#i just have to hunt them down. i DO have material for +1 but i'd rather save that until the end because i think it'll be easiest to finish
vigilskeep · 8 months
baffled and vexed by instalment 3 of this fic having an obvious title. does that mean i have to title the rest of them. good lord
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excessive-vampires · 2 months
Dealing with Demons Chapter 7: Having Fun Despite Extenuating Circumstances Part 1: Riley
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump @d-cs
Riley was running late for work. They had treated themself to breakfast from a nearby coffee shop to celebrate solving an "alien abduction" case. It was never really aliens, usually it was vampires messing with their victims while they were still suggestable, or the fae collecting materials for the magical equivalent of mad science. This time it was the later, so a joint fae/Bureau team had hunted down those responsible. They were apprehended, and the case was closed. As far as Riley had heard the offenders were going to be spending the next century doing something in between community service and indentured servitude.
Sil hated working with the fae though, which was why Riley was getting her coffee and a chocolate croissant, to help celebrate no longer having to work with them until the next fae-related case came up. But the line was longer and slower than expected, and Riley ended up ten minutes behind schedule. Not a good look for just a week after getting back from being suspended. Still, the world wasn't going to fall apart without them while they got breakfast.
When Riley opened the soundproof waiting room door chaos leaked out. Everyone was running somewhere and yelling, every face was full of panic. The elevator opened to show a small crowd of researchers, each with an armful of files, who rushed out towards the hastily made cluster of desks that seemed to be where everyone was running to or from. There was an agent at the center of the chaos who seemed to be barking orders at everyone he saw. Riley couldn't remember the man's name, but recognized him as the leader of the team assigned to investigate the missing person cases.
Riley rushed to Director Coleman's office.
"What's going on?!"
Coleman looked up from where she had her head in her hands. "Andrew Bell disappeared from prison."
"Like, escaped or—"
"Disappeared. We sent people to Clara Bolton's house to protect her, but..."
Riley's heart sank. "No."
"She's gone too. Just vanished. No two disappearances have been this close together before. This is an absolute clusterfuck. We have the agents working on the other disappearances briefed on the situation, but I'm having Agent Silverman's team take point. Including you. And listen, Agent Bishop, I need you to contact Avi."
"What? Why?"
"Because they'll know if Bolton is still alive."
Riley fished out their phone and hit the call button under Avi's contact information.
"Riley? What—"
"Meet me at the Bureau. It's important."
"I'll tell you when you get here."
"I'd rather know what I'm walking into."
"Just get here! It's an emergency!"
There was a pause. Then, "I'll be outside the building in five minutes."
Riley hung up and walked towards the exit. Coleman followed. Soon they were outside, and, after a moment of waiting, the already cool morning air chilled and Avi appeared. The demon was dressed professionally. Their expression was serious and guarded. They crossed their arms over their chest.
"What do you need?"
"Is Clara Bolton alive?" Riley asked, trying to keep the desperation out of their voice.
"Yes. Why?"
"Give me your word she's alive!" Riley demanded.
"I give you my word she's alive. What's going on?" The panic that had infected the base was starting to leak into Avi's tone.
"She's been taken," Director Coleman said. "By supernatural means."
Avi's eyes went wide for a moment. Then they composed themself. But their ever present smile was still missing. "I assume you know who I am. Avi, they/them if you don't. Who are you?"
"Director Sarah Coleman, she/her. I'm in charge of this base."
Avi's expression darkened. "I can assure you I had nothing to do with her disappearance. If I were to end her life, even indirectly, our deal would be broken."
"I guess that rules out the demon of envy," Riley said.
"Maximilian? Why?"
"Andrew Bell was taken too."
Avi took a step back, their mouth fell open, their arms dropped to their sides. "If someone is collecting people who've sold their souls, whatever they're doing can't be good. For those that have been taken or for the demons connected to them. Is this related to the other missing persons cases that have been in the news?"
"We don't know yet, but at this point we have to assume they are. I trust we can count on your cooperation with our investigation?" Coleman asked.
"Director Coleman, no offense, but if I'm going to be working closely with people who know how to banish me back to the psychic plane I'm going to need some assurances."
"Name your terms."
"Let's make a deal. I will assist your agents in this investigation in any way I can short of endangering myself, do whatever I can to not hinder the investigation in any way short of endangering myself, and not harm you or anyone under your employment for the duration of the case. In exchange, you and everyone under your employment will not banish me, imprison me, harm me or attempt to harm me, or interfere with my making and carrying out deals for the duration of the case."
"I won't make anyone promise to not interfere with deals that involve people getting hurt," Coleman said, staring Avi down.
"Fair. And I won't be stepping foot inside that building." Avi pointed at the base, apparently unintimidated. "Do you accept these terms?" Avi held out their hand.
"I accept." Coleman shook it. "Now, the two of you wait here while I get Agents Silverman and Green. You're going to investigate the crime scenes."
"While we do that someone should be making a list of relevant missing persons reports. I can go to their homes and determine if they've summoned a demon recently and what kind."
"That would be invaluable," Coleman said. "Thank you, Avi."
Their smile finally showed up. "No problem, new boss."
Riley turned to Avi as Coleman left. "For a minute there I thought you were going to ask for her soul."
"Deals can be for things other than souls, and I figure I can give you this one case for free since I'm already involved in it."
"What about the Bell case?"
"That one was a favor to you. Now I'm officially part of the team. Like a consultant or a liason." Judging by the demon's tone, this seemed to greatly amuse Avi.
"So if we need your help with another case then you'll want her soul?"
Avi shrugged then leaned forward. "I probably won't ask for hers," They said conspiratorially.
"Oh." Riley's blood ran cold. Avi wanted their soul.
Avi put a hand on Riley's shoulder. "But that's for future us to worry about."
Then Mike and Sil arrived. Sil walked up to where Riley and Avi were standing.
"Agent Silverman." Avi did a mock salute. Mike stifled a chuckle. Sil's frown deepened.
"For this mission I am your superior. You will listen to what I tell you to do, and you will not act without consulting me."
Avi's face got serious. "Understood."
"Good. We might just get through this without disaster. Now come on, we're taking car five."
Mike called shotgun as soon as they were in sight of the parking garage and sprinted towards the car. Sil sighed and quickened her own pace. This left Riley and Avi somewhat alone together.
"So... Riley... are you working on any new playlists?"
"Can we not talk unless it's about the investigation?"
"Oh." Avi frowned. Okay."
Riley put in their earbuds and played their de-stress playlist. Today was definitely not going how they thought it would.
Soon they were squeezing themself into the backseat of the car next to Avi, because no matter how much they were reeling from the revelation that the demon wanted their soul, they were still more comfortable around Avi than the rest of the team was.
"How long is the drive going to be?" Avi asked.
"Forty-five minutes," Sil answered.
"Hmm." Then Avi leaned their head back and closed their eyes. Mike looked back at them and then got Riley's attention. They took out one earbud.
"Do demons sleep?" Mike whispered.
"Not that I know of." Riley's tone was similarly quiet. They moved to put the earbud back in but Mike gestured for them to stop.
"Then what are they doing?"
"I don't know."
"Ask them."
"You ask them."
"No way, they like you."
"I'm not going to—"
"I'm meditating," Avi said. "But I can still hear you just fine."
Sil laughed. A blush rose in Mike's cheeks and he turned back around. Riley put their earbud back in. They wondered why a demon would need to meditate, but not enough to ask.
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sideburndanny · 8 months
So, with the end of the current hiatus nowhere in sight, the creators of Epic Rap Battles of History have been releasing short videos in which they respond to people's matchup ideas and talk about whether or not they'd do them. What follows are my thoughts on each suggestion.
Dog the Bounty Hunter vs Chris Hansen: Terrible; Dog stopped being relevant years ago and Hansen has no real valid matchups
Jack Sparrow vs Bilbo Baggins: They might be able to pull it off, but the connection is tenuous at best
Malcolm X vs Nelson Mandela: Perfect. Do it immediately
Dexter vs Punisher: Could work, though I prefer Punisher vs Peacemaker
The Wiggles v-NO
Marco Polo vs Zheng Yi Sao: Awesome; the show's always great at spotlighting obscure historical figures, so this would be fun
Sheldon Cooper vs Rick Sanchez: I don't really get their reasoning for passing this one up. "I don't wanna use Rick because his creator is problematic," they say seconds before suggesting Roseanne instead and three years after using Harry Potter
HP Lovecraft vs Mary Shelley: Could work, but Lovecraft might be better suited for a more prolific author
Captain America vs Mussolini: Could work, but I prefer Cap vs Batman
Black Panther vs Catwoman: Unique idea; would be cool to see which versions of the characters they use
Ethan Hunt vs Angus MacGyver: Meh
John Wilkes Booth vs Lee Harvey Oswald: I'm glad they turned this one down; it just sounds very insubstantial. The fact that they each killed Presidents is the only thing either of them are known for
Robin Hood vs Ned Kelly: Sounds awesome; I can’t fathom what Lloyd was talking about when he said Robin Hood can't be made "cool." Has he never heard of any of the non-Disney movies he was in?
Steve Harvey vs Dr. Phil: Meh
The Three Stooges vs The Three Musketeers: IT'S ALL I WANT AND I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG
Patrick Bateman vs Andrew Tate: Bateman is worthy of a rap battle, but there is no fucking way a disgusting sack of shit like Andrew Fucking Tate deserves to be immortalized in this or any series. Not only is he a monstrous asshole, but since I'd never heard of him before he got arrested, he just comes off as too second-string and his image too fleeting to be remembered after the battle's release anyway. It's like how Sarah Palin and Napoleon Dynamite appeared in season 1; what's the point? Bateman would be better off facing another fictional character like Tyler Durden or Tommy Shelby or Rorschach or Homelander or any other member of the "you're missing the point by idolizing them" club
Miles Morales vs Dick Grayson: A great idea for a battle, but it irks me how they seem to only think of Dick Grayson as Robin, and even then only how he was portrayed in the 60s TV show. Since Dick Grayson's graduation to the solo hero Nightwing and his leadership of the Titans have been the status quo in the comics for decades, and even his TV and movie appearances as Robin clearly show him to be more than the hyperactive goofball that Lloyd portrayed him as in season 2, their lack of research here is jarring — especially considering how diligent they are with their other characters (remember, Peter read every issue of the Dragon Ball manga and watched every episode of Breaking Bad in preparation for the later half of season 3).
