#i kinda went a little crazy on. the small doodle
mangfotingar · 2 years
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idk i think they would like insane clown posse south prk/genshn/dsmp dni
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captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
He cute...a little weird but cute!
Crona the mf Grogan x Chubby!Black Reader
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A.N: (Ok sooo ive never seen a fic with him and a black girl which is crazy because i feel like he like DOWN BAD for black and what black? we therefore we must write 🤭)
" He cries like alot'
" yeah, it's kinda sad because of Medusa if you think about it
" yeah, but still, he too creepy and he cries? that's like a serial killer code gone wrong"
Two people I call friends talks about the new boy at school, his names Crona I think? I dunno but, he was one of Medusas pawns for taking down the DWMA; which to me I knew the bitch was crazy when she came in with a bob and twists in her hair...BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! So, as they talked I just tune them out listening to music and drawing some doodles when out the corner of my eye, I saw him for the first time.
"Wow..is that a girl or boy?" I lean over and asked one of the girls to which they shook they heads no, Crona sits by Maka and a small smile glows his face; he's beautiful like REALLY pretty, I just stared at him a bit and when my friend tapped me to ask about something i saw he looked at me too..HE WANTS ME BAD LIKE HA!
*Two class periods later, now it lunch because we are big and hungry*
" Thats just nasty..." I say in utter disgust, BlackStar ass is putting cheese, meat, pickles and for some reason mixed milk and Soul dared him to eat it! Niggas are like weridddd, but as I was looking I saw Crona making the same face I was it made me giggle at how he looks utterly disgusted yet curious.
Me and my little group of friends sit down, and we eat some chips and snacks when Maka and Soul's group of friends came over. We look up and smiled since we all are familiar with each other, Liz and Patty sat across from me and Crona and Maka sat beside me on my right since my friend was too my left; Crona just seemed nervous and jittery so I whispered what was wrong? He just shook his head and then some bald black monster thingy came out of his back?
" Ouch! Stoppp I don't know how to talk to girls! Och Ragnarök!"
I watched in a confused manner and turned to Maka who was just getting ready to throw her book, Soul was just staring at BlackStar who was groaning in pain from his earlier concoction with Tsubaki shaking her head in disappointment. I look at Crona who now is sitting covering his head and I don't knew i just felt like comforting him.
" Ok na, that's enough, now go on back to where you came from"
" CLAM IT DOWN OFFBRAND VEMON, keep it cute you saw him smiling and giggling all happy now you gotta mess with him? Thats sad"
Me and off brand get to arguing and I'm not gonna lie he ate me up a few times, but I kept up with him! As we argued the group was laughing egging me and black slimeball out; soon he just went back into Crona and Crona thanked me smiling, I told it wasn't big deal.
" I've really stood up to him...he's cool during fights, but I don't like when he yells at me"
" I don't either, you were all shy earlier now you crying! Here let me help" I get out a toilette from my bag and wipe his face off and he stares at him with wide eyes, I didn't know grey pinkish eyes could sparkle but his did; we started talking again except, Crona was more talkative really to me and Maka.
The bell rings and we all go to our classes but, me and Crona walk together to the courtyard.
" T-thank you for being nice tome when he came out, it not a lot of people who would argue with him"
" It's fine Crona plus, it made steal some of his comebacks" I laughed off, Crona had a small smile on his lips when I talked, he's a good listener. We mainly talk about interests and what he wants to do at DWMA, he told me about how Marie was helping him get over his past and Maka helping with making friends and even though he just got here I feel like I've known his story. As we're walking we both look at the creepy sun it almost time for our next class and I take a tiny snack.
" Want one? " Sure" Hès very simple, we eat a bit of the chips and continues our convo when I see my friends skipping; they called us over and Crona saw Marie, we parted ways wuth goodbyes and i walked over to my friends who are smirking.
" What's the smirks abo-"
" You like him!!!"
" Omg reader! You got a crush on the serial killer non killer dude!?"
They giggle and tease me for my little, tiny, molecular crush on Crona; even though they are right it still doesn't me they get to talk about it!
"I wouldn't say crushhh, more of a I think he's cute."
" But he like textbook definition of werido"
" Well, he's gonna be my werido! I'll talk about Pokémon cards and if Goku is better than Naruto any day if it with him!" I say with my head held high.
" BYEEEE NOT HER IN LOVEEEE" they say in unison, and I speed walk away from them with a smile, and the thought of cutesy Crona Gorgon with flowers and the title ' my werido' engraved in my mind.
Yeah, he may have crybaby, whine a lot, and is kinda serial killer but doesn't kill traits but its cute on him! He's weird and I'm gonna be weird with him!
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A.N: ( OMG THIS IS SOOO ME CODED AND SOOO CUTE, and i know it isn't describing the body type but I'm chubby so Imma write it like that because we don't have nothingggg with him, but yea! Let me know if you like it!
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fatkish · 4 months
well hello there i just what to say i love the righting and 2 as u can see i suck at spelling so im sorry. and 3 i wish to know if u could do some mha angst like maybe like kiribaku x adhd reader where like bakugo dosen't mean tell reader to stop talking so fast or to like sit properly and stop moving there leg (i kinda want both cuz i get told that alot but u pick) but then kiri comes home and bakugos is sleeping on the couch and next day, kiri makes bakugo apologises and see how he was wrong. but its up to u. like reader could be overstimulated and cant stop moving. or sumth its up to u but thx for replying if u do don't feel like u need to tho byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kirishima x Bakugou x Reader Drabble
It was that time of year again. Exams were getting closer and you and Kirishima needed help studying for them. So you both asked your shared boyfriend Bakugou, to help you guys study. Due to your ADHD, you typically take you tests in a different room alone with one of the teachers, that’s because it’s easier for you to focus when there’s less possible distractions. Due to your constant fidgeting, the school has allowed for you to keep a small exercise cycle underneath your desk. This device is similar to an exercise bike with its pedals, but it’s smaller and made to be used when sitting. The cycle is considered a learning tool for you since it allows you to fidget while disturbing as little people as possible.
Sadly, you can’t bring it everywhere with you, if you could then that incident wouldn’t have happened. You and Kirishima had begged Bakugou to help you guys study, so you three went to a cafe. Of course, your Boyfriends knew of your ADHD and how it affected you. They knew that it could only be managed so much, it wasn’t something that could be completely controlled and that it’s something you struggle with. While Bakugou was trying to help you both study, you kept getting distracted by everything and you wouldn’t stop shaking your leg, causing the booth to vibrate.
As you would point out things that you saw that you noticed like someone’s hairstyle or a band t-shirt someone was wearing, Bakugou was starting to get fed up with your inability to focus. You were sitting next to him in the same booth and your constant leg shaking was vibrating the seat and it was driving him crazy. After 1 hour and 30 minutes of your constant interruptions and leg bouncing, Bakugou was at his wit’s end.
“Goddamnit you spacey fuck, can’t you concentrate for more than a couple fucking seconds?!?! And will you fucking quit bouncing your goddamn leg. It’s so fucking damn annoying!” The moment Bakugou registered what he just shouted at you, he realized how much he messed up. You looked at him with watery eyes before your face changed to one of anger.
“I’m leaving” you got up and left the cafe, leaving behind a sorrowful Kirishima and a sorry Bakugou. Bakugou knew he had messed up the moment the words left his mouth. Before Kirishima could say anything Bakugou spoke.
“I know, I know, I messed up and I need to apologize. Don’t worry, I will.”
Kirishima could only look at Bakugou in slight disappointment before he went back to studying.
The next day at school, Kirishima pulled Bakugou aside in the hall outside the classroom and demanded that he apologize to you. Bakugou knew he messed up and was already planning out how he was going to apologize. As they walked into the classroom, they saw you scribbling away in one of your doodle journals. Since most students weren’t in the classroom yet, Bakugou decided to apologize then and there. He walked over and grabbed the back of your shirt, dragging you into the hallway.
“Look, I’m sorry ‘bout what I said yesterday. I was just pissed and I took it out on you.” He mumbled just quite enough for you to hear.
“It’s okay, I know I forgot to bring a fidget and I’ve been trying to manage my symptoms better. I just have to work harder but I appreciate the apology”
“Yeah yeah just shut up” Bakugou muttered as he looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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Peppino spaghetti x reader
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[Warning am Terrible at writing so there is gonna be grammer errors because I have literally BRAIN DAMAGE so yeah enjoy the shit show]
🍕 You were look for a good place to eat after your original go-to pizza place shut down do to an Infrastation of hilariously large rodents owning the place now you had to go eat some where else.
🍕 You then saw the sign....peppino's pizza. You weren't sure if the place was open or not due to the lights were off but the door was open so you enter. The place was dark except for the light shining through the windows, you took a sit on a red swerving chair. You looked around the place it had it had Italian décor you wondered if the owner was Italian or if it's another case of your culture is our decor.
🍕 then you hear a door open and see a middle age man walk out of the door. He seem super stressed out still looking at the paper he took a sit next to unaware you were there. You stared at him curiously and spoke "let me guess Bill problems". The Italian man sighed "yes it's- wait a minute " he stopped looking at the paper and looked at you. "A CUSTOMER!" He ran the kitchen quickly and grabbed their note book and pencil and ran back out. You were shocked he can move so fast, he handed you one of the menus "what-a you would like to-a order" he said with a nervous smile.
🍕 You looks down on the menu and spoke "I would like a small Pizza a everything pizza and a soda please", "anything else? " You shook your head sideways " Nah am fine thanks " he nodded and went back to the kitchen. He shook his friend Gustavo, " awake up we have a job to do "the little man jumped up and looked around in shock at first but returned to sleeping. Peppino rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeves "fine then I'll do it my self".
🍕half a hour later he brought your pizza and a soda. "Here iz your pizza " he stood by waiting for your reaction. You took a bite of it and... loved it! "Oh my goodness! It's amazing! you made this pizza?", he blushed and scratched the back of his head "yes I did-did" peppino has heard compliments before but for some old reason this stuck to him maybe it because he hasn't heard it in a long time but whatever it was it had spark the love of cooking that he thought he lost so long ago. And for you? You just found your new favorite pizza place.
🍕 You went to peppino whenever you got your paycheck or had some spare money laying around. But also even if you didn't have money he would invite you over to the pizzeria. You both would chat for hours and got to learn about each other likes and dislikes. It got to a point where you would visit each other outside of the pizza place.
🍕 and you would do each other favors like peppino has no money for a taxi? No problem you give him a lift. Your parents are coming to town to visit you but you don't know how to cook anything besides ramen? He's got your back!
🍕but peppino noticed something he couldn't stop thinking about you! About how you look..laughed and looked at him it was driving him crazy, at first he thought it was just his anxiety but it wasn't it felt nice being around you and you were always so nice to him. Sometimes he would doodle you on his orders notebook or just some how make a pizza that kinda looks like you.
🍕 he wanted to confess to you he REALLY did but he was worried about so many things like what if you rejected him and never want to see him again? That thought made him shutter. So he kept it all bottle up but he wasn't very good at it.
🍕he would hold your hand and touches you when he gets a chance (like your hair or tug on your clothes) and make the excuses of oh you had a bug on you or your hands were cold or he wanted to show you something.
🍕 he finds himself staring at you and he becomes embarrassed once he realizes that he was staring at you and feels like a creep.
🍕 he feels a bit more relaxed when you are around him, he feels a bit more lose. And smile more when you're around.
🍕then he heard from Gustavo that you have been trying to find a date on dating apps. His heart dropped to his stomach no no no no NO! He made up his made and decided that he had to confess!
🍕 You walked into the restaurant and sat in your favorite sit "hey peppino! Guess who got some money for some pizza!". Peppino came out the kitchen with a fancy rented suit and a pizza. You whistled "Damm peppino! You looking fine! What's the special occasion?" He put the pizza in front of you it was a heart shaped "wow you still make heart shaped pizza's? Wasn't valentine's day 5 days ago? " You said jokingly but then he hold you hand. You looked at him curiously and let him speak.
🍕 "ever since you step into my pizzeria you have been nothing but kind to me.. your so helpful and you know so much stuff and l...." he gulped " I love you...." man felt like he was going to get a heart attack. You smiled at him gently and put your hand carefully on his face.
🍕"oh peppino...I have always loved you" and you kissed his forehead. Peppino took a minute to Process what just happened but when it finally hit him. He was esthetic! He pull you in to dance you both danced happily, hand In hand you both like this moment can last forever.
🍕 Gustavo totally lied about you looking for dating he just tired of the constant will they or won't they routine.
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sysig · 9 months
2023 Art Purge
Original edition! Ended up having to split the doodles into two parts, I didn’t mean to end up with so many left over but oops - onto the commentary!
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Remember crayon Edgar? I drew this one at the same time! Loosely based off Circus Baby but really just more of a general cutesy look - layering with colours is fun :)
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Eyes, every year. Two general eyes, and two characters! Bottom left is Souichi, and bottom right is Vivian :) Vivian always gets a spare eye haha
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Some concept art for a false backpack I still kinda wanna make - it’d be a prop for a game I made earlier this year, as the prize container! It’s meant to be kind of like a pop-up shop that can fold away fairly small and hold a bunch of small items safely and inconspicuously, though it wouldn’t actually work as a real backpack lol
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Some Cherubsona concept art, thinking about their hair and the light rays - I considered having a single asymmetrical hair tuft, I think while I was still on the fence about having asymmetrical wings as well - I’m happy with the final design :)
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And some baby angels! Based on my DQIX/AGE headcanons/actual canon lol, took a few tries to get a design I was happy with before settling on the bottom-most one with the fuzzed ears, lolling about haha. Cute!
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Also thinking about “Fallen” designs, since my cherubsona is meant to be a fallen angel - or even just biblically accurate angels! Maybe they became more normal-looking after falling haha
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More Charm doodles based on the Hungry idea - neither Frankenstein nor Zombies were quite what I was looking for, but they were close! Poor Charm, even if it is a Look
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More eyes! Concept sketches of the Yanderapy boys :D Mitsu’s swirls and Ishida’s sleepy ♥ eye expression haha
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An alternate panel of Mitsu being shy to admit his love language haha, I wanted his expression to be a little more visible but him hiding in the book is also very cute haha
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Little doodle of Ishida singing Daisy Bell! He’s half-crazy all for the love of Mitsu after all
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Technically these are from later in the year but I was really hoping to have the set up for a silly concept rolling - Ishida wants to play a game! The game would allow each of them to take a turn, with the goal of the game to be to sneak a gift into the other’s bag or pocket when he’s not looking. A cute and silly and fun concept to reverse pick-pocket the other and give a little treat! Totally harmless and not at all strange or weird or with any kind of underlying sinister vibes!
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The punchline of course was that since they’re both yanderes that it basically turns into stalking each other, which as featured here, Mitsu is very into, who could have guess lol. The double punchline is that they’re both so aware of/obsessed with each other that they notice each other right away, but play along because it’s obvious that they’re both enjoying it haha It’s yandere enrichment! Ishida would also get a real rush from “hunting” Mitsu, as would Mitsu enjoy being “hunted” - yet more twisted love languages ♥
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Random deer :) Actually one of the animals I considered for Dahlia early on but decided to scrap, because I don’t know how to draw deer lol
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Also went through a couple scrapped designs for her artist friend, just to make sure I explored all my options thoroughly! I’m glad I did, but I’m happiest with the one I decided on, of course
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Brief Dahlia and Tala meeting. They’re unsure of each other! Squirrels and dogs don’t have the best track record admittedly
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Bit of vent :( Bar’s always good for it ♥
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Bucket! :D Been a bit since I drew anyone from that cast, though I somehow made him on-model by accident lol, and of course he’s still cute! That’s the important part really
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Eyesssssssss <3 <3 On the left were some quick comparisons between dot/filled-in eyes and eyes with a differentiated pupil and iris, since I’ve been defaulting to dark eyes a lot lately (it’s the Vargas influence lol); and on the right were a bunch of Cure eyes! I think at least partially studied off of some character creators? Lots of eye styles to choose from, which one suits her the best hmm. She has very sparkly eyes
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And another sort-of study off a character creator haha, it’s very cute! Not very Cure, though
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One of the early ideas that made me want to dig her out of storage was actually an animation idea that was maybe a liiiiiittle ambitious to go about making without her having a fixed design lol - I’ve always been a fan of magical girl transformations that completely glow-blot out the body and then they explode into frills and bows and fluff at the end haha. I would still like to come back to the idea at some point!
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Ended up with a good handful of muscle studies, even after the ones I already posted - a lot of the poses ended up silly haha
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And a lot of skull/face/neck studies as well, with mixed success :P
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I’ll get it figured out eventually!
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Sometimes it’s fun to just doodle around, shapes :) My own original human style feels so constantly in flux with the fanart I like to make and having so many non-human characters haha, probably doesn’t help that I prefer high stylism
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A trio! They look kinda familiar, hmmm....
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Yet more eyes lol, the first trying to figure shines. You can really see what a lack of editing does to the implied shapes pfft ♪
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Always trying to figure out how to dragons! Another one I’ll have to get to Someday. There’s gotta be a trick to them >:0
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Out of general studies and tests - hey I thought Just Desserts already had a sona??? And that she was like the most important and best and all that?? I got curious what my sona might be in the JD universe without being the villain haha, and I came up with a Chocolate-Chip Brioche Bun lad! :D I’ve always had something of an affinity for brioche, also somewhat inspired by Edgeworth’s cravat haha. But would Charm still exist and be wreaking havoc, or would this be the alternate universe Charm equivalent?? ‘Cause they’re definitely not “Charm”
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Speaking of Charm tho! She’s holding a tooth lol - something something, candy people mining teeth? Because cavities? I dunno lol, but she’s certainly not all that much bigger than a tooth so that’s some fun scale for you :)
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And finishing off with some cutesie little chibis :) I made the first as a reference for proportions, and the second to show how my holosona would look in that style haha, what a cute evil computer
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
No Longer Alone Together: Part 8
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Part 8 | Masterlist
December 24th:  
Once the kids are all asleep, they each gather all their presents for the other person and meet downstairs in front of the tree. She has just one box full of things that she wrapped and he has all her gifts individually wrapped inside a Christmas bag. 
The only year they missed this tradition was when they had Atlas, they had to wait till boxing day to open gifts with their tiny little baby in the bassinet beside them. This year they’re alone again, Atlas went down to bed last, so very excited for tomorrow because he can’t wait to give his dad his present. Not because he wants to open everything Santa brought him… he just wants to give people things. He’s the sweetest boy in the world, maybe even the whole universe? 
“Okay, you first,” Spencer announces as he hands her the first little box. “I got this one in Chicago…” 
“Are they all from your trip?” 
He nods, “I got some before I left but there were so many new stores I’ve never seen before and even when I was travelling all over the county for work, I never had the time to just shop… so I got you anything and everything that reminded me of you.” 
“You’re too sweet on me, Dr. Reid,” she teases, slowly peeling off the wrapping paper to find a jewelry box. She hasn’t worn a ring at all during their entire “marriage” which makes her wonder if thats what this is… “Spence?” 
“Just open it,” he doesn’t want to do any explaining until it’s open. 
Much to her surprise, it’s a bracelet that she finds inside the velvet box. “Oh my god?” She picks it up delicately and stares at all the little charms. 
“There’s the earth for Atlas, the moon for Luna and Jupiter for Noelle because she just gives me that energy,” Spencer explains, “the sun is for you and here,” he hands her another tinier box. “This one has the other planets in it so you can pick one for me and one for our new baby…” 
She wraps him up in a hug, arms around his neck as she holds him tighter than ever, “I love it, I’m going to wear it to Florida in March and everything.” 
“That’s what I hoped,” he rubs her back gently before she pulls back. “I have a bunch more for you, I kinda went a little crazy…” 
“that’s okay, so did I but they’re nothing major,” she pushes his box towards him. “They’re not individually wrapped either, I didn’t have the time.” 
“I don’t mind,” he says as he rips the paper off the box and opens it slowly. The first thing he see’s is an empty notebook with blank paper, it’s not even lined. “What’s this for?” 
“You’ve been doodling on the inside of your story notes so I thought you’d want your own sketchbook,” she explains with a sweet smile. She loves Spencer’s little doodles and the freaky people he draws. It’s very Tim Burton… 
“And there’s some new pencils and art stuff,” she can’t help but smile back at him. “I was getting the art stuff for Luna and thought you’d like to draw with her over the break…” 
“You know I will,” Spencer assures her. “This is perfect, thank you… here,” he pulls out a big, flat square that looks a lot like a wrapped-up calendar for the year. 
She starts unwrapping it to see it’s not a calendar… it’s a vinyl record. “We don’t have a vinyl player?” She’s confused but happy, she really wanted this copy of her favourite artist's new album, it’ll be nice to just look at it even if they can’t play it.
“I’m still waiting on it to arrive,” he smirks. “The big winter storm pushed back the delivery.” 
“No way,” she can’t believe it. So abundantly happy, they were finally going to get to play her mom's old Christmas albums on vinyl for the kids and enjoy that old crackling sound alongside the fire every Christmas from here on out. 
