#i keep staying up at night for art omfg
miniekooki · 1 year
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this is the first time in a while that i colored a full piece 😖
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writerblue275 · 10 months
What pet names would Heartsteel use for their S/O? And what pet names would they like to be called?
Inspiration: None honestly, I’ve just been thinking about it and I think it would be cute.
Genre: Headcanon
Category: Like 95% fluff with one of the member’s (LOL Kayn’s) going a little suggestive. But definitely not like full NSFW.
Gender: 99.999% Gender Neutral, but there might be an occasional parentheses with optional gender specific language for those that are comfortable with it. (Believe me, I get it, I’m non-binary so I do try and keep things as GN! as possible!)
TW: A bit suggestive for Kayn’s, so just to be on the safe-side let’s go 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI. A mention of alcohol. Also swearing because I swear. 🤷🏼‍♀️
A/N: This will be a bit shorter but that’s just because we have to get through all members both calling and being called pet names.
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Pet names for his partner:
I think his pet names for his partner would be very sweet!
Of course there are the classics like “baby” or “babe.” I feel like there are the main ones he’d stick to in public. Another one he’d use in public is “honey.”
But in private I think that’s when his soft side would really come out.
He’d enjoy “cutie,” especially if he knows it makes you blush.
He’s a creative guy, and I think he’d also have some creative pet names.
Especially if he’s trying to turn up the romance/soften you up for something.
Ex: “Starlight,” “sunlight,” “my sun/sunshine/sunlight…”
And if he’s feeling sassy? You “goober” (with a smile and eye roll).
Pet names from his partner:
Just as he likes to call his partner sweeter pet names, I think he’d also like to be called sweeter pet names.
Although again, I think the sweetest ones he’d like you to reserve for him in private.
So “babe,” “baby,” “honey,” and maybe “love” it is in public.
“Cutie” is one he’d secretly love. He’d roll his eyes with the typical Phel sass but you see the way the tops of his ears turn pink.
And you know how he’s creative? Well don’t be afraid to get creative back!
You could make him melttttt with a pet name.
Like “my moon” or go full out with “my moon and stars.” (Especially in response to him calling you “my sun/sunshine.”) His internal response is: :))))
A way to playfully tease him for staying so late at the studio is to call him your “owl/night owl.” (He loves it).
Pet names for his partner:
Pet names with Ez would be so PLAYFUL.
And they would definitely start early on in your relationship.
Even on dates in public he’d be more open with pet names. (Though of course because of who he is both of you are a little incognito with hats, sunglasses, masks, etc...)
Why can I see him calling you something like “pumpkin,” “honeybunch,” “sugar,” “cupcake,” (LISTEN IT’S NOT JUST VI’s NICKNAME FOR CAITLYN DAMNIT) or “peanut?” (Even if you’re taller than him it does not matter, you’re his peanut.)
Lmao Kayn once heard Ez call you “honeybunches” and he was FLABBERGASTED. 😂
Omfg he would absolutely use pet names when trying to get something. Pet names and a pout? The man knows what he’s doing.
Absolutely loves that his pet names make you blush so easily, especially if he whispers them in your ear.
He’s such a lovable menace and I adore him.
Pet names from his partner:
Because our man Ezreal can absolutely take as good as he gives.
An obvious one would be “bunny.” (Listen have you seen his smile on the cover art?)
When you called him “bubba” and your “love bug” for the first time, his face lit up like a kid in a candy store.
The more chaotic, the better to catch his attention.
We’re talking shit like “dreamboat,” “goober,” or “cutie-patootie.”
The first time Kayn heard you call Ez “dreamboat” water came out his NOSE he was so surprised.
Will love whatever pet name use because whatever you call him, he’s yours!
(A/N: Alright listen this went a little suggestive but LORD help me I think he’d be SHAMELESS with pet names. 😳😏)
Pet names for his partner:
Out of all the members, I feel like Kayn would give the least amount of shits about hiding a relationship in public.
So he’s definitely not holding back from calling you pet names in public (now of course the man is smart enough to know which ones are better to keep private).
But “Babe?” ✅ “Baby? (Baby girl)” ✅ “Angel?” ✅ All totally fair game in public.
In PRIVATE??? 😏😏 Oh my friend get readyyyyy.
This man is a TEASE and you know he’s using pet names as a way to really fluster you. (Though of course he’s being sincere with them.)
Like “hottie,” “kitten,” (CAN YOU IMAGINE??) and “sexy.”
“Sexy” is like the most common pet name he uses for you PERIOD. Ex: Basically every day when he gets home he greets you with a kiss and a soft “Hey, sexy….”
More gender specific, if you were comfortable with it, he’d 100% call you “prince” or “princess.” (Someone get me a FAN 🥵.)
Pet names from his partner:
I think whatever his partner called him would be….not necessarily critical to Kayn, but it would still mean quite a bit.
I think he considers some pet names a little bit like affirmations, in a way. Like when he calls you “hottie” or “sexy” it’s because that’s how he sees you (appearance-wise) and he wants you to KNOW that’s how he sees you.
PLEASE do the same with him!!
Hearing YOU call him “hottie,” “sexy,” or “handsome” immediately banishes any insecurities he might have in the back of his mind.
And you cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing any of those pet names whispered/murmured in his ear as you wrap your arms around him. I just don’t believe you.
Absolutely call him “Babe” in public. He loves that shit. I don’t think he’d mind if you called him “handsome” or “hottie” in public either, but those would be more for like when you two are having a convo together in a public space, if that makes sense. “Babe” would be to capture his attention.
Random: In private, besides calling him “sexy,” he secretly loves some of the older-school pet names. Like if you want him to MELT? Go old school.
“Darling?” His insides are a puddle and he’s ready to do whatever you need him to do.
(LMAO I had wayyyy to much fun with this, but his headcanon was what made me think about the rest of the group and what they’d like!)
Pet names for his partner:
I think he’s fine with using pet names in public. Like maybe nothing wild but he’s not going to necessarily hide you (though of course he’ll do what he needs to do to keep you safe).
K’Sante could use a mix of “old-school” pet names with more modern ones.
“Babe” is the primary one he uses in public.
Could totally see him using something sweet like “squish” or “boo.” (The mental image of this giant man using something like “Boo” is just amazing.)
If he helps you with an outfit, once you’re done dressing he’d absolutely be like “damn look at you, my model. You look phenomenal.”
Would absolutely use “handsome,” “beautiful,” “gorgeous,” or “stunner.”
I fully believe this man is an excellent cook. And because of that, he’d definitely throw some food-themed pet names in there. I’m thinking “pancake” or “peaches.”
Pet names from his partner:
Again, this man doesn’t really care if you call him pet names in public. Have you seen his sheer size?? People would be insane to mess with him and you (I’m thinking Travis Kelce with Taylor Swift vibes here).
So go for it! Call him “babe” or “baby.”
After they debuted, you affectionately teased him by calling him “hot shot.” Jokes on you though because he actually really likes that one now.
As we’ve discussed, K’Sante can cook along with being hella stylish. So he acts annoyed but really loves it when you sidle into the kitchen and say something like, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
Again, this man knows how to DRESS. Loves hearing you call him “handsome” as you help him with some last touches on a look.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I get such good energy from Heartsteel K’Sante. I feel like he’d give excellent hugs and be your A+ “teddy bear.”
Likes some of the joking pet names you call him! Like when you thank your “stylist” after he helps you get an outfit together and get dressed. (Because let’s be real, he’ll probably have the better fashion sense in the relationship, that’s just how it goes.)
One that doesn’t quite work due to it being tied to pop culture in our world but the VIBE fits: “Hercules.” (Or “HUNK”-ules as the one muse would say.)
Pet names for his partner:
This man 👏🏻 LOVES 👏🏻 PET NAMES.
To the point that you don’t remember the last time he used your name. In fact, if he uses your name, it’s a clear indicator something is WRONG.
Will definitely use some of the classics in public like “babe” or “baby.”
He’d definitely get creative too. Like you know how he’s “the big boss?” (Hehehe lyric tie-in DUH).
If you ever came to visit him somewhere while he’s working, he’d jokingly call you his “assistant” as he pulls you into a big hug.
Ex: “Oh hey! It’s my amazing assistant who so kindly brought me lunch! How’s your day going so far, baby?” (He wouldn’t keep calling you his assistant throughout the interaction. It’s more of just a funny little greeting for when he first sees you.)
In private, he loves to use “angel,” “doll,” “sexy,” “beautiful/handsome,” or “sugar.” (Would also use “Prince/Princess” if you’re comfortable with it.)
He really knows how to make his partner smile and blush from pet names LET ME TELL YOU.
Pet names from his partner:
Just as much as he loves using pet names on you, he LOVES when you use pet names on him!!
Only call him Sett (or even more so, Settrigh) if something is wrong. You’ll get his attention INSTANTLY.
Of course, “babe,” “baby,” and “honey” are a-ok for use in public. I also think he wouldn’t mind a couple other creative ones being thrown in there every once in a while, even in public
An obvious one to use for him is “boss.” (My parents call each other “boss” and it’s actually very sweet!)
I feel like Sett would have a really romantic side (I mean, Mama didn’t raise her son to be a jackass of a partner here).
So when he does let that romantic side show, call him “Prince Charming” and watch his face light up. (I know that’s technically a pop-culture reference, but Prince and charming could feasibly come together in a world without Cinderella. Another pop-culture one that doesn’t work as well (unless we imagine Shakespeare existing in Runeterra) is “Romeo.” But the vibe fits Sett so I’m including it here.)
Another one who loves it when you call him “sexy” or “handsome.” (And you do it often because HOW COULD YOU NOT??)
Feel free to get creative, especially when you’re alone. Sweet or otherwise, he just loves hearing what names you create for him.
Pet names for his partner:
Yone is interesting. See, to me he has the highest likelihood of using more “traditional” pet names.
But make no mistake, traditional doesn’t mean boring.
The AFFECTION he puts into the pet names he calls you!!! (Like I’m going mushy just thinking about it.)
He’d be very low-key in public. Like maybe a soft “love,” “honey,” or “dear.” Usually though, it’s your name. (Hey he loves saying your name! Your name makes him happy.)
In private is really where his soft side shines and he’s much more verbally affectionate.
“My love,” “sweetheart,” “my beloved,” and “darling” are big favs of his to use.
He’d absolutely have a couple surprisingly cheesy ones. Like “pumpkin,” “dumpling,” or “sunflower.”
Always loves your reactions to him using pet names for you, especially your delighted expression when he uses the cheesier ones!
Pet names from his partner:
In a similar way to using “old-fashioned” pet names for you, I think he’d love it if you used some of the same ones for him!
Especially in public. I just see him as one of the more private members. But in public feel free to call him “love,” “honey,” or even “babe/baby” when you’re talking together.
Loves when you’re soft with him in private. This man works so very hard and sometimes he just needs some good cuddles and loving pet names.
Enjoys being your “darling,” “lovey,” and your “genius.”
And you have him wrapped around your little finger the second you say “My love…”
I talked about in my last headcanon how I absolutely think Yone loves to cuddle in private (and maybe when he’s drunk but that’s a different story).
You’ve started calling him “koala” because of how cuddly he gets and he secretly LIVES FOR IT.
But he will deny it to his dying breath if you accidentally say it in front of the guys. (Lmao you think Ez and Kayn are going to let him live that down??)
Thank you very much for reading! It’s been really fun to get back into creative writing now that I have this new account! 😊
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Stuff I’ve just watched and almost completely did not enjoy
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First, Superstore (2015-2021): I watched this show mostly while getting ready for work in the morning or brushing my teeth at night, really just moments where I’m not focusing much and needing to wind up/down, but there were probably only 5 minutes of all the six seasons that I enjoyed even remotely. I know it seems to be a sitcom must-have but really, does every character have to be unlikable? Is that really the only way to depict realness? And I don’t think they were intended to all be insufferable but then again, how could the characters not intentionally have been written that way? Were we actually supposed to feel endeared to their irritating qualities? Which never changed from start to end btw
Did I cry from being utterly moved in the last 10 minutes of the very last episode of the sixth season, yes. Does that mean anything, absolutely not omfg in fact as I’m typing this I’m reminded more and more of how irritating this shit was… and why do Americans only know how to write about or talk about or involve themselves in sex? Can fucking grow up or not seriously
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Ok fuck this shit too I’m sorry I am not anywhere near invested enough to find a better or more effective or astute way of conveying this complaint. When this film first showed up on my home page, I was okayishly-interested since I find Gabrielle Union likeable enough (also thinking of her makes me think of her husband who makes me think of LeBron which is an ever-pleasant experience naturally) but also the male lead Keith Powers is someone who bring such nostalgia, I remember being in my teens and following the fashion world quite closely for whatever nonsense reason and specifically keeping up with the models and runway shows for the sake of saving the pictures as inspiration for my then-“art” creation (OGs remember howmanybrothers…). Anyway, I remember Keith from this era so well : https://black-boys.tumblr.com/post/89627223362/keith-powers-calvin-klein-ss-15/amp
And of course, I excused or perhaps even allowed the ridiculous age gap the leads have (IRL as well as in the show which is about 20 years) because ummmm feminismmsms and reverse sexism ain’t real right gang 😂😅 but anyway yes obviously I was entering into my viewing ready to enjoy a joke of an experience but
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Fuck this disgusting shit dude
Yes, the leads are talking about sex and yes, the male character wants to ruin and destroy and demolish the female character in this context …. Shocking!!!!!!!!!
