#and makes them feel dysphoric and awful
aaronymous999 · 9 months
I’m sure this has been talked about to death but the third X-Men movie ( I believe it’s The Last Stand-? ) is such a blatant disability metaphor to me especially with the talks about “curing”. Some of the conversations are directly what I’d expect to hear from this discussion and it’s kinda interesting.
For example, characters like Storm insists that there’s nothing to cure, but characters like Rogue who have a mutation that makes it very hard for her to live has a different outlook. I really like how the movie makes it clear that it was her choice and she wasn’t just doing it for Bobby by the way. To me this storyline does not work with a racial, jewish or LGBTQ metaphor, and if you assigned those metaphors to this storyline it would make zero sense. I think the X-Men are more than a racial metaphor like some assume and I think honestly the metaphor changes depending on the storyline. I think most often it’s a Jewish and racial metaphor, but sometimes it’s a disability or LGBTQ metaphor and I enjoy the variation :3
Also not saying this is the best way this storyline could be handled the way it was written just reminds me of conversations I’ve seen before, this is your friendly reminder that a lot of disabled people don’t want a “cure” and have been living the way they have for so long that it would actually be detrimental to suddenly change to a different way of living! Some disabled people would like a hypothetical “cure” and some don’t and both of those are okay! Generally though the idea that ALL disabled people want “cures” is very prevalent in media and it’s kinda annoying which is why in writing advice you often see that you shouldn’t “cure” your disabled characters.
To clarify I’m not disabled- ( physically at least- technically mentally but it doesn’t impair my life enough that I’m comfortable calling it a disability, that’s me personally though however someone wants to label themselves is up to them! ) and this opinion will forever be bare bones until I hear the opinion of a disabled person and their thoughts on the matter. I think this movie didn’t actually handle it as poorly as they could of, because unlike other media it’s a complex issue. Mutants against the “cure” are very right in a lot of ways and the government is certainly being predatory here, but the Mutants on the other side of the coin do have a point for them personally. Because for a lot of them, as seen in the comics, mutations can literally be life or death and ruin all their relationships because y’know. They kill the people they touch. But there’s also more complex things in between here, like Angel being forced a “cure” and having non-mutants speak for his needs. And I imagine there’s also mutants who want a cure solely to be accepted by society. Lots of little interesting things in here, and to a lot of Mutants this could also be seen as straight up genocide, which may seem odd for me to bring up but in the perspective of a character like Storm, the government views Mutants as a DISEASE. And wants all of them to no longer be mutants, which could also be seen as a jewish metaphor as well. Just in this case they aren’t killing mutants, they’re removing a core aspect of them. It’s just a muddled issue in this movie because some mutants legitmately want the “cure” while others view it as drastic as genocide.
Idk it’s just an interesting movie viewed on a metaphorical lense, I’ve always been interested in minority metaphors and issues because well I am a few of them lmao- so this movie had a lot for me to chew on! If I’ve gotten anything wrong though please correct me! My mind is always open! :D
( Also want to clarify that again not disabled- the X-Men franchise is not very good with disability representation as it is so take this with a bucket of salt. Charles Xavier in particular, at least from the opinions I’ve seen online is often a genius wheelchair user stereotype to a lot of people- and also he’s NEVER played by an actual wheelchair user or physically disabled actor. Not all characters need to be played by an actor that shares part of their identity but here it’s kind of annoying because wheelchair users are NEVER played by wheelchair users and Charles Xavier is arguably one of the most iconic wheelchair users in fiction. Also Magneto is never played by a jewish man which BOTHERS ME SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA… )
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justawishaway · 2 years
I had no idea that acrylic nails could make me so dysphoric that I'd spend a half hour prying them off just to make it stop.
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px-0 · 28 days
my cosplay plans got scrapped last minute (again) and i am. feeling Not Great. 😏
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rougecreator1 · 25 days
wassup man. hey i got a requestion. Could you write a Regina Georgee fic where she andd NB!Reader are in a secret relationship but Y/N is dysphoric, and regina reassures them she won't leave them for someone else? Lots of praise, physical touch for comfort (smut only if ur comfy!! xx) + regina wears Y/N's letterman jacket to hard launch at school the next day so everyone knows her ass is owned by Y/N? If you do make it smut, bottom!regina would be great with whimpering and begging Thanksssssssssssssss
You're Beautiful ||
|| Regina George x nonbinary!reader
|| Warnings: minors don't interact, first time posting smut (just a small amount, isn't the main focus and doesn't go overly detailed; does skip through some of it), body dysphoria and description of how it feels, reader being upset, some swearing, regina comforting reader which means somewhat out of character regina, bottom!regina, top!reader
|| Summary: Reader struggles with body dysphoria, Regina assures the reader they're beautiful which leads to reader showing Regina they're thankful for her... the next day, Regina shows the school who owns her.
Requests open!
Started: May 2nd
Finished: May 10th
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This week has been absolutely awful, mental health wise. Everything else was about the same. Which you were grateful for, you really didn't need any extra stress from school drama or assignments.
You had stayed the night at Regina's place, having decided to have a cozy Thursday night in with your girlfriend instead of attending the usual parties and such. You ordered take out and watched a movie. Regina's always had this certain image about her, but behind closed doors? When it was just the two of you? She could be so uncharacteristically soft. The first time it happened you had to do a double take and stare at her; wondering if that was really your girlfriend or if she had a twin you didn't know about.
Speaking of her being your girlfriend. Nobody knew about the two of you. You were considered an outcast for your gender identity, the only ones in the school that didn't judge you (besides your girlfriend) were Janis and Damien. They were pretty much your best friends because of it. And only friends...
You were currently getting changed in the bathroom; something you usually did, much to Regina's annoyance. She would always tell you you could change in front of her, that she didn't mind and in fact insisted that you did this. It's not like she hasn't seen you like that before anyway. But you always made up some excuse for why you couldn't and then scrambled off to the bathroom before she could stop you.
Today had been no different.
When you finally got out, Regina turned and looked at you. Eyes scanning your body. Instinctively your arms went to your stomach and you took a step back. Trying to avoid her gaze. You hadn't changed into anything different, just your regular set of pyjamas. Despite that you couldn't help feeling self conscious about your body. It wasn't what you wanted. Some days, you managed... others? Others were harder. You wished certain body parts could just be detachable. Well, they were with the right surgery but you didn't have that kind of money and you sure as hell weren't about to ask Regina.
When you backed away from her, she raised an eyebrow and took a couple steps closer until her hands gripped your waist and pulled you in flush against her.
"Where do you think you're going?" She smirked at you, hand trailing up your side. Sending a shiver down your spine as you bit your bottom lip in response.
"I..." You take a breath, gathering your thoughts. Do you tell her about your insecurities? "Not today, Regina. Please." You voice was barely above a whisper, feeling vulnerable in the moment.
She looked almost offended for a brief second but her features softened as she looked into your eyes, trying to get a good read on how you were feeling. She could see your vulnerability and it all clicked in place.
She sighed deeply and grabbed your hand, pulling you over to the bed as she made you sit down before straddling your lap and looking into your eyes. Her hand rested under your chin.
