#i just wanted to make a hedgie dance
hedgehog-a-day · 9 months
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7: dance!
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
Prompt for Dammit Hedgi Day: Paradox Pack circus AU, with or without powers (yes this is bc I rec'd you The Circus Infinite)
Outside of set up or tear down, Clubs never set foot on stage. From the moment he'd turned up, dripping from the rain outside Jenna "The Nightingale" Clarke's trailer, that much was clear. He'd be up with the sunrise, loading or unloading whatever needed to be moved, but by the time crowds started to gather, he'd find some task to do well out of sight. 
It worked out well enough. The Paradox Pack was a small enough crew, reusing what it had to to fill out the stage and the time. With Sungdog's dazzling light show juxtaposed as a bookend against Darkling's sleights of hand (and body), they only needed a few other acts. Butterfly's ribbon acrobatics and dancing was always as much a showstopper as Dynamo's lightning juggling or Nightingale's trapeze and aerial silks act. They all pitched in for smaller things between the big acts. It kept the lights on, both in the trailers and on the stage.
They never asked who he was hiding from, but it was clear he was hiding.  It was nothing new to any of them. 
He could always run.
It was Nightingale who coaxed him backstage, one night of the performances. "Just to watch," she said. "Get some ideas for if you ever want to try something."
"I could get you a mask," Butterfly said. Her sister took care of all the costumes, from Darkling's black cloak to the dazzling blue leotard Nightingale wore, perfectly matched to her silks, or the blue shapes she made with light to glimmer alongside her. When they dropped by Halcyon City, adjustments were made, and the rest of the time Butterfly made sure everything was in shape for the show. "Or Dynamo could do something with the lighting so no one could see your face..."
"Thanks, Clubs said, nervously checking that his blond hair curled behind his ear. Dynamo's gift with electricity  lent itself well to making the stage appear different for every act, with nothing more than some cheaply painted backdrops and a couple of color filters. "I'd rather just... watch, for now."
He did love what he saw, even just when he watched the practices. There was real beauty in the way they used their abilities, elegant and composed. He'd said as much, and nearly offended Butterfly, the lone powerless member of the pack. He stammered out that he didn't mean just their powers, but their skills and their joy in using them, and they'd gone back to watching Sundog fill the stage with a miniature star, bursting it into a fanfare of fireworks. Butterfly had left him standing at the curtain to make her own entrance amidst the glitter.
He didn't tell her that she was the one he was most jealous of.
November nights were cold in Halcyon. The patchy frost on the rooftops had been expected, normal, even if it clearly put Nightingale on edge. 
"After this show, we'll head south again," Dynamo promised, to Clubs's very obvious relief, and fainter relief from Nightingale and Darkling. Butterfly had flashed a thumbs up, promising to work things out with her sister for the newest costumes. The Show had gone on.
In the middle of one of Nightingale's acts, singing from a high platform with blue light trailing behind her like wings, someone without a ticket burst in, a hunter who'd finally caught up to prey.
Ice spread from the supervillain Shiver's hands, down the aisle and through the audience to the stage.  From where he stood in the wings, Clubs could see the way the platform, which already swayed, trembled as frost weakened the rivets.  Clubs could see the way the woman's stare froze Nightingale on her perch. 
He could see that she would fall. 
He could run. He had before. He could now. 
There were too many people in the audience to hide from them all, but in the moment that the platform gave way, none of that mattered. He ran. 
And jumped.
And caught her. 
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claimedpsychotic · 3 months
A.N. - short little story of a hedgehog stepping into being a knight. Story idea was from friends in a guild and who the characters are based on. Please forgive the formating further on as it's been collected from messages I had sent after it was almost lost beyond recovery.
Word Count: 5,755
Hedgy squinted against the glare of the sun that filtered down through the green canopy overhead. His nose twitched as the breeze gently moved past his sensitive nose. He had been determined to reach the Wolf's Den before the sunset, but time had been lost in the morning. How did he get himself into these messes he mused?
It had been months since he had set out into the wilds of the Everwoods. Word had come to his peaceful homelands that the shadows in the East were once again stirring. At first the elders of the village had been determined to ignore these dark tidings. It seemed that every other week a trader would bring false word that something was rising. But unfortunately, the dark tidings seemed to have a seed of truth in them.
If word was already reaching his village, the brave Hedgy had reasoned, then it means that evil would be able to filter to it. This simply would not do.
The morning had begun like every other morning. The cool breeze of night, not yet warmed by the sun, had gently coaxed him awake. His brown eyes took in the peaceful scene before him. The woods were already was showing signs of activity. Birds overhead were singing to their families and to the woods. A raven flew by overhead declaring that there was no news to report. Hedgy laid on his carefully woven mat that gave him comfort yet did not get tangled in his spikes. The tidbits of information he had heard along the way did not make sense. Rumors of war, reports of villages being burned and raided, and even more disturbing were the reports that they (no description was ever given by the simple travelers, just vague they) were taking younglings as they rode back into the woods.
Hedgy's soft brown eyes turned hard at the very thought. Surely that had to be a lie. A thing that was told to try and scare other adventurers on the road. Some people have a sick sense of humor and he did not approve of it. He efficiently packed up camp and redid his pack. Then sat down on it. Who knew how long this journey was going to take? He sat daydreaming of being back in his own home, being able to pass the hours away in relative quietness. Lost in this daydream he had not heard the rustling of the leaves half a yard behind him as something within moved closer.
Dark eyes glinted with malice as they fixed upon the hedgehog knight. The creature whose eyes held such malice did not bother to hide its labored breathing that let loose small gusts of air that stank of decay. The symbolism of the dark blue color of the hedgehog that lightened to a gentle skyblue was lost on the monster. Once its race had been held in terror, scourge of the woodland creatures that lived in the Everwoods. Now the name, Wearling, had been degraded down to bedtime stories. A thing to scare the children with at night. But they were not dead and gone as many seemed to believe, but sleeping. Not that the Wearling knew what others thought of its race. Weasel-like in appearance its pelt was tougher than the normal fur of a weasel and its mouth full of sharp teeth coated in a poison naturally produced in its mouth made its bite far more lethal. Its breathing quieted as it bunched its muscles, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting knight.
Hedgy sat in peace as the sunrays danced gently between the dark green leaves of the varying ferns and trees higher up. Wildflowers gently scented the air. This is a good place, Hedgy had just thought to himself as the Wearling crept closer. Hedgy had just decided that as much as he wanted to just rest his poor travel weary he really did have to keep pushing forward, when the smell hit him. Like a grave left open and exposed to the sun. Hedgy gagged as he reflectively ducked, the Wearling's claws scratching at the air above his head.
Hedgy stared in horror as the sleek yet tattered body landed nimbly on the forest floor bed. Leaves and grass flew underneath its swollen paws as it turned to face him. It was hard for his brain to take in this new fact about his world. No one truly believed that Wearlings were real. Well, maybe some of the elders might have conceded to himself as shock kept his body frozen in place.
Act! A voice next to his ear spoke out, jarring from him from his state of fear. Hedgy jerked his head to the side but saw no creature beside him. A pure ice-blue spike lay beside him and gleamed; it was hard to tell if the glow was from a natural reflection of the light or if there was something inside of it lightening it from within. Hedgy's paw shot out of its own accord and grabbed hold of the spike. Not a moment too soon, as the Wearling charged forth towards the knight just as he was bracing it up in defense.
Hedgy did not remember much, fighting is unpleasant business and he was not one to dwell on unpleasant things. Nonetheless he could not help but shudder in disgust how its long lithe body bulged in wrong places as if the evil inside the creature was fighting to escape the body. Rows of canine teeth lined its much too long mouth. Much, much too long. He quickly covered the body in leaves and thought of how never before had he had to bury anything before.
He stared in somber silence at the buried nightmare. Could that have truly been a Wearling? It certainly fit all the description that had been passed down from his hedgeparents, and their hedgeparents before them. And Hedgy was not one to doubt his own eyes. But for him to accept that a myth had emerged from the shadows of the forest unfortunately had to shuffling his views of the world. The rumors that he had heard while on the road suddenly did not seem so farfetched to him now.
Hedgy shifted his little shoulders uncomfortably, and then turned his back on the burial spot. It seemed all the more important to him now to find the Wolf's Den and get as much information as he could. Though wolves typically were to be avoided - all those sharp teeth and the annoying habits they had of leaping upon poor small creatures such as himself without warning - they did travel far. The den he was making his way towards had been spoken of fondly by the other woodland creatures. Supposedly a wolf of high honor lived there and had roamed many leagues; surely that meant that they had to have a better idea of what was going on in these once peaceful woods.
It was nearing sunset and yet there was neither sight nor smell of the Wolf's Den. Hedgy could not help but to grumble about how inconvenient this wandering through the woods was. He knew he would have to make camp soon if he wanted a hot meal - and he certainly did - but he also knew that he must be close to the den. He had heard that this particular wolf at this particular den was quite noble (by wolf standards), but would that hold true to a poor little hedgehog in the middle of the night? Hedgy's mind hurt a little from all the events of the day and though he would not admit it, he may have not been paying as close of attention to where he was going as he could have.
The forest floor which was covered in soft young grasses and moss that were kind to travelers' feet, had begun to wear thin in places and pebbles now pocketed the path. Hedgy skillfully dodged small rocks that had started to jut up from the ground all the while grumbling to himself about where folks placed their homes. "It would be so much more convenient," he said to himself, "if people would just pick a spot that is not hard to reach."
“Maybe people don’t like strangers appearing at their doors.”
“That is all well and good,” Hedgy had to concede without slowing down at all. “Especially if one doesn’t like visitors. But that is no excuse to have a home that is so hard to get to. This wolf must have constantly torn pads and bloody steps to have chosen a place all.. The way..” Hedgy’s voice slowed to a stop along with his paws as he realized that someone had spoken aloud to him. It had been a long, long day. It had taken a moment for him to register that the voice he was responding to had not been his own mind keeping him company. His paws itched to take the ice-blue spike that was strapped on his back, but he knew that if he did so now it could look like an attack.
A chuckle drifted out from the darkness that had stolen upon Hedgy while he was walking. Hedgy quickly took in his surroundings by the last rays of sunlight that cut through the evening shadows and barely illuminated the ground around him. He was in a small clearing, the trees but a dash away. He didn’t see any obstacles that would impede his run, or in an emergency, his roll to safety. The pebbles on the ground seemed to drink up the last rays of sun as it set over the horizon and full evening claimed the land. “How are your eyes in the dark?” The voice called out amused from his left side. His brown eyes didn’t betray the worry that beat quickly in his chest, yet.
“Why so nervous?” Hedgy could hear what he believed was amusement in this unseen creature’s voice. He listened carefully to try and determine if the voice was getting closer. Sniffling could be heard from the same direction of where the voice was coming from.
“I’m not nervous. And I can see just fine, thank you.” He was proud of how level his voice sounded and he took some courage from it.
“Oh good.” Hedgy quickly turned to face the creature head on as a shadowed figure stood up from where it had been crouching among the bushes outside of the clearing. Hedgy’s heart felt like it slammed into his ribcage as the figure took a step forwards and he was able to clearly see a wolf grinning down at him, its fangs seeming to shine a little. “Was it my den that you have been looking for by chance?”
Shivers shot up and down his spine; it was all Hedgy could do to not show the fear that had treacherously sprung up in his heart. "Yes, I was." There was definitely not a small squeak in his voice as he responded. And thankfully it seemed as though the wolf did not notice, or at least, they had the grace to pretend to not notice.
The wolf gazed down at him, their red eyes sparkling as they looked at him. "Well, you found me first. Which I am going to go ahead and make a guess that it was me at my den you were looking for and not my den itself. My name is Balthazar." The red eyes that seemed to flicker and move in the shadows locked upon his own. "What is it you are seeking? It must be good to place yourself in such a dangerous situation." The wolf's smile grew even larger, exposing more of its carnivorous teeth that lightly glinted in the moonlight.
Hedgy straightened his spine more. He would not show any fear as it simply would not do to give this carni the idea that he would be good for eating. Unconsciously his paw strayed to the ice-blue spike and his own spikes raised a little as the body prepared to defend itself. "I came in search of your den indeed so that I may find you." Hedgy was determined to show his good manners, not only to avoid violence if necessary, but also to let it be known that he was no simple fool to be messed with. "I have come because I have heard that you are aware of what is going on in not just the Everwoods, but also in the lands that surround it."
The red eyes peer curiously down at him, the pure black fur surrounding them gave Hedgy the sensation of standing at the edge of a precipice. The wolf held his gaze. The unblinking stare extended over the silence. Each creature waited for the other one to speak first.
Slowly and with great care, the wolf lowered itself down so that it was at eye level with the knight. "It is true." A new note was held softly in its voice. Its voice, moments before filled with warmth and humor now seemed as though it was coming from deep within its body and held no trace of indication of what it was thinking. Its eyes dulled slightly as they lost their focus and seemed to be gazing internally over a long stretch of land.
Hedgy took the opportunity to ask his questions before the wolf could decide that it was more hungry than talkative. "Is it true that ancient evils are walking the land again? What is the cause of such strange times?" He did not dare to break eye contact. I hope that Mom would understand that I am not staring to be rude, he thought to himself.
"It is true," the wolf repeated in the same hollow voice. Hedgy waited for the answer for his second question, but silence began to stretch. The wolf did not blink and its red eyes seemed to be turning darker with each pulse of its great heart. The forest around them echoed the atmosphere of solemnity as the bugs ceased their nighttime chorus, leaving the two creatures alone in the middle of the clearing.
