#i just wanted a fun-er name for them than water gun
detective-ws · 5 months
my phighting oc water g hehe, i love them x3
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their horns are sort of based on axolotls! still working a tad on the design, but probably wont change much!!! i love them already!
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franzleitmayr · 1 year
Tatort live reaction by me and my best denglisch :D
How does Thorsten look so young
Maybe it's the light
Oh oh someone's dead
Oh hi Sebastian
Also looking young
Oh just a head
How does Thorsten look so young
Maybe it's the light
Oh oh someone's dead
Oh just a head
Lots of Schnellkochtöpfe
Oh wilder Mann
Like the Tatort Game
Thorsten is im Alleingang
No wan
Woah they still have the same Präsidium since the first episode
All sounding young too
Concerned Sebastian
Blaulicht ;Love that for them
Lmao they're moving their asses real weird
That chair had a face istg
I feel like they're sarcastic noW
Sebastian is so annoyed
Wilder Mann again
Ew old ass
Why put your clothes in the trash 💀
Oh Thorstens Auto
Bisexual light as Sebastian enters the room
More bisexual light
Bubbles ouhhh
Husband behaviour
What's happening
Also very cool bubbles Thorsten
More bisexual light
Now lesbian light
Talking about murder with a high Thorsten must be very annoying
"Drogen sind illegal" maybe you should have thought about that before getting high
Funny sound Thorsten
Bisexual light
“My mom” jokes
*intimate touching *
Oh no Thorsten us running away
Sebastian tsktsktsk
"Ich würde dich doch nie anlügen..." sureeee
Wir zwei
"ICH LIEBE DICH" is this canon now
This escalated quickly
New Hupe unlocked
Wdym he's in life threatening danger MAYBE
murder mom?
Lmao this dude
what a nice family activity ;Drug dealing at night 💪
They just keep reaching new stages of queerbaiting
Oh oh the big deal I suppose
Taiwanisch 🤔
Er kann das nicht !
He looks like Mario
Woah there's this guy from the Tatort game the whole time
Now this seems dangerous/j
That suit is ugly
Small talk before drug dealing 😌
Nee gekühlt werden muss nicht
Why would you freeze drugs
Adé 👋
You are what you miet?
What's that supposed to mean
Lmao Thorsten
"Er ist ein Vogel, er kann fliegen"
Thorsten is very good at hiding
Schnellkochtöpfe as i Said
Außerirdische killertöpfe are very dangerous indeed. You should never underestimate it
Two men touching 🤯
And betraying each other afterwards 💪
What a nice Schnellkochtopf
Thorsten is such a funny guy
More bisexual lighting
Ugly-suit-man again
Mario stop looking out of the window like a
*Thorsten still without shoes*
He's so small Imao
Oh oh oh illegal stones
Gratis Schnellkochtöpfe
Only in Stuttgart
Tsktsktsk da darf man nicht parken Herr
Bootz 🙄
*thorsten struggling to get dressed* mood though
Thorsten has fun with glass
I bet it's from the lady from the beginning
Oh oh oh gayness again
Criminal women
Why is his suit the same colour as his skin
Ah yes Dani
Oh ig Thorsten loves everyone noW
"Für dich immer" Imao
Yeah drinking is important
Water ofc though
Ich bin auch nicht tot Thorsten
I guess he really CAN fly
Nasen joke
No nasen shaming here
Bisexual light
I think the drugs make you bisexual
Stop chewing on your gum like that
Woah guns
Don't kill those poopies though
Oh diner *french accent*
Peeing together as a bonding activity 💪
What a nice jukebox
don't dance with the jukebox like that
*sebastian is flustered*
Sebastian matches the vibe of Thorstens car
Okay overprotective Thorsten
Don't touch that Thorsten
Woah so many bad guys
What in the world
Why did you knock him out
Only cool cars somehow this episode
Sebastian is so annoyed it's so funny
Oh no sad
Sehr gut Sebastian
Sehr gut Thorsten
Wir rocken das 💪
Oh no family drama
Very healthy
What is she doing with her hand
Is she a magician
I feel like this is a very silly episode
Thorsten is more worried about his car than about Sebastian
Damn Dani just wants his sleep
Don't go outside your car the moment you hear gun shots
That's so stupid
Woah more memories unlocked
They're calling each other pet names secretly istg
Why in the world would Thorsten verarsch you Sebastian
Du hast einfach keine Eier 🤧
Lmao did he got shot in his non existent balls now 🤨
Wow Thorsten richtig erwachsen von dir
Still a bit silly
Woah serious moments again
Lmao this Mario guy
What is she talking about
This dude is am Ende
What in the world are they doing
Woah those scenes make it seem like a crime film
Thorsten is so smart
Oh dangerous Mario
Lmao they're locked in a cell for tigers now
Bro you're making it worse
This ugly suit man is ugly on the inside too mao
Lmao Thorsten why so dramatic
Oh oh there's a tiger in there
Sebastian is a tiger whisperer ig
Lmao the murder mom
I don't understand this accent
Beate 🤯
Lmao they're in the wrong cage
The tiger looks quite nice
like to cuddle it :(
I love cute cats
Woah the mom with a plan
The tiger seems to enjoy it there
What's he doing with tiger cock
Don't buy tigers on eBay kids
Oh oh oh some key or something lying around
Go Thorsten
Did Mario plot this all
Ah no he didn't
What in the world
Oh no poor Mario is traumatised
Who shot
Oh I suppose it was joe
Oh she's there too
Woah plot twist
And another one
Lmao they're all so silly
Joe is unconscious again Imao
Get the bad guys
Guter Plan Herr Kommissar
Oder auch nicht
Who are you hiding from Thorsten
This is so cliché
Thorsten is still silly goofy Imao
Bro that sounded wrong
I love how everyone is so concerned
Menschen Kralle 💀
Der wilde Mann is so damn weird
Stop screaming like that bro
I suppose that is a win indeed
Good for the tiger
Omg those guys
Why doesn't he ever change his clothes
Lmao it's all so sikky
this was real fun
I’m sorry for everyone reading this 🥲💀
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tpwkjerii · 3 years
oh, zombie!
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you’re certain you’ve met the end when you’re cornered by flesh-hungry zombies, but a man with a bat and the bone structure of a god proves you otherwise.
pairing: jungkook x reader
warnings: cursing, shooting guns, weapons, mentions of death, minor angst, fluff, blood, zombies (duh), attempted murder, kinda heated makeout session, namjoon is an accidental cockblock, kissing
genre: zombie apocalypse au, thrill/gore (not too descriptive or graphic), strangers to lovers
word count: 9.8k+
a/n: the zombies in this fic have enhanced smell for corpses and human stress hormones!! and help i have like two other jk drafts rn (& disclaimer: i don’t own the gif above!!)
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That was the best word to describe you and your current predicament. Now, with the loud groans of at least four zombies and heavy bangs against the door ringing in your ears, you were really starting to regret entering this grocery store.
You knew you should have trusted your gut when you first approached the store, but the thought of having actual food (not the dry ramen packets you were currently surviving on) and more water (you were on your last bottle) tempted you to push open the glass door and rush into the supermarket without so much as a noise scan. It took only eight seconds for the zombies and their enhanced smell to know that you entered. You were barely able to grab a single bottle of water before you heard an eerily low groan and immediately rushed for shelter in the dairy freezer.
Your twenty seconds of recklessness led you to where you are now, pushed against a cold door while zombies banged heavily against it. You held onto the inner lock as you reached down for your gun, which you were certain only had a few more bullets; regardless, it was your best shot at escaping this store alive. Gathering yourself, you inhaled and exhaled deeply with hope that you could shoot them all fast enough.
Just as you were about to release the lock and face your fate, the groans fell silent and were replaced by the sound of heavy and almost cartoon-like thwacks. Your feet froze as you realized that that was no sound or action a zombie could make — there was another human outside. You had only a few seconds to decide your next move, which would ultimately decide your future and whether you die in the middle of a grocery store dairy storage freezer or not.
Whoever killed the zombies outside could either be a kind-hearted person who didn’t want to see you succumb to a tragic fate or a person who wanted to save you from death by zombies only to kill you for your survival supplies. Considering the fact that they just knocked at least four zombies on their own, you prayed that it wasn’t the latter.
A few silent seconds passed until you eventually moved your hand, and you prayed that this wouldn’t be your second fatal mistake of the day as you slowly unlocked and opened the heavy steel door. Your gun visible in your other hand, you stepped out to see who your potential savior (or murderer) was.
Your eyes landed on the face of an extremely handsome man. Despite the obvious disarray he was in (then again, everyone who manages to survive during a zombie apocalypse is at least some form of messed up), it was clear as day that he was attractive. He had alluring doe-shaped eyes that were deceivingly innocent-looking, long dark hair that fell messily over his forehead, and the facial structure of an absolute god. The cut on his lip, small scratches scattered across his face, and his silver earrings only added to his intimidating impression, and upon seeing the heavy metal bat he held in his right hand, you instinctively tighten your grip on your handgun.
You were so enraptured by his captivating appearance that you nearly forgot the situation you were in.
“Who - who are you?” you finally asked, attempting to keep your voice as level as possible and praying that your face wasn’t red since he definitely noticed you checking him out.
He didn’t look intimidated at all, and a part of you died internally when his lip curled into a smirk. This was not looking good for you. “Are you gonna put that gun down?” he asked, the depth and warmth of his voice throwing you off. He laughed as you only blinked and he continued, “You certainly didn’t have a problem with me when you were checking me out earlier, so why keep the gun up now, babygirl?”
If you weren’t blushing before, you definitely were now. You cursed under your breath as you moved your hand down and quickly placed your gun back in your thigh holster, deciding that he was safe and probably wouldn’t kill you. “I wasn’t checking you out,” you muttered, and he laughed at your obvious lie.
“Whatever makes you feel better, babygirl,” he said, a teasing tone in his airy voice.
Your brows knitted together in irritation at the pet name. “Don’t call me that,” you mumbled, looking down at your worn sneakers awkwardly.
He laughed again, and you found yourself oddly enchanted to his tiny laugh. He took a step towards you, causing you to look up at him as he told you, “I won’t call you ‘babygirl’ if you tell me what your name is.”
You cleared your throat awkwardly before you answered, “My name’s Y/N, what’s yours?”
He grinned, which somehow turned his entire demeanor upside down. With his wide smile, he was no longer the intimidating guy that took down three zombies on his own with just a bat, but rather a nice guy that just wanted to help out a fellow human from being killed by zombies.
“Jungkook,” he answered simply as he began to walk away from you and through the store aisles.
“Jungkook,” you repeated, familiarizing the way his name rolled off your tongue with a nod. “So, Jungkook, what brought you into this store?” you asked, rushing to walk alongside him and skim through the aisles.
“This your first time outside, Y/N?” he asked, abruptly stopping to turn and look at you. You froze and dropped the bag of chips you were holding at the sudden eye contact. He sighed and moved to pick up the chips and place it back onto the shelves. “I was wandering around the area, and I saw that you walked right into a trap,” he told you.
“A trap?” you asked, your mouth falling open in surprise.
He nodded and motioned for you to help him fill his rucksack with water bottles. “Looters will leave trace scents or pieces of human remains to attract zombies to popular places survivors will drift to. Once any survivors enter and get killed by the zombies, the looters will come back, off the zombies, and take their supplies,” he explained with a grimace.
Your face twisted, and you suddenly felt even luckier that Jungkook saved you. “How do you know? I mean, how did you know that the looters were here?” you asked, still a bit unsettled at the fact that you basically walked straight-first into a death trap.
Jungkook zipped up his backpack, now full of at least 20 water bottles, and headed towards the dried foods. “I spotted one of their vans when I was walking around, so I figured they were in the area. Then I saw you entering the store and bingo — I was right,” he told you nonchalantly as he stuffed various dried fruits and snacks into his pockets.
“Take some of these,” he added, gesturing towards the few remaining dark chocolate bars.
You nodded, briefly admiring his casual attitude as you shoved two handfuls of the chocolate into your jacket pockets. “How did you recognize them? Have you had any… run-ins with them?” you wondered curiously, picking up your pace to match his quicker steps as he made his way down the remaining store aisles.
“They approached me to join them when this whole thing started,” he started, pausing to laugh softly at the shocked expression on your face. He shook his head as he continued, “I said no because what they do is twisted. Luring people to their deaths for some sick form of fun. They say they do it for the supplies but we all know that’s a lie.”
You nodded your head thoughtfully. “Oh, well, I guess that’s an admirable and sane choice.”
He murmured in agreement, and you walked alongside him, unconsciously humming a song that had been stuck in your head for a while. Being with Jungkook, who was both stronger and more knowledgeable than you, provided you with a sense of comfort. Additionally, he wasn’t shooing you off and willingly accepted your company (for the past 10 minutes, at least). Before you even knew it, you two reached the front store doors.
He walked out first, holding the door open behind him. You faltered, a second thought of “does he really want me to go with him?” running through your head.
He raised a brow, opening the door a bit wider. “You coming?”
“Wh- what?” you stuttered in disbelief.
“Do you want to come with me or not?” he asked. “C’mon, babygirl. We don’t have all day. Those looters are bound to come back soon.”
At the mention of those evil people, your legs moved instantly. You rushed out of the door towards Jungkook’s side and eagerly turned to face him. “Where to?”
He laughed, and you swore it was one of the most enchanting tones you’ve ever heard, before saying, “What’s the place you’re staying in like?”
You thought back to your small home and the painful disarray it was in. It was a miracle that you were able to survive so long considering how ill-prepared you were for an apocalypse to happen.
“Er, probably not as good as yours,” you answered sheepishly.
“Fair enough.” He nodded at the anticipated answer and began to walk in the opposite direction that you came from. You continued alongside him, internally screaming at how lucky you were. Not only did Jungkook completely save your life, he let you stay with him! You didn’t understand why, seeing as you were arguably an impediment to his survival, but you were grateful regardless.
The city around you was lifeless. What was once home to millions of citizens and the hustle and bustle of daily routines was reduced to empty stone buildings, the only people left either roaming as the undead or too afraid to come out. Within two weeks, the city and all its people changed entirely.
As you walked alongside Jungkook, you wondered what type of life he led before the apocalypse. Was he a student like you? Did he have a job? Was he a police officer or firefighter? Did he have family?
Several questions imposed themselves in your brain, and it was enough to almost distract you from Jungkook’s words.
“That van over there is a looter van,” he informed you, pointing towards a parked black van that had unrecognizable red symbols sprayed on it. “Each one has different symbols on it, but they’re all in red so they know where each one is and don’t mess up a potential job.”
You nodded and absorbed his words. You definitely passed a van like that when you were walking towards the store. “That’s good to know,” you whispered, your voice strained with mild fear.
He didn’t say anything else in response and continued forward, gently tugging you along with him when you lingered in your spot a second too long as you stared at the van.
Jungkook led you for a few more minutes, each second only increasing your curiosity as to where he was taking you and what he was really like. Silence prevailed until you heard a low groan and the distinguishable sound of a foot dragging along gravel. You stiffened and unconsciously moved to grip Jungkook’s hand.
He stopped in his tracks and gently pushed you towards a building wall. Once both your backs were pressed flat against the stone wall, he adjusted the grip on his bat and you reached for the gun in your thigh holster. The zombie’s groans grew louder as it approached. You knew they couldn’t see and had a very limited sense of hearing, but you wondered if you or Jungkook had anything on you that attracted its hunger for rotting flesh or stress.
You held your breath as the zombie came into view, its decaying body and unsettling groans disturbing you. It walked closer, although not directly towards you. You raised your gun the same time as Jungkook lifted his bat, but you didn’t have to pull the trigger and Jungkook didn’t have to swing as the zombie only walked straight past you two, leaving only its rotting scent behind.
You breathed out in relief and relaxed your shoulders as you placed your handgun back in its holster. “Thank god,” you whispered.
“Let’s go,” was all Jungkook said before he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. It seemed like you weren’t the only one anxious to get out of the open.
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Jungkook’s home was much, much better than yours (if you could even call your tiny studio that).
“Holy shit,” you whispered as you admired the fortified mansion. High stone walls and a metal gate surrounded the large two-story house. “You have this place all to yourself?” you asked Jungkook. Now you were really curious what his profession before this was.
He shook his head as he unlocked the gate with a key. “A few friends live with me,” he answered simply before slipping the key back in his jean pocket. “They should all be awake by now.”
You nodded and followed closely behind him as he walked up the short pathway to the front door. As he opened the door, you heard a loud yell come from within.
“Kookie!” he yelled, his voice smooth and deep.
You saw Jungkook’s face turn red as he quickly shut the door with a slightly mortified facial expression.
“Uh -”
The door burst open. “Kookie!” a man shouted before enveloping Jungkook into a tight hug. You stepped to the side, observing the affectionate interaction with a grin. The man who barreled into Jungkook had black, fluffy hair that was held back by a black hairband. He was on the thinner side, but still built, and appeared to be a bit taller and tanner than Jungkook. When he released the hug and turned to face you, your breath hitched.
He was attractive.
“Who’d you bring home?” he asked Jungkook, a boxy smile directed towards you.
“Her name is Y/N, I caught her just before some zombies got her,” Jungkook answered as he nudged you and the man inside.
As you stepped through the front door, you observed the large home’s tasteful interior. A pristine white kitchen was to the right of you, apparently well-stocked based on the two open cabinets that were filled with snacks and ramen. To the left of you was an open living room with one large couch and two smaller ones surrounding a paper-filled coffee table and a large TV mounted onto the wall.
Impressive, you thought.
The fluffy-haired man stepped in front of you, his contagious smile still going strong. “I’m Taehyung. It’s nice to meet you!”
You smiled at him. It’d been a while since you met new people, much less people with such warm and friendly dispositions. “It’s nice to meet you too,” you returned honestly.
Jungkook cleared his throat, announcing suddenly, “I’ll show Y/N around.”
You turned to face him, noticing that he had taken off his bags and leather jacket. His bare arms were now exposed, and you immediately noticed how sculpted he was. A sleeve of various tattoos decorated one of his arms, drawing your attention to the ink on his defined muscles. His other arm was more bare, but still had a few figures on it. Realizing that you were probably staring for too long, you tore your eyes away with a nod before you set down your own bag and followed Jungkook.
He took you past the living room and kitchen through a hallway, showing you where the first floor bathroom, in-home gym, and office were. You gaped at the book-filled office that also housed several weapons. Lined across the wall were several guns, knives, and other weapons you couldn’t even name. After you recovered from what you saw in the office, he led you up the stairs.
“This is Taehyung and Jimin’s room,” he said, pointing to the first door in the hallway. “Jin and Yoongi’s.” He pointed to the door next to the first one. “Namjoon’s.” He then pointed towards the first door on the opposite side of the hall. “And mine.” He pointed to the door next to Namjoon’s.
You nodded, resisting the urge to ask about their family members since you knew it could be a sensitive subject for them. “Are they all home?” you wondered. “Well, except for Taehyung, I guess,” you added as an afterthought.
Jungkook nodded. “Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin are probably in their rooms. Namjoon will be out for the next few days getting some stuff, so you can stay in his room for now.”
Your lips parted in shock. “No, no! That’s his room. It’s fine, I can sleep on the couches if anything!”
“It’s fine, he won’t mind,” Jungkook insisted.
But you shook your head in persistence. “Really, I’m completely fine with the couch. I wouldn’t want to make Namjoon feel uncomfortable or anything.”
He sighed and shrugged, seemingly relenting to your wishes. “Alright, we can head back down then,” he said as he turned back to the stairs.
Before you followed him, your eyes landed on the last door all the way down the hallway. You had no idea what was behind it, yet it still emitted an ominous and mysterious aura that called out to you. “Wait,” you said before you even thought about it. Just as he turned to face you, the realization that he probably didn’t tell you what was in that room for a reason (whatever that was) hit you.
“Er - nevermind!” You laughed awkwardly, hoping he would drop it. But it was too late — he already noticed your lingering gaze on the locked door.
“Don’t go in that room,” he stated bluntly before turning around, not giving you a chance to respond. “There’s nothing in there that’s of importance to you,” he added as he walked down the stairs. You rushed to follow him after him, still intimidated to be in this big house with completely new people, muttering words of agreement.
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Everyone in this house was shockingly nice. Jimin was undeniably kind and spent your entire first night at your side, making sure you felt comfortable in this new place. Yoongi, although more reserved, didn’t hesitate to check if you were alright whenever you spaced out or got scared by a sudden noise. Lastly, Jin was incredibly attentive; from asking you if you had any food allergies or if you preferred baths or showers, he did his best to welcome you.
(They were all also really attractive, but that's besides the point).
Before you knew it, a week passed. Seven days of playing board games with Jimin and Taehyung, cooking with Jin, talking about conspiracy theories with Yoongi, and working out (and trying to avoid) with Jungkook.
Why were you trying to avoid him? Well, despite having met Jungkook first, you couldn’t help but start to feel awkward around him. Not because he made you feel uncomfortable or the reverse, but rather due to your undeniable attraction to him. It certainly didn’t help that his personality complemented his beautiful appearance well. On the outside, Jungkook appeared cold and intimidating, but on the inside he was soft and kind. He was exactly like one of the many fictional characters you’d fallen in love with before.
Your first official day at the house, you kept your cool pretty well. Of course, Jungkook and his endearing behavior and large, doe eyes had to ruin it. Then again, it was also on you for not listening to your initial instinct of avoiding the gym machines. What exactly happened?
Well, after three failed attempts of using the machine from hell (you didn’t even know it’s name), Jungkook finally decided that it was just getting sad and moved from his machine to help you.
“You’re supposed to use your arms to bring it back,” he said with a teasing tone as he neared you. You jumped in your seat and looked up at the mirror to see his figure stopping directly behind you. Your breath hitched as he leaned down and… oh fuck, did his arms just brush up against yours?
Face burning red, you looked away with a violent cough. “Er, I knew that.”
He laughed softly at your embarrassed expression, the enchanting sound of his lap wreaking havoc on your already weak heart. You turned towards him and gently pushed his chest with a scoff.
“You don’t have to laugh at me,” you grumbled.
“Sometimes I can’t help it,” he countered with a smug smile.
You particularly liked when he smiled since he reminded you of a bunny whenever he did — especially when he had a large smile and his eyes formed happy, crescent moons with twinkling stars. Jungkook’s grin (and laugh) was as infectious as Taehyung’s and Jin’s, and he was, overall, a perfect person in your eyes. Even as he made fun of you (jokingly, of course), you swore he was sent from the stars above.
Deciding it best to not catch feelings for your savior and person who graciously housed you, you tried to keep your distance from him since then. Whenever he entered the room, you tried your best to subtly leave (bless Seokjin for being exceptionally understanding of your “cramps”) and when he tried talking only to you or directing the conversation to you, you roped someone else into the discussion. It worked for the most part as you talked to the others more and ignored the way Jungkook made your heart race whenever you thought about him, but today you were out of luck.
“Y/N and Jungkook, supplies run today.”
You gaped at Jin from your spot on the couch. “What? Me? Are you sure?” you asked, silently pleading with your eyes.
He rolled his eyes and nodded, bending down to gently pat your head. “Yes, you. Don’t worry, you’ll have Kookie with you.”
“And this,” Yoongi added as he dropped a gun much larger than your small handgun in your lap.
You looked up at him in shock. “I don’t know how to use this!”
He shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out if you’ll need to use it.”
“C’mon, Y/N. You’re gonna have to pull your weight if you wanna stay with us,” Taehyung told you, winking at you when Jungkook entered the living room with his gear. Your eyes widened at him, but you couldn’t say anything as Jungkook approached you.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
You sighed and stood up begrudgingly. With an excessively-large gun in hand and empty backpack strapped to you, you exited the house with Jungkook at your side. Together, you silently walked down the same path he took you up almost a week ago.
You embraced the peacefulness of this secluded area. Jungkook’s home was quite secluded, and the surrounding trees were home to blissful breezes and a variety of chirping animals. Despite the downfall of humanity, it seemed that wildlife was flourishing, you noted.
“So I guess I’ll ask now,” Jungkook started, capturing your attention. You turned and looked up at him, anxiously waiting for him to continue. “Were you staying with anyone before? I assume not since you’re with us now…”
You shook your head. Your voice lowered as you answered, “I was all by myself.” He frowned while you continued. “My parents were on a trip abroad with my best friend Hobi when it happened.” Your eyes teared up as you mentioned your family and Hobi, who was basically your older brother.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook said softly, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“It’s ok,” you mumbled. “The last call I got from my parents before all the cell towers went down, Hobi was doing alright with them. I’m thankful that they have him.”
“I’m sure that Hobi is doing a good job taking care of himself and your parents,” he responded soothingly.
