#i keep forgetting it's chris pratt
squidthemayo · 2 years
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this mfer is never beating the catboy allegations
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ace-with--a-mace · 5 months
1996 romeo and juliet :P
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starlightbooklove · 8 months
I started seeing "Jennifer's body" for the first time Because I had seen many videos talking about how iconic it was and even I who haven't seen it know how impactfull it was, I think that anyone who watches a bit of pop culture in recent years has heard at least once the phrase "I'm going to eat your soul and shit it out" Or have seen Megan Fox walking down the hallway with a smile in slow motion...
Anyway, the point is that I started to see it and the truth was I had A very vague idea (Which is making the experience much more interesting because I don't know anything) of ​​what it was about:
Girl kills boys for some reason, girl is spiraling towards madness and that Amanda Seyfried was in the middle This is based purely on clips from the film and videos analyzing it (From which I also learned that the plot was symbolic of something else) xd, so what a surprise was when the film began with Amanda Seyfried in an asylum kicking people As if it were an anime movie and seeing that she was crazy LMAO.
Among other impressions:
-My friend pushes me against the door like that and laughter is not going to be my reaction
-I was under the impression that Needy's boyfriend (I already forgot his name, I apologize) would be a jerk but the truth is that he looks very cute and decent, (I might have to eat my words)
-Wtf Chris Pratt is here.
-Those band dudes are the ones you always try to get away from, they are my worst nightmare of social anxiety made person. No Jennifer, please no
-GIRL THE PLACE IS ON FIRE SAY OR DO SOMETHING For a moment I seriously thought she was hallucinating him because of how absolutely still she stayed And because of how unbothered people remained in the bar until the fire literally fell on their tables
-In the wise words of the principal of mean girls: SIR TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE UNDERAGE GIRL
-Needy there's people that are dying. Sorry, I had to say it lol, speaking seriously I completely understand her concern, and I like how they captured that 'I can't follow her Because I put myself in danger, but I can't stop her either because she doesn't want to come with me' It's a real dilemma
-Amanda acts incredible here, as does Megan, I felt disturbed when I saw the crazy face she had when she showed up at Needy's house. How she appeared out of nowhere in that state made me feel super bad for her because it is quite clear what they want to prove and it is very sad, I repeat GREAT ACTING
-Wtf J.K. Simmons is here.
-My girl killed and her spirit went up lmao.
-I still like the guy. (I imagine he's going to die, right?)
-Needy honey, you're not crazy.
-I understand why they are friends, despite Jennifer's strange and very wtf behavior And leaving out killing people, she seems like a good person, still not such a good friendship, i still don't forget that push.
Anyway, that's all for now, I'll keep saying as I watch
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remimibanana · 8 months
Thank you, Pomu!
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By the time I post this, Pomu has graduated (╥﹏╥)
I want to take this time to thank her. THANK YOU POMU FOR EVERYTHING!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I ALWAYS HAD FUN WATCHING YOU!!! (*´▽`*)
I tried writing this twice elsewhere but it didn’t save both times much to my dismay so I’m doing it here because it’ll save and I can add pictures.
All my sappy rambling below the cut!
I didn’t watch Pomu as much, in all honesty. Just like I don’t watch many of the vtubers I like since I don’t have time to watch streams in general. Woes of being a uni student.
But from the ones I did catch, and the clips I’ve watched, Pomu never failed to make me laugh or smile. Not once.
My favourite clip is where Pomu is reacting to a Nintendo Direct with Elira and they laugh their butts off at the casting for the Mario Movie. I’ll never forget Pomu going “CHRIS PRATT?????” and then subsequently laughing insanely alongside Elira.
I’ll also never forget when she said that the Mario Movie will be good upon seeing Jack Black lol
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Another one of my favourites is where Selen is totally drunk and is playing Minecraft. Pomu is in the server and when Selen tells her that she’s stuck in Seffyna’s wool shearing farm thing machine, she just straight up leaves LMAO
When Selen says she'll have to kill the sheep she's stuck with, Pomu comes back going all NO NO. Pomu gets stuck in an attempt to help Selen, Selen kills the sheep anyway and then they break the farm in an attempt to get out and then they try to fix it.
They fix it and then Seffyna comes in and Selen snitches when Pomu ditched LOL
I love drunk Selen and I love how Pomu was practically a babysitter lmao
I love this clip so much.
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I was watching Pomu’s Totsumachi, and at the end of it she mentioned that she wanted to wipe ass at Pokémon Black since she was doing a challenge where she would beat the game with six Chandelure.
I wrote YESSSSSSSSSSS into the chat, and pretty much after I did, Pomu said “YESSSSSSSSSSSSS”! It happened twice! It felt so cool, you know?
I’m not sure if it was my comment exactly but I’m going to pretend it was. Delulu is the Solulu, my friends.
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Speaking of the Totsumachi, I was there for when Pomu talked to Vivi! I honestly didn't know too much about Vivi, I saw a few clips here and there but I really like her now after this!
They talked about Gaia Online at the very end, and Pomu mentioned how she wanted to try and log back into her old account. I heard of Gaia Online but I never played it. I played Moshi Monsters, Poptropica and Secret Builders as a kid. I'm old, I know lol
My interest was piqued and I made myself a Gaia Online account. It’s so early 2000’s, I love it. Reminds me of the old internet, it was much more happier and fun.
Feel free to friend me if you have an account.
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I actually watched the entirety of the stream where she played Pokémon Black, and I’m so glad I was able to be there to see her complete the challenge! She beat the Elite 4, N and Ghetsis with six Chandelure! It was so entertaining and honestly nerve wracking to watch!
The RNG at one point was so bad, Stone Edge never missed and Flame Body never hit lol
It was a lot of fun.
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As you can see, I sent Pomu a super chat! I have this tradition where I send one to those who are graduating as a final goodbye and to show my support for one last time.
I did it with Pikamee, Mysta, Mika and now…Pomu. The list keeps growing...
Why does every person I like leave ;;
I also became a member! I wasn’t going to initially, but I wanted to show my support and use emotes for the first and last time. I joined the lowest tier at first, but decided I wanted the Member Wallpapers, so I upgraded.
I managed to get them all, which I’m really happy I did! Pomu’s membership got paused after her graduation so there’s no way to access any of the perks anymore.
