#he has a feeling he knows elijah but he can’t be sure
teecupangel · 1 year
Okay, ignoring cannon and ubisofts total neglect of Elijah. Here's something to think on.
Au where Desmond is active in Elijah's life, maybe after the whole temple and solar flare fiasco he survives, Bill thinks he's dead and he takes the opportunity to per say... retire. Someway somehow Desmond catches wind of his son, the (loving and healthy) banter they'd have would be gut clenching hilarious it'd make you sick from laughing hard.
Desmond: look kid I really need you to cut back on the attitude at the moment
Elijah being the damn near carbon copy of Desmond with twice the sass: for any malfunctions, questions, or complaints, please contact the manufacturer
All the ancestors somehow watching the banter from the sidelines, either laughing or shaking their heads: those are definitely our descendants
They would have an “Elijah, no!”/”Elijah, yes!” and “Dad, no!”/“Dad, yes!” dynamic and everyone who knows they’re father and son would be like “yeah, that tracks.”
You also know Desmond would be the kind of dad that would make dad jokes because he knows it annoys Elijah. The more Elijah looks like the world is conspiring to kill him with his cause of death being embarrassment, the more Desmond does it.
Plot-wise, this could happen while Desmond was trying to tie up loose ends on his side to make sure his ‘death’ is permanent to everyone involved.
This, of course, leads him to learn about Elijah thanks to a file in Abstergo’s database that connects Elijah to his own file so he deletes everything by physically destroying the servers that housed that specific database and then makes his way to find Elijah.
In this scenario, Desmond knew it would be too risky for Elijah and his mom to stay in New York when Abstergo already knows about them and he managed to get his…… Desmond doesn’t even know what to call her… friend? Ex-one-night-stand? Anyway, he managed to get thru to them and they all leave the US because it’s just simply too risky to stay in the country.
(And, as much as Desmond wants to go to Villa Auditore, that would be stupid).
So they go to a country that has minimal ties with his ancestors and sorta try to live like some kind of sitcom family but Desmond and Elijah’s mom have the romantic chemistry of a wet cardboard box so everyone who knows them knows they’re friends raising their son together. Desmond gets a bar and Elijah has a sorta normal school life.
Then Desmond notices Elijah’s smarter than he actually is but hiding it because they are trying to remain incognito.
“Sorry, kid. I know it’s hard pretending to be someone you’re not.”
“I’m not pretending. I don’t want people to know I’m smarter than all of them combined.”
“Okay, take it down a notch, Einstein.”
“Do you know what they think of the smart kids in school? It’s just a different kind of torture, being known as the smartest kid in a government-mandated prison. I’ll probably get pushed all over in the showers if they knew I know how to use all the chemicals in the science lab to build a bomb. ‘God’ forbid I drop my soap…”
“Oh my god.”
Really, Elijah and Desmond say a lot of stuff that gives them headaches but that’s how similar they are. Elijah also likes to stare at the people his parents date and go “good luck” before going back to his room.
And both of them know Elijah is just being a little shit to make the poor innocent ‘date’ paranoid as fuck.
And Desmond would have problems with how to talk to Elijah at the start, of course. He had missed a lot and it was just awkward between them.
Until he realized who Elijah acts like.
Always curious about everything and anything.
A sharp tongue with a habit of sarcastic and dry humor.
A genius who knows he’s a genius.
Oh god.
His son was a mini-Altaïr!
And that is how Desmond realized that the best way to get into Elijah’s skin is to be a loving dad who likes to tease his son.
And Elijah, as much as he pretends to be annoyed by it, actually leans in whenever Desmond ruffles his hair or hugs him.
Not that he was going to say anything about it though.
I kinda like the idea that Elijah’s personality is a mix of a young curious child with the arrogance of Aita. Being kidnapped and watching his mom die made him a quiet child that has anger issues. So this Elijah would be happier and much more polite. He’s only sarcastic when he’s annoyed or close to someone. Also, his first crush will be someone who can kick his ass and Desmond would just stare at him because… yeah, that tracks.
And, if we keep Desmond’s Bleeding Effect, Elijah could interact with his ancestors as well. Might even call them something like variations of ‘grandpa’. They usually try to pretend to be Desmond whenever Elijah’s mom is there but Elijah knows which is which by now.
Desmond knows about it and he can’t help but feel happy that his own son accepts even that part of him.
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athenamikaelson · 3 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 7
Word Count- 5.3k
Warnings- Swearing, stabbing, Elijah wanting to hold hands, witch trials
“I don’t understand why you grown men keep dragging me into your shit,” I groan to Alaric as he parks his car. I cling to my seatbelt and regret ever answering my phone this morning. I really just have to throw my phone away at this point. 
“I don’t trust him around Jenna, Y/n. I have a bad feeling about the guy,” Ric says as he undoes his seatbelt and begins to exit the car. 
“That or are you just jealous?”
I raise an eyebrow and purse my lips at him and he leans down to stare at me with an annoyed look.
“Get out of the car Y/N.”
I watch as Ric makes his way from his side of the car to mine, but just as he’s about to open my door I press down the lock from the inside. I smirk at him as he tries to open the door but it doesn’t budge. He stares down at me annoyed and then presses his key fob unlocking the car. He tries to open the door but I mimic my actions from before and lock the car again. We continue doing this for another 2 minutes before Ric gets the better of me and throws open my door. 
“Seriously, Y/n!”
I huff and practically crawl out of the car. 
“For the record, I would rather jump in front of a train than be here,” I say matter-of-factly to Ric as we catch sight of Jenna and Elijah walking up a grass path together.
“For the record,” Ric waves at them and then turns his head towards me, “I don’t care.”
Once again I groan as we make our way towards Jenna and Elijah. I lock eyes with the latter and he sends me a warm smile. I don’t reciprocate and quickly turn my eyes towards Jenna. I can still feel Elijah’s eyes on me, as always, as we stand in front of Jenna and him.  
“Uh, Elijah, this is my friend,” Jenna, who seems to be annoyed, introduces Alaric to Elijah, “Alaric Saltzman. And you’ve already met Y/N,” Jenna turns to me and seems much more happy to see me.
Ric who can’t seem to catch a clue speaks, “Ya, I got your, uh, message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I, uh we,” He gestures to me, “would, uh, tag along. You know us being history buffs and all. Where to next?”
An awkward silence follows for a moment before Elijah breaks it, “I’m pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history.”
I am almost one hundred percent sure Mr. Suit and Tie has an ulterior motive but Jenna doesn’t seem to catch it as she tells him she has the stuff in her car and that she’ll go grab it. I watch as she walks away and then turn back to the two men next to me. Elijah stands about a foot's width away from me while Ric is to my right. Ric must’ve noticed Elijah’s staring as he moved himself in front of me. If you didn’t want me to be around Elijah why bring me here? Dumbass. 
I can still see Elijah from over Ric’s shoulder and the movement Ric made doesn’t seem to sit well with Elijah as a small twitch in his upper lip presents into a snarl. He drops back into a neutral look almost instantly. 
“So you’re one of those people on Elena’s list of loved ones to protect,” Elijah says to Ric. Even though Elijah is relatively shorter than Ric the aura Elijah protrudes makes up for it. Anyone could tell that even though Ric is trying to put up a macho front, he’s afraid of Elijah. 
“So is Jenna.”
Elijah smirks at Alaric and then shakes his head slightly, “You don’t have to be jealous. I don’t really pursue younger women,” Elijah’s eyes trail to mine momentarily, “Most of the time.”
Elijah turns back to Ric and they stare at each other for a moment before Elijah pats Ric on the shoulder, “It’s a joke, Ric, lighten up.” 
Ric rolls his eyes and nods. 
“Wait,” I speak and turn to Elijah, “Technically isn’t every woman younger than you? You know, since you’re like old. Really old. ”
Ric just brings a hand up to massage the tension between his eyebrows and sighs deeply, but Elijah lets out a small chuckle that sends shocks down my spine. 
“I guess you’re right Y/N. I am really old,” He mimics my tone with a small smile on his face. 
35 minutes. We’ve been walking in this dirty ass forest for 35 minutes. I should be in bed asleep right now. But nope, here I am following behind three adults as they talk about history. It’s not that I don’t like history, I do, it’s just that it’s a Saturday. I shouldn’t be learning things on a weekend. 
I half-heartedly listen to what Jenna is telling Elijah as we cross over a bunch of fallen tree logs. Alaric helps Jenna over one, and I don’t miss the dirty look she looks she shoots him, making me try to cover my giggle with my hand. The giggling instantly stops though when I see Elijah standing by the front of the log with his hand outstretched towards me. We haven’t talked in these 35 minutes since Jenna has been occupying him, but that hasn’t stopped him from turning back every few moments to catch a glimpse of me, as if he thinks I’m just going to disappear into thin air. Honestly, I wish I would.
I’m not going to use Elijah’s help but realize that my clumsy ass would probably fall over the log if I didn’t. So I lightly place my hand into his, which results in him closing his hand over mine. Locking our hands together. Our hands are locked for a long moment before Ric clears his throat from the other side of the log. I quickly look away from Elijah and use his hand to get over the log carefully. I soon as I get over it though I wrench my hand away from his and walk over to Jenna who sends me a warm smile. 
“Seems like someone is fond of you,” She whispers to me as she raises his eyebrows suggestively.
I can already feel the redness making its way onto my cheeks as I stare at her horrified. Jenna just laughs at my face as she starts leading us farther down the trail we’re on. Sadly though, Alaric has occupied Jenna, which leaves Elijah to walk next to me. 
Elijah’s quiet for a moment, seemingly just enjoying my company before he starts speaking, “Is it true what Alaric says,” I turn to him confused, “That you’re a history buff?”
I sigh slightly as I shrug my shoulders realizing that just talking to the guy might make this little trip go by a little faster.
“I wouldn't call myself a buff,” I use my fingers to make air quotes, “but it’s also not something I dislike. Learning about how our world was made and all the small factors of why it was made are quite intriguing. I also like weird history.”
“Weird history,” Elijah questions me with a frown.
“You know, like the unexplained, or the odd things in history that many don’t understand,” At the still confused look on his face I continue, “You know like the dancing plague of 1518, D.B Cooper, or Oh! The lost colony of Roanoke. That’s probably my most favorite.”
Once I realized that I had just gone on a tangent I went to apologize to Elijah but when I look at him all I can see on his face is pure adoration. The type of adoration that makes the beating in my chest stops. He smiles at me and from being so close to him I notice the small dimple on his left cheek. 
“I understand now,” Elijah says, “You seem to be most interested in The Roanoke Colony. Why is that?”
I ponder his question for a moment, “I’m not sure, it’s just something I’ve always been drawn to. Maybe because of how mysterious and odd it is. I’m not sure, I know that some people say it was aliens or cannibalism but there isn’t a known answer. It’s amazing to me that so many people, an entire village, can go missing and there are no clues. Other than the word Croatoan!”
Elijah nods his head along but the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face tells me he’s hiding something. Wait. Holy shit.
I whip around to him stopping us, “You know, don’t you! I mean you’re old enough but I didn’t even think you would…,” I stop and stare at him in awe for a moment, “You have to tell me.”
Elijah opens his mouth but then I shake my head and throw a hand up to his mouth stopping him, “Wait! No, what if you tell me and it ends up disappointing me.”
I go through all the possibilities in my head at what he could tell me and then fight myself on whether I should have him tell me or not. I can feel Elijah’s smile behind my hand and bring my hand back.
“Sorry,” I wince embarrassed. 
“No worries, I enjoy seeing you so full of life,” I blush at his words, “Would you like me to tell you?”
I think about Elijah’s question for a moment and then shake my head, “No. I think the reason I love that moment in history so much is because of the mystery behind it. I don’t want to lose interest in it by knowing.”
Elijah seems pleased with my answer and nods, “Very well.”
We continue walking for another moment before Elijah chimes up again, “What else interests you?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Nothing much, I’m not a very interesting person.”
“I highly doubt that.”
I smile slightly at his comment, “Well I like reading. That’s actually something Elena and I have bonded on. I used to get bullied for being a book nerd but now having someone who likes it too is comforting.”
At this mention of Elena, Elijah’s smile drops slightly but then turns into a small frown. 
“I’m sorry that you were bullied for reading, as a literature connoisseur myself I find it quite depressing how reading has become something so rare in these past decades. What types of books do you read?”
I nod along to Elijah’s words until he asks what books I read. At this, I instantly get red and look anywhere other than him.
“You know,” I try to find a socially acceptable answer. Not really wanting to tell this 1,000-year-old man I spend my free time reading smut, “Literature.”
Elijah looks at me with a smirk on his handsome features and I just nod and clear my throat, “Yep, literature. Just all the literature.”
“What about you? What literature do you like?”
Elijah laughs slightly at my change in subject, “Literature in general as well,” I roll my eyes at his joke, “But also I appreciate all types, Historical, the classics, thriller, even romance.”
“You read romance,” I ask surprised. 
He nods his head, “On occasion. There’s something so unique about how different authors portray love and devotion. Where some show it as a neverending, intense emotion others show it as one’s demise.” 
“And which do you believe?”
This question has Elijah pausing momentarily, thinking, “I’ve lived a long time, Elskan. Seen people start wars in the name of love, and seen people kill and die in its name aswell. To choose just one thought when it comes to the idea of love is something I can not do. What about you, what are your thoughts on love?”
“I want nothing to do with it.”
Elijah goes quiet for a moment at my answer. I face back forward and we keep walking in silence for another moment.
“I understand your reluctance towards it. But still young why cut off something like love at your age?”
I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his words. My age has nothing to do with my hatred and distaste for love. 
“Don’t tell me all that romance you read is getting to your head, Elijah,” I say to him slightly snarky.
“I’ve struck a nerve,” Elijah says as he nods his head. 
“Nope. No nerves struck here,” I tell him picking up my speed and walking away from him. He doesn’t have to try hard to meet my speed though as he falls back into step with me. 
“Even though there have been no nerves struck,” He tries to lighten the tension with a joke, “I must apologize for overstepping. As I’ve said before, making you uncomfortable is the last thing I’d ever want to do.”
I move my gaze from Jenna’s back, who is currently in a small argument with Alaric, and turn to look at Elijah. Once again his face has no signs of malice or ill intent.
“It’s fine,” I shrug at him, “Like I said no struck nerves.”
Elijah slightly laughs and then nods his head. We walk for another 5 minutes in silence, Elijah helps me over logs and rocks whenever we come up to one. 
“Y/N and I should be heading back now,” Alaric tells the group as we get to a clearing. 
I nod, happy to be getting out of these woods.
“Well, thank you Y/N for coming today, I’m sure you had more exciting things to do today,” Jenna smiles at me and jokes.
“Just sleeping. But it was nice to see you Jenna,” I reluctantly look over to Elijah who hasn’t left my side, “You as well.”
This has Elijah’s deflated shoulders rising again. He almost reminds me of a dog that is happy someone is finally giving it an ounce of attention. 
“It was a pleasure to be able to spend this morning with you, Y/N,” I’ve noticed that Elijah calls me by my actual name when other people are around. But, when it is just him and I, he uses that stupid nickname. 
I nod as I go to follow Alaric back to the car but stop and turn back to Elijah, “I guess I’m not one-hundred percent against love,” This perks Elijah up, “I mean I totally loved the dress I wore to the tea party.”
Elijah lets out a deep chuckle that rattles his broad shoulders, “You weren’t the only one.”
I almost choke on my saliva at his words. Elijah’s smirk deepens and I put my lips together and nod my head fast.
“Well, um. I’ll be going now,” I don’t give Elijah time to respond as I speed walk past him and Jenna and grab Ric’s forearm pulling him roughly behind me.
“Keep up,” I whisper yell at him as we speed walk our way to the car. 
The original plan was that Ric and I would go on that stupid history walk and then after 30 minutes he would bring me back to my house, but of course, no one in this god-forsaken town follows any type of deal. So that’s why I am currently sitting in front of Demon and his “girlfriend,” and next to Ric who are talking about Elijah and how they don’t trust him. Thankfully Damon bought me fries so this whole trip hasn’t been an entire waste. I half-ass listen to their conversation but don’t really care so I don’t process a word they’re saying, at least not until Damon perks up.
I’ve come to learn from my time in knowing Demon that if I see him getting excited about something, someone is going to get hurt. 
So that’s why I follow his line of sight and see Elijah and Jenna walk into the Grill together.
“Ah, there Jenna with her new boyfriend,” Damon says. I know he’s just trying to get a reaction out of Ric but something about that sentence makes my skin crawl. 
Damon calls over both of them. Jenna welcomes all of us with a smile and wave while Elijah trails behind her looking complacent. As always his eyes find mine and his complacent smile lightens. 
“So I hear you two had a meeting of the historical minds today,” Damon speaks to the two.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Jenna smiles looking up at Elijah who is now looking down at Demon. 
“Well, as much as I’d love to continue this, I, uh, I’ve got papers to grade and a teenager to get home,” Ric gets up from his seat and he gestures to me. I frown as I see my fries still half full and quickly grab a fist full and fill my mouth trying to get away with as many as possible, almost choking myself in the meantime. The adults around me watch me with a mix of amusement and slight disgust, but I don't care. I’m not wasting free food. 
“No, you know what,” Alex or Stephanie or whatever Demon’s girlfriend is named, chirps up, “We should continue this. Let’s have a dinner party!”
Hell to the no. 
“Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas,” Damon looks over to her before turning back to us, “I’ll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?”
“It’s good for me. Jenna,” Where Alessia agrees Ric tries to disagree. 
“Yeah, I’m free,” Jenna talks over Ric. Yikes. 
“Will the lovely Y/N be there,” Elijah asks me and I try to tell him, “Hell no,” but the fries in my mouth have left me mute.
“Of course, she’ll be there,” Damon exclaims as if there isn’t any other place I’d rather be. I send him a nasty glare which earns me a wink in return. 
“Then it’d be a pleasure.”
Damon’s smile is all but welcoming as he responds to Elijah, “Great.”
This is going to be a horrible night. 
This is a horrible night. 
First I get a nasty grade on my modern art project. Not my fault, since modern art is a crime against humanity. 
Then, I try to find a dress for this stupid dinner and the only half-decent dress that I have now is two inches too short.
And then after I said screw it, put the dress on and finished getting ready. I went down to my car only to find out that my front tire had gone flat. Honestly in this case I was happy about it because I had a reason to cancel, but when I called Jenna and told her the “upsetting” news, she told me she’d come pick me up. Great. 
So now I’ve been sitting on my front porch waiting for Jenna. After waiting for fifteen minutes I was close to just calling it quits and telling Jenna the fries from earlier made me throw up on myself. But, right when I stand up a dark sedan pulls into my driveway. Wait. I know that sedan. Damnit. Why the hell is Elijah here?
As if he could read my thoughts Elijah pretty much glides out of his car looking practically god-like in yet another five-thousand-dollar suit and smiles at me. 
“Good evening, Elskan,” Elijah walks up the walkway to stand before me, “Miss. Sommers so kindly asked me if I could escort you to the dinner tonight. To which I happily obliged.”
“Right,” I sigh, “Let’s just get this night over with.”
I walk to Elijah’s car as he follows me, just like before he opens the door for me. I send him an appreciative nod and get in. After another moment we’re driving down the dark road towards the boarding house. 
“You look breathtaking, Elskan,” Elijah says to me from his position in the driver’s seat. 
“Thanks,” I turn to him and look at his usual attire, “You look the same.”
He chuckles, “Yes, you always seem to remind me of my attire. Thank you for that.”
“Always here to help.”
We drive in comfortable silence for the entirety of the trip until we get to the Salvatore’s driveway.
“How are you feeling about tonight,” Elijah’s tone is flat but as he looks at me his eyes are filled with what I believe to be suspicion.
“You mean, do I think something bad is going to happen?”
Elijah’s upper lip twitches, “Aren’t you a smart one? But yes, I am not going to threaten you Elskan. I would never do that, but,” At that, I’m tensing in my seat, “I need to know if your friends are planning something, unbecoming, tonight.”
At Elijah’s serious tone, I shake my head, “I don’t know anything. Promise,” Elijah doesn’t seem to be entirely pleased with my answer, and something in me wants to fix that, “But, I do know that Damon is not one to have friendly dinner parties so,” I look at him uneased but speak in a strong voice, “Be on your guard tonight.”
“Thank you for your honesty, Elskan.”
Elijah and I stand side by side as he knocks on the front door. We wait only a moment before a smirking Demon opens it up,
“Thank you both for coming,” Damon says a little too nicely, “Y/N don’t you look adorable. Come on in!”
Elijah places his hand on my lower back, “Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider.”
“No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just, uh, getting to know you.”
“Hmm, well, that’s good.”
“Yeah,” I watch this back and forth waiting for something bad to happen. 
“Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal if you so much as make a move to cross me I’ll kill you and I’ll kill everyone in this house,” And there it is, “Except Y/N and Miss. Sommers of course. Are we clear?” 
“Crystal,” Damon eyes Elijah wearily. And then Elijah leads me into the house as Jenna enters the room.
“Jenna, wonderful to see you again. How are you?”
