#i keep pasting longer and longer snippets oops
anchoredarchangel · 5 months
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Thanks for the tag @anincompletelist ! I’ve never played this one before 💫🤍
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
beneath the cut because I’m wordy as hell oops.
From No Consequences:
If Alex revisits the metaphor about his brain at the best of times, this is the moment where the toddler holding the flipbook exchanges their sugar addiction for straight cocaine. The good stuff. High quality. This is Alex’s brain on drugs.
From Hope is a Five-Alarm Fire:
Alex stares at him without blinking the way other people probably look at renaissance art: like magnificence beyond the scope of words, a pinnacle of creation, something meant to be kept pristine, locked away from the ruining touch of the masses. Except he’s putting his filthy fucking hands all over it, leaving smudging fingerprints behind. And the art likes it. 
From The Cosmos in His Palms:
Alex thinks about Henry, about pulling the stars from the sky just to tuck them carefully in Henry's chest beside his heart to keep him company, so he'd never have to look for them again; about what Alex would be willing to do to put the cosmos in his palms.  He’d do the impossible. He’d defy the gods that put them there. 
From The Throne He Deserves:
Who kisses Alex like he’s the water in the desert and he doesn’t care if it’s a mirage so long as he doesn’t die in pain, and who fucks him like it might be worth the pain of dying just to do it again and again. 
From The Wait Before the Fall:
“This is not all that I am,” Henry tells him, turning back to the statue, something tumultuous in him settling, going just as still as the museum air. “Not anymore.” He looks up, that beautiful, defiant tilt to his chin; not to the man being crushed, but at the plaster of the woman—head draped in a lion’s skin, club in hand, kneeling on the shield in victory. Valour and Cowardice: Valour.
From A Spark and Flash Paper:
In a rare moment of courage, he does the latter. He chooses himself. No bloody consequences.
From A Sin Better Than Heaven:
“Imagine how I will feel to your cock,” he says boldly, and Alexander meets his eyes; the brown all but eclipsed by a full moon of darkness.  “I will not,” he murmurs, “because I intend to know with certainty.”
From The Very Portrait of Temptation:
Alexander’s mouth slows, a kiss longer and deeper and felt in every nook of him—the king's tongue sliding expertly past Henry's teeth, like a dagger through the widening crack in what remains of Henry's armor. This—it is everything, and everything that it is is enough to drive men to madness beyond the point of hysteria, enough to lose what remains of his wits, enough to foolishly hope for an unlikely change of fate. One where he is not a deceitful seducer, but rather a trusted confidante. One where he is even, perhaps, an actual lover, true as North.  A beautiful agony, most mad indeed. 
my tumbling has been iffy lately and I’m not sure who has already played—so if you see this and you haven’t posted one yet, here’s an open tag from me to you 💌
but also @firenati0n when you’re back I want to see!
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anincompletelist · 8 months
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happy wip wednesday! :D
once again got caught up in the excitement of finishing up bridesmaids so have not gotten a chance to read through these yet, but THANK YOU to @getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @priincebutt @onthewaytosomewhere @kiwiana-writes @suseagull04 @orchidscript @nocoastposts @littlemisskittentoes @ninzied FOR THE TAGS! I am looking forward to getting my popcorn ready and reading through all of your lovely words <3
this snippet is longer than I thought (oops) but I've been keeping this one pretty close to my chest and it has been clawing at the bars of its enclosure (the Docs) to get out into the world so HERE SHE IS:
“With all due respect,” Alex hesitates, “if this client needs to remain so confidential, would you not just want to… ask them what they’d want? Cut out the middle man?” He readjusts the phone where it’s caught between his ear and his shoulder, stuffing the last of the groceries into his trunk. The pay-off really would be nice. “Not that I’m turning down the job at all.” 
Bea sighs. “That’s the thing, though— he already has everything he could possibly want. It isn’t— he doesn’t much care for material things, save for a few sentimental items he already has. I’ve tried to throw him parties and I’ve tried to work with his best friend to come up with something and I’ve gotten and made him one of everything known to man and it just—” she huffs, cutting herself off. “He would never act ungrateful for anything, but he— these past few years have been difficult for him and I haven’t been as present as I should be and I know a gift isn’t going to magically make up for that but birthdays are hard for him he just deserves something really, really good.” 
“Um,” Alex blinks at the concrete. 
“God, I’m so sorry. I’ve just given you a shitload of information that you never asked for, haven’t I?” 
“No, that’s— this is good. I can work with this,” he clears his throat, nodding to himself. “And I get the whole wanting-them-to-have-something-good thing, especially when it’s a sibling.” 
Bea’s line goes silent for a moment. “... Had I mentioned that it was my brother?” 
“Oh,” he blinks, gripping the phone a bit harder, “well, no. I don’t think so. I’m sorry for assuming, I just— you were talking about him the same way my sister talks about me so I just—” 
“Alex, please,” she laughs softly. “It’s alright. I’m glad that you haven’t already hung up on me, to be honest. I’m a bit all over the place at the moment.” 
“Maybe we should get that NDA out of the way before we continue then. Then you can feel free to be as unhinged as you want.” 
She snorts. “Yes, perhaps we should.” 
“Although, if you don’t mind, I always ask my clients how they found me for research purposes. So, can I ask—?” 
“As it turns out, professional gift-giving is a highly specific occupation, and you seem to be about the only legitimate looking one that managed to come up in the Google results.”
OPEN TAG OPEN TAG but also! @firenati0n @affectionatelyrs @inexplicablymine @msmarvelouswinchester @bigassbowlingballhead @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @iboatedhere @matherines @sparklepocalypse @firstprincexo @raysletters @cricketnationrise @eusuntgratie @anchoredarchangel @rmd-writes <3333
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sam-loves-seb · 6 months
wip wednesday friday
we're gonna pretend it's still friday and not ten minutes past midnight here on the east coast (oops). thanks for the tags @jrooc & @mybrainismelted & @transmurderbug <3
wip is from a one shot i'm working on that will (hopefully) be posted next week. it's a bit of a longer snippet so i'm putting it under the cut. enjoy.
March, for some people, always seems to drag on. It’s a long, cold, rain-filled month, especially in Chicago, and it makes it feel like it goes on and on with no end in sight.
Ian, however, finds it to always go by fast.
The twenty-first is here in the blink of an eye, and when he wakes up on the morning of his fourth wedding anniversary—and God isn’t just the thought of that alone enough to make him grin—he wakes up smiling.
Mickey is still asleep beside him, curled up on his side with his half his face smushed into the pillow, his chest rising and falling with each steady breath.
The sun is just starting to rise, and Ian quickly looks over and checks his phone. They still have ten minutes until the first alarm, and he leaves his phone on the bedside table. In the drawer below it, he shuffles around the half-empty bottles of lube and spare phone charger, then lifts his journal just enough to slide out the envelope beneath it.
There’s nothing of note on either side of it, except for the scrawled Mick on one side. Despite the lack of fanfare, Ian grins at what he knows is inside.
These days he tries his best not to wake a sleeping Mickey if he can help it, but Ian figures that if there was ever going to be an exception, today would be it.
He slides over under the covers and rolls Mickey onto his back. Mickey makes a half-conscious noise at the movement, but that’s about it.
Ian leaves the envelope on his side of the bed and stretches himself out over his husband. He keeps the blankets pulled up high on his shoulders because he knows it’s fucking freezing in their apartment in the mornings, and he kisses Mickey’s neck.
Another faint sound comes from Mickey, who’s starting to wake slowly, rolling his head over on the pillow and shifting his shoulders.
Ian continues his path of kisses up to Mickey’s jaw, then switches to the other side. He takes his time, not really looking to start anything, just trying to wake his husband up with soft, loving kisses. It’s slow, careful work, but it’s so worth it when he sees the smile that tugs at the corners of Mickey’s mouth the very first second he’s aware of what’s happening.
“Morning,” Ian whispers into his skin, gently nipping at the skin just above his t-shirt collar.
Mickey hums in approval, lazily lifting one arm and getting his fingers in Ian’s hair. “Hey.”
Ian kisses Mickey’s chest over his t-shirt while his hands slip under it by his sides. Mickey’s body is still sleep-warm and soft, fitting perfectly between his palms.
When Ian reaches the center of his chest, he kisses Mickey once there, then again slightly to the left. He lets his lips linger over the tattoo that he can’t see, but knows the exact position of, then props his chin up on his husband’s chest.
“Happy Anniversary,” Ian whispers, watching Mickey blink his eyes open in the early morning light.
Mickey smirks. “Is that today?”
Ian lightly bites at his pec, and Mickey’s chest rumbles with a laugh.
“Happy Anniversary,” Mickey says with a fond smile. He pushes Ian’s curls back off his forehead. “Four years, huh?”
“Uh huh,” Ian agrees, slowly pushing Mickey’s shirt up his stomach. He dips his head lower, kisses his husband’s belly.
“That’s a long time.”
“Mm.” Ian kisses his navel. “I think we’re just getting started.”
Mickey grins. “Yeah. I think so too.”
After he’s satisfied with his exploration of kissable exposed skin, Ian pulls Mickey’s t-shirt back down and settles heavily on top of him, fitting his body between Mickey’s legs. He brings their faces closer together and kisses him soft and sweet.
Mickey hums as Ian pulls back, the morning sun dancing in his eyes. “Alright Gallagher,” he says. “What do you got planned?”
“For today? Not much,” Ian says with an honest shrug. “Work, some dinner. Maybe we’ll make out a little on the couch later. Oh,” he pretends to just remember something and reaches out to grab the envelope from the other side of the bed. “And there’s this.”
Mickey eyes the plain white envelope suspiciously as he slowly takes it from Ian’s hands. His brows furrow slightly. “I thought for sure you’d make us take the day off from work.”
“No, not today,” Ian says playfully, pretending to think about it. “But tomorrow, don’t bother setting your alarm.”
Mickey grins, all teeth. “Long weekend?”
The hopefulness in his eyes is already enough to convince Ian that what he has planned is a good idea. Just the prospect of a day off has Mickey beaming.