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For Pomu's graduation stream, I caught all of the Crab Game with Niji EN and the final part. One of the reasons I sent the super chat in the Pokemon Black stream was because I wasn't sure if I would be able to catch the graduation stream at all.
It started at 3:30am for me and I had no idea how long it would go for. I'm a bit surprised it went for 10 hours, but I'm glad it did because I was able to watch a bit of it at the very end!
I think it's better I sent the super chat in the Pokémon Black stream, since I love Pokémon and Pomu! It feels more special to me.
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I think graduations only prove how fast time flies and how one day, the people I like to watch will go too. I know its bound to happen and it is a part of life but still...it hurts to see those who you like to watch go.
I remember waking up one morning and seeing the notice of Pomu graduating, I went "WHATTTTTT??? POMU???? NOOOOOOOOO". I really didn't think she would graduate, but it was right there. People were sad, and I didn't know how to feel.
I felt like I didn't watch Pomu enough or support her enough as I could have. I still feel the same way. I did show my support at the very end, but it shouldn't take a graduation. I should have showed my support from the start, or watched her more. You never know what you'll miss until its gone, I suppose.
But I can't change the past. I'm happy I was able to watch her at the very end, and that's what matters! I'm glad I could say goodbye, watch a full stream from her and have fun until the very end!
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Once again, thank you Pomu! I wish you all the best in life! We're all Pomu at the very end, aren't we?
I'm going to take the PP Energy Pomu gave us and be more confident this year! I won't let you down, Pomu! I'm going to work hard to be the best person I can be.
If I could be anything like Pomu at the end, then I think I would be happy. Someone who is so kind and is like a beacon of light people go to.
Pomu was a pioneer, and I hope she knows just how much she was loved by all. We will never forget you!
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beemovieerotica · 2 years
As a big fan of Universal Studios, it’s a shame it only became big and popular because of Harry Potter and the fact people hugely loved and supported that series and she who must not be named. Reallllllyyyy wish they decided to go for a different IP instead that is still popular and timeless and not racist, fatphobic, antisemitic, transphobic, y’know. But yeah… it’s a shame because when you put the Harry Potter theme of it aside, the Hagrid’s coaster is great as an individual roller coaster. I would like for Universal to take Harry Potter out of their parks and retheme the Wizarding World areas to different IPs, but since it’s their biggest moneymaker I doubt it, and if they did, I feel like they’d get lots of hate. It would be very epic though to see them ditch their big cash cow for the rights of human beings…
Yess exactly, Universal was good but most people were like "Oh, well, we're in LA for Disney so we may as well go to the other park too" and then the Harry Potter section just sent it skyrocketing in popularity and drew in a lot of people who wouldn't have gone otherwise.
I think the issue is that a lot of Universal's attractions/themes are somewhat dated and unpopular with younger crowds (like I grew up with the Simpsons but I don't think Gen Z or younger people care about it, none of my students did) and they've still got a big Jurassic Park area, but forgetting the (forgettable) Chris Pratt movies it's IP that's around 20 years old. And I know that Disney attractions are based around incredibly old IP too BUT they're a marketing behemoth and are constantly flooding the markets with merchandise and new media to keep their 50+ year old movies relevant to modern toddlers. You can package Snow White with Moana and call it a princess collection -- Universal is too loose of conglomeration of very different IPs to market in that kind of efficiently cohesive way.
So, buying up the Harry Potter park rights was easily the single best financial decision Universal ever made to draw in young families, and they are not going to let it go. Like even in the midst of all the controversy around JKR, the average parent of 5-10 year olds doesn't know/doesn't care about the issue, they just know that their kid is going to have more fun looking at wands and being told they're special than going on the Simpsons rollercoaster.
Even though the Fantastic Beasts movies are scrapped for the foreseeable future, they could easily ride the nostalgia train for decades without a single new Harry Potter-universe movie or book. It's unfortunately the way I see it playing out, barring like, if the roller coaster started killing people because that's the only way incredibly popular attractions ever get shut down.
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gronjon44 · 2 years
So I have thoughts on the "Chris Pratt voicing Mario" discourse
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I don't hate it. It's not good, not by any means, but they gave us a minor clip that honestly, should be taken with a grain of salt.
I'm not gonna get into the entire Chris Pratt discourse as a whole, because I never agreed with it and think it's stupid it's still going on, but also because I'm trying to look at this as just a performance and not as something based on the irl bullshit.
2 big things I wanna address.
1. Chris Pratt isn't a voice Actor
He isn't a VA, we all know that and we've all accepted that. Yes I think they're decision to not just hire Mario's actual VA (who's been voicing him for decades now) is stupid.
But here's the thing that bugs me. Non Voice Actors can make damn good Voice Actors when they need to or have the option to, and it's not gonna stop Hollywood from casting big name actors for animated films.
Jack Black on the other hand isn't just regular actor, he has regular VA experience and has done other VA roles. Unlike Chris Pratt Jack isn't just an actor, he's experienced in both types of acting.
Also, did we all forget that Chris Pratt voiced Emet Brickowski from Lego Movie? A film that everyone collectively loves and enjoys? Chris Pratt can act, and the argument that he can't and Hollywood just keeps pushing him to make money while somewhat true is unfair in regards to the fact that if Chris Pratt didn't have any acting prowess then he wouldn't be getting hired.
The other thing I wanted to say-
2. Stop judging the performance off a 30 second clip.
I mean this with full blunt intent, the fact that so many people are blasting full force at his voice as Mario, all from a 30 second clip, is really dumb.
This ties back to the Jack Black bit, he isn't a voice actor, and I think that needs to be acknowledged a bit better.
You can't just a book off the first page, you have to at least try reading more about it and getting a better picture of it. Judging Chris Pratt's voice performance off a single clip it's probably edited to and it doesn't even go to that scene isn't fair to either the film or the actor.
Listen I'm not a diehard Mario fan, I've never cared for the games and know him more from Smash Bros and the some bits here and there, but I do understand the betrayal/disappointment from the casting, and while the delivery was flat it isn't enough to base the entire film off of.
Not everyone can deliver the same quality as Jack Black or Frank Welker, an especially not Charles Martinet. But don't scramble to hate an actors performance just cause of a single short clip.
Truthfully the best course of action I think is to wait for more footage/clips of the film, and judge more later on. Or hell maybe just wait for the film to release. Maybe we'll like it, maybe we'll all hate it. But maybe lighten up a smidge till the film gets closer to release.
