#i just need a new game b/c i still have yet to get my hands on p5r
melbatron5000 · 5 months
Murder Board 2.0
Updated 9/18/24
Since I've figure a few things out, I need to re-do my Murder Board. New answers, new questions.
What I think I know:
Hints given out by NG are suspect at best. (I cannot blame him or anyone else on the cast or crew -- they spent A LOT of time and energy building this very meticulous puzzle game for us -- why would ANY of them give ANY of it away? That would ruin all the fun!)
Lots of the discontinuity of Season 2 can be explained by POV switches between characters. See here and here for more. I think the title/location cards are also probably POV Clues, that needs a closer look.
Crowley gave something to Aziraphale in his mouth when they kissed. It's the fly. Now, what else was in the fly besides Gabriel's memory? RECORDS. Incriminating records that are why the Metatron let Beelzebub and Gabriel go, but nailed Aziraphale. The Metatron knows Gabriel has those records, he doesn't know they got passed to Aziraphale.
Saraqael and Crowley and by proxy, Aziraphale are all working together. See here and here for more. That explains A. the tiny miracle blowing up into a 25 Lazarii miracle. It didn't. They had to cover for something else that did. B. Saraqael showing the archangels the book shop in 2019 in the spy hole. C. Crowley's spy turtle neck and where he went during Aziraphale's Job flashback. D. Why Saraqael helps him see the trial in Heaven. (Oh! Muriel's now in on it, too!)
Crowley's memory is fine, it's a red herring. It might mean something else, though. I think he is dissing Furfur, he is denying knowing Saraqael even after she gives him a reason to recognize her to hide that they are working together. He tells Jim he doesn't remember why they invented gravity, but that whole scene is from Aziraphale's perspective, so the conversation likely didn't actually go just like that.
Shax is on a mission besides Gabriel -- she's looking for whatever Aziraphale and Crowley are hiding. Gabriel is a side-mission.
The hand-washing comment from Crowley in the Resurrectionists minisode -- he tells DaVinci about helicopters in Good Omens the novel. It's just a thing he can do.
What is up with Maggie? Maggie's freaking Jesus 2.0. She's what Shax is looking for, and who Crowley, Aziraphale, and Saraqael are hiding. Also, where is God? God is busy being Maggie, that's where. That's why Crowley says "Oh God" before his speech in the final fifteen. He's bringing up what they're hiding, reminding Aziraphale that someone has to stay and keep an eye on Maggie. That's why he can't go. Now, how the FUCK did Jesus 2.0 wind up owning a record store she inherited from her family NEXT TO AN ANGEL?? (Ah, shit, now I'm doubting this one. Now I suspect it's Nina, and Maggie is Mary MAGdeline. Same questions still apply.)
SECRET SONGS??? Why are the songs secret?? I'm losing my mind, what is happening?? I think this is a message that A. Aziraphale and Crowley are okay, and B. We will absolutely be getting part 3 of 1941.
I still think the scenes might be out of order. Is it as simple as watching them in chronological order? Could be.
The Metatron is a naked man. i.e. he was originally HUMAN.
Aziraphale and Crowley are talking in subtext A LOT. Aziraphale's tells are easier to spot than Crowley's. He raises his eyebrows and does vocal bunny rabbit ears, says "um," and "ah." "Our Gabriel miracle," "The establishment in question," "Certainly on to something," "Haven't yet cracked the case." Crowley's tell seems to be being effusive. "Frozen peas," "You wouldn't be interested in love?" "Well, today is your lucky day!" "How do you know I didn't do it?"
We are missing the scenes that should mirror the Resurrectionists minisode. What we do have instead of mirrors to that are Crowley telling the demons they are out of order. He can tell time has been messed with.
There are two Crowleys. I think the head in the book shop is his way of keeping in touch while his twin is off doing things, and the red eyes are him, too. Now, why?? What do they need 2 Crowleys for?
What still needs answering:
The clocks jumping time. And why are the extras moving in double-time when we first arrive to Whickber street?
The weird hand in the 1941 photo.
Aziraphale's chair position being moved still doesn't make sense. Unless Crowley was talking to himself??
The extras behaving strangely.
Crowley's car being in the wrong spot on the road after Shax threatens him.
Weird sounds -- Aziraphale turns to look at a crashing sound when he returns from Edinburgh, to look at a car horn, the very loud clock in the final fifteen BUT ALSO when Jim says he will go out to the demons, nightingale singing when Crowley leaves in the FF.
I'm not sure that POV switches explain Crowley's sunglasses going from silver to black.
I don't know why Aziraphale went to Edinburgh, or why he stopped at the graveyard where Gabriel's statue is, or why he looked like he realized something important while he was there.
Why does Michael do the "nothing's in the box" thing with the matchbox? It's a petty specific action. Someone pointed out that Michael's nails look chewed and terrible, are we meant to stare at the matchbox while something else goes unnoticed? Well, duh. But what?
We most certainly did not get the whole scene where the Metatron is talking to Aziraphale. What else was said?
What did Crowley do during his ALL-NIGHT JAUNT in Heaven? Did he sneak around and steal something? Did he uncover something? Did they hurt him? I think he stole something.
What did Aziraphale do with his briefcase that he took to Edinburgh? We see it in the book shop from his POV, and Edinburgh is seen from Crowley's POV, so they both know it exists. And then it's gone.
Why does Gabriel prophecy with God's voice? IS it God's voice? It's a woman, is it Frances McDormand? It's hard to hear. When he remembers the beginning, I think it's God's voice. When he prophecies, it may be someone else. Frances McDormand has no credit in that episode.
Why the heck did Maggie and Nina go talk to Crowley while the Metatron was talking to Aziraphale? What they had to say wasn't important enough to leave Nina's shop during a rush, and I definitely don't think they derailed Crowley from what he needed to say to Aziraphale, though it might look at first as if they did. So what was that about? Were they trying to speak in husband-code to warn him about the Metatron?
When Shax stops Aziraphale for a ride, he says, "Oh, I really need to get to --" and then is cut off. He really needs to get to where? It's an easy assumption to think he means the book shop, or London. But is that all he means? Or was he on his way somewhere else? And if it was just the book shop, what does he mean he's late? Late for what?
When Crowley leaves Heaven, he tells Saraqael and Muriel to come, too. But in the elevator, Michael and Uriel are there! When the fuck did they show up??
Why does Beelzebub tell Shax to attack the bookstore? Aren't they worried about Gabriel being harmed? And they know Hell is understaffed. Maybe that's why they command it? Because they know Shax won't be able to get many demons?
What about the Masons? It's such a specific thing for the pub owner to bring up, what is the meaning of it? And Maggie has a Mason symbol on her necklace. Did the Masons carve the statue of Gabriel? When did they see him?
The only narration we hear in the entire season is Aziraphale in the Resurrectionist flashback. I believe this is to throw us off the POV character switches all season. But still, why do we only hear him narrate 1 flashback? I think he's reading the diary to himself in the present day. That would explain the end, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time." He JUST heard the story of the jukebox from Maggie. And Gabriel appearing at the pub -- same city that statue is in. Of course he thought of something important from that diary entry! Now, what did he notice?
Is the Book of Life a real threat? We hear two stories about it, that it's real and that its ability to erase beings was something to scare the cherubs with, this is inconclusive. Crowley gets nervous after Beelzebub talks to him, but I think he's pissed that Heaven and Hell have taken an interest in them again, especially since they're trying to hide Nina!Jesus.
So many promo posters show Aziraphale, Crowley, and Jimbriel together, or symbols of them. Three feathers: two white, one black. Tea cup, cocoa mug, wine glass. The three of them. Not with Beelzebub, not with Muriel, the three of them. And all three of them have been Jesus-coded in some small way. No one else. Those three. What. Why. Are they the sacrifice required to bring about the new world? Why not Beez, then?
The whole collection of Maggie's album's from the Amazon X-ray are great, big CLUES.
A post that I didn't reblog pointed out that the record Aziraphale is listening to when Garbriel shows up is neither Shostakovich nor 21 minutes long. That seems important, but I'm not sure how. (The record is opposite when Crowley gives Aziraphale the fly containing records -- the actual symphony is, according to the original blog, one written by a rebel in contempt of his government. Do the records have to do with the rebellion and fall?)
What the heck does Furfur mean by "little monkey in the waistcoat?" How does that sound like Crowley?
Why does Furfur change the subject when Aziraphale asks where Gabriel and Beelzebub would like to go?
Why does Mrs. H say "for God's sake" two times in a row? No one says that on this show without a meaning.
Shax notices Crowley going to Heaven and makes an epiphany face.
Why is the end credit music for the ball French cafe music? French must be important. And the end credit music for The Hitchhiker is old timey and scratchy, then skips and becomes the same song in a newer, clearer style. Because they repeat the bullet catch trick in the modern day, perhaps?
I thought I heard that Crowley and Aziraphale are in the fly in the opening sequence, but nope. So why are they in a cave?
Why are there multiple elevators and multiple mountains in the opening sequence??? What the hell does that mean?? And multiple Edens?? All right, what's up??
I count at least two times Aziraphale glances right at the camera, probably more. Who is he looking at? Us? Is he looking at Crowley?Why??
When Aziraphale arrives back from Edinburgh, he asks how "everything is with -- mm." Crowley says "he was sleeping, I heard him singing." I don't think they mean Gabriel. At the cafe, Crowley says when Gabriel smites you, you've been smitten. Aziraphale says he isn't "you know who any longer." Again, I don't think he means Gabriel. Who are they hiding?
Repeating themes: (I am just realizing that these aren't just themes, they are all Clues!)
Beverages of all kinds -- tea for Aziraphale, wine or whiskey for Crowley, cocoa for Jim. Oh, and LAUDANUM. And coffee!
Time -- lots of clocks/mentions of time. Everyone notices the ticking clock during the Final Fifteen, but it's ticking loud when the demons attack the ball, too. Also, why is the first scene of Whickber street shown at high-speed? Is time sped up? Or something else?
Love/partnership/togetherness being stronger than separateness
Payment -- money comes up in both the Resurrectionists minisode and the Flesh Eating Nazi Zombies minisode, but no one pays for anything in present. There is bartering, but no money. Both times money is brought up, it's Crowley using Aziraphale's money, and both times, it's to buy a life. It's funny, but I feel like there's a point to it.
Rising from the dead -- Job's kids (even though they weren't actually dead), bodies used for science, Nazi zombies, the Second Coming. I think this is all just hinting around Jesus -- sure, hinting around Jesus, who we were expecting to show up in Season 3, but she's already here. The hints indicate that she is already on Earth, not going to show up next season.
Unreliable narrators. Because we are seeing the whole show from various characters' points of view. Because of that, we can only see what they know, expect, believe, or understand, but also what they want us to see. We need to take the whole second season with a grain of salt.
Death in general -- but 8a., I'm a dirty pagan, why didn't I make this connection sooner, death always leads to REBIRTH, change, something totally new and 8b. there are tarot cards in the magic shop, and even if you're not a dirty pagan, the Death tarot card means transition, something must die before a new thing can be born. Hmm.
Morality and what is "good" and what is right
Recognition and identity and hiding one's identity. Ah! Probably at least partly because Maggie someone? is Jesus. How would you recognize them? (I think it's Nina now.)
