#i just think it'd be so hilariously awkward
a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
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this just in! bisexual hell princess wears dead guy's angel wings better than he EVER did (source: her girlfriend)
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aniseandspearmint · 10 months
okay okay so, there is a Doctor just chilling on earth for the next however long, taking quick jaunts occasionally, but LIVING linear time and everything.
There is an entire regular meeting support group for companions of The Doctor.
That Donna is definitely going to be invited to, right?
Does Donna open with, "Hi my name is Donna Noble and The Doctor is currently living with me 'cause he finally burnt out after a few million years and needed a break. He's recovered enough to be gettin' antsy and a nice local trip or two to see old friends would do him good! Anyone object to me binging him along next week?"
The big question is, would it be rude for 14 to show up?
On the one hand, this is technically a support group for people to talk about their adventures WITH him, in a safe space and all that.
I can't imagine he'd be unwelcome, but would it be too awkward????
Donna attends the companion support group.
Donna talks about The Doctor in the present tense a bit, but in such a way that the rest of the group think he's an elderly working dog she's adopted and is rehabbing.
That she named The Doctor because of fond memories with her own Doctor.
And it's just SO clear she's talking about an elderly pet. The tone, the stories....
"Rose has been real helpful gettin' him to be more active. She'll chase him around the yard for a few laps, tossing a ball around!"
"Granddad's been trying to get him to go out and shoot moles with him, but The Doctor doesn't like guns much, you know."
"He's been driving my mum up the wall, sniffin' around the kitchen every time she's cooking. Course, he does it to everyone but mum's nearly stepped on him a few times!"
"My daughter makes lovely stuffed animals *shows pics on her phone*, The Doctor loves them! We find him napping in the yard with one as a pillow all the time. She sells them by the way. Her etsy shop is-"
And then one meeting she's like, "Oh, would you lot mind if I brought the Doctor next week? He's feeling better, I think it'd be nice if he got out of the house for a bit?"
And of course everyone is like, 'oh sure' 'yeah' 'alright' 'no problem'.
And then next week rolls around and-
That is an ENTIRE fully bipedal Gallifreyan Doctor. Huh.
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lovedrruunk · 1 month
Girl next door જ⁀➴♡ Chapter 3
In which Joel plays Cupid in order to help a hopeless Ellie win over the cute girl next door.
Series Masterlist!
chapter 2! - chapter 4 [coming soon!]
"Flower symbolism and all that."
w.c; 1.3k
[silly awkward Ellie Williams x fem reader!]
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Ellie found herself smiling first thing in the morning. It had been two days since she had lunch with you at the cafe and she'd be lying if she said you weren't constantly on her mind. She said good morning to you from the driveway the other day and she could've sworn you smiled at her wider than usual. So as the birds chirped and the sun rose Ellie skipped down the stairs happily daydreaming. Just as she was about to peek around the corner her jaw dropped.
"Ellie! Come join us."
There on the couch was Joel sipping away at his coffee with that stupid face of his, and next to him was you.
Y'know, Ellie liked your company. She liked your face, she liked looking at it, oh and she liked your voice too, she could listen to you talk all day but even though she adored all these things she couldn't help but wonder; what the actual fuck were you doing here?
"Y/N... Hi." Her voice strained and although she was talking to you her eyes were on Joel the whole time absolutely glaring at him.
"Morning!" you chirped ignoring her hilarious angry face.
"Y/N here was just about to help me get the garden sorted. You know how long I've wanted to work on it."
Ellie looked around, finally taking notice of the gardening tools and bags of fertilizer around you two. She forced a smile, not wanting to sour your mood. "Sounds... fun."
Joel raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "You alright, Ellie?"
"I'm amazing Joel." Ellie replied, not so amazingly.
"Great!" Joel stood up, happily putting on his jacket. "I'll go grab some more fertilizer from Tommy's. You two start with the digging and planting, Y/N here is an expert when it comes to flowers."
As Ellie watched him leave, her jaw clenched. She took a deep breath, calming down.
"You don't actually know anything about gardening do you...?"
. . .
As the two of you started working, Ellie stole glances at you, feeling her annoyance slowly dissipate. The sun was warm, and the conversation was light and easy.
"Here Ellie, you should plant this one," you said excitedly looking towards the crowd of flowers and plants Joel had mysteriously brought in earlier that morning. Carefully picking up the pot you handed it to her. "It's a gardenia!"
Ellie took the plant with a smile. "Pretty."
Crouching down to plant it she continues, "Thought you didn't know anything about gardening?"
"I don't, not really! I just know a lot about their symbolisms and stuff, useless information that keeps me busy." You shrugged as you went to sit next to her digging up another hole in the soil. "Like here, what's your favorite flower?"
"Oh I'm more of a fern type of person... but if I had to choose I'd say... violets."
"Violets huh?" you said, a thoughtful look on your face, "I totally see it. From what I remember violets stand for humility, and women used to use it to symbolize their love for... y'know like other women I guess? It represents like sapphic......ism? If that's a word... But yea it's one of the more romantic flowers, lot's of history and symbolism behind it." There was a short pause as you contemplated continuing or not. You figured it'd be best to stop and save yourself the embarrassment or rambling as you had already been fumbling your words terribly. "Sweet isn't it?" You decided to ask keeping your eyes on the dirt in front of you
Ellie nodded, "Yeah, it is." She was totally fucking with you.
Of course she already knew what violets represented. She just wanted to see if you knew. Y'know... testing the waters or what not. It's not evil.
"So, if I give someone a bunch of violets, it's like saying, 'Hey, I think you're cool... and also, maybe I want to kiss you on the mouth?'" She said as she finished planting the gardenia, now just sitting down looking at you dig.
You laughed, shaking your head. "Pretty much. But, y'know, in a way cooler, more poetic way. Like," You turned towards her continuing "'Hey, I'm trying to subtly tell you that I think I'm into you without making it weird.'"
Ok now you're fucking with her. Fair enough... But were you? You definitely were. Right...? Maybe.
"Well that's all good to know. Maybe I should start handing out violets like business cards. 'Hi, I'm Ellie, and yes, I like girls. Here's a flower to prove it. I like you and I don't think its weird at all... ha ha'" She let out the most monotone laugh you had ever heard in your entire life which caused you to start laughing while Ellies face fell as she looked away. 'too much?'
You grinned, playing along. "It’s a bold strategy. But hey, it might just work."
Ellie nodded silently before continuing, "So what about you? any favorite flowers?" she asked changing topics.
"Hmm tough question, there's a lot. I'm partial to daisies." you said with a shrug.
Ellie smiles again as she looks at you "Fitting."
"Yea? Why's that?"
"It just feels right."
"Oh don't give me that!" You said as you hit her shoulder teasingly.
Ellie chuckled faking a tiny 'ow' as she lightly rubbed where you had hit her. "I don't know how to explain it! You're just sweet, and... simple. In a good way of course!" She had said defensively.
You raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Sweet and simple? That’s the best you’ve got?”
Ellie's face flushed as she frantically tried to explain herself. “I mean, not simple in a boring way! Just… like, you’re easy to be around. You make things feel… uncomplicated.” Okay she has got to stop lying to you... but would this even count as a lie? The only thing complicated was her own feelings so technically that's on her.
You laughed softly, letting her off the hook. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. I get what you’re trying to say.”
Ellie sighed as you laughed.
The two of you continued to work side by side, the earlier banter giving way to a more comfortable silence. Every now and then, your hands would brush against each other as you reached for the same tool or flower, and each time it happened, Ellie felt her heart skip a beat.
As you placed another plant into the soil, you glanced over at Ellie, noticing the way she was concentrating on her work. “You know, you’re not so bad at this gardening thing yourself.”
Ellie looked up, surprised. “Really? I thought I was just following your lead.”
You shook your head. “No, you’ve got a good touch. I mean, look at that gardenia, it’s practically glowing under your care.”
Ellie chuckled, a bit embarrassed by the compliment. “I don’t know about glowing, but I guess it’s not dead, so that’s something.”
You nudged her playfully. “Give yourself some credit, Ellie. You’re doing great.”
Ellie smiled, feeling a sense of pride “Thanks. But honestly, it’s been nice having someone to do this with. Makes it a lot more fun.” She said as she got up and made her way back towards the other plants.
“Agreed,” you said, your tone softening. “I’m glad Joel roped me into this. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it so much.”
Ellie nodded crouching down, her back turned towards you as she scanned the pots. “Yeah, me neither. But, y’know… it’s nice, spending time with you like this.”
You kept your eyes on the garden in front of you, a small smile playing on your lips. “It is. We should do it more often. And maybe next time, we can, uh… talk about something other than flowers.” You let out a slight chuckle that disappeared when you were met with silence. You looked to her noticing her stillness but decided not to say anything as to not disturb her.
