#i knew he wasn't going to die. i didn't even expect him to get too badly hurt.
merp-blerp · 3 days
TW: Discussion of sexual assault and suicidal ideation
I've been seeing some debate about Calypso and whether or not she sexually assaulted Odysseus and I want to throw in my two cents.
I'll say straight out of the gate that I don't currently like her much. I feel pretty icky about her personally.
Comparing Ody's behavior in Epic prior to "Love in Paradise" vs during the song feels so... clearly different. He seems very traumatized by whatever has been happening on that isle. It almost feels out of character for him to consider dying instead of fighting to get home alive like he had been, but putting myself in his shoes I can see how he came to that through what's textually known. He has been trapped on that isle for 7 years—that's nearly a decade, with no way to get out, everyone he knows and loves dead or far away with no way to know where he is or if he's alive. While I obviously would never think that's a good decision, I can see how he got to the point of wanting to end it. And if he's been sexually assaulted like he was in The Odyssey, I understand it more due to how that can warp a person's mental health.
I've seen some say, "Calypso is just a sweetie who doesn't know how to love properly" (paraphrasing of an actual comment I've seen). Even if she really just doesn't know how to care for a mortal, as many of the gods seemingly don't, I think she understands her power over mortals with her "Bow down now to the immortal Calypso" comment. She also understands that Odysseus doesn't want her, with the first part of her response to Ody's threats being "Oh handsome, you may try". She knows that he may try to escape by killing her (even though she can't die). Honestly, why would she feel the need to trap him if she didn't know good and well that he would want to escape her? She knew what she was doing was something that would make him want to run. Calypso being a goddess automatically gives their dynamic a power imbalance of course. Even though the assault is only implied, the fact that she's trapping Ody against his will, super infatuated by him, and still says "Soon, into bed we'll climb and spend our time", makes me feel like the indication is clear. What's stopping her from trying to have "sex" with him (sex isn't sex without consent)? She's already ignored all his declines. She seems to think that forcing her "love" onto him will make him love her. Yes, she uses lovey-dovey language so I doubt it would've appeared violent, but sexual assault doesn't have to look violent and the perpetrator doesn't have to appear aggressive. It's telling that I've seen some say, "Save that energy for Antinous" because Antinous is much more obviously bad, but this kind of thing isn't always obvious. That kind of assault is still extremely traumatizing whether it's sugarcoated as if it's love or not. It's dismaying that some reactions to Calypso bypass her potential assaulting or "She's weird, but she seems to care for him!" And since the sexual part of the assault is technically subtext (for now, who knows about later), I'll say that even if Calypso didn't sexually harm him, she still forces physical and verbal intimacy onto him and traps him so he can't leave. We see that. That's still assault. The only reason why I don't feel similarly about Epic's version of Circe is that her intent wasn't to have sex with Ody but to distract and throw him off with talk of sex so she could stab him as he's vulnerable; Circe never wanted to have sex with Ody in actuality. Calypso's intent was romantic intimacy and she didn't care if Odysseus said no, she completely bypassed it. Calypso saying "You're mine, all mine" feels as threatening as Circe's "I've got you" was meant to be.
Anything can change between now and the next two sagas. It could either be fully confirmed or denied that sexual assault took place. I actually don't expect either, as I don't think Jay would go too deep into such a traumatic concept in Epic, but then again I also didn't expect suicidal ideation to be brought up at all and it absolutely shocked me when it was, so I could be wrong. But whether it's confirmed or not, I don't blame any Epic fans who don't like Calypso or even hate her over what she did and what it's implied she did. It's icky watching some fans tell others they shouldn't hate Calypso because of this or that as if this isn't a sensitive and complex topic. It's creepy. I don't think we should tell people not to hate a character associated with sexual assault. The sexual assault might be subtext, but subtext is important and sometimes is implemented intentionally. Not every part of a story is going to be given to you at face value. Just because "Epic didn't say that" doesn't mean that the implication doesn't matter. People interact with stories in different ways, so you can disagree with others—no one can take that from you, but you don't get to tell someone they can't feel a certain way about a character. I don't like saying this because I really shouldn't have to put it in this perspective for it to be understood, but I can't help but feel like if Calypso and Ody's genders were swapped some people would treat this implication differently. Sexually or not she hurts him.
Normally I don't like taking lore from The Odyssey and automatically applying it to Epic, as Epic has changed a lot of rules from The Odyssey because Jay wants to tell this story his own story. For example, I personally choose not to assume Eury and Ody are brothers-in-law in Epic like they are in The Odyssey because that hasn't been stated in Epic so far. But to me, the implications of Ody's sexual assault are there enough for me personally to think that it might take place in both stories. Jay seems to want Epic to be accessible to many people, so it doesn't surprise me that this element of The Odyssey was brought up in a more subtextual/"hinted at" way.
Calypso is a very interesting character, maybe the most out of all the Epic antagonists so far for me, but we don't have to think of her as not doing anything wrong in order to enjoy that character, her songs, her cute physical character design, or Barbara Wangui's beautiful voice.
[The remainder of this post contains potential spoilers for the unreleased (to date) Vengeance Saga under the cut]
Another defense of Calypso I've seen is that in the snippets for "I'm Not Sorry for Loving You", Ody says he loves Calypso, but not in the way she wants him to. This could mean they're friends and therefore doubt about the sexual assault could be cast.
It's hard to assess this because the saga's not out yet, but it's worth remembering that abuse can come out of care, in a complicated way. You can care for someone so much you end up hurting them, usually out of wanting to control them. Calypso seems to fit that concept. And most Epic snippets don't give full context, naturally, so who knows why Ody says this at the moment. Maybe he means it, or maybe he's bluffing to guarantee he'll get what he wants (which is to be set free in this instance), like when meeting Athena, or to appease a god, like when "apologizing" to Poseidon in "Ruthlessness". And of course, victims don't have to hate their perpetrators if they choose not to. Odysseus can care about Calypso and she can still have hurt him really badly. Both of these things can be true.
The way I read it, Calypso doesn't love Odysseus like she thinks she does. She's infatuated by him and cares for him enough to not be obviously cold like all the other obstacles Ody faced initially are. She declares that she loves him as soon as he wakes up on her isle without knowing him at all. She didn't even know his name. The washed-up person on her isle could've been anyone and she likely would've "loved" them. Calypso only loves Ody because he stops her loneliness, not for who he is. When she begins to state that she loves him she doesn't even know him. Over the 7 years, she seems to have potentially gotten to know him a bit, saying "I know your life's been hard", but Odysseus himself asserts that she doesn't really know what he's been through. You can call someone (against their will, let me remind you) "my dear, my love for life" all you want, but that doesn't mean you love them. Ody's her first companion in years if not ever, of course she cares for him on a basic level. She won't kill him or let him jump off a cliff. But she doesn't love him or treat him like a human and obey his boundaries and wants. She treats him like an object or pet she owns and has to guard.
In "I'm Not Sorry For Loving You" Calypso says that Ody is all she's ever known because she was abandoned. It's understandable that she would latch onto a living creature after being alone for so long. But that's not necessarily love, at least not to me. If I love someone I wouldn't bypass their refusal to do something. And I wouldn't trap them with me and not let them go, even when they're about to jump off a cliff because they see no way out. I'm not sure if Calypso means to bring malice, she at least says she "bring(s) no pain", but she does regardless or if she intends to. Calypso hasn't had anyone in her company, let alone someone to love, for so long, maybe in her whole life. That's why she doesn't know what love is, so of course when she catches fickle feelings for Odysseus she assumes that's love and has no clue what to do with her "love", as she admits in "I'm Not Sorry For Loving You". Calypso's actions are understandable, but that doesn't mean they're excusable or not abusive. What she does to him is understandable, but selfish and only serves herself, which isn't what you do to someone you love. Note that the way I use understandable here does not equate to forgivable, it just means conceivable. And her apology to him really waters down the magnitude of her actions, saying she "pushed" him, "came on too strong", and that her love might've been "too much" for Ody.
I apologize for this being such a long rant, but I wanted to cover all the excuses for Calypso I'd seen and speak my mind on why I think they're misguided at best.
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daz4i · 1 year
me last month seeing the elevator falling and the implication dazai might die: lol. lmao even
me this month seeing him drag his bloody broken feet until he can’t move anymore and telling fyodor he’s tired of being in pain and asking for a break from it etc:
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writersblockedx · 4 months
A Rekindled Kind of Love
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Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Summary - Spencer and Y/n hadn't talked since the Summer before college and then he sees her name as the only survivor in their latest serial killer case. Warning - violence, drinking Words - 3.6K
A/n - It's be a while! I've had a surge of inspiration lately since becoming a little obsessed with character ai lol and thought to write this one into a little one-shot.
Spencer was lying if he ever called any day at the BAU normal. Between serial killers, sadists, and everything else in between, the boy had a blurred definition of normal. So, he expected anything - or so he thought. When he entered the meeting room that morning, he hadn't expected the name of Y/N Y/L/N to pop up.
"We've got three victims and, weirdly, one survivor." Garcia started to explain, clicking through the victim's dead bodies, the woman squirming at just a glance of the photos. "Whoever this sicko is, he's going after journalists. His latest victim, Y/n Y/l/n, was actually able to get away before he had a chance to kill her."
Spencer stopped. His gaze snapped up as Garcia clicked once more and he caught sight of the girl he once knew. Only now was she older, and her expression was stern. The unsub had left her features tainted, early bruises and several cuts littering over her. "She's pretty distraught says doctors, but she's alive and well."
He couldn't stop staring at her, memories of high school, of that last summer, of their blissfully ignorant friendship fueling his feelings. This was not normal. None of what he felt was normal - not for him away. "He stabs them?" Emily observed, all of the team had yet to clock onto the haze Spencer had suddenly found himself in.
Garcia hummed, "Yep, as many times as it takes before they...you know...die."
"He's aggressive, he's got no remorse for these victims," JJ spoke, glancing between her file at the screen in front of her.
"Not only are they all journalists, but they're female journalists too." Rossi added. "There's got to be some reason for that too."
Hotch nodded, "Either way, we should take Y/n into our care. She's the first to get away, I doubt he's happy about that-"
The shaggy-haired boy couldn't seem to take it. The way Y/n had gotten herself mixed in like she was any other victim, like she wasn't once the most important person in Spencer's life. "Excuse me," The boy stood abruptly, not giving any reasoning to the team before he practically ran out, gasping for breath.
The team were left with nothing. Their expressions moulding into ones of confusion, and puzzlement, "What's up with him?" Morgan was the first to question. But it was only met with the same uncertain expressions and a shrug from Hotch.
Morgan took it upon himself to stand, following Spencer out into the adjacent hallway where Spencer was panic pacing. A hand swooped through his hair as his thoughts raced. "Hey, kid, slow down," Morgan soothed. He hadn't realised the arrival of Derek until he spoke. Spencer turned, swallowing the lump which had since grown in his throat. "The hells going on with you?"
He took a breath. He evened his lungs and took a moment before confiding, "I- erm- I know her, Y/n Y/l/n, the survivor." He explained and that was enough for Morgan to understand. "Well, I suppose I knew her, we lost contact when we went to college, but we had been friends."
Morgan gazed back into the meeting room, "Reid, it's okay. She's okay, you know? She survived."
His head shook, "It doesn't matter. You heard Hotch, she's still a target." She wasn't safe and that fact was only nagging at Spencer.
"Alright, alright, how about I talk to Hotch? We'll go to the hospital, you make sure she's okay yourself?" Reid had barely agreed before Morgan walked back into that meeting room.
Of course, he wanted to make sure she was okay. But that also meant seeing her, after all these years. Spencer didn't know what had changed - if anything had. And he didn't know which option was scarier. Either way, he soon found himself at the hospital, waiting at the reception desk as a doctor went to find her.
His feet were tapping, his nerves obvious to Morgan. "Reid, calm down, she's gonna be alright," He said, but no words from Morgan or a doctor was going to help. He needed to see her.
"It's not just that I'm worried about." What if everything had changed? What if nothing had? What if-
He turned and found his eyes on her. She still had that same look. That same smile, the same soft gaze, the same ease about her that Spencer craved. But this was the very moment he feared.
She wandered up to him, quickening her pace as much as she was able to considering her state. "Spencer," She said his name like a sigh of relief. Before he realised it, her arms were wrapped around his neck, melting into his touch as if no time had passed.
"Hi," He breathed into her ear; she was safe. The hug didn't last long enough. How could it? They had 12 years of missed hugs.
"I can't believe you're here, the doctor said a profiler and then said it was Doctor Reid and I-" She trailed on, "I don't know why I was so surprised. Of course, you made it big."
Spencer shrugged, "I wouldn't call this big." The boy became sheepish, almost flushed and Derek Morgan had certainly taken notice. "I'm sorry I stopped calling and I should have-"
"Oh, Spence, save it," She chuckled lightly, "I could have picked up that phone just as well as you had. I just wish we could have met under different circumstances."
He nodded, "Yeah, well about that," Spencer turned to bring Derek into the conversation, "This is Agent Morgan, he's erm gonna help."
Morgan sent his usual cheeky smirk as he did with any pretty lady, "It's good to meet you, sweetheart. Glad to hear you're feeling better too."
Spencer hadn't expected anything less from the man. "Look, I don't know if the doctor explained it to you, but we're under the belief that this unsub may still be targeting you."
"Unsub?" She reiterated.
"The killer that went after you." Morgan answered, "Unknown subject, unsub for short."
"We erm- we have to take you in, make sure you're safe kind of thing," Spencer explained, fidgeting with his fingers as she glanced between them and the girl in front of her.
Her pupils grew worrisome, "You think I'm still in danger?"
Spencer hated that word. Even the thought of Y/n in danger made his spine shiver. "You're the first to get away, we erm- we don't think he'll be very happy about it. He could lash out, many unsubs, new unsubs especially, a victim getting away could be like a double stressor, he could be on a rampage, he could be doing nothing but think about getting to you." He realised he was rambling and his words were only worrying the girl more, "Sorry, I just, I want to make sure you're safe."
But Y/n understood, "It's alright, Spence. I'll go grab my things."
With that, a rush filled the girl as she turned her back on the two agents, wandering back into the hospital room she had come from. Spencer's eyes hadn't left from where her figure was once standing. This was personal for him - even if he hadn't seen the girl for years now. "She's not just someone from high school, is she?" Morgan realised as he observed Spencer.
He turned to him as if he had just left the trail of thoughts in his mind, "Hm?" He turned back to look at Morgan.
His response had only made Morgan smile, "Y/n, she seems more to you than that."
"It was..." The boy thought back to it, to that Summer, he didn't know how else to describe it, what they had, her. "Complicated."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
12 Years Prior, Las Vegas
Y/n always had something Spener didn't: Popularity. Well, in a way. Spencer was cast away from many of his peers. A social reject. While, Y/n was a social butterfly of sorts. She took to a crowd with ease. The type of girl that could make friends with anyone.
The boy had certainly hit the jackpot when he was assigned to tutor her. Over the course of several sessions, they had bonded over literature, future college plans and, surprisingly, Y/n's distaste to certain 'jocks' - as the social hierarchy liked to describe them as.
She was the only reason Spencer turned up to the end of year house party. Crowds weren't his thing, drinking neither. But she...she was worth it.
"Spencer!" The girl gleamed as he wandered into the house. 
He didn't belong at all. His shoulders were stiff, his glasses at the edge of his nose. But, despite such, Y/n still took him into a longing hug. "H- Hi." He greeted, his eyes flickering all over the place. From the demolished kitchen to the living room where drunken teens were dancing on top of couches and coffee tables.
Her brow raised, "Come on, we'll get you a drink." Her hand slipped into his, bringing the boy back to his attention: her. "You do drink right?" She checked as she guided him towards said demolished kitchen.
"Erm, not a heavy drinker but, sure I can have one."
"You sure?" She spoke ever so softly, "You know you don't have to."
"Just one." He offered her a smile.
She grasped a few bottles: vodka, rum, tequila. "Pick your poison."
Spencer had simply shrugged, a chuckle at the tip of his tongue, "I'll have whatever you're having."
"Rum it is!"
She poured the two the same drink - almost half liquor, half mixer. Spencer coughed when he swallowed, causing the girl to giggle, "Too much?"
But Spencer simply shook his head, "Just perfect," He almost joked as he leaned onto the kitchen counter next to the girl, "I almost didn't come," He admitted.
"I don't blame you," He gazed down at her answer, his expression urging her to add some context. "Ashley James puked up after two drinks, Kacy and Liam broke up, now Liam's making out with Polly. It's just...a mess." Her eyes rolled. "But then again, what was I expecting?"
Spencer smiled at her. She was good at knowing like everything. While he was filled with facts and statistics, Y/n knew everything about everyone. Within one look, she knew your secrets. Maybe that's why she was so good with people. "We can go somewhere else if you want?" He suggested.
His question brought along an idea for the girl. With her free hand, she took Spencer's and led him out into the back garden. Whoever lived here was almost rich. Well, rich enough for a pool and a pretty big outdoor area. "Come on," Y/n urged him as she pulled the boy towards the edge of the pool.
She slipped her shoes off, sitting down and letting her legs dangle into the fresh water. Spencer watched her for a moment before joining her, the two sipping on their drinks. "Better?" She asked him.
He nodded, "Much."
"At least we've got Summer now, no more being forced to see them assholes." She joked.
Spencer's brows narrowed in thought, "You mean the assholes that you were friends with until you met me?"
"Well you got me there, Spence." She shrugged, "Social survival, that's what I call it. It's not as if there won't be similar people in college. I mean, fucking sororities, semi-pro football leagues, frats?"
"I'm sure you'll fit in amazingly at Princeton." His smile seemed to falter at his own words.
She gazed at the boy who seemed captivated by the slowly swaying water below them, "We'll still call you know, text, just cause we're in different places, doesn't mean anything, Spencer." Y/n attempted to comfort him.
"That's what everyone says but, I don't know." He shook his head, ignoring a thought.
But she noticed it; she noticed everything, "But what?"
He huffed and stared over at her, his eyes pooling in admiration. "You're one of the best things to have happened to me in a long time you know," He offered her a smile, "I couldn't even imagine losing you."
The girl bit her lip. Something was on her mind and Spencer had noticed. He too noticed everything about her. But he didn't ask. Partly, because he didn't have the chance to. Her eyes flickered to his lips. Then to his eyes. And before Spencer could realise, she had leant in, her lips at his. Without even realising, she had changed everything for the boy.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Spencer accompanied the woman towards a private, interview room. He would offer support and comfort but at the same time, he had a job to do. A part of that was questioning. She was the only person to know this unsub. As difficult as it would be for her, he would have to ask them questions.
"Hey," Emily spoke as he entered the room, two coffees in hand: one for Spencer and one for Y/n. "Coffee orders are here," She smiled as she placed them at the table between the two. "I'm Emily, Reid says you're an old friend."
Her eyes flickered to the man before she shook Emily's hand, "Something like that yeah."
"Well, we're here if you need anything, alright?" She said, "You're in good hands here, especially with our Doctor Reid."
With that, Emily left to join the rest of the team who were busy compiling a profile. Which left her and Spencer. This was the part he wasn't looking forward to. "I've erm, I've got to ask you some questions, it'll help us understand this unsub, help us find him." He explained. When she nodded, the boy continued, "I'm going to ask you to close your eyes, alright? And then I'm just going to go through the night you were attacked. Is that okay?"
She swallowed the lump which had grown in her throat, "Yeah," She muttered.
Y/n followed the instructions and let her eyelids close before Spencer started the exercise, "Okay, just go back to that night. You were on 9th Street, correct?"
"It was getting late, but it was summer, think about the air, was it still warm? What sort of things could hear, anything?"
