daggos · 7 months
Alright, so, I have other drafts for the pet au that I'll hopefully be finishing some time soon but for now, I have been on such a Hazbin hotel high and I NEED to get these ideas down.
Mostly Alastor and Lucifer but I may do others later.
All with reader.
Possible Lucifer's tango (not in this one specifically), but I don't know how good I am at writing that stuff, so, just a heads up
Alastor x Helper Reader
You had been working for Alastor for decades. Longer than either of you had died.
You had started working for his family when you were both rather young. His mother had hired you to make sure Alastor was alright after he left the house.
He wanted to disagree, but one look from his mother and the words died in his throat.
'Mama's boy'
You couldn't help but think for a split second with a small smile.
You hadn't meant it derogatory. You actually preferred knowing that the man you would work for could be so respectful towards his maternal figure.
And he was.
He was rather respectful to those around him, even yourself (which was the greatest shock to you, dear reader), and that just made you all the more loyal.
That was the thing with your family. They find someone to serve, and they latch on, never faltering no matter what the person did.
If anything, Alastor was more shocked than you when you first found out about his meat preferences and how he acquired them. You looked at his latest work and took no time at all to start cleaning up his mess.
He had worried he would have had to kill you for a short while. He had actually grown to enjoy your company. But he figured out quickly that he had nothing to worry about. He even noticed that when it was your nights to cook, you switched to using the newly acquired ingredients in no time.
You had even switched your own food to better accommodate having to get less food from other sources.
You followed and served him as long as you could, and the day that bullet went through his head, your heart had shattered.
You yourself had grown far more fond of him than you knew he ever could, but that didn't make the heartbreak any easier when the funeral was finished.
You wouldn't let that be the way his image ended.
You set out and finished off the one who did this to your... employer...
You continued the killings he started, continued the cannibalism, continued his name. You knew you'd never do as well of a job with his radio, and you didn't dare try, the radio was his, never yours. You nearly quadrupled what his actual killings were. Always staying just under the radar.
You never did die the way the world had hoped, now its a bullet in your head (..like him..), or electricity coercing through your very being, not a needle, filled with enough toxins that you wouldn't last a minute.
You died of your own accords, making sure it was in a retirement home as if just another civilian, still eating the very thing that started it all in secret.
When you fell, it was no surprise to you. Your only goal was to find Alastor, and man, it was easy. Just following the screams you had grown so accustomed to all the way to a radio tower.
You noticed that all around you seemed to steer as far away from you as possible or just straight up finish themselves off instead.
You knew why. You could feel your own power coming off in waves around you. You didn't care, however. When you did make it to the radio tower, a man dresses in red was standing in front, long bits of hair going straight up that resembled ears with antlers right next to them, clearly expecting a challenge if the defensive look to him was anything to go by.
Others may not have noticed, but you did easily.
There were spectators all around, doing their best to stay out of sight but still there, clearly expecting some sort of fight.
What no one, even Alastor, expected, was for the newcomer to drop to a knee in front of the deer man.
You had recognized him quickly, little to no difficulty whatsoever.
"I have made it to you at last, and I hope I did not disappoint." A simple sentence that ment so much but so little to those around.
It was then that Alastor recognized you as well. Of course you were to end up as (animal/demon), it was always your favorite.
Alastor's demeanor changed in an instant, from shocked to almost glee.
"(Name)! Darling, how you've grown!" Any tension he might have still had disappeared in an instant. He knew the extent of your loyalty. Even now, being so much stronger than him, he knew you would never raise a finger against him.
Your head bowed deeper at the indirect praise. You had yet to meet his eyes, which Alastor noted. He quickly moved you both into his radio tower. He walked over to you with a new confidence.
He moved a hand to grab your chin with a gentleness usually never given from him and tilted your head up to get a good look at you. You were practically glowing under the attention, if it wasn't already obvious by the shine in your eyes that you thought died out when the gunpowder ignited, the slight (swish of your tail, ruffle of your feathers, that kinda thing) was a dead giveaway.