"What is the cause of such strange times?" The wolf tilted its head slowly. Its ears moved as though walking against a heavy current until they rested against its head. "What is the cause of evil inhaling the lives of the innocent? What is the cause of good to retreated into the distance and leave the land bare before the incoming tides?" The black fur on the wolf's body began to rise as it stood slowly. Soon it towered over the hedgehog. The red eyes still dulled by their internal sight pinned him where he was as sure as if he were stacked there with a claw. Saliva began to swell up in the wolf's mouth as the beast continued on in a louder voice. "What is the cause of good creatures to strike out against their neighbors. What is the cause of evil to feed from the hearts and brains of those too ignorant to realize that their souls are a waste!" The wolf exploded into a howl, its head tilted back to rage and mourn at the moon which was just a sliver in the sky.
Hedgy ran. He ran while the wolf screamed out behind him, his ears twisting as a feminine note twisted through there. It reminded him of tales he had heard in whispers of women who had gone through such loss that they started screaming and couldn't stop. He burst back into the woods and continued to scamper away. Part of his brain screamed at him to hide but he had been close to her snout. It had breathed him in deeply and he did not doubt that she would easily be able to track him down.
Abruptly the howling stopped. Hedgy's fear burst through him and gave his limbs an extra boost of speed as he tried to outrace the silence behind him and the certainty in his heart that she was looking for him.
The she-wolf licked her canines as she stalked through the woods. As flickers of moonlight fell onto her fur different colors could be seen in her pelt. Dark purple seemed to show itself around deep reds that faded in and out with her black fur. Her ears twitched as the sounds of the night filled all of her sense. She sniffed deeply and slowly. Hedgehog. What was it about that little creature that stirred up such warring feelings of food and play. As an oak branched cracked and shifted overhead due to the weight of a fleeing mammal the moonlight briefly revealed a bright streak of green whirling up her forelegs.
What to do when she caught up with him? She chuckled softly to herself. Mice crouched under leaves as she padded past and moles hurried back to their dens. They did not know her name, but they knew her scent. The smell of the forest mixed with faint smells of blood and fainter whiffs of lands far away. It was never known if she was going to play with her food or not, though it was agreed upon that it was better to be eaten right away.
The smell of hedgehog was growing stronger and her pace quickened. "I must get the answers to the questions," her fevered brain whispered amongst the howls of the hunt. "Why did he seek my den? And who did he hear of me from?" Her head swiveled as a muffled squeak of panic was heard from her right side. "I must-" but the pragmatic side of her was drowned out by her bloodlust. She lunged through the broad leaves and her claws caught something small that had tried to dart away into the night. "Mine!" She snarled, saliva dripping from her fangs onto the hedgehog frozen in fear.
She gazed down at the hedgehog at her feet. She was going to ask him questions she remembered. Something to do with... She cast around in her mind and was unable to recall what it was that she was going to ask him about. She shook her head as though to shake her thoughts into order. No luck. It hadn't always been this way, but ever since her trip out of the Everwoods.. Her eyes were soft as she took in the familiar surroundings around her. She had been here before, but something had made her leave that left her not the same when she returned home again. Her mind trailed off again. Something wiggled in her paws drawing her eyes back down. Oh right. She leaned in close, her hot breath causing the hedgehog's tan quills to move slightly with her breath.
"You are coming with me. I have questions for you as well. And no running this time." She opened her jaws wide then paused. "And don't you dare stick me with those. If you do I may just forget what it is that I need to ask you which is what is keeping you alive." She carefully picked the small creature up, slightly pinching the soft meat of its belly, then placed it on her back. "You just stay right there while we go back home. You do that and we both should be able to get our questions answered."
The she-wolf padded stealthily back to her den, unaware that a different hedgehog had been watching in horror as the shadows had morphed into a blood-crazed carnivore that almost ate an innocent right before his eyes. His teeth were gritted as he followed along behind her as silently as he could. No one would be harmed just because they were small. Hedgy may not have known why the wolf was hunting hedgehogs, but his gut told him it had something to do with him. He will follow her back to her lair, free the innocent hedgehog, and get his answers. One way or another he vowed to himself. (edited)
Hedgy stalked his four-legged prey through the undergrowth of the forest. He paid no mind to the thorns that tore at his clothing. Did not care at the burrs that caught along his pants and slowed him down. And he definitely was not angry about having to go back over essentially the same path he had already gone down so all of his recent actions felt like nothing. Nope. Not angry about any of that at all he bravely told himself repeatedly as another willowy branch from a young tree hit his delicate nose. It was a good thing that unknown to him that the she-wolf had been talking to the little tan hedgehog without trying to pay attention to any potential followers as his muttered cussings and murmurs to himself would have given him away long ago.
"I do hope that you at least remember what this is all about," the she-wolf said only slightly huffy. She had remembered the hedgehog being a lot more chatty than it was being now. She must have scared it more than she had intended she rationalized. They were nearing the cave hidden behind a wall of vines that she had claimed as her own. Her mind turned over different possibilities of how she could get this little pain to start talking again. She wasn't sure why she was going through all of this trouble at this point, but her instincts (which she had learned were worthy instincts that demanded to be heeded) told her that the hedgehog that had complained about the journey to her home would be important. But at the moment it was hard to tell how it could be important for anything with all its crying except for maybe being a professional mourner. Her thoughts were quickly distracted by how that would be the perfect thing for this creature and how the many different ways it could be helpful to the community it must have come from. So few creatures were solitary these days.
The she-wolf quickly slipped through the vines that covered the entrace to her den and Hedgy could no longer see her. He slid the ice-blue spike into his hands and hid his pack so that the extra weight of it would not be a hinderance in the upcoming battle. He had hoped when he had learned that it was a wolf with the knowledge that he sought that it would be one with manners and civility. Similar to the ones taught about from Mother's stories. Of fearless tigers, nobles wolves, and honorable hedgehogs. He readjusted his grip on the spike one more time before starting his way towards where he had last seen the wolf. *Unfortunately,* he thought to himself, *it seems like the times of heroes may be upon us. And the world doesn't seem to be as good as it used to be.*
Hedgy stole silently into the wolf's den and stood for a moment for his eyes to adjust to the greater darkness. None of the of moon's light made it into the earth and stone den. Only a few glowing lichen provided any light. Hedgy stood silently as his brown eyes soaked in the den. It was cleaner than he had expected. *But,* he mused, *killers of the innocent can take any form or shape. Just because this wolf keeps a clean den does not mean that it keeps a clean heart.* He stooped to four paws so that way he could continue into the heart of the layout with less chance of being seen. His brown eyes burned with intensity as slowly his heart prepared to harden for the bloodshed that awaited him once he found the wolf.
The she-wolf shook the hedgehog off of her back once they had reached a back alcove in her den. This was one of her favorite spots to talk as it was cool and the lichen gave off a pleasant smell in addition to soft light that would help them see each other without harming any delicate eyes. She laid down so that her nose was near the little creature, helping place her closer to eye level. "Tell me little hedgehog." she said softly. "Why have you sought me out."
The little hedgehog looked into the big red eyes of the wolf before her and started crying. "I don't know," she wailed. "I never sought you out, I promise! I don't know what is going on! Please, I just want to go home to my family. I won't tell anyone where your den is, I promise. I just want to go home." She hid her eyes in her paws as she sobbed heavily. Hedgy followed the sounds of despair as quickly as he could without giving away that he was there. His eyes narrowed as he prepared himself to attack.
The she-wolf curled her lip in anger. "I am getting really sick of this stupid act," she growled. "My patience is at its end. I have tried and tried with you. Truly, enough is enough. One last time, why did you truly seek me out?" The little tan hedgehog whimpered as her mind raced for possible answers. She knew that she had never sought this, or truly any, wolf out. But she had tried the truth and it was not working. She could try to make up something. Her stomach clenched at the thought at having to lie. She curled up tightly, her quills quivering from the intensity of her cries.
"I don't know what is happening," she sobbed. "I don't know, I don't know. I just want to go home!"
"Leave that hedgehog alone!" A voice burst forth from the darkness. Both the she-wolf and the little hedgehog froze at the unexpected interruption. Hedgy stood atop a mossy stone and glared down at the she-wolf. His eyes were unforgiving as he raised his ice-blue spike to point directly at her eyes. "You will unhand that hedgehog immediately." The order in his voice was unforgiving and unbending.
The she-wolf turned fully to look at him. She drew in a slow measured breath, taking in all of his scent. "Ah." Her smile was wide and cold as the hedgehog behind her was forgotten. "It is you."
"It is I," he declared. His eyes had briefly shifted from hers to the small creature now behind her. "Leave this place. This wolf and I have unfinished business." The hedgehog quickly dashed for the door. She tumbled in her panic a few times as she made her way towards the entrance. She glanced back fearfully at her savior. "Go. And do not look back." Though stern, his voice had softened just a hair to her. Their eyes locked briefly and she bowed deeply before fleeing the wolf's den.
The she-wolf took no notice of this exchange. She was observing the stance and behavior of this new, oddly colored hedgehog. This had definitely taken on an interesting turn. Her ears twitched in concentration as she took a few steps closer while his attention was distracted. "Halt." His voice and eyes held no forgiveness as he dedicated his whole attention to her.
She took no notice as she chuckled softly. "You certainly are a bold little trespasser." She chuckled again as the dishonorable word seemed to cause him to flinch slightly. "You had said you were looking for something, didn't you? You had sought out my den even though it caused you so much trouble. Now you barge in." She began to pace slightly, keeping her eyes pinned on his.
Hedgy adjusted his grip on his spike. He knew in his heart that this was going to be a deciding moment for him. He could either allow her to continue to talk, and possible try to allow diplomacy to help him out of this mess. Or he could attack now while she was expecting him to parlay. He felt that if she was allowed to continue talking then she could easily twist him around, confuse him. Already her calling him a trespasser had weakened some of his resolve. He had trespassed. But it was for a good cause he firmly reminded himself. He took a deep breath. It would not allow any form of evil to continue on. What was stopping her from hunting other hedgehogs once he had made his own escape? He shifted his weight and prepared to attack at the next opportunity.
The she-wolf gave no outward sign that she was concerned with him at all. In the dark of the den her black fur seemed to merge with the shadows as if she was not fully of this realm. Hedgy resisted the urge to shake his head clear of such silly thoughts. Of course she was of this world. Where else would she have been from? "I had sought your home to ask you why there had been such stirrings of evil in the forest. But I see I have my answer before me without the need to ask you."
She paused and tilted her head. "You seem to be implying that I may have had something to do with the spread of evil you are talking about." Her red eyes flashed and she snarled in the back of her throat. "That is an unfounded accusation. You don't know anything that is going on outside of the Everwoods, do you?" The snarl in her voice was more pronounced as she continued. "You who smell of summer breezes and wildflowers. Whose thoughts of what you think should be correct outweighs the reality of the world." She had paced her way closer without appearing to have shifted course. Her steps were softened by the moss that grew underfoot.
Hedgy did not move except for his eyes which moved with her, making sure she did not get out of sight for even a moment. His mind started to hurt a little with what she was saying. "Do you know then?" He demanded.
She stopped moving and smiled wide. "Oh I know. The Realm of Shadows has burst open again. Those that have been hiding for years, gathering in their strength and powers for just the time to come forth. Who knows what caused it? Maybe an artifact was found, maybe someone started a new cult.." Her eyes bore into his. "Maybe good got a little lazy."
Hedgy reacts without thinking. "How dare you!" He yelled as he leaped from the top of the rock at the she-wolf. "How dare you act like you have done nothing when you took an innocent person! You who were about to kill someone who had done nothing to you!" She jumped aside a moment too soon and the ice-blue quill slashed across her shoulder. Instantly her wound felt cold and clumsy compared to her other limbs as she danced to the side to put distance between them.
"Why you little!" She snarled and lunged at him. He leaped to the side just barely avoiding the snap of her fangs where he had last stood. Her breath pushed against him as he struggled to regain his balance before striking out at her eyes.
The two creatures danced the dance of death, each lunging before dancing away. Their attention fastened onto each other prevented them from taking in their surroundings. They were blind to the shadow that had crept in at the entrance of the den and they were deaf to the very soft scrapes of claws against stone as a small figure watched their battle from the shadows and grinned. Small particles of ice started to form on the roots hanging from overhead as the tendrils of black magic fed off of the anger and growing fear as the attacks of the two creatures started to land onto one another.
Hedgy dodged behind a rock. His breath came out in little puffs as he pressed his paw against the wound on his side caused by the wolf's canine just missing him. Sweat dripped off of his snout as he tried to catch his breath. This was a mistake. The only reason he was still alive right now was because of the quill slowing down her movements. He felt cold. His eyes trailed down to the floor and grimaced as he saw that a puddle of his blood was beginning to pool as he remained hunched behind the rock. Gritting his teeth he pushed himself away from the rock and prepared himself to rejoin the battle.
The she-wolf panted, her breath creating little clouds in the chill. Her body was cold all over and it was so hard to force her limbs to move. She was getting too slow, she knew. All she wanted was to curl up in her sleeping corner and go to bed. But she knew that if she rested for just a moment then she wouldn't wake up. Either from that blasted hedgehog or because of this cursed cold. Shivering she bared her fangs. She didn't have enough left in her to keep fighting. She was going to have to end this as quickly as she could if she had any chance for survival. The creature shrouded in shadows gathered up their energy and prepared to cast two more spells. The hedgehog and wolf were slowing down, it wouldn't be long before they both would pass out either from their wounds or from the cold. And it was prepared to capture them.
Her eyes could barely keep open as her blood poured out of her hind legs and side. Hedgy fared no better as he couldn't hold his weight on his back paw without his knee buckling. It was over. They both knew it. Hedgy raised his quill up and drove it into the wolf's cheek, unable to put enough strength into the jab to break through. She snapped one last time at him and was rewarded with a squeak of despair. Her head fell to the ground, quill still poking out of her cheek. Hedgy passed out inside of her jaws, one of her fangs piercing the wound in his side.