“I love you,” she gets right into his lap and holds him tight, resting her chin on his shoulder with a small smile, trying so hard not to cry already. 
“I love you,” he whispers before kissing her cheek. “That’s the one you wanted right? The blood moon one?” 
She nods, “yeah, I love it.” 
“It’s signed inside…” 
She pulls away with wide eyes, “what? You found one of them?” 
He nods, “I actually got it through Jimmy Fallon… he called it in for me, it arrived at my hotel the day before I flew home. Open it up.” 
She hurries to grab the record and open it up, finding a photo card inside the sleeve where the lyric booklet is. She takes it out carefully as to not cover it in fingerprints and almost sobs. “No fucking way, Spence?” 
On the front, it’s just her signature over a photo of herself, but on the back, thats where the sweetest message is. 
Your Lover is one of a kind for having someone reach out and find this for you… I looked him up and loved his books, tell him I think we’d make a wicked No Body No Crime thriller together, don’t you think? Call it what you want, but from everything I’ve heard about you, from your Christmas Tree Farm adventures to falling in love while your parents were in Paris, I can tell that you’re soulmates. Have a wonderful Christmas, hug the kids for me, and enjoy 5 tickets to bring them to the Eras tour in Philly on May 13th ♡ see you soon! 
She’s sobbing as she reads it, it’s unbelievable. She knew Spencer met some amazing people on his book tour but she never expected Taylor Swift of all people to be one of them. She holds it close to her heart, having listened to Fearless and Speak Now so much during her divorce and breakup, then Red all year before she met Spencer… they got 1989 the year they had Atlas and Reputation when Noelle was about to turn 2. Lover not even a month before Luna was born and now Midnights has a sound for every memory from every era of her life inside of it too. 
“I love it, Spence,” she assures that the tears she’s shedding are happy just as Spencer reaches out to wipe them off her cheeks. She holds the photo to her chest in a hug, “this is so thoughtful.” 
“I’m not done yet,” he reminds her. “I have like 9 other presents to give you…” 
“Come here,” she stands up with his hand in hers, taking her phone out of her pocket to puts on Lover just for good measure. “Having you home with me is all I wanted for Christmas.” 
At a volume the kids won’t hear, but it’s perfect for them, they slow dance in the living room under the Christmas tree lights. She can’t always go where he goes, but they’ll always be this close. 
“You’re my, my, my, my… lover,” Spencer sings along in her ear, memorizing every word she listens to in the house when he’s working and she’s cleaning and the kids are off at school or Uncle Wills. 
This is one of the songs that will always make him think of her when he hears it. 
She loves him more than she would ever be able to explain, no gift is good enough to show him… this is as good as it’ll get. Holding him close to her heart, dancing along to one of the most beautiful love songs there are, promising forever to him without ever needing to wear a ring to prove that she’s his. No marriage will hold their love in, no court document can make what they have any more real… 
Their home is their chapel, and his heart is her god. they’re married in every way that counts to them. 
He kisses her cheek and jaw and then down her neck, “I love you, so much.” 
“I love you,” she cups his face in her hands and pulls back to look at him. “And as much as I’d like to take this where ever you’re going, we still have to set up their presents and stockings.” 
“And then we can screw in the empty present room?” He teases, but it’s less of a joke and more of a question, he really wants to. “Please?” 
She nods with a cheeky smile, “yeah… I’d really like that.” 
December 25th: Christmas Day 
They don’t get much sleep, they finally get into bed around 1 but then they can’t stop talking about how fun the morning is going to be. They finally fall asleep around 3, only to be woken up at 5:30 because the kids want to go downstairs. 
“No…” Spencer groans, spooning Y/N, he buries his face in her neck and holds her tightly, “we’re sleeping.” 
“Come on,” Luna pesters him, poking his back while her siblings are on mom's side of the bed, looking at her while she keeps her eyes closed. 
“It’s too early, guys,” she agrees with Spencer. “Get in,” she lifts the covers, letting Noelle and Atlas cuddle into her while Luna got in on Spencer's side. “We’re going to sleep a little longer okay, the presents aren’t going anywhere.” 
“But it’s exciting,” Luna complains, “I can’t sleep!” 
Spencer rolls away from Y/N and onto his back so he can pull luna into a cuddle, “you’re going to have to try, we were up all night waiting for Santa… how else do you think he gets in when we don’t have a real fireplace?” 
“You met him?” Noelle can’t believe it. 
“Oh yeah, so many times,” Spencer exaggerates.
“Not like the fake mall Santa right?” Atlas doesn’t believe him. “The real one?” 
“The real one,” Spencer repeats. “I went up to the north pole with the team once and everything… Santa had a break-in at his workshop and we caught the thief for him.” 
“Wow,” they all believe it because he’s a good storyteller and an even better liar. “What’s it like?” 
“Just like the Tim Allen Santa movie,” he teases, “it’s magical… and Mrs. Clause is lovely, she’s just like your mom. She makes the best Christmas cookies.” 
“We are just like them,” Y/N can’t help but sleepily smile as she listens along. “We also got married on Christmas Eve…” 
“You did?” Atlas asks, “but you don’t wear a ring?” 
“You remember at the end of Santa Clause is coming to town, the claymation one? They got married just in the forest, alone? Me and your mom said some vows all alone and that’s why she calls me her husband to everyone now, even though legally, we’re not married,” Spencer explains. “We loved each other so much we couldn’t wait and then never went and made it official.” 
“We should have a wedding,” Luna suggests. “In the backyard… or uncle Daves!” 
“Maybe,” Y/N doesn’t say no. 
Spencer turns to her, amazed and wide awake now, “really?” 
She sleepily nods, two kids cuddled into her and one pushing against her bladder inside of her now, so much time has passed, she isn’t the same person who said no all those years ago. “Sure, why not?” 
“Okay then,” he settles back into his pillow with a smile. 
Luna is kneeling by his side, her knees digging into his hips while she leans over him with all her weight on his chest. “Are you awake now? Can we go downstairs now?” 
“No,” Y/N answers again. “We need to make a rule, it’s not Christmas till the sun comes up.” 
“The sun comes up around 7:45 in December,” Atlas remembers from one of his books. “That’s in 2 hours and 15 minutes.” 
“Exactly, so why don’t you take your sisters to your room and read them some more facts while we sleep?” Y/N explains, “please? The baby needs me to sleep a bit more or I’ll be sick and I don’t want to throw up on Christmas morning…” 
They love their sister already, so of course, they listen. 
“Okay,” they all say as they hop down off their bed and head out. 
“Thank god,” she rolls over and into Spencer, closing her eyes again. “I’m exhausted.” 
“You want to marry me?” He can’t get off the topic. Genuinely surprised that she’d say yes now of all times. 
She lets out a deep sigh, “yes, Spence, I would like to marry you, just, let me have a few hours of sleep first I don’t want bags under my eyes in my wedding pictures.” 
“Okay,” he chuckles lightly, soothing his hand down her back and kissing the top of her head. “Go back to sleep my, love.” 
She falls back asleep quickly, taking that extra 2 hours and running with it. Spencer has to shake her back awake at 8am when the kids are ready to go downstairs and the sun is coming through the blinds. The 3 of them stand in the doorway with matching smiles and Christmas pyjamas, waiting for both their parents to be ready to open presents.
She gets dressed and grabs a snack from her snack drawer, having to eat as soon as she gets up or else the baby got mad at her. She munches on some crackers while Spencer uses the bathroom and then they’re all ready. 
“Remember, we’re taking turns,” Y/N calls as they run out in front of her and down the stairs. 
The shout and cheer at the sheer amount of presents surrounding the tree in the living room, they spread out almost into the main hall. Mom gets them all to sit on the couches while dad turns on the electric fireplace and the tree lights to make the room really feel like Christmas. 
She walks around the tree and looks at all the presents as if she wasn’t the one to set them up. “Wow, Santa really likes you guys…” 
“Because he knows daddy,” Luna cheers, taking Spencer’s story this morning to heart. 
“Should we start with Santa presents or family presents?” Spencer asks, standing beside Y/N and wrapping an arm around her. 
“Can I give daddy mine first?” Atlas asks, putting his hand up while he sits nicely, almost like school has trained him too well to be patient and polite. 
“Sure, why not?” Y/N doesn't mind, “you remember the ones we wrapped for him before he came home, right? Daddy go sit down,” she moves Spencer over to the couch while the kids all scatter to sort through the presents and find the ones for their dad buried at the back of the tree. 
They come back to him with an assortment of wrapped goodies, making his heart fill with glee. “Oh wow, really? All this for me?” 
“Mine first,” Atlas hands him the bag from the Christmas market, it’s been under the tree for what feels like forever to him, and he’s so excited to see his dad open it. 
“Okay,” Spencer takes it from him and carefully removes the tissue paper before he reaches in. He pulls out the cardigan with a genuinely shocked face, “Woah? Bug, this is so nice?” 
“Put it on!” He starts jumping up and down, too excited to stay still. “Do you like it?” 
He slips his arms into the sleeves and buttons 2 of the buttons up, “I love it!” He pulls Atlas into a hug and squeezes him tight, “I’m going to wear it all day today, do you think it’s fancy enough for the party tonight?” 
He nods, “with suit pants, maybe?” 
“And a green shirt, purple tie,” Luna adds, very opinionated about his outfits. 
“Of course,” Spencer agrees, he would’ve picked that anyway but he validates her opinions anyway. “What next?” 
“Here,” Noelle hands him one that she spent a lot of time on. 
It’s easy to find a seam and open it with her newly acquired wrapping skills… he tears into it to find a bunch of socks. 
“I miss matched them for you,” she explains. “See dolphins and diamonds and then flamingos and flames, it all makes sense this way…” 
“I love it,” he wants to cry, it’s so thoughtful and it’s just socks. “Thank you, I’ll wear them today too.” 
“Here’s mine,” Luna places it on his lap, getting closer so she could help him open it. 
He lets her pull on the paper and start opening it for him, they tear it off together just for him to see it’s a box. The tape is easy to peel back and inside the box is all his favourite candy. “for your writing jaw in your office, it’s empty…” 
Another thoughtful gift that he wouldn’t have even thought of asking for but his kids knew him really well. He gives them each a hug and a kiss as he thanks them, whispering something to them about getting mommy’s presents next. Y/N had no idea that he took them all out shopping one afternoon after school while she was still at work. 
They scurry away from him and come back with a big box that takes Atlas and Noelle to carry over… more like push it over. It glides over the hardwood floor easily until it’s right in front of her. “That big one was for me?” 
“Open it!” They all cheer, gathered around in case she needs help. 
She takes the bow off first, ripping into it slowly. “What the heck is this?” She asks, under the wrapping paper is just a brown box. 
“Remember you said you wanted to be able to make s’mores in our backyard like we do at Daves?” Spencer explains as she tilts the box back to read the words “gas-powered outdoor fireplace.” 
“No way!” She can’t believe it, “this and the record player?” 
“Christmas is about giving,” he reminds her. “You can’t spend all season giving us things, you have to get some good gifts too.” 
The kids grab a few more gifts for her, placing them on top of the box, “we got you these…” 
“Oh wow, thank you,” she’s overwhelmed to get all these presents before they even get to their Santa presents. 
Atlas got her a pretty shirt, Noelle got her a scarf to go with her winter coat and Luna got her some more of her favourite makeup. They’re 3 simple gifts but they also mean the world to her. 
“Okay,” she stands up before she gets too emotional thinking about it. “Each of you picks one present with your name on it and sit back down…” 
They each run to the tree and grab the biggest present they can find, “this one says Luna,” Atlas announces, handing the present to his sister. He finds his own next and Noelle finds one for herself easily. The three of them sit back down together and wait for their mom to give them the go-ahead, she simply smiles and nods. 
They rip into their presents quickly, all gasping when they realize what they got. Luna screams the loudest, “MY DOLLHOUSE!” 
Both her siblings smile at her, happy she got what she wanted. “I got the book set I asked for,” Atlas announces, bringing to peel the plastic off so he could flip through the pages. 
Noelle is almost speechless as she flips the box over a few times. “Is this… this is a skateboard?” 
“It is,” Y/N can’t stop smiling, she gets down in front of the Christmas tree and hands her a few other gifts. “These go with it, Santa said…” 
While she tears into the presents, Y/N finds a few more to hand to Luna and Atlas to make it even. Luna gets some dolls, Atlas gets a few more science kits and Noelle gets knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet, all in the same green her cast used to be. 
“I’m going to teach you some tricks once the snow is gone,” Spencer teases, “but we’re going to do them without breaking an arm this time.” 
“You know how to skateboard?” Noelle can’t believe it. 
He nods, “it’s just physics…” 
“Ugh, science is everywhere,” she complains, everyone around her was too smart for their own good, she knew that. 
“That is is,” Spencer ruffles her hair and kisses the top of her head. “I think it’s time we give you guys your big gift from us…” 
“Are you sure?” Y/N gets excited, so ready to share these big plans with them after knowing about it alone for so long. 
He nods, “it's in your stockings,” he points at the 5 socks hung over the fireplace. He helps them take them down one by one and sit on the floor once more, “okay, start emptying them…” 
Luna goes right for the fidget toys, bypassing the headband with Mickey-mouse ears and the paper saying they’re going on a trip. Atlas is the first one to unfold it and actually read it. 
“What does this mean?” He holds up the printed-out boarding pass, “is this another NASA thing?” 
“no… thats a real flight we're going on, those are your tickets,” mom explains. “Can you see where we’re going?” 
“we’re landing at… Orlando, Florida?” He reads the ticket fully and then his eyes widen. “Are we going to Disney world?” 
“Are we?!” Noelle breaks a window with how loud she screams. 
“Shh, yes, oh my gosh, yeah, we are,” Y/N can’t help but laugh, pulling the kids into a hug when they just want to jump around with excitement. 
Spencer explains when it is, who they’re going with and most of the itinerary for the trip. They’re going to Disney world, lego land and the Kennedy space centre, making sure each kid had a special interest to indulge in. They’re over the moon, barely even thinking about the rest of their presents, it’s too exciting. 
They manage to have breakfast together before opening the rest of the presents. They got little things like clothes and colouring books, accents for their rooms and necessities for school. It all happened so fast, all they are left with is a pile of each kid's gifts on the couch and a mountain of trash once every toy was opened and freed from its box. 
The kids all go to the playroom, setting up their new toys and setting aside old ones they want to donate into the box that once held their mom's new fireplace. She takes a seat beside Spencer once everything is all said and done, laying her head on his shoulder while he wraps an arm around her. “Another good one for the books…” 
“The last one as a family of 5,” Spencer sighs, happily. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too,” she tries not to cry again but then she decides fuck it. She cries, experiencing the moment the way her body wanted to. “This is my favourite one yet…” 
“And we have so many more to go, how will we top it?” Spencer teases. 
She shrugs, “they’ll find a way.” 
Penelope spent her morning at the airport, waiting for Derek, Savannah and Hank to get off their plane. They got in around 11, they had lunch all together and then headed straight to Rossi's place for the annual All-iday party. They were the first ones there this year, waiting for every other family to start showing up too. 
The Simmons show up next, all 5 kids running straight to the playroom designated to them on days like today. Rossi didn’t need all that space at his house for fancy things, so they got a whole room just to be kids in. 
The LaMontagne’s are next to arrive, all dressed up like they are every year, JJ dressed to the nines and Will looking handsome as ever. And Sandy Jareau comes with her emotional support dog, Ozzy, a fluffy golden retriever that all the kids loved. 
Emily and Laura debated if they wanted to go this year, with a brand new baby and all the kids being in different schools and Derek being on a plane that day, that was a lot of germs gathering in one place… so day of, they call out, not ready to venture out into the world with little May yet. Y/N offered to pack up some of the leftovers and stop by with them later, and whatever presents people bought for them too. 
Rossi’s daughters show up too, it’s the first year Portia is celebrating Christmas without her mother, it’s hard, but having this extended family is good for her. Joy comes with her husband and Kai as well, now living in DC, it was a lot easier for them to join. 
When Spencer and Y/N arrive with their kids, the party is already well underway. Diana and Liam weren’t too far behind, just finishing the festivities at their retirement home before heading over. The kids run off right into the playroom with the others, leaving all the parents in the kitchen where the food and booze was. 
Tara comes with her girlfriend and Luke comes all by himself but migrates to Penelope’s side and stays there like he has for the last few years. He’s helplessly in love with her, everyone can see it, but Penelope hasn’t given into him yet. She’s fighting his love for some reason, and everyone in their group can't wait for her to surrender, wave the wire flag and just kiss him already. 
In the kitchen, Spencer rushes Derek and wraps him up in a hug, as if he didn’t see him in Chicago last month. “Where’s my little man?” Derek asks, looking past him for Atlas. 
“With your son in the playroom,” Y/N teases, taking Spencer’s place against Derek's chest for the next hug. “How are you?” 
“Great now,” he kisses the top of her head before she can pull away. “I hear congratulations are in order?” 
She nods, “oh yeah, you’re getting another little niece.” 
She’s congratulated by everyone in the room, many of them hearing it for the first time as Laura and Will really knew how to keep a secret. Everyone has either a glass of wine or champagne, Y/N pours some ginger ale into a champagne flute and celebrates with the others, all over the moon for her and Spencer. 
“So do you have any names picked out?” Sandy, JJ’s mom, asks, loving Spencer’s kids as if they were her own grandkids too. 
Spencer shakes his head to say no but Y/N shrugs, “I kinda have one…” 
“You haven’t told me this?” Spencer is shocked, “what is it?” 
“You said her birthstone would be a Ruby and I think Ruby Reid sounds cute…” 
Some of the others repeat her name with a swoon, holding their hands over their hearts. “You have to name her ruby now,” Penelope chimes in. “That’s perfect?” 
Spencer purses his lips as he thinks about it, “yeah, I can see her name being Ruby, too…”
She smiles, leaning in and stealing a kiss from Spencer right in front of everyone, they were a lot more used to Spencer's PDA now than that first Christmas… it was refreshing to see their love never dwindled and it looked like it never would, either. 
Those lonely years of her life feel like such a long time ago now. Being alone together felt just as far away from where they are now… okay, sure, they’re no longer alone together, but they wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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siphonomy · 2 years
woah, writing? From me? I know!! Crazy!!! aha this is. my first time posting my writing on a public platform. I’m scared help plea
This is a short thing!! Mostly Sissel being a cat and interacting with a few of my favorite characters. Enjoy!! (Please no criticism yet thank you) (edit: I did not reread this. This was kinda made in a rush. I am sorry for mistakes)
Gentle steps on a wooden desk alerted Bailey, who was caught up in his own world of writing memos of little things his co-worker would take care of. He always doodled on the memos for his partner to notice, as he knew the small pieces of paper would end up in the trash anyway. Though, what caught his attention wasn’t exactly someone he recognized. A kitten with black fur, and a red bandana around its scruff. It looked small enough to fit in one hand.
Bailey reached a hand out to the cat, and it sniffed his fingers with caution, before rubbing its head onto him. He couldn’t help but laugh, scratching behind its ears while it purred loudly at the contact. Thinking about it, Bailey realized that he did recognize it. He heard from some other colleagues that Detective Jowd and his family had adopted a cat that went by the name of ‘Sissel.’ Sissel appeared very young, but apparently the cat has been with them for 10 years.
A sharp pain made Bailey yowl, dramatically pulling his hand away and shutting his eyes tight. Did Sissel bite him? But he was being a sweet little guy a few minutes ago!! He whined at the pain and the sudden betrayal of the cat, opening his eyes to only find that Sissel had gone. He scanned the whole room, yet it was like it disappeared entirely. The only thing he could hear was the faint crackle of the telephone line.
Sissel let a little cackle come out of his mouth as he slid through the red-tinted cables. Taking note of each number of locations he passed, he found himself with faint memories of each one. This number was near the park, where an end became the beginning. This number was the Chicken Kitchen, and he felt his nose twitch at the scent of food. This number was… he swatted a paw at it, and ended up in an entirely new setting in under a minute.
An old friend was in the kitchen, chopping up onions for some sort of soup or sauce. Sissel hopped out of the phone and next to the man’s feet, looking up at him with big eyes. “You’re cooking tonight?” Yomiel didn’t notice until he spoke, glancing down at the floor with a slight jump. “Jesus Christ, you scared me. She’s busy with her own chores, so I’m making dinner.” Sissel’s shell went limp as his core hopped into the pot.
“Smells nice. What’s in it?” Yomiel didn’t really enjoy his cooking pot talking to him, but he shrugged it off, and instead used his brain power to think about what he put in said pot. “Onions, potatoes, and some chicken.” He knew his furry friend liked the sound of chicken, as the pot began boiling with the liquid slightly swishing around. “Chicken? Can I have some?” Yomiel chuckled, cutting up a small piece he had left and leaving it out for Sissel’s shell. “If you get out of my meal, sure.”