“I’m seriously getting whiplash from you man,” I whisper so only Elijah will hear. The only response I get is a slight squeeze to my waist as he pulls me closer and away from everyone else who has entered the room to greet us. His right-hand stays resting on my upper hip. 
“Let’s eat.”
“I hate to break it to you, Damon,” Jenna says to Damon as she pours him a glass of wine, “But according to Elijah your family is so not a founder of this town.” 
“Hmm, do tell,” Damon responds. Damon sits at the head of the table sipping his wine as he stares at Elijah, who is currently sitting next to me on my right. Alaric sits to my left and Jenna and Abby sit across from us. I should really learn her name. There’s also this balding white man who is sitting across from Damon at the other end of the table but no one here seems to want him here.
“Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trial in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution.”
“Hmm, because they were witches,” Jenna chimes in.
“Yeah, there’s no tangible proof there were witches in Salem.”
“Andies a journalist. Big on facts,” Oh, so that’s her name. I liked Andrea more.
“Well,” Elijah sets down his fork and starts talking again, “the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement. So these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned,” Elijah says as if it’s something anyone wants to hear while they’re eating steak dinner, “Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the,” He gestures to the salt and Ric passes it to him wearily. 
“I wouldn’t repeat this to the Historical Society,” Jenna says which has me wanting to roll my eyes at the mention of those bags.
“Maybe you should,” I say to myself but have seemed to catch the attention of the table. Shit.
“I’m just saying it would knock them down a peg, which is clearly needed,” I whisper out the last part, “Even though there is no proof of witches being burned at the stake during the trials. It was mostly done from self-drownings and using rocks.”
At my contradiction to Elijah’s statement he raises an eyebrow, “Is that so?”
“Self-drowning and rocks? How would that work,” Jenna questions with a slight stutter clearly having had a little too much wine.
“Well with the drowning it was more of a test,” I use fingerquotes at the word, “So to speak. The witch in question would be tossed into a body of water and if she was able to stay afloat she was condemned as a witch and was killed. But if she didn’t float, well. Y’know. So I mean either way it was just a way to punish women for being women. They used the rocks though to stone the people to death. Interestingly enough one of my ancestors was actually killed that way. R.I.P.”
I laugh at my little joke at the end which has earned me a few stares from the people at the table.
“Ok, moving past whatever that was,” Damon says as he turns back to Elijah, “So why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?”
Elijah thinks for a moment before smiling, “You know… a healthy historian’s curiosity, of course.”
“Of course,” Damon replies to Elijah who has already gone back to taking a bite out of his steak. I bring my glass of water to my lips and take a sip but start choking on it when I feel a hand gently grab my other one from under the table. 
“Y/N! Are you ok,” Jenna exclaims from her side of the table as Ric pats me on the back, I put up a thumbs up and try to smile.
“Yep all good. Just,” I cough out a bit more, “went down the wrong pipe. Don’t mind me.”
Even though I almost choked, Elijah still hasn’t moved his hand from mine. Instead, his fingers have begun tracing shapes into my skin. I know I should feel disgusted, but I can’t seem to want to move his hand away. He looks at me momentarily as if to check I’m ok. To which I send him a small nod. This in return makes him smile and grab a hold of my hand more firmly now.
Damon's standing distracts me momentarily, “Does anyone care for some cognac? I have a bottle I’ve been saving for ages.”
God, me, please.
“None for me, thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit,” Alaric says as he downs yet another glass of wine. Jesus dude, try water sometime. 
This has everyone standing from the table. Ok then, guess I’m done eating. 
“The gentleman should take their drinks in the study,” Anna says. 
“How 1950s of you Alice,” I smile at her sarcastically.
“My name is Andie,” She says back.
“Is that not what I said,” I smile at her as I walk past her into the study. I don’t even want to go in here with them but I’m doing it to stand on principle. And that I’m kind of an asshole. But that’s not my fault since I was awoken this morning before I was able to get my full 13 hours of shut eye.
My fingers graze the dozens of books I walk by as Damon and Elijah converse behind me. It surprises me that Damon has so many books, when he’s so dumb. Weird. 
“Are these Stefan’s?”
Damon spares me a moment's glance, “No, they’re mine.”
I hum. Weird. Maybe he just doesn’t have comprehension skills.
“So, let me guess, in the addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe… You need to find this witch burial ground.”
“Because I feel as though we’ve grown so close, Damon,” Elijah’s words have me chuckling as I flip through a book that seems to be at least one hundred years old, “I’ll tell you yes. Do you know where it is?”
“Maybe,” Damon’s answer has Elijah walking over to him, “Tell me why it’s so important.”
“We’re not that close.”
Damon getting rejected has me snorting which catches Elijah’s attention as he smiles up to me. He notices the book I have in my hands and speaks again to Damon.
“It’s quite a collection you have here. It is a funny thing about books. Before they existed people actually had memories.”
I go to make a snarky comment at Elijah’s words but Ric comes storming into the study. 
“Gentlemen,” I clear my throat and Ric looks at me, “And Y/N. We forgot about dessert.”
Addison comes over to Elijah and raises a hand for him to take, which has a nasty feeling starting in my gut. But before it goes too far Elijah turns to me instead and reaches out his own hand, “Y/N.”
I have to fight back a snort as we walk by Amelia Bedelia as Elijah leads me into the dining room where Jenna is.  
“Sorry, guys, dessert is taking longer than I thought,” Jenna’s words have me physically deflating, “I usually just unwrap food.”
Elijah leads me to a chair and moves it so I can sit down. He sits next to me and Audrey sits across from us. 
“So, I know this is a social thing but I, I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you’re doing here,” She asks Elijah who agrees. I’m quite interested in what he’s going to say since he’s created this big lie surrounding, Elijah Smith.
“Great,” She continues as Damon enters the room, “Oh, that’s so great. Ric, would you do me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?”
She instructs Ric as Elijah’s hand finds its way back to my hand.
“Elijah, did John tell you that he’s Elena’s uncle/father?’’
Damon’s question has me sitting up right.
I look between Damon and the balding man next to me and wonder how he was able to produce a girl as pretty as Elena. Also now I’m pissed and kind of sad no one has told me this before.
“Yes, I’m well aware of that,” Even Elijah knows?!
“Of course, she hates him, so there’s absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list.”
Now I don’t feel bad for thinking he looked like Charlie Brown earlier. 
Adeline says something to Ric but now my full focus is on Elijah's fingers which are now grazing up and down my hand that lays on my thigh.
I can hear Dead Beat saying something to Elijah but the words won’t focus as I try to calm my breathing. Elijah’s deep voice enters my ears as I hear him threatening the two men but the soft touching hasn’t gone away. 
I’m almost comforted by the feeling now until the once soothing feeling is replaced by his hand crushing my thigh. My yells are mixed with what I’ve just now realized are Elijah’s as he crunches up in pain. A loud scream escapes my lips as I see a dagger protruding from Elijah’s back and can only watch in horror and pain as Elijah’s once soft and light skin turns to grey and veining flesh. 
I blink rapidly as everyone moves around me but all I can focus on is Elijah’s dead body. Dead. Elijah’s dead. Oh god. 
I feel someone grab my upper arm and drag me out of my seat, “What’s wrong with you?”
My breathing halts. My vision goes black and, my body hits the floor. 
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achilles-rage · 2 months
Good Luck Charm: Chapter 6
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college football player!buck x plus size!reader
summary: you go to the coffee shop with elijah, making you miss your meeting with evan. he has many questions the next day, which means some feelings are revealed.
word count: 3.1k
previous chapter
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A/N: i have nothing to say other than i love how this turned out. enjoy<3
warnings: none, no use of y/n, fem!reader, inexperienced!reader, race inclusive!reader
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The next Tuesday, you’re at the coffee shop with Elijah like you planned, and he will not stop asking you questions. You happily answer them at first, but the more he asks, the more ridiculous his questions get, until you’re explaining the most basic points of the class to him. You’re also a little pissed off because you were supposed to hang out with Evan today, but it was long past the time you were supposed to meet him, and you had to text him and tell him you wouldn’t be able to make it.
He’s talking so much that you don’t even have time to read Evan’s texts, asking you where you are and if you’re okay. As bored as you are, you don’t want to be rude and check your phone. You have a fake smile plastered to your face as you listen to him speak, chiming in every now and then, but your thoughts are completely on Evan.
“I really appreciate you helping me out. I’ve been meaning to talk to you since the start of classes.” Elijah tells you after a couple hours, leaning closer to you across the table as your eyes widen slightly. The smile drops from your face. Evan was right, you think, maybe this isn’t about class at all. You’re not used to this kind of attention, so you’re surprised at his words.
“Oh?” you ask in a soft voice, nervously, as if speaking quietly enough would make him drop the subject. You aren’t looking forward to this. If you hadn’t met Evan, you’re sure you would’ve been giddy at the idea of Elijah wanting to talk to you, but he hardly compares to the stupid blue eyed man you’ve gotten to know. Plus, Evan’s words about not wanting you to go out with him are currently echoing through your head.
“Yeah. I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out again? No class work. Like, a date?” he asks, his voice full of hope as he looks at you expectantly. You sigh, biting the inside of your cheek, trying to think of what to say.
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I liked helping you out, but, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” you tell him softly with an apologetic smile on your face, as if raising your voice any more would make your words any more harsh. He clears his throat, looking down at his empty coffee cup as he nods.
“Yeah, right. Of course. No problem.” he says awkwardly. He starts packing up his stuff quickly as he stands up, and you watch him with guilt in your eyes. As happy as you are that you can finally leave, you feel bad.
“I’ll see you in class?” you ask, starting to pack your stuff up, giving him a small smile. You don’t want him to feel bad, and you dread the awkwardness you’ll have to endure for the rest of the semester. He’s nice enough, but you just can’t get your mind off of Evan.
“Uh, yeah, right. I’ll see you later. Thanks again.” he says quickly, giving you a nod before leaving the coffee shop. You get up slowly, giving him a minute before you leave and make your way home. You were supposed to meet Evan over an hour ago, and he’s probably already at home by now. You don’t want to make him walk back to campus to meet you, so you decide not to text him. You’ll see him tomorrow, anyway.
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“Why couldn’t you hang out yesterday?” Evan asks immediately when he sees you, falling into step with you as you walk out of your class, his brows furrowed. He’s learned your schedule by now, and he knows where to go if he wants to talk to you. And he desperately wants to talk to you about this. You haven’t cancelled on him in the almost 4 weeks you’ve known each other, and you didn’t give him a reason when he texted you. You told him you were sorry, but you didn’t feel like typing out your whole explanation over text. Knowing him, he’d probably call you immediately, wanting to know every. single. detail.
And you really didn’t want to deal with that over the phone.
“I went out with Elijah, he had a lot of questions, we stayed late at the coffee shop.” you tell him, rolling your eyes with a smile as you see his jaw clench instinctively. He raises a brow and gestures for you to continue, hoping this story doesn’t end how he thinks it might. He really hopes you staying late doesn’t mean that you were having a good time, and he was losing you.
“He, uh, asked me out.” you mention after a moment, ducking your head slightly as you keep walking, waiting for his reaction. He’s probably going to say “I told you so,” and you don’t want to hear it.
He stops walking and grabs your arm to stop you too. He spins you gently to face him, ducking his head slightly to match your height better.
“What did you say?” he says through gritted teeth, his jealousy bubbling up as he thinks about you alone with Elijah. His hands on you, rather than his own.
“I said no.” you tell him, biting your lip as you wait for his reaction. You assume he’ll be relieved, having clearly stated his dislike for the guy, but you selfishly want to pretend he cares about you not going out with him for more reasons than just a general dislike for him.
“Why?” he asks after a moment. He’s staring at you intently, eyes trying to search for any sign of you actually liking Elijah.
“You said you didn’t want me to.” you state, shrugging as if that was the only reason you needed. He lets out a quiet sigh and looks down, nodding slowly as he shoves his hands in his pockets, feeling slightly relieved.
“Was there any other reason?” His eyes dart up to your face again, licking his lips as he waits for your reply. You shrug, biting your lip as you avert your gaze from his, your skin heating up as you think about what to say. He takes in your nervous stance, and the gears are turning in his head as he tries to figure out what you’re thinking. Maybe he was right before, he thinks, maybe you did like him, and that’s why you’re so nervous around him. As you start to stutter out a fake response, he grabs your wrist and tugs you into an empty classroom.
“What are you-” you get out before his lips are on yours, using one hand on the back of your neck to guide you up to him. He’s holding you firmly, but gently enough that you can pull away if he’s painfully wrong about your feelings for him.
Your lips meet his in a dizzying kiss and his other hand moves to your hip, pulling you flush against him. He groans softly as he feels your chest and tummy push against his torso, and he tilts your head further up into the kiss.
It takes a moment for you to kiss him back, eyes wide as you realize that his lips are on yours. You close your eyes after a moment, kissing him deeply. He bites down on your lip gently, making you gasp softly, which allows him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Your mind goes blank as you kiss him, and you’re unsure of what to do, other than put your hands on his chest and kiss him back. He’s resisting every urge to take you in the middle of this classroom, and after a minute, he turns you and pushes your back against the door he kicked closed after he pulled you in. You whimper softly as your back hits the door, trailing one of your hands up his chest to his jaw and arching your back slightly as you try to somehow get any closer than you already are.
You continue to kiss him for a little longer, until you feel his hands slowly going from your hips to your ass, squeezing it roughly. You suddenly realize where you are and what you’re doing, and pull back with wide eyes, looking up at him nervously.
“We can’t.” you whisper. You trail your hand back down to his chest as you look up at him, noticing the lust in his eyes.
“Why? We’re alone, no one is around.” he teases softly, slowly leaning back in again to meet your lips. You push him back softly, shaking your head with a small laugh.
“Not here.” you whisper, feeling your stomach fill with a newfound nervousness. Location aside, you’ve never done anything like this before, and you feel you’re just now remembering that. As much as you want to keep kissing him, you’re filled with dread. Scared that you’ll do the wrong thing.
“Then where, princess? Where can I have you all to myself?” he asks desperately, itching to have his lips back on you, pulling soft whimpers from your pretty lips. He ducks his head as your eyes wander down to your hands on his chest, smoothing the fabric down to keep yourself grounded.
“I don’t know.” you reply, voice barely audible.
“I wanna take you back to my place. Now.” he tells you roughly, the hand on the back of your head moving to your jaw and tilting your head up. You can’t help but smile at his eagerness, but you can’t ignore the way your stomach is churning.
“I have class in an hour.” you try to reason. You really do have class, but you’re mostly just too nervous to continue this right now, and you figure it’s an easy way out. You feel like you need to hype yourself up to what he’s alluding to.
“Skip it. It’s only the fourth week of classes, you have some time to catch up. I can think of something else much better for you to do than sit in class, anyway.” he purrs, lowering his face to your neck, kissing it softly.
“You’re a bad influence.” you tease softly, but you can’t help but tilt your head back as he kisses you. You move your arms to wrap around his neck, resting your forearms on his shoulders as your hands dangle behind his head.
“You have no idea, princess. Just wait until I get you alone in my house. You’ll see just how bad of an influence I can be.” he whispers in your ear, smirking to himself. You may be stubborn, but all he’s thinking of right now is how you’d look sprawled under him on his bed, and he’s dying to get you to agree.
You bite your lip, trying not to let a noise escape your mouth as your heartbeat quickens. You’re fighting the urge to give in, and you know you should push him away. He seems to pick up on you trying to keep quiet, too focused on his mouth on your neck to respond, and he leans back to meet your gaze. He sees the unsure look in your eyes; your eyes wide and pupils blown as you look up at him, speechless.
“You’re so damn cute when you get all shy, princess, but don’t think that it’ll save you when I take you back to my place.” He knows this will make your breath catch in your throat and stutter out your words, and that’s exactly what he wants. It’s becoming clear to him that you’re not completely used to this type of attention, and he wants to make you squirm.
“Save me from what?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. Your brain is so fuzzy from the kiss that you can barely think, his suggestive tone going completely over your head.
“From everything I plan on doing to you when we get there. I have a feeling you’ve never been properly taken care of before, and I’m going to change that.” He smirks down at you as your eyes widen slightly before you look down. He knows you’re on the edge of giving in, so he asks you again.
“Please tell me you’ll come with me now.” he all but begs, a sense of urgency in his voice. He feels the stiffness in his jeans, and he would do just about anything to get you to go home with him. Now.
You feel your hands shaking slightly as he looks down at you, waiting desperately for your answer. You swallow and let out a shaky breath as you weigh out the options in your head. On one hand, you want to go with him so bad, imagining how his hands would feel on you. But on the other hand, you really do have class, nervousness aside. Your nerves are at an all time high as you think about being alone with him in his room, trying to keep up with his very obvious experience. You close your eyes for a moment before opening them again and speaking.
“I can’t.” you whisper as you look back up at him, feeling a little bad when you see his face fall. He nods after a moment, clearing his throat and backing away from you.
“Okay.” He’s not angry, far from it. He’s a little disappointed, but he can sense your nervousness, feeling the way your hands were shaking slightly while they rested on his chest. He isn’t going to push you into it. That’s the last thing he wants to do.
“Are you still good to go to the library later?” he asks after a moment, trying to ease your nerves by pretending that everything is normal. He smiles softly when you nod.
“Good. I better go, I was supposed to be in class 10 minutes ago. Got distracted,” he says with a grin, winking at you. “See you later, princess.”
He turns and opens the door, but stops suddenly as if he forgot something. He turns back to you, grabbing your chin and bringing your lips to his for a quick kiss, then pulls back and turns back to the door.
You nod mindlessly, still thinking about the way his lips felt on yours. You blink slowly and lick your lips, feeling yourself lower back to reality once you can’t feel his presence anymore. You’re still reeling from the kiss, and your knees feel weak as you slowly make your way outside to a picnic table in the courtyard. You pull out your laptop and try to do some work before your next lecture, but your thoughts are consumed by how he felt pressed up against you.
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When you meet at the library later, you’re finally able to calm your nerves, but your heart starts to race as soon as you see his face. You’re not sure how to react around him now. This is completely new to you, so you try to act the exact same as before he kissed you.
He tries to go at your pace, resisting the urge to kiss you as you try to focus on your assignment, but it’s hard. His eyes keep making their way down your body, and he can’t seem to take his eyes off your soft tummy. Your whole body makes him weak, but he thinks he likes your belly the most. He likes how it moves when you laugh, and how he can see its soft imprint when you’re wearing something more form fitting. All he wants to do is touch and kiss it until you’re giggling and squirming under him.
You try to ignore the way his eyes are moving down your figure, as it’s making you even more nervous and shaky, but it’s almost impossible. You keep your eyes on your laptop, as he speaks to you, pursing your lips as you try to remain as neutral as possible.
“What’s got you so jumpy today, princess?” he teases, resting his head on his hand as he leans on the table, body angled at you.
“Nothing.” you say, trying to keep the smile off your face as you see his smirk from the corner of your eye. He parts his lips slightly as he runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek, eyes glancing down to your lips yet again.
“That’s harsh.” he teases, which makes you laugh softly and shake your head. You momentarily forget that you’re supposed to be nervous, and you turn to look at him with a glint in your eye.
“Do you have to be like this all the time?” He chuckles softly, shrugging.
“You love it, and you know it. I like making you squirm.” he affirms, leaning closer to you. You look back at your screen, laughing softly, until you realize the time.
“Don’t you have practice soon?” you alert him, which makes him groan and tilt his back. His mind is so occupied by you that he completely forgot about practice. He knows he can’t miss it. His coach would kill him if he skipped, but he wants to stay here with you.
“Yeah, whatever. I guess I should go.” he huffs after a moment, taking one last opportunity to check you out. You let out a sad sigh. You know he has to go to practice, but you really don’t want to part ways with him yet. You start to pack up your laptop, standing up as he does.
As soon as you exit the library and are about to part ways, he stops you, making you look up at him.
“Good luck kiss for the road?” he asks in a slightly teasing tone, but his eyes are hopeful. You laugh softly, nodding as you lean up on your toes and giving him a quick peck. He tries to deepen the kiss by putting a hand on your jaw, but you pull away, looking around campus in slight embarrassment about your PDA.
“Go to practice, Buckley.” you tell him sternly, but he knows you’re not being serious because of the smile plastered to your face.
“Yes ma’am.” he replies smugly, giving you one last peck before he takes a few steps back, winking before he finally turns and walks toward the stadium. You watch him for a moment with a smile before you turn and start walking toward your apartment. You can’t wait to tell your roommate about your day, knowing you won’t be able to hide it from her for long.
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next chapter
notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
Tbh no idea why people hate omegaverse so much, it's so delicious in every way possible and there's so much storytelling potential that it's insane.