A chuckle disturbed the silence of the den as a web of shadows was woven around both of them. A puff of sulfuric acid and the den was left utterly alone. The ice melting from the den and the creature's blood pooling on the floor were the only signs of anything having been within the den.
4/19/2024 - 5/10/2024
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nottheweirdest · 3 years
Sonadowtober Day 4: Magic
This idea came to me during the middle of answering an email for work (obviously completely unrelated) because... hedgies on the brain?? lol Anyway... hope you like it!
“This is important stuff, Shads! How could you not know?”
“How is that important?!”
Sonic narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “That’s exactly what someone might say if they were trying to hide the fact that they’re a Slytherin….”
Shadow didn’t bother turning around, opting instead to give their breakfast the majority of his attention. He turned their sausage links and slid a couple pieces of french toast off the griddle. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” He paused, wiping his hands on the kitchen towel draped over his shoulder. “Powdered sugar?”
Sonic grabbed his phone and slid into a seat at Shadow’s breakfast bar. “What do you think?”
Crimson-stripped quills rustled slightly as their owner shook his head. “Fine, but I’m rationing your syrup.”
“What?! I knew it. You really are a Slytherin…..”
“You’re speaking nonsense, hedgehog.”
Sonic’s thumb danced across his phone screen, eyes narrowing as he scanned for what he was looking for. “Not for long. We are about to find out your Hogwarts House.”
Shadow dusted Sonic’s french toast with powdered sugar, fighting an inner dilemma before breaking and adding the extra sugar to his own serving. “Why exactly is this important?”
“It just is!” Sonic opened the first quiz that seemed legit and scanned its questions. “Ok, you ready?”
“Are we really doing this now?” Shadow asked, turning off the griddle and adding hash browns and sausages to their plates. “You know I have to leave for the office soon.”
Sonic ignored him. “First question. What would your wand core be made of? Phoenix feather--”
“Yeah, you’re a wizard, Shadow.”
Shadow’s eyes half closed in irritation as he turned toward the cabinet containing his coffee mugs and grabbed the largest one. He had a feeling he was going to need it.
“So, phoenix feather, dragon heartstring, or unicorn hair?”
“None of those creatures are real--”
Sonic growled. “That’s the whole point! It’s about magic! Just pick one.”
Shadow shrugged. “Phoenix feather.” He slid Sonic his plate and a glass of orange juice before setting his own place.
“Thanks Shads! Oh, this looks so good.”
Maybe, Shadow thought, good enough to distract his blue boyfriend from asking more of these ridiculous questions….
Unfortunately, he forgot that Sonic had absolutely no qualms about speaking with his mouth full.
“Which skills are you most proud of? Your ability to absorb new information, make friends, get what you want, or keep secrets?”
Shadow looked up from cutting up his breakfast. “None of the above. I would--”
“It has to be one of the options, Shads. Don’t make me pick for you. I’ll pick making friends. I’ll do it.”
Shadow narrowed his eyes, and reached for their syrup only to find Sonic had already used half the bottle. Emerald eyes glinted at him, cheeky smirk plastered across his face as he stuffed another bite of french toast into his mouth. The agent shook his head. Trying to get Sonic to eat healthier was a battle he was likely to never win. “Fine. Get what I want.”
Sonic went through the list of questions as they ate, finally landing on the last one, a series of Dumbledore quotes. Sonic was surprised when Shadow stopped eating for a moment, actually seriously contemplating the words. “This is a movie?”
“Well, a series of movies, but books first.”
“The third one. It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be.”
The blue hedgehog smiled softly, looking up from his phone into crimson eyes. He dropped his fork and reached for Shadow’s hand, squeezing it knowingly before he returned his eyes to the quiz. “You ready?”
“I suppose,” Shadow answered, mildly amused.
Sonic sat back, letting out a short laugh of surprise. “Guess I should have known.”
“What’s the verdict?”
“Gryffindor. Like me.”
“Is that good?”
Sonic nodded, turning off his phone’s screen and setting it down so he could focus on Shadow and their delicious breakfast. “Yeah, Shads, it’s good. Courage and determination are two of the biggest traits and yeah… I’d say you have those in spades.”
Shadow smiled and took a sip of his coffee, secretly happy that Sonic seemed pleased at the results.
“There was a decent percent of Slytherin though, so I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you... “
The dark hedgehog chuckled deeply, lowering his mug. “If you’re smart, you’ll keep both eyes on me.”
“What are you--”
In a flash, Shadow disappeared and reappeared immediately behind Sonic, grabbing him and dipping him down low from his seat as though in a dance. He winked at emerald eyes that had opened wide in surprise.
“I am a wizard after all.”
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theeletroguardian · 7 years
Make a wish
Amy groaned in frustration "What should I do?" she asked to the plush in front of her. She facepalmed herself "Well, I have the right to speak to a teddy bear, after all that happened." every time she thought about how she ended in this situation, she had no idea who to blame. Obviously, it wasn't her fault. She should have come to Agrabah, that's for sure, but the things that happened after weren't her responsibility. However, she was the one who had to carry with the consequences. All she had wanted was to learn how to belly dance, it had always fascinated her and the outfits were beautiful, even though, sometimes, she couldn't help but blush at the thought of wearing one, but the outfit she had to wear now was pretty similar, so she had already passed that phase. She had decided to go through all the course, find a teacher to help her out, but she came across a merchant who told her about a cave holding a lamp with one of those genies from the stories. Amy decided it would be better go for the genie, it's not that she wasn't willing to go through the effort to learn how to belly dance, but she was on vacation and she wanted to do more things than that. Besides, Agrabah was the only place she could learn how to belly dance and she wouldn't be able to come back and explore it more. As she thought about all this, Amy started floating in the space inside her lamp, not really caring at all, and actually enjoying it. Wait. Lamp? Yep, you heard it right. That is the consequence, at least one of them. She found the cave, no problem, and crossed it just as easily, thanks to all the adventures she had had with Sonic she was an expert at exploring ancient ruins and similar places. Amy sighed at the thought of his. She missed him so much. Sonic and their other friends had come with her but they had different destinations. The two hedgehogs had promised to meet up one day. Poor Amy, it seemed like that day would never arrive. Amy thought again, for the hundredth time, what had gone wrong, what had she done wrong and, again, got no answer. She had found the lamp, released the genie. He was a tiger, which had clarified the rosette about the reason why the cave was the head of a tiger Someone loves themselves. she had thought, but she wasn't one to judge, really, for now, the cave had the format of her head. She giggled at that, at least there was an advantage after all she had gone through. Amy has powers now. Lots of them, it's not just one thing. She can change her form, turn into any animal she wants, make things appear and disappear, teleport herself from one place to other, she can fly and lots of other things.  The genie had come with that classic talk everyone hears when they release a genie "You can have three wishes. But beware, you have to be careful when wishing. And there are things I can't afford: I can't make anyone fall in love with you; I can't make you reach; I can't kill anyone for you." she didn't want any those things. Well, maybe one, but she would never obtain it that way, even if that meant never being corresponded. She stopped at that, her mind drifting to how that could be revealed, immediately, she started sweating, overthinking and before she could start panicking she hit her head on a table. The table broke and Amy stared at it with eyes wide open, her hands rubbing her forehead "I still have to control this super strength thing." one of the other powers she got. She walked around the room, filled with soft, fluffy pillows and her eyes found a small musical band, which now was inactive. Amy had created that band from the memory she had, when she first arrived at Agrabah, of the women belly dancing and the band behind them. On that time, Amy had to use every ounce of strength and willpower not to dance at its rhythm, of course, she could control her tapping foot.  "At least I know how to belly dance now" she observed ironically, with some grief present in her voice. It had been her first wish, she asked for it without a second thought. She had to take some time for the two other wishes. Amy really didn't want anything else, of course, she wouldn't mind having her parents back, but she knew they were in a better place and happy together and that was all she needed. She couldn't ask for better friends, that's for sure. What did she do then? Her second wish was for all the homeless in Agrabah to have food and place to live, since she had crossed lots of them and her heart ached she saw a homeless mother with a sick baby in her arms and a very slim little boy cuddling next to her. What was the third wish then? She had asked the genie - she didn't know his name and he didn't give it to her - how his life was, in a lamp. It was a pretty stupid question, she had to admit, and it sounded even stupider after she started living in a lamp too. He looked pretty down when she asked him that and he sounded like a pretty nice guy. So what did she do? She released him. And what did he do in return? He lured her in. She had heard him flying away and laughing hysterically and Amy swore that if she ever got out of that lamp, she would go after that jackass tiger! Amy jumped to some pillows and cuddled with them. With some movements of her hand, she made the teddy bear float in her direction You are not the only who can move things with their mind now Silver. she smiled at the thought. She missed the grey hedgehog and teasing him because of his crush on the pyromaniac, lilac princess, Blaze. Amy also missed the grumpy cat, who was like a sister to her. Thinking about sisters made her mind drift to Cream. The little rabbit would grow, and Amy wouldn't be there to watch. She shook her head Don't like that! You will get out! Somehow...  The plushy reached her and Amy gently slide her fingers around its waist, bringing it close to her. With one finger she played with its ear, her gaze locked with his black button eyes. She didn't know if she did on purpose or not, but she started changing the form of the plushie, turning its fur cobalt blue, his ears were now pointier, five long quills grew in its head, its nose was now longer and the buttons of his eyes were now green. Amy blushed once she realised what she had done, but didn't throw the hedgie away, instead she held it tightly, but gently, against her chest. She missed Sonic the most... His smile wasn't there to warm her day, his green eyes, which looked like two forests, weren't there to make her forget everything, including herself, the sound of his voice wasn't there to comfort her, to reassure her that everything would be okay, his warmth, holding her with his warmth, teaching her the meaning of "home", making her feel safe. She could say all she missed about him, but that would be an endless list. She stretched up her arms, with the Sonic plushie still on her hands, holding it as if she was holding a baby, as she whispered "I want to see you." it was because of him Amy was killing her own head. She really wanted to see him, of course, she wanted to see the others too, but just thinking of never seeing Sonic again made her insane. She had pondered on the ways how she could see him. Which were none. She could only leave her lamp if someone rubbed it and even then she wouldn't be that free, for she would have to give the person the three wishes and she would be sealed once again. The only way Amy could ever be free again would be someone wishing her to be free and the only people she was sure that would release her were out of her reach. If she didn't find a way to speak to Sonic, she would be lured inside the lamp forever, not even having the release of death. "Great! Now I'm getting depressed again." the powers given to her weren't enough to kill the pain held in her heart. Amy had already shed tears for the friends she wouldn't see again, for the life she wouldn't have, for the slavery she would be put through every time someone rubbed the cage she was in. She turned her head to the right. Her eyes found a beautiful carpet, actually, the lamp was filled with them, and they were even more beautiful than the others she had seen in the market. Suddenly, an idea crossed her mind. She flew to the carpet. It was red and had light pink rose patterns on it, which was a rare pattern to see on carpets of Agrabah, white circles on the edges with that thing all carpets had, but the name was unknown to the rosette, holding a silver colour. It was a beautiful carpet, Amy had to admit that the genie before her had good taste Her fingers nervously caressed the soft material, some shiny dots coming from them. The carpet gained life and Amy's heart jumped in her chest "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" she exclaimed happily. She could send the carpet to get Sonic, the magic object would take him to Amy's cave and Sonic would find her lamp, rub it and release the pink genie. Amy stopped flying around happily around the room and came back to the carpet "Okay, bud. I have a task for you." the carpet saluted in response and a giggle escaped Amy's lips "You see this?" she pointed to the Sonic plushie, when the carpet moved in confirmation, Amy proceeded "There's a guy who looks like exactly like this. I want you to bring him here and show him my lamp. Got it?" Amy wished she didn't have to be fully precise with her words like she had to be with the wishes, if she had, this would take a long time. The carpet remained still for some moments before moving excitedly, making all Amy's worries fade away "Great! Now go get him!" Amy exclaimed as she pointed to a small hole in the ceiling of the room, which would be her exit once Sonic rubbed her lamp. The carpet flew in the direction she pointed, but when it tried to pass through the hole, it got stuck and Amy had to push it. Once the carpet left, Amy calmly laid in the mountain of carpets, hope filling her heart "Now it's just wait...and pray."
