#i just typed up answers for a handful of these so spam coming
saetoru · 1 year
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✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。the dictionary definition of a rich boy
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synopsis. that rich guy who won’t stop asking you out is your partner for this project—send help
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contents. pre dating rich boy! gojo, college! au, implications of a zenin being pushy on the first date, satoru being distraught you went on a date lol, pre relationship shenanigans with the cutest loser boy !!
word count. 3.8k (it’s literally all just him being a handful)
notes. thank you niku my most cherished gojo stan for comming this (and giving me the most ridiculous tip) i adore you so much :,) mwah 💋
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he’s late—gojo is late. in fact, he’s very late, by forty-five minutes and thirty-two seconds to be exact. you aren’t really the count-by-the-second type of person, but somehow when it comes to that irritating, smug, too-talkative brat that you’re stuck with…well, you can’t help but be petty and use the seconds against him too.
he shows up close to an hour after your agreed time, waltzing in with a grin on his face—and, oh, you should kill him. he has the audacity to send you a wink when he walks over, coming up to your table and pushing his sunglasses down his nose just a bit to look you in the eyes over the lenses. 
what kind of person wears sunglasses indoors? surely only the kind that are nothing but trouble.
“aw, you’re here already,” gojo hums, “that excited to see me?”
“you’re late,” you spit.
“am i? i could have sworn—”
“now it’ll get dark by the time we get through what we planned for today,” you glare. he looks enthused, positively delighted by the statement—it’s almost as if you’ve offered him candy. 
“well, then i’ll just have to walk you to your apartment,” he offers smoothly. 
what a jackass. of course, just as expected, he’s still attempting to worm his way into your personal life (and likely your pants) in the most obnoxious of ways. over your dead body, however, will you ever allow him to know where you live, let alone accompany you on the way. you value your sanity, and having a conversation with gojo satoru longer than you absolutely have to seems like the most efficient way to fry every nerve and brain cell you have left.
“absolutely not,” you grit, “you can call me an uber. you pay.”
“alright,” he nods, “i’ll get an uber for you. but i’ll need your number to make sure you made it home safe. otherwise, what kind of partner would i be?”
typically, any normal pair of partners are meant to exchange numbers for a project—it would be the easiest form of communication, and more importantly, you can spam call if gojo decides not to carry his weight instead of just hoping and praying he checks his socials. but you can’t let him have your number—he’s not trustworthy enough for that. the last thing you need is him bombarding you with texts, or worse: calls, in the middle of work and class. so instead, you strictly inform him that any and all communication will occur via social media.
he pouts at that—it’s a cute pout, you have to admit. it’s slightly dangerous, too, because had you not had the self-control you do, you might have caved. but then he lights up at the prospect of you adding him back on socials. 
i’ll get your number one of these days, he says confidently. his confidence is as aggravating as the way he clicks his pen in the middle of class. he still chooses to sit right beside you despite all the free and very available seats the entirety of the lecture hall has. 
but no, he insists on sitting right next to you—and you? well, you have to hope you don’t get charged with homicide by the end of every class from the constant clicking he makes you endure. despite all that, gojo is surprisingly smart, which means your project might not be so doomed. 
he’s annoyingly smart, actually—he never takes notes, and just when you think the professor has him cornered by asking him a question when he’s seemingly dozing off, he answers immediately with the correct answer. 
you hate him.
“absolutely not happening,” you grumble, opening your laptop, “anyway i think we should start with—”
“well, i hate to inform you,” he sighs sadly as if it genuinely pains him to say this, “but i’ve actually deleted all my socials.”
“what?” your eye twitches.
“yeah,” he nods, “it’s a bit of a cleanse if you will. staring at your screen all day and finding value in fake posts is not good for mental health, you know? i’m trying to be more in tune with myself. it’s been a real self-journey.”
before the end of this project, you might either be a college dropout or an inmate at the county jail. you’re not sure, either is equally as possible.
“gojo satoru, i am sick of your games,” you spit, “we both know—”
“and i would hate not being in touch with my partner since it’s a crucial part of this project for us to work together,” he hums, something of a smug look plastered on his aggravatingly gorgeous face, “that thirty percent deduction for ineffective partner communication would be such a shame to get when we’re working so hard already on this, wouldn’t you agree?”
is he threatening you? for your number? with your grade? he is, you realize—and you clench your fist tightly around the phone in your hands as he eyes it with a knowing look on his face. he has you right where he wants you, whether you like it or not.
“you’re an asshole,” you spit.
“i’m a mental health advocate,” he gasps—he has the nerve to act offended, even as he’s so obviously enjoying working you up like this. you wish he’d drop dead immediately. maybe you could take his card from his wallet as his cold body lays lifeless on the table and order yourself a new laptop if he did—that would be ideal. 
“i saw you post on your story last night—”
“you didn’t watch it,” he pouts, “i posted a shirtless gym selfie just for you—wait a second, you pay attention to my story, huh?” he cuts himself off with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at you, “c’mon, you don’t have to force yourself to skip them. you know you wanna watch them.”
“no, i don’t,” you seethe, “it was just the first one at the top. stop being self-important—”
“anyway,” he drawls, eyeing your phone again. you want to splash your coffee in his face. “i’ll need your number,” he sniffs, “the crushing disappointment of you skipping my story made me realize i’m too focused on getting social media validation, so i’m taking a break. it’s the best thing for me to do in my headspace right now. hope you understand.”
“are you kidding me?” you stare at him. he grins before shaking his head.
“i would never joke about mental health,” he says seriously—it’s not as serious as your desire to slap him, however.
“fine,” you take a long, slow sip of your coffee to calm down, “give me your phone.”
“oh, you’re gonna set your own contact?” he brightens, immediately handing you his phone. it’s brand new—the newest model, in fact. it’s barely been a few days since it dropped. truthfully, you’re not even sure why you’re shocked—of course, he, of all people, would upgrade immediately. “how intimate,” he gushes, “it’s almost like we’re going on a date—”
“do not text me outside of project purposes,” you interrupt, thrusting the phone back into his hands, “got it?”
“you got it,” he grins triumphantly.
like all things he does, gojo finds a roundabout way to keep his word without actually keeping it. it’s his secret talent, you think—finding loopholes through all the technicalities of things.
hey when ur free can u read over my portion? i just finished
btw r u going to that frat party this wknd? u don’t seem the party type haha but u should come 
i’ll introduce u to suguru! he’s my best friend he’s super nice u’ll like him
oh and when do u wanna meet this week? promise i’ll be on time this time ;)
you make sure to only respond to the questions regarding your project—just because he technically kept his word and started the conversation centered around the project before getting off topic doesn’t mean you have to indulge him. and the way he types is infuriatingly annoying—who shortens every possible word like that? only him, you think.
okay, maybe you’re just nitpicking now, but every time you see his name pop up on your screen, your mood sours tenfold. you decide to answer as dryly as possible.
k i’ll look. we meet same time as last.
the period at the end should add the perfect touch—you grin to yourself in pride at that one. instantly, bubbles pop up and indicate he’s typing again. your smile very quickly drops.
wow ur a rly dry texter aren’t u?
that’s ok i don’t judge
so how bout the party? 
i can be ur escort ;) 
it’ll be fun!
from his side of the screen, gojo watches as your contact shows notifications silenced at the bottom. he pouts to himself—no party, then, he thinks.
gojo satoru, the guy who seemingly has everything he could ever want, likes you. 
frankly, he’s not really sure why—at first, he finds you mildly amusing, and he thinks it’d be fun to have a short fling with you perhaps. somewhere along the line, however, that changes. he watches you dedicatedly take notes in class, no matter how tired you seem from work the night before. he notices the way you chew on your bottom lip when you’re really focused—it’s actually very cute, he thinks. and he’s entertained by the way you always have some smart little retort waiting on your tongue. you’re not boring—and more than anything, you leave him a little humbled. it’s refreshing, and he kind of likes it, if he’s being completely honest.
he’s never liked anyone before—it’s a weird feeling. at best, he’s had a crush where he could appreciate that someone is generally pleasing to the eye and has a personality that might mesh well with his, but he’s never yearned for someone before. 
it just so happens to be his luck that the same person he wants more than anything in the entire world (for the first time ever, too) seems to hate his guts. it also happens to be that the same person he wants more than anything is currently getting asked out by some kid from the zenin family. right in front of him. and you’re saying yes. 
why on earth would you say yes to a zenin of all people? don’t you value yourself? 
gojo can admit that he’s had his fair share of heart robbing and tear inducing moments—he’s not exactly someone with the best track record for commitment, but at least he doesn’t use people for his own benefit. plus, he does, in fact, actually plan on committing to you. that zenin boy most certainly can’t be any good news if he’s anything like naoya, who gojo has met on a multitude of occasions, and knows very well is a scoundrel of a guy. 
“see you at nine?” he hears the zenin (what was his name again?) ask you. you nod, smiling sweetly. 
why don’t you smile sweetly at him like that? he buys you coffee every week. sure, he only gets to buy you the coffee because you have no choice but to meet him for the project, but he even offers to get you a slice of cake—you don’t ever accept, though, so he ends up eating both. but you do like coffee, very strong coffee that’s probably not sweet enough for his liking, but you enjoy the coffee he buys you nonetheless, and that has to count for something.
“sure, see you at nine,” you hum.
gojo watches in absolute shock (and abject horror) as you look down shyly. as soon as the zenin boy walks away, he stomps up to you.
“hey, what gives?” he asks petulantly, making your face paint on that irritated look that it always seems to adopt when he’s in the vicinity—how rude.
“what do you mean?” you ask tiredly, “i don’t speak toddler, so please use your words—”
“why’d you say yes to that zenin boy—”
“he has a name. it’s—”
“who cares what his name is? he’s an asshole! he won’t treat you right even if his mother’s life is on the line—”
“oh, and you would?” you raise an eyebrow, glaring at him. how is it his place to tell you who’d treat you right and who wouldn’t? how is it his place to even care?
“i would,” he gasps at the accusation, “you’d date a zenin but not me? how come?”
“because you’re annoying,” you counter like it’s obvious.
okay, now that is technically fair—gojo has heard his fair share of you’re annoying’s from people in his life. in fact, a good amount of them come from his own mother, but he’s also dashingly handsome, very good in bed, has soft hair, is tall and muscular, can buy you whatever you like, and can be smart and funny too if you really don’t care for those kinds of things. he’s the entire package and more. and more importantly, he’s not from the zenin family, and that automatically means you’ll actually be treated with an ounce of respect.
he looks at you incredulously, feelings a little hurt. “that’s not true! name one annoying thing i’ve done—”
“you laughed in the middle of me speaking in class.”
“that wasn’t at you! suguru showed me something funny on his phone—”
“and you took like twenty minutes in line ordering the most sweetest drink on the menu while i was running late—”
“you can’t use that against me, that’s not fair! i’m a paying customer, i should be able to get whatever i want. plus, it’s technically not my fault you were late.”
“you rubbed in the fact that you had a black card.”
“you mentioned it first!”
“you were late to our first meeting for the project.”
“okay, that was an honest mistake! people are allowed to make those, you know—”
“i don’t want to go out with you,” you say frustratedly, “and it’s really annoying when you act like a spoiled brat that can’t handle the word no and keep on insisting, okay? so leave me alone unless it’s to discuss our project—which weighs fifty-five percent of our grade, by the way, so don’t even think about getting lazy.”
he is not lazy, he wants to argue.
but before he can, you roll your eyes and take a step to walk around him, leaving him there to blink in shock. okay, he thinks with a huff, so you’re playing hard to get. that’s no matter, he’s good at the chase anyway. 
the date doesn’t seem to have gone well. gojo can tell because your eyes are slightly red and puffy, and you’re extra grouchy today in class. your professor seems to have noticed, too, because instead of calling on you today, she calls on gojo extra as a rare show of mercy. 
gojo doesn’t mind—this class is surprisingly easy, and he’s bored half the time anyway. he might as well indulge the uptight professor in an ugly brown pencil skirt and answer her pretentious questions that aren’t as complex as she thinks they are. 
