#i just obsess over saving every single angle of it i can find
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
The brainrot this literal 2 second clip had given me is insane
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suiana · 5 months
Hey!! I hope that you are having an amazing day 💞💞💞 If requests are open, may you please write some hsr yandere!Sunday headcannons?
✎ yandere! sunday headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― possessiveness, manipulation, obsessiveness etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! character)
✎ yandere! sunday who can't help but adore you. he'd never have thought someone who'd capture his heart would be so near to him! right here in the heart of penacony! of course he's going to talk to you! what, did you think he'd just ignore someone who's got his attention?
✎ yandere! sunday who is extremely touchstarved and probably fell for you because you hugged him once and told him he was cool. yeah bird man liked how warm your hug felt, what about it?
✎ yandere! sunday who gets to know you better as the perfect family head. surely you'd fall for him, right? i mean, he's perfect in every single way. you'd be a fool to reject him. and of course u rejected him😜🙏
✎ yandere! sunday who's absolutely flabbergasted when you reject his proposal to be his. what? are you serious? out of his league? duh he knows that- you're supposed to be thankful that he proposed the idea and accept!
✎ yandere! sunday who hates it when things don't go his way. he's a perfectionist and everything has to go according to plan... oh wow would you look at that? you went against his plans and rejected him! even said you wanted to be friends... hah! he couldn't believe you said that! you don't know how hard he bit down on his tongue to prevent himself from cursing at you.
✎ yandere! sunday who subtly changes the way he acts towards you. no, he's not acting passive aggressive. you're just delusional. what do you mean he's glaring at you? it's just the angle silly!
✎ yandere! sunday who obviously looks over you with his weird robot bird drone things. they resemble a real bird fairly closely (save for the Family crest he has embedded in them) and he'd be an idiot to not have an eye on you 24/7.
✎ yandere! sunday who's an obsessive freak and you'd think you'd know how obsessive he is by now but... it's far more worse than what you'd expect. bro has a whole ass shrine dedicated to you, and you just know that he has a small dreamscape designed for you. bro will throw you in there if you misbehave 💀
✎ yandere! sunday who gets other people to do the dirty work for him. he's a man of status, why would he need to dirty his hands? plus, he hates it when things get dirty. how uncouth.
✎ yandere! sunday who always has a smile on his face. you bet your ass he's going to be smiling when he tells you that your family mysteriously died in the dreamscape. of course, he's going to feign sympathy and comfort you but... there certainly won't be a frown on that gorgeous face of his.
✎ yandere! sunday who gracefully accepts you into his arms when you come crying to him that you can't leave. oh you poor thing. you did the wrong right thing coming to him for help. he'll definitely help you through this tough time. by making it worse 💗
✎ yandere! sunday who molds you into his perfect lover. oh dear me, you're permanently stuck in the dreamscape with him! it's an error no one has experienced before and you need to stay here with him to ensure your safety! no it's not a lie, why would he do that? after all, he only wants the best for you. don't worry, you can pass time by being his cute darling for now!
✎ yandere! sunday who will never let you go. and... why would you want to escape in the first place? he loves you and you love him now, don't you? besides, he's sweet, handsome, charming... you will never find someone better than him. so don't misbehave and just stay with him, won't you? besides, the Family doesn't tolerate traitors in the slightest. and you're a part of the family now, aren't you? his beloved little darling ♡
✎ "oh dear, now where do you think you're going my love?"
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stormxpadme · 6 months
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We have a new game going on in our @scoganbingo discord server, called Mood Board Madness. In this, people post various mood boards, inviting other users to post fanworks for them.
What can I say, @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea 's board has been living rent free in my head since last night so I just had to scribble up something real fast :D.
"You know, if anyone told me you'd become an even worse neat freak once you get that nuke in your head under control, I'd have asked Hank to never suggest that surgery." Grumbling to himself, a half empty beer bottle on his lips, Logan watched as his boyfriend continued to polish down every inch of the red coating of one of his favorite cars unfazed, instead of doing something actually fun, like spending a Saturday morning off in bed with Logan.
The only positive detail of finding Scott here busy with one of his many obsessions was the fact that his partner had obviously started feeling too hot at some point, spending the morning with one of his beloved wheeled babies and shed his shirt, leaving his well-trained upper body bare save for a few stains of grease and dirt. A mouthwatering sight, just like Scott being bent over the hood of that damn car in a perfect angle to ogle that firm piece of ass Logan happened to be so increasingly fond of … But with Scott so dedicated to this dull activity, all of that was frustratingly out of reach.
"What did you expect?" In a gesture still deeply ingrained in muscle memory, Scott made a move to push up glasses no longer shielding those beautiful sky-blue eyes of his, a slightly embarrassed grin on his lips as he nodded down to the car's perfectly shiny surface. "Now that I can actually see every single stain … This is gonna take a while, Claws; don't wait up. I'll see you at lunch later."
When Logan turned away, lips tight in disappointment and annoyance, he was unexpectedly being hit in the back with that damn polishing rag, uncomfortably cold drops of water and soap dripping down his skin as he hadn’t bothered to put on a shirt himself before sniffing down his lover all the way to the garage. Apparently, that subconscious plan of distracting Scott from whatever had driven him out of their shared apartment had worked.
"On second thought? I also happen to see other things far better now. Like your bike being even more of a mess than my car. So why don't you join me here and when we're done, we spend the rest of the morning getting clean in a long hot bath ourselves? Together?"
A broad grin on his lips suddenly, Logan went to find a bucket and cleaning cloths.
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Tried to post this in the comments to one of the posts, but ran out of space, LOL. These are such thoughtful and nuanced takes, thank you Mac for organizing and to all the brilliant people sending in their thoughts. I am personally obsessed with the question of whether Q comes to grapple with the consequences of his work. At the beginning of Skyfall, I don’t think he really knows them. My own take is that he starts off almost giddy with the power of his own mind, which is something that is easy to fall into with a mind of that caliber. Everything can be a thought experiment, exciting and theoretical, until something drives home that it’s real. It’s easy to see how a truly exceptional mind could get a bit trapped there, where everything is a problem to be solved and the consequences are simply part of a balance that seems remote to the thinker. I think the question of what he might do when he starts to fully grasp those consequences is a fascinating one. Would he leave the field? Would he resolve to do better? Would he take the position that it’s better he do it than someone with worse motivations and fewer skills? I’ve seen this a bit in what I think of as the opposite field to Q and Bond, in human rights work, where brilliant people realize they can’t fix everything and sometimes barely escape making it worse, and have to decide how to bear the weight of that ambiguity, or whether to leave it behind. Questions for the ages anyway, but would absolutely love to read some fics that explore this.
You've managed to hit on my greatest love in this fandom outside of 00Q, which is Q's Professional Problems.
I've painted him in different ways at the beginning of Skyfall, but that's a really great take. I was so bowled over by this point in particular that I nearly fell off the couch:
It’s easy to see how a truly exceptional mind could get a bit trapped there, where everything is a problem to be solved and the consequences are simply part of a balance that seems remote to the thinker.
I think that's exactly it. To a very technical mind, every problem has a solution. There is nothing you can't solve if you have the skills, time and manpower to do it. Of course, having all those things at once is rare, but the sentiment remains - everything can be fixed.
It's interesting to hear you approach it from the human rights angle, because I work in the tech industry and I see that same kind of thinking all. the goddamn time. I see people try to solve very pervasive, very human problems like homelessness by creating an app, or creating products without ever talking to a single human that's going to use them, and then creating something that's far more sinister (Apple AirTags? A perfect way to find your keys! Also a perfect way to stalk someone by secretly attaching it to their belongings!). We've seen drones used to kill, (and then people who have never killed anybody, and never expected to have to) having to kill with them. There's a particular kind of blindness when you're working in tech that comes with never really talking to the people who you're building something for. Of course, this would be exacerbated in a place like MI6 where everything is highly, highly confidential and cutting edge. You can't just put a user research group together, and you have no idea at all what might become of your experimental tech.
I think it could go a few ways for Q, and I'm really frustrated that we didn't get to see the original script to SPECTRE play out (in it, Q is taken by Spectre, tortured, and has to kill a man to save Bond). For as horrible as it would have been to see, and as much trauma as it would have given him, I think it would have given him a real moment of clarity few others in his position have - that is, real knowledge of the very human cost of killing. Which is not to say that's what people need to go through in real life (oh at all). I just think as a character arc it would have been fascinating. Though the urge to knock a few Silicon Valley types on the head is never far away 😂
But even without that storyline, I think the agents - Bond especially - teach him so much about the human side of it all. Both why human intervention is necessary, and why it's a hard thing to justify. I think even by the time SPECTRE rolls around, he's had a lot of his assumptions shaken, even if he's still playing with experimental tech.
Q is never going to be a morally black or white character. He will always have a hand in death because he's the one who optimises it - guns, bombs, exploding watches, experimental nanobots (though his weren't deadly, it's easy to see how the enemy might have adapted the technology). I personally think he would resolve to do better and take that responsibility on himself because, let's face it, he's arrogant enough to think he can. And maybe he can make it better, or maybe he ends up jaded by, as you say, trying to bear the weight of all that ambiguity.
Whatever the answer, it's all endlessly fascinating. If you got this far in reading this and have any fic recs, please reblog or reply with them!!! I'd love to read them too.
Thank you so much for the ask, @aniron48
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sondepoch · 4 years
HC: MC is more flexible than them!
Perfection is certain. Perfection is solid. Perfection is the body of a demon or an angel, where there is no room (or need) for bones to crack and muscles to stretch. You and Solomon, though? You’re human. Not so “perfect” when compared to the other inhabitants of at RAD—but that just makes it all the more interesting when they finally see the way the human body can crack and bend
Word Count: 5.5k
SFW + mild descriptions of cracking body parts
Characters: All brothers + All Undateables + Luke
Instant panic mode
Man just learned that it’s possible for humans to break bones, so when he hears you casually crack your knuckles, he instantly assumes that all your fingers are broken
Finds it even more terrifying when you lean your head back and crack your neck 
Honestly, the look of sheer horror on his face would be terrifying if you didn’t find it so funny
Is actually super confused when he realizes that you’re 100% fine but will not lower himself to actually asking you about it. That is not the Lucifer way, and so this man instead decides to secretly binge Satan’s collection of human anatomy instead
But uh, he gets scarily into it
Seriously, you’re starting to get concerned when it’s been nearly two full weeks of Lucifer ignoring you to bury his nose in a book, eyebrows furrowing every goddamn time he finishes one, and still has no clue what that cracking sound is 
It’s only when you casually do it at the dinner table and Asmo cringes, complaining about how weird it is that humans get pockets of gas inside certain joints and they actually have to crack it out, to which all his brothers nod their head and cringe when you do it again, that he understands what it is
Has never been more relieved
He isn’t as disturbed by the sound as he was before, so it’s not as fun to tease him with it - but you can count on the fact that if you ever crack anything in his presence, he will pause whatever he’s doing to study you for a moment and make sure your face isn’t contorted in pain or anything
After all, he needs to be completely certain that you haven’t broken a bone
But someone help this man when he realizes how much more flexible humans are compared to demons
The first time you do a backbend in front of him, he actually flinches
Man can’t help but imagine himself in those poses - and no matter how sexy you look when you’re winking at him and stretching your body like it’s glue, his bones would have to be shattered to bits for him to do the same
Quietly asks you not to stretch yourself into such positions in his presence
On the bright side, you can shut him up in the middle of any lecture by “casually” stretching your arms back until the demon is so disturbed that he stops in the middle of his sentence and asks you to leave as soon as possible
All in all, not a big fan - but he can tolerate your antics (if only to save face)
But if you ever show him videos (or even pictures) of a contortionist, he may actually be scarred for the rest of his almost-eternal life
Man really needs to learn how to knock
He barges into your room without warning, as usual, only to see you all but straddling the ground, legs spread wide apart as you lean to one side and touch your right toe
It’s the most basic human stretch there is - but it’s terrifying to Mammon
You don’t even get the chance to say hi to him before he’s lifted you onto your feet, pulling you up from under your arms, desperately asking why you weren’t screaming for help 
Cannot process the fact that you were actually in that position willingly, much less the notion that it felt remotely good
Of course, you respond to his obvious aversion by showing him all the other ways your body can bend, flopping onto your bed and bending your body into a perfect bridge position
Mammon’s screeches when he sees the arch your back makes
It lowkey gives him nightmares the next night
Also becomes very touchy after he sees you move your body around so comfortably
In his eyes, you’re now the equivalent of a giant teddy bear - and really, what are the differences, now? He uses you for cuddles and hugs, can seemingly bend your body in any way and you’ll bounce back, and your skin is so soft compared to the hardness of his own body
Man actually grows used to your body after a while, holding a strange fascination for the way you can move
Begins to think that it’s cool when you show him how you can crack your knuckles and such
Absolutely makes use of the fact that some of his other brothers hate the sound, casually walking up to them with you by his side and asking them (while you crack your knuckles) to forgive his debts
Works 90% of the time
The 10% when it doesn’t work, though, he gets into trouble
In his free time, though, he actually likes lying with you and trying to figure what other body parts you can crack
Courtesy of Mammon, you learn that you can crack your hip if you stretch at a certain angle
(Bonus:) He one day tries to stretch his body the way you stretch yours and does a basic hamstring stretch on the ground, trying to touch his toes, but the exertion is too much for his inflexible body and he sort of locks a joint, so he’s left on the floor for nearly half an hour until you find him in his room and help him out of it
(Bonus bonus:) After his trauma from the above incident, he immediately goes back to assuming that you’re in great pain every time he sees you do a particularly difficult stretch and instantly lifts your body out of the position, no matter how you protest and say that you’re fine
"What a normie”
That’s the only reaction you get when you crack your knuckles in front of him, eager to see what he’ll do after realizing how much it disturbs his other brothers
Needless to say, you’re disappointed by his utter nonchalance
But that’s only because you have no clue what happens to Levi when he runs to his room and closes his door, jumping into his bathtub with a shook expression on his face
“Oh my god!” He squeals. “iT wAs LiKE iN tHe aNImES”
Nah, fr tho
Man has seen more than enough human-world shows which feature characters cracking their knuckles before getting down to work, so he’s pretty familiar with the concept
Like many things in anime, he was only 60% sure that it was real
But you actually did it
And it was in real life
Man is practically fanboying over a perfectly normal phenomenon
While you’re sitting in the living room, thinking that he was utterly unfazed by it :(
But when the two of you have a whole year to spend together under the same roof, it’s honestly inevitable that the truth comes out
“You like it?” You ask, pure confusion settling over your faces. After all, he’s the first of the brothers to not be utterly horrified by your little habit
“N-no!” Levi shouts, hiding his face. “I mean, maybe...just a little...sort of...but not in the normie way!”
Boi is too cute for his own good
Of course, you humor him and proceed to crack every single joint you can think of, sending a wink Levi’s way 
It would be so easy to tease him, wouldn’t it? To mess with him and call him strange, to compare to his brothers and remind him that you’re not an anime character - and that anime is, in fact, based on humans, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that humans could crack their knuckles the way he’s seen online
But, he’s too precious. And too cute. And he’s too adorable, staring at you with that utterly captivated expression, so you can’t help but humor him again, asking if he wants to see some of the other differences between humans and demons
And when you show him how you can bend your body, man is shook all over again
He 100% thought that the absurd stretches (like a split? how preposterous) were merely fabrications of animation - flourishes added in by animators to make the visuals more interesting
But seeing you move like that? And when you show him the other stuff?
Congratulations. Boi is officially convinced that humans are more interesting that anime can ever be.
One of the few demons who was already familiar with the fact that humans are ridiculously flexible and can crack nearly everything in their body 
He was actually the one to approach you about it
“Stretch for me, human.”
Or well, the same thing but in less blunt words
Actually invites you to have tea with him where he first broaches the subject, confirming that you'll be fully comfortable with everything he wants to study
Lmao man really arranges to have a safe word in case he pushes you too far
Once you’ve agreed to letting him study how the human body can bend and crack, the two of you set a time and meet up in his room (and yes, he does clear his books out of the way to make room for you)
And so the stretching begins
It actually feels quite awkward at first with Satan showing you pictures from human world yoga books and asking you to mimic them, taking notes in a book on everything 
Gets really excited when he realizes that your flexibility is a function of how often you stretch, and once he realizes that you’re able to go a little farther each day, he becomes lowkey obsessed with finding out whether there's a limit or not
Boi may or may not secretly try to stretch in his own room in case demons are just naturally less flexible and need to stretch regularly to become like humans
Also almost breaks his arm attempting that, so he never tries it again
The whole ordeal fits itself into your routine after long enough: after school, you go to Satan’s room and do yoga while he jots down notes on how your body moves, and after everything is done the two of you have tea
Satan never touches you while you’re stretching for fear that he’ll physically push you into something uncomfortable, but when you explain that certain positions are easier to hold if someone helps, he’ll definitely try to be a helping hand
He starts out really tentatively, hesitant that he’ll be too strong and will push you to the floor or something, but he’s pleasantly surprised to find that humans are more resilient than he’d initially thought
After his notebook is filled with notes and he’s suitably convinced that all his questions are sated, he’ll express his gratitude and tell you that you don’t need to continue 
But if you tell him that you’ve been enjoying your time together, man will 100% clear that space in his room permanently, so that you can spend time there together while Satan asks you calming questions about your day and you stretch the tension of the day out of your muscles
Jelly boi
Nah but fr
Man couldn’t care less about your ability to crack your knuckles and neck - if anything, he finds the habit to be irritating
But boi is jealous when he sees how easily you can bend your body and stretch into positions that even he can’t
Obviously, his mind is in the gutter when he’s thinking about the way your body can bend - but he’s equally furious of the fact that human skin is so much softer than demon skin
Like, yes. Most demons have near-perfect skin because of its taut texture - and yes, that gives them the illusion of perfection
But human skin, blemished as it is, is like a teddy bear next to a rock when compared to demon skin
And obviously Asmo’s skin is softer than everyone else’s (this man is NOT skimping out when it comes to his skincare routine), but it infuriates him that his skin isn’t as soft as yours 
Of course, man bounces back quicker than anyone else (as expected)
He grows content with the texture of his own skin the moment he realizes how easily penetrable human skin is - namely when he’s doing homework with you and he sees your skin get sliced open by paper, of all things (man nearly chokes when he learns that this is a regular occurrence for humans)
But he never quite loses his fixation for the human body
It’s highkey the reason why he likes touching you so much - your skin is softer than some Devildom blankets! If he could fall asleep with your arms wrapped around him every night, he absolutely would
But he won’t genuinely request that of you unless you explicitly offer, so he’ll settle for simply hugging you at every opportunity
Ofc, the moment he grows content with the texture of his skin, he’s jealous of your flexibility all over again, so it’s kind of nuts
You eventually have to sit him down and tell him all the downfalls of being able to bend yourself into awkward positions (ex: getting stuck in said position or causing a cramp) for him to finally be content with his own body once more
The moment he’s back to normal, all the usual flirtatious jokes come back and he’s offering to let you show him the ways your body can bend
You deny instantly
But if he ever takes you to a club and has the opportunity to dance with you, do a body roll
Man will get on his knees if that’s what it takes to have you do it again
And then he’ll whisk you off to his room, stubbornly ignoring his brother’s protests, declaring that he needs to “reeducate” himself in the art of dance, and that you’re going to be his teacher
And hey - give him a private show while you’re at it ;)
The first time you crack your knuckles in front of him, he’s eating
Man doesn’t really register it, just assumes that he bit something crunchy 
The second time you do it, it’s in his and Belphie’s room - and Belphie is taking a nap
Man gets a little suspicious, because the sound definitely came from your end, but he dismisses it and decides that the sound must have been a hitch in Belphie’s breathing
But the third time, the two of you are alone
And Beel’s protective instincts come rushing to the surface when he realizes that you really are the one making that sound
“Are you dying?”
First question, no matter what. Man has heard of medical conditions that cause bones to become brittle and crumbly, so he needs to know
Then again, he won’t really believe you when you tell him the truth
“You can...crack stuff at will?”
You have to show him methodically, portion by portion, which of your body parts you can crack
He isn’t disturbed by the sound (he’s eaten things which sound much worse, he can assure you) but man is intrigued
(”But how?” He’ll inevitably ask, struggling to yank his own knuckles off in an attempt to crack them and get that feeling of satisfaction you kept talking about)
All in all,he has a decent reaction - probably one of the only people who won’t overreact about the information
But then the fateful day comes
And he cracks your back
It happens while he’s giving you a big bear hug, proud of you after you came running to tell him about a good grade you got in Devildom Literature - and he places his palm on your back in just the right area, pressing down as he hugs you
And pop
Man is so mortified, he almost drops you
You, on the other hand, cannot be more pleased with this development
“Again! Again!” You shout, trying to get him to repeat the action - but while Beel loves hugging you, cracking your back is something he’s not willing to risk
“It’s okay when you do it, because you know how much your back can take” is his biggest argument. "But I don't."