“Extra-long,” Ian tells him, rolling over to the side and propping his elbow up on the mattress, his head resting on his fist. “We took off Monday too.”
Mickey pushes himself up on the pillows so he’s sitting up a bit more, the unopened envelope still in his hands. “We can’t skip Monday, man, we have that huge shipment coming in for the northside grow houses.”
“Carlos is gonna do it.”
“Carlos?” Mickey rasies his brows. “He’s already working forty hours next week.”
“Yeah, he knows,” Ian says, snaking his arm around Mickey’s waist. “He’s looking forward to the overtime in his paycheck.”
Mickey grumbles. “I bet he is, greedy little fucker.”
Ian rolls his eyes. “Mickey, he needs the money. His wife’s pregnant.”
“She is?” Mickey asks, as if this is the first he’s hearing about it. “When’s the kid gonna be here?”
“Not ‘til August—are you gonna open that or what?”
TBC [coming soon to an archive near you]
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filet-o-feelings · 1 year
WIP / Inspiration / Snippet / New idiots in love Day
I was tagged by @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 for WIP Wednesday and Inspiration Saturday, and @mammameesh and @stereopticons for WIP Wednesday but this brain has been uncooperative and refusing to so much as open a doc despite wanting to open a doc, but finally this afternoon I opened a doc (oops, another new one) and now I have another installment of idiots in love to share!
Patrick knew he was gay for a lot longer than he’d like to admit. Deep down, he knew it before he even really admitted it to himself. What he hadn’t known was how good everything could be. How freeing it would feel to be open about his attraction to men. How amazing sex could feel when he was actually attracted to his partner. How fun sex could be when he wasn’t desperately trying to cling on to something he thought he needed to feel, and just felt what he felt.  And what he felt with David was everything. David was a mystery Patrick wanted to figure out from the moment they met. He needed to be around him as often as possible, to study him in the wild and learn every micro expression, every over-the-top gesture, every detail that made him tick. He made it his mission to make David happy in every way he could. Sure, he managed to screw that up more than a few times. Sometimes in big, nearly relationship ending ways. He’d learned from past mistakes. He tries his best now not to keep things (particularly giant things, like previous engagements and the fact that he hadn’t come out to his parents even after being with David for a not insignificant amount of time) in, building up until they inevitably come to light and reveal themselves, uglier than ever after hiding away in the dark recesses of his mind for far too long. He started going to therapy, and talks about his feelings both with his therapist and his husband. Husband. It’s been over a year since it became official, since the greatest day of his life, and he still has a hard time believing this is his life now. He has a husband, who he loves more than he ever thought possible, and who loves him, and a family (now expanded to include in-laws and Stevie and Twyla, and if he’s honest, half of the town of Schitt’s Creek) that accept him (he doesn’t know why he ever worried, he knows his parents are good people) and love him.
read the rest on AO3
tagging everyone above along with @statueinthestone @treluna4 @tyfinn @a-noble-dragon @carolrain @beaiola and anyone who hasn't been tagged but wants to share something for snippet/seven sentence/whatever you feel like sharing Sunday, because this is a jumble of everything (shh let's pretend I included something inspiring above?)
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drpanda99 · 2 years
Modern Cultivation AU Wipwednesday!
Oops I forgot last week that I'm on Tumblr now and that I don't need to take low quality screenshots for wipwed. This is a completely unedited snippet from a modern cultivation fic that I'll eventually publish! This may be heavily edited in the future since it came out of my unhinged nanowrimo writing fugue.
TW some horror imagery?
Lan Zhan spun around, unsheathing Bichen in a single move. Behind them stood a grotesque form, the skin of its face half-rotted into a permanent grin. Its eyes and lips were gone, great chunks of flesh missing as if torn by sharp teeth. Its body was stiff and greying, the clothes on its body dark from dirt. Lan Zhan could not tell if it was originally a man or woman. A jiangshi. It reached out a single straight arm and screeched. Lan Zhan jumped towards it, building spiritual energy up in Bichen. He swung diagonally across its body, his strength enough to split it open shoulder to hip. The jiangshi moved with unnatural speed, jumping backwards to dodge his blow. “Dodge!” Lan Zhan heeded the shout and jumped to the side. A glowing red talisman flew past where he had been standing to hit the jiangshi squarely in the face. Then two other talismans followed, hitting each of the vampire’s arms. Chains of golden energy formed from the three points of contact with the talismans, binding the arms of the jiangshi to its side. The chains linked to the talisman on its forehead jerked its head back and it roared in anger once it could no longer move. The Yiling Laozu ran up beside Lan Zhan, out of breath. “That should hold it for now! Quick, get your suppression started! I can keep it in place for you.” Lan Zhan nodded, sheathing his sword and summoning Wangji. He placed his hands on the familiar wood and strummed the first chords of binding. Blue energy from the notes of his guqin formed and flew towards the corpse.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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*peeks around the corner*
I don’t see a tag so lemme kick it off, partially because I am excited to talk about my CO text fic! Yes, it is done, so this maybe isn’t really a “WIP” Wednesday, since the fic left the hospital, but I’ve seen other people use these posts like this.
Have a little snippet of make a fire out of this flame, my now-published CO text fic!
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This fic has shenanigans, Dev and Niall being idiots, mutual pining, scheming, giant inflatable fishes and the power of Magic Mike Live. I have some musings about this fic, but I’ll put that under the cut. Beware of spoilers!
But first, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla​​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​ @artsyunderstudy​ @martsonmars​ @facewithoutheart​​ @boyinjeans
Okay, I admit I just tweaked some small things in the fic. There were still some minor formatting issues and some mistakes that the format cannot explain. As in, the best part of writing a textfic was that I could keep in the typos and small mistakes, because when you quickly send a text, it is so easy to write the wrong thing. Heck, even when tweaking I found some typos I didn’t see before, like this one:
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Obviously, Niall meant to write “i dont” or something. I didn’t catch the idk, but I think that from the context it is clear that Niall means “I don’t” and again, this is a believable mistake in the world of textfics. But yeah, there were one or 2 mistakes that made me go 🤔🤔🤔.
The biggest thing was that yesterday I found out that after the party I completely fucked up the dates. When Baz texts Niall after midnight on Monday 5th, it is a continuation of what happened on Sunday 4th, so I accidentally wrote “Sunday 5th” and this wrong dating thing continued throughout the entire story up until the “epilogue” (aka the prize ceremony on the 23rd). Damn. So I fixed all the days only to realise that I wrote certain events around the day. As in, Baz has classes on Tuesday, so he texts Simon from university when they just got together. I had to add a quick line somewhere that says Baz has classes on Tuesday AND Wednesday. Oh, and now Dev and Niall left on Monday, not Sunday, so it was longer than a weekend trip 😅. I am certain that if you just read the fic, you didn’t notice this error, but I did and it annoyed me oop.
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This used to be “My friends will be here for the weekend”, which is still true, but now it was longer than the weekend, Bazzy.
Speaking of dates, it’s interesting that I have been writing this since September, I think. I used November and December 2022 as a setting and when I started out, that was still in the near future. Now I’ve published it in February 2023, so the events happened in the near past.
Anyway I am happy that people like it. I read all the comments on AO3 and here in the tags. I’m glad I made people laugh (especially since I laughed a lot while writing it) (Niamh dipping out was peak characterisation if I may say so!)
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years
Hmm... shifty eyes. Hope you don't mind it being a mildly smutty excerpt, because a snippet from my accidental-turned-invited voyeur!Cas fic feels like the most fitting for this emoji. It's a five times fic, and the working title is currently "In which Cas likes watching Dean jerk off because it’s the closest Dean ever comes to loving himself" because I can never avoid making things at least a little upsetting.
There's something mesmerizing about it. Not just the physical action, but what's within. He's well acquainted with Dean's soul by now, after all, and while he's always considered it breathtaking, it's even more stunning in this unguarded moment of pleasure. Where it usually radiates love in all directions, toward his brother and toward Bobby and even, to Castiel's endless surprise, toward him, Dean never treats himself with even a fraction of the care that he extends outward. But now… Now Dean's soul caresses itself. Holds itself. Ekes out joy through an act of true self love. His soul and his body shifting sinuously as one, glistening warm under the orange glow of the bathroom lights. Castiel gazes at him for far longer than he should, and only stops when the sudden thud and rattle of the motel room's main door startles him back to awareness. Dean squints his eyes and scrunches his face in annoyance, and when a fist pounds on the bathroom door, accompanied by Sam's voice calling out, "Hey, you gonna be in there long?", his hand falls away from its place between his legs so fast it's like he's been shocked. He thumps the back of his head against the tile with a grimace. "Just a minute!" he shouts back, and turns the water all the way around to cold, gritting his teeth as he shifts fully into the stream. His erection rapidly flags. A bad kind of tension overtakes his shoulders. The unfamiliar prickle of shame creeps up the back of Castiel's neck like a phantom touch, and he leaves without a word. Without a sound. He doesn't visit the brothers for the rest of the week.
[for this ask meme | other responses here]
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Shadowjack’s AUs
We’ve a series of comics today (courtesy of Lamonta!) featuring each of the Inner Senshi in a world where they’re Sailor Moon and Usagi is whichever Senshi they no longer are. Specifically, I was asked:
I would like to know what you think of all of the predictions (including Usagi) and do you agree with them?
And then there’s a bonus unrelated comic. So let’s get to it!
Ami Tsukino (comic link)
I can’t say in this one that I’m seeing a lot of the fun play that an AU can provide. Ami’s turn at Sailor Moon reads here like just slotting her in without actually changing anything. She even turns up as a school nurse at Usagi’s cram school! If we’re going to play this game, I’d rather go hard and try shaking things up.
Like, we have Ami in the comic worried about Naru, just like Usagi was. But why? Besides just a general desire to help someone in need of help, Naru means nothing to Ami. Their first interaction that we see has Naru standing off to the side talking about how stuck up Ami is, which Ami DEFINITELY overhears and DEFINITELY resents. So let’s REALLY fuck around with this.
