#i just wanted you to think about how romantic kacchan's scars for izuku are and how theyll make izuku feel in the future lol
oshiawaseni · 2 years
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Izuku’s scars. Most of them had been made while he was still trying to get used to his power, in his desperation to become a hero.
Kacchan’s scars… had all been made when he'd found something to protect and were born in his desperation to become Izuku’s hero.
After they first started dating, whenever his chest lay bare in front of Izuku, Izuku can barely look at those scars and quickly downcasts his eyes after a second because he knows they are his fault. Kacchan’s stunning Adonis body was now marred all over because of him.
But as the months pass by, a new warm feeling starts to build in Izuku's chest whenever he looks at them. The more he learns of the feelings and everything else inside the blonde’s heart, the more he begins to see those scars as beautifully splayed proofs of Kacchan’s love. And because of them, he becomes even more breathtaking and perfect to him, which Izuku had thought was impossible.
When they make love, Izuku runs his fingers over them and often dampens the wrecked skin with hot tears while nuzzling his face against them. It overwhelms him how much more loved he feels while Kacchan embraces him, all because of those pretty scars.
If he wakes up the next morning and Kacchan’s lying next to him, he might kiss them softly and lightly trace around their edges with the tips of his fingers, ever so carefully, so as to not wake Kacchan up.
And on some mornings, Izuku can't help the tears that run down his face after watching him for just a few minutes because he feels so blessed his hero is lying right there, right next to him, alive and breathing peacefully in his sleep.
Which brings us to now, it's been a few years since their first kiss and Izuku is lightly stroking Kacchan's soft hair in the quiet early hours of another morning together. Not even the birds are awake and breaking the still air with their chittering. Izuku thinks back to a precious memory of the first and only time they had ever talked about the scars. Kacchan had clicked his tongue and said to him after they’d gotten out of the boy's bath in their third year,
‘Stop looking at ‘em so mopey, Izuku. ’m like a cool war hero ‘n these’re all my badges of honour.” .......
The blonde had looked like there was more he wanted to say as his eyes contemplated Izuku, who was a little bewildered by the topic of his outburst. But instead of letting out anymore words, Kacchan reached his hand over to pull Izuku flush against his body.
Izuku had reached up with his hand to caress over Kacchan’s right cheek, where a trace amount of scar tissue still remained, and gazed deep into the smouldering embers of those fiery eyes, searching for what truths lay beneath them. Kacchan’s usual intense stare softened as it took in Izuku and when Izuku saw the faintest flicker of tenderness flash into those beautiful expressive red orbs that never told lies, he slightly leaned up to claim a deep kiss from the blonde’s mouth and smiled at him gently.
‘Yes, General.’
And that had been the end of it. Izuku sighs and falls back to sleep with his hand laying over Kacchan’s heart.
Katsuki's eyes opened. The truth was he’s always known about Izuku’s fixation with his scars. Over the years, he had been roused a few times by Izuku's feather touches and quiet sniffling in the early morning hours before dawn. After the nightmare they both went through during those trying high school years, he felt there wasn't much to be done about it. He only felt immense gratitude for his scars, they made it so Izuku and he could live out the rest of their lives, fulfilling all of their dreams together.
Katsuki gently wiped away an almost dry tear from his beloved’s cheek and pulled the sleeping bundle in closer to him, barely murmuring into his hair,
‘I’d get ‘em all over again ‘n a thousand more if it meant I could still get ta hold you in my arms like this.’
Katsuki kisses the top of green curls and closes his eyes with a hum, allowing himself to be slowly lulled back into unconsciousness by the calming even breaths of his lover sleeping beside him.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
MWRMI Part 7
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My Weird Roommate, Midoriya Izuku
🍼 Week 4 Part 1 - Deku’s daycare 🍼
Summary: You are added to a secret group chat.
Bakugou forces Midoriya to take a holiday, Midoriya looses his mind and so are you.
Midoriya realizes why does Y/N feel different than his other friends.
(Author is sleep deprived but it’s Izuku’s birthday, so ignore the mistakes and enjoy the early content. 😂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!)
Warnings: Swear words, Katsuki saying inappropriate things.
First part Masterlist
Midoriya was barely home this week. He left with everyone the next day after the get-together and didn’t come back until late in the night, and even then, he only slept a few hours and went out again. There was a massive villain group on the loose around town so the two main agencies; Deku’s and Dynamight’s; barely had time to sleep before they were needed again.
To be honest, you needed some time to think so you really didn’t mind having a few days without the cuddly greenette but after a while the urge to see him got stronger than your common sense so you ended up asleep on the sofa just to be able to hear Midoriya’s mumbles for a few minutes before passing out again, finding yourself in your own bed the next morning.
You still don’t remember too much about that night; you know it was important and you know you are missing an important piece of the puzzle, but the memory is lost between the daydreams of soft lips and scarred hands. Your feelings are so tangled you can’t seem to see the end of it; you are stuck between feeling adoration for your favorite hero and being in love with one; adoration sounds too shallow but love sounds too fake; you are nothing but a lucky fan, so “love” is out of the game for you; Midoriya Izuku might be an affectionate, loving person but even with a big heart like his there is no way he can see you in a romantic way, so you try your best to keep your romantic feelings at bay; clearly failing at it, but you are indeed trying. Hard. Really hard.
You are quirkless and weird, you look okay but you are nothing out of the ordinary; you are not a model nor a genius, there is nothing about you that stands out enough for you to be even considered as a romantic interest.
Also, you are his flatmate. Even if things go the way you want them to, things can get weird really quickly; It’s risky business and you’ve had enough of those in the last few years so even though it hurts like hell you decide to take a step back. It’s not worth it to throw this beautiful thing between you and him away just because you can’t keep it in your pants, because honestly, the way Midoriya’s treating you is already more than what you could’ve ever asked for; he’s loving and affectionate and even you with your zero confidence can see how fond he is of you. You just need to put your stupid fluffy feelings aside and enjoy his company when he actually comes home, then get ready to have your heart broken when a better person takes your place in his heart.
It will be fine. Everything will be fine, eventually.
When you look at your phone, you are surprised to see a bunch of notifications on it; apparently, you were added to a group during the night. The group is called….
— Deku’s Daycare! —
*Bakugou added you to the group*
*Bakugou changed your name to “Freeloader”
Pikachu: Welcome to the group, Y/N! This group was made so we can keep an eye on Zuku when he’s too busy to reply to all of us!
Kacchan Sugoi: No, this group was made to talk shit about shitty Deku, because he’s an asshole who can’t even respond to messages.
EMO bitch(Jirou): No, I’m quite sure this group was made so we can all laugh at Deku’s shenanigans. Like how he said sorry to a lamppost the other day, because he bumped into it.
Piggy 🐷 (Mina): I thought this group is for surprise party planning? 🎈 💃
Glasses 👓: Guys, don’t confuse Y/N. We are all here because we worry about our friend and this way we can always get information from Bakugou-san about his well-being. As you live with our friend you will also be able to talk to us if something bothers you and we can also ask you about him when we are worried. Please, feel free to mute the group chat if it’s too much for you and we will contact you in other ways.
Kacchan Sugoi: With that said, you’ll have a long week ahead of you.
Freeloader: ? @Bakugou
Freeloader: Thank you guys for having me, it’s a pleasure to be here! Nice to meet you… Glasses?
Glasses 👓: I’m Iida Tenya. You might know me as Ingenium. Nice to meet you too.
You have no idea what’s Bakugou talking about, but the group looks really fun and you are really thankful to be a part of it. It’s still extremely weird to be involved with so many of your favorites on such a personal level, but you are getting much better at handling this.
You make your way out of your room around 10 AM to get a head start on your new commission. Midoriya’s next free day is in three days, so you don’t even bother putting on more layers; you are in shorts and a breezy tank top, your hair up in a messy bun. You do a quick stretch before sitting down at the table, your top riding up to your belly button, when you hear something falling on the floor in the living room. Ahh, your buddy is being a menace again.
“All Meowt, I told you not to sit on the coffee table! What did you…”
Midoriya stares at you from the sofa.
A random ball-shaped stress toy rolls on the floor until All Meowt snatches it and runs away.
“…this time?”
“Uhm… Hi.” Midoriya mumbles with a flushed face, and awkward smile decorating his pretty face.
All your stupid thoughts are thrown out of the window as soon as you see the adorable greenette; you missed him so fucking much you actually had withdrawal symptoms at one point.
By the look of it, Midoriya went through the same thought process and met you halfway in the living room, hugging you tightly. Thanks to the breezy tank top his hands end up on your naked skin, sending shivers down your body; he moves his hands away while a barely audible “sorry” leaves his mouth.
“I missed you.” You look into his green eyes with a fond smile; from up close you can see how the outside of his irises are darker than the rest and it gets lighter and lighter by the middle. You also realize his eyes are absolutely huge; it’s really hard to stop staring into them.
“Stop looking at me like that.” The greenette sighs as he presses his forehead against yours; the word stops again and there is nothing but you and him in the middle of the living room.
“Why?” You mumble cheekily, a mischievous smirk appearing on your face.
Hey, it’s just two buddies having fun, okay?
“Y/N, can I kiss you?” The greenette spurts out, then pales; he almost THROWS you away the second he finishes his sentence. You stumble backwards from the strength of the push, staring at the red faced hero, waiting for an explanation. He did not say that, did he?!
“I mean, in a friendly way! On your cheeks or your hair, I’ve been thinking about it quite a lot, oh my god that was such a bad timing, wasn’t it, it sounded like I want to kiss you on your lips, not like kissing you on your lips would be a problem, I mean, you are really pretty and cute and you smell so nice, OhMyGodWhyDidISayThatOutoud, please, I really meant it in a friendly, affectionate way, oh my god I think I’m going to throw up, Y/N, what have I done, I need to go to the bathroom.” Midoriya then runs, his face changing between ‘white as a sheet’ and ‘red as a tomato’ as he hurries towards the bathroom, retching on the way.
You stare at the door for a few seconds before you burst out laughing, hysterically. There is no other way to get through this trauma than to laugh about it. Honestly, what the fuck was that?
“Don’t laugh at me, Y/N!” Midoriya whines from the bathroom. “This is so embarrassing!”
“You are an absolute idiot, Midoriya, but I fucking love you for it.” You yell in between two laughing fits as the hero emerges from the bathroom with a sad look on his face.
“Hey husband, come here.” You coo at the red faced greenette with a shit eating grin. Wow, you can’t believe you can bully your favorite hero like that. You do feel bad about it, but you can hate yourself later, now you just want to have fun.
He slowly moves closer but doesn’t look up; he just stares at the floor, mortified. You take his cheeks in your hand and give him a huge kiss on his forehead, then move down to his cheek; it’s so soft and so warm under your lips, your heart skips a beat. You can feel the blush creeping up on your face but fuck it; there is no place for a sad Midoriya in this household and if he wants kisses then he gets kisses. “Better?” The greenette just nods and pulls you close to hide his face in your neck, which seems to be his favorite thing to do with you as you guys usually end up in this position every time you get close to each other.
You don’t like the fact that he feels like he needs to hide from the world, but you appreciate the sentiment anyway; you really hope you can cure him out of this habit by the end of the year though. He’s such a great person and such a handsome guy, he really shouldn’t feel so self-conscious about himself.
“Now will you tell me why are you at home today or do I need to call Mama Katsuki?” You stroke Midoriya’s hair, his curls bouncing under your palm.
“Kacchan forced me to take a holiday. I hate holidays.” He murmurs, his face still hidden in your neck as he sighs by the end of the sentence.
“Bruhuhuh, you’ll need to be with me for a whole week? How terrible!” You act offended, pushing the green haired moron away. He looks at you with his puppy eyes and runs back to his hiding place while your heart skips another beat; this week will be awesome.
This week… is not awesome.
Midoriya has lost his mind. Completely.
The first few days were amazing; you watched movies while cuddling on the sofa, made food together and all that typical roomie jazz. The problems started when you realized you need to finish three commissions in a few days because there is a hero convention on the weekend you really want to go to and you asked the greenette to leave you alone for a bit so you can get a head start on them. He left for a day to see his mum, then came back with a bunch of homemade brownies. You managed to finish one of the commissions by the time he came back and also was able to start the other one. Great stuff.
…But this poor guy has zero hobbies. He tried to take care of the garden; he ended up overwatering everything so you left your drawing and went over to help him out; telling him about how much water the plants need, about what to cut and what not, while the hero looked at you like you just told him how to cure cancer and insisted to watch another movie while cuddling “to thank you”.
Then he tried to make dinner, almost burning the house down when he accidentally left the paper towel next to the open flame. Needless to say, you had to abandon your project and help the guy out with the rest of the cooking. He looked at you with his puppy eyes again and insisted to cuddle, because he was “really sad and lonely”.
You gave him a quick cuddle, but you really had to finish your commissions now; Midoriya moaned but he let you go. It only took him 2 hours to sit down next you and start giving you harsh feedback on every single flaw on the picture. For the next three days, Midoriya did nothing but sat next to you, sometimes touching your skin out of boredom and making you ruin a line or apply too much pressure on the paper, making a certain area darker than it was supposed to be.
This takes us all back to the present; You have 2 days to finish these bloody commissions. Two. Fucking. Days. You still have a full picture to do.
You need help. Goddamnit, you need help.
“I need to get another pencil from my room.” You stand up quickly, leaving the utterly bored hero sprawled out on the table. You fish your phone out of your pockets and start typing.
— Deku’s Daycare! —
Freeloader: Please, for the love of All Might, help me
Kacchan sugoi: You all owe me 5000 yen.
Pikachu: No way!
Freeloader: ?
Pikachu: Katsuki said you won’t last the whole week with Deku in your ass but we said you definitely will. :(
Freeloader: I’m not done with him or anything, I just need a few hours to finish a commission, that’s it really. He is indeed attached to me 24/7, but… I don’t have a problem with that part until my work is done.
Kacchan sugoi: Liar
Freeloader: Okay, he is a bit much when he’s bored.
Kacchan sugoi: There you go.
Shitty hair: Don’t worry Y/N, I’m on it!
By the time you come back with the same pencil you already had just in a different brand, Midoriya’s phone rings.
“Kiri? … yeah, I can! … that’s fine, see you in a few minutes!”
Midoriya jumps up from the table and runs to his room to change into his streetwear then runs towards the door without a single word. That’s just rude. You might wanted him to leave, but this is unacceptable.
“Not even a goodbye?” You ask, offended, with your hands on your waist.
“I’m so sorry, Eijirou asked me to come over for a bit! I really want you to come but you are busy and probably really done with me by the frustrated look on your face, so I thought I’ll just leave quickly…” Midoriya rambles without taking a single breath as he always does.
“Midoriya, I’m not done with you but I do need to finish these drawings. Stay safe, okay?”
“Will do! Bye!”
… aaaand he’s out of the door.
“Okay love, let me repeat what you’ve just said.” Kirishima looks at the disheveled greenette in front of him. “You feel rejected, because you asked Y/N if you can kiss her and she laughed.”
The other hero whines and slams his head into the table, leaving a dent in the furniture.
“Oi shithead, we just bought that fucking table!” Katsuki yells from the kitchen, rocking his all might apron while putting a batch of freshly made cookies into the oven.
“She laughed at me, yes! Like, it was a full on laughing fit! I felt like an idiot!”
“You are an idiot.” Katsuki grumbles from the kitchen; he really tries to make it look like he doesn’t care, but by the look of it, he really does. Kirishima thinks his roommate is adorable.
“So what happened after?”
“She kissed my forehead.”
Kirishima is really confused.
“So she laughed at you but then she kissed you, just how you wanted it. Am I missing something?”
“I don’t understand either!” Midoriya yells, looking like he’s having problems with his bowel movements. Maybe that’s the problem. Midoriya just needs to take a big old dump.
“It’s quite obvious, if you ask me.” The blonde comes in with a box of freshly made cookies after putting the timer on for the next batch.
Is it?! Is Kirishima missing something?
Yeah, Kirishima is indeed missing something. It only takes him one look at his best friend, who’s trying to talk to him by telepathy to understand the issue here.
“Izuku, my clueless, adorable friend.” Kirishima sighs, taking his friend’s hands into his own, slowly caressing the skin to calm the green haired man. “You do know you have a massive fat crush on her and you probably are just sad because you wanted her to kiss you somewhere else, right?”
“What? I do not h-have a c-crush on her!” Midoriya pulls his hands out of Kirishima’s grasp. “She’s my flatmate! That would be absolutely inappropriate!”
Katsuki didn’t like the way Midoriya has said that so he slams his hand on the table, leaving another dent. Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyway, it was already ruined by Midoriya only a few minutes ago so he might as well just explode it to pieces.
“Look into my fucking eyes, you dickless moron and tell me you don’t want to fuck her in those pajama shorts.” Katsuki looks deep into Midoriya’s eyes who swallows dramatically.
“Let me translate.” Kirishima smiles, clearly done with this shit. “Hypothetically… let’s say Y/N misunderstands you and kisses you on the lips. Passionately.”
Midoriya pales then gets red as a tomato, looking away into the distance while he thinks. After a few silent minutes, he starts to mumble.
“I have a massive, fat crush on my adorable flatmate in her adorable pajama shorts.”
“There you go, buddy.” Kirishima pats his head a few times, proud of his work.
“Now take these fucking cookies with you and fuck off. Invite her to the convention on the weekend as your plus one.” Katsuki slams the box in front of his friend aggressively. “What are you waiting for?! Get out of my fucking flat and bother someone else on their free day, goddamnit!”
Midoriya mumbles a few random words and quickly leaves through the window like the weirdo he is.
“Use the door, you stupid fuck! You do this every single time!”
Katsuki is in a mood. Nothing is funnier than Katsuki being in a mood when he’s wearing an All Might apron like a cute house wife.
“You are so cute, Kats.” The redhead looks at his flatmate dreamily.
“I fucking hate you too.” The blonde scoffs and retreats to the kitchen again.
Kirishima smiles to himself; he absolutely adores his friends.
— Deku’s Daycare! —
Kacchan sugoi: Midoriya stepped on my fucking window seal again.
Piggy 🐷: how dare he.
EMO bitch: Wow, so edgy.
Kacchan sugoi: No cookies for you.
Glasses 👓: That’s indeed inappropriate. I’ll talk to him the next time I see him.
Kacchan sugoi: I’ll leave the cookies on your desk tomorrow.
Piggy 🐷: …
….Next Chapter!
Potato rambles:
- So a lovely reader asked me about Katsuki’s funny story that haven’t been told in the last chapter of the story so here it comes!
Katsuki was in his room and he was quite angry; Denki made fun of him for not trying to play around with his snake yet as everyone else had already did (don’t ask why were they talking about this…) so Katsuki decided to give it a try.
His control of his quirk wasn’t the best back then and by the end of his shenanigans, his palm exploded. He thankfully moved away quickly from his willy but ended up exploding his sheets and Kirishima ran in to check up on him after hearing the explosion, and there Katsuki was, covered in his FLAMING sheets, looking like an an absolute idiot. Needless to say, Kirishima took a picture and fled the scene, knowing the blonde can’t possibly run after him with a naked ass. Well… he certainly did. They both got detention after.
Thank you for listening 😂
- Deku wanting to throw up every time he’s about to kiss someone is so fucking funny, I can’t 😂
- Midoriya does have one hobby, it’s hero analysis but he kinda ran out of people to analyze at this point. All Meowt doesn’t like to be petted for longer than 5 minutes so he was also not helpful.
- How did Katsuki force Deku to take a holiday? I have no idea this is a fanfiction shut up
- I managed to accidentally buy another figurine yesterday. This time, it was Kirishima. I’m not sorry. At all.
- I managed to break one of my colleagues today by telling them my real age. They thought I’m 20. Fuck, I wish.
See you next week!
Kit 💜
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated as always 🥦💚
Taglist: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @momothemasocist
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myfixationacademia · 2 years
Is not June yet but fuck it,
BkDk queer headcanons (I might be projecting a bit, cause I like these unhinged gremlins so sue me!)
Tw: mentions of transphobia, gender dysphoria and homophobia, is very brief tho
-Izuku Midoriya (Trans male, Demi-Romantic, unlabeled/Queer)
Izuku had feeling he was born with the wrong gender since he was young, asking his mom since he was a kid to cut his hair into a length he liked, clothes weren't that much of a issue since most were shirts, shorts and pants, from a thrif store, most were All Might themed, which are already pretty gender neutral.