Licenses, permits, permissions, rules, proof, evidence, what's allowed. All of the minisodes mention this, and it all gets mentioned again over and over. Because Heaven and Hell do have rules they have to follow. Which drives home my theory that Gabriel stole some very incriminating records from Heaven when he left, Crowley got hold of them and gave them to Aziraphale during the kiss, and now Aziraphale is going to nail them.
Colors. Lots of colors!! Job's kids are dressed in the colors of Nina, Maggie, and Aziraphale's shops. Jesus on the Resurrectionist Pub sign is in blue and red, blue and red crop up a lot in extra's clothing, as do yellow and red, Crowley colors. The Ladies of Camelot are in red and blue. Aziraphale says Earth will be a blue-green planet, Nina's shop is blue-green.
Horses. Horse statue, horse wine label, people saying "dark horse." The four horsemen again? I feel like they already had their ride, so what the hell? I think it's because season 2 is an echo of season 1, I THINK -- I have to check -- that horses appear or get mentioned when the horsemen have corresponding scenes in season 1.
Numbers. A lot of numbers get said. Does it matter, or am I overthinking?
Repeating words and phrases:
Isn't it just?
Too late
Funny old world
Not as such
Made for each other
Two shakes of a lamb's tail
Dark horse
What are you/am I? As opposed to WHO. Aziraphale asks in the Land of Uz, and Crowley asks Gabriel.
Are you sure? Quite sure.
The Marvelous Mr. Fell is described as marvelous in his mysterosity, Shax says the demons have dangerosity.
Mrs. H in 1941 says "for God's sake" twice in quick succession.
Every day
Powell and Pressburg films
The Crow Road
Catch 22
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchett in general
Jane Austin
Book Good Omens
Season 1 Good Omens
The titles of episodes, minisodes, places, etc. 7a. The Arrival: a book and a movie, though the book seems far more relevant. And lovely. The Clue: a movie. Companion to Owls: a line from a Bible story. I Know Where I'm Going: a movie. The Resurrectionists: two novels, each called The Resurrectionist, singular. Both look unhinged. The Hitchhiker: a Twilight Zone episode. Nazi Zombie Flesheaters: Literally no other reference. ?? Nazi Zombies do appear in a LOT of movies, comics, and video games, usually as a dark joke. The Ball: a video game. Irrelevant? It's a puzzle-based game, so maybe not. Every Day: a song AND a movie. Some themes repeat here: Puzzle games, being re-directed from one's path to find true love, death and being brought back to life in a gruesome and unpleasant way.
Objects that get a close-up/centering:
Starmaker's nebula book -- Nebula 231,080
Shax's compact mirror
Maggie's note
Shostakovich record
The box
The Bentley
Eccles cakes
The bell
Head statue
The book Jim drops
Gabgriel's statue
Laudanum bottle
Phones in Edinburgh episode
"Very closed" sign
Broken whiskey bottles in 1941
Hourglass in Hell
Furfur's camera
Bullet catch in the magic shop
Instruction booklet for bullet catch gets 3 close ups -- because the bullet catch trick is that important, or because it happens 3 times? Both, I think.
Dancers' silhouettes
Mr. Fell sign
The actual bullet
Angelic beings book
Photo evidence
Shax's shoes
"Surrender the angle" brick
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invisibleperiwinkle · 2 months
i haven’t seen may people talk about this but it’s one of my main gripes with the percy jackson show so here we go.
annabeths character is so poorly written.
and before we begin, leah is an AMAZING actress and i’m PUMPED for her and black girls everywhere who can see themselves represented in such a badass character.
that being said, the folks in the writers room are FAILING annabeth. her character in the show is incredibly one dimensional, and again it’s not at the fault of the actress, the writers simply aren’t writing the character well. which breaks my heart for two reasons
1) there’s representation for a strong independent black character but if you take away all the things that makes annabeth such a cool and interesting character it feels so tacked on and not cared for. if you want to have representation do the character justice so the moment is important. not just lack luster and anti climactic
2) the writer of the books is writing the show. and rick has forgotten his own characters. which isn’t new information but it never stops pissing me off.
annabeth is a character i see myself in a lot, so having her not be written well for the show is so upsetting. the fact being she isn’t a hard character to write. she’s smart (of course), calculated, but also very reserved. these are the parts of her we see, but even then not much of it.
the moments i feel took so much character development away from her were
a) not having the spiders in the tunnel o’ love
b) not having her play fetch with cerberus
c) the zoo truck scene not being focused on percy and annabeth getting to know each others backstories and more making it “oooo guys did you know they fall in love with each other in four books?!?!?!??”
d) the aunty em scene being changed and not getting to see annabeth just be a kid for five minutes and want to eat burgers and fries
e) annabeth not being giddy over the gateway arch/not playing the architecture game in the lotus hotel
f) ZERO trace of her crush on luke
annabeth is a very closed off character but those moments in particular showcase her being more human and also the trust she has in percy to let him see that side of her.
A) while yes, we do get to see annabeth scared in the tunnel o’ love scene thinking she’s going to lose percy, there’s a difference in the fear of thinking you lost your best friend vs seeing something you’re genuinely scared of.
the mechanical spiders are so huge to annabeths development because she lets percy see her scared and not just this strong wall of calculations she’s been portrayed as this whole time.
it makes her seem more human. we remember she’s still just a 12 year old girl who’s spent most of her development years at camp because she didn’t have anyone
B) this scene in the books is hands down one of my favorites. annabeth plays fetch with this dog and teaches him tricks and then she cries
we get a wonderful exchange of percy saying that everyone needs a little love and attention sometimes which is something annabeth never got
also she cries!! AND AND AND!!! we get more backstory, that she had a doberman before she ran away
i guarantee, and in fact we KNOW annabeth doesn’t like reminiscing on her past at home. but she did here. even for a second. we see her breaking down her walls yet again. slowly but surely.
also i want to showcase the significance of her crying, i’m gonna infer here from how i am as a person, but i hate crying in front of people to the point that i simply can’t. and i’ve only cried in front of like four people? two over a facetime call, and twice in person (my parents). and they are all people i trust with my life, i don’t cry to people often. so if i do cry in front of you it is a HUGE sign of trust for me. and i feel like from all i know about annabeth, she is the exact same way. crying in front of someone is a huge sign of trust. so there lol.
C) again, with reminiscing on her home life, we get the zoo truck
the show is WAYYY overdoing percabeth. and for someone who that’s their favorite ship of all time to say that, you know it’s an issue. i said it. there’s too much percabeth. specifically, coupley percabeth. THEY ARE STILL TWELVE.
and the zoo truck scene in the show was changed from percy and annabeth getting to know the more personal and intricate “this is what i hide from the world that whittles away my soul, but here i trust you, we’re friends. you deserve to hear this” side of each other, to “when did you two become an old married couple”
excuse me while i roll my eyes into next century.
taking away them getting to know each other pissed me off so much. because again. we don’t get to see annabeth be vulnerable and human.
percy existing and breaking down her walls is HUGE to her character development throughout the books and they are just taking it away from her
D) these last three are all gonna be shorter because it’s all more or less the same point, it all showcases how annabeth is still just a kid at heart
this is the first time we see annabeth not care about the next step or if there’s something else going on. when they’re at the garden gnome emporium and auntie em offers them food annabeth jumps at the chance to just hang out and eat food
she is still a kid. the show provides none of this. the show doesn’t make annabeth seem like a kid at all. just a very calculated human trapped in the body of a preteen.
E) annabeths whole schtick for the entire series is her loving architecture and it being that one thing (in the first book) that brings out that sense of childlike wonder and whimsy in her
in the book she gets all giddy about the arch and makes them pause the quest so she can go to the top of it. also talking about how it’s held up by math and having her sparkle and wonder and awe that comes when talking about your passion.
do we see this in the show? no. why would we!
also the architecture game is just cute. of course the one game she’d gravitate towards is about building things. LIKE CMON NOW. ugh
let my girl be a kid and have whimsy. PLEASE.
F) now i HATE luke but this is a character thing for annabeth. seeing her have a crush on luke cause ofc she would. he’s the one guy to show her any love and care and he’s handsome i suppose.
she’s still just a girl. so naturally she would have a crush on him. and it’s something that again just makes her a human.
and there isn’t enough of that.
annabeth is a really special character to me and to see her be failed by the writers is heartbreaking. especially when you have an amazing of an actress as leah playing her. you cannot sit there and write an underdeveloped version of one of the best female protagonists of modern YA literature. be serious with me for a sec
to quickly state my point. annabeth isn’t a difficult character to write, the writers just don’t seem to want to put in the time of reserching and developing already developed characters. literally ALL you have to do is go back and read and comprehend the books. THATS IT.
annabeth is a smart, independent, calculated character. but that’s not THE ONLY SIDE OF HER. as the show would have you believe. she has emotions and she is human, behind her walls she’s just a twelve year old girl figuring out life and wanting to be loved and appreciated and taken seriously like all of us do. and it’s killing me that they aren’t doing justice to her character, especially when because of the show, she gets to be a role model for black girls everywhere. they deserve better than that.
rick, i’m asking you kindly, just give me the pen and let me in that writers room so annabeth can be done right. 🩷
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rotisseries · 1 year
I also want to talk about the implications of the hateno house
ok so i just info dumped all this to a mutual earlier but LET'S REVIEW THE FACTS. SO.
zelda is living in link's house from botw. and while the sidequest was optional it was supposed to get torn down if you didn't buy it. so we can ASSUME that in totk canon link bought the house!!! so it was his house!! and we COULD assume that she just kicked link out, but that doesn't sound like her!!! and HERE'S WHY THEY'RE ACTUALLY SHARING THAT DUMB LITTLE TWIN BED EVERY NIGHT
a. zelda's journal mentions that link accompanies her everywhere. he's always sticking by her side, which fits him perfectly as her destiny appointed knight and also her friend and also more once i get my hands on the zelda dev team. AT THE VERY LEAST he would definitely live near her. but there are no other places link could possibly be living in this town. i haven't made it through the entire game yet so i can't say for sure that there's nowhere in the entire game that he could be living but my money is on fucking no. also every single time you talk to an npc they're like "hey link :D! where's zelda?" pretty much confirmation that you never see one without the other. they are a UNIT
b. zelda's diary mentions that she had a builder add on a secret room for privacy. WHY WOULD SHE NEED A SECRET ROOM FOR PRIVACY IF IT'S HER HOUSE AND SHE'S THE ONLY ONE LIVING THERE??????? also in her study there's link's hair tie. why is his hair tie in her house?🤨 (also conjures thoughts of her doing his hair <3333) ALSO in her study she has ANOTHER journal where she mentions that the fact that link sticking with her so much has manifested in wear and tear on his clothes, so she secretly had a new and improved shirt made for him and she hid it at hyrule castle. 1. gift for him!!! 2. she set up a scavenger hunt for him!!! 3. why can't she hide it at her own house????? hmmm??? HMMMM???????🤨🤨🤨 IT'S BECAUSE HE LIVES THERE I KNOW IT
c. the house has lot's of the same decorations from when it was link's, the flower on the nightstand, the furniture is the same, THE DINING TABLE IS SET FOR TWO, and link's picture from the dlc is still there (if you play the game with a profile that has a botw save on your switch, which i can't personally confirm because i'm playing totk on my new switch and my profile doesn't have a botw save on it because i played botw on the family switch) but anyway, link's decor. AND. THE MOST DAMNING PIECE OF EVIDENCE. YOU. THE PLAYER. AS IN LINK. CAN STILL SLEEP IN THAT TWIN BED. IN THIS GAME, YOU CANNOT SLEEP IN ANY NPC BEDS. IF THAT WAS TRULY JUST ZELDA'S (AN NPC) BED THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP IN IT. I REST MY CASE. ZELINK CANON BUT THEY WON'T CONFIRM IT. MR. ANOUMA COME OUTSIDE I JUST WANT TO TALK
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 2 years
A Tease
Summary: Bucky has been a tease all day long, yet you can’t help but jump his bones when he's relaxing after a shower.  
