#even beside the ships- so many themes that are so cool in this
beaulesbian · 2 years
I'm seeing a lot of trigun stampede stuff on my dash, and only have one question... is it gay?
how do i answer this,..
i dont have the full knowledge of the story/the full manga yet, and stampede is reboot so i guess anything is possible, but
there are the themes, you know, so many themes.
even if some stuff is not canon, there are things you take away from it, how they present it, how the relationships work, and what remains.
...and it sure is pretty gay, even if its not explicitly said - and in this way i feel it works better for the whole story.
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(i got into trigun thanks to the stampede anime, but the more i watch the og anime, i like it more and more?
look at this shit
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and they're always just like that, what's not to love.
Hope this helped ✨️💜
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darklinaforever · 3 months
It kills me how many people think that the gender of a fictional character doesn't matter.
We are in fiction, where the characters have arcs, or they embody themes. Obviously for some characters gender matters.
Michael is literally named the new heir and freaks out about becoming a new John /basically taking everything he had.
Michaela can't really have this arc... Unless we strangely learn that the laws in Scotland are extremely different from England located in the Bridgerton universe (and I speak for the universe of the series, where we have no idea if they will stick to reality where women in Scotland could inherit), and I doubt it for the moment.
So no, Michaela couldn't necessarily have the same arc as Michael.
I'm not even sure she could be a Merry Rake. Can a woman be called Rake in show Bridgerton universe ?
The fact is that Michaela will necessarily differ at certain times from Michael.
Already there are always drastic differences between the show and the book, this time I think it will be even more emphasized. (I even doubt that we will have as many nods to the book as season 3 dedicated to Polin's story did)
In any case, the very basis of Francesca's story is that despite the loss of true love you can always have a second chance, which is a clear originality compared to the other romances in this series of books ; well, is already changed with the way the end of season 3 happened.
It seems that the marriage to John was a mistake, that the physical aspect of their relationship will not prove pleasant in view of the Fran's reaction to their kiss, and worse, that Fran doesn't feel true love for John.
True love in Bridgerton often results in great passion and similarities to the story of Edmund and Violet, and Francesca literally matches Violet's reaction when she first met Edmund, but this time when she meets Michaela.
Whereas Fran is never supposed to have this kind of reaction around Michael / Michaela as long as John is alive. Because she normaly truly loves him.
So how could the story be the same after such a change to the very heart of the story ?
It's not just the gender change from Michael to Michaela that makes the adaptation of When he was Wicked complicated and uncertain for some viewers, including me too, it is above all a whole.
But for some obscure reason people refuse to accept it.
Beyond that, I repeat, Michael Stirling is a fictional male character who has been around for years.
That people are disappointed, including me, not to see this character, as he is basically on paper, be adapted to the screen is not necessarily homophobic, assumed or internalized.
Yes, some are, but not everyone. Some of us are part of the LGBTQ+ community and no, we do not all suffer from internalized homophobia so as not to 100% validate such a change !
We're talking about an attachment to an image that we have formed in our mind about a FICTITIOUS character for fucking years !
Besides, I didn't even say that I was fundamentally against it, because I have already explained several times that a part of me was happy to see a main romance between two women on screen in the television universe for Bridgerton (and the actresses are magnificent and on top of that, I'm sure, will have very good chemistry). Once again, representation is always cool, but, is this really the right place to do it ? I'm not so sure.
And contrary to what some say, I'm not saying that LGBTQ+ relationships should systematically be secondary in fiction. No way. I'm simply saying that transforming one of the main canon ships of the books without which the Netflix adaptation would not exist is perhaps not the right thing to do, since there is already a community attached behind these characters...
And seriously, if the creators really wanted a main LGBTQ+ romance dealing with the Bridgerton universe, they could easily make a spin off dealing specifically with this part of society and how they live.
I'm sure many, including me, will watch such a spin-off ! And damn I would love for something like that to happen !
You see, the opportunity to have an LGBTQ+ romance at the forefront without changing the kind of characters mostly beloved by an audience that already exists. Not very complicated though.
Do you realize how inappropriate it is to insult someone homophobic for that things ?! I don't know what kind of fucking bubble these people live in...
And it's scary to say that you can be insulted by a community of which you are a part, simply for not conforming to everything that is judged 100% morally correct for them.
If you have the misfortune of delay, sometimes there are those who unleash themselves on you to insult you for things that you don't have, simply for a fictional character...
"You don't 100% validate that a fictional male character who has existed for years and whom you have loved for years, with a fairly precise image in mind as a result, becomes a woman in his adaptation ? Well obviously, it's is that you are, at worst, a homophobe, or at least worse an internalized homophobe, and in any case that is not tolerable and you are not a true ally and you are problematic who deserves to be hated."
I don't know if you realize how STUNNING this is ! There really are people on this app who need to get fucking treatment...
And anyway why am I racking my brains ?
There will always be stupid people to come and tell me that what I say is always homophobic because if I have a problem with the change of gender of a fictional character through an adaptation well I'm the real problem.
As they say, you can't change idiots.
So stay stupid if you want, but at least leave me alone.
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licorice-tea · 2 months
The Captain Who Loved Me (1/2)
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: Angst, Reader is hurt/unconscious (briefly), reader tries to run away from their problems, ends up in a dangerous situation, themes of fear/ danger!, fluff afterwards, sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!
Word Count: ~1.6k
A/N: Hey… Sorry it’s been so long! My life has been busy, to say the least. Borderline chaotic, but I don’t want to make it out to be a bad thing when there are so many amazing things and people in my life right now. However, there have been a few personal events that have made me less motivated/ less focused on writing. I’m sorry for making you all wait for updates/ requests, but I genuinely am just lacking a lot of interest in writing fanfic at the moment. Still, J appreciate all of your support so so much <3 It makes my day when I go on this app and see that people are still enjoying things I’ve written! So, I hope you enjoy this one too. (Part 1/2 bc i want to do a shorter ending.)
Part 3
Law hadn't thought that when you said you would “go,” you wouldn't really try to leave. And in all fairness, neither had you. You just started walking away from him, way too peeved to even look back or slow down when you heard his stuttered “wait!” And when you got back to your cabin, you picked up a backpack. Then you had filled it with only the essentials (the same way you would pack to go inland for a day or possibly longer.) And finally, with no purpose in your plan besides getting away for a little while and clearing your mind, you headed below deck to the Soldier Dock System.
Franky named this deck the Soldier Dock System because, as he had once explained to you, all of the smaller vehicles housed within the Sunny are like her soldiers. The memory makes you smile as you quietly open the door and close it behind you, then stroll along the small walkway until you spot what you came down here for in the first place: The Mini Merry 2. She bobs in shallow water and seems to call to you; “Get in! Let’s go!”
You’re too tired to make the right decision, so you quickly open channel 2 of the dock system, drop your bag into the passenger seat, and climb in after. An opening on the side of the Sunny lets in higher waters, which carry the Mini Merry out to sea…
“Have you seen y/n?”
Zoro’s head snaps up to the other swordsman. The two don’t converse much outside of what's necessary, so he's surprised to see the equally stoic man standing over him while he “naps” (keeps watch) in the crows nest. He shakes his head.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?”
“Yeah, on the ocean. Not my own crew mates.”
Law scoffs, and mutters; “Thanks for nothing.”
Zoro can tell the other captain is annoyed for some reason, and decides to throw him a bone. “Traffy!”