We really can’t have one single fucking romance movie that isn’t pornified in language or imagery or reference huh
Anyway I stopped the movie at that point obviously cos I fucking died
And then again obviously I continued about 3 hours later when I’d run out of cat videos to watch and I need constant constant feed of media input lest I pause and think about work or the rest of my life and add to my alter act overwhelming amount of stress….
And the movie got worse guys she got preggers and they stayed together also she is his mom’s age in the show and they are long-time nemeses so yea 😂😂😂 this is the society liberals want?!!!??!!!??
May my next Netflix watch be something lovely and warm and real and no freaking stupid idiot sex references or scene or whatever boring unimaginative shiat pls…
Anyway I rewatched Haunting of Hill House recently and it was the best ever hehe!
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ah hello, I forgot to answer earlier 🔫
HA HA HA WHAT THE FUCK that "Seonghwa is a work of art" post you sent I was about to do the same 👁👄👁
"Don't worry about the European tour" he said... Well, I'm worried darling...
Wonhyuk a dedicated Atiny, he probably has a stan account too lol. He and that To1 guy who cried when the Teezers won, I recently searched for his Ateez moments and he's been mentioning them since 2020, cuteee. Me af
Damn I felt awkward after winning a few calls last time, but it's not like I see them THAT often. Some people are there EVERY SINGLE TIME. As much as I like seeing some videos, not everything has to be posted, especially if you tell them shitty things ☠☠☠☠ snitching on themselves? Clown behaviour
"Kept seeing Seonghwa" me everywhere I go lmao. I don't get those school thoughts, but dreams & nightmares yeah. And it's usually me failing and avoiding classes then shitting myself because of exams. No alphas please 🤐 but angel Hwa... Taemin's lore... yeah I'm listening
Imagine attending a Shinee concert with Hwa (imagine attending a Shinee concert in general, lmao good luck if you're not in SK or Japan 🤡 I wanna see them agaaaaain)
Me and Tae haunting you miss Baek
Speaking of Twilight, Yeosang you good, you need help? They're both bad, but come on... TB was sexy and bloody, but the love triangle again and ofc I was team the other guy 🙄
Omfg yes SM do something right and put the devils together. How could I forget about mr TY and his Ghost?! It was very hot of him
Well I LIKE VILLAIN Y/N IDC. "Why would he think of someone else" well do I have news for you, some people get married AND think of other people kaydishsjshjshshs. I wonder how the relationship between Hwa and Y/N develops then 👁👁 Oh I know he's gonna be obsessed, clown behaviour after disliking her LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. But he'll be in a competition with ME
Please free Chungha because she needs to slay agaon, I searched for her photos, because I'm trying to make a BIIIIIIG collage with my fave kpop photoshoots and her dark concepts wowowow
No because Sayonara Hitori is one of Taem's best songs and it's a Japanese track?! (the Korean one is fine, but the OG hits different)
You wanna hear the falsettos, bestie most don't sing live 😅😭 but yeah I get what you mean, sometimes they keep talking, but sometimes I am the one talking so 🤭
I'm confused about Mingi's current colour but he looks great. I thought red Mingi was my fave, but I think wolf Mingi takes the cake for me 💞
None of my cats wanted to cooperate, but one time my Tiny was on the windowsill and I slightly aimed the camera at her for Hwa to see and he was like "aaaaaa kitty" and asked about her name 🥰
What is that video you sent 😭 what if they dropped the baby also the way I thought it'd be Baek but no it's The Rock 😭 whose baby are we stealing?!
Bestie did you read the new fic from miss tenelka, because I stayed up late last night even though I had to wake up early, because SPICY 😳 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
HA HA HA WHAT THE FUCK that "Seonghwa is a work of art" post you sent I was about to do the same 👁👄👁
👁👄👁 aRE U IN MY DRAFTS????
"Don't worry about the European tour" he said... Well, I'm worried darling...
i guess we’re seeing it through the screens rather than irl bc no euro but a whole cb???? 😭😭😭🤚🏼
Wonhyuk a dedicated Atiny, he probably has a stan account too lol. He and that To1 guy who cried when the Teezers won, I recently searched for his Ateez moments and he's been mentioning them since 2020, cuteee. Me af
ateez fr have only atinys and elast HDJQBD I BET HE DOES AND I BET ITS A HWA ONE TOO 😭😭😭 no it’s so cute when their fans are idols too and they show it in public like I WOULD BE CRYING AT THEIR WIN TOO & 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
Damn I felt awkward after winning a few calls last time, but it's not like I see them THAT often. Some people are there EVERY SINGLE TIME. As much as I like seeing some videos, not everything has to be posted, especially if you tell them shitty things ☠☠☠☠ snitching on themselves? Clown behaviour
no bc what’s there to talk about 😭😭 im sure even after a few there’s nothing to talk about,,, like it makes sense if u see them a little in a while but some fans doing it every fancall in that cb era 🔫🔫 NO LITERALLY NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE POSTED SOME THINGS ARE BETTER PRIVATE PLS,,,, no literally how are u not embarrassed bro come on 😭😭 like if u were an idol would u like it if someone said your hair isn’t good change it ?????? 🔫🔫🔫
"Kept seeing Seonghwa" me everywhere I go lmao. I don't get those school thoughts, but dreams & nightmares yeah. And it's usually me failing and avoiding classes then shitting myself because of exams. No alphas please 🤐 but angel Hwa... Taemin's lore... yeah I'm listening
FBWNBDKFBWM EVERY WHERE I SEE THIS MAN EVERY WHERE,,, omg bestie i could never avoid a class bc id always be thinking “what if he said something in class and it was important 🔫 and it’s on the exam 🔫” when teachers don’t post slides 🔫🔫 NO ALPHAS??? I THOUGHT U LIKED FURRIES 🤨🤨 angel hwa or vampire hwa now 🔫
Imagine attending a Shinee concert with Hwa (imagine attending a Shinee concert in general, lmao good luck if you're not in SK or Japan 🤡 I wanna see them agaaaaain) Me and Tae haunting you miss Baek,,, Speaking of Twilight, Yeosang you good, you need help? They're both bad, but come on... TB was sexy and bloody, but the love triangle again and ofc I was team the other guy 🙄
NAURRR THE IMAGINE ATTENDING ONE IN GENERAL HIT HARD IT’ll BE SO HARD TO ATTEND ESP NOW AND AFTER TAEMIN COMES TOOO 😭😭😭 STOP THIS IS RIDICULOUS IF THEY COME FOR CONCERTS WE NEED TWO DAYS IN ONE CITY OR SOMETHING,,, id be absolutely honoured if you and taehyung haunt me,, pls be the speaking person between me and taehyung so my thv fan girl dreams true 🤲🏼🤲🏼 we talking about tb but my guy hagrid passed on 😭🤚🏼
YEOSANG JDBWJDHWK PLS 😭😭😭 hear me out, yeosang as a cullen 😵‍💫 wAIT DID U SIDE WITH THE BLOND HAIRED GUY??
Omfg yes SM do something right and put the devils together. How could I forget about mr TY and his Ghost?! It was very hot of him
sm the devil unit wHEN NO HOW COULD U ANON HOW COULD U FORGET TAEYONG 🔫🔫🔫 all of them in red suits too 😩😩 would start passing out
Well I LIKE VILLAIN Y/N IDC. "Why would he think of someone else" well do I have news for you, some people get married AND think of other people kaydishsjshjshshs. I wonder how the relationship between Hwa and Y/N develops then 👁👁 Oh I know he's gonna be obsessed, clown behaviour after disliking her LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. But he'll be in a competition with ME
LMFAOOOO NDBWKDBWK THE SHADE,, im super excited to see how their relationship turns out and the day, the time, the second he switches just like that and miss yn is “????? i-is anyone seeing this???” OH OBSESSED??? MAN LIVES AND BREATHS YN DBWNBD but do they end up together???? LMFAOOHFBDKWL ANON SIMPING FOR YN ALREADY??????????
Please free Chungha because she needs to slay agaon, I searched for her photos, because I'm trying to make a BIIIIIIG collage with my fave kpop photoshoots and her dark concepts wowowow
no bc i went on her company’s ig page and the last time they posted is in july 😭😭😭 I THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE SOME PROMOS FREE OUR GIRLIE GO UNDER SM JOIN THE DEVIL UNIT PLS omg omg let us know how that goes!!!
No because Sayonara Hitori is one of Taem's best songs and it's a Japanese track?! (the Korean one is fine, but the OG hits different)
sayonara hotori (his japanese album) itself was my intro to taemin as a soloist and i could honestly could not have it any other way,,, truly mind blown esp after press your number 😮‍💨😮‍💨🤲🏼 NO BC WHY DO THE JAPANESE TRACKS HIT DIFFERENT THE EMOTION IN THEM 🤌🏼🤌🏼
You wanna hear the falsettos, bestie most don't sing live 😅😭 but yeah I get what you mean, sometimes they keep talking, but sometimes I am the one talking so 🤭
i would get 🔫🔫 if someone kept talking when im watching taemin or exo,,, iM THROWING HANDS
I'm confused about Mingi's current colour but he looks great. I thought red Mingi was my fave, but I think wolf Mingi takes the cake for me 💞
wolf mingi???? 👁👁 time to read miss ateezmakemeweep’s wolf mingi 👁👁
None of my cats wanted to cooperate, but one time my Tiny was on the windowsill and I slightly aimed the camera at her for Hwa to see and he was like "aaaaaa kitty" and asked about her name 🥰
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What is that video you sent 😭 what if they dropped the baby also the way I thought it'd be Baek but no it's The Rock 😭 whose baby are we stealing?!
LMFAOOOO JDVWNDBWK AND THE BABY LOLS LIKE A NEWBORN??? BRO WHY ARENT U AT HOME SLEEPING HELLO??? the rock holding a little pebble 😭😭😭 bestie yours..
Bestie did you read the new fic from miss tenelka, because I stayed up late last night even though I had to wake up early, because SPICY 😳 - DV 💖
2/2 FUCKING HELL it's me DV again, I forgot to answer the quiz 🤦🏼‍♀️ omg all the MCR options, made for me <3 I got: old cleaning lady at the vampire mansion, wbu? Just saying the mansion will NOT be clean, soz
Let me attach some important links. I got;
PLS A SMOOOCH INCOMING. Oh I am appreciating okay. LIPS MODEL SEONGHWA, any thoughts?
🥺 // His face is so kind 😭 // There's a meme that says "the world is too fast for Juyeon" because boy is so slow and...
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Mingi THIS IS KILLING ME /// Oh and speaking of Gidle, my lil meow meows covered Tomboy and I need to promote them <3
bestie we about to be on war 🔫🔫
omg did u hear about the kamp la thing 😭😭
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valenhell · 3 years
From the studio that brought you “I can’t find good Byler fics in the ao3 tag”, comes:
"The Definitive Byler fic rec list"
Literally no one asked for this but because I spent the majority of last year (...and 2019, and 2018...) reading byler fics and coping with life, I thought I’d make a list of some of my absolute favorites. 
The other day I was basically starving for some byler fics and the angel @magicalfairy provided me with some of her faves so I thought I’d do the same, because I love reading, and I love all of these fics and I appreciate their writers💗 And fic writers in general, come on!
- This is a mix of long works and one-shots/short stories. - Everything is mostly fluff with a tad of angst and a lot of internalized homophobia conflict.  - Every fic is completed, except for the ones I mention that they are not. - I try my best to lay out the stories in a way that I won’t spoil you the plot but also warning you of some stuff you might don’t like. Either way, all of these fics are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters. - I feel like I should clarify, none of these are narrated in the singular first person. None of that “And I told him...”, no. 
Long fics
a dream always the same (T, 99k, 35 chapters) What happened in those few weeks between the Battle of Starcourt and the Byers leaving Hawkins. Literally a satisfying and very needed fill in of season three, with a good dose of Mike’s thoughts and conflict. Mike’s characterization is specially amazing in this one. The writing style is amazing and I know the author put everything into making it historically accurate, and it was really sweet. You probably read it, it’s by the amazing sevensided here on Tumblr🧡
Spring Break (T, 120k, 14/15 chapters) The slowburn of my dreams. Lots of internalized conflict and conflict with each other. Conflict within the Party (uhh kind of), conflict with Mike and Will. Byers family has moved and the kids are visiting! Chaos. Characterization is on point. Yeah, I know it’s unfinished, but the fourteenth chapter actually serves as a pretty nice ending. 
This is where it starts (M, 148.8k, 24 chapters) Aged up characters. The Party is in college and Will disappears again, but now it’s different. Mike knows he didn’t vanish from thin air, and the discovery he and the Party end up making is pretty insane. Mystery solving/fantasy/third dimension, throw in a bit of D&D and Mike realizing some shit, and you get this marvelous fic. It’s a breath of fresh air. The world building is definitely one of the elements that stands out the most, because it’s very nicely described, it sounds like a dream and it’s completely immersive. Absolute gem of a fic. 
there’s a Starman waiting in the sky (M, 30.6k, 8 chapters) Do I need to say anything? Will is out there living his best life and Mike realizes that wow, umm, maybe his best friend looks a bit too nice with that costume... and wait, is he getting horny? It’s actually really fun and sexy.
