#i knew this was found last night but like tango
glitchedmagic · 9 months
Decked Out Egg Update 9/30/23 - Edited
Bdubs - Haybale - Found by Cub - Level 1 north wing behind powdered snow
Cub - ??
Doc - Smoker - Found by Pearl - Level 2 jump boost passage in an alcove by the lake
False - ??
Golden Egg - Block of Raw Gold - Found by Hypno* - Level 3 bottom floor
Scar - ??
Grian - ??
Hypno - Block of Bamboo - Found by Hypno - Level 2 underwater passage from the lake
Jevin - Ancient Debris - Found by Hypno - Level 2 dripstone cave
Impulse - ??
Iskall - Endstone - Found by Pearl - Level 1 north wing secret button passage
Joe - Blackstone - Found by Hypno - Level 2 above wither rose parkour
Pearl - ??
Stress - Pink Glazed Terracotta - Found by Scar - Level 1 south wing tunnels behind powdered snow
Beef - Nether Quartz Ore - Found by Pearl - Level 2 jump boost passage by the entrance to Grian's room
Wels - ??
xB - Crying Obsidian - Found by Doc - Level 2 Pearl's room, secret piston door triggered by gold pressure plate
Xisuma - ??
Zedaph - Pink Wool - Found by Hypno - Level 1 in ice crack room behind powdered snow
Cleo - ??
Total: 11/20 [Over halfway there!]
Names link to the video in which the egg was found
* Indicates egg was found on stream and not released on YouTube as of posting
There are 3 confirmed eggs still hidden on level 1
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oh-saints · 1 year
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rúben planned the trip to end up with sliding the 4-carat diamond ring he hid in his back pocket onto his girlfriend’s finger. spoiler: they broke up instead. and now the footballer was stuck in the airport until the bad weather cleared off. lovely, isn’t it?
rúben dias x female!OC
word count: 5.6k
note: happy new year to everyone but especially my boyfriend who’d once asked if i could make something out of our first meeting (i did meet him on a plane) so here it is! [thanks for breaking my writer’s block & enjoy ruben as he’s the only one you’d let me cheat on you with.] as usual, i happen to always write around dawn so ofc this is not beta-read but feedbacks are always welcome!
sorry bro, the ENTIRE city’s closed until the sandstorm goes away.
rúben groaned as the notification bar showed his manager’s newest message. things went spiralling down the drain so fast in the last 24 hours, his head couldn’t wrap up which one’s reality and which one’s not. he just wanted to go back home as soon as possible and throw himself to work—the only reality he knows very much real and sane—the very next day.
but they got to have a fucking massive sandstorm on the day he was returning to manchester.
rúben’s mood went from very bad to super sour in a split second.
he wouldn’t be like this, though, if his girlfriend of 2 years said yes to him last night, when he popped the million-dollar question every woman would love to hear from him, on the very place they met the first time. it didn’t make sense to him at all as to why she flat-out said no to him and scurried off like she’d caught fire on her ass when 2 days before flying out to their beautiful destination, they’d been seriously—and positively at that—talking about the possibility of marriage.
was it too fast? nothing was too fast, at least for rúben’s standard. if she was keen on spending the rest of her life with her, as she proclaimed to be, they could discuss more possibilities of what happens in their household as they go. no?
rúben had, in fact, contacted her to come back to the spacious villa he’d rented over the weekend so they could sit down and run over this like a pair of adults. after all, it always takes 2 to tango in a relationship—whatever relationship it is. rúben was willing to apologise first for acting rash, if it was the case, and made amends to what he did but instead, he found out she blocked him on every communication channel they used 15 minutes after he sent his first train of messages post-refusal.
maybe she wasn’t ready to talk it out like a mature adult solving problems. maybe she wasn’t the adult he was expecting her to be. maybe she wasn’t an adult at all.
his head was heavy and throbbing, his heart was pounding irregularly, his breathing was shallow. he wanted to scream out whatever he was feeling inside, in hope it could lessen the inexplicable emotion and the bitter taste left in his mouth.
the sound of a crying baby from afar nearly split his skull to pieces like he was being thrown a nuclear bomb.
he should’ve listened to what his brother said this morning; to not delay his departure after such a disastrous ending to yesterday’s evening. he should’ve taken the offer of flying private his brother could easily pull off with a call, if only the idea of being confined inside the small plane alone appealed to him.
he had the luxury, why bother flying couch?
it was the very question rúben had been dying to ask himself. was the loud noise of the crowd the one he looked for to drown in all the voices in his head, the very one kept asking and blaming himself of the outcome his relationship didn’t work well? was the uncomfortable plane seat the one he was searching for to ease off the niggling ache of his heart?
wait, since when was rúben gato dias a sappy boyfriend?
he knew he wasn’t heart-broken—it would’ve hurt him even more than what he was feeling—so he knew he’d survive this. give him time to work tirelessly and it would be the same as when a smoker puffed his nicotine intake out of his lungs. quick and easy to forget. but until this damn sandstorm walked away from the surface of the earth, would there be anything to distract him? anything to make his day at least better by a miniscule?
“sorry, is this seat taken?”
rúben looked up at the feminine voice, the difference to other hushed voices in the hustle-bustles of the airport was striking. a good surprise, as he could direct focus on his brain to be towards this lady instead of pondering endless what-ifs in his head, but a surprise nonetheless.
rúben wondered how she could ask such inquiry without a hint of questioning tone; she was all smiles, borderline confident the seat across him was vacant, but it didn’t come off as annoying. she was friendly, for the lack of words, and rúben sensed she’d only want to have a seat, as the café they were in was packed with people affected by the sandstorm.
so rúben shook his head to answer her question before unlocking his phone to let his family know he wouldn’t be coming back as scheduled. but as he was placing his fingers over the keyboard on his phone, he sensed someone was watching him, it wasn’t intently but it was enough for rúben to not ignore it.
the woman was still standing in her place, her hand remained on the skeleton of the chair. the smile faltered a little, however. “do you mind, though, if i sit here?”
rúben casted a glance up to meet her eyes once more, half confused as to why she didn’t sit on the chair in front of him right away—unlike what he expected her to be—another half was confused about her question in general. rúben couldn’t recall his memory of a time someone bothered to ask such thing to him, or any other person, regarding an unoccupied chair.
and weirdly enough, the woman had asked the question with an underlying concern behind her tone. as if it truly mattered to her about what he thought; that if he wasn’t comfortable enough sharing the space with her, she’d gladly move somewhere else rather than having her presence rubbed him off the wrong way.
was him sulking that palpable to everyone else in the room?
“no, please,” rúben managed to give her a tiny, pressed smile—the best he could muster with the energy he had left—and gestured his hand to show he didn’t mind her, in hope she’d feel more comfortable around him. after all, they might be spending the next several hours face to face. “go ahead.”
the smile went up a couple of watts again, and her relief unknowingly relieved something inside rúben too. “thanks.”
rúben thought he would be spending his spare time bored as hell but boy, did the mother earth prove him wrong.
they didn’t share any words after their last interaction; rúben busied himself with his phone, the woman straight away pulled out her laptop and a notebook. the silent went on for at least 30 minutes before he noticed the woman going mildly berserk with whatever she was writing on the white paper from the corner of his eyes. hands furious, brows knitted together, eyes blazing crazy let-me-prove-you-wrong determination, lips bitten down white.
suddenly she went deflated like a swimming tube losing pressure, sighing so hard it blew the poor paper over. eyes closed in resignation, lips pouted deeply, valour escaped her entire being. she then stared at the numbers she scribbled down for a full minute, like it’d mean something to the eyes now devoid of everything, before starting to start afresh on another page of white.
scratched couple of number, jotted something else. a dozen times with a dozen of different facial expressions before she finally surrendered to whatever it was. secretly, rúben enjoyed the mini show the woman opposite him had been presenting. it reminded him of a pantomime show at a circus—entertainment of various expressions without words—but in a good way. but at that point, he was more concerned she was going to join another baby who was wailing from another side of the café.
so he decided to buy her one of the cake on display, in hope it could cheer her up, as well as apologising for the hostility he displayed the first time the fate introduced them to each other. maybe as a gratitude on the side too, rúben realised as he went on, that she was simply existing. in the rúben’s world, where everyone and everything almost felt intrusive and overwhelming at the same time all the time as they disregarded his privacy, people rarely ever did something without a hidden agenda.
maybe it was a huge leap of faith on itself but what did he get to lose now when it felt like it had been that way since last evening?
the moment rúben slid the small white plate towards her direction, those expressive eyes flashed him unspoken confusion. he couldn’t help but wonder what else and how far those orbs could convey words without words.
“you look like you need it,” rúben regained his place in front of her once more. “i hope you’re not allergic to chocolate.”
the gratitude gleamed from the same eyes—and she made sure he looked at it—threw him off guard, to be honest. he was expecting her to say something along the lines he said to her, not puss-in-boots eyes. “thank you soooooo much! you don’t know how much this means to me,” she picked up the utensils in a rush, eyes devouring the praline cake already. “i was actually thinking of buying you a coffee or something because i can be handful when i’m working.”
she was afraid she’d disturb his peace, on top of being scared she’d take up too much of his space earlier, when she barely made noise? but before he could voice out his curiosity, she handed him the fork, already scooped up with a cut piece of the chocolate dessert.
“where i grow up, we always hand the first cut to the person we’re thankful of,” she answered the question underneath the look he threw her. it amazed him that it didn’t take her five seconds to figure them out. “otherwise it’s considered rude.”
her way of thinking intrigued rúben immensely immediately, so he decided to ride off the high wave. “i hate to break it to you but my job requires me to clean healthy until i retire.”
“what the hell…” the face she pulled on resembled a famous are-you-kidding meme he usually found on his social media timeline and he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “i hope they compensate you well.”
rúben was about to throw a banter into equation but she stepped her foot on the throttle before he could. “what do you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking? because i can’t think of a job that has strict and painful criteria like that.”
the footballer stared her down, a bit intensely this time in hope he could break off her character, should she turn out to be a deceit. this was one of the classic trick in the book; fake it till you make it. shockingly, she didn’t waver under his pressure and continued looking at him expectantly, like a student waiting for his professor to answer their question.
“i’m an athlete.”
it took her 10 seconds to digest he wasn’t kidding, that sports industry actually was that rigorous. she went white in aghast. “no way.”
rúben was stunned that she was stunned at his admission. “i don’t look like one, huh?”
“i was expecting you to say you’re a model or something.”
this time, the footballer couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped his mouth. “is it too late to say that i model too sometimes?”
“you’re joking.”
the mirth and amusement stayed behind in rúben’s eyes as he shook his head one more time to answer her doubt. because heck, this woman deserved more than just a slice of praline cake for grazing her refreshing existence in rúben’s world.
“i’m so googling you,” the woman pulled her laptop closer, fallen papers be damned. “when you’re an athlete but you have modelling gigs already, you must be a hotshot.”
“eh, hotshot would be an overstatement.”
the woman shot him an incredulous look. “that’s exactly what a damn good athlete would say when praised. but drop your name, mister, so we can test out if it’s over or understatement.”
“the name’s rúben dias but at this point, i’m just flattered you consider me a hotshot,” and rúben wasn’t lying. he knows when a woman says one’s hotshot. “i can now rest in peace.”