Garfield and Jon vs Calvin and Hobbes: Eh, I don't see it. No disrespect to their creators or fans, but they just ain't rap battle material
Metallica and AC/DC vs Slayer and Guns n Roses: I agree with them that a team battle between unrelated heavy metal acts would be unwieldy, but any combination of those four could totally be awesome in a straight 1v1 battle
Richard Nixon vs King John: Could work, but I'd rather have Nixon in a Presidential royale
Barbie vs He-Man: Another "meh" idea, but I'm not fond of Peter's assertion that He-Man is only known for the bad '90s movie when he's appeared in multiple media before and since that have all gained a far more positive reception and a strong fanbase
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Heyy! I love your blog, and I wanted to ask - do you have any headcannons about the Aliens in MvA? For me Sta'abi seems like a Lesbian...
gaww I'm happy to hear! gosh headcanons are so hard for me, apologies in advance that this is all over the place!!
hmm since it's pride, for fun I'd say Susan & Link are bi, Doc is a transman & aromantic or gay, Bob is nonbinary & pan ace
Coverton is either gay or demi aroace, Sqweep is a nonbinary (trans?)girl & ace lesbian, Sta'abi is pan demisexual, although I'm never set on labeling them but that's my idea!
oh and Gallaxhar is ace, Derek is bi (probably closeted)
‌the monster agents have their own private island where they live work free, nicknamed "Monster Beach"
Susan, ‌Doc, Link, & Bob have separate living spaces, but they share the same (beach) house. There are 3 floors and 1 ground floor, which extends to Susan's area that is the majority of the entire building. There's a lab/garage for Doc's projects just off the main residence, but the real works are at Area 5X. ‌Butterfly sleeps in a cavern of the cove behind a waterfall curtain.
‌Link has a driving license, a piloting licence, and a fishing licence and soon a licence to kill yes he has a car it's his 2nd baby
Link deserves a stuffed animal collection I think, but of course, his no. 1 will always be the rabbit, and they're all grouped on his heating pad rock thing
‌Susan video calls her parents weekly, tries to visit at least once a month but its more of whenever she can
‌Doc & Megamind are buddies. Although when the agents first met Megs it was a monsters vs alien situation (or monsters vs megamind hehe)
‌Doc's cockroach research contributed to the development of adding longevity to the average human which explains why Monger can be 90 and look like that, a less mad science former partner of his is responsible for this
‌there's an international Antarctic base that holds alien tech from around the globe (or at least what isn't "important" in each country's respective secret governments), these are mostly big and useless other than for study, an alien junkyard really
‌not sure how this would happen but I like the idea of Derek occasionally covering live news of the agents at work so a running gag is him getting splashed, slimed, dusted, swarmed, and such
Derek must have majored in meteorology, so there has to be something there. it's a special interest in weather and environmental sciences, but he'd avoid ever being called a nerd so it isn't that well known. he also had a hobby in photography, then wanted to be in front of the camera instead
‌MVA takes place in the same universe as Megamind, The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon, Rise Of The Guardians, Home, and Abominable (Shrek is canonically fictional, so dreamworksception? implying live action Shrek actually)
‌Link's species, the "aquappe", are not directly related to homo sapiens, but one of the cousin's ancestors (homo erectus?). I like to think their species evolutionary process was very back and forth (like a whale), but eventually became modern day mermaids. Like apes and whales they sing, but Link's adjustment to speaking might have affected his vocal cords. He still likes to sing, just shy about it like in the karaoke music party.
‌Link's first language is sign, which he learnt from Monger and few others, he learned proper English from Doc & TV
‌Bob also learned from TV, and Monger talked to him a lot
Bob's consumption/absorption of any material helps him regulate his mass. He floats on saltwater but will eventually break down after a very long period of time.
‌Monger has back scars from asserting his dominance over Link, an accidental acid burn from feeding Bob, and a matching chemical burn with Doc after he showed off one of his inventions
before Area 5X, Monger hunted monsters under an alias, although he was unsuccessful because it turned into a monster romance on at least 2 separate occasions
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ferociousconscience · 9 months
Hi! Hope its ok to ask, and sorry if its already been answered before: Do you have fav Les Mis adaption? Or a few?
Thank you for asking me!! I've not watched all of them, considering how many there are floating around out there and how many are sadly lost, but. I have spent this year hunting down and watching every adaptation I could. A special thanks to @ueinra for a lot of help in that regard. I recently made a Letterboxd account and a List just for Les Mis. I've plans to go through and review them properly, (Currently I only have Shoujo Cosette reviewed!) but I'd be happy to try to coalesce my thoughts on my absolute favorite for you, that being the four-part silent* Les Miserables (1925) under this read-more! Hiyah!
It's... Hard to grasp my feelings on LM1925, considering how special it is to me. These films really made me love the idea of cinema again. I had never seen a silent movie before, and frankly I thought they were one of those things that were a bit out of reach for me, but wow I am so so happy I watched LM1925. Not only is it a fantastic adaptation of LM, it's also just a fantastic set of movies (miniseries??) in general. The casting, the acting, the sets, the locations, the attention to detail, the quality of the visuals (which often are just frankly stunningly beautiful), the pacing, the atmosphere. Everything just works and is faithful to the feeling of reading the novel. (I will say I watched it without the accompany music at first, but have since gone back and listened to it overtop on a rewatch, and wow what a cool oddity it is. The Sims 1 soundtrack but with a surreal and often nightmarish twist.) I adore Gabriel Gabrio as Valjean. He really captures the idea that Valjean can both be noble, kind, and fearsome all in one. And Jean Toulout as scrunkly and lively Javert...!! I truly love him. I think them and Sandra Milovanoff as Fantine (less so as her playing Cosette, too, wish they would have cast another person) give absolutely amazing performances. This is also a great adaptation for the Gorbeau part of the book, ESPECIALLY Suzanne Nivette as Eponine, wow! What an Eponine! Probably my favorite Eponine. Same with Thenardier, both the Eponine and Thenardier in this one are tied with LM1972 for me. I also just like the... what I'll call "Theater Acting" performances I've seen in this and in the other early films I've watched since. The thick makeup. The funny expressions. The dramatic poses. All this would be considered overacting in the modern day, but to me it just feels alive. It reminds me of a lot of animations, I suppose, and that delights me. I also love love love that they didn't attempt to make big changes to the material at hand (Hell, they even touch on Waterloo in a way I thought was cool!). LM1925 and Shoujo Cosette made me realise that the longer a Les Mis adaptation is, typically the better it is to me. (with. One exception off the top of my head...) I think by the time I had watched all the other adaptations of both the novel and the musical, I had grown fatigued over the different ways films would try to condense things into 2 hours, and leave a lot on the cutting room floor (even if that usually means they focus more on the J vs JVJ aspect that I always have a weakness for), or when they try to cram everything into said 2 hours and turns it into a pacing nightmare. LM1925 avoids all that!
I feel I'm rambling on, so I'll rapid fire some stuff off. I love that they filmed in the actual msurm. I love that they kept things really grungy when the film calls for it. I love the scenes of the barricade, especially the scenes with the national guards spilling in. I love the subtle changes to the valvert side of things, it's truly one of the better adaptations for the shippers. I need to get on making some gifsets. If you love Les Mis, or just film in general, I think you owe it to yourself to watch LM1925. It's free! It's on the Internet Archive! There are download buttons or you can stream it! Please do! And tell me your thoughts on it!
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onepiece-oc-archives · 3 months
I’ve been sucked into one piece so bad and now really want to make an OC. So I had an idea for a character whose inspired by old maritime/pirate folklore of witches and sea witches.
I’m struggling though with how to go about that. So should it be like a devil fruit thing? Or a friend suggested I just come up with a separate race/tribe like the Kuja? I’m so lost with what direction to take with this 😭
For some info I want to put my OC with the straw hats and want to avoid them just being this insanely over powered person. I did find when researching that some background character from a later arc is categorized as a ‘sorcerer’ but don’t really know what that implies.
Hi, welcome to the chaotic world that is One Piece and welcome to my blog!
I really love the idea of making an OC based off of pirate folklore! Sounds like there would be a lot of cool things to do there! The way I see it, you have four options:
Option 1: A devil fruit. I think a Mythical Zoan would be your best bet. Probably a Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Sea witch. You could put that in One Piece and nobody would bat an eye. Just remember that your OC wouldn't be able to swim. Do you want that for a sea witch?
Option 2: A new tribe/race. This is an option that gives you a lot of freedom because you can pretty much do whatever. You could create a race that has devil fruit style powers as part of their DNA. Oda has done that too. It comes with a few issues though. First of all, your OC's powers wouldn't be unique, because there's a whole tribe of sea witches. This could be good or bad. Second of all, there's a possibility that the World Government or other organizations hunt that tribe down. Once again, this could be good or bad for your story. Maybe this also makes your OC unique again because they're the only one of their kind left? Or at least one of few. This would, of course, have a strong effect on your OC's story and a lot of things that happen to them, so make sure to really consider if you want this.
Option 3: Science. I won't go too much into detail because of spoiler reasons, but incredible things are possible through One Piece science. This would most likely link your OC to a group of people or a specific person who develops said funky science and that's a connection with a lot of lore implications, so you should evaluate if you want that. Implications don't always need to turn into something big, but they can. If this is the option you decide to go for, let me know and I'll tell you more about that science and the people involved, but it will probably contain at least some spoilers, so be warned.
Option 4: It is what it is. I'm not kidding, this is a totally valid option that has been pulled by Oda multiple times. Your sorcerer example would fall under this option, though I believe he hasn't actually been seen practicing sorcery in any canon material. A canon example of this however is a certain woman who, for some reason, can accurately tell the future using a crystal ball. No one knows why. Never explained. And still completely canon. So, if none of the other options speak to you, going "it is what it is" is still a completely valid option.
Maybe as a sort of guideline of how I dealt with a similar issue:
My oldest One Piece OC used to be firmly in the Option 2 category. She's based off of mythology, mostly of Greek Myth, the goddess Selene in particular. Just going "oh yeah, she comes from a race of people who are just like that" worked really well for me for, I dunno, six years? But then a new manga chapter came along with a new lore drop and I thought I'd have to drop my OC's concept for good because it coincided/collided too much with the new lore drop. But then another lore drop happened and I was able to save her through sprinkling in some of Option 3.
The lore drop destroying my concept was purely bad luck. So you'll probably be doing really well with Option 2 if you commit to it. It might take a bit of worldbuilding, but you could also not explain anything. Both works. And if that fails, science can save your butt.
