#i just watched perks of being a wallflower sorry i’m i’ll
marmosa · 2 years
i cab smell you from here
what do u smell is it spices and vanilla and honeysuckle i haven’t had a honeysuckle in so many years gi gi i want a honeysuckle 😩
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i miss you but you don’t even remember me
we never really spoke to each other. you don’t even know what i look like but i still miss you. i was the child that randomly walked into your life and then refused to leave because i needed you. i was young and i was in pain but you were there for me. i learnt everything about you but you didn’t ever want to know anything about me.
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on one day you told me you were just like an onion with ‘many layers to your personality’ and i thought that was the most fascinating analogy ever. and then i read about it in a book.
love, rosie // 2004
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another day you said you were watching ‘the breakfast club’. i asked you what that was and you said, ‘obviously, you wouldn’t know about it.’ i thought i’ll watch it some day. i still haven’t.
the breakfast club // 1985
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you told me your birthdate and i spent months trying to contact grant gustin through his manager just because you told me you loved watching ‘the flash’. i wanted to give you an incredible gift but ended up making an elaborate presentation. i still remember your birthday and i send you a message every year which i delete within a week because i’m embarrassed that i haven’t forgotten it when nothing of me remains in your memory. 
instagram 'happy birthday' text // 2022
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you told me you wrote poetry and played basketball and that reminded me of troy bolton from high school musical. you said you also knew ballroom dancing. i thought you were the coolest person i’d ever met.
high school musical 1 and 3 // 2006, 2008
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my favorite book is ‘the perks of being a wallflower’. i read this quote and started getting teary-eyed because it reminded me of you. you were to me what charlie’s anonymous friend was to him. i didn’t mean to trouble you but i guess i did.
the perks of being a wallflower // 1999
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we shared a common love for cats. your favorites were grey british shorthairs with blue eyes. i’d send pictures of them to you constantly.
pictures of cats // grey british shorthairs
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i am not surprised by how little i mean to you since i forced myself into your life. i’m sorry. i truly am sorry. and i’m sorry for constantly coming back into it. i’m sorry for saying i won’t do it again but still sending you long paragraphs pleading for forgiveness for being a nuisance.
sorry for writing all the songs about you // clara mae, 2018
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i know i left abruptly but that was because i was scared you’d leave first. i’ve been left before so i thought it would hurt less to be the one to do the leaving but i guess i was wrong. i still miss you. and i think about you whenever i'm sad because i met you when i was at my lowest.
summertime sadness // lana del rey, 2012
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- missing someone is painful. there’s always feelings of grief and sorrow that comes with reminiscing memories with them. but the most devastating feeling is when the person you miss doesn’t even remember you exist. when you’re nothing more than a faint memory of their past but to you, they were everything. you thought about them for the years that followed even though it hurt you every time they crossed your mind -
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irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
The perks of being a wallflower - Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Also on AO3! (Starts from first chapter)
TRIGGER WARNINGS (for this chapter) - mentions of suicidal thoughts and self-harm
Weird. Apparently, the kid left earlier today, according to Happy. Peter is in school.
Tony has been feeling a little guilty for telling Peter to go to bed the way he did. Although Peter wasn’t in any condition to be in the workshop, the teen looked pretty drained. Not just physically but emotionally as well.
Thus, Tony thought he could make some nice breakfast for Peter. But then he found the boy’s bedroom empty. Peter must have left in a rush since he left his room messy. It’s not like him to leave without saying anything to Tony.
Regardless, the man starts organizing Peter’s things, like the bed and the abandoned clothes everywhere. The entire time, Tony tries to figure out what’s going on.
That is, when a white envelope lying on Peter’s desk catches his attention. Especially the big “Mr. Stark” written on it.
Huh, so he left Tony a letter? Peter usually texts him or calls him when he needs Tony.
The man carefully opens it, finding a handwritten letter. It looks messy but still readable. And the paper seems to have… dried teardrops. Quite a few of them.
“Dear Tony,
Dear Mr. Stark,
I’m so sorry I was messing everything up in the lab. I didn’t mean to make you angry.
I’m not feeling very good lately, for some reason. I mean, everything is better now, right? I love coming over and building things with you. That’s my favorite part of the week. But I’ve been feeling so bad, worse than I’ve felt in a while. I wanted to cry so badly and I didn’t want you to see me like this, because it’s not your fault, Mr. Stark.
I’m so tired. I want to die again. Or cut myself again. But F.R.I.DA.Y would let you know and you would probably get angrier with me.
So I’m gonna leave in the morning, okay? Maybe I should be alone for a while. You don’t want to deal with me like this. Again, I’m really sorry I ruined our time together.
I guess I’ll see you around.
Love Sincerely,
Oh my god.
This is why Peter was feeling so off yesterday. Tony just assumed Peter was being irresponsible and not getting enough sleep. But the signs were so clear. And Tony didn’t even bother to check in on the kid.
He immediately takes his phone again to text Peter. He decides not to call in case Peter is in class right now.
Tony: Hey kid
Tony: You’re at school, right?
Well, the GPS says he’s in Midtown. Then again, Peter could abandon his phone somewhere or hack it like he did his Spider-Man suit before. In the meantime, Tony asks Happy if the driver noticed anything off about Peter. Happy only says that he noticed the kid was quieter than usual, but he just assumed Peter was tired.
Eventually, probably during Peter’s morning break, Tony gets a reply.
Peter: sup
Peter: yeah why?
Thank goodness.
Tony: I was just wondering if we could grab a bite after school’s over. Sounds fun, right?
The typing dots take a while to appear.
Peter: uh sure
Peter: is everything ok mr stark?
Tony: Of course, kiddo. I just miss you.
Peter: you literally saw me yesterday
Tony: Well, you left without even eating my masterchef breakfast.
Peter: you always burn the pancakes lol
Tony: Shush, that only happened once.
Peter may be joking around but Tony knows better than that.
Tony: Okay, I’ll pick you up then we can eat whatever you want. Sounds good?
Peter: ok mr stark
Tony: Alright. Sorry to bug you. See you later, kid.
Peter: see ya
Now Tony will only see Peter at 3 PM. He’ll just have to know what he’s going to do when they see each other again.
Tony is waiting inside the car, watching all the kids leaving school. Then he sees Peter talking to Ned. He’s smiling and laughing with his best friend. It all feels like any ordinary day… except Tony is keeping Peter’s letter with him.
Peter and Ned do that handshake of theirs, not without Ned staring at Tony’s car with amazement. He waves hello despite not being able to see Tony from outside due to the windows.
Regardless, Peter gets in the car with his usual casual smile. Though he seems a little suspicious of Tony’s sudden invitation.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter says regardless.
“Hey, kid. Did you have a good day?”
“I guess so.”
Tony is unable to really hide his concern, so Peter’s smile fades quickly.
“Okay, Mr. Stark, what’s all this about?” He doesn’t ask impatiently, he just doesn’t understand. He’s not even expecting Tony to apologize to him for being rude to Peter. Because he believes it’s his fault for not feeling well.
Tony sighs deeply, taking a moment before revealing the envelope, which was carefully closed again.
“... I read your letter.”
Peter’s eyes widen like never before. He snatches the envelope quickly.
“What?! No, you weren’t”– Peter looks like he wants to tear the letter into pieces –“You weren’t supposed to read it!”
“What do you mean? It was on your desk and it had my name,” Tony gently points out.
“No, I forgot it there! I was supposed to take it with me!”
“But you still wanted to tell me something, right?”
Peter groans, angrier at himself than anything. Tony almost puts a hand on his shoulder but he doesn’t know if that’s going to help.
“This is so embarrassing,” the teen says, wanting to cry.
“No, I mean…”
Peter takes a deep, shaky breath.
“Ever since I was a kid, I would… write letters to you. I did send you the first ones but that was a long time ago. I knew you wouldn’t reply ‘cause you had more important things to do… but I kept writing more and more, imagining you’d be able to read them somehow. These letters got a lot more personal and no one else knew about them, not even Aunt May or Ned… or my uncle. I stopped writing them when I became Spider-Man because I wouldn’t really have time, and well… I got to know you, so why keep writing letters, right?”
The teenager starts letting out tears. He tries to hide them.
“But this last week… I dunno what happened. I started feeling really bad again. I was afraid of telling you that and I screwed up. So I thought it’d be better if I left before I ruined everything for good.”
Now, Tony squeezes his shoulder.
“I-I didn’t, like… plan to do anything against myself. But I’m still thinking about it. Things are gonna get bad again and I don’t want them to. I wish I could stop it for once.”
The moment Peter starts sobbing, Tony pulls him in a hug.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. I’m sorry I’m such a mess…”
“Shhh… I’m sorry I got angry with you, kid. I should’ve talked to you.”
“It’s not your fault…”
“It’s not your fault, kid. You deserve to be heard.”
Peter is shaking his head but he’s not protesting. His tensions slowly disappear as he returns the hug. He just sinks in it completely, like he’s been wanting a hug from Tony for years.
“You can tell me when you’re not feeling well. I promise I’ll listen and try to help you,” the man reassures him.
��I just don’t wanna lose you, Mr. Stark…”
“You won’t. I’ll be here for you, okay?”
Peter lets go of a breath he’s been holding back this whole time.
Tony squeezes him a little tighter.
Eventually, they let go.
Peter’s face is tear-stained and red all over. He’s contemplating the envelope in his hands, not wanting to destroy it anymore.
“So… you mean you wrote more letters to me?” Tony asks.
“Oh, man… I wrote a lot. And they’re so embarrassing. If you already find my rambles annoying, they only get worse in the letters.”
“Well, I love your rambles, kid.”
Peter smiles shyly.
“I think I lost some with how often I moved,” he reflects. “But most of them are with me.”
“... do you really want to read them?” Peter doubts.
“Only if you’re alright with it. I would love to know you better, but you don’t need to show them to me if you’re not comfortable.”
There’s a spark in Peter’s eyes, which must come from his child self, that actually really wants Tony to know what he has in mind. The kind of things he couldn’t translate into any other way.
“I could… um… send them to you at some point. There are a lot of letters. It’s okay if you can’t read all of them and like I said, they’re really cringy and dumb.”
“You’re not dumb.”
“Still, Mr. Stark.”
“That’s because you haven’t seen my letters. I’m actually bad at them.”
Peter rolls his eyes at his mentor, who takes them to Delmar’s. They get some sandwiches and chat for a bit. Then Tony points out Peter shouldn’t be on his own when he has suicidal or self-harming thoughts. Especially considering May hasn’t been home often due to her night shifts. Therefore, Tony offers Peter to stay with him for a while, so he has company and safety. There are also doctors that can help him if Peter needs them.
Tony admits he’s a little surprised that the boy accepts the offer. But of course, he’s relieved that Peter is accepting help.
His stay lasts a week or so. Peter slowly feels better again, so he goes back home, promising he’ll keep in touch.
Soon, Tony receives a huge box of letters.
Peter jokes with a sticky note, “Careful! Fragile”.
Tony will certainly read all of these.
Dear Peter,
Hey, buddy! I’m only a couple years late. Better now than never, right?
I’ve read nearly all of your letters and I will finish the remaining ones. I am definitely going to reply to every single one of them, just you wait. But I would like to tell you a few things first.
I want to thank you for all your letters and for sending them to me. I’m glad I could help you feel less lonely in a way. I know you don’t have it easy, kid.
I also wanted to remind you, it’s not your fault. You were struggling with so many things at once, especially with your powers. You always did the best you could, and you keep doing your best. You don’t know how proud I am of you.
Finally, thank you for being you. You are so talented, Peter. My greatest honor is getting to know you, including your sad parts. You can trust me with them. I hope I never make you doubt that again.
Many hugs,
P.S.: Do you still have that mini arc reactor you built? That would be the greatest birthday present ever.
P.S.2: Do you have your camera? I want to see your photos as well. Hell, when I thought you couldn’t be more talented…
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Just sending something as a small distraction: what are some of your favorite things(I’ll get specific)? I’m sorry if this has been asked already!
What’s a movie you’d recommend to friends(or strangers)?
What’s a book that really changed how you view yourself or the world?
Who is your favorite band or musician to put on the stereo when you’re feeling bad to help you feel better? Are there any songs that just make you want to get up and dance around?
What is your favorite place to be, or place to visit?
And any other favorites you love to share or talk about! Artwork/artists, comfy clothes you like, animals, drinks? Anything like that! 💕
Sending love, keep on fighting 💪🏼🩵🙌🏼 and if nobody else has told you today, I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for facing another day. And I’m proud of you for doing what you can to keep yourself as close to “comfortable” as possible. 🩵
This is literally adorable, thank you so much ❤️
Let's go over these questions one by one!
My favorite things: one of them used to be making jewelry but I have zero inspiration these days, I learned today in therapy it has alot to do with the fact that my nervous system is so overwhelmed from the pain, anxiety. I've been in survival mode for a couple months now and I have no room for anything but surviving. Which is why I can barely sleep, eat, enjoy things,.. But yeah besides that I really enjoy being with my cats! They just make me happy. I also have an addiction to watching reality TV of any emergency service 😂 don't know why, it makes me calm haha.
Alright a movie I'd recommend : perks of being a wallflower!
As to books, I don't really know tbh, I only read vampire books 😂 I do wanna say the vampire diaries books are really good, very different from the show. And I absolutely love them
My favorite singers are Yungblud and Billie eilish. But my all time favorite song is bittersweet symphony
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But yeah he's my comfort person 🖤
Going to his concerts is like my comfort place. Eventho health wise it's very heavy on me. It's something I give myself? Of that makes sense. It's like this community and all the fans always help me which is incredible and I've never felt more at home. I've been to England, France, Netherlands and Italy for him and ofcourse here in Belgium too haha. But it's also alot for the people who come with it, we always stick together and take care for eachother and it's lovely.
My favorite thing to do in the whole world is being in the warmth, and since it's winter, I'm having trouble with seasonal depression alot, cause I'm very limited in activities in the colder months unfortunately.
And oh I love cocktails the most when it comes to drinks!
My fave animals are foxes and bats and also just cats, cause I feel very related to them 😂
And my main interest/obsessions haha besides that are: titanic and stitch
I think that's all I can come up with 🤔
Thank you so much for distracting me, it feels very nice and it's a welcome distraction!
I wish you so much good things and again, you seem like a lovely person ❤️❤️❤️
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som3guy · 5 months
Tell me your interests *Blink blonk* :]
guuuuuhhhh at the moment I’ve been in interest purgatory (only having day long hyperfixations besides a few personal projects) but the little interests I’ve had (and some of the overarching ones) aaare:
-writing!!! I’ve loved writing ever since I was a little lad (and not very good at it) I’ve just got a lot of stories to tell and a lot of works I like to edit. I like to think I’m good at critique and storytelling maybe
-My Life the Musical by Maryrose Wood (it’s a book) THIS HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL I THINK ABOUT IT EVERY DAY!!!!! Looping back to writing I’ve been working on rewriting this because it’s genuine insanity but it had so much potential to be great
-Bronies: the Musical (this time an actual musical) it’s all Instagram’s fault really if they didn’t put the song Sad Trombone up then I wouldn’t have started deep diving. It’s like a music lovechild of Rockabye and Be More Chill with the plot of that one Shrek the Musical song (which is to say, let your freak flag fly)
-Vast Error is kind of a reoccurring one that comes back to haunt me every so often (along with its predecessor…) because I like the art and the writing! It’s a bit of an exposition slog sometimes but overall the art is aesthetically pleasing and it’s always a fun reread
-object shows HEAR ME OUT sorry guys I’ve returned to my roots (middle school) because I’ll think for a second and then I’ll blank out and all of a sudden BFDI is playing and I’m drawing objects with limbs like I’m a seventh grader again. Yay!
-video essays, not really a standard interest but I just like watching and writing them what can I say
-theatre!!! Every time I find a new thing to perform in it’s always on my mind for the entire duration of it. (Instrumental music is in the same boat here)
-of Montreal (like the music artist) I have NOT been able to stop listening to their early albums I am SUCH a huge fan they are so whimsical I highly recommend Cherry Peel, The Gay Parade, and Coqueliot Asleep In The Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse
-Gezebelle Gaburgably, also a music artist I couldn’t get them out of my head for WEEKS like I went on a spree and exclusively listened to Gezebelle for a while. Same thing happened with speedcore/gabber (SPECIFICALLY the “furry” speedcore/gabber (femtanyl, mailpup, etc) because DAMN they can make music) last week
-music in general actually I’m such a music fan I love songs and leitmotifs and all the silly things
-Celeste (game) I love a good platformer that I’m super bad at with an underlying transgender message. Hell yeah.
-horror as a genre it captivates me I strive to be a good horror writer one day even if I never publish anything
-news and journalism DESPITE how much I dunk on my journalism class (iykyk) I LOVE news and I love learning about current events and formulating opinions and politics and stuff
-any book I’ve read in the past month that I enjoyed. So like Perks of Being a Wallflower, Read Between the Lines, MLTM (to an extent), and maybe some others. Just NOT Romeo and Juliet I know it’s a play but I HATED it so much I had to read it for a class it made me want to rip my hair out
-obscure media. Don’t go around calling me a quirkster because I say I like obscure things, they just float to me. I’m like that meme of Marge Simpson holding a potato, I just think they’re neat. The way I worded it is also an oversimplification cuz I don’t like it for the obscurity this is just so it lumps everything together so you don’t have to read more because I am a gabber and will not shut up if given the opportunity
Guuuuhhhh sorry this was a lot of yammering on my end
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miryum · 2 years
I had an idea because a friend just tried one for the first time. Let's say that Two-bit brought a few "special brownies" that Y/N made for him and Dally to the Curtis house and Ponyboy accidentally ate one. Obviously Y/N and Darry would be pretty annoyed, but how would Ponyboy act. (If you've never seen someone high from a brownie before YouTube search "Perks of Being a Wallflower brownie scene")
Thank you for adding the YouTube idea because otherwise I would’ve had no idea what to write! I wrote this on my phone so hopefully it isn’t too rough. I hope this suffices!
You slammed the door open and shouted out, “Soda?! I got your call! What the hell!” 
“Thank god you’re here.” You surveyed the scene in front of you and knew that it would end in a disaster- if it wasn’t one already. 
Pony was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, giggling loudly. Darry was shouting angrily at Dally and Two-Bit, the former who was pointing at you. Steve and Johnny were slouched on the couch, tiredly watching Pony. Soda was at your side, his hair all messed up. 
“No… Did he…?” Your voice died out as you stared at Pony. Your eyes flickered to the half- empty brownie pan on the kitchen table. “Shit shit shit shit shit.” You muttered, knees hitting the floor as you slid next to Pony. 
“Y/n!” he cried when he saw you, “Mickey Mouse is a mouse! Did you know he wears clothes? Isn’t that weird?” 
“Pony,” you said quietly and slowly, “did you eat my brownies?” 
“Who gave them to you?” 
He inhaled, frowned, and looked away. “Two… I think. Yeah. Two- Bit. Two… Bit. Twooooooooo Bit!” 
You seethed, marching over to Two- Bit. “Did you give the brownies to Pony?!”
“I’ve already gotten chewed out by Darry!” Two defended, “You don’t have to do it as well!”
“Y/n!” Darry rounded on you, “I can’t believe you made those brownies!”
“Dally asked me to!” You passed the blame off, “They were for Dally and Two! I never ever told them to give the brownies to Pony! In fact, I told them not to.” 
“In our defence,” Dally started, head bobbing slightly, “We are still high.” He pointed a lazy finger in your direction. 
“Darry, I am so sorry.” You said, “I will watch over Pony until he’s… better. I’m sure you’ve had your hands full.” 
“It’s not that!” Darry growled, “He’s just acting like a hyped- up Soda! I can handle him! The problem is that he’s high! I wanted to protect him from that shit and because of your three irresponsibilities, I can’t!” 
“Darry,” you started, “I am so sorry. If I can ever repay you, let me know. For now, let me take care of Ponyboy.”
“Fine.” Darry rubbed his temples. “I’ll be in my bedroom.”
“Hey Pony?” You turned towards the boy who was babbling about otters and umbrellas, and said, “I’m going to grab you some water. Your brother, Soda, is going to get you some bread. Does that sound good?”
Pony shook his head. “I would love some pasta. I want pasta. Pasta sounds good.” 
“Okay!” You compromised as if with a child. “Soda can make pasta.” 
“No I can’t.” Soda piped up.
“Take Steve and figure it out.” You ordered, “Now, Pony. Can I take you outside? Some fresh air will do you some good.” 
“Okay.” He exhaled. He slowly stood for his criss-crosses position and held out a hand. You took it and helped him up. “Can you read to me?” He asked. “Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf please.”
“Okay.” You found the children’s book inside then went back out to find Pony sitting on the steps, legs swinging and humming a merry tune. “Here we go…” You started the story and before you knew it, Soda came out with a plate of burnt pasta and awkwardly handed it to Pony. Johnny soon joined you two, listening to the story. Before you knew it, the entire gang was out on the porch, even Darry having come out with a tired, but kind smile, as they all listened to you read a children’s story, Pony chiming in every so often with a random comment.
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themoontaxi · 3 years
hi hanna!! congrats on 100<3
can i pls order:
🍷 - cyma your favourite characters!
