#i just wanna be the knight rn is that too much to ask
quirrelfan · 7 months
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I finished my presentation. I now wish to be the knight rn bcos WEEKEND IS ALMOST HEREEEE and i wanna RELAX I just have to get past my shift today
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dollsuguru · 4 months
?????( KAIRO????????? YOU CAN’T CASUALLY MENTION KING!SUGU/KNIGHT!READER AND THEN MOVE ON I’M ABT TO EXPLODE 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
ok but “call off your dog” is THEEE dynamic ever to me actually like it’s so good …. that feral devotion…. reader being like his attack dog…… i’m just thinking abt this vine 😭😭 the dog is knight!reader the owner is king!sugu and satoru is the one abt to get bitten LMAOOO
YOU’RE SO RIGHT ABT THAT DYNAMIC gojo is a squealer, suguru’s an instigator, & reader is just :3 BARK
& KDKDKDKDKD LISTEN IT’S SOMETHING I THOUGHT ABT A WHILE AGO ONLY MOMENTARILY but i will say king!geto infiltrates my thoughts from time to time </3
omfg i haven’t really thought of the lore of this au in depth 😭 i just know i wanted it to be feral violent dark devotion <3 just very intense and raw but VERY genuine like there’s genuine love there that makes them soooooo insane <3 i think the idea of king!geto is just delicious…
there’s rumors across the kingdom where the now king!geto murdered his parents in cold blood in order to usurp the throne (is this real or not? who knows? not me…) to those he dislikes/who dislike him: he’s a cunning king… sly… manipulative… calculating… tactically/strategically intelligent… he’s like a viper <3 venomous serpent fangs ready to strike when the opportunity presents itself, his fangs leaving ragged bloody raw bite marks in his opponent’s necks where they simply won’t ever survive // on the flip side/more human side he’s a young king after all so in the privy of his castle/palace he’s a bratty, huffy, dramatic king :> a funny lil twist from the demure, elegant, alluring king that the townspeople see
BUT on the opposite end for those he adores/adore him: he always looks out for them! he really does LOVE his people i think the reason that he’s SO beloved is because he wants to create a better world for his subjects! he’s kind, caring, & always has their best interests in heart! he keeps them safe, he goes into the town to speak to vendors/assess how to help them, & then plays with the little children (nanako mimiko megumi yuji & yuuta are especially fond of the king and he’s especially fond of them <3 they’re all his little babies <3)
as for knight!reader… omfg insane human i love them. they’re like if a wolf, raven, & a panther had a baby. just a rugged/morally grey/sick sick sick individual 😭 i think in the beginning their devotion stems not necessarily from Love for suguru & the royal family but from the Love of fighting/killing! they were a ward of the infamous assassin toji zen’in and worked under the tutelage of king ryomen sukuna, a tyrannical & heinous king. they have a scar that runs from their left eyebrow down their eye on the middle of their cheek courtesy of sukuna </3 they’re like an undomesticated dog who needs to be reared in through trial & error, strictness, & punishment.
and you may think… What The Hell are they doing as suguru’s knight then??? 🤔🤨
well if you saw a single knight take down an army of bandits all by their lonesome wouldn’t you be intrigued…? regardless of anything you know that they’re CAPABLE & able to PROTECT. which is the most important thing <3 the perfect duo: a king who already has a screw loose in his head and a knight who never had any screws in their head to begin with <3
basically knight!reader is a fan of the hunt more than anything <3 imagine them walking towards suguru all bloody with a wild glint in their eyes and a massive smirk… suguru for once in his life found someone/something he can’t control…
… but suguru likes a challenge and he likes to tame <3 reader isn’t a brat, they’re just so feral & need to be put on a leash for their own benefit/the benefit of those around them <3 he wants to domesticate this undomesticated dog and train them properly. my knight!reader is the type to submit willingly but only to those they respect.
that’s why the “call off your dog” aspect is so delicious to me……… reader is so feral and violent and always has their fangs bared, their canines sharp & bloodied. and suguru is always holding their leash, ready to draw them back or ready to tell them to “attack.” it’s all based off of suguru’s whims & orders at the end of the day. knight!reader bows only for suguru and suguru alone <3
sidenote suguru & his knight have like . sadomasochistic tendencies . not necessarily Sexual vibes but like……… the knight is quite masochistic & suguru is quite sadistic (to each other… but they love it… another facet of their Sick dark weird devotion towards one another)
and also by dark devotion i mean reader is on their knees with suguru’s knuckles against their lips, the epitome of: “let me kill for you. let me bloody my hands, let me show my love in this way, in a violent way, the only way i know how.” and suguru cradles them like a father would a baby: “let me tame you. i’ll bark out the orders and you’ll follow through. because you devote yourself to me. and because i love you. i will show you my love through control & intense passion, the only way i know how.”
also i have a Certain Scene in my head that ultimately showcases their love for one another and i’ll just say it here bc i don’t think i’m writing this story anytime soon and i know i’ll forget if i don’t write it down 😭 but after a battle or smthn reader comes back bloodied and scarred and for once in his life suguru feels genuine fear. it’s unbecoming of a noble king to carry someone who is Designed to Protect him to his personal bath, but he does so regardless. i think one of the MOST intimate things is to give someone a bath… and he does that. he’s no longer a king and you’re no longer a knight… he’s a worried young man who bandages & bathes you, who needs to take care of his beloved by doting on them oh-so carefully & oh-so softly. it’s almost like a purification process for both of these characters too.
and then suguru sees something on the knight’s body… it looks like a tattoo but it’s a brand (think of sukuna’s markings but along the knight’s stomach & back) suguru then really looks at the knight and realizes that… this person is just so tired. weary. young. they enjoy the hunt but they’ve always existed to serve others, to protect others, to take the punishment so others don’t have to…
i think he gains an extra layer of respect for reader and is almost… sad? i think he thinks abt if they met under different circumstances would they still be tied to one another? had he been a teacher and had reader been a butcher — would the devotion still be there? and then he catches the knight’s eyes staring into his… and he’s positive. 100% certain. no matter the era no matter the circumstance no matter which lifetime they’re in — the intensity of their raw devotion towards one another withstands the test of time. also TRUST the knuckle kisses that the knight gives suguru are soooooo reverent
BUT yeah blah blah blah this sets up the NEXT scene which would be suguru giving reader a hickey in the bath (his own form of branding) and sukuna sees it the next day 😹 like “oh? you took my little rottweiler puppy and made them a refined wolf… good for you.”
i’m all over the place but ESSENTIALLY that’s the gist of it all 😭 there’s SOOOOO much more lore/twists/turns and such the further i think abt the story but omfg……….. you know what maybe i will write this soon 🫡 they’re my beloveds
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neverchecking · 8 months
Hello!!! I’m here to inquire about Aaliyah and Link’s full story as I can’t seem to find it in your Masterlist. If that’s ok? If it’s private and you just wanna just give out tidbits then that’s completely ok!!! I started reading your joint fic constellation and I’m hooked on it and the characters!!! I already went and asked about part four lol!
omgomgomgomgomgomgomg- OKAY I'VE REHEARSED FOR THIS-
I'm so glad you asked!