You nodded, blinking your tears away as you diverted your gaze towards your moving feet. “So what about you?” you asked after a few silent moments. “Do you have any family?”
He cleared his throat and tightened his grip on his backpack. “My parents didn’t make it,” he answered bluntly.
Your head whipped towards him. “I’m so sorry,” you said rushedly. “I don’t know why I even asked you, I overste-”
“It’s fine,” he cut you off, gently turning your head to face the road path ahead of you two. “I was the one who asked first, anyways.”
You looked down again in shame. “Sorry again,” you murmured.  
Jungkook smiled down at you before a small laugh escaped his lips. Your heart picked up it’s pace when he laced his hand with yours and pulled you forward. “Come on, the supplies won’t get themselves.”
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You felt an odd sense of deja vu as you ran out of the grocery store, Jungkook following behind you and a horde of hungry zombies behind the both of you.
But let’s back up a few moments to ten minutes prior to this predicament.
You and Jungkook finally reached the grocery store that Jin had been scoping out via hidden camera for the past week. Your eyes were delighted by the sight of shelves lined with a variety of foods and freezers that still had cold air circulating behind the glass doors.
“This is one of the few places that run on solar power, so the electricity still functions in here,” Jungkook explained when he noticed your confusion at how he was able to turn off the lights and the gust of cold air that greeted him as he opened one of the freezer doors to grab an ice cream bar.
“I’m surprised no one’s hit this place up yet,” you said as you took out the list of supplies that Jin gave you before you left.
“Jin’s been watching this place for a while. He thinks no one’s come here because it’s kinda far away.”
You nodded in agreement, thinking back to the long walk you and Jungkook took to get here. You supposed not many people wanted to risk being out in the open for so long and didn’t find the commute worth it.
“Is Jin watching us right now?” you asked Jungkook curiously.
During your short few days at their house, you quickly learned each person’s role. Yoongi, who used to be an engineer, builds all the cameras and weapons. Jin, a former director and computer whiz, monitors the cameras that he and Taehyung set up around the city. Taehyung, a film and dance student, helps Jin set up the cameras in obscure places and trains with Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin, a skilled dancer, often accompanies Jungkook and Taehyung during training and supplies runs. Unfortunately, Jimin sprained his ankle recently and Taehyung injured his arm during training, leaving the supplies-run to Jungkook.
The only person you had yet to meet was Namjoon. According to the others, Namjoon was a former pre-med student and scientist who was on a trip to find something. Of course, they didn’t tell you what that something was. And while you were curious, you also didn’t want to overstep your boundaries and risk being kicked out.
“Probably, he usually watches camped out places to monitor and che-”
You and Jungkook both turned your head at the recognizable low rumble of a car. He was quick to grab your hand and pull you down onto the ground, out of view from the front glass windows. You held your breath at the sound of a car door opening and then the ringing bell as the front door was pulled open a few seconds later.
Jungkook reached towards his large gun, but he halted when he recognized the distinguishable stench that the random person carried in. Your eyes widened when Jungkook began panicking, his fingers fumbling for his walkie talkie.
You heard a heavy thud and the sound of the ringing bell again as the mysterious person exited the store. You waited until the rumbling of the car grew distant before you looked up and cursed loudly.
“Fuck! He dumped a dead body here!” you cried, stomach churning at the sight of the pale corpse.
Jungkook groaned from beside you and rushed towards the front of the store, poking his head out of the door and looking both ways. “Fucking looters!” he cursed as he moved his head back and hit the window.
Steering clear of the dead body, you walked towards Jungkook and craned your head to see what he was looking at. The sight of several zombies, more stumbling out of random buildings and streets to join the crowd, heading straight for the store. “Shit! What are we gonna do! They’re already down the block!”
Jungkook ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Fuck, ok, did you get everything?”
You quickly scanned through the paper list and peered into your open backpack. “Most, but I forgot to get some things,” you answered quickly as you mentally checked off each item you saw.
“Which ones?” Jungkook asked, already zipping up his backpack.
A blush spread across your chest and neck, and you wished that you didn’t have to answer. But judging by Jungkook’s stressed face as the zombies’ groans grew louder, you knew you were in no position to stall. “Er. Feminine hygiene stuff,” you blurted.
Jungkook paled before blushing immediately after. His body movements stuttered momentarily before he nodded and headed towards the back of the store. “Shit, ok. Start running!”
You stared at him in bewilderment. “What? I’m not leaving you behind!”
“Just go!” he shouted.
You felt the alarm in your body grow as your head darted between Jungkook’s frantically moving body and the group of zombies just down the street. Knowing that even Jungkook didn’t stand a chance against all those zombies, you ended up on a decision that you really hoped would end up working out.
“Fuck,” you whispered as you looked down at your large gun and adjusted your grip. In one swift move, you kicked open the door and began shooting the zombies, which were now coming from both directions across the street. Your aim wasn’t the best, but it was good enough to pierce bullets through a good amount of them straight in the neck or chest.
“Jungkook! Hurry up!” you cried as you held down the trigger, praying that Yoongi packed enough bullets in the gun.
Small piles of rotting bodies began forming as deceased zombies collapsed to the ground and the other ones climbed over them to get to you. But the few zombies you managed to kill were easily outweighed by all the live ones still clamoring towards you. A cry of frustration left you as you realized that the noise from the gun and the obscene amount of stress radiating from you and Jungkook were just attracting more zombies in the area.
Jungkook ran up towards you, several boxes of various tampons and pads in hand. “I didn’t know which one you wanted! Let’s go!”
In a normal situation, you would have thanked him for his thoughtfulness, but this wasn’t a normal situation by any means.
You and Jungkook ran out of the store towards the house, both turning back occasionally to shoot any zombie that was getting too close. Your breaths grew uneven from exhaustion, but the sheer amount of adrenaline pumping within you kept you and your weak legs going.
“Don’t get too tired! I’ll shoot, just keep running!” Jungkook instructed you when he noticed you clutching your side in pain.
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine!” you responded. But you spoke too soon as you tripped over a rock not even a minute later. “Shit!” you cursed as you landed on your hands and knees before immediately standing back up and catching up to Jungkook, who had stopped a few feet ahead of you when he noticed that you fell.
He didn’t say anything as he gently turned your hands over and examined them. Cuts, with blood flowing freely from them and tiny rocks stuck in between the open skin, covered the palm of your hand and your fingers. Jungkook’s eyebrows creased in concern as he moved his eyes down your body to your knees, which now had deep, bleeding gashes in them from the rocks that cut through your jeans and broke your skin.
“Jungkook, it’s fine. We have to go.” You moved your hands to your side and pulled him to continue running, cringing at how your blood stained the bottom of his black denim jacket and his hands. He cursed, obviously wanting to say something, but continued alongside you.
Thanks to the unexpected delay, the zombies had gained on you by a good few meters. You winced as you turned around and pressed the trigger of your gun, the spray of bullets taking a few of them down. But your tiny sense of relief didn’t last long as you soon heard an empty click and noticed that nothing was leaving the end of your gun — you were out of bullets.
You cursed and turned forwards again. “How many rounds do you have left?” you asked Jungkook, panting heavily as you continued running next to him.
“Not that many,” he answered, concern evident on his face.
You looked back at the relenting zombies, hot on your tail, and cursed. How were you going to get yourselves out of this one?
The answer to your question was presented to you in the form of a poorly-driven SUV that was heading down the road and straight towards you and Jungkook.
“Thank god!” Jungkook cried as he pulled you to the side and out of the vehicle’s path.
“Thank god?” you repeated in confusion.
The black SUV halted to a stop in front of you and Jungkook, the doors opening automatically.
“Get in!” you heard a new voice shout.
You and Jungkook didn’t waste a second to climb into the car, which quickly sped away once Jungkook slammed the door shut behind him. Neither of you had the chance to breathe as the zombies, which seemed to have grown even faster, jumped for the back of the car.
“How did they get even faster?” Jungkook cried as he pulled your shaking body towards him.
“The fast ones might be mutations, I found more reports on them the other day,” the silver-haired man in the front with glasses answered. You assumed that this was Namjoon, considering his answer and that Jungkook didn’t mention anyone else.
“Mutations?” you cried, jumping when a hand smacked your backseat window. “These fuckers are mutating?”
Namjoon didn’t get a chance to answer as he harshly turned the steering wheel, sending the car swerving and you and Jungkook barrelling to the other side of the car.
“Namjoon you’re so shit at driving!” Jungkook exclaimed as he rubbed the side of his head that clashed with the glass window.
Namjoon scoffed. “Don’t talk to your hyung like that when I just saved your life! And who told you not to put on seat belts?!”
“Yeah, let me just put on a seatbelt while there’s zombies cha-”
You gasped suddenly and pulled yourself up towards the front. Head directly next to Namjoon’s, you reached your bloody hands up towards the steering wheel. “There’s a bunny!” you shouted as you swerved the car out of the way, sending Jungkook to the other side of the car and wincing as your waist collided with the firm side of the passenger seat.
“Y/N, what the fuck!” you heard Jungkook moan.
“We were gonna kill the bunny!” you protested in your defense as you rubbed your side and sat back down next to Jungkook.
“We have other things to worry about!” he yelled.
“God! I’m sorry, you’re right,” you groaned as you leaned back down into the back seat.
“They’re slowing down!” Namjoon suddenly announced, his eyes focused on his windshield mirror. “Look, they’re retreating!”
You and Jungkook both turned around towards the back window. Just as Namjoon said, the zombies stopped chasing you, instead shuffling in place or back the other direction. With the threat of zombies gone, you let out a breath of relief and closed your eyes.
You kept your eyes shut as Jungkook grabbed your hands and gently ran his fingers across the open wounds, his touch sending electricity through your body. Despite the rush from his soft touch, exhaustion still tugged at you and weighed down your eyelids.
With the comforting feeling of Jungkook’s hand wrapped around yours, you drifted into unconsciousness.
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Your nap was unfortunately short lived. It took only a few moments to arrive back home, and upon exiting the car, the three of you were immediately greeted by everyone else in the home.
“Y/N!!” Jimin greeted as he walked slowly over to you. Jin closely followed the blond to make sure that he didn’t hurt his ankle.
“Jimin!” you said with an equal amount of excitement, throwing your hands up into a welcoming gesture.
Jimin and Jin gasped as you revealed your bloodied and cut up hands.
“You’re hurt!” Jin sputtered as he rushed towards you. “Your knees too!”
“It’s fine, it only stings a little,” you admitted sheepishly. It wasn’t a complete lie — you didn’t exactly have the time to think about your injuries while running for your life.
Jin shook his head. “Come inside, I’ll treat the cuts a-”
“It’s fine, I can do it,” Jungkook said, suddenly appearing at your side.
The older man raised his eyebrows. “You sure, Kookie? Don’t you want to rest?”
Jungkook shook his head and silently pulled you into the house, leaving you to shrug in confusion at the guys behind you. You followed Jungkook through the first floor, up the stairs, and into his room.
His bedroom was similar to what you expected. The walls were painted a dark grey color and there wasn’t much in the room other than the basic furniture and a few pictures and art frames. You sat down on the plain black sheets as Jungkook walked to his dresser and pulled out a first aid kit.
“Why didn’t you just let Jin treat my cuts?” you asked Jungkook quietly, noticing faint signs of exhaustion in his slow movements.
He hesitated to respond. His hands stilled on the top of the red kit as he slowly responded, “I thought this was the only way I’d be able to speak with you… alone.”
“Why?” you asked, praying that you weren’t blushing as assumptions instantly formed in your mind.
He cleared his throat and opened the kit, instantly reaching for several bandaids, disinfectant pads, and antibacterial wound ointment. “Well,” he started as he gently grabbed your hands and turned them so your palms were facing up. He opened the pack of disinfectant pads and swiped them across your hands and knees. “I wanted to ask you why you’ve been avoiding me the past few days.”
Your heart dropped. You didn’t realize that Jungkook noticed how you tried your best to steer clear of him; but it wasn’t like you could really tell him that it was because you were starting to have feelings for him,
“Was it something I said? I did?” he asked as he spread the cold ointment on the open wounds.
“No,” you answered quickly — a little too quickly judging by the way his head darted up to meet your eyes. You blushed under his stare and continued, “You didn’t do anything to offend me, Jungkook.”
“Then why are you avoiding me?” His voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost pleading.
You groaned inwardly and wished you could cover your face with your hands, but Jungkook held them firmly in his as he bandaged them. A few seconds of dragged-on silence passed before you looked down at your lap and responded vaguely. “I didn’t want to make things awkward between us.”
His hands stopped and his brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would things be awkward between us?”
Blood rushed to your face as you looked up to make painful eye contact with him. “Do you really want to know?” you whined, already anticipating Jungkook’s answer since you’d become quite familiar with his stubbornness over the past few days.
“Yes,” he started. “Please tell me,” he said, feigning an expression of a wounded puppy.
You cursed under your breath and brought your freshly bandaged hands (you ignored that one of the bandages was only half on, courtesy of Jungkook’s prior confusion) up to your face.
“Do you promise not to make fun of me? Or kick me out?”
He laughed, although the soft sound didn’t match the nervousness in his expression. “Yes, I promise.”
His words prompted you to breathe in deeply, mentally preparing yourself for your confession. You can do this, you said to yourself. If you could shoot and run from at least thirty zombies, then you could definitely tell Jungkook you had feelings for him. Right?
It wasn’t like you could keep on avoiding him forever, anyways. With the rate that the apocalypse was going and based off the past few days, it looked like you were going to be at this house a while. You just hoped that your reveal wouldn’t make your stay awkward for either him or you.
Jungkook cleared his throat. “Y/N?”
You hummed, still stuck in your thoughts before finally responding. “I… I may or may not be incredibly attracted to you and have feelings for you,” you admitted reluctantly. Jungkook’s lips parted in shock, but he didn’t get a chance to respond before you continued in a panic. “You already promised you wouldn’t make fun of me or kick me out! No take backs!”
He laughed, and you cringed as you were sure it was a laugh of rejection and that the dulcet notes would be a new cause of your nightmares. But the words he said after proved the opposite.
“That’s a relief.” You looked up, a bewildered look on your face. “I like you too,” he mumbled bashfully, his long hair falling in front of his face as he looked down at his lap.
Your body froze. “D-Did I hear that right? Have I not gone crazy?”
He looked back up at you with a grin. “Crazy for me,” he joked with a wink.
Unimpressed, your face dropped. “I take it all back, I’ll go pack my-”
Jungkook shook his head with a chuckle. “Kidding, kidding,” he said, enveloping his slender hands around yours. “But I was completely serious about liking you back.”
“Really?” you asked, still in slight disbelief that Jungkook, who could literally have his portrait and biography in a hall of all Earthly legends, had feelings for you.
“Yes, really.”
You opened your mouth, ready to shoot a doubtful reply, but Jungkook cut you off with the lift of his hand. He rested his hand back down around yours before continuing, “I know you’re probably going to say something self-deprecating or a joke or ask me if i’m joking again, so you might as well let me speak first.”
He grinned at the way your face heated, priding himself on how well he knew you already.
“The way you wish each of us goodnight every night, the way you wake up early to help Jin prepare breakfast, the way you cuss whenever you’re nervous, the way you always try to keep up with whatever stuff we’re doing - even when it’s stupid - and keep a smile on your face; everything about you made me fall for you. Even before the apocalypse, I never felt this way for anyone else.” He took a deep breath, gently squeezing your hands. “The night I first brought you here, it felt like seeing you enter that store and meeting you was fate. You make questionable decisions, we both saw that today, but I’m glad that one of them brought us together because I honestly don’t think I can ever meet anyone else like you.”
A wide smile spread across your face and tears pricked your eyes. Never in your many years of life had anyone told you such genuine, heartfelt words. And no one noticed (or appreciated) those small things about you - your habits that were always brushed over - like Jungkook did.
You agreed with his claim of you making questionable (stupid) decisions, but in this moment you were thankful for your sometimes-dangerous spontaneity and rash decision making. Because if it weren’t for that sudden moment of desperation where you ran into the grocery store, you never would have met Jungkook. Your heart wouldn’t be racing like it was right now and your hands wouldn’t be warm from the feeling of his wrapped around them.
“What do you say?” he asked weakly, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“What is there to say?” you countered before you released your hands from his and interlocked your fingers around his lower body. The position was a bit awkward, but you didn’t mind. Less than a few seconds later, your lips were pressed against his.
Jungkook moved his hands from the small of your back to your neck up to your hair. He pulled you in closer to him as he deepened the kiss. You gasped and tightened your grip around him as he effortlessly lifted you up so you were sitting on his lap with your legs wrapped around his waist. He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip and gently bit it, drawing a moan from you.
You shifted in his lap, pulling a deep groan from him as he pulled away from your lips to trail kisses down your jaw and neck. A shiver ran down your spine as you felt him suck on your collarbone and upper chest to leave marks for him to see the next day. Just as Jungkook slipped his cool hands under your shirt, a startling voice rang from the other side of the door.
The long-haired boy beneath you groaned in annoyance but continued to kiss you. “Just ignore him, he’ll go away,” Jungkook mumbled against your lips as he dragged his hands against the skin of your stomach.
You nodded, embracing the fiery feeling of his kisses and his hands against your bare skin.
“Jungkook!” the voice cried again, causing Jungkook to curse and groan again. “It’s urgent!”
“This better be good,” Jungkook grumbled as he reluctantly pulled away from you.
You frowned at the loss of his touch, but you didn’t have much time to mourn it as he instantly straightened his back once Namjoon said, “It’s about Project B.”
Your brows raised at Jungkook’s sudden reaction to whatever this “Project B” was. He turned to you with an apologetic look before gently setting you onto the bed and moving towards the door.
“Sorry,” he apologized quickly as he straightened his shirt. “I’ll talk to you tonight, I promise.” With that, he was out the door, leaving you in his room with only your thoughts (and hands and knees that had yet to be fully bandaged).
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It had been nearly 8 hours since Jungkook had promised that he would speak to you at night. By now, the moon was high in the sky, it’s radiant glow doing nothing to calm your nerves. You knew that whatever Jungkook and Namjoon had to discuss was urgent, but how could he just leave you like that? You were barely able to process the best kiss of your life by the time you realized that you were still sitting stupidly on his bed after he left the room.
You sighed and moved from the window seat in the living room to the kitchen. Joining Jin at the counter, you plopped your head against the stone material with a groan.
“Jungkook and Joon are still in their little lab?” he guessed, nonchalantly flipping his book to the next page.
You nodded pitifully, now knowing that the mysterious room was a lab of some sorts.
“Here,” Jin said before standing suddenly, prompting you to look up at him. He grabbed a bowl of washed fruits from beside the sink and gestured for you to take it. “Bring it up to them.”
“But Jungkook said I ca-”
“I don’t care what he said. Tell him that they shouldn’t have skipped dinner,” Jin instructed firmly.
You nodded, a bit intimidated by Jin’s sudden sternness, and quickly took the bowl with you up the stairs. You slowly approached the door at the end of the hall, the ceramic bowl filled with strawberries and peeled clementines wobbling in your shaky hands. As you took each step, you imagined Jungkook bursting through the door and expressing his disappointment in you for even thinking about entering the room.
Luckily, that didn’t come and you reached the door in less than a minute.
Clearing your throat, you knocked against the door with your elbow. “Jungkook?” you called.
No response.
“Jungkook? Namjoon?” you called again, only to be met with what sounded like a low groan.
Your breath hitched in your throat. That noise didn’t sound pleasant at all.
You placed a weary hand on the door knob but quickly pulled it away as if it was burning hot. Debating thoughts battled in your hand: Jungkook clearly told you not to go in the room but what if Jungkook or Namjoon was in trouble? Wouldn’t leaving despite knowing that one of them could be hurt make you a terrible person (or girlfriend—you didn’t really know what you and Jungkook were yet)?
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed the silver doorknob and twisted it open. You stepped into the dimly lit room slowly, gasping at the sight before you.
“Lab” was definitely the right word to describe the room that almost mirrored your high school chemistry class. Seven tables sat in the room, four of which were filled with stacks of papers and folders while the other three had various lab equipment tools atop the black tabletops. It didn’t just end at the tables either.
“What is all this?” you mumbled to yourself as you examined the crowded walls. There was barely an inch of blank wall left as papers, newspaper clippings, photos (some rather disturbing), and notes decorated the wall like a second wallpaper.
You slowly walked through the room, examining the items pinned to the walls. Most of it was related to the zombie apocalypse, with newspapers (from when those were still around) detailing the first outbreaks and theories of the cause and papers filled with concepts you barely remembered from chemistry, physiology, and biology. Accompanying the scientific notes and articles were several pictures, some of zombies and others of medical abnormalities that you couldn’t quite explain.
One picture caught your eye, and you barely managed to place the fruit bowl down on a table with just enough space for it before you rushed over to the photo. The aged photo had three people, presumably a family, in it. A mother and father stood proudly behind their son, their hands on his shoulders as he beamed at the camera with his hands on his lap. The boy looked familiar. His round eyes and bunny-like smile eerily reminded you of -
“What are you doing?”
The unexpected voice sent a shiver down your body, and you jumped as you turned around to face him.
You mentally hit yourself — you were so distracted by the items of the room that you failed to notice Jungkook waking up at his spot with Namjoon, slouched over and faces pressed onto one of the paper-filled tables.
“Um,” you started, unable to find the right words as you stared at his unreadable facial expression. You couldn’t tell if he was angry, disappointed, sad, scared, or possibly even all four.
He let out a frustrated groan and ran his tattooed hand through his long hair. “Just tell me what you saw,” he instructed firmly.
“N-not much!” you stuttered, your eyes wide. “I — Jin fruit! Yes! I just came here to bring you Jin — I mean fruit! I came to bring you fruit! Like Jin told me to!” Heat spread across your face as you attempted to explain yourself.
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed between you and the ceramic fruit bowl you pointed to, and he would’ve laughed at your clear disarray if he didn’t feel so anxious.
“You were looking at the walls, you must have seen something,” he deduced.
Your body stuttered as you gestured towards the photo you were looking at. “Nope! Just some things about zombies and… and this picture of you — fun stuff!”
He sighed and you cringed as he placed his hands on your shoulders. But he didn’t scold you or tell you how disappointed he was like you expected; instead, he let his head fall and mumbled something that you weren’t sure if it was meant towards you or himself.
“I guess it’s time I told you the truth.”
Your brows furrowed at his words. The truth? Judging by the contents of the room, they were studying the zombies; and it wasn’t all that surprising considering that Namjoon was technically a scientist and almost-doctor. Why was Jungkook so afraid to tell you?
He lifted his head up, and your heart clenched at the look of pure vulnerability on his face. “Will you promise me that you won’t judge me or run away?” he whispered.
You nodded. “Of course.”
“My parents were scientists who worked for the national lab. I didn’t really know what happened at their work or what projects they were doing because I was in university doing my own stuff,” he paused and briefly closed his eyes to take in a deep breath, “but one day I went home and they told me about an idea they had that was so great.
Super humans, they said. Humans with enhanced senses that would make them superior to regular humans and form the perfect army. I told them it was a shitty idea and that this was stuff they shouldn’t mess with, but they got upset and kicked me out.” He laughed bitterly. “This wasn’t the first time my parents and I ever disagreed on anything, and I thought they were smart enough to not go through with it so I just left. But I guess I was wrong because one day something at the lab went wrong.”
Jungkook hesitated for a second upon seeing the disturbed expression on your face — you knew exactly where this was heading.
He willed himself to continue. “A few months later I got a call from the hospital. They told me that my parents were severely injured while at work, and when I went to see them, they told me the truth of what happened: how they went through with the project but realized too late that it was a mistake, how they were trapped by the government, and how they created monsters.
My parents died from their injuries two days later, and a week after that there was a covered-up breakout at the lab they worked in. Only one day after the breakout, there was the first outbreak in the city only a few miles away. And now we’re here, trying to find a cure for the mess my parents started.”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately said, a mournful expression on your face. You couldn’t imagine the guilt and sorrow that Jungkook must feel.
He scoffed. “Sorry? Why are you apologizing? This entire thing is my fault,” he muttered.
Your face fell and you moved to grasp his hands. “Jungkook, I don’t see how any of this is your fault,” you spoke honestly, your voice soft.
His eyes widened and he pulled his hands away from you. “Y/N, my parents are the reason this apocalypse happened! And - and they told me about their idea and I didn’t do anything to stop it!”
“You did what you could,” you stressed. “You told them it was a bad idea and they made their own adult decision to go through with it.” You took a step closer to him and looked at him in the eyes. “You can’t blame yourself for your parents’ actions.”
He shook his head and looked away. “I should’ve fought harder,” he countered stubbornly. “I’m a terrible person.”