You continued to dig making room for more plants eventually humming to fill in the silence, although it came to a stop when Ellie sat beside you with a pot in her hands and a toothy grin on her face.
"I found some violets."
. . .
“I guess Joel would be... a cactus?”
“A cactus?”
“Yeah,” Ellie smiled, “Prickly on the outside, but deep down, he’s just full of... water. And love... But mostly water.”
. . .
Authors note!! I actually feel like a deadbeat dad... I KEEP BREAKING MY PROMISES U GUYS IM SO SORRRYYY anyways! i think this idea was cutesy but i wish it was longer (i say as i am the one who wrote it aka the one who gets to decide how long it is), i wrote a different ending where joel comes back and blah blah blah but tbh i love sudden endings its like a guilty pleasure yk... but yea thats all from me for now!! see u in another month!!! (JOKING.)
[TAGLIST YAY !!!! ヾ(^ ∇ ^).] @liasxeatt - @softlysunrays - @radioheadfan699 - @4ftergloww - @elliepoems - @sapphointhe21stcenturyposts - @cattjull - @elliescoolerwife @elliewilliamsrealgf - @ratdungeon - @nombreuxx - @localgirl56 - @givenoutlaw - @i-fucking-love-women-blog - @forgetdisturbance - @boobdrug - @ellieusedtampon - @marrycv - @cyberl33ch - @hysteriawillnotsuccumb - @ragd0ll-4 @machetegirl109 @3lliewilliamsluv3r @tphmnv @yumimak @lesbian-useless @criminallydownbad @robinphobia @naoblack87 @soupycloud @tayyyystan @seraphicsentences @dlduwlss @a-little-bit-of-everybody @xyaxyn @ailuigatsoc
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
Speechless | Carmy x Reader | Chapter Five
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previous chapter | masterlist | playlist | pinterest board | next chapter
Chapter Summary: A party with a night of fun, a thoughtful gift — some missed texts. Tears, cookies, and nightmares. It's all been leading up to this. It's all about to come undone. | Carmy Berzatto x fem/afab reader (using they/them pronouns)
Content Tags: Mentions of birth control again, drinking, kinda public sex, fingering, m receiving oral, mentions of vomit, mentions of periods
Important Info: when texting pink = reader, green = Sydney, blue = Carmy, purple = Marcus! All party goers are over 21
Chapter Five: Come Undone
Word Count: 3k
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BONUS PLAYLIST — experience syd's birthday party along with everybody by listening along <3 **disclaimer i know joyride wouldn't technically be out yet when this is set but i do not care, it is serving cunt
inspo/sleepover req for the beginning of this chapter
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Something you'd decided on was going back on birth control. Carmy nailing you without a condom felt like pure heaven, but you didn't wanna get a plan B pill every freaking morning after. It was a little bit of an adjustment, but you knew it'd be better in the long run.
It was Sydney's birthday, and of course you were going. There was also The Beef staff — including Carmy. Some more of your friends from high school and college all came too, all of you wanting to celebrate Sydney on her day. The club was... really not usually Carmy's scene, it would appear.
As Sydney danced with Tina, you sidled up next to Carmy, sitting awkwardly at the bar.
"You, uh, feeling a little... out of place, Carm?" You laughed softly.
"I don't think I've ever been to a club in my life other than catering a bachelor party with Richie." He muttered in response.
"Let's get a little liquid courage into you then, yeah?" You giggled before ordering a round of drinks.
"I-I dunno, 'm not much of a drinker..." Carmy muttered softly.
"I won't force you, but it is a party, Carm." You said softly with a little smile.
You glanced over your shoulder as Marcus called you to dance, then smiled at Carmy as you pranced away with your drink. Thankfully, Sydney and most of your high school and college friends were all fairly smashed by now so the flirting between you and Carmy went fairly unnoticed.
Carmy relented and downed his shot, then came to join you on the dancefloor. He was dancing like an awkward college boy — which was a mixture of hilarious and a bit embarrassing, but mostly hilarious.
"Do you even know how to dance?" You asked him as Marcus got swept away by one of your drunk friends.
"Not a damn clue." He confessed with an embarrassed laugh.
You laughed loudly, then set down your empty glass. You grabbed Carmy's shoulders, pressing yourself close to him and starting to dance. "Just feel the music!"
Carmy's breath hitched with you so close to him and everybody so nearby, the short length of your skirt was not helping.
"Relax. They're all fucking drunk— even Ebra!" You told him, motioning to Ebra surrounded by various girls... he looked like he was having a great time, at least.
Of course, that's when some good ol' Y2K club vibes began, Shake That blaring over the speakers. Something about the song coming on got you going— in more ways than one.
"Who the fuck requested this?!" You laughed loudly, then earned a cheer from Richie who was also dancing with some of your friends.
You were so unsurprised and unphased by your friends being all over both Ebra and Richie.
Carmy couldn't help chuckling at how excited you got over the song coming on. Then, got a little excited himself by the way you were dancing on him to the song.
"Jesus." He muttered. Thank god the club was dark, and your ass pressed against him could hide how turned on he was.
"What'sa matter, Carm?" You muttered, tipsy and teasing.
"N-Nothing, nothing..." Carmy insisted, clearing his throat.
You smirked a little bit at him, a fun little idea coming to your head. "Hey, you ever done body shots?"
"Wha— no? What in the hell even is a body shot?" He asked, which made you burst into a fit of giggles.
Then, you motioned to the bar, where... Richie had gone, and was doing a body shot off of one of your friends. Huh.
"That, chef, is a body shot." You grinned, nudging Carmy while Richie was cheering.
You weren't sure how you actually roped Carmy into doing it, but he did a body shot off you. And it was fucking electrifying. His face was red, a mixture from the alcohol and embarrassment from having actually doing it.
"Holy shit!" You heard Sydney yell drunkenly with a loud laugh. Thank god she was beyond hammered.
Of course, Carmy doing a body shot off you had your panties drenched. So, the second everybody's backs were turned and you were sure nobody would notice you, you dragged Carmy to whatever bathroom was closest— you really didn't give a shit which one it was, nobody was in there, that's all that mattered.
You pressed Carmy against the locked door, kissing him hungrily.
"What's gotten into you all'a the sudden?" He asked breathlessly between kisses.
"I really don't care that we're in public." You muttered against his lips. "I fucking need you now."
Carmy had you sitting awkwardly on one of the sinks, one hand spreading your thighs and the other finding its way into your underwear.
"Fuck, y're such a slut, huh? All wet f'me." He groaned.
He wasn't easing you in, two fingers were already deep inside you and you were moaning like a damn banshee.
"F-Fuck, Carm!" You cried out.
You had to hand it to the guy, he was an expert with his hands.
A third digit entered your cunt, and you started clenching around him. The smirk on Carmy's face made you blush.
"Gonna cum already? C'mon, make a mess." He purred.
He dragged you through your high, fucking you and teasing you to make it all the more enjoyable. After he pulled his fingers from you, he held them to your lips with an expectant look.
"Clean my fingers. This is your mess."
You, unable to find words, simply parted your lips and let Carmy shove his fingers into your mouth. Once his fingers were clean, he pulled them from your mouth and pulled you in for another deep kiss, wanting to taste your own slick from your mouth.
"At least let me take care of you before we leave the bathroom. You look... sore." You teased, palming his tented bulge which made him hiss.
"Y-Yeah, okay— please." His whine was a total shift from a moment ago, but fuck it sounded good.
You sank to your knees as he undid and lowered the jeans he had on. Your hand gently wrapped around his shaft, and you gave a little kitten lick to his leaking slit.
"Please don't tease me—" Carmy whimpered, one hand gripping at his own curls in desperation.
You giggled a little at the way he sounded — it was oddly adorable. It was a sound you liked, for sure. But, you decided not to tease him— too much more.
Your lips wrapped around his tip, suckling and teasing him for just a moment longer to draw out those whimpers before you took him all the way in— or, rather, as far as you could, given his size.
The dim lights and the angle you were at made it hard to see the obscene look on Carmy's face, but hearing his noises was pure bliss. Before long, you were swallowing his load and wiping drool from your chin.
"Fuck..." Carmy breathed out.
Once you cleaned yourselves up, you inconspicuously left the bathroom one at a time. Just in time for Sydney's cake to come out— thank god you hadn't missed it.
Thankfully, everybody had a little water with only small pieces of cake so nobody would be puking their guts out to follow.
Everything was winding down in the early hours of the morning, you were gonna take Sydney back to your place to both not wake her father, and keep an eye on her in her drunken state. You'd stayed a bit more sober near the end of the night for that reason.