He knew he already had you wrapped around his finger, but he still needed to secure his safety. He ran a thumb softly over your left cheek.
"Dear, how would you like to make a deal?"
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. A deal? But he could take whatever he wanted. You would make sure of it.
"Whatever you so wish."
You dip your head back into a full bow, feeling his hand move to run through your hair.
"Oh, don't worry, darling. You could ask for anything, and all I'd want in return is.. your soul~" he leaned closer, bringing your face back to look at him once again, grinning dangerously wide.
You look off for a moment in thought. Alastor wondered what you'd wish for. Especially considering you were, at the moment, three times more powerful than him.
However, again, even with the sheer difference, you looked as if you'd hand your soul over by itself if you could. Rip it out and hand it over with a nice little bow on top.
You look into his eyes once more. "Anything?"
"Anything, darling," he responded with such certainty.
"I.." you hesitated for a moment. "I wish to stay by your side for as long as we exist. To surve you and be the first you call when needed."
Your response only made his everlasting grin grow wider, seemingly proud to have such loyalty ready and at his disposal.
"Nothing else, my dear?"
"What I ask is all I could hope for." An easy response, as of practiced for this moment.
He reaches a hand out, and you watch as it glows green. You take it into yours, seeing it glow just that much brighter.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 month
TLH -What if-: Are we family now? (Kinich x Fem!Reader)
(Wrote before 5.0, so characters are probably OOC I got this idea after the stream and had to write it!!!))
The baby Yumkasauri was following you like a little duckling. -"Hm? What is it, little one? Why are you following me?" you crouched down and patted little Saurian's head. -"Maybe they want some food?" Paimon asked from behind you. Yet before you could search for food, Kinich spoke. -"They think you're their mother." -"Huh?!" you, Paimon, Aether looked at him shocked then at baby Yumkasauri. -"Aww… Well it seems I don't have a choice and I have to take care of you from now on!" you said with a big smile, scratching your little Saurian's chin. Ajaw flew closer to Kinich chuckling: -"So does it mean you're the father?" The self-proclaimed "Almighty Dragonlord" wanted to tease his friend but what he didn't expect was the response. -"I'm ready for this responsibility... After all, I know much more about Saurians than... him." Kinich's face was expressionless when he was looking at Aether who in exchange was glaring at the Natlan boy. And this is how the competition of who will be the better father for little Yumkasauri started. Ajaw and Paimon had something to watch while you were paying only attention to cute baby Yumkasauri.
(the diffrence between -Extra- and -What if- is that Extra are things that happend in TLH series and -What if- is something that didn't happen in the end, it's for ideas I got but don't really suit the timeline, events or other stuf like in here, in original story we could see that we are going to get little Tepetlisauri and not Yumkasauri for example, but ~What if~ it was Yumkasauri? 👀 Something of this kind... I hope it's understandable >.<)
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rantaroamamifuturegf · 2 months
Crushing headcanons!!
