#i just keep telling myself that my parents will be leaving in a week and then life will resume its normal course
celestie0 · 3 days
I actually kinda like the accidental pregnancy trope idk just two characters learning to coparent and then eventually falling in love is kinda cute 🥹 I’d love to see what you write for gojo I feel like he’d be scared but end being such an amazing dad
gojo x reader | accidental pregnancy trope [drabble]
little miracle. a gojo x reader story
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a/n. ok anon i basically started answering this ask very minimally but i couldn't stop myself from writing and it basically became an entire story so enjoy i guess?? LOL my bad <3 warnings/tags. domestic fluff, angst, mentions of sick parent, mentions of death, pregnancy symptoms. there is happy ending!! word count. 2.2k
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gojo and you are in your mid twenties but you're both just barely getting by, you're a new writer living in a tiny apartment in a big city and gojo is the cute waiter at your favorite diner who's just saving up some money because he wants to go back to school and you're both kindaaa crushing on each other, flirting w one another. the restaurant gojo works at ends up starting meal delivery option, and you order some pizza to your apartment just so that you can see him on a weekday and he's soooo super cheeky with it leaning in the doorframe entryway of your apartment with the pizza in his hand like "it says here someone ordered a hot guy in some super sexy black jeans, well he's here now" and you're like "you're such a fuckin idiot" and you abandon said pizza to fuck him on your facebook marketplace couch.
fast forward the next day n you wake up, but he's not there anymore. he left you a little note that says he's going away for a month since his mom is sick and he needs to be w her. you're confused by the note, and you wish he left his phone number because you realize you have no way of contacting him. but that's ok, he'll be back soon, right?
in the couple weeks following the night you both hooked up, you're feeling like shit in the mornings, nauseous, you realize you've missed your period but you shrug it off because it was never really normal anyways. but one morning you throw up, confused as hell, wondering if you got food poisoning. but as you swing your legs back and forth in your paper gown, sitting high up on your primary care doctor's examination room bed, they tell you that you're pregnant and you act like you've never even heard the word before.
there's no doubt gojo is the father, you haven't slept w anyone except him in months. and a baby was just...you can barely afford to pay your bills, you're already living paycheck to paycheck since your book isn't even out yet and you're just surviving w the advance from your old job. what the hell were you going to do? and you can't even tell him that you're pregnant, because he's god knows where, stranding you with no phone number to contact him and you feel so left behind and alone.
the first person he comes to see when he gets back into the city is you. he looks tired, probably from his travels, or possibly from what he saw back home w his mom laying sick in bed. but he's still so happy to see you, and he kisses you and tells you he missed you and you stop him to tell him that you need to talk. for him, there was life before you told him you were pregnant, and then there was life after. and now he was living in the after. standing still in the tiny living room of your apartment when you tell him he's the father, and the words that leave your mouth afterwards are drowned out in his head because he can only focus on that one thought at once.
father. he's going to be a father? whatever heaviness he finds in his chest from the word is replaced with adoration when he looks at you.
keeping it, was what you had told him next.
it was tough at first, because of the morning sickness and the hormones and the yelling at him for not bringing you the kfc you craved so badly a minute before he did, and then the crying that follows suit when you realize you're being mean to him. but he does everything you want, everything he knows how, because he doesn't know how to be a dad, and he figures the least he can do right now is know what to do for you. and the thought scares him, to death every day. as he's driving you to your doctor's appointments, he's praying under his breath that you and baby are ok and healthy. while he's waiting tables at work, he puts on his best smile for an extra tip because it's extra money for the baby, because she isn't even here yet and he already wants to give her everything she's ever wanted.
yes, she. a baby girl. you were having a baby girl. you cried when your ob/gyn slipped and told you the gender, because you asked for it to be kept secret, but what hurt even more was that you told gojo he didn't need to come to this appointment. just a routine little check up, not a big deal. i'll just have my friend drop me off, you said. little did you know it was the one where you would find out you two were having a little girl.
oh, gojo knows nothing about girls. would it be different from raising a boy? can he play wrestle w her when she's a little older, or would he have to be gentle with her? would he learn how to make flower crowns for her with daisies from the field just to see a smile on her tiny face? how will he ever be able to deny her anything, especially if she looks just like you?
the second trimester, you two felt like a young married couple, and for once it felt like things were bright. like you two knew what you were doing. like it wasn't a mistake, but a blessing. you wanted him, desired him, and he'd never desired anything more than he desired you. it took you a while to come around to having sex again, it felt wrong, because that was what got you two into this mess in the first place. but those feelings melted away when you two moved into his little ranch together on the outskirts of town and you knew what it felt like to be hugged by him in the mornings, his sleepy voice drawling in your ear about how much more beautiful you look with every passing day. in those moments, all the regret melts away.
it all comes crashing down in third trimester. you're angry, he's tired, you're sad, he swears he's trying his best but he just can't seem to understand what you need from him. you say you wished this never happened, he says he didn't ask for any of this, and you're sobbing on the kitchen floor with your head in your hands because it all just feels like some cruel twisted joke. like a dream you should be waking up from any second from now. he sits down on the cold tile beside you, solemn in the face. he already looks so much older than the bright eyed boy he used to be, twirling a pizza box around on his finger in the doorframe of your apartment. his cheeks have sunk in, and he looks older. his hand reaches out to hold yours, and he kisses the back of it, and he says he'll never leave. not like how he left all those months ago, with nothing but a note. no matter what it comes to, one thing he can always promise you, is that he'll never leave like that ever again.
when your baby girl was born, nothing else mattered. it's like all the turmoil you faced in the past eight months was not even worth paying a moment's care towards when you cradle her in your arms. gojo had been fighting back tears the entire time, mostly provoked by how difficult childbirth had been for you as he watched feeling helpless, but the moment he held his little girl in his arms, he couldn't fight back the tears anymore. and he cried, and he cried, and he cried. few fathers could treasure their daughters as much as gojo did, and he knows it's a promise every parent makes to their child, but he vowed he'll never let anything hurt her. never let anyone upset her. for as long as he lives, he'll keep all the cruelty away from her, and keep her safe forever. you both named her yuki, for snow drifting outside of the hospital window when she opens her eyes for the first time.
you two make the tough decision that it's best for gojo to go back to school like he originally planned while you take care of the baby at home. it's hard having him away, and it's torture for him too, since he seems to breathe and live just to make yuki giggle and smile. but it's what made fiscal sense, since you knew what it was like to grow up in a household with little money to feed or fend, and the two of you wanted more than that for your daughter.
gojo's mother succumbed to the very illness that had been haunting her since he visited her for a month over a year ago, and he cried to sleep when he realized she only got to hold her granddaughter once before she passed away. and for the first time in his life, gojo learned what it really meant to be a parent, and it was only found in losing his own. there was no time to grieve in the capacity that he wanted to, because he needed to be there for you and his little girl. a year ago, he would've been broken, beaten, and bruised, but now he bleeds only in his dreams, then buries and braves the seasons for the sake of you two. as he slips his shoes off at the front door after a long day, then walks into the dark of the house, turning the corner into your shared room, he sees you humming peacefully while rocking his daughter to sleep. and he realizes his entire world is sitting in that chair.
gojo graduates from his two year engineering program, and lands a job in the city. the same city you left to go live with him when you were pregnant. it was tough to come back to the same city you fled, because all you remember of it now is morning sickness and fear of your career and falling in love with a boy that had a boyish charming smile you knew would ruin you one day. and now he's taken you back, moving the little family you've made together into a house. a house! he bought you a house. it was a little one, with no more than two bedrooms, but there was enough room in your hearts to raise your daughter with love, and that was all she'd ever need. she can walk now, mumble words. she said dada first, and gojo never stops teasing you about it. and when she finally says mama, you felt like your whole heart would burst.
he proposes to you on the waterline of the city's park, at the top of golden hour while the wind is subtle and tame but still ruffles the fabric of your dress. waiter boy, on one knee in front of you, years of waiting tables but he cannot even bare to wait one more second to hear your answer to the most important question he'll ever ask anyone in his entire life.
and you say yes. and he promises he'll love you for the rest of his life.
the wedding is small, because you two decided not to invite all of the family that had become estranged ever since you told them that you were pregnant with a man's child who you weren't even so much as dating. his family became yours after that, with his aunts and uncles congratulating you and yuki's cousins playing with her before she was to skip down the aisle as flower girl. it was sad to see your side of the church so empty, but you could never truly feel empty in this world anymore. not with what all that you've gained in the process.
there is fear in love, and in life. there was fear in gojo's heart when he learned he was going to be a father when he barely even knew right from wrong. there was fear in learning you were going to be a mother when you knew you cannot protect your child from the same hurt that has haunted you for a lifetime. but there was joy too. joy in seeing your baby bump for the first time, joy in holding your daughter in your arms for the first time, joy in seeing a sparkling stone in a tiny box presented to you on a sunday by the boy who still made your heart skip a beat just by looking at him, and there was so much joy in marrying him too.
but you find the real joy comes in the moments that you expect nothing from at all, but they happily surprise you with the feeling nonetheless. like now, as you sit on a picnic blanket at the park and you watch your husband running across fluttering grass in the wind, chasing after your daughter whose giggles and shrieks fill the summer air. he catches her, throwing her up into the air before spinning her around in his arms, and you tuck your hair behind your ear as you watch it happen. you expected nothing from anything life had given you in the past four years, and yet it gave you all the joy in the world. where you could've expected sorrow and sadness, it gave you something beautiful instead. you never would've thought that the boy you locked eyes with through a shy flutter of your lashes underneath warm restaurant lighting, the one that winked at you with no shame despite you being surrounded by all of your friends, you never could've imagined he'd be who he is to you today. but for certain, now, you believe in it. you believe in little miracles.
[the end]
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a/n. what the flying fuck. i'm gonna go cry now lmfao.
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
Max on racing: “I don’t know, I definitely want to try and get back into it. It’s a tough thing to get the ball rolling again, if you really know motorsports well. It’s a brutal world. But yeah, I definitely want to do that again because as time goes on I’m definitely missing it more, like for sure. Like the biggest thing adjusting from the racing was having that purpose. Because it was the only thing I ever knew what to do, you know. Like since I was 9 years old, I was racing every month and I felt like that was my purpose in life you know, to race. That was what I did. So like when I stopped it was like a big shock to the system. Okay, I was really happy to not race because it was a really tough year and I was just like “I need to get out of this space for a bit” but now I miss it again.”
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novelmonger · 9 months
I think I forgot to post a scoping update this week. I forgot multiple things I was supposed to do on Friday, so I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise. What happened on Friday? Did Friday happen at all?
The entire month of August doesn't quite feel real. The whole summer feels like it's neverending, but also passing by in the blink of an eye. I'm sure that's partly because of my grandpa's passing, partly because of remodeling the bathrooms, which has been a bigger upheaval that I realized it was going to be even though I didn't really need to do much myself.
I feel like I'm waiting for life to go back to normal. Like I'm waiting for just a single day where I can stay home all day and have no distractions or claims on my attention, where I can just hole up in my room and actually buckle down and work on writing and scoping homework. Because it seems like, even when I have a few hours in between workmen coming to the house, or going to my grandma's for a meal, or a thousand other responsibilities and errands that aren't supposed to take much time, I blink and those hours are gone and I haven't done anything more productive than catch up on my Tumblr dashboard.
Tomorrow I'll be eight hours behind on what's supposed to be my scoping schedule. And I'm probably not going to have time to do much, if any, homework until Thursday this week. I'm getting horrible flashbacks to college, even though my current deadlines are completely self-imposed. It's that feeling of finding yourself balancing on a ball that's rolling down a hill, and you can't stop or you'll fall flat on your face, but you also can't catch up or slow down. It's like a very calm, subdued panic, if that makes any sense.
I don't really have much of a life, and yet I still have no time to do anything. And I'm still running on only 5-7 hours of sleep a night, which is entirely my own fault, but if I stopped earlier each night, I'd only have even more to catch up on the next day....
I probably just need to go to bed. Things usually seem slightly more manageable in the morning, even if that's bleary-eyed at 5 a.m. and none of the circumstances have actually changed a jot.
Oh. And I'm on Chapter 15.
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stellardeer · 3 months
TL;DR - How would you kick someone out of your house without involving police? and Should you?
My no-note blog is probably not the best place to ask this question, but maybe someone will come along and answer, who knows.
So in the ideal circumstance that we abolish the police, I've been wondering about a specific scenario. Say there is a person in your home, for whatever reason, who has no legal right to be there, and you do not want them there (again, for whatever reason) but they refuse to leave and you want to forcibly remove them from your home.
Most people nowadays would threaten to call the cops on them, and usually that alone is enough to get people to leave. I've never actually had this problem myself, but I've known numerous people who've talked about these kinds of situations (and coincidentally they were all middle class, if that tells you anything...) I, personally, would think twice (or a million times) about calling the cops on someone, especially if the person in question is particularly vulnerable to police brutality. So, even if the police aren't abolished, I still want to know the proper alternative to handle this kind of situation.
I'm a pretty weak, easily overpowered person, so my first instinct would be to like.. call someone I know or go get a strong neighbor or something to help me get this person off of my property.
I know that the specifics of the situation also play a key role here, too, on how to handle it. Like, if the person is reasonable, I would hope that just telling them to leave would get them to go - easy enough. But if they refuse to move.. what do I even do? If it's someone that I know very well, I might think to take a break and just walk away from them and hope we can sort things out once we've calmed down. If it's someone that I don't know very well, though, (not even necessarily an intruder, but just say someone who is overstaying their welcome) and especially if tensions are not even high, I wouldn't really know what to do. Some states even have squatters rights, so like.. sometimes you literally CAN'T do anything about this person being in your home, and in some cases they can even get you kicked out. I think it's kind of obvious that if the person clearly has violent intentions towards me, then I have a right to defend myself, but again, I am not going to be able to do that by myself, and I don't know what the legalities are around asking for help from another citizen, i.e. not a cop, if someone means to do you harm?
And what if you do ask for help and your helper ends up injuring the person in the process of trying to get them out?? I'd imagine it's still better than calling a cop, and risking getting a life-ruining criminal record, or worse, shot and killed. But I'd also imagine there could be grounds for them to sue if they get injured by the helper since the helper is not a professional of any kind and not protected in anyway. Only some states have protections against self defense anyway, and I don't know if it even counts if you invited the person into your home willingly and they weren't being violent to begin with. Like.. if they person is just stubbornly standing there and then your burly neighbor puts hands on them first, I don't think that even counts as self defense for the homeowner? At that point if the person fights back then they have a case for self-defense.
And I don't know what the leftist attitude is towards personal property like that anyway, like should we even have a right to our own home? I don't know the leftist view on that, I get the idea that individualism is not the move, but like.. do we still have our own personal space? Space that we are allowed to bar others from entering? Even if that space extends to the entirety of a 2-bedroom home? I'm asking sincerely, because I really haven't read enough socialist theory, so I don't know what the opinions are on home ownership in general. Like in an ideal society, would we supposedly just allow the person to stay for as long as they like, as long as they aren't hurting anything? That's another part of it, like what if they aren't doing any harm but I still don't want them there? Am I wrong for wanting them to leave, even if I don't know them? Supposing even if they are an intruder, if they haven't stolen anything or hurt me or my animals, but they just... won't leave, should I even be mad about that?
But again, forget an ideal society, let's take it back to reality, assuming that I live in the US and the laws are exactly the same as they are in this moment, police are not abolished, but I am choosing to not involve the police in this matter... what is the right thing to do???? Should I just resolve myself to accept that this person lives with me now?? I don't even live in a state with squatters rights, so I don't legally have to, but.. should I? (more thoughts and anecdotes if the tags if you feel like reading)
#leftism#socialism#communism#abolish police#this is open to debate for anyone it's one half sincere question and one half ethics think piece#like.. there may not be any one 'right' 'good' answer for every situation i just want to hear opinions from people who know more than me#please try to be civil and i know this might sound like a stupid question but I'm asking it in good faith#I feel like a LOT of people (at least US citizens) will just tell me 'well duh you have a right to not want someone in your space'#but like idk i've been thinking over this for a few days now and questioning if I even do have that right??#like obviously i have a right to boundaries but do i have a right to a 784sq ft home?#if i have extra space im not occupying all of the time is it wrong for me to keep someone out of it?#i'm someone who prefers to live alone and i've just recently got my house to myself after having a guest for over a year#he is a friend of mine and it made me miserable having him here sometimes (despite him doing nothing wrong)#but our other friends kept telling me to kick him out and i just couldnt believe they would even suggest that??#like.. just because i want to live by myself doesn't mean it's better to put him out on the street??#i still cant believe they saw no issue with that#and not once while he was here did i ever consider making him leave so this question isn't about him or anything#this anecdote is just an example of like.. differences in opinion on personal space#i have a 2-bd trailer and i've been waiting to turn my second bedroom into an office#but i let him live in the extra room while he was here because i was able to get by just fine without it#but i think i might feel different if someone i didnt know just showed up in my home one day and wanted to live here#or what if my friend (not that he would EVER) did become violent and i DID need to force him to leave? like .. what do??#this question mostly came up because someone i met recently was telling a story about a terrible roommate he had#but his (the person telling the story) parents owned the property or something and this guy's lease was up but he wasn't leaving#so they threw all his stuff out because he had been gone for a couple weeks and they assumed he wasnt coming back#but then he showed up one day looking for his things and was trying to take stuff from the kitchen#and the guy (telling the story) told him that he couldn't take anything and he needed to leave and said he would call the cops if he didn't#and i kept my mouth shut (especially cause the roommate sounded particularly foul) but i would not dream of calling the cops over that#but it was like... just because they owned the property and he didn't want him there calling the cops was a perfectly reasonable response#it sickens me
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maiko-san · 4 months
Catnap + Dogday x Reader ( Part 4 )
<<< Part 3
Relationship : Fluff
Warning : None (?)
Plot : Every time you enter the Playcare you feel eyes watching you everywhere you go. You feel stressed and start to become sick.
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Recently, you feel uneasy and something tells you that you were being watched. Every time you go to work, you feel eyes on you.
It scares you.
Nobody likes the feel of being watched.
It made you stressed out.
You tried to get rid of these feelings by distracting yourself with work. You tried to keep yourself busy to a point you overwork yourself with all those papers or taking care of the Smiling Critters.
To a point it made your body ache and have a migraine from overthinking.
Not only that, Catnap has been acting quite differently too and his visit has become less and less each day. Not only that—
The lovely and sweet cat is avoiding you!
You finally asked the feline, what's the matter but only received—
"It's nothing...."
Nothing....nothing? Obviously there's something wrong!
Multiple questions began to swarm into your brain like a raging tsunami, did you do something wrong? It must be you, right? Yes, no? Maybe?
You had a slight feeling it has something to do with the higher ups.....
Did they tell Catnap to...avoid you? It has to be it, right? Why they do such a thing?
The stress starts to eat you the more you think about it.
Dogday and the other smiling critters saw that you've been stressed lately to a point it started to affect your health. It made them worried, especially Dogday. As a leader, it was his responsibility to care for everyone's wellbeing, including you.
"Angel, You look nervous lately. Are you feeling alright?"
"Oh, hey. Dogday....."
Dogday knew something was wrong. He comes closer to you and touches your shoulder.
You slightly flinch under his touch which made the canine even more worried.
"Angel, please tell me. Is something bothering you?"
"As a leader, it's my duty to help everyone in need. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you"
Dogday holds your hands gently and holds them in his large ones.
You take a deep breath before telling him what's been bothering you, you know it will be useless to ignore the canine. He is stubborn and won't stop until you tell him what's wrong.
"I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don't know when. It might happen now, Sooner? Tomorrow?"
"I really hate this feeling, Dogday.....I-I can't get rid of it and no matter how many times I tried to forget it by distracting myself with work, I just.....couldn't— Not only that, Catnap has been ignoring me and started to avoid me! I— ugh, m-my head"
You suddenly drop to your knees causing Dogday to panic and he begins to whine worriedly.
Dogday's heart clenched the way you spoke. You feel scared, anxious and nervous. The canine pulls you into an embrace, in hope that it will help you calm down.
"Let's get you to the infirmary..."
Dogday makes sure that the school doctor treats you and gives you medication.
"Mrs. (L/n), I think it would be better if you take a week off from work"
"A week?!"
"Angel, it's for your own good"
"No buts, end of conversation!"
The doctor said sternly you were causing you to snap your mouth shut.
The doctor also recommended you to rest someplace quiet and away from the city and your workplace.
It seems you have to go to your foster parents house, they always welcome you with open arms if you need anything.
"Alright...I'll take the day off..."
But still....that gut wrenching feelings still resides in you....
For today, you need to rest in the infirmary room until you are discharged.
Dogday leaves you to rest before proceeding to make his way back to his stage but before that, he wants to find Catnap first.
Dogday knows that Catnap is great at hiding, but it won't stop him since he has his canine sense helping him.
He sniffs around to find the feline until he sees the cat, snoozing around his stage like he always does.
"Catnap. I need to speak to you..."
"(Y/n) is sick, have you not noticed?"
"...I know..."
"Then why did you help her with your red smoke? To make her sleep and at ease?"
Catnap looks away from the dog, Catnap knew that you were sick. It hurts him to see you like that.
He wants to help and comfort you, he really does but...
He had received an order he has to obey. His had to choose between two individuals that he adores. One he worships and the other he loves. Yet, he chose the one he worships, the one that saves his life.
Catnap knew that Dogday will help you and he trusts the dog with you in his care.
Other than that, using the red smoke on you will make everything much worse and potentially kill you in your sleep.
He doesn't want that to happen to someone who cares for him and loves him.
"Red smoke use...on stress person...bad could hurt and... possibly.........kill..."
Dogday rubs his arm before turning away, but before he leaves.
"Please, pay her a visit, Catnap. If you do, it makes her less worried and she would be happy to see you again"
"Also, She won't come to work for a week...."
Dogday leaves Catnap's stage, leaving Catnap alone to think about his decision to see you.
A/N : Another chapter finished 😁 . Also, a fair warning for all of you. The future chapters will become darker as it progresses since I want to stick to the plot of the game.
Also, the mascots have their own stages to perform for the orphans!
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evie-sturns · 3 months
period - 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼
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summary: you unexpectedly get your period after spending the night with chris, he does everything he can to make you feel better.
contains: mentions of blood, fluff, crying, swearing.
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chris and i have been dating for almost two months, i sleep over at his house often though, including last night.
i'm rudely awakened by frantic tapping on my shoulder, i rub my eyes and roll over where i'm met with chris's distraught face. "hm..?" i groan out.
"y/n, are you okay" chris rambles, his vision flicks between my eyes and the matress.
"what..?" i mumble, my vision is still partially blurred from the sudden wake up.
"you're bleeding" chris says quietly, swallowing harshly.
i sit up, the matress is dotted with blood, along with the small pyjama set i wore last night.
my period has always been irregular, ever since i was about 12. i'd never know when it would come but i would just deal with it when it did.
my stomach sinks, my cheeks instantly flush from embarrassment, this is the kind of thing thats meant to happen 2 years into your relationship, not 2 months.
my eyes start to burn, im already an emotional person but now that this has just happened i don't think i can physically be okay.
"im so sorry chris." i say, my voice breaking.
chris clears his throat, i can tell he's slightly awkward about this.
the silence in the room grows, but is quickly cut short by a sob coming from me. chris's head snaps round to look at me, "oh fuck-.. no its okay!"
he gets out of bed, without a second thought he leans over the matress and picks me up in a bridal position. he speed walks to the bathroom, "look at me." chris says calmly as i cry into his shoulder, i tilt my head up and lock eyes with him. "don't cry sweetheart, it doesn't matter to me."
i nod with a sniffle, he places me down on two feet. "you wanna get in the bath?" chris says gently.
"yeah.." i say, my voice still wobbling.
i stand still with my hands by my side vulnerably. "you want me to.." chris whispers, keeping his eyes locked on mine. "if you dont mind.." i reply.
he reaches his hand out and peels my tank top off of my body, along with my shorts. he does it so nonchalantly its impressive.
chris has only seen me naked once, which was only a week or so ago after our first hookup.
he flicks the bath on, putting his finger under the stream to check the temperature before lifting me up and placing me down.
chris bends over and picks up the pyjamas, before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him. i throw my head back as soon as he goes "how did this happen." i groan to myself.
about 10 minutes has passed, the whole time i've just been trying to calm myself, crying about this isn't gonna make it any less embarrassing for me.
my head snaps to the side as i hear 2 soft knocks on the wooden door, "come in" i say with a forced smile, chris peeks his head round the corner with a sympathetic look. hes got a freshly folded pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in his arms, which he places down on the sink. "you okay?" he asks casually, sitting down on the side of the tub.
"i mean, i'm okay as i can be right now!" i smile warmly up at chris,
he reaches into his pocket and clears his throat "i found this downstairs, i think one of nick's friends left it here-..uh" chris murmmers, pulling a tampon out of his pocket.
"thank you chris, honestly i'm sorry about being a pain." i sigh, chris shakes his head "no you're good, promise."
"just gonna go make the bed, yeah?" chris sits up off the tub and walks out of the bathroom.
after getting myself together i open the door to the bedroom, chris is sitting on the bed, laying the pillows out strategically. i feel like a kid thats just thrown up, staring at my parent who just had to bathe me and clean the sheets.
he stands up and runs over to me full force, grabbing me around my waist and picking me up, earning a high pitched squeal from me. "chris!!" i screech as he flops down on the bed with me still in his arms.
"what can i actually do to repay you." i whisper into chris's chest.
"give me some awesome head next week."