“i can’t be the first one to call you—holy fuck,” her eyes enlarged so wide he was afraid it might pop out soon and dropped down to the gaping mouth. “you play for manchester city?”
she seethed an emotion he couldn’t recongise as she spelled out the name of the club he was now representing, and rúben detested the feeling already. one when he couldn’t pinpoint what she was feeling or thinking from what her facial features were displaying. “uh, i hope you’re not a manchester united fan.”
praise the gods above, she wasn’t.
unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend was. it was how she’d come to know the world of football, including but not limited to his current club. she stopped watching when she got accepted for her job; the very reason she was flying out today of all days.
rúben learnt her name was adriana and she was a petroleum engineer, which explained a lot to her condition. the reason she broke up with her ex was due to the long distance and lack of communication. (in her defence, she couldn’t work on it because how am i supposed to search for another source of signal when i’m like one hour away from the nearest land?) the lack of signal resulted any form of entertainment to get limited, thus her not being able to watch football despite growing fond of it as the years went by. the last time she watched anything football-related was before the season 2019/2020 started off, and it showed why she wasn’t able to recognise his face.
but the work she was currently doing wasn’t something rúben regretted out of her job, unlike her ex, because he truthfully couldn’t imagine the boredom he’d have to go through if she wasn’t stuck with him in this sandstorm. if it wasn’t because of a work emergency that came up 2 days prior, he wouldn’t have discovered the world of engineering. she was forthcoming enough when he asked the details in what she does on daily basis, even went as far as showing the source of her mental breakdown earlier—which coincidentally confirmed his guess and he couldn’t contain the butterflies in his stomach for nailing the bull’s eye.
despite coming from 2 different worlds, literally and figuratively, rúben thoroughly enjoyed the endless conversations that flowed between them. it went from their jobs, to football in general, to f1 talks, to music, movies. she was genuinely curious to the healthy eating he’d been doing for years, he was equally interested about the things she did to pass time when staying on the off-shore facility or about the things she had to do to survive when a hurricane or some sorts came crashing down her unusual accommodation. she intended to download all his netflix recommendation before all earthly-pleasures were rid off, he aimed to make a spotify playlist to contend her liked songs.
when they found out the sandstorm would still be ongoing by the time dinner fell upon, they unanimously agreed to move out of the café to somewhere else where they served proper food. she needed her caffeine fix to fight the jet lag and he needed his protein fix before his trainer blew off his ears.
(lies. he did it because he wanted to take her far away from the eagle eyes that was starting to show their true form the past hour, complete with their DSLR cameras pointing at them. and away because he wanted to listen to her intently, for she could never bore her, and he’d hate it if anyone else got to eavesdrop how much of a wonderful conversationalist she was.)
she laughed when their chosen food served—she was only having swedish meatball and he was adamant on having chicken breast for his stroganoff, on top of ordering smoked salmon salad—because only then did adriana realise each of them lived off very different lives.
“i eat because i want to, whereas you…” adriana shook her head in disbelief. rúben contemplated for so long over the menu the restaurant provided because he was looking for ones that fit his diet and, in the end, adriana hadn’t seen so many greens as rúben’s plate. “i really hope it’s all worth it.”
“it is.”
with the way rúben looked at her when he said it, adriana could only pray for her life before rúben took all of her breaths away.
“… announcement for passengers of Emirates Airlines on flight number 431B to Tokyo, Japan.”
adriana’s eyes perked up at the airport announcement, recognising it was designated for the passengers belonging to the same aircraft as her. a small panic rushed over her bloodstream, as it now dawned her how much time had passed swiftly, afraid that she wouldn’t catch her flight in time.
although she didn’t miss a bigger, more painful pinch on her heart that she had to end whatever this is she was having with rúben. she didn’t want this to be a one-time occurrence because it had been a while since the last time she was genuinely interested in an opposite sex—she’d been bereft of a figure with face she could tolerate and brain that could keep up with her to be called her boyfriend for years now—but she did realise that with them living two different lives in two different countries with thousands of miles and oceans apart, it would only be a futile attempt to ask him to try and work this out.
“that’s your flight, isn’t it?”
adriana’s eyes zeroed back on the very person that had filled her layover hours with so many anecdotes and stories from his footballing days that she felt as if she lived through those moments with him too. rúben was sporting back the tiny, pressed smile she found the first time she interacted with him hours ago but managed to vanish as they spent more time together. she hated it immediately. she missed rúben laughing and smiling so freely like he didn’t care if they got eternally stuck in this airport.
“yeah, that’s me,” adriana couldn’t help but give him an apologetic smile. she was apologetic for living 10 hours away from where he lives, for not being able to spend longer time with him; for this particular situation they couldn’t control, in general. “unfortunately.”
rúben muttered, “unfortunately, indeed,” under his breath and another pang in the chest didn’t escape adriana.
adriana couldn’t help herself; her hand reached his before she knew it herself, as if it was her second nature. “don’t be that sad, rúben,”
one moment he was pitying himself for meeting such a wonderful woman in the wrong circumstances, one moment his heart was galloping so hard at the way her tongue rolled his name perfectly. like she had known how to for so long, like she owned it.
maybe she had, effortlessly so.
“it means your flight’s coming up. you can go home, too.”
adriana didn’t know that for rúben, his now-burned-to-ashes home had now shifted into the very one rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb softly but firmly with enough pressure, just the way he liked it. he couldn’t help but wonder how her flimsy of a hand would look prettily with the ring that sat disturbingly at the bottom of his backpack.
the silent revelation stopped rúben’s heart for a second.
he must be going crazy. or desperate. or worse, both.
maybe he was indeed acting rashly to his ex-girlfriend, for jumping into conclusion she was ready for the lifetime institution of marriage when they had only spoken of it days before. he really should slow down this time around. he blew off one chance, he didn’t want second time—especially with a woman that felt so much like someone who would drape a blanket over him after a disappointing match, be it ucl final against real madrid or not, despite only meeting her hours ago.
“you know that if i could follow you, i would, right?” adriana’s heart skipped a beat, both at his submission and at his hand enveloping hers back. every inch, every angle, every curve of their hands fell together, perfectly fitting against one another, and it scared her because how could it be when their hand sizes were kilometres different? “i mean, you still owe me so many stories of your co-workers jumping off the rig for fun.”
“you can always visit me anytime for that.”
“or you can always visit me anytime for that,” rúben threw her a mischief smile, just to rile her up—and she laughed at him, pulling her hand back so she could tidy up her things scattered across the table—but deep down, he was serious. he already planned in mind to send her jet as soon as she was back on shore. “i miss you already.”
and he wasn’t lying. he hated the cold that swept over the palm of his hand as soon as her hands went back to the respectful owner.
“please don’t,” adriana chuckled at his words, hands slipping her macbook to its leather sleeve. “i will only annoy you if i’m around you 24/7.”
“better than spending the rest of my flight without a spectacular companion.”
“i’m sure there are tons of people dying for your attention now,” adrianna’s eyes signaled people behind them that took liberty to take pictures of him as if he was another of the world’s 7 wonders. he was amazed that she kept her cool the entire time, knowing the fans could be such a disturbance. “you can always pick one of the bunch.”
“but none of them is you.”
rúben harbored the tiniest satisfaction when her entire body went rigid at his words before the eyes he was starting to love slowly focused back on him. fuck speed dating, adriana was about to leave in less than an hour and he didn’t know how long it’d take him to see her again.
adriana had always appreciated when people went straightforward with her—her mother said it was the effect of hanging out with too many boys and men alike in the rig—but hearing rúben’s each and every direct take on her was a whole new level of game. she liked it, but she really needed to step up her arsenal and fast at that.
rúben’s one hell of a handsome face didn’t help to her advantage, though. she was glad she’d be boarding a plane soon because if she stayed for an hour longer, her mind would probably go astray every time she thought of a good comeback. god damn, those brown eyes that reminded her of dipping into a chocolate fondue and the tiny smirk only he could pull off and those stubbles she was itching to run her hands through and the unique accent that tangled british and portugese—they’d be the death of her.
“let me walk you to your gate.”
adriana was thankful rúben spared her the pain of giving him a reply to something she wasn't sure there was a comeback statement to that. “that’d be lovely.”
rúben’s father always said the right woman would prove herself worthy of him the same way a man would prover himself worthy of her. he used to believe it when he was a kid but as he grew up, now entering the stardom especially, he concluded that what his father said was only applicable to the lives of ordinary men. it had always been him proving her worthy instead of the woman doing the labour her own.
however, as rúben and adriana walked down the airport towards her gates with people flocking them as they went, rúben couldn’t help but get reminded of what his father used to say. adriana took the stride with pride, embracing this ugly side of rúben’s life that people always breached and forgot he was also a fellow human with a need to protect his privacy also.
she kept engaging him in small conversations like it was another day for her, as if it was actually that easy to be around him with cameras pointing towards them. she made it look easy in the process to tuck away the reality and instead focusing on rúben and rúben dos santos gato alves dias only. the one that adriana got to know the past hour, not the manchester city’s number 3 everyone else got to see from the silver screen.
that was when he knew she was worthy of the life he could give her in the future. because frankly enough, not everyone was ready for the consequences nor did they willingly accept the baggage that came with dating a footballer playing under a name as big as manchester city.
“this is me, then.”
they had to go through almost 40 gates to reach hers, yet they’d arrived? rúben started to question the concept of time his physics teacher used to teach him. “what a short trip, i expected 15 minutes.”
adriana scoffed. “it is 15 minutes to get here, rúben.”
for once, she hated her job, too, for making her a frequent flyer to a land so far away from everyone’s reach. whoever said distance makes heart grow fonder surely had never experienced living in an off-shore rig. she hated that the very particular fact already distanced her from rúben, whose hands were now tucked in his jeans. awkward, and rúben dias didn’t suit awkward at all. not after having him around her for hours without a moment of awkwardness.
oh, how much adriana wanted to reach those hands of his again. despite the crude surface due to grazing the hardness of green grass, it brought safety and comfort to her. a feeling she’d definitely keep deep down her heart.
“aren’t you going back to your gate?”
“nah, i’m staying until i know your plane’s taken off safely.”
another pregnant pause.
and rúben hated it. but he didn’t want to touch adriana once more, for he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from purchasing a one-way ticket to tokyo. or wherever adriana was staying.
“alright then, suit yourself, champ,” adriana corrected the sling of her backpack, and rúben was glad he wasn’t the only one who didn’t know what to do with the tension between them both. “i’m going now. thank you for the amazing time, rúben. i genuinely enjoyed it.”
rúben could only nod, terrified of the other things that might escape his mouth so loosely. so he chose his words wisely, “have a safe flight.”
adriana smiled to his words, but rúben noticed the smile didn’t reach her eyes. she was sad, and rúben badly wanted to suggest that they should be sad together instead.
the airport announcement boomed throughout the building once more. rúben watched she took a peak of the line behind her, the boarding counter now almost deserted from people, and when she returned her sight to him, he saw resolution behind her eyes. it was then he knew he was out of time to convince her to stay, nothing else would waver her.
but before he could act upon his thoughts, adriana beat him to it once more.
fuck it, she thought inwardly. it’d be at least christmas before she could see him again—that is if he still wanted her around by that time. rúben had shot his fire, might as well shoot her own bullets while he was in front of her. so she stood on her toes, in order to reach rúben’s face, but to no avail, it resulted her to only reach a small part under his chin, full of light stubbles but his manly smell intoxicated her beyond words. she was glad she could only plant a featherlike peck there, or else she’d be spinningly dizzy.
the movement was as fast as a thunder struck but being a professional ball kicker, rúben had trained his reflexes all of his life. before adriana could notice, rúben had placed his hands on her waist, steadying her so she wouldn’t fall back on her ass disgracefully from the loss of balance, despite being caught off guard.
her hand remained on his cheek, as she bid her farewell of “take care, rúben,” but he could take the impression she’d wished to elongate the moment. so she could take in the feeling of having him under her hands, so she could take in the feeling of having him wrapped around her for the first and the last time today, so she could take in the feeling before she had to be deprived of this until the next time they met.
so he leaned in, doing the very one thing he had been dying to do. he eliminated the thames-long distance between them, relishing the liberating feeling of finally having what he had been desiring since the first time she popped up in front of him, for he wouldn’t have the luxury to do this as much as he would want to. not until the next time they met. with his year-long schedule, she’d be lucky if he could sneak off sometime between christmas and new year.
despite their lack of time, rúben kissed adriana deep and slow, like they had all the time in the world. his hands were now respectfully settling on her waist and the back of her neck, angling her to a comfortable position for them both, ever so gently yet full of passion. like they had done this thousands of times before.
her head was officially spinning around to the point of no return.
rúben was taking everything she could give, no remnants left behind. every gasp, every suppressed moan, every hidden groan, every nip, every desire. he didn’t care if he came off like a dementor sucking a soul out of another human; he wanted this, he needed this. so soft, so sweet, so adriana yet her lips had a streak of him across them now. she was now tasted like him, sweet temptation and danger, all in one. exactly like the dream he didn’t want to wake up from.
adriana pulled away first, her brain alerted her it was time to go and that she also required air if she wanted to live another day. she opened her eyes only to see his already staring at her, grinning like they were not going to different directions, his thumb grazed her wet lips that was covered with them.