 "There you go, young fellow." the merchant said as he gave Sonic a bag filled with apples. "Thank you." Sonic answered as he paid the man, he grabbed the bag and started walking away "Keep the change." he said over his shoulder and so the man bowing in acknowledgement, a smile on his face, filled with marks of hard work and sleepless nights. Most people had that face. Sonic took one apple out of the bag and started eating as he walked through the paths filled with people of Agrabah. He had been there for a while and had explored lots of ruins, which Agrabah seemed to be filled with. Sonic stopped by some homeless people and gave some of the coins he had found in a cave, and an apple to a kid who had been staring at him eating is one, licking his lips. The blue hedgehog patted the little boy's head when he looked up at him with wide open eyes, confusion and surprise, but mostly, hope in his voice when he asked "For me!?" he ran back to his mother and gave her half of his apple, pointing at Sonic as he spoke excitedly. The woman looked at him, raising a hand to her chest and bowing her hand. Sonic smiled in return. Even though Agrabah was filled with fantastic places to explore, part of it broke his heart with the number of homeless people there were in the streets. Of course, he had seen lots of it in the other cities and places he had visited, but he seemed to never get used to it. Sonic didn't even think that was possible. The streets had their own special touch, with buildings which seemed to be made of sand and then there was the palace right in the centre, an accumulation of treasures and jewels, the richest building of all Agrabah. Of course, some parts of the city were filled with trash and dirty corners, places where criminals took care of their own business without being interrupted by the guards. Sonic had come to notice something was different though. Although there still were lots of homeless people, there seemed to be less and even the people who still were in the streets didn't seem nearly as hungry as they were yesterday and the situation was similar to the days before, it was as if with the days, the homeless people had started disappearing from the streets. Was it just him, or were there more houses?  Suddenly, music filled Sonic's ears, making them raise to hear better. He walked in the direction and found a bunch of people agglomerated in the street. Sonic couldn't help but take a fighting pose, with the number of people there was, he thought that maybe there was a fight, and he ready to interfere. However, such wasn't necessary. Sonic's eyes found a music band and then the people dancing at the sound of it. People were watching five women belly dancing. The blue hedgehog couldn't help but think about Amy Rose. She had come with him and his friends, but parted in a different direction, because she had come to Agrabah to learn how to dance like those women. They promised to meet up one day though. Sonic secretly waited for that day, for he missed her more than he expected he would. Her beautiful smile, always beaming and making other people smile along with her, her bubbly attitude, always cheerful and laughing. Unconsciously, a smile drifted to the hedgehog's lips, it always happened when he thought about her. Sonic wished Amy had been able to find a teacher and that the classes were going well for her. Of course, Sonic was sure Amy would get the hang of it, becoming a great dancer. He had heard talking excitedly about what she would dance in the streets, people would throw coins at her and then she could give them to the homeless or use the money to buy them food and clothes. He had listened to her, with an affectionate smile all the time, thinking If you didn't exist, you would have to be invented. Always thinking about the others. She was simply the sweetest person you would ever lay your eyes on. Sonic saw the women dancing for a while, the realisation that Amy would wear a similar outfit hit him like a rock just as hard as the blush that spread across his muzzle and ears. He walked away, shaking his head, trying to get rid of the picture, which seemed to be fused to his brain. Once he calmed down his hormones, Sonic looked up the blue sky and wondered, once more, how his friends were doing and when he could the pink hedgehog again. His thoughts were broken when he accidentally bumped into someone "Sorry." he apologised and looked up at the big, male tiger he had bumped into. The tiger growled and hit Sonic again with his shoulder, before walking away. Sonic raised an eyebrow "Tch. Jerk." Sonic walked around the city of Agrabah, observing the people and the stalls, filled with articles. He came across one stall which sold scarfs. A particular one caught his eye. It was light pink and when Sonic touched it, it had a very soft texture and his mind drifted once again to Amy. He concluded that she would love the scarf, she loved pink things, and Sonic saw how it could be useful. Not only was it pretty, according to girls standards, it also certainly was oversized for the rosette, but that was a good thing, she could cover her all head to hide her identity, in case she was running away from someone, or it was a good shelter in a sandstorm. Sonic bought the scarf and asked the merchant to bundle it. He paid and put the package in the bag he brought on his back. The blue hedgehog couldn't wait to see Amy's face once he gave her the gift. Pink would spread her cheeks like it always happened when Sonic did something for her, she would mumble that it wasn't necessary, but her eyes would be sparkling with excitement, as if it had stars of their own, shining in her jade orbs, and then she would hug him tight. A silly smile grew in Sonic's muzzle as that precious picture refused to leave his brain. He could imagine her playing with the size of the scarf, warping it clumsily around her own and laughing once he saw she was doing everything wrong. His heart warmed, even more, Man, do I miss her. He decided then that the next day he would search for her, or else, he would kill himself with all these fantasies Since when am I one to fantasise? The blue hedgehog shook his head, the smile never leaving his muzzle, as he kept walking through the streets of the city called Agrabah.
Amy flew around the room, playing her fingers and occasionally nibbling her nails, as her mind was filled with doubts What if the carpet doesn't bring him? What if Sonic refuses to go along? What if the carpet brings someone else instead? Who will rub the lamp? Whose wishes will I have to satisfy? What if the carpet is stolen or something happens to it before it can find Sonic? She could only shake her head violently, trying to get rid of the 'What ifs', but she couldn't help it. She was sure that everything would be okay, but now she couldn't help but think about other possible outcomes, all of them negative. The what if that hurt the most, the one she tried to destroy, desperately, putting it in the darkest corner of her mind, one she couldn't even visit, see or hear was What if he doesn't want to see me? It was silly to think that, after all, he had promised to come meet her, one day. Why would she think that he wouldn't want to see her? Well, it was the habit, one she adopted during the years when their relationship wasn't exactly the best, times she tried to forget. Everything was better now, though. She stopped chasing him and, consequently, he stopped fearing her. Of course, a chill ran down his spine when she got angry, but that happened with everyone, after all, she's the one who can summon a giant hammer out of nowhere. No, I have to stop thinking this way. she told herself The carpet might not find the actual Sonic, it might even bring someone else instead and I will have t fulfil that person's wishes. It might happen more than once. But I will keep trying until it brings Sonic. And Sonic and the others will find it weird when they get no news from me. Everything will be okay. Amy reached for the Sonic plushie again, holding it tightly and close to her, seeking for comfort. Comfort that she would have once her blue knight arrived and then it would be him she was going to hug and it would be his arms that would wrap around her. With that, and a memory of one of the times everything was lost, but there he was, smiling at her, reassuring her that everything would be okay, she waited for her blue knight to come. Please, please come...
The day was almost setting, the sky was a mixture between dark blue and red, a sign that the day was giving place to the night. Soon, stars would fill the sky, all people of Agrabah would leave the streets to the safety of their houses. Sonic sat on the roof of one of those buildings, with his legs hanging over the edge, the people habiting it not having a clue they had a teenager on their roof. Sonic could hear laughs coming from the windows and squeals from children. He smiled. His eyes ran through the people in the road under him. There weren't many, for criminality here was higher, there always was a gang of criminals running through the streets, the blades of their weapons slashing the darkness of the night, covered by shadows and mist. Sonic had stopped some in the few days he had been in Agrabah. Fortunately, he hadn't become quite as famous as he was in other lands and could walk through the city without being stormed by questions and fans. He observed the sun settling down and wondered if his friends were doing the same. Sometimes, he couldn't help but worry about their safety, but he had to trust more in their capabilities and tried to shove those thoughts away, but that didn't stop him from searching his friends in the crowd, or on the streets, when he would be running and jumping from a rooftop to other. Sometimes he saw one of them, he had seen Tails once, almost three days ago, and smiled when he saw that his little brother was holding hands with the rabbit named Cream. They grow so fast. Sonic had laughed at himself when he taught that. What was he? An old man? No, just a proud brother. Before Sonic could think of anything else, a blur dashed right in front of him at a speed that would make him proud. He blinked in slight confusion, before shoving it aside, trying to make himself believe that it had been a bird. However, the blur came dashing right in front of him again, in the opposite direction it had gone to two seconds ago. Sonic cocked an eyebrow in the direction the blur had flown, confusion filling his head with questions. When the blur came back again, Sonic was about to break and run after it, but that wasn't necessary. The blur stopped right in front of him, some distance away from him and Sonic's widened when he saw a flying carpet. Well, that kinda explains everything, I guess... he thought, unsure that made any sense, which really didn't make, but after all the things he had already seen on his adventures, anything is possible and there's no place to reason. The carpet seemed to be searching for something moving its...head? no, it's front in various direction frenetically. From where he was, he could see it was a red carpet with light pink roses decorating it, white circles painting its edges and those furry things carpets always had hanging from them. It was a beautiful carpet, the colours and the rose patterns made him mind drfit to Amy once again, thinking that she would love the carpet. "Hey there, buddy! Everything okay?" Did I just ask a carpet if how it was? Sonic concluded that his mind had already gone crazy bonkers. The carpet quickly turned in his direction and it seemed like it had jumped in its place when it saw Sonic. It flew in his direction almost as fast as it had flown moments ago from a direction to other, so fast, Sonic couldn't help but back up slightly, making fall with his back on the rooftop. The carpet stared back at him. Again, the hedgehog blinked confusion. He cleared his throat "Okay, hum..." he lifted himself, cleaning dust from his jacket "Huh... are you looking for something?" As an answer, the carpet lifted his arm with one of his edges, using it like Sonic would use his hand. Sonic could only stare in confusion as the carpet did the same with his other arm, hands, ears, checking his mouth, lifting his feet and Sonic stopped it when it tried to lift his jacket "Hey, what are you doing?" The carpet closened, staring, if such was possible, straight in Sonic's eyes, making Sonic incredibly uncomfortable, as he tried to back away again. Suddenly, the carpet jumped in the air and started flying around Sonic, as if celebrating, and if it had a voice, Sonic could swear it would be giggling or yelling in victory. This couldn't get any weirder. Sonic thought as worry started filling him, the situation being too bizarre even for him. "Look," he started as the carpet kept flying in circles around him "Do you need any help?" Because I obviously need help. From a doctor. Am I really trying to talk with a carpet? The carpet stopped in front of him, nodding its front and stretched its edges to grab him. Sonic pulled his hands away "Hey, look, I don't know what you want, but I saw you searching for something. I could help you find it." the carpet stared silently at him Of course, it won't answer you. It's a carpet! "What is that you were searching for?" The carpet pointed one of his edges to his chest. Sonic, with wide open eyes, blinked "Me?" the carpet nodded excitedly. At that, Sonic decided to think in his situation. A flying carpet, most probably magic, wanted him to go to 'God knows where', a place Sonic surely didn't know. The all thing smelled like adventure and Sonic loved the smell of adventure as much as he loved Amy's chilidogs, which wasn't little. Sonic grinned "Okay, flying carpet friend, you got my attention." his eyes were filled with that energy he saved to an upcoming adventure. The carpet jumped in the air again and slide down Sonic, made him jump and when Sonic landed, it made them fly above Agrabah. Sonic laughed as he stared down at the city Adventure certainly is on the way! The sun was almost settled down, the night covering the desert of Agrabah, warping its city in a starry blanket that leads young and old minds to lands filled with magic and beings that only allow their existence in dreams. Somehow, there seemed to be even more stars in the sky, twinkling and reflecting small, almost invisible, white dots in the dark sand. It was like Sonic was surrounded by stars, up and down, left and right, back and forth. There wasn't much to see in the desert, only sand and more sand, but Sonic could find a peaceful beauty on it, nothing to disturb, a place where we could meditate. However, it could become lonely, Sonic had experienced the years he lived before meeting his friends, before meeting his first friend, Amy Rose. Sonic never had his mind divagating so often to her. Was it because he missed her? Or was it because of his feelings for her? Yes, he had finally accepted his feelings for her but hadn't told her yet. Maybe when he finds her after looking for her. They flew quickly, but not nearly as fast as Sonic could run, creating a soft breeze that cooled his face. It didn't take them long to arrive at what it looked like a cavern, the shape seemed oddly familiar, but Sonic couldn't make it out in the darkness. The carpet flew inside the cavern and now Sonic was inside a cave, filled with treasures. The carpet stopped so Sonic could get out, who gladly did. He looked around, there weren't many treasures, mainly golden coins, some necklaces embedded with jewels and some of these around, like diamonds and rubies Rouge would love these. Sonic stopped before he could stamp in a lamp below his feet "Hm?" the blue hedgehog picked it up and observed it. It wasn't made of gold like the other objects inside the cave, in fact, it seemed to be made of the same rubies he had found in some necklaces, but of course, it was just the colour, which seemed to illuminate the all cave, it was a strange effect but Sonic found it pretty. It had the shape of those lamps he had heard from stories and found in books. The blue one hadn't noticed it, but the red carpet was staring expectantly at him "You want me to rub it?" the carpet nodded and, somehow, it seemed more serious than the last times. He stared at the lamp for some seconds, not really knowing what to expect. Sonic knew what was going to happen next: he would rub the lamp, release the genie within it, who would give him three wishes. Sonic didn't really know what to do about that, there wasn't anything he wanted, he was happy with his life. He could always ask the genie to bring him to Amy. Maybe, besides that, I don't think I would want anything else. Maybe a way to defeat Eggman once and for all. He shoved those thoughts and doubts away for some moments, as he rubbed the lamp and released its genie.  The cave was filled with a red mist and Sonic had to cover his face, shutting his eyes tightly, to protect it, for the mist shone brightly. When the mist started to fade, Sonic peeked with one eye, cautiously, searching for the released genie. He opened both eyes, widely, his mouth left agape when he found the genie. Not because there was a genie in front of him, but because of who the genie was? She was floating, her cross-legged, her arms, which had long golden bracelets that covered almost all of her forearms, folded over her chest, with her jade eyes sealed by her pink eyelids, the mist was reflected on her pink fur and bouncy, short quills, some caught in a ponytail, leaving only two free to frame her rosy cheeks. She hadn't changed anything since the last time he had seen her, although he didn't know what to expect, yes it had almost passed a month, but someone doesn't change that much in only a month. He didn't know what to think, he didn't care about any of those things, the only thing he knew and could think in was that she was there, right in front of him. His voice was stuck in his throat, his mind mush as if he had just been brainwashed or put under the effect of some drug. Suddenly, her eyes started opening, slowly, almost timidly, revealing those beautiful jade orbs that always left awestruck. They found him and she seemed to not believe in her eyes, for a second, just like him, but that didn't take long, for then they shone brightly, even more than usual, a huge and beautiful smile reaching her lips. He had never seen her with that smile, it was like she was greeting him after years had passed after the last time they had seen each other.  