#i just knOWWWW he ends texts with periods too
seiwas · 10 months
you send iwaizumi a progress pic of your butt sweat mark on one of the gym benches with your finger heart in the corner 🫰 (bc it looks like a heart!! and you think it’s cute!!) & he replies with: “have a finisher for you when you get back home 😏.”
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deceitfuldevil · 4 years
Rose Hips — P.P
Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: You and Peter have been back and forth flirting for too long, but a shampoo change and a craving for a certain snack late at night leads you to be saved by the one and only Spider-Man, who acts and sounds just like your best friend. . .
Warnings: swearing, use of a gun, etc.
Word Count: 4.6K
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“Jesus Christ, how are we already halfway through May?” MJ asked, rubbing her eyes, she had obviously taken a nap on the bus ride to school.
“Well since today’s the 15th and there’s thirty-one days in May there’s no one whole day that’s a halfway mark of the month” Ned explained simply, earning a look from MJ as he did so.
“It was a rhetorical question dipshit.” You chuckled lightly and looked to Peter for his reaction, but he was lightly snoring with his face uncomfortably pressed into a desk. You were about to nudge him so he’d be awake for first period but when the bell rang he shot up, red lines across his left cheek from laying on the desk.
You were usually the first to lunch as you had 5th period gym and 6th period lunch and the two were right next to each other. But today when you got down to the cafeteria you saw Peter sitting, or really sleeping at your usual table. Which was odd because his 5th period was chemistry on the 3rd floor, and the cafeteria was on the first floor; he was usually the last one to lunch.
“Jeez Pete, how much sleep did you get?” you said taking a seat next to him at the circular table, opening up your brown paper lunch bag.
“Huh?!” You must’ve startled Peter because she shot up with a jolt. You were always concerned for his well being but as of lately he seemed to be doing worse. He’s changed a lot since he took that Stark internship last year.
“I said...” You started, looking into his bloodshot eyes that practically caved into his face.
“How much sleep did you get?”
“7 hours...” he said with a grumble, obviously not wanting to be awake at the moment
“If you got seven hours of sleep last night then why do you-”
“This week”
“I got seven hours of sleep this week,” he said plainly, rubbing his eyes as MJ quietly sat down at the table with the two of you.
“Wow, that’s a new record” she said sarcastically.
“Peter that isn’t good, you need to take care of yourself!” You said in a matter-of-fact kind of a way, gently cupping his face in your small hands as he flashed a small smile.
“Are you coming to our study session tonight?” Fridays were you and Peter’s designated hang out day, which started Freshman year just to coax your parents into letting you have a boy over but now the two of you just watch movies and pig out on junk food. However, you still called them your study sessions; it was just your little thing with him.
“Well actually I—”
“Don’t finish that sentence, you’re coming over tonight whether you like it not.”
“Oh Y/n’s over here making her move huh?” Ned asked as he sat down next to Peter, eyebrows raised.
“Don’t we wish,” MJ said somewhat under her breath. She knew how you felt about Peter, but was in no place to tattle.
“I’ll text May and let her know you’re staying the night” You said pulling out your phone and typing something out.
“Yeah like she’s ever gonna let me do that,” Peter said with a light laugh.
“You wanna bet?” You said with a smile, showing Peter your phone that showed May’s text that read: “Keep him for the whole weekend if you want! And make sure that boy gets some sleep, you know he sleeps best in your arms :).”
Peter turned a light shade of pink and stole a pudding cup from Ned, keeping his lips sealed.
“That’s what I thought,” You said with a proud smile, digging into your lunch.
Pulling the keys to your apartment out of your backpack, you unlocked your door and opened it for Peter to walk in. He mumbled a small “thank you” and made a b-line for your room before you could even close the door behind him. You smiled softly and locked up behind him, dropping your book bag following after him, only to find him loosely tucked into your twin-sized bed. You sighed seeing the overly tired Peter Parker in your bed; platonic friendships that didn’t always act platonic were rough, especially when both one of them had feelings for the other. Peter heard you sigh and opened one eye to peek at you, outstretching his arms from under your light pink duvet as a sign for you to come and join him. You happily obliged to.
Cuddling with Peter was just about your favorite thing to do. This started halfway through freshman year when he showed up at your door at 11 pm after he tried to pull a cheesy cliche on the girl he was crushing on; she called him a nerd and threw rocks at him, giving him a black eye. He was so upset because he was so sure that she’d fall for him if he copied the 1989 movie “Say Anything” and played her favorite song on a boombox outside her window. But she was a bitchy cheerleader that only went after jocks with 2-bit brains, not cute boys with 4.0 GPAs. Or at least that’s what you told Peter as he held onto you as if he’d lose you too if he let go.
