#i kinda really had no ideas for this idk uhh
shepards-folly · 5 months
Hi! I'm here to be a bad influence on you again, do you still like The Mason? I certainly like how you draw him so...
(consider this a free pass to doodle a little guy)
OH HO HO HO!!! Thank you for the ask :]! I will always take any excuse to draw characters i like
here’s a bunch of quick masons for the price of one aka i took this as motivation to compile some doodles and semi-finished things of them i had lying around!
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i’ll probably post some close ups or ramblings in a rb later too! idk man yall might see alone on a friday night as its own post cause i think abt it all the time….
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27-royal-teas · 11 months
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so I was rereading @earlgreytea68’s amazing story swan song (AGAIN,, sue me) and I realized I’d never done album art for swan’s sophomore album (THIS IS A CRIME) so obviously I had to fix this. anyway, here is charm offensive!!!
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orcelito · 2 years
Honestly I might skip ahead and start working on that 4th scene tonight bc it'll a: be easier, and b: it has CONSUMED my mind
The promise of instant gratification of a simple scene that means so much is so much more alluring than the 2 and 3 that are going to be So difficult to write, actually
#speculation nation#discacc shit#TECHNICALLY i kinda split the first part of 2 into its own thing so we have a 1.5 thats what im calling it.#since it relates directly to stuff in scene 1 and is separate in both time and content from the rest of scene 2#so i didnt originally mean it to be its own thing but it's gonna be. scene 1.5. aka akira's thoughts on scene 1 basically lol#scene 2 is necessary group scene bc they gotta touch base lol & figure out what theyre doing next#scene 3 will be Fun but also SO hard to write. as these things often are.#finally gonna be consulting that Goro Skills document i made back at the start of discacc and only really used for a few chapters#bc theres not been much reason to see goro in the metaverse since then. it's just him doing as him does#but i went through all the skills he can learn with both robin hood and loki. AND his skills in his boss fight#to create a concrete compilation of skills for his personas to reasonably know#tho im gonna follow the logic of robin hood being weaker than loki due to disuse. aka why robin hood starts out around the same level#as the pts. with sae's palace.#which you COULD argue was him holding back but also futaba fuckin has tabs on all that shit. she KNOWS what level he is.#so discacc goro has loki at level. uhh. idk 70 maybe?#start of sae's palace i think is level like 50?? tho level wise the pts are only a bit into okumura's palace#so like. level 40 or 45 ish maybe. i'll have to double check what i said for end of futaba's palace.#man it's been a WHILE since ive had to think about the party's relative strengths#it's not like im quantifying it for actual gameplay. im gonna fudge as much as i want to do what i need to. narratively.#but it's good to have an idea of how strong they are to know how they would stand up against certain challenges. stuff like that.#which yes metaverse is relevant. but no one's surprised bc i mentioned pt training with the last Next Time thing so lol#but yea i have Thoughts. and i will. do them...#but FIRST. i will be doing the 4th scene. bc i need to stress akira out even more apparently.
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be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
for once i was gonna go to bed at 9pm like im supposed to but my laundry isnt done till 10pm hell on this miserable world
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channelinglament · 1 year
For the SAHSR about the player being an 'aeon,' does that mean that the actual aeons are aware of their existence? Would they get obsessed with them like how the playable characters did?
Like despite Yaoshi kissing the trailblazer in the actual game, did they did it bcuz of the player controlling the trailblazer? -‐ if that makes sense,,,
Hey there!
More SAHSR brainrot 👀✨️
(Buckle up-)
I'm pretty sure that Aeons are indeed aware of players, or should I say.. Prime Aeons/Aeon of Aeons existence!
So, hsr load was...kinda long- (at least for me, a phone player)
Imagine if during that the whole "history" was happening? Like while we were patiently (or not) waiting for the game to load and open, they had:
1) Aeons meeting "you" (and maybe getting yandere too)
2) Them getting so obsessed with you, that even old history books talk about you because other Aeons did EVERYTHING they did because they were either INSPIRED by you, either WANTING TO PLEASE you.
3) OH NO??? Where are we? Somehow the traces of Prime Aeon/Aeon of Aeons is..well gone. All the traces. No one knows where you went. All aeons (even the most calm/tranquil ones) are going batshit insane.
4) Now you are known as a legend, and that one day you will definitely return.. no one knows when. They hoped you would return, because you won't abandon them, right?
All this and maybe even more (deaths, wars, sacrifices, and etc) while you were sitting infornt of loading screen (or had it load in the background)
Idk why but I really do think that actual Aeons would be yanderes aswell (gut feeling?)
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Now that we know they're obsessed freaks aswell, I can reply to the other question.
Yes, Yaoshi probably felt your presence in the Trailblazer and decided to show love and devotion through this kiss.