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A/N: Been playing Dr2 again and Fuyuhiko<3, Fuyuhiko’s one is a bit longer than the others so bc I got too into it and yes spelling do exist in this
Plot: Fuyuhiko & Rantaro & Shuichi crushing on GN!Reader
Characters being used: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara
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He noticed immediately and started to purposely avoid you for his sake of not making a fool of himself in front of you and If he wasn’t able to avoid you he’ll just act like he doesn’t give a shit about you and would purposely be rude to you
Peko would notice this right away but at the first she just assumed that he didn’t like you in general but once she noticed that he would ignore you and avoid you, she knew something was up
She would question him about it and bro would completely shut her down about the thought and tell her you were just so annoying he wanted to not be near you and he thought she brought the excuse
She didn’t buy it for shit
He finally given up and told her about you and his feelings, she would just tell him to confess but he would tell her it more easier when you say it than do it
He obviously shuts her down about the idea of confessing to you and just says he’ll continue to treat you the same way he usually does until the feelings goes away
It never did, if anything the feelings grew more and more
Peko finally convinced him to at least try talking to you normally and he did but he couldn’t help be still be rude to even if he was just trying to start a simple conversation and you replied with a dry answer or was thinking of what to say did too long
It’s just that feels like he’s making a fool of himself seeing you act so calmly while he’s the one freaking out the inside
It did kind of annoy him how calm you were being like why did it had to be him flipping out on the inside and not you
He complained to Peko about it and she told him to practice talking to you like look in the mirror and pretend talking to you or see her as you and try talking to you
He did try it but got to embarrassed and just straight up stopped but right after that he somehow was able to have a normal conversation with you without getting mad or being rude to you
Peko told him to confess to you since he was now finally able to talk to you but he had to remind her he just befriended you and it would be too fast
plus he didn’t know how to but we ain’t gonna talk abt that
He didn’t really bring you gifts or anything that much of the matter but if you both had different classes, he would def sometimes wait for the bell to ring and pick you up from your class and walk you to your next one
If Kaz said anything about the way how he treated you he’ll quickly shut him up before he can even finish his sentence
Might tell you how he’s unsure if he really wanted to take the yakuza life or not since he trusts you and wants your opinion on his thoughts
Doesn’t try to be too vulnerable around you but also doesn’t try to be too vauge with you either
DEFINITELY FOR SURE keeps Teruteru away from you, last thing he want to hear is bro making the unexpected unnecessary perverted theory about you and doesn’t want to see him flirting with you anyways so if you ever question him about it he’ll just say Teruteru is being more perverted today than he usually is
Once he feels ready and once Peko gives him some confidence and says she believes you feel the same way. he’ll confess to you.
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Bro didn’t even noticed that he had feeling for you, like he just thought the feeling were just a feeling of being near someone you really care about as a friend but no it more
He wasn’t really used to feeling that way about someone since he usually treated everyone like their his little siblings or just friends or close friends but when he first started feeling this way about you it just didn’t feel like a friendship or family kind of love
Was really confused about it and didn’t want to immediately just to conclusions and believe he has feelings for you so he just kept believing he saw you as just a closer friend than he does to others
That act went on for a bit til you started being physically affectionate in a platonic way, such as placing a hand on his shoulder and sitting a bit more closer to him than usual he kept his cool on the outside but the inside of him was a mess
After mentally shutting out the thought with all his might, he finally came to the conclusion that he had feelings for you and didn’t know exactly what to do with it
He didn’t want to confess right away and just gave the thought some time so instead he’ll start being you small gifts from his travels
Would definitely ask you if you would like to come along and travel with him, and say he’ll bring you to amazing places across the world or just bring to where you pacifically want to go
He would get awkwardly embarrassed if someone called him or said he looked like a womanizer in front of you since he didn’t want to look bad in front of you
Definitely tells you about his sisters and asks if you would like to help him look for them, he would be really happy if you did say yes to it
He would do lightly teasing and say how his sisters would love you and how his family would love you but in the end would call it light jokes or just teasing
He doesn’t know when or how to confess to you so for right now he’ll just hope you’ll eventually feel the same way and once he’s 100% sure you feel the same he’ll confess to you.