Also, I'm currently working on a new One Piece OC who falls into Option 4, simply because a mermaid being unable to swim would be a little stupid, so I can't give her a devil fruit, and her being involved with funky science just wouldn't suit her character that well. Also, I already kinda pulled that with said oldest OC, so I don't really wanna do it again.
Creating OCs is very situational, but sometimes "fuck around and find out" works surprisingly well or is the only thing that works. Mix and match things together. Run with a certain idea until canon throws a wrench in the works. Adjust things and make stuff up as you go. Sometimes, it's just about taking that first step, the rest will come all on its own.
I hope this helped at least a little. If you have any more questions, feel free to let me know!
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autizta · 1 year
So theres this thread on twitter
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And while I fully agree with it, and it's bringing a good conversation for not only the warriors fandom I think but also many artistic communities, some people are worried many people are just upset they aren't getting on popular projects and are jealous of popular artists and that's the end of the story.
In particular I saw an artist I love but won't name say there's nothing wrong with crunching for MAProjects, as its just like being in a game jam. So as someone who's done both I thought I'd share a comparison I made with some friends privately, as to make a point in favor of the thread.
TLDR; short deadline maprojects the way they are right now are bound to the capitalist system that encourages artists to crunch while jams are healthy creative challenges, i dont want to accept this system or treat it as normal even if it is because its very unhealhy.
First, here are some Animation Jams! Which are the actual equivalent of Game Jams for animators, just 3 is enough:
Here are some facts about these animation jams and jams in general:
the animations are all short
the animations are mostly pretty simple
the animations are made by groups of 2 to idk 10 people some of those i had a hard time counting
the animations made by 1 person are rare and the simplest of all
some animations are seemingly unfinished and that is not a problem, whatever they have by 72 hours is what they have to deliver
sometimes they're given themes
the artists had a day to a weekend to work on their animations, which were moments that were timed specifically so they could focus fully on this as a fun event/game/challenge whatever you want to call it
even if artists have to work alone they don't have to work physically alone, most jams provide space or encourage people to get together in a space dedicated for them to work
Okay now, let us make a similar list but for short deadline MAProjects! I won't be showing any here because I don't want to expose anyone or to be hunted down by The Untouchable Big Animators of the fandom, just look up warriors weekend MAP on youtube, read the thread and the experiences people are sharing of working on these projects and come back here if you need a reference.
the animations are all short ✔️
the animations have to be professional level
the animations are rarely a collaboration of more than one person, usually someone steps in to collab when the original artist isn't managing anymore
the animation needs to be fully shaded colored and smoothly animated, if you can't deliver that its your fault and you shouldn't have signed up for the project
usually there's themes ✔️, designs and even storyboards set up to make things easier on the artists
the artists had a day to a weekend to work on their animations, which were moments that were timed specifically so they could focus fully on this as a fun event/game/challenge whatever you want to call it. ✔️the short deadline is a surprise sometimes though
if the animation is not perfectly finished by the deadline the artist will receive shorter and shorter extensions, and sometimes collaborators, until its done, this is called crunching
the artists all work from home, alone, with their own materials and space and lives
Now, I've added a checkmark to the things Jams and Short Deadline MAProjects have in common, do notice that saying they are similar is a bit of a stretch! Now, I suppose you could say its because MAProjects choose to be more professional for portfolios and stuff and there's nothing wrong with it as long as everyone has fun, and that is exactly what I profoundly disagree with and what motivated me to make this post, what desperately needs to be said again and again and again as many times as needed.
First off, jams can be used for portfolios too! It's why these schools and institutes and studios post their jams on Youtube! But no one getting into it should be expects to create something professional EVER, that defeats the purpose of jams completely! Jams are exercises on creativity, where worrying about perfeccionism should be thrown out the window so you can give way for brainstorming and fun because that's what creates good art! Thats what makes a good artist!
I've seen this happen with my colleagues and their colleagues in all corners of the art industry. When you say you'd rather do only "professional level" animation for your portfolio, and by that you mean fully rendered animations made crunching, you're saying you want to tell any future contractors that they can abuse you to hell and back in the industry.
You guys think there's no issue treating these projects as normal as long as everyone is having fun? Wait until you are burnt out from art or get some serious injuries/conditions that just make it impossible for you to create like you used to. If we don't limit ourselves, or bodies do, and by then you'll have thousands of medical bills you can't pay for because you can't work like you used to and of course you weren't being paid for the extra hours you did of work, after all you were just having fun right?
I agree its not easy to just, shift to having all projects be relaxed and fun again, remove the pressure the fandom puts on the artists, get rid of all the people that are making it worse. That's because this is a systemic issue caused by late stage capitalism that affects ALL kinds of artists!!
If you guys wanna sit down and accept the propaganda that will kill us all in the end, say "its just the way it is!" or "Join better MAProjects" like that solves it all! Alright! There's nothing I can do but I won't join you, I won't be quiet about this or dismiss it. Don't worry I'm not gonna """cancel""" anyone or whatever, this isn't an attack at specific animators, the artists are victims here remember? I'm not gonna be not even a little bit nice to the system they and many others they're a part of though.
Here's to more jams, post over bye bye
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thatvictorian · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 83 characters
#how dare you give him emotions he's not supposed to have those he is not hysterical
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55 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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59 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Donna's Hands
I could talk about her hands forever. The gentle curves of her slender fingers, her neatly painted nails, the way they gently rest on Angie's waist with gentle care. GOOD LORD
The way I'd love to sit and watch her sew by the fire, never faulting. The way her hands know the materials she uses, the way her hands would fit perfectly on my waist, the way she'd kiss my lips.
102 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Love Aflame
 Love, Aflame
Pov: You’re a maid who had been working for Lady Dimitrescu for quite some time. Recently you’ve caught the flu and have been reduced to bedrest. 
Warnings: Some slight anger from Lady Dimitrescu and a small argument between them. Other than that, this is fluff! A word a few might not know! Pulchritudinous! It means beautiful.  This was written for @alcinasdarling but also for @ladydimitrescuworship
Working in House Dimitrescu wasn’t exactly easy. The Lady’s daughters tended to be very aggressive in a playful way, and the Lady herself could have a bit of a temper. Although, you had worked up quite the good relationship between you. After the first year, you had been promoted to grand chambermaid due to your ability to follow orders and sarcastic sense of humor.  Perhaps the work had bored you way more than you had cared to notice, as you had taken up writing down your thoughts in a journal. 
The journal, old but usable, had been gifted to you. And by that, it was really just left on your nightstand. Usually when Lady Dimitrescu left you small gifts of appreciation, they were left with some sort of note. However when you had found it, there were none. 
December 18th, 
“I have begun my daily tasks as per usual, getting dressed and fixing my hair. The Lady has requested I clean the ballroom for she intends to host a ball. Of course, after eavesdropping   over-hearing a conversation between her and Mother Miranda, I knew this was really a ploy to hunt for test subjects and prey. It is now time for the Lady’s bath.”   
 “That’s an old entry.. Perhaps it’s about time I write another,”  You thought, picking up a pen that looked like a quill. After all, it could be quite frustrating trying to write with actual ink. The ball itself hadn’t actually been that interesting aside from sharing your first kiss with the Lady. Socializing isn't exactly easy when you know what the real reason was behind the whole event. The girls had been cleaned up and put in fine dresses, and the Lady wore a glorious red dress with fur on the shoulders.
December 20th, 
It has been sometime since I last wrote, perhaps I should do this more often now that the Lady has restricted me to bedrest. It is quite frustrating, as I can’t do any of my regular duties and feel quite useless just laying here. The ball itself was full of the usual boring guests, people from the village. No one I knew however. But I got the most incredible gift I could’ve ever asked for. Alcina had kissed me, her wine flavored lips pressed against mine. And when she kissed me for the first time, I felt something of which I could not name. At the time, I could not find the right words. Even when she had asked me how it made me feel. When I had told her I could not say, her lips upturned into a grin. As if the mere idea of making words incomprehensible to me was the most enjoyable thing in the world.
“Y/N, I have come to inspect your health,” Lady Dimitrescu’s voice called from the other side of the door.  You jumped, startled by the suddenness of her presence. The door began to open as you scrambled to hide the journal under the covers of your sheets.  Lady Dimitrescu stood high above you, moving to sit on your bed. Her weight tilting you slightly, she smiled.   “How are you feeling darling?” She purred, her golden eyes puncturing you with their gaze. You hesitated to answer her, causing her smile to drop. “I asked you a question, you are expected to answer. Or have you lost that precious voice of yours?” She growled. “No mistress, I have not.. I am feeling better.  I only ask to return to my work. It’s killing me just sitting here, I feel suffocated,” You said, clutching the sheets nervously. Lady Dimitrescu’s gaze softened as you coughed a few times, a light burn in your throat. “My dear, you are not well and I will not have you making yourself worse,” She stated firmly. Scoffing and rolling your eyes you tried to get up but were held down firmly by the woman, the journal slipping out from the covers and onto the floor.
“Oh? What’s this?” Lady Dimitrescu bent slightly to reach the item, easily holding your frantic self down. “N-nothing stop! Put it down! Hey! Can you hear me up there!?” You rambled on until she covered your mouth. Her eyes scanned the entry before she snapped the journal shut.  “Well.. isn’t this interesting..” she murmured, scooping you gently out of the bed. The urge to protest was quickly swallowed by the excitement and admiration rising in your chest. For a murderer, she truly was beautiful. Her ebony hair in soft curls, her porcelain skin, and most of all her air.  She carried you for a while through the hallways, soft candlelight warming your skin.  
Eventually you reached her room, she didn’t drop you for a moment. Not even as she bent slightly to enter the room. 
Finally she sat you on her bed. “Now pet, I want you to stay there until I return alright?” She purred. You nodded, swinging your legs. “Sure why not, after I assist you in–”, She raised a finger.  Lady Dimitrescu slipped into her bathroom, returning a short moment later in a white nightgown that, if the light landed on it right, was slightly transparent. “Wow.. just wow.. She’s.. incredible..”  You thought as she strode around to her side of the bed and slipped under the covers. Moving quickly to avoid her crushing you, you pulled the covers around you. A coughing fit racked your body as you leaned back against the pillows. 