If you were like me, skipping it all and uhh, not noticing it earlier,,,,, I wound say that Yaoshi would try to think of other ways to get to you/get your love. After all, if this wasn't enough.. or maybe you didn't want Yaoshi to kiss you trough Trailblazer, there are def more open doors with ideas to get your love. * hip hop hip hop hop hop hops away into the distance *
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Also I jokingly called reader a Prime Aeon-
I like Aeon of guidance a lot <3
But you can have both titles
It rlly is just up to you ^-^
(I'll probably write as both titles lmaooo)
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har-rison-s · 6 months
tell me i'm good | coryo snow x fem!reader
a/n: ohmygod you guys why did this take me like almost 3 weeks....... mnadfahsdf anyways um this might be like the last chapter idk ???!!!! what would you guys like me to do.... cos im kinda losing my grip on coryo rn, im at the end of my tbosas copy and im just so disgusted w him idek ???? but uhh yeah. sorry i'm a bit of a mess lately. i did have some little things i could be including in further writings, like y/n meeting tigris, or y/n reuniting w coryo after he returns from 12, but there's not much material for like whole chapters, idk. hope you at least enjoy this and let me know if u guys have any ideas!! happy reading <3
previous chapter
coryo masterlist main masterlist
word count: 4.2k
themes: little angst, smut
warnings / disclaimers: smut, fingering, praise, sorta sub!coryo cos that's what i live for. coryo has a praise kink, sue me
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gif credit goes to author / owner &lt;3
usually Coriolanus would feel unease in a rich family’s home, like y/n’s was. unease because he felt like he belonged there, in homes like that, but he didn’t exactly deserve to. the snow name had fallen to ruin and bankruptcy because of district twelve, and they’d been living in hunger with barely any money since then. it had made Coriolanus lose the confidence he wanted to regain, about himself and the way he carried his family name. 
he always put on a certain stance and grace when walking into homes like this, a way that would never make the hosts doubt he came from a place any different than this. being in homes like this made him feel ashamed of his living conditions. he was grateful towards Tigris for putting in her efforts to upkeep their home, but he could never escape the fact that this wasn’t how they were supposed to live, it gnawed at him day and night. and when he was in homes like this, Coriolanus felt uneasy because his home was nothing like these ones.
but when it was just him and y/n in her shower, her bathroom and her bedroom, he felt none of that unease or shame. he did feel a little envious, but that’s where it ended. the other spiteful and loathing feelings he usually felt were gone. perhaps it was just her effect on him that did it, but he felt like admitting that would make him vulnerable. he knew it, just didn’t want to admit to himself. to her – always. he couldn’t hide her effect on him if he tried.
the one difference he realized between her home and his was that the outside world was completely quiet here. from the snow penthouse Coriolanus could hear street noises – rats, people, cars, trams. grandma’am’s singing was really the worst of the noises, but that was a different case. it almost spooked him how quiet it was here. he liked it. lying beside y/n in her bed, both of them wearing pyjama shirts and underwear, he glanced at her reading a book that looked older than anything he’d seen before.
“i thought most books were burned in the war, or even in the old world,” Coryo admitted to her and watched as corners of y/n’s lips tugged into a gentle smile at that. she had her back against the headboard, and could look down at Coryo. she didn’t, her eyes were still on the tiny words printed on the pages.
“they were,” she said, “my mother got only three as a gift when she was a kid. they were her most prized possessions, she always had them with her.” y/n sighed. “they survived the war, it seems, and everything else, and joined my father’s library.” she finally looked at him and smiled. she closed the book, but not without leaving a bookmark where she had stopped, and shoved it onto her nightstand. she shut off the light and slid to lay beside Coryo. her hand under her pillow, she looked at him moving to lay on his side to face her, tucking his hands under his pillow, too. she smiled and Coryo mirrored that, too. 
“grandma’am has some books at home,” he said to her, “but i’m sure she hasn’t touched them in ages,” he added and made y/n laugh. 
“do you think Lucy Gray has books at home?” y/n asked suddenly, and Coryo’s expression changed. he’d completely forgot about her until y/n mentioned her just now. she was still in the arena, hiding from Coral and the others. y/n looked into his eyes as the motions changed in the blue of them. “her songs do sound like ones from a book,” she added in an innocent voice, still waiting for any sort of answer from Coryo.
he huffed. “they sure do,” he replied quietly, shortly, “but they’re her own. at least the ones she’s sang so far,” he said then and looked down between him and y/n. 
“i really loved the one she sang when you were supposed to have your interview,” y/n admitted, “the very first words, something about when she was younger, she fell into hollers and now when she’s a girl, she fell into that mystery boy’s arms. those really touched my heart,” she said with a smile and still looked to Coryo. he shyly looked into her eyes, “made me think of you.” she all but mumbled quietly. 
he made a half-smile. “really?” he asked and she confirmed with a nod. 
“sounds like me and Lucy Gray were both angry little ladies when we were younger,” y/n said and rolled over onto her back, “i certainly was. gave my parents and the babysitters pains,” she sighed, “i do regret being hard on them, but i never regret anger that i had, whatever it might have been about.” she turned her head to Coryo, who had suspected that she’d turned away from him all together by laying on her back now. but she didn’t turn away. just felt shy. “mother used to say there would never be a boy who liked me if i was always this angry,” y/n said and hummed quietly. 
“well, she was wrong,” Coryo immediately said and reached a hand out to stroke her delicate cheek, “i like you, and not just because you’re angry, but it’s a good characteristic to have,” he said and it made y/n turn to lay on her side to face him again, a smile on her face. he did like her anger, it showed courage. but it unnerved him sometimes, just like Sejanus did when he spoke up against teachers, dr Gaul or anyone else higher standing. y/n and Sejanus could both get into serious trouble just by being themselves. oh, but isn’t it fun, Coriolanus, to have such strong, different people around you?
“that will prove her wrong when we tell her about us,” y/n said in a hopeful voice, and Coryo nodded before he could respond otherwise. he wanted to give her a smile, but instead he gave her the ghost of one, his thoughts slithering away elsewhere. 