She thought back to it. Y/n had just finished her work week, she was walking home from the Subway. "There's a group of girls on the other side of the road, they're giggling. Drunk, I assume."
"That's good, that's really good." Spencer praised, "Then when did you realise something was off?"
Her brows furrowed and she thought about it, the pit in her stomach growing, "Someone- someone was yelling. A man. I thought he was like bible bashing so I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying."
"Think." Spencer jumped in, "Listen to him, pick any words, any phrases that stick out to you."
And she did so. Her mind ran through the memory, "Something, something about an agenda, the- the snowflake agenda? It's ruining America it's-" She cut herself off as the memory reached the worst part. "That's when he grabbed me." Her voice quickened, her breaths soon becoming uneven. "He had a knife to my neck- he pulled me to an ally. I- Spencer."
Her hand reached out over the table instinctively, "It's okay," He too had become panicked just seeing her's. "I'm here, it's over, you can open your eyes."
When she finally did, she took one breath. A sigh of relief that she was okay. And then, a single tear dropped from her eyeline. Spencer couldn't take it. He stood and she followed suit, "Come here," He spoke before taking her into a tight hug. "You're safe, I promise." 
She pulled away just slightly but never dared to break touch, "The only reason I got away was because I had pepper spray in my bag," She explained. 
Spencer thought on that and then an idea came to mind. "Come with me," The boy took a hold of her hand, guiding the girl through the bullpen towards the meeting room where the rest of the team had been.
The round table was scattered with files and papers. Garcia typed away at her laptop while the rest were debriefing. At the entrance of the pair, they glanced up. 
Before they could ask any questions, Spencer started rambling, never daring to let go of Y/n's hand. "The unsub was protesting on the street, he's some kind of right-wing enthusiast. He was going on about the left-wing 'agenda', about how it's ruining America." He explained. "Not only that, but Y/n used pepper spray on him."
Like that, they had something, "He would have had to go to the hospital?" JJ thought.
"Or at least bought some kind of medical supplies."
"Yeah, saline wipes or there's a nasal spray that helps the pain." Spencer went on to explain.
From there, Hotch turned to Garcia, "Cross check avid right-wing protesters in the D.C. areas, men with low criminal offences, things like hate crime. Then look at anyone whose been admitted for treatment of pepper spray or has bought any medical supplies to treat it."
Like that, the aggressive typing ensued. The team were all waiting, Y/n still at Spencer's side, anxious for the name of her attacker to be revealed. "I've got it, Tony Jones."
When Hotch stood from his chair, the rest of the team started to follow. "Send us the address, Garcia."
"Already done it, Sir."
Each of the team members stood, one by one walking passed Y/n. That was apart from Garcia who was still glued to her laptop, sending the address to the rest of the team. Spencer was about to turn when Y/n reached for the boy's hand once again. Her eyes filled with nothing but worry. "Do you have to go?"
Her question had made his heart ache. His eyes flickered to Garcia who was already glancing at the two, "I- I probably should but, but Garcia will stay with you." He offered.
Y/n looked back at the extravagant woman who was smiling, "Of course, I've got loads of things I can show you in my office!" She gleamed.
Y/n returned the smile before turning back to Spencer, "You'll be careful, right?"
The boy nodded, "Of course," He replied before taking her in his arms once again. But this time, when he pulled away ever so slightly, it was to place a gentle kiss to her forehead.
And like that, a soft smile, a goodbye, was passed between the two before Spencer turned away to join the rest of the team. She stared out the door of the conference room until Spencer slipped away. From there, she turned, a weak smile given to Garcia as she came to join her at the round table.
The other woman had watched the interaction and, while she wasn't a profiler, she wasn't oblivious to the world of loving. "He really cares about you, doesn't he?" She asked. Though, Garcia already knew the answer.
"I care about him just as much," Even after all this time, a piece of her heart still belonged to Spencer Reid - it always would.
"You're not just an old friend, are you?"
Y/n swallowed, glimmers of that high school Summer filling her brain. "It was, complicated." She described. "We erm, only really had a Summer as..." How could she describe it? "More than friends, I guess. And then we were both shipped off to college. And I mean, we lost contact. As a lot of people do." And 12 years later here she was.
Garcia offered her a smile, "You still love him, don't you?"
The girl giggled but gave a nod, "I don't think I ever stopped."
"Well, if my time with Doctor Reid has taught me anything, the way he is with you, I mean it's like no other." Her hand brushed at her shoulder gently, "I don't think your feeling is one-sided."
That would stick in her head for the next hour. While Spencer and the rest of the team were arresting Tony Jones, Garcia was giving the girl a tour of her office. Everything wonderful and weird. And while she tried her best to pay attention, her mind kept being dragged over to Spencer. If he was safe, if he was coming back...if, once again, everything had changed.
She knew one thing: she would make sure they didn't lose contact this time around.
When the boy finally returned, he practically rushed through the BAU to find her. She was at Garcia's side as they exited her office, "Y/n," He called.
The girl's head snapped to him, her pace quickening as she came to reach him, "Did you?"
He nodded, "He's at the station, don't worry." He assured.
"Oh, good, yeah," She spoke before a sigh fell from her lips. "So, I mean, what happens now? Do I just go home?" The idea of such, while stupid to think so, was almost disappointing. Going home meant she wasn't in Spencer's company any longer. And that wasn't something she wasn't to lose just yet.
But Spencer's reaction was a similar one, "I can walk you home, if you want of course."
Her smile grew, "I'd like that."
"I'll just erm," He gestured to his FBI vest, "I'll only be a second."
And so she watched him leave for barely a minute, coming back in his shirt. He took her hand, led her into the lift and pressed for the ground floor. A moment of silence. A moment of thought. One of which was urgring Y/n on.
She glanced over at the boy, "You know I always think everything happens for a reason." Her nerves suddenly flooded her body as she realised what she was about to admit, "And as much as getting jumped was not fun, I'm glad it brought me back to you, Spencer."
Y/n turned to face him, barely any space between them, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Spence."
With that, Y/n made the leap. She closed that gap, their lips meeting every so soft, ever so longing. Like they had both been waiting for this moment for 12 years. And when they pulled away, her hands cupping his face and his placed at her waist, it was like they were 18 again. "Promise we'll keep in contact now?" He almost joked.
And she chuckled, "Promise."
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kooqitas · 2 months
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#pairing: virgin!dino x reader.
#genre: smut MINORS DNI | #w.c: ~2400
#synopsis: you knew that your entire rivalry with lee chan was solely sexual attraction, but you didn't expect him to invade the bathroom you were in, much less that he was a virgin.
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (m.), loss of virginity, spit. cute ending
#notes: i'm a little drunk (nd horny).... sorry guys
★ m.list | inbox :D join my taglist
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you and lee chan are the fucked up cliché of students in the same course who can't stand each other for always competing with grades.
you've been at college for almost an year and you can't even count how many times you've argued with him, he's simply unbearable, of course, you sometimes tease him too, but none of that would be necessary if he wasn't so unbearable.
but everything changed tonight, mingyu's damn party, and now lee chan is in the bathroom with you, sucking your neck while grabbing your waist.
things just happened, one moment you were dancing on the dance floor and feeling his gaze burning into you every time your skirt lifted an inch, and the next minute, when you decided to go to the bathroom, he went after you, locking the door and trapping the two of you in the damn bathroom on the second floor of mingyu's house
"what the fuck are you doing?" you asked when you saw him lock the door.
"shut the fuck up for at least a second."
and he kissed you.
lee chan, or dino, as he is also called,  was completely possessive in the way he kissed you, it was hard to differentiate anger and desire since they clearly went together. you didn't judge him, dino could be annoying, but he was hot as hell and you knew it, you just didn't expect him to think the same of you.
"you're so fucking hot, what the fuck is wrong with you wearing that mini skirt? everyone seeing your ass on the dance floor, is that what you wanted?"
"you got turned on because of a mini skirt?" you laugh, clearly teasing the man in front of you. "how much of a virgin are you, lee chan?"
that was funny, you liked to say that dino was a virgin and he only teased you so that at least he could get attention from a woman, you knew it was a lie, after all, he was fucking hot, he definitely had the attention of any woman he wanted.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin, we're not in college and i’m sure this shitty situation got you as turned on as i’m."
you laughed again, because it was true, fuck, you wanted to die when you entered mingyu's house and saw dino wearing the black shirt and the silver chain around his neck, it was inhuman how hot he looked.
anyways, the first move was his, he followed you to the bathroom, he kissed you, and he tried to take off your skirt at all costs...
wait... what?
"jesus christ, stop acting like a virgin, my skirt doesn't even need to be taken off, lee chan!" you grumbled at him.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin..." he said, a little more irritated and nervous than usual.
"god, why do you get so offended by that… do you know there's no problem you're a virgin, right?" you keep teasing.
he huffed, dropping his hand from her hip in an instant.
"shit, stop it."
dino's reaction was strange. you were used to teasing each other with much worse things than simply calling each other a virgin. why was he so offended by a simple word? that wouldn't even make sense.
"wait, are you really a virgin?" you asked, trying to understand the situation.
he didn't answer you, he just started to adjust his clothes, getting ready to leave the bathroom, visibly upset with the whole situation.
"wait. lee chan, are you REALLY a virgin?" you questioned, visibly surprised.
"please, don't tell anyone about it, it's so fucking embarrassing."
"what? no! i'm not gonna tell, i just... i'm just in shock... wait, why the hell are you leaving?" you questioned when he unlocked the door.
"shouldn't i go?"
"hm?" you asked. 
"i'm a virgin..."
"yes, that was the big discovery of the night... and?"
dino looked at you visibly confused, trying to understand why you were stopping him from leaving in that situation.
damn, it was clear that you fought for the most idiotic reasons in the world, that academic rivalry was capable of making you kill each other one day, but lee chan was hot as hell, and you would never miss a night of sex with him JUST because he's a virgin... that's easily solved.
"y-you don't want me to go?"
you approached him, a little irritated, almost like when he bragged about a higher grade than yours.
"you broke into the fucking bathroom, kissed me, i’m completely wet, fuck your damn virginity, lee chan, we're gonna fuck”.
the next few minutes were marked by a wide-eyed dino and you dragging him out of mingyu's house. you ordered an uber straight to your house and thanked god for living in the neighborhood. in less than five minutes, you were in your apartment.
dino sat on your couch, observing every detail of the decor while you were in the kitchen getting him a water. when you arrived, handing him the glass of water, he had enough time to drink it for you to take off your skirt, leaving your white panties with a wet stain on display for him, who gasped when he saw you. he seemed to freeze, and everything got worse when your shirt also fell to the floor and he realized that you weren't wearing a bra.
"you're a virgin but you're definitely not an idiot, take off that shirt and your pants, damn it!" you grumbled, making him take off his clothes immediately, still looking at you. and you couldn't help but notice that the red underwear he was wearing also had a stain, and that turned you on even more.
you climbed onto his lap, attacking him as if he were prey, taking control of the kiss and watching him melt with every inch of your body that he discovered with his fingertips.
you felt him whimper inside you as you slowly rolled on his hard cock, and the sensation made you even wetter. it was clear that he didn't really know what to do, but all the tension in the room was completely exciting.
you felt him move his kisses down to your neck, shy but still possessive, biting and sucking there in a way that would certainly leave marks.
you took one of his hands and placed it on your chest, making him moan...
"you can touch it however you want... with your hands or with your mou-”
and the next second, dino's mouth was on your nipple, in a somewhat desperate way while his tongue swirled around your nipple, his hips crashing against yours and his other hand playing with your free breast in a violent way.
he was a little rough, maybe because of his lack of experience, maybe because of the horniness he felt at the moment, but that wasn't bad, you wanted to be hurt by him.
"for someone who's a virgin, you don't seem nervous!"
"shut up." he said with his mouth still on your nipple. "you don't have to remind me all the time that i'm a virgin."
"but that's what you are... a poor virgin." you teased, laughing when he got angry.
"don't get on my nerves now, damn it, i can't control myself anymore if you keep annoying me..."
"what are you gonna do? you're the virgin here, lee chan. you're the one who needs me if you want your dick to touch some pussy."
he gave a sort of grunt before squeezing your neck. you laughed a little, he was gripping you the wrong way, so you just repositioned his thumb.
"squeeze with your fingers, not with your hand!"
he nodded, squeezing a little harder as he went back to kissing your lips in a voracious way.
the excitement in your body made you grind again, and you could feel his dick getting harder and harder… you patted his hand twice and he let go of your neck at the same time.
"is everything okay? did i hurt you? did i do something wrong?" he asked when you got off his lap.
you didn't answer.
you just knelt in front of him.
"what are you gonna d- OH” he moaned when you touched the tip of your finger to his underwear.
the wet spot was bigger. and the moan he gave was enough to make you lose your sanity.
you distributed little kisses on the wet fabric, making dino moan and hold your hair while lifting his hips seeking more contact. and it was relieving when you actually pulled his underwear down, releasing his fat cock from the fabric.
his cock was hot, not big enough to hurt, but enough to fill you up completely, the swollen head and the bulging veins made you salivate
but he could barely breathe, the next second you were with your mouth on him, putting his whole fat cock in your mouth to suck as if you needed it to survive. the 'ploc' when you removed it for the first time could easily be heard from another room along with his moans, but damn, it was delicious.
lee chan saw stars when your nose touched his pelvis, a sensation he had never felt in his life, your throat vibrating on his thick cock.
and you continued, sucking every inch of his cock and letting your own saliva run down your mouth as you heard him scream that he was going to cum. it was a little early, of course, but you understood that it was his first time and he was sensitive to the new touch.
but you didn't want that.
not now.
"why why why" he questioned when he saw you stopping. "please, don't stop... don't do this to me... i almost..."
"I'll give you something better"
you said, pulling his underwear completely off his body, and then your panties too...
you didn't usually have sex without any preparation, fingering, oral sex, you usually demand at least one of the two, but seeing dino so vulnerable made you forget about anything. and that was why in the next second your pussy was going down on his cock.
it hurt a little, but the burning of being opened by a cock was extremely pleasurable, especially because the owner of the thick cock was completely crazy underneath you.
"fuck, i’m gonna go crazy, this- fuck-"
you raised your hips and lowered them once, watching him lose control.
his hand went back to squeezing your hips hard while the other played with your tits, all while he whimpered incoherent words.
"you're so beautiful" "your pussy is so tight." "so hot" "mine. fuck you're mine"
"i'm not yours!" you scolded him, going even faster on his cock.
at this point the shock of their bodies was audible, as were the eager moans of both of them, despite not being a virgin you hadn't had sex in a few months...
lee chan kissed you, the mess of the kiss making you go even harder on him, your tongues clashing and even the chattering of your teeth was extremely exciting.
you felt him pinch your nipple again, and that was the end for you.
you laid his head on the couch, and took advantage of his open mouth from his moans to spit there, ordering him to swallow it right after.
dino obeyed, he swallowed your spit and looked at you with a look that bordered on devotion. you were already whimpering on his cock, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold on to that position for much longer, your own orgasm was coming and you couldn't think...
"no no no, please don't stop," he begged, placing his big hand on your waist.
"i- i can't control it, fuck, it's too much."
the truth is that deep down he was a little bothered for not having 'done' much, after all, you were in control the whole time. and he was overcome by this, and by the overwhelming excitement he felt, that he grabbed the arm around your waist, forcing you to lay your body under his.
he put his foot on your coffee table, and began to fuck you like an animal, desperately and roughly seeking his own orgasm. you couldn't even think, the rough movements taking you to his as you felt his cock open you up hard. the way he held your body as if he wanted to merge with you, adding to the way he moaned making your pussy pulsate more and more.
"fuck- so good-" you moaned, with your mouth glued to his, but without even being able to think about what was happening.
"mine. fuck, you're mine, this pussy is mine. i'm gonna fuck you forever, me, only me, but no one. fuck, so hot." he said between the eager moans he gave.
one of his hands from your waist went to your hair, and he kissed you, in a completely clumsy way but he kissed you, and that was how he came inside you.
you felt his hot liquid running inside you at the same time that his legs trembled. and that was enough for you to come too.
and he continued thrusting, slowly, enjoying his liquid that was now leaking out.
"mine. you're mine." he moaned softly.
"i'm not yo-"
"shhh... shut up. you're cumming on my dick after taking my virginity."
"that doesn't make me yours..."
"so you don't want it again?"
you didn't answer. it was clear you want it...
"mine..." he teased again.
deep down you knew that all your fighting had always been about pent-up fucking lust, and you were glad it was finally over.
his cock slipped out, and he laughed when your legs shook on top of his...
"something tells me you want more..."
"dude, shut up"
"shut up my mouth for me...put your pussy here, sweetheart!"
"what happened to the whole 'virgin thing'?"
"if you taught me how to use a dick you'll definitely teach me how to use my mouth"
"goodbye lee chan" you laughed.
you settled down on the couch, even though you both knew you wouldn't be sleeping there, but in your bed...and probably in a spoon...
"i'm not kidding... you really are mine now."
you remained silent.
"aren't you gonna say anything?"
"no, i think i agree with that."
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blarshwritezz · 3 months
This one was inspired by this post by @suiana <3
Yandere Beauty x Beast Reader
M yan x GN reader
TW - obsessive behavior, mass murder, maybe mild stalking(?), people are meanies
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You've grown so tired of this life, but it was all you knew. You've been trapped like this for years with nothing but your own rage to accompany you. Many of the once priceless paintings in your palace were now destroyed. It didn't matter. No one remembered this place. No one remembered you.
And it would stay that way until you die.
Every now and then some adventurers or travellers would find your palace, hoping for a place to stay the night, only to run away in fear. They'd rather take their chances with the wolves than with such a terrifying beast.
You expected another one of those interactions when you heard a knock at the doors. Some didn't even have that much decency. You weren't expecting such a beautiful man to he the one at your door. Nor were you expecting him to get down on one knee and ask to be your husband.
"You are the most stunning creature I've ever seen...please, allow me the honor of marrying you!" Of all things, did he have to call you a creature? You were technically a person! At least, you were a long time ago.
Not wanting to go through with whatever he could possibly be planning, you slammed the door in his face with a firm "No." He was probably trying to make a fool of you, or perhaps even kill you. Even though you hated this life, you didn't want to die. Not quite yet
How you wished that was the end of it.
He started sleeping outside the door of your palace, insisting on marriage if he ever saw you. Whether you we stepping out on the balcony, looking out a window, or tending to the garden he'd beg for your hand in marriage.
Even though his appearance became disheveled after the many days he spent outside your palace, he was still more beautiful than any woman you met as a human. Such a beautiful man surely had plenty of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes lined up at his own door, so why did he insist on a life with you? A life of solitude and silence. A life without a single friend. Even your servants were long gone. Broken mirrors, dusty furniture, spiders and bugs infesting the least visited corners, was that really a l8fe to beg for?
You finally got agitated at all his begging and pleading, of all the surely empty promises. As he followed you through your garden on day, you lost it. You turned back and gripped him firmly by the jaw, smooshing his rosy cheeks together as you demanded an explanation.
"You're amazing, your majesty! You're my greatest dream." He admit, a deep blush growing on his cheeks as your grip tightened. "I'll admit, I wasn't planning to propose, so I failed to bring you a proper ring. But I came out here, curious if the rumors were true...and the second I laid eyes on you, I was in love!"
It sounded more ignorant than you expected.
"I fell to my knees once I beheld you. You were too perfect for me to handle, and I knew it was a sign that I had to marry you!"
You really didn't know what to say. Was this guy all beauty and no brains? You didn't realize those kinds of people really existed.
You dropped him, firmly telling him to get lost and marry someone else. Someone better. But he instantly feel to his knees, gripping your legs and begging with tears in his eyes.