“so,” he finally breaks the silence, “how was your date—”
“if you’re looking for a chance to say i told you so, just get it over with, you jerk,” you grumble. he raises his eyebrows in surprise before both hands go up in surrender.
“i wasn’t,” he says genuinely, “you just…uh…you look upset, is all.”
you hesitate for a short second, gauging his sincerity for a moment before sighing and slumping on the desk, cheek resting on your arm. gojo resists the urge to poke the soft flesh—it’ll probably make you mad, and you’re already in a bad mood. 
“he was…pushy,” you say quietly, “i don’t really believe in taking things far on the first date. he didn’t like that.” instantly, his fists clench tightly, eyeing you from the side carefully, almost in concern. “nothing happened,” you wave off, “but he did make me feel disgusting,” you mutter.
“yeah, well, he is a zenin,” he points out, “they’re…well, my family’s known them for a while. my mom hates them.”
you look over at him in mild interest, raising an eyebrow. “don’t tell me there’s drama in the rich community,” you gasp, “i thought you all just came as one to sip fancy wine and laugh at the poor together.”
he snorts, throwing you a toothy grin that you think for a moment is kind of cute—but that doesn’t mean he’s any different from the rest of the rich folks. someone of gojo satoru’s caliber has no business mixing with someone of yours—it’s common knowledge. gojo has everything he wants, and if he doesn’t, it’s a simple matter of asking before it’s his. there’s simply no way you can mold into his world to be what he needs you to be, and when the time inevitably comes when he realizes you’re not what he wants, well…you’d like to save yourself the wounded pride and crushed soul while you can. 
“sometimes we have fancy appetizers too with the wine,” he jokes, “don’t forget those.”
“oh, my apologies,” you chuckle. gojo likes it when you laugh, he decides. it looks much better than when you’re glum—he thinks seeing your lips quirked in anything other than a smile is a waste of your perfect features, and he can’t have that.
“my mom married my old man in this stupid arranged marriage or something,” he explains casually, like it’s just the norm. you suppose it is—for the rich, at least. you wonder briefly if gojo will have a marriage planned for his future, too, and you wonder if he’s okay with that. surely it’ll be some wealthy and fancy socialite of a girl that fits his family’s standards. someone who’s not you—not that you care anyway, you wouldn’t marry him regardless. “my grandma wanted her to marry the zenin, but she said no. said he treated her like a piece of meat every time they met, so she settled for my dad instead. lucky her, 'cause now i’m her son,” he beams. 
settled—something about the way he says it makes you think his parents must not really care for each other as a husband and wife should. it makes you think briefly about what his childhood might’ve been like, not watching his parents happy and in love the way they should be. but still, the way gojo talks about his mother is fond, with a gentle smile on his face as he recalls the things she’s told him. you can’t help but smile a little too.
“i think that makes you the lucky one,” you snort, “you’d still be her son. just that you’d be a zenin.”
he crinkles his nose at the thought, dramatically shivering and making you giggle. “gross,” he gags.
“well, now you have her to thank,” you hum, “your dad would’ve been…whoever the zenin she was supposed to marry is.”
“yeah, well, trust me,” he mumbles, his smile dropping ever so slightly, “my old man’s not that big of an upgrade from a zenin. even my grandfather’s sick of him. imagine being such a douche, your own dad can’t stand you.”
you’re learning more about gojo in one sitting than you ever imagined (or planned) to learn—part of that is because he seems like he’s the type to overshare on the first meet; the other part…well, you have to be honest with yourself, it’s not exactly a bad pastime hearing him talk about himself. gojo is an odd piece of work, and you can’t say you hate learning about the little pieces that come together to make him so weird. 
okay, perhaps weird is a bit rude, you think—he’s…unique.
“oh, so you’re the dictionary definition of a rich boy, huh?” you hum, resting your cheek on your hand as you sit up and face him—gojo, for a quick moment, feels his heart stutter when you talk to him like that: with your undivided attention like he’s the only one in the room. 
“what makes you say that?”
“daddy issues is like…the first thing in the rich boy starter pack.”
he laughs at that, smooth and almost sweet—it’s a dangerous thing. it’s easy to attract you to him, like a bee to honey, with the way his lips curl like that, showing off his dimples. but the bees can easily turn into maggots—and you don’t want to find yourself as a dead carcass by the end of this.
“i don’t have daddy issues,” he says smoothly, “that old man should sleep with both eyes open. if anything, he has son issues.”
“you’re hands down the oddest person i have ever met,” you mumble.
“what was that? did you say hottest? yeah, i know—”
“shut up, jackass,” you scowl, shoving his shoulder when he leans closer with a bat of his lashes. he laughs, and so do you—and just for one, quick, momentary instance, gojo satoru is not so bad. dangerous and a bad choice maybe, a setup for a big mistake perhaps, something you should stay away from, in fact. 
but not so bad. 
“how about i show you what it’s like to go on a date with a gojo,” he grins, winking easily. he’s persistent—very persistent, you note. “you might like it a lot more than a zenin.”
“no, thank you,” you hold a hand up, “never going to happen.”
“never say never,” he hums, “you might eat your words.”
“hey, satoru?”
“that’s not my name.”
“that actually is your name,” you say tiredly.
“hmph,” satoru rolls over, dramatically tugging the blankets over his body as he shuffles away from you, “not to you, it’s not.” 
you sigh, pursing your lips at his antics. “oh my god. okay—hey, toru?” you correct yourself. and just like that, he turns back around, grinning brightly as he inches closer until his head is resting on your chest.
“yes, baby?” he says sweetly, earning a roll of your eyes as your fingers weave into his hair. it’s soft—you don’t think you ever want to let go.
“it’s way better dating a gojo, by the way,” you murmur, “than a zenin.”
“oh yeah?” he grins smugly, arm draping over your body as he kisses your jaw, “i told you it would be, didn’t i?”
“i haven’t dated other rich families to compare, though,” you tease, “you might get replaced.”
“unlikely,” he chuckles, “no one,” there’s a kiss to your jaw, “will love you,” another kiss to your cheek, “like me.”
finally, there’s a slow, soft kiss to your lips—and when he kisses you like that, you have no choice but to believe him.
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satoru sooooo sends multiple texts back to back he just like me for real
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madelynraemunson · 3 months
i need to know if we ever get jealous of eddie’s said short lived relationships. do we ever try to sabotage them? or are we the type to try and get along with them and thats when they’re like “oh no you two need to be together?”
(i know the answer in my heart but i want to hear what you think lol)
ex husband!eddie x reader
whaaat? sabotage eddie's relationships? 😵 that's diabolical. why on earth would we do that?
that one time we showed up to his house wearing a sundress after months of wearing sweats was TOTALLY unplanned! we had a date, after all.
and that one time we were dancing with eddie at the family bbq, rocking out to all our favorite songs like careless teenagers right in front of girlfriend #3 was all a ploy by our kiddos! right, kids? right? we do everything for the kids. they love seeing their parents happy and getting along. right, kids?
and are you really still on about the day of eli's talent show?? 🤦🏻‍♀️ we only asked girlfriend #9 to take a family photo of us because she was the only one that was around. that's all 😇 and she shouldn't be mad at us! eli LOVES taking pics with mommy and daddy. who is she to get in the way of a family, especially when kids are involved 🤨😤 (also, we didn't MAKE eddie place his hand where he did in the pictures. he literally did it by himself, on his own terms.)💋
...okay, bunnie you got me! we know damn well what we're doing 😅 but quite frankly, so does eddie.
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you've got a date with david tonight. in fact, eddie knows was nice enough to house sit for you and help the kids with homework. an innocent, sweet little gesture. right?
you and david are watching a movie on his couch and things are getting steamy really fast. david is about to kiss you when...
you pull away immediately. checking your phone to see who it is, you realize,
"it's my ex husband, that fucker. the house better be burning down." you go to answer it. "yes?"
“hey, sweetheart, this is eddie...the banished." he greets you. “i can't seem to find the measuring tape and was wondering if you knew where it was."
you're unsure as to why he would even need measuring tape. regardless, you reply,
"it's in with drawer of miscellaneous stuff. the one by the kitchen sink.”
"ahh, that's right. found it. thanks, babe."
but that's not the only useless call of the night. as your date with david continues, the calls keep coming through in seemingly calculated intervals. at the worst possible times. with the most irrelevant fucking questions.
“i can't find the baking soda." “where do you keep the batteries? the c batteries not the double As." "hey, just a heads up, you might wanna call somebody for this pipe." "what's the wifi password again?"
"EMUNSON1986!" you hiss. "the year you graduated high school."
"aww, really?" eddie coos. "that's endearing. thanks baby."
eventually after an hour, the calls stop. you and david were able to finish the movie, and get back to that steamy interaction before you were spammed mercilessly. david is now fiddling with your straps as you two are kissing, his available hand grazing your lower back, breath hitching when —
"jesus h CHRIST!" you howl. "it's midnight for god's sake. this better be important. HELLO?”
"sorry," eddie mumbles on the other line. "remind me, i'm looking at your snake plant and was wondering how often these guys need watering? they look a little parched."
"once a day and i already did it," you say through gritted teeth.
"it's a new day, should they be watered again?"
"don't worry about it, eds."
"i always worry, sweetheart.”
david happens to hear this. giving you a side eye now, your date watches as you stay on the line with eddie for a couple of minutes. finally, you get eddie to agree to stop calling, which fills you with relief when you hang up the phone. your eyes then travel back to david, whom you begin to bat your flirty lashes at.
"now." you say. "where were we?"
"you should probably go home," david huffs. "looks like the fort still needs holding down."
you're seeing absolute red now. you are seething. that motherfucker.
your drive home is an angry, and sexually frustrated one. you can't believe eddie would sabotage your date like this, your only fun night out this week. he's in for it now.
"date ended early sweetheart?" eddie pouts at you the moment you walk into your house.
"bedroom," you order. "now."
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tagging peeps who seemed interested in this lil universe! as always thank you for reading 💋
@highinmiamiii @potatobeans99 @mediocredreams @joshlmbrt @eddiesxangel @enam3l @mmunson86 @davidblowies-blog @thatissonnina @oskea93 @aurora-austen @lesservillain @madeofmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @eddiesghxst @munsonssweets @nailbatanddungeon @swiss-mrs @winchester-angel @belokhvostikova @curlyjoequinn @strangereads @marrowfrog00 @shadyunknowncreation @tuolcaniacoc @catherinnn @prestinalove @pleuviors @cinemabean @calumfmu @littlexdeaths @let-the-music-take-c0ntrol @meetmeatyourworst @b-irock @spencerssatchel
divider by: @cafekitsune
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cherryredstars · 1 year
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: 18+, Smut with Plot, Light Angst, Comfort, Soft!Simon, Suggested Talk of Death, Gentle Sex, Penetrative Sex, Oral Sex, Aftercare
Summary: Simon has a dangerous job, and it’s not the easiest thing to deal with. 
A/N: He needs someone to care for him. 
Word Count: 3.5K (Edited)
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Maybe it was a silly thing to argue about.
Simon didn’t deserve walking into his home after a long mission only for him to be dragged into an argument with you. But you couldn’t help it. He had made you so scared when a few days ago the other military partners had spammed the group chat about calls and messages they received from their soldiers. They had given news that the latest mission was finished and they were coming home soon. You had perked up when you saw those messages, knowing some of those men and women had been in the same deployment group as Ghost. You had excitingly expected to get a similar message from Simon, but as hours and days began to pass with no word, your anxieties had begun to surface. The worst scenarios ran through your head with every notification that wasn’t from Simon and you had to find ways to distract yourself. 
