#i just need so much topaz to upgrade it
quil12 · 1 year
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Been slowly collecting all the Twilight Princess pieces in TotK (Yes, I fought a King Gleeok in the Depths just to get the hat - it was well worth it)
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
The First Eighty-Three Hours (4)
CEO!Steve Rogers x CEO!reader
Dinner (see previous or series)
Summary: The most nerve-racking part of your official first day isn't what you expect.
Warnings for frustrating gossip and misogynist behavior, as well as light and suggestive language. This one is a bit of a rollercoaster, FYI. WC 3.5k
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You never believed it more than today: Mondays are the fucking worst.
It started normally. You woke, dressed, and came to work early. You exchanged a few texts with Steve, all sweet but about real business, and you looked forward to ticking off lots of things on the to-do list, especially since as co-CEOs, you both can split up the top-level tasks.
It goes to shit almost immediately.
Security hasn’t updated your badge clearance for the building but has managed to delete your old security details in preparation for the change in title. You know a few of the front desk guards, but not all of them, not the ones working this morning, and since the building houses multiple company corporate offices, they see a lot of people come and go. Topaz has to come down and escort you up as if you are her visitor.
You can’t get mad—though you are fuming—because it’s a simple tech error that one call can correct. It’s about the most pleasant call of your whole day.
Each of the other companies you call has been in contract with American Capsules for at least a year. Some CEOs, some COOs, one CFO, you know every man (and they are all men) you speak to, and at a point in every single call, a variation of “are you sure? Put Rogers on” gets thrown in.
You have a headache from rolling your eyes so hard. You come up with highly creative ways to say that you have been on the line for most, if not all, of their previous discussions with Mr. Rogers, and that he, in fact, asked you for final assurance that his information was correct during most, if not all, of those calls. To some extent, you know this company better than Steve Rogers.
No one seems to fucking care. It’s a Monday. You’re a woman. You were just an assistant.
“I’d feel better if I hear that from him.”
That’s the kicker.
God forbid you get emotional, but baby-boy over here really needs to feel reassured. At least that man did not refer to you as some sort of dessert.
My name is not ‘sugar,’ it is not ‘cupcake,’ and it is not ‘gumdrop,’ you old farts. However, the nicknames come from men aged 31 to 63, so…woohoo, consistency.
The fun doesn’t end there. Your only in-person meeting decides to regale you with a story of how he’s more qualified than you.
“It’s a shame I never got to apply,” he scoffs in what he probably thinks is a casual way but it’s just derogatory. “Guess you had the inside track, huh? You and Rogers spend so much time together…”
Do not scream ‘fuck off.’ Don’t do it.
“Steve saw my dedication to this company, yes.” You fake-laugh to the door to get him to leave. “You’d hate the hours anyway, Paul. I know how much you love those Napa Valley vacations, and I’m afraid that just wouldn’t work here.”
You managed to not make the door hit him on the way out. Now you kinda want a cupcake.
At lunch—which you eat at nearly three in the afternoon—Topaz tosses out a comment about how you must be excited to spend some of that raise money, freshen up your wardrobe, maybe buy a new car or upgrade your apartment. You do not have fucking time for her shit.
Steve comes in to check a few things with you, dedicated to his professional persona, which is great because you need to feel like work is work and home is home right now.  The lines cannot be blurred when everyone around you thinks they already are.
Plus, you’d likely bite his head clean off if he dared say the word ‘precious’ after the morning you’ve had.
Keeping to work only is not that difficult because you’ve been ignoring how delicious Mr. Rogers looks in a suit for years, except there may be a few random phrases he accidentally says that make your thighs clench. Most of them are mild threats to the men who’d behaved badly towards you, but Steve doesn’t seem to know what they did. He’s simply annoyed that they insisted on speaking to him instead of confirming details with you.
The most peaceful part of the whole day is about seven minutes between two calls. You drink a whole glass of water with the door shut and get to stare out the window. The cityscape should remind you of sex. Good sex. Great sex. But no, all you really think about is chatting with Steve whilst having that morning coffee. You hated to replace the scent of his soap with your body wash after going home, and you washed your hair thinking of how to describe the ritual to him.
Other than that seven minutes in heaven, you never calm down. You end up still at the office until 6:20. There’s no chance to run home and change. You’ll have to go to dinner with Pepper and Tony in what you’re wearing.
Steve holds your coat up in the hall. He jokes that the perk of having a driver is that you can both leave your workbags in the car. He doesn’t sense anything is really wrong, and he says it again.
“You were amazing today.”
You don’t fucking feel like it.
During the ride to the restaurant, you are on the verge of rage tears. If tomorrow goes just as badly, you may break your desk phone. Employees knowing about (or acknowledging) your heightened status is hit-and-miss. Some offered congratulations while a fair few—shockingly all men—still rampantly demeaned you in hopes of getting a second with ‘your boss.’ It felt like high school all over again to hear girls whispering about ‘sleeping her way to the top’ in the bathroom. Bitter is not a heavy enough sentiment for how you feel in this stupid fucking car going to a stupid fucking meal while you still have a stupid fucking amount of—
“We’re here,” Steve says softly, a hand grasping your thigh briefly, telling you to wait while he gets your door.
You’re distracted on the walk inside, automatically letting him take your coat and check them in the lobby. Your mind is elsewhere when you step up to the hostess desk.
“It’s…I’m sorry, I don’t know who the reservation is under, but party of four—“
Damn. You think of something you need to tell Topaz and an amendment for a contract stipulation tomorrow.
As you scurry to pull out your phone, the maitre d’ clears his throat.
“Ma’am, this establishment has a dress code.”
It hardly registers. You have on a blouse and trousers with broken-in heels that don’t blister your feet. Your tits and ass aren’t hanging out. Mission accomplished. Let’s get on with it.
“I’m covered,” you mutter, texting Topaz.
“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to dine with us in that.”
You finally look up and see the clear disdain on the man’s angular face. Even the host is in a full tuxedo.
Tony yells from the doorway of a private room far beyond the main dining room and bar. He’s oblivious to disturbing anyone else’s meal, but it’s possible half of these people eat here explicitly to see Tony Stark and say they eat where he does.
Steve returns to your side, and while The Tony Stark and The Steve Rogers exchange a brief hug, you stare right into the maître d’s eyes and purse your lips.
“M’Lady,” Tony coos, leaning forward to kiss your cheek, “or should I say ‘my hero?’” He smiles and turns excitedly. “Hope you brought your appetites. I ordered one of everything. This way—“
“One moment,” you halt, lifting a finger, looking the angular man square in the face with your head held high. “Do we have a problem?”
Sheet-white, the host has a new pallor. Good.
“What’s this,” Steve asks quietly.
“No, ma’am,” the maitre d’ gulps, pure terror flashing in his brown eyes.
Your own eyes drop to his name tag. “Thank you, Lyle.” Smiling as you slowly rotate to your date, you let out a tense breath.
“After you,” Steve offers, smiling too.
You don’t want to start the night off on the wrong foot by explaining that exchange, but your hands smooth any piece of fabric they can get to nervously.
Tech guys in Silicon Valley go everywhere in ratty tees and cargo pants, and they’re probably openly welcomed into the nicest places. Steve’s in a perfectly nice suit, but nothing fancy. Hell, Tony wears a Black Sabbath shirt under a blazer. Why just you?
Your clothes are fine, not haute couture, but you have no desire to maintain a wardrobe that requires more time and effort than your day job. You know what Steve spends on dry cleaning and tailoring. When would you find the time? Plus, there’s a thin line between fashionable, functional, and cumbersome—
Whatever. Pepper will understand if it’s brought up…except she’s in a gorgeous sheath dress and Louboutins. Pep’s always been like that though, impeccable taste, and she’s the reason you found that gala gown from a store you wouldn’t have set foot in otherwise.
Dinner does start out well. Tony is beyond appreciative (about the weekend), and Pep is gracious and sympathetic (about your long day, no details). There’s a bit of discussion about the differences between Tony/Pepper’s setup and yours/Steve’s.
Pepper is the CEO and the only CEO of Stark Industries because Tony’s the innovator. Steve, who has always been the actual and active leader of his company, now shares those responsibilities with you. He makes an off-hand remark about still being crazy busy today, and your hands tremble faintly. You move them to your lap, trying to calm down. You’re finding it hard to jump into conversation—since you’ve spent years as a silent observer to Steve’s meetings—and transitioning to full participant isn’t natural yet.
Tony wasn’t joking about the food. Five appetizers show up and litter the table. Everyone tries everything they fancy and nothing they don’t. The not-empty plates are replaced by eight entrees laid in their wake.
This is weird. Delicious, yes, but wasteful and formal, and you’ve hit your limit. You open your mouth to excuse yourself for the ladies’ room, but the double door opens again. The chef has arrived with an off-menu addition. Tony is thrilled.
The plate, however, is placed directly in front of you.
“Something special,” the chef beams, “for you, Señorita Cappy.”
You recognize the dish and the man suddenly.
“Oh gosh, Maximus!” You take his outstretched hand, and he kisses the back of it. “I had no idea you—it’s been so long. You’re here now?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says in a thick accent, “thanks to yourself.”
“Consider me put in my place,” Tony grumbles playfully while Pepper and Steve look at you with curiosity.
“Ah,” you flounder to take the lead in speaking, “well, for one of the first catered events after I started at AmCap, Chef Maximus was part of the staff—but not a cook! I remember—a tragedy really, because he wanted so badly to debut this—“ you showcase the plate before you with a flick of your hand “—traditional meal from his hometown. I put him in touch with a client—Bonterouss, if you remember him,” you toss to Steve. “He’s an entrepreneur that had mentioned cuisine as a passion, and…”
You shrug the rest off.
Maximus is effusive beyond reason, and after quite a few “you’re welcome”s and “you earned it”s in hopes that he knows you’re very happy for him (but need this to be done), he wishes the group a fantastic meal, excusing himself.
It’s nice to see him, of course, and it’s so wonderful he’s doing well.
Tony grabs a fork and reaches to try the new addition on the table.
Steve and Pepper say some nice things about how nice you are and how wonderful you’ve done since they all met you. Nice and wonderful. You feel anything but nice and wonderful.
Your façade crumbles. The rollercoaster of the day has wrung you dry and now it wrings actual tears from you.
Tony doesn’t skip a beat and says to let it out or drink up. Steve rubs across your shoulders and tries to tell you again how amazing you are, but that brings on a few sobs. Pepper, bless her, helps you both to the restroom like you wanted to do before the dam broke.
In addition to pauper’s clothing—apparently—you have no makeup left after as quick of a recap and cry as you can manage in the loo.
“Sweetheart, you’ve done exceptional work, and you’ll continue to do so.” Pepper trashes the last of the cloth-like paper towels in the bathroom lit by two chandeliers.
One last sniffle. You’re allotted only one more sniffle, you tell yourself.
“And what about the rest?”
Her smile is sweet. “If you want, you know I’m always willing to go shopping with you, but if you don’t care, then fuck them.”
You quickly consider what Pep might spend on hair and makeup and clothing and cleaning that clothing…since you know what half that costs for Steve. You can’t decide if your stomach wants to wretch or to binge the feelings away.
“As for…men?” Pepper braces herself on the marble vanity and meets your eye in the mirror. “It takes a lot of time. Too much time. It’s a complete waste of time, and some of the jerks never learn. You will put in far more effort than Rogers needs to, and frankly, he may never understand.” She turns to you and questioningly reaches for the exit’s handle. “He’s a good guy though. He may be one of the few who listens at very least.”
That’s an exhausting thought in and of itself, but you nod.
Back at the table, Steve immediately asks if you’d prefer to leave. It’s too dismissive to answer that it was only ‘women’s issues’ because the cause was men. You struggled to do your job today because men seemingly could not accomplish their own jobs with a woman anywhere in the mix, even one they’ve all dealt with before.
But she’s got authority now? Inconceivable. They need to speak to Rogers.
That is horrifyingly inefficient. Also, of course, it’s not all men. Some will be perfectly professional around you while wondering if you’ll blow them for some more authority. Others will use any excuse to claim your accomplishments just aren’t the same as theirs. The exact same men who will say you fucked for your job will bemoan that you don’t try a little harder with your appearance, which is just—just—
You have to arrest that train of thought.
“No, I’m fine. Just tired,” you assure Steve.
Tired of everyone’s shit.
Breathe. Calm. Sip your wine. Don’t kill Stark when he asks what the hot gossip is from the toilet. First-day jitters stories are exchanged around the table. It’s supportive but unhelpful.
You weren’t nervous. You were sabotaged.
That isn’t what you want to talk about though, and you frown at Steve hoping he takes the hint.
He slyly puts his hand on your knee and squeezes gently. In his deep, commanding voice, Steve deliberately cuts into a moment of side bickering between the other couple.
Everyone straightens in their chair a little. There’s that press of your thighs again. How very Captain-ly of him, you think.
“Right,” Tony blurts, “now it’s my turn to be sad-sack.” He fishes around for another bite of something. “Who wants to hear about Galmira?”
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The irony is that you did a lot better at dinner once the discussion became work related but not related to your experience of work. You catch Steve eyeing you once or twice, he half-heartedly mentions that they could talk about something else, but you lean to whisper “whatever gets me through this, ok” in his ear as a plea for the night to end without you looking like the awkward duckling.
There were four desserts and another special thing sent out from Maximus. Tony, of course, paid.
Steve is quiet during the car ride to drop you off at your apartment. He fidgets with his phone and seems to be checking and rechecking for emails that aren’t arriving.
“May I come up so we can talk,” he mumbles, setting the phone screen down in his lap.