The Evening Speaks (T, 23k, 7 chapters) In where Mike is a late-night college radio host and Will is the art student that stays up till late to catch up with Wheeler on the Mic. They flirt through songs y’all, this one is really sweet. 
heads or tails? (E, 24k, 3 chapters) Aged up characters. I know most people don’t enjoy sex in fics and with specific characters but this one is insanely well written. It’s a slowburn that commits to the tension and with every word you are grasping and anticipating their next move. I think you can find the author here on Tumblr as yousaidyes🧡
The Man of Average (M, 56.7k, 5/? chapters) Aged up characters. No but you don’t understand, the writing here is absolute gourmet. The story is exciting as well, it’s super interesting. Weirdly enough, for being very aged up characters, they are well characterized but they don’t feel like teenagers. They are naturally Mike and Will. The author really captured Mike and Will’s essence. I know, it’s unfinished and it’s updated very rarely, but this is the typical fic you can’t believe someone just posted on the internet for free. I will say though, I think it’s definitely not for everyone. Read at your own risk.
Heartstrings (E, 82.8k, 24/? chapters) Aged up characters. By the same author of The Man of Average. A collection of memories, the road to Mike and Will’s happy ever after. And fucking hell!!!!! You’ll cry and get angry, you’ll cheer for them, then you’ll want to crash their faces together because god dammit you love each other!!! But yeah, same thing here. The writing and the way the story is laid out as a nonlinear narrative is brilliant. And I also think this is one of the best Will versions I’ve read. The author might as well be the og creator of this two characters tbh. You can find the author here as mylesimeblr🧡
Sinners behind the walls (T, 1.5k, 1/1) And because I can’t stop recommending this author, a little thing of Mike tormenting himself but also being too deeply committed to Will. 
The Red Envelope series (T/E, 167K, two completed works) Something happens that Will thought was impossible and from there, pure drama and romance. Anything by this author has the potential to become your absolute favorite fic, but this series in particular is amazing. I doubt that any of you haven’t read this, but it doesn’t hurt to put it in this list. I’m pretty sure the author is serendipitous-magic on Tumblr🧡
A New Fight series (T, 91k, two completed works, one WIP) And finally the Star Wars AU that we all needed. But this isn’t your typical “Mike is Han”, “Will is Leia” and “El is Luke”, it’s way more interesting than that, and the author has appropriated the Star Wars world like no other. I’ll admit I’m not a 100% fluent in SW lore but this is amazing to me either way. This author is also on Tumblr, tea-for-one-please🧡
- Yes, most of these are (if not all), in a way, canon compliant/canonverse/canon continuation into fanon. (In a way)
One-shots and short stories
Sundae for Two, Please (G, 4.8k) Steve being the supportive friend and older brother these kids collectively need. (not Jonathan erasure, we love him). Steve is very sweet himself, and this little cute thing through his POV is gorgeous. Yes, it’s byler.
Backstage (T, 10k, 2/2) Jonathan, you forgot to mention to Will how hot your new band’s guitarist is, dude. Now he’s hyperventilating and weirdly flirting with him in the corner. Background Stonathan because why not.
102 Peach Street (G, 3.8k) Established relationship, but not only that, they are married :’’))) PURE fluff. Extreme fluffiness. Diabetes. 
sweatshirts and bottled up feelings (T, 3.2k) Or, Mike thinks that the sweatshirt Will wears looks insanely good on him. And kitchens are for lovers. 
kiss it better (T, 16.3k) Basically one of the best character studies of a few precise moments of Mike and Will’s relationship and feelings. 
will wonders ever cease (T, 11.3k) #i ship will and happiness. Omfg what a beautiful piece of fanfic. Will centric, this kid really deserves all the good in the world.
The Calm After the Storm (T, 1.6k) Tooth rotting fluff, boyfriends in love. Boyfriends being lazy, cuddling, love words, kisses. Boys loving each other’s company... Basically, Mike and Will in their element. What more can you ask for?
neither of us ready to let go (T, 4.8k) That scene from season three, but a bit of a fix it. 
Still in love (G, 1k) Domestic, married life au fluff. Y’all, I’m a sucker for established Byler, even if I can’t find many fics with it. But this is very sweet. It takes place in 2020, but I don’t think there are any mentions of the COVID-19 crisis that I remember.
I Nver Find Out ‘Til I’m Head Over Heels (G, 12.5K) Classic 5+1 fic. If you haven’t read it, where have you been? This is your moment. In where Mike keeps inviting Will to the school dances and Will thinks it’s just a joke until he realizes it’s not. 
Before You’re Gone (T, 5.9k) Will is leaving Hawkins and Mike thinks this is a great moment for a confession. This one I discovered last friday, thank you friend @magicalfairy 💗
You’re weird Wheeler (M, 4.5k) Mike unintentionally starts a tradition of going to each other to talk about their sexual encounters just after they finish. Will keeps getting more explicit with the details he shares, and he makes his best friend interested. This one is really fun y’all.
Out-Of-Town Friends (N/R, 4.6K) It’s not rated. I haven’t re- read it but I’d say it would probably fall in a T rating. So cute!! Will has new friends and sneaks off every friday and the Party doesn’t know where he is going, so Mike decides to follow him and is surprised. 
Snowed Under (G, 1.3k) By the same author of The New Fight series. Mike is spending christmas by himself in college because a snowstorm hits Chicago and Nancy can’t drive to see him, but then he has a surprise visitor. Ahhh just a lil sweet holiday fic. Super cute. 
you love me anyway series (T, 7.1k, three completed works) Literally just the cutest thing ever. Established Byler. Will loves to take pictures and he loves taking pictures of Mike. It’s adorable. 
you wanna be friends forever (i can think of something better) (T, 9k) This one is so amazing. So. Amazing. From Will’s POV, my kid deserves the world and he gets it. 
okay not to be okay (T, 4.9k) Mike is a bit sad but then everything is okay. 
can’t hold out forever (G, 18.4k) Y’all!!!!! 5+1 sweetness. Mike has been falling in love since kindergarten. And it’s long af, you’ll enjoy it. 
even if it takes forever (G, 1.3k) College short AU, they miss each other, they love each other, they promise all to each other. It is sappy y’all.
clear as day (N/R, 18.4K, 4 chapters) It’s not rated, but I’d say it falls in the T category. Strangers to friends to lovers. And also, everyone is pretty gay; we have our dynamic trio Mike, Max and El as disaster lesbians (and gay). Will works at the library and he is also gay. Lucas and Dustin and Will are the best friends we needed. It’s very sweet and the Party is kind of formed here!
I went overboard with the one-shots, so you must have realized how much I love long one-shots and I favor them over long works lmao but they are all amazing!!! If it’s on this list, I probably read it at 2 am, sobbing in my bed. So. Hope you enjoy it☺️🧡
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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can i get a platonic matchup pleaSeEeE?
okay, so- lets talk about myself sdsnfnenxnf
My name is Jei, I use she/they pronouns, I am 5’11” and I ABSOLUTELY AM THE AWKWARD TALL KIND OF PERSON (I wish I wasn’t tho-). I have short curly hair, (RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS, DO YOU EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW I LOOK FOR A P L A T O N I C MATCHUP? weeeeelll i am already here so, lets just keep going ig) I am like b i g IDK BAHSHAHSHABS
As you can see I am a bit uH chaotic (it is a daily thing but iDK TODAY I AM JUST OVER THE TOP) I am an ambivert, I am an INFP, Aries sun, Cancer moon and Sagittarius rising sbdsndns
I uHhhHh- I am very awkward in first meetings but if we have something in common I’ll ramble about our common interest which almost always leads to me talking about other stuff.
I am a Marvel fan if that’s uUuuh- important? I LOVE UM GOOD OMENS BAHSHAHZHA, i dOnt even know what i am talking about anymore but lets keep going BABDBAHZHA
I have a B I G variety of music taste, from 40s big band songs to uhhhHh lets just say ppcocaine(???
I get distracted w a y too easily, I tend to get lost on time
I LOVE TO DRAW AND TO WRITE (but i never have time to finish so me is very m a d >:))
My best subject is english, english teachers always love me for some effing reason :D
My favorite colors are orange, green, coffee? (COFFEE IS A COLOR? I FORGOT OMFG) OH SHOOT WAIT I HAD TO SEARCH IT UP, IT IS CALLED BROWN BAHAAHHAHAHA I AM SO STUPID, beigeEs and blaCk >:)
yeah, i like dark academia buT in a like chaotic rebel way if it is possible???????
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE NOW???? i am sleep deprived so i don’t really knoW
I tend to see the good in people (yes that includes bad people too, sadly), I have troubles speaking for myself in situations where people are troubling me,,,
What elseeee????
I am lazy sometimes, I’ll admit it 😌☝🏽 and it gets on my nerves:D (i am working on it tho)
All my time is sucked by school, I am an overachiever and adbanxnajxjs i cry cuz school u know? <3
And I think that’s it?????
Also yes my Aries sister 😩
Platonic Matchup
Nishinoya Yuu
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How Y’all Met
So you rolled up into school with a FIRE marvel t-shirt
And nishinoya being a marvel fan himself took IMMEDIATE notice
So what did he do
Approach you of course 🙄✋
It was quite awkward at first 🥲
He really just went up to you and was like
“Oh you like marvel? What’s your favorite movie, or do you prefer the comics?, OH Have how ever seen...”
And he just went on and on and on
But when he realized he was rambling he apologized and asked you the first question again
Now it was your turn to ramble on and on about your interests
But honestly noya just rolled with it
Rooooooollliiiinnnng Thunnndaaaa
After you both were done with your rambling
He invited you over to his house for a #MarvelMarathon
And who tf were you to say no
So you pulled up to his house and started the marathon
In the middle of said marathons noya’s phone started to ring
And what was his ringtone?
Ppcocains PJ
And what did you do when you heard this?
Sang along ofc
And noya was just in shock
But after overcoming his shock he started singing with you
Yeah...he missed that call
But who gives af! Y’all are having a concert rn!
The day bled into night and he offered for you to stay the night
Not wanting to walk home in the dark you agreed
And oml the night was just filled with movies, mini concerts, and junk food 👀
Ever since that night you and him have been attached at the hip
What You Have In Common
Well obviously you both like Marvel
And ppcocain
But you both have a chaotic energy that mashes well with each other
You both have small attention spans/ get distracted very easily 😀
Istg conversations with you two are all over the place
One minute it’s this subject then two seconds later it’s a different subject
Fun fact: you made him watch good omens with you and now he’s obsessed
He says he has a deep emotional connection with Crowley ❤️
Favorite Things To Do Together
Good lord
Honestly if he could just recreate your first sleepover
Life would be perfect
Because THATS his favorite thing to do with you
Just bonding over common interests
Whether that be with music, movies, hobbies
No matter what you two do it’s always a party
He actually really likes to have drawing competitions with you
Even though he always loses 🥲
You’ve offered to not make it a competition
But he says that’s what make it fun :)
Random Hc
Oh your his personal tutor
He needs help with school
Screw the teachers
Screw the tutors
There is only ✨you✨
He has also volunteered you as a tutor for the team :D
without your knowledge....
You two have weekly movie nights
But lately he’s just been binging good omens with you
Speaking of Good Omens 👀
That is YOUR show
Like if one of you even watch ONE episode without the other
All hell breaks lose
Ok off topic Hc but people think your the equivalent of asahi 🥲
Independent Aries and collaborative Libra form a funny sort of friendship.
Aries tries convincing Libra to take chances, shake off criticism, and be more direct.
Libra constantly tells Aries to slow down, smell the flowers, and be more appreciative.
It's an odd couple type of relationship that can work extremely well.
Aries can learn the fine art of diplomacy from Libra, while Libra may become more assertive thanks to Aries.
While the Aries and the Libra are opposing each other from an astrological point of view, they can still become friends very fast.
The Aries admires how the Libra is graceful, stylish and funny, while the other way around, the latter truly likes how determined to take part in new adventures and always courageous their friend is.
Of course, the friendship between these two will sometimes be challenging because the Aries can get hurt seeing the Libra is flighty, while the latter may not like the way the former is pushy.
However, these two can easily make up and neither of them likes to hold a grudge.
Chaotic ⚡️👹💥
PJ - Ppcocain
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
Won’t Bite - Doja cat
My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
Any chance you could give us some Arabic speaking Remus headcanons? Loved your latest fic ❤️ 📚
OMFG gorgeous sugarplum! I legit only just was reminded of this while scrolling through my inbox right now! But my heart is finna burst!!! Thank you SO SO much and yes I would love to give some Headcanons about this! Especially since the next long story I’m working on includes this dynamic, and I’m so excited about it!! However, common disclaimer that while I am Arab and culturally Muslim even if I don’t practice like the rest of my family lol, I am Palestinian and not Syrian. So with every identity there are different experiences and customs no matter how closely intertwined. So I apologize for any inconsistency   that a Syrian may read and disagree with, and please feel free to correct me<3 <3
The FIC this HC is from 
So first off some background on his mum in the story 
I chose the name Vivian based off a friend of a friend who’s uncle married a woman by that name back in Palestine,  so it’s definitely extremely uncommon, but a fully Arab lady was named it, so like it’s my defense bahaha. But it also means lively, and coupled with Hussein as her maiden name which means beautiful, it just fit her personality to a t!! 
She was born into a pretty secular family in Syria in the late 1920s, so there was a lot going on in that time period. But her dad was pretty influential, working in the government and such. Vivian was also the youngest of four girls and three boys so she was pretty spoiled tbh
She attended a boarding school in France through out her adolescence and decided to go to university there too, so she’s fluent in both Arabic and French, with pretty great English as well. Though she wasn’t exactly white passing, even though like a bunch of Syrians/Palestinians/Lebanese folk she was somewhat fair, she had distinctly Arabian features, like the large almond shaped eyes and thick lashes and thicker brows, and a long, largeish nose, accented by full lips. So she experienced a good amount of jeers and discrimination, especially when folks found out her surname. So I think she’s able to relate to Remus in that sense of being a wolf at least, and later on  when he comes out as gay.