🍿 - what’s the meaning of life?
lmao you’ve been here a few times now katie, but i’ll just say thanks again. there you go - enjoy! <3
🍷: you don’t even wanna know how long it took me to decide on these. so sorry if you don’t like yours or don’t identify with them, i just tried to match my favorites to who i thought is most compatible bc i wanted to include y’all, especially since some of you are still waiting for your orders. ask away if you’re not familiar with yours <3
you as alice cullen (twilight) & skylar (good will hunting)
@ropoto as éowyn (lord of the rings) & teresa lisbon (the mentalist) & christopher mccandless (into the wild)
@originalvampireslut as jessica jones (jessica jones) & dean winchester (supernatural) & mike waters (my own private idaho)
@ssaagentemilyprentiss as santana lopez (glee)
@ellcsgreenaway as glenn rhee (the walking dead) & yorkie (black mirror - san junipero)
@angstyalex as rosa diaz (brooklyn 99) & sam button (the perks of being a wallflower)
@alicejareau as ginny weasley (harry potter books)
@sadgirlml as rose dewitt bukater (titanic)
@jaspxr as ally mayfair-richards (american horror story)
@starrylang as elizabeth bennet (pride and prejudice)
@deadravenclaw as ellie bishop (ncis)
your 🧁:
as for 🍿: “you better take my hand in marriage rn” already sounded kinda like a proposal, but nice of you to make it official 💍 anyway, here’s the playlist that goes along with it. the german songs i tried to translate as best as i could. and here’s my attempt of answering what the hell the meaning of life is:
i’m not smart enough to change a thing // i have no answers, only questions, don’t you ask a thing /// this world is gonna end // but till then // i’ll give you everything i have / Hypersonic Missiles - Sam Fender
i’m forever chasing after time // but everybody dies, dies /// but if the earth ends in fire // and the seas are frozen in time // there’ll be just one survivor // the memory that i was yours and you were mine / Immortal - MARINA
of course i’m afraid of dying, everybody is // everything on the planet is afraid of dying // whether it’s a dog // whether it’s a mosquito // whether it’s a turtle // whether it’s a cat // everything’s programmed to survive // everything doesn’t want to… // nothing wants to die // everything’s struggling to live // i guess humans, but i wouldn’t necessarily say this for certain, are maybe most aware of the fact that they’re going to die // i guess that makes the journey a lot more difficult, more complex, and more challenging than perhaps what goes through an animal’s mind // but i wouldn’t say that for certain / WHEN THE SUN GOES OUT - Die Antwoord, Rodger Ballen
oh life // is just a game // no one ever tells you how to play // see different people // go different ways // some of them will leave you but // some of them will stay / Survivors - Passenger
dust in the wind // all we are is dust in the wind // dust in the wind // everything is dust in the wind / Dust in the Wind - Kansas
there’s no plan, there’s no hand on the rein // as mack explained, there will be darkness again / No Plan - Hozier
the world is covered by our trace // scars we cover up with paint // watch them preaching sour lies // i would rather see this world through the eyes of a child / Through the Eyes of a Child - AURORA
i know all your reasons // to keep me from seeing // everything is actually a mess /// we all are living in a dream // but life ain’t what it seems // oh everything’s a mess / Dream - Imagine Dragons
so wake up // this ain’t a dream // ‘cause everything’s exactly how it seems / Live Like Animals - Nothing But Thieves
let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream // and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes // you would have every kind of pleasure, you see // and after several nights you would say, “well that was pretty great” // but now let’s have a surprise, let’s have a dream which isn’t under control // where something is going to happen to me that i don’t know what it’s gonna be // then you would get more and more adventurous // and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream // and finally you would dream where you are now / Dreams - Nuages
afterlife, oh my god, what an awful word / Afterlife - Arcade Fire
life’s a bitch and then you die // that’s why we get high // ‘cause you never know when you’re gonna go / Life’s a Bitch - Nas, AZ, Olu Dara
you win, you lose, you sing the blues // there’s no point in buying concrete shoes / I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) - The 1975
i can feel it coming over the hillside // it’s a valley fire and it’s coming to burn us down // like a rushing comet bound for the planet // and we’re dinosaurs living in denial / Conrad - SOHN
you and me, we’ll all go down in history // with a sad statue of liberty and a generation that didn’t agree / Sad Statue - System Of A Down
‘cause it’s got my head running 24/7 // i don’t know if i can figure it out // it’s all messed up, only one thing i know for sure // we’re so full of sugar, honey, ice, and tea / sugar honey ice & tea - Bring Me The Horizon
underneath it all, we’re just savages // hidden behind shirts, ties, and marriages // truth is in us all, cradle to the grave // we’re just animals still learning to behave / Savages - MARINA
becoming friends with a noose i made // and i keep tryin’ to untie it // make it into something useful // or maybe hang it through a window pane // turn it into a fire escape / Leave It Alone - Hayley Williams
i wanna live life and never be cruel // i wanna live life and be good to you // and i wanna fly and never come down // and live my life and have friends around / We Never Change - Coldplay
now i’m told that this is life // and pain is just a simple compromise // so we can get what we want out of it / Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
yeah, you should be loving someone / Loving Someone - The 1975
when the sun will set // don’t you fret // no, i have no money on my mind /// just love / Money On My Mind - Sam Smith
something that stays // something that is enough // something that shows we’re on the right path // until we find something that feels alright // that’s worth sharing // we’d love to feel something like that // we’re searching everywhere and seemingly find nothing // that makes us stay // that promises us what we really want // what we’re all searching for // we never get enough ‘cause we always want more // we can explain why the earth is moving // look into space, one planet is not enough for us // build memorials, we’d love to be forever young // collect pictures, but are missing the memory // sell ourselves as stupid and make money from it // invent something new each year that the world doesn’t need // ‘cause there always has to be something more // even though no one explains why // we’re in search for something // we’re in search for something more // we’re in search for something // but no one knows what // but at least it’s something more / Irgendwas - Yvonne Catterfeld, Bengio
all this fuss over nothing // reinventing the wheel // all this searching for something that’s not real / The Wheel - SOHN
i find over the course of our human existence // one thing consists of consistence // and it’s that we’re all battling fear // oh dear, i don’t know why we’re here // oh my, too deep, please stop thinking // i liked it better when my car had sound / Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
why explore the universe when we don’t know ourselves? // there’s an emptiness inside our heads that no one dares to dwell / Hospital for Souls - Bring Me The Horizon
let’s start again // let’s learn to talk // without fear of being heard // ‘cause everybody’s listening to everything and everybody / Start Again - Sam Fender
from the top of the first page // to the end of the last day // from the start in your own way // you just want // somebody listening to what you say / Square One - Coldplay
the end is the same for everyone // should be enough for us to be as one / Six Billion - Nothing But Thieves
stop asking why // why we had to waste so much time // well, we just pick up, pick up and start again // ‘cause we can’t keep holding on to grudges / Grudges - Paramore
i need a purpose, i can’t keep surfing // through this existential misery / MANTRA - Bring Me The Horizon
mistrust the world, it’s lying to you // or are you lying to yourself? // in the end nothing of you will stay // but the frame you didn’t leave / I Love You But I’ve Chosen Dispo - Jennifer Rostock
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Coffee - T. Holland
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Okay, I know I have requests but this song came on at work the other day and I felt super emotional and I had to write. The use of Tom was very last minute because I had no actual person in mind for the fic, and there are very little actual defining characteristics so you can imagine it to be absolutely anybody you want!
This has broken me, so I apologize in case it has the same affect.
TW: This story contains mentions of cancer, allusions to death, mentions of death, sadness, angst, allusion to suicide, a character with cancer, and all round sadness about death.
If this content may trigger you in any way possible, please do not engage with this fic. Your personal safety and wellness is important so please take care of yourself, my lovies.
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17. Please do not copy, translate or share outside of the boundaries of tumblr without my permission. Please do not steal my work and market it as your own. Basically, don’t be a dick. Also, the above gif does not belong to me. Credit to @thollandgifs
Also, sorry the format is shit. I write on my phone so it’s hella bad.
Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed. I'll make a cup of coffee for your head. It'll get you up and going out of bed.
While his life stood still, hers moved. Most days he could barely move without the nausea taking over. His head pounding, body exhausted and weak beyond recognition. She had established a routine the minute she could. She made sure he had his morning coffee everyday. Whenever his eyes opened, she would be right by his side with his favourite beverage, bringing him breakfast and a warm, loving smile to entice him to get out of bed. She understood on days that his body fought him more than it already was - she was compassionate and considerate. On those days she would help him prop himself in a comfortable position, switch on whatever show they were watching at the time and curl up next to him with her work beside her.
His heart was often overwhelmed with the care she provided him. They were well into the fourth year of their life together, and he had no doubt in his mind that he would love her until his last days. He often solemnly thought of the ring he still had hidden in his drawer of their shared cabinet. He had made a vow to pop the question if he ever recovered, but the thought of that day never coming simply tore another piece from his already dwindling soul.
He would often sit in his chair, or on the bed in their small, studio apartment, watching her flutter around the house in a graceful way only she could. He had memorized her every move when she conducted the most mundane activity. The way she poured a glass of water, the way she tapped her fingers against her thigh to the tune of a theme song, the way she always made his coffee to pure perfection - in a way that nobody else had been able to do.
He had so much love for her, that he was terrified of it slipping away at any moment.
Yeah, I don't wanna fall asleep, I don't wanna pass away. I been thinking of our future 'cause I'll never see those days.
He was 24, and she was 25. They had already planned a life together. They had steady jobs, an intense and passionate love, names picked out for future children, dinner at his parents house every Sunday, lunch with her parents every Wednesday.
He just knew that he had done something to deserve such a fate. At first he was angry, terrified of the possibility of his soul leaving this earth, but as time went on, his self-deprivation grew. Apparently it was common for people in his situation. The fear of dying was clouded by a justification that this was meant to be. He had done something terrible in a past life, and karma was giving him the painful ending he deserved... but he despised the thought, because Y/N didn’t deserve to watch her boyfriend meet his end in this way.
He had thought of near every scenario in his life in which he hurt somebody - cheating on his girlfriend in his first year of college, letting Y/N down time after time, only for her to forgive him. The hurt he caused his parents when he was a teenager and full of such hate for the world. But now, all he could do was pray for forgiveness. He had hope that there was some way he could make it out of this, but he was losing hope rapidly.
Even as he sat with his love on their bed, watching re-runs of How I Met Your Mother, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander.
“When I’m gone,” his voice was croaky, his throat dry and scratchy. “Please tell me you will find somebody else.” He fumbled around to grab her hand, winching as he caught her head snapping towards his in his peripheral vision. He couldn’t turn to see the expression on her face. “You’re so young, so full of life. Your life is going to be so beautiful.”
Her hand was pulled from his, and he steeled what was left of his nerves to get ready for whatever tongue lashing she had planned, but instead he felt the bed dip further beside him, her hands framing his sullen face on each side and softly turning his gaze to meet her own.
“Don’t you say things like that, Tom.” He forced his eyes to stare into her own. His eyes seemed as if they were always ready to release tears, and the intensity of the hurt in her own made his pool unconsciously. “There is no somebody else when the other half of my soul is already with me. I don’t need anybody else because you’re not going anywhere.”
Her thumb brushed away the tear that slipped from his chocolate orbs, ignoring the dark circles underneath that made his face seem further sunken than it was.
“You don’t know that,” he sniffed heavily, dropping his eyes down to his lap. His fingers unconsciously toyed with the bracelet she had given him years ago. A soft, black, faux-leather band. An unfit symbol charm dangled close to the strap, reminding him of her favourite line from her favourite book/movie - the perks of being a wallflower. He had gone wuth her when she got the titular floral piece tattooed on her forearm. She was so happy that day. “One day you’re gonna be in a nice house, a ring on your finger, watching your husband dote over your little baby and you will be at peace in the way I know you crave. I just... I know that will never be me, who slips a ring onto your hand, or waits for you at the end of the aisle. I won’t be the one who holds your hand when you meet your baby, or the one who can give you the life you deserve - the one you want.”
His eyes snapped up to meet her own when he heard her breath grow shaky, but the action caused his brain to lose its equilibrium and he had to close his eyes for a moment. He hated doing so. Every time his eyes were shut, it was a moment that he lost of memorizing every line, curve, angle of her body. He opened his eyes again when able, and he was met with her own eyes as red rimmed as his, tears streaming down her beautiful face.
“Don’t you every talk like that, Thomas Stanley. You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to be the one to do all of those things because you’re going to make it and we are going to love each other until the end of our time, together. I’ll fucking Romeo and Juliet this shit if I have to,” her dark joke was met with a wet laugh from them both, before her face melted back into seriousness. “I’m never gonna need another person, Tommy. I have you, and I will have you forever.”
“You make every day a blessing, my love.” He whispered, his lips ghosting over hers as he gathered the strength in his lead arms to pull her into a hug. “You make hell feel like a summers day, and I cherish every moment I have left with you.”
My life was kinda short, but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending
Their days continued on for another three weeks, the same routine of morning coffee and testing the boundaries of his own fatigue. Three weeks without the dreaded conversation arising again, until she woke to find him staring into the ceiling with such an intense and thoughtful gaze. She knew instantly what was on his mind, and she could feel her heart breaking into more little pieces.
“Tommy?” Her melodic tone was soft, snapping him from his nightmarish reprieve. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing honey. Thinking about us... when we were young and full of life,” he snorted into the dark room, Y/N’s soft laugh pushed through her nose and he felt her smile against his neck. “Just, thinking about how sorry I am for all of this. I’m sorry that I’ve turned your life upside down, that we have changed so much.”
He felt weaker. His body was fighting to hold on, and he felt that they both knew that. He was being eaten up from the inside out, but he couldn’t bear to leave. He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t leave her alone. He needed her, he loved her. He wanted to be her husband and give her everything she wanted in life. He wanted to live, for her.
“I would change everything if it meant I could be here with you,” her voice was heavy, riddled with sleep. Neither of them get much rest anymore. He is always up and down, and she frets too much to sleep through his late night jolts and retches. “You’re worth every minute of every day, Tom. You have nothing to apologize for. It’s not like you chose to have Can-“
“Don’t say it, baby, please?” He pled, silencing her before she could say the word. He hadn’t once uttered it since the day he found out. She had relayed the information to their families, holding his hand the entire time as he sat motionless. “Makes it more real than my emo ramblings.” His laugh was humorless, but he didn’t intend it to be so.
She apologised softly, snuggling closer to him. She knew how much he loved the feel of her body on his, how the intimacy of the comfort made him feel warm. Back when he could handle the weight, she would sometimes wake up curled on top of his chest because he had sought her out in his sleep.
“I would do anything for you, Tommy. I would give up everything I have just to see you smile. You’re the other half of my soul, my infinity.”
He felt a tear slip down his cheek. Her words always had that affect on him, but he loved the way she could send his heart beating with no effort. He loved her. So intensely.
“Sing to me, please?” A request he had let loose so many times before. He adored her voice, and the soft melodies that fell from her lips and lulled him to sleep.
She obliged with a smile on her face, and let the words tumble into his pale skin.
“If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do...”
Soon you'll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me
Two more months passed. His doctors were satisfied, stating that he was slowly improving. His body was beginning to regain strength. He had begun to grow more hopeful, slowly but surely.
Until there was no chance for hope left.
Y/N made his morning coffee, but when she went to rest it on his bedside, he could barely breathe.
Her fingers dialed emergency services faster than she thought possible, her voice cracking as she sung to him over and over, hands cradling his head in her lap as he whispered his love for her.
The coffee went cold as the red and blue lights approached.
Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed. I'll make a cup of coffee for your head. It'll get you up and going out of bed
Tag list: @starshonerose @snookiebrookie @another-lonely-heart @mantlereid
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Me and You Together, 6/10 (Taywhora) - Ortega
fic summary: The cardinal rule of having flatmates is that you Do Not Catch Feelings For Your Flatmates, because everything inevitably goes to shit and gets made horrifically awkward. A’whora and Tayce both know this, but being in first year of uni and making good decisions have never really gone hand in hand.
a/n: won't say much but i will say that i love tits and cats but i love reblogs, screaming in the tags and asks a whole lot more babes. if u like this i would love any of the former, but mostly the latter xo hope u all enjoy this chapter!!! cw for smut fam (hwfg!!)
last chapter: February- Valentine's Day saw Tayce and A'whora's cover blown as they were interrupted by Ellie and Lawrence.
this chapter: April- a lot has happened since last month, and at Lawrence’s friend’s flat party A’whora struggles with her feelings for Tayce. The trouble is, neither of them have ever been any good at sticking to the rules.
In front of the wooden tenement door with the music and voices muffled behind it, A’whora watches as Ellie frowns, tugs at the hemline of her green snakeskin-patterned skirt.
“Is this too short?”
“ No , Ellie,” A’whora, Tayce and Tia all groan at her in sync before giggling at the absurdity of their unison. She catches Tayce’s eye for a second before smiling bashfully and looking at the floor, electing to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She wordlessly orders her heart to calm down, to stop doing backflips the way it’s doing right now. A reaction like that is much too selfish, against everything they said they would be going forward.
“Ain’t short enough,” Bimini shrugs blithely, hitching the top of their own hotpants up as if to make a point but only succeeding to rip their fishnets on one of their chunky rings. “Shit.”
“Were they new?” Tayce asks.
“Yeah. A whole two quid out of Primark.”
“How is your bank account ever gonny recover?” Lawrence dramatises, clutching at her heart as Bimini sticks their tongue out at her good-humouredly. As the others snort at Lawrence’s joke, Lawrence herself turns to Ellie and pats her arm. “It’s not too anything, you look great.”
A’whora doesn’t miss the way Ellie flushes red as she thanks her friend, and in spite of herself she finds herself trying to hide a smile. If she can’t be happy, at least one of her friends looks like she’s on her way to figuring her own feelings out soon enough. A’whora just hopes it’ll all have a better ending than her own love story seems to have had.
“Have we definitely got the right flat, Lawrence? You’ve not just brought us to some randomer’s party by accident?” Tia agonises as she rubs her arms, self-conscious and cold. April’s blessed them with some sporadic day-long heatwaves but tonight hasn’t been as kind; the walk over to Lawrence’s friend’s flat party had been chilly, and they’d all needed their jackets.
A’whora supposes the temperature suits her situation.
Embittered by the cold and her self-pity, A’whora rolls her eyes. “It’s not 2010 anymore, Tia, nobody says randomers .”
“Well I do,” Tia shrugs lightly, and before A’whora can begin to bicker with her Lawrence huffs a sigh of exasperation.
“It’s the right flat, awrite?! I have been here before, you know. She’ll answer any second. Could yous all just stop the arguing and pretend to be normal human beings for once in your lives?”
A’whora raises her eyebrows pointedly. “A feat that’s going to be harder for some of us than others…”
As both Lawrence and Tia whip their heads round to scold her, the front door opens to reveal a tall girl with full lips, striking hazel eyes and a thick head of candyfloss pink hair that tumbles down over her shoulders and the straps of the tight black bodysuit she’s wearing. She’s gorgeous, and A’whora is immediately intimidated. Her eyes dart to Tayce in a small panic, trying to gauge her reaction, but she’s distracted by Lawrence’s “WAHEY!” and the girl’s excited squeal as they pull each other into a hug.
“Lads, this is Rosé, Rosé, lads!” Lawrence gestures at her flatmates flippantly, and A’whora waves a hand in an awkward hello much like the rest of the others. Lawrence turns her attention back to her friend with an apologetic grimace. “Hope you don’t mind me bringing them, babes. I know you said bring people if they’re cool, but I don’t actually know any cool people, so…”
A’whora holds back a snort as she watches Tayce’s face screw up in involuntary offence. Rosé, for her part, just laughs and ushers them all in warmly.
“Don’t be silly, of course it’s fine! Come in, baby, let’s get you and your friends sat down and you can introduce me properly, m’kay?”
Once they’ve hung up their jackets Rosé leads the six of them through a crowded hallway, forgoes the thump of the bass and the packed space of bodies all crammed together in the kitchen and instead chooses a quieter room. The multiple sofas, stained coffee table and mismatched chairs suggest it’s a living room of sorts. There’s already people on the couches but Rosé simply bats them away as if they’re flies, irritation on her face.
“Move, my friends are sitting here,” she says simply, before the others grunt and slink off like foxes, tails between their legs. Rosé pats the now-empty seats, pulling a face. “Sorry about them. They’re just girls we hung out with last year before we realised what they were actually like. Freshers friendships, y’know? Nobody really wants them to be here, but Jan insisted we had to invite them so things weren’t awkward.”
“Ever the diplomat, oor Janette,” Lawrence smiles with understanding, throwing herself down beside her friend comfortably. Ellie quickly sits beside her on the other spare space, prompting A’whora to take the other sofa that’s left.
(To her surprise, Tayce sits beside her. Not close, though. A’whora doesn’t know what she expected.)
It leaves Tia and Bimini to take the other smaller couch, and as they sit Rosé stays true to her word and introduces herself to everyone, making an effort to learn their names and appearing genuinely pleased to meet them all (although that could just be a result of the bottle she’s drinking from). When she gets to Ellie her face grows scheming, and A’whora doesn’t miss the way she digs Lawrence in the ribs.
“So you’re Ellie! I’ve heard so much about you from Lawrence,” Rosé purrs, earning a glare from her friend and a laugh from Ellie.
“Fuck’s sake, I bet you have. All horror stories, I’m sure.”
“Oh no, quite the opposite,” Rosé smiles smugly, then flinches suddenly with a hiss. It doesn’t take Poirot to figure out that Lawrence is the cause.
“SO, Rosé! Where the fuck is your girlfriend anyway? Don’t tell me she’s left you,” Lawrence says, too-quickly and too-loudly.
“Shut up. Last time I saw her she was in the kitchen talking to one of her graduate friends,” Rosé pouts faux-dejectedly. “Think it’s a girl who studied fashion design so they were in the same faculty and knew each other for a bit.”
A’whora perks up. “Oh, we’d get on then, I think. I’m studying fashion design too, and Ellie does costume.”
“I’ll get Jan to introduce you!” Rosé smiles enthusiastically, before continuing with the conversation. “Plus I totally didn’t realise she was flatmates with Nina, who was in the MT society with us last year! Small world, huh?”
“Oh my God! You guys did MT?” Tia squeals excitedly. A’whora presses her lips together to stop herself from saying anything; trust Tia to be completely unable to play things cool. “I’m in it this year! How come we haven’t met before?”
