#i just. yeah anon. you're right
sunfoxfic · 1 year
about the “recognizing stereotypes is actually what’s racist” thing NO BC THAT TAKE HAS BEEN SO AGGRAVATING TO ME FOR SO LONG.
without going into the eight page long essay about how passionately i feel about this, all i have to say is how important it is to recognize stereotypes in media in order to accurately understand what’s wrong with them and criticize the media we consume in our everyday lives.
if you just Watch Media without recognizing the problems the stereotypes represent, you just end up internalizing them. to better describe what i mean, its just like the problem with anime and misogyny. you see it happen again and again and again and again, and eventually your brain (since it learns from patterns and familiarity) starts to expect that women and feminine-presenting people are in those roles and Only those roles.
go into it with a mindset of “oh these stereotypes are okay, i cant think about it or else im the bad one” and suddenly theyre just like the people on tiktok who just throw around buzz words without any critical thought behind it.
okay thats all, thank u for coming to my summarized ted talk
Anon, you're so valid. It was such a bizarre take and unlike anything I've personally run into before. It's like?? It almost treats coding as though it's a retroactive association with *insert group here* rather than an intentional insinuation. Coding in and of itself is a neutral thing - plenty of coding is used for good, plenty of coding is used for bad. Sometimes it's really hard to tell the difference between subtext and coding, too (and subtext is also in and of itself neutral).
When you frame coding, and in particular racist sorts of coding, as a retroactive association, it turns it into a no-win situation - the person who points out the coding is the one creating the association, and therefore is the one who is bigoted.
In my eyes, when you're calling out bigoted stereotypes via coding, the "best" outcome is for the creator to have been thoughtlessly replicating bigoted media. We'll never know if she-who-shall-not-be-named was doing it intentionally or unintentionally at first (it being anything you can think of, there are more than a few examples) but clearly her reaction to being called out is to dig her heels in the ground, so considering the "best" outcome is kinda moot in this particular case.
But yeah, you're really spot on with the thing about stereotypes. Because even if you can recognize that the stereotype is wrong while simultaneously keeping your mouth shut about it in fear of someone thinking you're the one who's doing the coding, you're the one who's bigoted - even if you can manage that, you're letting these ideas perpetuate to someone who doesn't know.
My politics recently have shifted to the ideology that "what works > what is ideal." I'm not interested in debating whether the person who knew it was wrong and said nothing is more innocent than the person who wasn't educated on the matter and adopted the ideas without critical skills to challenge them. I'm not interested in debating whether the latter was a victim, whether the former is part of the problem. Ideals are great when applied inwardly but nothing trumps results when trying to change the world - and it is true, great is the enemy of good.
In an ideal world, everyone could just agree to stop this sort of bigoted coding in works and then we don't have to worry about whether it's retroactive or not. We don't live in an ideal world. The actual way that it works is that, regardless of innocence and morality, change depends on Person 1 calling shit out so Person 2 doesn't fall into it. Is that sort of act an act of social justice, or just what a good citizen does? Should people get credit for it?
Man, fuck if I know. People in three hundred years won't be studying me in their textbooks either way because I don't want them to, but where we are now, people are dying and the climate is changing, so I really prioritize making a world where they have trees to make into textbooks and a history that's written not only by the victors, but the good guys.
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
Okay that look that ADC gives Laura? I can just see all of your Lexa au looking at Clarke like that and I can’t with the softness.
You're not wrong
But also...
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hella1975 · 8 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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not-poignant · 7 days
Would you be willing to talk about the idea of 'psychopaths in real life'? I know you've written them but because there's so much messy pop culture around the idea of a psychopath I've never been sure of what about the idea of them is real. Are some people simply born wanting to hurt people? Or is it the result of early major trauma, or innate? I've met a lot of very cruel people but I think I'd say they probably weren't like that with select groups of people (their friends or family) rather than people they viewed as targets/unimportant/sinners/etc... Probably? I suppose I think of them more as emotionally sadistic than as fundamentally incapable of empathy. But maybe I just haven't met the right people, or known them well enough. Just an invitation to share your thoughts on the subject, if you're willing.