It was 1950  when she and a few of her girlfriends went to Wales for holiday after completing university. The second Lyall first spotted her in the woods while she was trying to make it back to the cabin near the Irish Sea with her mates, it was something like love, because duh. She was a fucking knock out!! A babe and a baddy! Literally so far out of his league its ridiculous! But on Vivian’s side,  she was mostly just amused and a bit enamored by this cocksure Welshman who had the most endearing of crooked smiles that their son would inherit a decade later. So obviously she didn’t make it easy on him, but eventually she let him take her out on the last night of her trip, and was pleased to find out that they had the same sort of humor and the same passion for their careers and even the same love for the outdoors too.
 They had a long distance relationship for two years while she went to grad school so she could teach about classics while Lyall himself was rising the ranks in the Ministry for regulation and control of magical creatures— Unbeknownst to her, the Floo network  was very helpful with the distance. Just thank God Lyall himself is a Muggle born because he really had to fake the hell out of it lol.
So just to speed things up they got married on a lovely June evening in  1955,  subsequent to  Vivian excepting a professorial job in Cardiff after Lyall told her about the Wizarding world. At first Vivian thought e was tripping on some subpar edibles until he proved it by transfiguring her snuff box into a lovely broach that she kept for the rest of her life, So after Vivian was convinced, she became  absolutely enthralled by all of the magic so completely. 
They were trying for a few years when she finally became pregnant with Remus in 1959, and they were both so over the moon (pun unintended).
So like I said above, Vivian’s family are pretty secular, so I see her mostly practicing the cultural aspects of Islam. For example, every Friday— which is the equivalent to Sundays being the holy day  for Christians— she lights up the instance that she always keeps herself stocked up on after her annual trip to Syria, instead of the typical candles she ordinarily prefers.  And Remus swears that for the rest of his life whenever he smells it, he’s back to being a baby, puttering around the house and watching her dusting the shelves while humming quietly an Arabic song that’ played out the gramophone  by a man who’s music would soon become regarded as the song of the people. Or Remus would recall being snuggled into her lap while she read him a novel on the windowsill. Or he’d simply remember listening to his parents laughter fluttering in the air while he fell asleep by the fire, subconsciously making the flower buds closest to him bloom with his untapped magic.
Remus’s first clear memory— thanks to the endless pictures— is when he was around four years old, before the attack, and they were staying in Vivian’s home town in Damascus. While the men congregated out doors for cigars and cards and the women in the living room chatting while snacking on watermelon seeds, his older cousins— who were all girls— dragged him off to one of the bedrooms and doted on him because he was the baby of that side of the family. And he remembers walking out in a set of one of their heels and a headscarf wrapped around his head which made his Mama and Tata and Aumties laugh out loud and croon over him, and all his uncles and Sido call him Aumty Remus.
The attack by Greyback happened soon after they returned to Wales, and I’m not gonna touch on it becs I’ not finna depress myself. But it was a January morning after his first transformation and he remembers that when he woke up, he saw the cookies stuffed with dates resting on his bedside with a glass of milk that Lyall had put a cooling charm on. And they’re indulgent treats that Vivian makes for both Eids every year even though they don’t celebrate them in any other way lol. But the cookies always reminds him of family and of feeling safe in his mother’s arms, and they still work to make him feel better even after the worst thing he has ever experienced in his short life.
Remus’s love of poetry came from both sides of his parents, but it was listening to his mother recite the story of Majnun Layla in it’s original Arabic that really made him glow for the art form, and brought him to discovering his favorites like Auden and Neruda. 
There’s a ornate, wooden prayer box that has been past down on the Hussein side of the family for five generations, it was originally  meant to hold a Qran but for the past three it’s simply just been a beautiful piece of decoration. So when Vivian gave it to Remus when he was headed off to Hogwarts, little Remus asked McGonagall to help him with locking  charms so it could become a safe place for him to keep his most cherished of nicknacks ant momentos, so obviously,  she silently added a charm to keep the wood nearly unbreakable and the extension charm atop of that, like Hermione with her bag, so that he could keep as many happy memories as possible inside of it, and she prayed that there would be so many that it threatened to burst. 
The last time Remus opened the box was in 1996, when he was putting away the ring Sirius gifted him as a match to his own in some feeble promise of forever only weeks before James and Lily’s own engagement. 
Once during first year, he and the lads were staying up late, trading stories about how they got their most ridiculous scars— after seeing the one that scraped across Remus’s left shoulder blade— But it got to a point where they were all feeling a bit nippish, so they went down to the kitchens for some of the chocolate pudding that was served during dinner that night. And Remus idly asked the house elves if they could make him a batch of Kinafa because he was getting home sick and missed when he and his Mama would dash over to the city whenever they were feeling antsy, and she’d take him to their favorite hooka bar after buying a round of the dessert— which is basically sweetbread stuffed with cheese— from down the block. And they’d stay sitting beneath the starlight, and talking about her job and his lessons from school while she’d let him try a discrete puff or two and they’d laugh about everything and nothing at all.
The next time they stopped by the kitchens one of the younger house elves presented him with the snack gleefully, and it tasted fine, just not like how they do back home. So Remus smiled warmly at Tipsy, the house elf, and thanked her with real sincerity.
But his face must’ve betrayed him because after easter break, Sirius plops down a fresh batch of them on Remus’s bed before leaping into his own, casually mentioning that he saw how grossed out Remus looked when trying the one the house elves made, and it was from a restaurant close to Grimmauld so it’s not that big of a deal, and then he rushed to cursing at James for stealing his favorite pen and swearing that  if he broke it he’s gonna have hell to pay. Remus had only blushed and chuckled  with a small smile on his face when he cut himself a small piece and finished the half sheet off with the rest of their house later that night during an impromptu party that the Marauders would become infamous for in later years.
It was the summer after second year when all the marauders visited Remus back home in Wales and when they heard Vivian call him Qamar practically every other sentence, which of course lead to endless ribbing and eventually  to his nickname of Moony— even though it’s so fucking obvious and Remus loves and hates it in equal parts. God his friends are so fucking stress inducing!
Remus teaches the other marauders funny Arabic curse words and they use them in class so that they can talk shit about particularly disgusting Slytherins without them being any of the wiser. (Yes I did do this with my friends, and I’d do it again! POW! POW! POW!)
It’s from Vivian that Remus has an affinity for coffee as strong as shit, but also prefers his tea weak— specifically two sugars and a dash of milk. But seriously, if you’ve ever tried Arabian coffee you’d understand, that shit is so fucking strong it’s literally a hate crime LMFAO. But yeah, this habit is definitely a point of contention between him and Sirius— who’s actually so fucking posh no matter how much he wants to be punk, and he stands by only drinking black tea— like Merlin intended— and saying bugger off to any and all coffees. “Leave that shite to the French and Americans.” And Remus would try to keep himself from making eyes at him from across the table, because God Sirius is hot when he’s all fiery  and impassioned, even when it’s about the dumbest, most inconsequential shit.
Something that’s sort of funny is that Remus was the first among them to become a fucking pot head and could drink them all  under the table even though Sirius himself has got two stone and three inches on him. But Remus still refuses to eat ham, purely because he never grew up eating it and doesn’t care too now. Sirius had to specifically ask Euphemia and Monty to make turkey for Christmas dinner their sixth year just because he knew that Remus’s head would probably implode with the decision between being rude and not eating it or forcing himself to gag down the unfamiliar meat.
When Remus is really, really fucking drunk he definitely spends the night only speaking in Arabic! (Don’t look at me I’m trash just because I stole this from my own life lmfao) But yeah, it’s really fucking hilarious and Sirius swears to God he’s so fucking in love with him while listening to Remus ranting in the unfamiliar language. And he’s like positive that half the time he’s actually just cursing Sirius out but he doesn’t even care because it’s SO! DAMN! CUTE!  And sometimes Sirius decides to speak French at a drunk off his arse Moony, who occasionally replies back in a stiff staccato before returning back to the easy Arabic. And it’s just a mess.
Ok so sadness warning
In my head, Vivian loses her fight against breast cancer the July after the Marauders graduate from Hogwarts, and afterwords Remus gets a tattoo of her name in Arabic on his chest, and the word for soul on the nape of his neck. He locks away that battered copy of Magnun Layla in the wooden box she gave him years ago, along with a woolen  scarf that smelt like her perfume.
 It’s Sirius who buys a set of prayer beads to hang off her photo above the mantel in the flat he and Remus share, and when Remus sees it he literally feels like  he might crack open with tears, but opts to kiss Sirius thank you instead, and they stay tangled on the sofa for the rest of the day in quiet contemplation.
One night, in late 1979, while  the war was only getting worse and worse—  Sirius was hit by a cutting curse to the ribs. And it was really fucking bad, but thankfully James got him to his house in time for Lily to help and heal. He slept for the most part for nearly an entire day, but remembers snippets. Like when Remus had sprinted into the room with fear painted all over his soft features, and when James put a cooling cloth to his head. But most distinctly, Sirius recalls Remus gingerly lying besides him and Sirius talking gibberish at his boyfriend while Remus plunged his entire face against his back, eyes wet with tears and body shuttering as he squeezed him softly, saying something quietly in Arabic. Sirius obviously didn’t understand like 99.9% of it, but he did catch the word “Habibi,” which he instantly remembers as an old pet name Vivian use to call Remus with so much love it made her entire countenance sparkle. It’s an endearment  that means beloved, or darling, and it feels like Remus is begging Sirius to stay with him and Sirius’s throat is still raw from the screaming, so he can only  reply by dragging Remus’s hand up to his mouth and kissing his knuckles tenderly. And he knows that whatever he does for the rest of his days, he loves Remus Lupin with every cell in his body.
Oof this got mad depressing…. Chow anyways, I can add a picture of the container you’re suppose to use for the instance if anyone wants that?
Thank you again dear Nonny!!!
Ask Me For Headcanons About A Story I’ve Written Or For One You Want To See Written
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harleenfleck · 4 years
“Despite the danger (Part 2)”
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader
Summary: Joker is the love of your life; despite the reputation it carries. You know that, but you don’t care, after he rescued you from a horrible hole you were trapped in. Now, you both live your lives together, but you ignore all the risks that come with being the lover of the Clown Prince of Crime.
This is the continuation. Part one here (Idk how put links in tumblr AAAAAA)
Warning: Description of violence, smut (Oh yeah), unprotected sex, oral sex, and fluff cause why not.
Words: 3.2k
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Notes: OMFG I’M SO SORRY I KNOW I KNOOOW It took me about a month to post the second part, you have no idea what happened to me in all these weeks! New job, a little move, trying to survive, creative block (I’m suffering with this one), I almost itchy a scorpion, I didn't have Internet for two weeks, for a moment I thought I was in contact with someone with COVID-19 and fortunately that someone was sick from something else (Pneumonia in case you had doubts), I started to be attracted to a guy who turned out to be a criminal (HAHA later I'll tell you how this shit was over) anyway, too many weird things happened to me.
Finally I can post the second part, and the truth is that it is the first time I write smut or something in English :'0 honestly I think it was sexy, but I still feel a little ashamed (that’s the correct word?) to post it, ahhh, it's weird the feeling. But wow, I think the thing was beautiful:3 I honestly hope I can beat the creative block and keep writing more stories like that, shit, anyway, Arthur it’s my beautiful muse.
Time for thanks! Thank you to the Microsoft translator for helping me translate things I don't know into English, thank you to Lana del Rey for helping me get out of the creative block with your songs, my two neurons for not giving up and doing synapses, and thank you for your patience <3
And fuuuuckinggg agaaaain the fucking same apology, I’m sorry if I make some grammatical, spelling or writing mistakes, english is not my native language blablablablablalaaablablablaba just enjoy the porn.
Hope you like it! <3
 He’s out of his mind.
He was yelling at his men to do the damn job, to search the whole damn city. His beauty doll is missing
You were missing, you weren’t by his side, and that was a tragedy.
He was going crazy, and how cannot be? His enemies don’t leave no clue, just the threatening note. He read it, trying to find something, some sign. But nothing.
“In every fucking corner! In every fucking street! In every fucking neighborhood! I don’t fucking care! You have to find her!”
He yelled at his men in clown masks, they were orders that were to be fulfilled. But everything was more complicated than it seemed.
“We've searched all over Gotham and there's no sign of her”
“Keep looking!” He screamed again.
The clowns have never seen their leader so tense and stressed. It wasn't for nothing. His darling was kidnapped by something he had done, and time ran. Anything could happen to you with every hour wasted in found you.
"Mr. Joker, we've searched everywhere, but there's no way to find her, do you really think it's worth it?"
“What? What do you mean by that? What are you implying about that?”
“I mean Mr. Joker, you found her in a disgraceful place... You could do that with any other slut, you can find another-”
Before he could keep opening his mouth, that man was already dead.
"I don't have time for this stupid shit! You must don’t give a shit about my doll's past! You must do your fucking damn job!"
The rest of the clowns, seeing the violent scene, came out of the room. Joker ordered two of his men to undo the body.
Sitting on an elegant red couch, he took a hand to his face and breathe out heavily.
Where were you? Would you be ok? You’d be safe?
Every question stressed him. And he felt guilty leaving you alone, he shouldn’t have done that.