“Check the lower levels. They might be hanging out in someone’s workshop… or whatever.”
Law regards Zoro with a suspicious gaze, but it soon turns to one of quiet thanks. He nods and leaves through the hatch in the crows nest.
Cool sea air hits him stronger than expected as soon as he exits the confines of the crows nest. With one hand and both feet planed (somewhat) firmly on the rope ladder, Law leans back to view the weather. A storm is brewing on the horizon, which shouldn’t be any problem for a ship as massive and advanced as the Thousand Sunny. The navigator/thief had briefed everyone on board on the gloomy weather that night after dinner, and though Law had been too distracted by thoughts of you, he had managed to pay a little bit of attention for the sake of important information. You hadn’t been at the impromptu meeting regarding the sea and sky’s conditions, so he had just assumed you were probably resting in your cabin already. No reason to worry over your safety if you were already fast asleep, right?
But as Law continues to survey the waters surrounding his temporary residence, he spots an anomaly. A tiny boat, rocking on the water as the ocean seems to send more violent waves its way. With squinted eyes, Law observes the miniature ship. It’s hard to see through the oncoming rain, but he can make out the lone passenger’s bent knees. They’re apparently trying to brace themselves as they struggle with the steering mechanism at the front of the boat, and their hair is whipped every which way about their face by winds that must be much stronger that far out at sea. It’s hard to make out their features because of the rain that comes down in sheets over their mysterious figure, but when he finally catches a glimpse of their face, Law’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
He watches in horror as, what he now recognizes as your ship, is tossed back and forth on the tumultuous waves. You look over your shoulder and back at the Sunny, before you lose your balance. But your head seems to be struck by something at the front of the ship during your short fall, based on the way you first wobble, almost find your footing by leaning forwards, then jolt backwards. Law yells your name at the top of his lungs, but you do not move.
When you open your eyes to find yourself tucked into your bed, you think nothing of it. That is, until the throbbing pain in the center of your forehead reveals itself to you. Then the memories of a storm all come flooding back: the freedom you had felt in your first few moments in open water, alone with your thoughts. How quickly that sense of calmness had turned to panic as the weather changed in an instant, leaving you to desperately try to steer back towards the Sunny in a boat no taller than yourself. Slipping on the small deck, only for your head to hit something and… black out. And you remember Law’s voice, too; he had sounded so distant that it must have been your imagination .
The soft creak of your bedroom door draws you from the rush of memories, and you look up to find Chopper making his way into your room with a tray. He doesn’t realize your eyes are open until he’s set it down on a bedside table, and climbed up onto your bed with a stethoscope in hand.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” he gasps.
You offer a weak smile and attempt to sit up, but the reindeer gently pushes you back down. “Chopper… What happened?”
“You had an accident during the storm 3 days ago-“
“3 days ago?”
“Yes, Nami briefed the crew on it. But then Traffy found you on the Mini Merry 2, a mile from the ship!”
“I- I didn’t know there would be a storm…”
Chopper frowns while placing his stethoscope on your chest. You take 2 deep breaths in and he nods to himself before simply sitting beside you. “What were you doing out there?”
You shrug, “I just wanted to clear my head.”
He pays your arm, “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Traffy, but he cares for you a lot. He used his devil fruit to save you in the middle of the ocean, which… could have ended badly.”
This strikes a chord within you. Of course you knew Law cared for you to some degree, but knowing that he put his own safety on the line to help you in your time of need… Perhaps it was wrong of you to assume he was selfish and cold for refusing to admit what was so glaringly obvious to everyone else. What is now so clear to you, too.
He loves you.
“Oh… And is he-“
“He’s fine, but I prescribed him some much needed rest from coming in contact with sea water.”
Chopper finishes examining you and gives you some pain medication for your head, then leaves you alone to properly wake up and get yourself together. To no surprise, your alone time doesn’t last long as an influx of visitors find their way to your cabin.
First are Nami and Robin, who knew you were awake from hearing your voice through shared walls. They come with a small bouquet of flowers from Robin’s garden in a pretty little decorative vase, and each make themselves comfortable in your room. Though the door is closed, Luffy excitedly barges in soon after, followed by Usopp, then Chopper again. He scolds the two young men for disturbing your peace and possibly riling you up, but you assure the even younger doctor that it’s more than fine. Because, in your opinion, there’s nothing like your nakama’s company to raise your spirits. Zoro must have wandered in at some point and decided to take a nap on your floor, which you only realize when Sanji opens the door and hits the swordsman’s leg when he (gently) kicks it open. They resolve to only glare at each other for a moment before Sanji hands you a cup of something warm and sweet, “For someone warm and sweet.”
The 8 of you spend some time chatting and enjoying your company before you find the courage to ask, “Where is everyone else?”
“Jimbei is steering the ship-“
“Brook is keeping watch-
“And Franky is working below deck. Something about improving the Mini Merry 2… But that’s not really what you wanted to know, is it?”
You feel your face heat up as you meet Robin’s all-knowing eye and shake your head “no.” She smiles at you and giggles pass between your crew mates.
Your friends file out of your room (or are ushered out by Nami and Robin, rather, who insist that you should get some more rest.) But soon enough, there’s yet another knock at your door. Your breath hitches, as you feel you already know who’s on the other side…
“Come in.”
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake @pinki-minki @loserbee14 @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction @nyxlai @mrs-monkey-d-luffy @pi-crust @bookboyfriendssaveme @dark-swedish-suitcase-blog
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mxmajor · 3 months
The Hot Take Machine is up and Running
Back in I believe february someone made a poll asking if the Bear was a white show or not because the majority of the main cast is not white.
Here's the post I wrote essentially breaking down what made it a white show. And after Watching season 3 I feel like what I said is reinforced.
What is any poc on the shows ethnicity besides Ebra?
We know the berzattos are italian, richie and jimmy are polish, the faks are faks, and we get a bit even if just from richie of them speaking other languages. What is Tina's ethnicity? Beyond sounding like a ny-er. Is Marcus Carribean? He's catholic, or his mom was? Just learned what league Gary played in via a Fak. Do Manny and Angel have last names? if we didn't know anything abt that yt characters ethnicities and cultures, I wouldn't care. But We Do lol. So there.
I didn't even know yt ppl could have this many fictive kin and play cousins, where is anyone else's immediate or extended family and background?
We know Marcus has a younger brother, was that just shared to fill in a larger motif around sibling relationships? I know there is an ongoing theme around going it alone (Donna through child birth, Marcus's mom, Syd's dad, and Richie being alone as a father) so it will echo through diff characters. But black and brown ppl of most ethnicities not having anybody to turn to at all? Not knowing a guy with a job? Not making any meaningful connections until they get to the beef? We know the name of Richie's grandma and his daughter calls Donna auntie DD. But none of the black or brown ppl have grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins.
I know the berzatto family can be like the island of misfit toys but like I do suspend my disbelief because of this lol.
Look at how Syd & Tina are being treated.
I know how the people being booted from the 4 top looked A Way™, but I think its highlighting that outside of Berzatto land, Syd is getting treated in a very wild way. Like ships are cool but I literally only started this show for Syd & Tina and they are used as introspection tools for the Berzatto brothers, or to reassure one. We know they have people that love them and why they are at the beef/bear. But my opinion stands, this is a white show about a large dysfunctional family that happens to have black people in it.
