#i kinda like the vibes that nothing would be canon... like in a way where you ship whatever you like.. bc the main story is a lot
bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
would you like to elaborate on any gender analysis or headcanons for the bad kids?
I love th way this is worded. what if I wouldn't like to where would we be
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beaulesbian · 2 years
I'm seeing a lot of trigun stampede stuff on my dash, and only have one question... is it gay?
how do i answer this,..
i dont have the full knowledge of the story/the full manga yet, and stampede is reboot so i guess anything is possible, but
there are the themes, you know, so many themes.
even if some stuff is not canon, there are things you take away from it, how they present it, how the relationships work, and what remains.
...and it sure is pretty gay, even if its not explicitly said - and in this way i feel it works better for the whole story.
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(i got into trigun thanks to the stampede anime, but the more i watch the og anime, i like it more and more?
look at this shit
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and they're always just like that, what's not to love.
Hope this helped ✨️💜
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wood-white-writer · 1 year
“Didn’t mean to make your heart Blue” || [2/…]
- OPLA! Buggy x F!Reader
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"Do-mi-ti, why not me? Why not me?"
— Mitski, "Washing Machine Heart"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live Action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends. Years have passed since you last saw Buggy following the dispute that you thought ended your friendship. When you finally reunite with the blue-haired menace you once considered your closest friend, it’s under less than “friendly” circumstance.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Canon Typical Violence, Slight Canon Divergence, Buggy is an asshole, The reader used to go by "Cross-Hairs" in the past, hot tension, resentment and love, flashbacks, Reader is strong AF
A/N: Buggy's behavior in this chapter kinda gives off Yandere-vibes, but he's not. He's just really desperate, and a general asshole, (and lonely).
He's dead.
Gol D. Roger, captain of the Roger pirates, your captain, is dead. Pierced through the back by the Marines like a pig for slaughter, a death unworthy for someone of his rank. He deserved to live a long life, drunk on rum, surrounded by his friends and crewmates, before being finally laid to rest in a casket and shipped off with the waves as per tradition.
As chaos ensues and all hell breaks loose, his corpse remains on the same stand where he met his end, left to roast in the warm sun. At the very least, he did not leave this world without flipping one last bird at the Marines.
His final words leave such a domino effect upon the witnesses, one that will last for years to come. Sailors, pirates, men, women, and children all head toward the vast oceans in a hurry, ships pushing off the docks at record speed as they prepare to hunt for his legacy. To claim his title for their own. A title he earned and subsequently put up for auction.
The Marines were hoping that his death would mean the end of Piracy, but as though fate itself had something else to say about it, it had the exact opposite effect.
You're not moving with the swarm of people. The race goes on, but you do not. 
You're still standing in the same spot as you were when you watched the officers drive their spears through your captain's back, having ceased to function as you saw the man who practically raised you, succumb to the same fate that claims all in the end.
Even as people are pushing their way past you, shoving you in God-knows how many directions on their way to the oceans, you can't find it in you to move on your own accord. 
The world has gone deafly quiet now, everyone else is gone, and you're its sole occupant now. Despite the unrest going around, and the wind that brushes against your neck, Roger's last words echo in your ears like the whispers of a ghost.
"Wealth. Fame. Power. I found everything this world has to offer. Free yourselves! Take to the seas! My treasure is yours to find!"
Someone - whether accidentally or not - thrusts against your stomach, and you take a tumble to the ground. The world finally perforates your consciousness, yet it leaves you exposed to its chaos. You attempt to stand up, but the ongoing movements from all around halt your efforts. 
You raise your arms to shield your face from further damage, suffering several pairs of feet and a handful of scratches from the crowd. Nothing too bad, but you don't dare to try and get up just yet. Your initial plan is to just stay put until the storm is over.
That is, until you hear a voice calling your name from somewhere in the crowd, muffled by the ruckus, but still audible for you to make out among the many others.
You're hastily pulled up to your feet and collide face-first into a chest. Looking up, you only manage to register Buggy's hand tightly clenched around yours in a near-painful hold as he pushes you both through the ongoing crowd. 
While trying to navigate through the masses, you raise your head to gaze at his face.
Not unlike your own, his eyes are stained with tears.
Nothing is in its correct shape when you blink your eyes open. For starters, the room is spinning at an incredible speed, and for seconds, there is twice of everything. Two coats are hanging on the rack just on the edge of your vision, the same color and length and everything. You discover you have two pairs of hands and feet as you sit up, and at least over a dozen iron bars are separating you from the rest of the room.
In a minute or two, your sight establishes yourself. The world has become one again, but to your chagrin, you discover that the number of bars caging you remains the same. 
Shaking off the dizziness and nausea that accompanies your waking, you get up to your knees and discover that, once again, you're fucking trapped. This time, it's in a metal cage hanging off the floor by a hook and chain, swinging you lightly back and forth with each fraction of movement you commit yourself to. 
Exhausted from simply waking up, you clash your forehead against the bars. "Shit."
"Well, good to know that your colorful vocabulary remains the same."
You snap your eyes up to see Buggy striding into the room, and your gaze immediately narrows.
"And your eyes." His right hand dislodges itself from his wrist and hovers over to you with an outstretched finger, where it lands right in the space between your eyes. "Sharp as ever, if not even sharper. Careful, you could kill someone with those."
"Wishful thinking," you murmur indignantly and raise your hand to wave off the offending appendage. Like a fly will with sugar, it merely withdraws for a few inches before returning to the same spot. 
You elect to ignore it as best as you can.
He feigns a horrified gasp at your words and clutches his chest with his remaining hand. "Such harsh words! I thought we were friends, you and I. I mean, what kind of friend would threaten the other with their life so cruelly?"
Friends? That's rich coming from him. You haven't considered him as such since the day he left. You won't even dignify that with a response, and so you merely turn your head to the side and rest your cheek against the bars.
His voice lowers a few octaves, enough for you to differentiate between the real him and the act he puts on for a performance. "Then again, what kind of 'friend' leaves the other behind?" His footsteps come closer, each one weighing heavier than the last. "What kind of 'friend' abandons the other?" 
Your eye twitches, but you still refuse to look at him, much less speak to him.
"What?" the Showman farce has by now ended and been buried as he takes one last step forward. "Nothing to say? I'd thought that after twenty years, you'd be happy to see this handsome face."
As much as you want to admit that, yes, the years have done wonders on his face and he most definitely would've been categorized as 'handsome' in your dictionary, you don't. 
"What do you want me to say?" You tilt your head marginally to the side so that merely one eye is aimed at him. "That it's good to see you? That I've missed you?" Even though both of those statements are true to some extent, he doesn’t need to know that.
"Well, I could go for all of the above if you insist on being cordial, but for starters, an apology might suffice enough on its own." If you weren't already looking at him, you'd think that he’s joking. He isn't. He’s as serious as a heart attack, and he’s not smiling this time. All you can think at the moment is that it's strange not to see a clown smile.
"An apology?" You withdraw the impulse to scoff. "What, exactly, do I have to apologize for?"
He doesn’t answer right away. In fact, he doesn’t do or say anything at all. You can't even hear him breathing, and it’s twice as eerie as his general demeanor. It's a foreboding omen that signifies he's on the edge of his temper like a bomb sizzling just before it goes off. 
"What do you have to apologize for?" he echoes.
That's all the warnings you get before the cage rattles with enough force to knock you back against the other side of the cage. Buggy's hand curls around the iron bars with such vehemence that it almost looks like he's about to break them right off the hinges.
He leans forward until his nose barely brushes against the cold steel placed between you, his bright-blue eyes near-bloodshot with the way they glower. Even now, with the few feet between you, you find yourself almost drowning in those blue irises of his. 
"You left me. You betrayed me!" he shouts loud enough for his voice to reverberate throughout the room, all thoughts of maintaining his composure thrown out the window the moment you inadvertently admitted your own cluelessness. "Just like all the others! Shanks, now I could've predicted that, but you?"
His hand dislodges yet again to point an accusatory finger at you, but it maintains a safe distance this time. Probably afraid of what you'll try to do with it if you get your hands on it. 
You have to give yourself some credit. You've not lost your temper once since you ended up here. In your adolescence, you would've torn him a new one fo the trouble, but you can't be bothered this time around. You’d have thought two decades of separation would’ve led to some pent-up fury like it has done to him, but all you feel is … well, nothing.
Nothing yet, anyhow.
"What you did to me, now that was cruel. That was something I did not expect, but you did it, and for what?" The cage continues to shake as his fingers dig into the rods. This time, you observe, he’s keeping his head slightly tilted downwards, rendering you unable to detect his eyes. "For Red-Haired fucking SHANKS!"
With all the movement going on in your limited space, you’re jolted forth again like a ball and cling to the front bars with your hand positioned right above his. Even with the gloves and the short distance keeping you separated, you can feel the scorching heat emitting from him.
How long has it been since you were last this close to him? It was underneath the stars, you unexpectedly recall. You were clinging to him, crying your heart out as the death of your captain had finally been processed. He was holding you close, whispering something you could not make out at the time.
It was during a time when it was just you, him, and Shanks. The three of you, against the rest of the world, ready to live up to Gol's legacy and become the Pirates of the New Age. With  Shanks’ leadership, your strength, and Buggy’s general unpredictability, nothing could stop you.
But now you're here, a captive. No longer a friend, no longer a... 
It never went that far, anyhow. No use bringing it up now when it’s hardly relevant. 
When Buggy’s raspy breaths slow down and his hold on the iron rods lessens, you decide to finally speak. 
"You're the one who left, Buggy," you say, your words laced with such apparent apathy that no one would’ve guessed what you’re feeling. In reality, you want to scream until his ears literally pop. 
Your chest constricts just to say it out loud, but you won't even stop and address the tremble that threatens to claim your voice the more you go into it. "I went with Shanks, because who else was I supposed to go with? The Roger Pirates were spread to the fucking corners of the earth, Gol D. Roger was dead, and you left. I had no one except for him. You closed that door, not me." 
Silence reigns loudly upon you as you're left there, nearly breathless after your little rant despite having kept your voice even throughout it. You feel pathetic, childlike, small. People say that admitting something is the first step towards overcoming it, but you feel neither achieved or relieved of any burdens.
You just feel ... small. As small as you were the day he disappeared from your life.
Buggy doesn't say anything, his countenance empty of any tell-tale signs regarding what he might be feeling. It's almost ironic. The man who used to wear his emotions on his sleeves, the same expressive man who used to spend hours bragging about his capacities and capabilities on the Oro Jackson, has now been rendered mute like a mime instead of a jester.
His eyes find yours again after an unknown amount of time, only now, it's not just bitterness and resentment you have to salvage from them. For a second, just a brief flash of the moment, there's something else. Something vulnerable. 
It goes as quickly as it came. 
He shoves himself from the cage, his indecipherable gaze – now laced with both anger and regret – lingering on you before he starts pacing around the room, having calmed down from his outburst but being no less agitated by the turn of events. 
"What are you talking about?" he demands, sounding a tad more curious now than accusatory. "You were already going to leave with Shanks before I booked it, I just beat you to it."
This time, it's your turn to point an accusatory finger toward him, lowering your voice just enough for him to hear you recount the most painful memory you have, save for Gol D.'s death. The memory you had spent almost two decades trying to bury deep down inside you. 
"The last thing you told me was that you wished that you'd never even met me, and then you fucking left me behind to go do who the fuck knows what. Which, apparently,— " You gesture to your surroundings with a dismissive wave of your hand. "— Includes enslaving people and keeping them in cages."
"Hey, people are allowed to have side-gigs!" he retorts, almost boyishly as if you didn't just have a serious argument moments ago. "Don't judge me! You used to steal shit when we were kids, but you didn't hear me bitching about it!"