Sissel’s core almost ran back into his body, biting the chicken out of Yomiel’s fingers with an endearing sound of chewing and meowing mixed together. “Do you like it?” Yomiel asked while Sissel attempted to get any bits out of his teeth, then wrapped his tail around his leg with a purr. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Yomiel gently judged Sissel away from his leg. He stared at the kitten, who was staring him back with dilated pupils. “You should get back to Jowd. Doesn’t his daughter need help with something?” A quiet mewl and in the blink of an eye, the cat was gone. The TV played in the background, and a pair of warm arms wrapped around Yomiel’s waist. “Nice seeing you too, love.”
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
ok ok ok i know weve all considered "Eda adopts Hunter" BUT CONSIDER: Raine adopts Hunter. they see this absolute CHILD in THE EMPERORS COVEN of all places and just goes "ok youre mine now" and will just leave little pick me up notes and the occasional tiny gift in his room and Hunter has no idea until the word gets out that Raine was a traitor and them getting caught lined up with the ending of the notes... cue step-sibling Luz and Hunter shenanigans after they rescue them and they and Eda finally get together.
anon you have PEAKED my interest
Raine finds out that the Golden Guard is actually this 16yo child and decides "damn. guess i have a son now" and offers little bits of help within the coven, usually leaving snacks or a some medicine for him. they were usually left with an encouraging note signed with just a small doodle of a bat. Hunter knew they couldn't be from Belos and tried to Home Alone many hijinks to figure out who it was but Raine is impossible to catch. After Raine was revealed to be a traitor and he went "damn, that kinda sucks, they seemed chill" but then the notes all suddenly stopped...yeah he figured it out pretty quickly. He had a whole revelation while he was asleep one night and just BOLTED upright like "SHIT WHERES LUZ" because if anyone can break into the Emperors Coven to rescue someone its Luz, she's done it before.
Luz is all for rescuing Raine since she's mostly just very proud that Hunter cares about someone enough to think about trying this but ofc shes getting Eda's help and is like "hey I know this is gonna sound crazy but can we rescue the head of the Bard Coven?" and Eda throws everything off the table like "YOU KNOW WHERE RAINE IS???" and theres a lot to unpack there but they've got a witch to rescue so ONWARDS
Or Luz could team up with Hunter and worry that Eda will stop them or stop her talking to Hunter so she and Hunter break in, grab Raine, and now they have a mind-controlled(?) witch and are trying to break it on their own. Which could lead either into Hunter figuring it out via his knowledge on the Coven and then Eda finds them or they take mind-controlled(?) Raine back to the owl house and Eda goes through the 5 stages of grief in about 2 seconds. many possibilities
UPDATE: I wrote it
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Can we get hcs for Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki (separately) falling in love with reader who takes no bs but is also kinda shy?
Reader Doesn’t Take Shit from Nobody
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mtha thots: getting back into the swing of things! hopefully this was okay :’)
warnings: none 
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Bakugo Katsuki: 
bakugo couldnt stand you
but he also couldn’t help falling for you
it’s a crazy concept for him considering how you two did NOT get along at first
you and him butt heads from the beginning
from day one of class, he was being a little shit and you just didn’t care for it
the moment he figured that out was when he was stomping down the hallways, pissed off about something 
he roughly knocked into your shoulder 
you didn’t know if it was on accident or not but you were willing to just let it go 
that was, until bakugo opened his big mouth
“watch where you’re going, extra!”
you: 🤨
he wasn’t expecting you, the quite person in class, to quiet literally buck at him and shout back
“watch where you’re stepping, punk!”
him: 😧
katsuki was too stunned to reply before you stalked off, steaming
from then on, it was like he had heart eyes in the angriest way possible 
there was something about you that got his attention 
you’d walk by and he’d go: 😡🤬❤️
sometimes, he found himself pushing his luck just so you’d talk to him—even if it meant threatening to kick him in the throat if he yelled at you one more time 
everyone thought it was a bit weird that bakugo was so admant on bothering you
you were kinda shy and didn’t talk much 
but they figured it was just how bakugo worked 
you thought the same 
so imagine your surprise on White Day (Valentine’s Day but for men) when you were cornered by the blonde hero
he aggressively shoved a box of homemade chocolates in your hand and shouted something about you still being annoying before stomping away 
like the emotionally constipated boy he was 
but despite everything, you still couldnt help but softly smile at the love note attached to it reading:
i still think you’re an extra, but i hope i can convince you to be my extra
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Midoriya Izuku:
it’s in this boy’s dna to befriend the most intimidating of people 
despite the fact that he once saw you almost lose your life after cursing a certain explosive hero from hell and back again, he was hooked
call it love at first sight or something, bc this boy was basically struck by cupid’s arrow 
izuku found himself intrigued by everything you were
even though you didn’t take shit from anyone...
you were very quiet and didn’t talk to many people 
it was hard for you to make friends bc of it 
but that’s okay bc you were content with yourself
often times, you kept to yourself and just focused on your studies
it made you hard to approach but izuku was determined!
albeit, it took a long time before he actually spoke to you 
he was still a nervous bean
for a few weeks, he just watched you 
he’d watch you from the corner of his eye during class, blushing every time one of his friends would call him out on it 
his eyes were glued to you every time you used your powers
even when you did mundane stuff, he’d notice your tiny quirks 
and every day he’d find himself falling deeper and deeper for you 
it wasn’t until todoroki caught him doodling you in your hero costume that the dekusquad realized his feelings 
“you’ve got it bad,” ochako would tease
that turned into an hour long session of midoriya ranting about how to approach you and confess his feelings
“i heard talking to people works”
todoroki’s a little shit when he wants to be
but he’s also right 
mustering up as much courage as he could, izuku walked up to your desk before class
you were about to ask if he needed to go to the medical bay bc of how red his face was but he interrupted you with a flurry of words
“HELLO!i my name is izuku midoriya and i think you’re really cool and--w-wait i meant to say you’re prett--WAIT! okay. sorry. i’m--i mean i think it would be pretty cool if we like--oh geez this sounds so weird. i promise i’m not u-usally like this, i just thought i--”
the shock on your face melted into a gentle smile
“hi, midoriya. i’m [l/n] [f/n]”
and it was like your voice calmed the storm in his head
izuku’s cheeks were still flushed but he was able to return the smile as he felt his heart grow bigger
you really were beautiful 
“hi L/N. i’m midoriya izuku”
“you said that already”
bless his heart 😭
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Todoroki Shouto: 
tbh, shouto hadn’t really noticed you in the beginning
granted, he was sorting through a lot of personal stuff 
but you were so quiet and shy that he sort of...looked over you 
(he did that to everyone so don’t take it to heart)
although, it was the opposite for you 
you noticed him from the first day of class
how could you not? everyone did 
he was the really strong really pretty boy that got in through a reccomendation AND he was the son of endeavor 
maybe he was kind of intimidating and a bit cold, but that didn’t stop you from admiring him
....and also developing a small crush on him that you’d take to the grave
bc, let’s be real, the chances of him returning your feelings were zero to none and you forced yourself to be okay with that
but things changed when you overheard shouto’s and midoriya’s conversation before the sport’s festival 
it absolutely broke your heart 
you kept it to yourself bc it wasn’t your business to go butting into his life
but when you were walking down the hall to find a bathroom and accidentally walked in on shouto and endeavor’s talk, you couldn’t help yourself 
endeavor immediately stopped and noticed the hard look on your face. when you didn’t bow in respect, he spoke up
“it’d do you well to show some respect to your elders, little girl/boy”
you stopped, looked him up and down, before walking off 
endeavor scoffed and went back to talking to his son 
but todoroki was shook
his heart literally went doki doki 😳❤️ LMAOO
the next day he asked for your name 
th following weeks he found himself sitting with you during lunch or studying for exams 
you got closer and closer to one another
you were a timid presence, but your sense of justice was strong
you didn’t take bs from anyone, including those that were above you and todoroki couldnt help but be intrigued
shouto didn’t realize it until it was too late, but one day, he woke up and felt this incredibly strong urge to be by you 
it wouldn’t go away for the longest time and only got worse every time he saw you 
it wasn’t until momo broke it down for him that he realized he fell for you
and he fell hard 
and although shouto was new to this, he wouldn’t miss the opportnity to see it through 
bc you were special to him and he’d be damned if he let you go 
Requests are closed
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mysticgoblinwriter · 3 years
Driving In A Cold Sweat; There Is No One On This Highway
Warnings- Murder, infidelity, swearing, food imagery, shitty parents, i made Steve the villain who’s in the HOA and a politician, adult content, dark!reader, cheating, a bit of flirting, mental health joke (mental health is NOT a joke, y’all), religion symbolism, dark!steve, peggy x bucky,
Word Count- 1.9k
kudos to @blackberrybucky for being my soundboard, and @fandomsandxfiles for being my beta reader. Love y'all
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a/n- This is inspired by Hypothermic by Goodnight Texas.  Its really dark, and I surprised myself writing this but I like it. I also changed the landscape to desert. Leave comments if you want! As many as you like, I fangirl over my work too. All writers should, its selfcare.
Bucky looks you up and down, taking you in like you are the gods own ambrosia.  “So, doll.  What brings you to this shit hole?”
You laugh to yourself.  “I murdered somebody.”- was the sentence that also inspired this but its not in the actual story.
The radio gave out miles ago.  It was emitting nothing except for crackling and static.  Every now and then it would cut back to a sermon, funnily enough it’d been the same one that was on when you started your trip.  Sunset was a little ways off.  If you looked hard enough you could see coyotes just off the asphalt.  Alive, yes.  But just how long had their souls been gone?  Someone was screaming.
A man.  You’d heard that scream before.  Seared into you memory like that steak you had for your 15th birthday. It was right next to you.  Oozing blood and raw-red.  You could hear the clink of the knife as it scraped against the plate.  Shaking your head to clear it, you notice an exit with a gas station.  “Now’s a time as good as any to stop.”  Gravel crunches as you slide up next to the pump. The neon beer lights from the bar across the road are calling.  But you can’t answer. The gas handle is slick and grimy, you’ve felt something like that before, but you can’t remember what.  A fuzzy noise in the back of your ears gets your attention.  Another truck has pulled in.  Right in the spot next to yours, never mind the dozen others that are free.  A bulky man steps down, his face hidden by a rangers hat.
You could tell he worked out though.  And had hair in need of a washing.  Clunk.  The tank was full.  You thought it best to leave before anyone could place you, but your stomach needed something other than greasy two-bit fast food.  You glance around, looking for any sign that promised a hot meal.
“Looking for something, doll?” You let out a small gasp.  He was staring straight at you now.
“Does this shithole have a place to eat?  I might have to start eating the cactus.”
He lets out a soft laugh, “Yeah, there’s a diner about half mile down the road.”
His face brightens like he just thought of something.  “You wanna meet me there?  I’ll buy dinner?”  You weigh the options.  You can’t have anybody recognize you; but your cash is getting low and however you can stretch it, you must.  You nod once.  “Sure.”
The diner is every trope you’d seen in the movies your pops watched when he got off work.  Flies buzzing, neon sign flickering, checkered tile.  It even had the shiny red leather booths.  What a dream.  “Getcha a seat anywhere, honey.  I’ll be right over,” came a perky voice from the back.  Presumably a waitress. You choose the booth near the back exit.  Its always good to have a backup plan.
The man said he needed to get something at the mini-mart, that you could go ahead and he’d catch up.  Somebody screamed right next to you, causing you to jump out of your seat.  You whip your head around.  No one was even in the dining area.  It sounded so real.  Like you could reach out and grasp the shattering inky blackness.  You take a couple of deep breaths.  Try to remember your happy place.  Tahiti, its a magical place.  Or so you’ve been told  You just picked it from a magazine that was open on the coffee table the night your mother set fire to the curtains in the living room.  The flames had licked up the page, burning the island resort into ash.  Boots thudded as they made way to where you were.  He slides in across from you.
“Um, the waitress’ll be right out,” you said softly.  He barely heard it over the rickety air conditioning.  He nods to show he heard.  He’s sitting close.  Closer than you’d thought another human would ever sit next to you again.  His hands are rough and calloused.  The sleeve cuffs of his hoodie are frayed; as if someone clawed at them.  Eyes traveling up his body, you take in more details.  The hoodie isn’t faded, its brand new.  He wears a bracelet of leather on his right hand, with a charm you can’t quite see.  His necklace is corded hemp, plain and understated.
A light stubble that’s maybe three days old covers his jaw.  His eyes... are piercing right through you. You take in a quick breath, not being able to look away.  You’d never seen that shade of blue before.   He’d been watching you watching him.  Quirking an eyebrow, ”See anything ya like, doll?” You start to sputter an answer but the waitress comes over.  “Sorry about the wait.  Here’s your-”  Blue eyes interrupts her, “We don’t need those.  I’ll have the special and she’ll have the ‘Its Impossible To Go Away Hungry’ plate”  “Okay, then.  I’ll get that right out to ya folks.”
You glare at him, he mirrors it with dicky nonchalance. “Why did you order for me?”  He leans forward, tilts his head the right the tiniest fraction.  “You’re starved.  I really don’t give a damn what kept you from eating but I ain’t gonna let you go without giving you a meal.  The steak plate is the biggest meal they have.  You can take a to go box, that is if you don’t eat the whole thing.”
“Oh.”  You cast out a huff, “Well, thank you.”  He flashes a killer smile. Pearly white teeth in a straight line.  Not an imperfection to be found anywhere.  A silence falls between the two of you.  You can’t decide whether its comfortable of not.
“My name is Bucky.  I thought you wouldn’t like eating with a stranger.  I like to doodle in the margins of my books sometimes.”  “Please tell me not library books.”  He scoffs as if you suggested the impossible, “Never.  Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Jury’s out on that, Bucky.”  He looks at you more intently now.  “Really?  Same could be said about you.  When I first spoke to you it was like a deer in headlights.  Ya running from something, sugar?”  He’d said it jokingly but you didn’t laugh.
“No.  Nothing like that.”
Shirley came back with your plates, and two root beers.  She left the check at the end of the table and Bucky swooped it up.  The meal passed by in the comfortable sounds of silverware clinking and ice clacking in the cups.  You both ate in record time.
You were careful to save enough for a second meal. That went into the to go container.  Now both cups were drained and plates scraped clean.  You start to slide out of your seat, mumbling a thanks but Bucky stops you.  “Wait, won’t you sit here a while longer?  I’d be kinda sad sitting here alone.”  After a moments hesitation, you resume your position.  “What do you wanna talk about?  It can’t be the weather.  Its been dry as bones for weeks.”   He ponders for a moment, “You.”  He shifts a little, resting one ankle on the opposite knee.
“I want to know what you’re running from, and see if I can offer...a distraction.”  That shocks you.  “Life?  Aren’t we all running away in some form or another?  I just happened to take the mobile route.”  You shrug, “What do you want me to say?  It was all shitty so I left it behind.  And as for the distraction part, I got a whore last night, so don’t bother.”  He is silent.  Just sits there and gazes at you.  You cock your head, getting impatient.  “Am I allowed to leave now?  Or do you want to talk about our feelings?”
“I slept with my best friends wife.”
“I-I’m sorry you what??”
“I slept with my best friends wife.  He owns half the town, what with him being mayor and all.  I couldn’t take it anymore, he’s always been the golden boy.  Always been the beacon of light.  I just wanted a slice of what he had.”  He looks up, his eyes are dead.  “She was willing, and I just... took her.  There on his desk.  He’d been out for lunch with some bigwig, and I made her cum twice on my cock.”  He chuckles darkly.  “That’d been the first time.  All the other times don’t matter, he doesn’t know about those.  But he does know about the time in the craft shed.  Peggy did pottery.
Had a nice little workshop, it was connected to the mansion they had.  I wanted to bring her pleasure in the place where she gets frustrated often, so she’d have something else to think about.  Steve caught us on the floor.  A big bunch of daffodils in hand.  Stupid, those weren’t even her favorites.”  He was gone now, lost in memories, not even knowing he was talking.  “Said he had come by to take her to lunch.  That was always like Steve.  Expected her to clear her schedule at the drop of a hat but never doing the same for anybody. He didn’t even get mad.  He just walked away, muttering something about his office.
Peggy said she could talk some sense into him.  The next day I found her in the garbage when I took out my trash.”  Your sharp inhale and big eyes do nothing to catch his attention.  “Steve comes strolling out of nowhere, said that she was a threat to his image.  Said that I need to leave or face the same.  I asked why he left me alive and he said ‘So you can remember the pain until you lay down in the ground and the mice and carrion drag your body up from its silk cocoon to feast.”
But that’s not all.”  He said the last bit so quietly, it was as if he said nothing.
“What?”  He’s crying now, tears are forming rivers in his eyes.  “She knew.  She knew  he was going to be there and that’s how she wanted to go out.”  Your puzzled expression makes him laugh.  “Don’t know many politicians, do you?  Good.  Keep it that way.  That day when the mail came I got a letter.  From her.  It said how she wanted to divorce Steve ever since he became the HOA president.  But she couldn’t.  He had threatened her once, just once and what he said was so blisteringly awful.  And he did it.  He is a man of his word, after all.  He kept his damn word.”
“So...she used you as an out?”  He winces.  You hadn’t meant to sound like that.
Out in the diners parking lot you say goodbye to James.  Wait.  No, no.  His name is Bucky.  He’s got a green  Chevy and blue eyes.  Or was it red?  It doesn’t matter anyway.  You back out and head for the next state, ignoring the blood leaking from the tarp in your trunk.  The screams have stopped.  And the moon is bright.
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bnhaohmy · 4 years
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Summary: You transferred to UA, being shy and not very talkative. With this, not many kids wanted to talk to you except for 3 third years, one of which falling for you once he laid his eyes on you.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, very soft, it's kind of a jumbled mess but I love it
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this story! Also I gave the reader a cat quirk like my own personal OC. So you're kinda like Tsuyu but with Cat features.
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You sit quietly at your desk, looking around the classroom to everyone else who were all much more focused on their conversations to notice the new girl. You were thankful for it, your anxiety would not be able to handle an entire class' focus being on you.
You played quietly with your fingers, small little lesions showing up as your blade like nails scraped at your skin. You looked up as 3 students walked in right as the bell rang, two of them talking and laughing loudly as the other kept his head low and only contributed whispers to the conversation.
The girl was the first to spot you, letting out a large gasp as she did. "Ooh! And new student! I'm Nejire!" She spoke, her hands clasped behind her back as she tilted her whole body to the side as to smile at you. You freeze instantly and shakily waive at her "Y-Y/N..." you spoke softly, catching the attention of the two males with Nejire more than you had had before. "Aw, you're like our little kitten Tamaki! I'm sorry for being so straightforward with introducing myself Y/N and for getting attention on you." She spoke, her tone getting softer as to make everyone look away from you.
You smile gently at her actions "it's okay..I just don't like the attention or meeting people to be honest.." you murmur out as he glance over to the navy haired boy whose eyes were focused on you. Once his eyes met your gaze, he blushed and instantly looked away as his body began to shake.
Nejire nods before she points to Mirio, "this is Mirio" she said with a smile as the blonde male waves "hey there!" He said before sitting down at his desk with Nejire following after. You watched them and smile gently before looking to boy you now knew as Tamaki. The first thing you noticed was his pointy ears, your smile growing softly as you felt your own cat ears flatten against your head.
Soon enough your home room teacher stepped in and you pulled your notes out to start doodling. Soon you felt a small tap on your shoulder from Nejire "so, Me, Mirio and Tamaki have to head to the first years to explain work studies and talk with them. From what everyone has been saying...you were the top third year at your old school?" She asks and tilts her head, her hair following behind her head.
You look up and nod "I was. I think I'm number 4 at this school behind you 3" you speak softly and smile.
"Awsome! Why don't you come with us and talk with the first years. You still have your work study right? That's the reason you transferred was to get closer to it?" She asks softly with a bright and happy smile
You nod to her words "that would be amazing Nejire. And yes, I transferred to be closer with my work study. Now that I think about it, there was another third year from U.A. in the agency I got approved for.." you speak softly.
Mirio and Tamaki both perk up hearing this "who did you get approved by Y/N?" Mirio asks as he turns to look at you
"Ah, Fatgum" you say softly and smile at him "I just don't know who all is under the agency yet" you speak softly
Tamaki hesitantly opens his mouth "I'm the other third year..." he speaks quietly as he keeps his head down. You turn and smile "well...at least I have met you then" you speak softly and rub his shoulder which only made him tense up more.
You pull away slowly and offer a gentle smile toward the timid Male before focusing on class until you and the other three left class for head down to the first years.
Once you all had finished introductions, you all went to the gym as Mirio wanted yo see just how tough this class was. Tamaki was almost instantly glued to the wall as his anxiety had sky rocketed with all the kids.
You quietly walked over to him and leaned against the wall as you sighed "are they always like this?" You ask softly and he simply nods "Mirio had a reason for this, he must gets carried away" Tamaki murmurs to you as he turns and looks at your face.