Also both you and Elijah have me going insane and feral with your posts today I'm just.... growling biting at the bars of my enclosure at baby trapping posts. And I've been thinking of pregnant Simon since you responded to my post last night and I'm haunted by how much I need him to have my baby. He'd look so beautiful too 😔
He just needs to retire and be my house husband and I'll take care of him and make sure he goes to therapy <3
🔮 anonie you have thoughts going inside my head rn bc I can’t help but imagine ghost who’d never thought of having kids he wasn’t cut out to be a father according to him, and the only father he’s come across was the piece of shit he was related to and maybe even Price who has offered a helping hand whenever he needed it
But then he meets you and you’re so good around kids, whether it’s because you have one of your own or a younger sibling and he can’t help but imagine what it would like for the two of you to have one together
It’s insane it really is he understands that, he does dangerous work where he can’t guarantee he’ll be back in the morning, he’s not cut out for the role and besides the two of you have only been dating for a couple of months.
But everything changes one day when the two of you are out at the park with your nephew or younger sibling or kid in tow,
You’d ask ghost to watch over the kid while you went to get the three of you ice cream suddenly someone came up to him, told him what a lovely little family he has, even jokingly says how the two of you make handsome dads , but just as he’s about to correct the stranger you come up behind him with a bright smile on your face, thanking the stranger for their kind words before handing him his ice cream cone
“You’d make a great father you know?” You say staring ahead, where your nephew or whoever is climbing the monkey bars
He scoffs, but ducks his head to hide the blush on his face “doubt that”
You don’t push it any further, dropping the conversation and moving along to talking about something else but it doesn’t leave his head and all of a sudden he can’t help but imagine how he’d look with a bump, if the kid would have his or your eyes, and oh then there’s the way he’d find himself googling different types of positions in bed that would ensure the person got pregnant, he’s just doing research you know nothing serious, and more often than not he finds himself too lazy to take his birth control, keeping you inside him for hours because it’s comfortable and not because he’s hoping for something more.
And when he goes to take a pregnancy test that just so happens to be laying around in his bathroom and it turns out to be a positive one, he can’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of fear but also an overwhelming amount of joy because he knows with you by his side he can do just about anything
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blackleatherjacketz · 4 months
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 4
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Elijah Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers, but don't find out who they are until it's too late.
This Chapter: A mysterious box shows up on your doorstep, Elijah buys you a drink.
Warnings: Witchcraft, Love Bombing, Stalking, Sugar Daddy Vibes, Feelings of Inadequacy
Word Count: 2.3k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
Klaus’ bloody kiss had stayed with you for days, haunting you throughout your shifts at the hospital as your hormones raged in the absence of his presence, nearly making it impossible for you to focus. It made you wish that you were established enough to focus solely on your art career, that you didn’t have to work well into the night to pay your bills, but here you were, still a slave to capitalism. After your third grueling shift in a row, your legs wearily carry your body up the stairs to your apartment only to find a package sitting square in the middle of your doorstep. You look down the hallway at the other apartments, thinking that maybe it was something from the landlord that everybody got, but all the other welcome mats lay empty.
The box just sits there ominously, devoid of any stickers or labels, letting you know that it’s been hand delivered instead of ordered online and sent to your address. For whatever reason, you’re not sure why, that makes it seem a little bit more unsettling than you care to admit. That shady tarot reading makes you even more suspicious, Klaus’ warning of the witches in this town lingering in the back of your mind, making you approach your door with more caution than usual.
As you get closer, you notice that it’s a small wooden box exquisitely carved of rich cherry, no bigger than a shoebox without any other words or markings anywhere that you can see. Your heart races as you bend down to pick it up, holding your breath as you fear the very worst. What if there’s a dead animal inside or a body part covered in blood with some kind of curse on it that ruins your life once you touch it? What if it’s a distraction? What if….? You’re too tired for this. You grit your teeth and take a deep breath, finally convincing yourself to move your fingers and lift the top half of the box to see what’s inside.
Oh thank God! It’s just a book, but not any old book. It’s a paperback copy of Le Fantome de l’Opera, the first edition ever to be sold in France in the early 1900’s…1910, to be exact.
You exhale instantly as a wave of relief washes over you, carefully inspecting the green and gray cover, turning it over in your hands a few times before opening it to view its yellowed but pristine pages. You’d seen listings of this copy online before, but never actually seen it in person, let alone physically held it in your own hands. You can’t help but smile as you flip through the pages, doing your best to interpret the foreign language until you reach the front cover, reading a small note recently inscribed in perfect cursive:
For your collection, Little Lotte. Let your mind wander. I’ve read this far too many times to keep it Locked away on my shelf.
Your obedient servant. E. M.
E. M.? Elijah, of course! Had you really made as much of an impression on him as he had on you that day in the library? Has he really been thinking about you fondly enough to make a purchase of this magnitude and leave it for you to find in the middle of the night?
You stare blankly at the message for a moment, allowing the aroma of aged ink on paper to fill your nostrils as you bring it up to your face, nearly forgetting where you are and how scared you were just a moment ago. You close your eyes and imagine the intoxicating scent of his cologne surrounding you as that dark voice of his reads to you in French before your body begins to warm all over, instinctively leaning against your front door.
Your eyelids flutter as the weight of them suddenly becomes too much, the comfort of your bed calling to you as you coach yourself to find your keys and push them into the handle, nearly stumbling inside your living room. You bring the book and its box inside with you, sleepily deciding that you can weigh out the pros and cons of both Elijah and Klaus in the morning once you’re showered and rested, but until then, it’s time to sleep.
You don’t wake again until the next afternoon, a rather common occurrence after working so many twelve-hour shifts in a row. You eventually rise and talk yourself into making a strong pot of coffee, glancing over at the book Elijah had left you as your caffeine begins to brew. Allowing the aroma to slowly clear your head as you pour your first cup, you wonder which situation was weirder: Klaus shutting down your Tarot interpretation just to walk you home and kiss you, or Elijah tracking down your home address to send you your favorite book. Both had lines of romantic intentions drawn through them, Klaus’ being a bit more forward than Elijah’s, but the truth remains for each of them.
You can’t remember a time where anyone had vied for your affections more fervently than right now, when two wildly different men had so brazenly inserted themselves into your life, the likes of which you could only compare to the romantic stories you’ve read about in books. You’d always envied those women who had two lovers to choose from, the center of attention at all times as these men competed for her hand. But this is real life, and if your years of experience had taught you anything about men, it’s that one of them will most likely grow tired of you before too long, weeding themselves out of the competition before it even begins. It’s just a book, you tell yourself. That’s all.
Attempting to clear your head of work, magic and ancient copies of classic literature, you decide to watch your coworker Tammy play the trumpet at a small bar in the garden district later in the night. It’s far enough away from where you met both Elijah and Klaus that you don’t have to worry about weighing the options of being in their presence as you settle into your barstool.
You let the music from the instruments distract you for the moment; Tammy’s trumpet painting the humid Louisiana air a shockingly vivid yellow, the saxophone adding bright red to the canvas as the piano dots the page with its vibrant blue notes while the bass guitar’s earthy green tones hold it all together. They blend and build onto one another, creating a beautifully unique masterpiece of sound that’s distinct to this region of the world, but vastly different from anything else anyone’s ever created before. This is what you love about the city, how the music on every street corner seems to take on a life of its own, dousing every inch of it in an almost visible, tangible fresco for everyone around to experience. This city is alive in more ways than one, and you’re just happy to be here to bear witness.
“Your finest whiskey, please, and whatever she’s having.” That dark chocolate timbre brings you back to reality as he addresses the bartender before turning ever so slightly toward you.
Oh, great. It’s Elijah. Is he following you? He’s already managed to find out where you live, so this doesn’t completely surprise you, but the coincidence forces suspicion to take up shelter in the base of your spine as he unbuttons his suit jacket.
“Espresso martini, please,” you tell the bartender softly, looking over at Elijah in disbelief. You aren’t entirely sure if you should be flattered or scared, his determination to find you both admirable and alarming. “Are you following me?” You ask in a semi-joking tone.
“Hardly,” he replies with a satisfied grin, keeping his secrets safe. “But if I was, I wouldn’t have expected you to show up here.”
“Well, if I’d have known you were looking for me, I would have given you more of a run for your money.” You lie, attempting to play it cool as you look at both of your reflections in the mirror behind the bar.
So much for your vampire theory.
“Would you, now?” He chuckles, his nonchalance making you shiver.
“Thank you, by the way… for the drink and for the gift.” You pause as his grin slowly melts into a smile. “The book, it’s remarkable, I’ve never seen anything like it,” you pause, careful not to get too swept up by his romantic gesture that you lose your head. “But that’s a nine thousand dollar book, Elijah, I looked it up on eBay. The first edition ever? I mean, how did you even get that? There are only two copies in the entire world for sale right now. I couldn't possibly accept a gift like this.”
He shrugs as if the money is inconsequential to him, his lips pursing just enough to signal that he’s almost tickled by your refusal. “I didn’t buy it, if it’s the price that bothers you.” He takes a moment to lean in and look you in the eye, his voice dropping down to a sincere whisper. “I gave it to you because I wanted you to have it, because you told me how much that book meant to you.”
“But why would you do that? You don’t even know me,” you counter breathily, attempting to push away what seems too good to be true.
“Not yet, no.” He sizes you up like a snake about to devour its prey. “But I could.”
Goddamnit, who IS this guy?
“Well… first of all, you can’t just stalk me and find out where I live and leave mysterious unmarked boxes on my doorstep at three in the morning.” You hush the tone of your last few words as the bartender brings both of your drinks out.
“I thought you enjoyed elements of danger with your romance, that love was meaningless without any stakes?” He raises an eyebrow and traces the rim of his glass with his index finger.
“I meant in my books, not in real life. I didn’t anticipate you scaring me half to death after a long shift with that box! It could have been anything in there: a dead rat, bloody feathers, someone’s finger, I don’t know!” You helplessly attempt to plead your case of how frightening it is to live in this world as a woman, but a man like him isn’t likely to listen.
“I’ve offended you.” His tone is diplomatic now, his expression hardening. “I assure you, that was not my intention. If I’ve misread our previous interaction, I’ll kindly take my leave.”
“No, that’s not it!” You correct him, grabbing hold of his arm to keep him near. “I'm letting you know that I would be offended if I wasn’t so… if you weren’t so…” you trail off, getting flustered as your lip begins to quiver.
“If I weren’t so what?” He reaches up and pushes a strand of hair away from your face, making your heart leap inside your chest as he gently tucks it behind your ear. You suddenly feel as if all time has stopped, the boisterous barrage of the band fading off into the distance as you fall headfirst into the black abyss of his eyes, letting it pull you down into its darkest depths, abandoning all hope of walking away from this sultry encounter unscathed. “I know you feel it, too.”
Fuck. He’s not wrong, not even a little.
He inhales slowly, creating a long electric pause as he takes you in as if it’s his very first time seeing you, letting you drown in the slick feeling in the very pit of your stomach. “I’ll admit that my delivery was a little old fashioned, but I thought that was something you’d appreciate.” He strokes your cheek as if he knows exactly what to do to make you melt beneath him, that he’s well aware that despite his questionable actions, he knows you won’t get up and leave.
“Mmm hmm,” you stammer clumsily, his fingers lighting up your skin as every tiny hair stands at attention, waiting for him to touch more of you.
“I didn’t mean to alarm you.” He removes his hand from your face and takes the first sip of his cocktail, the stoic confidence radiating off of him like a man who's done no wrong.
“I do appreciate it, I really do, more than you know.” You admit, barely able to find your words as he holds you in his gaze. You struggle to express out loud what you’re thinking right now, how you’re feeling as a haunting sense of unworthiness creeps over you, inch by inch like an insidious gray cloud. You’d know it anywhere by now, for it’s the same one that’s followed you around for the majority of your adult life. “It’s just that one’s ever done anything like that for me before. I guess I’m just… not used to it.”
“Then every man before me has been a fool.” He lets his hand rest on top of yours, his fingers slowly slipping into the spaces between them before gently flipping it over, exposing your wrist. He takes another long draught of his whiskey before tracing little designs into your palm with his fingertips, exciting every neuron on your skin before moving up to your wrist, brushing against your pulse. “I’m sure that isn’t what you came to this city to find, now is it, little Lotte? A life that you’re ‘used to’?”
“No.” You confess almost immediately, feeling yourself sinking down deeper into his chasm of madness as you attempt to pick your jaw up off the floor.
“Then keep the book.”
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Can we have an imagine where Klaus actually accidentally cums in his pants when reader does or says something
Maybe he’s eating her out and ends up making a mess
I wan to see the reader tease his before sucking his off go clean her up
(Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with xx)
It’s Not a Big Deal-Klaus M
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As well as this request I also had one for Klaus where Y/n didn’t know she could squirt as she had never done it until he ate her out, I don’t have the request but I combined them and I hope this works for both requests.
Btw, just for anyone wondering in the future, I never write anything I’m uncomfortable with, it just so happens I don’t really have anything I’m uncomfortable with😂. I’ll give just about everything a try and once you’ve written a fic about Klaus and his Omega fucking in wolf form you can write anything so don’t worry about offending me or anything🩷
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To say that Klaus was good with his tongue would be an understatement, he knew what he could do to a women, he’s had a thousand years of practice after all. A thousand years of figuring out what makes a women feel best, though never once has he deprived himself in any way for any length of time. Women had always just fallen into his bed without a problem, it was common when you have looks like the Hybrid does.
Y/n was different though.
Klaus had fallen for Y/n accidentally, of course he wasn’t looking to fall for one of The Scooby Gangs friends but at least she wasn’t actively trying to kill him. Y/n stayed out of their ‘drama’ and when she met Klaus she hadn’t already decided he was pure evil. That doesn’t mean however, that she made it easy on him.
It took him a month and a half of flirting, coincidentally showing up wherever she was to spend time with her, and texting her sweet messages daily to get her to even agree to a date and of course he went all out for it. And of course he fucked it up.
Y/n wasn’t like the women he had ‘woo’ed in the past, she didn’t like expensive, fancy restaurants and being gifted jewelry, she was simple…he could do simple.
He apologized for taking her somewhere that had clearly made her uncomfortable and thankfully she agreed to let him try again, honestly she seemed to find it amusing how dead set he was on making her happy and he seemed to get it right the second time. He took her to a small clearing behind his house in the woods and after several comments and sureties that he wasn’t going to axe murder her they came upon the pile of blankets and pillows and a sheet hung up to project a movie on.
‘Wow…this is amazing.’ She gushed and he felt his wolf preening at her appreciation and enjoyment. He’d made his girl truly happy and he would make sure she stays that way.
Since becoming a full Hybrid he’s found things are different when it comes to women, his wolf feels strongly about them and usually it’s a hard ‘No’ from him. Caroline? No. Hayley? Hell No! The fact that his inner wolf didn’t like the wolf girl made Klaus think he could never be sated but that can’t be farther from the truth. He loves Y/n and he won’t let her get away.
‘I’m glad you like it. Dinner will be here in a few moments. Come sit.’ Klaus could see the happy smile on her face and he knew he had gotten it perfectly right, watching as she slid her shoes off and climbed into the nest like structure.
‘This is fucking awesome, we may have to sleep here tonight.’ She teased but he could also see she wasn’t really joking and he quickly texted Elijah the change of plans.
‘If that makes you happy, I would love to.’ He spoke, crawling in beside her and leaning back against the pile of pillows seeing her roll her eyes.
‘We would freeze out here Klaus-‘
‘Would I ever let you get hurt? No. I’m a werewolf, I radiate heat, and I can have a comforter brought out too. What other man can you say took you to sleep under the stars?’ He moved to pull up a fluffy blanket that he had picked up from the store, covering her lower body with it and watching her smile widen.
‘Definitely none. There was one date when I was a teenager but we only slept under the stars cause we were running through the woods from the cops after a Falls party and got lost. The stars were beautiful…not quite “passing out in the forest and waking up with leaves and dirt in my hair” beautiful but beautiful none the less.’ He couldn’t keep in the laugh, though he did try and she knew it was funny, laughing along with him.
‘Well, you told me what your favorite movie as a child was and since you were so upset that I hadn’t seen it I thought we would watch the Titanic together.’ Her eyes widened as she looked at him in shock.
‘You remembered? And you’re willing to watch nearly 4 hours of a romantic tragedy? What kind of man are you Niklaus Mikaelson?’ She said it in a joking manner but she was completely serious.
‘One who wants to see you smile love.’ He played the movie and watched her eyes light up in excitement as it came on, Elijah bringing out their dinner after about 10 minutes.
An hour later they were snuggled up under the thick blankets and while he had removed his shirt and pants to leave him in his boxer briefs she was in her panties and a tank top, not that he could see under the blankets but he could feel her naked legs entwined with his as the movie played and he knew regardless of the stupidity of this movie it was going to be one of his favorites after tonight. Even if all he got to do was snuggle her just like this for the rest of the night.
It wasn’t 5 minutes later that he gained enough courage to kiss her, his wolf practically purring just under the surface as she molded her lips with his hungrily. He had only meant to kiss her but she didn’t pull back, she pushed herself forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands finding her waist where he pushed her shirt up to feel the soft skin up her back before she yanked the top off and left herself exposed to him. He wrapped his lips around her soft breast and his cock was practically weeping he was so hard so fast, throbbing in his boxers and begging for release.
Y/n’s fingers ran through his hair and he moaned as she tugged on it roughly. ‘Fuck Klaus! Please? Don’t stop. So good!’ The purr that he felt inside from his wolf became a rumble from deep within his chest as he kissed down her soft flesh to her pantie line, looking up for permission which Y/n gave quickly. ‘Definitely not like other men.’ She teased and he loved it.
‘Other men don’t want to taste this sweet pussy? I find that hard to believe.’ He spoke as he tossed the fabric away and dragged his tongue straight up her slit, finally getting a real taste of her as he has wanted since he first laid eyes on her 2 months ago.
‘Oh God! No! Just you, you crazy Hybrid!’ She squealed at the end as he sucked her clit into his mouth. She came almost as soon as he pushed his 2 fingers into her, tongue happily working her through it before trying to push her into another instantly. ‘Klaus! Fuck! Plea-Please?! Nik!’ His girl was practically riding his face, needy and desperate for everything he has to give her.
What Klaus didn’t really notice however, was how hard he was humping the make-shift nest, grinding down on it as his wolf howled in his head so loud he could feel nothing else but his blinding orgasm while his Princess squirt all over his tongue. It was as if his mouth had a mind of its own and continued working her through her end with his mouth on autopilot because he was on cloud nine, resting his head on her thigh as they both calmed down.
It only took another moment for him to feel the sticky mess made in his boxers. ‘Shit!’
He sat up, covering her so that she wouldn’t be cold before trying to find his pants. ‘Klaus? Are you okay-‘
‘Fine! You just relax and keep watching the movie, I need to…shit-‘
‘Nik, it’s okay.’ Y/n moved to push him onto his back and shove his pants away from his grip. ‘Nothing to be embarrassed about…I mean you’re 1000 years old so the last thing I expected was you jizzing your underwear like a 13 year old boy-‘ she giggled but stopped him before he could get up. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just teasing. I just squirt all over your face, we’re both embarrassed, okay?’ He scoffed, taking hold of the back of her neck and connecting their lips roughly.
‘That was incredibly hot, possibly the sexiest thing I’ve seen a women do. I just came all over myself like a desperate virgin, on our first date no less…I’m better than that.’ He was angry with himself and he knew Y/n could see it. It was like the wolf side of him was so needy for her that he couldn’t control his own body and fuck if that’s not humiliating!
‘All it means is that you’re attracted to me. You don’t normally do this? That means it’s an incredible compliment. And it’s definitely not a problem.’ She pushed him back down flat before moving down his body and pulling his boxer briefs off, tossing them out of the nest. ‘I’ll clean you up and we can go back to the movie…and maybe try again in a bit.’
She was teasing him, he knew it but for the first time he didn’t care. Any other girl he’s ever fucked would have laughed in his face for cumming like that, but besides a cute joke she didn’t even seem to care. It just made Klaus all the more determined to please her.
She licked her tongue up the underside of his cock which was painfully hard against his stomach. Her moan upon tasting him didn’t make it any better for him as he felt his cock twitch, causing her to giggle. ‘Oh Fuck!’ He gasped as she wrapped her lips around him, sucking every bit of his cum off of his flesh but she kept going even after being clearly finished. ‘Y/n! Such a sweet little tongue-Shit, keep going Kitten! You’re mouth is heaven!’ He didn’t know if this was the best blowjob he had ever had, or if he was perceiving it as such just because he was undeniably already in love with her, but either way he feels like he’s dying in the best possible way.
She pulled from him with a ‘pop’ and looked up at him, hand pumping him a few times. ‘No more embarrassment. Promise?’ He nodded desperately, needing that hot little tongue back on his heated flesh.
‘Yes! From either of us!’ Her lips wrapped around the sensitive tip of his cock and suckled hard, tongue pressed against his slit causing a desperate cry as his hips thrust up, her pulling back to look at him. ‘Shit Babygirl, I’m gonna fuck that pussy so hard my family will think I’m fucking killing you! I’m gonna make you scream Kitten!’ Y/n could see his eyes glow gold just for a moment and knew that his wolf was just below the surface. She’s seen it almost every time she’s in Klaus’ presence and she doesn’t mind it, though she’s not sure what it means for their current activities…
She tilted her head teasingly before smiling. ‘What are you waiting for then Alpha?’ She teased, his eyes darkening before she was suddenly pinned under him with her legs being spread as wide as they could be.