“text me before you take off.”
and adriana had already planned to spend the last of this month’s earning to buy the on-board wifi. “i’ll text you whenever i can.”
with one last kiss between them, adriana reluctantly let go of rúben and willed herself to take a step towards the boarding counter.
gone was the warmth she would now associate this city with, both the usual sunny weather and rúben himself. adriana wasn’t a fan of cold weather herself to be honest, today just added another reason to the bag. she had even longed the pricky sensation of his sheer, unshaved beard underneath the palm of her hands.
being taller than average, rúben stood tall above everyone else’s head and watched as adriana’s figure slowly blended between the crowd lining up for the plane they’d been waiting for. call him impossible but even from afar, rúben still couldn’t take his eyes off her the way they met the first time tens of hours ago—doesn’t matter to him if it was the small of her back, the back of her head. it was still adriana, it was still parts of the amazing person he got to know the past several hours.
as rúben prayed for his feeling to not falter soon, that whatever they were having were not just some withering memories like summer breeze, adriana looked back to his direction. spotting the gigantic portugese amongst the crowd, still standing and waiting for her until she boarded the plane like he promised, she grinned and mouthed see you soon as if they’d meet again.
rúben took it as a sign for the universe to act upon it and not just prayed it wouldn’t be a fleeting moment. he’d make sure they will meet again, as soon as his schedule allowed him to be, because this time, he believed what people said; with great sacrifices comes great results. and he, for god knows why, believed this time adriana was worth everything he did, does and will fight for.
maybe a delayed gratification was what rúben was looking for as the answer to his initial question.
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 1 year
Joel getting his daughter's best friend (aka reader WHO IS LEGAL) pregnant?
This is going to be part 2 to my last post because these two requests came in at the same time. It was meant to be.
warnings: pregnancy
'I want you to know this isn't a one-time thing,' Joel kept his word, you found yourself in his bed each night, sneaking in through the back door when Ellie was asleep. Guilt was slowly eating you alive because you were keeping a secret from your best friend. Joel had no issue with keeping things from Ellie but you felt like a bad friend. 
But how can you tell your best friend that you lost your virginity to her surrogate dad? and that you continued sleeping with him? Joel had a strong hold on you. He made you into a different person, you weren't so timid anymore, and made you feel like a woman. Ellie saw how you carried yourself differently and how Joel was less of an asshole. 
Each hookup got less careful with being cautious. Joel couldn't bring himself to pull out every time, you felt too good around him. You always begged for him to spend inside of you. When he did you would spend the next month worrying about being pregnant. Your luck had to run out sooner or later. Later came quicker than you thought. You were having morning sickness and felt run down. You were sleeping more than you do and just felt something was off with your body. 
You began to distance yourself from Joel, making sure you didn't have any shifts with him and having Ellie hang out with you at your place. You still haven't told anyone except for Maria that you were pregnant. "Sweetie, you're going to tell Joel that you're pregnant because you'll be showing soon." Maria rubbed your back while you threw up the contents from your stomach. You shook your head at her, you didn't want to ruin another person's life. "I can't...he'll hate me and Ellie will hate me too." You moved against the bathtub and leaned against Maria. "Now I don't like that man very much but it takes two to tango and Ellie well if she is your best friend then she'll support you no matter what." You hated how right Maria was. You had to be an adult and tell them. 
You asked Ellie to hang out and decided that the immature little games had to end. When you sat Ellie down to tell her, she pulled the words out of your mouth. She told you that she knew about you seeing Joel and how much it grossed her out but if you're happy then she's happy. "Now what is wrong? because I'm getting sick of Joel moping around." Ellie could tell that you were staying away from him. You opened your mouth and no words came out, they were stuck in your throat. You forgot how to speak and just showed her your small bump. Her eyes grew wide and she placed her hand down your stomach. "No fucking way..." the words left her lips and formed a smile. 
"Ellie, I'm scared to tell him," your voice croaked as the tears escaped from your eyes. Ellie still had her hand on your bump and looked at you. "Y/n, don't be scared of that man, you know how much he loves-" "Love?" Your heart skipped a beat, was she telling the truth? "Oh shit...I wasn't supposed to say anything," Ellie nervously scratched the back of her neck. Joel storms through the door mumbling to himself. He stops and is surprised to see you in his house. Ellie quickly pulled her hand from your stomach and fixed your shirt. His eyes flickered at Ellie trying to cover you up. 
"What's going on?" Joel stands over you on the couch, you could tell that he wasn't angry but curious. He hasn't seen you in a month and he was heartbroken by your absence. Joel was beating himself up for the longest time thinking he hurt you in some way.
You stood up and walked over to him "Joel, we need to talk," You took his hand and led him up to his room. You closed the door behind you, and the tension in the air was suffocating. "I'm pregnant." You blurted out loud and waited for Joel to react. His body became rigid at the words leaving your lips. 
Joel felt his heart stop for a moment, the ringing in his ears heightened and his palms became sweaty. He wasn't reacting this way because he got you pregnant but the thought of having a child again is what scared him.
Having to go through the newborn stage, the toddler stage, and then having to raise a teenager all over again was overwhelming. But he wouldn't be doing it alone, it would be with you by his side. He picked you out impulsively and didn't regret it. 
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taocc-updates · 6 days
And now, the six merry murderesses (and murderer) of TAOCC, in their rendition of:
The Cellblock Tango
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“You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like, Daniel. Daniel liked to chew gum. No, not chew... pop. So I came home this one day, and I'm really irritated, and I'm looking for a little bit of sympathy, and there's Daniel, lying on the couch, drinking a beer and chewing. No, not chewing... POPPING. So, I said to him, I said "You pop that gum one more time,"... And he did. So I took the shotgun off the wall, and I fired two warning shots....
Into his head."
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“I met Drunk Anon from at the bar about two years ago, and he told me he was single, and we hit it off right away. So, we started living together; he'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd fix him a drink, we'd have dinner. And then I found out.... "Single," he told me. Single, my ass! Not only was he married, oh no. He had six wives... one of those Mormons, you know? So that night when he came home from work, I fixed him his drink, as usual.
You know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic“
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“I was in the kitchen, carving up a chicken for dinner, minding my own business. In storms my wife in a jealous rage. "You been screwin' the milkman?!" she says, she was crazy! And she kept on screaming, "You been screwin' the milkman!!!"
And then she ran into my knife. She ran into my knife ten times”
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“Mit kersek, én itt? Azt mondják, hogy a hires lakóm lefogta a férjemet, én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz... èn artatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miért mondja Uncle Sam hogy en voltam. Próbáltam... A rendõrségen megmayarázni, de nem ertettek meg.”
Yeah, but did you do it?
“Uh-uh.... not guilty!”
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“My sister Veronica and I had this double act. And my husband, Charlie, traveled around with us. Now for the last number in our act, we did these twenty acrobatic tricks in a row: One, two, three, four, five, splits, spread eagles, back flips, flip flops, one right after the other. So this one night before the show, we're down at the hotel Cicero. The three of us, boozing, having a few laughs.... and we ran out of ice, so, I go out to get some. I come back, open the door.... And there's Veronica and Charlie, doing number seventeen: THE SPREAD EAGLE.
Well, I was in such a state of shock... I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead."
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“I loved Drunkie more than I can possibly say. He was a real artistic guy; sensitive, a painter... but he was always trying to find himself. He'd go out every night looking for himself, and on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary, and Irving. I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive....
And I saw him DEAD.”
Sorry these are not accurate at ALL, some of them have names and some of them don't. Sorry Drunkie, you're getting killed twice. LOVE YOUUUUU
Autumn (Squish, Uh-Uh, Lipshitz)
Star (Pop, Six, Cicero)
Pop: Yelena @of-sea-and-light
Six: Mix @mixology-expert
Squish: Pam @circus-diner
Uh-uh: Nymn @nymn-taoc
Cicero: Callista @callistawaves
Lipshitz: Kopi @kopi-taocc
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
“how do you talk to star?” - title from the song of the same name by everybody’s worried about owen (since it’s back up, ao3 link is here!) characters: jimmy (mainly)/tango cw: none unless you consider the insane amount of introspective themes throughout this thing. so! little note! guess who wrote something new and finished it. for the first time in months. it is short, i am rusty, and i DEFINITELY wouldn’t say it’s my best work but i like the concept a lot and churned this short and sweet little introspective fic last night in a writing haze! i missed four calls from my family members help.