"Please! At least give me a chance, my love!" You never realized someone could be so pathetic.
You dragged him away. First you tried tossing him off the palace grounds, but he came crawling back. Then you dropped him half way through the forest. Again, he refused to leave your side. So you left him the last place you wanted to go.
You dragged him all the way back to the village, and instantly received the backlash you expected. You tossed him to the crowd, and they instantly took him. And as for you? They threw rocks, rotten food, and whatever else they could easily throw. The assault lasted until you were out of their sight.
At least now you could continue your days in peace.
Oh, you thought. You wished, you prayed. Your peace didn't even last a day.
That night, when you went out to you balcony to stare into the night, an unfamiliar sight caught your eye. The bright light of a fire. A large fire, consuming everything in its path. A horrible fire, turning the village to dust.
You gripped your balcony, crushing the metal of the railing. What were you to do? The villagers hated you. They loathed your very existence. They didn't remember you as you once were, only the beast you were today.
You were still supposed to be their ruler.
They were still your people.
You had to protect your people.
Without another second of hesitation you rushed out of your palace and through the forest. Only to find one person on the path there. The beautiful man you gave back to them earlier.
"I got rid of them for you, darling. Those barbarians didn't see how absolutely beautiful you are, and they can't keep us apart any more." He knealt down on one knee, pulling out a black box and revealing a stunning ring.
"Now let me do this properly...will you marry me?"
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I WAS INSPIRED, OKAY? I know I have requests to get to 😭
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spidybaby · 3 months
hi lovey ❤️ don't know if ur request are open but if they are pls do something with kyky maybe his whole family love you but his mum doesnt ❤️
Mama's Boy
Summary: Kylian convinced himself that his mother liked you, but when she openly rejects you in front of him, he has to choose which side to be.
Warnings: cursing, mommy issues, dysfunctional family.
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At first, you thought it was something normal the way she behaved with you. Kylian even told you it was.
"She does like you. She just needs to get more comfortable around you."
You let it go. Thinking he was right, you were like that, too. It took you a little before being open and relaxed towards the rest of his family.
Being busy with your own things and having to work around Kylian's schedule and yours made you two not even cross paths.
Kylian asked you to help him with something related to his foundation, the same one his mother's the president of.
You were asked to pick some things and drop them off at the venue of the event. Melissa was there. She and Fayza were supervising that everything went the way they planned.
You texted Melissa that you were there, with everything Kylian asked you to bring. She went to the parking lot to help you with some things.
You walk with hands full, Fayza was talking with a man. Melissa was telling you about what activities were going to be performed at the event.
"Bonjour, Miss Lamari." You say, smiling at her.
"Hi." She says, not a single expression on her face. "Are you staying?"
"Kylian asked me to say." You say. You notice how she inhales, trying not to show her discomfort. "If that's okay with you, of course."
She nods, leaving you alone. You knew she didn't really want you there, but Kylian was the one asking you to stay and participate.
You help Melissa with some things outside of the venue, organizing some piles for the games with the kids.
Kylian arrives half hour later, when his mother sees him, she asked him to go get changed for the pictures and everything.
He has this way of making you think what his mother is doing is just not being herself around you because she doesn't know you that much, and she will eventually open to you.
The activity was fun, Kylian was playing with the kids. You love watching him interact with them. It was a glimpse of what you could archive with him.
You love how his parents. Mostly his mother, educate him to give to those in need. You love him and his acts of kindness.
"Stop daydreaming." Melissa says, laughing at your heart eyes. "Believe me, he wants the same thing as you."
"I hope he does." You smile. "Because I feel like I would die if he doesn't."
"You guys have been together for what now?"
"Two years in a month."
"Don't worry. He wouldn't play with you like that." she pats your back. "Now, can you help me with bringing the bags we put together?"
You nod, walking back to the warehouse. Fayza was putting the bags into a box to carry them outside.
"Miss Lamari, would you like some help with that?"
She didn't turn to you. She kept organizing the box. You move a little closer so you could help her. Passing her some things.
She lifts the box, you notice how I was kinda heavy due to the amount of things it has. "Let me help you."
What you didn't expect was her passing you the box. The heavy things make you almost lose control.
She left without saying a word. You walk slowly to the exit. Your back killing you from the weight you have in your hands.
Melissa noticed you were struggling with the box. Rushing to help you. "Didn't occur to make two trips?" She asks, taking one side of the box.
You nod out of breath. You two left the box in a little table you prepare. "I was thinking two trips. But Kylian's mother gave me the whole box." You sigh.
Melissa shakes her head, she was the only one who noticed that Fayza treated you in a non fairly way.
She never mentioned anything to you or to Kylian. It wasn't her place, but she didn't like the attitude towards you.
"Let's get this ready, I want a cold shower." She smiles, organizing with you.
You had a special thing about the way kids can easily be drawn to you. You loved the way kids felt so secure with you.
So seeing you interact with the kids as you hand them their bags was something that didn't surprised Kylian.
He was focused on the way you were talking to a little boy who was crying. Trying to calm him down.
"Kyks, the last thing you need to do is say the goodbye words, and we can leave." Fayza hands him the speech. When Kylian doesn't take the paper out of her hands, she turns to him. "Kylian, I'm talking to you."
"She's a natural, don't you think?" He asks her. She turns to where he is seeing. It was you with a kid on your hip while you give the others their bags. "She will be an amazing mother."
"Don't run when you can barely walk, Kylian. You are too young and too naive of what life is."
"Maybe I am, but I know that I would do everything for her."
Fayza turns back to him. Grabbing his wrist and leaving the paper in his hand. He then pays attention to his mother.
"Goodbye words, now." She says before leaving.
Kylian does what his mother asks him. Thanking everybody who helped that day and what the purpose of the activity was.
You and Melissa were eating a few treats that the kids got. Ranking them to keep yourselves occupied while waiting for Kylian and Fayza.
You feel two hands grabbing your waist. The smell of Dior Sauvage makes you smile. "What's that?"
"Hello to you too, Mister Mbappé." You joke with him. Turning your face to kiss his cheek. "Mel and I are eating this cupcakes, but this is chocolate chips, we rate it a 7."
You feed him a piece. Humming at the taste. "I'll rate it a solid 9." He says, looking at you. "What else you got here?"
"This is lemon, and this to me is a 10." You feed him again. Watching him roll his eyes at the taste of the cupcake. "And wait for the next one. It's even better."
Fayza looks from afar, picking her stuff and walking closer to the three of you. "Kylian, you shouldn't be eating those."
You stop your actions. Putting the piece of cupcake back in the little plate. "I'm sorry, it was my fault." You smile at her.
She has her shades on, but you have the feeling that she rolled her eyes. "Let's just go. Please."
You look at Melissa, she gave you a look. "Melissa and I are leaving together." You hug Kylian while Melissa went to get her things. "What you do here is so amazing, Ky." You kiss him. "I admire you so much."
He has this cocky smile, he loves being praised, especially by you. "Thank you for helping." He kisses your cheek. "I'll meet you at your place, deal?"
You nod, saying a quick goodbye to him. Melissa was waiting for you. You two chat about things that happened during the weekend.
You drop her home, wishing her a goodnight. When you were on your way home, you stopped at Kylians' favorite restaurant. Ordering his favorite dessert.
After a quick shower and some food, you hear the front door getting closed. You wait to see your boyfriend walking.
He does this funny dancing to something that was streaming on his phone. You laugh. This definitely was something tik tok girls would love to use for the "kylian core" type of thing.
"Are you pulling a show for me?" You ask, happy to see him having fun.
The season was a long one. A very tired one. Now that he announced that he was joining Madrid and that France national team won the Euros, he was able to relax.
He leaves the phone on the counter, grabbing your hands and making you stand. You dance at the rhythm of the song.
You love moments like this. Only you and him, enjoying something a simple like dancing in the middle of your kitchen.
"Okay, time out, time out." You say, hands signaling the time out. "I got something for you, open the fridge."
He smiles, guessing what that might be. When he does, he does a happy dance. Making you laugh.
"Mom is going to hate you for getting me this." He laughs.
You scuff, you know he doesn't say it with that intention, but to you is a weird feeling. "You are allowed to a sweet thing." You reply. Kissing his lips.
"Am I allowed to this sweet piece I have in front of me?" He asks, eyebrows popping up and down.
You blush. He always jokes with you like that. And even after all these years you blush like crazy.
"I think you need to rest for the Euros, baby."
"But I've been resting, and I miss you like crazy." He beggs, hugging you by the waist. "Please, amour." He kiss your hair.
"If you get tired and lose a game, I'll feel bad and guilty."
He pouts, leaving the pâtisserie in the table. He hugs you, but not the typical hug. This is more of a touch starve kind of hug.
"You are so needy." You laugh. He smiles at your laugh. "What's going on?" You ask curious. He was acting up.
"I saw you with the kids today, and God, you looked amazing." He confesses the way his smiles are shining and the way his eyes lighten up at the memory. "I can't wait for us to have our own." He kiss you.
You talked about this in the past, how you two wanted to wait a little bit, specially now with him moving to Madrid and having to find the right schedule to see who will visit who and when.
"The time will come, my love." You peck him. "Now let's go upstairs and pretend to watch a movie while you kiss me how I like it."
He makes a small happy dance again, grabbing his pâtisserie and hurrying back next to your side as you walk upstairs with him, hand in hand.
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"I'm so nervous, I want them to win so bad." You say to Helena, Kounde's girlfriend.
She laughed at how cute you looked all worried. "Calm down! It's going to go well."
You nod at her, trying to relax to enjoy the game. You had this feeling, but you thought it was just the normal feelings before a big game.
The game began, you were happy and excited about Kylian as a captain. He was so passionate about this team.
Helena, you and the other wags that joined the game were all seated together. You loved them and they were so nice and kind to you.
Antoine got hurt. Thanks to a player from the other team, he ended up facing up the fence. Head and knee bleeding at the impact of it.
The whole stadium was crazy, fans from the other team yelling profanities at the French team, at Antoine, and at the referee because it was a yellow.
And the French fans were yelling too in support of Antoine and the team. It was all crazy. The medical team helping him.
We turned to Erika, Antoine's wife, she was trying to see if the situation requires her to be alarmed or if she could be calm.
When the medical team finishes with the bandage, Antoine turns to where we are, giving Erika a thumbs up.
We feel better now. He was fine, and we relaxed. It was fun how his bandage was kinda slipping and moving on top of his head.
The game was entertaining, it was 1 - 0
The first goal was scored during the first time of the match. So, the team has to prevent Austria from scoring.
"I feel anxious." You say.
"It's just the game, I feel like Austria is kinda playing dirty. I don't know."
Just a few seconds later you see how Kylian and other players go for the ball with the head. When he falls his nose hits the shoulder or the Austrian player.
The whole stadium got silent for a second, the big screen showing his bloody nose. Some of the players make the referee stop the game for him to get assistance.
You feel a headache grows. The pain he must be feeling right now. "That must hurt like hell" Erika says.
You can't even look, focusing on your phone and seeing the text from Ethan. He asked you if Kylian was okay since some sports channels cut to other things instead of him getting help from the medical team.
You snap a picture of the field where you can see kylian getting help. He looked really bad, the blood on his shirt, the tearful eyes.
After the help, he kept playing. You shake your head at him, he kept looking at the bleachers, at where you are.
You hate when he feels like superman and thinks he can overcome everything by playing. News flash, he can't.
While he was trying to get past this player, he slap him in the face, which probably didn't even hurt, what hurted was his most likely broken nose.
"He needs to go to the hospital." Helena tells you. "I think they are switching him with Olivier. If they do, you should go to the dressing room with him."
"Yes, maybe get him to go to the hospital." Erika says.
Olivier makes the cut. He's now on the field replacing your boyfriend. Kylian is taken to the medical room, they will tell if he needs urgent care or if he can wait for the match to end.
You were thankful that the pass you have allows you to be in different parts of the stadium. You needed to see him before a decision was taken about him going to the hospital right now or if he was staying till the end.
"Hey!" You say, walking into the medical room. "Hi, amour." You grab his shoulders.
He grabs your hand, not feeling like saying anything. He's breathing through his nose, the tears are still there.
"We have to take him for a check, we can't really determine if his nose is broken or just fractured."
You nod, "Can I shower?" He asks.
"Be careful, please. We will help you wash your face so you can shower freely."
They help him wash his face and around his nose, you can see his discomfort when they pass the cotton ball near his nose.
"Can you wait for me at the hotel?"
"No, kyks. I'm going with you."
"Deschamps is going with me, and you landed before the match. You must be tired." He hugs you.
You were tired, you had a horrible flight and he knows it. "It's okay, I want to be by your side."
He smiles, hugging you. "Thank you."
You help him with his things. Carrying his toiletry bag and his phone. You text Ethan, telling him that you will update him when you get details.
He was in pain, you can tell by the way he is gripping his cap. He's not talking with Deschamps, he's just nodding or shaking his head no.
You stayed in the waiting room at the hospital, checking the candy at the machine. Your stomach was crazy for something.
"Hey!" you heard, turning to fins him with some bandage covering his nose. He explains what is going on and what the doctors told him. "Let's go."
You text his brother, updating him on what Kylian told you. He thanked you for the updates, feeling a little less stressed.
"Merci, good night." You wave goodbye to the chauffeur and the security people.
You walk with him to the room. You weren't supposed to be there with him, since the French Federation didn't allowed the players to bring company to their rooms.
But they allowed it since Kylian requested to have you to check on him like the doctor asked.
You feel his phone vibrate in your hand, the ID called showing his mother's name. "Ky, is your mom." You knock on the bathroom door.
"Pick up, I don't want to talk. S'il te plaît, mon amour." He shouts from inside.
"Hello, Miss Lamari." You say, your voice was tired.
"Oh, it's you." She sighs. "Can I talk to my son?"
"He's tired and asked me to pick the phone for him. If you want to know how he's doing, the doctor said his nose would be fine for him to play but with a protective mask. The Federation will get him one for training and the official one for the match on match day."
You explained everything, so the call was cut short. You don't have the energy or passion to do anything.
"And I can ask him to call you tomorrow, I'm sorry he can't pick up, but he's not in the mood to deal with anything today."
"Thank you for the updates." You hear the voice of Ethan. "Tell Kylian I say hi."
You smile. "I will, E."
"Bonne nuit." He says happily.
"Miss Lamari, I'll make sure Kylian calls you tomorrow before training. I'm sorry he can't right now."
"Fine, bonne nuit." She says and hangs up.
You throw the phone on the bed. Sitting on the edge. You can't take more of today than you already did.
Kylian walks out of the bathroom. Holding a towel in this hands. You wait for him to initiate a conversation. Not wanting to intrude into his thoughts.
After about five minutes of staring at him while he searches something on his luggage. You decide to speak.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?" You ask, noticing his tense muscles. "I have a warm cream."
He nods, taking his shirt off carefully. You ask him to lay in a position where his nose wasn't compromised.
You played some low music to calm him down, something very nice like jazz. You worked on his back.
He hummed, relaxing at your touch. He knows how much you wanted for him to be relaxed and to feel better after the day he had.
He fell asleep, you washed your hands and changed into your pajamas to join him in bed. It was going to be some hard weeks for him.
But you were going to be there.
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You felt tired, the moving wasn't exactly the best. With some of your belongings getting lost.
"I promise they will be here by the end of the weekend." The guy from the moving company says. "We have them located. We are just waiting for a truck to send it to our warehouse."
"Thank you, I'll appreciate you speeding things for us."
You say goodbye to him, grabbing your purse to go to the mall. You needed something for the week.
Kylian asked you to pick some things he ordered from the stores. You only had three outfits, so you decided to abuse your power of his card and to take yourself shopping.
You spend quite some time in the mall, just roaming around the stores. When you head back to your new home you find a car parked in the driveway.
"I'll get these inside, Miss." The chauffeur says, you nod, thanking him for the help.
You walk inside, noticing a luggage and a box. "Hello?"
You walk into the kitchen, finding Fayza and her assistant talking and eating something. "Oh, hi."
They both turn to you. Fayza lifts her hand, saying hi. They keep their conversation. You didn't understand much of French.
When you moved to France to work, you tried to learn the language, to speak better and more naturally.
However, your work was mostly in English and Kylian, and you talked in English, and when you were with him, he translated everything to you.
Plus, you are not the best at learning new things, and French was complicated. You know how to talk with someone in a very simple conversation, but you can't fully understand a business talk or whatever talk they are having.
You walk to the fridge, taking a juice. You feel weird with both of them just ignoring your presence.
"Excuse me, Fayza is asking if her room is ready."
"I didn't knew you were coming today, so I'll go make it right now."
You walk quick upstairs, picking the sheets and everything you need to get the room ready. You make sure the bed and everything in the room is perfect.
You don't need a reason for her to tell you that something bothers her. You already have enough of those.
"Miss Lamari, the room is ready." You call from the stairs. You grab some sheets and a towel for her assistant. When you see her and Fayza walking. "Hey, this is for the guest room." You say, handing her the things.
"Did you iron the sheets like I asked Kylian? The weather is cold and I don't like cold sheets." She says.
You know she's doing this to bother you. Who irons their sheets?
"No, but I can do it. Are you okay with waiting a few more minutes?"
She rolls her eyes. "No, leave it like this."
"Okay." You smile. "Want some coffee? I just got this French press and this new coffee that tastes amaz-"
"Peux-tu te taire? tu es tellement ennuyeux" (Can you shut up? you're so annoying) She says. She walks past you, getting inside the room.
"That means that maybe later." The assistant says. Fake smiling at you.
You go back to your room, already stressed about the interaction.
You got the last box of Kylians clothes, ironing some of the clothes. You send Kylian a picture of his now very organized closet.
You hear a knock, making you walk to the door. "Fayza wants to talk to you. Come, please."
You roll your eyes at her, walking behind to the room of the mother of your boyfriend. "Yes, Miss Lamari?"
"Kylian mentioned earlier that you will work with him, I need to know what kind of work."
You blink a few times, not prepared for her to be so straightforward. "He asked me to work for the foundation."
"Okay, understood." She wrote something on a notebook. "That will not work for me, I think you can find something else."
You stand there just looking at her write things, you don't know what to say to her. Did she just fire you?
You were about to speak again, but she interrupted you. "I would love some coffee, and maybe some milk but on the side. Thank you."
You nod, walking outside and to the kitchen. You brew some coffee and grab a wood board for her sides.
You think on what to say to re open the conversation about the job. You want to have her understanding that you will be doing that job.
"Got the coffee, everything else on the side like you asked me, I even got you some of the cookies I know you like."
"Mhm." She mumbles. Not even looking at you.
"I want to talk to you about the job topic." You say, nervous about it. "I already compromised with this job and I think it's better if you talk with Kylian about the changes you want."
"I mean, if you want it to be him to repeat what I just told you, fine by me."
You take a deep breath. You don't feel like having this conversation with her. "Miss Lamari, I quit my job and left my home to come live with Kylian in Madrid. I don't think this is up for discussion. The job is the only reason why I agree to move."
"If you ask, maybe they'll hire you again. And I'm sure you can find another apartment. My assistant can help with that."
"I'll let Kylian and you discuss this when he's here in Madrid." You say, trying not to snap. "If you need anything you can call me, I'll be in my room."
You hurry, grabbing your phone to FaceTime Kylian.
"Bonjour." He says, smiling at you. "I got you the jersey you wanted." He turns his camera to show you the jersey thrown in the hotel chair.
"Thank you, that's cool." You smile. You don't want to say anything now that you see how relaxed he is. "Hey, I called to check on you. Miss you, my love."
"I do too, but only two more, hopefully." He smiles. "Hey, you told your parents about the moving?"
