursting into song. That said, I still usually end up enjoying them!
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats is quite a delight, and almost always has adorable illustrations to go with it. You’ll find quite a bit there, that was not included in the ‘98 musical, for reasons of time. I am not fluent in CATS productions, but if I can make any suggestion, it is that you listen to the original London recording of the show. I love it, possibly even more than the ‘98 version. Brian Blessed as Old Deuteronomy is my absolute favourite version of the character. I really hope that you get to see the show live, at some point! It’s a real privilege and tons of fun.
I got into CATS waaaay back, when I was about twelve. One day I suddenly remembered seeing some snippets and pictures from a production, when we were all watching the television in primary school (you know, when they sit you in front of the big, old TV as a treat). I decided to search it up, to see if I remembered right. Like you, I found the ‘98 version on youtube, and the rest is history. I was hooked immediately. CATS was my fixation for a few years and I managed to annoy everyone I knew by rattling on about it. I made a Mungojerrie costume, after seeing some cosplayers on YouTube dressed as CATS characters. I did the makeups. I filmed myself doing the dances (stiffly) and lip syncing to the songs (poorly). And, back when I was not so inhibited about making fanart, or art in general, I made a lot of drawings.
I’m not sure what made me love it so much. I think, honestly, I found it so satisfying to watch. Not only are the costumes distinctive a gorgeous, but I loved seeing the actors transform into cats with their movements. Not to tie it back to stimming and otherness, once again, but there is something mesmerising about watching performers turn into something inhuman with little aid. It’s something you are compelled to imitate and strive for. It is not as though the performers had full mascot costumes, they had to rely on themselves. Similar to how performers like Steam Powered Giraffe transform into robots with some face paint and well performed movements and noises.
Quite besides all that, though, CATS is such a spectacle and so much fun. There is an absolute wealth of characters to get interested in, and pick out in any production. As well as a whole lot of history behind each development and tradition in the show.
Thank you so much for the ask, buddy! I’d be delighted to answer any more about CATS, as you’ve gotten me waffling. I really hope you continue to enjoy it and have lots of good times in the fandom!
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raspberryconverse · 1 year
A Say Yes to the Dress clip popped up in my YouTube recommendations and I decided to watch it this afternoon.
Then I opened the folder with all my wedding photos and realized I'm kinda disappointed with them.
Don't get me wrong, they're not all bad (honestly, the only really bad one is of me getting my makeup done and I look like a blimp). There are some really great candid shots too. But there's definitely some things missing.
The major one is that there are no photos of me walking down the aisle. There's a distant one of my dad and I coming out the door and a friend managed to snap one of us right when we came out, but the photographer thinks her camera froze because it was cold and that's why those are missing.
I was looking at the posed photos and while we were kinda meh on creative posed photos (I've seen some really silly ones over the years), we definitely have regrets about them. Today I realized when she took ones of just my spouse and me, they're all zoomed in. There are no full body photos of us. I got a really gorgeous veil and I'm bummed that there aren't any good shots of it all spread out.
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Because it was so long and all the beading made it really heavy, I didn't have my maid of honor stab it into my hair (and believe me, she thoroughly enjoyed that part 😆) until we were about to go out the door.
We still need to make our wedding album (my coworkers bought us one through Zola) and we also have a collage frame I found at Good Will for like $3 that we were going to put photos in. But we've obviously been busy and stressed out lately.
Part of me wants to do a reshoot. I had even considered doing some photos in front of the house, seeing as we closed on it exactly 1 week before the wedding. I just feel like I spent all that money on a dress and veil and I don't have any good photos of it that really show the whole thing.
Any other married folks feel that way? Or did you get a better photographer than we did? I know nobody's perfect, but I still feel like we didn't get what we wanted, especially considering how much it cost. Like if she had suggested some other stuff, we might have been down for it, even if it sounded kind of silly. But she literally just did the group photos we asked for and nothing more. I'd rather she took more photos and have them come out looking silly or cheesy than to have regrets that we didn't get those shots.
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nanahachikyuu · 2 years
five-star hotel // modern!ivar x reader (part one of two)
Summary: sometimes, love results in heartbreak. That’s just life, and there was nothing she could do about it. But what if the reason for her anguish was also the very same one that brought her so much bliss?
Pairing: ivar x reader
Type: miniseries
Warnings: angst, heartbreak
Word count: 3.325
Music insp.: Hotel Caro by Baco Exu do Blues & Luísa Sonza (at this point, let’s just assume me picking Brazilian artists is the norm).
This is the first time I’ve written for Ivar, but the moment I listened to this song I immediately related it to him. I guess my brain is just wired to connect anything angsty with our dear Ivar The Boneless. It’s very different from what I usually write, and I am aware that this trope has been done a thousand times, but I wanted to give it a try
Please, listen to the song! I know it’s in Portuguese, like most of the songs I pick, but I believe it’s possible to feel the heartbreak just from the rhythm. Nevertheless, I loosely translated some of the lyrics that inspired the fic.
Gentle reminder that English is not my first language, and this was not proofread.
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I'm thinking of you smoking a cigarette An empty bathtub, an expensive hotel Honestly, I’m tired If it was you who made a mistake, why do I feel guilty? (hotel caro by baco exu do blues & luísa sonza)
Y/N was over-the-moon excited when Ivar shared his plans with her.
She had been invited by her boss to work with her for a trimester at another branch and had jumped at the opportunity. But, as amazing as it was for her career, it’d keep her away from Ivar for three whole months.
Altogether, they had been apart for two months now, and there was still one more to go. So, when Ivar called to share the news, how he had already booked a hotel room for them, the best available in town, she was over-the-moon excited with the possibility of seeing her boyfriend earlier than expected, and, better yet, have a romantic weekend away with him.
Y/N had gone all in on his idea, even spending more money than she normally would in a dress she just knew he’d love. She had spent the hours before they’d meet getting ready, choosing the lingerie he loved to see her in, putting on makeup that made the colours of her eyes stand out, even watching a YouTube tutorial to master the technique. When Y/N looked at herself in the mirror of her small temporary bathroom, she felt powerful. She was ready to slay, and Ivar Ragnarsson was her chosen victim.
It never crossed her mind the fact that Ivar hadn’t contacted her the whole day, neither to confirm or cancel their plans.
She arrived at the hotel room early, wanting to surprise him. She wanted to see the look on his face when he walked in the room and saw her already there, waiting for him. Also, she missed him like crazy and couldn’t wait to see him.
There was an armchair in a corner of the room, and she moved it, so it was facing the door. Grabbing a bottle of wine she found in the minibar, she sat on the chair, legs crossed, and a glass in hand. The clock on the wall told her it was almost eight pm. Ivar would be there at any moment.
So, she waited. And waited. And waited some more.
It was nearing midnight when Y/N finally accepted that he was not going to show up. By that time, she had finished almost two bottles of wine, still sitting on that same armchair, staring blankly at the door. By then, she had stopped listening to the elevator, no longer perking up to every noise out in the corridor. Was that the sound of his crutch hitting the floor? Well, if it was, she didn’t care anymore.
The one thing she could not believe was that she was, once again, in that situation. She had trusted him with her heart one more time, and he had stomped it to pieces. Again.
She knew Ivar. She knew him better than anyone else, even better than his overprotective mother. She knew that if there had been an emergency, he’d find a way to contact her. If he couldn’t reach out to her himself, he’d send one of his brothers, he’d find a way.
Y/N remembered a specific episode a couple of months into their relationship, when they were supposed to have dinner at their favourite Greek restaurant. But he was over an hour late and all her calls kept going straight to voice mail. That was the first time she thought he had abandoned her. However, just as she was about to leave the restaurant, hungry and desolate, she spotted Ubbe. Ivar had had a minor accident that afternoon, and was in the hospital ever since, just as a precaution, but since he didn’t have his phone and couldn’t contact his girl, he had sent his brother to find her.
But this, left stranded in a hotel room, in a foreign country, when he was supposed to meet her? She knew better. He had every intention of leaving her. This was part of a thought-out plan, a meticulously crafted one. Honestly, she couldn’t even blame him for this one. What was it people said? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…
The first time Ivar pulled something like this, she had cried her heart out for days.
Y/N was telling her friends and family about this amazing guy she had met. All her friends noticed how smitten she was, walking around with heart eyes. Even her mother pointed it out when she brought him to a family festivity. Ivar had won over her mother and aunts the second he walked into her childhood home, carrying a small bouquet for each one of them. Y/N believed she was living the fairy tale she loved to read about as a teenager. Until she wasn’t.
One day, he simply disappeared. Ivar stopped answering her calls and replying to her texts. He had disappeared with the blink of an eye, as easy as that. When a week had gone by without any news from him, she decided enough was enough. After work, she went straight to his apartment. Y/N was going to make him talk, weather he wanted it or not. Civilized people had conversations and she was going to make him act like one for once in his life. However, when she got to his building, the doorman said he wasn’t home, and hadn’t been for the whole week. But he did leave a box for her to pick up, with all the stuff she had left at his place inside, she later found out.
That night, Y/N had gone back to her apartment and cried into the night. And the following days. She didn’t tell a soul about what had happened, how could she? How could she face her family and friends after everything she had told them about Ivar? She believed he was her very own Prince Charming, but it turned out he was just another jerk. Who believed in fairy tales, anyways?