So, when Simon had walked through that door, no visible injuries in sight, you had blown up on him. You had taken all your anger and worry and frustration out on him, causing a fight between the two of you. Simon had argued that since he was of higher rank he had more duties to attend to even after returning back to base and in response you argued that it took two seconds to type out a one word text like “okay” or “back”. In the end, the both of you had taken some time to cool down before regrouping and apologizing after seeing the other’s point. 
Once the heat had died down, you and Simon laid in bed. You were curled against his chest as his hands played mindlessly with your hair. The both of you were silent as you took in the other person’s presence. Your hand rubbed up and down Simon's chest gently and you pressed a small kiss through his shirt. “I’m sorry.”
Simon held you tighter to him and kissed the top of your head, “I know.”
Another stretch of silence follows before you feel Simon shift. His hand comes to gently grab your chin, raising your head towards him. He looks down at you, a far away look on his face as his thumb strokes your jawline. You just stare at him in silence, seeing something forming behind his eyes. When he zones back in, he whispers so softly that you think you might have missed it if you weren't so close to him. 
“Do you ever get tired of this? Tired of waiting for a dead man to come back?” His brow furrows and a flash of pain swarms his eyes as he thinks about every time he probably scared you shitless. He thinks of the nights you spent in this bed, cold and alone and scared you’ll wake up the next day to receive a call to tell you that’s how you’ll spend the rest of your nights. “Am I asking too much from you by making you wait here for me and letting you take care of me when I get back?”
Simon’s questions shock you and you can only look up at him with a scrunched up face as he waits patiently for your answer. You both sit in silence as you think about your answer, but you know it before it fully forms in your head. 
“No. No, I don’t. I think…” You pause, trying to find the right way to word your next sentence. “I think you don’t ask for things enough. You don’t ask me enough. I love that you let me take care of you, Simon. But, whatever I do for you, it never feels like enough.”
You pause once again and open your mouth just to close it again. You take a deep breath, your own hand coming up to cradle Simon’s jaw as he watches you. Your eyes look up to his eyes before looking away and shrugging. “Sometimes… all the time…I’m scared that I won’t get enough time with you.”
Your words cause Simon to grit his teeth and his hands leave your body so he can clench them. He looks away from your face, instead staring over your head and towards a wall. Seeing the way he tensed, you slowly start to remove your hands away from him. You know the best thing to do when he’s like this is to give him space. When you try to scoot your body away, one of his hands shoots up to softly grab your hand to keep it pressed into his chest as his head tilts back towards you. 
“Stay.” He mutters the word as he stares into your eyes, scanning them for something. “Please.”
You nod, relaxing back into your former position as he forces his hands to relax as he places them back on your body. He tilts his head further down, burying his face into your hair and breathing in your scent. You smell like your shampoo and he lets it fill his senses. His hand trails down to your back and he traces words. You don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it.
“I would never leave you. Not willingly.” Simon speaks up again, his small gulp audible in the silence. His hold on you tightens slightly, like he thinks someone might separate you in the next moment. 
Your hands bunch up his shirt, the material clenched in your fists. You close your eyes as you take the time to breathe him in too. He still smells like the hot sun and gunpowder. You squeeze your eyes tighter as you feel tears building up behind your lids. You don’t want to cry, but this topic always makes your heart ache. 
“I know. I just-” Your voice cracks a bit and you clear your throat before you start again. “I just worry. I’m worried every time you’re away. And when you’re home, I’m worried that none of this will last. Worried that it might be the last time you walk back through that door. I don’t think I could ever survive if you never come home, Simon.” 
As you spoke, shaky breaths escaped you until they turned into hiccups as tears started to roll down your cheeks. You had seen first hand the way some of the other soldiers’ partners had reacted when they found out their significant other wasn't coming back. Had seen the way it had broken them. And every time, behind your sympathy and sadness for them, you find the small relief that it isn’t your soldier. That it’s not you receiving that news because Ghost had taken care of Simon.  But then, you get scared again. What if karma comes back to bite you and you’re next?
The way you speak and cry into him, it breaks Simon’s heart. He knows that he’s a cruel man. He has killed thousands of people. Had walked away from missions bathed in spilt blood. Seen enough horrors in the world to last every lifetime. But laying next to you, without Ghost’s mask on, hearing what he puts you through, this might be the cruelest thing he’s done. He is a selfish and cruel man for filling your mind with those soul-crushing thoughts while refusing to let you go. He wishes he could do something to mend those pieces, but it is so hard to do something he was never taught to do. Hard to attempt something as kind as comfort when all he has known is destruction. But he needs to try, because whatever kills you, kills him too. 
“I love you.”
He stiffens instantly when he says the words. You know about the twisted view of love Simon has, growing up with a family who used those words as an excuse to hurt each other. You know the discomfort he has when that word is brought up. You know how hard it must be for him to say them to you, even if he does feel that way. Hesitantly, you look up at him with a half-hearted smile. “Simon, you don’t ne-”
“I. Love. You.” He says it with more conviction this time, pronouncing the words carefully. Like maybe you didn’t understand him the first time and he wants you to. His eyes find yours and he holds a serious expression on his face.
His body is still stiff, but he takes deep breaths as he turns you on your back. He hovers over you, pressing his forehead to yours while his forearms hold him up. He closes his eyes and sighs before opening them again and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your hands fall from his shirt and go to grasp his shoulders as you close your eyes and open your mouth for him. The softest of noises travel on his breath as his tongue caresses yours and his hand comes up to your cheek. His thumb is soft as it brushes tears away.
When he pulls away, he kisses the tears away from the other side of your face. He follows the tear streaks down your face, giving a soft lick to your jaw before kissing down the length of your neck. He sucks gently at the skin, apologizing for the sting with cooling kisses. The soft moan that rumbles in your throat causes a small smile to distort his lips. He shifts his position so his knees are pressed into the bed as his hands move to ghost down your sides. He reaches the hem of your shirt and tugs on it gently. “Can I take this off?”
You breathe out a yes and he sits up, reaching behind him to grab his shirt and pull it off over his head before gently taking yours off. He throws them to the floor, coming back to press soft kisses to your collarbone and neck. Your own hands come up to hold the back of his neck, keeping your hold light and not applying any pressure. Simon hums into your skin and one of his hands goes down to unbuckle his belt and remove it from around his waist. He unbuttons and unzips his pants, but makes no move to take them off. His hand then comes back, squeezing your sides. 
His hand moves to the waistband of your sleeping bottoms, removing his face from your skin so it’s hovering in front of yours. He silently asks for permission to take them off, and you silently nod before he pulls them down your legs. He kisses down your leg, stopping at the side of your knee. When they’re off, he stands up to push his pants down his legs and hovers above you again. The both of you are in nothing but your underwear as Simon’s eyes look down your body. He lets out a breathless exhale, still astonished that something as pure as you would let a man like him see you like this. He presses a kiss to your forehead and whispers into your hairline, “You’re breathtaking, you know that, lovie?” 
His gruff accent causes shivers down your spine and your hands rub up and down his chest. You lean forward and press a kiss over his heart. The flesh is warm against your mouth and you can feel each beat. You lean your head back down on the sheets, finding Simon’s eyes again and smiling. “You’re gorgeous, Simon. I love you.”
Your soft words cause emotion to build up in his throat. They’re thick and it's hard to breathe around them. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against your head again, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. The both of you hold still and enjoy the peacefulness of the moment before Simon leans down to give you a quick peck on the lips. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you. But I’ll do everything I can to keep you.” 
You can’t do anything but give him a giddy smile that causes a smile of his own. He chuckles slightly and shakes his head before his hand brushes his fingers against your inner thigh. A soft sigh leaves your mouth and you grab a hold of his hand to hold it over where you need it. His fingers instantly feel the moisture on your underwear and he lets out a soft hiss. His eyes drop down to where his hand is before snapping back to your eyes, “Can I remove them? Can… can I touch you?”
“Always. I trust you.” You whispered to him. The words make his heart explode and he keeps them close to his chest. You trust him. Him of all people. Your trust may be the greatest gift anyone has ever given him. 
Simon pulls your underwear off, taking his off right after. His hands come up to massage your thighs before one of his hands comes to ghost over you, watching your face for your reaction. He enjoys the way your mouth falls open and you whisper his name quietly. Like it’s only for his ears to hear. Like everything you are allowing him to do are things his hands will only be able to do. His body is warm and he’s sure admiration shines in his eyes as he stares at you. He knows this will not make your worries go away completely, but it will keep your mind off of it for now. And that’s all Simon can hope for: to bring a little peace and comfort into your life for all the times you gave it to him. 
His hands gently caress you, his fingers growing sticky with the arousal that flows from you. Each movement causes beautiful noises to fall from your lips that soak Simon in love. He pulls his fingers away, sucking them in his mouth to taste the arousal that drips from them. He lets out a satisfied hum as he tastes it bloom on his tongue. He comes up to you again to place a delicate kiss that has you groaning as you taste yourself on his lips. When he pulls away, he whispers soft praises about how lovely you sound, declaring he can listen to your voice forever. When he asks you if he can taste more of you, you giggle and kiss his cheek with a nod.
He’s quick to scoot down the bed so his face hovers over your sex. His hands wrap around your thighs so his hands lay flat on your stomach. “Keep your eyes on me, okay, love?”
You don’t get time to respond as his hot mouth latches onto you. A soft whine leaves your mouth as you watch him, his eyes looking up at you from between your legs. He licks and sucks on you, feasting as if this might actually be the last time he ever gets to do this. Your hands grab onto his hands that still lay on your stomach, trying to stop yourself from throwing your head back or closing your eyes. A soft curse leaves your mouth as you let out a whimper. You feel that delicious warmth pool at the bottom of your stomach and you try to warn Simon. He only lets out a hum and continues what he’s doing, not slowing down or speeding up. 
When you explode, he drinks it all up. He leaves your sex with happy sighs, pressing his sticky mouth to your thighs and mumbling more praises against the skin. So sweet for me. Always looking so good. You take it so well. Perfect, perfect, perfect. You give him a breathless smile, finally leaning your head back as you try to get your breath back. It’s no longer than two seconds before Simon’s face is back in your view. You can’t help the small tilt of your head as you giggle at his furrowed brows. “Why did you look away?”
Your smile widens and you shake your head. He’s so cute. You bite your lip and give him a quick kiss, mumbling a sorry. From his new position, Simon’s tip rubs softly against you, causing your body to shiver in anticipation. Once he sees your reaction, he lifts his hips slightly so his head doesn’t touch you anymore, making you whine. “It’s okay, Simon. You can slide in whenever you’re ready.”
Simon’s body relaxes again and he lets his hips go back to their previous position. “Please, don’t look away this time.” 
You nod your head, whispering a small ‘I promise’ before his hand reaches down to see if you’re actually ready for him to slide in. He takes a deep breath before he looks down briefly, watching his hand wrap around his base and nudging it towards your entrance. He looks back up at you as he aligns himself before he slides in. You both let out a moan as he slowly slides himself in. His gaze is steady on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort. When he bottoms out, he lets out a breath that was suspended in his lungs. He lets his hand rest next to your head, fingers slipping through your hair, “Are you okay, does it hurt?”
“No. It feels perfect.” Your words breath warm air against his skin and he nods. He holds eye contact, resting his forehead against yours as he starts thrusting slowly. He pulled out more and more as he continued. His thrusts are getting deeper and deeper, but never faster. Each buck of his hips causes you to moan and your hands hold onto his shoulders as he makes steady love to you. He isn’t doing anything different from every other time he has shown his love for you, but it still feels different. It feels like a silent apology, a promise. It feels like this will never stop, that this won’t be the last time. 