You roll your eyes. Some things don't change, that being the childish bickering, not the enslaving and caging bit. Your lip inclines upwards for just a second, and it declines just as quickly. You lean back against the other wall of your cage and heave a breath, tired of it all
"Speaking of kids," he rests his arms atop a crate to his left. "What's up with you and Rubber-Boy over there? Luffy, was it?"
Your lip drops to a scowl. Looks like the kid's Devil Fruit powers have come to light, one fruit eater to another. "What about him?"
Buggy smirks and pulls out a knife from inside his coat. He turns it playfully in his hand, balancing the sharp edge at the tip of his finger as though in deep thought. "He yours or something? 'Cause, I gotta admit, I never took you as the white-picket-fence type."
He’s joking, right? 
"He's not mine.”
The look that befalls his face almost seems like … relief? He’s quick to mask it though with a half-assed smirk.
"No?" He tips his head to each side and lets the knife lie on the crate. "You sure as hell seem protective over him, and I know for a fact that not just anyone earns the favor of the legendary Cross-Hairs.” He puts a hand under his chin, feigning a motion of deep thinking. “What'd he do? Save your life? You found him in the trash? Or did you shag up with his daddy or something?"
You raise an eyebrow. "I made a promise."
At the mention of this, he promptly ceases with his ridiculous guesses and his words turn sharp. "To whom?"
"None of your fucking business." You're pretty sure that if he learns that you made that promise to none other than Shanks, he'd unleash a different kind of hell not even the death of Roger could hope to spark. 
Rather than pushing the matter, he shrugs with an air of indifference. "I just find it funny, that's all." He chuckles, but his tone lacks any visible sense of comicalness. "You, one of the most notorious pirates to ever cross the East-Blue, disappeared for a decade to do what, exactly? Look after a simple-minded brat who talks shit about becoming King of the Pirates." 
He snaps his attention back to you and moves closer to the cage again, crouching on his knees to gaze up at you instead. "Sorry not sorry to burst that little bubble, but that title will belong to me. Once I get the map your stretchy little runt has hidden, I will find the One Piece. I will become King. I will be known, and I will be loved."
("You were loved,") a part of you wants to tell him. The part that still lingers in your shared past. ("You were always loved.")
But you keep your mouth shut.
He perceives your silence as a sign to continue. "You know, despite everything that happened, I'm opening my heart to forgiveness, for old times’ sake."
He smiles, but this one, you discover, is genuine. At least, in comparison to all the other ones he's flashed you beforehand. It's a lukewarm feeling, but familiar. You're almost tempted to reach through the bars and feel his cheeks, trace the edges of his lips, and smudge away the red make-up just to know if it is real or just a figment of your imagination. 
"If you convince Rubber-Boy to hand over that map of the Grand Line, I might consider opening a special spot in my crew, just for you. I know better than anyone what you're capable of. Hell, it'll be just like old times, like nothing ever changed. You and me, against the rest of the world."
Slowly, he reaches his hand up and towards you through the bars, palm open for you to take.
"Don't you miss it?" he whispers, wistfully. "I do. Save for the One Piece, it's been the one thing I've wanted more than anything else."
You blink, and a feeling settles over your chest. Not uncomfortable per se, but not kind either. Like being enveloped by a warm yet tight blanket, staving you off the cold but suffocating you all the same. 
Your dream. You remember your dream. The one you thought gone forever, now seemingly resurfacing from the depths in your heart where it initially drowned. To travel and explore the seas, the three of you by each other’s sides until the very end. That’s all you’ve ever wanted.
Now, Buggy is opening up the possibility of that dream coming back to life again. 
You're tempted to take his hand, feel the warmth that once held you so openly when you were younger.
You raise your hand to him ever so slightly.
"Fuck, Rubber Boy can come too for all I care.” He proceeds to add. “He's a special case, and there's nothing I appreciate more than special ones." 
Your hand stops and promptly withdraws.
Buggy raises his eyebrows in shock, his fingers curling as they were about to grasp at yours only to find empty air. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" 
You shake your head. "He won't give up. He won't give up on his dream." 
"What, Rubber-Boy?" he scowls like the name itself tastes like bitter venom on his tongue. "He's just a stupid kid, he'll grow out of it. Once he sees that there's no way he would last in the Grand Line on his own, he'll get in line."
You take a deep breath, preparing for the confrontation that's about to come with your next words. "He won't, and no power or authority on this earth is ever going to be able to change that."
A flash of hurt crosses his facial features, only for a second, yet it feels like longer. Then, it stops, and all that's left is the same bitterness he showed that very day.
Snarling, Buggy pulls his hand back and gets back up on his feet. “I should’ve expected this. You never choose me!" he flares and pulls both his hands to his chest, gesturing to himself. "It's always someone els- Always someone fucking else. First Shanks, then this damn brat! Why?" He briefly pauses, as if weighing his next words. "What did they ever do that was so special that you decided to stick around for them that I didn't do?"
You’ve just about had enough of his self-pitying attitude. 
"I never 'chose' Shanks!" you hiss back at him. "It was never a choice. Why was I supposed to 'choose' anyone for that matter? What made you reach the conclusion that there had to be a choice at all?!"
He parts his jaws to answer with what you can only expect to be yet another sneer when the curtains behind him parts, and a member of the troupe enters. A dark-skinned man with a Mohawk of sorts, with filed teeth resembling a shark more than a man.
"Boss, the kid ain't saying nothin' about the map." The man ("Sharptooth", you decide to call him for now) says with a deep twinge of aggravation. "We're already at nearly thirty-damn-feet, and all the little shit does is fuckin' laugh at us."
Buggy does not even turn to address the man, his attention solely at you, but you can tell he's irritated by this interruption.
"Sharptooth" turns to you, having just realized you’re here. A sinister grin spreads along his cheeks, and he licks his upper teeth lecherously. "What do we do 'bout her? Is she up on the menu yet? I'm starvin'."
You crouch down, one hand positioned between your knees like a predator ready to lunge at the slightest movement. Truth be told, despite your reputation, killing someone has never been one of life's greatest joys for you, and it's been a while since you last committed a murder. However, the years have done little to weaken you, and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty if the situation demands it.
You'll be sure to let him know first-hand that if he dares to try anything.
"No," Buggy replies, voice void of any tangible emotions. "She'll snap your neck like a twig before you can get within a foot of her." He turns to face the disappointed performer, and before the latter knows it, a severed hand clamps around his throat and dangles him above the ground with what you can only expect to be a bruising grip. "I am, on the other hand, not limited by such proximity."
The man's face begins to pale as the blood flow to his brain is cut short, but the grip does not lessen at all.
Buggy speaks like he’s having a normal conversation. "She stays here, and no one, and I mean no one, is going to touch her. Understood?" His soft say leaves no room for opposition.
You watch as "Sharptooth" struggles to form a coherent sentence as he desperately clings to the hand keeping him afloat. "Y-Yes si— Yes, Captain. W-We won't!"
With a bored swish, the hand shoves the performer back a good two feet, where he crashes to the ground and clutches his neck in search of air.
"Splendid!" Buggy attaches his wrist back and claps his hands together, his Show Man act replenished. "Now, be sure to tell the others of that little fact, and while you're at it,—" he draws his palms away from one another in a straight motion. "Add another five feet."
The crew member wastes no time shuffling from the ground and all but books it out of there.
Buggy heaves a deep and dramatic sigh, exaggeratedly slumping his shoulders, and swings back to you again.
"Supporting casts, am I right?"
You don't bother with a reply.
He takes this with a lackadaisical shrug. "Now, as much as I'd like to continue this intriguing, little tête-à-tête, I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere. The show must go on, but I’ll come back before you know it."
It doesn't matter when he'll be back. You don't plan on waiting for him. You've already waited twenty long years, and as your temper simmers evenly under your skin, you intend to get one thing across.
"Just remember this, Buggy," 
You lean against the bars, pressed so tightly that it feels like your body is about to push through the narrow gaps. "If you do anything to the kid, anything at all, and you can consider our past six feet under. I'll come after you, and when I'm finished,—"
Fist clenched; you deliver a solid strike to the bar that rattles throughout the room to the point where it feels like even the ground is quacking from the force. Buggy jumps a few steps back in retreat, and when he looks up again, his breath halts. 
Where there was once a straight bar keeping you contained, there's now a prominent curve pointing out towards him. Not nearly large enough for you to squeeze through, but it's there, nonetheless.
When you lower your fist, knuckles red but intact, you finish your warning. "— Not even your Devil-Fruit powers will manage to keep you intact."
His eyes flicker between you and the now-deformed iron bar. Unexpectedly, he only stares, neither returning a threat nor even a joke to ease the tension. He doesn’t say anything at all, and the absence of words leaves nothing up to interpretation.
Buggy knows better than anyone that you don't make half-assed threats. Never you. Once you’ve set your eyes on a target, you don’t rest. He recalls the look of pure bloodlust in your eyes from back when you were young. It was neither cruel nor sadistic, but it felt cold to witness. Ice incarnate. 
A predator just following its prime instincts.
Whenever someone posed a problem to either you or your crew mates, you would counter it with a threat. It didn't matter how bold-faced it sounded, you always made sure to see it through. 
As a teenager, he begrudgingly thought that it was hot as hell. You were. Watching the way your eyes would almost glower as you made good on your promises, it did things to him.
Now, even when he's on the receiving end of it, it still does.
He can't deny that the feeling hasn't diminished. For what it’s worth, it means that you’ll keep your focus on him. He’ll have your eyes, all for his own now. Those very eyes, always so sleek and ready to cut and by God, he realizes at that moment just how fucking much he’s missed them.
How much he’s missed you.
“Well,” he says as he makes his way to the exit. “I guess I’ll see you in the front row.”
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tommystummy · 10 days
I was there Gandalf… 3,000 years ago.
Basically once upon a time there was a lil show called Teen Wolf on MTV and that show had a weirdly popular crack ship called Sterek (Mieczysław “Stiles”Stilinski/Derek Hale) it dominated the fandom at the time as the One True Pairing of the fandom kinda just based on vibes at first but the show did start throwing out teases near the end of season 2. In 2013, they were the runner-up pairing just behind Destiel in the AfterElton.com (now called The Backlot) Slash Madness Tournament, beating out several canon ships at the time.
Basically the fandom culture has gotten to the point where it was kind of assumed if you were a fan of Teen Wolf you were a fan of Sterek and if you weren’t well something was wrong with you (kind of like 911 and Buddie pre-s7). So, naturally, as MTV was pretty plugged into fandom culture at the time, they would often approve Sterek related questions for interviews. This got to the point were actors that had nothing to do with the ship were being asked about this ship that had next to no canon material outside mostly violent interactions (remember this is post season 2 pre season 3 timeframe) where for example Derek, a 20 something with supernatural powers, smashed Stiles, a 16 year old with no powers, head into a steering wheel. Anyway the main character of Teen Wolf, believe it or not, is neither of these two but in fact one Scott McCall played by Tyler Garcia Posey. So one can imagine Posey’s understandable frustration with being asked multiple times about a ship that was manufactured by fandom and almost completely irrelevant to the actual show.
Cut to the pre-promotion for season 3 and one of the first and only questions an interviewer asks Posey, the star of the show, is about Sterek. Not about the season ahead, not about Scott’s character arc this season, about a fanon ship his character is not even a part of. He answers “Sterek is this weird, bizarre twisted phenomenon and I think anyone who watches the show solely for that is not watching for the right reasons.” The fandom got really really mad because 1) he shat on the most popular ship of the fandom and 2) he did so with some words that some people interpreted as homophobic (personally I disagreed at the time and disagree to this day that he meant it homophobically— in fact he would later come out as bi/pan)
This catalyzed a divide in fandom as Stereks relentlessly attack Posey and his character in ways that weren’t always justified and other people, later dubbed The Scott McCall Defense Squad defended Posey’s words as being about Sterek as a phenomenon not as a ship, in which case he was right that Sterek was kind of weird in that it sprang up as the main ship when Scott and Stiles had a pretty codependent relationship, and Danny Mahealani was canonically gay and the show had twice teased the idea of Scott and Danny as a couple by this point (funnily enough both times by their lacrosse coach). The whole situation was looked back at as “Poseygate” and was a formative moment in shaping Teen Wolf fandom.