Paring: Beefy!Bucky x Plus-Size! Reader  
Word Count: 2,156
Dividers: @silkholland​​
Warings: 18+ only!, SMUT!, unprotected rough sex, teasing, swearing, pet names(doll, bunny, sarge) beefy!bucky (yes he needs a warning!). modern au, aftercare. *I think that’s all but please let me know if i missed something!* 
A/N: strongly based off of this picture the amazing @vbecker10​​ sent me. // P.S this is my second time writing smut and I read a lot of smut before writing this so I could semi write good so hopefully y’all like it!!
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It had all  started in the morning when you woke up to Bucky kissing you,  when he noticed that he woke you up he leaned into you more to give you a deep passionate kiss. You couldn't help but moan as you felt the cool sensation of his vibranium fingers, running down your hot core to rub the right spot. You pull his hair a little “b-bucky” you moan again when you feel your high coming from the quick paste he was going at, then it's gone in seconds when he pulls his hand out from under the covers and rolls off you to get up from the bed.  
" Bucky come back" you whine as he walks over to the bathroom in your shared apartment.  " I have to get ready for work, me and Steve are training all the new agents today" you groan knowing he loves teasing you. “ But bucky… I want you!” you whine louder rolling over onto your plump tummy to reveal your butt. You slightly raise it in the air and give it a little shake “ Please buck” you whine again knowing bucky couldn't  resist your ass. Hit bit his bottom lip at the sight of his plumed naked girlfriend laying naked on display for his eyes only. 
“ Sorry bunny but I have to go” he gives your forehead a kiss before he grabs his gym bag. Just then you decided two can play that game. " Okay Sargent!” you say as you got up from the bed knowing that name would rile him up and it did but he walked out of the room.  
A couple of hours go by and it's a little past noon and you haven't heard anything from bucky. So you decided you’d attend your friend's private yoga studio to pass some time. This gave you the perfect opportunity to wear the tightest pair of leggings you have and the favorite sports bra that Bucky loves. When he bought it he said ‘my girls are gonna look amazing in these.’   
Once you arrived at the studio you heard a bunch of whistles from the other girls in the studio. “ Damn Girl your ass is looking real nice not to mention your boobs look amazing!” Jackie the owner and  your good friend commented while playfully swatting your butt.  You laugh at her antics. 
“ But I gotta ask, what did he do this time?”  she raised her eyebrows knowing whenever you come to her studio wearing this exact outfit it’s to get back at bucky.  
“ he left me high and dry this morning,” you simply said as she nodded. “ Well revenge is a bitch, I’ll be upstairs with the beginners if you need me” she smiled before she left you.  
You went to the bathroom to take some pics in your outfit that you knew Bucky would love, you made sure to get a couple  good pics of your boobs and butt. You only sent  him two photos with ‘ do like the color sarge?’ knowing damn well he won't even look at the color. You were still gonna tease him like he did to you.  After sending it you turn off your phone and head out to do some yoga.  
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You got so carried away with the new yoga moves that you lost track of time. When you are finished you quickly change into shorts that are probably a little too revealing and another favorite sports bra that he liked on you. Of course you cover up with some sweatpants and a jacket. This set was Specifically for Bucky's eyes only as the back of your shorts read ‘ I'm Sargents little whore’ and in small yet readable writing the bra said ‘ Sargent’s  girl’s’ yet another gift from bucky.  
As you turned your phone back on, you saw the messages bucky left. 
 My Sarge: Bunny! You can't send stuff like this while I'm at work! 
He wrote with a picture of his boner. 
 *missed facetime from My Sarge*
My Sarge: You better answer me you bratt. 
*missed call from My Sagre
My Sarge: Your getting fucked to the point you can’t walk when i get home! 
The last message was sent 20 minutes ago which meant Bucky was home by now. You can't help but let out an excitement of giggling at the last text. With that you headed home. 
Which leads to where you are now. When you got home he was sitting on the sofa with nothing but his towel poorly wrapped around his torso, his long hair hanging still droplets of water on his chest and hair.  
The sight made you unbelievably hory and you were quick to shut and lock the door before you stripped all of your clothes off, only leaving in your underwear and sports bra.  The action happened so fast bucky didn’t have time to react as you jumped and straddle his lap and kissed him while grading down on him.
 " Doll I wouldn't do that if I were you, you are already in trouble with all the teasing you've done today."  he groaned, pulling back from the kiss and stalling your movements with his hands on your hips. 
" I want you now Sargent" You ask innocently, biting your lip, as you start rocking your hips faster " Okay that's it!" Bucky groans out and picks you up and drags you to your guy's bedroom. 
As soon as you enter the room he closes the door and pins you up against the wall and starts kissing your neck. He then begins to trailed down your neck nibbling at your jaw and sucking your neck roughly, as well as giving it a couple of love bites in the spots he knew that drove you crazy.  
With his freehand he spreads your legs open and places his thigh in between, pressing on your heat causing you to whimper. " You put on quite a little show for your Sargent doll " he whispers in your ear. 
 You knew you were done  for when he calls you doll . You begin to rock your hips on his thigh causing you to moan in pleasure, he moves his free hand and places it on your hips roughly and rocks you faster causing your high to start approaching. " I'm close, may I cum?" You whimper out in between your moans. "No," he growls as he takes his thigh away, causing you to whimper from loss of contact. 
" If you wanna cum you're gonna have to make up for all the teasing and work for it" he growls as moves away from your ear and goes to lay on the bed up against the headboard. His towel is still attached to him and it drives you insane. “ Strip and come to your Sargent doll” he commands you and you obey instantly.  Stripping the remainder of your clothes away you climb on the bed and undo his towel  revealing his hard on. 
 You begin to slowly pump him before giving kisses to the tip and licking the pre-cum off. Bucky bundles up your hair and pulls it a little, " No more teasing doll" you immediately take him in your mouth causing him to let out a moan. "You gonna let your sergeant face fuck you?" He asked sweetly, he didn't want to make you do anything you are uncomfortable with.  
You look up at him and nod causing him to start thrusting his hip forward slowly. You feel him moving in and out of your mouth starting to hit further back in your throat than it has been before, good thing you don't have a bad gag reflex. He starts thrusting faster and tears start to form in the corner of your eyes. 
" You're Sargents little whore aren't you?" You hum on his member in response causing him to moan at the feeling. " Oh right there doll, fuck you're taking me so well". You feel him twitch in your mouth indicating he is close so you suck your cheeks in a little as he starts thrusting sloppier but faster, " OH FUCK Y/N!" He moans out as he shoots his cum down your throat. "Swallow like a good girl"  you swallow  before you lean back on your knees. 
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"Did I make up for it?" you ask him, wiping your mouth " I think you did a doll, now it's my turn"  Before you could process what’s happening bucky had pulled you up to sit on his face. He spreads your legs and kissing your thick thighs causing you to whimper. 
 " Please Sarge please," You wine out "what doll?" "What's wrong?" "Please", is all you manage to say.   "you gotta use your words doll" " Fuck please do something. Please eat me out, finger me whatever just please stop teasing" you practically yell out with frustration. 
" As you wish doll" he slides his middle and index finger in  you, You hiss at the coolness of his metal fingers but are drawn away from it when you feel him starting to suck on your clit. "Oh fuck" you moan as he slowly pumps his fingers in and out of you "faster please" you wine out "please what?" You hear Bucky say before returning to assault your clit. 
  "faster please Sarge- oh shit." You moan out the last part. You were falling into your euphoria as you felt bucky fingering you and eating you out. You tingle your hands in his long hair and pull slightly when he hits your G-spot with his fingers causing him to growl onto your clit increasing your pleasure. " Oh fuck Sargent, fuck I'm getting close ah," you moan out. Before you could get any closer to your climax buck stops and gently pulls you down to straddle him. 
 “ This is your punishment for teasing, work for it” you whine but nothingless you position yourself and sink down in his member letting out a moan at how good he feels. His hands automatically go to your hips and you begin to slowly move up and down. You begin to increase your pace when bucky leans up and takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking it slightly increasing the pleasure even more.  
" Ah fuck, I'm geting close please let me cum" you whiper out with that bucky wraps you in his arms and he steadily increases his speed thrusting up into you, until he is at an inhumane pace. You are a moaning and screaming mess as he pounds into you. " FUCK SARGET" that's all it takes you  to go over the edge.  " Cum doll, Cum for your Sargent" 
You start shaking in pleasure as your orgasm hits you like a truck. You place your hands on his chest catching your breath for a little. “ What’s the safe word doll?”  he sweetly placed a kiss on your sweaty forehead. “ peach” He waits for you to nod before flipping you over and hooking your legs around his waist and looking them in place. Him rubs his hands up and down your thighs before he slowly begins to thrust into you again  chasing his high. 
 His  new position causes him to hit deeper inside of you. He grabs your hips and begins  thrusting into you. You feel your second high approaching as he slams into you. " Imma cum again" you whine as he starts thrusting faster and faster. "Cum doll" you feel him twitch inside of you and you come hard as you yell out sergeant and many other curse words. Bucky kept slamming into chasing his high, " OH FUCK Y/N!" he moans out loud and squeezes your legs around his waist, trapping him. 
You both lay on the bed in this position for a couple of seconds before he gets up to get a damp washcloth. He comes back and wipes you down while giving light kisses on your body. He throws  the washcloth in the bathroom and climbs in bed next to you holding you close to him. 
 "Never tease me again doll"  
 " You're the one that started this, but if this is what happens I might tease you all day every day" you say smirking" 
"you're killing me you know but I love you so much" 
 "I love you too” you turn in his embrace facing him. After a couple of seconds pass, you speak. “ Jamie?” you question and bucky knew when you called him that you meant something serious.  
“ Yeah” he looked down at you you bite your lip before you looked up at him and spoke. “Do you think this time I'll get pregnant?” 
 " I don;t know the bunny, hopefully if not we can always try again ” he kissed your forehead. You hummed “ Good night sarge” 
“Bunny” he teased, as you giggled before placing a kiss on his lips and both of you drifted off into sleep. Sure enough two months later you found out you were pregnant and bucky couldn't have been more happy then in that moment. 
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TAGLIST❤️‍🔥: @vbecker10 @nana1000night @hannibals-favourite-meal​ @imyourbratzdoll
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Until Eternity
Unfinished business | immortality | revenge
CW: mentioned murder, stabbing, serial killer, haunting
… in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. 
Eliza hovered in space watching her new husband back away from her already cooling body.  She was angry, certainly, but not surprised.  
She’d been on his trail for a long time before they got married.  Six different identities, five dead girls, and a deep, suppressed rage led to his eager agreement to meet her.  She dyed her hair blonde and collected evidence while hiding her disgust behind a fake smile.
The wedding was imperative.  Theat was when he struck.  Of course, she would have preferred to stay alive, but being dead did provide certain advantages to her plan.  Namely, he couldn’t kill her again.