You felt a little bad for not spending the night with Carmy, but you'd already committed to Sydney this time, plus, you owed it to her for her birthday. You also had her gift waiting at your place for the morning.
When she woke up, you'd been awake for an hour— water and Aspirin at the ready for her.
"I feel like I got hit by a bus." Syd groaned as she sat on your couch.
You stifled a laugh, giving her the water and painkillers. "Yeah, you went pretty hard last night. I'm almost impressed."
"Almost?" She asked with mock offense.
You rolled your eyes with a smile, then finally handed her a small giftbox.
"I told you not to get me anything." Syd muttered.
"Well, that's bullshit, cus you're my best friend, so I'm getting you a damn birthday gift." You replied firmly. "Open it!"
Once she opened it, she saw matching friendship bracelets that you'd gotten. Similar to ones you'd made each other at a middle school sleepover— except these were handcrafted from a small jewelery business, not just some plastic beads on a string.
"This is... these are..." She whispered, then hugged you tightly. "Thank you."
"I love you, Syd." You said softly.
"I love you too. So much."
Now, a few days later and Carmy was spending another night at your place, he was making you dinner. Almost the entire time he was complaining about what a disaster your kitchen was. It made you laugh, but man was it ever stressing him out. Finally, you two sat down to dinner and unsurprisingly, it was delicious.
Everything was going well, but unbeknownst to you, your phone had been blowing up all night. You'd had it on silent, you had no idea.
hey!! my dad wanted to take us out for dinner, you in?
this isn't like you not to answer, you're freaking me out dude
okay, c'mon this isn't funny
i'm coming over.
As you settled onto the couch with Carmy, you had no idea that Sydney was basically right outside your building. She came up the stairs, and...
"What the fuck?" Was all you heard as you turned pale. Sydney had a spare key to your place, you had a spare key to hers — you hadn't even heard the door open.
You whipped around, looking at Sydney with pleading eyes. "Syd, I... I can explain."
"This is why you've been so busy, huh?!" She sounded hurt — of course she did, that shouldn't have surprised you.
Ever since that breakfast, other than her birthday, you'd been blowing her off constantly; not on purpose, and not every single time, but most plans just happened to coincide. You didn't want to hurt your best friend, you'd never dream of hurting her. Yet here she was, in the doorway of your apartment, looking as if you'd just driven a knife through her heart.
"Sydney, please, you have to let me explain—"
"Fuck you." She scowled at you, then looked at Carmy and silently shook her head. She whipped around to leave your apartment, and you chased her out, down the hall of your building.
"Syd! C'mon, I didn't mean for you to find out like this!" You pleaded.
"You mean you didn't mean for me to find out at all. We used to tell each other fucking everything!" Sydney snapped back, her voice cracking. It was true, you did tell each other everything...
Your eyes welled with tears, words caught in your throat like a huge lump.
"Do you love him?" She asked quietly.
You looked at her in shock. "What—? Syd, what kind of fucking question is that?! It hasn't been that long—"
"When did it start?" She frowned.
"The... day I was really hungover..." You whispered, looking at the ground. "I didn't mean for it to happen, Syd, you have to understand. I tried to do anything to get him out of my head, but it just happened..."
"I don't even care that you're seeing him! I care that you didn't fucking tell me." Sydney hissed.
"I didn't want you to think he was giving you special treatment cus of me or anything!" You defended, but sounded sort of weak, thinking about it now.
"Fuck you." She spat again. The last thing she did before she turned to leave your building, was shove the bracelet from her birthday back into your hands, then just left you in the hall.
You went back to your apartment after a moment. You'd hoped maybe she would turn around and come back, but no. So, you re-entered your apartment, looking pitiful and sad.
"Is everything okay?" Carmy asked you quietly.
"Of course it's not okay! She's pissed at me!" You whimpered as you crashed down onto the couch, covering your face.
Carmy frowned. "Maybe... she just needs some time to cool down? Maybe try talking to her tomorrow?"
You sighed a little, and nodded. "Yeah... yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks Carm..."
Still, you couldn't fight the tears that came to your eyes. The thought that you might be losing your best friend made you feel absolutely sick to your stomach. You and Syd had gone through just about everything together — first days of school, first crushes, first periods, first serious relationships — every first, every second, everything that followed, you were together. Even when you were apart for college, you spoke every day. You were there when Sheridan Road started, you were there when it failed and fell apart.
This truly was the first time you'd kept anything serious from her... and now, you were paying the price.
That night, while Carmy slept next to you, you laid awake. Wide awake. Replaying everything in your head—
"This is why you've been so busy, huh?!"
"We used to tell each other fucking everything!"
"Do you love him?"
"I don't even care that you're seeing him! I care that you didn't fucking tell me!"
Tears came to your eyes again, hearing the words ringing in your ears, remembering the look on Sydney's face. You were sure you hadn't seen her that upset since Sheridan Road — maybe that's part of what made this hurt so badly.
Before Carmy had to leave for work the next morning, he insisted on making you some breakfast. You repeated how you weren't hungry, but he made you something anyhow.
"Please eat. Please." He pleaded before he had to leave. He gave you a gentle, parting kiss on the forehead, then slipped out the door.
You didn't even wanna know what would be happening at The Beef today.
All day, you'd been staring at your phone. Unsure if you should text Sydney, wanting her to text you, and you ignored every other message that came your way — even Carmy's.
hey, missing you. text me when you can please.
is everything okay? syd seems really upset, she just told me to ask you when i asked.
Tears pricked your eyes again when you read the text from Marcus. Of course, you weren't sure how to respond... how could you even explain everything over text?
Later on, there was a knock at your door. You were expecting it to be Carmy, hoping maybe it was Sydney — instead though, you were surprised to see Marcus, with a plate of fresh baked cookies.
"You can't hide in here forever, yknow." Marcus said as he made his way inside, not really waiting for an invitation.
"I really want to." You muttered softly, shutting the door once Marcus was inside.
You made some hot drinks for both of you to go with the cookies, then sat together on the couch. He looked sympathetic, he knew something was wrong, otherwise he wouldn't be here.
"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asked softly.
You took a deep breath, and started to talk — and once you started, you couldn't stop. It was like word vomit. You'd explained that the moment you met Carmy, he wouldn't leave your brain. You told him how you'd tried so hard to ignore this little school girl crush, for the sake of your sanity, for the sake of your friendship with Sydney. Then when the incident in the office happened, there was no going back. You and Carmy had this secret fling going on under everybody's noses. Then, you had to tell Marcus why exactly that made Sydney so upset. That you'd told each other everything, you had been through all of these ups and downs of your lives together, and this whole secret thing with Carmy broke something there. She wasn't upset that it happened, she was upset that you kept it from her.
After you spilled your guts, you leaned back against the couch and took a deep breath. Everything was out in the open — it felt like a bit of a weight off your chest, despite still being upset.
"That sounds... intense." Marcus commented before taking a sip of his drink. "Um, I'm kinda surprised you're holding up at all."
You sighed, clutching one of the throw pillows on your couch. "Am I a bad person?"
Marcus sort of looked at you funny, but shook his head. "Of course not. You're human. Humans... have feelings, and they rationalize things weirdly. Everybody does it... even if they don't admit it, they do."
You smiled weakly. "Thanks, Marcus. I really appreciate you being here for me... I know how much you like Syd."
"Hey, I'm not gonna pick sides in something I'm not technically involved in—"
"Yeah, that's not what I meant... I mean I've seen the way you look at Syd." You interrupted with a little giggle.
That made Marcus blush. "I-I don't know what you're talking about—"
"Bullshit. I see right through you, dude." You laughed.
"Okay, okay, just... don't tell her. Please." He pleaded.
"Of course not. Secret's safe with me." You smiled softly, holding out your pinky to him.
Marcus eventually had to leave, but he did leave you the cookies, which was nice. You definitely appreciate the kindness he showed you, he really was a sweetheart.
So, you spent the rest of the night indulging in those and watching stupid movies, anything to get your mind off of this. In fact, you ended up just falling asleep on the couch— but that was probably a good thing, if you'd gone to bed, you probably would've opened the floodgates of your thoughts all over again.
At least you were getting some sleep.
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tags ; @maggiesarchives @carmenberzattosgf @buendiabebeta
wanna be tagged in any future speechless trilogy updates? leave 🫢 + an @ to tag in my askbox !
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entropicbias · 5 months
I just saw you say that you will never draw davekat, how does it feel to be one of my heroes! davekat is terrible
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i do not like davekat in a romantic sense. i think it's really gay and oversaturated and people mischaracterize them 99.9% of the time. i think they'd have a hard time calling each other friends, but their dynamic is hilarious! they're good friends, but openly hate each other. i don't think either of them would be able to comfort each other it'd just be really awkward so most of their friendship would just be them doing things together out of necessity, like they're forced to hang out with each other.
above is an old doodle of dave and karkat, below is an old doodle of just karkat.