So, I did release one written portion already -> Here!
But! Im gonna be so real with you guys, I forgot I did it and have not worked on it at all fnofnf
I love answering questions about my girl so ask away! I'm also so glad you like constellations it has my heart fr. Part four is...on its way but with Kinktober and our adult lives (I'm a full time student and Bailey has a big girl job) it kinda got pushed back (And we're in our trigun eras). But it has been started!
So, let's talk about Aaliyah and Sage.
Their story starts in the Pre-Calamity era. Sage is still a knight, however, Aaliyah is now there too! She's a bastard child born out of wedlock to the village of Kakariko-- who take the phrase it takes a village a little too literally.
From very early in her life, Aaliyah is proclaimed the Sheikah Champion and spends her life training for this role. She learns ancient magic regarding rune extraction and usage (Basically how Impa fights in AOC) and in ancient swordsmanship.
She's taken to the castle with Purah and Impa and from there meets the other champions.
Her and Link didn't actually like each other all that much from the start? They were incredibly weary and on edge when the other was around bc of the other's skill set and how they could be an obvious threat to their current missions (Either protecting Zelda or staying with Impa).
Aaliyah actually made friends with Revali pretty easily because she wasn't gifted with this great courage or wisdom or any abilities. It was something she earned and worked incredibly hard to harness, like Revali's gale So they spent their free time talking shit about Link and the other champions in the garden for a while.
Link and Aaliyah only really started getting to know each other after a spar in the garden. Link kicked her ass, make no doubts about it (Lore accurate Link? Are you kidding? Aaliyah never stood a chance.), but after hearing her get her ass chewed out by Impa he bashfully offered a kind shoulder.
The thing about them that I LOVE incorporating into their story is that before they died? These two were honestly so adorable. In my head. But im giving you guess my head lore rn.
Like Aaliyah is the smart one out of them, okay? Let me set this straight. So, she knows things like sign language. So when she mindlessly does a wave of her hand to curse off a noble without them knowing? And Link, who ALSO knows sign language sees this?
OMFG- he chokes on his spit. And she looks over and just flushes this bright red, but has this shy little smile on her face because, 'hey, this guy isn't so bad?'.
Or Link just laying his head in her lap and letting her braid flowers into his hair while they sit in silence or he reads to her??
Or Aaliyah just sitting on a rock, pretending to be writing her daily prayers, but is really watching Link practice his swordsmanship with Fi?
They were that kind of cute.
So, in Eye of the Storm, I go into further depth onto how Aaliyah died-- protecting Link and Zelda.
If you haven't read it, heres the run down. They get surrounded by Yiga, and she dies because she sends Link and Zelda back with the slate, acting as a distraction so they have the time to leave.
Demon carver carves her ass.
Link watches, duh, because A) I needed him to have that trauma to form their relationship a little more and B) Traumatizing him is so fun.
Anyway, so she dies. The Sheikah are ancient beings with unyielding loyalty, since they follow the royal family everywhere this is obvious, and are hence incredibly loyal to their champion. They manage to save her with their plan B option. I'm pretty sure I wrote it as a makeshift shrine but it also is probably a little bit of black magic.
Anyway, a century passes. Aaliyah awakes in a place that had long since fell to ruins, mind blank and head empty.
But she's angry. She wakes up so mind numbingly angry and stomps off with her original slate. It's broken and doesn't work, but she uses it like a weapon. Eventually, she runs into Link! Woo, but like...
Imagine you lock two angry cats fighting for territory in a room and them throw a sprinkler in there.
They're both angry. They don't know anything, and resources are sparce, They fight, of course, and both eventually walk off with their tails between their legs. BUT they keep fucking meeting. AND ITS A PATTERN
Except they start relearning things! Like how to fight and how to use a bow, and they get better armor, better equipment. When Link shows up with a shield, she blows his ass up.
At some point, they start expecting to see each other. They stop fighting so much and instead share a campsite.
AND THEN- they happen to be walking towards a stable together and are just HIT with the imagery of her death <3
Thats also a mess that leaves them storming away from each other <3
They meet again in Kakariko and eventually talk it out. Aaliyah goes with him to the castle, does not fall through the floor, instead watched from above like :O. bc shes a dumbass.
She does make sure he stays alive though. Throws a fairy in a bottle at him at some point which hits him and he turns like >:( and she's just 'oops'.
Then they save Zelda yadda yadda. Aaliyah moves on with her life bc her and Zelda prolly hate each other (There is no prolly they do. They HATE each other. Like middle aged white women in PTA's.)
But, Aaliyah is such a big figure head to the Sheikah, there's no real escape. So her and Link slowly redevelop their relationship.
When the gloom starts spreading, Aaliyah remains at the castle base while they go to investigate, working with the people to sort them and everything.
Luckily for her, when Ganon is like >:) I'm back, she doesn't have to experience it first hand because she falls into a gloom pit. Takes her OUT man. She's stuck down there long enough that gloom probably sinks in and she gets super sick because of it
Eventually she finds this weird temple place right? And there's these parts right? Surely you see where I'm going with this
And so she builds this giant robot okay? In her tord Era (omg eddsworld is so old now that I think about it), and meets this...thing okay?
And the thing is like 🤨 u aren't swordsman link and aaliyah is like 🤨 yeah what of it?
And mineru is all ...u did all this? And aaliyah is like yeah suck it bitch. And then mineru is like "aight you cool then. Lemme show you this cool room. It'll give you a cool necklace AND a headpiece. And outfit ig"
So aaliyah gets that green neck piece and hairpiece I've drawn her with once. She doesn't care for the hairpiece but she'll wear it for special occasions.
The link appears FINALLY >:( AND they have this whole Spiderman moment where they're point at each other, as if shocked to see the other)
"I thought you were dead?"
It's great.
So aaliyah gets her spirit stone as the Sage of spirits and her giant rock.
Then she visits purah gets her own purah pad. She gets to keep her bombs AND stasis bc I said so. And her giant robot.
From there they go around trying to bring order back to their hyrule bc like...Zelda isnt in danger really? They know where she is and she seems fine.
They get a new house bc someone took theirs smh (they were just roommates in that first house guys lmao) and take turns with the shrines to reduce the gloom in their systems
Okay sidebar; when I was doing that aaliyah and Tia bits I wasn't lying about aaliyah being like in hyrule but she's liked in the same sense Robin hood was liked. Nobles hate her
But tulin likes her and so does teba and saki
Yunobo does not.
