#i just like lizards man
tenspontaneite · 5 months
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Back in the UK (not home until tomorrow) with better internet to post pictures, so here's some African five-lined skink from holiday
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Plus bonus Spot the Skink minigame for everyone
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bardicious · 25 days
Honestly tired of the criticism SNW gets from specifically Tumblr (cause when I check reddit, they love it lots). Like, there are some nitpicky ass people here.
Imo, the Gorn are awesome (you saw them once in TOS, get over it!), Spock/Chapel make sense and were always plausible (Also Spock had his fair share of female love interests in TOS that he knew less than Christine), regarding the silly episodes where Spock gets turned "human" or the new one where the crew turns "vulcan" (In quotes because a. I don't think the intention is for them to be accurate representation of either race b. we all just gonna ignore all the silly ass episodes in TOS like they're not part of the series' bread and butter), the musical episode was literally the best musical episode in the entirety of the genre of rando show doing a musical episode.
Spock this Spock that, there's so many complaints about Spock as if the Menagerie didn't have ooc Spock. The complaints about not having enough screen time for this character or that, like, again, let's be real, this show is for people who specifically loved TOS, of course you're going to have lots of Spock, Chapel, Uhura and yes, Jim also (because he's beyond crucial to Star Trek's legacy), and yes, maybe there should be more Ortega and idk whoever that other pilot is, but you still have focus on Pike, Una, and La'an, which is pretty damn good for a show that only has 10 episodes a season.
Lovely to see that the show has a 98% from Rotten Tomatoes, and a 93% from Google Users, which imo, despite the wackos I've seen on this site, is what really matters and means the show is going to keep trucking along despite a minority of negativity.
My long winded way to say, I can't wait for season 3! ❤️
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degenerateshinji · 2 years
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i like them. they're cool.
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blenselche · 1 month
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Lizard Princess my presh, their schemes are nice together.
very much lizard x heat rock vibes. Making friends just to snag an optimal basking spot.
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theprissythumbelina · 1 month
I can't tell if my dragon worldbuilding has gone too far when I start reading scientific papers on bat wig morphology and comparing them to bird morphology.
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den-ai-d · 1 year
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Eyy it's Ethan arknights 🥽🦎
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fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
Hey, so... I know that the "animals with eyes on the side of their head are prey- and dragons on eyes on the of their heads" post is like...funny. very Tumblr. A+ content.
But I'm starting to see people just like...repeat that as though it's like....a fact?
But...we do know that 1. Front facing vs side facing eyes are just about whether field of vision or depth perception was selected for and 2. .... dragons are based on predatory *reptiles* right?
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Yall know crocodiles aren't a "prey" species, right?
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bigautomaton · 4 months
Vast Avatar concept who just picks up east coasters or europeans from the Kansas City airport and drives them to Denver without leaving I70.
It's almost a perfect straight drive west.
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Once you get past Salina or Hays there's that dawning horror that it's so flat you can watch your dog run away for a week. Yeah, you'll start to see the mountains when you get closer to the state line but at that point how are you certain those are real? Maybe the car turns around in Goodland and you're back driving east on I70.
Let's bring back Prairie Madness
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lizardlicks · 9 months
I've been having this thought that I haven't been able to really articulate? And I still don't think I'm going to do it right, but here goes my attempt anyway:
BROADLY SPEAKING, yes, the trope of everyone gets hetero married and has lots of kids at the end of the story is over done, and YES we absolutely badly need other versions of happily ever after because there is no one path to life fulfillment, and no one true way to find or build a family, or even one definition of family!
HOWEVER: it rings a bit hollow to me when I see other people taking this bit of generallized story crafting advise and applying that to katara and sokka specifically. Because they're not the ethnically dominant race or culture in the AtLA setting, not even close. They're based off circumpolar native populations. Their people have survived a century of genocide. Their story repeatedly echos themes of family, community, tradition, being forcefully stripped of it by imperialist colonizers, and the trauma there in. There's pieces of themselves they lost before they were even born, and both siblings are acutely aware of that, though they choose to deal with it in different ways.
I'm not saying that they DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY must get hetero married and have a million babies to have a fulfilling ending, I hope no one reads this that way. I'm only saying that I think there has been a gap in the critical analysis responses of the broader fandom when they start reflectively sneering at stories that do have them content to stay home and raise the next generation, or whenever anyone laments about post show canon/LoK seems to neglect mentioning sokka having any family at some point it gets push back on with that exact argument.