It is based on this prompt list, specifically number 7. :) hope you all enjoy this super short, ramble-y, jimmy is very much pining one-shot! ~
Jimmy has learned it takes nothing. Barely a glance, he has found, for all of the sediment—that he thought was long stationary—to be kicked up again, to clog every artery and leave him struggling to breathe.  His conundrum lies in the side profile of Tango. The curve of the tip of his forehead, drooping into the bridge of his nose and rolling over two delicate hills of pretty, thin lips. Yes, he with the dancing eyebrows and teeth flashing, pulling against his lip when he grins and eyes that almost sparkle in sync. Tango—devastatingly, heart-achingly, undeniably and beyond beautiful Tango who has yet to notice his staring.  If Jimmy were to be grateful for anything, he’d be grateful for the obliviousness of his quarry.  Tango, in a stunning move, laughs without a care in the world. It’s so loud and clear and Jimmy feels a smirk tugging at the corner of his lip, the cause of such being obvious to anyone who may notice his ogling. Though, making a home in the corner of this crowded living room, he has no intentions of intruding. Of course, maybe he wishes he was the one making Tango laugh like that. Maybe he wishes that intoxicating gaze could be on him, rather than those who engage him. “You know, you can just go talk to him, right?” Grian asks, a gentle nudge of Jimmy’s elbow making him turn. Jimmy snorts.  Maybe that’s the problem, isn’t it? Jimmy probably could just go talk to him. He’d been watching him for so long, for so many occasions—if he were a more attentive man, he’d have studied the patterns by now. He’d understand every little joke, made a note of everything that could make him more appealing, more fun to talk to. Instead, he gets lost in it. When he tries to keep track, he fails. Being analytical was never his strong suit, and it never failed him more than when he was trying to figure out how to talk to the one he is very much in love with. The one who, as far as he knows, is very much not in love with him.  “We talk,” Jimmy says, “We’re just friends, that’s what friends do” “Yeah, Tim, and I’m just an idiot.” “You said it, not me.” Jimmy tries to say it seriously, but he can’t help the grin. “I bet he’d like to chat. You two always get along well,” Grian says, dodging the jab flawlessly and turning his eyes to Tango, the two now watching from the shadows.  “Well- yeah, I guess.”  Another problem. They did get along well. Too well, in fact. He had friends, had people who he could count on and talk to or laugh with. Jimmy even knew what it felt like to be flirted with, to be teased in that way. But it never quite felt the same when it was with Tango. And it just confused him anyway, was Tango flirting with him? Was he flirting back? He knows well that sometimes he just stumbles into things without looking first, that was no doubt. It could very well be that Jimmy was just fooling himself, wandering into something that he didn’t get a good look at before exposing his neck to the danger of misinterpretation.  Maybe, in reality, Tango was just indulging him—even if he is a really, really good guy, the concept was dangerously easy for Jimmy to trust.  “I just think that if you’d get off your perch and just go up to him, or wave or- geez, just stop staring and do something, it’d probably be fine.”  “I appreciate your suggestions, but I am comfortable right here,” Jimmy says, “He’s busy, anyway- see?” He nods up in the general direction of Tango, noting how he is casually conversing with Impulse and Zed, who keep him engaged. Grian groans.  “Not gonna be busy forever, man.” “Well, I can’t go talk to him right now, then. Maybe later.”  He feels Grian clap a hand onto his shoulder, sighing. “Whatever you say, Tim. But those feelings are just going to fester till you say something, you know.” “..I’ll- I’ll take my chances,” Jimmy mutters, swallowing hard.  He only glances at Grian for a second while he moves off into the rest of the party, not bothering to track where he’s heading once he leaves.  When he finds Tango again, there’s not much of a difference. Zed left. Impulse still has him explaining something. He can tell by how his hands move, how his gestures get big and small and create the shapes of whatever figures are drawn out in his mind. Jimmy always admired that. He’d gotten it up close, once, when Tango got into one of his redstone rambles and talked at Jimmy while he just nodded and smiled and listened, despite having zero clue about what he was saying. Jimmy may not be good at redstone, but he’s sure if he was asked what he liked about Tango, he would go into the same sort of ramble. Big hand gestures, small hand gestures—anything to properly convey how smitten he had him.  Tango had no idea.  Jimmy was sure, at this point, he was destined for a forever’s worth of pining. A lifetime of restless stomachs, of rocking heartbeats that sound more like scattered drums than something meant to keep him alive. He will spend the majority of his days avoiding the fire and getting used to the cold of the corners, growing fond of the way his eyes glaze over as if he has stared at the sun for a little too long. … and.. still.  Something inside of him roared, clawed at its cage and said let me out, said tell him. He couldn’t really tell what was holding him back—was it just fear? Anyone would be scared to confess, sure. It could be the rejection, the dreamt up, awkward and letting-you-down-easy smile. The sorry, I’m just not into you that way. Or, maybe, it was the worry that things would go well. After all, they had gotten to know each other closely. Teaming up will do that to you. Talking almost every day will do that to you. Running into each other at parties, taking walks, talking about redstoning and building and bearing your every wound to each other almost shamelessly on the bad days and sharing in the joys on the good days, as if it was always meant to be just like this. Jimmy feels himself suddenly come back into himself like a head slamming into a wall, taking note of an astonishing development.   Tango is looking at him. Impulse now gone from sight, he leans against the same wall, but he is looking. Then offering an adorable wave with a tiny smile, Tango straightens his shoulders when Jimmy waves back, like some attempt to make himself look taller—and with the rush of feelings rolling over Jimmy, he feels adrenaline-fueled laughter forcing its way to the surface; it comes out in a quiet wheeze.  It finds him right away. The familiar sensation of Jimmy’s insides dropping like a sinking building, leaving nothing but dust-caked breaths that feel sticky, catching in his throat with every other inhale. He is a ruined mess of a man. A weak, mumbled puddle of warmth and heavy pulses and heat.  He is fucked. Royally, deeply, this-is-it fucked. And they stay that way for seconds, but it feels like years, and Jimmy can’t get enough of it.  Loving someone does feel quite good, doesn’t it? And maybe, being loved right back could feel even better. If he could just get over himself and try.
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penwieldingdreamer · 1 year
Brewing Storm - San Diego
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Hey and welcome to a new day of "I have too many ideas and too little time to get it done." 😀
This is a new project that came up thanks to @none-of-your-bullshit and her cool idea to pair Jake Seresin with a NCIS!Reader. This is the first installment of I don't have a plan yet how many parts 🤭 Reader is non-descriptive and Y/N but I'll make sure to not use it or use Candy occasionally. Let me know what you think. If you want to be tagged in future chapters follow the link.
Have fun and happy reading ❤️
Thank you to @fortheloveoffanfic @ladyelissarose and @missathlete31 for being my betas
Warnings: 18+ in future chapters, MDNI, canon violence, mentions of injuries, fighting, drug trafficking
Y/N "Candy" Gibbs, former FBI Agent, gets sent to the San Diego office helping to clean up some older cases that had been tracked all the way up to Washington. What she didn't expect was to meet a cocky pilot that wasn't just trying to get into her pants but was in serious trouble with a capital T after he and Andrew Caine witnessed a drug deal at the base gone wrong.
Masterlist | Next
Part 1 - San Diego 
“So, Candy, how’s the California guys treating you?” Nick Torres asked with a grin, as they had their usual zoom dinner chat. Ellie shook her head and McGee had to swallow the retort that was about to leave his lips, thankful for using his headphones. No way was he going to say something with Gibbs sitting at his desk across from him while the other two were lounging at home having fun.
Chuckling at your fellow agent and friend you shook your head, before you held up your phone and turned around. One of the agents of the San Diego office had decided to take you to the Hard Deck, a bar most of the Navy personnel frequented. “I’m not complaining, the weather is great and I’ve seen the Navy men around here without a shirt on more often than not.”
“Shut up!” Ellie’s mouth hung open and you could practically see the light shining in her eyes. “I’ll be sure to send in a transfer to SoCal, can’t let you drool over them all by yourself.”
Laughing softly, your expression turned serious again. "I miss you guys already. This assignment is taking too fucking long."
"Don't worry, you'll have to bear our antics sooner than you'd like and you'd be happy to be back with the FBI instead of the Navy team catching the bad guys." Torres winked at you, taking a big bite of his burger and you already knew why you were happy to not have him sit next to you. Ellie scrunched up her nose at his behavior and shook her head, mumbling men loud enough for him to gasp around his food.
"Gibbs will make sure you guys behave, he did it before I joined the FBI."
"Yes, and I'll do it well after." His usual hard look softened as his gaze fell upon your face over McGee's.
"Hey Uncle G, hope the rascals are keeping out of trouble up in Washington." You cackled loudly at the way their faces scrunched up and the eyebrow raise you got from the three agents. 
Your uncle grinned, knowing they couldn't tell a lot about the last days without you at the Navy Yard and how many bad moods their boss had been in since you weren't there to calm him down. "How's the West Coast treating you, Candy darl'? Hopefully no premature Navy men trying to get in your pants."
"Never Uncle G." You told him, your voice sounding confident but over the bar top you saw the one person that made it hard for you to sleep at night.
Lieutenant Jake Seresin.
Not because you were occupied in the horizontal tango - no, not at all, but the Naval aviator had been coming to the Hard Deck like clockwork with or without his fellow pilots ever since you showed up that first day with your fellow agents. He would come to the bar, trying to buy you a drink at least three times during his stay, but each time you declined.
His eyes found yours from across the room. The Lieutenant looked good in his Khakis, his hair in his usual backcombed style. If Ellie saw you, she'd probably tell you, you were drooling.
The clearing of a throat pulled you out of your thoughts, your uncle giving you the side eye. “No men, huh?”
“Oh come on, you sound like I should be in a convent.”
“A convent? No, according to your mother, a different country is more like it.” He told you, but you weren’t sure if he was joking or not.
Shaking your head you grinned at your boss and family. "It's not like that, Gibbs. I just happen to be here in Fightertown and not to mention the Army vs Navy football game coming up."
"Oh, are you going to watch it?" Ellie asked, earning an eye roll from Torres as he knew what his partner was getting at.
"Actually we'll be helping with security. Jason and Andrew are part of the referee team and Lucille, Connor and I will be posing as a security team at the entrance."
Shaking his head, your uncle removed himself from his perch, knowing you wouldn't elaborate on the things that were happening down in Southern California. "Just stay safe over there or I'll come and get you back here all by my lonesome."
"Don't you worry, Uncle G. Nothing will happen, I promise.”
Ellie winked at you, telling you in a silent way to not do anything she wouldn’t do while Torres just rolled his eyes and McGee’s reaction was barely visible. Finally telling them goodbye you ended the call and returned to the drink in front of you.
Unbeknownst to you your nightly nemesis kept glancing your way a few times during his pool game with his fellow aviator. 
“You going to try that maneuver again with her or keep silently praying to whoever will listen that she’ll give you the time of the day?” The dark skinned pilot joked, watching his friend lining up his shot and to the shock of all that knew him failed to make it.
Closing his eyes, Jake took a deep breath. You had been on his mind constantly - at night, during the day, even in his head while he was soaring above the clouds. “I don’t think she’ll ever say yes. I tried all my moves and she said No. Got to stop before it gets embarrassing.”
Javy snorted, leaning against his cue. “Never thought the great Hangman was a quitter.”
“Shut up, Machado.” He grumbled, finally getting the shot right. Straightening up, he turned back towards the bar where you had been sitting all night. The way you smiled down at the screen of your phone made his insides flutter, a feeling that only being airborne could give him. 
Maybe - maybe he would have to think up a new maneuver to succeed in this mission. 
Yeah, he’d start on a new strategy tomorrow. Most important point of the battle plan - don’t be the dick that left others hanging, or he’d be the one to be hung out to dry.
@none-of-your-bullshit @fortheloveoffanfic @ladyelissarose @missathlete31 @chipendenspook1997 @mayhemmanaged
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arc852 · 1 year
Summary: Jimmy feels like a burden and undeserving of being in The Bad Boys.
Warnings: self-deprecation, anxious thoughts, and feeling unloved
Word Count: 1591
Read on AO3
 Jimmy looked back at the half ruined mansion behind him before continuing on. Night had fallen and most, if not everyone, was asleep. Times like these were the only times they were able to rest without the worry of someone coming after them. Not that many people had to worry right now. The early stages of the life series were always the most relaxed and with even more lives to spare this time around, it seemed even more so.
 So why wasn’t Jimmy taking advantage of this time to get some sleep? Well, the fact of the matter was he couldn’t. He felt tired but no matter how much he tossed and turned, his own thoughts kept him awake. So he decided he needed to go for a little walk.
 He found a little clearing among the dark forest and lit it up before sitting on a rock near the center. He took a deep breath.
 He loved being part of the bad boys. It was a fun little group, him, Grian, and Joel.
 But…did he really deserve a place in their group?
 No. The answer was no.
 The game had barely begun and he already felt like he was holding the others back. Just like with Scott. Just like with the Southlands. Just like with-
 “I had a feeling I would find you out here.” The sudden voice cut through Jimmy’s thoughts and he screamed, jumping in his seat. Turning, he saw Tango walk out of the trees, laughing at having scared him.
 “Tango! You can’t just do that!” Jimmy cried, placing a hand on his chest to calm his heart rate down.
 “Sorry, sorry.” Tango laughed, though he did at least seem a bit sorry. Jimmy huffed before taking in the circumstances. 
 “Wait, how did you know I would be out here?” Jimmy asked. Him and Tango hadn’t spoken much since the game started. Just one instance where Jimmy had hit him with a pickaxe when trying to get away with Joel.
 Tango sat down next to him and shrugged. “I don’t know. Just a feeling.” Jimmy hummed but understood well enough. Ever since double life, it seemed the soulbounds never quite broke all the way. They no longer felt each other's pain, of course, but there were…feelings. Echoes. None of them knew how to explain it but none of them did anything about it. It was kind of nice, to still be connected in some way.
 “So, why are you out here? Shouldn’t you be getting some rest for the next session?” Tango asked and Jimmy sighed, having dreaded the question. He glanced back toward the mansion before looking down.
 “Tried. Couldn’t sleep.” Jimmy said, keeping his answers short and not necessarily untrue. But Tango wasn’t deterred.
 “Come on rancher, you can tell me.” Tango said softly. “We might not be teamed this series but I’m still here for you.”
 Jimmy hated Tango for knowing how to get him to open up. But he also loved him for the same reason. Jimmy slunk deeper into himself, eyes still trained on the floor.
 “I’m not good enough to be on a team with Grian and Joel.” Jimmy said and there it was, out of his head and into the open. 