You make a face. "It was meh"
"Problems in paradise." He tries to joke. You half smile. "Was is that bad?"
"My mom told me that I was making a mistake by following you, that they payed a lot for my education for me to just throw it away."
"I'm sorry." He says. You can see he understands where your parents are coming from. "I wouldn't want our daughter to follow some weirdo around." He jokes.
You laugh, loving how he takes every opportunity to not only make you feel better but you mention how he sees a future with you.
"Yeah, but I will feel weird to think out daughter in law will have her parents call our son a loser or weirdo."
"When he wins a world cup like daddy, they would love him."
You forget why you even call him in the first place. You love how talking with him is so easy.
"I'll take a shower, and then I'll go to bed. I love you. I can't wait to see the game tomorrow."
"Don't eat shampoo." He jokes again, making you laugh. "Bonne nuit, amour."
"Bonne nuit, my champion." You blow him a kiss.
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"Ethan, stop that." You laugh, watching him throw his nerf shots at you and Kylian. "Attack your brother, not me."
You three were back in Paris. You were lucky to get one small break in the same days Ethan got one.
"Let's drive to moms house. She will be mad if we are late for lunch." Kylian says.
You let him get up from the couch. You didn't want to go, first because she invited Kylian only and second because you already sense the tension.
"Go pick the car you want to take." You say to Ethan.
He nods excited and runs to the garage, ready to pick the lost luxurious car his brother has.
"Out your shoes on, we have to leave." Kylian says, jokingly smacking your thigh with his hand. "We don't want to be late."
You don't want to say no, but you can't just pretend you got sick in the whole minute he went to get his shoes.
"Are you sure she invited the two of us? Maybe she just wants a family only kind of lunch."
"Amour, you are family." He laughs, kissing your lips. "Plus, I think she's finally starting to open to you. She asked about you yesterday."
You wait for him to turn to roll your eyes. She did ask, but to know if you were in the house not to see you around when she arrived.
"Okay, let me get my shoes."
You grabbed your shoes, make sure you looked presentable, add some perfume and brushed your hair real quick.
"Let's go, my passenger princess." You joke with your boyfriend. Smacking his ass on your way out.
You three drive while listening to Ethans Playlist. Kylian and him were talking about a game Ethan has.
When you arrive at their mothers home, you parked. "Go inside, say hi to your mommy." You joke with him, grabbing his cheeks and squishing them.
"Rude." He pouts. Leaving and walking inside.
You exit the car slowly. You feel two hands on your shoulders. Knowing exactly who it is. "Ethan, you can't scare me."
He laughs, hugging you. "Missed you, can't wait to spend some time with you two in Madrid."
"I can't wait either, missed my little baby brother." You kiss his hand that you were holding.
The connection between Ethan and you was something nobody could break. He trusted you with his heart, and you trusted him with yours.
You two laugh at something he says to you as you walk in. You see that Melissa and the kids were there, Fayza and her sister and Kylian.
"Bonjour." You say to them. Noticing the dirty look Fayza gave you.
The rest say hello back to you. You talk with Kylians aunt, telling her about the foundation work you are doing in Spain.
The table was an 8 set. And you notice how the husband of the aunt is there. You feel weird about having to ask for an extra chair.
"Here, take my seat. I'll just grab another." He says.
"Oh, it's okay, I can't get the extra one. Please."
"Fine, but if you want it at any point, tell me." He smiles.
You grab a small stool, sitting next to Kylian, who was talking with Lana. "Bonjour, Lana." You smile. She returns the smile to you.
You notice how Fayza is serving the plates, mad expression on her face. You feel so bad about thinking coming was a good idea.
"Everything alright, mom?" Ethan asks. Noticing her face.
"Oui, just fixing something. Got extra people I wasn't expecting."
Ethan looks around. Not understanding the comment. "But, we all are here."
She just shakes her head. "I just think it's rude to come without an invitation." She whispers to him. But not quiet enough for Kylian and you to hear.
Kylian was about to say something, but his aunt was quicker. "Wait but I thought this was a family thing, and we all are here."
"Tout le monde ici n'est pas de la famille, je le dis simplement." She says. (Not everybody here is family, just saying.) Looking at you for a second.
You understood every word she said.
Kylian got mad at the comment. You were family. You were the girl he picture himself growing a family with.
You are the girl who left her whole life just to move to a foreign country for him to follow his dreams.
"Nous sommes tous une famille ici." (We all are family here) He says, mad at the comment. You grab his hand that was on his thigh. Trying to calm him down.
"And we even invite Tchaga and my friend Bruno." Ethan says.
"They are family, she is not."
Thinking about her not seeing you as family was one thing. But her telling it to your face was another. It hurted.
"Maman, c'est-" kylian began.
"Kylian, it's okay." You interrupted. "I'm leaving. Please don't start anything. This is your mother, and she's right. I'm not invited."
You try to get up, but his hand on your arm pulls you down to your seat again.
"Maman, she's not leaving." He states. "She's family to me, to Ethan and to dad."
Fayza drops the fork she's holding. Laughing at how brave and funny her son looks. "Vous continuez à rêver de choses que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir avec elle." (You keep daydreaming about things you can't get with her.) She says, knowing you don't understand much French.
"Miss Lamari, I'm leaving. I'm sorry." You get up, quicker this time for him to catch you. "I'm sorry." You say to everyone.
"Acting like the victim." She laughs. "Maybe that's why your mother doesn't like you." She smiles, knowing she just hit a soft spot.
You got quiet, looking over at Kylian, who was in shook at her words. "I'm sorry if I intruded your lunch. I'm leaving now."
You were about to walk out of the room when you hear Kylian calling your name. Making you turn your head. He was standing.
He walks over to you, grabbing your hand. "You crossed a line that I don't think you can return to. I understand you feel like every girl that got close to me was there for the money and shit, but she's not."
"No." He says louder, he's angry. "She's the woman I'm going to marry someday. She's the person I live with and who left her entire life here just to support me in my career. She's going to be the mother of my children, you like it or not." He squish your hand a little harder.
He turns to look at you, feeling hurt at the tears in your eyes.
"And if you don't apologize, then you can get used to the idea of not seeing me. Because if you don't like her around, you don't like me either."
He turns, pulling you to the entrance of the house. He slams the door behind him. Grabbing the keys and opening the car door for you.
"Can you drive?"
You nod, whipping the tears and smiling at him. "Je t'aime." You grab his face, kissing him.
He hugs you tight, resting his forehead on yours. "Let's go home, yeah?"
You nod. Pecking him. "Let's go home."
The drive was quiet, you didn't feel like talking, and he didn't know what to say.
He felt hurt by the words. He thought it was just his mother being uptight with you, but it was more.
"I'm sorry about her." He grabs your hand.
"It hurts, but I know I have you." You hug him, enjoying being in his arms. "That's all I need."
"No matter what she thinks or what anyone thinks, you have me, always will."
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2smolbeans · 3 months
"Ride or Die"
A thought I had with a Male yan x Gn reader x Male darling x Male yan combo. Basically you and another escapee darling run away together
To sum it up:
Two darlings running away together after they escape those tyrant CEOs, becoming a ride or die combo. Every day, they risk being caught by their respective captors, but that's okay, as long as they have each other, they can get through everything.
"I promise they'll never find us again. I swear to you, I will never let him take you away..."
"You promise?"
"I swear on my life."
New face, new location, new life, everything was always changing with the two of you. Both of you were always on the run, making sure never to get too comfortable with the lives you lived in. Each year was a newly created and orchestrated life, a way to keep you further away from your old identities.
But for some reason, on the 5th life as Maxine and Ron, you broke the one rule that you both made sure to follow.
Never get too comfortable.
He was "Maxine," and you were "Ron" in this version of your lives. 'Maxine' was a long-haired brunette who wore long puffy sweaters and long skirts, working in the libary as a libary clerk. Ron was a scruffy man with a beard who wore a wife beater with a red and black plad shirt. Ron was the type of man who knew a thing or two about cars as a mechanic. He was also Maxine's friend and roomate in the shared New york apartment they both lived in.
You, or Ron, enjoyed his life. It was simple. It was safe. He had friends at work who would make him feel welcomed. He had his favorite grocery store that he'd walk around - even if he never bought anything! Ron had a comfortable apartment with his roomate, he had a city to explore every night in! To simply put it, Ron loved his life. You loved this life.
Which is why when Maxine, or in actuality- April, was packing up, preparing to move to the next city.. New life, new face, new name and everything prepared, you stopped him as he packed his suitcase. "I don't want to move." Of course, you didn't expect anything different when he looked at you confused and quipped. "What do you mean? We do this every year"
You knew this was going to be an uncomfortable conversation. Taking in a quick breath, you furrowed your eyebrows. "I like being Ron" "Well you could always be Ronny in Connecticut" You stared at him with that expression of yours, and he already knew what you meant. "You know we can't do that. We promised, what if- you know?"
Running fingers through your hair, you kissed your teeth. "Yeah, but.. Aren't you tired of this?"
"We already knew the choices we had to make the moment we got out of there."
You spoke hastily, your frustration getting to the best of you.
"I don't want to keep making these choices. I don't want to keep living like this forever!"
He only snapped back, softly scowling, his hands waving around- showing his stress.
"Well so do I! But look what life gave us!"
You huffed, going silent as he only turned back, continuing to pack his suitcase. You knew this was unfair of you to ask. You knew how delicate the situation was. But god, you had enough of ditching and leaving town every year! Maybe it was because you made the stupid mistake of getting attached and making connections, but this was no way to be living. You were at your final straw. It wasn't fair that the two of you had to keep running because some rich psychopaths wanted to keep you and some poor guy chained on a leash as their spouse. With the palm of your head now massaging your temples, you spoke up. "Its been 5 years, and we haven't been caught or even seen sight of the fuckers they hired to find us. We faked our deaths, I think 5 years is long enough to convince them we're gone for good." He kept packing, not saying a word. "April, please. Just- I know this is a lot."
"It is."
You didn't say a word as he finished packing, zipping up the suitcase. Huffing at the sight of him aggressively marching around the apartment, grabbing whatever what was left, you exasperated. "How long can you keep doing this?!" He paced around, each step making a harsh sound. "As long as I goddamn have to. I'm not risking it." "April-"
"I can't go through that AGAIN. You need to understand, maybe it wasn't so bad with him, but with me- I just can't. You don't know the things I've seen, the things I've had to do -"
He went quiet again, catching himself before he said anything further. Looking at you as he regained his composure, he looked at you apologetically, putting a hand out to touch your shoulder. "I'm sorry. That was shitty. We both went through the same thing.." You sigh, pulling him into a hug. "It's okay, I get it. You know what? it was a dumb idea anyway" "No, no, it wasn't. I've had similar thoughts.."
"You have?"
"You think I want this?"
You both stayed hugging, enjoying each others comfort. Your arms hugged him tight, and his head nestled into the crook of your neck. "What if we stay?" Shocked, you pulled out of the hug, your hands on his shoulders. "April, it was a dumb idea -" He interrupted you, his eyes staring into yours. "We can't keep running forever. We need to at least figure out a long-term plan..I mean, do we really see ourselves running until our 50s?" You whined, feeling bad that he was now taking your side when moments earlier he was uncomfortable at the thought. "April, I was being stupid -" "We can figure this out. I want you to be happy, for US to be happy."
With your mouth agape in shock, you only stare at him. Before uttering a why, he answers for you. "You got us here. You got me out when I needed it the most. You saved me. It's only fair that I do this one thing for you. We always figure out things together. And hell, we can move whenever we want if we change our minds. " You couldn't believe it. He was actually agreeing. Out of pure joy and sincerity, you felt the tears well up in your eyes. "Y-You mean it?" "Of course Ron" Smiling, you let out a shaky voice as a laugh erupted from your throat. "I-I love you, man" Maxine only rolled her eyes, putting a hand on Ron's shoulder as she wiped the tears welling in his eyes. "You better"
It was funny how it all started, how everything was when the two of you met. You remember when you used to work at that office job, how mundane and peaceful it was. You had just graduated college in your 20s, still figuring out exactly how adulting worked. The office job was just something to keep you busy, something to earn you money while you tried to find jobs that were more focused on your degree. You would've never thought that office job would be the end of your normal life. On that one day, that cursed day that started the chain of events, you were walking along the big halls the company, making your way to the cafeteria until you bumped into a wall- or at least you thought you did.
When you opened your eyes, you felt horrified to see what exactly you bumped into. Without a word, you sped past the person, keeping your head low as you went inside the cafeteria where the other workers were. It's not every day that you bump into an unforgettable ex from high school in your workplace. What the hell was he doing here?! Why was he there?! Shouldn't he be in a different country?! After doing a quick google research after your lunch break, Marco was the CEO's apparent half-brother and right-hand man. Who would've thought? You look at the articles that popped up as a result of searching him up.
'Brothers united after a tragic family accident. CEO of Beauty Point reunites with secret half brother'
'CEO, Vincent Huynh, promotes recently found half brother as COO. "He is the only man I see qualified for the job. I see this as a formula of success and opportunity. " '
'A shocking family revelation! "I would've never thought I'd find my biological family," says Marco Huynh, COO of Beauty Point'
I guess after your breakup with him, he won the lottery. The Marco you knew was adopted, an only child. The Marco you dated in high school wanted to be a police officer, helping others in need. The Marco you've seen grip your arm tight, whispering threats out of pure jealousy for the umpteenth time because god knows what triggered him. That man, your ex , the reason why you moved to a different country, paranoid if he'd go through with his threats.. And he saw you.
You should've quit when you bumped into him. You could've left that company when his presence was more frequent. You shouldn't have gone to that company party, turning your eyes away from your drink for a split second. It wouldn't have landed you tied up in a fancy luxurious studio apartment, a gag in your mouth, and limbs tied to a chair. Your life didn't have to become jeopardized, always walking on eggshells to please the madman that could ruin you and your family's life with a snap of his fingers. It could've been different, but now here you were in his bed, terrified, regretful, and angry.
It had been at least 2 years until he so graciously proposed to you, getting on one knee on that special day he finally let you out of that apartment after years of captivity. Biting your lip, you felt the dread fill your body. There was no escaping it. This was your reality. His expectations, his obsession of you had escalated, and you had no choice but to endulge in it. It didn't make it better when he acted so meek, as if you were the one in control, as if your yes or no really mattered.
The wedding was quick. His adoptive father, half brother, his friends, other higher up business partners, and your family were invited. You tried to make the best out of the situation. Marco was rich, and the wedding was luxurious. The food was good, your attire was expensive and high quality, and your folks had a wonderful time as the large banquet hall filled with soothing music from the live band. This truly was your dream wedding.. If only your 'husband' didn't make you gag at the sight of him, if only you actually loved him, if only you had stock holme syndrome..
After that god forsaken honeymoon that you wish to erase from your memories, you were introduced to his family formally. His father, his half brother, and another man.. With Marco's father, you already knew him from when you dated Marco back in high school. Marco's father happily shook your hand, excited and clueless about what was going on. "I'm so happy the two of you made it work! I can't believe that the angsty teenager that would come over would be my son's spouse! Congratulations on you both, I'm so proud of you. " God, if only that poor man knew, actually scratch that - you wouldn't want the old man traumatized. You looked at his half-brother, who you were now only being introduced to. You didn't say a word as you just gave a flat smile, nodding to acknowledge him. He had a calm expression as he introduced himself. "Vincent, I'm glad my brother was able to find someone. This is my husband.." he looked to the smaller man who sat beside him, waiting for him to introduce himself. "April.." the male said, looking at you briefly before looking to the side.
He was awkward, but you assumed it was because the man was naturally like that based on his appearance. Throughout the whole exchange, you were drained, spacing out, not even paying attention as the others talked and ate. During the dinner, you noticed April playing with his food, also seeming spaced out as Marco and his father blabbered about whatever. Vincent, on the other hand, seemed to be keen staring at you, not saying a word before listening to his brother happily blab about some random nonsense. You looked around the kitchen, taking in the nostalgic memories of when you and Marco used to come over at his house, eating sweets that his father had baked. An image of Marco in his late teens spotted your head. He was so innocent, mentally stable, loveable.. What the hell happened? "Well, dad, I'm glad you invited us over to the house. We're gonna get going. Gonna settle in and take care of a few things, right?" The way he smiled at you filled you with disgust.
Vincent spoke up as well, saying his goodbyes. But before anything could happen, April excused himself to the bathroom, leaving quietly and going up the stairs. For the 5 minutes that passed, Vincent sat at the dinner table, quiet as Marco and his father cleaned the dishes. 10 minutes passed, and you could tell something was wrong. 15 minutes passed, and you could tell that Vincent was starting to get suspicious.
"I'll go check on him," he sighed. But aburptly and out of desperation to get some space from Marco, you obliged, standing up and rushing towards the stairs. "It's okay, already on it!" And to your luck and surprise, Marco didn't go after you.
Outside the bathroom door, you knocked softly. The first knock, no response. It was eerily quiet. Second knock, still nothing. So, on the third knock, you spoke up. "Hey, it's me. Everything okay?" It took a moment until he opened the door slightly, staring at you from the slit. "Just wanted to check up on you. Your husband got a bit worried. " He opened the door a bit more, now standing face to face with you. You took note of how disheveled he looked, his foggy glasses, his ruffled pony tail, his glossy eyes. "Y-Yeah.. My stomach wasn't feeling too well." "Ah okay! Well, do you want me to get anything?" He didn't say much for a bit, only staring at you tiredly. You two stood there, face to face, quiet and alone. During that moment of silence, it was clear that he was contemplating on what to say, that something was on his mind. And when he finally spoke, he whispered quietly as if it were a secret.
"Do you love him?"
It was such a small question, but it had shook you to your core. The adrenaline spiked your entire body, your chest tightening as the words got caught in your mouth. Your lips parted, trying to say something, but nothing came out. You tried to play it off, smiling and laughing, afriad as if you were caught red-handed. "What..Type of question is that? Of course I do. " His eyes shot into yours, his expression horrified, his voice low and shaky.
"Oh god..You're just like me, aren't you?"
Your lips quivered as you began to tremble.
So many thoughts were racing in your mind. He also went through the same thing as you? He looked to the side, staring at the stairwell before looking at you. He shouted, directly speaking to the men downstairs. "Coming! Give me a moment!" Before pulling you into a quick brief tight hug. Giving you one last look of remorse, he walked down the stairs. "Sorry, my stomach didn't react well with the drinks!" You could hear him from the stairs. Trying to collect yourself, you went inside the bathroom, looking at the mirror. How the hell were you going to live with this?
When the two of you had managed to escape through 2 years of planning, visiting each other (under unsavory circumstances and favors having to be done..), and eventually faking your deaths, you were finally free.. With your hands on the steering wheel, you looked at the GPS. Another hour to kill. Glancing at April, finally able to talk freely, you said whatever was on your mind.
"So how did you get there..If you don't mind me asking, of course!" April reassured you. "Nono, it's fine. To be honest, we're the only ones that we can talk to about this, so... We've known each other since high school." He went quiet for a bit before going again. "I always looked up to him, I wanted to be him. We weren't really close in high school but university.." He bit his lip, the memories flooding his brain. "University I liked him, and he liked me, we never dated but..We had a falling out. It was bad. I saw him nearly kill a guy just for sport..Laughing and.." He was beginning to get uncomfortable as he kept going. "So I confronted him, it got physical..I cut him out and 3 years later I'm working at a rivial company of his..He finds me, I stupidly forgive and become his friend again..Next thing you know, I have an eletric collar on my neck. You?"
Now it was your turn to explain your side.
"We dated during highschool..He was a year younger than me, always following me like a puppy. Our relationship was amazing at first.. But then it became intense. He started expecting more, and more, and more until he became too much. He threatened everyone at school and got into fights a-and...."