Knowing that sometimes his clowns could become useless, he got out of his seat and walked outside of the room. "If they don't find you, I'll do it myself”
He got into the car and went to Gotham.
“My y/n, where are you?”
Your hands behind you back were tied. Your feet too.
Could barely remember what happened to you. Hours before, you were reading a book in complete calmness, but someone broke in the house. You screamed and ran for the emergency gun, but the assailants caught you first and put a damp fabric in your face.
You slept soundly for a couple of hours, when you woke up with a blindfold. Immediately, you went into fear.
“Look! The bitch woke up”
Your eyes saw again, they took you the bandage off. Looked at some men you didn’t know who they were.
“Just look, the little whore of Joker” One of the kidnappers took you by the jaw “Are the rumors true? The Joker pulled you out of a brothel after you fuck him so good?”
A big spit came into the kidnapper's eye. You pointed very well at his face.
“Fuck you!” Was the only thing you yell to him “That's something you don't give a shit!”
The others men laugh a lot, making fun of your little defense. The affected person rubbed himself with a tissue and you realized spitting him was a big mistake.
Scared, you looked everywhere, you had to find a way out, you knew that if you stayed there, they could kill you, but there is no escape.
“What idiot would want a whore like his couple?” The kidnapper spoke as he approached you and lifted you from the ground "Although if it's true that you were a prostitute... We could take advantage of that…”
They looked at you with malevolence, you knew your Joker had done terrible things to them, and they revenge were going to drop it on you.
“No, no, no! Don't you dare! If you do, you'll be dead men!”
“Maybe, but the first one to die will be you”
They pulled out a knife right in front of you, played with this one, gently passing it down your chest and face.
They started ripping the fabric of your dress. You cried. They laughed.
Please Arthur come, come for me, please Arthur
“We are three, you're going to have to give each of us pleasure at the same time, you know what that means? Anyway, you're already experienced in that”
They took your dress in pieces, staying only in your underwear, they began grotesquely touch your body and make fun of you. You just implored that it wasn't painful and that your death wasn't so violent.
Although that was improbable.
You closed your eyes, accepting your unfortunate destiny.
A violent noise was heard, and one of the men fell to the ground.
"Leave her alone right now!"
Hearing that scream you felt in heaven, protected. You were safe. Joker was there, pointing the bastards who wanted to hurt you with his gun.
“Oh! Look who's here! Just when we were going to have our banquet, don't you want some?”
Another one fell to the ground. You tried to escape the only one left alive, but he catched you, putting the knife around your neck.
“Let her go of or you're going to regret it!” Joker screamed in a tone of voice you'd never heard before. He was heard so rude and furious, and at once determined.
“Let her go? You ruined what my men and I built for years; I'll take away what you cherish most in front you. And you can’t do anything to avoid it”
Joker's blood boiled with angry. How did he dare to hurt you?
"I won't warn you again, let her go right now, NOW!"
The guy, just for enjoying Joker's furious, put the knife down and cut your abdomen, you cried in pain. Joker went crazy, and when the knife stopped touching your skin, bullets were raining at your kidnapper.
You ran away, tripped and fell, but you could see Joker unloading the bullets on his enemy.
No enemy was left alive. You were free. But you were so scared too.
Joker looked at you, put away his gun and ran to you.
"Arthur!" You hugged him very tightly.
"y/n are you okay? He cut you, that motherfucker, I must to take you to the doc—"
"No! Please Arthur, take me home! Take me with you!"
"But y/n, you’re hurt—"
"It's nothing! I swear, just take me with you!"
Crying, you begged him to get you out of there. Joker took off his red coat and put it on you, covering you. He hugged you and both got out of there.
You two came home. He carried you in his arms and you hugged his chest. He left you in the bed while you still crying.
"I won't let you get hurt again, my doll" Arthur drew his fingers to your face, drying away your tears. He hurt him see you crying.
"Arthur, I thought I'd never see you again”
"No, y/n, I'm here, I'll always be here. No one will hurt you again"
You hugged him a lot, you didn't want to let him go. Despite the facade of the worst criminal of all and Gotham's worst lunatic, he saved and protected you.
Arthur left the room for a moment and came back with a medicine cabinet. He healed your wound while you were trying to relax, but that was almost impossible. Once you bandaged, Arthur lay down next to you, and you couldn't help hug him. He did the same thing, caressing your hair and smelling your scent, like the first time he and you met.
You and him slept soundly. You were so afraid you wouldn't sleep in that bed again. However, your night wasn't quiet, you dreamed of those three horrible men again, you dreamed that those men did what they wanted with you, and Arthur never appeared.
You woke up upset, in tears again.
But at the same time, you calmed down, because you were home. Arthur woke up with your crying, he immediately paid attention to you.
"What's going on? y/n, what happened?"
"A nightmare"
He took you carefully and kissed you on the forehead. You hugged him back, you clung to him, you never wanted to leave him in your life.
He really is the love of your life.
And you wanted to thank him for being.
You took air, you never thought you’d be shy to ask Arthur that, even when you did this night after night.
“Could you love me, please?"
The eyes of Arthur lit up, and a big sense of desire ran through his body. But despite that, you were always above everything.
"y/n… But you’re hurt"
"Art… I’m fine, it was something superficial, it's nothing” And that was true, but on his face could you see he wasn’t so convinced “Please Arthur, I need your love”
He looked at you with concern, with silent, perhaps he feared to hurt you.
But at the same time, he looked at you with desire, in need and lust.
Arthur needed you very badly too, but he was afraid to revive your pain. However, you started kissing him, at first shyly, because you didn't know what his reaction would be.
But you knew him perfectly, you knew that with a simple touch of yours he could go crazy. He gently took you from the back of your head and quickly got on top of you. His hands started stroking your neck, your collarbone, your chest. His fingers started playing with the straps of your bra and at the same time left little kisses on your breasts.
Fear left your body, and desperately asked for Arthur.
Arthur took your bra off and threw it somewhere in the room. Hypnotized, he admired your body. You blushed, he always saw you as a deity, even though you two made love a thousand times before.
"You're the most fucking beautiful woman I've ever met"
He bit his lip when he saw you. You, on the other hand, put the shyness aside, your hands went to the buttons on his yellow vest, unbuttoning them. Arthur noticed your intentions and helped you with that. You did the same thing with his turquoise shirt, looking now his chest.
You exhaled. You kissed him deeply, his tongue entered your mouth, and you couldn't help pass your hands through his chest and abdomen.
Without warning, you started to kiss his neck and shoulders, he didn’t wait that, but with a smile, he let you continue. You kept kissing him, went down to his red pants. His lust trapped in that red pants was already evident.
With little kiss on the fabric of his pants, you unbuttoned and zipped down. You looked him before continue. Arthur looked at you in need, desire and a huge smile on his clown face.
You backed off his pants and his underwear, his length appeared on your face and something inside you burned. You took it with your hand and let a little kiss in the top.
With more desire, you pass your tongue, sucking it, you really enjoyed that moment, more when you put it in your mouth and heard his deep moan.
"Damn it, y/n!" Arthur almost cried out loud. He was wet in lust, he looked at you with his green eyes, saw as you gave him pleasure, as you loved making him feel good. He took your hair, started directing the movements.
You relaxed your throat, took some air and got on with your work. You used your tongue to drive him crazy, and hearing his moans caused you to get wet. “Fuck! y/n you… you’re amazing…”.
You viewed that he grabbed the sheets with his free hand, his head was back and his chest became large and small as he breathed deeply. You could think he was close to finishing. But he decided to change things.
He took your hair and forced you to apart himself, you looked at him a little confused, but his gaze said he was going to back to you everything you caused him. Taking your shoulders, he dropped you in bed. He quickly got between your legs, starting to play with the elastic of your lace panties.
He dropped your panties, stared hungry at what these were hiding. And he realized you were already wet.
"Art... Do-Don't be so rude, please" You pled him timidly. Arthur blinked, setting aside his desire, remembering what you had spent the last night. He looked at your reddened face, and felt slightly guilty. He didn't tell you, but he thought maybe he scared you.
"Of course not, my doll" slowly lowered his face until you reached your entrance "If you want to stop, I will, just say it y/n" kissed one of your thighs, and seeing you, started playing with his tongue inside you.
Now, it was your turn to yell.
“Oh fuck!” You remember why Arthur loved that game. He was very skillful. He kissed you, licked you, played really well down there. You took his green hair between your fingers, begging him to go deeper. You heard a little laugh.
“I want you Arthur…” You couldn't take it anymore, you started begging him, as tears of pleasure fell down your cheeks “Please Art, I want you, make me yours…”
He didn't listen to you, he just kept licking you, and you couldn't do it anymore. You cuming in his mouth, and he drank you all.
Bastard you thought You wouldn't let me do the same with you
As you recovered from the orgasm, he stands up, his makeup was already a mess, but that's what you loved, as you could see Arthur and Joker at the same time.
“Come here, boy” You extended your hand to him. He took it and placed himself on top of you "I really want you for me”
“You just want me?”
“Why the question?”
"You seem to need me" Arthur kiss your hand, as you felt the rub of its length in your entrance, he was torturing you.
“Arthur, please…”
“Please what?” He passing his tongue in your hand and finished with a kiss.
“I-I need you…”
“Yes darling?” He saw you again with those emeralds that drove you crazy. How much you love him, and how much he loves you "Did you know I always need you, y/n?" With that deeply voice, he began to play again, giving small blows with his tip, causing you to moan.
“Y-Yeah…” Your voice became trembling at the end of that word “Arthur, please…”
“Please what?” He repeated that question again while without warning, he passed his tongue through your breast, provoking you more and more.
“…Fuck me…” You didn't ask him, you pleaded him. He laughed a little, and kissed you on your lips, looking for your tongue with his. And as your tongues fluttered in your mouths, he entered in you.
You moaned in his mouth, that strange sense of pain and pleasure was so addictive to you. He moved inside you, going out and in. You could hear him moan, and that excited you more, hearing his voice full of pleasure.
With more desire, you hugged him, moaned and cried. You didn't want anyone else in your life. You only want Arthur, just him.
It was so much pleasure and delight that you even forgot the wound on your abdomen.
You raised your hips just to join him more. Arthur kissed your neck, while he too got lost in lust. The bed hit the wall hard, it could break at any time, and you wouldn't mind. You two couldn't separate, nothing could separate.
You didn't know how much time was going on, but every time Arthur made love to you, time seemed to stop alone for the two of you.
“Arthur…” You cried his name “I love you… I love you”.
“I love you, y/n” you heard his hoarse voice against your ear again. He raised his head, only to see you adore this intimate moment “I love you too”
You kissed him, so much passion overflowing. You felt close again.
Before you could tell him, your body couldn't keep it anymore and gave into the pleasure, you screamed so loud. Arthur began to penetrate you slowly and deep at the same time, prolonging your orgasm, making it more torturous and pleasurable.
Breathing deeply, you looked at Arthur, taking his cheek with your hand, you still felt weak, and loved too.
He came out of you, and he started masturbating in front of you. "Could you help me, doll?" Oh yes, you knew that meant.
You knelt in front of him, took his member and carried him into your mouth. He tried to suppress a groan but failed. A few seconds later he made you stop, and you'll look him in the eye from where you were.
"You want it, don't you, doll?" you didn't answer, you just moved your head up and bit your lip. Like the first time you saw him. You began to masturbate him and kiss his member.
He caressed your head, closed his eyes. If that wasn't heaven, he didn't know anything else it could be.
His body tightened, and his breathing became heavy “y/n, I’m gonna coming, come here”.
You stopped, opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue. With a little scream from him, you got his climax in your mouth. Every drop fell into your mouth, and some escaped through the corners of your lips. He tasted so good; you loved his taste.
Arthur took a deep breath, his eyes were still under in his eyelids, recovering. He lowered his head and opened his eyes, watching you. You gave him a naughty smile. He caressed your cheek, and stroked you with his thumb.
"Where have you been all my life?" For a moment he thought about it, but he really said it. And you blush at those words. The naughty smile was replaced by a shy smile.
"Lost, like you, my love"
Smiling at you, he went to kiss you one more, one more loving, more romantic. “Arthur Fleck, you really are the love of my life” You said to him in the middle of the kiss. You could feel it how he trembled at your words. He separated from you and looked you in the eye.
“You too, y/n, you’re the love of my life”.
He kissed your cheek and pulled aside some locks of hair that fell on your face. "Come here" Took your hand "Look at you, you're a mess, we're going to have to clean you up"
You knew that was just the beginning, it was going to be a long day.
But you didn't care because you loved him, you loved Arthur Fleck, and Joker too, despite the danger. You didn't really care about danger, Arthur would always protect you from adversity, and somehow, you also protected him.
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realcube · 4 years
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matchup for @pinkgerm​
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′I am a leo sun, pisces moon, and sag rising. im actually an artist that mainly works with traditional materials rn and graduating art school soon :’) my hobbies are watching anime and reading manhwas and mangas all night. love buying plushies and i love haikyuu <3′
♡ bokuto is a virgo and google says y’all would have a very productive relationship but i’m reading that like ??? hm ??? productive ??? let’s not pretend like you and this virgo man wouldn’t take every opportunity to procrastinate doing anything and everything just so y’all could toy around with squirt guns in the back garden :’) productive my ass
♡ he definitely thinks it’s crazy that you can draw and if you ever ask him for ideas for something to sketch, he’ll probably give you most absurd suggestion lol ‘ok, so hear me out; i had a dream last night so i think you should draw shrek except he’s wearing my jersey and he’s sitting kuroo’s business exam! and the invigilators are all cows!’ 