 “What? Did they tell you that?” Jimmy could feel the heat coming off of Tango in waves all of a sudden and Jimmy shot up and put his hands up in an attempt to calm Tango’s anger. 
 “No! No! They haven’t said anything like that.” At least not to his face. He wouldn’t blame them if that was what they thought though.
 Tango’s anger cooled, as did his flames, but now he looked confused. “Then why do you think that?”
 Jimmy shrugged and looked back down. “Because it’s true? Grian and Joel have always been good at this game, always making it near the end or even winning in Grian's case. But I’m…well, everyone knows about my curse. How I’m always the first one out. How I…always drag people down with me.” He said that last part with a glance towards Tango. “I mean, it was my fault we were out first last time. You were doomed the second the game paired us together.”
 There was silence, to the point where Jimmy would have thought Tango left if not for being able to feel the heat coming off his rancher. But he could and he was still there. Just…silent.
 “Jimmy.” Tango spoke after what felt like hours. “Can you look at me?” Jimmy hesitated for only a moment before looking up and meeting Tango’s eyes. “There we go.” Tango smiled but the expression turned more serious a moment later. “It was not your fault.”
 Jimmy frowned. “But-”
 “Nope, let me finish talking.” Tango cut him off, not unkindly, and Jimmy closed his mouth, letting Tango continue. “It was not your fault. Us dying last season was not your fault. You aren’t cursed Jimmy, I don’t care what anyone else says. You deserve to have a good team. You deserve people who care about you.”
 Jimmy tried to swallow but his throat felt dry. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes. “I don’t feel like I do.” And it was, unfortunately, true. Even with Tango being so nice to him back in double life and now, his time throughout Empires rings in his ears like a broken song. He knows it's all just jokes and for lore and all of that. He knows that. But… “I don’t think I have in a long time.”
 “Jimmy…” He felt a hand cup his cheek and lift his head so he now met Tango’s eyes. He hadn’t even realized he had wandered away from them. “You do. You deserve just as much as anyone else. You were never a burden to me and you aren’t a burden to Grian and Joel either.”
 Jimmy blinked and thought back to earlier in the day. Joel hadn’t hesitated to keep Jimmy with him once they met up. And Grian had said nothing about it either when he joined them. In fact, Jimmy felt happy when thinking back. They had fun being The Bad Boys.
 But his happiness soon turned to anxiousness and dread. Because he didn’t deserve it.
 “I feel like I've always been a burden to them especially.” Jimmy spoke softly.
 “Jimmy, you idiot. Why on earth would you believe that?” Another sudden voice, not Tango’s, exclaimed. Jimmy once again found him jumping in surprise and turning to find Joel in the clearing. Not far behind him was Grian. They both looked…more than a little concerned.
 “How-How long have you two been there?” Jimmy stammered out, suddenly feeling ashamed for how they found him.
 “Long enough.” Grian said, and oh, Jimmy hadn’t seen him look like that since after 3rd life. Grian glanced over to Tango. “Thanks for letting us know.”
 Jimmy blinked and then looked back at Tango. “Wait, you…?”
 Tango nodded, an apologetic smile on his face. “Yeah, I messaged them a few minutes ago. Sorry rancher, but I've told you all this before. You need to hear it from them now.”
 Footsteps came up behind him and a gentle hand was placed on his shoulder. “We’ve got it from here. Thanks, Tango.” It was Joel.
 “Anytime.” Tango said and then met Jimmy’s eyes again. “I mean it.” Tango stood up and at the same time, Jimmy was also led to stand, Joel’s hand never leaving his shoulder. The grip was gentle but unmoving.
 Tango left, as silently as he had come and Jimmy was led in the opposite direction, back toward their base. They were all silent as they made their way back, which only made Jimmy feel worse. What if Tango was wrong? What if they were about to kick him out of The Bad Boys?
 As soon as they made it back up to the roof, however, Jimmy was suddenly pulled into a hug from both Joel and Grian. “We’re so sorry Tim.” Grian said, his voice muffled from having his face pressed into Jimmy’s shirt. “We’re so sorry we ever made you feel like you didn’t deserve anything.”
 “You’re not a burden.” Joel spoke. “Not here, not on Empires, not ever.”
 Jimmy couldn’t keep it in any longer. He broke down, falling to his knees and taking Grian and Joel down with him. But they didn’t seem to mind. They just held on tighter. And Jimmy held them back.
 They were there for what felt like hours but eventually they made it back to their beds, which they had pulled together. Jimmy laid in the middle, hugged by Grian and Joel on either side. He felt a lot better. Not all the way. But better.
 “We still have a lot to talk about.” Grian murmured, not wanting to talk too loud, as if he would break the peace if he did.
 “I know.” Jimmy said.
 “Us too, on Empires.” Joel said in the same tone.
 “I know.” Jimmy said, with a bit more of a wince. But if this moment taught him anything, it was that he needed to speak more openly about his feelings. Lest he find himself dug into the anxiety ridden, self-deprecating hole he found himself in earlier.
 And if this moment taught Grian and Joel anything, it was that they needed to be much more open about their love for their friend.
 “We love you Jim, please don’t forget that.”
 And Jimmy, for the first time in a long time, believed that to be true.
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yusakiiiii · 2 months
The Fable of Skizz’s Raid
It’s on AO3 if you’d prefer to read it there.
There was once a Minecrafter known to one of his friends as Skizz Le Man, but many simply knew him as Skizz.
One day Skizz was happily working on a building project when a Pillager patrol snuck up on him. But being a Minecraft veteran, he was able to quickly deal with the patrol.
After defeating the final Pillager, the captain of them, he suddenly got a Bad feeling, like an Omen of ill tidings to come. In hopes that the feelings would fade with time, Skizz logged off for the night.
When Skizz returned to the server the next day, the feeling was gone, but a horn was sounding, and not a horn that imitated an inappropriate sound bite of one of his friends, a horn calling people to arms. And Skizz found himself suddenly surrounded by more pillagers, far more than was in the patrol, he had summoned a Raid. In a panic Skizz flew away to the top of his pyramid where he surveyed the situation.
As he overlooked the Pillagers ransacking his base, two of his friends and neighbours came and joined him on his pyramid. There he recounted to them his troubles and the fact he had left in such a hurry he didn’t even have weapons to fight off the Raiders.
In response to this, one of his friends, Grian, said, “If you just ignore the problem, it will go away.”
Skizz responds to Grian, repeating what he had said earlier in his retelling, “I tried to ignore the problem when I left yesterday but… that went poorly.”
Grian doubled down, “You’ve really got to ignore it for longer. With long terms issues you’ve really gotta commit. Just don’t come back for, I don’t know, a couple months.”
Skizz was very indignant at this suggestion and barked back at his friend, “Oh come on! That’s too mean.” Before whimpering, “What are we gonna do?”
Skizz’s other friend Gem then spoke up, “Well you’ve gotta kill them Skizz.”
Grian quickly interjects, “I told you what to do! Leave it! Ignore it! It’s only your problem if you claim it as your problem.”
Gem remarks looking at the Raiders and their proximity to other peoples builds, “Are they gonna kill Impulse’s villagers?”
Skizz, worried for his friend’s villagers responds, “Well we gotta go down there!”
And as he starts to fly from his pyramid, Grian grabs him by the arm and says, “You’re not understanding what I’m saying. I can’t help but think you aren’t hearing my words.”
Skizz complains with this particular bit of advice, “So I just can’t go over there? Can’t go in my home?”
Grian shakes his head vigorously, “It’s not that you can’t go over there. It’s that you don’t. In fact, why don’t we just turn this way?”
As he says this he grabs Gem and Skizz in each hand and turns them to look away from Skizz’s home and towards the homes of Tango and Pearl, their good friends across the way.
Gem and Skizz breathe a comforted sigh seeing their friend’s beautiful buildings, and then Grian breaks the silence with a, “Gone! See! The problem’s gone! I see no problem here!”
As Skizz wallows a little at this less than perfect suggestion, Gem tries to comfort him saying, “If we don’t want to go with Grian’s suggestion, instead, we can kill almost all of them except one and bury the last one in a hole.”
You see, it was a little known quirk of Illager culture that if an entire first wave of a Raid had been wiped out, others would come as an act of revenge. But if one survived, the Raiders would see this as an act of mercy and not send any more Raiders to attack. And this is the course of action Gem suggested.
Skizz, much happier with this suggestion commented, “Ooh, that’s good. That *is* good!”
And once more as Skizz headed to the edge of his pyramid to fly off, Grian planted his palm in front of Skizz’s chest to stop him saying, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second.”
Gem interjects before Grian can say any more, “He likes my idea better.”
Grian carries on, ignoring Gem, “Well what looks like is happening, is you’re falling into the trap, of doing something. See, I’ve fallen into that one before. Here’s the thing, you don’t need to do it.”
Gem counters, “But we could also just be proactive and handle the problem. Trust me, you can take them out. You can handle this.”
And trust her he did. Skizz and Gem flew off to fight the Raiders, and helping eachother they were able to, with some injuries, defeat all but one Pillager. But as they were trying to trap this remaining Raider in a hole, Grian, angry they had not heeded his advice, shot down the final raider. He then jeered at Skizz and Gem, “This is what happens when you sort out your problems!”
And not long after, another horn sounded, this time bringing a raiding force filled with the wish for revenge, a raiding force far more deadly than the last. But Gem is well known for her battle prowess, and was able to corner and capture one of the raiders early on, leaving the rest to be defeated by her and Skizz without need to hold back. But just as they defeated the final free Pillager, they turned back to the one they had trapped to see Grian pointing his bow at the helpless Illager. And he released the arrow, along with another wave of angry Pillagers.
Twice more this happened, the brave Minecrafters barely battling their way through the bullish Ravagers and the daggers of Vexes. Until there was only one Raider left. It was then that Grian called out, “Well this is a good spot to just leave the problem now. We can trap this last guy if you want.”
But seeing Grian’s vengeful spirit in him not listening to him earlier, Skizz ignored these words and landed the final kill on the pillager. No horns blared, no Pillagers came. They were finally free from the Raiders. At the end of the Raid there was simply, peace.
The above short story is an unreliable narration of part of GeminiTay’s Hermitcraft Season 10 Episode 13. It is loosely following the story of Pandora’s Box (Which was originally Pandora’s Jar until a mistranslation by the way.), but all Fables are meant to have teachings in them, so just as many scholars have debated the meaning behind Pandora’s Jar for centuries, I shall leave you to ponder the Fable of Skizz’s Raid.
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asstarien · 2 years
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥 , 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠 :)
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𝑰𝑻 were the nights like these Minho enjoyed. With you practically glued to his side, chest bare and flushed against his own unclothed side. Your thighs tucked neatly between his, muscled and skinny arms tangled around one another as the tv played absolute nonsense in the background.
He hated when morning came. Finding yourself alone was often the outcome of early mornings. Minho would often write small letters, voicing his displeasure and concerns to having to leave you.
But tonight, you were all his as he was all yours. No early practices or rehearsals.
Minho’s fingers found themselves laced within your dark tresses, his palm warm against your head as he guided your head back to meet his dark eyes in the paled moonlight. His plump lips broke into a soft grin upon seeing your drowsed look. “Awww, is my kitten tired?”
Swatting his hand away you pressed your cheek back against his chest, “of course not. I was just resting my eyes.”
“Right. Why is there drool on my chest then?”
Sheepishly, you wiped away your saliva and moved to turn to your side of the bed where your pillows were invitingly cool. Settling in to the new change, you spread on leg out, the other straight as you moved to lay flat on your stomach.
Minho wouldn’t accept defeat by a pillow. He tugged you back to him with a pout, loving the warmness of you against him. “Baby doll come back to me.”
“I’m right here Min,” you tiredly responded, picking your hand up and placing it on top of his. Minho cupped your hand instead, playing with it meekly before placing it against his chest.
“Sleep with me instead jagi.”
“I’m sleeping with you.”
“No…𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑 with me.”