You gripped the steering wheel tighter, cutting out that one particular memory. "I cut him off after graduation. Next thing you know, I'm freshly graduated out of college and working under Vincent's company.. What do you know?" April spoke, adding on to what you were about to say. "Marco's there.." You nod your head, your face scrunching up as you're near the end of your horrible story. "Yep! So I bump into him, he sees me. Next thing I know, he drugs my drink at a company party, and I'm tied to a chair."
"Damn.. That's wild"
You laughed, snorting at his response. "You think??"
The rest of the car ride was quiet, peaceful. Making it to your destination, you grab your suitcase and keys, hesitant to go inside your new home. You stand there, looking at the door, your body feeling lightweight. "Hey, what's wrong?" You laughed, feeling stupid. "I'm scared." Immediately, he rushes to you, leaning close to your face as his two hands are on your shoulder. "Don't be. The worst is over. I promise they'll never find us again. I swear to you, I will never let him take you away..."
You look up, looking into his determined eyes.
"You promise?"
"I swear on my life."
You smiled, now putting your hands on his shoulders as your forehead rested against his.
"Because we're ride or die now, aren't we?"
He only smirked back, giving your shoulders a slight shake.
"You're damn fucking right we are"
It had been more than 3 months ever since you and April agreed to live your life out as Ron and Maxine. Things were going smoothly, and you were hopeful that you'd live your lives out like this. It was noon, and you were on lunch break, washing the grease off your hands. You take out your lunch box. Eating the sandwich you packed, you scroll through your phone, looking at whatever peaked your interest. While scrolling, a notification from April popped up.
' Maxy max max 🤓 '
Maxine: hey
Ron: yeah?
Maxine: I just got off work early,
i'm gonna be walking around and
checking out some markets.
Lemme know if u want smth.
Ron: k
Maxine: damn aight
Ron: love you babe 😘
Maxine: love u too ig 🙄
You internally snickered, taking a bite out of your sandwich before turning off your phone. The day went by pretty slowly, so when the time hit to go home, 6pm, you happily packed your things and bid your goodbyes. Thank god for your co-workers. Otherwise, the slow day would've been torture. Walking to your car, you get inside, and before starting the car, you give April a call.
Rinnnnnng, rinnnng, rinnng, riiing. Riing ring - "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message -"
You cut the call, calling him again. It's not usually like him not to answer his phone, but then again, it's not the first time for stuff like that to happen.
Rinnnnnng, rinnnng, rinnng, riiing. Riing ring- "Your call has been forwarded-"
You cut the call again, this time going to your messages to spam him. By then, your messages haven't been read, and again, your call gets sent to voice mail. You begin to panic by the 7th call. You looked at the time, and it was only 6:10 pm. You had spent 10 full minutes trying to call and message April for any response. You recall the previous message. It was only 12 o'clock when he messaged you about going to the market.
It doesn't take someone 6 hours to go grocery shopping. Gripping onto the steering wheel, you felt the anxiety creep in. Your breaths became short as you froze sitting in the car, the fear making any movement in your body queezy to your stomach. There was no way, right? You whipped your head to look at the back of the seat, nothing. You rushed and checked the back of the trunk, nothing. Running back to the drivers seat, you locked all the doors and let out a gasp for air. You're safe in the car. You're okay - you repeated, trying to calm yourself as you looked at the clock in the car. 6:45pm, shit- how did time go by that quick?! You reach into your phone, still no answer from April. Fuck fuck FUCK- You felt the hot terrified tears roll down your eyes.
Quickly, you opened the glove compartment inside the car. A compact pistol with a fully loaded mag, thank god you kept an emergency gun. Shakingly, you check to make sure the safety is on before stuffing it in the pocket of your mechanic uniform you didn't change out of. The whole car ride back to your apartment was a mess. You knew something was wrong. What if he was taken? What if they..No, it had been 5 years. You didn't want to assume the worst. But the back of your mind screamed otherwise.
Eventually, you were now at the apartment, hands shaking to open the door. One step inside, and you'd figure out if there was someone there or not. With one hand clutching the gun - your pocket and the other ready to open the door - you held your breath and burst in. Gun out and turning on the lights, and you cautiously look around. No one was in the living room. So you checked the other areas, your gun still pointing at whatever was in front of you. Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, all clear. Locking the front door, you sat on the couch. You looked at your phone again, still no reply.
A week rolled by, and April was officially missing. You didn't want to attract attention to yourself, so you didn't bother putting out a police statement. After all, faking your death and multiple indentities was against a federal law.. I mean, what would you say going to court if they figure out that you aren't who you say you are? Ah, yes, these two rich, higher class men who have no reason to be related to me and my friend have kidnapped us, and we ran away. Is anyone going to believe that?? And what if you told the court that, then what? They'd probably lawyer up with the best teams, bribe the judge, and god knows what happens next!
So you stay quiet, quitting your job and looking for him. Always holding a gun with you, you look for any signs of him as you walked around New york City.
"Have you seen this woman? Brown hair, brown eyes, wore a long skirt and knitted sweater?"
You'd ask, showing a picture of 'Maxine' to anyone that crossed your path, each no or nod dissapointinging you.
"Maxine Smith, heard of her? She worked at Webster libary, long brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, long skirt, and knitted sweater? No? Okay, thank you"
You'd spend hours asking away, hoping to get some sort of clue. It was 3 o'clock and you've been out since midnight. Tired and exhausted, you make your way to a cafe, getting your drink before slumping at a booth in the corner. Resting against the plush mattress, you sigh, saddened that you spent a week looking for him with no clues. Sipping on your coffee, you closed your eyes - man, did you really need to sleep. You closed your eyes, the sounds of people chatting away, making you feel relaxed, and you didn't even notice the person who now sat across from you.
"Excuse me. I saw you were asking about a Maxine right?"
His voice immediately caught your attention, and your senses now spiked as his smooth, warm voice filled you with that awful feeling you've never felt in 5 years. You opened your eyes, and you were met with him. It was him, it was Marco. Staring at you, it seemed like 5 years did a lot on him as he looked like he hadn't slept in a while. You didn't say a word, knowing full well that you'd mess up your voice, so you opted to nod. Marco had changed, but there were parts of him that remained the same. Like the dark caramel hair that shone a bright color in the sun. His tall and muscular stature would effortlessly keep you trapped and terrified. His brown skin covered in the scars that you caused trying to claw your way out of his grasp. And the worst of all, his red eyes that would always pry and drink in every inch of you like a vampire, always intensely staring at you.
You did your best trying to keep composure. Maybe he wouldn't recognize you as a gruff mechanic man. But the way he looked at you, the way he softly smiled while resting his head on his hands - his elbows now on the table - told you otherwise.
"I think I might know where she is"
You didn't say anything else, just blankly looked at him.
"Do you wanna know? Come on let's walk around."
You stayed put, letting out a small gruff voice telling him no.
"Come on, I won't hurt ya"
You didn't know what to do in the situation. Sipping your coffee, you only asked him to tell you in the cafeteria. He didn't take that too well as his eyebrows knitted together. By the tone of his smile and voice, you could tell he was trying his best not to snap.
"I know it's you. You really thought I wouldn't recognize you? Well, actually, by the looks of you, I'm shocked I even did.. To be honest, there's a list of a lot of things I could say."
You felt yourself freeze as he confronted you, your legs nervously bouncing up and down.
"Like leaving me for my brother's husband? What type of sick are you?"
He raised his voice a bit louder, people turning their heads. All eyes were on you as he kept going.
"I love you, I always will.. But you won't even do me this one thing by going outside to talk?"
You looked around, some people whispering amongst each other as they would glance at you. Stop it, stop it, you began to fidget with your hands, trying to ground yourself.
"Un-fucking believeable. And after being together for 6 years! Am I not enough for you?"
"Stop it."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he gave you a straight lined smile.
"I'm only telling the truth."
You were quick to snap as you sneered with venom.
"What do you want?"
His expression was coy and calm. He adjusted his body to relax further. He didn't say a word, watching your expression, invested for whatever reaction you'd give. Finally, for what felt like forever, he gave you his honest, painful answer.
"I think it's pretty obvious hun"
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i4oba · 6 months
nct dream as… / fanfiction aus 𓈒✳︎🏡
[take the quiz here to see which one you get!]
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✰ MARK — childhood friends to lovers!au
ever since you've basically known your name, mark has been the boy next door. there was the cheeky, red letters of "lee" painted on the mailbox, the windows were adorned with the same coloured curtains, and the same doormat has been sitting in front of their door for ages. you have loved mark ever since you two have met. there wasn't a day where you wouldn't think of him, and there hasn't been a day when you haven't loved him. it was like a vicious circle which you couldn't get out of, because those stupid feelings would destroy the oh so precious friendship of yours, and you cannot let that happen, right? i mean, that's what you've thought for far too long, since this friendship meant more to you, than the fragile feeling of love - you didn't want it to get to the point where you would rather spit on each other, than talk it out. maybe that's why you pushed him away from yourself? maybe you just did that because you weren't too sure of your own peace of mind? no matter what, you knew the decision itself was wrong, only to realize it way too late. damaging the friendship and crying yourself to sleep was all your fault, after all, being way too proud and scared, stupid even; when you came back to the town where you two grew up, the least thing you wanted was to meet mark lee, mainly because you wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes after all these happened. but you had to, so soon you even got a little surprised. it's been a while since the last time you have been home, your bedroom seemed way too unfamiliar at that point, just like the vhs tape placed directly in the middle of your bed. one which you haven't seen yet. it didn't have a title, the white label completely empty as you picked it up. you were a little bit cautious when placing it in the system, waiting for it to play whatever is on it, not having such large imagination to expect anything. it was a home video montage, full of videos of you and mark: playing together, getting ready for the first day of school, going to the movies, the way you two got engaged in middle school as a joke, and the omnious day of prom... you got teary eyed, with one thing on your mind - you have to go and save whatever's left now. maybe you're not too late.
✰ RENJUN — soulmate!au
life had been pretty much grey and dreary until you found The One. the other half everyone had been so obsessed to find. you were never big on all this stuff, because you were convinced you'd be able to live as a single half for you whole life, and don't need anyone else to feel complete. deep inside you knew that all of this is bullshit, truly, and all that was coming out of you was true bitterness and constantly ongoing unsuccessful confessions, making you believe in your delusions. with every passing second, you had to see people find their other half, while you were left to deal with the grey world you were left in, not as a choice but as fate instead. you felt like a loser, a big zero, who doesn't even deserve a soulmate. you thought you were destined to die alone, maybe compensate with something of brilliance: be a composer or a singer, write or paint something extraordinary, lord knows what, just something of importance! you were looking for yourself in every corner of the world, not for a lover or a fling, not for an other half, fully ignoring the law of attraction. it might have been some reverse psychological trick, effecting it all. and this may have been the reason behind why you had to leave that horribly boring theatre play, sneaking out and bumping into The One, who handed back your accidentally dropped bag, slowly looking into your eyes. he might have worked at the theater as he was wearing a name tag on his elegant shirt - huang renjun, it said. but it doesn't even matter, because his eyes were brown! brown! not grey, brown! everything cleared up. you did find the half - with brown eyes and a smile so bright.
✰ JENO — coffee shop!au
it was pretty much bittersweet to step foot in your favourite café: it was getting dark out there, and although the rain has stopped pouring, you got absolutley soaked to the core along the way there, rain replacing the tears on your face by then. your hair was sticking to your forehead uncomfortably, your body trembling without stopping, as you entered. the bell placed above the entrance was ringing lightly, gathering everyone's attention to you, although there wasn't too much people there except for the baristas, maybe two wandering souls, working on their laptops or reading in a cozy corner. well, maybe if it wasn't for getting dumped literal minutes ago, you wouldn't be here either, but it was still the most reasonable choice compared to going to a club or a ruin bar, gettig incredibly drunk, Plus! a good espresso might be able to clear the fog in your head, which you were in need of during this stupidly stressing period of life. you expected hyuck to greet you by the coffee machine, grinning ear to ear, as he always does when you visit between two lectures, but there was a completely new face behind the counter. it's been a long time since you've last seen a new employee here. his smile was sweet and rather warm, eyes conveying a sense of concern as you took one step closer, rubbing your eyes while getting your purse out of your pocket - you discreetly looked at his name tag, right on his black apron: lee jeno. whatta name... by then, you were way to hopeless to try and guess how the day would go, but life had to surprise you, fate deciding funnily against all odds: next to your cup of coffee, there was a napkin, hiding a telephone number on it, messily written down with a short message as well: "would you go out on a date with me, darling? :)"
✰ HAECHAN — rivals to lovers!au
lee donghyuck's name rushed through the hallways of your music academy just as quietly as a whisper, and you never knew why was it all like that ever since you've stepped foot into the school. you couldn't even hide the way too obvious rolls of your eyes every time you heard it. lee donghyuck was one of the biggest prodigies at the academy, no one could even be considered as a rival for him, this is mainly why he was such a big living legend amongst the students - you couldn't even hide how annoyed this made you, especially because he made sure you knew this ever since you two were little. music played a huge part in both of your lives, and somehow, you two always seemed to be at each other's throat, the first place at being the best always changing between the two of you. you could never get rid of each other either; your dad, always being so positive, once said, on your way to the academy sometime between sophomore and junior year, that the only reason behind this is that you two are equally good at what you're doing. you were pretty much skeptic for the longest of time, and felt as if you were destined to be the forever second next to him. you've had enough of always bumping into walls, since hyuck was the one who could stand at the first place ever so proudly. in kindergarten, in middle school, and even in high school, every. god damn. time. and that infuriating smile was plastered all upon his face even when you two were asked to not perform alone on the annual charity gala of your academy - you two had to perform something phenomenal, putting the childish jarring aside, growing out of the silly phase of hating each other, which was all made up by you, and you only, pushing the poor boy away from you. the boy who had always been so obsessed with you, utterly and completely. he won this time again, isn't it right?
✰ JAEMIN — photographer!au
when jaemin brought up the idea of making the last parts of his portfolio with you (which basically means about you), you were a little bit skeptic at first. you loved jaemin dearly, since he was a really understanding friend, but... you were simply terrified of cameras. you didn't really like the idea of being captured at all, you hated looking back at yourself on pictures taken of you, and you couldn't even think about how high quality his pictures would be with that hyper super machine, focused on all the little flawed details of your face that you absolutely despised. no, you couldn't even bear the idea of this whole project, and you stood by this decision of yours, jaemin waiting patiently the whole time, not pushing it too hard. since he wanted to work with you no matter what, giving up on his plan wouldn't be too typical of him - the fight didn't last long but it was pretty heated, him highlighting so many known things that needed to be said finally: it's childish how you reflect on yourself, and your delusions stop you from way too many things. the way he said straight into your face how beautiful he thinks you are, inside and outside, and that he wants the whole world to know how ethereal you are, made you tear up a little - especially when he said his heart breaks every time you speak so lowly of yourself. he truly thinks you're the modern manifestation of aphrodite, that you are his own venus, the muse of him, someone he can adore... that he's way too in love with you to let go of this, and-; the kiss you gave him was short, yet gave him exact answers. answers to hundreds and thousand of unsaid questions he kept hidden in himself for years and years on end.
✰ CHENLE — blind date!au
you clearly didn’t brace yourself for this whole fiasco proposed by donghyuck himself, foolishly believing his reasonings behind how perfect of a matchmaker he is. of course you knew that what he way saying was partly stupid, plus you were like a seventy percent sure he wasn't even sober when he set up a blind date during that omnious frat party he wasn't invited to. you didn't have to worry or anything, that's just how you were - overly anxious of such things, even if you weren't meeting a psychopath. you were only a bit vary of the awkwardness this whole new experience would bring, both of you rushing home way too soon from the date, trying to forget about it as soon as possible. these misconceptions about how the night would go stayed straight until you stopped in front of the restaurant to wait for your - then late already - date. you were a little nervous he stood you up, and you got yourself into the most beautiful piece of clothing from you wardrobe for nothing, but it was worth it, looking back at it, as zhong chenle arrived and you two simply just... clicked? automatically? not to mention you two decided to leave the place after the hors d'oeuvre, since you both found the place a little too fancy at that moment, going to a simple ice cream parlor instead, taking a walk in the park after, talking about anything and everything that came to mind: family, politics, movies and the most embarrassing memories from your childhood came up too, as you couldn't help but laugh at how chenle dropped his ice cream cone on the ground, while he simultaneously promised you that he wouldn't drop the cone on the next date - and you smiled, so happily.
✰ JISUNG — secret admirer!au
you were head over heels for jisung and his undying love for dancing. but, thinking a bit deeper about it, while writing that foolish, teenager like love letter for him, forced into the role of his secret admirer, there were much more of those things that made you feel head over heels for the boy: he showed you what persistence was, he spent the whole of his youth with you, and he wasn't afraid to spend the rest of his life with you, helping you out anytime you're in need of it, since he couldn't not do that as you "best friend". he couldn't be evil with you, he was never able to leave you and he couldn't even envision a future in which you weren't by his side. but the border he made up between the two of you, was never crossed - you two were friends, not more, not less. you were so torn deep inside, as you were helpless, being in the never ending limbo you would rather push forward, but he kept on tugging it backwards; the idea of writing letters was originally from your mother, who had enough of your obvious agony. she was positive you would write every feeling of yours out, making it easier as time goes by. their number kept growing, however, one letter becoming a dozen soon enough, maybe even more in the meantime, while not writing a name on any of them, referring to yourself only as a mere secret admirer. they suddenly disappeared from the bottom of your drawer one day, though, realizing way too late that the ringing phone in your pocket was in fact park jisung, the picture of him taking up the screen of your mobile - did he know?
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absolutebl · 1 month
Meet You At the Blossom - Watch Along
Maybe a trash watch? We will find out.
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But first what do we know about this show?
Well, I can't for the life of me remember the title. The article placement it too weird so it will henceforth be called Blossom okay?
Here's what I learned from @renafire
Duck daddy!!!!! I bring news! China didn't kill the gays! Meet You at the Blossom is an HEA! Golden retriever XiaoBao x ice prince Huaien (who gets the shit stabbed out of him an awful lot for being a ML). A side CP of dumb, pretty bodyguard x eccentric doctor. The background plot was basically a bunch of middle age men fighting about the ML's long dead mother. Needles! So many needles! (It was practically a sickfic tbh) Flapping sleeves! Flowing hair! Poison! Politics! A villain weirdly into kites! Prisoners in chains you can easily slip your hand through! Dimples! Loyal bodyguards becoming family! It's not the best thing ever, but it ends happily! There was even a line about "true love has nothing to do with gender" which I feel like is a big deal for something associated with China?
This convinced me to watch, so I thought I'd just post it verbatim to convince you, too.
So I'd refused to watch Blossom because I assumed the leads would die or at least be torn asunder at the end, and that there would be no kisses.
So this Watch Along is going to be me eating crow.
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China pretty much always does censored BL (when they do it at all) since 2017 or so. You can watch something like My E-Sports Genius Brother for the style of "happy but censored BL" that I've grown to expect from China. (Although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.)
They didn't used to do this! Time once was that China was this chaotic minefield of tasty mess meets terrible tropes (like kidnapping, stepbrothers, rape, whipping boy, and dub con). I had a weird love for it at the time because it was the Wild Wild World of BL beck then and I didn't know to expect better.
I come from 90s Yaoi. Remember?
Ah the bad old days. (You can read a history of CBL here. Not updated in ages.)
Where was I?
So, what I knew about Blossom was that it was a Wuxia BL and that it was made with Thailand, or for Thailand, or something to do with Thailand (there is Thai script on the promo material) and that it wasn't being distributed inside Mainland China. (I still worry about the actors but that's kinda a natural state for me and BL outside of Japan.)