Tears begin to build up in your eyes and you bite your lip to contain a sob. Simon instantly stops, he knows you’re not hurt, but he asks anyway. You shake your head wordlessly and pull him into a deep kiss. Simon grabs onto your face as he kisses you back, his thrusts starting up again. He presses deep kisses to your lips, trying to breathe unspoken words into your mouth. When he pulls away, his hands gather the sheets in his fists as he moans out. His brows furrowed as he looked down at you, his mouth dropped open as he muttered the words that caused flutters to expand in your stomach. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ll always try to find my way back home to you. You are my home.
A watery laugh escapes you that quickly turns into moans as you feel yourself near your peak. Simon lets out a grunt, verbalizing that he’s about to finish, too. With a few more deep strokes, you both groan as you finish together. Both of you pant as you look at each other before Simon wraps his arms around you and buries his head in the crook of your neck. Against the skin he asks you to stop crying and you whisper back an ‘okay’. You both sit and lay there, holding onto each other as you kiss his shoulder and your fingers glide over his back. 
Once he has caught his breath, Simon pulls away silently, pressing a kiss to your lips while pulling out. You feel empty once he’s gone, watching him leave into the bathroom before coming back with a towel. He kneels on the bed, his hands gentle as he wipes the mess between your thighs. He takes care to not overstimulate you, pressing a soft kiss to your stomach before getting up again and disappearing out of the room after throwing the towel in the laundry. He comes back again, a water bottle in his hand as he holds it up to your mouth. He whispers to be careful as you drink from it, not wanting you to drink too much at a time. When he asks you if you need anything else you ask him to hold you. He pulls out the blanket and carries you as he slips in under it, covering the both of you. He presses soft kisses to your head as he plays with your hair, whispering more sweet nothings into the air until you fall asleep. 
When you wake up the next morning, you turn around in search of Simon. You find his side empty, already made. But on his pillow, metal shines from the sunlight coming in. You smile widely as you take it in your hands, the slightly heated metal of Ghost’s dog tag resting in your palm. Your fingers trace the raised letters before you slip the chain around your neck. You get out of bed and dress yourself in Simon’s shirt from off the floor before walking out of your room. Down the hall, you can hear the sound of a kettle whistling and slight shuffling.
You stop in the hall, closing your eyes and taking it all in as you hold on to the tag. 
He’s home.
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Simon content pre-write 1.
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wave2tyun · 8 months
pillow talk
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pairing: taehyun x reader
genre: suggestive?? it's nothing explicit but i wouldn't call it fluff either cause it's just a makeout sbdsbshd
summary: more taehyun brainrot (i'm insane.)
warnings: none<3
word count: 0.6k
a/n: here it is, just as promised!!!!😼😼💖 sorry if it seems like i've been spamming lately- i'm gonna go back to uni in less than a week so i'm kinda trying to make the most out of my free time until then sadbahjb cause i don't know how active i'll be after that :( also this is completely off topic but i JUST found out the game burger shop 3 has been released.........it's downloading right as i'm typing this.....guess i might be busy over the next few hours
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his hands were all over you- coming from cradling your hips to stroking down the skin of your thighs, gently gripping the muscle as he further immersed himself in the feeling of your lips on his. he couldn’t get enough of it- having you tangled up in his sheets every night, with no other priority on his mind besides losing yourself in your warm embrace.
parting slightly, you lingered with your lips hanging open, still touching against his, yet not returning to closing the space.
“wanna go slow?”
taehyun’s eyes were still closed as he heavily exhaled, answering you.
“don’t be a tease, sweetheart”
but he waited patiently, caressing the curves of your hips, hair already a ruffled mess. your fingertips traced the outline of his lips slowly, in an almost tantalizing manner.
switching to lean in closer, you pressed a peck so quick it could barely be called a kiss before you nibbled on his lower lip, provoking him further with your tongue as you lightly brushed it over his lips, yet not turning to do anything more.
“just kiss me” he groaned, at which you let out a small laugh.
taehyun felt his cheeks go red, it wasn’t usual for him to act with such transparent greed. his desire was beginning to feel insatiable- it was a struggle to contain it.
“you’re too impatient-” you began to mutter, but taehyun reconnected his lips with yours, kissing you right through your words.
that tenderness of yours- it was such sweet agony feeling you touch him so slow, teasing the fiery longing burning within him. who would have thought that a mere two centimeters could be so maddening?
now that he had convinced you to give in again, he cupped your face, holding you close. his lips moved against yours in a slower rhythm than before, taking his time to feel you, to pleasure you, careful so that you wouldn’t pull away again and leave him hot and heavy chasing after you. he turned further into a mess the more you bit his lips, the more your tongue glided past his, the more he felt the heat of your mouth.
out of breath, you pressed your forehead to his for a few moments before moving to graze his jawline with your lips. you dipped your head down to reach his neck, all while your left hand caressed the skin along his nape, switching between lightly scratching with your nails against his scalp, and tugging at his hair.
the more you nipped at his neck, the more he felt himself becoming slightly feverish; low hums and soft praises escaping whenever you took your time biting down a certain spot.
“fuck- do that again” the words escaped in a mellow tone.
“do you like it?” you asked teasingly, pausing your movements.
“don’t stop” he pleaded urgently. it’s not just that he wanted more- he needed more. he needed to feel you closer, to feel the heat from your lips completely coating his body, settling and nibbling on his bare skin.
“keep going, baby” he urged you on.
his chest heaved underneath you, and you could feel his heart thump in expectation. he couldn’t just stay still, his fingers were brushing over the expanse of your back, roaming around your shoulder blades then down your spine, and coming to settle on your waist underneath your shirt. in a mixture of desire and anticipation, he threw his hair back, releasing a soft sigh- no matter how much your lips brushed over his, no matter how many times you explored his body, he could never cease craving more of your touch.
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taglist: @huekalover3000
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
I've had a consistent thought in my head of the girls learning more about the upside down.
Like they know a bit: uncle Dustin still lives in Hawkins doing research on something, they've seen their dads and they know about the scars and their disabilities. They know something happened to their entire family and they know there was an earthquake that wasn't really an earthquake. But they've never learned more than that and they'll never know the details as long as Steve and Eddie have a say.
But at some point, each of them realizes that the monster hunter jokes that their dads make aren't really jokes.
In general, I think Steve and Eddie’s sentiment surrounding how they address the not-so-pleasant aspects of their past with their daughters is that they won’t lie (because that’ll only come back to bite them in the ass later), but they’re also only going to tell them as much of the truth as they literally need to.
Not that Moe knows any of this.
All Moe really knows is that her dads went through some scary-ass shit when they were her age and they don’t really talk about it.
Still, Moe has eyes. Maybe she didn’t realize it when she was little, but even just the sheer amount of scar tissue her dads have isn’t exactly normal. When she asks where they got them, though, all they ever say is that a monster tried to eat them.
Moe also knows that the reason Pop doesn’t usually join them on shopping trips at the mall is because they can trigger bad migraines, and she knows the reason he gets migraines in the first place is that he’d taken too many hits to the head in too short a time, but when she asks how he’d gotten a concussion and then a TBI and then two more concussions in the span of four years he always just says something like picked a fight with the wrong Russian spy, or something like that.
And it’s public knowledge that Dad was accused of murder when he was in high school and nearly died before the charges got dropped, but when she asks about what happened, he gives her some spiel about curses and demons and portals to alternate dimensions and monsters (again, with the monsters).
They’re kidding, Moe knows. They’re giving obviously fake answers because…well, for a lot of reasons, she can imagine– not wanting to relive whatever actually happened, not wanting to put their own trauma onto Moe and her sisters.
Honestly, Moe doesn’t really even bother asking about it anymore because they clearly don’t want to talk about it, and if it really was that bad, she can’t even blame them. Besides, she’s pretty sure that dads are supposed to be total mysteries to their kids, so…whatever.
The story of what happened in Hawkins, Indiana starts to gain some public attention again while Moe is in high school – one of those true crime conspiracy theory-type stories people make Reddit threads and YouTube videos about, and apparently (because Moe has no interest, but Robbie likes that kind of stuff) Dad almost always comes up in them, Pop sometimes.
Around that time is when Moe’s dads start to get all kinds of media requests – not that Pop had any idea. He’s basically chronically offline, so no one is really able to track him down other than finding his work email on Psychology Today, but he’s got filters set up to send that shit to spam so he doesn’t even have to see it. Dad, on the other hand, is (supposedly) well-known for his books or whatever, so he doesn’t have the same kind of anonymity. He got all sorts of calls and emails from people wanting his first-hand account, but he always refused to participate, told them to lose his number and never contact him or his family ever again.
That’s the kind of thing that really rattled Pop – Moe didn’t like that. He’s kind of an immovable object in that way, so seeing him rattled just seemed wrong.
They’d even needed to threaten legal action against one online tabloid who just wouldn’t leave them alone – not that Moe is supposed to know about that, but she’d eavesdropped on a phone call between her dads and Uncle Dustin, who seems to exist as a central point in it all even if Moe doesn’t know why (maybe it has something to do with how her dads always complaining about how he still works for that lab, whatever that means).
“Are you ever gonna tell us what really happened?” Moe asks one day, when it’s just her and Pop in the car on their way home from a basketball tournament in Connecticut.
He sighed, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Hon, can I ask you to stop and consider that maybe we have been?”
And for her dad’s sake, she does, she makes herself run through the mental log of all the lore or whatever she’s unlocked over the years.
Monsters, Russian spies, superpowers, demon-animals, curses, portals to alternate realities, government corruption, evil scientists.
Bullshit, she’d always thought, but…her dad had never bullshitted her before. Why would he choose to start with this?
Moe looked back at him, some kind of question on the tip of her tongue even though she had no idea what to ask, and this time, Pop spared a glance back.
“I’m not telling you everything,” he warned her as he looked back at the highway stretching out endlessly ahead of them, and Moe tried to keep any signs of disappointment off her face, “But I’ll tell you some.”
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soobinskii · 6 months
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strawberry flavored sun
warnings : switch!camboy!theo, fem-bodied reader, squirting, masturbation; mentions of weed, sex toys, gooning.
a/n : y'all want a part two? (& i'm trying out a new layout pls lmk if u like it!)
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whenever you got the notification that "sunyangie" was starting his live, most times, you would drop what you were doing, crawl into your bed & grab your favorite bullet vibrator. you would cast your phone screen to your tv like you were some type of perverse, corrupt gooner. however, when it came to your favorite camboy, you were.
it just seemed like your mind slipped into mush when you watched him. you would wrecklessly spend your money to make his cock ring vibrate against the base of his shaft. you would watch the way his precum leaked out of his pretty pink tip. his expressions, his eyes rolled back and puffy lips spread, gasps and wanton moans coming from his mouth.
you had basically memorized his streaming schedule, and you always found time to watch one of his streams. you found yourself in your bed, his stream up on your tv and with your vibrator pressed up against your clit at least twice a week. every monday, wednesday, friday and sunday, you found yourself completing tasks sooner than you would on any other day, just because you knew that in the back of your head, sunyangie was streaming today.
you were layed back on your bed with pillows stacked up just enough for you to see the tv, the volume low to not alert any neighbors of what you were doing, and soft music playing as you waited for him to start the stream. your vibrator and new pink dildo that you had gotten earlier today were layed out next to you.
you looked up at his stream and as soon as you did his face popped up on screen. he was absolutely glowing in the luminescence of his sunset lamp and fairy lights. the dainty silver chain hanging around his neck was glimmering in the dim lights and, the camera angle was low enough for you to see his face, down to just above his thighs. his pink hair framing his fave perfectly, hands resting on either side of his thighs as he was checking to see if people had joined.
he gave a bright smile and waved. he greeted the chat; voice soft, low and sultry, "hello guys, how have you all been? i've been okay! sorry i missed monday's stream, something came up."
he seems calm, but as you inspect him further, the erection in his pants is anything but calm. as he's reading the chat and getting ready to start, you watch him palm himself. you rub yourself through your panties at the same speed, wanting to keep in time with theo.
as he's reading through the chat, you feel as if he's looking at you, you feel so incredibly turned on and flustered at the way he's skimming through the messages that flood in. his eyes are slightly red and low from what you can tell, as if he just smoked a joint (and he probably did for all you know.)