Rosé giggles, covers her mouth with her hand. “We didn’t audition this year. Not to be rude, but we wanted to give everyone else a fighting chance, you know? We’ve got a slot in the Jazz Bar with our friend every Tuesday now instead.”
Tia’s face drops like she’s been slapped, and A’whora can’t help the way her eyebrows fly up her forehead. As she looks to Tayce, though, she’s disheartened. Usually Tayce would chime in with a little whoop in response to the shady comment, throw herself right into the conversation, be the complete life and soul of the party. Instead she’s muted, quiet, practically a wallflower in comparison. A’whora knows this isn’t like her. The guilt eats her up as she knows it’s somehow her fault, but still she can’t work out exactly why.
“Kandace!” Rosé suddenly yells out into the hall, startling A’whora somewhat. “Where’s my girlfriend, mama?”
Just then a girl enters the room, her dark hair in thick braids which she flips over her shoulder dramatically. “Well damn, bitch, I never took her! Would know better than to do so, you would come at me with a big...pizza cutter or some shit. She prolly in the kitchen drinking all the punch.”
“There’s punch?” Ellie pipes up, Tia’s wide eyes and anticipative smile matching her excitement.
“Damn right there’s punch, what sort of party d’you think this is? Amateurs. C’mon, I’ll show you both. You can introduce yourselves on the way,” the girl shrugs with the efficient energy of an infant teacher.
“Oh, I like you already,” Ellie smiles as she springs up from the sofa, and A’whora doesn’t miss the crestfallen look that takes over Lawrence’s face in response to Ellie's departure.
“Rosé, if I find Jan I’ll send her through,” the girl yells from over her shoulder, as the three of them leave the room. Rosé immediately turns to Lawrence as Ellie leaves, whispers something like ‘ so when are you gonna tell her?’ before she’s hastily shushed by her friend.
A’whora always has to remind herself she’s not meant to know about Lawrence’s crush on Ellie. She only knows because Tayce told her. Tayce doesn’t really tell her things these days, not in the same way she used to. Their chats used to be deep and meaningful, shared over a glass of wine in a dimly-lit bar or in bed pressed close together and wrapped around each other like vines. Now it’s flippant inquiries into how each others’ day was that neither of them care about the answer to, the question only serving as a box-ticking exercise to maintain the illusion of friendship.
That’s what they said they’d be. So why does this friendship feel so different to the one they had before?
Well. A’whora knows why.
She’d thought this situation would be perfect- Lawrence had been invited to Rosé’s pre-exam-season flat party, and of course had in turn invited the whole flat too- and A’whora had assumed that it would be the perfect opportunity to get everything back on track with Tayce, a little bit of alcohol giving them the gentle nudge in the right direction that they needed to mend whatever had snapped between them. But as Tayce sips one of the cans of cider she’s brought with her, she only smiles at Rosé politely and laughs half-heartedly at Lawrence’s jokes.
It’s been weeks since that day in March and A’whora’s still trying to figure out what exactly happened. It’s strange for something to be over before it ever really had a chance to begin.
Her thoughts are ruptured by the arrival of two more people: a boy with black hair, an earring and a black denim jacket and a girl with tumbling straight blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She’s got a pink sash that’s squint and falling off her shoulder, and a huge pink birthday badge pinned to her purple dress. When she walks in, Rosé’s whole face lights up.
A’whora tries to remember if Tayce’s face ever did that when she came into a room.
“There’s my baby!” Rosé beams, holds out her arms for a hug. The girl instead elects to tumble down onto her lap, and the two of them giggle like Care Bears.
Fleetingly, A’whora hates them.
“Oh, fuck me, right?” the boy fakes offence, before Rosé rolls her eyes and pats the space beside her where Lawrence has scooted up.
“You know damn well I was referring to you,” she addresses him, before turning to her girlfriend once more. “Jan, Mik, these are Lawrence’s flatmates!”
“Oh my God, adorbs! Lil’ fresher babies,” the boy says, with a vocal fry to rival that of a Valley girl. A’whora knows he doesn’t mean to be patronising, but her back’s put up all the same.
She’s probably just in a bad mood over Tayce.
“I hope it’s okay I brought them,” Lawrence says, apologising for their very presence for the second time that evening.
“Hey, the more people here to get drunk and forget about the overwhelming stress of deadline season, the better,” the girl shrugs cheerfully, then waves to nobody in particular. “Nice to meet you all! I’m Jan, that’s Mik. Can I learn names? Pronouns if you want to as well?”
Lawrence slaps her thigh decisively. “Crackin’ idea, I’ll start. I’m Lawrence and my pronouns are she/her, or fat/bastard.”
The room is filled with hysterical laughter that immediately breaks any ice that had been present between the freshers and the second year students. As they all introduce themselves politely, A’whora doesn’t fail to notice the way Mik’s eyes light up when Bimini introduces themself.
“Hey, do you know if they’re single?” Mik asks Lawrence, tipsy and sloppy and in a whisper that isn’t really a whisper. A’whora can’t help but laugh as she watches Bimini blush from their position on the sofa and smile over at Mik, flattered.
“Sorry to disappoint, babes, but I’m taken.”
It’s with Bimini’s words that Lawrence gives a yell of surprise and A’whora’s jaw drops open in shock. She can’t help the way she immediately looks wide-eyed at Tayce, and her heart jumps a hurdle when she sees her looking in her direction with much the same expression. Tayce’s shock at the secret Bimini’s kept from them prompts her to lurch forward on the sofa and give a cry of surprise.
“Ex-squeeze me, Bimini Bon Boulash?! Since bloody when ?!”
Bimini shrugs, clearly bashful. “Made things official with Asttina late on last month. Ain’t a big deal.”
“And when were you going to tell us this exactly? Were you gonna leave it in your last will and testament or something?!” A’whora cries, heart jarring at the laugh her words earn from Tayce.
Bimini stretches in their own catlike way, unbothered and laid back to an almost horizontal extent. “Well, you never asked.”
“What the hell?! This is big. C’mon Rory,” Tayce suddenly turns to A’whora and clutches at her hand frantically, and in doing so sends a thousand sparks flying between them. As A’whora’s pulse leaps, Tayce does the same off the sofa. “We need to go find the others. You ain’t getting away with just the three of us on this interrogation squad, Mx Bimini!”
“Alright, Line of effin’ Duty,” Bimini chuckles good-naturedly, and A’whora allows Tayce to drag her up off the sofa and through to the hall.
Tayce is giggling as she’s weaving them both through the crowd, and for a moment it’s like nothing has ever changed between them. A’whora’s not been keeping track of how many cans Tayce has had so far but she herself has only had three (two at pres, one here so far), so she’s not attributing that to the sudden personality transplant. She’s trying not to overthink it too much but this is the most authentic interaction she’s had with Tayce for a while, and it’s silly, but it’s hard to believe it’s not too good to be true.
For a moment, she’s almost glad Bimini didn’t tell them about Asttina if it meant she and Tayce could bond like this.
“Can you bloody believe it?!” Tayce squeaks at her as they reach the kitchen and, in turn, the punch bowl. Tayce wrenches two red cups from the stack beside it and fills them up with the ambiguous orange liquid that’s inside, pouring it sloppily and messily from the ladle. “I mean they’re meant to be our bloody friend! And then they don’t even tell us about the breaking news in their own love life! What goes on!”
“To be fair…” A’whora begins without thinking, then snaps her mouth closed as her heart shudders in her chest. She’d been about to say we kept us a secret from them too but she can’t bring that up now, send them crashing back down to earth and into the broken, uncomfortable bed they’ve somehow made. So she smiles tightly at Tayce who’s looking at her expectantly, takes the cup she’s holding out to her as she finishes her sentence. “...Bim’s always been a pretty private person.”
Tayce shrugs and holds the cup to her lips before she raises her eyebrows, takes it away and holds it out in the middle between them. “Cheers, slag.”
Silly and overeager, A’whora crashes their cups together then takes a too-big swig. The punch fills her mouth like poison and she feels her eyes grow wide as she swallows and then gags, Tayce doubling over laughing at her reaction.
“What the fuck is in that?!” she cries with horror, looking at the cup with incredulity as Tayce continues to laugh at her expense.
“It’s called punch for a reason, girl! It ain’t some fruity dilutey Slug and Lettuce pornstar martini tree we’re talking about here!”
“Punch is right. Feel like I’ve been punched in the fucking stomach,” A’whora screws her face up. Tayce’s face lights up and her hand rests on A’whora’s arm as she launches into a story excitedly.
“Oh my God. D’you remember that time we made punch back near freshers week and Lawrence added that thing to it...fuck, what was it called?! She kept calling it ‘wreck the hoose juice’.”
“Buckfast!” A’whora remembers with glee, trying not to grow too animated because if she moves she might scare Tayce away like she’s some sort of rare bird. This is the closest she’s been to Tayce in every sense for quite a while, and the moment is so magical that she’s determined not to let it slip away.
“That was it! And then the next day we were all so ill we were like...convinced we’d been spiked! But it was just that bloody Buckfast!”
As the pair of them giggle, A’whora starts laughing harder as she remembers what Tayce had said.
“Sorry, but hearing the words ‘wreck the hoose juice’ in a Welsh accent is probably the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.”
Tayce removes her hand from her arm only to slap her on it. “Oh, because the same thing in a Worksop accent is so much better!”
“We should get Ellie to say it. She's Scottish, it'll sound the same as when Lawrence says it,” A’whora says, then scans her gaze around the room and narrows her eyes. “Where the hell is she, anyway? We still need to tell her and Tia about Bim.”
The roar of a countdown from ten down to one on the other side of the kitchen prompts both her and Tayce’s gazes to wrench in its direction, only for their eyes to fall on Tia glugging a horrific-looking brown concoction out of a pint glass and Ellie yelling descending numbers at her, along with Rosé’s flatmate they’d disappeared with and a crowd of strangers.
“Of course,” Tayce deadpans, earning a snort from A’whora. Just then, A'whora remembers some chat Ellie had told her while they were getting ready, and she turns to tell Tayce without thinking. It's just natural to tell Tayce these sorts of things by now, and she's missed doing so.
“You know Ellie told me earlier she’s gonna like...see what happens with Lawrence tonight?” A’whora relays to Tayce eagerly, before she forgets that Tayce had sworn her to secrecy about the whole thing and her mouth snaps shut. It’s too late though, because Tayce is fixing her with a single raised eyebrow and a smirk which shouldn’t make A’whora’s stomach flip over like it does.
Friends, friends, friends.
“God, wonder how come Ellie’s suddenly over Tia and open to Lawrence?” she teases her, and A’whora groans apologetically.
“Look, I know you said not to tell anyone but it was the day they had that row in the flat,” she explains, belatedly and awkwardly realising that it had been the same day that she and Tayce had had that conversation and everything had changed between them. A’whora tries to shake the feeling of regret as she carries on. “Ellie was saying how Lawrence didn’t care about her and all that and it...well, it just came out. I had to shut her up somehow.”
Tayce shakes her head and laughs, toeing the line between long-suffering and affectionate. When she takes A’whora’s hand and squeezes it the line is crossed, and a thousand fireworks go off in her bloodstream. Tayce's eyes are soft as she looks at her and it only makes A’whora’s heart hurt.
“My fault, really. Should’ve known you can’t keep a secret to save yourself.”
“Kept us a secret for long enough,” A’whora says before she can stop herself. She feels like slapping a hand over her mouth, a flimsy gesture illustrating her mistake, and from the way Tayce lets go of her hand and looks to the floor it seems she regrets it just as much as A’whora does.
When Tayce snaps her head back up there’s a smile on her face that A’whora knows is fake, and she sets her cup down on the counter as she looks back over at Ellie and Tia. “Right! You wait here and guard the punch. I’ll drag those two hounds over and we can give them the goss.”
A’whora nods as she takes her turn to look to the floor, and suddenly Tayce is off in the direction of their other flatmates and all she can do is sit and stew in her embarrassment and regret at having said the wrong thing yet-a-fucking-gain.
Ellie has told A’whora countless times to just talk to her! and that if you just sit and chat things through everything will be fixed! but it’s been things A’whora’s said that’s somehow got them into this mess, even though she still doesn’t really know what specifically it was that made Tayce make the decision to stop it all, to stop falling asleep together and waking up together and going on dates (because they were dates, and that’s the hill A’whora will die on) and talking to each other like they’d known each other for eight years and not eight months.
When she thinks about the ways she misses Tayce, the sex isn’t even the first thing that comes to mind. That’s how she knows she was in deep. Well, still is. But A’whora would be lying if she said she didn’t still think about Tayce when her hands are between her thighs, has to stop the memories that flood her head when she's in the shower, moans just that little bit too loudly when she uses her vibrator in the pathetic hope that Tayce will hear her through the wall.
She supposes there’s a ridiculous part of her that misses the intimacy and the closeness most of all.
A’whora’s dragged out of her thoughts and turns around to see Jan standing beside a tall blonde in a tight red dress. Even though her mind is still entirely preoccupied by Tayce, her mouth goes a little dry and her heart skips a beat because...well, she still knows an attractive girl when she sees one. She fixes the two girls with a polite smile as Jan gestures at the girl beside her.
“This is Brooke Lynn! She’s my friend from the design faculty that did fashion? Rosé was saying you wanted introduced.”
A’whora feels her cheeks flush red as Brooke cocks an eyebrow at her and smirks. “Truthfully, I’m flattered. Always happy to meet a fan.”
A’whora shakes her head and gives an embarrassed laugh. “That’s not...I mean-”
“I’m just fucking with you. Nice to meet you,” Brooke smiles lazily, leaning against the countertop as Jan slips away. “So Jan was saying you’re studying design too?”
“Yeah! I mean, it’s hell on earth just now, especially with deadline season coming up. But I do actually really enjoy it most of the time,” A’whora replies politely.
Brooke laughs in fond recollection. “God, I don’t miss that. Portfolios were a bitch.”
“Right!” A’whora agrees enthusiastically. “It’s quite nice, though, because lots of my flatmates are at the art school as well, so we kind of all have that shared bond of going through the shit together. Lawrence does textiles, Ellie does costume and Tayce does fine art. In fact, that’s Ellie and Tayce over there.”
A’whora turns to point to where Tayce has found Ellie, although she’s perturbed to see the two of them already looking their way. Ellie’s eyes widen as she gives them an awkward wave and Tayce immediately looks elsewhere, her entire body language shifty as if she’s been caught out.
A’whora’s pulse starts to race all over again. Is she…? No.
But then she thinks about that night in December when they first kissed, how A’whora had been driven so crazy by Tayce talking to so many other girls that she was basically forced to show her hand and her feelings. She knows they said they’d be friends, but this situation is being handed to her on a plate and she’d be an idiot to turn it down.
So A’whora flips some of her hair over her shoulder and exposes her neck as she tilts her head with interest. “So, Rosé was saying you graduated last year?”
She and Brooke Lynn talk for a while; A’whora doesn’t know if it’s five minutes or twenty, but with every passing minute she steps up the flirting just a little tiny bit more, so that it’s nearly imperceptible to any onlookers. Tayce is different though, because she’s not just any onlooker. To anyone else it just looks like two strangers getting to know each other at a party, but A’whora knows Tayce sees every time she tucks her hair behind her ears, every time she giggles behind her hands, every time she nods eagerly at whatever Brooke is saying.
She can feel Tayce’s eyes on her, and A’whora would be lying if she said it didn’t make her stomach flip over all the more.
She’s not getting much from Brooke, though: not much of a reaction, not much reciprocation, not much anything. So the moment she steps things up a bit and touches her lightly on the arm as she laughs at a joke she’s made, A’whora’s sure it’ll get her somewhere. Only Brooke pulls a face, moves her arm away and apologises.
“God, I’m sorry...you’re sweet, but I’ve actually got a girlfriend,” she explains, and A’whora feels herself blush, embarrassed at having been spurned but also that it was all in full view of Tayce. It’s made even worse by the way Brooke’s face lights up as her eyes fall on someone over A’whora’s shoulder. “In fact, here she is now! Hey, baby.”
Another girl appears from behind her and moves to stand beside Brooke, wrapping a protective arm around her waist. She’s small and pretty and hostile, and A’whora is suddenly regretting the entire making-Tayce-jealous endeavour if she’s about to get grief from Brooke’s girlfriend.
“And who the fuck is this bitch?” the girl says by way of an introduction, not so much a question but a demand.
“Vanessa…” Brooke looks at her warningly, but the girl continues regardless.
“Nah, I just wanna know what business she thinks she has comin’ onto my girl like this?” she narrows her eyes at A’whora. A’whora, for her part, has never wanted the ground to open up and swallow her more.
This never happened to Tayce in December, that’s for fucking sure.
“Honestly, babes, we were just talking. She’s just told me she’s taken, I would never have tried anything if I’d known,” she tries to explain, but judging from how the girl reacts she’s only made the situation worse.
“Babes? I ain’t your babe, Milkybar-Kid-lookin’ ass!” she cries, and A’whora feels her eyes darting to the punch bowl beside her, suddenly terrified that the liquid inside it could be used as a potential weapon. “Bet your damn life she’s taken, bitch!”
A’whora’s weighing up the options of apologising more or escalating this into a full-scale brawl (because really, who the fuck does this girl think she’s talking to?) when she feels a hand slip into the crook of her elbow and tug her away from the kitchen, the pint-pot Conor McGregor still yelling at her as she leaves.
“Okay, home time,” Tayce’s voice says, amusement coating her words and only serving to make A’whora feel worse. As she turns to look at her she sees Ellie on her other side, who ducks into the living room as Tayce picks up their jackets from the hooks in the hall.
“Tia wants to stay and keep drinking, think she’s found some of her MT friends here,” Tayce explains, handing A’whora her coat with a little smile. “Ellie’s gone to get Lawrence and Bim. What the bloody hell was that, girl?”
A’whora rolls her eyes petulantly, annoyed that her plan hadn’t exactly been as successful as she’d hoped. “Well, you know what they say. The hot ones are always taken.”
“Not always,” Tayce shrugs at her, a little twinkle in her eye as Ellie reappears with Lawrence on her arm.
“Bim’s gonny stay and look after Tia. They’re staying at Asttina’s tonight, anyway, so they can drop Tia off at ours or Veronica's depending on what she wants to do,” Lawrence explains, only a little unsteady on her feet. “Anyway, what’s this I’m hearing about A’whora being a homewrecker?”
As they leave the party, A’whora reluctantly tells the story and the three of them all laugh and joke in response. If she’s being honest, Tayce finding the whole thing funny isn’t the worst thing to come out of the whole situation. She’s not annoyed or ignoring her, and at least that’s some form of progress, as ridiculous as it seems.
The four of them walk home full of tipsy, carefree joy, Lawrence’s voice bouncing off the buildings in the streets as she sings Rain On Me and the others all join in with Ariana’s whistle tones. They fill the air with their horrendous, off-key yelling and no doubt awaken everyone who’s unfortunate enough to own a flat on the main road, but none of them care.
Lawrence and Ellie’s arms are still linked, the pair of them leaning into each other as they walk, but Tayce hasn’t afforded A’whora the same affection. Which is fine. They’re not what they were now, whatever the hell they had been. They’re friends, but A’whora isn’t sure that label is meant to make it feel as if a broken shard of glass is getting jammed through her heart every time she uses it.
It’s fine.
Their hands still brush against each other every so often as they walk, though, ghosts of moments when they’d hold hands in bed and Tayce would trace around her fingers silently and intimately. The sporadic contact only seems to amplify the electricity that’s already so present in the atmosphere. A’whora thinks back to the party, talking in the kitchen with the girl who was Tayce’s opposite in every way. She doesn’t know if she’s being deluded when she thinks about Tayce being jealous. She hopes she was, though. Really it’s not like she has any right to be; A’whora can do what she wants with who she wants, and if Tayce wanted her to herself then she should have…
Well. A’whora knows what she should’ve done.
If it hadn’t been for Brooke’s tiny pitbull girlfriend coming in and yelling the place down, A’whora would’ve probably tried to kiss her. Not that she wanted to kiss her. Not that she was even really hugely attracted to her like she is to Tayce. But she’s intoxicated by the idea of Tayce watching her kiss someone else and burning up with regret and hurt, wishing it was her in Brooke’s place. But Tayce clearly hasn’t been bothered by the whole thing, A’whora thinks, as they laugh and quote lines from Tracey Beaker at each other while they walk. She’s not acting as if she’s annoyed at A’whora. She’s acting as if...well, as if they’re friends.
Which is what they agreed. A’whora doesn’t know why she expected anything different.
It takes the four of them five goes at inputting the code on the door to their block, yelling in delight when A’whora manages it and then frantically shushing each other as they ascend the echoey stairwell. It’s Tayce who unlocks the door to their flat and they all stumble in, still giggly and laughing.
“Kitchen afterparty?” Tayce suggests as soon as she’s over the threshold. A’whora’s ready to agree. Pathetically, after everything that’s happened, she’d still always agree to more time with Tayce.
Ellie shakes her head though, and as she pushes the door to her own bedroom open Lawrence moves to linger in its doorway too. “Nah. Too tired. You two have fun though.”
“Speaking of you two having fun,” A’whora jokes, pointing her finger at the two girls and wiggling her eyebrows. She dissolves into giggles as Ellie rolls her eyes and Lawrence’s face turns bright pink, happy she’s managed to get her own back for the endless teasing she and Tayce had to go through at the hands of their flatmates.
“Shut up. We’re gonna watch High School Musical 3, Lawrence hasn’t seen it,” Ellie explains, a look passing between the two girls that A’whora’s endlessly suspicious of.
“Oh, I haven’t seen that either! Can I join?” Tayce says lightly, A’whora smirking at her and seeing the twinkle in her eyes as she realises exactly what she’s trying to do. The question gets the desired reaction: Ellie’s eyes shoot wide open and Lawrence’s jaw drops as she tries to think of an explanation as to why Tayce can’t join in their impromptu, cosy movie night.