You take a big breath and scratch at your eyebrow. “Steve, my place is not like yours.” The day is getting to you, and all you want is to wash it away or drown out how you felt like you weren’t good enough even though nothing really changed. You don’t think you can handle commentary about your actual home. “I don’t have a doorman that will bring me a swag bag or whatever. I don’t have two bathrooms…or bedrooms, for that matter, or a massive kitchen or giant windows.”
Steve picks at a bit of lint on his pant leg.
“Do you want those things?”
At first, you think it’s some sort of bizarre proposal, not completely out of the question for a man who told you he’s in love with you before your first date. Still, you peer at him with harsh condemnation.
“Because if you don’t want those things, then why would I care if you have them? Aside from being a biohazard or full of rats, I don’t see any reason that I’d be bothered.” Steve pockets his phone. “There are no rats, right?”
Those rage tears are starting a slow surge forward. “I mean it. I don’t live like you.”
“Precious, for most of my life, I didn’t live like I do now.” He turns to face you as best he can on the back seat. “Ma and I had just this side of nothing after my dad passed. She still lives more like you than me—or, I’m assuming closer—but I know she likes it that way. She’s comfortable. I’m comfortable. Are you?”
That all sounds sweet, but you don’t trust it. Everything feels precariously balanced on keeping any semblance of Steve’s respect since you felt an overall backslide at the office today. Work is work and home is home. What you need is home to still be the place you believe Steve Rogers wants you, a place where you are precious not indigent.
The car pulls up before you can truly respond.
“At least let me walk you to your door?” He makes no move to touch you, respectfully.
While you gather your briefcase and purse, you make a decision.
“No, you can come up.”
It sounds less than sure, but that’s just it. Of all the things in life that you are not sure about right now, Steve Rogers is the one thing you are sure of.
Steve isn’t asking to come up with any expectations (other than to ascend a staircase and have a door unlocked). He simply asks to let you know you have options to choose from to feel better: alone or company.
He’s also—in his own hyper-efficient, maddeningly puppy-dog way—telling you that you deserve to feel better, to feel confident, to feel comfortable.
He confirms morning pick-up for the two of you with his driver. He politely follows you to your door, three steps behind. He says exactly zero words in response to laying eyes on your living space. He takes your coat again to hang his and yours by your door.
For some reason, it strikes you that they look good together, your coats, right there in your apartment, and you release an enormous sigh as you plop your bags down at the dinette.
“Don’t fret,” he soothes, finally closing the distance between you to cup your face and kiss your forehead, “I’ll be honored to smell like you tomorrow.”
Your thighs clench and you swallow loudly.
Steve backs up, beet red at the collar of his shirt. “Soap,” he yells. “I meant your—“ He pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut, muttering, “real question is whether I need another drink or if that means I’ve had too many…”
He rubs the nape of his neck, jutting a thick, veiny forearm close to your face, and it wafts that damn air of comfort right at you. A lock of hair dislodges and tickles his forehead. He bites at his pink bottom lip. He’s magically confident and shy, thorough but clueless, too grand and too adorable all in one ripped, muscular package dropped off neatly in your living room where it visibly does not belong.
Today was hard, but this guy makes the night look easy.
So you just fling yourself on him, cheap-but-not-cheap clothing and all.
Fuck it. Earn that cupcake.
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Oooooo, big shock, I couldn't keep it to the estimated number of chapters...again. There will be at least one more. Fairly certain it will just be the one if my outline holds (she says with absolutely zero confidence while thinking of three other side-plots) and will probably have a bit of smut. Who knows. I sure as shit don't. These two just lead me around blindly...
I see what I did there, whoops. Makes sense now.
[Last Part]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @rach2602 @patzammit
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miqo-tales · 19 days
Jobs at 100 - CASTING
Dunno if I like Grand Impact. Feels awkward? It is pretty high potency though, so I just need to force myself to use it when it's up.
Manafication giving a free use instead of gauge is nice. Once again I'm confused that some jobs get that and some don't.
...not much else to say, really.
LVL100 AF thoughts: Very swashbuckler/pirate-y. The gloves are kinda boring and I'm not sure about the hat, but overall it's really nice.
Third verse, same as the first.
So, it's been more than 10 years with Big Red, Big Yellow, and Big Green. It is long past time for the other three to show up.
So I really hope that by lvl 120 or something, SMN alternates between access to Ifrit/Titan/Garuda and Ramuh/Shiva/Leviathan.
So Bahamut, I/T/G, Phoenix, R/S/L, YugiOh Bahamut, I/T/G, and so on.
Alternatively, SMN could get something like PCT's Subtractive Palette that swaps Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald Arcanums for Amethyst, Diamond, and Sapphire Arcanums (or whatever gemstones might fit).
LVL100 AF thoughts: Looking back, SMN has had a weird mix of styles for AF. And none of them have really been any good, have they? Whereas this is another of the "wow it's an actual outfit" ones for this expansion. I mean it's just so startlingly practical; I wish every job got this look. I don't like the head piece that much though? It's the one thing in SMN AF that shouldn't be understated.
Really don't like this job sub-60. Not having subtractive palette kinda sucks.
Can we all agree Hammer Stamp is the best thing ever? Yea whatever cute moogles, I just wanna go all Akane on mobs all the time with my interdimensional cartoon hammer.
As big as the AoE for Starry Muse is, you'd think I wouldn't have trouble staying inside it for 5 casts and yet, somehow...
The animations for this job are so good. As much as Viper is the poster-job for Dawntrail, I think Picto is arguably a better one. This job could not have been released before now. This job is your character having fun.
Also, yeesh, the damage this job can do sometimes, particularly in lower level content. "Hits like a truck" is not descriptive enough. This job reincarnates mobs to different worlds. Every time you kill something, a new light novel is created.
I dunno what this job's optimal rotation is, and I'm not sure I wanna go find out. I suspect playing it optimally will ruin it for me.
LVL100 AF thoughts: Kinda wish we'd gotten Relm's mantle/cape instead of the jacket, but not a big deal. In any case, it's cute and I like how it dyes. However, I gotta say, I'm not impressed with any of the in-game brushes.
As I thought, the change to how you regain MP is a major bonus for me. I could never get a handle on the old way it worked.
I can actually play BLM now, which is nice. Though I'd only qualify as "okay" in most content, so not like I'm gonna use it a lot all of a sudden.
I wish the Thunder spells were genuinely oGCD (meaning they didn't reset all other ability timers). Also kinda wish Flare got upgraded to Despair instead of it being a separate ability.
3 polyglot charges is kinda disgusting.
The revamp to Manafont is pretty cool, but damn, the updates to Umbral Soul are maybe the best thing ever. Just straight up stopping the Enochian counter? Full umbral hearts outside of combat? Yes thank you.
Flare Star is pretty cool.
LVL100 AF thoughts: Like so many others, it's an actual outfit! Easily the best looking AF so far. It's not even close.
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krawlernyannyan · 10 months
HSR 11-27-23
Echo of War against the Doomsday Beast for my dailies
I don't know what the Physical Relic Cavern's deal is with giving me Defense main stat boots but it really needs to quit it
4x Nihility Calyx rounds
4x Hunt Calyx rounds, enough to get Sushang her third Bonus Ability
Then a run in the Simulated Universe to get this week's freebie tokens. Still on that Elation high from last so I beat up Gepard with the Elation comp. I've still got some crazy luck with Elation, managed to get enough blessings to get all 3 Path Resonance upgrades plus some Remembrance blessings on the side to get Freeze effects going.
3x Physical Cavern runs, still no luck today. I at least got other pieces besides the boots but they still aren't great.
6x Hunt Calyx rounds
6x Nihility Calyx rounds, enough to get Sampo's Talent and Ultimate up to Level 8
Starting today in the Simulated Universe for my free baubles. Doing World 8 on max difficulty for my first time, and I had a pretty easy time of it despite having to use a lot of blessing resets - fully upgraded Path Resonance plus Spores and some Preservation blessings to bolster survivability. Yanqing was easy since my DoT comp serves as a natural counter to pretty much everything he does. Bauble haul from my tokens (plus the first-time-clear reward) was pretty nice!
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The only Quantum character I have right now that could take advantage of these is Qingque and I'm not planning on using her any time soon but it's something nice, at least. I've been considering building her up as an option for Swarm Disaster so she's up at L60 now (from ascended 20).
I also got a Superimposer to get Sampo's LC ranked up. I've got all of the Herta Store LCs so now it's just a long haul to get all of them ranked up (at least until they add another one to save up for).
3xPhysical Cavern run. Got some gloves I can settle with but nothing impressive.
6x Hunt Calyx rounds. Enough to finish leveling up that Hunt LC I've been working on! Swordplay's on Topaz now and I've passed down Return to Darkness to Sushang.
6x Nihility Calyx rounds. Enough to get Luka a level-up to his main Traces; his Ult and Talent are at 7+2 and his Ultimate's at 7 now.
Five-Star Fund: 73/90
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miralpolice · 2 years
Upgrading to topaz denoise 6
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Tamron – Need lightweight, compact mirrorless lenses? Tamron has you covered, with superior optics perfect for any situation. While it’s true, nothing beats getting it right in camera, it is nice to know when we can’t help it (or human nature steps in and we make mistakes), there are programs out there that can help us. Nothing that can’t be fixed in Luminar or Photoshop, but it is still preferable to get it right in camera. But beware! It didn’t really do any favors for the skin, making some spots a bit blotchy and others a bit crunchy and plastic-looking. I had to increase the exposure significantly, which of course added quite a bit of noise. I even tried it on a portrait where the studio lights didn’t fire. It’s possible the new Sharpen AI by Topaz Labs could help with this, but I haven’t played with that yet. Beware of making your image a little blurry by over-sharpening.
Where the image is underexposed and has high ISO (like the numbat below), it can help, but can’t perform miracles. It really doesn’t matter what genre you photograph - if you have noise, then DeNoise AI can help. Color Noise Reduction is actually quite important and made a big difference, as the problem I had with this image was in the shadows. You’ll see three sliders on the right - Remove Noise, Sharpen Recover Detail and Color Noise Reduction. You can set it up as a before and after, side by side or single view. While I used it as standalone software, you can also run it as a filter in Photoshop or plugin in Lightroom Classic, just like the other Topaz plugins. Like I said earlier I have been using DeNoise 6 to some degree for years, but I must admit I was pretty impressed with the new version - it is super easy to use. Look at the concrete work on the below image of a bunker, with pretty bad noise at ISO 800 on a Nikon D7100. It can appear similar to the grain in an old film photo, and when it’s really bad, it can ruin a great photograph. So what exactly is noise in a photo? In digital photographs, noise is commonly referred to as distortions and visual discoloration in a photo. DeNoise AI is different: We fed an algorithm millions of noisy/clear images until it actually learned what noise is and how best to remove it.” What is noise? “Noise reduction technology has basically been the same for a decade, with only minor incremental improvements here and there.
I have been using DeNoise 6 for quite a while, but I recently downloaded the trial version of their new DeNoise AI. On newer mirrorless and DSLR cameras this is not quite as much of an issue, but on older cameras, noise can be a little distracting. Sometimes for a variety of reasons we need to shoot with a higher ISO than we would normally prefer.
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 26: Everything’s Fine (originally posted on September 20, 2021)
AN: Welcome back to the jungle readers. When last we left Steven, his mind was going further down the toilet after shattering Jasper and the voice in his head continues trying to take control, which led to him lashing out against White Diamond & Spinel. Can he possibly keep his personal Nega-Scott under control while trying to tell the Gems that everything is totally okay? All this and more in this gripping chapter of Alternate Future!
Synopsis: Despite Steven constantly saying otherwise, everything isn't fine.
Zach Callison as Steven, Topiary Stevens, Cactus Stevens
Estelle as Garnet
Micheala Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Ron Perlman as Steven's Inner Voice
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Cherry Quartz
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian, Bixbite
Tara Platt as Heaven and Earth Cubic Zirconias
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Auli'I Cravalho as Orange Spodumene
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Kimiko Glenn as Blue Chalcedony
Phillipa Soo as Chrysocolla
Anika Noni Rose as Watermelon Tourmaline
Tara Strong as Grossular Diopside
Aimee Carrero as Moonstone
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Susan Egan as Rose Quartz
As soon as Steven returned to his earthly home via Warp Pad and checked up on the bathroom, he returned to his room to flop down on his bed. Steven thought the Diamonds would be of help to him, but instead, they didn't understand what he was going through, and his evil voice kept making things worse for him.
"Why did you make me do that?" Steven lugubriously asked his inner self. "Why did you make me nearly kill White Diamond, and punch Spinel?"
"They hurt you, so I thought it was about time you gave them their just desserts." The evil voice within Steven answered. "Yet the real you insisted that everything was fine. That's your biggest problem, you're way too forgiving of others no matter how much they want you dead."
"No, I know when others don't deserve to be accepted." Steven argued. "Like Black Rutile for example. If she's going to be proud of how irredeemable she is, I'll just let her do her thing."
"Ah yes, do her thing." The negative side of Steven mused. "Like threaten your life and make repeated attempts on your psyche. Yeah, if you could change that pervert, then maybe you can change the sociopath too."
Suddenly, Steven's phone began to ring. "One second Negative Me, I have to take this." Steven said while picking it up and hearing a relieving familiar voice on the other end. "Hey Connie, what's up?"
"Steven!" Connie cried in delight. "Good, you finally picked up. I can't believe we haven't talked to each other since the hospital visit, how are you?"
"I'm great!" Steven fibbed while gazing at how he was still pink. "Never been better!"
"Really?" Connie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you haven't had any more swelling or turning pink problems?"
"Uh, nope?" Steven replied. "Okay, maybe, but how are you doing? How's prepping for college going?"