“Jeon Jungkook, look at me.” You used your finger to turn his head so his gaze was directed towards you again. “You are not a terrible person. If you were, you wouldn’t have saved me that day at the grocery store or risked your life to get me pads or spending your days working to find a cure that isn’t even your responsibility.” You took another step towards him and slowly wrapped your arms around him. “You’re a good person, Jungkook. I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart,” you murmured with your head against his chest.
He was silent for a few moments until his body relaxed into your hold. “Thank you,” he mumbled as he gripped your waist and upper back and rested his head atop of yours. “Do you still feel… the same for me?” he questioned cautiously.
“No,” you answered quickly, causing him to quickly pull away from you in offense. You giggled at his reaction before continuing, “I like you even more now. You were honest with me and now I feel closer to you.”
His face relaxed as he let out a relieved sigh before bringing you back into his arms again. And for a few moments, the two of you simply basked in each others’ embrace.
Jungkook was the first to break the silence. “We’re not very close to finding the solution, you know,” he mentioned with a disappointed tone.
You shrugged. “It’s ok. This isn’t something you can really rush, but I’ll be here with you every step of the way.”
He pulled his head back to look down at you, a gentle expression painted on his face. “Promise?”
You smiled at him. “I promise,” you whispered before you moved to close the distance between your lips and kiss him once again.
The future was unsure for you and Jungkook and tomorrow or the next week wasn’t guaranteed. But you were sure that if there was anyone you wanted to survive and overcome a zombie apocalypse with, it was Jungkook (and his unconventional group of friends that he calls his family).
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a/n: ngl i would feel so safe in a zombie apocalypse w bts akjnkas. also might write a drabble about hobi in this plot hehe. i hope you enjoyed and pls leave comments as they’re rlly encouraging and will  help me improve in the future :’))
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therealvinelle · 3 years
in the “everyone is in love with Bella” scenario, what about the wolves? Wouldn’t it be really fucked up for Sam to fall in love with her? Would it make the wolves try to redefine imprinting? how would Leah react to the whole situation?
Anon is referring to this post. For the record, I didn't get into them in the post because the plot would veer so far off-course in Twilight that Edward never leaves and Victoria never becomes a threat to Bella, meaning Bella and Jake don't get close and she doesn't need their protection.
But, let's do this.
First encounter
Bella arrives in Forks, and Billy and Jacob are there to hand over the pickup.
They fall in love.
Jacob, having never had a real crush before nevermind something so powerful as falling in love, is overwhelmed by these new feelings. He blushes and flushes and stutters, and fails to say anything reasonable or even intelligble to Bella. Too mortified to function, he decides to hide in La Push until the embarrassment fades. Which very well could be never.
Billy, meanwhile, is unable to cope. He just fell in love with Charlie's daughter. Charlie's 17-year-old daughter who used to make mud cakes with Billy's daughters.
This is bad.
This, to a good man like Billy, is unforgivably bad.
He goes from being Charlie's best friend to suddenly being very distant, not wanting to ever cross paths with Bella again.
But, you asked about the wolves, not just Jake and Billy, so let's take this scenario further.
Bella's friends, all of whom are hopelessly in love with her, drag her to La Push
Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Angela, Tyler, Eric, Ben, the whole gang, they're all going to La Push for the weekend.
And it just won't be the same without Bella. She's just so great, you know?
Everyone looks at each other and nods. Yeah, it's just not fun without Bella. Bella's great, someone should invite her.
They all invite her, one by one, all of them with wide, adoring eyes. "It would be so amazing if you came, Bella," Jessica says dreamily, twirling a lock of Bella's hair around her fingers. "Your hair is really pretty," she giggles.
Angela and Ben are each blushing too hard to really say anything to Bella, so they end up running away from her. Bella is left feeling like some kind of freak. She later receives two notes in class, one from each, begging her in cramped writing to come to La Push. Yeah, not helping her feel like less of a freak.
Mike, Eric, Tyler, and Lauren all corner her, each worse than the last.
By the end of the schoolday Bella doesn't know what's going to happen at La Push but she does know that she doesn't want to go.
She complains about this to the Cullens (remember, her and Edward became an item much earlier in this timeline), and they all fawn and coo over her and act like she just went through a warzone. If she wants to go to the beach, she could try Isle Esme Bella. Would she like that, an island vacation? Or an island?
Bella is pulled out of school for a romantic two-week totally-not-a-honeymoon.
La Push never happens.
But surely Bella and the wolves must meet at some point
Billy catches wind that Bella Swan is dating Edward Cullen. As in, the girl he has fallen so deeply in love with is now being preyed upon by a blood-sucking demon.
Billy's own sense of propriety or honor be damned, he has to save this girl's life.
He tries to speak to her, just as in canon, but just as in canon this goes poorly. Bella is a savvy 17-year-old who doesn't need no warning, and besides, the Cullens are all so sweet. They're like hobbits, really, obviously she's not in any danger. She tells Billy as much. Vampires are lovely, does he know they gave her an island?
(Billy did not know this, and yes, that's weird. Doesn't mean they're not evil, though.)
Billy gets nowhere with his would-be intervention.
Time to bring in the big guns.
Sam phases around this time, and imprints on Emily. Break-ups with Leah, maulings, and tragic lovestories all around are had.
It is around this time that Billy brings Sam up to speed on the Bella situation, although leaving out the part where he's hopelessly in love with the girl because that would not be received well. Could Sam go speak with her about this, see if maybe she will take his warning seriously? The situation is dire.
Sure, Sam can do that. No one wants a human girl to get eaten or turned, after all.
Sam goes to see Bella.
And promptly falls in love just as he did Emily.
Emily, who is currently in the hospital from Sam mauling her, which happened specifically because Sam had imprinted.
It's official, Sam thinks, he's the greatest scumbag there ever was.
The Emily and Leah situation was awful enough as it was, breaking all three of their hearts and causing irreparable damage both physically and mentally. Sam wronged them both colossaly, and he can never amend that.
But he imprinted. He wasn't just being a douchebag, actual magic made him do it.
Now, though...
Either Sam imprinted on multiple people, in which case his happy ending is now polygamy. And how would that be a happy ending for Emily and Bella?
Or, possibly even more terrifying yet, he didn't imprint on either woman.
Breaking up with Leah, mauling Emily, making Emily fall in love with him after that and ruining her relationship with her cousin, in short putting these women through hell, all of it- it was for nothing. Sam's just a horndog who sees supernatural intervention where there's really just hormones.
Why couldn't he just have imprinted on Leah?
Sam can't go on a sabbatical to figure this out, his tribe needs him. So he takes to living in the woods alone, where he is alone, to try and figure this out.
But it gets more painful yet, because he can't just disappear on Emily.
So, he tells her. He owes her that much. And it's not goodbye forever, either, just- goodbye until he can figure out how to be the man she deserves. A man anybody deserves, really, because right now Sam's not it.
Emily has no idea what to make of any of this, but she knows her heart is broken.
She has to see this woman all of this is about.
Naturally, she falls in love as well.
The plot thickens
The next time Sam drops by, Emily gives him the news. They're both in love with Bella now.
Sam no longer knows what to make of anything.
Is the universe trying to tell them to form a polycule?
Nothing like that has ever happened before, but not much is known about imprinting. There's a first time for everything..?
At this point they're both giving themselves headaches trying to figure this out. It's a mess.
More, Bella hasn't even met either of them. Sam and Emily can't just walk up to her and say "Hi, be our wife".
Or can they?
If Emily fell in love at first sight, maybe it'll work in reverse. Maybe Bella just has to look upon them, and she'll fall in love.
Sam is dubious, but at this point let's just do this. Let's just do this, see what happens.
They walk up to Charlie's to deliver some of Harry's fish fry. Bella opens the door.
"HIIIII" Emily says, trying to act normal.
Sam's not saying anything.
"Hi," Bella says back, nonplussed, and looks at the bag Emily is clutching with white-knuckled fists.
All three of them are silent.
Bella is starting to wonder if there's something with the town water supply. She is also wondering if these people are planning to say anything, or if they just really enjoy knocking on doors and saying hi to people. Is there something Bella should be doing?
Eventually she clears er throat and asks if there's anything she can do for them.
Sam and Emily glance at each other. Bella's not looking starstruck with love, but she's not acting normal either. Who stands in a doorway and stares at people for almost a minute before talking?
It's inconclusive.
Emily hands over the fish fry. "From Harry," she says, and introduces herself.
Bella nods, remembering Charlie's friend who all but ran out of the door when he saw her and hasn't been fishing with Charlie since. None of Charlie's friends have. Charlie is going nuts. Maybe she should try hooking him up with Carlisle, vampires are lovely, they'd get along so well.
Bella, noting Emily and Sam aren't saying anything else, says bye and moves to close the door.
"Wait!" Sam yells, at the same time as Emily rips a piece of paper from her pocket, and sticks it into Bella's hand.
Bella looks down on it. It's two phone numbers.
She looks back up at Sam and Emily, who by now feel quite certain that this girl hasn't fallen in love with them and that this is the most humiliating moment of both their lives.
Just in case, though...
"Call us," Emily says flirtatiously, winks, and runs away.
Sam follows.
Bella never calls them back, and they never speak of this again.
A few months later, Leah who’d been shopping in Forks happily tells Sam and Emily that she's fallen in love with a girl, she lives in Forks, she's amazing, her name is Bella Swan.
"I took one look at her, and I knew," Leah says dreamily.
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doc-pickles · 3 years
that was our place, I found it first
in which alex and jo both struggle with their new realities and that overwhelming sense of deja vu....
hey hi hello this isn’t new (it’s been on AO3 for a hot minute) but I hadn’t shared it here so enjoy. and everyone say thank you to olivia rodrigo.
It’s three weeks into his stay in Kansas when the weight of his new reality hits him square in the chest. He’d wrangled both kids inside and sent them to wash up, quickly changing out of his scrubs before meeting Eli, Alexis, and Izzie at the dinner table. He’s about to ask how the day has been for everyone but he’s stopped dead in his tracks, the words slipping from his mind.
“Hey, you're invited to Mer's for Thanksgiving.”
“I'm invited and, uh, I'm bringing you.”
“The attendings are gonna be weird if I'm there.”
“No, they're not.”
“Just go without me. We'll meet up after.”
“You think I wanna be there if you're not.”
“You're sweet.”
“Okay, screw it. How about we get takeout chicken and eat it in the car like we were raised to do?”
“I think I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, settle down.”
The sound of his daughter’s voice brings Alex back to the present, eyes moving from the platter of fried chicken in the center of the table to Alexis who’s staring at him in confusion. He quickly plasters a smile on his face, making a joke at his daughter’s expense that makes both children giggle loudly. Dinner passes by quickly and soon both kids are off to bed, visions of a bright eyed brunette intern closing Alex’s mind as he cleans the kitchen.
“Auntie Jo!”
The exclamation from Zola sends all three Grey Shepherd kids hurtling across the room to wrap their arms around Jo’s legs. Struggling to keep her balance, Jo let out a laugh as she listened to each child bombard her with questions. She hadn’t seen them for almost two months so the attack was unavoidable but not unwanted as she let the kids contagious joy bring a wide smile to her face.
“Hey, glad you could make it,” Link appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, Scout wriggling in his arms. “I’m not much of a cook but there’s fresh coffee and donuts. I got them from that place that’s on...”
Link’s voice faded out as Jo’s eyes settled on the pink bakery box behind him, the children clinging to her forgotten as her mind drifted.
“Cheers to an incredible day. You deserve it. Actually, I helped, too. So cheers to us.”
“Hey, powdered sugar's your favorite.”“Yeah, no. This is great. Thanks.”
“So it’s been a long morning around here,” Link, oblivious to the far off look in Jo’s eyes, finished his thought off before turning back to his friend. “Can I get you some coffee? You look tired, no offense.”
Jo nodded her head, shaking off the last foggy visions of the supply closet from her mind as she hoisted Ellis onto her hip, “Coffee sounds perfect, thanks Link.”
“You know, maybe we should just head down to the courthouse, make things official.”
Alex’s head snapped up from the bowl of cereal in front of him, eyes wide as he stared at Izzie who was packing lunches for Eli and Alexis. Her comment was nonchalant, eyes not even leaving the lunch bags in front of her as she continued the thought.
“It might make things easier than going through a big fuss, plus it’s close to the hospital so it wouldn’t be super out of the way,” Izzie finally looked at Alex who was staring at her in shock still. “What do you think?”
“I don’t even know if my divorce has gone through yet, I think getting married is jumping the gun a bit Iz,” Alex forced the words out of his mouth, heart pounding loudly as Izzie began to laugh. “What? What’s so funny?”
“I meant go down to the courthouse to get you on the kids paperwork,” Izzie stifled another laugh as Alex let out a breath of relief, his heart rate coming down significantly. “Geez, what kind of backwoods tacky idea is a courthouse wedding anyways?”
Alex’s mind began to drift as visions of vampire teeth and fake blood on a day not too long ago filled his mind.
“For better or worse...”
“For better or worse.”
"...for richer or poorer...”
“For richer or... pregnant.”
“I'm pregnant.... Ha! Scared you! I got you so good.”
“Wait. You're not pregnant?”
“No. Oh, my God, you should've seen your face.”
“... so I told Jenny we’d swing by around 8,” Izzie looks expectantly to Alex, who’s coming out of his mental dog and still staring into his cereal bowl. “Alex? You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” his eyes flit to the living room where Eli and Alexis are playing a game, loud peels of laughter coming from them. His heart twisted for a moment, picturing Jo between the two children playing along with them as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “Yeah I’m good.”
“You’re just the cutest baby in the whole wide world aren’t you,” Jo’s voice was a soft coo as she rocked a drowsy Scout in her arms, the loud voices of his cousins outside drowned out as they stood in the living room. “You’re gonna be handsome just like your daddy and so smart like your mama. I don’t know what those two are gonna do with you.”
“You’re a natural you know,” Jo’s head popped up, meeting Amelia’s gaze as she leaned against the doorframe of the living room. “He won’t even fall asleep for Maggie.”
“Well Auntie Jo just has the magic touch,” Jo pressed a finger against Scout’s cheek, the infant curling closer to the new source of warmth. “Maybe that’s why OB sounds so appealing, all the babies I get to hold and love on since I’m clearly not having any of my own anytime soon.”
A low chuckle left Amelia as she crossed the room and grabbed Scout from Jo, the little boy nuzzling into his mother’s chest contentedly, “Don’t count yourself out. I wouldn’t put it past you to become a mom sooner rather than later.”
Jo watched Amelia walk towards Scout’s room, her mind thinking back to a time when having her own kids wasn’t just a far off dream.
“I'm ready. I mean, let's do it. Let's make a baby, right now.”
“Are you out of your mind? We’re not having a baby!”
“I want to have kids with you. I love how much you care for Kimmie, and it really makes me want to have kids with you. And if it's okay with you, I would really like to take your last name. Because I've never had the last name of anyone who's loved me.”
“I'm sorry I talked about kids on our honeymoon. It was stupid. It was just... you were talking about the future and snow stuff, and it just popped into my head. Like, I could see our kids playing in the snow, having fun, which is... You know, kids, snow. It makes sense.”
“Alex, shut up, please. I-I have an idea, a big idea, and I love you, and I will love all of our children, or at least one child eventually.”
“We're in the baby hat place? Are you pregnant and you didn't tell me?”
“She asked me if we wanted kids, and I said yes because we do. And she's making the hats extra big because I had an extra big head.”
The thoughts in her head overwhelm Jo, heart beating erratically as she collapses onto the couch in a fit of tears she hadn’t realized were falling. Eventually Amelia comes back, silently bringing Jo into her embrace as her tears fall. She doesn’t know how long she sits there crying, begging any higher being that would listen for Alex to come back so they could have the family they so desperately wanted.
“There’s a storm brewing! Expect two to three days of nonstop rain and wind in the North Eastern Kansas area, this storm is not letting up.”
Alex’s eyes floated to the window of his office, the news report blaring from his laptop fading as he focused on the rain hitting the glass. He’d lived in Seattle for a large majority of his life, he should be more than used to the sight of rain. Instead though the water dripping down reminded him of another storm years earlier, a storm that changed his life.
“Listen, I have to tell you something.”
“No, you don't.”
“You don't even know what I'm gonna say.”
“I think I do, and you shouldn't.”
“I'll mess it up, Alex. I mess everything good in my life up, and... we work as friends really well, and... and I don't wanna mess that up.”
“You won't mess anything up.”
The memory fades from his mind as a knock sounds on the door of his office, one of his attendings hurtling questions at him a mile a minute. Jo’s bruised face and beaming smile haunt his thoughts for the rest of the day though, the feeling of her lips on his haunting him as he attempted to keep his head screwed on straight.
“Watch out Seattle! Another super soaker is in the area. Local officials are advising everyone to stay off the roads until this storm passes. If you have an emergency or need to leave…”
“Great, we’re going to get the whole of Seattle’s dumbasses in the ER tonight,” Bailey’s voice broke Jo out of her trance as she stared at the TV in the attendings lounge, fingers absentmindedly twisting the necklace around her neck. “Wilson, keep an eye on the NICU for me. If the power goes out we’ll need to keep an eye on those babies.”
Jo nodded, leaving the lounge in a daze as her mind brought up her first Seattle superstorm and a night not unlike tonight that changed everything.
“Last night, before the tree, you asked me a question. You wanted to hear me say the words. So I'm... Saying them right now.”
“I don't hear anything.”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, but…”
“I'm... I'm serious.”
“I love you.”
The words still echoed around her, the storm drowned out by the look on Alex’s face as they finally shared a kiss that felt like it was years in the making. That night changed everything for them, it started them off on a crazy eight year rollercoaster that despite its tragic ending Jo wouldn’t change for the world. As she walked the halls of Grey Sloan she was reminded of countless memories between them, their whole relationship playing out in the hallways of this hospital. A light feeling settled in Jo’s chest, the memories for once bringing a smile to her face instead of sending her into a crying fit. Maybe that dreaded sense of deja vu wasn’t always a bad thing…
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buckyscrystalqueen · 3 years
Too Smart for Your Own Good: Part 8
Pairings: (Past) Machine Gun Kelly x Reader, (Past) Henry Cavill x Reader, Chibs x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, PTSD, abandonment, another dick move on Henry’s part.
Word Count: 6,114
A/N: Doesn’t have a completed end yet, but just giving you more content to try to get myself out of a writing funk.
A/N 2: Yea, I had fun with this one. Sorry, not sorry.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Negan had seen you pissed before, hell, he’d seen you down right livid. But he had never, ever seen you so furious you refused to even talk to him. He looked over at you with a small, tight smile as you walked into your messy kitchen, but you didn’t even glance at him as you bee lined past him to grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet.
“Morning, princess.” He dared, but he instantly shut up when you shot him a look that spoke volumes. “(Y/N)...”
“Save it.” You grumbled as you grabbed two K cups from the box on the counter and picked up the entire Keurig as silent punishment. He sighed loudly as you walked back out of the room past Simon, who took one look at the coffee maker in your arms and over at the spot it lived in on your counter, before shaking his head.
“Does the other house have a coffee pot still, or did she take that, too?” He asked with a glance to his boss, who was watching you walk up the stairs back to your room without a second glance.
“I fucked up with her, didn’t I?” You heard Negan ask his second in command before you stepped into the room and closed the door behind you.
“Ye took the whole damn thing?” Chibs whisper yelled as you headed into the bathroom to set the Keurig down.
“There’s a pot in the carriage house.” You said back with a shrug as you plugged your machine in. “I don’t feel sorry for them.”
“Cold hearted.” He chuckled as he made sure the pillows were all around the co sleeper and that Celeste was OK before coming into the bathroom. “No cream?”
“You get it black, or you can go down and deal with my father to get it, your call.”
“Yea, I’m no’ goin’ down ta flaunt the fact tha’ I stayed ‘ere over nigh’ to ‘im anytime soon.” He sighed as he partially closed the water closet door to use the bathroom.
“If it helps at all, he now knows better than to lay so much as a finger on you.”
“It does not.”
“Well you don’t have to see him for a week anyways, so it’s fine.” You said as you stepped over to turn on the shower while the first cup was brewing. “Besides, I need an escort through IRA territory and I’m not trusting my daughter’s life to a prospect. I have a lot of errands to do in the next couple days...”
“Luv...” You looked over at him with your eyebrow raised before following his gaze down to the tattoo on your rib cage that no one but him would know the true meaning of just by looking at it. He smirked as you moved your arm out of the way, and shook his head. “Ye did say ye’d never let me live it down...”
“You tore apart my garden for those lilacs, Filip.” You giggled as you looked at the bouquet of purple flowers in a metal milk can with a tartan patterned bow around it that represented his last name.
“Couldn’t show up empty ‘anded now, could I?”
“No, that wouldn’t have been right.” You whispered even softer as he stepped forward to brush his thumb across the bow.
“Does yer da’...”
“No one knows what it means.” You said with a shake of your head as you shivered from the goosebumps racing across your skin. “Negan asked if it was for my mom when he first saw it because lilacs were her favorite too, and I just nodded and walked away.”
“It’s beautiful.” He said with a glance up at you. “Much more elegant than mine.”
“You got a tattoo for me?”
“Subtle.” He said as he held up his left hand and stuck out his ring finger. “Black band, but your name wore off the side.”
“You’re so cute.” You giggled as you ran your fingertip across what was left of your name. “Who did it? Because that would have gotten back to Negan...”
“I did.” He said as he looked at the left over ink. “Did a stint in prison for possession seven or eight years back. Anniversary’a the last time I saw ye. Took all nigh’ bu’ I needed the pain.”
“We’ll get it re done soon if you want.” You promised as you turned on the water and stepped inside. “Coming? We have a lot of things to do today.”
“So no time for a quickie?” He teased before taking a sip of his coffee, starting yours, and stepping out of his boxers.
“What kinda girl do you think I am?” You teased as you shook an old, nearly empty bottle of shampoo to finish it off. “I wasn’t that easy back then, and as a mother and a woman of class...”
“Oh, shut it.” He laughed as he wrapped his arms your waist and pulled you into his chest. He kissed you gently as you went from washing your hair to washing his, just appreciating being together again. You couldn’t stop your mind from racing in a thousand different directions as he gently lifted you up and pinned you against the wall to slide into you, but by the time you both came, you realized that for the first in twelve years you truly felt safe. You felt at home.
“I still love you.” You said softly as you laid your head down on his chest. “I never stopped…”
“Was I supposed ta stop lovin’ ye?” He asked as he ran his fingers through your hair. “‘Cause even after all the shite I went through, I’d do it all over ‘gain to ‘ave ye in m’life.”
“You can protect me from the big bad world.” You said with a smile as you looked up at him. “I’ll protect you from Negan.”
“I may actually let ye do tha’, lass.” He said as he quickly washed his body off and stepped out of the way for you. “Yer da’s terrifyin’ when it comes ta ye.”
“My dad may think he’s a hard ass, but that man knows that I’m the one in charge no matter how much he doesn’t want to admit it. And he also knows at this point, now that he knows I know what he did, if he so much as lays a finger on you, I’m done... permanently. So being with me is as safe as you’ll ever be when it comes to my dad.”
“Tha’s somethin’ I’m really nervous ta test.”
“I can solve it today.” You said with a bob of your head as you turned off the water. “Because while I know he will never, ever admit it to anyone, possibly including me, he regrets what he did now that he’s been busted for it. And he didn’t feel shame for it until he saw the look in my eyes. Because it’s a look that instantly reminded him of my mom, and I know he can hear her freaking out at him in his memories.”
“It’s so strange ta see ‘im through yer eyes, my luv.” He huffed as he grabbed his coffee and went out to throw his clothes on from the day before. “Instead of as m’President.”
“Yea, it’s still entertaining to see him try to be ‘big bad Negan’ all these years later when I know the softie he can be since I actually remember it from when I was a kid… shit, I really don’t wanna wake her up…”
“Rip off the bandaid.”
“But she’s so cute…”
“Rip off the bandaid.” He repeated as he fastened his belt. “Ye said ye had a lot ta do, an’ tha’ ye wan’ed ‘er on Belfast time.”
“Son of a bitch.” You grumbled as you threw on a nursing tank, and a big, loose sweater over your leggings. You grabbed something cute for Celeste, that would keep her warm through out the day, and pouted at her as you kneeled on the bed and simply picked her up. “Oh, Mommy’s sorry.” You cooed as she instantly started to whine in sheer exhaustion. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know.”
“She’s cute until she screams.” Chibs teased as he sat down on the bed to put his boots on. “Then she just reminds me of you.”
“Fuck you.” You said in a sing song voice. He chuckled and threw on his kutte before putting her car seat on the bed for you. “Yes, I know, Mommy’s mean. But you can sleep in the car, baby girl.”