Tayce puts them out of their misery a second later. “You know what actually, I think I’ll just head to bed too after all.”
The visible relief on the two girls’ faces makes A’whora stifle a laugh, and as they all say goodnight she catches sight of Ellie taking Lawrence’s hand as the door closes. A’whora’s eyes meet Tayce’s as they’re left on their own, both girls laughing softly at the situation.
“Cute. Good for them,” Tayce smiles gently, before looking at the floor bashfully. “You down, then? Kitchen afterparty?”
A’whora’s stomach twists awkwardly. As tempted as she is and as much as she wants to, she feels as if more alcohol would make the current situation worse, and if they’re going to try to be friends then they need to commit to it. So she shakes her head, watches as something shuts down behind Tayce’s eyes. “I’m gonna get some water and then head to bed. Sorry.”
“Water seems like a good idea,” Tayce shrugs, and as A’whora peels off down the corridor towards their kitchen Tayce follows behind her.
Neither of them bother to turn the light on when they get to the kitchen- filling up a glass and taking a few quick sips doesn’t take a long time- and the light from the hall paired with the glow through the window from the streetlamps outside is just enough to ensure A’whora can see what she’s doing as she takes a glass out of the cupboard overhead and fills it up, glugging at it quickly. She can feel Tayce waiting at the sink behind her, but doesn’t turn to make eye contact. The silence is tense and deafening and awkward. Friendship no longer suits them.
So when A’whora turns around from the sink and Tayce is closer to her than she thought with a sparkle in her eyes, she is immediately struck down with all the feelings she’s tried to suppress. Tayce boxes her in, one hand on the edge of the countertop at either side of her, and as she leans in she’s got a little smirk on her face.
“Tayce, wh-”
“Shhh,” Tayce whispers, before leaning in and kissing her, slow and gentle but with an underlying intensity that makes a heat pool in the pit of A’whora’s stomach. She becomes so caught up in the moment that she almost forgets about everything they’d said, everything they vowed they’d stop doing.
So A’whora pulls away, but the needy whine Tayce gives and the way she moves her hands to rest at her waist makes her have second thoughts. She smiles a little, cocks her head to mock her just a tiny bit. “We said we weren’t doing this again.”
Tayce gives another whine, pushes one of her hands a little higher to rest at A’whora’s ribcage. “I know, it’s a really bad idea.”
Tayce drops her head to rest on A’whora’s shoulder, presses light kisses to her neck that are too much and not enough all at once. A’whora hears herself gasp into the kitchen, already equal parts frustrated and desperate.
“You should probably stop kissing my neck, then,” she breathes out, hissing as Tayce’s lips hit a sensitive spot that doesn’t make the situation any better at all.
“You should probably stop acting like you like it so much,” Tayce smiles against her skin, punctuating her sentence with another kiss before adding, “Or else I wouldn’t do it.”
“Yeah, it’s all my fault, isn’t it?" A’whora giggles, looking to the ceiling in exasperation as she already knows how this is going to end.
It’s fun to let Tayce work for it a little, though.
“All your fault, you bad girl,” Tayce murmurs, pulling away from A’whora’s neck and instead keeping her eyes trained on her as she runs her hands up the sides of her thighs and under her skirt. If Tayce is looking for a reaction then she’s got one, because the feeling of Tayce’s fingers against her skin is filling A’whora’s head with all sorts of memories that’re making it even harder to stick to the rules they both set.
“You looked so good tonight,” Tayce murmurs, her eyes cast down to the floor. The praise makes A’whora’s heart race twenty times harder than it already is. She pouts, brings her own hands to rest at Tayce’s hips.
“I was so pretty, wasn’t I?" she teases, not missing the way Tayce’s eyes flutter closed at her words. She decides to twist the knife a little. “Bet you’re so gutted I wasn’t picking my whole outfit out thinking about you. You can’t stand to see me talking to other girls, that’s why you need to corner me in the kitchen to get a reaction, right?”
“Worked though, didn't it?” Tayce smirks, running one finger along the edge of her underwear and sending a shiver down A’whora’s spine. She’s so determined not to let Tayce win whatever game they’re playing though so she takes one hand off her waist, reaches behind her for the glass of water she’d poured that’s still half full.
“Hasn’t worked yet, we’re just talking,” A’whora smiles smugly, sipping from the glass whilst looking Tayce dead in the eye. She gets met with an equally challenging look, one that makes her squeeze her thighs together.
“Yeah, we didn’t make rules against talking,” Tayce says, bringing one of her hands up to brush a little piece of hair out of A’whora’s face and tuck it behind her ear. The contact makes A’whora’s whole body tingle as Tayce continues speaking. “Didn’t make rules against me telling you how much I want to fuck you against this counter and watch you have to try and be quiet.”
“Tayce!” A’whora laughs in shock, at once annoyed and turned on by the smirk that appears on Tayce’s face. She brings her arms up to circle around Tayce’s neck, pulls her a little closer so they’re pressed up against each other.
“Didn’t make rules against me telling you how all night I’ve been thinking about flipping that skirt up and touching you and feeling how wet you are,” Tayce mutters darkly, pushing her knee in between A’whora’s thighs as if to make her point. A’whora can only bite her lip to stop herself from giving a whimper of a response, because Tayce is busy reducing her to a puddle right in the middle of the kitchen and she can’t give her the satisfaction of appearing needier than she already is.
“Or how much I want to tell you exactly what a perfect angel you are while you’re riding my fingers and begging me for it-”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” A’whora sighs before Tayce’s lips cut her off and they’re kissing again, messy and hot and desperate and everything A’whora’s wanted for weeks. They can’t be friends when they’re so good like this, when they know just what the other likes and wants and needs, and A’whora needs Tayce so much.
Tayce pulls away only to murmur against A’whora’s lips. “Tell me what you want, babe.”
A’whora pulls back a little, taking a little breath of composure as she tries to form her words. “Want you to do all that. Everything you said.”
She can see she’s said the right thing from the way Tayce paws at her waist and slides a hand up the side of one of her thighs. She gives her a funny sort of smile. “Might need to beg me for it a little bit.”
A’whora pouts involuntarily at her words, moves a hand to cup Tayce’s jaw. “Shouldn’t have to beg when I know how much you want me.”
“Hmm. Sounds like something a spoiled brat would say,” Tayce smirks, leaning against her and pushing her thigh a little higher so that A’whora is pressed right up against it. When A’whora grinds down and Tayce’s eyes grow dark it sends a little thrill of delight down every single nerve ending in her body.
Tayce runs her tongue over her bottom lip before she whispers again. “If I didn’t want you like this so badly I’d take you over to those sofas and spank all this bad behaviour out of you.”
“Yeah, you want to watch me put my pretty little ass in the air for you, don’t you?” A’whora murmurs, squirming against Tayce’s thigh again. She can feel herself throb against her and it feels so good, fucking insanely good, but she hopes Tayce is going to give her what she wants sooner rather than later because she doesn’t want to end up coming just from this.
Tayce pulls her in for a kiss again, more frantic than the last, and as their lips crash together A’whora pushes her hands into Tayce’s hair, tugs on it in the hopes it’ll get a reaction out of her. Tayce gasps against her and it elicits a reaction in A’whora that’s so visceral that she bucks her hips again, the friction making her whine.
“Think you need to start begging or else you’re gonna come and I’m not even gonna get to touch you,” Tayce says as she pulls away, biting her lip and raising her eyebrows triumphantly when A’whora hisses out a fuck .
“Please, Tayce,” she swallows her pride and begs, her fingers playing lightly with the straps of Tayce’s top as she hears her hum in consideration.
“Not sure that’s quite enough begging for making me stand and watch you flirt with another girl at that party. Maybe I could just walk away and watch how you react to having nothing to fuck yourself against at all,” Tayce whispers as A’whora rides her thigh needily, but the tone to her voice tells A’whora she’s not anywhere near serious.
“You like watching me get all wound up way too much to do that.”
“I do,” Tayce leans in, rests her forehead against A’whora’s as she tugs her top up from where it’s tucked into the waistband of her skirt and skims her fingers against her bare skin. “I love watching you get exactly what you want, you look so pretty when you want to come. Hair all messed up and biting your lip like such a perfect little mess.”
A’whora feels her stomach flip over and the heat grow between her legs as she begins to get worn down. Her hands drop down to grab Tayce’s ass through her jeans, tries to pull her closer even though there's already hardly any distance between them. “Please, Tayce, want you so much.”
“Just wanna make my princess feel so good,” Tayce pouts mockingly, and it’s almost sinful enough to make A’whora disregard the “my” that Tayce drops in the middle of her sentence. It hurts A’whora’s feelings more than she’d care to admit, so as revenge she gives a self-indulgent shudder against Tayce’s thigh, lets out a moan that’s too loud and makes Tayce’s eyes grow wide.
“The girls are gonna hear,” Tayce warns her, leaning in for three short kisses which she clearly delights in pulling away from each time.
At this point A’whora thinks she’s being driven slowly insane and so she finally lets her pride crumble to the ground, well and truly demolished as she gives a desperate whine. “Fuck, please , baby, please, please, please, need you so much, please.”
Tayce smirks at her triumphantly and tilts her head. “There. That wasn't hard, was it?”
It’s then that A’whora breaks. As she loops her finger around the velvet choker Tayce is wearing and crashes their lips together again she only breaks the kiss to hop up onto the counter, spreading her legs wide and feeling a flutter of anticipation between them as Tayce immediately gets to work, gently trailing her fingers up the inside of her thighs and making A’whora’s mouth drop open. She tugs her lace underwear down so it’s sitting at her knees, rips her top and her bra off and brushes her fingers over her nipples, presses hot, wet open-mouthed kisses over what feels like every inch of bare skin. A’whora is such a panting, incoherent mess that she almost doesn’t notice that Tayce has stepped back a little. When she opens her eyes she can see her sweeping a long, slow glance down her body, her pupils blown and her jaw slack.
“You are a fucking miracle ,” she gasps in awe, and A’whora immediately feels herself growing shy, Tayce’s words making her feel more naked than the fact she’s sitting on their kitchen counter half-dressed. Tayce seems to grow a little reserved as well, maybe picking up on the reaction A’whora’s given her, and when she leans in to kiss her again it’s slow and languid in the same way that honey falls from a spoon.
There’s a pause in the kiss where Tayce hooks her fingers over the waistband of A’whora’s underwear and pulls it off of her completely, leaving her free to trail her fingers up the soft skin on the inside of A’whora’s thigh and make her buck against thin air helplessly. Tayce fans her fingers against her thigh and lazily swipes a thumb over A’whora’s slit, the moan of relief A’whora lets out and the little gasp Tayce gives piercing through the quiet of the kitchen.
“So wet for me,” Tayce breathes out all at once, dropping her lips to her neck and kissing her. There’s a second where she bites and sucks at her skin, making A’whora gasp and giggle guiltily and squirm against her touch. Tayce’s lips are hot against her skin as she continues. “I would be on my fucking knees if I didn’t want to look at your gorgeous face the whole time.”
“Tayce, please,” A’whora begs, bouncing a little on the countertop as she desperately and wordlessly tries to get Tayce’s thumb to circle her clit. She suspects Tayce is being deliberate with the contact; she knows if she holds back then A’whora will just start begging her desperately like she did before.
The little smirk that appears on her face confirms her suspicions. “What is it, baby?”
A’whora grinds down but Tayce only flicks her thumb away, the frustration she feels and the way she’s practically aching in response turning Tayce’s little playful smile into a shit-eating grin. A’whora feels her bottom lip stick itself out and she whines needily. “You know what.”
“Aww. You not able to use your words any more, princess?” Tayce pouts mockingly back at her, and in response A’whora brings her hands up under the hem of Tayce’s top and skates her nails down her back. It seems to have the desired reaction as Tayce pulls her hand away for a second, A’whora subsequently drawing in a deep, shaky breath as she feels Tayce’s fingers slide deep inside her, her thumb rubbing gentle circles against her clit and leaving her feeling so overwhelmed that she tips her head forward to rest on Tayce’s shoulder.
“Fuck, so good,” she whispers, shuddery and breathy against Tayce's neck as she rides her fingers. Going from minimal teasing to having her every need met all at once is rendering her almost speechless but as she straightens up she finds she wants to keep talking if only to see the way Tayce blinks slowly and heavily as she collects herself, the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she watches A’whora become more and more wound up. “So perfect, keep going...fuck…”
“God, I wish you could see what you look like right now,” Tayce hisses, curling her fingers and managing to hit a spot that makes A’whora squeeze her eyes shut and bite down hard on her lip to stop herself from squealing in ecstasy. She keeps her eyes closed as Tayce keeps talking to her, every word making her melt and only intensifying the waves of bliss that are racking her body. “You’re so beautiful, Aurora, oh my God, so, so, so gorgeous...perfect fucking angel…”
A’whora presses a frantic hand to Tayce’s jaw and pulls her in to kiss her again, but they’re unable to make it last all that long when they’re both breathing so heavily and A’whora is rocking so much against Tayce’s fingers it makes her momentarily wonder about how sturdy the countertops in their shithole of a flat actually are. It’s at the point now where A’whora is feeling so soaking wet and overstimulated that she can’t even form a single thought apart from just fuck , so how she manages to form a sentence Christ only knows.
“Missed getting me like this?”
“Like what, baby, a dripping wet desperate mess?” Tayce’s free hand grips her thigh just that little bit tighter in response. “Missed it so fucking much.”
Her words make A’whora shiver with lust, and something inside her curls like a tightly wound spring. She can feel her orgasm building with every passing second but there’s something different about how it usually feels; it’s all far more intense and all-consuming than normal as if every single one of her nerve endings are buzzing in anticipation. She’s completely incapable of speech now, only breathy little moans and needy whines as Tayce keeps whispering into her ear about how perfect she is, how pretty and gorgeous and beautiful, all the while fucking her gently and pulsing her fingers against that spot deep inside her and teasing her clit.
It’s because of her lack of words that A’whora can’t give Tayce much of a warning when suddenly her body seems to leap two levels at once and she’s so dangerously close that all she can do is urgently whisper Tayce’s name before her moans get increasingly louder and louder, her orgasm rips through her, and she swears she comes harder than she’s ever done before in her life. Everything is throbbing so violently that all A’whora can do is let out broken cries into the silent kitchen, completely unable to care about who could hear her. Her orgasm seems to last a few seconds longer than usual and it takes her by surprise, and her body is so racked from it that she needs a couple of seconds to compose herself. She breathes raggedly with her forehead against Tayce’s shoulder, and she can feel the other girl rubbing her back gently with her free hand.
It’s Tayce who speaks first, her voice humoured as she whispers quietly into the silence and slides her fingers out of her slowly and carefully. “Fuckin’ hell, girl. I could feel that.”
A’whora has to take two little breaths before she lifts her head off Tayce’s shoulder and replies with the only word she can form. “Shit.”
Tayce giggles, and it’s so endearing that A’whora feels her heart swell with affection and maybe a little something deeper. She’s barely got time to dwell on it before Tayce locks eyes with her, a little sparkle in them as she takes the same two fingers she’d fucked A’whora with seconds ago and wraps her lips around them, sucking them into her mouth before drawing them out and letting her eyes flutter closed. “You taste so good, fuck.”
At that point, A’whora could've just stayed silent. Or responded with something else. Or just pulled Tayce in for another kiss before returning the favour. But no- she has to ruin it by opening her mouth and saying the first thing that comes into her head, a stupid joke that’s only going to hurt her instead of make her laugh.
“I don’t think that’s something that friends do.”
Tayce’s expression falters and her palms come to rest on A’whora’s thighs. Her gaze is fixed on the floor and there's a small pause before she replies quietly. “Well maybe I don’t want to be friends.”
Every cell in A’whora’s body freezes up and she’s rendered almost motionless at Tayce’s response. She doesn’t even care about how desperate she comes across as she replies almost breathlessly. “What do you want, then?”
Tayce doesn’t meet her eyes. The seconds tick by. Her palms slip off A’whora’s thighs and come to rest at her sides.
Tayce takes a step back, casts her gaze to the ceiling this time. She seems to be looking everywhere but at her. A’whora watches her press her lips together, bring her arms up to wrap herself in a hug. The silence grows longer and more ominous, storm clouds hanging over the two of them that are heavy with rain.
And then it dawns on A’whora that what Tayce must be feeling is all-encompassing regret. She regrets it all. Everything she said, everything they just did. She’s dug herself into a hole that she can’t escape from.
So A’whora helps her out of it. The tears flood her eyes as she hops down from the kitchen counter, snatches up her clothes with her face burning from embarrassment, and her hot tears run down her face almost as fast as she dashes back to her room. She’s completely humiliated, and she’s not going to stick around to talk things out.
Tayce doesn’t yell after her, doesn’t come back down the corridor for her, doesn’t stand at her door and knock and ask to be let in. Instead there is only silence and darkness, and all A’whora can do is lie down on her bed and sob into her pillow, trying her hardest not to make a sound but wondering if she's failing even at that.
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He picked the wrong seat.
(This is something that’s been floating in my head. I love college!AUs and I’m just happy to be here. I like the idea of Levi studying to be a social worker and Hange being a behavioural Neuropsychology prof/researcher. plus Hange would have rats... this fic is just a place for her to have rats and rat friends.)
He didn’t know it when he first sat down on the couch, but he should have known it when a woman in maroon sweatpants staggered up to his couch.
She placed the tower of books and papers she was carrying onto the couch with a grunt that let on how heavy the pile had been. She shook out her arms before sitting on the other side of newly formed blockade. Levi glanced her way and leaned over to throw a scowl, to make sure she knew the disruption was not appreciated.
But she just sat quietly and read. So, he didn’t move, he figured it would be fine. He should have moved.
And she just sat quietly and read. So, he didn’t move, he figured it would be fine. He should have moved.
"Hange! Hey, Hange! There you are, why didn't you answer your phone?" A young man jogged over to the woman sitting on the couch next to Levi.
Levi's scowl deepened, and he glanced at his watch, not for the first time in the last 15 minutes. His own class finished over an hour ago, but Isabel's lecture wouldn't be finished for another 45 minutes. It was getting late, and as the air grew colder, the nights were getting darker. He didn't like the idea of her walking home alone at this time of night. Furlan thought he was being dramatic, they weren’t on Understreet anymore.
The kid approached the couch and dropped his bag unceremoniously at her feet. He looked a little older than Isabel. Fuck, he was dreading the day she introduces some dumb boyfriend to him.
The woman slowly looked up and seemed more startled than she should have been to see the kid in front of her. She blinked and looked at her watch.
"Oh, it's 6:45 already? Hey Jean! Sorry, I lost track of time." One of her hands was still on the stack of books that was starting to lean just a little too much for Levi's comfort.
He shifted away and glanced around the room. The atrium was busy and noisy. There wouldn't be anywhere else to sit this side of campus on a gloomy September night. The choices were to either sit here or to stand somewhere like a weirdo. He grumbled to himself and looked back down at his notes.
Jean shrugged, "All good, Hange. But, where's your phone? You didn't see my messages?"
Hange looked down at the report in her hand as though she expected herself to be holding the phone. "Oh... I thought I had it." She attempted to pat down her jacket pockets (of which there were far too many) and then tried to use her foot to move her bag towards her.
Glancing up at the kid with a slight frown, "what's up? Why? Did something happen at the lab?"
"No," Jean said with smile, "Armin was just asking what time he should tell his tutorial the kick-off party starts. And then just to say that the slides for the lecture tomorrow look good."
Levi watched out of the corner of his eyes as Jean bent down to help the woman check her bag for her phone and mumbled, "We really should get you a case you can clip to your belt or something…"
"A-ha!" Hange raised a fist clenched around a flip phone, and then suddenly, she was holding it with two hands.
Her pile of books had had enough and was about to topple over when Levi's arms shot out to steady the tower before it collapsed on the brunette. She hadn't even noticed.
He didn't mean to catch the books before they fell. He really hadn't planned on moving at all; the books weren't even falling his way. It was her own damn fault if she didn't notice. But, his body was just too used to moving quickly to catch pictures, mugs, and lamps before they could reach the floor. It wasn't a coincidence that they didn't have many breakables in the apartment, what with the way Isabel was constantly twirling around and Furlan's sleepwalking.
When Hange did notice, a few seconds later, she let out a startled yelp and attempted to use her whole body to steady her library.
"Shit, no! That's making it worse," Levi said, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He steadied the pile again and kept his arms holding it up for a while longer before shooting a glare to the airhead next to him.
"Sorry, sorry!" Hange said with a laugh. She grinned at him from around the books, "thanks a bunch, though! Wild reflexes!"
He rolled his eyes, "You just weren't paying attention."
She raised an eyebrow and cracked a grin, "what? Were you staring at me?"
Levi felt his cheeks go warm and diverted his gaze from the woman's laughing eyes.
"No, I wasn't," he said curtly, "I was just sitting in the fucking danger zone."
He made sure the books were steadied before he picked up his notebook again.
The kid in front of them coughed and shifted around uncomfortably. "Thanks, man," he said while giving Levi a quick once over. "If those textbooks go down, all the paper she's stuffed into them would have ended up everywhere. It took hours to match the notes up to their text pages again."
Jean reached over and started restacking Hange's stuff on the floor while she held on. She still looked like she found the whole thing much too funny for Levi's liking. He decided not to look her way.
"You should really organize your shit better," Levi mumbled, keeping his eyes on his paper.
Hange leaned her head back against the couch, "aww, man... that's what everyone says. I've tried, guys! It just never lasts." She let out an exasperated sigh.
Jean muttered something too quiet for Levi to catch, but Hange nudged him with her foot and shot him a look.
"Well, enjoy carting around half the library then..." Levi shot her way and that, he hoped, was their last interaction.
Hange looked down at Levi's open binder, which was neatly labelled and visibly well organized.
She let out a small "huh," before turning her attention to the kid again.
"Alright, Jean! Well, the kick-off party starts at 8:30 at the Wallflower. I'll head over after my lectures and locking up the lab." She frowned, "wait, why wouldn't people join? Puppy therapy is always super busy."