"are you ready to start?" theo asks, pulling his hard cock out of his grey sweatpants, squirting a bit of lube into his hand. as he spreads it along his tip he hisses, "fuck.. it's cold." with his eyes screwed shut and his hand slowly working up and down on his veiny shaft, you slip your hand into your panties and decide on rubbing small, leisurely circles around your clit.
you hear a soft giggle come through your soundbar and you open your eyes to see his eyes open, with his plump bottom lip between his teeth. he grabs the pink and white cock ring from his desk and holds it in view for the camera to capture. "let's have some fun." he purrs out.
you whimper at the sound of his smooth voice, grabbing your vibrator and pulling your underwear off.
you watch as theo pushes the ring down towards his balls and grabs his new hitachi vibrator. "hmm.. i got this new toy today, shall we try it out?" he has a smirk on his face while glancing at his chat going crazy, being spammed with positive answers.
you decide to donate 10 dollars, sending a message, along with making the pink ring around his base vibrate. you see his hips jump out as he lets out a whimper, he reads out the message as his voice slightly shakes. "please use it? okay.. does it turn you on to see me like this, (username)? i've seen you in here a lot.." he chuckles and tilts his head.
you gasp and your eyes shoot open at him reading out your username, you've been in his chat before but you didn't think he would remember you. you decide to type in the chat, using a few of his channel points to highlight your message, "i love watching you, you're absolutely gorgeous yangie." typing out a quick message, short enough for your horny brain to process.
he smiles at your comment and thanks you, typing something into his phone quickly & then turning his vibrator on at the lowest setting. he presses it to the underside of his tip and sucking in a sharp breath at the new feeling. "shit.. oh- that feels amazing.."
you see his stomach contracting with each gasp and moan he lets out, his forehead starts to glisten in the dim light of his bedroom. as he runs the toy up and down his cock, he starts to get a little more used to the odd feeling.
he turns it up onto the second setting, throwing his head back and whimpering as the vibrations get stronger. he's rolling his hips as his shaky hand holds the large white toy in place.
"damnit- guys.. i don't think i'm gonna last too long.. hah-" theo is already panting, whimpering and moaning. he's a mess already and it hasn't even been ten minutes into the stream.
he pulls it away and decides to take the cock ring off "need to cum- 'm so needy today.." he pouts as he places it on his desk and continues with his ministrations on his dick, his free hand coming up to rub against his chest and play with his nipples.
you're working the dildo into your sopping cunt, moaning out with him. if someone were to hear you, it'd sound like something straight out of a porn video.
you push the dildo into your pussy at the same pace as his hips on the screen. fast, yet not rough. you hold onto your chest with your other hand, also playing with your hard nipples.
"fuck- fuck!" he moans out, stuttering as he turns up the setting on his toy once more. you can tell he's about to finish, his eyebrows are knotted together, eyes tightly shut, he has blush dusting his cheeks. "please.. so close.. gonna cum, gonna-" he cuts himself off with a moan as cum shoots from his tip. it paints his stomach, and the head of the vibrator; even going up to his chest.
his back arches out of his chair and his legs shake as he rides through his heavy orgasm, slightly overstimulating himself.
you cum at the same time as him, tears prickling at your eyes and your thighs clamp down on your wrist. the hand on your chest moves up to your hair and runs through it, as you moan and heavily breathe, your fingers now moving to work at your clit as you squirt and convulse around the dildo. your orgasm leaking down your ass and onto the bed.
as you start to come back down from your peak, you glance back at your screen and see theo shutting the toy off and putting it down to scoop the white substance off of his stomach. he shows the camera the cum on his fingers before he licks it off, making a spectacle of hit fat lips wrapped around his fingers. he opens them to show you his tongue circling the digits in his mouth.
"mmm.. sweet.." he says after he pulls them out of his mouth, licking his lips.
after a minute or two of basking in the afterglow, and speaking to viewers, he wraps up the stream, smiling and wishing the chat farewell, apologizing for the shorter stream.
as you exit the site and put on a random youtube video, getting ready to clean up, your phone dings with a notification from your instagram.
you decide to check what it is and you see a message request & follow from.. theo-?
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yoyokslut · 10 months
Mason Mount is the type of boyfriend that:
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Forehead kisses. Something he does really often and sometimes he doesn't even notice it.
That man is literally whipped about you, he thinks your the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen and can't believe he gets to call you his girlfriend.
He would stay until midnight talking to you about random topics, about his day or whatever stuff comes to his mind or yours.
He's never mentioned it but he LOVES when you wear his clothes, he has heart eyes every time he sees you with his clothing.
His love language is physical touch so he will always have a hand on you (not in the way you're thinking, perv).
He would show you off EVERY WHERE, you would joke telling him he's not allowed to be with his phone near you and as revenge he'd post embarrassing pics about you.
He would make you so nervous staring at you with his big brown doe eyes and definitely tease you about it.
"Stop looking at me like that, you're making me nervous," "Like what, babe? I'm not doing anything," "I hate you," "No you don't,"
He would reassure you with any doubtful thoughts you have. "Come here, baby. None of it was your fault, okay?" "It was not under your control," "Just breathe, honey, everything we'll be fine,"
Would call you angel because besides your pretty face he thinks your kind, loving, humble and the best person he's ever met and he thinks it suits you.
He would beg you to sing to him because he loves your voice so much. He discover it by accident because you thought no one was listening but he was. And now you can't sing just to yourself.
The first time you said you liked his voice and accent, he would be teasing you ALL DAY LONG and even trying to make his accent thicker so he could make you blush harder. "I shouldn't have said that," you said rolling your eyes "But you love it, darling," he said with a cheeky smile.
Would fight for your relationship, if it was on a loose rope, he would literally do anything in his power to not lose you. "No baby, listen to me, we're gonna make it through this, okay? I'm not giving up on us that easily,"
And if when you can't fall asleep and would accidentally wake him up by twisting around in bed, he would rub your back and stroke your head until you drift off.
Mason is a simp for his girl, there I said it.
He would spam you with messages because you take "too long" to answer.
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ratiocowmilk · 18 days
I've been thinking of a Tokyo Ghoul AU. I know, kinda basic, but hear me out.
Just to preface: If you haven't seen/read Tokyo Ghoul before the basic setting is that people live alongside ghouls in fear. Ghouls are essentially super-human beings that feed on human flesh to survive. They can not eat regular people food no matter how hard they try. The good thing is that there are ghoul-friendly places that offer ethically sourced human meat. Other than that, the only way you would know if you're in the vicinity of one is if they reveal themselves, either by accident or on purpose. The weapons of the ghouls are called kagune.
More information and character stuff below!
There is a faction called Comission of Counter Ghoul (or CCG for short) that was created to solve Ghoul related crimes. And to detain them. The operatives are nicknamed Doves by the ghouls. Their weapons of choice are quinque, which are derived from the kagune. Most of this information is from season 1, so I'm aware that some things have changed, but this is the setting my AU is based on so I don't care.
Now that that's out of the way, I've been thinking of Ratio, Sparkle, and Ruan Mei as ghouls, while Aventurine, Topaz, and Robin work for and have family ties to the CCG respectively. Ratio and Ruan Mei are the careful types, while Sparkle is a little more wild with it. She will go out hunting for her own food, and if it's a bust, then she crashes at Ratio's place to lay low. Ratio, on the other hand, relies on the safer resources and will rarely go out to hunt. He will only do it if he's running low and is really desperate. Ruan Mei is similar, but she'd rather hire someone to do the dirty work.
Aventurine would be the type to use a defensive but brutal qinque, and at first, he doesn't see the ghouls as something worth mourning for. Whether it's a quick or painful death doesn't matter to him. The only missions he won't take are those involving kids. Topaz would opt for something quick, as she finds it a bit distasteful to make her opponents suffer more than they need to. If she kills a ghoul that was well loved by friends and family, then she'll buy a single flower to bring home to respect the dead. Her coworkers (cough Aventurine cough) think she's weird for applying humanity to them, but she's just doing what she believes in. Robin, on the other hand, simply has ties with the CCG. She finds it distasteful that the CCG treats the ghouls as weapons to be harvested. She can't voice her discontent, however, or she'll be punished by the Family.
On to the actual relationships:
Aventurine and Ratio first meet at a cafe. Real meet-cute vibes. Aventurine falls in love almost immediately. Ratio, however, is wary because Aventurine is a well-known Dove. And while he is flattered, he would rather not risk the chance of betrayal down the line. So, while they exchange numbers, Ratio himself rarely starts a conversation. It isn't until Sparkle steals his phone and texts Aventurine a time and place that things start rolling. They go on a few dates and have a fun time, but when the topic of Aventurine's work comes up, Ratio's words become slightly stilted. Aventurine, at first, thinks he's simply scared of ghouls. So he decides to bend a few rules here and there to show off his qinque! Unlucky for him, it makes it worse because Ratio recognizes whose kagune it came from. Aventurine is unaware of this, so he keeps trying to show off how he works in eliminating ghouls. It isn't until Aventurine walks in on Ratio having a snack while on patrol that he gets it. And for the first time in his life, he doesn't know if he'll be able to kill him. His hands start shaking, there's recognition in Ratio's eyes, and he doesn't know what to do. Ratio gets away in time just as back-up come crawling in. Topaz gets one good look at him and says, "You finally get it now, huh?" And walks away. As soon as he gets home, he's spam calling Ratio to get some answers, but he always gets sent straight to voicemail.
Robin and Sparkle first met while Robin was sneaking out of the house. Sparkle at the time was looking for a good hunt but decided to spare Robin for another day. They have a fun night on the town before Sparkle, the gentle soul she definitely is, escorts her back home. Honestly, who would she be if she let some nefarious ghoul take her away? They dont know who each other are, just that they had fun. So they keep meeting up, and sometimes Sparkle will just break in unannounced and scare poor Robin. Eventually, Sparkle slips up and accidentally reveals her status as a ghoul to Robin, but instead of scorn, she's met with compassion. She doesn't understand it, but she's learned not to take things for granted, so she moves on. They fall in love gradually, but they are both aware that things could end at any moment, so they decide not to make things official yet. Unfortunately, the Family takes notice, and they call the CCG on Sparkle. As she runs through the streets for her life, she runs into Aventurine. He recognizes her almost immediately and offers her safety in exchange for leading him to Ratio. She has no time to think things over, so she agrees. When they reach Ratio's residence, he has one second of looking betrayed before Aventurine starts spilling his guts. Sparkle walks away because if she stays long enough to see them reconcile, then she'll feel extra bitter. It's not fair that they get their happy ending while she gets to rot. (She'll be unaware that in the midst of the chaos, Robin ran too.)
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
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the kind hearted/cool headed bf, sure he may look emo but that's not the point. Always gives his honest opinion on everything, great to lend an ear if you to want to talk about your day or vent. Stumbles upon his words when he's around you for some reason (he thinks he's sick but he knows what he's feeling). would literally die/kill for you (well I think everyone in the WBC squad would ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Love language: quality time because spending time with you seems to be the good part of his day it's really sweet, but from time to time when he's really slammed with work, he'll send one of his comrades to tell you that he's okay and still alive protecting the body and stuff.