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Outside of China Blossom got wide distribution showing up everywhere iQIYI (China based), Viki (Japan based), Gaga (Taiwan based) WeTV (US Based) and YouTube (Thai Channel Artop Media is serving it).
It also looks like Heavenly is involved and they are Korea based. So like, everyone had their mitts on this thing. We live in crazy times.
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Okay so, here are my 20 expectations:
Pony tails with a ribbon or two
Lots of questionable older tropes, especially dub-con & kidnapping (the herb that makes you horny maybe?)
Flowing filmy robes wafting everywhere
EXTREMELY PRETTY men, costumes, make up, setting... well, everything
No consent whatsoever
Pokey pokey, but not with the right kind of swords (a naked blade will be grabbed by a naked hand, sadly also not in the preferred way)
A bodyguard hotter than he has any right to be, wearing black
Floaty fighty fighty, including but not limited to: skid backwards through puffs of dust, a leap to land + one knee down + holding sword + head bowed, a twirly protect baby from baddies
A boat in a lotus pond
Poison, probably green, glittery if I'm lucky
Circular architecture
A big fuck off fan
Puppy-cat pairing
They wander through bamboo, sit down at the edge of a lake, probubly on a log
Wound tending, of course, because there will be lots of wounds
Someone pushed onto a platform bed (also kneeling in front of it)
A jail with straw in it
Older men with sparse beards detracting from the romance
Fruit or some other food being thrown
Some serious SLEEVE action.
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Li Le as Zong Zheng Huai En
Probably the reserved unhinged one. Has sword, will prod.
He has a solid track record of shows under his belt. So to speak. One wonders how they persuaded him to do BL. He sure is pretty tho.
Wang Yun Kai as Jin Xiao Bao
The son of the wealthiest man in the Jiangnan region, probably the cheerful cute one.
He's an entirely green actor.
Most of the cast is from mainland China, with the exception of Achi Sukonlaphat Sribubpha, who is Thai (obvs) and under Artop Media.
Nancy Chen is directing
She is a Taiwanese director and screenwriter, who directed HIStory 4 and HIStory 5 (neither all that great) and was behind very queer friendly Pappy & Daddy.
I wouldn't call her a stellar director. I would say I've been reserving judgement, but if you pin me down I'd call her Taiwan's New.
Xiao Bao (cute) falls in love with icy, white-robed stunner Huai En due to an unexpected meeting. Discovers she is actually a boy (and a baddie). Hijinx ensue.
Adapted from the novel Hua Kai You Shi Tui Mi Wu Sheng 花开有时, 颓靡无声 by Shui Qian Cheng 水千丞
Co-production with China and Taiwan. But the country of origin is listed as Thailand.
12 Episodes, 40 min each (or so) for a total fresh content run time of 8 hours.
Aired: Jul 11, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024 on iQiyi, Viki, WeTV, Gaga
Shall we get started?
I had a surfeit of options since Viki, Gaga, and iQIYI all had Blossom. I like Viki's interface best, want to support Gaga the most, but in this case, I opted for iQIYI because... screen shots. So it's all your fault.
EPISODE 1: Nicknames, pretty men, dimples, twirly, stabby, floof!
I don't like the intro music, it's too slow and tinkly, but classic for the genre I suppose. Still I'm fast forwarding through all the falling cherry blossoms.
All right. Now it's about time for... YES...
Emperor Infodump
Chancellor of Extraneous Explanations
As You Know Bo
Sorry sorry. The puns must flow.
The deets: layabout emperor = chaos & suffering. New emp = strong & popular but his baby bro wants to rule. New emp exiles bro to obscurity. New emp = good ruler. Order established through patriarchal dominance. Children laughing in the street. Got it.
I will not be remembering names, FYI.
We open on kid in trouble over a kite killed(?) by baddie.
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Enter pretty spangled skippy puppy McDimples. I shall call him Dimples. Dimples = spoiled rich kid having trouble finding a wife - presumably because they all know he gay.
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Enter hottie evil cut-glass cheekbones McPoutypants. Haven't decided what I shall call him. It'll come to me.
Extremely pretty men. CHECK.
Ooo, a big hat on horse back!
Of course, how could I not have had that trope on my checklist? My bad.
And a bunch of assassins slow-dropping out of trees like lazy fruit. I forgot that, too.
I gotta say, fairy prince or high elf is not a bad moniker for twirly-sword cheekbones supreme.
Floaty fighty fighty! CHECK
Oh, I thought they'd go in for crossdressing at the very least but I guess they went for Dimples is an idiot instead. Interesting choice. I see we also have the "baby is a clumsy bunny" trope all set to deploy. Carry on.
Grab the sword and skid through the dirt. CHECK!
And a fainting!
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Pony tail with ribbons. CHECK
Dimples might be a bit too much of a prat and an idiot for me.
[Have begun watching at 1.25 speed. Don't fault me.]
I always find the orange/yellow eye makeup that Cdramas put on characters of questionable morality fascinating. Why those colors specifically? And why eye makeup specifically?
We arrive home. It fancy. Daddy doesn't want an unknown lady for his baby (silly daddy, ladies are for ladies, boys are for boys).
Everyone acknowledging that elf prince is, in fact, The Prettiest is very pleasing to me.
Meanwhile, there is some kind of list/stuff/thingy and Prince Shen wants it and is a bad guy, maybe? I can't remember names from the beginning so I have no idea what's going on with the plot but also, it is only going to get more convoluted. Plus the weekend is coming so I'll eventually be drinking and watching this. Plot is for people who don't like BL. And don't have six bottles of sake in their fridge.
Where was I?
Oh yes. Judiciously NOT following the plot.
Dimples and his 2 enablers seem to share about 1/3 of a braincell between them. But they're sincere about it.
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Engage secret identity trope and the expected cross dressing.
Ooo Shen is The Prettiest's uncle? Damn it I'm trying to follow the plot again. Must not get sucked into plot. This is a Cdrama therein lies madness. Ah, Prettiest is the son of the emperor's exiled younger bro? Got it.
Twirly protect baby from baddies! CHECK
And that's episode 1 in the bag. In the sheath?
My thoughts so far:
This couldn't be more exactly what I expected if it tried. I mean it is trying. And it's succeeding in being a Wuxia BL. So. Yay! Performing to the packaging. I appreciate that in a show.
I'm looking forward to more.
(On the advice of one of my spies I've switched to watching on YT when I can, YT and Gaga are supposed to have the better subs than iQIYI and Viki. That said I found iQIYI's serviceable.)
EPISODE 2: Checking a bunch of stuff off my list in rapid succession
No. Sex herb? CHECK
Discovery that she is in fact he?
Dominance Tussle? Dub con? Rape? Already? CHECK
Well that came fast (presumably so did he).
There’s a lot happening all at once at the beginning of just ep 2. 
It’s an ACCOUNT BOOK that’s causing all this fuss? Hilarious. 
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Enter the anticipated hottie (bodyguard? spy?) in all black wearing a hedgehog. CHECK
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(I didn’t expect the hedgehog, I have to admit.)
Oh is the single brain cell society is trying to grow additional brain cells? That's not gonna work.
Cheekbones is still the prettiest.
Oh HELLO stern grabby Daddy not-older brother of yummy. We likey.
Who do you belong to?
Why do you have The Biggest Sleeves?
Do I take that as a sign of gayness?
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Ooo looks like I’m right. 
Also this is very silly.
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And "I never said she was a woman."
It’s just so funny.
Stern prince bro is leaving already?
I only had Grabby McDaddy for a very short length of time. I already miss him. 
Meanwhile, Dimples apparently has no compunction about being in love with a man, we blew through a bisexual identity crisis while I wasn't looking, and now we exist inside the gay=okay bubble? I did not expect The Bubble(tm) to show up in a Wuxia, but I guess this is a BL universe and we all just float around in it… 
Cheekbones is a bit of an asshole. Quite apart from the, ya know, bit of rapey rape thing.
I also did not have absolutely terrible VO dubbing on my bingo card. I forgot about that one in Cdramas.
EPISODE 3: Distracted by the pretty
Some kind of dark past for dimples and his little (not blood ) sister. 
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Sniff test, the greatest trope of 2024 apparently. Nice to see the execution of a modern trope in a vintage style BL.
Aa ha! Kneeling next to a platform bed. CHECK
And more poisoning and drugs.
Wound tending. CHECK
Aweeeee Dimples is worried about Cheekbones! How cute.
Also, the ice queen appears to be melting.
Ooo. More sexitimes? Consensual this time. Okay. I guess Taiwan did get its nuts all over this show. (Honestly, that was a mistype but I'm keeping it in.)
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The bit with all the bodyguards was great.
And my love for Mr. All-Black Clued-in Hottie persists.
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We are now in the “does he like me back?” phase of the high school narrative. We are also in the "do I like him at all?" part of the narrative. Suddenly, this is an angsty YA. 
Ice queen has melted and is now turning into jelly. (Can you tell I’m very pleased with myself and this metaphor?) 
And now, Dimples is sick?
Boy, is this fast moving! I have to say, that is something I did not expect at all. Usually Cdramas are much slower than this.
I do love how shameless D imples is. It’s kind of delightful. He’s definitely in his bisexual awakening slut phase.
Cheekbones is also a doctor, apparently. Useful man. 
In other news: I would really like to add a full length crossover wafting robe into my wardrobe. I have no idea why I feel compelled by such a thing.
EPISODE 4: Gay sleeves AT last
Not a lot happened in this episode. Mostly flirting. More backstory and plot that doesn’t really matter. Presumably this intended to be character motivation?
We do not need him to be motivated we need him to be pretty. Understand the brief please.
Why no more floaty floaty sleeves?
Oooo, because sleeves in gay! CHECK
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I did like the scene of the blood being cleaned up after the assassination attempt(?). It’s kind of nice to see that depicted for a change. I always worry about all that blood on that nice stone work.
Oh the handholding it was very cute.
Ice queen has melted and now turned entirely to jelly. Very very jelly.
Dimples is so stupid proud of his tall deadly wife. It's flipping adorable in a very goofy way.
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I guess Cheekbones has come around and now Dimples has officially been claimed, multiple times and in multiple ways. He can't change his mind or anything now. Trouble is afoot...
I'll stop now.
EPISODE 5 - It is a Thing I guess?
OMG Cheekbones just loves his stilly bint of a bf. It’s absolutely absurd. The ultimate puppy/cat pairing.
I love it that he’s just casually walking around with a knife sticking out of his back and only cares that baby may have gotten a splinter in his finger.
Now we are in the vows portion of the early romance. I am assuming betrayal is coming soon? 
Grabby McDaddy! I missed you! Here to perform the part of Basil Exposition I see? No grabby for me? Sad. Unfortunately, if you aren’t flirting with a man I’m going to be fast forwarding. Although your sleeves are very nice.
Uh oh, Dimples is in trouble. 
Okay that was that. No screen caps, I lazy.
Oh lovely. More rape. I guess Dimples went looking for that response? Is that the implication? Does Dimples have a rape kink? What is with this show? 
No brothels for a baby I guess.
It’s not gay... it’s poison? 
It’s not bisexuality... it’s the slut herb? 
The single brain cell club is now the wailing fates. 
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I guess cutting off a man’s hand out of jealousy is no biggie? Well this is a BL. Jealousy is the #1 excuse!
Fighty floaty blood spatter death! This time on wooden planks. Those are impossible to get clean. 
Meanwhile, there’s a lot of backstory and stuff I don’t care about, and probably can’t follow even if I did care about it.
I don’t like the Emperor at all. But then I don’t think I meant to. I am a little shocked that there aren’t more men with sparse beards distracting from the romance. But I guess this is a BL, they go for youth even in wuxia.
EPISODE 7 - You know what they say about a man with big sleeves?
Oh, Daddy McGrabby is back and he's a good guy (?)! He’s also in love with Dimples. 
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Oh no!
What is this sensation I feel being thrust upon me?
Is that…? Is that second lead syndrome?  I think it is.
Oh well, it was fated the moment I saw the length of his... sleeves in episode 2.
Dimples gets tortured by acupuncture. 
Poisonings are always so elegant and classy in Cdramas.
Blah blah captured rescued captured rescued again sort of. Cheekbones is now seriously imperiled. We swap one for the other in Grave Danger (TM).
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Enter the Divine Doctor character! Who (Dr) I have been told reliably by previous witnesses is A Favorite. I do love this particular archetype (quirky healer wise beyond his years - sometimes actual immortal. ) I am prepared to be delighted.  
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EPISODE 8 - Divine Doctor is Emperor of the Gays
The divine doctor and 1/3 brain cell is not a pairing I thought was going to happen. Frankly it doesn't seem like the writers thought about it much either.
But it did make me laugh out loud.
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It’s fantastic. I love them. I love this for me. I love a secondary couple for this show. Carry-on.
Everyone was absolutely correct. He is the best character. He is my favorite. He is openly gay and a troublemaker and absolute queen. And I adore him forever. No notes.
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King Emperor behavior!
The evil crown prince has a crush on Daddy McGrabby. With good reason, he does have the biggest sleeves.
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(I have a crush on Daddy McGrabby.) And he clearly likes brats, so I think the crown prince is in with a chance, actually.
(Not me, sadly. Despite the rumors I am not a brat. I make no case for this.)
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EPISODE 9 - The Plot Thickens like Shampoo
Oh, Cheekbones is the new crown prince? We have a whole Snape situation going on here?
And finally Cheekbone knows what is happened to his poor little tortured Dimples. (oof that acting tho. before you say "what acting" i KNOW.)
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In all honesty, I’m quite engaged by the drama of the show at this point and kind of losing my snark because of it. Don't get mad at me.
It’s not a bad show. I mean it’s a melodramatic soap opera, but that’s to be expected. It's so soapy it's like one of those extra foamy soap dispenser soaps.
To be entirely fair most gay men of my acquaintances have very similar relationship trajectories. Minus some of the casual murder (aside from character assassinations of course). 
EPISODE 10 - Oh Noes All Round
Not enough of my beloved divine doctor emperor of the gays. But you can’t have everything. 
Oh noes, my babies are fighting. 
But he brought you a big thistle! Don't fight!
Oh they get to kind of make up, or something. It’s sweet. Puppy Dimples accidentally caught himself a psychopath. To be fair tho, all cats are psychopaths at heart.
Oh noes Daddy McGrabby is planning on killing Cheekbones. No Daddy. Not the Cheekbones!
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The cheek kiss from Cheekbones was so romantic. Normally I’m not a huge fan of this particular smooch, but under these circumstances it was very good.
EPISODE 11 - So Many Gay Emperors no one cares about the actual emperor
I wish I could shut somebody up by a simple double tap to the collarbone. It’s like the wuxia version of a block feature on tumblr.
Meanwhile, the part where 2/3 of a brain cell are comparing how hot their respective fierce gay emperors are to each other is truly hilarious. I actually clapped.
This is so ridiculous.
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Epic eye roll from the remaining 1/3 of a brain cell. And I have to say I’m on his side in this matter.
Oh noes Daddy McGrabby is not, in fact, on the side of twrew lurve after all.
How sad. 
EPISODE 12 - The Bisexual In the Bathtub & other nursery rhymes of my youth
I love this silly bint of a bisexual in the bath between two fierce gay dudes who are about to give their life force to keep him alive.
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Someone definitely once drew this as Lord of the Rings fanart 20 years ago.
I guess our single brain cell has been torn asunder. And Daddy McGrabby never did get his man.
Next series?
Bing him back to me.
All cards on the table?
This was undeniably a wuxia and most definitely a BL.
Evil stunning princely Cheekbones meets and falls in love with the bisexual Disaster dimples of his dreams. There’s a lot of floaty fighting, tangled plot, and overworked emotions. From start to finish it was exactly as it claimed to be, including more than the expected amount of sexual claiming.
I’m not wild about the wuxia genre, but I will tell you what I do like:
Very pretty men in flowing robes + eye makeup + hair ribbons wafting about stabbing and kissing each other plus ridiculous soap opera machinations. I also like cheekbones and dimples. AND I love a stupid gay sleeve, okay? There was also truly epic levels of stink-eye, and that too is to be lauded.
This show left me grinning like crazy. Was it great? Not really, but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it immensely.
I’m so glad you all persuaded me to watch it in the end.
Thank you! 
I should probably give it an 9/10 because I had such a good time watching it. But I’m not going to, because it isn’t a 9/10 drama. It had a lot of flaws chewing at that pretty (boom mic riddled) scenery, not to mention all the rapey rape.
It’s a solid 8/10
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munsonsmixtapes · 15 days
This is my first time requesting for Tyler Owens, but I am recently obsessed with him!
What about former womanizer until he meets the reader and then he is head over heels
This is one of my favorite tropes, so absolutely!
Tyler Owens x fem!reader
Tyler was the first to admit that he wasn't a relationship kind of guy. He didn't like getting attached to people that way, loving that he could connect with a person for one night and one night only before he sent them their way, moving on to the next one. He loved that he could stay out as late as he wanted and not have to worry about someone worrying about him.
He liked that he could sleep with however many women he wanted and not have to worry about all the "feelings"bullshit that came along with a relationship because if they were upset, that wasn't his fault because he warned them to not get attached to him.
To this day, he wondered why so many of his hookups were begging for him to be their boyfriend. What was so special about him.? He was just a man. He had purposefully turned off his emotions so he wouldn't be any more appealing. He was just looking for people to use for their bodies and he was expecting them to do the same with him. He was just a man. It wasn't like there was any substance to him. His only intention was to look hot for potential partners.
But that was all before you came around. He had only slept with you once and immediately wanted more. He had broken his rule by asking for your number and he texted you the next night, asking you to come over. But you didn't. You had just left him on read, giving him a taste of his own medicine.
After a little more convincing, though, you came over that night and the night after that. It had gotten to the point where you were spending more time at Tyler's place than you were at your own. And that was exactly how you both liked it. You'd come over after work and you'd eat dinner together before spending the rest of the night between the sheets. And the cycle would just repeat.
"How would you feel about going out?" Tyler asked as the two of you were cuddled up in his sheets, both still out of breath from what you had just gotten up to.
"Like a date?" You asked as you looked up at him with a soft look.
"Yeah," he nodded, feeling his heart racing in his chest, hoping that you couldn't. He didn't want you to know how nervous he was even though he knew that you would just think it was cute. "Like a date."
"I'd love to," you replied and he tried to be subtle about the deep breath he had let out. "Were you nervous to ask me?" You chuckled and he felt his cheeks getting warm. He should have known that he couldn't get anything past you.
"Yes," he breathed. "I-I don't really date so this is new for me."
"Well, I'm honored to have been asked. And you don't have to be nervous around me, Ty. You can tell me anything." He could see in your eyes that you were telling the truth so he decided that he was going to be honest with you.
"Well, what would you say if I told you that I loved you?" He now thought he was going to throw up as he watched your eyes widen.
And then you started to laugh and he wanted to die right there on the spot. How was he ever going to come back from that? Of course, the first time he tries to be vulnerable it blows up in his face.
"Tyler, I love you too," you replied, pressing your lips to his and smiled into the kiss as his hand moved up to gently cradle the back of your head. The two of you stayed like that the rest of the night. Sharing kisses between whispered "I love you's" until your eyelids got heavy, snuggling up in each other's arms, not able to keep the smiles off your faces as you fell asleep.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
aren't we supposed to surprise you? l Charles Leclerc blurb
pairing: dad!Charles Leclerc x female reader.
you can find more of my version of dad Charles' here <3
summary: you somehow manage to overshadow Charles and Jo's gift.
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Charles was an anxious man. Even more so since Josephine was born two years ago.