Sidon and yona think of her and Sage like puppies. Like they are the embodiment of that one meme that's just
Zora, with either hanging off them: GET YOUR FUCKING HYLIAN
Sidon/ Yona: they don't bite 😊
riju also likes them. They are the Honorary siblings of hyrule even if they claim to hate everyone.
There are few people that have gotten through
That being said, they are scary to the average stablehand
They are scarred and ragged and look like if you breath at them wrong they'll fucking gut you.
Which they might but that's not the point
Eventually they run out of reasons to not fight Ganon and have to go...do that
This one they take on together bc they are common law married bc I said so
They've spent so much time together now its only natural. Like yeah its not gay to kiss the homies goodnight but its a little gay when you guys live together cook meals together and lay on the couch talking about life together
Even historians are calling them lovers at this point
So they save Zelda! I hate how end of totk goes and I think she should've STAYED a dragon but also I need her human for the drama between her and aaliyah. Maybe she has horns and scales and she's also now a little fucked up.
Aaliyah and Sage mostly try to live a normal life but yk...
Natura tries to demand Sage back to his knightly role but after everything that just happened he's like "not a chance"
He becomes a lovely househusband that terrifies newcomers in Tarrey town but the locals love him
He offers protection quality recipes and is willing to go Gerudo for this one ingredient Harriet needed for her stew that night
Aaliyah remains a diplomat of sorts since people trust her rather than this figurehead for focused on digging through the remains of her people for info on tech they shouldn't ever try to harness rather than ..yk.... govern.
She tends to stick close to Sage tho
Their relationship is very...codependent. I think I've said this before but these two learn to rely on each other
Its not healthy and I don't condone this type of relationship but it's so fun to write
These two are disgustingly reliant on the other. It's the type of relationship where they only do self care things for the other person to know they're okay
They are grossly jealous individuals, incredibly possessive and will have extremist reactions to people trying to flirt with what's theirs
I cannot emphasize how toxic this is for anyone. But these two make it work
These two have a history together and with their broken psyche it gets twisted.
But they're happy together and stop their other half from destroying hyrule.
And in the end that's all that matters <3
If you have any other questions regarding these two I'd be more than happy to answer them 😊😊
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cheemken · 5 months
Knight I would make this ask longer and put in my own two cents but it’s 2:00 am rn and I wanna go to sleep soon, so I’m making this short
Iris and Drayton getting stuck in a violent snowstorm one way or another :)) getting those Opelucid City flashbacks :)))
Why would you hurt me like this chdmdb that's dope omf
Omf but y'know even better, imagine them training at Dragonspiral Tower, near the coldest place of their region, in the middle of winter. They said it's to face their fears, to overcome their trauma, even just a bit, some progress y'know, plus they told their grandpa they'd be home before dinner. So yeah that didn't happen lmfao
Snowstorm happened, them getting stuck inside Dragonspiral Tower, with no way to get out and no way to go home. Iris was suppose to fly them back home a few moments ago, but that's when the blizzard kicked in and now they're stuck. Even better, there was no signal there, they can't contact their grandpa or anyone to help them get out, and even w Iris' Hydreigon and Salamence's Fire Blasts and Drayton's Flygon's Fire Punch, it wasn't enough to penetrate the ice and the snow. It was so much like Kyurem's Glaciate.
God just hcndbd Drayton paling at that, it was getting cold too, he didn't like it, he's there looking at Iris like he's close to crying. Iris said it's gonna be fine, she'll find a way to get them out, as she gives him her coat to warm him up. He almost didn't accept ofc, what abt her, but she insisted, saying she'll be warm when she ventures deeper into the tower, she's going to find a way out. Imagine her leaving a few of her pkmn w him tho, her Hydreigon and Salamence especially since they're the only ones that know Fire type moves, they can make a bonfire for him to keep him warm.
But also, as Iris ventured deeper and going up the tower, she's starting to feel the bite of the cold, god it's bitter cold, it reminds her so much of what happened back then. But she can't give up, she has to find a way to get outta here, and she cannot be feeling weak, no, she canNOT show weakness especially since her lil brother is waiting for her
But just chxnbd ough, your honour, her almost getting to the top of the tower, she's so close, maybe she can find a way to get outta there, maybe the storm has gone down, maybe they can finally go back home, but the cold was getting to her, she can feel it deep in her bones, everything is so numb, her vision was turning blurry. God imagine her just passing out just as she was abt to reach the top too, collapsed from the cold, everything was cold, so so cold, Arceus it's so fucking cold. The last thing she heard was her Haxorus suddenly coming out of its pokeball.
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silverysnake · 8 months
(re: your tags... please do continue to reblog the posts) 🧡🩵💉❤️‍🔥(and I mean simp in a broad way, like sexual but in general? which character causes you the most brain rot more like)
thanks that’s good to know! (idk i always feel a bit weird reblogging ask games from others i’m not sure why)
🧡what is your sexuality?
queer ace basically like i’m ace as hell and the rest idk but definitely not straight
🩵 do you have any pets?
sadly not :(
my parents have two cats that we’ve had since i was nine so i basically grew up with them and i miss them a lot. i will definitely get a cat again at some point but rn it just wouldn’t work because i’m away too much and there’s probably not enough space in my apartment either.
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings?
just have my ears pierced (like for regular earrings). i definitely wanna get a helix at some point tho and i have a few ideas for tattoos just gotta get the courage to go through with it
❤️‍🔥what character do you simp for most often?
thanks for specifying this, bc like i said i’m ace as hell haha (but i do think about fictional characters way too much)
characters that regularly cause/have caused me brainrot are definitely crowley (good omens), klaus hargreeves (umbrella academy), loki, tony stark, moon knight (all mcu (mostly) but i decide what’s canon and what isn’t as i go), and somehow vincent ross (polizeiruf) deserves to be on this list too. no idea how he got here but he deserves the place. oh and adam and leo and the whole spatort crew of course, they’ve had a grip on me since february and i have no idea how that happened
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friendshipsbracelet · 2 months
2, 9 annd 14 for whoever you want? :3c
ill do this with evan >_< sorry im just focussed on him rn...i hope u don't mind eeeeek sorry i have been dying to talk about him for awhile :p thank u 4 asking :D
2. What's their go-to order at a cafe? What's yours?
ummm hmm >_<.....im not a big cafe person and he isn't rflly either.....sometimes rarely he would just get a really plain normal coffee...especially if its during finals!!!!!! he would get one with some creamer and like whip cream or whatever and like chocolate if hes feeling fancy ;D..maybe a sweet treat 2 :3!!!!! i don't go to cafes often but i don't want coffee..unless its like hot chocolate :D!! i would get a sweet treat too...yumy donut :D
9. Do you have any AUs for your selfship? Tell me about them!!
ummm currently not really! since hes new O_O BUT i do have 2 IN MIND RIGHT NOW!!!! i have a small dnd one which is just an excuse to dress him up as a cute knight and me a pretty princess its based off of their dnd characters n stuff and just a fun little story :3!! sir knight evan and princess wolf luna kylie of da stars :B!!!!!! and another one that i wanna do is a more silly tropey anime one.....like ohhh what if she can turn into kitty :3 what if she was puppy.....ahhh so silly my girlfriend can turn into a kitty picks her up swings her around!!!