Do they like PDA?/Fav. type: Not much of a fan but if you initiate it, he'll give you the okay. His fav type of pda would be hand-holding for sure
The fun, chaotic, creative bean of the group. First thing you thought of when you met him was If he's a neutrophil then why is he so damn cute? 🥺
Gives you his trinkets/self invented weapons as gifts (You invested in a weapon rack in your dorm for one or two of them but for the rest you had to put them in a chest/box). Makes you wonder how the heck he does it but yk 4-9 is mostly bending the rules 98% of the time when it comes to using unknown items as weapons 😂
He tells the most hilarious stories of how he gets stuck in the migration routes that he wouldn't dare tell his squad about.
The tension between your hand and his fluffy white hair is strong and he's aware of it. It's like this: you two are sitting together, your hand was soooo close to petting a side bang and then the second he turns his head to you, you dart your hand back and look the other way. So what does the clever 4989 do? He takes off his hat and threads his fingers through his hair before actually taking your hand and placing it on the top of his head. "You know, all you had to was ask, silly."he implied with a grin. annnnd now you're burning from embarrassment.
Whenever you see him smile or laugh it's like the sun to you, warm and full of energy.
Love language:physical affection (pda is def on the table for him)
The mysterious, alluring but caring bf, a bit of a playful stalker kind of vibe, but really is a soft boi compared to his bloodthirsty side when eliminating germs. So expect to be scared half to death for fun, he'd be the type to sneak up on you and say "boo." and you halfway jump out of your skin then after he'd be all "sorry, love you" and give you a quick kiss on the cheek then disappears until you run into him again to return the favor.
At times, you forget how you turned out to like him, no it's not the bangs that cover his face like a hentai protagonist, it's his acts of service and his calming voice that seems to soothe you when you're in the darkest depths of sadness to then distracting you from what you're doing because you think of him that much and you want to slap yourself silly. Ugh is he actually that attractive? the answer to that is yes.
Teasing is in his nature as a boyfriend, this neutrophil will text you good morning and then sending you videos and pictures of him covered in blood his last killing, and the caption would be 'spamming me covered in this stuff cuz u like it'. now wait just a goddamn minute..how did he know you liked that?? The pet names are two times more bold, you just want to go over wherever he is and hit him (playfully)
Love language: words of affirmation/quality time
Ugh. the flirty, bold but respectful of your space (not) bf. Such a cocky bastard. Thinks he's hot shit 🙄 (spoiler alert: he is. )He looks so stupid with those stupid side bangs and it makes him so stupidly...handsome, dammit!
Casanova head ass not making you blush commenting on how beautiful you look today when you literally wear the same outfit everyday (that will change shortly) and god the flirting, just shut him up with a kiss and that'll do (sometimes..)
Spoils you as in buys you your fav flavor of glucose/new clothes/stuff that could help you in situations if he wasn't there to save you: like a simple black garter belt and a small dagger as a date gift.
He has a bit low self esteem issues because of his past (being a chonky myelocyte back then) soon maybe comment on him how good he looks covered in blood and maybe he would look more cuter if he cleaned up lol either way he's great to you in every way :)
Love language:gift giving/physical affection I can see him trying to push your limit of how much pda you can take before it gets pretty noticeable asshole
thoughtful, mature but intriguing bf vibes, his eyes say a thousand words as your smile lit a thousand worlds within himself.
you two kind of started out a little awkward but then once you all started to know each other, it was starting to click. hes the type of bf to give you flowers on the first date kill me I can see him doing that ahhhhh
Like 1146, hand holding is fine, everything else is for in your dorm room okay maybe one hug here and there but that's the limit.
Has a secret sweet tooth but a sucker for coffee instead of tea, remembers your order exactly ☺️
Knows where you are if you "borrow" his jacket for fun and he'd be all chill with it but really he kind of needs it, sometimes you can turn it into a game with him to make it more fun before he heads off to work.
Love language:quality time/words of affirmation with a sprinkle of physical affection.
a/n: I am finally back!! and with a new hyperfixation too, may do a B cell x Memory cell thingy in the future so hope you enjoyed this first Cells At Work piece love y'all!! 💗💗
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seokmthw · 1 year
come back home | kim gyuvin
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⇢ pairing: gyuvin x reader
⇢ warnings: fluff
⇢ word count: 1k
⇢ note: some soft lil gyuvin for you, i hope you all enjoy! he's the only member i don't have a request for so i decided to show him a little extra love <3
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you knew what you were getting into when you got into a relationship with gyuvin. he would be away from your shared apartment for long periods of time and when he was home, he would almost always have rehearsal and only see you at night when he was dead tired and ready to go to bed.
but you were completely okay with that. he was living his dream and there was no reason for you to be upset over it. you just got lonely easily without his clumsy presence, whether you wanted to admit it or not. you often spammed him with texts and got replies a couple hours later, but he sent just as many back to you.
you weren’t sure why, but this stretch of time without seeing him felt different. you missed him a lot more than usual, craved his touch more than you could ever imagine, and wanted your late night conversations with him more than anything in the world.
you even caved and retrieved one of his sweatshirts from his dresser and engulfed yourself in his scent and his warmth. the fabric smelled of his cologne and faintly of your laundry detergent, and you would be a liar if you said you didn’t tear up a bit upon catching a whiff. it hung loosely on your frame and fell to the middle of your thighs, the sleeves going well past your hands as well.
you signed contentedly, settling down onto the couch with your laptop in front of you and your phone in your hand. you decided to shoot a quick text your boyfriend and set your phone aside and do some of your coursework to kill time while you waited for a reply from him.
hi love! i hope your schedules are going okay and you're able to rest once you get back to wherever your management has you staying. i love and miss you very much, reply to me when you have the time!
you locked your phone and put on the coffee table, focusing solely on the essay you had due in a couple of hours that you wanted to refine and make a little better with the time you had left.
and you did just that, finally submitting it and working on a few other miscellaneous assignments and deciding to call it a night once you submitted those as well. you finally moseyed your way into the kitchen to get yourself a snack and a glass of water after working for so long.
you almost dropped the glass cup filled to the brim with water on the floor when you heard your phone ding in the living room and you floored it to try and get to it as fast as you could. your heart was beating out of your chest from excitement that your boyfriend had texted you back.
hi my baby! we just got done with the last schedule for the day and i’m a little tired, but it's nothing i can't handle. i miss and love you too, more than you could ever know. do you wanna facetime tonight?
you quickly typed back an “i would love to! call me whenever!” - albeit maybe a little too quickly - and hurriedly exited out of your texting app to make it seem like you weren't hovering just to see his reply. you went back into the kitchen and grabbed your things before finally settling back down into the plush cushions of the couch.
his contact popped up on your screen and you slid it to answer, only being greeted with darkness on his end. hearing his voice about sent you into a fit of sobs, “hi, babe!”
“hi!” you replied, “why is it so dark?”
“i’m walking up the stairs to our hotel room,” he answered, the rustling of his things being the indicator that he was, “how was your day today?”
you began your sentence, but cut yourself off the moment your apartment door swung open to reveal his head nearly touching the top of the door frame and his bags smacking into the wall, clumsily as ever.
he was home.
before he could even realize what was happening your body was slamming into his, clinging onto him for dear life and soaking up his warmth like you’d wanted earlier on in the evening. he chuckled softly, setting his things down on the floor. he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, leaning down to catch your lips in a soft kiss.
your fingers threaded into his hair and you felt like you never wanted this moment to end. it had been the first time in nearly three months you had seen him and it felt so right being back in his arms again.
he pulled away and nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath hot against your skin as he mumbled “there’s my baby.”
“god, i don’t think you realize how much i’ve missed you,” you countered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek lightly, “tonight was especially bad.”
“well i’m here now, and for the next few days, actually.”
he lifted his head and met his gaze with yours, his eyes forming into soft crescents from smiling so big at you. your body melted further into his and your willed yourself not to start crying out of happiness, “really?”
“yep!” he swayed your bodies back and forth, “the next four days are dedicated to just me and you.”
he peered down at you, eyes taking in the fact that you were wearing one of his sweatshirts, and he chuckled once more, “you raided my closet, i see.”
“i told you i missed you!”
“it’s okay, you look so cute in my clothes, you can take whatever you want,” he leaned down to kiss you once more, “how about we move my stuff to our room and spend the rest of the night cuddling?”
you smiled up at him, the realization that your apartment finally felt like home again, “i would love that.”
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xlmibby · 4 months
xiao used to frown a little after receiving a "do you like me, xiao?" text from lumine.
is his way of showing love not enough? should he do something more? ah, maybe he should have listened to zhongli's love advice instead of focusing on his racing heart and ever so slight embarassment that sent blood rushing to his cheeks... it's okay, though. everything's just fine. xiao will just answer and try to be better for lumine in the future.
or so he thought until he received another text with the same question a few months later.
it's unnerving, really. is lumine not feeling well but
doesn't want to tell him? no, he would sense that easily. did her emotions towards him change? no, it's not that either. xiao is sure of that. so why...?
before he can rethink his actions, he sends her a text with that question. then, he pushes his phone away and waits.
seconds drag one after another, slowly as if to make his feelings more apparent. that odd ache behind his ribs, the heaviness that lingers on his shoulders - everything gives him an answer.
his love for her is stronger than he's expected. like an unstopable force, it makes a mess out of him and pushes him to the state of yearning so intense that it feels almost like insanity.
he wants to see lumine. wants to watch her smile at him and say his name like it means something with that pure doe-eyed stare as if she needs him to kiss her.
xiao closes his eyes, a long frustrated sigh escaping his lips. he feels like he's going crazy.
the sound of text message brings him back to reality.
his hands scamble to grab the phone, almost spilling out the scaps of his coffee - but he couldn't care less now that he has lumine's reply.
'mmmm... no reason'
'i just want to know so !!! answer quickly xiao'
his brows furrow as he types back a short, 'i'm coming to you' that - surprisingly - causes lumine to spam him.
'xiao what do you mean'
'reply to me! now!'
'are you insane'
with a heart racing in his chest and his breathing shallow because of how much he's been rushing from his office to their bedroom, xiao opens the door and finds lumine standing next to the window. she clutches her phone in her hands, her cheeks puffed out and lip bitten down.
"i can't believe you actually came here." she huffs, avoiding his gaze. "are you really that insane, xiao? i told you it's nothing, it's just a silly–"
it's more an instinct than anything; to catch her chin between his fingers, tilt her head upwards and catch her lips with his own. the kiss makes her gasp into him, eyelids fluttering as her arms instinctively loop around his neck. it's gentle yet passionate enough to make her breathless in the best way possible. he pulls her closer, as if kissing her once may quell all of the yearning simmering within him.
but it's not enough. even when lumine mumbles his name - her voice barely audible in the heat of the moment but he can feel her lips move - xiao doesn't want to stop. he still wants, needs, more of her.
"i love you, lumine." he whispers, and she shivers. his voice is husky and low, more like a hot breath hitting her lips than anything. "more than anything. more than you can imagine."
she lets out a quiet chuckle, her cheeks warming up. his heart skips its beat. "i love you too, xiao." her fingers brush over the curve of his jaw. "love you like crazy."
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urszn · 1 year
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❨ POPSTAR GF ❩ — park sunghoon
CHAP ll. “runaway popstar” written + smau
warnings: anxiety attack, cursing duh, if i missed anything pls let me know! (not proofread)
word count: 892
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SUNGHOON wasn’t the type of guy to go out on a sunday night, he knew he wasn't going to be happy waking up early in the morning rushing to get to his lectures at six and then going straight to the ice rink to practice
but he still went with his friends even though he insisted he needed to finish his essay that wasn’t due until next week
heeseung had been working hard perfecting her album, and sunghoon felt bad saying no to his friend especially since it was heeseung and he knew that if he needed something he could count on heeseung to come to the rescue
jake was also spamming his phone begging him to go with them and he couldn’t decline.