"It's going fine Steven." Connie answered nervously. "But what you mean when you said maybe?"
"Look, there's nothing to worry about." Steven kept on lying. "Everything's fine."
"I doubt it." Steven's dark side interrupted.
"Look, I'll call you later," Steven said. "I don't wanna wake up the Gems."
"But they don't even sleep!" Connie exclaimed before Steven quickly hung up and gazed at his hands before the TV turned on.
"-it's because I'M A UNIVERSE!" Steven began seeing visions of the past on the TV, starting with his argument with Greg before it went to static. Then it began showing Steven holding the shattered remains of Jasper's gem in his hand. More static, followed by the near-death of White Diamond, then Steven punching Spinel for singing to him. Just as Steven got up to try and turn the TV off, he got one last devastating surprise.
"Steven, we can't both exist." Rose Quartz announced to Steven in the video she made before giving birth to him, the very sight of her warm face making him twitch angrily where he stood. "I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you."
"No, I never loved myself," Steven growled furiously. "I've always hated being you. Everything I've suffered, and everything you ever put everyone through," He balled up his fist and pointed it straight at the TV screen. "IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"
Before Rose could finish, Steven broke the screen with a single punch and prematurely ended the video. However, Steven then let out a gasp as he gazed into his reflection on the shattered remains of the screen, noticing that his irises were now diamond-shaped and realizing what he had become.
"No! No, no, no, no!" Steven trembled and dropped to the ground in horror. "Th-this can't be happening, I didn't think about shattering White, I didn't shatter Jasper, punch Spinel, or nearly kill Dad!" His panicking soon turned to mad chuckling as Steven tried to cheer himself up. "I'm Steven Universe!" Steven then turned to Vidalia's painting of him and Garnet. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" he loudly repeated to himself, causing the glass of his bedroom door to break. "I'm totally fine!"
"Steven, is that you?!" The loudness of Steven's fibbing caused Pearl to cry out as she, Amethyst, and Garnet raced upstairs to Steven's room and gasped at his current appearance.
"What happened?" Amethyst asked Steven. "When did you get so big?"
"Is everything alright?" Pearl added just as nervously.
"I'm fine." Steven smiled and waved at the Gems. "Going to the Diamonds was just a waste of time since they had no idea what I was going through. I thought I needed to figure myself out, but I already know who I am! I'm Steven Universe; and I help, not hurt!"
"Yeah, then I suppose you tried to help the TV there?" Amethyst said while pointing a thumb at the damaged TV. "Seriously, we have got to upgrade someday. But seriously dude, what's going on? You look way different!"
"Pfft, I'm still your lovable old Steven!" Steven denied in response.
"Steven, we're worried," Garnet stated, taking off her glasses to emphasize how concerned she was for her ward. "You haven't been acting like your usual self lately, and we think you should get some rest before this gets dangerous."
"I'm okay, really!" Steven continued lying to the Gems, who glanced concernedly at each other before turning back to him.
"We'll take your word for it." Garnet said resignedly.
"You know, everything's gone downhill ever since I quit Little Homeschool!" Steven declared cheerfully. "I should head on over and see if I can make myself useful there! See you guys later!"
With that, Steven used his newfound super speed to race out of the house to Little Homeworld. To the Gems, it was like he was gone in an instant.
"I get that Steven wants us to know he's fine, but that was a little unsettling." Pearl stated fearfully. "We should just follow him to Little Homeworld so we can keep an eye on him."
"Agreed." Garnet nodded while putting her glasses back on.
"Yeah, that boy ain't right!" Amethyst declared before the trio left Steven's bedroom. But what they or even Steven didn't know was that a black-colored drone was watching them carefully.
"Excellent, he's just about at his breaking point." Black Rutile declared triumphantly while examining the footage her drone has gathered with White Topaz by her side. "Oh, I haven't felt this much of a rush since the Strawberry Battlefields!"
"But will Steven get any better?" White Topaz asked nervously, inciting her master to give her a furious glare.
"No, that's my intention!" Black Rutile stated. "I broke him, I broke his spirit! If I physically harmed him, the damage would just go away. But mental torture, the wounds shall only grow and fester! I have officially broken Steven Universe, and all that's left is for everyone to reject that monster."
"Oh master, we're back from training." Bluebird Azurite declared as she flew back to the Rutile's cavern hideaway.
"Oh hey guys, how you getting along?" White Topaz asked the fusion cheerfully.
"We're getting along splendidly thanks to Steven's advice." Bluebird answered before un-fusing into Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Now we're even stronger than ever!" Aquamarine exclaimed joyfully.
"Look what we can do now!" Eyeball added before pulling out her chisel and shaking it to turn the blade into a beam of fire while Aquamarine launched bubbles from her wings.
"Ah, so glad you two are reaching your full potential, potential that Steven has suppressed for too long." Black Rutile smiled warmly at the tiny twosome. "But know this, you may be afraid of what could be to come, but remember that fear is but the precursor to valor! And to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a warrior. Don't think, become."
"I fail to see how that could inspire us, but okay." Aquamarine muttered before peeking behind Black Rutile to see the drone footage. "Now what's all this?"
"It's video evidence that I've driven Steven to madness." Black Rutile answered with a proud grin before gesturing to each screen. "Here, we see Steven going ballistic on a human television when his mother appeared on the monitor." She said pointing to the first one. "On this one, the accursed Crystal Gems show concern for him for once, but he denies that anything is wrong with him." Then Black Rutile moved on to the third one. "And finally, Steven is just gone like a light."
"How can he do that?" White Topaz asked as she looked at the third viewscreen.
"Research shows that this comes from his Diamond heritage interfering with his human biology." Black Rutile analyzed the footage. "I should know, I was often tasked with watching over Pink Diamond whenever her usual caretakers were unavailable. And let me just say, it was unbelievably hectic."
"Yeah, like remember our attempted occupation of Zembilla?" White Topaz added. "Pink really grew attached to those little orange natives and didn't want them all dead."
"Don't remind me to the point of making me have a flashback." Black Rutile groaned while stroking her temples. "This shall be our time to rise up. We shall strike the first moment we get when Steven is at his lowest, so I suggest you better prepare." The Rutile then turned to her Topaz muscle. "Topaz, I need you to preside over Aquamarine and Ruby's training for the time being."
"Oh, of course, I'll do as you say!" White Topaz frantically declared. "That's me, White Topaz, always at your service!"
"Just…..go." Black Rutile's eye began to twitch at White Topaz's brownnosing. As soon as her three subordinates left, the mastermind turned back to her screens and paused the first one at Steven punching the TV screen. "Soon, my boy. Your god complex will finally crumble, just like your so-called happily ever after."
"Ah Little Homeworld, long time no see!" Steven declared happily as he reached Little Homeworld and landed on the Warp Pad. "Time to find someone who needs my help."
As Steven ran around the village in search of people to help, Gems and humans were taken a little aback by his new appearance and tried to stay away from him, though Steven didn't know why.
"Look, we're just saying Emerald, there are more ways reptiles are connected to birds than you think." Demantoid argued with Emerald as the two played chess together.
"Name one!" Emerald declared while moving her rook to knock out Demantoid's pawn. "Are there any lizards that have feathers, hm?!"
"Hey, guys, any arguments that need settling?" Steven butted into the green Gems' debate with a wide smile, taking the two by surprise. "Something about birds?"
"What is wrong with you?!" Emerald exclaimed. "This is why Black Rutile hates you, you think everything has to revolve around you and how you think you can fix everything! But even so, you look creepily happier than usual. Something is definitely up."
"Oh, everything's fine." Steven declared, his eye twitching ever so slightly at Emerald's accusation. "I think I'll just let you guys get back to your conversation." And so, Steven set off for someone else to try and help, leaving the green ex-subordinates of Black Rutile aghast before they decided to change the topic while getting back to their game.
"So, I've heard rumors that Steven is suffering from some problems lately." Demantoid said as her rook moved to take out the opposing knight. "Something about post-traumatic stress disorder?"
"Are you sure?" Emerald replied. "Because I've read about the symptoms, and something tells me he might have a borderline personality disorder."
"Maybe somewhere in the middle?" Demantoid deduced.
"Now the key to giving a plant proper sunlight is finding a spot that's just right." Peridot exposited to her class of Pyrope, Orange Spodumene, Blue Chalcedony, Cherry Quartz, and Squaridot while pointing to a chrysanthemum. "And it also varies on what kind of plant you're growing."
"I see." Squaridot muttered in awe.
Just then, Steven barged into the greenhouse and grinned at Peridot's class. "Hi Peridot, do any of you need some help?"
"No, I do believe we're perfectly fine." Pyrope answered dryly.
"So what brings you back here?" Peridot asked. "Didn't you leave a few months back?"
"Just your friendly neighborhood Crystal Gem just here to help!" Steven declared. "And I think your students have a few struggling saplings here. Let me give you a hand." Chuckling at his pun, Steven licked his hands and reached out to Pyrope's pot before Peridot stopped him.
"Not so fast!" Peridot scolded Steven. "Amethyst told me you're on a No Plant Friends policy after what happened with the Cactus Stevens."
"We're right here you know." A Cactus Steven said while helping a nearby Sapphire.
"Besides, I don't want your germs all over my prized flower!" Pyrope added, protectively hiding her pot from Steven.
"Oh come on you guys, I just want to give them a little nudge!" Steven laughed. To further prove his point, a leaf fell off Blue Chalcedony's plant.
"That has been bothering me lately." Blue Chalcedony stated, holding her pot out to Steven. "Go ahead, just a smidge though."
"I got a bad feeling about this." Cherry Quartz said warily.
"Oh don't worry, I got this!" Steven said as he licked his finger and tapped on the spot where the leaf fell off.
Moments later, the greenhouse began literally bursting with plant life, and not in a good way. Living topiaries in the shape of Steven broke through the greenhouse walls chanting "Steven's here to help!" while Peridot's class ran away screaming.
"Nice going Chal, now look what's happened!" Pyrope yelled at Blue Chalcedony.
"Hey, lay off her Pyrope!" Orange Spodumene exclaimed. "But still, something is not right with Steven!"
On the topic of Steven, he followed the class out of the greenhouse and seemed oblivious to the damage he had caused. "Look at that, life! It's everywhere, it always finds a way!"
"Much like how you find a way to drive people away." Steven's evil voice muttered sardonically, but Steven paid it no mind as he continued his search for people to help.
"Now, tell me how that makes you feel." Garnet said to a human couple she was giving counseling to when she heard Peridot scream, causing the humans to stand up as they gasped. "See you next week."
As soon as the couple ran away in fright, three Topiary Stevens surrounded Garnet, still chanting "Steven's here to help!" while the real Steven ran into the fusion.
"Oh Garnet, I see you're making some new friends!" Steven exclaimed joyfully, continuing to be unaware of his surroundings. "Then I guess this was a net win. Welp, gotta run and find someone else to help! It's what I do!"
"Then help me stop them!" Garnet yelled while the Topiary Stevens repeated "Steven's here to help!", which began to get on her nerves. "The others have to know about this."
"Being a lifeguard was far easier than I thought." Laz declared while relaxing in a lifeguard chair above the Gems in the now completed swimming pool. "Just gotta sit around and wait for something to happen. Besides, Gems can't drown anyways!"
"Yeah, but they still need to learn some basic rules." Lapis said to her old friend turned enemy turned friend again before blowing her whistle. "Hey, no running so fast! You might slip and fall!"
"Sorry, Lapis." Teal Zircon apologized before diving in and landing on top of Watermelon Tourmaline. "This is living, eh Melon?"
"You said it, Teal." Watermelon Tourmaline said as she floated around the pool with the Zircon relaxing on her stomach. "Ain't nothing could go wrong today."
Just then, Steven came a-knocking as he opened the gate to the pool to check out what was going on. "Hey Lapises, how's everything going?" he asked. "Anyone need any saving right now?"
"Actually, I think we're running a pretty tight ship as is," Lapis answered Steven while Zuli emerged from the pool after a swim. "Right guys?"
"Yeah, we don't need any extra help right now." Zuli stated. "But if you want, we could hold tryouts sometime."
"Oh no need, I'll just do it myself." Steven beamed before he began looking out for someone who might need his assistance when he spotted Teal Zircon resting on Watermelon Tourmaline's stomach. "Hey TZ, you could slip and fall!"
"What?" Teal asked before Steven grabbed her by the hand. "I'm doing pretty fine over here." Suddenly, as Steven tried to pull the Zircon from the pool, he accidentally pulled a little too hard and threw her up in the air. "OKAY, NOW I'M NOT DOING FINE!" TZ screamed as she flew away from the pool. "WITNESS ME!"
Teal Zircon didn't stay in the air for long, and soon dropped from the sky into another part of Little Homeworld. "I'm okay!"
"What's the big idea, Steven?" Watermelon Tourmaline asked. "We were all having fun before you came in and threw Teal Zircon to who knows where!"
"I'm sure TZ's fine, she said so herself." Steven laughed. "Well, gotta run! Have a nice day everybody!"
As soon as Steven ran off, more Topiary Stevens came bursting through the chain-link fence as they wrestled with the Cactus Stevens, prompting the other Gems present to slowly back away.
"Can this day get any weirder?" Laz scoffed. "I was trying to relax here!"
"Hey, did anyone else notice that Steven was all pink and such?" Lapis asked her fellow water-manipulating lifeguards.
"Yeah, it's kinda freaking me out." Zuli replied. "And are we sure he's totally fine?"
"I'm asking that question too." Lapis pondered while Peridot came charging through the broken fence to break up the battle of the plant Stevens.