I honestly think the poc not neatly gelling and the extensive Berzatto-Fak-Jerimovich-Kalinowski & Co outset being insular is okay because who wants to be tied up in that? and we see Sydney weighing if she wants to be connected to or apart of it that we don't see any other berzatto +1 get to decide. Because it is warm when it's warm. But it is demoralizing dismissive and defeating when not. And her former hero sometimes is the initiator or amplifier of Syd being treated that way.
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a-s-levynn · 1 year
JOOO you used to sell swords?? That's so cool!!! If you feel like reminiscing and using this as an opportunity to tell everyone about that very awsome sounding job, I would love to hear about it :D if not just take this as me being a tumblr mutual who wants to be your friend now even more 😂 swords are so cooool
I sure did! Oooh my god. You have no ide what sort of pandora's box you've opened. I love talking weaponry. I also spent an unreasonably long time trying to dig up old pics.
So i snatched this unreal job by a total accident. During uni, a friend of a friend of mine were preparing to go to study abroad for a few months and needed a temporary replacement. And when we met for the first time, half jokingly asked if i liked swords. Yes, yes i do find all kinds of blades incredibly sexy thank you very much. And not a lot of time later i was sitting behind the counter. And stayed there for roughly three years.
It was a sword and decorational weaponry shop. I mean it still is. But i may talk about it past tense because i'm not there anymore. 😭 We had like functional swords and daggers for HEMA and other traditional stuff. Lots and lots of katanas and a few wakizashis and tantos for martial arts or just for decour. We even had like the long ones.. what are they called.. odachi and nodachi! And that sort of spear like a guandao, naginata. There were khukri knives as well. Modern knives.. A lot of stuff. And then decorational stuff from movies, anime or video games for just to put on a wall or elevate a cosplay.
Even decorational fire arms up until modern stuff. Altho fire arms where strictly decorational items, manufactures in ways that they were safe and unchangable into usable stuff. And a fewfigures, jewellery and some tarot cards and some other nick-nacks that fit the theme.
I don't have access to my drives at the moment but i found some old pictures.
Okay so this was the second showroom, i can't find picture of the old one, i liked that one better but there was a location change and this one is smaller, less packed. But still the important parts are there. These pictures are about 3 years old as well at this point.
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Please note the little knight with the megaphone in the corner on the monitor. I designed that one. Precious friend shaped little dude.
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This picture is Ezio's dagger from Assassin's Creed. It's not dirty just freshly out of the shipping box, swimming in grease to protect it from rusting. This one was a functional piece. The handle seems wide but it's not disproportionate, only my hands are small.
But we had like.. i dunno sabers of many kinds..and chinese swords with rigid blades to those weird but really fun floppy ones as well.
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That green wall belonged to the old showroom my beloved 😭
Also there were pieces of armour and all. Not just full but chainmails and roman style, shields. Bows and Crossbows. Basically everything.
And like besides the selling and online customer service stuff, i did a lot of polishing, i probably enjoyed that the most. Of course the heavier damage or problems were handled by proper craftsmen but a simple polishing job? Gimme! -insert grubby hands- I'm gonna spend half a day on it but you gonna see yourself in it. Like this below. The left side is still unpolished, all foggy, but see the right? You can see the red shirt guy pretty good already. This helmet was so pretty after i was finished with it. I was so proud. 😭
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And then there were some modern stuff. With these i also did the smaller mechanical epairs like a jammed spring or a loose trigger and the like.
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This beretta was the first i took apart but i conquered it like a champ 😂 I was asking my boss if i could give it a try and he said as long as i don't break any additional parts go a head. Needless to say the second little guy landed in my lap without any question.
And there were so many other little highlights. I loved so many of the customers. I loved talking about their stuff or just listening to their stories. Uhh i miss it so much i can't even begin.
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Finished Star Trek TAS today and I got contemplative about the science fiction genre in movies and tv
For the record, tas was fine overall. You know it’s fun to laugh at the animation errors I did plenty of that. But it’s decent 70s kids fair. I wouldn’t put it on for kids today mind you, I’d just show Star Trek prodigy, but still. It very much is a product of its time. However at the same time it demonstrates the biggest hurdle sci fi has faced throughout the ages. The obsession with scale over characters.
There’s a tendency in sci fi where when the people working on a given story get seemingly unlimited resources to make a thing look as epic and grand of scale as possible, they focus on that over making the characters interesting and worth caring about. Not always, but generally it happens a lot. You see it with the big three, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. To pick on Doctor who for a minute, they pour buckets of money on explosions and guest stars and having a golem Doctor show up in their season 3 grand finale but the episode that season that’s regarded as peak fiction is the one where the monsters don’t even move on screen. They’re literally just statues.
Star Wars has both the prequel and and sequel trilogies for me to point to as evidence of this. For the prequels it was look at our awesome special effects and fight scenes. Oh shit we forgot make the overarching story understandable and matter to the cast before the third movie. And the case of the sequels also have consistent character development and themes. Oops.”
And lastly Star Trek. While my favorite episode is conscience of the king, my second is the empath. The most cash strapped episode of the show. It was filmed almost entirely on a black stage ffs. And yet I felt more emotion watching Kirk, Spock, and McCoy risk their lives and be willing to die for each other than I did watching agent seven and his cat hack a spaceship in 1968 Florida while Kirk and Spock stalk them.
The reason completing tas brought on this thought process was there were many writers who jumped at the chance to work on this show because of the lack of limitations of live action. Their only limit was their imagination and the 24 minute runtime. And as a result they got so caught up in the spectacle of “look at this cool new alien threat/concept,” that most of the time they forgot or didn’t have time to give the characters anything to do besides solve the problem. Or just rehash old episode ideas. But listen, they could’ve had good character interactions within 24 minutes. Doctor who is the easy one to point at but honestly if we jump forward a couple decades, (and genres) Batman and Superman tas managed to have self contained 20ish minute episodes with heart for the recurring cast. It’s not impossible to do.
Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars, were not successful just because they had cool sci fi ideas, costumes, and special effects that could be merchandised into eternity. They have endured for so long because people are invested in these characters. And if you cannot convince people to care about the characters outside of pop culture recognizability, then you will not retain an audience through the weaker stories, regardless of how much money you sank into how nice the ship looks. Instead it is doomed to fizzle out. For a contemporary example outside of movies, look at Netflix’s Voltron.
Last example and then I’m done. Netflix’s voltron perfectly displayed how you can get an audience invested in a cast of characters and then squander it because the producers/writers didn’t care about character development. After season 2 stuff stopped being character driven and started going “well the writers wanted to tell a gritty, depressing war story.” And in the end what was once one of the most popular Netflix shows is now only ever discussed in the same vain as game of thrones. Just wasted potential and missed opportunities.
I’ll end this rambling blog by repeating that imo low budget character driven sci fi is better than high budget sci fi focused on worldbuilding and cool shit you can do because of special effects or the fact it’s a cartoon. Limitations help make some of the best stories out there because they force you to think outside the box.
And it pains me that after so long a lot of the people who write this stuff don’t get that.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
other anon mentioned you are the exchange expert -- what exchanges/events do you know of that are coming up besides yuletide? looking to try one for the first time :)
Okay so. So. Let's see.