Are some people simply born wanting to hurt people? Or is it the result of early major trauma, or innate?
If you had an answer to this, anon, you'd have an answer to one of the greatest mysteries of psychology and sociology. The truth is, we just don't know for sure. There's a lot of good evidence on both sides, depending on who you're studying, which strongly suggests that sometimes it might be the first, sometimes it might be the second, and sometimes it's both.
But the reality is we don't know.
Scientists really, really want to find ways of detecting folks like this before some of them turn to extremely violent or cruel crimes, so obviously finding out the causative genetic and/or social factors is extremely important to them. It would save a lot of money re: governments for a start, so this is an area that's had bursts of funding over the years. But the reality is we're not really a great deal closer to figuring it out.
We do know that some folks genuinely seem to have had no social causative factors, and others folks genuinely seem to have been shaped by their upbringing. If you want to go into this there are hundreds of books and articles on the subject, and you'll very quickly see that no one is in agreement and we still have no solid early detection systems.
I've met a lot of very cruel people but I think I'd say they probably weren't like that with select groups of people (their friends or family) rather than people they viewed as targets/unimportant/sinners/etc… Probably?
The fact is, unless you were with them 24/7 you don't know how they were behaving with friends and family. In fact, this is how certain priests and cops get away with so much of what they do. There are priests who have been kind and compassionate to entire congregations and then gone on to rape 30/40 children in cruel ways that have led to many suicides, who feel zero shame or remorse and who very obviously just wanted access to children in a job that would give them community trust without having to earn it. That kindness and compassion is a performance to secure what you want.
Secondly, perhaps they were good with friends and family, so was Gacy. Many folks like this understand that they need to strategically set up networks of people who believe you to be kind etc. Being a psychopath doesn't mean you're stupid (although some are, varying intelligence levels exist), often these folks understand that to get away with doing what they truly want to do, there needs to be a cloak of 'I'm fine and normal and nice' around them. The ones who don't understand this tend to go to jail very quickly (or die very quickly due to the circumstances around their behaviours - being a psychopath is not a safe thing to be if you can't pair it with an ability to be selective).
But maybe I just haven't met the right people, or known them well enough.
I'm not going to talk about specific details of my past but I will say it's likely that you just haven't met someone on this level and/or have but are just not in their target zone because they might just be in the periphery of your experience.
Folks like Crielle exist in the world, for example, and sadly it's often more people than you'd expect. But some of those people are also incredibly intelligent and manipulative. They often operate on a level different to most of us.
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simplydnp · 5 months
Stop im rewatching why dan is leaving me bc of ur post theyre so disgustingly domestic i adore them
sometimes i watch that video just to feel something
#you are so valid for that anon#theres something about the energy of that video that really gets to me#theyre filming cause its promo and its good clickbait and its silly and fun and Them#but its also For Them yknow?? theyre like we're gonna talk about how we're gonna be apart for the longest time since we've known each other#AFTER 13 years of knowing each other#just even framing it like that really is wild. but its exactly what happens. and they're both on the same page of yeah its a long time.#which. it isnt That Long but it IS for them yknow!#the silly intro phil does in front of Dan's closet. and it starts with dan going oi if you're crying about me it better be a long video!#its goofy and ridiculous. theyre in this bouncy happy uncertain mood. because theres gotta be some adrenaline with it but also appreciating#each other while theyre still there together. then its the complete lack of intro to dan bc come on now its dan you know him. obviously.#& then its the 'sphere' convo and im like bitch. he wants to touch you cause youre leaving!!! let him!!#then dans genuine shock at the swear like mans is down BAD. and then the teasing! the so real plant teasing. but also general life concern#the heart cactus makes me feel some type of way okay#the sheer domesticity of the stair convo and the ps4 struggle#and how phil turns it right back on dan with the selfie incident and dan is bashful about it.#and how phil just. gets to say that dan cant shower in the bus. bc it freaks him out. & ofc dan wont stress him like that.#(also the closet rifling. something dan's 'nice to know you do. in a dark drawer somewhere' vs the lacey shirt being lacey underwear idea)#the bathroom being very clearly a shared space.#goddd theyre sooo smiley and soft and i Cant#dnp#c.text#dan and phil
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escarlatafox · 6 months
Please post the other AHKJ storyboards you have.