Yes, people laughed at him but he didn't care, he was going to sprint towards his daughter every time she took a wrong step and fell down, or his system would shut down whenever her lower lip trembled. Charles could communicate with his daughter through her eyes, they told him everything he needed to know in the meantime before she learned how to properly express herself.
They were an unstoppable duo, everybody knew that, but Charles was aware the reason both him and Jo could feel at ease and safe was you, and maybe he didn't remind you enough of that.
His mother and younger brother accompanied him to the various shops around Monaco, Pascale having to fight Charles to let her carry the stroll on the street, Arthur shaking his head at Charles' antics, playfully pitying his niece.
"I am going to make sure to take her to the worst tattoo parlors and pubs when she's older and then I'm showing you the images so you can die of a heart attack," Arthur teased his brother, earning a glare from Charles while being chastised by his mother, but the youngest Leclerc saw a smile on his mom's face.
Arthur winked at his niece and she giggled. Lorenzo had no chance of ever being the favorite uncle.
They entered different shops, not wanting to go for the typical jewelry and overly expensive designer clothing and accessories. No, Charles wanted to give you something you'd truly appreciate, something for you to relax and show yourself some love and distraction. Now it was turn for Arthur to carry Josephine while teasing his brother for being a simp.
A couple of books he thought you'd enjoy, different colored bath bombs, luxurious soaps and candles were some of the goods you were going to receive for Mother's Day.
Dad and baby Leclerc arrived got home greeted by the smell of coffee and some kind of pastry. It smelled like Charles' dream life; his life.
You smiled at Charles and gave him a quick peck on the lips before taking Josephine from his arms, your daughter babbling about papa and maman.
It was past midnight, Josephine sound asleep on her room after both you and Charles read her a short book in Italian, trying to accustom her to the language, all while you marveled at how Charles did the different voices and intonations.
Now it was just you and him in bed, his naked chest against your own skin, while his familiar hand found its place on your thigh, drawing shapeless figures, enjoying the peace of having you with him.
"I have to tell you something," You made sure to not make eye contact with Charles, hiding your face against his neck.
Charles chuckled with your reaction, "What is it and why are you hiding, bebé?" He tried to get you to face him.
"I know this wasn't planned or anything," you began talking but know Charles felt tears on his chest, it got him worried and helped you sit on the bed while assuring you whatever it was, you'd be able to find a solution.
"Babe, I'm two months pregnant," you announced and Charles placed his hand on his mouth in astonishment.
"No, in Bahrein?" Charles blurted out and a smile appeared on your face, of course that would be his first reaction as his brain processed the news.
You didn't know what you were expecting, maybe it was a problem because Josephine was still too young, maybe Charles didn't want another baby, you never really discussed it after Jo was born, but even in the dark his glossy green eyes were shining as his hand found its known place on your neck, his thumb softly caressing your cheek before lovingly kissing you.
those one of a kind kisses, the ones that were special and held so many emotions. neither of you could hide the smile appearing, only smiling at each other, Charles still caressing your cheek.
but suddenly he dropped his hand to your thigh, an unreadable expression on his face.
"But it's mother day and you're surprising me? No, I have this whole thing planned!" Charles protested and this made your eyes tear up, now it was your time to find his lips.
God, maybe it was time for a boy to mimic his dad.
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Warnings: depictions of blood/blood kink.
Mean Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Miguel isn't the type to ever be smitten. He's not the kind to stare after some pretty girl that gives him eyes, and he's not the kind to flirt around. Ever. And he was pretty sure you were going to be just another of the many spiders he's worked with.
You're not. He's head over heels for you.
Funny, witty, persistent. You take no shit from anyone. Not even from him. You've never been afraid of him, when he snaps or yells or makes his usual snarky comments, you don't even blink. You cross your arms, level his gaze, shift your weight to one of your hips and call him out. Calm and collected, your voice full of authority and confidence, and it always manages to shut him up. He'll purse his lips and turn away from you. Then you know you've won.
Not today.
Today, you walked away first. He yelled at you in a fit of rage even though the issue hadn't even been your fault.
"Miguel. Take it easy,” you tried to calm him down. “We'll fix this. We always do.”
“The fuck would you know? All you do is make more of a mess.”
“No. I don't. I'm here to help.”
He scoffed. “Help? You're useless. All you ever do is annoy everyone around you. No one stands you.” His eyes had met yours and he'd snarled, “Everyone hates you.”
And you knew it wasn't true. But it still hurt. You'd clenched your jaw, eyes narrowing at him. And then you turned around and walked away.
No one saw you the rest of the day.
Guilt has been eating at him all day. He's in his bedroom, pacing from one side to the other, hands tangled in his hair, sharp teeth digging into his lower lip.
“Fuck,” he growls at himself. He doesn't want to, but he's going to do it anyway.
You're sitting on your bed, a cigarette between your fingers. You exhale the smoke slowly, wiping away a tear that rolls down your cheek.
A portal opens in your room and you sigh. You're expecting Peter to show again, fully intending on comforting you again.
Instead, Miguel shows. When you see him, surprise rushes through you, but you're quick to mask it.
“Took a wrong turn, did you?” you say flatly. You take a drag from your cigarette and he frowns.
“Didn't know you smoked,” he mumbles, not waiting for an invitation. He steps closer to you and sits beside you on the bed.
You hum.
He swallows his pride. “That's not good for you, sabes. It'll kill you.”
“Yeah, thanks, dad,” you spit. “Is that what you came here to do? Point out all my mistakes and tell me how I'm gonna die?”
He sighs. “I'm trying to apologize, kid.” That stuns you into silence. “I...overstepped.”
“Understatement,” you mutter, putting your cigarette out.
He huffs silently. “This is fucking ridiculous,” he sighs. “Look. I didn't mean what I said. I was...upset. You-you know how I get when things don't go my way. And it...It was a low blow. I'm sorry.”
You blink at him. “Say that again?”
He throws you a glare, but sucks it up. “I'm sorry,” he says between clenched teeth. “I didn't mean it, alright.” He huffs a thick sigh, looking away from you, his gaze focused straight ahead. “And it's not true anyway. It was a cheap lie.”
You smile slightly, nudging his shoulder with yours. “I know that. I'm too much of a likeable person.”
He turns to look at you, that sharp gaze making you freeze. Your breath hitches, mouth inching open, and his eyes fall to your lips.
You swallow, drawing his eyes to the dip of your throat. He meets your gaze.
“Miguel...” Your voice is a soft, quiet sound. A low purr that makes his blood rush south.
“Ven acá,” he growls, huge hands moving to cup your face. He pulls you closer, kissing you roughly, sharp canines poking your lower lip.
You gasp, palms pressing to his chest. He kisses you rough, hungry, like he's been aching for you all this time.
His hand slides from your cheek to your neck, down your arm to your waist. He tugs you closer, your leg pressing against his.
Your hand finds one of the buttons of his shirt and starts fiddling with it. He smirks against you, hands moving to your hips to drag you onto his lap.
He makes a low, contented sound against your lips when your clothed core rubs against his hard cock. He slides his tongue into your mouth, tasting the cigarette you'd been smoking.
Your hands hold onto his shoulders, nails digging into his skin slightly. Almost instinctively, your hips start grinding on his, a whine leaving you.
He grunts slightly, starting to guide your movements in small circles, your clit rubbing against the thick tip of his cock, making you jerk in his grasp.
“Princesa,” he hums, “let me make it up to you.”
You meet his gaze. His pupils are blown wide, eyes darkened with lust. You don't even have to _think_ about it.
“Alright,” you say. “As long as you don't leave me waiting.”
He chuckles lowly. His hand moves to your thighs, thumbs caressing the inside of your thighs, inching higher until he's rubbing your cunt through your jeans.
You exhale softly, swallowing hard. He pops the button open, unzips your jeans, his knuckles grazing against your soaked folds.
You quiver on top of him. “Miguel.” It's a soft sigh, a breathless plea for more.
He dips his mouth into the crook of your neck. His tongue is warm, wet as it drags over your pulse.
He lifts you slightly, helping you out of your jeans before pulling you back onto his lap. His rough fingers caress you through your panties, gathering your slick until his fingers are dripping with it.
He raises his fingers to his lips, licks your arousal off. You blush as you watch, a wave of desire crashing over you and flooding your senses. He can barely contain himself at your taste.
He wants to toss you onto the bed, bend you over it and fuck you hard and fast. He wants you on top, wants to make you bounce on his cock until you're crying with ecstasy. He wants to tie you up, watch you squirm as he makes you come over and over and over, making sure you feel nothing but pleasure.
He pulls your panties aside, his digits quick to find your clit. You barely have time to react when he's already rubbing the nub in tight circles, his sharp teeth dragging over your jaw.
You whine, hips bucking, thighs tightening around his hips. “Fuck,” you hiss, eyes shut tight.
“I'm sorry, princesa,” he says. “Didn't mean to make you feel bad. Never meant to hurt you.” He nibbles your shoulder, his fingers pulling away from your clit. He tugs your panties and you lift your hips to take them off. Instead, he holds you down against him and tears your panties off.
You gasp at the sound of the thin fabric tearing, and he chuckles. “Después te compro más, princesa.” I'll buy you more later. “Don't worry about it.”
You nod. “Yeah, alright.”
He considers throwing the ruined panties aside, but he ends up tucking them in the front pocket of his jeans. He knows he's going to find a bunch of uses for it on those late nights he can't fall asleep.
He runs his fingers up your slit, spreading your folds and tracing your slick entrance with his middle finger. You shiver and he digs his teeth into his bottom lip.
“Princesa,” he groans, “look at how wet I've got you. You pretty, pretty thing...” He kisses your jaw, sharp teeth grazing your skin. He slides his thick middle finger into you, feeling your soft walls clench around him.
You moan softly, a breath leaving your lips. Your nails dig into his shoulders, a shaky exhale escaping you. “Miguel,” you say quietly, beginning to move your hips against his hand. “Ahh...”
He slides a second finger into you and grunts at the sound you make. He curls his fingers, pressing against your g-spot and making you whimper. His thumb catches your clit, drawing neat circles on it.
“Princesa, there's something I wanna teach you,” he says against your shoulder. “Want to make you feel something new.”
“Yeah?” you question, breathless.
You can feel him grin against your skin. “Has anyone ever made you squirt?”
You shudder. “No,” you reply, eyes fluttering shut. “Never.”
Miguel smirks. “Then it'll be my pleasure to teach you, princesa.”
You shiver, whimpering lowly. His fingers touch every right spot, with the perfect pressure and rhythm.
He pulls his face back a little so he can see you, his eyes watching your every reaction. He admires the way you tremble, your plump lips open as moans and whimpers leave you.
His eyes glisten with a predatory lust that has you shivering. And then he kisses your mouth, hard and hungry, almost bruising your lips with his. He licks you, his tongue sliding into your mouth to taste you.
You whine softly, legs quaking, and he moans lowly, a deep rumble in his chest that makes your arousal spark.
He slightly grazes your lips with his sharp canines, making you gasp, and the sound sends an animalistic heat through his body. Almost involuntarily, he bites your lower lip, hard, not only bruising the soft flesh, but also drawing a little bit of blood.
You hiss at the sensation, the pain adding to the endless flow of pleasure within you. He licks at your blood, groaning at the taste of it.
You move a hand from his shoulder to the hair at the back of his head, tugging at the soft locks there. He growls out a moan, a sharp breath leaving him. “Princesa,” he says lowly, as if in warning.
You whine in response, your hips beginning to stutter against his hand. You can't breathe right and you're trembling almost violently. You can feel your orgasm nearing, growing within you like a balloon of warmth low in your stomach.
He can tell you're close. His eyes shine as he watches you, his cock twitching as your velvet walls clench around his fingers.
“Come on, princesa,” he says lowly, leaning closer to your ear,licking your earlobe. “You can do it for me, yeah? You can come for me, can't you?”
You nod, moaning. “Yes...Mhmm!”
“Muy bien, princesa,” he praises, eyes darkening. “Almost there, aren't you?”
You whimper, trying to reply. But the sensation within you is dizzying, stupefying. Your orgasm grows closer and closer, making your every moan nothing more than a pathetic little whimper.
And suddenly a new sensation takes over you, growing deep in your womb and spreading to the rest of your body.
“Miguel—” You don't get the chance to say anything else to him. Your body shivers and your orgasm is suddenly dragging you under, your eyes fluttering shut.
He gasps softly as you come, your body shaking as you squirt onto him. He can't glance away, can't stop moving his fingers. He just keeps going, stuck in a trance as he watches your arousal gushing all over him.
You whimper when the pleasure becomes too much, one of your hands racing to grab onto his wrist weakly.
“Miguel, 's too much.”
He stops his movements then, eyes rising to yours. “Oh, princesa,” he says, voice rough and deep. “You did so well. So good, cariño.” He pulls his fingers out of you, licking them clean as you watch.
You lean towards his ear and whisper, “Miguel, please, fuck me.”
He shudders as your breath caresses the skin of his neck. “Say it again,” he orders quietly.
You grin. “Miguel, fuck me. I want you inside of me. Need your cock in me.”
“Dios,” he grunts, eyes shutting as his cock jerks in his pants, eager. “Esa boca tuya, princesa...Tienes carita de ángel y aun así...” That mouth of yours, princess...You have an angel's face and yet... “Capable of being so, so dirty. It drives me fucking crazy, princesa.”
He picks you up, placing you face down on the bed, one of his hands on your hip while the other one pushes you down against the mattress.
You gasp, back arching as he teases your raw, soaked folds with a finger.
He keeps his eyes on your cunt before moving them to your ass. His hands splay over the soft flesh, kneading it and squeezing it before he delivers a soft slap to it. You whine and his lips curl into a slight smirk.
He undoes his pants eagerly, pushing his jeans off, his underwear falling away with them. His cock springs free, the tip glistening with precum. He's so hard, he can't believe the way you affect him. It's insane how easy it is for you to turn him on and make him forget about everything else.
He runs the thick head of his cock between your folds and you shudder, hips jerking away before pressing back against his in search of more.
He holds tight onto your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he slides his cock into you.
You mewl at the sensation, gummy walls stretching to their limit, your legs trembling as he fills you to the brim. You gasp softly when the tip presses against your cervix and then some. You clench your hands around the bed sheets, your eyes shut tight.
“Fuck,” Miguel groans, his eyes locked on your cunt and how his entire cock has sunk deep into you with so much ease. “Oh, princesa, you've no idea how much I've wanted this.”
You whimper in response, not really able to say or do anything else.
His thrusts start out slow, measuring how much you can take while giving you time to adjust to his size. But soon, when he feels you're wet enough and you're rolling your hips against his in a desperate plea for more, he starts going faster, harder.
Your entire body quivers with each thrust, the breath leaving your lungs accompanied by little whimpers. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he fucks you, and you're absolutely certain that you are going to pass out from the ecstasy.
“Princesa,” Miguel grunts, “I wanna try something else with you. May I?”
You nod, moaning out a squeaky, “Yeah,” as he keeps going.
He smirks, one of his hands leaving your hip to grab your hair and tug it hard, forcing your back to arch even more. He leans down to you, his chest against your back. You feel his lips on your shoulder, slowly trailing up to your neck, and then his teeth graze over your skin.
His sharp, sharp canines, send shivers down your spine. You shudder out a breath as he slightly bites you, the tip of his teeth digging into your skin.
He bites down a little harder, the pressure gradually increasing until his teeth sink into your flesh. You shudder, crying out as a shock of pain slices through you.
Miguel groans as blood starts flowing from you, its taste invading his senses. He licks your blood, reveling in the taste, and then he kisses the small wound he's inflicted.
You whimper, the pain adding to the pleasure and making your body shiver. You can feel the bliss within you growing into an unbearable entity within your womb, and you can't take it anymore.
“Miguel!” you whine, eyes fluttering shut, stars dancing behind your eyelids. “Miguel! I-I can't—! Fuck!”
“Shh,” he coos. “It's okay, princesa. Respira.” Breathe. “You're almost there.”
You cry out, biting down on the duvet to keep yourself quiet. Still, your little sounds echo in the room, growing louder as you reach your release.
Your orgasm tears through you, destroying whatever little was left of your composure. You shudder violently, body falling limp against the bed.
Miguel gasps as your cunt tightens around him, your arousal gushing out onto his cock. He keeps his hands on your hips, holding you up as your legs falter and give.
He thrusts into you a couple more times and then he comes, spurting his load deep into your pussy. You mewl weakly at the sensation, truly fucked dumb, and you can't do anything but feel him fill you up.
He grunts softly, grinding his hips against yours lightly before pulling out.
The two of you stay there for a moment, breathing heavily, bodies shaking from the shared effort. And then Miguel's quickly taking care of you.
He helps you onto your bed, laying you down gently and pushing your hair out of your face. He cleans you up with a towel, gathering your combined release with the soft material before tossing it in the laundry basket. He helps you into his shirt and he slides a pair of clean panties onto you.
Then, he lies beside you, his fingers tracing your skin, his eyes stuck on the way his shirt is too big for you because he's huge.
You cuddle up against him, your nose nuzzling into his chest. He smiles softly. “Am I forgiven, princesa?” he asks quietly, caressing your jaw.
You smile up at him, sleepily and pleased. “Yes. You absolutely are.”
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hunterwritings · 8 months
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summary: bi-han comes home wounded, trying his best to keep it from you warnings: mention of blood/laceration, stitching notes: i can only think of writing for bi-han rn 😭
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You knew that Bi-han was hot-headed, ironically. You knew that he liked to fight and even though he would most likely win, he would still have battle scars.
It was something you expected, but never looked forward to. Bi-han has a problem being vulnerable and asking for help, so whenever he would get injured in battle he would do his best to hide it from you. Sometimes he'd get away with it and you'd eventually find out after the fact, but sometimes he's a bad liar.
It was the middle of the night when Bi-han stumbled into the temple, his brothers at his side. "Please brother, let us-" Tomas began before Bi-han shut him down. "I can deal with my own wounds." He beckons as he pushes them off and begins walking to your bedroom, holding a hand at his side. "He will be fine Tomas, the pain of us helping him would cause more damage than the wound itself." Kuai Liang reassures his younger brother as they turn and return to their own rooms to rest.
A small groan falls from Bi-han's lips as he rips the mask off his face, his teeth grinding together. He swiftly opened the door of your shared bedroom, trying his best to not wake you. As he quietly shuts the door, he turns back to see you sleeping peacefully on your side of the bed. A sigh of relief fell from his mouth at the sight of you, just knowing you were safe was enough to put him at ease.
His eyes darted to the bathroom, thinking that he could make his way there and clean up, while being quiet enough to not wake you. Bi-han would be lying if he said it wasn't difficult with the large wound at his side, but he would rather die than admit that. He took a breath before slowly beginning to walk towards the bathroom, a small wince caught in his teeth as his hand shot to his side.
As if you had super sonic hearing, you tossed in bed and turned your body to face him as your eyes slowly begin to open. Once you saw the shadowy figure in the dark, you quickly sat up. As you realized it was Bi-han, your heart began to relax for a moment. "I didn't think you were going to be so late." You whisper, still half asleep. "We ran into some trouble, it was a quick fight." He bluntly tells you, relieved you weren't able to see his wounded body in the dark. His relief is quickly gone when you reach over and turn on the soft light next to your bed. Your eyes instinctively shut as you held a hand over your eyes and try your best to focus on Bi-han. When your eyes adjust as best they could, you finally noticed the dark red on his blue uniform.
"What happened!?" You ask, now awake and pushing the covers off of your body.
Bi-han just groans before quickly walking into the bathroom. He tries to shut the door on you, but you quickly make your way into the bathroom.
"Are you okay?" You ask with your eyes glued on his wound. "I am fine." He hissed, keeping his gaze away from you. "Clearly not." You said, a bit of anger setting in.