Eliza had approximately one month to get a handle on being dead.  How to research and network with other ghosts.  How to manipulate solid objects.  How to manipulate the living.
She’d always loved solving puzzles.  Being dead didn’t change that (though it did change what sort of puzzles she sought out).  Her still breathing husband was a puzzle she had all the time in the world to solve.  How hard could it be?
Being a ghost was hard.  Which hindered Eliza’s new plans immensely.  She needed to master her corporeal body in the next week in order to stay on schedule.
Meanwhile, as she was failing at being a ghost, she kept an eye on the living investigation.  So far, they seemed to be failing as well.  Wasn’t that great.  If Eliza still had breath, she would have sighed.
He found his next target.
Eliza screamed in frustration.
The lights in the café flickered.
Eliza stopped, and the lights returned to normal.  The patrons noticed nothing.
Eliza moved into his place.  Again.
Plan A had failed when she was alive.  Plan B would take too long.  So.  Plan C.
The new girl hadn’t moved in yet, which was good.  Eliza wanted to be rid of her husband before he could harm anyone else.  
Eliza waited patiently for him to get ready for bed and to settle down for the night.  Then she waited a bit more until he was on the brink of sleep.  She chuckled to herself and yelled in her loudest spirit voice, “Bob!”
He flinched awake but didn’t move.
Eliza waited for him to settle again.  “Bob!”
This went on a few more times before he sat up.  He blinked and said, “Mom?”
Eliza threw her hands up, and the bedside lamp flicked on. Really, it was amazing he hadn’t been caught yet.  “Bob.”
“What?” he snapped.
“Oh, Bob,” Eliza said, patient as one can be when dealing with their serial killer ex-husband.  “I am not your mom.  I am your wife.”
“Ahhhh …?”
“Eliza.  The one you just killed a month ago.”
He sputtered.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t you?”  Eliza hovered cross-legged at the foot of his bed.  He was an idiot, but this could be fun.  “You don’t remember the knife you had?  A birthday present from your previous wife.  Marcia, wasn’t it?”
“Uh … no?”
“It was really pretty, had all these curly cues etched into the blade.  Really caught the light as you stabbed me with it.”
“Uh … who are you again?”
“I’m your wife, Bob,” Eliza said, getting frustrated again.  “Or should I call you Leonard?  Keith? Montressor?  That was a creative one.  Han –“
“What do you want?”  He looked around the room trying to find her.
Eliza allowed herself to be visible for a moment then faded back.  “I’d really love to not be dead.”  She popped up close to his face and smiled when he squealed.  “But seeing as that’s not an option, I want you to stop killing people.”
He stood up and backed up towards the door.  “What are you going to do about it?”
“I’ll get my revenge.”
He squeaked and locked himself in the bathroom.
“Bob.  I’m dead.  Your puny locks can’t stop me.”
He didn’t respond.  That was fine.  Eliza could wait, and he wouldn’t hurt anyone if he was locked in there.
When he emerged, Eliza had the grandest time following him around the apartment while being the most annoying version of herself.  It was almost worth being dead for.
His girlfriend called.  He ignored it.
She called again and a third time.  He threw the phone at the wall.
On the third day of Eliza’s stay, the girlfriend came over unannounced.  Eliza had a lovely time the girlfriend’s arguments.  “Yes, Bob.  It’s rude to ignore your girlfriend when she calls you.  Yes, it is awfully inconsiderate to string her along when you’re already married many times.  Yes, Bob, you should tell her if you’re seeing other people.  Of course, Bob.  It’s not all about you. No, Bob, you wouldn’t want this one to follow you around for all eternity.  She seems like the type to stay around.  Though it could be fun for me”
Finally, Bob broke.  “Alright,” he screamed.  “I’ll stop killing!”
The girlfriend blanched. “What?”
Eliza grinned triumphantly. “Yes, Bob.  Tell her what.”
The girlfriend was already halfway out the door when he cried out, “I killed my last wife, okay?  And my last four –“
“It was five,” Eliza corrected.
“– my last five wives.”
“And tell her about me,” Eliza said excitedly.
The girlfriend was gone before he mumbled about being haunted.  It wasn’t long before sirens came screaming down the street.
Eliza was quite pleased. 
Mission complete, she could go wherever she wanted, so she went everywhere.  Between her travels, she made sure to visit Bob, reminding him that he could never be rid of her, wasn’t that great.  Together forever and ever.
He’d yell or silently scowl.  
She’d whisper and flicker the lights before taking her leave, happier than ever.
And so it went.
For eternity, until death did them part.
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hatboyproject · 2 years
First, you are a legend. Second, I have finally broken down and started playing thru the ME trilogy thanks to (a) my ability to take a sabbatical, and (b) a friend buying me the legendary edition, and (c) threats of violence from my loved ones should I not play it. I've finished ME2 and I am 100% not booting up ME3 if there's snowball's chance in hell that the LE version of your mod is dropping any time soon.
*sings* you're not our bitch and you're not a machine * I'm a fic writer, I expect nothing. And I know this stuff takes forever and I 1000% expect the answer to be 'no' but the only thing I am inquiring is whether there is an updated ETA for your mod. OR if you have need for a legendary edition beta tester. OR if I can send you cash money to help offset the time being spent on a labor of love. OR if I should say -f- it and get my hands on the original edition of ME3 so the hatboy mod you've already (gloriously) provided us, works.
Also thank you for giving me hope that I will get to play a Shoker option, which makes the most sense thematically and narratively and I am aghast at what bioware chose to do with Joker (and EDI, wtf). You're doing god's work.
Just this week, I got some of the updated synths I've been waiting for, but I'm still waiting on BroShep.
I am still working on HBLE, don't you worry! In between writing fic myself, doing a painting, and a playthrough of ME3 to refamiliarise myself with its pacing, I have been going in and putting some necessary setup stuff in place, which is all very boring and un-exciting and not really showcase-able. Big chunks of the structure have been built, but most of the audio work has to be done, still.
In the OT, a lot of work had been done before I had the ability to read a line to the synth myself and have it transpose the voice directly, which noticeably improves delivery. So much so that it is difficult to use a lot of the previous edition's takes. This has the knock-on effect of the line needing to be re-animated because, of course, the timings of everything are now different with the new audio. There are very few lines whose takes will not be re-done.
Fortunately, however, I have my lipsync automation tools, and I'm much better at animating now than when I started. So it takes a lot less time this go-around... but still time!
Sadly and wonderfully, this is a massive mod and is much more than just a straight port. If it was a straight port, it'd have been done already. I would apologise for that, but I like to think the end result will be worth it, haha!
I am adding new content this time, including an entire conversation about his sister that you can unlock by completing some vanilla dialogues.
I am so glad that you've been enjoying your time with Mass Effect and that my mod is on your list of things to do. In what I am sure is the most shocking statement of the century, I agree that Joker is the most thematically satisfying romance for Shepard. I can't wait to get it to you! I promise, I am doing my best and there's nobody who wants it in your hands more than me.
Regarding testing, it's not quite in a state where it can be tested just yet. A few conversations work (first convo, EDI body convo, EDI discussion, some ambients) but nothing else yet.
Regarding supporting me, I do have a Ko-Fi. You can find a link to it in the pinned post, and donations absolutely do help my creative efforts, and I go a little feral when I see someone has donated. But as always, I want to make it clear; The Hatboy Project is free and will never be gated in any way. Everyone gets the same release at the same time. All you have to do is own a legit copy of the game... Which you already do!
Excitement like yours helps keep me going. Thank you so much.
Edit: lmao my link is not in my pinned post lol rofl it's hatboyproject.ko-fi.com tho
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1kiarika · 5 months
Bakugou x Fem!Reader ( kids)
Thank you guys for picking this story ( my first story :) ) I hope you enjoy Pookies, and here is some info
// warning: they're with be cussing// \(^ w^)/
n/n: Nickname ( for you, or everyone in the family)
l/n: last name
m/n: mother's name
y/n: your name
f/n: father's name
b/n: brother's name ( he the oldest)
h/c: hair color, e/c: eye color, s/c: skin color, f/c: favorite color, h/l: hair length
b/d: birthday
f/g: favorite game
c/f: country from
a sunny afternoon, this hothead boy was sitting and playing in his sandbox until he heard. Um, he heard moving trucks? and after the moving trucks stopped right across from the Bakugou's house, then a black car came and stopped right in front of the new house they were going to leave their
Katsuki's pov
I was sitting in my sandbox that my old hag just bought me until I got distracted from building my mega amazing only-in-its-kind castle. I lifted my head to see that they're were some extras going to live right across from us.
' just what we needed, more people '
I say rolling my eyes and going back to my amazing castle. then a few minutes later I heard my old hag walking up to them, but I couldn't care less so I continued with building.
Mitsuki's pov
I was in the kitchen cleaning some dishes and watching Katsuki, when I heard moving trucks, I stopped what I was doing and looked a bit more out the window, and saw my old childhood friend
' this can't be true I say in my head and jumping up and down clapping my hands
'when she sent me that text message I thought she was joking around' I start opening the door and walking to see my good old bestie
" YO M/N, WELCOME BACK BITCH" I go and hug her
" ah Mitsu I missed you so much" M/n hugs me back, feeling the warm that I missed
" so how is F/n, has he been treating you well," I say raising an eyebrow
" ah Mitsu, you know him. he was being a good husband" She looks at me " How are you and Masaru doing, any children yet?" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me
" Oh me and Masaru been doing fine, still in our old same jobs but still making pretty good fucking money" I look back and Katsuki still playing in his sandbox, then I look back at M/n "Well we have our own little brat over there," I say pointing at Katsuki yawning
I hear M/n gasp " Oh let me see him, how old is he, when was he born, does he always play alone, does he have your personality, did he get his quirk yet, what is his name?" she started asking me questions
" Okay, okay calm down," I say giggling "Well he is 5 years old, and his birthday is on April 20th, his name is Katsuki Bakugou, and he has my fucking personality and attitude" I sigh "Well, he doesn't always play alone just today, and yes he did get his quirk, and it is an explosion"
M/n got excited and started walking up to him and I followed behind
Katsuki's pov
I was still working my butt out when I saw this lady walking up to me
"hey there Katsuki, what are you building there?" the lady said
' how does she know my name?' then I saw the old hag smiling so I thought it might be her friend she had been talking about all month
" well I am building the most mega amazing, one-in-it's kind Castle in the world," I say proudly staying up
" well my name is M/n L/n and I am your mother's childhood friend" she smiled at me
" so you are my old hag's childhood friend she's been non-stop talking about"
" hey brat watch it," the old hag said to me but I just rolled my eyes
M/n pov
when I saw Katsuki it just reminded me of Mitsu, they looked so alike maybe Katsuki's hair was a bit darker but still alike on the inside and outside. and I smile
Mitsuki's pov
then it hit me
" oh yeah how is b/n, is he like 7 or 8 years old now or some shit?"
I hear M/n giggling " Well he is 8 years old right now, and I have another child too"
my eyes widened when I heard that and I got excited "Okay tell me everything"
M/n sighs" Well her name is Y/n L/n, her birthday is b/d, she's 4 years old, she has the mix of her father's personality and mine, and has the eyes of her father but the rest is mine. and she still didn't get her quirk"
"Well, where is she?" I ask curious to see another little M/n
" well I think she just woke up from her nap, " M/n said smiling and walking to go get her and coming back with the cutest girl I had ever seen.