14. Do you and your f/o share any hobbies?
YES!!!! most of the them r the same like um video games obviously and just nerdy stuff like movies n ya :D the biggest being Minecraft and overwatchhh and comics and i guess anime stuff even though im not super into it.....we have a lot of differences though!!!! one day i will get him into mlp..he kind of knows of it..so does that count? :'D and i super like art while he doesn't rlly draw..he tries..for me :p!!!!!!!! he likes legend of zelda and coding and just general building stuff while i don't know much of that (*3*)=
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coffeewritesfiction · 8 months
13 from the icebreaker asks because how could I read “the vampire god known as the Scarred Man” and NOT want to know more
Ohhhh boy! Okay so if you wanna see more stuff about this WIP I've actually got a blog for it over at @runner-owen. I need to properly organize it because it's hard to find stuff rn but there are some gems in between the pretty pictures
But since you asked, let me tell you all about the Scarred Man ❤️
13. Who or what is stopping the protagonist from their goals?
This got long, I am very passionate about this story whoops --
The Scarred Man's true name is unknown, but his reputation is so potent, the mere hint of his involvement makes even the bravest tremble. He is a malicious deity reborn - God of Evil to humans, Grandfather of Vampires to his kin. Not everyone believes he is a god - some vampires consider the idea blasphemy - but he has powers that no others have, and memories that call back to an era long forgotten.
For a bit of context to the setting: this is set in a world that was once ruled by vampires, with humans treated as food or pets. Without warning however, humanity was collectively visited by the Goddess of Suffering, who shared their pain, and encouraged them to rise up against their tormentors. She granted them the knowledge of nature and human magic that had been long stolen from them. With her as their guardian and patron, humanity overthrew the vampires and reclaimed their world - but the vampire elders cursed the planet itself in their last moments, dimming the sun and casting the land in endless night.
Despite this, humanity persisted, and so did the planet. And it's said that on that fateful day, at the very moment the sun was stolen, the Scarred Man was born.
The Scarred Man is charismatic and often disinterested, even dismissive, in the whims of the mortals around him. He feels a bit restricted even, bored of the mind games and politics of the vampire courts, and the rules of the church. Of all the people who needed to join the efforts to reclaim humanity, he was the last of them. As a priest, a scholar and mage, he could be living a comfortable, luxurious life as a member of his society. But what god would be satisfied with that? Not him. He wanted so much more.
What he wanted, to his own surprise, turned out to be Lord Aurum Vim-Calyx. The teenage prince who would grow up to become Sire Commandant of the Knight Hunters, the royally appointed soldiers who defend the people of the capital against vampires like him. By the time the story starts Lord Aurum is an adult, and his rivalry with the Scarred Man long established. Lord Aurum, as the descendant of one of the original leaders of the revolution, a man gifted with magic comparable to the mythical sun, was an almost perfect match. The kind of man the Scarred Man aches to snuff the light from - not in permanent death, but eternal life, as a vampire by his side.
So why is it that he keeps being drawn to this damned young man, Owen Rosedown? Even before joining the Runners Guild of detectives for hire, the Scarred Man felt an odd fascination for him. He rationalized it. Owen was a favorite of Lord Aurum, after all, and more so, the likely unwanted and unplanned result of a vampire - human coupling. But as the boy became more notorious, and more skilled... The Scarred Man began to wonder... And he began to want.
Side note: the Goddess of Suffering just so happens to be the wife of the God of Evil. (Not by her choice, but that's a long story in itself.) The Scarred Man is quite sure she too has reincarnated. He's not sure where, but he knows in his bones, his cold unbeating heart, that she too walks the planet, unaware of her nature. And the Scarred Man, he wonders... Yes, he wonders, if his suspicions are right...
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Rough concept of the Scarred Man using the Gentleman of Hera picrew.
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oreozfox · 6 months
I don’t even know what to ask, I just wanna know everything, but okay, so do Takashi and Bander ever go on crazy adventures and cause trouble or is Bander a responsible uncle? Does he get into trouble with Astro and Uran (probably Uran)? Omigosh and when did BJ tell Takashi about his namesake? And how did he feel when Mio joined the family? AND TRIO!?! What is Takashi like as a big brother?? I know you had snippets of them in your comics, but I’m just starving for info on this family
…. And I’m embarrassing myself. Sorry I just ADORE this family that you created. :3
!!!! ARTY!! Of course you can!!
As much as I'd like to say that Bander is a responsible uncle that leaves the crazy adventures to the adults... yes, Takashi has been on many a crazy adventure with Bander and his own children. Takashi has been to space with him multiple times! One specific time I want to mention at some pont in the story is Black Jack bringing Pinoko and the kids to Bander's planet for the first time to finally meet his brother's adoptive family (he unfortunately didn't get to see Bander and Mimuru's wedding, since Bander didn't know that Black Jack was still alive then). Bander's adoptive parents knighted BJ there. Little Takashi thought it was the coolest thing in the world. His dad's a doctor AND a knight!!
Astro actually IS pretty responsible. Like you said, it's Uran you gotta worry about. Uran and Chi-tan, once Chi-tan gets his child body.
BJ probably first told Takashi abt the first Takashi when he was little, likely explaining the uneven tones of his face. As I'm sure you know, kids can ask mildly invasive questions like that lol.
Takashi is a great big brother! Mio was prob a bit of an abrupt change for him (how much abt the gestational carrier process can you explain to a 3-4 year old?) but he loved her from the start and always tried hard to be gentle w her. It helped him learn abt the differences between humans and robots! He loves Trio, too, even tho he wasn't able to be around for as much of Trio's early childhood bc of his schooling and early admittance to college. He still visits as much as he can, tho! Trio really looks up to his brother. Takashi's prob the most chill of his siblings. Trio is somewhere in the middle, and Mio is a firecracker like her mama!
Don't be embarrassed! My eyes LIT UP when I saw your ask! I'm always up to talk about Takashi and my Junior Jack stories! The fic is still in the works rn. I'm trying to make most chapters relatively self-contained like a lot of Tezuka's chapters were, and I've never really done a story like that before, so it's definitely a learning experience!