She jumped in his direction as she squealed "It's you! It's really you!" they wrap around his neck tightly, but not as tightly as she used to, she had gotten better at controlling her strength and use it as well. For some moments, Sonic stood there, his arms open, it seemed like his body and brain had shut off and he didn't know how to move, but soon his arms warped around her, feeling her warmth, he had missed more than he had realised until now. He felt her rub her muzzle in the curve of his neck, he could almost feel that radiant smile, warming him, tickling him. She was laughing, he had missed that sound, it was the most beautiful music he had ever heard and he had heard different music from various parts of the world, so he knew what he was talking about. A wide smile started taking over Sonic's lips, almost reaching Amy's smile as he asked, his voice almost squealing as much as hers "Amy!?" it was a dumb question, of course, it was her, they had both recognized each other, but it felt like he needed to turn the scene even more real, for it was so happy and beautiful, he thought he was, that he must be, dreaming. She laughed more and without realising what he was doing, Sonic increased both laughter by spinning the two of them. He hadn't realised how much he had missed her until he saw her right in front of him, in his arms once again. Suddenly, the flying carpet joined them, dancing around them and if it had a voice, Sonic could swear it would be cheering. His laughter increased and so did Amy's, who, still in Sonic arms, stretched one of her arms to reach the carpet and pet it like she would pet a dog. Finally, Sonic placed Amy down, just then he remembered that his friend had come out of a lamp "H-how?" Amy calmed herself, whipping some tears, after so much laughing, and shrugged "Looong story. Ya better sit." she patted the carpet again "You did a great job." the carpet happily received the caresses and Sonic started to think it behaved a lot like a dog, if it had a tail, it certainly would be wagging frantically. It flew in Sonic's direction again, floating next to him and Amy smiled proudly "It likes you." Sonic cocked an eyebrow "Amy, this is all very cool and amazing and I'm very happy for seeing you, but I'm also extremely confused." his ears bowed down at that. Amy laughed "I bet you are. Don't worry., I'm going to explain everything." she walked in the direction of the pile of treasures and only then Sonic noticed how she was dressed. He had already noticed her caught her, it suited her when he thought of it, her years were adorned with gold earrings, she wore a pair of baggy pants and what looked like a top, but was more like a simple strip, which only covered her chest, revealing all the rest. Sonic blushed at and shook his head to make the thought go away. Amy threw herself in the direction of the pile of coins and winced once the hard material hit her back, Sonic had to use every ounce of willpower not to laugh. With a swift movement of her hand, the coins turned into soft pillows. Amy sighed in relief hand rested her head with her arms behind it, crossing one leg with other as she closed her eyes. Sonic could only blink "You really have a lot to explain." The rosette sighed again as she patted the spot next to hers. Sonic followed the cue and sat next to his friend. The carpet flew in their direction, it tried to place itself between the two hedgehogs as if it wished for both's attention. Amy smiled warmly at it and gave some of her space for the carpet to cuddle with them "We gotta do something about you, my friend." she said as she caressed the magical object. Suddenly, the carpet exploded in a small amount of red dust and in its place was a strange, yet adorable, new creature. It was still red and it still had the rose patterns, but these were on its back, and the edges, which were paws now, were white, just like its belly and the chest fur below its white, furry muzzle, the things hanging from the edges were now earrings adorning its long ears, which had more fur inside of them and its tail seemed like a mixture of the tail of a cat and a dragon. Sonic's eyes widened "Amy, if you're trying to clear everything up, you're not helping." the new creature jumped to Sonic's chest and bit his nose, but not with too much force. Sonic noticed the carpet had the draw of a pink rose on its left eye.  Amy laughed in response "Sorry. Sorry. I think I'm still pondering on what to say, which is very weird because I played this moment a thousand times in my head." she blushed once that escaped her mouth and was probably about to mumble something about it, but Sonic interrupted her "What do you mean?"  The rosette blinked as if she didn0t understand what the hedgehog had just asked her "Well, I myself find hard to believe in what happened. You see, it looks more like a think that would happen in a movie than in real life." "Amy, half of the things that happen to us look more like things out of a movie or fairy tale than something that would actually happen in real life." Sonic said, quite amused by Amy's hesitation "If you fear that I won't believe in you then discard that right away. You know I would never doubt you." Amy blushed, her cheek turning almost as pink as the rest of her fur, which was an adorable sight to Sonic's emerald eyes "O-okay, so I will make it short. You know I came to learn how to belly dance." once Sonic nodded in confirmation, Amy continued "Well, I was planning to go through all the process: classes, hard work, seat, you know. But I realised that to be as good as I wanted to, the time we would be here was very short. And I know we wouldn't be able to come back, considering the difficulty we had to arrive here in the first place. A merchant told me about a cave holding a lamp with a genie and I decided that I would ask the genie to give the capabilities I wanted." Amy sighed as she lived memories once again "Until then everything was okay, but everything turned around when I released the genie. I asked him what I wanted and made up something for the second wish." "What was your second wish?" Sonic asked. "Well, you saw a number of homeless people, just the sight broke my heart, so I asked the genie to give food and a house to those people. By the way, was anything different?" Sonic smiled warmly, his heart throbbing inside his rib cage "Well, that explains why I saw less people laying on the streets and why they didn't seem to be going through starvation." it would have never crossed his mind it had been because of Amy but hearing she was the actual cause of it, sounded right to the hedgehog. Sonic didn't know how to explain that feeling but he couldn't explain half of the feelings the rosette in front of him caused in him. "Oh! I'm glad." her smile shone through all the cave, so brightly Sonic almost felt his eyes burning from the intense light, or maybe were the tears that wanted to come out, because that smile was so beautiful it could bring anyone to tears "That means I was specific enough with my words. You know what they say about asking a genie to grant a wish, you to be almost as specific as you have to be when giving orders to a robot." Amy grinned at that "That is if the robot is one of Egghead's." Sonic laughed loudly at that "Yeah." once he calmed himself he asked "And what about your third wish?" Amy sighed once again "Well that was when things turned south. I really didn't want anything else so I wished for the genie to be free." her face gained a furious expression "And what does that asshole does to thank me? He puts me in his place! So now I'm a genie and I was trapped inside that stupid lamp before you freed me." she crossed her arms over her chest and even though Sonic knew she was truly upset, he couldn't help but find her adorable with puffed cheeks and furrowed eyebrows. "Why would he that?" Sonic asked confused. It wasn't that Sonic was naive enough to believe that just because the genie was trapped he was innocent or anything, it was just that if he was indeed evil, Sonic thought Amy would be able to see it, although Amy tends to believe that someone is bad for a reason and all they need is a friend. "I don't know! When you see him you can ask him!" she shouted and Sonic could see that Amy was almost arriving at that state of anger with which even Shadow would be scared of. "What did he looked like?" if Sonic ever found that guy he already knew what he was going to do, although he was sure that Amy would beat him after she found out, for not letting her be the one doing it, considering how mad she seemed to be with that guy. But can you truly blame her for that, considering what she did for him and what he did in return? "He was a male tiger, with the normal colours, pretty tall and muscled." she said, with a grunt, as she patted the new creature the carpet had turned into as if trying to calm herself down. Realisation hit Sonic so hard even Amy noticed "I think I bumped into him today, or more like he bumped into me." Sonic didn't know if he had done the right decision, for he had never seen Amy with such a dark expression covering her face, he couldn't say that he wasn't scared and almost felt sorry for the genie, if it wasn't for the fact that whatever Amy wanted to do to him, Sonic wanted to the same. "That asshole trapped in this goddamn lamp and now he's walking around Agrabah like nothing happened!! Oh, when I get my hands on him he won't even know what hit him!" fire formed behind Amy and in her fists, her eyes took a deadly glow. The creature in her lap ran to Sonic, who was sweating from how nervous he was, hiding behind his back. Amy seemed to realise the state of the situation as she looked behind her, with slight panic, and calmed herself down and while doing so, the flames in her fists and behind her seemed to calm along with her. "Sorry." she muttered in a quiet voice "I still have to learn how to control my new powers." she looked away as she warped her arms around herself. Sonic wanted to cry at the scene n front of him, but instead, he warped his arms around the sad rosette, resting her head against his chest as he patted it with one hand whilst the other rubbed her back. He heard her gasp before she warped her arms around his waist, nuzzling his chest. The creature left its place behind Sonic's back and stood by Amy's side, resting its front paws and head on the female hedgehog's leg. "Don't worry Amy." Sonic whispered in her ear "You won't have to go through this alone, I'm here for you." the creature emitted a sound that was similar to a bark as if saying that it would be by her side too "Okay?" he felt her nod and couldn't help but grin at her, even though she had grown a little bit more mature and certainly looked more to her age, sometimes she acted like a child, an innocent little girl that needed to be protected, and praised when did something good "Good girl." Sonic placed a kiss on the rosette's forehead. A small pair of fireworks exploded behind Amy, startling the creature. Sonic stared at the space where the fireworks exploded, his mind blank and filled with confusion. He looked down at Amy, who had her cheeks flushed and lips closed tightly, forming a thin line, her eyes wide open. She couldn't look any more guilty. The poor rosette had to wait almost ten minutes for her blue companion to calm himself down, with the creature by her side staring at the blue hedgehog curled in a ball, laughing his lungs out, with its head tilted to the side, obviously confused by his behaviour. Amy didn't look at him for the all time, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows furrowed in an angry expression, accompanied by puffed cheeks and a pouted lip. Fortunately for her, Sonic wasn't looking or he would have laughed for a longer time. "Are you done?" Amy asked after Sonic seemed calm enough. Sonic sighed "I think so." he said, a smile still on his face as he whipped some remaining tears away "What was that anyway?" Amy looked away, her cheeks flushing red along with her ears which were bent down "I still have to learn how to control my new powers." she muttered. Sonic chuckled in response "I noticed." Amy 'hmphed' as she turned her back to him, her head up. Sonic, again, had to make his best effort not to laugh Does she ever get sick of being so fricking adorable? he thought with a grin. "Aww, come on, Amy. Are you mad?" he asked, jokingly and as a response, he got Amy lifting her chin even more. He walked to place himself in front of her, but she turned her back to him again "You are not actually mad at me are?" Sonic asked, with a fake sad expression, his lip pouting and his ears bending down. This time, he got something different, Amy's lips curled in odd ways as she tried not to smile, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. Sonic grinned as he walked to place himself in front of her. Once he saw her peeking with one eye, he started moving his ears up and now and blinking his repeatedly, not forgetting to pout, making Amy finally give in as her smile was accompanied by some giggles. "Do you feel better?" Sonic asked, still with a smile on his face. Those jade eyes shone brightly only to him, as her smile almost blinded him "Yes because you're here." she said with sweetest of voices, which almost broke the hedgehog's heart, in a good way though. Sometimes, Sonic couldn't help but wonder if she was just a normal girl or an angel that fell from the sky and into his life. It's a shame it took him so much time to treat her like she deserved, and he still wasn't quite there. Heat rose to Sonic's cheeks, her sweet words leaving him speechless. He scratched the back of his head like he did many times when he was nervous, averting his eyes from the cute rosette "Th-That's good." Sonic heard Amy giggle and his cheeks turned even redder "Okay so what now?" he heard her ask. He turned to her wearing a puzzled expression "What do you mean?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. Amy chuckled "Well, now I'm a genie out of the lamp you rubbed. That makes me yours." she stopped as she saw his expression change to one with extremely red cheeks, the rosette mirrored him once she realised what her words could lead to "Th-that's not what I meant!!!" she exclaimed as she raised her hands in defence "I-I-I-I am your genie, that's what I meant!!!" she couldn't help her squeaking voice, waving her hands rapidly in the air, completely freaking out. A smile appeared in Sonic's muzzle while he saw Amy hiding her face in her hands, even though his heart was still racing from the misunderstanding Since when am I like this?! "O-okay so...that means?" he asked, his mind still confused by the feelings caused by the girl in front of him. She had always confused him, making him not knowing what to think or how to act, this time was no different. Amy left embarrassment aside for some seconds as she stared at him, as if not knowing what to say "Seriously?" she snorted with a grin, crossing her arms over her chest as she floated next to his face "That means you can ask for whatever you want. Well, you already know the drill: can't make anyone fall in love with you, no money, no killing. So, what will be your first wish, master?" she prolonged the last word in a joking manner, Sonic grinned, playing along with her "Weeeell, I don't know. What do you suggest, oh Great Amy the genie!" Amy laughed at how he addressed her, kicking her legs in the air "Good one. But now, seriously. If there is anything you want, I can make it happen now. Soooo what is it?" Sonic smiled warmly at her and even though Amy's heart always jumped when he did that, the reason behind that smile was unknown and it was making Amy confused "Well, I thought you would already know. It's quite obvious." "Really? What is it?" "For you to be free, of course!" he laughed "As if I would let my best friend get stuck in a lamp for the rest of her life! I have all that I need already: great friends, a fantastic world to explore, adventure at every corner. Right now the only thing that it's missing is you." although he didn't specify the way she was missing, of course, she wouldn't even pounder in the way he was thinking, but she would know that very soon. Sonic saw Amy's expression changing to one of complete joy, her hands covering her beautiful smile as a long squeal escaped her lips and tears started streaming down her face, her tail wagging furiously behind her. She embraced him tightly, but not as tightly as her old bear hugs, as she rubbed her cheek with his, making Sonic blush madly and scream internally "Awwww you're so sweet!!" she exclaimed, her smile reaching her voice and almost melting Sonic completely Some things never change. he thought with a smile. "Hehe, sorry." Amy said when she separated from the blue hedgehog, a huge smile still plastered on her face "I guess I got a little bit too excited."  