Y/n's Pov
I was having a sweet nap until my mom picked me up and I started to rub my eyes to add just to the light outside, then she put me down, and I held to her leg for balance
Katsuki's Pov
I heard footsteps again and I looked up to see this girl, holding onto M/n leg. She had bright e/c, and her hair was h/l and the most beautiful shade of h/c I had ever seen, the light from the sun made her s/c look bright. her dress was a shade of f/c and had a white shirt inside, and she was wearing this golden necklace around her neck and had golden earrings and bracelet. her hair was tied up into a half ponytail with a bow at the end that matched the color of her dress. She was so- wait what am I saying. I felt my heart racing and my cheeks turning red, ' what is this feeling. maybe it's just because outside is hot' I told myself that
" um, hi my name is Y/n L/n," she said to me and I looked up at her. her voice sounded like an angel, and I felt my heart melting
" I-I um" ' huh?! why am I speaking like this? gosh this is embarrassing' I say in my head- wait why is it embarrassing, I shake my head and I grin and look at her
" the name is Katsuki Bakugou," I say, all proud " What do you want extra"
I see L/n sitting next to me and my heart starts to race again " ugh stupid heart, why are you acting like this damn it' I say to myself not knowing what else to do
what will Bakugou do the first time meeting the lovely Y/n, Huh?
well that's all for today. Okay guys I might do a second part so, bye my children, see you next time
Love, Kiarika Suzuki
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studentofetherium · 2 years
card layout tier list
while i'm at it with the longposts, here's a tier list of trading card layouts (also this only counts the default because otherwise magic has like six million different layout at this point)
A tier:
these are my favorites. each excels at what they set out to do. the original magic layout gives the feeling of pages from a magic tome, describing monsters and spells alike. the disney TCG works on another level, as it's able to display all the relevant gameplay information while prioritizing the art and name yet making it a functional. the disney game will, like pokemon, be primarily sold as collector pieces for disney fans, and for that purpose, this is fantastic. i especially appreciate how it manages to fit all of the collector's information, not just the artist, trademark, and set distribution information, but also the expansion symbol. the original magic card design was perfect in its simplicity, but the disney TCG is perfect in being able to convey so much information yet keep it concise and clear. i will never play that game, but i am in awe
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b tier:
i especially love how the attack and defense on old yugioh monsters was presented. it has the same old tome feeling of old magic cardsbut feels refreshingly different. the problem is that for effect monsters, which didn't exist for several sets, their information is much harder to fit into the text box. thankfully, the replacement design, with a larger textbox, had a similar feeling, and remains a strong and iconic design magic's modern design also goes in this tier. visually, i think it's a step back from the original, but as a gamepiece, it's far superior. like the disney game, it's great at portraying all the information players and collectors need in a concise manner. it also shows off the art well and has a good downward flow. of the designs in this tier, it's definitely the best
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c tier:
here's where designs start getting iffier. i love the Future Sight border, but it is rife with gameplay issues, such as being unusable for right-handed players, as well as concerns about costs fitting in it. i like the way the border overlaps with itself in the oval and art, but it's otherwise hard to defend from a practical perspective however, it's still striking and visually interesting. it's remembered well for a reason and i would like to see wotc return to it, even if only for a secret lair or the like
pokemon layouts, new and old, haven't changed much from a practical level. i think they convey all the information that they need to, but a lot falls flat in terms of the layout. in both cases, the use of flavor text feels off. the collector's information in the corner is nice, but things like video game information is really unnecessary. the reason why it's there is because the pokemon trading card game is as much or more about being collector's pieces over game pieces. while there is a thriving competitive scene for the game and people do play it casually, most cards sold are because of the demand for fans of other parts of the franchise. as collector's pieces, i think they're compromised, since so much of the card is being dedicated to effects and the text box. things like flavor text or species information are neat and do add to the mystique of the card, but i don't think they're enough to make it better than a passing grade
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d tier:
the worst designs that i'll talk about today are Cardfight Vanguard and Weiss Schwarz. they're pretty similar in terms of design, as Weiss Schwarz is a spinoff of Vanguard. simply put, they both run into information overload. abilities aren't listed in a good order, type information is smushed together with attack, and things like shield, grade, or trigger are visually overwhelming. it's a trainwreck of design, which is a shame because the game systems themselves are pretty neat. i will say, at least, that i respect Vanguard more for having its own art and designs, and thus, aesthetic, while the art used in Weiss Schwarz is all screencaps and promo art being reused. i'm sure that makes the game much cheaper to produce, but it also makes it feel cheap. and once again, it runs into the problem of making a game meant as a game and a collector's item. if you're buying weiss schwarz cards, getting screencaps from the show or reused promo art can feel really underwhelming
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napneeders · 2 years
okay this is a post from my drafts from whenever it was that I was thinking about the Izzy Hands Choose Your Own Adventure and how I thought the ✨ structure ✨ could work:
it's a time loop, i.e. when you have to go back to the beginning the character keeps the memories (wakes up and it's the same day again)
I'm going to use "die" for whatever prompts starting over, as in videogame language, but it's not necessarily death every time. in a cyoa it could just be "you're stuck", in a time loop you usually die/pass out/fall asleep right? (or something catastrophic happens, I'm thinking of that one time loop fic where Izzy has to stop Ed from killing himself.) so need to consolidate that
similarly I'm just going to use "winning" for reaching the desirable outcome (that gets you out of the time loop)
there are LEVELS. I thought five but that is starting to seem ambitious from the writing perspective. I'm going to use letters for these
anyway on the first level/round (day (or iteration of)) and possibly several subsequent ones you have no chance of winning. you die, start over and wake up again
PLOT TWIST if you did anything right on level A (which there'll probably be a less than 50% chance of) you don't ACTUALLY go back to the Chapter 1 where you started but a NEW Chapter 1 that's almost but not quite identical because izzy has learned something
and you'll notice this after the first choice because now there are slightly different paths to take
still have no chance of winning on level B. when you die you might go back to ("Chapter 1" on) level A, B or upgrade to C depending on how abysmal your choices were.
and so on. when you die on level C, maybe going back to level A is not a possibility anymore.
however bad choices mid-level might drop you back into a lower-level storyline
assuming there are 5 levels, on level D you might have the chance to advance to level E storyline without starting over
maybe on level E when you're all grown up there's even more than one way to win?
also I originally started thinking about this because of a sliding doors moment in my last fic where I had originally written Izzy being nice and reasonable to end a conflict and the rest of the story wasn't working so I had to go back and change that one small action into an angry defensive one that changed the course of the rest of the day.
also the structure would probably be easier to figure out if it was based on writing the damn thing but again I've got NOTHING as far as what actually happens in this.
also it MIGHT be easier to adapt an existing time loop fic for this. at least that would be fun. but I'm not sure there is one that has the kind of plot I want. I have the time loop tag open on my computer but I haven't trawled through it yet. I think there's maybe two Izzy fics in it tho.
(x months later I still haven't trawled through the tag but it IS still open on my computer)
this is based on gamebook/hyperlink format btw. now that I'm secretly reading about various text-based adventure game builders it seems like a lot of this could be achieved with more sophisticated mechanics with possibly less effort and more flexibility
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
Notes about my creative and gaming ventures:
I started nanowrimo with the intent of finishing a. My Encanto fanfic and b. My Cait Sith to the Rescue fic. I did about a week of work on the former, got slightly stuck and more interested in other non-writing projects, and haven’t recovered. I progressed pretty well, and inched closer to the end, but it feels stuck now. It’s a stupid little point of I need to include Felix now because he’s the only family member I haven’t written yet and it makes no sense for him to not be there, and I don’t know how. More likely, I just have to sit down and write it.
I’m much less stuck on the Cait Sith fanfic, but I am trying to finish these in the order I promised myself. I have a solid outline for the rest of it, and have poked a bit and played with dialogue; I feel it will go fine when I get around to it.
The major distraction was my shiny new Sims 2 project! …which like my other sims projects has slowed to a crawl because of the ridiculous way I set up my CC. It’s working a lot better than setting up my medieval CC did, mainly because there is so much less stuff (and also because I learned the hard way to stop installing lots without clean installer, and other similar wisdom you’d think I would have learned in the twenty years I’ve been playing). Still frustratingly slow, though! My method is nice because a. I have a bunch of ancient stuff, like collections from AAS that just doesn’t exist anymore, and b. I find workable stuff that never would have occurred to me to seek out to include. For example, I had a whole bunch of JA steampunk outfits in my downloads folder. Most of them got cut, of course, but several puffy sleeved white shirts for male and female sims will work great for casual and piratey 18th century sims. Like so:
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On the other hand, I have a ton of decorative crap I don’t know whether I will be able to identify sufficiently to remove! On the other other hand, currently loading is nice and quick. Well, it is what it is. I have been adding freshly downloaded CC in small chunks, removing CC using a combination of screenshotting tooltips and using DDO to locate and remove unwanted stuff, and it’s inching along.
I am really glad I decided to used Castaway Stories natives, as that goes beautifully with the piratey stuff in this 18th century set, which I can use in the future.
And it has also come to my attention that as sparse as 18th century CC is, the sims that suffer the most from a lack of content so far are Male Children. If I participated in the community like at all, I would politely beg for child and probably toddler conversions of nice simple Heget clothing. And some all-ages all-gender separate breeches to go with my puffy shirts.
And I’ve been distracted from that by a. Minecraft, where my project of digging out a massive cave uncovering cool stuff in a seed with three ancient cities and a stronghold uncovered another massive cave I needed to climb to the top of and incorporate, and it’s 20 blocks down before that is done and then 20 more blocks down before my whole cave even touches the stronghold, b. Civ 6 which I really wasn’t expecting, and now I feel like I should clear out some achievements or something, and c. Dwarf fortress, where I was kinda waiting for the steam release but I got too excited and I am very rusty. I had a couple of starting crashes, then a world where all the cool start locations were near a necromancer tower so every time I started a new fort, in a few months there would be an undead siege I wasn’t ready for. First fort, I just didn’t realize; second fort actually it was crocodiles that kept popping out of the river and murdering my dwarves; third fort I thought I was doing better but didn’t hook up my protective drawbridge in time and got wiped out by the undead. Eventually I rolled a new world and it has gone okay so far, I used what I learned to make sure I didn’t start near evil, and also dug a quick starter fort in the first layer of sand and dirt before making my fancy entrance—another trap I often fall into! we’ll see if it’s survivable.
I also am getting a bit distracted by Grounded, but I can probably wait until the update comes out on that so I can have mushroom stairs for the castle I’ll eventually build. (I started a new game when it was released, and the stalled because I wanted to build a great treehouse before venturing into the hedge lab. Forgetting that my last great treehouse was built during pandemic lockdown when I had so much extra free time to go crazy building…)
It’s fun to ramble into the void about my current projects, it’s like talking to myself out loud and it helps me feel organized even when I’m not!