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mclqren · 2 months
PAIRING ✦ carlos sainz x fem!singer!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you and your boyfriend both seem to be very lucky recently: you in opening for taylor swift, and him in winning the australian grand prix [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ for the purpose of this fic, taylor has added an extra date in melbourne for the friday before the australian grand prix. as per request, the fc i've used is sabrina carpenter, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift, and 3,055,971 others
tagged taylorswift
yourusername and with that we have one show left: back to melbourne in a couple of weeks! thank you all so much for the support, love you all like crazy 🫶
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user1 you're such a disney princess i can't
user3 FR what will we do without all of her content???
user4 ☹️☹️
carlossainz55 so proud of you!!
yourusername im way prouder of you 💘
taylorswift i'll miss you, my angel! ❤️
yourusername love you sm 😢💘💘
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( caption one: just woke up and my boyfriend's got appendicitis hellooo?? wtf have i missed while i've been in singapore. | caption two: never mind guys all is well ❤️ ( i am a photographer and i took THIS photo ) )
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 3,281,119 others
tagged carlossainz55
yourusername impromptu visit to jeddah after SOMEONE'S appendix was removed...thanks for giving me an excuse to see you carlos 😘💘💘
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user6 THE WAY HE STILL WENT TO SEE THE GP IS CRAZY ur boyfriend is hella strong
yourusername ur telling me 🤷‍♀️
user7 nah carlos acc has to be some sort of super human because how THE FUCK did he walk after that surgery.
user8 literally convinced he is atp.
carlossainz55 the appendix wasn't my fault...
charles_leclerc or was it 🤷‍♂️
yourusername hmmm...
user9 i'm acc their biggest fan you don't understand
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift, and 3,331,354 others
tagged taylorswift
yourusername from the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you for all of the love and support i've received over the past couple of weeks. they've honestly been such a fever dream for me: like you're telling me that i was opening for THE taylor swift?? twelve year old me would be screaming right about now, let me tell you that much. i've loved every minute of this experience, and i can't wait to see what era is next for me 🫶
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user13 i still remember watching you when you were eighteen, just releasing music on youtube 🥺
user14 she's come sooo far since then im so proud of her
taylorswift loved having you with me!! couldn't think of anyone else better to keep me company during these times ❤️
yourusername thank you sm tay, im going to miss youuu 💘💘
user15 why am i acc tearing up this is so sad
carlossainz55 now i have you all to myself ❤️
yourusername yeah well you have ur cars AND charles so i guess it's not just me is it.
charles_leclerc why am i being mentioned
yourusername ur just like collateral damage in this argument
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 989,911 others
carlossainz55 back from my surgery and into P2 👊 looking forward to the race!
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user17 the surgery did NOT hold him back
user19 the extra weight is gone and now he's in first row THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED
yourusername do you ever actually rest like. ur appendix was just taken out when i get colds i stay in bed longer.
carlossainz55 yeah i know from firsthand experience 😘
yourusername either way i'm so proud of you! smash it tomorrow 💘
liked by carlossainz55
user21 the way y/n is literally so supportive of him is my fav thing
user22 all whilst telling him off for not resting enough 🤣🤣 she's too iconic for us, i fear
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liked by carlossainz55, fransisca.cgomes, and 3,215,984 others
tagged fransisca.cgomes
yourusername me and kika are truly THOSE BITCHES 😘
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user23 SPEAK ON ITTTT 🗣️🗣️🗣️
user24 my fav wags fr 🫶
fransisca.cgomes my girlll 😍😍
yourusername foreverrr 💘
fransisca.cgomes that second pic is soooo yum
yourusername leave pierre for me RIGHT NOW.
fransisca.cgomes gladlyyy! 😍
pierregasly HUH??
yourusername got ur girl tripod how does it feel 🤣
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️
yourusername love youuu!!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 1,443,999 others
carlossainz55 P1 babyyy!! Onto Japan we go 🎢❤️
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user29 staying up until 2am to watch it was SOOO WORTH IT
user30 SO PROUD!!
liked by carlossainz55
carlossainz55 ❤️
user31 the way she supports him will never not warm my heart
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 3,331,354 others
tagged carlossainz55
yourusername he only went and did it!! after his appendix got removed and all. couldn't be fucking prouder 💘
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yourusername proud of @/charles_leclerc as well!! what a way to end the weekend 😘
charles_leclerc thank you y/n!! 😍
yourusername FORZA FERRARI 👊
user31 the way they support each other >>>
user32 actual power couple idc
user33 i need to find myself a y/n asap.
carlossainz55 te amo siempre ❤️
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 it was the lack of an appendix that did it 🤣
yourusername @/charles_leclerc are you taking notes??
charles_leclerc already scheduling an appointment for the winter, don't worry 📝
1K notes · View notes
bau-muffin · 2 months
“Live Mas”
Word count: 6343
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Reader, dbf!Hotch if you squint
Content warning: oral sex, fingering, p in v sex
Summary: you had a bad week at work, and Aaron suggests you go on a cabin trip. What could possibly happen?
Author’s Note: this is for my friend’s (@rivnxm) birthday! Happy birthday darling, and I hope you have a WONDERFUL day <3 xoxo
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“Oh my god, thank you for letting me crash here,” you said, half gratefully, half apologetically, with a bottle of wine in your hand. Aaron raised an eyebrow at you with a half smile from where he was sitting in an oversized armchair, beckoning with his hand for you to set your things down.
“You’re lucky you caught me on a day where I actually got to go home at a decent hour. Jack’s at Jessica’s until Sunday night, and this house sounded a little hollow.”
You sat your bag on the floor unceremoniously beside the couch, the wine on the coffee table, and yourself on the couch, flopping a bit.
He eyed you, and you almost rolled your eyes as you felt him “profile” you.
“Rough day?” Aaron asked.
“Rough week. JD is giving me issues and I can’t stand him! He said my article was frivolous. Frivolous! Can you believe the gall?”
“Isn’t this the same guy who said your use of the word “persnickety” in an editorial was entirely too casual?”
“The one and only bastard.”
“If only he was the only bastard. It would make my job easier.”
You rolled your eyes, “you know what I meant.”
He reached for the wine bottle and pulled out a bottle opener and popped it open, a smirk on his face. “Yeah, I do.”
Of course, your friendship with Aaron Hotchner was probably a bit strange. He was in his 40s, a father, and a widower who had been through a divorce, and you were… well, quite a bit younger and not as jaded or cynical.
You were acquainted with him through your father, whose expertise was consulted for a case as a favor to Aaron, and somehow you two clicked and became better friends than he was with your father. You’d met him after your father invited him to a barbecue, and you realized you’d never met a more stoic man, nor one who could wear the hell out of a quarter zip shirt like he did. Did you form a small crush on him? Yes. Did you dare utter it aloud? Hell no. You suppressed the snot out of it.
“You know what I need? I need a vacation. Just… to relax. Maybe become one with nature, let the moss grow on me like a rock.”
Aaron got up to get wine glasses from his wet bar, and came back, sitting down in his chair as he poured the wine in the glasses. “What would your ideal vacation be?”
“Gosh… I love the mountains,” you said dreamily, your chin propped up on your knuckle, “I haven’t stayed in a cabin since… I don’t know, since I lived with my parents.”
He handed you a glass of wine. “I see.”
“You sound awfully pensive, what’s ticking in that head of yours?”
“I was thinking… maybe, we could take a vacation. Just you and me and a cabin in the mountains. A retreat, if you will. Jack’s at Jessica’s, and I have an overstock of days off.”
You took a sip of wine and leaned forward. “Where were you thinking?”
“West Virginia. I’ve rented a cabin before that was about four or five hours drive from here- easily doable for a weekend getaway. We could leave tomorrow after work, Friday, and come back Sunday evening.”
“Why would you come?”
He shrugged. “Keep an eye out on you. Plus, I need a break too.”
You rolled your eyes. “Do you not believe I can take care of myself at all?”
“I don’t doubt that you can,” Aaron insisted, “I just… I don’t know, I don’t want to risk anything.”
You were aware of his overprotective tendencies, partially because of the horrors he saw at his job, and also because of what happened to his wife. Your eyes and lips softened a little at the layer of concern in his voice. “Well… I guess it’s always more fun with friends.”
The corner of his lip quirked. “You could bring some board games.”
“Are you telling me Super Special Agent Aaron Hotchner is fond of board games?”
“That is not what SSA stands for, and you know it,” he said with a laugh.
And so, that’s how you found yourself in the passenger seat of Aaron’s SUV after work the next day. He had loaded up your bags, snacks, and cooler of drinks into the trunk without much complaint, which surprised you. You were sure he would make the typical sarcastic “traveling light?” comment that most guys did, but it was nothing from him.
“I guess I’m the passenger princess,” you said with a laugh before you popped a gummy worm in your mouth from the bag between your legs.
His eyebrows raised in bewilderment as he looked over at you. “I- if you mean exactly what the term sounds like, yes, I guess you are.” Aaron looked at the road before looking back at you. “Gummy worm, please?”
“I’m surprised Penelope hasn’t taught you more internet slang,” you said as you handed him a red and green gummy worm.
“She taught me what “rizz” and… um… “slay” means. That was too much for me.” He popped the worm into his mouth. You studied the side of his face for a second before he glanced over at you. “What?”
“I wouldn’t have taken you for a gummy man.”
“I love gummies. If Ronald Reagan ate jellybellies to concentrate on ruining our country, then I eat gummies to help save it. It’s not so great for my physique, though.”
“I like your physique,” you blurted.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he didn’t say anything as he turned his attention to the road, though even your view of the side of his face didn’t hide the small smirk.
“You’re smug,” you said, teasingly accusatory.
“I don’t get many compliments on my physique nowadays- give me a minute or two to stew in it.”
“It- it kind of reminds me of Atticus Finch. You know- from To Kill a Mockingbird?” You said ramblingly.
“Are you saying I’m Gregory Peck?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he had that damn smirk on his face.
“I-“ you paused for a moment before lifting the bag of gummy worms comically, inspecting the back of it. “What level of alcohol content is in this anyways?”
“Hopefully none, considering I’m driving us, and you gave me one.”
“You’re a lightweight if all it takes is a gummy worm to get you tipsy- but there is none, you are very astute, Aaron.”
By the time you guys drove up the winding lane to the cabin, you were exhausted. You planned on taking a nap as soon as you hauled your luggage in, and you had told Aaron as much about fifteen minutes before the estimated arrival time. It was nightfall anyhow.
“I’m the one who drove, and you’re exhausted,” he mused with a smile as he carefully set some luggage on the porch.
“You’re more than welcome to take a nap too, if you’d like,” you said with a soft scoff as you waited by the door for him to open the cabin, “I’m sure there’s more than enough space for you to lay your weary head.”
“I’m sure there is,” Aaron said with a small smile as he opened the door to the cabin, with the instructions that the owner had given. When you lugged the cooler and snacks in, the smell of wood met your nose.
“This makes me so nostalgic,” you said breathily, carrying your load to the kitchen.
It was a medium sized cabin, so the living room, which featured a nice fireplace, and the kitchen were all in one open space. You didn’t study it much further as you began loading your drinks and food onto the counters and into the fridge, and Aaron began pulling in suitcases and toiletry bags.
“I’ll check the layout, and you can decide which bedroom you want to stay in,” he explained.
“Be quick about it, I need to get my blanket and pillow,” you said lightheartedly.
“Yes ma’am,” he said sarcastically before venturing further.
You cleared your throat when you realized the formal address made you feel something low in your stomach, but you tried to ignore it. You continued putting things away, then you turned and Aaron was standing there, his brows creased.
You rolled your eyes as your hand landed on your chest by instinct. “God, you scared me.”
He ignored you. “We have a problem.”
“What is it? It’s not a leak, is it?”
“If only. I could fix that. No, it turns out I booked a cabin with only one bed.”
“However, I can probably sleep on the couch. If it makes you feel better, we can take turns.”
“Aaron, no, take the bed. Not to make you feel old, but your back-“
“My back is fine,” he said gruffly, “I sleep on my couch at home all of the time.”
“Don’t ‘Aaron’ me,” he said with a tiny smile, “I insist. Besides, you’re tired, and it’s almost time to go to sleep for the night anyway.”
“You damn smooth lawyer fbi agent,” you muttered as you moved to carry your stuff to the adjacent bedroom, “you make a good argument.”
“I know I do. Now, go get some rest. We can start planning the itinerary tomorrow morning.”
“What makes you think I won’t just sleep in until lunch time?” you asked sassily.
“Then I suppose that’s your prerogative.”
You moved to give him a hug, setting your bags down. “We’ll see. Good night.”
“Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
“I hope they do,” you muttered.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Good night.”
You thought you heard an amused hum behind you as you tote everything to the bedroom. It was cute- a queen sized bed with a nice quilt on it that had an adorable design featuring bears, a large dresser that looked hand carved, and side tables with rustic lamps that had antlers for shades.
The bathroom was a decent size, and you found that the shower looked like a dream. But when you looked out of the sliding door where there was evidently a deck… you were surprised to see a hot tub. A hot tub, but not two bedrooms, you mused.
Then you saw the mountains, lit faintly by moonlight, and you gasped, awe filling you as you studied the range, your eyes tracing every pinnacle.
But after you put on your cotton pajamas and brushed your teeth and showered, you slid under the covers, the weight of the quilt settling nicely on you, and you realized- you can hear every damn scampering and skittering creature in the woods. The crickets that once seemed to be a comforting constant now sounded more ominous, and the frogs that were croaking innocently seemed to take on an edge.
You scrolled on your phone for a while, all of the lamps turned off and your face illuminated by the screen. But your brain was not winding down, and you were not sleepy. You set your phone on the side table, and turned from the window, your face towards the door, and closed your eyes.
No bueno. Those critters and the chirping and the croaking and various skittering wouldn’t let you sleep.
It took about two hours before your resolve melted and you got up out of bed.
As quietly as you could, you padded to the kitchen- you had not made it to the fridge well before you heard Aaron’s groggy voice saying your name and then, “are you okay?”
You could barely see his head peeking over the back of the couch, pointed away from the kitchen.
“I couldn’t sleep and thought I’d get some water. Go back to sleep, I’m fine.”
“Why can’t you sleep?”
You paused, wondering if you should admit the embarrassing truth. “The noises outside.”
“Someone’s not accustomed to the great outdoors and being away from highways and interstates,” he said a tad bit teasingly.
“I’m not,” you admitted as you filled a cup with water.
You sipped the water. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to try to help you go to sleep.”
You set your cup on the counter. “And your method would be…?”
“Stop asking so many questions and just c’mere,” he said, a tad bit exasperated.
“Okay dad,” you said sarcastically as you ventured towards the couch.
Aaron was half laying on the couch, his elbow propping himself up. His legs were covered by a thin blanket, but he was wearing a slightly tight green t-shirt with the Schweppes logo on it that made you bite your lip. You could clearly see an outline of his chest and the small chub of his belly even only lit by the moonlight through the window, and it was… well, he was an attractive man and you’d never felt a greater impulse to bury your head into someone’s chest before. You ignored your baser instincts.
“I’m here,” you say, almost sounding annoyed, your hands on your waist. You didn’t miss the way his eyes flitted over your pajamas.
“Sit on the couch with me. Maybe we can watch something until you fall asleep.” He sat up and patted the seat next to him.
“Were you not asleep when I came in?” You sat down beside him, and he threw part of his blanket over your lap.
“I’m a light sleeper because I’m constantly listening out for Jack. Or my phone, for the bureau.” He put his arm behind your head on the back of the couch. “You can lean into me, if you want, you know.”
Your head instinctively laid on his shoulder. “Aaron, I’m still befuddled why you would ask me to go to a cabin with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… our friendship is so unlikely anyways. You’re… frankly, middle aged. We’re in totally different areas of life. You have more… experience.” You cleared your throat nervously. “In life I mean.”
His eyebrows raised but he said nothing as he turned the TV on. Of course it was George Lopez.
“You make my life feel a little lighter,” Aaron said finally. “I love having you around and…” he studied his lap for a moment. “I would probably consider you my best friend. I’ve told you things I… I hadn’t told my team for… for a while. Maybe ever.” He looked up at you with a small smile. “You drag it out of me without saying a word.”
You stiffened a little at being called best friend, but you felt his eyes studying you keenly.
“And what do you want me to say? Call you my father figure?” You said teasingly.
“God, no,” he said almost a little too emphatically, cringing, “We’re definitely two adults. I don’t want that sort of… dynamic. Besides, I am way too young to be your dad.”
You grinned a little, but your eyes started to droop closed.
Aaron shifted so that you could lay more comfortably, but soon, despite the canned laughs from the TV, he too drifted off to sleep.
When you woke up, you did not expect your pillow to feel so warm or firm. Your hand patted around, and you felt a moment of panic course through you.
You opened one eye to realize that your pillow was none other than the chest of Aaron Hotchner. Your face was buried into his chest and your cheeks flushed at the thought of it. You patted one more time to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Somewhere in the night, you guys had laid down, and your legs were tangled with his, your back against the back of the couch and Aaron facing you, kind of… pinning you.
“Having fun there?” His voice said softly, though a smile was evident in his tone.
“I’m sorry-“ you scrambled to sit up but he shushed you gently.
“Don’t worry about it, we were asleep. It’s not like you could have helped that.”
“I am not going to tolerate you blaming yourself for something so innocent and harmless,” Aaron said sternly, his voice deepened by the morning grogginess. It was too early in the morning for you to need to clutch your legs together. Your resolve or the lack thereof was embarrassing, really.
“Is this how you talk to your agents?” You asked teasingly.
“Yes,” he admits, “I have had to remind my agents that sometimes things don’t go as planned on missions, and it’s not always their fault. Some of them take it hard.”
You leaned your head back against his chest, and his hand moved to the small of your back.
“Do you think…” you started but then hesitated.
“Do I think what?”
“Do you think it would be inappropriate if we flipped so that I’m… you know, on your chest?”
No words were spoken; you felt his strong arms move you, and you were laying on his chest.
“I take that as a no,” you murmured. His chuckle rumbled within his chest underneath you.
“We’re friends, we can take it, right?” Aaron said, almost cryptically.
You attempted to sit up, but when you realized how… intimate that felt, you laid back down. “I really don’t think you’ve been telling me the whole truth,” you said daringly. You looked up at him and you could see his arched eyebrows.
“We have some sort of tension, and I need to know if you feel it too.”
“Don’t play dumb, Aaron.”
He said your name, and it was followed by a second of hesitance.
“Aaron. We’re both adults here,” you said pleadingly.
He looked down at you, his eyes meeting yours. You couldn’t explain what you saw in those dark eyes of his, a vulnerable yet guarded fortress that you could occasionally peer into like a dollhouse. He looked so… conflicted. Like he wanted something that was well within reach, but fear or uncertainty was holding him back.
Aaron easily could have leaned down and kissed you. He knew that.
But instead he said, “do you want coffee? I brought the coffee beans you said you liked and a grinder.”
You could have pushed further but you didn’t. “I do, yeah. I probably need to change for the day anyway.”
After you awkwardly scrambled away from him, you sat in the bedroom on the bed for a couple of minutes after undressing down to your underwear to stew on what could have happened. Why didn’t he kiss you? You could have sworn he was going to but stopped himself. Why was he forbidding himself from something he wanted, that he could have enthusiastically?
When you did finally reemerge (dressed of course), you smelled the coffee perking in the coffee pot provided by the cabin owners.
“Did you sterilize that thing?” You asked him worriedly, sending a look to where he was leaning against the counter, texting on his phone.
“I did, don’t worry,” Aaron reassured you, looking up at you from his phone with a smile, “I know how you are about sterilizing kitchen items.”
“I am not risking a brain eating amoeba even for you, Hotchner.” You sat down at the kitchen bar with a sigh.
Stealthily, you scanned his outfit- a brown and orange plaid flannel shirt, rolled up to the forearms, and khaki pants. God forbid he wears jeans even away from the office, you smiled to yourself.
“Apparently everyone at the office is making bets about why I went on leave.” Aaron slid his phone into his pocket as he began pouring coffee into a mug.
“What are the reasons given by them?”
“Morgan is saying that I sprained an ankle and didn’t want to risk mandatory leave. Rossi says I’m finally gaining my wits and letting loose for a weekend and getting ‘shitfaced.’ Garcia is saying I’ve eloped and went to Paris. Emily and JJ have decided not to bet but are keeping up with the money.” He placed the mug in front of you on the bar. “Prepared just the way you like it.”
You sipped it, holding the mug with both hands. “This is perfect.”
“As many times as I’ve picked up your order from the cafe, I ought to know it by heart.” He picked up his own mug and sipped on it, his strong hand wrapped around it as though he could crush it, and you felt something filter through you. The curvature of his hands, the strength evident in the veins and his fingers- but the way they were holding the fragile mug, carefully and cautiously picking it up and placing it down again.
The way his lips rested on the rim, his throat gulping slightly with every drink- there was something so vulnerable and intimate about watching him drink, even though you’ve seen each other drink a million other times. And yet, you began feeling a little green.
Aaron lowered his mug to look at you.
“You look like you’re a million miles away. Not to mention you’re staring.”
“Mm? No, um… I’m okay.”
“Are you sure about that?”
He was a profiler. Why bother hiding anything from him.
“I’m jealous,” you blurted.
His eyebrows raised until his forehead wrinkled. “Jealous?” he asked.
It was like a floodgate opened.
“I’m jealous of the coffee mug because you willingly put your lips on and take tender sips from it. I’m jealous because you wrap your hands around it protectively. I’m just… downright envious of the way you hold it, Aaron. Because I know you refuse yourself me.”
After you had said it, you covered your face with your hands. This cabin was way too small for such a confession.
And yet, you felt his hands, still warm from holding the coffee mug, tug your hands away from your face.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Aaron said softly, “you’re… right that I refuse myself.”
“Because you’re young. I’m so much older than you, I would be holding you back. I have a lot of baggage, for crying out loud, I don’t want to haul that into your life just for you to…” his voice trailed off. It struck you.
“You’re afraid of me leaving you.”
“I know you’re ambitious,” he admitted, “and you should be with someone equally as ambitious. I’m in the phase where I could retire from the FBI to be home with Jack. I’m in my career because it’s… it’s my passion.”
“You’re still thinking about Haley,” you said softly.
“Yes,” Aaron admitted, “I won’t lie and say that what all happened with Haley doesn’t affect how I go forward with relationships.”
“I’m not so ambitious that I can’t appreciate a good man, Aaron. That’s not to say I would quit my job or my pursuits for you, but I don’t think you’d want me to either.”
He took your hands in his. “I wouldn’t. I like you just as you are. You and your work drama, the way you’re so finicky about certain things but carefree in others- driving you to the mountains may have been the highlight of the trip because as soon as ranges came into view, your nose was stuck to the window, and I’m almost certain you’d still see your nose print on the glass. The way you adore people and the little things in life… I’ve never been able to master that, but it comes so effortlessly to you.”
The revelation hit you like a nerf bullet to the forehead out of nowhere. “You notice those things?”
“I do.”
“You know… the drive up doesn’t have to be the highlight,” you said a little teasingly.
“And what are you suggesting?” A small smile tugged at his lips.
“I’m suggesting we either get this out of our systems and forget it ever happened, or we start something that we can’t finish without one of us breaking our heart.”
“Are you sure?” Aaron said quietly.
You didn’t have to think before you pulled him closer by his unbuttoned flannel, and your lips wavered half an inch away from his. His eyes flitted down to look at your lips before gazing into your own eyes.
“I’m so sure,” you said breathlessly.
That was the only cue he needed before he closed the distance between you, his lips landing on yours softly before they sought your lips like he was scouring for water in a desert. His arms pulled you out of the bar stool and onto your feet, his hands settling on your back on and around your waist. The old man had it in him, anyone would have to admit it.
Not too old for surprises, apparently, as he gripped you and hoisted you onto the counter. You squealed a little, and you could hear him chuckling. Your hands went to his shoulders, and your legs hooked around his waist.
His hands held your face on either side and pulled you in closer. If he could inject himself into your skin, you know he would.
You playfully nipped, pulling his lip between your teeth and sucking on it, eliciting a groan from Aaron that made you grin as you continued kissing him.
Your tongues waltzed together in intricate circles, and you felt his hands ease to your bottom as they splayed out to support you.
“What do you think you’re doing,” you murmured. He grinned like a cat who got the milk.
“I’m about to take you to the bedroom, and we’re about to make love. How does that sound, sweetheart?”
“Carry on,” you said lightly, your lips against his neck as he toted you to the bedroom.
It wasn’t long before your back hit the mattress as he laid you down carefully.
“You’re stronger than I gave you credit for,” you quipped with a smirk as you looked up at him. Aaron chuckled as he tugged off his flannel and threw it to the side.
“I have to be at least a little fit to be in the FBI. Besides, I’m not that old. Now, Rossi…”
“You are not about to mention Rossi before an intimate moment,” you interjected, half incredulous and half amused.
“Sorry, sorry. But point being, I’m not exactly ancient, and my muscles haven’t completely disintegrated.” His T-shirt was soon discarded, and flung it to who knows where.
Your eyes roved over his muscles, and the sight of them made you want to salivate. He wasn’t what most would consider “ripped,” but his muscles were defined while also having a little bit of a tummy. You wouldn’t change a thing about him.
“They haven’t disintegrated,” you agreed with a small smile.
Aaron leaned down over you. “Do you mind if I relieve you of your clothes?” He asked teasingly.
“Be my guest,” you murmured lazily.
He took his time, pulling your sweatpants down and disposed of it, tugging off your baby tee shirt next. You could see him visibly gulp as he studied your bra and panties.
“Now, before we go forward…” his finger was hooked on the waistband of your panties, playing with it, “are you sure you want this? Absolutely sure?”
“I’m absolutely sure, Aaron, I swear.”
“At any time, if you want to stop, please tell me,” he said earnestly, “it’s absolutely necessary for you to know that we can stop if you don’t want to go any further. I don’t care how far into it we’ve gone, if it’s any less than enthusiastic then we timeout.”
“You’re precious, you know that?”
Aaron almost looked horrified. “You better tell me this isn’t the first time you’ve heard this from a partner.”
You nibbled on your lip. “You’re just very thorough about it. Usually a simple “uh huh” suffices.”
“Sweetheart, like I said, I want nothing less than enthusiastic consensual sex. It’s just important to me.”
“Then you’ve got it,” you smiled up at him.
His hand fished under your back to unhook your bra, and when he pulled it away from your chest, you swore he was in awe like some people are of a sunset.
“Fuck… you’re beautiful, baby,” he said breathlessly.
You felt yourself flush and it traveled well into your chest area, and he chuckled, amused, as he kissed the nipple of your left breast, feeling the heat against his lips.
“You’re adorable when you blush like that,” Aaron said warmly.
He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and freed you of them. The cold air hit you and you squirmed, but he surged into action, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. The noises he made, almost sounds of desperation, turned you on almost as much as his mouth on your breast.
His hand began kneading your other breast, and you breathed heavily.
“Fuck,” you muttered, a shot of lightning down your back, “you’re so good at this.”
Aaron moved away from your nipple and smirked at you. “Oh, do you mean that I’m… experienced?”
“Shut up and suck a tit,” you groaned, your hand going to your face in embarrassment as he chuckled.
“Did you really think I missed that earlier?”
“Not really, I was just hoping.”
“Sorry, sweetheart.”
Your hand went to your clit, and you began rubbing it in soft circles with your index and middle fingers, and Aaron resumed sucking your breast, transitioning to the other one. Of course you’ve masturbated before, but the combined sensation of him on your nipples and your own fingers was sending you over the edge as you lifted your hips to ride them, moaning in his ear.
When you felt that sweet release, your head tilted back, and you relaxed. Honestly, you could have slept, but Aaron clearly had different ideas.
“My turn, pumpkin.”
“Pumpkin?” You asked in surprise.