“Easy my dear..” Alcina whispered, rubbing your stomach. Her fingers against your thin nightgown sent cold shivers throughout your body. Her smell, her touch. The way she carried herself so restrained so as to not hurt you by accident. God just her… 
It was hard not to leap up and kiss her, but the fear of destroying the relationship restrained you very well. “Thank you mistress, I appreciate it,” You whispered.  She smiled again, tilting your head over. She ran a finger across your lips before pulling you closer so that your noses were almost touching. “May I kiss you?” She asked in a breathy whisper. Your answer was pressing your lips against hers, rolling over her to straddle her lower stomach. At first you had been lifting yourself up but she pulled forward, cupping your cheeks with both hands. At last, your lips were touching. Her breath filling your lungs, the smell of the wine she drank filling your nose. The kiss lasted for a while, neither of you stopping to properly breathe. “My my draga mea, you taste so sweet..” 
All you could do was stare at her pulchritudinous body. “And you too mistress, I apologize for staring.” You tried to match her formal tone, even though your size made the romantic pose quite a funny scene. She chuckled, bouncing you slightly. In order to stop yourself from falling face forward onto her face, you rested your head on her chest.  “Rest now my dear, do not worry about your weight. I assure you, I am comfortable,” she said in a hushed tone. Soon the room had become quiet, the only sounds being Alcina’s breathy sighs of contentment as she breathed. Her skin and nightgown, warm. Sleep soon came to take you under its wing, Alcina stroking your hair.
Thank you for reading!! This is my first fic so I apologize for it being so short!
181 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Mother Miranda said it's my turn on the xbox
267 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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a-clover-counter · 24 days
TMA Entities ranked by how easily I'd swoon for their avatars
(1) The Hunt!
I am. so unwell about The Hunt. I think about being hunted way more than I should be willing to admit (<- its like, my go to daydream).
(2) The Eye
Oh Ceaseless Watcher, we're really in for it now. The Eye shares a lot of its benefits with The Web: being able to be aware of needs & wants, but its a little more clumsy in actually putting those facts to use. Plus the being watched could be plus, at least I'm getting lots of attention :3.
(3) The Vast
This answer actually surprised me, The Vast as in big empty spaces and personal insignificance doesn't make good material for me to swoon over, but The Vast as storms and large natural inevitable forces that you are insignificant in comparison to... I think that could be very appealing.
(4) The Buried
I love getting dirty in the mud! I don't mind being choked either, I feel like I could start a very nice garden with a Buried avatar, even if they tracked mud into the house, I think it would only add character to the building; and if MAG 152 says anything, I think a Buried avatar would be a very sound sleeper, which is good because I'm restless and wouldn't want to wake them up! A Relationship with a Buried avatar would probably look the closest to a normal relationship, pardon maybe an avatar of The Web depending on their intentions.
(5) The Web
The Web was originally going to be in first or second place, but the spiders put it down a few places. A partner that could anticipate any want/need I have, manipulation isn't even a huge turn away for me as long as they're not too cruel in their intentions. Just. Please don't fill me with spiders. I like them, but I like them best outside of me.
(6) The Flesh
I am not immune to big or muscular people; but I feel like they'd be pretty surface level, and not have that much depth of character. Maybe I could get them to do my ffs/ help me with my transition? Of course, The Flesh specifically thrives off of the fear and discomfort by dysphoria so I don't think its likely.
(7) The Dark
A little basic, but that's okay! They'd stay up late with me watching movies, go on night walks with me, and I think they'd probably have a good fashion sense.
(8) The Desolation
The Desolation is the first of the fears that I don't think would make a good partner, but could make a good fling or one night stand. I don't mind a bit of pain or burning, and the candles could be very romantic. But by its nature, they're not exactly the greatest at building relationships and any attempt with an avatar of it will "backfire" to put it lightly.
(9) The Slaughter
Passionate & bloody, The Slaughter could be fun, but I don't think random violence is a good relationship fundamental. Another Protentional fling.
(10) The Stranger
The Stranger could be fun, but I don't think its likely. Sure they'd take me to see the carnival but I would never be able to know them. I couldn't have a deep or meaningful relationship with an avatar of The Stranger. which is a problem as a Demi-sexual person for... other activities.
(11) The Spiral
The Spiral, the embodiment of lies and delusion. I'm gonna be honest, I never really understood why some people thirsted over Michael so much. I very much do not like being lied to. Can't think of any positives here
(12) The End
No thank you, I'm aware of my mortality enough.
(13) The Corruption
No. There are no positives. I'm not even going to try to think of any.
(14) The Lonely
The Lonely is one of my fundamental and reoccurring fears but even besides that I feel like this one's low placement is self explanatory as the literal antithesis of connection.
(15) The Extinction
More than I'm terrified of being alone, I'm afraid of The Extinction. I do would not ever want to meet a Extinction avatar.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Bela x Maiden ----Songbird Ch. 10 (NSFW)
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9
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Over the next weeks, still trapped within the castle by the piling snow outside, Bela and you spend more time together.
It happens in your free hours, at first, talking and reading books until you're literally too tired to function and have to bid her goodbye.
Then the blonde starts looking for you during your shifts, as well. She doesn't pull you away until you're finished with your duties, of course –because if she does she'll never be able to criticize Cassandra again for doing that very thing with Alexia— but her presence in itself is very distracting.
Especially when she's in a playful mood... like right now.
The jerk knows the effect she has on you and she loves abusing it to hell and back. You're sure that's why she approaches you from behind, slow and predatory, leaning over your shoulder to 'inspect' your handiwork.
“Hm... This spot right here could be done a little better.” she comments with an obvious smirk in her voice.
The hand that points at the left side of the antiquity in your hold falls down, to rest on your side instead of hers. You fight to not react.
If you're honest, the criticism makes you want to smack her, but, at the same time, the feel of her breath on the shell of your ear and the cool hardness of her body nearly pressing into yours make your brain prioritize other urges.
“What, no comeback?” she asks. “If I knew that's all it takes I'd do this more often, Rhiannon.” Ugh, you hate how much you love the way she says your name.
“That's all it takes for me to stop doing my job, you mean...” you say.
If she so much as nibbles on your ear or neck now you'll lose your mind and you know it, but you also know she won't take it that far. She never has, after your first time together. She just settles for pressing your buttons –presses them just right too— and studying reactions.
“Nothing is keeping you from cleaning.” she replies, oh so innocent. An angel-looking devil is what she is.
“Except whatever it is you're doing at the moment.” you put in a lot of effort not to sound as breathless as you feel.
Her fingers are trailing abstract little shapes at your sides, over your shirt and your skin is growing hotter by the second under her ministrations.
“Not something you can prove.”
You turn around to face her with an expression you hope shows your exasperation instead of your arousal. “What's got you in such a good mood today?”
Bela gives you a slow smile. “The weather is getting better. I'm going hunt with my sisters tonight. And probably the following nights, as well.”
You give her a soft smile and a pat on the bicep that's really just an excuse to keep your hand there. “I'm happy for you.”
“What, no confession about how much you'll miss me while I'm out?” Bela prods.
True or not, if that's what she wants to hear, that automatically makes it what you're not going to say, unless held at sickle-point. Maybe not even then.
“I'm sure I can manage.” you shrug, tone flat.
Bela matches the look with one of her own, that she's probably perfected over the many years of her life.
It turns much more genuine when the sound of buzzing blowflies registers in her senses a few solid seconds before it does yours. By the time her sisters materialize in the corridor –you will forever wonder how they can even do that— Bela has stepped away from you, at a non-incriminating distance.
“Aw, are we interrupting a moment?” Daniela asks.
“Ha, ha, Daniela.” Bela rolls her pretty, gold-flecked eyes at the redhead.
“Come on, you can fail at flirting later. Game won't wait for you all night. “ Cassandra impatiently taps her foot.
“I never fail at anything.” Bela counters, irked.
Before she joins her sisters, she turns back to look at you one more time. Which... you find immensely cute.
“Have fun doing... vampire things.” you gesture vaguely with your hand.
Bela's brows drop, as expected. You press your lips together to stifle the chuckle threatening to break free.
“For the last time, we are not vampires—”
“...wait. What.” Daniela protests, as though personally offended. “We totally are?”
“Yes.” the brunette interjects. "Two to one, you're outvoted."
“Cassandra, don't encourage her in this!”
You hear them arguing about it still as their voices draw further and further away. Seeing them like this, typical siblings in the most human way possible... it's almost enough to erase from your head the image of bloodied, cackling monsters over tortured men's bodies, in an iron-scented chamber.
It certainly is enough to make your mind travel to your own sibling, though, left to believe that you abandoned her in pursuit of your selfish dreams.
You didn't think you'd be alive long enough to hurt for your decision, yet here you are.
You were able to joke about it a few days ago, but not anymore; Bela hasn't been around for a solid week –sleeping during the day, hunting all night— and you miss her.
Without her to keep you engaged, you notice the cold looks some of the other maids are giving you that much harder. They penetrate your skin in a way they couldn't before.
There are whispers about you, now, like there always were about Alexia. The most polite of them are calling you Bela's glorified sex toy. The rest, you'd rather not linger on.
She tells you not to give a damn about them, yet you never managed to be as unbothered by toxic gossip as she is.
Evening and morning shifts roll by, until you work nights once more. All is perfectly quiet at the main entrance, illuminated by the fireplace and given life by the sound of its crackling wood...
The heavy gate suddenly swings open, carrying a burst of snowflakes and frosty air with it. Thousands of buzzing insects infiltrate the chamber the next second; you have half a mind to keep your building scream on the inside of your throat, even as your muscles tense up in a fight or flight reaction—
And then the swarms gather into three separate silhouettes you recognize all too well. The Dimitrescu sisters are laughing and pushing at each other, looking high and relaxed ...and bloodied from head to toe.
“Alexiaaaaa~!” Cassandra calls, almost in a chastising sing-song, as if the woman should know to be there, waiting for her.
“Unless... I get to her first~” Daniela challenges with a foxy look and swarms off, not a second later followed by the savage brunette.
You see two large plumes of insects pushing at each other until they vanish into the darkness... leaving behind only the sound of a vase crashing to the floor.
Bela raises her gloved hand to the bridge of her nose and exhales. That's when you really take in her appearance; waves of blonde hair stained fresh red at the edges, dark splatters all over her chest and boots, crimson imprints left behind as she approaches you.
You feel sorry for whoever is going to clean that up.
The blonde's lips are hidden behind the blood at her mouth and chin. A powerful sense of Deja Vu washes over you, from your first meeting in the dungeons.
“Hey.” she tells you.
“Hey, stranger.” you reply.