Jean sighed and leaned his head to the side, "yeah, but Hange. I mean, the hype just isn't the same with rats. Plus, the lab is intense and the hours for the regular meetings are kind of random."
Levi frowned at his notes. What the fuck? Fucking weirdo...
Hange sighed, "yeah, you're right." Then shot him a bright grin, "But! I swear I'm about to get a big grant to really kick it all up a notch! We're really getting somewhere, and we can maybe take on a few more assistants next semester to help with all the data entry that's going to need to happen!" She was basically bouncing.
She paused and looked around the room quickly before returning her fiery gaze back to Jean, who was looking a little frazzled.
"And get this, Jean Boy, I've been working on something with Moblit. I can't get into it right now, but it could be really big if it all goes according to plan. Like really big!" She was bouncing again. Her hand gestures were getting more exaggerated and much too close to Levi's personal space. He decided to just lean away and scowl instead of getting dragged into another conversation.
Jean narrowed his eyes, "Wait, like big for you and research nerds or big as in normal people big."
Hange grabbed his hands, "like brand new wing big. Like the Rat Pack Club goes on vacation big."
Levi was still looking at his notes. He had to admit he was starting to be a little more curious than he was annoyed. She was trying to whisper but wasn't doing a very good job at it. God, it was like she didn't know how to be quiet.
"Wait, so this is something you're working on with Dr. Berner? I thought you were still heartbroken from him switching labs," Jean asked while trying to take his hands back. "Is he back?"
Hange shook her head, and her smile dimmed a little, "no, my ride or die still over at the Medical Imaging Lab in the comp sci building." She perked up and continued on, "But! It may have worked out for us in the end!"
Jean looked a little less tired now, "huh... well, when can you tell us about it? Who knows about it?"
Hange let out a low chuckle, "uh, well, don't tell anyone. It started as just a little side project for Moblit, Nanaba, Nifa, and me. We didn't expect it to really go anywhere. So keep it to yourself, for now, I'll let y'all know when I can."
Jean nodded. He looked determined and, suddenly, a lot younger than he had a minute ago. He gave a mock salute, "you got it, Doc!"
Hange mirrored his salute and gave him a wink. "Awesome, ok! Oh, also, did you have any questions about tomorrow's lecture?"
Jean shrugged and shook his head, "nah, I looked it over, and it's pretty chill. Cog Psyc was a fun course."
Levi glanced up and looked at the top right corner of his notes. Intro to Cognitive Psychology.
"And that's exactly the vibe we want this semester! Fun!" Hange exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
"Yeah… ok, fun. I can do that," Jean mumbled. "I'll tell Armin," he said as he turned to go. The kid waved lazily over his shoulder, "See ya tomorrow, Hange!"
"Get home safe, Jean! Tell Sasha and Connie I say hello," Hange waved to the back of the kid's head before leaning back and slouching down.
"Rat Pack Club goes on vacation. Ha! Take that monkey brain," Hange muttered with a smile. She closed her eyes like she getting ready to take a long nap in the middle of the atrium, which was getting less busy as time went by.
"Oh!" She exclaimed and shot up and turned to face Levi with a much-too-bright smile, "I forgot to introduce myself!"
She stuck out a hand that was covered in ink smudged. Levi felt the corner of his lips fall and held back a snarky comment; he really was trying to be less pissy, as Isabel put it. He sighed and reached out to shake her hand. He had hand sanitizer in his pocket.
"I'm Zoe Hange, but please call me Hange! Nice to meet you, and thanks for saving my books!"
Levi nodded, "Levi." He went to take his hand back, but the weirdo was still shaking it.
"You're taking Psyc 221 tomorrow, right? That's awesome. I hope you're ready for a heckin' good semester, Levi!" Hange was still shaking his hand.
"Yeah. Yeah, it sounds great," Levi mumbled as he jerked his hand away from her grip.
"Is this your first semester here? Transfer student? Do you live on campus? What courses are you taking?" Hange kept going as though he looked happy to be there instead of inching away and gathering his papers to leave.
"Second semester here, transferred from Wallrose College," Levi muttered. He didn't want to admit it, but Hange's enthusiasm was putting him on edge. What the fuck was she on?
Hange nodded enthusiastically, "That's great! Welcome, and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! I'll be your lecturer for PSYC 221. My lab's down in the Neuro wing, so feel free to stop by if you have any questions!" She pointed down the hall that had a staircase at the end of it. "I always really enjoy having some older students," she continued, "at least someone to make eye contact with when the kids make a reference I don't know." Hange smiled at him before rummaging through her pocket and proceeding to hand him a business card. He didn't want to take it, but he also didn't want to piss off his professor. Fuck it, whatever.
"I know what you mean. My younger sister is always trying to get me to do these stupid fucking dances for TikTok or whatever the fuck," Levi grumbled out as he looked over the card. His eyes flicked upwards to meet hers.
"[email protected]?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't let it leak into his voice, but, shit… She had to be a few years younger than he was, and she was a professor and director of a research lab. He didn't want to say he was impressed, but he was. But she was also a fucking weirdo.
Hange nodded and smiled widely. She reached back into her pocket, grabbed the card back from Levi, and scrawled something down with the newly retrieved pen. The pen was labelled, pocket pen.
"Yeah! It's the email address for the club I started with some students. My research lab has been doing some behavioural studies with rats, and it's hard not to fall for their little paws and their little eyes. So, every now and then, we get together and hang out and chill with some rats. This Friday, we are having our kick-off party. You should stop by!"
Hange handed him the card back. It had a time, a date, and an address.
"This is more of a social gathering at a bar near campus, not really a regular meeting. It's mostly just a bunch of research assistants and a few of us old folk having some drinks," Hange shrugged, still smiling. She wasn't done, "the usual meetings are chilling with the rats and throwing around ideas. Sometimes the students pitch us some experiments, and then we give them feedback."
Levi didn't think he would go. To the meetings or the party tomorrow. Hell, he knew for sure he wasn't going to go. Still, he nodded and muttered out a half-assed, "sure."
"Plus! The kids don't stay too long at the parties. They eventually head out after a few drinks to the next destination to get trashed where their profs can't see them. So it's only rowdy for a little while. It's been a while since I made it to the second location. I'm not that old, but I'm not that young anymore." She laughed lightly, and Levi was caught off guard by how pretty the sound was.
"I can't Fridays," Levi said as he pocketed the card, "I work Friday afternoons."
Hange nodded, "It's 8:30 to late-thirty, so stop on by if you want! Or if you know someone who'd-"
She was cut off by someone dropping their bag onto Levi's lap.
"What the fuck?" He started, looking up with a scowl. Of fucking course it was Isabel. He looked at his phone and saw 5 missed calls.
"Dude, what's the point of having a phone if you never answer it," Isabel said with a little more sass than Levi was used to. His brow furrowed. He'd ask about that later.
"Don't be a shit," he said gruffly, but still more gently than his usual tone. She made him worry like that. "My phone was on silent."
"Hi! You must be Levi's sister! He mentioned he had a younger sister." Hange stood up and grabbed Isabel's hand with a smile, "I'm Hange. I'll be your brother's professor starting tomorrow. Should I be keeping an eye on him? I feel like he's going to give me a hard time." Hange gave Isabel a wink and a smirk, which the younger girl returned. She looked a little less tense than she had a minute ago.
"Pfft, Nah. He's pretty bland." Isabel replied and shook Hange's hand with significantly more enthusiasm than Levi had. "I'm Isabel. Thanks for engaging with Mr. Grumpy here. He usually just sits there like a weirdo."
Levi stood up and thrust Isabel's bag back into her arms, "Ok, time to go." He turned on his heel and started walking away at a brisk pace.
Hange shouted out, "bye, Levi! See ya tomorrow!"
Levi waved over his shoulder but stopped when he didn't hear Isabel following behind him.
Isabel was still standing next to Hange, who was staring at her pile of books. He groaned and made his way back to the couch as Hange leaned down and tried to pick up the stack.
He placed a hand on Isabel's shoulder and attempted to steer her away.
"Isabel let's go," Levi said.
The young lady shook her head, "Nah. I'm catching a ride with some friends. We're gonna go get some food before heading home! So don't worry about me!" Isabel gave him a look and gestured towards Hange, still mapping out a game plan. Levi pretended not to notice her look and shot her a glare of his own.
"Isabel. Dammit, why did you tell me that before I stayed till the end of your classes?"
Hange let out a chortle and glanced up at them, "Ha! Classic. Have fun, kid!"
"Well, since you don't need to worry about me," Isabel said sweetly, "you're free right now. Hange, let Levi help you with this!" She shoulder-checked Levi and stuck out her tongue at him with a grin.
"I'm sure she's fine," Levi said.
"Oh, man! I would so appreciate it!" Hange all but yelled, standing up suddenly. Her head smashed right into Levi's chin, making them both groan and bring their hands up to their respective injuries.
"Dammit, four-eyes. Be fucking careful," Levi growled. He shot Isabel a look, but it didn't stop her giggling. He was losing his edge.
"Ok, bye! I have my phone, and it won't be on silent!" She waved and hurried off in the direction of the exit. There was a group of girls who waved, laughing, before walking off together. Levi let out an exasperated sigh, but he was happy to see she was making friends. She deserved it.
Groaning, he looked back down. Hange… was just sitting on the floor, next to her pile of books. No, she wasn't just sitting there. She was reading a book.
"Yo, four-eyes. You want help or not."
"Hmm?" She looked up as though unsure of who was talking to her. She blinked her big, brown eyes and then smiled. Her lips formed a little oh, and though she only just remembered where she was. "Oh, yes! Sorry, I got side-tracked there for a minute. How's your chin! I'm really sorry about that!"
She stood and reached out to touch Levi's face.
He took a step back, "You were just touching the floor. I don't want you touching my face!" He felt his cheeks warm up a bit and shifted his gaze. He picked up most of the stupid, fucking books.
She chuckled and reached down to pick up the rest. She looked at him with a grin and replied, "that's a fair point, Shorty."
"Shorty?" Levi all but dropped the books. "Whatever, Four-eyes," he said and stormed away.
He heard some undignified sputtering as she tried to think of a comeback. He smirked. Good, she should feel bad.
"You just called me Four-eyes? What, I can't call you Shorty?"
"Not when I'm doing you a favour," he shot back. " And after you try to break my face!"
"No! Come back, Shor- Levi! I mean... I mean, come help me, Levi," she sounded whiney. He wasn't sure if he liked that sound.
He turned around and saw her trying to pick up the stack again. He let out a sigh and dragged his feet back to the fucking weirdo, again.
"Oh my fucking god… Why do you even have this many books with you?" He said gruffly as he took an armful of the offending items.
"Research!" Hange exclaimed as though it was obvious. She started to walking away at a surprisingly fast pace.
"What the fuck, slow down, weirdo," Levi said. In-fucking-credible.
"Well, come on then!" Hange said, glancing over her shoulder. "My office isn't too far away."
It sure felt like it was, though.
After winding their way through the halls and then down several sets of stairs, Hange finally unlocked a door and turned on the lights of her office. It was absolutely filled with books, with stacks of papers covering every surface. She shuffled into the room, stepping over a few plastic boxes, and placed her cargo on her chair. It was the only surface that had any space. Hange motioned for Levi to hand her his share, which she placed on the ground, next to the chair.
"Fuck, Hange. How the hell do you ever find anything?" Levi said, unable to hide the growing frustration from his tone. He didn't like clutter, and he really didn't like this room. "This is a fucking mess."
"Oh, it's not that bad! I can find what I need eventually!" She waved her hand and flicked off the lights. Hange picked up two plastic boxes, letting out a small grunt as she did so.
"Alright! Let's head out. Close the door, would you?" She nodded to the open door.
"What's in the boxes?" Levi asked, shutting the door. He had no idea why he was still here. Why was he still here, talking to this lunatic. God, he shuttered thinking of the stacks of paper in that little office.
"Oh, just old notebooks that I need to shred, some speakers I need to donate, and then a lot of rat food to bring to the shelter."
He had forgotten about the rats.
He looked over at the tall, lanky woman. She was obviously struggling. Shit.
"Give me those," he muttered as he took the boxes from her.
She let out an audible sigh as she shook out her arms, "oof, thanks a bunch! Ok, it's over this way!"
Levi glanced her way, "what is?"
"My apartment!"
He felt weird about this. He didn't know this person. Well, he did, or he would know her. Tomorrow, anyways. It still felt weird. He wasn't sure he really knew why. He nodded silently and followed her.
He paused when he looked down.
"Are you wearing fucking crocs?"
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fydream · 4 years
even if it is, just for tonight | p. js
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☌ genre: jisung x reader, slice of life(ish), fluff, angst?, high school!au? kinda.. i wouldn't say it's a college!au but it's the summer before you move to college, the mood is a teenage coming of age movie where the main characters sneak out and do things but like not illegal things yk, best friends to lovers because i'm a sucker for that!!, inspired by life is strange episode 3 + we go up era/the we go up mv teaser + the perks of being a wallflower, mentions of ex-boyfriend!jaemin, say hi to skater boy!renjun!!! also say hi to college boy!johnny!! they're more of a touch and go but they'd appreciate a hello :-)
☌ songs/playlist: 🎵(yes these go in order of the story,,, the most important songs though are "aint it fun by" paramore and "fallingforyou" by the 1975 and maybe "is there somebody who can watch you" also by the 1975)
☌ word count: 7.3k!! 
☌ warnings: food mention, cursing, uhh breaking and entering? i wouldnt really say that but it's more off you jumping a fence and trespassing lol, also this is semi proof read lmao sorry
☌ author note: this is dedicated to my dear friend cam!! (@huangsilks​) happy birthday i love you <333 here's a lil fic bc ur senior year got cut short and as much as i wish i could give it to you, i cant, and im so sorry about that. so take this fic in return <33 mwah // all i want to do is live in a teen coming of age movie is that too much to ask for? and that's on the media romanticizing your teenage years!
☌ disclaimer: this has no relation to htbah!jisung at all. this is a completely different universe. thank you.
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─ 10:45pm;
The last day of summer vacation is always fun until you realize that the sun has started to set and the inevitability of tomorrow starts creeping into your thoughts.
So what were you doing on your last day (or night in this case) of summer? You weren't doing anything special, just looking through your room and going through the various photos you had put up on your walls, recalling past memories from your previous years in high school.
Tomorrow night you were leaving your small town and moving across the country to attend college. Needless to say you were excited to move away and get a fresh start but the one thing you weren't ready for was to say goodbye to everyone.
You didn't have a going away party like everyone else, you decided not to because that meant you were actually leaving. Though your bags were packed and your room was put together, it didn't feel like you were going to college. The realization hasn't hit yet, it just felt like another normal night. You were busy looking through one of the memory boxes you had in your room when you felt your phone buzz, indicating you've gotten a text.
[sungie: hey]
[sungie: wanna go on an adventure?]
[you: wtf? the sun set already, if i get caught i'm done for!]
[sungie: c'mon.. live a little]
[sungie: im picking you up in five, get ready :)]
Park Jisung. Your best friend since, well, since elementary. He's the boy who you grew up with, the boy who you happened to survive all of high school and middle school with, he's also the boy who happened to capture your heart doing the simplest things you could imagine.
He was your first crush, but not your first boyfriend.
He also happened to be the boy who was always there for you, no matter what. So if you were going to spend your last night in the town you grew up in, why not spend it with your best friend, Park Jisung himself?
Seeing as that he was already on his way, it left you with no choice. Grabbing the closest hoodie near you, you silently made your way to your front door where you slipped on your shoes before heading outside as quietly as you could.
It takes a few minutes before you see a familiar car pull up on your childhood street. Approaching the vehicle, you hear music playing that's only being muffled due to the windows that are rolled up and the doors being shut closed.
"Hey." He says lowering the volume as you open the door to his passenger seat. "Are you ready?"
"You're fucking insane." You snort as you buckle your seatbelt. "Wake up my whole neighborhood why don't you?"
"I mean.. Only if you want me too.." He teases, placing his hand on his car horn.
"Don't you dare!" You squeal, trying to grab his wrist before he could attempt to wake up your whole neighborhood. To no avail, you failed which resulted in a fit of laughter from him.
"C'mon. Live a little." He says once more before driving away from your. house, turning out of your neighborhood and onto the empty streets.
"Where are we going?" You ask, watching the streetlights pass by.
"It's a surprise."
"That's so ominous."
"I know."
"Could you at least give me a hint?" You whine.
"I'll give you one word."
"I'll take whatever I can get."
"Okay, the word is playground."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You ask, shooting him a glare.
"Hey! you said you'll take what you can get, and I'm giving you one word." He defends.
"You're annoying." You mumble, turning away from him to look back out the window.
"So I've been told." He snorts, focusing his attention back on the road.
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Your first stop of the night is the playground of your elementary school.
It was kind of unexpected because the last time you were here was probably when you attended school here, years ago. To be honest, you were expecting to be taken to the park near your house. The playground there was mostly abandoned due to all the kids on your street growing up, you would still see other children playing on the swings or sliding down one of the tube slides but those were on good days. Most of the time it was just empty.
"School?" You ask confused, watching as Jisung unbuckles his seatbelt and opens his door to step outside, you doing the same. "Jisung, we're way to big for this playground, you know that. Why are we even here?"
"You'll see." He says, grabbing your hand to drag you over towards the gate that they used to fence off the playground. ”Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?" You ask, earning a wink in response. "Oh my god.. Jisung no!"
Before you could realize what was about to happen, the hand that Jisung was using to hold yours was now being used to help pull himself over the chain linked fence that lead to your school's playground. After successfully throwing himself over the top of the fence and landing on the other side with a light thud, he smiles at you. "Your turn."
"What the hell?! No way!" You protest. "I can't even climb a fence! You know this!"
"Actually. That's false." He confidently states, knowing he’ll win this argument. "You climbed a fence Junior year when you were hanging out with Johnny Suh and his friends."
"What? Who told you that?!" You exclaim.
"Just a little someone who's name begins with a little 'Ren' and ends with 'Jun.'" He says playfully, sending you a little wink.
"That brat!" You whisper yell. "That’s the last time I tell Renjun something.." You add, mumbling.
"So, your turn." He repeats, gesturing towards the gate in front of you.
"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this." You mumble before continuing to hoist yourself over the metal fence. Your landing wasn’t as smooth as Jisung’s, seeing as you almost lost balance trying to get down from the top resulting in Jisung having to catch you so you didn’t break an ankle or something.
"See? That wasn't so bad." He snorts, letting you go.
"I hate you." You scoff. "Why are we even here again?"
"I'm glad you asked." He says smiling, grabbing your hand once more. This time, instead of leading you to a fence you had to jump be brings you to a small play structure. It takes you approximately a minute for you to realize where you were and where he was taking you.
"Right here." He says pointing to a red tube slide. "Our first stop of the night. This is where we first met, remember? You practically shoved me down this slide because you wanted to go down it and I was in your way."
You chuckle as the first memory of you and your best friend plays. "Of course? How could I not remember? I got called into the office afterwards because some kid told one of the teachers that I was bullying you. To this day, I still don't know who told on me."
“It was Wendy, if you wanted to know.” He adds. “She told me after she told on you.” He shrugs.
“Of course it was..” You mumble, hopping up to sit against one of the bottom steps that led up to the slide.
"Is this what we came here for?" You ask, looking up at the boy who was currently climbing up the side of the playground structure.
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" He yells loud enough for anyone in a five mile radius hear. Maybe it’s because of how quiet it is at this time of night, or maybe it’s because he just got louder whenever he was with you. But those were besides the point, if there were any cops around right now you two would definitely have gotten caught thanks to Jisung.
He makes his way to a safer spot, where he can jump down from the top of the playground. Despite the fact he moved you still scold him for his reckless actions. "Don't do that!! You’re going to get hurt! What happens when you jump off of something and finally break your ankle, hm?"
Jisung shrugs in response. "Well you see, it hasn’t happened yet. You can even check, I’m fine. It’s okay."
"You stress me out, you know." You scoff, turning away from him to walk towards the monkey bars that were once too tall for you, but now are nothing compared to your height.
"I know." He shouts from across the playground. Because of how quiet it was with just you two being there in the dead of night you could hear his footsteps along the playground structure. You could hear it creak every now and then, making you wonder if it was Jisung causing then noises of if it was just because of how old the structure is. You think about how long it's been here, how many children have played in the exact spots you were standing in and how many more will until they decide to finally remodel or get rid of it.
"It's been ages since I've been here." You whisper, running your hand along the cool, metal railing as you climb the short steps that lead up to the top, where Jisung was waiting for you.
"I know right? Do you remember this spot?" He asks, taking a seat on the platform, which barely has enough room for both of you. "We used to sit here and gossip about who we thought were cute in the fifth grade." He snorts.
"Yeah.. And when people tried to come up here you'd yell at them for the password." You laugh. "That was really fun. A simpler time." You add, going back replaying through some of your memories which were long forgotten.
For the next couple minutes you and Jisung just sit there, reminiscing to when you were both small children, where your only worry was your guy's spot on the playground being stolen.
“This is nice..” You think to yourself. “It feels the same, just like the good old days.”
"Uhm." Jisung coughs, getting your attention. "We better get going. There are more stops to go and well, we don't have all night do we?"
"Oh. Yeah." You sigh, not wanting to get up from your spot. "Where are we going now?" You ask.
"You'll see." He says, flashing you a grin.
You smile, rolling your eyes at the boy in front of you, who was now attempting (and failing) to slide down the slide in front of you.
"It’s not slippery anymore." He frowns.
"Well, yeah." You giggle, making your way down the same way you came up. "It's been years Sungie. What'd you expect?"
"I dunno. The same amount of slipperiness?"
"You're silly." You tease, lightly pinching his cheek. "Let's go." You’re about to walk away when Jisung grabs your wrist, stopping you from waltzing away to his car.
