#i just like coming up with au’s in general. put that beast in a situation
Idk. I do not want to spam you with au thoughts. But I also want to talk to you about yours ocs. So. The thing about new admin au is that they will probably try to stop whole overworking thing, which might end up with them blocking him in whatever way they can (hopefully not invasively) from overworking (which he probably already got used to by this point). And... that will probably be a good thing but also a bad thing. Hopefully, he might start actually having personal life, at least a little? Would he even be able to?
he can still go back to it yea. never too late as they say
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brighteuphony · 7 months
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On the way back from Tea Country with Chakra-poisoned Kakashi tryna "casually" fish for some info before Sakura comes in with the one-hit KO on accident.
So she's got some complicated feelings for Kakashi as well, though they're a lot milder than what she feels about Sasuke.
There's a moment in my AU where Sakura goes through a deep reflection ritual, in which she has to face Inner Sakura -who is representative of all the ugly truths her day-to-day self hasn't been able to face- and come to terms with who she is.
During that time, she's got to face the music.
The music:
Sasuke is the last prodigal son of a clan that was brutally butchered. He's a genius with one of the most powerful dojutsu out there (that he has no idea how to use) and is coming in hot with more baggage than an airport terminal.
Naruto is not normal. She doesn't know what he is (as in-canon, she finds out after the time-skip and the Sakura from above is right on the cusp of Shippuden), but there's nothing normal about a kid who can pull wild orange chakra and who can fight Gaara's tailed beast and come out on top. He's got the personal attention of the Hokage, but the entire village has banded against him for some reason. He's special.
Kakashi is a war veteran turned Jounin and an infamous ANBU captain (I headcanon that some ANBU names are leaked specifically to generate a healthy level of fear/caution among other villages- which is why we know of Itachi/Kakashi/Shisui very publically) and is ALSO the last prodigal son of an old noble clan.
(No way a bookworm like Sakura didn't consume every publically available scroll on Konoha clans).
It doesn't take the big brains to figure out that he got team 7 specifically to help deal with Sasuke's trauma/teach him about the Sharingan, and put a leash on Naruto (and in the future, when she finds out that Madara was able to control the Kyuubi with the Sharingan as well as the knowledge that Kakashi was Minato's student it becomes even clearer why he got the Sasuke/Naruto combo.)
And Sakura? Sakura is a civilian. No clan, no dojutsu, nothing to her name except great chakra control. She's the literal meat in the meat-grinder of the military machine of Konoha, the acceptable sacrifice in a group of otherwise invaluable shinobi. She's just a...girl. (And it doesn't help that she was obsessed with Sasuke instead of training, furthering the gulf between her and Kakashi.)
Kakashi was absolutely not built to handle her- in fact, Kakashi has NO idea how to relate who hasn't gone through a mountain's worth of trauma or someone who hasn't been ingrained in the shinobi-as-a-tool lifestyle, and even then, he's not fully equipped to handle people who have (lmao Sasuke). Not to mention the man is a prodigy- he has no idea how to teach people who have to work hard to get somewhere in life. How do you teach someone if you've never had to 'work hard' to get there yourself?
So, Sakura understands that Kakashi was put in one of the most ridiculous situations of his career- a situation he had NO idea how to handle. She can forgive him for that. BUT, she can't forgive him for not trying his best.
Sakura spent a lot of time coming to terms with the fact that she rushed into the Chidori/Rasengan combo without a single idea of what she would do, but...Kakashi was a big reason for that.
She was HIS responsibility, and he fumbled that bag. Whatever his reasoning, whether it was to 'protect' her, or whether he thought she was worthless, whatever: he should have TRIED.
Kakashi was an adult with resources aplenty. He recognized that she had stellar chakra control but never bothered to teach her genjutsu or direct her to teachers who could pick up the slack.
And after the accident, he abandoned her again. Being forgotten in lieu of Sasuke and Naruto hurt...but she could heal. Being abandoned as some kind of martyr to Kakashi's failures as a teacher? It's gonna take a while for Kakashi to make that up to her...if he can muster the courage to face her.
Sakura finally understands why he preferred the memorial stone to the living. He already failed the dead, and it's easier to wallow in self-flagellation than it is to try and step up for the living.
Sakura stopped being a coward some time ago, and when Kakashi finally does the same, she'll forgive him.
Thank you so much for sticking with this wall of text! And thank you so much anon for the question! Once again, I really appreciate all the kind words people have been throwing my way. <3 <3 <3
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
You know what we need? Batfam Bloodbourne au
Preferably where they're all sent to The Dream but separately and when they all kill gherman and become baby great ones they come back to Gotham and it's Their Dream now. Just Gotham or the world and Gotham is Home and the most like Yharnam, up to you. But I'd love to see them struggle through the brutality, or make peace with it quickly for some (in my mind Tim would be the most stable, Jason would be okay but not great, Tim just seems so,,, adaptable to me, the most insatiable for knowledge so the most accepting of the consequences of getting that knowledge, pros outweigh the cons kinda deal) with the way others were changed and just unsavable. The people of Yharnam are beasts now and the kindest way to deal with them is to put them down even if it's not permanent. And then come out of it irrevocably changed themselves, more than just mentally. The effects it has on them and the world around them. How The Dream ended, but theirs just began and what if it starts in Gotham and slowly spreads? But they're the only great ones in this world so there's no old blood to corrupt people but that doesn't stop death being...odd. Unless they share their blood in experiments to Know what it would do and if they can use it safely for those they care about. (mad scientist Tim my beloved)
Do you see my vision? It's beautiful
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It's wonderful.
Like no joke, I adore Bloodborne, I Love it (Even if I can't play it thanks to getting distracted by all the details in the surroundings & then get murdered lol)
And I wouldn't say Tim is the most adaptable, they all are, but Tim? Compartmentalizes, looks at things logically, straight up turns off his panic at times like it's a switch. But I am also very weak to mad scientist Tim. Even if they probably don't let him do human experiments (not that it stops self-experimentation sometimes)
Gosh I love this. Them still ending up found-family while these utterly horrible things happen around and to them. I wonder if they sometimes take a moment in the dreams and whisper about what they remember before this Living Nightmare. Names they don't know the faces of but know they were important to them. Memories they cling to as they try not to lose what is left of their humanity.
Oh my god, them being the only Great Ones after killing the previous ones? Wonderful idea, I adore it. I bet even if they can take human form still it would be... off. And the more one's Insight is? The more they can see that they're Other.
God the imagery of like, Gotham's moon always being red and thick fog settling across the city each night as their Dream begins is amazing. And I bet that they relish it. I bet they're relieved for normal murder and crime, compared to the Plague of Beasts they had been dealing with what felt like years. Time gets so meaningless with an Endless night full of Deaths over and over.
I bet Gotham looks even more Gothic than before. Actually, you know what? This would be perfect for a No Man's Land situation. For the city to be abandoned only to be held afloat by newborn Gods who no longer quite understand the humans, not with how long the Hunt has stretched on, but care all the same. Idk I just really like this idea in general lol. I am weak to eldritch AUs and Bloodborne is glorious.
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cosmicroadkill · 6 months
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So after obsessing over Arachnis Prime and reading @sonicasura's bat Optimus idea I just was really, really digging it and was inspired to make my own AU similar to it
So basically in this AU both Optimus and Elita fall back into the cavern; Elita's power times out like in canon but Optimus manages to catch her as she's falling. The issue is all that does is put too much sudden weight and tension on his grappling hook causing it to pull out of the rock and send them both tumbling down. The explosion separates the two of them, sending Optimus even deeper in. While Elita becomes Blackarachnia as she does in canon, during and after her change she's looking for Optimus to see if he survived, eventually finding him in a terrible state. He'd run into the cavern's other denizens, massive vampiric and carnivorous bats. He managed to fight off and kill a few but not without serious damage, bordering on death.
In a bid to save him, but also for the selfish reason of not wanting to be a freak alone, she makes him a techno-organic like herself. From there, Optimus lives up to his name for the first little while, practicing with his new alt and eventually managing to fly out of the cavern to watch for any Autobot ships, believing Sentinal will surely come back with or at least send help since he didn't come back for them originally, eventually realizing that Blackarachnia is right, no one is coming.
Well, no Autobots at least. The two get picked up by the Decepticons, Optimus being very much not about the idea but following Blackarachnia almost blindly as he still sees Elita-1 in her and basically owes her his life.
From there it's kind of all over. For a good bit he kinda just follows her around like a puppy and follows her commands; after all initially the idea is for them to return to how they once were, but eventually, Optimus will realize that Blackarachnia is no longer his beloved friend and something will happen to cause him to finally turn on her and split off into his own thing, of what I'm not sure; honestly, it'll more than likely be a build-up of things instead of one big thing.
There's also the debate of how Optimus deals with the Decepticons and basically being one for a while. On the one hand, I like sonicasura's idea of him just being a victim of circumstance. He's not a Decepticon, or in this case, he's only a Decepticon in name, he's just a man who's trying to deal with his current situation the best he can while sticking to his morals and general worldview.
On the other hand, I like the idea of Optimus realizing the flaws and downright failings of Autobot society and becoming a Decepticon for real. He doesn't agree with their morals and what they do a lot of the time, but the ideals Megatron puts forth? He can get behind those, especially since he and Elita were failed by the system they followed so doggedly while Sentinal abandoned them (as far as he's aware) and potentially still gets 'rewarded' (given the rank of Prime and his own team; Optimus would not know he's delegated to bridge repair until later if at all)
More than likely he might fall into a third option of neither, where he abandons the Decepticons like Blackarachnia does but refuses to rejoin the Autobots because of the whole debacle, likely hiding away with the Dinobots on their island.