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There ya go, I posted em all, including the ones I put in that post ;)
There is a site I got these from which I've posted a link to before, but sadly it's password protected now. I might put the link in replies anyway, but.. yeah. (It wasn't password protected when I first accessed it :'()
Anyway the captions on these storyboards are just fdhfdhjfdh so much. "<happy love giggle>" "<Pervy Mort noises>" HELLO? The people working on this show clearly had a lot of fun with it! LOL
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
I think you’d rock a beanie
You're damn right I do.
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I don't wear them often, but I do own a couple. Maybe I should start breaking them out again, now that they don't have a risk of magically ending up in Tracy's things.
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broodygaming · 4 days
idk if that poll means viv betrays you or like. solas. he kinda betrays you by wanting to end the world ig
Yes! Yes sorry i tried to say that later in my tags haha, I just mean the whole betrayal thing reminds me of this very intense first impression of Viv, that's all. Whenever I think about the whole "mage betrayal" thing, I think of that just because I knew that my hurt feelings over Anders "betrayal" REALLY colored my choices in that (fairly early) character quest, ya know? And I feel bad haha, like it sucks and I wish she'd just given me more context T_T
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the mine thirst from the previous anons my god y'all need a whole ass water tank HDHWJE
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good morning tumblr today's broadcast is brought to you by Why Is Yoshitaka Mine So Fucking Pretty
#snap chats#GOOD MORNINGALKJ#CELEBRITY APPEARANCES FROM MAS AND MSKMA OMG WHAT AN HONOR HI GUYS#im gonna finish up my palette requests then doa comm but WOW#WOW....#i be actin like a catholic rn but i also think mine is pretty enough to drive a man insane#its me im the man in question BUT i behave myself. i will not act up#also first anon's right that plane scene was peak#it doesnt do anything for me like the eyeball scene does but it is close and i do love the scene#full yandere moment <3<3<3 he's such a silly girl <3<3<3#i love mine i love how he's calm 99% of the time and then the 1% he's just completely insane#deranged. devoted. passionate. i love you sir please keep being you i hope you never get better#well. i guess you cant get better when youre dead but </3#BUT YEAH NO MINE IN ISHIN IS SOOOOO HANDSOME ITS SO FUCKING UNFAIR#LIKE IF YOU LOOK AT MY STEAM SCREENSHOTS FOLDER IM 99% SURE I TOOK A SCREENSHOT EVERY FRAME HE WAS ON SCREEN#HE'S SO HANDSOME I CANT STRESS THAT handsome squidward moment How You Make Him MORE Handsome Oh My God#its very much an Eros and Apollo moment yk that song. LOVE that song LOVE studio killers...#like mine's not hot he's handsome yk what i mean. like he's incredibly attractive but in like a sophisticated/put-together kind of way#and it's cause of that i go insane BEECAAAUUSSSE he's seemingly normal 90% of the time and just a pretty thing to look at#and then he does some insane bullshit and its like Oh You're Not Normal. Why's My Heart Growing Three Sizes
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Heyyyy do you think that drawing a group of blobs to equate as a body + limbs would count as a good 'us'?
I've got a drawing in mind, but would have to draw it in Third POV so need to figure out a design for us
hmmm i vote yes! if i remember correctly a lot of people like to draw a gray humanoid figure to act as an ambiguous figure, so that could work too!
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trashlie · 11 months
What do you think about GL4SS's faceless member?
You saw Quimchee"s last Patreon?