“Where are you parents?” Peter mumbled, drawing you out of your memories.
“Peter.. take me to dinner first!” you said with a smile as you turned over to face him.
“Oh shut up!” He said in a playful tone, pulling the duvet over his face so that you wouldn’t see him blush.
“They’re away on another business trip, Chicago this time I think,” you said with a sad smile, your lips forming a thin line.
“Yikes, for how long this time?” he asked carefully, even though he knew you were beyond used to it by now.
“4 or 5 weeks, I’m really not sure. They’ll be back once school ends though.. I think.” Peter sighed, he wished that you had someone to be there for you. He wanted to be that person.
“You’re so lucky you have May, it must be nice to almost always have someone to come home to and not just an empty house,” You said as you used your index finger to trace Peter’s jawline. How it got so sharp and defined over the years was beyond you.
“At least you still have your parents.” Peter didn’t mention his parents often, especially outside of the confines of just the two of you. But every now and then he’d make a comment, maybe even a joke. Like most teens he too used humor as a coping mechanism.
“Yeah, but you still grew up with someone to guide you; the last time I remember my parents being home for more than a month was when I was 12.″
“I don’t knowwww, finding out your parents died in a plane crash at six sounds pretty traumatic to me,” He said in a teasing way, a way so that you knew he was kidding.
“Oh fuck off and cuddle me so that we can both get some sleep,” You said turning back over and pushing your back into his as he wrapped his hands around your waist. If anyone saw the position the two of you were in they would’ve immediately assumed you were a couple.
When you woke up and checked your clock it was 4:00AM; you knew that both you and Peter were extremely tired but you didn’t think you were both sleep-for-thirteen-hours kind of tired. Either way you turned over to take a peek at Peter and found him in a deep sleep lightly snoring. It was times like these when you were reminded of why you adored this boy so damn much. Not being able to help yourself you gave Peter a quick kiss on his cheek before tip-toeing out of the room to take a shower.
After turning the water on you checked your phones’ notifications, seeing a text from May amongst a few other snaps from friends.
May 💐
Hey, did Peter get any sleep yet?
You smiled, loving how much she cared for her Nephew.
we’ve been asleep since we got home at 3pm yesterday. I just woke up and I’m about to shower now but he’s still asleep :)
Hitting send you set your phone down on the bathroom counter and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water run all over your body. The best thing about AM showers in New York apartments was that you actually got some hot water for once.
Hopping out and drying yourself off you threw on a clean oversized Midtown high sweater and some pajama shorts, which ended up disappearing under the sweater anyways.
Walking back into your room you saw that it was now 4:23AM and to no surprise Peter was still sound asleep. You smiled contently and got back under the covers, not cuddling into him though as you didn’t want to wake him from his sleep. But a few minutes later you felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer. You called out to Peter asking if you woke him but he didn’t even stir. He must’ve pulled you closer in his sleep. He even started to draw small circles in the small of your back with his index finger as he continued to lightly snore, and the thought of him doing that absent minded-ly alone was enough to send you right back to sleep in a giddy haze.
Peter woke up before you this time, seeing that it was 8:12AM on your clock. You were tightly snuggled into him and he just couldn’t help but to give you a peck on the cheek, something he didn’t know you reciprocated. But right as he gave you a light kiss he got a whiff of your hair; it smelled like roses and apples. It was heavenly and made him more relaxed than he’s felt all week. Without even really thinking about it Peter began to run his fingers through your soft clean hair, almost soothing himself back to sleep. But when you started to stir in your sleep he stopped and tried to act asleep so you wouldn’t know what he was doing. You stayed silent for a couple minutes, leading Peter to believe that you had fallen back asleep. That was until you spoke up.
“You didn’t have to stop that you know. I kinda liked it.” Without a reply Peter went back to playing with your hair, bringing a smile to your face.
“Did you change your shampoo?” he asked about 10 minuets later, shocking you a bit because he was right.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” you asked, turning over to face him this time.
“You used to smell like honey, now you smell like apples and roses,” he stated plainly.
“Wow, no one’s ever noticed.”
“Well keep using this shampoo, I love it.” You gave Peter a fake offended look for that comment.
“And since when do I take orders from you?”