And unfortunately, calling him a chicken won’t work when you try to convince him otherwise :(
What will work, however, is convincing Beel that this can be a sort of strength training - because he needs to have full control of his body to do it right
He’ll agree to do it once (mainly because you’ve been begging for so long)
But, obviously, “once” means as many times as you want, from there on out ;)
It’s one of the few times where Belphie isn’t in tune with his brother
And he hates it
He doesn’t understand how Beel isn't disturbed by the sound - every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a shudder straight down Belphie’s spine
And it’s not the ick factor taking place. It’s just that Belphie can’t help that his mind wanders to darker places whenever you do something like that, the sound abruptly reminding him of his time in the Celestial War and all the awful things he heard there
Like others, the sound reminds him of how weak you really are
And so, if you ever crack your knuckles around him, expect him to leave instantly
He’s the one brother who will never learn to tolerate it - not when he can remove himself from the situation so easily
And honestly, it’s kind of amazing how sharp his ears are
Is he taking a nap on your lap? If you think you can subtly crack anything without his eyes shooting open, you’re wrong
Is he preparing dinner with you in the kitchen? Nope, the sound of boiling water will not cover the sound of your body stretching too far, and Belphie will shoot you a glare before swiftly exiting the room
Is he simply doing homework with you in the RAD library? You’d think that the sound of chatter from the table next to you would hide the noise you make when you subtly lean back to crack your back, but Belphie is gathering his things mere seconds later, huffing and muttering under his breath
So yeah
Not a fan
On the other hand, he loves how accommodating your body is in terms of how flexibly you are
It brings him great joy, honestly, to just watch you flop your arms around aimlessly because humans’ movements are so fluid, so smooth, so unhindered by the rigid joints of demons
And, obviously, your flexibility makes for better naps
He likes to sleep next to you with his arms wrapped around your waist while you latch onto him in whatever position you deem comfortable
Without a doubt, the position you find is something that would be wholly impossible for a demon (how are you bending your legs that much?!) and it sometimes scares him to realize the full extents of your flexibility (can all humans twist their arms like that, or is it just you?) but he loves that you use your body’s oddities to pull him closer
And he’ll never deny you a comfortable nap if you’re willing to cuddle so readily
Unless you crack your knuckles, that is
Life is war and cracking body parts is your only weapon
Aka nonstop competitions between you and our resident wizard boy, both of you cracking body parts back and forth until one of you either fails or runs out of things to crack
Knuckles? Come on, are you even trying? Give him something less basic
Back? Oh yeah. Both sides, too - and the loud ones
Hips? You didn’t think it was possible, but Solomon will look you in the eye and hit one side of his hip, the movement a prelude to an instant CRACK which rings out oh-so-gloriously from the other end
Ribs? You realized you could crack them once and never stopped - you’re actually the one to teach Solomon how to do this
Neck? Always the finisher. So loud, and so satisfying
Neither the House of Lamentation nor Purgatory Hall ever wants to have the two of you over at the same time, because the residents know that you and Solomon will have these competitions. And they absolutely hate it.
So what do you do?
Go to the library and disturb the demons there, of course
It actually becomes a pretty sick form of payback to all the annoying demons that look down on the two of you for being humans, because they always cringe so hard when you guys do this
The two of you have deduced that the sound of knuckles cracking is the demon equivalent to the sound of nails on a chalkboard
And you fucking run wild with it
No one wants to piss either of you off, because you’ll both glare at the demon in question and proceed to crack every body part known to mankind (like seriously - it’s reached the point where you guys can crack your TOES, and if that isn’t absolutely amazing, then you don’t know what is)
It actually highkey annoys the demons in your classes, because you guys always crack everything right before an exam and while it helps you focus better, it effectively ruins their concentration
Ofc you guys don’t really care so they can suck it
But uh
Okay so the demons at RAD may or may not get fed up of you both one day and petition for Diavolo to instate a “No cracking body parts” rule in school
So yeah your primary source of entertainment sort of disappears after that point
But no worries, you and Solomon head to the downtown shopping districts instead and become the BEST hagglers in town
“Hey, can we get these shirts on a discount? Huh? You don’t do discounts? 
*Aggressively cracks everything until the demon just wants them out of the store*
“How about now BICH?”
You’re actually not the one to introduce Simeon to the idea of humans being able to crack their body parts at will
No, it’s Solomon who steals that pleasure from you
But will Simeon ever let the sorcerer know just how much it unnerves him? Absolutely not. So what does our beloved angel do?
Why, there’s only one option
Come running straight to you.
Man is disturbed. Honestly, disturbed is phrasing it lightly. If he were in his angel form, you’d be able to see how his feathers ruffle and flutter at the very thought of that sound
Needless to say, he hates it
(You 100% consider cracking your knuckles in front of him, just to tease him, but you decide against it)
See, Simeon is an angel. And that means 99% of the time, he’s surrounded by other holy spirits, all of which have bodies molded to perfection that simply cannot crack the way yours can. Whereas demons are forced into human interaction a little more (oft when they're summoned), Simeon really isn’t used your fragility, no matter how much he tries to remind himself of it
So yeah
He hates it
On the other hand - man loves how flexible humans are
The first time you flop down onto your bed, assuming a position that would be impossible for any demon or angel to take but is deemed “comfortable” by you, Simeon is enraptured
It’s not sexual, he just thinks it’s really amazing that you have so much control over your body when he can hardly do a standing glute stretch without breaking a limb
It’s almost funny, his fixation
Actually no - it’s not almost funny. It is wholly and completely hilarious, and you will not stop leading him further down this rabbit hole
When you send this man picture of an contortionist, he’s utterly mesmerized
Show him human ballet, and he will not stop watching it
So yeah
He appreciates parts of the human body, hates others - but as long as you never crack your muscles in front of him, he’s down
Also - after you’ve thoroughly interested him in the art of being a human, he may just write about it in his next book. If you read the next set of chronicles detailed by Christopher Peugeot, you already know who the “feisty but good-hearted human who can bend themselves into a pretzel” is based on
(Bonus: Do a body roll in front of him and he might faint - man knew the human body could but like that? You might just have corrupted an angel)
Boi loves it
He cheers you on like a champ, laughing merrily as you crack your knuckles into oblivion, scaring away the other residents in Purgatory Hall
And no matter how many times Simeon warns him not to urge you on (”The human already has no sense of self-preservation, and you don’t need to help that along,” he said), Luke can’t help but watch with excited eyes as you show him how different the human body is
He’s almost like Levi with his ardent admiration, and he honestly finds nothing disturbing about the sound of you cracking knuckles
Just finds it cool
It actually serves as a catalyst for his relationship with Solomon, because Luke will 100% go up to him and ask him whether he can crack his body like you, and obviously, the man will laugh and prove that centuries of knowledge have made him better than the average human - even in this area
But yeah
You can really see his inner child come out
(Though don’t say that last part out loud - he’ll ignore you for three days in an attempt to be “mature” before you convince him to accept your apology)
But really - he may be the only person who can not only tolerate the quirks of your body, but openly endorses all of them
On the downside, though, he’ll also try to crack his knuckles...which won’t bode too well, given that his body was built to perfection by God
Boi almost rips his finger off
Simeon proceeds to instate a no-cracking-knuckles rule within Purgatory Hall to discourage any further attempts from Luke
But you know what he didn’t ban?
It doesn’t matter if you can or you can’t do them - Luke will happen to see a video of a human doing one (ahem, Solomon showed him it in an attempt to stir up trouble), and now he’s begging you to do the same thing in real life
Which doesn’t work out too well, given that backflips are hard
And you may not be successful 100% of the time
And obviously, Simeon eventually finds out that the two of you have moved onto a new fixation, and so he instate the no-backflips-in-Purgatory-Hall rule
But you know what he didn’t ban? 
And so it continues on and on, indefinitely because the only way to cease your and Luke’s shenanigans would be to ban humans in Purgatory Hall, and Solomon is thankfully preventing him from doing that
Hates it, hates it, hates it
More than any of the brothers, more than any of the angels - this man loathes every oddity of the human body that makes it different from a demon’s
But not for the reasons you’d expect
See, it’s not the sound that bothers Barbatos
No, he’s heard the screams of the damned before. You cracking a few measly knuckles hardly makes him flinch as he pours your tea
But what Barbatos does hate is the fact that he doesn’t know what it means
Every single time you crack a knuckle in his presence, it doesn’t matter if the prince himself is speaking, because Barbatos’s eyes will fly straight to you
And yes - you guessed it:
Barbatos can’t tell the difference between the sound of you cracking your knuckles and the sound of you breaking a bone.
And for that reason, he hates it
It’s hardly his fault - he doesn’t even know if there is a difference between the two sounds. But this butler has no faith in you and no faith in humanity as a whole, so every time you crack your knuckles, it sends a rush of worry straight to his stomach, and the demon has to watch you for a solid ten seconds to make sure that you haven’t actually hurt yourself
Poor man
He’s the kind of guy to take everything in stride, so he'll probably never tell you how much he hates it when you crack your knuckles (and honestly, what would he say? “Hi, can you please stop cracking your knuckles because I care about you and it makes me concerned for your health???” No, that’s not going to work. And he doesn't know what will work, so he suffers in silence)
Seeing you stretch is even worse
It can be a casual stretch, simply pulling your arms above your head just slightly beyond what would be physically possible for a normal demon, but it sends a chill to Barbatos’s heart, and he’s worried all over again
See, when you crack your knuckles, at least it’s over. But when you stretch? Sometimes you hold your position for a minute, if not more - and Barbatos simply can’t turn away because he’s terrified that he will, and you’ll somehow hurt yourself
So yeah
No rest for this butler, not as long as you’re going around with that weak body of yours and are cracking and stretching your way into oblivion
On the bright side, it means that he’s almost always watching over you when you visit, an added layer of protection 
The only difference is that while the others are focused on protecting you from other demons, Barbatos is preoccupied with making sure you don’t hurt yourself
Timing is everything
And indeed, you just happen to be in the midst of cracking your knuckles and neck the moment you’re transported to the Devildom, every single one of the most powerful demons in the land staring at you in horror as your body pops some more
"Oh no,” Diavolo whispers, frowning as he looks at Barbatos. “We got a defective human :(”
Nevermind the insult you feel at his words (who does this strange, unfairly-attractive redhead think he is, calling you “defective???” He might be correct in his judgement, but he had no right to voice his thoughts!), you are shook
Definitely not the best first impression for either of you to make
Of course, Lucifer is quick to pick things up with his explanation of what this place is and who he is, and the whole situation is mostly forgotten as you come to realize that you’re standing in front of a literal prince
But the past has a way of resurfacing
And obviously, several months later, you crack your knuckles once more in the presence of the demon lord
The immediate wince on his face is more than enough for you to read his mind
“You’re thinking I’m defective again, aren’t you?”
Poor bby
He’s honestly such a brilliant ruler, but when it comes to maneuvering the minds of humans, it’s just not his strong suit
Anyway, the two of you have a long talk (aka you rant and Diavolo listens) where you explain to him that cracking knuckles is a normal phenomenon, and that - look, you can even crack other parts of your body
And the prince is fascinated
He knew humans were built differently than demons, but he’d simply assumed that your body was just as perfect as his, and that yours could simply handle less extreme conditions
Clearly, though, that wasn’t the case
Man decides that, as the ruler of hell and the man spearheading efforts to unite the three realms, it is his moral obligation to learn about the other ways humans differ from demons
And so the shenanigans begin
It’s honestly time-consuming, but Lucifer doesn’t mind because if you’re with Diavolo, you’re out of trouble, and Barbatos doesn’t mind because if Diavolo’s with you, then he’s out of trouble
All in all, it becomes the prelude to a LOT of time spent together, and a LOT of differences between demons and humans come to light. 
Aka various iterations of “What do you mean, humans can’t bite through steel?”
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neocatharsis · 3 years
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NCT 127 Reveal The Hobbies & Obsessions They Can’t Give Up In Their Down Time
In Elite Daily’s series Rent-Free, celebrities unpack the one thought, memory, or unforgettable pop culture moment that'll always live in their head. In this piece, NCT 127 reveals the interests and hobbies even die-hard fans will be surprised to learn about.
In the past year, most musical acts had to cancel their highly-anticipated tours due to the coronavirus pandemic, and NCT 127 was no exception. That’s why its members — Johnny, Haechan, Mark, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Yuta, Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung — have taken every opportunity to get closer to their fans with new music. After dropping their second Japanese EP, Loveholic, in February, the group returned on June 4 with “Save,” their latest single all about making unforgettable memories. Up next? An entirely new era. On July 7 (the group’s fifth anniversary), they announced their next album is coming in September. In celebration of all the exciting things ahead, NCT 127 opened up about how they wind down after a hard day’s work.
NCT 127 tells Elite Daily these past five years as a group have been worthwhile, and it’s all thanks to their fans, called NCTzens, who have supported them throughout their journey. “[We have so many] memories from practicing together pre-debut to our actual debut stage, and also all those times we spent working on our music and performance to meet our fans at our first concert and first world tour as well,” the group collectively says. “Each and every moment we spend on our music is for our fans, and we are working hard to better show ourselves in various different ways, so we hope you’re all excited!”
Fans have impacted the group so much that they’ve become the muse behind NCT 127’s biggest tracks. “The inspiration [behind ‘Save’] comes from wanting to save our precious memories with each other and with our fans,” the group says. And NCT 127 hasn’t let go of a single one. While they haven’t been able to perform in front of a live audience since early 2020, they held their online Beyond The Origin concert in May. They add, “It was new getting to meet fans from every part of the world at the same time.”
While the guys have their hands full recording their next project, they’re making sure to get some much-deserved R&R whenever they can. Below, NCT 127 reveal the interests that have been living in their minds rent-free.
Johnny is a major fan of horror movies. “I love how they keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time you’re watching,” he says. His favorite scary movie of all time is Shutter, which is about a couple who accidentally run over a woman and then see her ghost in photographs they develop. “Even though I watched it when I was young, I still remember the movie, and it’s one I think about often. I’ve seen the movie multiple times since I first saw it in high school, and I recall being scared of red-lit rooms for quite some time afterward,” he says.
His most recent watch was The Conjuring franchise. He adds, “After I saw the movies, I looked up some articles about the behind stories. They were pretty interesting!”
Taeil keeps music on his mind even after a full day of rehearsals. “Audio speakers really amplify music so you can hear the intricate details of the track, and there’s also that sense of excitement from when you hear a sound you like!” Taeil says, explaining his love for audio. “I like the speaker brand Focal. There’s still a lot I don’t know about speakers, but I find the brand very attractive since you can experience a flat sound that’s similar to what the songwriter intended to create.”
Taeil says the group’s sound has changed a lot since their debut in 2016. He says, “With time, our team color is definitely becoming more distinct and defined. I think the sound we have now is a very captivating one with strong hip-hop and R&B colors.”
The group’s leader enjoys connecting with others, but especially with NCTzens. “[Our relationship] is a very precious and one that I’m truly grateful for. Not only do we enjoy the same things, but we also try to improve and show that to each other. All of this is very special and meaningful to me,” he says. “It’s nice to learn of each other’s culture, and by singing in different languages, it makes me feel as if I’ve grown closer to our fans from those countries.”
Yuta loves exercising because it’s very rewarding, and although he doesn’t have a specific fitness routine, he prefers working out at a gym rather than at home. “I like how exercising makes me feel stronger and helps me to build up my strength... which is very helpful when practicing group dances that require attention to body angles,” he says. “We had a short preparation period [to learn ‘Save’], but I was able to learn the choreography quickly and had a fun time preparing.”
Ever since he was cast as Axel von Fergen in the Korean adaptation of Marie Antoinette, which is based on the 2006 musical of the same name that originally premiered in Japan, Doyoung has found a newfound appreciation for theatre. “I find it very precious how you can share emotions through singing and acting,” he says. “It’s been very meaningful preparing for my musical debut, and it’s really all thanks to the amazing seniors and producers! The process in itself has been a very fun one, and I have been preparing with a heart of gratitude.”
Doyoung is set to make his musical debut on July 13 when the production opens at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul.
Jaehyun says he “fell in love” with tennis in April because it helps relieve stress. “I’ve always enjoyed trying out new sports like basketball, bowling, and boxing whenever I had the chance. But I actually started tennis because my father recommended it,” he says. “I know this is the case for all sports, but tennis isn’t something you can master after a few tries. It requires persistence, and I started to enjoy it even more as I saw myself gradually improving.”
Jaehyun’s favorite tennis player is Jannik Sinner, a 19-year-old Italian athlete who competed in the 2020 French Open as the youngest quarterfinalist in the men’s singles event. He says, “I’d really like to go see a tournament.”
Lately, Mark is interested in taking better care of his hair. “It’s really important to me because I change my hair color a lot, and because I want my hair and scalp to be healthy,” he says. While he’s experimented with just about every color in the rainbow, there’s one he always loves going back to. He adds, “I think I liked my blue hair the most. It is my favorite color, after all, and I believe my fans liked it as much as I did. I was glad to be able to film the ‘Save’ music video during my blue-haired period. It fit well with all the scenes and the aesthetics!”
Similar to Yuta, Jungwoo has also had exercising on his mind. “My life has become more lively since I started exercising. More so than exercising to improve my physique, I exercise in order to have a healthier, richer life. Also, it makes me proud knowing I’m spending my day more productively,” he says. “The first thing I do after I wake up is to start off the day with simple stretches that improve body balance... Stretching helps to warm up the body, which reduces the risk of injury, and can also boost your mood! I think this is why when I dance, I’m able to express those movements in more detail.”
Haechan is now experimenting with all things fragrance. “I started using perfume since scents can give a sense of self-satisfaction and because I wanted to smell good all the time!” he says, adding he doesn’t have a favorite perfume. “The scent that suits me well, that I personally like, and that will suit me is always different!” However, there’s one scent that will always remind him of a certain memory with NCT 127. “This might sound funny, but I’d have to say the smell of sweat in our practice rooms,” Haechan says, adding it’s “satisfying” because it makes him feel like they worked hard after a long day. As for what draws fans to NCT 127, Haechan credits their “sincere music and performances.”
© Elite Daily
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo reacting to their s/o spamming their phone with selfies
requested: hi! can I request for the reactions of tsukishima, bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo where their s/o steals their phone while they aren’t looking and spams their phone with cute/funny selfies and they only find out about it when the day’s over? thank you!
I wrote this while I was on a train and it was an interesting experience lol. Anyways I loved writing it so thanks for requesting and please enjoy! i hope you like it!
Tsukishima Kei:
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He normally watches his phone like a lioness watches over her cubs but he was more inattentive when it came to you
He trusted you, you trusted him
So he sometimes left his phone unwatched when his mother called for him or something
And you saw your chance and took it
He wouldn’t be mad if you left behind some pictures of you, right??
You opened his snapchat and tried out ALL the filters they had, saving every single picture so Tsukki would have a surprise waiting for him when he opened his camera roll
You threw his phone away just in time as he came back into the room
He just went back to whatever he was doing, laying next to you and letting you rest on his chest as you listened to music and he played on his phone
You left after dinner and felt a little delighted he didn’t find your little surprise yet, even though you would have loved to see his reaction
Kei opened his camera roll the first time that day when he was about to go to bed, after Yamaguchi had asked for him to send a certain picture
He was surprised however, when he didn’t find his usual pictures but instead a bunch of pictures of you, with snapchats flower crowns, star blushes, rainbow backgrounds, animal ears etc.
In every picture you showed a different pose and expression and Tsukki would never tell anyone but he smiled when he saw what you left behind for him
Won’t text you about it or anything but when you looked at his phone the next time you saw that he put one of your selfies as his background
Bokuto Koutarou:
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This boy is obsessed with taking pictures with you
He probably has a ton of your pictures saved on his phone, even created an own folder for it and named it after the ship name he gave you both
Stealing his phone is something you do on the daily, even when he was just doing something on it
He will never protest though, because you’re cute and he loves you and therefore trusts you
So he’s not surprised when you snatch his phone away before he’s going to the toilet
He leaves you be and you immediately open up Instagram and go through the filters he had saved, trying them all out and saving the pictures to his phone
It doesn’t take long until he finds out though, because he normally immediately checks his phone after you took it
“Y/N! You look so cute!” Even though some of the filters literally distorted your whole face lol
Definitely posts one or more of the pictures on his story, tagging you and showing you off, saying something like “my Y/N is the cutest~~” with 1000 heart emojis and gifs lol
Akaashi Keiji:
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You’re the kind of couple that doesn’t take a lot of pictures together
Not because you don’t want to or anything but you normally spend so much quality time that taking pictures is something you easily forget and don’t care about
You save it for special occasions, like prom or so
Actually has a picture of the both of you as his background, it’s a really nice one that Bokuto took
You’re at practice with him and he leaves his stuff with you, so you’re easily tempted to scroll through his phone and play some games he has on it
But then you get the idea of leaving him behind some pictures
So you open up his camera and take some pictures of you, but then you see that he’s in a very good angle so you swing the camera and take a picture with you in the foreground and him behind you, about to serve a ball
You’re tempted to call for him so he’ll look into the camera but you decide against it to surprise him
Bokuto eventually catches you and wants to be in some pictures so you also do that, again with Akaashi in the background
You even edit the picture and add some cute effects like hearts and text
When he opens his camera roll there’s just a bunch of pictures of you with texts like “This is my man!!” and “I love you <3”
Thinks it’s sooo cute and even blushes when he sees it (Bokuto told him that y’all took some pictures and he wanted him to see them lol)
Will text you when he discovers it “Y/N you’re so cute” “Next time please tell me so I can look into the camera, yeah?”
Kuroo Tetsurou:
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He’s definitely the type of boyfriend that takes pictures of you ALL THE TIME
And it’s always these ugly unfortunate ones, the ones that show you in very unfavourable positions and expressions
And when you take pictures of him he always ends up looking great, no matter what
It’s like there’s a curse on you or something
So you decide to leave behind some nice pictures of you for him for a change
It’s easy to take his phone, really, he barely watches it and probably is one of these people that have either a really easy or a really complicated code, no in between (but of course you know it either way)
You snap some nice pictures of you, with filters and without, looking cute and all
You think you did a really nice job and lock his phone again, being very satisfied with yourself
He only realized quite some time later lol
But when he does he’s delighted okay
He loves seeing you like this, all cute and pretty, but when he takes pictures of you he can’t help but ruin them somehow, it’s like an inner urge he has
Honestly uses all the pictures you leave for him, putting them as his background and profile picture on all social medias, posts them EVERYWHERE
Caption says something like “Didn’t know you had a pretty side too lol” but actually he loves you no matter what and even enjoys your more “unflattering” side
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angstysebfan · 4 years
What about reader and Bucky being close and hanging out a lot (dinners, chilling, movie nights etc.) and basically everyone, including reader, thinks that they're dating. Just taking it slow.
One night when reader and Bucky are out for dinner again, a woman comes over to their table. Bucky and her kiss and he introduces her as his gf. He wanted to introduce her to everyone tomorrow but he doesn't mind if his best friend knows first.
Reader leaves without a word and when bucky comes home to the compound, he can't find her and tells the others what happened. While he doesn't know what's going on, everyone looks at him flabbergasted like "what?! we thought you were dating y/n!"
Maybe he likes her too but never thought she would see more in him?
Sorry if that was a bit long. 🙈
Just found your blog and love your writing. Gonna read, like and comment over the weekend when I have more time!! ❤️🐧
Oh boy... this is awesome! I hope I do it the justice it deserves!!!
Are We Dating?