It had been weeks since you two last tangoed. The constant dance practices and stage rehearsals definitely kept Minho busy and dried up. He found no interest in sex for a long time. After practices, he’d come straight home, shower and sleep. Just to wake up to do it all over again.
Of course your sex drive dried up as well. No matter how many lingerie sets you bought or wore, Minho wouldn’t give. After awhile, you accepted the change and rolled with the waves.
To hear him say he wanted you was a nice ring to your ears. The tiredness you felt washed away like dirt and you were sprung and ready to explore him like you used to.
The covers hit the floor as you pushed your body up to straddle his thick thighs. Your fingers laced behind his head as you attacked his lips in tiny kisses, each one a bit deeper than the last. If he really wanted you, he had to let it be known before you went all in.
Minho’s fingers clasped behind your thighs, dragging you forward to the rewarding spot he so badly needed you. He was feeling the effects of this late night.
He snaked a warm hand up your back, his fingers grasping a handful of your hair. With a soft yank, your head went straight back, a gasp leaving your mouth. He took this time to attack his sweet lips to your exposed clavicle he didn’t waste time sucking the area he knew got you so worked up.
Your fingers unlaced to take ahold of his broad shoulders, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Working your hips against his, you tried to alleviate the subtle ache that pulsed between your legs.
Minho noticed your pathetic attempts and wrapped an arm around your midsection where he pulled you down onto him hard, working his bulge right between your slick folds.
“M-Minho~” you called desperately, your fingers closing around his shoulder as you bucked your hips to meet his rhythm. “I n-need you.”
“Do you? Tell me what you need baby doll and I’ll happily supply.” His voice was tantalizing. You swore you could hear the smirk in his voice as he held you tightly before laying you flat, his hands coming to rest besides your head.
You could show him better than you could tell him. Wrapping your hand around his bulge, you guided him right back down to you. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he let out a tiny hiss.
“Hmm, so you want 𝒎𝒆? Already? No foreplay either princess. How long have you wanted me?” His breath was warm against the shell of your ear as he began to shed us of our undergarments. “I want words baby.”
“Long time! God, a long time!” You blurted, clasping your hands behind his head as you held his back. Bracing yourself for the blissful impact only his cock could give you.
His chuckle was dark and sultry as he took ahold of your thigh. Your body felt like putty in his hands. Only Minho had this effect on you, no foreplay needed and you were ready to jump his bones.
“Then I won’t deny you any longer baby doll.”
He hooked his arms underneath your thighs, lifting them expertly to rest upon his broad shoulders. His swollen tip leaked excitement as it probed at your slick folds. He teasingly thrusted his shaft between your lips, watching them spread.
You shuddered in response, fingers inching deeper into his skin.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m going in now.”
And he did just that.
His tip broke open the barrier of your walls deliciously. Eyes rolled shut as profanities echoed off the grey colored walls.
He didn’t dare thrust all the way in. He cherished the moment of your walls desperately trying to adjust to his girth and size, his own eyes fluttered shut in response when they clamped around him tightly.
“Y-you’ve gotta loosen up for me baby~” he grunted from above, his own fingers pressing tightly into your hot thighs. “God it’s been so long since I’ve fucked you loose, huh?”
You nodded rapidly, unable to form a sentence from the painful pleasure that had rendered you absolutely mute. Your eyes were too busy finding something to focus on to even notice your lovers face as he inched himself into you, deeper and deeper.
“I’m gonna change that tonight. Your pussy will only remember me.”
He bottomed out finally. A breath of ecstasy left his mouth as he wrapped his entire hand around your thigh, holding it for dear life as he pulled out. You gasped in pleasure as he fucked right into you.
“Look at me jagi.” He instructed. When your eyes opened upon request, his brown tresses stuck to his forehead wildly with sweat. His brown eyes had darkened from pleasure, mouth agape as lewd moans passed by.
His cock absolutely knew you too well. It stretched you and fucked you so well. It indeed made you dumb on his dick as Minho called it.
He could watch your face for hours as he thrusted slow and deep into you. His free hand would take ahold of jaw, holding your head straight so you could watch only him. “Tell me who makes you feel this good.”
A harsh thrust made you whimper in protest, “Lee M-Minho makes me f-feel so good.”
“Say it louder.”
“Lee M-MINHO!” You cried aloud, holding onto him for support as he rocked his hips deeply into you. His grunts were like music to your ears, the breathy moans got you even wetter.
The lewd noise of skin slapping and you practically crying for Minho definitely alerted the boys outside. They often begged Chan for soundproof walls, or they all bunched in his studio to sleep without hearing you cry.
But Minho always knew what he was doing. The jealous side to him noticed the stares they gave you, especially in the tight fitting clothes you wore. He’d make sure to fuck you hard enough to have you screaming, blubbering or crying his name so they knew who you belonged to. So they knew who’s dick was the best.
Only he could watch you come undone like this. Only Minho could make you come undone like this.
With a few more powerful thrusts, you both were coming undone around each other. Minho bent forward, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he marked you.
Your shoulder stung from his bite but nonetheless you accepted it. His back was marked with red as he released your legs gently back down to the bed. They shook in protest, vibrating wildly.
“I’ve missed you, y/n.” Minho whispered into your neck as he kissed the bite mark he created. “We should create more nights like this.”
Agreeing, you lazily held up a thumb, an even lazier smile following suit as you snuggled into your boyfriend for the remainder of the night.
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phoebe-delia · 3 months
Chicago's 6 Merry Murderesses as Taylor Swift's songs
I thought of this earlier today and thought maybe one or two people on here might find it amusing so here you go lol.
For context, you've got to know the lyrics to Cell Block Tango. (If you don't and you want to read on, here are the lyrics.) I will refer to each of the murderesses by both their character name AND the sound they make in the song: Pop (Liz), Six (Annie), Squish (June), Uh-uh (Hunyak), Cicero (Velma), and Lipschitz (Mona)
I am assigning the songs based on the vibe their story gives me. I am also challenging myself by excluding "No Body No Crime," since that would be a bit of a cop-out IMO.
I had fun putting this together! I hope someone else finds it interesting lol.
CW: discussion of murder, guns, blood, violence
POP/Liz: "Bejeweled" from Midnights
Liz says she kills her boyfriend because she came home from work in a bad mood and he was popping his gum too loud, which was a frequent habit of his. She was annoyed and told him to stop, but he didn't, so she shot him. This is, obviously, completely unhinged. It gives me "Bejeweled" vibes because of the lyrics "didn't notice you were walking all over my peace of mind" and "familiarity breeds contempt." Idk I just see a similar feeling of "you've gotten on my last nerve and I'm done with you" from both.
SIX/Annie: "Babe" from Red
Annie says she killed her boyfriend because he told her he was single, they got together and moved in, and then she found out he had multiple wives. So then she poisoned him. This gives me "Babe" vibes because it feels like she fell fast and hard and found out he wasn't the person she thought he was. This one is all about betrayal and feeling blindsided by infidelity and I think the song fits really well.
SQUISH/June: "Getaway Car" from reputation
June says she was making dinner when her husband burst through the door, screaming and accusing her of having an affair with the milkman. She then says he "ran into" her knife 10 times. We don't know for certain if his accusations against her are true; she doesn't let on either way. If he was screaming and raging, she could've thought she was in danger and acted in self-defense. My interpretation, though, is that she was cheating, and then killed him to keep him quiet. For this reason, I chose "Getaway Car," because the milkman was her own "Getaway Car" out of that relationship similar to how Taylor describes in the song.
Uh-Uh/The Hunyak: "Haunted" from Speak Now
Her story is SUPER sad. She's falsely accused of killing her husband, and then no one will listen to her because she can't speak English and properly advocate for herself. To me, this song captures some of the turmoil and grief she's feeling, both for herself and her husband. As the song says, "Come on, come on, don't leave me like this/I thought I had you figured out/Something's gone terribly wrong/You're all I wanted." And like, obviously, her husband didn't leave her here. But I think it portrays a similar feeling of dread and panic.
Cicero/Velma: "Better Than Revenge" from Speak Now
This was the first—and I'm pretty sure only—time Taylor addressed a woman with whom a boyfriend cheated or wronged her. I think it fits Velma's story very well. Velma and her sister did a traveling dance act, and Velma's husband traveled with them. One night, Velma caught them having sex, so she "blacked out" and killed them. Just look at the lyrics to "Better Than Revenge" and see what you think:
"She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause/She took him faster than you could say sabotage/I never saw it coming, nor would I have suspected it/I underestimated just who I was dealing with/She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum/She underestimated just who she was stealing from."
Lipschitz/Mona: "I Knew You Were Trouble" from Red
Mona describes Al Lipschitz as being a sensitive artist. She says she fell deeply in love with him, but that he was trying to "find himself" and ended up cheating on her with multiple women. She's vague about how he died, but she does give us this pretty crazy line:
"I guess you can say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive... and I saw him dead"
Anyway, to be honest, part of what made me pick this song was picturing the music video: this suave, charming artist flirting with this girl and then leaving her because he's a "loner" and a "drifter." I think the story she tells goes well with the vibe of the song.
If you made it this far—thanks for reading!! 💛
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daggos · 4 months
Alright, so, I have other drafts for the pet au that I'll hopefully be finishing some time soon but for now, I have been on such a Hazbin hotel high and I NEED to get these ideas down.
Mostly Alastor and Lucifer but I may do others later.
All with reader.
Possible Lucifer's tango (not in this one specifically), but I don't know how good I am at writing that stuff, so, just a heads up
Alastor x Helper Reader
You had been working for Alastor for decades. Longer than either of you had died.
You had started working for his family when you were both rather young. His mother had hired you to make sure Alastor was alright after he left the house.
He wanted to disagree, but one look from his mother and the words died in his throat.
'Mama's boy'
You couldn't help but think for a split second with a small smile.
You hadn't meant it derogatory. You actually preferred knowing that the man you would work for could be so respectful towards his maternal figure.
And he was.
He was rather respectful to those around him, even yourself (which was the greatest shock to you, dear reader), and that just made you all the more loyal.
That was the thing with your family. They find someone to serve, and they latch on, never faltering no matter what the person did.
If anything, Alastor was more shocked than you when you first found out about his meat preferences and how he acquired them. You looked at his latest work and took no time at all to start cleaning up his mess.
He had worried he would have had to kill you for a short while. He had actually grown to enjoy your company. But he figured out quickly that he had nothing to worry about. He even noticed that when it was your nights to cook, you switched to using the newly acquired ingredients in no time.
You had even switched your own food to better accommodate having to get less food from other sources.
You followed and served him as long as you could, and the day that bullet went through his head, your heart had shattered.
You yourself had grown far more fond of him than you knew he ever could, but that didn't make the heartbreak any easier when the funeral was finished.
You wouldn't let that be the way his image ended.
You set out and finished off the one who did this to your... employer...
You continued the killings he started, continued the cannibalism, continued his name. You knew you'd never do as well of a job with his radio, and you didn't dare try, the radio was his, never yours. You nearly quadrupled what his actual killings were. Always staying just under the radar.
You never did die the way the world had hoped, now its a bullet in your head (..like him..), or electricity coercing through your very being, not a needle, filled with enough toxins that you wouldn't last a minute.
You died of your own accords, making sure it was in a retirement home as if just another civilian, still eating the very thing that started it all in secret.
When you fell, it was no surprise to you. Your only goal was to find Alastor, and man, it was easy. Just following the screams you had grown so accustomed to all the way to a radio tower.
You noticed that all around you seemed to steer as far away from you as possible or just straight up finish themselves off instead.
You knew why. You could feel your own power coming off in waves around you. You didn't care, however. When you did make it to the radio tower, a man dresses in red was standing in front, long bits of hair going straight up that resembled ears with antlers right next to them, clearly expecting a challenge if the defensive look to him was anything to go by.
Others may not have noticed, but you did easily.