"You are fucking beautiful." Regina whispered, giving your jawline a kiss." So damn handsome."
"Regina- that's not-" You stuttered out, though whatever you were going to say died in your throat as she kissed your jawline. Your hands instinctively went to wrap around her waist to keep her in your lap.
"What? That's not true?" Regina's eyes met yours again and you shook your head. That wasn't what you were going to say.
"That's not what I meant. I can't stand my body, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. This isn't who I am in my head and it hurts. How can you be with someone like me? Someone who can't even accept their own body?" You admitted out loud how you really felt, it felt good haven't it out but it hurt talking about it. Tears brimmed your eyes.
Regina frowned as she listened to you, she knew being nonbinary was hard for you. She knew you were hurting. She never realized just how much.
"Because I love your body. I love your mind. I love you. Alright? I'm not going to fucking leave you for someone else, you have what I want even if you can't see it for yourself. You're beautiful." Regina replied, her hands trailing along your sides as she speaks; making you shiver under her touches.
"Alright?" She asked again, her lips now brushing against your neck. You tilt your head to the side almost instinctively, allowing for her to have easier access as she kisses your neck. Sucking on the skin until a mark is left behind. Her finger gently touch it, making you shudder as she laughs a little. You were so easy. Every little thing she did had an effect on you.
"Mm..." You tried talking, but it came out as a soft hum instead of the 'okay' you had tried to say. Your mind wasn't fully settled, Regina could tell just looking into your eyes.
"You're beautiful. My handsome partner." Regina whispered into your ear, making you blush. You could tell what she was doing, giving praise to lessen your thoughts. You appreciated her for it.
You nodded slowly, taking in her words and allowing them to sink into your mind. Even if they were hard to accept.
"Better?" She asked, her hand now resting below your neck as her fingers just barely graze against it.
"Better... thank you." You mumbled, letting your eyes close as you melted under her touch.
"That's not a real thank you. Show me just how much you appreciate me." She whispered into your ear again, you blushed a deeper shade of red as you read between the lines of what Regina really meant.
She looked at you expectantly, you rolled your eyes but that didn't hide the smile (or blush) on your cheeks.
Regina smirked when she saw it and laid back in bed, head rested on the pillow as she grabbed you by your arms and pulled you on top of her.
You easily followed, laying your body down on hers as you began giving her neck soft kisses. Her head tilted to the side in response, eyes closed as she melted into the feeling.
Regina wouldn't call herself submissive, she wasn't submitting to you. She was more of a pillow princess, she wanted her body to be worshipped by you. Treated like a Goddess.
Your soft kisses became harder as you sucked on her skin, leaving that oh so familiar mark. Matching the one Regina had given you just moments before. You heard a soft whimper escape Regina's lips, so you kept going. Getting more of that sound from her. You made sure to start slow so you could worship her body the way she had wanted; and show her just how thankful you were. You'd spend the whole night treating her if you could.
"More... please." Regina almost begged, her tone sounding desperate. Part of her wanted you to just skip the worshipping and get right into the hard stuff, the other part of her wanted to be worshipped and praised. She felt torn.
"Hm? What's that, baby?" You smirked against her neck, looking up for a brief moment to lock eyes with hers. God, you loved being able to make her this desperate.
Regina gritted her teeth, trying to keep herself from begging for it but she knew you wouldn't give her what she wanted if she didn't.
"Fuck you." She cursed, you held back a laugh. You knew she was just frustrated with how you were doing this.
"Keep talking like that and I'll just stop all together." You whispered in her ear, sending a shiver through her body." Go on, beg me."
Regina's eyes closed again as she kept her mouth shut, when she felt you start to pull away and get up... she grabbed you and held you in place on top of her.
"Don't stop."
You smirked, knowing you had her exactly where you wanted her. You gave her throat a kiss and continued on with what you had been doing before... only you upped it a notch like Regina had asked for.
The next morning, you had woken up sore as you took your spare clothes and went to change in the bathroom like you normally did. Regina had felt you getting out of bed and started to stir, sitting up and rubbing one of her eyes.
Her eyes narrow when she sees you heading to the bathroom with your clothes.
"Y/N." Regina spoke up, her tone a mixture of stern and tired with sleep.
You stopped in your tracks, hand on the door frame as you looked back at your girlfriend and tilted your head in confusion.
"Get your ass over here." Regina demands, you sigh and listen. Going to her bedside. She grabs you by your waist and suddenly pulls you into her lap, making you gasp at the sudden action.
She cuts you off with a kiss, making you quickly shut up and melt into her body.
Regina parts the kiss and stares into your eyes, hand gripping your chin to make sure you had your full attention on her.
"You're changing out here. Repeat what I told you yesterday." Her tone was stern, but it didn't come from a place of meanness like it usually does for everyone else. She was always a little softer on you.
"You told me a lot of things yesterday," You gave a teasing response back, you knew what Regina wanted you to say. You wanted to see how much you could get away with.
She rolled her eyes, her grip tightening around your chin just slightly." Don't be a smartass."
"Fine... I'm beautiful." You muttered, she could tell by how you said it you didn't mean it.
"Y/N." Her tone remained the same.
"I'm beautiful." You repeat, Regina kissed your cheek and let go of your chin.
"Damn right you are. Now get dressed. Where's your jacket?" She added, looking around her room for a brief moment to see if she could spot it.
You looked at her in confusion. Your jacket?
"My letterman jacket?" You asked, wondering why the hell Regina would want it.
"Yeah. Where'd you put it?"
"Um... I think it's on the couch downstairs. Why?"
Regina rolled her eyes, getting out of bed. There was a slight shake in her legs which made you smirk, feeling pretty damn proud of yourself because you knew she was still effected by the night before.
"I'm wearing it. Obviously."
"To school?" Your eyes widened a little, that jacket had your last name on it. Was she seriously about to reveal your relationship?
"No, to a funeral. Yes, dumbass." Regina narrowed her eyes, annoyed with the amount of questions you were asking though she couldn't help feeling a little amused when she saw your reaction. She was planning on hard launching your relationship. She wanted people to know she was taken by you. She wanted it to be the talk of the school. She knew exactly what she was doing with this.
And sure enough, everyone at school knew Regina belonged to you and that you belonged to her. When they saw her in your jacket it started so many rumours and for the first time in your entire highschool life... nobody bothered you. They didn't want to risk the wrath of Regina George.
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prettybrownelf · 1 year
Hey could you do a genderfluid! Loki x ftm! Reader smut with reader being dysphoric and Loki or Bucky being soft and supportive and telling him how much of a handsome good boy he is to them just really fluffy
My Pretty Boy
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Pairings- Loki x FTM! Reader
Summary- Your feeling a bit dysphoric during your servant duties, luckily Loki is here to help you feel better
Words- 787
Content Warnings- Smut, Dysphoria, Slight Description of AFAB Genitalia, Praise, Pet Names, Hair Pulling
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Your skin felt awful. 
Every movement reminded you that you were inside of yourself and it made you sick. The other servants had clearly noticed your uncomfortable feelings, but decided to say nothing. 
That was until you had a hand hastily wrapped around your wrist. 
Instead of a servant, your eyes meet green as Loki stares down at you. 