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starwhispcrs · 3 years
haha someone stop me from impulse buying games on sale for golden week
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You know what I love
De-aging fics
Now please picture Boba agreed to watch his starwars equivalent to God son for a week while his dad's deal with some force artifact lukes heard about
And next thing he knows he has a stressed Leia and loud r2 in his palace with two very small children "oh kiff that's din and his jedi"
Cue Leia dumping Boba with two new small children telling him ' keep them alive while I fix this like I fix everything if you need anything I left chewies number in lukes bag' and proceeds to leave
He's not going to argue with Leia he saw her strangle Jabba
Now there's 3 possibilities from here with Luke and din
1. They don't have any memories other than what they had as children Luke is very stressed be cause Mr. Mando why are we in Jabba place and can I go see my aunt and uncle please you seem nicer than the hutts and din is just really confused where he is and why the adult isn't wearing his helmet and yet still latching on to each other
2. They have strong feelings about things but don't actully remember anything
This has alot of comedy because
a) Din and Luke will be very clingy and also very protective of grogu
b) Luke will absolutely be eying Boba with suspicion while dins like I don't know I feel like I can trust him
c) Luke has very strong feelings about the throne room and does not know why he doesn't trust the floor but he doesn't
d) din trying to figure out what to do with the armor he refuse to leave anywhere
Finally option
3. They remember but they can't keep themselves alive due to being child
They are trying to maintain dignity
Din is not comfortable with out his helmet
Luke is having issues with both his powers and physical capabilities
Hand reveal that Luke used to have it and doesn't later
Let me know your thoughts I just couldn't sleep and it's 4 in the morning and I am having thoughts
Ommmmmgghhhhg this is glorious my dear 🐢!!!!!! I once worked in a primary school/kindergarten little kids are hilarious! Mix that with star wars! A flawless combo!!!
Boba is just in shock like 'I knew the Force was weird but THIS????' And hes then torn between being a DadTM and knowing these two toddler's are/were his friends (and two of the most powerful people he knows).
I love the idea of them like no memories but still some of the emotional memories. As adults Din and Luke were married, but ofc now theyre not now, but they still feel a strong connection so will just constantly hold hands when they walk around and its ADORABLE. They are those besties that just do everything together, if one does something stupid the other will immediately do it too - baby logic solidarity!
Also at nap time they make a cuddle pile with Grogu which is just too cute, like the kind of cute that physically hurts.
Luke is a very social child, basically winning people over instantly; meanwhile Din is slightly more reserved and will hold on tight to Luke's hand when there's more people around - he does it a lot anyway but this is a specific 'too many people' hand hold.
Fennec is surprisingly having a great time. She's not maternal but toddler's are very funny. Her holo is FULL of videos of them doing dumb child stuff (like biting into a chilli or running around in too big shoes) and so many videos of them face planting. She's the chaotic aunt while Boba is having his Jango/Mandolorian Dad Gene activated and telling her off.
Luke calls Boba "Mr Mandolorian" (Fennec thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing and will randomly also call him that , even after everything goes back to normal).
I also like the idea of Luke really liking Boba and wanting upies all the time, if he's not with Din he's trying to get Boba to pick him up, qnd Boba does not know how to deal with this; but, of course, no mandolorian can say no to a child that wants upies.
While holding Luke on his hip, Boba is "you know you're very cuddly for someone who helped 'kill' me," Luke just sticks his tounge out (hes assuming Boba was referring to the game they were playing earlier...rather than Boba getting drop kicked into a pit)
I also like this idea because when Leia and Han come back Luke's favourite adult is Boba and Han is offended and even after the situation is solved he's still salty. Han never stops bringing it up. Never.
Meanwhile, Grogu is like TINY DADS! TINY DADS! and is having an amazing time playing with them.
Din keeps picking him up, he doesn't know why but he has the urge to constantly carry him, put him to bed, feed him etc despite being a toddler - which has the comedy potential of a small child looking after a smaller child while an adult is like !!!! Youre too young you're gonna drop him !!!! Also Din feeding Grogu with full force (because he's at the age where you're still learning about strength etc).
Grogu doesn't get why Luke is suddenly not using the force? So keeps trying to teach him how...by setting the zappy droid on him...but Luke is an actual toddler and not 50 years old...Boba has a heart attack when he sees Luke sprinting through the Palace followed by the zappy droid.
So much blue milk is consumed. Boba doesn't understand how things so small can consume so much!
Ahhhh I love the ideas of them toddling around so much. Like little kids can move so fast when they want to and have the wildest logic it's incredible. Like Luke walking into a big scary Tatooine meeting and being like the "imma nap" vine, while Din is just bringing sand into the Palace for some reason only known to him, and the gangs/families are like ?????
So much pure comedy and adorableness potential!!!!!
When they get turned back their baby memories qre quite fuzzy, but never fear! Fennec has a huge data stick full of videos and photos, so she hosts a movie/show and tell night for ALL of Clan Mudhorn and Co. She gets to embarrasse everyone, she's living her best life (no one will ever know she thinks it was kind of cute).
Boba is slightly sad when they get turned back, but then, a few years later when tatooine is much more stable and several mandolorians have decided to help and live there, Boba adopts some foundlings!
There's just so much potential *chefs kiss*
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ellicler · 2 years
izzy hands is a sad and desperate little man futilely struggling against the systems he hates, yet unable to escape their conditioning. he constantly recreates the very power structures that he’s trying to destroy because a. he thinks they’re effective, b. they’re the only thing he knows and c. he’s inherently someone who likes existing inside of very ordered and familiar lines and he’s afraid of the chaos of change, of stepping into the disordered unknown. (in that way edward is very complementary and very healthy for him.)
there’s three major areas where he exhibits the same dynamic (they’re all interconnected of course). first is obviously patriarchy with its toxic masculinity, its cycles of abuse, its denial of true intimacy. a lot has been said on this point by people more eloquent than me. it’s stede who has the idea to propose an idiotic and visionary question, ‘and what if it wasn’t like that?’ (stede who has more leisure and more intellectual breathing room as a member of the privileged class. this show is so good.) other pirates (even the ones from blackbeard’s crew) accept this freedom of emotional expression, izzy vehemently rejects it.
second is the (british naval) hierarchy, and probably more generally western colonialism as a theme. it’s great we got to see how much izzy despises the british (’do you really want to lick the king’s boots?’) and yet his intransigence about the hierarchy on blackbeard’s ship is something weirdly parallel to the inhumane discipline on the british fleet. what are you even a pirate for, if you don’t have workplace democracy and a preestablished code of conduct? all right, a ship needs a certain amount of discipline to function, and you want to beat you enemies at their own game, but leaving no freedom for your crew makes you honestly indistinguishable from the system you hate. (it does make me wonder if izzy has some past background in the military fleet.) this is also a perspective that best explaines the rather odd scene of izzy as captain of Revenge lording it over the crew. he’s pointedly having dinner while they work (very much a parallel to the ep1 dining scenes with the british officers, a caste who hold themselves above the simple sailors serving them and get killed for their arrogance) and he also chooses to put to physical work the three men of color from the original crew (who doesn’t love to add a bit of racism to their classism). from the POV of the audience (and the crew) izzy is achieving precisely nothing with this show of symbolic power, but for him it’s probably the natural way to display and reinforce his new status (he wants to establish new boundaries quickly). a hilarious values dissonance. (mate just take a page out of blackbeard’s book and threaten someone with a knife through the eye, even that would’ve worked better.)
third is christianity with its ideas about love, servitude and virtue. (as @knowlesian hasn’t yet written the Weird White Jesus post, i’m forced to muddle through on my own, but i didn’t notice it before their game-changing izzy meta. unfortunately christian insanity is background noise to me, i was raised and bred on dostoyevsky.) there’s a very specifically christian emotional tone about self-sacrifice and suffering as the Greatest virtue, about self-abjection and self-negation due as service to your idol who is the quintessence of all perfection and power. the worship and unquestioning obedience due to White God Jesus and his proxies on this earth are trained into you and that's something that leaves a permanent impression on one’s sense of self. so once you rebel against the corrupt and selfish authorities you still carry that expectation of the Perfect Incarnation of Authority in you, an empty place inside your soul. you’ve learned that joy in acceptance of suffering is the highest form of love. you must not only submit willingly to the pain inflicted on you but also find happiness and fulfillment in it. ...i’m sure it’s plain to see the more extreme of izzy’s kinks have a lot of themes in common with this, but it’s also about the general psychological need to find the perfect leader and submit oneself wholly and entirely to his cause. you can’t just respect and follow a good man: you have to make a God out of him. (again, from edward’s POV being objectified in this way is just a colonisation narrative, again as @knowlesian pointed out here).
so anyway. izzy hands season 2 challenge. if your violent defiance of these systems is to be worth a damn, you have to stop letting yourself be defined by their narratives
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demonsandco · 3 years
I searched through your blog and I'm honestly so surprised you don't have more Simeon content. That being said, if you're still doing it, can I get the WHOLE smut alphabet for Simeon?
You’re right! It’s a shame cause he’s very much one of my favorites now that we get to see more of him in game! Normally I wouldn’t do the entire alphabet like this because it’s… a lot, but Simeon deserves it uwu. This is nearly 3000 words, which makes it my longest post yet by a long shot!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Simeon is such a sweetheart after sex. He’s not actually sleepy, but his limbs feel like jelly and he’s full of so many soft, loving emotions. All he wants to do is keep his partner close in his arms, slyly stealing kisses from their lips and whispering words of love in their ear. He’s not eager to get up or move at all, but he’s willing to have a bath or grab some water if they join him. Sex leaves him feeling rather emotional and vulnerable, and he really just wants to feel them near him and hear their voice.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Simeon’s favorite part of his body is his hands. He wears gloves often to protect them, leaving his skin feeling so soft and smooth. He’s a very hands on type of person, and he’s quite skilled with them, too. One of his favorite things to do during sex is run his hands up and down his partner’s sides, feeling their warmth under his palms.
In turn, Simeon loves every part of their body. If he had to pick just one part, though, it would be their eyes. He’s a firm believer in the saying that “eyes are the windows to the soul” and he could lose himself in their gaze. He’s fond of maintaining eye contact, watching their expression shift as they get close and memorising the different shades and tones that make up their eye color.
(Cont under the cut)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Simeon cums so much, both in quantity and frequency, but he hates the messiness of it. It feels good in the moment, but it gets cold and sticky way too quickly for his liking. He really likes to see his partner covered in his cum, as though he marked them as his in a way only the two of them would know about, but he’s always quick to help clean them up before it gets uncomfortable.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Simeon really doesn’t have anything that he would call a dirty secret. All the sexual experiences he’s had in the past have been quite tame and he’s very much not the type of person to feel ashamed about his past actions or keep them secret. He’s an open book when it comes to relationships and sex.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, angels are allowed to have sex. As long as it doesn’t impact their duties, angels can do whatever they want with their private lives, and Simeon very much took advantage of that. He’s had quite a few partners in the past, especially before the war took place. His original rank as a Seraph gave him a lot of popularity among other angels. His experiences have taught him a lot about how to make his partner feel good in many different ways, but he never really had the chance to figure out what he enjoys. There’s a huge opportunity for them to experiment with his body and to teach him more than just the basics.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Simeon is really open to experimenting and trying out new positions, so he doesn’t have just one favorite. However, the positions he enjoys most are ones where he can see his partner’s face, especially if the position lets him pull them against his chest when he feels the need for closeness. He’s open to just about any position, though, even if it seems rather absurd at first.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Simeon isn’t goofy enough to ruin the moment, but his playful nature definitely shines through. If he’s in bed with someone, that means he feels close to them emotionally, too, so he feels comfortable enough to not stay serious all the time. Sometimes things go wrong in the moment or something silly gets said out loud on accident. He doesn’t see anything wrong with laughing it off or jokingly teasing each other. He’s good at telling when the mood allows for some laughs and when some composure is necessary.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Being an angel, Simeon’s body is almost entirely hairless. Besides the hair on his head, the only other hair on him is a small patch above his cock and a very faint happy trail. He doesn’t enjoy the feel of shaving, but he does keep it very neatly trimmed at all times. Colour wise, it matches the hair on his head perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Simeon is quite romantic in the moment. Love and intimacy are very important aspects of sex to him, and that comes through in most of his actions. His pace, his preferred positions, everything reflects that intimacy that he craves. Through it all, he’s sweet talking to his partner, letting them know how good they make him feel, how important they are to him, and how much he loves them. He knows he might come across as too intense, but he wants to make sure they know that sex isn’t just about the physical aspect for him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Simeon rarely, if ever, feels the need to masturbate. Without a partner, sex really isn’t something he thinks about often, and if he does have a partner, he’d much rather take care of his need with them, rather than on his own. If he does end up jacking off, though, he always ends up fantasising about them, and he finds that he can’t actually cum without imagining them being there with him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Unsurprisingly, Simeon has a corruption kink. It came as a huge shock to him when he first realised it, but something about having his sweet little human tempt him and lead him down a path of “sin” excites him. It feeds into his rebellious nature that he constantly tries to control. It gives him a rush of adrenaline whenever they convince him to do something shameful or lewd and he finds himself enjoying it and even craving more instead of actually feeling shame.