“Will you draw me a bath?” You're not used to her asking instead of ordering, but you wouldn't say no either way.
As you're leaned over the side of the queen-sized bathtub testing the water –it's common knowledge the daughters like it scalding hot— you hear the shuffling of fabric behind you. Her gloves hit the floor first, then clasps and zippers are pulled open and drawn.
You keep your eyes firmly on the bubbles in the water, until Bela's shadow towers over you. The blonde is either being deliberately slow getting in, or your mind painfully draws out the seconds it takes her to settle in the bath. Neither possibility can be ruled out.
Once Bela lays fully submerged, she lets out a breathy little sound that walks the fine line between moan and sigh. It rolls straight down your stomach like hot candle wax.
“You can look now.” she says with that lightness in her tone that you recognize. The tease.
And you do look, at her now-clean face and her hypnotic eyes under the dim lighting of the room. Your gaze then follows a few water droplets that roll down her neck, to her nicely defined collarbones. Your fingers press into your thighs to resist the urge to have them on her.
“You returned early tonight.” ‘Early’ being the small hours of the night instead of dawn.
“Don't you sound positively thrilled about that.” Bela replies, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Who knows. Maybe I am.” you say back.
Her expression doesn't change, but the shine in her eyes betrays that she likes it.
“Feel free to show it if that's the case. I don't bite.”
Well. There she goes and says something like that, practically asking you to touch her. Your efforts to be friendly and proper fly right out the window.
“Really.” You lean closer, over the edge of the tub that previously acted as the 'safety line' in your head.
Bela observes you, calm but cautious. You make sure to keep your movements slow, your hands in her field of view, lest you provoke a predatory instinct in her that sends you into the water –or worse.
You can't deny there's a certain thrill to that though, like reaching to pet a panther that's just as likely to purr at your touch as it is to bite your fingers off.
One hand comes beneath her chin, tilting it up, while the other tangles in the wet hair at her nape. You feel her tense a little, yet she keeps herself rooted on the spot for you. When your lips descend onto hers, the sensation is hot and freeing.
She keeps her mouth closed, not wanting you to taste blood, but that doesn't stop you from licking her lips and moving down their corner, to her nice jawline.
“Does this convince you?” you ask in her ear.
You're more than tempted to bite her, but you know that won't turn out well in your current setting. Instead, you lean your weight back to your legs and simply revel in the fact Bela is rendered mute for the rest of her bath.
When you give her privacy to dress, taking a moment to breathe in her bedroom without her bare skin on display driving you mad, you think that you're in a need of a shower, as well.
A cold one. Asap.
Bela is squeaky-clean by the time she comes out the bathroom door, wearing a bathrobe that has no right looking so sensual as it loosely hangs on her body.
Her hair is back to its bouncy waves with zero effort. If you were capable of rational thought you'd think this absolutely unfair. It takes you half an hour –plus several prayers on bad days— to make your auburn locks stand half as good.
“This is the point I say goodnight, I think.” you whisper through your tight throat.
Bela walks over to you, takes your hand –it frustrates you how even without heels, while you have yours on, she's taller— and pulls you closer. She's the one tilting your chin up now, much like you did to her earlier.
“Give me a few minutes to reciprocate, first.”
She's slow and erotic in your liplock in a way you can't handle without breaking to pieces in her arms right now. Slipping her tongue over yours, arm like iron sheathed in velvet around your waist.
You can feel a tremor build in your spine and travel downwards as you continue to kiss. Your nails grip at her biceps.
“Bela.” you breathe out.
“I'll stop if you ask me.” she promises. “...But I want you, Rhiannon.”
“I can tame my thirst, but I can't tame this craving for you.” Bela admits. “I thought it'd get better with time, but it's getting worse.”
You know the feeling only too well. You thought it would be okay to be around her as a little more than a friend and a little less than a lover, too. That you would balance your guilty conscience and your desire for her out that way.
You didn't.
You burn brighter for her every time you see her. And you're tired of fighting against the one good thing you have left to feel in this life.
Whatever that makes you, falling for Bela, that's what you'll be.
“I want you too.” you confess as you stand lip to lip. "Bad."
That's the green light she needs for her deft fingers to undo the buttons of your shirt. She doesn't rip it when she guides you out of it this time, her movements careful as if unwrapping a present. You untie her bathrobe but leave it on her because it looks too sexy for words like that, barely hanging on her shoulders.
“Do you think you could be docile for me for a little while longer?” you ask her as you guide her back to the bed, climbing on top of her when she lays down. “I promise you'll like it.”
You see her chest rising and falling in deep breaths, her eyes taking on that raw, dark quality you know to be cautious of.
You wait. This time, you're together in this, partners, not rivals trying to outdo the other.
“I'll try.” she says.
You nod and kiss her once more on the lips, then down the column of her throat. You make sure to stop when she's particularly tense on your path down her chest, before you trace the taut lines of her stomach.
Bela's hand tangles in your hair to stop you only when your lips dance at the crease of her thigh.
“Rhiannon.” There's a warning in her voice. You hear flies buzz off her skin, then merge back down in her attempt to control her inner beast.
“I trust you.” you tell her, looking up into her hooded eyes. “I trust you.”
When you lick her there, Bela lets out a gasp. Her hold borders on painful for a moment, until she eases her fingers, always so mindful of her strength with you.
Your thumbs brush over her marble stomach in gentle strokes, accompanying those of your tongue. You take great delight in the quiet gasps and moans you wring out of her, in the fact the proudest woman you've ever known allows you to be completely in control of her pleasure.
The apex of your own legs is aching so bad it takes everything in you not to bring yourself to orgasm when she's on the edge of hers. Still, you hold out, wanting the entirety of your focus on your lover.
When Bela comes with a call of your name, it's music to your ears. The most beautiful sound you've ever heard and one you can easily picture yourself getting addicted to.
“Oh my...” she breathes out when you lay beside her. You offer her a bashful smile.
Bela takes a moment longer to calm down. You ponder asking for her help to finish, yet find yourself pinned down by the world's hottest mutant before you can utter a single word.
“Let me return the favor, gorgeous.” she says, pearly fangs lightly biting her lower lip.
Well, if that's not the sexiest sight ever you don't know what is.
You surrender your body to Bela effortlessly, watching as she worships every inch of it on her way down.
Little nibbles and tiny prickle marks may decorate your chest and thighs later, but they will be well worth it, you're sure.
“Guide me.” she tells you, then lowers her succulent mouth on you.
All words other than her name lose their meaning. She's as criminally good at this as she is with everything; it takes flat seconds for her to find all your weak spots. As Bela's lips work you towards new heights, to the point you're almost afraid to come crashing down from them...
She slides her hands up the mattress and interlaces your fingers.
And that becomes your undoing, your breaking point. The spacious room fills with your moans and cries of pure bliss.
If it's one thing you should have expected but didn't know about the daughters, is that they have too much stamina.
By the time Bela releases you, you're sure you won't be able to walk for several hours.
“Are you alive there, Rhiannon?” she asks you, chin propped on your shoulder, while you're face-down, buried in her pillows and already half asleep.
“Shut up...” You playfully push at her.
Then you realize that little shove drove her far enough to not be touching you anymore, so you have to correct that. Your hand finds hers under the covers and drags it over your waist.
Bela all too happily presses her colder body to yours.
“Sleep, beautiful. I'll wake you up at dawn.”
Safe and cocooned in her soothing chill, you drift off to a deep slumber.
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Writerly Ephemera
Thank you to @captain-aralias and @palimpsessed for the tags, and to @amywaterwings who I hear started the trend ❤
Find five bits of yourself that you gave to your fiction (memories and places and phrases and things into our stories), post and tag five or more writers to share as well.
This was a tricky one for me. I suffer from similar mental health issues as Simon, so whenever I’m writing him and I mention trauma/his mental health, it’s filtered through my own lens--phrases, memories etc. But I wanted positive things! So I forced myself to hunt for other stuff—which was a lot of fun!
1. Three Sheets to the Wind - In which Baz and Simon get drunk together, ft. the most relatable line I’ve ever written:
We’re not totally legless—I can still walk to the toilet for instance. Which is where I am right now, having that awful moment when you meet your own eye in the mirror over the bathroom sink and become painfully aware that you’re off your pickle.
Many times. Many times.
2. Good to You - I’m going to put on here twice. First, THIS is 100% my own thirst. I have had many confusing thoughts about friends purely because they've looked hot as fuck whilst driving.
… The suit fits him too well; the material stretches over his biceps as he pushes the base of his palm flat against the top of the steering wheel, thick fingers splayed as he moves it in a circular motion to turn the corner.
God it just gets me so hot when people do that to turn. I yearn.
3. Good to You - Part 2. Okay so, one deeper example. A lot of what Simon says in Good to You (and some of the commentary from Baz on Simon) has a lot of me in it. It's a little embarrassing, but this fic is a Fix It of sorts for a younger me—words and understanding I desperately wish I'd had then. I'll only post one snippet, but I could copy the whole fic in tbh.
Trusting that I’ll get things right and that, even if something does go wrong, Baz will still want me afterwards. Trusting Baz to love me, even if I let him down.
4. Hot in Here - This whole fic is based around the uni halls I lived in, and the Christmas parties we’d have. Baz is FULL of scorn for it—because I ADORE writing a hilariously scornful Baz—but I loved uni, the tacky tinsel, the beer cap covered Christmas tree ❤. It's also a tribute to 90s/2000s music, because I love to dance to it.
…and park outside what looks like a gated off community. Loud noises are streaming from open windows—deafening music, cackling laughter, screeching voices. Two groups are arguing on the pavement while another group jeers from the sidelines, and I’m honestly not certain if the gates are to keep people out, or to keep these people in.
5. Sweet Like Chocolate
Belgium was the last place I went to before the world locked down for Covid. My best friend and I interrailed around the country, it was fantastic. This fic was inspired by that trip ❤
…once Snow saw that hot chocolate here is usually served via dunking special spoons into warm, delicately foamed milk, it was all over. He was beside himself with joy. He must have bought fifteen different types in that first shop alone, and he’s memorised them so that he can buy the ones he’s missing next time. (I hate how cute I think that is.)