“Listen, I was trying something,” he said a little defensively, “but the point being that I want to make you feel good. You’re already so wet.”
He took your hand, pulling it away from you, and he sucked the cum off your fingers, his larger hand engulfing around your hand. He finally pulled your fingers out with a loud “pop.”
“Sweet- just like you, actually,” Aaron said smugly.
“And I’m sure you’ve got a sweet tooth in your head somewhere,” you replied as you watched his head approach between your thighs.
If only you could tell the version of you that had seen Aaron at the barbeque and thought he was handsome “for a man his age” that eventually his black hair would be seen bobbing between your legs with his tongue delving into your pussy. That version of him that had been wearing his brown quarter zip, looking down at you while your dad introduced you two. Who would have thought?
And fuck, that man was talented with his tongue. Was tying cherry stems with your tongue mandatory in the FBI? If it wasn’t, it should be. But otherwise- that G-Man knew his way around the G-Spot.
He made your insides feel like they had been melted down, sitting low in your stomach as the coil tightened. If this was just his tongue…
Aaron lapped at your depths, making those same desperate noises he had been making earlier. You moaned, your hands searching for something to grasp, and they found his shoulders. Your hold was so strong, it left red marks behind on his pale skin.
Your own guttural noises, some you hadn’t been sure you ever made before, melded with the sound of the wet noise of him eating you out, and you were suddenly so glad that you were in a cabin on a winding road.
“Aaron,” you said breathlessly, your chest heaving beautifully, “I’m ready, I think I’m ready for… for you.”
He lifted his head up at you. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, although… um… I didn’t bring lube.”
“Mhm… What about protection?”
“I’m on the pill.”
“Well… to put your mind at ease, I’m clean, I just got tested a few months ago as part of a physical, and it was after I broke up with Beth. I haven’t… had sex since we broke up.”
“I’m clean too.”
Aaron kissed the inside of your thigh. “Good.”
“Is it… do you think I could…”
He kissed from your belly button up to between your breasts. “Say it with your words, darling.”
“Can I ride you? Please?”
“Far be it from me to withhold pleasure from a princess,” he said smugly. You flushed.
“I’m not a princess,” you protested weakly, not even sounding convinced of your own statement.
“You absolutely are. You’re my princess, at least.”
“Then do the princess a favor and remove your bottoms,” you said coyly.
With a laugh, he stood up from the bed and began unbuckling his belt, and slipped off his pants. You hadn’t taken him for a boxer guy, but you supposed you shouldn’t have been surprised. The outline of his dick was visible through his boxers, obviously hard, but when he slipped them off, your mouth gaped a small bit.
You saw the size of his shoes and his nose, you knew what the chances were of him being well endowed. But you didn’t ever really think you’d get to see for yourself. He didn’t look like he was too big, but he certainly wasn’t too small- not terribly long, but certainly girthy.
Absent-mindedly he stroked it, smearing the precum on the head. “Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Aaron, if you put this off one second longer-“
“Patience,” he stifled a laugh as he laid down on the bed beside her, his hands patting his thighs in a beckoning motion.
You moved to straddle his thighs, and carefully, you lined his dick up with your entrance, and sunk yourself onto it, inch by inch, taking deep breaths as he stretched you. When you fully sheathed him, he groaned as he held your hips, his hands splayed to support you, and your hands on his chest with small soft splatters of hair under your palms.
“Baby, you take me so well,” Aaron breathed. You clenched around him and he groaned again, his head tilted back.
Every time you moved your hips, every time he felt your ass bounce even slightly, he felt he had to fight from finishing right then and there. He truly wasn’t as young as he was, but… you had exceeded his expectations.
“Oh my god,” he moaned, his hold on your hips tightening as you rutted against him.
Your face held sheer determination, but Aaron could see when you were hitting a sweet spot by the look on your face- your eyes would glaze over slightly, and your lips would fall agape. He wished he could capture your likeness and hang it up beside the Mona Lisa- it was art, a wonder of the world.
“Baby, make some noises for me,” he urged, “I need to hear you.”
Your breasts heaved, and you whimpered as you moved up and down on his dick. His hips bucked, and you squeaked at the sudden shift.
“I’m almost there,” Aaron warned you apologetically.
“That’s okay,” you said in between panting.
True to his word, he painted your walls with his cum, and you felt like you were so soaked.
At one point, you stopped bouncing and thrusting, and panted, looking down at him and him looking up at you for what seemed an eternity, his dick still inside of you.
You slipped off of him, and rolled over to lay beside him. He pulled you against his chest, spooning you from behind.
“We really need to clean up,” he murmured against your neck, “but… I could lay here with you for so long, darling. You feel so right in my arms.”
“Ditto,” you said lazily.
Despite the urge to not get up, you both cleaned up and did the usual post sex hygienic stuff. You guys dressed again, and you sat in his lap on the couch, his arm circled around your waist.
“Mm… pretty good for an old man, wasn’t it?” Aaron teased you.
“Shut up, cradle robber,” you muttered, though a wide grin was on your face.
He pinched your thigh as he chuckled.
You both fell silent, the only sound coming from the AC unit whirring on. But there was a tension of a different kind between you two now, a silent undertone of questions.
“I know what you’re thinking,” he said slowly.
“If we could DoorDash Taco Bell?”
Aaron’s face visibly fell and you chuckled as you kissed his cheek. “It is getting close to lunch, but I’m joking. What do you think I’m thinking, hm?”
“The… the ‘what are we’ question.”
“Maybe I was thinking of asking if you would be my sugar daddy,” you said with a straight face. He rolled his eyes, clearly caught on to your sense of humor now.
“It…” he paused. “I know there’s a large age gap between us. But you are… I can’t imagine not being intrigued by your mind. You’re intelligent, and beautiful, and…” Aaron’s eye somehow meandered to your lips, “one of the sweetest women I know. And I would be honored if you would consider being my girlfriend.”
“There’s no consideration needed. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“And my job… my job doesn’t bother you?”
“Not at all. Obviously this is a relationship we would have to take one step at the time,” you reminded him, “but I understand your job takes you away sometimes. I understand that your situation is unconventional in a way.”
Aaron kissed your forehead. “Did I ever tell you you are so sweet? When you’re not being a snark, that is.”
You blushed, remembering him calling you sweet earlier, after tasting you. “Perhaps once or twice?”
“And Taco Bell?”
“Live Mas, baby.”
“I don’t remember the terminator ever saying that.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that DoorDash would probably take forty minutes to an hour to deliver to you- you had checked this morning. But… What could you guys possibly do to pass the time?
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yunhoszn · 3 months
save a horse, ride a cowboy
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PAIRING jeong yunho x f!reader
GENRES fluff﹒angst﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, reader is a city girl but i tried not using too many gendered terms, cowboy!yunho RAHHHHH, mentions of food, reader has a boyfriend for most of the fic (an oc) but there’s no real infidelity, reader embarrasses themselves on what i’d say is a few occasions too many, yunho is down bad, masturbation (m! and brief f! receiving), lowkey voyeurism, a really bad dad joke, horse riding scene bc i feel that’s pivotal for a cowboy fic, lots and lots of kissing, marking, teasing, vaginal fingering x2, oral sex (f! receiving) x2, multiple orgasms, very slight edging, praise, pet names (baby, babe, and princess oops), unprotected sex (BE SAFE PLS I BEG), cowgirl position, pull out method, missionary position, creampie lol, ending is cute but also kinda up for interpretation? i guess <3
SUMMARY when your grandparents decided to retire and take a summer’s long vacation in celebration, they leave their house in your care. at least you don’t have to worry about feeding the farm animals. but you do have to worry about the tall, handsome cowboy who does.
MORE AND SHE’S DONE oh my god, this fic actually pulled so much out of me i think i was the one seeing stars by the end.. 😭 but i’m so proud of it and the goals i tried meeting while writing. first of all the length??? insane for me. i can hardly get myself to write anything longer thank 5k 😞 THATS ENOUGH ABOUT ME THO,,, this fic was heavily inspired by the django performance if u couldn’t tell by the banner 😝 and i’d first like to thank the academy aka @kimsohn for encouraging me to write this and fueling my delusions ilysm maya <3 i’d also like to give a huge thank u to @bro-atz TYSM FOR BETAING AND HELPING WITH SCENES BRO ur my life saver fr <3 PLS PLS PLS REBLOG IF U ENJOYED!!
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Growing up, you weren’t the biggest fan of trips to your grandparents’ farm in the rural countryside. 
You were born in a big city, full of all the glitz and glam. There were bright lights that lit the skyline at night, distracting from the stars that illuminated above. The wide open space was blocked by high towers and large skyscrapers. You were accustomed to the sound of bustling pedestrians and the obnoxious honking of cars in the streets. There was seldom an evening of complete silence. 
Everything was so tightly packed together, within walking distance if you didn’t feel like hopping in a car for a fifteen minute drive. You appreciated the insanity of the train station in the mornings before school, the metro so busy with students and working class individuals. You came into contact with numerous strangers throughout your day to day life. 
However, every summer until you were a senior in high school was a different story. 
Your parents wanted to keep you humble, you supposed, shipping you off to your grandparents’ for three months. Living in the city kept people too sheltered, too primped and polished for the real world. They wanted you to have that exposure, to experience what it was like to live without the fanciness of urbanization. The nine months out of the year that you spent in the city stunted that exposure, though.
When you’d arrive at their farm, luggage stacked like you were taking a trip to London or Paris, you felt like a glorified version of Regina George. Maybe Blair Waldorf. Elle Woods? You weren’t even rich like that. Your parents were nice, middle class people. There was just something about cow manure and the fear of stepping on a freshly laid egg that made it difficult to adjust to the setting.
It was most likely your stubbornness throughout your childhood that held you back even as you got older and more educated. You thought after graduating high school, the three-months-long “retreat” would come to an end. You’d only need to visit when necessary, maybe a week max. And that was true to an extent. During your university years, you only visited the farm around once a year. You were too consumed with school to even go home sometimes. 
And then your grandparents decided to retire. 
Their farm had supplied the town over with produce and other home-grown items for as long as you could remember. But they were getting older and no one in the family was willing to inherit the farm or its responsibilities. In celebration of their retirement, they planned a grand vacation to visit multiple countries. Their itinerary spanned an entire summer, just like your trips to the farm when you were younger.
Because you were the only one familiar enough with the area, they enlisted you to housesit while they were gone. You tried to get out of it, but they didn’t trust anyone else as much as you, despite your convictions about country life. So you reluctantly agreed, packing up your things to prepare for another grueling summer at the farm one last time. 
But there was a bit of a setback.
”What do you mean someone’s living in the farmhouse behind their house?” You shriek into the receiver, holding your phone between your shoulder and ear as you zip up your final bag. Your mom sighs on the other end.
”Your grandma just only now told me, apparently it slipped her mind,” you can hear the sympathy in her tone. “He’s this boy who grew up in the town and he’s gonna take over the farm for them on the condition that they still live on the property. She said he shouldn’t get in your way and he’s expecting your presence. You’ll only see him if you ever actually go out to the farm and when he brings groceries to the house.”
”Great. Another thing I didn’t sign up for.” You mutter, giving your bedroom a once over to make sure you’re not forgetting anything. “Is there anything else I should know before I get there, like a secret pet or maybe a family living in the attic?”
”Watch the attitude, Y/N,” she warns, and you shut up immediately. “Look, I know this isn’t ideal. You’re a grown adult and you’d rather spend your summer going out with your friends, but you already told your grandparents you would do this for them. It’ll be over before you know it.”
You sigh, nodding even though she can’t see it. At least you didn’t have to worry about caring for their farm animals. It was time to think of this as a staycation rather than torture. Sure, your friends were going to be living it up in the Bahamas for a week and your boyfriend was going to be here while you were surrounded by nothing but flat landscape for acres. 
Perhaps it was good for you that there would be someone else on the property. You might’ve started to feel scared being alone in the middle of nowhere for so long. Though, your boyfriend probably won’t be the biggest fan of you staying within the vicinity of another man for three months. You’d just deal with that later. 
The drive to your grandparents’ farm is actually more peaceful than anything else. Driving for long periods of time wasn’t your favorite thing to do, but doing it by yourself with nothing but your music filling your ears was a sort of therapy. It allowed you to come to terms with your fate for the summer and what it could entail, even if it wasn’t exactly what you had in mind. 
Seeing the lush greenery for miles upon miles as you neared their home evoked a sense of tranquility within you. If you kept a positive outlook on your situation, you would make it through these next few months unscathed and your sanity still intact. Maybe you despised the wide open space for years when you were a kid, but now that you’re an adult, you think you could learn to appreciate it and its beauty. 
As long as the guy living in the farmhouse didn’t bother you like your grandmother said, everything would be—
You pull up in front of the house, already thrown for a loop by the tall, very handsome stranger walking his dog back from the mailbox. His dark hair obscured his eyes, a bandana tied around his neck to match with the one hanging off the Border Collie’s collar. The two turn around at the sound of your engine, stopping in their tracks once you’ve parked. 
He brings a hand up to shield the sun from his eyes, watching cautiously as you park slowly. You don’t know why you’re so anxious, it’s not like you’ll be interacting with him much during your stay anyways. There’s something about his slender figure and the fact that he was so clearly dedicated to what he does upon first glance that it makes you feel shy. You suck in a sharp breath before deciding to exit your vehicle, wiping clammy palms on your denim shorts. You’re starting to regret not dressing a little cuter, a little more presentable. 
His features soften upon recognizing you, the pretty granddaughter that your grandparents showed him prior to leaving for their trip. The hand sheltering his face falls to his side and he gives you a warm smile, somehow warmer and brighter than the sweltering summer sun. You’d always been told not to talk to strangers, to keep your distance for your own safety, but you can’t help mirroring his expression with a small wave. 
“H-Hi,” your voice wobbles and you kind of want to die just a bit. “I’m Y/N. My grandparents mentioned you lived in the farmhouse out back, but didn’t give me a name or face to expect.”
He extends his arm out and you shake his hand, albeit slightly nervously. His eyes squint when he glances between you and his dog. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N. I’m Yunho, and this is Yeoreum.”
The name is fitting for the red and white colored Border Collie, her tongue sticking out as she stares up at you with big eyes that almost resemble her owner’s. You bend down to pet her, patting the soft tufts of fur on her head and appreciating her licks of excitement. Yunho laughs, whistling to catch her attention. 
“Yunho and Yeoreum,” you repeat, a tiny grin on your face. “Befitting. Does she come with the property?”
“Unfortunately, no. She’s spoken for,” he teases, a pout on his features. “But she can visit whenever you’d like. Jokes aside, did you need any help moving stuff into the house?”
”That would be great, actually!” You scratch the back of your neck, lips pursing. Yunho waits for you to unlock the trunk of your car and places Yeoreum’s leash in your possession, making quick work transporting your bags inside. What was just supposed to be some light assistance, has evidently become him doing everything on his own while you stand and look pretty with his dog.
You didn’t bring too much with you since you didn’t have plans to leave while you were housesitting and your grandparents weren’t so old fashioned that they didn’t have a washing machine. Still, you felt useless allowing this stranger you’d just met to do all this manual labor on your behalf.
”Does he always do this?” You murmur to the Border Collie, falling to a seat on the lowest front porch step. She doesn’t give you a response (not that you expected her to), but pants happily in lieu of one, craning her head so you can scratch the spot behind her ear. 
“You’re a guest, it’s just good hospitality for me to help.” Yunho says as he comes out of the house, stationing himself in front of you with his hands on his hips, thumbs in his belt loops. 
“There’s a difference between helping and doing the work yourself. You’re just being modest,” you push yourself up to hand him Yeoreum’s leash. “But thank you anyway, that was really nice. I’m so tired from driving up here, so I think I would’ve collapsed doing all that back and forth.”
”You should go rest,” he glances at the house behind you. “There’s a whole three months of farm life ahead of you, so don’t wear your pretty little self out just yet.”
Yunho salutes to you and takes his leave, walking around your grandparents’ house toward what you assume is the farmhouse. Your eyes are wide and your cheeks feel hot, and you’re well aware that it’s not because of the summer heat. Your fingers clutch at the material of your t-shirt and you shake it to fan yourself. 
It seemed like you were in for a bumpy ride these next few months. But like you reiterated prior to arriving, everything would be just fine so long as you and farm boy went your separate routes and lived your separate lives. 
Yeah. Things would be alright. You hope. 
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It’s a week into your stay on your grandparents’ farm when you bump into Yunho again. 
You’re toweling your neck after getting out of the shower, heading into the kitchen to make yourself another bowl of cereal for breakfast. So far the only downside has been your inability to cook a decent meal. Takeout or your boyfriend sleeping over were usually your saving grace, but without having either of those options, you’ve stuck to microwaveable things.
The sight of Yunho unloading groceries onto the counter has you squealing and nearly jumping out of your own skin. He flinches at your volume, knocking over the bag of rice resting against the vase in the center. Thankfully it was still sealed shut, if not there would’ve been a mess of rice grains all over the island counter. His clumsiness has you slapping a palm over your mouth to silence your giggles, not wanting to embarrass him.
”Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you…” You apologize sheepishly, folding your towel over your arm and placing it on a barstool nearby. 
“N-No, you’re fine! I shouldn’t have just let myself in, it’s kinda just a habit. You deserve your privacy without having to worry about whether or not I’m gonna barge in unannounced.” He dismisses your apology with a wave of his hand. “I’ll just put these up for you and then I’ll be on my way.”
”Can I help?” You waddle over to him, fingers laced behind your back. “I’d feel bad watching you put my groceries away for me after going out and getting them.”
Yunho gestures for you to occupy the space beside him with a small smile that takes solace at the corner of his mouth. The two of you do everything in complete silence, still not entirely used to each other’s presence because of the lack of crossing paths. As you’re finishing up, you start grabbing the items you need for your cereal. He raises an eyebrow at you.
”You don’t want something a little more filling?” He suddenly questions, jutting his chin at your bowl.
”I would love that if I knew how to cook,” you laugh. “Ironic isn’t it? The granddaughter of two farmers can’t cook to save their life.”
Yunho shakes his head with a chuckle, ruffling his hair. “Well, I don’t have to feed the horses for another hour if you’d like for me to whip up something better than a bowl of cereal.” 
“Really?” Your eyebrows furrow. Despite growing up with the mindset that you were above the farm life your grandparents tried to impose on you, you hated feeling like you were coming across as entitled. You didn’t want Yunho to think you were lazy or that you were too good. “You don’t have to do that. I can survive on instant ramen and cereal, I swear.”
”Y/N,” he says your name with a certain authority to it, and you’ve never loved the sound of your name coming out of someone else’s mouth so much before. “I want to. I’m not the world’s greatest chef or anything, but I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.”
”Okay, then,” you nod, taking a seat at the island. You watch in awe as he dances around the kitchen and prepares something for you. It’s weird, not in the sense that you feel awkward around this complete stranger, but because you feel the opposite. You feel comfortable around him, like you’ve known him for a while. It’s almost like Yunho has been a casual part of your life for much longer than a week. He’s easy to get along with, easy to mold into what you’re used to.
And that’s weird because you have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who cooks dinner for you most nights, but somehow has never made you feel this taken care of. It throws you off. That should definitely not be the case. How is this man doing this in one week and your boyfriend couldn’t in two years? 
The guilt settles in the pit of your stomach quickly. Sure, your boyfriend might’ve had a habit of forgetting important dates and didn’t give you half as much attention as he should’ve, but did that warrant the emotions brewing in your chest? Could that excuse this notion that maybe it was time to finally call it quits?
You zone out as Yunho finishes cooking your breakfast, too inside of your head to even fawn over the doting and slight coddling he was doing. Maybe you need to have a long conversation with Seojun about your relationship and where you want it to go. Perhaps it was a nice idea to invite him out to visit the farm, it could do you both some good. 
“Ta-da!” Yunho holds out a plate to you, the sparkle in his eyes effectively pushing out any thoughts of your boyfriend and the shame that was picking at you. You can’t help but reciprocate his expression when you see how delicious the food looks.
He’d made you omurice, the ketchup on top in cute squiggly lines to form whiskers and a little dog face. You accept the plate gratifyingly, your fingers brushing as you do so. He smiles shyly, eyeing you carefully while you take the first bite. You don’t remember the last time you had a home cooked breakfast, accustomed to the occasional muffin at the coffee shop near your house.
”’Not the world’s greatest chef’ my ass,” you grumble, pouting at his humbleness and his inability to be bad at anything. “I might just ask you to have breakfast with me every morning if you can chef it up this well.”
That melodic laugh of his rings in your ears, his elbows resting on the island and his chin in his palms. “I’m sure Yeoreum would appreciate a companion who isn’t me.”
“How long have you had her?” You ask, shoveling more omurice into your mouth. If you weren’t so hungry and so appeased by how delicious it was, you’d feel bad for ruining his hard work. The ketchup no longer looked like a dog, but rather a splatter of red all over your plate. 
“Almost four years now. I had her for a year before I met your grandparents. She adores them, so it’s no surprise that she likes you too.” He has this fond gaze in his eyes as he talks about his beloved Border Collie and it makes your heart ache. 
The fact that he has such a good relationship with your grandparents seals the deal for you. Well, it would seal the deal if you were single. Yunho is like the ideal man that every parent would want their daughter to bring home. He knows how to cook, knows how to clean. He’s adept around the house, skilled in yard work and other random jobs like fixing leaky pipes and installing new appliances. He’s gentle, but doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. 
Your parents would never meet him, though. After the summer was over, you’d be back in Seoul and he would still be here, a distant memory. You forcibly laugh away the thought, excusing it as your response to his words and continuing the conversation about his dog. 
Perhaps this stay would be harder to get through than you thought. 
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As the weeks pass you by, you find yourself becoming more and more infatuated with Jeong Yunho.
Cooking breakfast for you in the morning has become a regular thing. Monitoring him at the stove with sleepy eyes and a mug of fresh coffee in your hands has ingrained itself into your routine. Yeoreum called the spot beneath your stool her own now, laying there as her owner made your food. You think the transition from seeing him as just this comforting presence, this kind individual, to wanting something more was almost too smooth.
Especially right now as you sit on the back porch sipping on some lemonade, admiring the cowboy as he transfers bales of hay from the bed of his pickup truck to the pigpen and the cattle pen. He pauses in between trips, stripping off his flannel and tying it around his waist. He lifts the hem of the white tank top he’s wearing and uses it to wipe sweat from his forehead, revealing the toned abdomen he had been hiding from you up until now. 
You feel like you’re going insane, trying to pretend like you’re reading your book as you not so subtly gawk at his muscles straining with each bale he lifts. It’s crazy really, the effect he has on you doing his fucking job. You’ve made it a habit to sit out here and stare at him under the guise of various other things. Aside from being borderline obsessive, it’s horrible because you’re still very much in a relationship.
Most people would feel a hell of a lot worse than you do, like their entire world was crumbling between their fingertips just for finding someone else attractive. But for some reason, as time has continued to roll on, that guilt— that self-preservation— has faded. You’re dipping into another emotion that you’re too scared to explore. 
Yunho takes a break from his labor to guzzle down a bottle of water, his chest heaving up and down from exertion. Had you been paying attention to anything other than the view of the handsome man, you would’ve noticed the glass sliding out of your grasp, the condensation becoming far too dense to keep a solid grip on the cup. In the midst of drooling over him, your lemonade falls to the ground with a loud clanging noise.
Your reflexes are only swift enough to save your book, but the drink spills everywhere else and you wince at how embarrassing the situation is. You hurry inside to grab a towel before he can see the mortification enveloping your features. He seemed like the observant type, like one scan of your face could tell him everything he needs to know without a single word exchanged. Your fingers curl around the edge of the counter, blowing a raspberry while you attempt to regulate your blood pressure.
Through the window above the kitchen sink, you make out a confused Yunho, brows furrowed as he looks in the direction of the house. He worried over you entirely too much, particularly when you take into account the fact that all you did was think about him in manners not necessarily safe for work. Maybe you were just delirious. That was the only logical explanation for why you’re spiraling.
The high temperatures of the summer coupled with your surroundings are contributing to your change in behavior. Yes. That made sense. You weren’t crazy.
With a bit more reprieve, you’re able to grab a tea towel and head back outside to clean up your mess. (Not unaccompanied by a couple glances in Yunho’s direction, but that’s fine. Perfectly healthy even. It’s normal to check up on a friend. At least, that’s what you tell yourself, but who’s holding you accountable?)
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“You know you’ve been making me breakfast every morning without asking for anything in return,” you speak up one morning, chin resting on the island. “Is there anything I can do to repay you?” 
Yunho purses his lips as he hands you your plate. “Nah, I like cooking for you.”
You try to ignore the way that has your heart fluttering in your chest, try to ignore the warmth blooming beneath your skin. Your eyes glance down at your food to avoid eye contact, bringing your chopsticks up to your lips. “Okay, well I wanna do something for you.”
Despite mumbling the words, he hears you anyway and smiles to himself as he takes a sip from his mug. He rolls up the sleeves of his denim button up, reaching down to scratch behind Yeoreum’s ear, the area that you’ve learned is her favorite. She pants joyfully, jumping on his leg excitedly. He looks between the two of you.
”Missy here needs a bath,” he says, cooing at her. “I was gonna give her one later, after I cleaned out the stables, but if you don’t mind doing it.”
”I’d do just about anything for that precious girl,” you nod enthusiastically. “Consider it done.”
This is how you end up out back, dog shampoo in one hand and the water hose in the other. 
Yeoreum’s signature bandana and collar lay on one of the rocking chairs on the porch, the dog looking so different without her accessories as you prepare to bathe her. You wet her fur generously, squeezing enough shampoo into your palm to lather it on. Compared to your childhood pets, she’s pretty well behaved.
She’s probably one of the only dogs who’s ever actually enjoyed taking a bath, sitting still for you while you scrub and rinse and repeat. You take your time with cleaning her, wanting to make sure you do your best as a thank you for every plate Yunho has ever made you. Usually, this isn’t something you would jump at the opportunity to do. Somehow, being back at the farm this past month or so has done everything your parents tried to do when you were younger.
It could’ve had to do with the desensitization of being here every summer for so long that it just never stuck when you were grade school age. But now, fully grown and experiencing this all over again on your own, with new faces at your side, it’s like you’re being exposed to something different. You can see why your mom and dad didn’t want the city life to become a dependency. 
You preferred the view of cabs and cafés over cows and chickens in the past, but now you found a sense of familiarity in them. You’d always want to go home as soon as you got here. Unlike other kids, you wanted your summer to be over as quickly as possible. You couldn’t imagine going home after this, though. This unveiled attachment to the farm you detested when you were younger could only be accredited to one person, and it was a little frightening. 