“I’m guessin’ yer kidnappin’ me like old times?” He asked as he took the dirty diaper from you and got up to toss it in the diaper genie you had put in your bathroom the night before.
“Well obviously, I’m a defenseless first time Mommy that needs a big strong man to protect her and her adorable little girl.”
“Well now I jus’ ‘ave ta protect such a beautiful woman, and this cute little screamin’ bundle’a joy.”
“Oh, we are as much of a morning person as Mommy is.” You said as you grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach so you could pack your diaper bag for what you needed for the day.
“Oh, we’re jus’ no’ ‘avin’ a good mornin’.” He said as he picked her up and walked over to your bedroom window. He talked to her like he had known her throughout your whole pregnancy and her whole, short existence, instead of only a few hours. He got her to sniffle her way to a comfortable spot on his shoulder as you took out what you didn’t need and replaced what you needed to. You silently glared at him as his humming put her right back to sleep, and he moved at nearly a glacial pace to lay her down in the carseat. “I’m good wit’ kids.”
“Fuck outta here.” You huffed as you threw on your boots and grabbed your diaper bag and coffee. “Alright, you carry her. He’s less likely to hit you if you’re holding her.”
“No’ reassuring.” He muttered as he checked his pockets to make sure he had everything, before putting the car seat down just long enough to put his gun in the holder under his kutte. “Safety’s on, don’ worry.” With a roll of your head, you threw your bag on your shoulder, and lead him out the room with a sigh.
“Telford!” Negan yelled the moment you walked out the door, but you could see the flash of fear in his eyes when he realized you were headed straight for him.
“You have two choices here.” You said where only he could hear you as you stopped directly beside him, but looking out at the lake behind him. “You have the choice to try to take him out of my life for whatever fucking reason you could come up with. Or you have the choice to be my fucking father and fight for me to be happy with someone with as good of heart as he has to step up and protect my daughter the same way you protected me after everything I’ve been through. And we both know he wouldn’t have patched if he wasn’t a good person.” You glanced up at him with tears in your eyes, and you could see your dad, the man that only you really got to see looking back at you. 
“Just know, I won’t stop fighting for him this time. You got lucky with Henry falling in my lap at just the right time and my research taking off the way it did. But you won’t be this time. And keep in mind, he and I both have to live with the physical proof of what you’ve done to us for the rest of our lives which is exactly why I can honestly say that if you try, you will lose everything. So you make the choice.” You looked back out at the lake with a sniff as you put your sunglasses on, while Negan took barely a half second to weight the options of loosing you, or seeing you with Chibs before he straightened beside you.
“Telford, get that baby outta the fucking cold. The fuck you standing there for, huh? And make sure my kid doesn’t get lost in some Goddamn throw pillows or whatever shit she’s got planned in that fucking head of hers for this place. Or better yet, make sure that she doesn’t lose her damn kid in throw pillows.” You nodded your head and went to walk away, but Negan quickly grabbed your arm and held you in one spot. You met his eyes for a few moments, letting him apologize ten times over in a simple look, and you choose to partially let him off the hook.
“Get the fucking prospects to return those vans before you get charged another day’s rental. We’ll talk later.” He nodded his head and leaned over to kiss your forehead, before letting you go to yell at the prospects and regain his control of his men.
“Wha’ did ye say ta ‘im?” Chibs asked softly as you set your diaper bag on the floor board and peeked in the back to make sure the only thing that was back there was your stroller frame.
“I told him to make a choice.” You said as you carefully shut the back door, and pulled open the passenger door. “And he made the right one.”
“This place looks like it fucking threw up Christmas.” Your dad grumbled to you with a shake of his head as you walked through your professionally decorated house after spending a week on the road dealing with some club shit you didn’t even care to ask about.
“It’s Celeste’s first Christmas.” You started as you looked at the sparkling entry way proudly. “And our first one not spent in a portable in years. And you know I love Christmas. Oh, and I finally got confirmation that Colson, Casie, and Emma are coming for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so it had to be even more perfect. Ash and Ashton, too.”
“You got the fucking prospects to do all this shit?”
“Fuck no.” You laughed with a shake of your head. “I hired a company. The prospects are wrapping gifts in the carriage house because fuck knows I hate doing that shit. Paper cuts.” You said with a smirk as you looked over at him. “Not pleasant. They can do the bitch work.”
“Where’s Telford?”
“Why?” You asked as the smile fell from your face.
“Need to talk to him... and you, since I know you will never trust me in a room with him again.”
“With good reason.” You said as you gestured to the stairs. “Setting up my baby monitors in the nursery while Celeste tries out her new crib for nap time. Oh, Ash is heading over to the house later today to send me some shit I need to hang out here a while longer. Do you need anything?”
“I’m heading back day after New Years.” He said with a shake of his head and a heartbroken sigh. “I lost you because of this, didn’t I?” You hesitated for a moment and sighed loudly with a small nod of your head.
“You changed my whole life with your actions, Daddy. And his even more so. You may be the president of an MC, but you are still my father. And whether you liked it or not, you had no right to do what you did, no matter what the reason. Whether it be to keep ahold of your image, or to keep me closer to home, it doesn’t matter. You had no right. So yes, in a sense, you lost me- my trust is gone. But you are still my father, and I will always love you. So in that sense, I will still be here. You’ll see me, and Celeste, and I will always be here if you need me... but we will never have the same relationship we did because of this.” You looked over at him as a few tears fell from his eyes, and his sighed as his whole body sank with the weight of his actions.
“Your mother would be so proud of you.” He started as he looked over at you with a shake of his head. “But I would have lost her over this, too, so I understand.” As gently as he could, he reached out to pull you into a hug. “I’m sorry, princess. I’m so, so sorry.”
“I know, Daddy.” You whispered back as you started to tear up as well. You both stood there for a moment, completely ignoring Simon, and the Belfast charter’s president, Jax when they walked in to talk to him, but they turned right back around to give you your space as Negan pulled away and nodded his head.
“Can I go talk to him?” He asked as he wiped off his face. “I’ll leave my gun with you, if that makes you more comfortable.”
“I’ll come up with you.” You said as you wiped off your own face with your fingertips. “You can use my room while I get Celeste up from her nap so we can go find a caterer last minute for Christmas Eve. And the gun can stay in the hall.”
“Sounds like a plan.” He agreed before gesturing you toward the stairs. You headed through the new baby gate, and up the right side of the split staircase toward the only two rooms on that end of the house, before telling Negan to wait in the hall so you could pre-warn Chibs.
“Hey, my dad wants to talk to you.” His head whipped away from his phone where he was adjusting the views of the cameras, but you nodded at him, reassuringly. “It’s OK. His gun’s staying in the hall. It’s not a bad talk, I promise.”
“‘S’more the knives tha’ got my concern.” He said as he picked up a piece of paper with the app information. “Username is yer email, password’s Celeste123107.”
“You think you’re slick.” You laughed, since the date was the day you two met.
“I thought so.” He said with a small smile as he headed out of the room, stepping over the hand gun that was laying just outside the doorway. You added the app to your phone and signed into your account to check the cameras yourself while the two men went into your room to talk, before walking over to the bed to wake up your baby girl.
“Hello, punk-a-pie.” You cooed as you gently rubbed her back. “Hi, good morning. It’s time to join the world of the living so we can go for another fun adventure. Yea.” She actually grunted at you in protest when you picked her up, and you smiled at just how adorable she was. “Oh, I know it. It’s just so hard to be a baby with such a mean Mommy. Waking you up from naps, and feeding you, and changing you all the time. How could I be so thoughtless, hmm? But that means I get to eat these chunky little thighs. And theses cute little toes-ies.” You smiled as she burst into a fit of giggles on the changing pad when you playfully ‘bit’ her toes. “Oh, I could just eat you up! Yes I could. Fuck, I’m glad you got Mommy’s chunky thighs. They are just so damn cute.”
“I second that.” Chibs said as he walked back into the room a lot faster than you expected, while Negan simply headed down stairs to find out what Simon and Jax wanted. You looked over at him questioningly as you pushed the dirty diaper into the diaper pail, but he shook his head. “Nothin’ bad. Apologized for everythin’, gave me direct permission ta go Nomad a’while ta be wit’ you. Told me ta take care of his girls.”
“He knows he lost me.” You said with a nod as you re-buttoned the long sleeve onesie and put your daughter’s jeans back on. “He knows there’s no coming back from this now. He made his bed, and he has to sleep in it and what are you doing?!”
“I bought this for ye 12 years ago.” He said as he stood beside you at the changing table where you were now frozen half way of putting Celeste in her jacket to look at a gorgeous ring in a black box. “An’ the day aft’a ye came back, when I knew ye still luved me, too, I ‘ad the prospect start puttin’ t’get’a the legal paperwork for the courts. Because I lost ye once, an’ I’d rath’a die then lose ye ‘gain. So on New Years Eve, at the exact stroke of midnight, 12 long fuckin’ years aft’a it shoulda ‘appended in the first place, will ye please, please make me the luckiest son’ov’a bitch in the entire world an’ marry...”
“Can I fuckin’ finish the...”
“No.” You laughed as you leaned over and kissed him roughly. He smiled against your lips and held you in place for a moment, before pulling back with a shake of his head.
“I was gon’ wait until the day of.” He said as he pulled the ring free while you finished dressing your now impatient daughter. “But wit’ yer dad’s blessin’... shockin’, I know.” He laughed as he took your left hand and slid the ring in place. “But we ‘ave it. An’ I wasn’t waitin’ another moment.”
“I don’t blame you.” You laughed as you looked at the ring that felt so much more right than the last one that was placed there, before showing Celeste with a smile. “Look at that, baby girl. Mommy’s getting married. And if he wants to, Chibs can become Daddy all in the same swing.”
“I’d be honored.” You nodded over at him with a laugh as you put on Celeste’s ear warmer headband bow.
“We’re just gunna wait until after Christmas to let her birth father know that all the same.”
“Aye. Don’ feel like havin’ ta fight for both m’girls in the same month.”
“What would you have done if he had said no?” Your fiancé smirked as he checked your diaper bag for you and put it on his shoulder.
“We would’a eloped. But now, ‘e can bear witness, ‘long wit’ Jackie boy, an’ this little chubby thighed cutie.”
“Well now you’ve just sent me into overdrive.” You laughed as you buckled Celeste in her car seat, and wrapped her in the car seat blanket you had. “Because now, after the caterer, I need to find a dress, and a location...”
“I’ve it all figured out.” He interrupted as he took the car seat from you. “Except the dress. My club may be loyal ta Negan, but I’ve broth’a’s a’ the table tha’ want ta see a broth’a happy ‘a the end’a the day.”
“Well then you can come with me to the caterer, then I’ll drop you and Celeste back off so you don’t see me in the dress. We’ve finally got some good luck going for us here.”
“Sounds like a plan ta me, my luv. Sounds like a plan to me.”
You had always imagined that you would be nervous on your wedding day, but as you stood in a private room in a church of all places that meant a lot to your future husband, you didn’t feel anything but excited. You tried to keep everything simple, but still put the prospects and your decorating company through the ringer to pull off a dream shared across cotton sheets that Chibs insisted you deserved, and had already been planning as long as he had the paperwork to pull off, even if it was for the ranks of the Sanctuary’s unwashed heathens.
“You know, I never thought you’d actually get to this point.” Ashleigh said as she adjusted her silver dress around her hips. “I figured when you got engaged to Henry, you were gunna get to the actual planning of the wedding and just… not. And I definitely didn’t think you’d do it this fast.”
“Henry isn’t my Filip.” You said with a look over at her as you finished a braid of your updo and pinned it on to place. 
“Yea, but don’t you think this is a little fast?”
“Ash, I really wish I could explain this… Look, I loved Henry. I did. He was smart, and, funny, and kind. He supported my work, and didn’t mind my eccentricities… but he tried to change me. He tried to pull me away from my dad, to get me away from my club. He wanted us to move to England… and all of those things I would have considered because he made me feel comfortable. But then he took it upon himself to join the Army without a single word until the day he left, and he made that choice because he needed space to think things with me through. Yea, the things you learn after the fact. That was a nice ‘good to see ya after six years’ message.
But Filip, my Filip, the one that got away… He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel safe to let my guard down, and to not be this… always put together Nobel prize winning, Ph. D. three times over doctor all the time. He brings out an innocence that I’ve never gotten to experience because I was looking out for my dad, or drowning myself in my work, or because I was more focused on being the best astrophysicist this world had ever seen. He makes me laugh harder than anyone ever has in my life. He doesn’t just mind my eccentricities, he embraces them, and shows them off like a badge of honor. He doesn’t just make excuses for those times I have my ‘moments’ as Henry called them in public. He sacrificed being truly happy in life to make sure that I had the best life that I could. And I can’t lose that man from my life again. I can live without Henry. I can’t live without Filip.” You smiled as you picked up your silver and ice blue snowflake hair piece and turned in the mirror to see what you were doing to put it on. “And besides the fact, he hasn’t batted an eye over Celeste. Henry literally ran, and put her in the NICU for a month.”
“OK, he didn’t put her in the NICU.”
“He put me in a position that put her in the NICU.” You said as you glanced over at the clock. “But it doesn’t matter. None of that matters anymore. What matters is that the man that I was meant to be with years ago, is somewhere in this church, putting on a tie for me, and a suit that he wouldn’t be caught dead in otherwise for me, and has me excited to get married in a church of all places, without even questioning ‘God’ and all that entails. What matters is he is the love of my life… and after today, he will be mine.” Ash nodded her head slowly as she fixed your hair the slightest bit and tried to avoid eye contact in the mirror.
“(Y/N), I think...”
“Hey, Princess. You’re runnin’…” Negan interrupted as he knocked on the door while he pushed it open, and he stopped and smiled as he looked at you. “Well Goddamn.”
“You’re in a church, mister.” You reminded him, teasingly as you turned and pulled the mostly white, with a double layer of light blue tulle skirt around so it was straighter behind you. “Not supposed to swear in a church.”
“Yea, yea.” He grumbled. “Old, new, borrowed, blue, right?”
“I’ve got ‘em all covered, Daddy.” You said as you watched him walk over with something in his hand.
“Well I’m still replacing your old with mine.” He said as he held out his hand to you. Your brow furrowed until you saw the glimpse of a silver heart locket on a chain. “I don’t have to even ask if you know what it is…”
“It’s mom’s.” You said with a smile as you flipped it over with your thumb. “She wore it on your wedding day.”
“Always said she’d pass it down to a daughter. Nearly made Ash miss her fucking flight looking for it. You know I can’t remember where I put shit for shit.”
“Will you quit swearing and put on the damn necklace.” You laughed as you held it out to him. “Racing a clock here.”
“Yea, yea.” He chuckled as he put the finishing touch on your wedding day outfit. He took a step back and huffed with a small shake of his head. “You make a beautiful bride, baby girl.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Now Ash, what were you saying?”
“Oh, it’s... it’s nothing.” She said with her own smile as she handed you your bouquet of blue roses that had a dark blue bandana you borrowed from Chibs wrapped around the bottom stems. With a nod, you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, before looking back at your dad.
“You ready?” Negan asked with a small smirk.
“More than.” With a nod, he held out his arm and led you out of the back room. “Damn it, can we just speed up the clock.” You joked as you carefully and subtly kicked out the front of your gown with each step so you would trip or rip it.
“Quit fuckin’ swearing.” Negan laughed as Ashleigh walked a little faster to get next to you.
“(Y/N), I think I made a huge mistake.” She repeated, timidly at the same time you watched Henry looking up from your sleeping little girl in her snow queen dress and a giant blue bow you prayed would muffle the noise so she could stay asleep next to Ashton in their winter wonderland decorated wagon, and over at you. There was only a moments hesitation as you ran through the list of women from the club that had come to see you as you were getting ready to wish you the best before you reacted.
“Daddy, go get Frankie.” You asked, simply as you let go of his arm for a moment. “She’s got on black and silver, so she won’t clash with the colors when she pulls the wagon.”
“(Y/N)...” Ashleigh choked as you simply ignored your ex standing there and stopped in front of the back doors.
“You are dead to me.” You said to her as you fixed your own dress and forced yourself to remain calm. “Get your son, the prospect will take you back to the hotel for your things and you can go.”
“(Y/N)...” She and Henry said at the same time, which made you round on both of them with fire in your eyes.
“I don’t know what either of you thought you were trying to accomplish here, but I’m not in the fucking mood. You, Henry, I can sort of understand because we were together so long, and you’re just hoping that maybe, just maybe I’d be willing to give you a third chance after every thing you have put me through, but Ash...? What the actual fuck. Seriously, how did you think that calling my ex in on my fucking wedding day was going to go over, huh? Good? Simple? Not likely to royally piss me the fuck off?!”
“I was just trying...”
“Well now you can just try to get the fuck out of here before I fucking strangle you on my fucking wedding day. And Henry, I have nothing more to say to you. You’ve made it perfectly clear that I am not the person you want to be with. And I am sick and fucking tired of compromising my integrity to fit into your perfect wife narrative when I met someone 12 fucking years ago that never wanted anyone but me in the first place and still does all these years later. So you both can leave. Frankie, I need you to pull my flower girl down the aisle for me.” 
“(Y/N)...” Ashleigh said as she carefully picked up Ashton.
“I said NOW!” You roared with a glance back at her. “Now! I will get you home, but you are dead to me. Frankie, it’s fine, just pull her down behind you, put her in front of my dad’s seat so you can take my bouquet, and when it gets to the count down, bring the wagon back here to try to keep her away from the noise.” You told your new Maid of Honor as you fixed your dress again. You didn’t look back as the prospect that had been watching the kids escorted Ashleigh and Henry out of the church despite their protests, but your dad stopped in front of you with a look of concern.
“You need a minute?”
“I need Filip.” You said as you searched his eyes with barely a hint of tears in yours. He nodded his head and told Frankie to go, as he walked around behind you and helped you pull out your ball gown so it made the perfect bell shape.
“What have I always told you about writing off family?”
“Fuck them if they don’t understand.”
“Exactly.” He said as he laced your arm with his. “Fuck ‘em. Now quit swearing in a fucking church.”
“Daddy, we’re both going to hell anyways.” You giggled with a glance up at him. “But I’m pretty sure we just gave ourselves the best seats on the bus.”
“Fucking right we did.” He laughed as you both took the first step down the aisle. You found Filip instantly, and watched as his eyes shifted from anger directed at Henry’s back, to concern when he saw your face. You tried to tell him that you were alright, but you could tell he didn’t believe it until you were directly in front of him with your hand finally in his.
“We’re getting married today.” You whispered with a smile as you reached up with your free hand to cup his cheek. “I’m OK. I’m finally where I’m meant to be. With you.” With a nod of his head, knowing that you would never lie to him, he leaned forward and gently kissed your forehead with a sigh of relief. The ceremony was kept short by design, since it was nearly midnight, and while there was talk of God, you barely noticed it because of the man who could not stop smiling in front of you with matching tears of joy in his eyes. You stuck with generic vows, because neither of you would have made it through writing your own, and your first attempt at saying ‘I do’ came out as a choked whisper, which made his smile grow even more.
“By the power vested in me by God and man...” The priest said as the club counted down the New Year for you. “I pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss the bride.”
“I told you I’d marry you one day.” You whispered softly in the last few seconds.
“Finally.” Filip whispered back as he wrapped his arms around your middle and kissed you like it was the first time at exactly midnight, just like he had the night you first met in the shadows of the Belfast clubhouse. The club erupted in cheers as you held your husband’s cheeks between both hands, while the priest presented Mr. and Mrs. Filip Telford over the noise and left to get some sleep before his morning church service. You both pulled back with smiles, and you took your bouquet from Negan, who’s face read happiness and sadness at the same time.
“Congratulations, baby girl.” He said softly as he kissed your cheek before you left, since you agreed to do the reception the next night when you could get a sitter for Celeste and so the club could still celebrate the New Year. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Daddy.” You responded with a smile. With a nod of his head, he stepped out of your way so you could head out the back to collect your daughter and spend your first night as husband and wife making love until the sun came up.
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spooky-luvur · 4 years
Could y'all write an Arthur fic with the reader being a fan and got sucked into the game and kinda mouthed off to colm and gets himself captured :O
This was really fun lol
You turn in circles, putting your hands on your hips. “At least I don’t have to worry about taxes.”
The people in town stare, obviously, and whisper, but they don’t point and they don’t yell or do something else mean someone from modern day Detroit would do. You’re not exactly blending in with your current clothes.
But really...what the fuck? Last thing you remember is turning the gaming console off, taking a shower, then you think you hit your head when you stumbled but it definitely wasn’t hard enough to send you through time???
You reach the edge of the dusty town and pause, looking over the vast land. Nice fields. No factories in sight. You try to remember every little detail...sat on the left side of the couch...used the controller to turn the console on...picked the game-
Oh shit.
Of course.
You were playing the second Red Dead Redemption.
Balls, how in the-!
It’s fine, it’s fine. This is cool, actually.
You don’t bother to hide your grin and unbelieving laugh, raking your hands through your hair. This is cool as shit! You were so interested in the 19-20th century anyway and to be *living* in it?! Damn. But we’re you just in the century, or was I in the game too?
You turn back to the small town and take a good look around, eyes falling onto a large white parlor house. It’s Rhodes! Incredible. Excited like a little kid on Christmas, you hurriedly make your way back into town, taking everything in and spinning in circles like some lunatic.
The general store, the gun shop with that guy locked in the basement- wait a minute.
When in the game was it? If you were magically set in Rhodes wouldn’t that mean the gang was at the camp by the lake? What’s it called, Clemens Point? Clement? But you didn’t really know how to get there from here, and even if you did somehow manage to find it, you’d likely be shot on sight. But you’re inside your favorite game. It only makes sense you’d want to meet and bond with the main characters.
With a stomach full of butterflies, you set off onto the road leading out of town, hoping to stumble upon something- or someone.
God, it was hot. Why was it so hot? Damn sun, making me all sweaty and gross. Don’t you have better things to do?
Pulling at your collar, you stop to rest for a few minutes, surrounded by the tall trees. Okay, there’s the water, the stones, old dilapidated church or whatever that is, the sound of a gun cocking, the nice breeze- wait.
“Put your hands up, boy.”
Great. Great. Great. You put your hands up by your head, mentally cursing yourself and everyone who’s ever existed. You didn’t know that voice and that voice didn’t know you.
“You got any cash? Jewelry? Guns?”
“No, I don’t. I got nothing.”
“Bullshit, turn around!”
Slowly turning, you’re met with the barrel of a gun and a very rowdy-looking man. Two other men with guns also pointed at you are a few feet behind him.
“I know you got somethin, your clothes are reeeeeal fancy mister.”
“You can check, but I ain’t got nothin, mister.” Yeah. That’s right. You tried to make yourself sound more cowboy-y, and by the looks of it, he bought it. He did look kinda dumb. No offense, cowboy. Or whatever you were.
The dirty man scoffs. “You ain’t-“
“Come on now boy, it wouldn’t be smart to hide things from us now would it?”
Another guy? Damn, was he hot at least- ohhhhhh. Ohhhhh shit. Oh shit oh shit.
Colm O’Driscoll stares you right in the face, a small, evil smirk on his own. Ugly fucker.
“We’ll ask you again, friend. Do you got anything?”
“I said no damnit! God do your looks match your brain?? Horrible?? Well that wasn’t a very good insult but damn you fugly!!”
The men glance at each other white you babble on.
“My grandpa looks finer than you and he’s dust! Ha! Musty motherfucker- you look like my foot!”
“Enough outta you!”
Colm O’Dick grabs you by the front of your collar and yanks you forward, pushing you onto the dirt.
“Tie him up and bring him back. Maybe we’ll cut out that dirty little tongue of his.”
Ugh, shit.
The throbbing in your head blurs your vision for several moments. When you finally blink it away, you whine and hang your head from the numerous spots of pain blooming all over your body. Hanging from your bloodied worth’s in just your underwear, feet barley brushing the dirt-covered floor. You remember what happened last night. They beat you, burned you, poked and prodded, nearly poisoned you if Colm hadn’t stopped them, saying something like “it would kill him too quick.”
Damn, if this was how it was always gonna be, you wanted to go back home.
You didn’t know what time it was. Or if it was any more than just a day. You were in some kind of cracked stone walled, rat shit covered basement. A single candle is lit on the blood stained table with a variety of things that make you go ‘ouch.’
Using nearly all your strength to lift your head, you try to find a door or something else you could crawl through. There’s a moldy door in front of you. Seemingly unlocked.
“God, I can’t get down,” you mumble, nearly out of hope. This was supposed to be your story! Your special adventure! Filled with love and drama and literally anything but you getting tortured by men who stink like piss!