Ami still hasn’t bought what Luna is selling, logic-ing her way out of their interactions. Cats can’t talk, after all, that is fact. So when Luna talks, it’s a hallucination, brought on by overwork and a possible impending illness. Ami refuses to engage Luna and indulge her delusions, putting Luna outside, locking all the doors and windows and triple checking them. She’s in an apartment, there’s not a lot of easy access for Luna anyway. With Luna unable to get to her, Ami never gets the brooch, she never transforms, and she never hears Naru’s cries for help.
The next day at school, the news is spreading so fast that even Ami hears about it: Naru Osaka was found dead. There are enough details that Ami connects it to something Luna said. Doubt creeps into her mind. When Luna tries again to reach Ami, this time she listens. This time, she transforms. This time, she vows, will be the last time.
AND WE GO FROM THERE. All of Ami’s dedication to studying and academic success now go to stopping the Dark Kingdom. She can’t do both, of course, and her grades begin to suffer. Let’s have Sailor Usagi Mercury take a lot of the blame for that, she’s a bad influence, Ami’s mum and her teachers insist. Ami becomes obstinate, defiant. CONFLICT BREWS.
Where it goes from there is beyond the scope of this post, which is already long as balls, so I wrap here. But yeah, short version: don’t agree with Shadowjack on this one. Wasted opportunity there, However, bonus points for this:
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Rei Tsukino (comic link)
Rei and Usagi swapping Tragic Anime Backstories is something I’ve already played with, which I would link here, if I could remember how to fucking find it, oops. I think it was just pasts, though, not Senshi roles, SO. Shadowjack obviously had fun with this one, and as someone who ALSO loves the Rei and Usagi dynamic, it’s difficult for me to argue. They also go much further with this one than the Ami one, with snippets going through R and S. Which is where we butt up against my general problems with an AU, which is that the further you go from the splinter point, the more stuff does -- or should, to my mind -- diverge. Would R unfold the same? Would Neo-Queen SerREInity banish Dimande & Co. to set them up to become the Black Moon Clan to come back to try and take her out in the past? Would she instead imprison them locally so she could keep an eye on them? Execute them as the assassins they were? Hell, would she rule Crystal Tokyo in as similar a fashion as Usagi to have led to them trying to off her in the first place? YOU SEE MY PROBLEMS.
But, again, this is already long as fuck, so I’ll instead stick to what Shadowjack has, which amuses me enough that I’m not prone to argue. I especially liked Rei considering there’s something to learn in Usagi not shrouding every feeling she’s ever had under seventeen layers of protection, and Usagi’s delight in the same. Usagi breaking the pen Rei tossed at her tickled the hell out of me. And, of course, Chibi-Rei taking after her mother.
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Mako Tsukino (comic link)
Once again, we don’t really get into the specifics, and IN FAIRNESS to Shadowjack, as I go through these, it’s clear they aren’t meant to. They’re little one-off gags, and so it’s a bit ingenuous for me to come at it from a perspective it was never going to offer. That said, I really enjoy that we immediately tackle an emotional problem for Mako, that being how she’s really ALREADY doing the whole love and justice thing, and that’s what keeps fucking her up. Forcing Luna to take a stance on school being less important -- which I’m not sure I’ve ever seen, but yeah, she SHOULD. It doesn’t go further than that (again, not its point), but I love this as a starting place for Mako’s superhero conflict. Would the answer be in keeping Mako out of school more than in it? Would Ami be pressed to cheat for her, for the greater good? Would she shift more to private school like TA, where presumably if you can pay you can stay? And how would they get that kind of money? THE POSSIBILITIES INTRIGUE
Also Chibi-Mako just being a preternaturally strong toddler, fantastic, no notes.
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Minako Tsukino (comic link)
The lack of joke is more the joke here, in that nothing for Minako would functionally change. Which I might agree with, except you then have Usagi sliding to the role of Sailor V. NOW I’M STRUGGLING.
Minako as Sailor V who turns out to be the actual princess? That could be particularly interesting if she doesn’t KNOW. If she’s pretending to be the princess this whole time, but is in fact that cosmically important? THE VINDICATION. I would think it’d make her that much more a lone wolf, though. She’s proven again and again she doesn’t need other Senshi. They aren’t more powerful than her, they sure aren’t more EXPERIENCED than her. The only thing they can do is die for her, and hey, how about I just keep being fabulous and no one die at all? Awesome, you catch up on Netflix, I’ll go kill some monsters, later. So what do the other Senshi do, protecting a princess who doesn’t want their protection? Who, perhaps not unreasonably, is sure she doesn’t need it? I’D LIKE TO FIND OUT
Minako Moon without the experience of Sailor V, I’m thinking would be near fucking insufferable. Pretty, popular, and now literally and irrefutably the most important person in the universe? WELL NATURALLY. Forget surviving the Dark Kingdom, she’ll have to survive her bodyguards first.
Usagi as Sailor V though. Man. I think she’d try REAL hard. But if we look at what we know of their respective times, Minako had a measurably rougher solo time of it than Usagi, to the degree that I’m not sure Usagi could make it. Assuming she did, though, how much would that experience change her? Would it dampen her “no one has to be hurt” boner that she develops in later seasons? If Minako turned out to be as insufferable as I’m theorizing, how far would Usagi be able to let that callous superiority go, knowing firsthand how difficult and dangerous this is? How frustrated, how FURIOUS, would she be at Minako’s apparent callous attitude toward their lives?
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NOW THE OTHER SHIT. First up, this horror show (comic link), which I think actually gave me trauma. SHE’S A MY LITTLE PONY LOOK AT HER BUTTMARK LOOK AT HER FUCKING HOOVES. Also, Usagi has never been more relatable.
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And this follow up (comic link), in which Usagi’s unbridled (HA) delight is glorious, but mostly I want -- no, MUST -- focus on this part:
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Which I’m still not sure I GET, but am taking to mean that My Little Chibi took a giant centaur-sized dump on Rei’s lawn, so enjoy that, everyone.
And finally, this Rei and Usagi vignette (comic link), about which I am torn torn torn. On the hand, while I passionately friendship my beloved idiots, I don’t AT ALL romantically ship them, and it’s preeeetty clear that Shadowjack does. But also, this brand of love language is MY WORLD. So after sitting with it for a few minutes, I’ve decided to take from it everything significant to me and ignore the rest. Which is every last scrap, save the creator’s intention. It’s sort of a reverse subtext thing. I’m at peace with that.
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
not gonna lie I would love to hear more about the drama and infighting that went on in The Vampire Diaries fandom if you have the time (and also want to use that time to give your experience with the fandom, which from the snippets you've told sounds Not Fun so I get it if you don't want to lol)
oh god, there was like, SO MUCH, i just
i really feel like tvd is one of those fandoms that is so hard to describe without a lot of ‘you’d have to have been there’, but it really felt like this huge and all-consuming beast for about five years until the show finally imploded and the fandom basically turned on it en masse. (you ever see that post going around that’s like ‘if you ever want to know what true regret feels like, ask someone who once called tvd their favorite show’? still a mood, all these years later. basically the entire fandom thought the show should have just bowed out with whatever shreds of dignity it had left at the end of season 6, and became more of a hatedom than a fandom for the last two seasons. when you have an entire fandom cheering news of your show’s cancellation, i think that’s a sign you done fucked up, julie.)
first and most infamous, of course, are the ship wars. which are pretty much inevitable in any teen-centered drama, and i really think the CW fucking thrives on them, but it was particularly egregious in TVD’s case because not only was the base premise of the show a love triangle, but the two main romantic leads were brothers that the show constantly pit against one another--in pursuit of elena’s affections, but also because it kept up this insistence on the ‘good brother/bad brother’ dichotomy which stopped making sense after about season 2 (by which time we have found out that the good brother was never as good as he appeared, and the bad brother has been growing and isn’t nearly as bad as he pretends to be)--and the question of which brother ‘deserved’ elena (and no, what elena wanted very rarely factored into these discussions, especially in the team stefan camp because they turned on her when what she wanted was no longer The Good Brother, but i’ll get to that in a bit) was hotly contested.
i’m not kidding when i say the shipping wars were vicious. i started watching tvd shortly after it began to air, which was late 2009, and kept up with it fairly sporadically over the years. i didn’t come onto tumblr until 2011/2012, and by then, the fandom was already pretty much a garbagefire. there were anti ship and anti character blogs, any time something bad happened for one ship the rival ship would invade the tags to gloat about it (seasons 3 and 4 were especially rough, and i’m not gonna pretend delena fans weren’t just as bad about tag invasion and shit, but as that was my side of the road i saw a lot more of the stelena shippers being assholes, which soured my opinion on the ship a long time before i started rewatching and realized the red flags were there from the start), confessions blogs were popular also toxic as fuck (so much fighting happened in the notes of those posts, good gods), and this was right around when twitter’s popularity was on the rise and the line between Celebrity and Fan was thinning, so the fandom was absolutely atrocious to much of the tvd cast and crew.