As well, Simeon also has a massive praise kink. He always strives to please his partner as best as he can and getting positive reinforcement, something he rarely hears normally, sends shocks of pleasure shooting down his spine. The more praise he gets, the more eager he is to be good. If he’s being bratty, praising his good behavior in the past gets him to behave much quicker than a “punishment” would.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Simeon’s preferred location is either his or his partner’s room. It’s a place that feels safe and familiar, while also offering privacy. They can take as much time as they want and be as loud as they feel like without having to worry about anyone bursting in.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Getting Simeon turned on is pretty easy. All his partner needs to do is be direct with their advances. Their boldness excites him. He isn’t the type of person to get turned on by seemingly innocent actions, so their intent needs to be clear. That, alongside some suggestive touches, is more than enough to get him in the mood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Simeon is usually open to trying anything once and there’s not a lot that he’s opposed to, but he is very serious with his boundaries. He refuses to allow sex with his partner to start impacting his day to day life. Skipping classes, missing meetings, or even risking being late to something, even if it’s not important, in favor of sex is a big no for him. He makes his boundaries very clear from the start, and will quickly become harsh if his partner doesn’t respect them.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Simeon has almost no experience in oral, giving or receiving, but it quickly becomes one of his favorite things. He could spend hours between his partner’s thighs without getting bored. While he’s rather hesitant and unsure at first, he’s very skilled at reading their reactions and starts adjusting his technique to make them feel as good as possible.
He doesn’t enjoy receiving quite as much, but he still loves it! It’s so easy for his partner to make him cum or overstimulate him with just their mouth. The warm wetness of their mouth feels divine and their breath is so hot against his skin, he can’t help but cum embarrassingly quickly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Simeon greatly enjoys taking his time with his partner, keeping a slow and sensual pace and exploring every inch of their body with his mouth and hands. He’s not a fan of rushing, even as he gets closer to his peak, he keeps his pace steady, his body molding against theirs. He’s not opposed to going faster if they prefer that, but his favorite pace will always be slow and intimate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Simeon is not a fan of quickies. He’ll be open to trying it at least once, but he knows from the start that it’s not his cup of tea. The whole thing just feels so rushed and impersonal to him. The most important part of sex to him is the intimacy and emotional connections, and quickies feel very lacking in comparison. If anything, they leave him craving his partner even more than before.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Simeon is very open to experimenting and he’s always excited to learn and experience new things. He’s willing to try anything once, even if it’s something that he’s pretty sure he won’t enjoy. The idea of taking risks also interests him, but it needs to only be a perceived risk for him to participate. Something like messing around in an empty classroom at RAD is exciting, but it needs to be afterhours when the school is empty and the door has to be locked for him to feel comfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Simeon’s stamina is not the best, at least at first. He can go for more rounds than the average human just because he’s an angel, but he’s so unbelievably sensitive that the rounds themselves are rather short. It’s been so long since he’s had anyone touch him sexually that he ended up cumming in his pants the first time he was with his partner. With time, his stamina will improve drastically, probably to the point where he could easily outlast them, but he needs some practice to get there.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys aren’t something Simeon has ever really thought about using or has ever owned. When he sees the huge variety of toys that exist, he feels excited to try them out, mostly relying on his partner’s preferences and recommendations to pick some. He quickly learns that he really enjoys having them use different toys on him and, in turn, he loves the new opportunities the toys give him when it comes to pleasuring them in return. The possessive, prideful part of him that is usually buried very much prefers making his partner feel good on his own, without toys to help, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The first time he teases his partner, it’s entirely accidental, his habit of going slow and taking his time exploring their body ends up making him tease them. Once he sees the way it makes them feel, though, he starts doing it on purpose, wanting to see more of their reactions. He’ll relent, with a smug little smile on his face, if they start begging, but until then, he plays the innocent card, pretending not to realise what he’s doing.
As much as he likes to dish it out, Simeon really can’t take much teasing. He’s so sensitive and desperate that he’ll start begging immediately, willing to do anything just to feel more of their touch.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Simeon is naturally very loud and he lets out the prettiest sounds. At first, he tries to muffle them and keep his volume down. He talks quite a bit, at least while he’s still able to form coherent thoughts, and loves to whisper sweet things to his partner in a breathy tone. The closer he gets to cumming, the more his words devolve into delicate gasps and high pitched moans. When he cums, he lets out the longest, breathiest whine that no amount of gritting his teeth or covering his mouth could smother. He’s very vocal throughout, and without some sort of soundproofing, his voice can very much be heard through the walls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Simeon has a hard time controlling his wings during sex. He can’t focus hard enough to keep them hidden and they tend to have a mind of their own, fluttering and puffing up depending on how he feels. They’re quite sensitive in the moment too, especially at the base. In the end, he finds himself wrapping his wings around his partner as he pulls them close, keeping them warm and safe under his feathers. Unfortunately, this usually means that the bed is covered in feathers from all his flapping and wiggling.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Simeon has such a pretty cock, so perfectly smooth that it almost looks like a drawing rather than an actual dick. He’s large enough to be impressive without seeming intimidating, with just enough girth to feel like a stretch, but not be painful. It’ll still take some prep for his partner to take him, but it won’t be too difficult with some patience and plenty of lube.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Simeon’s libido isn’t very high at all, and sex isn’t something that’s on his mind constantly. What matters to him most is spending quality time with his partner, regardless of what they’re doing together. They usually need to be the one to actually initiate things, since he has no qualms with pushing down his need to avoid ruining the moment. With how much he values physical touch, it’s not hard for cuddles to become something more, and as long as there’s time for it, Simeon will never say no.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex doesn’t exactly leave him feeling sleepy, but it does make him feel extraordinarily relaxed. He tends to follow his partner’s lead, staying awake longer if they don’t plan to sleep right away. With how warm and soft he feels, though, he has no trouble falling asleep quickly, cuddling them close to his chest to absorb more of their body heat. If it’s up to him, he prefers to share some casual pillow talk together, before falling asleep soon after. If he can avoid having to get up and be functional, he will.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
(Forgive me if this is horrible or wrong this is the first time I’ve ever done this but I couldn’t resist!) Hey! First off congrats on 1k!! That’s a crazy number and you deserve every single one of us! Ill admit I am newer here but I love your writing and I’m glad I can watch your platform grow. ANYWAYS now that thats out of the way, could I please get cc!Wilbur and y/n at a themed escape room(can be multiple connected rooms) alphabet and can “s” be the room’s theme? No pressure at all though, I understand if you can’t! Have an amazing day :))
welcome welcome! thank you for requesting im honored to be your first! <3
cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader Escape Room Alphabet
rules/information to request: here
1k followers masterlist
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
anon list
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A- Adrenline
Between you and Wilbur, you had more adrenaline. This was your first 'scarier' escape room and your heart was pumping. But in the long run, it helped you
B- Betting
Before you started the room, you two made a bet at who would unlock more locks. You knew it was gonna be you, you're just more tactical. But Wilbur ended up winning the bet because of his experience with past escape rooms
C- Communication
You thought your communication was going to be spot on, but oh baby it was far from that. Communicating in a relationship was very different that tactical communication. There were a lot of details that were missed.
D- Dress
You and Wilbur all out and made sure to dress to match the theme. Just dirty-looking, yet comfortable and easy to move around in, clothes to get into character.
E- Excitement
This was a great date night for you and Wilbur. You could barely stay still in the car. When you were getting directions from the game master, you couldn't focus, which didn't help you much.
F- Funny Level
Being locked in a room together for an hour really brought out the inner dark humor that you had. Every time that Wilbur made a remark, you always had a comeback.
G- Guess
Okay, so and wilbur may have cheated, just a little bit. You had 3/4 numbers for the code and started doing guess and check. It did work.
H- Hand Holding
You didn't know that there were gonna be tunnels that you had to escape through. You did not want to go first but that meant that you took the risk of getting spooked from behind. Any time a new door or tunnel opened up, you made Wilbur hold your hand, which he had no objection to.
I- Ideas
Wilbur, the writer he is, had so many weird and creative ways to open up locks. They never worked because they were so advanced, but it was so cute to see him try to figure it out.
J- Jump Scares
You got scared so easily. The little noises of doors opening scared you into the corner. Wilbur thought that this was hilarious and was of course, in classic Wilbur style, on the floor laughing.
K- Key
Wilbur would not stop making the joke “the answer must be you, because you’re the key to my heart”. It was cute at first, but it got annoying fast.
L- Light Level
It was so dark in the room. You could barely see a foot in front of you for most parts of the room. This meant that you and Wilbur bumped into each other a lot. What a clumsy couple.
M- Manipulatation
if one of two were doing way better than the other, you would withhold clues. You can’t tell me otherwise. This is war.
N- Newsper
Oh the newspaper. The hardest puzzle in the room. This whole newspaper had one of the codes you needed through a word search, but you had to find the one word that didn’t match the rest without a word bank. Good thing Wilbur wrote a lot.
O- Open Space
Well, lack of. The first room, was very small and you and Wilbur were always in arms distance length of each other, which you weren't complaining about.
P- Pointers
Surprisingly, you and Wilbur didn't need that many pointers or hints. You two had it down from the start.
Q- Quarantine
Apart of the room theme was having to be separated and find each other using a window to unlock the door that connected you two. For you, it was a little scary because Wilbur was your number one motivator and supporter. He was determined to get in the same room as you, so you weren’t quarantined for long.
R- Repetition
You and Wilbur were very on top of trying code that you found on every lock that you saw. It actually ended up helping you by making you notice that you didn't have the full code
S- Serial Killer
You and Wilbur both share a love for all things murder. This "escaping your serial killer" escape room was perfect for you two.
T- Time Left
You two barely got out. I mean it was very close, less than a minute. You two were practically jumping out the door to make time.
U- Underdog
Let’s not lie here, the two of you from the outside didn’t seem the most in sync or like you had the best of chances. You could tell the game master thought that you needed more people to help out. But god damn it you did it
V- Vigilant
You and Wilbur did a really good look around of the room. Every thing that had space, was getting looked at. Tables and chairs were getting flipped over. Codes were found.