The door suddenly starts clicking, and you squeeze your eyes shut the best you can. Was it the dirty men? Or your hero? Heroine? A crazy hermit? The door swings aside, making you cautiously crack your heavy eyes open. Oh please be hot please be hot please be-
“Hey! They got someone!”
Your jaw nearly embarrassingly falls open as a man in a pretty blue shirt puts his gun down and pulls out a knife. Hot murder man? Yes please-
“You a prisoner?”
“Sure,” is all you manage.
The man comes closer to cut the ropes suspending you and yes, like in the movies, you can’t really hold yourself up therefore fall forward again the chest of the wow you’re buff.
“You alright, boy?”
Call me that again please.
“Fine, fine.”
Hands gripping the sleeves of the pretty blue shirt, your lift your head to see your hunk of a hero, only to come face-to-face the Arthur fucking Morgan.
Of course, that’s when you pass out.
“Is he dead?”
“What? No Jack, he ain’t dead.”
“But he’s all bloody.”
“Damn O’Driscoll’s. He’s just a boy. Lenny’s age.”
You’re like, 23 thank you very much.
“What’re we supposed to do with him?”
“He’s nearly dead, we gotta keep him here for now. Now shoo! All you got chores! Get!”
Something warm and wet yet scratchy is dabbed onto your forehead and a few spots around your face, making you sigh lightly.
Your eyes felt like heavy weights, but you eventually got them open. You wanted to see what was going on really badly.
A Susan Grimshaw. In your face.
Your eyes widen only barely and a very unattractive noise sounding like a confused cat escaped your mouth. The old woman’s brow furrows.
“Hush, boy. I ain’t hurting you.”
Blinking, you look around without moving your head. You were in a tent, on a cot, in your underwear, a random shirt that went past your butt, I’m keeping this forever, and your body hurt very much.
“I’m alright, ma’am,” you look into Grimshaw’s pretty eyes.
She huffs. “Like hell. But fine, you can get up. Nothings broken.”
She leaves the tent, making you slowly swing your bare legs over the side and hoist yourself up, staggering out as well.
“Ugh,” shielding your eyes from the harsh sun, you take a deep breath that makes your chest ache. Welcome to the 19th century, (M/n).
“You’re awake, my boy. How are you feeling?”
It’s too early for this shi-
Never mind it’s never too early for Dutch Van der Linde.
You nod, blinking up at the raven-haired man.
“Just fine, sir. Thank you for saving me. I thought I was a goner.”
“No thanks needed, my boy. I got a sayin’: we shoot fellers as need shooting, save fellers as need saving, and feed ‘em as need feeding. I’m sure we all know, just what you need.”
You really just heard that.
“Oh, I have an idea.”
Dutch laughs, patting your shoulder. “Mr. Pearson! Get this fine boy some food! What’s your name, son?”
“(M/n). (M/n) (L/n).”
“Well Mr. (L/n), do you mind telling us what you were doing all bloody and bruised in Colm O’Driscoll’s basement?” He uses the hand on your shoulder to guide you further to the center of camp.
“I got captured once they realized I didn’t have any money. They beat me good.”
“Yes, well, let’s hope nothing of the sort ever happens again.”
Pearson comes over and places a hot bowl of stew in your shaky hands, nodding at you before heading off.
“Ladies! Would you please help (M/n) get some food in his belly, he’s not too good right now,”
Mary-Beth hurries over, cupping your hands around the bowl to keep it from falling. “Course, Dutch. Come along now...”
“Okay, you can do this, come on. You know everything about him! Everything...about...them...”
You shake your head to get rid of the negative thoughts, straightening your back. “Okay, let’s go.”
You keep your eyes locked on Arthur, your target, as you march over to where he’s sitting on his bed, nose buried in his journal. Wow this is really happening-
“Excuse me?”
Way to sound like a 14 year old girl (M/n). Your heart nearly stops once the burly man looks up, blue-green eyes meeting your own. He doesn’t say anything, only stares at you expectingly. You wrong to hands nervously.
“Um...I just wanted to say thank you. For helping me, you know.”
He nods. “You’re welcome.”
You panic, not wanting to lose his attention.
“Dutch said I could stay! With you...er, with the gang! Dutch said I could stay with the gang, they don’t really see me as a threat, so...” your voice trails off.
“Well, that’s great. They’re good people, don’t mess it up.”
“Of course! I’m very grateful, I just...was hoping I could see more of you...?”
No, you definitely weren’t asking him out. Yet.
Arthur looks at you weirdly, before quietly chuckling and turning back to his journal.
“Sure, kid.”
I’m in love.
That night, the gang is celebrating a new edition. You weren’t like Kieran. You weren’t nothing bad, neither. Most of them actually trust you already. Thankfully. Those who don’t, weren’t celebrating. Or it was all just an excuse to get blackout drunk
You believed it to be the latter when you left the log by the fire and no one noticed. Everyone kept singing and ‘celebrating.’ Pausing by one of the tents, you slightly duck back behind it. The radio in Dutch’s tent was quietly singing an opera song, and Dutch and Miss Molly O’Shea we’re gently dancing along, gazing into each other’s eyes with the look of the lovers. Good for them. They deserve it. It makes you smile sadly.
You retreat and continue looking around all the tents and everything. Where’s Arthur? He wasn’t at the fire. He’s not in his tent either. Or, wagon. Lean-to? Whatever, but you can’t find him. You circle around the edge of camp for a bit until you find him behind the big tree near the horses.
He looks away from the sky and at you.
“Hey, (M/n).”
“Hey Arthur,” you take a few steps closer. “Not a party person?”
He shrugs. “Not tonight, I guess.”
“That’s a shame. I was...hoping you’d might care to dance? With me?”
It takes him a few moments to realize just what you said but once he does, he open his mouth in surprise.
You hold out a hand, giving him a mischievous grin.
He shakes his head, looking away for a moment before back at you, pushing himself off the tree.
“What the hell.”
When he takes your hand, it feels like it was meant to be. Where you were meant to be. When you were meant to be! Call you crazy, but with this? Dancing to nearly inaudible music with a fictional cowboy on the outskirts of the camp containing the people that saved you from other fictional outlaws? You never wanted anything more.
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
First Impression: Girls’ Frontline
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A stunning opening sequence follows on the heels of a weak, info-dumpy opening scene that’s there to let us know that in 2045 WWIII began and was fought exclusively by android Tactical Dolls that are indistinguishable from young human women. Seventeen years later, the T-dolls are still duking it out, Griffin (good guys) vs Sangvis (baddies). Our girls, four Griffins who are not like the others, are infiltrating enemy territory to retrieve some data off an old-fashioned piece of technological hardware known as a desktop computer. They must foil the enemy’s traps along the way, and then use their keen tactical abilities to outmaneuver a superior force that lays siege to them as they transfer the data with painstaking slowness — must be USB 2.0. The enemy sends in a High-End Agent model whose sinister personality and considerable brute force factor are clearly conveyed by her maid outfit. Successfully surviving the siege, the team is fleeing Sangvis territory when they stop at a church where the entire congregation has died, judging by the density of gravestones in the front yard. Here, they are set upon by not one, but two enemy maids! This is a dire situation because—sorry for not saying this before—beneath their skirts, the maids sport not one, not two, not even just three, but four machine guns. That’s eight machine guns. Our girls are doomed! Except that they have superior tactical skills (did I mention that?) and enough experience working together that they do not rely on the matrix, er, the Zener Protocol system that I think links their thoughts but can be (and was) hacked. Woot! Take that, machine gun maids! Now the girls must split up in order to complete their mission. Death flags???
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That’s what I said.
This was a hoot and a half! The marketing visuals for this series, an adaptation of a mobile game, caught my eye months ago, and although the actual episode is not up to those standards, there were some pretty striking backgrounds here and there, and the OP animation style popped. There’s quite a lot of gobbledegook dialogue, throwing around complex serial code-like designations, lots of munitions details and so on, though it still remains comprehensible. Think Gun Gale Online, but with futuristic semi-fantasy weapons. In fact, think Gun Gale Online for the focus on tactics and strategy too—though so far the girls on the frontline are not quite up to Llenn’s standards. The costuming is probably the most intriguing part of the world-building to me though, as we can see a clear hierarchy reflected in the clothing worn by the different groups of AIs. Your basic model baddie sports a high leg black swimsuit with cutout, because who doesn’t want to always be prepared to make a quick water getaway in the heat of battle and still look sexy while doing it? The basic level good guys wear more clothing, uniforms to be exact: school uniforms, nurses outfits, and military cadet wear, albeit in their short-skirted anime iterations. The more autonomous bots, like the Agents and our girls, are more fully clothed, while the good guys even lose the uniform element, each of the four having her own distinctive mc-worthy outfit to go along with their diverse hairstyles, eye color and weaponry. Are they perhaps the closest of all the AI to being human? It certainly seems so, as they emote in a variety of ways, experiencing doubt, hesitation, compassion, and so forth. Though they are all named after makes of gun, so they’ll need to get some real names at some point. Anyhow, I’m interested enough to give this series the standard 3-episode trial to prove itself to be more than just a marketing ploy for the game. Also, the ending credit song is super fun.
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Don’t they know you never split up at the end of an episode?! Not good.
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Girls’ Frontline can be streamed on Funimation.
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katsubiatch · 3 years
Hopelessly Devoted-1
Warnings~Slight smut-making out, drinking of alcoholic beverages, bar shenanigans, Hospitals, obnoxious exes, way too long of a chapter
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Your head throbbed as you tried to concentrate on keeping your eyes open, forcing yourself to breath no matter how hard you wanted to just quit. You could feel blood pooling out underneath you and knew you were a goner if no one found you.
No one would find you, no one would suspect you to be here. You'd just decided to help out in the ER after your latest fight with Katsuki. What a pain that was turning into.
Your eyes traveled around the intake room, it was a mess now after the man had thrown you around it. You couldn't be angry, he hadn't meant to be violent and was passed out again in his bed.
The ER was busy, and this mans vitals were fine. No one was going to find you. You'd die here, never to see Katsuki again. Oh you couldn't believe the fight you'd had. It was the same one as always but now you couldn't help but think that you'd never run your hands through that annoyingly spiky hair that never stayed put, or across his cheeks, the scars on his body. You'd never be able to tell him about...
Your thoughts were disrupted when the door to the intake room opened and in came an Angel you were sure of it. The Angel of death to take you away. At this point you'd have anyone if it meant the pain would go away.
The Angel dropped down to his knees next to you, pulling out all kinds of equipment and swearing under his breath. He looked a lot like Shinsou in his white coat. "What the hell happened?" He sure sounded a lot like Shinsou too. "Sweet cheeks stay with me." He muttered, a gentle hand touching your cheek. At least you'd have a gentle touch to help you through to the other side as your eyes slowly started to shift shut and you heard Shinsou yelling for help.
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Year and a Half Earlier~~~~~~~~~~
It had been another long day at the hospital, twelve hours that somehow turned into fourteen. You weren't sure why you always stayed late to help out when most of the time it felt like they couldn't care less about it but it was worth it in it's own way. You'd been able to help deliver a baby of a mom that had come in at the start of your shift so that had been a highlight.
Most of the time you worked was on labor and delivery, helping moms get through the rough process that was childbirth. Weather that be medicated, natural, water birth, c-section. You'd seen and helped through almost everything. However you also flip flopped between that and the ER which was a beast all in itself. Bloody limbs, gun shot wounds, cuts and bruises from villain attacks. It was all rough and fast paced, which was nice to get your shift out of the way but most of the time you'd end up staying later, caught up in the rush of it all.
You slammed down your third shot glass of the night, barely hearing Shinsou beside you telling you that you should probably slow down. "Slow down? Come on!! The night is young, beside it's only my third shot." You rolled your eyes, sipping on the drink that you'd had since you'd gotten there. It was a good buffer for the tequila that you'd just downed. "Come on, loosen up. You're always so up tight when we go out." "Probably because I have to be the responsible one." Shinsou rolled his eyes, taking a sip of the beer that he'd gotten himself. He'd take on shot with you but that was it. "Someone has to get us back to the apartment in one piece."
Shinsou had been your best friend since collage, he was studying to be a doctor and you a nurse. Which meant you had separate classes but were generally in the same buildings and just happened to meet up in the library one day. The rest was history as they would say. Grueling exams, late night study sessions and clinicals caused you two to have a strong bond however despite popular belief you two were not in a relationship. Just a close friendship. Of course there had been a few make-out sessions that while steamy, had made the two of you decide that you weren't right for each other. It hadn't made things awkward at all. Okay well it had made things awkward for a few weeks but the two of you had quickly gotten past that. Now the two of you often worked together still and shared an apartment, even if the two of you weren’t always there at the same time. 
“You do not have to be responsible here. There are things called ubers that can drive us home. Besides it’s no fun to get tipsy on your own!! There’s karaoke too! Some of the other nurses are coming over and we’re going to sing a few songs, you should join us.” You smiled happily up at Shinsou, sipping at your drink as your eyes wandered around the bar. They stalled at a table where two guys seemed to be busy with getting another blond man to relax with them while a girl with pink skin giggled at the three of them. In the back of your mind you had to know that they were all pro-heros but you couldn’t quite remember their names but damn they were attractive. 
Your eyes moved along their muscled arms, toned bodies, extremly  handsome faces... god when did heros get so attractive? You had to tear your eyes away before they got suspicious of your lingering glance. You were sure that it was difficult for them to go out without being noticed and you didn’t want to come off as this freaky fan. You’d helped patch up the electric blond hero after he’d gotten hurt one time. He’d spent the entire time sending one liners and flirting with you but you’d brushed it off as jokes. The redhead, Red Riot, had been totally polite, even apologizing the entire time about her having to stich up a pretty deep cut on his arm. She couldn’t remember who the other two were but they were all too attractive for their own good. 
Soon enough the other floor nurses that you worked with made their way to the bar and Shinsou left you in their caring hands. Which would have been except the three of you got.. well a bit more tipsy than Shinsou would have liked if he was there. It was fine you’d figure out how you’d get home later, now it was time for karaoke. After a few songs you found yourself needing the bathroom, which wasn’t surprising with the amount of alcohol you’d been drinking. You put it off for as long as you could before the call of the bathroom was too hard to ignore. Once you had finished your business and washed your hands, you were stopped on your way back to your table. Your hand grabbed and you were pushed against the wall. Your eyes widened as you looked up and noticed who it was. Your asshole ex who you had broken up with months before, the one who had gotten creepy and clingy fast. 
“Y/N.. what are you doing here?” He slurred, obviously having drank a bit. “I thought you didn’t like these kind of places.” “I didn’t like these kind of places with you.” Your eyes rolled as he tried to fight against his grip. “Hmm looks like your little roommate isn’t here to save you this time. Why don’t we go into that bathroom and make some noise?” He purred in your ear, making you shiver.  “I don’t think so...” You struggled to get out of his grip as he tried to haul you towards the bathrooms. You thought all hope was lost when suddenly you didn’t feel the strong grip crushing your wrist.
“I think the lady said she didn’t want to go with you.” A gruff voice sounded in the little hallway with the bathrooms. You opened your eyes and saw a head of ash blond hair, red eyes that were narrowed in annoyance basically staring holes into your exes head, holding on tightly to his wrist. Was there smoke coming off his hand? 
“Right.. right sorry DynaMight sir. I...” He didn’t get to say much more before the hero was growling at him, gripping his wrist tighter. “You shouldn’t be saying sorry to me, you should be saying sorry to the lady, dumbass.” He ground out, keeping his eyes on the other man. 
“Oh.. yeah. Sorry Y/N, I’ll leave you alone.” Once it seemed that the blond was satisfied with his apology he roughly let go of the other mans wrist before finally turning his eyes on you. “You okay?” He asked, a little rough but slightly more gentle than when he’d been talking to your ex.  “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” You shook your head, sighing a little and wrapping your arms around yourself. You felt a bit shaken up after this encounter but you didn’t want to let it ruin your night. “I.. I really appreciate it.” “It’s my job, don’t think about it too much.” The hero got out, a bit rougher than he intended. 
“R-right. Well thanks again.” You nodded as you started to walk back to your table, only to find that your friends had ditched you. “Oh nice, perfect.” You sighed, groaning at the fact that you’d probably have to ask Shinsou to come get you and he wouldn’t be happy about it. “Your friends leave you?” The same rough voice from before asked you, making you jump a bit with how unexpected it had been.  “Yeah, they probably all got too drunk and forgot all about me.” You huffed a little, not quite ready for the night to end but not wanting to sit and be lonely at the bar. You heard a loud sigh and looked back to see the man running his hand through his hair. He was too handsome for his own good, you could drown in those eyes, and those arms. Oh what you wouldn’t give to feel them wrapped around you, your legs wrapped around his waist with those full lips whispering...  a sudden snapping got your attention and the sound of the bar brought you back.  “Hey did you hear me? I said that you could come hangout with my dumbasses if you want.” He murmured looking at you with concern. You shook your head of your little daydream, maybe it was time to stop drinking. “Yeah sure, that would be great. Thanks.” 
So that was how you found yourself at the table with the heros, whose names you all learned rather quickly. Kirishima and Kaminari had vaguely remembered you from the ER, but you’d never met the pink hero or the sinfully delicious man that had saved you. You were quick to find out their names as Mina and Bakagou. It was then that you spent the night, probably drinking more than you should, exchanging numbers with the group of heros, watching Kaminari get obnoxiously drunk which ended with Kaminari and Mina dragging him home. 
So you found yourself alone. With the insanely hot guy that you were having too many thoughts about. You blamed the alcohol in your veins for wanting you to push him up against the wall and suck face.  “Hey you’re doing that weird thing again... you alright?” He asked waving a hand in front of your face. God his hands were beautiful.. “Yeah I’m great. Just peachy.” Laughing, you looking up at the man who was watching you with curious eyes.  “Okay well... do you need me to walk you home?” Bakagou asked, leaning against the brick wall outside of the bar, bathed in the fake yellow of the lights lining the outside. “Uhh yeah actually that would be perfect but there is something I need to do first, and we don’t have to talk about it afterwards. I just wanna know what it feels like..” After all you probably won’t see this guy again, at least not in person anyway so what did you have to lose? You grabbed onto his shirt collar, pulling him more down to your level. The alcohol was giving you too much courage but you did falter for a moment before crashing your lips against his. Oh they were so much better than you had imagined. 
He stumbled into the kiss, clearly not having expected it but he recovered quite quickly, his hand coming to rest on your hip and the other cradling your face. You were glad that he didn’t instantly pull away, and your lips danced together sighing into his mouth. He tasted so good, like smoke and caramel. His lips were a bit rough but felt oh so good. You wanted to give into other desires, the ex from earlier bringing back too many bad memories that you wanted to wash away. But if you came back, slightly drunk, to your shared apartment with a guy you were sure it wouldn’t end well with Shinsou. He could be a real cock block, but you were grateful for it sometimes. You didn’t want to make decisions you’d regret when you were drunk. 
Soon enough the two of you broke for air, and you instantly bit down on your bottom lip as you looked up at the man who had a slight pink tint on his cheeks now. “Well, okay now that I have that out of my system lets go.” You tried to make a joke of it, letting go of his shirt and patting it back down before leading the way. Thankfully he didn’t mention it and managed to get you back safely to your apartment, 
Little did you know that soon enough you’d been seeing the hero again...
~~~~~~~~ A/N: Wow okay that was a bit longer than I had anticipated! I’m sorry the writing is not the greatest, I’m still trying to get back to this whole writing thing and find my groove again! Anywho this is basically just setting the scene and getting things ready for the start of their relationship! Thank you for reading. (:
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 4)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton (more to be added)
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman Logan (more to be added)
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 My Master Post
Janus shoved himself to his feet and while Remus would usually find it easy to laugh at him for the way his hair looked, the cold glare the other man was sending him was nothing like the glares he usual leveled at Remus. He did not want to mess with that glare. Remus had some self-preservation instincts.
“Your brother?” Roman asked, still on his butt and looking confused. Now he Remus could laugh at right now.
Remus cackled. “You might want to find a new hair and make-up artist Ro-Ro.” Roman glared at him which just served to make Remus cackle more.
“I apologize for him,” Janus muttered.
Roman blinked up at him and a smile flickered over his face. “That’s a new one. I’m usually the one apologizing for him.”
Janus paused for a moment before he cracked a smile himself. “I guess you would be.” He stuck out a hand to help Roman to his feet.
“So,” Roman said. “You’re here for Virgil Gates then too?”
Janus nodded. “Yes.”
“I didn’t know he had any family other than his father and his uncle. Why didn’t D…” he stumbled over not calling Dad, “Dad”, “Sanders call you then?”
Janus’ mouth pinched in displeasure.
“It likely has to do with the fact that my mother killed his father,” Janus said blankly. Remus grimaced. Blank Janus was far scarier than glaring Janus. It meant he was feeling a whole bunch of things and didn’t want anyone to know it.
“Oh that’s…” Roman said awkwardly. “That’s heavy dude.”
“Yes. Heavy.”
“Well, we’ll snatch the kid up and make sure mommy dearest doesn’t get her hands on Baby Bop,” Remus said. “Won’t we Ro?” Remus gave Roman a look and he nodded once sharply.
“Of course, we will,” Roman said. “That’s why I’m here anyway.”
“I’m going with you,” Janus informed them.
Roman opened his mouth like he was thinking about arguing, but since Remus enjoyed having a brother, he cut him off. “Yep. Of course, you are Jay. Between the three of us, we’ll find him in no time. I mean, how far could the pipsqueak have gotten?”
Janus nodded sharply. He turned to Roman. “You were looking for him too, what do you know?”
“Not much more than you,” Roman answered. “There’d clearly been a break in when I checked the house and I found what I’m guessing was his,” he pointed a thumb at the unconscious man by the water fountain, “car down the road which a neighbor had said they’d seen someone come out of and go sneaking around the house. So, I figured Virgil and whoever broke into the house were probably still around,” Roman said. “I swung by the bus stop down the street, but no busses have left in the last half hour or so and I couldn’t see anyone around. Then, I thought to check the park and came here and heard you…er… talking to that guy,” Roman gestured to the unconscious body a couple feet away, “about finding him.”
“He didn’t know much else,” Janus told them. “Virgil pepper sprayed him and bolted.”
Remus snorted. “Good on him.”
A very small smile flickered across Janus’ face, but was gone the next second.
“Well that’s the park and the bus station checked,” Janus said.
“Would he go to any neighbors?” Roman asked.
Janus shook his head. “Probably not. He doesn’t know many of them well. Ms. Owens maybe or maybe she would have seen something. She lives next to them.”
“We’ll start there then,” Roman said.
“What about this guy?” Remus asked while poking him with the toe of his foot. “He’s still breathing.”
“Call the cops,” Janus suggested. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic bag to toss to Remus who caught it. “Don’t leave fingerprints.”
“Why do you have a bagged-up gun in your pocket?” Roman asked.
“I was doing something before this,” Janus answered.
“Huh, see. That doesn’t answer my question.”
Remus ignored them in favor of rolling the body carefully over and shoving the gun into the guy’s pocket so it was visible, but didn’t look like it was supposed to be visible. He then handcuffed the guy to the water fountain and, just for funnsies, put a joint on him.
“All done,” he said after he’d positioned the man perfectly.
Roman was still side-eyeing Janus a bit but was on the phone talking to the police saying something about finding an unconscious guy with a gun.
“And we handcuffed him!” Remus whisper yelled. Roman glanced at the unconscious guy.
“We handcuffed him to a water fountain because he seemed dangerous and we didn’t want him to get away.”
As Roman continued to talk to the operator, Remus sidled up to Janus and elbowed him in the side. Janus shoved him away grumpily, but not enough to send Remus stumbling. Remus took that as a sign that he was willing to talk.
“The little bastard’s fine,” Remus promised. “We’ll find him in no time.”
“He’s my little brother,” Janus said, and his tone was level and informative, but Remus could tell he was a screaming mess on the inside.
Remus nudged his shoulder a bit and Janus scowled at the ground and stepped away. Remus narrowed his eyes at him. Roman must have looked over and read the intention in the wiggle of Remus’ shoulders because he said. “Remus! NO.” That, however, did not stop Remus from launching his whole body at Janus and tackling him to the ground.
“Remus get off!” Janus yelled trying to smack him, but Remus just dodged and tucked his face against his chest. He was whacked on the back of the head, but not nearly as hard as he could have been.
“Forced affection!”
“Roman, come get your dammed brother off of me,” Janus groused while shoving at Remus’s head.
“Remus,” Roman groaned and Remus felt a hand pulling at the back of his shirt. Remus just clung tighter. “Let him go.”
He nuzzled his cheek against Janus’s shoulder. “But I love him.”