(some of them deserved a lot of the later backlash, but in the early years a lot of it was ‘how dare you write the story in a way i dont like, you terrible fucking person’, and gods don’t get me started on the dobsley vs nian Thing)
i think what really encapsulates my feelings on the tvd fandom as a whole, though, is the way they (to this DAY) treated elena gilbert, which can be summed up in one meme that gained a lot of traction around season 3 if i remember right: that gif of pam from true blood, with the text altered to read “i’m so OVER elena and her precious doppelganger vagina!”
i swear at one time i had over half the active tvd fan accounts on tumblr blocked, because i got to a point where i would no longer tolerate elena hate, and she was (and still is, in what remains of the fandom; you’ll see a lot of ‘elena was one of the worst things about the show’ takes from ex-fans, too) one of the most widely despised characters in the entire fandom. because she -checks smudged writing on hand- was a traumatized teenage girl who -reads off a crumpled notecard- couldn’t always perfectly sort out her own feelings and -squints at the ceiling- sometimes made mistakes or bad decisions. (except a lot of the fandom also insisted that she was a mary sue who had no character traits or flaws or faults and it was like....make up your fucking minds???? is she a calculating conniving bitch whose somehow manipulating these centuries old vampires to tie them around her little finger or is she a boring flat character with no depth and no flaws??? jfc)
there was this massive double standard, too--like, stefan and damon could fuck whoever they wanted and that was fine, but elena was constantly raked over the coals for the crime of developing romantic feelings for the two men who had become constants in her life and whom she cared for deeply, and oh my GOD the slut shaming that happened when elena slept with damon was fucking wild. (and also happened in canon lmfao. like the show had one of elena’s best friends basically call her diseased on screen for falling in love with someone other than stefan. it was gross and ridiculous and the friend in question was also being a giant hypocrite at the time since she was happily flirting with someone who was directly responsible for the deaths of like four of elena’s loved ones and her own boyfriend’s mother but that’s beside the point) but like elena was called a slut and a bitch and a whore for ‘cheating’ on stefan (she hadn’t, and she had in fact broken up with him on screen the episode earlier) and ‘immediately’ jumping into bed with damon, even though none of them said fucking boo when stefan had one night stands or damon had fuckbuddies or whatever.
shit, caroline didn’t get any of this treatment when she started falling for tyler while dating matt! which isn’t to say i think she should have, just that i think it’s fucking ridiculous that elena was absolutely demonized by the fandom for daring to have feelings for two guys at once and eventually acting on them--despite the fact that the entire premise of the show was a love triangle. it’s not a love triangle if both sides don’t eventually get explored, and the crew had been pretty explicit about the fact that delena was going to happen at some point--but when it did, a huge chunk of the fandom absolutely threw a fit.
and a lot of these elena haters were alleged stelena stans, and i say alleged because they hated her so much for not wanting stefan’s dick anymore that it was clear they were really stefan stans and only wanted stelena to be endgame because they wanted stefan to ‘win’ at the end of the day, because ‘he’s the good brother’ so he deserved elena more.
it was all very gross and very misogynistic and very sex shaming (apparently delena was a ‘shallow’ and ‘superficial’ relationship because they had sex after two years of unrequited feelings slowly becoming requited and then pining for ages on both sides, and because they had a lot of on screen chemistry that the show capitalized on for years so of course they did a lot of making out and shit but it’s not like stelena didn’t have its fair share of making out and sex scenes, stefan was just too much of a coward to let elena top i’d apologize for that joke but i’m really not sorry because it’s true), and when i say it was egged on by the crew, that’s because they refused to let the love triangle die back in season 4 when it should have.
they insisted on stringing stelena fans along, dropping little bread crumbs to keep them invested, like dreams of a future where they were married and revealing that stefan was also a doppelganger and he and elena were descended from a pair of star-crossed lovers (a plot that ultimately went nowhere, to no one’s great surprise), and then fucking like. julie plec turned around and threw nina under the bus after she chose not to extend her contract and pretended that stelena might have happened again if she hadn’t left the show, which....i mean frankly i wouldn’t put it past her, but it would have been shitty writing. then again, she thought having a vampire pregnancy where a uterus was magically transplanted from a witch into a vampire that could somehow......carry the babies to term.... made sense and was a good way to accomodate candice’s RL pregnancy rather than like literally ANYTHING else, soooooo. but anyway julie saying that around like, end of s6 sparked off a new wave of nina hate and elena hate and ship wars bc they SEers took it as ‘confirmation’ that stelena was REALLY meant to be endgame and it was all just a hot fucking mess
another thing is that, while tvd was in its prime before the anti/purity culture shit started picking up any real steam, there was still this pervasive attitude throughout the fandom that if you liked Damon, you were A Bad Person. liking damon was apparently grounds for insults and harassment, and apparently he was The Worst Person on the Show even though literally nothing he does on screen is any worse than shit we know stefan has done (and frankly every other vampire too, but i mention stefan specifically because he was always held up--in the show but especially in the fandom--as the Good Brother while damon was the Bad One, and if you liked damon more then that had to mean your morals were dodgy and you clearly couldn’t appreciate what a heroic and saintly figure dear stefan was and....oops, i’m sorry, my salt keeps leaking -cough-).
meanwhile klaus quickly became a fandom darling despite not even really having much of a redemption arc (on tvd anyway, he just became more ‘affably evil’ as the show went on and more inclined to work with the main characters rather than try to kill them; i have no idea what went on over on his show, though), and like i can 100% appreciate liking villains and not caring that they do dodgy villainous shit, even just liking them bc they’re hot and wanting them to kiss a main character bc they have insanely good chemistry (yes i ship klaroline, no i won’t apologize for it, they could have been Really Great), it’s just really the double standard that gets me.
and all of this, incidentally, required ignoring some truly gross shit stefan was responsible for wrt his relationship with elena, that frankly it has always bothered me never really got addressed in the show. i get why elena herself would never be able to actually call him on it, but the fact is that he stalked her for months after he first saw her and thought she was katherine (meanwhile it only took damon .5 seconds to realize she was someone else entirely, but that’s another topic entirely), and then he deliberately inserted himself into her life because, in his words, ‘i have to know her’. he never gave a thought to how his presence in her life might affect her (or rather, he did, and tormented himself about it in his internal monologue, but never let this actually dissuade him from disrupting her life), and elena would wind up blaming herself for every tragedy that befell her friends and loved ones as a result of getting mixed up in vampire bullshit even though none of it was her fault--she literally blamed herself for existing but most of the fandom didn’t give a fuck about that lmfao--and stefan did shit like find out that she was adopted and then withhold this information from her until she got pissed about another secret he was keeping (her resemblence to katherine) and drop it on her to try and distract her from her very reasonable anger, and like... i should stop before this becomes a whole rant about how much i hate stefan fucking salvatore, but the point is, he did a lot of really sketchy shit he never answered for and elena never really took him to task for, and the fandom just kept eating up his insistence that he was the Good Brother and therefore he deserved to have elena, and if she didn’t want him anymore it was because she was a heinous bitch who didn’t deserve him.
uh.....i think i got off track there. and there’s probably a lot of shit i missed, like i think i was incandescent with rage for most of seasons 5 and 6 so i missed a lot of the interfandom shit cause i was too busy being increasingly pissed off at the show itself, but if nothing else this should give you an idea of how much of a goddamn cesspit the fandom was while the show as in its prime. there’s a reason both the show and the fandom have such a lousy reputation lmfao.
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NaNo ‘21 Update #20
Word Count: 45,143
I’m On Chapter: Seven
Feelings So Far: today was just for going back and filling in some stuff while I figure out how to end the book! the plan is to wrap up NaNo tomorrow with more of that (I’d skipped more than I think I mentioned) and then finish the book with the remaining updates.
the following snippet will be from chapter two! because I cannot post anything from today! oops!!!
Most Listened to Song: “Gunning Down Romance” by Savage Garden (ugh this song does things)
Best Line/Excerpt:
"How much longer?" Warren asked over the clamoring crush of bodies.
"They've just arrived." The guard smiled as he ushered Warren past the admirers to the gate. "It's crazy, I don't think I ever knew how popular he really is."
Warren snorted sardonically. "If there's one thing Thrive hates more than injustice, it's his own popularity. I heard Thoeala's with him?"
"Yeah, she's been invited too. Hondris got here the other day, so it's just you guys left."
They broke through the crowd and past the heavier detail of security keeping the people from entering the gate. The noise level dropped significantly on the other side, and Warren let out a sigh, straightening his jacket.
"Bet you're excited," the guard said. "It's been a while for you, hasn't it?"
"That altogether depends on what you're talking about."
The guard paused as they turned the corner, the airlock door sliding into sight, cased off by royal sentries preparing to open it. "Well...I was under the impression that one could not be done without the other."
Warren stood against the wall across from him and winked. "You don't know that."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
Other Notes: the Node security fellow there is actually revealed within the next few paragraphs as Thrive and Warren’s son Ataneq. there’s something particularly special about Ataneq, and I like him a lot.
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
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PAIRING: Hvitserk x reader
SUM: Reader is forbidden to join the battle, but following orders is not her greatest strength…
A/N: This is just some stupid simple fluff + angst (I think?). You can probably tell I haven’t been feeling good lately. Blame my schoolwork… but it did feel good to write again. This originally started out as a light snippet but ended as something longer with some angst… oops
Warnings: wounds, blood, little bit of fighting on the battlefield... that’s it
Anger wasn’t even close to what he felt going through his body as he stormed through the camp. Rage, fury … all of them could not describe that intense feeling that pumped through his veins.
He had just returned from battle. His clothes were stained with dirt and blood. The large wound on his tight made it hard for him to move forward.
In the midst of battle, he had no choice but fight against two men at once, keeping one at bay with his shield, while he weakened the other with his sword. Skilfully, he eventually succeeded in killing one of them, but the other had more strength left than he did. It was inevitable that he would be overpowered. It’s then that he received that nasty cut on his thigh, and it almost made him kneel to his opponent. The soldier, proud of what he had accomplished, had lifted his sword high up in the air, ready to kill the young prince until an arrow struck him in his chest. And he fell death on the ground.  
Hvitserk had looked wide-eyed at him, trying to process how he was the one still breathing. Quickly, he looked around himself, wanting to show a quick moment of gratitude to the one who saved his life. And then his eyes fell on you, and the bow that you still held in your hands. And Hvitserk’s face fell.
He had left you behind in the camp. Asked, no – ordered you not to come. Too dangerous, he had claimed. And still, you somehow had found your way to the battlefield. Again. With, from what he could tell, a bow, some arrows and an axe.
His heavy breathing and stumbling pace was hard to keep up with once the army returned to camp. Although the outcome of the battle was victorious, he felt anything but joy. His worries about your choice to disobey him overpowered the recent victory.
“You promised not to go.”
His voice, at other times so gentle and pleasant to listen to, was now rough and sent chills down your spine. His green eyes stared coldly back at you from his side on the bed. The leather bands wrapped around his wrist were angrily thrown onto the ground as he signed out, rubbing his eyes.