When Steven left the pool, the first thing he saw was Bismuth's forge. "That's right, it must be shop o'clock!" he declared while skidding to a stop. "Bismuth's shop class, that is. Time to get my shop on."
"You good bud, you talking to yourself or something?" Amethyst, dressed in a coach uniform, asked Steven as he entered the forge.
"Now, the detailing requires a light touch." Bismuth explained to Blue Pearl, Bixbite & Snowflake Obsidian while standing between Pearl wearing a smithing apron and Yellow Pearl in a suit of armor. "Pay attention now everybody, cause this is critical to getting it right."
"Uh, hey howdy hey!" Steven greeted the shop class while leaning against the entrance.
"Oh, hey Steven!" Bixbite cheerfully greeted Steven.
"Did you get taller?" Blue Pearl asked with a tilt of her head and a finger to her lips.
"Whoa-ho-ho, lookin' good Steven!" Bismuth complimented Steven's change in appearance.
"I don't think that look is a positive change for him." Pearl whispered to Bismuth. "We think something might be wrong with him."
"Fancy seeing you drop by." Yellow Pearl grinned, unaware of what the teachers were conversing about. "How do you like my armor?"
"You look great Yellow Pearl!" Steven answered. "So Bismuth, in need of a teaching assistant?"
"Actually, Pearl's my TA today," Bismuth replied with a hand on Pearl's shoulder before presenting Yellow Pearl's armor-clad arm. "but I could use a wedding expert for my wedding armor demonstration. How 'bout it?"
"Of course, I'll help!" Steven declared. "That's what I love doing, just helping everyone!"
"Okay, let's get some materials warmed up for you." Bismuth then walked over to a pot of coals that she plucked a cooling steel bar from and flattened one end of it on the anvil with her hammer hand. "I think that's good enough." She stated. "Hey Steven, mind helping me with a pauldron or two?"
"I got this." Steven cheered as he walked over to the anvil and prepared to punch the metal.
"Hold up there boulder-brain." Bismuth stopped Steven before he could punch. "It's just some detail work, no need for a big mallet when you could use a little hammer." She handed a tiny hammer to Steven. "Plus, you could burn yourself that way."
"Oh, whoopsy-daisy, thanks Bismuth." Steven exclaimed and lightly tapped on the metal with the hammer. Instead of the detail work he thought he could do, Steven instead cracked the anvil into pieces with a single tap.
"Someone's stronger than we thought." Snowflake laughed nervously while Pearl & Bismuth gazed at the broken anvil.
"Look at that, now you have two anvils!" Steven laughed while Bismuth mourned the destruction of her anvil.
"NOOOOO!" Bismuth dropped to her knees in despair. "My anvil! My beautiful anvil!"
"Oh, grow up will you?" Steven's inner voice grumbled. "It's an anvil, you can make another."
"Seems like my work here is done." The real Steven laughed as he prepared to leave. "Well, toodles!"
"You see what I mean, Steven's not himself lately." Pearl said as she comforted Bismuth. "First he nearly got Greg killed, then Jasper started calling him her Diamond, and now this."
"Can I be the first to say that he needs help?" Yellow Pearl asked sardonically as more Topiary Stevens continued their rampage outside the forge.
As Steven exited the forge, he ran towards a baseball game that Amethyst was holding. Nephrite was on the Warp Pad throwing a ball to Doc, Amethyst stood by with Onion next to her, Topaz stood with a pair of humans on the bases, Larimar was in the outfield, and Chrysocolla, Grossular Diopside & Moonstone were waiting to play.
As soon as Amethyst noticed Steven, she blew her whistle and turned to talk to him. "Hey dude," she greeted him. "What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you needed any more players." Steven offered. "I'm ready to have a ball!"
"I think we could squeeze you in, we do need a new outfielder," Amethyst concluded and pointed to Larimar. "Oy, Larimar! Hit the showers, Steven's taking your place!"
"Good luck there Steven." Larimar said while she got up and left while Steven took her place on the playing field.
"Yeah, good hustle there Lil Larimar." Steven complimented the ice Gem. "I'm honored to be joining such a great game, I mean, everyone here has been outstanding!"
"You just got here, how do you know that?" Nephrite raised her brow.
"That's just me, I know what everyone is doing and feel the need to help all the time!" Steven declared, creeping everyone out.
"Enough chit-chat, batter up!" Amethyst cried out, cuing Onion to pick up a bat and walk up to home base, ready to play. Nephrite threw the ball towards the silent boy and he hit it with the bat, although unfortunately, it was heading straight for a nearby house.
"Oh no, in danger again?!" the Heaven Cubic Zirconia complained as the ball sailed towards the window of her and Earth Cubic Zirconia's house while they were having tea.
"I swear, is it because we're small?" Earth Cubic Zirconia wondered. Thankfully, Steven caught the ball just in time, much to their relief.
"I did it." Steven declared and the other players cheered.
"Three cheers for Steven!" Topaz declared.
"That's our boy." Chrysocolla smiled.
"I did it, and I didn't ruin anything!" Steven boomed happily. "YEAH!" However, the complete opposite of what he just said quickly happened. His excited yell caused a windstorm powerful enough to knock people off their feet, break glass everywhere, and cause the Zirconias' house to fall apart.
"Whoa, take it easy Steven!" Moonstone cried as she held onto a bench while the windstorm continued.
"Someone help me!" Grossular Diopside yelled while she got blown away with Larimar. Thankfully, the windstorm died down after a few seconds but still left a ton of destruction in its wake, and all eyes were on Steven.
"Oops, sorry everyone." Steven blushed at the chaos he caused. "T-t-that was an accident. But what are accidents and mistakes but opportunities to learn and improve, right?" He looked down at the Zirconias, who weren't very happy about the destruction of their home.
"It was a mistake for us to be put in danger again, especially because of you!" Earth yelled accusingly.
"Earthy, shush!" Heaven shushed her partner.
"I mean, we all make mistakes, and as long as we keep improving, everything will be fine!" Steven declared while picking up a log. "Alright, let's get to it!"
"It was a mistake for you to come here in this state." The voice in Steven's head declared. "Black Rutile and I were right, you will drive everyone away."
"Listen, I am done with you for today." Steven's own thoughts argued with the voice. "Just pipe down and don't ever think about feeding me bad thoughts ever again, got it?"
"How about never?" the voice said smarmily while the Topiary Stevens got to work on helping Steven by picking up Onion, Larimar, and Grossular Diopside.
"WE'RE HELPING!" one of the Plant Stevens yelled.
High above the destroyed makeshift baseball field, Black Rutile's satellite continued watching everything and sending footage back to its creator, who was all too happy to see what her hard work has amounted to.
"This is just priceless!" Black Rutile laughed joyously. "First, he makes plants come to life and fight those cactus beasts, then he throws that annoying Zircon into the air, broke an anvil, and caused a scene during one of those human games. I'm sure he's going to make such a scene about all these little accidents."
"All the more tools to humiliate the boy." Aquamarine added just as sneakily. "Soon, he will have nothing but himself and his thoughts controlling him."
"Unless his friends were to come out and tell him everything will be alright." White Topaz objected. "I'm just saying, those Gems will stick by his side through thick and thin."
"Hey, no more objections!" Eyeball yelled while pulling out her flame knife. "Want me to test this on you?!"
While Eyeball began chasing White Topaz around the woods with her knife, Black Rutile just groaned and turned back to her screens. "Tell me Aquamarine, why do all great geniuses surround themselves with idiots?"
"Your guess is as good as mine my Rutile." Aquamarine shook her head while watching the screens focused on the beach house with bated breath.
As soon as Steven was done helping fix what he had broke, he returned to the beach house with a dourer expression than the big smile he kept wearing throughout the day. On the other side of the room, Connie was in the living room while Greg and the Gems sat down on the couch.
"Steven!" Connie cried. "I was right all along, you're still swelling! I tried calling you all day, but I kept getting this weird meme." She held up her phone, which now depicted Steven bouncing up and down while chanting "Steven's here to help!" just like the Topiary Stevens. "Please, what is going on? We're all worried for you."
"Go on boy, play dumb." Steven's inner voice commanded.
"I sometimes broadcast my subconscious these days." Steven answered. "It's really no big deal."
"NOT THAT DUMB!" the voice groaned in irritation.
"I can tell something is bothering you." Connie continued. "There are even times where the meme sometimes turns into this."
"Steven's here to help, Steven's here to help!" Steven kept chanting on Connie's phone before it began to glitch. "Steven help, help Steven!"
"Ah, I don't know what you're talking about!" Steven declared, his stress continuing to unnerve others. "Besides, you all saw I was doing just fine this morning. I'm fine, awesome even!"
"Steven, if being as helpful as you always are, even if it's a bit obnoxious & creepy, is what you want, we'll support you 100%." Greg comforted. "But if you're not really happy, if something's wrong-"
"He's onto us!" the voice exclaimed. "Should've gone a little further with the crash, I say."
"Nothing's wrong!" Steven rebuked his father's worries. "Besides, you all don't have to worry."
"We ARE worried!" Connie replied worryingly. "Besides, Pink Diamond's Pearl told the Gems over the communicator in your greenhouse that you punched Spinel while you were at Homeworld."
"Listen, you can tell us anything." Greg added.
"Look at these worms, ganging up on us." The inner voice kept snarling. "Run, run while you still can! No one may help us now! Except, of course, for a certain Rutile."
"It's not that easy." Steven muttered as he hung his head in shame. "You know what? I don't want to deal with all this." However, when Steven tried to leave, Garnet blocked his way to the Warp Pad while the rest kept him from leaving through the door. "Seriously guys, I don't want to deal with this!"
"No, we don't wanna deal with all this." Amethyst put her foot down at Steven's behavior.
"Please, you have to stop running." Garnet begged in addition when suddenly, Steven's body began to swell yet again and his face stretched out.
"Maybe we should get you back to my mom at the hospital." Connie suggested.
"HOSPITAL?!" Amethyst shrieked.
"Is that what you were doing while we were at the trial?!" Pearl yelled.
"You mean you didn't tell them?!" Connie cried out in shock, while Steven's body kept on distorting and his breath quickened.
"It wasn't that important, just my first ever doctor's visit." Steven smiled awkwardly. "You're making a big deal out of nothing! Sure, I messed up the house and broke a few things, but what teenager hasn't?"
"You spent years forcing secrets out of the Gems, and now you're the one keeping secrets?" Steven's darker half growled at his other half's hypocrisy. "You truly have become your mother."
"And sure, Dad and I had a little fight, but it was practically a rite of passage!" Steven continued fibbing and shrugged.
Connie and the Gems turned their gaze to Greg, who just scratched his head and let out a nervous laugh.
"I mean, wouldn't it be weird if we didn't?!" Steven kept on ranting. "And sure, I've had Black Rutile feed me some not so nice thoughts while you were at Los Diego that took the form of an inner voice that forced me to punch Spinel, or try and shatter White Diamond, but it's not like I actually went through with it! I did really shatter Jasper after all!"
"WHAT?!" Amethyst screamed at the thought of Steven, this sweet young man who would rather hang out with a fly than hurt it, doing such a thing, especially to a Gem he had tried many times to help see the light.
Although barely anyone could hear, Jasper let out a light moan from the bathroom.
"You're-you're joking right?!" Connie gasped with Greg while Garnet's jaw dropped and Pearl's eyes widened.
"Oh don't worry, I fixed Jasper! I can fix anything!" Steven's temper began to reach its boiling point. "I can just keep fixing and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to worry about anything ever again!"
"Except worrying about how you're deliberately pushing people away while begging them to stay." Steven's inner voice concluded while metaphorically looking around at the shocked reactions of Steven's human & Gem loved ones. "Just look at them all, how do you think they'd ever forgive you for such a horrendous act?"
"Steven." Garnet tried to lend an assuring hand on the boy's shoulder, but she was quickly shoved away.
"How messed up is that?!" Steven gasped as he felt something change in his body. His teeth began getting sharper, his skin became pinker & leatherier, his hands slowly turned into claws, and his pupils started turning pink. "That I've gotten away with all this for so long, forcing my views down the throats of others, tearing apart Gem society to the point where they'll eventually be invaded, actually murdering someone! Black Rutile was right, I am just an awful person! A sociopath even!"
No one could comprehend what Steven was thinking right now. Greg began to tear up at all these horrible things Steven was saying about himself, Connie gripped the father's arm tightly, and Pearl & Amethyst began fearfully hugging Garnet, whose face was completely frozen in horror.
"You think I'm so great, I'm so mature, that I always know what to do, BUT I'M NOT!" Steven began roaring in a more beastly tone. "I haven't learned a thing from my problems, and I never will! They all kept making me worse, YOU all keep making me worse! Are you even sure any of you ever loved or cared about me?! If it weren't for Pink Diamond ruining everything for everyone, I could've been just a normal kid!"
"That's right, just let everything out." The inner voice purred comfortingly. "Me on the other hand, I think I shall take my leave and prepare something more normal for you." With that, the inner voice seemingly vanished from Steven's mind.
"You all think of me as a perfect angel who's too pure for this world, but I'm not a little kid anymore!" Steven boomed before he dropped to the ground with his head between his hands. "I'm just like my mom. A fraud." He began to tremble where he crouched as something began bubbling on his back. "I'm a monster!"
Suddenly, a massive pillar of light pink scales erupted from Steven's back like a volcano as everyone reacted quickly. Garnet stuck her arms out to protect Amethyst & Pearl and Connie jumped back, but Greg was just plain terrified.
"I'm a monster!" Steven's final words before his transformation were rewound by Black Rutile as she eagerly replayed the phrase again and again on more of her satellite footage. "I'm a monster! I'm a monster! I'm a monster!"