For days, she regretted going by his place. She should’ve known better. If he wanted to talk, he’d come looking for her. All her life, she had judged her friends who always wanted to talk to their partners, to tell them how much they had hurt their feelings. Y/N never understood that need. She’d always argue that they knew that, they just didn’t care. Not receiving a message is also a message, right? Well, just look at how the tables have turned!
However, two weeks later, he came back. She had gone to the movies, her first outing since he left, and when she came back, he was sitting by her door, a huge bouquet of her favourite flowers in hand, one for each day they were apart. For hours, she let him apologise, beg her for forgiveness. He had gotten scared, he got cold feet. He loved her and didn’t realise how much he needed her until it was too late, how he couldn’t live without her. They could go away together, just the two of them and rekindle their relationship. But please, please, she had to forgive him, she had to accept him back!
It was the first time she had ever seen him cry, and the last one. That’s what had gotten to her, she had to admit. Seeing Ivar shed tears for her touched a place in her heart she thought he had damaged forever. So, she agreed. Y/N accepted him back into her life with the promise that he’d never do something like that ever again. If he had doubts about their relationship again, they’d talk it out, together, as a couple.
And just like that, they were back into their very own fairy tale. It was like they were never broken up at all. Their love was stronger than ever, and nothing could tear them apart. Or so she believed.
She just couldn't understand how they ended up here. Again. Y/N kept repeating the last months of their relationship in her head, trying to find the moment where things had changed. Trying to understand if she had done something wrong. However, she knew there wasn’t one. During their time together, Y/N hadn’t been anything but faithful. She knew Ivar had his own issues, even understood some of them; he also required attention, so much attention. Ivar needed someone who understood he wasn’t the easiest person to deal with, but that would devote themselves to him, nevertheless.
So that’s what she did.
Y/N loved Ivar, and there was never a day that went by where she didn’t tell him that. She’d repeat it to him until he’d get embarrassed, the tips of his ears turning red. She’d point out every little detail about him that mesmerized her. Be it his looks, his intelligence, his devotion to her and others he cared about.
She loved it when he’d frown his eyebrows when reading a book. How he’d always pick her favourite movies for them to watch before she even said anything. The way he’d defend her against his brothers’ mocking, even though she was pretty well capable of doing so herself.
In return, she’d keep her fridge stocked with his favourite drinks. She’d send his favourite lunch to his work every time she sensed he was so deep in his work that he forgot to eat. When his legs were hurting too much, Y/N would have his medicine ready, his work brought to him, his bed, or her bed, if they were at her apartment, clean and comfortable. She’d do all that without acknowledging his condition, because she knew how much he hated to feel incapable.
She hadn’t done anything wrong; she was sure of it. So, why did she still feel guilty?
What did he tell her once? Oh yeah, he might break a bone, but he could never break a promise. Oh, well. Apparently, she wasn’t included in such promise. Who would’ve thought? Not Y/N, for certain.
Lingerie the colour of late afternoon Who taught you the way to me? Lying is also hiding the truth Why didn't you take care of me? My darling, loving you so much is not good But it makes no difference I don't want your presence Don't trade me for anyone What is fighting good for? May you win
“Weren’t you going away this weekend?” Hvitserk asks his brother.
They were having their usual night out, just the brothers, and it wasn’t unusual for Ivar to tag along, even if he claimed to hate the city’s club life. But he was almost certain Ivar had mentioned something about travelling to meet his girlfriend.
Ivar takes a moment to realize his older brother was talking to him. But when he does, he just glares at the man.
“Trouble in paradise, I see”, Hvitserk remarks. Honestly, he was surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Ivar had the bad habit of pushing away everything that was good for him.
“Mind your own business, brother”, Ivar answers back, already regretting his decision to join his brothers at the bar.
“What did you do, Ivar?”, Hvitserk tries again.
“Why is it always me that does something wrong? Why couldn’t it have been her?”, the dark-haired brother rebuts back.
Hvitserk doesn’t bother with an answer, just stares at his little brother, one eyebrow raised. Sometimes he couldn’t believe the audacity of Ivar. The nerve!
The last thing Ivar wants is to talk about his relationship with Y/N, that being the very reason why he joined his brothers. Luckily for him, Björn got Hvitserk’s attention, distracting him from the matter momentarily.
The weight of what he’d done was heavy on his shoulders. He couldn’t shake off the image of her alone in that hotel room. When the hotel management had called him to let him know that his guest had arrived, like he had instructed them to do, Ivar wanted to cry. He wanted to get on the first flight, make up an excuse about his delay, and spend the rest of the weekend apologising to her.
But he couldn’t.
He was so sure what he was doing was for the best. Why postpone the inevitable? Just so he could have a few more memories to replay when he was laying by himself in bed, missing her warm body pressed up to his? No. Ivar wasn’t like that, he wasn’t one to avoid pain, life had built him like that. Thus, better than wait for his heart to be broken, he anticipated the result. He ended the relationship before it had the power to end him.
Ivar was about to open a bottle of whiskey to drown out his thoughts when he remembered his brothers were meeting up that night. At the time, anything seemed more appealing than spending the night by himself, thinking about her. So, he jumped at the opportunity. But now, sitting at a crowded bar, still nursing the same beer Björn had handed him when he arrived, and, worst of all, facing his brother’s scrutiny, he regretted his choice. He should have stayed home.
“What crawled up your ass?” Sigurd asks suddenly, noticing the sour look on Ivar’s face.
“Fuck off, Sigurd” Ivar snarks back. He was already at his tipping point, and if Sigurd wanted to start a fight with him, so be it. He needed a way to let out some steam anyways.
“I just asked a question, no need to get offended” his brother argues back, but the little smirk on his lips makes it clear that he knew what he was doing. He wanted to get a reaction out of Ivar, and he was about to get one.
“Come on, guys. Let’s chill, ok?” Ubbe, always the peacemaker, intrudes on their exchange.
Ivar could feel Hvitserk’s stare burning on the back of his head. He knew that his brother had not fallen for his bullshit attempts to distract him. He could never lie to his brother; he’d always see straight through him.
“Hey, Ivar” Hvitserk calls, “I’m not feeling too good. Think you can follow me home?”. It was clearly a lie. The man, being the designated driver, hadn’t touched a drink all night.
He debated his options for a second. It was already past midnight, and it would be next to impossible to get an Uber home. He could walk, but his legs were a bit sore from spending the day on his feet. But most of all, even though he didn’t want to be left alone with his thoughts, he also didn’t want to stay at that bar a second longer.
“Yeah, sure” is all he responds, before standing up, gripping hard to his crutch.
The drive home is silent, and he’s thankful for that. Hvitserk had the habit of opining on his life whenever he got the chance. But, as they grew older and closer, he also learned when not to interfere, and Ivar would be forever thankful for that, especially on a night like this. Not that he’d ever tell his brother that.
“Do you want me to go up with you?” Hvitserk breaks the silence when they arrive at Ivar’s apartment building.
“No!” he answers abruptly. As much as he was thankful for the get away ride, he didn’t wish to spend anymore second with his brother, because if he did, he knew he’d cave and tell him exactly what had gone down that night, and he was not up for the speech that would follow. “I mean, no, but thanks”, he tries again, in a much gentler tone, one that surprised Hvitserk as much as his abrupt response, if not more.
“Hey, Ivar” he hears his brother call for him, just as he was about to leave the car. Standing by the passenger door, Ivar bends down so he can look at him.
“Whatever happened, between you and Y/N, I know you two can work it out. Just have a little faith in yourself, ok?”.
Ivar doesn’t answer, just closes the car door, and walks towards his apartment.
It was hours later when Ivar finally dragged himself to bed. After he had gotten home, he wandered around the apartment, purposely avoiding his bedroom, the one place he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep Y/N out of his thoughts. They shared so many good memories inside those four walls, and now it felt like they were all coming back to haunt him. How was it possible that a place where once he felt so much peace, now left him suffocated?
Now, laying in bed by himself, Ivar wondered if what he did was really the best choice. If he had followed through with his plans like he had initially planned, he’d be with her right now. They would’ve gone to dinner, where she’d share with him all the news about her job, and he’d complain about working with his family. Then, they’d make their way back to the room, where he’d show her just how much he had missed her. Finally, she’d put on his discarded shirt, and lay in bed with him; her hands running through his dark hair, softly lulling him to sleep. He never had a good night of sleep as good as the ones he spent with her.
The images were playing out so vividly in his head, it was like it was happening right in front of him. Ivar could feel the tears burning his eyes, so he finally let them go. He’d let himself cry, just for tonight. Tomorrow, he’d put his armour back on, and move on with his life.
The fact that he kept himself away from what would’ve been her side of the bed wasn’t helping. But Ivar couldn’t bring himself to lay on her side. He was sure the pillows would still smell like her, even though it had been months since they last shared the bed, and the sheets had been changed many times ever since. Reaching out, he touches one of the pillows, fingers running through the soft material.
He never understood how someone could sleep with so many pillows, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to put them away. It was like a part of him expected her to come back. As if one day he’d wake up and find her sleeping peacefully by his side, hands tucked beneath her head, lips parted, hair disheveled. Every time he woke up first, he’d stay in bed, admiring her features, imagining what would it be like to wake up next to her every single day, for the rest of his life.