This isn't the same situation as Sonic.
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grem-archive · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Oh, geez, so I’ve never really done one of these before haha but thank you to @draw-a-circle-thats-the-compass for the tag!
What book are you currently reading?
Unfortunately, I haven’t been reading much lately, but I am looking for suggestions! The last thing I read was Pox Americana by Elizabeth A. Fenn. It’s about the smallpox epidemic that hit North America around the time of the American Revolution and its effects, but it simultaneously takes you on a broader look at the impact, such as on Native American populations and the outbreak in Mexico City. Granted, it was for a class but a wonderful read that will make you not only think about history but reflect on the pandemic of today.
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
Top Gun Maverick…I went and saw it three times with three different friend groups.
What do you usually wear?
Ah, well, the winter fit is usually sweatpants of some kind coupled with any random assortment of t-shirts, both short- or long-sleeved, then some kind of hoodie or jacket. I’ve been trying to break in a leather jacket though so that I can paint it! That thing is far comfier than it should be.
How tall are you?
5’ 5” or about 165 cm.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I am a Cancer. I don’t really believe in astrology, but I know far too much about it because of friends. They tell me I am a “classic Cancer,” and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. And I do! June 21. I share a birthday with Chris Pratt and the U.S. Constitution. It’s also the day the Sox pitcher Rube Foster no-hit the Yankees 2-0 at Fenway in 1916. Make of those what you please.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
I go by my nickname Jill, or Grem/Gremlin online. Call me whatever the hell you want though, I’ll reply regardless.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I wanted to be so many things as a kid. Astronaut, microbiologist, paleontologist, a whole plethora of other things… As long as it had to do with using my hands for something and getting to learn and sate my obnoxious curiosity, I would be happy. Doing archaeology checks all those boxes, so I can’t be mad! I’m a recent convert to anthropology and I love it. Learning more each day just makes me love how diverse the Earth and its inhabitants are. I’m a filthy optimist, okay?
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Single and vibing.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I don’t think I’m much good at anything, but I guess I can draw! Would love to be better at writing.
Dogs or cats?
Don’t make me choose.
What’s something you would like to create content for?
To keep it in the scope of Hetalia, I would like to continue the historical fic I started writing centered around the American Revolution, as (early) American history is my secondary study. But I’m not confident in my skills enough to continue it. Forget posting it anywhere. But I had a prologue, first chapter, and second chapter in different states of completion before putting it down.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Cold War-era armor.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
My grades. [rimshot and laugh track plays]
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I don’t think being ADHD-fueled human encyclopedia counts so…I can write with my toes. I can sing and play euphonium, too, I guess! Idk guys fr
Are you religious?
Not particularly. I am a very lazy pagan, at the very least.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
All my friends and mutuals with their fine asses right in front of me so that I can give them all ginormous, lung-squeezing, spine-cracking hugs. Y’all need to stop being gorgeous double-cheeked-up baddies on this Tuesday evening.
I’m nominating @sunnysssol @ironicorange @cicadatalia @magictrio1118 @sunnylolli @modernday-jay @abbittheturtle because you are all wonderful and are either close beloveds or super chill!
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chadleys · 1 year
who of chris pratt's charas (chris himself, starlord, etc) smells the worst vs the nicest ?
chris smells the best - of course he keeps up on his hygiene and is always wearing cologne 👌
you would think owen smells the worst, considering he's always out in nature and dealing with the raptors, etc. but he typically just smells nice and earthy.
peter definitely smells the worst. i feel like he forgets to keep on top of his hygiene when he's super focused on something else.
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papirouge · 1 year
Ok I got curious and went through that “brown bandaids = wokeism” twitter and I’d assume it was a troll but she seems real. Fisting her supposedly Christian life in every tweet as a “Titus 2” woman, while believing diversity and any mention of black people = bad because that’s a satanic liberal agenda 🥴 so I guess focusing on black issues is the same as the trans agenda to her. And yes, before you say anything she is american
LOL Sorry but I want to keep faith in humanity and refuse to accept that that woman isn't a troll 😭
I literally can't wrap my head around why someone would be bothered that much about BROWN BAND-AID 💀
Even conservative are starting to realize they look like clown overusing that word so they're pulling out shitty made up definition that don't even make sense.
De Santis said woke sas "anti truth", well I'm waiting to hear what anti truth there's in a tone on tone band-aid. I'll wait.
Someone once said that the anti woke brigade saw (racial, sexual, social, etc.) minorities as unworthy of visibility UNLESS it was for a imperious reason.
Don't you find interesting that they never complained that hard about movies starring Black people as long as it featured something related to race, rap, slavery or Africa? (those idiots still had a issue with Black Panthers though which makes me believe that part of this outrage was definitely racist. But I also think that BP was special in that it promoted & elevated Blackness in a positive and light hearted way which was inadmissible for racist White that are used to see Blacks representation in the gutter. They felt threatened BIG TIME 🥴). Same with gays, that are "tolerate" either through caricatural tropes (the gay male friend) or movies about the gay community, AIDS History, etc.
But they cannot stand someone from any of those minority in a role or position not remotely relevant to their race, sexual orientation, etc. Because they will always see whiteness as a default. So if they're not a White male, they are bogus and therefore have to justify their visibility. I'll never forget a scrote seething at the latedt Jurassic World just bc the main character (Chris Pratt) had a female buddy who also was Black, calling that an agenda... To them, the sole presence of non White non Male non straight in media is political somehow (regardless of the plot of the show/movie). The Jurassic World female buddy skin color or femaleness was pretty irrelevant to her character but just bc she wasn't a White male, it was a problem, an agenda, wokism, anti White, etc etc 🥴
The bar has gotten so low that scrotes are now calling feminist agenda video game characters not sexy enough.... And I can't help but think about how they view women IRL and whether they seethe over them not looking like pornstars on the regular..... 🫠
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie may be the most literal adaptation of a video game I’ve ever seen. I can just picture an emergency meeting at the studio where Matt Fogel told some executive “We have a problem. I’ve written the plot but I’m pretty sure it's only about 45 minutes' worth of movie. Also, the characters are thin and obvious”. The response? “Well then, cram in as many references to the Super Mario movies as you can and keep cramming until you have a product that meets our 92 minute quota. This should also take care of that 'character' problem you've foolishly highlighted”.