“holy shit guys” jungwon says jumping up and down with excitement as we entered the vip section, i look around seeing people with their lightsticks, chatting to eachother with big smiles on their faces
heeseung glanced over at me and nudged my shoulder “thought you were busy” i rolled my eyes “thank you for inviting me hee”
“wait! we get to meet y/n right?!” sunoo asked, we all look over at heeseung as he shrugs his shoulders “who knows” was all he said with a slight smirk on his face
suddenly everyone seemed to be quiet, some people whispering to their friends while pointing over at the entrance where three people were standing at
“oh my god” jake squeezed my arm “i love hyunjin, wonyoung and jisung” “they’re coming over here, never thought i’d be this close to them” jake rambled on
i glanced over at them as they walked our way, they were all dressed up in designer clothes and seemed to be accompanied by another person
he seemed to be dressed…less extravagant than the others, yet he still looked better than whatever i was wearing, he had a black mask and hat covering his face, maybe he was a body guard or something like that?
as the venue filled up with many more people, i looked over at heeseung who was by my side
he was now talking to hyunjin
“when did he go over there,” i asked jungwon who was on my left side “he got called over there by hyunjin not that long ago, i think you zoned out” he continued “you were staring at them when heeseung went over there, i think you should quit staring, they might think you’re a little creepy” i slowly nod
a couple of minutes pass by and heeseung is still talking to them, “hoon, is that you’re phone ringing?” i look at my pocket seeing the contact name chaeyeon
holy… “shit i forgot to tell her that i cant hangout with her today”
“wait i need to answer her but it’s loud i’ll be back okay?” i tell the guys “she’s about to start though!” jake says “i’ll be back i just need to answer her real quick, i’ll be back i promise” “go quickly”
i quickly pass by people to the exit nearby and call chaeyeon back
“where are you?! it sounds loud” was all i could hear her say, i plug my other ear so i could hear her better, yet it was still loud “wait i’m trying to get somewhere quieter!”
“hoon?” she says “wait-“ suddenly my phone was on ground broken “watch where you’re-“ oh…
“i’m so sorry! i’ll pay for it!” the girl says leaning down to grab my now broken phone, her hands seemed to be shaking “it’s okay” i say panicky finally realizing who she was
she was meant to be on stage right now, performing, but she was here with me outside her own concert, crying
“are you okay?” was all i could ask — i know, i know what a stupid question to ask, but i didn’t know what else to say “hey aren’t you supposed to be on stage and not out here crying”
“yeah, yeah i’m so so sorry, really i’ll pay for it” she says looking down, her voice seemed normal but i could tell she was trying to hold back her tears “you don’t have too” i replied back
i scan over the area and my eyes land on a bench nearby, “hey how about we sit down, okay?” i say as she nodded
“do you need water or anything?” i asked “n-no” she said before finally breaking down into tears and all i could was comfort her
“it’s okay” i reassured her “i-i just saw someone and-“ she stops for a bit trying to catch her breath “i-i panicked!” “i..i don’t know why i’m crying”
she then “oh my god my manager will be so mad” “and my fan” “and friends” she panics, crying even harder now “hey it’s okay, they’ll understand” i say before hugging her
and that’s how we stayed for a bit
“how about you go home, i bet you that everyone will understand” i whisper quietly but loud enough for her to hear “you don’t understand, everyone is going to hate me!” she tells me
“c’mon, i’ll walk you there, and i’ll explain everything to them you don’t even have to talk, okay?” she slowly nods
i stand up reaching my hand out for her grab and she looks at my hand hesitantly before grabbing onto my hand.
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(📰) TOP NEWS ! after sunghoon gets forced to go with his friends to a concert he ends up bumping into a crying y/n aka the person who was supposed to be on stage performing, not knowing what to do he hugs her out of pity trying his best to comfort her, perhaps he shouldn’t have? because the next day he wakes up to one million followers on twitter and instagram and a text from y/n’s manager asking him to fake date her.
PERM TAGLIST: @ddeonudepressions ⋆ @zuyairus-deactivated20230507 ⋆ @sunoksunny ⋆ @taejays ⋆ @hanniluvi ⋆ @haknom ⋆ @trsrina ⋆ @tyunnie-gyuu ⋆ @ririlovesrenjun ⋆ @xiaoderrrr ⋆ @r-westillfriends ⋆ @placinggum10 ⋆ @gakrufbd ⋆ @nanabbg ⋆ @son4taa ⋆ @redm4ri ⋆ @strwberrydinosaur r ⋆ @dreama-little-dreamof-me ⋆ @lcv3lies ⋆ @aspaia ⋆ @schmocolateschmchip ⋆ @seungcheolswife ⋆ @ixomiyu ⋆ @dimplewonie ⋆ @jeongintwt ⋆ @esther-kpopstan ⋆ @uwuheeseungie
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chwippy · 1 year
Messaaaageeessss !!
Miles x reader lmfoa WHAT
Online dude who cant stfu and you suddenly can’t speak. [ Fluff, burning, cool reader :P]
Warning(s) - grammar mistakes, confusing writing, a lot of ‘as’ idk why I liked used as, its a safe fanfic with a ton of words and mistakes ig LOL.. Miles is still Spiderman.
Hours after hours.
Messages after messages.
You had been woken up from another message from someone you had met from a discord server you and your friends had made for fun.
It’s been weeks since the server was created, already have been filled with hundreds of people as you felt like you had accomplished something - not having a life!
You took your phone into hand, putting it up til your phone opened automatically and the high brightness that had an automatic increase hit your eyes, making you wince a little.
You quickly recovered from that awful brightness that had been stuck onto your phone, now laying on your back instead of your side now.
You hopped over to instagram, checking out the next messages you had been sent over the past few minutes upon receiving them.
You read them,
M1LES_: DAWG STOP LIKING AND SAY SMTHN M1LES_: (I'm running out of things to text u)
You felt yourself smile a bit from these messages, now going ahead and typing out;
Y_OUR_NME: Do you wanna talk to me that bad?
You sent, closing your phone once again as you didn’t expect him to respond THAT quickly to your reply to his messages.
But he did, you had heard multiple dings from your phone as you checked our him spamming you the following;
M1LES_: Do
You chuckled at such a response as you went ahead and spammed him the same way he did.
You spent a couple of more minutes talking to him back and forth. Until he stopped sending you replies as you had been left on read.
After spamming you multiple messages at a time.
Wow, the audacity of this man.
You proceeded to do the same, spam the poor man with numerous messages until he replied to yours. And it somewhat worked - he read them, just not replied.
You rolled your eyes to the screen, annoyed at not getting him to respond to your messages as you planned your ‘devious’ plan to spam him with calls.
You then started on doing that ‘wicked’ plan of yours, spam calling him both on Discord and Instagram.
You were a master at spamming others using the calling technique? Not sure but you liked to call it a technique.
You continued doing so as you let the one on instagram ring for a while as you go ahead as grab a cup of water.
You hoped he’d decline it and finally respond to your dreadful replies, wasting sleep for him wasn’t easy because you were nearly asleep when you texted him a few minutes ago.
You settled the cup on the sink as you ended the call and started another one while you yawned, looking for some snacks to eat now that you’re downstairs.
Until you heard a certain sound coming out of your phone, hearing a voice come out of it - one you haven’t heard. Quite embarrassing to admit it took you a few seconds to realise your call had been answered.
You immediately got up from your position when you were in search for some midnight snacks. You quickly grabbed your phone as you listened to the voice.
“Y/N?” The one over the phone said, knowing your name. You froze for a moment before realising it is your friend who had answered your call.. oh dear.
You thought about it for a second, decline or not? It was a frustrating choice because you did want to hear his voice a bit more as you stayed silent.
You heard a cough from over the speaker, catching your attention as he spoke once more, “Hello?”
You now braced yourself, finally having the ugly guts to respond to him because you areee the one who called him in the first place.
“Hey,” You finally greeted back, seeming a bit nervous from the small stutter that probably wasn’t noticeable from the other side as you coughed.
You held your phone next to your face, having both hands hold your phone as you patiently waited to hear him continue talking.
“Sorry,” He apologised, “I’m kinda ..busy, right now,” He continued, chuckling weakly as you heard a small thud against the speakers of the phone.
You seemed kinda disappointed knowing that, wanting to talk more in call. You sighed, now going to say your last words before ending the call.
“Talk to you later,” He said, waiting for you to end the call as he held the phone close to him - which seemed obvious to you from the random shuffle in the audio.
“Yeah, uhm.. can we call again?” You asked hesitantly, wanting him to hear it despite it being a mumble.
Yeah, he probably have heard it since we’re in call.
“Sure,” He agreed with his voice being in such a calm manner yet so ..rushed? Before he had ended the call himself.
Sure? Sure.
Wow, not even a goodbye is crazy.
You thought, expecting a much more better response from him since he might have of been the reason why you’re staying up so late.
But he isn’t, you’re clearly the reason for not sleeping yet due to being pretty stubborn to sleep despite telling Miles you to go to sleep soon.
You aren’t, you’re waiting for his call, a message of some sort. You couldn’t erase the thought of hearing his voice once more out of your mind.
It particularly implanted as you felt your heart beat a bit faster.
And whats with all the noises in his part? Was he- was he doing that?.. No, no! Don’t think about that now. He’s the same age as you, it’d be weird - no, it’s somewhat normal..
No.. ew, yuck.
You grossed yourself out for thinking such a thing but the thuds? No, it was quite obvious he was outside - outside?! In public!? No, you’re overthinking it.
Just overthinking it? But why was he so tired? Why do you care so much?!
You’ve soon to come to a conclusion that you’re overthinking everything and that he was simply having a life outside of his phone and those noises were background noises of being hit in the stomach or what? What is this conclusion?
You closed your eyes, still downstairs and not up your bedroom as you sat on your couch thinking about that call.
Maybe you should move on, he probably did.
You stood up, walking over to your phone that you had thrown an ridiculous distance away from you.
You watched your phone light up as soon as you picked it up, showing a notification from discord as you read the user, M1LES_.
You had completely forgotten about how your phone could’ve been absolutely damaged as you instantly dropped it once again. It wasn’t a large distance from the ground but you still gasped.
You didn’t quite understand why you had a big reaction as you picked your phone back up. You looked at the notification, opening your phone
M1LES_: Yo
M1LES_: You still up to call?
You looked at the message for a bit more, not knowing what to say in response as you bit your lip in response.
Y_OUR_NME: sure
You seemed pretty proud of yourself for your response, applauding yourself. Seeming a bit crazy as watched the cctv your guardian had set up turn away from you.
You looked back to your phone now, seeing the bubble stay there for a few moments as you got incredibly bored from waiting.
M1LES_: LAtr
LAtr.. that’s cute.. I guess.
You replied, now feeling yourself get s bit more nervous now that you got a somewhat confirmation that you’d actually.. be.. calling him.
You don’t know exactly when you’d be calling him so you tried to reduce your nervousness as you went inside your room and plopped onto your bed.
You placed your phone on the side of your face, your hand laying on top of it as you laid on your stomach.
Your face was basically implanted onto your pillow, feeling your nervousness either die down or reach a new kind of high.
Most likely a new level of high as you started to kick the air, feeling crazy since he could call you in any minute now.
You just hoped it wouldn’t be when you were about to fall asleep because you are about to fall asleep, and you hoped so badly he could just call you now.
You wanted to hear his voice, and you had no idea why you were so desperate to hear it once more.
You might be insane or you’re just someone who wants to online date a dude who has a great voice and you ridiculously haven’t seen despite being in the same city.
How weird is that.
Maybe you’re the weird one, but how to justify your weird thoughts with weird thoughts? Now you’re just speaking nonsense and you got no idea how to respond to you saying nonsense.
You were stuck in thought, rambling about nonsense while nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter played.. until the audio had slowly faded and started to ring in a ridiculously loud tune as you grabbed your phone to see M1LES_ calling.