“do you think... it’s good arms that you’re falling into? my arms?” he asked, wondering the worth of those lyrics to her. and his worth to her, and overall. she’d practically just admitted that she had fallen into his arms, into him, so he had to know. he had his anxieties about what he did in the arena not too many hours ago, about what it could mean, what it could change, who would find out. now that his mind wasn’t entirely preoccupied with other things and she had reminded him about Lucy Gray, Coriolanus’ thoughts ran wild again. 
y/n put her hand on his cheek and stroked her thumb over his pearly skin. she wasn’t sure about her answer. believing Coryo was good was different than him actually being good, and she’d always believed her own good thoughts of people who weren’t entirely good rather than seeing them for who they truly were and accepting that. she knew Coryo wasn’t perfect, not really, under the surface, and sometimes he made very strange compromises. but not to her. he’d always been good to her. “i think so,” she said finally, quietly, “you’re good to me.”
he shook his head, and her hand moved to his lips and then back to his cheek again. Coryo felt a surge of euphoria at her fingers against his lips. “i try to be, but...” he looked into her eyes, “i don’t know if i am good.” he admitted and y/n’s eyes gave him a puzzled glance. “i couldn’t tell you before, but,” he took a deep breath, “i killed one of the tributes. in the arena.” he finally said, no distractions, no avoiding the subject, just straight-forward truth. laying himself and his actions out in the open. 
y/n’s eyebrows puzzled, then drew together as her eyes searched all over, then looked to a spot between her and Coryo. he’d killed someone. he’d killed a kid and then just gone to her home and... without telling her about it. truly, he was in shambles when she saw him, and could hardly get a word out, but... she took her hand away and curled it under her pillow. she felt used. she didn’t look at him, though Coryo wanted to beg her to do so, to say anything, do anything. anything other than this silence. 
“did you come here with... those intentions? did you want to just... sleep with me and then go back to your home?” she asked him finally, all kinds of thoughts were racing through her mind. “like i’m just some...” profanities circled her mind.
Coryo shook his head at her voiced assumptions and scooted closer to her under her covers. he’d made her upset, but not in the way he’d anticipated. girls do have a different view of everything, they really do. “no, no, it wasn’t like that at all,” he told her. wasn’t it? “i didn’t want to go home,” he said, “i just ran and ran until i recognized your house and... i just knew it was the right place to be. i couldn’t be with anyone else, y/n,” he almost pleaded. she gave him a glance.
“and what then? i wasn’t inviting you to do all these things to me, with me,” she said, suddenly feeling nauseaus from the thoughts she was having, the assumptions that clouded her mind and swam into her words, “you wanted to.”
“i did want to, and no, it wasn’t—ugh,” Coryo turned to lay on his back, “i just couldn’t bring myself to tell you then. you-you’re where i feel the safest. and... you are irresistible to me, as i’ve said before.” he turned to lay on his side again, where y/n had pulled into herself more, her arms around her own frame, eyes staring blankly into her bedding. “you’re not just someone to me, i would never use you like that,” Coryo assured her, and y/n looked into his eyes finally. he felt relief, if only momentary. she’d looked at him, at least, “i couldn’t even tell you what you mean to me. too much, is what you mean to me.”
he offered her a smile, but she just looked back at him. “so what we did wasn’t just a distraction for you?” she asked in a quiet voice, and Coryo shook his head, happy they were on the same page finally. 
“no, y/n, it meant the world to me,” he told her, “and so do you.” he promised and managed that smile again. she believed him. she didn’t care that it could make her a fool later – that was later, and not now. now she was his world, she was his solace, his comfort, his safe place. “i love you,” Coryo said. didn’t i tell you that already? he searched her eyes and she nodded, finally. 
“i love you, too,” she said back and Coryo held her face in his hands with her silent permission, “i just wish i could know what goes on in that head of yours,” she admitted, though fearing it may make Coryo lock himself up and never say a word to her again. some would call knowing what the other is thinking an invasion of privacy, but she didn’t see it that way, and neither did Coryo.
“i wonder the same thing about you,” he admitted back and y/n raised her eyebrows momentarily at that statement, a little surprised, though she was glad to hear that he felt the same way, “i never want to make you feel worthless to me, y/n, i—”
she shook her head, “you can’t really control that,” she pointed out.
“but i want to try,” he said, and thought that it would be best if he could control every aspect of how she felt about him or what he made her feel. her anxieties were out of his hands, but he wanted them to go away, and wanted to do his best for her to not have them at all. not plant the seeds for those anxieties. 
“tell me about it,” she urged him after again shaking her head gently at him. she tucked her face closer to his, “did you do it for Lucy Gray?” she asked and looked up into his eyes again.
“well, yes,” he answered, “but he would have killed me and Sejanus, too. it was...”
“self-defense?” she asked and Coryo nodded. “they sent you in there after him and didn’t even provide protection.” protection from who? kids who have been pushed out into an arena, onto a stage, and told to perform and survive? 
“that was the catch, yes,” Coryo said, “he ran after us, though he was limping, and attacked us. i didn’t...” he gulped and looked down, “i didn’t want to hurt him, but... i felt something, and i... couldn’t stop.” y/n looked into his eyes. “i don’t feel... i don’t think i’m the same anymore.”
y/n pulled him into an embrace, his head against her chest, damp curls tickling her neck, and held him tightly. it was almost like cradling him, so gently, comfortingly, offering her solace. she didn’t know what to say to him, what words to offer. it seemed they’d all ran out. the smart-mouth y/n had nothing to say for the first time in her life. 
“do you still think i’m good?” Coryo asked quietly, his voice muffled. y/n sighed, her eyelids fluttering, eyes turning glassy as no doubt Coryo’s were too, she could hear his voice on the whiny, sob tone. he needed comfort, reassurance.