Also as you've likely noticed I haven't quite come up with Optimus' new name? I'm partial to Chiropteras, as Chiroptera is the order bats are from. I considered going with Optimus Primal since Blackarachnia is also from Beast Wars and a lot of people used/use Tarantulas for spider Optimus before Arachnus Prime was revealed, but my biggest thing is in TFA Prime isn't technically anything special, it's just a rank, so why would he still be Prime or even make it Primal? Unless he's giving himself the rank because he feels he deserves it/is bastardizing it for his own use. I could also potentially use the name of another bat transformer in the way that Tarantulas is the name of a Predacon from Beast Wars but none of them really fit? Cause there's Nightscream, Sonar, and Nyx (and technically Noctorro but he's a bat and a bull). I could use Nocturne or Nocturnus, too.
Lemme know what y'all think?
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cosmicallylyss · 2 months
Blue Lock Baseball AU
Hello everyone I am a baseball/softball enjoyer and would like to share my thoughts about what positions I think the Blue Lock boys would play! This will be multipart as ideas will come to me sporadically, with analysis under the cut.
Characters included in this part are: Egoist 4, Raichi, Barou, Aryu, & Aiku
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Isagi Yoichi:
Left fielder. Now you might be saying "lyss why are you putting the protagonist in the outfield??" and to that I say 1) this is baseball not soccer 2) if you don't think this position is important you don't know the sport. If a ball is headed for the outfield it's most likely headed somewhere between LF/CF and those players will need good communication in order to coordinate who's going for what. Despite Isagi being a beast on the field to his rivals, we know he can do teamwork exceptionally well. Left field also requires great knowledge of the game, and his meta-vision being able to predict what the runners will do will be able to help him by making the perfect throws to the infield for a given situation. He's got a great view of the entire field and although he probably won't be making any outs aside from outfield catches (which he can make a lot of!!!) he is indispensable when it comes to holding off the runners from advancing.
Bachira Meguru:
I want to put him at second base. The middle infield has him bouncing around a lot, as he'll have to cover both second and first base depending on which way the ball is hit, and I am solid in my belief that Bachira can handle that. As a technical player, I really like putting him in this position as I imagine him getting a lot of contact with the ball and being a playmaker for the team. Tagging runners, getting a cut from the outfield, and just generally getting a read of the field by being in the middle of it has me solid that he'll be able to make great plays from this position. I imagine that Bachira's monster/instinct has him making a lot of double plays. He'll be able to get someone out at second and then make a great, yet unexpected throw to first or home for another out.
Chigiri Hyoma:
He's so centerfielder to me. With how well he's performing in Manshine right now it makes sense to me to give him a sort of "leadership role" in the outfield. He'd definitely be the player in the outfield who has to move around the most and I think his speed would be best utilized here. Whether its for making amazing running/diving catches or running in to pick up a ground ball that manages to slip past second and short, I think putting Chigiri in centerfield gives him the opportunity to use a lot of his potential. Of course pinch runner Chigiri would be fun to see as well, maybe he's not in the batting lineup but when the pitcher or catcher gets on base he subs in for them to run the bases. Honestly thinking about CF Chigiri was what got me wanting to write this whole thing, he means so so much to me.
Kunigami Rensuke:
Third baseman. Yes I'm foaming at the mouth about this thought. Sue me. Not only does Kunigami's strength make him a great person to put here because of his ability to make great throws to both first and home, I think it's best to have your more physically dominant players toward the last bases. As the opponent progresses along the bases, it becomes more and more vital to get them out before they can make it home (duh). I think Kunigami, especially post-wildcard would be really aggressive on the base (occasionally to his detriment), enjoying tagging out players rather than going with an easier route of just stepping on the bag. He's probably also a clean-up hitter or at least close to the top of the lineup. I want to imagine he's also a lefty batter, maybe he's a slap hitter and it annoys everyone else. But yeah I really want to see him dominating third base and the whole foul line honestly.
Raichi Jingo:
He would be such a great shortstop okay just listen to me. The nature of middle infield is running around a lot (covering third, covering second, backing up second) and although it's not a lot of distance to cover, you're alternating between these positions a lot and Raichi definitely has the stamina to keep up with the demands of middle infield. We've seen it. I also think his tenacity is great for making him an awesome shortstop. He'll fully throw himself in front of a line drive to catch it (this works most of the time), ignoring the sting in his hand. I also imagine if a runner is about to steal third and Raichi is in possession of the ball, he'll charge at the runner to fully scare them back into staying at second before getting the ball back to the pitcher.
Barou Shouei:
The most egotistical pitcher you will ever meet dear god. His whole king shtick with the whole field revolving around his playstyle??? You literally can not put him in any other position. He's a menace on the field, trash talk both to his team and his opponent, but his money is where his mouth is. His great physicality would lend itself to fast, accurate pitches, but I imagine pre-development his short temper would lead to a lot of outbursts that affect his accuracy. He will get angry every time he doesn't pitch a no-hitter. Every time he's reminded that he has a whole team behind him to back him up if the batters hit, he'll bark that it's just him versus the batters and he will strike them out. Barou is the guy you don't wanna hit against, because he's good and he's annoying about it.
Aryu Jyubei:
This is a first baseman. Hear me out. First base gets quite a bit of action so Aryu's got the opportunity to be flashy and get a lot of notice, but that's like 10% of why I'm putting him here. Functionally, we see him dominate in air battles and with his long limbs it makes the most sense to put him on such a pivotal base. He's gonna get thrown to a lot, and it's undeniable that some shitty throws will be sent his way. His height/limbs will allow him to still catch virtually any ball sent his way even if it's far from the bag/overthrown while still keeping a foot on the bag to hopefully get an out. He's got the bag on lockdown but also a good few-foot radius around it.
Aiku Oliver:
Alright everybody act surprised when I say catcher. I know it's the obvious choice but that's because it makes so much sense. Obviously whenever your team isn't at bat you're on defense, but catcher is definitely the most defensive position one can think of, and that's where Aiku excels. I think his strength will be an asset behind the plate, as it'll be easy for him to throw to any base necessary, and he could also be a pretty formidable player to run toward for any opponent trying to steal home. I think his leadership that shines as captain of the U-20 team would also allow him to sync nicely with whatever pitcher he's teamed up with, and I also think his game sense will allow him to make quick decisions on where to throw the ball if he doesn't try to throw out someone stealing and just send the ball back to the pitcher.
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sarcastic-sketches · 1 year
TCW Snapshots: Kitsune Ed. Zygerria
Back on my Kitsune AU bullshit and I have considered various scenes that take place during the Clone Wars - and have written tons of dialogue for - but I have some favourites. I’ve already covered Umbara and the Zillo Beast but this one covers the Zygerria Arc because oh boy would that play very differently.
Anakin cannot play the part of the slaver, not with those very visible ears and tails that mark him for what he is - supposedly the last Kitsune in the Galaxy - his price tag with be practically unnamable. Sure, he could play the slaver but there’s no way the Queen would listen to him as one, she would just see his rarity and value. Anakin would know this. He would have to be the bait. He has to face that long buried trauma again and play the role of the slave. It’s fine, he says to himself, it’s just a role. He can handle it.
There’s nothing they could use to trap him that would keep him for long.
Nobody is happy about this and everyone knows that’s gonna have consequences of the mental kind but they can’t just leave the Togruta to their fate. Plus, the only other likely alternative is the Togruta child in their midst. A Jedi’s duty is to others before themselves...
But this leaves the part of the slaver open. Ahsoka can’t do it, for the aforementioned reasons. Rex is briefly considered but ultimately decided to also not be an option because he’s not trained as a negotiator, he can’t bluff his way through this. Privately, he also doesn’t think at this point in the timeline that he would be able to just hand over his General like he were an item to barter with. The mission always comes first and all that but the guy has realised he’s in love with Skywalker for over a year now, there would be tells he could not control. But you know who can? Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan who is Anakin’s teacher, his best friend, who is called ‘Master’ by Anakin for an entirely different reason. He realises just how much trust Anakin is placing in him to take on this role, but Anakin tells him that he refuses to call Obi-Wan ‘Master’ for the entire charade - refuses to tarnish the word he has come to accept as a term of respect - and Obi-Wan is grateful for that. It would fuck them both up once this was all over if he did.
Rex and Ahsoka are now on infiltration duty and they are the ones who get caught later to be showcased in the slave auction arena.
So you’ve got Rex and Ahsoka about to be made examples of, with Obi-Wan forced to whip them. Except, he clearly hesitates; he knows he has to do this for the ruse but this was NOT discussed as a possibility beforehand. Rex can take it, they both know this and he signals as such, but Ahsoka is a child, their padawan. Anakin consented to be put in the position he’s in for the plan, but not Ahsoka. 
Obi-Wan doesn’t get to make the choice in the end.