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alcalystrasz · 5 months
This, is what I think is going to happen for BYLER in season 5:
1. They will get multiple heart-to-heart/intimate scenes together. As we already saw in season 4, they got 3 in total: the first on at Will's house, after El shmacked Angela's face, the second one on the car in the desert, after burying the Hero Unknown Agent Man's body, the third one in the van when Will opens to him. In season 3, we didn't get any, but in season 2 we had 2: the first one when Mike reassures Will about the Mind Flayer and they touch hands *so cute*, and the second one when Mike tells about the first time they met. So if we're being reasonable, it could be 4, I think we'll have 4 scenes in total.
Let me explain that... I see the first one being about Max and Lucas' mental state. It could be at the hospital, or at school, or at Mike's house. The second one could be some sort of fight. I remember one of the co-writers saying there will be an other rain fight. I don't really know if it will happen cause he confirmed it a long time ago but let's say it is. So an other rain fight, at Mike's house, but maybe this time it could hint Mike's sexuality instead of Will's like in S3. The third one could be where they try to reassure each other that it's okay they will win right after Vecna's back, more likely at Mike's house or someplace other. The fourth one could be in the Upside Down, because may I remember you that Mike never went in the Upside Down? That's what we call a first time, right Mike! So Mike and Will in the Upside Down could talk about everything they've been through and Mike could finally kiss Will and tell him how much he loves him.
For a final scene, a fifth but not really fifth, it could be when everything's over. They go to some sort of High School Ball to celebrate their final year and I see them finally breaking the "I'm scared" barrier and go in the middle of the dance floor and dance together like no one else is there with a Time After Time song playing on the background.
2. Their first kiss will be awkward from both their POV. What I mean is that when they kiss for like, what, 3 seconds, Will pushes Mike gently and Mike removes himself gently and they look at each other like they did something bad. Will stutters trying to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth. Mike could say something like "Oh, I'm sorry I- I didn't..." but Will could interrupt him like 'bitch wdym you're sorry' he could kiss him back but it is after the kiss Mike will admit he never liked El romantically. Buy yeah, awkward kiss, just like Rockie's one could be actually. Mostly cause they're older so it doubles the awkwardness.
3. Jonathan gets some hate towards Mike. I can literally imagine Jonathan always being mad, upset and distant towards Mike because he can't see his brother likes him. It'd be too funny I'm sorry ;-;
4. Will gets hurt by Vecna and Mike stays next to him at the hospital. It could be the opposite actually, Mike in the bed, but I prefer Will cause he's used to it now- I can see them being close and Mike being super worried but it doesn't count as a intimate scene because Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper are close.
5. Will shirtless makes Mike blush. Let me explain, LET ME. We saw in S5 BTS they swapped clothes for some stuff. Like, we saw Will has Mike's clothes on, logic, he left everything in California and they do the same cloth size (almost). So if we consider the fact that Mike lends his clothes to Will, we can totally imagine at one point Will, coming in Mike's room asking for a shirt because he doesn't have anymore. Mike brings him one and he says thanks, then he removes his clothes, his back facing Mike's face and he gets like flustrated it'd be HILARIOUSLY CUTE. He could stare through a mirror maybe, idk but that sounds nice right?
6. Mike will get hurt in the Upside Down. Of course he has to, he hasn't been hurt in the whole show, BRO'S FINE. So he gets hurt and Will of course would help him, they could rest a little and talk two times, one "normal" hinting a future kiss and the second time they kiss.
An upside down kiss. What a funny name. It isn't a Spider-Man kiss though (should be).
I think that's it, I'll reblog my post if I find anything else.
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
do you have any 75% god ocs?? like, children of demigods who have a godly parent
i imagine that it wouldn't be a common thing at all but mixing all of this ancestries it's really fun i love doing it, even if they end up kinda op,, sometimes that's the fun of it yknow
I would prefer to not refer to them by any percentages, because that feels extremely uncomfortable, but yes I have oc legacies who are also direct descendants of deities. I talked about Anton in a previous ask (legacy of Mars, child of Ceres), and I have a legacy of Summanus kid in the works who is also a direct descendant of a wind god, but I haven't decided who exactly yet and I only have one doodle of them because they are a Literal Baby and that one doodle is them as a toddler being tiny and babey.
So let's talk about some rogues I've been working on!
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These are my waterfowl lesbians. They are born out of me learning that in some myths, the Graeae can turn into swans and I thought it'd be fun to make an Enyo & Nemesis duo who can both turn into waterfowl, plus I also wanted to make an Enyo & Lua combo kid who can just telekentically throw weapons around, because that's cool. Also just playing around with Enyo kids having fire eyes/demigods with nonhuman traits, because Yes Please. It's just fun. Knives ended up with an Odile/Black Swan theme, just cause I thought it'd be neat and I wanted her to look cool. Anser has some swan Valkyrie theming kinda sprinkled in there just for flavor, ergo the Thor legacy (also just fun for her being super loud + a personal hc of mine about Norse rogues being more common) even though she's a goose, not a swan.
I have plenty of other multi-legacy demigods as well, just not ones who are direct descendants specifically, because a.) I always find it fun to think of how powers and themes would mesh, and b.) I actually have a very specific headcanon that multi-legacies are super common in the First and Second cohorts, due to the whole their-families-are-more-likely-to-live-in-New-Rome thing.
I've actually been bouncing around an idea recently of Roman demigods who are children of lares, because there is mythological precedent for that and technically they are house gods. It's just the mortal parent is probably a New Rome citizen and that's sure to get awkward quick some way or another. There's no way a lar parent can not end up awkward, which is hilarious. I also have a fun OC whose concept is based on the idea of two mortals who moved to New Rome with their demigod partners but one way or another ended up single again and then married each other and had a completely mortal kid who just. Grew up in New Rome and joined the legion anyways. I'm just a big fan of getting really funky with riordanverse ocs.
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vinziel · 7 months
Getting Used To It
John Dory x Male Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
A/N: Last Part. Future John Dory x Male Reader will be using this series as context, unless I say so. Branch and Clay have the same color, only Clay's are italic. Poppy and Floyd have the same color only Floyd's are italic(This is basically useless because they don't talk in this chapter). Also make sure to give suggestions and ideas for me to write.
You woke up, it was weeks after the whole "Floyd Situation" as you call it. You feel yourself being cuddled, you shift to the troll who was currently hugging you tight, it was John Dory, he was shirtless and honestly looked cut- wait JOHN DORY?! You yelped and fell out of bed, groaning, this woke up the sleeping troll "Woah you ok Y/N?" John Dory asks, a little worried, though finding the situation amusing. You then remembered what happened after saving Floyd. Clay, Floyd and John Dory moved in with you and Branch inside the bunker, Bruce in the other hand stayed in Vacay Island but would visit his brothers whenever he can you and John Dory slept together after getting back together, you sigh "Oh John, I- sorry this getting used to.....this" You respond, letting out a small laugh. John Dory lends a hand and you accept it. You two share a quick kiss and just cuddle for a while.
After doing your regular routines, you two went outside the bunker where the rest of the Brozone brothers were. All of Branch's brothers especially John Dory had apologized to him for abandoning him, although Branch said it'd take some time to fully forgive them he wasn't that mad at them anymore, although he'd let out some very sarcastic remarks about them abandoning him out of pettiness whenever he got the chance which you found funny. You two caught up with the rest of the group, the rest of the Brozone brothers and Branch's band Kismet.
You found it a bit hilarious when the Branch's brothers felt a bit awkward when they found out Branch "replaced" them, you even heard Clay and John Dory badmouth them. You didn't have a problem with Branch's band members though that was mostly due to you being the manager of the band. You let out a sigh as you both were talking with the rest of the group, Branch and his band were doing another performance tonight and of course being the supportive brothers they are, John, Bruce, Clay and Floyd were going. Along with Viva and Poppy. You were also going for obvious reasons.
While the rest of the group went to the performance area, you stood in place and stopped John Dory from walking away "We need to talk" You said, walking the opposite direction as the group with John Dory, you still had a more neutral face. You took John Dory to a quiet and more secluded spot of Troll Village. Both of you are sitting down on a nearby bench. You took a deep breath and started off with "So-" "I'm sorry!" John Dory cut you off continuing "I'm sorry. For everything. For abandoning you. For leaving you behind. I'm sorry for just appearing out of nowhere just to try and leave again after. I'm sorry. I haven't properly apologized yet you, heck I haven't apologized at all. I am so sorry Y/N. You didn't deserve being abandoned like that" You could tell John Dory did mean this from the bottom of his heart, you would slowly hug him, smiling warmly "It's fine. Look I don't think I can fully forgive you yet. It'll take time. It'll take some effort, but hey we have all the time to make up for it" You say kissing John Dory on the lips, a long and passionate one. John Dory is surprised by the sudden kiss but reciprocates it. Both of you are blushing tremendously.