“You are a menace to society,” Janus retorted which was basically saying it back as far as Remus was concerned, especially with the way fondness seemed to leak into his tone. He shoved at Remus’s forehead again and Remus relented, hoping to his feet.
Janus sighed heavily and pushed himself into a sitting position.
Right as Janus made it to his feet, his phone dinged. It was his phone from Dad not the one from Janus’ mom, Remus noted as he took it out of his pocket. Remus leaned over his shoulder to get a look at what the text said. Janus spared him a glance but didn’t protest him looking.
Mission details were attached, and rather formal message read ‘Be at Bucking Bay in 30 minutes for a pickup. Please confirm.’
Remus could tell and he knew by the look on Janus’s face that he could tell too that Dad did not think Janus knew his brother was missing.
He silently opened the attachment and read the mission details before dropping the phone onto the ground and stomping his foot onto the screen until it shattered.
“No offence,” he said calmly, “but fuck your father.” He turned away toward the entrance of the park without another word. Remus swallowed thickly and shared a glance with Roman.
“We should probably follow him,” Roman said. “He knows where the neighbor lives.”
Remus nodded though he’d planned on following Janus even if he didn’t have information about the mission they were on.
They followed him down the street back towards where Remus knew Virgil and Remy’s house was (had been?... He didn’t think Virgil would be living there anymore if his dad was dead.).
Janus knocked on the front door of a house next door without preamble. It took a few seconds for the door to open. Even after working with Janus for the last two years, Remus was still surprised how quickly the other man’s face could transform.
“Good evening Ms. Owens,” he said smoothly, an apologetic smile on his face and a slight crinkle to his brow. “I was supposed to pick Virgil up to take him to a school play tonight, but he wasn’t home when I knocked. Would you have happened to have seen anything? I believe he may have left his phone at home.”
The woman who’d opened the door blinked at him in confusion for a few moments before a smile lit up her face. “Oh, hello Janus,” she said. “I did see him run out his backdoor a few minutes ago and hop the fence.”
“He went out the backdoor?” Janus said, a small frown flickering over his face for a moment before it disappeared. “Towards the grocery store perhaps?”
“He did seem to be going that way,” she confirmed.
“Hmm. Well I did tell him I would help him sneak in snacks to the play,” Janus said. “Perhaps he forgot and ran to get some. When did you see him?”
“Oh, about half an hour ago, give or take. I’m surprised he’s not back yet.”
Janus chuckled lightly. “Probably got tied up in the chocolate aisle. I’ll look for him there. Thank you, ma’am.”
“Oh, it’s no problem sweetie. Have fun at the play.”
Janus continued to smile until the door snapped shut. Then his face fell back into a neutral expression and he turned away.
“The grocery store,” he said. “Let’s look there. He does know the area so it would be a good place to hide.”
“Yeah, dude,” Remus replied. “I’m sure he’s off hiding in the chocolate aisle just like you said.”
Want to read more? Click below!
AO3 Part 5
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australiancarisi · 4 years
Sonny Carisi ~Stay
A boring night on shift at the hospital changes when your boyfriend shows up  Words: 1992 I’m not a nurse I know nothing besides 15 seasons of greys anatomy so please don’t come at me A part of my Sonny universe 
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It was a relatively quiet night in the Mercy Hospital ER. Just your usual drunks falling down, some parents overreacting after their kids hurt themselves, the odd accident here or there but for the most part your shift was going easy. And you weren’t complaining. 
You sat at the nurse’s desk sipping on your Redbull, scrolling through the patient database putting in all the notes the doctors and other nurses had written over the past few hours. 
“Next time a kid comes in here with a lego man’s head stuck in a hole of their body I’m not dealing with it” Nina huffed throwing a plastic bag with the toy in it “That’s the 8th of this week! stop giving stupid kids lego” 
“What did you expect when you became a nurse?” you asked, looking down to your phone. 
“Prince Charming not texted you in 10 minutes?” Nina gave you a smug look. You and Sonny had been dating for 8 months and it honestly has been amazing since day one. All your other relationships failed when they realised how hectic your schedule, most guys couldn’t work with the shift work. But Sonny got it. He was busier than you, it was rare that he wasn’t working whether actually on the clock or at home but he tried to make as much time as possible for you. He texts you constantly throughout the day and comes over to your apartment or to the hospital to drop off food for you. Because he knows that your diet would otherwise consist of Redbull and skittles from the vending machine. A part of you feels guilty when you see him walk through the ER doors when on shift because it obviously meant someone was hurt, but you got to see your boyfriend. 
“It’s actually been a while since I’ve heard from him” you sighed, the two other ER nurses on for the night, Tia and Mel walked up to the desk handed their notes over and putting on new gloves.
“Ambulance 3 minutes out, Police officer, gunshot wound, not sure how bad, there wasn’t much info” Tia said “Been told to take him straight to the surgery 2, it's being set up now”
“I’m sure he’s fine” Nina reassured you, your phone began to buzz and Sonny’s name flashed on the screen “see” 
“Hey gorgeous” you smiled into the phone, you really needed to hear his voice right now. 
“y/n” your blood ran cold as you heard Sonny’s lieutenant, Olivia Benson voice, not Sonny’s, came through the phone with sirens in the background. “Y/n you there?” 
“Please don’t tell me” you stood up, Nina was now by your side
“We’re 2 minutes out from Mercy, Amanda is with him” Olivia didn’t have to tell you the officer shot was Sonny, you knew. You ran towards the doors, you could hear the sirens. Liv and Fin’s car showed up in the ambulance bay first, the ambulance following closely behind. 
“two gunshot wounds to the upper left chest” the paramedic yelled as they got Sonny out, Amanda jumped out as well. 
“Sonny!” You screamed running towards him. Fin grabbed you pulling you out of the way so Nina, Tia and Mel could work on him. “Let me go! Fin! Fin! Let me go!” You managed to get out of Fin’s grip as they raced Sonny to the operating room. You ran closely behind, no longer listening to what anyone was saying, you just wanted to see Sonny, you needed to be with him. They pushed Sonny through the doors to the operating room, Nina turned around a pushed you away.  
“y/n don’t you know you can’t go in there” She said 
“I need to be in there! I need to help him!” you cried trying with all your might to get past her. 
“And that’s what we are going to do but we can’t give him our full attention if we are worrying about you, please” she begged, you stopped fighting long enough for her to close the door behind herself. You turned around and to see the squad there. 
Liv, Mike, Fin, Amanda.....
She was covered in blood.
Sonny’s blood
Tears welled in your and streamed down your cheeks. Your back hit the door behind you as you fell in the ground. Sonny was behind that wall, bleeding, have god knows what happening and you couldn’t help him. You wanted to take care of him, you had to take care of him, that was your job. He looks after everyone so you made it your job to look after him. Liv slowly and quietly made her way over to you and helped you to your feet. As you stood she instinctively wrapped her arms around you. You were so thankful for her right in this moment. 
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“Here” Mike hummed handing you a bottle of water, breaking your trance. It had been 3 hours since Sonny came in (2 hours since Nina had come out to give you an update) and you just felt empty. Barba had since shown up and Amanda had been given scrubs to change into. 
“Please just tell me” you pleaded, not to anyone in general but everyone shared looks. Every time you had asked them to tell you they always changed the subject “I need to know” 
“It doesn’t matter y/n-” 
“Yes it does” you cut Fin off, before turning to Olivia “Please tell me” 
“We have a DV vic, Sonny is the lead on the case, he gave her his card in case something happened” Mike started 
“She called said her husband had shown up at her house Sonny and Amanda went over and he was holding her hostage with a gun... Sonny tried to talk him down... he went for the gun and the guy shot him” Liv finished. They all looked at you, waiting for your reaction. 
“...is she safe? The victim?” You looked to Amanda 
“Uh, yeah yeah, she is. When the husband... when he shot Sonny he went into shock. I went to Sonny and she grabbed the gun and held him up until everyone else got there” Amanda said
“Okay good” you sighed in relief. Some good new “He has to pull through now, he has to know she’s okay” 
It was another hour until Nina finally came back out to you. As soon as you saw her you jumped to your feet and ran to your friend. You wrapped your arms around her and she squeezed you back. 
“Please please tell me he’s okay” you begged over and over again 
“He’s okay, he’s okay” she said and you heard everyone let out an audible sigh of relief. Nina let you go so she could talk to everyone but mainly you. “I’m not gonna lie he was touch and go for a while. He had 3 gunshot wounds. One was straight through his upper right arm, easy fix. One into his right shoulder which broke his clavicle but it was a clean break, it's been reset and he’s obviously going to need rehab” 
“Okay, and the third one?” you knew she was keeping something from you. She took in a deep breath “Nina please” 
“The third hit his aorta... it obviously caused us the most problem, he lost a lot of blood...like a lot. I’m gonna say this because it’s you, I didn’t think he was gonna make it... I was preparing to come out here and tell you he didn’t make it” 
“But he’s okay” Liv quickly jumped in 
“Yes” Nina nodded “the cardiologist repaired his aorta and his heart was pumping steadily, they’ve moved him to ICU while they get a room for him”
“Can we see him?” Amanda asked 
“You can all see him” Nina put an emphasis on the ‘all’ and looked at you “when he moves from ICU to the ward. It shouldn’t be too much longer” 
“But-” you started 
“No” Nina cut you off 
“What if I-” 
“No and I’ve told ICU that you are not to step foot in there” 
“It's the rules! You know that no one is allowed in there after hours” Nina reminded you. “I’ll come get you when he’s been moved” 
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It was about another hour before Nina came to get you to tell you he was in. For the first time ever you were glad you knew this hospital like the back of your hand. When you neared his room you slowed down when you heard his voice. That sweet Staten island accent that was like music to your ears. You could tell he was drowsy but that was too expected. 
“... I’m not just a cop I’m a detective” he said to Mel as you walked to the door. He was propped up on an angle, hooked up to an IV and heart monitor with his right arm in a sling.  His eyes fell on you and his eyes went wide “Heeeeeey babbbbbbbe” 
“Hey yourself” you giggled. All your stress and anxiety went away as soon as you saw him. It finally sunk in that he was okay. 
“hey hey” he poked Mel “this is my girlfriend she’s a nurse too. She’s the best nurse ever... no offence” Mell burst out laughing 
“She knows Sonny” you laughed 
“She does?! How?!” He exclaimed 
“We work together Sonny, you’re at y/n’s hospital” Mel shook her head as she kept writing notes 
“This is your hospital babe!? Why didn’t you tell me you own a hospital?!” he turned back to you. his eyes wide 
“I don’t own the hospital gorgeous, I work here remember” you walked around his bed to his side
“Ohhhhh, yes babe you’re right” 
“I’ll be back in an hour to check on him” Mel smiled at you. You thanked her as she left the two of you alone. “What’s all this babe business by the way? You never call me babe” 
“No I call you doll” he nodded, very seriously “you are my doll... Doll?” 
“I’m sorry for worrying you” 
“It’s okay-” 
“No it’s not” he cut you off. He was very firm “I almost left you and I never wanna leave you. I heard you cry when I went in” he was concussion when he came in? You didn’t realise, now you felt bad that the last thing he heard before going under was you crying “Don’t. Don’t feel bad” 
“Do you remember when we first met?” You asked changing the subject 
“It was here, in the ER” he nodded 
“You were here to talk to a patient, she was really fragile and when you and Amanda came in, you demanded to see her and I thought who is this guy coming in here and throwing his weight around. And the patient was so scared and I was afraid you were going to hurt her” you told him “and then when you went in there you were so soft and gentle with her and I knew, I just knew you were a good one” 
“I’d seen you around the hospital a couple of times before that” Sonny confessed “Amanda used to make fun of me cause I was so hung up on you and then the moment I actually got to talk to you I was so nervous I could barely talk to you” 
“The other nurses used to keep track of you every time they came in cause they knew I liked you” 
“Liv would send me cause she knew I liked you” Sonny closed his eyes as you ran your fingers through his hair “I love you y/n” 
“I love you too Dominick” he blushed as you used his real name “get some sleep gorgeous, you need it” 
“You’re gonna stay right?” he mumbled, sleep was quickly taking over him 
“Of course I’ll stay, I’m always gonna be by your side” you whispered leaning over to his him as he drifted off. 
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luninosity · 4 years
Time for @whumptober2020 day 7!
The theme for number 7 is “I’ve Got You,” and the specific prompts are support/carrying, this time!
So I, er...wrote fanfic...for the fictional characters...that Colby and Jason are playing in the next John Kill movie...from the bonus stories I wrote for my own published Character Bleed trilogy... *laughs*
Imagine Jason and Colby in character as John and Cam, for this one. Also I’m not sure I’m really good at spy-action-thrillers, but hey, why not try. :-)
They’re on the run in Venice, on the run with each other, global supervillain organization hot on their trail, separated from the rest of the team but planning a rendezvous; John turns from a window, paces, restless. He’s never liked waiting. An itch builds under his skin.
 “Sharpen a knife or something,” Cam says without looking up. His head’s bent over his laptop; his hair’s standing up in ridiculous dark waves, drying from the safehouse’s tiny shower. It makes him look younger, softer, more innocent. John’s seen him take out six henchmen with elegant grace, and coax an enemy vault to self-destruct with a single line of code, and crack supposedly unbeatable code in under two minutes. All within the last two days, in fact.
 Cam adds, “You’re making me nervous,” and pokes something on the laptop. He’s trying to find chatter about the missing superweapon. Sales. An auction. A gathering of certain important names.
 “You’re not nervous.” John circles around to him. “Unless you are. Should I be worried?”
 Cam looks up. Their eyes meet.
 Everything they are and aren’t hangs on a knife’s point in the middle of a run-down once-lavish hotel. Salt and water scent the air. The edge of a bruise is visible on Cam’s arm, beneath a shoved-up shirtsleeve.
 Cam’s saved him once and pretended to betray him once. That plan had worked.
 Cam’s beautiful and brilliant and worth every drop of his reputation. That’s all true. His reputation had also mentioned that he was young and amoral and charming. He’d been friends, in the way of the underworld of spies and quasi-official secret agents and hacker networks, with Brent. And Brent had died saving them all, months ago—had left them a name, a contact, and had sworn they could trust him, this young man with a drop of water sliding down beside his left eyebrow and the fate of the world currently depending on his fingertips…
 There’s also the fact that they’ve had sex. Twice now. Enthusiastically. Explosively, to borrow a description.
 John shifts weight, not off balance because he isn’t but needing to move. The air crackles.
 “That depends.” Cam’s fingers don’t move, calm over the keys. “How much do you trust me?”
 “I trust Brent.”
 The flicker in blue eyes says Cam’s heard the present tense. “That’s not an answer about me.”
 “Isn’t it?”
 “You trust me enough to bring me to Moscow and let me turn you in and then rescue you,” Cam says. “You trust me enough to fuck me. Twice. But not enough to tell me so.”
 It’d been heart-pounding, pulse-thumping, wild and glorious. It’d been exhilarated and exhilarating, the first time: an escape from enemy organization clutches, a plan gone right, giddy laughter and triumph and adrenaline streaking through their veins like scotch and silver. They’d made it out and made it to safety and caught each other’s gazes, and John had pushed him up against a bunker door and kissed him, hard and fierce, hands going to Cam’s pants.
 The second time had been here, this safehouse, this morning. They’d fallen asleep the night before, exhausted; they’d woken, and shifted to look at each other. John had touched the bruise on Cam’s arm, earned while getting him out; Cam had smiled and reached up and pulled him close.
 They hadn’t talked much, either time.
 “I don’t not trust you,” he says. “It’s just that trusting someone…you earn that.” Other specters rise and hover: old treachery, former lovers, dead and living, here and gone. He’d had a fiancée once. The rest of the team knows not to mention Victoria’s name.
 “I know. And I know what you’ve heard about me. That I never used to care who I worked for. That I did…what I did, and who, in Paris.” Cam’s voice stays even, though his chin lifts slightly. “I know you know all that.”
 “I’ve heard about it. I also know Brent told us to find you.” He says it again: “And I trust Brent. He thought you’d end up on the right side.”
 “That sounds like him. Having faith in people.” Cam runs both hands through his hair, sending a few last water-drops flying. “Not like us. If—hang on.”
 “Stop leaning over me, your shoulder’s in my way. —Ah. Well. Not good.”
 “What’s not good?”
 “Someone knows about this place.” Cam’s eyes meet his, calm but aware of the situation. “Two minutes.”
 “Then we’re moving.” Up, grabbing guns, grabbing their stash of money and passports. “We’ll go out the back—if we get split up, head for the third location on the list—”
 “I’m not leaving you.” Stubborn, this time. “He told me you’d need help. You need me.”
 “Cam—” What? I don’t need you, I do need you, you’ve saved us all half a dozen times already and I barely know you but I know the way you look when you come, as if all those edges end up surprised by pleasure? I want to know you? I want to trust you?
 If Cam really did plan to betray him in truth, those blue eyes would say the same thing, about not wanting to leave him. John knows that.
 He says, “I’m not planning for us to get split up. Just in case. The third, got it?”
 “Yes.” Cam gets up, yanks on his boots—he’d been barefoot, out of the shower, and something twists in John’s chest for a second—and dives for the laptop. “But—”
 A crack splits the afternoon in two. A bullet. Gunfire.
 They both drop behind the sofa. More bullets sear the air.
 “Two minutes?”
 “They’re faster than I thought! They must’ve had someone already here—”
 “Never mind. I’ll cover you. Get to the door.”
 “About that…might be a problem…”
 John starts to demand why; the question dies on his lips. Cam moves a hand, shaky. Blood on his fingers. Across his stomach. Over a hip.
 John Kill, veteran of a hundred impossible missions, doesn’t have an answer. Every one of his unspoken words screams in silence, in that second.
 His hands, though, are practiced. They move. Pressure over the wound. Torn fabric. Cam’s face is pale, but he manages, “I’ll live. I think. If we get out of here and do something about it.”
 He’s not wrong. It’s bad but not immediately fatal. Not good, but the placement could’ve been worse.
 “You’ll be fine. We’ll get you out of here, okay?”
 Cam manages a grin. “Not without you, I said. You need me. Or at least my laptop.”
 “Wouldn’t be nearly as much fun with your laptop and not you. Can you still aim?”
 “Probably. From the angle and the speed…their shooter should be close enough. I can handle that.” Cam fishes out a throwing knife. “On three?”
 “On three.” He slides an arm under Cam’s body, preparing. Cam’s not really heavy: nicely muscled, but slender. Easy enough to support. He hopes Cam can stand up.
 Cam’s blood’s very red against the dark blue of his shirt. His hair’s still damp, as incongruous as a reminder of what they’d been doing to require a shower. He tips his head against John’s shoulder, breathing faster.
 “Here. Sorry. Kind of hurting a lot. Just got shot, you know.”
 “Oh, did you…so you weren’t just trying to get me to carry you around…” Ready. Both of them. A count.
 And motion: abrupt, whirling, himself scooping Cam off the floor—running for the door, knowing the gun will be firing—knowing the fire will indicate a position—
 Cam’s hand moves. Silver snaps outward. It’s a small knife, made for this. And the shooter’s nearby. And Cam, as always, has exquisitely calculated aim.
 Silence lands like a body falling, like bullets dropping. Cam’s quiet also, too quiet, hand falling. He’s falling too: sagging into John’s arms.
 “Still…here…ow, though…hey, that was…a fucking awesome throw…tell me you saw that.”
 “Yeah, you’re saving our asses again. Come on, I’ve got you, you’re okay.” He’s carrying Cam now, cradled in both arms. Running.
 “I’m fine…for a given value of fine…I want my knife back. I like that knife. Oh, ow, stairs.”
 “I’ll get you a new set. Something shiny and expensive.”
 “Oh, promises…best way to a man’s heart…” Cam’s actually pulling out a mobile phone, one of his many mysterious modified collection; he’s checking something, panting, coughing. He’s still got the laptop, because it’d been in his shoulder bag along with another knife or two. “Okay, good, that tracker’s still running…hey, do you know anything about someone named Celia Bloom, because that name keeps—”
 “Her name’s Elizabeth, or it used to be, and she works for La Fantomina.” Eliza. Fuck. And Cam’s still trying to work, trying to protect the mission—bleeding and unable to stand and trying to help, because John doesn’t trust him and he needs to prove himself—
 But. But John does need him, needs to trust him, needs to make sure he’s safe and alive and still here—
 He keeps Cam cradled against his chest. More stairs. He’s in good shape. He can do this. He can get them out of this. He can get them to the next safehouse, and call in a favor, use any debt he’s owed, beg someone to come and look at Cam and make the bleeding stop.
 He can’t lose Cam. He just—he can’t. Not another person, and not now, not Cam, not when they’re—if they’re—whatever they are, whatever they might be, dangerous and tantalizing as every possibility is. He can’t lose this. He won’t.
 He feels each breath in his lungs, feels Cam’s weight in his arms, Cam’s head leaning more heavily on his shoulder. Three flights of stairs to go. He scrapes out, “Stay awake. Talk to me.”
 It’s not about the mission, or Eliza, or any of that. That’s a problem for the future. He’s saving Cam right now.
 “I’m awake.” Clearly true, but Cam’s voice sounds weaker. “Looks like Celia…Elizabeth…doesn’t like you. I mean…like…personally.”
 “Not a surprise.”
 “You want to…tell me that story…sometime?”
 “Maybe later. It’s not pretty.”
 “I don’t mind…not pretty…and, hey…I like you.”
 “Delirious. Blood loss. We’re almost there. Private dock right out this door. How do you feel about stealing a boat?”
 “It’s not my first choice of…getaway vehicle…but we’re in Venice, so…it’ll do. Nice and romantic.”
 “Now you’re just saying words.” Down the stairs, getting breath back. Cam’s blood’s soaked across them both. John’s own shirt’s sticky with it.
 Somewhere close, he thinks. A friend. Henry, maybe, who’s retired and will complain but will help—that should be reachable, once they get out of here—close enough—
 He says, “I’ve got you, you just hang on, okay?” and kicks the door open, Cam in his arms.
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queensdivas · 4 years
Hidden Blade Chapter 5
I know. It’s been so long since we’ve done anything with Four! But damn I was bored and this was perfect timing to bring four back to life in all honesty! Also who can resist Ben? 
Okay so I bet some of you are wondering wheres the update for Gard? I’m waiting for a few artist to get some art work done! So exciting I know! Not Ben related but I thought it was important. 
Okay so here’s chapter 5! 
Next Chapter
Previous Chap 
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For some reason Four wanted just the two of us to eat dinner on the rooftop? One put us up in a decent hotel that was a few blocks away from the penthouse and honestly a little quiet time before the mission is something I could use. 
“I bring sweet and sour pork, steamed shrimp dumplings, milk tea, and a shit ton of rice.” A weird mixture of dinner but still delicious. He rolled across the roof on his skateboard as I was studying the blueprints of the penthouse. 
“Oh and the lady was so nice she gave us pineapple bread.” He popped off his board as Four handed me the bag full of food. He squatted down to place the drinks in front of us as I began opening the bag. 
“Thanks for dinner. So why are we eating dinner just the two of us?” I asked him as I handed him the dumplings. 
“Cause I’ve been with them since this whole thing started. It’s nice to have a fresh face within the crowd.” Four handed me the chopsticks as I broke them apart. Glad to know I’m a fresh face amongst the other seven of them. 
Ya know. I know we're supposed to call each other by our numbers to keep our identities a secret from each other. But the whole world thought I was dead in the first place before my fake death. So me telling my name wouldn’t really mean anything. If One considers us a ghost, then I’m just the wind blowing around. 
I’d like to tell Four my name..just in case I do die. Someone should at least know my name before I die. But there’s no way he would spill the beans about him which is fair. This is his life and him jeopardizing by telling me his name wouldn’t be such a fantastic idea. 
We ate in silence as we watched the sun beginning to set over the Sea. The orange sky was painted as we looked at each other with our stuffed faces. Scooting closer to each other but not quite touching yet as we kept watching the sky. 
My eyes drifted over to his skateboard as it was sitting there staring at my soul. When I was kid a bunch of the other kids I lived with had skateboards and I always wanted to learn how to ride one. Obviously they said no because I was always the odd ball out. 
“How long have you been riding?” Asking him as he turned his head towards the board. 
“Since I was a kid. Wanna learn?” He asked as I quickly nodded. He grabbed the to go box of the pork as I took a sip of the milk tea. 
We got up as he took a bite of his pork. He got on top of his board to start riding around the rooftop as he was eating the pork. Okay showoff! Very funny. He circled around me as I shook my head at him. 
“Alright, Four very funny.” He stopped right in front of me to get off the board to place his pork down. 
“Now just keep your feet evenly placed on the board because riding is just balance.” I nodded to step on the board with my feet placed where I could see where he left his after the years of riding it. 