He knew he had made the right decision. Loving someone as much as he loved her couldn’t be considered healthy, and he knew their tragic fate was just around the corner. One day, Y/N would realize the mistake she’s made. She’d finally understand that he wasn’t who she deserved. She’d get tired of putting up with his sorrow ass and leave.
Or worse.
She could be lying. What if all this time they were together she was lying to him? What if all the times she had said she loved him, she wasn’t being truthful? What if she had already met someone new? She had spent the past couple of months by herself in a different country… Weren’t there a million rom-com movies about that trope?
Honestly, the possibilities were infinite. So many things could happen. Just look at his father’s history. Ragnar married twice, had children, built a family. Both his wives devoted themselves to him, and still he wasn’t satisfied. Nowadays, he was just a shallow of the man he once was. He had so much and still couldn’t find happiness. What if that was his fate too?
No, he couldn’t end up like Ragnar. He was better than that. And that’s exactly why he did what he did, he had to remind himself. It was better to end things by his own terms than live by the volatility of other people's feelings. It was better to suffer now, when he was prepared, than be taken by surprise, be blindsided by her.
So, that was it.
Tonight, he’d let himself feel the pain of the breakup. He’d allow himself to remember all the reasons why he loved her so fiercely. All the little things that made her so unique in his eyes.
But tomorrow, it must come to an end.
Tomorrow, he was going to move on with his life, whatever it takes.
Taglist: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
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I wonder what jobs mipha, link, and the other champions would have in this modern au???
Speaking of, how’s mipha and link doin in your current au?
Oh fun question! Let's answer that!
Mipha is a part time nurse, part time model/YouTuber, and full time friend of Kohga. She met Kohga because they needed a pretty face to sponsor an alcohol that the Double Banana exclusively makes. Kohga and Mipha got along so well during the shooting, she just comes over to hang out. Tons of people think they're dating, given that a rather young girl is hanging out with an older, out of shape man, but they really are just buddies. Mipha could technically not work, since her father is a CEO of a company that makes scuba gear, but her dad is so proud of her for her independence.
Link is a YouTuber too. Only, he does stunts. Going by many nicknames (the blonde bomb, mr.twunktastic, and Linklicious, to name a few) this guy focuses on dangerous stunts, and outdoor survival. People watch him because honestly- my dude should have been fucking dead ages ago. Mipha found him and was immediately concerned for his welfare. After meeting him IRL, she kinda fell REALLY hard for him. No dating yet, but they do collabs. It's a lot of Mipha either dressing him up, or warning people NOT to do the things he does.
Urbosa is a choreographer, as well as a fitness coach. Pretty popular in the acting world, she's known to help anyone feel and look their best. Was offered a few acting jobs, but she MUCH more appreciates helping other's shine. Also does makeup. Used to be hired as a babysitter for Zelda, which was no doubt a huge benefit to her career.
Daruk is a do it all kinda guy. Construction work, bio cleanup, prop design- my guy can fix and clean anything. He actually met Urbosa during a filming of a movie, and mistook her for an actress. They have a bit of a thing going on, but they're not comfortable putting a label on it. Even though they have a toothbrush at each other's places, I'm just saying.
Revali is an actor. He's pompous, a total drama queen, but he's good at what he does. He doesn't do ANY jobs without his coach Urbosa though. He won't drink a coffee unless she's given him the okay, and she even practices lines with him. Honestly, he looks put together, but take away his makeup crew and Urbosa- my guy is a MESS.
Zelda is the daughter of another CEO. She won't specify of what exactly, just that her father works alongside Mipha's. She's currently in school, in mechanical engineering. One of her projects kinda went haywire, and somehow beat the shit out of Link. Link thought it was cool, and decided she was worth hanging out with. After they went to the hospital, obviously.
Sidon Is a lifeguard and part time swim instructor. He's a big, chipper guy that can do no wrong, and has personally tested out some of the scuba gear his father's company makes. Loves his sister to pieces, and people on her YouTube channel LOVE it when he's on her videos. He's been approached for modeling jobs, but he doesn't like the tight restrictions and the surprisingly lacking health benefits. Occasionally drinks at the double banana because one of the bouncers is kiiiinda cute.
Yunobo is Daruk's son. From a previous marriage, he's currently in school in hopes to be a Geologist. Trying to pay his way through college, is ready to cry if he gets one more assignment, but insists to his dad that he's fine. Urbosa acts kinda like his mom, and everytime he gets a hug, he tears up. Help him.
Teba is Revali's stunt double. He's a quiet guy, but he's quick, can take a good beating, and doesn't complain, so long as he has work. Sometimes his kid, Tulin, comes with him to check out his dad do some cool stunts. When he isn't being a stunt man though, my guy works part time alongside Daruk. It's honest work, and they get along fine. Fucking loves his wife, always carries a picture of her in his pocket.
Riju is Urbosa's daughter. Like Daruk, she came from a precious marriage. In high-school, she excels in her classes, and hopes to be as good of a cheerleader as her mother was at her age. Actually finds part time work at a cold stone, and she takes her job pretty seriously (when she's not sneaking in little taste tests). Owns just the FATTEST fucking cat you've ever seen. It's not over fed (okay maybe a BIT) but it's breed is genuinely fucking huge. Like this cat looks like it eats other cats. Yunobo is convinced it's trying to kill him. He might be right.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
(cw: I'm about to get real crass about CSA because it makes me real mad and that's how I cope)
the cultural reaction to cuties is infuriating to me, especially how even defenders feel the need to criticise the hypersexualised camera shots for ""normalising sexualistion of children in film"". Like, this is a thing that is happening in real life, right now, folks! Real Life Kids commonly do dances like these, in clothes like these, in an attempt to copy adult women being framed in shots like that! That's basically a good fifth of Tik Tok! The shots being of kids instead of adults is intentionally horrific, because it's trying to highlight that that kind of societal gaze is what pressured them to do the dances and wear the clothes and everything else; to take a thing that we've all come to accept as normal (8 year olds online twerking to songs explicitly about sex) and make us see how horrific it is, so people might give a shit for once. (A real shit, not that Pizzagate-adjacent thing where people only bring it up in service of criticising something/someone they already didn't like, and never exploring why it's so prevalent to begin with). You know, the filmic opposite of normalisation?? It's incredibly disappointing that people's takeaway appears to be: "ew gross, look at how horny this camera is for literal children. Glad this absolutely isn't a thing that happens in real life that I will go straight back to ignoring while patting myself on the back for identifying this media as Problematic
And the idea that "a pedophile could get off to this" makes any sense as criticism! I guess pedophiles only get off to children in revealing clothing, huh? So all children need to do to avoid pedophiles is, uh... *checks notes* "dress less slutty". I *wish* I lived in a world where pedophiles were genuinely waiting on feature films to deliver them a few shots of children in revealing clothing, instead of trading real CP that has caused untold suffering. Sometimes it really feels like people are more invested in weaponising the idea of suffering children in rhetoric, rather than the welfare of real children. It's the same disconnect that makes it impossible to bring up things like early intervention programs for pedophiles without being called a pedophile yourself (a rich thing to call someone who was on the receiving end, and takes about a year off my lifespan every time).
Every time someone brings this movie up, I feel like I'm losing my marbles. Otherwise smart and insightful people seem completely willing to misread it in the most infuriating way possible. It's like it's the Asch conformity test, and I'm the rube in the last chair wondering whether I even watched the same movie as them. It's comforting to see at least one other person on this godforsaken planet comprehending that The Sexualised Children Shots Are Horrific On Purpose in this movie trying to push people out of complacency
honestly go off like I could not have said this better myself. this is exactly what's been pissing me off about the response to this movie and my post about it in general.
the cultural reaction to cuties is infuriating to me, especially how even defenders feel the need to criticise the hypersexualised camera shots for ""normalising sexualistion of children in film"". Like, this is a thing that is happening in real life, right now, folks! Real Life Kids commonly do dances like these, in clothes like these, in an attempt to copy adult women being framed in shots like that! That's basically a good fifth of Tik Tok!
this is what I cannot get my head around. like, people are freaking out over how this movie normalises the sexualisation of young children, but somehow miss the point that it's already been normalised. the movie would not be necessary if this hadn't already become a completely normal part of society. even walking around the shops in town I see children maybe 10 or 11 years old dressed like Instagram models, faces full of makeup, revealing clothing... it's honestly disturbing. these kids think that's acceptable, they think that's what they need to do in order to have worth, and it's terrifying. if I had my own children, I would be terrified for them. the movie is not the problem. why people can't direct this anger and outrage to websites like TikTok instead, I have no idea. probably because that would require actual work, and we all know these people are addicted to outrage and self-righteousness and absolutely allergic to any kind of effort to create real change.