Anakin has had enough. It’s not pretty. Ankin is flying into a Full Kitsune mode fuelled rage right in the middle of the arena, snapping Ahsoka’s and Rex’s chains free before taking out the guards. Obi-Wan tries to reach out to him, to calm him down but the guards are closing in and now Rex is getting tasered. The lack of control, being enslaved again (just the mindset he’s put himself back into alone), and seeing the people he cares about most having to hurt each other have eaten through Anakin’s remaining calm and patience over the situation. The electro whips are doing bugger all to a Kitsune the size of an Acklay.
But then he stops. Stops in horror because the Queen has got a guard with a knife to Ahsoka’s throat in all the chaos.
Queen: If the legends are true, Kitsune were meant to be very protective of their own Queen: You clearly care for this one. I wonder, what would you be willing to do to keep her safe? Queen: If you’re good, she won’t be harmed. 
In the ensuing stand-off, Obi-Wan manages to grab Rex and high tail it out of there. There’s nothing he can do for Ahsoka or Anakin at that moment and they have a mission to finish. The risk to Anakin physically right now is very low, given he’s shown what he’s capable of, but the risk to his sanity is very high. Especially using Ahsoka as a bargaining chip. Initially, the Queen tries to put her in the cage, like she does in canon, but this causes Anakin to be less than 100% compliant given his stress (and therefore constant form changes) so the Queen gets crafty.
Queen: I am aware there’s very little I can do to you to get you to behave. I know better than to try and force your compliance like the others but that girl? You react as if she’s your cub. Queen: As a token of my good will, I will give her to you unharmed and in return you will do exactly as I say. Break this simple rule and I will kill her and should she be found to misbehave… Queen: Then the consequences will be on you.
She’s effectively got them both trapped. As long as Anakin does what she wants, Ahsoka can stay in the palace unharmed. As long as Ahsoka behaves, Anakin won’t be hurt in her stead.
It seems like a kinder gesture than the Queen is known for, but it’s only surface level. If he tries to kill the Queen or hurt her in any way, the guards will activate Ahsoka’s shock collar and kill her without hesitation. He can’t kill them all at once.
They get an additional reason to play by the rules, when Obi-Wan manages to pay them a visit in secret. He’s not best friends with a Shadow for nothing. If they can get info about where the other Togruta are being kept from the other slaves then Obi-Wan and Rex can deal with that before coming back to rescue them.
Cue Anakin being torn between obeying to the letter out of worry that Ahsoka will be hurt or taken away from him if he acts out AND wanting to rebel against authority and choose the path of Malicious Compliance just to show how unhappy he is about this entire situation. All while trying to get the info Obi-Wan needs to complete the mission - that was why he was here to begin with after all. 
The Queen can’t really pick a single thing she wants Anakin to do. Either act as her bodyguard or have him shapeshift into Smol Fox so she can have him on her lap like some exotic pet. He has to fight to not sink his claws into her legs.
Dooku eventually turns up and fucks up the Queen’s set up, thereby allowing Anakin and Ahsoka to get the co-ords to Kadavo in the ensuing chaos, which in turns allows Obi-Wan to send out a message to the Council about where the Togruta are. Master Plo goes to Kadavo and Obi-Wan and Rex blow their cover to get Anakin and Ahsoka out. With Dooku here there’s no need for subterfuge anymore. Anakin is very close to making the decision to level the entire palace on his way out but Rex manages to calm him down, pointing out that it isn’t just slavers in there. Not to mention what it would do to his psyche on top of everything else.
Anakin is just too powerful at this point, with five tails his anger could rip apart the very ground he’s stood on. He can’t afford to give in because the destruction would be too broad, there’s no control to that. But Rex? His anger is just enough to shoot someone's head clean off at over 500 yards. After all, he’s not a Jedi.
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nightfury-2001 · 5 months
Okay so. Self-indulgent HTTYD fanfic idea!!! (+ General stuff about main AU
Can't get this out of my head so I'm putting this out there even though I'm not sure I'll ever write a single chapter for this lol
To start off - I imagine this story would feature almost exclusively OCs and have basically nothing to do with canon characters until possibly waaaaay later into the story or like, a sequel if I got that far. It also would take place in my version of the HTTYD universe/my main AU, so certain major events happened differently or never happened at all, various minor details may be changed or ignored entirely, a couple of dragon species may be redesigned if they appear at all, etc..
Really what I'm trying to say is this fic wouldn't be something very many people would be interested in and I'm totally okay with that lol.
Anyway, with that out of the way let's get into what it would actually be about:
After what was supposed to be an easy job goes horribly wrong, a young dragon trapper has an experience that challenges her beliefs and causes her to question if she really wants to continue in her parent's footsteps.
(She stares at the beast. At first glance, it is so very different. But is it truly that different after all?)
As you probably guessed from that simple summary or whatever you'd call it, the fic would be about a young dragon trapper/hunter questioning what she's been taught all her life about dragons after one saves her, and the friendship that slowly forms between her and that dragon. (And yes I imagine the dragon is a Northern Night Fury* because this would be written by me, were you expecting anything different lmaoo)
I realize it could perhaps be a bit too similar to HTTYD 1.....what can I say, it's my favorite movie and I really love it and its themes - but really I do feel like the story/characters I'm imagining are different enough to not have it feel like a cheap knockoff.
But anyway! A couple of details and things I've come up with so far because I have more than just the main idea(s):
- The fic would begin a little after the events of HTTYD 2 - which I imagine HTTYD 2 happened mostly the same as in canon, but I'm seriously debating having Hiccup be the chief/stay the chief in my main AU. Not to go off on a bit of an unrelated tangent but honestly, I'm one of the people that thinks he's just not that well suited for the role. And like yeah, I get the whole parallel - Hiccup becomes the leader of the humans of Berk like how Toothless becomes the leader of the dragons of Berk - but I'm just saying even some of the people who worked on the film thought Astrid should be chief lol
- Anyway so I imagine the young dragon trapper's parents (and their parent's crew) are skilled and pretty well respected dragon trappers/hunters that worked for/supplied dragons to Drago in the past, but since his defeat they've been kinda struggling to find a new employer(s) and have had to travel to unfamiliar areas to find unprotected wild dragons.
- That's how the young dragon trapper ends up in the situation™. She's out helping a small group of older and more experienced trappers with what sounded like an easy job, but due to them getting a bit too cocky on an unfamiliar island they end up getting ambushed by a powerful and territorial dragon. It goes about as well as you would expect it would and our young dragon trapper is certain she's about to die just like the others until! The chonk swoops in and scares off the other dragon!
- Existential crisis time because she just got saved by a dragon.
Other things:
- By "young" I mean around 19-20 or so and not like, a literal child - I imagine the chonk is also around the same age lol
- Also in my AU, while some dragon species are more comparable to parrots/cetaceans/etc., most species could be considered sapient in a human sort of way even if they don't necessarily have literal human-level intelligence in all areas. There's even a couple of species, such as Furies, that I imagine have actual human-level intelligence - they just don't act like humans since they're giant reptiles/reptile-like creatures and don't process the world in the exact same way as humans do and have evolved to have different instincts, etc.
- Soooo because of that I think the idea of occasionally having a chapter from the POV of the chonk would be fun. Even if it's only a chapter or two I could explore the idea of why she decided to save the human (could be really interesting I think, especially if the chonk knew/understood she was a dragon trapper/hunter and chose to save her anyway).
This is really long and I've been working on this post for hours and um yeah. Enjoy I guess?
(*Northern Night Furies are a fan species made by me, basically they're big chonky seal inspired Furies that live in very cold environments. They're usually very friendly and curious creatures.)
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Really loved your Beauty and the Beast Au! Youre an amazing writer, and it drew me in with like the first sentence! I know Lance is bitter about his situation (gosh love that langst) but I'd love to see how long and how the castle inhabitants would react to Lances situation. Is there more Langst? Found family fluff? What makes Keith a beast??
Thank you for creating!
ooooooou thank u for asking bc this forces me to get into brainstorm mode (so i might actually update lol). this got super long so im gonna put a readmore
yes lance is super bitter about his situation and he absolutely has a right to be. he, like belle, is most definitely the town outcast/weirdo, but unlike belle, he's not the smartest person in town?? like he's not a huge reader, he's more of a math person but even still. he's not strong like his brothers so he doesn't work well on the farm. he doesn't articulate himself well so people generally think he's dumb, even though he's really not. he gets frustrated at school because the way he makes sense of things doesn't line up with the way he's supposed to do things, so he doesn't do well. he has excellent aim, but he's a horrible hunter because he refuses to kill any animals (he loves them too much). he's kind of the disappointment on every end, and he knows that, and he hates it
he wasn't necessarily SURPRISED that he was chosen to be the one to be sent up for the beast, but he's hurt anyway. it hurts him more because it was up to the ENTIRE TOWN to vote, and his family has nine people besides him, and literally only three people (veronica and his niece & nephew) didn't vote for him and that hurts him so so bad. he feels super betrayed by his family, and it's worse bc he knows they love him and they try their best to include him & do what's best for him but they genuinely don't know what to do for him so the relationship is pretty strained
the inhabitants are very used to lance's situation, at least initially!! the way i have planned out is that keith's parents died when he was around 6, and so keith was made king, but obviously the poor kid was miserable and grieving and in WAY over his head. his uncle, zarkon, was gunning for the throne obviously, and as keith's new guardian he kept trying to convince keith to give up his rights to him, but keith never even heard a word from him like he would just scream at every person who so much as looked at him wrong. none of the staff could handle him, with the exception of shiro, the oldest squire of the kingdom(late teens) & keith's only friend/older brother figure, and even that was strained, but shiro loves keith and did what he could to support him. however since zarkon wanted that throne so bad, he made a deal with an iffy enchantress, honerva, who came to the castle one rainy night and begged for shelter. since, again, keith was 6 yrs old and literally had the worst possible thing that could happen to him happen, he was horrible to her, so she cursed him -- he would look as beastly as he feels inside, and if he doesnt find someone to fall in love with him & marry him in 20 years, he was gonna be stuck that way. all the workers of the castle got stuck as household objects w him too bc zarkon, who sucks, paid her extra to make that happen, and then dipped before he could be affected.