Kacchan, even of he never heard about the terms, he was a fast learner and was already stuck with calling Izuku "Deku" (making more meaningful how later in the future he starts calling Midoriya just by his first name).
His other classmates tho were...less accepting, some made way too many invasive questions, others simply brushed Deku off as a quirkless nobody wanting attention, this sort of behavior worsened in middle school, but at least Kacchan never dared to dead name Izuku, and even went as far as to pinch one of his lackeys in the stomach when they misgendered Midoriya.
At UA Deku thought that he was going to have a fresh start, no one would know he was trans, no invasive questions, no comments about his looks or his voice, he started taking hormone blockers, all was going well... Then he went to the boys' locker, and Mineta was there, drawing attention from all eyes to Deku cause he was wearing some bandages around his Chest, Iida Tenya walked up to Deku and said
"Midoriya Kun, while I understand the need to modify your looks to pass as a man, please refrain from tying them so tightly, it can cause circulation to stop flowing as well cause pain around the area of the ribcage!"
Then Kirishima spoke, sporting a pair of scars on his chest
"I got a extra binder here Midobro! I can tell you how to wash it later! But take a break from the bandages before wearing it, and drink some water too!"
Then he saw that Mineta was wrapped around in tape, and Sero told him
"And Don't worry about this goblin, I'll let Aizawa know so this doesn't happen again, but I'll shut him up if he says anything, okay?"
Needless to say...Deku cried tears of joy (WE STAN THE 1A BOYS BEING SUPPORTIVE IN THIS BLOG)
As for sexuality, while we see Deku blushing a lot towards girls, I always saw that as just the boy being anxious, as blushing can be a sing of embarrassment or getting flustered, also because between most of the characters in the class, Bakugou is one of the few, if not the only one cause BkDk propaganda, guys I can say Deku feels the most difficult to talk with, specially after that incident in the war, I think I reblogged a post about Demi-Romantic Deku headcanon where Deku just says that for the longest time he has only pictured himself dating Bakugou, or he was he longest crush, so I'm also adding "unlabeled" and "queer" since I heard similar concepts for both, not necessarily choosing to say what gender you're attracted to but you're definitely not straight, or you aren't sure what label to use so you use something more old school to get the message across.
- Katsuki Bakugou (Homoromantic Dekuromantic, Demi-sexual)
When it comes to this guy, what I mostly think of is Bakugou first thinking love is "ew" until Deku shows him affection, think like him seeing his parents kissing, think it's disgusting until Deku gives him a peck on the cheek.
Perhaps these feelings were part of the turmoil inside of Bakugou, and I can't help but feel that at the same time that everyone put in his mind that he was amazing, they also placed the expectations that most closed men face, saying that "girls will love them", hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsuki said something along the lines of "if a girl falls for you and dates you, keep her, it'll be a miracle for someone to want to stay with someone like you"
And before anyone says that this is Mitauki Slander, need I remind you that she slapped her son in front of the teachers and called him weak as a way to blame him for the kidnapping? You know, the one where HE was kidnapped? Yeah, not completely out of character, but in my book she isn't a lost cause, misguided at best, stubborn at worst.
Anyway, this could be a start on some internalized homophobia, something BOTH suffer from actually, Deku said it himself in Deku vs Kaccha 2, "I want to tell you how I feel, EVEN IF IT IS DISGUSTING" (boy! Who hurt you?) And I think a testament to that was how much more expressive lf other emotions Bakugou became when he got to the dorm, specifically that scene where Deku gets excited cause Kacchan got his license and how they'll be able to work together.
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This feels like a "is this love?" Face, which he hides it immediately but Shoto seems to catch it.
The whole "De-Izuku" is just glitter sprinkle on top of this gay ass ice cream so no need to explain that XD
The demi sexual part is mostly because Bakugou just feels like someone that would rather build trust first so he can know for certain if he should let himself get vulnerable, nothing smutty needs to happen, sometimes cuddling can be a chore to get used to, but hey, Deku waited for them to be friends again for 10+ years, waiting for Kacchan to feel comfortable around him again in that level of a relationship isn't that hard, plus if anything were to happen, patience would still need to be priority, idk, is based on my own experience.
And that was all, night night.
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izukusjoyfriend · 3 years
Deku and Bakugou analysis,a bit of a KatsuDeku theroy post.
Warning!!! This thread is very long and has suggestice themes. Please proceed with caution.
"After that, he lit a fire under me like that"
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That's way to sus.
One thing I've noticed too,Deku refers and reacts to Bakugou differently than big heros,even ones that he strongly admires,like,really admires,like all might.
Which makes me thinks..Is all the romantic-like shit done on purpose?
Stuff like this:
That first line translates into: The burning longing in my chest will not disappear.
Second line:I want it to change
He said he daydreams about him and Katsuki in some opening I don't remember.
Stars are VERY prominent with them to,after when Deku said that sus line,he looks up at a star,and saids,he wants it to change,ya know,there is also another song about Katsuki and Deku,Its Polaris. It being about Deku and Katsuki,makes a lot of sense.
Heres why;
"If I could go back and give up everything I had,I would never hide my scars for anything. No not for no one"
When Katsuki bullied Deku,he was scar-ed.
It makes sense. He regrets what he did to Deku. Hes trying to Atone. He absolutely hates what he did to Midoriya,and The line saying,"No,not for no one". It makes sense!
Katsuki hid his scars and tried to act like a big and tough boy,which in reality..
He was the weak one. That's canon,that was touched apond in the manga
"Say goodbye ,I don't have the strength to let it all end,I would give all and everything if we could mend,All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear,I've decided I will follow my heart,Promise yours will always be right near me.."
Makes a lot of sense. Let me explain,The "Say goodbye" line is a play on deku leaving U.A,and after that..Bakugou saids this,
"I don't have the strength to let it all end!"
Which is..f***ing heart breaking.. Alright let me bring this up,
Yes, Izuku's exhaustion and pain is the primary focus, but those tiny details imply that Katsuki Bakugou, the guy who has had a strict bedtime and diet his whole life, who puts every bit of effort into his own health, has completely disregarded his self-care to go after Izuku. Which also implies that his body didn't just move on its own when he risked his life for Izuku. It's further evidence that he isn't just trying to atone for his own sake. This guy straight up stopped taking care of himself because he was WORRIED for Izuku. He stopped sleeping in favor of searching. He reaggravated a very serious injury (one that he got already protecting Izuku) in order to protect him AGAIN.
Which..Makes sense... It shows more of a..Softer caring side of Bakugou. It explains it itself.
"I would give all and everything if we could mend,All I wanted was you to stay and not disappear,I've decided I will follow my heart,Promise yours will always be right near me.."
Wow. If this is Katsuki..Its makes a lot of sense.. He would give..A lot for him and dekus friendship to be better again. That's why he did the training with him.
He would do anything to make the connection with him and deku because..He,wants to mend with Midoriya. Repair the friendship..
But what is really interesting and important is,that,He said "I've decided I will follow my heart,promise yours will also be right near me!" Which means,it wasn't just not his mortal compass..It was also where his,Heart was leading him too..
Which means,Bakugou doesn't just want to mend things for sake of mortality and heroism,but also,it's because..He feels that he should. And I would say he feeling like he should do this because he feels bad for deku,BUT,he said he wants deku heart to stay near his..which means:
"Close to your heart" is an English idiom describing something or someone dearly loved. It can be used to describe anything that has earned a great deal of affection from a person, often through familiarity with it over time. The meaning of this phrase comes from the fact that the heart is considered the organ of the human body that is the source of all love and affection. As such, anyone or anything that resides close to it will be on the receiving end of those feelings."
It could be platonic-- but...he wants..There..Hearts to be close?? That's oddly specify..He could just say he want them to be close..The thing is,he didn't even have too say anything about hearts..Hearts are symbolized as,a love thing.
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You're probably asking "Why does this matter???" Well..Ummm..Look at the background. There bubbles,the trope which is used is called love bubbles.
A romantic moment in anime is often accompanied by a pastel background with lots of bubbles. Nobody knows who wanders into all these series with an invisible bubble machine, but maybe they should stop before they get soap in somebody's eye...
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Is..Is he blushing..? That explains the bubble and sparkles..
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HuH..???? HOW-
Look I don't know what to tell you.
But if that's not romantic,then I don't know what it is.
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Peace sign is confirmed to be a bakugou and deku song. He calls this story,MY HERO ACADEMIA,"OUR STORY"...huh..Remember the song "Datte atashi no Hero?" He also called bakugou his hero. Let that sink in.
Remember shout baby...? Heres more crap to make Bakudeku romantic.
Let's go over that one line again..
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Can't sugar code it. Nope. That's romantic in nature. Unless deku has fucking heart problems,this is romantic. No doubt on my end.
Heres something that just plain romantic.
"It’s frustrating that this unusual scent of hair made my heart flutter. So I hid my lips that’s forming a smile under my scarf.."
Wow... This sounds like Bakugou.
Let me explain why it does sounds like Bakugou. Frustration. About something small as that seems like him. It sounds like him too. And also,Bakugou rarely smiles.. I wonder what they where doing which made his heart flutter.
And why it's romantic..? Hear the way that's worded. The person hide the lips after their heart flutters.
Alright let's go here. This is a song that supposedly between Bakugou and Deku.
Let's see it here,
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And the kanji used for this song is not helping.
They use the words like "Suki" Suki is only plantoic when revfiring to non humans. Deku uses it to Katsuki at the end of the song in another translation like this,
Suki da suki da suki da suki da
Context clue:
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Suki da,
Suki da yo.
I like you.
This phrase is commonly used in everyday life. It reveals to the interlocutor that you have feelings for him. It is up to him to interpret the strength of your love.
To avoid misunderstandings, do not tell people with whom you have friendly relations. I already imagine your Japanese friends feeling uncomfortable because they think you are trying to get out of the friend-zone. 
Kimi ga daisuki da yo.
Daisuki da.
I really like you.
Daisuki implies that you are a big fan of something when you talk about an object, food or a sports team. This is also the case when you talk about an artist, an athlete or some other famous personality.
But when you say that to someone, it implies that you have strong feelings for that person. These feelings must be beyond normal friendship.
Here's more of the song
"Update! I want to fly, to fly, just to fly so far away, away from here. It can’t be anybody else, I don’t want anybody else. Because I don’t want to regret, I’ve got to say it now,I love, I love, I love, I love,I love being here with you."
The more I read into it. The more the song sounds like Katsuki. And it make sense if somewhat of update is sang by Katsuki.
Think about it. The song said this,
"It's not what you do,or what you say,it who you're with."
And if you think about,someone of these song lyrics sound like Katsuki himself.
This song is blunt. Blunter,then fuck,and you know who's blunt..?
I'm not saying he sang all of it.. No. Update actually in the outro points about Deku and makes him the main focus. But,these lines make more sense for Bakugou then Deku,
"If you are, you are, you are, you are,If you are with me,Not back, not down, but the reason I was able to see the front only was,You were here"
Those lines make more sense for s5 bakugou and up,then s3 deku. Let me explain why. "The only reason I was able to see the front is because you where here" remember the apology..? If you don't it's chapter 322
Also for a second,let pay attention to this
It can’t be anybody else, I don’t want anybody else.
That's literally at least saying that Katsuki is VERY special to deku. And the context for this is that,who he'd run away with. It's basically saying he'd spend his life with Katsuki away from everybody else..and he would be..Fine..?
That really saying something about his favoritism to Katsuki-
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SEE WHATS WRONG...? If ya don't then,here;
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It's really just explains itself,Katsuki and Deku are the only ones here.
Tags: #bakudeku #decchan #bkdk #Izuku x Katsuki #bkdk canon #katsudeku #deku x kacchan #dkkt #dkbk #wonder duo #bakugou x deku #deku x bakugou #dekugou #dekugo #dekubaku #dyandeku #midoriya x bakugou #bakugou x midoriya #bakumido #bakudeku analysis #bakudoriya #bkdk fluff #bkdk soulmates #Katsuki x Izuku #katsuki x deku #deku bakugou #mha bkdk #long post #twin stars
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dekuskacchan · 3 years
Okay, but-
Perhaps Bakubean is okay with Izuku seeing his scars? It's the others- he doesn't want them to see how battered he is.
Baku n' Deku used to sleep in the same bed/couch when they were younger, they shared so many memories in their baby-toddler phase.
Meaning, that Bakugou doesn't mind Deku looking at his scars, don't get me wrong of course he also wants Deku to know he's still strong and capable- but it's not the floof that he's worried about.
He wants to look tough for others, for the other classes, for pedestrians he sees on the streets. Even other hero's! He would hate looking weak Infront of people he's trying to impress
omg sorry this is so late i haven't had a lot of time time check tumblr over the past few days 😭
🥺🥺🥺 listen i love bakudeku + scars so much. i feel like they'd be so soft together about it... like bakugou literally got his scars protecting deku and deku knows it, and i'm sure he appreciates being saved but also worries that kacchan will get hurt again because of him 🥺 and we all know how whipped bakugou is.
around other people he'd be like "fuck off" if they mentioned his scars but with deku....
(tracing bakugou's scars) "does it hurt?"
"i'm sorry, kacchan."
"the fuck are you sorry for, nerd? s'not like i regret it."
"i know, but-"
"then don't be sorry. just take better care of yourself," (smirk) "or i'll just have to do it for you."
(furious blush)
i actually recently wrote something like that because i'm so obsessed with it 😂
whether you think of them as platonic or romantic, we've clearly seen that there's so much love between them and they both worry about each other, enough to throw themselves in harms way. and they have no regrets about it, just concern for each other.
also "bakubean" is so cute i love that so much 😭😭
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years
“It means they consider you as a romantic interest!”
The sound of running footsteps echoed in the hall and a loud booming voice is heard in the distance.
“Dekuuu! Stop running!”
Izuku tries to make a beeline for his room and fortunately, there wasn’t anyone in the dorm halls to see what was going on. A scarred hand reaches for the handle, but then-
“Gotcha, you little shit,” a husky but almost out-of-breath voice says nearby his ear while he felt a strong grip around his bicep.
He was then forced to turn around with his back against the door where there was no way to escape.
“Deku, you’ve been avoiding me lately,” Katsuki growls, “Hell, you haven’t even come to one of our late-night sparring sessions!”
Izuku doesn’t know how to respond. Meanwhile, Katsuki corners him until they were practically almost chest to chest. The distance between them making the shorter boy increasingly aware of it besides Katsuki who was too focused on the boy in front of him. Kacchan’s too close..!
Izuku wanted to push him away but opted on turning his face to look somewhere else so that he won’t get distracted by his childhood friend’s intense red eyes. There was only silence and it almost became too unbearable until Izuku concluded that Katsuki won’t leave him alone until he gets some answers.
“S-Sorry Kacchan, I had a stomachache, it must’ve been something I ate a week ago and...” Izuku starts to say as a sorry ass excuse, darting his eyes elsewhere besides landing at the taller boy, but he made a mistake of looking up, forgetting about the real reason on why he’s avoiding him.
How do you tell someone that you can see their affinity level for you when they can’t even see it themselves!? Izuku hopelessly thinks in panic.
He remembers about the incident he had a few days ago when a girl accidentally bumped into him on his way back from the store with a quirk that allows the person to see the affection (affinity level) of the person they’ve interacted with in their life. It was a bar of some sort that appears on top of the person’s head and it just floats around transparently with no physical attributes and visibility to the other person's eye. It was kind of like a ghost following them while the person affected with the quirk can only see it. The girl who calls herself a “relationship guru” deeply apologizes and explains her quirk to him.
1. There are 4 different types of affinity colored bars: orange for hate, white for acquaintance, green for friends, and red for love. The level starts with how the person perceives you as. 2. For every interaction/encounter, the bar gets filled up little by little (like experience points!) until it “levels up,” but of course, it all depends on your actions and how it’s received by that person. If not taken well, then the meter decreases until it reaches the lowest affinity. 3. The quirk only lasts until you reach the maximum affinity level with someone. No matter the level.
She relays all this information as if Izuku was in a real-life simulation game and she was a guide greeting him on his new starting adventure. He tells her this in awe and she just laughs and says she gets that comment all the time, but quickly notices it was getting late before excusing herself and bowing to him again in apology.
When he came back to class, Izuku has been trying to figure out who among his classmates he has the highest affinity with, but no luck. It would make sense because it was only their first year and they still have yet to have other future experiences and encounters with each other to be possibly considered close friends. He thought it would either be Iida or Todoroki for what happened between them in Hosu, but it seems he has a long way to go. The bar for both of them is green indicating friendship, but while Iida’s bar is around 40%, Todoroki’s is close to 50%, so he wasn’t even halfway there. He appreciates them considering him as such though.
Nonetheless, Izuku was stumped and resorts to his fate while telling himself that he was going to have to live with this until he gets someone to reach the maximum level with.
"It really is like a real life simulation game," he quietly mumbles to himself and jots his thoughts down on his notebook, "At least you get to have unlimited choices unlike in a sim game-" "What the fuck you on about nerd?" a familiar gruff voice said nearby and Izuku immediately stops what he was saying. "Wahcchan!" he yells out in surprise. Katsuki, however, didn't wait for a reply and snorts at Izuku’s reaction just as he pulled out his chair in front of him to take his designated seat.  At this point, Izuku was just really curious. He never really thought of Kacchan as someone who would be a potential candidate considering how their history has been pretty rocky and it only has been a few weeks since they had that huge fight in Ground Beta. He guesses they’re probably at the green level except it could be at a really low fill and yet, Izuku’s curiosity has peaked when Katsuki lets his presence known so he leisurely lands his gaze on the bar that’s floating on top of the other boy’s head who’s sitting across from him just minding his own business. 
He blinks once. Twice. Okay, I must be color blind, there’s no way Kacchan thinks of me that way, he ponders while squeezing his eyes shut for a few seconds, only to open them up again and looking at the floating anomaly. The quirk has to be messing with me. There’s just no way.
With an audible thump, he brings his forehead down on his table in alarm and stares blankly at the hardwood before him. No way, no way, no way. There’s just no way.
He briefly remembers the conversation he had with the quirk user.
“Ah! Almost forgot!”
She stops in her tracks and rotates herself to the point where he can see her face. “Each level has certain sets that have a different shade of color within the same spectrum like let’s say.. green is for friends, right? So within that color spectrum, a different one would be a darker shade of green that indicates best friends, and yes, you can max that out too!”
“However, there are different types of love right? I have yet to figure that out myself,” she laughs in embarrassment, “I only know 3 different shades of colors so far for love, red as familiar love, maroon for obsessive love, and dark red for romantic love, so in other words, it means they consider you as a romantic interest!”
She giggles and swoons while smiling at him. “Isn’t that fun?”
The rest of what was exchanged between them gets tuned out and Izuku was left with a problem that has no solution. Kacchan didn’t see him as a friend, oh no... He sees him as a...
From that day forth, everything was a blur, and the decision to avoid Katsuki was repeatedly stamped into his brain which brought him to the present day where he’s currently being cornered against his dorm room by a very threatening looking blonde.
“Earth to Deku, you there?”
Izuku can hear the hint of worry in his tone and he doesn’t know what to make of it. It was so odd and kind of endearing at the same time if the situation were different. Katsuki, to Izuku’s relief, mistakes his silence for being nervous to be near him, so he reluctantly takes a step back and gave the shorter boy some space.
“Red...” Izuku finally mutters, but quickly closes his mouth shut. Katsuki raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Hah? Speak up Deku, I can’t hear you.” He then looks up and around them afterward before he snarls out, “and would you stop looking up at the ceiling? there’s nothing there!”
There is something there, Izuku wants to tell him but gets scared to reveal the truth. Scared that he was going to face Katsuki’s wrath. Kacchan... I didn’t think you would love me this much.
He stares back at the bar again and notes the deep dark glowing red color of it while taking note of how much is filled inside.
About 90%, he estimates in his head, and 10% for it to reach the maximum. Lots of questions began filling in his head such as, how or when did Kacchan felt this way? but a certain specific one lingers. Is this going to be a chance he’s willing to take?
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crybabyjam · 4 years
nobody like you
for valentines day
ship: bakudeku
rating: t
summary: Izuku takes Katsuki on a date to a parfait shop.
content warning for (light??) heavy petting/making out. age difference.
available on ao3
Katsuki grunts on impact as Deku barrels into him excitedly, like a giant puppydog that doesn't know its own strength.
He was underneath the awning of Aldera Junior High, one of the last students there besides the sports kids and the class reps who had to do whatever bullshit it is that they do.