“Here. Give me your hands.” Giving him my hands as he began leading me on the board. We kept smiling at each other as he kept leading me around the rooftop. Who’d known that it was this easy to ride around on a skateboard. 
“Now just bend your knees a little.” Nodding as I bent my knees and he let go of my hands. 
“Wait no Four no.” I laughed as I began rolling by myself. My arms were a little shaky till I got the balance down. Oh my god this is fun! 
“See! Easy!” Four yelled as I gradually began to slow down. He walked back over to me as he began leading me again. 
“Now how long to learn all the cool tricks like Tony Hawk?” 
“About three years give or take.” Do I look like I have two or three years? 
“Jerusha.” I blurted out as we stopped moving. 
“You don’t have to tell me your name. Just wanted someone to tell you if I don’t make it tonight. Rather not be completely forgotten.” I’m not quite sure what I just did. I let go of his hands then off the board. 
“We should probably meet with the others before One tracks us down.” Tell Four as I gather up our leftovers and start walking towards the meet up. 
A small group consisting of me, Four, Seven, and One we’re crowded around the cranes that would lead us over to the big apartment, er whatever those buildings are. One says he’s calling it a snatch and grab, minus the snatch or something like that because I wasn’t paying too much attention. Mostly because Four and I were working on harnesses and other contraptions for being spider monkeys of the group. 
“Going to be honest with y’all. Haven’t really climbed anything that could possibly move me around like a fishing hook.” Seven told us I pulled out my much needed and preferred weapon to load that sucker up. My semi-auto, which is a synthetic 12 gage shotgun. I will be packing heat with this little gun, besides, little mini automatics aren’t my forte.
“Just don’t look down.” Four commented as I loaded my gun with the shells. 
“Great advice. What a genius you are!” I’m really trying to hold my sarcasm at this moment because I’m trying not to shit myself. I know this is like my fortieth mission. But it’s the first time I’ve worked with more than a second person. It’s a little uneasy because if one person doesn’t pull their string we’re all screwed!
Stay focused girl! Ah okay. Here we go. I put my shotgun back into my bag as I slung my bookbag back on. I put on my climbing gloves as he began spreading his gymnastic chalk on his hands. 
“So with all this do da stuff. We’re you an engineer before this?” Seven asked as I began checking my zipline contraption. 
“In a weird way, kind of..” I tightened one of the knobs a little more. If we’re going to be dangling like monkeys off the side of this dude's cage, I’d like to make sure my arm doesn’t slip and then fall to my death. 
“If that works, would you mind making me one?” Four asked me as he was cracking his knuckles. I mean I don’t even know if this is going to work, but if it does, sure. 
“Sure. It’ll take me a few days or so if that’s alright? Mind if I use some of your climbing chalk?” He nodded as he tossed over his ball of climbing powder. Rubbing my hands together as One approached us. 
“You afraid?” Is he doing one of those cliche movie things where one of the dudes acts all tought and the leader is like “fear is your best friend when doing stupid shit” kind of thing?
“Nope.” Yup. That’s one of the most cliche things ever oh my god. 
“Good luck.” One told him as he shook his head. 
“Saying good luck is bad luck.” I turned towards the crane to shake out my arms. 
“I take it back.” Oh my god I’m going to start climbing up if they don’t stop. 
“Taking it back is even worse luck.” Yup starting my climb. I began climbing up the crane as quickly as I could, because I know if I look down I’ll die. No I’m not afraid of heights, just things that move under me while I’m super high in the sky. 
“Go go go go go.” One got him to start climbing up the crane. 
“Yeah.” Four sighed as he was starting up to catch up with me. 
“Good luck you two!” One chuckled as Four was the first to start climbing. 
“Do you want me to die? Wanker.” He made it up to me as I watched the building that we were going to be jumping. 
We made it to the top of the crane as it began moving. I gripped his arm as it scared the shit out of me for a second. He looked at me for a moment as I pulled my hand away from him. Dear God that was a little weird.  
“Sorry. It kind of spooked me there for a second.” We began moving as quickly yet safely because One is moving this thing like a bat out of hell!
“Just take it slow and easy. We’re still moving across so just take it slow.” Four tried helped me calm down a little as I finally calmed down a little bit for the ride. Just fine!
“It’s a good ride One. A little scary up here, but.” Seven was the first to speak as we were gliding across the sky. 
“Nah this is fun. Don’t be a pussy seven.” Four told him as our crane was closing into the penthouse. 
“Yeah I got the gun, smartass. Remember that.” Four shook his head at Seven's little comment.
“Slow it down, One. Slow it down.” I told one as we made it over the penthouse. I climbed down to wrap my legs around the crane, then climbed down onto the roof. 
“Overwatch is set. I got the target in his bed scratching his balls, reading some Chinese book. Is that a cookbook?” Oh I would love some squid right about now because that sounds delicious for a midnight snack.
I climbed around to the other side of the pool as I watched for the guards inside the penthouse. They were huddled around in the kitchen eating KFC? Wait a second! You’re in China with some of the best tasting street food and you decide to eat KFC? It’s not even real meat! The only thing that they have that’s good is their gravy!
“Zipline secure!” Right. Need to get started on destroying the windows. Shit they’re moving! Umm umm! I climbed up to the top of the roof roof to basically become the eyes in the sky in close range. For a few minutes till Four got the zipline set. They started coming out of the penthouse all over the outside pavilion thing. I dropped down to start crawling across the roof. Four ducked down behind the plants as he moved around the people he saw. The pool!
“Four to your right. They’re going towards the crane.” Saying over as he climbed down into the pool.
“Shit it’s cold.” He whispered through the com as he kneeled in the water at eye level. 
“Four you got enemies to your left, eye level. Better take a deep breath. I’m going in.” I was about to climb down but One jumped on the com. 
“No, don't Eight you’ll compromise the mission.” Ye have little faith in me. 
“Give me a little credit One. I don’t need to make noise to do my killings.” Taking my hunting knife out of its sleeve to start sliding down the wall. 
The closest guard that was near me stopped in front of the plants as I was about to stab him in the neck but he moved back into the house to sit back down with the other guards. Well shit if I can just slither over then this will be a cake walk. 
Worming around the place as one was directly over Four as he was waiting to come up for breath. Crap they’re too many and they keep running around the pool and crane! 
“Hang on Four I’m thinking.” Telling him as I kept watching everyone to see if I can get away with it. Even if I grab him and do it in the bushes he would be making a lot of noise. Look hiding a body is sort of loud and you have to do it right. 
“Seven shoot the pool.” I whispered. If he shoots a hole in the pool then we have an airway for Four to be able to breath! 
“Four moves right!” Seven told him as I backed out of the bushes to start going through my bag for the small glass breaking bombs. 
“Incoming round.” 
“You’re welcome. And y’all can refer to me as Mr. Seven from now on.” At that point you can call me Lady Eight. Oh could you imagine that? Instead of just numbers we added titles to our numbers! Dibs on Lady Eight instead of just eight. Oh my god that would be absolutely perfect! 
Four climbed out of the water as he crawled over to where I was in the bushes. He flung his bag off as I began handing him the small bombs and rope. He opened his fanny pack as he placed a few of the bombs in there. 
“Spiderman the walls and we’ll be set.” He whispered as I flung my bag back over my shoulder for us to start our bomb placing. 
He boosted me up towards the roof of the penthouse as I reached down to pull him up. Bear crawling across the roof as low as we could till we reached the southside of the penthouse. 
“Hot mask.” We were about to start unpacking but stopped as three began playing through our coms. 
“In a Darth Vader daughter kind of way. Maybe later we can...coochie coochie.” Four and I looked at each other trying not to laugh. 
“Woochie woochie coochie.” It’s becoming the laugh you have to keep quiet because bursting out in laughter would be horrible. 
“A little over the top guys.” One chimed into their little conversation. I handed him the rope as he began trying himself so he could dangle over a building that if the ropes cut we don’t hit the pavement! We’re burned alive! I’m thinking too hard about this. 
“You lost one of your seals! You’re on laughing gas you dumb motherfucker!” Tieing my rope around me as we looked at each other. Turning off our coms for a split second so we could have a private conversation. 
“Did those two have some very big sexual tension even before I showed up?” I asked as he nodded. 
“They hooked up in Vegas.” Telling him as I tried my rope around the pipe. We turned our coms back on as we could hear three laughing. 
“I am the danger!” We turned our heads towards each other in complete shock. Hearing that ring through my ears actually hurt my soul! 
“For the love of everything no more movie lines.” I told them through the com. 
“Or ever.” One added thankfully. 
“It’s a tv line, not a movie line!” Anything that has overpaid actors!
“Yes Miss Vader!” Darth Vader breathing began going through the com as we began lowering ourselves down on the large window glass. God it’s like listening to really bad porno intro Jesus! A loud bang happened from the com as Three was now obnoxiously laughing. 
“Okay we’ve got a problem. Three got hit with nitrous, and he’s stupider than usual.” 
“This is the funniest shit ever!” His laughing echoed through the com. 
Four and I scaled down to underneath the window as we began placing them at the base of the windows. Though the rope was holding us, we still kept a tight grip on the cement just in case it was going to snap. These bombs were suction cupped which were very easy to place as we began going in opposite directions. 
“He said there were sound wave bombs right?” Asking Four as he nodded. 
“Supposedly. Which makes me a little less anxious because this won’t blow up my arm.” Fair enough. Reaching up to place one on the window as I grunted pulling all my upper body strength to smack it on there. 
“How are you two doing over there? You look like elegant spider monkees!” Glad to know that us dangling a few stories off the ground brings him joy. 
“Thank you one for describing us as very capable mammals who are very intelligent.” Not quite sure if that did anything but calling me a monkey is considered a compliment. They’re geniuses! 
“You look like you’re having so much fun!” 
“Tell me one. Has anyone asked you dumb fucking questions when you’re dangling like a fish on a line?” Four asked as we kept pushing to place the bombs. 
“No need to climb angry you two.” It’s not that I’m angry! It’s the fact I’m trying to focus! 
“Mate, you’re really ruining my flow right now, you know that!” Four told him which made him chuckle. I smacked another one as I checked to see I only had one more. 
“Just get those high-intensity speakers placed.” Seven ordered as I shook my head. 
“Yes sir sergeant sir!” I moved up and placed the last speaker onto the window! All done finally! I climbed up the rope to untie myself from the pipe. 
“Hey have you ever uh...you ever been to an American movie theatre? Between 1983 and 2015?” What does this have to do with anything! 
“No.” I answered as I walked over to where Four was dangling to wait for him to get done. 
“No, I just pirate them on my phone.” What a dick move. 
“That’s an ass hole move. All right.” Four finished as I reached down to pull him up from dangling. I took off my bag to pull out my shotgun and was ready to go. 
“Get ready to pull that trigger.” 
We climbed across the roof as he took one entrance as I was on the second one. The crescendo hit as the glass shattered all over the penthouse. Though One is a sarcastic dick, I will say that was a very genius move. 
“Hit it!” 
Let’s do this!
@bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @lazykittenstudent-deactivated20​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @itsmeaudrieee​ @intoanothermind​ @imjustboredso​ @4lendow-norris @wickedholland​ @takemetoneverlandbabe​ @raylan-c​ @johndeaconshands​ @myvanishingaddictions​
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ @sasuhinabigflash2020​​ || Day Four: On A Hill ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood, death, gun ] [ Verse: Stockades and Stagecoaches ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Kicking spurs into his mount’s side, Sasuke leans up over the horse’s neck, releasing his reins to better keep hold of his rifle. Hooves thunder against the ground, dry and dusty in the dog days of Summer. Ahead of him, his target is just as desperate to build speed, glancing back over his shoulder to his pursuer.
Just a little closer…
Then with a bang and a whiz, a bullet flies by, followed quickly by more as the fiend draws a pistol, firing nearly blind behind himself in a last ditch effort to ward off his foe.
But Sasuke’s been in far too many fire fights to flinch. Instead, he finally launches a bullet of his own with a cracking report.
It flies true, burying into the man’s back with a cry of agony. For a moment he sits stiff in his saddle before falling to the earth. His own horse keeps running, and Sasuke makes no attempt to stop it. Instead, he brings his to a stop with a hold of the reins and a soft, “whoa”.
Blood pooling in the dirt, the rogue beneath him draws a few more rattling breaths before going still.
Seems he won’t be getting a confession, but in truth he doesn’t need one. All he knows is that this one’s face was on a wanted poster...and when Sasuke decides to take down a bounty, nothing stands in his way.
Dead or alive.
Dismounting, he goes through the man’s pockets, taking anything of note that the dead no longer need. A few dollars, a pocket watch, and a half-empty package of cigarettes. He doesn’t smoke, but he might be able to trade them to someone who does.
Making sure the target’s deceased, Sasuke then hauls him up behind his saddle, tying him down to take in to the sheriff’s office. For good measure, he folds the copy of the poster he took and stuffs it in the man’s pocket to make the last step all the easier.
He then climbs up into his seat, surprised to find the other horse come to a stop not too far off. With a flick of his lasso, he manages to catch it, leading it back toward town. Given his owner no longer has need of it...might as well sell it. He trusts his own mount too much to consider trading, and he doesn’t carry enough to need a pack animal.
The less he can get by on, the easier it is to keep moving.
The ride to town takes him until sunset, curious citizens gawking at the scene. Bounty hunters aren’t exactly rare, but a successful haul - let alone a dead one - still draws gazes.
Clearly about ready to call it a day, the sheriff lounges in a rocking chair along the front of the jail, sitting up as Sasuke approaches. “And what have we here?”
Rather than answer, the Uchiha grabs the body and tosses it on the veranda, whipping out the parchment and presenting it without a word.
“Hm…” With a boot, the sheriff turns the body face-up, comparing the face to the sketch. “Seems right to me. Give me a moment and I’ll fetch your reward, mister…?”
“Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha.”
“Mister Uchiha.” Giving a nod and stepping over the corpse, the other man disappears for a few minutes before returning with a small wad of bills. “Two hundred and fifty dollars, as advertised. And our little town thanks you for your service. One less varmint runnin’ amok.”
Hand at its brim, Sasuke tips his hat respectfully before remounting. With that money, he can easily afford a room, a bath, and to restock on supplies before heading to the next town to see what work they’d have. But first...a little rest and relaxation for a job well done.
His horse plods easily through town, watching as it begins to button up for the evening. Wives scold late-returning husbands, children are ushered in before it gets dark...and patrons flock to the tavern for its late night lights and spirits.
Tempting, but he’ll want a clear head to travel come morning.
His plan, however, soon runs into a snag. Seems the inn is full.
“There’s a boarding house at the west end a’town,” the innkeep offers. “A bit more spendy, but it should do well for ya. Run by a real nice gal. Sits up on a hill, y’can’t miss it.”
Glancing in the offered direction, Sasuke spies what looks to be the building’s silhouette as the sun sets behind it. Giving his thanks, Sasuke follows the scant directions, finding himself at the base of a three story building. Curious eyes rove over it before lowering to the door. Horse tethered in what is clearly the property’s stable, he walks up and knocks.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually the door opens. And standing within it is a woman of shorter stature and fuller features. But what catches his eyes first are her own: a pale color, almost like subdued lilac.
She in turn looks surprised to see him. And given that he sees no evidence of other guests, Sasuke can guess why. “...evening, sir!” she then greets, flashing a demure smile. “Can I help you…?”
“I was told lodging was offered here?” he asks, glancing up behind her.
“Yes, this’s a boarding house. Are you in need of a room?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Thinking to remove his hat, Sasuke then offers, “Wouldn’t turn down a bath and a meal, either.”
That gets her to softly laugh. “Of course. No offense, but...you look like you brought half the road with you.”
“Oh, er…” Stepping back, he dusts at his garments. “Had a long ride.”
“Most who come through do. If you’d like, I can launder those for you.”
He pauses. “...I’d appreciate that, ma’am.”
“Oh, please - miss Hyūga suits me just fine.” She then opens the door wider, and Sasuke steps in, spurs clinking quietly. “I’ll get that bath started for you. Just leave your things outside the door and I’ll tend to them.”
“Sure it’s not a bother?”
“Not at all. I’m...sure you’ve noticed you’re the only patron at the moment,” she notes with a weary sigh. “So I’ve all the time in the world. If anything, a bit more to do would be nice.”
Still feeling a bit awkward at all the offered hospitality, Sasuke just nods, letting her show him to a room and then the bathroom. She heats the water on the stove, filling the tub and leaving soaps for his use.
Taking in his saddlebags, Sasuke unpacks one of few spare outfits he has, stripping down and leaving what’s soiled outside the door before slipping into the water.
Admittedly...he can’t remember the last time he had a proper bath. Mostly just rinsing off in obliging rivers or rain barrels. So this? This is a treat. And he’s going to be damn sure to enjoy it while he can.
Only once clean and the water cold does he emerge, toweling off and dressing. Upon cracking open the door, he does indeed find what he left behind gone.
Feeling a bit standoffish, he eventually makes his way back downstairs, following the scent of food. And there he finds Hinata setting the dining room table before glancing up to him.
“My, looks like you’ve shed ten pounds from lost dirt alone,” she notes, smiling again as he flashes pink across the tops of his ears and the bridge of his nose. “Forgive me, it’s...been a while since I’ve had a guest. Seems my manners need some dusting off, too.”
“No harm, ma-...er, miss Hyūga.”
“Well, best have your supper before it gets cold.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes, before you arrived. No need to fuss over me, sir. Though that reminds me...I’ve yet to ask your name.”
“Sasuke Uchiha,” he replies upon taking a seat.
“Well, will you be with us long, mister Uchiha?”
“Just until morning.”
For a moment, disappointment flickers over her face, but is soon replaced by another smile. “Well, I’d best make the most of it, then! If you need anything else, just holler. I’ll be finishing up some chores. If you turn in early, I’ll offer a goodnight now.”
Sasuke just nods, watching her leave before taking a bite.
He’ll admit, it’s damn good.
Once his plate is cleared, he peeks into the kitchen, finding it empty and leaving his cutlery by the sink. Part of him wants to inquire after his clothes, but...well, she’s already doing him a favor. No need to appear pushy. Instead, he follows the lamplight up to his room and tucks into bed for the night.
To his honest surprise, rest comes quickly, and he sleeps well past sunup. He must’ve been more tired than he’d thought. Sitting up, he pauses at the sight of folded clothes atop the chest of drawers nearby.
Seems they’re all taken care of.
Redressing, he makes to pack them only to pause. She even mended a tear in his sleeve from a knife fight he won a few nights back.
Fingering the stitches, he mulls that over before putting everything back in its proper place and hauling the saddlebags down to the main floor.
“Miss Hyūga?” he calls, tone a bit muted in the otherwise-empty building. Sounds come from the kitchen, but he doesn’t want to intrude.
“Breakfast is almost ready!” she replies, offering no further explanation. So, in the meantime, he takes out his bags and greets his mount. Seems they’re just as well-rested, bright-eyed and nickering softly.
“Not much longer and we’ll be back on the road,” he assures them softly.
Back inside, he steps in just as his hostess goes bustling past. “One last meal before you head on your way,” she explains with a smile.
“What’ll I owe you?”
“A dollar typically gets you a day.”
“But you’ve -?”
His counter is waved aside, taking her own seat to dine with him. “As I said, the busywork is a blessing itself. It’s been quiet. The mine that saw so many men come through is all but dried up, so...most of my business is past. A little longer, then I’ll likely move back to the city. It was a fun little venture, but all good things come to an end, I’m afraid.”
Having no retort, Sasuke stands for a moment before joining her. They pass with small talk, the Hyūga woman telling of the town, and Sasuke of his choice in work.
“What an adventure it must be,” she offers wistfully, cradling her mug of tea as the meal comes to a close.
“It’s rarely boring,” he agrees dryly. “But not very steady, or comfortable.”
“I can imagine. But comfortable is often just that: boring,” she replies with a soft smile.
“A happy medium isn’t easy to find.”
“Well...maybe you will someday. At least you’ll have some freedom and excitement. I’ll be heading back to my father’s. Comfortable, but...well, it’s not exactly glamorous under his thumb.”
“He’s made his fortune in the oil fields,” she replies with a sigh. “So in reality, there’s little need for me to be here, but...I wanted to try and make my own way. But, as usual...I’ll end up right back where I started.”
Sasuke hesitates. “...I see.”
“But it’s nothing to cry over. I’ll make due. But I’ll miss it here. Meeting so many new people, hearing other stories…”
“Are you...running dry on funds?”
“Yes and no. I could keep pouring money into it, but...there’s just no point, now. Not with no one to pander to.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be. It was fun while it lasted. I’ll survive. I’m just thankful I got the opportunity.”
With that, the conversation mostly dries up, and Sasuke finds he has no real reason to linger. The sooner he leaves, the sooner he’ll reach the next town, and his next bounty.
...but part of him is sad to go.
Hinata tidies up after them, walking out to the porch as he mounts up.
“Thank you very much for your hospitality, miss Hyūga,” he offers genuinely.
“Thank you for the business. But more so the company,” she replies, smiling.
“So...where’s home, if not here?”
“My father has a home in the capital. I’ll return there in a few weeks, likely to just get married off. But...I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”
For some reason, his chest tightens...but he offers no retort.
“If you ever find yourself in the big city, maybe we’ll cross paths again,” she then adds, regaining his gaze.
“...maybe. Probably plenty of crime in the city.”
“Where men go, evil follows.”
HIs lips twitch before giving a polite dip of his head. “Miss Hyūga.”
“Safe travels,” she replies, waving as he makes for the town center. Time to stock up, and hit the trail.
...who knows. Maybe sooner or later it’ll lead to the big city.
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     Oookay it’s late so I’ma be brief xD      Wild west AU cuz...reasons. While not really a fan of the genre overall, I do live really rural, so...it’s kinda ingrained into me lol. I’ve written one other piece in it but that was for another ship in another event I hosted last year. I’m no expert by any means xD      I doubt I’ll do more but I guess it depends on where the prompt list takes me, and I guess what you guys think? Buuut for now I’m gonna go sleep - thanks for reading!
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webrokethe4thwall · 4 years
Could you please write some about Draxum finally agreeing to go out on one date with Carol's daughter. While he hates every second of it.
Draxum couldn’t fathom how his life had gotten to this point. One day, he was a warring warrior scientist trying to build an army, and now he was a lunch lady serving pea soup to a bunch of hormonal, emotionally-charged teenage fleshbags. He was on his way up to his apartment when he remembered the “mailbox” that April had mentioned he should check on a daily basis. He had barely gotten the envelopes out of the wretched thing when a manicured hand slammed it shut.
“Barry!” A shrill voice crowed in his ear.
Not again, Draxum thought tiredly. He didn’t even turn to look the woman in the eyes as he droned, “What do you want, Carol?”
Carol grinned that toothy, wide, even-Draxum-could-tell-it-was-fake smile. The yokai knew what was coming next. This sixty-something-year-old woman was unrelenting.
“My daughter is visiting me this weekend,” Carol said airily. “It would be a shame if she couldn’t meet my big strong neighbor.”
“For the last time, Carol,” Draxum said, turning to go up the stairs, “I have no interest in meeting your daughter!”
He missed how the grin turned predatory.
“Ah, but I do suppose you have an interest in keeping your dogs?” Carol asked a smidgen too sweetly.
Draxum turned to see her holding an envelope sealed with an official mark of the city. It was probably the bill from the dog catcher who inadvertently reunited him with Huginn and Muninn.
“Now, I don’t know why you named me as the owner for the two mongrels that wrecked half the city, but I do know that if I don’t pay this bill the city will come after the true owner and the animals at fault,” Carol explained. “However, I might be willing to overlook this moment of identity theft and pay the bill.”
The way she ended her sentence as she dragged out the last word, as though she was going to continue speaking, left Draxum with a sinking feeling in his belly. He hated this woman. He hated her with his entire being! However, his and his gargoyles’ safety was at risk.... Was this... was this what having a family is like? Gross.
“What time do you want me to come by?” Draxum sighed heavily.
Carol squealed and jumped with victory. “Meet us at noon in the park on Saturday. Susan and I will be waiting by the fountain. You can even bring your doggies!”
So, Draxum spent the rest of his week getting ‘dating advice’ from April and the turtles, who had never been on a date themselves but claimed that ‘otome were close enough, right?,’ and Splinter/Lou Jitsu, who blew through a starlet a week when he was human. He bought two red collars for Huginn and Muninn, who absolutely loved them for some unfathomable reason, and prepared himself for the dreaded weekend.
Around noon, Draxum—pardon Barry—arrived at the Central Park fountain with Huginn and Muninn crawling on the ground.
“Why do we have to do this?” Huginn asked, scratching at where the collar met his neck with a hind leg.