“What made you think following me was-“
You sighed out, throwing your head back. “I saved your ass there.”
Hvitserk scoffed, shaking his head. This fact did not change a thing in his eyes. The gash on your forehead, the blood and mud staining your clothes, the high body count on both sides… Things could have ended so badly.  
Without saying a word, you took out a satchel filled with the herbs you had asked the healers to collect. They were meant to be crushed and mixed with some water so they could form a paste for his wounds. You knew that the moment the army would return to camp, Hvitserk would not visit them willingly. Even if the cut on his thigh bled severely. Even if every time he put weight on his left leg, his face twisted in pain. His anger blinded him from the world around him. His mind was clouded due to that overpowering emotion.
He was lost in his own world filled with anger as you silently started crushing the herbs. His eyes stared holes into the ground as he let his mind wander. To his horror, it showed him visions, images of you standing where he stood, under the mercy of the opponent. A soldier with nothing but a big victorious smile on his face as he knew he had the upper hand. That he could kill his enemy. Suddenly his anger ebbed away completely, and fear struck him. How he wished he could ban those thoughts. How he wished he could just open his eyes and look at you and let himself be filled with relief as he saw you standing in front of him, alive. But alas, even when he opened his eyes, those nightmares did not disappear. It made him dizzy.
“You promised,” He said again. Your lack of answer only made him sigh out again. His jaw was clenched while he kept fumbling with his hands, bouncing his right leg up and down. Different terrifying thoughts kept going through his mind. “You said you would not go. What if you-“
Broken by the sight in front of you, you took a seat next to him and lifted his head up, so that for the first time since the both of you entered, your eyes met. For one small second, it seemed as if the young prince choked on his breath. And a strange, cold feeling went through your body. His eyes, always filled with love and passion, were now cold, but above all, filled with fear.
The silence was deafening in which Hvitserk slowly but surely lifted his hand. For a short moment he hesitated, but then he carefully let his thumb stroke over the vicious scar on your face. The reddish mark that started right above your left eyebrow and ended beside your nose. The one that left you unable to see with your left eye. The scar you received while protecting Hvitserk a while ago.
The hiss that passed your teeth went not unnoticed by him, and he immediately withdrew his hand as if the scar burned his thumb. Taking the moment, you ripped the fabric of his pants blocking you from reaching his wound. In any other moment, Hvitserk would have made a risky comment, but now he only bit his lip while his gaze lingered on the scar on your face. And the painful memory it evoked.
Taking a bit of the green paste, you smeared the salve over his wound rather harshly, making a groan pass his lips. Looking up at him, you saw how Hvitserk tried to conceal his discomfort with something that was supposed to be a comforting smile. But his eyes betrayed him. As they always did. Nevertheless, you resumed your attempt at healing his wound. Only now, your touch was lighter, careful not to cause more pain. Hvitserk’s breathing started to calm down as the green paste mixed itself with the dried blood on the wound. And slowly, the stinging pain ebbed away.
“You’re hurt” he said weakly, his gaze lingering on the gash on your forehead. His voice was raspy but had returned to the soft and pleasant tone you were used to.
The corners of your mouth curled up in a ghost of a smile, “You too.” You stated, wiping your hand clean.
Hvitserk, not knowing whether you were talking about the cut on his thigh or the aching in his heart, took the bowl out of your hand, scooting some of the paste out of it with his thumb. Carefully, he grabbed your chin with his free hand. “You need it.” He argued as you stubbornly lifted your head out of his grasp. He lifted his eyebrow for a moment, a fine grin forming on his lips that made his face glow for a second, before it went blank again.
“Let me…” He asked, no… he almost begged. The memories of the last time his voice sounded so broken made you decide that giving in may be good for once. And so, you let him guide your head until he could easily reach the gash. Hvitserk hesitated for a moment as your eyes met, the scar and the blind eye almost mocking him, torturing him. But slowly, he ran his thumb run over the wound. The occasional gasp of pain made his eyebrow twitch, despising the fact that you got hurt in the first place.
Once he had smeared the green paste over the wound, he placed the bowl next to him, carelessly wiping his thumb on his pants. Then he just sat there. Biting his lip, not meeting your eyes. No words were spoken and yet the silence felt so loud. And in that silence, words were shared without speaking them out loud.
He could see the guilt on your face. Guilt for making him feel scared, for making him angry with you. He had to go through the fear of losing you once, the experience still brought nightmares from time to time. And now, in that one moment he had seen you on the battlefield, he felt as if the Gods had put him back in time. Back on the green field next to a beautiful lake, where he was pushed aside by you, only to see you fall down onto the ground moments later as the man you tried to fight of had sliced your face.
Hvitserk rapidly closed his eyes, blocking out any thought of that moment. His hands blindly found yours. Slowly, he let his slide up your arms, until they rested on your shoulders. His breathing quickened, his chest went up and down with every heavy breath. And then his eyes opened again.
And you pressed your lips together, forming a small smile.
Hvitserk had never been in a battle as dangerous as the Gods made them face today. He had never fought an army this big and strong. And you had walked in the middles of it all. Armed with nothing more than a bow, arrows, and a small axe with only one thought in mind: protect Hvitserk.
Deep down amongst the fear and anger, there was also pride. Pride for your courage and love. As he looked at you, he stared right into the eyes of a woman who went in against his wishes and saved his life in the process.
Hvitserk smiled softly, letting his arms wrap around you. Without a warning, he let himself fall back on the bed, taking you down with him on his chest. Your leg bumped into the wound on his thigh and although he felt a wave of pain, he chose to ignore it.  
He could yell, scream, or fight all he wanted, but deep down Hvitserk knew nothing could hold you back if this situation may ever occur again. He knew your love was too strong for that. The scars on your face were the proof of that. And deep down, he knew he would slay an entire army if it meant you could be safe. His love was simply too strong to say otherwise.
Thank you for reading xxx
Tag: @fairyofvoid​
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katierosefun · 4 years
author interview tag game
thank you for the tag, @pandora15! <3
Name: caroline
Fandoms: mostly the clone wars, but i also have some marvel stuff, and waaay back in the day, i wrote some doctor who and merlin stuff!
Where you post: primarily on ao3! i mostly just write on tumblr when i’m accepting prompts from like...ask games or something.
Most Popular Oneshot: real
Most Popular Multichap: to these memories (this fic only recently hit 1k kudos, and my heart?? w h a t)
Favorite Story You’ve Written: def. to these memories because a) longest fic i’ve ever written, and b) oh, the hours i logged into writing this fic, and c) oh, the outlining that went into this fic...i’m very proud of myself for completing the fic, and of course, i credit this to everyone who showed their lovely support for the story. :’)
Fic You Were Nervous to Post: uhhh definitely too far just because it’s...rather personal. i sometimes say that there’ll be a scene or two or just straight up a line or two that’s plucked out of my real life, and i think it’s inevitable for writers of any kind, including fic writers, to isolate their real lives completely from whatever they’re writing, and?? this fic is probably the most personal for me because of that. i remember kinda hem-hawwing about posting it, because i was like whoa, maybe this is a little too personal? but then i steeled myself and was like, “okay, well, would this have lifted my spirits when i needed a story like this??” and then decided to post it.
How you choose your titles: i def. toss and turn between titles! there’s a few fics of mine that are straight-up song lyrics (no surprise there), but to my surprise (as i was looking through my catalogue of fics just now), i realize that a lot of my fics are usually just words or two about what i think might have been extremely important to the story. (or captures the overall tone/theme of the story, anyways.)
Do you outline? for multi-chapter fics and relatively long one-shots with lots of moving parts, i’ll outline. but for shorter one-shots and prompts, i’ll usually just stick with the image that compelled me to write the prompt/one-shot in the first place! (and then kinda write around that.)
Complete: uhhhhh, i’m gonna answer relatively for all my clone wars fics, because in total, i have 74 completed fics. (make that...75, hopefully in a few minutes or hours!) but out of clone wars fics, i have 46 completed fics! (and again, hopefully 47 in a little while.) a part of me is lowkey hoping that i’ll get up to 100 total fics by the end of this year. a part of me highly doubts it, but given how much i was able to write over summer break, i’m...intruiged if i wind up somehow writing another twenty or so fics by the end of this year. (asfsf my wip list is long enough to fill in for another twenty fics. caroline finish all your wips challenge.)
In Progress: okay, so officially, time, wondrous time is in progress and online. but in terms of the works in progress on my laptop...i have...*mutters, counting* fourteen official wips. (ten of them are one-shots, and the other four are longform fics. one of them, i’m hoping to release next week (!!!), and another, i’m hoping to release hopefully around mid-december. uhhh so fingers crossed??)