“i think you can be,” she told him her honest thoughts quietly, despite knowing it wasn’t a direct answer to his question. Coryo gulped and pulled back, just to look at her, just to hold her, too. 
“tell me i’m good,” he pleaded and took her face in his hands again. y/n felt confused, and looked at him with eyes very much expressing that, but couldn’t stop herself from what she said next. 
“you’re good,” she assured in an unsure voice, and was taken aback by Coryo kissing her. hard, sudden, urgent, desperate. she could hardly draw breath, his teeth were clashing against hers, lips hungry on hers, tongue licking at her teeth, the inside of her mouth, hungry, starving, desperate, “you’re good.” she said again, still sounding unsure but less than the first time. Coryo whimpered into her mouth at her words, he felt himself twitch beneath the fabric of his loaned pyjama pants. seriously? he asked himself at first. but then, this is good. this is doing something good for you. listen to her, “you’re good, Coryo,” y/n gasped into his mouth. she could feel him against her inner thigh now that their bodies were intertwining again. Coryo moved his lips to her neck, nipping, licking, softly biting, suckling at her skin, drawing out the most delicious of noises out of her, only making himself more desperately aroused from it, more desperate for her, “Coryo, you’re...” she couldn’t even finish her sentence as she writhed in his hold, her hands grasping at the skin under his shirt, fingers teasingly slipping between his hot skin and the elastic of his pyjama pants. 
“say it,” he reminded her in a whisper, a request in the disguise of a whine. Coryo grinded his hips against y/n’s, drove his growing length against her cunt, and found warmth there immediately. y/n almost cried out her next words, the heat between her and Coryo making her nearly as desperate as him. desperate for each other, like bitches in heat.
“you’re so good, Coryo,” she squeezed out and pushed her hips up against his. she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back on the bed, his back on her soft-as-ever pillows, and his eyes looking up at her. she just adored the sight of him like this, but couldn’t hold herself away from kissing him, stopping her short adoration of him. he needed her. he needed her support. so she’d give him that. she had always been ready to do that. take care of him. she’d done that in another way time and time over already.
she took his hand and pushed it in her pyjama bottoms, and Coryo groaned, relishing at touching her at her most vulnerable part again, this ever-inviting slick warmth that was all his to touch, to please, to discover. 
“touch me, Coryo,” she breathed onto his lips, and he nodded in half a second. so compliant, so obedient, doing what he’s told. afraid for what may come if he doesn’t. afraid of the chaos that comes for not following orders. always melting like chocolate under her hot touch, compliant to her. his fingers ran through her folds, covered in slick, making her gasp and arch her back, hair in the air. Coryo watched her in awe, in adoration. she was a goddess above him. assuring him he was good, telling him what to do, listening to him, falling apart under his touch, such an effortlessly beautiful girl. he had lucked out. Coryo kept his eyes on her face as he pushed two of his fingers inside her walls. it made y/n sigh and shudder in relief, he was delicate on her soreness, like balm on a bruise, “Coryo,” she moaned and felt his fingers curl inside of her, making her eyes roll back into her head, “fuck, you’re so good for me, Coryo.” 
he nodded again, eyelids fluttering and lips stretching into a smile. her words and noises fed his ego and flattered his heart that so longed for words of praise and recognition. they also made his hard-on grow in his pyjama pants, and he felt kind of shameful for it. he grazed her walls with his fingertips and felt how it made her shudder sitting above him, her cunt squeezing him in, her thighs tightening around his hips—locked in. Coryo moaned, he felt his hand between his clothed, growing erection and her cunt, and it was the perfect squeeze. her warmth pressing against his own, pulling him in. he pumped his fingers faster inside her, delicious sounds from her cunt going straight to his erection.
“Coryo,” y/n mewled and rocked her hips on his hand. he could tell she was desperate, and that meant she was close, too. she was nearly crying, her soreness from before joining the immense pleasure Coryo was providing, “be good for me and make me come, Coryo, please,” she half-pleaded, half-commanded, and Coryo nodded again, beyond turned on but still so focused. his other hand reached around her hips and pushed a splayed palm on the small of her back, pushing her core more into his hand, down onto his length. y/n groaned and gasped for him, but she took his hand and guided it up her pyjama shirt, over her breast, and made him squeeze the flesh of it. that made her whimper and only yearn for her release more. she was oh-so-close, about to fall over that sweet edge for the second time that night. 
Coryo pulled his trump move of pressing a digit against her clit and ground his hips up against hers again, trying to maintain a rhythm, and knew that was it, he could feel the difference in her body immediately. she jerked, and her thighs trembled—she was so sensitive still—and she drew ragged breaths. y/n collapsed on top of Coryo as she came, uttering his name under her breath, and he drew his hand from under her shirt to wrap it around her frame to just make her feel his ever-long support. her hair in his face, they were both gasping for air, skin on skin, and Coryo didn’t even realise until he felt not just her wetness on his fingers, but his own under his hand, soaking through his pyjama pants, that he’d come, too. he hardly even felt it, unlike that first time just a mere hour or two ago. his cheeks blushed a bright pink on his pale skin and he tremendously, though stupidly, hoped she wouldn’t notice. 
but when she kissed his cheek and his neck after regaining herself, he sort-of forgot about the little detail, melting into her affections on him. “Coryo, you did so good for me,” y/n quietly praised him and then raised her head to look at him. he shyly looked into her eyes and managed a smile in response. what she did next surprised him immensely. she reached her hand into her pyjama pants and gathered her own white honeydew liquid on her fingers and then drew that hand of hers to Coryo’s own lips, “taste me,” she breathed with a compelling spell on her tongue that had Coryo not even thinking twice before he did as he was told. 