You both pulled away "I'm so lucky to be with you." John Dory says softly "I can say the same to you" You reply, letting out a soft chuckle, you both leaning in for another kiss, this time shorter yet still being passionate. You two pulled away, you saying "I could get used to this" You say, softly laughing, you stood up and reached out your hand "Come on. Let's catch up before they look for us" John Dory chuckles and grabs your hand. Standing up, you two walk to the rest of the group.
(The end)
A/N: Ok guys I really loved how this turned out. Thank you for the support. And make sure to give me suggestions for one-shots of any ship or Brozone x male reader you guys would like.
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
the screenshot game got me thinking..what are all the RO's like if they have to pose as a couple with a friend they *don't* have feelings for? I got Blade and I genuinely can't tell if he'd be more or less awkward, lol
Blade: he would be way less awkward with just a platonic friend, he would have just be breathing deeply through his nose and letting the other person talk more, but it would be wayyyyy easier and more comfortable to pull off and believable, lol! He's far smoother with someone he doesn't have feelings for and would be able to lie pretty easily, lol!
Trouble: I think he would be pretty awkward about it because he's not great at actively lying, but depending on the person, they could put him at ease! If paired with someone who's naturally outgoing or can just brush it off and make it funny like "dude don't make this fucking weird, suck it up and act like you're my husband, I'm not going to jump your bones you dipshit kakhead!! (Ayla)" he'd be fine; if it was someone he's not as comfortable with like a Lavinet or maybe, like, Red or Riel, it'd be slightly weird but they'd just forge past it and give it the good ol' college try. Mostly he'd just stand there uncomfortably looking lost and like he doesn't know what to do with his hands, lol
Tallys: she's smooth regardless if it's someone she has feelings for, is sleeping with, or is just platonic friends with, it doesn't really change her behavior either way (except that she's more outwardly handsy with a FWB or lover, lol)! She'd be like "seriously, you can't be mature about this -_-" while Trouble freezes up like "yes......... you are my wife and we are looking for a honeymoon suite................." but she'd be the one swiftly and graciously moving the conversation along and selling the whole bit!
Shery: she's certainly less awkward with a good friend (pretending to be a fake couple with someone she has feelings for seems like it would cause her to melt into a puddle on the floor), but she's still definitely a bit awkward about it, lol. Luckily for her, most people would just assume she's like a blushing virgin bride or something, so she'd be able to get away with letting the other person talk!
Riel: he's an unapologetic liar, so I think he'd be able to manage this successfully either way. He's probably more internally comfortable with a platonic friend than the object of his affections, but then again, he might also enjoy the 'fantasy' of roleplaying this with someone he had feelings for more! The sexual tension would be an added complexity, but honestly he probably wouldn't be that mad about it, lol
Chase: he LOVES this either way. he EATS IT UP. He's ridiculously over the top and hammy about it whether with a friend or with someone he has feelings for, honestly: it's just his motivations are different (to make the friend want to die of embarrassment and troll them if platonic, or because he thinks it's wildly ironic and hilarious if with someone he's already sleeping with/has feelings for and it's just another way to flirt outrageously with them). he also just loves lying and spinning stories for people, so this would be just a boatload of fun for him!
Red: I think he'd be smooth about this either way, but he'd definitely be far more internally nervous and overanalyzing everything with someone he's attracted to versus with a friend. (But on an external level, he'd pretty much just act the same.) With a friend, this is just like any other mission: whether they're pretending to be a pair of merchants or a married couple, it doesn't really matter to him or make him feel any differently about it (though certain pairings would certainly make the whole charade go smoother. Someone like Lavinet or Briony?? Sure, they can collaborate on a lie and 'make pretend' very easily. Pair him up with Blade? Why would you do that.). But if it's with someone he has feelings for, half of his mind is occupied at all times with keeping focus on the mission and reminding himself that this is about work and reining in slut-Red's innermost hopes that this scenario could lead to very interesting resolutions to the tensions he's been sensing between himself and his crush... (don't think about that, don't think about that, this is a very important mission and it would be very scummy for you to think about anything else besides that.' slut-red: unless?...)
Ayla: I think she'd definitely be more comfortable doing this with a friend than she would be with the object of her affections! Every little thing her crush would do would throw her off or make her jumpy, like if they put an arm around her waist or hold her hand, she'd jump and hiss, like, What are you doing!! You can't just do that!! MC: Aren't I your spouse though LOL She'd get flustered and also a little singed over the fact that MC is only doing this for the ruse, so what is she getting so excited about... It would just be a difficult time for her! With a friend she'd just roll her eyes and go along with it, or she might even have fun with the whole situation, so it'd definitely be way easier for her!
Briony: I think she'd be a bit more comfortable and happy with the fake couple scenario if she was doing it with her crush, because she'd view it as a way to 'safely' flirt with them all she wanted, and it would make her very happy to hold their hand or be treated like their girlfriend/wife and she could happily commit to the fantasy of it with her whole heart (for the mission's sake and authenticity of course)!! So she'd have way more fun and would be more comfortable acting affectionate/flirtatious with them if she also held real romantic feelings for them. With a platonic friend, she could get by well enough, but she'd be just a little too cautious about not wanting to make them feel uncomfortable or crossing the boundary of their friendship/making things weird (like she'd always be whispering, "is it okay if I take your hand?" or "i had to kiss you on the cheek earlier to sell it, i'm so sorry if that was weird....") So basically it would actually be more uncomfortable for her with a platonic friend because she'd be over-conscious of making them uncomfortable or crossing some hidden boundary between them! (Ironically, she's very thoughtlessly physically affectionate with her friends as it is, but there's a huge difference in her mind between taking their arm and walking down the street as friends and literally pretending to be their wife and playacting romantic gestures at them).
Lavinet: she'd be excellent at this either way, though, like Briony, she'd definitely internally enjoy it more with the object of her affections than with just a platonic friend, because she'd also enjoy committing to the bit and losing herself in the fantasy of it all! Her "comfort level" and external behavior doesn't change at all, but her general excitement/enjoyment of the affair does, if that makes any sense!
Halek: he's just wearily along for the ride if they're just friends; he's pretty much expecting this is going to lead to fucking if there's attraction between them (this kind of scenario always does) lol. He's not mad about it either way, though!
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tumblingxelian · 6 months
I doubt I have the time or focus to write it but legit fascinated of an "Adrien never went to school" AU thanks to re-reading the Enemies to Lovers Bakers AU.
I imagine the sequence of how this happens would be:
The first day happens as canon. But on the second day, Adrien is better contained at home until Stoneheat 2.0 lets him slip away to do hero stuff. Despite this, the fact the mayors daughter was nearly killed is used as Gabriel as a pretext as to why Adrien will be staying home. This nixes any plans, arguments or work arounds he or Chloe could come up with.
So, with Adrien contained to the manor, work & slightly more occasional Chloe hang outs, what becomes of the story overall? Well let's look at the season 1 plot from the main 2's perspective:
Off the cuff her story doesn't change much.
She doesn't befriend or start crushing on Adrien and because Chloe's distracted there's no seat dispute. With no Adrien, she may instead have a crush on Alya & Chat, but is not willing to act on or even necessarily aware of this at first. Though she may end up feeling heartbroken 'for some reason' when or IF, Alya & Nino start dating, but with no Adrien it may not happen, or could happen differently.
On a more long term level, I imagine some of the school Akuma don't come up, like there's no 'reason' for Chloe to try and steal Juleka's spot on photo day. & Chloe in general is probably bit more distracted & the two have slightly less reasons to butt heads, so the stories focusing on that would be stuff like the class election.
Her relationship with Chat would be largely unchanged given little has actually changed on that front. Though he may be a bit clingier and more overtly lonely so they may talk more. Adrien to her is just a pretty face who she sometimes sees hanging around Chloe.
I think the big divergence would really happen because of Lila. Mostly because without the Adrien factor she may handle the lies with a cooler head, this plot could manifest in two ways, but I will handle that lower down.
So, Adrien has been denied the chance to go to school because of the Akuma. He definitely resents his father and Hawk Moth a bit more overtly in this version and is even more inclined to use Chat Noir as an escape. What little freedom he did manage to claw out of the shift is usually spent hanging out with Chloe. This would also be easily used for comedy juxtaposition what she tells him of school with what we see.