Literally me, hoping that one day someone finds my Simon Snow-like eating habits endearing hahaha
AND to tag... @scone-lover @caitybug @annabellelux @ninemagicks@thehoneyedhufflepuff @banjjakbanjjak @pipsqueakparker @nightimedreamersworld @vampire-named-gampire @amphipodgirl and @snowybank ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Hi hi! I'm glad you're well, except for the commute (oof). If you haven't done this already, I'd love to hear thoughts from you about Brenner. First of all, how does someone like him live with doing the sort of things he's done? Also, with him being "papa" to El in her early life, how well would you say stories of why abusive parents abuse, and how they understand what they're doing, fit to understanding Brenner's behavior and mind? (I hope that all makes sense?) Thanks! and have a good one! ^_^
Ok, you’ve been waiting for this one for quite some time. I apologize. It’s been hard to stay motivated between all the stress of the past year and the lack of fresh Stranger Things content. You’ve put forth a very thought-provoking question, as it really demands that I get into the question of human behavior and why anyone does anything, let alone something that many would see as horrible.
Too often, people like to write certain people off as “just plain evil.” This is a problematic argument, however, as it avoids any exploration as to why something might have happened. If we don’t understand the root of a given behavior, we leave ourselves open to it happening again. Brenner isn’t evil, but only because “evil” is a social construct that isn’t naturally occurring. Brenner himself would certainly give all sorts of justifications for his actions, and that is the real issue here. A stereotypically “evil” person would know he is doing wrong, and either not care or enjoy it.
Brenner doesn’t see anything wrong with what he’s done. He may know it’s illegal, even unethical, but he sees himself as doing something great. Those who are hurt along the way are simply the cost of doing business, for lack of a better term. He has little, if any, remorse for his actions. Everything is justifiable to him if it works towards his goals. What are his goals? First, to achieve greatness. Second, to have his greatness known. The closest he gets to caring for something other than himself is his desire to defeat the Russians, but that may well be driven by his desire for greatness rather than a desire to help his country. He’s not out to hurt anyone, but he cares little if that’s what it takes.
What this shows is a disregard for the rights of others, along with the previously mentioned lack of remorse. This is where an evil argument can be made, since it creates a situation where he quite simply seeing others as lesser than himself. This is what leads to people treating others as subhuman and expendable. Most people, even when put into a situation that requires decisions that can result in others being seriously hurt or killed, will struggle with it. It’s the sort of thing that would haunt the average person, even if they tried to rationalize it away, at least until they became desensitized to it.
We get no sense that Brenner himself was simply broken down until this emotionally detached person was all that was left. There’s no indication that he came into his research as someone with ethical standards, but got disillusioned over time. Everything we see in Stranger Things, as well as the supplemental materials, tells us that this is basically Brenner’s modus operandi. Any display of emotion from him is simply part of a greater strategy of manipulation. He tricks his subjects into thinking he cares for them, and, especially with the children, grooms them to see him as a father figure whom they will wish to please.
Using Brenner as an exploration of abusive parents is a bit dicey, as his parental status is essentially fake. God willing, he has no actual children. Still, it can work as a sort of metaphor, I suppose. An abusive parent would behave similarly, unrealistic elements of the series aside, in that I’d wager that abusive parents rarely see themselves as abusive. I don’t have any research handy for this, but, anecdotally, people take on traits of their parents (and other significant people in their lives growing up). The cycle of abuse is not a conscious choice that people make, and this is what makes it difficult to break. Billy was abusive because Neil was abusive. Billy started to see Neil’s methods as the only way to 1) be safe and 2) get what you want. Neil’s abuse of Billy likely decreased in frequency and severity as Billy took on traits that Neil appreciated. This reinforced the behavior in Billy, turning him into a carbon copy of the man he hated. Billy also likely harbored a great hatred of himself, assuming he had moments where he was able to clearly see the person had become. Abusive parents, particularly those who had been abused, would likely have a similar sense of shame once the defense mechanisms stop protecting them from their own behavior.
I’m not sure Brenner would feel ashamed of himself, though. Even if someone, somehow stripped away his delusions of grandeur, arrogance, and claims of the ends justifying the means, there’s no reason to believe that Brenner would have a Heel Realization. He’s not a Well-Intentioned Extremist or He Who Fights Monsters who simply needs to be put down. The man is a sociopath. He doesn’t value others enough to have any genuine emotional attachment with them. If you watch his scenes with El, you can actually see that any reactions he has are due to the results of his experiments with her. His emotional attachments are centered on his work. These people are subjects to him, merely nameless numbers. Their names only exist to allow him to put up a paternal front, so they feel compelled to obey and desire to please him.
I think a better look at abusive parents in Stranger Things would be with Neil or Lonnie. They’re both horrible people, but at least tried to be parents in their own twisted way. If we use the story of Lonnie taking Jonathan hunting to illustrate parenting, we can sort of see the differences. A good dad would see his son is upset and end the hunting trip. An abusive dad, like Lonnie, would make his kid do it anyway because he thought it’d toughen his son up and because he cared more about what other people thought than how his son felt. Brenner tried to make El kill a rabbit just to see if she could, so she can be a weapon.
Lonnie was a selfish abusive asshole, but Brenner was only ever in it for himself. El would have been killed or locked away in an asylum if her powers never developed. It takes a lot to come across as worse than Lonnie, but, hey, there’s always a bigger fish.
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dany36 · 3 years
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officially done with tales of zestiria!! overall, i really enjoyed the game and i'm glad i finally sat down and played it. more junk thoughts below.
so it's definitely not as bad as i had heard people say it was. i was really surprised when i saw just how much of a bad rep this game gets, but...i can definitely see some things as to why people don't like it... one of the things i had heard was that there was barely any character development in the game, and i agree with that. i was 35ish hours in when suddenly people were already talking about going into the final battle and i was like...what?! no sub-story about rose or eizen or lilah that goes more into their past/characters like sheena in tos or something?? i guess we did get more into edna with that sidequest about eizen (it was nice seeing her show emotions for once!), but other than that, i really didn't feel like the game focused on ANYONE else at any point in the story. they just sort of get introduced into your party and are there to help sorey in his quest.
speaking of sorey, i REALLY didn't care for his character at all. i think he's the only one where i was super apathetic towards in terms of character and personality. even zaveid, who i thought i was going to dislike because of how annoying i found him in berseria, grew on me and learned to like him. i don't know, i guess when i compare him to other protagonists in the tales of games i've played, he really is the most forgettable of them all. like, when he "sacrifices" himself and goes in a sleep slumber, i felt no emotion whatsoever. as soon as i got rose in my party, i switched to using her as my main (which never happens lol i'm boring and usually stick to main characters as my Player 1--emil, lloyd, luke, velvet, dude with the purple hair in vesperia for the amount i played in the game) cus i was just like wow give me someone more interesting PLEASE. so, sorry to sorey fans (if there are any) but to me he's one of the most boring aspects of the game...and he's the damn shepherd!
and continuing on that point, i think the plot in this tales game is also probably the weakest one out of the ones i've played (weak main character, weak plot). the game starts off with the simple premise that sorey is the shepherd and he must get rid of the Lord of Calamity, and...that's pretty much it. in other tales games, you start off thinking your objective is A, but then as you journey along, a plot twist occurs and you realize now that objective A really was just a small task in what is your true objective. Something like this never happens in the game, so the pace just pretty much stays the same throughout the entirety of the game. sure, there are some cool moments (rose's introduction and her learning to armatize will forever be my favorite), but they are scattered out and about and honestly in this game i can't really remember something as impacting as luke sinking that one city (haven't played tota in a while lol) or palmacosta being destroyed in tos or velvet finding out the truth about her brother.
but anyway, the rest of the cast, i absolutely loved, so it's truly a shame that they were stuck in a sort of forgettable plot. i already talked about edna and rose being my favorites, but lilah (that scene with the oregami...OOF...OOF!!!!) and zaveid are cool too. alisha is barely in the main game, but it was great seeing more of her in the DLC and showing her struggle of what she wants to do (her combat also seems cool for the couple of fights but i had to stick with rose...sorry!). i only wish we could have had more skits showing the party interacting with one other. i don't know if it's just me but i really felt like there were barely any skits in this game, which is sad because most of the cast is enjoyable and it's a shame we didn't get to see them talk with each other in skits more!
i had seen people say that it's best to play zestiria and then berseria so you can catch all the references in berseria, but...to be honest, i don't think i would have enjoyed zestiria as much if i had played it first! prime examples are the eizen sidequest and the sidequest where you FREAKING FIND MAGILOU'S TOMB. like...hello??? when i got to the eizen sidequest, i 100% would not have given as much of a shit on killing that dragon if i hadn't played berseria beforehand. it really made me sad knowing the tragic ending that eizen wound up having. and finding magilou's grave being guarded by her friend also broke my heart. like...seriously!!! that was something that i also would not have given another thought if i didn't know who magilou was. so yeah i don't regret playing berseria first since i actually think it enhanced the experience a bit more.
gameplay-wise, i really enjoyed it! took me a while to get the hang of the equipment system, but once i did, chaining combos with Rose was a blast. i also really enjoyed how easily you could change party members (unlike in tob where it costs 1 BG!) in the middle of a fight. and MAN i never get tired of seeing those sweet, sweet mystic artes animations. <3 <3 <3 it increases any character's coolness factor three-fold.
my main gripe in berseria was the terrible dungeon design. at the beginning, zestiria did a better job at putting in puzzles in dungeons so as to not make the same mistake that berseria did, but then...towards the second half of the game...it was pretty much all berseria-like dungeons of endless same-looking rooms with endless enemies (the DLC dungeon being a prime example of this). which is honestly just terrible and boring, but at least the gameplay makes the fights seem not AS tedious...
i also felt like zestiria did a better job with the music than berseria did. i can hardly recall any song i liked in berseria (there's like two or three i'd put in my vgm collection), but for zestiria, i'm gonna need to hunt down quite a few. also, i could actually remember the names of the towns/locations and what they looked like. in berseria, i felt like i was going town after town but for the life of me i couldn't remember at ALL what we did there in the first place. i really just felt like i was passing through each town not learning much about the place, but in zestiria i really got a feel of each town, so that was nice!
oh, and the ending i felt was...kind of weak lol especially cus...no one talked at all??? it was so weird haha in tos, tota, dotnw, and tob we have the characters at least saying SOMETHING in the ending but in toz it was just...animations and that's it lol. so glad we got a DLC cus i would have been PISSED seeing just rose leave off like that without saying a word and then...they show us her GRAVE??? i always think "wow i wish they would show us how the future of (insert favorite characters here) are like!! :)" but seeing rose's grave made me so sad (as well as eizen's and magilou's) like nononono you do NOT show my favorite characters just DEAD!! >:'v but anyway, yeah i mean it was an ok ending but nothing that made me feel with a great gap in my heart like tob's or tos's did. like mikleo seeing sorey again at the end? cool. did it make me feel something like when tear sees luke again at the end of tota? sadly, no. :(
and last but not least, the DLC. i mean, i absolutely LOVED seeing the girls in the team going out on their own little adventure and just interacting and talking with each other!!! lailah + edna + alisha + rose...who doesn't love that?? we got to see more of rose being the badass that she is and uh yeah her and alisha? totally gay for each other...like that last scene before they kill the final boss?? just A+++ material (except that terrible last dungeon AND the HORRID design of the last bosses??? dragons with purple bright titties so that the player will know they're FEMALE dragons??? LMAO)
oh wow i wrote more than i thought i would but uh yeah. all in all: DEFINITELY NOT a bad game, has a great cast of interesting and fun characters (except sorey) but sadly the game doesn't delve too deep into them as in other tales game, DLC was a fun addition to see more of who i thought was going to be a greater protagonist in the main story, but overall when compared to other tales of games, the weak plot puts it second-to-last in my list of tales games i've played. would i play it again? definitely :)
WHEW, ok, now off to watch the anime!! <3
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thereaderstea · 3 years
Hello tor-mon!