she giggled again. She clapped her hands together "Okay, I know your wish but you still have o tell me. You know, like in the movies." "Okay then. Amy Rose, I wish you to be free." Amy clapped her hands together again and bowed her head "Your wish has been granted." after she said that Amy was surrounded by the same red mist he had seen earlier and the long golden bracelets she had on her arms started glowing, blinding the hedgehog. The wind, which was coming in Amy's direction kicked in and Sonic had to grab onto something, but he didn't find much and ended up flying against the pile of pillows Thank Chaos, Amy changed these coins into pillows! and soon Amy's new friend joined Sonic, its impact being cushioned by the hedgehog himself. The poor little red creature looked utterly confused but also incredibly curious with the red mist and golden light. Sonic had to hold the little creature so it wouldn't escape, if that was even possible to move against this wind, and hurt itself. Suddenly, the wind stopped, so suddenly, Sonic fell, planting his face on the ground I'm starting to think this happens too often. he thought, his face still glued to the ground, fortunately, the creature managed to escape Sonic's embrace and wasn't smashed into a pulp under him, The ground must loooove my face. Sonic thought with sarcasm. The rosette opened her eyes and soon started moving her head in different directions, searching for the hedgehog it had been in front of her just a few seconds ago "Sonic?" "Down here." Sonic said in a muffled voice, raising one of his arms. Amy turned to the direction the muffled voice had come from and when she saw Sonic, she had put her hands over her mouth not to laugh "It's not as funny as it looks like." he said, just before the red creature sat on his bag, its tongue hanging from its muzzle like a dog and tail wagging furiously. Sonic remained silent for some seconds before asking "Did it just sat on my back?" and Amy couldn't hold it anymore, bursting in laughter. Amy walked up to him after she had calmed down, some chuckles still escaping her lips as she bent down and picked his head. It was filled with dirt and once Sonic saw Amy's snickering expression, he puffed one of his cheeks "Like I said before, it's not as funny as it looks like." he said in a grumpy tone. The rosette giggled as she helped the blue hedgehog stand up "Sorry." she said with a smile as she cleaned the dust from his face. Her soft, gentle fingers rubbed some of the spots that were covered in dirt and Sonic found himself leaning into her warm touch. The rosette retreated her hand once Sonic's face was clean and he found himself already missing her touch. However, that didn't last long, for Amy jumped on him and embraced him, once again, with those slim, yet strong arms, burying her face on his chest, her three bangs tickling Sonic under his chin. He didn't move for some seconds, surprised by her actions. "Thank you so much." Sonic heard her say, in that sweet voice of hers, she only used around him, he could practically hear the smile in her voice. Sonic couldn't even imagine the relief she was feeling, being finally free after remaining for one month enclosed, enslaved. What if Amy hadn't had the idea of the carpet getting him? What if the carpet had never found him? What if he had refused to go with the carpet? Then Amy would have remained for the rest of her life closed in a lamp, only free to serve someone else's wishes and closed once again when she was no longer needed.  Sonic hugged her back as he tried to repress those thoughts, he didn't even want to think about it, a life without Amy Rose. Instead, he enjoyed the fact that none of those questions got an answer, they were the wrong ones because he was there with her, he had freed her and she was in his arms once again, everything would be okay and he would still be able to show her the world and laugh with her. "You don't need to thank." Sonic whispered in Amy's ear as he nuzzled her short, soft quills, a smile refusing to leave his muzzle "You know I will always be here for you." She giggled and nuzzled closer to him "I know." The little creature decided that it wanted to join them and tried to get between the two, succeeding as he got between the two hedgehogs' faces and wagged its tail happily with what seemed like a smile on its small muzzle, It kissed both hedgehogs, and by 'kissed' I mean licked the two hedgehogs like an actual dog, and barked happily , its tongue falling from its mouth. Amy and Sonic could only laugh as they hugged the little, cute creature too and stars seemed to be seen in its eyes for the happiness and joy it felt for being by its two friends. "We gotta give you a name." Amy said, she pondered on some names she could give to her new friend and one came to her mind "Li-Wei!" "Li-Wei?" Sonic chuckled "What kind of name is that?" Sonic asked as he tried not to laugh. "Well, just so you know, mister." Amy started as she pulled one hand t her chest, faking a hurt expression "It is a real name. See?" and she made a giant list with names were written appear in her hand. She pointed to one of them, indicating where 'Li-Wei' would be. Sonic leaned on the list and looked at the place Amy referred to and he did found the name 'Li-Wei' and what it meant 'beautiful rose', origin China. "But isn't that more of a name you would give to a girl?" Sonic asked, still playing around with rosette "It sound more like a female name." "Well, but you don't know as much about China as I do. I've got the all map inside my head now." Amy said as she pointed to her head "And 'Li-Wei' is definitely a male name, not a female one." "How do you know that it's a male?" Amy and Li-Wei stared at Sonic, both with a raised eyebrow. They glanced at each other as if looking for help or asking which of them should say something. Finally, the two looked at Sonic once again, blinking in confusion "Don't make such silly questions with as obvious answers, Sonic." Amy said. Sonic's time to raise an eyebrow but he let it slide I better get used to this. As if I didn't deal with weird things already. Although, I don't mind dealing with this weirdo. he thought with a smile "Okay, but shouldn't you give him a name that has origin here? I think that would be more fun." "Well, yes, but, meh." Amy shrugged "I don't find anything and he seems to like his new name. Right, Li-Wei?" Li-Wei nodded happily. Amy smiled in return to the little creature, but her smile disappeared when she raised an eyebrow and seemed to think in something "Did you just thought of me as a weirdo some seconds ago?" she threw an accusatory look and finger at the blue hedgehog. Sonic laughed "What you read minds now too?" "No, I just know you very well." Amy answered with a smirk, a smug one, the kind of one that would make Sonic proud, her arms crossed over her chest. Sonic mirrored her pose, using a smile just as smug, something that wasn't very hard for him "Then you must know that I don't mind dealing with this weirdo, at all." Sonic's ego, already big, grew immensely when he saw red painting her cheeks, her lips moving in odd ways as her eyes looked around and landed in everything but him, her ears bending down as her arms warped more tightly around herself. Li-Wei stared at his friend in confusion. "Your expressions are priceless, Amy Rose." Sonic teased as he tried his best not to laugh. "S-shut up!" Amy shouted, stomping her foot, her hands turned into fists with her eyes closed as tightly, a red blush painting her rosy cheeks. The sight of her was adorable. Amy started walking away, without saying a word, Li-Wei followed her, flying with his white, little wings, flying around his friend happily. "Hey! Where are you going?" Sonic asked as he got up with her, which wasn't much effort to the blue hedgehog. "Away from this cave. I'm sick of it." she answered without looking at him. "And of me?" Sonic asked, dropping one of his ears, fearing that he had actually offended her Don't know how, though. But I've never really understood girls. "Pfft, You're supposed to come with me, idiot." Amy smiled "Or do you want me to have all the fun for myself." "Hmph, you wish. It wouldn't be nearly as fun without me." Sonic said in a cheesy tone, raising his chin up. Li-Wei stared at Sonic with a quizzical expression, he would be wearing that expression quite a lot, considering how many times Sonic behaved like a dork, especially to make the rosette in front of him laugh. Sonic didn't care about the confused expressions of the others, for as long as that pink angel's laugh was heard Man, I sure have turned into a dork for her. Sonic thought with a silly smile. Amy had to try her best not to laugh, which still counted as a laugh for the blue hedgehog I've been victorious! "So are you ready or what?" Amy asked, with a smile that only means trouble. Sonic was the one who taught her how to smile like that and he loved when she did. She had extended her hand to him. "Do you even need to ask?" Sonic said, matching her smile. Gladly, Sonic took Amy's hand and she dragged the two of them out of the cave. Sonic couldn't help but laugh and Amy laughed along with him, joining the blue hedgehog in his joy. Well, she must be the one who feels the most joy, after all, this was her first experience of freedom after one month. The two hedgehogs ran out of the cave, with Li-Wei happily following after them. Seriously, the little guy was a fluffy bubble of joy Just like someone else I know. Sonic thought with a smirk. "Li-Wei!" Sonic heard Amy shout as they ran, making Sonic raise an eyebrow. Was she worried that Li-Wei wasn't able to keep up with them? Those wings of his were small, but the little guy sure knew how to work them. In fact, after Amy shouted his name, Li-Wei flew quickly, no longer being behind Sonic but right in front of the two hedgehogs. Sonic saw Amy doing a movement with her arm and didn't have any time to think before she made both of them jump. When Sonic opened his eyes again, he was sitting in the back of a dragon, a dragon that looked like Li-Wei but bigger, much bigger. Well, I can't say his wings are small now. Sonic thought as he observed the giant, feathery white wings of the red dragon, who still had the rose patterns on his back as Sonic confirmed when looking down Or any part of him now that I think about. Man, Amy's magic is indeed incredible. And Sonic though she couldn't become any more impressive, for him, carrying a giant hammer, almost four times you size, as easily as you carry a feather is already impressive. "Why didn't you turn him back into a carpet?" Sonic asked curiously, having to almost shout due to the speed they were flying. "Because this way is cooler." Amy answered with a wink "Besides, I think he enjoys it the most too." Amy said with a loving smile as she looked at Li-Wei's face. Sonic followed her and found Li-Wei with his muzzle wide open, his tongue hanging out as if tasting the wind. He had his closed in delight and he seemed to be smiling. Sonic couldn't help but copy Amy's smile as he chuckled. "Well, that's true, but traditionally a genie rides in a flying carpet?" Sonic teased. "Well, I'm not a traditional genie." Amy said with a smirk, as she poked her chest with her thumb. Sonic chuckled That sure is true. He looked at the lonely desert illuminated by the stars and moonlight, the old orange was gone replaced with a dark blue that was lightened by the light blue, covered above with a blanket filled with stars, so many, it seemed like it was impossible to fit even one more. The nights sure are beautiful in here. Sonic thought as he gazed down at Amy. She seemed to be enjoying the view as much as him, more even, her jade orbs shone brightly, contrasting with the darkness they were surrounded by, the all view reflected in those big, loving orbs. They flew through the dark skies, relaxing with the cool breeze that gently hit their faces, no word being spoken by either of them, only asking each other if they were sure they weren't cold. Otherwise, they just enjoyed the view in silence, well, at least as silently as some of Li-Wei's tiny growls could allow, making both hedgehogs giggle and pet the dragon.  "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Amy whispered when they saw the city of Agrabah closening, covered by a blanket of shadows that turned the city even more mysterious than it already was with all its secrets and connections with magic and adventure. A smile was plastered in Amy's pale muzzle, just like her bubble gum fur, which contrasted with the darkness around them. Sonic smiled warmly, at her and not at the view she had pointed. He had wasted his time looking for the most beautiful scenario, travelling around the world to find it, when it had always been by his side, supporting him, holding him, loving him, and he had been too blind to see her and appreciate her. "Yeah..." he answered simply, whispering as well. "I missed this..." Sonic said quietly. Amy turned her head to him "What?" "This." Sonic answered again as his emerald eyes were locked with the starry sky "Enjoying views with you, appreciate them with you. I missed doing the things we did in the cave, laughing, joking around, being ourselves for as silly as we might be." he chuckled softly "I missed teasing you and you teasing me. I missed acting stupid to make you laugh on purpose, especially after you got mad at me because I had been stupid again." he paused "I... I missed you... everything about you." and he went silent, the only thing heard was the wind and the flapping of Li-Wei's wings, besides that even the dragon was silent as if knowing this was an important moment. Amy didn't know what to say nor what to think, she just stared at the blue hedgehog silently, mouth slightly agape, her cheeks painted with a soft pink tone, speechless and confused, her heart running faster than usual. She just whispered "Sonic..." the wind carried that whisper, only the one to whom the name belonged was able to hear its soft melody "I felt all this during the month we have been separated and then, when I finally see you, I find out it could have been more than a month, it could be more than the time we were supposed to be here... it could be a life..." he paused again, the thought of not seeing Amy for the rest of his life grew thorns in his heart and crushed his lungs with sharp claws, almost leading him to the point of tears "I... I don't even... want to imagine it, I wish I could say I couldn't even imagine it but... I've been close to losing you too many times, one is already too much actually..." "Sonic..." Amy whispered softly, reaching for his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Sonic gladly took her hand, holding it firmly, her touch being able to calm him but also reminding him again that he might not have been able to feel it again Stop thinking about that! he yelled mentally to himself You have her here with you now! Enjoy it for once!! he reprimanded. He caressed the back of her hand with his fingertips, gently, and moving them to intertwine with her own, his emerald eyes never leaving her hand. "I wish I could stop these things from happening... but I can't. One day, one of us will departure, it's part of our job." sadness filled him at the cruel truth that was "But..." Sonic lifted his eyes from Amy's hand to her jade eyes, staring deeply and intensely at them, showing her how serious and important his words were "... that won't be today or tomorrow or the day after. For as long as I can stop this that's what I will do, and while doing so I will enjoy the time I still have left..." he paused, his cheeks gaining a red colour as his eyes looked a little bit more hesitant, shy "And I want to do it with you." he smiled awkwardly. Silence fell between the two, making the blue hedgehog sweat and, as if his mind was trying to give him an excuse to break the heavy silence, he remembered the scarf he had bought for her "Ah, I almost forgot." he said as his voice cracked slightly, he still wasn't sure how he had been able to say all those things to her without his voice failing him or playing a dirty prank, he took package from his bag and started unwarping it, revealing the light pink scarf "I saw this in one of the stalls in the city and immediately thought of you..." he mentally slapped himself for being so embarrassed. What are you embarrassed for? You just confessed to her!! Where's the guy filled with confidence from some seconds ago!? It seemed like it didn't matter what he did, he was destinated to ruin everything with her. Slowly, he wrapped the scarf around Amy's neck and she didn't move a single muscle, she just stared at him, her mouth slightly agape, her jade eyes filled with confusion and other feelings he couldn't make out. Once he finished wrapping the scarf around her neck, Sonic took a second to look at his job. The quills that weren't tug into a ponytail fell over the scarf, mixing pink with pink, Sonic could see that Amy's fur was just slightly a shade darker than the scarf, but both looked just as soft, although there was a voice inside Sonic's head saying that Amy was without a doubt softer than the material wrapped around her neck. He diverted his eyes from her Now you're having weird thoughts! You totally ruined the mood, you doofus! Why do I have to be so bad at this things! he mentally scolded himself as he tried not to whimper at his patheticness Li-Wei should just throw me off here! Gah, I feel so awkward now!! While Sonic kept torturing himself mentally, Amy stared at the blue hedgehog in front of her, who obviously was having a battle inside his, and that had just said those sweet words to her, words she had never expected to come out of his mouth less being directed to her, after all, she had reason to have such thoughts, rejection was already something she was familiar with, more than receiving love. Only an idiot would keep loving in that situation, but, fortunately, she's an idiot and she has an equally idiotic person in front of her, acting like an idiot after he had just mustered the courage to tell her his feelings, something that is so hard for him. Amy smiled as she unwrapped the scarf from her neck and closened the distance between her and Sonic. Feeling extra heat, Sonic lifted his head to find Amy warping the pink scarf around his neck... and hers. Confusion filled him and he almost jolted away, but something kept him glued to the spot and he let Amy finish warping the scarf around their necks. The all time, the blue hedgehog stared cluelessly at the smiling pink hedgehog in front of her. After finishing warping the scarf around both of them, Amy searched for Sonic's hands, holding them gently but squeezing them, playing with his thumbs and she had to try her best not to giggle. She lifted her jade eyes to look at his own emerald ones as she spoke "Then let's enjoy this world together." the wind carried her free quills and tried to free the ones caught in the ponytail, the moon behind her created some sort of aura, making her look like an angel in the night "Let's enjoy whatever time we have left, meeting the world, seeing new places and never getting tired of what we see, even if it's similar to other places we have seen. We will find special and beautiful nonetheless because of the memories we created in those places. Everything we see, touch or feel, we will share it all. And this scarf," she lifted the pink scarf around her neck "will be the first thing we will share. If the kind of adventure is the one I'm thinking about then I will gladly walk by your side, if it's not, I will do exactly the same. So... will you take me in the wild ride that's called life?"