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He didn’t notice it right away
Like he just assumed you being so nice and caring towards him just made him feel embarrassed and what not so he just ignored the feelings
But they kept coming back and every time when he’s near you and when you complimented him, he can’t but feel a heart warning feeling in his chest and feel flustered around you
Not for long he came to the conclusion that he liked you in a romantic way but he felt really bad for it, he was insecure about himself and how others viewed him while you were someone that everyone enjoys being around and he felt like him having feelings for you would ruin your friendship
So he kept it to himself as pry that nobody will ever catch on
Kaede and Kaito catch on real fast
Kaede was so excited when she founded out he had feelings for you and would telling him to confess right away and would say that both of you look cute together
He was flustered by the idea of him and you being together but the idea of you two being a cute couple just made him feel even more happy of them though
Unlike Kaede, Kaito didn’t tell him to confess right away but instead would try to give Shuichi some confidence about asking you out and would tell him he shouldn’t feel bad for a having crush on you and would tell him to ask you
Obviously he appreciated both of them trying to help him but he told them he wasn’t mentally ready to ask you out yet
If you and him aren’t that close of friends he’ll definitely admire you from afar, will absolutely hate it if Miu or Kokichi caught him and called him out on it
He would sometimes write little love poems about you but would never give them to you and kept it in a small notebook, Kaede would definitely tell him to give it to you or let her give to you. He obviously shut down the idea
If he gets too into a poem and seems really long, he’ll end up reading it later and cringe at his own love notes for you
Kaito would help him out by trying to get you two to become closer friends and would invite you to workouts with him and Maki and Shuichi
Would convince Maki and then purposely leave you and him alone together, bro was not ready to be alone with you and he felt nervous and excited about it at the same time
After Kaito done that over a couple of times more, both you and him got closer and he was actually starting to feel a bit more comfortable and confident when talking and asking you to hang out
He would die happily if you just started physically touching him in a platonic way, just simple gestures like putting a hand over his or sitting closer would lowkey just make his day lol
He wouldn’t confess to you even if he feels mentally right and has the right confidence and feels that you feel the same way because he’ll still have his doubts and think you deserve better so in the end it’s either you confess or he’ll have it wait til some of his friends actually make him do it
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Loud whiner Haru truther? 👀
If it's true Haru has a prosthetic that he's insecure about then I think there's got to be a really high level of trust between you if he's letting you take off his shirt. It starts out laid back, funny even he loves the sound of your laugh and how happy you are to be around him. He blows raspberries into your stomach before he snuggles into your thighs, tells you how much he trusts and loves you before taking you into his mouth. Haru might not know much but he knows service, he wants you to feel how much he treasures you as you pull him up and kiss him all over his face.
All those thoughts leave when he's inside you. He's choked up and stuttering, no technique at all because he needs this he needs you. He gets louder when you roll him onto his back, it's less taking control and more returning the favor; he's always taking such good care of you, won't he let you take care of him? He still tries to help settling his hands on your hips and guides you through the movements whining about how thankful he is for you but he won't protest if you playfully smack them and guide them over his head. And if you tell him to get louder he'll happily oblige.
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lovedrruunk · 4 months
Sloan isn’t the type to remember things, hell they can’t even remember what they had for breakfast this morning, yet when it came to you they couldn’t seem to forget.
The name of your first pet, your shitty middle school haircut, the relative you have beef with. Trivial things that mean nothing to you now, all to be forever stored in a little vault somewhere inside them, engraved into their very soul. Aspects and moments with you which they couldn’t forget even if they wanted to.
So now here they were setting up a surprise picnic as the spring breeze ruffled their hair.
“What’s the special occasion?”
“We held hands for the first time 4 years ago!”
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eman-cosplay · 5 months
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Here you can see me as Captyn Eustass kid from One piece And my SUPER HIPER COOL HELPER who helped me put on that costum Remember to always love your helpers <3
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starrynightnight · 1 year
okay miguel enjoyers,, heres my fanfic pitch, give me ur thoughts or steal em idc
reader is from an universe where theyr married to miguel, but instead of miguel becoming the spiderman, reader becomes the spiderperson instead.
heres the good part. miguels alchemax transformation still happens, but instead of becoming spiderman, he actually mutates into a spider monster, and reader unknowingly kills their husband (not unlike how gwen had to kill her peter wink wink)
heres the better part. reader is hearbroken and grieving and becomes vengeful- they have blood on their hands and godd i just wanna write about how reader is so fucked up after losing the love of their life and also having to serve the same city that took him ughhh-
heres the best part. an anomaly appears in readers universe and ofc baddie miguel comes to clear it up. they meet and theyr kinda like 'hm you kinda remind me of someone'. miguel recognizes reader from the universe he tried to have a family in, reader obv recognizes miguel as their husband,, and things just kinda snowball from there
look guys my main point is i wanna write an angst/comfort fic okay, let them heal i say
sex is great but have you ever bared your old scars in front of someone you thought lost forever? nuh uh didnt think so
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redflower42 · 8 months
I need a beta reader for my ATLA fics Stubborn Destiny and The Soulmate's Tale.