I just saw your response and honestly you flatter me too much, you re-read it ten times? This is the highest form of praise!
Secondly, I was wondering what things you personally like to see in the horror/yandere genre? I have been trying to come up with ideas for my next fic and am a little stumped. So, I figured who better to ask than my favorite reviewer in the whole world?
What is a fic you always wanted to read in this genre? AUs you don't see too often? Something you just really want to see! I'd love to hear your thoughts 💜💜💜
Merry meet, deliciae! Of course! Your writing is the perfect material to reread! I reread your fics all the time, and your writing never loses its effect! True beauty!
First, I’m honored 🥺 And second, I’ve got you, deliciae! A lot of these ideas are supernatural/paranormal/magical because that’s my usual realm and I am wholly unoriginal and empty-headed when it comes to the Normal world 😅
Yandere AUs
Among Us au: I believe this is a potent au filled with lots of possibilities, especially with the addition of the Town of Us roles (Imposter Lovers immediately screamed yandere at me). The two possibilities that stuck out to me was 1) the classic yandere is the imposter and mc is a crewmate (and mayhap the crew think the mc is sus 🤭), and 2) the mc is the imposter with a yandere crewmate (i.e. the yandere!crewmate simps for the mc). 
Battle Royale au: I remember you mentioning a long while back about starting your blog in part because of chinkbihh’s Quarter Quell but wasn’t sure what else to bring to the table? I have a singular idea and some alternate settings that employ a similar taste of the Hunger Games (because I, too, love chinkbihh’s yandere Hunger Games idea):
Hunger Games: game designer and hunger games survivor. The yandere is on the game’s designing team and the mc is a survivor in the games. The yandere does all they can to ensure the mc’s safety and victory in the games, and well, the mc may escape the games unscathed but they can’t escape the yandere’s clutches. 
S.O.S.: This is a game on Steam. You’re on La Cuna island, where you have to fight monsters, avoid becoming infected by the monsters, yoink a crystal on the island before other players do, call in the helicopter, and secure your spot home. There are thirty-two players, only three seats home, and you definitely didn’t sign up for this fight to the death 😅
Dead by Daylight: This is a game on Steam. There’s one killer and four survivors (but who says it has to be those numbers?). The survivors have to fix the generators to open the gates and escape, and the killer is having fun chasing the survivors, messing with them using their special abilities, taking them down, throwing them on hooks, and sacrificing them to the Entity. It’s ten times more terrifying to play with friends, and while I love the teaming up, I love a shameless, no-regrets betrayal between good friends more 🙂 (sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice)
Witch au: I believe there are a few aspects of the witch-y world that could be brewed with yandere, namely:
love potions
curses, hexes: anyone who tries to get between the mc and the yandere is cursed
a case of an accidental summoning of a djinn, demon, or some other being who becomes rather fond (and possessive) of the witch (or vice versa!)
empathy (specifically feeling others’ emotions): this could create some good internal conflict. If the mc is an empath, then what if they feel the yandere’s ‘love’; would the mc also become a yandere? 
fortune telling/scrying/clairvoyance or claircognizance/psychometry: you’ve actually hinted at this concept in Solar Eclipse and it’s such an intriguing concept, so here’s another version
dream walking/lucid dreaming/astral projecting: I read a book where the mc dreams of a town and her duty is to protect the town from the djinn. She loses her brother and so when the djinn approaches her in her dreams she makes a deal with a djinn to get him back (sort of like Persephone :D), but she didn’t think it was a real deal until she woke up. The interesting part was that she was chained to the djinn, and the djinn could use those chains to summon her to him, even across dimensions.
Tuatha Dé Danann/Sidhe/Fae au: besides the Unseelie being cool candidates for yanderes (glamour, master manipulators, and typically violent? perfect grounds to make a yandere), there are aspects of Fae folklore that I love and think would be pretty cool in yandere:
names: names hold power and if you tell a Faerie your name (specifically your full, true name), they hold power over you. the Fae are tricky, so it can be easy to literally hand your name over to them. 
faerie rings: if you step in a faerie ring, you’re trapped until the Faerie who created the ring comes to collect their trappings. But faerie rings are also rumored to be portals into the Fae realm
selkie: in folklore, men would convince a selkie to marry them and hide their seal skin as a means to trap the selkie with them. if the selkie ever finds her seal skin, she’ll dip on the man and return to the ocean.
Slaugh Sidhe, or the Wild Host/Wild Hunt: the Slaugh Sidhe are hosts of restless, unforgiven dead, sometimes rumored to be Fallen Angels. I believe the Headless Horseman is in the Hunt as well. They roam the Earth on Samhain and hunt during the night; they prey on humans and will steal their souls. You can also inadvertently call the Slaugh to you by saying their name during nightfall or feeling hopeless (they prey on sadness, broken hearts, and the depressed). 
each-uisce, or each-uisge: a shapeshifting water-horse; it typically takes the form of a man on land and a horse in water. Though if in the form of a horse on land, a human mounts them, and they smell water, the uisce will drag the human down into the water and eat them
zombie apocalypse au: I haven’t seen too many yanderes in the zombie apocalypse, but it sounds pretty cool (way I see it, the yandere is prepared to keep mc alive and the mc gets to kick some zombie booty! win-win!)
Yandere Situations
Storyteller: this is the perfect place to crack out fairytales! the Storyteller forces the character to live out retellings of fairytales (best if used with people the character knows). 
Shapeshifter: the yandere!shapeshifter shifts into a new person every time their relationship with the mc goes wrong. Doesn’t matter how many times it takes, the shapeshifter can become as many people as they have to be to end up with the mc :)
Resurrection: the mc kills the yandere plenty of times, but the yandere resurrects themselves every time. In the time it takes for the yandere to resurrect themselves, the mc runs/escapes, trying to get as far as they can away from the yandere. The yandere is rather amused with the game of cat and mouse; how far will the mc get this time?
Necromancy: the yandere is a necromancer and perhaps didn’t get to save the mc in time (or killed the mc themselves) and so they reanimated the mc. Maybe the mc loses a little bit of their soul with every revival, maybe they don’t, but one thing’s for sure: death isn’t an escape :)
Phasmophobia: this is another game on Steam. you are on a team a paranormal investigators, and you’re trying to document what type of ghost is haunting a location. This time may be your biggest break yet, but your latest ghost is a huge puzzle and also rather keen on keeping you...
Yandere Pairings/Characters
human and angel (bonus if there are clipped wings ☺)
witch and familiar
serial killer and grim reaper
forgotten deity and lone follower
thief and detective
time traveler and immortal
I hope this helps spark something even if you don’t use any of them, and lmk if I should clarify something or if you need more assistance! I’m happy to help ☺
Blessed be, deliciae! and may writer’s block not plague you!
your lil monster delight, tor-mon 🖤
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not
Chapter 2 - Remember My Name
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 1 Already Gone
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So, the plan, if you were wondering, to beat the hollow and reunite the Mikaelson siblings turned out to be painfully simple so painfully simple it should have been our first option but in fairness, one should never cast a spell until they have learned everything about the spell their casting, a lesson I learned many years ago.
Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, reunited with their eldest sibling Freya within the family compound in New Orleans, Elijah's memories now restored making all four of them ready to get rid of the hollow for good and after giving the siblings a few minutes to catch up with each other and share their stories from the past nine years in which they were all apart, the plan was ready to be put into motion.
At first, I was stricken by shock and disbelief as like their brother Elijah, neither Klaus, nor Kol, or Rebekah, seemed to remember anything about me looking at me like a stranger and not somebody who had shared his life with them, it was as if all memory of me had been taken from them or perhaps they had just lived such a long and intriguing life since we had last met that I had been entirely forgotten.
I was all but numb by their forgetfulness even though it did make me more curious that not a single memory of my existence was remembered by any of them, no one's lack of memory hurt me more than Elijah's, I could understand Rebekah and Kol not remembering me, God even Klaus, but not Elijah, not after everything he had done for me.
But I was not there to be reunited with old friends nor was I there to look back on the past, no, I was there to get rid of the hollow and then and only then could I investigate their confusing case of amnesia that seemed to only be related to me.
I had each Mikaelson bring a newbie vampire of their own making, four strangers I did not give much thought, nor did I give a damn about their fates, and I ushered the four Mikaelson's to stand in front of their creations, one by one until there was a line of Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, and a line consisting of the four new-born vampires, and then Freya and myself began the spell to extract the hollow from her siblings, putting into the newbie immortal beings, and then proceeded to kill the four vampires, sacrificing them to eliminate the hollow and reunite the original family.
Yes, those four strangers who I and Freya killed could have been complete innocents or they could have been worse monsters than those I was helping but I did not care, I had lived too long a life to be affected by a stranger's death or to cry about spilled blood. I am far from innocent, and I care for only a few so when that few need me, I would wipe out an entire city to help them out.
After all, humans are born to die whereas creatures like myself were born to live forever.
After the deed was done and the hollow was gone, I took myself to the nearest bar I could find so I could drown my sorrows over being forgotten by the only people in the world I thought truly knew me, the closest bar being Rousseau's.
"What can I get you?" Asked the largely too chipper bartender.
"Vodka," I answered him as I sat down at the bar. "Just leave the bottle."