TL;DR: Poseygate was when Tyler Posey insulted Sterek, a popular ship in his show.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 4 months
I keep seeing people bringing up Raphael’s line about Mol and are coming out with (in my opinion) a little bit of extreme takes.
“What a lovely specimen she is a blushing Apple begging to be plucked”
Firstly, this is just gross and predatory behaviour regarding Mol, just not in the way people are claiming.
He calls her a blushing apple and what he means by this is that she stands out - he sees potential in her and he’s planning on plucking that and exploiting it to his own whims. Of course blushing seems to have its own connotations but in relation to the apple analogy it makes sense. The sentence in itself is very disgusting and gross, but not because it gives off “pedo” vibes, it’s because he’s being predatory but not in any sexual way, there’s nothing sexual about it, literally nothing.
It’s gross because that’s what devils do, they prey on the weak, sick, elderly and children, the most vulnerable in a society because they’re easy prey (in their minds, etc) he’s also may be planning on grooming her presumably into a future position that would serve him later on (like what Korilla does now), yet might I add there’s nothing sexual about it.
People also bring up Gortash as an example but theres also nothing to add with that either. Gortash was abused by Nubaldin (who is an employee of Raphael’s), who says it himself that he would beat Gortash until he was sobbing, there is no mention of Raphael partaking in this let alone any other sorts of abuse (tho he’s not innocent here either, negligent in the very least)
Also, when looking at Gortash’s design it’s clear he holds some sort of admiration for Raphael, he copies his outfit somewhat with the devil’s accessories and such, which would be strange if any abuse by Raphael happened.
Raphael is a devil and if we even look at his father, who in canon, takes good aligned children/babies and eats them so perhaps the leap to something just as sinister isn’t too crazy to come to. Yet, at the same time there is no evidence of this whatsoever other than vibes which is a weak argument in the first place.
His line about Mol is purposely made to be uncomfortable and weird, Karlach even comments on it being such.
“please let me smack this creep”
The line is supposed to show how predatory and deplorable he is, but where I think people are getting confused is that they think him being predatory automatically means he is a pedo, which just isn’t the case. No where else in the game is it stated he has an affinity for specifically children and especially not in that way.
Karlach I think even says more about it after the conversation on how she sees mol going down the same route she did, as in someone taking advantage of their naïveté but not sexually, just that they’re going to use them to their own ends and screw them over in the long run, I think if Karlach thought he was being sexual about it she would’ve been a bit more pissed or comment about it at the very least (more than just calling him a creep lol)
Like I know I might be crazy for this comparison but this feels like when ppl were saying William Afton is a pedo, on the basis of him being (literally) predatory around kids and vibes - you can be predatory and not a pedo, the two aren’t synonymous.
I also think it’s kinda disingenuous to push away criticism by saying you’re only defending Raphael bc ur attracted to him etc, I can like his character and still think he’s a shitty disgusting person, as well as having critical thoughts on that matter, especially since I love my girl hope (justice for hope fr) and I will most likely always kill Raphael in my playthroughs too since he’s such a lil freak anyway.
I really think it’s just a total lack of media literacy, just because these characters are preying on kids weaknesses/vulnerabilities (luring them into selling their souls or grooming them to work for you in the future) does not equate to them being pedophiles. Is it gross and deplorable behaviour? YES, that was the point, but does that mean they’re pedophiles? NO.
The line is gross, it’s supposed to be, and I understand if someone’s first thought might be is he a yknow, but to stick with that and to boldly claim he’s something that there isn’t any evidence for is wild to me. Call him a predator, a groomer, murderer, a literal devil, all things he literally is lol.
Look maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m being wild, I’m not trying to defend him, he’s disgusting and literally evil lol, yet I still think it’s a misjudgement of his character, since there’s other evil characters in game but that doesn’t mean you can just add every evil thing a person can be into them, like minthara, even Gortash, orin or ketheric or whatever, they have their limits, (tho orin is probably the one with the fewest limitations lol) but if you’re going to call anyone a pedo have it be Mizora, least she grooms Wyll and follows through with disgusting touching (everytime she’s licking him in the promotion, EW, tho that’s not in game so debatable)
I get that with such a clearly and obviously disgusting line that that might be the conclusion people will automatically come to but at the same time I just ask that you do some more thinking on the matter, like sure he’s just a lil pixel dude but at the same time it’s a bit worrying to see how quick people will confidently jump and claim he’s a pedophile.
Anyway, media literacy is dead and we’ve killed it.
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heartsoji · 2 years
comforting you after getting a little insecure about your relationship
suna, bokuto, sakusa x reader (separate)
notes on sakusa's: he's aged up and his volleyball schedule is based off of an elite volleyball club schedule, so if his canonical schedule is different im sorryyy
warnings: reader insecurities, platonic hugs and cuddles w/ friends
notes: the one bolded word is the nickname for the character that reader uses :)
a/n: WOWOWOW omi getting 10 hrs of sleep i could never it's 1am rn
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s. rintaro & clinginess (reader goes to a diff school)
-you were clingy.
-and you knew that very well.
-however, you never felt bad about your clinginess. rin was big on physical touch, too.
-it wasn't until one of your friends pointed it out that you felt a teensy teensy bit of insecurity.
you engulfed your two friends in a big hug. "morning!"
the two looked at you and laughed. (not in a mean way) "morning, y/n-chan."
you walked between them with your arms around them and talked. you loved moments like these; just talking, enjoying each other's presences, and getting some love in the form of platonic touch. you loved these friends deeply, and you enjoyed every moment that you had with them. you also always wanted to feel loved as well as make them feel loved, and physical touch = your love language. not to mention, you got to hear all the gossip like this. it was great.
then, at some point, one of your friends pointed something out. "y/n-chan, do you have attachment issues?"
you were very taken aback. "what?"
"yeah, she probably does. she always needs to be between us or something. definitely sounds like attachment issues." your other friend added teasingly.
you just laughed and said, "lowkey yeah i guess." and continued the conversation.
although the comment was half-joking and you had brushed it off, it was enough to start overthinking any touch that you had with anyone.
where you'd usually give your friend a quick pinch to the sides to greet and scare her, you instead screamed "BOO!"
you immediately backed off when you realized you gave one of your friends a hug out of instinct and habit, not wanting to come off as clingy.
you opted to sit on the other side of the table when you were studying in the library with your friend, worried that she might think it was weird how you wanted to platonically cuddle while studying.
though these were subtle changes, you really started to get into your head.
when you met up with rin after school, you opted for a "hi rin!" instead of a "RIIIIIIN!" and a big running hug. he noticed this change, but said nothing.
when he tried to grab your hand to walk together, you held his loosely, which was different from your usual pulsing grip. you liked to give his hand squeezes. you didn't know why, but it was just reassuring to you. but you didn't do it. didn't wanna come off as clingy or too attached or anything.
when you watched a movie together, you sat next to him instead of cuddling with him.
when you started crying during the movie, you held his hand instead of engulfing him in a huge hug.
rin took note of all of it.
he wasn't sure if it was significant enough to mention, but something about this situation had a weird vibe to it, so he brought it up as casually as possible.
"you've been less touchy today." rin mentioned as you two walked home.
you froze. he noticed?
"i-i guess so?" casual. keep it casual.
he picked up on the uncertainty in your voice straight away. "what's wrong?"
"nothing!" you tried your best to sound cheerful.
he raised an eyebrow at you.
"w-well, it's just that my friend mentioned that im kinda always on your arm and asked if i had attachment issues or something. i didn't like let it get in my head or anything, but i just kinda noticed that she's sorta right. thought id try giving you some space, you know?" you rambled. as you let it all out, tears formed in your eyes. oh gosh. he would definitely think that you were overreacting. you tried hiding your face so that he wouldn't see them, but it was too late.
rin wasted no time in engulfing you in the biggest hug and pressing kisses all over your neck.
you could feel your cheeks heating up.
"don't stop.. being all clingy and touchy and stuff. its cute and i love it."
he took a deep breath. he never was very good at talking about emotions. "i love.. everything about you. including your attachment issues."
to anyone else, nothing about rin's expression when he said that was weird. it was the same deadpan expression that he always wore. the stoic, cold, distant one.
but you knew him well. in his eyes, you saw a tenderness and love that he could only look at you with. the tenderness and love that meant "i mean it." no filter, no bs, no false comfort. the truth.
there's no doubt in your mind. you're not thinking about how he's just saying that, or how he finds this little conversation annoying and insignificant. all you're thinking about is how lucky you are to be with someone like rin. you hug him back as a few tears of relief and love fall. with a smile and tears in your eyes, you reply.
"same here."
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b. koutaro & another girl
-your relationship with bokkun was pretty new
-you had been friends for maybe 4 months or so before you two started dating for a month now, but you had an instant connection and became good friends very quickly.
-however, you had always felt that because you hadn't even know bokkun for half a year yet, there were a lot of things that you didn't know about him.
his friends, tendencies and habits, etc.
-you were never shy around him because of that, though. it was hard to be with his personality.
-you accepted that there were a lot of things that you didn't know about bokkun, but you loved him and he loved you, so you constantly reassured yourself that you would always continue to get to know him.
-but one day, you felt yourself getting pretty worked up about something.
"bokkun!" you exclaimed as you ran up to him. it was finally time to have lunch, so you were excited to eat together and talk.
you stopped. talking to him beside him was a girl with long, jet black hair and big amber eyes. she had long, thick eyelashes and full, plump lips. her milky white skin didn't have a single blemish. she had a small, v-shaped face and a nice ass. to sum it up, she was possibly the prettiest girl you had ever seen.
who is she and why is she talking to bokkun? wait. no no no. don't overthink it. she's probably just a classmate or something. no need to worry about it. you thought to yourself.
but then, she placed her hand on his bicep and gave him a cute smile. you could read her lips. "bokuto-san, this is very impressive! you must work very hard at volleyball!" or something. seriously, who is that?
when she did that, bokkun didn't shove her off. he just kept talking as if nothing unusual was going on. as if a girl that wasn't his girlfriend wasn't clinging onto his beefy biceps.
you felt tears well up in your eyes. he wasn't even shoving her off. did he not care about you?
you wiped your tears and walked up to him.
"bokuto." you said coldly. you were seriously hurt. how could he do this to you? you really thought that this relationship would go somewhere.
at the use of his normal last name, his hair drooped. were you mad? what did he do?
"what did i-" he began.
"can we talk?" you interrupted, glaring at the girl before pulling him away.
you led him to a quiet area in the courtyard where you wouldn't cause a big fuss.
"bokuto." you started sharply. "who the hell was that girl?"
his hair drooped even further. you were definitely mad. why, though? "a.. classmate? her name's takahiro. uh.. takahiro mika. we're.. working on a group project together. he answered nervously. the air was thick with tension and he didn't like it one bit.
"do you realize," you began, "that that CLASSMATE of yours was flirting with you? she literally grabbed your BICEP MUSCLES, bo. and you didn't even tell her to let go! you just kept talking as if that was normal! you have a girlfriend! me! do i not matter to you?" you exclaimed. you were talking pretty quickly, and you could barely understand yourself, but you didn't care. you were pissed.
"huh?" bokkun said, confusion and a slight bit of happiness due to the return of a nickname lacing his tone. "she was just commenting on my hard work for volleyball, though?"
it took him another few seconds to think about what you had said. he now understood that maybe you didn't want him touching other girls, which was perfectly normal and understandable! he would avoid that in the future.
that was when his brain finally caught up. you were talking so quickly that it took him a second to catch up. did you really just ask if you didn't matter to him? of course you did! you're the freaking love of his life, after all! (leave it to bokuto to get carried away with the whole "life" thing.)