He constantly brought out parts of you that you didn’t know existed. This enigma, the one that emphasized how big of a role he’s fulfilling in the short period of time you’ve been here, drills itself into your brain every day. You knew you had to acknowledge it sooner or later, but it was just less of a hassle to act like it wasn’t screaming at you. Your fear of change was a more pertinent issue to ignore, so you let it consume all else. 
While getting lost in your thoughts, Yeoreum starts shaking and startles you, causing your hold on the hose to loosen, water spraying everywhere. The diversion has you losing your footing and slipping in the mud. You shriek, though it does nothing to block the stream that drenches you, your clothes getting wet. The universe decides it’s not on your side, because you happened to wear a white shirt. Why you chose to do that when you knew you were bathing a dog, you have no clue, but it was a little too late for regrets.
Yeoreum jumps out of the basin you had her in and runs to the farmhouse just as Yunho’s walking out, fresh from the shower. You forgot that he was cleaning the stables at the same time you were giving the Border Collie her bath, but now you’re starting to wish you waited until afterward just in case you needed the assistance. And well, you definitely needed the assistance. 
Plucking the tail end of the mishap, Yunho’s initial reaction is to laugh at your misfortune, but the closer he gets to the scene, the laughter dies out in his throat. Your top is sheer enough that he can map out the outline of your black bra. It leaves very little to the imagination and he thinks he might fall to his knees right here.
Since your grandparents told him that you’d be house sitting while they were away and proudly showcased a photo of you, he’s been enthralled by you. You had the face of an angel, or maybe a really enticing demon, he hasn’t cogitated it much yet. 
He swallows thickly, hoping to keep his composure as he makes his way to you. His hand is a little shaky when it reaches to take the hose from you, squeezing his eyes closed and switching off the water. He stays there for a few seconds to mentally prep himself for an up-close-and-personal look at you, even going as far as holding his breath. 
“Uh— you— um— you should go inside and dry off before you catch a cold,” Yunho keeps his eyes cast downward. He’s grateful that you don’t note how red the tips of his ears are, or how he thinks the sky is suddenly much more interesting than your face.
Your head cocks to the side in confusion. “What do you mean ‘before I catch a cold’? It’s, like, a million degrees out.” 
“The temperature drops at night and the sun’s setting soon. I’ll handle it from here. Yeoreum ran off, so I gotta chase after her anyway and I don’t think you want her to soak you more than she already has.” He’s insistent on shooing you away and getting you inside of the house. You huff.
”Okay… If you say so…” 
Reluctantly, you spin around and traverse back. The draft of the air conditioning has you shivering, rubbing up and down your arms as you enter the bathroom to inspect the damage. Your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets when you finally see yourself. No wonder Yunho was so adamant on staving you off like you were the plague. 
In your defense, you didn’t think the hose won the battle by that much. You assumed you’d just gotten everything above your shoulders wet, but no. You were practically doused head to toe. And the clear display of your brassiere under your clothes was the last thing on your mind.
He was stronger than you. Actually, he was a more respectful person than you. You would’ve gawked at him shamelessly if the roles were reversed. But at least you’re self aware! Right? The first step in recognizing that you have a problem, is admitting that you have a problem. That’s what you think they say in those addiction commercials, but you could be wrong. 
Wow. Now you were comparing him to drugs. Though, you suppose there isn’t that huge of a difference. Both had equal success rates in terms of getting people high and then making it hard to wane off their effects. 
You really had to quit it with the metaphor usage. 
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It’s around midnight that night when the lightbulb in the bathroom goes out, halting you from finishing your bedtime routine. 
You’re exhausted to say the least, face damp from washing it and one of those fuzzy hairbands with the animal ears perched on your head. You were ready to crash out, but there were still a couple things you needed to do before that. It was proving to be a little difficult in the pitch black bathroom. The window above the shower was too narrow to provide any sufficient moonlight.
With a low grumble, you shuffle into your slippers and make the short trek from your grandparents’ house to Yunho in the farmhouse. You hug yourself when a strong breeze blows past, your flimsy t-shirt and sleep shorts doing hardly anything to block the cool summer night’s air. 
A piece of you feels a little bad for bothering him so late, but you have no idea how to change a lightbulb. You don’t even know where the lightbulbs are. Besides, you think you’d electrocute yourself if you made an attempt to do it on your own. 
You huff out a sigh and bring your knuckles up to knock at his door, waiting patiently for a response. He’s not asleep, you know this because he’s mentioned that his internal clock doesn’t turn off until two in the morning. Circadian rhythms were an odd concept, so to each their own. 
“Yunho! It’s Y/N! Open up!”
When a few minutes have passed, you try the knob. Maybe it was a bit… too presumptuous of you to enter his home without explicit permission. Yes, you’d known each other for the better part of a month and a half, and yes, you’d gotten very close in that timeframe, but did that constitute your actions?
Whether or not the answer to that question was a yes or a no, you really wish you would’ve just waited outside. As you venture further in search of the cowboy, you stumble upon something you shouldn’t have. 
Standing in the hallway on the other side of his bedroom, the door ajar at least an inch, you catch a glimpse of him on his bed. That white tank top you’re so used to seeing him in is between his teeth, eyebrows knit together in pure pleasure as he fists his cock with a purpose. His nostrils are flared and whiny moans escape from behind the fabric. 
His head falls back every now and then, eyes fluttering shut when he runs his thumb over the slit. He’s so focused that he doesn’t notice you, too entranced with chasing his high. Your lips part as you watch him fuck up into his hand, his shirt slipping from his mouth when he groans out a curse. 
Just as quickly as you become distracted by the sight of Yunho jerking off, you become aware of what you’re doing. You flee the scene before you get yourself caught, exiting the farmhouse as quietly as you can. The lightbulb can wait until morning, it wasn’t that important, honestly. You’re in a daze the entire walk back to your grandparents house, goosebumps littering your arms and the image of him in such an obscene state burned into your brain. 
You fall backwards onto your bed, staring at the ceiling in hopes of willing away the path your mind is beginning to wander towards. All you can think about is the sight of him so desperate for release, large hand wrapped around his dick, abdomen contracting with need. You know you weren’t supposed to see, weren’t supposed to bear witness to something so personal. 
It’s difficult to push out the nasty, inappropriate thoughts clouding your head. His expressions contorted into absolute bliss. His slender fingers could probably do so much more than your own, could probably reach places you’d never even dreamed of. And fuck, his dick, prettier and bigger than any other you’ve ever seen. 
Your chest blushes with heat, an embarrassment washing over you when you realize you’re turned on. You should feel terrible for intruding on Yunho’s privacy like that, especially without him knowing, but all you can do is want him more than you already do. That craving for something deeper, carnal, fans the flame engulfing you, dragging you further into the sick and twisted hell you’ve created for yourself. 
Yunho has been nothing but welcoming, kind and gentle with you, someone he didn’t even know the name of until last month. Someone who’s done everything in their power to repress this lifestyle for so long. And for some reason, it just comes so easily with him. You don’t feel forced to enjoy living on the farm. He makes you laugh and puts a smile on your face effortlessly. He has you wondering if life can actually be this simple. 
But when all is said and done, there will be somebody else waiting for you back home. Somebody who doesn’t know how to whip up omurice with freshly laid eggs. Somebody who isn’t even a dog person, who thinks pets are nuisances. Somebody who doesn’t live in the farmhouse behind your grandparents’. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.
If you touch yourself with tears streaming down your cheeks to the thought of the man who has eyes that resemble the night sky, well that’s between you and whatever higher being exists out there. 
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You sit across from Yunho with bated breath, afraid that if you opened your mouth he would know your dirty secret. You avoid his eyes for the same reason, like one good look at you would reveal what you were trying to hide. 
Yunho himself was doing his best to pretend like he hadn’t masturbated to the thought of you last night. He liked to think he was good at keeping his feelings under wraps. It wasn’t like he didn’t know you were in a relationship, he’s heard you on the phone before. He stays silent as he fries rice in a pan and has some bread in the toaster. The only sounds in the kitchen are sizzling and the pants coming from Yeoreum under your stool. 
In the time that you’ve been here, never once has it been awkward between you like this. The conversation usually doesn’t stop flowing, rolling on and on and filtering into things that don’t pertain to the original subject. He rarely has his back to you for too long, turning over his shoulder to shoot you a grin every here and now. 
Both of you go to speak at the same time as a means of salvaging the morning from eternal strain. You stare at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. Truly, you were two birds of a feather, or however that saying goes.
”Sorry, I don’t know why I’m being so quiet today,” Yunho says, though he knows it’s a lie. “I guess I had a long night.”
”Oh, that reminds me,” his mention of the previous night has you recalling the reason you went out to the farmhouse in the first place. “The light in my bathroom went out, do you think you can fix it for me?” 
“Yeah, for sure,” he begins preparing your plate. “Actually, I have this joke about lightbulbs. You wanna hear it?”
Your lips curl into a smile, already attempting to hold back your laughter. With a raised eyebrow, you respond, “What is it?”
”What did the lightbulb say to the light switch?” He asks nonchalantly, taking a bite from his own piece of toast. You’re failing miserably at acting like you don’t think the joke is funny, although he hasn’t even told you the punchline yet.
”I dunno, Yunho, what did the lightbulb say to the light switch?” 
“‘You turn me on.’” 
There’s a pregnant pause as the joke resonates and you can’t stop yourself from cackling at how stupid it is. He joins in, but mostly because your laughter is contagious. His chest swells with pride at his successful landing, feeling like he’s on top of the world just for bringing a smile to your face. God, he was down tremendously bad. 
Your spoon clatters onto the counter as you lean over, a hand clapped over your mouth as your boisterous laughing simmers into a giggle. Yunho leans into you slightly, matching your energy as he munches on his toast. This is what has you conflicted, so at war with yourself. The proximity should have you pulling away, but something about him always reels you in, despite the consequences that await.
And unfortunately, those consequences come to a head today.
“Are you fucking serious, Y/N?” 
You and Yunho jump back, whipping towards the source of the voice. Seojun stands there, his bags at his feet and his face crestfallen, disbelief written all over it. He shakes his head and turns to leave, you stumbling off of the barstool to follow behind him. The guilt you’ve only ever felt momentarily settles deep in your chest and deep in your stomach, though you technically haven’t done anything wrong.
Your abruptness startles Yeoreum and she’s up in a heartbeat, tailing behind you curiously. Yunho has to rush to stop her, but a part of himself wants to do the same. No matter how much he likes you, he’s never wanted to be the cause of your relationship falling apart. He wanted you organically, not like this.
”Seojun! Wait!” You call after him, holding up a hand to block out the harsh sunlight, tripping over your slippers. He scoffs. 
“What am I waiting for? You to spew some bullshit about how nothing’s going on between the two of you? I’m not fucking stupid, Y/N. I’m not blind.” He pops open his trunk and throws his bags in haphazardly.
”You’re being unreasonable,” you exclaim, rounding the car so you’re directly in front of him. “There is nothing going on. We’ve just gotten to know each other since we live in the same vicinity. Did you want me to stay here for three months and hole myself away with no other human contact?”
“He was just supposed to be the guy who lived in the farmhouse. He wasn’t supposed to bother you. That’s what you told me, remember?” Seojun is losing his patience, something that has always been the root of the problem when you’ve gotten into past arguments. “How do you expect me to react when I come to surprise you and see you being so close to another man?”
“I was laughing at a joke he told me. You’re making this a bigger deal than it is and blowing everything completely out of proportion. I’m sorry that it never came up that we became friends, but I didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve never once cheated on you in the three years we’ve been together and for you to accuse me of that is so fucking low of you.” You’re not going to cry, not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s won. He thrives off of seeing your vulnerability and you won’t let him have it. 
“I saw the way he was looking at you,” he seethes, balling his hands into fists at his sides. “I know that look because that’s how I used to look at you.”
A laugh devoid of any humor leaves you and he blinks. “That’s how you ‘used to’ look at me? When did you stop? And why am I just finding this out?”
”That’s not— that isn’t what I meant, Y/N—“
”No, Seojun. You did,” you glance away from him, nipping at the inside of your cheek. “We’re grasping for straws. We aren’t going anywhere anymore and we haven’t for a while now. That’s why we're standing here arguing over this. I just want to know why you didn’t just tell me.”
”I’m too complacent,” he sighs, breathing through his nose. “I was too comfortable with you and I didn’t know how to let you go or walk away. But you’re right, there isn’t anything for us to save, and it seems like we’re both ready to move on.”
“What does that mean?” 
“I saw how you were looking at him, too. You might not have acted on it, but you have feelings for him. I’m not gonna stay and hold you back.” Seojun unlocks his car, opening the door. “And for what it’s worth, you won’t be wasting your time.”
You don’t respond, instead humming and letting him drive off. Once his car is far enough out of your view, you go back into the house. There’s an indescribable emotion that hostages you, binding your wrists and tying you down metaphorically. You can’t seem to shake it. 
Yunho is still in the kitchen, sitting on the floor with Yeoreum to keep her calm. He gazes up at you expectantly and you feel the tears you were suppressing from Seojun bubbling up. If you weren’t going to cry in front of your (now ex) boyfriend, you definitely weren’t going to cry in front of him. 
With a trembling exhale, you force yourself to say, “I need to be alone.”
He understands empathetically, clipping on Yeoreum’s leash and leaving the house in the same breath. That in itself has you crying like a baby the moment you’re all by yourself. You hold your face in your hands, body shuddering with each sob you release. 
I saw the way he was looking at you. 
I saw how you were looking at him, too. 
You had a lot to think about, and everything always seemed to circle back to Jeong Yunho. 
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A couple days escape you before you register you haven’t seen much of Yunho. After your breakup with Seojun, you really did need a bit of room to process it all, but you hadn’t realized just how much you depended on the cowboy’s presence until you were missing it. 
You hadn’t meant to push him away, if that’s how he saw it. A night of bawling your eyes out with a pint of ice cream and The Vow was enough to cure you. However, it appears that he thought you needed more, going as far as putting a pin in your daily breakfast ritual. You aren’t sure how to extend an olive branch when you weren’t even trying to cause a rift between you in the first place. 
Being with someone for three years may not seem like a lot, but that fraction of your life is stuck with you, like a thumbtack that refuses to come out of the wall. You’d had boyfriends before Seojun, but they weren’t nearly as serious. There weren't formal introductions between parents, no late night conversations that bleed into early mornings, no sleepovers and quick kisses before work. 
Of course, after a certain point, those had just become habitual. You weren’t doing them because they evoked a sense of love or care anymore, but rather because you were familiar with them. It was safer to continue the pattern of waking up and falling asleep to Seojun on the other side of the bed, the intrusion of sunlight and the cacophony of traffic outside your window, even if you didn’t really want to. 
And then you came here. 
Somehow, returning to your grandparents’ farm was exactly what you needed to break through that cycle. As much as you would love to attest it to your location and discovering the appreciation your family wanted you to feel for it, you know the real reason. It’s all thanks to a certain cowboy.
Yunho’s feelings for you run far deeper than he could’ve imagined. He doesn’t know the extent of what happened with you and Seojun, but he thinks putting distance between you is better in the long run anyway. On the off chance you’re still together, he wants to preserve his heart. He’s handed it to someone else too easily in the past and he doesn’t want to make that mistake with you if you don’t feel the same. 
But even on the off chance that you’ve broken up, he still wants to stop himself from falling further and harder than he already has. Without ill will, he doubts that you would give up the life you have in the city for this, for him. He’ll be perpetually chained to being a faint imprint on your memory of the summer. You’ll think back to the months you spent here and he’ll have played only a minor role. 
It was wishful thinking, too hopeful of him to presume this would lead to a happy ending. You were from different worlds, led different lives. It was time for him to be realistic. And that meant implementing the space that was supposed to exist between you from the get go. 
Though, you make it difficult when he bumps into you on the way back from the mailbox. Déjà vu, anyone?
Yeoreum is excited to see you, jumping onto her haunches to lick your face when you kneel to her level. You giggle, squeezing one eye shut as you balance yourself and hold her still so her weight doesn’t clamber you both onto the ground. Your fingers pet to top of her head softly as you coo, “Who’s a good girl?”
Yunho physically winces when his chest tightens at the sight of his two favorite girls. The word ‘distance’ bounces around his head like a pinball, reminding him what he’s supposed to be doing. He just can’t bring himself to walk away. Especially when you look at him with those pretty eyes of yours. 
“Hey…” You start, steeling your tone to ensure it’s even. “I’m sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you or something. I needed some time to myself to figure things out. It wasn’t my intention to shut you out and put you on the back burner.”
”No, it’s okay. I had to figure stuff out on my own, too,” he uses his bandana to dab at the sweat perspiring on his forehead. “Did you sort through whatever you needed to?”
“I did,” you nod, standing upright. “Seojun and I broke up, so I had to sit with my feelings for a bit. We’ve been together for so long, I think I needed to remember what it was like to be without him, and then I realized that’s basically what I’ve been doing since I came here.”
”Oh.” Yunho’s lips form an ‘O’ shape, hands dragging down the sides of his pants. “I’m sorry— um— about your breakup.”
”Don’t be,” you smile, dismissing his sympathy. “It was a long time coming, honestly. We weren’t really in the relationship wholeheartedly anymore. There wasn’t a point in stringing it along, you know? But that’s enough about me, did you figure your own things out?”
”I thought I did,” he says, which is true considering he’d been mulling over what to do with his emotions subsequent to your argument with your ex. “And then I kinda steered off course. It’s alright, though, I think I like the new conclusion I’ve come to a lot better.”
You might be on the same page now, but there was an entire discussion that had to happen to solidify that. Following a very emotionally charged past couple days, you could do without that today. You’re both just glad that the air is cleared and you can resume building the bond that began forming the moment you stepped foot onto the farm, no restrictions whatsoever.
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“Have you ever ridden a horse?” 
You glance up from your book, this time genuinely reading it as Yunho fed the chickens and cleaned up their coop. He towers over you while he asks the question, his shadow thwarting off any direct sunlight. Your nose scrunches. 
“When I was in, like, middle school? It’s been a minute,” you answer, making sure to bookmark the page you stopped at. “Why?
”Would you let me teach you how to do it again?” He nips at his lower lip, like he’s nervous you’ll say no. The truth of the matter is you’d say yes even if he asked you to commit arson, which is kind of a problem.
“That sounds fun,” you shrug. “What time should I be ready?”
”Uh, now?” 
Okay, so sitting on a horse did not seem this scary when you were twelve.
It probably had to do with you being fearless and whatnot, but also because you did whatever your grandparents asked just to appease them. The faster you got off the damn horse, the faster you could go back inside and situate yourself in front of the TV. They thought they were making progress with you, but really you were outsmarting the outsmarters. 
Sweat glazes on the underside of your hands, disrupting the security of your grasp on the reins. Yunho thought it would be wiser if he stayed on foot, guiding you and the horse around the perimeter of the pen. You hoped you didn’t look as afraid as you were, but you’re certain the slight quiver of your bottom lip gives it away. 
“You’re doing fine, Y/N,” he reassures, maintaining a comforting amount of eye contact with you.
”Am I? Or does it just seem that way because you’re pulling the horse?” You quip, gripping the reins tighter when it steps over a rock and you sway a little. Your tone is laced with sarcasm, something Yunho hasn’t heard much of from you since you’ve met, but he thinks it’s cute that you resort to violence when you’re scared.
You notice the quirk of his mouth and how he’s trying not to laugh at your terror. It pisses you off solely because his humor isn’t unwarranted. You are being a bit over dramatic. He unties his bandana from around his neck and tosses it to you. “So you don’t callus your hands.”
He’s too thoughtful, too considerate for his own good, but that’s what roped you in. Even when you met for the first time, he had you figured out. The longer you stare at him, the more you realize just how perfect he is. If you were still in school and you were tasked with writing an essay about the summer you spent here, you’re sure the words would flow onto the pages flawlessly, without skipping a beat. Your prose would be so beautifully written, that even the most notable authors would be envious of your experience.
The only downside of this was the fact that time was beginning to seep through your fingers. There was mutuality in your feelings for each other, that was almost unequivocal. You were both just hesitant in taking that first leap. The uncertainty lied with that goodbye at the end of August, the one that’ll hurt a lot more than it was supposed to. But you know that postponing your unceremonious declaration of feelings would just do more harm than anything else. 
One consistency you’ve singled out since coming back to the farm is this common theme of divine intervention, or fate, whatever you want to call it. Right when you’re on the brink of an epiphany, you’re always forcefully shoved into it, like a freight train crashing into its platform traveling at full speed. This moment is no different. 
Yeoreum barking at a squirrel on the other side of the pen scares the horse who’s back you were currently on. It bucks up and you release the reins in alarm. You fall quickly, but Yunho’s quicker, catching you in his arms like it’s been a childhood dream of his to be a superhero. He searches your face for any indication that you might be hurt, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
The eyes you’ve grown to adore examine your own with so much care that you find yourself melting in his hold. Your face instinctively leans into his palm, fingers still clutching the fabric of his shirt like he may drop you. 
It’s nearly second-nature to minimize the gap between you. 
You never understood what novelists meant when they described kissing scenes. And you think that’s because you’d never truly had a kiss like this before. It was as if they were all talking about this second, this blip in time. The sparks that shoot from where your lips meet to the tips of your fingers, the thump-thump-thump of your heartbeat in your ears, the sensation of never wanting to escape, never wanting to stop. 
Yunho’s hand snakes behind your head, tangling in your hair to deepen the connection. It’s hungry. It’s desperate. It’s too much. It’s not enough. Everything that had been stacking on top of each other was leading to this, the collision that rivaled the Big Bang. You whine into his lips, an invitation but also an inquiry. 
He parts from you just so he can catch his breath, his forehead resting on yours. “Can I take you inside?”
You nod fervently. “Yes. Please.”
He wastes no time hauling you to the farmhouse. His grip on your wrist is gentle as he pulls you into his bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and trapping you between his legs. Your restraint wears thin, nimble fingers fumbling with the rest of the buttons on his denim shirt. You push it off of his shoulders, a bit shell shocked when you discover that he’s wearing a regular t-shirt as opposed to his usual tank top. 
“You would pull something like this today of all days,” you laugh breathily, untucking the shirt from his pants. He reciprocates the sentiment, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck while you undress him. 
“Is it evil of me to say I was sorta hoping this would happen?” He speaks into your exposed collarbone, nipping, sucking, biting the skin. Your appreciative sigh goads him, his tongue gliding across the abused surface as a form of relief. 
“Mm-mm,” you hum, shaking your head, fast to yank off his shirt and run your nails down his abdomen. “I’ve been waiting for this for too long.”
“Yeah?” Yunho flips the two of you easily so you’re the one on the bed now. He pushes up the hem of your shirt, pecking your stomach to your clavicle as he shows more and more of your skin until the fabric is removed from your body. “Can’t believe I finally get to have you.”
You involuntarily moan, completely untouched and because of his words alone. Every part of you feels like it’s lit ablaze, burning with want and need and everything in between. This ran further than just what-ifs and late night fantasies. Your relationship with Yunho tiptoed on the edge of something you’ve never known before, and that makes this so much more special. 
He glances up at you when his fingers reach for the button of your shorts, a silent ask for permission. You give him the green light and hold yourself up on your elbows, watching with your breathing trapped in your throat as he rids of your panties along with them. His hands push your knees to your chest, kissing your inner thighs and right around the place you need him most, but never there. 
“Yunho…” You warn, but it comes across as a broken whimper rather than an establishment of authority. He laughs and then his lips are pressing to your clit, a sweet kiss that has all rationality taking a vacation from your brain. Your head tips back and you fist at the sheets. 
He drags his tongue through your folds, swirling it around the sensitive bundle of nerves each time it makes its return. It’s almost criminal how good it feels to have his mouth on your cunt, eyes already heavy lidded with pleasure. He sucks on your clit at the same time he decides to insert a finger into your entrance, curling it experimentally just because he can. Like you predicted, it reaches that spongy spot at the crook of your pussy, brushing it once he’s sure he’s found it. 
While you walked in on him fucking his fist, the only thing on his mind was you. He was so absorbed in the mental image of what you would look like beneath him, wiggling, writhing, squirming with indulgence. His social awareness was at a zero. This replayed over and over until he came, his thoughts so vivid he could’ve swore it was real.
But this, the actual thing, was so much better; his forearm pinning your hips down, his middle finger curling and uncurling inside of you, his mouth working overtime to inch you towards the edge of that steep cliff. He moans when your eyebrows practically coalesce, bottom lip trapped between your teeth. You look so gorgeous like this, so disoriented all because of the bliss he was providing. The vibrations of the sound have you arching your back, uncontrollable whines running from your mouth.
“Feel good?” Yunho asks, disconnecting his mouth and replacing it with his other hand, ring and middle digits swiping across your clit with practiced pressure. 
“Mhm,” you nod frantically, eyes on the brink of rolling to the back of your head. “Feels so good, Yun… Just like that, ‘m almost there.”
That’s all he needs to hear, switching his hand and mouth once again, focusing on alternating harsh and gentle sucks of your clit, adding a second finger to pump in and out of your hole. The doubled change in stimulation knocks the wind out of you, the precipice of your orgasm so close you can taste it. You’d never been brought to the summit this early in the past, and you think Yunho deserves some sort of reward for being the first to do so.
You’d worry about that later though, because you’re blindsided by it before you can even conjure your next thought. You cum with a cry, tears springing to your eyes from the immense amount of ecstasy coursing through your veins, swimming in your bloodstream. Yunho coos at you, not stopping until you’ve relaxed in his hold. “That’s it, baby, you’re doing so well.”
The praise makes your head feel airy, like empty space unoccupied by anything. If you paid attention in chemistry, then you’d know that’s highly impossible, but you didn’t. The only chemistry you even remotely care about is the one between you and Yunho, the tension that has piled higher and higher for days on end until its crescendo now. 
You sit up to kiss him roughly, savoring the taste of yourself on his lips. He smiles into it, a hand raising to caress the underside of your jaw. He climbs onto the bed, scooting you up so you’re positioned by the pillows. It doesn’t take much effort for your bodies to swap, his back to the headboard. You clumsily seat yourself on his lap, a knee on either side of him and sighing wistfully when his mouth trails down your throat and sternum, slender fingers sneaking behind you to unclasp your bra.
He aids you in removing his pants, still simultaneously prioritizing kisses all over your bare chest. When you’re both fully naked, you take your time admiring his cock. It’s just as pretty as you remember, long and thick. Your hand wraps around it gingerly, stroking the length as you lean down to kiss him again. You don’t think you could ever get enough of his lips on your own. 
“I’m not exactly getting any action over here, so I don’t have any condoms,” he says into your kiss, voice no louder than a whisper. 
“That’s okay,” you run your fingers through his hair. “Wanna feel you anyways, all of you.”