♡ your biggest fan- if you complain about one of your professors giving you a bad grade on a piece you worked hard on, bokuto will literally start writing a strongly-worded email to your professor as soon as you leave the room pfft
♡ bokuto wouldn’t read mangas on his own accord but like bc you read them, he’ll stay up all night with you just so he can spend more time with you 🥺 but be warned, he’ll point to random words like ‘what does that mean?’ or point out a funny expression a character is making in one of the panels and fkn cackle so if you aren’t ready for that, just put him to bed lol
♡ he’ll watch animes with you too! he gives a running commentary but dw tho- it’s pretty easy to zone him out 
 ♡ omg he loves plushies too 🥺 if he sees one that he likes/thinks you’ll like in a shop window — or god forbid, inside a claw machine — he’ll do everything in his power to get his hands on it
♡ also he personifies them so if you push one of the plushies off the bed while your are trying to sleep, he’ll pick it up and cradle it as if it was a baby, jokingly scolding you for being so heartless that you’d push an innocent owl off a ledge 
♡ he loves haikyuu too..i think??
‘i think my love language is physical affection and gift giving. i love giving gifts to people. doesnt even have to be for a special occasion. i like seeing objects that reminds me of someone and buying it for them bc i think they’d like it or just for shits lol.’
♡ yEs and bokuto does the exact same thing ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
♡ if he goes out grocery shopping without you, except him to come back with 3 bags full of random shit pfft
♡ or at the mall- like he never thought he’d women’s clothing store on his own but here he is, sifting through the clothing racks with a foolishly large grin on his face, in search of a new jumper he thinks you’d like bc once you off-handedly mentioned how you somehow got a hole in your favourite jumper 
♡ and whenever you buy something for him, he gets so soft 🥺
♡ not only with he never stop thanking you but he’ll overuse aforementioned gift 
♡ so if it’s a shirt or any article of clothing, he’ll claim it’s his favourite and wear it all. the. time. like he might not even wash it consistently- that’s how much he wears it. it’ll get to the point where you have to be like ✋ ‘bokuto stay away from me until you wash that damn shirt’
♡ oh and one time you bought him an owl plushie (along with other gifts) when he secured a place on the nationals team and he literally takes it abroad with him now (❤´艸`❤) like when you can’t come with him on his volleyball trips, he takes the plush (bc it’s compact so it fits nicely in his suitcase/carry-on) and his teammates tease him for it (and so do you, kinda) but he keeps doing it. he knows it’s somewhat childish but it just reminds him of how happy you were when you first gave it to him and motivates him to train harder 👍 also, when he sees it, he thinks of you so when he arrives at his hotel room after an eventful day, he sees the owl and remembers to text you and ask you if you’re doing okay 
‘i like being physically affectionate with someone i care about like playing with their hair, caressing/playing with their hands, hands on cheeks squishing their face stuff like that’
♡ bokuto would 100% let you play with his hair >< after a long day, he likes to take a shower, dry off so his hair it’s all fluffy and then lay his head in your laps o you can braid his hair, massage his scalp, whatever you want! also, sometimes he falls asleep while you are playing with his hair so remember to bring hair clips/scrunchies so you can put them into his hair and take pictures >:) you have a whole snapchat story dedicated to sleeping bokuto with cool hair styles-
♡ (bokuto with space buns hjskdfc pls)
♡ it’s like you were ask for bo omfg 🥺 like srsly he’d love that so much!! squish his cheeks and he’ll literally melt in your hands- like your touch just makes him feel so special, so valued and admired in a way that he genuinely can’t describe. he’d honestly rather have your adoration in favour of literally anyone else’s
♡ he’s apprehensive to touch you at first bc he’s scared that he might not know his own strength and hurt you but over time, he gets more comfortable and grip on your gets stronger as he becomes more afraid to lose you 
for @pinkgem​: hi bb! i hope you like it :)) have a lovely day!
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madame-brioche · 5 years
Part 1: Meet the Counselors 🦋
Winters — The Nutritional Counselor:
-teaches math during the off-season
-affectionately calls his campers "little chicken nuggets"
-gets up at 5 in the morning for a quiet hike
-makes sure you take your required medication and vitamins and use your inhaler, whatever you need
-goes around to let everyone know it's time for light's out
-will comfort campers with ice cream if they're feeling homesick
-secretly planning a fun last day of camp prank with Counselor Nixon
-lots of pastels in his uniform
-rescues injured birds and squirrels, and nurses them back to health
-knows every camper's name, hobbies, favorite color, allergies
-pinkie promises on everything
-makes the best ice tea and coffee in the cafeteria
-“I love all of you equally”
Nixon — The Chaotic Functional Counselor
-used to pull legendary pranks before becoming a head counselor but now just does mostly paperwork
-tells nightmare-fuel scary stories and then abruptly says "well goodnight" afterwards & leaves
-carries a secret flask and gets wasted at the campfire
-hungover af at breakfast the next morning
-pets every dog he comes across, and even lets his campers sneak one into the bunks to keep
-wears baggy shorts, a baseball cap backwards and rocks sunglasses indoors
-gets hyped for taco Tuesday's in the cafeteria
-hosts wine Wednesday's in the counselors' lounge
-takes spiders outside rather than killing them
-oddly competitive during icebreaker games
-talks shit about other counselors to his campers
-“can I get a double shot americano with bourbon?”
Lipton — The Mom Counselor
-ray of fucking sunshine
-keeps in touch with his campers after they leave
-has been working there for an insanely long time
-arts and crafts leader, orchestrating friendship bracelet making
-gets along with all the other counselors, never has beef with anyone
-gives the best advice, even if you don't want to hear it
-the best bear hugs omfg just makes you feel so safe and protected
-smells like campfire and s'mores
-literally made out of happiness and gummy worms
-surprises everyone with a pajama pizza party
-makes sure you're staying hydrated and getting enough sleep, applying sunscreen/bug spray, and having a good time
-come to him with any injuries, aches, or pains
-“What do you mean you’re not having fun?”
Speirs — The Varsity Wilderness Survival Counselor
-how did this guy get to be a counselor?
-hides contraband in a shallow hole by the obstacle course
-breaks all the rules but upholds them for his campers
-will come in and scare the living shit out of you if you don't listen to Counselor Winters' lights out warning
-only one who hits Counselor Sobel with a water balloon
-gets up at 4am to lift and run around the campgrounds
-only wears tank tops, even in the cold
-will test his campers by leaving them in the woods at night and expect them to find their way back
-maybe sheds one tear on the last day, maybe
-really high stakes trust exercises
-will suck the venom out of a snake bite to save your life
-moves through the forest without making a sound
-“I will throw you to the mountain lions”
Welsh — The Hip Counselor
-plays Wonderwall on his acoustic guitar during campfire performances
-hasn't showered in a week and it's noticeable
-grows a goatee and runs around barefoot
-is banned from helping out in the kitchen
-will set up your tent for you in exchange for drugs
-reigning tie-dye shirt making champ
-recycling king™️
-makes sure there's vegetarian options in the cafeteria
-smells like mother nature's armpit
-wears a bandana around his head
-can be found avoiding duties and playing ultimate frisbee with his campers
-“tbh, I’ve had five existential crises since we’ve been here!”
Compton — The Cool Friend Counselor
-wears a different flannel everyday
-calls you out for your bullshit during cabin meetings
-gives the best pep talks before games of capture the flag
-somehow manages to read 4+ books over the course of camp
-knows how to sew/patch up clothes
-leads most of the cheers and rallying songs
-hangs out with campers instead of other counselors in his free time
-always down for darts, archery, swimming, sailing, kayaking, you name it
-overshares personal life details during campfire sharing time
-will totally help you TP Counselor Sobel’s cabin
-once ate a bee on a dare
-“guys, I’m not mad but who put weed killer in my shampoo?”
Martin — The Don’t F With Me Counselor
-resting bitch face during camp cheers
-aggressively salutes the flag during morning assembly
-inexplicably good at memorizing everyone’s name on the first day
-openly drinks gin and tonic in the cafeteria
-the reason a few campers wanted to go home
-somehow ends up being one of your favorite counselors by the last day
-is not subtle about playing favorites
-cooks most of the food for the camp and will be insulted if you don’t eat what’s on your plate
-can do that loud whistle with his fingers to get everyone’s attention
-low key freaks out if one of his campers is missing and will not rest until they’re found
-mood can go from 0 to 100 over the pettiest things
-“Yeah I’m gonna need you to kindly pipe the fuck down with the crazy glue for the rest of craft time”
Randleman — The Boy Scout Counselor
-wears a lot of camo at all times
-scary good at poker
-smokes on the premises even though it’s forbidden
-talks fast and direct, commands your attention
-makes a mean s’more and prefers the marshmallow to be burnt
-will let his campers get away with the most shenanigans so long as it’s not hurting anyone
-actually cries the last day of camp
-kickball and flag football champion
-has wrestled a grizzly bear and won
-collects pocket knives and random critters
-bff’s with Counselor Martin and sometimes takes charge of Martin’s campers and vice versa
-has never gotten bit by a mosquito
-snores loudly and will sleep through anything
-has been granted camp counselor tenure because he’s been there so dang long
-“y’all wanna go sink a canoe?”
Peacock — The Cute But Clueless Counselor
-wears a lot of band t-shirts merch
-has song lyrics tattooed on various body parts
-rocks an intentional mullet
-constantly getting lost when leading hikes but great at improvising
-has a tan even if the sun hasn’t been out
-blood smells like cologne
-instructs canoeing and determines whether you pass the swim test or not
-has a way with animals and manages the small camp petting zoo
-got six stitches last year from doing a flip off the dock
-gets scared from the scary stories Counselor Nixon tells
-“la la la la if I can’t hear the ghosts they can’t hurt me”
Dike — The Absentee Counselor
-says “oof” after any minor inconvenience
-oversleeps and misses morning assembly
-a camper may die on his watch, you never know
-gives sub par motivational speeches
-tries to comfort homesick campers but ends up crying himself
-has a fear of swimming without water wings
-might get mauled by a bear later
-given up on learning his campers’ names
-calls other counselors for help
-has one facial expression at all times
-spits when he talks
-constantly stressed during outdoor camping
-passive aggressiveness af during cabin meetings
-sleeps with a night light
-“wait am I responsible for all of you?”
Sobel — The Narc Counselor
-literally no one likes him
-mission is to make sure everyone follows his rules
-carries around a bullhorn and a backup whistle
-failed the swim test
-says “fight me” but would get his ass kicked
-misspells everything
-will give you latrine duty if you leave your bunk bed unmade or the dishes aren’t in alphabetical order
-doesn’t participate in campfire games or sing alongs
-got left behind on a trail for 9 hours once
-confiscates any and all contraband camp items including non regulated shoes
-likes noodles with ketchup
-perpetual disappointed glare
-has a cold like once a week
-only allows one s’more per camper
-“and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee, now put this can of peaches back where it belongs!”
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Campers
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raganandhersurveys · 4 years
3/1/21~5000 question survey 1-100 {CXV}
I started this about 2 years ago and never finished so I’m going to restart and see how far I can get. I’d love to get it done before the end of the year but I am definitely not holding myself to that statement haha. Here we go pt. 2 
(also shoutout to @lovemesomesurveys for doing this so i could get the questions from one source. Thanks girl! <3!!
1. Who are you?
~my name is ragan
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
1. I am very outgoing and fun loving 
2. I have a big heart but am not afraid to speak my mind
3. I hope I can one day pursue a career in fashion
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? 
~hanging out with my friends, doing hw, eating, or talking to my bf haha
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). 
~choir, drama appreciation, geology, american gov. 
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? 
~to begin to plan out “big girl things” in my life. i’ll be a freshman in college in the fall and i really wanna feel confident about my future(if that’s possible) so saving money, getting a real job, looking into new opportunities, etc. (if you have any advice, plz send my way haha:))
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
~to feel a little secure in my job or career pathway, or at least have a plan
7. What stage of life are you in right now? 
~the ending of my teenage years :(
8. Are you more child-like or childish? 
~neither honestly 
9. What is the last thing you said out loud? 
~i was singing along to a song haha
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? 
~8teen by khalid haha
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? 
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? 
~it’s honestly one big rollercoaster. i have my good days and bad days but i try to keep a positive mindset:)
13. Does time really heal all wounds? 
~it doesn’t necessarily heal it but it does help it some
14. How do you handle a rainy day? 
~usually stay inside or take a nap. if it rains for a long period of time i tend to get a headache so i usually take a nap haha
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
~losing luggage for sure 
16. How is your relationship with your parents? 
~pretty good. my dad and i are super close. my mom and i have our moments but i love her
Will you miss them when they are gone? 
~are you kidding?!?! i don’t know how i’ll recover from losing them tbh
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? 
~for the most part yes; i’m pretty good at reading the room
18. What is the truest thing that you know? 
19. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
~gosh so many different things; teacher, pharmacist, reporter, author, family therapist, actress 
20. Have you ever been given a second chance? 
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? 
~both tbh
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~i had to go to the hospital one time because my stomach was hurting so bad I thought i was gonna die. i don’t think anything except child birth could beat that
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~some things my mom has said to me
25. Who have you hugged today? 
~honestly no one :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? 
~i can’t think of anything but i’m sure there was something 
27. Do you have a lot to learn? 
~for sure. i don’t think we should ever stop
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
~how to start my own clothing brand, how to make straight a’s, and to cook perfectly
 29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? 