to try and save themselves, the kingdom staff came up with a plan -- they would invite a noble kid keith's age to be his betrothed, to come live with him for a while and be keith's royal consort basically when they were old enough to get married. common occurrence! except...keith is not only still grieving, but now he's literally cursed AND he's feeling hefty guilt about how the rest of the staff is cursed only he has no idea how to express himself so it just comes out as rage. obviously the noble kid backs out after like a month of being near keith. this happens again, and again and again, until the staff (namely shiro & adam) had no more noble kids to choose from, so they trickled down to the townspeople. over the years, this info passed from town to town, and evolved into a lottery that each town did when it was their turn: they would send a young person around the prince's age to be betrothed to him. should this young person manage to find the prince agreeable and marry him, regardless of the lack of royal blood in their lineage, they would become his equal, and their family would be treated accordingly. (so it makes SENSE why lance was sent. lance knows that by marrying the prince he will do more for his family than he ever would be able to otherwise. still hurts a bunch.)
shiro & adam and everyone else in the castle is well used to a new person coming to win keith's heart. keith is rude & jaded & honestly kind of mean (he's traumatised), so they're also used to no one lasting more than two months before quitting.
lance, of course, is a special case, because he is the most stubborn person alive. most people who come are afraid of keith. lance is fuckin' mad at him. lol.
yes there will be found family fluff!! and, also, lance's family situation is stupid complicated BUT he still loves them and they still love him and there WILL be a nuanced perspective. this fic will be about CHOICE, even when that choice is hard as shit.
feel free to send me more questions!! i will have an update soon hopefully
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mugentakeda · 1 year
mujin headcanons ?? or just samurai champloo headcanons in general,,
you have seriously no idea the kind of beast you have trifled with asking me this. most of these are specific and kinda complicated because im insane and put deep thought into everything abt samcham but some are just simple and silly. Lets begin
OK SO. i have deep reasoning for almost any of my headcanons because im a stickler for abiding by canon as much as i possibly can no matter how ridiculous the headcanon is. headcanons for ME personally esp with aus and stuff are like "how would this character act in this fucked up situation" rather than coming up with fanon bullshit based on absolutely nothing which just strips characters of their bare essentials which is stupid so yeah. im gonna get the big ones out of the way then get smaller as i go
-i use they/she/he for jin. my hc for their gender and sexuality is kinda hard to describe and idek if theres a label for it but i just phrase it as any gender and no gender at the same time. i think jin doesnt personally view their gender as anything specific and presents mostly neutrally and people just perceive them for what they choose to see. women like seeing jin as a handsome androgynous woman (like a bifauxnen). men like seeing jin as a beautiful man. vice versa. jin has no attachment to such things they just go with the flow and presentation doesnt mean anything profound for them personally other than like. an accessory or something???? idk. i like to see shino and jin as nblw because their story reminds me of something tragic lesbians would do. but tdlr no matter what gender you are being into jin is gay inherently -jin is a virgo, fuu is a libra, and mugen is a scorpio. common traits for virgos include loyalty, practicality, overly critical of self and others, dislikes rudeness and asking for help. they can be closed off and can be misunderstood by others due to this, but they have deep senses of humanity. traits for libras include social, gracious, desire for companionship, in a constant chase for justice and equality, a dislike for comformity and loudmouths. traits for scorpios include resourcefulness, passion, assertiveness, fearless, a dislike for dishonesty, small talk, superficiality. i originally based the specific dates (sept 4th for jin, oct 9th for fuu, and nov 3rd for mugen) based on the number of diamonds in jins mon, the number of letters in 'sunflower' for fuu (sunflower season ends in october!), and the 3 corners of the triangle on the back of mugens happi. EVERYTHING IS INTENTIONAL!!!!! -jin is actually left handed, but such a thing is forbidden for samurai, so jin had to force themself to use their right. you wouldnt know it at first glance but if you saw jins fancy kanji caligraphy using their left hand compared to their uniformed and almost robotically perfect handwriting with their right youd be able to tell what theyre truly most comfortable with -mugen and jin have to bicker about literally everything. like jin will say something and mugen sometimes will actually agree but he’ll say something purposefully contrarian and stupid just to get on jins nerves. it takes hard work to get an actual rise out of them but sometimes just the blank stare or the raised eyebrow is enough to make mugen cackle
-making clean kills is practiced for jin because the feeling of sticky blood and the stench makes them antsy. the night that they stumbled out into the dark after accidentally killing enshirou, itd been everywhere. soaking their clothes, under their nails, on their lips, in their eyelashes and hair. theyd thrown up and wailed hysterically like a wounded animal and then collapsed into an ice cold river to claw it off in panic and nearly drowned from the force of the river waves and the shock of the whole situation and then they just passed out on the bank from exhaustion and didnt wake up for 15 hours
-after the finale, mugen recovers (somehow) from his injuries after 2 weeks. however, this did not account for the chronic pain that sticks with him and worsens in the cold and rain. hed find later that jin, his perfect bird of a feather, gets debilitating migraines and back pain in the cold and rain. they can be in bed and in pain together
-jin doesnt force their meticulous and traditional routines onto mugen so theyll slink out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to do their weird praying and katas and meditation and mugen will sleep until past noon and he'll always complain about them letting him sleep the day away and theyll always just hum in response
-jin can NOT cook for shit but id like to think they work to improve as a way of remembering shino fondly. before meeting her they could brew a mean ass cup of tea and steamed rice. but that was literally it. but now they can make some simple things like clear mushroom soup and dumplings and they intend on expanding
-mugen is a closeted fine arts snob. he thought the shit was flowery and boring before but jin reads their favorite poems and epics to him and theyve furthered his education where sensei bundai left off so they do a lot of poetry writing as exercises. mugen likes haikus a lot. and he likes those weird noh theaters that jin loves. especially the vile ones with the drama and violence and cheating and death and betrayal. jin forces him to go to the romance ones too its just against his will those times
-jin will not let him hit until he has bathed. the first time he propositioned them they threw him in a huge hot bath like an animal and combed through every matted knot in his hair, scrubbed his back and behind his ears, carved the dirt out from under his yellow fingernails with a small knife, forced a wad of mint leaves in his mouth. jin plucks their eyebrows so maybe theyre kind of over the top about it but then mugen considers rinsing himself off in river water bathing so maybe theyre being perfectly reasonable
-they tell each other scar stories and random events that happened before they met each other. theres a lot of observing without words that they both do to get to know each other but they also do a lot of talking. it always happens at night when theyre both kind of tipsy on sake or wine because thats the only time jin feels loosened up enough to not clam up over memories
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necronatural · 8 months
aaaaaaaaaaaa (<- the sound of a beast with too many thoughts in it's head trying to communicate them)
the little comic about Charon's age honestly opened my eyes to new thoughts about the nini au. Namely the other sinners and how they feel about little Iris (she's like a kitten to me, in my head, and I know next to nothing about her. Incredible work)
There's only two who are remarkably consistent with the situations my brain is making up in regards to the vibes. Gregor and Ryoshu are strangely static with how I see them interacting with the littol, namely that my interpretation of Gregor sees him not trusting himself to be left alone with her and not hurting her even if he doesn't say it out loud. and Ryoshu being surprisingly good with kids (this comes from her possibly having had a daughter of her own at some point but absolutely no telling what happened to that daughter until her Canto rolls around), one of the few who could be left alone with Iris for a bit with 0 bad things happening (I'd consider it surprising to anyone else in universe given her general temperament otherwise)
though this is only one of the thoughts that's been occupying my brainspace, good work really. I hope you don't mind me sharing these thoughts
you can see how i sit on my asks sometimes.
I disagree with 0 bad things happening with Ryoshu, who will identify her rebellious spirit and try to nurture it causing wanton disaster as a result.
I think Iris would react better to people who want to know more about this situation as her main beef is Dante being put in a position of total ignorance, and she'd be a heat-seeking missile to those who have an actual problem with this info being withheld, so i think she'd be the most trusting of Heathcliff of all people. LOL.
Iris is a kitten in that she's an incendiary anklebiter. Not as a base character trait, just because this situation is something that makes her very angry.
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musicalpancakes77 · 4 months
Hi Hannah! For the WIP meme I want to hear more about "I told myself I wouldn't but here it is LETS GO BOYS"
GRACE hello!!! I'm so happy that you want to hear about what is arguably the most obscurely named wip i have A;LSDKFJA thank you!! This wip in particular is a project that I don't think I'll come back to, mostly just because it got too big and complicated in my head and I don't know if I have the passion- or even the want- to write the other main character- which I'm sure you can imagine kills any drive to write this beast lmao.