With an evil grin, Black Rutile paused the video and shut off her screens. "And I have finally won!" she declared triumphantly and let out a booming evil laugh that echoed throughout the cave and scared off the nearby animals. Aquamarine & Eyeball grinned in delight, while White Topaz turned away from her cohorts in shame of what she had participated in. As quickly as Black Rutile finished her victorious cackle, she had another wonderful, awful idea in mind. "Now, onto Phase 2."
….holy shit. Uh, see you all for I am My Monster, I guess. And by the way, I did repurpose Steven accidentally playing Rose's message for the Rose trio in Rose Buds for the opening.
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hdawg1995 · 3 years
rummaging though my old files and found some notes on a very old DF oc. decided to give them a update with some spit and polish and even made a mock class idea. Not sure what to do with this so posting it here.
Ailsa, Elementalist.
“Hello! You’re the first person who hasn’t fled from my “dragon”, so you must be as much a tourist as me, right?”
My names Ailsa. I’m from… well, that’s not important right now. Its far away and it took a lot of magic to leave. I came here to meet these artisans called “soulweavers” and “soulforgers”. Their art seemed so interesting! Combining parts of Eleminx and Necromancy in the art of weaving and forging. I wanted to see how similar my Eleminx arts and the soul arts were, but it seems Topaz here isn’t exactly welcomed.
Yes, “Dragon”. He isn’t a real dragon; he just takes the form of one. This is my Summinx, Topaz. He is more related to elementals and wisps than any dragon, but it seems the people here are very stubborn. I’d hate to know how they would react to a REAL dragon.
I’m explaining that a lot lately- a Summinx is a creature bound to two elements that is summoned by an elementalist. They’re sort of like a familiar, but from what I’ve found out about soulweavers they are more like a soulally. A summinx reflects the duality of the summoner and guides them in their elementalist training. Topaz here is fire and ice, supposedly reflecting my warm personality. The ice part is the fact that fire is ice’s opposite. It could also be my sharp wit as my mentor puts it, but I’m not that witty.
An elementalist uses diplomacy and combat training to keep the balance between the elements. My order was very popular and busy during the great Fire and Darkness imbalance years ago. My mentor, Cameron, and his Summinx, Sith, were there acting as envoys for the elemental planes of light and darkness. Being an elementalist means doing politics with elementals, avatars, and planes walkers. Very exciting and serious, but most of the time you’re just acting as messenger.
Topaz is a summinx of fire and ice. Normally summinx take the form of cats, dogs, horses, and other domesticated creatures, but Topaz takes the form of a dragon. My mentor suggests its because of all the stories I heard about The Hero of Lore growing up, since he is a reflection of me. Although… well, its nothing. My mentor once told me that unusually smart summinx are the souls of animals and magical creatures. Summinx can understand their summoner and the world around them, which makes them perfect partners for an elementalist, but they can’t talk or make sounds, and Topaz has been known to chirp and call my name. So… I don’t know, maybe he takes the form of a dragon because he was one in life? I highly doubt it, but it is fun to think about.
Become a Elementalist:
Oh? You want to be an elementalist? Well, I can’t teach you how to be one, you’ll need a proper mentor and your own summinx. The known Elementalists who could teach you the art of eleminx are all working as envoys. The only reason I’m able to wander about is because my own mentor is too busy to teach me. At the most I could teach you how to summon a summinx.
Summinx shop:
Summinx shop holds pet items that can change elemental damage type.
Cat summinx: The elements of [wind and nature] twist and turn in the form of this introverted feline. Click the collar to switch between [wind and nature] damage.
Upgrade shop:
The upgrade shop lets you upgrade your summinx as well as get a special upgrade.
Familiar Summinx: the elements of Good and Evil weave together in the form of this familiar. Click the collar to switch between Good and Evil damage (evil damage is white fur and yellow eyes, good damage is red fur and blue eyes). Artifact?
Cameron, elementalist.
“Greetings! My student sent word that you wanted to be a Elementalist?”
My name is Cameron Coi’n, expert elementalist of Light and Darkness. This is Sith, my Summinx.
Sith: Hello.
Sith: Yes, I am a dog. In life I was a dog, so when I was summoned I took the form of one as well.
Cameron: Sith here has been my summinx for decades. We have a strong enough bond that when I realized he had a soul I was able to lend him my voice.
Sith: Its very useful for when Cameron tries to downplay his accomplishments or dismiss his student’s achievements.
Cameron: too much praise spoils the child-
Sith: and not enough discourages the student.
Cameron: *hrmph*
Cameron: There has to be a constant balance amongst the elements. If there isn’t, well, we all know what happened all those years ago.
Sith: I still think Fire should have kept a better eye on their dragon. It was only natural that it would get killed with all the destruction it was causing.
Cameron: He has a point. I don’t know the fate of that hero, but I do not blame them for their actions. There was very little that could have been done. Never the less, the balance was thrown off and the order of eleminx was spurred on to do our job. The fact that we were called from our home to do said job was concerning but was still welcomed.
Sith: elementalists, as you might have noticed, aren’t from lore. They are from a world that sits on the edge of the zoid- impossible to get to without a summinx or jumping into the void and hopping you survive.
Cameron: it’s the ideal location to watch over the elements since it’s a world that sits completely neutral towards the other planes. being called away from it… well, it was certainly needed.
Elementalist training:
Cameron: I’m sure my student, Ailsa, showed you how to summon a summinx, so don’t expect me to bore you by going over those instructions again. What she probably didn’t tell you is that your summinx’s element determines the damage you’ll do. I’m sure you’re used to using swords, staffs, and daggers, so you should think of your summinx as one of your weapons- an extension of yourself, a focus, and a nasty surprise for your foes.
Sith: Oh, I see we are skipping the importance of respecting your summinx and being able to communicate without speaking. Are we also skipping the part about Summinx letting you enter the elemental planes in order to-
Cameron: Sith, does this person look like they are interested in learning to be an elementalist to help keep the balance and be a diplomat for two opposing planes?
Sith: You never know. But I guess you’re right.
Cameron: Anyway, Your summinx is going to be doing most of the fighting for you. Your weapons will provide the necessary focus your summinx will need in place of a bond. Now, your summinx won’t be opening any doors to the elemental planes, and you won’t be expected to act as a diplomat-
Sith: you will be expected to keep the balance.
Cameron: Ah, yes, that. Do be sure now to use your summinx to cause an imbalance with the elements. The order is still struggling to fix the last time there was an imbalance. Lets get your training started. You have a summinx pet, so equip it. From there we’ll go into the void and collect Bond Proof. A elementalist is only as strong as their bond with their summinx-
Sith: and with your weapon acting in place of an actual bond, the Bond Proof is going to be very necessary.
Unlock elementalist:
Cameron: like I said, you’re going into the void. Your summinx will protect you from it’s affects.
Sith: This… may be an odd comment, but… if you happen to find anything other than Bond Proof, take it to Ailsa.
Cameron: Ah, good idea. Ailsa and [hero] can eventually train together. There is a lot of valuable things to be found in the void that an elementalist can use to empower their summinx.
Sith: OR… in [hero]’s case… change it.
Cameron: Right. You don’t have a true summinx. Its why you can’t open doors to the elemental planes. Sith… do you see something I can’t?
Sith: Yes. Its… strange. Like something reaching out to [hero] but it doesn’t know why.
Cameron: Well, in any case, Bring 3 Bond Proof to me and I can make your training official. Bring anything else you find to Ailsa and she’ll upgrade your Summinx.
Train: click.
Wear elementalist robes: click.
Enter the void:
Entering the void, the player does one of four randomly generated quests. Wandering the void and fighting monsters, fighting a set number of monsters, a maze, and very rarely an empty field with a single monster in it. Wandering the field and avoiding the monster has a chance for the player to find “Familiar bond”. All quests have a chance to drop “Bond essence”.
Bond Proof: a manifestation of your connection with your summinx. Take it to Cameron to train Elementalist.
Familiar bond: This tread… You remember it, but you’re not sure from where. Take it to Ailsa for a special upgrade to your summinx.
Bond essence: A red string that hums with energy. Take it to Ailsa to upgrade your summinx.
Elementalist class: Bold = summinx needs to be equipped. Underline = weapon element. Italic = pet/summinx element.
Space bar = Attack: send out summinx to deal damage.
5 = Shield: You generate a shield that gives +150 def.
4 = spark: fire a bolt of elemental lighting. Chance to stun.
3 = blast: generate a blast of elemental fire. Only useable after spark.
2 = storm: rain down elemental water that hits all foes. Only useable after blast.
1 = diplomacy: summon a hammer of elemental earth to strike your foe. Ignores bonus.
X = Balance: healing elemental energy heals 15%.
Z = Elemental might: strike your foe 5 times with a +100 Bonus.
N = hp potion: you reach down and pet the summinx/equipped pet
6 = plane shift: avoidance +180.
7 = summinx bond lvl1: your summinx grants itself and you +50 bonus.
Summinx bond lvl2: your summinx grants itself and you a +50 all resistance. Only usable after lvl1
8 = summinx power lvl1: attacks and applies DOT.
Summinx power lvl2: attacks with +crit
Summinx power lvl3: Attacks and grants player +10 crit
*with Familiar summinx, the pet attacks 5 times at all lvls instead of once.
9 = summinx link: gain elemental immunity of summinx.
*With Familiar summinx equipped, the immunity is to the last element that damaged player.
0 = Summinx might: your summinx attacks all foes.
C = Messenger: applies weakness 10.
V = envoy: your summinx unleashes a weakness seeking blast.
M = mp potion: you reach down and pet the summinx/equipped pet
B = trinket.
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princesscallyie · 3 years
Damn Queen you got me thinking about Hopaz so much I had a dream about them last night 😂 in a situation where they needed to be shape shifted into mer people for a deep sea mission or something. Topaz had a mantis shrimp inspired Tail. I remember in the dream Hody was coming to terms with beginning a relationship with Topaz and she was surprised by his being more openly affectionate.
Their impact… but that sounds like a super cute and fun scenario for them. Topaz getting changed into a waterfolk like being sounds pretty cool. I wonder if Hody would just some kind of deep seas upgrade since he can already breath underwater and all that.
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zero-rider · 4 years
A grim knight in the world
He didn't know why that new wolf-knight themed Grimm scared him, but at the same time it gave him a sense of familiarity. It was concerning for him, he was surprised by the hound when it took Oscar in Atlas, but this new Grimm scared him more than the first beowulf he saw when he was still untrained and on his way for his forged transcrips for Beacon. It didn't help the fact that he made him retreat from Atlas before he could enact the plan were he had fight Salem and endure so his friends could escape Atlas alive, maybe it was a bad idea, since he was talking about a freaking magical and inmortal old hag with probably TOO MUCH free time and an enormous grudge against his husband, who was in the body of a prepubertal boy... yep, normal as eff
But he was rambling right now
After they leaved Atlas, he, his team, RWBY, Qrow and Penny fought with the Grimm wolf knight him more than once, he always retreated with just a wound and followed them to everywhere, it was almost like he knew where they would go. It was curious that the knight Grimm always aimed for him only and occasionally Yang and Oscar, but in the end, he was always the target. Not Nora, not Ren, not Ruby, not Oscar or any other in his group, him. It was even curious that the Grimm knight tried to cut Cinder's head when she was about to kill Ruby and Penny in their way to Vacuo and he could only watch from afar, he and Ruby could swear that his topaz eyes changed to a deep saphire when he helped her to stand up. He was also skeptical about the identity of the humanoid Grimm, he called himself Alexandrine Arc, whose name was of his great-great grandfather, man whose history was as lost as Blake in a mall with only blond people and whose weapon was a sword and shield combo, not a great sword similar to his own after the upgrade in that village in anima
But again, he was rambling thanks to the nerves
it didn't took him too much to put two and two together and reveal the mystery of that humanoid grimm after some fights and some small chat with him when they crossed swords, it was clear to him who the masked man was, but he needed to be sure before jumping that bridge. That's why he made a plan for that in three simple steps, Step 1; wait for his ambush and made him bring Grimm or Salem's henchmen to distract the group. Step 2; find and make him follow him to a far away place to talk freely without breaking the mind of his friends. And lastly, Step 3; confront him. This plan was also a failure, the grimm knight sure as hell knew partially what he planned but followed his lead just to humor him. And when he finally got him alone to talk in a vast death forest in the frontier between Vacuo and Vale? Well, that was complicated
"... Alexandrine, that's not your name, Isn't it?" aske Jaune, whose sword was being sheathed on his shield, the grim knight only watched "i know your name... your true name..." that got an angry reaction of the grimm
"SILENCE!" he raised his sword and dashed to the blonde, who didn't move an inch, and when the name was said, he stopped, took a deep breath and cleaved his sword on the ground
"Jaune Arc... that is your name" the Grimm knight growled, his long sword changed to how it looked before, gold guard and a shining silver blade took the place of the stylish design on the blade and the bat wing looking guard. It was Crocea Mors again, looking as new as the day he got it from that blacksmith time ago "what happennd to you to leave you like this?"