Mario (voiced by Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) are “The Super Mario Brothers”; the plumbers Brooklyn calls when the day needs saving. At least that’s what they’d like to be. When Mario and Luigi get sucked into a warp pipe, they land in the middle of an impending war between Bowser (Jack Black), his army of Koopas and the nearby Mushroom Kingdom. Worse, Luigi falls into Bowser's clutches. Desperate to save him, Mario goes to the Mushroom Kingdom’s Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy) for help.
I vividly remember seeing the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie for the first time and feeling so disappointed that it looked and felt NOTHING like the games. I hated it and wished it was different. Well, that finger on that monkey’s paw menacingly curled alright. Be careful what you wish for.
Brought to us by Illumination, this is a good-looking movie. I can also praise Jack Black as Bowser, who is clearly having a blast, particularly when his character expresses his love for Peach through song. This is not a musical but the picture makes a great effort to give Bowser some much needed personality and it accomplishes this by giving him a few key eccentricities. Even if you know the incoming tune, it’ll still have you laughing out loud. I wish I had more good things to say. It moves at a fine pace? Kids watching won’t be bored? Sure. Let’s go with that.
For many years, you could count the number of good video game-based films on a single hand. The Super Mario Bros. Movie shows why. I’d wager that Mario is the most recognizable video game character of all time. Nearly every game featuring the Italian-American plumber would still be fun today. What the games do not have, however, is a story. There’s an objective, there are enemies and there’s a distinct visual style. That’s not enough and the source material isn’t an excuse. The Lego Movie proved even a no-story property can make for interesting characters and an intelligent plot with something to say. Super Mario Bros. is closer to Playmobil: The Movie. Not THAT bad, but so much of it feels like a commercial.
The story is so basic and the jokes aren't innovative but that's "ok" because they're slathered with endless references/easter eggs. Some are subtle, like background graphics that reference Jump Man. Others are so painfully in-your-face you groan. It’s not enough for the heroes to race to their destination; they have to be inside the same vehicles players use in Mario Kart, on a rainbow road like you would see in the game. Then the characters at the front of the group have to be taken out by a blue, flying shell. We know it's a blue flying shell because the character who “throws” it tells us it's a blue flying shell. It’s as if Nintendo was scared all of their games would suddenly vanish from existence so they had to write down reminders for themselves of everything featured in all of them.
You might argue those references are what we came here to see. I suppose you're partially right but so much of the film is spent reminding us of why we bought our tickets it forgets to do anything else but the bare minimum. You'll remember you've seen this picture but you won't learn anything new from it about any aspect of the franchise, its fans or creation.
I’m probably being harsher on this film than I should be but here’s the thing. There are so many other, better things you could be doing instead of watching this The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Playing any Mario game, for instance. At least there you’re actively participating and developing your hand-eye-coordination. You’ll probably laugh harder and have more fun too. The Super Mario Bros. Movie is just a way to exploit an already-existing property - and audiences. (Theatrical version on the big screen, May 12, 2023)
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joe-moi · 2 months
I truly do understand where some people are coming from about speaking out but it’s easier said than done. Back when marvel was this elite thing mark ruffalo spoke up about Palestine within 20min he deleted his tweets and apologized same with so many co workers like rdj sticking up for Chris Pratt. You might think it’s freedoms of speech etc, but big industries have so much power it’s crazy. Up until 2020 Black Lives Matter was a “controversial” cause and it’s the same with Palestine. Slowly the controversy around that is going away but it’s a work in progress. Even with Joseph I don’t except him to speak about Palestine since he’s officially in the marvel family like the inner workings of Netflix, Disney, etc are more political than we think. Also like idk what yall expected them to do? Just shun n*ah away. Like think about it you’ve known this kid for 10 years and even if you don’t agree with his views you aren’t going to isolate them would you do the same to a family member or close friend? The best they can do is do their job and maintain a cordial/work friendship and just forget about him after filming. I don’t see them hanging out with him outside of ATL
there are also tons of podcasts about the way companies try to stay out of hot topic issues like this. And how that wasn’t always the case. But now anytime anybody speaks out there’s backlash from someone. So it’s better to just not do anything. And that goes on both sides of it.
my team at work has only seven people on it. One of them is Palestinian, born and raised in Palestine, two of them are hardcore republicans, two of us are democrats….. and it’s best to just not talk about that stuff because it’s easier to keep the peace in the work place. I don’t need to know what my coworkers believe or don’t believe, as long as we can work well together and get our job done.
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elidon00 · 9 months
I watched the Mario movie today, I have surprisingly many thought about it so here we go
The overall movie was fine, it was enjoyable. I would watch it agian but only for the gorgeus animation.
Okay, first of all I have something to say about the voice acting. It was the worst part of the movie. I hate Chris Pratt and his voice was way too monotne the be voicing Mario. There was ONE part where I liked how he sounded, that was whne Luigi and Mario were reunited and hugged, there was a nice break in Mario's voice. But that's all that I liked about his performance. Then Peaches voice. Her voice actor was fine. But the voice didn't fit right, something felt off. She talked so slowly, that bothered me. It just felt weird. The only good and fitting role was Bowser and Jack Black. He did an amazing job. His voice was perfect for bowser. Also Seth Rogen did a fine job as Donkey Kong but I think DK's voice could've been deeper.
Then the story, why exactly did Brooklyn have to be a part of the story? Why did it have to be an isekai? Why couldn't have the whole movie been in mushroom kingdom? I truly don't get it. I hated that the two world collided, it was stange since Brooklyn was not really part of thee story throughout. The story other wise was fine, nothing special. I always wated more of Bowser, he was my favorite part of the movie.
Here's some other stuff, I felt like they crammend way too many referencen into every second. What I liked about hte sonic movies were the subtle references, nothing overwhleming. Something for fans to get. Here it was just reference after reference. It was too mcuh. That said, it was criminal how litlle they referenced Galaxy, only a Luma. (atleast I didn't get any others).
The music choises were a bit iffy at times, the real song alway threw me off a bit. I liked the game music remixes way better than the other songs.
The charcter desings clashed a little with the background especially in Brooklyn, everything looked a bit too realistic with the cartoony characters. I felt that the characters heads were a tad too big, it was very notiacble with Peach. Her proportions felt off. I know I keep praising Bowser but he lookes so fucking cool. I just really love Bowser ingeneral lol.