"woah woah woah!" he screamed.
you jumped. what was with the sudden surge of emotion.
he grabbed you in his arms, picked you up in the air, and twirled you around before peppering kisses all over your face.
"of! *kiss* course! *kiss* you! *kiss* matter! *kiss* to! *kiss* me!" he cried.
he stared at you dead in the eye. "don't even think about that. i love you so, so much. i'm sorry if what happened made you uncomfortable. i'll make sure to try to pick up on when she might be flirting with me. i love you so much, ok? never forget that. ok? i LOVE YOU. i love you, l/n y/n."
you giggled. you got all worked up over him just being a guy who's concerningly dense. he didn't even realize that she was flirting, and thought that she was just being friendly.
"sorry for getting so mad. i love you too." you said, still in his arms.
"nonsense! i'm sorry for making you feel bad. this won't happen again! i promise!"
you sighed in contentment. bokuto koutaro was a man that you honestly hadn't known for very long. but what did that matter? you loved him, and he loved you. he's dense, stupid, idiotic, and friendly to a fault. but that's just part of what makes him so cute and special. because he's also loving, caring, loyal, affectionate, and the sweetest gentleman you've ever met.
even if the two of you hit some bumps on the road, you know that you'll be able to fix it somehow, as long as you're together.
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s. kiyoomi & time for two
-you knew going into this relationship with professional athlete sakusa kiyoomi would mean that he would have to dedicate a lot of time to volleyball. you understood that, and were supportive! you were proud of him for pursuing his passion, and the muscle he gained from it was a nice bonus.
-even with his demanding schedule, omi always made time for the two of you. even though he wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, he worked towards being more affectionate and spending quality time with you.
-in fact, every friday, the two of you would wash up in the shower, get all cozy and ready for bed, then settle on the couch for some cuddling and a movie. neither of you loved extreme outdoorsy dates, so you two were more than happy to do this. it was chill and relaxing, and it was the highlight of your week. you two usually ending up falling asleep on the couch, snuggled in each others arms.
-but even though he worked so hard to make time for you, it didn't always work out.
he was late.
omi was supposed to be home 45 minutes ago, but he still wasn't home. he wasn't responding to any of your calls or texts either, and you were starting to get worried. his dinner was getting cold.
you wait another 15 minutes. he still isn't home and its been an hour.
you wait an additional 10 minutes.
then 10 minutes turn to 20, and 20 into 30.
and a whole 2 hours later, he still isn't home.
finally, 2 hours and 46 minutes after he was supposed to be home, the front door opens.
"hey y/n.." he groans, obviously very exhausted. "im so sorry that im so late. we have a really big tournament this weekend so they're going extra hard on us."
"that's ok, omi." you reply. you know that his volleyball career is very important, and you don't want to get in the way of that. "have some dinner! you must be hungry."
"thanks, babe."
you were hoping to sit and talk for awhile, but omi finished as fast as he could and practically sprinted upstairs to shower. he needed at least 10 hours of sleep for his practice tomorrow.
you went to bed touch-starved and a bit lonely.
the next day, you were hoping to talk with omi about your day and also about his. you hadn't gotten to talk much last night, so you were really hoping for a chance to catch up.
however, he came home late once again, and went to bed early once again.
you knew that omi was trying his best to get home and that he didn't feel good about leaving you alone, but he couldn't help it sometimes. this upcoming tournament would be one of the most important ones in a 5-month span, so he needed to go the extra mile. you understood this. you always had. you needed to be extra supportive in times like these, in fact. still, it would be hard for you when the same pattern repeated over the course of wednesday and thursday.
on friday, you were having the worst day possible.
your boss was in a terrible mood today and fired one of your closer co-workers, a different co-worker dumped half of his work on you with little warning, you burnt your hand making dinner, and you were having a huge fight with one of your best friends.
all you wanted was one of your omi-y/n-shower-movie-cuddle sessions. you were exhausted and quite frankly on the verge of tears.
however, omi did not come home on time. he came home 3 hours later than he was supposed to and you were about to cry about it.
when he finally burst through the door, tired but guilty about the situation, you just gave him a huge hug.
he was startled by the suddenness of it, but he embraced you back.
and then he asked you the worst question you can ever hear when you're trying your best not to cry.
"hey, is everything ok?"
you burst into tears immediately. the frustration, exhaustion, anger, annoyance, and loneliness you had been experiencing this past week all flooded out and onto omi's shirt. you didn't answer, merely crying and squeezing him close.
he was alarmed, to say the least.
he tried his best not to panic, but you could feel his heartbeat pounding faster.
"can we.. cuddle and talk it out?" he asked. he knew that you needed someone to talk to, and he also knew that you felt most comfortable when cuddling. he figured this was probably the best way to make you feel safe and seen.
you nodded, tears still flowing. he then picked you up and walked over to the couch and sat the two of you down.
"so.. uh, what's wrong, love?" he asked. he really, really, really didn't wanna make you uncomfortable and prod when you didn't want to tell him, but he was also concerned for you.
"i just.." you started, "i don't know! i know that your job is super demanding and im so proud to be dating a literal pro athlete! but i don't know, sometimes im just sad that we can't spend more time together. and i had such a bad day at work today and i was honestly really looking forward to our special friday shower-movie-cuddle session because after such a hard, draining, day, it would've been just what i needed! and you've been coming home so late and not talking to me that i just feel like.. i don't even know! and the worst part is that i know that you're doing your best and that it's hard for you to get us time with your schedule! i know you're trying your hardest! and it just makes me feel like a horrible person to feel these things when you're trying your best and im just like.. invalidating your hard work or something! and it's just like, are we ok?" you ranted, more tears falling with every word spoken. you hadn't meant to let it all out like that. your intention was to gently talk about what was going on, or not even have this discussion. omi was probably bored and annoyed, too. this was the worst.
however, omi was in fact not bored and annoyed. he patiently listened to your rant, paying attention to each word that fell off your tongue. when he was sure you were done, he pulled you in tight.
"i'm so, so sorry love." he said gently, holding you close. "i should've made more time for you. it's not your fault at all, so don't even think about that. it's my fault for coming home so late and spending so little time with you."
he grabbed your face and looked you in your red, bloodshot, teary eyes. "i love you. a lot. i don't really know what im doing when it comes to relationship-y type stuff, but one thing i do know is this. i. love. you. so so much."
"so.." you started, "shower-movie-cuddle?"
he chuckled. he had to get to bed and get 10 hours of sleep, but he would have to make do. "lets go." he swooped you up to carry you to the shower.
yeah. you thought to yourself, cuddled up in his arms. we're ok.
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kinda fucked up for you to see a gender non conforming woman (samsus) and automatically make them trans. you get what i mean about how thats just reinforcing gender stereotypes (that cis women are feminine and would never commit genocide even a little while transwomen would do masculine evil things like shoot gun (because they’ve kept their man vibes) or whatever
I can’t tell if this is like a shitpost or a really poorly worded commentary because I have no idea who you are. Frankly I would normally assume the worst block you, buuuuut since I like talking about it I’d love to explain why Samus Aran is extremely transgender.
Tbh I am still tempted to block you but the terrible grammar, spelling error, and nonsensical nature of the ask almost make it seem like a shitpost
First of all Samus being trans-coded was very core to her character from the very beginning. Regardless of the reasons they did it, the original Metroid was intentionally made and marketed to have people assume she was a man. This isn’t even just because people would see a person in a power suit and assume they were a man, the games manual explicitly refers to Samus with he/him pronouns. The immediate assumption that she’s a man because she’s tall, broad shouldered, badass, and wears a power suit that obscures her feminine features until the big reveal is inherently a trans theme. Taking that away makes her a less compelling character. It’s also continued in that Metroid media has continually joked that a lot of the Galaxy assumes that Samus Aran, the greatest bounty hunter in the Galaxy, is a man.
Secondly there was that one Metroid dev who said in an interview that Samus was transgender. The terminology used was outdated and it was explicitly a transphobic joke, but it’s too late she’s ours now.
Thirdly she is (was) built like one of us. That is, prior to the later zero suit designs trying way too hard to be sexy. Like seriously when I first found this image a few years ago I was the same height and weight as her. I miss the big buff broad shouldered Samus design so much and her later redesigns are honestly kinda pathetic by comparison
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Fourth, Samus was raised by the Chozo and trained to become a powerful warrior. Part of what they did to make her strong was body modification via Chozo DNA splicing to make her stronger and more agile than a normal human. This is a sci-fi setting where she was raised by an extremely advanced alien race who could change her very DNA, acting like she couldn’t look like she does and be a trans woman is simply not even an argument.
Now, of course, you could refute all this by saying “but Cordelia, we know what Samus looked like as a kid from Metroid Zero Mission and the manga and she was clearly a little girl not a boy.” Now even without addressing the fact that it’s very possible for people to realize they are transgender as children and that children don’t even really have secondary sex characteristics to make it easy to tell what their gender is, this what Samus actually looked as a child:
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The combination of all of this gives us trans women a lot of good reasons to believe she is transgender. But also, literally none of this is necessary for me to headcanon a character as trans. Trans women come in all shapes and sizes with all different stories and not a single thing in Metroid canon even remotely suggests that Samus Aran has to be cisgender. And if you try to say “but Samus has no bulge in canonical zero suit Samus depictions!” you’d have to be intentionally dense. Samus Aran is a chimera with a cocktail of human, Chozo, and Metroid DNA and, again, was raised by a race of super advanced aliens. Not only could they have easily given her bottom surgery, but they could’ve even changed her fucking sex chromosomes if she wanted them to. There is literally nothing in Metroid canon that even remotely gives me a reason not to insist that she’s transgender. To be honest, there is more evidence for her being trans than against.
To anyway anyone who actually read this far, I hope you understand the truth. Nintendo’s redesigns are too afraid to show us, but you and I both know that her cock is huge
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
( hi is the person who sent you those next gen hcs. Sorry if this bothers you but I decided to make a part 2, hopefully better formated of more hcs or just expanding on the past ones. My interpretation of them!)
About the teddy lupin hc with his teeth- yes! He would most likely mess up his teeth worse then they already were so Andromeda had to get him braces despite his protests and begging. After being straped to the chair and wearing them for like 2 years his tooth gap was still there SO HE DID ALL THAT FOR NOTHING. (biggest L he's ever taken)
Lilly wears lots of colorful and wacky earrings just like aunt luna. They probably trade pairs or something.
James sirius is really into cinema especially horror. He loves being scared and most of the time he just laughs at the jumpscares. I also feel like he has written entire analysis in his head on the things he's fixated on but doesn't have the energy to write them down so he just rants about his favorite stuff to his family.
Victoire was the one making moves on teddy not the other way around. This made bills distaste for teddy even worse cause he wasn't even the one doing anything 🙄
Albus's room is filled with action figures, stuffed animals, posters ect of all the stuff he enjoys. Like people always talk about how much of a loser scorpius is but not so much albus. Trust me though he goes to bed reading fanfiction and was most definitely "the weird kid" at school. Probably grew up watching markiplier and jacksepticeye.
Teddy gives me those vibes where every time something happens teddy just goes "don't worry, I know a guy" and proceeds to fix the problem.
Victoire is really close to her maternal grandpa because everyone on the weasley family had lost stuff to the war including her parents so her grandfather was 1 of the only people in her family that didn't have any tragedy on her birthday so he was one of the few people who celebrated it without any sadness about the day. Then later teddy did as well.
Albus likes to draw and several pages of his sketch book is dedicated to just scorpius.