"I guess it's been one of those days!" He responded as he handed me a bottle of their finest vodka. "It's been one of those days for a lot in this city my friends included but hey we almost got a decade of peace, so I guess chaos was long overdue."
"I did not come here to get to know the bartender." I snapped, making it clear he was not about to make a new friend in me.
"No, you came to help aid the Mikaelson family reunion which will more than likely kickstart another war sooner rather than later." He revealed as I realized this man clearly had an ear to the ground when it came to things that went on in his city. "What I want to know is which Mikaelson made a friend out of you my money is not on Klaus maybe Rebekah definitely not Kol."
"Who remembers?" I mumbled with a sense of bitterness as I took a drink from the bottle of vodka. "You must be one of Marcellus' minions' rumor has it he's not too happy about his beloved Rebekah running back to the family that wronged him so many times."
"You know the Mikaelsons and Marcel? I'm nobody's minion unless they get all murderous then I'm anybody's just to stay alive but I'm sure not playing in their games even if my best friend is now married to Kol." He went on to tell me. "My name is Josh and I know you're like the original heretic or whatever but what is your actual name?"
"So, your best friend must be the harvest girl turned super witch Davina Claire, I have heard of her, just like I have heard of Marcel, but I have never met either. As for the Mikaelsons, it seems they have completely forgotten me." I decided to answer him, not knowing why I was divulging any information for some undead bartender. "My name is Salem Helsing, everybody always knows about the legend of me, but they never get my name right."
"Do not tell me you are related to Van Helsing, the prince of darkness' ultimate nemesis? The guy Wolverine from X-Men played in that movie that was criminally underrated?" He questioned me with a sense of excitement, a sense that I knew all too well whenever anybody heard my last name for the first time.
"Dracula's nothing but a myth, a legend, a story, but Van Helsing, he was my father, is my father," I replied, admitting for the first time in a long time who my father was, as I took a bigger drink from my bottle of vodka.
"The Mikaelsons knew the son of Van Helsing himself and yet they do not remember you? Something tells me your memory was either replaced with something almost as awesome as the heretic son of one of the most famous hunters or some witch probably spelled the memories away." Josh said, his words making more sense than any other words I had heard in days. "Wait, so you are telling me Dracula is not real?"
"The only thing I know that my father hunts is me," I admitted to him. "In my entire existence, I have never once been forgotten, feared, loathed, and despised sure, but never forgotten…"
"And that annoys you more than anything doesn't it? Which one of the Mikaelson's were you in love with? Clearly, you're nursing a broken heart here and you would not be the first in this bar to find themselves in need of a drink after a rendezvous with that family." Josh responded all too correctly for my liking.
"You are smarter than you look, Josh," I replied while attempting to change the subject as I stood up from my chair. "Too friendly for my liking and that quality is definitely going to get you killed but I cannot deny my hope you last at least a century or two."
"So, which one?" He asked again, eager for my answer, one I was not willing to give and so instead I just walked out ready to leave this city for good and never look back but fate itself had other plans for me.
I never got far from that bar before Klaus Mikaelson vamp sped his way in front of me within the streets of New Orleans and I recall briefly hoping that at that moment he had remembered me, that they had all remembered me but of course, it was not his memory that made him seek me out but instead of his curiosity or better put paranoia.
"So, what the hell is this newfound freedom going to cost me?" Klaus asked me abruptly. "And do not say it's free because I have heard of your help, and it always comes at great cost.
"You seriously do not remember me?" I replied in complete disbelief, stunned to think he somehow knew of me yet did not remember me. "Am I the biggest fool to think that maybe just maybe our history together would be remembered even if a few centuries passed? God, I dreaded so much about seeing you again, I thought you would hate me, or I'd hate you, or that the past would just remain in the past, but I never thought for a single moment that you would not even remember me!"
"I think all those years not quite being a witch or a vampire has truly warped your mind because neither myself nor my siblings have any recollection of you, and I'd think I would remember someone like you if we had met," Klaus responded making it clear to me once and for all I had been completely forgotten. "However, crazy, or not you helped reunite me with my family and for that, I am in your debt, so name your price, I could pay for your therapy perhaps?"
"I was simply returning a favor for someone I once thought I knew and either way that favor has been returned so we are done here," I told him as I attempted to hide the hurt within my eyes, the pain on my face, and the fact that his words had just broken my non-beating heart.
"Why does this not feel like it's over?" Klaus asked me, as untrusting as he always was as if I could even answer his question when I was beginning to question everything myself.
Before I could conjure up any words for a response to the original hybrid himself, Elijah sped his way onto the street's vampire style and was now standing side by side with his brother.
"Salem Helsing!" Elijah said, surprising me with his greeting, only to surprise me further when he rushed over to hug me tightly. "I remember you now and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family."
As if this visit to New Orleans had not surprised me enough just when I was beginning to accept the fact I was nothing to a family I once loved like my own, just when I was giving up all hope, Elijah had miraculously remembered me, and as he continued to hold me tightly in his arms, I realized I was a fool to ever think I meant nothing, at least to Elijah anyway and his arms I began to break down. I cried with such great relief that Elijah had found me again that I had found him, that we had found each other and after all these years he was back in my life, and now he had returned to me, there was no way in hell I was ever going to lose him again!
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reraproject · 4 years
5 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Buying My First Home
Two years back I stunned the two loved ones when I reported I was keen on, and right now during the time spent, buying a home. On the more youthful side, however with a preference for land, I bounced recklessly into the market investigating any open house I could discover. Before the finish of my pursuit, I was investing more energy with my realtor than any other individual. 
The way toward purchasing a house is exciting, upsetting, and infrequently fun. With fantastic specialists and a smidgen of persistence, I wound up adoring the experience, yet thinking back on it, there are a couple of things I wish I would've known. 
Recall Resale 
It wasn't until I put a proposal on a home I needed to purchase that I even considered the idea of resale esteem. Prior to that point, I had been independently centered around finding a home that worked for me and fit my needs. I was zeroing in on littler homes in the city that were inside the spitting separation of an average taco spot and on a transport line. Truly, these were my needs, however how might these needs appeal to future purchasers? While you have to locate a home like raunak city kalyan west that checks your crates, set aside effort to consider who may live there after you. 
I discovered my fantasy rowhouse: a little two bed, one shower, ventures from incredible Mexican food in an exceptional neighborhood. Being on the littler side, I envisioned a future purchaser would be a youthful expert such as myself, or a little family beginning. The area made a house like this appealing to more youthful individuals, even with the compromise of being on the "cozier" side. Had a home like this one been in a more rural zone — where individuals regularly organize space and bigger parcels — I would've addressed who might get it from me later on. 
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Envision Value 
When visiting homes like raunak city kalyan , consistently consider where you could increase the value of the property. You don't accept a house with the goal of selling it for less later on, so while seeing homes, keep an eye open for what you can improve. 
At the point when I saw the patio in the home I wound up buying, my operator's first remark was, "You'll need to assemble a deck around here, obviously. Incredible worth including." In my eyes, I had quite recently observed a wonderful terrace, yet it took her comment to cause me to understand that building a deck would add considerably more living space to the house. 
Obviously, in case you're on the chase for a fixer-upper, your whole point is to include esteem. Nonetheless, a large number of us go into purchasing property thinking about just our present needs, rather than what we'll require later on. What changes could be made to the home sooner or later during your proprietorship to support the worth? It may be including a deck, growing the second floor restroom to envelop the rarely utilized material storage room, or even a full expansion sooner or later. While none of the work must be done quickly, don't be hesitant to think ahead. 
Take as much time as is needed  
The way toward buying your first home is energizing, obviously, yet you need to remind yourself not to let the oddity of the experience bring about excessive weight. This applies doubly in case you're searching for a home in a stylish neighborhood. 
You'll go to open houses or visit homes like runwal gardens dombivli with a real estate agent who guarantees an offering war is as of now happening, or just not too far off. The time-delicate nature, all things considered, can take anybody need to leap into the quarrel and begin getting down on numbers, yet unwind and make a stride back. Is it true that you are certain this is the spot for you or has the energy gone to your head? It is safe to say that you are truly intrigued by the space, or would you say you are simply becoming involved with others' craving for the home? 
After an especially energizing survey, my specialist called to tell me two gatherings had just started offering on the property. My heart began hustling. "Should I include my name in as well?" I thought, feeling overjoyed. Fortunately, after a long talk with my operator, we chose to release the chance. The house was at the head of my value run, and keeping in mind that it was beguiling, it actually required work. I was so up to speed at the time that these considerations escaped my attention. 
During the home purchasing measure, will undoubtedly miss out on a property or two that you love — that is only an aspect of the experience. Try not to lose track of the main issue at hand, there will consistently be another chance. Toward the finish, all things considered, you must confide in your gut. Take a full breath, and don't let yourself move diverted with a house you don't genuinely adore. 
 Be a Neighbor Before You're a Neighbor 
On the off chance that you have your hunt limited to a couple of neighborhoods, don't be reluctant to do a profound jump into every one of them. In the event that you move there, you're focusing on purchasing property, however you're viably turning into an aspect of the local's interwoven. Do you coexist with the neighbors? How is the network developing? Is it a decent region wherein to make a speculation? 
An extraordinary method to get a feeling of any area is through an open house. While potential homebuyers go to open houses like regency anantam dombivli , you'll probably run over future neighbors too. In case you're searching for more data, think about visiting a couple of network gatherings — you'll find out about development in the area, including likely new organizations, just as you get a thought of enhancements the territory may be missing. 
There is No Such Thing as Perfect 
It seems like this ought to be self-evident, yet in actuality, it took for some time for me to at long last comprehend that my ideal home didn't exist. I'd take a gander at houses that were a solid match for me, yet spend the span whining about completions, paint shading or backdrop. I'd protest about covering when the house was in my "impeccable area." 
Purchasing a house in price like raunak city kalyan 1 bhk price is a significant life achievement, however it additionally accompanies its own arrangement of bargains. Dividers can be painted, rugs can pull up to (ideally) uncover hardwood floors. Your ideal home isn't out there in light of the fact that you haven't made it yet. Try not to let little subtleties like paint or terrible finishing impede finding a house that is an incredible fit for you. 
Such a large amount of the home purchasing experience is found out on the fly, however, had I remembered these standards, I would've spared myself some superfluously distressing minutes. Toward the finish, all things considered, you have to zero in on needs and trust your gut to locate what's ideal for you. 
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