”Fuck, Y/N, you can kill a man with those words.” He groans, nails digging into your hips. You giggle, but it’s interrupted by him sitting you fully, his dick slipping through your lower lips. A whine brushes his ear when the tip catches your clit, repeating the movement until you can’t stay still.
The closest you’ll ever get to Heaven on earth is Yunho’s cock pushing inside of you, filling you up so deliciously you think you could die like this. Your jaw slackens, hands coming up to support yourself on his shoulders. Even if this is a one time thing, something that never happens again during your stay at the farm, he wants you to remember this when you go back home. He wants you to recall this sliver in your timeline and never forget it, wants his name engraved in your memory like a branding iron.
Once he feels you’ve adjusted to him well enough, he pulls you off of him almost entirely, just to ram back in without mercy. He punches a voluminous moan from you, eyes watching where he disappears in you and reemerges. You’re tighter and so much warmer than he dreamed you’d be, but it’s perfect. You suck him in like a vacuum, as if his cock was made to be inside of you, as if you didn’t want him to part from you.
“You’re s-so deep, Yun,” you mewl, pulling him in for another headache-inducing kiss. “Don’t wanna stop.”
He exhales through his nostrils, mumbling out a curse when your walls squeeze around him. He wanted to last a while for you, wanted to hold out and prolong this moment until you were both on the crest of passing out. But you feel like a glove, your silk-adjacent cunt begging for more and more. 
“Think I might cum soon, princess,” he groans, tossing his head back and just about losing every ounce of his sanity when your lips start marking the column of his throat. 
His big hands move under your thighs, holding you in place so he can fuck up into you. The pace at which his cock drills in and out of your pussy has you seeing stars, eyes snapping shut and nothing but colorful spots decorating your vision. You were already abhorrently sensitive following your first orgasm, so it didn’t really take much to introduce the second. 
Your hips stutter and it washes over you like a tidal wave, your body shuddering and collapsing into his top half. He pulls out of you quickly, mouth stationed by your ear as he jerks himself off until he’s painting your backside. He moans, a lot like the sounds he was making the other night, and you feel the need to just kiss him again. 
Your lips lock sweetly, a stark contrast to your previous actions. Yunho curves a hand on your cheek, seperating from you the smallest distance so he can admire you. The smile that etches onto his expression makes you dizzier than anything else. However, the cutesiness can only span so long before the setting gives way. 
Yunho’s hand snakes in between you, his forefinger sliding up and down your slit teasingly. Your breath comes out shaky, your face finding purchase in the crook of his neck. He replaces the digit with his middle finger, parting your pussy lips in search of your clit. It doesn’t take him very long to find it, rubbing tight circles into the engorged skin. You moan into his shoulder, resting your forehead on it to see the way he works your cunt. 
“You’re so wet, baby. Have I not fucked you enough?” He whispers into your ear huskily. Yunho talking dirty to you is something you didn’t know you needed in your life. His finger slips downward, thrusting up into your hole with ease. He keeps massaging your clit with his palm, the stimulation making your head woozy.
“Mmmph— Yun, god. Feels too good.” You whine, gyrating your hips on his hand. 
“Is that right, babe?” He encourages, adding a second finger and increasing the speed of their thrusts, almost like you hadn’t been in this position already. “I can’t wait to feel this tight little pussy around my cock again. Gonna fuck you harder than the last.”
Your whimpers raise in volume, focusing on the way he curls his digits in you, applying pressure with the heel of his palm to the circles he’s rubbing into your clit. You can sense your third orgasm approaching, warmth flooding your cheeks at how embarrassingly fast he worked you back up. Your walls clench around his fingers, alerting him of how close you are. He pauses, worming his body down so his face is eye level with your cunt again.
Yunho does the whole teasing thing a second time, kissing and suckling the hot skin of your belly, knowingly denying you of your release. You grab a handful of his hair, tugging at the ends to spur him on. He groans, giving into you and licking a straight line up your slit. He inserts both fingers again, this time using his tongue to manipulate your swollen clit.
The heat of Yunho’s mouth makes your insides ache, the necessity to cum intensifying. You keen loudly, desperately, needily, the sight of the brunette between your legs so incredibly arousing. He sucks on your throbbing clit, his long fingers as deep as they can go, and you crumble. 
“Oh my god— oh my god— I’m cumming! I’m—” You cut yourself off, convulsing under him. He laps up as much of your juices as he can, coating his chin with your release. You moan as you pull him towards you to unify your lips, a mixture of your saliva and cum connect your mouths in strings. At this point, the sex is messier than anything you could’ve plucked from your wildest dreams. 
One hand trails down your body, using your nimble fingers to play with your sensitive clit when he starts fisting his cock in preparation to enter your pussy again. You use your free hand to scratch at his contracting abs. He hisses, propping himself up with one arm next to your head and his eyes trained on the way you finger yourself at the same time. You can feel his breath on your cheeks and being in this proximity to him fuels your yearning.
“Please, Yun… Need you back inside of me,” you whimper. Rubbing your clit with your own fingers isn’t satisfying enough, not with him here in front of you, not when you know how good he can make you feel.
“Fuck, baby, when you beg like that I don’t know if I can hold back.” He chuckles lowly. It rumbles from his chest, shooting to your core. 
“So don’t,” you rouse. “This is more than just a one time thing for me, Yunho.”
His eyes widen just a bit, your confession catching him off guard. That’s all he needs to line himself up with your hole, hooking his forearm under your knee as he slides in, stretching your cunt so perfectly with his perfect cock. “Shit— you’re so tight, princess… It’s almost like I didn’t just fuck you within an inch of your life.” He moans and spreads your legs wider. He bottoms out with a grunt, throwing his head back from the feeling of your velvety walls. A near deafening cry is ripped from your vocal cords. He nips at your neck, starting to piston his hips. 
His thrusts don’t slow but become calculated, speeding up and diving deep simultaneously. It only took a short amount of time to figure out what you liked and he used it to his advantage. Yunho hikes your knee to your chest, groping your tits with his free hand. He twists and tugs at your nipples just hard enough that it contributes to your pleasure rather than hurts you.
It’s as if he doesn’t feel buried inside of you sufficiently, because he decreases his pace to press and fold your other leg up, his hips ramming into your ass with each thrust now. The tip of his cock kisses at what feels like your cervix. That familiar coil begins to fasten again, keening with every drive into your cunt. The squelching noises would’ve made you cower in shame with anyone else, but with Yunho it turns you on further.
You moan, and he flattens his hand on the lower part of your stomach. Yunho groans, biting the skin where your shoulder meets your neck. Your fingers find your clit again, circling insatiably to get yourself off. 
“You gonna cum for me again?” He rasps, his hold on your legs almost painful. The backs of your thighs burn, but you endure it for the sake of the moment. You reach up and behind yourself, grabbing at the headboard in an attempt to match his force. 
“Oh my god, yes— yes yes yes yes,” you babble, the syllables blurring together like your mind. “Gonna cum so hard for you, Yunho. Keep going, please.”
His lips attach to yours, tongues tangling sloppily. The position you’re in is on the opposite end of the spectrum from how you were expecting this summer reunion to go. Had you not been made aware of Yunho living here at the last minute, you probably would’ve backed out of your commitment to staying. Deep down you’re a little too thankful that your grandmother mentioned him when it was too late to reconsider. 
“I think I’m in love with you, Y/N,” Yunho whispers into your mouth. 
You let go of the headboard, cupping his jaw and kissing him lovingly. “Me too.”
Your fingers speed up and so do his thrusts, perfectly timed with each other to shove you both towards your highs. You’re on the cusp of falling apart, arching into him to close the gap between your bodies. 
“Wanna cum inside you. Can I?” Yunho grunts. 
“Yes yes, please. Fill me up, Yun, want all of you.” 
He continues to abuse your cunt, pounding into you like his life depended on it. You sob, clamping your walls around him. He freezes, suddenly spilling into you. “Come on, baby, cum on my cock.” The warmth of his release and his words coax your orgasm, the fluttering of your cunt milking every single drop from him that it can. Even with his dick plugging you up, you can feel it dripping out of you and onto the sheets below. 
He rocks into you languidly until you’ve calmed down enough for him to pull out. His forehead is flush on your chest, rising and falling with it, both of you so spent from the intense physical activity you engaged in. You stare up at the ceiling with heavy eyelids, carding your fingers through his hair to soothe him. 
“You meant what you said right? About this not being a one time thing.” Yunho says hesitantly, like he’s afraid of permeating the atmosphere you created. 
“I don’t think I can go home at the end of the summer and forget the way I feel for you, Yunho.” You admit out loud. There had been a constant struggle in your head over whether or not to follow your heart, but as he looks at you with those sparkly eyes of his, you know your answer. And you feel a little stupid for ever considering the counter. 
“And what exactly are those feelings?” He pushes, folding his hands on your sternum and laying his cheek on top. You giggle, brushing his hair out of his view. As tempting as it was to divulge your theatrical journey in assessing your emotions, you’re too exhausted to stay awake. It would have to wait for another day. 
“You have the rest of the summer to find out, cowboy.”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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cherriesformatt · 3 months
sharing the news || matt sturniolo part 2
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matt x fem!reader
summary: after a while you decided its time to share the news of your new chapter in life with Chris and Nick
warnings: pregnancy
word count: 1,5k
a/n: thank you for over 100 notes under part 1! I decided to continued the story. I hope you will like it!
It's been a month since me and Matt found out that I'm pregnant. It’s been hell of a ride so far. We somehow managed to talked Chris and Nick out of my little episode and told them I just got my period and was really upset, tired and need Matt to go to the store for me. I spent entire next two days in Matt’s room trying to figure out our situation. I was also constantly sick and anxious. After than I just tried to be as normal as I could so no one would be suspicious.
At first it was like I didn’t know what I should do. But then I found myself thinking about the baby with my hand on my stomach and I knew I wanted to keep it. I also did hear Matt talking to my belly in the middle of night which made me cry so hard in the bathroom because of how cute that was.
Today was my first ultrasound appointment to confirm the situation and check if everything is alright.
“You know… I was thinking that if everything is good I would like to tell Chris and Nick and then we can decide how and when we want to tell the rest of the family” Matt looked at me when we stopped on the red light.
Keeping this a secret form his brothers was really hard for him because they always talked about everything with each other. Which was scary for me at first. Their whole relationship and building my own with Matt but also becoming part of theirs. Now I just admire the bond between them.
“Yes I was thinking the same” I smiled at him and put my hand on his thigh. I was nervous about only one thing.
“What I was thinking… Is that I will literally jump if your fucking triplets genes worked too hard and there is more than one of those” I said what was on my mind recently.
“Oh my goodness… I didn’t think about this” He put his hand over his mouth.
He was clearly scared now.
“We giving one to Chris in that case” I said seriously.
“Please , we are never leaving our kids with Chris, ever” he said.
I only laughed at that and patted his leg.
“It’s gonna be all good Matt, let’s manifest it’s only one for now” I said.
“Baby… I know this month wasn’t ideal for you and we both tried to cope with the fact that we’re going to have a baby but also only us knowing for now is really special” He looked at me for a second and his eyes went back to the road.
That was also exactly how I felt and I leaned forward to him and kissed his cheek.
“I love you Matty… I know this is all hard but you’re right” I said.
“I love you too sweet girl… okay we’re here, let’s do this” He parked the car and took a deep breath.
Our appointment went smoothly. They did my blood test which confirmed that I’m pregnant. They also did bunch of other tests to see if I’m all good and healthy. Thankfully I was. The last step was the ultrasound.
“Alright parents…” The doctor said and I gasped at the cold of the liquid that she put all over my lower belly.
She called us “parents”, that took me by surprise and I felt so weird.
“Ready?” She looked at me and smiled and I only nodded and closed my hand on one of Matt’s hands.
She started the thing and looked at the monitor. We couldn’t see it just yet.
“Okay… I found it… everything looks great. The baby is healthy. Looks like you’re about 6/7 weeks pregnant” She said.
“Only one?” Matt asked and wiggled on the chair.
“Oh my Lord, Matt… He is a triplet and we were kind of scared that you know… there’s gonna be more than one” I laughed and looked back at the doctor.
“Yes there’s only one” She laughed as well and turned the screen so we could see it too.
I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I saw a little thing moving on the screen. Like a dot. But I knew it’s our baby.
“Oh my…” I said and she pushed some kid of button and sound of a really fast heartbeat started to play from the machine.
“Is that?..” Matt gasped as well.
“That’s your baby’s heart beating… it’s really fast that’s normal and that’s actually really good. The baby is really healthy, you guys… congratulations” She said with a big smile.
But both of us were speech less. I caught Matt swiping tears from his cheek with a corner of my eye. That moment was something you can’t explain. You need to experience that yourself to know how much love I felt in this moment.
When we were back in the car I put all of my stuff in the back seat, closed the doors and turned around to go to my doors but I was met by arms of my boyfriend.
“Oh Matt…” I said hugging him back.
He hid his head in the crock of my neck and I run my fingers through his hair. I felt tears on my skin and I couldn’t help as my eyes started to water as well.
“We’re going to be okay. We can do this Matt. Together” I said but my voice broke I couldn’t exactly feel what’s happening.
“I know… y/n I’m just so happy that’s it’s overwhelming” He said pulling back to rest his temple against mine.
“I feel exactly the same way” I whispered looking him in the eyes.
He kissed me and pulled me even closer to his body. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.
On our way back we stopped by target and some other places to get Nick’s and Chris’s favorite snacks, drinks and some funny, cheesy stuff that had “cool uncle” on it.
At home I put all of it in two boxes and also added a picture from the ultrasound to each.
This situation was so unreal for me and Matt. They were actually filming in the kitchen now. I really wanted to have their reaction on camera, so we told them that Matt wanted to do some kind of unboxing with their eyes blindfolded and they would have to guess what’s in the boxes.
When he texted me they are ready I took the boxes and come to the kitchen and put them in front of them and stood behind the camera.
“Okay you may open them” Matt said.
They started to pull stuff out.
“That’s bullshit it’s clearly Pepsi and popcorn” Chris said.
“Yes and that’s my own lip balm” Nick said annoyed.
“Okay how about this?” Matt took an ultrasound pictures and put into their hands.
“Piece of paper?” Chris said.
“No” Matt said and looked at me.
“Picture?” Nick said and showed it to the camera.
“Yes, it’s a picture” He nodded and smiled to the camera.
“Picture of us?” Chris asked and opened his can of Pepsi.
“No… but picture of someone that is in a room with us” Matt said.
“Oh my gosh you fucking freaking me out right now, what the fuck, are you a medium or what” Nick said an put the picture on the table.
“Okay… maybe just take your blindfolds off and Chris… you might want to wait with that fist sip” I said looking at them.
“I didn’t know you were here…” Nick said and started to undo the bandanna on his head.
I bit on my nails as I watched them taking those off. Then they looked at the boxes and I felt like I stopped breathing for a second.
“What the actual fuck? Is this some kind of prank?” Chris asked as his eyes widened.
“Oh my gosh are you kidding me?” Nick looked at me and stood up.
“Chris you owe me 1000 dollars… I knew it!” He hugged me tightly and I put my arms around him.
“Did you two bet on me being pregnant? What the hell?” I laughed.
My stress went away because how could I be stressed around them.
“I actually forgot that we did” Chris said and gave Matt a big hug.
“You guys… I don’t know what to say” Nick said pulling away from me.
“Well…. To be honest we don’t know either” I said and Matt only laughed.
“Yes… this feels really like a dream more than real life” Matt said looking at his brothers.
“Wait… are we first to know?” Chris asked.
“Of course you are… who else?” Matt looked at him and Nick went closer to them and they three shared a hug and than looked at me.
“Come here mama” Chris wiggled his eyebrows at me.
“Never, ever call me that again” I said seriously while coming into the hug.
They laugh and we stand like that for a minute or two.
“Okay I love you all but all three of you smell like three different colognes and I might throw up” I said stepping back.
This baby will be the luckiest baby in the whole world having them as a family.
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kiarastromboli · 5 months
Teach me 2 (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
Part.1 Part.3
Warning: Not my edit, Smut content, don’t like it = don’t read it :)
Summary: Y/N and Chris's relationship has evolved, but Y/N insists on keeping a low profile for fear that her parents will find out she has a boyfriend.
"Wake up, honey, your dad is dropping you off today," my mom said, gently stroking my hair to wake me up.
I just hummed in response, too lazy to open my mouth and speak.
After a few seconds of tossing in bed to stretch and rub my eyes, I reached for my phone.
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I smiled foolishly at my phone before getting out of bed to get ready.
My relationship with Chris had evolved since the night he climbed through my window two weeks ago. We decided to take our time; nothing was officially defined, and not many people knew about us.
Mainly because I was afraid my parents would find out I had a boyfriend. Chris didn't care; he wasn't the type to overthink, and that's precisely why I tried to keep this relationship discreet.
My parents had been quite clear in the past about boys—no boyfriends before the end of high school. According to them, it's a distraction, and they want me to focus fully on my studies, which I can understand.
On top of that, Chris is pretty much everything my parents would dislike, so it would be even worse if they found out I was dating him.
Anyway, I left my room to head to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, styled my hair, and applied a bit of makeup.
I wanted to look a bit nicer today for Chris; I knew this lacrosse match was important for him, and I wanted to please him.
"You look very beautiful. Do you have a special event today?" my father asked as he saw me coming into the kitchen.
"Um, no, I just felt like getting ready a bit," I nervously replied before sitting at the table for breakfast.
"By the way, I'll probably be home a bit later tonight. There's an important lacrosse match, and I plan to watch it with Julia," I added nervously.
"Hm," my father looked at me strangely before returning to his phone.
I had my breakfast peacefully, and then my father and I headed to school.
My morning went by normally—nothing extraordinary. I attended classes, worked, and chatted a bit with my best friend Julia. Then lunchtime arrived.
"See you at the match!" I told Julia as I left the class to go to my locker.
I opened my locker to put away my things, and when I closed it, I was taken by surprise by Chris standing right behind me.
"Oh my god, Chris!" I said, placing my hand on my heart, thinking I was having a heart attack.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, chuckling, and I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder before laughing myself.
"You look good," he said with a smirk, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I made an effort for you today," I told him, smiling and tilting my head to the side.
"Can't wait to take off that little skirt later," he whispered in my ear, making me blush.
"Chris!" I said, clearing my throat and looking around to make sure no one had heard.
He chuckled before leaning toward me for a kiss, and instinctively, I pulled back.
He gave me a confused look. "Not here. I don't want anyone to see us," I said timidly.
"Y/n, your parents aren't going to magically appear out of nowhere and catch us kissing. We're at school," he replied, rolling his eyes and sighing.
"I know, but I don't want to take the risk of someone telling them!" I replied.
"I couldn't care less if your parents don't like me, Y/n. It annoys me that I can't kiss you whenever I want!" he said, getting frustrated.
"Chris, I know. I'm sorry. Please, stop," I said, immediately feeling guilty. "Maybe you don't care, but it's important to me. I'm not ready for them to know. I need a little more time."
He sighed, throwing his head back. "Yeah, see you at the match after school," he said before turning around and leaving.
It really bothered me that things were so complicated. It was just the beginning of our relationship, and I was terrified of ruining everything because of my parents.
The rest of the day, I wasn't really focused on anything. I couldn't stop thinking about Chris. I didn't want to hurt him, and I could sense that this situation was bothering him. I wanted to find a way to make it up to him.
After school, Julia and I headed straight to the stadium to watch Chris's match. We had seats right at the front in the stands.
"Hold this for me. I'm going to see Chris quickly before the match starts," I told my best friend, handing her my bag.
Of course, she knew about Chris and me; she was the first person to find out.
She nodded, smiling at me, and I ran toward the locker rooms. I was lucky; Chris had just come out.
I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a more discreet spot where no one could see us, then kissed him.
"I'm sorry for earlier," I replied, separating our lips. "I don't want our argument to distract you from your match. I'll find a solution."
"I'm not angry with you, Y/n," he said, placing his hand on my cheek. "It's just that I wish I could show everyone that you're mine."
"Shut up," I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt to kiss him. "How about you show me how much I'm yours after this match," I added, biting my lip.
"You won't have to ask me twice," he said, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me against him, and kissing me again. "Join me in the locker room after the match," he said, disconnecting our lips.
"Chris, I meant at your place or mine, not here dumbass," I said, chuckling.
"I won't wait until then. If it were up to me, I'd fuck you against this wall," he said, smiling.
"No, Chris, you're insane. We're not doing that in the locker room," I said, shaking my head.
"Okay, let's make a deal. If I score three times during this match, we do it in the locker room. Otherwise, it's up to you to decide," he said, extending his hand.
"Chris," I said, looking at him seriously, and he insisted, "Oh my god, okay fine, deal," I finally gave in, and he kissed me quickly before turning back to the others.
Even if Chris was doing pretty well in lacrosse, there was little chance he would score three times on his own. Given the level of his team, I knew this deal was already in my favor.
"Are you done making out with your secret boyfriend?" Julia said when I came back to sit next to her.
"Oh, shut up!" I said, laughing.
It was Chris's first match that I attended. I had seen him practice once or twice quickly, but I didn't expect to find it so attractive to watch him play.
I don't know if it was the brutality with which he entered the opposing team members sometimes or the moments of pause when he removed his helmet to run his hand through his hair.
Not to mention the countless times he threw me looks that, honestly, soaked my panties.
I already found Chris incredibly sexy in everyday life. Sometimes I even felt like a teenager in front of a boyband with him. This guy represented everything I found most attractive.
When he scored for the first time, I was the first to cheer and encourage him, proud to see my boyfriend contribute to his team's victory.
The second time, however, I quickly felt reality catching up with me. Had I just been fooled? I felt anxiety creeping in. If he scored one more time, it meant I was going to sleep with him in the locker room. Oh my god, what had I done?
The rest of the match, every time he approached to score, my heart skipped a beat. But when the last few minutes arrived, I started to feel reassured.
That was without counting on the fact that Chris scored one last time in the last 5 minutes of the match.
Everyone in the stands stood up to celebrate our team's victory, and I sat there for a moment when I realized what that meant. Damn.
After a few minutes of celebration, the team left the field to head to the locker room, and I received a message from Chris.
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I blushed at his message.
"Everything okay?" Julia asked, putting her hand on my shoulder, making me jump and immediately turning off my phone so she wouldn't see my messages.
"Um, yeah!" I said, clearing my throat and smiling to pretend nothing was wrong.
"Okay..." she said, looking at me strangely. "Anyways, my brother is dropping me home in 5 minutes. Do you want us to drop you off on the way to your place?" she offered.
"No, thanks, Ju. I'll wait for Chris to come out of the locker room. I have something to tell him quickly," I said timidly, running my hand over my neck.
"Oh, okay. Well, see you tomorrow, Y/n," she said, smiling before leaving.
It had been about twenty minutes since I was waiting in the stands, feeling stressed and anxious.
Of course, it wasn't about sleeping with Chris; on the contrary, I wanted it. It's just that I found it quite risky, and what if someone caught us?
Anyway, I made a deal with him, and I can't back down now.
My moment of solitude was interrupted by a message from Chris, letting me know that the locker room was empty, and he was now waiting for me to join him.
I took a deep breath and stood up before starting to walk towards the locker rooms.
I passed a few people on the way and tried to act casual as I walked past them. Once in front of the locker room door, I scanned the surroundings to make sure no one saw me enter.
I opened the door and quickly entered. My heart immediately raced when the door closed behind me.
I surveyed the room to find my boyfriend, but no one was there. "Ch-Chris?" I said timidly, gradually moving forward in the room.
No response. Turning my head, I saw Chris's bag on the bench with his lacrosse jersey on it, indicating that he was indeed here. "Not funny, idiot, answer me!" I said, rolling my eyes and starting to walk towards the showers.
Suddenly, I felt hands grab my waist and press me against a wall before feeling his lips crashing onto mine, making me sigh in surprise. "Chris! Oh my god!"
"That's the second time I've scared you today," he said, smiling proudly.
"Yes, and you really need to stop doing it if you don't want me to have a heart attack!" I said, giving him a playful shove to his chest.
I took a moment to admire him; he was shirtless, his hair still damp from the shower he probably just had. "I missed you," he said, reconnecting our lips.
"I missed you too," I replied, running my hand through his hair. "I didn't think you'd manage to score three times," I said in a slightly more timid tone.
"With the right motivation, there are plenty of things I can do," he said, smiling against my lips before removing one of the straps of my top.
"Chris—" I started to say before being cut off by his lips on my neck. "I know we made a deal, but I don't think it's a good idea," I said, unable to hold back small moans escaping my mouth.
"Why?" he asked, sliding his hands over my hips. "You don't seem like you want me to stop, judging by the sounds you're making," I could feel his smile against my neck.
"I don't—" I said, interrupted by a moan when he began nibbling on my neck. "If someone catches us, Chris, I—" I said before being cut off by his hands grabbing the back of my thighs to lift me.
"Don't worry. If you stay quiet, there's no reason anyone will catch us," he said with a smirk before kissing me again, this time our kiss was deeper and more fiery.
I knew it wasn't responsible of me, but his lips on my body only led me astray from the right path. I placed one hand on his shoulder while the other tangled in his hair. "We'll have to do this quickly, though. I don't know how much time we have before the janitor comes to clean the locker rooms," he said with a hungry voice, and I simply nodded.
He led us to the bench to sit next to his bag. His hands gripped my hips, making me moan once again, and I started moving my hips against his, making him groan in return. "I fucking missed this pussy. I can't wait any longer," he said, licking his lips, and indeed, I could feel his rock-hard cock through his joggers rubbing against my panties.
He came to grasp my throat in his hand, kissing me more fiercely than before, making me moan in surprise. This time was different, less gentle than the first, but equally pleasing. I couldn't help but squirm and moan, craving to feel him inside me again. "Shhh," he said, separating our lips.
"I'm sorry, it's just that—" I began before feeling his grip on my ass strengthen.
"It's just that what?" he said with a smirk. "Don't be all shy with me ma; tell me, or I'll stop now," he added, removing his hands from my ass.
"No, don't!" I said in a heated sigh before guiding his hands back to where they were, and he smiled. "It's just that I really need you now," I said timidly, and he immediately kissed me again.
His hands left my ass to remove his joggers and boxers, lifting his hips slightly, pressing his erection even closer to me, causing another moan to escape my lips.
"Y/n, you really need to make less noise than that," he chuckled, readjusting himself.
"Sorry," I said, blushing and looking down at his sizeable member. Not to brag, but in my eyes, it was rather large, and I was afraid that without any foreplay, his entrance might be painful.
"I won't enter before stretching you a bit, baby, don't worry," he chuckled before bringing his hand between our bodies.