~how they make me feel fo sure 
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? 
~communication, loyalty, passion, 
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? 
~have a successful job, find the love of my life, and travel the world 
 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? 
~having to get divorced, letting down my future children, and emotionally traumatizing someone 
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? 
~not a cause, but i’m a christain and that’s the truest thing in my life 
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19.. 
 20's: flapper dancers and the roaring 20s
 30's: the great depression and poverty
 40's: world war II and classic movies
50's: sock hops and diners
 60's: iconic fashion and audrey hepburn
 70's: my dad and classic rock
 80's: the breakfast club and how much i wished i grew up then ahahah
 90's: rnb and friends
 2000 (so far): brittany spears and my early childhood
 2010's: middle school and social media 
 35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
~the 80s because i’ve always felt like that was the decade for me. that’s when my mom grew up and i envy her so much for growing up then. but also the 2000s because that was my early childhood and its crazy to think i’ll never get those days back 
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? 
~stairway to heaven: led zeppelin
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? 
~the usa and president biden 
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
~you good homie?
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? 
~i rarely watch live tv
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? 
~bahah probs ursula because if i knew ariel could sing like that, i’d steal her voice too
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? 
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? 
~neither but a boat in the middle of the ocean during a storm would be terrifying 
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? 
~the sun?
43. What does your name mean? 
~i just looked it up and apparently it means noble LMFAO
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? 
~neither. both of those sound like a bad idea 
45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: traffic
Meat: steak
Different: breed
Pink: drink
Deserve: freedom
White: elephant 
Elvis: graceland
Magic: treehouse
Heart: pump
Clash: boom
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? 
~audrey hepburn 100%
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive? 
~jimmy garoppolo ;))
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
~not everyday but i’m always down for a lotr/hobbit marathon
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? 
~a phone with some kind of wifi box so i can gtfo lmao
 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
~uhhhh not that i can think of 
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words... 
 Fruitgoogle: a website you can search up fruits with
 Ambytime: free time
 Asscactus: an annoying person
 52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
~this little gift bag for my mom’s students 
53. What was your favorite toy as a child? 
~american girl dolls omfg 
54. How many TV’s are in your house? 
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 
~swimming or just being at the beach
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow? 
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? 
~i have dreamed about people and then met them which is a super weird experience 
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? 
59. What is your idea of paradise?
~i think it would be a couple of different places or themes because i love to see the beauty in a lot of different ideas
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? 
~absolutely. He’s just and loving 
61. Do you believe in Hell? 
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? 
~i honestly cannot think of anything 
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
~i’ve done some volunteer stuff for other people so ig something like that 
64. Are you a patient person? 
~i try to be 
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? 
~free shopping day where only i can shop for free :))))))
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
~i love all the holidays 
67. What's the best joke you ever heard? 
~apparently none because i can’t think of one
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? 
~southpoint mall in charlotte. it was shopper’s heaven 
69. Is your hair natural or dyed? 
~all natural .
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? 
~none that are interesting 
71. What is under your bed right now? 
~dust and stuff from my childhood
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? 
~gtfo bahaha
73. If you drive do you frequently speed? 
74. What is the world's best song to dance to? 
~depends on what kind of dancing. any 2000s club song is an absolute banger 
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
~some tik tok sound. just a gen z kid here :)
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? 
~probs disney 
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? 
~otters or tigers 
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
~if i’m crazy about you, absolutely. .
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? 
~ig lol
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? 
~travel all over 
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? 
~i’m sorry that’s too stressful lol
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? ~equator. i hate the cold 
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
~tv. i can’t live w/o music
84. What do you think makes someone a hero? 
~being selfless 
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? 
~powderpuff girls 100%
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for? 
~clothes from shein
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently? 
~not super recently 
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? 
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? 
~no because the real person died, so it’s a clone but not the original
92. What insects are you afraid of? 
~roaches and wasps
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? 
~”she stressin’ over her wardrobe” 
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? 
~i have these huuuuge tiger earrings that are freaking extra. i wore them with green corduroy flair pants and a brown stripped shirt and literally looked like the 70s threw up on me hahah
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? 
~chick fil a
96. What are your parents interested in? 
~my mom loves 70s tv shows and christmas lol and my dad likes classic rock and anything to do with christianity
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
~we used to catch lightning bugs in a jar when i was little and put them in a jar.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
~uhhh plans....lol
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? 
~when i’m hanging out with friends or at a high energy place like an amusement park or concert
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
~water, a flashlight, and something for protection like a gun
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cavehags · 4 years
1) do you think liam is supposed to be as unlikable as he is in s1? they definitely try to push for sympathy in later seasons but i couldn't really figure out if he's insufferable to be ~relatable~ or if he's just designed to make me hate him. 2) rate lauren's love interests from terrible to even more terrible. 3) which plotline(s) would you most like to scrap if given a chance to rework the show?
All great questions! Thanks!
1) This question has mystified me since the show first aired. Despite Liam’s completely unsympathetic behavior, we get numerous key shots from his POV early in season 1. For instance, when he is trying to have sex with Karma in the car during Homecoming in 1x01, and Karma decides she’s no longer into it and leaves, we cut to Liam checking his breath. This is meant to humanize him. It’s odd, because moments ago he said he’s wanted to have sex with a lesbian for as long as he can remember--a transparently rape-culture-y statement that is never fully interrogated. It’s supposed to be a somewhat relatable joke when we see that Liam thought his breath was to blame and not the creepiness of the sentiment he just expressed. The best I can say is that this was the gay male writers’ best attempt to craft a believable teenage boy, and they simply could not conceive of one who was not creepily misogynistic from the start. Though Liam’s worldview should horrify any women watching, I guess we’re supposed to believe that the writers did not understand just how damaging his behavior really is, and downplayed it accordingly. 
Interestingly, Liam is told off for his actions a few times throughout the show, but never for his fetishization of Karma. For instance, in 2x02, Liam throws a bit of a temper tantrum when he learns that Shane knew Amy and Karma were faking and never spoke up. Shane scolds Liam for this overreaction and points out that he’s being myopic and can’t really understand what it’s like for a gay kid who’s just coming out. This is fair game: like every other character on the show, Liam should be learning from his mistakes. So if the writers really wanted to create a sympathetic character arc for a young man like this, they really needed to have someone--probably Lauren, as a girl removed from the situation--explain to him how violent and degrading it is that he’s so hung up on the fantasy of “converting” a woman to desiring him. But they never do, so I guess they just never meant for him to be that bad.  
2) God, this is so hard because Liam’s love interests are all so bad. Tommy is an idiot and ignorant about intersex people, but at least he’s Erick Lopez and he’s cute. Liam is a piece of shit, but at least while dating Lauren he’s subjected to the kind of bullying he fully deserves. Theo/Anthony is a cop, and specifically a narc, and worst of all he’s a 20-year-old dating a high school sophomore. So I’m gonna have to go (best to worst) Tommy-->Liam-->Theo/Anthony. Wish I could include Amy in this love interest ranking but the show wasn’t galaxy brain enough :( 
3) Oh this is really fun and I wrote a horrifying amount omfg.
First things first, we have to go through the show with a fine-toothed comb and clean up the nastiness toward bi people. Shane makes a lot of biphobic comments that we can just throw away. And Karma’s mom, who currently we learn is bisexual at the end of season two, instead can describe herself as bisexual in season one in a cringey moment when she’s trying to bond with Karma. In a touch of realism, everyone assumes Amy and Karma are “queer” rather than “lesbians” (gotta update this with the times) which explains no one sees any issue with Karma, a queer girl, having a thing for Liam, a guy. I don’t see a way to rehabilitate Liam this way, though, so Liam still fetishizes Karma as a “lesbian,” even though she never uses that word and intentionally keeps it vague.
The character of Reagan is thrown out. Instead, Amy’s first girlfriend is more like that girl Jasmine, whom she met on the dating app Syzzr in season one. Jasmine is a girl from another high school in Austin who also just got over a crush on a best friend. She’s charismatic and mature and does a lot of the initiating in the relationship with Amy, prodding her to assert herself with her mom and embrace feminism more in “Zen and the Art of Pageantry” (we’ll keep that storyline mostly unchanged). Notably absent from her arc is a nastiness toward bi girls. Instead, she’s generous and goal-oriented. She helps Amy establish an identity outside of Karma, but bristles at times when Amy regresses. However, it’s crucial that she’s not jealous of Amy’s bond with Karma; she just wants Amy to be older and wiser than she really is. This highlights the flaw in their relationship: that Amy is still struggling with her self-identity (not her sexual identity!!) and feels like she is always letting her girlfriend down. Amy is the one who decides to break up and she does it because she doesn’t want to feel like a disappointment. They stay in touch, though, and Jasmine/Reagan remains a mentor for Amy throughout the show. 
For instance, when Amy finds herself unattracted to Felix (more on him later), Amy goes to Jasmine/Reagan about it, as well as Shane. She can’t figure out why she sometimes feels drawn toward guys even though she knows she doesn’t really like them. Shane thinks Amy is probably bi or pan. Jasmine/Reagan introduces some split attraction model that gives Amy an instant headache. Amy doesn’t think either of those are right. It’s actually a conversation with Lauren and Farrah that helps clarify things for her. Through chatting with her mom and Lauren, Amy is reminded that girls are pretty much trained from birth that their job is to impress and appeal to boys. She realizes there’s a good chance she’s been acting on inertia (this is the way the show simplifies comp het). She settles it once and for all when she goes out and meets a group of other lesbians -- maybe a support group or like an organized social club meetup kind of thing. In the company of these cool and inspiring other women, she realizes that she feels really comfortable with the label “lesbian” after all. Maybe MTV even lets her say the word dyke :) 
The episode where the kids have to label themselves, however, is thrown firmly in the trash. 
Also in the trash: Amy and Liam sleeping together. Garbage. I think they get angry-drunk together instead and talk about Karma and maybe the tension for season 2a is that they did something more external to hurt her that night, like out her as straight to her parents. 
Theo/Anthony is not a cop and there is no mystery surrounding his character. Instead, he’s like a pick-up artist type and plays intentional mind games like negging that Lauren sees through after a while. She dumps him and Shane and Amy help her get revenge on him. At that point, he is fully gone and does not come back. 
Duke is also a respectable age. Not much else to do there. 
And then the Karmy of it all! We need to see more signs from Karma’s perspective starting in season 2b (after the arrest) that Karma has a real crush on Amy that she’s ignoring. The character of Felix helps with this. He and Amy still go to prom together but Amy concludes that it doesn’t feel right and nothing more happens between them. However, on prom night, Karma finds herself feeling more than just empathy for Felix’s situation - she feels jealous of someone on that date. With Amy’s reluctant blessing, Karma asks Felix out and they start to date, but she finds herself annoyed by his quirks and has no interest in having sex with him. Felix winds up asking Amy what the deal is with Karma and sex. In the meantime, Karma catches herself having the occasional dream about Amy. Amy, who is with Sabrina at this point (I haven’t decided yet if I want to rewrite the Sabrina stuff since I haven’t rewatched s3 yet so let’s go with no for now), is mostly happy to see Karma and Felix together... but when she hears that Karma isn’t sleeping with him, she can’t help but feel hope that whatever motivated Karma to kiss her in the pool that night in 2b might be the reason she doesn’t want to commit to Felix. Karma doesn’t want to admit her confusion to Amy or Shane so has no one to talk to about her feelings except Liam, and miracle of miracles, he is the one who actually nudges her to consider that maybe she’s had a thing for Amy for a while now. She denies that that could be possible, but she’s just not happy with Felix, and at the end of season 3, she tearfully breaks up with him. When Amy comes over to comfort her, we see Amy through Karma’s eyes in a new way. Karma finally has her moment of clarity. End s3. 
In season 4, Karma sort of awkwardly tries to court Amy without being obvious about what she’s doing, which has the odd impact of making Amy feel hurt -- is Karma trying to bait her into having feelings again? This results in a fight, and during the fight Karma admits the truth -- that she’s having feelings for Amy and didn’t know how to express them without potentially hurting Amy because of their past. Amy is taken aback, and she’s still with Sabrina, so she does the old “I have to go” routine. But then she talks to either Lauren or Shane or both about what just happened and they prompt her to do a romantic about-face. She races back to Karma and they have a really cinematic first real kiss. The rest of the season that follows is the two of them as girlfriends, trying to navigate being their real selves and also their romantic selves at the same time. They do a lot of cliche romantic things and annoy the crap out of all their friends. They’re also really really happy. In the series finale, Amy and Karma and Lauren and Shane and Shane’s boyfriend all go to Pride or Queer Liberation March or whatever they call it in Austin. Also Liam leaves town for military school :)
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mysteriousxmidnight · 4 years
Feeling blah, so I decided to do some Evguel (Evan x Miguel) HCs using the Ship OTP questions from awhile back :D I definitely see this ship as the least angsty of the DEH ships I enjoy, and I really needed some fluff today. Also TY to @djbead123 because some of these are from hcs that we discussed together :D
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Miguel would totally rock the seat and Evan would be like “STAHP OR NO CUDDLES LATER!”