“Because the human Carol is annoying and manipulative,” Draxum stated dully.
“I think that Carol-woman is a demon,” Muninn muttered, sniffing at the ground.
“No arguments there,” Draxum replied.
“No arguments about what?” a new voice asked.
Draxum spun around to see a human woman standing behind him. She looked familiar in a strange way. Almost...
“Uh, nothing,” Draxum said.
The woman smiled. “You must be Barry. I’m Amy.”
That was why this woman looked so familiar! She looked like a younger version of Carol, except for a brown bob-cut instead of bleached blonde fake curls. That feeling of dread and resentment settled firmly in Draxum’s stomach.
“Greetings, Amy,” Draxum said stiffly. Be cordial, be civil, do it for the gargoyles. “Where is Carol? I assumed she would be here as well.”
Amy shrugged, saying, “That’s Mom for you. She’s always running late.”
Of course she is, Draxum thought darkly. “Should we wait for her?”
Amy’s cell phone beeped. “Pardon me.” She quickly checked the screen then shook her head in disappointment. “Looks like Mom can’t make it. She says she’s feeling a little under the weather, but to have fun.”
As the human squinted down at her screen, Draxum ground his teeth. That devil woman set me up!
Huginn and Muninn glanced at each other. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, but there was a storm cloud brewing over their boss. They knew they had to do something to calm Draxum down. If they didn’t, the yokai was sure to explode and take half the park with him.
“Eh, meow?” Huginn and Muninn chorused, bumping their heads into Draxum’s shins.
Amy blinked. “Did your dogs just... meow?”
“No!” Draxum shouted, immediately on the defensive. “Because dogs don’t meow; they bark!”
“Er, okay,” Amy replied before kneeling down to meet the gargoyles. “What are their names? They’re kinda funny looking dogs. What breed are they?”
That’s because they’re gargoyles, not dogs, you stupid— Draxum ground out a smile. He had to keep the mystic stuff on the down-low or else he and his “pets” were in deep trouble. “This one is Huginn, and this one is Muninn.” He pointed to the gargoyle that each name belonged to. “They are mutts from the same litter.”
“Such dynamic names for such good boys!” Amy gushed, giving each ‘dog’ a scritch, or seven in Muninn’s case, behind the ears before standing back up.
“Yes,” Draxum drew out. “Shall we... go for a walk?”
“Yes!” Amy cheered. “Walkies for the puppies! May I hold one of their leashes?”
Your mother tricks me to go on a date with you, and now you want one of my gargoyles?!
Before Draxum could deny her request, Muninn surged forwards and wrapped his leash around Amy’s legs. He had the brains to actually bark when pressed his forearms to her legs and ‘wagged his tail.’ Sighing, Draxum handed the human Muninn’s leash after untangling her from the excited gargoyle’s idiocy.
“Let’s be off!” Amy declared, looping a thin arm around one of Draxum’s thick biceps and boldly moving forward.
That’s how Draxum’s afternoon went—hours at the park just walking, listening to the excitable human woman yammering on about how sweet his ‘dogs’ were and various other animals on top of that, getting some ice cream at one point, and even squashing a rogue oozesquito or two. Draxum did not need a freak mutation in the middle of an already awful day. He still had to pick up Sloppy Joseph from the turtles once he was done with Amy. They eventually rounded back to the fountain they started at.
They came to a stop, and Huginn and Muninn dove headfirst into the filthy fountain water for a drink. Their gargoyle stomachs were strong. They could handle the minerals pervading the water from the multitude of dirty coins resting at the bottom of the pool.
“I should apologize to you, Barry,” Amy said. “My mom forced you to do this didn’t she?”
“She’s blackmailing me and my... dogs,” Draxum stated bluntly. He was having a bad day, and he wasn’t above letting the woman it revolved around know it. “They had run off a couple months ago, and I found them again last week on the streets. They had evidently caused a mess, and I had the fine sent to Carol because she won’t ever stop pestering me about you. Why is she so insistent?!”
Amy grimaced, vaguely gestured, and muttered, “I, uh, don’t want to have kids, get married, or settle down in any way with anybody. I just want to have an apartment full of pets that I can devote my time to. She wants to have human grandbabies and not fur babies.”
Draxum raised an eyebrow. It seems he wasn’t the only one having a bad day. “That’s your choice, not hers.”
“Right?!” Amy agreed exasperated. “But she keeps throwing random people at me, hoping that I’ll ‘meet the right one’ and give her what she wants!” Amy sighed and stood up, appearing ready to leave the park. “Listen, I’ll make sure Mom pays that bill and leaves you alone, okay?”
“You have my thanks,” Draxum said carefully. “Carol needs to stay out of everyone’s business, including her child’s.”
Amy smiled. “You have my thanks for that, Barry; and thank you for letting me walk Muninn! You’re dogs are really sweet.”
“Only when we want to be,” Huginn said cheerily from the fountain.
Amy blinked, pointed double finger guns at the black talking definitely-not-dogs-anymore creatures on the fountain, and looked at Draxum.
At a loss, Draxum was too tired and frustrated to do more than shrug. The human clearly wasn’t stupid, so there was no point in lying to her. “They’re gargoyles.” Amy aimed one finger gun to point at the sun. “Different breed.”
“Huh,” Amy hummed. “So, I am made of questions about how to care for gargoyles now because I never thought of mythical creatures as an option for fur babies.”
Draxum looked at Amy in shock. She was at the advantage here. She held all of his secrets and the safety of his little family at her fingertips. Yet all this odd human cared about was the possibility of having a gargoyle of her own?
“Um, okay.”
Amy sat back down next to Draxum. They spoke for hours more about gargoyles, other mystical animals that made good or poor pets, and a little bit about Sloppy Joseph.
Draxum came to a conclusion as he came home that day: dates were horrible, making human friends and spending time with them wasn’t that bad, and he would find an oozesquito if Amy so much as hinted that Carol was pushing her to find a mate again.
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
I want to promise you right now that this story is a happy story and has a happy ending...just stick with me. ;) Next chapter goes up on Friday, August 21st.
Chapter 4
Ted made it back to his flat and forced himself to plug his phone in next to his bed so he would stop checking it again and again. She said she would text him. He just had to trust that.
He tried to distract himself by tidying up his room a bit, but his mind kept going back to how amazing the night had been. Being there with Vic felt right, it felt easy, it felt like everything he wanted things between them to be.
He was kicking himself over that feeling for the hundredth time when his phone buzzed on his night table.
Unknown: Did you make it home alright?
Ted let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and saved the number.
Ted: Who is this? How do I know you aren't a predator?
He grinned and laid back in his bed, propping himself up against his pillow.
Vic: I'm totally a predator. My victims are always white males in their mid-twenties.
Ted laughed out loud.
Ted: That seems fair. I guess I can talk to you until my coworker decides to get back to me. She was supposed to text me tonight.
Ted watched her typing icon with what he was sure was a stupid grin on his face.
Vic: As fun as that sounds, I really was looking forward to guessing your name, so can we drop this game and pick up that one?
Ted: Such a killjoy.
Vic: You promised me clues, Ted…
Ted: How do I know you're really Vic and not an impersonator?
Vic: Because your wolf figurine is sitting on my desk next to my laptop dock, and you knocked half your chips on the floor tonight when Jamie said that it was probably time you found a girlfriend.
Ted groaned. That had, unfortunately, happened. Jamie had asked if Ted would start dating now that he was done with university and only had the one job. Ted had been so flustered that he tipped his basket up and knocked some of his chips on the floor.
Ted: So cruel...why would I give you any information about my full name now?
She sent him a GIF of a baby about to cry, and Ted started laughing. He started to type a snarky reply but stopped himself when a dangerous thought crossed his mind.
What if he called her? Heaven knew he wanted to.
He deleted what he already wrote and started again.
Ted: Don't do that, don't pull on my heartstrings. I'll make you a deal, call me so I know it's you and then I won't hang up until you know my name.
Ted hit send and held his breath. He was beyond screwed at this point. He was certain she was going to play this off, tell him she was tired and they could pick up this twisted game on Monday.
Then his phone rang and Teddy's heart exploded in his chest.
"You waste no time, Weasley, do you?"
"Oh, shut up," Vic laughed and Ted tried to let his relieved sigh out slowly.
"No more stalling, Ted, I want my clues."
Ted grinned, "But of course, I'm a man of my word.
"Clues, Ted, clues!"
Ted laughed. "First clue, a few of my predecessors have been our country's monarch, while another abdicated the throne."
"Ha!" She shouted, and Ted laughed as he moved his phone to his other ear.
"I knew you were an Edward," she laughed. "You're too down to earth to be a Theodore."
"What does that even mean?"
"Doesn't matter, all that matters is I was right!"
Ted couldn't stop smiling. "Are you satisfied with being right enough to not care about my last name, then?"
"In your dreams, Edward."
Ted swallowed. Maybe this was a bad idea, but he was already in this deep, too late to back out now.
"Alright, do an internet search for the scientific name of wolves."
It was quiet for a moment before Vic spoke.
"Canis Lupus?"
"Right," Ted smirked, "and this is probably the part where you decide you hate me. Because next, you take those letters and rearrange them into my last name. You'll only need five of them though."
Vic groaned. "Ted that is an awful clue!"
"I don't know, it stretches your mind and gets your brain thinking. Those are things that are supposed to help stop Alzheimer's. So really, I'm helping you, Weasley, I'm preserving your brain for your future self."
"You're so full of it," Vic laughed. "Come on, Ted, give me more than a word scramble."
Ted could feel the smile stretching across his face.
"Please, Ted." Vic's voice went soft and Ted felt himself falling.
"Alright, one last clue," he looked over at his desk and the picture of him and his mum when he was ten, a bouquet of flowers in her hands. "There's a flower, it's my last name. It's usually purple, but they come in pink and blue and orange too."
"You should send me a picture of the flower."
Ted rolled his eyes. "I have to make you work for something Weasley."
"Fine," she laughed, "I'm turning on my laptop."
"You're going to try and search for it? What is your search even going to be?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She teased.
"I would actually," Ted chuckled. "That way the next time someone wants to guess my name I can make it harder."
"I can't believe it! It worked!"
"What's my last name then, Weasley?"
Ted laughed. "What the hell did you search?!"
"Canis Lupus flower."
"Well done, Vic," Ted picked at one of the stray threads on his blanket.
"Why thank you, Edward Lupin."
His name felt like a song when she said it.
"Not a bad name, eh?"
"I've heard worse," Vic's voice was soft again. "But you still haven't told me your middle name."
"No way, Weasley," he laughed, "I don't know that about you, so I'm not giving you that information about me."
"If I tell you my middle name will you tell me yours?"
Ted felt his heart rate increase
"Yeah, I think that's fair."
It was quiet a moment before Vic made her decision. "It's Gabrielle, it's my aunt's name."
"Victoire Gabrielle Weasley," Teddy tried it out and it felt like honey on his tongue.
Vic cleared her throat, "Alright, your turn, what's your middle name?"
"Remus, after my dad," Ted answered without hesitation, "And Edward is after my grandfather."
"Edward Remus Lupin, that has a nice flow to it."
Ted smiled. "I've always been fond of my name."
It was contentedly quiet between them and then Ted got up the courage to ask something he'd been thinking about since Jamie said Vic had him reading a rough draft of a book she wrote.
"So, you're writing a book?"
Vic was silent a while longer before she answered. "Yeah, I, er, I've been working on it since uni."
"And you got a communications degree instead of focusing on creative writing because…?" Ted held his breath, worried that Vic would shut down this conversation.
"Well, I thought a communications degree would pay the bills, you know?"
"Authors do tend to have day jobs," Ted chuckled. "So, what's this story about? From someone as brilliant as you are, I'm sure it's a best-seller waiting to break all the records."
"Well, it's a fantasy epic," Vic started but then she went silent. "Oh, Sean is calling, you alright if we call it a night?"
Ted leaned his head back into the wall and closed his eyes. "Sure, I'll see you Monday."
"Thanks, Ted. See you Monday."
Teddy tossed his phone back on his night table. He might as well find something to distract himself from how much it sucked to be falling for a girl that was so far out of his reach. He changed into his P.J.s and then decided he would see if Kalil was in the mood for some late-night Mario Kart or something, but his phone buzzed against his table.
Vic: What is it with people deciding they have to call other people when they're drunk?
Ted sighed; he shouldn't do this. He should act like he fell asleep and text her in the morning.
Vic: He's singing me the song playing at the pub. It's Jamie's Got A Gun.
Ted laughed and gave in.
Ted: Maybe it's code ;)
Vic: That would be the worst way to tell me he was in trouble!
Ted grinned.
Ted: But think of the possibilities! You could send all sorts of messages with songs!
He watched Vic's typing icon and laughed when her message came through.
Vic: You mean like Viva la Vida?
Ted: You fancy yourself a disgraced king?
Vic: I'm full of surprises.
Ted: That you are Weasley.
Ted smiled as he watched Vic's typing icon blink on his screen.
Vic: I finally convinced him to go home and get some water. I'll see you on Monday, Edward Remus Lupin. ;)
Vic: Goodnight, Victoire Gabrielle Weasley.
He set his phone back down on his night table and flipped the lamp off.
Monday couldn't get here fast enough.
Ted laughed when he walked into the office Monday morning. His wolf figurine sat in the center of his desk with a fence built out of paperclips around it.
"Afraid he'll run back to you?"
"I just want him to understand that he has to stay with you." Vic grinned.
Ted moved his wolf out of the corral and set him down closer to Vic's desk.
"There, now he won't feel like you've abandoned him."
"What about my fence?" Vic teased.
"Oh, I think I'll see what I can get for it on eBay. There's bound to be someone out there who wants a paperclip fence."
"Start the bidding at ten quid. I'll accept nothing less for my artwork."
"Maybe we should paint it, raise its value." Ted laughed at the face Vic made.
"You want to ruin it? How dare you suggest such things!"
"I'm just saying," Ted laughed, "Why settle for less when we could maybe get twelve quid for it instead of ten?"
"You mean settle for eight quid because you had to ruin it with paint." She shot back with a laugh.
"Color makes everything better."
"Of course, you think that," Vic grinned and gestured to his hair.
Ted ruffled his hair, "Well, you told me you liked it that first day, so I think you just proved my point."
Vic smiled and looked down at her hands. "So, did you, did you really want to know about my book?"
"Of course, I do," Ted felt like she'd just offered him fifty pounds. "Is it YA or NA or YMCA?"
Vic laughed and started to give him the sparsest of details.
"That's all you're going to tell me?" Ted threw his hands up. "Come on, you can't expect me to believe you only want to tell me the basics. You've been working on this epic for more than three years!"
"Well, I mean, Sean doesn't really like to hear about it, and I just thought…"
"I'm not Sean, Vic," Ted rolled his eyes. "I want to know everything, so let's get to it."
Vic gave him a shy smile, "If you're sure?"
"I asked, didn't I?"
She smiled and before Ted knew it, they'd lost the first hour of the workday.
"Ok, let's get some work done, and then you can tell me the rest." Ted laughed. "I haven't even logged in yet."
"You're sure you want to hear how it ends?" Vic teased him.
"So torturous," Ted grinned at her.
Vic went to respond but her desk phone rang and for a moment she looked torn before turning her chair back to her desk and answering the call.
Ted grinned to himself as he went back to getting set up for the day. Things were going well, they were having fun, and he was settling happily into not just the position, but also the goal of growing their department into the first branch of Bread & Butter to break off and stand on its own.
But it wasn't so great when Sean showed up at lunch and took Vic for the rest of the day. She texted him an hour after they'd left and asked that he cover for her in the case that Ron showed up, and she asked Ted to forward her desk phone to her cell phone. Ted did so, and then spent the rest of the day feeling like an idiot.
And things continued to go up and down as they moved into winter and approached Christmas.
It only made things harder when Ted realized that he wasn't hiding his attraction to Vic well from anyone, except maybe Vic.
"Why are you looking at stuffed toys that look like wolves?" Kalil sat down next to him on the sofa and leant in to see his laptop screen a bit more than a week before Christmas.
"I was thinking of giving it as a present," Ted defended.
"Right, but for whom?" Kalil gave him a pointed stare and Ted rolled his eyes.
"I don't see how that's relevant."
"Ted! You're buying a present for your coworker who is in a relationship!"
"I never said it was for Vic!" Ted shut his laptop.
"You didn't have to," Kalil shook his head. "Look, Ted, I'm worried about you. You're obsessed with Vic and she's off-limits. You need to get out of your head. Come to the pub with me and Maira tonight. I'm sure she can get a few people to come too. You need to remember that there are more women in this city than just your coworker."
"Kalil," Ted ran his hands over his face.
"What would you do if she married Sean?"
Ted felt like Kalil had just punched him in the stomach. He couldn't breathe for a moment and his chest felt like it was collapsing.
"See," Kalil put a hand on his shoulder, "I can see it in your face, Ted, you're falling for her. Stop it! Get out and find someone just as great. Come to the pub tonight."
Ted let out a long breath, and he couldn't help but think that maybe, maybe Kalil was right. Vic seemed to like to goof around with him, but she'd shown no signs of leaving Sean for him. No matter how many times Sean let her down, no matter how many times he did something that she didn't like, she stayed. And the nearly five months of working with her had been full of huge highs and incredible lows. He'd loved the moments where he felt like it was just the two of them, but walking out after work on the days Sean picked her up to find he hadn't waited long enough after she'd left as he got a full view of Sean's tongue down her throat left him feeling like a loser.
"Alright," Ted nodded, "I'll come tonight."
Kalil squeezed his shoulder, "Good on you, mate. You'll see, this will be a good thing."
Ted nodded, but a part of him wondered if it really was.
Even with his misgivings, Ted was ready to head out when Maira showed up at their flat.
"I'm so glad you're coming with us!" Maira hugged him. "I've asked a friend to meet us there, I think you'll have fun!"
Ted rubbed the back of his neck, "Thanks, Maira, I appreciate it."
"Let's head out then," Kalil took Maira's hand and led them out into the cold.
Ted realized after they'd been out for a bit, just the three of them, that this was a good idea. He hadn't gone out much at all since before finals in May. Getting to laugh and talk with friends felt freeing.
"Oh, there's Nicki!" Maira jumped up and waved her friend over to their table.
Ted turned around to see a woman who could have been described as Vic's opposite. She had black hair with lime green highlights and it was cut in choppy layers, the longest barely touching her shoulders. And while Vic tended to wear conservatively colored clothes, at least at work and the one Saturday Ted had seen her, Nicki was wearing a bright pink blouse with teal trousers; her orange coat draped over her arm.
"Nicki this is Kalil's roommate, Ted Lupin. Ted this is my friend Nicki Choi."
"It's nice to meet you, and I love your hair!" She shook his hand across the table as she sat down.
"Thanks, I like yours as well." Ted smiled. Nicki wasn't Vic, but she definitely put out the vibe that she liked to have a good time.
And she did. Nicki was loud and fun and not afraid of anything. She tried anything she was put up to. She laughed loudly. She defended her opinions with passion, even if he flat out told her she was wrong. Nicki reminded Ted a bit of the stories he had heard about his mum when she was his age.
Ted was having fun, and so when Nicki scooted closer to him, he didn't think about it when he draped his arm across her shoulders. And when she rested her head on his shoulder, he let her. A small part of him pushed back, but Ted told that part of him that if Vic could snog Sean in the car park, then he could let a cool woman rest her head on his shoulder.
"I'm calling it a night," Nicki moved to hug Maira at about half eleven. Then she turned to Ted. "Will you wait with me out front for my Uber?"
"Sure thing," Ted nodded and moved to follow her. He tried to ignore the way Kalil grinned at him.
"This was fun," Nicki smiled up at him and pulled her orange coat closer around her.
"Yeah," Ted nodded, "yeah it was."
"So, who broke your heart?"
Ted blinked. "What?"
"You have 'heartbroken' written all over your face. I figured that was why Maira called me." She smiled sympathetically at him.
"I, er, it's complicated." Ted shook his head and rubbed his hand over his eyes.
"Did you have fun tonight?"
"Yeah," Ted chuckled, "yeah, I actually had a lot of fun."
"We could keep having fun. I don't expect you to move into another relationship with me, but we could just have fun, spend some time reminding you that hearts heal."
Ted hesitated. He didn't know why, but he did. Nicki was amazing. He'd be an idiot to turn her down.
"Here," Nicki pulled out a gum wrapper and pen from her clutch and wrote on it. "This is my number. Think about it, Ted, I think we could have a lot of fun together."
Ted nodded as he took the gum wrapper. "Thanks, I, er, I'll think about it, alright?"
Nicki smiled and then nodded a few cars down from the curb. "There's my Uber. Thanks, Ted."
She stepped forward and kissed his cheek, her cold lips managing to warm just the skin they touched.
Ted stood in the cold and watched her wave once before climbing into the Uber. He waved back and then the car pulled away.
He took a moment before he went back inside. Gum wrapper still clasped in his hand. He'd had fun with Nicki, and she obviously had fun with him. She was fun and beautiful and he admired her spunk and attitude.
So why was he hesitating?
Ted slipped the wrapper into his wallet and went back inside.
"That took some time," Kalil smirked at him.
"Er, yeah, I, we talked," Ted took a swig from his drink.
"Nicki is amazing, Ted," Maira smiled.
"Yeah, yeah she's, she's really cool, I, er, she gave me her number."
"You're going to call her, right?" Kalil asked.
"I, er, I think I might, yeah."
Kalil stared at him like he was stupid and Ted sighed.
"I think I'm done for tonight, mates. I'll catch an Uber home, let you two enjoy the rest of your night." Ted didn't wait for a response. He forced a smile and moved to the door. The pub wasn't all that far from their flat, and so Ted decided to walk it instead of requesting the ride.
The cold was bitter, but it helped to clear his head, though not enough to figure out what he should do. He wanted to hope that maybe Vic would suddenly return his feelings and dump Sean and be with him. But even with all the problems he could see she was having with Sean, Vic still stayed. A part of Ted feared she always would.
Monday morning rolled around and Ted was trying to figure out if he was looking forward or not to seeing Vic as he drove into work. He'd spent Sunday more or less holed up in his room, and Kalil seemed content to let Ted work through this one on his own. That didn't mean Ted was any surer one way or the other, though.
But when Ted walked into the office, he paused.
Vic hadn't made it in yet.
That felt weird. Ted was never late, but Vic was always early. He tried to shrug it off and get himself settled in for the day. She'd probably hit traffic was all. But even as he kept telling himself that, Ted kept trying to see around the corner of the building out the window into the car park.
Finally, he heard the door push open and Ted spun in his chair, ready to razz her for being late. But his eyes fell on her hand as she pulled off her glove with her teeth.
"You've got to be kidding me." He'd said it before he could stop himself.
"I know!" Vic smiled down at her ring. "I would have thought he would have waited for Christmas or New Year's, but he asked last night!"
"That's," Ted forced a smile, "wow. I, er, congratulations."
"Thanks," Vic smiled at the ring again and then started getting settled into her desk.
Ted thought he might vomit. He needed to get out. He couldn't be here, not with her, not now, now that she'd chosen Sean permanently.
He picked up his desk phone and forwarded it to his cell. Then he shut down his laptop.
"Are you going somewhere?" Vic looked over as he packed up.
"I have a few sales calls I'm going on today."
"Oh, well, are we still good for dinner?"
Ted paused. He'd forgotten all about their Monday and Wednesday meetings over dinner. Those evenings that he looked forward to every week. The moments that he felt connected to her in a way that felt real to him.
"I actually have something tonight. I'm sorry I should have remembered to tell you on Friday." He zipped up his backpack and grabbed his coat.
"I'll see you tomorrow, and congrats again, it's brilliant."
"Thanks," Vic frowned, "I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Right," Ted nodded and left without a second glance.
He was grateful that she wouldn't be able to see him from the window as he stepped into the car park. How could he have been so stupid? Of course, she chose Sean. Ted had wanted her to like him so much he'd blinded himself to the fact that she was in love with her boyfriend, tosser that he was.
Ted drove home and set up at his desk in his room to get back to work. He tossed his wallet on his dresser and paused. He pulled out the gum wrapper and called Nicki.
It went straight to voicemail, and Ted almost hung up, almost gave into that part of him that hoped Vic would choose him, but he pushed that aside and left a message.
"Hey, Nicki, it's Ted. I was calling to see if you wanted to grab a drink or something. I, er, I hope to hear back from you. Bye."
He set his phone down on the desk and powered on his laptop. Then his phone buzzed.
Nicki: Hey Ted, it's Nicki, I'm in a meeting, but would you like to meet for lunch today?
Ted didn't let himself hesitate this time.
Ted: Sounds great, send me an address and time. I'll meet you there.
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