Consider that it might be better applied to people for whom getting to raise the next generation in some way isn't itself an entire victory fanfare.
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bibewilderedandbuck · 4 months
so TK must be getting horny at random shit. Carlos doesn't even blink when TK starts making out with him meal worms still in hand. HE FULL ON SAYS IT TOO "even the meal worms?" before going for it, "ok....?"
TK just comes stomping out of the bathroom, pointing a brand new toilet brush at Carlos, "come here I just thought about your bicep and I need it."
TK drops a bowl and Carlos comes running and TK is holding broken ceramic shards and goes "It was just a plate, something Paul left over cause he hated it. Oh wait Carlos you smell amazing..."
Tarlos go to a cat cafe with Nancy and Mateo and TK has to pull Carlos in the bathroom by his belt loops bc he held a kitten so softly it made TK want to cry
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hazel2468 · 8 months
I'm feeling salty so I'm just gonna say-
If you can't handle the idea of feeding live prey to something.
Do not get a pet. That requires you. To feed it live fucking prey. There are SO MANY OTHER OPTIONS!
Also don't be that fucking weirdo who goes on other people's socials and bitches about how it's "inhumane" or "gross". They'd be doing it out in the wild. It's a little something called nature. And no, you cannot find an "alternative" for your mantis.
It's a MANTIS. It is like. One of the most famous predatory insects. It is infamous for eating its prey alive.
If you're going to be a little baby about feeding live prey. Then get a pet that doesn't need that. And shut the fuck up.
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fauvester · 1 year
If it’s not too much to ask…could we get a garashir grand babbe roll call
Lim and his wife have like.. 5 or 6 kids...... on purpose........ there are many family running jokes about it with varying levels of crudeness. They just want a big family... If everyone was like them the planet would regain its prewar population in a few scant generations. Besides, Lim is a stay-at-home dad and house manager, so there's someone to wrangle them all full-time.
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Jocasta eventually gets married at the spinsterish age of 30 and has a reasonable amount of children. There's such a dearth of young Cardassian men after the war that nobody thought it was too unusual that she took that long, but still, societal expectations and whatnot. Garak is heartbroken when she moves out (last one to leave the nest.) He visits a lot especially after he retires.
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Idk if Idan has kids! Probably eventually. He's a student though, he's got too much to do right now.
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But he is a favorite uncle!
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Also idk if Iskra and Rulada have kids haha I don't know if they're the 2.5 WPF type... but very funny to imagine their Klingon/Cardassian hybrid. WHAT kind of chaotic mommy energy is Iskra going to bring to this endeavor
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NGL but...
Since this month is MerMay (I was hoping to draw Mermaid!Mothra, but I'm running out of time 😭), I have a crazy idea running my mind...
P.S. This might be the most funniest (shittiest) Kongzilla fic IDK why I should pull this...🙃
So it starts here...
What if after Godzilla consumes a lot of Tiamat's radiation on her lair and after a battle between the icy grandma and the bald tyrant son-of-a-bitch together with Kong on his side and went home to his coliseum to sleep, he woke up the next day finding his lower half of his own body is replaced by Tiamat's other half of her body?!?!
Now I imagine himself struggling to get up, even destroying half of the human population and the buildings before he managed to reach the sea and swims deeper and guess what? HE FUCKING SWEARS FOR ABOUT WHOLE HOURS.
Tiamat's (and even Scylla's) spirit is seen laughing her (their) ass off because she believes that Tiamat's lair might have laid "a curse" on his act for handing over her lair and the radiation reserves, and an attempt murder yeeesh. Godzilla can't sense because they were dead duh.
Then Godzilla travels back to his old home and goes into one of the Hollow Earth's portal in order to stop this "abominational curse".
Once there, he met Suko while on a hunting trip looking for food. The little ape was flabbergast yet he even laughed at him before Godzilla threatens him to incinerate or his kind, so Suko reluctantly guides the King of the Monsters to the newly built place for the Great Apes where Kong - now King Kong - is their new leader.
Once there, Kong was shocked to see him in his "not so normal state". Most of the Apes are seen snickering while others cannot hold on their laughters, and a few were scared because of his past actions that happened during the war of his and Skar King's history.
While even Kong cannot help but feel empathy of his former-enemy-turned-friend, he decided to seek Mothra out for help. He leaves his kind behind with only Suko and Shimo to guard them down while the two are travelling miles away.