Hey! I don't typically talk openly about Patreon posts on here, just because I don't want to go around and repost things that we pay to see (since this is supplemental income for quimchee and I do want everyone who has the means and is interested to support her if possible) but I give some thoughts here that won't fully hinge on giving away an image to understand (and unfortunately those who aren't patrons, you'll probably want to skip this post as a result).
I have never been on board with the Aeri = Shinhye theme because it just didn't pan out in my opinion, but I understand why it was so tightly held on to! But in my opinion, the biggest hurdle was that NO idol has the time Shinhye does to stalk Shinae and follow her around the way she does - especially because Sumin was making digs at Alyssa missing dance practice. But the other thing was that I cannot buy that any amount of make up would make Shinhye look so different from Shinae that NOL wouldn't see Shinae in her. Nol, who was missing his friends so much he went and got himself white girl wasted and admitted that he'd much rather be there with them than here. Nol, who checked his spam messages KNOWING what he'd find in there. You're gonna tell me Nol looked at anyone who looks REMOTELY like Shinae and didn't see her in her? I don't buy it, that one is way too big of a stretch for me. Dieter recognized her. Minhyuk even struggled in his encounter with her because of how much she reminded him of Shinae.
So why hide her face from us? Why play up her identity? Honestly? idk LMAO but I do feel like.... it's possible MAAAYYBEEEEE that one of the members is Amy, the girl that Shinae stood up for in middle school when she was being bullied.
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Quimchee's art style tends to change a lot, but something we can count on is how she draws eyes and eyelid folds. It's part of how she manages to show family resemblance in characters and how she doesn't fall into same-face syndrome; their eyes can define them.
What's harder for me to tell is if she's Aeri or if she's the third member whose face we've seen. There's also the girl we saw at the end of 110 - I've always assumed she's another member. I think just because we ARE playing with different styles through the eras, I'd want to see them all properly. The girl who reminds me of Amy in the patreon post has the similar eyelids, but when they're all in the back room at the Christmas party, I'm not sure - it might just be the angles.
It might not be her at all!
And yes, there's also the speculation that one girl resembles Yujing in her expression and overall body language, she just has some kind of Yujing attitude to her, doesn't she?
I'm really, really interested to see more about her groupmates but I wonder if they'll actually be revealed more any time soon. If only quimchee had a little more free time and could make them their own kpop profiles like we have for real groups lmao but alas I think quimchee is definitely hiding some secrets, otherwise why was Aeri's face withheld all this time until now?! Would Amy being one of the members be big enough to hide? I don't particularly think so, but I couldn't help but feel her face reminded me so much of the girl on the album cover. The fact that Amy was actually given a name always makes me wonder where she'll pop back up. This feels like.... a curious place which is why I'm not 100% sold on it, but I WILL stay seated on this theory until further notice lol
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layzeal · 1 year
i think your plea to keep 'shit' out of the main tag is worthwhile, but i don't think most people will understand what it means. to each person, the unacceptable looks slightly different. something that you consider to be drama-causing and shit-stirring to another person, esp a younger person, it isn't, or might even be the opposite. esp when it comes to generational and interpretation differences in language and perceived tone. then it's a big game of 'but what'd i do? i didn't mean it' because people really do stir shit about the most banal things, how could the poster have known they would meet the Number One Discourse Creator on their simple non-confrontational post? or it could be a different game of 'so what, there's no rules against starting a controversial conversation' and they're also right. we can't honestly dictate who does what in the main tag - so long as it's on topic, who actually has the authority to decide what's 'shit' and what's worthy of being seen? you don't have to respond to this btw, i just felt hopelessness at your post. if only!