I normally keep up with exchanges through an 18+ discord server for exchanges. (You can DM me for a link, but it's a choose-not-to-warn space, so like, whole exchanges themed around major archive warnings, so reader beware.) I just cruised through to see what's in nominations right now.
Sick-Or-Treat is a hurt/comfort exchange that runs October 1 through November 30th. To participate, you just post a complete hurt-comfort fic to the collection that's named after a pokemon attack, and you can win badges, up to a total of eight badges!
Holy Fuck Exchange is an exchange themed around sexual or romantic relationships that have at least one diety involved! They're in nominations until 23:59 UTC on the 30th, so you have a little time to get your nominations into the tag set.
SEDORETUE EX is an exchange themed around sedoretue relationships, a four-person relationship found in the works of Ursula Le Guin. They've already closed nominations, but sign-ups are open through the 30th, and you can check out the tag set and see if anything catches your eye!
Star Trek Holidays, a fandom-specific exchange that ALMOST counts as multi-fandom cause they have so many sub-fandoms, is in sign-ups until the 1st of october.
We JUST missed the sign-up period for Trick or Treat, a fun low-stress exchange where you can choose to give someone either fluff (treat) or angst (trick) with a minimum of 300 words, so uh, you can keep an eye out for pinch hits I guess? And oh man, I'm scrolling through right now, and when I'm looking at exchanges in the creation stage, there's If I Fits I Fics, which is CAT themed, and Launch The Ship, where you sign up with a ship with no fics on the archive, and Pine4Pine, which is an exchange about yearning— so many cool themes out there. If you want to know what's going on, checking Fandom Calendar is a fun way to keep up with all the various events that are happening, including single-fandom exchanges. (I post there for my multi-fandom exchanges).
Season of Drabbles, an exchange for 100-word fics, opens nominations on the 1st of October.
Consent Issues exchange, an exchange (does what it says on the tin), focusing on dubcon and noncon tropes, has nominations running through October 10th through 19th.
Looking back over last year on fandom calendar, it looks like None English exchange, an exchange focused on works in any language other than english, opened up nominations starting in November last year.
FandomTrees is a fun holiday gifting fest where people sign up with fandoms, prompts, and DNWs, and then all the creators get to shop amid all the prompts for people they want to create for, sign-ups are going to start in November.
Femslash Kink Meme is a kink meme that kicks off in November, for f/f relationships. People sign up with prompts— a relationship and a kink— and then it's considered good manners to try and fill someone else's prompt for every request you put out! It doesn't have to be something long, just a scene that can fit in a comment! (I haven't done a kink meme myself before, so that's just what I picked up by reading their dreamwidth.)
Yuletide is Yuletide, a lot of exchanges don't run in this space cause like the WHOLE space is participating in that one.
I know that last year Bulletproof Exchange did nominations starting in December, with signups on the 29th. The whole idea for that exchange is that there are tropes or kinks or prompts that you like SO MUCH that you don't even care who's in it, so you match exclusively on prompt tags, and then someone else will write you arranged marriage, or gun play, or coffee shop au, or borrowers au, or whatever else is your Bulletproof Prompt, using their blorbos. I'm eyeing that one myself, I'm not gonna lie.
okay that's— a lot. Hopefully that answers your question and there's something there that's good for you!
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Room/character closeup #2 (going in order from most to least popular based on the poll)
~Eddie & Steve's room~
Edit bc I accidentally posted this before I meant to: spoilers ahead for my full house au, as can be expected
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Did you notice the pattern on the rug bc it's important to me that you notice the pattern on the rug I spent a good bit of time searching for this one specific rug guys I'm serious about this. Is it incredibly dark humor? Yes. But it is humor nonetheless
One of my first priorities/things I took into consideration when working on this room was that I didn't want it to be too bright or have any sort of potentially eyestrain-y patterns. Steve has suffered repeated head trauma and I wanted his room to be a safe space where he doesn't have to worry about triggering a migraine or fucking with his vision or getting dizzy just from his surroundings. Hence why they have a darker, more subdued palette than most of the other rooms (which I guess you don't know yet since this is only the second one I've shown you but just trust me on this)
Beyond that, I admittedly had a pretty difficult time trying to figure out what I could do that I felt like both Steve and Eddie would vibe with decor-wise while still being a cohesive theme
Didn't want it to lean too far either way into metalhead freak or preppy golden boy territory, and besides I do think Steve's whole aesthetic isn't entirely his own and is at least partly influenced by the expectations placed on him, so I tried to go for a fairly neutral sort of vibe here
For some reason I settled on some blue jean lookin ass wallpaper, a rug patterned with the our-dimension-version of the critters that very nearly took their lives, and a few choice items to put on the walls
First off, the ship painting
This was sort of an unexpected last minute addition, partially bc I thought it looked nice with the rest of the room and partially as a character reflection
I wholeheartedly believe that Eddie Munson would fucking love anything pirate related, he probably was a pirate for Halloween at least once growing up, and he just thinks sailing ships are super cool. Plus the painting just felt like it would appeal to a fantasy nerd lol (it reminded me of the chronicles of Narnia actually but that's not really important)
And as for Steve, at least in this au but I know I'm not the only one who thinks so, he really likes water. Being in it, on it, around it- he likes swimming (refer back to his noted complicated feelings about the pool from my basement post), he likes the beach, he likes the ocean, and he likes sailing. He hasn't been many times but I'd totally buy the Harringtons having been on a yacht or some shit at one point or another. This character note may or may not be related to both his job at scoops ahoy* and him being on the swim team in high school, which is one of those things that at this point I honestly don't know if it was at all canon or if it's just one of those headcanons that become so popular in fandom that it feels that way, and at this point I can't be bothered to fact check it
*I think either he had a prior interest in sailing-related stuff and that was part of what initially drew him to that job specifically, or that working there sparked an interest which only grew with time, like maybe some of the silly slogans and terms used in ice cream flavors and maybe even the uniform stirred his curiosity/memories of going out on the water with his folks during the summers before they decided he was old enough to be left home alone for weeks at a time, and he started looking into actual sailing and found out he really liked it. (He can't stand the uniforms now though bc they trigger traumatic flashbacks, for both him and Robin)
Next, the bass/electric guitar on the wall, which I feel is pretty self explanatory honestly. It's Eddie's (although he does offer to teach Steve how to play- haven't decided yet whether Steve takes him up on that)
And then there's the horses (photo? painting?)
This is where the whole "horse girl eddie munson" thing came from; the whole idea was initially born of me trying to decide what I could put on their wall, liking this poster and asking myself if Steve and Eddie struck me as people who were into horses. As it turns out the answer was "hell yeah" and it spiraled into an entire fic idea of its own, which can be found here. As for this au, the background of them both having a "horse girl" phase/being into the idea of cowboys is still a thing, but obviously it doesn't progress the same way as that did (steddie cowboys my beloved but these particular multiverse variants are stuck playing house with their traumatized found family and slowly realizing that they actually enjoy co-parenting >:3 and this way everyone gets to stay together)
Also, speaking of the steddie cowboys thing this inspired, Eddie is trans in the full house au but Steve is a cis man (unlike in the other au). However Steve does have some gender moments here and there, like the kids "jokingly" calling him mom and him lowkey vibing with it (oh no I'm already doubting my ability to stick to the Steve being cis plan- bigender Steve agenda where did you come from??)