There will be some scenes like Godzilla 'trips' himself right in front of Kong's chest, and Kong was like "WTF bro?! Why're you looking at me?!"; the two eating from their meals they had just hunting down and when their hands touched one another from trying to get that food, they stared like few minutes before breaking their sight out; Kong soothing Godzilla down after having nightmares of his father's death from the MUTOs; both talking about their lives from worse to better; friendship stronger; Godzilla admiring the Hollow Earth and how Mothra had fully evolved into her Rebirth form; etc.
Slowburn Kongzilla was there...
As the two reached from the Iwi borders, Mothra appears to them in the crystal-like temple (Jia, Ilene Andrews, the Iwi Queen, Trapper and Bernie were there; and I cannot imagine about them were flabbergasted about Godzilla's sudden appearance). Godzilla was happy to see her, and Mothra reveals that Tiamat's power has something to do with his form changing. The only way to break out this abominational curse is to "profess your former enemy's self-hatred."
Well, Godzilla already knew that, he cannot but least he told Mothra that he loved her very much, and the moth half-jokingly tells him he is BISEXUAL, I swear Godzilla dislikes that because he is a STRAIGHT MAN, but Mothra knew it otherwise because she can read his mind.
So anyway, Godzilla leaves, but Kong and Mothra follows him. Then there will be arguments, and Godzilla finally had enough. He confessed his feelings for Kong, and Kong was stood still in silence, but he feared about the Queen of the Monsters and Defender of the Iwi Tribe will beat him. However, Mothra never shows anger, but was simply proud about regaining their friendship and allied one another, most of all, feelings~
So the two male Alphas held their hands each other, finally professing their love...and THEY KISS~
...And Godzilla woke up with a loud scream, finding himself back to his cozy 'bed'. Mothra was there cuddling to her husband and just woke up from his scream. Then the King checks himself and his body, only to find out he's back to his normal body. He is happy yet scared about that shit until his wife calms him down, saying it's just a dream and nothing else. Godzilla couldn't help but feels his guts wanted to vomit out butterflies all because he will NEVER EVER gonna accept the fact about his relationship to Kong...
When Mothra falls asleep, Godzilla couldn't help but feels something was off to his matters.
"...Maybe this dream wasn't so real after all...or Kong's not really bad too."
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puppyeared · 5 months
i think the reason why im so drawn to spirit tracks and pkmn scarvi is that having the legendary/princess as a companion rather than a goal that marks the games completion makes me feel satisfied the way i would after helping a friend
my brother always teases me about how I still havent finished botw after almost 7 years bc "id rather be out picking flowers" which i wont say is untrue. and yes i know Zeldas been holding off ganon for 100 years, yes i can get some sort of idea what her relationship with link was like by recalling memories and going through her diary. ive always loved botw for its unique storytelling and setting which makes it stand out, because it lets you get to know who you're saving.
but because theyre memories, it only works if theres something for the player to investigate that already happened. its retroactive (but effective nonetheless)
on the other hand, spirit tracks does something similar but instead of having the player try to piece together memories and interpret them as a spectator, you actually have an opportunity to get to know zelda yourself by talking to her and working together. besides making it a gameplay mechanic, giving the player control over how they interact with zelda makes it so much more personable.
and I find that making the goal feel personal instead of an obligation gives me more of a reason to work towards it. I know what kind of person botw zelda was but as the player, shes still very much a stranger to me. but spirit tracks zelda? thats my friend!!!! she invited me to go to the beach after we get her body back!!! i dont want to whip her to make her move faster thats mean :(
you know how hostage negotiators are trained to introduce themselves and get to know the person theyre negotiating with because its harder to hurt someone when you know what their favorite food is? its kinda like that, because it feels like im helping a friend than being told or led to do smth
and although i havent played scarvi myself, i feel an attachment to koraidon and miraidon even just watching playthrough clips because its like!! thats my weird scaly dog!! it loves sandwiches and we're friends!!! you know!!!!!!