Tysm for the ask, Arty! I'm so glad you love my Hazama family!! <3
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
are u in any fandoms? what are ur interests besides whump? u don’t have to answer i’m just curious!!
someone’s asking me about my interests i can’t NOT answer
this got a bit long tho so i’m putting it under the read more for people who don’t care/are only here for the whump
OKOK. so i’m kinda in the starkid/nerdy prudes must die fandom rn but i know for a fact if i finished adventure time and started watching fiona and cake, that would quite literally become my entire personality for the next 3 months because simon and prismo (and marceline and princess bubblegum and all my other favorite characters) make me insane. but i haven’t done that because well. i’ve gotta write tllr yknow..
anyway, my absolute most favorite pieces of media of all time are undertale and deltarune guys. i cant put in words how much those games mean to me holy shit. as i’m writing this i’m sitting next to my jevil and sans and spamton plushie and they are saying hi. anywayyy yeah i was in the deltarune fandom for a bit it was fun. spamton is silly fucked up creature. jevil is my all time favorite tho
AND THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES… my favorite thing ever fr. y’all. LISTEN TO TMA SERIOUSLY YOU’LL PROBABLY LIKE IT!! it’s a horror podcast and it’s seriously the best fuckinf thing ever it’s so amazing seriously. it’s a bit hard to get into at first because season 1 is less story driven BUT HOLY SHIT. AHHHH ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. jon is one of my favorite blorbos ever and so is michael because he’s a silly distortion guy. just trust me and listen to TMA it will actually change your life.
also i love the amazing world of gumball so fucking much. i wasn’t allowed to watch cartoon network as a kid (idk why??) so i first watched tawog last year and holy shit holy shit it’s my favorite thing ever. rob. ROB!!!! ROB IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE CHARACTER. SO IS MR SMALL. AHHHH!!!! anyway i love tawog i’ve drawn a lot of fanart and even wrote a 60k word fanfiction (about what happens after The Inquisition because that ending fucked me up) that i’ve Never and will probably never show anyone because it’s probably Not that good. but it was sooo Important to me back then. tawog just means so much to me it :))) it changed me as a person. nobody’s a nobody and everybody is weird like you and me.
i also really like hollow knight! i haven’t played it in a while but i was at 111% completion on one of my playthroughs (CURSE YOU PANTHEON 4). i’m also super fucking excited for silksong obviously and i will say this now: WHEN SILKSONG FINALLY RELEASES… i will probably go on hiatus here LMAO. sorry but guys. SILKSONG…. honestly same for new deltarune chapters. the second chapters 3, 4, and 5 release it is sooo over for me. i probably won’t post much here for a few months during that. but that’s fine!! i’ll never abandon tllr but sometimes some things are more important to my silly little brain :3
gravity falls quite literally changed my life in 2018. like i can’t even explain it, but it’s how i was introduced to online fandoms and fanart in general. dipper LITERALLY made me trans (not literally but pretty much). it’s how i started watching other amazing cartoons and series i love, it’s literally what made me get into drawing art and writing and stuff. it’s what made me start making ocs. it literally made me an artist guys. which is how i started writing. without gravity falls and it’s effect it had on me, this account might have never existed?? i’m being super dramatic but wowww. i was so autistic about that silly cartoon
minecraft i love. i’ve been playing minecraft for over a decade and won’t stop because it’s like, probably a special interest of mine? i’ve watch minecraft youtubers forever too, hermitcraft and the life series are my favorite. i’m a huge grian fan too, been watching him since the evo days. anyway if u play minecraft and wanna play with me sometime, feel free to ask!!! :D i love making new friends and playing video games with people!!! let’s make a world together!!!
also i like terraria and stardew valley, and animal crossing new horizons but i haven’t played that in a few years. hmm other games i like are oneshot game, NITW, omori, celeste, cuphead, fnaf (although i’ve only played the first 5 games and am super super behind on the lore), ori, dead cells, untitled goose game (this is for u anon), and probably more i’m forgetting! feel free to recommend me some video games and we can even play together :3
other series i love are the umbrella academy. soooo autistic about this show it’s fucking AMAZING!!!!!! klaus is my favorite character. anyway i also like what we do in the shadows. it made me super autistic about vampires (before i watched this show i kinda thought vampires were cringe IDK WHY I’M SORRYY). the netflix show lucifer made me insane a few years ago and is what probably indirectly inspired me to give Dew wings. i also like our flag means death, breaking bad, moon knight, and camp here in there (another podcast i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend, will wood made the soundtrack!)
i LOVEEE FINAL SPACE!! avocato has been my pfp on this account forever and now i feel like i can’t ever change it (i don’t want to). final space is seriously amazing!!! but it was cancelled and basically got fucked over by the networks- infinity train style. idk, stuff happened and it was removed from hbo max so there’s not really anywhere to watch it (legally) except for netflix international iirc? but it’s getting removed from that too i think. super fucking sad :( it ended on a huge cliffhanger too BUT there is a graphic novel being made!!!! super excited about that!
other cartoons i like are over the garden wall (dressed up as wirt for halloween last year), the owl house, adventure time, regular show, steven universe, infinity train, bojack horseman, rick and morty, mlp, the midnight gospel, and so much more i’m forgetting. OH anime i like are death note, demon slayer (haven’t caught up yet on the latest seasons tho), and MOB PSYCHO 100!! vampire in the garden on netflix is really amazing as well.
this is sooo long but now i gotta talk about my favorite music artists. WILL WOOD (AND THE TAPEWORMS) IS MY FAVORITEEE. I ALSO LOVEEE JHARIAH!!! AND HARLEY POE!!!!! top three of all time. i also like toby fox obviously, and glass beach (LITERALLY GOING TO SEE THEM IN MARCH AND I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!), mcr, shayfer james, weezer, mitski, lemon demon, set it off, tally hall, gerard way, and probably more i’m forgetting. i also like musicals!! (i was in the spongebob musical earlier this year for school! i was larry the lobster :))
so guys. GUYSSS. IF YOU LIKE MUSICALS, GO WATCH NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE!!!! OR JUST WATCH THE ENTIRE HATCHETFEILD TRILOGY!!! WHILE UR AT IT, WATCH ALL THE STARKID MUSICALS ACTUALLY!!! this is my current hyperfixation. the lords in black are amazing, npmd is amazing. i love everything about it. go watch it seriously, it’s fucking awesome and the soundtrack is AMAZING!!!
i think this is it. this got super long but i’m super passionate about my interests so yeah. this is pretty much everything. one very important thing (literally my special interest) that i didn’t mention are my other ocs. i have wayyy more ocs that are completely separate from the tllr ones. i don’t wanna post about them here though, cuz they’re not whump related and i want to keep my main account separate from this account. but they’re my favorite blorbos in existence so…
if u WANT to know about my other ocs, u can feel free to dm me for the username of my other fandom/oc account. that’s where i post other stuff that i don’t post here, like my fanart and my other oc stuff. i don’t post writing or anything like that there, so ur not missing out on that.
anyway those are most of my main interests! things i didn’t mention that im also really interested in are reptiles (snakes specifically), and animals in general. i have two leopard geckos named Lars and Alphys and i reallyyyy want a pet snake but my family hates snakes :(( anyway i’m rambling
thanks for the ask!!