"it was my fault... i made a dangerous wager and i lost, everyone died!" in that moment, the wolf mouth of his helmet open wide and leaved his head to reveal his face. Ashen white and long hair with only one blond fringe, tired red eyes with black sclera and veins popping out from his eyes and standing out on his bone white skin.The face and those words were enough to make him sheathed his sword on his shield sheath for an explanation
"plan?... then, that mean-" before his mind could go to think the consequences of his plan, his Grimm twin confirmed his suspicious
"yes, our plan failed, Salem won" he avoided his gaze, anger was found in his voice while he clenched his fists "they died... by Salem's word and by my own hand" this time his eyes moistened
"you... what..." tears came from him too, first was Pyrrha, now he had to lose all his friends too? and the worst of all, he was their executioner? "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!? DID YOU LOSE YOUR MIND!?" Jaune clenched his hands and even readied to fight with his fists, but the other Jaune didn't flinch
"lose my mind? how could i not?... all our life seems to be cursed by the twin gods, our family is tied with Salem and Ozpin, Remnant killed my family with reasons based in fear for the hypothetical power they could have. And after killing all my friends while i was not in control of my body, while she made me the general of her Grimm... my sanity, it died with them" he looked how his Grimm twin took his version of Crocea and give it back his dark form, only to be sheathed in a black, red and white sheath he generated with some weird looking black liquid
"did...did you also killed Ruby?" he knew very well the answer, and wondered if he was secretly a masochist for wanting to feel that wound in his heart, more tears hanged from his eyes as he downed his gaze to the dirt. As for the Ozpin and Salem being his many great grandparents, he just shoved it in the most deeper part of his mind, right now he needed his mind clear to try to understand his evil twin and his motivation, as dumb or inconsistent as they could be
"... i did, she said that she was glad to meet me at Beacon, that i was the best friend she could ask along with Penny... that she loved me... and then, she died with a smile on her face" that moment got a sad smile on his ivory face, even in her dead she looked so radiant and brave, not scared from him after their second meeting as huntress and Grimm. He only lamented the outcome and cursed that gift from his ancestor
"so?... you want my place don't you?" he asked, Jaune thought it was obvious. Both of them were family of a pair who didn't knew about couple therapy and killed possibly one, two or three of their daughters (not four, since his existence proved that one survived), so he wanted to kill him or made him take his place as the Grimm wolf knight
"in that your wrong, i came here with a task and a choice to do, those are, your world or mine?" Grimm Jaune circled him while he looked warily at his actions, how he calmed and was confused by his words
"mine or yours?" he was confused, but with the more information he had from his twin, the more he was lost at his reason to be there
"Salem stole the brother gods magic and gave me the choice to throw away everything in order to bring a dead world back to life i must sacrifice another self... That's the task i have. When someone of another world die, someone from this world is saved, in those terms, i must decimate your world to save MY world"
"... " he was lost of words, was he really that bad when his partner died or that only applied to his twin? either way, he was bound to stop him "you truly lost your mind"
"if it bring back my family, my friends... and Ruby. Then it's a price i'm willing to pay" Jaune knew he was serious, he was him after all, and that meaned that it would be a pain in the ass to fight against himself
"then i will not let you" he unsheathed his sword and pointed it to his twin, who was not amused by his answer
"just think about it for a moment, you can bring back Pyrrha, Clover and all the people who died by Cinder and Salem's hands. All this sorrow and pain can be avoided!" he opened his arms and looked around the dead grey forest they were
"if by destroying this word means that many more can be saved... then i will have to pass"
"let me say this again, you can save RUBY by doing that!" now his patience was giving up, how dared him to let his team die like that!? to let Ruby die on his arms!!? even his hands were shaking from pure anger at himself
"i know, but i would be saving your Ruby, not mine" that sounded as he didn't care about them, he did care, but those were the dead ones, the ones who were alive were fighting and succeeding to beat the small battalion of Grimm his twin brought with him
"so that's your answer? didn't we said that if our dead bringed time for RWBY's victory, then so be it!? why change that now!?" it was ironic, he disliked Salem, but right now he saw the resemble with her in his twisted version of him. it made him shiver just thinking about the process to make him look like the crazy inmortal ex-wife of Ozpin
"because that would make MY team and MY Ruby very sad, and that is something i can't allow" he did ready this time, he took his stance and prepared for the inminent fight with himself. That took the ‘you are your own sworn enemy’ thing to a next level on his mind
"and here i thought that you would understand since i am you" the Grimm looked at himself with a betrayed expresion, one that later passed to be an angered one "you will regret this!"
"i'm already regreting being me, being an idiot who didn't thought better" he ran at himself, semblance activated, shield up and sword ready for a strike
"what's done cannot be undone" his twin did the same, not before covering his face with his wolf helmet and unsheated his sword mid way to his human version
with the great sword on his right hand, he swinged his sword at Jaune, who got the cover with his shield and later did two opposite slashes at his Grimm version, the wolf knight dodged without moving to much and later crossed his sword with himself. After couple of seconds later, both of them took distance and ran at each other again
"HAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!/HOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!" their part concluded with Grimm Jaune’s sword hitting Jaune's shield while the human one was preparing to parry his attack
Far away from the border of Vacuo and Vale
"so in the end i win despite Ozma's silver eyed pawn and my family on his side... this war has become more interesting" Salem laughed, watching the battle of his two descendants(one more perfect than other, in her opinion) from a seer Grimm in the comfort of her castle and surrowded of her minions, with mixed reactions from all of them
Watts was amazed from a scientific point view, and wondered if the process was the same as Cinder. Tyriand laughed and watched amazed the little huntsman he was interested, along with Neo. Mercury and Emerald while amazed too, they were actually a little scared about the Grimm twin of Arc. Hazel was wondering what to do about him, he was his queen child, so he was probably untouchable, but he was also Ozpin’s child, se he wanted to repay him with the same coin... what to do, what to do. And lastly, Cinder, she was pissed and hoped for both to die in a draw. It was understandable on her words, the guy not only give her a scar on her left eye in Heaven, but also tried to cut her head to save that damn red child
"watch carefully everyone, since he is my successor, the future general of my army and the key of my victory along with the maiden powers" everyone nodded, and waited for the end of the fight, if there was an end to this battle
To be continue
Part 1
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iamquix · 4 years
What Kind of Screen Protector Should I Get for My Phone?
Phone case
PET is a sort of plastic usually entirely on matters such as water bottles and food containers.  PET screen protectors provide the smallest amount of scrape - and - impact-protection, however they're super economical, light, and thin, and consequently are somewhat less visible once employed to a phone. Don't pay too much attention into the hardness score which brands advertise--most use the ASTM hardness scale, in which the funniest pen (9H) is thicker compared to tempered glass, making it a useless indicator of security.  The Mohs scale--that really does not utilize an"H"--is still a whole lot more of use, though it doesn't seem as good in the carton.  If you're unsure about the hardness of a particular brand, Google around to see if anyone has tested it themselves with a Mohs kit.
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But it isn't without benefits: it's flexible, so that it can extend edge-to-edge on almost any phone, it's better impact protection compared to PET, and it's limited"self healing" powers for small scratches.  Brands like IQ Shield offer TPU at quite inexpensive rates, while Zagg's InvisibleShield film can be a bit more costly. Therefore Which Screen Protector Is Better? Both amFilm and Maxboost offer cheap glass protectors that measure between a 7 and 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, according to wire-cutter --and within our evaluations , they worked quite nicely.  (Zagg's glass protectors only measured between a 5 and 6, which it says is actually better to impact protection, even though it takes sacrificing some scrape defense.  In addition they are available in more varieties with features like solitude or anti-glare.)
Nano Liquid
Flagship smartphones, from the iPhone 1 1 to Galaxy s-20, have beautiful displays.   We break it down and explain the gap between PET, TPU, tempered glass, and superior liquid.
They do not have the self-healing abilities of TPU, but they truly are more demanding in terms of scratch- and - drop-protection, and nowadays they are pretty inexpensive.
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Take a look at my own Google Pixel two, for example.  The scratches aren't deep, but they're definitely there.  These scratches likely result from sand and other contaminants with hard minerals in them, such as walnut and topaz.  Any object harder in the screen will scratch this, and while Corning hasn't officially published its own glass' Mohs hardness rating, many testers have found it to lie between a 7 and 6 (the highest value, 10, is really as hard as diamonds). Having a big scrape on your phone is similar to using an itch in your brain you can't accomplish.  Plus, it enhances the resale price of their device once you need to upgrade.  A screen protector can continue to keep the top pristine, but purchasing one is more complicated since it should be.  Let us break down the gap between your each type, so that you never waste your money.
I'd prevent the liquid protection unless you know you are not going to use any of these others any way, and want the guarantee Qmadix provides. A screen protector will not protect the trunk of your phone, the borders, or even the corners of this screen.  A good instance (especially one with a"lip" within the screen) is going to do more to get drops compared to any screen shield, so if you don't feel blessed --or have a good insurance coverage --obtain yourself a case along with anything screen protection you decide on.   They also have a smooth feel, unlike the more durable but rubbery TPU.  PET is also somewhat stiff, so it can not move edge-to-edge on phones with curved screens like the iPhone.  If you would like to go with PET, I would recommend Tech Armor.
When you consider this screen defenses of older, you are probably thinking of TPU.  It's really a flexible plastic that's a enormous hassle to install (it involves having a spray solution and squeegeeing out lots of bubbles), doesn't feel very eloquent (as a result of its almost rubbery texture), and adds an"orange peel" type glare for your phone's screen.
Search for"screen protector" on Amazon, and you'll be overwhelmed by the outcomes.  There are so many brands, types, and price points which it's enough to get your mind spin.  Thankfully, screen protectors can generally be separated into a few simple types, each with their own advantages and pitfalls. The glass onto your own gadgets has gotten far more scratch-resistant since the days of this iPod.  Corning's Gorilla Glass won't scratch if you rub it along with your keys or loose change, and it is a significant step forward.  It is not, nevertheless, unscratchable, as some folks believe. Having said that, screen protection is only one part of this mystery.  These films can help you avoid scrapes and offer any impact security, however if you are worried about decreasing your phone, do not end there--get a situation. On the flip side, Zagg's is available in several distinct styles depending on the design, feel, and features you want.  But not all styles are all available for all phones, also a few phones have no TPU options at all.  Both IQ Shield and Zagg have replacement warranties, too, though Zagg's is more all-encompassing, hence the more expensive.
Phone screen
So yes, your screen may be scratched, and it's really probably the sand in your pocket (or tote ) that's causing it.   Next, if and when the protector gets scratched, you could always replace it, keeping the true screen pristine when you head to stash it a couple of years later on. Nowadays you'll also find liquid screen protectors available on the current market, which claim you can safeguard your phone only by swabbing an option on your phone and then buffing it off.  These protectors have a lot of quirks which make it tough to recommend.  While it might offer some degree of additional security, the layer is so sparse that demanding scratches can likely still easily complete to the true monitor, which defeats the purpose of a screen protector.
In my opinion, the majority of individuals are probably best off with a tempered glass protector: they have the smoothest feel, prevent the maximum damage, and also are available at pretty reasonable prices.  If you're really finicky about looks, you can like PET or TPU better (being that they're not as visible once implemented to a phone), especially since films like TPU can provide self-healing edge-to-edge security on phones with curved displays.
Tempered Glass
Furthermore, you can not just take off this and then swap it with another screen protector.  Most products say you cannot get rid of the product, it'll merely wear off over time (though there's no visible way to tell when).  This makes it hard to check since you can't just scrape peel and pare off the product off--it's unclear whether you would certainly be scratching the shield or even the screen underneath. The Different Types of Screen Protectors Since glass protectors tend to be thicker, but they're far more visible on your screen, which isn't amazing if you prefer that melts-into-your-screen type of aesthetic. In Case You'd like Impact Protection, Get Yourself a Case
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
All Qmadix protections have a SquareTrade-esque $250 warranty, that is probably where a lot of your money belongs.  But all told, I would recommend bypassing the liquid stuff. Can I Really Have to Have a Screen Protector?
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precuredaily · 5 years
The Twelfth Day of PCDMas
On the twelfth day of Christmas, Precure Daily gave to me...
Twelve final attacks!
(if you want to be reminded of how they go, each title is linked to a YouTube video)
12. Star Twinkle Imagination
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I love how they team up with Fuwa for this. Through the power of their imaginations they upgrade their outfits and launch a giant crystal star at the enemy filled with embodiments of all the horoscope signs.
11. All For You!
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Every single Precure lends their power, and even a bunch of side characters I thought we’d never see again. Michiru and Kaoru! Cure Mofurun and Pekorin! Royal Candy! Empowered Julio! Wester, Soular, Otokichi, Regina, even Yui! And Bibury being her tsundere self. Also, Cure Echo’s first ever original television appearance! (however brief) FUN FACT: they forgot Parfait in this shot where everyone flies past
10. Sweets Wonderful a la Mode
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They build a giant cake around the baddie and then blow it up. It’s goofy and I love it.
9. Grand Printemps
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They summon a giant castle, transform into these crazy elaborate dresses with magic floating bows the size of a person behind them, then fly into the air and divebomb the monster! It’s so over-the-top and glorious.
8. Innocent Purification
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What do I even need to say? The song is an earworm. The fact that it’s an attack almost seems secondary.
7. Royal Lovely Straight Flush
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My favorite thing about this is that their super form is just angel wings. Every other show since Fresh gives them a complete outfit change for a final form, but Dokidoki says wings are good enough.
6. Royal Rainbow Burst
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Three words: Beauty the Hedgehog. If you hadn’t made the connection before, I’m glad to be the one to permanently make that association in your mind. Anyway I love the outlandish designs of the Princess dresses and how they get a bunch of Pegasi AND a phoenix to fly through the enemy.
5. Suite Session Ensemble Crescendo Finale
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That’s a mouthful. I like that Crescendo Tone just keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.... this is truly a final attack to end all final attacks. Plus the Crescendo forms are neat.
4. Heartcatch Orchestra
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The Super Silhouette forms are clearly Umakoshi (character designer/head animator) having too much fun, he loves pointy clothes and hair. And then their attack is to summon a giant woman to punch the villain into smithereens. Top tier.