You and Bucky walk with your arms linked toward the restaurant. The smile on your face is big and wide because you love how romantic Bucky is. You both have been dating for a few weeks, and he is constantly taking you out on dates. It’s been very low key, which exactly what you were looking for in a relationship. He has been the perfect gentleman, hasn’t even kissed you yet, but you are hoping that happens tonight.
You remember the first time he asked you out. He looked so confident and cute, it made your heart soar! He took you to the lookout at Pier 17, which gave you a beautiful view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Afterwards, you both walked along the water front holding hands and talking about everything. When you both got back to the compound, he walked to your door, kissed your cheek and bid you goodnight. Since then you have gone out a few times a week, and your heart is falling more and more for this man.
As you get to the restaurant, Bucky brings you to a table toward the back. You start looking at the menu and look up and notice that Bucky was looking at the door. “Everything ok, Buck?” you ask.
He looks at you with his stunning blue eyes and gives you a warm smile, “You bet, Doll,” he says warmly.
Doll, the nickname that he only calls you, and it makes you swoon every single time. The butterflies start to flutter as you force yourself to look back down at the menu and not at your handsome boyfriend. Though you have to admit it’s extremely hard.
After you decide what you want you look up and and see that he is looking past you tot he door again. You are about to ask him again what he was looking at when you see him smile wide. You turn and see a beautiful woman walking toward your table with a large beautiful smile. Your stomach drops slightly, but you think maybe it’s a misunderstanding.
“Bucky,” the woman says as Bucky stands up.
“Hey Dollface,” Bucky says wrapping his his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. When their lips met your heart physically shattered. The breath left your lungs and tears immediately came to your eyes. The couple pulled away from each other with smiles, not realizing you are having a breakdown in front of them.
Bucky turns and looks at you and furrows his brows, “Y/N? Are you alright?” he asks concerned.
You grab your coat and quickly got up, running away from them and out of the restaurant. you hear Bucky calling you, but you ignore him and keep running. Once you leave the restaurant you decide not to go back to the compound, because you are just too embarrassed to face the team. You run the other way and don’t stop until you physically couldn’t run anymore.
Bucky’s POV
The elevator opens and Bucky rushes out and into the common room, where the team was sitting talking. “Has anyone seen Y/N?” he asks panicked.
They all shake their head, clearly confused. “Weren’t you on a date with her?” Sam asks.
Bucky, who was walking toward your room, stopped dead in his tracks. “Date? It wasn’t a date. We were having dinner. I actually wanted to introduce her to my girlfriend, but she ran out and she isn’t answering her phone.” Bucky looks down at his feet, “She thought it was a date?” he asked quietly.
“Bucky she thought you were dating! Hell we all thought you both were dating! You have taken her out multiple times, going on long romantic walks, holds her hand, call her Doll. What is she supposed to think?” Nat asked annoyed.
Bucky paled. Did you really think you were dating? How could he be so stupid as to not notice? He never in a million years thought that you would date him. He is not good enough for you! Bucky looks at the team, who all look pissed off at him.
“I-- I’m the biggest fucking idiot in the world,” Bucky says, running a hand through his hair. 
The team nodded in agreement. “Well how can I make this better?” he asks.
“I honestly don’t know if you can. You are still with your girlfriend, and I’m sure you’re not planning on dumping her, right?” Nat said, taking out her phone and typing.
“I-- I don’t know. I mean I like Liz. She is sweet, and funny, and caring. She likes me in spite of what I was. I would hate to just dump her, but--” Bucky stops thinking about how upset you must be right now. 
How the hell has he fucked up so badly? He has been obsessed with you for months! He thought you were just being friendly, and he was willing to push his feelings aside just to be with you as a friend. But now to find out that you have feelings for him and thought you were dating? 
“But I’ve been in love with Y/N for months. I mean I don’t want to hurt Liz, but Y/N is the one I want. The one I’ve always wanted,” Bucky says. “Shit, I gotta find her!” he begs.
“I know where she is. Come on, I’ll drive,” Natasha says walking toward the elevator, Bucky following behind.
Nat pulls up to a deserted park, “She is down by the lake. She doesn’t know you are coming, so good luck,” she says. 
Bucky takes a deep breath. He already broke 2 hearts tonight, can he manage to save 1 and his own? When he got in the car with Nat, he immediately called Liz and explained everything. Luckily she was a good sport, but he could tell she was heartbroken. It just made him feel like more of an asshole, but right now his priority is you.
He gets out of the car and silently walks toward the lake. He sees you sitting in the dark, on a bench, staring at the water. He knows you haven’t heard him yet, so he steps on a small branch to make noise. When you do, you turn and look at him, heartbreak evident in your features.
“What do you want?” you ask venomously, turning your head back toward the lake.
“To beg your forgiveness,” Bucky says, as he slowly walks closer.
You scoff in response, “Go back to your girlfriend. I have nothing to say to you,” you say.
“Doll, please,” Bucky begs, and that seems to allow the anger flow freely out of you.
“DON’T call me Doll! You lead me on! You made me feel that you had feelings for me! You had to have known that I liked you! I thought.. I thought..” you start hyperventilating.
Bucky rushes over trying to help, but you push him away, “No! I don’t want your help! I want nothing from you! You fucking asshole!” you scream while still wheezing.
“Y/N, stop! Let me help you!” Bucky begs grabbing your arms. 
You feel like you are about to pass out and stop fighting him. You look at him and see him taking deep breaths. You try your best to match his and eventually the tightness in your chest releases. You immediately pull your arms away from him once you feel better.
Bucky sighs, “Y/N, I cannot apologize enough for everything. I-I didn’t know you felt that way about me! I thought you just wanted to be friends! I mean I am not nearly good enough for you!” Bucky says.
You refuse to acknowledge him, so he continues, hoping to get through to you, “But I like you too. I know it’s hard to believe because of what happened tonight, but I swear I thought you only liked me as a friend. The only way to get over you is to date someone else. I wanted to introduce you tonight, but then everything happened.” Bucky stops to take a breath.
“I fucked up, so badly. I know there is a slim chance that you will forgive me, but I promise on everything that I own, everything that I am, that I have feelings for you too. And I am so sorry,” he says.
You stand up and start to walk away but stop and look at Bucky, “I saw the way you looked at her. You never looked at me that way. So go and be with her,” you say as you start to walk away.
Bucky grabs your arm to stop you, “Y/N, you are the one I want. I broke up with Liz the minute I found out you liked me back. I mean I know I have a lot to make up for, but... can you give me a chance to make it up to you?” he asks.
You turn and look at him, “I have to think about Bucky,” you say, pulling your arm away. 
Bucky deflated completely dejected as you started to walk away. He stood there and watched you disappear over the hill toward Nat’s car. He just wants to cry that he could have had everything he wanted, but instead he ruined it. Why is he so stupid?
He continues to look out at the lake and until he hears pounding footsteps. He turns and sees you running back toward him. You jump when you get close enough and he catches you in his arms. You grab him by the back of the neck and pull him into your lips. Bucky immediately responds, pulling your body closer as you wrap your legs around his waist.
He angles his head to deepen the kiss and you allow his tongue entrance. You both hold on to each other like a life raft, not daring to let go and break this spell. But eventually oxygen becomes a priority and you both pull away, gasping for breath. Bucky leans his forehead against yours, with his eyes closed, scared to open them and see that it’s a lie.
You force him to look up into your eyes, “So there is no confusion, that was not a kiss of friendship. I want to date you, and be with you in every way possible. I’m falling so hard for you Buck, and when I saw you with her, I thought I was so stupid,” you said, letting your legs touch the ground.
“But if you are willing to go slow and build this relationship, and communicate with me so that there is no more confusion, then I’m 100% in,” you say.
Bucky smiles and kisses you again, “I’m yours Doll. In every sense, I’m falling for you too and I don’t want to be with anyone else,” he says. 
You grab his hand and you both walk back to Nat’s car. You both started slow, but have a loving relationship. But you never give up an opportunity to tell people the story of how you both got together. It’s a real crowd pleaser at parties, and Bucky turning bright red makes it even more enjoyable.
There you go! Hope you liked it!
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (12/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Recruitment Season.
Having been recruited himself, Levi was somewhat familiar with the timeline. Or at least he should have been familiar with it.
When he had suggested showing up for one of Mikasa’s tournaments, his end goal had been to at least get Hange out of her hole, the same way she had pulled him out of his own slump. With nothing else on his mind though leading up to the tournament, he found himself a little too surprised at the large crowd that showed up that day at the entrance of the school.
And Levi was familiar with the clipboards, the iPads and the way those particular people strode into the school with some sort of purpose.
The school so close to their largest city was much larger than the school he grew up in. Back in his old school, there were only two to five scouts at a time for at least ten different sports. There, by the entrance of Public School No. 104, the crowd was large and Levi was overwhelmed.
For a second he doubted whether or not he had read the entries on the events page right. That second became a few seconds and maybe even a minute as Levi recalled that there had been multiple events slated for that day. There was a huge possibility that he could have read it wrong.
He had thought ahead enough at least to bookmark the page on his phone. Whether or not he had thought ahead to bookmark it because of any lingering doubt or because it had been just a little too convenient to click the star on his phone was a question he quickly brushed off even before he could entertain it.
What was important then was he had something to assure him that he hadn’t been a total idiot taking Hange to that school.
If we can’t watch jumping, maybe they have diving or gymnastics or something. Levi thought to himself in that few second gap pulling the phone out of his pocket and scrolling through it.
Those were all consolations though. The grand prize was still the high jump event and he would hate himself if he had read the time wrong. The chances were small but the visit to the school had been crucial for many reasons.
For one, Hange had not gone out since her parents gave her a deadline to vacate her apartment. She hadn’t seemed completely alive since then, almost reminiscent of Levi’s own bout of isolation. She didn’t do much either to ask for help, to open up about her own turmoil.
It had been just the two of them clearing out years worth of clutter in the apartment for hours on end, which soon turned to days on end, save for those small few hours to get groceries. The silence which only further alluded to the lifelessness of the room, was deafening.
And in his own way, Levi found himself almost obliged to reignite something within her.
On top of that, Levi hadn’t written anything for three days. At first glance, that wasn’t an issue. Overtime though, with nothing much to do, with the decision to stay at home with Hange, he had started writing more, organizing thoughts on Petra, Zeke, Erwin, Farland, Isabel and he had written thousands of words, tens of pages but Levi was sure, the story was far from over.
There were glaring holes that he had dug through the deepest pits of his memories trying to fill. His documents were riddled with empty bullet points, blank spaces and sometimes even half complete sentences any other casual reader would have never made sense of.
There were inarguable truths though with what he had pieced together. Many of the people he had met had died, and he felt the raw pain with every single one of them in his dreams, only manageable by the reminder that they were all alive and were merely dead as characters in his dreams.
In his dreams and in his stories, he was a soldier. Erwin died and Hange had taken over as a commander. And somehow, they had ended up outside the walls, lying together in the forest and Levi could have sworn he didn’t want to leave.
But for what? Why?
For a time before that, he had been in the forest with that blond doctor too and Levi had hated his guts then too.
But under what context?
Keep writing and you’ll find out. Something nagged at him. But it was as if he had written everything. The dreams just replayed. The memories of familiar strangers only got more and more vivid. And the dreams he saw and the thoughts he reflected on only served to add detail to the sceneries and to the faces as Levi wrote them.
But he knew how they looked like in real life, there was no need to describe their faces any more than he already did. And what did scenery have to do with anything? From what he remembered, half of what he dreamt of was within walls anyway.
But there was a lead. Mikasa Ackerman. He remembered voices. He remembered raw care and concern. And he was sure there was still something to probe on those names. He tried describing her on paper with just the name as some sort of lead, but it proved futile.
Any description he attempted to shoehorn into his stories seemed like a lie. It felt almost idiotic and almost obsessive then and Levi was very careful with his words as he asked for directions then.
They gestured for Levi to follow and he found himself keeping a good distance from the crowd as they walked through the school grounds.
From his place behind them, he had heard the name ‘Ackerman’ mentioned a few times among the college scouts, whether they were talking about him or Mikasa, he didn’t probe. He didn’t want to know either. Watching the high jump event might be painful enough for him and he didn’t want to unnecessarily add any more salt to that wound.
“Levi, you sure this is the way to go?” Hange asked.
“That’s where the scouts are going,” Levi said.
Hange pulled out her phone. “I’ll look for a school map.”
Levi shrugged. “The school is bigger than I expected. Let’s cover some ground while you search.” He kept his eyes ahead, keeping the crowd at least in his peripherals as he scanned his surroundings.
As they walked through the main path of the school, the crowd gradually dispersed. Then for Levi who had been so religiously following the crowds since almost a minute ago, it became a game of which crowd was biggest.
Because everyone should be here for Mikasa Ackerman right? Levi thought to himself. He couldn’t wait for Hange to navigate. He pressed on, following the biggest crowd before they turned the corner and disappeared completely.
The crowd may have been for Mikasa, or it could have been for any other athlete or any other sport. He never did find out.
“Levi, I think we should turn around here… The high jump event should be---” Hange started.
“It’s Connie Springer! Connie Springer’s batting next!”
From his view along the main road, partially obscured by tall trees and bushes dotting the landscape, Levi hadn’t gotten a good view at first. And if it hadn’t been for the familiar name, maybe Levi never would have sped up, or gone as fast at least as his limp and his crutches would take him.
He turned the corner, the largest crowd forgotten. He made good distance, even on the rocky landscape that made up the smaller path.
“Levi, be careful. You might trip.” Hange asked. “Besides, where are we going? The high jump event i...”
Hange’s protests eventually faded into something unintelligible from behind him. If he had actually tried to listen, maybe he would have heard whatever else she was saying. It was as if his mind knew, anything she said was futile. He was hell bent on making that detour and he was 100% that detour which was only a few feet away, would give him enough of a satisfying answer.
We can check the venue after. Just give me this few minutes. Levi had been in enough high jump tournaments to know they lasted a fair amount of time anyway.
The smaller path opened up to a field. There were athletes on the field clad in red, one on the field clad in green. Levi had enough stock knowledge on Major League Baseball to know exactly what was happening.
The innings were all on the scoreboard, large enough for Levi to see from his angle. Visitors were leading by three points. The home team had one more out left before the game would be declared over. And out on each base was one player clad in green.
It was a decisive possession for green. Levi surmised even if it hadn’t been Connie Springer who had caught his attention then, maybe he still really would have stopped to watch.
A lot of the crowd looked like they were thinking the same thing. Even with the game almost over, people were still approaching the field.
Connie Springer…
Levi heard the whispers among the scouts. Good runner. Mediocre Batter. And maybe he had felt a little offended for Connie when someone had joked that they should just bid the regionals and nationals goodbye.
Connie was better than that. Levi was sure.
And just like Levi had thought, Connie seemed unfazed. From his position at the side of the field, Connie approached the home plate at a steady yet rapid pace, bat in hand.
The whispers around him only started to get louder as Connie got into a position to bat.
Connie was a mediocre batter and a good runner at the same time. And Connie's hand position as he held the bat was a remnant of just that. Connie held one hand behind the mid section of the bat and he gripped it as if he weren’t going to let go any time soon.
He’s gonna bunt. Levi didn’t need the whispers for that commentary. Just as expected, that was a safe play for someone deemed a ‘shitty batter’ by the cruel audience.
Connie gripped the bat and positioned it. The pitch came a second later. And in that small span of a few seconds, Levi’s expectations were subverted, and as proven by the gasps around him, it looked like the audience’s expectations were subverted as well.
Connie had taken a risk. And in the next few seconds, everyone would find out if it were a good risk. He had swung the bat all the way through, there was a clank of the ball and the ball flew. Looking at the blue and white of the sky, Levi had to squint to see it.
It was a bunt fake. Levi soon realized. But he quickly dropped that thought as he followed Connie along all the bases. He was a great runner and Levi struggled to follow him through the bases. He felt his heart thumping as he followed Connie’s path.
He could hear screams from the audience to run. And Connie was screaming much louder as he ran even after having reached the second base.
Levi was sure he could have stopped there but Connie continued to run, screaming to the others to run as well. And by the third base, Connie could have stopped, and they could have secured a tie. The coach by the third base, held his hands up high, as if to tell Connie to take those three points.
It’s a tie game, no need to. And as Levi soon found out, any efforts to move in the next few seconds would be risky. Levi followed the ball which was already making the rounds of the bases. And when he looked back to third base, he found it empty. Connie was still running.
There were angry screams and Levi wouldn’t be surprised if it was from the coach. Levi didn’t bother to look anywhere else though to check. The next few milliseconds, he dedicated to Connie who was still dashing towards the home base.
Levi’s breath caught that split second when the catcher bent over to grab the ball.
But he still has to tag Connie. The catcher made the mistake of approaching Connie on the lane connecting the bases.
Or was it a mistake? He was blocking Connie’s path. And if Connie did anything like stray away from the path it would be an out.
He kept moving, As if fortune did favor the brave, everything started working for him at once. The catcher had bent over to dash faster. Connie was only getting faster, gaining momentum with every stride.
The split second Connie launched himself in the air and over the catcher, Levi could have sworn time stopped. That pause could have lasted an eternity. Yet everything after that could have happened on fast forward. Connie fell onto the home plate and skidded violently on the field and before Levi could take a good look, Connie was surrounded.
That scene on the field reminded Levi of his own accident months ago.
Is he okay? Levi stayed longer than he should have. He knew if he had left then and there, he probably wouldn’t be able to rest without the guarantee that the young baseball player out there wouldn’t suffer the same fate Levi had.
“Levi… Did you see that?” It sounded like Hange was struggling to breathe.
But in a good way. A good way he had missed so much, he found himself distracted enough to look away from the congregation on the home base and back at Hange.”It looked like he was flying huh?” Levi asked, taking a long good look at Hange as he said those words.
Her face was flushed. The glimmer in her eyes was still there, albeit weaker. Her eyes completely concentrated on the scene in front of her, as if in a trance. And Levi was sure she was imagining, seeing herself in that same spot only a second ago.
Was that how it felt Hange? Every single time you saw someone jump?
Levi was convinced he was right. The glimmer in Hange's eyes was weaker for sure. At first, Levi had thought it to be a remnant of the events of weeks ago, with her thesis struggles, with her parent’s admonishing remarks.
Levi ended up concluding though, that it wasn’t weaker. It was just glowing differently.
There was no desire in her eyes, no childish jealousy at lost dreams she couldn’t achieve. It was as if Hange had gained the power to so purely and innocently, so easily place herself in another's shoes, when she just thinks through it.
And absence worked to make Levi notice it more but in that new glow, that new glimmer in her eyes, Levi noticed then, there was no subtle hint of guilt at having indulged in such a trivial and useless passion her whole life.
Yet every single time he had snuck glances at Hange watching jumps before that, there was guilt in her eyes. As if she was supposed to be doing something more important: studying, working, succeeding, meeting expectations.
Is that how liberation feels? Levi asked himself then. He wanted to ask her that same thing then but he found another question, a follow up question which popped so quickly into his mind even before he had completely articulated the first one. Does she know yet that she’s free?
Maybe she didn’t. Because it had just come so naturally for someone like her.
“I wrote her like that because that’s how Hange Zoe really is.”
“Then I’ll work harder to be like her.”
“You don’t have to. The squad leader and the commander are already in you, you just have to uncover for yourself those parts.”
And she had figured it out for herself in the easiest of states, in a trance borne of passion, ecstasy, excitement and maybe euphoria.
An authentic, unrehearsed and organic smile, from Hange of all people, had left Levi with too many emotions to wrangle with: nostalgia, relief, excitement and everything in between. Too many for him to figure out for itself. Yet, it manifested in that moment, as Levi stood frozen next to her, staring at her for god knows how long. As if that Hange Zoe was something he had lost so long ago, maybe even centuries or even millennia ago. And he could have stood there forever as long she remained in that state of pure organic euphoria.
Hange’s lips widened, then curled up into a smile. “He’s okay!” She screamed, much louder than what could have been appropriate for that situation, for someone who barely even knew the guy on the field.
Levi didn’t mind though. In another story, maybe in another life, Connie was a member of their legion after all.
Hange’s outburst was a done deal and there was nothing much they could do about the eyes focused on them or the whispers among the crowd. Levi took advantage of that sunk cost, he approached Connie who was sitting alone on his bench, taking a quick drink of water.
“You did great out there.” It came out as barely a whisper and as Levi soon realized, he was still too far for Connie to have heard it. And the latter didn’t.
That whisper had completely and so easily been overshadowed by calls from his own teammates to hurry up and pack his things. Connie’s team was going to regionals.
And maybe after that, nationals. It would have been nice to send some sort of congratulations then. Reality took over and brought with it reasonable arguments, all against some sort of odd and almost stalkery approach towards Connie.
Their team would be celebrating that night. Connie was far gone and had disappeared among the crowd of red baseball uniforms. It would be an odd and completely unjustifiable effort to chase Connie down then.
“Congratulations,” Levi whispered to himself.
“Congratulations to...? The home team?” Hange asked, stepping up beside him.
“Yeah, I would have wanted to talk to them. Congratulate them myself.”
“I’m sure they heard you,” Hange said.
The murmurs among the crowd, the praises, the cries and the dissemination of rumors were ubiquitous and they were still far from dead, even as the crowds started to disperse. Behind it all, Levi heard the rustle of trees and the whistling of the winds.
And maybe the wind could carry messages for him. Just in case, Levi did whisper other words of greeting, much softer than what Hange would have heard beside him. They were generic words of congratulations and well wishes but Levi swore they were heartfelt.
And he ended it with one last personalized message. I hope we could meet again and maybe have a little more time to talk.
Hange’s voice broke through his little correspondence. “Hey Levi, we still have an hour or so before the high jump event. What about if we try other events on the way?”
Levi shrugged. “Why not? We’re here already.” The trip had proven to be filled with surprises already.
"Levi, you shouldn't have gone to the toilet. You missed some amazing jumps. There's this girl…. Sasha Braus I think…"
“Sasha Braus?” Levi made sure to say her name slowly, to at least imply some unfamiliarity.
But he was all too familiar with that name already. In fact, that hadn't been a toilet break, Levi had gone to the cafeteria only a building away and bought some plastic wrapped melon bread. Just in case there would be an opportunity to talk.
"How many jumps did I miss?" Levi asked.