The more affectionate name- and the more descriptive one- for this document is "The Bobby Timeloop AU". I have a very particular love for Bobby Fulbright from Ace Attorney Dual Destinies but I also hate the Phantom, so that makes finding fics I like of him so hard. A lot of people like the phantom- and they're so valid for it! But I like Bobby and I wanted a cooler Bobby-centric fic. I can't remember how I got the idea but I do know that I did some serious work plotting out the sequence of moment (if you know how complicated and stupid the path of movement is in the last case of DD then you KNOW what I'm talking about). I even have a picture!! Though I'll put that at the end under a read more or smth haha
The general gist of the plot was that the Phantom was using Bobby not only for his identity and the privileges of his job, but he was also going to use him as a clean get away so that way he could get Bobby convicted of the crime and also get rid of a mask he probably wouldn't even need use of again. Very much a "I only kept you alive so I can wrap this up in a nice little bow and make my escape without ever revealing I have any connections in the first place" situation. So Bobby is brought along The Day Of The Crime and forced to help the Phantom set everything up- before being knocked out and forced onto the Launch pad (or wherever?? Athena was found or smth??) so that way the Phantom could make a get away while the cops found Bobby. But uh oh! Time Loop! And so Bobby is forced to replay the day, over and over again, try to stop the phantom lots of times, probably die a lot of times, get arrested a lot of times, and maybe only live to see the light of day once, if he's lucky :)
My downfall in the end is that I did not want to write the Phantom- I loved writing Bobby's bits, but I hated trying to characterize the Phantom, get in his head, find out what was Characteristic of him when I think he's just. Written kinda poorly at the end of the game anyway. And I think it was a lot more convoluted and darker than I wanted to originally go with, so while I wanted to keep it somewhat serious and comedic, it just got one-sided on Serious, which wasn't much fun for me.
I still love the idea though- just not my execution. Bobby is still one of my favorite little guys- I just don't talk about him much. Maybe I'll figure out a way to write a fic for him someday, but probably not this one :') Despite that, here's a few lil snippets, since this will probably die in my drive after this LMAO
He awoke to the sound of humming, and to a blooming pain in his left temple. There was an engine, gently purring life, over the sound of tires against gravel. Heat wafted towards his face, barely, and he felt confined to the seat he laid on. The buckle dug into his hip- the right one- as the seatbelt spanned across his stomach and down under his bulk. Despite the clothes he wore, it still chaffed.  He was…. in a moving car. His car. He’d only realized after they went over a bump and the axle made that worrying SQUEAK it always did after running through a pothole. His head lifted and his left temple slammed into the hand compartment on the door. Pain bloomed all over again. He withheld a pained noise and instead opted for a harsh exhale. Maybe they’d notice him less that way. They went over a pothole- again- and his temple flared with pain without fail.
Then there was nothing. . . . He awoke to the sound of humming, and a blaring pain in his left temple.
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
Word prompt for the letters! SWORD TIME
mina pls that is so many letters lmao
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
okay, if it is not obvious, i have thought SO MUCH about disability in exandria, so heres a general worldbuilding headcannon vs character based hc but it's shown that disability isn't overly impactful in exandria. basically everything we've seen ranging from pcs like shakaste to big npcs like dancer and also smaller one off pcs like the moorbounder dealer in the city of beasts, whatever the name is, they're fully functional within society despite major physical disabilities and theres functionally not a whole lot of ableism at a surface level when it comes to worldbuilding (thanks matt).
however..... its not hard (for me) to extrapolate how the dynasty in particular would have a not great view on disability (thank u cherry for putting it into words as i was charlie day-ing over coping skills early on). it's not something that i talk about explicitly in coping skills (and may not since it would be really info dumpy and not vibe with the way i write or characterize the wizards lmao) but it's something ive spent a great deal of time thinking thru for the dang fic and my in-head notes are basically a) in a modern setting like coping skills, the healthcare situation moves at a glacial pace partly because elves live forever so what is a several year wait for a non emergent specialist issue and b) major disabilities, things that impact daily living to a significant degree that cannot be "fixed" with magic, are at best really only tolerated until anamnesis or consecution so the body can be reset into a more perfect form
i could wax poetic about the nitty gritty as it relates to coping skills specifically, but that is like, the base premise of 90% of the fic lmao
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
okay so, heres the thing: with the exception of a few squicks, if something is well written with some fukken *heart* i will eat up just about anything. theres some tropes i don't really get myself and haven't found anything with it that's interested me, like hanahaki, but i have fav fics involving things i notoriously avoid, like kid fic and hs aus. like legitimately, my absolute fav fic is a non explicit hs au, which considering i basically dont read non explicit fics OR hs aus is fucking wild
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
lets see, i did one here for an ashrym fic, and one here for general shadowgast so lets go with a single character, and a delightfully weird song for her
obviously imogen, again, because its funny. do not ask me why spotify recommended this german edm country album to me a bit ago but i listened to the whole thing and it fucking slapped, and this song immediately went on my hells playlist
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I AM ONLY DOING ONE BECAUSE I DONT TRUST YOU MINA (ilu but also damn many letters lmao)
but callowmoore is just chefs kiss. i don't see anything necessarily romantic between them but i love the idea of the two of them bonding over being absolute gremlins. ashton definitely needs a charismatic wingman and fearne definitely needs someone who has (some level of) smarts re Doing Crimes, so the two of them playing off each other is just delightful and i love how soft they are with each other in cannon and in turn all the fanart (especially the forehead kiss???? im still not normal about that)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
hmmmmmmmmmmm okay i guess maybe reylo? the rots kiss was absolute garbage rey deserves better BUT i am in theory into her domming the shit out of him but reylo shippers as a whole soured me on the ship and now i just hhhh no thank you, even from authors i trust to write it in a way i'd enjoy :C
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
T answered here! (basically no lmao)
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
homestuck :I like part of it was definitely the Fandom Cycle of falling out if interest with something, especially once there stopped being new cannon i could access but a bigger part of it was seeing all my fav artists and writers in the fandoms, particularly the ones 30+, PARTICULARLY Black artist, being absolutely shat on by kids for the crime of... being adults in fandom spaces basically, or otherwise creating fanworks that featured non-white, non-thin depictions of the characters. i live vicariously thru @/roundandtalented when they spam share hs art because i still love those characters but yeesh ye olde tumblr hs fandom got VERY toxic
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
answered once here with ashton and here with astarion so i guess i gotta keep the train going with "a" name characters
okay lets say abby from ncis (i have watched Many crime procedurals lmao). i imagine she and i would be GREAT fashion buddies, especially when i'm bubblegum pop kawaii to her scary goth. we could swap tips on breaking in big stompy boots and all the best places for cute clothes, and i think we're fairly close in size too so could even SWAP gasp The Dream
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
god i do not know if fandom as a whole has picked up on any of the various things i've built in my fics but tbh i think its absolutely hilarious how i inevitably write a porn/camming au for like every fandom i write multiple fics for. it happens, every single time. EVERY TIME. in fact, mine and cherry's sg camming au started with me lampshading this trend i have, laughing about how FINALLY here was a fandom where i couldn't write camming and make it work, except whoops i thought too hard on it and made it work. this occurred over the course of like..... a single evening. i had the basic outline sketched out within twenty minutes of me being like "theres no way i could write camming into critical role, NO WAY" i am not even exaggerating
so i guess maybe my hilarious contribution to critical role is the contemporary magical setting proof-of-concept???? cherry did say there werent really that many at the time i asked because i lov me some modern aus
there are maybe some letters left idk at this point lmao but here is the meme for those of u who made it thru all that
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
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I posted 5,272 times in 2022
345 posts created (7%)
4,927 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 99 of my posts in 2022
#henry cavill - 20 posts
#valentines ask - 12 posts
#chris evans - 7 posts
#henry cavill x reader - 7 posts
#henry cavill x you - 6 posts
#henry cavill smut - 6 posts
#chris evans x you - 5 posts
#chris evans smut - 5 posts
#chris evans x reader - 5 posts
#submission - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#those chips you find under the steak that have soaked up all the amazing flavours and are now drenched in mayo
I personally find this hilarious that i tag so few posts and the biggest one is about food lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Beast and the Beauty
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Summary: Life with your prim and proper boyfriend Humphrey is luxurious but boring, so you try and spice it up a little. However when he’s delayed at work one night and you end up getting locked out of your apartment, your neighbour Sy comes to your rescue and makes your evening a whole lot spicier.
Fandoms: Henry Cavill, Stardust Movie (modern day AU), Sandcastle Movie
Pairing: Syverson x Reader, Humphrey x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, cheating, dubious consent, morally grey situation, oral sex (female receiving), Oral Sex/Blowjob, Fingering, Sex Toys/Buttplug, Rimming, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Squirting, Cream Pie, Sloppy Seconds, Anal Play, Anal Creampie, hints at cuckolding.
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This is another story that i started months ago and had langished in writers block purgatory. Originally i had intentions of making this dom/sub, but that kept making me stumble. Instead this is simply rough sex with a dominant male. Female reader is fairly sassy and would not be considered a ‘sub’ generally. A/N 2: At one point i describe Sy wrapping his fingers into the readers hair. I kept this as un-descriptive as possible so to include as many different types of hair, only mentioned that its tugged at the roots, which i believe would work with any hairstyle with the exception of hair shorter than 2cm/1inch.