You nod before playing with your hands "will you introduce me to everyone at the agency?" You ask softly as he bit down on his swollen and chapped lip, nodding shortly after "O-Of course.." he whispered
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You walked quietly beside Tamaki through the school halls, the two of you not wanting anything to do with the gym training that Nejire and Mirio were doing with the Students that had taken under their wings so to speak.
Tamaki kept his eyes on you the whole time you walked together, your entire presence captivating the male. He was so intrigued to find someone who was like him, that wasn't loud and outgoing and that was really sweet as well.
"Does that sound okay with you Tama?" You ask, snapping Tamaki from his daze.
"H-Huh?" He asks softly as he looks down to hide is embarrassment of missing your entire question.
"I asked if it sounded okay for us to go to my place to study since you brought up that you needed somewhere quiet to study. Mirio and Nejire don't know my dorm number yet so we would be in a safe and quite place~" you chime out to him, a smile dancing it's way across your lips
"T-That sounds perfect Y/N..I would r-really appreciate it" he says, looking up to me your happy gaze which only causes a small smile to tug at his own lips.
You giggle softly and nods "come on then slow poke. We have to get there before everyone starts coming home.." you say softly and hold you hand out for him, offering another gentle smile to the male.
Tamaki blushes but takes you hand and starts walking a bit faster as to keep up with you as you lead him to your dorm room. You smile and rub the top of his hand with your thumb as you could still feel his nerves going crazy.
Soon enough you were at your dorm you and you opened the door before moving to let him in. "It's a little messy but we can still get work done.." you murmur as you follow behind him before sitting down on your bed, him following and sitting next to you.
You smile up at him and pull all your homework from your bag before starting to work on it. You felt his gaze on you, but didn't want to make him more anxious so you kept your gaze on your work.
After a few hours of working, Tamaki looks up when he feels a sudden heavy weight on his left side, mainly his arm. He looks down and his face flushes when he sees you had fallen asleep on him, pencil still in hand. "Y-Y/N..." he whispers and shakily brushes your hair from your face.
He bites his lip and slowly sides your homework from your lap and moves it to your desk. He then puts his back in his bag carefully before laying down onto your bed. He pulls you with him as he curls up to keep you warm as your blanket had been moved to the floor already.
He sighs softly and smiles gently as he looks at your sleeping form "you look like a little bunny more than a kitty.." he murmurs to himself before his own eyes close and he falls asleep with you close in his arms.
You yawn as you wake up, looking around before you finally felt the weight of someone next to you. You started to panic before looking up, your mind instantly easing when you saw Tamaki sleeping soundly next to you still. He curled up close to you, his hair covering half of his face but you could still see how cute he looked as he slept.
You slowly get out of his arms and pull your phone from your bag, looking to see a few messages from Nejire.
🦄 Nejire-Chan
Hey have you seen Tamaki? (8:30 pm)
Y/Ninnie? Mirio and I cant get a hold of Tamaki at all...I'm getting worried (10 pm)
Ah, he finally answered! Sorry if I woke you two~ didn't know you were having a little date! Don't get wild on our Kitten okay? (2 am)
You roll your eyes at the messages before grabbing a hoodie from your floor before heading down to the common area to make breakfast. You finished up cooking and headed back up to your dorm, not wanting to eat downstairs where it was all quiet and alone. You opened the door to your dorm and smile to see Tamaki awake, rubbing his eyes.
Once his eyes landed on you, his face flushed red "Y-Y/N...why do you have my hoodie on?" He asks softly
You look down and blush "ah I-I had just grabbed one from the floor. I'm sorry Tama! I'll take it off." You say softly but he stops you before you can even set your food down "K-Keep it on. You look c-cute" he said with a big smile.
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After a few weeks and getting to know everyone in the agency, you were allowed out on patrols with Tamaki. He was very hesitant at first to have anyone but Fatgum with him, but with Kirishima now in the agency, someone had to help and train the first year.
You happily walked next to Tamaki and looked around, "it's different doing Hero Studies over here. My last hero study was just paperwork.." you sighed out, your tone of voice much louder since you were just around Tamaki, spooking the male a bit.
Tamaki looks to you and tilts his head "really?" He asks as he looks down at you "t-they should at least let you watch patrols even if you don't do anything. F-Fatgum trusts us rather well but most heros get to do patrols by their third year.." he spoke and then looked up when he heard a scream that was just around the corner.
You both rushed around the corner and Tamaki instantly looked around before he saw a woman on the ground. He walked over and began to assess the wounds she had as you looked around to find any culprit. Soon enough, you had your answer as you were grabbed and pulled down the alleyway.
You squeal and try to fight back before looking to Tamaki, making eye contact and seeing his body start to panic before everything went black as a hand holding a rather soaked rag was placed over your nose an mouth.
Tamaki stood still in shock, his body unable to move as he watched you get taken. He shook himself back to reality and instant pulled his phone out to call Fatgum and then Neijire and Mirio.
"W-what do I do..?" He whispers into the phone as he starts rushing around to see if he could spot you at all.
"Well, calm down first off. You won't do anything good when you're panicking Tamaki. We all know that.." Nejire said as she sighed, Mirio leaning to speak up once she was done.
"You need to look down alleys and inlets mostly. It sounds like the villain that took Y/N doesn't have a quirk since your victim had been cut and then Y/N was drugged. He couldn't have gotten that far.."
Tamaki only nods before shakily sighing into the phone "w-what if she's really hurt..its our first patrol and she's already gotten taken and she's gonna be hurt and hate everything." He said as fast as his mouth would allow him and felt tears start streaming down his face
"Tama...calm down. Me and Mirio will come help look for her as well as some of the other heroes okay? She'll be just fine!" Nejire said as she tried to cheer the anxious male up, but it only made his stomach churn when he heard the words "She'll be fine". He knew you would be fine but he could only think of the worst and he didn't want you to hate him or not trust him anymore.
After 5 hours and a few pros coming in to help, you were finally found. You were bruised and bloody, but mostly okay. Tamaki looks at your body and starts whimpering, his whole body shaking as tears start falling down his cheeks.
Nejire looks over and runs to hug him, pulling his face down to her shoulder to let him cry. "She's okay Tamaki...I promise. I know you care for her but you need to calm down. Everything will be okay..." she murmurs and runs his back before taking him over to one of the cars that had been called "let's head to the dorm.." she whispers and pulls him into the car with her.
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Weeks pass and you were still holed up in your dorm, not able to do anything as you were waiting on your broken ankle to heal. Nejire and Mirio were persistent on bringing you any homework you guys had, and always told you what had happened in class before giving you an apologetic look when you asked about Tamaki.
You knew he had felt bad for what had happened but you missed him, you didn't know why exactly as you had never felt this way about anyone but your heart hurt when you were away from him. You had never thought about loving someone as you were focused on school but you just felt complete around Tamaki and you needed to see him.
You grab you phone and pull his contact up, before hitting the video call button. You attempted 3 times, the first 2 times being rejected before he finally answered.
"W-What do you want Y/N?" He asks quietly as he laid his phone on his desk, so you were only able to see the ceiling of his dorm.
"I want to talk to you and I really want to see you Tama.." you say softly and adjust yourself on you bed. "Come to my dorm..please" you whisper and get a pouty tone.
"Why..? I-I let you get hurt and y-you're broken now..." he said and you could hear his hiccups, your heart breaking know that he was crying.
"Tamaki, broken bones heal and bruises disappear...please come see me..I need to see you..." you whine out "I don't like hearing you cry..."
You were only met with the video call ending. You looked at your phone surprised and sat there stunned on your bed before you heard a knock at your door and then the door opening. Tamaki walks in quietly and looks at you before he completely breaks. He starts shaking and crying, covering his face as he does.
"Oh Tama...come here.." you speak out and open your arms, the male instantly coming over to hide in your neck, his sobs calming down as he did.
"Its okay...I'm here okay? I'm not dead...I'll be fine soon." You hum before looking down to him.
Tamaki looks up to you and whispers "Y/N...I'm so sorry. I didn't want to see you because I felt so guilty about getting you hurt but the guilt was worse than just that. I-I think I l-love you.." he finishes and his face flushes red. "My h-heart started hurting when I let you get taken and not seeing you for these weeks has only made it worse.." he whines out
"I love you too Tamaki...my body can't handle being away from you. I hope you will come see me more now..." you say with a gentle smile
Tamaki nods "I-I'll come see you if you'll be my little bunny?" He asks with a sweet smile
You laugh and nod, smiling brightly as you press a kiss to his nose.
"Of course I'll be your Bunny.."
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
How do all the other stands feel ab sr? I’m sure they all somewhat get along, right?
i’ve been wanting to give a longer, traditional hc style post about this!! since you’ve asked it’s the perfect opportunity to express my thoughts on it. it’s more of a combination of SR with the user and their stand, i hope that’s okay hjrktme
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Bruno Bucciarati;
Sticky Fingers is the first Stand from Bucciarati’s group that you got to see! So there’s a special place in your heart for it. By extension, Bruno was the first person to see Scarlet Ribbons. SR was very inquisitive during their initial meeting, since it’s the first time she ever saw a Stand other than herself. She was looking around a lot, and lowkey wondering where are this things bows at?? 
Though Stand powers wildly vary from one another, Bruno was able to give you a general explanation of what to expect from SR. He didn’t want to go too overboard with advice because he feels a natural fighting style stemming from your own abilities/instinct is best, especially since your Stand is created from your soul. He basically just told you to go with your gut, which at the time felt a bit frustrating... it turned out to be good advice though! 
Sticky Fingers and SR have almost opposite abilities in a way? SR can close up gaps whereas Sticky Fingers opens them up. It’s not uncommon that when you and Bruno are chatting, that your respective Stands are just kinda messing around in the distance. Sticky Fingers likes making zippers in walls, and SR tries to see if she can close them with ribbons... it doesn’t work like that, but it’s kinda endearing to see them interact with one another lmao.
Giorno Giovanna;
It’s gonna be super cute okay. Giorno in general might give the impression of knowing what he’s doing when it comes to romance, but he really is just winging it and kinda going ??? the entire time. Meanwhile, Gold Experience is going ham with SR, pulling all the stops to impress her (and you, by extension). His Stand makes flowers of a striking red color, trying to match the shade of SR’s ribbons!! Mostly poppies, tulips, and occasionally roses. 
Giorno is kinda curious how SR seems to be out a lot of the time, he’s thinking should I do the same thing with GE...? You’ll be doing exercises, and SR is there bringing a water bottle over to you. Or when you’re cooking, SR is hovering over your shoulder wanting to help out as well. She’s just almost always around, even if only in the background to explore her surroundings. It makes Giorno let GE out more often, subconsciously. 
He does ask you about it once, and you just kinda shrug and say SR likes the freedom to do as she pleases. Since she isn’t rambunctious like Pistols, you don’t see the harm in letting her roam around.  
Gold Experience wants to try making ribbons, but the best it can do is creating ribbon eels. It’s not quite the same, but it’s a solid effort. Giorno just has to stop GE from putting the ribbon eel on his head in the same way SR has a ribbon on hers. Mista was around to witness this historical event, and no, he does not intend on letting Giorno live it down. Giorno’s grateful he stopped it from actually happening though. 
Guido Mista;
Let’s just say your Stands together can be pretty chaotic. The first time you met Mista, and he realized you were a Stand user like himself, he had a very pressing question. When you showed him SR, he looked at it for a moment, as if in deep thought. 
“D-does... yours talk too?” 
Mista passed Polpo’s test only to be gifted talented, albeit troublesome little gremlins. Before he realized giving Pistols food is a reliable method of calming them down, it was a war zone. One of the mornings where the two of you had to do some standard protection fee collection, he looked like a borderline zombie. Lamenting that the Pistols refused to let him sleep, and asked if you’d please use SR to cover their mouths lmao. They were protesting the entire time, trying to convince you not to do it.
When Number Five starts crying, SR makes a little ribbon to put on his head!! It’s super cute and Mista’s heart is just leaping in his chest. Then, of course, all the other Pistols want one bc equal attention!! When the two of you aren’t paying solid attention to your Stands, you’ll sometimes spot SR testing how many accessories she can fit on the tiny Pistols. It isn’t a lot but they’re insistent on trying. 
Pistols are always trying to get SR to do crazy stunts for their entertainment. Eventually, you had to lock your refrigerator with her ribbons to prevent the Pistols from stealing your food. But when you’re busy, the Pistols keep trying to convince SR to undo them so they can snack. She actually felt bad for them once, released the restriction, and the Pistols went to town on your leftovers. : (
Mista felt pity for you though and offered to take you out to get more food!! So it all worked out for his benefit in the end. The Pistols do not take issue in reminding him of this as well, saying that they’re the reason he got to go on a date with you. :’ )
Pannacotta Fugo;
He remained fiercely adamant on keeping Purple Haze from you for the longest time. Fugo hates how his Stand practically comes out of its own autonomy whenever you’re in the vicinity, wanting to get a closer look at you. There have been a lot of close calls when you first got to know when another, leading to Fugo abruptly leaving in conversations. 
Your Stands get along well once Fugo feels comfortable enough to let Purple Haze out around you. Since SR is a long ranged Stand, she can do her cute ribbon tricks from a distance outside of the virus’ range!! Though she has a habit of trying to get closer, just out of curiosity. Fugo gets freaked out when this happens though, so she waits until he’s distracted with talking to you (a little genius)! 
Purple Haze makes the biggest puppy dog eyes at SR, which humiliates Fugo to no end. He gives his Stand intense talks when you’re not around, telling him to keep it cool, he doesn’t want you thinking he’s an idiot. But as soon as he even mentions SR, Purple Haze gets all thrilled and is like !!! So it’s ultimately counterproductive. Fugo just hopes you don’t put two and two together, over why his soul likes yours so much. It’s his daily prayer...
Fugo has an embarrassing habit of doodling ribbons on stuff he’s working on, when he starts zoning out. When he realizes what it is he’s doing he gets flustered about it, cursing underneath his breath and hoping that you don’t happen to come by and notice. Unfortunately for him, as SR likes to see what everyone is up to, she came over and saw what he was doing. After putting two and two together, she gave him a nod and a thumbs up on his doodles. Didn’t snitch to you though, so the two of them have a mutual understanding. :’)
Narancia Ghirga;
He wants so badly to impress you with Aerosmith. Narancia will whip his Stand out in your presence at any given opportunity, having it do a few flips and tricks more than necessary. Then he stares over to see what you and SR think about it... she once clapped in Aerosmith’s honor. It was all Narancia could think about for the rest of the day. 
The two Stands typically just play around with one another. Aerosmith likes to make little ribbon shaped clouds, and SR attempts making a plane shape out of her ribbons. It’s not quite the same, but she’s trying!! Narancia finds it adorable, and tries to make requests of shapes and stuff for her to make. SR does her best to fulfill the requests, concentrating hard on the task!!
Since SR enjoys making hair accessories, she’s tried to make a bandanna similar to Narancia’s for you. Though she ultimately scrapped the idea, giving you a disapproving look and fastening it back into the normal bow it normally is lmao. When you mentioned this behavior to Narancia he was like wait, what?? Lemme see! But if SR doesn’t find something fashionable, she doesn’t have any intention on doing it again. So he’s outta luck...
It doesn’t stop him from asking about it. He just can’t believe that your Stand thought about him when he wasn’t around!! It touched him in a way he never knew possible. It’s also a bit of a relief since you’re often the subject of his thoughts. 
Leone Abbacchio;
Similar in a sense to Fugo, where he didn’t want Moody Blues around you that much at first. He takes a much more serious approach to his Stand than others, since it’s deeply rooted in his past trauma. It’d actually be one of the few moments he might snap at you, should you ask to see his Stand one too many times. Not out of malicious intent, he’s just... very disillusioned with Moody Blues at first.
You two had a job which required some investigative work, the client having seemingly disappeared with some goods that belonged to Passione. Figuring out what happened with the merchandise was essentially child’s play for Moody Blues, a replay showing the full extent of the events. Abbacchio wasn’t keen on showing you his Stand, but it couldn’t be helped any longer.
Unlike the others who tended to pester him on the extent of Moody Blues’ abilities, you just complimented him. Saying that it’s similar in utility to your Stand. You willingly comparing yourself to him, and in a positive light nonetheless, kinda had him at a loss for words. 
He didn’t really offer a strong rebuttal like he normally would, so you assumed he didn’t think much of your comment. Which, of course, couldn’t be further from the truth. If you could see good in him of all people, then well... there was a lot for him to think about that night.
After this incident, he’s noticeably just a tad kinder to you in general. What you said meant a lot to him. Obviously not enough to make all his self deprecation go away overnight, but it just gave a small glimmer of hope. That maybe he can someday be better.
Trish Una;
Another person that I picture SR being especially adorable with!! After the events of Bruno betraying the boss, you and SR would be feeling hurt on Trish’s behalf. You instantly draw the parallels of living a carefree life, only for Passione/gangsters to come in and essentially ruin everything.
While dealing with the pain of rejection from her father figure, Trish also wonders if you consider her less important. Since your original job was to protect her, due to being the boss’ daughter, wouldn’t it make sense you don’t care about her now that it’s no longer your job to?
SR covers the spot where her hand was severed with a bow, even after Giorno properly heals it. Trish just looks at you confused, and you explain it’s your Stand’s way of wanting to help her feel better. That where her father had inflicted pain, Trish has the support and strength from you and herself to overcome it. 
Needless to say, Trish thinks highly over you, the feeling extending over to Spice Girl. During your meetups after everything is over, Spice Girl and Scarlet Ribbons come out and embrace one another!! Well, it’s more like SR goes for the hug, and Spice Girl is just :’) woah affection. Trish finds it a little embarrassing at first, but secretly loves and it and looks forward to it. Though she does wish Spice Girl was a tad more discreet. 
During Trish’s travels for her singing career, if there’s anything that even vaguely reminds her/Spice Girl of you, she snaps a photo to text to you. It’s mostly red hair accessories and clothing, which she of course purchases. Spice Girl misses SR a lot, so expect to receive a lot of texts asking how you and your Stand are doing. 
When Scarlet Ribbon spots Trish’s name popping up on your phone, she immediately brings it over. The Stand impatiently shoves your phone in your face, as if to say respond now!! It’s Trish, it’s important!! Scarlet Ribbons loves her a lot 🥺 especially since Trish sends her accessories...
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bubble-booty-cuties · 4 years
Futaba’s Learning Experience~
This is a huge collaboration with my great friend BermudaStuff~!! You can find all of their amazing work on twitter right here, and I’ll attach the whole link too~! On their end they doodled a super amazing Futaba, and I got a little carried away with the story~!! Seriously, you better check out their twitter, they’re amazing, and I get to cheat and see some of their stuff early~!
Some seriously amazing Futaba that this story is based off of~! Outfit and all~! She looks amazing~!!
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Made by BermudaStuff, and the link to their twitter: https://twitter.com/BermudaStuff?s=20
Futaba sipped on her surprisingly tasty drink as the man across from her talked about a shared interest over the heavy music playing throughout the building, the sweet liquid burning nicely as it slipped down her throat and heated her core in a way she’d never felt before, making her muscles loose and her stress fade away, even if she had to be a little discreet with who saw her drinking it.
Futaba was way out of her element, deep in a dungeon with no support, no healing items, and what felt like beginner’s armor. She had met the man sat across from her online, in a small attempt to make more friends like she’d promised, and, well, they’d definitely hit it off, and after a long time, he finally convinced her to meet him in public. She was nervous, and she could feel her heart pounding the moment she got to the club, with so many people around she felt a little overwhelmed, but she had to do this, she made a promise.
Ann and Haru were nice enough to give her advice, and even take her shopping for a new outfit, though she wasn’t quite sure about their judgement anymore due to what they picked for her. Not that any of it mattered now, there wasn’t any checkpoints nearby here, and she could only keep moving forward.
“You look a little warm, Futaba, are you okay?” The man said over the music, though not too loud. They were tucked nicely away in their own little corner, in a booth that helped Futaba feel less surrounded, though she had to admit that was seeming less and less important by the sip of her drink, the warmth filling her body filling her with a sense of confidence she’d only felt a few times. It was nice, to say the least. “Maybe you should take off your jacket! It’s a little hot in here as it is!”
“M-Maybe..” Futaba gently toyed with the zipper on her chest, wondering if she should just take it off for a bit to cool off, the idea not bothering her nearly as much as she thought it would given her outfit underneath. Her white shirt hung off her shoulders in a comfy, floaty way that was meant to keep her cool while she danced in a club like this, the fabric tied off in a knot at the bottom to hug above her midsection and show off her smooth and thin waist and tummy.
Just under her small shirt was a pair of the smallest little jean shorts she’d ever worn, the thin fabric riding up between her, admittedly, plump cheeks like it was just a thong , completely disappearing between her creamy, hungry globes so her ass was permanently on display for as long as she wore those frayed shorts. When Ann had bought them for her, she was so embarrassed she felt like she could explode. Now? She didn’t mind too much, and even thought she looked good in them. Maybe she had finally leveled up! The only thing was that the shirt Ann bought her said something across the chest, and she didn’t speak or read english, so she had no idea what it said. Ann got a giggle from it though.