Still, they were all inside the building. So it's quiet enough that, when Deku takes a moment to nuzzle his face against the spiky softness of Katsuki's hair,  Katsuki can hear Izuku's heartbeat.
Strong and steady, a deep 'thump, thump, thump' that makes Katsuki's own pick up in speed.
He hears it more clearly in his wrist when Deku lifts his hands to lay them gently across the back of his neck and trace his thumb along the jaw, until Katsuki's nose flares and he can feel his cheeks flush.
Fucking romantic. It made Katsuki want to swallow his entire mouth so that he can chew his own heart out.
(read more)
"Kacchan, are you ready?" Deku asks, peering down at Katsuki from his bullshit height of 6'4''. Second growth spurt at the end of his first year of high school. Asshole.
Katsuki'll catch up or die trying.
"Yeah," Katsuki grunts, ducking his head down to dodge the kiss that Deku tries to stick on his cheek.
Deku, undeterred, lets it land instead on Katsuki's hairline. The thinner, more bristly hairs near his sideburns tickle Deku's lips, and Katsuki is left with a vibrating laugh ringing in his ears when Izuku pulls away.
"Let me hold your bag?" Deku asks as he reaches out to grab it anyway.
It's just a briefcase, smaller than Deku's yellow monstrosity by a large margin. But he's learned that Deku will get annoying if he doesn't let him do some 'boyfriend' things, so Katsuki lets him grab the briefcase and hook it over his shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, pack-mule. Where are we going?"
Deku hooks his arm over Katsuki's shoulder and begins to gently lead him along down the sidewalk. With that same hand, he pats along Katsuki's chest until he snags his phone with a grin and unlocks it.
For as many times as Katsuki has threatened to change it to lock him out, he never has. But Katsuki almost regrets giving him the code, just because of that giddy look.
"It's not far," Deku is saying, gesturing with one finger towards the left as his thumb runs across the map on Katsuki's phone. "It'll be nice and quiet like you like. They even have booths."
"Took one of your other boyfriends there?" Katsuki huffs.
Deku looks at him, bemused. "You're the one who made me choose something private! I would have been happy announcing how much I love my Kacchan to the entire world."
"'Cause you're a fuckin' embarrassment."
And, as if that was a compliment, Deku perks up and says, "Oh, right!"
Deku tucks the phone back in Katsuki's pocket and sneaks his fingers, instead, to his backpack. It takes a bit of struggling because he refuses to let go of Katsuki's shoulder while he does it.
Katsuki ends up in a bit of a chokehold, and he elbows Deku in the gut. It feels solid, a literal wall of dense muscle. Katsuki digs his pointy elbow in meanly, until Deku curves his tummy away with a grunt and a laugh.
A gaudy red object is shoved in his face, distracting him from his attack.
Katsuki snatches it away from Deku's scarred fingers and squints at the thing.
A teddy bear. Red, fuzzy, and tiny. In its arms is a stuffed heart, and on its back is a box of chocolates (heart-shaped, of course) that overshadows the thing by about 300%.
"I would have gotten orange, but you don't like orange-flavored candies, right? This is a variety pack instead. Although, I know you don't really love chocolate— so it might be kind of a waste. But it's a holiday! And Kacchan deserves a nice Valentine's box, after all—"
"Looks like roadkill." Katsuki thumbs across the sewed nose of the thing, and the button eyes that feel like marbles. The fur is soft, and doesn't shed even when Katsuki scratches at the scalp of the thing.
And the box itself isn't bad. Covered in transparent, plastic-like paper and, beneath that, the box itself is outlined in white lace. Kind of dainty for a guy like Katsuki, but he couldn't say he didn't like it.
Deku always did have a different idea about him than everyone else, anyway.
Deku's shoulders drop, relaxed. More of his weight leans on Katsuki, and he throws his head back with his belly laugh.
"Does that mean you like it?"
Katsuki tucks the bloody-colored bear under his arm, careful not to ruin the packaging of the chocolates too much. It jostles noisily, and Deku looks half a second from stealing it back from him just to carry it again.
So Katsuki nods. "It's… good."
As if he'd just gotten powered by the sun itself, Deku's smile brightens by megawatts. He gets these ridiculous dimples when he smiles like that, deep and perfectly pokable.
Katsuki resists, and instead turns to face the sidewalk as if he was the one leading the way.
Deku sneaks a kiss to Katsuki's cheek, close to the edge of his mouth. It was purposeful, too, because Deku tugs his arm away and runs a few steps ahead to walk backwards as he leads the way.
Katsuki stuffs his hands in his pockets and glares at the ground even as he fights the grin off of his face like he's fighting a dragon with a shield made of paper lace.
The grin wins.
 They make it to the little venue Deku had chosen for them.
And, of all places, it's a parfait shop. It's darkened glass windows to keep the inside cool on hot days, and small; cornered and squished by taller buildings on either side. Across the small street is a busier shop that's stuffed full with a line out the door— a bakery.
Katsuki squints at Deku, and Deku gives him a coy look in return.
He leads them up the two short steps and Katsuki holds the door open for Deku's wide ass backpack.
The inside is even smaller than it looks. Overfilled with pillows and stuffed animals and floral banners announcing the Valentine's holiday, it was like Katsuki had been dropped into a love commercial.
But it's quiet, and there's only two workers and one other customer in the entire shop. Deku leads them towards a booth to set down their things, and the cushioned seats creak when Katsuki flops into it.
It's too big of a booth for just the two of them. Curved in a corner, faced in a way that they're hidden unless someone walked right in front of the table.
It smells like a park in spring over in their corner. Mixed with something sweet in the air, it's like he's floating on cinnamon-sugar clouds.
"Can I order for you?" Deku hums, chewing on an open straw even though there's no drink in front of him. "There's a cake I think you would like."
"Mm." Katsuki cursorily sweeps his gaze across the menu, though there aren't many pictures to bely what the snacks would actually taste like. Just flowery descriptions that use the word 'decadent' way too much, in his opinion.
"I'll also get us a parfait. To share?"
Deku's eyes are hopeful. Way too fucking green and bright for his own good. His gaze is impossibly soft, and Katsuki feels like he just got wrapped in silk and laid in satin.
He scratches at his skin to keep himself from looking too excitable. But he does nod. "We can share."
Deku waves down a waiter.
Katsuki watches how his school uniform shifts with him when he raises his hand up, how it strains at the shoulders. He'd really filled out over the years, and it seems his clothes couldn't really keep up.
Deku catches him looking and winks, face turning pink like a freshly blossomed flower.
The waiter arrives, interrupting Katsuki before he gets started.
Katsuki tugs off the jacket to his own uniform as Deku lists off a few items to the worker.
It's cool inside, as expected, but Katsuki always ran hot anyway. So that it doesn't drop on the floor and get dirty, he stuffs it behind Deku's bag, which is between them in the booth like a boulder stopping the flow of a river. He's careful not to squish his chocolate box, moving the bear to the empty spot of the booth opposite of Deku, on top of the table.
Katsuki leans across it, ignoring the poke of utensils and notebooks, and blinks his eyes slowly as Deku laughs at something the worker says. It's a muted sound, polite so that he doesn't disturb the literally only other patron in the establishment.
His lips look soft when they part in a smile like that. Smooth and dusky and plush.
Katsuki hides his own against the sleeves of his button up, suckling the lower one between his teeth to mimic the way Deku likes to nibble on it when he's in a tease-y mood.
Deku blinks at him, just noticing the shift in positions. The worker bows their head quickly as they leave, still smiling, but Deku's focus has entirely shifted to Katsuki. As it always has and always will.
Deku scooches closer, so that he eclipses the other side of the bag. Katsuki gets shadowed along with it, and he has to pluck his head up to continue looking Deku in the eye.
A hand hovers close to his brow, and he eyes it carefully before he nods and lets it comb through his hair. Deku focuses on the tangles, first, and then lets his fingertips focus on the temple worriedly.
They're cold, colder than the restaurant. Bad circulation from turning his bones and his veins and his nerves to dust too many times.
"Sick of your bullshit," Katsuki says, with no venom whatsoever. Deku can tell, because his eyes just (somehow) soften even further.
As if Katsuki is actually asleep and he's afraid to wake him, Deku lays the lightest kiss on his skin. Across his temple, warm to replace the cold.
"Sorry, Kacchan," Deku says, teasingly. "I think you'll always be sick of me."
Impossible, but Deku didn't need to know that. Let him figure it out on his own, when he needs to.
"But it's okay because I'll always be there to get on your nerves even more, Kacchan."
Katsuki snorts. It's a jarring sound, rising above the lilting music playing in the background. Inside, his heart is hammering at the declaration. What a fucking dumbass.
Only Deku could make a stupid sentence like that affect Katsuki so much.
He grabs Deku's wrist and shoves it against his cheek, squeezing it between that and his shoulder so that it gets trapped there.
"Yeah, well. You're fuckin' stuck with me, too. Forever, asshole."
The words are growled, said too fast and awkwardly. Like Katsuki had dropped them in a pile at Deku's feet and hastily picked them up to show them off.
Deku accepts them graciously. As if the words were dipped in gold and sprinkled with diamonds.
His face goes from pink to red, and Katsuki is reminded of the awkward kid that used to walk him to and from elementary when Deku was just beginning junior high.
He'd been lanky then, like Katsuki is lanky now. All bones and jumpy like a skittish rabbit perpetually in the middle of a street.
He'd always had a red face back then, too. Maybe from crying, or from laughing too hard when Katsuki would steal his homework to try to do it instead, maybe three years before he'd learned the material.
"I'm glad, Kacchan," Deku says, eventually. His fingers curve against Katsuki's skin, warming up pleasantly. Katsuki's own are sweltering. If they got any hotter, they'd ignite and explode like fireworks.
Katsuki swipes his palm across his pants to clean them. Squeezes the loose material between his fist just to steel himself.
Deku glances down at the motion, and brings his other hand up to press it against Katsuki's face. To comfort him, maybe.
Katsuki interrupts by shoving his own against Deku's face first. It's awkward, and he does it too fast because there's a soft 'plap' sound when his clammy palm connects with Deku's cheek.
Still, it fits there comfortably. Deku's chubby cheeks curve into the space of his palm like he's about to roll a ball of mochi.
Dumbass was built like a brickhouse and still had the babiest face.
Katsuki relaxes when Deku doesn't shove him away. Not that Deku ever would, not when Katsuki's heart was about to shove it's way up his throat and make good on that chewing promise from earlier.
Deku's hand, which had been hastily shoved out of the way so Katsuki could grab him first, comes to instead rest atop Katsuki's own.
He presses it firmly against Katsuki's, fitting his fingers between Katsuki's smaller ones and curving towards the middle so he can tickle at Katsuki's heart line with the tips.
"You make me so happy," Izuku mumbles, against Katsuki's palm.
As if he'd been released from chains tying him down, Katsuki knees the schoolbag fully out of the way, shifting up onto it so that he can atleast match Izuku in height.
"Deku," Kacchan says between his teeth, just before Izuku pulls him forward to kiss him silly.
Izuku always likes to build up to kissing. Likes to leave his touch across Kacchan's skin so that it can tingle and thrum with the feeling it leaves behind. He likes leaving a trail of kisses up his neck, across his chin, and just a bare brush of lips across lips. And he likes how Kacchan looks when he does it, eyes half-lidded and dark, mouth dropped open with the barest hint of a smile, cheeks flushed.
But, right now, he can't help going straight for it. Kacchan doesn't mind either way (or, atleast, says he hates when Izuku teases him, wants him to just get on with it), so he's already there with an open mouth and a moan.
Izuku is quick to shush him, feeling along Kacchan's shoulders and noting how the muscles beneath his button-up tense and subsequently relax. Izuku curves the touch lower, fitting his arms beneath Kacchan's so that he can rest them, crossed at the wrist, against the small of Kacchan's back.
They fit there nicely, especially when Kacchan climbs into Izuku's lap to take up all the space between his belly and the table.
Izuku tugs him closer by that hold, sinking down low so that Kacchan, for once, has to dip his head down to kiss him back.
Their lips move across one another, connecting them together more solidly than a red thread of fate could in that moment. Kacchan is concentrating hard on the moment, Izuku can tell because he begins to minutely rock back and forth the motions of his breath. He always kissed Izuku like he had something to prove, but Izuku was just happy to hold him. To love him.
Still, Kacchan kisses him so deeply, like he's trying to transmit every one of his thoughts directly into Izuku's temporal lobe, that Izuku gets lost in the current that is Kacchan's desire.
Static from the seat zaps the back of his neck when he slides in the booth more, gathering it by his hair rubbing against the leather. He pulls his hand away to pat at his nape, but Kacchan tugs it back before it gets very far.
He encourages Izuku to grab a handful of his thigh, lifting up a few inches so that his fingers can curve comfortably around the underside. For himself, Kacchan busies himself with sneaking his fingers beneath Izuku's blazer to try to fit it past his shoulders.
Izuku doesn't realize he's still sliding down the seat until his feet hit the other side of the booth, and he breaks the kiss to laugh when Kacchan flinches at the dull noise.
"Sorry," Izuku whispers, leaning over to glance past the barrier of the booth. "We should probably slow down before we kicked out before you even get to taste—"
"Shut up," Kacchan says, also in a whisper. His soft fingers come back to Izuku's cheeks and press them in so that Izuku's lips pop out.
Izuku laughs again, and it gets muffled when Kacchan kisses the noise away.
Warmth furls around Izuku's chest, like love had grown a physical form and decided to wrap itself around his ribcage as the first thing it did. He can't breathe in too deep, or else he's afraid he'll melt right in Katsuki's hands.
He feels along the cascading dip of Kacchan's spine, all the way up to the shoulderblades. He's been working out recently, eager to join Izuku at U.A. and surpass him before Izuku graduates.
It's been paying off, little by little. He's still tiny, not that he'd ever say so. But it's true, especially when he fits himself in Izuku's arms and lets himself get cradled there as he swallows down his soft, breathy sounds.
Izuku writhes in his seat. He blinks his eyes open to find Kacchan already looking at him with a grin.
"You get like this just 'cause of one little kiss? Virgin."
Izuku doesn't mention that they took each other's virginities.
Kacchan's face is bright red, lips not exactly kiss-swollen but close enough. Still, his smirk is wide enough that the tips of his sharper teeth peek out between his pink lips.
"Kacchan," Izuku huffs. Kacchan settles his weight fully on Izuku's lap, carefully angled away from that spot with a quick pat on the hip from Izuku's hand.
They were already being too forward as it is.
Still, Izuku shifts upwards so that he's sitting correctly in his seat, just so that he can peck Katsuki across the lips properly.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Kacchan."
There's the gentle clack of hard-soled shoes across the floor as the waiter approaches with their food, and Izuku hurriedly shoos Kacchan back into the booth as he takes off his jacket like Kacchan wanted.
Though, unlike what Katsuki is expecting (which is him hiding his kiss boner with his wadded up uniform), Izuku drops the jacket across Katsuki's shoulders and tucks the sleeves firmly across his lap.
The waiter arrives just as Izuku has smoothed out his own shirt again, swiping his big hands across his curly hair to fluff it out.
Katsuki buries his face against the collar of the jacket. It's warm like he's a tea kettle over a freshly stoked fire. It's a good thing his belly is empty or else— pfft no.
Izuku is once again making nice with the waiter as they explain the order, handing off two long spoons to each of them. Izuku already has his own shoved between his lips before Katsuki even grabs for his.
He lays it on the table, resting his chin in his hand as a large slice of cake is slid in the empty area of the booth opposite of them. In front of the red bear that is laying half on its side, kept upright only by the heavy chocolates weighing it down.
With a snort, Katsuki sidles closer to the school bag to get back on his portion of the booth.
Izuku reaches out to stop him, bowing his head in thanks to the waiter as they head off.
Katsuki, just to tease, dodges the touch and only gets two paces further before Izuku whines and drags him back, leaning his full weight across Katsuki's back to smother him in butterfly kisses.
They focus mostly on his jaw, unable to get at his face with the position, but Izuku takes what he can get and peppers each smooch thoroughly across Katsuki's skin until the latter shrieks like a banshee between his laughter.
"Idiot, you just said you didn't want us to get kicked out!" Katsuki gripes, twisting in Izuku's grip just to grit his teeth right in Izuku's face.
Izuku lets his hold loosen, one arm behind Katsuki's back. Katsuki trails his own across Izuku's and tucks his fingers in the back pocket that's closest to him.
"I can't help it when I'm with you, Kacchan. All I wanna do is kiss you!"
"I hate you," Katsuki says, resolutely. He leans his head against Izuku's shoulder and gestures at the parfait in front of them. "Now let's fuckin' eat this junk already."
It's tall, with mostly pink fruit to keep up with the theme of the holiday. Strawberries and syrupy peaches cover the top of the pink ice cream, color offset by white powdered sugar and dark brown chocolate shavings sprinkled on top. The cup itself is lined in chocolate drizzle, in a wavy pattern that gets a bit smeared when Izuku pokes his spoon into the top.
There's also a little heart shaped cookie on top.
"Look how pretty it is, Kacchan!" Izuku says excitedly. He carefully wipes excess whipped cream off of the rim of the tall glass and laps it off his thumb. Some smudges at the edge of his lip.
Katsuki lets out a fond sigh and gestures him forward.
Izuku comes to him willingly, always happy for whatever it is Katsuki gives to him.
Instead of kissing him again, Katsuki swipes the whipped cream up to instead smear it directly across Izuku's freckled cheek. Only two of his more prominent ones get covered completely, but it dissolves the two of them into a fit of giggles anyway.
"Kacchan!" Izuku wipes off the mess with the back of his sleeve, completely disregarding the perfectly good handkerchief he has tucked in his back pocket. Katsuki can feel it brushing against his fingertips when Izuku shifts forward to 'ooh' and 'ahh' at the parfait again.
Katsuki watches him for a moment, and feels his insides shift with a bursting need to tell Izuku right now that he loves him so much that his very soul belongs in Izuku's strong, mangled, soft, gentle hands.
Somehow, the idiot has powdered sugar in his hair.
Katsuki grabs for his briefcase and flicks it open as Izuku takes his first bite, chirring happily like a bird that just learned how to fly.
When he pulls out the small chocolate box, Izuku cuts off abruptly.
"Kacchan?" The name is garbled around the spoon, but the inflection is clear. Hesitant, yearning. Disbelieving. It's just a simple box wrapped in a ribbon, but Izuku wants to treasure it immediately like it's his first autograph from a hero.
"Made this for you," Katsuki says, gruffly. He shoves it across the table, and it slides right into Izuku's hand.
Despite the size, the box is a bit heavy. Izuku weighs it for a moment, eyes already brimming with tears.
Katsuki grimaces, turning away to tug the parfait close to himself instead and swirls up a bite of strawberry flavored ice cream with one of the peaches, shoving it in his mouth instead of explaining further.
"Can I…" Izuku pauses to wet his lips, and they're doing that thing where he's caught between a smile and a grin; between overjoyed and overwhelmed. "Can I open it?"
"Just said I made it for you," Katsuki mumbles, swallowing the ice cream down too fast. It melts in his throat and leaves an empty spot that fills with tense nervousness.
He takes another bite of ice cream to fill it as Izuku carefully unravels the present.
And, on the inside of the simple black box, is a plain chocolate. Homemade, of course, and hard-shelled. It was a bitch to temper, but the shine came out well if Katsuki did say so himself.
The top is outlined with a white chocolate heart, and the message inside of it is a mix of white and dark chocolate— because Izuku didn't actually like the taste of white chocolate. Katsuki taste-tested it a million times to make sure he couldn't taste it more than the rest of the chocolate but…
Katsuki rubs his sweaty palms across his thighs again.
The message simply says, 'To my Number One hero.'
Because Katsuki wasn't… couldn't actually convince himself to do the lovey-dovey shit. The heart shape was pushing it but… he knew Izuku would do something that would make him feel like this, so. He had to.
Katsuki bites his tongue to quiet his own nervous thoughts. Shit, he was hanging around the nerd too much.
Izuku likes it, though. Because he's crying harder, laying the box on the table so that he doesn't crush the edges when it becomes too much for him.
"Kacchan, you're—" Izuku interrupts himself with a sniffle. And then a soft sob.
"Deku, don't fuckin' cry," Katsuki says, only mildly panicking.
He's just begun preparing himself to crawl back in Izuku's lap and kiss the tears away himself when Izuku finally swipes them away with the edge of his already dirtied sleeves.