Both are Zukka AUs with Zuko joining the GAang earlier. I need cheer and help keeping the plot coherent, as well as giving opinions on what I plan to do next.
If you're interested, send me a DM 💜
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it-grows-inside-me · 2 years
Okay so I've been reading a lot of anti reverse harem fics undertale but like what if it was twisted wonderland instead. Like there was a magicless student before yuu (in their 3 or 2 year) and yuu moves into ramshakle with them. But unlike other reverse harem fics I read the other human isn't a two face bitch. Like they true to help yuu settle in make there transitions a bit easer. But it's the boys that don't like yuu ( not the first year's ofc). Like it's the older boys that make yuu time at NRC hard. Not cartoonishly bulliying, but like ignoring yuu or doing things that inconvenience them.
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charmvinyl · 2 months
it’s 7am but idgaf i’m thinking. would anyone want a sugar daddy patrick bot??? is that a thing already…. lemme know..
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rinitachan · 1 year
Okay, so if I were to hypothetically make a comic about my version of the Isekai’d to the West reader was going to get help cutting her hair, who would help her out of these choices?
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arisewanekosuki · 10 months
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Curiosity - Nahida (feat Sumeru Boys x Fem!Reader)
This is something I wanted to post before... I went to the small hiatus, now I finished this short thing but sorry for mistakes, it's 1 Am now and I'm tired... [ Teyvat , Mondstadt , Liyue ] ------
Nahida found it interesting, how can you still not be able to  see those boys holding affections towards you. At first she wondered “Are you really blind for their courting? Or maybe you don’t want to see it?” You’re very friendly, no matter if it’s a guy or girl, if you want to take someone somewhere you won’t hesitate to hold their hand, if someone is sad you always offering a hug. But she did notice that when it comes to guys, there are sometimes a moments when you do realize that you got ‘too close’ and start to feel a bit shy, apologizing to them. But then how could you not notice how they pout for not feeling warmth of your hand anymore?  The easiest way is to ask you and she did. -“Those boys really like spending time with you…but I can’t help and wonder…which one do you like the most?” you looked at her with confusion -“Which one? Hmm.. I like them all, after all they are my good friends!” You smiled so brightly to her. “Ah so you’re just that oblivious.” She thought back then. Nahida always liked to observe people and because of this she noticed the difference in behavior for some of the guys. Wanderer was the first one she noticed the changes in him. That’s not a secret that Wanderer enjoys watching people expressions, especially the negative ones. Making others angry is his little fun in everyday live. And at first it was the same with you, being rude or ignoring you to just see your angry face but this changed. To Nahida’s surprise she noticed how lately he have been only teasing you just to see your embarrassed face and not only that. It seems Wanderer started to like seeing your smile. When at first he would complain when you asked him to help with commissions, now he ‘offers’ help himself to do them. The next one was Kaveh. Always stressed and troubled by many things. But after you invited him to the Teapot he seems more relaxed and happy, of course you couldn’t take away his debt but you helped him a bit whenever you could. She noticed that Kaveh is more calm when discussing things with the clients about his projects. Before he would get angry quickly because of the stress and not wanting to be scammed again but now it  looks like he’s more clearheaded to find common ground on both sides. There is less arguments between him and Alhaitham those days as well, but in exchange now most of the time they clash with each other when it comes to you. The General Mahamatra have two modes, the work on and the work off, but at some point Nahida noticed that there one more “(Y/n) is here mode on”. You don’t mind his jokes, you would smile or even let a small laugh when he tell ones and when you do that, Nahida can see Cyno smiling too. Everyone knows how serious Cyno is when it comes to TCG, he won’t even show mercy when playing against you. But if someone paying close attention to Cyno they would notice how sometimes he gets deconcentrated by watching you choosing next cards. You’re good player but sometimes he lose because he got lost in his thoughts about you. Tighnari was better at hiding his affections towards you, at least when there were more people around. Nahida was watching you two as a little bird, you would listen to Tighnari talking about flowers but sometimes he would decorate your hair with some or giving you bouquets but you never knew the meaning behind them, this is only fact that Tighnari hid from you. You’re the only person who have permission to brush his tail or touch his ears, Nahida can’t count of her fingers now how many times Tighnari was so close to kiss you in moments like this. The little Dendro Archon can always see how Tighnari is protective over you, especially if you get hurt. No matter if the wound is small, Tighnari will always take care of it and softly scold you.