So when it comes to scorpius's appearance I kinda wrestled with it because on one hand there's no way he's not attractive because his mother is Astoria. Not even draco too just Astoria is enough to make that kid divine looking but if he was super pretty then there's no way he wouldn't be asked out even if it was just for shallow reasons. So in my head he is pretty but looks like a corpse. He has eye bags, beauty marks all over his body he's pale and skinny too so he doesn't look human. Albus of course thinks he looks like a sculpture but others think he looks uncanny.
Teddy loved being in the woods/forest cause he loved running around and getting all that energy out. Probably met a old man named Charles who taught him how to fish and scavenge or something. Nobody knew teddy was being fr when he talked about Charles because Charles was probably some urban legend. He was being real though.
(Anyway hope you don't mind me sending you these! if I wrote a fanfic I would include all this stuff but unfortunately I don't have the dedication or skill to do that)
aw ted babe noooo (little does he know a beautiful person without a tooth gap is like an angel without their wings so in truth he was saved).
i agree with all of these lmfao. i feel like luna makes lily earrings for her birthday every year like a tradition. i also heavily fw assertive victoire— i like to think teddy had always been the flirty, confident one in his other relationships and victoire had been shyer in her other relationships but the roles are just reversed when they actually get together. and james being a horror movie freak is soooo real to me, he laughs at all the western films and only genuinely gets kicks out of asian horror movies. victoire with her maternal grandpa is so cute man, its canon to me now. and i have ALWAYS said this about teddy but he is the definition of “i know a guy.” he could get you any job, get you out of any situation ever, “everybody’s got a cousin who can hook you up with something” type. and charles bro 💀💀 yeah you’re so right nobody believed teddy when he said he mastered muay thai until he whipped out martial moves, or when he learnt tagalog when rooming with this old lady in the phillipines until he started rapping a song in it 😭 the only person who would believe him immediately with no questions asked is andromeda. hes so freaky, now he could tell people he was the first one to set foot on mars and everyone will be obligated to believe him.
“not even draco too just astoria is enough to make that kid divine looking” this is the truest yeah 😭😭 ok ok you’re actually so right about this, scorpius would be attractive but unconventional-looking. i feel like his uncanny years is only in school though, no one saw the vision but albus and it paid off sooooo well in the end.
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zai-doodles · 3 months
Yeah!! Please rank the spirit dresses!
ok ok ill try to not ramble too much but this will def be long lol
im not perfect by any means and these r just my opinions so idk don't kill me ig, if u disagree u can say that but be polite
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ok put down ur pitch forks and let me talk-
its not a BAD design aesthetically or in concept, I've seen ppl say its kinda leaning into a like, spy vibe or something and I really like the sunglasses and horns!
BUT capricorn never read as a spy to me?? maybe its just me but he always came off as more of a butler parody especially w the tailcoat he gets in this screenshot
i think both capricorn and the stardress suffer from not having a very visually distinct concept so when put together its barely feels like they match at all, its its v clear that putting lucy in a skimpy dress took priority over making a cool design that connected to the story
i dont even love my redesign for this dress anymore bc I feel like I just need to redo Capricorn first to give him a stronger concept then deal w the dress later
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this is blasphemy i know but PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
this one is way more personal preferance so if u disagree that's so chill there's just too many things w this dress that bother me
I hate the hair, i really do like grown women w pigtails is already a pet peeve of mine bc its so male gazy to me but combining that with the bikini top and super short skirt just annoys me
and let me say again THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING THIS but in the larger context of this being the AQUARIUS dress it just doesn't read like her at all!! Sure she has a bikini but she also has v ling hair!
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where capricorn suffers from too little visual concept aquarius has so much of it!! The gold to me reads v fancy and royalty esque which makes sense for her personality, just changing the hair to something more like what aquarius has would do wonders I feel like
plus i hate the green-
my first redesign ever was this dress bc it annoyed me soooo much
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this fit is fine, just boring
but virgos design is also boring and the one interesting thing, her chains, NOT being part of the star dress or alluded to makes me angry
also pigtails so it loses points
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again its fine but its boring, mainly bc aries' design is also boring so-
idk i wish they went more bo peep with it cuz I feel like that could have been cute
also more fucking pigtails-
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if any fit deserved to have horns its this one TAURUS IS A BULL-
anyway this fits is also fine but damn they could have gone so much harder w the cowgirl thing
i do still stand by my redesign for this stardress bc I think it fits canon without redoing taurus
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she should have a nose ring its just facts-
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love the concept and idea! kinda meh execution
its fine ig but its also like gemini don't look anything like this? which makes this another one were I feel ud have to rework gemini to give them more visual cues u could take
the headdress specfically confuses me since the wiki says its a Kokoshnik but after looking at the wiki for that I found nothing in the history that makes that make sense for this fit?? like concept wise??
its only so high up bc i respect that they did something different and creative with this dress and the way they split the colors on the dress itself is cute, just wish they went more magician or even jester w it
the only pigtails im kinda ok w bc symmetry
(when i say more magician i did it this way:
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its cute, i wish the tail was bigger and I see v little reason for the fit to be skin tight when scorpio himself literally has a half skirt thing going on
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i still like this so here, as u can see I liked the idea with the hair and headband combo I just wish they had pushed it further
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again, cool concept, weird execution?
this one is the only one i feel that THRIVES from not taking any visual cues from the spirit bc honestly his design just sucks I'm sorry ik its supposed to be funny but its just stupid to me idk
however even if i like thaty they did something different AND gave her the bow and arrow, it annoys me still that nothing about the fit reads equestrian or archery? there's SO MANY historical fits they could have used as inspo for this and they just chose not to and that's lazy to me idk
also also i hate that for a while bc of the way the manga was colored it looked like she was fully just wearing underwear bc of the white fabric with nothing on her thighs like that's dumb he's a horse u WANT something there to protect that area when riding
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its cute, it matched loke design AND personality wise, wish there were more lion elements but overall v cute
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i already talked abt my thoughts on this dress here so yeits just good AND the pigtails r ok bc they r meant to mimic cancers silhouette which I really like
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wannab-urs · 9 months
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The Spreadsheet Digest | Vol 29
Howdy folks!
This is the final Spreadsheet Digest of 2023! I started the spreadsheet back in May as a way for me to keep up with everything I read. Basically, I was having trouble finding fics I had read so I could reread them or I was getting two chapters into a new series before realizing I'd already read it. So I did what I do and I made a spreadsheet about it. Then I felt like other people might benefit from a searchable list of fics. Then, and I don't know why, I thought people might want to know what I thought about the stuff I was reading. And here we are - 29 volumes and 34 weeks later.
Sorry for long intro! This week I have 16 fics for you (Frankie, Joel, Max Phillips, Javi P, Ezra, Dieter, Dave York, and Jack/Whiskey). Summaries and Tags provided by the author where applicable - sometimes I filled in some stuff.
You can find my masterlist here and all my fic recs here
Recs under the Pedro!
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My Way - Frankie one shot by @goodwithcheese
Summary: Frankie's working on his truck... you interrupt him Tags: PIV Sex, Frankie uses his words, aka "you know he talks you through it," frankie is bossy Thoughts: if he uhhh "uses his words" this much in the series this is technically set in, I do believe I'll be reading that. This was HOT. Like absurdly hot. Lemme be you car girl, Frankie
Cocoon - Joel series by @secretelephanttattoo
Summary: A short ode to Joel's coat. / a bath with Joel Tags: Angst and intimacy. 1 reference to blood and allusion to canon typical violence (nothing is described) Thoughts: God i love little intimate moments like this... wrapping yourself up in Joel's coat, washing the bad day out of his curls... I am SICK! Someone let me hold this man, please.
I'll Leave a Light On For You - Max Phillips one shot by @oonajaeadira
Summary: Max has reservations when it comes to love, and for very good reasons. Tags: Angst. Character death. Allusions to the atrocities of war and its lasting effects. Max is a vampire. Traumatic soul memory. Me assuming I know anything about French culture of the 1930s. Thoughts: This is beautiful. Just absolutely stunning. I have a fascination with the concept of past lives, and I adore the way it's written about it here. There are some really interesting takes on it here with Max being a vampire. Also, side note, this fic made me cry. It's that soft angst that you don't expect to make you sob, but holy shit. When it hit (you'll know it when you read it) it hit. I was devastated. And then because it's adira and "we do soft here" it ends sweet.
Once in a Blue Moon - Dieter one shot by @whatsnewalycat
Summary: You're the only person working when a Christmas blizzard rolls into town and snows you in with a notoriously difficult guest, Dieter Bravo. Tags: one shot, slight dub con elements (power imbalance, isolation, alcohol) although both parties are enthusiastically consenting, hotel guest x hotel staff, blizzard, Minnesota because that’s my best friend, dieter generally being an ‘if you give a mouse a cookie’ ass bitch, kinda enemies to lovers???, Christmas, loneliness, palm reading, food and eating, cannabis, conspiracy theory mention, fluuuuuufffff, smut, dirty talk, a dash of conflict, painting stuff, power outage, poverty mention Thoughts: Aly has this way of writing Dieter that is like she knows him in real life. He feels so personal and real to me in her stories. I think I say this every time I talk about her fics, but my Dieter would not exist without hers. Anyway -- this fic is wonderful. Dieter has all that silly druggie boy charm he always has, there's a really interesting inclusion of him having PTSD from working on the movie from The Bubble and a really interesting way that he's dealing with it. It's got perfect vibes for us christmas haters too. I loved this so much.
Jingle Balls / Dashing through the ho - Frankie series by @idolatrybarbie
Summary: Santa Frankie porn... that's it. That's the fic Tags: santa kink???, cockwarming, cum, like so much cum, unprotected vaginal sex, unethical use of a mall Santa Village, semi-public sex, dirty talk and pet names, mentions of free use. / santa kink again, free use, spreader bar, creampie, come eating, facefucking, throatpie, anal sex, degradation, cum, pet names (honey, little girl, sweet girl, baby), praise, CUM AGAIN GUYS LIKE IDK WHAT HAPPENED HERE. Thoughts: This is mostly my fault and I refuse to apologize for it
Galletita - Javi P one shot by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Summary: Your sister and brother-in-law have enlisted your help with their small business while they await the birth of their first baby. You help with the cafe and find yourself face to face with a new customer whose appetite might have met its match in you. Tags: big boi Javi P is hungry and a little cranky, you like to bake and Javi likes to eat, belly kink, feeding kink, probably bad Spanish, we’re playing fast and loose with timelines, canon, and everything in general, so just forget about timey wimey boo boo wah wah and enjoy the story lmao Thoughts: I do, in fact, need a big boy
Devour - Ezra one shot by @frannyzooey
Summary: Falling for Ezra on the Green Tags: harvesting violence, mentions of gore and blood, mentions of cannibalism, love as consumption and all the visuals that come with it, so much fucking and filth and ass play and cum eating it isn’t funny Thoughts: It was a gift for me, so I really probably should not be so amazed by how much I love this fic. But oh my god, dude. Love as consumption, freak nasty smut, Ezra being Ezra, bi!Ez, the Din/Ez hints (I'd like to know more about that), it's all perfect. I will never stop being obsessed with this
Tear You Apart - Dieter one shot by @psychedelic-ink
Summary: it's the 70s and your friend invites you to an underground club where one of your favorite musicians is playing: dieter bravo. Tags: innocence kink, mild corruption kink, backstage sex, piv, dirty talk, weed, oral + handjob (male receiving)obsessed with rockstar Dieter. Thoughts: I'm surprised I haven't seen more rockstar Dieter. This was hot, filthy, and just... in the words of the man himself perfect.
One Man Show - Dieter one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Summary: Dieter gets himself off! Tags: male masturbation, use of sex toys, anal fingering, butt plug, sex tape??? i guess Thoughts: I'm loving this solo session concept so much. Dieter filming himself!!! for no reason!!! is so hot. Everything about this is so fucking hot. I want him to send me that video...