Talking about him. I loved how feral they made him. He was so good in the end fight. He was FERAL and I loved it. It was laos nice to see a MC actually beat up and bruised, that was neat.
That's all. I'm probably just gonna forget this movie tbh, it was fine but nothing special.
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kingofdoma · 2 years
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#or that whole gag where someone is trying to come up with a fake name and they look at random objects for inspiration and come up with thei
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samuelbowman · 2 years
Dating The fitting Way
Happy dating - you by no means know, you may end up as well as Mr or Mrs Right! Right now, Wyatt Oleff doesn’t have a girlfriend. Wyatt Oleff, like most celebrities, prefers to maintain his private and love life private, so test again often as we are going to continue so as to add new dating news and rumors to this page. Victor Webster, like most celebrities, prefers to keep his personal and love life non-public, so examine back often as we will proceed to add new dating information and rumors to this web page. Stephon Marbury, like most celebrities, prefers to keep his personal and love life personal, so examine back usually as we are going to continue so as to add new dating information and rumors to this page. This might indicate that building activities on the outer ring partitions of this enclosure had been underway in the course of the backfilling of Enclosure D. However, a bigger collection of information and a close inspection of Enclosure C´s building history will be necessary to confirm such far-reaching conclusions. I'd wish to have some enter on the ring.
I need my parents to like him. Someone enjoyable-loving who takes risks, like Chris Pratt's "Parks and Recreation" character Andy Dwyer or Laura Prepon's character in "Orange is the נערות ליווי בראשון לציון brand new Black". The free-to-download app enables you to ship emails, flirt, and match with potential companions, and a premium subscription ($29.96 per thirty days) allows for added options like the flexibility to see who has appreciated your profile. How do you're feeling about a man who has no respect for authority? So whether you need to impress a man or a lady, always remember simply to be your self and exhibit some of your finest personality traits. They do not have to be greatest mates. If they're spending the evening, they want a toothbrush. I must know what he is feeling. No, however I'd want my family to know. No, that seems déclassé. However, being more in the moment and aware of your surroundings can each talk to others that you’re open to dialog and allow you to notice (cute!) people round you-people you might want to talk to.
Forget for a second the federal government's lower than sterling report with databases. Where do you wish to take somebody on a first date? He should participate within the conversation. We may help. Just take the quiz and see! Some of us fall in love at first sight, whereas others can take years to fall in love with one particular person. The primary such revealed sequence, primarily based on bristlecone pine tree rings, was created by Wesley Ferguson. The highest gamers of the chatting industry have literally created a benchmark to make the apps participating and consumer friendly for both personal and commercial objective. Mother Theresa stated, "Love is a fruit, in season always and inside the attain of every hand." Passionfruit, though initially named for the eagerness of Jesus, is inextricably now linked to the extra romantic sort of ardour, while fruits like strawberries, cherries and figs are thought of aphrodisiacs that may inspire love or make it feel extra intense and vibrant. There are fruits for all totally different tastes and occasions and, while you give it some thought, that's kind of the identical as love. Your love is not the identical from one individual tt he next, and the best way other folks love you is different as properly.
I would love that! I really like everyone and every thing! What better method to enjoy a meal than with someone that you love? Instead of, “I take pleasure in Stanley Kubrick movies,” say, “The different evening I used to be watching "A Clockwork Orange," and I found myself pondering it would be a lot more fun to observe and discuss it with another person.” Humor is very vital. It never hurts to offer somebody a kiss. Some are stuffed with passion however fleeting, others are kind of sweet and low key. So earlier than you soar into this relationship quiz, let's talk about what some of these "varieties" are! You may have to tell us some things about your relationship. First, you will have to inform us what type of man makes your coronary heart melt by taking this quiz! Are you into the muscular, tough kind of guys? There's an entire world of unique guys to check the waters with. There's just an unmistakable feeling in your complete physique.
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rurifangirl · 3 years
Welcome to a new episode of : ruru introducing yet another sea depths monster oc instead of the actual protagonists because they've gotten an attachment over them
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All info under the cut cus I wanna treat this both like an intro n art post so auakdhnd <3
Name: Neptune.
Age: 24.
Gender & Sexuality: Unlabled.
Pronouns: He/they.
Height: 1.72 cms (human form) ,,,,,60 m (octopus form [im so sorry].
Birthday: 21 February.
Likes: Anything choco related (especially cookies), comfy beds, reading, drawing especially familiar faces, gowns.
Dislikes:Being the centre of attention (only in negative light), dull colours, Chris pratt, chainsaws, big boats, sharks.
Personality: They're,, kind of enigmatic. Most of the time he appears charming, in favour of talking, and overall responsable. However, his fits of absolute rage aren't any less devastatin, n while It doesn't affect their transformation,, they're still very much there. Despite being actually insecure, they try their best to hide that through their whole persona.
(In human form)
While they are extremely weaker than in his other form, Neptune Is pretty good with physical combact. Short ranged weapons such as knives are their preference, although they do use guns n whatnot if necessary.
(In octopus form)
Apart from the obvious massive stature, he's able to control his tentacle/like hair strands just fine. They're far more resistent and is his main ability. However, not like Moor, they can walk on land, despite still having some difficulties.
Another thing he relies on is the usage of their own teeth, having sharpened during the transformation and being quite powerful if used correctly.
Sum lil other stuff🐙
I won't actually really talk on their past, mainly because 1 it's pretty heavy and 2 hits too close to home, so most I'm going to say is that, he had an,,, innappropriate relationship with a far older man back when they weren't of age.
Just years later they'd realized how bad It actually was and, with the course of years, planning to take on his revenge among with other 'collegues' he made on his way.
Most of them were friends w him even before this had happened, and all they know is very small fragments.
He still blames himself from time to time for not having stood up once, even if It wasn't their fault. They thought that he deserved that for the longest time.
While he never stated It, they deeply care about them, especially towards his childood friend, Elisa. At first in the buisness, they had a rocky kind of dynamic. With time passing, they've grown closer and closer.
Well except Neptune forgetting to tell her ever that he could turn into a 40 m octopus that could and had killed hundreds in order to keep them safe from what they're ACTUALLY doing behind closed doors and arguably being one of the worst people in the entire Raventhorns universe leading to her almost shooting him but
He owns like . A very very comfortable bed . So soft like you could be immerged in it.