“I need you in my chambers, now.” Their voice is soft and catches you off guard as you walk with them into their chambers. The gold, black and green interior is all you can focus on as you attempt to keep your eyes away from the royal standing in front of you. Loki decides to interrupt the silence. 
“Are you alright?” The question catches you off guard as your eyes finally meet theirs. You could tell them everything about your feelings. The constant feeling of being in the wrong body, always wanting to rip your own skin off so you can stop feeling it. But would they even understand? They can shapeshift, when they feel uneasy in their body they can just switch it, you aren't that lucky. 
“I'm fine, your majesty.” Your words fall of deaf ears as Loki walks closer to you. It was no secret the small romance you and Loki had nursed together, but this situation was different. “I know you're not, tell me what's wrong.” Tears threaten to fall from your eyes as you try to blink them away. Loki's soft hand caresses your cheek, forcing you to look up at them. “Tell me darling.” 
A single tear breaks its way out of your hold as you take a deep breath. “My body just feels so wrong.” Loki gives an understanding sigh as they bring you closer to them, holding you in a tight hug as you finally relax against their form. 
“How about you take a break here?” Loki says, holding you so that you will look at them. You nod with a small smile as Loki takes you to their bed, laying you down lovingly as they sit next to you.��
“My darling, would you like me to remind you how lovely you are?” Their hand returns to your cheek as you cock an eyebrow at them. “And how would you do that?” Loki chuckles as they crawl between your legs. Your heartbeat gets faster as they place a hand on your lower thigh. “If you don't want to, I completely understand, I just thought you should be reminded just how handsome this body of yours is.” Your face gets hot as you tangle your hands in their black hair. “Yeah, you can do that.” 
Loki gives a mischievous smile as they unbuckle your pants, slowly dragging them down your legs as they massage your thighs. “You have no idea how handsome you truly are, do you?” Words get caught in your throat as you attempt to keep your mind in tact. 
Loki's fingers slowly drag your boxers down as they discard your clothing on the floor. Their hands take hold of your thighs as they drag you closer to their mouth, a wolfish grin crawling onto their face. “God, you're stunning.” Their words ignite a fire inside your stomach as they finally give a slow long lick to you, their eyes never leaving yours. “Such a handsome puppy.” A whine is all you can get out as you grip their hair tighter. 
Loki takes that as a sign to go faster as their grip on your thighs gets tighter,making sure their face stays flush with you no matter how much you try to buck your hips. Their tongue suddenly finds its way to your clit, making your hips buck away from them. They immediately move your hips back down, continuing to circle your clit with the tip of their tongue. “Don't move baby boy.” You attempt to follow their command, forcing your body to go limp against their mouth as they massage small circles into your flesh. 
Heat pours into your lower stomach as you hold them closer to you. “I'm gonna cum.” Is all you manage to choke out as you feel Loki grin against your flesh. “Cum for me puppy.” He mutters out. 
It doesn't take much longer for the heat in your stomach to reach its peak. Your legs shake as your eyes roll back, feeling Loki lick you through your orgasm as you slowly calm down. 
Once your eyes meet theirs again, they smile. Leaning over you to leave a sweet kiss on your lips. “Let's take a bath now, shall we, darling?” You nod mindlessly as you feel Loki pick you up, carrying you over to their bathing room as you relax against them.
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pervile · 5 days
my darling boy, you are perfect
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⸻ sephiroth & transmasc reader
adult content. minors do not interact. lots of praise, marking, pet names, nipple sucking, insecurities but he fixes that by fugging your new tiddies. 1.6k wc
✦ i've been feeling a little dysphoric recently about my chest, so i wanted to write some self-indulgent post-top surgery with seph! and for any trans guys out there feeling the same as me rn, just know your fave will always be turned on by your body, pre-surgery or post-surgery. . .you are perfect. bc having tiddies doesn't make you less masculine hehe
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thinking thoughts about sephiroth today, and how puppy-like his personality turns when reacting to your body just months after top surgery. he'd have so many questions once they finally fell upon his gaze, but he couldn't stop to think just how beautiful they looked against your skin; because it turned him on so much.
even pre-op, he was aroused by the fact that you responded so well to getting your nipples sucked. and it comes as a shocking surprise to him when he finds out that. . .well, you don't really have feeling in that area much anymore because of the medical procedure.
maybe some more months of proper healing would change that, but right now, it was like he was licking a flavourless lollipop.
he's tried prompting it out of you mid-missionary―for a second, you could swear you felt something tingle, but focusing too much on your chest only brought back awful memories you tried to bury away before going under the knife.
however, it also made you think of the first time he fucked you rough, making you breathless and hot in this moment. you truly wondered if that was why you were feeling a bit dizzy right now.
when you first met sephiroth you were glad he was well-versed in this department and didn't need much education. of course, some questions were still asked, appropriately, but they were mainly to do with consent, and what you liked and didn't like.
he has always been one heavy on marking―littering every inch of your body with love bites and hickies just proved how possessive he was, especially when he told you to discard the idea of covering them up in public.
you were his, and he was yours. but the only problem you faced with how blasé he was about these things, only made you feel more insecure.
it really was an endless cycle of anxiety with him, because no matter how perfect he was through his actions or words, it didn't change the fact that you were still left with no confidence, especially around your lover.
this was a common thing to feel because in your eyes, he was everything you saw in a partner.
after he noticed that complimenting you didn't get far, he began listening to your concerns more silently, and urgently―all of those words falling from his mouth you couldn't believe, though, because your whole life you were told lies from the people around you.
so what if he was just saying that to you too? to make you feel better? but isn't that the whole point? he was trying to make you feel better, because in his eyes, these flaws you feel so strongly for are massive accomplishments you did on your own.
now, years later, you find yourself in the same predicament, slowly sinking below the surface but barely just above it to call out his name.
like now, with sephiroth between your thighs, his bare chest pressed heavy into your stomach as he indulges in licking the skin of your scars and nipples that were hardly perky. he only pauses to look up once your moans start to diminish a bit.
he could tell when you were acting performative, but it didn't break his fiery confidence one bit, and it kind of irritated you. . .one way or another, he is going to make you feel good―you knew this already, yet in some way, you felt like your mood was bringing him down.
when sephiroth makes eye contact with you, you bring the back of your hand up to cover your burning face, puffing out a large breath of air. you quickly feel a deep rumble emit from his chest and he drags himself up and onto his palms to start kissing and smooching and pecking the skin softly instead, like he was handling a flower with his mouth.
you could feel him smiling when he did this, ironically considering you said prior that you couldn't feel much from him touching your chest, and it compels you to glance down at him, cheeks scorching so evidently now.
"seph-!" you lightly tug him by his widows peak to bring his attention back to you, saliva connecting his mouth and your scars. his eyes soften when they meet your gaze, and he gives you his signature smile before inclining, brushing stray strands of your hair away from your forehead, and kissing it.
"hmm, are you sure you're not able to feel anything? you always twitch down here when i merely breath against your skin."
sephiroth runs two of his digits up your folds to collect your sticky arousal, and then ending at your puffy clit to reveal it after pushing back the skin. he rolls your clit between the pads of his fingers to get a reaction out of you.
you shudder expectantly before you feel his hair trickle down your collarbone and shoulders. and then he bites your nipples without warning, your back instantly arching off the surface you laid on.
sephiroth also feels your cunt twitch from this too, and it urges him to insert the two digits into your heat, curling just a few inches in.