She felt like there was a secret debuff attached to these clothes, she just couldn’t figure out what..
She wondered if she could ask what it said from Adam, the man sat across from her. He was a foreigner after all, even if he spoke really good Japanese. He could probably tell her what it said.
“A-Adam, can you tell me what-” Just as Futaba pulled the zipper down passed her chest she heard another man’s voice yell from the side of the booth. Looking out towards the muffled voice she saw what looked like a group of men just as large, if not larger then her new friend, and they seemed to know Adam as well. Futaba just sat their sipping her drink while they said their greetings, in english, so she couldn’t tell what they were saying until Adam came back and scooted into the booth on her side, pushing her deeper into the half circle couch while his friends slid in through the other side.
“I hope you don’t mind if my friends sit here for a bit, Futaba! They won’t be here long!” He spoke over the music as another much larger man slid in closer to Futaba’s other side, effectively surrounding her on both sides while he introduced his friends. “ ...And that’s Danny! They’re cool guys! Sorry, I know we were having fun talking by ourselves!”
Futaba was small compared to most people, but these guys were big, foreigners usually were, so she couldn’t help but feel a little bit smaller then normal practically squished on both sides by two large, admittedly handsome men. Handsome? Well, they were, they all were, all.. 6 of them. She just didn’t expect to be so comfortable with the idea of finding all the guys around her pretty good looking.
“U-Um, it’s okay, I don’t mind!” She knew she should have minded, the little voice in the back of her head saying she should be embarrassed and feeling like she wanted to run, but her anxiety was currently drowning in her fifth glass of bright pink strawberry courage. “I-It’s nice to meet you all!”
Some words and greeting were passed around, some she missed, some in broken Japanese, but she got the gist of it, and soon the guys around her were joking around and laughing while she enjoyed her drink and began absentmindedly pulling her zipper down lower till her jacket just hung around her shoulders, still heating her up.
“See, there you go! You should really take that off, I bet it’s even worse with you in the middle of us all!” Adam spoke, pulling at his own button down collar, showing his own slight discomfort at the heat.
“O-Oh, yeah! Actually, do you mind telling me what this says? My friend bought me this shirt but my english skill is totally trash!” With a little nod, she took the leap and pulled her jacket over her bare shoulders and put it to the side, letting the cooler air hit her skin and showing off her slightly lewd outfit off to the men at the table.
Just about every set of eyes there went down to her chest to read what her shirt said, and while a few laughed, a few grinned, and she could feel her own insecurities tell her Ann had pulled a prank on her. Well, that was until stopped his chuckling with a little dismissive wave of his hand.
“Don’t worry about it, it basically just says ‘cute!’” The man did his best to wave away her worries, even as some of his friends said in english how much fun they were going to have. While she definitely was cute, her shirt said ‘Slut’, not ‘cute’.
“Oh, awesome!” See Futaba, you were worried for nothing! Guess that secret debuff was a secret buff all along! She’d have to thank Ann for the shirt later! ...After a few more of these yummy strawberry drinks~
“Your outfit really does look good on you, Futaba-Chan!” Said the large man to her left, his face was friendly, and she’d obviously just been introduced, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember his name.. But she still lit up at the compliment, her hunger for praise made even worse by the warmth flowing through her body, and the pleasant buzz in the back of her neck.
“Th-Thanks, my friends picked it out for me!” Futaba blushed and squirmed in her seat as the other men all said their own compliments, from praising how pretty her hair was, to how cute her glasses were, and a few more for her clothes. “Guess these give some stat buffs to my charisma!”
With a cute little blush, Futaba scratched the back of her head with a smile, eyes closed and basking in the compliments. Then suddenly she gave a cute little squeak of surprise and a jump when she felt a large, calloused hand grab just above her right knee, squeezing gently and sending tingles up her spine.
“Oh, sorry, I was just-”
“N-No, it’s okay! I don’t mind!” Futaba blushed even harder, but she had to admit she liked the feeling of his hand on her tingly skin, the contact sending a rush of warmth to her chest and head that was only made worse by the fun buzz. She knew she usually would have been going crazy with anxiety, but she actually kinda wanted him to keep his hand there.. Besides, friends could touch each other, right? She wanted to make more friends! She promised! “Y-You can keep your hand there!”
With a smile, he kept his hand there and continued his conversation with a friend, his fingers gently messaging her leg into his palm while Futaba gently shivered at the contact.
The small get together continued as if Futaba wasn’t shivering and gasping as her new friend gently massaged her leg, his hand gently sneaking up her leg until he was grabbing and groping her meaty thigh without even looking. Then, she felt another hand on her other thigh, looking to her left she saw the other man grabbing her thigh and squeezing it, smirking down at her while his other arm went around her shoulder and pulled her close to his side, filling her senses with his masculine scent, and making her spread her legs instinctively as she felt the two large hands play with her thicc, juicy thighs.
“So Futaba, you don’t seem the type to come to clubs often,” He said, getting in close to her ear while his hand hovered even closer to her core then Adam’s, clearly less reserved about groping her then his friend. “What changed your mind?”
“I-I come to clubs sometimes- Well with friends I do! We, uh, we dance a lot, so we kinda need places with music y’know?” The little redhead kinda wiggled and shuffled in place, looking shyly to the side while slightly spreading her legs even more, actually enjoying the close contact quite a bit.
“Oh wow, you didn’t mention that!” Said Adam, getting in closer on her other side, slipping his hand up her side and to her lower back. “You must be real popular when you’re out there dancing, huh?”
“I-I guess, um, m-my friend Ann is usually better at-Ah~” With a little gasp, Futaba bit her lip and threw her head to the side, trying to hold onto her sanity as she felt the man to her right slip his hand down and grab a nice, rough, firm handful of her extra meaty and jiggly ass, his fingers sinking into her flesh while he began mauling and rolling the flesh around his palm, all while the man on her left began rubbing the side of his hand firmly against the front of her shorts while grabbing her thigh, his other hand around her shoulders gently grabbing her small breast.
It felt.. Good~ Really, good~ Better then when she touched herself, and she’d done that a lot.. What, she stayed in all day, she was bound to start watching porn! She just didn’t expect to be into the really extreme stuff.. Stuff like what was happening now, stuff that was sending her burning core into an inferno that made her bite her knuckle and spread her legs for the two men to have easier access.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself~ With a body like this, I bet there isn’t a guy there who can keep their eyes off you~” The words were whispered into Futaba’s ear before the man to her left pressed his hand completely between her thighs, grabbing at her sensitive lower lips through her clothes and making her throat her head back in a small squeak.
“Yeah, why don’t you show us what kind of dances you know~? You don’t need to go far, just right here~” Futaba was losing her composure, and she even jumped in surprise when she felt the man on her left begin kissing and sucking her her neck, leading marks down her shoulder until he bit her gently enough to leave a mark, and making her press her crotch against his hand further.
“I-I don’t-Aaah~!” Futaba couldn’t think straight, her head was all fuzzy, her body was hot and needy, she could barely tell herself she needed to stop, let alone the two men filling her body and mind with pleasure so warm she felt like her mind was going numb. It was hot, her body was hot, her brain was hot, everything was so wonderfully warm she couldn’t even think straight.
“I-I need-Mmh~!” Futaba didn’t even know what she was going to say before Adam turned her head towards him and pressed his mouth against her, making her melt in pleasure before she suddenly shot up in shock and lightning pleasure. The stud to her left undid the front of her shorts and slipped his hand down her panties, gently toying with her leaking wet little cunt before pushing to fingers in, and she could feel every single second of his hand’s adventure into her inner folds.
She tried to hold onto anything, grabbing at the two men having their way with her body, but she didn’t want them to stop, she desperately didn’t want them to stop~ She felt like she was on cloud nine, she loved every second of the attention, of the feeling of being so small compared to the two massive men playing with her body. She felt one grab her wrist and lead her hand down to something warm, something throbbing and massive, and she only realized after grabbing it through his clothes that it was Adam’s massive cock. She was shocked, it was so huge, like a baseball bat, though it was probably just the warm haze over her mind that made her wonder if it’d even fit~
It was only then she remembered the other four men staring at her little show, and she couldn’t help but get even more excited at the thought of being watched. It was all so new, all too much for her to handle, and it didn’t help how the man to her left began finger fucking her little pussy, hard. She felt like she could have squirted in her shorts if she wasn’t suddenly feeling empty from Adam lifting her up and plopping her thicc, jiggly ass in his lap.
“Come on, we’re all friends here, we’re interested in what kind of dancing you’re good at,” He whispered, grabbing her by the hips and grinding up against her, his massive, throbbing cock sitting comfortably in the warm, plush valley of her plump bubble booty. “Just relax and have fun~”
Futaba just wanted to keep feeling good, she wanted to keep feeling warm, and honestly she wanted to keep feeling drop dead gorgeous from all the attention she was getting from them~ She wondered if this is how Ann felt all the time, and that it was no wonder she dressed the way she did and was a model, she felt amazing~
With a shy, lip biting smile, the adorable little redhead nodded her head, grabbed the edge of the table, and began doing what she’d seen hundreds of times before, slowly grinding and bouncing her hips against the rock hard cock lodged firmly between her cheeks, rubbing and squishing his cock with her meaty ass through his clothes, with her twin, creamy smooth, pale globes of ass rippling and wobbling like a sweet sweet cake for the man’s enjoyment.
Some of the men laughed, so whistled and catcalled, and she just smiled and blushed while looking over her shoulder at her own, tiny booty shorts covered ass sat against the bulge between her cheeks, slowly dancing with the music before she felt Adam give her a nice, solid smack across her ass, making her go a little faster on instinct. It felt so good, better then she thought it would, she honestly wanted him to do it again, to smack her ass a little harder~ She thought it would hurt, and it stung a little, but it felt so hot, so wrong in the best way~!
“Come on, you can go faster then that! Shake that ass!”
Lifting her ass more, Futaba began dancing the way An taught her in private, bouncing her ass up and down to the beat of the music, her massive cheeks jiggling with every single twerk of her wide hips till her velvety smooth mounds of ass were bouncing apart before meeting together, very lightly clapping together as she picked up the pace of her lap dance, twerking and jiggling her ass back for the man and the man sat next to him.
Futaba loved this feeling, the feeling of being the center of attention while twerking her ass, she loved the way Adam once again smacked her fat ass just to watch it jiggle, she loved knowing that monster in his pants was throbbing for her~!
She didn’t even mind that the stud on her left who she still couldn’t remember the name of smacked her ass as well, pulling out his phone and recording her twerking lapdance for his friend. She just felt so good~! 
Next thing Futaba knew she was pulled out of the booth, the lights shining and the people dancing as she was dragged across the room and to the dancefloor, one arm each being pulled by two large and handsome studs she could barely remember were at her table, and she could look to her right to see that it was Adam smacking and groping her ass as she walked with them to it. Each step made her cheeks jiggle, her hips sway side to side, and she could feel the breeze across her practically naked ass as the fabric of her jean shorts rode up between her globes like a thong, and she suddenly felt a pair of hands grab her waist and pull her back against one of the men, the music playing, her ass and tits getting mauled, groped, and spanked.
It was almost a sensory overload, but she just wanted to keep dancing, keep feeling those hands on her body~! Bending at the waist, Futaba began throwing her ass back in a circle for the man pressing his crotch against her, twerking her ass to the beat of the music and losing herself to the sound, feeling her cock throb between her cheeks while she was groped and spanked from him and his friends.
She didn’t even mind being passed around by them, each one groping and playing with her body while she was passed to them for her to twerk her jiggly nerd ass on, each one bigger then the last, and she just enjoyed the feeling of their hands, and the occasional bite on her neck or shoulder, or even having a tongue shoved into her mouth~!
She just twerked her ass like.. like a slut~ She just twerked her fat, jiggly ass like a naughty slut for any guy who wanted her ass against his dick~ Her creamy cheeks rippled, wobbled, bounced, and clapped like she was just a stripper shaking it for some easy cash, but instead she just wanted to~!
Futaba was just clapping her ass on two studs at once, both pressing against one side of her ass while she threw it back when suddenly she was pulled towards the stud from earlier, the one on her left, and she felt something massive, hot, and moist slap down meatily between her cheeks, making her stop for a second, look back, and see his giant, throbbing, precum leaking cock snuggle it’s way between her cheeks for a nice warm hotdogging before she was smacked across the ass to make her keep shaking, and while she was burning red, knowing she could be caught any second, she did~ Twerking and jerking the man off with nothing but her fat, jiggly ass cheeks while he started humping and fucking her asscheeks, Futaba knew she wasn’t being herself, but she was just so warm and gooey inside, and she could barely remember her own name, she couldn’t help it~
Her massive bubble booty jiggled like jello around that throbbing cock, milking him with every move of her hips on the crowded dancefloor, making her feel like the naughtiest little whore in the building, her pale globes clapping together around that fat dick while it leaked pre between them, lubing up his own assjob while the tiny redheaded cutie continued dancing the night away~ She could see his grit teeth too, knowing she was probably making him feel so good he was about to cum, maybe, she didn’t know, but just as she was about to try even harder to make that happen she was once again grabbed by the arms and pulled deeper into the club.
On either side of her were Adam and his friends, still grabbing, still toying, but there was a different air now, a different look on their faces as she was dragged along and made out with, until she was brought to the men’s room door that the group of massive handsome men practically kicked down, the bright white light burning her eyes for all but a few seconds before she was thrown into one of the small, empty stalls, sweat dripping down her thicc, curvy body as she dropped to her knees on the dingy tiled floor, adjusting her glasses while pushing loose hair from her face.
“Wh-What’s going o-” The small redhead was abruptly cut off as the grinning men all filed into the small, hot, now steamy stall, surrounding her while she sat on her knees, leaving her at the perfect crotch height for them to look down and grin at, laughing and rubbing their cocks through their clothes.
“It’s okay sweetheart, we just loved your dancing so much, we decided we needed a more private show! You can help out a few friends, right?” One of them said, she wasn’t sure which, her head was spinning, her face red, feeling so tiny and helpless in the best way possible, right up until they all started undoing their pants and fishing out their fat, sweaty, steaming hot, musky, hairy cocks and sacks, inches from her face in that tiny stall~ They laughed at her shocked expression, mouth agape and wide eyed at the 6 fat, throbbing, musky monsters, all steel hard and standing huge in front of her face, surrounding her head and filling her head with nothing but the raw, masculine smell of sweaty, steamy cocks and sacks she’d been twerking on all night~
She couldn’t even answer before the first cock was smushed against her pretty face, steaming and smudging her glasses as the sweaty, wrist thick fuckstick began thrusting and grinding against her cheek and face, the sweaty, hairy nuts of one stud pushing against her mouth and under her nose, then one against the other side of her face, and the next under her chin, another across her forehead and eyes, then one right against her lips, until she was drowning in sweaty, throbbing, musky bitchbreakers~! Futaba couldn’t breath without nearly passing out from the delicious scent filling her head, making her mind spin and swim in a sea of butterflies.. Pretty words to describe how the hairy nuts pressing under her nose made her leak like a fucking nasty slut~!
She couldn’t stop herself from huffing those cocks and nuts, rubbing her own face against all of them, glasses fogged, eyes rolled up, knuckle deep in her own squirting cunt before finally opening her pretty little cock pillow lips and sucking in one of those sweaty sets, slurping and swirling those hairy nuts around in her mouth like she was born to wash them, saliva dripping down her chin and onto her shirt in a slippery mess before she opened her mouth, let them go, and went for the next pair of even sweatier, muskier nuts, the salty taste making her mind fade for a second before she slurped so loud she was sure the people outside the restroom could hear it.
She couldn’t think of anything else but those sweaty nuts filling her head, not her friends, not the Phantom Thieves, and not even her anime she forgot to record, it was just pure, hungry, slutty, cock crazy whorishness~! And with one more set of nuts slurped and cleaned, stray pubes left behind on her glossy, plump lips and cheek, she just rolled her tongue out and began licking and lapping at any fat set of nuts pressed under her nose to huff and clean, tips of cocks slipping inside briefly to fuck her little mouth a bit before being replaced, precum and sweat flavoring her tongue before one cock finally slammed into her mouth and into the back of her throat, making her gag and choke loudly and lewdly while other cocks ground against her face and glasses. Whoever was in her throat didn’t care she’d never sucked cock before, and just wanted to get balls deep, slamming against the back of her throat before it gave way, slamming in nuts deep, slapping his sack against her chin and burying her cute little nose in his curly pubes before beginning his brutal fucking of her tight, virgin little fucksleeve throat~!
Futaba couldn’t breath half the time, and the other half was filled with sweaty, musky nuts~! He just fucked and fucked her throat until she was seeing stars, and just used it like a stress fucktoy, growling and taking out his frustrations as she drowned in all the other cocks fucking against her face~! And just as he yanked out, it was replaced just as quick, once more, even bigger, fucking her throat and forcing her nose in a mess of pubes~! Futaba couldn’t remember what day it was if you asked, just that she was a nasty, slutty little cock sucker, if the name calling and laughing of the men was anything to go by~!
And there she sat, getting throat fucked and used by every single man who wanted to try and swab her throat with his sweaty fuckstick, until finally she was grabbed by the hair and lifted up from her knees, her world still spinning and shifting as saliva dripped onto her shirt more and more, and just as she spied the grinning face of Adam, she was shoved face first against the wall, bent at the waist with her fat, jiggly, meaty fucking ass facing the men as one, she wasn’t sure who, smacked her ass, grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulled her tiny little booty shorts to the side along with her thong, revealing her tiny little pink virgin pucker to his fat, throbbing cock.
Futaba’s back arched a bit, raising her fat ass and standing on her toes as if begging subconsciously for that fat cock to rearrange her insides to be nothing but a cumdumpster for them~! For her to be nothing but a cumdumpster for them~! And before she knew it the man pressed his bulbous tip against her clenching little asshole, pushing and forcing it in roughly, the tip much too big, her asshole much too tiny, but he didn’t care, he just yanked her hair like a bitch handle, smacked her ass, and slammed in hard~!
“AAAAaaaaaahhhhh~!!!!” Futaba squealed in pleasure and pain at the feeling of being filled and fucked by a real cock for the first time, having always been an anal whore, she always used toys on her backdoor, but his cock was so massive, so rough and hot, she felt like she was losing her mind from one thrust~! And just as quick as he slammed in, he did it again, and again, not caring in the slightest people could hear the little nerdy bitch’s screams and squeals outside the door as he anally brutalized her balls deep, slamming in as hard and fast as he wanted to for her first time, slamming in so hard her fat ass clapped against his hips like a drum, rippling like waves as those weighty, bouncy globes squished and hugged around the base of his cock so lewdly~!
Futaba didn’t know what happened, she was supposed to be the shy nerd locked in her room, not the squealing and screaming buttslut getting fucked and used by 6 men in the public bathroom~! She moaned, and squirted, and came like a nasty slut, and she felt like one too, her entire body and view rocking and jumping back and forth as she was used and abused by a man she didn’t even know the name of~! She was so fucking full, and that fat cock hurt so good, so hot, so big~!!
“You love that don’t you stupid bitch!!” Was all she heard, growling and grunting as the entire stall wall banged and shook from how hard she was getting fucked into it, sounding like an earthquake was going off instead of a tiny redheaded nerd getting absolutely anally fucked.
“Y-YESSSS~!!! I LOVE IT~!! M-MOREE, PLEASEEEE~!!!” Futaba didn’t even remember squealing that as the man pulled her hair like a handle and slammed in balls deep one last time, busting his fat, gooey, steaming hot nut up inside her asshole, shooting jet after jet inside before yanking out and letting her fall to the floor on her knees, leaning against the wall while on all fours, asshole leaking cum.
Futaba was panting, her legs were weak and shaking, and she felt drained beyond belief, like she was about to have one of her battery drained episodes again, and just as she was about to get up, she was once again grabbed by the hair and dragged to the toilet in the stall, thrown onto it, with her ass raised up, and her chest pressed against the water tank, right before she felt another smack against her ass and felt an even bigger cock pressed against her sore, leaky little hole.
“We’re not done with you yet fucking slut!!”
“AAAAAAaaaAAAAHHHHH~!!!” Futaba felt an even thicker, bigger, harder cock slam into her asshole with the strength of a freight train, must have been one of the larger guys, cause she felt like his cock was slipping her in half~!! Every thrust rocked her body against the toilet and sent her ass clapping and wobbling around his cock, his angle had his feet planted, slamming and jackhammering his cock down and into her asshole so hard she was seeing stars right from the start~!!
She couldn’t even keep her head up from the complete and brutal anal wrecking she was getting, squirting with every thrust from the monster of a man ruining her asshole like he owned her~!! And just as she was losing herself she felt the man grab the sides of her mouth, fishhooking it open and doubling his fucking anal pounding if it was even possible, tears of pleasure and pain pouring down her beautiful cheeks while he played with her lips and tongue for fun, nuts slapping her ass while she heard and saw camera flashes from behind her.