I am a nightmare, you are a miracle - Joel series by @party-hearses
Summary: After your two year relationship with Tommy Miller ends, Joel takes you in — and it’s home like you’ve never quite known before. Tags: slow burn, explicit (eventual) smut, language, infidelity, alcohol, age difference, soft!joel, no cordyceps outbreak, sarah doesn’t exist (sorry), tommy stans don’t come for me. Thoughts: I have been very intentionally not reading WIPs and waiting for them to be finished, but I fucked up. I was scrolling the dash and frannyzooey recc'd this and it caught my eye and I just didn't even check if it was finished. But I regret nothing. Ch 4 is coming soon, I'm manifesting it. I fucking love Joel in this and I'm super intrigued by reader's uhhhh mommy issues and the way that those manifest.
To sell your love for peace - Javi P series by @brandyllyn
Summary: You are Javier’s newest informant. You’re not his usual type but he’s willing to make an exception. More than one. Tags: smut, sex work, canon typical violence, javi being a moron Thoughts: I adore a lovers to idiots to lovers story... and man is Javi an idiot. The characterization of Javi here is perfect. Protective!Javi is very canon and I love seeing it in fic. Also, I don't normally go for miscommunication tropes (they tend to annoy me) but this was perfect. I loved every second of this story.
The Serpent Under It - Dave York one shot by brandyllyn
Summary: Dave is very good at his job Tags: Canon typical violence. kinda dark yo, soulmate AU Thoughts: I don't typically read soulmate AUs, but I actually read several of brandyllyn's this week. They're very different from the normal trope. This one broke my heart and it's less than 800 words.
To perish twice - Javi P series by brandyllyn
Summary: You can feel when your soulmate comes. Tags: smut, soulmate AU, Javi being an idiot, male masturbation, piv sex Thoughts: This is what I mean... you can feel when your soulmate has a fuckin orgasm??? What a concept. This was really hot, kind of funny, and had just the right amount of angst.
Cross My Heart - Ezra one shot by brandyllyn
Summary: While waiting at a clinic for the hope of a prosthetic arm, Ezra meets a woman who will change his life Tags: Talk of self harm / suicide but no one does it, discussion of medical procedures and prostheses, some use of ability based slurs by Ezra and others, canon typical violence Thoughts: We love a man who will threaten to murder someone's entire family for you... no seriously. I absolutely love Ezra's characterization here and I love the FMC's story AHHH. It's just a very sweet story... with a little Ezra flair.
Into the Shade - Ezra series by brandyllyn
Summary: Why would anyone fake having a soulmate? Tags: Ezra being Ezra, con man!ezra, soulmate AU, smut, Ezra x OFC smut, Ezra x reader is in there though. Thoughts: Yet again, the typical soulmate concept has been turned on its head here, and I love it. I also adore the flores animae - the particular soulmate mechanic in this fic. It's really interesting!
Dreams are Sweet Until They're Not - Jack Daniels series by brandyllyn
Summary: A crimson rose could only mean one thing. Tags: soulmates au, Jack being a slut, angst, smut, happy ending Thoughts: Okay last soulmates AU on the list, sorry. I went a little nuts. They're just so good. The ending of this one was so sweet, dude.
My fics this week:
Something Sweet - Javi p x reader - You’re new to the team in Colombia and all alone on your birthday. Your partner, Javier Peña, decides to do something sweet for you. (fluff, smut)
Under Your Skin - jack daniels x javi p x reader - You’ve worked on Chucho’s ranch since you were 15 years old, grew up with Javi, loved Javi… He comes back after nearly 20 years to find you hooking up with a certain former secret agent. He’s jealous, for sure, but of who? (smut)
in the a.m. - javi p x reader - Between sleeping with informants and getting in bed with Los Pepes in the fight to bring down Escobar, Javier Peña also finds time to be with you. Wrestling with crippling self hatred, Javi tries and fails to keep his blood stained hands off of you. Based on some of my favorite Arctic Monkeys songs (smut, angst)
Happy Reading!
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oneforthemunny · 3 months
I’d LOVE to hear your opinion on whether you think the couples who don’t have a marriage/kids storyline actually stay together (Dom!Eddie, Modern!Eddie, Bouncer!Eddie, etc…)!
Because, realistically—as much as it hurts to say—those couples seem like a “relationship you learn from, not necessarily stay together forever” if that makes sense, lol…?
Especially with Bouncer!Eddie and Bartender!Reader. If I had it my way, Modern!Eddie and his mean girl would be forever, but they’re so young, I don’t know if they would! 😭
I’ll give Dom!Eddie the most grace, and say out of the three, he’s most likely to marry Reader…or, at least stay together if marriage isn’t his thing… right… hopefully?!
i don't want to break hearts with reality so i won't lmao.
what i meant by that, is they don't seem like the type to want to get married necessarily??? if that makes sense? also to me, these are the ones that i don't really see "growing old" in a way if that makes sense. like they exist in that moment in time and i just haven't expanded it as much like other have. nothing against them, just sorta this is their moment in time and that's where they are.
like dom!eddie to me is my canon eddie (he's just horny emphasized lol) and i don't see him growing up and settling down. to me he just always exists in this timeline where him and reader are dating, and it's fun and it's silly, and it's serious but they're young and having fun type vibe. i just haven't thought past that tbh, but if i did, i like to think they'd stay together. i think they'd break up for a while, experience other people, then come back together when they realized they still wanted each other.
modern!eddie and mean girl... listen, so, to me?? to ME (vivi leave me alone), they are on again off again their whole fucking life. like if they got married, they get divorced, then remarried... then maybe divorced again and remarried idk? they're that couple (please tell me your hometown also has one). everyone's like "now why would they stay together?" and it's really a great question but they do lol. i think that's how they'd keep the 'spark' alive so to say lol.
boxer!eddie thinks marriage is stupid. he thinks it's dumb, it's a piece of paper, it's not worth it, like he's very anti-marriage. "i want to leave someone with a clean break. no strings attached and shit." "so you're gonna leave me?" i think him and reader would end up together, just not ever 'marry' because it's pointless to him. if reader really really wanted to, he'd give in and do a courthouse, but it'd have to be really far down the line. like if they had kids, he'd do it then bc he'd realize how it makes it a little easier on them.
bouncer!eddie and bartender!reader, i said they were gina and older!eddie in their younger days, and in a way they are. but if you're not vibing with that kinda fate, i'm really ok with them being just stuck in that moment forever. same as dom!eddie, just in their prime, the glory days, whatever you want to call it. forever young, forever messy and silly and in love and a little chaotic, with no real long term timeline plan, just happy and thriving in their point in time <3
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perksofbeingpoet · 4 months
Would the dps boys like the 2023 Barbie movie/how would they react to it?
(please bare in mind that these are teenage boys in the 60s)
NEIL: not really his kind of movie (he's one for indie arthouse stuff, and all the poets tease him about just wanting to sound cool and different), but loves the portrayal of struggles slowly chewing away at Barbie, resulting in a breakdown, and then the reveal of it all belonging to the human experience. It makes him feel understood in a small way. Plus he thought the Kens were hot but shhh
TODD: loves 👏 the 👏 colours 👏 the whole pastel vibe is super calming to him and he likes the music, and that end bit with the trees and montage bits? it definitely touches him, kinda like Keatings speeches do, plus it was his first entry to mainstream feminism (seeing that the boys literally have like zero contact with girls), giving him a chance to maybe do some research from then on!
CHARLIE: hot take but charlie would be annoyed by its portrayal of women's struggles, he'd totally be the type of guy to like chuckle a bit when the speech about how women have to be way too many things at once comes up. i know the book is not canon and the worst but there's a scene in there where charlie gets annoyed at Gloria being like "oh it's nice that you don't just wanna make out with me but also care about my inner values" and i think that is kinda true to Charlie (at least seeing how he pretends to create poetry for the girls to show off)? Ultimately, he did want girls to join Welton just so the boys could stop "beating off", and he is just a 16 year old boy when it comes down to it- so I think that he'd love the music and would definitely identify with Ken, but I'm afraid to say he'd make fun of the feminist aspect. He has room to grow though! I genuinely believe that Charlie learns and gets better <33
KNOX: LOVES it. Come on, tell me knox isn't absolutely in love with the movie and forces the poets to watch it again because this time he wants to sing along. Oh also think he'd talk about it with Chris to like see if she shares the experience described in the movie, and knox is pretty shocked to learn that huh, women do experience discrimination?? Tries his best to be extra nice and thoughtful afterwards
MEEKS: thought it was good, but could have been better. Meeks is definitely the poet with the most education on the women's rights movement and expected something a bit more fierce or outgoing, but he still appreciates that you have to please the masses and for people who know nothing about feminism at all, like most of his friends, it's a good starting point. Laughed SO much about the horse jokes.
PITTS: thought it was funny. didn't think about the message too much, just enjoyed the music and storytelling, plus he was a big fan of the reference at the beginning! Learns the I'm just Ken choreo with Knox, and has the songs stuck in his head for the next days.
CAMERON: surprisingly moved by it. I think he'd recognise both his parents in Barbie and Ken. I'm also of the belief that Cameron is super insecure, so I think that he'd identify with barbie a LOT, but feels kinda weird about that. Doesn't say much when asked about how he liked the movie by the others.
@folkloreforever sorry I took so long!
♡ please feel free to send me asks about the poets or dps in general, or even if you just wanna say hi! i love hearing from you guys! ♡
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cushfuddled · 1 month
Thank you so much for speaking up about Sherlock & Co because I very nearly got tricked by the "sooooooo canon!!" buzz. I guess it's been long enough for tumblr to get amnesia about TJLC. As Holmes-inspired stuff goes, back to my toxic yaoi House/Wilson rewatch I guess. That might be bait but what a tasty bucket of chum.
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Thanks for the ask! Hope you don't mind a rant haha! This got me all fired up because AUGH, the memories!
I think the thing that frustrates me most is that from my brief stint in the Sherlock & Co tag, it looks like we're STILL at the point as a fandom (and a culture, I guess) where it's socially acceptable to claim it's MORE progressive for Sherlock and John to NOT be gay.
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I was on the Sherlock BBC train by the winter of 2010, and I watched this argument evolve in real time from the don't-ask-don't-tell "being gay is fine but don't shove it in my face" fish into the faux-progressive "our culture is so oversexualized that modeling healthy, intimate male friendships is more important than canon gay rep" land mammal abomination. The fact that both these arguments land queer fans and creators in the same gilded cage kinda gives the game away: Queer relationships are fine...so long as they stay out of sight and out of mind. A gay side character can be forgiven, but the main characters must remain staunchly platonic lest the Gay Sex Stuff poison an otherwise pure, healthy, and culturally aspirational friendship.
Even queerplatonic relationships are seen as deviant. Other erroneous character details are sprinkled around for flavor, but any clarification on ace or aro relationships are treated as unnecessary at best and burdensome at worst—like a detour which would weigh down the story. It's the "ew gay cooties" fire poker approach in a utilitarian hat: If people can't label the queer content regressive in some way, then it's framed as extraneous to the narrative. Suddenly the plot becomes a perfect crystal, compounded and polished until all but the most vital story beats remain. Of course silly relationship details wouldn't penetrate this barrier of Pure Plot.
Except that's a total fabrication. These stories always make time for extraneous gags and flings and miscellaneous side quests. They nurture long-form friendships and rivalries under short-form plots. And creators are happy to play jump rope with the canon material right up until queerness enters the chat. They play it off like their hands are tied re: canonicity and relevance when really they just...don't want to make their characters queer. Which is perfectly fucking fine. I just wish more fans and creators were able to go "eh, I like these two as best friends and nothing else, so that's what I wrote" rather than make value judgements on people who WOULD prefer a canon queer relationship.