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knightzp · 6 months
Heyy :D
For the writer wrapped - 15 20 27 + one question you wanna answer (free choice)
(Btw what should I call you?....knight?)
ask game here!
15. what wip are you taking into next year with you?
im the type of person that can only work on like one thing at a time so the only fic im working on rn is my enstars bigbang piece.... i will surely finish it before the end of this month but then i want to revise it reading the whooole thing again and see if i can improve anything before the posting date in february so ig that can take a bit longer and make it into next year. i also have a few ideas for new fics to write next year but since its nothing too especific and havent started writing them i dont think i can put them here lol
20. which work of yours have you reread the most?
oof good question. i read and reread all my fics way too much while writing them but after having posted them i normally only reread those that arent too long and not very often tbh (i should do it more often i just. forget aldjfk) but i dont think theres any one in particular ive reread more than others....
27. what do you listen to while writing?
i dont really listen to anything while im writing it just distracts me too much and doesnt let me get completely into the story bc the music doesnt normally match well with whats happening on the scene im writing so it throws me off a bit.... ive tried in the past with some background music but in the end its better to me to write in silence
bonus: 1. how many words have you written this year?
using this question as an excuse bc i was curious myself and adding the wordcount from both my posted fics and my bigbang fic its a total of 52.382 words!!!!!! woah it feels like a lot to me especially knowing i wrote nothing last year so im really really proud i came back so strong this year!!!!
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(P.S just answer the ones you feel comfortable answering. Cause I'm really curious but like I dont wanna overstep, y-kneurr) anyways ----> 1.) who's the most relatable BSD character to you and why? 2.) You mentioned in your BSD violence analysis that you "suffer from a similar loss of truth on a daily basis" like Nikolai. Do you have OCD,if I may ask? Cause I do (symptoms) and it's a pain. 3.) Who's your fave BSD character and why? (lmao I love the vibe change) 4.) fav fiction work?
relatable is absolutely nikolai. I used to say dazai because of the whole double-personality, depressed but goofy bla bla bla thing (i'm not like other girlzzz😋😋), but as I mentioned, I feel like they're opposites in their emotions. I am an emotional person; I feel things strongly and get irritated at my emotions. Both I and Nikolai fall on the "understands what is right and wrong but doesn't understand right and wrong" spectrum and I crave detachement from reality because I am detached from reality. Plus I would definitely develop a strong love/hate feeling towards anyone who understood me as well as I understand me. Close second is Ranpo but we do not need to get into that :D
I have no mental illnesses officially but honestly I can't say I think I have OCD. I think I'm just goofy 😩😩😩 but fr I don't think it's that deep, nowadays society, being emotional or thinking differently is shunned and my loss of reality is just a byproduct. mayhaps??? unsure tbh but i do hope ur symptoms aren't too bad bby i'll swordfight em for you <33
FAV??? OH GOD THAT'S LOADED because I love tachihara bc he's ABSOLUTELY HEAVENLY PERFECTION, lovecraft bc he's baby, and ranpo bc ranpo,,, but I HONESTLY DK?? I do appreciate the simultaneous complexity and simplicity of Fyodor's character, plus he a stinky cutie so that'll have to be my answer !! but my vibe n mood change like the weather so don't think too much abt it lol
Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, hands down. I've read it in three languages multiple times each, in terms of fiction there are so many nice books I've read but the thing about Don Quixote is that you get it all in one. The book is long and it's got romance action philosophy humour you name it. It's from like Shakespearean era so it has some funky vocabulary but it's so so good. Plot in a nutshell is that a man spends so much time reading chivalry novels that he becomes delusional and thinks that he IS a knight and goes on adventures which have their own subplots. (lowkey I think - I'M CONVINCED - that he's the one whose ability is the Book™️ in bsd bc it makes sense this is a theory of mine that I refuse to not believe) ANYWAYS GO READ IT RN 👹👹👹
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imabillyami · 11 months
Smackdown thoughts?
Hey anon ❤️ Happy to have you in my inbox again! As always, thanks for asking and for being interested in what I have to say! I apologize for the late reply, I didn't manage to watch the entire show up until today, but now I'm glad I did!
I'll list things off in chronological order and put most of it under the cut (since this is super long once again, especially the part about the main event, oops).
The first bit of Roman walking in… the way Paul flinched was hilarious, looks like Jey really did a number on him last week lol. If you don’t love Paul, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.
I love seeing NXT superstars on other brands, especially if they’re really building up to RAW vs. Smackdown vs. NXT for Survivor Series once again (also loved that little backstage sequence with Jey later on the show, boy’s got people’s respect and I love that).
The Fatal 4-Way was a great entertaining match. I love Rey Mysterio, he’s one of the reasons I’ve been watching the product for such a long time and he’ll always be a fav, so I don’t mind him winning, as long as they have something bigger and better in store for LA Knight. I’m annoyed they keep using him for promos to get a crowd pop, but still make him lose all the damn time. He’s so over rn, they’d be stupid not to do something with that other than promo work. (LWO vs. LWO next week should be interesting though.)
Charlotte vs. Iyo didn’t really catch me, it was a solid match (and I loved Bayley on commentary, honestly the combo of Bayley, Cole and Wade is comedic gold). Something about the match just felt a little off to me. They’re both great in the ring, I guess something about their chemistry just wasn’t for me. Hate that Iyo lost. LOVE that Asuka got the last laugh.
That Roman, Solo, Paul backstage segment 👀 My killer baby loves staring at that Ula Fala a little too much these days and The Tribal Chief knows it. It was a 30-40 second segment maybe, no words spoken, but we saw everything we needed to see. Just hope they don’t fuck over Jey at Summerslam over this, but I’m fully expecting it at this point.
The Shotzi stuff is looking awesome!!! Maybe getting a good feud in the women’s division? We love to see it! (I love Shotzi and Bayley, so I’m even more excited, I hope they’ll come through.)
Still not gonna talk about Theory, but he lost HAHAHAHA (and that’s all I’m gonna say)
Dunno what they’re cooking with Lashley and company, but I’m intrigued for sure 👀 First the Street Profits, now Carmelo and Trick? Interesting, interesting.
The Dom Dom stuff is super entertaining to me. Him and Mami are simply an iconic duo and I hope they’re not gonna split these two up anytime soon. That being said, give Rhea a good feud on Mondays pls and thx!
I get why people are frustrated over the whole NXT North American Championship thing, especially since Solo didn’t get to keep it when he joined the main roster, but then again it’s WWE and they keep changing the rules all the time, so it’s not all that surprising that they’d be inconsistent like that. And like I said earlier, if they’re really building up towards NXT vs. Smackdown vs. RAW for Survivor Series, it’s a smart business move to have one of their most popular acts on all shows to attract viewership and have one of them carry a title to lift it up even further (and for people whining about The Draft - honestly that was never gonna stick for too long, it never has in the past, and it was mostly about having the World Titles on different shows if you ask me). I love seeing gold on Dom Dom and on Mami and I’ll leave it at that.