He slid my panties to the side before inserting a finger inside me while looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
I tried to stifle a moan when he immediately added a second finger, making me furrow my brows and cling to his shoulder. "You're so beautiful, y/n," he said, moving his fingers inside me.
And I couldn't help but move my hips back and forth, hoping to feel him even deeper inside me. "You're such a good girl; look at you riding my fingers like a needy slut," his words prompted another moan to escape my mouth.
His free hand came to surround his member as he started to stroke himself while watching me. "I want to do it," I said, wrapping my hand around him, and he smiled before starting to bend his fingers inside me.
I gradually quickened my hand movements around him, and he threw his head back. "N-no, Chris, look at me," I said, moaning and placing my free hand on his cheek.
"Fuck, I need to be inside of you right now," he said, removing his fingers from me to grab a condom from his bag.
In a few seconds, he opened the condom with his teeth, and I stopped stroking him so he could put it on.
He wasted no time in seizing me by the hips and aligning himself with my entrance. He took care to shift my panties to the side before applying pressure to my hips to enter in one swift motion. "Chris!" I almost screamed, burying my head in his neck.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer, ma," he said, groaning and starting to guide my hips up and down.
"Oh my fuck," I said, moaning and throwing my head back.
He took advantage of the moment to bury his head in my neck and kiss me there. "Chris, I—" I said, moaning, and he quickened the movement, I gently pulled his hair. "This is so good; please don't stop."
"Y/n, someone might hear you; you need to stop moaning like that, shit-" he said, lifting his head towards me and grabbing my chin.
"I don't fucking care, Chris; it feels good. I need you to go faster, please," I said, driven solely by my desires at that moment, and he did what I asked, thrusting from below this time.
He grabbed my hips tightly and started giving me fast and deep thrusts. "Oh my god, yes, right there," I said, dropping my head forward.
"Fuck, y/n, shhh," he said, trying his best to hold back his own moans.
I felt like I had become completely dumb; the only thing I could think of at that moment was Chris inside me. The moans coming from me were out of control, so Chris pressed his hand against my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.
"God, I wish I didn't have to cover your pretty little mouth right now," he whispered without stopping his thrusts.
My lower abdomen tightened as he began to massage my clit. My eyes rolled back, and my hand instinctively gripped Chris's throat, which seemed to shock him momentarily but didn't displease him, judging by the smile that appeared on his face.
I closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm approaching. With my other hand, I removed Chris's hand from my mouth to warn him, "Baby, I'm really close," I said, moaning.
"Me too, ma, let it go," he said through gritted teeth. I locked eyes with him, my mouth open, refraining from letting my moans escape. Chris's brows were furrowed, and he bit his lips to prevent any noise from escaping.
"Chris, oh my god!" I almost screamed, tightening my grip around his neck, letting my orgasm take over.
"Hold on a little longer; I'm almost there babe," he said, breathless, giving me animalistic thrusts before he, too, reached climax and stopped his movements completely.
I let my head fall against his chest with him still inside me, and we both began to chuckle. "I'm going to need a second shower," he said, laughing.
"Well, we don't have time. You'll take one at your place; I have to go home before my parents get worried." I told him, straightening up and placing my hands around his cheeks.
"Hmm," he simply hummed, caressing my ass and kissing me tenderly.
I stood up, readjusted my skirt and panties, while he disposed of the condom and got dressed on his end. "I'm good?" I asked, wanting him to tell me if I was disheveled or if my clothes were misplaced.
"Mhm," he said, nodding, and we both headed towards the exit.
He grabbed me by the arm to kiss me. "I love you, Chris," I said, breaking our kiss with a big smile.
"I love you, baby," he replied before I turned to open the door and stepped out.
I quickly descended from my little cloud when I opened the door and found myself face to face with Chris's coach, who crossed his arms.
"Y/f/n y/l/n! I wouldn't have expected to run into you here," he said, giving me a judgmental look before Chris came out right after. "Chris Sturniolo, what a surprise!"
I looked at Chris anxiously, hoping he could come up with a miracle solution. "Coach, it's not what you think—" he started before being interrupted.
"I don't want to hear anything. Both of you will explain yourselves to the principal tomorrow. Go home now," he responded.
Oh my god, this time I'm really in trouble...
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rinhaler · 6 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY : Bags are packed, parents are disappointed, and Chigiri has arrived to ride up to the Itoshi family cabin together !
ex-fiancé!rin x f!reader
WARNINGS : 18+, alcohol mention.
WORDS : 4k
notes : me vs wanting to fuck almost everyone in the cabin 😩
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“Ready to go?” Chigiri asks, coming inside to assess the situation. He looks at your enormous suitcase and several travel bags before looking back at you with a quirked brow. You look away from him quickly, pretending something on your phone has caught your attention. “You know we’re only going for a week, right?”
“I want to be prepared!”
“It’s crazy,” he laughs, “because I know that somehow you’re gonna come home with more things than you left with.”
“Not true! Your birthday presents are in here!” you smile, shaking the large gift bag in your hand. He tries to take it from you to peak at what’s inside, but you move it out of his reach.
He pouts.
You pout harder.
“Fine, I’ll carry the heavy suitcase. Even though it’s my birthday week.”
“Thank you Chigs~!”
“Don’t call me that~!” he repeats in your sing-song voice.
You laugh, picking up another bag and carrying it to the car. You load them into the back before rushing into your house again and getting the last few bags. He takes them for you, allowing you to lock the door. If you’d had more warning, you definitely would have gotten a house sitter. But you’re trying not to worry about that, you just want to get on the road and leave all of your worries behind.
Worries, including your family. The family who are less than impressed that you’re abandoning them to spend a boozy week with friends instead of them. You don’t care, though. You delivered their gifts and wished them well.
It’s stupid, really, that they’re so frustrated that you won’t be spending time with them. You can’t stomach spending time with your dad and his new girlfriend. He knows you can’t control your face and you say the first thing that comes to your mind.
You inherited that from him.
Your mother however, was devastated when you told her. You figured she’d be okay since she has a larger family to spend the holidays with. But you’re her only child, you suppose you are being a little selfish.
It’s something you have to do though, you feel. You’re not over Rin and you don’t want to spend Christmas with family grieving what should have been you and him spending the day together. This way, you get to actually have fun. It’s not forced or superficial to keep up appearances for your relatives.
No one is going to expect anything of you at the cabin.
“I’m proud of you,” Chigiri smiles, looking at you briefly before focusing back on the road. You scoff, turning the radio up in the car, Mariah Carey blasting through the speakers. You both groan before he hands you the aux cord. “Not in a cringe way. I just mean, I know you’re a people pleaser. So I’m impressed that you put yourself over your parents.”
“Ugh, they were both so disappointed in me. I spent thousands on presents for them both. I even got some toys for my stepdad’s ratty step-kids. What more can I do?”
“God they are ratty.”
“They’re giving Damien from The Omen.” you tell him, both of you laughing loudly as one of your playlists plays softly through the speaker. You turn it up a little, both of you whooping as you hear Boss Bitch by Doja Cat play. “I know I was shitting myself when Sae texted, but I’m so glad we’re doing this.”
“Me too, I was dreading spending my birthday with your miserable ass.” he chuckles and you slap his arm lightly. “Wait! I know you’re still down about Rin, so, this will be a fun distraction. Plus I bet you end up hooking up with one of Sae’s friends, you haven’t had your rebound yet.”
“I am not doing another footballer, I can’t.” you shake your head.
You both laugh lightly and carry on chatting about the events to come. It’s like a weeklong party, essentially. And ever since you’ve known Chigiri, you’ve both loved a party. But it’s never actually the party itself.
The days before a party are always the best. Whether you’re hosting or attending, it’s always exciting. A theme is always ideal but not essential. Either way, you’ll spend weeks talking about it. Who’s going? What will you wear? What are you gonna drink?
You go on numerous shopping trips and buy endless amounts of clothes until you find the perfect outfit. Only to wear it that night and never again. But it’s worth it, every time. Hearing people compliment how gorgeous you look never gets old.
No one’s words meant more to you than Rin’s, though. The way he’d rest his hand in the small of your back while showing you off made you feel like a princess. He’d whisper sweet nothings about how you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and the things he wanted to do to you when you got home. It made your legs weak and your face flush with heat. And yet, he was always so calm. So cool. He liked to rile you up and pay you no mind as you look up at him expectantly. Acting as if he hadn’t said something so salacious and lewd while chatting with guests.
It drove you wild.
But, truthfully, where your best friend is concerned, your favourite part of a party is the morning after. If he spent the night at your place, especially. You’d wait for him to message you to let you know he’s awake and leave Rin’s side while he was snoring softly. Hyoma can’t handle his drink, and you’re no better. You’d crawl into bed with him and burrow under the duvet after handing him some water and painkillers.
Hungover or not, though, you loved gossiping with him. You’d trade stories about what happened throughout the night and things you heard. It made your day; it made the hangover worth it.
And now, you’re driving towards a week’s worth of that.
You groan as the song changes from Doja Cat to Lust for Life by Lana Del Rey.
“Nope!” he objects, “What kind of psychopath has Doja and Lana on the same playlist?” Chigiri asks, skipping the song. You throw your head back against the headrest, sighing as you think about Rin, again.
The album featuring the eponymous song is one of the first gifts Rin gave you. In vinyl form, of course, along with a pink record player. You had a record player already, but you told him a few times that you’d always wanted a pink one. It was a birthday gift, you remember crying so much as you unwrapped it.
“And I thought we could listen to this together.” you reminisce on him telling you as he handed the album to you. You told him you’d never listened to it before when you were going through her discography. It was a throwaway comment you didn’t think he’d even remember.
You cried listening to the self-titled song, wrapped up in his arms as he held you close. Truthfully, you’ve never felt so loved. And unfortunately, you don’t think you will again. You told him, repeatedly, how in love with him you were.
He couldn’t keep his hands off you after that.
“I need to make a new playlist.” you sigh, Chigiri nods, agreeing. “You’re right, Doja and Lana on the same playlist is psycho behaviour.”
“And you’re only just realising this?” he laughs again.
“I bet he’s got a new girlfriend now. Girls always threw themselves at him, even when we were together.” you tell him. “Oh my God, I miss him. I miss him so much I feel sick. I can’t do this.”
“Shut up.” he tells you, sternly, “I haven’t seen anything on his socials about a girlfriend, but that’s none of your business anymore anyway.”
“You’re still on his socials?”
“… anyway…”
“You know how private he is, Hyoma. If he’s seeing someone he wouldn’t post about her.”
“He posted you.” he reminds you, and you shrug defeatedly. “Besides, you broke up with him. You ended things and you’re still heartbroken. Imagine how depressed he probably is. He’s a workaholic, too. He’s probably distracting himself with work, not girls.”
Hyoma always knows what to say. Deep down, you knew that. But you never would have thought about it until he said. It was a miracle that he even asked you out, after all. His friends never failed to tell you how surprised they were. He’s too focused on football to bother with girls.
But you… you were different.
“You’re self-sabotaging, idiot.” Chigiri tells you. “We’ll get there, we’ll have fun, and you won’t think about Rin at all. I’m banning Rin talk for the rest of the week.”
“Fine fine fine.” you relent, shaking your body in an attempt to dispel any further thoughts of your ex. Though, to be honest, Sae might make it hard to not think about or discuss him. He’s his brother, after all. You can’t expect him to not talk about his little brother. And you certainly can’t ask him not to. “You’re gonna love the cabin. It’s huge. And there’s a lake we can ice skate on.”
“Perfect, can’t wait.”
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There are several cars parked outside as you pull up. Chigiri parks, but is frozen in place as he looks at the cabin. It’s clear that the place is not what he expected. You end up leaving him alone to process his thoughts as he drinks it in. It’s the closest he’ll get to feeling like a celebrity, he suspects.
He follows you out, rushing to help you lift your suitcase as you struggle under the weight of it. You smile, gratefully, as he drags it towards the cabin. You decide to pick up his much smaller suitcase as well as all of your other bags. It isn’t hard to keep up with him as he struggles to pull your luggage through the snow.
“This isn’t a cabin. I was expecting a log shack with a few amenities. This is a mansion.” Chigiri tells you as you walk by his side. You giggle, agreeing, you felt exactly the same way the first time you came here with Rin.
You walk up the stairs ahead of him and knock on the door, starting to shiver as the biting winter air begins to attack you.
Chigiri manages to get your suitcase to the top of the stairs before anyone even knows you’ve knocked. He’s cold, tired, and impatient, and decides to ring the doorbell. You can both hear music playing inside.
It gets louder once the door swings open, and you see a familiar face.
“Oh hey, are you the little sister?” Oliver asks, forgetting that you’ve met before. You assume that’s how Sae has been referring to you as when talking to his friends, so, you nod. He smiles at Chigiri and takes your heavy suitcase from him, lifting it with ease as he welcomes you in. “They’re all in the lounge, grab yourselves a drink from the kitchen.” he tells you, winking as he sets down your case with all of the others at the bottom of the stairs.
There’s a lot of luggage, though the amount seems to double when you and Chigiri put the rest of yours down. You aren’t sure how many people must be here, but the nerves are setting in.
“She’s cute!” you hear Oliver tell the group as he goes into the lounge, it’s quiet, but you hear it clearly.
“You’ve met her before, idiot.” you hear Sae tell him, his voice getting closer to you as he comes to greet you. “Hey you.” he smiles, hugging you and placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You hug him back, feeling surprisingly calmer as you allow yourself to melt into his embrace.
You aren’t sure why, but you were worried he’d be weird with you when he saw you in person. This is only the second time you’ve seen him since you and Rin split, after all. The first was a coffee date to explain your side of things face to face. You’re happy you decided to keep in contact with Sae, he’s been so sweet and supportive through it all.
So, really, you aren’t sure why you expected him to be off with you.
Especially since he invited you here.
“Nice to meet you, man.” Sae smiles at Chigiri, holding his hand out to shake, which he does. “Your birthday is on the 23rd, yeah? We’ll plan something fun.”
“Being here is fun enough, don’t worry.” Hyoma responds, looking around. “This isn’t a cabin, by the way.” he laughs.
Sae laughs too, walking back towards the lounge. “Come meet everyone.” he insists. You and Chigiri look at each other, but follow.
You’re the only girl here, by the looks of things. You aren’t sure if that’ll change or not though. Maybe they all have partners who are arriving together later. You’re a little surprised by the headcount, you were expecting more. Including Sae, there’s only four of them sitting around the fire, drinking together.
“Apparently we’ve met before?” Oliver’s brows knot in contemplation, and you nod. “Sorry, sweetheart. Normally I don’t forget a pretty face.”
“Yeah ya do, bullshitter.” Tabito snickers, looking up at you from his seat on the floor. You’ve never met Karasu, but you’ve heard a lot about him. Mostly from Rin about when they used to play together. And you may or may not have stalked his socials before, so you’re familiar with his face. “Nice to meet’cha, heard a lot about you.”
“Likewise.” you smile.
“Do you smoke?” you hear another voice speak as you get further into the room. Your eyes lie on Eita Otoya as he pulls a blunt from behind his ear, and you shake your head. You’re surprised to see them letting loose like this, though you suppose they mustn’t get the chance to often.
Rin found it hard to relax and unwind. He’s always been so career focused, never wanting to do anything to harm his reputation. And you understand that, you do. You’re the same, really. You have an image to maintain, people seem to think being a model is just turning up and looking pretty. But you take it seriously, like Rin.
Though he doesn’t seem to know how to turn it off.
“No Ryusei?” you ask, a little surprised he couldn’t make it.
“Not yet, he should be here soon.” Sae assures you. You laugh, knowing you’re in for a really fun week once Shidou gets here. Sae turns back to look at you, taking you back to the entrance. “I’ll show you to your rooms. Did you want to share? There’s enough for everyone to have their own.”
“She snores, I’ll take my own.” Hyoma tells Sae, earning a smirk from him. You try to argue, but your best friend seems to be too convincing. The rest of the guys join you, offering to help with your bags and carry them up to your room.
And, really, who are you to say no?
Chigiri rolls his eyes, carrying his own case and entering the room Sae had planned for him. You realise Sae is sleeping in the master bedroom downstairs when you see all of the other rooms have been claimed by sneakers and jackets from the other guests, all of them are just too lazy to bring their luggage up.
Though none of them had a problem helping with yours.
Your heart sinks when you realise Sae saved your usual room for you to take. The room you always shared with your ex whenever he brought you here. The guys don’t give you much time to feel sorrowful, though. Not when they’re laughing and joking beside you. Sae notices your forlorn expression, pulling you aside slightly.
“I thought you’d feel comfortable in here, but we can switch if you want.” he tells you, but you shake your head. “Ryusei will be in the opposite room so I’m sure you won’t be thinking about anything other than how annoying he is.” he smiles.
“Thank you, Sae.” you smile, albeit a little weakly. It’s bittersweet, that’s all. “At least I have the best view.” you tell him, opening the doors to the large balcony that looks over the lake. You think about how the nearby town’s lights twinkle at night.
“Right.” he puts a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. “Everyone out, let’s leave her to unpack.” Sae announces, ushering the other three men out of the room.
You smile, waving at them all as they leave. Once they’re out, Sae closes the door behind himself and leaves you alone with your thoughts. As much as you want to sit and dwell on things, you decide to occupy your mind and unpack instead.
You’re startled, a little, when Chigiri comes in to see you. Though you’re relieved when he starts to help.
“You did not need to bring all of this.” he grabs a gold glittery mini stress and holds it up. “I— I’ve never seen this in my life. Oh my God, did you buy new clothes for this? You are trying to get a rebound.”
“No I’m—”
“Yeah, you are.” he stops you immediately. “I’ve been stalking all of their socials in my room, they’re all single. And they all had their tongues hanging out for you when you came in.”
“You work too fast.” you laugh. He shrugs, grabbing a few items of clothing and hanging them up in the wardrobe for you.
You’re thankful for his help, it goes a lot quicker than it would have otherwise. Plus you get to gossip about the week ahead. You try and dodge his questions, but your facial expressions always give you away. You have quite a good poker face, but it doesn’t matter when it comes to Chigiri. He has a way of making you shy and giggly when you’re trying to keep a secret.
“Which one?” he asks, and you tut. “I feel like they’re all your type.” he tells you, handing you your toothbrush to take to the ensuite.
“They are.” you laugh from the other room. You return, zipping up your case and pushing it away. “I’ve always had the hots for Ryusei low key though, but I think Rin would be livid.”
“Rin isn’t here and he’s not our problem.” Chigiri smiles. You both sit on top of your bed and flop backwards with a sigh. He turns his head to the side to look at you while you’re too busy disassociating, staring at the ceiling. “Don’t just do it because you feel like you have to, by the way.”
“What do you mean?” you ask. “Oh, rebound.”
He nods, “We’re here to have fun. So, if you’re going to fuck one of them, do it because it’s fun.”
“I won’t.” you agree. “I’m worried about feeling guilty too… they’re Rin’s friends, after all. I don’t want to upset him.”
As Chigiri is about to respond, he’s stopped by the sound of the doorbell ringing. You smile, widely, when you realise Ryusei is here. Hyoma knows all about Ryusei. His feral replacement whenever Rin used to take you around the world for his away games.
Hyoma isn’t jealous, of course. Especially when he knew you had a little crush on Ryusei. You and Hyoma have only ever been friends, and you’ll never be closer to anyone than you are with each other.
“Should we wait a few minutes so I don’t look desperate?” you ask, sitting upright and resting your bodyweight on one hand as you look down at him.
“Yeah.” he nods.
You nod too. You start lying back down, slowly, looking around at the room as you do. “I can’t.” you tell him, jumping off the bed and heading towards the door. He sighs, but hurries after you.
All of the guests are gathered in the entryway as they greet Ryusei. They exchange hugs and handshakes as they all chat and catch up. You descend the stairs slowly, but not fully, standing at the halfway point with Chigiri as you watch the scene unfold.
His bright smile turns to a look of wonder when he notices you. Eyes softening as he realises you’re here, you’re really here.
“No way…” he smirks, “Hey, kid, how are ya?”
“I’m good,” you nod, an embarrassingly wide smile on your face. “And you? How are you, Ryu?”
“Better for seeing you,” he laughs. “Didn’t know you were comin’.”
“Shut the door, man, it’s freezing.” Sae tells him, approaching to do it for him. But Ryusei stops him, keeping him at arm’s length so he can’t.
“I actually picked someone up on the way.” Ryusei announces, side stepping a little as he waits for the mystery guest to hurry. Chigiri’s eyes widen in horror, the realisation hitting him before anyone else as he looks at you. You’re too busy feeling deflated that Ryusei has brought a girl along with him.
“Oh no.” Chigiri speaks, and you look at him. “We should go back upstairs.”
“What? Why?” you ask him, confused. Though your attention is forced back downstairs when you see another figure enter the cabin out of your peripheral view.
Your heart sinks.
“Rin?” Sae asks as he watches his younger, yet for some reason taller, brother set down his suitcase.
Your heart keeps plummeting deeper through your body as you watch him, too. God, he looks even better than he did the day you ended things. He’s always been striking, beautiful. Just so God damn handsome. But he looks older, more mature.
You feel your breathing get heavier and more intense the longer you watch him. The way he dusts the snow from his expensive looking coat. And that familiar ruffle of his hair as he fixes it into place.
“You said you weren’t coming.” Sae tells him.
“I changed my mind,” Rin responds, gesturing to Ryusei. “He begged, really.”
Sae holds his eyes shut, sighing. Rin isn’t sure what the issue is. He was invited, after all, he just declined. He expected his brother to be happy to see him, he thought it would be a fun surprise. Though maybe he only invited him out of obligation.
Shidou hadn’t made it seem that way, though.
“Look who’s here.” Ryusei smiles, pointing up at you.
Rin’s weak smile drops to a stoic straight line as he follows his friends directional finger and his sights land on you. You’re frozen. You can’t smile. You can’t say hello. You can’t even wave. You’re just staring at each other, both absolutely paralysed with no idea how to act.
“H— Hi…” you struggle to speak. Hyoma is thankful you’re too distracted looking at Rin to see the way he’s cringing horrendously behind your back, but not showing his face to the lower floor.
“Hey.” Rin responds, even smiling a little when he hears your voice. It’s been so long, after all. “I didn’t know you were coming.” he explains.
“Same…” you tell him, hoping he believes you. “I wouldn’t have come if I knew you were coming. Wait—” you interrupt yourself when you realise how horrible that sounded.
“Stop talking.” Hyoma whispers, and you clear your throat.
Everyone else seems to see the funny side, all except Rin. He appears a little downtrodden, though he disguises it well. You know him, though. You’re sure he knows you didn’t mean it how it sounded, but you can’t help feeling a little guilty.
“You made it very clear you weren’t coming, Rin.” Sae tells him. “If you said you were coming I—”
“It’s fine. I didn’t know you were still talking, though.” Rin says, the annoyance in his voice very evident. You can’t tell if he’s purposefully trying to hurt you or if it’s just Rin being Rin. “But we’re adults. I’m sure we can co-exist for a week, right?” he asks, looking at you with his intense, teal gaze.
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© 2023 rinhaler
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sunny44 · 3 months
Secret love
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Leclerc!reader
Warnings: Charles is a jerk, Carlos surgery and other things.
Summary: Carlos and Y/n are dating and Charles is not aware about it, unless he knows.
Continuation “Stubborn”
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We were lying in his bedroom on his house in Monaco, naked, and I had my head on his chest while he traced imaginary circles on my back.
"You know we can't hide forever, right?" He says, and I grunted in frustration.
"Don't ruin the moment," I say, burying my face in his neck and he laughs.
"I'm serious."
"Who says we can't?"
"I did."
"But you were also the one who said that hiding made the sex even hotter."
"And it does, but we can't keep your family in the dark about this."
"And why not?"
"Because I don't want to keep mine in the dark either," he says, and I sigh. "I know your brother probably won't approve or he'll freak out, but I don't want to have to restrain myself from kissing you just because we're in public."
"I know, but I'm sure he'll freak out and I'm not in the mood to deal with him."
"Okay," he says, getting up and putting on his underwear.
"Carlos," I sit up in bed, covering myself with the sheet.
"I'm going to take a shower," he says, heading to the bathroom but stopping before entering and looking at me. "I respect your decision, and I always will, but that doesn't mean I won't be hurt or disagree with what you want."
I sighed, lying back down as he entered the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and saw messages from Charles, but I ignored them.
Carlos and I always got along well, but initially, there was nothing special about our relationship. Until something changed, and I couldn't help but notice how attractive he is. So we started getting involved, and it's been 5 months now, and a week ago he asked me to be his girlfriend.
I understand that he wants to introduce me to his family, and I want to meet them, but the moment that happens, I know soon my family will also find out and I'm not ready to deal with Charles.
I got up and went to the bathroom, and he was still in the shower. I entered with him and hugged him from behind, feeling him hold my hands.
"I want whatever you want. If you want me to meet your parents, if you want me to stay with you in Madrid or anywhere else." he turned to face me. "I want anything as long as it's with you."
"I know your brother is difficult and super protective when it comes to you, and I'm pretty sure he won't like me dating you at all, but I'm tired of hiding around when all I want is to hold your hand in public, kiss you when I got a podium, or hug you when I have a bad race."
"And I want all of that with you too." he smiles and kisses me.
"We can go to Spain and have dinner with my parents and my sisters." He strokes my face. "Charles won't know, and then we can decide how to tell him."
"Sounds like we have a plan."
I got home and took off my shoes, putting them by the door, and took off my coat.
I heard footsteps coming towards me, and Charles came over.
"Where have you been? I called you several times, and Mom said you've been out since yesterday."
"I went out."
"And where did you sleep?"
"Why were you looking for me?"
"I wanted to know if you're up for skiing together this weekend?"
"No, thanks." I started walking to the kitchen, and he followed me.
"Why not? You love skiing."
"Because I don't feel like being a third wheel for you, Lorenzo, and Arthur."
"Oh, come on, you always hang out with us."
"Yeah, that's why I know it won't be fun."
"Okay then. But anyway, what did you do last night?"
"Why are you so curious, just leave me alone."
"I need to know if you went out with someone."
"I did go out with someone."
"And who is he? I want to know if he's good for you."
"He is, and you don't need to know anything."
"Just tell me it's not Pierre."
"Ew, no. He's like a brother to me, and isn't he dating someone?"
"Oh right, I forgot." I sat on my bed, and he was still following me. "But anyway, who is it?"
"Ugh, you're so annoying, leave me alone."
"I need to know if he's right for you."
"You don't need to know anything, and you don't need to approve anything."
"Of course I do."
"I never evaluated any of your girlfriends, so you won't do it to me."
"But I'm your older brother, and you give your opinion about my girlfriends either way."
"It's because you're a jerk."
"Hey, why am I a jerk?"