The hardest one to see their affections towards you is Alhaitham. Nahida is sure many other people didn’t even realized that he too takes part in the race of winning your heart. Alhaitham is very subtle with his affections, many may even mistook them for just him being kind to you. But if they know him better they can notice how he would enjoy to have conversations with you, after work he would invite you from time to time for some coffee or tea whichever you prefer. To Nahida, and even your surprise he do offer to read some books for you, when he sees that Paimon is busy and you are curious of the new book you found in your adventures with Aether.
The little Dendro Archon can’t help but be curious how this will go. Will one of them manage to win your heart? Or maybe someone else from another Nation will charm you? But there is something that has been bothering Nahida for a while now, whenever you spend time with the boys and they leave for moment or don’t look at you, she can see your eyes fill with sadness. The Dendro Archon started to wonder “Maybe you’re not that oblivious like everyone thinks?”
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sage-thesimp · 7 months
A Flame of Comfort
Character(s): Fuegoleon Vermillion
Genre: Fluff??
Tw: Period cramps, cussing, blood, afab, Established Relationship
Length: 4, I got bored during the 3rd paragraph sooo….😓
Fuegoleon Vermillion:
Fuegoleon would walk into y’all’s shared room in the Crimson Lion Kings HQ, seeing you cuddling his pillow, and groaning in pain. He would walk over and sit on the edge of the bed, his non flame hand resting on your leg.
“Love, what is the matter? He said worryingly, his lilac eyes staring into yours after your slightly turned your head to see him.
“When I was training with Randall, he punched my stomach, since it was hand to hand combat training, and I doubled over cause of a stupid fucking cramp, Randall saw a stain on my pants. And the cramps have been a pain in my ass since, quite literally.”
Fuegoleon let out a small chuckle at the last part, but still looked worried. Without warning, he pulled you on his lap, turned you around to where your back was to his chest, and his flame arm wrapped against your waist, and he gently kissed the top of your head.
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Meet 🌀The Reader🌀
🌌 Greetings, Fellow Voyagers of Fiction! 🌌
Welcome to my corner of the multiverse! I go by The Reader (aka FanfictionReader0307). Like The Watcher from Marvel's What If...?, I stand at the crossroads of realities, watching stories unfold across endless worlds—sometimes gently nudging them with a little “What if?” of my own. Unoriginal, I know 😜, but hey, it works!
Think of me as a cosmic librarian, guiding you through an infinite library of fanfics, AUs, and headcanons. One minute, I'm observing the chaos in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (yes, I’m that mysterious background character who everyone freaks out about), and the next, I’m fanboying over my favorite characters, breaking the fourth wall just to see their reactions. No worries, though—after some harmless fun, I'll send them back to their worlds… primarily intact.
I love working behind the scenes, collaborating on AUs, and suggesting potential scenes to help your creative universes grow. Here, you'll find everything from wild "what if" scenarios to deeper dives into character lore and my musings on alternate realities. I’m here to watch and lend a hand to creators like you.
Feel free to ask me anything or share your fanfic ideas with me. Let’s explore the multiverse together!