I haven't seen any kind of hand-wringing bullshit from the Sherlock and Co. creators as of yet, which gives me hope they'll just be honest about their preferences when the time comes (rather than try and spin their adaptation as something revolutionary in its platonic approach).
Like you said...It's also hard to watch a new round of fans rally their hopes around a Sherlock Holmes adaptation. My gut has absolutely led me astray before, but as far as I'm concerned, the Sherlock and Co. vibes are a world away from canon Jonklock. It's a great podcast and I'm sure it'll continue to accumulate fans. But it's not gonna be Gay. And I would loveeee to see people take that at face value I guess.
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comforting you after getting a little insecure about your relationship
suna, bokuto, sakusa x reader (separate)
notes on sakusa's: he's aged up and his volleyball schedule is based off of an elite volleyball club schedule, so if his canonical schedule is different im sorryyy
warnings: reader insecurities, platonic hugs and cuddles w/ friends
notes: the one bolded word is the nickname for the character that reader uses :)
a/n: WOWOWOW omi getting 10 hrs of sleep i could never it's 1am rn
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s. rintaro & clinginess (reader goes to a diff school)
-you were clingy.
-and you knew that very well.
-however, you never felt bad about your clinginess. rin was big on physical touch, too.
-it wasn't until one of your friends pointed it out that you felt a teensy teensy bit of insecurity.
you engulfed your two friends in a big hug. "morning!"
the two looked at you and laughed. (not in a mean way) "morning, y/n-chan."
you walked between them with your arms around them and talked. you loved moments like these; just talking, enjoying each other's presences, and getting some love in the form of platonic touch. you loved these friends deeply, and you enjoyed every moment that you had with them. you also always wanted to feel loved as well as make them feel loved, and physical touch = your love language. not to mention, you got to hear all the gossip like this. it was great.
then, at some point, one of your friends pointed something out. "y/n-chan, do you have attachment issues?"
you were very taken aback. "what?"
"yeah, she probably does. she always needs to be between us or something. definitely sounds like attachment issues." your other friend added teasingly.
you just laughed and said, "lowkey yeah i guess." and continued the conversation.
although the comment was half-joking and you had brushed it off, it was enough to start overthinking any touch that you had with anyone.
where you'd usually give your friend a quick pinch to the sides to greet and scare her, you instead screamed "BOO!"
you immediately backed off when you realized you gave one of your friends a hug out of instinct and habit, not wanting to come off as clingy.
you opted to sit on the other side of the table when you were studying in the library with your friend, worried that she might think it was weird how you wanted to platonically cuddle while studying.
though these were subtle changes, you really started to get into your head.
when you met up with rin after school, you opted for a "hi rin!" instead of a "RIIIIIIN!" and a big running hug. he noticed this change, but said nothing.
when he tried to grab your hand to walk together, you held his loosely, which was different from your usual pulsing grip. you liked to give his hand squeezes. you didn't know why, but it was just reassuring to you. but you didn't do it. didn't wanna come off as clingy or too attached or anything.
when you watched a movie together, you sat next to him instead of cuddling with him.
when you started crying during the movie, you held his hand instead of engulfing him in a huge hug.
rin took note of all of it.
he wasn't sure if it was significant enough to mention, but something about this situation had a weird vibe to it, so he brought it up as casually as possible.
"you've been less touchy today." rin mentioned as you two walked home.
you froze. he noticed?
"i-i guess so?" casual. keep it casual.
he picked up on the uncertainty in your voice straight away. "what's wrong?"
"nothing!" you tried your best to sound cheerful.
he raised an eyebrow at you.
"w-well, it's just that my friend mentioned that im kinda always on your arm and asked if i had attachment issues or something. i didn't like let it get in my head or anything, but i just kinda noticed that she's sorta right. thought id try giving you some space, you know?" you rambled. as you let it all out, tears formed in your eyes. oh gosh. he would definitely think that you were overreacting. you tried hiding your face so that he wouldn't see them, but it was too late.
rin wasted no time in engulfing you in the biggest hug and pressing kisses all over your neck.
you could feel your cheeks heating up.
"don't stop.. being all clingy and touchy and stuff. its cute and i love it."
he took a deep breath. he never was very good at talking about emotions. "i love.. everything about you. including your attachment issues."
to anyone else, nothing about rin's expression when he said that was weird. it was the same deadpan expression that he always wore. the stoic, cold, distant one.
but you knew him well. in his eyes, you saw a tenderness and love that he could only look at you with. the tenderness and love that meant "i mean it." no filter, no bs, no false comfort. the truth.
there's no doubt in your mind. you're not thinking about how he's just saying that, or how he finds this little conversation annoying and insignificant. all you're thinking about is how lucky you are to be with someone like rin. you hug him back as a few tears of relief and love fall. with a smile and tears in your eyes, you reply.
"same here."
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b. koutaro & another girl
-your relationship with bokkun was pretty new
-you had been friends for maybe 4 months or so before you two started dating for a month now, but you had an instant connection and became good friends very quickly.
-however, you had always felt that because you hadn't even know bokkun for half a year yet, there were a lot of things that you didn't know about him.
his friends, tendencies and habits, etc.
-you were never shy around him because of that, though. it was hard to be with his personality.
-you accepted that there were a lot of things that you didn't know about bokkun, but you loved him and he loved you, so you constantly reassured yourself that you would always continue to get to know him.
-but one day, you felt yourself getting pretty worked up about something.
"bokkun!" you exclaimed as you ran up to him. it was finally time to have lunch, so you were excited to eat together and talk.
you stopped. talking to him beside him was a girl with long, jet black hair and big amber eyes. she had long, thick eyelashes and full, plump lips. her milky white skin didn't have a single blemish. she had a small, v-shaped face and a nice ass. to sum it up, she was possibly the prettiest girl you had ever seen.
who is she and why is she talking to bokkun? wait. no no no. don't overthink it. she's probably just a classmate or something. no need to worry about it. you thought to yourself.
but then, she placed her hand on his bicep and gave him a cute smile. you could read her lips. "bokuto-san, this is very impressive! you must work very hard at volleyball!" or something. seriously, who is that?
when she did that, bokkun didn't shove her off. he just kept talking as if nothing unusual was going on. as if a girl that wasn't his girlfriend wasn't clinging onto his beefy biceps.
you felt tears well up in your eyes. he wasn't even shoving her off. did he not care about you?
you wiped your tears and walked up to him.
"bokuto." you said coldly. you were seriously hurt. how could he do this to you? you really thought that this relationship would go somewhere.
at the use of his normal last name, his hair drooped. were you mad? what did he do?
"what did i-" he began.
"can we talk?" you interrupted, glaring at the girl before pulling him away.
you led him to a quiet area in the courtyard where you wouldn't cause a big fuss.
"bokuto." you started sharply. "who the hell was that girl?"
his hair drooped even further. you were definitely mad. why, though? "a.. classmate? her name's takahiro. uh.. takahiro mika. we're.. working on a group project together. he answered nervously. the air was thick with tension and he didn't like it one bit.
"do you realize," you began, "that that CLASSMATE of yours was flirting with you? she literally grabbed your BICEP MUSCLES, bo. and you didn't even tell her to let go! you just kept talking as if that was normal! you have a girlfriend! me! do i not matter to you?" you exclaimed. you were talking pretty quickly, and you could barely understand yourself, but you didn't care. you were pissed.
"huh?" bokkun said, confusion and a slight bit of happiness due to the return of a nickname lacing his tone. "she was just commenting on my hard work for volleyball, though?"
it took him another few seconds to think about what you had said. he now understood that maybe you didn't want him touching other girls, which was perfectly normal and understandable! he would avoid that in the future.
that was when his brain finally caught up. you were talking so quickly that it took him a second to catch up. did you really just ask if you didn't matter to him? of course you did! you're the freaking love of his life, after all! (leave it to bokuto to get carried away with the whole "life" thing.)
"woah woah woah!" he screamed.
you jumped. what was with the sudden surge of emotion.
he grabbed you in his arms, picked you up in the air, and twirled you around before peppering kisses all over your face.
"of! *kiss* course! *kiss* you! *kiss* matter! *kiss* to! *kiss* me!" he cried.
he stared at you dead in the eye. "don't even think about that. i love you so, so much. i'm sorry if what happened made you uncomfortable. i'll make sure to try to pick up on when she might be flirting with me. i love you so much, ok? never forget that. ok? i LOVE YOU. i love you, l/n y/n."
you giggled. you got all worked up over him just being a guy who's concerningly dense. he didn't even realize that she was flirting, and thought that she was just being friendly.
"sorry for getting so mad. i love you too." you said, still in his arms.
"nonsense! i'm sorry for making you feel bad. this won't happen again! i promise!"
you sighed in contentment. bokuto koutaro was a man that you honestly hadn't known for very long. but what did that matter? you loved him, and he loved you. he's dense, stupid, idiotic, and friendly to a fault. but that's just part of what makes him so cute and special. because he's also loving, caring, loyal, affectionate, and the sweetest gentleman you've ever met.
even if the two of you hit some bumps on the road, you know that you'll be able to fix it somehow, as long as you're together.
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s. kiyoomi & time for two
-you knew going into this relationship with professional athlete sakusa kiyoomi would mean that he would have to dedicate a lot of time to volleyball. you understood that, and were supportive! you were proud of him for pursuing his passion, and the muscle he gained from it was a nice bonus.
-even with his demanding schedule, omi always made time for the two of you. even though he wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, he worked towards being more affectionate and spending quality time with you.
-in fact, every friday, the two of you would wash up in the shower, get all cozy and ready for bed, then settle on the couch for some cuddling and a movie. neither of you loved extreme outdoorsy dates, so you two were more than happy to do this. it was chill and relaxing, and it was the highlight of your week. you two usually ending up falling asleep on the couch, snuggled in each others arms.
-but even though he worked so hard to make time for you, it didn't always work out.
he was late.
omi was supposed to be home 45 minutes ago, but he still wasn't home. he wasn't responding to any of your calls or texts either, and you were starting to get worried. his dinner was getting cold.
you wait another 15 minutes. he still isn't home and its been an hour.
you wait an additional 10 minutes.
then 10 minutes turn to 20, and 20 into 30.
and a whole 2 hours later, he still isn't home.
finally, 2 hours and 46 minutes after he was supposed to be home, the front door opens.
"hey y/n.." he groans, obviously very exhausted. "im so sorry that im so late. we have a really big tournament this weekend so they're going extra hard on us."
"that's ok, omi." you reply. you know that his volleyball career is very important, and you don't want to get in the way of that. "have some dinner! you must be hungry."
"thanks, babe."
you were hoping to sit and talk for awhile, but omi finished as fast as he could and practically sprinted upstairs to shower. he needed at least 10 hours of sleep for his practice tomorrow.
you went to bed touch-starved and a bit lonely.
the next day, you were hoping to talk with omi about your day and also about his. you hadn't gotten to talk much last night, so you were really hoping for a chance to catch up.
however, he came home late once again, and went to bed early once again.
you knew that omi was trying his best to get home and that he didn't feel good about leaving you alone, but he couldn't help it sometimes. this upcoming tournament would be one of the most important ones in a 5-month span, so he needed to go the extra mile. you understood this. you always had. you needed to be extra supportive in times like these, in fact. still, it would be hard for you when the same pattern repeated over the course of wednesday and thursday.
on friday, you were having the worst day possible.
your boss was in a terrible mood today and fired one of your closer co-workers, a different co-worker dumped half of his work on you with little warning, you burnt your hand making dinner, and you were having a huge fight with one of your best friends.
all you wanted was one of your omi-y/n-shower-movie-cuddle sessions. you were exhausted and quite frankly on the verge of tears.
however, omi did not come home on time. he came home 3 hours later than he was supposed to and you were about to cry about it.
when he finally burst through the door, tired but guilty about the situation, you just gave him a huge hug.
he was startled by the suddenness of it, but he embraced you back.
and then he asked you the worst question you can ever hear when you're trying your best not to cry.