“Since I’m your best friend and you love me so you’d do anything for me,” he said with a grin, knowing damn well he was right.
“Oh shut up you dork.”
“Why don’t you make me?” You raised your eyebrows at his cockiness, but simply landed a kiss about an inch away from his lips and got out of bed to make breakfast, leaving a speechless Peter in bed.
“You said ‘make me.’ What did you expect?” you asked, popping your head back in just to see his awe-struck face.
You settled on the impossibly easy bowl of cereal, grabbing a bowl for Peter as well. He walked in as you were pouring him a bowl, but now he was wearing your NY Giants flannel pajama pants that you set aside for him weeks ago when he stayed the night and had no PJs to sleep in... and he lacked a shirt. Not to say that you hadn’t seen Peter shirtless before but ever since he took that Stark internship he’s gotten a lot more... buff. Anytime you’d see him shirtless you’d turn red without fail, you assumed this was his way to get back at you for following up on his “make me” statement. The two of you always played petty flirty games like that, and you both always assumed the other meant it in a completely platonic way.
“Jeez y/n, take a picture it’ll last longer,” Peter said jokingly, making you avert your gaze after realizing you’d been staring while you were deep in thought.
“Special K? Isn’t that stuff supposed to be healthy? Don’t you have any Captain Crunch around here or something?” Peter whined, making you roll your eyes at him.
“God you’re such a child! Besides, even if this stuff is ‘healthy’ it tastes really good.” Huffing dramatically Peter took a bowl and munched down on it, finishing it and then proclaiming that the cereal was “just OK” prompting you to throw a spoon at him.
The rest of that weekend was filled with similar flirty events and cuddle filled movie binges, and the school week consisted of pep rallies, field days, and other lax activities as graduation was on Wednesday the following week. It was nice to have a chill week after a long and stressful year, and Peter was clearly getting more sleep now that school work wasn’t a bigger part of his life anymore. Before you knew it, it was Friday again.
“Ever heard of a flirtationship?” Ned asked, munching down on his curly fries at lunch.
“...no?” You spoke, adding a questioning tone at the end encouraging him to go on.
“It’s what you and Peter have.” Before you could reply asking what that even meant, MJ chimed in as well.
“Skinny love would be another good term for you two weirdos.”
You were somewhat baffled. MJ knew of your feelings for Peter but you’d never heard these terms before in your life.
“Just look it up on urban dictionary, it’s all there,” Ned spoke simply, like it was painfully obvious. You pulled out your phone and opened safari, typing urba— before the auto-fill for UrbanDictionary.com came up. Quickly clicking your fingers across the keyboard you first looked up what a “flirtationship” was.
An unofficial relationship that involves tons of flirting. Usually between two friends, and it's all fun and games until one of them falls for the other and turns it into a Relationship.
"OMG! John and Stacy totally in a flirtationship!"
You scoffed, looking over to Ned and giving him the finger. “Peter and I are nothing like that, we’re just—”
“What aren’t we like?” Making you jump and fumble your phone from your hand, Peter came up behind you resting his chin on your head.
“Oh nothing, it’s just obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that the two of you have undeniable feel—“
“OKAY THANK YOU THAT’S ENOUGH MJ,” You said lightly chucking a banana at her, but she blocked it with her sketchbook.
“I’m just saying,” she said with a shrug, ultimately leaving Peter confused but he shrugged it off and began to ask about your day so far. In the middle of telling him how Mr. T made you run 2 extra laps in gym for running late in the locker room he took a large whiff of your hair.
“So what’s the name of that shampoo you use anyways?” Peter asked amidst a sweet daze as he began to run his fingers through your hair. Had anyone else, even Ned try to do that you would have been weirded out and moved away. But there was something calming that soothed you when Peter did it.
"Rose Hips by Herbal Essence,” you told him with a smile, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through your hair.
“Dude, how’d you smell something so faint?” MJ asked, genuinely curious.
“Mmm must’ve been my Peter tingle” he said, still entranced in the smell.
“I’m sorry— your Peter what now?” MJ said with a laugh, but Ned threw an empty thing of pudding at Peter's head and brought him out of his trance.
“Oh uh, nothing” Peter said quickly, now sitting down beside you. You looked to MJ and gave her a “what the fuck was that??” kind of a look and she only shrugged. You didn’t notice Ned giving Peter the “why the hell would you say that dude?!” eyes and Peter only shushing him as you turned back around.