Beast and the Beauty
“Darling, i’m so sorry, but this could really advance my standing with the company, they’ve only just let me handle the big construction account”
You sighed at your boyfriend's words. You’d been looking forward to him coming over tonight, had bought the things to cook dinner and had prepared a few things to spice up the evening afterwards. But you knew he wanted to succeed and climb the corporate ladder, and going to ‘the club’ for drinks with the high flyers in corporate would get his foot in the door.
“Humph its fine, we can do it another night”
“Darling, you’re an absolute sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you”
You grinned; “You certainly will”
“Oooh” you heard people talking and calling out to him in the background; “I’ve got to go Darling, i’ll give you a call later”
“Okay, bye Humph”
The sound of men laughing in background and Humphrey muttering a goodbye was the last thing you heard before the line went dead. With a sigh you set your phone on the counter and wondered what to do with your evening. 
An hour later you’d rage cleaned your kitchen, vacuumed the rugs, and emptied the trash baskets, loading everything into one bag. With your music still playing through your earpods you took a deep breath and let the breeze from the open window cool your skin, before grabbing the trash bag and stepping out into the hallway to drop it down the garbage chute. Halfway down the hall as you hummed along to your playlist you felt the gust of wind followed by the loud bang and your heart sank; your apartment door had blown shut. With you on the wrong side of it. Dropping the bag you hurriedly patted down your tiny booty shorts like a dumbass, there weren’t even pockets in the tiny scrap of fabric, let alone had you remember to put anything in them. 
“Fuck” you cursed, looking down at your outfit. It was one you had specifically bought to tease Humphrey; booty shorts, cropped t-shirt, and over the knee socks, knowing it was super casual to his primped and proper button up shirts and chinos he always wore. With a sigh you knew what your only option was, so admitting defeat you grabbed the trash bag and shot it down the chute, before standing in front of your neighbours door, knocking with your knuckles. 
The door swung open and a rush of air wooshed past you, and it felt like the oxygen had been sucked from your lungs. Standing in the doorway pretty much blocking out all of the light spilling into the hallway from his apartment was your neighbour; Sy.
The brute of the man let a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, crossing his arms as he leant against the frame of the door;
“What do we have here then?”
“Hi… I was putting the trash out but the wind caught my door…”
“And now you’re stuck”
“Wearing that”
He paused, blatantly looking you up and down before you crossed your arms;
“You know what, forget it. I’ll go see Mrs Cooper downstairs”
Turning away you were stopped when a massive hand caught your arm;
“Hey, I'm sorry. You wanna come in?” turning back to him the cockyness was gone; “I promise i’ll even be nice”
See the full post
542 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Netflix and Chilled
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Summary: Living in a shared house, you do your best to keep your sexual desires a secret, especially from your attractive floor buddy Henry. But when the heating goes out and you’re both cold, surely watching a movie cuddled under the duvet wouldn’t lead to anything?
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Female Reader Henry is a inexperienced Dom, Reader is an experienced Sub.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Friends to Lovers, Oral, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Anal Toys, cum play, body piercings.
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This originally started out as a Mikey x Reader story but then i got writers block. That was until i got one helpful comment in particular on AO3 and it inspired me to change it to RPF and make it Henry instead of a character. Thank you AO3 commenter!
Netflix and Chilled
Living in a shared house could be a pain sometimes, but once you got the right mix of people things seemed to flow nicely. The house itself was perfect, spread over a grand total of five stories, it was tall and narrow, a kitchen and living room on the entry level with a basement containing two bedrooms below. Above the shared area’s there were two more main levels each with two bedrooms and then an attic room. 
You had one of the basement rooms, sometimes a bit too cold in the winter. It however had its own access through a low doorway out beneath the stone stoop and steps of the front door, as did the other room in the basement that led into the garden at the rear. A small shared shower room was the bathroom for the basement, which your floor roommate kept relatively clean, although did have a tendency to leave body hair pretty much everywhere and didn’t know how to hang towels up to dry.
Ah yes, your floor-mate; Henry. Tall and skinny Henry, with a goofy smile and inappropriate jokes. Henry who went from job to job, never lasting long in each position from either getting fired or quitting. The only thing he did seem to stick to was his guitar practice, and many weekend mornings you were gradually woken to the soft strumming of his acoustic guitar. You’d made the ‘mistake’ of walking into his room one morning with a mug of tea for him as you’d heard him playing, almost spilling the contents when you’d seen that he was sitting there in just his boxers as he had been trying a particularly difficult chord whilst hungover. You’d made a hasty exit, apologising for not knocking. It was after that morning you could understand why the women that Henry brought home made so much noise; the guy was certainly packing some equipment in the underwear department. It was a few weeks later when most of the housemates were sat around the table for dinner did the subject get onto Henry’s conquests, and someone had teased him that it was a different girl each time and why he didn’t keep one around for longer than just a night. His reply was that they were ‘too vanilla’ for him which made everyone laugh, but the subject was then dropped.
You’d made no attempt to take part in that conversation, partly out of a well hidden jealousy, but also you didn’t want to get interrogated as your own tastes were considerably darker than anyone knew about. Occasionally you’d have your own conquests, but you always went back to their place so your housemates were none the wiser of your preferences. As far as they were concerned you were the one who liked fairy lights and fluffy pillows, completely unaware of your box of tricks you kept in the bottom drawer next to your bed. It was one of those tricks that had almost got you caught out that morning, just after you and Henry had returned from the supermarket where it had been your turn on the monthly rota to buy cleaning supplies and bathroom tissue for the whole house. Two of your other housemates had been loitering in the kitchen as you’d bent over to stash the laundry detergent into the low cupboards when one had let out a low whistle as your lower back had come into view from your low riding sweatpants and t-shirt;
“Gurrrl, no panties? Really getting into that relaxed weekend vibe…”
The other had laughed as you’d spun around and stood quickly, glaring at them and annoyed with yourself for almost revealing one of your secrets. Glaring at both of them you pulled your t-shirt up at the front, exposing the thin elastic band of your underwear;
“You two can just shut up”
You slammed the cupboard door shut and left the room, angry not only at them but also at yourself. You’d worked so hard to keep everything a secret, and there you were almost giving things away. Passing Henry in the hallway you stomped downstairs.
As he entered the kitchen Henry turned to his two housemates;
“What was that all about?”
As the two other guys stood up they shrugged;
“Dunno… when she bent over her sweats slipped down and you could see the top of her ass crack and Dave made a joke about going commando…”
“But she wasn't, she showed us the elastic to her panties when she turned around in a huff…”
Henry shrugged;
“Guys, you know she’s a private person. Take it easy on her, ok?”
“Yeah, whatever man. Think the cold it getting to everyone”
Henry turned and looked at the silent water heater in the corner of the kitchen;
“When is that getting fixed again? It's freezing in this house at the moment”
“Dunno… next week i think”
In your room you had rolled up a blanket and put it along the bottom of the outside door to try and prevent the cold from outside coming in through the gap, and switched on the small fan heater you’d had in case of emergencies. You planned on crawling under your duvet and watching movies, perhaps treating yourself to some personal time if the house went quiet. What you hadn’t expected was a quiet knock at the door;
“Only me” 
Henry. He was probably bored and tended to loiter when he didn’t have any plans. You didn’t mind but it just meant the personal time you’d considered would have to wait. Looking up you saw him entering your room with two steaming mugs piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows, the aroma of chocolate wafting on the chilled air of the room;
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576 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Heads up for non UK people: if your mutuals aren't online for the next couple of days, its because we have a HUGE Atlantic storm about to hit the entire country. Storm Eunice is due to make landfall 9am Friday Feb 18th, with sustained wind speeds of 80mph in the west of the country, and even 400+ miles inland, the storm will still be strong enough to obliterate urban areas and major cities with wind speeds of 70mph.
Unfortunately this storm arrives after a very rainy winter, plus a previous storm having hit the country just 48 hours earlier. Coincide with an early spring, trees already starting to bud and grow leaves, and soft earth meaning root networks have only sodden ground to try and cling to, its looking like hundreds of thousands of homes could be without power.
On the plus side, homes here are generally made of stone, brick, or concrete, or substantial solid wooden buildings. But pretty much every govt agency is warning against travelling apart from essential journeys only.
The last time we had a storm with wind speeds this high, it cut power to 70% of the country for 10 days (1987).
So, fingers crossed we're all still here come Sunday.
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894 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
By The Waning Crescent Moon
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Summary: As an Omega you know you need to get home before your Heat starts, but when your car breaks down in the woods you need to seek refuge somewhere safe... surely a Convent will be the best place? Little do you know the nuns have long since left, only to be replaced by the worst possible thing; a pack of Werewolves. Even worse, its a full moon. Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie.
Wordcount: 4949
Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Syverson x Omega Female reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Desecration of Religious artefacts, Knotting, Werewolf Sex, Monsterfucking, Unplanned Pregnancy, ABO Dynamics
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This story has been stuck in WIP hell for a couple of months, i originally got psyched to write an entire werewolf gangbang, but then all the bullshit in the USA happened and yeah, forced pregnancy wasn’t at the forefront of everyone’s to do list, even in fanfic. Furthermore the wolf gang was originally going to be a biker gang, but another amazing writer @sillyrabbit81​ has since launched a truly amazing biker gang reverse harem fic, i decided to shelve that idea and instead sit on the original thought of werewolves for a while. I then had inspiration to make this a Syverson story, so here we go. The Were sex scene is heavily inspired by the graveyard scene between Lucy and Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula movie, which in my opinion is one of the greatest creature feature/monsterfucking movies in the history of cinema.