‘You just had to tease, didn’t you?’ That was all the warning she got before Klaus took hold of his cock and shoved himself balls deep into her cunt.
‘Ahh! Too Much-‘
‘Good. Let everyone hear you!’ He growled, giving her another second to get used to him before pulling back and driving his hips to hers again and again.
‘I want the whole of Mystic Falls to hear you Kitten! My family! My Hybrids! And Every Single One of your friends!’ He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up as he sat back on his knees, driving up into her body roughly. ‘I want them all to know who owns this cunt by tomorrow! No one will dare even look at you again, they’ll all know who you belong to!’
Klaus could feel that he wasn’t in complete control-not that he couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to-but his wolf was desperate for his girl and he was going to have her! To make her his and ensure she never wanted for anything but him again.
‘Klaus! Fuck-don’t stop baby! So close…please?’ She was begging for him and he felt his cock twitch, ready to spill into her warm cunt but he grit his teeth before digging them, hybrid visage and all, into her neck as gently as he could. As he did she cried out, her tight pussy clamping down onto his thick cock so hard he almost thought it hurt, apart from the blinding pleasure that shot up his spine overwhelming him as he buried himself as deep into her as he could and began filling her up. He didn’t remember ever cumming this much in his very long life, maybe it’s a result of fucking someone as a full Hybrid, Y/n had been the only one he’s been interested in since turning 4 months ago. Maybe it’s because 4 months is the longest he’s gone without sex since he turned into a vampire over 1000 years ago, but something told him that wasn’t it. Something told him that wolfy part of his brain and body was marking his mate as much as he could, filling her with so much cum that his cock was aching inside of her by the time it finally stopped twitching. Filling her to the point it leaked back out around him as if ensuring she would be carrying his baby tomorrow, and something about that thought had Klaus purring into her neck in contentment, the thought of his girl swollen with his child was an image he never knew could excite him but Fuck if it wasn’t a sexy picture. ‘So f-full…do-do all werewolves cum this much?’
‘No…it seems to be a hybrid thing…but we’ll need to test it a few more times to be sure.’ He kissed along her neck, licking over the bite wound to clean up the drops of blood before pulling back. ‘Drink.’ He instructed, biting his wrist and bringing it to her mouth. He felt his Hybrid visage take over again as she listened to him without question, making a part of his brain very happy and needy to fuck her again.
‘I’m sure you have enough research to answer the question by now.’ He could tell his Kitten was exhausted even before she yawned and he nuzzled into her hair, rolling her on top of him and wrapping the blankets around them.
‘I don’t actually.’ He tried not to feel embarrassed as he told her this, since he promised not to.
‘Really? But it’s been…you were with Stefan for 2 months and..?’
‘I was busy, and after they didn’t work I was angry, and when I came back…I found you. You’re mine Y/n. All mine.’ He could see how hard she tried to push back the tears that welled up and she did, sighing contently and laying onto his chest.
‘All yours Nik.’ He felt her press her lips over his heart before laying back down to sleep and he was truly content to drift off with his Kitten in his arms. He finally had her…God save anyone who tries to take her away.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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augustvandyne · 7 months
Lucy chen x reader.
Lucy and reader are sent undercover as a couple. This brings up hidden feelings from both women, and Lucy shows up to r's apartment a couple of nights later, and confessions are made. (Reader is Angela's partner/best friend. R is a detective.)
lucy is actually my girlfriend and current obsession right now
this is really sucky, i apologize.
old feelings
It’s late, your head hurts, and you’re hungry, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to ignoring Angela’s phone call.
She normally never calls at night unless it’s super important. Whether it’s about work or her person life with the kids and/or Wesley.
“This better be real important Ang,” You hiss in pain when your head starts pounding even more than it already was. “And there better be a reward of Ibuprofen at the end of it.”
Angela chuckles tensely, “I’ll have Ibuprofen waiting here for you when you get to the station.”
You sigh, but stand nonetheless. You had a feeling something had happened after you left. But it may have also had to do with you just abruptly leaving without saying goodbye to Angela.
“There better be,” You scrunch up your face. “I ran out last night or I would have already taken some.”
“Alright, well, get here. There’s an undercover operation in the works, and they need you,” You can hear the nervousness in Angela’s voice.
“What’s wrong?” You swallow, the nervousness from Angela making its way to you.
“I’ll tell you when you get here,” Angela is shaking her head.
“Okay,” You hang up the phone and grab your keys, trying your best to ignore the pulsing in your head as you slam the apartment door and make your way out to your car.
You make sure to turn the volume of the radio the whole way down once you start the engine.
You breathe out a gust of air, making your way back to the station as fast as possible.
Angela held her promise, as she is standing in the lobby of the station as soon as you get there with a bottle of medication and a bottle of water.
“Talk to me,” You throw the pills in your mouth, drinking almost the whole bottle of water along with it.
“It shouldn’t be me,” You turn to see the pain in Angela’s eyes and you realize it has something to do with Angela’s personal life. Meaning her husband or kids.
“Oh Ang,” You pull her into her for a quick hug before the two of you speed to the conference room.
You see Wade, Nyla, Tim and Lucy all waiting there. Similar expressions in their faces.
“Someone better start talking,” You glance at each other them. Your gaze lingering on Lucy’s for longer than necessary.
“It’s Wesley,” Nyla breaks the silence, sparing a small look in Angela’s direction.
Your heart drops to the floor, “I had a feeling.”
“So let’s stop sitting around sulking about it and come up with a plan.”
“Officer Bradford,” Grey warns. “We have a plan—“
“We have an outline,” He corrects.
“Officer Bradford,” You shake your head, making your way to the empty seat beside Lucy. “Like you said, let’s stop wasting time. Share the outline with me.”
“As far as we know, Wesley Evers has been taken by Elijah Stone and his men.”
You feel Lucy stiffen beside you, and you assume it has to do with Elijah.
You had your own history with Elijah. Not like he had tried to come after you before, because he knows better than to mess with a cop straight on, but the station had been following Elijah for a long while now. And if you could catch him, you would do whatever it takes.
“..so there will be an undercover operation,” Nyla is talking now. You must’ve tuned Grey out while you were thinking. “For obvious reasons, we can’t have Angela go under. And we know I can’t, because I can’t risk my shared custody with my daughter again.”
“Is— is that why I’m here?” Lucy asks excitedly, sitting up in her seat.
“Precisely,” Grey tries to hold back a small smile.
“That’s also why I’m here,” You conclude.
“You catch on quick,” Tim remarks sarcastically.
You clench your jaw, and down the rest of your water.
“We think it would be better if we had people on the inside. People Wesley recognizes,” Nyla nods, looking at Wade so he could finish.
“Wesley will recognize you, and neither of you have went head on with Elijah or his men.. so you are our two viable options,” Grey nods, holding his hands in front of his waist.
“Separately? Or..” Lucy asks, and you look at her. She’s so adorable. So naive.
“Together, Chen,” Tim narrows his eyes. “Like as a couple.”
“Okay, seriously what’s up your ass?” You hollow your cheeks, having about enough of this man’s attitude.
“No, you have no right to be disrespectful to anyone, let alone Officer Chen, who has been nothing but respectful since I’ve gotten here. So apologize,” You raise your brows when Tim just stands there. “Now.”
“I’m sorry, Chen,” Tim says, internally rolling his eyes.
“You didn’t have to—“
“I know,” You say, just barely missing the blush on her face.
Within the next forty-eight hours, the two of you are off on a plane, one of Aaron’s planes, to be specific.
They’d set up a small townhouse near where they suspected Wesley was being held.
You could feel the anxiety radiating off Lucy, but she never once said anything. You admired her strength through this all.
You and Lucy had a past, if that’s what you’d call it.
You trained her for a while there when Tim was out after being shot, and you’d shared moments, to say the least.
If you asked Angela, she probably would’ve told you that the two of you almost made out at one point, but you didn’t think that. Something about get together at the bar one night, and some longing stares.. you didn’t really know.
But you probably would have asked her out, had you not been in her line of work for the longest time.
You followed most of the rules - including the very strict and unnecessary dating policy.
Then by the time you made it to be up for the detectives exam, the both of you had forgotten about your longing glances and schoolgirl crushes.
Until now.
Lucy is sitting on the edge of the bed now, tapping her fingertips on her lower thighs as a nervous tic. She bites her lip, probably hard enough to draw blood. That was something you remember about her.
“Are you okay, Lucy?” You tilt your head, moving to sit beside her on the bed.
“Yeah,” She shrugs. “This is kind of my first real operation, and I know if I mess up, Angela will have my head.”
“I won’t let her,” You say after a beat of silence.
“Why would you care?” Lucy’s brows furrow, not a hint of anger in her voice. Only curiosity.
“Do you mind if I shower first? I still kind of have a headache..” You stand, not looking her in the eye any longer.
“Oh, I brought some medicine, if you’d want,” Lucy smiles politely.
“I’ll see how I feel after,” You clear your throat and grab whatever clothes are on top for after. “But, thank you.”
You remember that look in Lucy’s eye. You’ve seen it before. All that time ago when you were training her. You had deja vu.
Lucy suggested the two of you went out for something to eat, make yourself seen.
She was smart for that, because not only had you picked a place Elijah’s presence was well known in, but you’d also laid eyes on Wesley for the first time in a few days.
It was a local bar, but it was more on the fancier side, if that makes sense. It served food other than anything that is made in the same grease, so in your opinion, that was fancy all on its own. But Lucy proceeded to tell you all about it.
Which was why you got deja vu in the first place.
She was spinning facts at you, and you were listening intently, laughing here and there to try and gain Wesley’s attention.
You’d gotten it, and he knew you were there. You and him shared a nod.
The glint in her eye is still there when she stops talking after she realizes you’re just watching her.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Elijah glance towards the two of you.
You give her a wide smile, grabbing her hand gently.
You see the light tint of blush on her cheeks, and you try to narrow your eyes so she understands, but she’s more focused on your touch.
You pull her hand to yours lips to cover your mouth, “He’s watching.”
She snaps out of in, and falls into character. She’s leaning on the table, her chin resting on her knuckles of her free hand.
“I love you, you know?” Lucy gives a love struck smile.
“You’ve never said that aloud efore,” A smile takes over your features.
“I know..” She looks down. “But I’ve been thinking it for a while. Ever since.. you know.”
“No, I don’t,” You have the feeling she’s going to try to share her feelings, for real. So you let her.
“When my mother came over the last time. When she blamed me for being with a woman.”
“Yes,” You say. You remember hearing about it through the grapevine, but it wasn’t you in this scenario, it was someone else. That made you feel an almost.. jealous feeling. “I wanted to tell you that night too, but.. you were having so many feelings.”
“And I appreciate you for that,” Lucy leans forward slightly.
You don’t even care if Elijah is watching anymore, because when Lucy leans forward a fraction of an inch, all you’re focused on are her soft and inviting lips.
You liked playing pretend with Lucy. It felt amazing, like maybe you should have asked her out when you wanted to back then.
But it was time to go home now, after a successful rescue mission for Wesley. And you were sort of upset about it.
You were happy to be back home in your own bed after almost two months, but you were kind of missing Lucy and yours’ dinner dates right now.
You’re bingeing an episode of Top Chef when you hear a knock on your door.
Swinging the door open, you see Lucy. She has an oversized sweater on, and she’s playing with the sleeve.
“Lucy?” You frown. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to tell you something,” She comes in the door without even being invited in.
“Could it wait—“
“No,” Lucy cuts you off. “It can’t. Or I’ll talk myself out of telling you. Again. I need to do it now or I may never do it at all.”
You were intrigued now, so you grab Lucy by the sleeve and pull her towards you, leading the both of you to your couch.
“What’s wrong Lucy?” Your brows are furrowed.
“Well..” You watch as Lucy tries to decide how to say when she needs to get out. “It’s just.. mm.”
“Spit it out, Luce,” You chuckle lightly, shaking your head.
“Ihavefeelingsforyou,” She says it so fast you almost don’t even hear what she said.
A look flashes across her face at your reaction, and from your point of view, it looks like regret.
“I’m sorry,” Lucy swallows nervously. “I’ll.. um, I’m just— I’ll go.”
“No,” You say instantly, grabbing her arm to pull her back onto the couch. “I’m just surprised because, well.. I know when I was training you - when Tim was out - that I also shared feelings for you. Angela even saw something, which should tell you something all in itself. But anyway, these past weeks, the feelings had returned and.. I wouldn’t be opposed to a real date.”
Lucy lets out a long and relieved sigh, “Oh, thank god. Because I almost had a heart attack. And, also, I used to have feelings for you too.. why didn’t you just ask me out.”
You chuckle and shake your head, “I was in your line of duty. And I wasn’t ready to move from patrol yet.”
A look flashes in Lucy’s eyes as she turns her head to look at the television.
“Oo! Top Chef?” Lucy’s eyes light up. “We’re definitely going on a date.”
Lucy moves a little closer to you, and leans her head on your shoulder.
You both fall asleep like that.
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mrsmikaelson · 1 year
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My Human
Human Reader X Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: Elijah Mikaelson's Girlfriend Is Caught In The Crossfire With The Original's First Bloodline Vampire
Y\N wakes up with chains around her ankles and wrists after being knocked out.
"Where am I ?" she asks herself looking around
It was a fancy penthouse house you could see all of New Orleans from every angle
"Sweet Y/N is finally awake" A male voice appears without revealing his face
“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?" Another Voice spoke, his voice filled with worry.
"The best way to upset the Original is to steal the thing most precious to him"
"Hey, I'm not an object" Y/N snapped trying to break free
The woman's vision begins to blur together with an unbearable pain when she looks at her foot, a piece of wood is seen embedded in her flesh.
“Oh, isn’t this poor little thing in pain?” The same guy who talked about pissing off an original cooed and lifted Y/N's head with his finger. His face shifted to his vampire one and he snarled, showing his fangs.
“It’s too bad Elijah can’t save you, I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he realised that you’re dead."
" I can't wait to see Elijah cut out your tongue and then your heart... But I think he prefers a more special torture"
" ENOUGH, enough of this nonsense .. it's time for my food"
The man displayed his fangs, then thrust into the young woman's neck, letting the blood flow.
Y/N point Of View
Unbearable pain shout through my neck as his fangs clamped down on my neck, I screamed as the pain shot through my whole body. I vaguely remembered that Elijah said that a vampires bite would hurt bad, of course Elijah has already fed from me, a few times but there has been blood sharing. This is not at all pleasant as it is with my Lijah
I screamed feeling my body giving way when I hear screams and see some bodies of men standing outside being thrown lifeless
"Elskan, I'm going to get you out of here." Just seeing my boyfriend's face relieves me.
Seeing him like that, so lethal somehow moved me, a fight was fought between him and the guy who caught me in the first place.
"Lucian, I hope hell is nice this time of year ." Elijah said with his vampire face
"You can't kill me , I'm much better than an Original, my bite can kill you..." Lucian said mockingly
"You're absolutely right, until we find a way to kill you I can't do the honors but nobody said about torture. You know I love torturing anyone who hurts my family"
With that a piece of wood was hurled towards Lucian's abdomen and my rescuer came to pick me up.
"It's safe, let's go home... Niklaus takes care of him"
"He drank from me, I'm too weak" I said without looking at him, fearing that this would increase his thirst.
"Elskan, look at me. No problem, I'll heal you and I'll carry you myself" Elijah bit his own wrist bringing it to my mouth
When the metallic taste hit my tongue I felt relief from the pain, from the fear of it all, my wounds started to heal as he saw the wood in my flesh
"He will suffer, won't he? "
"I sure do hope Freya can find a way to make him ordinary so I can kill him with my own hands" Elijah blocks my view of Nik dragging Lucian's body out of the room.
"Elijah ... Thank you"
" For what?"
" Everything"
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it... I did it with all the love and care I did with Hope Mikaelson
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klausysworld · 1 year
Klaus or Elijah with somebody famous please ♥️♥️
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(Contains both Klaus&Elijah-just scroll down)
Klaus with a famous girl:
Klaus is the biggest supporter and biggest issue at the same time.
Because of course he would support his love until his dying breath, he would be so proud and encouraging. He doesn’t doubt her ability, wouldn’t stand for any hate she receives.
But his possessiveness and jealousy does not mix well. He hates how everyone is dying to have their hands on her, when fans are fighting for her attention and love.
But each time she just reminds him that it’s him that she chose to give it to, he gets the affection and he gets to be with her when she goes home.
His favourite thing to help with is the outfits. He has a lot of opinions and always brings in Rebekah for final validation.
He’s there through the whole process: hair, makeup, clothes. He’s right behind her, arms around her waist and lips on her neck with a low whine leaving him when she reminds him that he can’t leave any marks on her skin for the public eye.
It’s difficult when having Klaus under attention of the people, he can’t be too recognised because of the things he does. Neither of them want that and Klaus became very careful with compelling people and trying to do any killings/violence on the down low instead of as a display.
One thing that she told her fans about him was his artwork and his art show was fully booked immediately. He had been like a puppy wagging its tail when she showed him how many people came.
Klaus loved that the cameras would always seem to capture photos of their lips together, knowing that everyone would know she was his and that they loved each other.
Klaus is a comment reader and a shameless replier. He’s I’ll tell a hater exactly how he feels and he will go through liking fans comments.
Y/n always tells him he should stop but he can’t help it.
He admires her confidence and attitude toward life but also sees the insecurities and challenges she faces as a result of her status.
He will always be there for her whether she’s looking about ready for a photoshoot or is she’s crying on the bathroom floor.
His arms are her safety net, he would never let her fall through.
Klaus is often seen in photos just gazing at y/n and people comment on it a lot.
His outfits are always to a high standard but he also never wants to pull focus from y/n. As much as he wishes he could have her all to himself, he loves that people look up to her and that she is happy.
He watches everything she’s in (whether it’s films/tv/music videos/etc) and attends everything she’s invited to (awards/auditions/interviews/etc)
He doesn’t care if he has to wait in a room or if he actually gets to be with her, just as long as she knows that when she walks out he will be right there for her.
Klaus is happy for her to have her own driver, it just means he gets to have he run the back seats with him. The poor driver has heard it all as he rubs his scent all over after she just modelled her body for everyone to see.
Klaus would need to claim her all the time, make sure she knows that even though the world thinks shes theirs, she will always be his.
Elijah with a famous girl:
Elijah is a man that cares about his image and so finding someone who was similar but on a different scale was rather interesting.
Elijah isn’t one for wanting all the attention but more the recognition but seeing how she thrived and how people made declarations of love for her just touched his heart in ways he wasn’t sure how.
Elijah and y/n are the best dressed couple without a doubt.
He is there at every event. He is both a lover and a bodyguard. Photogenic as you like and just about ready for everything.
He would carry anything of hers and help her with anything.
It once began to rain at an outside event and he pulled a umbrella from his pocket and had been carrying around her ‘beauty box’ so was able to fix her hair with she looked up at him with a soft smile on her lips.
Elijah is the first person to stand up in the applause at the end of her speeches, whether it’s for an award or an important event.
Nobody touches her unless she is 1000% certain its okay and even then he doesn’t like it.
Elijah is her designated driver and he is prepared for anything.
He is ready to carry her out of crowds if he has to.
Whether she’s drunk or doped up or just on an adrenaline high, he looks after her and makes sure the camera only sees her when she’s at her best.
He doesn’t want her to go through any hate or trouble. He’s very protective and has seen how fame can take its toll on people and so he is careful and is willing to keep you locked inside for a few days or weeks to keep her mental health safe.
Elijah is happy to have y/n with his family, Rebekah especially loves her and he likes that they are friends.
He worries sometimes because his family isn’t exactly normal and if anyone found out she was with a vampire then she would be ruined and they would have to go into hiding but he can’t help that he loves her too much to care. Instead he just keeps everything hidden.
The public see Elijah as a very protective boyfriend to y/n. He gets confused to be her bodyguard sometimes but he doesn’t mind.
Elijah is happy to be her main protector and he gets jealous of her actual body guards.
Sometimes he got frustrated, when she’s out all the time and he isn’t able to have very much one-on-one time with her.
He often insists she sit on his lap when in interviews of that he can have a hand on her upper thigh, he needs to be as close as he can to her. Make sure nobody can take her away and that the public know he’s not going anywhere.
As soon as the cameras turn off he wants to be ontop of her, it gets agitating not being able to touch her when she’s doing her job and he wants to feel her.
So many times they have to go to her dressing room for 10 minutes so they can relish in eachother for a moment before she’s needed again.
Elijah wouldn’t make her choose between him and her job. He wouldn’t want to know the answer either so instead he does everything he can to make sure she never has to choose. He gives her both.
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Monday wonderful fandom :) I can’t believe we’ve reached the finale I’m in shock we're here. This has been my side hobby for 9 plus months. I started these to get through the extended hiatus. I wasn’t even sure anyone would even read them. The response I got was so lovely. I adore this fandom. So welcoming to any new Chenford content.