After that lunch came and went, as did the rest of the day. Thank god it was Friday again, and a long weekend at that. But you and Peter’s “study sessions” have become less concrete over the past few months, Peter has been showing up late or even not at all, giving some sort of lame excuse like:
“Oh May really needed my help with something.”
“Well you know that Stark internship is keeping me pretty busy.”
“Ned got a new LEGO set and said he couldn’t build it without me.”
It got to the point where you’d stop asking where he was or if he was even coming over. If he came, he came. If he didn’t, you settled for a bullshit excuse.
Sure this upset you and you told MJ about it but she just brushed it off as typical teenage boy things. Yet she wouldn’t stop reminding you that he’d probably spend more time with you if you told him how you really felt, and you kept reminding her that that was never gonna happen.
Before he started flaking Peter usually stopped by around 7pm, so when you looked over at the clock and saw that it was 10:30 at night you figured he wasn’t coming. The latest he ever showed up at your door was 1:00AM and you had already been up for hours cramming for a test that week so he stopped you and you both ate junk food until you passed out. He was gone in the morning though, and he didn't end up being at school that day either. Said he got sick in the middle of the night or something?
Anyways, Delmars was due to close in half an hour and you had a craving for some Cheeto puffs. So you threw a hoodie on over your pajama shorts and tank top and grabbed a five dollar bill. It was a block and a half away and even though the streets at night weren’t your favorite scene you were too hungry to care.
Leaving your apartment with nothing but a five dollar bill, your phone, and the keys to your apartment, you left and locked the door behind you, as your parents were still away on that business trip in Chicago. Walking into the store you looked to the clock and saw it was now 10:47PM, and a worker there was cleaning and starting to pack things up. You grabbed a bag of Cheeto puffs and quietly went up to the register. Paying and going on your way you bid the cashier a good night you started your trek back home.
Only about half a block into your commute did you feel off, making a quick glance behind you you saw a hooded figure following you about 3 yards away. “No big deal,” you thought. Maybe he’s just gotten off work is is really tired, and you have your trust pepper— oh fuck. Ever since an overly strict hall monitor caught you with a keyring with pepper spray on it you weren’t allowed to bring it to school because it was considered a “weapon,” and even then you were given week's detention.
All this overthinking made you look back again in fear and this time the hooded figure was less than a yard away from you. You immediately tried to pick up the pace but he pulled you into a nearby alleyway and covered your mouth with his hand. Only following your instinct you bit down as hard as you could on the man's hand, he cried out in pain.
“You bitch!”
You thought that was the end of it and you were going to make a run for it but then you heard a gun cock.
“I wanted to do this the easy way but it’s already obvious you aren’t gonna make that possible. Now where is your—“
It all happened so fast, you didn’t even actually see what happened. It was nearly 11:00 o’clock at night after all. But the next thing you knew you saw the well-known butt-kicking New York superhero known as Spider-Man on top of the man throwing punch after punch at him. You stared in awe for a moment, for so many reasons. You had only seen the famous Spider-Man in YouTube videos across the internet, he was known to be very peaceful and not hurt the criminals, and all in all you didn’t think he’d stop such a small crime as what was happening to you, let alone even catch it.
After catching your own breath you wrapped your arms around the blue and red spandex bound man pulling him off your attacker.
“You’re going to kill him!” You shouted. Only then did the masked hero look at you and hold his gaze. Usually you felt uncomfortable when people would stare at you but there was nothing uncomfortable about the situation; it felt like you’ve done it before. But as soon as your attacker started to try and get up Spider-Man webbed him to a wall, and his gun a few yards away so he wouldn’t be able to use it when the cops showed up.
Immediately wrapping his arms around your waist your newfound rescuer instructed you to hold on. You did as you were told but something was off; that voice sounded familiar.
He swung you all the way home, right to your window in fact. Settling on the fire escape right outside he released the webbing from his hand but didn’t let go of your waist. Instead, he ran his gloved fingers through your hair and took a long whiff from your head. Exhaling slowly, he came back to his senses.
Now you definitely had your fair share of dumbass moments but you’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not realize who was behind that mask.
“Ahem, your apartment... madam?” He said, clearing his throat and adding a queens accent. You decided to play along, just a little bit though.
“Oh why thank you so much Spider-Man! You’re my hero!” You said, embracing him in a tight hug. He embraced you back and the small circles he drew on the small of your back with his index finger only further proved to you that this was indeed Peter Parker.
“But... How did you know where I live? Let alone my exact apartment window?” He froze, he was no longer drawing circles on your back and his breathing was hitched. You could hear his heart rate increasing ever rapidly.