"Five or six but we missed the start of the competition already so I think we missed more than that. They said this was the last round… But Sasha's already winning by a lot."
"Just as expected."
"So you know Sasha?"
"I follow athletes too you know."
"But diving?"
"Maybe." Levi kept his reply short, unwilling to keep that joke of a charade any longer.
Hange had a knowing look on her face as if she never did believe him.
Levi returned Hange with a playful look of his own as if to say:
But how else would I know her name?
Hange probably suspected the recognition to have been the result of a series of deductions. But Levi wasn't that smart.
After that encounter with Connie, the names and faces just came to him much faster than ever. Even among the five athletes lined up in front of the pull, Levi could spot her from meters away, last in line
He checked the watch on his phone, thirty minutes until the high jump event. They had enough time to kill.
In the few minutes leading up to Sasha's final dive, Levi made sure to search her name.
Top diver. Top seed for college scouts. High level of diving technique.
Diving wasn't a particularly popular sport where they lived but it was enough to make waves at least on the internet.
When Levi started to watch the women dive into the water, performing tucks, pikes and twists along the way, he did wonder why it never was popular.
And with the way, Hange was looking at them, he suspected she thought the same thing.
"Let's go Sasha!" Hange's voice rang out in the indoor pool area.
Do we know her? Levi asked. Realistically, do we know her? He amended that soon after. He knew her. But was he supposed to know her. Was Hange supposed to know her?
He wasn't too self conscious either. She wasn't the only one who was cheering after all. He could have sworn the blonde in front of them was cheering just as hard.
"Was I too loud?" Hange whispered, a second later. "I think I got too excited."
"No, that's very much a Hänge Zoe move," Levi said.
That small shadow of self consciousness in Hange's voice completely dissipated and Levi was relieved to see that gentle yet excited smile that followed.
And it could have been a hint or an illusion, but as Levi looked back at the brunette who approached the edge of the diving board, he could have sworn she had given them a flicker of a gaze as she positioned herself on the edge.
She may have heard Hange's cheers. Levi wondered though, if she had heard any more of their cheers or if she had recognized them.
Levi leaned towards a 'no.' though having been disappointed a little too many times. And he considered it a done deal as she executed a difficult twist, a pike then dove into the water head first.
"The high jump is starting in ten minutes. We should go," Hänge said, glancing at her watch.
The melon bread in the inner pocket of Levi's jacket protested. He had bought it for her after all.
He had other options at least. "Psst…" Levi called the attention of the blonde in front of him.
She didn't look back.
"Historia," Levi said. He decided for himself then that it was worth the risk.
The blonde looked back at them, her eyes wide open in confusion. "I'm sorry… I don't think I recognize you…" It was just like her to still be polite to a couple of potentially creepy strangers.
"No need to recognize me," Levi said. He pressed the melon pan, into the hand that Historia had held out for a hand shake. "Get this to Sasha for us. Tell her it's from her fans."
With that, the two stepped down from their place in the second row bleachers and quickly and silently slipped out through the entrance.
“Maybe we have the time for one more detour,” Levi said.
“We’re still on the way to the high jump venue. And it’s not like we’re gonna miss everything if we’re ten minutes late,” Hange added.
As they stood at the entrance of the gym along the main road, they were distracted for different reasons. Levi was distracted because he had heard that one name among the cheers loud enough to hear even beyond closed doors. Hange though looked like she had managed to at least get a glimpse of what was going on inside through the transparent glass of the door.
“Should we… go in?” Levi asked.
“You wanna? There’s only a few seconds left.”
“Why not?”
Even with both of them in a silent agreement, they still hesitated. The door opened towards the inside and from what Levi could see with a slight tiptoe, even the door was barricaded. As Levi took a closer look at Hange, he realized that that could have been one of the reasons she was hesitant to go in.
“I saw this pretty cool dunk through this window. I wish you could have seen it.”
“I’ve seen a lot of cool things today already.”
“Yeah, but a few more cool things wouldn’t hurt.”
“It’s okay, I’ll just look at them on Youtube after. You got a name?”
“I’m checking his jersey… The name is too far… Can’t see it from this shitty view. It starts with a K… And it looks like a really long name.”
“Can’t tell…But that doesn’t sound like a long name.”
The buzzer rang loud enough that even Levi found himself jumping at the sound. Cheers followed which Levi had to admit, had been a worse ordeal for his ears than the buzzer of a while ago.
But maybe the wait will be worth it. Levi told himself and he willed himself to be patient. “Let’s wait by the side of the door. People are gonna be going out soon.”
“I wish we could have been earlier. I would have wanted to see more dunks.” Hange whined. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone dunk in real life until now.”
“Well, maybe one day I’ll take you to watch a basketball game live,” Levi said as he leaned on the wall to the side of the gym.
“The tickets are expensive.”
“Aren’t your parent’s filthy rich?”
“Well, they thought games were a waste of time…”
���After we graduate, then we get jobs, maybe we can watch together.”
“That would be nice.” Hange leaned on the wall right next to him. Leaning her head back, she looked to Levi and gave him a playful smile. “Then after that, we can go watch some Major League Baseball and some diving tournaments too.”
It was only then Levi realized he had leaned his head back in the same manner. The way she had mimicked it had been comforting and he found himself following suit. “Maybe we can watch a gymnastics competition or a skating competition?”
“And maybe when we earn more money… Let’s watch the olympics together.”
Levi smiled. “That’s the dream.” He looked at the sky above him, avoiding Hange’s gaze. With the price of the tickets and the distance of the venues though, Levi was aware that it was a distant dream.
But something inside him nagged.
Two months ago, actually making the olympics wouldn’t have been such a distant dream. His coach had talked about the Olympics many times before already, talking about scouts, about post graduation training with the national team. He wondered how pathetic he was at that moment, shifting from dreaming to make the Olympics to dreaming of just watching. It was a short episode of melancholy and maybe if Levi had indulged it, it would have lasted longer.
It was something he willed himself not to show Hange though and instead, he stared up at the sky, willing himself instead to silently admire the view. From his peripherals, he was relieved to see Hange had done similarly.
Noon had shifted to afternoon so subtly. Looking straight up at the light blue, didn’t hurt so much anymore and he suspected it was late afternoon already. He knew they should be leaving soon if they wanted to catch Mikasa’s tournament.
The melancholy weighed on him. As if Hange understood though, she was silent and she didn’t pressure him to move just yet. Levi slid back down on the ground, letting the crutches fall in front of him.
“You okay?” Hange asked, sliding down to a sitting position next to him.
No, I’m not. Levi would have answered. When he looked at Hange though, he saw understanding, as if she knew what would have only been the correct answer to that. But you aren’t okay either. Levi had to note, so it would have only served to stoke the fires of her own vulnerability to admit his own. So he went for a kind in-between.
“I know we’re both not okay. We just have to ride through this until shit gets better,” Levi said, giving Hange the best authentic smile he could muster which felt like more of a lopsided grin in the end.
Hange took a deep breath. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” She returned that smile with her own and Levi was certain her own smile had been a better rendition of what he had.
“Jean! Hey! Come back here.”
Levi had done a pretty good job of tuning out the crowds that had been exiting the gym since a while ago. When he looked back to the entrance to see Jean and an unrecognizable teammate just outside, he was almost surprised to see their surroundings almost completely empty, especially when compared to a while ago.
“You can’t just leave. Coach will kill us.”
“I said, I’ll follow. It’s just a celebratory dinner. It’s not like we’ll lose our ticket to regionals if I don’t go.”
“But you scored the winning dunk.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Jean asked. “Besides I am going. I’ll just be late.”
The player next to Jean cleared his throat. “Is this about her?”
“Yes. I wanna watch her jump. Is that so bad?”
“Mikasa’s gonna have other tournaments you know.”
“But we’re going to be busy with regionals. Who knows how many times I’ll be able to catch her tournaments before graduation.”
There was an awkward silence between them and Levi was almost tempted to use that moment to approach Jean. Even with some support from Hange though, it had taken Levi more than enough time to push himself to a standing position.
“God you’re such a simp Jean.”
“Cover for me Caleb.”
Caleb walked back into the gym and Jean started to jog, making his way for the main path. Levi was sure with his current state he wouldn’t be able to catch up. It was as if Hange though had read his mind.
“Excuse me!”
Levi followed at a much slower pace, only able to catch up because the two had slowed to a stop in the middle of the main path.
“Mikasa Ackerman? Yes! She’s my classmate.”
Levi noted the light blush on Jean’s face as he spoke. “We wanna watch the tournament too,” Levi added, slowing to a stop beside Hange. “Could we walk there together? This is our first time here so we might get lost.” A partial lie. It wasn’t their first time but they had looked at the map on their phone enough times to have sworn on their life that the path they were taking was correct.
Jean had looked surprised at first, but his dumb expression had quickly shifted to something much friendlier. “I’d be happy to take you two there.” He held out his hand. “Jean Kirstein.”
Hange had been the first to take his hand in a friendly gesture. “Hange Zoe.”
The pleasantries were quickly forgotten and their conversation had shifted to other things. Along the way, Levi had stopped listening as it shifted to conversations on air time and agility exercises.
Just like Hange to want to talk about that. Levi thought. That was the thesis she had wanted to do after all.
Levi allowed himself to trail behind a bit, letting the two grab a bit more distance.
That gave him a good view of the two, side by side. And they have been side by side before, Levi recalled that much. They had discussed strategies, paperwork, war conditions many times before.
Levi took advantage of that distance between them. To further indulge that little picture of a memory, Levi whispered two names under his breath. Commander Hange Zoe and Commanding Officer Jean Kirstein.
That at least added some realism to the view. And Levi was sure he’d remember enough to write pages worth when he got home.
“Looks like we haven’t missed a lot,” Hange said.
“You missed the first few heights but those were too easy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mikasa sat it out.” Levi commented. He looked to Jean who was gesturing for them to follow as he climbed up the bleachers.
And he kept his focus on Jean the whole way up. The high jump event was his domain and although he had hoped to keep a low profile during the event, a part of him knew that it would be almost impossible. Although his face could be almost forgettable and maybe unnoticeable in the crowds, the crutches only made people stare. And when people stare, they have a tendency to look at faces. And when they look at faces they recognize, sometimes they talk.
Levi had learned that lesson so many times before already. At least though, with every lesson learned, he had gotten better at brushing off the whispers. On top of the quick introductions, the familiar faces on the bleachers had been a very helpful distraction as well, one unbothered and the other, the complete opposite, a little too curious about everything.
Eren and Armin.
“You’re late Jean. Weren’t you the one who so excitedly told Mikasa you’d show up to cheer her on?” Eren asked.
“Hey, I’m here right now. Besides, I knew you and Armin were going to show up anyway. You always do.” Jean said, raising his hands defensively. He looked back at the field as if searching for her among the athletes. “So when is she jumping?”
“She got eliminated.”
Jean buried his face in his hands. “You’re kidding.”
“Eren, she sat out the easier heights right?” Levi had to note that at first glance, it did look like Mikasa wasn’t there. He suspected that the bench where Mikasa was sitting was just a little obscured from their view on the bleachers. He had done similarly too often for it to be anything but routine.
“Oh, you’re familiar with how high jump events work. Better than horseface here,” Eren gave the still recovering Jean a side glance before looking back at Levi. Eren’s unbothered face was far from menacing.
With his own store on his side and his own thoughts, Levi found himself still a little too careful. “I’m a little familiar...” Levi said, letting his voice trail off as he looked back out at the field.
“Excuse me.” Someone spoke up from behind him.
Levi was quick to look back. Compared to Hange who was already so engrossed on the happenings on the field just below, Levi was far from entertained. The heights were still much lower than what he would have considered entertaining.
It was Armin who had called out to him. “Are you Levi Ackerman?” He asked. The blonde seemed so unsure of himself that Levi had half the mind to deny it there just to play with him for a while. Didn’t Jean introduce us already?
“Why do you ask?”
Armin put a hand at the back of his head and flashed a sheepish grin. “Well, ever since Mikasa got into high jumping, I started to get a little more familiar with the high jumping scene. Also Eren, didn’t your brother talk about him?”
Zeke Jaeger.
“He mentioned that Levi Ackerman was injured, probably sidelined for life…” Eren trailed off, he looked pointedly at Levi’s casted knee. “Is that it?”
“So you are Levi Ackerman…” Armin said, a little more certainty in his tone.
“Wait, who’s this Levi Ackerman? Are you related to Mikasa?”
Levi shrugged. He didn’t know the best way to answer it either. Do I say distant relatives? He opted for a safe yet vague. “Maybe.”
The three boys didn’t ask anymore. The crowds exploded into cheers, and in their own little corner, the five of them fell silent as Mikasa made her way to the center and approached the starting line of the runway.
Levi quickly estimated the bar to be at 1.8 meters, too high for most high school students. So high that only two had cleared the height. And if Mikasa cleared it, that meant three people would be moving on to the 1.9 meter bar.
Or when Mikasa clears it. Levi corrected himself a second later as he watched Mikasa run to the take off box.
The crowd cheered as she landed. It had done little though to pull Levi back to reality. The cheers were merely fading background music as Levi replayed that jump in his mind. Everything from the run to the take off to the landing, everything from the smallest twist mid air had been seamless and Levi only noticed a second later his mouth had been wide open.
Mikasa wasn’t the tallest among the jumpers either, as if she relied as well on her own flexibility to get her through the bar.
“Levi, that’s how you used to jump,” Hange said. That had been enough at least to pull Levi out of his trance. “Now do you get how it felt to see you jump?”
Levi didn’t answer instantly. His first instinct had been to look back at the Youtube videos and the Instagram videos of himself Hange had shared to him a while back. He couldn’t have jumped like MIkasa. Back when he had watched his own videos, he never felt the goosebumps, or his hair stand up, or that sudden need to drop his jaw and leave his mouth wide open for a good few seconds.
But his view of Mikasa had been organic, it had been an experience, unmarred by camera angles, commentaries and video edits. Real life didn’t have video edits, and with his own first hand experience, he had the freedom and the convenience to continue to follow Mikasa, long after her jump was over.
He ignored the next two who had failed at the 1.9 meter height, completely eliminated. He had only surmised their own fate from the less than enthusiastic cheers from the crowd that followed each attempt. He continued to follow Mikasa, all the way until her second jump, focusing on the way her body curved so easily above the bar, the way her body twisted into a more comfortable angle mid flight.
As if she’s been flying her whole life.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a champion! Mikasa Ackerman!” The announcer chimed. But they weren’t cleaning up yet.
“There’s one more event: the men’s event, then after that the awarding,” Armin explained.
Levi shifted his attention once again to Mikasa who was making her way away from the center.
Towards the audience. Towards the front row. Levi followed Mikasa s gaze, to see a familiar back profile at the front row. The man only stood up from his seat, making the situation all the clearer for Levi.
“Coach Greg is here?” Of course, he’d be here. He’s recruiting.
He didn’t look like he was successful at recruiting though. From his spot towards the middle of the bleachers, Levi could see the way Mikasa shook her head, the way she had given the most apologetic smile and the way she walked back to the bench where her other teammates were, looking completely unbothered by that rejection.
He’s recruiting Mikasa? Levi thought.
In reply, Coach Greg looked back at the bleachers. He caught Levi’s gaze almost instantly as if he had known Levi would have been there the whole time. Levi had trained with him enough to know what he wanted just by the expression on his face.
“Levi, where are you going? The men’s jump event is about to start.”
It had been months since he trained with him, but years of old habits were still hard to break. Before Levi even noticed it himself, he had scrambled onto his feet and maneuvered through the crowd in the bleachers.
“I saw you enter the venue mid match. Honestly happy to see you watching tournaments again and I’m sure a lot of the fans are happy to see you too.”
If by happy, you mean gossiping. “Jumping is hard to completely give up,” Levi replied.
The two had settled on a bench, only a few meters away from the emptiest bleachers. The screams and cheers were still audible and sometimes, comprehensible. But there was still enough peace and quiet to manage a fair conversation.
“How’s your knee?”
“I’m sure you’ve talked to Erwin about it already.”
Greg grinned sheepishly at it. He dropped his shoulders with a sigh. “I was hoping he would have given you a better prognosis. He told me you were gone from jumping for good… I just thought…”
“My last season is over. You’re already preparing for regionals and I can still barely walk,” Levi said as he gave a pointed look at the crutches he leaned on the side of the bench.
“With physical therapy…”
“I can barely walk right now because of physical therapy. We were going too fast.”
“So anything after college might be impossible huh?”
“I’m taking this one step at a time. It was a painful experience. And with the extent of it, Erwin had told me multiple times even post surgery, it might never return to pre injury state. With the competitiveness of the high jumping scene… my height… I feel like these were all just signs to just move on from it all.”
Greg dropped his shoulders and shook his head. “You were something else though. I didn’t think someone of your height could have dominated the high jump. It was like your body knew the exact moments to get you through the bar every time. As if it was completely used to being mid air.”
“Maybe my body is just used to flying,” Levi said. “Maybe I was born and built for these types of sports. But I'm sure you're aware, no matter how inclined someone is to sports, careers don’t last forever. We all have expiry dates. And mine was just a lot earlier than others.”
“But you could have made the Olympics with your numbers.”
“But the accident happened and I don’t think I’ll ever achieve those numbers again,” Levi said matter-of-factly, so realistically it hurt even when Levi was sure he had long gotten over it.
“So, what are you focusing on now?” Greg asked, an attempt at digression.
“Studies, submitting my thesis, passing my last few classes…”
“Maybe when studies die down a bit, you can visit every now and then. After winter break is over, maybe you could even help get the new recruits up to speed.”
Levi raised one eyebrow at Greg. “You have one in mind?” Mikasa Ackerman?
“Mikasa Ackerman.” As if Greg had read his mind, he had repeated those same exact words with the exact same tone Levi had heard it in his head. “Are you two related?” he asked.
“With the way you’re saying that, I'm guessing not close enough to talk to her.”
“Talk to her about what?” Levi asked.
“About considering Paradis University. She has that type of talent that only comes once every five years.”
“But if she’s committed to another university…”
“She’s not. In fact, she told me herself, she might not even go to university.”
“Why not?”
“She told me there was someone she didn’t wanna leave behind. You think you might know something about that?”
An all too familiar turn of events. Levi’s answer to his coach’s question had been a resounding yes. But he wasn’t telling him about that yet. ‘I’ll try to talk to her. Then I’ll see what I can do.”
The conversation ended soon after that with a quick promise to keep in touch. His coach hurriedly got back to the tournament and Levi found himself alone on the bench once again.
His knees ached, his arms were stiff from all the walking. And he decided for himself that a men’s jump event would not be worth the struggle of hobbling back to the bleachers.
“There you are!”
Levi only had a few minutes of peace and quiet before it was interrupted by the familiar brunette who settled next to him on the bench. It had interrupted whatever trance he had gotten himself into. Either way, it was still a welcome sight. “You’re not watching?”
“I thought you went to the toilet or something but when you didn’t come back… I kinda realized you might have left because you didn’t wanna watch so I got worried. You wanna go back home?”
“I’m tired. So honestly, yes.” Levi shrugged his shoulders and did some test stretches. His body was aching from having maneuvered in crutches the whole afternoon. He could have sworn, he had reached well more than a thousand steps just walking the university, enough to expect an admonishing stare from either Erwin or his physical therapist.
“Well, we should be going back. We have to do some last minute packing since tomorrow is our last day.”
“Wait, before we leave. I was hoping to get some lead on Mikasa. I wanted to talk to her. Maybe after final exams or something.”
Hange gave him a cheeky grin. She held out her phone in an exaggerated manner. “That’s done already.”
“You got their contact details?”
“I had a pretty pleasant conversation with Armin, Jean and Eren, enough at least to get them to wanna keep in touch.”
“Keep in touch about what?”
“Thesis maybe? Future career prospects?”
“You’re meeting with a bunch of high school students?”
“Armin applied to Paradis University so there’s a lot to talk about and he said he could help out with my thesis. Besides, weren’t you the one who said you wanted to talk to Mikasa?”
“I’m doing my coach a favor.” Levi said, emphasizing those last words a little too much, he started to feel a little ridiculous a second later.
Hange raised one eyebrow in disbelief, only making Levi further regret attempting such a ridiculous lie. A smile played at Hange’s lips. “You know, I’m glad to see you’re reconnecting with your team again.”
Levi returned that smile with his own. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re reconnecting with your thesis again.”
“I talked to the dorm. Scholars can get a good bed space for a cheap price, or maybe even free. You just have to sort out the paperwork, get some paperwork signed by your professor then the scholarship office. After that, we wait for approval. So, in the meantime, you could stay in a motel or something.``
“That’s the plan,” Hange said, her tone a mixture of despondence and exhaustion. Not too surprisingly, she was lugging boxes, lining them towards the entrance of the room as they spoke. “My parents are gonna pick up a lot of these boxes, probably put them in storage back home. And this…” Hange drops a purple suitcase in front of him. “Is all I’m bringing.”
“You’re serious about this huh?”
“Were you doubting it?”
Levi sat and stared at the luggage, his expression unchanging. “This just seems like a huge change.”
“This happens with everyone else anyway. I’m a senior in college. I’ll find a job, take out a loan then rent some cheap studio apartment just outside the city.”
“Studio apartments aren’t cheap, even if they are outside the city. Would you be able to afford that with the entry level income of one person?” Somehow, a part of Levi was still hoping Hange would make amends with her parents. Despite her having proven multiple times she was sure with her decision. She seemed happier then, more confident, more free. But at what cost?
“Then I’ll get a roommate,” Hange said.
“That’s a reasonable plan.” Levi said. “Well first things first. Fix those dorm papers, finish your thesis.”
“Thanks for the help Levi. Really, it means a lot.” From the firm determination of a while ago, Hange’s gaze softened to something else, something Levi had sworn he had only seen long ago, in another lifetime.
“You’ve done a lot for me too,” Levi said.
“You won’t be much help now since I’ll just be lugging boxes so feel free to just write or something until we’re ready to leave. Or you know, you could go ahead to your dorm. I’ll just contact you if I need to.”
“No, I’d rather stay.” Levi looked back at his laptop and opened his document. He had written a few words the night before as soon as they had arrived home.