"w-wait-" your eyes blow wide in shock―did he seriously have to bite, that hard?
you glance down with watery irises at your swollen chest. it didn't seem like he left too much of a mark, but it still stung, nonetheless. and then your attention immediately turns to him after remembering what you had said prior to him about your chest.
"m-maybe. . .a little? ngh- i don't knowwww~" you whine the last part of your sentence, throwing your head back, arms thrown over your face before sobbing a little in confused anger. sephiroth pauses his actions and slips his fingers out of you, a tilt forming on his lips.
"my darling boy. . .show me your pretty face. please." you could never resist when he uses that tone with you, especially followed by the very name you enjoyed to hear roll off his tongue.
you move your arms slightly to reveal his worried expression. "console in me?" he brings both of your hands onto his chest before continuing. "guide me, tell me what you like and what you don't like."
you sniffle a bit before clenching your jaw, "it's just. . .i don't know. you've always enjoyed sucking my nipples and-" sephiroth brings you into a spoon position, half of his body leaning over you.
"i don't want you to feel like sex with me is boring now." you cave in on yourself, putting your hand over your face this time to hide the embarrassment on it.
his eyebrows shoot up from your response and his pupils dilate to an extreme amount, a pained expression forming on his countenance.
is that what you're so worried about? if only you knew how hard he was for you, right now. . .
"my love. . .if i really wanted you for that, i could have just dated a woman instead."
your lips then form a thin line.
"but you know that isn't the reason why i am here, embracing you, right now." sephiroth begins to trace the scars on your chest that has you shivering against his warmth. you follow his fingers that make their way down to your navel, ending at your clit. and then he feathers them back up toward your face again, tracing your jawline and grabbing your chin towards him.
your lips barely touch his as he smiles, breathing heavily, and you follow his eyes ever so slowly.
you definitely know this isn't the reason why he is embracing you, but some part of you yearned for him to say it aloud again―there was never a moment where sephiroth didn't make you feel sexy.
"every time i look at them, it makes me want to lick you, kiss you, eat you up." he leans into your ear, ghosting your cheeks with the tips of his fingers before whispering, "you're so painfully beautiful."
your mouth drops open to say something, yet you're unable to articulate your thoughts properly, and instead, they turn into light tears. sephiroth carefully wipes it away with the back of his knuckles before getting up on all fours to tower over your body.
you watch him carefully unzip his pants, letting his cock spring free. it hits just between your ribcage and you shudder at how big it looks from this angle. he then begins to slowly rock his hips into you, gripping his shaft so it guides his crown over your nipples, smearing precum all over the skin.
"hah-" he slaps his dick lightly against your right nipple after brushing past it. you're not really sure what to say in this moment as your emotions are beyond embarrassment at this point. but you swear you're starting to feel something.
sephiroth then tells you to place both of your hands on his cock. after obliging carefully, he fucks himself into your chest at a slow pace, rocking back and forth that has your knees coming up behind him.
"my darling boy, you are perfect."
his hair is in messy folds when you look up at him from his leaking cock, and for the first time in your life, you had never seen your boyfriend so flustered, cheeks burning a bright red. it compels you to whine, rubbing your thighs together.
"stay still, hmm?" he lets out a shallow moan as he directs you, and you move his cock with your hands all over your chest. its hot and heavy when he absent-mindedly puts more of his weight onto you.
he thrusts faster this time, your chest practically wet all over with his precum. and before you knew it, he spills a load directly in the middle, grabbing your hand and smearing the rest of it over each nipple, later prodding the scars underneath it between short pants.
you squint a little, noticing he got some on your face as well. and when you look up at him again, he's smirking, slapping his cock against your skin.
"do you finally believe me now? get on your stomach so i can fuck you properly."
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i finally came out to my parents, and it was an absolute shitshow. i came out to my parents because i honestly was feeling insanely dysphoric and i really just needed to ask for a binder, but then they asked me why and i basically went “uhhhhhh” and then came out to them. it was awful, and they insisted that i shouldn’t be able to bind until i’m older because “someday you might meet a man who likes you better as a girl and you might decide that you would like to be a girl”. they keep saying that i don’t know what i’m talking about at all and that i was such a “girly girl” when i was a kid (which is bullshit) and how i cant make a decision now. they said that dysphoria is just a new made up disease i’m using, and they blamed my friends and the internet and everything and never really just considered that i’m just actually a guy. it just feels really awful. i think i’m a demiboy at least, and it feels good to put a term to how i feel.
i’m so sorry that you were invalidated like that. maybe you can try getting a binder through a friend?
best of luck, and i’m so sorry that happened to you.
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gayhenrycreel · 6 months
#ftm is a fetish tag
disclaimer, i am a trans man
#ftm is a fetish tag. i dont know if its always been like this but it is a problem.
i can hardly find any transmascs in that tag.
there are cis women misgendering trans men as a kink, and talking about our bodies like sex dolls everywhere in that tag. its mostly cishet women using OUR tag to objectify our bodies because they are too afraid to consider that they might not be straight. it is at least half detransition kink. im very uncomfortable with cis people doing this, but if they want to i wont stop them.
but this is in OUR TAG. this is horrible. they write disgusting smut about women who are short twinks with soft tits and dripping cunts and no dysphoria at all.
they just call them trans men.
ive seen other transmascs complain about this too.
these fics are written by and for cis women. they are chasers. the way they talk about our bodies is revolting. they know nothing about trans men at all.
i know that not all trans men feel dysphoric about their bodies, but these women are still treating us like a fetish that only occurs in fiction, rather than people who have emotions and often want to have a flat chest and/or a penis.
in particular they fetishize gay trans men. all these fics are about femboys who are horrified by the concept of transitioning getting fucked by bears. the people writing this view transitioning as mutilation. its very obvious.
ive noticed that this occasionally extends to fetishizing cis men with gynecomastia. its clear they want to fuck women but think lesbians are disgusting, so they call the women in their fics men, but misgender them throughout the text.
i hardly see any representation for trans men who even want to transition. newsflash: a lot of us do want to transition. many of us have already had surgery.
if you genuinely do want to write smut with GOOD portrayal of trans men, heres some tips on what we want in our representation:
trans men who dont want to transition deserve rep too, but many of us are entirely uncomfortable with our bodies. very few of us want any attention given to the parts we are born with. a lot of pre op trans men wear a binder during sex. we're not all bottoms, and some of us wear strap ons.
when we're on testosterone, it causes vaginal atrophy, similar to menopause. it gets very dry down there and easily irritated. this means that vaginal sex can be very painful and could even damage tissues. even without T, vaginal penetration is usually no where near as fun as it is for cis women. anything being in there is awful and sometimes painful.
anal sex is a thing. its not gross. its perfectly normal. it just requires some lubricant, and for a trans man, is a lot more comfortable than vaginal sex.
shockingly, most of us do not want to be called girls.