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: oops, i guess i kinda already answered that question, but eh, might as well! the one coming out next week (hopefully!! caroline get your shit together challenge!!) is titled most ardently, and it’s an obitine au based off pride & prejudice because i cannot and will not shut up about obitine being the period drama ship out of star wars okay--
and then the other longform fic that is very overdue is called getting lost in a big galaxy, which is a fix-it of sorts taking place after season 5. anakin’s gone missing, and obi-wan winds up going on a galaxy-ride road trip with ahsoka (who, remember, has left the order) to find their idiot. this is honestly my excuse to just write more obi-wan and ahsoka content. hopefully, that’ll be posted in december!! (despite the fact i...originally meant to post it in august oOps.)
and then there’s this other longform fic which...might be coming in early 2021 called red, underlined, which is essentially...uh. everyone’s a stressed out law-school student, and anakin might have accidentally murdered professor palpatine, and now anakin, obi-wan, ahsoka, padme, and rex are all trying to find out what the hell to do with themselves because they’re all in on it. (def. influenced by how to get away with murder except without the criminal justice professor to lead them through the ropes. so more chaos. kind of a dark comedy vibe, if anything else? anakin no is major theme in this one. uh, i mean, maybe anakin was justified in murdering creep palpatine because our gang’s gonna find out what was going on in the background, but either way! lots of “holy shit are we good people are we bad people what are we doing”. lots of questions about morality! ethics! law school student study nights with anakin sprawled out on the floor and obi-wan wearing glasses (which he pushes up the bridge of his nose whenever he’s about to lecture anakin that no, that’s not how that statute works, dumbass) and ahsoka just bringing snacks and rex catching paper airplanes and padme being the one to supply everyone with very neat flashcards. this fic is gonna be an absolute beheamoth, and i’m estimating about 45 chapters? like...130K+ words? help? yeah idk either this really blew up in my head
and then...this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job, which is...office x tcw au. only not? it’s very, very loosely based off the office, but not really. obi-wan moves in as a new manager of a company, and we’ve got anakin being like “lol new guy i’m gonna mess with him”, and ahsoka being the one who’s both like “please don’t mess with our new boss” but also being like “actually, wait, lemme help”, rex being in hr and being like “i don’t get paid enough for this”. (also there’s some parts that are written like actual interviews like you would find in the office, so there’s this one bit where uhhh
Obi-Wan flicks his eyes to the cameras in silent question before turning back to Ahsoka. “Well, if you need to call maintenance, then I hardly think you need my permission—”
“Thanks!” Ahsoka says quickly, and she’s about to disappear from the doorway when Obi-Wan stands up.
“Wait, Ahsoka, what exactly—”
Ahsoka re-appears at the doorway. “Oh, right,” she says. “Um—maybe just stay away from the men’s bathroom for a little bit.” She pauses.
“Actually, just stay away from them for the rest of the day.” She hovers by the door for a minute longer, and then she adds quickly, “And maybe also avoid the breakroom. Everything’s fine!”
And with a perfectly not-fine smile, Ahsoka disappears from the doorway.
Obi-Wan stares at where Ahsoka was just a moment ago, and the he turns to the cameras in disbelief. “Did she just—” Unable to finish his own sentence, Obi-Wan starts out the door. “Ahsoka?”
The camera follows Obi-Wan out of the conference room and into the breakroom. There are only muffled shouts—Anakin’s shouts, and then Rex’s, and then Ahsoka’s frantic “no, sorry, everything’s fine!”, and then Obi-Wan’s loud, “What is going on in here?”
surprise y’all just got a snippet i’m sorry can you tell i’m weirdly into this au?? i need to rewrite some scenes but uh there you go
Prompts: for the most part, yes! i have some stuff in my faq about prompts that i’ll probably turn down (mostly anything that’s...above a certain rating/really, realy heavy themes that i just don’t think i can tackle with justice or with enough education on my end). i can be a little slow with prompts, but i’ll get to all of them in time!
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About: uhhhh i have too many that i’m excited about. literally i can write a mini essay on every single one of the fics i’m working on? but uhhh i guess since i already talked about all my major longform fics above (asdfasdfsd didn’t mean to do that, i’m so sorry for everyone who had to scroll past that word-vomit), i guess the one i’m most excited about releasing is the post season 7 obi-wan-and-ahsoka-finally-talk-about-how-they-miss-each-other-also-sorry-for-fighting-with-you-i-know-you-were-just-trying-your-best fic. (not a whole ton of spoilers for this one, but uh. i’m looking at some of these scenes and making frustrated sounds because there’s this one particular instance where i’m like, ahsoka. ahsoka just talk to him just ta lk to him but then lol no talking :)) also maybe some h/c? lowkey sickfic might be involved in this somehow? might have accidentally served as a precursor to to these memories? help? this fic just ballooned. caroline keep your ideas contained challenge!)
No Pressure Tags: @lightasthesun @soplantyourownflowers @ohhellokenobiand anyone else who wants to join!
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itsmoonpeaches · 4 years
author interview tag
tagged by @penguinsledder <3
name: peaches | itsmoonpeaches on AO3
fandoms: Currently, I only write for ATLA/LOK. But, I have also written for Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto in the past. (I am inactive in the FMA fandom, and I have left the Naruto fandom.) These works are only on my old and dead ff.net account.
where you post: AO3! I also post excerpts on tumblr! I did originally have an ff.net account. It is still up, but it’s very old. As in, I started writing in middle school and the writing is awful. It’s under a different pseud and overall, I’m pretty embarrassed about most of the stories there...oops. If you’re interested in seeing those, more power to you, but I won’t be posting that link publicly LOL. If you want it, message me! (I promise you they are all horrible though...) I also have original short stories posted on Wattpad!
most popular one-shot: In hits and stats, it’s definitely Through Lifetimes. In terms of what I actually think is the most popular, it’s What Was, What Is. Why do I think it’s the most popular? It has more comments and feedback than Through Lifetimes, and for some reason it’s the one-shot that gets the most consistently recommended, so thank you guys for that! :)
most popular multi-chapter fic: Easily The Ghosts That We Knew. But to be fair, I don’t have many multi-chapter fics to choose from!
favorite story you’ve written so far: I’ve said this so many times hahaha! It’s again, The Ghosts That We Knew. This story is very close to my heart <3 I combined a story from my childhood and ATLA/LOK lore to make something different, and I had so much fun doing it. Though, Society in the Legacy series comes as a close second!
fic you were nervous to post: This might be a weird one, but it was (oddly enough), Making Faces. This was because it’s a spiritual-like fic? It’s very different from my usual stuff. It doesn’t have a tangible story like most of my writing does, and instead explores snippets of romantic relationships of different Avatars and how they related to the Japanese legend of having the face of someone you loved most in a past life. You know, that TikTok that was going around the ATLA/LOK fandom a while back. (can’t find the TikTok, but I have a picture)
how you choose your titles: It really depends. I don’t think I have a process at all...they just kind of happen. It does depend on the kind of story I’m writing though. If the mood of the story calls for it, I might do a longer title or something based off a song title. For some reason, the song title ones tend to be a little more based on emotion, especially depending on what the song is about. From the top of my head, Turning Page, The Ghosts That We Knew, and The Lights That Guide You, all have some sort of emotional vibe to them and are based off song titles. But things written as part of a series usually have titles that relate to each other like the Legacy series which are all one word, the Ten Thousand Things series all have to do with books, Lost My Heart In Republic City are all based off the Kataang Week 2020 prompts, and Identity Theft are all titles that are question. 
Ok I basically just pasted half my fics here 😅
do you outline: Yes and no. I’m a weird writer. I’m a plantser. I plan and I pants. Meaning I also kind of make it up as I go. BUT again this depends on what I’m writing. If I’m writing a fic or an original short story my “outline” is really just a paragraph of notes on the document that I loosely use as a guideline until I finish writing the thing. If it’s an original story, as in a book (I’m on my second one), I have an entire handwritten journal that I call my “Story Bible” where I sketch characters and scenes, outline chapters, have character bios etc. that I look back on as I write. 
complete: Most are complete! I’ve learned from my early fic days and I tend to focus on one story at a time.
in progress: Ten Thousand Things is in progress, but it only has 1 part left. You could also say Identity Theft is in progress, but these one-shots are not as interwoven with each other, and really could just be read without the others. It’s also kind of the series that I see as my fallback if I want to get off the angst train and have a horrible attempt at comedy. (I’m really bad at comedy.)
coming soon/not yet started: Coming soon is another one-shot. I write a lot of one-shots and I am very aware of this HAH. It’s me taking a break from the emotional rollercoaster of Ten Thousand Things, and instead writing a fluff fic of a toddler Aang and Gyatso getting to know each other. I’m also almost done with the final part of Ten Thousand Things, which will be coming first.
Not yet started? A short multi-chapter Kataang fic with more Spirit World shenanigans. I technically have notes on it already, but just need to be in the right headspace for it, if that makes sense. I already love Spirit World stuff, and I had such a good time adding Filipino folklore elements into The Ghosts That We Knew, that I wanted to do it again. So, expect that kind of thing again!
do you accept prompts: I’m open to it! I always like a challenge, but I do also have my own ideas. I’ll be honest though, I’ve never been asked to write a prompt before!
upcoming story you are most excited to write: The Kataang Spirit World fic, of course! I think I have some fun ideas that will be fun! It’ll be a more contained story than my previous one, but since Sokka is more involved I am getting excited for it!
This was fun! A lot of the people I would want to tag have already been tagged, so I’ll keep it short and sweet. Tagging @koala-otter and @wildonionhats! You can do this if you want, and if anyone else wants to do this, please go ahead! :)
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
🌹🥀🌹 give me only your finest of poetic lines o writer mine, (cause I love knowing what people’s favourite bits of prose are but if you don’t have one smut will do too)
🥺🥺 Nonnie bless you. I hope what I’ve selected meets your expectations - it’s a lil’ snippet of my upcoming Spardaverse one shot involving some timey wimey shenanigans and past regrets. I don’t really (or even really like to) say this about my own writing, but I’m proud of this bit. 😭 It’s also really long, considering what the original meme was asking for lksdfh way to go me, putting all the “good” parts in the previews so when people read the whole thing, they’re underwhelmed. Hollywood should hire me to make their movie trailers for them OOP–
He looks up again, scans the windows of the house, and he wonders where she is on this day, the blonde woman with the red shawl whose mere memory stirs up… something within him. He can't name the feeling, but can attribute its symptoms to words like "unease" and "anxiety". "Sadness" and "a fleeting warmth". A certain "heaviness" and "longing" that keeps him rooted to the spot right on the very edge of the estate, where he stands, and also stands out. It isn't merely that he's out of place in the obvious sense, but in every possible meaning of the term too; in body, in soul, in time, and in place. His coat is just too dark and too drab against the pastel sky, memories too burdened and complex for this moment from a time long past, but he supposes he'll tolerate it for a little longer. Just until he can glimpse, like a ghost haunting his own memories, the blonde woman with the red shawl whose mere memory stirs up a bittersweet nostalgia.
Ah, he muses to himself, so that's what it is.