There were spectators all around, doing their best to stay out of sight but still there, clearly expecting some sort of fight.
What no one, even Alastor, expected, was for the newcomer to drop to a knee in front of the deer man.
You had recognized him quickly, little to no difficulty whatsoever.
"I have made it to you at last, and I hope I did not disappoint." A simple sentence that ment so much but so little to those around.
It was then that Alastor recognized you as well. Of course you were to end up as (animal/demon), it was always your favorite.
Alastor's demeanor changed in an instant, from shocked to almost glee.
"(Name)! Darling, how you've grown!" Any tension he might have still had disappeared in an instant. He knew the extent of your loyalty. Even now, being so much stronger than him, he knew you would never raise a finger against him.
Your head bowed deeper at the indirect praise. You had yet to meet his eyes, which Alastor noted. He quickly moved you both into his radio tower. He walked over to you with a new confidence.
He moved a hand to grab your chin with a gentleness usually never given from him and tilted your head up to get a good look at you. You were practically glowing under the attention, if it wasn't already obvious by the shine in your eyes that you thought died out when the gunpowder ignited, the slight (swish of your tail, ruffle of your feathers, that kinda thing) was a dead giveaway.
He knew he already had you wrapped around his finger, but he still needed to secure his safety. He ran a thumb softly over your left cheek.
"Dear, how would you like to make a deal?"
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. A deal? But he could take whatever he wanted. You would make sure of it.
"Whatever you so wish."
You dip your head back into a full bow, feeling his hand move to run through your hair.
"Oh, don't worry, darling. You could ask for anything, and all I'd want in return is.. your soul~" he leaned closer, bringing your face back to look at him once again, grinning dangerously wide.
You look off for a moment in thought. Alastor wondered what you'd wish for. Especially considering you were, at the moment, three times more powerful than him.
However, again, even with the sheer difference, you looked as if you'd hand your soul over by itself if you could. Rip it out and hand it over with a nice little bow on top.
You look into his eyes once more. "Anything?"
"Anything, darling," he responded with such certainty.
"I.." you hesitated for a moment. "I wish to stay by your side for as long as we exist. To surve you and be the first you call when needed."
Your response only made his everlasting grin grow wider, seemingly proud to have such loyalty ready and at his disposal.
"Nothing else, my dear?"
"What I ask is all I could hope for." An easy response, as of practiced for this moment.
He reaches a hand out, and you watch as it glows green. You take it into yours, seeing it glow just that much brighter.
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dmwrites · 2 years
“So, okay, question.”
Jimmy snorted. “Shut up.” He nudged Tango playfully, who proceeded to dramatically scream and topple off of the log they were sitting on top of. Jimmy shushed him while dying of laughter, pulling him back upright. “My goodness, and they’ve been calling me a drama queen.”
“I am the drama-est of all drama queens, emphasis on the drama.” Tango replied, dusting the sand off of his witch hat.
Jimmy looked to him and smiled, shaking his head. Between the hustle and bustle of Tango’s witch training and Jimmy’s law-upkeeping duties, they had found it hard to really spend some time together, just Team Rancher. But Scar had intervened, telling Jimmy he needed a “cute date night” and set up a small campfire area for them. Jimmy was still trying to figure out why Scar had told him to “have fun with the boot knocking” with copious winks.
“Anyway, I was going to ask a question.” Jimmy said.
“Right, yes, okay, I am listening.” Tango replied, even going so far as to put his face into his hands to look at him.
“You know, since you, and a bunch of the other double life guys came, it kind of brought back up some old memories, old questions I thought I’d never get to ask you about.”
Tango nodded. “Kinda weird to think about, some soulmates like Impulse and Bdubs and Grian and Scar, got to see each other after it was all over. I really did think I’d never see you again, buddy.”
“Same!” Jimmy said. “I mean, it just seemed like it was all done forever, until the next game, and it wouldn’t be the same like it was.”
“Well, I mean, to be fair, nothing will ever be the same as it was in double life ever again… that’s what makes the games so unique, I guess.” Tango said.
Jimmy was quiet for a moment, watching Tango’s face in the flickering firelight. He didn’t like that Tango said that. He didn’t like that Tango was right. A cowboy and an ice witch sat in friendly silence, the silence of two people who knew each other in a way that no one else ever would, because such a thing could never been replicated, much less brought back to full life. And of course, Jimmy had had a sinking feeling of it, when Tango said he was going to help fwip with his redstone and Shelby with her spells… time had held the ranchers in a strange limbo while in double life, but it, sadly, marches on, leaving the memories of golden summertime at the ranch just that: memories.
“I was wondering what you said. When it was all over. Like, when you, when we, died for the last time. Because we were apart, it was sudden. I said I was sorry, for the record. To you.” Jimmy said after a long silence. The nighttime and the fire, thankfully, made long silences more acceptable, and Tango didn’t seem to notice any kind of sad yearning in Jimmy’s demeanor.
Tango rubbed his chin with his hand, sighing. “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.” He chuckled quietly. “It’s an old movie quote, it kinda just popped into my head and I kept repeating it. It was funny, at the time, but the longer time went on the sadder it made me feel. Not even quite sure who I was talking to.”
“It’s over. Go home.” Jimmy repeated. There was another long silence, interrupted only by the crackles of the fire. They looked at one another, these two people from different worlds, brought together and torn apart by the strange cruelty of fate. “But what is home, really?”
“I don’t quite know, buddy.” Tango replied.
Jimmy turned away first, back towards the hypnotic movement of the flames. “I don’t know either.”
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virisdescently · 1 year
— ⟡ pansy parkinson x f!reader
✎ summary: in which a trip to las vegas changes everything.
• notes: post-hogwarts era, homophobia, angst, mentions and allusions to smut (nothing too graphic or detailed), loosely based on katy perry’s song “waking up in vegas”
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You gotta help me out
It's all a blur last night
Pansy’s eyes blinked open slowly as the sunlight poured through the blinds into her room. She soaked in the warm light, smiling to herself as it had been so long since England had anything but cloudy, windy, and rainy days.
Wait! Pansy suddenly remembered.
This wasn’t England and this surely wasn’t her room. The tacky yellow paint decorating the walls was far too cheap for her taste, and the blinds looked as if nobody had dusted them for months. She rolled over in the motel bed, only to remember another detail: she wasn’t alone.
Her best friend, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), was sprawled across the white sheets, clothes nowhere to be found on her body. The blankets hugged her perfect body and Pansy found herself taking a moment to admire her, before suddenly realizing that she too had no clothing on.
Did we…? Pansy tried to scroll through her memories of the previous night, but all she could remember was taking a few shots and having fun with a friend. Although judging by the position the two girls were in, Pansy started to wonder if just a “friend” was the right word to describe (Y/n) at the moment.
One thing Pansy did know for sure was how she got here. (Y/n) and her had been planning a trip to Vegas for months now - it was Pansy’s 22nd birthday, and after the last few birthday parties filled with people she hardly knew, just friends of friends wanting to party with the Parkinson heiress, and perverted bachelors eager to get a chance at her family’s vault, she decided this year she wanted just a girls trip - just her and her best friend since 6 years old.
We need a taxi 'cause you're hung-over and I'm broke
I lost my fake id but you lost the motel key
Pansy stumbled through her memories, frantically trying to piece together what had transpired the night before. She was interrupted, however, by the morning groans of (Y/n).
“Hey there, gorgeous” (Y/n) said smiling, now awake and admiring Pansy’s petite form. Pansy, still confused on what had transpired the night before, awkwardly smiled, trying to find a classy and non-chalant way to ask her best friend if they did the devil’s tango.
“Hey, um… good morning” Pansy said, half-smiling and half-internally panicking. It wasn’t that Pansy didn’t want to have sex with (Y/n) or be with her as more than a friend, because Merlin knows that’s all Pansy’s wanted since she was 13 years old, but she was scared to death of what a night of passion would mean for her and the (y/h/c) woman laying next to her.
“How’s your head?” (Y/n) asked, taking Pansy out of her thoughts.
“It’s fine, just a bit disoriented I supposed” Pansy replied, “what about you?”
“Pounding” chuckled (Y/n), beginning to sit up and move her hair to the side. As she did so, Pansy could see a bright red mark on the side of (Y/n)’s neck. If Pansy wasn’t panicking before, she certainly was now. She knew that if anyone found out about her sexual preferences, especially her parents, she was screwed. Not only would they cut her off financially, but they’d completely disown her and so would the rest of her family. No, absolutely nobody could know Pansy Parkinson was a lesbian. The thought alone of someone knowing or even suspecting made Pansy’s stomach churn with anxiety.
“What are you thinking about, Pans?” questioned (Y/n), sensing that her friend was worried about something. (Y/n) could always read her like a book.
“Oh, just about last night” Pansy said, trying to subtly ask what she so desperately wanted to know.
“What part? When you lost your fake I.D? Or maybe when I lost the bloody motel key?” (Y/n) said giggling. Pansy gave a heart-hearted smile and chuckle, but (Y/n) knew something was still on Pansy’s mind.
“Or… perhaps was it what we did after all that?” (Y/n) said, finally bringing up what Pansy wanted to talk about, “you know, when we…”
“Had sex?” Pansy interrupted, not being able to wait any longer. (Y/n) took a deep breath and blushed.
“Yes, that” (Y/n) said bashfully, but still smiling. Pansy felt like her world stopped when (Y/n) finally confirmed her suspicions.
Spare me your freakin' dirty looks
Now don't blame me
Pansy sat in silence and shock before (Y/n) broke the tense quietness.
“So… how do you feel about it now that we are sober?” (Y/n) asked, looking at Pansy.
“I-I… don’t know” Pansy admitted, “I just- I mean- I guess I’m fine with it, I suppose.” Pansy regretted her choice of words when she saw (Y/n)’s tiny frown.
“Fine with it as in-“ (Y/n) began, but was promptly cut off by Pansy’s frantic voice.
“Fine with it as in fine with it. It happened, and we can’t go back in time and change it, but let’s just not mention it to anyone or make a habit of it, okay?” Pansy said, coming off a bit angry. Pansy didn’t mean to be so harsh, but she was internally panicking trying to fix the mess she had made. Deep down, Pansy knew that no matter how much she truly loved (Y/n) they could never be together, Pansy’s family would ever allow it. They’d live in misery, looking over their shoulder every day to make sure some Parkinson family member hadn’t come to hurt them (or worse) for “ruining the family name”.
“I-… Pansy, what?” (Y/n) said, hurt and confusion written all over her face, “you were the one that initiated everything… you made me promise that it wasn’t a one-off and that I loved you as much as you me. Did you not mean any of what you said or did last night? Were you just horny and were willing to say anything to relieve yourself?!” Now (Y/n) was the one with anger in her voice.
Pansy could hardly believe her ears. She really confessed her love for (Y/n)?
And even more shocking, (Y/n) seemingly reciprocated it.
Pansy was both ecstatic and heartbroken. Ecstatic because her love for the most beautiful girl she’s ever laid eyes on wasn’t unrequited. Heartbroken for what she knew she needed to do to keep said girl safe from the wrath of her wicked parents.
“I don’t know what to tell you, (Y/n)” said Pansy, “I was drunk and just saying random things. I’m sorry you got the wrong idea, but the truth of the matter is that sex is sex, and an orgasm is an orgasm - but I like boys, and if I’m having sex with you, it’s for the orgasm and dopamine, nothing more.” Pansy hoped her lies would be enough to get (Y/n) to stop pursuing the topic any further.
You roll the cash out
And get the hell out of town
“I can‘t believe you” huffed (Y/n), getting up and quickly shoving her stuff into a suitcase. She threw on her clothes from last night and angrily threw Pansy’s clothes in Pansy’s direction. Pansy winced at the throw.
“You know, I actually thought you loved me like I love you, Pans” (Y/n) said turning around to face Pansy, a look of anger and hurt etched across her face, “I actually thought we could be something! Salazar knows I’ve been waiting to do what we did last night for ages - but I see now I was the only one ready for more.”