Armin Arlert. Jean Kirstein. Eren Jaeger. Mikasa Ackerman. Connie Springer. Sasha Braus. Historia Reiss. The names had worked magic on the draft. With the names where they needed them to be, the story became more vivid than he had expected. He lost count of the amount of words he had written the night before, but he was sure he had added at least five pages.
And his head throbbed at that moment as he scanned through the file, reminding him of how much sleep he had sacrificed to get it written. At the least, he had managed to understand what had gotten them to the point in the woods, he understood why it had been he and Hange of all people who stuck together.
They cared about the younger soldiers for sure. But they had been the only two veterans remaining.
And what did you ask me back then? Levi asked silently as he watched Hange move the boxes one by one, lining them along walls from one corner all the way until the entrance.
Hange looked as if she were in a trance. But if their eyes had met at that moment as he thought of the question, would she have read his face, would she have known what he was asking then? Probably not. But Hange was perceptive and she had made some good guesses on his thoughts a few times already.
Maybe we should just live here together? Right, Levi? Levi wrote those words, somewhere at the bottom of the page, under descriptions of trees, stars and a glowing campfire. He wrote under it descriptions of the pain of fresh stitches, half opened wounds and the beginnings of a fever.
“You know, Hange. There was a war. This anti military faction took over, and we ran away to the woods and ----”
“Don’t tell me!” Hange interrupted. She dropped one box on to the wall, much harder than usual. “I haven’t reached that part. I wanna enjoy your story.”
Hange approached him and sat next to him on the wall by the window. Her voice was much softer as she spoke up again. “No need to apologize. I just wanna be in the best mood when I read it. Maybe I’ll catch up after final exams before winter break,” Hange said. “Besides last time I checked all you had were unfinished sentences and bullet points.”
“It’ll be finished way before then.” Even as he spoke, he was typing and Levi found himself marveling at his own ability to keep two conversations at once.
“Really? Don’t you have studies to deal with?”
“I know how it’s gonna end already.”
Hange gave a hum of approval. “Then I’ll hold your word to it. I look forward to reading it then.”
If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us… I know you’re not able to stay out of the action.
Levi had ended up writing those last few lines to the disturbed rhythm of the thumps as boxes were dropped one on top of the other.
Yeah. That’s right. I can’t. He capped off that final paragraph with Hange’s one final response. Even fully wide awake with the afternoon sun illuminating the well ventilated condominium, even with the sound of the traffic down below only made louder by the windows left open, Levi still saw her, so vividly as if she were a dream. He memorized her face then, everything from the way her brow knitted, her forehead puckered. The way her glossy eyes showed nothing but a faded glimmer.
Yet it was a glimmer and in that, Levi saw desire. A desire for something else.
And then what happened? It couldn’t have ended there. He had filled in many of the gaps himself already. He had already found the missing pieces and pushed them into place. The story had ended so anticlimactically though and Levi found himself scraping the recesses of his mind for anything he may have missed, a futile attempt.
And maybe it was futile because Hange had interrupted him a second later. She had his two plump overnight bags slung over her one shoulder. She turned her chin slightly towards the entrance. “Let’s go.”
Levi pulled himself up from the window sill. “Give me one of my bags. You shouldn’t be carrying all that.”
“You shouldn’t be carrying all this,” Hange argued, looking pointedly at his leg. “Let’s go.” She went ahead, not looking back. Along the way, she had stopped, gesturing for Levi to make the distance towards the door and out into the hallway.
Levi looked back at her to see she was still standing at the entrance leaning on the door frame, leaving one hand on the open door swung inward. She made no movement, no explicit intention to leave just yet. He felt no need to hurry her either. Moving out was no easy task after all.
“I know you don’t like messes Levi ” Hange spoke up, her voice once again the lifeless drawl that never failed to hurt Levi even a bit.
“Really?” It was obvious, Levi had acknowledged that he had hated it. But he never remembered explicitly telling Hange about it. He was lodging in her place for free after all.
“You wrinkle your nose every time I leave something lying around. And you don’t think I noticed the way things magically cleaned themselves while I was away?”
“If you don’t want to, I won’t. I’m sorry about that.”
“No, I appreciate it. I think you did a lot of good for my space. Honestly, I’m more sorry that I couldn’t provide you anything cleaner…” Hange trailed off. It seemed like she was ready to say more. She looked back at him and took a deep breath, opened her mouth but stopped herself midway. ”And for a while I was a bit self conscious about it but I think I get it now.”
“Get what?
“I get now why I like messes and clutter. And I guess I just wanna point it out now, so maybe you’d understand?” Hange moved away from the doorway and out into the hallway. “Look, it’s clean.”
It was easy for Levi to put the scene of her condominium from a few months ago and the scene in front of him side by side in his mind. There were too many things he could have pointed out at once though. The room in front of him then, was much larger and more spacious than Levi could have ever imagined, especially with the boxes all lined up towards the wall. It was immaculate, any other day he could have used the picture of the room as a blank slate, something to calm him in between stressful situations.
But side by side with the room from weeks ago, hell back to the room months ago before he had started to stain it with his own brand of cleanliness, Levi wasn’t thinking of words like clean or immaculate.
It feels lifeless. But he wasn’t telling her that. Not just yet, when the fastidious side of him was still trying to process such an opinion borne out of his cleanliness-loving mind.
It was as if Hange was giving him no time to process though. “Do you get it though? Why I like my rooms with a little clutter?”
Levi gave up on processing, instead submitting to whatever tirade was coming out of Hange then.
And she was getting a little more emotional and a little more attached as she spoke. Because when everything's scattered everywhere, I always feel like I’ll have to fix it soon right? And when I have to fix it, I’m reminded that I’ll be coming back. But now…”
Levi jumped at the crack in her voice. He went forward and closed it, and it had felt like ripping off a band-aid. “Let’s go Hange.”
“I don’t have anything to return to now. It’s gonna be dorm and motel hopping until I get a job and can afford to find a new place,” Hange continued.
The two walked towards the elevators. Hange had kept her strides so slow and steady it had been a little too easy for Levi to catch up. With that, he had a little more time and space to reflect, come up with something more comforting than ripping of a band aid.
That part was easy at least. “You don’t have to have anywhere to return to.” Levi spoke up. “I think, what’s important is that people have someone to return to...”
“‘Someones’ like that are hard to find.” Hange looked at him. Then, Levi had a good view of her, her eyes glistened with what looked like unshed tears, the lines under eyes only told of pent up exhaustion, an all too familiar expression, almost a reflection of Hange that night in the woods.
It had been too easy to assume he had heard those same words as she looked at him expectantly then.
Maybe we should just live here together? Right, Levi?
But that wasn’t the time for a yes nor was it a time to echo the invitation or the words she had mentioned right there in the forest. It wasn’t a time either to tell Hange what had happened in the woods many a lifetime before.
But Levi still spoke up, his own reply tweaked for that situation alone. If he had been any more aware, any more hesitant, he would have pulled back, discouraged already by the many other arguments his mind was able to conjure.
She doesn’t remember about that time in the woods.
She’ll think you’re crazy.
Aren’t you comfortable with where you are already?
He clocked it then as a risk. A risk he was still very much willing to take. It came out of him as something spontaneous, as an explosion inside him raring to go out despite all the doubts glomping down on him.
It had been powered by something, that was for sure. But was it frustration? Regret?
“You know Hange, if you don't want me to, I won't leave. I’d gladly stay here by your side. ”
He didn’t think too much of the motivation though, what mattered was that it did come out. And in its own way, it had left him a little lighter, and maybe a little relieved.
“So what happened after?” Shela asked soon after she had scrawled another few words on her clipboard.
Levi shrugged. “That’s it. That’s how the story ended.”
“Really? With a half confession in the woods? You didn’t even say yes.”
Levi had spent the past week since they moved out of the condominium trying to write in between fixing paper work for Hange’s move to the dorm, cramming school assignments and studying for finals that was looming in the month ahead. He would have loved to blame his inability to write on his shitty schedule.
But I had more than enough time to write. He had at least an hour a night to write before bed. On good days, that had been more than enough to get something written.
“Is school getting busy? Physical therapy?”
“Then why can’t you write a more satisfying ending.”
“That’s how it ended.”
“With a half baked confession?”
“Captain Levi was suffering from wounds after an explosion. It’s a miracle he even lasted that long.”
“So you think he died?”
Shela looked out the window, her expression unreadable. “What if you two did run away to the forest?”
“That would have been a nice ending.”
“Then why not make that the ending?”
“Because that didn’t happen.”
Shela shook her head in disbelief. “This doesn’t seem believable to me. Please try to continue writing.” She turned his laptop back to him and Levi found himself blankly staring at the open google document.
And the more he stared, feeling Shela’s observing eyes boring into him as he did, the more he realized how ridiculous that last sentence was.
I know you’re not able to stay out of the action.
It sounded like the awkward dialogue that preceded a horribly placed commercial break or ad, something Levi would have scoffed at as any other viewer or reader.
“But it’s not like I’m sharing this to anyone else,” Levi said.
“You’re sharing it to me and I’m not satisfied. There should be more to this.”
Levi looked up at Shela and back at the document a few times before deciding on his next plan of action. Shela’s glare was uncompromising and she didn’t look like she would take no for an answer. The document in front of him though, that tiny blinking cursor on the screen was calling to him, the bottom part of the page was blank.
And maybe there was something, albeit little, that can be done flogging a horse that was just almost dead. There were still a few more lines of dialogue that made its way to the pages and Levi was surprised he had enough of that clearly etched in his mind for it to so easily flow into the pages in front of him.
Shoot or listen. It’s up to you.
The last few lines had all been dialogue. But as he turned the laptop back to Shela, the latter seemed at least willing to accept that. “This still looks a little too abrupt...” she commented “ You sure this is how it ends?”
“Captain Levi could have gotten shot. Maybe he died.”
Shela dropped her shoulders in defeat. “Progress is still progress. Do me a favor and please think long and hard about what happens next.”
“I really think it ended with the conversation in the forest.” Levi turned the laptop back to himself, closed the window and shut down his laptop. “But I can try to get something else written out… Maybe a few more scenes?”
“Don’t try." Shela gave Levi a knowing look. “I want you to do it.”
And that look bore holes into him, Levi could have sworn she was a mind reader with the way she followed the laptop with her eyes as he placed it back into his bag. He wouldn’t have been too surprised if she could tell the contents just by looking through the hardware.
Levi had to admit though, what Shela was suspecting, was right. There was more to the story and these scenes nagged at him from the deepest pits of his mind, pleading for their own time to let loose.
They were terrifying though. They were unsettling and Levi was in no position to entertain them.
Not just yet.
Or maybe he never would. Maybe he would be happy never entertaining them again.
So maybe captain Levi died? Maybe they ran away in the woods? There were questions that had been echoed by Shela, questions that had been so easily answered by dreams that he had forced himself to forget soon after he woke up.
The complex emotions though, were very much answerable with a simple question, a simple explanation that Levi was in no obligation to expound on.
“But… Endings don’t have to be satisfying right? What if I just don’t wanna write anymore?”
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Leon showing taka pokemon snap
Ahhhhh youuuuuu. You appeal to EVERYTHING I'm about, my friend. I have LEGIT been wanting to write a headcanon about this but thought I'd best not chuck my own obsession at my boys.
BUT NOW I CAN. And I thank you for this opportunity. I hope you enjoy as much as I do!
• Leon LOVES Pokemon. He's played all the games, had every console that comes with Pokemon games, and will play every single game that ever comes out.
• He prefers the battling games, but played the original Pokemon Snap when it came out.
• And intends to play the new one as soon as its out too. Even if he IS nearly thirty when it does.
• And he knows EXACTLY who will love it too.
• So he buys it (he and Taka just have an agreement that Pokemon games are a no-question buy) and sits Taka down to show him what its like.
• Now Leon is impressed by the game - its a massive improvement on the original after all. So many new Pokemon, so many levels, requests, different outcomes on the same route...its immense.
• But Taka...
• The guy is IN LOVE with this game.
• It's beautiful. It's calm. It takes thinking. AND ITS JUST SO CUTE!
• He practically begs Leon to play it whenever they have spare time - thinking up new strategies to get better photos.
• Eventually, he ends up playing it himself - the first video game he's played on his own.
• Leon wakes up one morning (fairly early for once - 9am), alone as per usual, and pads into their living room.
• Only to find Taka sat cross legged in front of the television, a look of intense concentration as he manouvers the camera around the volcano level.
• 'How long you been awake, babe?'
• 'Since five. Now shh. I need to get Slumga climbing up the lava.'
• Leon is STUNNED. Taka is an early riser normally, but five A.M is early even for him!
• And he's never seen his husband, a twenty nine year old, uptight, no-nonsense man, act like such a kid.
• It's absolutely adorable and Leon LIVES for it.
• He sits himself behind Taka, wrapping his arms around his chest, squuezing him lovingly and watches him play.
• The smiles he gets when Taka takes an impressive photo makes him fall in love all over again.
• They almost forget to eat - only reminded when Leon's stomach rumbles.
• And you'd best be sure that Mondo and Chi see Taka's photos. All 260 of them.
• Taka spends an hour going over the one's he's saved - explaining what he did to get it, how long it took, how they can get the correct angle and timing when they try.
• If Mondo and Chi didn't already know Leon was smitten, the lovestruck look in his eyes and dreamy smile on his face as Taka's explaining everything would sure have made it obvious.
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xxrainstormxx · 4 years
Save it for the Doctor. Spencer Reid x Reader.
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(A/N: this is based off a writing prompt. "You're... beautiful." "And you're concussed") Word count; 2,475 Part 2 (edit: my pleas for requests for stories are not reaching people so I will beg here. If you want a oneshot I’ll write it. Prompt or no prompt.)
I had heard a lot about the recent murders. I even had seen a few almost survivors on my mom's operation table, yet somehow I was wrapped up in the middle of it. Smack in the middle. No normal citizen even knew the FBI was investigating the murders and yet I was being interrogated. The man who sat in front of me was just mean, he wore a serious look and his eyes never moved from the narrow eyed glare he gave anyone who walked by and especially gave me. I was happy to cooperate, but the minute I was under fire I was fed up and wanted a lawyer. I was no killer, I had no upper body strength to move a dead body and believe me, I would know how much a dead body weighs thanks to my mom training me. I was a tired college student trying to get my damn degree so I could move on with my fucking life. And I was not in the mood to be interrogated when I could be working on my thesis. The mean man, Agent Hotchner I believe was just staring. I guess waiting for me to break or some shit like that? I don't know. I wasn't talking first. I didn't care anymore and this resulted in a match of silently staring waiting for the other one to speak. This went on for what felt like an hour but was probably closer to at least three minutes, I just sighed, "I cave." I sighed muttering curses as I shifted in my seat. "Go on, ask your questions I have a thesis to write and I would like to go home to continue it," I reluctantly urged on. He leaned forward in triumph I think as he demanded answers from me. "Where were you the night of Synthia Robbin's disappearance (Y/N)?" he began dwelling on the poor girls name. It made me frown, she was a 13 year old girl, a child, and she was gone. Kidnapped and found dead. It made me sick to think of what could happen to her. "So that's what this is about?" I hissed disgusted with the accusation "I was at the library with Emmalin." the mention of my sister's name made him further darken. "Your sister, correct?" he inquired. I rolled my eyes, "Yuduh" I sounded sitting back. "All your time is accounted for?" he continued leaving me puzzled for a moment. "There were maybe ten minutes in between where she left to find a book." I murmured unsure if the truth was the right thing to say as he stood and pulled out a file and threw it on the table making me flinch. "What about the night of Chris Bennidict?" he asked "A s-sports game" I stuttered "A baseball game I think. Rockies vs Rangers." I said shaking a little as he threw down that files some of the pictures falling out of the boy, shot twice. "Eunice Quiet, Quiara Basson, Basen Unice, Lynch Gryse, and Philip Jence!" he got  louder with every file he threw at me. "You were near by every single scene and you fit most of our profile" he concluded the pictures that fell out made me physically sick. Children, those poor babies. I sobbed and turned away gagging, he wasn't convinced it was real but I knew it was and up came the vomit that was caught in my throat.
I had no doubt I fit their profile but I worked part time at a daycare. Children were my life line, and it mad me sick to see them hurt. He answered a call and left the room leaving me there to cry over the pictures. A brunette woman walked in and sighed taking me out of the handcuffs attaching me to the bolted down table. "Come on sweetheart. We'll get someone to clean up that." she sighed very tired, I wanted to know why. They brought me out to the main area of the station and sat me down. They slowly cuffed me to the desk and I cried softly. I looked across the station to see Emmalin "Emmy!" I called but was ignored causing me to frown. So I shut up and listen to whatever raving was in my defense, "My baby sib? A murderer?" she asked "well... it isn't that hard to believe," she said making my jaw drop. "They've always been a little too obsessed with the idea of death." A lie, I had an emo phase and so did she, "Introverted" well partially true. "and well she creeps out her friends," she finished causing me to stand suddenly, "Liar!" I shouted "You fucking liar!" I cried ignoring the pain and stress on my wrist the hand cuff was causing. I was now a 45 degree angle due to the cuffs keeping me in place. She seemed genuinely shocked i was there. "Why are you trying to pin this on me. Your own sister!b You were with me everywhere we went and those bodies were found. Why aren't you being questioned too? Did you lie? Did you say I was the only one there?" I screamed as I was sat down. She hissed at me and most of the agents took notice. Agent Prentiss, the nice brunette sighed and walked to my now horrible sister and asked her to follow her into a different interrogation room. It felt like hours that I was sat there, and a curly haired man was sat in front of me just reading, or what I thought was faking, really bad faking. "Why are you even sitting here if you're just going to pretend to read?" I asked the "doctor". My mother was a doctor and I didn't believe this boy was any kind of doctor. I had gotten to know his name as Doctor Reid and I wasn't allowed to call him an agent so I had no other choice. He just looked at me thrown for a moment before shaking his head "I'm not pretending" He stated as he shifted "No one can read that fuckin fast ya damn liar" I muttered not necessarily hostile just a little vexed. "I can. Did you know that our unconscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second? Our conscious minds, however, can process sixteen million?" I sat back unimpressed "You are... absolutely insane" I laughed "Insane, perhaps but I'm not being accused of murder." he stated, and my smile that i worked so hard to get disappeared "You think I did it too." I muttered, it was meant to come as a question but instead it came as a statement. He shook his head "Not fully, while you do supposedly fit the profile our profile, our unsub wouldn't inject themselves into the investigation. The one part that doesn't fit" he said sitting back and crossing his legs turning to the board filled with evidence, and all those pictures that made me sick sat right next to the happy photos of the children in their school uniforms smiling big. I tried to focus on those "Well maybe your profile is wrong, cause this is sick." I hissed "(Y/N), you're here most likely because you were in the wrong places at the wrong times. Kids being picked up and murdered minutes apart from each other, while you were out with your sister at those locations? It's not very probable."
I just sighed knowing he was probably right "There aren't many coincidences when it comes to murder" he stated "Out of uh... curiosity what is an unsub? No normal person knows that is." I muttered as I tried to avoid the board, the thought of being in those places, not helping those kids, not even having a clue what was happening made me sick. "Unknown Subject" Dr. Reid said mumbling "Why aren't you uh... looking at the board. I thought you'd be proud of your work." He said as if to egg me on. I rolled my eyes "Those pictures make me sick." I muttered "I work at a daycare, it's my job to protect kids not watch them get hurt. I don't wanna see dead fucking children!" I shouted realizing I probably sounded fucking crazy and definitely like a kill. I hung my head in shame. "I know... I know it isn't fair to blame myself for what happened to those kids, but being in the places of the crime, the same night it happened, it makes me feel like I could have and should have done something. Something other than just sit there and wonder." I whispered "Yeah I feel guilty now but, not of what you think" I whispered looking to the board once more focusing on the pictures of the children when they were alive. "Sweet innocent babies... Never done anything to anyone. Probably were crying for their mom." I whimpered at the thought "They didn't deserve any of what happened" I looked away once more thinking about the mothers. "Moms.... Their moms" he stood up as if he had a damn epiphany nearly knocking me backwards in the chair. "Morgan, it's not an attack on the children it's an attack on their mothers." He said starting to put of pictures of older women. "think about it. They all went to the same cafe every day. It wasn't the day care, so it can't be (Y/N). They wouldn't see much of the parents" he enthused writing things down that I could not decipher because his hand writing was absolute shit. "But wouldn't that just give them more reason? They think these women are bad mom's for working instead of taking care of the child, and wants to teach them a lesson?" making him shake his head "That's stupid, if they wanted to make them suffer they'd just kill the women themselves, it'd be much more efficient and wouldn't lead to them doing the one thing they would dread doing!" he said circling one name on the board. Emmalin. "That's also sexist. Women work, children can't go with. Why would I have a fucking problem with that" I shouted across the room. "Who fits the profile while also holding these sexist values." Reid stated more than asked pointing to Emma's name again. "Oh dear god." he sighed "But my sister isn't a murderer!" I cried. "She's connected to the murders... and she's made it clear she doesn't think women should work." Morgan stated and went to the interrogation room. "You are a life saver (Y/N)" Reid said kissing my cheek out of pure joy, and I slapped him as a natural instinct and turned red "Shit! I'm sorry! I'm not used to boys doing that if they aren't being creepy! But at the same time that was really fucking creepy" I yelped as he held his face and laughed "No it's fine. Got too excited to fix what felt like a huge mistake." he said, and when I say I turned red I mean red. This was the first time I'd seen him as a human. Not a super genius, not as an agent, not an asshole. Just a normal guy with pretty eyes, a good jaw line, soft hair, and the sweetest smile I had ever seen. The blush was apparently very clear on my (skin color) skin because he hummed and smiled "Did you know blushing is speculated to be caused by a sudden rush of adrenaline making our blood pump faster." I giggled a little "Is that why you're so flushed?" I asked as he blinked not understanding just how damn pink he was after that rant. "Guess so." he shrugged. the door opened and out came Emmalin and she grabbed a ceramic vase off a desk and slammed it down onto Reid's head and ran away quickly. He fell to the floor because it was a heavy fucking vase, and I freaked out as he hit his head on the desk on the way down.