But yeah basically both of them are secretly horse nerds lol and that's something they discover while they're arguing over how to decorate (aka when they agree on this poster) and end up bonding over
And now for a note about their placement in the house (specifically who they share a floor with)
I've already explained that/why I wanted them on the same floor as Dustin Lucas & Erica, although I don't think I mentioned that Lucas and Steve are really close in this au* and it goes without saying that Dustin is super close with both of them
*it just feels right to me; also Steve was the only one of his friends to come watch his basketball game and Steve did chew Eddie out about that whole situation at some point but by now everyone is pretty much on good terms
Sometimes when any of the kids- but especially any of those three- have bad nightmares or can't sleep, they bunker down in Eddie & Steve's room,* the door of which is always open (metaphorically that is, but once they start dating... well let's just say the kids better knock or they're going to have yet another reason to be scarred for life lmao)
*some may think they're too old for stuff like this but I say- fuck that. A major theme of this au is acknowledgement of how these guys have had a large portion of their childhood stolen from them and the people around them are working to help them get it back, to let them just be kids and to make them feel safer than they have in a long time, so they're allowed to be "childish" and that's going to play a part in many of the events and details of this au. The same goes for the older guys too btw; like with this example specifically if Robin or Steve is the one waking up from a nightmare they find the other and both crash on the couch together for the night. You're never too old to seek comfort from your loved ones
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Langa & Reki, please, for the ask game...
I'm just gonna answer these two characters together! 🌈❄
My first impression: Thought those two were the cutest. Saw Reki's skate against Shadow and thought "Oh, he has heart. I'm gonna like that one." Shadow did him so dirty though!! With Langa, I just thought he looked like he would be a quiet one.
My impression now: I definitely adore them both. Reki is my favorite character and Langa follows after.
Favorite thing about that character: Besides their personalities, I like their aesthetics. Reki's style is really colorful and I'm a sucker for colors. His hoodies are too cute and I love that his headband's expressions will match his. Langa's ice theme, I like that! Especially since it leans more on the blues and there's some black thrown in there. It matches how they are. I love that while Reki is a bit on the fiery side, his character isn't heavy with the fire/sun symbolism. Instead, it's the rainbow and hibiscus. With Langa, he's ice themed, but he isn't a cold person. He's "cool" to others, he's calm.
Least favorite thing: They made me so frustrated during their whole falling out. I hate that Reki can be so self-deprecating sometimes and I wanted to shake Langa for wanting to still skate against Adam.
Favorite line/scene: Hard to choose when it comes to these two. They have so many great scenes together. To choose I have to go with when they finally make back up and decide to add the Infinity symbol to their handshake. That was too cute! But I also like their scene where Reki pretends to be in distress and Langa is like "Don't worry, bae. I'll protect you."
Favorite interaction that character has with another: Other than with each other, I adore how they interact with the rest of the SK8 squad. Especially with Miya. To choose an interaction, I gotta go with the scene after Reki's rematch with Adam and they just pile on him to make sure he's okay and he's smiling and laughing. Love that.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Ooh, so many options here actually. To pick... okay, I would like to see more of Reki and Langa's time working with Oda. Like, how does Oda deal with those two when they're working at the skate shop. I'm sure they get into a lot of shenanigans. 😆
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: I actually made a post about this for Reki! He and Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen are like the same person, but in different genres. Hoodie wearing redheads, bright smiles, and have recognized skill that makes amazes others when they do show off those skills, yet often underestimated. Langa reminds me of Shoto Todoroki, especially after the Sports Festival. Ice people who aren't actually cold, love their mamas, talented pretty boys, and have a signature food they like.
A headcanon about that character: Okay, I ended up writing a whole series about this one! I headcanon that Reki likes to let Koyomi paint his nails from time to time. He likes colors and he doesn't mind Koyomi using him for practice. It's also nice to spend quality time with his sister and see her do something she likes. Sometimes, he'll even ask her to paint his nails blue to match Langa, who likes the idea of Reki wearing his color.
A song that reminds of that character: Shawn Wasabi's Animal Crossing. It's such a cute song! And of course, Infinity by Yuuri will always be their song. I can't think of a Langa song, but for Reki, Alessia Cara's My Kind comes to mind.
An unpopular opinion about that character: I actually didn't feel "queerbaited" at the end of the first season. Some people threw out "queerbait" because we didn't see LanReki kiss. Kiss? I was gonna ship them regardless of the ending. We at least were left to interpretation if their relationship is platonic or romantic. I don't think a ship should always be confirmed through a kiss because kissing isn't the only thing romantic couples do. They hold hands, call each other nicknames, hug, tells the other person that they make them happy, etc. Kissing isn't the only gesture used to say "I love you".
Favorite picture: There's so many of these two that I can look at all day, but to choose I'm going with these two since I have used them for edits before.
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Send Me a Character...✨️
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @walkinginland!! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8! 😅
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
234,699 (the fact that I'm almost at a quarter of a million words feels all kinds of crazy to me 🥹)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently and on ao3, just Outlander. I did a lot more fandom hopping in my youth and on ffnet.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the best by far is you (Outlander, multichap, canon-divergent - what if Faith lived?)
Beside the Seaside (Outlander, multichap, 1940s au - single parents twist on seasons 1&2)
The Lost Ones (Outlander, one-shot, modern au - Jamie and Claire are neighbors and help each other through a difficult holiday season)
Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe (Outlander, one-shot, tbbfiy holiday fic)
When My Love Reaches to Me (Outlander, one-shot, modern au - follow up to The Lost Ones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do for most of my fics! Beside the Seaside has become a little overwhelming so I don't respond to those comments at the moment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have to go with one of my drabble for this bc I dont usually write angsty endings for my fics, only angsty middles 😅 but I think Something to Hold Onto fits the bill for this. Though she be but 100 words, she is angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the best by far is you had a pretty happy ending, but I think Soften Every Edge will hold that title once it's finished.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
There was one person who REALLY didn't like the family separation arc in tbbfiy and trolled the comment section a few times, but that's been the only true hate I've ever received on a fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I hadn't ever written smut before Outlander, and I blame Jamie and Claire being the two horniest muses I've ever worked with for my forray into smut writing lol. I don't write a lot of smut, but if inspiration strikes and I feel like it adds to the story, I will usually include it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🤞🏻 Back in my ffnet days, I had someone message me about my fic that they wanted to basically copy and paste bits and pieces of it and change the characters but keep the main storyline (staying within the same fandom, mind you... and just switching characters around) and I said ummmm no?? but thank you for asking nicely?? and then watched their stories like a hawk for a few months, but to my knowledge, they respected what I said and didn't do that 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't and honestly I'm mystified by how people make that work. I've read a number of fics that were co-written by two people and the results are so cool.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't like to answer what my all-time anything is because I am indecisive 😭 but at least in terms of writing fic, I've got almost a quarter of a million words published just about Jamie and Claire, so. That answer feels obvious.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof. I never even posted it, but in my college years, I was vibing very hard with a Smallville au, wrote several chapters, it lived rent free in my mind, and never got around to finishing it. But oh my god the Themes of it all...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization and theme, I think. I feel like if I know the characters and I know what the themes are, I can cobble together some kind of story.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting lol. It's always the joke with fic writing that you have to write a whole story around the one random scene you envisioned, and that's how most of mine start. So figuring out the plot and pacing from there is always a struggle.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I always want to include other languages that are integral to the characters (hi, jamie fraser!), but as someone who regrettably only speaks English, I get so nervous about the fact that I rely on google translate and might get it horrendously wrong and upset someone who actually speaks the language because it's That Bad. 😅 So I usually include what I can and then use indicators when someone is speaking in another language but I'm typing it in English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god, I can't remember exactly, but I think the first fandom that I actually wrote and posted a fic for was One Tree Hill (though some of you on twitter might remember the story of 8th grade Anna turning in a chapter of her Alias fanfic for a creative writing assignment, I didn't ever end up posting that story, so that was just for me, my sister, and my 8th grade English teacher, apparently 💀)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh god. I feel like it changes depending on what I'm working on, honestly. Beside the Seaside has been super self-indulgent and fun to write, but I'm having a love-hate relationship with sharing that one with an audience at the moment. Currently, my favorite one I've written/am still writing is Soften Every Edge - I'm just very pleased with how chapter 1 turned out and loving any time I get to return to that world and that family.