They like to wear dresses and, since he's physically similar to Elisa, borrows w/o permission some of hers when he wants to show himself.
He would've loved to have a domestic animal, but since they cannot assure their safety, he decided not to.
Their love language Is verbal affection, as they don't like physical one because, y'know.
He's actually a very big fan of the fnaf franchise.
did i decide this while listening to break my mind n thinking 'oooooh Neptune vibes yes'? The answer Is yes but u cannot control me🔪🔪
Though It wouldn't seem like It, most of the time he's fun to be round, making an hilarious scene n, even dramatic one just for the sake of it.
Tags: @anonymousgeekhere @a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @damnfoxx @nadi-117 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @yourlocalcowboy @flowergarden1 @infra-jaded
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annab-nana · 4 years
Is There Something There - Tom Holland
During an interview that you were doing with Tom for Endgame press, some of the questions catch you both off guard and one leads to you two talking about something you’ve both been feeling about each other.
A/N: I’m going to be honest. I don’t really like this one because I already feel like I use a lot of dialogue as a writer and this is an interview so there is a lot of dialogue, but I also like the story here so that why I decided to post it. Also, it’s my first Tom fic so I hope you all enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated!
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 4.1k+  
“I can’t believe you didn’t know who Obadiah Stane was,” you giggled with Tom as you two left the room you had just been in doing an interview to head to another one in a few minutes.
“He asked what an Obadiah Stane was, so I thought it was a thing, not a person,” he defended, his smile stretching as his words brought you more laughter.
“I’m sure Robert would love to know that his little buddy didn’t even know the name of the villain in the first Iron Man movie,” you teased Tom while he chuckled along with you. “But I will give you the infinity stones question. All I could remember was the reality stone and the time stone, but you rattled off the first five in a matter of seconds and then the last one came to your mind shortly after. It was impressive.”
“Thank you, thank you,” he stated sarcastically with a bow and a tip of his head. “You know what was funny? When you said Sebastian would be a bad baby name. That was hilarious,” he brought up before dying of laughter again at the joke you made earlier in the interview.
“Yeah, and I can guarantee you that he said my name too when they asked him which MCU name would be the worst as well,” you told him while laughing along with him.
“This is it I think,” the man who had been leading you to your next interview announced to you both before opening the door.
“Ladies first,” Tom said to you while holding a hand out to show you the way. You playfully rolled your eyes at the dork you had been paired with for the day as you walked into the room.
It was no secret that Tom Holland could not keep his mouth shut when he needed to. He just gets too excited and has to tell someone. He along with Ruffalo were terrible secret keepers and when it came to interviews, they had to do them with someone who could pay attention to them and catch them before they slip up. Benedict got paired with Mark and you obviously were with Tom.
“Good morning you two! I imagine you both have been very busy today,” the woman who would be conducting the interview asked when you and Tom walked over to her and got settled in your spots on the couch after you each shook her hand.
“Yes ma’am, we have been busy, but it has been loads of fun I would say,” Tom responded first while he got comfortable on the couch and stretched his arm to lay against the back of it before you nodded your head in agreement at his previous statement.
“Super fun especially since we get to do it together,” you spoke to the lady before meeting the dashing brown eyes of your partner for the day.
“She’s just saying that because she has to be with me. She actually hates me,” Tom teased while you rolled your eyes at him.
“I do not hate him. Does he get a little aggravating from time to time? Yeah, but I don’t hate him,” you played along with the boy’s joke as he chuckled lightly at you.
“Wait, y/n has to be with you, Tom?” the interviewer inquired, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion as to why you were forced to be with him. She probably thought it was a little weird that you, the actress who plays Guardian of the Galaxy Willa Adler, and Tom, the actor of Peter Parker who was also known as Spider-Man, were doing press for Endgame together. If she saw Infinity War, she knew you were both onscreen together a good bit in that movie, but still she most likely was wondering why you were not doing interviews with Chris Pratt like you normally were since he played your older brother figure in the past few Marvel films you have done.
“Well, yeah, someone has to be with me because I can’t keep my mouth shut and y/n is good at telling when I’m about to say something I shouldn’t, so she is here to help me not spill the beans on anything,” Tom laughed while a slight blush of embarrassment dusted across his cheeks.
“Yeah, I have been told I’m good at reading people and we’ve become really good friends lately, so I guess I better at reading him than some of the others. I don’t know. I think it’s funny that he has to be with someone, or he’ll spill all the information on everything,” you giggled as you responded to the question too.
“Oh well, I guess it’s good you two have been paired together and later on I’ll have some questions specifically for the both of you. Anyway, I spoke with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan and that pair,” she paused for a chuckle, “They like to tease you two, don’t they?” As soon as she mentioned their names, you both knew where the question was headed and you and Tom both nodded towards the woman.
“Yeah, we have quite the rivalry with those two, don’t we?” Tom led the answer for you to continue.
“Yes, but it’s all out of love,” you reassured the interviewer while you all shared a laugh.
“It’s all love, for sure. I think it’s because we are the youngest and easiest to pick on because we take the jokes well and we’ll shoot them right back. I find it funny how it's them against us. We will tease them and they’ll tease us, but at the same time, we split it up and it’ll be me and Mackie going at each other, and y/n and Stan will pick on each other quite a bit. It’s like the big brothers teasing their younger siblings and they each have their favorite one to pick on. I love it. I find it so hilarious,” Tom told the woman, a chuckle falling past his lips.
“Especially the juice box joke,” you laughed. “That one is my favorite.”
“Juice box joke?” she asked, her emerald eyes dancing between you and Tom while you both wore huge smiles on your faces from all the laughing you both had been doing.
“Yeah, Mackie likes to joke and say that ‘I need my juice boxes or I’ll go crazy without them’ that I need the sugar or something,” Tom expressed using air quotes with his fingers to show Anthony’s words. “They say I need juice boxes and y/n needs water bottles.”
“Why’s that?” the lady quizzed at the second part of his sentence as a light laugh escaped her mouth. You audibly groaned, knowing which story was about to come up next.
“She forgets to drink water sometimes and then she’ll get dehydrated and when we’re shooting harder scenes or if there’s a lot of light on her and it gets hot, then it doesn’t end well,” Tom told the interviewer honestly before she looked to you to continue or confirm his statements.