With a quick nod, he centers himself and looks Katsuki directly in the eye.
"I won't let you down, Kacchan. I'll become the Number One for real, soon."
He was still only in high school, but Katsuki had a feeling that this was a promise Izuku wouldn't break.
Katsuki had a lot of catching up to do, but he didn't really mind. Not right now.
Instead, he gestures with his spoon towards the homemade chocolate.
"Yeah, yeah. Better fuckin' hold onto it while you can before I take my title back."
"Of course, Kacchan." Izuku is grinning, and his face is red like it always gets (after crying, after laughing, after kissing). "I look forward to it."
Katsuki shoves another bite of parfait past his lips, and, when Izuku drops a kiss to his cheek for the umpteenth time that day, he lets a full smile grace his lips.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Deku."
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swampy-bkdk-jukes · 4 years
Significance between our kisses
There's always been fact to bakugou. Kisses usually grossed him out but he knew that he held all the major 5 so fondly in his heart.
The very first kiss. Hes not one to kiss and tell but hes held it in his memories so fondly and so cruely. Hes repeates over and over thinking of how stupid it had been. Course it was none other than fucking Deku. But everyone could have told you that. Imagine the surprise he gets when he eventually comes to really hold. That memory deep in his heart. Not with the same hatred as he once did.
The way Izuku had been shivering in his boots as they hid complaining that they were going to get caught. And the small peck that wasnt really a kiss kiss but it still counted. Back then deku had held such adoration for him.
The second kiss he held to a same standard was back when he had turned 18. He had enjoyed the celebration though he wouldnt admit it to anyone. He had smiled at the thought and as he thinks about it he cant help but spark at the thought.
He remembered it. Remembered how he was turning in for the night to realize. Isuku wasnt there. Wasnt there to give him a present wasnt there to wish him a happy birthday and if he was honest. The nerd hadnt really called him kacchan in so long.
When was the last time deku looked his way. When was the last time he even spoke. Bakugou had it in mind they were on good terma but maybe they hadn't been.
So instead he marched to deku's dorm.
"Who could- Ka-Kachan? Whats wrong you usually dont come over to my room at all"
"Shut it shitty nerd. Why werent you at my party earlier today?" Its an honest question. And he almost looked sso startled by thinking it over.
"I uh.. Its just. I wouldnt have to bother Kacchan on this important day. I know we're on good terms but kacchan isnt usually to fond of my presence" deku admits looking down on the floor.
There was the second kiss. So sudden anything but poise. It was messy and both knew the other lacked in the romantic department.
"Idiot let me spend some time with you. "
That was all it took for them to establish themselves a little more than friends.
His third most significant kiss was on his wedding day.
He knew many people didnt see him get married especially to deku. But here he was. Arms extended reaching to hold dekus small soft and scarred hands in his own
He knew this kiss was public far more eyes watched. The world was basically watching them as both pro heros were ready to become one in the name of law.
Bakugou hadnt expected Deku to leap and jump into his arms landing a kiss on his lips as he himself gently held deku in his arms.
Their first kiss infront of the world. Their first kiss as katsuki and Izuku bakugou. Pro heros to the very end.
He had expected Auntie Inko to cry and she did. As well as his own mother. And he never let that go over her head.
Finally he had come to terms with his form of love. Deku knew now that no matter what. They'll always always be together.
Katsuki's important kiss was very very special. Even more so than the previous 3 and he held this to the highest of pedestals.
He had been working as per usual before he got a call. A call hes been waiting and dreading.
"Is this katsuki bakugou? Maried to Izuku bakugou ?" The person called at the other end.
Bakugou gulped. He was silently praying. Tell me Deku's alright tell me my Izuku is alright
"Well you may like to stop by our hospital,I am happy to anounce your husband had delivered a healthy baby boy"
Katsuki fucking sobbed. He thanked the other person before leaving kirishima in charge. He had to leave and fast
He almost didnt want to go in the room. Rhere was a certain ampunt of dread as he was shaking
"Arent you going to come in here and see your pup alpha?"
Gosh he was a loser.
And yet he entered a small bundle on Izuku's arms.
He went to gently kiss his mate before turning to the small loaf.
There he was their beautiful creation.
"Go on hold him"
And bakugou did. He held the little thing in his arms as he gently rubbed away at his hair.
And he gently kissed his head.
The smallest of things the best smell hes smelled and the best thing hes held since that night Deku became his.
It was the happiest hes ever felt.
Now sadly the very last kiss was bitter and cold and it was the least favorite in katsuki's mind.
There he was looking his husband over by the bed their pup in hand as they heard the ringing of the heart monitor.
Bakugou remembered this day like it was yesterday and he wish he could forget
He didnt want to look at those almost empty eyes that stared directly at him.
"Can i see kaito?"
And he gave him to him.
He watched deku kiss his pup as if the world was ending. Tears streaming down his face.
"Kacchan? Can you promise me you'll watch over him and take care of him? That you'll love him no matter what?"
God he almost broke down into a sob right there. But he nodded letting out a rasped breathe as he leaned over the bed to gently kiss his husband.
What little raw passion was left katsuki held on to it. Chased after it until he felt deku let go.
The ringing plauged his thoughs as he called to the doctors but he knew better
He looked over kaito taking him from the cold arms that held him before looking back at what a peaceful face deku had.
"I promise Izuku"
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kewltie · 4 years
“So this is where you’re hiding, Freckles.”
Startled, Izuku swivels around and sees an approaching dark figure cloaked by the shadows of the Astronomy Tower. “Touya,” he says, warmth resting on the surface of his chest. “What are you doing here?”
“Your little friends were running around like headless chickens looking for you all dinner,” Touya says with a careless shrug.
Izuku winces. “I wasn’t hungry.”
Touya’s legs carry him right beside Izuku. Elbows brace on the railings as he leans his back against it, adopting a casual and dismissive posture, but the intensity of his focus is all on Izuku. “Did the Angry Bird do something to upset you again?”
Izuku’s lips thin out and he looks away briefly, unwilling to meet to meet Touya's expectant gaze.
“Ah,” Touya clicks his tongue knowingly, “should I kick his ass for you?” he offers, flexing his right hand pointedly. He always liked to resort to his fists more than his wand to get his point across, even though Izuku knows he’s arguably one of the best duelists in Hogwarts.
Coolly indifference and aloof, Todoroki Touya neither stood out nor slipped under the radar completely. Purposely not showing off all cards he wields, keeps all his secrets and talents close to his chest. It’s something that upset the Todoroki patriarch gravely, which is precisely why Touya never give his all to any of his classes. The hateful mind games that Touya often play with his father is equally confusing and troubling.
Izuku has little hope in ever understanding it.
“No, thank you,” he politely declines, turning back to look at the stars once more. It’s quiet up here. Just the perfect place to hide and sulk in peace. Mostly. “I think I’m more upset with myself than him. I stupidly thought that we were far past that now.”
Touya doesn’t say anything to that; his face is a placid mask of inscrutableness. The only sound that cut through the air between them as silence reigns is the steady rhythm of Touya’s fingers tapping against the metal railing.
He waits patiently for Izuku to continue.
“I-I,” Izuku chokes up on the hurt he had been nursing all day, “I forgave him a long time ago because, you know, for all his arrogance and sense of superiority over lowblood muggleborns like me he wasn’t necessarily cruel. He just didn’t like the idea of having a mate this weak.” He can still vividly recall the revulsion in Katsuki’s eyes when even at six, Izuku still hadn’t shown a trace of magic in him. “Kacchan is practically a wizarding world royalty; a strong pureblood lineage with a powerful tie to a magical beast. His mate should be someone of his worth and standing, but he got me instead.” He laughs humorlessly. “No wonder he had hated me back then. I was a squib for the first ten years of my life before I met Professor Toshinari,” he says. It’s not as much of a black stained of his past anymore, something he’d long accepted it, but the scar is still fresh in his heart. “Then coming to Hogwarts I was sorted into the house he’d thought was the weakest and most pathetic.”
For someone as prideful as Katsuki to have to settle for a mate like him, it must have been a crushing blow to realize this at such a young age. It was no surprised to Izuku that Katsuki had chosen spurn him, but even as he gets the why of it all, it doesn’t make it any less hurtful then and now.
He wraps his arms around himself as though it can protect him from the memories of those painful first years. Alone and adrift with nobody to lean on, Izuku had fought long and hard to earn his place and friends he got now, but in his darkest moment he doesn’t feel it is enough.
Katsuki always manages to shine brightly no matter where he is and who is around him. So strong and smart and a juggernaut in magical power, he is Izuku’s ultimate goal. He didn’t even dare to dream to being Katsuki’s mate just as long as he was allowed to stand by his side, but even that was an unforgiveable wish.
“S-sometimes, I think he only bothers to even look at me now is because I’m not that useless little squib anymore,” Izuku confesses his deepest and darkest fear, setting it free into the world at last—the thing that had haunted his dreams for so long. “He never shown any romantic interest in me and now suddenly he wants to take me to the Yule Ball?” he demands heatedly. “Without even asking any of my opinion on it?! Especially when he’d told me how he hated the idea of having a mate in the first place because he was stuck with someone like me!”
Upset swiftly gives way to a deep seeded hurt as he recalls that afternoon in the library and the look on Katsuki’s face when Izuku outright rejected his assumption that they were going to the Yule Ball together.
He didn’t bother to ask. Didn’t seem to care about how Izuku feel at all. 
“He’s a stupid, arrogant little shit,” Touya says cuttingly. It’s the first words he had spoken since he’d let Izuku took over their conversation. “Should have hexed him when I saw him earlier.” His fingers curl tightly around the handrail.
Izuku smiles crookedly. “Please don’t.”
“Some people aren’t worthy of your forgiveness, Freckles,” Touya states quietly, but the words carry weight. It hangs heavy in the air between them like a knife edge. The words are meant for Katsuki, but the intent behind it is aim as much toward Todoroki Enji as Touya, himself.
His knuckles go white as the railing seems to bend under force of Touya’s resolution, because for all his callousness toward the world, Touya is even harsher to himself.
“That depends on me, doesn’t it?” Izuku muses, looking at Touya pointedly. “Don’t I get to decide that?”
“Not everyone deserves your kind of absolution,” Touya bites back. “There is a wretched lot of people in this world who should just be left alone to rot in their sins.”
Izuku heaves a sigh, turning around to face Touya with grim determination. “Kacchan had messed up, and I was hurt because of it,” he admits, “but I don’t think he did it out of malicious intent. Ignorant, yes, but hardly cruel. If he was anything like that, he wouldn’t have to look so wounded when I confronted on it. Acknowledgement is the first step to righting a wrong. Regret is the second.” He smiles softly at Touya, carefully running a hand down his scarred arm covered up by his robe—a crisscrossing map of untold violent left behind by a sectumsempra curse thrown his way.
Touya doesn’t flinch, but it’s a near thing. That bloody night was only a year ago, but it’s still have been still fresh in his mind.
“I forgave Kacchan for how he had mistreated me, and I forgave you, Touya, for the wounds you’ve given me.” His smile widens as Touya deliberately turns his gaze away, his fingers tapping an insistent beat that ring into the night. “It may be stupid of me, but I feel lighter for it. Now, forgiving yourself is another matter entirely,” he says cheerfully.
Touya raises a hand to his face and groans into it. “Are we still talking about Bakugou or is this some kind of subtext I’m supposed to read between the lines?”
“Both,” Izuku answers with a grin.
“Your hopeless optimism is truly revolting,” he grumbles, flexing his hand once more.
“I try,” Izuku says, lips twitching. He glances down at Touya’s hand, clenching and unclenching around the handrail. It has been twitchy all night. “You know, I can see you trying to resist lighting up a smoke. Just do it already.” He shrugs.
It’s a habit Touya unfortunately had picked up since he’d seen it in a film in Muggle Studies—a class he’d chosen mostly to rile up his father and to go against his family’s pureblood code, but Izuku thinks it’s also because he’s actually like it.
Tenya, who is also in that class, always came back with a complaint about how weird it is that a seventh year Slytherin pureblood like Todoroki Touya, who adopted the moniker Dabi just to spite his father, easily took to Muggle Studies and even bother to go to Izuku for tutoring on it.
Izuku simply shook his head and smiled in answer to his friend's general confusion. It’s the same way he also responded when they question of his strange and enigmatic friendship with a rebellious Slytherin boy two years his elder, an outcast even to his own house.
It’s not so much that Izuku won’t answer, it’s because he can’t.
Their friendship is as mysterious to outsiders as it is to them. There is Touya. who comfortably and easily wields the dark arts like he was bred for it and just on the edge of slipping over to the dark side completely, and Izuku, who is born to the light and destine to forever fight the Dark Lord until one of them die, who stand on the opposing side—the Savior of the Wizarding World and the One Who Will Fall; Izuku and Touya. Touya and Izuku.
Opposite and opposed in their ideals. But that is not all they are. Not all they have chosen to be.
Touya, who had found Izuku at his worst, saw a crumbled mess in the boy’s bathroom in Izuku’s first year when he was beaten by the older students for his polluted blood and his lack of magic, and had broken all the bullies’ arms that night as he laughed at their pain and suffering.
This was how they met, Izuku who had suffered under their cruelty and Touya who had dealt the callous hand victory. One fell victim to violent and other begot it. 
Touya didn’t do it for Izuku, he didn’t even know Izuku then. But to an eleven years old who was far away from home and didn’t have a single friend who he could turn to that first few months, Touya was his saving grace even when he couldn’t rightfully call Touya a friend then.
So, no, Izuku couldn’t explain his friendship with Touya, not for the scars that Touya had given him and certainly not for the way he would sometimes catch Touya looking at him with such inscrutable longing in his eyes that Izuku’s heart would throb at the sight of it.
His friends had strongly tried to discourage it, Katsuki had tried to forbid it, and even Touya’s youngest brother, Shouto, had tried to warn him against it, yet here they both are alone and sharing the same space in the Astronomy Tower, and Izuku has never felt safer.
“No.” Touya scowls, stilling his anxious hands that have been itching to hold a cigarette all night. “I won’t smoke.”
Izuku blinks. “Why not?”
He grimaces and looks heavenward as though Izuku was being frustrating on purpose. “You don’t like it,” Touya finally says.
“Oh,” he says stupidly for lack of any better word
“Don’t read into it,” Touya snaps with a furious, embarrassed growl.
Izuku stifles a giggle as he says, “Too late.”
Touya scowls even harder now. “So are you going to let me know if I should punch Bakugou or not?” he says, trying to divert the topic to Izuku’s earlier problem. “I don’t mind teaching him a lesson.”
Holding back a sigh, Izuku roll his eyes. “I said already no, so please don’t pick a fight with him.”
Katsuki is already annoyed at the thought of Izuku and Touya’s somewhat amicable relationship in public so if he finds out that they actually often meet up in the Astronomy Tower alone to have a heart to heart talk often that Izuku couldn’t even share with his closest friends, he would be beyond furious. Enough to even trigger to his veela’s anger and set the castle on fire, possibly.
“Then are you going to go to the Yule ball with him?” Touya asks with a pinched look on his face, like the thought of it pain him, but he has to ask, anyway.
Izuku frowns. “Yes, wait—no. Maybe, I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “The pain is still fresh right now, so I’m not sure I can say yes if he asks me again this instant.”
“And what if he apologizes?” he presses.
Izuku chews on his lower lip in thought. “Well, perhaps then. But I might not even go to the Yule Ball at all. It only gives me headache so far.” Why does the Yule Ball require dates, anyway? So embarrassing and stressful. 
Touya sighs, rolling his head back. “Who cares, just go with your friends instead. Screw Bakugou and his stupid feathers brain.”
Izuku pouts, crossing his arms. “All my friends got a date for the ball. I would be the awkward third wheel in the group.”
“You kids and your teenage drama,” he mutters like he isn’t one himself as Izuku sulks beside him. A significant beat passes between them, then, quietly, he says, “Just go with me then.”
Izuku opens his mouth, stops, and opens it again. “You hate this kind of thing,” he accuses, staring at Touya with heavy skepticism. The Todoroki likes to host a lot of these social functions as the premier pureblood family in wizarding society and Touya can’t stand any of it, always finding a way to either crash it or avoid it as much as possible.
“I do,” he admits grimly.
Izuku’s brows furrow. “Then why?”
He straightens up, pushes himself away from the railings, and turns to Izuku with a glare. “Because I’ll do it for you.”
“Oh,” Izuku says again, and just as stupid as the first time around. “Oh.” And blushes furiously, hoping Touya can’t see any of it. Merlin, he hopes the moon and the stars are the only witnesses to his embarrassment. “W-well, um,” he starts, grasping for an answer as his brain frizz out at the sudden proposal, “you know that is, uh, I would love to, but Kacchan and I, well, we’re—”
A hand flies toward his face and almost crashing into it as it cuts off the rest of his rambling speech. “Just stop it already, I can see you struggling.” Touya roll his eyes, dropping his hand back to his side. He heaves a sigh, square his shoulders, and stares at Izuku right in the eyes—a stormy sea of turquoise that threaten to swallow Izuku whole if he’s not careful. “If you want to go with Bakugou that’s fine, but if you want to go with someone else, also fine. It doesn’t matter who you take as long as you’re happy,” he tells Izuku firmly. “I’m not asking you to go to the Yule Ball with me. I’m telling you that I’m an option. You can make me your last resort if you don’t want to go alone.”
Ah, there is that throb again, Izuku thinks as he reaches a hand over his heart. “And you’re fine with being use like that? It doesn’t seem quite fair to you.”
Touya’s hand rises like he’s about to reach for Izuku, but it quickly falls and tucks behind his back. “It doesn’t matter to me, Freckles,” he says, shrugging carelessly.
“You’re very kind, Touya,” Izuku tells him as a smile makes it way toward the surface and seemingly settles there permanently in the face of Touya’s scowl. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“Shut the fuck up. That’s a lie.” Touya glares at him with the full force for ten thousands suns before pointedly diverting his gaze. His cheeks are unusually flushed and somehow Izuku doesn’t think it’s because of the cool air.
An off-kilter Touya is too cute sometimes.
Izuku giggles and extends a hand out to wrap it around Touya’s arm, because he always has to be the first one to do it since that horrid night that had led to a hundred cut on Izuku. He has to be the one to reach out first. “C’mon I’ll treat you to some dessert in the kitchen. The house-elves always leave something extra for me just in case I wanted a snack.”
“That’s because they love you,” Touya grumbles, but allows himself to be dragged along. He would always put up a fuss about it like he couldn’t be bothered, but he doesn’t have in him to ever reject Izuku’s hand on him. Never.
For someone capable of so much violence and hatred toward the world and himself, Touya tries to be ever so careful with Izuku. So gentle that it hurts sometimes. Izuku isn’t breakable in any way, but the way Touya is so devoted to not consciously reach out for him unless Izuku instigate it first and only when he let himself give in to Izuku’s touch, his resistance crumbles away so easily like his resolve was held up by faulty walls; it’s heartbreaking.
Touya may not understand why Izuku was so quick to forgive him for the scars that he has now, but it’s because Touya made it so easy to do it when he’d visit Izuku’s hospital bed every night afterward to watch over his sleep like a silent sentinel. He didn’t say a single word to Izuku during those nights, but his guilt was palpable. It was carved into the lines of his shoulders, into the agony of his eyes, and into his flesh and bones, because after that horrific night when Izuku bled in the Great Hall, Izuku wasn’t the only one who had his own scars.
Touya’s own just aren’t visible to the eyes. 
So it’s not that Izuku’s heart is big and capable of so much, it’s because the people who seek his forgiveness want it so badly that to look at their face is to stare into their open wound—yearning, hopeful, and so full of self-loathing.
He had seen it first in Touya. Then in Katsuki.
That’s why he will mostly likely forgive Katsuki after this when he stops being so dumb and stubborn and decide to come to Izuku for another chance, but till then he would like to see some groveling done first because Izuku may be kind and open-hearted like everyone say he is, but he’s no pushover in the end. 
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saltbabypidge · 4 years
This fic was created as a pinch hit for the BKDK Katsuki Birthday Exchange 2020 as a gift to @kacchansass #bkdkbirthday
Happy Birthday, Kacchan
Summary: Izuku's trying to do something romantic for Katsukis birthday but Katsukis confused.
Fluff, reminiscing, BKDK, sexual situations.
A/N: Please bear with me, I had a small mishap where the cord to my laptop broke and I was unable to get my progress off of it before the battery died. I had to rewrite it from memory on my phone. The original will be posted when my new cord comes in.