It's incredibly disappointing that people's takeaway appears to be: "ew gross, look at how horny this camera is for literal children. Glad this absolutely isn't a thing that happens in real life that I will go straight back to ignoring while patting myself on the back for identifying this media as Problematic"
people get so offended when they're made to feel uncomfortable. I have no idea why. I'm trying to work out this thought process but it's simply beyond me. it baffles me that people can see something that's actually happening in the world, and instead of getting angry about the actual issue, they decide to attack the female director of the movie about said issue, who is writing from her own experience. like, how in god's name these people managed to miss the point so badly, I do not know. the manoeuvres they had to do to miss a point that big and obvious should make them all automatic gold medal winners in Olympic gymnastics.
(I do think that a lot of people yelling the loudest about Cuties have probably only seen the Netflix promotional poster and then devoured a bunch of Twitter threads highlighting the apparent problems and possibly a view video essays on YouTube showing the most dramatic and out of context shots of the girls, however.)
And the idea that "a pedophile could get off to this" makes any sense as criticism! I guess pedophiles only get off to children in revealing clothing, huh? So all children need to do to avoid pedophiles is, uh... *checks notes* "dress less slutty". I *wish* I lived in a world where pedophiles were genuinely waiting on feature films to deliver them a few shots of children in revealing clothing, instead of trading real CP that has caused untold suffering.
right? like. this point is so fucking useless. by this logic, we should ban everything with photos of children in it. if a paedophile is going to waste time going to see a full feature movie just to see some young girls twerking-- I mean, why would they in the first place? why would a paedophile do that when they can just sign on to TikTok and see thousands of hours of footage of young girls twerking? and if "revealing clothing" is all it takes, what's stopping this paedophile from going to the local pool and watching the kids in swimwear? what's stopping this paedophile from going and picking up a clothing catalogue and flipping to the pictures of little girls in dresses? the fact that people can compare the content of a feature-length film to actual CP fucking baffles me. like. it's actually insulting to compare things like that -- and by extension, any child on the street in a t-shirt or a dress or a skirt or a swimsuit -- to actual CP. like, who looks at a kid and thinks like that? if you want to stop paedophiles being creeps, you'd have to lock kids up in the house until they're 18 and ban all depictions of kids forever. paedophiles are gonna be creeps no matter what, and they're not going to bother with a full film when they can log onto TikTok and comment something creepy on footage of a real life child who might even message back and enter into communication with them. like, damn. why aren't more people getting mad and outraged about that?
Sometimes it really feels like people are more invested in weaponising the idea of suffering children in rhetoric, rather than the welfare of real children.
they are. "somebody please think of the children" is now the rallying cry of the right (all leading Democrats are secret paedophiles, the LGBT agenda is making Our Innocent Christian Children into perverts) and the left (problematic media is Harming Our Innocent Children, everything needs to be censored and squeaky clean so the Metaphorical Children don't stumble across it and think it's acceptable). it's the quickest way to get people outraged and it works like a charm. as soon as somebody starts rallying under the flag of protecting kids, it gives them a fast pass to power and influence. who wants to be seen to not care about kids? who wants to risk being called a paedophile or a child abuser? unfortunately their eagerness to declare everybody such has resulted in it losing its meaning. now when I see someone accused of paedophilia I no longer feel the usual revulsion but instead a tired suspicion followed by hours of research to determine if they are actually abusing children, or if they ship the wrong thing. to put the numbers into perspective, the one and only time I found out somebody was actually abusing minors, I was genuinely shocked because I had never found a true accusation before in oh, six years? which is unsurprising, seems I have been called a paedophile and told I shouldn't be around children because I like a villain from a YA series. as for real children, none of these people give a shit.
It's comforting to see at least one other person on this godforsaken planet comprehending that The Sexualised Children Shots Are Horrific On Purpose in this movie trying to push people out of complacency
that's exactly it right there -- it's horrific on purpose, but these people can't understand that. to them, literature and art and film is supposed to always make you feel good, and if it doesn't it's mean and abusive and you should have warned for it and also you're an asshole for making it in the first place. for people who only consume media to feel good, and only create it to feel progressive and wholesome, it's inconceivable why people would create something depressing or disturbing. because they're consuming media of only things they like, they assume everyone else is. ergo, if you make something nasty, it's because you're into something nasty. if you write about a murderous villain, it's because you want to be a murderous villain. if you direct a movie about children being sexually exploited, you must want to sexually exploit children.
these people cannot understand that art is supposed to teach and inform as well as comfort and coddle. some art is there to make you feel good, and other art is there to make you take notice of injustice and suffering and make you angry and upset enough to want to do something about it. these people do not understand that at all, and with this kind of logic they would try to ban Holocaust survivors from speaking at schools because it's too upsetting to think about, rather than paying attention to the message that such things get across. we cannot change society without empathy, and to experience empathy for something outside our own understanding and experience, we need to come into contact with people who have lived through it. we need to see it depicted. that's how we learn to feel for others. it puts a face to the suffering and makes it easier to stay motivated and stay mad.
but no. these people just want to be nice and fuzzy and safe. that's all that matters to them, and anyone who thinks they're wrong for doing it must be a paedophile or something. right. gotcha.
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hot-boy-jimin · 5 years
Trending gyal [2]
Jungkook x fem!reader
Genre:fluff, angst, comedy, romance, future smut
Warnings: none
Its been a few months since your encounter with jungkook, this didn't matter though, you had already been sucked into the world of kpop.
It was December of 2018 now and the boys had, had a comeback, and were traveling in the U.S. Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about you though. Its been four months since he met you but he became a fan of yours. He followed you on every social media platform using his personal accounts and he'd watched all of your videos on YouTube.
He doesn't understand why you had such an effect on him when you've only met once, but he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.
He wanted to see you again, that was for certain, but he doubted that you knew he even existed.
You were out of his league anyway. You were a mature woman who looked like her life was figured out. In your videos sometimes you would often talk on serious issues that went on, not only on social media but in the world in general. Then other times you would be goofy and fun, but that's what drew him in. You weren't detached from the world and you knew when to take things seriously, you had a good vibe and that's all he'd every want in a partner. Sadly you were four years older than him and way out of his league, he had no problem with he thought of being with an older woman but you might not feel the same about being with someone younger than you.
He shouldn't be thinking about this so much, he would never see you again and he'd have to accept that.
The golden maknae is what they call him. It's been four months since you became and amry, and four months since you met the golden maknae.
Whenever you would listen to their music (which was quite often) you would think about your encounter with wide eyed boy.
You felt like you were high school again, fangirling over boys who didn't even know you existed. You doubted he remembered you and you had excepted that.
You were now on your couch sipping on some wine while you edited a video. You were in the zone but was snapped out of your mojo by your phone ringing on the side of you.
You picked it up and saw that it was your friend/manager, Chanri.
"Hey Chan, what's up."
"I have great news." You put down your laptop and listened attentively.
"What is it?" You said eagerly while you took a sip of your wine.
"I got a call from a fellow manager who wants you to be the choreographer for his groups next comeback."
Your eyes widened at her word and you couldn't believe it. The only person you've done choreography for was Hyolyn.
"Seriouly!! That's amazing Chan. Who is it?" You rushed out and started to take a sip of our wine but instantly choked on it as she said the group's name.
"No fucking way! " You coughed out.
"And they want to meet with us tomorrow."
"How did they even find out about me?"
"You were actually recommended to them by someone who wants to remain anonymous."
Jungkook came to mind, but then you realized he didn't even know about your career or your name for that matter.
"Sounds shady."
"You just know how to think on the dark side don't you."
You laughed at her words and she laughed with you. You talked for about an hour more before you hanged up and decided to call it a night.
You went to bed with a smile on your face.
Jungkook and the members had been called in for a meeting regarding their next comeback.
The boys were all seated at a large round table. Seokjin at one end their CEO at the other. Namjoon was on the right of Jin and Hoseok was at his left, Jungkook sat next to Joon with yoongi on his other side. Taehyng and jimin sat next to hoseok. Their manager sejin sat next to jimin, completing to table.
They were about an hour into their meeting when the topic of choreography came up. They didn't have a permanent choreographer, and the one they'd been working with for their love yourself trilogy was now enlisted in the army.
Jungkook instantly thought of you when their CEO asked if any of them had any suggestions. Their company allowed them to be very involved with here work, which was something they were grateful for.
Jungkook spoke which made everyone turn to him. "How about someone new? A fresh face." He started and their manager and the other members nodded in agreement.
"Do you have anyone in mind?" Bang P.D. asked.
"Y/F/N Y/L/N." He then went on to explain to them about your job and with a little more discussion it had been decided.
You were going to have meeting with the band and their manager tomorrow.
Leaving the meeting, jungkook felt excited and nervous at the same time. You were someone he admired and respected, and he'd only hope you would agree working with them.
"Y/N huh." Hoseok said with a knowing smile on is face as he walked along side the boy.
Jungkook felt his cheeks burn up slightly at his hyung's words. He pushed him playfully and laughed it off.
The other members soon caught up with the two and they all headed back to their dorms.
It was the next day and you were have a minor anxiety attack. Your nerves finally getting the better of you. Chanri was a great help as she helped you calm down.
"You good?" She asked while looking at you with concern.
"Yeah I'm fine now." You replied honestly. She had really helped and now were now ready to leave.
You both got out of your range rover that was parked in the lot of the company's building.
You turned to your friend and asked, "Is my outfit okay?" Chanri looked at you with a "of course you do you dumb bitch"
"You look fine, now can we get inside before we're late." She said laughing slightly.