You pushed him back and made him sit down on the edge of the tub. You turned to grab a small bit of bandages and stitching kits from under your counter. You crouched down next to him as he exhaled deeply. His hands reached down and tried to take the needles from you but you pulled your hands away from him.
"Stop." You began to open up the sewing kit. "I can dress my own wounds, go back to sleep." He tries to demand. You look up and give him a sour look before gripping his shirt. "Take it off." You demanded as you pulled up on the upper part of his uniform.
He reluctantly abides, knowing that you are too stubborn to let him do this on his own. Now with his skin exposed, you could see the wound in full. It was a large cut from his upper ribcage down to the side of his lower abdomen. "Bi-han." You breathe out as you touch the skin around the wound, feeling dried blood around it.
"You act as if I am fragile." He snarls, still looking away from you. "I know you are not fragile which is why this is a bit much, but I knw you will be fine." You nod before pouring a bit of alcohol on a rag before dressing his wound. The alcohol on the wound causes Bi-han to wince loudly as he tightly grabs hold of your leg as you stood next to him.
"Do not treat me like a child." He shakes his head, his eyes tightly pressed together. "I am not treating you like a child, I'm treating you like my husband. It is my job to worry about you, to want to help you." You explain, feeling his grip on your leg soften as he finally turns to look at you. "I know you do not want my help even when you need it, but I am always here to provide it. Because I wish for you to be safe and not in pain, just as I hope you'd like that for me." You hold his face in your hands as he looks up at you, his cold demeanor completely faded as soft eyes stare at yours.
"I would freeze the world over to keep you safe."
A soft smile goes across your lips before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, pulling away and pressing your forehead to his.
Although you interpreted his saying as a metaphor, he meant every single word.
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coupleoffanfics · 8 months
teehee I have a small thought (batfam related, yk that one where y/n gets killed)
imagine if y/n was brought back by the pit, but instead of being a "shell" in that hc u made, she becomes completely stoic, like just blurts out what she was feeling back when she was neglected with the most blank expression ever, I imagine it being more focused on bruce and Damian since yk..bruce was the shittiest parent ever, and Damian with his sparky ass insults.
You…God, damnit Anon. You summoned me and I suddenly have the motivation to write after reading your two requests.
I don't know if you wanted a one-shot or HC. So I just went with a HC because it's much easier to push out. Though if you want me to make a one-shot feel free to ask. I'll take 7 years to write it. Though at the end I did sort of a one-shot.
Damian should have known something was wrong when y/n didn't start thrashing around and attacking anything that moved after crawling out of the pit. She just stared at her hands, clenching them into firsts and then unclenching them slowly.
Maybe Damian was too relieved to see y/n breathing and moving to really care. Maybe he thought that she was just in shock. Coming back to life isn't always expected and it can take a real toll on someone.
Not to mention that y/n was, compared to her brothers, far weaker. Not just physically, but mentally as well. So it's not surprising that she was so docile, right? It's only a matter of time before that effect wears off and she'll be normal. Or something close to normal.
Okay, maybe deep down Damian knew that there was a chance that he wasn't getting y/n back. Everyone knew that there was no getting her back, but he was willing to take the risk. He came this far and it didn't take long for Bruce to pick up on what his youngest was doing.
Damian has his big sister back and he's not going to let her go again. It's only a matter of hours before Bruce comes breaking down the door to drag them back to Gotham. So Damian took the time to clean up y/n.
She was still in her funeral clothes for goodness sake. She reeked of death, but that didn't stop the boy from hugging her tightly.
While getting cleaned up, she doesn't say a thing. Or even make a lot of noise. It was almost like she was still dead.
By the time Bruce gets there, he's not surprised by Damian's actions. He thought of doing the same thing, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. He couldn't disrespect her life by bringing her back. How could he dare think of that when she looked so at peace when she died.
He remembers how her body was tense before it became horrifyingly relaxed. There was a fear of death in those [eye color] eyes, he knows because he saw it. But it was so quick and fleeting that he could have missed it if he wasn't so close.
In a twisted way he wished y/n had clung on to him just like she did when she was a wide eyed little girl and cried. Cry that she didn't want to die. Cry that it was too early to leave now. Cry that she didn't want to leave them.
But all she did was give a crooked smile and mumble to herself as blood dribbled down her chin. She spoke incoherent things to herself. A name or two slipped from her cold lips, but they weren't ones of her family. From what he gathered it was just a close friend and her significant other's name. She died thinking of those who cared and loved her back. Not of the family that she couldn't stand to be around.
Even when her own adopted father held her dying from close, they were far from her line of thought.
So seeing y/n alive was gut reaching for Bruce. There was no pain, anger, sadness, or joy on her face. She was just there. Staring at him with an uncomfortable indifference.
Damian was ready to start a fight with Bruce. Not a physical one, but he would cross that line if he needed to. He was ready to defend himself in what he thought was best for y/n. Yet Bruce lets out a quiet sigh and tells that it's time to come home. How anticlimactic.
The plane ride back to Gotham is long and quiet. It also felt cramped by how close Damian was to y/n and unwilling to give her too much space.
By the time they made it back to the manor, everyone was caught up to date. The development is surprising to some while others not so much.
Everyone is in the bat cave. Gathered around to see y/n back from the dead. The silence is deafening as they wait for something. Just something from her, but she walked past them all. Out of the cave and to where her room was. Nothing was out of place in her room, though it was mostly empty after she had moved out a few years ago. She laid on her bed and slept as if nothing was amiss.
That's where the family infighting starts. Question of was this the right thing. What are going to do now? Why the hell did you think this was a good idea? There's going to be a lot of hash words being shared, but at the end of the day what was done was done and they had y/n back. They weren't going to mess up the second time.
Did they really get a second chance because it didn't feel like it. A week would pass and y/n has yet to come out of her room. She's alive and breathing because the trays of food left outside her door are always empty.
The camera's installed while she slept showed that she was doing nothing. All she did was lay in bed. She'd get up to use her private bathroom, but other than that there wasn't much. She was rotting away alone in her room.
This rang familiar bells in Alfred, Bruce, and Tim's head. y/n wasn't prone to long depressive episodes, so this could be something similar. The lack of socializing and excessive oversleeping was typically a big red sign for them to do something. In the past they would not force, but push her into doing social things or at least being out of her room.
They could approach this situation the same way, but they'd have to be extra careful. This was a unique and tricky situation to be in. It was also odd if not worrying that she hasn't succumbed to lazarus fever.
They could try to bribe y/n out of her room with activities that have to do with her old hobbies.
"Alfred is baking today, he said might need some help."
"I just stole the keys to the batmobile, you wanna take it for a ride?"
"Hey, do you want to…um, play a video game with me. I remember we used to play Hellflight Deadcraze a lot. They came out with the 3rd game. I just bought it today, so...Yeah."
Though the likelihood of that working is low. If they're really desperate to interact with her, they might as well just bust down her door.
At some point all the poking and prodding is going to irritate y/n. Whoever popped her bubble is going to be on the receiving end of pent up emotions.
I don't believe y/n would ever intentionally say how much the family's treatment harmed her. Again it would bubble up and fester for a while before she explodes. The thing about y/n is that she has an inferiority complex. In her life she aimed to please and help.
She understands that Gotham is dangerous. A lot of people need help and she couldn't bring herself to pull them away from their job. To her it would be like pulling a fireman away from a fire to chat as people burned alive. Even if the fire was out the fireman would be tired and need to rest, so she couldn't just pull them wherever she wanted to go. She shouldn't pester them.
In y/n's eyes, she was never worthy of being a hero because she wasn't good enough. She was never worthy of being with the family because she wasn't helping enough. She should do this to prove her worth. She's not worthless because she can do this for you and this as well!
She embodies inferiority and self-loathing. Someone that feels insignificant and has the strong urge to do more. She has- or had in this situation, hope. Hope that she'll be worthy of love. Love, affection, praise is what drives her and will seek it out if she's desperate. If she does ask or seek it out she'll be feeling guilty since she didn't really do anything to get it. In her mind she was being greedy and she couldn't help herself.
"Just stop. Leave me alone." Her voice was almost pleading as she gripped the wrapped gift box. The gift was a symbol of peace, almost a treaty. That's all it was supposed to be, but she acts as if she had been spat in the eye.
Seeing that Bruce wasn't listening to her, she dug her nails into the gift. Almost tearing into the [favorite color] wrapped paper. He stood before her like an unmoving entity. The longer he stood by the more she wanted to snap into herself. She didn't want to slowly curl into a ball. She wanted to snap herself together with a violent and almost sickening crack. This just wasn't fair.
Clenching her jaw, her voice became much colder. It wasn't as cold as the middle of winter, yet it still had a chill to it.
"I thought you'd get it that I didn't want this. I shut you out, but you- all of you just keep buzzing. None of you are getting the hint. You just keep coming back louder than before. Why can't you let me be alone? Why can't you act overworked and tired? Why can't you just leave things the way they were?"
Bruce was conflicted upon hearing her say that and would try to claim that everything is going to come around. Everything always comes around in the end and this wouldn't be any different. They are going to get through this as a family.
y/n's frown would deepen and her eyes would furrow at his attempt at comfort. She looks as if she just ate something that was expired, leaving her mouth with nothing but a nasty sour taste.
"Because we're family." She whispered to herself before almost grimacing at the words. Her voice became sharp and cold as a blade, "I don't understand why you'd suggest that I was still a part of the family. I don't think I've been family for a good while now."
She clicked her tongue as she dropped the gift box while looking Bruce in the eyes. "Come on, you can't say you cared about me after I stopped being useful. When did you realize that I wasn't anything special? Was it when I kept crying about punching villains or when I was too slow to teach."
Seeing the conflicted look in his blue eyes confused her. Why would the truth conflict someone unless it was pity. Even after all this she's just a pitiful little crybaby to him. One good hit and she's out wailing on the floor for someone to kiss her boo-boo away.
Somehow this hurt her. Her pounding heart felt like it was twisting on itself. She wanted to cry and laugh at how she thought things couldn't get any worse. Then somehow it did. The universe, the world, the Wayne had proved her wrong yet again. It was as funny as it was sad.
She could have broken down there, but she needed to hear it. She had to hear the truth, so she kept twisting her heart with her own hands. It didn't matter how much it hurt.
"Or maybe you were in denial? You had wasted a lot of time and resources on a dud. Then Damian threw cold water on you and left you shivering, right? I'm just leeching off of you and the others. Then…Then you choose them over me. I was an afterthought, or is that being too generous? Did I ever circulate in your mind before this?"
Her voice was becoming shrill and gruff like she was on the verge of tears. "When did you realize that I was dead weight, Batman? Did I make Bruce Wayne look more caring to the people when I talk about how much I love my family? Did my life serve any use or was I always just a speck of dirt on your shoes?"
Those words were far from the truth, yet with how she spoke Bruce knew that she believed in all that she was saying. Each and every word was true to her. Honestly he didn't know what to say. This was all too much. Having to hear your own child degrade themselves with such honesty was heartbreaking.
Taking his silence as a sort of confirmation, y/n ordered him to leave and of course he did. He'd fix this somehow. He just needed time. They needed time.
I cut off the ending because I didn't want to write too much. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. I haven't proofread this, Google Doc says there aren't any errors (probably a lie), and it's 3 in the morning. Goodnight.
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lint-beetle4 · 28 days
Hiii! Love your blog dude! I got a question! Or a request?? How would wukong and redson feel about thier past lover was reincarnated? How would they react?
The Cycle Continues (Wukong and Red Son x Reincarnated!Reader) Headcanons
Wukong is old, you don't need to remind him
He's seen his friend die, come back, and he's been tired of seeing random faces become more familiar as the cycle repeats and repeats
When he meets you, he found you to be charming and fairly cute
He fell for you hard, to say the least, and just like most deaths, yours was hard on him
He didn't expect to see your face again for another few thousand years, but no, in just centuries (a snap to the old monkey), there you were, in a new yet familiar face
Wukong nearly leapt at you with excitement, but he knew better
His old friends didn't remember him, he didn't expect you to as well
If you did? That's another story all together
If you remembered Wukong and called his name, oh, he'd be in love all over again
He'd ask about your new life and the people you've grown with
He'd also ask if he could be a part of yours again
If you don't remember, the sting burns a little, but he understands
He'll try to approach you, maybe chicken out, but he'll eventually say hi again, happy to hear your voice and the journeys you must've been on
Red Son:
When you met Red Son, he was a young adult in his demon years, fresh and full of anger towards a certain monkey
The Demon Bull Clan even without its king was strong and mighty, and Red Son made sure his subjects were obedient and loyal
You happened to be one of them, but unlike most, you and Red Son were close.
In secret, you two had been dating (it wasn't really a secret, but Iron Fan knew the important of letting your children be independent and allowing them to you when they needed), and both of you were quite passionate
Red Son depended on you when he would often feel inadequate for not being able to free his father quickly, and you were able to count on him to protect you when rival clans got too close
Your death was a dark stain in Red Son's past, like a glimmer that could never be captured again
As much as Iron Fan could provide her support, the mourning process still ate away at the flame prince
Centuries later, Red Son's father had returned, and a missing piece of him returned, but you were still gone
Of course, chance had it that he found you while shopping for ingredients
Unlike Wukong, Red Son wasn't old enough nor wise enough to notice how mortals reincarnated, so when he saw you, he was asking questions left and right
Those questions would only increase if you remembered him
If not, Red Son would be quite flustered at his behavior and apologize greatly before going to his parents for advice
In either scenario, you can count on him returning to you and quickly asking you on a date to get to know your new life better
There's a lot of missing time between the two of you, and Red Son is quite eager to make up for it
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killuintense · 11 months
❝ two fools in love ❞
rookie!leon kennedy x fem!reader.
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summary: just you going to look for Leon at the police academy.
content: 1.3k words, pure fluff, a little little bit of angst (reader miss leon), comfort, subby and cute Leon ofc.
note: the calm before the storm (I plan to do a longer one shot of angst :p)
It was Friday afternoon and the weather was colder than you expected, especially when you left the warmth of your home. You were walking through the crunchy autumn leaves that intruded on your way to the police academy, where an anxious Leon was waiting for you.
You hadn't seen him since Monday. He had kissed you goodbye with a lazy, clingy kiss —just like him— at the door of your apartment, promising to see you again at the end of the week. And finally that moment had arrived, giving you a feeling of excitement that ran through your whole body with enthusiasm. It had been difficult for both of you at that new stage in your lives, where the blond would have to go to an academy every month and only leave to see you on weekends, where both would spend from Friday to Sunday glued to each other without being able to separate for a second. But then everything would end and they would have to say goodbye. Sometimes you would accompany him, and sometimes he would leave alone, but not before sinking into your arms and filling your face with kisses, making sure you could not forget him for the remaining week.
You wondered if he thought of you as much as you thought of him, because it was suffocating to walk into the apartment and smell his scent even when he wasn't there, to walk by the refrigerator and look at the pictures of the two of you on that last vacation you had. Leon would circle your waist with his lips pressed to your neck and yet you were still able to see his smile and his little eyes slightly narrowed as you held the camera turning that selfie into a beautiful memory that you needed to see often to be strong and keep holding on to his arrival, reminding you that he loved you more than he could surely show. Although sometimes he was very messy, and you ended up finding in the least expected place some of his notebooks with reminders about some element that he should take into account for the physical exams they took at the academy every so often; his handwriting was as strange as he was, cursive leaning to the side as if his mind was faster than his hands. And as the days went by you refused to put in the washing machine the last T-shirt he had worn before he left, which held his cologne and his warmth. His smell of roses, so particular but masculine, and you could only remember the desire to devour him every time you saw him again, standing like a pathetic child who only expected your approval for everything, who blushed even with your slightest pampering or compliment. He emanated that warmth in which you wanted to sink and die, to die in the happiest way of all, where you never let go of him and only remained in love with him and his love.
You thought the nights were the worst, and sometimes you struggled to choose which was harder, the coldness of the bed or the coldness of your body, without his arms around you, without his silly jokes with that sleepy and tired but mellow voice, with his lips leaving wet kisses on your face and neck. You stroked his hair, that soft clump of golden hair, somewhat dull at times as he whispered that he loved you, and down your spine ran a shiver that made you giggle like a fool, asking him to stop even though deep down you knew he wouldn't because you really didn't want him to.
He was so naughty, always doing what he wanted and getting away with it, behind that silly and pathetically shy attitude, always letting his hands travel a little more than the coverage of your nightgown, squeezing and biting the way you loved it. It was too much to see how delicious you were in his eyes, the way you managed to elucidate in her eyes that there was never enough of your body to satisfy his hunger. That's why the nights were empty without his company, but so full of warmth when he was there, so full of that hungry love he gave you.
Now, in the distance you could see him, saying goodbye to his companions who were also greeted at the entrance by their families or partners, some of them leaving alone as well. But he was lucky enough to know that you would arrive at any moment, stealing a smile as he looked around like a puppy anxious to meet his owner. He was too cute for your heart to bear it a second longer, so you decided to cut his waiting short, jumping behind him while hugging him by his shoulders, having to slightly tiptoe because of the height difference "Waiting, big boy?" you murmured with your voice choked in his neck giving him a soft kiss, making him not hesitate a second longer to turn around and wrap his strong and chubby arms around you, which always knew how to hold you with determination.
"My love" he said happily, hugging you, feeling that that torture was finally over. And, no lie, Leon was an exaggerated person by nature, dramatic as shit; he looked at the little picture he had taken of you every time he felt that his stay at the academy was like being in a war, and your picture smiling at him was the only light in his path (that day the major Krausser made him wake up at 4 a.m. and he felt he was really dying). "I missed you so much..." he said after a sigh of relief, squeezing your waist before seeking your mouth desperately, giving you a kiss loaded with pleasure and welcome, those kisses that felt more meaningful than any other because they had the genuine desperation of needing you in order to feel alive. He pressed you against his body as his tongue caressed yours, dominating the kiss by his eagerness to have his way with you, leaving you the opportunity to suck on his lower lip with mellowness before pulling away.
"Wow, did you miss me?" you resist, stroking his face and squeezing his cheeks. You always made sure he was well fed, you hated the idea that in his training they weren't attentive enough with the food and made him go hungry, but his cheeks were always fluffy, his arms strong and his legs and chest... you found yourself more than you'd like looking at him morbidly, wanting to squeeze him so badly. And well, why deny that more than once he scolded you for biting him too much in those places where a simple kiss didn't do his figure justice.
"I'd say the same about you" he murmured against your cheek while in his tone you could feel his playful chuckle. Both of you glued to each other with decorum and that was one of the things you liked most about Leon, he wasn't ashamed to show you your love in front of anyone, not his academy mates or strangers, he was proud to have such a fucking beautiful girlfriend and denying it would make him an idiot. And he could be a dramatist, but never an idiot. "I feel like my stomach is going to explode if I don't give her some of those delicious hot chocolate pancakes you always make" you resist as you look into her bambi eyes, big and blue. Your legs were working too hard not to bow down to him because of the tenderness he caused you, but you really couldn't help but be weak in front of that blond.
"Leon you look like a giant baby asking me to make you a snack" you laughed, biting his cheek with desperation before hanging on his shoulders to stare at him, your gaze surely reflected that overflowing love you had for him "But you're my baby so let's go get those pancakes" you feel his happiness hit your face at the moment a smile of complacency feeds your ears.
Disentangle themselves from that smothering embrace but soon it doesn't take long for him to take your hand and entwine it with his, gently caressing your knuckles. You start walking towards the apartment amidst banter and fleeting kisses, you sometimes gently tap his shoulder when he tries to kiss you but you run your face to spite him, and Leon swings his hands together, sighing like a fool in love. They were both fools in love.
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