EDIT; I TOTALLY FORGOT. Minor movie spoilers. If you dont want to be spoilered, skip from Bakugou saying " That wasnt our first kiss..." and come back after the italics.
The sun filtered through the curtains, throwing highlights over dark green hair spilling across a black pillowcase. Bakugou Katsuki always made it his goal to wake up before his partner, claiming to like the peace and quiet, but in reality he liked watching the way Izukus nose wrinkled in his sleep. Today, his eyes were caught by his boyfriends freckles, he refused to admit it to anyone else, but to him they were like stars scattered across the sky.
His crimson eyes were soft as they glanced at the clock, growing wicked as he saw the time. The nerd had decided that they would start celebrating his birthday on the nineteenth, so they could have a whole day to themselves. He'd insisted that they be up no later than eight and it was now eight thirty. Katsuki leaned in, brushing a kiss over his boyfriends freckled cheek,, lips following his fingers as he brushed the wild fall of green behind Izukus ear.
" OI, DEKU!"
With a yelp and thud, the peaceful scene was ruined as Izuku flailed and fell in a tangled heap of blankets to the floor of their apartment. Some things never changed, and even after five years of being Pro-Heroes, and living together for four, he never failed to startled the shit out of his lover. Sometimes he wondered if Izuku had a blind spot where he was concerned, he was rarely taken by surprise by anyone else anymore. Blindspot or not, the ash blond would never get tired of the sight of his taller lover flailing like a fish. It served him right for having the audacity to be half a foot taller than him.
" What? Were we called? Kacchan why are you laughing..." Izuku was slowly trying to extricate himself from the blanket, sun warmed muscle dotted with freckles making an appearance as he untangled his arms. He would look like an oversized child as he stood, wrapped in their large quilt as he rubbed sleep crusted eyes, if it hadn't been for the scars that littered his body.
The birthday boy didn't bother answering, he just jerked his thumb at the clock, laughter dying out into a smirk as he watched bleary emerald eyes blink in confusion at the time then widen as coherent thought filtered in. He knew exactly when the light went on because those eyes widened in panic and his boyfriend launched himself towards the dresser, one foot trying to shake off the remainder of the blanket, like a puppy with a wet foot. Clothes launched themselves around the room as he dug through the drawers.
"Why didn't you wake me earlier? Get dressed, I hope we have enough time to do everything now, I tried to plan extra time in case we got distracted or called but..."
"Don't tell me what to do, I'm the birthday boy here, you better not forget that." With a cocky smirk, Katsuki tuned out his nerd as his words devolved into a mutter about time and plans, and the possibility of rain. The soon to be twenty-two year old had no idea what his boyfriend had planned for today, and of course he was fucking curious, but after the sheer disappointment on Dekus face the last time he'd ruined his own surprise, he hadn't even tried to dig. That didn't mean he wouldn't be an asshole. He made sure to stretch, loosening his muscles nice and slow before he started towards the closet to get dressed. He knew those deep green eyes were on him from the first crack of his neck, through the shoulder roll and into the lunge because the mumbled words had trailed into silence.
. " Aren't you getting dressed, De~Ku? We don't have much time right?" Katsuki said with a smirk before dropping his sleep pants and tugging on a pair of black jeans. He wasn't sure what was planned today, but with enough incentive he knew Deku would agree that birthday sex was in order today, as well as tomorrow. Their relationship may have evolved over the years, but they were both very physical people. They tested each other, got stronger and tested each other again, whether in their hero career or in the bedroom.
The blondes mind started to wander as he pulled his shirt over his head, only to have his thoughts interrupted by strong arms sliding around him, pulling him against his boyfriends hard chest. He tilted his head back, one pierced eyebrow raising at the taller male, the smile on Dekus scarred face was stupidly endearing.
" I never gave you your good morning kiss, Kacchan."
He was ready to roll his eyes- he didn't NEED a good morning kiss- when a large warm hand cupped his chin, tilting his head back into position for the taller man to press their lips together. He didn't need a good morning kiss, but he always wanted one. Stupid Deku always knew how to read him, even when he didn't want him to. The kiss should have been awkward, but they'd had years of practice, and their lips slotted together easily, the awkward position non withstanding. Even here, Katsuki was competitive, reaching up to fist a strong hand in his lovers green curls, taking control of the kiss. It was HIS birthday kiss after all, and he'd be the one in charge.
When they finally parted he licked his lips and pulled himself out of Dekus arms. He could feel himself going soft, warmth for his lover welling in his chest, and a smile tugging at his lips.
Bakugou Katsuki did not get soft when the sun was high in the sky. That was reserved solely for late nights and early mornings damnit.
" You're the one in the fucking hurry, get a shirt on and lets go." He knew Izuku was used to his swift mood changes, and the nerd was on some imaginary time crunch, so they should get going before he got even more time obsessed..
The sun was even brighter outside, warming the otherwise chilly spring morning. It flickered through Izukus curls as Katsuki watched him from the passengers seat of their rarely used car. He had no idea where they were headed, so he spent the time watching his boyfriend take turns like a madman. From their personalities, most people would think Bakugou was the reckless driver, anyone who had ever been in a car with the heir of One for All could attest to the opposite. Deku drove his car the way he drove through life, with sheer controlled chaos... Katsuki wouldn't want him any other way
Bakugou Katsuki was in love with Izuku Midoriya. He had finally admitted it to himself after they had been dating for three years. He was just bad at showing it in any normal fashion. Thankfully, the nerd knew him well enough to realize that he wouldn't get many " I love yous" from the explosive ash blond. His contemplation of his boyfriends faults were interrupted by a question.
" Kacchan, what do you want for your birthday?"
Broad shouders shrugged as Katsuki tilted his head to the side. " It's a little late to be asking me that, don't you think Deku~" He smirked. " My birthdays tomorrow. Anyway, I think I told you what I wanted last time you asked,or did you forget, loser" The green haired man flushed crimson as he stopped the car in a parking lot. Katsuki knew he was thinking back to last week when he'd asked that question for the hundredth time while they had been in bed. The crimson eyed pro-heroes smirk widened as he remembered the event himself.
" What do you want for your birthday, Kacchan?" Izuku had been sprawled on top of his boyfriend, knowing the other loved using him as a human blanket. Katsuki had become sick of the question. He didn't need anything for his birthday, so he hadn't even bothered to open his eyes as he moved, smirking as he answered.
"I have everything I want here in my hands"
Izuku Midoriya, six foot seven of broad muscle, and bearer of One for All had let out a surprised, and very unmanly squeak when he felt strong hands grip his ass roughly.
" Yeah, you remember. so stop asking." the blush had said it all. He watched as Izukus brow wrinkled thoughtfully, smoothing out as he turned the car off. " We're at our first stop. Katsuki looked around unimpressed, the lot overlooked the river, but he didn't see anything special about it. There had to be something, or Izuku wouldn't have the excited look in his eye. He wouldn't be grabbing Katsukis hand and dragging him towards the water, wouldn't be fucking LEAPING OVER THE SIDE and dragging the other with him. When they landed- they were pro's and taking a fall like that was nothing-the irritable blond smacked his boyfriend in the back of the head. " Warn me next time! Now what the fuck is to special about this pla...." He paused as he looked around, red eyes narrowing as the broken shoreline brought up whisps of memory.
"...You are a fucking idiot."
A soaked form in green was slammed against the ground with a muffled thud, wet curls sticking to a pale, freckled face as lips pressed hungrily together, relief mixing with adrenaline- ,
The newly minted Ground Zero felt like he couldn't get enough air. He had felt his stomach drop when he had seen his rivals limp body tossed over the barrier toward the water below. They had been chasing this villain for hours, and Deku had been taken by surprise. Katsuki had incapacitated the man with an aggressive AP shot and dove after his partner. The rescue had led to...
"....You're a fucking sap." Katsuki could feel his face heat a little at the memory. It hadn't exactly been their most shining moment.
" Come on Kacchan, it was where we had our first kiss..." Izuku was smiling as he slid an arm around his waist. Katsuki shoved at his chest. " Because you almost died, and I was a dumb teenager... and it wasn't our first kiss." He looked up at his boyfriend with a shit eating grin. Izuku crossed his arms, flustered again.
"I don't remember that one, Kacchan...."
Katsuki did. Visions of a different shoreline flickered through his mind.
Bakugou had landed hard, both of his arms were broken, so his attempts to get up resulted in him flopping like a useless fish. The pain was making his vision fade in and out, hyperfocusing on a mop of green hair. He could feel the thrum of Izukus quirk under his skin as he dragged himself painfully towards his rival. Bakugo Katsuki had dreamed of being like All Might as a child... The man who always won to save everyone, but not like this. Not with a quirk that was not his own...Not when Izuku wouldn't stand beside him. Having his rival as a foil had become important at some point. He rolled to his side, trying to lift his arm, he knew he needed dna to give the quirk back, but he couldn't. He was too weak. " FUCK this shit. take your quirk back you shitty nerd." the explosive blonde could taste blood on his lips and before he could think through what his exhausted brain had suggested, he was suiting though to action and lifting himself with his abdominal s to awkwardly press his lips against Izukus, cracked bleeding lips meeting cracked and bleeding lips as he thought hard about how much he didn't want this god damn quirk. He would make it to the top with his own power, or it wouldn't mean a damn thing....He hoped it was enough, he couldn't keep conscious anymore and slid off of his rival, darkness taking him.
"Yeah, you were out like a light. Fine. he'rs the first kiss we BOTH remember. Why are we here"
Izuku looked sheepish. " I was hoping maybe we could kiss here again, without the near death experience?" The shorter male leaned into his boyfriends reach. " Kiss me, and lets get out of here..." He hated seeing the shuttered look in Izuku's eyes, but he had had nightmares about the incident that had gotten them together for years. He cursed internally, nails digging into his palms as Izuku kissed him softly and they made their way back up to the car. Katsuki punched the car, causing startled green eyes to fly up to his face. " Look...It's cute, but I don't like thinking about you dying." His nerd nodded, shoulders still tense and unsure as he spoke. "The next place we can walk to...so lets get some fresh air."
Katsuki preferred walking if he could,so he nodded and fell in next to his lover, shoulders growing tenser, and teeth gritting in anger as the silence continued. He finally reached out to grab Izukus hand, squeezing it tightly, though he wasn't looking at him. Deku better understand. Katsuki hated PDA with a passion, a kiss or two was fine but he didn't hold hands...unless he thought Izuku needed it. Even after four years of dating, he did it so rarely the public sometimes forgot that the Wonder Duo were a couple at all, something he knew weighed on Izukus mind. Katsuki didn't think that they needed to shout it from the mountaintops, but he was almost ready to, to keep his nerd happy.
The landscape was becoming more familiar as they walked, and Katsuki sighed as they moved past their childhood homes, and Izuku headed towards the school. He moved so he was walking slightly in front of Izuku and crossed his arms
" What is this, a trip down memory lane?" The chaotic being that was his boyfriend and hero partner just gave him a sweet, disarming smile, pulling out two passes into the school as he answered. " Something like that." The explosion user was a little surprised at how well planned this was...whatever it was. At this point he was along for the ride, so he followed his boyfriend out past the school proper, past the dorms where a new class was training to be heroes. They walked, following a path he hadn't seen in years to the mock up of a city, it didn't look any different than he remembered, the place having been repaired time after time. So much had happened here for them...
"I got permission from the school to rent it..."
"Ground Beta..." Ruby eyes met emeralds as they were assaulted by memories.
"Fight me Deku" His emotions were in turmoil. He wasn't strong enough, Izuku had been the one All Might had chosen, not him...and Katsuki had been the one to cause All Might to lose his quirk forever.
Izuku was the only one who could accept and receive those feelings, the only one who could come near him in a fight, and Izuku had still lost to him.
Why? Izuku was weak, but he had been chosen by All Might...Katsuki was weak because he had been taken, but Izuku was weaker than him. The fight had been charged with emotion on both sides, it had been a crux of them overcoming the past and becoming true rivals...and eventually friends and lovers.
Katsuki could see the light of challenge blooming in his boyfriends eyes, and he could feel adrenaline pumping up his spine. They moved like two predators, Pro-heros in their own right as they squared up a few feet apart. It felt familiar, the surrounding, the energy between them, but this time it was without the weight of confusion and sorrow. And the dialogue was different.
"Fight me, Kacchan" Izuku stood, feet apart, hand out in a come-at-me gesture as he waited for Katsuki to make a move.The explosive hero could feel small crackling explosions lighting his palm, as the excitement got the better of him. If this was what Izuku had planned for his birthday present then he fucking accepted. It had been far too long since they'd had a decent spar.
" Come at me, Deku"
Those were the last words spoken until the end of the bout, knowing each other as well as they did, fighting as partners for so long, they knew what the other would be doing intuitively. It was more like a deadly dance than a spar...or, if you were them, foreplay.
Moving on some unknown signal, Katsuki shot himself forward with barehanded explosions, pivoting midair to launch a kick at Deku's head. He felt air whoosh by under him as the taller man ducked and rolled under him, bringing his arm back around to block the retaliating blow. Each blow was met with a counter. The ash blond smirked as an air shot scored a line of blood across his cheek, exes glowing with excitement as he launched himself back to avoid his incredibly fast lover. Narrowed, alert eyes flickered over the battlefield looking for any weakness in his opponent. He saw it before Izuku. Something small tumbled out of Izukus pocket and the idiot dived for it instead of blocking. Katsuki took advantage of his mistake and pinned him face down against the asphalt. He leaned over his boyfriends prone body to whisper in his ear huskily. " I win...again."
He wouldn't have seen the small shiver that ran through the larger mans frame if he hadn't been looking for it. Katsuki was definitely ready for some birthday sex, and from the soft noise that escaped his partner when he ran his tongue over the selfsame ear he had just whispered into, so was Izuku.
So he was floored when his lover pulled away and whipped around, hand out, as if to keep a beast at bay.
Katsuki wanted to growl at getting denied, but the situation was so...stupid he snorted.
"What's wrong, Deku? We've done it in more public spaces and never gotten caught...and I know you wish I'd fucked you here back then..." He moved towards Izuku, gravelly voice seductive. Izuku took another step back.
"Kacchan this isn't what I came here for...I mean it is...but...not..." He was fiddling with the small box that had caused his loss in the first place, then stopped, back straightning. " You...said what you wanted for your birthday...was me right?" His eyes were pleading and Katsuki realized he wasn't just talking about for sex. He growled and looked away, shoulders tense and emotions riding high.
"Yeah....I mean. I already have you, you stupid Deku. You're mine." He reached out and took Izukus free hand, fingers lacing with his. He wanted to know what had the other so nervous. " What is that stupid box."
Katsuki Bakugou had never felt more like an idiot in his life when his boyfriend slid to one knee in front of him and opened the box that he'd been fiddling with.
The box that had plainly been a ring box the whole time.
"So...Yeah. I'm already yours, Kacc....Katsuki." The green haired giant stumbled over the words and shook his head. " Kacchan...So I can't give you anything but more of me...for the rest of our lives." The world seemed to hold it's breath as terrified green eyes met his and it hit him like a tidal wave what this whole day had been about. Izuku was proposing.
The ring sitting in the casing was actually two rings. Two halves of a whole. -Just like them- They were about as manly as engagement rings got, tungstun steel bands with a single gem set in each band, one emerald, one ruby.
The blond didn't know how to process this. Of course he was going to marry the nerd, he'd just assumed he'd be the one asking. He could see his hesitation feeding that stupid insecurity his lover still carried and reached out his hand to snatch the box. He pried the rings apart and handed the one with the green gem out to Izuku with a slightly shaking hand.
"Youre supposed to put this ring on my goddamn finger right? Now give me your left hand Deku." He slid the ring onto his boyfriends left ring finger with a gentleness that belied his rough actions, and felt the slim band slide over his knuckle as Izuku followed suit. He pressed his forehead against Izukus, eyes meeting as a smile flickered across Katsukis lips, before eyes closed and their lips met.
"Happy Birthday, Kacchan"
Katsuki pulled away from the kiss with a snort.
" Shitty nerd getting yourself the better present for MY birthday" Katsuki crossed his arms cockily, the ring on his finger glinting in the afternoon sunlight. " I know I'm just that awesome." He ran his tongue over his lips. " But you did get me one thing I wanted..." The explosive heros arms moved to pull Izuku to his chest. " So I guess it's not too bad..." His hands slid down to squeeze his boyfr...fiances plump ass. " What do you say we celebrate this by giving me the other thing I wanted..." His smirk grew as he felt a twitch against his thigh, even as his boyfriends voice raised an octave. " HERE?"
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h3l10tr0p3 · 5 years
We have all heard about tags like:
Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings
Emotionally Constipated Bakugou Katsuki
Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki
Confused Bakugou Katsuki
Soft Bakugou Katsuki
But what about-
"Bakugou Katsuki is Brutally Romantic and completely Oblivious about it"?
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In fact, Bakugou is SO GOOD at Romantic shit instinctively that he doesn't even REALIZE he is being ROMANTIC AF? He just thinks he is being brutally honest and speaking his damn mind but he has NO FUCKING CLUE how his gruff words could literally sweep Deku off his feet / turn him into an emotional puddle / make him rip both their clothes and jump his bones or So Help Him GOD.
Deku: Is the new scar really ugly?
Katsuki: Hah?
Deku: (sighs) You've been staring at my chest non-stop ever since I took off my shirt, Kacchan. Is it really that ugly?
Katsuki: (stares at the scar)
Katsuki: (shifts his gaze to Izuku with a look so bored that it could make Todoroki cry) Looks like the damned night sky was so fucking jealous of your freckles that it tore a gash of skin out of you, pinned it on its skirt and called it the fucking Milky Way.
Deku: (starts crying)
Katsuki: The FUCK did you start moping for, you shitnerd crybaby?!
Deku: (ugly sobs) I- Ka-Kacchan- I- (cue more ugly crying)
Katsuki: (panicking bc of the tears) FUCKING STOP! I NEVER SAID IT WAS UGLY! I SAID STOPPP!!
Nope, he has no fucking clue.
And LITERALLY NO ONE (except Kaminari, cause he is stupidly brave that way, but Katsuki doesn't believe his shit) POINTS OUT TO KATSUKI THAT HE IS A GENIUS AT ROMANCE BECAUSE-
They want more of his 'Tough Love' and it's mesmerizing as fuck
They don't want him to suppress this side of him actively cause c'MON! IT'S THE MOST ENDEARING SHIT EVER. And who in their right mind would wanna miss out on BAKUGOU-FUCKING-KATSUKI being an Oblivious ROMANTIC
It started out as an endeavour to collect blackmail material amongst the Bakusquad, but now they just want to make a 3 hour compilation of him being the most goddamn sweetest little gremlin and watch it as an Emotional Support Documentary when they are down and depressed.
Deku would literally disown the first person who made him realize what he was doing if Katsuki got conscious of it and stopped.
Slim chance, but they are afraid that smug-ass Bakugou Katsuki might actually do a 180 on them and dial up his Romantic shit to a fucking 100 just to make everyone lose their damn minds, and let's face it - something like that can end in only one of two things:
A) The end of the world
B) Deku dying from a heart attack
(If it were me, I'd definitely die to the idea of a Romantic Ikemen Bakugou Katsuki)
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
Hey, do you have any fics where Deku calms Bakugo down from a panic attack or some sort of anger episode? Or vise versa?
I payed more attention to fics that focused solely on the requested idea or had multiple scenes of it. (and boy was there a decent amount!) If you know of longer fics that include this idea (even if it’s your own XD) feel free to reblog or reply with them so people can find them in the notes c:
30 Works.
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie( T | 51,597 | 20/20 )
Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn’t expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
SeriesPart 1 of Dark Side of Space
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Past Abuse | Self-Harm]
Can We Not? by vulcanhighblood( T | 32,740+ | 17/? )
Journalist Midoriya Izuku stumbles across Ground Zero brutalizing a vending machine. Unfortunately, he can’t just walk away from a Pro Hero in dire need of caffeine. So when a hero on the brink shakes him down for coffee, only to offer a coffee date in return…? Well, he doesn’t refuse. (He does, however, get said hero’s number, and ends up spending a lot more time with him than could have been predicted based on that first encounter.)
Grief Counseling by Merrywetherweather( E | 48,279 | 19/19 )
Katsuki remembered the first time he had failed to save someone, watched helplessly in horror as an elderly man had been crushed beneath the girth of a thrown car. He had already propelled himself forward to grab a small boy when he noticed, too late, the car fly by overhead. Two other heroes had been on the scene at the time and had assured him.