Pansy watched in sadness as (Y/n) put on her shoes and headed toward the door, luggage in hand. Oh how she wanted to yell after (Y/n), tell her she did want more, that she did love her, but she kept reminding herself this was for the best.
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
(Y/n) opened the door and turned around one last time to Pansy.
“I’m going back to England. Have fun waking up in an empty bed in Vegas, Pans” (Y/n) said sarcastically.
Pansy swallowed the lump forming in her throat and looked down at her lap, suddenly very invested in the sheet covering her body.
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
“Oh, and Pansy?” Pansy looked up at (Y/n), taking in all her beautiful features one last time.
“When you’re ready to stop pretending you’re someone that you’re not, call me.”
And with that, (Y/n) (Y/l/n) left, taking all of Pansy Parkinson’s happiness with her.
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comicinksans · 2 years
Tango woke inside his home, not knowing how he returned there. His head hurt like he had been struck with a metal bat, yet it was completely unharmed and unmarked. His last memory was that of the Deep Dark, and the escape he had made from it. At his side, he saw a familiar figure with a hat covering it’s face. He knew the person, but his eyes hadn’t yet adjusted so he couldn’t tell who was there. Reaching through his memories of the previous night(?) he found little bits and pieces of the circumstances that led him here. He new he had summoned a Warden as he had done before, and he knew it had reached the surface. He remembered Jimmy’s arm grabbing his wrist and sprinting to the top of the nearby hill.That was it.
“Darn Warden… Ugh…” The figure by Tango’s side had mumbled (MUMBO’D?!?!?!?!?) something in his… sleep? It was hard to tell if they were asleep or just talking to themself. Tango continued to look around, trying to figure out some more details. The house was in tact, luckily. The door was shut, but not barricaded, so it couldn’t be a serious issue. 
*Maybe I just… fell at the hill? There are some stones up there buried in the snow.* Working through the possibilities only made his headache worse, so he stopped there. Soon, maybe ten minutes later, the figure moved their hat and stood. The figure stretched, their hat falling, revealing short blond hair and a face that Tango *knew* he recognized. Hearing the voice of the figure, he finally knew who was there.
“Ugh… How long have I been out? Whatever. I should get going to catch up to- TANGO!” Jimmy quickly spun around, his eyes meeting his ranchmate’s. “Oh my god how did I almost FORGET about you??” Jimmy placed his arms on Tango’s shoulders and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re awake!!” 
“What… What happened…?”
“Oh… It was that bad? Woah boy…” Jimmy stood up, and paced for a few moments. “Well… to start, you summoned another Warden. ‘Your son’. Then, you released it: again. It was more aggressive than the last one, and followed us instead of going off to the bases. We ran up the hill, but it caught up and Sonic Blasted you. You grabbed your head and fell to your knees, then passed out on the ground. Do you remember any of that?”
“Only summoning the Warden.” Tango held his palm to his forehead. *Did I really forget THAT much?* “Did… Did you guys get it?”
“Well…..” Jimmy’s eyes darted quickly to the side, not making eye contact with Tango. “If you’re asking if we *killed* it, then I will refrain from answering.”
“What does that mean?!”
“Jimmy. Where is the FREAKING *WARDEN???*” Tango, unexpectedly, shot up in bed.
“Well… outside in a cage? That’s why there’s carpet everywhere.” Tango didn’t say a word, but Jimmy could sense the feelings rushing through him. “Anyways! Are you alright?”
“I have a RAGING headache but other than that, I’m fine.” Tango took a few seconds to calm himself before answering any further questions.
“Here. try this.” Jimmy pulled out a cookie: From where? Who knows. “I know I get headaches a lot, and sugar sometimes helps out.”
“Okay but… Where did you get this???” “Well, I uh… I went out last night and found some cocoa beans to make them for you fresh. I felt bad about what happened so I wanted to do something to help make it up to you.” Tango took a bite, and chuckled to himself.
“These… aren’t that good.” 
“Hey! I worked hard on tho-”
Tango cut off Jimmy, “I’m not saying they taste bad!! They’re very good on that front. But they’re a little weird texture-wise.” Tango continued to eat and laugh.
“Well, well you try making a cookie for the first time with ONE cocoa bean!!!” Jimmy’s face got visibly red, and Tango could tell he was getting under his skin.
“Well I can’t since you only had one cocoa  bean.” Tango locked eyes with Jimmy, smiled smugly, and took a final bite of the cookie.
“Oh, come on!” Tango reached out for Jimmy, and Jimmy fell into his embrace. “I’m okay, the cookies are alright. That’s what’s important.” 
“I guess…” Jimmy pouted as he sat by Tango’s side.
“Oh you’re fine. Now; what are we doing about the Warden outside…?”
“Well last night we said that was a tomorrow Jimmy problem, which means it’s now a today Jimmy problem. Crap.”
“Who says it can’t be a tomorrow Jimmy problem again…?” Tango looked up at Jimmy. “I mean, we’re safe in here. Plus my head still hurts.” He feigned a swoon, placing the back of his palm to his forehead. “Won’t you aid me?”
“Oh you little!-” Jimmy pushed away his worries and embraced Tango once more. “Of course I will.
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skinks · 1 year
I got tagged by @rockcandyshrike to do a wee music meme post and I’m gonna follow her example and do my top 10 most RECENT repeated songs because that’s more interesting than just my top 10 repeated songs. gives it a lil summer snapshot. I find that I mostly listen to metal and prog in the winter whereas as soon as the sun is actually warm I remember funk and classical exists lmao
1. Breakwater - Release the Beast
However hard you might imagine this song goes, you’re not ready for it!!! Heard this for the first time before the Coheed show the other night, immediately recognised a part of it being the origin sample for the entire daft punk song “robot rock”. This is so insanely good, and my discovery of it coinciding with actual summer weather means I’ve been blasting it while driving around with my windows down nonstop lmao. You’re welcome fellow citizens. The beast is fucking released
2. Bilmuri - BOUTTA CASHEW
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean I stop listening to metal and post-hxc… Bilmuri have never failed me except for the fact that they never tour the UK. The danciest tongue-in-cheek bangers this side of dance gavin dance
3. Halogen - U Got That
SPEAKING OF DANCE!! Who among us can resist a house drop when it’s this chonky. I heard this on a tiktok meme shared to tumblr that I had to do like 3 levels of googling to understand because I’m an old woman. But this song makes me actually want to go to a club for the second time ever in my crone life
4. Caroline Polachek - Caroline Shut Up
I had heard a snippet of one of her songs ages ago and it didn’t wow me, but I gave her new album a try and holy moly!! Really interesting acrobatic vocals plus lush dense intricate dramatic varied production… im in love. Even though this is actually from her first album, it’s the best example of what I like about her stuff. She’s like a mix of Bjork and 90s Madonna and Enya and Imogen Heap. And brother I’m nothing if not a Heaphead. Caroline pls come to Scotland
5. Maria Callas - O Mio Babbino Caro
I got this song stuck in my head and of course it’s so hard to sing along to a soprano aria, but I specifically love this Callas version because the way she really takes her time with the phrasing emphasises the longing of it and it makes me cry
6. bel canto - A Shoulder to the Wheel
Recently discovered there’s a name for an artistic aesthetic I have VIVID memory and nostalgia for from the mid-late 90s - the name of the aesthetic is Global Village Coffeehouse. I found a 50 hour gvc playlist on spotify and have been finding banging new music one of which is this song!! I love the propulsive synths and drums and the DRAMA… let it wash over u
7. Chris Rea - On The Beach
It’s got to be this specific single version not the slower album one! My whole life I only knew Rea as the singer of a pretty great xmas song until this April when my beloved pal added this to our Highland roadtrip playlist. If this doesn’t get you feeling like a neon-soaked sweaty lounge-lizard having a hallucinatory tango under a palm tree with a sexy extra from Miami Vice idk what will
8. Aviations - Coma
Is it really a joe skinks music post if there’s not a 10 minute prog metal song………….
I’m hoping their last two singles this year mean we have an imminent album incoming and it’s gonna SLAP as hard as the rest of their output! Aviations embody everything I love most and seek out in my prog metal; super agile clean AND harsh vocals interacting with the extreme amount of syncopation and intricacy in the instrumental arrangements. Aviations use piano in their compositions better than any other prog band I enjoy. I mean listen to this shit it’s beautiful
9. Stereophonics - Pick A Part That’s New
I had a really fun time making a playlist of songs I remember my parents always playing in my childhood, it’s full of a lot of 90s soul and electronic music and also this… whiny britpop. But it surprised me how much fantastic whiny britpop there is
10. Sumerlands - Force of a Storm
My brother introduced me to this album and it truly fucks how much they sound like an old-school Heavy Metal band while being fully contemporary. Like they truly sound like Sabbath or Iron Maiden but with modern production sensibilities. I LOVE the strength of this guy’s voice. Like if this doesn’t make you feel like a barbarian riding a winged steed and brandishing a massive sword against a dragon drawn by Frank Frazetta idk what will. Can u tell fantasising is how I process music
I will tag @shrikestrike @acuzena @lungtile @kitsune-sam @wordssometimesfail @kelsey-arts @erebones and whomstever else wants to… of course nobody has to if they don’t want
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avid-avian-lives · 7 months
Scott took him by surprise.
Tango’s sudden and jarring disappearance had been distressing for Jimmy, so on the twentieth anniversary, he had used the horn in the back of the tavern. Tango hadn’t appeared or shown any indication that he’d heard.
Never before had Jimmy so deeply longed for the days when his tavern was full of delighted patrons every evening. Surely I could get away with just one night? he thought.
But even among crowds of humans, Scott stood out. He was a flower seller from Scotland with a bright smile and an infectious laugh, and for some reason, he seemed to be taken with Jimmy. The two talked long past the tavern’s closing time, and when Jimmy revealed that the tavern would not be opening tomorrow, Scott was disappointed.
“Could I meet you somewhere else, then?” Scott asked. “I’m only in London for this week, and I think I’d like to make the most of it.”
Jimmy offered to help Scott sell his flowers, and the delighted smile he received was all the payment he needed.
It quickly became obvious that Jimmy didn’t know what he was doing, but Scott’s laugh at their antics made it all worth it. Scott talked a lot about his flower fields, and Jimmy made up a family history behind the tavern. At the end of the week, Jimmy found himself wishing that Scott didn’t have to leave. But he could see the love in those beautiful cerulean eyes when he talked about home.
“I’ll be back, Jimmy. Two months. You can survive that long without me!” Scott teased. “Here’s something to remember me by,” he said, offering a single red poppy. It looks like Tango’s eyes, he found himself thinking.
“It’s lovely.” You’re lovely. “I’ll be right here when you get back.”
After eight months of this pattern, Scott asked if Jimmy was still living behind the tavern. “I should sell it,” he’d replied, “I just don’t have anywhere to go.”
So it hadn’t really been much of a question when Scott offered Jimmy a place on his property in Scotland.
There were two small houses on either side of a wide meadow, each tucked into one of the hills surrounding the area. Scott and his father had built the houses and cultivated the fields of flowers, making a humble living off of it. Scott’s house was painted a dark cyan; Jimmy kept his a soft brown. The pair lived apart, but only technically; nights were always spent together in one house or the other. Days were spent in the fields or at the pond, where a fish colony sustained the pair. Jimmy completed any lingering tasks from Heaven in the week per two months that Scott would spend traveling around the country to sell their wares.
Jimmy found himself… suitably distracted. Almost happy.
But it couldn’t last forever. Jimmy knew that at the start. Scott could only go so long without noticing that Jimmy didn’t age. So after ten years of flower fields and warm smiles and temporary happiness, Jimmy left Scott with pleasant dreams and edited memories. His final blessing—May he be repaid threefold for all the happiness he gave to me—was performed from atop the hill behind Scott’s house, where a small but radiant patch of poppies grew.
read the 1906 version here!!
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