"Shit!" I yelled as half of them chased my very obviously guilty sister and I sat in shock as two of his friends rushed over to help him. Morgan uncuffed me and I blinked "Spencer?" Agent Jareau asked worried and I sat down next to him sitting him up and grabbing a water bottle slashing it on his face "Do not fall asleep." I said firmly "You could very well have a concussion." I said as an ambulance arrived quickly, he was cearly not feeling good because of the way that he was acting. I was worried about how sick he looked. He threw up half way to the hospital so I was told. I went with because I didn't feel safe with my sister on the run and an Agent in the hospital. Well I guess he wasn't an agent he was a doctor. The doctor, not Spencer, came out and i stood with the other two very worried. "He'll be fine. He has a mild concussion." as i thought "but he's awake, and on some pain medication. I take it you all know the situation and his limitations in the field?" he asked and Morgon and Jareau nodded "You can go back to see him now" he said and stepped aside "come on" Jareau said quietly to me "oh. Agent, I don't think he'd want to see me." I said quietly. "I'm sure he would like to know you came. You won't make a very good profiler if you can't even tell that Reid enjoys your company. And call me JJ, it makes it easier," she said giggling and pulled me right back with her and Morgan. "Hey man" Morgan started "What happened?" he muttered groaning in pain. "You got hit with a vase, took a pretty sweet fall, and got a concussion" JJ hummed arms crossed as she leaned on the wall. "Shit." he muttered making me giggle. "Oh hey!" he said when he saw me. "I want water, and jello" he muttered making small lip smacking sounds. "Morgan and I will get it" JJ laughed leaving me in a very awkward situation. "So umm.." I began before being cut off. "You know.. You're beautiful" he said staring at me causing me to snort "And you're concussed." I laughed shaking my head "Well, a concussion based on the severity doesn't necessarily affect your judgement of a person especially if it's a first time thing. I thought you were beautiful long before I was concussed but you were a suspect. Suspects being beautiful, hard to comprehend sometimes." I laughed "You're a dumbass" I snorted "But I-" he blinked and i walked over pecking his lips. "How about a date sometime? I'll give you my number" I said quietly. "Yeah... okay..." he whispered. "A date."
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delcat177 · 3 years
Before New Pokemon Snap
While this game I have waited for for 22 years loads up, before I spend the night playing, I wanna tell tale of my time with the first one.
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(The player’s guide is so nostalgic!)
Yon Longe Poste
I was interested in nature photography as a kid. And by interested, I mean kinda really obsessed. My father had been a journalist and had his own interest in nature photography, so after developing some skill on a little plastic snap camera, he did one of the few bond-y things we did when I was a kid and taught me how to use his old 33mm. It was a wonderful thing with a telephoto lens that I’d carry in a case around my neck, snap the lenses back and forth as needed on my daily field ramble. 
Mom had commented on my patience with the snap deal, I would sit by the hummingbird feeder motionless for as long as it took to get shots, and a real field camera took it from the backyard to the woods. I could usually get birds and could always get some Pure Michigan nature, but I was constantly angling for animals--with 24 to 36 shots, depending on how I pooled my allowance, I spent a lot of time hunting for frogs, snakes, turtles, settling for butterflies and my dog. The one time the latter met a big touchy porcupine, I didn’t have my camera and was preoccupied with my poor be’needled boy, and when I went back, it was gone.
So, remembering a family story about how Mom had once found a porcupine chewing on the door because it was trying to get salt out of the wood, I requisitioned a piece of plywood my father promised was extra salty, took the shaker for good measure, and put it back where the needling had happened.
I haunted that spot all summer, but life isn’t as interesting as it can be, and porcupines are nocturnal. It wasn’t safe to be in the woods after dark, we had coyotes, so I took my solace in finding one day that it had, at least, been happily gnawed.
When I saw the first Nintendo Power previews of Pokemon Snap, I went “ah, yes, a blessing from the gods” and started work on a local Christmas cookie empire (different story entirely) to be ready for the release date. June was four months from my birthday and six from Christmas. I needed to be on LOCK.
And when I finally gave over my $63.59 (state tax was six cents) for this limited, low-poly, rail-ride of a game...
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...I absolutely adored it like few things I have ever adored. The only thing missing was Oddish, and I was okay with that, kinda, I guess, if they had to.
I played nonstop. If I got bored with the ambience, which was rarely, I put on one of my sister’s CDs--RENT, usually.
Yes, I was listening to RENT at 12.
Until Mom heard La Vie Boheme.
At any rate, I got every last cent’s worth out of it. I filled my Pokedex. My last Pokemon, pulled from a sneak peak at a player’s guide in Wal-Mart, was Muk. I still have creepypasta/Pokegod theories about how Mewtwo was supposed to be in the game (why 63 Pokemon, not 64??). The Album, where you could save your pictures, let you write a few words on your faves, and I did my best to take funny snaps and caption them. The pun “Karp-E Diem” was used.
My skill increased. I learned how to stop the ride indefinitely at the Charmander section and played with them, throwing them apples and seeing how many consecutive heads I could bonk (I think my record was 7?). Then, with a tip in the NP letters session, I found out you could glitch the game by constantly changing direction in the kart, lagging it from moving, so that events timed to the movement went off early. This is the best way to get the most AMAZING shots of Pikachu riding Articuno without hacking, still.
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It must have gone on for a year, at least, before I beat the game.
REALLY beat it.
Pokemon Snap is a limited game. Each Pokemon can have a maximum score assigned to it, a cap where it’s simply absolutely perfect in shot.
And for Mew, the highest-scoring Pokemon in the game and the only Pokemon on the last level, I was consistently getting 9900.
But that wasn’t quite right.
The thing is, Professor Oak reviews your shots and tells you exactly why you did or did not get each bonus. To get all bonuses on Mew, she needs to be in the right pose, (a sequence of item throws, easy), exactly in the center (again, easy) and exactly the right size.
The last part is worth 100 points exactly.
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If I could have submitted every photo I had of Mew, I would have cleared it out easily and mindlessly. I would have gotten 10000 points, the only five-digit score in the game, somewhere in the 60 snaps I was allotted for the level. She was right in front of me, all I had to do was click-click-click.
But that’s not how the game worked, and this is where it shines. It’s also where I am very curious to see if it’s going to be the same.
Like I said, Pokemon Snap was a limited game. It’s notoriously difficult to emulate, because it uses some advanced jury-rigging of the N64′s capabilities to call and recognize a photo of a Pokemon. To streamline that, and presumably to allow for this precise experience, the player can only select one photo they took of a Pokemon to be reviewed per play.
I wasn’t just trying to catch the perfect shot.
I was trying to find it out of all the shots I took.
Over and over again, I went through the stage, snapped pictures, pored over my album, selected the single entry what I was sure was just right, went to judging. Over and over again, I heard Professor Oak go “whAt a PItY”, in sound byte form. The CDs became necessary to halt murder.
It took weeks. But one day, from sheer little-kid determination, I got my snap. I JITTERED hearing the “Just right!” byte, held my breath--
10,000 points.
The perfect score.
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(This isn’t mine, of course, and also is a 9900--that foot is the real problem, so I’m glad to see I’m not alone)
It automatically saved to my best-score slot. I wish I had taken picture-pictures. I felt pride on a deep, genuine level that like my hummingbirds, I had at last gotten just the right moment, had just the right eye.
I’ve honestly been thinking a lot about my father lately. We didn’t have a great relationship when I was in the house with him, but...being a teenage “daughter” and being an adult son are two different things.
And it didn’t stop at Pokemon Snap. After being kicked out of an evangelical school, I started attending classes for high-schoolers at the community college, and Photography was my first. I ended up taking the class four times and passing it twice--I wasn’t bad at the subject, but rather had a hard time getting transportation to the college to do the course work. I had to withdraw the first and second times, pulled a C on the third, and took it one last time as I was graduating to shine up my GPA since I knew I had a reliable car and I could lock in the A.
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My sister and my mom, maybe my dad all thought I might end up a wildlife photographer. I professed the interest, and unprofessed it once I started reading about how harsh locales are in that job. I suspected getting bugs up my nose in 110-degree heat wouldn’t be as fun as the idea sounded. Instead, I leaned toward my librarian interests, and now I’m sitting here developing games and writing.
If I could tell myself back then, before all of it, that photography would never make me a dime, would cost me all my allowance on film, would be one of the albatrosses of my college years, and that technology would make all of the practical experience I learned in development a moot point...
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...we would both know it was worth every single moment, one moment at a time.
Maybe I should send Dad some photos.
so is it done installing yet
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wickedlyqueer · 4 years
Holy Poly
Ever since @gliyerabaa became obsessed with the Glinda/Fiyero/Elphaba ship it suddenly reminded me I wrote a poly fic years ago where essentially the Charmed Circle lived together and most of them were dating each other.
I never finished or published it, because I’m first and foremost a gelphie ho. to a point it felt wrong to be calling it a poly fic, bc I just wanted to focus on the gelphie dynamic.
Anyway, because I promised Rae (and I’m sure they’d love to see some gliyeraba content they didn’t write themself) this was the intro chapter of the modern AU, fresh out of college, poly chapter I wrote like 3 years ago.
Save the trees!
Perhaps every accidental cluster of people had a short period of grace. Although gracious was probably not the best word to describe the weirdly formed, yet close-knit circle. Exuberant. Loud. Queer. Those were better words. A loving found family that could not been torn apart even if fate wanted it to.
Neither was their time together short-lived. At least, not if it was up to Glinda. After most of them had graduated last summer, the crushing college debt and the terrifying world that was job hunting in a broken economic system made the decision on cohabitation all the easier.
On the outskirts of Shiz they had found their home: a small house with just enough room for the six of them to not suffocate. It was nothing fancy, but none of them would want it any other way. 
“Elphie’s not here?”
Glinda had entered the living room where the boys were spread lazily across their two mismatched couches bought at a garage sale.
“Nope, left quite a while ago,” Boq replied.
“Aren’t they at their usual train station spot harassing people?” 
“Language, Crope,” from the kitchen came Fiyero’s rich voice. “Spreading awareness about global warming isn’t the same as harassing.”
“Fine. It’s annoying people then.”
“Not everyone finds that awareness crap annoying,” Tibbett said, throwing a casual glance at Glinda. “I believe someone went weak at the knees for that.”
She felt a blush creeping up; not for the comment he made, but for the comment that was about to come. It had turned into an inside joke in their circle, and she had learned from experience that the less she objected the more humiliation she was spared.
“Is it?” Crope wiggled his eyebrows. “The way I heard, she complimented Elphie on their dedication to the cause for painting their entire visage green.”
The trio threw a fist in the air and shouted in unison, “Save the trees!” without their attention leaving the screen. 
“I hate every single one of you.” 
“You can’t deny that’s how it went, Glin,” Fiyero commented. “Have you tried texting by the way?”
“I think their phone died,” she checked one more time for any messages, but still no response from Elphaba. “Remind me to ambush them again for getting a decent phone.”
“At least they lost that brick phone.”
Crope snorted. “Yeah, right. Lost.”
Tibbett gave him a wicked smile. “No fun in being a tattletale, babe.”
Whatever they were grinning about it was Crope and Tibbett, and Glinda prefered to stay ignorant on the subject. She headed towards the kitchen where Fiyero was cooking dinner. A towel hanging over his shoulder and his beautiful long black hair stuffed in a loose bun so no strains could spoil the food.
“Smells good, Yero.” She wrapped her arms around his belly, and stretched out completely on her tiptoes and almost managed to put her chin on his shoulder. “If only I could see if it looks as equally good.”
Fiyero laughed heartily and sank through his knees so Glinda could see better. “How about now?”
She smiled. “So far this meal is Glinda-approved.”
“That’s all I need.”
A cheer came from Boq from the living room having beaten the other two at the game. 
“I think I’m going to check the train station,” Glinda said as she let go off Fiyero; the pose was growing uncomfortable for the both of them. Their height difference was ridiculous. How she had ended up with two partners so much taller than her was beyond her.
“Oh, you know what you should do? Call Nessa. Maybe she can contact Elphie through their sibling telepathy.”
“I think that only works when they have something to bicker about,” Glinda said, but dialed the number anyway. “Goes straight to voicemail.”
“Why do those two even have phones?” Fiyero muttered. 
“Okay, so train station and then I’ll drop by Nessa’s dorm to check on her too. Any other places Elphie might be?”
Four voices spoke as one. “The library.”
“Should’ve figured that one out myself.”
“Glin, you do know Elphie’s like a cat, right? They always find their way back home eventually.”
“I know, but I feel like going outside for a bit. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Sure thing. Oh, and Glinda?”
She turned around. “Hm?”
He took her hand and planted a chaste kiss on her fingertips. “Can I just say you look absolutely wonderful today?”
She beamed. “You’re too charming for your own good Fiyero.” 
“It’s why he has so many partners,” Crope called from the couch, apparently eavesdropping on the conversation. There was zero privacy in this house. “Too handsome too. Who could say no to that gorgeous face?”
“Not us,” added Tibbett. “And don’t forget that he’s a flirt without realizing it. It just comes natural to him and it’s adorable.”
Fiyero had the advantage that his dark skin hid most of his blush, but knowing him since high school, Glinda knew what a flustered Fiyero looked like. 
“I just got a lot of love to share, I guess,” he smiled shyly. “Let me know when you find Elphaba, okay? Dinner will be ready around seven.” 
Elphaba wasn’t at the library and neither were they at the train station. All Glinda found there were old memories. She could see the young, nervous girl fresh from the Pertha Hills standing on the platform. Fiyero’s steady hand on her shoulder to ease her worries. Had four years really passed so quickly?
She traced her footsteps from the past. Her gaze wandering over the square in front of the train station like it did then. The only thing that was missing, was a green person storming towards her. From that moment on she was captivated by Elphaba, although the first few months she had let her socialite behavior overrule.
“You could’ve disclosed in our online correspondence that you’re green!” 
She had whined once she had found out the Green-Tree-From-Shiz-Station was her roommate. Elphaba had pointed at the five enormous trunks brought into their room by an upperclassman.
“Only if you had disclosed you would bring your entire house with you.”
Glinda had thought the roommate matching system had completely failed her. No way had she the highest match with a snarky, social-reclusive green person! It had taken her some time to realize they were ridiculously similar, just coming from different angles.
Her path down memory lane continued when she entered Shiz campus. It only had been two months ago since she graduated, but it already felt foreign being here. As if she no longer fitted. A group of giggling first year students passed her. Glinda recognized her own innocence in them back at that age. Feeling as if you’re on top of the world only because you have yet to learn what that world entailed.
Unconsciously she had walked to Crage Hall. She admired the building when a busted up blue van pulled over. It was Elphaba’s. They all jokingly referred to it as the Abduction Truck, because that’s how sketchy it looked. 
Elphaba got out and moved over to the back of the truck. The only reason Elphaba had bought that van was to drive Nessa around. Normally they were a very dedicated public transport advocate, and although Elphaba would deny it, Glinda knew they’d bend their own morals to please Nessa.
Glinda walked towards the car and Elphaba looked surprised. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Looking for you actually.”
Elphaba opened the backdoors to reveal a Nessa waiting impatiently to be led out. “You do take your time don’t you, Elphaba? The air conditioner was already turned off and in this heated garbage tin can of yours I could’ve already suffocated. Hello Glinda.”
“Hey Nessa.”
Elphaba lifted the ramp from the truck. “And yet you still live. The Unnamed God must have favorites after all.”
Nessa rolled her eyes. “Just open a window next time, please?”
“Yes, your majesty.” Elphaba vastened the ramp and Nessa rode her wheelchair to the pavement.
Elphaba shoved the ramp back inside and closed the door. Glinda walked towards them and was met with a strong smell. She sniffed Elphaba’s shirt and got worried. “Why do you smell like chlorine? Were you near water?”
Elphaba gestured to Nessa. “Had to drive this kid to Red Sand.”
“Your half year check-up! I completely forgot.” One of the reasons why Elphaba had bought the van was so Nessa could study at Shiz. Every six months they had to drive all the way to Red Sand where Nessa had to do exercises in a swimming pool. That’s what Glinda understood of it at least. “How was it?”
“Still pretty paralyzed,” Nessa supplied dryly.
“Doctor Kazhki said your legs were looking healthy.”
“As healthy as they can be paralyzed, yes.”
Glinda tugged at Elphaba’s hand before the argument could escalate. “Hey, you vanished without a single message.”
Elphaba frowned. “No I didn’t, I sent you a text and—ah,” they had gotten their phone out. “Must’ve died before it was sent.”
“No way!” Glinda feigned surprise. “Tomorrow we’re gonna get you a new phone and I won’t hear any of your usual excuses.”
“Can you do your flirting somewhere that isn’t in front of me?” Nessarose disrupted them. “I’m going inside.”
She wheeled away.
“Thanks for the ride, Fabala. Oh no problem, Nessie.” 
Nessa turned around and stuck out her tongue. “If you can converse with yourself, what do you need me for?” 
“Ungrateful brat.”
It was their way of saying goodbye. Being an only child Glinda still had no idea how sibling relationships worked. Especially those of the Thropps.
“Go kiss your girlfriend.” Nessarose waved without looking behind and went into the building. 
Elphaba turned around and smirked. They wrapped their arms around Glinda’s waist. “Well you heard her.”
Glinda raised her eyebrows teasingly. “Since when do you take orders from your sister, hm?”
“Wow. You ruined the moment.” But they smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t notify you.”
“All is forgiven. You’re here now.”
It was a beautiful afternoon and without another word between them they had agreed to walk around campus. Glinda curled into Elphaba’s arm. She had done it so many times before it was like second nature. She had loved strolling around campus with Elphaba, back when they were still at Shiz. Near the Suicide Canal they settled down in the grass and soaked up the nice autumn sun while it was still warm.
Glinda leaned into Elphaba and smiled. “This brings back memories.” 
“Curled up in my arms after one of our many picnics at the Suicide Canal? Whatever gave you that idea?” Elphaba teased.
Glinda nudged them playfully. “Sentimentality, I suppose. My entire walk I’ve been seeing myself through a looking glass.”
“Yeah, like at the train station I remembered–” Glinda stopped dead in her tracks. How could she have let that one slip!
Elphaba let out a roaring laugh. “Are you referring to our ‘meet-cute’?”
Her entire face had turned bright red. “It wasn’t cute, I’m still embarrassed by it.” 
“Aw, don’t be. It was actually refreshing from all the usual green freak insults.”
“How? I thought you were going for a metaphor to reflect a greener planet! I didn’t even consider a green person existing. How is that less offensive?”
“True, but then you became so flustered when I looked at you funny. I’ll never forget how you threw a fist in the air and yelled ‘save the trees!’ to show your support.”
Glinda buried her face into her hands. “Oh god.”
Elphaba laughed. “It was cute” and put their face closer. “You’re cute.”
“You’re making it worse,” Glinda’s words sounded muffled through her hands.
They planted a comforting kiss in her hair. “We still ended up like this, so it couldn’t have been all that bad, right?”
“I suppose,” her embarrassment fading, Glinda let herself fall back on Elphaba’s shoulder. “I thought I’d never see you again after that. Big surprise waited ahead of me. God, I thought you were a senior or something. No other freshman I know functioned that entire first week, and there you were, already trying to make the world a better place.” 
She felt Elphaba smile. “I was such a determined little fuck back then. I didn’t even sign up. I got off the train and saw the group of volunteers and basically pestered them until they gave me a jacket and some flyers to hand out.”
“And they haven’t gotten rid of you since.”
“Nope. I’m the best thing that happened to them.”
Glinda paused, weighing her words before saying, “And to me.”
“Damn, you are sentimental today,” Elphaba noted. 
Glinda took Elphaba’s chin and slowly lowered it until their eyes were leveled. Just before their lips touched she whispered, “You’re ruining the moment.”
“Now we’re even,” Elphaba murmured, smiling into the kiss.
A/N: to be clear of all the dynamics (bc they are very entangled and a bit of a mess): - Glinda is asexual and through high school became very dependable on Fiyero (as he was the first person she ever came out too). Dependable to a point they couldn’t imagine their lives separately. So it falls more in a QPR relationship, where their platonic bond is unbreakable. - Elphaba is non-binary, bi and aromantic. Their relationship with Glinda is definitely the most couple-y, and can be classified as a “typical” romantic relationship. They also connected with Fiyero instantly and fell for his charms. - Fiyero is very poly because this boy’s got a lot of love to share! He’s also aro (which might seem contradictory, but it’s something I’ve seen a lot of overlap with, funnily enough!) and so his relationship are very platonic/sexual based. he has that sort of relationship with Elphaba, Crope&Tibbett and one or two other people outside the charmed circle. - Tibbet’s genderfluid and good with any pronouns and will raid Glinda’s closet on any occasion. In an open relationship with Crope and they obviously communicate incredibly well with this. - Crope’s just very gay.  - Boq is a trans guy and aro/ace. He’s the only not in a typical “relationship” and definitely isn’t looking for that either, but he can’t live without his chosen family. Together with Fiyero, they’re basically the “dads” of the group and keeps everyone in check. 
If anyone wants to run with these dynamics; you have my blessing! I won’t be continuing this story but if it inspired you feel free to build on it!
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merflk · 4 years
if your cascade, ocean wave blues come.
main pairing: ginny weasley x blaise zabini background pairings: neville longbottom x astoria greengrass, percy weasley x pansy parkinson, oliver wood x marcus flint words: 6021 link: ao3 soundtrack: peace - taylor swift
Every wedding she’s attended since the war reminds her of Bill and Fleur’s.
She can’t help it. No matter the venue, or the people getting married, or the guests attending, every single time she’s pulled back into that tent in her parents’ backyard.
It was bad the first few times. The war sparked a lot of tragedy, but the war ending made people feel like taking the leap together. In the past seven years, she’s been to thirteen weddings total. The first time, it was like she was transported back into the war in the middle of the ceremony. She had a quiet panic attack that no one noticed and, eventually, got home absolutely plastered. After that happened a second time, she realised that it was a wedding thing. So for a little bit she attended none.
That didn’t last very long. Hard to get to wedding number fourteen otherwise.
The thing that saved her was her camera. As it turned out, taking pictures was a ton of fun, and she was kind of good at it. At first, it was because she ignored every single ‘rule’ photography had. She paid next to no attention to classic perspective and lighting. She just went ahead and snapped. People said it was artistic. That made her feel a little proud, so she kept taking them.
At some point, the camera became an extension of herself. And she became a photographer.