There was nothing that could have been done.
Most of class 1-A had already gone through a similar experience. The only one left with a clean track record in the rescue department had been Deku.
Well, except for today.
A slowburn fic where Kacchan tries to convince Deku to take advantage of the grief counseling provided for free to heroes experiencing their first failed rescues. Lots of flirting. Healing their relationship comes first. The romantic bit where they fall helplessly and stupidly in love comes after.
[PSTD | Panic Attacks]
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by showtiime ( M | 122,562 | 22/22 )
The day of the Hero Incident ends much more horribly than anyone could’ve imagined, but only Izuku knows that. He thinks as long as he forces himself to push through it that he can get over it, but of course, that’s not how things go. His mom, friends, teachers, and even his childhood friend-turned-rival take note of his odd behavior and try to help, but he refuses to talk about what really happened. How long and how thin will Bakugou’s patience go until Izuku finally confides and accepts the help he needs?
(in this fic, Shigaraki takes more from Izuku than he should’ve, Katsuki comes with the class that day at the mall, and there are still finals to be taken. Plenty can happen in only five to six weeks.)
[Rape/Non-Con | Underage | Abuse | Dissociation | PTSD | Panic Attacks | Suicide Attempt | Self-Harm]
Paper Moons and Glass Stars by Soundsoftherain( M | 82,948 | 18/18 )
The last time Katsuki had seen that mess of green hair had been during the summer after their first year of middle school, a boy sculpted from the purest sunlight sadly waving goodbye as he moved away.
That had been seven years ago.
Now that mop of wild curls was straddling his lap while scantily clad in black, leaving little to the imagination. The shy boy he once knew was now the star of Paper Moon, a strip club he’d been unwillingly dragged to by his friends. But through the muffled music one thought overwhelmed the raging whirlpool of his mind.
…What the actual fuck?
SeriesPart 1 of Glass Stars
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Panic Attacks | Stalking]
be loved by bonnia( T | 5,403 | 1/1 )
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
[Panic Attacks | PTSD]
2,645 Miles by mynameis152( E | 131,839 | 38/38 )
Izuku wants so badly to get to the other side of the country without his parents realizing he’s missing. He just wants to find out who he is.
Katsuki is desperate to make it to Los Angeles without being caught by the police, desperate to fix his mistakes.
Neither know what to expect, but on a roadtrip across the U.S. involving four fugitives, two oblivious runaways, a high risk crime ring, and a police taskforce, the two will discover that there’s more in store for them than what they originally thought.
SeriesPart 1 of Guide Me Home To You
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Panic Attacks | Attempted Sexual Assault]
As One by semiautomatichearts( G | 2,508 | 1/1 )
Katsuki knows Izuku as he knows himself, as he knows the worn pages of a treasured book, the creases within his own hand.
He sees when something is wrong, and reaches across abyssal expanses, past the maw of his own pride, and he heals.
[Panic Attacks]
What’s up danger by The_Crafty_Cracker( M | 2,220 | 1/1 )
Because apparently,The fic where Deku punches a bigoted entailed asshole Alpha in the face wasn’t an appropriate title.
Poor Katsuki has his handful with his mate nearly getting arrested, again!
P.S there is also a joke about a quiche.
Super Mario Maker by Pop_Rocks (v_love)( E | 3,734 | 1/1 )
Midoriya is smart, and a nerd, meaning that when the entire class decided to take on the aspect of buying Super Mario Maker for the collection of games in the common area that he became sort of a living legend when it came to designing the levels.
Some were just joyous well designed little prank-type levels, others were difficult — but not impossible — and the rest? Well, those were impossible.
For all but one.
His Kacchan.
In which Bakugou rages.
SeriesPart 4 of Kacchan and Deku’s Shenanigans
Out Of Darkness by Arrival_Of_Dawn ( M | 78,364+ | 18/? )
Izuku Midoriya is legally dead for forty two minutes at the hands of a new villain, Nightmare. They are the longest forty two minutes as Izuku finds himself trapped in his own personal hell. He may have come back from nightmare induced death, but that does not mean the nightmares are gone. They haunt him at any given moment and neither he nor anyone else knows how to save him.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Panic Attacks]
Twenty-Four by SharkbaitSekki( T | 15,874 | 1/1 )
Izuku gets himself kidnapped, and Katsuki is dragged into it with him as they face villains with particularly terrifying illusion Quirks.
It ends up being a living nightmare, but Katsuki can’t bring himself to regret following Izuku into it all. Because between the pain and the terror, between the lies and the illusions, between life and death, at least they can always hang onto one another. Even if everything else is fake, they know that they will always be real.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence] 
Chapter 26 of an entire month for the broccoli boy and the shouty boy by Kasplode( T | 23,200 | 30/30 )
Acute fear pollutes his body, concentration increasing exponentially with each shallow inhale he breathes.
Deku, standing just in front of him, knocks at the familiar door to Midoriya Inko’s apartment.
They’re having dinner with her tonight. Introducing Katsuki as Deku’s boyfriend.
[Panic Attacks]
Someone to Stay by Maru_Chan( M | 5,462 | 1/1 )
He hears Izuku’s jeering laughter again and even when he can’t see him any longer, his last words ring loud on Katsuki’s ears, heavy and final like a sentence.
“Goodbye Kacchan, maybe you can try again in your next life”
And then everything is dark again.
It’s dark, he’s cold, he’s numb and he’s alone.
And it’s everything he deserves.
[Panic Attacks | PTSD] 
saltwater fears & saltwater tears by writedeku( T | 4,540 | 1/1 )
It’s not that Katsuki hasn’t hurt people before, but this is the first time he’s seen something so irrevocable. So tangible. Izuku will look back, ten, twenty years from now, and he’d still see the scar in the mirror, and still be a scared little boy in pain all over again, crying in the hallways.
(The middle is a time that makes Katsuki feel proud and ashamed, all at once.)
SeriesPart 3 of the saltwater saga
[Bullying | Past Abuse | Panic Attacks] 
What’s Mine But Only You Can Have? by masteremeraldholder
( T | 9,480 | 1/1 )
“What’s mine… but only you can have?”
Deku’s face softens, his eyes wide, mouth a little ‘o’. Baku’s stomach turns, maybe he shouldn’t have said it, maybe he should’ve listened to the quirk-stealers and kept his fucking mouth shut, but he knows that he couldn’t have even if he tried.
He’ll never get tired of Deku and his annoying antics, his patient nature, his shit ton of freckles, and if that’s what it means to love someone, then he’s gladly in it with Deku.
SeriesPart 2 of Schizophrenic Bakugou
[Panic Attacks | Self-Harm | Ableism]
Words to Never Say by InkspillsNotebook( T | 2,586 | 1/1 )
Regardless of how much time has passed, Izuku is still unable to hear those words without fearing that he’s lost the most important person in his life.
SeriesPart 7 of Drabble Expansion Pack
[Panic Attacks]
[Abandoned] Chapter 4 of Angry Kids by MrJokerBoy( T | 9,251 | 12/? )
Deku has a nervous breakdown and here comes Kacchan to the rescue 
[Panic Attacks] 
Chapter 1 of Things You Said: Bakugou/Midoriya by AutisticWriter( T | 3,100 | 2/2 )
A collection of one shots written for a prompt list. 
[Self-Harm | Ableism | Transphobia]
{Curator’s Note: This chapter depicts Bakugou assisting Midoriya through a meltdown, not an anger episode or panic attack.}
A Classical Storm by oceanswrath( T | 1,400 | 1/1 )
In that moment only the two of them existed, a force to be reckoned with greater than the storm raging outside. 
[Panic Attacks]
The Bonds that bind by EloFromMars( E | 2,818 | 1/1 )
Izuku is excited, tonight is their anniversary. He had planned everything. Or so he thought. 
[PTSD | Panic Attacks]
Only Us by yoichipines( T | 3,105 | 1/1 )
“What if it’s you, and what if it’s me and what if that’s all that we needed to be and the rest of the world falls away…what do you say?”
A Katsudeku fanfic very much inspired by ‘Only Us’ by Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Platt? Sign me tf up!
[Panic Attacks]
No Matter What by Empress Explosion Murder (LdyFcknNoir)( M | 4,393 | 1/1 )
BNHA Angst Week Day Seven: Roses/Time
“I-I’ve failed you… He escaped.” Katsuki rasped out.
Any remaining strength in Izuku’s body fled, and he melted to the ground on legs that were no longer able to hold him up. His body began to tremble violently, his teeth cracking together with the force of his shaking. Black edged around his vision as he couldn’t pull any oxygen into his lungs, air rent from his lungs completely with just five words.
SeriesPart 7 of BNHA Angst Week
[Past Rape/Non-con | Panic Attacks]
Yeah I’ve Got Issues by Abitginger( T | 2,782 | 1/1 )
One-shot written for BakuDeku month of wonder, day 2:festival/apology. A little late but such is life ~
Izuku and Katsuki go on an undercover mission at a festival.
[Panic Attacks]
to be made of flesh and steel by bluntforcedrama, gutsdumpster( T | 635 | 1/1 )
Bakugou learns his triggers, his tics. He’s kind of psychic actually since he tends to know when something is about to happen. Or maybe it’s Izuku’s fault for making it so glaringly obvious: he gets nervous, hands twitching more than usual as his eyes follow any sudden movement around him. Sometimes his breathing becomes labored and he swallows down more inhales than exhales and Bakugou will have to thread his fingers with Izuku’s, as if to say calm down, I’m here.
Or: Izuku is an ex-soldier struggling with the mental and physical repercussions of such heavy combat, and although Bakugou doesn’t know exactly what it’s like, he’ll still do everything he can to help.
[Panic Attacks | PTSD | Implied/Referenced Homophobia]
I know you wanna (slip under my armor) by Herbalmint( T | 3,528 | 1/1 )
Life just keeps developing new ways of beating Bakugo down. (Katsuki has a panic attack)
[Panic Attacks | Dissociation] 
In Your Arms by EmbretheWorld( T | 3,771 | 2/2 )
Bakugo’s freaking out, and no one really knows what to do, but Yagi and Aizawa are really grateful that Midoriya is there. And Aizawa is really good at comforting people too.
SeriesPart 3 of You Melt My Heart
[Panic Attacks]
Chapter 2 & Chapter 7 of Standing Together (Pride Month) by EmbretheWorld( M | 17,972 | 29/29 )
This book will be filled with multiple ships that I will write and post on a daily for Pride Month. Each chapter will be based on a prompt. Hope you enjoy!
I ended this book early because I couldn’t find any motivation to write in it anymore.
SeriesPart 6 of You Melt My Heart
[Panic Attacks]
Anxiety by MistyBlueJay( T | 3,530 | 1/1 )
Izuku and Katsuki go to the mall, the Bakusquad joins them in a mini shopping trip. It’s a crowded day and Izuku falls behind, panic ensues.
[Panic Attacks]
In Weakness there is Strength by DarcyIncarnate( Not Rated | 3,011 | 1/1 )
Five times Izuku breaks and Katsuki picks up the peices, and one time Katsuki isn’t there to help. 
[Panic Attacks]
623 notes · View notes
some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to with TDDK?
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Hope you wanted a little bit of angst today because that’s what I got on the schedule for ya~!
Shoto had been waiting for this day for weeks. He’d been marking his calendar and waiting with bated breath to get an answer. And, finally, he’d gotten the letter that would seal his freedom. He’d received a call from Touya a few days before the letter arrived, during his lunch period, confirming that there’d be a room for him in the city if he got accepted. The two of them had never been particularly close due to the gap in their ages but he’d been hopeful that being kin would be enough. And then, shortly after, he’d gotten his acceptance letter from Julliard. Soon enough, he’d be miles away from Japan, from his father, from all the things weighing him down. He’d be free to do and play his violin however he wanted. He’d have a taste of freedom like he’d never known and all that separated him from it was the final performance in two weeks.
But he was unsure now, as he sat in his seat alone in the rehearsal room, awaiting the arrival of the rest of the orchestra students. Things had changed after a conversation at lunch, just before the bell, and now he wasn’t sure what he wanted for himself anymore.
“U-Um, good afternoon, To-Todoroki-Kun!” Midoriya chirped  nervously as he walked into the music room. Ah, of course, the very person who had thrown a wrench into his plans.
Midoriya Izuku was an anomaly among the students at Yuuei Academy. He was the second chair first violin, poised at the same stand as Shoto himself, and had been since their first year. Unlike so many of their peers, though, Izuku had been adamant about getting to know their frigid concertmaster. It had not been an easy task, as Shoto himself had been outright cruel in the beginning, but Midoriya had persisted. When Shoto had finally broken, frustrated and confused, and demanded an answer, Midoriya had offered a small, sad smile and said, “Because… You’re like me. You always seem so lonely, like you want someone to reach out but you don’t know how to take hold of that hand.”
And that… It was the truth and it made the first crack in the walls he'd built around himself. From there he befriended other members of the orchestra. He had a moderate group of friends now but Midoriya still remained the most important of them. Things with him just came naturally. Midoriya being awkward like him meant that he was great at reading the subtle cues of Shoto’s feelings and typically knew how to help him get more comfortable or leave when he needed to.
And then, just as they’d parted for the rest of their classes before their orchestra meeting at the end of the day, Midoriya had confessed to being in love with Shoto.
He glanced up when he realized that Midoriya was speaking to him, but he hadn’t caught what he’d said. An inquiry about his feelings towards Midoriya's confession, no doubt. “I appreciate your feelings,” he said, deciding to just bandaid it and hope that Midoriya would have a solution like always, “but I’ll be leaving to attend Julliard shortly after we graduate.”
Midoriya stared at him with wide, heartbroken and betrayed eyes. He opened his mouth a few times, clearly struggling to find a proper answer. “I was asking if Yamada-Sensei mentioned what piece we’d be starting with today, but I appreciate your honesty,” he said quietly.
“O-Oh,” Shoto stumbled out, feeling heat creep up along the tips of his ears. He should have been paying more attention to what the other said, like he usually did. “I think he said last time he wanted to work on Appalachian Spring first today.”
The other nodded as he pulled out his binder of sheet music and settled it on the stand in front of them. He had always insisted that they use Midoriya’s note-riddled pages instead of his own blank ones. He liked that Midoriya would mark what he needed to improve on, write little encouragements between the measures of tricky parts, and had even offered to note anything he picked up on Shoto’s own playing, too. Because Midoriya was just incredibly thoughtful like that. He used a green pen for himself and a blue pen for Shoto.
Shoto stared at the violin stretched out across his lap as the doors to the room opened again and he heard a few more students start to come in. “Midoriya, I… I think we should talk about it,” he mumbled.
“Not now,” he said, voice choked and cracking. It was clear he was hurt and trying to keep it together. And it made Shoto hurt to know he caused it.
“But I-!”
“Just, please,” he wheezed out quietly, keeping his voice low so they weren’t overheard. Which seemed a little silly, given there wasn’t even half the rest of the orchestra present yet. Even still, he didn’t tear his gaze away from his shaking hands as he flipped to the first page of sheet music on their stand. “Be my best friend right now. Not the guy I just confessed my love to.”
An uncomfortable sensation squirmed to life in Shoto's belly. A part of him wanted to argue that the two stances could be mutually exclusive - that he could be Todoroki-Kun the friend as well as Todoroki-Kun the love interest - without any bias but he didn't want to upset Midoriya further. So, instead, he relented with a soft, "Okay."
Midoriya took a small inhale before speaking at his usual volume. “So you applied to Julliard and got in. That’s great!”
“Yeah,” he trailed, picking up on the slightest bit of discomfort in Midoriya’s voice. It was the first time that it felt and sounded like the other was forcing himself to have a conversation. It… It hurt.
He wanted to say something, needed to say something, but he struggled with what would be best. Between Midoriya's insistence to drop it and his own tendency to put his foot in his mouth, it felt like a catch 22. “Do you already have a place to stay lined up? I mean, New York is a huge city so there’s probably a bunch of options close by,”
“Touya lives there. He and a bunch of his friends have a house they share. He told me they’ll have a room ready for me,” he said, then shook his head. He couldn't do this. It just felt wrong! A conversation with Midoriya should never be this stilted, this forced! “I… Midoriya, I-!”
“That’s good! Living with him will give you the chance to connect with him like you’ve been doing with Natsuo-Kun and Fuyumi-San, right? I think that’ll be great for you,” he said, voice growing softer at the end. He hoisted his violin case into his lap and started undoing the clasps. "I wish you had told me what you were planning to do."
"Would you still have confessed? If you knew I was leaving?" Shoto asked, and silently damned himself. He didn't want that answer. He knew what it already was and he didn't want it said out loud, didn't want it to cut him like it would. 
Midoriya stared at him for a moment, expression openly hurt and eyes misting up. "Yes,"
"What? Why?" he asked.
"I didn't tell you with the thought that you felt the same way; I told you so I could get over you easier," he sighed before turning his attention back to getting out his violin. Once he had it by the neck and his bow in one hand, he clasped his case back up and set it down beside his seat. "I always thought you'd end up at some prestigious music academy. I'll admit I didn't think you'd go for one out of the country so soon, but I'm not stupid. You're an incredible musician. Not just in a natural skill, but you care so much about it! You put your everything into every song, every measure, every note! The idea that you won't go far is silly. I'm just the kid who needed some extracurriculars to help get scholarships. There was no way that there could have been anything more than just a great friendship between us."
Shoto stared at him for a moment in shock, eyes skirting from Midoriya as he started to tune his instrument to the rest of the room. Over half the other students were here and he could see Uraraka, Iida and Momo watching with excited looks as they got their instruments from the back rack. He looked back down at the other boy, reaching out to grab his wrist as he lifted his bow for another note. "You say you didn't expect me to feel the same… but you're lying. Why else would you be so upset?"
A patient, slow blink that shifted into a guarded look. No, no, this wasn't happening! He couldn't be driving Midoriya away, could he? "I'm not upset you rejected me romantically; I'm upset you didn't trust me enough as your friend to mention you were leaving the damn country," he hissed, wrenching his wrist out of his grasp and scraping against his strings funny. A wince-worthy squeal came from the strings, causing every head to turn to them.
"Hey, Shitty Deku! Keep it the fuck down!" Bakugo shouted from his perch in the back with his bass.
“Sorry, Kacchan!” he called back up but there was no sincerity in his tone. For a second the blonde looked like he was ready to come charging down for him before being distracted by his stand mate, Kirishima, coming to join him. Midoriya shook his head before adjusting in his seat, taking a proper playing position on the edge of his seat. “I was your friend before my feelings for you became romantic and I always want that to come first. I just… I thought you trusted me enough to tell me something important like that.”
“Midoriya,” he mumbled, but he couldn’t think of anything else to say. Because, really, what was he supposed to say? He didn’t really have an excuse for not talking to him about it. He knew that he could trust the other with anything under the sun. None of the other precious secrets he’d shared with the other, like the origins of his scar or his rough childhood, had ever made it out to the other students. And the idea that Midoriya wouldn’t have been supportive was also asinine.
Perhaps it was fear? He wasn’t sure.
“Look,” Midoriya said, snapping Shoto back into the present. He had lowered his instrument slightly and tilted his head to look at him. “I’m upset and a little hurt, I won’t lie. But I don’t hate you or anything. We’re still best friends. Things will probably be weird for a couple of days, but I’ll get over it and then we’ll be back to normal, okay?” And, without waiting for an answer, he returned to his proper posture and started up at one of the bars with a little green tick by it.
As Yamada-Sensei headed down and started to call the cluster of students together, Shoto felt an odd hollow feeling branch out like a rooting tree from his chest to his limbs. Of course Midoriya would forgive him. The other boy was just too inherently kind to not give forgiveness a chance.
He’d forgiven Bakugo for all he’d done to him, even though he’d never come asking for it.
He’d forgiven the other bullies from his childhood, whose cruelty had crippled him for years.
He’d forgiven his father, who had left he and his mother before he was five.
And now Todoroki Shoto would be added to that list, too, of people that had hurt Midoriya.
He was going to be sick.
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technoplaguearchive · 5 years
Cruel To Be Kind (4/4)
If he had been asked, Bakugou didn't think he would have ever been able to predict the awkward fucking day he was about to have. But one ruined pastry later and his life goes in a very different direction, one he finds that isn't wholly unpleasant.
Pairing: MidoriyaxBakugou / BakuDeku Rating: Teen & Up Category: M/M Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Originally Published: April 16, 2019 on AO3 Chapter: 4 of 4
Had he really just said no? To the man he’d been in love with for years? No?!