"Are you sure?" He asks. "You were kinda hesitant to jump a fence you’ll sure you'll be ready to do whatever else I have planned for tonight?" He teases.
"Depends." You hum. "Are we going to get into any kind of trouble?"
"That's up to us."
"Then of course I'm down." You say, dragging him back the way you entered.
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─ 12:23am;
The next stop is in the city near your small town. To be more specific it's the rooftop of one of the many parking garages your city has. Jisung's car is the only car parked right now due to the time being nearly twelve thirty in the morning, and you just can't help but wonder why you spent the last half an hour driving to an empty parking garage.
"Okay Park Jisung, why are we here?" You ask, leaning against the railing to look outwards for any sign of reason.
"Well first of all, if you're looking for the reason why you're on the wrong side." He chuckles, leading you towards the opposite side of the rooftop. "And if you look to your left you'll see a small venue." He says in one of those touristy guide voices, earning a giggle from you.
"Hey! Isn't that where we-"
"Saw our first concert?" He cuts you off, finishing your sentence.
"Yeah.. I remember that night. We skipped school that day to make sure we made barricade." You snort.
"It was definitely worth missing a pop quiz and two weeks of being grounded." Jisung comments.
"You act like you didn't sneak out every night during those two weeks." You joke, lightly punching his arm.
He gives you a small pout and a fake "ow." in response. "Well, yeah?" He replies. "How else was I going to see my best friend?"
"Anyone ever told you you're annoying?" You ask rolling your eyes, leaving the edge of the rooftop to walk towards the center.
"Mmm." He hums, looking up to indicate that he was thinking. "I don't think so."
"Well, you are." You say before asking "So why the rooftop?"
"I'm glad you asked." He starts, pulling out a tiny speaker from his jacket pocket. "Remember how you said you were kinda sad that we haven't gone to a concert in a while?"
"Well congratulations y/n l/n because here I have a tiny speaker that'll make it feel like we're having our own mini concert on the top of this garage building tonight!" He exclaims in a fake announcer voice.
Giggling, you smile at him before going along with the joke. "Oh wow? My own private concert? Right here? Right now? With the only relevant person in my life? How could I even think about passing that up!?"
Jisung snorts before handing you the wireless speaker, allowing you to connect your phone to it. The first song you play is "Ain't It Fun" by Paramore for the sole being of it being that song.
"Paramore?" Jisung asks, a bit confused on why you chose this song out of all things to play.
You smile at him before placing the speaker on the ground. Taking both his hands you say, "Jisung. It's fucking Paramore! Do you not remember this song? This is the one we used to blast on my speakers in my bedroom whenever we had a good day. I miss that. Now c'mon! Dance with me!" You giggle, dragging him away from the speaker and to an emptier spot in the parking lot. And so he does. It's not any choreography or anything, it's just you two jumping around on a rooftop to one of your feel good songs. A carefree moment to be exact, where it feels like nothing really matters anymore.
Jisung smiles, backing away from you to watch as you jammed your heart out. If anything, he would give everything just for you to have this moment forever. He knows how stressful life can be, not to mention how hard you worked just to barely make it into your dream school. He also knows how hard it is to feel alone, so he really isn't surprised that your chose thing song because it was your song. Jisung knows a lot more than you could ever know, so if it means he only has one night left to give you everything, then so be it.
Before you know it you watch as he runs towards you, engulfing you in a hug. Shocked, you try your best to look up towards the boy who had you in his arms. If you weren't this close to him you probably wouldn't have noticed the slight glossy look over his eyes, deciding not to touch on it for now and just accept the hug as the song fades into background noise.
"You're leaving tomorrow." Jisung whispers, before pulling apart from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders. "You're leaving, tomorrow." He states once more this time, more softly while looking at you in the eyes. "You're gonna go off to some college and find a new, maybe get a new boyfriend, and even get a life of your own."
"You know I'll never replace you." You respond back, voice barely above a whisper. You were looking at the cement on the ground or the buildings that were only light being lit up by the various lights around or the night sky, which you definitely haven't seen in a while. You were looking anywhere, everywhere that wasn't your best friend, because you knew for a fact if you looked at him in this moment you would cry.
"But hey," You say speaking up, finally getting the courage to look him in the eye. "That all starts tomorrow. I'm still here right? We still have what? Like twelve hours? So let's make the most of it while we still can, okay?"
Jisung looks down at you before giving you a sad smile. "Actually it's seventeen hours." He sniffs, letting out a light laugh.
"Okay? So? I've got seventeen hours to spare, do you have seventeen hours to spare?" You ask, teasingly.
"You can have all my time in the world, y/n." Jisung replies, pulling you back into the hug.
"Glad to know." You giggle. "Because I'm willing to give you all of mine."
Soon enough the song ends and you hear the beginning of Fallingforyou by The 1975 start to play.
"Hey," Jisung whispers. "I- Uhm. You know this song reminds me of you?" He says.
"It's does?" You ask, voice muffled due to the fact you were speaking into his chest. "Why?"
"Oh god." He starts. "You can't make fun of me for this though." He says pulling away from the hug.
"I won't. I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
"Okay well.." He starts, walking away from you. "Here goes nothing.." There's hesitation in his voice and you can't tell if it's because what he was going to say would hurt you or if he just never planned on telling you. It's silent for a few seconds before he breathes in and let's out a sigh.
"I used to like you, y'know."
Though this is just the start of his sentence you wonder why it already began to hurt. Perhaps it could be because he started his thought off with 'I used to like you.' Used to, meaning not anymore.
"Back in the beginning of Sophomore year, when I saw that you started dating Na Jaemin I realized how much I liked you. And when I saw how much you were with him and how much fun you were having with him I couldn't help but wish that were me.. I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if I figured out my feelings before you got with him. And even after you two broke up, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I just confessed to you, out of the blue."
"Is that so?" You ask, walking towards the boy who was now seated on the hood of his car.
"Yeah." He whispers, looking down so he didn't have to face you.
"Well, then I have a confession to make." You state, hoping onto the empty space next to him to take a seat. "I used to like you to."
"You did?"
"I did." You hesitantly state.
"Oh.." He whispers. "How long ago?"
"A while ago." You say softly. "I never wanted to risk anything because I didn't want it to affect our friendship. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if we ended up breaking up on a bad note. I didn't want to risk losing my best friend."
"Oh." He sighs.
"What do you think would've happened if we dated?" You ask.
"I dunno actually. I mean, I don't think much would really change.. We're already pretty close, and we basically act like a couple anyways. Just look at us right now." Jisung responds.
You didn't realize it but currently you were snuggled up against his side, with his arm wrapped around you. If Jisung didn't point it you probably wouldn't have noticed. "We do everything together, and we always bring each other gifts. We even went to prom together, remember?"
"Well yeah.. as friends."
"That's besides the point. I'm talking about how people see us y/n. Go ask anyone, Donghyuck thought we were dating."
"He doesn't count. Donghyuck thinks everyone is dating." You snort.
"Okay, then ask Renjun. The reason why he told me you jumped that fence was because he thought that Johnny was gonna steal you from me."
"He did?"
"Yeah. His exact words were 'You're girlfriend just jumped a fence to hang out with J. Suh and them. I'd be careful if I were you, Johnny's known to steal each other's girls.' You should've seen how confused I was and how awkward it was to explain to him that we weren't a couple." Jisung laughs. "He was so confused."
"He thought we were dating?"
"Jisung." You state, looking up at him. "This is my last night here. And before you tell me to shut up and enjoy the moment I want to tell you one thing, okay? It's really really important to me and I feel like if I don't tell you this right now, I may never will."
"Geez, you're dramatic." He jokes. "What's so important anyways?"
"I still like you."
"Oh.." He whispers. "Oh? Wai-Wait. You still like me?"
You nod.
"Like.. like-like?"
"Yes, like like-like." You chuckle.
There's a moment of silence before anyone says anything else. The only things making noise are the sound of distant cars that you hear drive by, along with the wind as it decides to pick up a slight breeze. Your phone is still playing music but you can barely hear it over your light breathing, which to you, sounds like the loudest thing on world. Your head is occupied with thoughts on why you decided to confess right now and Jisung is left trying to process what you just told him. It only lasts for a few seconds, a minute at most, but it feels like an eternity.
"Hey y/n?" He says softly. You snap your head up, looking towards him. Half of you is ready to hear whatever he has to say while the other half of you is worried that you just ruined everything with four little words. "Yeah?" You ask as your voice cracks a little.
"I still like you too."
"You do?"
"I do."
"So the question becomes, what are we?" You whisper, looking back down at the ground. "I leave tomorrow."
"That doesn't mean anything.." Jisung mumbles.
"What are you talking about? Yes it does. It means everything."
"No, it doesn't." He states, jumping off of his car hood to stand in front of you. "Think about it, you leave tomorrow right?"
"Well, like you said. You're still with me right now and we've still got-" He stops, taking a second to glance at his phone to check the time. "About sixteen and a half hours to spare.. So, why not make the most of it?"
"What are you implying?"
He sighs, taking a step closer to you to grab both your hands and pull you off his car hood himself. "Will you, y/n l/n, be my girlfriend? Even if it is, just for tonight?"
You squeeze his hands, unsure of what to say. Of course you want to say yes, this is one of the moments you've been waiting for! Something you never expected to happen! So why were you feeling so unsure?
Maybe it's because you knew this wouldn't last forever, or maybe it's because it was your best friend. Either way, each option had it's pros and cons. You just couldn't figure out which ones outweighed the other.
If you say yes, then you would've got to experience your long term crush being your boyfriend. But it also meant it would end in less than 24 hours, and what if you didn't want that? Sure long distance is an option, but would you be able to do it?
If you say no.. Then what would happen? Would tonight just end up awkward? You didn't want to pine after some boy for so long, and you sure didn't want Jisung to feel embarrassed, especially since both of you just confessed to each other.
So what do you say? You don't have all the time in the world to pick an answer.
"If I were to say yes.." You say, speaking up. "Do you promise nothing will change between us afterwards? Will we still be friends after that?"
"We can be friends." He says. "Or we can be more than friends. We can be whatever you want. I just want you to be happy."
You sigh, letting go of his hands, only taking a second to look at him.
"What?" He asks, moving to get closer to you.
"Nothing." You sigh. "Just thinking."
"About what?"
"About.. us.. You know..  What are we going to do once the sun comes up?"
"Cry and then kiss some more?" He jokes, hoping to lighten the mood a bit.
"Sungie.. I'm being serious. What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know, y/n. If I'm going to be honest I don't want to think about it either.. I didn't think that far ahead!"
"I know you didn't but we have to talk about it. It's bound to happen."
"What is?"
"Us.. breaking up.."
"You didn't even accept my offer and you're already thinking about us breaking up?" He asks. In his head it sounded okay, but by the look on your face he can tell it came off differently.
"What?" You ask.
"We could always do long distance y'know.."
"Sungie. Look at me." You sigh, looking at him in the eyes. "I'm moving across country and you're staying here, without me. What did you think was going to happen?"
"I didn't think anything was going to happen! I just wanted to spend one night with you as my girlfriend!" He yells, and you take a step back at the sudden volume change.
"You expected me to say yes?"
"No! Of course not! I didn't even plan any of this! I prepared for the worst, but then you brought up the whole liking thing and it just.. I don't know?! Gave me hope?"
"I don't know.. what'll happen when the sun comes up, y/n. I don't know what'll happen at all. I just want you to be happy.. and if that means we have to finish this night as just friends, then I'll be okay with that. We can pretend like nothing happened and we can just go on-"
"What if I don't wanna pretend like nothing happened?" You ask, cutting him off.
"What if.. I wanna say yes, but I'm just too scared to?"
"Why would you be scared?" He asks.
"Because.. if I do.. and this happens to be the best night of my life.. I don't want it to end."
"The answer I want to give you is, 'it doesn't have to end.' but that would just be a broken promise on my part." He sighs, giving you a sad smile. "But the answer I will give you is, we can make the most of it, but that's only up to you. So I'm asking you again, y/n l/n. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." You sigh, nodding your head reluctantly.
He pulls you into a hug and even though it's just a hug, it's one of the best hugs you've ever experienced. It's more on the comforting side, which would explain why you felt warm and at home. But it different from the hugs you've shared before.
"So where are we off to now?" You ask, ready to officially start tonights adventure. It comes out more muffled due to the fact that you're still holding each other.
"You're so eager." Jisung pouts. "Can't we just stay like this for a while?"
"I suppose so.. It's nice."
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─ 3:06am;
The third stop of the night is diner just a couple minutes away from your high school. It's open 24hours meaning you'd see students come here after dances and school events, two of them being you two. One of the convenient things about this place was that it also had a small arcade connected to it. Maybe it was just a marketing strategy, but it worked so this is where you spent the majority of your free time.
"Hungry?" He asks, pulling up in the parking spot in front of the entrance door.
"Why are we here?" You ask, glancing over at the radio to check the time. "It's three am.."
"So?" He asks. "Let me take you on a date. We can even share a milkshake if you'd like." He teases.
"How romantic." You snort.
"Y/n!! I'm being serious!" He whines. "Do you know how badly I've wanted to take you on a date here?"
"Well.. Technically we have gone on one, multiple to be exact." You claim.
"Oh yeah? Name them."
"Our study sessions for SAT's?"
"I meant a proper date! You call suffering together while we complain about the future a proper date?!" He exclaims.
"Okay then how about all the times we came here after a dance or sport event hmm?" You ask.
"Those don't count! We went as friends!"
"I like to count them as dates.." You admit. "After all, they're the best ones I've been on."
"Oh really?" He asks. "Better than the ones that Na Jaemin has taken you on?"
"Uh, yeah? Of course?"
"Take that Jaemin!" He exclaims, causing you to giggle.
"What's your deal with him anyways?" You ask, curious on what he has to say.
"Well.. he's the person I'm competing with, right? For best boyfriend?"
You roll your eyes. "It's not a competition. Besides, if it was, then you'd automatically win." You tease. "So are we going on a date or what?"
Jisung giggles. "Yeah. Let's go."
The diner is empty. There isn't anyone but a lone police officer, drinking a cup of what you assumed to be coffee; two girls who happen to look like they're on a date, and another boy, who seemed to be around you and Jisung's age, working on paper of some sort.
Taking your seat in a familiar spot you look past Jisung (who was seated in front of you) and out the window behind him. You still have a few more hours until the sun comes up, but seeing the moon slowly make it's way down hurts just a bit.
"Hey." Jisung says, drawing your attention back at him. "You zoned out a bit there, you're not falling asleep on me are you?" He teases.
"Pffft! You wish!" You say a little bit too loudly, earning a glare from the cop seated a few booths away from you.
"So about that milkshake.." You trail off. "What flavor did you get?"
You scrunch your nose at his answer. "Why?"
"I dunno." He shrugs. "It's pink, I thought it'd be romantic."
"You're cute."
"I know."
"That wasn't a compliment."
"I'll take it as one."
"I- Nevermind."
"You're lucky you're cute."
"You think I'm cute?"
You scoff at him. "Of course I do."
"Ah, okay. Cause I think I'm cute too." He snickers.
"Hey!" You gasp, earning a light laugh from him.
"It's okay I think you're cute too." He says scrunching his nose.
You stick your tongue out at him, looking away to fake being upset.
"Ah boo hoo. Don't be like that."
You're just about to argue back when the waitress who took your order earlier places down the milkshake that Jisung ordered in the middle of you two. She also drops two straws on the table along with it. Both of you thank her and after she leaves you decide to ask Jisung a question.
"Hey Sungie?" You ask, ripping off the paper wrapping to your straw. "Why this place?"
"You're kidding me, right?"
With a smile, you shake your head no at his response and he lets out a sigh.
"Do you really want to know?"
"Yeah!" You nod. "Why?:
"This is where I realized that I was in love with you."
It takes a second for you to process what he had just said. It doesn't hit you right away but the more that you think about it, the more you realize what he meant.
"O-Oh.. Here?" You ask, as if you were unsure of where you were.
He nods in response and watches as you try to put together the pieces of how he figured out he loved you.
"Why?" You ask. "It's not like we've done anything special here. The most we've done is come here after prom.. and the rest of the dances I guess, but prom is the only one that I can really think about."
He giggles. "It doesn't have to be a big event for it to mean something y'know. I realized I was in love with you the summer going into sophomore year. You remember how we came here that night? After I so happened to convince you to sneak out and come to the movies with me?"
"Duh!" You exclaim. "How can I ever forget that?! I had to climb out my fucking window for you, do you know how scary that was? And we had to walk all the way there because neither of us could drive yet!"
"Hey in my defense I said that Johnny could've driven us. You just didn't wanna get caught!"
You roll your eyes at him. "No. That is not why, and hey! Don't try to make this conversation about me! You're the one who's supposed to be explaining stuff right now!"
"Damn." He scoffs. "Ya caught me. Well, anyways, before I was rudely interrupted-"
"You're the one who asked me a question!" You defend.
Ignoring you, he continues. "You remember how we were sitting in this spot, complaining about sophomore year before it even started?"
You nod.
"Well you were going off on some kind of rant- I don't even remember what it was about- but you just kept talking and you didn't seem to notice that I wasn't listening because I was too busy admiring how you looked. Maybe it was because it was the middle of the night, and both of us were very much sleep deprived but for some reason, it just hit me. I don't remember what it was about you, but it was that moment when I realized 'oh my god. this is what it's like to be in love.' y'know? Like you're finally realizing what it's like to be in love with someone, rather than just loving someone. Do you get what I mean?"
You shake your head no.
"Oh c'mon!" He whines. "I can't be the only one who knows what I'm talking about! It's like finally realizing what all the love songs are about, it's just like.. some kind of feeling! And it was just different how I felt from you, being my best friend, and you, being the person I had a crush on. I don't know how to explain it.. but it was just.. amazing."
"Yeah?" You ask.
"Yeah." He nods.
"Is that so? Well.. then maybe I do know what you're talking about."
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You just did it."
"Wha- huh?! What did I do?"
"You're cute." You giggle.
"You weren't listening, huh?" He says, smiling.
"Nope! Not at all."
"So you do know what I'm talking about then?"
"Of course I do."
"You're so cute." He giggles.
"I know." You respond.
"I'm glad we agree."
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─ 5:22am;
The last stop of the night is some place familiar. You didn't expect this location as much as you did others, so when Jisung decided to park here you didn't know what else to say.
"We're at.. your place?"
"Yeah." He nods, walking towards the gate that lead to his backyard.
"We're not going inside?" You ask, confused on where you were going.
"Pffft. Inside? Why would we go in there? Now c'mon, let's go."
Following Jisung into his backyard is nice. You see a lot of roses and plants that hug the side of his house. As you continue to walk you get various memories from when you two would hang out back here, before you got bored and decided that there was more to the world than Jisung's backyard.
"Okay. Do you want to go first? Or do you want me to?" He asks once you reach a ladder that lead to the roof of his house.
"You chose a ladder?" You whine. "Why didn't we just climb out one of your windows or something?"
"Because y/n!" He teases. "Where's the fun in that? Besides we've already done that before, why not do something different tonight?"
"You mean climb a ladder to sit on your roof instead of climbing out your bedroom window like we normally do?"
"See you do get me! That's exactly what I'm saying." He exclaims. "Now c'mon, up we go!" He smiles.
It's nicer than you expected. You don't know how or when he did it but he already had not one, but two blankets prepared. You assumed he put it here before he left to pick you up or he just asked one of your friends to leave them here. Judging by the fact that they didn't feel freezing cold, and that the ladder was already propped up to the side of his house when you got here, you assumed he asked Renjun or Jeno to leave them here.
"So.." You start.
"Please don't ask why I chose my own house." He jokes.
"Okay well first of all, I wasn't." You defend. "I was gonna ask what are we doing on your roof at five in the morning, but now that you mention it.. Why did you choose your house? We could've gone to so many other places."
He gives you a confused look, allowing you to ask, "What?"
"Please tell me the second question was a joke." He sighs.
You give him a smile and he pats the empty spot next to him, signaling for you to take a seat.
"Okay y/n, since you wanna know so badly, I'll tell you, yeah?" He asks, clearly annoyed at the fact that he chose his own house for gods sake.
You giggle. "You don't have to answer it you know. I know why."
"Okay, then I'll ask you. Why?"
"Because," You tease in a sing-songy voice. "Where else would we have gone? Technically, we started tonight at my place so why not end it with yours? We've spent a significant amount of time together, right?" You ask and he gives you a nod in return.
"Exactly. So it would just make sense that we have two halves of one whole, right? You pick out the places, and I bring back the memories. Right?" You explain.
"Congratulations. You've figured it out."
"Of course?" You giggle.
"Do you wanna know why we're up here though?" He asks.
"Yeah sure, why not?"
"It's because we can see the sunrise better from here. Yeah we used to just sit on the roof and talk in the middle of the day, or we'd watch the sun set, but we've never really watched it rise together before, y'know?"
"Really?" You ask. "Are you sure about that? We've pulled all nighters together before!"
"Yeah but one of us is either half asleep or just not paying attention."
"Hmm. I guess you're right about that." You hum.
"Do you promise we'll get a pretty sunrise?" You ask.
"Christ y/n. I don't control the weather! Who do I look like, mother nature?"
"Hey, mother nature is badass!" You scold. "She could literally end everything right here, right now."
"I suppose so." He hums, wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer to him. You rest your head against him and for a while you two just sit there in silence, no words just being said. Just the sounds of your breathing plus some birds chirping due to the current time. It's nice and comfortable. It feels like home.
You feel yourself about to start falling asleep when Jisung starts talking.
"I'm really gonna miss you.. y'know." He sighs, turning his head to look at you. If he didn't know you any better he'd think you actually fell asleep, it's only the sound of you humming the word "yeah?" that informs him you're still awake.
"What's the thing you're gonna miss most about me?" You ask.
"You expect me to chose one?" He asks, only earning another hum in response.