I'm not sure who all has done this already, so no pressure tagging @theawkwardterrier and @behindthelabels
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
I Don’t know if this is where I’m supposed to ask for it, but if you can, Jack with a pirate s/o? Have a nice day!💞
× 'Steal, heel, and kneel,' ×
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☆ CONTENT WARNING : Mention of v0m1t. ☆
When you and Jack first met, it wasn't quite a pretty sight.
You are the leader of a big pirate gang. Well, yknow--
It was first heard of you upon a reporter that ran to Jack's door, desperately knocking upon the wood that hid his trophy room from the outside world.
Agitated, annoyed that his focus was destroyed, a hand was placed upon the globe that sat beside a book propped up on a stand. He stormed towards the door, his chest puffed with angry as he opened it with anger boiling off his skin.
But they told him what happened.
The ship of pies that was being delivered was taken down! The crew and ship and pies and-- Ahh! The ship has crashed into land, but it was torn apart by harsh rocks that jagged and ruined the wood that was on the underside of the ship. The crew was gone. The pies were gone. Just a hollow shell of some horrible event..
Of course, this confused him.
Who would do such a thing?
What a foolish thing to d-...
Pirates were a thing.
Of course, he brushed it off. He'll make sure the person who did it gets their ass kicked.
That never truly came around though.
Even though you and your crew surrounded him upon the shore of the sea, cutlass equipped in your hand, a brown very bodice hugged upon your waist, a.. Beige, he didn't know if that was the original color, top adorned your chest. A big, red, leather coat, a satchel hanging off your shoulder down to your hip, with a small pouch of.. What he assumed, money. A big belt, a little hole with a cover in the shape of your cutlass, as well as a tan rag hanging off the side of it. He didn't pay too much attention to your legs, but he did notice that you wore big, leather, boots, that stretched up towards your knee.
You poked your big sword at him, a threat to the large male you dared to try to take down, as he sneered down at you.
But, he didn't let you poke at him.
He took your crew down in less than a minute, leaving you standing there, a brow raised.
You stood upright entirely, as you processed what he just did.
He slyly smirked, he was smug, he knew what he did.
But, you gave a smile. One of amusement, maybe out of impression? You nodded his way, as you spoke out you were impressed. 'Let's go for a drink!'...
And that's where it escalated.
He often swipes you away from people's pockets, out of habit you always tried to pickpocket.
Let alone, when you tried to run off upon seeing a beautiful ship.
Always snagged away.
He did buy you lots of jewelry, many, many, times of jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, anklets, earrings, nose rings, etc.
Yet, he always took you on some kind of cruise date. Yknow, since you loved the sea so very much.
He always had some expensive ship to carry you two around,
Some fancy dinner, some fancy beds, some fancy games, some fancy everything adorned the cruise ship.
He always tried to make it different.
A lot of your gifts was jewelry orr...
Pocket knives.
Or, even,
Anything you enjoyed that wasn't themed around that junk.
Oh, when you got sick sometimes after being on sea. The way the land seemed to swirl and twirl, your head spinning, but you could only get sick. A fever coated your forehead, your hands shakey,
He could only hold back your hair, only patting your back with his other hand.
You, probably, loved playfighting with him, but his strength always took you down.
He wouldn't ever let you win.
His confidence was a little
× 'Before me, your sea god.' ×
It's very rushed so I do apologize <//3
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jsdimensions · 7 months
okay genuine question. why do people like reaper so much? What's the appeal? he's just Death. without any added traits/themes/inspirations to make him more interesting (as far as I know) (IN MY OPINION. i also don't know much about reaper so correct me if I'm wrong about that)
(oops I accidentally wrote a ranty essay(?)...it's under the cut. I elaborate on my opinions in a more organized manner there.)
You could argue that Reaper is important in the multiverse due to...well...his status as a god of death, leading on souls to the afterlife(???). But the other Sanses that are considered "god-like" have unique concepts that aren't seen in characters with their concepts elsewhere! They draw me in, even with a brief summary!
The artist that motivates creators is soulless (and, therefore, able to control how he feels with the vials), quirky, and very forgetful. He has his OWN DIMENSION where all of the AUs reside!!!! And a brush as a weapon!!!!!
The destroyer of AUs has absolutely awesome glitchy themes, uses STRINGS MADE BY TEAR MARKS as both a weapon and a source of entertainment, is a man-child that can switch from being the silliest, dorkiest boy alive to a genuinely intimidating character and back without warning, and he ALSO has his own dimension that he lives in!!!
The guardians of positivity and negativity aren't even Sanses, technically. They're both brothers. Their origin stories are both extremely tragic!!! They potentially fight each other eternally!!!
...and Reaper is just...every other interpretation of Death in Popular Media. Nothing too stand out to me. The same black cloak, the same scythe. He has wings, sure, but that doesn't really draw me in like...well...the others.
My point is, it doesn't feel like Reaper really has a defining trait besides "ohh, he's Death!" That's just not interesting enough for me. Not even his wiki page drew me in! I'd expect a wiki page to have REALLY cool and interesting lore facts that helps sell a character to the person browsing their page, but there's nothing!!! Nothing at all!!! Not even fanon can get me intrested!!!
I will admit. I do have a bias against Reaper. Geno, who is one of my biggest blorbos, up there with Error, ONLY seems to have content where he interacts with a character I never really cared for in the first place!!! Afterdeath feels like the only thing people do with Geno, and I DESPISE IT. Geno is a complex, excellently written character with so many interesting ideas to go off of. If there was more content, whether it be comics, fanfic, fanart, etc of Geno interacting with literally anybody else, I bet it would be absolutely excellent! There are way too many things one could do with Geno in the multiverse, and...nobody (besides Underverse, briefly) does it for some reason???
Here's some example ideas of non-Afterdeath geno content to further push my point!!! Take them!!! Consume them!!! Make something from them!!! I don't care!!! I want to see more Geno!!!
Geno interacting with Error.
Geno accepting Gaster's "deal" (from the original Aftertale comic) and what would happen afterwards.
After Aftertale (basically post-canon Aftertale shenanigans).
Geno interacting with...anybody, really.
Geno somehow finding himself in a different AU, and having to...deal with that.
Bitty Geno?
Nightmare somehow convincing Geno to join him?
Geno being combined with other, less common AU concepts. (xtale geno, dust geno, fresh geno...)