she slid her fingers in-between his pretty bow lips, watching it happen with hungry eyes all the while, and Coryo welcomed her digits with delight. his tongue swirled around her fingers as he sucked her liquid off them, and moaned at the taste of her, all the while keeping his eyes on hers. she grinned faintly, just adoring the sight of her fingers in his mouth, his messy curls and pink cheeks. y/n leaned down close to his face and pulled her fingers out slowly, his tongue following right after them. she trailed her fingers across his lips, tracing their edges and corners as Coryo parted them wider, she looked onto him with insatiable hunger, turning him into a complete puddle under her. she kissed his lips with her hand across his cheek, thumb digging into the corner of his lips, right in the middle of her kisses. it turned Coryo on again, even though he deemed it impossible. 
“how am i?” y/n asked quietly with a smile on her lips, and Coryo returned the expression. 
“sweet like sugar,” he told her the absolute truth, making y/n smile wider. he lightly bit into her thumb as he looked up at her, “we both need to change pyjama pants,” he said quietly, suddenly shy. y/n looked down at between them, which was the last thing Coryo wanted her to do, but the look on her face assured him altogether. 
“oh, Coryo, that’s alright,” she assured him about his accident and caressed his cheek with her hand, bearing the sweetest face of all as she looked at him, “don’t be sorry.” she pleaded and Coryo nodded with a true smile on his pink bow lips. he clearly enjoyed listening to her telling him what to do, and had no problem obeying her. “we’ll find some in the laundry room. but after that we’re really going to bed,” she said, and he nodded again, “you do need your rest for tomorrow.” 
right, tomorrow. the games were still on, and Coryo was required to attend. he should be walking into Heavensbee hall high and proud—if no one had killed Lucy Gray during the night, of course—acting his best and looking his best, pretending like there was not a scratch on him. another day, another act. though, could he really hide something like what he’d done tonight from the whole world? they were watching, for sure.
“will you be there with me, tomorrow?” he asked as y/n pulled him up from the bed, and she looked up at him with a special glint in her eyes. she could cry at his earnest question. he wanted her there. maybe her little fantasy of them walking into Heavensbee hall hand in hand finally could become reality. they’d kept up the casual classmate relationship appearance to everyone else so far, no one even suspected a thing of the slightest bit of friendship between them. it should be pretty obvious, but their classmates proved otherwise.
y/n squeezed his hand hard in hers and gave him the biggest smile, “of course i will,” she assured him, “if you want me to be there, with you, in front of everyone.” she pointed out and seemed to be asking him a question without actually asking him.
Coryo realized then that this night between them had changed everything. especially this last intimate exchange, but he didn’t exactly know why. it just had changed his whole attitude towards her and their secret friendship that had recently turned into a relationship. he didn’t even care that anyone knew now, in fact – he wanted to show her off to the whole world, he wanted them all to know that he was with her, that he had landed her, that he belonged to her. that was with him, that she loved him, that they loved each other. nothing else mattered to him, really. he forgot about the rest of the world when he was with her.
“i do want that, yes,” Coryo told her with pride on his face, “i want them all to see us.” he said simply, but implied much more, his eyes expressing conviction and charisma, and he made y/n smile wide. smile like she was the happiest girl in the world. with Coryo, she might just be that.
permanent tag-list: @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire​ @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles​ @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​ @xoxobabydolls​ @corallyink​ @rottenstyx​ @allcheesemelts @dangelnleif @sorry-mrs-jacobs
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zhongrin · 2 years
you awaken something in me
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, xiao, al haitham
◇ tags ◇ minors dni, dom!reader, sub!character, begging, orgasm control, edging, you call him "good boy"
◇ a/n ◇ look. i. i’ve been thinking more about this……… i’ve never really seen the appeal of dom!readers (ofc no offense to those who like the concept - hell, i know a few friend(s) of mine who loves their subby men ;] yall know who you are-) but lately i find the concept… kinda.... hot……? i’ve always thought i’m a sub but uhh. maybe i’m a switch….. idk…. this is very tame and short, i’m just trying to explore the idea.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli is always open to experimenting and experiencing something new, especially with you. with how open and accommodating he is, it’s only natural that he would comply with your wishes, obediently laying down when you ask to take charge, just to try it out and see what happens.
you’re clumsy at first, but the fervent ambition in your eyes, the visible need to make him feel good while being in control, was downright endearing. you worship his body like a devout follower, your whispers of sweet nothings turning from shy to confident when you feel his hardness and the way his breath quicken.
and when he tries to buck into your cunt out of habit, the dangerous flash in your eyes, the way your palm calmly rest against his toned abs to steady his hips, and the commanding purr of your voice telling him to "be a good boy" and "let me make you feel good"….
archons. if it wasn't for his sublimely good self-control he might have embarrassingly blown his load right then and there.