3. Five Explosion
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I love how this giant butterfly baton just beams the girls up like a UFO before they fly straight through the monsters. This was game-changing for Precure finishers.
2. Spiral Heart Splash Star
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The combined final attack between Bloom, Egret, Michiru, and Kaoru that we always deserved is truly grand. The four girls and four fairies all combine their powers to defeat an ancient evil in a fight to end all fights. I couldn’t pick anything else.
1. Extreme Luminario Max
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Yes, this tops the list because of how heartfelt it is. You think it’s going to be Hikari’s final stand as she has given herself up to restore the Queen, and all three girls are choking back tears as they unleash their final, most powerful Extreme Luminario with the strength of the Queen behind them. Even if Hikari was seen again less than 5 minutes after this, for a moment you truly thought she was gone, and what a way to go it would have been.
As well as….
Eleven favorite foods! Ten Lords a-helping Nine dance endings! Eight maidens shielding Seven ships a-sailing Six themes a-slaying Five golden cures Four reformed villains Three best friends Two power duos And a whole bunch of Healin’ Good news!
Yes, the list is in (reverse) chronological order because I had a hard enough time narrowing down the 40-odd group final attacks to a list of 12. SERIOUSLY THERE’S A LOT.
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Rainbow Storm (FWPC)
Rainbow Rose Explosion (Y5GG)
Lucky Clover Grand Finale (Fresh)
Shining Fortissimo (Heartcatch)
Music Rondo Super Quartet (Suite)
Lovely Force Arrow (Dokidoki)
All of the Maho Girls’ different duo attacks: Diamond Eternal, Ruby Passionale, Sapphire Smartish, and Topaz Esperanza
Extreme Rainbow (Maho Girls)
I know, I know, it’s over a month past Christmas at this point. The twelve days turned into 35 days. The Christmas decorations are all packed away, the trees have been dropped off to be turned into mulch, and everyone moved on. I didn’t intend for this to take so long, and I’m sorry this is coming out so late. I’ll plan my 2020 Christmas special in advance (I’ve literally set notes for myself right after Thanksgiving lol). Basically what happened is that everything in my life decided to go wrong at once, and I got depressed. Not a day went by when I didn’t think about writing this up, but for one reason or another I couldn’t motivate myself to sit down and do the work until now. I had it in my head that it would be A LOT OF WORK so I put it off until I had time. Then when I finally got to it, it was easier than I thought, because I was overthinking it.
Thank you all for sticking with me for as long as you have, and thank you to my new followers that this sub-project has garnered. With this out of the way, proper Precure Daily reviews shall continue! After all, Yes 5 isn’t going to write about itself!
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Happy debut Wakaba... and I don’t care.
It’s the Wakaba debut episode, which means we get the fruits of her training on display with Mirai. Honestly, I wished we had seen more of Wakaba’s training throughout the show. You tell us she’s special, but we don’t get to see why until the debut itself. It would’ve been more interesting to see the failures and struggles as they happened, rather than just... hearing about them later.
Again, AiFriends has a bit of a tell, not show problem. You focus so hard on Pure Palette, you miss the new idol completely despite the fact she can fill a whole auditorium for her debut and... well, we gotta talk about the elephant in the room.
Wakaba shouldn’t have gotten her Jeweling Dress. She’s a debut idol. Sure, wanting to be a magnificent idol is a strong feeling... but how does that compare to every other debut idol? Why does it make her special? We haven’t really seen enough to care about her, honestly. It just feels like she’s special because the show says she is. Having a debut idol get this magical dress that’s supposed to save a country really cheapens it because we haven’t really gotten to see this genius trainee in action. It feels fake to me, and the show just trying to round the numbers out. Had we seen her train and struggle more, maybe I would have believed it.
There was an interesting point in the episode, though - that of loneliness and what comes after you achieve your goal.  I wish we could’ve talked a little more about the loneliness of a solo debut, especially in the context of Friends. Wakaba doesn’t have a Friend yet, and there’s no contenders as of yet. She might not get one this season/show. So she might just be alone, and it’ll be interesting to see how that works. Maybe not everyone needs a Friend (but that would prove my girl from season one right and PP wrong, so we can’t have that. I’m still holding out hope for Momone being her Friend but we’ll see). Also, welcome to team accomplished concrete goal and now has a less solid one to replace it. See what it did to PP. She’ll probably fade from view now - her interest has hit and she’s gotten the dress we need. Your role is over, step aside for Pure Palette. Them’s the breaks.
Mirai was interesting too, though - she’s on the other side of the glass, nurturing someone in the path she took. You could get a sense of nostalgia as she watched Wakaba, perhaps a bit of wistfulness as she looks back to an earlier, perhaps easier time before she was a Diamond Friend. That would’ve been interesting to discuss with Karen, maybe parallel Mirai’s debut with Wakaba’s to set up parallels. Oh well, can’t hit them all.
Song and stage wise? It’s a cute combo, so I’m not a fan. The lyrics are very... Mirai. Not much else I can say - it’s pure fluff. The coord and stage seem like an AiFriends recolor of Maria’s kit, but hey... not like they’re using the same coord names or anything. I don’t like Wakaba’s aura pre or post topaz, but at least it doesn’t make things hard to read. She’s got that going for her.
Anyway, the part at the end was cute. Not much else to say there, except I hope they’re not hinting for Mirai-Wakaba temp friends because the show didn’t come up with a permanent Friend for our little copycat. In all, could’ve used less PP to focus on Mirai and Wakaba. Shrug.
Next episode - none of you are old enough to drive why the fuck are you driving what is going on? Also FUCK THAT DRESS UPGRADE. 
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universal-kitty · 6 years
   I should be sleeping, but instead I’m gonna listen to SU music w/ a music box style and tell y’all about my SI for SU, Watermelon Tourmaline instead.
5′2″ with pink-to-white hair. Skin is a light green that looks white in bright light. Wears red framed glasses all of the time. It’s technically not logical why she’d do this, but that’s like questioning Peridot’s visor or Garnet’s shades; in the end, nobody really cares.
Was mostly owned by White back on Homeworld, but wasn’t uncommon to see her in the other courts, as well.
Not...100% on her “official” powers, but so far, I’m working with: slight mood control (can calm raging gems; however, doing an entire court would drain her; best done in a small group or a single gem; fusions are more difficult, especially with the more components that make the fusion), slight plant control, and slight strength (a bit more sturdy, making her harder to poof).
Eventually served the Diamonds well enough to be honored with a Pearl of her own: Powder Pink.
Once Pink was allowed Earth, Watermelon Tourmaline found herself gifted to Pink’s court, hoping that her experience would benefit Pink’s first attempt at living up to her Diamond name.
That went...incredibly well. [/sarcasm]
It started with the Rose Quartz at the Kindergarten. It’s not like Tourmaline knew who was being made, but... The other gem struck her as...odd? Friendly, but extremely weird.
The rebellion rose to power. WT got nervous, but Pink was surprisingly unfailing...or so it would seem. WT knew enough of empathy to know not to trust that aura!!
Of course, that was nothing compared to the war. Pink shattered. Gems fighting everywhere. Homeworld versus the rebels. WT and Powder got separated. Despite her best efforts, WT was poofed by an Amethyst.
Luck was on her side, though: managed to be where Rose would protect Garnet and Pearl in the final stretch against what would be called “the corruption song”... Saving her, but who knows how many others corrupted.
She reformed much later, to a still-empty battlefield, new outfit blank of alliance... Knowing Homeworld was out of reach now and the CGs didn’t know she existed.
WT eventually made her home in the forest not too far off from Beach City. It was an old place, but learning how to fix it wasn’t so bad... Nabs stuff from town, on occasion. Has since made it a comfortable life.
...She’s learned how to sleep on her own due to depression. It’s the best way to waste a few thousand years; sleeping comfortably in darkness.
Rose never finds her. However... Steven does, funnily enough.
If it was canon, the episode would be a filler-type and set before “The Heart of the Crystal Gems” arc, but after “The Return.” Called “Forest Wanderer” Steven and the Gems hear reports of an odd girl in the forest. Not knowing what to expect, they prepare for the worst...but find a rather skittish gem, instead. She keeps largely to herself and- at first- is terrified of the Crystal Gems having finally found her. Steven gets her to calm down, but though she toes around her past, she never gets to the point of it. The group are interrupted by a corrupt gem’s roar- a corrupted Tiger’s Eye. WT admits to not even knowing her own gem summons during the battle’s heat, but with the beast giving everyone a run for their money, WT gives it a shot....hand behind her back and summoning dual chakrams. Helping the gems, WT manages to assist in the poofing...but largely decides to stay behind.
She would become a minor gem character from then on, largely missing key events until later in the series, but always giving Steven a shoulder to turn to when things are getting tough in filler episodes.
Speaks fondly of friends back on Homeworld... Labradorite ( @madamethana ), Tabu Tabu Jasper, and Hematite ( @mayxwolf ). A group of Off-Color Topazes ( @half-fox-demon1020 )...and her Pearl. Worries that she may never see them again.... It’s tough, but Steven does what he can to help ease it a little.
Steven: It’s dramatic and not what he’d want, but she’d shatter for him. Steven teaches her so much about humanity... WT can’t help but feel like she owes him so much for that. Plus, she’s apparently got some maternal instincts of her own; her support is upfront and incredibly humanlike, for her long-running disconnect from others. One of her charms, as Steven would say!
Pearl: She’s a bit...uptight, but WT can respect that. In fact, her strictness helps WT in some ways! Largely in keeping up the upkeep in her forest home and doing better in other certain aspects... Like training! WT has a lot to catch up on, after all.
Garnet: A...fusion? Good stars, how much one can miss in a few thousand years.....!!! However, there’s no beginning disgust (just lots of surprise and confusion) and- with time- WT only respects Garnet more! ...And wishes she could have a relationship like Ruby and Sapphire do... There might be a small, hopeless crush there.
Amethyst: Despite being poofed by an Amethyst, WT’s got nothing against them. If anything, this gem in particular is loads of fun! Overwhelming a lot of the time, but still makes learning of humanity a little more fun...and exciting! So many new foods they’ve tried!! It’s really something incredible.
Bismuth: Never met before, but they sure hit off a first meeting well enough! Enjoying the puns, amazed by the forge, starry-eyed at the upgrades... WT was honestly a little charmed by the larger gem. Of course, hearing that she was bubbled for her stance on shattering Homeworld gems.... That did rise up some nervousness in her; if the CGs had been shattering gems... What would have become of her? Of Powder? It makes their next meeting a little awkward, but that’s what words are for; they’re doing much better since the chat before the wedding.
Peridot: An oddity through and through, WT wasn’t too sure what to make of the shortstack the gem sub-race had turned out to be, but as she got to know the other gem... WT simply found someone a little like her old self; not seeing the real beauty in the world yet and taking too much of Homeworld to heart. Peri’s growth since has only made her happier and the two better friends.
Lapis Lazuli: Cautious at first, these two were much like wolves meeting each other for the first time. If not for Steven, the outcome would’ve surely been concerning, to say the least of it... Still, they did eventually buddy up, especially since Peri had already warmed up to WT by the time Lapis showed up. Meep-morps abound, WT cheering them on during her short visits... It was nice. Y’know, up until Lapis ditched Earth in fear of the Diamonds. WT couldn’t help but be...bitter at that. At the cowardice of it all. She really can’t...be that mad, but it bothers her, regardless.
Jasper: The two never really...had a solid gem-to-gem so far, but considering Jasper’s attitude and Steven’s tales, it’s no wonder. However, WT has a sinking feeling about the gem. Empathetic abilities let her know there is more to this “brute” than most people might first realize and it’s...a little unsettling to feel. It still only endears WT to Jasper...and in a way, fosters a sort of care-love for the gem. (Now just to hope she’ll survive knowing the truth...)
Pink Diamond: A childish, but still somewhat respectable leader, in WT’s opinion. Oh yes, another Diamond, doing their duty...but also noticeably pleased at the small things that’d get anyone else shattered. Every once and awhile, WT would expect Powder to be on approach and greet the Diamond casually, no salute or “my Diamond” in sight; yet it seemed...to make her happy? She was odd....and no wonder things turned out like they did.
Yellow Diamond: Respectful, but absolutely terrifying. Not belonging to Yellow’s court is the best thing that happened to WT, in her opinion. The pressure alone to perform as to the peak of her abilities would’ve made her self-shatter from the stress millennia ago!!
Blue Diamond: A pleasure to serve and be around. The Blue Court tends to be a fairly empathetic, well-thought out place. Makes WT feel at home and gives her enough room to be herself in a way that best benefits her role. A rather homely court, despite not being “hers” at all, honestly.
White Diamond: The air is uptight, but you get used to it after awhile. Dedication, loyalty, and focus always. It felt...like a home. Wonderful, really. Yet after experiencing Pink’s court and finding Earth it’s....difficult to imagine how “home” felt like there. It was empty, devoid of life, and the Crystal Gems have since become all the home she’ll ever need. Never going back to White Court; not ever again!!
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ashxpad · 4 years
Lofoten, Norway: A Landscape Photographer’s Dream
Due to the pioneering adventures of a few, the Lofoten Islands have become a winter magnet for landscape photographers. Light has begotten this new pilgrimage. And February is the high season.
The month commences with 5 hours of daylight and ends with 10. The arc of the sun is low with the potential for casting rich light throughout much of the day. Infuse this winter light with landscapes of jagged, snow-covered peaks abruptly enclosing a populated archipelago of fishing islands, and you are presented with endless compositional possibilities. The brightly-colored waterside cabins (or “rorbuer”) add an extra special touch. It’s almost as though Lofoten has been created by Pixar for landscape photographers. However, Lofoten very much retains its functional, fishing roots.