By the Waning Crescent Moon
You waited at the stop light, the remote intersection of two highways high up in the hills of logging country. It was dusk, yet the sky was hidden behind obsidian clouds, heavy rain systems waiting to release their downpours in sporadic outbursts. Despite the cold rain dulling the summer evening, you were burning up. You’d stopped at the last gas station and had stocked up on a huge slush drink and a popsicle, but neither had done anything to quell the growing warmth within your body. Sat in your flimsy sundress you were at least grateful that in a moment of optimism that morning you’d dressed for good weather, even if you’d spent the day wrapped in the cardigan you’d found on the back seat. However now as you felt a droplet of sweat make its way down your neck and cleavage, you cursed and opened the window, grateful for the cool damp air against your skin.
The red light finally changed and you muttered under your breath to yourself as you pushed your old Nissan into gear;
“C’mon, lets get home” you said to no-one except yourself.
The highway grew narrow as it entered the woods, just a single lane in each direction, tall cedar trees closing in on both sides. The rain wasn’t as heavy beneath the thick canopy above you, instead there were wisps of mist clinging to the roadway’s edge. 
As you continued along you felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, a cramp that grew with intensity like an old lightbulb trying to illuminate but suddenly extinguishing.
“Oh fuck…” you cursed, resting your hand on your stomach as you rubbed to ease the ache. You drove on cautiously, ignoring the rattle that was emanating from the engine, your mind elsewhere. You had only finished your last period a little over a week ago so it wasn’t that. You could feel another cramp starting to build, your concentration far from the road. That was more than likely the reason you didn’t notice the pothole, the car shook and the suspension made a deafening thunk as you hit the flooded crater without pause. With a scream you pulled your full attention back to the road, ignoring the cramp pulling at your gut as you struggled to keep the car on the road, slowing gradually until you were able to pause. The sudden understanding hit your mind as the realisation of what was happening registered. You scrambled for your phone, opening the calendar and scrolling back to the cold winter months. 
A cold chill ran down your back like icy fingers against your spine. Six months. Almost to the day. Six months since your last heat.
“Shit fuck FUCK” you shouted at the rain splattered windows. How could you have missed it? As another cramp hit your stomach you curled over and rested your head against the steering wheel, at which moment your phone chimed. Peering out of one eye you looked at the screen and the reminder that had just popped up;
*Heat starting soon!!!*
“Yes, THANK YOU. 24 hours too late”
As an unmated Omega you set yourself reminders for when your heat was due, coming every six months you generally made arrangements to work from home, and ensure you loaded your purse with suppressants and painkillers so to deal with the build up. It would seem this time however you hadn’t set the reminder early enough, as you had neither medication with you, but would also explain the hot sweats and the reason you’d woken up that morning tangled in the sheets after dreaming of faceless intimacy. 
With a sigh you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, before peering out of the windshield at the dark and twisting road. Engaging first gear you set off but were immediately reminded that something terminal had happened when you’d hit the hole in the asphalt, your car now leaning on the kerbside. For a moment you considered calling for a tow truck, but then the rapidly failing rational side of your brain reminded you that the truck would likely be driven by a man, and the last thing you needed when you were about to come into heat was to risk being stuck with an Alpha you didn’t know. No, you needed to try and limp your car home, at least close enough to town that you could call your roommate to come help, she’d know exactly what to do.  You made it a good couple of miles at a slow pace, the road straight and gently downhill, until a hairpin bend meant you had to sharply turn the wheel. Something loudly went ‘twang’ like a spring being violently recoiled. It was quickly followed by the sound of hissing air, and the car dropped even further on the kerbside. The tell-tale thud-thud-thud of a flat tyre could be heard as you freewheeled to the side of the road, before coming to a stop on the gravel side of the highway.
You took a deep breath and let out a scream, yelling at the windshield, before your stomach cramps hit back again. They were getting closer together and you knew you needed help. Checking your phone hopefully you were still disappointed when you saw that there was still no service, more than likely due to a combination of location and the bad weather. With a sigh you stared out of the windshield and you noticed a sign on a wall;
“The Sisters of St Augustus’ Refuge” you paused, the synapses in your brain firing and finally connecting; “A CONVENT! That’s just women!”
Climbing out of your car you grabbed your purse and cardigan, holding the latter over your head in a vain attempt to keep the worst of the rain off as you started to trot up the long driveway towards the building that loomed on the horizon. You failed to notice the other sign that lay on the ground, one put up by the real estate company handling the sale of the building but has since fallen.
The driveway was considerably longer than you anticipated, and by the time you were halfway your pace had slowed, your cramps now even worse. The large wooden doors of the convent came into view as you staggered closer, the rain and sweat mixing and running into your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled, your no longer white Converses catching on a pebble, righting yourself before you fell flat on your face. Another two steps and another pebble, you were falling when suddenly a pair of arms caught you, the dark robes fluttering in the storm as you blacked out.
Sy sat back in his chair, his boots resting on the large table as he picked at his nails with one long claw, being able to control the change to his advantage. Walter was pacing the room, pausing to glare at the clock on the wall before returning to pacing. Sy let out a small sigh, the entire pack was antsy, anxious and ready for the turn of the full moon, however this summer storm obscuring its silver rays was turning the pack into an angry mess. August had wisely disappeared into the depths of the building and Sy was thankful for that, he and Walter would always argue over the smallest thing. Sy also glanced at the clock, his stomach growling;
“Where is Mikey with that takeout?” he muttered to himself.
A sudden increase in background noise caused both Sy and Walter to pause and look up, their nostrils flaring. August entered the room from the door that led to the private quarters, just as the large double doors to the chapel opened. The two youngest members of the pack came bustling in, Will holding the doors open as Mikey staggered along, his long black duster raincoat still dripping with rain, a now soaked bag of takeout hanging from one hand, but what caught everyone’s attention was what else he was carrying; a young woman.
The room fell into an eerie silence as Mikey stood still, waiting to gauge the reaction from the rest of the pack;
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951 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
On Your Knees
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Summary: As general maid for 221 Baker Street, you assist most of the residents. However on one quiet night when most of them are out, only one resident returns to his home... a little worse for wear. He thanks you in the easiest way possible.
Fandoms: Enola Holmes 2, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut, NSFW, Drunk Sherlock, Oral Sex (Female Receiving).
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 1854
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
On Your Knees
The cold wind rattled the fragile glass in the frame, a chill advancing into your room even further as the dark night continued. The building of 221 Baker Street was colder than usual, most of the apartments empty for the night due to various parties and festive events happening this time of year meaning the tenants wouldn’t be back until the morning. 
As the scullery maid of 221 Baker Street you were in and out most of the apartments each day, tending to the fireplaces and delivering meals if required. The housekeeper who supervised you telling you where to go and what to do wasn’t around either, though her instruction was rarely needed anymore, you knew the routines of all of the tenants and could read the calendar hung in the kitchen showing who was home and who wasn’t.
At that moment the wind rushed against the window again and you pulled your dressing gown further around your body, shivering beneath your quilt. Glancing at your own laundry you’d hand washed that evening, your bloomers hung on the wooden airer where the chimney breast rose through the building. With every pair you owned doing little to dry in the cold attic room, you cursed your schedule for not giving you time to do it earlier in the day when the sun had been coming through the window. Now you just had your thin nightgown and woollen stockings to keep you warm beneath your dressing gown.
You were drawn from your thoughts by the sound of movement in the hallway far below your room. Freezing you wracked your brain to try to remember if any of the tenants were due back tonight, but none were. Through the eerie quiet of the house there was another bump and a quiet curse. You reached for the large floor brush that still sat beside the door to your room with its dustpan, lifting the brush as a weapon as you opened the door and carefully stepped out onto the old floorboards to peer down through the stairwell. Clinging to your brush you leant forwards over the bannister and peered through the darkness, a single lamp in the hall four floors down barely illuminating the entryway before you suddenly saw a shadow move. Letting out a small gasp you clamped your hand over your mouth as you watched, but that tension evaporated when you recognised the wide shoulders and curly dark hair of the tenant in apartment B;
“Detective Holmes!” you called out, the figure below swivelling rapidly before spinning and looking up.
“Ah. There you are…” a soft hiccup followed as he swayed on his feet.
“I’ll be right down Sir”
Just last week Mr Holmes’ sister helped him into his apartment having had too many drinks at the pub, and it would seem he’d done the same again tonight. Padding on stocking clad feet you descended the stairs quickly, soon arriving in the hallway as Mr Holmes swayed a little on his feet;
“Can i help you to your apartment Sir?”
“Oh that would be *hiccup* wonderful Darling”
Hooking your arm around his back and pulling his own arm over your shoulders, you started to help him up the stairs one at a time, before arriving at his apartment. 
“I have a… I have my… dammit” Mr Holmes cursed as he fumbled for his key, and as you glanced down you could see that the bunch of keys in his pocket had caught on the fabric and were stuck. Without even thinking you batted his hand away and slid your much smaller hand into his pocket, moving the keys around until they were no longer snagged on the fabric. You tried not to think of the heat radiating from Mr Holmes thigh, barely separated from your touch by a thin layer of cotton, nor the firm muscle beneath the fabric that flexed as your delicate fingers brushed against it. He answered your silent thoughts with a grunt, before you pulled the keys out and unlocked the door, all whilst he had his arm around your shoulder.