So thank you to everyone who’s read these especially those who've been with me since the very beginning. I can’t explain how much it has meant to me. Whether it was likes, reblogs or comments. Special shout out to my tumblr bestie @makeitastrength and @northern-neighbor You both commented on every single one of these. Thank you so much for your insight and sticking with me this entire time. Means more than you'll ever know.
I’m planning to do mini reviews during this new season. Then this same kind of thing during our hiatus hopefully we’ll have S7 locked in by then. *fingers crossed* I finished this before S6 which was my goal. We are only 8 days away which is unreal. Eeeee. Let us get started.
5x22 Under Siege
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This episode starts off with all kinds of anxiety. Aaron and Celina kill me with not calling the noise in WHY.... Why didn’t you call it in? Ugh. Celina lying on top of Aaron protecting him till they arrive. Rip my damn heart out right off the bat why don't ya? I’m going to cry. I love Tim and Lucy showing up to the scene together. They’re clearly off shift and showing up to the scene with each other. I love these little details they make my heart so happy.
They’re a packaged deal now and I couldn’t be happier about it. Also like to note looks like Lucy is wearing one of his jackets. Maybe they were at his place when they got the call? The sleeves look long on her and I adore it. Basically living together at this point. I can’t get over it. Just casually showing up to scenes now. Ain’t no thang. This thought is where I live till S6 LOL
Anyways Tim says he heard it was Aaron. Grey confirms this is true. GSW to the back. Looks like the same spot Jackson was shot. Eerily so. Three masked men and they were ambushed. The painful parallels to Jackson’s death in this one getting me in the feels. Grey has them start to work the scene. Lucy looks incredibly upset but is trying to keep it in check. Probably feeling the Jackson vibes too.
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Our couple arrives at the hospital with an update. Once again arriving together. I love the quick looks we get as they approach. That silent communication of their's ever present. Also she is wearing the necklace I must comment. It’s popping against that shirt she is wearing. Like to also point out how look at each other while the other speaks. It’s the little things I love so very much. Getting massive 4x01 vibes from this scene too. Reminding me of the scene is Wes's living room night after the hug. The height difference, the way Lucy is looking at Tim as he speaks. United front power couple vibes.
So much can change and things like this stay the same I love it. They’re reporting back their CI’s have nothing. No one has heard back about a gang targeting cops. Lucy has also hit a dead end with the masks. Their next idea was Elijah but Tim says nothing out of prison confirming that. Angela and Wes are working on the riddle. Grey tells them to head home they’re not getting anywhere tonight. Once they've all left Grey turning to Luna saying he can lose another. Ugh getting me in the feels so early in this episode. More Jackson feels.
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Lucy and Tim get home late. The minute they’re back Lucy’s walls are down. Tim can see how upset she is. Another great callback to 4x01. To that hug. Only this time Lucy doesn’t have to ask for it. Tim seeks her out. See’s how now that they're home her work walls are down. She is visibly wrecked and can't hold back the tears any longer. I love how he pulls her right into his arms. Being the exact comfort she needs in this moment. He can't stand to see her upset. Wanting to make it better.
Tim grabbing her instantly is so lovely. Lucy crashes into him and falls apart. He gets to comfort as much as she needs now. How very far we’ve come. It’s been a beautiful journey to this point. Lucy is ready to fall apart in her safe place. Knowing Tim will be there pick up the pieces. Shield her from the PTSD this must be bringing up for her. I love how he encases her fully. One hand around her back the other gently cradling her head to his chest.
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Tim closing his eyes wanting to absorb her sadness. The swaying and his chin on top of her head. *squee* I love her being fully enclosed in his arms. Also never be over the fact Eric improvised the kiss to her head. Forever squeeing about that fact. Our ship King is the best. Oh captain my captain. How damn intimate and sweet it is as he does as such. Then resting his head back on hers. Telling her ‘It’s ok.’ His hand in her hair rubbing her back soothingly. I cannot. Lucy was alone last time. Grieved alone and dealt with everything solo.
Now she never has to be alone again and I wanna cry at that thought. Getting emotional at how beautiful this hug is. Lovely ray of sunshine in a rather dark finale. I love this scene so much it made my chest hurt. You want to see outstanding chemistry in a short amount of time? Watch this scene. Melissa and Eric are glorious together. We truly are so lucky to have them as our ship. This is such a soft and gentle moment.
Tim pulling her in and wanting to comfort her has me all in my feels. Lucy has this wonderful man to catch her when she falls now. To be able to absolutely come apart in his arms. Knowing he’ll be there to comfort and keep her together when she does. Gah I love them so much. Also A + to whoever does the music. The song in this moment is adding to the emotional depth of the scene. Amazingly good. It’s been so on point in this season. They need a raise whoever does this.
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They finally have some suspects to track down. Violent felons that have connection to the station and to them as a group. Lucy offers to check on one by herself. Grey says no and Tim offers to go with her. Because he loves her and wants to keep her in his sights. They’ve all been attacked at this point. Except for him and Lucy. No way he’s letting her go solo. It’s not cause he didn’t trust her to handle herself. He can’t handle her going alone. His instincts on high alert.
Lucy telling Tim he should be out knocking down doors with Metro. Tim tells her 'He’s good'. As good as he can be without letting her out of his sights during this. Only they could so effortlessly flirt while on duty. In the middle of an intense OP. Lucy letting him know she doesn’t need him to protect her. Tim is very aware of this. Says he knows. Lucy turning this moment into some very cute light banter. Saying he is telling her he needs the protecting. Tim being sassy right back with his reply above. God I love them.
Their teasing and banter is iconic. Lucy’s next line is fantastic. I know we haven’t had an official ILY you yet. But they’ve said it so many different ways this season. In moments such as this. When we do officially get it not gonna be a shock to either of them. Tim telling her 'Back at you.' Making me all emotional. They are such a power couple and the next portion of this episode proves that. I’ve always said watching them in the field is poetry in motion. This next battle scene is literal proof of such.
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It’s a good thing Tim came with her. I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if she’d been alone. The creepy crowd coming at them. My stomach dropped. First Tim willing to sacrifice himself for her so she could get away. *heart clutch* Man would die for her and not even blink in the decision making process. Lucy of course will not allow this whatsoever. Valiant or not he’s not falling on his sword for her.
We get a nice call back to 1x18. Not only with Lucy saying they need to go to higher ground. Like he taught her in that ep but to show no mercy. Tim instructing they hurt as many as they can and then retreat upstairs. Lucy getting exactly what he’s saying because they’re simpatico. This entire scene shows that. Also LOVE Lucy saying they only stand a chance TOGETHER. Theme of this season right here. They're better together. Damn right.
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What a bad ass battle couple we have. Look at this scene. Lucy calling the audibles in this moment and Tim following her play. Repeating it back and saying 'Copy that.' Gah I love this so very much. Tim trusts her gut without question. Not a doubt in his mind to go with it. The amount of respect he has for her in the field is immense. He was going to stay behind she said no. Then Tim instantly followed her lead after that.
Damnit I love them so much. Tim’s instinct is to always protect Lucy. Where her's is to protect them both in this moment. It’s never because he thinks she can’t handle it. Tim just can’t handle the idea of losing her if he doesn’t. Started from the bottom now we're here and I’m emotional. Also the song once again killer during this epic scene.
Love her touching his arm before they engage in battle in that first one. Look at them in the final two above. I know Eric said they had a blast filming this. They are so damn in-sync. It's such an amazing thing to watch them take these people on. Like I've sad many times before poetry in motion when they're in the field. I love getting to watch the well oiled machine that is them. This was that on steroids ha
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Eric was so excited for us to watch this scene and I can see why. It so fun to watch. Taking these guys apart together one at a time. I LOVE Lucy taking that guy out and then grabbing his riot shield. Tim is starting to get overwhelmed and she makes work of what's around her. Running towards Tim getting that guy off her man. With a very impressive shove might I add. Sends him flying down the stairs with the others. They have to start retreating up the stairs after this. They are slowly running out of ammo as well. Backup has yet to arrive and they're battling the best they can to stay alive till it does.
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Harper and Nolan finally arrive on scene. Nyla tells John to get to them. She is going to get her sniper rifle even the odds a bit. Unfortunately even with higher ground they’re getting ambushed from all sides now. It's now all melee combat at this point without ammo. Tim takes a guy out with pepper spray and gets a guy off his girl.
Who is literally choking the life out of her. Tim dispatches this guy with any remaining rage he has left. Smashing this guy's face into the wall. Making sure he can't get up to get back to her. All the while Harper being a bad ass snipping people left and right for Tim. This scene is epic af. I love it so much. One of my all time field scenes for sure. They did a damn good job with this holy cow.
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Then we get an other beautiful parallel from 1x01 to now. When Lucy pulled Tim to safety mid battle. We get to see Tim do the same for her. The way Tim scoops Lucy up and carries her to safety. I’m not crying you are.... Power couple since day one they just didn’t know it yet. The way he picks her up and then shields her with his body. Gah it’s so good.
When the door opens Tim is worried it’s another bad guy. He shields Lucy with his body. Ready to take a hit to keep her protected. Not willing to let them get at her again. I’m sobbing everyone. The instinct to always protect one another. I’m drowning in feels over here in the best way. Nolan ushers them to safety. Never been happier to see John Nolan in my life LOL
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They make it to the stairway battered and bruised. Gasping for air as they try to recover from what just happened. Let’s look at the no space between them when they land on the stairs. Tim reaching out for her instantly. Placing his hand on her thigh checking on her. TWICE might I add. He touches her twice there. While checking around to make sure they’re truly safe. Lucy reaches out for his hand on the first touch. Also their heads touching as well in that first gif. Gah this mini moment has so much to it.
Tim is grounding himself in this moment through those touches. Making sure Lucy is breathing and he can stand down to catch his own breath. Such an intimate moment after an incredibly intense battle. He almost lost her so he is reaching out and making sure she’s ok. He also needs to touch her to settle himself. It was to tell her we’re ok now’s and to confirm to himself she was as well. Damnit it's so good. Don't tell me one of Tim’s biggest love languages isn’t physical touch. It for sure is.
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Our last shot of the season for them. Just a BAMF couple post battle. Height difference that I love so much. The check in’s they do walking away knowing this could've been so much worse. Battle worn and bruised. These shots always hit harder knowing they’re together. I would like to think they would fuss over each other's wounds at the hospital. Or at home. We shall see what S6 brings for that if anything regarding it. If not sure someone will write a fic. LOL
The lack of personal space as they walk from the scene always floors me. As close they can possibly be at the moment. Sure Tim is thanking his lucky stars he came with her. I don’t wanna imagine what would’ve happened had he not. Or what Tim would’ve done had something happened. They looks so exhausted they’ve earned a good snuggle and some alone time. Sadly they're still in the middle of case so that's a no go.
Look at our power couple everyone. They're ours. We get to have them. And have a season to look forward to. I was so nervous about the season ending. Knowing this strike could last a long time and it did. Luckily we are coming out of it. Light is at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to S6 and all the squeeing to come with it.
Side notes non-Chenford
This episode one giant stress. One of them being when they try and take Harper’s daughter. The panic in my soul for her. My goodness this finale was great.
All of Celina's scene with Aaron pulling at my feels as well.
Thank you everyone once again who supported these reviews. They started out as a way to fill time between S5 and S6. Became a truly fun hobby for me. Kinda sad the ride is over but like I said at the beginning I’ll do mini reviews each week for s6 won’t be rid of that easily ❤️❤️ Can’t wait to delve in S6 with you all :)
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elijah mikaelson x reader
summary: old habits die hard, even when you live in a town full of vampires. you've tried to stop, but addictions are hard to quit. luckily, one of them is there to help you feel okay again.
tags: s3lf h4rm, light angst, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt / comfort
word count: ~1.7k
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Before entering the Grill, you check the bracelets on your wrist, making sure they’re all in place. The last thing you want is for your mistake to be on display for your friends to see. Then, with a sigh and a fake smile, you step inside. 
It’s unusually busy today, but that’s okay, because more people means less looking at you. A lot of older relatives occupy the booths; graduation’s just around the corner. Younger kids from your high school sit with them or with their own friends at the tables. One of the tables seats Stefan and Caroline, but in your state, you feel like it’s a bad idea to approach the two vampires. So, you opt to talk to Matt, at the bar, instead. 
Halfway across the restaurant, though, Caroline calls you out, “Y/N!”
You pause, turning to her, “hey! How are you two?”
“Okay-ish. Worried about Elena. Discussing what we could do.”
“Is she still… humanity-less?”
Stefan grimaces, “yep. Not even Damon’s been able to sire-bond her out of it.” It hurts him to say, you can tell. 
You give him a sympathetic nod. “Can I help at all? I know I’ve asked before, but…”
“I wish. I think it’s up to her, though. We have to find a way to convince her to come back to us.”
“And with Jeremy gone, that’s going to be hard,” you continue. 
“Because she doesn’t think she has a reason to come back,” Stefan finishes. 
The three of you share a collective sigh. As difficult as Elena can be, she’s your best friend. Caroline’s too. And Stefan’s in love with the misguided girl. Damon convincing her to turn off her humanity was the worst decision anyone’s made yet, and there've been a lot of bad decisions made in the last couple years. 
“Just let me know if I can help at all, Care. We need to get her back soon.”
“Agreed. Before she spills any more blood in this town.”
“Or before we lose her for good,” the man adds. “Hey, speaking of blood, do you smell something?”
You freeze. “Mmm, nope.” You laugh it off as a joke.
Caroline grins at you, then responds, “it’s faint, but kind of.”
“I’m going to look around for a second and make sure she isn’t here as we speak. Care, do you mind checking the back, I’ll scan here?”
“Yeah, of course. Catch you in a minute, Y/N.”
“Definitely!” You nod, then quickly turn away. At least the smell is faint. You look down at your wrist, which is still slightly red, and try to wipe it away. As if that would help. With no luck, you hurry towards Matt. The human will only be able to tell if he looks at your arm, but now you’ve moved your bracelets back in place. 
Once again, you only get about halfway there when a gust of wind blows through the restaurant. It’s probably just Stefan, you think, checking for Elena. But then, another gust passes by, and suddenly, you’re outside. 
“Shit!” You curse in a whisper. 
“Y/N?” A man questions your name from the shadows. You can’t see him, but you recognize the voice. 
“Elijah? Is that you?”
Relief washes over you. “Is it you that brought me outside?”
“It is.”
“Can I ask why?”
He finally steps into the moonlight, letting you see him. Classy as ever, in a suit. Handsome, like always… you shake the thought from your head. 
“I smelled blood, so I did a scan of the restaurant to see who it was. Rebekah had smelled it too. At first, it was tempting, but then I learned it was you, and knew I had to bring you out here to find out why you are bleeding. Y/N,” he takes your hand, “are you hurt?”
“Um, no, I’m okay.”
“Be honest, please. I do not intend to harm you. Has someone else hurt you?”
“No, I promise. Nobody’s hurt me.”
“Then why do I smell blood on you?”
“It’s old.”
“Faint, yes, but not old enough.”
“You don’t need to worry about it, Elijah, I’m fine.”
“I only mean to help you, lovely.”
“I know, but I promise that no one’s hurt me.” You look into his eyes, trying to get him to believe you. He looks back with a tenderness that makes you drop your own gaze. It’s overwhelming to look at him sometimes. You can tell he cares for you, but it’s not something you know how to interpret. 
“I know you’re telling the truth, but yet it doesn’t explain… May I?” 
You swallow hard, then nod. With your hand in his, he turns it over and exposes your wrist. Then, illuminated by the moonlight, is your big mistake. Three scars, swollen and red, carelessly carved into your skin. They’ve only stopped bleeding a little bit ago, but haven’t yet scabbed. It won’t be for another week or two that the scars will fade. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, tears forming in your eyes. 
“For what? What do you have to be sorry for? The only person who should be sorry is the one who hurt you.”
“That’s why, ‘Lijah. I did it. I did it to myself.”
He looks up at you, words stuck in his throat. “Why?”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s stupid.”
“Of course it matters. You can tell me. You’re safe with me.”
The word alone breaks the dam, and tears escape down your face. “Everything, ‘Lijah. Everything that’s happened that I can’t control. Everything that I can’t fix. Everything that has nothing to do with me, and everything that has everything to do with me.” You vaguely cry out. He’s quiet, waiting for you to continue, so you do. “This town used to be so simple and quiet, and now it’s so unpredictable. My friends are getting hurt left and right, and I can’t protect them. Elena’s gone, in the wind, with no emotions. Jeremy’s gone entirely. Bonnie constantly overworks herself and one day it’s gonna really hurt her. Tyler’s never there for Care and I feel so, so awful that she’s suffering and missing him, and I just wish she could be happy. Stefan, too, is heartbroken, but doesn’t let it show. Matt’s terrified because we’re the only two humans left in our friend group. And I, pathetically, am useless, because I’m human, and I’m no help to anyone. But even if I was something stronger, I’d probably still be useless, because I’m me. I’m just the idiot whose parents are alive, but I have no relationship with them, and my friends probably secretly hate me for that. I’m not smart enough to offer advice, or help make plans to save Elena, or anyone else. I’m a disappointment, too, because I’m in love with a thousand year old vampire that they don’t really trust. Of course, they only know I think he’s hot; they don’t know that I’m actually, hopelessly, in love with him. They’d probably compel me to forget him. But, you can’t forget the top reason for disappointment! I can’t stop hurting myself! I’ve been addicted to it for years, even before this town was all vampire-y. At some point, they found out I did it, and I stopped for them. But then, shit went downhill again, and I went back to the one thing that I knew how to do correctly. I can’t do anything right, and I’m useless, and mortal, but I can do this correctly. Even if it gets me killed, it’s one thing I can control; one thing I can do.”
You stop your rant abruptly at the realization that you’ve been both sobbing and sniffling uncontrollably. Something hits your lip and you’re not sure if it’s from your eyes or nose, but it disgusts you nonetheless. Here you are, standing in front of an original vampire, crying about your personal problems. And you’re pretty sure you just admitted you were in love with him. Great. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, again. Your voice is barely audible, but he hears it. 
“You have no reason to apologize.” He kisses your knuckles. “And you are not useless, you are not hopeless, nor are you an idiot, nor any other name you call yourself. You are a brave, strong woman, and it makes you even stronger that you’ve faced all you have and remain human. You’ve bested the lot of us vampires; that is admirable. You’ve helped in plans to save your friends, you’ve put down your own life to save them, and have still come out alive. Human. You’re worth so much more than you believe you do. And, whoever it is that you are, may I quote, ‘hopelessly in love with,’ should consider themselves blessed that you love them that much.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, afraid to look at him. His words swirl around in your head and your heart, mending your pain, yet you can’t look at him. 
“And your habits,” he continues, “your harm. Does not make you weak. It’s simply an outlet for your pain. A harmful one, yes, but not one that means you are anything less of a person. If you would let me, I would like to be that outlet instead. Put your pain on me instead of on your skin.” He smiles, “not because of the blood, but because I care too much to see you hurt yourself. And, also, because I do fear someone else hurting you if they sense it.” You can feel his gaze upon your scars. “May I?”
You nod without knowing what he’s asking, but it’s okay. You trust him. 
Slowly, he brings your wrist to his lips, kissing it gently. His teeth don’t make contact with your skin; only softness touches them. 
“You’re a beautiful woman, Y/N. If not for me, do it for yourself.”
You finally meet his eyes. “I don’t know if it’s enough to stop for myself. But I can for you.”
He offers you a smile.
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course.”
He meets you halfway, wrapping strong arms around your body. For the first time in a while, you feel okay. Safe. 
“Can I admit something?”
“Of course.”
“It’s you,” you take a breath, “that I love.”
He smiles, wider now. “Consider me blessed, then. If I may, I’ll admit I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”
You return the smile, then pull him back into the hug. Safe, and even happy. 
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teecupangel · 11 months
Aw, man. Just look at this little guy.
The fact that that their natural habitat is Mexico means that putting him in Ratonhnhaké:ton’s time would be the easiest way we can explain how one of his ancestors got him.
One of the traveling merchants shows Desmond to Ratonhnhaké:ton as a prized ‘pet’ that he’ll sell for the right price. Ratonhnhaké:ton feels some kind of connection that he can’t explain to Desmond so he agrees (although the people of the homestead was able to haggle for Desmond since they were all buying something and they were buying as a community).
We’ll set this just after the end of AC3 and Ratonhnhaké:ton brings him to the Davenport manor to give it some kind of life after Achilles’ death. The others like to visit to make sure Ratonhnhaké:ton is doing okay and Desmond becomes more or less the community pet at this point.
Ratonhnhaké:ton stops coming for a few days.
Desmond wasn’t worried though. Ratonhnhaké:ton did say that he was going out and he had requested everyone to keep an eye on Desmond.
That did mean that sometimes, one or two people feed Desmond without realizing someone had already fed him before but that was fine. Desmond just shakes his head and they know that someone has already fed him.