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(^your outfit) (I honestly love Ryan so much)
Jungkook was nervous as hell. He'd been checking his appearance to see if he'd look okay for almost thirty minutes now and the other members found his antics cute, which resulted in them teasing him.
"Jungkook, relax." Namjoon said.
He and the other members snickered as they saw his flustered face. He had shown them a few of your videos last night and they were impressed, like hoseok, they could see why he was acting this way, there was just something about you. You were alluring and slightly intimidating, but elegant, goofy, and kind at the same time. Jungkook felt as if it was fate that they needed a new choreographer and wanted to use his opportunity to get to know you better even if you two just became friends.
Their manager, Sejin walked into the room to inform them that you had arrived.
The boys followed him and made their way to the same room as yesterday.
When they turned around the corner they saw you and whom they had guessed to be your manager. Jungkook felt his eyes widened slightly. You looked different since the last time he'd seen you. Your short frame was covered with an outfit that was simple and cute but you somehow made it look sexy. The shirt that you had on exposed your shoulders and the simple jeans clung to your hips and thighs.
He hadn't seen your face yet because you were talking to their CEO who looked taller compared to you. He watched as your manager let you know of their arrival.
His breathed hitched as he saw your face. You had on minimal makeup, your lips covered in gloss and you face had a light layer of foundation and some highlight. Your eyebrows were natural and your lashes had mascara on them.
You smiled and started greeting each of the members and their manager. When you came to him jungkook smiled nervously.
"We meet again." His smile was wider now when he heard your words. You had remembered, he took your hand in his and shook it.
You sat next to Chanri who sat next Sejin. Bang P.D. sat at the end of the table which was right next to you, and you were directly in front of Yoongi who sat next to jungkook.
You felt eyes on you throughout the entirety of the meeting and it didn't take you that long to figure out who it was. The purpose of the meeting was to confirm that you'd be willing to work with the boys and to discuss the concept of the songs you had to choreograph. There were only two song on the album that had choreography, and they were the most important. All in all you could already tell you would have a great time working with them and you could still feel the eyes on you.
Hope you enjoyed.....
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campdnpamerica · 5 years
meet the smarties tent!!
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hi! i’m brook, im 15, i go by she/her, im pan, i’m queerdaniel on tumblr, and i’m the leader of the smarties tent 🤓! i’m also known as g8er boi when i sport my gay sk8er boi dress and some jean shorts bc confidence! im a hufflepuff, a band nerd, and an aspiring intellectual who’s in way too deep. i’ve been in the phandom for almost 3 years now, and i’ve been a campdnp admin multiple times and am the queen of tent wars, so you all better get ready, because i (and my tent of snorting candy) am ready to have FUN!
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Hi!! My name is Layla. My pronouns are she/her or they/them. I'm bi (or smth honestly who knows at this point) and my tumblr handle is monachopism. I'm 17, from Boston, and I'm a makeup artist and musician. I play 5 instruments: Guitar, ukulele, bass, piano, and voice. I've been following Dan and Phil for about 7 years now. I fell out of touch with them for about 2 years until Dan uploaded his coming out video and I fell in love again. I love learning new things and meeting new people. I have a lot of passions; it can be kind of intimidating, but I promise I don't bite. I also have pretty bad ADHD and executive functioning issues so sometimes I won't do stuff/won't reply to things as often as I should, but that doesn't mean I'm not invested or interested!! Anyway, so so excited for this week. I can't wait to get to know everyone!
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Hi! I’m Adriana, 19, knows how to read (barely), my pronouns are she/her and i’m bi. I’m from portugal. I’m serpensortiaxx on tumblr and I’m a potterhead (slytherin of course), adirectioner (yes, still) and a few more fandoms, besides phandom. Oh i also love marvel! I’m a math major in college and I love reading, in the moment i’m reading “They both die at the end”. I wear too much black (and I always do this pose taking pictures, I just realise when I was choosing the pic, oops). I have been watching dnp both for a few years now, they are two of my favourites youtubers! (Others are safiya, simsupply and cristine). It’s nice to meet y’all!
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hey everyone! i’m hadley (they/she) and my url is starboydjh. beyond writing, dan and phil, playing video games and reading, im a big fan of all things nerdy, like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Dexter and Star Wars. it works out that im in the smarties tent i guess! I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since 2008 when I found Phil on a weird sketchy Buffy server (that got deleted a month after I made my account lol) I’m a college student studying for my MFA in graphic design at the honors level and my BFA in marketing. I was a competitive irish dancer for 15 years and I’m also a proud vegan! hit me up if you want to talk about true crime, game of thrones discourse, or if you just want a nerdy friend to talk about stuff with
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Hi! I'm Inês, my pronouns are she/her, I'm 19 from Portugal. My tumblr is confused-pumpkin.
I love to read, play videogames, listen to music and my dog! In fact, I like him so much that I chose a picture of him instead of myself, but I promise I'm a real person and not a 40 year old man. I'm very hyped for this camp (maybe the sugar on the candy is contributing for this) so let's have fun!!
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yooo whaddup my name’s Ming Way :D she/her. i’m 18, i’m from Malaysia and i’m chinese. i’m formlessphan on tumblr. i like drawing and i also read a lot of fan fiction from whatever fandom im currently hyperfixating on. i’m currently in that limbo between college and uni, figuring out which uni to go to and having loads of free time which is hhhhHh Stressful but yay free time. gotta make my asian parents proud yknow sksksks. i’ve been in the phandom for about 4 years since 2015, so i skipped the really really bad stuff but yknow i caught up on cold tea🐸🍵 i went to singapore ii which was the best time of my life and i cried when they sang the ii song cuz i’m a nerd. i play piano, drums and a little guitar(like barely). i’m a big mcu fan and you can catch me crying about endgame any time of the day. nice to meet ya’ll!! <3
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Hey you can call me Fin they/them but I don't really care. I'm ace and my Tumblr is @beanfish05 I like to draw, write and read. I can barely play the ukulele and guitar. I was in Hong Kong when dnp were in America and in America when they were in Hong Kong. and I don't know what else to put
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I’m Rachel. She/her. I’m 26 from New York. I don’t remember exactly when I started watching Dan and Phil, but I think it was around 2011/2012. I love to read and write. Oh I forgot to add my tumblr is completelyuncreative2.
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Hey nerds! My name’s Helen and I’m super stoked to be part of this! This is my second campdnp thing this year and the last one was... chaotic (shoutout to the Fijis), but super fun! I’m 17, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m a proud Hufflepuff. My tumblr url is panicatthechuckecheese (yes, it’s wild, I’m aware). Catch me on there spamming your dash with whatever my current special interest/hyperfixation is. I’ve been a fan of Dan and Phil since late 2014 and I’ve been to both their tours. I’m a massive space and math geek and I’m hoping to work in artificial intelligence some day and potentially become a programmer or astronaut at NASA. Can’t wait to participate in the rest of this week’s events!
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hobiwonder · 6 years
An Open Letter to BTS
Hi guys, time for another rant *cue idol*
So I recently watched a video on youtube by this girl SherlizaMoe (i think that's her yt user) on colourism in Kpop, Asia and in a BTS context. She talked about her struggles as a teenager with her skin colour, using lighter makeup in cosplay and generally just being a victim to the whole lighter-is-beautiful mentality before she finally started to love and feel comfortable in her own skin. She also touches on colourism in Asian countries such as India, China, Korea, Philipines etc. It's a great video and touches on a little but if everything for example why it is so prevailant, the historical reasons behind it and the mainstream stars now contributing to colourist ideas by promoting whitening creams, skin bleaches etc.
In that video she touched on kpop as well and more specifically, BTS. She obviously showed an older clip of Namjoon saying how he couldn't see Tae or Hoseok because they were "too black". Now, he has apologized and genuinely moved on from him ignorant beliefs and is very self-reflective and self-aware. It's evident in how much he has grown as a person that we don't need him to constantly apologize or reassure people with his words when we can see in his actions and personality that he has changed.
BUT I will say, the reason for my post is that I see the most change in Namjoon. He made a mistake and he learned from it. What hurts me the most - as it always did in the past but i ignored it like a dumbass - is that how the rest of the group members, unknowningly or knowingly i can't say, are still a victim of that mentality that lighter is the way to go. They may not say it directly but we all know actions speak louder than words. More specifically, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are the ones I still see that indirectly make these inferences.
For example, ever since their debut, there have been mupltiple instances in season's greetings, summer package and most of all, Bon Voyage where Jimin has made a commeny about other members getting tanner. He has called Jungkook a kamdoongie years back and I remember it was a big deal for a while until everyone - including myself - dismissed it as them being young and dumb. But that is it. I do think that Jimin still hasn't realised it. That his words and sometimes actions do hurt Army such as myself who are of tanner or very dark complexion. He constantly makes a note of Jungkook tanning, often teasing him for getting tanned which I have found hurtful myself and I can't imagine how Jungkook must feel.