He’s calling.
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javipispunk · 10 months
Clumsy Fingers
Wrong number Joel x f!reader
Warnings: none really, strong language, fluff, researching a person on the internet if that counts
A/N: decided i needed a little Joel fluff after reading lots of angst lately. was thinking of maybe doing a part two but lmk!
Summary: what happens when a girl gives Joel the wrong number after the bar
Word Count: 1K
You were getting a phone call from an unknown number. Austin area code. You lived in Boston and were like 900% sure you didn’t know anyone from Austin. So assuming it was a spam call you didn’t answer. What you weren’t expecting however was a voicemail. Spam callers didn’t leave voicemails. So you decided to listen to it.
The first thing you heard was an unsure “uhhh”. So def not a spam call. Spam callers didn’t say uh, you were pretty sure they read off scripts if they weren’t actual robots. And then the sweet baritone voice started talking.
“Hey Helena, It’s uh Joel from uh the bar last night. You gave me your number. I ain’t too keen on texting so uh I gave you a call. Call me back if you uh want. Okay. Uh bye.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and feel bad for the guy. This Helena chick obviously did not give him the right number. And now you had to break it to this poor sweet nervous man that you in fact were yourself and not Helena. It wasn’t really any of your business to get involved but you felt for the guy. No fun putting yourself out there waiting for a call that will never come. So you called him.
He answered after one ring.
“Oh! Hi Joel, I think you said your name was. I’m not the Helena girl you tried calling.”
“You’re not?” He sounded so defeated.
“Then the fuck you calling for?” Not hard to make him angry huh. Now you were regretting not just ignoring the call.
“My bad that I wanted to let you know that you got played, bud. Common courtesy. Guess they don’t do that in Austin.” Then you froze. You should not have said you knew he was in Austin. This man was gonna think you were crazy.
“How do you know I’m in Austin?” Now he sounded nervous again. You could faintly hear construction noises in the background.
“Area code. I’m not crazy ya know. Just on the weekends, and Monday through Friday maybe if I feel like it. But you know phones got a feature where it tells you where the person is calling from”
“Oh.” And then he chuckled. Faintly but enough for you to hear it and smile.
“Anyways, best of luck on the rest of your endeavors Joel.” There was something about him you couldn’t place that made you want to keep talking to him. Maybe it was the adrenaline of talking to a stranger. Or maybe it was his honeyed southern voice. There was no reason to continue this conversation. But you had the insatiable need to make him laugh again.
Before he could say bye and hang up you quickly added, “I’ll make sure to give a random guy your number next time, continue the chain of breaking bad news to people.” You added a small laugh to let him know you were joking.
“Sounds good sweetheart.” He said after another little chuckle. You were addicted to that noise and you’d only heard it twice.
“Bye Joel.”
What the fuck was that conversation. That was not what you were expecting. You wanted to onow if he was as sexy as his voice. And the construction noises in the background? He must be strong and have callused hands. Would it be psycho to look up all the construction and contracting companies in Austin? What if you looked up his phone number? That wouldn’t be creepy. It’s not like you’ve never looked up a phone number before.
So you typed it in and the first result was for Miller Contracting. You clicked on the link. After scouring the website you found his name. Joel Miller. But other than that no pictures. What a let down. But now you knew his last name and could see if he had a facebook or something. Okay that was going too far. You had to take a deep breath. This man didn’t even know your name. You did not need to be researching him. You kinda wanted to call him again and tell him your name and where you were from. It was only fair, right?
You didn’t need to dwell on it anymore because he was calling you again. Yes, you had already saved him as a contact but he didn’t need to know that.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hi.” You chuckled.
“Is this the woman from before?”
“Oh. I must have hit the wrong thing. Clumsy thumbs. Was trying to call someone else.” Well that was kind of a let down. But it was now or never to tell him your name.
“That's okay! I uh realized I never told you my name.”
“What's your name then darlin’?”
You told him your name.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He said.
“You don't even know what I look like.” You let out a breathy laugh.
“I don’t need to. A man just knows these things.” You were swooning. But it was your time to flirt back if you wanted to keep talking to him. Nothing was stopping him so nothing was going to stop you.
“Well Joel. I bet you’re very handsome. A woman just knows these things.”
He let out one of his little laughs. What a beautiful sound. You both say in silence for a moment. Not sure what to say to each other while also making it blatantly obvious that neither of you wanted to hang up.
“Well uh I guess you should probably call that person you were gonna call. But I wouldn’t mind if your thumbs were clumsy again.” Oh my that sounded so sexual in such a weird way. You hoped he knew what you meant.
“Course darlin’.” You could practically hear his smile. You wondered if he was blushing. “I don’t gotta be the only one that don’t know how to use their phone ya know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You were smiling like such an idiot. This random man with his stupidly attractive voice wanted you to call him back. You knew you would. Probably later that night in all honesty.
You bid your goodbyes. You were sad the phone call was over but overjoyed there would be more to come.
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feral4daryl · 10 months
εϊз ˖ㅤ۫ㅤrequests info ˖ㅤㅤ˖ ˙
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about smut:
in my long journey of being a fanfic reader, i've come to realize that the writers often put themselves in some sort of "safe box", overlooking many popular kinks and fetishes for being afraid of rejection by the public. we see a lot of spanking, daddy kink, impact play and those are fine, i'm totally into them too, but i really wanted to expand the boundaries and dive into the many possibilities that we have in hands, not only play it safe to try and please everyone at the same time. that's the main reason why i decided to start writing, so my blog could be a safe space for people who like to express themselves in the various sexy ways that exist. please know that as a writer i would never judge your kinks, no matter how weird you think they are. it's human nature and we must embrace it.
but of course, even though i'm very open minded, i have my own taste and i'm not 100% comfortable with writing about certain topics. so i made a list that contains what i'm willing to write about and what i'm not. if you don't see any specific fetishes that you'd like to know if i'd work with, you can just ask me and i'll let you know without judging.
obviously, i do not intend on writing smut only, but also fluff or angst, i just thought I needed to clarify my intentions with smut. also, the list doesn't mean that i'm gonna write about absolutely everything that's on it, it's just so you know in advance if you're more likely to get a yes or a no when requesting a fic. don't be shy <3
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rules for requesting:
• i don't write for ships.
• no kinkshaming. this is a safe space for everyone.
• reader is mostly described as a cisgender female (since i am one) but you can request gender neutral.
• i don't write for male readers since i can't identify with their profile and wouldn't be able to do a decent work.
• please no flooding or spamming on my asks. if i don't answer your ask, please wait or send me a message.
• i might take a while to answer requests and asks but i'll do my best to manage.
• if you're a minor, please don't interact. i can't control what you do on the internet so it's up to your own conscience to follow me or read my fics, but be aware that you are not welcome on my blog.
• i might not accept your request.
• if you don't specify if you want a drabble, a fic or a comment i'll understand that it's up to me to choose.
• you can request the reader to have specific body types or specific characteristics in general.
• i close requests from time to time so as not to accumulate them.
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Hey! could I request a short fic for Dabi x reader. Like a reverse comfort where Dabi (this doesn't have relevance, but white haired Dabi timeline wise) Is feeling down about the whole thing and he has a nightmare that he can't come out of. Reader has a quirk that allows her to enter peoples dreams and control their state of sleep so she finds him in the middle of a nightmare and she enters his nightmare to wake him up then she comforts him!
I'm really big on reverse comfort fics, but they are so rare for characteres I'm in love with I like!

I feel you on the reverse comfort😮‍💨 let’s see what I can tug out of my brain 🧠 I Hope this is to your liking! (it was sent twice yes lol)
My everything
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⭐Pairing: Dabi x GN!reader
⭐CW: mentions/slight description of death, Nightmare
⭐type: reverse comfort, I made Dabi cry because the man needs a good cry tbh, fluff, I stopped playing animal crossing just to write this❤️‍🔥
Slowly your eyes pried open, the twitching of the blankets had awoken you. assuming the disturbance in the sheets was because Dabi had gotten up to leave, that's the only time he gets out of bed when you two have settled down for the night. Glancing at the clock on your nightstand it blared '5:26AM' in the bright digital numbers. furrowing your eyebrows you wonder why Dabi had been getting up, wiping sleep from your eyes as you sit up, your arm hitting against Dabis back 'he's still here?' you look over at him as he twitches once again. His snow-white locks stuck to his forehead in sweat, and he was turning back and forth mumbling incoherently. worry took over your face as you placed a hand on his sleeping form, shaking him slightly "Dabi? hon are you okay?" you say in a hushed voice still harsh from sleep. No answer from him makes your worry grow, it feels like a rock had hit the bottom of your stomach as you continue to lightly shake him with no response. his face had set away from his usual relaxed sleep to one of fear, though you couldn't see it in his eyes the way he started moving erratically alerted you, this wasn't a normal dream, he was having a nightmare.
You knew there was no way of waking him out of this, he had warned you when the relationship had begun this happens every now and then. a nightmare that ran through his fears that he could never wake up from. You deducted one option to help him. your quirk. reaching your palm up to touch his forehead you activate your quirk, and a flash of white crosses your eyes before you are met with pure chaos.
A forest fire speckled with blue and red flames burned before you. stepping forward into the flames you call his name "Dabi?!" rings out, and you push forward with no response before you come to a clearing. in the middle surrounded by Flames were Dabi and Endeavor. His back to you Dabi is on the ground on his knees Cradling something in his hands while his head hangs downward.
"you deserve nothing Toya, you are worthy of no love." Endeavor spat. the blue flames grew as a sob rumbles from Dabi he stands up still cradling whatever was in his arms "You're a monster, Enji" he sobbed out before turning around, you finally see what he is holding.
And he's holding you. cradled in his arms, bloody, lifeless, dead. Tears stream down your face as you sprint from your standing place. "DABI" you cried out, Dabi's sapphire eyes widen as the Y/N in his arms slowly dissipated, bloody tears streaming down his face as he runs towards you "Y/N" is all you hear as you collide in a hug.
Abruptly Dabi sits up in bed, hands shaking and heavy breathing his head whips around to you, sitting next to him with tears pricking your eyes. His hand make their way to cup your face "Y/n..." is all he can mumble as your hand comes to sit atop his on your cheek "its okay baby im here, im okay" you whisper. That's all he needs before pulls you in, arms around your waist and head against your chest. A heavy sob leaves his chest, and his grip tightens as if he was going to lose you the moment he loosens up. Wrapping one arm around his torso, your fingers running through his hair you let him sob. "its okay baby im still here" you coo to him your voice soft and smooth like the silk pillows you had been laying on minutes before.
The sobs died down before Dabi spoke "He found you after i had exposed him," he shifts in your arms so that you could hear him clearly. "He found out you were with me, gotten back by taking the only thing I cared about" his eyes met yours "he had taken my everything," he said so softly you could barely hear him. This was a side of Dabi you had never seen before, he was scared and vulnerable. the walls that he had built up around his feelings were crumbling behind his eyes. "That wont happen my love" You spoke, kissing him on the forehead. "No one in the LoV would let that happen, especially you"
Dabi relaxed at your words, you could feel the tension leave as he sat up out of your arms "I-I was so angry and upset" he stops knowing how vulnerable he is, a state he had never wanted to be in with anyone, but to him you were different. you were everything he cared about.
"If anyone does anything to you I-" you cut him off, knowing he was slowly going back to his asshole protective self "You'd bring the world down to its knees" a small smile places itself on your face "you better not tell anyone about this, or I'll throw you to the alley cats" you clap and stand up out of bed "And he's back! I'm changing my shirt" Dabi chuckles, as you change your shirt and lay back down. you can't help but notice he holds you a little closer and a little tighter after that night.
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Dabis Tag list 🏷️: There's nothing here...
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