(And they’re all so impressed of how intelligent Desmond is. None of them even consider that this is weird as they assume this is because Desmond was from a faraway place)
When Ratonhnhaké:ton returns…
Desmond’s eyes widened as he saw the Apple of Eden that he hides in a small sack.
Ratonhnhaké:ton keeps it with him at all times and Desmond knew he has to touch it soon because Ratonhnhaké:ton had only returned to look at the ledgers and schedule the next shipments before going to the Aquila to throw the Apple in the sea.
Cue: “Mission Impossible”… Axolotl edition.
(Or, you know, you can make Desmond the Axolotl an exotic pet that Rebecca buys after Desmond’s death. Even gives him the name Desmond and he gets to see the modern day storyline as a ‘viewer’… until… the boy called Elijah that was apparently his son sneaks into the current safehouse Rebecca and Shaun were staying in as they wait for Bishop’s next mission and… steals him.)
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athenamikaelson · 4 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 4
Word Count- 3.1k
Warnings- Swearing, spoilers obi.
My fingers graze the texture of my history textbook. My eyes read through each line. Before I know it I’m at the end of the page, and yet I can’t recall a single sentence I had just “read.” I let out a loud sigh and closed the book, placing it back in place on my desk. Ever since the day I got kidnapped this has been a problem. Without being on edge, I can’t focus on school work, the people around me, or myself. Every time I walk by someone I instantly tense up to the idea of them being something supernatural. I know that Elena has told me everyone in town that she knows is a part of that world but she can’t possibly know when a complete stranger is. 
Worrying about who is supernatural isn’t the only thing that’s been plaguing my thoughts, either. All night I was tossing and turning with the thought of Elijah. Damon and Elena knew as much as I did about how he was still alive. Elena had told me that a vampire could be killed with a wooden stake, and yet it had only affected Elijah temporarily. 
“He’s going to destroy you.”
Kathrine’s words ring in my ears. Stefan had told me not to believe a word she says, but given that these people don’t seem to know what the hell is going on either, I’ve let her words get to me. The look of fear in her eyes at the thought strikes me to my core every time I think back to it. If a vampire that is magically locked up is afraid of this Elijah guy, then I sure as hell will be too. 
I jump slightly in shock as I hear knocking on my door, I untense when I hear my mother’s voice on the other side though. 
“Y/N, you have a friend here to see you,” I stand up and open my door to talk to her but freeze when I see Damon standing behind her. His lips curve up into a smirk and moves his fingers up and down in a wave as he stares at me.
“Your friend Damon here is so kind to drop in to check on you. I had no idea you were feeling under the weather.” 
I glance at my mother and fight the urge to roll my eyes. Although we look so much alike I couldn’t be more different from her. Where I actually take the time to listen to people and try to understand people my mother seems to only care about what benefits her. I’m not surprised at all that she hasn’t noticed my change in attitude these past few days since she never seemed to care before. 
She clears her throat at the silence she gets from me, “Well, I’ll let you talk. I have to be going anyways,” She turns to Damon who fakes a smile at her, “I have a work trip this weekend.”
“Work on the weekends, well that’s no fun,” Damon responds with a flirtatious tone that makes me want to gag. My mother on the other hand turns red.
“No worries, I always find a way to liven things up,” She leans closer to him, “Even though it would be more fun with some company.”
“Mom, you should be going now,” I interrupt before I throw up on both of them. 
My mother nods and says her goodbyes to both of us, mostly Damon, and walks back down the hallway. I let out a sigh of relief but then tense up when I realized that Damon had just entered my room.
“What are you doing here,” I watch as he looks around my small room. After my mother and father’s divorce, my mother wasn’t left with very much money so we had to make do with what we could scrounge up. After moving and divorce costs we left with a tiny 3 bedroom 1 bath single story home here in Mystic Falls. It looks like a shoe box compared to the other houses in this town, but I don’t really care since I plan to move away from here the second I graduate. 
“I need a favor,” Damon says to me as he picks up the stuffed frog I have on my bed and tosses it around in his hands. 
“What kind of favor?”
Damon places the frog back on my bed, “Well, after your and Elena’s little suicide excursion yesterday we’ve magically locked her in her house, and I need you Pukerella to go babysit.” 
I send him a glare at the nickname, “If Elena’s locked in her house why do you need me to babysit her?”
Damon rolls his shoulders and walks towards the door, “I don’t need you to do anything. I want you to go to Elena’s and let me know if she plans on calling the big bad vampire to come sacrifice her.” 
“So you want me to be your spy?”
Damon thinks at the question for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, “Ya, pretty much.”
I shake my head, “I’m not going to spy on my only friend.”
Damon lets out an annoyed groan and pinches the bridge of his nose as if this is the most annoying conversation he’s had, “Fine then you won’t be my spy, you’ll be the babysitter I hired for Elena. There happy? Now come on I got other stuff to do today other than arguing with you, people to go kill and stuff like that you know?”
Damon grabs me by my upper arm and practically drags me out of my room and down the hallway toward the front door. He ignores my yells of anger as he opens the door to his car and pretty much pushes me in. I huff as he speeds over to his side and starts the car.
“Oh and by the way,” I slowly turn my head to glare at him as he starts talking, “You might want to get some vervain for yourself and your family. It was too easy getting your mother to invite me into your quaint home.” 
“We could watch Pretty Woman?” Elena asks Jeremy and I as we sit on the couch. Jeremy lets out a loud groan at the question making Elena laugh.
“Guess not,” She flips through some more channels before she lets out a sound of excitement, “Oh! Grease!” Elena goes to play the movie but Jeremy snatches the remote from her hand.
“No way, not happening. I have seen that movie far too many times because of you and Mom. I’m going to decide.”
It takes Jeremy another 10 minutes to scroll through the channels deciding on a movie. Every time he picks one Elena disagrees and they start arguing over it until they start searching again. This has pretty much been what we’ve been doing for the whole hour in which I’ve been at the Gilbert residence. After Damon kicked me out of his car and drove off I’ve just been listening to the Gilbert siblings argue. It’s not that bad though. Jenna, Jeremy and Elena’s aunt, supplied us with snacks a bunch of snacks before she had to leave for something she had to go do.
I turn to the TV to see what Jeremy picked and cringe as I see the beginning credits for “The Human Centipede.”
Elena’s sound of disgust mirrors mine as she stands up, “This is no use. Y/N do you just want to go up to my room?” 
I glance at the TV again momentarily and nod my head, “Defiantly.”
“You’ve got to read this book I just got,” Elena jumps up from her spot on the floor next to me and goes to her bookshelf, “The romance in it is so steamy and the main male character in it is so hot!” She stops and blushes at what she just said.
“Don’t tell Stefan,” She points at me.
I laugh as I bring my fingers to my lips and pretend to lock them, “You’re secret is safe with me.”
Elena and I had been making small talk until I had mentioned that I liked reading, which caught her attention. She had told me she does too and we began talking about our favorite books and genres. To which we found out we’re both fans of romance, jumpstarting an hour-long discussion. 
Elena sits back down next to me and hands me her book. I strum through the pages.
“I’ll make sure to read it and let you know what I think.”
She nods and looks away as if in thought, “I can’t believe we didn’t become friends earlier. Why is that?” 
Her question has me stirring uncomfortably, “Honestly I’m not that surprised. I’m not that noticeable.” 
This comment has Elena furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head, “You’re joking right,” At my look of confusion she continues, “Of course I noticed you. I mean when you come to a small town like this it’s hard not to be noticed but what I mean is that I always thought you were cool.”
I can feel my cheeks warm up at her compliment and I glance down at my fingers to hide it.
“You thought I was cool?”
“Ya of course,” She responds instantly, “You’ve got great style and you’ve got this mysterious aura about you. I just never approached you because I thought you didn’t like me.” 
Her confession has me looking up and frowning, “Why would you think that?”
She shrugs her shoulders, “You just kind of sometimes look like you don’t want to be approached by anyone. I just assumed. I’m sorry.”
I shake my head at her apology, “Don’t apologize! And no, I never hated you I always thought you were the cool one. I just think I have that look on my face all the time.”
Elena laughs and smiles at me, “OK, good.”
We’re about to start talking about books again when we hear the front door open.
“Jenna must be home,” Elena says as she stands up and reaches her hand down for me to grab. I grab it and pull myself up and we walk downstairs. 
We turn the corner and we both give each other a look as we see Jenna on the ground rummaging through some boxes. 
“Hey. What are you doing,” Elena questions her Aunt.
“Oh perfect timing,” She grabs a cardboard box and hands it to Elena, and then gives another to me.
“Whoa. Oh. What is this stuff?”
“Your mom’s files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood,” Jenna grabs her box and stands up, “And by roped, I mean very excited to participate.”
I silently laugh as I try to balance the heavy box in my arms, the laughing stops though once Jenna closes the door and I lock eyes with the man who’s been haunting my every waking thought. 
“Hey, I’m Elijah.”
Elena and I stand there frozen as we watch Jenna interact with the vampire. 
“Elijah’s in town doing research on Mystic Falls,” She introduces us not knowing we’ve already had the displeasure of meeting. 
I freeze up and grip the box I’m holding tighter to my chest as Elijah walks closer to us. He quickly greets Elena, skating her hand before turning his full attention onto me. I’m visibly shaking right now and it only worsens as Elijah reaches his hands up and grabs the box from my hands. His fingers grazed mine for longer than needed. 
“Here let me take this,” He places the box back down and reaches his hand up to me in greeting. 
We both stand there looking at each other for what seems like forever as he waits for me to shake his hand.
“I don’t like being touched,” I blurt out. Elijah slowly lowers his hand and I might be mistaken but from the look on his face, he almost appeared saddened by that. 
Jenna joins us again telling Elijah that he can stay here and rummage through the boxes, to which he turns down. I try to find the wall behind Elena interesting to keep my line of sight away from the vampire, but I can still sense him staring at me. After another moment he tells Jenna he’s going to have someone pick up the boxes tomorrow and bids Jenna and Elena a farewell. I almost think he’s left us but when I look back over I find that Elijah has moved even closer and he gives me a warm smile and leans down.
“I hope to speak with you again soon, Miss Y/L/N.” My chest starts moving up and down rapidly, which he seems to have noticed, as I nod at his words. He doesn’t seem to get that I won’t be saying anything back to him because he stands there staring at my face. After what seems like a lifetime I watch as he moves by me towards the front door, but not before he lifts a finger and grazes the end of my sweater. 
I watch with bated breath as he shuts the door behind him. Elena doesn’t waste any time before dragging me up the stairs and banging on Jeremy’s door. As she goes to open the door I feel a hand grab my waist and pull me. My back hits something strong and I go to squeal but it comes out muffled as a hand moves over my mouth. I look up and freeze as I stare up at Elena to whom he motions to be quiet. I hear Jeremy open his door but I can’t focus on any of the words he’s saying as I watch Elijah’s face. I make note of the light stubble that runs across his jawline and the practically flawless skin he has. Lucky ass vampires. My staring must’ve caught his attention, as his dark brown eyes meet mine. Once again the corners of his lips turn upwards into a small smile as he watches me watch him. 
Jeremy walking by us catches my attention and Elijah drops the hand from my mouth, but not before leaning down, and what I could’ve sworn was sniffing my hair. Elena quickly grabs my hand and pulls me away from Elijah and for a second I almost feel annoyed at this. Clearly not as annoyed as Elijah though was lets out a snarl, making Elena go rigid. 
“What do you want?”
Elijah composes himself once, “I think it’s time we three at a little chat.”
“Forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm,” Elijah tells Elena as he walks around her room.
“Why did you kill those vampires when they tried to take me,” Elena questions him as she comes to sit down next to me on her bed. 
“Because I didn’t want you to be taken,” Elijah says confusing both Elena and I, “Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals but those who fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelganger exists there’ll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can’t have that.”
A cold feeling runs up and down my spine at the mention of Klaus. 
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re trying to do,” Elena questions him again. 
“Let’s just say that my goal is not to break the curse.”
My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the confession. Elijah looks at Elena and then brings his eyes towards me for a moment before turning back to Elena as she begins speaking. 
“So what is your goal?”
“Klaus’ obsessions have made in paranoid. He’s a recluse. He trusts only those in his immediate circle.”
“Like you?”
“Not anymore.”
“An old ass paranoid vampire, how much better could this be,” I whisper out loud to myself sarcastically. I look up and see Elijah looking at me with a small smirk on his face as he must’ve heard my comment. 
“You don’t know where he is do you,” Elena questions but he doesn’t turn his gaze away from me, “So you’re trying to use me to draw him out.” 
Elijah lets out a sigh as he turns his attention back towards my friend, “Well, to do that I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself killed.”
He gives her a smile and I have to stop myself from smiling at it. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Well, if I wasn’t being truthful, all your family would be dead and I’d be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead… I’m here and I’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
And the smile was instantly gone. 
This grabs Elena’s attention, “What kind of a deal?”
Elijah stands up and starts walking around, “Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw Klaus out together and I shall make certain that your friends remain unharmed.”
“And then what?”
“Then I kill him.”
“Just like that?”
Elijah smirks at her, “Just like that. I’m a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal.”
“How are you going to be able to keep everybody safe?”
“You know, I notice you have a friend, Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts.”
“You know witches.” Elena nods her head to which I fight the urge to say “duh” to. This guy is oldddd, of course, he knows witches. 
“Together we can protect everybody that matters to you.” 
I watch silently as Elijah walks over to Elena and reaches his hand out for her to shake, “So do we have a deal?”
“As long as you keep my friends safe,” Elena looks over to me, “Y/N is one of those friends.” 
Elijah looks over to me and smirks, “Trust me deal or no deal. No one will be laying a finger on Y/N. That I give you my word on.”
I fidget under his intense stare.  
“I need you to do one more thing for me.”
Elijah turns back to face Elena with an incredulous look, “We’re negotiating now?”
Elena tells Elijah she’ll accept his deal if he gets his witches to free Stefan from some vampire tomb he’s been trapped in. Why has no one told me this yet? Elijah reluctantly agrees and they shake hands, cementing their deal. With one last glance toward me, Elijah nods his head and speeds away. 
Elena and I both let out shaking breaths as we stared at each other. 
“Any chance you want to spend the night,” Elena asks me hopefully with a sheepish look.
I nod my head quickly, “My mom is out of town and my brother’s at a sleepover. There’s no way in hell I’m going back to that empty house tonight.” 
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achilles-rage · 2 months
Good Luck Charm: Chapter 3
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college football player!buck x plus size!reader
summary: a couple weeks go by and you’ve been hanging out with evan daily. you’re starting to let your guard down when a guy in one of your classes approaches and asks for help in class. evan sees this, and can’t help the jealousy that builds inside of him.
word count: 2.8k
previous chapter
series masterlist
A/N: this chapter got away from me, this was so fun to write and i really love how it turned out! from this chapter on there’s a lot of them running into each other on campus which i know is unrealistic but just ignore it! enjoy<3
warnings: lack of experience!reader, slowburn?? slight enemies to lovers???, jealous!buck, no use of y/n, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
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You hang out with Evan everyday for the next two weeks in the library, trying to get the assignment mostly done before either of your classes pile up too much. Each time you spend time with him, you can’t help but open up a little bit more. You can’t help it; he’s just so easy to talk to. You almost begin to think of him as a friend.
This isn’t lost on him either. He’s noticed how your attitude is slowly beginning to slip, and the way you give him that sweet little smile when he says something funny. It makes his insides turn in a way he hasn’t felt before, and everytime he sees your eyes crinkle paired with hearing your soft laugh, he’s sure he’d do just about anything to experience it again.
You’re sitting in the library yet again, at the same table that you sat at the first time you hung out with him. It’s become your unofficial meeting table, as the first person who arrives, mostly Evan, always saves it for the other.
You both have your laptops open, but your assignment is long forgotten. He’s in the middle of telling you a story of when his parents forced him to sign up for baseball at 8 years old, even after he had begged to be put in football instead. He tells you how he refused to participate, and his coach had to call his parents to pick him up in the middle of practice because not only was he refusing to play, he was also sitting in the middle of the field so no one else could play either. You’re laughing softly at his words, your brows raised in disbelief, when you feel a presence beside you. You notice Evan’s eyes trail up as he stops talking, and a frown makes its way onto his face. You turn in your seat and look up at the person beside you, smiling when you realize it’s a guy from your English class. Elijah, you think.
“Hey. Were you in class on Monday?” Elijah asks you as he stands a little too close for Evan’s liking. Elijah’s smile widens when he sees you nod, and continues. “Awesome. Could I get your notes? I have no idea what Professor Curran is talking about most of the time.” he tells you, pulling out the chair on the other side of you and sitting down, his body angled at you.
“Yeah, he can be a little hard to follow along with, but I’ve had him a few times, so I’ve learned to keep up with him most of the time.” you say, chuckling softly. You turn to your laptop and pull up your notes for that class as Evan rolls his eyes, very clearly annoyed that this guy is taking all your attention away from him. You don’t even notice, your focus now completely on helping Elijah out.
“Wait, really? Can you explain the Great Exhibition to me? I don’t get it.” Evan can’t help but scoff quietly and roll his eyes at this guy. He doesn’t understand the Great Exhibition? It was a big building of stuff, what’s so hard to understand? His eyes narrow as he notices the way the guy is looking at you, eyes trailing down your body as you look at your laptop screen, starting to explain the Great Exhibition happily. He’s clearly only over here because he thinks you’re attractive, and this doesn’t sit right with Evan.
“Could we maybe do this another time?” he asks, a hint of annoyance in his voice, despite his best efforts to hide the jealousy bubbling inside of him. He has a fake smile plastered on his face as he looks at you. He knows he really can’t do much about this guy, it’s not like you’re his, but he’s still gonna try.
“It’ll only take a second. I’m sure you can sit quietly for a few minutes.” you tease him softly, barely looking at him before your eyes move from your screen to Elijah, giving him an apologetic smile.
“I don’t know about that, princess. You’ve met me, haven’t you?” This earns a small laugh from you as you finally look over at him, giving him a sweet smile.
“Please?” you say, just above a whisper, your eyes silently pleading with him. You really are interested in the Great Exhibition, so you’re happy to take a break on your assignment and talk about it. He huffs, sinking into his chair, mumbling a defeated “fine” as he crosses his arms over his chest. You give him a wide smile before turning back to Elijah, continuing to talk about your class.
Evan sits quietly for a minute or two, shooting daggers at Elijah as he leans closer to you, taking the chance to look down at the cleavage you have peeking out of your top when your eyes are focused on the screen. God, you seem so oblivious to the way he’s looking at you, Evan thinks. It almost makes him sick to his stomach to think about you hanging out with this guy without him here.
It pushes Evan over the edge when you laugh at something stupid Elijah says and lean closer to him instinctively as you do so. Evan sits up straight, eyes narrowing even further at the man before leaning over to you and draping an arm around the back of your chair as he looks at your screen.
“You’re a good teacher, princess. Maybe you can teach me a few things too.” he says softly, a hint of suggestiveness in his voice. You finally look over at him, fighting back a smile as you catch his tone, momentarily forgetting about Elijah. This makes Evan smirk, his eyes glancing at the man as if to say “I win.”
“Are you really that interested in the Great Exhibition?” you tease softly, not believing for a second that he really cares about what you’re saying. Surely he’s just bored.
“Yeah, I love the Great Exhibition. The Crystal Palace, and all that. Fascinating.” he trails off, which makes you laugh softly. He notices the guy smirk as your chest moves when you laugh, and his eyes narrow for a moment before he continues, really wanting to show the man that you’re off limits. Even if you’re technically not his. He leans closer to you again, putting his other arm in front of you on the table, almost as if he’s trapping you between this arm and the one on the back of your chair, marking his territory. You bite the inside of your cheek softly as he moves, breath catching in your throat as you feel the heat radiating off of him.
He sees Elijah’s stare move between him and you for a moment before he clears his throat awkwardly, as if finally understanding that flirting with you so clearly around Evan may not be a good idea, and knowing that he has lost your attention.
“Well, I don’t wanna take up all your time. Maybe we could, uh, hang out after class next week? You could catch me up?” he tells you, which pulls you out of your thoughts of Evan. You let out a shaky breath and turn to Elijah, giving him a nod as you try to slow your racing heart at Evan’s closeness. Evan rolls his eyes at Elijah’s words, leaning back and squaring his shoulders, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek as he stares at the smaller man.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course. Or, there’s no lecture in our room before class, so we can just go a little early instead?” you say after a moment, smiling softly.
“I have a class right before ours. Maybe we could walk to the coffee shop off campus together after class instead?” Elijah asks you, licking his lips as his eyes glance down to your chest yet again. This man doesn’t know when to give up, Evan thinks, his mind clouded with jealousy.
“Yeah, that works.” you tell him, bringing your hands together on the table and fidgeting with the rings on your fingers.
“Awesome. See you then.” he replies smoothly, giving you a smirk as he gets up and walks away. You turn back to Evan after a second, being met with a twisted look on his face and his brows raised.
“What?” you ask, laughing softly at this look on his face. Your face grows hot as you turn to look back at your laptop, thinking about hanging out with Elijah next week.