I will say, it's Jimin who contributes the most in terms of his teasing comments. We all know the tan JK got in BV2 and all laughed at it as it sort of became a meme. Because he got a weird tan line, the members made fun of him and it was evident that it was mostly because of the weird tan line and not for getting tanned at all. However, when I watched the new BV, I was honestly kind of really weirded out by the amount of sunscreen Tae, Jungkook and Jimin would put on. Jimin pointed out that Jungkook got a weird tan last time so he should put sunblock on. Whoever has watched the new season can tell that he is teasing - albiet playfully - and then jungkook proceeds to put sunblock on every surface visible.
It's the same when Tae gets to Malta. The scene where he could be a mime with how white his face was because of the sheer amount of sunscreen he was putting on. In episode 2 or 3 I think, Jimin tells jungkook that he has already gotten darker. It's at the restaurant they are eating at so it might be second episode. Throughout the series, they just put on butload of sunscreen like it's going to stop them from tanning. I'm guessing Namjoon doesn't know otherwise he would clown them I think lmao that sunscreen DOESN'T stop you from tanning. It literally just filters the UV rays so the sun isn't going to cause damage and diseases like skin cancer. It does NOT stop production of melanin so regardless, you still get tanned. But we can all tell that that's precisely the reason they keep on slapping sunscreen - to prevent tanning.
Jungkook and Yoongi both wear dark clothes, covering their whole bodies to prevent from getting tanned. I moreso think that's why jungkook wore full sleeves. With Yoongi, maybe not so much but maybe he also wore full sleeves to avoid tanning. I don't see another reason he would be wearing dark full sleeve clothes in the sweltering heat. Namjoon goes out and buys sleevless shirts, Hoseok wear short sleeves, shorts, flowy shirts. Lile you can tell that Namjoon doesn't give a shit about getting tanned and niether does hoseok.
What strikes me the most is that despite Jimin making these comments, he wears shorts, doesn't slap on a gallon of sunscreen because I have noticed he doesn't tan as quickly or as much. We all remember debute Jimin. He wore sleevless and was tan probably because at that time, he was a trainee, went to school, etc. Now he is considerably paler because his wardrobe has changed and sometimes your complexion DOES shift. Mine was much darker when i was young and now im a few shades lighter but still very tan.
Now let's talk about their selfies. All selfies they upload, you can tell that they have either chosen the filter that is the lightest or their exposure is super high. Don't come at me that they are naturally pale or that they don't use filters because even when they are outside, you. can TELL that they have used a filter. It really, really hurts me guys. As I imagine other armies. I may sound dramatic but it is the truth. Seeing men who are my rolemodels, not embrace their own skin because of the societal norms of what is considered beautiful and what is not. It's kind of contradictory to their message and I hope Namjoon can educate them a little more on the impact they are having by these subtle things they do.
I'm not calling Jimin bad, or anyone else in the group. I love then dearly and BECAUSE I love them, I want them to be better people. The recent picture Jungkook posted in Fancafe. Have you guys seen how whitewashed that is? Like why do they appear so gorgeously tan and golden in the US? Any show outside of Korea they have gone to, they can be seen in their true skin colours. In Korea, the culture is to just put a wash to their cameras so everyone appears lighter than they are. BTS stands for not following the societal norm, to change things we are not happy with. Just because it's the culture, doesn't mean it is right. It is colourism. I was fortunate enough to have a family who empowered me and made me feel comfortable in my own skin. But not everyone has that.
Especially in Korea, Brazil, India, Indonesia and other developing counties who have these farmful beauty standards as a replacement for equal rights and opportunities to climb up the social hierarchy. I'm not claiming to know everything but i hope you get the gist of it. And I hope they can learn and move away from these ideas that lighter is beautiful. I'm sure many people feel the same way. If I am to criticise other groups for colourism, I want my own ult group to change.
I am also not saying lighter skin is bad or that BTS should be always tan. Skin colours change according to the weather we all know. But what I am saying is completely different.
That's all thanks for reading if you did. Check out these videos for more context.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YhxShoelz4 - Jackie Aina talking about skin bleaching.
- Skin bleaching documentary. It's something that is practiced all around Asia and Africa.
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sundayskin · 6 years
Hiiii I have an oily acne prone skin, blemishes and some blackheads around my cheeks. I live in Philippines and my country is known to be tropical. I'm only 14 as of now and idk what products and ingredients i should use based on my skin problems. Please recommend me some products (budget friendly pls coz i'm only a student hehehe), routine and tips π_π hmmm it's also alright if u recommend me a drugstore products. Thank you so much ily ♡♡♡
Hi !! First off, i love you too, hehe. And ohmygosh I love the Philippines! It’s so nice to get asks from people around the world, I seriously feel so much love! Okay, so below I’ll recommend you some products I think would be great for your skin, but don’t feel like these are the only good products out there, cause that’s totally not the case!
♡ A good clay mask is a must for oily, acne-prone skin! I think you can find these pretty much anywhere and they’re usually affordable. I like to do these every other night if I’m not being lazy, it really helps balance my skin, control oil, and improve my acne. I always get this one, just because I know it’s safe for sensitive skin and it’s cheap. But this one is also popular. Really though, any clay mask will do! Also, I heard this could also be used as an overnight spot treatment, similar to those popular drying lotions. I still have yet to try, but it seems like a neat idea, especially for oily skin types. Just mix the clay mask, tap it on any blemishes and let it dry before you go to bed and wash it off the following morning. 
♡ Aloe vera gel is going to be a great moisturizer for you, especially in the tropical climate you live in. It’s light but still gives you some moisture, great for oily skin types. Also, it should help reduce redness and help calm any acne blemishes. Again, this is a product you can find at a lot of places. My favorite (though they’re really all the same) is this one, by Nature Republic. You could be cool, and grow your own aloe vera too (but I’ve got no time for that!). 
♡Another good moisturizer option for oily skin types, if aloe vera isn’t enough for you or you want to try something else, is an essence. Traditionally, essences are a pre-moisturizer type of product, but for oily skin types or in the hot summer months, it can be a great alternative to a heavier moisturizer. There are so many great essences out there, but definitely check out this one by Elizavecca or this one by Secret Key - both great options and on the cheaper side of essences. Basically, these are a moisturizing, water-like product. You just put a coin size amount in your hand and pat it in your skin - you can do this as many times as you need. These essences in particular are great for acne-prone skin, but they’re mostly going to give your skin moisture and improve the overall texture of your skin. 
♡ Mario-badescu drying lotion - I think this is a great option as a spot treatment for oily skin types. It’s not the cheapest, so maybe look into dupes, because I know there are ones out there that are just as good. You can use this at night to spot treat your blemishes, I hope you’ll see an improvement overtime like I do when I use it. But definitely try using a clay mask instead first, it could turn out to work just as well, and that saves you some money. 
♡ You’ll want a good spf in your routine too, especially in the Philippines! My favorite atm is Nivea’s sun gel, it’s lightweight and can double as a moisturizer for oily to normal skin types. I haven’t tried a ton of sunscreens though, so look around if you’d like - I know the Missha sun milk essence is super popular too. 
♡ Get some sort of exfoliating product, like an exfoliating toner. There’s a ton of these, I’ve heard great things about the Missha super aqua smooth peeling pads. One of my favorite exfoliating masks is this one by a brand called Vichy - you may have to order this one, and it isn’t the cheapest, but it should last you awhile. When I use it I see a real improvement in the texture of my skin, and it really helps with those annoying tiny blemishes that just don’t seem to go away. This could be a once or twice a week special treatment product in your routine.
This is all I can think of atm. I think you caught me at a bad time to ask for recommendations, I’m at a stage where I’m trying to finish my old products so I can start an all new routine and I’m not sure what works great and doesn’t quite yet. I still haven’t found that holy grail toner or cleanser yet. I know it sounds kinda lame, but looking at the reviews of products and what is popular can really tell you if a product is good or not. This isn’t always true though, of course. A suggestion I always tell skincare beginners or those looking to start a routine is to watch youtube videos and read reviews and simply create a list of the products you want to incorporate in your routine. I think you should definitely include a clay mask and an exfoliating toner (you’ll know a toner is exfoliating when it says “peeling toner” or if it includes aha’s or bha’s). The most basic routine I think you can start with is cleanser (double cleanse if/when you wear makeup - this can be an oil cleanser, cleansing water, or cleansing wipes, etc.) + (exfoliating) toner + moisturizer + spf. You can add in more products when you have a basic routine set up, and sometimes spf can double as your moisturizer too. You’re younger (and you know this lol), so I think a simple routine with really good products will be best for you. 
Also, yesstyle is my go-to when shopping for skincare, amazon is great too. Yesstyle just seems to have EVERYTHING and in one place. I’m almost certain they ship to the Philippines. You could easily navigate to the skincare section, and look through the cleansers, toners, etc and pick the ones you think would be best for you. I like to go to the “sort” or “filter” option and make sure I’m seeing the best sellers first, because again, products are usually best-sellers for a reason. AGAIN, not always, but in most cases. 
Definitely check out skincare videos by youtuber Edward Avila, I believe he has a similar skin type as you, and he knows what he’s talking about - his skin has improved so much, I’m honestly jealous! 