 Sonic was literally left agape, his heart started beating furiously inside his chest, threatening to come out, and his emerald eyes could only look in her jade ones and reflect the love inside that made them shine. Finally, he smiled, his grip on her hands tightened to hold them just like she was holding his, intertwining his thumb with hers "Well, I could always use more pink in my life." he said in a voice barely above a whisper, his voice was for her ears only. Amy smiled back at him, moving closer to his face as she whispered "You sure could." "Would you help me with that?" Sonic whispered as he too moved closer to her, brushing his nose with hers and then their cheeks, feeling her warmth. "Gladly." Amy whispered before she finally broke any space left between, sealing his lips with hers.
Wow. Sonic thought, as the feeling of Amy’s soft lips glued immediately to his brain, how warm they were and the way they seemed to perfectly fit with his So this is what I’ve been wasting these all years? he wondered as he freed one of his hands to cup her cheek, bring her closer and titling his head to deepen the kiss I sure am an idiot. But not anymore. I won’t commit the same mistakes I did in the past. I promise.
She could hear his thoughts through the kiss and mentally replied Yes. smiling while doing so, some tears of joy escaped her eyes, sliding down her cheeks and Sonic took the job to whip them away. Amy warped both arms around his neck, which gave Sonic the opportunity to warp his other arm around her slim frame, warming each other not only with the feelings transferred through the kiss but also through their embrace.
Anything that hadn’t been said through words was now being said their lips, they found a new way of communication, one that leaves no misunderstandings like words sometimes do, everything is crystal like, impossible to fool or to hide even that was what the other wanted.  All the doubts were now being clarified, leaving nothing but certainty about the other’s intentions, how they had always felt and the reason why did the things they did.
Butterflies danced inside Amy’s belly and she feared that she had made them actually appear, for she still doesn’t have a strong grip in her new abilities and in this kind of situation they were even harder to control. She felt incredibly safe with his arm around her waist, his hand caressing her cheek while his lips were connected with hers. She had feared that she would never be able to feel these emotions and that fear became even more certain after she got trapped inside the lamp. But she didn’t have to worry about any of that, because he was there with her.
After some minutes, the two broke the kiss, to stare at each other’s eyes longingly, finding another way to communicate, finding even more things about each other through their eyes that had seen all they had passed though, all the pain and loved they had experienced. Sonic smiled at the gaze in front of him, an Amy with a pink scarf warped around her, quills slightly messy because of the wind as they floated with it, jade eyes filled with love and still a little bit of confusion, her lips still parted.
Suddenly, the scene was broken when a group of fireworks broke the soundless night and ignited the sky. Sonic stared in confusion at the fireworks and slightly startled, then his gaze fell on Amy, who was looking down, face completely red with embarrassment, eyes filled with guilt and her lips tightened to contain any sound that dared to come out. The sight was at the same time adorable and hilarious and Sonic burst in laughter.
Amy kept looking down, now crossing her arms, not daring to look at her boyfriend who was laughing at her “I still need to learn how to control my new powers.” she muttered, never making eye contact with him.
“I noticed.” Sonic said, between laughs as he whipped some tears away. He grabbed her by the cheeks, which were puffed, making her look eve cuter when he rubbed her nose with his, her eyes still looking away from him with her ears bent down. The pink hedgehog couldn’t help but giggle at the speedster’s cute gesture and ended up rubbing his nose too, with a huge smile in her face, eyes closed in joy.
“So, who should we scare off first with a big, giant, red dragon?” Sonic asked after breaking contact with Amy’s nose.
Without giving much thought to it, both answered in unison “Knuckles.” And ended up laughing and grinning mischievously.
Sonic grabbed Amy’s hand again, smiling warmly at his girlfriend I can’t believe how much I like how that sounds. Sonic thought with a silly smile “Then shall we go, my girlfriend.” I really love how this feels like.
Amy stretched her arm to the sky, a grin matching Sonic’s when he thinks about a new, upcoming adventure, as she exclaimed “Let’s do it. Let’s live more adventures.” she tightened her grip on Sonic’s hand as her smile was now directed only to him  “Together, the two of us.”
Li-Wei made a sound, causing both hedgehogs to laugh before Amy corrected herself “The three of us.”
As the three flew through the sky that the sun now was taking as his, the beginning of a long adventure being settled then and there, an adventure that wouldn’t end very soon and would bring joy and maybe sorrow to both hedgehogs. But it didn’t matter, because it was their adventure and they would always be there for each other, for the good and for the bad.
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
"3. Can I kiss you? That’s the vibe I’m getting, just saying." I really like this prompt, and I can totally see this happening with my favourite hedgie couple XD TAKE IT AWAY MAYRA~~~~
Cash Cash’s Sugar Rush starts playin’~
Amy had declared during the race that she was going to prove herself worthy of being called Sonic’s girlfriend by getting all the way to the finals.
Sonic didn’t realize acknowledge the declaration, just sweat dropped and scratched inside his ear.
However, later on, as Tails mentioned how phenomenally well Amy was doing in the races, he started looking up at the boards more and video play-overs, smiling as he saw her take charge and strategy, racing without holding back her speed… or her smile.
Indirectly, he started longing to see her again. Just to congratulate her is all.
He had just won last race, and held up his hand as people cheered, knowing if Amy won this next round, he’d see her in the finals.
“Oh no!”
The crowd turned to the screen, seeing the live race of the other contestants a few miles away…
“What a terrible turn of events!” Omochao, the announcer, devastatedly reviewed an event having right now, where Amy’s car was flung off the road, Eggman’s cheeky grinning showed before he zoomed off, and she was bounced and rolled over to the edge of a canon’s island rock, balancing over the large drop.
“Amy!” Sonic shouted, getting up on his hood to get a closer look, and standing with worry.
He narrowed his eyes.
“The medics can’t get to her! The gap of the jump is too far! Requesting flight back up! W-wait.. this just in.. Amy’s not moving in the car!”
Immediately, Sonic dashed before Tails or Knuckles could rush over and speak with him.
Sonic jumped into his backup car, his original, which had an illegal juice to it that Tails gave him for joyrides outside of competitions.
He shifted the car into gear and darted for the tournament, looking serious as ever.
“Oh no! The Rock!”
The rock shook slightly, back and forth, before gently spinning.
“Sonic!” Tails’s voice statically came on from the radio.
Sonic looked down at it, before back at the road.
“The rock is starting to spin! And since there’s nothing to stop it, the momentum will keep carrying it till it drops!”
“How far am I, Tails?”
“The real question is, when do I jump.”
Sonic smiled.
Suddenly, all cameras were on Sonic.
“Can you see me buddy?”
“A little to the left.”
He jerked his car over.
Sonic hit the gas, turning a knob and then slamming a button down.
His petal now dipped under the car, showing how immense the new function could really go.
Sonic’s eyes beat against the wind as the blue streaks from his tires launched out the speed-boost, known as Adrenaline Ride.
“Woah! Folks! You won’t believe this!” Omochao followed Sonic’s movements, “I think he’s headin’ for the jump!”
Eggman looked up at the screen after winning, laughing and then doing a victory dance, and posing with his finger up, but the camera crews all ran to try and get footage of the disaster.
Eggman’s mustache drooped in disappointment and envy.
“You’re coming up on the drop now, Sonic! Ready! Increase your momentum!”
Sonic narrowed his eyes as far as they could go, as the camera quickly cut back and forth to the engine shaking with blue light, glowing brighter and brighter as Sonic’s eyes dipped deeper and deeper.
“Allll… moooossst….” Tails watched the screen.
Sonic pushed some buttons and pulled some objects and adjusted others in a matter of moments flashing by, until the car was airborn, spinning…
“Incredible!” Omochao flapped his little robotic pudgy hands around.
Everyone watched the scene, their eyes opening wider and mouths dropping in glee even more.
Then… he skid to a landing.
The crowd went wild.
Sonic jumped out of his seat and rushed to Amy’s beat up car.
“Amy!” He dashed to the driver’s seat, and saw her head down, and her legs locked under bent metal.
“Yikes.” He bit his teeth down, gritting from worry at how bad that looked.
“Tails!” he called to his car. “Her legs are stuck badly and she looks passed out!”
“Quick!” the radio shouted out, “Tear the door off by kicking the lower hatch off!”
Sonic looked around, seeing what he meant, and jammed the door open, before kicking below repeatively.
The door finally snapped out.
“Now what?”
“Good! There’s a switch to adjust the seat’s positioning. Lean her back and then scoot the chair with the lever underneath.”
Tails knew the car inside and out, having designed each of his friends vehicles after their own unique styles of racing.
Sonic did the motions on point, exactly, and buckled Amy, holding her bridal style.
“Great! How are her legs?”
Sonic stared, breathing a bit hard as he noticed all the deep scratches and jarging damages…
“…Not broken.” he breathed out, “But definitely torn up.”
“Yikes. That could leave a scar. I see it on the screen. Quick! Sonic, the rock!”
“Wo-woah!” Sonic had looked back to the car before a foot slipped under him and he was wobbling on one leg, the whole rock spinning faster and tipping more from Sonic’s impact.
“GET OFF OF THERE!” Tails cried out, as Amy’s car started to dip down into the large drop.
“Er.” Sonic grunted, putting his foot down and spreading his legs out, ready to dash.
As he did so, Amy squirmed, “…E… I .. Failed..”
“Huh?” Sonic looked down, worried, but couldn’t think of her words right now.
He jumped into the car and started to spin it around.
“Sonic! What are you doing!?”
“I’ve gotta build speed!” Sonic held Amy with one hand, the wheel with the other, cranking it as the whole thing started to dip as he spun, his car losing it’s ground…
“NOW!” Sonic cracked the wheels forward and the car shoot off like a blue streak of light… then the rock tumbled down with Amy’s car.
As he landed, he sped off down into a canyon, driving up as the people cheered, and then the cameras couldn’t follow them anymore.
“Sonic? Sonic, that was amazing!”
“Tails, get an ambulance ready. I need to make sure Amy’s okay.”
“Got it!”
Sonic turned off the radio then, and took quick glances down at Amy.
She moved with the vibrations of the car, and looked pretty out of it.
As he drove to the top he parked, and held onto her, leaning her head up.
“Come on, Amy… speak again. You’ve gotta be in there..” he shook lightly her head again, trying to get another reaction…
But nothing… her head went limp in his hands.
He sighed, looking forward at the desert view before leaning his head back, hitting it against the back of his chair.
“…I failed…”
Sonic looked down.
“I just… wanted to be… worthy..”
Sonic heard the faint air escape her lungs… and quickly bent his head down.
“I… I just wanted… you to love…” she started to tear up.
He lightly leaned his nose against hers.
She barely opened her eyes before he kissed her, and then leaned up as she collasped.
“…You did it,.. Amy.” He smiled, watching her now rest and fully go limp in his arms.
“You’ve won.” He gripped the wheel and turned the car around, and headed to wherever Tails’s location stated he was…
He may have… dipped a few times… and kissed her multiple times around the face. But those were more for him to know she was okay.
Besides. She wouldn’t know about it~
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lia-snow · 8 years
My 10 Fave Babes of All Time
Tagged by @faecakes​. Thanks! (I loved your selection btw~).
I think I did this one a while ago but I took the chance to make this my first drawings of the year :pp to start warming up again ww. These are in no particular order.
1. Horokeu Usui (HoroHoro) / Shaman King.
Horo was probably my first masive 2D crush. I obsessed over him like a psycho lol. I learned every single little thing about him (and I mean trivial stuff like... the exact numbre of frame, page and volume for his first appearance xd), the meaning of his name, the name of his techniques (which were in Ainu). Oh, and also, SEIYUUS! Horo started my obsession with making seiyuu connections x) (I was never really fan of Ueda Yuuji, tho). And I really admired Horo... I felt he was like my soulmate, my perfect husbando. So, based on priority right, he should be like my #1 bae :')
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2. Hinata Hideki / Angel Beats!  &  Kuga Aki  / Kamisama Dolls.