“What? Is that guy serious?” he asks, annoyance laced in his voice. You turn back to Evan, raising a brow. Why does he seem so upset by this? You’re just helping him catch up on class.
“What do you mean?” you ask, tilting your head to the side slightly.
“He doesn’t understand the Great Exhibition? It’s not that hard to understand.” You sigh, shaking your head. He had a point, sure, but why else would he ask you to explain it to him?
“Well, not everyone’s as smart as you are.” you say, a hint of teasing in your voice as you give him a small smile, hoping to change the subject. He doesn’t look amused, though.
“I’m serious. He just wants to get you alone. How much do you wanna bet he’s not even busy before your class.” It’s your turn to roll your eyes. You scoff, shaking your head.
“I’m not talking to you about this. Let’s just work on our assignment.” There’s no way what Evan’s saying is true. And you really don’t want to talk to him about going out with another guy if it is. You turn back to your laptop, pulling back up your assignment document, getting ready to add to it.
“Would you go out with him if he asked?” he asks after a moment, his jaw clenched. He doesn’t like the way you’re brushing him off. Jealousy builds inside of him as he imagines you going out with anyone other than him. You sigh, shutting your laptop, knowing he won’t drop it. After hanging out with him for two weeks straight, you know how stubborn he is.
“I don’t know, Evan. Why?” you say, defeated, straightening your back as you meet his eyes. You’re not really sure what else to say. It’s so out of the realm of possibility, you think, that you don’t even want to think about it.
“Just curious.” He shrugs slightly, pursing his lips. He knows he can’t do much because you’re not his, and he doesn’t wanna be that guy. But God, he doesn’t want you going out with that douchebag.
You duck your head slightly, trying to meet his eyes as you see his eyes look away, but you feel like he’s shutting down. You sigh softly and turn back to your laptop, opening it yet again to continue working. Is he jealous? You can’t tell. This is so far out of your expertise that you’re really not sure what to do other than ignore it.
You hang out for a few more hours and he seems to lighten up as you joke with him, and he feels himself forgetting about Elijah more and more each time you give him that sweet little smile. You close your laptop once you realize it’s almost time for your class, and he does the same, packing his bag up.
“Can I walk you to class?” he asks as he stands up and puts his bag over his shoulder. You nod, zipping up your bag. He picks up your bag once you're done and you furrow your brows, looking at the bag outstretched in front of him. Your eyes soften as he holds your backpack straps up, waiting for you to put your arms through, and you look down, fighting back a smile as you turn and put your arms through the straps. You feel his fingers touching you as he slides the straps up your arms, shivering softly as you feel his breath hitting your exposed skin. You take a step forward once your bag is in place, clearing your throat as you turn your head to look over your shoulder at him and thank him softly.
You walk side by side out of the library and across campus to your next lecture. As you’re walking, he finally speaks again in a soft voice.
“Would you really go out with him if he asked?” You look down, biting your lip softly, too nervous to look at him.
“I don’t know.” you answer honestly. You know he doesn’t make your stomach flip as much as Evan, but you’re also not sure how Evan feels about you. You don’t know if you’d necessarily turn him down, but if both Evan and Elijah somehow wanted you, you know who the clear winner is.
“I don’t want you to.” he tells you after a moment, shoving his hands into his pockets. He doesn’t want to say too much; he doesn’t want to hold you back if you really want to go out with him, but he knows it’ll hurt him too much to see you with him, especially if he knows he could’ve said something and didn’t.
“Why?” you ask, your voice just above a whisper, keeping your eyes straight ahead. You’re too afraid to look. You’re scared he’ll be able to see the feelings you have for him if he looks into your eyes.
“I don’t know. I just don’t trust him. He was looking at you like a piece of meat.” You can’t help the smile that breaks onto your face as he says this. He may not necessarily be jealous, but you can’t help but pretend for a moment. You’re so caught up in your own thoughts that you don’t see the look on Evan’s face. If you were to look over at him, you’d see the clear jealousy across his face, and the way his eyes are silently praying that you don’t go out with him as he stares straight ahead of you two.
“Okay.” you whisper after a moment. Once you make it to the building your class is in, he holds the door open for you. You bite you lip as you duck in, thanking him quietly.
“Okay, what?” His voice is full of hope as he watches you walk into the building, trying to keep his eyes off your ass as you pass him.
“I won’t go out with him. If he asks.” you say softly, licking your lips as you turn to look up at him walking through the door. A large smile breaks onto his face for a second, but it’s gone as soon as it appears, trying to act cool. He nods once, shoving his hands back into his pockets, but there’s still an excited look in his eyes.
“Good.” he finishes. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile so big before, not that he gives you long to study it. You smile to yourself as you turn back forward, walking the rest of the way to your lecture hall. You’re not exactly sure what this means, but you think he might actually feel the same way about you as you feel about him.
You turn to him once you get to the door, smiling up at him, your face still hot.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” you ask, and he nods, smirking down at you as he holds the lecture hall door open for you.
“Yeah, princess. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says smugly before nodding his head towards the door. “Go to class.” You nod, looking down as you walk under the arm that's holding the door and into the room. Once you’re a safe enough distance from the door you let out a long sigh, laughing softly to yourself.
Okay, maybe you will tell your roommate about him.
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After your dreadfully long class, you finally make your way home, still trying to fight the way your stomach is twisting from your encounter with Evan.
You decide on the walk home that you’re going to make cookies. Ever since high school, when you feel any sort of strong emotions, you bake. You need something to put your energy into, and your roommate knows that. So, when she walks into your apartment later and sees you aggressively stirring cookie dough, she drops her bag and walks into the kitchen carefully, eyes glued to your back.
“What’s up?” she asks slowly, trying not to disturb you too much. Usually when you bake, you’re sad, so she’s careful in the way she speaks to you. She lets out a breath as you turn to her with a smile on your face, jumping slightly as your oven beeps, signalling that it’s at 350°.
“Nothing.” you trail off, and you can’t help the way your smile grows as she narrows her eyes, confusion on her face.
“So why are we baking?” she asks, the smile growing on her face as she takes in your expression. She can almost feel the excitement radiating off of you, and she can’t wait to hear what you have to say.
“There may be a, um, guy.” you start, waiting to see her reaction. She’s known you for a long time. She knows your lack of experience when it comes to guys, so she can’t help the gasp that escapes her lips and the wide grin that erupts on her face.
“Who?” she squeals, sitting down at the island stool, holding her head up in her hand as she watches you go back to stirring the cookie dough.
“His name’s Evan.” you start, beginning to explain how you met and how you’ve been hanging out every day for the last two weeks, working on an assignment. She squeals again, and seems to have an endless amount of questions, which you answer happily. It’s nice to finally talk about him, and most of the rest of the night is spent telling her everything about him. God, you’re screwed, you think. You’ve known this guy for two weeks and he has you acting like you’re 15.
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next chapter
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cariantha · 9 months
Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Angsty Fluff, Christmas Word count: 2.5K Summary: Sawyer is worried that her crush is getting the wrong impression and is later hurt when she thinks he has taken advantage of a situation. A/N: This takes place during intern year (pre-Miami) shortly before the events in Merry Christmas, Rookie.
Events/Prompts: • Photo prompt from @jerzwriter • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Holiday Prompts 🎄12: “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.” 🎅21: “It looks like Santa threw up in here.” 🎁67: “What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?” • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #64 Prompts 👨🏻‍⚕️2: “I’m not in the mood for a lecture.” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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While waiting in the lunch rush lines in the cafeteria, Sienna reminded her roommates of their party assignments. “...I’ve got the treats covered, Elijah is handling the music, Jackie is making jingle juice-”
“Hell yeah!” Elijah exclaimed, giving Jackie a high-five. 
“The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year,” she said coolly.
“Oh, and don’t forget your white elephant gifts!” Sienna also reminded them.
“Shit, I forgot about that. What are the rules again?” Jackie asked.
“The only rule is you can’t buy anything,” Sienna answered. 
“I’ll go shop the lost and found when we’re done here.”
“Or, I saw some pharma reps in the atrium earlier. You could try to hit them up for some swag,” Sawyer chimed in. 
When the group reached the front of the line, a heavy arm slipped around Sawyer’s shoulders. “Thanks for saving my spot, Brooks,” Bryce winked, cutting in line.
“Do you meatheads have to cut into everything?” Jackie barked.
Bryce chomped into the apple he hadn’t yet paid for. “Yep,” he nodded with a big toothy grin. “I’m just trying to get on the naughty list. If you all want to join me, we could save Santa a trip this year,” he joked.
“You’re already looking at Santa’s favorite ho,” Jackie quipped.
“Brooksie, I actually am in a hurry. I need to scrub in for a lymphadenectomy. Do you mind?” he asked seriously.
Sawyer tilted her head to the register, gesturing for him to go ahead.
“Thanks.” When the cashier asked if they were together, Bryce said yes.
“Bryce, you don’t have to-”
He placed a hand on the small of her back. "I've got you, Ipo. I'll see you later," he promised before hurrying away.
“Girl, what are you holding out for? He's hot and he's totally into you,” Sienna teased, once Bryce was out of earshot. 
Sawyer lifted her tray and turned to her friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but froze when she spotted a six-foot-four-inch, blue-eyed attending at the adjacent register. Not knowing how much he saw or heard, a blush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. Feeling like a shy teenager at a school dance, Sawyer hoped the interaction with Bryce hadn’t given her crush the wrong impression. 
As Ethan raised his eyes to her, he gave no indication. Pocketing his wallet, he stoically turned and exited the cafeteria. 
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As their shift ended, Sawyer approached her roommates who were walking in the opposite direction down the hall.
“Locker room is that way, Brooks,” Jackie pointed. 
“I know, I just need to run and check on one more patient before I clock out.”
“Do you want us to wait for you?” Sienna asked.
“No, don’t wait up. I’ll be right behind you.” 
After making sure the coast was clear, Sawyer slipped behind the plastic curtain that sealed off the construction wing. Naveen spiked a fever earlier in the day, and she wanted to check on him before going home. She found him fast asleep, and after checking his monitors and medications, she quietly tidied the room. When she finished, she softly closed the door behind her, whispering, “Goodnight, Dr. B.”
On her way to dispose of some trash, Sawyer’s phone buzzed in her pocket.
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Bryce knocked and let himself in, making a beeline to the kitchen to find Sienna. “Help?” he asked, lifting a roll of wrapping paper and tape.
She looked at him puzzled. “Where’s your gift?”
“You're looking at it.” He beckoned her to the living room, where he laid down on the floor. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” she laughed, kneeling next to him.
A few minutes later, Sienna placed the last piece of tape, securing the wrapping around Bryce’s torso. Using all of her body weight, she rolled him to his back and slid him under the Christmas tree. 
“Si?” he called, his voice muffled. “Do me a favor and start the game sooner than later. I already have to pee.”
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In the locker room, Sawyer traded her white coat for her winter one. As she gathered her things, her phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“Hi,” she answered.
“Hi. By any chance, are you still at the hospital?” Ethan asked.
“I am.”
“Could I ask you for a favor? I’ve had something come up at the last minute. Would you be able to stay with Naveen for a few hours?”
By now, Sawyer had come to know Ethan Ramsey well enough to know that he would not ask for help unless he was desperate. “Sure. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m pressed for time right now, but I’ll explain later. I’ll relieve you as soon as I can.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks, Rookie.”
Sawyer was about to text Sienna when Danny entered the room.  
“Hey, Sawyer,” he waved. “I thought you’d be at home getting ready for the party. I’m heading there now if you want a ride.”
“Danny, I’m so glad you’re here! Could you take something to Sienna for me? I’m not going to make it home for a while.”
“How come?” 
She made sure they were alone and lowered her voice. “Dr. Ramsey got tied up with something and asked if I would look after Patient X for a few hours.”
“You should go and have fun with your roommates, Sawyer. I can stay,” he insisted, having been recruited by Ethan shortly after Naveen agreed to be treated.
“That’s really sweet of you, Danny, but I know you traded shifts so you could be off tonight. Besides, Sienna baked a batch of peppermint chocolate chip cookies just for you.”
“She did?” he smiled.
“Yeah. Go. Have fun. I’ll be there as soon as Dr. R gets here.”
After Danny left with what appeared to be a wrapped bedpan, she updated her roommate.
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Later, Sawyer was in Naveen’s room, scrolling through Pictagram when her phone vibrated with a new text notification.
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Several hours had passed when Sawyer felt a hand on her shoulder. 
“Hiiiii,” she managed through a yawn. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ethan apologized.
“Huh? What time is it?” Sawyer reached for her phone, noticing several missed calls from Sienna and Bryce. 
“It’s almost four in the morning. I would have been here sooner, but I accidentally dozed off,” he explained, helping her to her feet.
“It’s okay. There's no doubt you probably needed it. And it’s been quiet here. His fever finally broke a little while ago.” 
“Good. Go home and get some sleep,” he instructed, “I’ll tell Ines that you’ll be in this afternoon.” 
“Okay.” Sawyer shouldered her bag and headed for the door. “Good night."
“Thank you.”
With a shake of the snow from her coat, Sawyer entered her apartment and found Landry eating breakfast at the kitchen table. “Oh boy. It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
“Smells like it too,” he grumbled. 
“I’m surprised you’re still going in early after…,” she circled her hand in the air, “all of this.”
“Yeah, well, not all of us are lucky enough to get preferential treatment from Dr. Ramsey.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“What? This is the second time he’s personally assigned you a case. To my knowledge, he hasn’t assigned cases to any of the other interns in the competition.”
“Wow. Well, maybe if you ever crack the top five, he will.” She let him chew on that as she hung her coat and walked to her room.
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Bryce turned from the surgical board and spotted Sawyer approaching. “Finally coming to collect your prize, Brooksie?”
Sawyer rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?”
“You’re ridiculous,” she shook her head with an amused smile.
“So I’ve been told. By the way, this gift comes with a night on the town.” 
Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Ramsey inconveniently emerged from a nearby patient’s room, catching the tail end of their conversation.
But before she could protest, he backed his way down the hall. “I’ve gotta run. Check your schedule and let me know when to pick you up. And you should know, I have a strict ‘no rejections’ policy.”
She sighed deeply once his back was to her, then turned to find Ethan standing a couple feet away, his eyes focused on the tablet in his hand.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she acknowledged sheepishly.
Ethan glanced at her with a side eye. “Brooks.”
“Rrrrr! Of course he is here right now!” As they moved on to their next tasks, Sawyer told herself it was time for a heart to heart with Bryce.   
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"Excuse me, would you please page Dr. Ramsey?"
A few minutes later, Ethan met an attractive woman at the nurses’ station and led her away from the busybodies seated at the circular desk. As they walked down the hall, she handed him a small box. “Thank you, Jen. I really appreciate this. I’ll send you the outcome report as soon as the trial period ends.”
Stepping in front of him, Jen pulled him to the side until their shoulders hugged the wall. "It was great to see you again." She paused as a couple nurses walked past. "We had a good time last night, didn’t we?"
“It was nice to catch up.”
She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when Sawyer heard the familiar voice, she wondered if her ears were deceiving her. 
“Listen, I would love to see you again tonight,” Jen continued, reaching for the end of his tie and running it through her fingers. “I’m staying at The Langham. Come have drinks with me and…,” she shrugged, "we can see where things go from there.” 
Stepping out from the vending machine alcove, Sawyer turned her head in their direction. 
Ethan’s surprised eyes met hers, finding only hurt. He moved Jen’s hand back to her side as Sawyer spun and walked briskly in the opposite direction. 
“Jen, you’ll have to excuse me. I need to go,” he apologized, watching the woman he longed for retreat and disappear from sight. “I appreciate your assistance. I will speak with you later.” 
“Later tonight?”
“I’ll text you,” he said as he sidestepped her.
Ethan’s long strides carried him down the hall quickly. He nearly collided with a visitor as he rounded the corner. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”
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In the far corner of the cafeteria, Sawyer watched the snow fall in the empty courtyard. The sound of metal chair legs scraping against the tiled floor jarred her from her thoughts.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Why? Need another favor?” she said, words laced with disdain.
“Rookie, that-”
“Dr. Ramsey, I haven’t been helping you to win favor or get a leg up in the competition. If you want an intern to run errands and cover for your ass, then let me suggest Dr. Olsen. He'd be more than happy to fill that role.”
She lowered her voice, hurt replacing anger. “I canceled plans with my roommates last night, because I believed that if you were asking for help, it must have been important. If I had known I was only covering so that you could go on a date and get…” She let the rest of the sentence die on her tongue. “Sorry. I know it’s none of my business how you spend your free time, but I won’t let you take advantage of mine.” 
Visibly disappointed, she avoided eye contact. Ethan keenly observed that her disappointment went beyond merely thinking he would take advantage of her kindness. If he was reading the situation correctly, it was the same disappointment he had felt seeing her with the surgical intern.
“Sawyer, let me explain. Jen works for Phlaum Pharmaceuticals. They are currently conducting a trial on a new antibiotic for sepsis. I reached out to her when I heard about it. Her team is in the area promoting a new product this week. You may have noticed her reps in the lobby. She made herself available to meet with me last night. And after some convincing, she agreed to pull some strings to get Naveen into the trial. She was here this afternoon to drop off the treatment.” Ethan pulled a small vial from his pocket and placed it on the table.
“It sounded like you convinced her all right,” she muttered.
“Rookie. I know we haven’t known each other long, but do you honestly believe I’m the type of person who would trade sexual favors? I agreed to a testimonial and a couple expo appearances. That’s all.”
“What? Can you blame me for going there? She said she had a ‘good time,’ and you told me you were late because you ‘accidentally dozed off,’ then she asked you to meet her again tonight…At. A. Hotel.”
He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose at her teasing dramatization, failing to hide the crack of a smile.
“So, how’d you get out of it?” she wondered.
“I told her I would text her later.”
“You don’t text.”
“Exactly.” His knee touched hers, but neither one attempted to move away. “I need to get back upstairs. Can you meet me later to review the trial protocols?”
“I have a few patients to check on. I’ll page you after?” she answered.
Ethan scooted back in his chair, but before standing, he covered Sawyer’s hand with his own. 
“Sawyer, your contributions and the sacrifice of your time have not gone unnoticed. And as far as I’m concerned, you are my partner on this case. I should have filled you in on the drug trial. I just didn’t want either of us to get our hopes up.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Ramsey.” When he moved to stand, she followed. “I’m finished here. I’ll head back up with you.”
The elevator doors were halfway closed when a fellow intern squeezed his way through. 
“Hi, Brad,” Sawyer greeted.
“Sooo, who’s the lucky guy?” he quizzed, embarrassingly indiscreet.
“Come on, girl. Why else would you ditch us last night? Your roommates say you’re never home. You rarely come out for drinks anymore. And, you’ve parked Bryce in the friend zone.” Brad nudged her shoulder with his. “Spill the tea.”
“Sorry to disappoint, TMZ, but I’m not dating anyone. I got stuck here with a last minute case.” She made her eyes big and subtly tipped her head toward Dr. Ramsey as a warning. Luckily, Brad picked up on the cue, sparing her from having to tell any more white lies. 
Ethan hid a smile, pretending not to notice the act.
“Any chance you guys will host again for New Years? You’re the only ones with an apartment big enough,” Brad asked as they exited the elevator together. 
“Talk to Elijah. He’s the party planner of the group.” 
Once Brad was on his way, Ethan reached for Sawyer's elbow drawing her back. “You skipped your own party?” 
She shrugged. “You needed my help, and our patient wasn’t in any condition to be left alone.”
“You should have told me. I would have figured something else out…” He looked into her eyes with a sense of wonder. “Thank you. I owe you one.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re welcome.”  
“So, what excuse did you give your roommates?” he asked as they walked side by side down the hall.
“About that…” she said with a tense grin, “I’m gonna need you to assign some of your cases to the other interns in the top five.”
“Come again?”
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dumbfloweralive · 10 months
Mystery Hack
Chapter 4: Goodbye
Machine Connor x Reader.
Warning: Brief mention of suicide, guns.
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It felt overwhelming.
Elijah had ran toward you, tugging you in his arm, his hold tight on you. You hated being hugged, most of the time. It felt like an overwhelming sensation. Usually, you would either move back or, occasionally, you would slip one of your arms around the person, patting their back while your body would step aside, away from their body, your free hand hanging at your side.
When his arms sneaked around you, for a second, your body acted as usual, your hand patting Elijah’s back, your body leaning away from his body. Like a reflex.
The second after, something snapped in your head, his smell and presence invading you. Your chest ached from what you felt was loss or, maybe, it was hope. A pain as the world stopped spinning around you. All the movement stopped, you could finally breathe.
The third second, your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
And, Elijah broke the embrace. He knew you were not comfortable with physical touch, probably seeing his own action as selfish toward you.
You pulled him back.
“I thought…” He started a grin on his face.
“Shut up.” you cut him short, your head falling on his shoulder, fighting the tears threatening to fall.
26 December 2035
The party was tiring, the crowd, the people, all of them made you sick. Elijah had stayed at your side, like a protector, but at some point the two of you got split. He was nowhere to be found and after two hours of speaking with a stranger who didn’t understand a thing about your job, doing small talk and who were more certain than you Elijah and you were dating, you felt exhausted. 