Pretty Deadly and that wheelchair scene. I was laughing so hard. These two are GOLD. Add Wade’s commentary on top of that. Yeah… I don’t want a segment like that for them every week, but this segment and this week? LOVED IT!
And now on to the main event:
Jey’s entrance was pure fire my god 🔥🔥🔥 Honestly, you don’t wanna know I many times I’ve rewatched that one. Man’s fired up!!!
Him not looking at nor acknowledging Roman for the entirety of his entrance, only giving him the side eye once he’s close? Proud of how far he's come <3
(Am I the only one missing Roman raising those titles on the ramp? No? Good.)
If looks could kill Jey would be cooked by now - just look at Solo during that entire entrance and the whole segment, holy moly. He rarely takes his eyes off of Jey. No love lost between these two. God they are phenomenal. He only looks away and starts thinking on his own when Jey mentions the Elders telling him to challenge Roman. Solo may have been sent for Roman’s protection, but we can’t forget that his loyalty lies with the Elders, seeing as they are the ones who sent him in the first place. If they doubt Roman’s leadership - oh boy…
Roman trying to intimidate Jey just like old times (“little Jey”) and Jey standing his ground. The way I yelled 🔥 And Roman thinking this is just gonna be any old match, that this is gonna be Clash of Champions and HIAC all over again. His arrogance is unmatched and I love the dawning realization of what’s really happening here, starting with his confusion the moment Jey rips up the contract and says with his whole chest “the contract’s in the blood” “this right here is Tribal Combat now” all the way up to the moment he asks Jey if the Elders know about this and finds out it was their idea. You see doubt creep in, but he’s still infuriatingly arrogant. Right up until the moment I’m truly living for - the second he realizes what’s really at stake here when Jey reiterates “I said… it’s Tribal Combat now” (the most powerful line that’s been said all night phew 😮‍💨). That’s when he knows Jey truly means business. And Paul immediately trying to stop him? CINEMA.
Jey Uso listing all the ways he’s gonna beat Roman’s ass while bouncing in his lil chair will never not be hilarious to me. It was such a deeply emotional segment and he still managed to put a light comedic moment into it. And that smile at the end of it? That wasn’t Roman, even though he weaved it into the Tribal Chief’s arrogance extremely well (just goes to show how good he is), nah that was Joe cracking a smile and you can’t convince me otherwise. These boys (Josh and Joe) are having the time of their lives and I’m very soft about that 🥹
With Roman leaving the Ula Fala on the Table and initiating the Hongi with Jey? Honestly, to me this felt like the moment Roman finally acknowledged that they’re gonna meet as equals in that ring for the first time. Not big cousin and little cousin, not Tribal Chief and Right Hand Man, not main eventer and Tag Team Guy. Just two men who want what’s best for their family, two guys who have grown into supernovas over the years, two men who are equal and have mutual respect for each other. Tribal Combat means the match was sanctioned by the Elders and that’s huge. These guys are gonna murder each other, but they’ll love and respect each other while doing so. This was the ultimate showing of respect for each other and their heritage. This was their contract signing and it’s more binding than any other contract could ever be. And it’s immediately proven when Solo tries to go after Jey and Roman stops him.
And while Jey immediately kicking Solo in the face, no hesitation, shocks Roman and shows him just how far Jey is willing to go, just how different his cousin is from the man he faced years ago, Jey is not breaking any rules. Roman realizes he’s pushed Jey too far one too many times.
Paul kneeling in the corner in absolute despair was a hilarious and glorious little detail! This whole thing would never be the same without Paul Heyman, backstage and in front of the cameras. That man just >>>>>
Another thing I found incredibly intriguing was the little conversation Paul and Roman had while leaving. They were so stunned by the fact that Jey was talking to the Elders. If you listen closely you can hear Paul say “he said it was the Elder’s idea” and Roman say something along the lines of “I’m the only one talking to the Elders”. The fact that Paul looks legitimately scared… What are they doing to us?
I might not like whatever outcome they have planned for Summerslam (if Jey isn’t winning and he isn’t gonna, I’m not gonna like it, simple as that), but the build-up to it is incredible and I’m enjoying every second!
For me it was a good episode overall!
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katz-cradle · 1 year
oooh what’s NGK stand for? Looking at you must know what it’s about n the other projects 👁️👁️ tell em all about em
NGK just means "Next Gen Knights" - my sk next gen it's just a shortened version of it!
About my original projects I have three I'm working on rn but I don't wanna speak too much about them (in case I just forget about them like i do a lot)
But the basics of them are;
A rpg game idea - A mystery series about a group of five ppl - a original project I've been meaning 2 make for awhile now
,,,, I might explain the other projects if ppl ask about them but yeah :3
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
crying. i shed many tears when i finished a knight's tale. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL OK LISTEN mc's devotion to rosanna THAT'S TRUE LOVE RIGHT THERE THEY'VE ALWAYS LOVED EACH OTHER THEY'RE LITERALLY MEANT TO BE my pansexual heart 😭😭 i would die for them. pls. AND DRAGON HWA.. he is perfect. ethereal. magnificent. he is literally everything. i love me a good protector of a poly relationship;; the love that he has for both rosanna and mc is so amazing. AND WHEN THEY BOTH REASSURED MC WHEN SHE FELT LIKE SHE DIDN'T BELONG... I SOBBED MY EYES OUT!!!! THEY ARE SO IN LOVE!!!!
OK BUT THE SPICY SCENES BRO,, i'm literally crumbling apart HWA'S TAUNTING AND TEASINGGG but also it's so clear that he just loves mc and wants to treat his pup so good. THAT MAN IS JUST AS DESPERATE FOR MC AS MC IS FOR HIM (don't even get me started on the tail play. i have never read such amazing use of a tail like that before pls do it again I BEG);; AND THE SCENE WITH MC AND ROSANNA dude i was blushing the whole time. the 'lovers' first time together' is one of my fav things to read AND IT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN AND THE BALANCE BETWEEN SOFT AND HOT WAS SO JWDHFJFJENDNV!!!!!
pls. where can i find a dragon hwa and rosanna. they are so loving and devoted. that's all i want in life I'LL DO ANYTHING
–vamp anonnie, literally a puddle ;-;
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vamp anonnie once i figure out a way to transfer all my hugs and kisses to you it’s going to be all overrrrr !!!