Anyhow, I think I should stop this post here. I tend to go on and on when answering asks, and I can imagine how this can be overwhelming! I hope this was helpful to you, and please send in more asks if you have more questions. Sorry this was such a late reply. Sending love to the Philippines -sundayskin ♡
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kitchenscene · 3 years
multiples of 5 for the ask meme mwah <3
this is going under a cut hang on:
5. what do you find most attractive about your crush?
i don't really have a crush (never really had any either)
10. hike to a mountain top to watch the sunrise or drive out of town to stargaze?
top of a mountain
15. do you have a green thumb or a black thumb?
unclear. all the plants in our apartment survive but they grow so weirdly? monstera with a really long vine that refuses to grow new leaves anywhere else, basil that refuses to grow but also refuses to die, etc.
20. would you rather wake up with your makeup magically done or your hair?
25. do you like parties?
if i'm with people i know. i have a decently sized group of irl friends and i'd so much rather hang out with all of them then go to whatever party the people who live above me are throwing
30. instagram or twitter?
i don't use either
35. top 5 celebrity crushes?
tessa thompson, keke palmer, ??? my minds gone blank i don't know
40. do you enjoy cuddling?
yes if only someone would cuddle me </3 i love hugs and touch
45. are you a romantic?
i would be if anyone would date me tf. i'm living in about 12 different romantic daydream worlds
50. do you listen to kpop?
55. what's the best prank you've been witness to?
suddenly i can't remember anything ever. i mean i prank my roommates a lot i guess ? but it's always just me moving stuff/hiding stuff in the kitchen or turning caps lock on their laptops while they're working.
60. can you cook and do you enjoy it?
i'm SO good at cooking i'd be a great housewife. i love it. i cook when im bored
65. what's your favorite thing to watch on youtube?
videos of people talking while cleaning their house/room. or videos of people just drinking tea or something and having a chill chat.
70. what's something you haven't done that you think most people have?
left the country. i literally don't have a passport.
75. what top three cities do you want to travel to?
well obviously to our house in austin, and honestly anywhere abroad bc i haven't traveled much.
80. what's your favorite picture of yourself?
this one of me and my cat veruca:
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85. do you consider yourself an independent person?
yes. im pretty sure im the only one of my roommates who actually knows how to live alone
90. what has been your favorite book you've read in the last five years?
the raw shark texts. very odd but very fun story about a guy who lost all his memories while trying to find his girlfriend who he thought might still be alive. ended up getting hunted by a word-shark.
95. worst tinder date experience?
asked me on a date but it wasn't really a date? it was a board game night with her roommates. also found out there was some very strange drama where she was living with her ex boyfriend and her ex boyfriends new girlfriend. wild.
100. what's one of your fondest memories?
my friends and I all went downtown to this science museum and spent the day in the city. there was five of us packed in one car and we just had like. an hour of karaoke in the car while trying to convice our friend to let us go to the waterpark (in the middle of november)
send me questions
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shslshortie · 7 years
Okay I'm going to make a post because I can't deal with everything that got asked/shat out my way
I am sorry for this rant, but I am legit ready to leave tumblr again. Like I forgot why I hated it so much, but lord is this an unhealthy environment for so many reasons. Mainly, because of discourse/call out culture. And I'm obviously not talking about being "PC" or anything, but just being an all around mean spirited person if anyone says anything that either 1) doesn't agree with you/your views/your fandom, 2) if anything is even slightly false or not entirely fact-checked, or 3) goes against most popular opinions without writing an entire graduate-level thesis about why you believe your opinion/view/observation is valid. Like if you want to complain or voice an opinion about anything, or even joke about something that you think is funny, you could very likely almost immediately be called out or even be sent WAVES of hate that usually is completely undeserved. Especially since people are hiding behind a screen of anonymity or at least behind an online persona, they don't think about the person on the receiving end of it. They don't think how their mean spirited comments or backlash could effect them mentally, and they don't even stop to think what else could be going on in their lives. Yesterday, (was it yesterday? I think it was yesterday, but GOD was it a long fucking day if it was) I made some posts after recapping through the Rost. Cup after I watched each medalist's short and long, as well as all the US skaters, big names, and for the men and ladies, almost all 11 skaters honestly. I love figure skating, and NO, unlike a lot of people wrongfully assumed, am not a part of the "fandom" and did not get into it because of YOI. Was a passion reignited from like a barbeque level flame to a bonfire with YOI's help? Yes. But would it probably have gone to a similar level with the Olympic season going into full swing? Highly likely. But anyways, I made some posts because I wanted to voice some observations, complaints, and things I thought were funny because tumblr is the only place I ever really rant/voice theories/talk about a lot of my interests, since I don't have any irl friends who are interested in almost half of the things I am. So, tumblr is usually the place that I dump these feelings/thoughts. Sure, one of them was a little off-color, and posted without thinking, but after about an hour (and like 3-4 replies I think), I looked back on it, and realized it didn't need to be posted out there, even if I didn't mean it to be mean. Does this mean I owed every single person who "called me out" for being uninformed, or for being mean, or for being whatever the hell I am a reply? No. Did I know that some things were answered over Twitter, or weibo (sp?) or Reddit, or whatever other gd social media that I don't use? No. Does that man I am uniformed and spreading lies or whatever? I don't think so, and that doesn't make me a fucking villain. I also deleted it, because I realized I was wrong. End of story, part 1. But then, the figure skating fandom found some of my posts/commentary/rants. (god forbid they somehow find this and attack me ALL OVER AGAIN, except for y'all that were part of this whole issue. I hope y'all see this, because it's not like I blocked you. Except for one tumblr user who blocked me because of my post? Like you do you, except don't reblog my post and block me so I can't see what you said, presumably about how I am a terrible person). And apparently 1) if you insult/don't like/say Y***** H**** didn't do his best/were disappointed in him, or if you like the person who won over him more... Then you deserve to die. And 2) if you even make a post about YOI or other anime, you are a fake fan who knows nothing. And 3) even mirroring almost the exact words of sports (specifically figure skating) commentators in your posts means nothing? Like it OBVIOUSLY means that you are making up bullshit to hate on skaters that are popular and are misinformed, right??? Or if you say one thing that was similar to an APPARENTLY problematic broadcast group, that nothing (including any commentary from official other broadcasts, because GUESS WHAT: it's hard to find recordings of all of the programs and exhibitions with English commentary, and there are usually 3-4 networks that have it, and SO MANY people upload different ones to YouTube) else you say matters or has any merit. I haven't even read all of the hate mail and submissions I received from this debacle. My mental health can't take it. I literally woke up for school the next morning, saw my notifications and couldn't get myself to stop crying from the anger/upsetness/trauma/depressed thoughts that bubbled up with all of it, and I couldn't even get myself to go to class because I was so shaken. Like visibly, physically shaken, to the point where I couldn't think straight and I literally had tremors from how upset and unstable it made me feel. Tumblr should be a place where I can voice my opinion on something I am passionate about without all this hate. I literally have no other place. Right now, irl, I got dragged into drama (not mine, I swear, I was just a witness and got pulled into the mess) with my honor society, and the girl who started it all is trying to pit the entire organization against me. I can't post anything on my finsta, and God forbid I even tried to post anything in Facebook. (Not like I would). I am already in a very dark place mentally and emotionally because of the trauma this is putting me through, and how unwanted, useless and disgusting everybody is making me feel. I shouldn't be getting that from strangers who just decided to make my life even more miserable on top of it. Legitimately, out of the 30-40 comments/asks/replies/submissions I recieved, only one person even tried to realize where I was coming from or to educate me on what I had done wrong or missed in my analysis. But some of their wording just mirrored all the hate l had recieved, or even other things I had been told in real life that just made me cry even harder and I still can't bring myself to reply to even the person who was civil. My one big point to anyone who sees this is (besides don't be a dick/cyber bully/create and stir up unnecessary discourse) is don't assume that people don't know what they're talking about? Or don't assume that they are fake fans? And don't make people spell every letter of their opinion out for you in a 12 page thesis if it doesn't comply with the tumblr norm. Cuz here are some fun facts about me that I don't normally publicize / post about on tumblr: Yes, I am an anime fan, but Jesus Christ I love/am a huge fan of WAY more than I am in the fandom for. I am honestly only in like 4-5 anime fandoms. Same thing goes for other things I like, such as Harry Potter or marvel. I can like things, A LOT, and be passionate about them without being in the fandom. That doesn't mean I don't like it or I'm not knowledgable on the subject. That doesn't mean that I am an idiot for not knowing a fact/opinion/theory that has made its way around the fandom, that I'm not a part of. YES, I am a HUGE SPORTS FAN. It was legitimately also my fucking career (as a sports reporter/journalist/broadcaster). Do I post on tumblr about Baseball or Football or Hockey? Almost never. Does that make me any less of a fan, or does that make me any less knowledgeable about teams and rules? No. Does that mean that I didn't play/participate in almost every sport growing up? (baseball for 6 years, I still play Intermural football, tennis for 3 years, volleyball for 4, soccer for 1, swimming for like 5 years, I tried track, even karate and some other random stuff.) YES, I AM FUCKING KNOWLEDGABLE ABOUT PERFORMANCE SPORTS. I