Therefore, you did the most mature thing you could do.
You ran away. 
It was 11 pm when you entered the lab, Elijah and you had in common at the Cyberlife tower. Your happy place. With a loud sight, you fell on your chair, closing your eyes.
“Good evening miss L/N” The voice came out of nowhere, making you jump out of fear.
You turned your head, following the sound of the voice, only to find Connor on his base, smiling at you.
“Jesus fuck. You scared the shit out of me, Connor.”
“Oh, I am sorry.” 
Your head turned back toward him, your eyes frowning. Something was wrong.
“What’s wrong with you? What did Elijah do to you?” You say, running to the android.
His cheeks were all blue, so was his forehead. The back of your hands fell on his cheeks softly, feeling the warmth of his body. Android couldn’t be warm. Connor was overheating.
“How the fuck does an android end up with a fever.” you whispered more to yourself, trying to find something to lower his temperature.
“Probably a mistake in my program. I am sorry.” He whispered as you dropped a cold blanket around him.
“Do not apologize, this is not your mistake.” You answered, heading toward Elijah’s computer.
It took an entire hour to find the mistake. At this point, Elijah had joined you in the lab, the two of you talking about the way he could improve the android just like the council asked. 
“I need your help.” He finally said.
“You know I can’t help you. Pretty sure the council doesn’t want anything to do with me.” You sight.
“I don’t care. This is still our firm. We are still CEO. You can do anything you want. I’ll back you up.”
He was sincere. Since the beginning, the two of you together had done the best android ever made. Markus had to be your greatest success. But you knew you could get more. And, to you, the best was an android self-aware of himself, able to think and act on his own.
“You know my point of view of the improvement we could make.” You said, wanting to be sure. “I won’t mind being the bad guy in the end if I get the results I want. Someone has to fulfil this job. We can do so much more than just androids. We could have perfection. A new form of intelligence.”
“Than go ahead. It’s all yours.” Elijah said, leaning at your side, his hand extending toward Connor. “Show them what you can do. I trust you.”
Your head turned to Connor, meeting his sweet brown eyes, who didn’t leave yours the whole time. He offered you a soft smile, the blue of his cheek had now disappeared.
“OK, I’ll do it.”
30 May 2039 00:10
The thought was unbearable.
When you thought about this reunion week before, you expected Elijah and you to be like strangers. How could it be otherwise? The two of you haven’t seen each other for the past three years. 
It would have been even easier to leave.
But no.
It was the opposite. As if it were the most natural thing, the two of you were actually speaking like nothing happened. Like the two of you had just seen each other the day before. Like the fight you had the day you left never happened.
He had made you a coffee, no sugar, even if it was past midnight. Old habit never changes.
Therefore, the thought of leaving cracked open your ribs, tearing your organs apart. After three years, you finally felt like breathing, getting part of your old life. But you would have to throw it away again.
How could it be bearable?
Your mission would make it bearable, you thought. You tried to convince yourself. 
In your hands remained all the cards capable of offering freedom to androids. To change popular opinion and ask for their support. All the cards that will bend the government to your demands.
If you failed, you would fail them all.
But you weren’t able to just change around Elijah, to act like, after all these years, he was nothing to you, no one. You had done it numerous times, pushing people away. 
Yet, this time, every time you acted neutral, cold, your heart broke in your chest, making you shift behaviour. He looked so happy by your only presence, you didn’t want to rip that memory from your mind.
Why this had to end?
“You look older.” He said, watching your long hair before tugging one strand behind your ear.
“Well, so do you. Nice shave, by the way. Look cleaner than your prolonged teenage years.” You said, teasing.
He laughed, then, a silence fell after that, your finger toying with the aim of the cup. You could feel his eyes on you, feel the thousands of questions he wanted to ask. And you wondered why he was so quiet. It wasn’t him. 
You knew him too well, even more than he knew himself.
He always liked to brag around about what he did, talking about his discoveries, new film, new everything, really about anything. Elijah’s mind felt uncomfortable in silence, you knew that, genuine thought running in his head like a processor. Same way, he hated being lonely. Which was pretty strange given the fact he was living in a gigantic house, away from any being on earth.
 Genius brain.
So, him being this quiet felt odd.
They were two geniuses mind in the same room and suddenly, none of them were able to talk, until.
“So, you are behind RA9? Aren’t you?” He asked, his eyes searching for yours.
“You’ve seen that show on the TV too?” You asked, a smile on your face. He nodded no with his head, and your eyes frowned.
“Connor came to me a few months ago, asking questions about RA9. I didn’t code it, you were the only one with access to all the code. My assumptions were true if what they said in this TV show is true.”
“It is true.” 
“What was the agreement with the council? I want the real reason you left. No lies.” 
Finally, your eyes found his. They looked tired, you thought to yourself now that you took time to study it. He looked tired in general.
“They wouldn’t deactivate Connor as long as i leave Cyberlife for good and… If i cut any string attach.” You said, your eyes falling back to the coffee in your hands as your voice had lowered at the end of your sentence.
When Cyberlife’s council explicitly told to leave and to cut any contact, you knew what they implied. Though your little Vendetta against them had already been planned in your head, you didn’t want Elijah to be associated with this. 
Didn’t want to ruin his life.
“So, ruining our friendship was the best way for you to leave?” He asked, his calm tone betraying anger in it.
“No” you started, crossing your legs in front of you. “Ruining our friendship was the best way to have you out of my plan and out of my way.” you said, your voice turning cold. 
He kept his gaze hold on you for a while, studying your reaction. Perhaps you might have forgotten he knew you, too, better than you knew yourself.
“You’re lying.”  He simply said.
“How bad it is for you to hide it behind such a lie?” 
You took a second sip of your coffee, thinking of the best way to approach the talk. He knew when you would lie. 
“I did it because i wanted to protect you.” You found the strength to look back at him yet again. “I needed to protect you in many ways and for different reason i can’t talk about but just…” You paused, arch breath coming out of your chest. “I just genuinely care about you.” He knew, drawing such words out of you was difficult. 
He didn’t say anything at first. Probably out of fear you would stop talking, stop opening up if he talked now. Therefore, he kept looking at you, seeing you fighting with yourself. His hand raised forward and landed on yours, still holding the cup of coffee.
How could he be angry at you?
“You can talk to me.” He whispered when the silence lasted.
“I know. I just can’t tell you this. Because then, you’ll be in danger.” Your eyes fell on his. “ I can’t lose you.”
“Because you think i can lose you?” He whispered, leaning forward. “I’ve spent the last three years being miserable because you weren’t around. I opened up to you, years ago, i said i needed you in my life. How the hell do you think that would have changed years after that?” You expected him to be angry, but he kept whispering, protecting you from the screams. “I still need you in my life.” He confessed.
“Don’t you think i’ve been miserable?” You shook your head. “I spend every day of the last three years wondering if all i was doing was worth breaking our friendship. I still need you in my life, but it can’t be the only variable in the program. Not after what happened with the deviant last fall.” You paused, holding his piercing blue eyes. Elijah took his hand away from yours, moving to your face.
His eyes frowned as he swiped a tear that had found is way out.
“You don’t look old. You look tired.” He started, his eyes falling outside the window. “You felt that too?” He asked.
“All i ever wanted for this revolution was for them to win, and they didn’t, they slaughtered them Elijah, like they were nothing. And it was all my fault. If i had been there, i could’ve stop it.” 
“It’s not your fault. No one could’ve stopped it. Not even us.” He comforted you.
 It pained him as much to see the android loose. Especially after seeing Connor that day, knowing he felt empathy, as he never shot Chloe.
“They break my heart.” You paused. “When they died, i felt like a part of me died with them.”
“Me too.” He said, his eyes searching for Chloe, before returning to you. “You're back on an anti-depressant, aren’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, the words “no” ready to slip out of your tongue. But you knew better than lying to him. You didn’t answer, which it gave him the answer he wanted. The two of you, constantly worrying about each other. Elijah could feel how vulnerable you were at the moment. He always feared for your potential action. After all, he never forgot your suicidal attempt. 
It was unbearable. The thought of leaving him again. The idea of losing the only real friend you had. But you had no choice. A surge of hope lightened in you, hoping that, perhaps, if God was kind, he will let the two of you met again.
“Come on. Let’s play a game. Anything.” He said, raising from the couch. 
“Get that chessboard so i can beat your ass.” You said, observing around you. His place hadn’t changed. What would he think of yours? Your new place. You wondered.
“I improved myself, i doubt you could beat me.”
“Well see.”
For the next hour, you two played together, the party lasting longer because, yes, he did in fact improved, which he didn’t miss an opportunity to brag about. But you had always been two-step ahead of him.
That’s why you knew he had called the cops. You knew him, enough to know he would rather see you alive and arrested than dead. It was his worst fear.
“You know, i’ll always win.” You started, watching at the watch on your wrist. You would have to leave soon. “I am about to take your king in like… 3 moves.” Your heart tightened in your chest. “So? Do you withdraw?” You asked, raising from your seat, your coat on you.
“What are you doing?” He said, his eyes frowning at your move.
“I am about to win the party, i always have two-step ahead of you at least. Therefore, i need to escape before the cops arrived.” Elijah raised from his seat.
“Y/N i…” He started.
“It’s okay, i understand, really.” You said, moving closer to him. A small smile formed on your lips, wanting to be reassuring, as your hands moved to cup his face. “Elijah, i need you to promise me something.” You started.
“No. Don’t you dare. You promised.” He said, composing himself.
“I know. I just need to know that, whatever happen next, you’ll be happy. You’ll keep on living. Can you do that?” You asked, seeing the red and blue light coming in the hallway.
“You promised me.” He said, his hand falling over yours, stopping you from moving away.
“I know. But i need to finish something important. Promised me Elijah. Whatever happen, don’t be angry, don’t be sad for too long. One day, you’ll be happy.” Your hands slipped from his face, as you moved away, your hands grasping one last time at his hands. “Promised me Elijah.” You started hearing the sound of the siren.
His eyes fell on the ground, breaking the physical contact you had. “I promised.” He whispered. “The back door is open.” He continued.
“Thank you.” you said before turning away, running toward the exit.
“Y/n…” He called as you turned away one last time. “Whatever you have plans, you won’t be able to fulfil it. Connor is after you. The moment you’ll see him injured, on the verge of getting destroyed or shut down, you’ll run to his side to save him. You love him so much, even if he was on the verge of killing you, you wouldn’t press the trigger to stop him.”
“I know.” 
And you were gone.
Running toward the forest as fast as you could. Everything was working as you plan. The interrogation, pissing off Connor to a point he felt anger, escaping, bonus point for meeting and seeing Elijah one last time and, escaping again. 
This, was the last line before the end.
One last line before you’ll disappear forever.
And, as you ran toward the bridge, you thought you were ahead of the FBI agent, not hearing anything around you.
That was until something hard hit you from the side, projecting you on the ground.
“Fuck” You shoot, your body aching from the fall. 
You looked around, finding Connor next to you, lying on the ground. He surely fell with you too. It didn’t seem like he expected the damage the fall would cause him. Connor was barely moving. Your eyes found something between you. A gun. You throw yourself on the weapon, taking it in your hands as Connor finally moved to stop you.
But it was too late.
The gun was in your hand, aiming at him. His hands raised, unthreatening. Connor didn’t move, assessing the best option he had, all of them leading him to the next conclusion. You’d shot him before he even reached you. Useless for the case.
Only, he didn’t expect you to be… You.
Despite the strong grip you had on the gun, you couldn’t press the trigger. You wouldn’t hurt him. Elijah was right. 
Damn you Kamski, you swore in your head, trying to find something, anything. Connor looked almost scared when you step forward. Your hand holding the gun fell at your side as you walked toward him.
“I never would.” You said, before running away again, the gun still in your hand, hoping to get to the bridge in time.
And you did. You stopped in the middle of it when you saw the FBI cars and the agent coming down of them. In a second, they were circling you, forcing you to back up against the guardrail. You stopped on it.
“Stop this, we need her alive.” Connor's voice pierced through the crowd as he ran toward you, pushing away any agent in his way.
Then, his eyes fell on you, standing over the edge. His LED flickered a soft yellow amber, processing information. Connor moved to you slowly, his hand raised to you, offering his hold.
“Come on, get down, we just need you to deal with the RA9 code, if you succeed, i am sure the judge will be more inclined to your fate.” Connor started.
“Wow, you’re such a smart ass, like i cared about time in jail.” 
Of course, that’s not what you cared for. Connor knew it. He needed to understand you further, he needed to think out of boxes. He felt like his heart missed a beat when he saw you moving further away from him, ready to fall, the feeling of deja-vu playing in his mind again. 
That scared him, you on the verge of falling scarred him. You couldn’t want to kill yourself, right? And then, it clicked in his mind.
“I understand. You created all of them, all of us. They are the work of your life, you want them to be free.” He started.
“Finally, you’re using that brain.” 
“You need to understand, it can’t happen, machine can’t have emotion. You should know that, you are their creator.” He continued, his hand still raised toward you. You were tempting to just take it. “I understand you do not wish for them to be destroyed. Perhaps we can figure things out, together.” His fingers brushed against yours, his synthetic skin retracting once again, showing the white chassis underneath. “Please, get down. We won’t hurt you.”
His voice was southing you, you were almost ready to gave in. It was so tempting, but you know, when speaking of Connor, you had always let your guards down. His fingers brushed your palms slowly, inviting you down, his chassis showing further, following your touch.
“Please.” He said, like a soft plea.
You crossed his eyes. He was scared and worried. It wasn’t the first time he’d looked at you this way. But then, movement caught you off guard, one of the FBI agent moving forward, raising his gun. Connor immediately saw the changed in you. Without ever breaking contact with you, his arm raised  to the agent.
“Stop this. She won’t cooperate if she feels threatened. We need her alive.” He said, his finger grasping at your palm.
“Too bad then.” You felt his entire body tensed the second the words left your lips.
But it was too late. Connor felt your hand slipping out of his hold as you fell, he throws his body forward hitting the guard-rail, his hand extended as possible, trying to catch your hand but all he saw was your body falling in the void before hitting the water. He stood there, hand hanging in the void, his body against the solid cold metal, staring at the water. 
What has he done?
He felt a strong pain inside him, clawing at his chest in a desperate attempts to ease it, as the diagnosis showed no sign of problem. Yet, the pain continued crawling up in his body, never stopping. He couldn’t feel pain, he tried to convince himself.
He didn’t know how long he stayed like this, looking at the place your body hit the water. Connor only found back his senses when the agent who threatened you, stood at his side, started saying:
“Be ready to look for a dead body in the morning. Let’s get home.”
“We needed her alive” Connor said, feeling his blue blood running wild in his biocomponent. Was that anger?
“She jumped, not our fault.”
Then, something snapped in him. He felt his body tensing up as he throws himself at the agent, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket, bringing his body over the water. If he let go, there would be more than one death tonight.
“The fuck are you doing, stupid android, put me down.” The agent said, desperately grabbing the edge of the guardrail.
“She jumped because you fucking threatened her, She felt unsafe. Y/N did it because she didn’t see any other choice.” 
All he wanted was to push the man over the bridge, ending his life for being so wreckless, for hurting you. For causing your death. A “software instabilities” showed up in his vision. And he let go of the man, bringing him back to safety on the ground.
For a few seconds, he kept staring down at where your body hit the water, this feeling still present in his chest. He wanted to collapse on the ground. 
Instead, he walked back to the car, joining back agent Wilson as they returned to Elijah’s house. Connor looked at the time in the car, his chest heavy when he said.
“Time of death: 2 AM 42, May 30”
30 May 2039 2 AM 59
They just parked in Kamski’s alley when the silence in the car broke.
“I’ll talk to him.” Wilson started, heading out of the car, but Connor stopped him.
“No, i’ll do it.” He said, moving toward the door.
He knocked a first time, getting an immediate answer, Chloe opening the door. She looked different from usual, leading Connor immediately to Elijah, without words to invite him or form of politeness. She passed the door leading to the pool where he first met Kamski. This one was standing in front of the window, looking at the black night.
“Mr Kamski.” Connor started, getting an immediate answer from the man who turned around. Connor didn’t know how to phrase the truth. He knew he should be clear in his words, yet somehow, the words were stuck in his vocal cords, the picture of your fall playing in his mind again. Therefore, he chooses simple. “I am sorry, Y/N jumped from the bridge, we weren’t able to prevent her act.”
He didn’t even any idea about why he felt that way. You were his mission. He had to stop you, and he did. Yet, somehow, it felt wrong.
“No.” Elijah said, sitting on the couch, the truth of your presence sitting right in front of him on the table. “No you’re wrong.” Chloe run away. Connor saw her leaving the room. He didn’t chase her. “Y/N can’t be dead, she… She was here an hour ago.” 
“She jumped from the bridge 20 minutes ago.” Wilson stated, standing right behind Connor. “I am sorry for your loss, Mr Kamski.”
A tear fall runned on Elijah cheek, processing the words he just heard. He felt his world crumbling under his feet, getting swallowed all. Connor was speaking, but he couldn’t comprehend a thing he said. So, Connor stopped, waiting. Elijah brought his hand to his chest, just like Connor did minutes before. The pain, so much pain.
“A team will be looking for her body in the morning. You’ll be able to say goodbye.” Winston said, knowing well the man didn’t want any goodbye. Grief. “I know that’s not what you want, but it will be the best we can do.”
“She’s dead now. And it’s your fault.” Kamski said, eyeing Connor. “She trusted you, and you killed her.” 
“I didn’t… I tried to catch her.” 
“You liar. Get out of my house.” 
Connor was about to talk again, but he felt Wilson’s hand on his shoulder, seeing a little nod from him. 
“You loved her.” Wilson said. 
Elijah eyes shifter, his brow frowning. “Of course i loved her, she was my best friend, the only person who understand me. She was everything to me,” he kept himself from saying more, feeling the crack in his voice. 
“If you loved her, why did you turn her to the cops?” Connor asked.
Elijah didn’t answer, his eyes lost on Connor’s. He felt the anger building inside of him, but he recognised something else. He wasn’t the only one angry here. Connor was too. Which meant, not everything was lost. It gave him a hint of hope.
“I don’t expect an android to understand the deepness of human friendship.” Elijah started, his finger brushing tears falling. “Get out, we are done here, i have nothing to say.” He said, showing them the front door.
They did, turning around, none of them noticed Elijah’s phone buzzing, nor the way he froze in front of the screen.
30 May 2039, 5 AM
Connor was standing still in front of the house, unaware as if he should ring at such a late hour. He didn’t even know why he was here in the first place. Maybe your suicide had shaken him up more than he expected. He didn’t know.
His fist raised to the wooden door, knocking a first time and a second time. 
Why would he want to see him after all? After what happened?
“Lieutenant Anderson?”
Connor prevented Lieutenant Anderson from his suicide attempt that famous night. Now only, Connor realised Hank might have waited longer but did end up killing himself. But, he found no death record.
He pushed the door open, finding it unlock. The house was empty. No traces of human living here, no traces of Sumo. Hank didn’t live here any more. Connor sat on the floor of the house, waiting a few minutes before he finally retrieved the force of moving, closing the door behind him, heading toward the Cyberlife tower, a huge weight on his shoulder.
30 May 2039, 9 AM
“The ex co-CEO of the Cyberlife company, known as Y/N L/N recently revealed to the public had been reported dead after a suicide, following a track by FBI agent. The police are actively searching for her body after she jumped off the bridge. We will give you news as soon as we know more.” The TV shut down.
“I am officially dead.” You stated, turning toward your team. “Now, the real game start.” Markus was standing next to you, handing you the Vendetta mask. 
“Let’s win this war.” He said, a smile on his face.
30 May 2039, 1 am 52
You rushed out of the water, freezing, your entire body aching from the fall. It had worked. Everything worked out perfectly. Joel was running toward you with a blanket, urging you out of the water.
“We need to leave, now.” He said, pressing your footsteps.
“Yeah, i know, but my body ached right now.”
“I guessed that.” 
He helped you climb on the black van, as North started the car, looking at you over your shoulder.
“Are you in any pain?” She asked.
“Don’t worry, i’ll be fine, let’s go.” You rushed, using the blanket to warm yourself up. “We’ll have a clear vision in the morning. We need to be at the tower as soon as possible.”
“We’ll be there, don’t worry.” North tried to comfort you.
“Yeah, i know, sorry.” You tape Joel shoulder. “Give me your phone.” 
30 May 2039 2 am 15 Kamski’s house.
Elijah heard the vibration of his phone on the table, seeing Connor and Wilson leaving. With anger, he took it, ready to throw it against the window before the text took him off guard.
It was from an unknown number.
“I’ll always be two-step ahead of you.
                                  With love. “
A smile crossed his face through the tears running down his cheeks as he fell on the ground.
“Damn you” He whispered.
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Thank you for your patience while waiting for this, thank you for still showing interested when i lost interest. Thank you all. I'll post the next part as soon as possible 🫶
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