you know, you're right!! i agree with you! i've just now realized my post would likely make people with like, anxiety disorders or ocd very hesitant to post in the main tag. my intention isn't at all to police what should or shouldn't go there, but for people to think twice before posting something like "ugh x character/ship is so bad and annoying 🙄 here's my bad faith interpretation of why anyone would ever like them and if you do you're ugly and stupid" or "x character/ship is actually the only good thing in this and anyone with anyone bad to say about them is an idiot who never learned how to read" which is a very specific type of discourse bait that, while perfectly fine to post in their own blog, putting it in the main tag for everyone to see? it'll just drive people away from it
but ofc not every post that feels uncharitable or too charitable for a character/pairing is going to be discourse bait, this is fandom and everyone should share their opinion, and posting in the main tag means finding more people that you can talk to about that! it's nuanced and ofc what i consider discourse bait isn't going to be the same another person does, and it's just something we'll have to learn to live with
but that's just all i'm asking for. a little bit more care and consideration, not even for my sake (i don't check the tag that much anyway and cab just block people), but for the sake of the new people arriving who will struggle to get notes on their art and writing if interested parties will have to scroll through rage-baiting hot takes every 5 posts you know?
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lookedlikethebins · 7 months
very important question!!! does miss money feature in the hot producer george x editor matty fic?
ooo good question-- thank you for asking it!! not at the moment, or at least not in a Huge way. although only because i'm trying to not have the "characters included" section of ao3 look like a clown car; everyone under the sun and within a 100 miles radius of DH is climbing out and onto the page. BUT that doesn't mean she's not around! that she's not hanging out in sessions and inviting the boys out for a post-recording beer! i mean, we can't ignore the ross/john/polly bestie conglomerate that has blessed us these past few months. and our george can't just have one wingman. he needs at least three...
taking notes anon, definitely taking notes! thank you for bringing this very important detail to my attention xo miss money will be woven in, best she can.
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not-poignant · 9 months
Hi Pia, I was talking to a friend the other day and we were debating whether it was ok or not to enjoy media made by people with different political views than your own.
She said it wasn't but I said it depends on the person but also because I think we shouldn't self-censor ourselves or judge the quality of the media by the opinions of the person/s making it. As someone who's studied media what are your takes on this? Thanks in advance ( ^_^)
Anon, this subject is way too broad for me to answer in a single post response.
It also highly depends on what the media is, and what the politics are. There's a difference between consuming something (and giving money to someone) who's just a mild asshole, and someone who is a literal rapist and has never experienced consequences for it, or someone who is literally giving money to movements that will indirectly cause the deaths of trans teenagers and is still actively doing that / not dead yet.
If you're the kind of person to give money to someone who will contribute - and has contributed - to the deaths of trans teenagers, well it's a free world and you can do that, but maybe don't expect to keep a lot of your trans friends and trans ally friends, and you yourself would not be a trans ally. You're not self-censoring, and the world isn't stopping you from doing that, but you might be someone who needs to feel more empathy for the people around you, or work on understanding why giving money to folks with monstrous politics leads to more monstrous politics.
If you don't want to live in that kind of world, you have choices you can make. But they're your choices.
It's not 'censoring' myself to choose not to participate in the works of something by someone who is doing things that could lead to a less safe world for me and fellow trans people as an example. I'm making a choice because I care about other people and because I genuinely would not enjoy the works of a person who created stuff who has said online: 'If you participate in my created works I'm going to assume you support my views (and so will everyone else).'
Making personal choices like this is not censoring, anon. (And I'm pro-censorship, lol, so even if it was, I'd still be like 'yeah contextually sometimes you have to' - censoring =/= banning). Technically censorship is something that can only be done by controlling bodies and government authorities anyway.
But we have to make choices all the time. If your friend is raped by another friend of yours, but that second friend buys you dinner all the time, do you keep seeing that second friend because like, hey free dinner! If your answer to this question is 'of course I would' - then like, well, I don't know what to say to that. We probably can't have a meaningful conversation about compassion or humanity.
Different levels of politics have different ramifications to different areas of society and different people. I'm trans, so I'm not going to support transphobic creators. It's really that simple for me. I don't want my fellow trans people to keep getting hurt by anti-trans rhetoric, and I'm pretty tired of it myself, so I avoid it, and I avoid the people who support folks who literally enable it to keep happening. It's an active issue with active and current repercussions. We're not talking in this instance about the politics of a dead author who can't hurt anyone anymore, or someone in prison, or someone who is so old they have disappeared offline into the ether.