Now, wedding photography is like a little treat. She only does it for friends and family, not as an actual career choice, choosing to stick to other subjects for that. When Neville asked if she would take the pictures for his wedding to Astoria, she agreed to it immediately. They’re having a spring wedding, full of flowers and sunshine, and now that she’s standing here, looking around, she feels free from Bill and Fleur’s wedding for the first time.
Ginny smiles and snaps a picture of Harry, Ron and Hermione, who are laughing loudly near the buffet. The wedding is outside, in the large garden of the Greengrass estate. As far as Ginny knows, it took a lot of convincing to get Astoria’s parents on board with her marrying Neville, but with the help of her sister Daphne (who was a grade A politician) they had managed to figure something out.
The gardens are huge, and the wedding is smack in the middle of them, so the house seems pretty far away from here. Even so, she can still make out its luxurious white exterior. Neville is marrying into big money. But…
Ginny glances over at Neville and Astoria, who are quietly dancing in the middle of the dance floor, their foreheads pressed together. The hem of Astoria’s dress is slightly smudged with mud, and she has three flowers in her hair. It’s like they’re their own little sun with the amount of love and happiness radiating from them. The other dancing couples orbit them, basking in their light.
She takes a picture.
Even if Astoria’s parents never accepted Neville, even if they had disowned their daughter like they’d originally threatened to do, neither of them would have wavered. They would have had a tiny wedding somewhere in a forest, and Ginny would have taken the exact same picture there.
Damn, love is kind of beautiful.
Thinking of Neville and Astoria as the sun puts the wedding in a different light, though. Ginny looks around carefully, looking at the way that groups of people move together through the space. Although this wedding is one between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, that mixing of houses doesn’t extend to the party guests. Now that she’s looking for it, Ginny notices the way that there are clusters of isolated guests spread out. A couple of former Slytherins here, a few former Gryffindors there. There are two or three places where the houses meet, and of course there are people of all houses here. Hannah Abbott is chatting with Romilda Vane. Padma Patil is having a very playful conversation with George. Pansy Parkinson says something to Percy as she steals his glass of champagne right from his hands. But, afterwards, they move towards their own group of people – Percy to Fred and Angelina, Pansy to Daphne and Blaise Zabini.
When Ginny follows her with her gaze, her eyes land on Zabini for a moment, and she catches him looking back at her. Perhaps it would be more fair to say that he catches her looking at him. As a reflex, finding the perfect excuse, Ginny lifts up her camera and takes a picture of the three of them from a distance.
When she looks at the screen briefly to check the photo, she notices that Blaise is smiling in it, looking straight into the camera. He looks so good that she wonders if that was his reflex – put on the model face. He probably has modelled for something or other, right? She thinks she heard that rumour somewhere at some point. That his parents live in Italy and he’s done some modelling there after the war. No, wait – just his mom. She’s notoriously remarried a bunch of times. Lady Zabini is a bad bitch.
“Did it come out well?”
Ginny jumps and almost drops her camera, like she’s been caught red-handed doing something embarrassing.
When she looks up, Blaise Zabini is right in front of her, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his perfectly-tailored suit and a smile on his face that tells her he knows exactly why she just almost jumped out of her skin.
Get it together, Ginny, she scolds herself. You’re the wedding photographer, for Merlin’s sake. You’re just doing your job. He can’t prove anything.
“Yeah, I got a good one,” she says with a polite smile, “Astoria expressly asked me to take some extra pictures of the friends and family today. I think she’s making an album.”
Blaise snorts, and his smile softens for a moment. “Sounds like her.”
His response piques her curiosity a little bit. “Are you close with the family?”
“I suppose.” He smiles at her, something sly that makes her feel like they’re sharing a secret. “We’re all pretty tight-knit.”
Ah. So he’s aware of it too, hm?
“I can tell.” Ginny looks around again. “People stick together.”
Blaise sighs. “People are obsessed with the comfort zone.” He scrutinises her face for a moment, and Ginny has to think of ice water to keep from getting flustered. This man has a very intense gaze.
Shark eyes, she thinks to herself.
“Not you, though, aren’t you?”
It’s supposed to be a compliment, she thinks, but it feels undeserved. “I’m not so sure,” she tells him honestly, “If that was really the case, maybe I wouldn’t be standing behind a screen the entire time.” She holds up her camera.
Blaise hums softly, a deep, warm sound. Unexpectedly, Ginny feels something inside of her light up.  
“But you’re brave,” he presses, “With that, uh… Gryffindor spunk?”
She laughs, and he smiles like that was what he was angling for in the first place.
“I guess. At least I can be honest about it. Not sure if that’s the Gryffindor spunk, but well.”
“So maybe it’s the Weasley?”
She arches an eyebrow at him. “I’d like to think it’s the Ginny.”
He tilts his head. “Fair enough. It’s admirable, in any case.” He grins. “And kind of sexy.”
She laughs again, the flame inside of her glowing brighter. She wonders if that’s how love works – if a sun like Neville and Astoria makes all the other stars brighter too. Maybe she’s getting swept up in the atmosphere. But…
She looks over Blaise curiously. “Smooth,” she teases.
He’s still smiling at her, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “I tend to speak my mind.”
“I like that.”
“Good. Can I get you something to drink?”
She can’t help but laugh again. She likes how obvious he’s being about it. It’s bold.
“Sure,” she says, “But no alcohol. I’m on the job.”
“Ah, yes,” he grins, “We can’t have you distracted now, can we, miss Weasley?”
“Thank Merlin I have an iron will.”
He chuckles. “We’ll see about that.”
She stares straight back at him, issuing a challenge. “Don’t tempt me.”
The next wedding sucks.
And, no, it’s not because things didn’t work out between Blaise and her. That has nothing to do with it. It’s fine. She’s fine.
It’s not even like it lasted very long. They dated for three months, then were together for eight. That’s less than a year. Nothing to write home about.
Of course, that had been one of the biggest issues: home. She hadn’t expected her parents to be so against her dating Blaise. He continuously made a bad impression on them. It was in the way he talked, the way he walked, the things he did, the things he said… Blaise and her family just didn’t match.
She didn’t do much better with his family. Lady Zabini is an incredible woman in her own right, but she definitely can’t stand Ginny’s attitude.
But that should have been fine. If it were real, they could have worked around it. Instead, they just fell apart.
Maybe we don’t want the same things in life, was their conclusion, maybe we’re too different.
Now, almost a full year later, she can admit that maybe they are too similar. Both too stubborn for their own good. Both too fucking scared of all of it. The real commitment, the intimacy, the vulnerability. Maybe it wasn’t that it didn’t work, it was just that they weren’t…
They weren’t ready.
But how the fuck were they supposed to know that?
It doesn’t matter. It didn’t work out. It happens. It’s fine.
Ginny lifts up her camera and takes a picture of her parents, the biggest traitors in history, who are laughing and chatting with Pansy in her gorgeous white dress. Pansy managed to do what Blaise couldn’t: she completely won over the Weasleys, despite her Slytherin heritage.
It probably had something to do with Percy’s attitude as well. Percy saw the way her parents treated Blaise, and when he started dating Pansy he wouldn’t stand for that kind of behaviour. He refused to talk to them until they gave her a fair chance. Ginny remembers a family dinner which ended in a very uncomfortable screaming match. When it came down to it, Percy had screamed that it didn’t fucking matter whether Pansy was a bitch or not. She was his. And if they could accept him for who he was, they very well could except the girl he loved as well. And that was that.
That night, Ginny kept her mouth shut. She regrets that more than anything. But maybe the fact that her parents didn’t like Blaise was just the perfect excuse not to bring him home to them. Not to let him get that close.
Frustrated, Ginny grabs one of the nearby waiters and downs a flute of champagne. These days, she kinds of hates herself.
She can forgive herself for the shitshow that was her relationship with Blaise Zabini. She can forgive herself for her mistakes. She can even be proud of what she’s learned from the whole experience. She knows more about who she is and what she wants now than ever before.
She just can’t stand that she’s still so fucking sad about it.
She locks eyes with Blaise over the rim of her empty champagne flute and for a moment the world stops turning. They look at each other. He arches one of his perfect eyebrows, and she remembers the moment she told him that she doesn’t drink on the job like it happened three minutes ago. She flushes in shame.
But fuck him, honestly.
She represses the urge to flip him off, hopes she conveys the emotion with her gaze, and walks the fuck away.
She absolutely hates that they now move in the same circles more than they did before. Since Pansy and Percy got engaged, every party she’s been to has seen a number of Slytherins that she would have never been able to predict hanging out with. Moreover, they’re great. They’re fun. People are falling in love all over the place. It’s kind of beautiful. But it would be so nice to just not see Blaise for a little while.
He knows her better than she would like, so she knows he’s aware that she hasn’t been doing great since their break-up. Sure, she’s been going to therapy, which was about fucking time, and that’s been very helpful, and she’s been learning a lot about herself, but it’s all been so exhausting and it shows. It shows on her face, it shows in her art, it shows in the state of her relationships. She’s lost a bunch of friends rather suddenly, but she’s kept the important ones close-by (Luna has been an actual saint) and she thinks that’s fine for now. Weirdly, she’s grown pretty close to Percy through it all.
He’s a little bitch, of course, and doesn’t let her get away with anything, but he sticks around anyway. And that’s just how her brother is, she supposes. She’s pretty sure he’s really annoyed with her most of the time, but he’s there anyway. He picks her up for brunch. He responds to the memes she sends him. He lets her make one harsh comment about Blaise every few weeks, and if she tries to do more he tells her to stop deflecting and take some responsibility for her life. It stings, but it’s a sting she welcomes. She needs a Percy in her life.
Just one, though. That’s enough. And sometimes, she really needs a break.
She takes a picture of him now, standing with some of his friends near the back of the room. He has a good, solid smile on his face, one that makes him look like their dad, and he’s clearly enjoying himself. She’s happy for him. The ceremony went well. Pansy looks like a fucking dream. Everyone’s behaving themselves. She might actually be the biggest problem factor at the entire event, nursing her little grudges, and she feels like she’s done a decent job of keeping that under wraps.
She glances at Blaise again. He’s talking to a woman at the bar, and she hates him. She hates it. She hates this. She hates that she cares. The woman is gorgeous. Maybe she should walk over there and hit on her. That would be a double win – hot lady and sticking one to her ex.
She doesn’t like the bitterness of her own thoughts, and represses the itch to get more alcohol in her system. It’s her brother’s wedding. She’s not going to get smashed. He deserves better, and she’s definitely not going to give Blaise the satisfaction.
She points her camera at Percy again, but he’s already looking at her with a frown on his face, annoyance flashing across his features.
Ginny looks down in surprise, wondering if she spilled something on her dress or something, but she looks fine. Still, when she looks back up, Percy is stalking towards her.
He didn’t read her mind, did he? No. No, he can’t do that. He doesn’t have the… Can he do that?
“You’re doing that thing,” he accuses her when he reaches her.
“What thing? I have several things.”
They’ve done in depth analyses of all of them. Him, accusing her of being a brat. Her, impatiently explaining to him that some coping mechanisms and behavioural patterns aren’t pretty. All over a bottle of whiskey in the middle of the night.
She’d never imagined she would one day be the closest to Percy out of all of her brothers. But here they are.
Percy shoves his hands into his pockets. “The thing where you look like you’re trying to set someone on fire by sheer force of will.”
She is trying to set someone on fire by sheer force of will.
But she’s not going to admit that to him.
“Come on, you couldn’t pick out a look like that from all the way over there, that’s ridiculous. At most you saw me glaring a little bit.”
Percy doesn’t let up on his accusatory stare, so Ginny shows him the palms of her hands in defeat.
“Look, I’m trying, okay? I’m doing alright, aren’t I? I’m not bothering anyone. You’re the only one who picks up on these things. And you can’t tell me that you’re not having the time of your life. You’re practically glowing.”
He is. He looks healthier than he has in years. Pansy makes him wear fashionable glasses, and he has leaned into all the better aspects of himself since they got together. Now, having just married her, he looks proud and satisfied, like a cat in the sun.
“As you should, by the way.” Ginny nods her head in Pansy’s direction. “She looks like a dream.”
He follows her gaze. “She does, doesn’t she?”
Percy smiles like he has a secret. Ginny wants to shake him until he shares it. Instead, she focuses on how seeing him happy kind of makes her happy too.
She nudges him with her elbow. “I’m fine. I’m not setting anyone on fire. Go dance with Mrs Parkinson-Weasley over there.”
He looks back at her, but she can tell he’s already halfway to Pansy’s side. “Don’t set anyone on fire,” he warns her.
“Promise,” Ginny grins.
She doesn’t set anyone on fire after that. If she’s still thinking about it, no one else calls her out for it. She gets through the night, her brief chat with Percy fuelling her determination to be okay for him. This is not the time and place to wallow. Maybe the time for wallowing is pretty much over in general. Maybe it’s time for her to finally take the next step towards growth by letting go of some of this bitterness over that one failed relationship.
Perhaps she could meet someone new.
She probably would have been alright after that if it weren’t for Blaise motherfucking Zabini.
Initially, she’s off to a great start. By the end of Percy and Pansy’s wedding, she had taken one picture of Blaise, where he was smiling into the camera with his arm around Theo, and she’d given him a brief nod to let him know it turned out the way she knew he liked. He was nearly floored by the gesture, she’s pretty sure, but he nodded back. That was progress.
After that, it was almost like they could become friends. At the very least acquaintances. She had lost contact with most of their mutual friends at that point, but she ran into him when she wanted to show up for Percy. Percy had practically disappeared into Pansy’s friend group at that point. The only person he really stayed close with outside of them and his direct family was Oliver. Of course, it helped that Oliver and Marcus finally stopped bullshitting each other and admitted that their rivalry was perhaps more of a romantic-tension thing than anything else by that point.
But for Ginny it mostly meant that she spent a night every few weeks in the presence of Blaise and maybe six to ten other people. Pansy and Percy had moved after their wedding, but their new place was only slightly bigger than their former one, so there really was no avoiding each other on nights they hung out.
It helped with some of the lingering bitterness. But it also kept him in her orbit. And that just made it very clear that Blaise Zabini? He’s impossible to forget.
Every time she wasn’t annoyed with him, she liked everything that came out of his mouth. When they bantered, she felt alive. When he looked her up and down as she entered the room, she couldn’t keep herself from grinning.
She missed him.
That wasn’t new. She knew that she missed him. It didn’t mean anything. At least, it didn’t change anything. They didn’t work. She realised why. She missed him. She wasn’t falling for anyone new. The facts weren’t great, but not a threat in any way.
Except that some nights, when she was more sober than she would have liked to admit afterwards, that feeling of missing him crossed the line into exceptionally dangerous territory.
I want him, she’d admit to herself, I want him for myself again.
During nights like that, it was especially nice to have Oliver there. She could distract herself by bringing up Quidditch with Oliver and Marcus and then the night would fly by. In the end, they grew rather close.
So, yes, of course, when Oliver asked her to do the photography for their wedding, she happily agreed.
So here she is at another wedding.  
Admittedly, she’s having a pretty great time. Oliver and Marcus decided to have their wedding on a small island off the coast of Scotland, underneath the wide open sky. There isn’t a theme, but, just like with Neville and Astoria’s wedding, Ginny manages to find something like a theme – freedom. Both men flew into the ceremony on their brooms. There are aerial artists at the reception. The air smells of salt and seaweed and a hearty wind has been blowing through the clusters of guests since the moment they stepped onto the island.
Some of the guests are complaining, running after hats or constantly brushing their hair out of their faces. But most of them are enjoying breathing a little deeper than normally, feeling the fresh ocean air fill up their lungs and making their minds expand beyond the walls they usually find themselves enclosed in.
The wind makes Ginny’s job a little harder, since it’s hard to catch people being photogenetic with hair in their faces, but she likes a challenge. Moreover, with conditions like these, the good shots she does take aren’t just good – they’re brilliant.
She’s caught Oliver and Marcus a couple of times, grinning brightly and holding hands. They fit each other so well that it perplexes her sometimes. Every time that happens, she feels her gaze wander, looking for the shark-eyed man who recalibrates her sense of gravity.
She tries not to. It’s just so hard not to indulge – Blaise looks like a Greek hero, briefly sequestered on some island or other while he is on his way back home to Athens. The ceremony was in the morning, at eleven, so the party is in the middle of the day. Although the sky isn’t as blue as it was this morning, instead turning a cloudy light-grey, the day is still warm and as wonderful as they could have hoped for. The island is rocks and weeds, mostly, so sand isn’t much of an issue, and since the island isn’t lived on, it’s like they’re out in a piece of wildness.
Blaise has taken off his jacket, like most of the men who are bothered by the heat and inspired by the free feeling on the island. Most of the women have taken their heels off and are walking around bare-foot. It’s like they’re all letting their hair down and taking a break from social conventions, even while politely asking after each other’s families and addressing people by their formal titles.
She catches someone teasingly calling Neville ‘professor’ and looks over to see him grinning at Hannah, who is holding Millicent’s hand. With a smile, Ginny brings up her camera and snaps a picture of them.
Then she returns her attention to Blaise.
He’s grinning with Draco and Adrian. Adrian and he are bare-footed already, and Draco is toeing of his shoes, leaning against Adrian to keep his balance. Marcus calls out a jab to them and Draco flips him off good-heartedly.
Blaise looks up and catches her gaze like he was expecting her to be looking at him.
“Gin!” he calls out, making her chest ache, “Please, this has to be memorialised!”
Ginny pushes through the pain and laughs, taking a photo of Draco stumbling around with one shoe and a stark white sock in his hand. Blaise lets out a cackle just as she takes it, and when she checks the picture her eyes are immediately drawn to the perfect, joyful expression on his face. No matter what he’s doing, she has never managed to take a bad picture of this stupidly photogenetic asshole.
The second she sees the picture, she knows she’s going to cherish it. Something about this feels right. She’s here with her friends and family, and everyone is happy, and the air is as fresh as the first day of the world.
She loves him, she realises. It’s all very simple suddenly. She loves him.
And, with that, everything doesn’t feel so right anymore. Because even though they’re all here, together, and Blaise is right there for her to smile at and touch, and she loves everyone, and she loves him, she isn’t with him. They’re just existing in the same space.
Tears blur her vision and she flinches. Panic shoots through her at the thought of everyone being able to see, so she whips her hair in front of her face with a nod and backs away from the scene, her fingers shaking. She needs more air.
Ginny walks briskly towards the edge of the party, where the people are more spread out and engaged in deep conversations. She finds a nice rock and sits down on it, pretending to look through the images on her camera while she tries to find her bearings.
Well fuck. This is just excessive, isn’t it? Love him? When the fuck did that happen?
Somewhere between spending a year in his arms and another year wanting him back, she guesses. Still, aren’t you supposed to notice when you start loving someone? She definitely didn’t start just now. So why hasn’t she noticed before?
Fuck. It doesn’t matter. It’s going to take a while for her to process this. The best thing she can do right now is gather herself up and get back to the party. She’s going to have to put this off.
Ah, crap, Percy is going to have a field day with this.
“Are you alright?”
Blaise is frowning down at her, his hands shoved into his pockets, looking wind-swept and perfect.
Of all the goddamn times for him to be considerate…
“Hm?” she says, frantically trying to get her erratic heartbeat under control.
He purses his lips. “You alright?” he repeats.
She forces a smile. “Yup. Lovely ceremony, didn’t you think?”
She couldn’t make it more obvious that she’s trying to change the subject, but if he’s in a considerate mood, then maybe-
“Cut the crap, Ginny.” He sits down beside her, cocking his head in her direction. “What’s wrong?”
Ah, hell.
“I don’t want to get into it.” She returns her attention to her camera.
He nudges her. “You can talk to me.”
There’s something weird about his voice, so she looks back up at him. The wind blows her hair into her face, obscuring him. But she can make out the expression on his face – it matches his tone.
Nervous. A little hopeful.
Her lips part in surprise, and suddenly she is all ears for whatever he has to say. The monster of hope roars up in her chest, threatening to swallow her whole.
“Why?” she asks, “Do you have something you wanted to talk about?”
Blaise freezes for a moment and then glances to the side, in the direction of their friends and family. He’s getting somewhere, though. She can tell.
“I’ve been thinking,” he finally says, looking back at her. Now that he’s made up his mind, he completely zones in on her. From one moment to the next, it’s like the rest of the world around them doesn’t exist anymore.
He has a look on his face that she remembers very clearly. He’s hovering right on the edge of vulnerability – of letting her in. Most of their relationship had been spent dancing on that knife’s edge.
But this time, he does something that he has never done before: he takes a shaky breath and plunges right off that edge.
“Can we try this again?” he asks, his expression open and pleading, “Us?”
Something inside of her is pulled taut. “You’ve been thinking about that?”
There’s no hesitation or reluctance in his expression. She traces the lines of his face with her eyes, looking for anything even remotely unsure. Despite how he may present himself, Blaise is an overthinker. He overcompensates for his insecurities by pretending to be sure about things.
But right now…
She’s learned to read him, over the years. She’s seeing nothing of that now.
He’s serious.
The corners of her mouth turn up into a smile as hope turns into elation. “Yes,” she tells him.
His gaze flits across her face, and she knows he’s looking for the same things she was looking for just now. He won’t find any. She’s never been more sure about anything in her life.
“Yes,” she repeats, reaching out to take his hand. And because he has shown her how to do it, she lets her walls down for a second and squeezes his hand. “Please.”
A smile similar to her own unfurls on his face and he grips her hand more tightly. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely,” she states with a nod. She starts laughing.
He reaches for her like he can’t stop himself, pressing his hand into her cheek and scooting closer towards her so he can press their foreheads together, his fingers tangling in her hair.
Ginny laughs again, so overwhelmingly happy in that moment. She turns her head to press her lips to the palm of his hand, then moves back to press her forehead square against his.
She’s still holding his other hand. She never wants to let it go.
She’s not going to.
“Smile,” he whispers into her cheek, his hand pressing against her lower back.
“My jaws hurt,” she complains, but her lips curve up into a smile anyway.
She listens to Blaise chuckle while she poses for the camera, trying not to flinch when the flash goes off. The photographer looks at the image for a moment and then sticks up his thumb with a grin. Ginny gives him a polite nod and turns to Blaise as he walks away.
“That shot did not need a flash.”