have participated/competed/trained/still watch almost every kind of performance sport. Of course color guard and marching band has been the longest, and the thing I was best at (7 years), but I grew up doing all kinds of dance and I still do lots of dance, as well as TONS of my own choreography. I've done baton and cheer for about 1-2 years each too. I did gymnastics for 4 years — was I very good? hell no. But do I know about it and appreciate it? Yes. SAME THING GOES FOR FIGURE SKATING. I only had like half a years worth of lessons, and like 3 routines that I ever finished and performed with figure skating, but that is because it is an expensive af sport, and I had way more activities and sports that I was better at, more passionate about learning, and were more accessible. BUT did I grow up going to figure skating shows like Disney on Ice or Stars on ice? Did that stop me from waiting in line for hours to get Michelle Kwan and other famous figure skaters autographs? No. Did that stop me from watching almost every single minute of the 2014 and 2010 Olympics? No. Do I still remember watching parts of the 2006 Olympics with my parents and absolutely being ENTHRALLED and wanting to do that too? YES. I still remember watching the 2014 Olympics from my aunt's house when I was staying on a cot in her living room because my mother was in the hospital and CRYING when I saw Y* H* perform, break world records, and win the gold. It was a sense of normalcy and awe because everything else going wrong in my life didn't matter while I was watching these amazing athletes perform. And GUESS WHAT, since I'm not really a part of the Figure Skating fandom (just like I'm not in the musical theatre fandom, or in anything regards to hair or makeup) I don't post about my own hype or plans regarding how excited I am for things to come out. So nobody here on tumblr, or almost ANYONE knew how excited I was for this upcoming Grand Prix season for the first actual competition of the Olympic season. I watched almost every challenger series video, as well as the autumn winter classic and competitions of the like. Even the JGPF events in anticipation. But guess what: I literally have a note on my phone that has all of Team USA's competition schedules, and their scores that they have gotten so far (like at the COR), along with a list of my favorite international skaters, and other new skaters to watch. I was so hype, so excited, and I thought that maybe, since figure skating had boomed in popularity, thanks in part to YOI (but also, helped people be more vocal and open about how much they love the sport even if ex already did) I would be able to discuss the excitement with other people. But no. Instead of being able to say "omg I'm so excited for blah blah blah, I hope they make the Olympic team. But I also love this show concept and this other persons costume, and you also can't count out blah blah blah" and being civil with conversation among other fans... They instead will say " wow you like blah blah blah? But you said this about them, and that offends me so you're wrong, and you forgot this tiny detail from 3 years ago, and you like anime so you OBVIOUSLY only care about figure skating because of YOI. Take your bandwagon fan bullshit away from me and go kill yourself". So now, I am staying the fuck away from the figure skating fandom, I've literally left half of my choreography untouched for almost 2-3 months, don't want to read/finish any of my YOI fanfics, and will probably even have a hard time watching Skate Can this weekend (even though like 6 of my favorite skaters are competing, and I was so excited before). Guess I'll just have to annoy my snapchat friends with videos of skating and me screaming because of skating. Fuck you tumblr, and I doubt I'll make any more original posts outside of APO planning and reblogs in the foreseeable future,
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You know I'm going to make you answer all of the unusual questions too, right? (This is me asking you all of the unusual questions, btw. 👍)
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify, even tho I FUCKING HATE IT sometimes
is your room messy or clean? Clean af lol
what color are your eyes? Basic Bitch Brown™
do you like your name? why? Eh, its okay I guess lol
what is your relationship status? Blissfully taken
describe your personality in 3 words or less. Uhhhhmmmm uhhhhhhhhh fuck
what color hair do you have? Basic Bitch Brown™
what kind of car do you drive? color? The Invisible Boatmobile
where do you shop? The fridge, sometimes the pantry
how would you describe your style? Haphazardly
favorite social media account. Matthew McConaughey’s Youtube channel
what size bed do you have? Queen
any siblings? A younger sister, an older brother, and three older sisters
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? KFC.
favorite snapchat filter? I cant remember, but I really like that one that makes your face reeeeeeeeeeeal small
favorite makeup brand(s). ♪ Make me up (MAKE ME UP INSIDE) I cant make up (MAKE ME UP INSIDE) ♫
how many times a week do you shower? 2-3 times
favorite tv show? So much
shoe size? 9-10 depending on the shoe
how tall are you? 5′8
sandals or sneakers? Those little booties they put on cats
do you go to the gym? I go to Gymboree sometimes
describe your dream date. October 31st
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? HA. HAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHA. 
what color socks are you wearing? I got dem white Hanes biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
how many pillows do you sleep with? One. And a pillow pet-esqe thingie. Its a fox :3
do you have a job? what do you do? Bitch on the internet and watch Youtube
how many friends do you have? So many
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Man thats one hell of a list Im not willing to pull out today lol
whats your favorite candle scent? I really like earthy smells. Like beachwood, silver birch, meadow showers, and sage & citrus
3 favorite boy names. Shane, Jason, Max(imillian)
3 favorite girl names. Kiera, Joyce, Beth(any)
favorite actor? I dunno Will Ferrell I guess
favorite actress? Uhhhh fuckin uhhhhh Winona Ryder
who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Reynolds
favorite movie? Lion King
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Not as much as I used to, and not really sure
money or brains? In reference to what???
do you have a nickname? what is it? Beardie, Pigblap, Ol’ Montgomery, Turtleman
how many times have you been to the hospital? A few. Got my chin patched up once. One time I had cotton stuck in my ear
top 10 favorite songs. FUCK okay here we go: Cant Stop The Feeling - Justin Timberlake, Sufferer/LA Poderosa - Stick To Your Guns, I Believe In A Thing Called Love - The Darkness, Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus, Dancing Queen - ABBA, The Suspend - Stick To Your Guns, Engine 45 - The Ghost Inside, Say It Aint So - Weezer, Everlong - Foo Fighters, Im Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
do you take any medications daily? I do, for my fucking heartburn BECAUSE MY BODY HATES ME
what is your skin type (oily, dry, etc)? Normal I guess, with dry tendencies. Especially after washing my hands, showering, swimming, etc
what is your biggest fear? Time
how many kids do you want? HA. HAHA. HAHAHAHAHA.
whats your go to hair style? My hair style is whatever the fuck it feels like doing that day. I learned and accepted a long time ago that there is little I can do to tame my mane. 
what type of house do you live in (big, small, etc)? Big
who is your role model? Pizza rolls
what was the last compliment you received? I honestly dont know lol
what was the last text you sent? I dont know man, fuck
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I dunno, like 7 or 8 maybe?
what is your dream car? A 95 Subaru Outback station wagon, or a 2005 Ford GT
opinion on smoking? If you do, whatever. Just be mindful of other people. But I think its gross, and dont. And cant date anyone who does.
do you go to college? YOUR MOM GOES TO COLLEGE
what is your dream job? Musician/Photographer/Twitch streamer
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I’d rather live in the city or on the outskirts. But where I live now is just fine
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I do lol They just throw it away anyways
do you have freckles? I dont, but I has lots of birthmarks n stuff
do you smile for pictures? Sometimes, but rarely a full smile
how many pictures do you have on your phone? About 300, but some are duplicates
have you ever peed in the woods? Like, yeah lol
do you still watch cartoons? Fuck yeah. I love cartoons
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? ARE YOU MCFUCKIN KIDDIN ME??? 
Favorite dipping sauce? Depends on the day. And what Im dipping. Fries? Ketchup or fancy sauce (mayo & ketchup). Chicken nuggets or tenders? Boss sauce (my secret blend), bbq, sweet n sour, honey mustard, or ranch
what do you wear to bed? Usually just my underwear, sometimes shorts or pj pants when its cold
have you ever won a spelling bee? Nah but I was a boss at spelling tests in school lol
what are your hobbies? Slappin food together, playin vidya gaems, makin music on my tum
can you draw? Not at all
do you play an instrument? I play drums!
what was the last concert you saw? Uhhhhh FUCK I think it mighta been Purity Ring and HANA
tea or coffee? Coffee, but tea is nice too
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts
do you want to get married? Im already married to the ball fam
what is your crush’s first and last initial? DH
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Yeah I did when I got married. My full name is now Charles Cody Basketball
what color looks best on you? Purple, but also blue and orange
do you miss anyone right now? I do, I miss my friends back in VA
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open, but I prefer closed
do you believe in ghosts? I diddlyiddly do
what is your biggest pet peeve? When the batteries in something go dead
last person you called? Prolly Alex lol I dunno
favorite ice cream flavor? Moose Tracks
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Both are good
what shirt are you wearing? None lol 
what is your phone background? This
are you outgoing or shy? Shy, but can be outgoing at times
do you like it when people play with your hair? 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
do you like your neighbors? I do, theyre nice folk
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? I do, just whenver I shower
have you ever been high? HIGH ON LIFE SON
have you ever been drunk? DRUNK ON THAT CAPRI SUN SHIT
last thing you ate? Cereal, Capn Crunch Donuts specifically
favorite lyrics right now. ♪ Make me up (MAKE ME UP INSIDE) I cant make up (MAKE ME UP INSIDE) ♫
summer or winter? Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also autumn
day or night? Oh yeah. This is a Kid Cudi reference. I get it. Im hip with the kids
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk, but white is nice too. I kinda only like dark chocolate when its those bomb ass Ghiradelli squares with the raspberry filling FUCK ME UP 
favorite month? Spooktober
what is your zodiac sign? Taurus
who was the last person you cried in front of? Alex
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