“You uh–“ He stammered, losing his fake queens accent.
“You told me, yeah, you told me you lived in apartment number 32D” Ah, there was that lovely fake accent. But it was weaker, shakier.
“That’s funny ‘cause I don’t remember saying a single word to you before you brought me to this fire escape. But wait, if I told you that I lived in apartment 32D, how’d you know that this is the window to my bedroom?”
There was a shit-eating grin plastered across your face. You had him cornered and he knew it, you were just waiting for him to say it.
“I uh— well you see... it’s not really– ummmm,” He was fumbling over every word and the fake accent was long gone but it was obvious he wasn’t gonna give in and admit it. So you reached your hands up to the neck of his suit and started to pull up on the red neckline of the fabric. When you had just pulled it over enough so that you could see his entire chin and mouth you knew without a doubt that it was Peter.
“Are you sure you wanna do that? Super heroes aren’t really supposed to reveal their true identity to anyone.” He dropped all the bullshit, he was speaking with the same voice he talked to you with at lunch.
“Oh I’m sure,” You said with a laugh, continuing to pull the mask up his face at an agonizingly slow pace. Peter grabbed your wrists after you unveiled his nose.
“But Mr. Stark said if anyone I love finds out I’m Spider-Man then they’ll be under risk from bad guys around the world!” He exclaimed, not seeming to realize what he just confessed. At that point you quickly pulled off the rest of the mask and stared deep into Peters brown eyes. It was dark out and there was nothing but the moonlight shining on his face but still you searched for any sense of mistruth or uncertainty and saw nothing but unrelenting truth.
“You... you love me?”
Only then did he retrace his words and realized what hadspilled from his mouth.
“No! I mean, yes, oh my god yes I do I have since sophomore year when you kicked flash in the balls for calling me Penis Parker for the thousandth time that day, but if that means you don’t wanna be my friend anymore than in that case I don’t like you at all and this whole thing can totally be forgotten and—“
“Peter!” You interrupted
“I love you too,” you said softly, looking into his eyes with nothing but admiration.
“You do? Because if you don’t that’s really fine and I’d totally understand cause like—”
You knew there was no other way to shut him up besides doing the only thing you’ve wanted to do for 3 years. You kissed him. Standing up on your tippy-toes you cupped his cheek with your hands and gently pressed your lips to his. It was everything you’d thought it’d be and more; he tasted like banana laffy taffy, which happened to be your favorite candy so you weren’t complaining. Pulling away Peter’s eyes stayed shut a few seconds longer than yours, just doing his best to relish in the moment as long as possible before having to resurface back to the pain that is reality.
“Do I need to kiss you again to bring you back down to earth?” Peter said nothing but smiled wider than you’d ever seen before and nodded slowly. You smiled contently and went in for a quick peck before Peter came back to reality and put his hands tenderly on your face keeping your lips attached to his as he attempted to deepen the kiss. You gave in but only for a moment, soon pulling away and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Okay calm down lover boy, that’s fun and all but it’s freezing out here and I can’t feel my feet.” Without a second to spare Peter picked you up bridal style and carried you into your bedroom. You spent the whole night cuddling, kissing, and making him tell you every last detail about what it was like being Spider-Man.
Hi all, today is June 8th 2020... almost 4 months since I last posted. I’d like to apologize, I don’t have much of an excuse besides the fact that COVID-19 has brought on so much bad news for me that I haven’t had the motivation to do jack shit :) 
But I also want to say that me posting today is not me trying to draw attention away from what’s going on in the world at the moment, because posting right now could easily make ignorance seem okay; and it’s not. I’ve been to protests, I’ve signed petitions, I’ve talked with friends and family, I’m doing all that I can do help support the BLM movement and put an end to racism and corrupt cops. In fact, if you need a place to find good resources, there’s a link here that’s full of petitions to sign, places to donate, educational articles on whiteness, racism, blackness in America, on liberation, on police violence, and so on. Links with compilations, books, PDFs, podcasts and episodes, films and videos, social media posts worth reading and sharing, noteworthy public figures and authors, reading guides, and even protest safety. 
^here’s the link again just in case. So if it wasn’t clear this account is safe for all genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, etc. 
So please don’t think of this post as a distraction from what’s going on, but rather a quick break. My best friend proof read this for me and told me it’s exactly what she needed right now. So I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and constructive criticism is welcome!
Much Love,
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