“It was one time and I just forget to drink water sometimes. I’m okay,” you reassured before taking a sip of water from the glass next to you.
“One time?” the blonde woman inquired further. You loved doing these interviews, but at times the people conducting them tended to be a little pushy and don’t pick up on the hint that you don’t want to share this story. You knew she wasn’t going to give so you spoke.  
“Tell the story, Tom,” you instructed with a sigh before turning in your chair to face him better. His hand still rested on the back of the couch behind you and he brought it down slightly to rub at the top of your back and play with your hair a little, a friendly and comforting gesture that you were very thankful for at the moment as he was about to share one of your more embarrassing experiences.
“Okay, so you know that scene in Infinity War where the Guardians, Strange, Tony, and I are in that spaceship and the Guardians are coming at us because they think we’re with Thanos?” When she nods her head, Tom continues with the story.
“Well, that particular day, y/n forgot to drink basically anything and in the makeup and suits and stuff, it gets really hot. It’s the scene where Willa has Peter Parker in a chokehold and Peter Quill has a gun to my head. So, when we were shooting that, y/n has her arms around my neck, not tightly obviously. She’s not actually trying to choke me, but you can feel it, you know. So, as I said, she wasn’t holding me tightly, but I felt her arms loosen from around me before she was supposed to, and she leaned against me a little.” The interviewer let out a slight gasp before looking at you and you nodded towards her, letting her know his words were true.
“I turned my head and asked her if she was okay, but she just nodded her head. She didn’t say anything, just nodded her head, and right then I knew something was wrong just by looking at her. I turned around and grabbed her before she fell and sat down with her. Chris came as well and was checking on her while Benedict and Robert went to get help and some water. But we got her some water, and she was good to go shortly after.”
“That must’ve been scary for the both of you,” she commented while her widened eyes jumped from yours to the set of honey brown ones to your left.
“It was honestly one of the scariest days on set for me,” Tom added before looking to you, his fingers still switching from rubbing small circles into your neck and twirling your hair between them.
“I was in and out of it, so I don’t remember much. All I remember is leaning against him and him helping me down. It was more embarrassing to me and I hate thinking about it, but now I will never get to forget about it because Anthony and Seb won’t ever let me live it down,” you told the woman with a small laugh which she joined in on along with Tom.
“Your characters both have this relationship with someone older than you that you look up to, Peter Parker with Tony Stark and Willa Adler with Peter Quill. How was it for you both to do your death scene in Infinity War with those people?” she asked you and Tom. Tom looked to you for you to start off the question so you do.
“Both Willa and Peter have had it rough as far as a mentor or someone who can really help guide them in life because they keep losing them. Peter lost his parents when he was younger, then his uncle, and then he disintegrates in Tony’s arms. Willa lost a lot of people in a short amount of time. Quill and Willa were both taken by Yondu at different times for their own good to save them from their terrible fathers, so she didn’t have anyone to look up to on Earth. Then she lost Yondu and feared she lost Quill when things with Ego went down. Then in Infinity War when they are all trying to take the gauntlet off Thanos, she finds out that she lost Gamora, the only girl Willa has ever had by her side, so that breaks her even further. Then after the snap, she watches all of her found family turn to dust around her. She watches Quill turn to ashes right before she can get to him and then she tries to run to Nebula who is the only person she has left before she goes with the rest of them. Right after that, we watch Peter and Tony hold each other and Peter goes so the scene overall is a terribly sad one. It took a lot of emotion for both of us I think.”
“Yeah, like she said, both of them have experienced great loss. Peter is a little more used to it while Willa loses someone before she’s done grieving the last person she lost. She definitely had to put a lot more emotion into it, but Willa is also the kind of person who holds her emotions in. You can see in that scene she was talking about, Willa tried to hold it in when she found out about Gamora but started to break down as she saw everyone she loved dissipate into nothing. Peter was emotional of course and he didn’t want to go like he just saw everyone around him do but at least he went out in the arms of someone he loves and looks up to a lot,” Tom added to your explanation with his own.
“I would say that scene after the snap with you two is the saddest in my opinion. So, to lighten the mood a little, there is a lot of talk about the family feel that the cast has, and the people wanted to know if that is true?” she asked as she flipped through her cards.
“Yes!” you immediately agreed.
“Of course, we all get along and it is super fun especially in films like these where we get to be together. Peter got to be with Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and the Guardians of the Galaxy and it was amazing filming with everybody. I loved it, didn’t you?” Tom pushed the question over to you.
“Yeah, it was super fun. I always get to film with a large group of people, but I got to film with Chris Hemsworth and then later on with RDJ and Benedict and Tom. It was great to work with so many amazing people,” you commented while you shifted in your seat a little, trying to get comfortable again.
“Mackie and Stan are like our annoying older brothers as I said earlier,” Tom mentioned with a light chuckle.
“Yeah,” you giggled before continuing with his analogy. “RDJ, Evans, and Hemsworth are like the fathers, the founding fathers really since they’ve been there since the beginning. Umm, Pratt and Rudd are the funny uncles. Elizabeth, Zoe, Karen, Scarlett, and Danai are the cool aunts. And then you’ve got people like Benedict, Chadwick, Pom, Letitia, and Tom who are absolute sweethearts. Everyone is just super cool and fun and sweet, and we couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with.” The lady awed at your words while Tom’s eyes softened at them.
“That was really sweet, y/n, and you are amazing to work with as well,” he grinned as he spoke which you returned him on as well while you nodded at him. His hand shifted down to your shoulder and he kept it there, something you didn’t mind at all. “Everything she said was spot on and everyone we get the opportunity to work with is awesome and they’re great people. I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
“Do you think your characters will appear onscreen together in the future?” the interviewer questioned before she looked up from her card to the both of you.
“Um, I’ll take this one,” you said to both of them, but mainly to Tom so he knew he wouldn’t have to add anything or spoil anything without knowing it. “So, Peter normally protects Queens, and Willa’s territory is all of outer space. In Infinity War, you saw that Peter’s experience in space wasn’t the best and Willa had a terrible life on Earth though she didn’t know it at the time because she was so young when Yondu took her. I don’t see them crossing paths again in the future if everything gets ‘fixed’ like everyone is hoping for, but if another space titan comes to destroy half of all living things or something big like that, then yeah maybe you’d see Willa and Peter onscreen again, but I don’t think it is likely,” you told the woman as she nodded her head.