As noted he also tries to spend more time around Ladybug and is perhaps a bit more fast and loose with details about his life, for good and ill. This could also lead him to slipping the truth to Chloe on accident or by intent shifting her dynamic with Chat, or there's still the fun contrast in how she treats the two.
Beyond that, and as established he spends a decent chunk of his off time with Chloe. In this context he is likely the one doing cosplay, which could may Lady Wifi notably hilarious if very stressful for him. He may also briefly connect with the class during the student election.
But again, he's otherwise very cut off from other kids. Though through this we do get to see a, if not softer, then "Trying to be a good friend" Chloe which is as awkward and clumsy as one would expect.
The main big divergence comes with his discovery of the book, likely born from a bit of rebellious snooping in his fathers office. As with the Lila piece above, this deserves its own segment.
Season 1 Finale:
The Book & the Story Teller would likely be the name. It'd be a dual story with Adrien uncovering the tome and realizing its importance and Marinette grappling with how to handle Lila's deceptions. I forsee 2 main varients.
1: Closer to canon. Adrien hears about Ladybug's "bff" from the Ladyblog and goes to give her the book to see if she can get it to Ladybug. It ends up with Marinette who suspects Adrien or his dad of being Hawk Moth. When the book is discovered lost, Adrien is barred from any outings or visits.
Chloe goes on a rampage to try and find it & to get Adrien to reveal Lila lied about them dating, causing her to Akumatize. Marinette does return the book at the sight of Chloe hiding somewhere sobbing over not being able to see her friend but not before making a photo copy version.
2: Very non canon. Adrien still discovered the book but is told to sneak off with it to tell Master Fu, and he does so. Gabriel is distracted by word of Ladybug's BFF and sends an Akuma after Lila. Because Marinette was already keeping an eye on her to reveal the truth she appears and quickly saves her, which makes it look like the lies are true, much to her annoyance.
Lila is now aware that this lie being believed is not good at all, she assumed Hawk Moth wouldn't notice or buy it. But she doesn't want to admit she lied either because then everyone would question everything so she's kind of stuck and ends up as the more common damsel essentially usurping Chloe's position as nominal Akuma target.
While all this was happening, Adrien was grappling with worries regarding his father and Fu and the Hawk Moth situation. He may also briefly lose the book when helping with Lila and it gets picked up by Ladybug so they both get to meet Fu. This sets up the Collector & also the return of the book via the above method.
I think I rather the latter as it feels more natural.
It also does something different with Lila with her still being a presence in class that irks Marinette and draws Akuma into everyday life.
It also lets her potentially be taken in a different direction with her being the target of attacks meaning she's sure as hell not going to work for Hawk Moth. Plus with no Adrien she likely fixates on different would be famous kids, be they:
Chloe (Hilarious because Chloe is as friendly as a porcupine), Marinette (Self starter designer who has to be polite through gritted teeth) General socializing (The Class) different targets of the week (Such as Luka) or a greater focus on Ladybug and trying to use her for social media fame, while also dealing with the stress of constantly being under attack.
It is harder to say what happens in season 2, but I imagine as changes would begin to pile up more things would diverge.
Kagami might make Adrien & Chloe a trio, or a quartet if Sabrina's been brought in more. She'd also potentially have a friendship episode with Marinette sooner if that was still to be a thing.
Chloe might not reveal herself as Queen Bee, or she might actually get picked by Adrien as a temporary hero, possibly along with Kagami, or Sabrina, so both he and Ladybug have a pair of friends.
It may be Nooroo's birthday that reinvigorates Hawk Moth, or he just can't quit in general. Less focus on school as the story heads into a "school break" period so more room for unexpected encounters & events.
Some version of Heroes Day and the Crimson Army is probably still the season finale. Or that could be the season 3 finale given its scale.
As said, unsure.
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drippingmoon · 7 months
Another Get to Know Me
Tags courtesy of @sleepy-night-child and @splashinkling aaand thanks a lot you two, I loved seeing yours🤩❤
a band you don't like that many others do
Hmm. I'm not really keeping up with people's music tastes anymore (except for you guys). But in middle school, everyone was obsessed with Panic! At the Disco, while I just couldn't vibe with them, so I was mildly worried I'd get defenestrated for it. I didn't, though the chairs did (my class was unique in that they'd slingshot chair seats out of the window by thing them with curtain beads, and they'd kinda just peacefully swing in and out till recess was over)
least favorite animal and why
Nightfriend, I feel like you're making me commit sins (though not really since insects are animals, but it does not feel so??), soo, I raise you: earwigs. Like. My Good Sir. Was there any need for you to grow pincers on your arse to look like you're gonna pull my brain through my ears? No? So please.
hot fandom take
I don't really have any. My fandoms have always been veeery small, even limited to one person (me. Waving, hello!), I'll just hand everyone hot tea and chill🍵
do you wear any jewelry, if so, what's your favorite piece
Not a jewelry person. I did use to have a kitty brooch... but the thing with brooches is, they are perfect for self-poking especially when you're so naturally inclined, so I gave it up.
a movie others liked that you didn't
Ouch, I'm really so out of touch with movies, and these days I'm watching what's very much not popular with people (except for Interstellar. Interstellar is baby). Probably any of the Pride and Prejudice adaptations, I had to go through them for a course, and you couldn't pay me to sit down with them again.
three things you love about yourself
*sees the question and shakes it like a snow globe*
These things so do not come naturally to me. Probably because I'm the type never to think if I can do something and just act, so pride just feels like spur-of-the-moment joy. Though, I'm really starting to think that's just what pride is.
Perfect, actually! So, that I just do stuff, probably my ability to entertain myself, and that I refuse to let life feel like a race. I'm here for the journey.
a place you hope to visit in the future and why
Iceland! Iceland! At night! When I can finally see all the stars, and very importantly, it'll be that delicious shade of freezing, and SNOW! I miss biiig snows so much!! And I want to share it all with my best friend🥰💜💙🥂
an actor that gets on your nerves and why
Am I supposed to know names?
things you're excited about in the near future
Ooooh, you find out like this I'm a bit of fraud come next week. I have goals to put an ungodly amount of chilli in the puff pastries I'll make next week, mostly because I wanna see for myself how painful it can get😈 and, oh, a lot of very awkward and very hilarious dancing, but with how silly it is, it energizes me like nothing else. (And it's still leaps and bounds classier than the 1967 Far From the Madding Crowd adaptation of Troy's... fencing mating rituals. Why was I made to watch that with mine eyes🤣🤣)
least favorite ship in a fandom you're in
I'm in a fandom? Since when? Jokes aside, probably Tomoyo and Kurogane from CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir, because HELL NO. Tomoyo crushes hard on Sakura, and you just can't separate Kurogane from Fai. You can't. It'd cost him an arm and maybe a leg also this time.
what's the most toxic fandom you've been in
Oh no, I just make some tea and detox whenever it's the case. I am not a social person, so it helps
list three things you find beautiful about life
Hnnngh, getting to talk to someone in the wee hours of the night when it feels really special, the wind and how it'll numb my fingers but rekindle everything else in me, and how you can grow to love so many things you wouldn't even have thought about before. I love being surprised by time.
any dreams for the future
My personality is such that, from time to time, I just won't dare make a sound from fear they'll just slip through my fingers. I am taught to wait and see.
But this is the rest of the time, SO
how are you feeling today
A bit like someone's stomped on my face (sleep; my fault, this time, but the lack of required hours keep me hostage), but also? Energized. Ready to go. And I absolutely never rest😈
These were really pleasant, so if anyone wants to hop on and grab some tea🍵, I'm keeping this tag open for you! I love talking😊
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bittersweetresilience · 8 months
Sentitwin fake dating AU! I gotta know man
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i love the premise a lot, so i got overexcited and shared the entire outline. romantic tropes in platonic relationships... yes, please. also, a rare crack fic from me.
Adrien, in an effort to divert suspicions on his secret identity, pretends to be dating Chat Noir. This is sort of difficult to pull off, since he is in fact Chat Noir.
Enter Félix. Jazz hands.
Félix doesn't know Adrien is Chat Noir. Félix thinks Adrien is busy and he is supposed to be pretending to be him. Félix has no idea how romance works and completely sucks at fake dating. Chat Noir thinks this is absolutely hilarious and is having the time of his life poking fun at him.
After their first date Chat Noir fesses up to knowing Félix isn't Adrien. He says Adrien told him ahead of time and he just thought it'd be funny to tease him.
Félix gets dropped off at the mansion. Whatever, he thinks. That's the end of it. He goes back into Adrien's bedroom, where the both of them have been staying. Adrien is coming out of the bathroom. He feigns a smile and asks how Félix's date went. Fine, Félix says. That's great, Adrien says. They stand in awkward silence for several minutes until Félix pretends to start reading.