dont misgender a trans person in a sex scene. at all. some of us like to be called good boys during sex. stop calling us girls.
some of us have had surgery. it is NOT mutilation. it is life saving. top surgery is one that we get most frequently. the results do look just like a cis mans chest. there are long thin scars under the pecs, but these fade after a few years. they may not even be visible. bottom surgery exists too.
metoidioplasty creates a micropenis out of the clitoris. it does look real. it looks like a regular micropenis. it has full sensation.
phalloplasty uses a flap of skin, usually from the forearm, and turns it into a penis. this surgery is more complex and is done in multiple stages. after it is complete, it looks like a circumcised penis. its size is dependent on the flap of skin used to make it, so it can actually be larger than average. (on r/phallo someone even got a reduction surgery because his dick was 7 inches long). the area the skin flap was taken from has pretty big scarring. it looks like the result of a severe burn. it is sometimes covered by a tatoo. there is a lot of misinformation about phalloplasty. it is a big surgery, but it is no where near as dangerous as the internet would have you believe. after it has fully healed it does look real, and a genital nerve is usually hooked up to the penis. it can take a while to heal (years), but after a few months sensation begins to return as the nerves heal. the clitoris is often buried in the base of the penis, and if a genital nerve hook up is done the penis can have full sensation, including the tip. not everyone gets full sensation, and it can take years for sensation to fully return, but 93% of men who get phalloplasty are satisfied with the results. that is a lot. it is quite rare that sensation is fully lost, so yes, you can orgasm after phalloplasty. one thing to note is that a phalloplasty penis cant get hard on its own. there are two types of implant for erections. one is a rod inside the penis, which can last over 20 years before needing a replacement. the rod is flexible, so can be positioned as an erection. the other implant is a internal pump that is more complicated than the rod, and needs to be replaced roughly every 15 years. it is filled with water and sits inside the penis. to get an erection, you squeeze one of the testicles, which is a pump implant, pushing the water into the penis, causing an erection.
most importantly, we are men. we can be feminine. we can be masculine. we can look exactly like cis men. dont forget that we are people, we are real. we are not some sex fantasy.
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multigenderswag · 1 year
holy shit reading the word "degendering" made something click in my brain like. there's a word for that?!??!?!?!?!!
anyways degendering is so fucking dysphoric for me i cannot describe how much i hate being boiled down to Just Nonbinary
its not that being nonbinary is a bad thing its just that It's NOT Me stop trying to Make It me
There sure is a word for that! I'm not sure how commonly used it is, and I've mostly seen it in the context of binary trans people (ex referring to a binary trans man who uses he/him with they/them pronouns to avoid acknowledging he's a man), but it's definitely an issue with multigender people as well! I can't even count the number of times I have explicitly stated my pronouns are he and she and people call me they/them.
Being degendered is incredibly dysphoric for me too. Honestly, it's often more dysphoric than being misgendered as a binary girl. I get dysphoria from being told I'm NOT one of my genders (that's why "non men" is so awful for me), and being degendered just doubles that dysphoria by erasing both of my genders. Even when people are trying to be supportive of me not being cis, treating me like I have no gender at all ends up making me feel worse.
Nonbinary people are great, but I'm just... not nonbinary, and it hates that people can't seem to comprehend that "both binary genders" is a different concept from "neither binary gender."
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audioandrophile · 4 months
just found ur blog and I'm wondering what you find so sexy/kinky/ect about force masc? genuine question, not taking the piss, I've just never come across someone into it before <3
I guess if you want to get into the psychological root of it I'm very dysphoric but have stayed in the closet for coming up on 7 years and it would be nice if I didn't have a choice so coming out wouldn't be so awful.
But I find men hot and being a woman makes me kind of hate myself. I like the feeling that being hairy gives me and I guess that feeling is also sexual. Transition itself is sexual in many regards. I went on T for 2 months before having to get off it due to fear of coming out, and the only think I got was a little bit of bottom growth and a wayyy increased libido, I remember having to sit in the changing room to calm down because one guy doing lat pull down's armpits got my tiny t dick so hard I genuinely could not focus. That's pretty easy to sexualize on my part. Hell even off T where I still have bottom growth but it basically has erectile dysfunction, seeing myself after the gym where I'm sweaty and have a bit of a pump still gets me kind of hard. There's also the giving up of control, people just love "unwanted" wish fulfillment. You can both fufill the role of the sexualized innocent, and of your odd desire. The attention that someone choose you to mold into what they desire. I love my boyfriend, and I love that he choose me, and I love that he has the same goal as me-to make me a man.
It's just kind of hard to explain why you're attracted to things, I can explain the psychological motivation on why I have kinks, but I can't explain on why it's attractive to someone who doesn't already have them if that makes sense. A gay guy will find it hard to explain why he likes men outside of "boys hot". Being boy hot. Being forced to be a boy by an all consuming and controlling force of radical love and acceptance hot.
I also do have genuine dysphoria. Not that it really matters I guess, anyone who would care about AAPs transitioning would not be convinced if i told them I was dysphoric before I started sexualizing being a man (especially a gay one) and the process of becoming one. But indulging in this kink has brought me the closest I ever have been to properly coming out and starting whore moans But Like For Real This Time.
Also yes this ask was about force masc and not autoandrophilia but everyone who's into force masc is also AAP just with a bit of a rape kink. It comes with the territory, you can't explain the former without explaining the latter.
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So, sometimes I'm hesitant to share things about my dysphoria, since I think a lot of people will glance past the Plurality and try to frame this as some kind of detransition. No hate towards people who do end up detransitioning for any reason, but that's a very different thing to my weird-ass deal, and I'm sure as fuck not reversing any surgeries when the most functional Alter and the earliest one we know of are both transfem still. Hell, we're even still planning to go forward with bottom surgery, and I'm not really even against the idea?
The issue I run into most is, well... boobs. We have D cups, with 420cc (seriously) implants, which makes it a hard to properly go dude mode now? I can bind, and I do it basically the moment I'm fronting, but it's really only flat when I double up on binders, and, uh... yeah, that's a quick way to remember which rib got dislocated once? I'm trying to be smarter about it- one binder and a denim vest to try and hide the extra oomph... but I have to unbind eventually, and it feels awful every time because our body is very, very feminine now.
I did have a peculiar dream last night, though. I was dating a guy (an OC from a story we were going to write) as myself in it, but the time to go to bed together came and I... still had breasts. Then, when I got uncomfortable, Dreamguy just kept referring to them as boytits, which led to me waking up briefly euphoric and confused.
I guess I was just feeling really dysphoric and someone acknowledging the boyness of my hongalongamogongas helped relieve it a bit? Maybe the idea that I could be in a relationship and still be acknowledged as a separate person was also weighing on me, since me and Kay (maybe even Alice?) have very conflicting sexualities and identities, and I worry things will either be too complicated, or I'll have to take a back seat.
I think my biggest worry, though, is... what fucking community do I belong to? Kay's obviously transfem, and even though I'm masc and AMAB, I'm not Cis? I'm still very much nonbinary, just heavy on the masculine side, but the people I connect with and get tips from are transmasc, and it just feels disrespectful for me to attach too much to that community?