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xiao has seen a sliver of that particular side of yours whenever you’re intertwined in bed beforehand. he’s already comfortable with your dynamics; a push-and-pull, a give-and-take, a fifty-fifty between giving and receiving… so to completely change that, he needed a little bit of convincing. and what better way to persuade the stubborn yaksha than letting him have a taste of what you can offer?
the cord trying his wrists is fragile and he’s more than capable to break out of it if he so wishes. you’ve confirmed your safewords and set necessary precautions. so despite the scoffs and hisses, the tears in his eyes and the shakes of his head, as you tease him endlessly and edged him for almost an hour now - you continue to toy with him, scolding him when he tries to buck into your hands or the toys, giving him kitten licks but never fully giving him your mouth. it’s heaven and hell at the same time, but when the first whiny "please" falls from your lover’s lips, the fire inside your chest consumes you and you finally relent into giving him what he craves.
he’s never been so loud when he came, legs twitching and drool leaving his open mouth as you suck and lick his throbbing cock through it. through the ringing in his ears and his labored breathing, your gentle kiss and praises bring him a sense of accomplishment, somehow, a thought floats at the back of his mind….
.... maybe this wasn't so bad after all…
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al haitham doesn't look too happy at the idea, but that’s only because he’s, for the lack of a better word, afraid. it’s not that he doesn't trust you, because he does! he’s just scared that… you wouldn't like seeing him in such a… lewd… state, when he’s normally so put together.
although now, with pleasure fraying his nerves and overwhelming his brain, he doesn't exactly have the capacity to do that, now, does he?
the way you run your hands across his muscles, alternating between scratching, marking, biting, and caressing, kissing, sucking - you’re so good, so steadily in control in your actions, he wouldn't have thought this was the same person who had asked him timidly if they could try something new with him.
“c-close- i'm- hah- close-” that can’t be his voice, can it? it sounds too high-pitched, too desperate and whiny, and yet you’re cooing at him, your hips stopping their movements, much to his frustration.
“are you, now?”
“yes yes yesyesyes-”
“and you think you deserve it? beg.”
his cock twitches inside you, and he marvels at how the wicked grin spreading your lips looks so so breathtakingly fitting on you.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
Soo, uhh, what's the story on how kankri got his sign and all? As an ancestor lover, I'm curious about what happened to kankri's ancestor. Was it one of feferi's first instances of being a cruel empress? (idk if that's what I should say, but oh well) Does kankri have a vague idea of what happened (if something bad did happen) like how karkat had an idea of what happend to the sufferer/signless?
Anyways, I love your AU and the art you make for it!
the symbol came from the same place - the irons that bound the signless hand, but how it came to be is a pretty different story.
im trying to think bout it from the classpect angle - like how in canon the signless was post scratch kankri, so his abilities as a seer of blood allowed him to get glimpses from his pre scratch life, which inspired him to try and change things for the better. but in the au, its karkat who's in the role of the signless, and he aint no seer, hes a knight, he protects with his aspect and protects his aspect. i think the blood powers would carry some memories as well, maybe not so clear like how it was for kankri, but karkat would get the vague feeling of this is wrong.
i think hed see what feferi as empress was trying to do, and would be like "wait a fucking minute she just tries to treat lower classes like some kind of animals that have to be under care of highbloods" and hed be PISSED bc hed rather die than have some highblood asshole coddle him his whole life just bc of his blood mutation.
so hed be like "actually fuck you and fuck the monarchy" and hed start preaching bout the better world where all the blood castes have a say in how their society works (like how it was on tb!beforus) and karkats really good at getting people to follow him. so thats how the movement against the empress would start, and when the news about the revolution would reach feferi she would be pissed then, bc she wants a better life for them and this is how theyre repaying her, by wanting to overthrow her?? and it spirals from here into karkats execution and feferi becoming more and more paranoid
as for if kankri knows how things went, well he does! he gets visions of his past and future selves through dreams, some are nice, but most of the time theyre terryfying (so he just,, stops sleeping). its a mix between his time on beforus and how society was like there, some of karkats memories as the signless get into it too as they're kinda bound by blood ie. the ancestry stuff, and also he gets some visions of the post-game on earth c! those are his favourite. im thinking hard bout everyones aspects, i also liked the idea of kankri being able to "sense" past and future relationships between ppl (for example he can vaguely tell when ppl have history between them and if its positive or not, or he just gets one look at roxy and porrim and goes "yeah theyre gonna be insufferably in love"), its all a work in progress tho!
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gamerbearmira · 18 days
Isa and Mira...idea...
Uhh, Mirabel is trying to show Isabela something/give her something. Isabela keeps cutting her off and tells her to go away. Eventually rolls her eyes, flips her hair and hits her with flowers. Isabela hears sniffles. And something drop and break. She turns to see Mirabel wiping away the petals and tears. Mirabel whispers a quiet apology or something and runs off to the nursery.
Isabela kinda just??? Stands there for a minute. And processes what happened. She looks down and sees a small box and like. It's obviously been decorated by Mirabel (similar to one she later gives Antonio). At first she things she hurt Mirabel physically, but sees no thorns so she takes the top off the box and like. It's a small potted plant with flowers (the pot also was decorated by Mirabel). And there was a small book (a small scrapbook probably) and some piece of clothing. Isaela picks up the clothing, it's a skirt, all embroidered by Mirabel. Ironically it fits Isabela's purple/pink theme, but also has other things. And then the scrapbook is all the flowers Mirabel saved over the years, mostly from before the ceremony, that Isabela gave her. And Like. Isabela looks at these things and realizes that Mirabel was just trying to be nice, and mend their already straining relationship. And Isabela kinda has a revelation that???
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She hurt Mirabel's feelings. Really badly. And Mirabel was just being nice. She didn't do anything to deserve that reaction.