From beyond Norway, a visit to Lofoten involves 3 flights: to Oslo, Oslo to Bodo and the short, propeller plane hop from mainland Norway to Leknes. It’s a long day, so on arriving in the tiny, informal airport it was a relief that the car rental representative had one customer and one car. We were upgraded to a jeep, parked just outside the terminal building. Not far on the way to our first destination Hamnoy, we mustered the energy to push a trolley through the REMO1000 supermarket. A 45-minute drive later, we were unpacking in the most homely, wooden lodge or “rorbuer” one could imagine – partially perched on stilts at the water’s edge beneath the looming presence of Festhelltinden mountain. Unquestionably the most breathtaking location at which I’ve ever stayed.
Hamnoy Long
The short (10km) stretch of narrow road between Hamnoy bridge and A (pronounced Oir) is undoubtedly one of the most stunningly beautiful places on Earth. Photographically, 3 nights allow a light scratch of the surface. The village of A is largely closed to tourists in February. You could spend a day photographing the rorbuer cupping the harbor here. But we were on the hunt for a view of distant peaks, coastal rocks, and swirling sea. Initially, I couldn’t find the location, but a closer inspection of Google maps brought us to the campground and a narrow path leading to the rocky shore. Heavy clouds and snow enhanced the scene, the sea was swirling furiously at my feet. I left very much contented with the images taken in the camera, but at home they appeared static and lifeless, the very opposite of my time there.
As Night Descends
Cloud and snow descended as we drove back to Hamnoy. I had noticed two rorbuer on the way that had photographic potential but waited to come back towards the end of blue hour. The lights were switched on outside as dark clouds enveloped the mountains. Delighted with the image I made my way back for the evening.
It snowed lightly all night. The morning shot at Hamnoy was stark – darks and whites. I had seen excellent images taken beneath the bridge but I had forgotten to venture there. Onward to Sakrisoy.
The sky was heavy and brooding as I negotiating my way through thick snow up the gentle hill that overlooks the island. There is no foreground per se needed here but I used the 3 flagpoles in the bottom left third to compensate. Bluish tones in the sky gently contrast against the topaz hues of the water. Delighted again but the weather was about to change for the remainder of the trip. Dreaded blue skies – blue indeed.
Skagsanden Beach (with its nearby red church) is one of the closest north-facing beaches most accessible to Hamnoy. The afternoon sky was cloudless and an icy wind bore sand into the air making the business of setting up a tripod, camera, and filters challenging. The adjacent mountain makes a perfect backdrop and its reflections in the water leave little else to think about whilst composing an image.
Nonetheless, no matter how special a place is nothing compensates for poor light. In retrospect, we should have stayed here for sunset but on the other hand, discovering new places when on a trip like this is an urge that is hard to resist. We did not leave the car at Myrland nor Storsandnes beaches, the light being so uninviting.
On our final evening in Eliassen Rorbuer, I drove the short distance to a roadside parking space at Toppoy overlooking Ostind and waited and waited some more. Aurora activity was forecast as low and this was borne out by the faint green washes in the sky above the impressive peak. Shortly before 1 a.m., activity increased – centered over the summit of the Ostind. A simple image but one of my favorites of the trip.
Ostind Aurora
Prior to leaving for Ballstad for the second half of the trip, I joined many other photographers at the main viewing point over Reine as the sunrise cast a subtle glow over the peaks. The view was astounding but the experience of standing toe to toe, tripod to tripod reminded me of the rare bird twitches that I have steered clear of for many years. So I took the shot, returned for breakfast, packed our bags, and wondered where 3 days had disappeared to.
Reine Dawn
Bright sunny days and clear nights as a quarter moon was waxing made daytime photography frustrating and brought the expectation of aurora at night. The challenge with such a trip is managing to stay awake! On the first morning, I made the pre-dawn 25-minute trip from Ballstad to Haukland beach.
A faint orange tinge above the horizon provided a little counterbalance to the blues reflected on the sea and mountains cupping the small bay. A partially frozen stream provided a leading line. It froze my tripod to the spot and the legs would not extend for the rest of the morning! Another hazard of photography at these temperatures is that iPhones also freeze up when exposed to the cold so limited video for reference was captured. Additionally, I found myself with no water, the bottle I brought froze and when I got back to the car (2 hours), a bottle left in the warmth of the passenger seat also froze solid!
Frozen Dawn (Lofoten, Norway)
An impressive tunnel connects Haukland with Uttakleiv beach and I made a brief visit here. The temperature plunged again and when damp gloves started to freeze to my hands I was forced to run back to the car clapping furiously. Homeward bound. We spent the second 3 nights in Hemmingsgodden Lodge, Ballstad. Anna, our host, left a full, filleted cod in a neat cardboard box on our doorstep – fridge not needed? The afternoon brought us to the surf beach of Unstad and sure enough, the water was teeming with hardy souls as we donned 3 pairs of everything and still froze. I found a composition with rounded boulders roughly leading to where the sun was forecast to set – at the base of the imposing western mountain. Although bracketing, the dynamic range was excessive – the idea sounded good but the end result was poor enough. Back home for poached cod – a hearty end to another great day on Lofoten.
Uttakleiv Sunset
The aurora forecast for that night was low, an early night beckoned but at 10.30 an alert was issued of a minor solar storm. A quick check outside and we decided to make the drive back to Uttakleiv. It was 1:30 a.m. before we left and were treated to a light show we will never forget.
As the next day was sunny, we made the stunningly beautiful drive from Ballstad to Henningsvaer, stopping off every now and then. Our trip was at its end with the exception of an overnight in Oslo. As with every trip, a little luck, good and bad, the wisdom of hindsight and images that never match expectation are in the bag coming home but the memories — naught can hold a candle to good, old-fashioned memories.
Watching the Aurora
P.S. If you enjoyed this article and my photos, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel!
About the author: Jimmy Mc Donnell is a landscape and wildlife photographer from Co Wicklow, Ireland with an enduring passion for capturing images that reflect the beauty of the natural world. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You can find more of Mc Donnell’s work on his website and YouTube. This article was also published here.
from PetaPixel https://ift.tt/3jZ6NZn
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australianopal-us · 4 years
Opal Jewelry - Why is It So Special?
Opal can be made into such countless various things of gems. Without a doubt, we as a whole realize that there are opal pendants, opal rings, opal hoops, etc, however opals, instead of different stones like precious stones and rubies and so on, can be made into unique sorts of adornments.
 There is an opal assortment from Australia called Koroit and this is an ugly kind of stone when we contrast it with an Australian Black Opal. It is generally a rosy, dull earthy colored piece of ironstone with slices of opal running haphazardly through it. A diamond setter can't do much with what you may think, however, basically drill an opening through it and connect a weighty chain or a modest cowhide string and it makes an exquisite thick neckband and it looks incredible on men just as ladies.
 At that point there is stone opal which regularly comes as a bit of opal associated normally to a bit of ironstone or sandstone. The opal stone is undulating and might not have any of the fire related with diamond quality opal however when we take a gander at it intently it has an example that may appear as though a seascape or a perspective on a mountain reach or a wide range of different things. It very well may be the sort of thing you simply prefer to gaze at and envision seeing a wide range of things in. Have a go at doing that to a precious stone! The excellence of a piece like this is that it isn't pearl quality and is exceptionally cheap.
 I love adornments like that on the grounds that in addition to the fact that it is modest to buy when you wear it individuals pose inquiries about it and they need to have a nearby assessment of it. It is an incredible friendly exchange. You never get individuals inquiring as to whether they would they be able to view your topaz ring. They never state: "Goodness, where did you get that ring?" But with a $40 jewelry of modest Koroit or Boulder Opal you will get outsiders asking what kind of stone it is and where did it come from.
 At that point there is one of my top choices Opal Inlay Jewelry. Lovely bits of gem opal are set into the metal of rings, studs and pendants. The opal is done off flush with the encompassing metal. We regularly see this with exhausting stones, for example, Onyx and other faltering looking minerals with almost no tone. Be that as it may, when you make trim opal adornments ordinarily you would utilize top notch opal and the outcomes are awesome.
 You can put almost some other gemstone close to opal it and it will upgrade the bit of adornments. Opals with jewel accents will consistently look staggering. Alternately, you can have a pink topaz or emerald principle stone with decorated opals on each side and you have a splendid thing of gems at that point.
 Opals can be inlayed, prong set or bezel set. They can be stuck set up where different stones won't seem appealing along these lines.
 One encouraging part of opal adornments is that the stone will be mined by forlorn men or a couple groups living in brutal conditions in outback Australia. There are no enormous organizations included and there is no constrained work here. It is a work of adoration. Consider the cutting of rubies and different stones which is frequently done by kids who ought to be at school. I am an opal shaper and despite the fact that it is work serious I appreciate doing it and I have never met an opal shaper who isn't energetic about opals so there is a sort of adoration appended to these stones entirely through from the man underground in the center of no place to the spouse or aficionado cautiously cutting and cleaning the stone.
 Huge Range of Opal Earrings, Black Opal Studs and White Opal Earrings. 65% Below Retail! TAKE 30% OFF ENTIRE PURCHASE COUPON CODE: NEWOPALS. The Most Trusted Source for Opal Jewellery Online. Direct from Outback Australia Join The Family, Worldwide Shipping.
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jenthebug · 7 years
Stardew Valley Fanfic
(Another Clint and Marnie heart event)
“Wow, you’re here early,” Marnie said, stifling a yawn.  It was just barely 6:00am, and Clint was at her front door.
“I brought coffee and blueprints.”
“Why?”  Marnie stepped back.  “I mean, come on in, thanks for the coffee...but why the blueprints?”
“Remember the day you brought in your axe for an upgrade?” he asked.
“Oh my Yoba, that day was terrible.”  Marnie turned away and walked toward the kitchen table, moving the bowl of fruit to the counter to make room for the blueprints.  “I do remember you mentioning something about crafting a furnace, though, is that what this is about?”
“Yes it is!” He set the blueprints down on the table.  “I don’t want you to have to drag a bag of iron ores across town to upgrade your axe again.”  He paused, shuffling his feet and awkwardly setting a cup of coffee down.  “Besides, you were nice enough to help me with the kittens, so I figured I’d return the favor with the furnace blueprints and some coffee.”  
“Coffee is always better when someone else makes it, thank you,” Marnie answered.  “So, how’s your kitten doing?”
"She’s doing great.  I named her Topaz, did I tell you that?”
“No, that’s a cool name!  Jas named the one we kept, so her name is Fluffypants.”
“Nice!  Topaz has really turned into a ball of energy. She climbs the curtains, but she’s so cute about it that I can’t even be mad.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things,” Marnie laughed.  She took a sip of her coffee.  “I heard you and Emily went to the Grampleton carnival, how was that?”
“It was nice...I saw some old friends, and my dad won the regional metalworking competition like he always does...”
Clint let out a defeated sigh. “Emily told me all about her crush on the farmer.  I have terrible luck with women, Marnie!”
“I think you just have terrible luck with Emily,” she said. 
“No, remember when Leah first moved here? We went out once. Never got a second date.  And Sandy never returned my calls. I haven’t had a girlfriend since before I moved to Pelican Town, and she cheated on me.”
“Ouch.  Okay, maybe you’re right.” She let out a nervous giggle and took a sip of coffee.  “You know what they say, as soon as you stop looking, it’s right in front of your face.  Good coffee, by the way.”
“Thanks,” he said glumly.  “Want me to walk you through this blueprint?  You’ll need 20 copper ores and 25 stones, which I brought.”
“Oh! That’s great!  We can start on this now?”
“Yeah, come on outside.”  Clint hurried to the front door and opened it for Marnie.  “What do you think, should it go right over here?”  He grabbed a bag of stone and a bag of ores, and carried them over to Marnie.
They got to work.  Marnie was clumsy, but not nearly as clumsy as Clint had been expecting.  It was obvious to him that she had a talent for working with her hands, which made sense, given her background.  She made all the fences on the ranch.  She put together the cheese makers and mayonnaise maker in the barn.  It was obvious that she could read a blueprint and build, she was just a bit slow at it since she’d never made a furnace before.
Before long, she was ready to fire her first copper bar.
“See these ores we have left over?” Clint asked.
“I was wondering about those.”
“We’re going to put those, and this coal, in the furnace and start it up--”
“Wait!” Marnie reached into the furnace.  She pulled out a black and white kitten, who immediately started biting her hand.  “OW.  Meet Fluffypants, by the way!”
“Awww!  Hi baby,” Clint cooed, his voice rising a full octave.  “I haven’t seen you since you were the size of my pinky finger!”  He reached out his hand, and got scratched.  “Ow! I shoulda seen that one coming!” He went right back into baby talk. “It’s okay, sweetie pie, I’ll just put a band-aid on at the shop, I shouldn’t have messed with you...”
Marnie, alternately laughing and cringing at Fluffy’s bites, opened the door and put her inside. “Okay, now we can start.  She’s such a stinker!”
Clint showed Marnie how to load in the copper ores and the coal, and had her start the fire.  “Copper doesn’t have to fire for long, so you should have a copper bar in the next few minutes.”
“Thank you so much!” She looked at the furnace, then back at Clint.  “I’m glad you stopped by, it was good to talk to you.”  She wrapped him up in a warm hug. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
Clint felt his muscles relax as Marnie hugged him.  “Of course not,” he said.  He gently rubbed her back. “Thanks.  I’ll be at the saloon tonight.”  He let go, but she squeezed tighter before stepping back.  “Ah...good luck with the furnace.  And the kitty.”  He felt his cheeks flushing.  “See you around, then?”
Marnie stepped forward and gave him another hug, just as warm as the last one.
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