I guess collectively we're genderfluid, but even that feels strange when we're different people, and I can't even recognize Kay's thought process most of the time?
I guess I'm just rambling because there isn't a short way to accept being plural and having to deal with conflicting gender identities on top of that. It makes everything way, way harder, but I do know things will work out in the end. I'm taking a crash course to make sure I know enough about Kay's major to hold down a job properly (without fronting and immediately crying because I have no idea how to do anything.)
Plus, y'know... there's always the option of being poly, or just dating someone with a gender ambiguous enough to appeal to a lesbian and a gay boy at the same time. Just as long as they know these are (at least when I'm fronting) he/him chesticles and they prefer to be called sir, damnit.
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threepoint14art · 15 hours
HELLOOOO for pride month i wanted to share our headcanons for fnafhs!!!!! coupled with some edits with our designs!!
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Under the cut there's individual commentary about all of em!
Freddys afab, and only goes by he/him with the animatronics. He didnt tell them he's male or anything. What happeend was they they were all talking to eachothet, getting to know eachother, when chica realized she forgot to ask his name. Meanwhile freddy had though he heard Fred, so he wss on his own little world and asked to the air ‘Fred?’ so they took that as his name and he hasnt ‘corrected them’. (This is my (loop’s) work around for those twins basicallly having the same name.) Hes called Freddy and not Fred bc Chica gives them all nicknanes , Freddy, Foxy, Goldy, instead of Fred, Fox, and Golden. ( Bonnie… you bastard you already fit…. cannot change his name to Bon without nuking Bons actual name). He hasn't thought about his sexuality because he thinks he's undatable, Dysphoria levels are very high, hes contantly ‘out of it’ in his own body. feels like hes just, piloting it, distant from himself and the now. whenever he does come back doen it feels awful fir a bilion reasons 👍 this makes it hard for him to identify the feelings he has about himself since its all so fuzzy and distant. hes not thinking about his sexuality, he doesn’t think anyone would really date him so, fuck if he knows! Bonnie is cis demironantic and unlabled. Goes by he/him. One of his names is María (Bonnie María) so that plus his longer hair means he gets misgendered as a CIS guy and I think its rlly funny. He's not thinking about romance because "no one would go out with him", enter Bon with a nuke Chica is cis and Bisexual. Goes by She/her. Her bisexual awakening was magnet hatsune miku lmao Fox is afab trans guy, stealth about it, and bisexual. Goes by he/him. He figured out he was trans PRETTY early on so no one but his family really even knows, he practically has no dysphoria. Golden is amab nonbinary and pan (they/them). Being famous is the worst thing ever you could do to them, people know their dead name and sorta treat them as a gay man rather than someone nonbinary and it's really bad!!! Sort of wishes they fell into some binary so something about them would "change" and so that people would realize they have changed, there is no way to "pass" as nonbinary and it drives them a lil crazy Fred has not been born (sorry low blow), but if they were they'd be amab, nonbinary and bisexual. Still figuring stuff out but eventually he will settle for going by He/they Meg is amab, genderfluid and pan, goes by any pronouns, idek what else to say <3 Bon is afab trans guy and gay, goes by he/him. He and Malva (usagi) are twins and just switched names and lives and gender! so he's stealth to everyone EXCEPT his sister, this includes their father! who is awful!! and this makes him super repressed and ill about being gay, yeah. Both he and Malva lied on legal documents to look cis since they exchanged identities and all that joy is amab trans girl and bisexual, goes by she/her, also famous so people also know her deadname </3
Toddy is afab and cis, she's NOT aware of either of her flags, comphet queen, "dating" bon because it helps them both feel so normal but its not working out and it never will! Seeing the nigthmares all date eachother made her think "oh wow not being monogamous is a thing" and if she thinks of malva and joy thats HER BUSINESS and her business only. Also fun fact her parents are divorced not because they hate eachother but because they realized they were both aroace, epic. Goes by she/her Deuz is amab bigender gay and poly, the nightmares are a polycule. She is not that dysphoric most of the time and goes by He/she Maggie is afab trans guy, bi and poly, Femenine trans guy are epic and he is one, gets misgendered a lot because he doesn't bind and wears makeup and croptops and all that. Goes by he/him Onnie is amab agender, gay and poly, it used to be forced to have really short hair because it's dad is awful (also bon's dad, yay siblings), so when he ran away he grew it out a lot, goes be he/it Onyx (oxy) is afab trans guy, bi and poly, he got kicked out when he came out as trans, he's super happy now tho. Pup(pet) afab demi-boy, his legal name is puppilo i know it sounds dumb thats why they go by pup. He's queer in some way but its impossible to find out given how he experiences feelings and all that (lore tm) so, fuck if i know. Goes by he/they Mai afab demi-girl and sapphic, yay for twins, her legal name is marinette but they go by mai only, she really wants to date but due to how she and pup operate thats kinda impossible and shes super hung up on it. Goes by she/they Lily is afab cis aroace!!! Eak is afab trans guy and gay, he does not really pass that well so he's misgendered quite a bit at school. Goes by he/him Tony is amab cis guy and gay, he's dating Eak, he used to question if he was REALLY gay before eak came out and was super confused about it and then he found out hes a guy and all is well lol Cami is afab aromantic bisexual and nonbinary, though she has not thought about the whole nonbinary thing that deeply at all. Eventually she will use all pronouns but currently she goes by She/her Loon is amab bigender bisexual and poly, is super dysphoric and hates dressing too femenine because it "doesn't fit her", "not cute enough to be a girl and not handsome enough to be a guy", goes by loon when masc and jj when fem. Goes by he/she Malva is trans and lesbian! Unlike Bon she's normal about being lesbian, mostly because their dad thinks she "doesn't look like one" and because generally girls just get an easier pass to be mushy and close to eachother (eugh), goes by she/her Owynn is afab trans guy, demiromantic, ace and poly. Damn share some flags dude you are hogging them. Stealth at school but percieved as a femenine guy and therefore called gay (as an insult) a lot, lied in legal documents to be seen as a guy! he's dysphoric despite passing really well because of very minor things people don't really notice, female scorpions are taller than male ones and he's tall, female scorpions have bigger hands than male ones and his hands are big, etc etc. He goes by he/him Background character jumpscare! Mesero who is named Vincent here, Owynn's older brother who is amab cis pan and poly, he thought he was straight for a LONG while and hated people calling him gay as an insult because he had long hair, sorry to burst your bubble but you are not straight, he eventually became normal about it but it did hurt that people were "right about him" Spring!!! Is amab cis unlabeled and poly, he never thought about labels or anything for the longest time because he thought he was undatable and also was busy with ten trillion jobs, fly low, goes by he/him Bg character again! Novia (ghghg) who is named Leticia here! She is afab cis straight and poly!
Also sorry for not having any of the funtimes, we haven't really thought about them aside from lily, so we have nothing ToT. Any funtime lovers please share what you think about them we really need it
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fkbcorrector · 1 year
Hi. I've been dealing with having this kink for a long time now and I always feel so awful about it. I am single so I have nobody to do aftercare for me, so do you have any self aftercare tips?
It's really important for me because I just can't seem to get over this kink but the aftermath almost always leaves me feeling disgusted, dysphoric and depressed.