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Fire And Gold: Chapter: 2
Fire and Gold
Nalu Lovefest 2019 Prompts: Magic, Memories, Reckless, Worship & Cravings (All Implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy & E.n.d. Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: T-M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: Let the day be known when fire tested gold in the most intimate sense. The forging of a mating bond between the dragon-demon hybrid and celestial maiden while further strengthening the relationship they already have. Natsu finally confesses his romantic feelings for Lucy at and asks to claim her as his mate and queen; though not without it taking a bit for it to fully sink in for the poor, baffled woman. The first chapter is one of my entries for Nalu Lovefest 2019 and part of my ongoing Nalu (The Demon-Dragon and His Celestial Princess) anthology series set not too long after the events of the original manga/anime.(Slight Au).
Chapter 2: Piece by Piece
A/N: Hey guys, here's the long-awaited second chapter to Fire And Gold! Fun fact: The chapter title is inspired by the Eivor song of the same name which fits the overall mood of said chapter. Anyway, just wanted to give a major kudoos and shoutout to the amazing @bmarvels for acting as my beta which included edits and further development of this chapter! Now without further ado,back to the story!    Enjoy!
(Note: Scroll down past the cut/”read more “ button  for corresponding links and the actual chapter
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
Read  Fire And Gold on other platforms along with  the rest of my writing here: 
(Copy And  Paste  hyperlinks into a new window/tab if reading this on the desktop browser)
1. Fire And Gold
A. Tumblr
Previous (Click Here:) (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352111043/fire-and-gold-chapter-1-a-simple-spark-nalu)
    Chapter:2    Next (Chapter:) (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/622423171640033280/fire-and-gold-chapter-3)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13410012/1/Fire-and-Gold)
C. A03(Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20851052/chapters/49565279)
2. Mast Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italics: Flashback/literary or song quotes (If Any of the most former )
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: empathized word
Bolded Italics: outside of main story): A/N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Piece by piece
You put me together
Till I am no longer
"You see who I am
Deep down inside
I grow by the light of your gaze
You fill me with wonder
Fill me with hope
You have opened up my mind
I see everything in every little thing
When you're by my side"
( Eivør : Snippets of Piece By Piece)
"Some of our friends are talking about us like we're not there ."
"Come on, Luce... don't worry about it." Natsu blithely waved off his partner's observation with a grin, clearly unfazed  by their guild mate's less-than-discreet side conversation. "You and me got way more important things to discuss. That kiss spell it out enough?"
"Yep — Message received loud and clear."
"Good—- though took ya' long enough weirdo." He teased, eyes twinkling with mirth. "Been subtly dropping hints for weeks ever since I decided try to make my feelings known. Didn't think it'd take you this long seeing how you're one of the smartest people I know. Just a bit slow on the uptake, I guess. Least' it helped knowing that you're just as crazy about me going off what I overheard from your 'girl talk' with Levy and the others. Otherwise, I woulda’ thought you weren't interested and given up trying."
"Oh... I see" Lucy noted a little more meekly than usual; heat-infused blood most likely rising in her cheeks. She couldn't help but be a tad self-conscious over unwittingly leaking the lurid details of what was honestly believed to be a discreet conversation.
My bad...
"So... uh... that's how you already knew— Oops. Ehh... That's kind of embarrassing.” Fingers were twirling a loose strand of hair in a physical display of mortification. " You really heard those, huh?"
"Yup!" The fire wizard popped the "p", flashing Lucy a smug-shit-eating-kind-of grin that set her heart a flutter. "Got hypersensitive hearing, remember? All those awesome things you were saying really fired me up, too. Anyway, you really should be more careful— never know who might be listening." He gave a wink with his usual teasing chuckle.
"That's for sure— guess I will have to more careful." Lucy's voice was a bit softer, mentally betraying herself for the other guildmates presence slipped her mind.
Man can it be a real challenge to keep anything a secret here at times...
"Definitely. It's all good though— you're still amazing, intelligent, loyal to a fault," Natsu's voice dropped lower with an extra pause between words. Not to mention the glimmer of intent in those onyx-green eyes.. The fire wizard's hand reached towards Lucy's face, calloused fingers tucking  a stray tendril of blonde hair behind her ear in a feather soft touch; before cupping the cheek of said mage who couldn't help but lean into his  palm . 
This is a completely new side  of him I've never seen before-more gentle and romantic.
"Not to mention you're sweet, caring, and an incredible wizard in your own right with plenty of spunk and a heart of gold. Definitely a great listener and super easy to talk with too — all in all an amazing and fun person to be around. Oh and did I mention how easy on the eyes you are?" 
"You.. really think so?" The celestial wizard inquired, voice sounding breathy to her own ears from being completely spellbound by her firey partner's words .
Natsu's not always much for words but he seems to be saying all the right things right now to keep me hooked. Basically putty in his hands here.
"Yeah! And I mean you seriously are the most gorgeous, sexy, and adorable girl I've ever laid eyes on. With that on top of everything else, what's not to love? You're everything I could want or need in a mate-slash-queen and more."
"Mate?" Lucy echoed in question, the last words really catching her attention. Interesting. The celestial mage's brain was buzzing swimming with piqued intrigue from the implications of Natsu what said; despite only being familiar with mates as a general concept.
I remember learning about how some animals mate for life in my lessons growing up—but don't think I've ever heard that term come up in conversation with Natsu before. Wonder what that could mean for us...
"You mean like a soul mate?"
"Exactly like that, yeah" came the dragon slayer's reply with a touch of pride; as if recalling centuries of ancient knowledge that were passed down— most likely through Ingeel. "The exact word you used is basically another term for mates that pretty sums what it means for dragon slayers. Ya probably learned growin' up bout' how some animals mate for life , right?"
"Okay, cool . So that whole thing isn't really that different for dragon slayers . Same goes for demons and hybrids—myself included- though those mates are also their queens. Oh and instead of just for life, they're soul-bonded for all eternity."
"Sounds pretty intimate." Lucy peered up at him through through the fringe of her thick lashes, the heat of his hand on her cheek still very much noticeable.
"It definitely is— believe me. Gods know how much I want you to be my girlfriend— but also far more than that at the same time. Dragons, demons, and hybrids have one person who they're drawn to- one person they're meant to be with. Not to mention the burning passion for their chosen that's unlike anything else— even by regular human standards."
"Wow..." There was so much she didn't realize, or maybe just didn't think more into about it, just how much a slayer's mate entailed. Yet, here Natsu was discussing the details to her as if it were one of their every -day conversations. Mavis knows she couldn't help the fluttering in her stomach with the way he was speaking about it all.
Normally, this would might overwhelming for some but not when it comes to the one guy I've been pining for so long. I mean it's all so exciting!"
"I know it's probably a lot to take in, but Lucy, you're literally that person for me. You're the one I've been always been inexplicably drawn to ever since we first met. The one who I see in my dreams when I fall asleep at night. The one who I'd go to hell and back for, who I'd do anything for to protect and keep safe. The one who I can't stand to be apart from for too long and whose face I wanna wake up to the rest of my life. Can't help but—" Natsu's thumbs were stroking along the curve of  Lucy's cheeks; so light, delicate, so tender, so gentle in touch that it sent electric sparks racing through her nerves . "I just can't help but want to claim you for myself and myself alone. "You're pretty much my other, better half, who I didn't even know I was searching for until I finally met you— and now I have. I don't always pour my heart out so publicly like this— ask anyone we know-but there's no one else out there for me. Never has been and never will be."
Holy hell did the celestial's heart melt delight from the sincerity resonating in each and every one of the dragon slayer's words.
Huh... Just when I think I couldn't fall any harder or be more attracted to the guy, he goes and says all this.
"It's no secret to anyone now that I've fallen for ya', Luce— hard. No going back now— you're all I see in the romantic sense. Not that others aren't important or that I care any less about them — but how I feel for you is different. Not inferior, just different. You've always been among those most precious to me... kind of like the brightest star of my universe that lights up my life in a way no else could. Damn, I sound pretty sentimental right now I don't care. Hell, said this more than once already—- but I swear I'm gonna love you with everything I've got in me. Not just today, but for all of this life and each and every one that comes after that—forever."
Holy crap does he have a way with words...
"Wow Natsu, that was something else…" Lucy was in awe, deeply touched by the stirring power of his heartfelt pledge.
"Thanks— means a lot to hear how impressed you are." "I'll say..."
"Yeah, we both know I'm more of a man of action— but my words are straight from the heart. Which leads to the question I wanna ask".
"Shoot." Lucy watched the fire eater with attentive eyes .
Wonder what else he wants to say.
"Kay, here goes. Will you let me claim you, Luce?" Nastu's voice was hopeful with just a tiny smidge of nerves . Probing, emerald eyes were meanwhile searching Lucy's face as if gauging her reaction. "Officially? As my mate and queen?"
This might be the most open I've ever seen him..
"Yes," came stellar mage's automatic reply without a shred of hesitation or second thought. Not to mention how the thrilling, romantic prospect of belonging to the fire demon for all eternity flooded her veins with a cozy warmth unlike any other.
Not only do we have an entire lifetime to spend together—but I also get to be bound to him in every conceivable way for all time? Awesome! Can this get any better?!
"I'd love to be yours, mate,queen, soul-bound—everything."
"Really? You accept?" He couldn't seem to help but double trying to contain the bubbling excitement threatening to burst from him.
"Of course— nothing would make me happier!"
Nastu's entire face lit up with an audible whoop just as Lucy let out a feminine squeal; from arms spinning her around after a lift .
" You... this... I can't .. holy crap this is so awesome!" The fire wizard dropped another ecstatic kiss on the moonstruck astral mage's waiting lips . "Did i mention how much I love you already, sweetheart? Well that's just too damn bad—won't ever grow tired of reminding ya for as the rest of our lives here in this world and after that! So glad that you're finally mine! I mean, I had a pretty good feeling you'd accept my claim... but hearing it directly is... Holy Crap! So stoked—like people have no idea!"
"Though I do " came Lucy's reply, a fond smile tugging at the corner of her lips. God, was being in Natsu's arms ever incredible—absolute perfection she couldn't help but revel in.