His body was firm and heavy, a welcome weight against your cold frame, and as he swayed you did so too, before he finally pulled his arm free of your shoulders and started to shuck off his coat and scarf, struggling as he went about the task.
“Mr Holmes, Sir, please let me help…”
He swung around, shrugging his shoulders, his coat now held on his arms around his elbows, his wide shoulders only accentuated by the white shirt and silk waistcoat that clung to his torso. Whilst distracted you didn’t spot his flailing, one stray arm of his coat socking you around the chin, and although not hurting you, caught you by surprise and knocked you back where you lost your footing and fell on your bottom. 
“Ta-da! Done it!” he proclaimed proudly, before spinning around; “Where did you…?”
Climbing to your feet you took the bundle of coat from the floor;
“Ah, there you are Darling, didn’t get you did i?”
“Just a little Mr Holmes. Let me hang this up for you”
As you hung the coat onto the hook near the door you heard a gasp and a soft thud, turning to see Sherlock on his knees before you;
“Mr Holmes!”
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1,060 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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localvoidcat · 1 year
can I pretty please know some more about your evangelion au < insane about evangelion
okay so. obviously a ton of things change about the plot (goes without saying but theres. obviously none of the unnecessary stuff in there). because of this a lot of the roles kind of merge together and/or swap in some places? so i'll mention characters being in similar roles but they have a slightly different story
with that out of the way. here's the general ideas
ok so. adam kind of takes shinji's place as the protagonist. he comes to nerv, which is led by jude, and is asked to pilot the evangelion. UNLIKE shinji however he's immediately drawn to the evangelion. there's no resistance there he's just immediately attached to it. surely this has nothing to do with him being totally and absolutely human theres nothing to doubt there ^_^
of course . jude is not a very good father so it ends up being thatcher and ruth (note: worst platonic co-parents ever) that he stays with. no one there is good at being around other people it's really funny.
speaking of!! thatcher ruth and dave are all scientists at nerv (thatcher and dave kind of take misato and ritsuko's roles but not completely. i'll explain) but dave's the one working closest with the evangelions. he won't tell his friends anything. thatcher's suspicious but he's now dealing with having to handle adam, but ruth decides to go ahead and start investigating the truth on her own (spoiler: this does not end well LMAO)
sarah sort of takes asukas place but not entirely. sarah shows up and she just does not like adam immediately it's really funny. they talk once and she can't stand him. similar to asuka the evangelion was made for her but the more she starts getting in combat the more she realizes it's a very bad idea. she keeps trying to leave but it never goes well for her
evelin doesnt really take reis place but its similar enough. shes friends with dave and she just keeps ending up in situations. girl that eva keeps putting you in danger you need to get out of it. girl you cannot fight that angel it is going to attack you GIRL
jonah kind of takes suzuhara's place in that he gets chosen to pilot an evangelion and hes SUPER excited about it and then adam's evangelion goes berserk and tries to kill him. great times. also jonah keeps trying to be adams friend the whole time and adam just doesnt care enough. kids this days always in their damn mech suits
and then jude takes gendo's role to some extent. by that i mean he runs the place and also just isnt present in his son's life. for a few reasons ^_^
i haven't decided on the alternates yet i think they're either the angels (lmao) or seele. as for characters like mark and cesar maybe they appear in the classroom as more background characters. since i still want them in there
a lot of the plot isnt entirely solid but it loosely follows everything. also thatcher has some manner of Beast in his apartment i haven't decided what. it's there
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kariachi · 2 years
Because I’m of a mood- Tips for people getting into assigning chars daemons
Take the ‘obvious shape’ and put it aside at first. Note I don’t say ‘throw it out’, because it may well be the perfect shape or the best shape for the worldbuilding or for a theme or whatever, but in general it doesn’t hurt to just note the ‘obvious’ answer down and continue looking. I often end up with short lists that I pare down as I work at it, and it’s entirely possible that you find a shape that, when your consider it, actually fits the character better.
Themes are fun, but don’t be afraid to break them. The amount of times I have seen daemon AUs where a character with an animal theme of some sort has a daemon of that theme, even for characters where that doesn’t necessarily make sense for the character. Don’t be afraid to break theme for daemons, a different shape might both work better overall and also can make for good character building.
If it doesn’t feel quite right? Check the tree. Sometimes you’ll see a shape and it’ll be fitting, but something’s not right. In those situations, look at related species. The more closely related, the more likely they are to share many if not all of the traits that make the first shape work, but may fit better for one reason or another. Even moving further away, you may come across something you’ve never seen but that ticks all the boxes, or even ones you didn’t know you were looking for until you found them.
Quizzes aren’t the Be-All, End-All. Feel free to use quizzes, in fact I encourage it, but you don’t have to limit yourself because of them. Even the best quiz out there still only has so many species in it, just because there’s only so many possible answers somebody can program in, there has to be a limit. I recommend using quiz results as a jumping off point, for when you aren’t sure where to start, looking into the result and then, if that isn’t feeling right, working through the tree or other similar species to see if any of them work for you.
Take breaks if it’s taking a while. Some characters you will go through four options on wikipedia before hitting something that just plain clicks. Other characters, you will want to burn effigies of after two weeks of trying to figure out why you can’t find something that’s right. Nature of the beast. So remember, if it’s taking a while, to step back and clear your head so you don’t burn out. Set it aside, focus on names or another character or knitting a sweater or some shit.
Don’t waste time if you don’t have to or don’t have information. If you want to, go ahead, I know how fun this all is, but don’t feel like you have to have every daemon for every character that even gets mentioned in a fic or something be described. You probably don’t need to have anything more in your head for, say, a character’s Chem 100 teacher, than ‘flying bird’, if that. Same with characters you just don’t have the information you need for- ones that aren’t given depth, or much depth. While I encourage digging deep if you can and it pleases you, if it doesn’t matter or there’s no depths to dig into? Just go with the base vibe, maybe grab something random with the vibe to mix things up. And when there’s not even vibes to go off? Or they don’t matter at all aside from needing a species (if you’re building out a family tree for instance)? Just randomize that shit. Unless you wanna build ‘em from scratch yourself, hit up a generator. Save yourself the stress.
Have fun with it. It can be stressful, I know. And it can drive you sideways, I know. But if you at any point feel like you’re not enjoying it, in some way or form- because even being driven up the wall can be fun- then just walk away. For a few minutes or forever, it doesn’t matter. Odds are you aren’t getting paid to do this, and if you aren’t having fun then it’s not worth bothering. If it stops being fun, then engage with daemon AUs some other way, or if you realize they aren’t for you then just leave them entirely. Nobody’s gonna hold it against you, and your enjoyment means more than a completed project ever will.
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ludaroace · 7 months
ok next up on the list are pac and mike who kinda operate in the ashen wolves style sort of thing except in this au the ashen wolves don’t TECHNICALLY exist but they exist in spirit (the spirit is morning crew + mike) . to get a bit of their overall story out of the way - pac was born in fargus and mike was born in the alliance, but due to Reasons (orphan) they were both put under the care of the church and lived at garreg mach from very early childhood. basically, the abyss is officially recognized as by the church as an orphanage/safe haven (most of the eggs are here) and pac and mike use parts of it on the side for less than legal stuff and it still has the same reputation for being for the less savoury people outside of the orphan bit
pac doesn’t have a crest at all - comes from an entirely commoner family in fargus (rowe maybe ? something closer to the adrestian border) and due to the economic situation he was dropped off at the church as a really young kid which is where he met mike . he doesn’t really dislike the church, but he’s suspicious of the fact that they hide so much information from people which leads him into studying reason magic and not wanting to touch faith magic . now, not going to get into spell lists for most people, but pac only knows dark magic spells because he is not traditionally and does not get traditionally trained in reason, only using the knowledge that is in the abyss library and whatever he comes up with on the fly . also not something i am going to bring up for everyone (yet) but i’m seeing his end class being trickster + levin sword or bow knight + magic bow because i'm making the decision that non-magic classes can still use magic so he gets his dark magic in whatever class he choses .
mike doesn’t know he has the crest of noa . nuvelle fell a LOT longer ago than in the canon of 3h so not only is it’s existence not really known because of that + it being disguised as other crests usually . what happened with mike is that he is far far far descended from noa but is entirely unaware of it (because his family has been in goneril for generations and the blood has been diluted) and it doesn’t really affect his day to day life to where he would be like hmmm maybe i have an undocumented crest . at some point later down the line, he’s fucking around with some people and finds the scroll of talos and against everyone’s better judgement he tries to use it (not the first time him and pac messed around with sacred weapons) and oh shit why did it start glowing . my au my rules and even though in the games anyone can use a sacred weapon but only crest bearers can use a relic without suffering consequences, but here the same applies to sacred weapons just to a lesser extent - they won’t get turned into a beast but they certainly will have a Bad Time . 
and for the specific notes:
no crest
personal skill: countercurse (If foe initiates combat, counters an enemy's magic attack for half damage)
boons: swords, reason, bows, riding
banes: lances, faith
budding talent: brawling
minor crest of noa (not strong enough to give him any of the effects tho)
personal skill: pyrotechnics (If user's HP ≤ 50% and user initiates combat, user and all enemies within a two-tile radius take 20% of their maximum HP as damage after combat)
boons: reason, faith, swords
banes: authority, lances, heavy armour
budding talent: brawling
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