Okay. Awkward. Sentitwins are actually fighting. But Adrien is in a pinch after he ran his mouth about Adrichat, and Félix loves his cousin. Come a few days Adrien says he's busy again and Félix agrees to keep fake dating.
Chat Noir and Félix hang out. Chat Noir and Félix hang out again. Chat Noir starts taking Félix to places he likes instead of torturing him. To Félix's surprise, he discovers Chat Noir is kind of tolerable. He even acknowledges why Adrien might be dating him. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is ecstatic. He gets to get away from the tension in the house and hang out with his cousin.
The secret identity suspicions fade away. But Chat Noir keeps coming around to hang out with Félix, and for some reason, Félix keeps agreeing to go on fake dates with him.
The two of them spend more and more time together. First they do things Félix wants to do. Then they do things Adrien always secretly wanted to do with him. Adrien is having a great time ignoring the fact that they're fighting at home and, as Chat Noir, bonding with him. Félix is lightening up to Chat Noir. Eventually he starts opening up about his childhood to him.
Félix now has one friend, which unlocks character development. He decides he should try to mend his relationship with his cousin. But Adrien is so happy about how things are going as Chat Noir that he keeps unintentionally blowing off Félix's olive branches to run away and transform and hang out with him.
Félix is getting kind of stressed out by this.
Chat Noir notices something is wrong, but he has no idea what. They keep hanging out, but Félix gets more and more quiet. Finally one night after Chat Noir drops him off, he breaks down and confesses he thinks he's ruined things and Adrien must hate him.
Okay. Awkward. Two seconds ago Chat Noir was feeling incredibly good about how close he was getting to Félix.
Chat Noir realizes he's lost the plot and forgotten that the whole time he was lying. He reassures Félix that Adrien loves him. Um, he knows because remember, he's dating Adrien. Adrien talks all the time about Félix. Adrien definitely misses him.
Félix takes some convincing, but he has come to trust Chat Noir, so he does appreciate this.
Chat Noir transforms back and stews in his guilt about tricking Félix into befriending him. He only dug himself a deeper hole by continuing to lie while comforting him. Félix is going to be so angry. Chat Noir has to tell him the truth. He gets in his head. It's cool, he can totally do this. He'll just have to plan the perfect day. He'll put Félix in a good mood and say and do all the right things and then he'll gently break it to him and they can be best friends again and forget about this.
Félix tries to talk to him as Adrien, and Adrien is trying to pay attention but he's distracted and doesn't notice when he says something he isn't supposed to know as Adrien.
The next day Félix stops Adrien by the door to their room. Adrien is rushing to finish preparations for the last fake date. Félix catches him by the hand and hugs him. Adrien hugs back, surprised, but then he skedaddles, which is okay, he justifies, because it's the last time, really. Félix will understand once he's explained everything.
Midway to the kitchen he realizes his finger is bare and wheels back into the bedroom, where Félix is holding his ring.
Okay. Awkward. He didn't get to explain anything.
He's expecting Félix to be angry, but Félix just starts laughing.
Of course you were always running out of the house. Of course you were always busy. Busy patting me on the shoulder and promising you loved me.
You're not mad at me? Adrien asks timidly. Oh, no, I'm furious, Félix says. But don't worry, you have a chance to make it up to me. Take me on whatever date you were planning as yourself and we'll see.
(wip ask game)
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Ah ! I’ll go by Wine then ✨
That’s kind of unfortunate but also insanely funny to me, the siblings have to go through the typical arospec experience of not rly knowing how to identify romantic feelings and being super oblivious to flirting and the like… and god forbid they ask Sanji as the most “normal” sibling, either. He probably has an insanely rose-tinted view of the whole thing and his waxing poetic about how wonderful love is wouldn’t be good as teaching material at all, it’d just be like reading one of those romance books again. They’re on their own, because asking their parents is also embarrassing as hell!! Their adventures are going to be fruitful for sure if they hope to learn anything the not-awkward way.
Though also side note I feel like Reiju pulls the most. All of them are attractive in their own right but Reiju is a pretty lady with a gentle confidence to her that knows how to make you feel special in conversation even when she isn’t completely aware she’s doing it. It drives women crazy . When all of them have a better gauge of this romance stuff they keep complaining to her. She stole all their game. She should share some of her mystique with the class since she has so much. They get kinda too dramatic with it.
- Wine :]
Welcome wine! But yeah, there's five kids who all call their parents gross when they get those particular looks or Mihawk pays Sora those specific words that make her flush. When the kids are out and about and being flirted with no one really understands what's going on, except for Mihawk, Sora, and Sanji. The kids will all be out and about in, hear me out, numbered tank tops that show a lot of skin. You know they're all built and Sanji's three patterned soulmark on his shoulder that creeps up his neck is on display. Also you know it was Yonji who convinced them to wear these and have them made.
Of course they're all being flirted with and Sanji returns it in kind while his siblings are all confused. He explains but it is rose tinted glasses, maybe because he grew up with his parents and has a soulmark. They probably ask him about it once, individually and Sanji talks about it like it's so cool and nice and it sounds cool but they also just....don't get it. They read books on the subjects. Mihawk noticing and just bringing home more. Books about sex, sexuality, gender, soulmates and marks. And of course there are romance books too and comparing notes. Of course if Mihawk or Sora offer any help or conversations the four of them scream and run.
Of course when they feel confident enough to start flirting or flirting back Reiju does pull the most and has the most game. She is drowning in people but she also only acknowledges flirting when she wants to. Her brothers, minus Sanji, all ask for advice. So she gives them what works for her but honestly? They can never match her because of that confidence you mentioned and most of the time she doesn't know she's doing it. That's part of why Perona goes so hard with flirting with her during the time skip because they would mesh so well if Reiju could like stay aware of the flirting. Mihawk and Sora are trying not to laugh at her dismay because they know how difficult they're children can be but also it's really funny.
It'd also be spectacularly hilarious if 124ji mention off handedly that his swords remind them of Sanji and before further explanation can be given they are crying about missing their brother. Sora really asks them, her twenty year olds, if they think it's appropriate. They cry harder in response about him being missing and missing him.
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asteria-edalyn · 5 months
The Story of Kunning Palace 命转皇后/宁安如梦
Started watching the canto dub with eng subs when it came on tvb!! I’ve wanted to watch it for a while but I didn’t want to get another streaming service to watch it. On episode 17 now and I couldn’t resist making a post about what happened so far lol. Please don’t give me spoilers!
I love Ning Er so much. She’s clever, and she’s trying her best to change things, but she doesn’t know everything from her past life and things have changed so she’s having to act on the fly! And I love seeing how she uses her wits in these moments! And how she outsmarts her opponents!
I love the dynamic between her and Xie Wei. The brat and teacher power dynamic? But she’s just as clever as he is? And he’s constantly like, how/why do you keep showing up when shit goes down?? She infuriates him but he’s also sooooo fascinated and charmed by her and he wants to protect her.
So this probs real obvious but I’m gonna put it down here anyway. Xie Wei is the missing Xue Ding-fei and he and the current Xue Ding-fei swapped identities so that he could be sneaky and undercover.
I… don’t think the male cast is very good-looking tbh :”) Zhang Zhe’s probably the most attractive to me. I guess Xie Wei is hot when he’s being all smug and domineering and shit. Also I love how Zhang Zhe (and Ning Er, but more so Zhang Zhe) had been going “You’re working for him too??” like, constantly and getting more and more incredulous but he can’t react cuz he’s undercover lmao.
I feel like this is the start of the second arc, like we’re leaving the palace, the stakes are higher, but maybe I’m wrong. More hilarious moments: when Zhou Yin-zhi tells Xie Wei Ning Er has been kidnapped and internally he’s like: What?? Why??? How??? WHY like girl is gonna make him go grey. And also when she tells Zhang Zhe she told the rebels they’re cousins but they’re in love so they ran away to elope is HILARIOUS. He’s like, why would you tell them that?? But tbh it was a good plan to get them to stop questioning her. And then the rebels acting increasingly awkward around them. Love that the auntie ships them. She’s like, ah young love.
It definitely appeals to me that Xie Wei is so clever but also fucked up. Like not necessarily in a bad way, but man has been through A LOT, since he was like 6. And he’s been plotting and scheming and deceiving for so long, that’s gotta have an impact on his personality.
I have so many fav moments when Ning Er out-smarts her enemies or comes out with the upper hand. A cute recent one is basically the whole “getting the second half of the letter” plot, but specifically when the bank notes reveal her little turtle drawing. So cute!! It’s like she’s saying, hi 👋🏻😙 and then when he shows it to the others and they are just so confused because they don’t have context for the turtle??