"Because you use the same stupid excuse about focusing on your career and Ferrari and then you show up dating your ex's friend."
"Alex wasn't even Charlotte's friend, you're only saying that because you don't like her."
"Good thing you know." I said, getting up. "And Arthur is another jerk, the only one who's decent is Enzo."
"Okay, seriously, let's not argue about my relationships again."
We had argued before, not speaking for about two weeks. I have nothing against Alex; she's kind, but Charlotte was like a sister to me, and the way Alex entered our lives shortly after he and Charlotte broke up, I hated it. Not to mention the fact that she pushed in the beginning to be my friend, which ended up making me not like her.
My brother's relationships are none of my business, but as a woman, I think it's ridiculous that he gives these same excuses about Ferrari only to show up with someone else shortly afterward.
"Well, I'll go back home and see you at the next race then."
"See you later, and have a good trip."
I was at the airport in Spain, and I told him he didn't need to pick me up since he's well known here, and picking up his teammate's sister at an airport where people know him is a bad idea.
So he came to pick me up, but he was in a car with tinted windows so dark that I couldn't see it was him, and I was also covered enough so no one could see me.
"Hi, love." I got into the car and kissed him.
It had been a few weeks since we last saw each other.
"Hi, love.”m he replied and kissed me again. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too." I rubbed our noses together, and he laughed.
"I missed this too."
"That's good because there will be a lot of it in the next few days."
We're going to Mallorca, where his family spends their holidays, but since there's a race next week, we'll only spend the weekend before heading to Austria.
"My parents are excited to meet you."
"That's great, it makes me less nervous."
"Don't be nervous, they'll love you. And my sisters too."
The rest of the way was silent, but a comfortable silence. Carlos spent the whole way with his hand on my thigh, making me feel my heart race even more when he parked the car at their house.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just nervous."
"Everything will be fine," he looked at me, and I gave him a quick kiss. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I love you too," I gave him another quick kiss and we got out of the car.
We grabbed our bags and went into the house, and I could hear several people talking at once, and I didn't understand anything, so they were probably speaking Spanish.
"Good morning, everyone," he says, and everyone stands up to greet us. "This is my girlfriend Y/n."
"You're beautiful," his mother smiled and hugged me. "Carlos spoke very highly of you."
"Thank you," I smiled.
“You remind of me of someone.” She says.
“I’ll guess that I remind you Carlos teammate.”
“Actually yes, you looks like Charles.”
“I’m his younger sister.” She looks surprised. “I’m basically his feminine version, we look a lot.”
“Wow, that’s surprising.” I smiled.
“A good surprising I hope.”
“Of course.”
“She showed me a photo of them when they were younger and they were basically twins.”
“What’s the age gap between you two?”
“Charles is 26, I’m 24 and Arthur my young brother is 23.”
“You all grew up very close.”
“Yes, and I also have a older brother, his name is Lorenzo. He’s 35.”
“You must missed having girls around.”
“Yeah, it was just me and my mom surrounded by boys.”
After chatting a lot, Carlos and I decided to go to our room.
"My brother knows I have someone." I said, sitting on the bed, and he turned to look at me.
"Does he know about us?"
"No, he just knows I have someone."
"Okay, do you want to tell him?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "At the same time that I want my family to know, I also don't want him to know."
"Well, let's enjoy our weekend and worry about that when it happens."
"Okay," he came towards the bed and climbed on top of me.
"Now I just want to enjoy the company of my girlfriend alone until I have to share you with the others."
"Hmm, I like the sound of that," he smiled and kissed me.
The weekend went by extremely fast and we were on a plane now heading to Austria. My brothers were there, and Carlos and I were going together.
When we arrived at the hotel, my brothers were coming out to the exit and saw us together.
"What are you two doing together?" Charles asked.
"We came on the same flight." Carlos replied.
"I thought you were in Spain and would come from there to here."
"I had to go to Monaco first."
"Ah, okay," I sighed in relief. "Come on, you're going to share the room with me."
"Did you come alone?"
"Alright." He picked up my suitcase. "Bye, Carlos, thanks for the help."
"You're welcome," he smiled and followed Charles to the room we were in.
"There's only one bed, so..."
"No problem." I said, putting my bags in a corner.
"Were you and Carlos sitting together on the flight?"
"Not technically, but I convinced a guy to switch seats with me."
"Do you like him?" If I hadn't controlled myself, it would have been obvious how shocked I was when he asked.
"He's nice."
"That's good that you have a boyfriend; I wouldn't want you and him to have something."
"And why not?"
"We're on the same team, even though we're friends, we're always competing, and Carlos isn't the best boyfriend in the world."
"And why do you say that?"
"Because he ended a long-term relationship just to be with some model." I sighed.
"You're the last person who should be talking about being a good boyfriend."
"Why are you defending him?"
"It's not about defending; it's about saying that you can't judge someone by their relationship choices when you yourself don't know how to make them." He went silent. "And you know that's true."
"Whatever, let's all go out to dinner."
"I'm tired."
"That wasn't a question."
"Ugh, fine." I said, going into the bathroom to take a shower.
I got ready and we met up with my other brothers. When we arrived downstairs, I saw Carlos dressed up, and obviously, I had to disguise my reaction.
"I invited him; he was alone," Charles said to me.
"Oh, that's great."
"Why are you suddenly excited?" He asked after noticing my change in mood.
"Because I'm hungry and happy that you're going to pay."
"Who said I'm going to pay?"
"I did. You earn way more than I do."
I managed to sit next to Carlos without making it obvious that I wanted it to happen. We ordered dinner, and while we waited, I felt his warm hand on my leg.
"So, how are you guys feeling about this weekend?" Lorenzo asked the two Ferrari drivers.
"I think it all depends on how the car performs on the track, but I'm trying to be optimistic." he said, and I put my hand on top of his.
"Yeah, let's see if we can get on the podium." At that moment, our food arrived.
After dinner, we talked for a while longer until we went back to the hotel. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to sneak away to Carlos's room since I was sharing a room with Charles.
After I removed my makeup and put on comfortable clothes, I texted Carlos to meet me in the pool area.
"I'm going for a walk; are you going to sleep?" I asked Charles, who was already lying down.
"Where are you going?"
"Just walking around a bit, exploring the hotel. I won't be able to do this once we start going to the Paddock."
"Oh, okay, I'm going to sleep. Take the room key."
"I got it, call me if you need anything." He agreed, and I left the room and went to where we had arranged to meet.
"Hi.” He whispered, hugging me around the waist.
"Hi." He kissed me, and I smiled in the middle of the kiss.
"You have no idea how hard it was to see you in that dress and not kiss you."
"You also looked very handsome in that outfit." He smiled. "It's always nice to see you in clothes that aren't Ferrari, I think Charles is the only one worse than you."
"Oh, come on."
"Seriously, you guys have no sense of style."
"Okay then, I'll leave it up to you from now on what I'm going to wear."
"If it's up to me, you won't wear anything from now on." He laughed.
“Whatever you say.”
"I can't stay too long." I said to him, who grunted.
"Alright, we'll see each other tomorrow then." I agreed. "Are you going to wear my shirt?"
"Your dream." He smiled. "Do you have a spare one?"
"Seriously?" He asked surprised.
"I do. Let's go get it." We went to his room, and he grabbed a shirt from his suitcase and handed it to me. "Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to wear it? I know I want everyone to know about us, but I don't want you to feel pressured into it."
"I know, but I realized just now that we've been meeting in secret like two teenagers in a forbidden relationship. We hold hands under the table at dinner and all because I'm afraid of my brother's reaction." He looked at me. "I don't want to hide my love for you; it's not something I'm afraid or ashamed of."
"Whatever you want, I'll be happy." He cupped my face and kissed me.
"I love you." His eyes sparkled. "I love you so much, and I want you to always know that."
"I love you too, my love." I rubbed our noses together, and he laughed.
"Well, we have to sleep now because tomorrow is going to be very busy."
We said goodbye and went to our rooms to sleep. I took off my clothes, brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas, and lay down.
"Are you okay?" He asked sleepily.
"I am, you can go back to sleep." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and fell asleep again.
The next day, I woke up alone and saw a message on my phone from Charles saying he had already left and others from Carlos.
Carlitos 🌶️
Carlitos 🌶️
Good morning, Hermosa
I’m already heading to the track, and I’ll see you later
Don’t feel pressured to wear the shirt; if you don’t feel comfortable, wear something else
Love you
Good morning, my love
I'm still thinking about the shirt
But don't worry, if I wear it, it's because I want to
Love you more and see you soon
In the end, I decided not to wear the shirt today but on race day, and since today was just practice 1, I decided to do that.
When I arrived at the paddock, people were taking photos, but they seemed more focused on me than usual, and when I got to the garage, I could see the anger in my brother's eyes.
"Is this serious?" He asked me angrily . "Carlos, seriously? And you even had the nerve to lie to my face all this time."
"Charles, calm down," Lorenzo held his arm.
"What's going on?"
"What's going on is that you're sleeping with him," he said loudly, and some people looked.
"Hey, lower your voice," Lorenzo once again reprimanded him.
"Seriously, I don't understand your problem, judging me all this time for my relationships while you were doing this."
"I don't understand what's happening?"
"You're dating Carlos?"
"Yes," I said loudly what I had been afraid to say for a long time.
"Then he was the guy you were talking about that day?" Before I could answer, Carlos showed up.
"What's going on?"
"You son of a bitch." Charles tries to lunge at him, but some mechanicsll and my brothers hold him back. "You were here all this time pretending to be my friend, and behind my back, you were sleeping with my sister, seriously?"
"I'm not just sleeping with your sister, I like her. Actually, no, let me correct myself, I love her."
"Yeah, sure, your ex heard the same thing for 8 years until you dumped her."
"Can you stop?" He looked at me. "Just stop."
Everyone went silent, and I just shook my head and left there, I went straight back to the hotel and cried the rest of the day curled up in bed until I fell asleep.
I woke up to noises in the room, and it was Charles pacing back and forth, and I could see the anger in his eyes when he saw that I was awake.
"What are you doing?"
"Packing my things, I'm not going to stay in the same room as you."
"You don't need to, I'm going back home." I said getting up.
"You're not going to stay to watch your boyfriend's race?"
"Can you stop?"
"And why should I? You're a liar, you and him."
“I decided not to tell you, not him.”
"It doesn't matter to me who decided or not; he shouldn't even be with you in the first place." He looked at me. "You're only 24, and he's turning 30, you're at different points in your life, do you really think he's going to want to be with you for long?"
"Why wouldn't he?"
"Because we're always traveling, meeting new people. Do you really think that when he's alone, there won't be thousands of women chasing after him?" I held back my tears. "Do you really think that when he's drunk after a race and some model comes onto him, he'll resist? Do you really think he won't end up sleeping with her, and you'll be the pathetic girlfriend who was cheated on by a Formula 1 driver?"
"Tell your girlfriend what you just said to me, Formula 1 driver." I stepped closer to him. "Soon your girlfriend will have such big horns that she won't even fit through the door."
"You have no right to talk.” He says angrily.
"I'm a much better boyfriend than him, and I don't date my teammates' sisters."
“Stop making things about you Charles.”
“I’m not making things about me.”
"Yes you are. Do you know how hard it is to be related to you? How hard Enzo, Arthur, and I had to fight for some attention in this family?”
"That has nothing to do with the situation."
"Yes, it does. You always find a way to make things about you. Why can’t you just see that I’m happy with him? Is it so hard for you to let me be happy?" He doesn't say anything. "Things always were and always are going to be about you, how you wanted to do go-karting, how dad was always helping you and never had time for me, how your career affected Arthur’s career, how mom didn’t go to my college graduation because it was your F1 debut. Do you see how it is? You're always in the spotlight in the family. Enzo is the first child, so he is special, Arthur is the youngest, so he gets a lot of attention, and you are the superstar. And what am I? I'm the one who always is put to the side, and for the first time in years, I'm happy and you’re still making about you"
"Then why are you here fighting with me instead of just ignoring what I think is best for you and going after him?"
"Because you're my brother. I’ll always put our family above my happiness and even though you're an idiot, I still love you, and I still care about what you think of me." I wiped the tears from my face, and he fell silent. "And I shouldn’t care since I’m no one to you."
"No. You made it very clear that I'm just a slut for Carlos to sleep with until he finds someone better." I shouted in his face. "I never treated you disrespectfully, regardless of the stupid decisions you make daily, and at the first opportunity you had, you treated me like a nobody instead of your little sister."
I grabbed my suitcase and left. I wasn't really going to Monaco because there were no flights and I didn't want to be alone at this moment, so I went to the only place where I would really feel safe.
"Hey, don't cry." It was the first thing he said when he opened the door. "It's going to be okay."
"I'm sorry." My voice came out low and faltering.
"You didn't do anything wrong to apologize to me for." He hugged me tightly.
"I need to because my brother shouldn't have said those things to you." He grabbed my face and made me look at him.
"I don't care about anything he said to me, and I don't care at all about what he thinks of me. What I care about is that he hurt you over something that's none of his business."
"Can we not talk about him anymore, please?" And once again, I was crying.
"I'll prepare a bathtub for you, okay?" I agreed and sat on the edge of the bed while he went to the bathroom.
We stayed silent the whole time; he prepared the bathtub, tied my hair up in a bun, helped me with my clothes, and my body relaxed as soon as it touched the water.
"Do you mind keeping me company?" He smiled and took off his clothes, sitting behind me.
"You know I love you, right?"
"I know, and I love you too." He kissed my forehead, and we returned to silence.
I think we stayed for about 20 minutes until the water cooled and then we got out, got dressed, and went to bed to lie down.
"Everything will be okay if you're willing to continue, your brother will accept it over time." I agreed with him.
"I hope so because I don't know how it will be if he hates me forever."
"He doesn't hate you, he's just upset."
"How do you feel about this weekend?" I changed the subject.
"I think it’s okay."
"Is there any problem with the car?"
"It's not that, it's just that I've been feeling a bit strange." I got up quickly.
"What do you mean strange? You’re sick and here I am lamenting over my idiot brother." I put my hand on his forehead and saw that he was a little warm.
"I'm fine, I’m just a little warm.”
"Okay, but if you feel anything different, let me know." He agreed, and I lay down again for us to sleep.
Carlos woke up unwell today; his fever was high, and he didn't seem very well, but he was insisting on going to practice.
"You have to stay and rest."
"I'm fine; it's just a fever."
"It's not just a fever; this could get much worse later."
"Hermosa." He held my hands on his face. "I'm fine; everything will be okay."
"Just promise me you'll take care of yourself and not push beyond what your body can handle."
"I promise." He gave me a peck on the lips and smiled. "Are you sure you'll be okay here alone?"
"I'm more worried about you than me, okay."
"I promise to come back as soon as possible and not to overdo it."
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too." With that, he left.
A few hours passed, and I saw that a strange number was calling me, and for some reason, I decided to answer.
"Is this Y/n?"
"This is Roberto Merhi."
"Oh, hi, is everything okay?"
"I'm here to talk about Carlos; his fever got worse and he was taken to the hospital to do some tests, and in the end, he'll have to undergo emergency surgery to remove his appendix, and before he went, he told me you were his girlfriend and asked me to call you."
"My God, which hospital?" I asked, already putting on my sneakers.
"I'm parking in front of your hotel and we'll go together."
"I'm coming down."
The trip to the hospital was horrible; I only knew that he had to have surgery, but I didn't know if he was already having it, if he had already done it, or whatever was happening at the moment. The only thing I knew was that I needed to see him.
"Hi, you have a patient here named Carlos Sainz, and I'm his girlfriend."
"Your name, please?"
"Y/n Leclerc." She agreed.
"He entered surgery 10 minutes ago, but it's a simple procedure, so if there are no complications, he should be out in at most an hour."
"Thank you."
"You can wait in the waiting room."
The waiting time was agonizing ; Roberto and I stayed there waiting for news.
"How did you two meet?"
"Well, it was at the Paddock; we always got along well, and I often come to see Charles race, so we got closer, and here we are."
"I bet your brother doesn't know or doesn't like it." I laughed.
"He didn't know until yesterday, and he doesn't like it today." He laughed too. "It's complicated."
"I can imagine."
"Miss Sainz." I stood up as the doctor arrived.
"He's doing well, the surgery was a success, and he was asking for you."
"Thank you." I went to the room, and he was lying there, smiling when he saw me.
"Hi, love.”
"Hi." I went to him, and he took my hand. "You promised you wouldn't strain yourself."
"Don't make me laugh." He said, already laughing.
"It's okay."
"How do you feel?"
"Like I've been opened up and closed again."
"Stop joking."
"I'm fine, obviously, it still hurts, but the doctor said I'll be fine."
"I was so worried when Roberto called me."
"I didn't mean to worry you."
"I know you didn't, but I worry anyway."
"Come here." He shifted to the side, and I lay down with him.
"I love you." I felt him smile since his face was against my head.
"I love you more."
"Excuse me." We looked at the door and saw Charles there with a balloon. "Can I come in?"
"Come in." Carlos said, and I got up from the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"I could be better, obviously, but I'm okay."
"I brought a balloon." He handed him a helium balloon.
"Congratulations on motherhood?" I asked.
"It was the only one available." Carlos laughed.
"Can I talk to you?" Now he asked me.
"Depends, will we be civilized?"
"I'll be right back, okay?"
"Can you bring me some water later?"
"Of course." I smiled and left the room.
"I'm really sorry for everything, I was an idiot, and I shouldn't have meddled in your relationships, and I also shouldn't have talked to you like that." He said. "It's just that you're my little sister and I can't stand the fact of someone having access to your heart to the point of being able to break it."
"Charlie, I love you for wanting to protect me, and I know your intentions are good, but the way you handled the situation hurt me." I wiped a tear. "I know you don't like the idea of me dating your teammate, but I love him, and we're not just fooling around, it's serious, and I don't need you to like it, just to respect my decision."
"And I do respect it." I agreed. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I know, and I love you too, Charlie." He hugged me tight. "I'll go bring the water."
"Are you staying longer, or are you leaving now?"
"I'm leaving now; I just came to see you guys. I still have to race tomorrow."
"Oh, right. I would go and watch, but..."
"It's okay; you have many races to watch. Don't worry about me, just take care of him."
"Bye, Charlie."
"Goodbye, Y/n." He leaves, and I go back to the room.
"Is everything okay?" He asks, drinking the water.
"Now it is." He smiles, and I turn on the TV and lie back down on the bed with him.
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smooth-perceval · 1 year
“My love, my life.”
“I’m just a guy who drinks tea.”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Reader finally forgives Lando for being a bad friend, Max finally decided what he wants- if only the reader wants that.
Warnings: 18+ little bit of idk pre-smut or just some ‘steamy scenes’, angst, pregnancy, swearing, some heavy flirting, Google translate?, no proof read.
Key: Y/N (your name), Y/L/N (your last name)
Word count: 3,783
A/N: I honestly just wanna thank use for the love on each of my post, it means so much 🖤 I’m not the greatest writer in the world, hell I even make myself cringe at things I write… and how I write them but the love I’ve received is just so lovely 🥹 Thank you 🖤 again movie quotes I think- 🥲
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**Two weeks 3 days later**
The two boys stuck to what I said, they kept no contact with me… It hurt, hurt like hell that they really didn’t keep in touch, I didn’t expect them to really leave me solo- but here we are.
Slowly the whole situation became more real, I have my first private scan in 4 days- and I did feel joyous. It’s not the greatest situation, but I’m having a baby.
Truthfully the thought always brings a smile to my face, wether I’ve got Max and Lando or not. I’ve always got this baby. And that’s more exciting than anything.
The shock and tears stopped the minute I shut the door on them two boys. I knew I had to be stronger than this for my baby. And I was adamant on not letting some stupid boys bring me down in the process, I was going to do this. And I was going to be perfect, all alone.
My parents are both thrilled for me, not the entire situation… but happy for the news, which gave me the motivation I needed. I had my two parents and this little baby, I had more than enough to do this, okay my parents live back in England… but it’ll be fine.
I’ll be honest… this is my mind 24/7, reassuring myself I can do this- with or without Max’s assistance. It was a painful torture… especially when the devil on my shoulder was whispering anything but hope in my ear, telling me everyday this is going to be the struggle of a lifetime without Max… This would last for hours before the perfect little angel would shut him up, and reassure my mind that I was a mother now, and all mothers are strong, and that everything was going to be okay.
I was sitting down eating my dinner, when my phone rang out, making me jump slightly. A contact I wasn’t expecting flashing on the screen, followed by a message I wasn’t sure I’d receive.
“Landiniho 🏎️”
Please read this.
I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact, I thought it’s best to leave you be- as I wasn’t the greatest friend. What your doing is incredible- and if anything after the way Max reacted, I should’ve realised then you needed a friend than some idiot screaming because he wasn’t told a secret- I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want our friendship to feel like nothing to you, because it means the whole world to me… Please forgive me.
P.S: don’t give my uncle rights to Carlos please.
P.P.S: I’m so proud of you.
Love Lan x
Could I help the smile that broke out on my face? No, it’s Lando. Was I still mad at him… again no. He was just reacting in a way any friend would if their pal didn’t tell a secret. It hurt how he reacted sure… but he still my friend.
Typing a message back I sighed clicking onto Max’s contact… still reading the last message he sent
“Maxiiii 🦁”
“Hope your feeling better Schat. Me and the idiot will be round after quali x ” (Darling)
My phone sounded again multiple times, I clicked on Lando’s notification, laughing to myself at the spam messages.
“Landiniho 🏎️”
Your how far?!
I haven’t been there…
I’m sorry, are you getting an early scan?
I’d love to come?!
I’m trying to make it up to you for being a shitty friend x
Messaging him back I confirmed the scan date, time and location. Was he forgiven easily, yes. So easily, but it gave me some sense of relief knowing he cares.
The scan was a day before he had to fly out to Canada, but he was adamant on being there, meaning he had to fly from Barcelona, back to Monaco then to Canada. Which only made me feel guilty at the insane amount of effort. I’m glad I got Lando back, truthfully the sun didn’t shine without him.
The days had passed, nothing major happening, Max still hadn’t reached out, and as the days went on I was pulling myself further away from him, not wanting any association with him.
I was getting ready for my scan and my phone signalled, Lando reminding me of the appointment, he had kept in touch a lot… he really was apologetic, and I’m so glad he reached out cause it sure did dull the devil on my shoulder. He wasn’t so loud anymore…
Lando messaged last night when he arrived back in Monaco telling me he had arrived and that he would see me in the morning. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, Max or no Max I had someone. I missed Max. Missed him a ton… even if whatever we did was a ‘mistake’ just having him as a best friend, someone I could talk to- I missed just him. It’s a different vibe with Max,
With Max it was late nights curled on the sofa, gossiping about paddock life, a glass of wine in hand and soft touches that we both swore was innocent, we just had another level of connection- someone who understood myself on a different level.
Lando on the other hand? It was hectic- spur of the moment kind of things, he would call at random times of the day telling me we are going somewhere and expect me to be ready- it was always an adventure! It was always a laugh and joke between two friends.
Two different vibes, with two different outcomes- my brain doesn’t function without Lando’s random calls, however my heart aches without Max’s teasing smiles and lingering touch… I was really in deep.
I was waiting around in the parking lot, legs jittering around nervously trying to spot Lando’s car anywhere, waiting only for a few more minutes before heading inside and checking myself in. I hadn’t heard from him for a few hours and he hadn’t respond to any messages… which only led me thinking he had to go somewhere else- which is fine, his a busy guy…
There was still no sign of him- and I was now getting called into the office, sighing with defeat I got up shuffling in. That little flicker of hope burning out- all I needed was a friend today…
Me and the nurse was going through a few documents, and details to cover about the pregnancy, before she asked me to go behind the curtain and remove my bottoms and underwear, placing a sheet over myself, then requesting for me lay down on the bed while she got her equipment ready. The door rattled slightly from a soft knock, causing us both to look up.
“Sorry- two minutes.” The nurse smiled apologetically before getting up and opening the door slightly and stepping outside.
Within a few seconds the door was opened again by the nurse and following behind was him.
Max- he had a cap on and was holding onto some sunglasses I guess he is calling that his “disguise” some dark blue jeans and a casual white t-shirt.
Mouth hung open I stared at him, sitting up on the bed. Ensuring the sheet was still covering myself. “What are you doing here?”
“Lando said you had an scan…”
“I haven’t heard from you in weeks.” I angrily whispered, I felt a rage in me all of a sudden to bite this man’s head of. Yet grab him and hold him tight and thank him for being here.
With his head hung low he stepped closer, giving the nurse a small smile. “Maybe we discuss all of that stuff after this?…” glancing back and fourth between me and the nurse.
And once again in defeat I sunk back onto the bed turning my head away from him. The little flicker of light burned in my chest, and I couldn’t help the small smile… it’s a good thing I had my head turned so he couldn’t see what he was doing to me.
Giving me hope again.
“Where’s Lando?” Mumbling I watched as the nurse started preparing everything.
“I- I asked him if he could wait out there.”
Nodding my head in acknowledgement the nurse then looked up smiling.
“Are you ready? It may feel a little cold- but it shouldn’t cause any discomfort, if it does just let me know straight away.”
Nodding my head again I smiled a little glancing over at the screen, trying to find any form of distraction.
Taking a sharp in- breath at the coldness of the gel, the nurse laughed a little apologising once again. She was right there was no discomfort, the room was silent as we was all watching the screen waiting for any sign of the baby.
“Anddd… there is your baby.” Pointing up at the screen, the picture showing what looked to be a small bean.
Resting my head back onto the pillow in a happy daze, I caught a glance over at Max, who was leaning over slightly watching the screen. As if it was out of instinct his hand clasped onto mine in a tight grip, like he needed reassurance for himself. Some form of clarity.
Squeezing his hand back, he broke his gaze looking straight at me, eyes shining with threatening tears, and as quick as he looked at me, he looked back at the screen.
“I’ll just go get the scan printed for you both-” The nurse disposed of the equipment before excusing herself, I untangled my hand from Max’s and held the sheet heading back behind the curtain getting dressed, nervously I shuffled back out from behind the curtain Max now sitting down hands covering his mouth, as if he is understanding the situation properly now.
“We really are having a baby…” his voice was barely audible above a whisper. Humming with a small smile more for myself. I finally got to see my baby- it seems so real now…
Tilting his head up He reached over taking my hand pulling me closer, nearly tumbling over my own feet.
“I’m so sorry.” He mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist head flushed against my stomach.
“It’s okay-”I whisper back, rubbing the top off his back before pulling away. My hands moved to his face wiping his spilled tears.
“I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions I was just terrified-” sighing he looked down at the floor, breathing in and out slowly.