W- Walls
If there was a wall, it was getting pushed. No doubt in your mind that there was gonna be a hidden door or something in the wall.
damn that's a nice letter
Y- Yelling
You two were very loud together. The stress of trying to escape and working together led to a lot of misconceptions and arguing. The more important a clue was, the louder you yelled.
Z- Zap
The electricity between you two was strong...and I don’t mean metaphorically. All of that moving around on carpet and just the electrical tension in the room made it for that you zapped each other every time you touched, which was embarrassingly a lot.
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taglist: @boiled-onionrings @neptunebabes @anarchyanon @wistahood @just-that-bi-girl 
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
Nothing but the Best
Author’s note: it’s getting interesting here ;) enter prince charming Sugu-kun to save the day.
Satoru was afraid of making a move, least he tipped you over the edge and made you bolt; he didn’t want that. Swallowing hard he looked into your eyes… God… he had missed your beautiful E/C eyes so much. Waking up every morning without you by his side, without you kissing him awake cause he was going to be late for work… again. Your absence had left a literal infinite void in his heart that he was unable to fill.
“I know I don’t deserve anything from you Y/N, but I love you and I cannot give up on us… We said forever when we got married. And I want that… with you” speaking from the heart was not something Satoru ever did. He always preferred to cover any emotions with inappropriate jokes and double entendres. But he knew he couldn’t play his stupid games, not with you and most certainly not now.
You pulled away in that moment, as if his touch was burning you. He allowed it, doing his utmost effort not to pull you back in. His hands itched resting at his sides, missing the warmth of your body.
It was you and me, it seemed to last forever
The way you taste and I still remember… the sounds we made.
“It would have been nice if you felt that way before you decided to ruin this marriage. Where were those promises of forever when you fucked someone else?” You asked piercing his eyes with yours. He cowered under your glare. Satoru had never been on the receiving end of your wrath and now he understood why most people chose (wisely) to not mess with you. Every single one of your words was chosen carefully to cause the most damage. At the same time… what hurt the most was that you were right.
“Leave and don’t ever come back… you and I… are through…” Satoru noticed how you avoided calling him by his name, he hated it. As if uttering his name would leave a bad taste in your mouth “Y/N…” he whispered pleadingly when you took another step away. But this time he didn’t have the courage to stop you as you disappeared inside your apartment and locked the door behind you.
I bet you wish you had me back! Another chance to gain it, just like that. The best you ever had.
Satoru was fucked.
The next morning Suguru’s plane landed. JFK international airport was as busy and chaotic as one would expect. After collecting his luggage he made his way to a cab giving the driver your current address.
He hadn’t been able to sleep a wink during the trip, his mind swarmed with all the possibilities of what could be happening right now. Satoru didn’t play fair and of course… you loved (probably still love) the lucky bastard.
With a sigh he decided to focus instead on the city going by through the cab’s windows. It wasn’t the first time he was in New York and his mind was much more occupied torturing him instead of appreciating the landscape.
After 40 minutes, Geto stood before a very nice and modern building located in the upper east side called Hawthorn Park. You sure knew how to live in luxury. He approached the doorman and let him know his name and that he was here to see Miss Ekaterina Petrova to which the kind looking old man responded by using his intercom to contact you. Geto was soon granted access and guided to the elevator.
The elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, he walked to the door of your apartment which was already open and you were waiting for him. His smile fell once he noticed you have been crying “oh Kitten” dropping his luggage on the spot he surrounded your body in his arms “I’m so sorry…” one didn’t need to be a genius to know Satoru had found you.
You both moved inside your apartment. Settling on the spacious couch you buried your face on Suguru’s lap as you cried. He stroked your now darker strands of h/c hair without a word exchanged. He knew you needed to let it all out. After what seemed an eternity you sat back up. Suguru gently dried your eyes.
“He was here last night…” you whispered in a raw and scratchy voice, result of your endless hours of distress before his arrival “he told me he loved me, that he left Sookie” scoff “and hear this… he left her because the baby wasn’t his!” Talk about karma at its best. Suguru already knew that but he was surprised to hear Satoru had come clean about it to you “He probably thought I would fall for that! But I didn’t” you added firmly.
Suguru was proud of you. He knew how hard it was for you to resist Satoru but you stood tall and proud when it mattered the most. “What do you want to do now?” Where you planning on moving again?
“I’m not leaving…” you said looking into Suguru’s liquid amber gaze. You couldn’t help but notice once again he had such pretty eyes, like a cat. You’ve always liked them, specially when they looked at you with such tenderness. You have missed him dearly during all this time.
“I can’t keep running away from him; I mean… it’s obvious he won’t stop and I… I am tired of molding my life to adapt to his whims. I’m staying here whatever happens. Sugu… I got the part for the Swan Lake!” You added remembering you haven’t talked to him during the last week and so he didn’t know about your latest accomplishment.
Geto’s eyes enlarged before a huge smile split his handsome face and his massive frame engulfed you in a tight hug. Of course he knew everything about ballet, he was your best friend after all. This was huge! Probably as big as making it in the ballet world meant “I’m so proud of you Kitten!” He said excitedly kissing your temple. Maybe not everything was as bad as he thought.
You were upset, it was true. But then again you were not prepared last night. Satoru had taken you by surprise. Now… you knew he was here and more or less knew what to expect from your soon to be ex-husband.
“Thank you Sugu…” you stopped and pulled back just slightly to look into his eyes from your height. He was a very tall man compared to you “I missed you” you said with a bright smile to which Geto replied with one of his own before pulling you in again for another hug “I missed you too Kitten” stroking your back softly Suguru decided he was happy to be here… with you.
She's given up, been holding on for way too long
She's had enough
He's coming home again
But it's too late 'cause she won't stay with him
The sunshine hitting his face was what woke him up. With a grunt Satoru rolled over on his side only to fall unceremoniously from the couch where he had passed out last night. The last thing he remembered was warping back to his hotel after you left him on the roof. The memory of you, turning your back on him and walking away squeezed his heart in a painful grasp.
Alcohol was never something he was attracted to, he liked to keep his brain constantly alert and stimulated. It served a purpose of course, it kept his infinity barrier on at all times, even when he was asleep. But last night he hit rock bottom. He didn’t care anymore…
As soon as he got back to the hotel, hopelessness made a home in his chest, sitting heavy on his heart. Walking to the fully stocked bar placed on the corner of his suite he opened a bottle of whiskey. He started slow since most everything was too bitter for his taste, so he went through the process of trying every single bottle until he found something to his liking.
Two hours and about fifteen different shots of everything he decided to settle for a bottle of Amaretto, some fancy Italian liquor made of apricot kernels. It was sweet.
Everything else after that was blur. Moving his sore body from the floor he forced himself to go to the bathroom. Maybe a hot shower would help ease his misery. Peeling off his clothes the smell of booze clinging on them made Gojo cringe. He decided to brush his teeth before showering. Looking in the mirror he couldn’t recognize the man starring back at him. He was a mess.
Are we just ghosts out in the night?
Are we just waiting for a light that doesn't shine?
Are we just faking or is this real?
'Cause I don't know how to feel
Are we just ghosts now, you and I?
Last night he had been so desperate, so hopeless and broken hearted. That’s when it hit him… his wife didn’t hurt him, she didn’t cheat on him (unlike himself), she didn’t do anything to him and yet he was feeling as if the world was collapsing around him. He lied, cheated and fucked up everything for them both.
Unadulterated, burning and suffocating guilt was consuming him. He felt bad before but it wasn’t until last night that he grasped the concept that Y/N didn’t owe him anything at all and that HE didn’t deserve it anyways.
The plan originally had been to get back in your good graces by doing penitence, submitting to your every whim and desire by becoming your devoted slave for as long as you would have it. He never even considered the possibility that his wife DID NOT WANT to forgive him in the first place.
He thought you left to give him a lesson, that you would eventually come back to him after he had a taste of what it was like to lose you.
But even after you both shared such a searing kiss, so passionate that every cell in his body was humming, aflame with desire you still managed to walk away from him as if it meant nothing to you.
What good did it do to him to be the strongest when he couldn’t even protect his wife… from himself.
After showering, changing clothes and ordering every sweet pastry and desert from the room service menu Gojo stopped to rethink his strategy.
Did you think he was going to stop there?
Absolutely no, love!
If anything, your rejection had only fueled his need to get you back.
“Time for plan B” sighing he pulled out his phone it rang a couple times before someone answered “good morning Mrs. Mazzo, this is Gojo Satoru. I’m going to need you to forward to me Miss Petrova’s rehearsal schedule…”
“This is really good!” You hummed happily after swallowing a bite of your steak. Suguru sat across from you at Keens Steakhouse, with a grin he watched as you indulged yourself in what you called your ‘cheat meal’ of the month. Being a professional ballerina was a tough and demanding commitment that controlled every aspect of your life, from how you train to what you eat. Despite it all, Geto knew you always found a happy balance that worked just fine for you.
Seeing your big smile made his heart jump in his chest, you were as beautiful and alluring as the day he met you. If only he had told you he liked you before Satoru did. This question kept him up at night, playing all sorts of scenarios in his mind. If he had taken the first step… would things have been different? Would you have ended up together? Married? Shaking his head he tried to focus on what you were actually saying. Deviating his thoughts to that kind of scenarios was dangerous. He also didn’t want to push it when he was perfectly aware you were still healing; he wasn’t a low life piece of shit to take advantage of your vulnerability.
But when you smiles at him as if he was the only thing in your world, when you held his hand across the table, playing with his finger, his throat felt dry and tight.
“What do you think Sugu?” Your curious and expecting eyes caught him like a deer in the headlights “I’m sorry Kitten, I was distracted. Could you repeat that please?” He asked with an affable smile.
You chuckled and stroke his hand softly “you look tired, did you sleep at all in the plane?” He shook his head “no, I didn’t. I never can, it’s uncomfortable” he hid on purpose the true reason why he hadn’t been able to sleep “come on Sugu! Let’s go back home! I bet you are tired” you said offering him a sweet smile.
After paying your bill you walked the few blocks back home. Suguru of course would be staying with you in the spare room of your penthouse. Holding hands while you talked to him about the activities the city had to offer, your schedule and how you intended to fit the time to do some tourism with him. “You don’t have to bother Kitten, I know you are busy enough with your job, I will be fine” he insisted.
You stopped on your tracks and stood in front of him, pouting, making him chuckle. You looked every bit the kitten he knew you to be, all bothered and moody “no! I want to spend time with you too you know! I haven’t seen you in so long! I’m not going to waste this chance!” You insisted to which Suguru threw his hands up in the air “I surrender Kitten! Do with me as you will” you giggled and then blushed. “Uh… eh… ok! I will!” He took your hand again and you both resumed your walk.
Satoru warped to the roof top of the building adjacent to yours, the lights were out in your apartment and he couldn’t sense your presence inside. You left? Where did you go?
Before a second though he warped inside your apartment but he saw all your stuff was still there, maybe you went out for groceries or something?
After a few minutes sitting on your couch he decided to wait for you on the street so he could see when you got home.
(Almost an hour later)
Oh… he wasn’t ready for what he saw.
“That mother fu….” Satoru grinds his teeth watching you walk down the street holding onto Suguru’s hand while talking distractedly. From his hiding spot in front of your building he closed his hands in a tight fist.
Well, this complicated things… a lot more.
————-> Chapter 10
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