Oh fuck Mina’s right, I’m a psychopath, he thinks derisively.
When he sneaks a peek at Midoriya’s face out of his peripheral, the nerd looks stricken and pale. Any other day that might have been funny but in this context it’s just awful. The green haired man’s eyes have gone wide and he’s staring at Bakugou in open surprise. Bakugou is honestly surprised that he hasn’t seen any kind of pain set in yet, right now it’s just shock.
He watches his mouth open and close several times before Midoriya finally settles on closed and then turns away. His profile is that of a defeated man and Bakugou hates himself for it. He’s the cause of this hero, his hero, looking like the world is ending and there’s nothing that can be done to save it.
“Fuucckkkk.” He drags his hands over his face after setting his food down and falls back into the comfort of the couch. He’s half-tempted to blow something up to run off some frustration but this is not the time- and everything that could be blown up has been before or it got moved specifically so he wouldn’t while he was gaming or something. Kirishima has actually been the one to suggest moving everything away from the couch after a really intense gaming session where he’d singed several pillows and blown up two good tea mugs. He’d actually been a little upset about the mugs but Kirishima had come through and replaced them.... well, he’d replaced one and after he relayed the “hilarious” story to everyone, Midoriya had actually found a replica of the other and given it to Kirishima to give to Bakugou. The stupid nerd had known it was Bakugou’s favorite mug and had taken it upon himself to fucking replace it when it was Bakugou’s own stupidity that had broken it.
A puff of sound beside him reminds him that Midoriya is beside him. He turns his head to finally get a good look at the man and wishes he hadn’t; Midoriya is smiling that weak ass smile he used to get back in high school when shit was bad and he hadn’t mastered the “it’s all right” grin yet. Bakugou feels his insides twist and he pitches forward to shove his head between his knees, instead knocking his forehead on the table and reeling backwards from the pain with a scream.
Midoriya is quick to action, leaping the space between them and landing astride Bakugou to inspect his forehead. Bakugou, romantically inept cur that he is, panics and shoves Midoriya backwards off of him. What happens next is Midoriya sitting squarely on the cream cheese pastry and spilling Bakugou’s coffee everywhere. In response to this, Bakugou can only stare with fingers pressed to his forehead and a shocked expression.
He was so fucking stupid.
Midoriya’s lower lip trembles and he makes no effort to move from his pastry-laden spot, instead those big green eyes starting to water and those perfectly freckles cheeks mottling with embarrassment. Bakugou can only stare at watch the whole fiasco unfold. What could he possibly do to salvage this? Midoriya only wanted to talk and Bakugou has instead catapulted him onto the table like some kind of freak.
The men spend several minutes staring at each other, cheeks red, before they look away and anywhere but at each other. Finally, tentatively, the blonde reaches a hang out shakily and casts a glance to Midoriya sideways. The pain on the nerd’s face is too much to look at directly and the pain in his chest at being the cause is almost too much to bear.
“ ‘m sorry I shoved you. Panicked,” he rubs the back of his neck with his free hand then looks directly at Midoriya’s heartbroken face, “Just hungover still, is all. Sudden touch is too much right now.” The realization settling over Deku’s face is like the dawn breaking and Bakugou feels himself smirk ever so slightly.
Midoriya takes the offered hand and pulls himself up, letting go almost immediately to try and assess the damage sitting on a once delicious pastry has done to his shorts. His face breaks again into disappointment and he groans. Bakugou laughs only slightly, clamming up when Midoriya shoots him a glare and raising his hands in a small surrender. “I just bought these shorts,” the green haired man laments in a voice just short of crying.
In one fluid motion Bakugou stands and gestures for Midoriya to follow him as he strides back towards his room. He only assumes he’s being followed if the startled “yes’sir” is anything to go by. He may not have any shorts that’ll fit, fucking nerd was built like a house, but a good pair of sweats or gym shorts should work.
Now that he’s showered he feels a little less like crap and can finally take stock of the situation his bedroom is in; several pairs of clothes are strewn everywhere. He can only assume in an attempt the get pajamas last night he’d thrown everything around... however that doesn’t explain the underwear on his pillow. He hadn’t noticed them this morning and he’d slept next to them. Gross.
Midoriya seems to find it all amusing though and is giggling as Bakugou scoops all the clothes up and deposits them in a hamper in the corner. “Shut up, nerd,” he growls menacingly. Midoriya only laughs more.
With an exaggerated eye roll Bakugou grabs a pair of gym shorts from a drawer and all but throws them into the other man’s chest. “Fucking change, you’re not sitting on my couch with your cream cheese ass.” At the look of barely constrained amusement from Midoriya, Bakugou let’s little explosions pop in his hands. “Change your fucking clothes or I’ll change them for you, nerd.”
This seems to work in getting Midoriya to take him seriously and he watches him scramble towards the bathroom to change shorts. Idiot.
When it seems to be taking a longer time than anticipated, Bakugou raps his knuckles on the door and calls out, “You need me to come in there, Deku? It’s just a pair of shorts, I can’t imagine you’re having issues with such a simple thing.”
The sound of things clattering to the floor is his answer and he doesn’t wait before slamming the door open to be greater with an unexpected sight; Midoriya is sitting on the counter in his underwear with various bathroom products scattered about him. His own shorts are on the floor and the loaned gym shorts are clutched in his hands.
Bakugou can’t be held responsible for his next actions, any reasonable person would have done the same. Or so he tells himself afterwards.
The next few minutes seem to pass in a blur of consciousness for the blonde. He vaults over the cargo shorts on the floor to scoop Midoriya into his arms, despite the man’s protestations, and carries him out of the bathroom. Midoriya is flailing and stuttering the entire time, right up until Bakugou dumps him on the bed on his ass and starts wrestling the shorts from his grip. In his panic at being caught Midoriya’s fingers have tightened on the shorts and he flat out refuses to loosen his grip. The litany of “Kacchan what are you doing” and “Kacchan, what the hell” is incessant and only stops when Midoriya finally relinquishes the shorts because Bakugou is all but crawling on top of him. Bakugou lets out a triumphant “Ha! Damn right, nerd” and waves the shorts in the air before he jumps off and turns to face the red-faced man sitting on his bed. In the back of his mind all he can focus on is Midoriya shyly sitting on his bed, scarred fingers clutching the wrinkled blanket and cheeks a crimson they rivaled Kirishima’s hair. How has Bakugou never noticed how well shaped Midoriya’s legs are? They’re all muscle and it’s a surprise he’s not salivating. He’s always been a sucker for a nice pair of legs and fuck does Izuku have a gorgeous pair. He can just imagine grabbing a hold of them and feeling those muscles under his fingers...even his teeth and lips.
But there was a bigger problem to address and he needed to get ahold of himself; no shorts.
So Bakugou drops to his knees and before Midoriya can process what’s happening Bakugou is sliding the shorts over his legs and pushing him backwards into the bed to finish pulling them up. When he seems to finally register what’s going on Midoriya panics and flails our, clocking Bakugou right in the side of the head with a, thankfully unpowered, fist.
This is what finally knocks Bakugou to his senses. Well, that and the sudden blossoming need to puke. He falls backwards onto his ass, straight on the floor, and stares as Midoriya sits up in all his flushed glory.
Bakugou stays stock still with wide eyes. He’s barely even registered he was punched, his brain is now deciding to play back with frustrating high definition what he had just done.
Midoriya is suddenly kneeling in front of him, shorts in place. (When had he done that?) One Of those scarred hands reaches out slowly, presumably to cup his face if the hand gesture is any indication. “Kacchan? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you! Let me check and see if you’re okay.” His fingers barely make contact when Bakugou ruins everything again.
“Oh fuck.”
There’s the vomit. Finally. He all but shoves Midoriya into the bed and scrabbles like a deranged crab towards the bathroom. He slips briefly on the discarded shorts and curses their existence before making it to the toilet to dry heave the barely existent contents of his stomach into the bowl.
Red blossoms behind his closed eyelids like droplets of blood. He hopes faintly it’s not blood, even though blood would make no sense.
How the fuck do people enjoy drinking if this is what it’s like? Holy shit this is truly awful! Does Mina have to do this every time she drinks? That’s gotta he really unattractive to any guy she brings home. And what about Kirishima? Ugh. No way shark-teeth would ever get a kiss if this was what happened when he went out! Gross! Who honestly thought drinking was fun if this happened! Maybe Pinky was right this morning and there was a problem. This kind of drinking had to stop, can’t always drink away your stress-
“You’ve thought about kissing Kirishima?”
Of course! Who hasn’t thought about kissing Kirishima? What with those weird teeth and those big dumb adorable eyes and he pouts really cute.
“I mean, I guess Kirishima is kind of cute. You guys would be really cute together.”
Gross, no. Kirishima isn’t his type.
“You just said he was cute.”
“I definitely did not.”
A gentle hand lands on his shoulder and jolts him back into his body. He turns to find a pair of soft, worried green eyes staring at him. The smile on his lips doesn’t quite meet his eyes and Bakugou is confused. “You definitely did, Kacchan. You were mumbling between trying to...puke.” He lets out a sad little laugh.
Bakugou screws his eyes shut and melts backwards into the warm body behind him. “I did no such thing, nerd. You can’t prove shit.”
This gets a genuine giggle from Midoriya and it goes a little towards easing him. “I’m really sorry for punching you, Kacchan. I think I may have hit you too hard and you’re in love with Kirishima now.”
Bakugou mimes vomiting and is promptly dropped onto his back so his recliner can avoid being puked on. “Not in love with Kirishima,” he mumbles from his spot on the floor, eyes still shut against the bright lights in his bathroom, “never Kirishima. Don’t like red heads. His legs are too bulky anyways.”
“I think you’re still drunk.”
Bakugou slaps away the hands trying to lift him by his armpits. “Hungover as fuck. Who let me drink this much last night?” The question is mostly rhetoric... mostly. He does kind of want to know why Kirishima didn’t knock his ass out.
The hands are more insistent this time and he’s hauled to his feet rather reluctantly and only after complaining that the floor was colder. With help he half walks to the bed and flops down onto his back, reminiscent of awful his awakening this morning. Midoriya plunks down on the other side of the bed and keeps quiet. Bakugou cracks his eyes open to see what the nerd is on about and sees him just staring with a small smile. “What, asshole?”
“You’re kind of funny when you’re hungover.” He shrugs and then toys with the hem of his shirt. “You’re a dick when you drink but you’re funny when you’re hungover. I wish you wouldn’t drink so much though,” he whispers the last words as he looks up to meet Bakugou’s red gaze.
Unable to stand the guilt Bakugou looks away. “Tch. Not drinking this much ever again.” He swivels his head back, slowly, to peg Midoriya with a hard stare. “And I’m not a dick when I drink.”
“You actually kind of are?”
“Why would you think that?”
Midoriya lets out a huff of breath and shuts his eyes tightly, like he’s bracing for some huge impact or to get screamed at. Which, depending on what he said, the latter might happen, hangover be damned.
“You yelled at me a lot last night. And you tried to fight me.” He opens his eyes to see Bakugou’s placidly watching him, waiting. When the blonde nods for him to continue Midoriya answers with his own small nod. “We haven’t fought since we were kids, Kacchan. You were really mean last night. I only wanted to help.”
“Spit it out, nerd. What did I do? PinkyPie said I fucked up.” Midoriya nods again and Bakugou growls. Of course he’d fucked up. “Something about love confessions.”
Midoriya’s wince is all the confirmation he needs. “You got really mad at me. I wanted to apologize. I know you don’t feel that way about me and I shouldn’t have brought it up, especially when you were drinking and not in the best state of mind. It was clear all night you didn’t want to be around me but I pushed, and I’m sorry. I kept following you like we were kids again.”
Both men laugh at this. “Not mad about the confession.” He looks back over to see Midoriya staring at his lap so he reaches out and slaps the back of his fingers against the nerd’s knee. “Hey, look at me.” Midoriya grants the request and looks up under his lashes. “Fuck do you even know how stupidly attractive you are when you do that? Fucking quit” he growls as he slaps his hand harder against his knee.
“Ow! That really hurts!”
“No it doesn’t, asshole.”
“You’re being so mean, Kacchan. You must be feeling better if you’re being this mean.” Despite his words there’s a small smile tugging at Midoriya’s lips and Bakugou sighs at the sight. The nerd really was cute. “You aren’t mad that I confessed?”
“Seriously that’s what you fucking took from that? God you’re dense as fuck.” He rolls over onto his stomach and scoops Midoriya down to him with an arm around the man’s waist. The squeak he gets from it is adorable, like a fucking excited puppy. Midoriya uncharacteristically stays in Bakugou’s grip, but stays tense under the arm. Taking this as a good sign Bakugou continues. “I’m not mad about the confession, dipshit. I’m mad at the how. And I called you attractive and you completely skipped over it in favor of hearing I wasn’t mad about your shitty ass love confession.”
“It’s not nice to say someone’s love confession is shitty!”
Bakugou pushes him away and rolls to sit up with a half-hearted glare. “Well it was. That is honestly the worst way to confess! How do you expect someone to reciprocate if you think telling them you love them in a back alley is okay?”
“How would you do it, then? It wasn’t exactly planned! Not like it matters, you said no twice now and you’re being really scarily calm about it.” Midoriya doesn’t seem offended or scared anymore, but he’s not entirely at ease in Bakugou’s presence.
Bakugou shoots him a smirk, eyes twinkling with mischief despite their tiredness. “Nah, I ain’t gonna tell ya. You don’t deserve to know. You’re not smooth enough to pull it off anyways.”
The pillow that hits the back of his head is unexpected and he turns startled eyes to Midoriya who still had the pillow clutched in his hands and an enthusiastic smile on his perfectly kissable lips. “You’re a bully, Katsuki.”
Bakugou Rios the pillow from his hands and throws it back at his face with a laugh. “Damn straight, idiot. Now let’s go back to our coffee, my mouth tastes like shit.”
“Good thing I’m not allowed to kiss you, I’d hate to taste that.”
The unexpected words cause Bakugou to stutter-step as he’s climbing off the bed and he almost faceplants.
Midoriya tosses him a sly smirk on his way past into the main area. “Kirishima probably wouldn’t mind though.”
Bakugou watches the nerd walk, no- fucking sashay, back to the couch without moving. That cheeky little shithead...he’s actually kind of more in love with him for it. “Oh you’re so in for it, Izuku Midoriya. I’ll show you who wouldn’t mind it” he mutters to himself as he moves to rejoin him on the couch and resume the free, and probably cold by now, coffee.
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The next few months pass by too fast for Bakugou’s liking. He’s so occupied on trying to dial back his drinking that he doesn’t even notice the city getting colder. All in all, he’s done really well. He hates to lose, after all, and this is just another type of competition. He’s managed to get it down to drinking once a week, and he’s made a deal with himself that he won’t even do that if someone comes over. He’s trying to be better. The BakuSquad has started randomly showing up on his time off if it coincides with theirs, and it’s kept him alcohol-free for quite a few nights. It doesn’t always work but it helps.
Mina attributes the ‘easiness’ of his quitting from him not really being addicted, but Kirishima seems proud of him all the same. And Bakugou can’t stand making that idiot sad so he keeps trying. When he proudly proclaimed to Kirishima one night that despite having the day off and no one coming over he hadn’t drank, Kirishima had kissed him. And Bakugou hasn’t really minded, but they both knew it wasn’t right. So Bakugou had tactlessly said the teeth weren’t as bad as he imagined and dove in for one more kiss. The night ended with both men deciding they wouldn’t work out, and Kirishima trying to psyche Bakugou up to confess to Midoriya. Bakugou’s response had been to tell him he’d only do that when Kirishima stopped crushing on him. That was how he found out Kirishima had been thinking about asking out someone he worked out with, and he couldn’t have been happier for his friend. But of course he wouldn’t tell him that, so it was a shoulder bump and an “About fucking time, shitty hair.”
And so the months passed in more or less the same fashion. He kept busy at work and if he was stressed too much he called Ashido. He took her up on the offer of listening if it was needed. And more than once she stuck her pink fucking nose in his business and asked how it was going with Midoriya. Every time he shot her down and told her to shut the fuck up if she knew what was good for her. Turns out she did, in fact, know what was good for her after the tenth threat to her life.
Speaking of the nerd, he learned to ease up...some. He wouldn’t fully ease up until he confessed himself and got a yes. On the chance Midoriya turned him down, he didn’t want to admit to being a lovesick fool. It was easier to pretend nothing existed than to be a mopey imbecile. He could be normal angry Bakugou if it didn’t work out and no one would be any the wiser.
But it was time to finally admit he needed to do something about this. His time with Midoriya was getting harder to stand. There was only so many times he could shrug off a touch that lasted a bit too long or a stare that lingered. He had a suspicion Midoriya was catching on but Kirishima assured him that the nerd still firmly believed Bakugou was not interested and was just behaving weirdly because he wasn’t drinking as much.
When snow finally came to visit their city he couldn’t put it off anymore. The time to tell Midoriya was now or he risked losing him forever. He couldn’t stand seeing the man’s face in magazines with the words “hottest bachelor” stamped across the pages. Those dweebs didn’t even know Deku, not like Bakugou did. And he’d fucking show them. Deku wasn’t a bachelor, oh no. He just didn’t know he belonged to Bakugou...yet. But that was going to change. Tonight.
Midoriya usually got home around 8pm if his texts from the last week were anything to go by. It was 7 now, which gave him an hour to get flowers and candy and half an hour to obsessively rehearse his speech. Half past 8 seemed a good enough time to show up, it gave Midoriya enough time to settle in from work. Fuck he hoped the nerd wasn’t in the shower when he showed up. No, scratch that, he could be in the shower but only if he invited Bakugou to join him and-
He bangs his head on the metal pole beside him on the train. He was getting so off topic thinking about a naked and wet Deku. Mentally he shakes himself and chastises that he needs to get back on task, stay focused.
The flowers were easy, he could grab some of those funky colored carnations he saw online. People dyed them all kinds of crazy colors and he had a feeling Midoriya would like them. Orange and green, that’s what he wanted. He would mimic their hero suits and make the damn nerd swoon from his attention to detail. Deku was always into sappy shit like that.
The candy, well... that one might be harder. Deku loved chocolates but there was one brand that he had once threatened to dismember Bakugou over if he ate them all. It stuck in his head only because he couldn’t remember the little jackass ever threatening to rip his arms off before. Ochako has laughed like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard and when Bakugou aimed a rather large explosion her way Midoriya had chucked him across the street like he was a rag doll. Needless to say, he was never forgetting that fucking candy.
8pm on the dot his phone vibrates with a message from Deku.
DEKU: just got home. Have a good night! Let me know if you need to talk and I can come over or call
Bakugou huffs out a small laugh at how predictable his little nerd is. No, not his yet. But tonight he will be. This thought makes him smile as he finally strides into the complex Deku lives in. Okay, so half an hour to stand out here like a creep and practice what he wants to say. He could totally do this.
“Deku- no, shit. Can’t call him that for this. Gotta do this right!” He slaps his cheeks with a growl and mentally starts over. Just then his phone buzzes again and he sees messages roll in from the group chat.
RIOT: good luck tonight! Zappy-Boy: you got this, man! SeroIsBadAtNames: go get em! AlienQueen: don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, sweetie <3
Of course Ashido would be weird. He types out a response with a smile.
Blasty: you do everything, and everyone AlienQueen: how rude AlienQueen: but seriously, good luck Katsuki Blasty: thanks, idiots Blasty: if I don’t respond...idk. It could have gone either way RIOT: he loves you, shut up. You got this!
Of course Kirishima was super excited about this. That man had become his number one supporter since they’re little rendezvous.
He silenced the device and slides it into his pocket. No more distractions. He starts psyching himself up again.
“Izuku. I know we haven’t always gotten along-“
“You’re right, we haven’t.”
A shock jolts up Bakugou’s spine at the voice. That voice. Slowly he turns his head and gets an eyeful of Deku bashfully standing at the base of the stairs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Deku, you damn nerd! I’ll kill you!” Honestly who could blame him? The nerd had snuck up on him! “Who do you think you are, sneaking up on me?”
Deku giggles and Bakugou feels his heart soar at the sound. He would kill to hear that for the rest of his life. “I didn’t think it was sneaking, Kacchan. You’re standing in my parking lot like a creep.” At Bakugou’s scowl he offers a huge grin. Then, noticing Bakugou trying to hide things on the ground, he tries peeking around. “Whatcha hiding?”