I'm putting them together because they're both special characters to me for the same reason: I knew Kimura Ryouhei because of them, and I loved him from the very beginning. Coincidentally, I started watching Angel Beats and Kamisama Dolls at the same time, and the contrast between these two characters, voiced by the same seiyuu, made me fall in love completely. They're both so different. Hinata is a bright, loyal, energetic boy while Aki is this manipulative, rude, meticulous, violent guy (though he's also super calm and indifferent about certain things). Hinata had me loving his voice changes whenever he was put into ridiculous and funny situations while Aki got me melting becasue of his manic laugh. I love Hinata & Aki both as characters, not just because of Kimura, but they're the perfect examples of why KimuRyou is my fav seiyuu <3 <3
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3. Kise Ryouta / Kuroko no Basket.
Oh boy..... my love for this man burns like a thousand suns bursting, ISTG. He's too pure too good to pretty too shiny too precious for this world. Ok, I admit... Kimura Ryouhei is partly at fault here lol. Kise actually reminded me a lot of Hinata and I liked him from the start too, but soon I started loving every single little thing about him. He's introduced a little as an arrogant dude but soon enough comes to change after his loss against Seirin (I loved it when he cried sddsffg). He's like the cheerful, carefree member of the group, but he also shows so much determination, strength, and even selfishness. But I really think he's the most admirable of the Generation of Miracles. And he's so pretty I wanna cry everytime I see him, sob.
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4. Judal / Magi.
Yes, the Kimura Ryouhei syndrome continues... but I swear it's coincidence(?). Judal caught my eye since I saw him in the opening (that sequence when he's falling, grabs a white rukh and turns it black it's mesmerizing), but when he was finally introduced in the show, I WAS DOOMED FOREVER. Goddamn, I loved his personality. Even if he's a little bit of a psycho, I loved his childish arrogant attitude. He's like my twisted son ♥ Except... not really a son, because... he makes me feel things 6//6 (???). Aahaahgsdjhk yes yes ok, I love his design, really, L O V E   I T ♥ ♥.  His long braid, those beautiful ringed eyes, the makeup on them, the necklace and bracelets, that crop top, those abs, DAT WAISTLINE  aksjdhjkashdkjhgasgasd ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Д ⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ He needs his own manga, there's just never enough Judal in my life.
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5. Nozaki Umetarou / Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun.
I've said this before, but it me. Nozaki is me, I am Nozaki (except I'm not tall and handsome lol). Looks cold, mostly serious, suuupr dense in some subjects (specially about love and romance), zero experience in love... but somehow still makes love stories! His shoujo manga is terrible haha but he's surprisingly popular as mangaka in spite of that x) I bet if I were to draw a manga it would be as ridiculous as his (or if my comics serve as an example... well, there ww). He has this stoic aspect, but he makes the most idiotic faces when he gets excited too~  I think Nozaki is more socially skilled than me but we're both awkward anymway(?) xD. He's my spirit animal ♥ 
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6. Netherlands & Finland / Hetalia.
Ah, my time in the Hetalia fandom... feels so distant :') Italy was my fav at first but then I started roleplaying Fin (the first chara I ever roleplayed) and my love for him kept growing from there. He was just too adorbs <3 I got to know a lot of super nice people, both on the internet and irl, because of him. Also, back then I listened to lot of metal music, and I always pictured Fin as a secret metalhead xD And then Netherlands... I don't remember exactly how I started liking him, I remember they released the chara design, stuff happened, and then there I was cosplaying the dude. Hahaha ah, even though I loved Fin, I couldn't identify with him cause he's super cute,  happy and lovable; but Netherlands was more like me~ Stoic, cold, tsundere. Over time, Netherlands became my favorite over Fin, but they're both special.
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7. Furukawa Nagisa / CLANNAD.
My precious child. The purest girl ever created. A National treasure, istg. She's not the type of female characters that I usually like, but somehow she got me from the start. She's too adorable, sweet, innocent and good. She's just too good!!!!!!! She's always caring for others, always supportive of her friends, and tries her best even though she's phisically weak and lacks confidence. She's so strong and admirable, she makes my heart melt. CLANNAD made me cry rivers and hit me hard when... well, when After Story happened. She's the type of character that I want to protect from all evil. I also LOVED Nakahara Mai's performance as Nagisa, btw. I kept watching her scenes over and over just to listen to the cutest voice akjshd <3 I really love this child ;//;
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8. Licht Jekylland Todoroki & Lawless / Servamp.
Well, as you would expect x) It's probably obvious that I love them both so hard. And I want to clear up for the records that it's not just because I love them together, or the homo hints flying all over the place between them. I love them both as separated characters. I really admire Licht. His resolution, his unbreakable spirit, his attitude, the hard worker he is, his strength, his pure innocence about the things he loves, his vision, his badassness, his frankness, his creativity...  He's a gem, the type of person I could never be :')  ALSO, HE'S HOT AF. Lawless is so beautiful. He deserves the universe. I feel him more in a spirital way. How he lost faith in everything, how meaningless lives seemed to him, the vicious cycle he was in. But the fact he's able to change that (with Licht's help) is truly touching and praiseworthy. He made a deep impression in me. Ah, and of course, his flamboyant personality! He's such a dork ahah xD I love his nerdy side, his energy, even his bragging. And the fact that he can literally go from hotdamn vampire to cute hedgy in no time is amazing xD ♥ Also, his voice.... yeah, you know this by this point, but the fact he's voiced by Kimura Ryouhei makes him even more perfect than he already was (everytime I listen to the Drama CDs, I literally have to go back and listen to his lines again because kjahsdjkg perfection in my ears). So yeah, I love my boys ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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9. Morgiana / Magi.
Ah, Morgiana ♥ ♥ The ultimate example of the type of female character that I like. She's strong, kind, determined, tough, has a strong sense of justce, needs no one to do shit for her, BUT she's not arrogant, aggresive or extravagant herself. She's quite, starightforward and helpful. But she's also soooo adorable and cute!! The way she puffs up her cheeks when she's mad, her smile, the little tears on her eyes when he was encouraged by Hakuryuu, her happy face, the way she dances around wearing that exotic outfit... man she is gorgeous, she's amazing, she's a goddess. And dem kicks, THE KIIICCCKKKS, god she's a BADASS. She seriously became like a prototype of my perfect gurl. No kidding, after her, everytime there's a badass fem chara that I like, I call her "a Morgiana". And I know she's probs being "controlled" by Sinbad in the manga right now, but I cried when she said she has come to love herself because of all the time she's been with Alibaba. I'M SO PROUD OF HER <//333
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Agh, I just.... it's amazing how without a miss, characters voiced by Kimura always become my favourite. I always love them, for one reason or another. I mean, I have other seiyuus I love too (Kaji Yuki, Nakamura Yuuichi, Ishikawa Kaito, Sugita Tomokazu, Kamiyan....), but I don't always like their characters. But with Kimura, I ALWAYS do. I don't know all of his roles, obviously, but here's some that I absolutely love:
Takakura Shouma [Mawaru Penguindrum]  |  Yagami Riku [Prince of Stride]   Nishimi Kaoru [Sakamichi no Apollon]  |  Atou Touji [Tokyo Ravens]  |  Hauser [Nanatsu no Taizai]  |  Izuminokami Kanesada [Touken Ranbu]  |  Wakamatsu Hirotaka [Nozaki-kun]  |  Fujimoto Takatora [Aoharu Kikanjuu]  |  Kimata Hayato [Meganebu]  |  L-elf [Valvrave]  |  Furuya Chihiro [Sankarea]  |  Bokuto Koutaro [Haikyuu]  |  Shimotsuki Shun [Tsukiuta], etc....
- Special mention 2: Jorah Mormont, Eddard Stark, Jon Snow. Because I love GoT, and these are my favs, but I can't draw real people ww.
I’m tagging @pastenaga​, @stars-glow-for-you​, @adeslowmoqueen​, @rhomilch​ & @reimeijennoir​~ Feel free to do it if you want uvu/ Don’t worry guys, you don’t have to draw the charas to do this www Actually, you don’t have to write anything about them either lol my hand slipped(?)
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hedgiwithapen · 3 years
For Dammit Hedgi day: I'm guessing you've had that moment in D&D where you have a Good Plan, and the dice are actually ok with the plan! So, pick one of those moments, and tell us how it might have gone if instead the dice had hated your plan.
(oh, anon, you have too high an opinion of me. My group’s plans are usually, uh. Well. we spend a lot of time and then go �� or we could just say fuck it and overthrow florida’ and that’s if we have a plan at all.) The clerk stares at the paper Prosper’d pulled from her bag, reading over if carefully a second time, and a third. “And you work for Lady Elizabeth?” he asks, leaning over his ledger. “That’s right,” Havilann answers steadily, in her most impatient “I do not have time to fuck around, give me what I want” no nonsense voice. She is imposing, both in the form she normally wears and in the seeming that drapes over them all. Prosper itches one wrist, fingers dancing near a knife that she wants desperately to draw. It won’t work here, the magic meant to protect people won’t let her defend herself. She hates it. The sooner they get away from Avonlea, away from Canadia in general, the safer she’ll be. But she can’t leave those poor people in the cages. Not twice. No one ever came to rescue her. She knows Aelief and Juno are right, that this is risky. But the eyes of the two little kids will follow her forever if she runs now. And… this is as good a way as any, to use the letter. They won’t stay here long, and this place is as far from the promised sanctuary of Los Angeles as she can get. They can use the Trembleau money to buy freedom for a few people, get the information about Djeval’s son, and go, and never look back at this place.
The man frowns, looking over them. Prosper shudders--it’s like he’s looking through her. Can he tell? Does he know? He can’t, Havilann’s convincing and they were fast, yesterday, breaking free from the hypnotic pattern his guard cast, they don’t look anything like they did yesterday. Panic sings in her veins, but she doesn’t dare grab the knife. “Of course. Follow me,” he gestures to the door that leads to the cages. It’s dark, and Prosper wishes again that she could see in the dark like the others in her party. It’s not until she realizes that Havilann’s footsteps aren’t making noise that she realizes. A silence spell, the same one that was on the cages, and between the spell and the magic on this terrible city, their only chance is to run. She doesn’t get far. The hand grabs her in a firm, but not painful, hold. She can’t hear herself scream, but she can feel the glass on her tongue, and hopes it’ll be mistaken for something from her bag as she wriggles for a moment, two, and then fear turns all her bones to lead. The lights come on as the cage door closes, and she can see Havilann in the one beside her. “I do not tolerate thieves,” the slave-seller says from a distance, holding up the letter. “Nor liars.” The pendant around his neck gleams. Of course he’d have something to help him see true, in a city that fills with fey once a month. She hadn’t been sneaky enough, and Havilann’s words had been in vain.
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hedgiwithapen · 4 years
I feel like I have to throw back to a classic for Dammit Hedgi Day -- gimme your best Flash whump/angst, characters of your choice, prompt: "Look at me! C'mon, don’t do this!"
I chose.... Cisco! and Caitlin! Caitlin felt the air go cold in her lungs, though she knew with the dampener on, it was just the fear and dread, and not Frost’s power, there to save them.  “No! Look at me--I-- don’t do this.” “Caity, Caity, Caity,” Ammunet chided, though she did look away from her desk, towards where Caitlin stayed limp in the grip of one of the club’s bouncers. “I told you, didn’t I, sweet? You ruined something for me, I ruin something of yours. Fair is fair, isn’t it?” “Then hurt me.” Caitlin said, fast and sharp. “Not--” “Not your little pet nerd?” Ammunet interrupted, tapping the knife against the desk, just to the side of where Cisco’s hands had been secured. “I don’t know. He came in here and stole you away. Seems like he owes me a debt, too.” Behind the gag, Cisco spat curses, still struggling desperately to pull free of the metal bands that Ammunet had woven around him. “I suppose I can be ... generous. A payment plan, so to speak. I take a few fingers now, maybe a hand, and you keep working for me. Earn the rest for him. Hmm?” Ammunet’s eyes danced. Caitlin swallowed nausea. “Don’t touch him.  I’ll work for you. Frost and I will both work for you. Just let him go--unharmed.” She ignored the pained sound Cisco made at that--it was her freedom to trade, and it was an easy choice to make. Ammunet gave a theatrical sigh. “I’m afraid that’s not going to work for me.” Caitlin trembled, struggling again in her captor’s hold. “ Ammunet, don’t--” “See, the thing is, now you’re giving me orders, and that really doesn’t work for me.” Amunet said, clicking her tongue. She returned to the desk, a twitch of her fingers making the bonds around Cisco squeeze. She undid the cuff around one of his wrists, angling her blade. It was enough. Cisco twisted his palm directly up and put everything into the blast. The knife tore from Ammunet’s hand, lodging into the ceiling, knocking her back. Only the firm metal around him kept him in his place.  He strained, trying  to angle his hand again-- a portal, he had to make-- The cuff clamped back on, and he sagged, feeling everything go muffled around him. “Now that changes things,” Ammunet said, summoning her weapon down, in a shower of plaster shavings. “ You never said the geek was a meta, Caity. Naughty of you, keeping secrets. Well, then. You stole one of my metas. Weeper was worth quite a bit. Though not so much as Vibe, I think.” she signaled her men. “Get them out of my office, I have some calls to make. Oh, don’t give me that look, Caity. You wanted him to keep his hands, and he can. As long as someone’s willing to pay me, of course.” ~ the writers were damn cowards Ammunet was a great villain.
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