Okay wait wait before I end this post I wanna talk about what intrigued me so much about this show in the first place. I’ve always loved reading time travel fix-its, seeing how things change or stay the same, what characters do with what they know and i thought it'd be so interesting for a story to start like a time travel fix it fic, but because the audience doesn't have the established "canon", it's revealed slowly through the story. And then this show showed up on my tumblr and I was like ??? wth this is exactly what I was looking for
Anyway that's it for now!!
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spaceorphan18 · 2 days
Yes or no:
You'd prefer to go to dinner with Chris Colfer and Luke Newton (as friendly threesome) than Darren Criss and Nicola Coughlan (another friendly threesome).
I have been fascinated by this question all day, Nonny. I'm sure you didn't realize the kind of question you were giving me, and it makes sense why anyone coming to my blog would pose the question this way. It seems like an obvious yes, right? No - it's way, way, way more complicated than that. Which is, in turn, why I'm so fascinated with the proposition.
I'm not under the assumption that anyone but myself cares about the answer or how I answer it, or even the fact that I've been kind of deep in thought about it and still can't really give you a definitive answer. But I've honestly been having fun making almost a philosophical quandary out of it.
I think if you look at these four actors individually, the obvious answer based on my blog, would be that if I was asked to go to dinner with one of them - I'd choose Chris.
It makes sense on a few different levels -- I've known of Chris for a very long time now. I've actually met him on multiple occasions. And, while I think one should never over self-identify with a celebrity, I do think Chris and I would have the most in common, and probably (possibly) think the most alike.
But I have a few caveats to this automatic assumption. If you asked me who am I the most comfortable with, individually, I might give you a different answer.
Nicola seems like the kindest soul. I would love to go to dinner with her. We're also close(st) in age and just the fact that she's a woman does put me at ease slightly over the guys.
Darren, meanwhile, makes for an excellent conversationalist. He would also, possibly, be the warmest of the four and do more of the social heavy lifting.
Luke, almost by default, ends up at the bottom of the individual list. Adding to possible social awkwardness is the fact that I know nearly zero things about the guy. I mean, I've known (of) Chris (and Darren) for nearly fifteen years now. And even Nicola I knew of from Derry girls. I didn't even know who Luke was five months ago. Add on top of that the fact that, while these are all incredibly attractive people, Luke might be the one I'm most attracted to? Ooff, talk about my social anxiety being high.
So, if you look at individual comfort level, the pairing of Nicola and Darren makes more sense, and therefore the answer might be 'no' to Nonny's original prompt.
But it does lead me to another interesting question -- why is Nonny's original assumption to a 'yes' a Chris and Luke pairing? While it's very well documented that Kurt is my favorite Glee character, it may not be as obvious, but Colin is not my favorite Bridgerton character. Penelope is. So is the automatic assumption, then, I'd go to dinner with those I'm more physically attracted to over not?
It's so curious.
I mean, Nonny, I won't lie - when I first opened this ask, my initial, gut reaction was -- oh, yup. Yes, that makes sense. And then I started down the rabbit hole of introspection.
If we paired them up differently, there's always an obvious choice for me.
Chris and Nicola (over Darren and Luke), yup, sign me up. That would be hilarious and fun (and maybe my most ideal pairing for dinner). (Though I can see Darren and Luke getting along pretty well? And I just don't think it'd be that awkward.)
Chris and Darren (over Nicola and Luke), yeah familiarity is going to win out on that one. (Also, omg, how intrusive would it feel to spend time with Nicola and Luke?)
My point is that Chris seems to be the key factor here. I do always come back to Chris. I always want to come back to Chris. So, maybe Chris is the one I'd feel the most comfortable with. Which also gets me thinking...
What would a conversation between Chris and Luke be like? I have no idea. Darren and Nicola -- I can see it. I can see the dynamic and see what it would be like, and no doubt, it'd be a lot of fun. But Chris and Luke? What is that conversation? I'm now incredibly curious. And I mean, let's take social anxiety out of it. Maybe it's professional - and a lot of my anxiety is alleviated on a professional level. This particular pairing I have no idea what will happen, and that is fascinating.
And now I'm back to 'yes' on Nonny's original question.
We've come full circle.
Do you see why, now, I couldn't just answer the question? My own psychological make up -- my tendency to overanalyze and ponder every angle has prevented me from giving what should be a very simple answer to a silly prompt. Which probably says more about me than the an actual answer to the question.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Okay, ignoring cannon and ubisofts total neglect of Elijah. Here's something to think on.
Au where Desmond is active in Elijah's life, maybe after the whole temple and solar flare fiasco he survives, Bill thinks he's dead and he takes the opportunity to per say... retire. Someway somehow Desmond catches wind of his son, the (loving and healthy) banter they'd have would be gut clenching hilarious it'd make you sick from laughing hard.
Desmond: look kid I really need you to cut back on the attitude at the moment
Elijah being the damn near carbon copy of Desmond with twice the sass: for any malfunctions, questions, or complaints, please contact the manufacturer
All the ancestors somehow watching the banter from the sidelines, either laughing or shaking their heads: those are definitely our descendants
They would have an “Elijah, no!”/”Elijah, yes!” and “Dad, no!”/“Dad, yes!” dynamic and everyone who knows they’re father and son would be like “yeah, that tracks.”
You also know Desmond would be the kind of dad that would make dad jokes because he knows it annoys Elijah. The more Elijah looks like the world is conspiring to kill him with his cause of death being embarrassment, the more Desmond does it.
Plot-wise, this could happen while Desmond was trying to tie up loose ends on his side to make sure his ‘death’ is permanent to everyone involved.
This, of course, leads him to learn about Elijah thanks to a file in Abstergo’s database that connects Elijah to his own file so he deletes everything by physically destroying the servers that housed that specific database and then makes his way to find Elijah.
In this scenario, Desmond knew it would be too risky for Elijah and his mom to stay in New York when Abstergo already knows about them and he managed to get his…… Desmond doesn’t even know what to call her… friend? Ex-one-night-stand? Anyway, he managed to get thru to them and they all leave the US because it’s just simply too risky to stay in the country.
(And, as much as Desmond wants to go to Villa Auditore, that would be stupid).
So they go to a country that has minimal ties with his ancestors and sorta try to live like some kind of sitcom family but Desmond and Elijah’s mom have the romantic chemistry of a wet cardboard box so everyone who knows them knows they’re friends raising their son together. Desmond gets a bar and Elijah has a sorta normal school life.
Then Desmond notices Elijah’s smarter than he actually is but hiding it because they are trying to remain incognito.
“Sorry, kid. I know it’s hard pretending to be someone you’re not.”
“I’m not pretending. I don’t want people to know I’m smarter than all of them combined.”
“Okay, take it down a notch, Einstein.”
“Do you know what they think of the smart kids in school? It’s just a different kind of torture, being known as the smartest kid in a government-mandated prison. I’ll probably get pushed all over in the showers if they knew I know how to use all the chemicals in the science lab to build a bomb. ‘God’ forbid I drop my soap…”
“Oh my god.”
Really, Elijah and Desmond say a lot of stuff that gives them headaches but that’s how similar they are. Elijah also likes to stare at the people his parents date and go “good luck” before going back to his room.
And both of them know Elijah is just being a little shit to make the poor innocent ‘date’ paranoid as fuck.
And Desmond would have problems with how to talk to Elijah at the start, of course. He had missed a lot and it was just awkward between them.
Until he realized who Elijah acts like.
Always curious about everything and anything.
A sharp tongue with a habit of sarcastic and dry humor.
A genius who knows he’s a genius.
Oh god.
His son was a mini-Altaïr!
And that is how Desmond realized that the best way to get into Elijah’s skin is to be a loving dad who likes to tease his son.
And Elijah, as much as he pretends to be annoyed by it, actually leans in whenever Desmond ruffles his hair or hugs him.
Not that he was going to say anything about it though.
I kinda like the idea that Elijah’s personality is a mix of a young curious child with the arrogance of Aita. Being kidnapped and watching his mom die made him a quiet child that has anger issues. So this Elijah would be happier and much more polite. He’s only sarcastic when he’s annoyed or close to someone. Also, his first crush will be someone who can kick his ass and Desmond would just stare at him because… yeah, that tracks.
And, if we keep Desmond’s Bleeding Effect, Elijah could interact with his ancestors as well. Might even call them something like variations of ‘grandpa’. They usually try to pretend to be Desmond whenever Elijah’s mom is there but Elijah knows which is which by now.
Desmond knows about it and he can’t help but feel happy that his own son accepts even that part of him.
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