My point is, God, I'm salty about my blorbo only having shipping content. And not just the REGULAR shipping content, but SHIPPING CONTENT WITH ONLY ONE CHARACTER??? It makes me angry!!! Afterdeath shippers can still ship them, I don't have a problem with that, but I want to see other stuff when trying to find Geno content!! I've only found...what? 3 pieces of media that has a story to it, not counting the original Aftertale comic? Am I the only Geno fan that doesn't like Reaper that much?
In conclusion!!! I don't really like Reaper as much as the rest of the fandom seems to. And I think I have a decent set of reasons why. If anybody is able to make Reaper interesting to me, please do so! I want to like him more, but the aforementioned reasons prevents me from doing that.
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marysunshine23 · 2 years
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When you’re so fucking done with the Retsuko/Haida ship trying to work that you revamp your OC just to insert your rage into the show.
Meet Aiko the cocker spaniel. She is the head of Carrier Man Trading Co., Ltd.’s visual advertising department and was the poster child of the company until they decided not to have a mascot anymore. She’s friends with Retsuko, Fenneko, and Haida, and has had a thing for Haida since she met him. While she’s generally very nice and friendly, she tends to be very aggressive when she disapproves or disagrees with something; though she does try to be respectful of others’ decisions. It’s clear that she is a little disjointed from the working class, since she’s mostly at the job to keep herself busy, she generally tries to be understanding and support the needs of those around her. But if she gets mad at someone, she’s not above being petty and passive-aggressive.
When it comes to Retsuko’s various trials, tribulations, and boyfriends, Aiko is very supportive, though does voice some doubts in the beginning. She’s very much an “I told you so” friend, and even starts her statements with, “if I’m wrong, you can gloat; but if I’m right I reserve the right to say ‘I told you so’.” Which she usually utilizes. She’s often the one to check on Retsuko when no one else has heard from her, but spends a lot of her time with Fenneko and Haida at the bar after work. The only time Aiko stops being as supportive of Retsuko is when her actions are causing other people problems.
Even though Aiko is very vocal about her crush and is often inviting Haida to go out for drinks or a date, she respects the fact that he has a thing for Retsuko. However, when Retsuko initially rejected Haida, Aiko made damn sure to be beside him. And from that moment forward she continued to be a (mostly) objective witness to the relationship between Retsuko and Haida. However, when Retsuko refused to help Haida with his gaming/gambling addiction, Aiko promptly took Haida in and told him that if he wanted a roof over his head, he’d have to go to therapy.
Whenever Aiko saw Retsuko, she made sure that she knew how much Aiko disapproved of how she was going about the relationship; even going as far to make petty remarks like, “I’d never let my boyfriend live in an internet café when he was down on his luck.” Passive-aggressive remarks like this are why the two aren’t seen much together at the end of the series. Aiko doesn’t make very many of these remarks to Haida, only saying once or twice, “I’d never do that to you if...” Despite her obvious jealousy, she never tries to break Retsuko and Haida up; she assumes with how things are going they’ll get a divorce anyway.
Aiko is taller than Retsuko but shorter than Kaebe
She learned how to make cute lunchboxes from Anai
Aiko would like to become better friends with Gori and Washimi, but thinks they’re both too cool for her
She is technically a millionaire, but donates a lot to charities
Aiko loves homemade food, even if it’s just instant
Most of her fashion is modest chic, where everything looks fairly inexpensive but is actually a brand name
Some of the employees in Aiko’s department claim that she is an alpha, but she says she’s just “an aggressive beta”
Her favorite types of music are j-pop, bubblegum-metal, punk rock, heavy metal, show tunes, and techno swing
Aiko carries a safety keychain with her at all times; it’s Cinnamoroll themed. She gives Retsuko a Pompompurin one after she is attacked
Her surname is Cockell.
Aiko’s ideal alcohol of choice is rosé, but when Aki goes out drinking, she usually only has a very small portion of alcohol (since drinking a "normal" amount will get her in the hospital). After the initial shot, she goes for sweeter beverages
She's demisexual
Despite being a child model, Aki still went to school
She used to get in trouble for drawing on her work, so now she has a drawing pad in every desk she works at
Aki picked up singing and drumming in a "Light Music" Club in High School
Any time she's too scared to go home, Aki's work chair is a fold-out bed. She keeps changes of clothes and hygiene stuff in her work locker.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
Can I just say I love Tulia ✨✨ She is so badass and sweet and finally Jean gets someone! How would you describe her personality tho? Like it changed slightly in each book?
Also what is your fav Aot and jjjk book you wrote? They are all so unique and different, like I’ve never seen stories like those before since most stories follow similar themes and plot
Awww yay I’m glad you like her!!! I do change which aspects of her personality I focus on depending on the storyline of the book but overall (with the exception of pomegranate ink because everyone’s just goofy in that and the first half of endure because she was still a kid) she’s a pretty mature and self-assured person who’s very kind and wise. She does have a shorter temper though and her judgement can be clouded when she gets angry, and she can be reserved with people she doesn’t know. She is a pretty good judge of character though! And yes her and jean are so cute together I love them.
Hmmm I think for aot it would be a tie between ship in the harbor and endure. Endure is like a comfort because it’s (so far) the longest story I’ve ever written and the one most people have read and I feel like I learned a lot from it. However ship in the harbor is definitely my most creative and has the most complex characters (especially Y/N in that story she’s probably one of the most interesting characters I’ve written) and it really makes me go out of my comfort zone. It’s also going to end up as my longest story once I finish it so that’s cool. Honorable mention goes to the 13T series even though I don’t like the writing style anymore just because I like the mythology I came up with for it.
For jjk I feel like all of my fics are very different and I like them in different ways. Pomegranate Ink is very lighthearted and fun (although there is angst planned for later on dw!) so it’s good to just feel good. I think icoamd has the best worldbuilding for sure and it has the most to be explored — for example, my favorite relationship in that story is between Y/N and a character that hasn’t even been named in the story yet. And then I love h / h because it’s the kind of fic which is almost even better when you know what’s happening due to how many plot twists are in it.
Thank you!! When I’m coming up with plots for my fics I have two methods: if it’s a canon au, I look for ‘holes’ in the story that the author did not necessarily explore to the fullest. I think the best example of that would be promise Y/N being an MP which there are no main characters in aot who are MPs (i guess besides annie and hitch but annie is only there as an MP for a season and hitch isn’t really a main character). If I’m coming up with my own world building, I try to think about what I want to happen in the story and then come up with plausible reasons for it — like in icoamd, I wanted Megumi to be Y/N’s guard but for it to be a very forbidden relationship, which meant she had to be engaged but with no chance of falling in love with her husband, so I made her future husband wayyy older than her. Then the question became why is she marrying someone so much older than her?? Because she’s a royal, marrying for an alliance to stop a war made sense, but then there had to be a reason for the war (which there is, Y/N just doesn’t know it yet). From there it comes down to research and referencing history to try and be somewhat accurate.
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julianobungus · 2 years
Could you talk about which are your absolute favorite TOH ships and why you like them? I find your takes very interesting and it's so cool that you ship so many rare pairs!
That I can do! Thanks a bunch~! I just enjoy coming up with and seeing different dynamics, and some stick more than others or just appeal to me personally.