If, on the other hand, I find out someone's a Republican but in all other ways they're mostly just living their life and not trying to actively harm people by funneling all of their personal money into things that will like...cause suicides due to promoting say, transphobia, then yeah, I might still engage with their stuff or support their stuff.
Likewise, if I watch or give money to a movie made by Weinstein, I will often think of all the other crew members and actors who had nothing to do with that behaviour who still deserve residuals or royalties.
Some cases are complicated, but some aren't. Some really are 'this person has said they will give their money to causes and governments that want to hurt us and eradicate us' and supporting that is the action of a transphobic person, even if that person doesn't feel transphobic. If the actions cause more hate towards trans people, it's a transphobic action, and it's kind of that simple.' And trust me, you can be trans and still be transphobic. We see internalised phobias all the time, everywhere.
Yes, I'm talking about JKR here, because I find this kind of question is usually about some obviously monstrous living person who is still doing monstrous things in a very ongoing way, vs. just a regular 'hey I found out this writer is pro-fracking and I hate fracking what do I do' or 'hey this author writes a ship I don't like should I hate them.'
(Look this might not be about JKR but it's certainly the first thing that's going to come to most trans people's minds and I'm trans, anon).
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wonderfulxhappiness · 8 months
vani. my buddy my pal. any tips for dealing with bpd beyond "fantasize about destroying social bonds because god wouldn't that be nice". thanks (this is to say we're going through it) -🪴
oh damn yeah i can try to help a lil
find a healthy(ish) coping mechanism. for me when i get the urge to irrationally block people/lash out/etc, i either go play a game (i play rhythm games a lot bc it makes me focus on something else), just remove myself from the situation (i have a side account where i've blocked a lot of people off of it and go over there to scream and cool off and rb characters from games and shit), or just kinda. destroy stuff (WITHIN REASON). there has been a few times where i've dragged out old work from high school and just ripped papers into shreds to calm down. don't go like, throwing the good china at the walls or anything, just rip up some old school work or some scrap papers.
if you have the ability to, talk to someone. i can hash stuff out with sonata sometimes (if he's not actively encouraging me to be worse, or feeding into my delusions), other times i talk to my brother if they're willing, and they help me work stuff out. my dms and stuff are always open if ya need to talk, too :3 also just? talk to the person bothering you if you can in a rational way? (or even in a sort of "irrational" way, if they understand what you're dealing with). it helps me a lot to just clear out my feelings, and sometimes whatever's bothering you can be avoided in the future. or you'll just get told you're being irrational, which in my case kind of helps sometimes skgdhds
uh internal affairs can also help!!! like me and my headmates kinda have agreements for when i start getting a bit uppity and they're working on failsafes to kinda? make it less bad? for lack of a better way to describe it? so they just kinda. take over sometimes. if i'm being particularly irrational and petulant. so maybe working out something with your headmates can help out? (and if any of your guys share ur bpd sometimes it helps to have someone to scream with, even internally... unless they are enabling you/making you worse)
but yeah bpd is. a bitch. the best things i can offer you is to First, find something to calm down with, even a little. and then Second, go talk to whoever is bothering you (if you can) to try and work something out, or at least just get a better perspective on yourself. sometimes you're just being an irrational ass who's annoyed that your fp is spending time with other people... and sometimes you end up crying bc you think your fp is abandoning you bc they didn't say good morning to you at the normal time bc they fell asleep on accident. <- actual thing that happened to me. btw. so ! you just kinda gotta find what works best for you. i get my mind offa stuff with games, and try not to stew too hard in my own anger. although that doesn't always work, i am a very angry creature when worked up apparently. do ur best sys anon. if you need me i am here :3
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saraminia · 8 months
You're the "puts graphically horny tags about Noah on innocent strangers' posts so that they have to see your every thought" mutual
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Seriously though, just block me, dude. Why the fuck are you even following with me if I bother you that much??
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