“N-nothing! Back off,” he shouts. He can feel the sparks in his hands and quickly closes them to smother any explosions.
His stutter and evasiveness only seems to pique Midoriya’s interest and he skips, actually skips, the distance between them to stand almost nose to nose with his visitor. “You’re hiding something, Kat-su-ki.” He pops each syllable of his name and smirks at seeing the blush rise on Bakugou’s neck.
Bakugou pushes at Midoriya’s chest to no avail and the green haired man just laughs. “I’m glad you came to see me. Why don’t you come on up and ai’ll order us a pizza.” Without waiting for an answer Midoriya spins on a heel and starts off back towards his apartment. When he reaches the stairs and Bakugou still hasn’t joined him he calls back, “I’ll go up first and leave you to gather whatever you’re hiding. I’m assuming it’s for me if you were hiding it from me,” he grins, “That’s cute.”
Oh there was no way the nerd didn’t know Bakugou was in love with him.
Quickly he scoops up the gifts and darts off after Midoriya. The apartment’s front room is as he remembers it; sparse living room decorated in blues and yellows and reds. Still obsessed with All Might. He laughs a little and looks over to see Midoriya putzing around the kitchen, presumably looking for a pizza menu. “Usual for me, you know what I like” he calls out. Midoriya nods without looking back and dances a little when he finally finds the menu. Adorable idiot.
Figuring this is his best chance Bakugou deposits the gifts on the small table. Midoriya would see them, sure, but maybe he could knock this out before food was delivered. He didn’t have a speech yet but he could do this, he’d wing it. He can hear the call ending in the kitchen so he prepares himself, standing beside the table so everything was in view.
Midoriya’s face as he turns the corner and sees the display sours Bakugou’s mood instantly, however. Instead of awed, the nerd looks confused and keeps glancing between the gifts and Bakugou like he’s not sure who anyone is or what flowers are. Maybe he should have been holding the flowers? Shit. Quickly he picks them up and crosses the room to stand before the other man. Midoriya looks slightly taken aback and backs up, Bakugou trailing him until he’s flush against a wall with the blonde looming over him. “Kacchan? What’s going on?”
Bakugou groans and rolls his eyes and shoves the flowers against his chest. “I had this all planned out, shitty Deku. Of course you’d ruin it.” He waist until Deku accepts the colorful carnations then stuffs his hands in his pockets. “They’re for you. The chocolates too. They’re the ones you like so much.”
Midoriya peers around Bakugou with wide eyes. When he alights in the chocolates he darts past the blonde to get to the table. Immediately he drops to his knees and touches the box reverently, acting like he’s not sure it’s real. A little hurt at being abandoned over candy, Bakugou turns to give him an earful but one look at those tear filled eyes has him swallowing his words. Midoriya looks so happy.
“Kacchan. You got all this for me” he chokes it, words caught between sobs.
Bakugou nods and sits beside the other man on the floor. He needed to do this now before they got derailed or Midoriya got the wrong idea.
“Why would you get me these things? I mean, it’s really nice of you but you’ve never done this befo-“ Bakugou places his palm over Midoriya’s babbling mouth, effectively cutting him off, smiling at the wide eyes and the red growing on the other man’s face.
“Let me say what I need to say, and then I’ll let you babble away for the rest of the night. Nod if you understand.” Midoriya nods eagerly behind Bakugou’s hand and he grins. “Good boy.” Midoriya blushes even more at the praise, so Bakugou files the knowledge away for later.
He clears his throat and grabs one of Midoriya’s scarred hands in his own. The shock from the other man almost has them pulling apart but Bakugou holds on tighter. “Izuku, I know we haven’t always gotten along. We grew up together and I made your life a living hell. I thrived on it, even. But I watched you grow with jealousy. I think that was why I was so hard on you. Even quirkless you were a better hero than I could be. And then you got a quirk and suddenly I couldn’t keep up. But when we graduated, I watched you rise through the ranks with fondness. Before that, even, I think the jealousy faded away to an acceptance. I was even proud. You were going to be so much better than me, and I had a new goal to strive towards. But I-,” he swallows past the lump of coal burning in his throat, “I didn’t know how to tell you I didn’t hate you anymore. You kept being nice and I didn’t deserve it. I think I was punishing myself on your behalf. I thought I didn’t have a right to your kindness. So I kept pushing away. But the further I got the more I hurt. It hurt to be in your orbit, too, but for a different reason.” He threads the fingers of their joined hands together and squeezes lightly. Midoriya looks like he wants to cry and Bakugou’s not far behind. “It took awhile to realize, but it hurt to be in your orbit because I love you and I didn’t think I deserved that. I was awful to you, I didn’t deserve to love someone as pure as you. But, that didn’t stop the feelings from being there. And, well, I finally realized I can’t keep putting it off. The options were speak up or step aside, and I don’t like backing down. I think you know that better than anyone.” Midoriya is actually crying now and Bakugou reaches out with his untethered hand to wipe a few tears away. “So, Izuku Midoriya, I love you. I’ve loved you for years. And I felt you had the right to know.”
Silence stretches between them, punctuated only by their heavy breathing. It gets tense before Midoriya breaks it, mercifully. “You told me no, Kacchan.”
He doesn’t want to admit that this breaks his heart. He knows how Midoriya felt now at hearing those words. It’s a soul crushing feeling. He starts disentangling their fingers so he can make a quick escape. “Yeah, I guess I did. I wasn’t happy with you confessing first and in a shitty back alley and in that situation, so I said no. Like the fucking psychopath I am.” He climbs to his feet and double checks he’s still got his phone and everything else on him; check, all there. “I understand that I did irreparable damage. But, I thought you should know. And this was kind of how I planned on confessing for awhile now. You asked how I would have done it? This. This is how I would have done it.” He laughs suddenly, tears now spilling down his cheeks. This is an unfamiliar feeling and he hates it. The only other time he’d felt like this was watching All Might retire. “Just maybe without the rejection. But don’t worry about it, s’all good. We go back to normal now. You can keep the flowers and chocolates, I’m not that much of a dick.”
He takes a few steps backwards, trying to etch this last look of Deku in his brain, and then turns to leave. He gets another two steps before a green blur tackles him to the side and they go skidding across the floor and into a wall. Logically he knows it’s Deku but his training kicks in and he pops an explosion against the wall to stop himself from hitting it hard.
The nerd’s face is buried against his chest and he’s heaving great sobs and soaking Bakugou’s shirt through. “Oi, nerd. What the fuck?” He grabs a fistful of Midoriya’s hair and yanks, pulling the blubbering man’s face up to see what was going on.
Midoriya looks a right mess but he’s smiling as big as All Might and Bakugou is so confused. Hadn’t he just rejected him? Why was he smiling.
“Deku what the fuck?”
Midoriya laughs suddenly through the tears and unwraps his arms to wipe the tears from Bakugou’s face. “You’re so dumb, Kacchan. You never listen to me.”
“Hey, shitty nerd. I just poured my heart out and now you’re being rude?”
“No!” Midoriya sits up suddenly astride Bakugou’s hips. “Listen to me, Kacchan. Just listen.” He plants his hands firmly on Bakugou’s chest like he plans on keeping him in place forcefully if necessary. “You told me no. But then we talked, and you said I was attractive. And you said you weren’t mad. So I thought, maybe there was hope? And I’ve been trying to give you space! But Kirishima said you had big plans!”
“Hair for brains is getting his ass kicked for this.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Katsuki! You have no manners! But I was giving you space to get used to me loving you, and to see what you’d do. But you had told me no, and that crushed me. But I didn’t stop loving you, you big idiot.”
“Watch your mouth. You’re hanging out with me too much if you’re getting this mouthy.”
A devilish smirk crosses Midoriya’s face and it’s so at odds with his tear stained face that Bakugou has to laugh, but it ends when Midoriya brings his face level with the blonde’s underneath him. “You can watch it for me. I’ve seen you doing it, Kacchan. You think you’re subtle but you’re not.”
He plants a palm in Midoriya’s face and pushes, shoving distance between them. “Says the man I caught checking my hungover ass out. You’re one to talk, Izuku.”
“Say it again.”
Bakugou shoots him a glare. “Getting a little demanding. Wanna say please? And elaborate?”
“Say it again. My name.”
Bakugou is admittedly taken aback but does as asked. “Izuku.”
Midoriya’s smile is blissful. “Again” he pleads.
Bakugou smirks and closes the distance between them, sliding his knees between Midoriya’s. “Izuku,” he whispers, bringing their faces closer. “Is this what you wanted, Izuku? You wanted me to beg for your love?”
Midoriya shakes his head but his face tells a different story; he looks completely enraptured. “I never want to make you beg. Unless that’s what you like, then I guess we can-“
Mood gone.
Bakugou covers his mouth again and narrows his eyes. “Stop talking. You ruin things. And who said there’s a we?”
Peeling his hand away he wipes it on his jeans with an overly disgusted face. “What the fuck did you just slobber all over my hand to say?”
“I said, I can beg too if that’s what you like.”
“Jesus Deku you can’t just say shit like that. How are you so nonchalant about that?”
“I mean, I can’t say I haven’t pictured it. I’ve had a lot of time to come up with fantasies and I guess since we’re confessing to things tonight and we feel the same there’s no point denying it.”
“Deku, I’m going to kiss you but I need you to shut the ever loving fuck up. Your lips are doing completely the wrong kind of movement and I physically can not take any more of your inane blabbering.”
“So mean, Kacchan!”
Bakugou grabs a fistful of Midoriya’s shirt and hauls him forward, clashing their lips together in the worst first kiss imaginable. Even kissing Kirishima wasn’t this awkward.
Midoriya looks blissed out though when they pull apart and Bakugou pushes him away again. “You need practice. You’re gross.”
Midoriya just nods and stumbles to his feet, pulling Bakugou up with him. “Yeah. Okay, we can practice. You’ll teach me. I’ll learn your moves again.”
“Your nerd.”
At this, Bakugou can’t help but smile. Yeah, certainly his nerd. For as long as the little idiot would have him. “Yeah Deku, my nerd.” A knock on the door interrupts them and Bakugou groans. Fucking pizza man. He spins Deku and plants a boot in his ass to push him towards the door. “If I open the door with a hard on I will have to blow up the delivery boy. Get the pizza so we can eat and I can ravish you.”
The look of delighted terror on Midoriya’s face is enough to feed Bakugou’s sadistic ego for years to come.
Hours later, as they lay on Midoriya’s floor after eating too much pizza and making out for far longer than decent, Bakugou reflects on what brought them here. What brought him to this happy place that he never thought he deserved.
His plan hadn’t worked like he’d wanted it to, but he had Midoriya now. It worked out. And he would work every day to keep that smile on his nerd’s face. And for him, he’d stop drinking altogether. He never wanted to forget Midoriya confessing his love ever again.
And if he had it his way, they’d be confessing their love every day until they were nothing but dust.
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quirklessbunny · 5 years
The First Snow
I really loved all the prompts for Day 1, but winter is my favourite season because I just love how soft and romantic it is, so I couldn’t resist that!
Day 1: Winter, Training, Scars
on AO3
Rating: T
A sleepy hand reaches out from between the sheets, silencing the alarm clock before it can wake anyone else. The walls in the dorm are paper thin, and he knows the people next door to him don't want to get up that early. He slowly peels out of bed and stretches, rubbing his eyes. Katsuki is going to be waiting for him if he doesn't get moving, and he's probably going to get annoyed, but his body feels like it's lagging today. He changes into his favourite running shorts, then grabs his All Might hoodie, tying it around his waist.
Training with Katsuki in the mornings has helped a lot, he's noticed. Whenever he feels like he can't do it, Katsuki pushes him harder, makes him pick himself back up. It makes it so much easier to do it on his own now. Before, he would fight and fight and hurt himself almost beyond repair, but Katsuki has helped him pace himself. He showed him how to keep himself safe enough to fight for a long time.
Izuku sighs and rubs his bad wrist. He makes sure he has everything he needs before heading downstairs. He's surprised to see Katsuki inside still, standing impatiently in the hall by the door, peering outside.
“What's up, Kacchan? Is something the matter?” he asks, walking up behind him. He sets his hand on Katsuki's back gently and tries to get on his toes to look out the window over his shoulder. He steps back when Katsuki turns around, though, not wanting to be right in his face.
“No, there's no fucking problem. I just didn't want to wait for your late ass out in the snow,” Katsuki responds, voice slightly gruff, but it's something that Izuku has come to associate with sleepiness more than anything else. He used to think it was Katsuki getting angry at him, but after a while, he's noticed that that's just how Katsuki talks this early in the morning.
It's adorable.
Izuku's mind catches up after a few more moments, and a bright smile spreads across his face. He practically pushes Katsuki out of the way to finally get to look out the window, nose pressed to the cold glass.
“It snowed,” he whisper yells, grinning. He jerks back and heads outside, eyes shining excitedly. Quickly he finds not only had it snowed, it's still falling. Izuku tips his head back, eyes sliding shut as he lets the fluffy flakes land on his face. The first few melt on impact, but the next few stay, decorating his skin. It's cold in the best way, and makes him feel like he knows peace for the first time in months.
Izuku lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, then tips his head forward to let it fall off his face and opens his eyes. His lashes are wet, and it's such an awfully familiar feeling. He looks over at Katsuki, then gives him a soft smile. He doesn't really want to exercise any more, he just wants to enjoy the peace and quiet of the first snow of the season, before his classmates come out and play around in it.
Not that he doesn't absolutely love playing with his classmates, especially since they're all so energetic. He just wants to have the soft, romantic part of the snow before then. Izuku steps forward, cupping Katsuki's cool cheeks. He leans up and presses a kiss to his lip, sighing softly.
“I love you Kacchan. We should just enjoy the snow this morning,” he whispers, watching their breath poof up in white clouds. Izuku feels so lucky right now. He feels so happy knowing that he is alive to get to experience this. After the hardships of the last year it seemed that every turn was leading to something that might kill them, and for the first time he feels truly safe.
Standing in the arms of the man he loves, surrounded by the peace and calm of the freshly fallen snow, he knows he is safe, knows that anything after this is something they can definitely handle.
“I love you too, nerd,” Katsuki whispers, snorting softly. “I knew you were going to say something like that. You always did like it when it snowed,” he muttered.
Izuku smiles at him. “Yeah, there is something so peaceful and nice about the fact that it blankets everything, at least for a short while. It's like it's a new beginning. A chance to start something with a fresh outlook. It doesn't take away the scars, but it gives you a chance to move despite them, gives you a little bit of distance from them. I know scars are important, but sometimes they're kind of painful.” He reaches down and slides their fingers together. “And you know, when I'm with you, it kind of feels like it's snowed. I feel like I get to have peace, even when I don't get any any other time. You're my peace, Kacchan.”
Katsuki looks at him, eyes wide in surprise, then softening. He nods a little. “You're my peace too, deku. Even if sometimes you really test my patience, I know I can be myself with you.” He brings his hand up and presses his lips to his fingers, not minding the scarred flesh under his lips. He looks up at him again and he wonders how he never fell in love with him before now. Izuku is stupid smart and sweet and perfect and <i> oh so beautiful </i> in every way, Katsuki feels like his breath is being stolen.
And in the quiet peace of the morning, they lay back in the snow, hand in hand, and only move enough to catch each other in sweet, soft kisses.
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Ahhh~! o gosh could we get #5 or #25 for Reader and Izuku? ;u;
#5:  “I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
#25: “We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
Hm... Why not... Both!? >:3c 
I did trim #25 a bit, but not a lot! 
Warnings for: Blood, violence, swearing and such! No much more than the show itself, though! Oh yeah, and angst. You asked for it, afterall!! 
It sort of... Left you in a daze. Which was weird; you never understood the concept until now.
One minute, you were happily shopping for a new outfit for a... “Date”, the next you were thrown into and through a corner store’s display window and collided with a magazine rack.
The magazine that landed by your head, the first thing you saw when you came to?
How ironic.
Screams, rumbles, dust flying, sirens, shouting... Your ears were deaf to them all; Well, unsurprisingly, because they hurt after such a powerful blast. You slowly reached out and laid your hand on the magazine, dusting the debris off the glossy cover with a dirty hand to reveal a blurry picture of a green-clad figure--Oh, so much for that, you just smeared something red on it...
Ah, it’s blood. Your blood. You’re bleeding. Quite badly, actually. Actually, you hurt, a lot.
You pushed yourself up with bleeding, burning hands, knowing full well there was glass shards and god-knows-what lodged in them; Along with your arms, tattered clothes, legs, you probably had a concussion...
Crunch, crunch, crunch. Footsteps on broken glass and crumbled buildings.
“Ha ha ha! You’re still so weak, Kacchan... Oh, I mean, “Ground Zero”. You should start back from there... It’d hurt less, you know? Because you’d know better than to try and beat me.”
You took in a shakey, stinging, deep breath, only to cough roughly, red splattering the ground. Your eyes stung as you tried to blink away dirt and dust, to look towards the shop window.
Obscenities yelled, the sound of explosions. Definitely the higher and higher ranking pro hero, Ground Zero.
You were in a daze.
You pushed yourself to your feet, vocal cords not even trying to utter the cries of pain your body wanted to release.
You stumbled out of the shop, past broken people you couldn’t look down to. Another blast: not powerful enough to knock you back down; you saw something whizz past you down the middle of the street; orange, black and green. There goes Ground Zero.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
“Ha ha ha! Come on, Kacchan! Give me something new to put in my hero analysis! What do I have to do--”
You slowly turned your head from staring mindlessly across the way to a figure standing in the middle of the street. Green suit, bulky and tall figure, mask on his face with two protrusions on top to mimic the hair of his old master. The world would almost prefer to have him back.
Rather than the monster that you shared a bed with.
“Izuku...” You whimpered under your breath, barely audible even to yourself. But he read your lips.
Then he was lumbering towards you. Stomping. You felt yourself swaying--Into his arms.
You were snatched up, bridal style, if only the moment was that romantic.
Yelling, “Let the girl go, you fucking bastard!”
“Come any closer and I’ll snap her neck.”
A hollow threat. Izuku would never do anything to hurt you.
... Purposefully.
Swearing. Yelling.
You were suddenly airborne, soaring through the air in large arms, the wind doing hardly anything to carry away the soil sullying your body.
You fell asleep. Or did you pass out? Was it from a possible concussion or blood loss? Shock? All four?
“Hey, hey, wake up... Please, please wake up...”
You were back in bed. You didn’t hurt nearly as much as you did when you last remembered... Wait... What was there to remember...?
Oh, yeah. He must have taken you home and cleaned you up.
You opened achy eyes to stare up into brilliant emeralds. Rimmed in a bit of red and puffy lids.
He was always a bit of a crybaby.
“Hey...” His large, scarred, calloused hand brushed against your cheek--The one that wasn’t bandaged. “You didn’t tell me you were going to Tokyo to shop...”
“You didn’t tell me you were going back to destroy it...” You whispered hoarsely, tempted to jerk away from the soft touch. No, instead, you leaned into it. That seemed to make his eyes water all over again. “You usually wait a while. Did you get bored?”
“I heard Kacchan was back in town. I guess I got angry.” He frowned, eyes flashing red, “You’d think he’d know to stay out by now.”
You let out a choked sob as tears fell from your eyes.
More lives shattered, more families torn apart, more destruction... Izuku’s reasoning was it made more heroes band together to get stronger. Then he’d cry about it later, into your shoulder, and you’d let him. You’d let him continue the cycle and turn a blind eye because the man swept you off your feet.
But it still made you guilty.
“Oh, oh baby, don’t cry... That’s my job...” His large arms cradled you gently, arms that could snap you in half, but you still loved to be held in them, “Hush, hush... I’m here... It’s okay...”
How could you continue this cycle so selfishly? Because if you left him, he could fly into a distraught tantrum and destroy all of Japan? No. It was because you loved the way he held you, cooed honeyed words, laid you softly and sweetly at night.
Like you could have...
You just let out louder sobs, weakly clawing at his shirt in an attempt to ground yourself, “We’re never going to have a happy ending, Izuku...” You whimpered into his shoulder, “Sometimes... I just think it’d be best if we never met...!”
Silence, silence from him as you wailed out your anguish into his clean white shirt, one you had washed for him just that morning.
“You say that a lot,” He muttered against your hair, calming-down hiccups nearly making you miss every few words, “... But you’re the one who stays.”
He’s right, you always stay. Because someone has to love him.
And that someone was you.
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