Luzador (Luz/Alador): I like this one for a couple reasons. Firstly and superficially, I think they look hot together (y'know, big burly man and lithe petite woman), so they have nice physical chemistry. Secondly, I feel like they have pretty similar/convergent personalities, both being socially-handicapped nerds who are considered deviant and who stand out in some way. I feel like they'd bond over that. I also feel like they'd have a fair bit of shared pain as well - with Luz being ostracised for being 'weird', as well as losing her father, and Alador being emotionally abused by Odalia and feeling guilt for messing up as a father because of her.
Huntleb(Hunter/Caleb): This one may be a little out of left field, but it appeals to me too. I've been seeing a few artworks and talk of it, so that's more or less swayed me hehe. To me, Hunter and Caleb are dadson/selfcest coded, bringing in the best of both worlds and being all the spicier for it. I feel like they'd get along well, with Caleb feeling a sense of duty to protect this poor, abused young man, and Hunter projecting onto him as the closest thing he has to a father figure. Couple that with the fact that Hunter doesn't know how to healthily process and disentangle romantic and familial feelings, and how Caleb has been repressed sexually because of his religious upbringing, and you have two young men giving in to their urges.
BumpEda (Bump/Eda): Okay, so hear me out. These two were already acquaintances in canon and actually got along quite well (to a degree at least, hehe). I'd imagine that Eda confided in Bump about the curse and what was going on with her family life, so I feel like he would have been a good confidante. A good reason for strong feelings to develop. And he even kept the Owl House's location a secret! Now that they're both adults, I'd imagine they have more time and confidence to explore the feelings they have toward one another, with what was once platonic friendship becoming something romantic~
We can't forget Lunter, which is definitely up here as one of my favourites. Even in canon they get along so well! I swear to God, if Amity was out of the picture they'd get together and it'd probably work! There's also the themes and symbolism behind it - the parallels to Caleb and Evelyn for example. It's all so juicy.
Beluz makes me pretty happy too. I'm a sucker for hero/villain ships just because of an 'opposites attract' type deal. Philip/Belos is devoted to Luz, and she needs a big strong man who probably understands her better than *anyone else*, or is at least willing to understand her (same vein as Luzador then, hehe).
Guslow (Gus/Willow): So sweet it makes me sick. Classic childhood friends blossoming into sweethearts. There's only a two-year age gap so I don't really know why this is considered proship (if it even is?). They just slot so neatly together: taller buff GF and short meek boyfriend - i.e., that size difference we all crave.
Camiluz (Camila/Luz): If there was another person beside Alador, Philip, and Hunter who would truly understand Luz, it's her own mother. Despite her mistakes, Camila thinks the world of her Mija and wants her to be as comfy as possible. I like to imagine that they discovered their feelings for each other after Luz came home, and have both just accepted the fact that they're now mother-daughter-girlfriends! Despite how much happier they are together, they feel a little bit of shame because they wonder what Manny would have thought of it.
Belunter (Luz/Hunter/Belos): Listen. Belos loves these two so much. They both remind him of Caleb and one of them is a beautiful human girl. He cherishes them even if they don't feel the same way. While you can definitely ponder the darker/dead-dove aspects this would all imply (of which there are aplenty), I'm a sensitive wee soul so I tend to focus on the soft stuff (with only some aspects of DD). I'm still formulating in my head the proper dynamics to fit these three, but trust me: they have all the more reason to love each other. Hunter was raised by him and has an unhealthy view on relationships; Luz has been ostracised for much of her life and is desperate for the company of those who understand and sympathise with her, and Belos? He's obsessed with them.
Lastly, I've recently been thinking of Amity/Edric. Writing those headcanons for them earlier (thanks to the anon who suggested them, btw) has made me a little gaga over them. It's a new and interesting idea/dynamic to me~!
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llycaons · 1 year
ep18 (1/2): in which wwx manipulates and lies to his friends and family (lovingly)
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forgot this. he can just fly around catching birds. no wonder it's so easy to camp
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I feel like birthdays really only crop up in american tv in the context of little kids. it's something children do.
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xy twirling his hair as he walks away 😭 can your believe ppl still ship them after he murdered SL's entire family
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this was such a good change for the show to make bc 1. this introduces the idea of bssr really naturally and 2. it gives wwx another interaction with SL, which is emotionally significant later for both us and the characters
also they need to slip in his backstory and all of its parallels to wx somehow and waiting until yi city is way too late
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oh cool I love a t/n
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wwx making it a mystical quest bound in ceremony and ritual to prevent jc from suspecting or asking too many questions, and to control his actions. ugh
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that post abt jc hero-worshipping wwx continues to baffle me. in fact this is the only time we ever see jc so eager to follow wwx's directions and do what he says
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'let her do anything' she is a grown woman she can gather herbs if she wants and what authority do you have to stop her 😭
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this smile after he convinces jc about his plan is so haunting. you can see he's sxcited and then the smile fades and he just looks...resigned? fucking misery
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yanqing warriors! when wwx mentions jyl leaving soon, wen qing freezes and doesn't say anything for a few seconds. what can it mean hmm?
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I don't think jc would have accepted the core if he knew what wwx planned, which is why wwx kept it secret. one of the reasons
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this is kind of manipulative no? not in a way to hurt her just to get her to agree with his plan. and maybe he means it too. maybe he would have done with without the debt of the jiangs held over his head. we'll never know
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drugging you sister. sir!
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I think it's really funny when wwx insults jc sorry I always will. he deserves to at least a little
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first shot of wwx looking like a little mousie with his threabare pillow and jc a raging little brat. very similar to the first shot of the show! wwx bleeding and suicidal, and jc stalking over to finish the job. but in that scene and this one, we see there's more to the story
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im going to fucking isekai myself into cql universe for the sole purpose of cuddling this child
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you know I was so excited for jfm to say that. like go jfm! the haters were wrong about you! you love and protect at least one child under your care!
and then it IMMEDIATELY cuts to wwx hours later freezing because jfm told him 'jc is a good kid' and then he LEFT HIM THERE AND WENT TO BED
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ugh it's not cool to hate on a 9 year old esp since he's lonely and neglected by his dad but he's such a brat
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her parents and sect are so useless this preteen girl has to go out into the woods at like 1 am to find her new brother
wwx's first instinct was to find a tree to climb. dogs can't climb trees, but how many trees were in yiling for him to learn to climb? hmm
wwx falling is such a theme and jyl being the only one besides lwj to ever try to catch him....ough. his two lights indeed
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jyl also actually explains why jc is upset rather than just telling him he'll be fine
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HALF A DAY??!! hasn't he suffered enough. mein gott
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and of course now she has to parent her two baby brothers one of whom is very traumatized and newly adopted and the other is very socially inept and clumsy so he came out to help and now he's BLEEDING. if I was her I would have carried so much resentment as an adult oops her parents are dead so I guess she can't even if she wanted to
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it's significant that (iirc) jc never says he's sorry in the main timeline. only twice in the story - here and at the very end. a lot of people consider the finale the end of their relationship, but I prefer to see it as a reset. a renewal. they're starting again. jc is crying and he's sorry for hurting wwx, and wwx forgives him because he's a nice kid and because he does care about him. and they can start from there, even if things will be different
they don't have jyl anymore, but everything's come out between them. they can coexist on equal footing. wwx has someone who protects him. jc doesn't resent him so much. all his anger is spent. he feels bad. they won't be what they were before, but I like to think they'll at least have some of the brotherhood they once did
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jc also crying in his sleep with this flashback. lot of sleep crying these days
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