you have no idea how hard i was smiling and kicking my feet while reading your ask like i looked insane prob and did i read it like three times over ??? yes 👍🏼will i search for it again later on when i wanna get free serotonin also yes 👍🏼 okay but the fact that it touched you enough to make you cry … has me …. like on the floor rn. i’m not okayyyy. i struggled sm with that fic like it almost drove me insane bc of what i wanted to get across through it and taking in your reaction ,, like i must’ve gotten the job done :”” it’s the way the mc and Rosanna had been waiting patiently all that time to be together 😭😭😭 and seonghwa being the catalyst for mc to realize that she has enough to offer even when she’s just there as herself and not a knight likeeee ;-; FHE REASSURANCE PART HAD ME READY TO EAT MY LAPTOP YOU DONT EVEN KNOWWW 🥺 IM SO GLAD THE SPICY SCENES HITTT and yesss hwa was a little menace but was so giving at the same time hngggghh but esp with the tail bc i was lowkey worried people would think that’s weird but i’d be more than happy to write about that concept again <333 eeeeeee i’m so glad you loved their bathtub scene :”” it was my fave too it was just so soft and loving ahhhhhhh ;-; no same where they at??? but ahh thank you so much for your feedback my love you really have no idea how much it fuels me and reminds me that i actually have something to offer all of you so thank you again i love you ❤️
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wooahaes · 2 years
guess who kept their word and drafted which idols would fit in what fire emblem class.. its me i did. anyways i kinda took classes from the games you said u have played before. and sorry it was a lot i got rlly excited abt it and did a google doc (;° ロ°) ! if these is overwhelming no need to answer the ask 😵‍💫
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NICO UR BRAIN AAAA <333 i am so sorry for the long reply thats abt to follow
also omg you didnt have to limit urself like that in any way!! im always open to reading abt other games sdkfhdsf ur so sweet for that tho!! one day i'll get around to playing three houses and other games tbh
i love the vibe that reader is just some rando they picked up. seungcheol picks them up like ok ur the protag now and readers like im the What.
PALADIN COUPS.... ur mind omg. paladin suits him sooo well holy shit + his reclasses!!! <3 i can imagine him being some stern leader of his army but having his soft side for ppl. literally imagine his support convos... just flustered paladin man who goes from this imposing figure to a whiny husband whos so in love w u... <3
omg. wonwoo's base classes all fit him so well tbh. i can def see archer the most if im honest since he fits the quiet stereotypical archer vibe but thief and priest wonwoo UGH <33333 im in love.
YOOO WYVERN RIDER JUN??? mage is also cool but god theres something So cool abt wyvern rider jun... he would take naps w his wyvern and be so doting toward them :( just a sweet man. he probably also has snacks for both him And his wyvern... i feel it in my soul....
omg. jeonghans classes... pegasus knight jeonghan is invading my thoughts rn. thief would also fit SO well but i am staring at pretty man on his pegasus looking radiant <3 same w joshua tbh. two pretty besties on their pegasi... ugh my heart <3 i cannot handle this
ooo troubadour or priest dk is not something i would have expected!!! i do love it tho <3 sunshiney dk who honestly heals u a lil just by smiling...
no one look at me over mercenary vernon... no one look at me rn. i cant. i cant. im not strong enough to process the idea of rugged mercenary vernon. vernon with a sword... clutches chest n collapses... god............ men w swords........ anyone w swords actually tbh if i see a woman with a sword im gonna lose my mind bc oh fuck thats hot
ENEMY MINGYU... finally i can beat his ass for being tall. i love his recruitment conditions being so varied just bc it feels like hes just looking for a reason to leave the opposing side. he just looks at mc like man i wanna be over there but i gotta be impressed first :/ or i gotta be flirted with. or i gotta see my best bro. (wonwoo voice you can be flirted with by mc if y ou join our side)
SAMURAI DINO.................. i am listening. dino w sword........ <3 i have no more thoughts im just kinda thinking abt hinata fates rn. honestly they're the same person bc they're both cute losers. nico ur MIND <3
KITSUNE HOSHI KITSUNE HOSHI KITSUNE HOSHI.................... I AM LOOKING !!!!! did i ever mention i did romance both kaden and keaton lmao theyre cute
spear fighter woozi omg... i imagine his supports would have something to do with singing no matter what his class is. just at least a lil. just a lil.
ENEMY MINGHAO AND SEUNGKWAN??? ok minghao i can understand because i think he'd be a cool enemy, esp if he's someone you have to earn the respect of. BUT SEUNGKWAN??? omg. sniper seungkwan too... he could murder. and he WILL....also god. i imagine it being a serious convo, but my brain just went "vernon just walks up to him and goes "hey dude, what the hell?" and then shoves him over." vernon voice wadda hell bulnosaur...
ok i admittedly dont know anything abt pretty much anyone here except vaguely soobin and beomgyu but :0 based off my limited knowledge abt beomgyu, his classes seem fitting sdkfhsdf i feel like i've seen stuff abt him like. being kinda trickster-y before but i might be wrong!!
i love how much thought u put into all of these!! its so cool to read though omg <3 thank u for sharing!!
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Congratulationss on your pregnancyy!!<3<3
I'm so excited for you♡♡♡♡
Soo anyway I've been following you for like almost a year now(i thinkk?) This is the first time I interact with someone on this app akdjbdjdjdb
I dont know how anons and asks work🥲 English is not my first language so please excuse me if my sentences are weird. I found your blog through the secrets between us and Let me tell youuu that fic was one of the the most wonderful things in my life.I was so amazed by your writing.It is truly a masterpiece !<3
I was scared to talk to you (*ノωノ) but ik you're really sweet by just reading your asks with other people.I wasnt able to forget about the sbu until now and sometimes daydream about that fic tooo XD I think knight!eren is my fav out of all your erens (dont get me wrong I also love himbo!eren and rockstar!eren but-) he is really adorable<3 I just wanna say thank you very much for giving us a chance to experience this amazing world that you've created🥺 You never failed to amaze me with your work♡
Sorry if I'm rambling too much its pretty late here rn annddd i just finished reading TLS ch 16 and I think im scared to continue reading it kanaaa give me strength (>﹏<) at first i was really happy cuz of the proposal and all but im really scared rn because i saw major character death💀ALSO Did i mention you're my FAV author on this app???and like your blog is my safeplace<3
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You can call me May :D and is it okay if I send asks to your blog from now on?
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First of all, can I just say how ADORABLE you are???? you sound so cute and sweet ugh i wanna squish your cheeks. Second, honey, your english is perfect!!! don't you ever worry about that! Third, please don't ever be afraid to talk to me I swear I'm the last person on earth you should be scared of. I can't even scare a cat away even if I tried LMAO
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY FICS!!! And I'm so happy to know that you enjoyed my works, especially The Secrets Between Us. That series was my second eren fic so I'm always worried that it's too cringe/sappy or just bad in general. Such a relief to hear that there's someone out there who likes it hehe 😊
And honey it's okay!!! chapter 17/the epilogue of TLS isn't that sad at all! even if it was a bit sad, there's always the alternate ending that you can read haha I swear it will make you feel better, pinky promise!
and YES YES PLEASE spam me away with your messages! I would love to read them! you're always welcome in my inbox baby ❤️❤️❤️
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