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? I hc Miguel as the flirty, sassy one in the relationship, so probably Miguel. Although Miguel has really brought Evan out of his shell, so he would definitely feel more comfortable initiating sexy times, as well
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? They both love taking a bath together. But it’s their Relaxing Time. Especially when Evan’s sick. When Evan’s sick, they’ll take a bath and Miguel will sing softly to him, and Evan often falls asleep. Shower time is sexy time tho
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Miguel would totally walk around nekkid and Evan would be like “omfg can you please put some clothes on but also plz don’t because i’m enjoying the view”
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Neither, they sleep better together. Miguel is always cold so he likes to snuggle up to Evan, who’s always warm. Miguel be like “I’m still mad at u but come cuddle. But no talk. Just cuddle.” And Evan be like “ugh fine, cuddle. but i’m mad too. so no talk. just cuddle.”
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Can 100% see Miguel taking pics of Evan. But then Evan’s like “pls don’t?” So Miguel stops.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Evan said it first, but then he freaked out, worrying Miguel didn’t feel the same way, and that he’d hate him now. Miguel calms Evan down and then assures him he does, in fact, feel the same way. Although Evan has really come out of his shell with Miguel, he still has bad days where his anxiety is just awful. On those days, his brain tells him dumb things and he and Miguel will fight, and then Miguel will be like “Because I love you. Stop doubting that.”
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Evan loves wearing Miguel’s sweatshirts because they smell like him and comfort him.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? Miguel wakes Evan up to tell him about cool dreams. Evan has nightmares, and Miguel sings him to sleep
10) Who is more likely to cheat? Neither. This is my blanket answer for all my ships and it won’t change.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Miguel has to do both. He makes fun of Evan a lot, but in a teasing, good-natured way. And on Evan’s Bad Days, he has to reassure him that they’re in a relationship and he loves him.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Miguel would 100% start the food fight.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Evan doesn’t think he can sing AT ALL. But he loves listening to Miguel sing, and they sing in the car a lot
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Evan definitely loves holding Miguel’s hand, even though Miguel has cold hands. Miguel would 100% pinch and grab Evan’s butt, and it makes him squeak every time, which makes Miguel VERY happy. Evan slides his hands around Miguel’s waist. He’s also the one to put his fingers in Evan’s belt loops and pull him close
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist? Neither. I mean, MAYBE Miguel because I could kinda see him being into art and calligraphy. 
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Miguel is more seductive ALL the time. He’s just a giant flirt. Drunk Evan is very flirty, too. Evan used to be really quiet in bed because he was nervous he would sound weird but Miguel has reassured him that he doesn’t need to hold back, ever
17) Who is more protective? Miguel. Evan’s anxiety still sometimes makes him feel really crappy and he doesn’t always defend himself. Miguel will literally bitch slap someone if they mess with Evan.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Neither. They either sleep, or they’re up and talking. Although I could see Evan staring at Miguel while he’s asleep, shocked that this beautiful boy loves him and wants to be with him.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Miguel drives, Evan has the window seat.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? Evan falls asleep very easily when he and Miguel are cuddled up on the couch, and Miguel carries him to bed
21) Who cuts the others hair? Neither
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Evan is SO bad at sexting, omg. Miguel teases him for it, too. They both send encouraging messages to the other throughout the day, though
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Evan doesn’t think he’s good enough for Miguel - at least in the beginning, and on bad days. I definitely think, over time, he’d become more confident in himself and the relationship. But at certain times, Evan definitely feels like he’s going to mess things up and lose Miguel. And Miguel is like, “Nope, you’re stuck with me.”
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Evan thinks he’s a bad dancer, but Miguel loves dancing with him, and picking him up and kissing him.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Miguel. Again, he’s the goofy silly flirty joker, and he LOVES making Evan blush. But once in awhile, Evan comes out with something that makes Miguel laugh so hard, he can’t breath. And Evan’s always very proud of himself for that.
26) Who kissed first? Evan kissed Miguel first, very impulsively. And then he was like “OMG i shouldn’t have done that! I should have asked first. I shouldn’t have assumed. I mean, it’s cool if you don’t like me that way, I’ll just..” And he tries to run away and Miguel grabs his hand and is like “Nope, you stay” and kisses him back. And Evan just.. melts into the kiss.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Evan has trouble sleeping (nightmares, like I said, plus stupid anxiety insomnia). He often accidentally wakes Miguel up with his restlessness, but Miguel is like “no worries, I’m craving pizza anyway!” And they order food and watch netflix
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Neither. I mean, Evan likes to write and Miguel likes to sing. But I don’t see them writing poems and love songs. 
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Miguel would definitely pull a crazy stunt and end up in the emergency room
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Miguel wears contacts. The first time Evan saw him in his glasses, he flipped out about how cute he was, and Miguel was like “I disagree but ok” and now, when he and Evan hang out at each other’s houses, he wears his glasses instead of fussing with his contacts. But in public, he still wears his contacts as much as he can.
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librarian-of-orynth · 6 years
OK JURDAN HC. so Jude has an old Walkman/tape recorder, and it’s really special to her. she listens to it whenever she’s really upset or needs it. she hasn’t shown it to anyone, but one day she shows it to Cardan. it has a bunch of old classic rock 70s songs on it, and at first they’re just listening to it. then a slow song plays and cardan’s all like “let’s dance.” And eventually “hey Jude” by the Beatles comes on AND CARDAN FRICKIN LOSES IT AND HES ALL LIKE “JUDE, DEAR, THIS IS YOUR SONG.”
okay omfg i love this so much BUT I wrote it as a fic I hope you like it!! 
“The mortal world is fascinating,” Cardan said, beaming up at Jude. 
She rolled her eyes. “You’ve been here for an hour, Cardan. What could you possibly have found that would be so fascinating?” 
Cardan shook his head at her, not understanding. This world…he hadn’t expected mortals to be so…savvy. It’s not as though a world without magic couldn’t be impressive, but, well, Cardan certainly hadn’t expected it. And it even seemed like–like they were more advanced, what with their giant metal boxes that moved (Jude told him they were cars, but that word meant nothing to him, and she refused to explain, anyway), their methods of playing music–how could they store so much music in a little tiny device!–and even the way pictures formed on what Jude told him were televisions. He’d never seen anything like it, and for Jude to tell him it wasn’t surprising?! 
Oh, Jude. 
Sure, she’d been born to this world–and had visited with her sister plenty of times–but how could this all seem normal? Cardan figured she’d be so used to Faerie that this was as foreign to her as to him, but instead, she seemed to be the expert. She navigated the world with ease, unafraid. And sure, she lived in Faerie with a similar bravery, but even he knew that she still felt a level of fear there. She wasn’t as relaxed, as comfortable, there. Here, though, her shoulders relaxed, she lounged on the couch with no fear of her things being stolen or her hair being knotted by a stray faerie looking for some trouble. She didn’t even have her sword with her! Normally, Jude kept it strapped to her side at all times. 
But here…she didn’t seem to need that. There was an ease to living here. At least, for mortals. 
For Faeries it was harder, as though the mortals knew how to protect themselves against the despite not knowing of their existence. 
Iron was everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. In the buildings, in the so-called cars, their jewelry, hell, it was even in some of the water! It left Cardan feeling eternally uncomfortable. And grateful that the house they were staying in was some sort of log cabin from when Jude was young. 
It wasn’t just the iron, though. There was salt, too. In everything. Their meat was seasoned with salt almost always, according to Jude. So were the vegetables. Even the desserts! As soon as they got to the cabin, Jude opened the cabinet and plopped a salted caramel candy into her mouth–without offering him one, of course. Instead of sweets, Cardan had a nice snack of bread and butter. 
And promptly spit it out, realizing there was salt in the bread, too. 
Sorry, Jude had said sheepishly. As though she didn’t know there was salt in it. But Cardan knew better. They might be on better terms as of late, but she still loved to trick him. To mess with him. To lie to him. If she got a good laugh out of it, too, that was another plus. 
She hadn’t laughed this time, but he saw a smile creep up on her lips, as though she’d had a feeling there was salt and fed it to him anyway. 
This world was not meant for him. Or any Faerie. However Vivi lived here, he had no idea. There was nothing to eat, to drink, to enjoy. At least, not for him. 
Regardless, there was something fascinating about the endurance of the mortal world and their technologies. Sure, he wouldn’t vacation here by any means, but staying here for a day or two…could be fun. There was so much to see, after all. 
“You’re staring.” 
“Am I not allowed to stare at your beautiful face?” he purred, moving closer to Jude. 
“You’re staring at the television,” she replied blandly. 
“…oh.” Cardan shifted, taking his eyes off of the pictures moving across the screen. It was harder than he wanted to admit, though. The story, the pictures telling the story…it was all so fascinating. He knew if Jude hadn’t awoken him from his trance, he likely would’ve stared at that television, thinking about it–and the mortal world’s ways–all day. 
“How is it that despite not having magic, mortals produce things like this–” he pointed to the tv “and those–” he pointed outside, to the cars lining the street. 
“They had to adapt,” Jude said, taking a box out from under her bed, “mortals didn’t have magic to rely on–to help them. So instead, they had to help themselves. Machines, technology, art…all of it developed because there was no magic.” 
“But how,” Cardan wondered. 
“Brain power. How about an example. Once upon a time, we had to play instruments to hear music. We couldn’t record it, couldn’t store it anywhere. To hear a song again, you had to find a musician. I’m going to fast forward here a bit, but after that, you had record players, and then tape recorders, like this one.” She held out her hand, showing him the device. It was fairly bulky, with a few buttons and a space to put something inside, with a pair of headphones attached at the top. 
“Tape recorder?” 
“Well they were actually called Walkmans, back in the day. This one–this one was my mom’s. Before she was killed.” 
“May I…”
Jude smiled. “You can see it. If you want. I’ll even put a tape in for you.” 
Cardan held his hands out, waiting, while Jude placed a rectangular object inside of the device. He took it from her gingerly, being sure not to crush it between his hands. He wasn’t about to ruin something of her mother’s. He knew how much it meant to her that she still had this–a memory of her and her past. And of Madoc’s cruelty. 
But he had no idea what to do with it. So he turned it over in his hand, inspecting the device. The buttons had odd symbols that he couldn’t figure out. Two lines. A sideways triangle. Two sideways triangles facing one way, and another two facing another. A square. What was it all for?
“Jude, how do I use this device?” 
She laughed. “Put on the headphones and press the single triangle.” 
He did as she said, and music came flowing from the Walkman into his ears. Cardan’s eyes went wide. How did this work? He decided instantly that he needed one of his own. 
The music was unlike anything he’d ever heard. No lute he’d ever heard sounded like that! As though…as though it were releasing lightning with every note. And the drums were so complete. Was one person doing all of this? Jude once told him that drummers in the mortal world had drum sets. Was this what drum sets sounded like? 
And then there was the voice. All gravelly and like nothing he’d ever heard in Faerie. There, one needed skill to sing for the folk–they needed to hit every note, let their vocals cascade over the audience. This was…not so beautiful. But Cardan found that he enjoyed it–he needed something different nowadays. 
“This is like nothing I’ve ever heard before,” Cardan said, amazement in his voice. 
“I guessed as much,” she said, chuckling. “The next song’s my favorite. My mom used to sing it to me every night.” 
At that, Cardan stood and held out his hand, putting the walkman in his pocket. “Then shall we?” 
Jude furrowed her brows. “Shall we what?” 
“Dance, of course. If you will do me the honor?” 
“I can’t exactly hear the music, Cardan. How am I going to dance?” 
“Like this.” He waved his hand, and the music began to fill the room. “Better?” 
“Fine,” she huffed, and took his hand. 
Hey Jude, don’t make it bad
Take a sad song, and make it better
Remember to let her in your heart 
Then you can start to make it better
The song filled the air, surprising Cardan with every word. 
“Hey Jude?” Cardan said, eyes wide.
“Is this song about you?” 
She laughed. “No, no. It’s by the Beatles. My mom used to tell me it was, though.” 
“She was lying?” 
“Of course. I wasn’t even born when the Beatles wrote this song.” 
“Oh. This is a beautiful song.” 
Cardan wasn’t lying. He loved it. He wanted every bard in Faerie to learn this song, to play it when he asked. He wanted to listen to Hey Jude over and over again, until the court demanded he stop. And then he wanted to hear it some more. 
“I think it is, too,” Jude said, and rested her head on Cardan’s. He placed a kiss on her forehead. 
They remained like that, her head on his, his arms around her, dancing until the song was over. Eventually, Jude pulled back and looked at Cardan, who was grinning. “What?” she asked. 
“This is your song, Jude.” 
“I didn’t write it.” 
“It’s still yours. Your mom gave it to you, and now you’ve given it to me. And I will bring it back to Faerie, for all to hear. To enjoy.” 
“Cardan, I don’t think–” 
“It’s a beautiful song. As beautiful as you are. And our world–our home–should learn of its beauty. Of your beauty.” He moved closer, taking her hand in his. 
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, given that I’m–” she pointed to her ears, to the rounded tops. 
“They must know. I am done letting them walk all over you. Treating you like you are nothing. You are their Queen. They should be honoring you.” 
“Cardan, they won’t, though. I’m mortal.” 
“We can try, Jude. Try to make them see you as I see you.” 
“You didn’t see me like this before,” Jude grumbled.
“That was years ago, Jude. It is ancient history. If not for them, would you allow me to bring the song home for you? For me? I would certainly love to hear it again.” 
Jude thought for a moment. “Fine. But you’ll teach it only to bards within our court. And you won’t tell them why you want them to learn it.” 
“Deal,” he said, sealing their agreement with a kiss.
Cardan did as he was told. He taught only the bards within their court Hey Jude, not explaining why, and telling them to keep it a secret. But you know what happens when bards love a song are told to keep it a secret. Word spreads, songs spread, and soon, every bard in Faerie knew the words to Hey Jude. 
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