“Say it!! Say you want this fucking cum you stupid little slut!!” The man angrily slammed his cock in over and over like he wanted her to fucking pass out, so hard the entire toilet was shaking and rattling.
“I WANTSH YOU CUM SHIR~!!! PLEASH GIVE ME YOU CUM~!!!” Futaba just wanted that thick, warm, bubbly gooey feeling in her asshole, it felt so good after being used like a fucking slut, so hard and fast by the man above her she was crying, eyes rolled up in pleasure, tongue hanging out before he finally slammed nuts deep and blew his load, panting her asshole even whiter then it already was before yanking his cock out and giving her another slap across her fat ass for the hell of it.
Futaba was so far gone, she couldn’t even answer a question she couldn’t hear from one of the laughing men behind her, flashes and cameras going off while someone spread her asscheeks wide, cum leaking out of her gaping hole and onto the floor in a small puddle.
She was too limp to fight someone flipping her over onto her back on the toilet, not that she would have mind you, but she felt her legs get lifted up and someone bite her thicc, juicy thigh hard enough to leave a mark before she felt him slide up between her legs, and felt him fold her in half, her knees against her shoulders.
She wasn’t ready to feel the biggest cock of the bunch press against her gaping hole from above, the man’s massive, muscular body hovering above hers before suddenly, roughly, brutally slamming nuts deep in one single go, her eyes shooting wide as she was suddenly and roughly put in the hardest mating press she’d even seen, let alone feel.
“HNNNNNNNGGGGHAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII~!!!” Her voice was horse and scratchy from all the screaming and squealing, but she couldn’t not scream from being split open by a wrist thick fucking pillar of meat reaching so far in her asshole she could barely breath~!! It fucking felt so good~!! She was sore, it stung, it burned, it felt so good she was squealing louder then ever before as the man piledrived his cock in like a steam piston, so hard she could barely believe she was awake~!! Each thrust was so hard she could only stretch her toes out, clenching her little asshole tight and holding onto him to keep her sanity~!!
He was silent, but growling, using her like a fucking little doll while he picked up the pace, faster, and faster, and faster until his hips were like a blur, at least to her, and she could hear her own asscheeks clapping against his nuts~!! He was like a wild fucking animal, and Futaba let the drool and tears flow~!! She must have looked like such a fucking whore, gaping and being fucked in the men’s bathroom, dressed like a dirty little slut~!!
“PLEASH~!!! DADDY~!! FUCKK MY BUTTHOLE DADDY~!!!” She didn’t even realize what she was saying until he fucked her as hard as he possibly could, his muscles straining as he slammed down balls deep so hard and fast he was groaning and yelling his own profanities, hugging her close while his massive, steel hard cock fit her to his perfect shape. Until finally, he too slammed balls deep inside her asshole and dumped his load in their new, cute little cumdumpster.
“HNNNNGGGGGGGGGHHGGGGYYYYYYEEEEESSS~!!!” Was all the little redhead could say as she wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him in as deep as he could go, filling her to the brim with so much cum it squirted out around his cock and onto his nuts, just for him to yank out his cock and shoot lines of smelly, stringy nut from her asshole all the way up to her face and across her hanging tongue and glasses.
Futaba let her legs fall down, as she was damn near unconscious, more camera flashes and laughing came around her as she was slipping into a dark, lovely void..
Just for another man to grab her and pick her up, hooking his arms under her legs for a full anal nelson..
Futaba knew she should have brought a Goho.M..
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Shayne Topp x Reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3041
AN: This is my first Shayne x Reader fic. AND it’s now gender neutral! Thank you to @rustyisdead for helping me change up all of the pronouns!
Summary: Helping out a friend ends in a way Shayne wasn’t expecting.
   When Shayne offered to help one of his buddies out that went on a week long vacation, he did not think it would require him to interrupt his own schedule as much as it did. He didn’t mind it, honestly. The actor just had to reconfigure his own morning routine to fit his very current yet very temporary situation. 
   Banana was a golden-doodle. A little more golden than doodle, but a very wonderful dog. She seemed to know that the current human taking care of her wasn’t as...savvy...to how she worked. At least, that’s what Shayne thought. The look in her eyes always spoke of mischief to him. She wasn’t naughty...but she liked to see how far she could push him. She also had very shady moments that made him think she knew more than she was letting on.
   Day three out of seven and he was at the point where he remembered he was supposed to drop her off at doggy daycare without forgetting and leaving for his work commute without her. On the first day, he just forgot about her entirely. On the second day, he made it to the doggy day care but without the doggy part. He had to drive all of the way back to his apartment, load her up (but she LOVES car rides, Shayne. It won’t be hard to get her to go! I promise), drive the fifteen minutes to the care center and then to work. He wasn’t going to make that mistake a third time. He was better than that, he told himself.
   When he did eventually get to his destination, without forgetting the passenger, he took in the sights. Cute Critters Pet Sitters was a simple brick building but he could tell how much maintenance went into the yard area. He couldn’t see a lot but the fencing seemed to go on forever. The actor leashed up his current canine companion and walked her into the building, following the very well placed directions. Banana got signed in and the attendant at the front desk took her to where Shayne assumed the other dogs were. He wasn’t sure. This whole thing was new to him. 
   “Mr. Williams? Are you still able to help out this week for the renovation?” One of the front desk attendants asked.
   Shayne paused and looked around, because out of all of the things he had been forgetting that week, his name wasn’t one of them. But when he realized that she was looking directly at him, he realized there must have been a misconception.
  “Oh, I’m not...I’m not him. I’m just dropping off his dog this week.” The actor replied .
   The woman pursed her lips. “Oh, I apologize. Banana’s owner was slated to help out with our indoor renovation project this week. I’ll have to tell Mx. L/n that he’s no longer available. Which is an honest shame.
   Shayne looked abashed. 
   “I see Banana is here! Is her human still here, too?” A different voice called from the gymnasium Banana had been walked into.
   “I’m afraid not, Y/n.” The receptionist replied as the worker from the gymnasium walked into the foyer. “He was dropped off by someone else today. And will be for the rest of this week, correct?”
   Shayne only nodded in reply. The receptionist seemed to think her job was done and walked off somewhere Shayne couldn’t see, not that he was bothering to look. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the person standing before him. They were wearing a leopard cat ear headband that had distracted him.
   The worker began to wring their hands together. “He won’t be here today? At all? Or this week? We were really looking forward to his help.” 
   “I’m sorry,” Shayne shrugged. “He’s on vacation. I’m dog-sitting Banana for him. That’s why she wasn’t here the last two days. Was it something monetarily? I can shoot him a quick text…”
   “Oh, no! Nothing like that! Please, don’t interrupt his vacation! It just kinda...sucks. He promised to help with renovating our playroom-slash-gymnasium. He was our first volunteer for it so we were hoping it was showing us his excitement and so we got excited...not too many of the pet parents volunteered…”The worker then sighed deeply while rubbing their forehead with both hands. 
   The actor noticed how distressed and let down they seemed. They must have been really looking forward to someone willing to come in on their own time and help out. Shayne didn’t like the idea that his friend promised to give time to help out and then just didn’t. He almost felt...responsible for the current situation. Not that he felt like he caused it...but that he had the opportunity to amend it. So he did what any responsible person would do.
   “Do you...I could help?”
   “Really?!” L/n clasped their hands together and looked like they could start jumping up and down at any point. Shayne offhandedly wondered if they learned any traits from the dogs they played with all day.
   “Yeah, I mean, I pick Banana up after work anyway. I could stop in and see if you guys still needed help? I don’t know what all I could do. But I could probably do something.” Shayne nodded as if trying to convince himself more than L/n.
   “Sweet home Alabama. That would be PERFECT.” They then pulled him into a big hug and then released him with a smile that seemed larger than what should be possible. “Awesome! AHHH!!! Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!”
   After solidifying what time he would be back to pick up Banana and check in on what they needed, the actor left for his work commute. He started up his car and texted his best friend. 
   Shayne: I just had a crazy time bringing Banana to daycare. I’ll be to        set... soon.
   Damien: You mean “late”?
   Shayne: Tomato tomahto.
   Filming half a month's worth of content in one day would always be exhausting to Shayne. No matter how long he had been doing his job, he was always exhausted after the long days of filming. The last thing Shayne wanted to do was put in more physical labor but he made a promise and breaking a promise was not something he did. So, when he made his way back into the care center, he made sure L/n knew he was there to do what they needed to get done. 
   “I’m so grateful you still came to help.” They mentioned while they moved the enrichment items from the big gym to a storage closet. “I know that the last thing anyone wants to do after a long work day is renovation work. But I’m very thankful, Shayne.”
   The man squinted. “You know, now that I think about it, I don’t think I told any of you my name.”
   Y/n seemed to be too busy, conveniently, to look him in the face. “Hm...yeah? Huh…”
   When he didn’t say anything after a minute the worker groaned. They turned back to face him and scratched at the back of their head and scrunched their face up. “I...might be a fan. Of YouTube. A few different things...SMOSH things…”
   “Oh, well I’m honored.” He gave them a smile as if to placate their worry. “I don’t really run into too many fans here in L.A. Not that I’m complaining. But it’s nice to hear every so often.”
   “My niece got me into it with one of your sketches and I’ve been hooked since. You guys do good work. She watches them on days when being a teenager is too hard and they make her feel better. So, thank you, I guess.” L/n giggled as they resumed putting things on shelves.
  Shayne followed suit and the two kept busy organizing the storage room while talking about everyday things. At some point, when Shayne called them “Miss/Mr L/n”, they corrected him.
  “You can just call me ‘Y/n’. We’re not in a terribly professional relationship, right? You’re just helping out in the storage room for a few hours.” They said as they climbed up the shelf to reach the top of another. “Plus, I’d really just like to hear you say my name.”
   Shayne wasn’t sure he heard them right until he noticed that they stopped moving altogether. 
   “Please tell me that I said that on the inside and not on the outside…”
   The man gave a small chuckle. “I can’t do that. I’m not good at lying.”
   Y/n threw their head back, gave a big sigh, and began to climb down the shelving unit. At some point though, their foot had somehow slipped on something and they felt their body not going where they wanted it to. They then braced themself for the impact of their back meeting the floor but it never came. There was the feeling of two hands on their back gently pressing them in the direction of the shelving unit. One of the two hands moved from the middle of their back to their lower back and they were helped down. 
   “Jesus, Y/n. Do you have a ladder so you don’t do that again?” Shayne asked as they turned towards him.
   The worker didn’t answer, but instead hugged him. “I’m so freaking scared of heights and that was terrifying. Oh my God, thank you.”
   “Yeah, of course.” Shayne gently patted them on the back. “I’m glad I was here to make sure you didn’t get hurt.”
   “My heart literally fell. I know it wasn’t that far off of the ground but I don’t even like step ladders like I just really don’t…” They finally looked up into his eyes and they locked. “Uh…”
   After realizing they had stopped communicating for a moment, they pulled apart awkwardly. Shayne took a step back and shoved his hands into his coat pockets and looked anywhere that wasn’t at them. “Right. Well…”
   Y/n blushed but smiled in a humored way. “Shall we work on moving in the bigger items? The tunnels that are back in the gym need to be broken down and put against that wall. It should only take a few minutes. We won’t need anything else done tonight.”
   Shayne nodded and the two began the last bit of work before Y/n could begin painting. This time the two didn’t talk as much as they stole glances at each other. Sometimes they’d look at the same time and end up smiling like teenagers seeing their class crush. The rest of the evening went on like that until the playroom was emptied. Y/n dusted their hands off together and stretched. 
   “So, you’re painting this whole gym alone? Or are the other workers helping?”Shayne looked around trying to figure out what their plans were.
   “Oh, heavens no. There are some small decorative details that need to be painted and then we’re going to have the floor deep cleaned. I’m going to go through the storage rooms, all of them, and see if there’s anything that needs to be tossed out or what needs to be fixed. It’ll help us plan our budget for next year. I’m super stoked. I want to get some new activities for the pups. OH!” They then jogged to where their phone was sitting on a chair and started swiping through it.
   Shayne watched as they bit her lip and quickly searched for something. They had then made their way back to him and was angling the phone almost in his. They began to share with him their thoughts on what to get to improve on the indoor activities and he observed as they got enthralled with what they were talking about. He didn’t really understand all of it but he noted how excited they got when explaining the puppy teeter totter on their pinterest board. The picture captured a pit bull that was basically smiling as he was mid climb. They also gushed about how they were suckered into the item because of the smile. 
  “I’m a sucker for smiling pitties. It’s a curse, really. I can’t stand it.”
  “I think it’s pretty neat how excited you’re getting over this. I can’t wait to see how it ends up. These dogs are so lucky to be here with you looking after them.” The blonde actor had somehow ended up with one of his arms on the workers waist. “They’re going to love it.”
 “Yeah?” They turned into him.
  “Oh, absolutely.” He brought his other arm up to meet them together.
   They bit their lip as she kept their gazes locked. “You promise?”
   He just nodded.
   “I think Banana is very ready to go home!” A voice called from the other end of the gymnasium.
   The two broke apart and Shayne gave a self conscious cough. “Right..uh...I’ll see you tomorrow when I drop off Banana, Y/n?”
   The worker just nodded in response, watching the man leave the care center with the leashed dog.
   After Shayne got Banana in the car and he himself was buckled in, he grasped the wheel and sighed with an emotion he wasn’t sure he could identify. He ran his hand through his blonde hair and started the car. Before he put the car in reverse, he looked into the mirror and noticed Banana looking at him from the backseat.
   “I know, Banana. I shouldn’t. I don’t have the time for a relationship or the energy most days.”
   The dog blinked.
   “Blink one more time if you think this is a bad idea. Blink two more times if you think it’s a good idea.
   Banana responded by laying down, not blinking at all. She seemed to be too tired for Shayne’s love life drama.
   “Same, girl. Same.” He put the car in reverse and made his way out of the parking lot.
   The next day started off in a hurry. Shayne was late to dropping off Banana, so he didn’t see Y/n at drop-off. Somehow, though, he was still late to work even though he didn’t have any distractions, pleasant or unpleasant. He wasn’t quite sure which category Y/n fell into.
   When he eventually arrived at work (Late two days in a row, Shayne? You can’t opt out of Eat It or Yeet It if you’re not here to put your vote in.), he went straight to set for a SMOSHcast recording. He knew he’d be clowned for being any amount of late so he didn’t let it bother him. He just put on the headphones and jumped right into it.
   Advicecasts had become something he really enjoyed doing. He didn’t fully understand why people kept asking them for help but he loved doing it. He felt like it was a time he could truly give back to fans in a different way. Different questions and situations went through the conversation and Shayne was proud of himself for not letting his thoughts drift off too far.
   “Alright, this next one is one a few of us could relate to.” Ian, his boss, began. “It reads ‘I have this amazing job that I can’t believe I have, it’s a dream come true. But lately I’ve been thinking about dating and having a partner, I know it’s something I want in the end. I try looking but time and energy isn’t something my job offers. What would you guys do in this position?’”
   Sarah and Damien both gave “ooooh’s”. 
   “Well,” the producer seemed to take a second to collect her thoughts. “I think it really has a lot to do with where do you want to put your energy? Where do you want it going? In the end, what would you rather have in your hands? Your dream job or your dream partner? It’s a hard question to ask and answer, but you’re truly the only person that can make that decision. Maybe you can balance the both of them and make it work. That’s the ideal situation. But it might not workout that way. Honestly you’ll never know until you try. You have to actually get out there to try to figure out what it is you want more.”
   Shayne hoped it wasn’t obvious, but it probably was, that he slightly checked out after Sarah’s input. He had disregarded dating in its entirety because of his job. He was constantly on set, or traveling, or working on other projects that he was blessed to book.There wasn’t a point where he thought he’d be able to enjoy a relationship fully. But maybe if he put in the effort...now that SMOSH was running smoother since his most recent relationship...maybe it’d be ok? 
   Shayne walked up to the receptionist during pick-up to let them know he was there. When no one was at the desk, he walked himself to the playroom where he didn’t expect to see what was before him. Some of the dogs were laying on their backs just hanging out, and Y/n was there with them. They were laying on their back, also, staring at the ceiling. The whole thing looked super chill and Shayne wanted to join in.
   Y/n turned their head in his direction as he laid next to them. Their arms almost touching, They gave a gentle smile and the actor returned it. He was very surprised that none of the dogs jumped up to meet him when he walked in. Wasn’t that what dogs did?
   “It’s nap time.” Y/n explained as if they could read his mind. “We’re promoting a calm environment after the excitement of finding a mouse in the courtyard earlier today. Things got a little cray, but now we’re enjoying some quiet time.”
   After a moment, Shayne just barely felt something touch his hand closest to Y/n. Once he recognized it as their fingers, he closed the distance and just held their hand. Sarah was right. Shayne needed to put his energy towards the things he wanted the most. And what he wanted the most was to see what he and Y/n could become. He just had to go for it.
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TGF Thoughts: 5x03-- And the court had a clerk...
Hello again! It’s nice to have this show back. This episode was a bit less of a standout than the previous two, but I’m still happy with the overall direction for this season. More under the cut (or here, because tumblr sucks). 
When Robert King tweeted the episode title, I asked him if all the titles this season were adding up to one long sentence/story, hoping he’d confirm it and give a little more information. He did! He said it’s “in the Farmer in the Dell mode” and while I think I get what he’s saying, I’m very curious to see how it plays out. Haven’t been able to track down 5x04′s title yet, but the promo is out. (As of this morning! It’s interesting they’re not putting them after the episode this year; I kind of like it.) 
Kurt’s job is up in the air given the new administration. I think this scene exists mostly just to remind us where Kurt works and the stakes.
What month is this supposed to be in? The transition seems recent but no one is wearing masks.  
Kurt spots a poster asking for help ID’ing people at the Capitol on January 6th. He thinks he recognizes someone...
And now we’re in case of the week land. This case is about a small business owner whose business went under after someone created fake news articles accusing him of pedophilia.  
I think the whole point of this (kind of long) scene is to show that this case is a pretty small deal. Low stakes, inexperienced opposing lawyer. (Not even sure why Liz would be arguing this in court, but whatever.)
Tbh I thought this was going to wind up in 9 ¾ court.
Now that we have junior level characters, we get scenes showing that there are, in fact, people at RBL who are mid-level. Liz asks an associate to work on something, he asks another associate to work on it, she delegates to other associates, and they delegate to Marissa and Carmen. This work seems terrible.  
It’s so funny to me how this is probably more realistic than most of the lawyering on the show and yet it only shows up selectively. We only see the hierarchy here to make it clear that Marissa and Carmen are at the bottom.  
David Lee interrupts and asks for Carmen. He’s very rude to her. Interestingly, she’s hesitant to leave her grunt work and follow David, even though she must know he outranks the associate who gave her the grunt work.
“Why am I supposed to know you?” David asks her as they walk through the halls. “I don’t know if you are,” Carmen responds. “Why does Benjamin Dafoe know you?” he asks. She doesn’t know who he is.  
“Who are you?” Dafoe asks when Carmen enters. She states her name, again. “Why are you important?” he asks. “I don’t think that I am,” Carmen responds.  
Then Dafoe says his top client, and it’s a name that the characters all know. I’m glad this scene is free of any “he’s the white OJ” expository lines (that’s from Sweeney’s introduction) -- it’s clear from the reactions and the discussion of police and rape that the top client is a bad guy, probably a rapist. The rapist wants Carmen to represent him.
Putting 2 and 2 together, Carmen asks if the rapist knows Rivi. He’s not, but he’s at the same prison. As soon as Carmen says she’s representing Rivi, David Lee switches gears, understanding the situation and trying to sign the new business. He’s so shameless!  
Marissa sorts ALL the papers. There are a LOT of papers. I’m swamped. Look at all this paper.
She catches the associate who assigned her the task leaving for the night just as she finishes up, and cheerfully notes she’s finished the task. Then the associate mentions this was only half of the bills. Marissa does not like that. Since her goal in wanting to be a lawyer is mostly just to give her something exciting to do and earn respect... this hierarchy thing is not going so well.
Marissa decides that after her rough day, she’s going to stop by Wackner’s court. He’s in the middle of a case about Emily in Paris fanfiction and he’s very happy to see Marissa.  
Wackner’s night court has a program—it notes the sponsor is Copy Co-op (I thought it was Copy Coop?) and the paper products were also provided by them. And “there will be regular intermissions at the discretion of Judge Wackner.” It’s very theatrical.  
Wackner takes a recess and calls Marissa to his “chambers.” He asks for her thoughts on the case. “All they want is attention and to feel like they’ve won,” Marissa notes. Wackner’s on the same wave length and compares it to the Scarecrow’s diploma at the end of The Wizard of Oz. So, he makes copyright certificates and some minor modifications to each of the fanfic books. They say “I respect you and I love you” and that’s that.
Wackner catches Marissa before she leaves and asks her to be his law clerk—part time or full time, 10% of all the legal filings and unlimited use of copy machines. She is hesitant because she “doesn’t even know what this is.”