#i dont normally write long posts like this but i think ive been trying to put this into words for a long time and it finally happened#my cloth mother spirit tracks zelda and my wire mother lttp zelda#ACTUALLY ANOTHER THING when i was a kid i always felt guilty when i had to catch the legendary at the end of the game#because to me it was like 'i know none of this is real but if i capture you and have you under my thumb am i robbing the world of something#normal thoughts for a 10 year old to have#when i talked to my brother abt this he was like 'i mean yeah the point is to dunk on the NPCs what were you expecting' and i mean i think#i get that its supposed to feel rewarding because the legendary is THE reward. but it doesnt feel right and i dislike he feeling of pushing#others down to get ahead. i guess u can argue sun/moon does smth similar where you have nebby with lillie#but lillie still ends up handing nebby over to the player and i STILL feel bad because im like shit man you raised that little guy#and koraidon/miraidon feels less like a reward but more like overpowered motorcycle lizard that is just so oupydog. and i love him#and in spirit tracks i went out of my way doing some of the side quests bc zelda asked nicely and honestly that was enough for me#i think all of this boils down to.. i feel very protective abt things i care abt so stories that give me a reason to care hits harder#this can also go the other way bc i CRIED when i finished links awakening because i KNEW every person and im responsible for#literally the end of their world. like. there was a family with 5 kids. marin loved singing and cared about me. she was my FRIEND#i just. ugh. i have too many feelings rn. i kinda wanna draw more spirit tracks link and zelda i think that wld make me feel better#yapping#diary#loz#pokemon
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yu-melon · 5 months
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So Im out of hedgehogs yes? well I`m not out of characters lol
But my sketchbook almost out of pages woops-
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
oh my god so i just saw this picture of froy guitterez with a bearded dragon and i fear i am going to have to give clyde a bearded dragon. i'm not sure how he got her, ( prolly by doing something extremely impulsive, dumb and unhinged ), but he snuck her into him and tolkien's dorm room and was like "okay! so don't get mad BUT--"
...he was Mad, btw. but rm!tolkien doesn't scream because he is a dignified british king ( the only one i respect ) and just speaks at a slightly louder volume and does things with his eyebrows like "Why. Do. You. Have. A. LIZARD. Clyde?" and he's like "okay, first of all, she's not JUST a lizard; she's a Bearded Dragon and her name is-" idk what her name is it's probably something insane like glizzy or salamanda or mary guana, i want to start crying, oh my god. clyde loves reptiles.
and tolkien is like "right...so does 'glizzy' have a cage? food?...water?" and clyde is just staring at him blankly like, "damn. i didn't think about that." KHSSDLKSDH HELP so they go to a lil pet store, i think they figure out a clever way to keep her warm and make her a strange makeshift enclosure. tldr, she gets all set up...except they have to Hide her ( also prolly in some elaborate way ) bc they're not supposed to have pets in the dorms and at first, tolkien was so Anti-Glizzy, like he made clyde put up lost lizard ads online/stuff on craigslist...
...buUUUUt accidentally got attached to her and secretly took the all listings down. anyways, happy pride month ft. rm!tyde co-parenting a lizard daughter together. the world is a beautiful place, in fact. <3
#nina speaks#sorry this made me laugh#too much#homoerotic activities smh#just two guys being dudes being lizard girl dads#i love rm clyde and rm tolkien theyre so funny#also clydes dinosaur hyperfixation was going off#he is just...the most distracted ever#not alert that king#tolkien was like go put that thing back where it came from rn#but im sure clyde cried so he was like#siiigh OKAY#the way i bet u in the begining tolkien was like oh my god#what a Foul and ODIOUS creature#and now she is his special lady ok she hangs out with him while he does art projects and when clyde is saying weird stuff#hes like *looks at glizzy* i kno darling it does sound like bullocks doesnt it KDHSDLSHDKDH GO TEAM GO#also idk what her name is i just wanted to laugh#it has to be insane i know clyde named her something weird#also its so funny to me in a weird way rm!tyde is like slightly ravesey coded in a diff font their double dates are iconic#we love the hottest baddest man in the universe#and his cute pathetic boyfriend w/ the pretty eyes#music to my ears lmaooo tolkien and jerseykyle everyday watching clyde and ravenstan interact like#oh god what are we doing what have we done#it is like taking ur boyfriend to the dog park help#also i know that ravenstan was like WOWZA SHES SO CUTE#and jersey was like aLRIGHT BOYS SHOWS OVER#STAN WERE NOT GETTING A CRAZY LIZARD THING#STOP GIVING HIM IDEAS DONOVAN U SHIDIOT#15 min loop of jerseykyle about to strangle rm!clyde#its ok he grew on jk like mold smh he is...fond of him
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