The Reader 🌀
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rookthorne · 2 years
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐫
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Santa Claus means to give a gift to all, with every stocking hung on the wall, it didn’t matter if they were big, or if they were small.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✰ Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✰ 1.5k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✰ Tooth rotting fluff
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ✰ My family used to always get personalised stockings every other year, so I brought the tradition into this.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✰ Merry Fuckin’ Christmas —  Masterlist
𝑶𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒉 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆; 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒕, 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒓, 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔, 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔, 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒊𝒙𝒊𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒙 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔.
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Church was automatically an immediate call to arms, a beckoning that shit was going to go down - it meant that no matter what a brother was doing, it had to come second place and they would need to drop everything to get there. Lest they invoke the wrath of their President. 
Church, however, did not always mean a sit-down meeting to talk of gun running or territory disputes, no. 
No, Church sometimes meant good things, too. 
“Why are we here?”
You looked up from the box at your feet behind the bar towards Sam, his disgruntled expression and sleep lines splayed over the right side of his face only added to his complete lack of enthusiasm. 
“Because I asked Bucky to call you guys,” you gestured to the trestle table still set up in the games room. “Take a seat.”
Sam shrugged and pulled Peter along, who was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. If it weren’t for the fact that you would be giving them all a gift, you would feel sorry for them. 
“C’mon, guys,” Bucky yawned, his hands clasped around a steaming mug of coffee. “She’s been excited for this since the get go.” Bucky took a seat at the head of the table, next to Steve and Natasha who were grumbling quietly amongst themselves. 
Carefully, you pulled the large box from under the bar and made your way to your gathered family - all of which watched you apprehensively, like they had a reason to worry. 
“Okay,” you said while you made your way over to the table, standing next to Bucky. The box landed on the table with a small thump. “I thought since we had so much fun decorating your bikes for the parade,” you started opening the box, sure to keep the tissue paper in place to cover the surprise. “I thought, well, why not make it a thing?”
Bucky eyed you curiously, the slight smirk on his lips egging you on and bolstering your courage. “I had these made, and they only came in the other day,” you explained, your gaze now meeting everyone else’s. A deep breath filled your lungs and you plunged on. The tissue paper came away easily, and as you had asked, your stocking was the first one. “I got us all a Christmas stocking.”
Everyone’s eyes widened with shock as they stared at the beautiful designs covering yours, the swirls and patterns certainly eye-catching, although your nickname, Sweets, stitched along the cuff in a beautiful shimmering gold, was certainly your favourite part. 
“Holy shit,” Peter gasped, and you smiled shyly. 
It was an effort to keep from fumbling as you pulled free the next stocking, and Bucky noticed. He shifted slightly and you felt the soothing pressure of his hand on your lower back and hip, spurring you on. 
“So, this next one's for you, Pete,” you said, pulling free a relatively unassuming stocking, the red fabric decorated with pinstripes just like his Dyna. There was a spider embellishment on the cuff next to an embroidered ‘Peter’, and it wore a cute little Santa hat. 
You could only wish you were filming the moment. Peter’s eyes, always bright and happy, shone even brighter with tears and his mouth fell open in shock, so much so that Sam had to squeeze his shoulder and bring him back into focus. “Oh my God,” he breathed, standing from his seat and coming round the table to sweep you into a bone crushing hug. “Thank you, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Pete,” you whispered, letting go of his shoulders with a final squeeze. “All right, Sam,” you said while Peter took his seat again, sniffling slightly. “This one’s for you.”
This time the stocking you pulled from the pile was green, neat lines of red and gold criss-crossing like ropes of tinsel. The cuff was embroidered with a simple ‘Sam’, but unlike Peter who had a spider, Sam’s had a shining gold star - the glittering fabric catching and reflecting the light, shimmering like the real deal. 
“Oh man,” Sam said, awestruck as he got to his feet. “You’re too much, you know that right?”
“Nah,” you winked, wrapping your arms around his middle as he held you in a tight hug. “You love it.”
You could feel Sam smile as he placed a quick kiss on your cheek. “Thank you, Sweets.”