Thank you.
I want to break this post down into two different parts of self care, long term and short term.
Short term: do something self soothing, like art to express yourself, take a shower and embrace yourself, write down validating things to read when you're feeling bad about yourself, or any other type of self soothing you might have already developed, something that will boost your gender euphoria and dopamine, whatever that mathood is for you personally
Long term: the reality is that the short term solutions are just that, short term, and the guilt and emberrassment will always remain there, so short term solutions are like a band aid you can put on top while you can't address the bigger issue, but I heavily recommend talking to a therapist about this in order to work on accepting your kinks because they are a part of you and there's nothing wrong with that, ignoring them will make you want it more, shaming yourself will hurt you, there's a lot of inner work to do with yourself in order to not feel ashamed or depressed about this kink that only you can do with the help of a therapist. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, being vulnerable to the point of expressing your deepest fears through sexual desires is a very scary thing to do, and you have to make sure you're okay with yourself to do them so you're not hurting yourself while engaging with this kink. You're valid, you're beautiful, and the way you handle the opression that's put on you is yours and yours alone, be proud of it, not ashamed ♥️
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saintavangeline · 7 months
hi! how did you realize you were a pillow princess and how has that impacted relationships?
Hi! I’ve honestly known for a very long time but despite communicating this, unfortunately I have not yet been in a healthy partnership that has allowed me to fully feel comfortable in that position. I’ve experimented and tried giving on many occasions, but it makes me incredibly uncomfortable and dysphoric in my own body. The awful disconnect I feel from my own body when I give is what made me realize I was a pillow princess. I would always find myself dreading giving or even dreading potentially being asked to give, and I don’t feel like myself being in that role. I think an aspect of why I’m like this also has to deal with certain SA I’ve experienced.
This definitely has impacted my relationships and I have most definitely been made to feel selfish or that maybe I’m not actually a lesbian (what the fuck) or told that I “don’t love” or find my partner sexually attractive because I don’t enjoy/feel comfortable giving in that way, despite giving in SO MANY other ways in my relationships. I’ve often felt pressured or guilted into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with, and as a people pleaser, this has made a lot of my experiences pretty traumatic lmao.
I’m sorry it sounds super negative, but unfortunately this has been my experience :(
I know there are stone tops out there who love pillow princesses, and I’m hoping I find the right match eventually.
For anyone who needs to hear this: you aren’t selfish for having a sexual boundary and preference. You don’t love your partner less or find them less desirable just because you aren’t comfortable engaging in a sexual act or dynamic. It’s not personal. Don’t EVER let someone else take YOUR boundaries, especially sexually, personally and make you feel selfish or guilty for having that boundary.
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warmcoals · 8 hours
Is there a way to politely “break up” with my friends? I’m a transfemme lesbian who recently came out. All my friends are guys and they’ve been supportive and i love them in a way but hanging with men makes me feel like “one of the boys” (even though they’re super kind and respectful and treat me like a woman) and I just feel so dysphoric when we spend time together, as nice as they are. It’s not any fault of their own, but I think the best life for me involves as few men as possible, like the brave lesbians who made me want to transition (like you, btw. Thanks!). I’m not super unhappy around them, but I just feel like if I was successful in my goals I’d be in some sort of Touhou world.
aw hell im late responding to this one. but funny enough i was in a very similar sitch early in transition. and my biggest advice? do not break up(tm) with those guys.
like, start talking to more girls online, duh. find a community for something u like and just participate, talk to other ppl, hang out. see if anyone is in yr area to meet up sometime etc etc. you know how to make friends. but like, once you have girlies in yr life, and they make up just abt yr whole life, youll look back on your dumbass rotten egg dudes and be like, well, cheers. theyll be happy to hear how yr doing later on, and youll be dumbfounded by the lives of normies once they grow up.
for now just like. literally just say "cant hang out as much!" or schedule games movies whatever night w other ppl. youll grow apart naturally, no need to do anything dramatic. the girls will edge them out naturally over time and you can wave at them fondly from the weird tslur tower you live in.
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hey so it’s dysphoria hours rn and I’m hating it. A lot of the dysphoria is for the dumbest things but whatever. Can I get some head cannons for Billy Lenz, The Grabber (obviously), Candyman, Otis Driftwood and Lawrence Gordon (if it’s not too much) helping a trans masc reader with dysphoria? Thank you as always ❤️
hi!! im so sorry about that, and of course i can, i know how awful things can be so id be happy to do that for you🫶 i hope things start to get better, but in the mean time im here for you cassette anon <3
requests are open, masterlist is up :)
Slashers x Dysphoric Transmasc Reader
Warnings: Possessive Behaviors, Fluff, Mentions of Murder
The Grabber
when he sees you sulking around, not as much energy as before, and hiding yourself even when hes not there, he becomes immediately concerned, rushing to you and sitting down with you to see whats wrong and how he can make it better
as we know, hes a great listener, hes interactive and shows you hes listening, nodding his head and letting out a few words while you think through what to say
he will want to hold you in some way or another, maybe your shoulder or having you in his arms, but if you arent feeling that he will back off with a slightly surprised "oh" from under his breath
is more than happy to sit down with you and talk, he wants to learn more about you and how he can love you better, he just wants you to love him back so he would do whatever he needs
after you tell him, he wants to be as accommodating as he could be, may come off a little corny but it shows hes supportive
he gladly gives you his sweaters and cardigans if you want extra layers, and will have you exchange your ( most likely dirty ) shirt for his, he knows not to overstep his boundaries if youre dysphoric, so he'll let you upstairs to his room and let you be while you pick out something that will leave you most comfortable
he praises you a lot, says whatever he thinks will leave you feeling the best, telling you youre his 'good boy' or his gorgeous boyfriend, he wants you to feel affirmed and loved, but of course he puts 'my' infront of most affirmations, he likes to show possessiveness even in comfort
this gives him more reasons to be around you, the more he comforts you the more his ego is boosted, he loved to be your source of self fulfillment, but its his nature afterall
makes meals that hold more testosterone in them, he wont tell you, but its his little secret that he holds
will establish compliments even more into your relationship, he tries to be subtle about it thr best he possibly could be
if you didnt have a binder on you, or didnt have one in general, hes more than compliant to be on the lookout for some, or take a trip to acquire one, it wont be the highest quality due to it being the 70s, but it will work
im so sure this man has weights he never uses, they most likely have dust on them, so if youre the type of person who likes to work out and feels better after doing it, theyre all yours, hes happy to join you
overall 9.9/10, he just wants you happy and loved in your shared home, he may have taken you but he makes sure that you feel cared for in his own albert way🫶
"Do you- do you have any sweaters i could use, I just need another layer."
"Of course I do, my closet is your closet love!"