Wackner says his court is “the future.” Marissa turns him down; notes she wants to pass the bar. “You know why all these people are here? ‘Cause the courts and the lawyers and the appeals have made justice... unattainable. Out of reach. To anyone who doesn’t have a shitload of money to wait it out. That’s why Exxon beats out Mr. Nobody. Read Kafka’s Before the Law.”  
I just read it, and you should too! It literally is a page, but tl;dr, there’s a man who wants to get to the law and instead he spends his whole life trying to win over the first of many gatekeepers on the path to the law. He never gets through the gate.  
“Justice is only just if it’s available to everyone,” Wackner says. Marissa thinks about that.
As I said last week, it’s smart that Wackner makes so much sense. Hearing him say all this, knowing that it’s true... it makes it very easy to get on board with the thought experiment. Of course there would be huge repercussions to this kind of system, but it makes so much sense it’s compelling TV!
Kurt’s showering when Diane gets home, which gives her time to stumble across the WANTED poster and notice that Kurt has drawn facial hair onto one of the pictures. “Who is this?” she asks him. “No one,” he says. “Well, you drew in a beard and a moustache on him,” Diane notes. Kurt says he was doodling, but Diane calls him out as he is the “exact opposite of a doodler.” Kurt says he thought it was someone he knew, but he’s not sure. Diane pushes him to tell the feds. Kurt reiterates he’s not sure, but it’s someone he went shooting with. “Oh my God, then it’s him,” Diane jumps to (not incorrect) conclusions. Kurt says he didn’t talk that way; he’s a veteran. “Kurt! That’s the profile!” Diane argues. Kurt isn’t convinced and he doesn’t want to be responsible for naming names. He notes he’ll be threatened with indictment for not naming names and then only lawyers will end up benefitting. Diane is not convinced.
I think this is an interesting conflict for Kurt and Diane. I understand why Kurt is hesitant to speak out before he’s sure. And I understand and agree with Diane that it’s important to identify the attackers and prevent anything like that from happening again.
I don’t mean to blame Kurt, exactly, but I feel like all of what happens next could’ve played out differently if Kurt had been just a little clearer with Diane about why he was hesitant to ID the man. Like, the threat of indictment for not naming names sounds like some typical anti-government rambling. Saying you specifically are afraid that this will turn back on you and you need to weigh your options and come up with a plan first would put Diane in a very different mode, in which they’d work together to craft the best strategy. Because this man would’ve been ID’d by someone, sooner or later, and Kurt would’ve needed to be prepared.  
Diane stares at the wanted poster at work and asks Jay to find his identity. He’s on the FBI TEN MOST WANTED? Ten!? Ok!  
Diane shares the extra information she has—the gun range and that he’s a veteran—and Jay gets to work.  
Turns out there’s no money in the case that Liz, a name partner, is working on and Marissa just spent all those hours sorting bills for. I could’ve told you there was no money in that case lol.  
Jay IDs the guy very fast. He’s faster than the feds because they didn’t know where he shot. The range had his license on file, and Jay got ahold of it.
“Well, we don’t pay you enough,” Diane says. “Oh, I know that,” Jay laughs.  
Diane says she’s going to think about calling the feds—it's definitely the same guy.
Marissa notes someone high profile (David Cord, who I presume is a thinly veiled stand-in for David Koch given the name, his role in the plot, and the fact that he is “David Cord of the Cord Brothers”) in the lobby giving a fake name and goes to tell Liz.  
David Cord is performing magic tricks for the receptionists (they don’t recognize him) when Liz and Marissa show up. “I knew your father. I hated your father,” Cord says. “Yes, well, he hated you too,” Liz says. He says he gave a fake name to see what the reception would be like since he’s kinda infamous.  
Liz introduces Marissa as one of the law clinic lawyers. Marissa knows what to say in this situation. Specifically, she knows that it is the exact right moment to name drop her father.  
“Democrats as far as the eye can see,” Cord notes. At that, Liz asks Marissa to get Julius involved.
More good expository work! (No, editor feature of Word, I do NOT want that to say “Better expository work,” that would change my meaning, go away and please stop grading my recap??? I don’t know how I brought this up but it’s telling me my score is 72%, so a C, and it’s driving me crazy. Oh, now I’m a 71%. It had me at like, 50%, because I had written “Wackner” and “Wackner” is not a word. No shit.)  
Anyway, back to the exposition. I like that we don’t get a line like, “Liz! David Cord, the Republican super donor, is here!” We just get to see Liz’s reaction, Cord’s hate of Liz’s father, and the line about democrats. Then it becomes clearer who Cord is.
Just noticed Liz is wearing an Apple Watch.
Liz stands for her meeting with Cord, likely to maintain power. Cord says January 6th changed everything to him and now he’s all about unity and loving America.  
Cord has something to say about Liz’s case, the one that’s not making any money, and he seems to know quite a lot about it. That spooks Liz.  
Then Cord offers her $12 million to continue the case for another six months (all of these months, seemingly, will play out in the couple of days the rest of this episode takes, but, whatever). He just wants them to go after the social media company that distributed the fake news... and Section 230.
Don’t know what that is? Now you do, because there is a Good Fight short! These work so much better when they’re actually needed (explaining concepts, etc.) than when they’re trying to force one into every episode (remember that Downton Abbey one? What... was that?)  
I was talking to @mimeparadox about this short and he pointed out that this short has a VERY clear POV on an issue that actually doesn’t seem to be all that straightforward. If you’re like me and only had a vague sense of what Section 230 was prior to this episode, this short is telling you what to think of it—it isn’t just explaining what it is.
I do tend to agree with the show’s POV on most things, but this is an issue I’d like to read more on. I love how Section 230 was something I hadn’t really read up on prior to this episode and now that it’s been on TGF I realize it’s something that actually, yes, I would’ve been interested in knowing about earlier. Is this because things that are on TGF are interesting to me because they’re on TGF or is it because TGF generally only discusses things that would be interesting to me? Probs a little bit of both.  
Diane asks Jay how to make an anonymous phone call and he hands her a burner phone. She calls the FBI with the rioter’s name. She doesn’t leave her name and then she dumps the phone.  
Credits! Did you catch there’s a Jordan Boatman in the credits? She plays one of the associates who passes down the grunt work to Marissa, and she’s Michael Boatman’s daughter in real life! She’s also been in one other episode, in season 3.  
I never get tired of these credits!  
The RL partners (and some associates who are on the case? I think these are the same ones who delegated the work to Marissa?) debate whether or not they should take Cord’s money. Madeline notes that he’s funded a lot of Republican campaigns; Julius notes that both Republicans and Democrats agree that Section 230 is flawed and this is an opportunity for unity.
Diane notes that the right doesn’t want to stop conspiracy theories from spreading, so is this really that bipartisan? “It would help if the boomers would stop falling for those conspiracy theories and sharing it with their friends,” an associate (I believe this is Michael Boatman’s daughter again) notes. That quiets the room and the partners all glare at her. Yeah, that was a kind of stupid thing to say. First of all, it’s just not appropriate to say to the partners, and it’s also, like, missing the point? If it’s easy for conspiracy theories to spread among boomers, maybe just expecting each member of that generation to suddenly have a millennial’s understanding of the internet is the wrong strategy? Maybe there’s some structural issue here? That maybe, just maybe, this case is actually about?  
The associate also points out that the internet is currently a place where people can speak out about sexual harassment-- “they repeal section 230, and there would be no #MeToo.”
One of the partners says he doesn’t believe that—if they regulate section 230, then newspapers can actually be competitive and there’s still free speech online.  
“We’re not going back to reading newspapers, grandpa,” some associate says. What the actual fuck, dude? Who talks like that to their boss?! It’s so condescending. He’s also wrong! “Newspapers” are not just physical things... reporting by major publications still matters and will continue to matter. Like, is he suggesting that in the future all news will just be random people tweeting things they think are true with no fact checking or curation? Sure, journalism is struggling right now—but I don’t think that’s because there’s a lack of desire for well-reported news.  
I am glad the partners call him out on saying “grandpa” and honestly I’m shocked he isn’t asked to leave the discussion after that rude remark. Unless this young looking dude is a partner too? But I don’t think he is.  
Julius notes that if they’re going to pursue this case, they need money like Cord’s. At that, Liz starts to leave the meeting. “We haven’t decided if we’re taking this Cord money yet,” Madeline protests. “Of course we are,” Liz says and leaves.  
Now that’s more like it! I’m not sure if this is necessarily the best way to handle this, but she’s a) correct, they were always going to take the money because it is $12 million and an issue of interest and b) using her authority. Should Liz be making decisions totally on her own? Maybe not. Does Liz making this decision and then leaving (with everyone accepting that she’s correct) cut through a lot of bullshit and establish Liz as the one in charge? Yup.
Diane says, “Ooh-kay” with a little bit of an eyeroll after Liz exits, but she’s still laying low. I think in a different season Diane might’ve tried to push back.  
Is it me or does Baranski get a lot of material this episode we haven’t seen before? Lots of really good reaction shots/tones in this episode I don’t really think we’ve seen from Diane before. I’m impressed there’s still new stuff after 12 years.
At some point maybe I will actually write the essay I’ve been wanting to write for ages about how TGF is still so relevant despite being in a universe that should be showing its age by now. I wish I could find the first time that I called TGW a period piece set in the present day (I know it would’ve been during season five) because I think that’s the key to TGW/TGF’s enduring success. The shows always feel timely because they try to capture the present moment (which is, of course, always changing) and don’t get stuck in any one moment in time. Further, the fact that the writers are always so tuned in to events and skilled at quickly reacting to what happens in the world makes them VERY good in a pinch, which is (I think) why they’re able to make the most of unexpected situations (Josh leaving TGW, the pandemic).  
Liz and Julius bring a suit against ChumHum to attack 230. Judge Friend is initially skeptical of their argument that 230 is unconstitutional; then she’s intrigued. I am too. This argument about the press is a very interesting one. I obviously have a lot of reading to do on 230, but my take after this episode is pretty much that social media platforms have to be held responsible in some way, but I don’t think it’s feasible or desirable for them to be responsible for every single one of billions of posts. I think there has to be some way to regulate social media giants that would allow everyday people to share things and speak out but would prevent the curated (even by an algorithm) spread of fake news and make social media giants accountable when there are very public bad actors using their platforms. What that regulation would be I have no idea. I just refuse to believe that our options are to give the social media sites full immunity or to regulate the internet so strongly that no one is able to speak freely because all the platforms are worried about lawsuits.  
Over at the VA, people are being fired. When Kurt gets into his office, Madeline Starkey (wait, are there two characters named Madeline in this episode?) is waiting for him. She’s still very quirky and scary.  
Starkey says the guy that Diane reported is now saying Kurt trained him on using assault rifles and buying ammunition in bulk. Kurt notes these were topics covered in a group setting, which Starkey knew—and what she’s really after is the names of the others in the group. (She may already know them, since she knows there were five of them.)
Kurt refuses to name names and just stares at her.  
Case stuff happens! (I liked the last two episodes a lot but it’s much faster for me to just write, “case stuff happens” for some of the scenes.)
Hey, surprise Aaron Tveit! (Not really a surprise; he is in the credits. But still yay!)  
I don’t really know why Liz and Julius are talking about newspapers specifically and not all types of fact-based journalism/press? I feel like their argument is most convincing when it’s about actual newspapers (especially local ones) but still would apply to cable news...
Marissa’s still hard at work sorting papers when the associate comes back in and informs her she can stop; they’ve changed strategies and everything she’s done is now irrelevant. She also says “I forgot to tell you” at the start of that thought, meaning that she neglected to tell Marissa this important information earlier and wasted her time. Marissa is not pleased and so she goes to Wackner’s court, where Wackner now has a deli ticket machine and is wearing super-sized novelty sunglasses. Why not!
He sees Marissa and calls a five-minute recess. In “chambers,” Marissa tells him she’d like to work for him part-time but keep her RL job.  
Wackner needs her help processing more copyright certificates. He’s priced them competitively at $20 and found that a lot of writers want these certificates, even though they have no legal value. (Neither do actual copyrights, Wackner notes. And he notes that if anyone plagiarizes, they can sue in HIS court.)  
“Marissa, I’m building something here. I want you to join me. I want your advice on cases. I want to bounce legal theories off you,” he says. “What are your legal theories?” she asks. “I don’t know. That’s why I need to bounce them,” he says.  
Marissa gives him from noon to 2 and 5-7, which seems awfully ambitious for someone working at a law firm!
“That’s how revolutions are made. Back rooms of copy shops,” he says, accepting her offer.  
Kurt is sulking in the dark when Diane arrives home. He lets her know about Starkey’s visit and she immediately goes into lawyer mode. Notably, this scene does not spend much time on how Starkey found out the rioter’s name. Curious if they’re saving that for later or if Diane and Kurt both know what Diane must have done or if Kurt think’s it’s a coincidence.  
Kurt SET UP A TOUR OF THE CAPITOL for one of the veterans in his shooting group, and that tour was ON JANUARY 6TH! I really do wish he’d told Diane that upfront.  
Maybe the long pause where Kurt refuses to tell Diane which congressperson arranged the tour even after she promises she won’t say is him letting on that he knows that Diane ID’d the guy? Or maybe it’s just Kurt.  
I do not like the dead birds in Starkey’s office, mostly because I do not like thinking about dead birds.
Starkey compares Diane and Kurt to the Conways.  
And now more case stuff happens.  
Julius gets to question a witness for the first time in two years! He’s a little shaky at first but then he does a fantastic job! Yay Julius!
When Diane arrives at the office, reception is filled with around a hundred teddy bears. “What?” she asks. “Build-a-Bears. They were sent to Marissa,” the receptionist explains. “Okay... why?” Diane asks the logical next question. The receptionist does not know.  
“This one’s a Marissa bear,” she says, showing Diane a bear wearing boots and a wig. It does not look much like Marissa and it says “Hug me.”
Diane looks confused and furious at the same time. Her look here is, like, a milder version of the death stare she gives Alicia in Outside the Bubble when she learns about Alicia and Cary’s plan to leave.  
“Why don’t we, meaning you, take all these stuffed animals and put them in the conference room,” Diane instructs the receptionist. She is NOT! HAPPY! The receptionist seemed to be having fun with the bears, but clearly the right answer was to have done something with them and... not to have put them over every surface in reception. Eeek.  
Carmen’s new client, the rapist, arrives at the firm before anyone can hide the bears. “This may not be the firm for you,” his advisor/lawyer (I’m not totally sure what this dude’s job is) warns.  
Madeline notices the rapist and glares at the receptionist. “I know. I’m putting them in the conference room,” the receptionist says, thinking Madeline is upset about the bears. She is not upset about the bears.
Diane finds Marissa, who’s working with Carmen again. She asks Carmen to give them a moment.
“Why are there hundreds of teddy bears in our reception?” Diane asks. Marissa is confused. Diane shows her the Marissa bear. Marissa looks horrified and amused. “That doesn’t even look like me,” Marissa notes, completely missing how pissed off Diane is. I don’t think we have seen Diane be this direct/no-nonsense in ages.  
“That would seem to be beside the point. What is going on, Marissa?” Diane demands. Marissa suspects this is based on some advice she offered to a client who was buying a Build-a-Bear franchise and thinks this is a thank you gift. “What client? You’re not a lawyer! Why do you have clients?” Diane says exasperatedly.  
Marissa gives her a look, and Diane immediately understands that she’s been back to Wackner’s court. “Oh my God, this is about that Copy Coop court?”
“Marissa, no. By participating in that simulacrum of a courtroom, you exposed this firm to malpractice, sanctions, and God knows what,” Diane says. If that were really true, she wouldn’t have sat there and argued. I mean, I don’t know the legality of this all, but I feel like it’s a bigger optics issue than legal issue if Diane and other lawyers are willing to even consider participating?  
“If you wish to continue your employment at this firm, you will never do anything like that again. Do you understand?” Diane says. She will not hear any arguments.  
I love that Marissa is the thing that keeps Wackner coming back. It’s a good plot for her, but structurally, it also allows the show to keep Wackner around without many contrivances. Wackner sees that Marissa would understand what he’s up to, she sees that he shares some of her frustrations with the law, and they both want to work together again. It’s not like suddenly everyone’s talking about Wackner’s court and all the cases somehow end up there or anything.
The receptionist, who is having a truly terrible day, comes into announce that Kurt and Starkey have arrived. “Don’t put them in the conference room!” Diane commands, knowing that the teddy bears will be there. It’s too late, though, because the receptionist (who previously seemed to be fine at her job if bad at recognizing public figures and understanding that partners might not find teddy bears amusing) has already put them in the conference room. I feel bad for her, and don’t think the other things were her fault, but I feel like she could’ve seen this one coming...  
I find the teddy bears HILARIOUS, mostly because the reactions to them are so funny. It’s kind of the same gag as the balloons for Lucca in season two, but I don’t really care, because I’m getting to see Diane Lockhart treat hundreds of Build-a-Bears like they are a real work problem.
Starkey jokes about the bears; Kurt is silent.  
The rioter from the poster is now accusing Kurt of coming up with the STRATEGY for January 6th, which Kurt and Diane both dismiss as bullshit.  
I could do without Starkey’s musical cues.
I can’t tell if Kurt is in trouble here or if she’s just pressing him to name names. Why wouldn’t she just have rioter guy name names if he’s so eager to blame Kurt? I guess maybe if the others were actually there, he might be less likely to name the names of his actual co-conspirators? Or, Starkey might already know the names (surely the shooting range has logs) and be using this to raise the stakes.  
No one (except maybe the partner named Daniel) is happy about the rapist in reception. “Since when are we representing people like Wolfe-Coleman?” Julius asks. Didn’t these people help both Sweeney (though I think Sweeney was in some weird police brutality case and they didn’t actually want to represent him) and Bishop? And Rivi? But they draw the line here? Sure.  
Ah, there we go, an expository line-- “he’s the next Jeffrey Epstein”. Almost made it the whole episode without one of these. I’ll forgive it since it’s so late in the episode lol.  
“Did you approve this, Liz?!” Madeline demands. Liz did not. Daniel wonders if that means Diane approved it. Liz doesn’t think so and calls Diane (who happens to be walking past) in.  
“I know, the teddy bears. I’m working on it,” Diane says when she opens the door. I think the teddy bears are a bigger issue to Diane than to anyone else.  
Diane didn’t approve representing Mr. Rapey either. She’s uncomfortable that a meeting was happening without her; Madeline notes that she is standing there specifically because they wanted to involve her.  
David Lee pops up out of nowhere with the answer: one of the new associates (not Marissa, “the real one”) pulled in Mr. Rapey. Are there only two associates now even though orientation was for a big group?  
Firth is gone, btw. David Lee is the new Mr. Firth. I have no idea why David would want to be STR Laurie’s guy for managing RL but... sure, whatever? David Lee is an effective antagonist, especially in small doses, and this allows the writers to keep him around and continue the STR Laurie plot without a key guest star. If STR Laurie is still a thing, and it seems like it is going to be a thing for a while, then having David Lee take on this role makes sense for plot. Otherwise they’re going to have to shoehorn him in to every plot somehow. At least now he has a reason to be around.  
Liz and Diane take a walk to chat. Diane is worried about having David as their boss. Liz says she has a worse worry—David Lee knew exactly when to come downstairs with information, suggesting he know what they were talking about. “Would he do something like that?” Liz asks when Diane wonders if there’s a bug. “Oh, yeah,” Diane replies. Hah, yeah. He absolutely would.  
They decide to have Jay search for bugs and Liz is frustrated with how much time they have to spend on things other than lawyering. Yup.
“What is going on with all the teddy bears in the conference room?” Liz asks as they head back to the office. “It’s a long story,” Diane sighs. I also love that the teddy bears link the various pieces of the episode together—it feels like all of these threads are happening simultaneously because of that constant.  
I don’t get RL’s approach to clients. Bishop and Rivi are ok, Wolfe-Colman is not (except that actually he is fine). Cord is okay too. Do they draw the line anywhere? I know Liz was right when she said that OF COURSE they were taking the money, but is there really nothing that differentiates that situation from this one? I feel like there should be.
Marissa goes back to see Wackner. Since someone refuses to say “I respect and I love you,” Wackner reverses his ruling. This is part of the “Bad Loser Law of last Wednesday,” so the rules of Wackner’s court are clearly a work in progress.
Marissa explains she can’t be the law clerk because of Diane. She tries to connect him with a real lawyer, still not understanding exactly what Wackner’s after. “You know just enough not to crush what I’m doing here,” Wackner explains. “A real lawyer will look for reasons why not. I need someone to look for reasons why.”  
Case stuff happens. I cannot read Cord’s handwriting. Liz and Julius lose the case because Judge Friend says what’s happening isn’t fair, but it is constitutional. (So here we have, at least in the show’s POV, a good and attentive judge who can’t make decisions that make sense because she’s bound by a document written before anyone had ever dreamed of the internet.)  