"hey, is everything ok?"
you burst into tears immediately. the frustration, exhaustion, anger, annoyance, and loneliness you had been experiencing this past week all flooded out and onto omi's shirt. you didn't answer, merely crying and squeezing him close.
he was alarmed, to say the least.
he tried his best not to panic, but you could feel his heartbeat pounding faster.
"can we.. cuddle and talk it out?" he asked. he knew that you needed someone to talk to, and he also knew that you felt most comfortable when cuddling. he figured this was probably the best way to make you feel safe and seen.
you nodded, tears still flowing. he then picked you up and walked over to the couch and sat the two of you down.
"so.. uh, what's wrong, love?" he asked. he really, really, really didn't wanna make you uncomfortable and prod when you didn't want to tell him, but he was also concerned for you.
"i just.." you started, "i don't know! i know that your job is super demanding and im so proud to be dating a literal pro athlete! but i don't know, sometimes im just sad that we can't spend more time together. and i had such a bad day at work today and i was honestly really looking forward to our special friday shower-movie-cuddle session because after such a hard, draining, day, it would've been just what i needed! and you've been coming home so late and not talking to me that i just feel like.. i don't even know! and the worst part is that i know that you're doing your best and that it's hard for you to get us time with your schedule! i know you're trying your hardest! and it just makes me feel like a horrible person to feel these things when you're trying your best and im just like.. invalidating your hard work or something! and it's just like, are we ok?" you ranted, more tears falling with every word spoken. you hadn't meant to let it all out like that. your intention was to gently talk about what was going on, or not even have this discussion. omi was probably bored and annoyed, too. this was the worst.
however, omi was in fact not bored and annoyed. he patiently listened to your rant, paying attention to each word that fell off your tongue. when he was sure you were done, he pulled you in tight.
"i'm so, so sorry love." he said gently, holding you close. "i should've made more time for you. it's not your fault at all, so don't even think about that. it's my fault for coming home so late and spending so little time with you."
he grabbed your face and looked you in your red, bloodshot, teary eyes. "i love you. a lot. i don't really know what im doing when it comes to relationship-y type stuff, but one thing i do know is this. i. love. you. so so much."
"so.." you started, "shower-movie-cuddle?"
he chuckled. he had to get to bed and get 10 hours of sleep, but he would have to make do. "lets go." he swooped you up to carry you to the shower.
yeah. you thought to yourself, cuddled up in his arms. we're ok.
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Something i love to think about when doing things like reinterpreting characters into a different world and franchise is how different it can end up depending on what parts of a character and their lore you adapt.
Like mlp. Some characters are so obviously one type of pony no mater how you look at them or what angle you go from. Some dont have a super strong pull to any.
But then there's the characters who go by what I'm talking about. Like Knuckles. Who can fit just about anything depending on what parts are picked for his adapting (Under the cut cuz i got lots to say)
If you're adapting Knuckles as a character, no thoughts to translating his lore earth pony is PERFECT. He's got a focus on raw strength, he's often depicted as larger and bulkier than the rest of the cast, his most fitting element is earth. It fits so well.
Adding in some vague references to lore and he'd be good as a crystal pony. He'd be in a kingdom that was unknown to the world for thousands or years that has a super powerful crystal artefact. (Plus I will forever adore Knuckles with a crystal vibe)
But Knuckles can also work as a unicorn. One you can use it to reference his hand spikes, (Maybe even give him a horn that splits in two) and he's involved with mystical energy that you can translate to magic.
He could also work as a pegasus. He canonically can glide and he lives on an island in the sky. (plus he is so the type to shield someone with his wings) and the pegasi used to be war like and that would fit the past of the echidna
Playing into the last of his kind, "other" aspect could have him be fitting as a non pony species (maybe even one that doesn't appear in the show but would feel fitting) and some of these can kinda parallel the echidnas story. It's not perfect but they can work if you're just using it as a vague reference as to the echidna story and focusing more on the fact he's a different species to all those around him
Like the griffins were a culture that fell into ruin after an event involving someone attempting to steal a key artefact. He could fit the hippogriffs with their story of being forced below the waves and becoming a lost culture, he could fit the changlings with how they attacked ponies like how the echidna attacked other tribes, Knuckles is actively telling people not to be like his ancestors like how the changlings are trying to be different from their past.
or give him a few traits to make it so he can't really be called any of the main pony species, like he's an ancient and lost type of pony.
But now we get to what happens if you REALLY play into all the Master Emerald lore and i think making him an Alicorn has so much potential.
First of all, he has a direct connection to the thing that's described as the most powerful artefact/source of chaos in the world, (and in mlp we do see a character who's exposed to a immense amount of magic become an alicorn.) Plus his role as guardian would fit with the whole idea of alicorns filling a special role in the world. The m.e can do many things and translating that to magic and focusing more on what he'd be able to do with it REALLY sounds like alicorn stuff and the stuff for him being each pony type can still be brought in cuz alicorns are a mix of all three pony types.
And there's so much fun to be had playing into the idea of 'Is he a naturally born alicorn? did the m.e do this to him? Did the m.e bring him into existence like this?" He can't say, he's sure always been this way, being this way feels natural and there's no clear signs that he was changed into one but if he was born an alicorn, where did he come from? who were his parents? were they alicorns? and the idea that the m.e and create life out of nothing spooks anyone who thinks about it.
But he really doesn't get what all the fuss about him being an alicorn is about, why everyone always stares if he has both his wings and horn showing, even when they are covered ponies seem put off by his size. (This is the perfect place for the feelings of loneliness and otherness being the last echidna give him in the normal canon)
Also the good ol' immortal Knuckles vibe are strong. He doesn't know how long he's been up there, but he can remember places from the surface that he's so sure he shouldn't be able. Maybe he doesn't even know alicorns are immortal until someone tells him. He then spends ages trying to convince himself that he's a young immortal, because the thought of him having a life that he's somehow forgotten is immensely distressing.
Bring in the things from canon of Knuckles not feeling like its his place, or is perhaps even scared to use his power and you've got an alicorn, an immensely powerful being, who's barely tapping into his magic, only doing the basic spells that practically every unicorn uses in their day to day life. he could but he's so worried about what might happen if he does. So he goes for physical fighting moves instead. (And the idea of him tapping into that immense power to protect his friends works so good with him as an alicorn. You do not want an angry protective and powerful alicorn after you.)
And the storyline of finding a lost alicorn on a mysterious floating island has wonderous potential. Gives Eggman all the more reason to manipulate him on sight. Sonic's running along in superform, and then something knocks into him. His eyes focus and there's an alicorn in front of him. No wonder he was able to knock him out if his superform,
(I've also seen a take where Shadow is an alicorn cuz. "Why wouldn't they make the ultimate lifeform an alicorn" and i love that, but i got some extra thoughts. It being very clear he's an artificial alicorn and those working on project shadow not fully understanding that a alicorn is a mix of unicorn, Pegasus AND earth pony and just creating him with the first two. There so many delicious storylines that could come from shadows identity as an alicorn getting a shake up.)
The more i talk about it the more i adore alicorn Knuckles and all the story potential it has. Also, the thought of him looking all regal and mystical and then when you talk to him he's brash, rude, kinda feral, lives outside instead of in some castle and is a dorky sweetheart who pretends he totally doesn't care even though he's often instinctively using his big alicorn wings to shield his friends. (He also has many of his critter friends use his wings as shelter and if you look underneath you'll find a whole pile of the smols)
i am quite likely to talk about this again cuz its so fun
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42069memesfordays · 5 months
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These four have me gripped by my heart, and I cannot help but imagine them in the funniest OT4 ever.
Three Saiyans and a Cerealian.
Brainrot ramblings beneath.
I have Fantasy AUs of them now; sometimes they’re all adventurers, sometimes they’re all knights, sometimes they’re all royalty from different kingdoms, or even the same kingdom. My primary take has Gine as a paladin, Fasha as a barbarian, Muezli as a rogue, and Nion as an alchemist, where they’re all reluctantly brought together and end up bonding over how similar they really are while also finding respect in each other’s differences.
I have modern day AUs where they’re just vibing and not being dead.
I have them as one of the central ships for my Transformers and Dragon Ball crossover on a Discord server I’m part of that’s been going since last April.
They get to be strong enough to do things like break canon MUI Goku from the Tournament of Power over their knees.
Goku has two whole brothers now; three, depending on how solid I am on headcanon Turles to be Nion’s kid somehow.
I’m already thinking of a new modern day AU where they’re all single moms who’d each been with Bardock before and meet up at his funeral; shenanigans happen from there, and there’d also be a B-Plot about their kids all having to learn to get along with each other.
They’d sit on a couch in a massive pile of blankets, sipping on hot chocolate as they watch one of those sappy Christmas movies that Gine picked up; Fasha, Muezli, and Nion probably wouldn’t be wholly into it, but seeing Gine’s smile throughout the whole thing is worth it.
The Transformers x Dragon Ball AU forces them through the worst self-hatred and imposter syndrome conceivable, but it’s all made worth it when they realize that they genuinely love each other in a way that can never be understated.
They try to have a small wedding with just their friends and family, but Bulma, being Bulma, gets way too invested and sends it over the top accordingly.
I have an AU where they’re just office workers and also single moms who find solace in each other as the days go by.
I have another AU where one of them’s just a mortal, the other’s their best friend with a major crush, and the last two are an angel and devil fighting over the former over something petty; it then slowly escalates into all of them genuinely being really into each other through loads of romcom and sitcom type shenanigans.
I have an AU where they’re in RWBY as a major hunter team.
I have an AU where they’re Cybertronians; sometimes they’re all Autobots, sometimes they’re all Decepticons, and sometimes it’s a mix of both, depending on my mood.
I’ve had thoughts about them in Mortal Kombat, where they either become new characters entirely or take the place of Scorpion, Harumi, Smoke, and Kuai Liang.
A Thomas the Tank Engine AU sees them being Gordon’s crew in the modern day, where they and the Number Four have to put up with each other after the latter gets off on the wrong foot with them; their growth comes during a tour across the mainland, where Gordon’s old crew are helping them to finish up the last of their training; this is also a proposal that I have in mind for a co-op project I’m working on in yet another Discord server.
All four of them died without much to them; Fasha and Muezli both did so for the sake of Bardock’s development. Gine and Nion just got wiped out on Planet Vegeta by Frieza.
They’re kinda nothing burgers, and yet I just can’t help but latch onto them like they’re life preservers in the middle of a cold, storm-ridden ocean.
I have many questions that only a select few seem to really care about, but not necessarily as deeply as I seem to; what exactly did Gine and Fasha think of each other? What would Muezli and Gine have thought of each other if they ever met? What would Nion think of any of them, and they think of Nion? What would they think of the others in general? Would it be respect, reluctant or not? Would it be contempt? Hatred? Who knows?
They are my Roman Empire.
They fundamentally mean way too much to me, given that they all died as either background characters, plot devices, or some mix of both.
I have a Star Wars AU with them where Gine is a Jedi, Fasha’s a Storm trooper, Muezli’s a bounty hunter, and Nion’s a scientist for the empire before Order 66 where they also get brought together through sheer circumstance and learn to bond with each other; they run away post Order 66 and then end up settling on some random little planet that’s out of the way.
They keep each other grounded.
They feel comfortable enough around each other to regularly poke fun and make jabs at each other, but so help you if you do the same to any of them while the others are in earshot.
Somewhere in the back of my head lies a Dragon Ball Z: Abridged version of my Transformers x Dragon Ball AU where one of their running jokes is that they’re all absolutely unhinged for each other without the other knowing; when they finally do get to know about what the other is like, those tendencies somehow get even worse.
I’m going mad, and it’s great.
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