Billy Lenz
billy is special, he truly doesnt mind that youre trans, he saw you as a guy when he first laid eyes on you, so when you tell him youre trans he needs it simplified, and after that he goes on with life, you arent leaving him & you arent injured, so he loves you all the same
he picks up on how you act quickly, he memorizes your personality like its his own, his way of showing affection almost
when he sees a change in your usual attitude and behavior, hes curious & he cant hide it, he may be smothering in his attempts to see whats wrong, being in your presence a lot or in your face, of course with a concerned tone to him
"Billy notice Piggy's upset, why!"
what a caring man
maybe overbearing, but he wants to know whats up so he can care for you, solve and try to ease whatever youre feeling
when you do tell him, or explain what and how dysphoria is affecting you, hes going to be on high alert for a few moments, as far as he knows youre hurting because of something you cant control and hes nervous
will hop into your arms and most likely knock you over onto his mattress to secure you in his arms
he has the instincts to comfort you so he will do just that
will cradle you and talk to you in a rambled hushed voice, saying what seems like nonsense at 60 mph
once you assure him that you arent in immediate danger he will lighten up, but he sticks around you entirely, comforting you in a hushed voice and asking repeatedly if youre ok
when he kills his victims he raids their closet for you, seeing if there may be anything youd wear to make you feel more comfortable
billy will constantly refer to you as handsome and cute, leaving kisses on your face to remind you he loves you
when you sit and talk to him about it he is antsy, twitching a bit but trying to contain his natural energetic self to fully get what youre saying, he will ask you if he can make you feel better or what he can do for you, he is ready to be at your service to aid you
nurse billy my love
overall 8/10, billy is caring, maybe a but overboard but it shows how much love he has for you and how far hes willing to go, hes grateful for you so he wants you to know it <3
"Billy got this for Piggy, does Piggy like it?"
given his past, he doesnt discriminate and is a curious man, hes willing to learn about you, for you
hes always been for this, but offers to turn you immortal, he believes it could solve most problems because after youre immortal, your image is what you want it to be, spending time with your boyfriend in a perfect image that reflects you, he sees the beauty of eternity
of course the offer stands open for your convenience and his eternal love for you, but besides that, he is a compassionate and blessed listener
he may initiate this conversation, he can sense that youre distressed, he has the ability to have a healthy relationship, its one of his qualities, he wants to talk it out and be reasonable and hear what is making you feel that way
once you describe it to him hes understanding, he embraces you for a hug, assuring you that he gets what you said snd he realizes the feelings
is the most supportive man in a healthy way, he calls you his dear boyfriend and is very protective of your image, not being afraid to slice somebody or send bees their way if they say anything out of line
he makes it known that youre his boyfriend, you arent anything short of that, he affirms that you know this
torturing somebody in your name because they said something negative about you is all game, he doesnt hold back
he wraps you in his coat and stays in bed with you if you need comfort, holding you close to him as you let it out
does go out of his way to search for things that may help, foods, clothing, etc.
he wants you to feel comfortable when youre with him, and he will accommodate to whatever he sees fit
if you even talk about clothes youd been wanting, its yours, its for the greater food afterall, and its not like he would have to pay for it
overall 11/10, a lovely comforter and relationship guy, he knows how to please you, but still wants to hear from you, believes that both voices should be heard if something happens, and he absolutely adores you, so of course he would do everything for you
"Immortal life can fulfill one's needs in a snap, I can deliver a power you didn't know you were craving, in the name of us."
"A divine figure as yourself shouldn't be taken aback by unwanted feelings, I feel sorrow that you do."
Otis Driftwood
i love that you picked him as well i have to mention, so perfect
you may not know it at first, but he studies you quite a bit, analyzing you & seeing what youre about, so he suspects somethings wrong when you arent yourself
of course youd told him your trans before, and as we know the firefly household holds no room for bigoted ideals, so youre just as loved as anyone else, no need to worry for that
as stated before, otis has a keen eye, especially for his love, so when youre sitting in bed most days or not using your voice, hes concerned, he wants to know whats taken the light away from his sunshine
"Listen darlin', anything you wanna say? You're acting like somebody gutted ya,"
odd way of confronting you but he needs to know whats making you so down, it makes him itchy and irrational when his boyfriend is acting abnormal
he may feel guilty, like he should know what youre thinking and feeling, so a conversation is needed on both ends
explaining to him could take two minutes or two hours, all depends on how in depth it becomes
will ask you what he could do to help, he makes mental notes that he may or may not forget, he listens to you but he may seem distracted as thoughts are moving through his mind rapidly
he does what you ask of him, itll be spaced out since he may be busy, but he would happily set aside his work for you
one thing he may request is that you be in his work, a painting or sculpture depicting you or something he thinks of when he thinks of you, they can be abstract or direct, but he frames you in the light you wished to be put it
is a very firm & possessive lover, if 'company' is over and they slip up or make a move, he has nothing holding him back from strangling them then and there, he lets it be known that rude behavior or snarky comments at you are off limits, hes not afraid to enforce it
will think you look amazing in his clothes, may even give you them to wear in the first place because he admires the way you look in them
can be soft for you when needed, if you need a shoulder to cry on, hes in the privacy of you two's room in seconds to assist, and if you need affirmations, hes got a hundred for you now and a hundred for you later
overall 9.9/10, we know and love otis here, his boyfriend meter may be interesting but he lets it be known youre his boyfriend and that only, doesnt take kindly to anything else & if youre doubting yourself, he calls bullshit, complimenting you immediately
"Well fuck, why don't you put my clothes on more often? You're smokin'!"
Lawrence Gordon
another reason i love this man, hes a doctor🫶
he knew previously you were trans, coming out to him mayve been scary, but he loves you all the same, and has a decent amount of information hes learned about trans people from med school, he doesnt care, hes glad you were comfortable enough to tell him
hes a busy man, so the time you two share he submerges himself in, but when you begin to act out of character & seem confined to yourself, he does question if its dysphoria, but wants to hear what you have to say
as soon as you tell him its your dysphoria hes understanding, having you explain in detail how youre feeling and its like experiencing it, a primary source telling him how it is may help him comfort you better
he holds you in his lap, massaging your shoulders as you talk it out, sharing the moment
lightly puts his head on your shoulder if youd prefer silence over verbal comfort, he knows that you know what you want best, and if its silence or talking, no contact or physical affection, he listens and respects you, youre his precious, his prestigious grace that hes blessed with
while hes out and sees a stuffed animal or item that he think would help he gets it, to have you as his is a gracious thing, he wants you to know it as well
doctor alert again, and since i believe hes a great cook, he makes foods that will help boost your testosterone while still making it delicious
he follows whatever you say will help, if you need more layers hes searching through his closet to determine what youd look best in, if you want to hear affirming words youve went to the right man, he has a way of depicting you as ravishing as possible, he truly worships your figure and is not afraid to tell you every little thing he loves about you in a 'matter of fact' tone
money is never a problem, see a binder youd like snd its yours, a packer for extra comfort? its bring delivered
from his house in saw 2004 & the fact hes a doctor, i assume he lives comfortably, savings is jacked up and so is his extra spending money, so after he emotionally comforts you, he questions if youve ever thought of hrt or too surgery, it wouldn't be hurting his pocket to make your life easier to live by
overall 10/10, his best is just amazing and i couldnt possibly tell you how much more i love this man, hes so perfect and i want to just hold him forever smh
"Don't you look charming tonight, huh handsome?"
i got to this a bit later but ty for sending in another request, i love hearing from you and i hope your dysphoria starts to ease up, i know it sucks :(
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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