Don't think I'll ever get enough.
Not to mention, he didn't seem intent on releasing her from his embrace any time soon if the pure adoration shining  in his eyes was any indication to go by. Not that I'm complaining.
"And you're definitely right about me feeling the same." Lucy assured him, her hands resting on his warm, well-muscled chest.
"Course' I was, weirdo!"
"Aw, look how smitten those two are!" Levy fawned over the couple from the sidelines. "Beyond sweet!"
"Yeah, I'll say" Gajeel concurred , admiration colouring his tone. "Looks like one of Salamander's official term of endearments for Lucy already came naturally to him— like it often does with other dragons slayers, demons and their mates ."
"Oh my God yes— I heard that too! I absolutely love that Natsu called her sweetheart— just as sweet as the endearment terms you have for me. Plus, can I just say how amazing it is that these two are officially an item now? "
"Definitely— I'm happy for them too."
"I know, right?!"
"Aye- they make a great couple already! He loves herrrrr!" trilled Happy in a sing-song voice. "Isn't that right, Natsu?"
"You  better believe it, little buddy!"
Damn is he amazing ... The way Natsu was practically shouting his undying love for his mate to the rooftops with exultant abandon. No wonder adoration swelled in her heart!
"Hear that, everyone?!  I love Lucy Heartfilia with all my heart and soul!"
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fic Tag Squad:
@fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveoffandomevents @nalubookclub @nalulovefestofficial @nalulovefestofficial @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents  @nalulovefestofficial @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @yukimcffblog   @writer-appreciation
@caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says @soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy
@narutoyaoifan @mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic   @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate @goddesofimortality @dark0angel13 @kaychawrites @kaycha1989
@pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @hazel-got-fanfiction
@nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog  @mwub  @bmarvels @doginshoe @shadyhydrathesnekqueen @impracticaldemon  @mwub @sugarpolis @precenna @ravendaydream @bearandbirdfan @bearpluscat @ineffable-nalu @ineffable-nalu @mercurius-orion @termitate @sobatsu
A/N: There you have it peeps-Chapter 2! I really don't have much to say this time except to be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment/review, liking and reblogging! Please feel free to stay tuned for Chapter 3 and to check out the rest of my writing. (Corresponding Links are above, in the navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr. Please also see my FF and A03 profiles!) All right, that's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone for the incredible show of support so far! Until next time-take care!
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shaonsim · 4 years
Your take on grey characters 😈
Tumblr media
An excellent question, and let me preface it with the fact that although I believe that every person is morally grey, I am also of the opinion that there is a difference between a grey person and a grey character. Fiction is always a little on-your-nose with everything, and a character with grey shades will have their complexities highlighted quite strongly, more often than not, as a direct contrast to a 'pure' white, positive character. And by doing that, fiction downplays the grey shades of the character standing on the moral high ground and that's really interesting and totally irrelevant to the answer, but I wrote it in anyway, because it fascinates me and kind of ties in with the stuff I hope to explore in the later parts of this answer, so, just hold on, I guess.
Let me also just point out, that fiction, as it says, is, and always will be, a little detached from reality. While it is true that fiction does not exist in a vacuum, it is a way for us to escape our worldly troubles and perhaps that's why sometimes serious issues get brushed under the carpet to give everyone a happy ending. It's an utopian world. And I bring this up because grey characters receive a lot of acceptance that they might not receive had they been real, flesh and bones, human beings. They also receive a lot of flak for not fitting into the 'good box', because more often than not, grey characters are show leaning towards the good side, as in, their actions directly or indirectly support the protagonists, or, in some cases, they go against the antagonist, thus leaving them on shaky ground. People would cry that they are being whitewashed (which, although it pains me to admit it, they are, but again, fiction is an utopia, even if we are talking about a zombie apocalypse).
Anyway, this too is confusing and I am terribly sorry for this disorganised mess of an answer you have to read through.
Forgive moi?
Okay, let's get back to the topic of grey characters. In the recent few years, I have come to sort 'grey characters' into different categories. So I'll just quickly (ha!) go over that.
The characters who are introduced with the grey tag, by the creators themselves (or, in case of literary works, are addressed as grey by the writer(s) once the book is published and people have read it). Their moral ambiguity is their core feature, their whole personality is shaped up around that little nugget of information. The narrative gives them a layered, intriguing character traits (and a lot of snark - like, a lot of it), intricate backstories (and past trauma!!!) that remain hidden behind a facade of casual disinterest in everything that exists on our beautiful Earth, and we get snippets where they are being genuinely affectionate with their people, or where other, minor characters share a cordial, if not a little personal, relationship with them.
^ Another great way is to show them being polite to the staff, drivers and/or salespeople, that makes them likeable.
And it is extremely necessary that they are likeable, because these characters do plenty of questionable things. Some of their actions might even fall under the 'bad' category, where they commit crimes and plan to destroy lives (most of the time the plan fails, or they actively do something to redeem themselves with respect to that particular event, because they are grey characters, not the devil incarnate trope they go for when it comes to the villains and vamps).
Also, this type of a grey character is usually written in with a host of other characters, for whom the character will cross every limit, and a group of characters, with whom our grey character crosses all boundaries. The second group is the intended target, and the creative outlet for writing the morally questionable things that make a character grey™.
Usually, this type of a grey character gets one out of the three kinds of endings outlined below ⬇️
Grey™ but softer
Where they continue to do questionable things, but less frequently, or with less intensity. Nice trope. Moi likey.
Platinum grey, but grey™ if necessary
The go-to if they are the protagonist. I will explain about the 'platinum grey' bit later on, but this is essentially, this character has fulfilled (or abandoned) his course of doing questionable things, but if push came to shove, will not hesitate to destroy some lives. My favourite (♥️)
And the worst kind of ending - whitewashing
There is a difference between accepting the consequences of your actions, repenting for it (or not, both can work, but you have to acknowledge what you did), and justifying it because 'hey, look! I did one good thing in my life, I am pure™, love me!! ' This is my least favourite trope.
((can you guess which ending I have planned for Dhruba?))
This type of grey is usually reserved for influential side characters. Influential, in the sense that they contribute to the plot, and have relationship ties that leave a heavy impact on the story. My favourite people. These characters are not given the tag of 'grey', but they move from one camp to another, with their actions and thoughts that move the story forward. They don't switch sides, that's another type. These characters don't change teams because they want to support one side against the other. No, their actions are fueled by their own motivations, and that's what makes them special. They are often overlooked because of Grey ™ characters, but I love them so much.
The narrative tries to make us perceive these characters as grey, and in their haste, they make these characters change teams every now and then, and the characters lose all credibility. They differ from 'team grey' in the sense that the reasoning behind them choosing sides is flimsy at best, non-existent at worst. They are inconsistent and ugh, how I hate inconsistencies. What irks me the most is that the narrative doesn't even try to establish them as complex characters (which isn't that hard, humans are complex!!!)
I love these characters, if they are executed properly. Tons of potential. The story always reminds us that these characters are supposedly white, but their actions (or reactive action because of the circumstances/events brought on by the grey™) and I love to see them spiral out of control and become complex, layered characters. And if they have comic potential, then I am squealing with joy. Love these people. 
((spoiler alert: this is my Agni))
Love, love, love them! Love characters who are not inherently evil and who do not engage in criminal activity, but also, they are not pure and white and good™ and they have their fair share of character flaws. They do lots of wrong things, but nothing destructive. All the love ❤️
((spoiler alert: this is my plan with Chandni))
Negative characters with plenty of redeeming traits, and a strong (and emotionally manipulative) reason behind their wrongdoings, with their motivation exploited by the antagonists. Can be very interesting if done well, and even the simplest of tracks is better than the plain old everyone is evil unless they are the protagonist (and their supporters). 
((spoiler alert: My rendition of Manju)) 
Another favourite. Genuinely good characters who do that one wrong thing, but it's pretty big and affects the plot in a bad way and that kind of behavior cannot go unchecked because we need to prove a point. Tons of potential. 
((spoiler alert: My rendition of Kakai)) 
<< are you tired of me screaming about my plans for the Fic Which Must Not Be Named? Sorry, not sorry 😈 >>
Pure, sweet, soft characters who see the world for what and now they are either a very soft grey (as in their negative side comes out quite often, but it doesn't affect the story all that much) or a very manipulative person. Love this trope! 
((Deepti is a soft grey character, but that's more because she is bitter and she points that bitterness towards herself. Meghna, on the other hand, flits in and out of this trope))
All the snark! Brutally honest, mature, logical people who are cool™ and who do lovely, manipulative stuff. We stan! 
(( Ranja from my ff, not Ranjabati the warrior princess)) 
The protagonist, often used as narrative foil to the Grey™ or vice versa. They are portrayed as good and pure™ but have plenty of grey character traits that either get glossed over or are shoved into the cupboard to highlight the differences between the grey character and the protagonist. They also have serious self destructive tendencies where they ruin their lives on purpose and this is often complemented by a generous helping of saviour complex. Like, all the love for these characters. They are supposed to be white, but aren't, but they do shine bright, even if their flaws are sharp and in your face, like a cloudy sky that is a terribly cold, sharp white. I choose to use the word platinum because that's what comes to my mind when I try to visualise their place in the shade card of life, the color of a platinum band. This is my favourite trope when it comes to protagonists. Love them. ♥️
((Tara, Prabha, and Meghna - PLATINUM BABES))
Now that we have covered the type of grey characters in fiction (my brain is fried and I might have missed some, sorry! Feel free to reblog with your additions!!), let me tell you how much I love grey characters. I would choose them every time, as opposed to characters who can be neatly sorted into the black and white categories.
Every. Time.
We need more grey characters in fiction, especially the soft greys and the team grey ones. And we need to appreciate grey characters for how amazing they are!!!
In conclusion, I love grey characters (but you already know that, don't you? Come on Babe, you have known me long enough, you know how crazily excited I get about grey characters) and I need more of them ♥️♥️♥️
[ stuff for my 100th celebration ]
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