Blaise smiles at her and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You can lecture him tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow, I’m going to be lounging in a pool in Italy,” she corrects him, brightening up at the thought.
“Tomorrow, you’ll be passed out until three,” he correct her in turn, grinning at her.
She elbows him for the innuendo she knows is in there, but he’s right. Even if they do nothing but sleep tonight, she’s going to be absolutely floored tomorrow. All of the preparations have taken a bigger toll on her than she expected, and this day is very wonderful, but also very long.
Worth it, though.
She places a hand on Blaise’s cheek, looking at him while his gaze glides over their surroundings. People seem to be having fun, at least. The twins are drunk, which is rude, she supposes, but she just thinks it’s great. Plus, it’s hilarious to see their genuine interactions with all of Blaise’s stuck-up cousins. She’s pretty sure they’ve pranked at least three of them already.
She joins Blaise in his surveillance of the scene. They’re standing in the middle of their own backyard, where a dance floor has been put out, surrounded by fairy lights that her father insisted on buying for them. She kicked off her shoes before their first dance and Blaise keeps playing with her hair, which probably looks nothing like the elegant up-do that Fleur helped her with earlier that day.
She has never been happier in her life.
Everyone is there. Every single couple she’s ever photographed for, all of their family, their friends… Even Lady Zabini has a small smile on her face now, despite her company. She insisted on paying for the entire wedding, so Blaise and Ginny decided to have it in their backyard to spite her. Although Lady Zabini has come around to Ginny since she and Blaise got back together, she’s still stupidly hoity-toity about power and status when it comes down to it, and isn’t too happy about her son marrying into the Weasley family.
Well, she’ll have to get used to it. Against all odds, Blaise is a Weasley now.
And she’s a Zabini.
 She looks back at her husband – her husband – and lets that sink in for another moment. Before she’s through, one of Blaise’s cousins has come up to congratulate them personally, and she’s swept back into polite conversation. As soon as the guy leaves, she groans and scrunches up her nose.
“We should have eloped.”
Blaise fondly rolls his eyes at her. “You’re the one who didn’t want to.”
“I’m an idiot.”
I told you that you’d hate a big wedding.”
“I don’t hate it. I love it. I would just also love to sit down.”
He shakes his head at her and her gaze drifts down to the new ring on his finger. After months and months of planning, today finally came. The ceremony is over. She’s all set. For life. It’s incredible.
Blaise pulls her against himself and presses a kiss to her crown. “I told you,” he says again.
She sighs. “Fine. You were right.”
“I usually am.”
               She sticks out her tongue at him. Behind her, she hears the click of a camera. She turns her head to spot the photographer, not able to resists checking whether he’s doing an okay job. But Blaise catches her and sweeps down to kiss her. He doesn’t hold back either – he kisses her thoroughly, until some of the guests start cheering and whistling at them. Then he pulls back and kisses the tip of her nose before standing up straight again with a satisfied grin.
She can’t help but laugh at him. Ridiculous, perfect man.
“Let the man do his job,” he teases her.
“I am!”
“You’re hovering.”
She gasps. “You take that back.”
“It’s true.”
He’s right. She needs to let this go. The next wedding she attends, she’ll be able to take her own pictures again. She’ll use all of the tools she likes best and play with the light and look for the best angles. She’ll have her settings just right and will get down into the dirt to get that perfect shot. For now, she just has to enjoy her own wedding for a change. It’s going to be the last one she’ll ever have, if it’s up to her.
She smiles at her husband. “Well, then, Zabini. How about you distract me?”
“Am I a joke to you? What have I been doing for the past hour?”
“Your best, I’m sure.”
“Ohohohoho… You did not.”
He pulls her against him, making her laugh, and drags her back onto the dance floor for another lazy waltz. She presses her cheek against his chest and closes her eyes, feeling the heat of his body against hers, the thump of his heart; her favourite sound. Around them, the party goes on, filling the evening air with drunken laughter and laid-back conversations. Blaise is humming along with the song, his chin on top of her head. Everything settles into place for a brief moment.
According to some people, time isn’t real, so this moment will last forever. Even when the night passes and she gets on a plane to Italy, holding her husband’s hand. When she spends the next few weeks lounging in his arms and making him feed her grapes and bruschetta. When they wake up on a Sunday morning twenty years from now. When she’s old and brittle and every memory she’s ever had begins to fade.
She will still be right here. With him.
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traincat · 4 years
Hi traincat! Hope you're doing well. I figured since you have an extensive knowledge on all things Spider-Man, you would know your way around his rogues! I wanted to ask if you have a favorite or one that you find most compelling and why. Thanks a million!
I think my answers for which rogues are my favorites and which I find most compelling and which are widely viewed as the best and why are all pretty wildly different. I do think the popular assessment that Spider-Man has one of the best rogues galleries in Marvel canon is true. Like, I think the absolute best Spider-Main villain story -- the one that gives you the best sense of the villain as a character and also the one that works best at uniting villain and is Kraven’s Last Hunt, which is just incredible on every level. (Content warning for suicide.)
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(Web of Spider-Man #32) Also, like, in terms of design, Kraven is great. Love a big Russian game hunter perpetually bare chested and wearing leopard print cropped leggings. That’s not something you get sick of. Only Kraven Sr. for me, though -- I’m less fond of his son, although I think the whole family affairs in Grim Hunt and Scarlet Spider v2 are pretty fun.
On the other hand, though, I think that some of the biggest villains in Spider-Man’s gallery, namely Norman Osborn and Doc Ock, are overused, although I know why they’re overused and it’s because they’re really good villains. (But also you can only make people pay for the same story so many times with only minor variations before it starts to get old.) I think Norman and Peter are pretty perfect opposites, whereas Otto and Peter are mirror images -- although I think generally Norman stories pull off that opposite nature better than Otto stories reveal him as a mirrored image of Peter. 
I think it’s interesting that Otto is kind of the first “big” villain Peter encounters -- he makes his debut in ASM #3, so there are villains that come before him, but they’re like, the Vulture and the Chameleon. And there are great Vulture stories -- love that flying octogenarian -- but like, I would not put the Vulture in the absolute top tier Spider-Man villains. And the Chameleon is a freak.
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Same, girl. (Web of Spider-Man #65) 
More villain talk beneath the cut.
By comparison, Otto is the first villain to actually serve Peter a real defeat, the first one to humble him. So I think it’s interesting that they come from very similar backgrounds -- both geniuses, both lonely as children, both people who were in danger of becoming very solitary, isolated adults, which Otto did and which Peter did not. They had a mother figure who verged on at times or was actually smothering in her affections, and a salt of the earth type father figure. And Otto gains his powers after suffering an accident with radiation much the same way Peter does. It’s one of the things that disappoints me about Superior Spider-Man, because I don’t think it plays into the idea of Otto and Peter as mirrored images of each other nearly as much as it could have. Even Otto’s Parker Industries originally showed up in a “bad” version of Peter’s life, where he never got bit by the spider and instead becomes a CEO:
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(Sensational Spider-Man #41) “You prove yourself to everyone -- except yourself.” Which is what Otto is continually trying to do, and which is what he always falls short of. So it’s interesting that there’s kind of all this set up here and that the actual comics sort of continually fall short of it. 
Green Goblin stories live up to their rep a little better, in my opinion, and they’re better at playing into those parallels. Norman and Peter are both self-made men, but Norman is rich and Peter is not. Peter accepts responsibility and fault; Norman does not. Norman’s life is devoid of women, while Peter’s is full of it. If Norman and Peter are both studies in masculinity, then Norman’s is toxic and Peter’s is not. Peter is capable of growth; Norman is entrenched in this role he’s made for himself -- he is not capable of sustained growth beyond the role he’s made for himself. There’s a reason I think Norman gets used so much and it’s because it’s a heady dynamic to kind of play into -- especially when you go with the relatively more recent angle of things where Norman kind of views Peter as the perfect heir, worthy where Harry is not. Honestly, it’s a good time whenever you’re involving Harry in the mix at all, as someone caught between these two very powerful figures and how the tug-of-war there for ownership of him is just completely soul destroying. 
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(Spectacular Spider-Man #180)
But I do think Norman is overused, and it’s gotten a point where in Amazing Spider-Man #800 it was like -- oh, what, he’s going to kill Flash? He’s going to kill someone else Peter loves? He’s killed like half the main-main cast at this point. He’s behind the murder of Peter and Mary Jane’s baby, he’s responsible for Ben Reilly’s death, he killed Gwen Stacy, Harry’s death goes directly back to him, he’s kidnapped May and Mary Jane and Flash and blah blah blah it’s JUST TOO MUCH. It can’t always be this one guy! You can’t just bring him back every 50 issues like “this time Norman Osborn’s gone too far” when he went too far in the ‘70s. Everything since then has just been trying to recapture the moment he threw Gwen Stacy off the bridge. It’s exhausting. I’m begging Spider-Man, as it starts hyping up yet another Norman story for ASM #850, to do something new.
In comparison to Norman, I think Harry’s run as the Green Goblin is fairly flawlessly executed as far as villain stories go, especially in its final hour. Spectacular Spider-Man #200 is really one of my favorite single issues of all time. Harry has the pathos that Norman really never does -- you can feel for Harry in a way that you can’t feel for Norman. And it’s because Harry loves Peter -- really, truly loves him -- that his acts of villainy take on that special edge of cruelty. It doesn’t just hurt Peter that these things are being done; it hurts Peter that these are being done and that it’s Harry doing them and that, in a lot of ways, they both blame Peter for why Harry is doing them, even if at the end of the day it’s in no way Peter’s fault. And then there’s the utterly perfect moment as Harry dies in Spectacular Spider-Man #200, that his act of triumph is that he can’t bring himself to kill Peter, because he loves him too much. It’s perfect. I live in fear they’re going to make Harry a villain again and try to replicate it only to fall painfully short. 
I think the Jackal is actually underutilized because he is in my honest opinion the scariest Spider-Man villain, or at the very least the creepiest. Where Norman can only dream of remaking Spider-Man in his own image, the Jackal actually does that with Ben Reilly -- and, to a lesser extent, with Kaine, his first damaged clone. He’s a good lurker, too, less show-y than either Otto or Norman. He lurked in the background for a while. And in a series where I think you can pick a lot of the villains apart as men who take advantage of their power, having the Jackal be a college professor whose villainous career stems from his obsession with one of his students fits right in. And he’s just creepy. He’s upsetting! The things he does to the clones -- both the Peter and Gwen clones, although I think the comics are not so great at letting the Gwen clones shine as individual characters, which is something I wish someone would actually do something about -- are very upsetting, especially since you can extrapolate from a lot of Kaine’s stories and the things we know bother him and how he’s consistently paralleled against Janine Godbe, that both Kaine and the Gwen clones were sexually abused by the Jackal. (Spider-Man’s not typically shy about examining darker subjects, and while we can only extrapolate from canon with Kaine, it’s extremely there on the surface with the Gwen clones. I mean, he married one.) And honestly, the villain who’s whole schtick is cloning makes more sense as someone who can repeatedly come back from anything than Norman’s deal of Corrupt Businessman Surprisingly Hard To Kill. I’ve said before that Peter appears to have a bit of a loophole in his personal moral code when it comes to violence that either has no consequences or lessened consequences, like when he cuts loose against Wolverine, someone who has a healing factor, or when he buried the Juggernaut, supposedly indestructible, in concrete. The Jackal as someone who could and has clone himself repeatedly opens up similar doorways -- what’s to stop Peter from cutting loose if the Jackal isn’t confined to this one body? There’s a lot to play with there and a lot more interesting spaces to go than, say, having to invent increasingly poor excuses for why Peter hasn’t taken more permanent action with Norman if Norman is always going to return to do harm to someone beloved to Peter.
Finally, I’m in a weird spot with personal favorite villains because honestly my instinct is to say the Lizard. And that’s an issue because of one fairly recent storyline and everything that’s spun out from it: Shed (Amazing Spider-Man #630-633), the storyline where Curt Connors loses all control over the Lizard, kills, and partially devours his son Billy. Like, I LIKE grim dark Spider-Man comics, and Shed is honestly too much for me -- not because of the Lizard’s actions, but because in the story Peter fails to save Billy. And I say not because of the Lizard’s actions because I think, as fun as a giant lizard man in purple pants and a lab coat can be, I think Curt Connors makes for one hell of a supervillain metaphor for domestic violence. 
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(ASM #365)
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(Spectacular Spider-Man v2 #13) And it’s very compelling. There’s a lot of things to explore down that alley. But once you actually go as far as having the Lizard kill his son, you can’t take that back. And the problem is, that’s what Spider-Man comics have tried to do post-Shed. It feels weird and deeply out of character to have writers assume that Peter could forgive the murder of any child, let alone a child he knew, and have him continue his relationship with Curt Connors. It’s a weird message to go “yeah, he ate his kid, but he wasn’t in control, and he made up for it via cloning, so we’re all good now.” Like imagine trying to spin that in any horror movie. It doesn’t work -- that your villain kills his kid and then clones him and pretends everything is okay now would be the plot of the horror movie. Spider-Man is a series fundamentally built on the fact that actions have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are utterly unfixable. Peter can’t go back and intercept the burglar to prevent Uncle Ben’s death. He can’t clone Uncle Ben and wipe that incident out of history. So to have a story like Shed in continuity as something that doesn’t alter Peter’s perception of Curt Connors forever doesn’t work.
Anyway that’s why my favorite villain is the Shocker. Love that quilted bastard.
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starbuck · 4 years
All of Armitage’s Looks: Rated
Well, this was inevitable, wasn’t it? Being someone who very readily admits to having Armitage’s entire wardrobe memorized (and who will not apologize for how weird that is), I feel that I’m the perfect person to make this post, although perhaps not the most objective...
So, without further ado, allow me to present to you: every single one of Armitage’s Looks in chronological order: Rated.
#1 - Enjoying The Birthday -- 11/10
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Unlike most named characters, Armitage does not appear until episode 4 but oh what an entrance it is... Look at that smile!!!! Actually, take an extra good look because you’ll never see it again. 
Outfit-wise, this is just his normal steward uniform but I like those boots. Probably not unique to him but they’re very nice and remind me of a pair I own. 
Bonus points for being the second person on the tackle-pile, following Tozer. 
(You could accuse me of rating too high right off the bat, but look at his smiling face again and tell me I’m wrong.)
#2 - “Mr. Armitage, what do you report?” -- 8/10
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And thus we are introduced to Armitage by name. Appropriately, he is partaking in his most consistent character-defining activity: protecting Tozer from harm (which, in this case, is the Not-Bear which has just come out of nowhere and ripped part of Heather’s skull off).
I’m gonna be honest: I don’t like how this style of coat looks when it’s fully buttoned-up. I think it’s awkward and boxy (see Gibson’s coat in the mutiny-planning scene at the beginning of ep 7 for a better idea of what I mean) and this is before Armitage figured out the belt trick that corrects the problem so I’m deducting points for the coat.
Luckily for him though, his hat is of my favorite variety in the show so I’m delighted to see it despite it just being his uniform. Also loving our first look at his blue sweater (peeking out beyond his coat-sleeves) and his gray gloves.
Further points added for this being the first of many scenes where he carries a gun, endlessly confusing the fandom at large about what the hell his job is. 
#3 - tfw You’re Responsible For This -- 5/10
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So I’m just gonna come right out and say that this is one of my favorite images of him in the entire show but, just as Look #1 was rated higher due to the context of the scene despite the outfit itself being average, this one’s rating, in turn, must suffer. 
Things I love about this: the hat (obviously), the fact that the coat looks worlds better just because it’s slightly unbuttoned, the delicate dusting of snow, the way his face looks at this angle.
Things I don’t love about this: literally Everything Else.
Aiding in the racist kidnapping of an innocent woman and then not owning up to it twenty minutes after your introduction is not a good look, no matter how emotionally conflicted about it you are.
#4 - Who the Fuck is This Guy? -- 6/10
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October 20th, 2019 was not the day that my obsession with Armitage began, but it was the day that I took a screenshot of this exact moment because I had no idea who this man was or why we were getting a close-up of him. It would take me two more months to figure his identity out.
But, to the point, not much to say here since it’s just his normal uniform again except that this is our first proper look at his hair which I absolutely adore. Also loving the little anchor buttons on his jacket - very cute!
Once again, points deducted for the unfortunate context.
#5 - Slops! -- 7/10
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This look is noteworthy for a few reasons. First of all, we see his tan slops for the first time! Slops just sort of look horrible by default unfortunately but I’m enjoying the hat + slops combo here... it works for him. Secondly, Armitage disappears for the entirety of episode 5 so this is the first time we’ve seen the man since the lashing scene. I guess it was so traumatic to witness that he had to take a break. 
He has a gun again though, so things can’t be all bad.
#6 - Big Carnivale Hours -- 8/10
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I have given up on trying to figure out what the hell is going on with the marines and their costume theme. Are they knights.... with crowns? That’s all I’ve been able to figure. Who’s idea was this? (Despite having no evidence, I blame Pilkington.) So what does that make Armitage? Is he a squire? Or a knight that just doesn’t have a crown like the others because they ran out of them? Whatever the case, he’s clearly a part of their theme despite not being a marine himself which I think is adorable regardless.
Speaking of adorable, let’s just forget everything that happens for the rest of this episode and appreciate how he’s hanging out with Tozer and Heather. Isn’t that nice? God I’m distressed.
Taking a look at the costume itself, you’ll see that it’s essentially a cut-up burlap sack and a sheet over his regular uniform but realism is not the goal here and the DIY vibe is actually quite nice imo.
#7 - Enter: The Belt -- 10/10
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The belt has arrived on the scene! Note its success in not only making the coat itself more appealing but making the coat + slops combo work against all odds.
We really get it all here: belt, (unbuttoned) coat, hat, welsh wig, gloves, and slops! What more could I possibly ask for in an outfit? It’s both stylish and practical.
And plus, I like his attitude in this scene - optimistic-leaning realism about the dangers ahead. I can get behind that.
Overall, no complaints from me - this is a perfect look.
#8 - tfw You Allowed This -- 7/10
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This is a Significant Look mostly because we see his hair again, for the first time since episode 4! It’s a bit longer and more unkempt but still maintains a pleasing shape overall. Honestly, I think it looks good this way and its a pity we didn’t get to see it more in the transition stages (assuming it was steadily growing out since ep 4 like most people’s). Additionally, there’s a bit of stubble going on here which I respect.
Rated lower than it might be simply because, as has been established, slops on their own are just kinda ugly. I don’t have a lot to work with here outfit-wise. His face is lovely but this screenshot is a sepia-toned nightmare.
A bonus point for his desperate “please explain this clearly illegal thing we’re doing in a way that makes sense to Little” glance at Tozer, who is already on it.
#9 - Agony -- 8/10
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It took me awhile, even after becoming aware of who Armitage was, to appreciate how truly miserable he looks in this scene. And I mean, why wouldn’t he be miserable? Tozer, a man who Armitage risked his own life to drag to safety at Carnivale, is about to be executed for something that’s arguably just as much Armitage’s fault and there’s not a thing he can do about it.
So... that’s depressing.
But, looking at the outfit itself, we see that it’s pretty similar to some past Looks. In fact, it’s identical to what he was wearing when the Tuunbaq attacked Heather with the exception of the belt which is, of course, a new addition since then! And look at the difference a belt can make... You almost don’t notice that the coat is buttoned up all the way.
#10 - The Same Outfit But Now He’s Saving Tozer So Its Cooler -- 9/10
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Y’all ever think about the fact that, when things went to shit, Armitage’s first instinct was to grab a gun, find Tozer, and rescue him? I mean you probably don’t but I do. Constantly. 
Obviously I love this part and the outfit is still solid (note how well the belt shows off his figure!) but it loses out on being a perfect 10/10 because he must have dropped his hat while picking up the gun so we never see it again. A necessary sacrifice but one that I mourn nonetheless. 
RIP Armitage’s cool hat, ??-1848.
#11 - The Blue Sweater -- 8/10
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It’s warming up so that means we finally get a look at the lovely layers that have been hiding under Armitage’s coat. It’s important to me to bring special attention to the sweater because, although (as I’ve mentioned) he has it on all the way back in ep 4, this is one of only two scenes in the entire show where we get a proper look at it. 
Further, not only is he wearing the blue sweater, but he also has a blue vest on over it! Now, I’ll admit, these aren’t exactly complimentary shades of blue but it still works for me. 
Note also that the belt he had around his coat has been repurposed to aid in holding up his slops-pants over his normal pants (which are held up by the suspenders). Does this man’s resourcefulness ever cease?
As much as I’d love to give a higher rating for the blue sweater, I can’t ignore the new beard which is... it isn’t... it’s Not Great. I don’t have as much animosity towards it as I used to but I can’t pretend that I love it.
#12 - Let Us Fly These Deadly Waters! -- 9/10
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I’m not sure why but I’ve always found this outfit very appealing. The tan slops-pants go nicely with the white shirt and blue vest. It’s a solid look - I’d wear this irl honestly. 
And bonus points for his trying to convince Tozer to leave Hickey, even though he was ultimately unsuccessful. 
(P.S. - yes, the title for this one is a Moby-Dick reference... Did you really think I would make it through this entire post without one?) 
...and now, last but not least, I present to you my absolute favorite Armitage Look™... all the other times I said some other outfit was my favorite, I was lying because what I am about to show you is truly the cream of the crop. Without further ado:
#13 - Kidnapping is Bad So At Least Look Good Doing It -- 12/10
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Are y’all seeing this? Are you SEEING this????? It is episode fucking 10!! Everyone is dying!!! And yet here’s Armitage waltzing up in his best outfit of the entire show. What the fuck!!!!!!! 
Do I even need to explain why this is exceptional? Just look at it! Look at how the vest is buttoned up and tucked into his slops-pants! Look at the suspenders over top which match the slops-pants in color! Look at the gun and keyring that look like they were made to accessorize this outfit specifically! Heck, even his hair and beard look much better from this angle.
Now, I’m not trying to discount the fact that Armitage was absolutely miserable throughout this entire episode, and understandably so, but, even with that in mind, I can’t bring myself to rate this look any lower. It’s just That Perfect.
If one must inevitably die horribly in the arctic, this is an excellent outfit to die in.
Well, that’s that! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this! I’m glad that my ridiculous opinions about Armitage’s wardrobe finally came in handy for something other than my own amusement. 
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