“Marvel is full of surprises though, so you never know what is going to happen,” Tom added, earning a laugh from you since you knew firsthand how true the statement was.
“The fans love seeing you two together and you both clearly have good chemistry so what is it like working with one another?” the blonde asked before pushing some fallen hair behind her ear.
“I’ll go first,” Tom stated as he turned a bit in his seat and smiled your way. You playfully rolled your eyes, getting ready for him to completely roast your ass.
“She’s mean, a total diva, a drama queen,” he started listing off several false claims before busting out laughing at your pouting face. “I’m kidding,” he chuckled while he leaned over to grab your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“No, go on. I’m thinking about teaming up with Mackie and Seb and all three of us can rip you to shreds,” you sarcastically smiled at him before you dropped the grin and shot him a death glare.
“Okay maybe I wasn’t lying about the mean part,” he joked causing you to smile again. His brown eyes lit up at the sight and he finally continued with answering the question.
“No, but for real, she is amazing, as a person and as an actress. Every time I watch her, I am reminded of how phenomenal of an actress she is. You all have seen the gag reels of me and how I can’t keep a straight face if my life depended on it, but I watched her and the person she was filming with slipped up. She kept a straight face until they started laughing so she started laughing too. If that was me, I would’ve started laughing before anyone even messed up. And even when she’s feeling poorly, she performs so well. Y/n is so incredible to watch and work with. She is truly a great person and an even better friend. I’m glad we have each other to lean on when we get teased for being the youngest out of everyone,” he chuckled after literally just melting your heart. You leaned over to wrap your arms around his torso, his arm going around your back to rest his hand on your side.
“That was really sweet, Tom,” you whispered while giving him a little squeeze before pulling away from him. He did not remove his arm from around you though, so you scooted closer to make it more comfortable for you both.
“He may say my acting is good, but I’ve got to brag on his as well. He is so good at improvising and going with the flow of things. I am a very ‘follow the lines and stick to the script’ kind of person, but his improv makes his scenes and character so much better. That may be because he is basically Peter Parker in real life so when the cameras are rolling, it is truly interesting to see. He lights up any room he walks into and makes every day easier when we are working. He is a delight to work with and just generally be around and I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Thanks y/n,” he grinned down at you and you smiled right back.
“How is he like Peter Parker in real life?” the woman further inquired as she adjusted herself in her seat to sit more comfortably.
“For one, he is a major dork,” you started before snickering at Tom’s furrowed brows and stuck out lip.
“You just said all that nice stuff and then called me a dork,” he huffed and turned his head from you. He dramatically removed his arm from around and placed his hand in his lap.
“Oh, come on. You know it’s true,” you told him to which he sighed.
“Yeah, it’s true,” he gave in before nodding at the interviewer.
“So, there’s that,” you continued to answer the question. “He’s a little awkward, but in a charming and lovable way. He cannot keep a secret at all. There’s probably more, but that’s all I can think of right now. Everybody loves Peter Parker and everyone loves Tom Holland. I mean it when I say they are the same person.”
“So, there is a good bit of speculation of a budding romance between the both of you and the people want to know if there is something there,” she stated before playing with the rings on her fingers.
Before you could open your mouth to deny the suspicion, Tom grabbed your hand in his, interlacing his fingers with yours. A blush crept up on your cheeks when he placed his lips against the back of your hand.
“Do you want to tell her, babe?” he asked as he shot you a wink, the small act telling you it was a joke. The growing grin on his face told you his actions were false as well, but you couldn’t help how your heart fell that it was all a lie. You once again rolled your eyes at the boy who held your hand.
“You can tell her, sweetheart,” you giggled while Tom held your hand in both of his and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Y/n and I have been in a relationship for a little while now and that relationship has been completely platonic and we are just friends,” he laughed as he placed your hand back in your own lap. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t miss the feeling of his hand in yours, but now was not the time to think about that.
“Yeah guys, we’re only friends,” you chuckled, making eye contact with the camera that was filming the whole thing while you lifted your head from its previous resting place on his shoulder. “Nothing more.”
Later after the interview, you and Tom are walking to the car that was going to take you both back to your hotel and the events of earlier kept circling through your mind. The way it felt to have his arm around you and you leaning into his side. You craved that feeling. His hand in yours and his lips pressed to the back of it. You wanted more of that. Just being with him, you strived to have more moments with him, but you always thought that it was because you were really good friends and you liked having his presence near. However, you feared that you were into something more that he was not going to be interested in.
“You did good with the whole dating joke. That was funny,” you giggled lightly as you bumped his shoulder while walking by his side.
“Hopefully, you didn’t think it was too funny,” he mumbled, his own eyes widening at his slight confession. Your eyebrows drew together in confusion and your feet stopped moving forward.
“What?” you spoke the only word that was running through your mind at the moment. Tom stopped walking as well and turned to face you.
“I kinda liked holding your hand and I kinda like you,” he stated sheepishly, his gorgeous brown eyes looking everywhere but at you.
“What are you saying, Tom?” you asked, knowing exactly what he was saying but you wanted to be sure. He stepped forward a bit and took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers just as he did before.
“I’m saying that I like you, y/n, and I want to be with you. We can just try it out for a little bit?” he asked more than stated.
“You mean we can try out being together?”
“Yeah, we can keep it quiet until we’re sure and then if you want, we can go public with it. I was not lying when I said I love working with you. It wasn’t because you’re great to work with because you are. It was because you are great to be with. So maybe we try this out and see how things work with us while we do press and see how things work after this when we are separate and doing our own thing. We can go from there and see if this is something we want to continue or announce?” he questioned nervously while his eyes finally locked with yours. The corners of your mouth turned upwards in a huge grin, happy to be hearing what you had wished to hear for a while now.
“I’d love to be with you, Tom,” you gushed, grinning ear to ear.
“Well, that’s great, babe,” he chuckled after using the nickname he called you earlier. His other hand slid around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You felt his breath fan over your lips before he closed the space between you two.
“But you know that Mackie and Seb are going to pick on us about this too right?” you reminded him when you pulled away slightly and he giggled.
“Yeah, we’re never going to hear the end of it.”
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