"Okay.. Well.. For starters, I'm going to miss seeing you everyday. I'm gonna miss not being able to text my best friend 'hey let's hangout today' and then just sitting in my room playing Mario Kart with you for the next three hours. I'm gonna miss your little roasts that you'd pull on me whenever I do anything stupid. I'm gonna miss our boba runs we used to have each week. I'm gonna miss causing chaos on the rest of our friends because how else are they going to prepare for trouble if there isn't two of us? There's so many things that I'm gonna miss about you that I could just go on and on about but we don't have enough time for that." He sighs.
"Really.. I'm just gonna miss you."
A second passes before Jisung decides to speak up again. "Are you gonna miss me too?"
"That's a silly question." You sigh. "Of course I am dummy. You expect me to not miss you? What am I gonna do without my partner in crime? My best friend and technically my boyfriend? You expect me to move across country and not miss you at all? Are you insane?!"
"Only a little." He jokes, earning a light punch from you.
"If I could take you with me I would."
"So why don't you?"
"Where are you gonna live? My fucking closet? I can't let you do that, you'll get too cramped in there." You joke.
"I guess.." He pouts.
"So.. What's gonna happen.. between us?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, we're watching the sun rise, aren't we?"
"I guess.. I just didn't expect it to fly by that fast.." You mumble.
Another moment of comfortable silence passes before either of you say anything. This one lasts for about ten minutes, fifteen at most, with the only sounds being your shallow breathing catching your attention. It's comforting, just being like this. Laying on Jisung's side while having his arm wrapped around you and a blanket hugging you both. The wind picks up a breeze every now and then making you shiver a bit due to the lack of warmth but that only makes you snuggle closer to Jisung in hopes of stealing his body heat.
"Thank you.. for tonight." You whisper. "It's all I could've asked for."
"I'm really glad you liked it. I'm just happy I got to spent time with you before you left." He chuckles.
"I'm gonna miss you."
"So much."
The sunrise is pretty. It's one of the best ones you've seen in your entire life. It consisted of pinks, and yellows, and a little bit of purple. Though there were wispy clouds in it, it was like the earth was telling you it's okay to move on and go. Some may say it would be a perfect way to end a beautiful night,  or in your case, the perfect way to say goodbye.
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its-abbyyyyy · 3 years
hi hi !! (i still don't get how tumblr works so idk if im even sending this in the right place?) but congrats on 50 followers!! <33
i was wondering if i could have a dps ❤️?
i never know how to describe myself but here goes:
i'm a 17 year old, 5'4, mixed (black and european) non binary earth being with short curly/coily dark brown hair, nearly black eyes (they're actually really dark brown). i'm a depressed introvert with social anxiety 🤠 i put my alone time above everything else, and i like to do most activities alone (the only person i can spend a lot of time with without draining my social batteries is one of my best friend who's also my soulmate). my love language is touch but i have a slight touch aversion (im a walking contradiction, but like im basically a cat, i love hugs but only when i want them). i love to read, write (shitty poetry and books i'll never actually finish, mostly), watch films and series. i like to write letters to my soulmate and make her little gifts (handmade beaded jewelry, little paintings or drawings,...). i hate hate hate summer, and thrive when it's raining a lot and there's thunder and lightning. i drink mostly tea, coffee and water, i don't like loud noises or loud music (but im listening to music 24/7, mostly hozier, willow, doja cat and the beatles). im the youngest of my uni friend group but im also the mom friend. im a collector (books, plants, jewelry, crystals, funko pops) which means im broke.
the films i rewatch the most are dps, the perks of being a wallflower, pride and prejudice (2005) kill your darlings, and any mcu/harry potter film. i never go out without my rings and my style ranges from dr martens, baggy pants and t-shirt to fancy white blouse, long skirt and heels. i kin todd and meeks but my fav poets are meeks, pitts and charlie!
i think that's more than long enough sjfbdkdlfk im sorry for the info dump 🤠😭
thank you so much and again, congrats for 50!!! <333
Hi!! Thank you so so much for the ask (we seem really similar)
I'll ship you with Todd and I'm pretty sure Charlie would be your best friend! <3
You've been stuck in Vermont for almost a month due to your parent's new job and it hasn't stopped raining, not that you mind
The one problem about the weather is that rain means staying inside and staying inside means not meeting anyone
That all changes when your parent(s) decide that enough is enough and send you out on your way to town
And who should you bump into but the dead poets themselves, huddled around a table at a small but crowded diner
The bell rings to signal the door of the diner opening and Todd glances up quickly to see who walked in, looked back down, then nearly gave himself whiplash from looking up again as he registers that you, the most good-looking person he had ever seen, just walked in
Neil sees him staring almost immediately and smiles to himself but doesn't say anything
Charlie, on the other hand... he notices and instead of shutting up about it like Neil, he takes it upon himself to go up to you
"Hi, I'm Charlie Dalton. It's pretty crowded in here, but would you wanna join my friends and I at our table?"
You gladly accept and slide into the booth next to Todd, who flushes bright red and keeps his eyes fixed on the table
You follow suit, too nervous to start a conversation until Charlie speaks up again, asking you a million questions
With each answer, Todd begins to fall more and more in love
To the dismay of all of you, a few hours later you insist that you should be on your way
Before you can make it far down the street, Todd jumps up all of a sudden and sprints up to you
"Uh... I-I..." he stammers, then takes a deep breath and whispers, "Could... could I maybe see you again?"
"I'd like that," you smile and, before you can lose the courage, kiss his cheek quickly and run off with a smile spreading across your face
Todd's speechless, to keep it simple
It doesn't matter how many dates y'all go on or how many years you two are together, he's still speechless every time he sees you <3
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ofsunrays · 3 years
sometimes i think about how i barely talk to anyone lately.
i think i have friends, I do, I just don’t participate. & god that makes me sound like such a pretentious, pompous asshole but I promise I'm not. I am just tired, & constantly constantly drained. I never have the right things to say.
but then I think about how far I've come. how I have friends now, friends I like, friends I care about. I just wish they’d feel the same for me & I just fucking wish I could explain why I love them so much & how much they mean to me & how when I say their name it rings too close to my heart for knowing them for so little. but I can’t articulate my thoughts. I'm not a writer, not in the slightest. I can’t write you good poetry or even give you a crumb of my time or hold space for you. I'm sorry I am so weak right now. I know I'll be better later.
so I say it in simple words, I know I don’t talk to you. I still think about you when I'm listening to that artist you like in the playlist you made, or when i’m seeing a post on Tumblr, it’s a fucking shitpost & it reminds me of you; or when I walk past a pet shop & think about how much you’d love to come there. know that I am still thinking about you. even if you don't think about me, even if you think I hate you.
so I am sorry. I know i’ve said it one too many times. but i think that for now spending my day on spotify & thinking about love & watching perks of being a wallflower & losing myself completely to media, trying to find little pockets of love in the way I spend my day, is fine, because at least for now I am alive. 
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {15}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, drugs, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Sorry it took a few extra hours - the chapter was too short so I had to decide what I wanted to add in from chapter 16! Enjoy~
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“We accept the love we think we deserve.” - Stephen Chbosky, the Perks of Being a Wallflower
Cassian couldn't think straight.
That anger, that motherfucking anger, was creeping up on him.
The bastard that sure as hell wasn't good enough for Nesta, was staring at her like she was a piece of meat, a prize to be won. Cassian wanted to hit that look right off his face.
“Aren’t you the guy that moved in across the hall from her?”
He was drinking a beer and had been ignoring Cassian until now.
Cassian gave him a short nod.
“What, you two friends now?” Tomas asked, looking back at Nesta. “I thought you hated him. Said he was annoying as fuck.”
Nesta ignored his question, his comment. She asked, quietly, “Where the hell have you been?”
Cassian stilled. The fact that she still cared made him nauseous. Maybe he was in the wrong, but he thought Nesta had forgotten about Tomas long ago. Thought he had helped her forget about Tomas a long time ago.
“Adriata,” he said, shrugging. “Went along the Coast. Surfed.”
“You just fucking left,” Nesta gritted out. “Without saying anything because I hurt your fucking pride.”
Cassian had taken her home that night, when Tomas had abandoned her at the nightclub. 
“Needed some time away,” he said, simply, and smiled.
Nesta wouldn't look at Cassian.
He had yet to touch his whiskey.
“Did you miss me?” Tomas asked.
Nesta looked at Cassian, then she turned her back to them both.
He couldn’t tell what was going through her mind, didn't want to know what was going through her mind. If he knew, his anger would only grow.
He kept watching Tomas.
“What time do you get off?” Tomas asked, continuing his interrogation. 
“Late,” Nesta answered.
“I’ll wait,” he said, grinning.
Nesta looked over her shoulder at him, then at Cassian. Her eyes were hard, unreadable. She didn’t tell him to fuck off, didn’t tell him to go to hell. Instead, she said, “I’m on break. Be back in five.”
She left, leaving Cassian to stare, dumbfounded, after her. Before Tomas could say anything more, Cassian tossed some cash next to his untouched drink and made his way into the alley, where Nesta was standing, leaning against the wall, lighting a cigarette. 
Unsurprised by him storming in, Nesta didn’t bother to look up at him as he stopped in front of her. 
“What the fuck?” he asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, voice monotone. 
Cassian shook his head. Maybe he’d gotten everything all wrong, read the signs all wrong. All the time they had spent together the last few weeks - maybe it was just for sex, something to fill the void for her after Tomas left.
Maybe now that he was back, she had no need for Cassian anymore.
He raked a hand through his hair, calming himself. “Are you coming over when you get off?”
Nesta looked tired. “I don’t know.”
“Because Tomas will be waiting for you?” he asked, before he could think twice about it.
Her eyes narrowed. “Fuck off, Cass.”
He shook his head, laughing, humorlessly. “What am I to you?”
She didn’t answer. 
“I asked you a question,” he said, voice low. 
Nesta blew smoke into his face. “I don’t owe you an answer, so fuck off.” 
Cassian took a step back, feeling as if he’d just been slapped. “Alright. Fine.”
He started walking away, back toward the sidewalk, where he stopped. “I’ll leave my door open, when you get off. If you don’t show up, I’ll take the hint.”
Nesta said nothing.
Cassian walked away. 
He found his bike, the one he’d finished that morning, near the other side of the building before strapping on his helmet and speeding away. 
That anger, that fucking anger, crept into his mind, into his soul, and he couldn’t control it. They were doing so well, getting along so perfectly, until that fucker waltzed in, pretending like nothing ever happened. Cassian remembered the first day he’d met Nesta, when Tomas was there, and she was a fucking mess. High on Mother-knows-what, hungover, depressed. Now he was back, and Nesta shut down, pretended like Cassian no longer existed. And he had thought that things had changed, that she and him were starting to…
It was unimportant, didn’t matter anymore.
Maybe she was just surprised, thrown off by Tomas’s unexpected presence.
Cassian tried to push the anger away.
He would go home and do what he said he would - leave the door unlocked, wait like a pathetic jackass who felt too strongly for a woman like Nesta Archeron. 
So that’s what he did.
And just after midnight, he heard low voices outside of his apartment. Drunk on whiskey, he opened his door, and found Tomas stumbling into Nesta’s apartment.
He met Nesta’s gaze, but it was like looking into a never ending abyss. Empty. Dead. An endless void.
She watched him, though. Watched his eyes go wide, then harden. Watched his jaw lock as he shook his head. “Hint taken,” he slurred. “Fuck you, N-Nesta.” 
She didn’t flinch, didn’t hesitate, didn’t act like the words affected her at all. But she watched him, those empty, stormy blue eyes - watched as he took a step back and slammed his door shut.
That anger returned, rising at an uncontrollable speed. 
He threw his glass, still holding a thin layer of whiskey, against the wall in his living room, where it exploded into shards of glass, dark, caramel colored liquid raining down the ivory wall. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, and Bryaxis was instantly up from his bed, following his master down the hall.
Cassian stomped into his bedroom and tossed himself onto his mattress where Bryaxis instantly was, knowing his father was having an episode, knowing he couldn’t control the anger, that hated anger. 
The pup pulled himself over Cassian’s abdomen, laying his chin on Cassian’s chest, paws outstretched. Cassian closed his eyes, told himself to breathe. 
That anger lingered, even as he calmed, but Cassian told himself that it was all his fault.
He had started to fall in love with her.
And no good ever came from falling for a woman like Nesta Archeron.
Rhysand awoke to his bed creaking, just after midnight.
Feyre had hurried out of the room, down the hall. He heard the bathroom door shut.
He picked up his phone off the nightstand and opened his messages, where he had missed five texts after falling asleep early. 
Three were from Cassian.
Feyre’s sister is a bitch.
Whiskey is good. I like whiskey.
Where the fuck are you and Az you little lovesick fuckers.
Rhys made a mental, uncertain note to give Cassian a call in the morning.
The next text was from Azriel. It was a picture of Mila, who was wearing the new pink Batman pajamas Rhysand had ordered her online. Beneath the picture read, Mila has been jumping across all the furniture all night, pretending to be Batgirl. At one point, she body slammed me. It was all fun and games until I got kneed in the balls.
Rhysand huffed a laugh, pulling up the last text that was from an unsaved number. Your ring is in. You can pick it up at your earliest convenience. 
He quickly deleted the message as Feyre swept back into the room, bare body outlined in the dark, starlit room.
“Sorry,” she whispered, “I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“It’s okay,” he said, watching her climb across the bed to him. “Cassian was having a drunken, mental breakdown, it seems.” 
He put his phone back on the nightstand as she asked, “Because of Nesta?” 
“Seems so,” Rhysand muttered, as Feyre fell back against the pillows. He climbed over her body, and her arms wrapped around his waist. “Who knows.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “I won’t be getting in the middle of that mess.”
Rhysand chuckled, kissing her, softly. “Go back to sleep.” 
“Yeah,” she whispered, hands wandering down to his ass. “Sleep.” 
“You’re going to be tired for work in the morning,” he murmured. 
Feyre huffed a laugh, pushing his wild hair off of his forehead. “I’m okay with that.”
With a grin, Rhysand pressed his mouth to Feyre’s, his tongue sliding between her lips to brush alongside her own. 
One last night of peace, one last night before Rhysand woke up the next morning, kissed Feyre goodbye, and got ready for himself to leave the house. Because after Feyre left in the morning, he would be going to see Tamlin. 
And, it seems, he had a ring to pick up.
“It’s getting late,” Elain whispered, glancing at the clock. 
“Yeah,” Azriel agreed, quietly.
They had been lying awake for hours, talking about everything and nothing and all things in between. Now, he could see the exhaustion sweeping over her.
“Get some sleep,” he said, smiling.
But Elain didn’t smile back. Her palm rested against his cheek, her thumb brushing over his open lips. Azriel’s own smile faded at her touch. 
“Kiss me,” she whispered. 
Azriel didn’t have to be told twice. He leaned in closer, pulled her to him by her waist, and pressed his lips against hers. Elain fell back against his bed, and he hovered over her, careful not to put too much of his weight on her.
Her delicate hands swept down his back, under the hem of his shirt. Her hands were warm against his skin as they crept up. Chills swept down his spine. 
Elain tugged at the fabric, and Azriel leaned back, pulled his shirt over his head, and tossed it onto the floor.
Elain pushed against his chest, a silent plea for him to lay down, and when he did, she straddled his waist. Those delicate fingers trailed over his chest, his abdomen. Her brown eyes were bright as slipped off her sweatshirt, and her tanktop. 
“Elain,” Azriel hesitated, his entire body reacting beneath her. “We don’t have to-”
“I want to,” she said, laughing quietly. She took his hands and put them against her body. Azriel’s hands swept up her stomach, to her breasts. His fingers brushed over the outline of her bra, careful not to catch the lace on his rough, calloused fingertips. She leaned down into him, lips crashing into lips.
Azriel had been so patient. Had taken things slow.
It was easy to take things slow with Elain. She was easy to talk to, easy to be gentle with. But in that moment, Azriel was done being gentle. His body ached for anything but gentleness. 
He unhooked her bra, and she let him slide it down her arms and palm her breasts. Azriel flipped her onto her back, smile bright as she looked up at him. Azriel pressed his lips, softly, against her abdomen, and she held onto the back of his head as those feather-like kisses trailed up, tongue sweeping over her nipples, lips finding the base of her neck. 
Elain’s eyes fluttered shut as she breathed, heavily, as she inched down Azriel’s shorts with her fingertips.
A soft growl escaped him as his lips found hers, once again. 
“Elain.” He whispered her name between the whirlwind of kisses, but was unable to say anything more, because a loud knock came to his bedroom door. 
“Uncle Az!” Mila’s little voice came through the door.
Azriel froze, then sighed, his head falling against her chest, between her breasts. Elain, unable to help herself, laughed quietly.
“It’s okay,” she whispered.
With a groan, Azriel pulled himself off of her and hopped off the bed, pulling his shorts back up to his hips. “I’ll be right back.”
She nodded, smiling fondly as she pulled his blanket up over her body. 
Azriel stopped at the door, trying to collect himself as Mila knocked, again. 
“Okay,” he breathed, and opened his bedroom door to find a teary-eyed four year old, clutching her blanket. 
He frowned, shutting his door quietly behind him. “What’s wrong?”
She reached her arms up, and Azriel gathered her into his arms as he carried her back into her room. 
She laid her messy-haired head against his shoulder. 
“Bad dream,” she said, yawning, as Azriel sat on the edge of her bed with her on his lap. “Those men took mama away and she was crying.”
Azriel blew out a long, slow breath. It was impossible, trying to find a way to tell Mila what was happening without telling her that her mom was a horrible woman. Yes, he hated Amarantha, but he wouldn’t let his view of Amarantha cloud Mila’s. 
“It was just a dream,” he said, quietly. “Your mama is okay in there. And she loves you and she misses you, okay?”
Mila yawned, nodding, slowly.
“Let’s get you back to sleep,” Azriel murmured, laying Mila down and tucking her in tight. “Don’t want to be tired for preschool in the morning. I love you.”
“Love you,” Mila said, eyes already closed. He patted her back, gently, until her breathing evened out; then, he backed out of her room, slowly and quietly, until he was back across the hall, sneaking into his own bedroom.
Where Elain was sound asleep.
“Ah, fuck,” he muttered, laying down on the other side of his bed.
It took him a longass time to fall asleep.
And when morning came, and he stumbled into the kitchen, Mor was already sitting at the table, grinning with a cup of coffee. 
“May I help you?” he mumbled, pulling open the fridge for some orange juice.
“Took you a long time to open your door for Mila in the middle of the night,” she said, sipping from her mug. 
Azriel shut the door and spun around, exasperated. “You were awake? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Mor shrugged. “She wanted you, not me. Now, what did she interrupt?”
“Nothing,” Azriel muttered. “Didn’t have a chance to….nevermind. I’ve got to run to the store to get a few things before I head to Elain’s dad’s to finish up. Mind taking Mila to school for me?”
“I’d be honored,” she said, winking. 
Azriel took the orange juice into his bedroom and got dressed. He had pulled on a hat over his messy hair when Elain woke up.
She smiled sleepily at him.
“Good morning,” he said, quietly.
“Good morning,” she repeated. “Sorry about last night.”
Azriel smiled. “Don’t be. It was late. I’ll be done around noon. Can I come get you for your lunch?” 
“Please do,” she smiled, and he kissed her forehead before walking out.
Mor’s grin followed him until he was out the door.
After Feyre left, Rhysand had run to Tamlin’s office, but he wasn’t in, yet, and wouldn’t be until ten. So, he drove down the strip until he came upon a little, local jewelry shop. 
He was welcomed by the owner, an elderly man, who was smiling broadly behind the counter.
“I see you got my message.”
Rhysand smiled. “Couldn’t wait. Can I see it?”
The owner went to the back of the shop and came back with a little black velvet box. He handed it to Rhysand, who opened it with shaking fingers.
It was perfect. 
Simple, he couldn’t afford too much, but he knew she would like it. A thin, rose gold band with a small, pear-shaped diamond. 
“I can make the first payment today,” Rhysand said, closing the lid. “I can take it with me today, though, right? Even if it’s not paid in full?”
“Of course,” the man smiled.
Rhysand slipped the ring into his pocket before making his payment, thanking the owner, and leaving. He wasn’t sure when he’d ask, but he figured he would know when the moment felt right.
All he knew was that he was in love with Feyre. He had always been in love with Feyre. There was no one else he would want to ask to spend the rest of his life with him.
As he got into his car, he pushed the idea into the back of his mind and put the ring into his glove box. 
At nearly ten, he was driving back down the strip, until he was parked in front of Tamlin’s father’s building, where Tamlin got a job for simply being his father’s son. 
Rhysand didn’t wait. He got out of his car and walked into the building, heading straight for the elevators. 
He rode up to the twelfth floor, where the receptionist greeted him with a smile. “I told Mr. Lewis you stopped by. He said to send you in when you come back.”
Rhysand nodded his thanks and went through the winding halls until he was in front of Tamlin’s office door. He didn’t bother knocking.
Tamlin looked up, one brow raised, as Rhysand entered and sat in one of the armchairs on the other side of his desk.
For a moment, neither of them talked.
“Gad to see you’re healing,” Tamlin said, with a small, snarky smile. “Not surprised to see you coming to my office. Can’t get your ass kicked here.”
Rhysand shook his head. “I came here to talk to you like a fucking man. We’re not in high school, Tamlin. I’m not like you. I don’t go around looking for trouble like a fucked up teenager.”
Tamlin’s pride wasn’t hurt. That smile remained as he cocked his head. “I liked when Feyre came to my apartment the other day. How very chivalrous of her. Reminded me of simpler times, when she warmed my bed, not yours.”
“Don’t talk to me about Feyre,” Rhysand said, trying not to let the words bother him. “It’s sad, really, how your need to make her miserable has come this far.”
Tamlin’s smile faded. “I love her. All I do is for her.”