Anyway after that uhhhh, idk I think Mirabel locks herself in the nursery and Isabela goes amd bangs in the door begging Mirabel to open it and she can hear her crying, but Mirabel won't open the door and Isabela can't get Casita to open it lol
I think Isabela would have sat outside the nursery, but eventually had to go, out to town probably. Later on, she sees Mirabel at dinner, but the girl refuses to talk or look at her. Her eyes are puffy too. Isabela probably goed back to her room and spends all night gluing the pot back together and repotting the plant. And after she puts the skirt on (she loves it so much she realizes), she looks though the book <333
Did any of this make sense. Idk. As for names of this au uhhhhh it’s really only canon divergent,,,,idk. Rn, I have is: Orchids, Lilies and the Valley Between Us
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cattocavo · 3 months
So I’ve been tagged in six sentence sunday!
I’ve never done these before and I’m not very active on here so i wouldnt know who to tag in response (although if any of you are fine with being tagged, please write to me! Id love to hear what everyone’s doing, and make some new friends!!
Since I last posted on tumblr I’ve finished all the inktober drawings I planned to draw. They’re all posted on my instagram, but I’m severely behind on posting here😅 tumblr is great but I cannot for the life of me shake off the awkwardness that comes with posting on another media that isn’t my preferred one. But if anyone who doesnt have instagram wants to see the rest just lmk and I’ll post them!
Other than inktober I haven’t really done anything.. i wanted to draw something for valentines, and got an idea a day before which is obviously WAY too little time to finish anything. And well, then valentines day passed and I no longer had a deadline.. so I didn’t finish it. I cannot for the life of me finish anything without a deadline. (Literally realized like 4 days ago that ive basically never finished a high-effort illustration without a deadline or someone relying on me😵‍💫 which kinda sucks ngl)
But since six sentence sundays are for wips, I guess I can show it to y’all what i drew for valentines!
So heres the concept (which is almost better than the finished result will be. I didn’t manage sultry Simon’s facial expression very well in the actual drawing😭 he just looks annoyed instead of ‘sexy’)
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Aaannnd this is a wip of the actual drawing:
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I really might end up redoing sultry Simon’s face, cuz it just isn’t working. I wanted the “expectation” side to like be the baz vision equivalent of some sexy male models slicked in oil and faces all squinty and lip-bitey. I didn’t want there to be a trace of an actual person, only the vision of “hot” so an annoyed simon with a bow will not do :/
Sidenote about simons shirt: eat the rich more like swallow the rich amirite?
I have this dumbass obsession with putting simon in ugly T shirts where theres printed the most ridiculous quotes on. I have a whole pinterest board on it. I tastefully called it “simons questionable taste in fashion”
(It’s all dumbass crop tops and tiny shirts with big chunky shoes. Idk I just love that on him)
But uhh I think that’s all for now! Thank you for tagging me @thewholelemon and @j-nipper-95 for tagging me a lot of previous times where i didn’t do anything bc i was shy😅
See you all next time!
Also idk if people put tags on SSS but I’m just gonna do that bc its what I’m used to
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bork-pog · 7 months
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Okay okay, headcanon time for shits.
Grian, ofc, a watcher. I don't think I really have to explain myself there.
Mumbo, I thought it'd be really fun if he was half enderman? Idk why I started drawing him like that, but it's stuck! Uh, but anyways, because he's half enderman he knows enderian (enchanting table)? For fun? I guess.
Xisuma is just the admin of the server, so I thought it'd be interesting if he knew enchanting table as well. It's also fun for me to just write it out!
Uhh, Wels!! I thought it'd be extremely interesting if I had him be from the Aether! I know it's a mod and everything, but it just, fun. It's why he has those halos around his wrists and neck! I thought it'd be an interesting design choice! Also, the Aether stuff was mainly to contrast Hels, who, yk, I like to think is from the Nether (I really need to refresh my memory on Hels). And also again, just interesting to think of and draw out these type of ideas.
Anyways, so that's why Wels and Grian technically aren't "real avians". I'd imagine any human like species from the Aether would have wings, it's a bunch of sky islands and clouds, just makes sense. While I think, yk, Grian was recruited to become a watcher. He was a real avian, but being turned into a watcher kinda messed up everything? Plus he's been one for a while, there's has to have been some effect on the guy.
Uhh, sorry I'm not the best at explaining lol
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allastoredeer · 23 days
Until I read your other ask, I had no idea there was even a division between radioapple and appleradio! That is as weird as it is fascinating. I guess it makes sense if people are so protective about certain dynamics.
Personally, though, I'm a firm believer in the secret third way. Since they are both kinda trickster characters it makes more sense in my mind that they would both be switches. Who tops and who bottoms, as well as who is the dominant/submissive partner, at any given time is decided by !vibes and is a spur of the moment thing -> I think that would make the whole thing more dynamic and fun to read.
...uhh..so... yea... I don't really have anything to "ask" in here so.... How's your day? I hope you're having a good time ♠
I can see people seeing them as switches. Kind of.
Lucifer is definitely a switch to me, but IDK I just don't see Alastor as a top. Could be my bias. Could be my gradual dislike of top!Alastor. But he remains solidly in the bottom role in my brain. I can see him being an active bottom, or even a dom bottom (cough radiostatic cough), but as a top it just doesn't scratch that itch in my brain.
And, haha no worries! "Ask" is just a suggestion. We take all kinds of statements, comments, and questions here! My day has been fairly okay, I think. Nothing TERRIBLE, but it could've been better.
But I'm just about to sit down and write so I can see it getting much better soon :D
I hope you're having a good day!