Cord is waiting for Liz in her office. He’s prepared to bankroll an appeal. Did they blow thorough that $12 million already? Impressive; it’s been like a day.  
Cord says they are definitely the firm he wants. Interesting.
Now Liz wants a meeting with Carmen, so it’s Marissa who leaves the room. This scene seems like it was meant to be a different day?  
Liz wants to talk about Mr. Rapey. Carmen is, yet again, chill about the case. “Carmen, is there anyone that you would not represent?” Liz asks. Funny, Liz, I could ask you the same. Being hesitant about it is not changing the fact that you’re representing bad people. Carmen’s just cutting the bullshit.  
“I don’t understand. Is there someone you don’t want me to represent?” I love how Carmen’s incredibly polite responses always seem very pointed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Carmen’s reply, and yet it puts Liz in a place where she can’t dance around what she’s trying to say.  
“I’m just trying to get a sense of who you are,” Liz explains.  
Then Liz decides she’s going to help on the Craig Wolfe-Colman (Mr. Rapey) case, and they will keep talking about her career path. Liz, this does not seem like the right solution! You're worried about your associate representing bad people so you’re like, I know, what if I ALSO represented bad people? If your goal is to convince Carmen not to take clients like this, you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot!  
“Are you worried about me?” Carmen says, again turning things on Liz. “I don’t know what I am about you,” Liz replies. Me either. Well, I know I'm intrigued, but beyond that, no clue!
All the bears have ended up in Diane’s office, where Wackner is waiting. He jokes about how his court is always seen as informal, yet this real fancy law office is covered in Build-a-Bears. Then he says he wants to hire RL—he's willing to pay. He wants consultation from Marissa (“consultation on legal issues”) and he’s prepared to spend a lot. And, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that they’re always going to take the money. So, they do.
I love that Wackner’s goal is to “perfect my little clubhouse of the law.” It’s a fun plot, and it also allows for the rules in his court to change (I’m sure we’re going to be treated to/subjected to a lot of whimsical gags around changing and ridiculous rules). It's also a good way to work through the thought experiment over the course of the season. It’s not like Wackner already has a system set up and it’s perfect—I'm sure we’re going to see his system run into issues and explore that more, too.  
Wackner monologues a bit here about why he’s running fake court, and he lets us know he’s going to monologue. Basically he thinks people no longer want to help people and are only motivated by their own self interest. He notes that no one talks about the Peace Corps anymore and asks the last time Diane heard anyone say those words. I’m sure I’ve heard a reference more recently but my mind went RIGHT to season one Cary Agos saying “Peace Corps. Belize,” as some kind of smarmy pickup line. This is likely not where my mind was supposed to go.
Wackner wants “A new Peace Corps. For America.” Diane’s sympathetic to that and agrees to take him on as a client.  
Wackner asks if he can take a bear. Diane instructs him to take two.  
Aaaand Wackner and Cord end up on the elevator together. Wackner hands Cord a bear, the elevator doors close, and the episode ends. Since last episode ended with Marissa and Carmen in the elevator together, I’m hoping this will be how every episode this season ends. I think using the Kings’ favorite liminal space to transition between episodes is kind of fun, and it fits with the ellipses at the end of every episode title.  
Speaking of... did you see today’s elevator-themed episode of Evil? It was written by the Kings. Those two have been obsessed with elevators for at least a decade.  
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palettepainter · 3 years
Coming out
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A quick message before you get into the story - I really wanted to do something for LGBT cuz I always end up forgetting or not having time to finish any drawings, most of the time I just do art about my OC’s and what their cannon sexualities are - but this year I wanted to do something a bit more serious, if that makes sense I’ve always been told by parents and friends that as long as you are coming out to people who you trust and people you know who will support you, then in the end, everything will be fine. I’ve always thought that if I where to ever be bisexual, gay, asexual or any other LGBT term that I would be comfortable to open up to my family. My preferences for who I like romantically aren’t really something I think all about that much. I’ve never dated and thus far all my luck with crushes and boys has just been really bad - and as someone who was and still is incredibly shy about dating and pretty much anything romantic I’ve learnt to not rush into things, I’ll find out who/what I like in time Now that I’m older I’ve been thinking more on it, and though I don’t want to go too deep into this stuff since it is personal, even with a supportive family I still have that fear of talking about these sorts of things. I wanted to write this story to show that even despite the fact someone may have a supportive family, supportive friends or even just that one supportive person in their life - overcoming that hurdle of fear and exposing a part of yourself that is so personal and dear, is terrifying. It’s a big relief to finally talk about these things yes, especially if you’ve been forced to shut these kinds of things away (in which case I hope you are in a happier healthier environment). But even with that in mind it can be hard for anyone to open up about these things, even those who know they’re in a safe environment and know they have family to support them. I don’t know if I got that message into this story, this is my first time writing something that tackled LGBT this seriously so I hope I was able to do it right. Okay message over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A story between Jaakuna (Comoress x Kashu, oc) and Jizuko (Monoma x Pony) Jaakuna in my cannon NGAU is gay, whereas Jizuko is bisexual. Jizuko if the first person Jaakuna comes out to, and Jizuko is fiercely supportive. So here’s a little coming out story between my OC’s!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jizuko had been happily doodling away idly in one of her notebooks when the door to her room suddenly opened, and none other then Jaakuna stepped inside. She rose a brow, watching as he stepped inside without a word and bumped her door closed with his heel “Ever heard of knocking?” She asked, brow cocked as she moved her head up from her notebook “I could have been changing or something” Jaakuna, still not saying a word, walked over to her bed, sat down, and then let his body flop backwards against the mattress. Jizuko rose a brow further, examining his face, though his gaze was skyward there was something distant about it, as though he was lost somewhere deep in thought. She titled her head, nudging his shoulder with her foot “Hello? Gunna answer me??” She asked, honestly not caring about her previous questions, but now just curious to see if he’d speak. Jaakuna behind closed doors with close friends, to her, was a much more quite and chill person, but that aside, he was never totally silent. When she got not response, she put down her notebook and shuffled on the bed, sitting cross legged besides him while she hugged an one of her many plushies to her chest “..You wanna talk about it?” She asked, resting her head a top of her toys. “Mngh..” Jizuko moved and picked up another one of her plush toys, and placed it ontop of Jaakuna’s chest, where his hands reached up to hold it, lazily running his fingers through the soft felt - something she’d learnt he liked to do with her toys and pillows, but something he’d always deny when she asked about it. “Something happen??” She continued, arms returning to her own plushy “...I think I might be having a mid-life crisis” Jizuko blinked “..Well, that’s something” she clarified with a slow nod. Jaakuna replied with a small hum “...Wanna talk shit about it?” She asked innocently Many where surprised when Jizuko would say Jaakuna was one of her closest friends, the two couldn’t be more opposites if they tried. Jizuko was small and dainty looking, she liked cutesy things, her dorm itself was full to the brim with things that she loved: manga volumes, cooking books, plush toys and pillows, all the listed items for a typical ‘cute’ person. Jaakuna was dark and grumpy, often brooding in the corner silently or cussing out something or someone. Years ago, Jaakuna would have been someone she would avoid in the hallways - but beyond that edgy shell was a genuinely sweet and caring person. Jaakuna was caring, very caring, perhaps cared too much about his close friends. Deep down he had a big heart, but like many typical boys, he struggled to verbalise those feelings, and thus ended up getting angry. Jizuko and him shared a connection with that, both cared a lot for friends and family, and yet both felt as though they could only be heard by yelling their opinions. Their bond was what Jizuko would call special - Jaakuna had let his walls down a few times, letting her see him at his most vulnerable. She felt flattered he trusted her enough, and in turn she never told a soul what he would share with her - what he told her would stay with her till the day she died, Jaakuna had made her promise that. “Mngh..” Jaakuna all of a sudden looked..she couldn’t put her finger on it. He hugged the plushie to his chest, peering away from Jizuko. “Uh..it’s kinda complicated..” he started “Yeah, a life crisis usually is” Jizuko reasoned Jaakuna’s cheeks flushed a light pink, Jizuko quirked a brow but didn’t comment on it, not yet at least. Finally Jaakuna sat up, toy still held to him. He rubbed at his neck with one hand “I’m..kinda struggling with this one, more then the others I’ve had” “Well, are you gonna bitch about it or not?” Jaakuna gave her a look “Whaaat! It’s your fault for getting me all curious! And why come here in the first place?” Jaakuna opened his mouth to speak, but growled in frustration and then shuffled the other way, crossing his arms over his chest. Jizuko shimmied down the bed on her knees until she was sitting besides him, and then waited for him to start. “..So Uh, you remember how last week I mentioned I got invited to Yurei’s birthday?” A bit random, but she nodded “Yeah..” She pointed a finger to her forehead, where a small grey horn sprouted out next to her bangs “Guy with the horn?” Jaakuna nodded and Jizuko lowered her hand “Why? Did something happen??” She paused, before her eyebrows scrunched like gathering thunder heads, checks puffed out with a clear scowl on her face “Do you want me to punch him for you?” “Wha- No!” Jaakuna waved his hand and shook his head wildly, caught off guard at her sudden declaration of violence though not surprised, tiny people where a force to be reckoned with. “Uh, anyway: I went to the party and Uhm, well..I-it was me, Yūrei and a few others..” Jaakuna tucked his legs up to him, leaning back against the wall as he still refused to look at her. “And maybe like, an..hour or so into the party we-Uhm-“ jaakuna gulped, Jizuko watching the movement of his Adam’s apple before looking back to his face Jaakuna’s face and tips of his ears where flushed red, as he looked like he was trying to hide behind her plushie. Jaakuna groaned when he caught Jizuko’s confused gaze on him, and then muttered something under his breath “Uh..What was that?” Jizuko asked. Jaakuna groaned louder before repeating, in the same mumbly dribble “I can’t hear you” Jizuko said after shaking her head, having heard what it was Jaakuna had said just as clearly as the first time. Jaakuna snorted through his nose, pulling his head out from the toy he was practically burying his face in “Ugh! I said we...w-we got round to playing Uh, truth or dare” “..Okay well, that’s not unusual” Jizuko said with a shrug “And I Uh- May have, Uh..I-I got dared to..t-to Uh..” The more he spoke the redder his face became, and he seemed to become more fidgety and nervous, looking like a skittish animal that would flee at any second. Jaakuna cleared his throat, praying his embarrassment wasn’t as obvious as it felt “..I-I got dared to..to kiss...Yu...rei...” For a whole minute Jizuko didn’t emote, the words processing - she let them digest, sink in - and when they did, she gasped “You kissed Yūrei?!” “NO!” Jaakuna snapped at her like a mad dog Silence “....M-Maybe..” he repeated in a whisper, as though admitting it was some crime. “..On the lips or?” Jizuko elbowed him playfully with a wink, and Jaakuna bristled, leaning away “T-That ain’t important! Ya little pervert!” Jizuko cackled her usual crazy giggle, covering her mouth with a hand, clearly finding amusement in her best friends embarrassing story. When she was done laughing at him Jaakuna continued “Anyway...Ever since then I’ve been, feeling...like-weird...it’s not a-“ Jaakuna seemed to be struggling to grasp the right words, and yet Jizuko had an expression that said she already had it figured out “It’s not a BAD weird- well, sometimes it is? Like, some days it’s bad others it’s like..not as bad??” He began to gesture as he spoke, going off on a tangent, almost forgetting entirely Jizuko was there “And it’s been bugging me for the whole week, and it’s so fucking embarrassing and, like!..You know what I mean??” Jizuko hummed with a slow nod “Oh I know exactly what you mean” she said matter of factly Jaakuna didn’t like her tone of voice, or how she was looking at him as though she pitied his own obliviousness. “Well- what is it then wise guy?” He challenged boldly, leaning back and raising a brow. Jizuko held her hands together as though she was praying, and inhaled, before she dipped them “Jaakuna, you’re gay” “WHAT?!” If Jaakuna hadn’t been sitting with his back to her wall he would have for sure tumbled off the bed with how hard he jolted, bristling like a raged cat as he bared his teeth like some aggressive animal. “I AINT- what for- F-For that?? That- THAT SMUG LORD?!” He barked a loud laugh, and rolled his eyes “I ain’t bloody gay” Jizuko remained calm as ever “And yet I don’t recall you ever having a crush on a girl before” she said, raising a brow in thought. Jaakuna slowly turned to her, eye twitching, Jizuko failed to cower “And you always spend a lot of time with Yūrei, he even sits with you to eat lunch! That’s only a specialty reserved for very close people” “That doesn’t prove anything!” “Oh yeah?” Jizuko asked, not believing him “Name one girl you’d like to date” “Wha-“ Jaakuna gagged “Ew! Gross! You girls are disgusting..no offence” he added the last part with a small frown. Jizuko hummed again, and Jaakuna felt nervous, feeling like a corned animal while she was some predator, contradicting with how Jaakuna looked to be the more intimidating one of the two. “Come on! Admit it! You like him!” “I don’t.” Jaakuna gritted his teeth “I don’t..like like him” he clarified, cheeks going redder “Fine” Jizuko leaned back, relaxed, and crossed her arms, a shifty smug grin on her face “...Name a girl you’d wanna fu-“ “Name a girl you’d wanna date” she repeated, holding up a finger “Name ONE girl - and I’ll believe you don’t like him” Jaakuna snorted “Hmph. Okay, FINE. I will” he held his nose high, as if to look down on her. Jaakuna sat back, and opened his mouth...before closing it, and licking his lips, mouth suddenly dry. “Uh..” Jizuko’s brow rose further, watching his flustered suffering as Jaakuna struggled to think of an answer “I-Uh-...uhm, R-Runa, I guess?” “You guess?” Jizuko tilted her head “Or you know?” “W-Well-“ Jaakuna made a gesture with his hands, looking more lost then before, Jizuko’s staring wasn’t helping him “I mean- she’s cool! T-Theres nothing wrong with Runa! She’s got..uhm, she’s..” Jaakuna trailed off, looking to be struggling “...Got nice eyes??” He said, sounding just as confident as Jizuko expected him too “Mhm, yeah, red eyes right?” She asked, tilting her head and leaning closer. “Not quite like the red eyes of your classmate who’s seem to brighten whenever they land on you” Jizuko said coyly. Jaakuna shot her a sharp warning glare, Jizuko dared on “Mhm, yes sir you’d love yourself a tiny little goth girl. With nice skinny hips and arms. Arms that aren’t strong enough to lift you off the ground ever so slightly when you hug. With no nice flat chest to rest your head against, no no. And no smugly charming smooth voice chuckling ‘JayJay’ to you in greeting..” Jaakuna gulped, mouth suddenly dry, face as hot as the sun as he became lost in his mind...Jizuko had possibly the most obnoxiously smug grin on her face that it could put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Jaakuan’s cheeks flushed a deeper red so quickly he saw tiny white dots “I-I..” his throat was dry “...I don’t get what you’re implying” he muttered “Yeah, that blush on your face doesn’t say anything~” ‘Shit!..’ “Jaakuna, it’s okay..” Jizuko’s tone took a turn as she patted his shoulder soothingly, the smugness gone from her face entirely “You know your friends and myself will support you!” She chuckled lightly “Sides, I’m in the same boat as you..” Jizuko pulled her legs up to her chest, pressing a pink cheek into her knee “Crushing on your best friend and being too chicken to tell, sucks doesn’t it?” With a small smile she peered back up to Jaakuna, who’s scowl has lifted a little “What I’m saying is that I think you’ll be happy with Yūrei and you can make him happy. You guys are practically a duo! Hell, for the longest time I thought you two where already together” Jaakuna has fallen quite, half lidded eyes boring into the floor with an intense look to them, hands clutching at the pink blankets on Jizuko’s bed. “I’m. Not. Gay.” He growled, shoulders shaking “Not for him. Not for anyone! I like girls. Period.” Jizuko gave her best friend a flat look and rose a brow, mulling over what to do “...Okay then” Jizuko unfolded her legs to hang off one end of the bed and all of a sudden stood up “I’ll just go ask Yūrei on date~” “Wot?!” Jaakuna practically exploded from the bed, jumping across the room to splat himself against the door, blocking Jizuko’s only means of exit. Jizuko rose her brow, smirking “What’s the issue? Yurei’s a cute guy, and if you’re not taking him..” she waggled her brows and Jaakuna bristled, squawking like a turkey “I-you- Dont you dare!” He barked “You’re doing this on purpose!” “Doing what?” Jizuko asked, tilting her head “You’ve said you’re not gay so there’s no issue! I’ll just go and ask Yūrei on a date” Jizuko took no less then a step forward before Jaakuna tried to push himself further back against the door “Fuck off” “I don’t see why you’re being so dramatic: you’ve said you’re not gay, and that’s fine!” A smug smile pulled at her lips and Jaakuna growled, spreading his arms further over the door as if to hide it was even there. Jizuko peered skyward and then slowly rolled her eyes back towards Jaakuna “Unless of course..you have a problem with me asking him out” Jaakuna’s lips pulled back into a grimace, baring his teeth like an angry dog. Jizuko was unfazed as she turned to idly walk about her room “I mean, have you seen him?? That body?” She questioned “Damn, he’s really bulked up since the start of the year huh? Not that you would know” Jizuko shrugged “Of course, I’m sure all his fans know. I bet Yūrei gets tones of love letters! You know?” Jaakuna dragged his nails along the door, something in his gut twisting - where was she going with this??.. “Mhm, I bet he’s a good kisser. He looks like the type of be good at kissing - you know? The typical jock hot guy that’s all good with romance stuff? He fits the bill!” She turned to peer at Jaakuna over her shoulder, making sure their was enough distance between the two. Jaakuna’s eye twitched, the way she was talking about Yūrei was starting to really tick him off. He tried to brush it off and act indifferent to what she was saying, but that was becoming increasingly hard. His body was tense, his breaths deep as he tried to keep the wildfire in him at bay ‘She’s starting to get real annoying. If she says ONE more thing about Yūrei..’ “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already..had thoughts about him” Jizuko turned around once more, and was met with Jaakuna’s chest. She peered up, where Jaakuna was glaring down at her coldly. It was like staring death itself in the face, what she was expecting. “Listen here you pintsize twat” Jaakuna growled, voice like venom “You say one more thing about Yūrei I’m going to drag your ass six feet under!” Jizuko hummed, calm in the face of danger. A passive look on her face “Well it’s a good thing he’s not my type” The change in expression was so drastic on Jaakuna’s face it would have given anyone whiplash with how quickly his glare fell “...But- You practically just said you like him!” “And that, my naive friend, was a lie” “...A lie?” Jaakuna repeated, blinking “Duh” Jizuko said with an eye roll as though it was obvious “Yurei’s too full of himself for me. It was all fake, just talk.” Jaakuna worked his jaw, numbly pointing to Jizuko “S-So...so everything you just said was too-“ “Get you angry so you’d finally realize YOU have a crush on Yūrei? Yes” Jizuko finished Jaakuna sucked in a breath, flinching back a little. Jaakuna liked girls. He loved girls! There was plenty to like about the girls in the hero courses: Furora was smart and clever, yet fair and pretty. Runa was quite and brooding like him, with a cool quirk he genuinely admired! Furu was tough and caring, her witt as smart as her combat skills. Jizuko was hard headed yet kind, she was sweet, she let him open up about things he wouldn’t to anyone else. Above all the other girls, Jizuko had his respect. Liking girls should be easy, yet he felt a knot in his stomach, something clenching in his gut...like a weight holding him back. His stupid, stupid traitorous mind flashing with images of soft, curly hair that smelt of too much hairspray. Beautiful ruby eyes. A kind smile, bright enough to rival that of the sun. And a voice, as smooth as honey and as joyful as new lambs in spring calling out ‘Jaakuna!’ Yūrei “...Jaakuna?” Jizuko’s voice was gentle. She stepped closer to reach out for his hand, giving it a careful squeeze God dam it. God fucking damn it. What was wrong with him?? He grit his teeth, wanting the floor to swallow him. His cheeks became warm as, to his shame, hot tears began to blur his vision. He wanted to snarl at her, to curse Jizuko to hell and back, to trap away these stupids thoughts and feelings...but deep down, Jaakuna knew she was right. She had found the chip in his armour, she’d seen right through it, and unraveled the deep, very real truth. “Jaakuna nothing is wrong with you” Jizuko stepped closer and gently grasped his other hand. “Everything is gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay, I promise” Jizuko’s eyes shined with kind, comforting light. Jaakuna shyly met her gaze, his tears swelling when she gave him a soft smile...something fell from his eye. A tear, followed by many more - the internal battle surfacing “..I am Jizuko..” “Oh Jaakuna” Jizuko was on him in an instant, tugging her taller friend into a warm hug, nestling his head in her shoulder as she rubbed her arm on his back. Jaakuna’s grasped at her desperately, ashamed to be crying, ashamed Jizuko was seeing him like this, ashamed she’d been right. Ashamed he.. “I like Yūrei..” he whimpered, the rest of his sentence ending in weeps and sobs, as he let himself cry.
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