“That’s bullshit,” Rhysand said, shaking his head. “Feyre loves me, and you cannot stand that you lost her. When, in reality, it’s all your fault. You pushed her away with your pride, your incessant need  to be in charge of everything, her included. And now that she’s finally happy, you can’t stand it. Because it’s me, the person you hate the most, who is making her happy.”
Tamlin didn’t move. He watched Rhysand with a deadly calm, one that Rhys matched as he propped his elbows on the armrests and leaned forward. 
“I’m not afraid of you,” Rhysand went on. “I never was, and I never will be, but Feyre doesn’t deserve to live with you constantly looming over her shoulder, so you will back the fuck off.”
Tamlin, to Rhysand’s surprise, grinned. “She’ll come back to me, no matter what I do. She was with me for almost a decade. She’s with you now because you were around, and she was lonely.”
The words struck a nerve as Rhysand’s worst nightmare was voiced by his greatest foe. 
But he didn’t let it show. “Will you still be saying that when Feyre becomes my wife? Because she will. Soon. I’ve got a ring, I plan to propose, and you’ll be the first person I tell when she says yes.” 
Tamlin was up from his desk and storming around the corner where Rhysand met him, on his feet. 
“Ask her to marry you and you’ll be looking worse on your wedding day than you do right now,” Tamlin spat.
He jabbed Rhysand in his broken ribs, and the pain was excruciating, but Rhysand was ready, this time. Rhysand elbowed Tamlin in the jaw before pushing him back onto his desk and holding him down by his throat. His laptop fell off, along with a giant stack of - what Rhysand assumed - important documents. 
“You’ll leave us alone,” Rhysand said, gritting through the pain that shot through his body. “You forget that I know you, Tamlin, that I’ve known you for your entire life. If you want to keep the glamorous life you have, your dad’s money, you’ll leave us the fuck alone. If you ever cared for Feyre, you’ll leave us the fuck alone. And, if you don’t, I will personally destroy you. So leave us. The fuck. Alone.”
Rhysand slammed Tamlin’s head back into his desk one last time, for good measure, before storming out.
Tamlin didn’t come after him.
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@midnightrose-reader​  @lord-douglas-the-third​  @thestarguidingyouhome​
@empress-ofbloodshed​  @starkovsnesta​
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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Betty//things change and friends leave. life doesn't stop for anybody.
Request: Can I request a Betty/Reader where you fly in with Nick St Clair as one of Veronica's old friends and you ask her to show you around Riverdale
hey! i hate nick...a lot. i wonder if that translates in this? anyway, i hope you like it! also, it seems every gay thing i write always has some sort of quote in all lower case letters as the title. hmm... this one is from the perks of being a wallflower. maybe i rushed in with the romance and lovey stuff, maybe i don’t care. 
“You really are an awful person.” You spit as you get out of the cab. Nick smiles sweetly at you while he gets out the other side, practically sprinting so he can get to the boot and pull your bags out before you have a chance. He places them on the ground but doesn’t take his hands off the handle until a few seconds after you’ve grabbed it, and your fingers touching his makes you feel even sicker than the plane here.
“Thats not very nice Y/n.” He replies, before sending a very fake, but very big smile to the cab driver and giving him a large tip. “Especially not to someone like me. Or do you want me to tell my parents?” 
“Your parents know you’re an ass, they just don’t want to be murdered in their sleep.” You reply and spin on your heel, pulling your suitcase behind you. 
“Hey!” He calls after you and you groan, you’ve already been stuck on a plane and in a taxi with him and the short walk from the side of the road to the hotel you’re both staying in seems like a lifetime away. “You’re supposed to be my friend.” 
“I am not your friend. I tolerate you because of Veronica, and after she left to move here, I’ve barely seen you. And when I have, it hasn’t been enjoyable.” 
“Clearly, that plane ride made you grouchy.” He teases and pinches your cheek. You stop abruptly and turn to face him, you’re just about to slap him when Veronica’s cheery voice stops you. 
“Next time. I won’t stop.” You whisper in his ear before looking at your friend, a bright smile appearing on your face as you take in her appearance. She looks different since the last time you saw her, but thats what a small town does to someone like Veronica, however she doesn’t look sad, she looks happy instead, and even though she left you in New York to deal with Nick St douchebag, you’re happy she’s happy.  
“Y/n!” She squeals and wraps you in a tight hug. “Nick!” She says once she’s pulled away and you can tell she isn’t as excited to see him, that fact alone makes you feel a little better about all the time you’re inevitably going to have to spend with him. “How’s New York?” She wraps an arm around your shoulder, guiding you up the steps of the hotel and Nick walks on the other side of her.
“Not the same without you.” You say genuinely and she looks at you sadly. 
“I’ve missed you.” 
“We’ve missed you too.” Nick interrupts and as soon as he starts talking its like your automatic response is to roll your eyes. 
“Aww.” She hits his arm lightly as you walk through the front door and in to the lobby. Its not as fancy as the hotels you’ve stayed at before, but for a small town you’re quite impressed, however you can’t imagine that they get many people staying. 
Veronica’s told you so much about Riverdale, about how quaint it is, and how it looks like it would be the backdrop of some coming of age film that the two of you would watch back home. You would fawn over the protagonist, who would be trying to figure out what she was destined to do with her life, while trying to juggle everything else that was thrown at her. And Veronica would drool over her love interest, who would look far to old to be playing a 17 year old, with a chiseled jaw line and abs that definitely did not fit the aesthetic. You missed those times, but like in those coming of age movies, life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, and usually the universe will throw a curveball your way, and you can’t always dodge it. 
So, when she invited you to come visit, you were excited to see her new home, meet her new friends, and a small part of you had hoped that your own film, romantic or adventurous or anything in between would start here. But, thats not how the real world works. And instead of meeting the love of your life, you end up stuck with the devil himself on a plane, while he talks about how much he’s missed Veronica and if she’s got a boyfriend yet. 
“Oh, before you guys check in, I want to introduce you to some people.” She smiles. “Archie! Betty! Come here!” She waves behind you, and you and Nick both turn around at the same time. You’re met with a red-headed boy and a girl with very light green eyes, pink lips and blonde hair. The pale pink shirt underneath her short dungarees, is so simple but so elegant and even though you’ve never met her, it seems to be so her. “Y/n, Nick.” The sound of his name in the same sentence as yours makes your face scrunch up and the blonde girl seems to notice, a small smile flickering on her face. “This is my boyfriend, Archie.” She says and you glance at Nick, the bright smile on his face drops, and your smile widens. “And this is my best friend, Betty.” She introduces you all. 
“Rude.” You mumble and send her a teasing smile before waving at the two. “Y/n.” You smile, your eyes lingering on Betty for a moment longer than normal and a soft blush dusts her cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you both.” Archie says while shaking Nick’s hand. “Veronica has told us so much about you.” 
“All good I hope.” Nick jokes, but the tone of his voice seems to make you all a little uncomfortable. 
“Nothing about you is good.” You reply and send him a sarcastic smile. Both Betty and Archie stifle a smile at your comment, and you can tell you’re going to get along with them. Veronica decides to change the subject to stop any fights happening and soon the five of you are exchanging in polite small talk. 
“Anyway.” She claps her hands together after a few minutes. “I need to take Nick to talk to my delightful father.” 
“Yeah, I have to go back home.” Archie scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry I couldn’t hang out with you guys more.” He sends both you and Nick apologetic smiles, to which you return and Nick just huffs. 
“Who says hang anymore.” He whispers in your ear, a small snicker following it making you roll your eyes...again. 
“Everyone that talks about how they’d like to watch you die.” You return and shove past him as you walk closer to Veronica. As soon as your by her side she looks between you and a very annoyed Nick before giving you a confused look. 
“Well Betty, I guess you’re stuck with me.” You move to look at her, and the two of you send each other small smiles. “Thats if you’ll have me.” You add and she nods, some would say a little too quickly. 
“Yeah.” She says. “I can show you around if you want.” She suggests. 
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“Well, we all have our orders. Y/n, I’ll meet you at Pop’s later on if you like.” 
“Pop’s?” You ask. 
“I’ll take you there last.” Betty says. 
“You can leave your bags here and they’ll put them in your rooms.” Veronica tells you before calling someone over. She gives them their orders and you smile gratefully at them as they grab your bags. “See you later Y/n. And thanks Betty.” She hugs both of you, before kissing Archie quickly and then guiding Nick out into the street. 
“See you Betty. It was nice meeting you Y/n.” Archie is the next to leave and you wave politely at him before he disappears. 
“So where do you want to start?” Betty asks. 
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “Do you have a favourite place?” You ask as the two of you walk down the steps. 
“Hmmm.” She thinks about it for a few seconds before her face lights up in a bright smile, and the sight alone makes you feel a whole lot better about being here for a week, even if you do have to spend some of it with Nick. “I know just the place.” She says before turning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction than you were originally going. 
“Is this place far?” You ask. “Because these shoes are not made for walking far. I’m not like Veronica, I can’t sprint in heels.” You giggle and she glances at your black heels. 
“I think Veronica could run a marathon in heels if needed.” She laughs. “But don’t worry, my car is parked down the street.” She reassures you. Once the two of you are in the car and driving down the small streets she glances at you quickly before looking back at the road. “Do you miss her?” Her tone changes drastically and the sound of the street your walking down seems too loud all of a sudden. You came here to have fun and see your friend, not talk about serious things with a stranger, no matter how cute said stranger is. 
“Erm. Yeah. I do. New York doesn’t feel the same without her.” You admit and look at the passing trees. She sighs, trying to think of something to say to you. However, no matter how much of a people person she thinks she is, she knows how close you and Veronica where, and she knows that if Archie moved to a different street let alone city or town, nobody would be able to make her feel better. So instead she keeps to simple girl talk, something that you’re grateful for, even if you don’t tell her. 
“I like your outfit.” She says and you look at her, a small smile on your face. 
“Thanks. I like yours too.” You reply and she rolls her eyes. 
“You don’t have to be nice.” She shakes her head and you stare at her confused. 
“I’m not. I genuinely like what you’re wearing. Why is that so surprising?” 
“I just thought it wouldn’t something you liked, I mean based on your outfit right now, I can’t imagine you ever wearing short dungarees.” 
“I’m full of surprises Betty.” You nudge her causing her to giggle. 
“I’m sure.” She replies, stomping at some traffic lights. Her gaze lingers on your profile for a few seconds too many, and when you catch her staring she can’t help the blush that burns her cheeks. 
“So, where exactly are you taking me?” 
“I am also full of surprises.” 
You continue looking out the window, and wonder what type of place could pull someone like Betty in. 
“This is your favourite place?” You wonder as you look around. 
“Yep.” She smiles back at you before sitting down on the ground. “Its great isn’t it?” 
“It’s an abandoned railway.” You quirk an eyebrow as you look at her. “Its hardly paradise.”
“It is to me.” She smiles, her eyes are closed and her head is tipped back slightly, a soft breeze making her ponytail sway a little and she looks so calm, so peaceful, so at home. “Me and my sister, Polly, used to come here when we were little. Our mom would always tell us to stay away from this place but we never listened. We’d play and run around and just escape into our own little worlds.” She explains before looking back at you. “Do you have anywhere like that back in New York?” 
“Hmm.” You think for a few seconds before sitting beside her, your legs outstretched on the cold concrete while hers are crossed next you. The coldness of the ground makes you shiver a little and she’s quickly untying the jacket from her waist and handing it to you. You’re about to argue, but the look she gives you shuts you up and so you smile at her gratefully before draping it over your shoulders. “Not really. When you live where I do, there’s not a lot of places like this. Its all high rise buildings and busy roads, not sleepy streets and abandoned railways. Plus, with my parents being who they are, especially back then, I couldn’t really go out alone. I was always with someone, whether it was a nanny or a chauffeur.” You sigh. “I know.” You hold your hands up. “That makes me sound really stuck up. But I promise I’m not.” 
“That honestly never even crossed my mind.” She replies quietly and you turn your head a little to look at her. “Nick however, is an ass.” 
“Don’t even get me started.” You groan. “He is the worst person in the world. I honestly don’t know why Veronica is friends with him. Literally the only reason I talk to him, is because of he-what?” You ask when you notice her still looking at you, an un-readable look in her eyes. 
“Nothing.” She shakes her head. “Come on.” She stands quickly and pulls you up with her. “I have somewhere else to show you.” 
“Oh yeah. This is it.” You smile brightly at her and she gives you a confused look. 
“This is what?” She asks as the two of you look around. The bridge connecting Riverdale to the outside world is quiet for the time of day. The sun is high in the sky, warming the two of you, and her jacket is now wrapped around your waist, it doesn’t entirely go with your outfit but Betty thinks its cute, and she has to give her head a shake to get rid of that thought. You’re Veronica’s friend from New York who she’s showing around, nothing more and nothing less. The water from Sweetwater River is gentle beneath the red bridge, but you can hear it none the less, and that sound mixed with the birds in the trees makes you smile as soon as you parked. 
“This is where my coming of age story starts.” You spin around and take in your surroundings, and Betty’s looking at you even more confused than before. 
“This.” You look at her. “Is where everything starts. I’m going to fall in love and have to defeat evil all while trying to figure out who I am.”
“You’re...” She tries to find the word to describe you, to describe how you look right now. But there’s no word to describe how Betty feels when she looks at you. Despite knowing you for less than two hours, she can’t help her stomach doing summersaults every time she looks at you, or the way her heart hammers in her chest every time you laugh. So her sentence dies, whatever compliment she was going to give you disappears, and she’s left watching you while you try and find a stick to drop into the water. “Coming of age?” She asks and hands you a small twig. Your eyes light up as you take it from her and the two of you lean over the ledge, you watching the way it falls and her watching you. You then grab her hand in yours, quickly look at the road before running across it and leaning over the other side. As soon as you see the stick you do a little celebratory dance, and the laugh that comes from your lips is something Betty could never get sick of hearing. 
“What about it?” 
“Whats it about?” 
“Well, Veronica told me that Riverdale could be used in a coming of age film. And we used to watch them all the time at home, so I was excited to see it for myself. The railway was a good contender, but this bridge...this is it. I mean look at it. Its so old and solid and just...here.” 
She nods and she looks around. “I get that. But I have somewhere else to show you.” 
“This place is great.” You look around in awe. “Why the hell was this placed closed.” 
“You know, I have a friend called Jughead who you would get along with very well.” She says as the two of you walk through the empty drive in. “So where does this come into your story?” 
“Oh, okay.” You stop suddenly and she almost walks into you. “So, two options. Which one do you want to hear?” 
“Both.” She nods. 
“Well, first option. I’ve met my love interest...whoever she is.” The word she makes Betty’s heartbeat pick up, and now she’s even more interested in what you have to say. “And, she’s showing me around, hey, kind of like this.” You laugh. “And we break into here, and she’s trying to show me that there’s more to life that whatever the hell I’m worrying about, maybe a murder or something. Basically she’s showing me how to live. And we end up here, stood right in this spot, both of us inching closer to the other.” You’re both hyper-aware of how close the two of you seem to have gotten and you don’t remember being this close before. “And...she’ll hold my hand softly in hers, tip my chin to look at her and then lean in slowly, and the whole thing will feel slow and fast all at the same time. And she’ll kiss me, and it’ll be soft and gentle and everything I thought it would be.” You finish, your eyes feel heavy as you look at Betty, your lips centimeters apart and Betty’s hand is holding your arm gently. 
“What happens in the second scenario?” She asks quietly and you glance at her eyes. Very light green from far away, but when you look at them up close, they have darker green and even golden specks in them. 
“Well, its gotten to the point where everything has gone to shit. My whole life is falling apart, I’ve lost friends, made enemies and the whole reason for my story seems lost. So I come here to make myself feel better, to remind me of the happier times. And she follows me. We fight. We scream and shout at each other and its raining so much you can barely see in front of you. And just as she’s about to storm off, I grab her wrist and pull her back to me, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.” You’re voice is practically a whisper as you look at her. “And then we make out.” You say the last part casually making her laugh loudly. 
“Is that the night you guys go like all the way.” She teases, her voice high pitched and mocking and now its your turn to laugh loudly.
“Erm, duh.” You reply, flicking your hair over your shoulder and the two of you giggle. 
“Ooooo.” She wiggles her eyebrows. 
“So, where are we going now?” You ask. 
“Somewhere, that I think you’re really going to like.” She replies, her eyes shining as she stares at you. 
For a split second while you’re looking at each other, it feels like you truly are in some sort of movie. 
“This our last stop before Pop’s.” She turns to face you, as she rambles about the history of this place she walks confidently backwards until you stop at a clearing. 
“We’re in the middle of the forest.” You look around. 
“I know.” She says. “But its so much more. This is where stories begin.” 
“What do you mean?” You ask and she smirks at you. 
“Sit down.” She guides you to a worn out brown sofa, pushing you to sit down. She then stands in front of you, a bright grin on her face as she begins. “This.” She points to the ground. “This is where me and Archie buried treasure when we were 8. Its where me and Polly dug it up a week later and its also where Archie got annoyed at me for digging it up, despite him being there with Jughead, to also dig it up a week after that. Its where Cheryl Blossom had her first kiss at 12, with an unknown boy, the mystery of who it was still causes controversy. Its where Jughead went when his dad was drunk, and its also where me and Archie would meet him. Keeping him company until one of us had to go home. Polly told me she had her third date here with Jason Blossom, and that something else happened too, but I won’t divulge.” She scrunches her face up at the last bit and you do the same, standing up quickly and dusting yourself off. 
“Gross.” You mumble and decide to sit on the plastic chair. 
“We’ve had bonfires, fireworks, parties, fake weddings...don’t ask. Even a fake funeral...definitely don’t ask. There’s been first kisses, first dates, first friendships made. Handshakes and hugs, and everything in between...for generations. This is where everyone’s coming of age story starts and ends. So how do you want to start yours?” 
“Like this.” You stand up and walk the short distance towards her. Your hearts in your throat and your stomaches seems to have dropped to your knees while your hands cup her cheek. Her breath hitches at the sudden close proximity but she doesn’t seem to mind, in fact she leans into your touch, her eyes fluttering closed. And then you’re kissing her, softly at first, just to test the waters. Her lips taste like strawberry chapstick and vanilla ice cream and you can’t help but wonder when the hell she had that because you met her at 11 this morning. But that melts away with the rest of your thoughts when her hands rest on your waist, squeezing ever so slightly as you deepen the kiss. 
Yeah, this is so much better than any film. 
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charlunday · 4 years
So I watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" for the first time last night on Netflix, here are my thoughts about each person
And I don't know, but I think there's a fandom for it, so I'm posting this so you guys can make fun of me in your circles. (Spoilers, I guess?)
So when he first said he was the kid in the hospital or whatever I rolled my eyes because I was like "oh so it's THIS kind of movie" and I thought he was going to like die of cancer at the end or something
I don't want to say pleasantly surprised, but I was,,, surprised and fascinated when I found out he was in hospitals because of mental health, because it might just be the movies I've watched but most of them don't talk about stuff like mental health
I loved him right off the bat don't even @ me. One reason being Logan Lerman, another being he's a real loveable guy.
I alternated between "they expect me to believe this is a ninth grade boy?????" And "Logan your performance is so amazing you're making me believe this is a ninth grade boy" for the ENTIRE movie
When he took the brownie I was like "DON'T TAKE FOOD FROM STRANGERS EVEN I KNOW THAT" then he got high as a kite
Also was fascinated by the transition of him eating the body of Christ to him putting a little drug paper on his tongue (guys don't bully me I don't know what it's called)
I really felt for him in a lot of scenes, especially in the "I'm happy and I'm sad" bit? I don't remember the exact line, but that REALLY sits with me. That sits with me HARD.
Logan your performance was stunning as always, especially in those scenes near the end when he's slipping back into a bad place. Stunning performance, Logan
I literally sat up and leaned closer to the TV when the Truth™ came out about aunt Helen, just the quick flashing of little scenes that we saw before but in a different perspective, and the constant echoing of "it'll be our little secret"? My heart = destroyed
I was IMMEDIATELY turned against Patrick because he reminds me so much of this kid that goes to my school who is terribly annoying, like, headache annoying
But the movie went on and I was like "right ok you're not to bad patty boy but you're still giving me heavy [name] vibes"
Also I thought Patrick was a teacher and I was very confused because "Ezra Miller isn't THAT old"
Oh also when we found out that he and Sam are step-brother and sister, I immediately said, "A step-brother that you also kiss. Just ask Paul Rudd, he knows all about that"
AND I knew he was gay immediately after he said he liked football because that man does NOT like football in a straight way he likes football in a gay way for sure. He doesn't know what the score is but he knows 12's biceps are poppin'.
To get serious for a second, I gotta say Ezra Miller's performance in that One Scene- actually no, All Those Scenes -was stunning. But specifically the cafeteria fight scene, and the one where he's (sort of, indirectly) talking to Charlie alone about what happened with him and Brad
I do not understand how they don't fall off immediately because??? You're not connected to the truck by anything, wouldn't your body stop moving at the same speed as the truck?????? I don't know anything anymore
Sorry I ranted about that I just REALLY needed to say that. Anyway, I loved her and Patrick's "Come On Eileen" scene, it really showed how much they love each other and it was really goofy and stuff. Also, that song is now stuck in my head
My heart physically STOPPED in my chest when I heard her say that her dad's boss kissed her when she was 11. Like, I kinda knew it was going there but like. I was QUAKING
And the milkshake scene is sweet
I just want to give Sam a hug I just want to give her one hug okay????? Just one and then I'll be done
Mary Elizabeth
She was okay right until she said to Charlie on the phone "don't interrupt me" and then I was like "right I don't like you anymore"
Also anyone who laughed at Charlie while he was high >:(((
Sorry guys I don't know if the fandom loves Mary Elizabeth or something but after she treated Charlie like that I really do not like her
And those are all the characters I feel like doing right now, hope you guys had a laugh at me being dumb for a couple minutes
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