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ruthytwoshakes · 7 months
oh good evnening my homos,, my swagggalishis peepol, my lovely little guys . idk. I drew some gi. rrrrrls !!! Some fem fort!! Wahhooooo!!! Yippepeeee!! oh oh and big thank you to everybody who voted in the poll I set up! Once winter break hits I’ll be able to work on the projects full time, until then I’ll just be putting out little wips because school is more important :]
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I’ve always wanted to make a gender swap au of some sort but I really had no good ideas until now,,. . They’re all clones of the red team that Engineer and Pauling worked on!! But like kinda. really crazy and blood-thirsty.
Pauling was requested to make a better Blu team because they sucked so bad,, ,so instead of hiring new people she got lazy and asked Engineer for help to mess with the respawn machine and create these new guys. They’re also like a fourth bigger than the original mercs. They’re very scary and violent and not r,eally good at being people yet. to be fair they were born like yesterday sorta. And I think I’d be a little evil too if I was born with the memories and mannerisms and scars of a life that I had not lived. ? ,,,,oh well sucks 2 suck. They hate the other team with a burning passion because they were programmed that way I guess. Idk I just came up with it tonight so it kidna isn’t all that coherent but we bal l . If I have the time I’ll draw them all beating up the boys or just like tormenting them. heheghjshh. pyro is a bear because the original pyro is a butch,, and spy is trans masc cus the original spy is trans fem. c ool
oh if anybody has any ideas for names I’d love to hear them! I’m shit ass at names so help is appreciated B))))) )
oh. welell hello thehrer,, here is more deisntns
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these are for fun and would not actually work in the au,, teehhe. Man I don’t know what the fuck happened with saxton but he just looks the exact same. he’s growing out his hair. happened with saxton rhymes kindaa also Bidwell yay! Made her look more like Ma because I think she and scout are sisters booyahhh woah. Reddy with the butch realness hell yeah ,, love her. Mister Pauling wooooooow don’t have much 2 say. Twink Pauling little scary. Administrator though fucking killed me ,,I turned a bad bitch into an old man I’m losing my minddd. Kept the earrings cus they slayy cunty cunt cunt? Idk I don’t say that stuff
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PYRO FACE JUMPSCARE !!! I know I committed sin and removed a masked character’s mask buut,idk fuck it I wanted to. Got some gnarly burn scares there and a rat tail cowaaabunga. Don’t know if you can tell but Blu has a half a beard.
JUMPSACREE JUMPSCARE I ADDED MY OCS MUHAHHA it’s gliderrrs yay. Red and Blu glider are two different. guys,, uhh they’re both twins!! Fraternal I think. Red is very flamboyant and extroverted and talks with her hands while Blu kinda stares at you,, you can’t really tell if she’s angry or not? Not happy with you that’s for sure. I can’t info dump about them on this post because I have to get back to work but one day in the near future. perhaps. perchance. mayhaps. what
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Virginia 🦇 !! They’re very inspired off my girlfriends design cuz again I really adore her versions u_u uhh I wanted to make his hair to be fluffy and a little curly like how trendy hairstyles were in about the 70’s or 80’s or 90’s or something, like if your mom showed you old Polaroid photos of when she was young type stuff u_u err idk what kinda hair color they’d have. Also, Virginia is inspired by a bat because he is the only state to have a bat as a state symbol other than Texas, so I might color their hair to be based on them! The Virginia Big-Eared Bat (I used to have a bat plushy my mom made for me and I really miss them 😞)
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Virginia’s genuine reaction when Mass gets pouty cuz Virginia’s scolding him like he’s a kid since he’s petty and starting fights always
Also, a confession I have is that I’ve only seen like one or two clips of Virginia so I have no idea what he’s like but if I were to go off of how he is in fics from a certain writer I’ve never before mentioned obviously cough cough cough, they certainly remind me of my New Hampshirite aunties, the way they talk and act
—Also Also Ty very much for the reaffirmation from my last post 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 sorry I had to dump my doubts on y’all but I’m very happy you listened and replied so kindly even tho y’all ain’t have to!! But again yall are very very nice :) Ty Ty
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silvernmoonlace · 2 months
I belive Nuru dress is supposed to be disney logic princess where they do these crazy things with long dresses and makeup and still look as good as before lmao.
I will say that it always bothered me how Nuru dress looks cause I absolutely love historic accurate clothing.
But Tangled is definitely not historical accurate in anyway shape or form. One of the developers(of the series) said that it was in set in 1400-1600. However, most fans have agreed that it's more likely around 1750-1850.
[responding paragraph-wise]
This first thing I never really noticed, but now that I think about it it kinda makes sense. Disney characters seem to always have perfect makeup and be squeaky clean a lot of the times, which is strange. Not a universal thing but more common than it should be.
Ah yes, finally someone with similar priorities 👾 (fashion history is so cool; it's nice to see other ppl every once in a while who also enjoy it :)
I've seen a lot of ideas from people about when Tangled is set, ranging from the 15th century to the 1850s. Personally, I would say it's set in the late 1830s/early 1840s. This is because the inspiration for a lot of the outfits and logistics(?) does seem to be from then, although yeah, none of the designs truly depict any history here.
[continued] Also, Rapunzel and Eugene are clearly and intentionally featured in Frozen, which is shown in a map to have taken place in 1843. This would imply that Tangled took place recently, so doubling back on 30s/40s. However, at the end of Frozen 2, Anna (I think) is introducing another character to cars??? but I can't find any evidence of this so was it literally just a big hallucination I had????? fam idk 🤡
Thanks for the ask! I'm not sure how to end this uhh like and subscribe and smAsh that bell icon-
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