“You wasn’t the only one- I was scared to even tell you.. I didn’t exactly tell you in the greatest way…”
“Well it wasn’t my best reaction, it’s been eating me alive for these past few weeks how bad I acted…”
Shrugging I look away, taking a seat in the doctors chair next to him “Water under the bridge… just glad you and Lando are both back. Even for a day.” Nudging his shoulder he smiled a little, taking my hand once again.
“You got me for a lifetime now.” Laughing a little I hummed rolling my eyes. “Lucky me.”
Both thanking the nurse, and leaving her office Max’s hand was gently placed at the bottom of my back, like a guidance, and in his other hand he was holding the scan photo’s looking at them with a smile on his face.
The wind was nearly took out of me, when Lando practically jumped onto me hugging me tight.
“I’ve missed you.” Letting out a huff, with a little laughter I hugged him back tight. “I missed you too.” He quickly pulled away taking the scan photos from Max walking ahead of us both to the exit.
“Why does it look like rice?” Both shaking our heads we followed behind.
“Because it’s early stages Lan.” Laughing I had a little run catching up with him. “About a month and the baby will start developing little arms and legs!” Linking my arms with his, Max trailing next to us both. I reached my other arm around Max’s linking him as well, pulling both of them closer.
Max followed me back to my place, Lando was complaining that he had to go get some more sleep before his flight in the morning. Leaving us both in the car park and the screeching sound of his tires as he pulled away.
“Did you want tea or anything…?” I poked my head out the kitchen looking over at Max.
“I don’t like tea…”
“What kind of person doesn’t like tea?” I smiled teasingly at him. Shaking my head I trailed back into the kitchen. He laughed lightly following me into the kitchen standing in the doorway.
“A person called Max” he hummed crossing his arms, I spare him a glance, a small smile playing on my lips. In silence I made a tea and offered Max a bottled water, placing his across the kitchen island, me sitting down on the opposite side.
“I’m sorry again, for everything I said.”
“I said don’t worry-”
“No- it wasn’t fair on me to shift blame… if anything it was my fault we was in that situation.” Moving his drink aside, he leaned down on the counter hands clasped together.
Smiling a little, cheeks slightly red at the faint memory. “If I remember it was both of ours…”
“No.” Moving around the counter, I turned on the stool, him now standing in front of me, lost in his own thoughts.
“I knew what I wanted as soon as I crossed that finish line.” Max stared down at me, his mind looked like it was turning, like he was trying to understand himself.
“The night ended with just a slice of what I was thinking about when I got out that car and see you standing there, smiling at me. With that smile of yours… that pretty smile...” he was mumbling words, it was as if he was in a trance, his hand moving up to my face letting his thumb swipe my bottom lip slightly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I was frozen in place- scared to act on my thoughts… I didn’t want the same feeling I’ve had these past three weeks of no Max, I’d rather hold back.
“So this was all planned…?”
“Not exactly planned… I was planning on telling you the truth…” mumbling he looked down at my hands that were fiddling around on my lap. “It was just me telling you without words-” once again my face burned red at the thought of what we got up to 3 weeks ago.
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same?” Looking back up at me he quirked a brow- like he was taunting me for words.
“Ah-” Cutting me off, he stepped between my legs caging me against the island arms either side as he held onto the counter, his head had ducked slightly, trying to level with me.
“Do you, or do you not?” Shaking my head quickly, not trusting my voice, I already knew my body had given every motion for him to continue, from the way I was biting my lip, to even leaning in so our chest are nearly touching.
Humming to himself in disapproval, his hand grazed over my hip, dancing up my stomach and resting on the centre of my chest, “Your heart says different…” his eyes followed his hands as they slowly roamed my body. My body was reacting to every little touch. Telling him to continue even if I said anything different.
His fingers brushed above my heart again as he tapped his finger to the racing heart beat. “You don’t feel the same?” He didn’t even need an answer from me to know how I was feeling- I’m sure even my eyes speak for themselves.
“Max…” whispering I looked down at his hand removing the one from my chest. “I invited you for tea…” subconsciously my tongue darted out licking my bottom lip as I looked back up at him.
Raising his eyebrows a small smile playing on his lips, I tugged at his other hand removing it from my hip,clearing my throat.
“And you, don’t can’t do relationships.”
As quickly as I removed him he was back on me- like a lion stalking it prey. His lips trying to kiss every inch of my face, and as much as I was trying to hold back- I failed… my hands gripped onto his bicep and shoulder, head slowly falling back as his lips trailed down my neck whispering sweet nothings.
“You’ve stated what you think I can’t do and not what you want.”
“I don’t want something that you can’t do.” He placed a soft kiss behind my ear, making me only bite my bottom lip- trying not to give myself away any more than I have…
“Maybe I can.”
“I don’t want if, buts and maybes. I want absolutes.” Gulping, closing my eyes. I let out a shaky breath, my hands slowly moving to his chest, before I pushed him back gently.
We was both now staring at each other, breathing heavily, like it was our last.
Covering my face with my hands I stood up, my fingers combed through my hair as I left the kitchen wandering to the living room, my hands finally resting in my hips I turned to Max, who as always was following behind me.
It was awkward… the energy was still basking on lust- and me and Max just didn’t know how to use our words.
“I should go…” clearing his throat, scratching the back of his head he looked down and the floor.
“Maybe it’s for the best…” I whispered it, only because it was a lie. The silence overcoming us again.
“Right-” he moved his hands to be clasped together in front of his trousers- hiding anything to show for the little break in the kitchen. Shuffling his feet slowly he moved down the hallway to the door, quickly pulling his shoes back on.
“Oh… did you want to take one of the scan photos… you don’t have to?” Tilting my head slightly, I could barely hear myself let alone his response over my pounding heart.
I only knew what he said by the nod of his head that followed, I quickly ran to my bag in the lounge grabbing one of the scans and bringing it back to him holding it out.
Smiling a little he pinched the other corner of the photo- both scared once again to go near each other. Max was looking back down at the scan photo as he took it from me, the smile on his face only wider.
“That’s our bab-”
I couldn’t tell you what came over me- I just needed to kiss him- even if it was a last- his lips had kissed everywhere on my face today- but my lips, and they craved the sensation so terribly.
I practically jumped onto him arms around his neck- and it’s now I thank heavens for his quick reaction, I probably would’ve slid back down him if he hadn’t reacted. The scan photo getting caught between our colliding chest, both his arms were fasted tightly around my waist holding myself in the air-
Our lips felt as if they’re moulding together, both hungry, desperate, lustful.
I felt his hands slide from my waist down to the backs of my thighs tugging them up around him, before he moved back along the hall to the lounge. Both giving feather kisses, my hands tugging the end of his hair softly. He couched slightly placing me on the arm of the sofa before pulling himself back slowly.
The picture now fell from between us and we both looked down at it before he picked it back up placing it on the coffee table.
No words needed to be said, his hands were supporting me as he placed soft kisses back on my lips, and with every kiss we slowly fell back onto the sofa, Max climbing further up, one knee between my legs the other practically hanging off the sofa holding him up slightly.
And in silent agreement we both started undressing each other, as if it was the first time again. Both awed by the sight of one another.
As always, Max looked heavenly, his hair was disheveled from my fingers running through, his eyes were a bright blue filled with lust and adoration, the apples of his cheeks were flushed red… his toned body was warm to the touch. He always is perfect.
Moving closer his soft, wet kisses were making their way down my exposed chest, feeling him smiling against my skin after every kiss he placed. Mumbling things like-
“So perfect…”
“My pretty girl.”
“My schat” (darling)
I felt as if I was floating, if this is what heaven feels like I want it everyday.
I said once before- heaven wouldn’t accept two sinners. And there’s no way I could stop from sinning now- if it meant locking me up in the depths of hell I would happily dance myself down to the gates only if I can have Max devouring every inch of my body like he was.
He worshipped my body, and took me on highs I don’t even remember either of us reaching the last time we ended up in such positions.
When all was said and done, our bodies heaved with exhaustion, Max still pulled back on his underwear and hauled himself upstairs to the bathroom getting wet towels to clean us both up with. He even helped me get my underwear and his T-shirt on… he took such gentle care with me, it was difficult not to love him.
It took some time before our breathing levelled out, Max turned his head bringing his lips to kiss my forehead. A small smile tugged at my face, my head now leaning against his shoulder.
“Please stay the night…” he moved his hand around cupping my cheek, placing more kisses to the top of my head.
“Don’t have to ask twice.” My smile widened and I responded with a hum.
“I’m going to make a cup of tea, did you want a cold drink?…” slowly I pushed myself of the sofa stretching turning to look at him.
His hands slowly moving up each sides of my legs, as he looked up at me.
“I’ve got more water?”
“Actually I’ll have tea.” I raised my eyebrows at him, brushing some hair back.
“Are you trying to impress me?”
“Of course not, I’m just a guy who drinks tea.” Laughing a little I push his head back gently leaving him in the lounge.
We have so got this Verstappen.
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A/N: idk what it is but I just had terrible writers block- and as you can tell it was sort of forced finished, so hopefully Part 3 I will have a bit more inspo flowing 🥲 But hope you enjoyed anyways 🖤 Part 3 hopefully end of the week the latest I’ll update if not 🖤
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pshcomforts · 5 months
➳ fine line | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader, non!idoljay x fem!reader (kind of)
“there’s things that we’ll never know”
synopsis: you like sunghoon, and sunghoon likes you but it’s not that easy.
warnings/content: written in third pov. not proofread. angst! a little bit of fluff? cursing. age gap — sunghoon’s 21 and reader’s 18. reader can’t swim. open ending!
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s partner), min-su (heeseung’s partner), ji-woo (jake’s partner) and mei (some random girl). this was originally uploaded on my old account but it got taken down so.. enjoy! also written around heeseung’s birthday.
current song playing: fine line by harry styles
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
2:21 ────────|─────────── -3:56
“are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna make a move?” min-su asked with a disgusted expression.
y/n’s head snapped at the question — “uhm..” she took in a harsh gulp after breaking eye contact with sunghoon’s tall figure in the distance.
“you really have to do something else other than stare.” dae commented, head shaking from the disappointment. the girl rolled her eyes as a response with a slight scowl. “how can I if it seems like he doesn’t even want to talk to me?”
“girl, you make it seem like YOU don’t want to talk to him,” ji-woo intervened.
“shut up! i don’t know how to!”
her friend’s face morphed into a mischievous grin. “i can always tell jake to ask him what he thinks about you.” y/n’s mouth dropped at her words — “UH, no way am I making you tell your boyfriend about my crush on his best friend!”
“oh heeseung could help too.” min-su interrupted.
“and jungwon!” said dae with a smug smile.
“you guys are ugly! i don’t want anyone’s help on this, especially if you guys are all in relationships with his close friends.” y/n yelled, slight humiliation hitting her cheeks as her face became flushed.
“girl, why not?? it’ll help you get with sunghoon faster!”
“no! i don’t want to be in a relationship with him, i just like him! well.. i mean, i can see myself with him but… i don’t know! and plus, he’s three years older than me..”
y/n let out a deep sigh at her friend’s faces once she came in eye contact with them. “i know i know.. but i feel like he doesn’t see me more than just a little sister…” her head drooped low at the finishing thoughts. “does he even see me as anything else other than that?”
dae giggled at her words — “oh, you definitely want something more.” the others bursted out with laughter as y/n remained a little frustrated.
“girl, you want sunghoon, just admit it!” ji-woo yelled with a beam that highlighted her dimples.
“i can’t! i won’t! i’m leaving.”
with the last words said, y/n left her friend group as she hurriedly sped elsewhere; not forgetting to hear min-su’s echoing words — “BITCH, COME BACK!”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
days and weeks passed after the conversation. the whole friend group (including the ENHA members) eventually agreed upon having a sleepover at jay’s house in celebration of heeseung’s birthday.
y/n and ji-woo arrived together, while dae and min-su came with their significant others. jake and sunghoon arrived together as well, whereas niki and sunoo carpooled.
“finally! long time no see!” sunoo exclaimed, going in for a hug with each of the girls and dae.
“so glad we can finally do this!” ji-woo yelled, as she found her way to her boyfriend’s embrace; in which leaving y/n alone.
“go ahead and feel comfortable guys, my parents are out of the house for the week so it’s just me.” said jay with a grin.
y/n’s cheeks blushed at the boy. though sunghoon was the obvious one she liked, she couldn’t help but feel her heart race towards the silver-haired boy. she shook away the thoughts though after coming in eye contact with min-su who was silently judging.
“shut up” — y/n worded to her friend, before searching for sunghoon as if on default. the boy seemed slightly pissed as he walked away from the scene, a cold look evident while making his way to niki. she couldn’t tell if it was just her who had observed how bitter he suddenly became.
she grasped ji-woo aside, breaking her away from jake who was still talking to her. “did you see hoon?” her whisper was harsh, an anxious tone apparent in her voice as her grip became tighter on her friend.
“ow, y/n! i did sort of see but jake was still talking so i didn’t notice a lot. he did look a little mad though?” she reasoned.
“girl, what was that look sunghoon just gave to you and jay?” their friend, min-su interrupted with a gasp.
“wow, you’re actually away from heeseung?” y/n snorted a laugh while the girl rolled her eyes. “shut the fuck up. did you see sunghoon give you that look??”
“i think someone’s jealous.. i mean- who said that?” dae joked. the four cracked out laughs as they remained further away from the members.
“you don’t think he could be..?”
“girl i wouldn’t be surprised.” ji-woo said with an eyebrow raise.
“mm.. no, i don’t think so. maybe he just wanted to talk to niki. i don’t think he’s jealous…”
“you know what, y/n?” dae called, heads turning to the boy who had a smug grin. “maybe you should just talk to sunghoon.”
y/n rolled her eyes. “bitch, you know that it’s hard for me to do that!”
as min-su was about to give her input with a dirty joke in mind, heeseung intervened with an arm slinging around her. “sorry to break this group huddle, but can i steal my girlfriend?”
“you always steal her from us.”
“sorry but i just want to be around my baby on my special day.”
the others fake gagged at the comment. “yes, yes, just take her and go away, geez birthday boy.” y/n said with an appalled look plastered.
the boy grinned at her words; the obvious displeased tone deafening out in his ears as his attention went to his girlfriend, dragging her away from the group.
“love, come here for a second?” jake called out to ji-woo. she looked back at her two friends who still had the same disgusted look. “oh, just go ji-woo!” y/n yelled, pushing her away so she could reunite with her partner. “you should go too, dae. jungwon looks sad without you.”
“but what about you!”
y/n’s lips curled into a soft smile. “i’ll be fineee. just go to your boyfriend like they did!”
the boy remained persistent in staying with her, though eventually leaving for his boyfriend as well once y/n confirmed it’d really be okay.
she sighed at the sight in front of her; all of her friends with their lovers while sunghoon was near niki and sunoo. her eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, heart thumping just from the admiration of how gorgeous he was. eventually, they wandered to where jay’s figure could be, which was in the kitchen of course.
“hey jay,” y/n softly beamed.
he greeted back with a smile — “hey y/n” —attention still persistent on the marinated meat for dinner.
“can i help?”
jay gave a playful laughing scoff at her words. “wouldn’t you rather be in the living room with niki and them?”
she shook her head. “i don’t really have anything to do, and i feel a little bad that you’re doing it all by yourself honestly.”
“alright, if you wanna help then you can put some gloves on and mix the marinade.”
y/n complied with excitement surging through and soon began helping the male with dinner preparations.
as long minutes passed, she continued to work around the kitchen with him. meanwhile, the couples stayed in their own spaces while the remaining three played on the shared nintendo switch.
“y/n, don’t do that!” jay yelled from the kitchen, her loud cackles of laughter immediately intensifying after.
“what could be so funny over there?” sunghoon mumbled under his breath. a scoff left his mouth as his hands tightly gripped on the controller.
“you that jealous?” niki snorted.
the older male rolled his eyes as he felt envy starting to build up. “no.. why would i be? y/n’s too young for me.”
“your excuses are becoming worse, hyung.”
sunoo let out a laugh at niki’s words — “they really are, why can’t you just admit that you like the girl?”
hoon’s eyes slightly widened. “shut up! don’t say that too loud; dae, min-su, and ji-woo are literally near us.” he harshly whispered to the maknaes.
“they’re lost in their own world, hoon. seriously, look at them and tell me they’re not in their own world with our members.” niki remarked with a laugh.
“you could be like that with y/n too, just saying.” said sunoo with a devilish smile.
“it doesn’t seem like she even likes me. she always ignores me and doesn’t talk much to me when she can clearly talk well with jay or you guys. seems like she likes him more to be honest.” his head darted towards the male in the kitchen who was still chuckling and being playful with her.
“maybe you just haven’t taken in the fact that you guys are both introverted?? and maybe she doesn’t know how to talk to you because you barely respond back?” sunoo replied.
hoon let out a sigh at his members’ words. “I don’t know..”
“you overthink this too much, hyung. i heard from someone that she’s literally been in love with you for so long! also, how have you guys not talked much when you’re in the same friend group?” responded niki.
sunghoon’s heart immediately raced at the potential thought of his crush liking him back; blocking out the question asked. “does she really..?” he bit his lip as he awaited for a response, only to be interrupted.
“i’m gonna be grilling outside but we also have a pool, so if you guys want to go for a swim, you guys can!” jay yelled.
everybody grinned at each other, racing out of the back door to swim in the said pool.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
splashes of laughter were heard in the air as everybody swam in the cooling water.
y/n remained persistent near the shallower parts of the pool while the rest splashed around. ji-woo attempted to stay near as well but could only be pulled into the deep water by her determined boyfriend.
dae was with jungwon, giving soft squeaks of laughter as they were sweetly playful. from time to time, y/n could hear the sound of their laughs tangling in the air with soft music exuding in the back.
min-su and heeseung were in the pool as well, but would always go back to singing their favored songs that’d echo aloud. followed by ji-woo and jake softly humming along.
y/n took in the sight in front of her again. her eyes followed each of her friends and the joyous moments they were experiencing. something she wanted to experience.
she softened at what she was observing. her friends have truly never been this happy and she loved it.
“hey, you okay?” a familiar voice said, snapping her into reality.
“hm? oh hey, hoon.” she nervously replied.
he beamed a half smile as he took a seat next to her. “they look pretty happy, don’t they?” y/n turned her head to respond back but paused.
he was observing just like her. she fought back a smile as her eyes twinkled with affection. “yeah.. they do. i’m so glad they all found their other halves.” she said in admiration.
“now it’s just your turn huh?” sunghoon gently turned his head to look back at her. his demeanor was softer than she was used to, and it made her heart flutter.
she cleared her throat and looked away. “we’ll see what the universe plans for me” — her voice almost weak from his simple question.
“almost sunghoon’s time isn’t it?” niki suddenly boomed.
y/n’s brows curiously furrowed at the boy who swam near them. “it is?” she stupidly questioned.
“yeah.. sunghoon’s been talking to mei. isn’t that right, hyung?” his eyebrows wiggled around playfully. the obvious teasing tone of getting the poor girl jealous wasn’t clear enough as she felt her heart sink. her mind went blank as everything else became a numbing pain.
suddenly finding it hard to breathe, she stood from where she was and laughed off the heavy feeling. “oh that’s right sunghoon, how is it with her so far?”
her attempt to look fine was a success as hoon didn’t notice the sudden change in becoming tense. “oh.. mei? it’s fine.. i haven’t talked to her in a while.” he mewled out.
it was like taking one step forward and three steps backwards. their moment of potentially being more had been ruined; and with the thought of mei in mind, it seemed like everything had taken a pause.
y/n swallowed the lump in her throat as she forced the tears away. “well uhm, i should go to dae and them. i wanna see if they’re tired of being in the pool yet.” she stood from where she was, feeling her legs become like jelly as her lips trembled from holding in the pain.
the heartbroken girl walked away with deep breaths. she fought the urge to breakdown and cry, leaving niki and sunghoon in the shallow water.
hoon let out a slightly frustrated sigh. “what was that, niki??” his brows pushed together in an irritating way.
“sorry… i thought it’d help..”
the maknae mewled out another sorry before leaving to sunoo.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
y/n let out another deep breath before arriving to dae and jungwon at the other end of the pool.
“hey guys,” she gently said.
her shaky voice had apparently became noticeable as dae stopped his movements to carefully look at his friend. “what’s wrong y/n??”
in an instant second, her eyes watered at the question. ‘fuck!’ she mentally cursed to herself. “i knew it was a bad idea going to you, dae!” she yelled before speed walking away.
he followed after her, catching min-su and ji-woo’s attention as well. the loud questioning of ‘is she okay’ came to mind as they all followed behind and left their significant others.
“guys it’s fine!” the girl tried to defend.
“girl you’re on the brink of tears. what happened? are you okay?” min-su said.
“uhm.. yeah…” her voice cracked as she softly smiled at the aching feeling.
“stop lying!” ji-woo yelled.
y/n broke out another smile as she admired how caring her friends were. “it’s fine guys.. seriously! i’ll tell you when we’re not surrounded by them.. but let’s go back. i don’t want them to wonder why we’re having our own group talk.”
“girl if sunghoon made you cry, you just let me know.” the dimpled girl threatened.
everybody giggled in unison as the other two agreed. eventually, they all went back to their significant others while y/n decided to stay near jay. she couldn’t stand being a third wheel, and sunoo had remained around niki and sunghoon; so jay was her best choice.
“you’re really not gonna go in the pool?” asked the boy who was barbecuing.
“i can’t swim jay.” she replied back with a head shake.
“oh that’s right… seems like hoon can’t swim either.” the name call caught her attention and almost immediately, her eyes landed on the 5’11 boy.
sunghoon continued to stay around the shallow parts of the pool where he was before. her heart stopped for a moment as the repeating words of him and mei were in her head.
“that’s funny,” she mumbled.
jay’s face scrunched at her monotoned voice. “if you don’t think it’s funny, you don’t have to say it is.”
her lips curled into a soft smile. “no i didn’t mean it like that jay, geez.” she rolled her eyes as he smiled as well, turning his attention back onto the grill.
“how are you and hoon though?”
“shut up, i don’t want to talk about him right now.”
“so you guys are going through something then hm?”
“jay.. please.”
he widely grinned at her plead. “fine, i’ll let it go.” she beamed a ‘thanks’ before changing the topic to something for both of their liking.
from time to time, sunghoon turned his head to see how they were easily conversing. he let out an annoyed scoff. “maybe she does like him..” his hands clenched in fists as the continuous words that fell out of sunoo and niki’s mouths were drowned out by jealousy.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
after long minutes passed, dinner was finally ready. throughout the various conversations everybody had, hoon and y/n had none together. in fact, they didn’t even look at each other. a few glances would be made to each other but other than that, no one dared to make a peep.
when dinner had finished, a cake had been brought out to celebrate heeseung’s birthday. a bright smile was plastered onto his face as his girlfriend stuck by his side.
loud laughs and joyous occasions were shared upon one another. everybody sang happy birthday to the boy who was contented enough for a cake.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when the long day had come to an end, everybody found themselves settled into the living room with warm blankets and soft smiles.
little murmurs of “this was so fun!” and “we gotta do this again” were heard before all had passed out for the remaining night. all except y/n.
she stepped out to the backyard after making sure everyone fell asleep. a sigh left her mouth as the heavy feeling in her chest came back. “fuck..” she whispered, after situating herself in the same seat of the shallow pool, letting her legs dip in. her breath hitched while inhaling another breath of air. she thought to herself that she shouldn’t be this bothered about someone who wasn’t hers.
“you okay?” the low voice said, shocking her as she immediately recognized who it was.
y/n subtly sniffled her snot back inside before looking at the direction of the voice. her heart dropped just by looking at him.
“you’re awake hoon?”
her voice weakened as he awkwardly chuckled while taking a seat next to her.
“i saw you come outside so i just wanted to see if you were okay.”
she nodded at his explanation. “i’m fine..” but she wasn’t. and it seemed like her excuse wasn’t convincing enough, but hoon let it go.
it had become awkward and tense too soon. they had always slightly been like this, but it only seemed to intensify this time.
sunghoon took a deep breath, wondering if it was something he should say but he had to know.
“do you like jay?”
his question was sudden and it had y/n whipping her head to him.
“i’m sorry?”
“sorry that was sudden.. but is jay the one you like?”
she kept her eyes on him in search for how he meant his tone to be but he couldn’t even look at her. the awkward boy was too scared to even say such a thing.
“why would i like jay?”
“well.. you seem to enjoy being around him and… seems like he likes you back too.”
y/n eyes closed at the tightness in her chest. she liked him. how could he not see that?
“i don’t, sunghoon. and i’m sure he doesn’t like me back either.” she confirmed with a gulp. her gaze observed how soft his body language had become.
“i uhm,…” the girl paused for a moment. she felt her heart in her throat as the conflicting thought of confessing tortured her. “.. i don’t like anyone right now..”
the searing pain in her heart increased as she mentally cursed to herself. she wanted to tell him that he was all she’d been thinking about, but how could she when she remembered he was talking to someone like mei?
“oh.. okay.” — was all hoon could mutter. he was pleased and yet, somehow still devastated. she backed off of confessing and he didn’t even realize it.
it was then that things got quiet. they didn’t know what else to say to each other after the sudden call out.
their eyes remained to stare at the starry night that had come upon them. perhaps they partially enjoyed the quiet scenery together while partially still finding it difficult to break the silence.
“y/n?” hoon suddenly squeaked.
✩ ‘we’ll be a fine line’ ✩
his head turned to face her. “hm?” she looked back at him.
“are we okay?”
her heart shattered and she felt the pulse hitting her hands with the words spoken out. she forced a half smile that had reassurance written over it.
“of course we are sunghoon..” she breathed for a second. “we always are.”
he reflected the warm smile back but nothing else was done. “good.. i hope we remain friends and become reliable to each other.”
“yeah.. me too.” she mewled out, fighting the pressure that had been suddenly pressed on her heart. “i hope you can get with mei soon, hoon. she seems great for you.”
y/n compelled a smile onto her lips while his grin slowly dropped (and she didn’t notice). “oh yeah.. mei.” he mumbled with a sigh.
given that he didn’t deny how he liked the girl, she took it as a sign that she should back off so something could happen with them. but she didn’t know that the only girl he could ever love was her. hell, he was head over heels for his friend that he had to play the long game with. the only reason why he didn’t deny liking mei was because he thought y/n liked jay, and couldn’t find it in herself to admit it.
“we’ll always be okay, right hoon?” she hesitantly asked.
“yeah.. always y/n.”
they both swallowed down their feelings as they kept eye contact for a moment, admiring each other from the bottoms of their heart before looking back at the night sky. sunghoon gulped down a harsh reality check as he wished they remained eye contact a little longer; to stare deeply into her eyes like she was holding the whole universe.. his universe.
“always, hoon..”
✩ ‘we’ll be alright’ ✩
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