Bucky squeezed your hip and you looked down at him, the fond smile on his face made your heart leap. 
“Nat,” you grabbed another stocking from the box, this time a black and red with geometric patterns. The cuff had ‘Nat’ embroidered neatly in dark red thread, and a small silhouette of a black cat just beside the neat script. “This one’s yours.”
“Liho!” Nat cried, jumping to her feet and almost bowling you over in a hug. “Thank you, babe!” She loosened her grip, pulling away just enough to take the stocking from you and cradle it to her chest. “I love it so much.”
“Gotta make sure we keep it outta her reach, babe,” Steve cautioned, smirking slightly when Nat rolled her eyes in response. 
“Okay, okay,” you hushed, your attention now on Steve. “America’s Ass.” Bucky barked a laugh and punched Steve on the shoulder when he turned to glare at him. “This one is for you.”
The stocking you pulled free was entirely white - a shimmering, velvet fabric with three black spots lining the ankle to the top of the stocking, and an orange carrot embroidered along the bottom of the cuff. Above, in perfect red embroidery, was ‘America’s Ass’.
Everyone broke out in raucous laughter and you chuckled at the look of exasperation on Steve’s face. 
“You have gotta be kiddin’ me,” he said, a slight tinge of playful irritation evident in his tone. Regardless, Steve stood from his chair and brought you into a hug. “You’re a shit stirrer, y’know that right, Sweets?”
“Of course,” you supplied, and you felt Steve’s chest rumble with laughter before he let go of you to take his seat.
Finally, at long last, you had reached the final stocking in the box, and it was by far the one that made you the most nervous. Bucky’s stocking had naturally been the one that you had spent the most time organising - constant back and forth conversations with the crafter on the details and composition. 
It had to be perfect - there were no ifs or buts. 
An unnatural hush fell over the table and your skin began to prickle under all the sudden attention, the stares filled with curiosity and excitement. It was too much. 
“Sweetheart,” Bucky said softly and you zoned in on his voice, the low timbre immediately slowing down your racing heart. “You’re all right, take your time.” For good measure, he sat forward in his seat and rubbed a hand up and down the back of your thigh, his gaze never leaving your face. 
You managed a small smile, and he nodded encouragingly, his hand never leaving the back of your thigh. Slowly, with only a slight tremble to your hand, you reached into the box one last time. The stocking lying in wait was truly stunning. While the others had followed the theme of their bikes during the parade, Bucky’s only slightly resembled your take on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. 
The fabric of the stocking was a sleek velvety black with gold details, lines and swirls that rivalled the intricacies of Bucky’s tattoos. The cuff, while all the others were white, was gold to match the embellishments, and a gorgeous script sprawled the middle between two antlers, one of which had a small crown dangling from a tine. 
‘My King’. 
“Oh,” Bucky gasped, rushing to his feet and pulling you against his chest with a harsh breath, one that you could have mistaken for a sob. “I love it, I love it so fuckin’ much.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, pure relief flooding your body and turning your legs into jelly with its onslaught - Bucky loved it, he loved it and he didn’t find it awful or horrible. 
Small claps and wolf whistles drew you from the small bubble of happiness that the two of you created, and you grinned, abashed but proud. Bucky pulled away from your embrace and you were shocked to find his eyes glistening. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Bucky sat down and brought you into his lap, and Peter threw the box into the corner to deal with later. 
“So,” Sam started, grinning widely with a mischievous glint flashing in his eyes. “If you’re finished being Santa’s lil’ helper, I’d say it’s time to hang these babies up.”
Ten minutes later, all six stockings hung on the shelves next to the brightly glowing Christmas tree; Sam and Peter’s, Steve and Nat’s, and finally, yours and Bucky’s. The sight brought tears to your eyes, not of sadness, but of joy. 
You were indeed Santa's helper. 
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Ofc it won't be boy and girl it'll probably be Xingqiu x GN reader but HEY!!! OUTSTANDING IDEA??? THANKS XINGQIU!!!!
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